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Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2

Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2

Vern Nelson Jr. Student ID: 000315374

Western Governors University

Mentor: Karen Lamb

Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2 Discussion of Instructional Problem

Washington State Social Studies Standard 3.1.2 states that students should be able to, Identifies the location of places and regions in the world and understand their physical and cultural characteristics. Students in my 7th grade world history classes do not have the ability to identify the seven continents or the world or identify where major countries are on a map. This is not just a problem with my 7th grade students its a problem that many Americans have and a place where we are failing as a population. 37% of Americans cannot identify America on a blank map, with America highlighted, 50 percent could not identify Syria on a bank map with Syria highlighted. This is a huge problem when we live in an interconnected world like the one we live in today (Fisher, 2013, para. 1). To better prepare students to participate in our democracy and to be active world citizens students need a better understanding of geography so that they can be prepared to participate as citizens of the world. All students in Washington State are required to take and pass world history classes that require a certain level of geography. Although there is no test in Washington State required for graduation the classes themselves are required for graduation at many, if not all, Washington State high schools. Instruction Goal Statement Given blank maps of the world 75% of students at Quincy Jr High school will be able to identify with 100% accuracy the seven continents and 75% will be able to identify with 75% accuracy major countries on a blank political map (major countries are determined as those being significant historically or those significant in current events

Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2 they include to France, Spain, England, Germany, Italy, South Korea, North Korea, Australia, Sudan, Rwanda, Japan, Ethiopia, Canada, Greece, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, India, China, Pakistan, South Africa, U.S., Russia, Portugal, Panama, Mexico, Brazil) by the end of their first semester of 7th grade. Learner Analysis Requisite entry-level knowledge and skills The entry-level knowledge and skills for this instructional unit are fairly basic. Students should have a basic level of knowledge in map reading skills. The student needs the ability to communicate in writing and perhaps verbally. Students will need to know how to use a compass rose on a map to orientate a map properly to help with the identification of locations.

Prior Knowledge and Skills The vast majority of students coming into this instructional unit will have seen and used some type of map prior to the unit. They have the skills to know what ways are North, South, East and West on a map and they can identify a map. Students know how to use a map if they are required to. The vast majority does not know from memory where certain locations are and students do not have the ability to name the continents (although some got some practice with this in 6th grade). The lower grade levels work on map proficiency skills but they do not yet delve into deep detail over world geography. Most all students will be comfortable with the requisite entry-level knowledge and skills.

Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2 Demographic information The instructional setting will include the seventh grade population at Quincy Jr. High School, which is a small rural school in Central Washington. According to the Washington State OSPI (Washington, 2012) the majority of the population comes from a low socioeconomic background with 85.7% on free or reduced-price meals. The majority of the students are also Hispanic, the school being 84.1% Hispanic. The school population is 396 with 205 males and 191 females. The school as a whole is failing on all MSP/HSPE results. The 7th grade got a 48.6% on reading last year, 41.1% on math, and 47.5% on writing (Washington). Most students are not meeting grade level educational expectations. Being that the students are in a small rural town many do not understand the importance of an education and do not see how an education can help them. The overall student body is comprised of 19 special education students. These special education students have no major impairments that require severe accommodations. Students who need more accommodating special education go to a nearby town that can better serve them. The Jr High School has a large population of Migrant and transitional bilingual students being 22.5% and 26.3% respectively (Washington). Many students will also return to Mexico for several weeks or months during the school year. Most students are out of tier one and are able to communicate, socially, in English. Writing in English is hard for many students. Students who are tier one are given one on one or small group Para help in all their classes.

Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2 Learner Groups Attitude The low socioeconomic status of this group makes it hard for students to learn. Hunger, or finical issues can often distract students. Students do not see the importance of an education because they feel that there is no hope for college (due to them having little money at home) so they do not see the importance of formal schooling when it is not required for agricultural work. The students are social and tend to be respectful to their teachers. Homework is seldom returned, as most students parents have to work several jobs or long hours to make ends meet and are not around to supervise their students. Many students are also watching siblings, working or helping their parents with translations (Spanish is spoken in the home of many of our families). Students tend have a sense of learned helplessness and they dont see why they have to do anything in class when it doesnt matter to their lives. Overall the students want to be successful they just dont always know how they can accomplish this or see how education will help them.

Unique Characteristics The high level of ELL and transitional bilingual, in addition to the more than 80% on free and reduced lunch, is a very unique characteristic that needs to be taken into consideration. Out of the two unique characteristics the one that needs to be addressed for this instructional unit is students who are ELL or transitionally bilingual. There are several things that can be done during the instructional unit to accommodate these unique characteristics. One way to do so is to allow the Para

Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2 educators to work with students who struggle. They can work with the students to help bridge the language gap between the student and me. Another way is to allow students to write in Spanish, but this is not overly necessary as when labeling locations on a map most of the proper names will remain the same in English as they are in Spanish. The perhaps most beneficial way to accommodate students is to pair a student who is lower level ELL with a student who is bilingual so that they can help each other learn the content and be successful.

Performance Context The learner will demonstrate mastery of the content on a test at the end of the instructional unit but the real performance for the information will be in the students daily lives. With the acquisition of this knowledge students will be better prepared for discussions, learning current events and for overall participating in society. The true place of performance for the learner will be outside of the classroom.

Learner Analysis: JNT2 Task 2 References Fisher, M. (2013, April 26). Half of Americans cant identify Syria on a map (young Republicans do slightly better). The Washington Post. Retrieved from

Washington State Report Card. 2011-2012 (n.d.). Washington State Report Card. Retrieved from 82&reportLevel=School&orgLinkId=782&yrs=&year=2011-12

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