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one a4 Dull datirigfer ‘ a ‘ wth hay ay ' . - ty a An dectint oF av - ‘HEBREW MANUSCRIPT Copy . , OF THE hey JEWISH SCRIPTURES, 6 ou ot Now in NEP-YORK: daa ktter, ‘from Mr, ipropridary to Dry 226, 18004 , *OStr, «The old manufertpe in my poffeffian, of which you have defffed fome informas tion was Prought from Turkey -Jand by a gentleman iho left’hiy library toa relation of hisin this country, and from the'latter my’ aged father purchafed it with fome other books. It,is written + In acharaGer fomething refembling R» tha, or rather, itis to’be prefumed, that Rotha copied or borrow. Be « ‘ Witchell, duted Afarch Jt is very different from the Square cha- rater now in ufe, and is about the fize ofea large oavo, written’in two Yo. lumes, on parchment or vellum, as fine as {ilk The fongs of Mofes, Deborah. and, David, are poetical, written’ with the Breatel uniformity and neatnefs, with black thining ink. Le is alfo accompa- nied with marginal notes, written fo fine and fmall; that it requires good eyes, of glaffes to diftingutth them: - Thé Pfatms appear to be molt mafterly petformance, +; ppSimplon, retums bim, De. boobs ‘ SolzrablSinppfon,’ the | to Eng-! his from it.—; and the meafure feems leafingly to ftrike the cye even of thofe whoare unacquaint.' written by David, &e, [There appears a tach, each eight verfes beginning with 3 great py of words and letters, fome of’ and proceeding through the alphabet in that © being marked in our Englith bible with “The two fir chapters, and part of in profe in two columns. The other autifully written, and the whole hand. be the fume as in our printed buoks, ex. the Pfalms beginning with the alphabet, und in order going through the. fame, the alepb, the next eight with the beth, order, which is probably the reafon of its aleph, bethy &ey the laft, in the book of Job, are written artof the book is in Hethiftich verte fomely pointed. ‘The accents appear to cept the ten commaniments, which are! only with fingle accents. ed with the language, and is* fiy pofed to be the original poctry inwhich he with many variations. The trgth Pfalm is written in two columns of. four lines “En Jothua, chap, xxi. between the verles 35 and 36, two verfes are inferted, | of the tribe of Reuben, &e. not in our Hebrew or aul Evarade Van der Hought, in hiscdi- tloa printed at Amtterdim, in 1703 which are ” . . . a, tuentions, in his preface, that thele two verfes are only to be found in three old corre€gd manufeript books, but which he fuppofes to be an error, "The ules of the ook in the manufeript is as fol- lows: The Law, in five books, “Jothua, Judges, and Samucl, cach in one. . Kings in one, without any divilton, “Uaiah, Jeremiah, Exckicl, Hofea, : Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jona Micah, Nahumy Habakkuk, Zephaniah, pags & | | Zachariah, Malachi, Ruth, Palms, fob, Hs t } | i Proverbs, Eeclefiattes, Song of Songs; La- imentations, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ether, and Chronicles, each in one, “ have been written by Ezra the feribe 3 but all agree that it is a valuable as well asa very ancient manufeript, Jam, fir, with due refpedt, Your moft humble firvant, SOLOMON SIMPSON, . pafertie ty «yl ° Mr. Simfon's: monuferips is mentiined | int Hilio, of which there is a copy in the library of Columbia Colleges Ta the catalogue of the even hundred which be canfulted, this is the ed bythe wards, th ith, aud is dy insu tis conjectured by 1300 and 1400 othe Chrifiian ara,

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