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U aly, adj MM; HEM Man awkwardly ugly building —RE-+ > iLRAH9 8 90 | fantastically ugly rumours i875 898 iH || hideously gly tht LAA, AAPA || The situation was getting more ugly. H 10 MS AEE P| terribly usly deeds JGHL E547 % || unbelievably ugly customs 2A, ALU © strike me ugly it. (REIE) ARR RANE alee, (OR) Be ME BY Vf an-ulcer 4: 0% Q_aphthous ulcer 11 8:te Bt || callous ulcer BAKED '% || carcinomatous ulcer SYED || chronic ulcer tt 8% || duodenal ulcer + — 15 6% || gastric (stom ach] ulcer 1 18% || mouth ulcers L1 RB || mycotic tlcer 8 i YER || peptic ulcers H(i — HR) BU tk HERG || perforating ulcer Hil tO, STA || There is a small whitish ulcer on the surface of the mucous membrane. BE i. 1-9 —“PW-2 418 ht. | tuberculous ulcer #8888 % || oaricose ulcer #EKt SRHEDRA || warty ulcer ARIE, Pe converted into an uicer "78% P® an ulcer of the stomach 118% / the ulcers of capital- ism 94 SCHL EA AC ultimate, n. He; I Pin the ultimate #1 ki, #7 || an absurdity carried to its ultimate HMB EAE P That hat is the ultimate tn ridiculousness, 8151 SEHET |I the ultimate of one’s desires REX IS? ultimatam, 1 i5i8 V send {dispatch an ultimatum to... I send nan ultima 85 RE VE The ultimatum expires at noon tomorrow. J iE ‘SO MIRE 2 RL, Pan ultimatum from... S29 8 vembrage, PBs (HRM) Bens Kil, eS, OR 'V_ His opinion carries no umbrage of reason. BANS & AMBMBR A. ll gloe umbrage to sb. HAL) EA / His writings gave umbrage to the authorities. (haf sh SS1-fie / John gave umbrage to them by not sending an invitation, SRSA HE ATA AA. EAE fH fake umbrage at fabout, over]. 8/4: MBL fe BW (PFE) / take umbrage at a remark 39 ‘ize / He took wnbrage at wat I said. 1 8 AF iRON S E C. / Although he was given to lying, he took umbrage at being accused of it. AFA A2 Ei, AE A AE, a, a, The thrush is singing in that umbrage. ii SE 80189 sob sPRBIE, wmbrella, nH (RP V_ The wind blew my umbrella wrong side out. SLBA OK MEBIE AT. || carry an umbrella along 1% Hi | lose [fold, fart, shut] one's umbrella Wt || open [put up, unturt, unfold, spread] an umbrella #4 || Take an tumbreta with you. HIE 2, / Til take my umbrelta in et Re mmpire, case it rains. REE ALB FA || The wind tured my umbrella inside out. IBRAPA AGRE T. || wave one's umbrella Fait Q adr umbreta (PEE Ri MEE ARO) Hy eH ‘LEE / throw up an air umbrela over Europe fH. SHEEP H || beach umbrelta (MM LARD) API 4 ||a folding umbrelia #4 |i a leaking umbrela 3d M09 % |i nuclear umbrella & #% # % | a shabby umbrella BA: | a stout umbrella RBA, TAS P There was a small group of people, waiting under umbrellas for... i ANE AMR A fe Rr. / Will YOu let me walk under your umbrella? of LAs. AUAWIRE232 / They sit under a big umbrella. Hef ete “EAH Bie / under the umbrella of. te RI “F/ under the umbrela of the UN (R&D 68°F | He pointed at the distant pagoda with his umbrella. #8 PANEL, empire, 2. 2A. FRA (Qn impartial umpire ZENA HBA) Pact ax (an) umpire HAE SH A[H RA] wm Pum}, pron (H) RK As RE Q He's a bad ‘un. HE ERIK, Ila good un (C1) OHA. AEA: BLE sO GAGE A RES A / Thats a good un WRT HRB TIES). / TH take those apples; they 1ook like good ‘uns. Ihe % SEMA LARBM. | a red un (Sis A ila 17 un (61) ESAs UB) CORTES) — 5 AGE Hy CADP EI He's a tough un. 1648 115 % A93AK. Ila wrong un As PaO STH enable, adj. FAK: Xe 09 M Lam altogether unable to walk. 52 A M47 it. | ‘quite unable at present to do sth. HHH 27 HE FES | be utterly wholly] unable to see the dllerence 248% a1 © 1am sony to be unable to come. RAL, RAE, | ‘people unable to read or write XH wmnccomplished, adj, ili [Kaiti P. be unaccomplished im... 3 BARE ek) unaccounted, adi, 4 FiRMiH P. The list of persons unaccounted for stood at 13. 38 HMM AIS A. / His absence remained un- accounted For. ARAB HDS macenstomed, adj, FHA, PENA M_ lam guite tnaccustomed to speak(ing) in public. ik RARE ATIVE, P_ be unaccustomed to speech-making {public speaking] AAMT HK / be unaccustomed to staying up late £3 | FRA wmncquainted, adj. RMI, KUUUS M_ lam entirely unacquainted with him. READ, P_ be unacquainted with sth. TMI os Mmaffocted, odj. RHEE ft ALI P unafected by .. AH: BEMAs AARC / They re- mained almost entirely unaffected by each other's writ ings, AAATLLILE SEE KEN A tEAM, wnasimity, 2. (218)—% V achieve unanimity through consultation iit tot 3k | reach unanimity of views on some problems K ‘PUNE 308 / People gradually reached unanin. iy of opinion. AH 8 RMB. The propos! was adopted wit anim. RAEI —sit. P* the unanimity of the applause 23% 8% HF / the 1754 uabred unanimity of consent — ih unanimous, adj (S(8)~-5i8 P The meeting was unanimous as to the policy to be pur- sued. '5 22 #— Sc ME HLH BER IO A, | be unani- ‘mous for reform ~ 39887 |! The meeting was unani ‘mous in support of the decision. 2 #-- SCD Tae ik, / The country is unanimous tn support of the Govern- mment’s policy. 418 AR SCAT LH MAC, / People were unanimous in their wish for peace. Ai} & 461 ‘Fe / be unanimous in protesting Fix unappreciative, od, FANMAIL P. be unappreciative of sb's kindness 21 AWARE Aas 288, KB ALHH / be unappreciative of sbs help 113 ee wmapt, od, BETH; this P be unapt at riding Fe F543 0 He is unapt to do so. HAE Fk vumartfal, adj, S#N P_ She was rather unartful in her manner, t® i 216784 Xe amattended, adj, HRUAM: LAPRHT ANITA, Ait 4 M_ The accident was fortunately unattended with any 1oss of lle, BARRA A TE. Pan enterprise unattended with risks ‘4 HU | He deft his studies unattended to. {81E WL Fit, unavoidable, ad. 51 ff M. absolutely unavoidable 18 Xf 8.) | The delay was quite unavoidable. HIKER 4% 01 Seth, emaware, dj. ARH: EERE M. He was entirely unaware that he was walking a wrong way. SE SBT RAE TH P be unaware of. BH, BER HM- / 1 was un aware of the fact. HRA, / be unaware of the truth LACH / He was unaware of my presence. {88271 SSIFAES. / be unaware of the danger AEH AE TE ® wmbalanced, adj.» (1:HiRi5) ALIS M_ mentally unbalanced #¥H5L5 unbearable, adj, 226TH P Lite has become unbearable to her. AF HIER, "5 RGRRLR, unbeaten, adj Kititt M_ We dare to break a path unbeaten before. #8418 Fit BAO Rh unbecoming, adj. (47%) Reb, HFK P_ It is unbecoming for persons of education. kM 4 23 fh ASEiBLAEAT SCARE, || I is utterly unbecoming of him to do such a thing, 725 #5 18 538 5H, | ‘conduct unbecoming to [Ror] sb. 5385+ AAI 7/Such honour is unbecoming to [for] him. ik He Hats SEAHAM, mmbekmown, adj, adv. (51) ASM: AFI Pa person unbeknoun to us —PRATAAVH A / He did It unbeknown fo me. 16M FFE, / He went there unbehnown to us. HER A UME HR FA ABA /Unbeknown fo his father, he had run away from school. Hea HE, unbesom, «LAE COF), isi (HOH) P- unbosom oneself to sb. 15 # ASL IRC (1.038) / ‘unbosom one’s secret fo one's bosom friend 15 IRE E nee umbred, adj Ati ASIA saburden P. She Is unbred to sewing. WAS ESM. ©. What an unbred boy he is! 488-24 AMAR I 1% * caberden, 0 P_ We unburdened him of his bags so that he could sit down, H(i FA AOE FAT LS OK. / un ‘burden oneself of a secret if 4: 6 || unburden oneselt [one’s heart] to sb. HEAVUEETE / He unburdened him- sell to me. AERIAL RIEL nealled-for, adj, FLEA; Ki KAth M_ His exhibition of temper was quite uncalled-for. 82288 SACHA MA, || What he said was utterly uncalled-for. HeiWisTE CES RH, © Ws an uncalled-for remark, 3A & 408 Bi. / an an: called-for display of temper Bt ISOS TEU uncertain, adj. iH: Kinet, Res P He is uncertain in his airn. 18 AYA. || be uncer- tain of fabout, as to} the meaning of the sentence 214] FAX AlewwE / Tm uncertain oF his intentions. SENZA AB. / be uncertain of the success 118 NE AOE AE uncertainty, 1. 3th: AW: AMEN HMA V_ clear up lefface, extinguish] uncertainties 1 He BE 18 | dispel many uncertainties #1 ¥8%+4 488 | reallse the un- certainty of lle UBS) AMARA) | sweep aside un- certainties about sth. #17481 WH Eo] @ economic uncertainty 3% 12%E || a political uncer- tainty BURR BE P itis above all uncertainty. it 4s 3: 3688. || void for uncertainty (i) Cie) 399) I) WA P uncertainty about [as to] results 82838 (58 | the uncertainty in foreign exchange 1-0-5135 te | the uncertainties of adequate reward in the profession of an actor 1S1iX--fTARENOREPEITIE / uncertainy of temper BEIM / the uncertainty of the weather KAWRAKA unchangeable, ad. 73H) be [remain] unchangeable of purpose #1 H HAE unchanged, ad. S47 1Li1) P. The city is practically unchanged from former times. i& et A HAH BEA Ef mele, ALC: fA BAC SL sR os CE) IE # Bo Sef Sa COE OU LA Be, Very [say] uncle (£1) Rik KM, iE / The bully twisted his arm and made him ery uncle i #9 8 A this-F MOE HELTER, | He played uncle to the move- iment. #8 RUE HEE 3. | They ganged up on him in the schoolyard and made him say uncle WT BEd IR Jes He, BA HEAR. Q Dutch uncle sHKUAM As 2A RSP Tm AREA "A / talk to sb. lke a Dutch uncle PDS BUNTEIEA. if be a monkey's uncle. (£1) MALS; BERRA! |i my un- cle (08) F488E | Welsh uncle SH5£ CRA LIs SCE ESA RAL) | your uncle (HB) (8H. EF He has left his watch cith his uncle, #482445 at aT. PE an uncle by marriage M44 (14) |) uncle on maternal Ipsternall side 345 (442.121 meet, 0. (BAR AD MIF, HIF M- The snake slowly uncoiled. #eX 40st ih ALIN Sk, PP anco the scart from one's throat JER F #388 uncolo(a)red, adj. AiNE.A, AMT press reports uncolored by personal opinions or prej- 1755, underestimate udices 4% > AW.2i. 3h fl LA MAL / His account was: uncolored by his personal feelings. (2/818 #1 + 84 ae. uncomfortable, ad) FAH: 1614) Ma room extremely uncomfortable to live in ER HC 4E0 BHAI || feel quite uncomfortable #2) iB AFA |, P__ feel uncomfortable about the political situation *f 8 FRB | be uncomfortable tn tight boots FH RARE SLM | leek uncomfortable with strangers HIRE Ate RBA REE umcomecerm, n. MAKL, Mi V_ show unconcern S4( RA]? Q with complete unconcern | st? i, AG: F P view the matter with unconcern Ui re #82 SEAT AER AEM / with unconcern tor sth. FAT HBB AK LSE unconcerned, adj if FKL KKH 'M She must have hurt herself, but seemed quite uncon- cerned. eB ie T AC. (A LAMM AEP, P_ unconcemed about [with] 9 --- BOR Xb ORB) / He was unconcerned about his wil’s health, 1% HERR Cr / He is unconcerned about personal appearance. HRIER TAI. | unconcerned tn (wlth] “5 JERURHT] / be unconcerned in the business * HESASHI-F / be unconcerned in [with] the conspiracy * HELIX | be unconcerned with polities HE KBORE & / She is unconcerned with school affairs. t+ tH ‘AMM. / The report is unconcerned with details. 38 tt HAD RADE uncongenial, ad, GH AHIM, Hid AM) 'P These people are very uncongenial to me. ik A HB ‘GABIRA HH. / The task was uncongenial to one sensi- tive to rebutts, SB LEM — 4 et TMM AAG A uncomscious, adj 2: HIVEM; AAEM: TARA 1M. He was blissfully unconscious oft al. AJ — A, A. BEB. |, momentarily unconscious ~ ti # # AH |i temporarily unconscious of .. HBB H EVM. P be unconscious as to fabout] one’s faults #4 RH) A GABE A || He remained unconscious for several hours alter the accident, 7:9 WR 4 Ia, MAE A Wis Met 2 ‘Ac Il be unconscious of having done wrong #8 VE ‘Ti / He was unconscious of his mistake. 831i 6 EMBER. / He is unconscious of the fact, 467 Mik 4K. || be unconscious through intoxication BHA AR unconsciousness, 1. {Bi} lapse Unto unconsciousness il semetlomy is (RD BML: PRI Hk: AAS iS A) V- day a fatering (pleasant) uncton to one's soul FSG: ME, ARUN Q extreme unction (KE B0) Gist imiAL P. tell a story with much unction #3841 WARE / She related the scandal wth a great deal of unction, #8 mseeuew ttm, undealt, ad, *ALS#H) M problems stilt undealt with (yA th 05 (618 thas become t0o serious to remain undealt wth. 3k FMC RE RE, RMT ZIEZ TS tundeceive, 0 SEN 8): M But | was soon undeceived MMi TiRiRALA LT. P-_undeceive $b. of his error AAW underdone, adj “HE A741) M_ The rice is partly underdone. 44 #4, underestimate, 0. ffi

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