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Process Work Rubric (Rehearsal and Script)

Student friendly language Knowledge A1.2 Select and use appropriate forms to suit specific purposes in drama works B3.3 Identify and describe various roles, responsibilities, and competencies of key personnel in theatre work C1.1 Identify the drama forms, elements, conventions, and techniques used in their own and others drama works, and explain how the various components are used or can be used to achieve specific purposes or effects C1.2 Use of correct terminology to refer to the forms, elements, conventions, and techniques of drama Thinking A1.2 Select and use appropriate forms to suit specific purposes in drama works C3.2 Identify and apply the skills and attitudes needed to perform various tasks and
What drama form(s) would best communicate what we want to say to our chosen audience? Demonstrates respect for others and uses focused listening, negotiating, consensus-building, and collaborative skills in group work Always uses time effectively and efficiently during the rehearsal process. Contributes significantly to the collaborative creation and rehearsal process. Mostly uses time effectively and efficiently during the rehearsal process. Contributes well to the collaborative creation and rehearsal process. Sometimes uses time effectively and efficiently during the rehearsal process. Contributes somewhat to the collaborative creation and rehearsal process. Rarely uses time effectively and efficiently during the rehearsal process. Rarely contributes to the collaborative creation and rehearsal process. Never uses time effectively and efficiently during the rehearsal process. Did not contribute to the collaborative creation and rehearsal process. Uses form (ie tableaux) to tell a story-> Why is it important to consider the audience or the occasion when choosing the form for a scene? Understanding and use of technology and production values to enhance and support performance

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1


Demonstrates excellent understanding of the dramatic techniques/styles covered in the course.

Demonstrates understanding of the dramatic techniques/styles covered in the course.

Demonstrates some understanding of the dramatic techniques/styles covered in the course.

Demonstrates little understanding of the dramatic techniques/styles covered in the course.

No understanding of the dramatic techniques/styles covered in the course demonstrated.

How does the flashback help us understand this characters situation? How could blocking help communicate or manipulate the audience reaction/connection to the theme? Incorporates a variety of techniques (ie. tableau, blocking, choral speaking, setting, improvisation, flashforward)

Understands the technical principles of working on the stage (using lighting, sound, stage) to enhance scenes.

Understands the technical principles of working on the stage (using lighting, sound, stage) to enhance scenes

Demonstrates limited understanding of the technical principles of working on the stage (using lighting, sound, stage) to enhance scenes

Demonstrates little understanding of the technical principles of working on the stage (using lighting, sound, stage) to enhance scenes.

No understanding of the technical principles of working on the stage (using lighting, sound, stage) to enhance scenes demonstrated.

Incorporates an excellent variety of techniques in a variety of forms

Incorporates a good variety of techniques in a variety of forms

Incorporates some variety of techniques in a variety of forms

Incorporates limited variety of techniques in a variety of forms

Shows no evidence of understanding of forms and techniques

responsibilities in producing drama works

Understanding and application of roles: acting/directing; willingness to take risks, negotiating skills, flexibility, self-confidence; stage managing: listening skills, willingness to consult, organizing skills, people-management skills

Works well with other group members and always shows respect for others ideas. Demonstrates excellent skill working through issues during the rehearsal process.

Works well with other group members and always shows respect for others ideas.

Has some difficulty working with other group member and sometimes shows respect for others ideas. Demonstrates some skill working through issues during the rehearsal process.

Has difficulty working with other group members and shows limited respect for others ideas.

Has significant difficulty working with other group members and does not show respect for others ideas. Demonstrates no skill working through issues during the rehearsal process.

Demonstrates good skill working through issues during the rehearsal process.

Demonstrates little skill working through issues during the rehearsal process.

Communication A2.1 Use the elements of drama to suit an identified purpose and form in drama presentations A2.2 Use a variety of conventions to develop character and shape the action in ensemble drama presentations Application B3.1 Identify specific collaborative skills and attitudes that are required in preparing and staging drama works and explain how they can be applied in other fields or activities C1.3 demonstrate an understanding of production roles, practices, and terminology when planning and presenting drama
What aspects of a production do we review and/or trouble-shoot in a technical rehearsal? In a dress rehearsal? Script does an excellent job incorporating all production values Scenes do an excellent job interpreting the theme. Script does an good job incorporating all production values Scenes do a good job interpreting the theme. Script does a fair job incorporating all production values Scenes do an adequate job interpreting the theme. Script does a poor job incorporating production values Scenes do not always interpret the theme. No understanding of production values has been demonstrated Scenes do not interpret the theme. Writing and rehearsal processes show an understanding of how character (ie. developing dialogue, use flashbacks or flash forwards to introduce new perspectives or create tension) Mapping of content and development of performance to theme Extensive exploration of stage use and blocking throughout the rehearsal process. Stage and blocking is explored throughout the rehearsal process. Some stage and blocking is explored throughout the rehearsal process. Minimal stage and blocking is explored throughout the rehearsal process. Stage and blocking is not explored throughout the rehearsal process.

Extensive practice committed to developing and perfecting characters, relationships, and overall scene structure

Obvious practice committed to developing and perfecting characters, relationships, and overall scene structure

Some practice committed to developing and perfecting characters, relationships, and overall scene structure

Limited practice committed to developing and perfecting characters, relationships, and overall scene structure

No practice committed to developing and perfecting characters, relationships, and overall scene structure demonstrated.

Assumes a leadership role in a wide variety of roles in the development and presentation of a collective creation

Assumes a wide variety of roles in the development and presentation of a collective creation

Assumes a some variety of roles in the development and presentation of a collective creation

Assumes a limited variety of roles or is a peripheral player in the development and presentation of a collective creation

Shows no understanding of the wide variety of roles in the development and presentation of a collective creation

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