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Presented by,
R7 A
 Exam paper evaluation using neural network.
 Adaptive real time learning.

 Computers will be connected to a Knowledge

 The exam is adaptive.
2. Conventional Evaluation
 Students write their answers for the questions
 Sent for correction.

 The evaluator may be internal or external.

 Uses the key to correct the paper.

 Marks are awarded.

2.1 Demerits of Conventional
Evaluation System
 Evaluator’s biasness.
 Improper evaluation.

 Appearance of the paper.

 Time delay.

 No opportunity to present student’s ideas.

3. Proposed System
 Basis :
 Computerised evaluation system.
 Application of neural network.

 Software is built on top of the neural net

 Features all the requirements of a regular

answer sheet.
3.1 Neural Network - Basics
 Composed of a large number of highly
interconnected processing elements (neurons).

Fig: A Simple Neuron

3.2 Artificial Neural Network
 An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an
information processing paradigm that is
inspired by the way biological nervous
systems, such as the brain, process
 Three layers :
 Input layer
 Output layer
 Hidden layer

Fig:ANN-Basic Structure
 Neural networks learn by example.
 Two types of learning process

1. Supervised learning- Technique for

deducing a function from training data.
2.Unsupervised learning- It is a class of
problems in which one seeks to determine how
data are organized.
3.3 Basic Structure
 The examination system can be divided
basically into three groups:
 Primary education

 Secondary education

-learning process
 Higher secondary education

-adaptive testing
3.4 Organization of the reference sites
 Organized for a particular institution or a group
of institutions.
 Specific weightage for each point.

 Intelligent evaluation.

3.5 Requirement of a new grammar

 Restricted to a new grammar.

 Eg:-If one is to negate a sentence it is

compulsory to write the ‘not’ before verb.
3.6 Question Pattern & Answering
 Depends on the subject.
 Eg:- If a question is put up in operating
systems then the student starts answering it
point by point.
3.7 Role of Neural Network
 Tasks cut out for the neural network:
 Analyze the sentence written by the
 Extract the major components of each
 Search the reference for the concerned
 Compare the points and allot marks
according to the weightage of that point.
 Maintain a file regarding the positives
and negatives of the student.
 Ask further questions to the student in a
topic he is more clear off.
 If it feels of ambiguity in sentences then
set that answer apart and continue with
other answers and ability to deal that
separately with the aid of a staff.
3.7.1 Analysis of Language by
Neural Network
1. Perceptron learning :
 Used for learning past tenses of English verbs.

2. Prediction of Words :
 Back propagation algorithm - Elman
 Present a training sample to network.
 Compare the networks output to the desired output from
that sample.Calculate the error in each output neuron.
 For each neuron,calculate what the output should have
been,how much lower or higher the output must be
adjusted to match the desired output.This is local error.
 Adjust the weight of each neuron to lower the local
Network architecture for
word prediction
3. Self Organizing Feature Map(SOFM):
 Invented by Kohonen.

 Unsupervised learning algorithm that forms a

topographic map of input data.
 Represent the multidimensional data in much
lower dimensions.
 Vector quantisation.
A Self Organizing Feature Map
3.7.2 Training
The training involves a team of experienced
 Subject masters train the net to have a
general idea of paper evaluation.
 The language masters give specific
training to the net to expect for various
kinds of sentences.
 The psychology masters train the net for
various levels of error acceptance in
4. Merits
 Effective distant education programmes.
 Competitive exams to become more realistic.

 Evaluators biasness,handwriting-not really an

 Freedom of ideas.

 Specialisation.
5. Demerits
 Student has to learn few basic changes in
 The computer cannot be cent percent error
 Reasoning type questions cannot be evaluated.

 Subjects like Mathematics,English cannot be

6. Conclusion
 The computing world has a lot to gain fron
neural networks.
 Their ability to learn by example makes them
very flexible and powerful.
 Easily integrated into a working model.

 Does a lot of good for students.

 Change the educational system.

You !!

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