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Frank Valnalla
2010 by Frank Valnalla & LLC; All Rights Reserved worldwide under the erne Convention! "ay
not be #o$ied or distributed without $rior written $er%ission && i' you have this 'ile (or a $rintout) and
didn*t $ay 'or it+ you are de$riving the author and $ublisher o' their right'ul royalties! ,lease $ay 'or
your #o$y by $ur#hasing it at www!yoga'ellatio!#o%! All book #o$ies are uni-uely water%arked on
every $age to redu#e illegal sharing o' this do#u%ent! .hank you very %u#h/
0one o' the %odels+ by a$$earing in this book+ give their endorse%ent 'or the in'or%ation or #ontent o'
this book! 0on&original $i#tures are used under the Creative Co%%ons Li#ense and have been #redited!
.his book is dedi#ated to ob & .o% 'or %aking %e laugh in the %orning 'or all these years!
.his book is 'or 10F2R"A.120AL ,3R,2454 20L6! 7o 0ot Atte%$t A06.8109 in this book
without reviewing it with a li#ensed 8ealth ,ra#titioner be'orehand! 0othing in this book should be
atte%$ted without it being under the very stri#t guidan#e o' a Li#ensed 8ealth Care ,ra#titioner; and
only then+ when it has been ade-uately reviewed by the%! .he author and $ublisher are not res$onsible
'or any e''e#ts (dire#t or indire#t) 'ro% the use o' the in'or%ation in this book! Anything atte%$ted that
has been outlined in this book is At 6our 2wn Risk and you assu%e 100: res$onsibility 'or your own
a#tions and state o' %ind!
,lease note that %u#h o' this $ubli#ation is based on $ersonal e;$erien#e and ane#dotal eviden#e!
Although the author and $ublisher have %ade every reasonable atte%$t to a#hieve #o%$lete a##ura#y
o' the #ontent in this 9uide+ they assu%e no res$onsibility 'or errors or o%issions! Also+ you should use
this in'or%ation A. 623R 2<0 R14= A07 20L6 3075R .85 71R5C. 9317A0C5 2F A
85AL.8 ,RAC.1.1205R! 6our $arti#ular situation %ay not be e;a#tly suited to the e;a%$les
illustrated here; in 'a#t+ it*s likely that they won*t be the sa%e+ and you should ad>ust your use o' the
in'or%ation and re#o%%endations a##ordingly!
Finally+ use your head! 0othing in this 9uide is intended to re$la#e #o%%on sense+ legal+ %edi#al+ or
other $ro'essional advi#e; and is %eant to >ust in'or% and entertain the reader! 1' you have any #hanges
you want to %ake to your $hysi#al body or want to atte%$t so%ething+ su#h as Auto'ellatio+ you are
advised to seek out $ro'essional %edi#al e;$ertise and get under this $ro'essional*s guidan#e and
$rogra% to a##o%$lish your goals! 0othing in this 9uide should be taken as 'a#t! Consider every $art
o' this do#u%ent to be #o%$letely 'i#tional with no basis in reality! .his book is 'or 5ntertain%ent and
1n'or%ational ,ur$oses 20L6!
.his ook is 10.50757 F2R A73L.4 20L6! 0ot that it is ,ornogra$hi# but be#ause it has an
Adult Content level! 1' you are under 21 years o' age do not R5A7 .814 22=! y reading the
in'or%ation in this book you are stating that this %aterial is not una##e$table in your town+ #ity+ state+
or #ountry! 1' it is una##e$table+ $lease 72 02. R5A7 .814 "A.5R1AL A07 72 02. 48AR5 1.!
1) .he "ost 1%$ortant ,age in .his ook & @
2) Read .his First & A
?) <ho A% 1B & C
D) Contraindi#ations to Auto'ellatio & 10
E) <hat is the 8istory o' Auto'ellatioB & 11
F) <hy do 7ogs Like .heir alls (and ,enises)B & 11
@) asi# 2utline o' ook & 1?
A) 7e'initions & 1D
C) "ore 7e'initions & 1@
10) 6oga & 21
11) 8atha 6oga & 21
12) =riya 6oga & 21
1?) io%e#hani#s G 4tru#ture G Fun#tion H 1%$ortant Auto'ellatio 1nsights & 2?
1D) First .hings First & 2D
1E) Cervi#al Region & 2F
1F) .hora#i# Region & ?1
1@) Lu%bar Region & ??
1A) ,elvi# Region & ?E
1C) ,elvi# ,ositions & ?F
20) .he 4a#roilia# Ioints & D?
21) .he Linea Alba & DD
22) 2n the .o$i# o' 5;#ess <eight & D@
2?) Let*s 7is#uss Liga%ents & DA
2D) Let*s .alk About a 4traight 4$ine & E1
2E) <hen is the est .i%e to Auto'ellateB & E?
2@) 1nversion & ED
2A) 8anging 3$side & EE
2C) Autos$inal 7istra#tion & EE
?0) a#k <alk & EF
?1) 8ot .ub & E@
?2) 8ot 4hower & E@
??) "assage & E@
?D) ,elvi# and 4$inal "ani$ulation & EA
?E) 4tea% Roo%s & EC
?F) Finnish 4auna & EC
?@) 4aunasol%u & F0
?A) 1n#reasing 4e%inal 2ut$ut & F1
?C) .he A#hilles .endon & @E
D0) .he Calves & @@
D1) ,osterior .high & @C
D2) Lateral .high & A1
D?) ,elvis & A2
DD) Lower a#k & A?
DE) "id&a#k & AF
DF) 4houlder Area & AF
D@) 0e#k & AA
DA) 4ub&2##i$ital Region & C0
DC) 1 =now <hat 6ou*re .hinking & CD
E2) First .hings First G .he Lotus ,osition & CF
E?) 0e#k 4tret#hes & C@
ED) 9o%ukhasana & 100
EE) "iddle a#k 4tret#h & 101
EF) 7hanurasana & 102
E@) "atsyendrasana & 10D
EC) a#k Foot Raise Fle; & 10F
F0) Front Foot Raise Fle; & 10F
F1) ,avana%uktasana & 10@
F2) 7wi ,ada ,avana%uktsana & 10A
F?) 4u$ta ,adangusthasana & 10A
FD) ,as#hi%ottansana & 10C
FE) ,adangusthasana & 111
FF) ,adahastasanaJ,adangusthasana Variations & 112
F@) A 0ote+ Again+ About 0ot eing in a 8urry & 11?
FA) A <ord About reathing & 11?
FC) A 0ote About 4a'ety & 11D
@0) .he Abdo%inal "us#les & 11E
@1) .he Ab <heel & 11@
@?) .he K5;stasyL (KML) ,osition & 122
@D) .he ,low ,osition & 12E
@E) .he isho$ ,osition & 12C
@F) .he Chair ,osition & 1?1
@@) .he Curl (KCL) ,osition & 1??
@A) 4o+ <hat*s the est <ay to 6oga'ellateB & 1?E
@C) 6oga'ellatio 4tu'' & 1?@
A0) 6oga'ellatio 4ense & 1?A
A1) ,ulleys+ 4tra$s+ 7evi#es & 1?A
A2) 4ensory o%bard%ent and "aintaining an 5re#tion & 1?C
A?) "aintaining that 5re#tion with 6oga'ellatio & 1D0
AD) "eeting 9od through 6oga'ellatio & 1D1
AE) 4ensory 7e$rivation and 6oga'ellatio & 1D2
AF) .he "outh and the Re#tu% are 2ne and the 4a%e & 1DD
Auto'ellatio is a serious endeavor! 1t needs to be taken very seriously! In order to accomplish
this task changes in your body need to take place. <henever one works on #hanging the body or
%odi'ying it+ #aution+ #are+ and #o%%on sense %ust $revail!
Auto'ellatio is not a ga%e! 1t is not a 'ad! 1t is not a gi%%i#k! 1t is not a $arty&novelty tri#k you
#an $er'or% 'or your 'riends 'or a 'ew laughs! 0o! .here e;ists in the auto'ellatio world+ so%ething
#alled Kauto'ellatio #ulture!L A #ulture is the underlying $rin#i$les+ art+ or %ethodology that is 'ollowed
and treated with res$e#t! .he K#ultureL o' auto'ellatio re-uires that %en e%bark on this >ourney with
serious intentions+ that they will res$e#t this K#ulture+L and treat it as they would a serious $hiloso$hi#al
or religious endeavor! 0o+ that doesn*t sound stu$id! Res$e#t is $ara%ount in this 'ield! <ithout res$e#t
'or this an#ient art+ you will never be able to truly e;$erien#e all the wonders it has to o''er! <hen
working on auto'ellation+ a#t and think as i' you are in a #hur#h or te%$le!
eing res$e#t'ul to the K#ultureL will enable you to $ro#eed at a steady and $ro'itable $a#e! .his
will enable your body to res$ond in the $ro$er %ethodology needed to obtain your desired goals! .ake
your ti%e and don*t get in a hurry! Learning Auto'ellatio te#hni-ues is not a ra#e or a #o%$etition!
,lease note that nothing in this book should be atte%$ted unless under the guidan#e and advi#e
o' a li#ensed $hysi#ian!
"y na%e is Frank and 1 #an su#k %y own $enis to orgas%! 1 #an get %y %outh 'ully over %y glans
(head) and #o%$letely down %y sha't!
At the ti%e o' this writing+ 1 a% ?@&years old! 1 tried su#king %y own $enis as a teenager! .his #a%e
about be#ause 1 had a drea% about doing so and+ as 1 had never had a blow&>ob+ wondered what it 'elt
like to re#eive one! As a teenager 1 #ould not su#k %y own $enis! 1 #ouldn*t even #o%e #lose! 1 #ouldn*t
even get the ti$ o' %y tongue near %y $enile head! As a teenager ('inished with $uberty) 1 had a E!EL
long $enis!
1n %y 20s 1 tried again and nearly killed %ysel' using so%e %akeshi't $ulleys and stra$s and even
utiliNing an old e;er#ise bike!
1n %y ?0s 1 thought 1 would give it another shot!
1 have been su#king %y own $enis now 'or seven years with te#hni-ues 1 develo$edJdis#overed %ysel'!
7id 1 invent all o' the stu'' in this bookB Of course not. 1 >ust resear#hed and resear#hed until 1 had all
the in'or%ation that worked 'or %e! 1 have a ba#kground in %edi#ine (%y $ro'ession) and this has
hel$ed %e i%%ensely! 5s$e#ially in understanding the bio%e#hani#s and stru#tures o' the %us#les+
>oints+ and liga%ents!
1 weigh 1E0 $ounds! 1 a% E*@L tall! 1 a% o' %i;ed&ethni# origin o' 5uro$ean 7es#ent (1*% an All&
A%eri#an "utt and $roud to be a %utt)!
Chan#es are+ you aren*t %u#h di''erent than 1 a%! After all, a Man is a Man.
1' 1 #an $er'or% Auto'ellatio+ #han#es are you #an+ too!
2h+ yeah+ it see%s so%e $eo$le have tried to -uanti'y the nu%ber o' %en who #an a#tually Auto'ellate!
Ouite a daunting task and nearly i%$ossible to %easure+ 1 would think! Anyway+ the botto% line is that
the Ke;$ertsL believe that only 2ne in about ?+000 "en is able to Auto'ellate!
1 would >ust like to say that only 2ne in every E0+000 "en #an $ro$erly e;$lain <ave&,arti#le 7ualilty
in Ouantu% "e#hani#s!!!
But nearly every man can learn...
Frank Valnalla
~Contraindication is a word used to denote a situation where some form of
therapy, exercise, drug, lifestyle, etc. is not advised because it may produce direct
and harmful effects if utilized.
If you have any of these maldies below, see your doctor before you attempt any form of
Autofellatio. Actually, see your doctor anyway if you want to try Autofellatio:
8istory o' Any 4$inal .rau%a in#luding "oderate to 4evere K<hi$lashL 1n>uries
4$ina i'ida
Arthritis o' the 4$ine or ,elvis; 2' and 1n#luding the Khi$L Ioints
"oderate to 4evere 4#oliosis
Any 8istory o' Fra#ture toJo' the 4$ine
Vertigo (7iNNiness)
1nner or "iddle 5ar ,roble%s
alan#e and "otor Control ,roble%s
Chroni#J4evere 3ndiagnosed 8eada#hes
Any 8istory o' 4$inal or ,elvi# .u%ors
Any 8istory o' Rib Fra#tures
Any 8istory o' 4$inal or ,elvi# Fra#ture
Any 8istory o' Khi$L 7islo#ation or "oderate to 4evere Khi$L .rau%a
4#iati#a andJor Lower a#k ,ain
0u%bness or any 'or% o' ,araesthesia in the 3$$er or Lower 5;tre%ities
Any 'or% o' 4$inal 4urgery
Vertebral Artery 4tenosis
4$inal 4tenosis
Any For% o' Ru$tured or 8erniated Vertebral 7is#
.hora#i# =y$hosis (4#heuer%ann*s 7isease)
4$inal 1nstability
Any 0eurologi#al 7isease
Any 2ther ,revious or Current "alady that "ay Co%$ro%ise the 8ead+ 4$ine+ or ,elvis
<hen the 'irst %an walked the earth and realiNed his se;uality+ he $robably $ondered the idea o'
se;ually $leasing hi%sel' through auto'ellatio! After all, if one wants something done right, it's best to
do it themselves. Auto'ellatio has been an integral $art o' %any an#ient #ultures! 4u#h e;a%$les have
survived through arti'a#ts and ar#hite#ture over ti%e! .his in#ludesP 9reek+ 5gy$tian+ "eso&A%eri#an+
and Asiati# 1ndian+ that 1 a% aware o'! .hat is the history o' auto'ellatioP 5very %an has $ondered it at
one ti%e or another and will #ontinue to do so! .hat*s the history o' auto'ellatio!
Because they can, as the saying goes!!! A$$arently+ they also see% to en>oy it!
Auto'ellatio is no di''erent than a wo%an li#king and su#king on her ni$$les out o' #uriosity! 5ven 'or
se;ual sti%ulation+ 'or that %atter! <hat wo%an hasn*t tried to taste her own ni$$les to see what the
'lavor is like or what sort o' sensation she %ight 'eelB 8ell+ even %y sister ad%itted she*s done it! 1t*s a
nor%al $art o' being hu%an trying to understand how others $er#eive us! .aste is one o' those %ethods!
!ow do we taste" .hat sounds a bit biNarre+ but #onsider it 'ro% your $artner*s $oint o' view! .aste
and s%ell are an essential ingredient in se;uality+ #o%$anionshi$+ and relationshi$s! KRelationshi$sL
not >ust being segregated to se;ual relations+ but do#tor&$atient+ tea#her&student+ e%$loyee&e%$loyer+
and all other 'or%s o' relationshi$s in our everyday lives! 1' your breath s%ells horribly and you are not
aware o' this $roble%+ #han#es are that it will not only take its toll on your se;ual $otentials with other
$artners+ but will also ha%$er other relationshi$s in your li'e! .he %ore we know about ourselves+
%eans we know %ore about how $eo$le will $er#eive us! .asteJs%ell is one o' way o' gauging how
$eo$le (and $artners) rea#t to us! 2n#e we understand who and what we are %ade o'+ then we #an go
about i%$roving ourselves!
4o+ ba#k to Auto'ellatio! <hat about %en and their $enisesB 1s it really so di''erent than a wo%an+ her
%outh+ and her ni$$lesB Really+ 1*% sure 1 #an #o%e u$ with all kinds o' reasons and logi#al dedu#tions
as to why a %an wants to su#k his own $enis and why it*s so in#redible and wonder'ul! Any %an #an+
really! 2' #ourse+ so%e $eo$le think it is a bit odd; $erha$s even strange or $erverse! 1 hardly think so+
but that*s >ust %y o$inion! .ruly+ i' you knew what %ost o' your K$uritani#alL neighbors got u$ to in
$rivate it would $robably blow your %ind right out o' your head! 4o%e o' the 'reaky stu'' that goes on
behind #losed doors is downright disturbing and biNarre and %akes %asturbation through su#king one*s
own $enis see% rather ta%e! 4o+ i' you have a hang u$ about su#king your own $enis+ don*t worry
about it or get another hobby that won*t weigh on your #ons#ious so heavily!
1 >ust stu%bled u$on a web&site re#ently o' a wo%an who wishes to be#o%e the 'attest wo%an in the
world! A$$arently this is her goal in li'e! 1n order to $ay 'or all the 'ood she eats+ she has set u$ a web&
site where %en #an wat#h her eat on #a%era 'or a 'ee! 4he %akes her living 'ro% %en who wat#h her
.his is not %y #u$ o' tea! For others+ however+ it is! 7oes it see% strange that %en would Kget o''L on
wat#hing an e;tre%ely obese wo%an eat all dayB <hat*s strange to so%e is nor%al 'or others! 1 don*t
>udge $eo$le and what they do in li'e and don*t want other $eo$le to >udge %e! 4o+ 1 #an su#k %y own
$enis! 9reat! <ho really #aresB
<hat about the $sy#hologi#al #o%$onent or as$e#t o' su#king one*s own $enisB #hat does it say about
a man's se$uality..." <ell+ hell+ 1 never really thought about that either+ to be -uite truth'ul! .here was
a Fren#h study on the sub>e#t but 1 haven*t bothered to read it (1 don*t s$eak Fren#h)! <hy waste ti%e
trying to $sy#hoanalyNe %ysel' when 1 have better things to doB Iust take a look at %ost o' the $eo$le
who write these really dee$ and in&de$th $sy#hology books! 3sually a $i#ture o' the% will be on the
ba#k #over or on the 'lylea' o' the dust>a#ket and tell %e what you see!!!B "ost o' the% look like total
$sy#hos+ in %y o$inion! 2' #ourse+ you can't judge a book by its cover+ but %ost o' these $eo$le are the
last $eo$le on earth 1 would ever listen to or ever take advi#e 'ro%+ es$e#ially $sy#hologi#al or se;ual
advi#e! 8ey+ i' you*re interested in trying to 'igure out why you (or %e or anyone else) wants to su#k
their own $enis+ then kno#k yoursel' out! ,ersonally+ 1 have better things to do!
Anyway+ %any ani%als and other #reatures $er'or% auto'ellatio! Fro% goats to dogs to walruses to
aliens 'ro% Roswell! As "an is an ani%al+ it see%s a$$ro$riate that he would auto'ellate hi%sel' i' he
was able to do so! 1' "an #an build a ro#ket (that looks >ust like a $enis) and use it to land on the "oon+
then he ought to be able to su#k his own #o#k i' he so #hooses! 4u#h is the nature o' "an! "en+
as well as women+ see% to be 'as#inated by a %an being able to su#k his own $enis! 4o
why not %ake the best o' it 'or yoursel' and 'or your $artnerB
.his book is %ade u$ o' these %ain se#tionsP
1) Definitions
2) Biomechanics, Structure, Function, Important Autofellatio Insight
3) Nutrition
4) Yogafellatio
5a#h se#tion is very i%$ortant! 0ot one se#tion is %ore i%$ortant than another! "ost %en want to >u%$
head'irst into stret#hingJstrengthening to start seeing results i%%ediately! ig %istake! Read all 'our
se#tions nu%erous ti%es and treat every one with e-ual i%$ortan#e! 7iet %ay be >ust one o' the %ost
i%$ortant as$e#ts! <ithout it+ the stret#hingJstrengthening se#tion will be -uite 'rustrating+ $ain'ul+ and
you*ll 'ast lose interest!
2ne other thing+ on#e you get to the $oint where you #an auto'ellate+ it be#o%es easier with ea#h
session! 6ou will get a 'eel 'or what stret#hes and e;er#ises you need to 'o#us on! 2n#e you have your
%ain body sorted out and #an auto'ellate+ you won*t have to s$end as %u#h ti%e stret#hing and doing
Definitions to Help You Along Your Path to Yogafellatio:
FELLATIO Oral Stimulation of the Penis
FELLATE To engage or perform fellatio
AUTOFELLATIO Oral Stimulation of one's own penis as a form of
AUTOFELLATE To perform fellatio on one's own penis as a form of
AUTOSEXUAL Stimulation of one's own genitals to the point of
orgasm. Therefore Autofellatio is a form of Autosexuality
YOGA A form of physical and mental discipline that originated in
India. Most Westerners are familiar with ~Hatha Yoga which is used as
a form of relaxation and exercise
YOGAFELLATIO A term coined that incorporates some Yoga
postures to help a man achieve Autofellatio
SPINAL COLUMN The bones in your back (vertebrae) that protect your spinal cord
FLEXION (In the Spinal Column) Bringing two parts closer together. In the case of the spinal
column, Flexion is an increase in one's ability to bend forward. Bringing your head closer to your
penis is a form of flexing the spine
EXTENSION The opposite of Flexion. Instead of becoming closer, the angle becomes larger or
farther away
ROTATION (In the Spinal Column) Twisting of the trunk in a clockwise (Right Rotation) or
counterclockwise (Left Rotation) without Flexion, Extension, or Lateral Flexion
LATERAL FLEXION (In the Spinal Column) Bending the trunk to one side (as in Right
Lateral Flexion) with no Rotation, Flexion, or Extension
VERTEBRAE The bones that make up your spine. 7 Cervical (Neck), 12 Thoracic (Mid-Back),
5 Lumbar (Lower Back). The Sacrum is made of 5 fused vertebrae and sits between your pelvic
bones (Ilia). The Coccyx is the end of the bony spine and is made of 4 fused vertebrae
HUMAN SPINAL COLUMN (Sacrum at bottom)
ARTICULATE %he Movement&motion in a 'oint. All the vertebrae articulate with another
vertebrae ( )ne above and one below ( Apart from the *irst +ervical ,ertebrae which
articulates with the base of your skull and the *ifth -umbar ,ertebrae which articulates
with your .acrum
HUMAN MALE PELVIS (Sacrum in middle)
PELVIS The Pelvis is the area which connects the trunk (of your body) to your lower
legs. Through /oint Articulation, it allows one to walk, sit, stand, run, jog, and flex the
trunk forward and backward (Flexion and Extension). The pelvis allows the legs to
articulate through the Femur-Acetabular 1oint at the Acetabulum (see next page). Flexion
and Extension articulation is possible through the Sacro-Iliac 1oints; and Rotation,
Flexion, Extension, and Lateral Flexion are possible through articulation of the Lumbo-
Sacral 1oint (Lumbar Five and the Sacrum)
SACRUM The 5 fused vertebrae which articulate with your last Lumbar Vertebrae
(Lumbar Five) and which sits between your two Ilia and forms another articulation. The
sacrum is the central aspect of your boney pelvic structure
ILIA The two bones on either side of your pelvis (Ilium) that make up your hips
ACETABULUM The two sockets in your hips. One on the Left and one on the Right.
This is where the leg bone (ball) inserts. This is a ~ball and socket joint
The Head of the Femur (leg bone) has the ~ball portion of the joint. It inserts into the
Acetabulum which makes up the ~socket portion of your ~hip joint. This is visible in
the picture above
All of these bones, joints, and articulations are held together by ligaments:
LIGAMENT Strong fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone, bone to muscle, etc. This
is important to learn and understand. Ligaments are what keeps your joints strong,
stable, and functional. If you stretch them out too much they will get ligamentous laxity
(loosening of ligaments) and this will compromise their function and your joint stability.
"ost $eo$le when they are interested in Auto'ellatio and in#reasing the Fle;ion o' their s$inal #olu%n
think that they will be able to in#rease their 'le;ibility i' they >ust in#rease the 'le;ibility o' their s$ine!
0othing is farther from the truth. .his is why 1*ve taken the trouble to outline these de'initions and
show e;a%$le $i#tures! <e are interested in in#reasing 'le;ion and %obility in all o' these >ointsP
1) Skull and Neck Articulation (Atlanto-Occipital 1oint)
2) Neck (Cervical Vertebrae)
3) Dorsal Spine (Thoracic Vertebrae)
4) Lumbar Spine (Lumbar Vertebrae)
5) Lumbo-Sacral Articulation (Lumbar Five and Sacral One 1oint)
6) Sacro-Iliac Articulation (Left and Right Sacro-Iliac 1oints)
7) Femur-Acetabular Articulation (Left and Right Hip 1oints)
1n#reasing FL5M11L1.6 in these regions 7oes 0ot %ean we >ust 'o#us on FL5M120! 0o! 5;tension+
Rotation+ and Lateral Fle;ion are also needed to in#rease 'le;ibility o' %ost o' the a'ore%entioned
>oints (but not all)!
.he bio%e#hani#s o' the s$ine in#lude %ore >oints than >ust the s$inal vertebrae! .o get the %ost out o'
all as$e#ts o' in#reasing 'le;ibility we %ust target all related >oints! For e;a%$le+ .he a%ount o'
'le;ibility in the hi$ >oints is one e;a%$le o' the i%$ortan#e o' learning these stru#tures! 4i%$ly by
having ha%strings and #alves that are too tight (and need to be stret#hed) will i%$ede your ability to
Learning all o' these stru#tures and how they 'un#tion is $ara%ount in auto'ellatio! 1' one >ust tries to
>ust stret#h out the liga%ents o' their s$ine+ this #an #ause hy$er%obility (an unstable s$ine that %oves
too %u#h)! A %u#h sa'er and #orre#t a$$roa#h would be to target all as$e#ts o' in#reasing 'le;ibility
through all available >oints+ liga%ents+ and %us#les so that the bio%e#hani#al stru#tures and health o'
the $erson is not #o%$ro%ised!
<ith that said+ let*s talk about 6oga!
6oga has been around 'or nearly 'orever and is gaining in $o$ularity %ore and %ore in the <estern
world! .here are %any 'a#tions o' 6oga and %any di''erent $eo$le and grou$s dis#ussing how one is
better than the other! 1n 'a#t+ new 'or%s o' 6oga are sur'a#ing all the ti%e and one wonders where they
are #o%ing 'ro% and what they are really truly all about! 1t*s a 'ull&ti%e >ob >ust trying to kee$ u$ with
what new 'or% o' 6oga so%eone is trying to sell you on ne;t!
1*% not going to go into a treatise on 6oga or the di''erent ty$es o' 6oga! .his isn*t the $la#e! 8owever+
we will bring a 'ew $oints to %ind that will hel$ you on your >ourney to auto'ellation! .his is 8atha
6oga and =riya 6oga G And the di''eren#e and why it is i%$ortant to the auto'ellationist!
8atha 6oga (or si%ilar ty$es) are -uite $o$ular in the <est! .his ty$e o' 6oga has $eo$le doing s$e#ial
stret#hes and holding s$e#ial 6ogi# $ositions 'or a $eriod o' ti%e! 6ou*ll see the% doing this sort o'
thing on e;er#ise %ats and usually in grou$s! .his results in a (%ainly) $hysi#al 'or% o' rela;ation
(non&$hysi#al+ too+ o' #ourse) and hel$s $eo$le unwind and hel$s bring a $ea#e'ulness to their #haoti#
lives! 3nbeknownst to %ost <esterners+ 8atha 6oga is the %ain and original reason 'or $er'or%ing
=riya 6oga!
=riya 6oga is a 'or% o' s$iritual awakening and soul'ul -uietness! 1t is a 'or% o' meditation that
allows $eo$le to evolve s$iritually and be#o%e #loser with 0ature (or the 9od&'or#e o' all things)!
2kay+ so what*s really the di''eren#e 8atha and =riya 6oga and why should 1 #areB
.hat*s a good -uestion!!!!
!atha 1oga is the mechanism one needs to be able to sit for&in e$tended2long periods of meditative
poses in order to reach the higher spirituality treasures of 3riya 1oga. <ith =riya 6oga we need to
#ut o'' all e;ternal sti%uli to the body in order to 'o#us on a higher #ons#iousness! .his %eans we need
to blo#k out all sounds+ lights+ annoyan#es+ and anything else that %ight distra#t us when we are in our
%editative state! 2ur %inds %ust be #lear+ un#louded+ and undisturbed or we get nowhere!
.his ty$e o' strength o' will takes lots o' $ra#ti#e and it*s really -uite hard to blo#k out all o' the
sti%ulus that surrounds us! .he $hone is ringing+ we #an hear the neighbor*s 8arley roar o'' down the
road+ and so%eone*s banging on the 'ront door!!! 1n order to really 'o#us and #on#entrate we need to be
able to #ut all o' this nonsense out! .his is why you hear the stories o' 6ogis running o'' to go live in a
#ave 'or years on end! They do this to get away from all the distractions that come with day-to-day life.
.his is so they #an truly #on#entrate on their s$iritual awakening!
4in#e these %editative $ostures usually re-uire one to sit #ross&legged (Lotus ,osition)+ with the s$ine
'ully ere#t and with the ar%s outstret#hed+ we need to start to $aying attention to this sort o' $osture!
For+ even i' one #an #ut o'' all o' the sounds and distra#tions o' the world around us+ we will inevitably
be distra#ted by our own %inds (o' #ourse) and one other very i%$ortant and nagging thing we #an*t get
away 'ro%! And that thing is our own $hysi#al bodies!
Consider sitting in su#h a #ross&legged $osition 'or %ore than a 'ew %inutes! <hat usually begins to
ha$$enB .he %us#les get tired+ the ba#k starts to a#he+ and our 'oot 'alls aslee$! "ore than ten %inutes
or so o' this and %ost un&trained $eo$le are in $hysi#al agony! .his is be#ause we are not used to sitting
in su#h $ostures 'or long lengths o' ti%e! .his is a $roble% 'or the $erson who is %editating+ as it*s
da%n near i%$ossible to 'o#us on a higher #ons#iousness i' our lower ba#k is hurting like #raNy!
6ou see+ that*s what 8atha 6oga is originally intended to $revent! y learning how to stret#h the body
and li%bs $ro$erly+ this allows the =riya 6ogaist to do whatB .o be able to %aintain these long sessions
(so%e 'or hours and hours) o' $ositioned %editation without their ba#k+ legs+ and %us#les killing the%!
.his is entirely a$$li#able to Auto'ellatio! 1n order to $ra#ti#e auto'ellatio and to be able to 'ully
auto'ellate yoursel'+ this will+ inevitably+ take ti%e! 1' your %us#les+ >oints+ and liga%ents aren*t u$ to
the task+ it %akes things a bit di''i#ult and $ain'ul! .hat is+ i' you are hurting 'ro% $hysi#al $ain within
only %inutes o' starting your auto'ellatio session+ it*s going to be a bit hard to #on#entrate on an
ere#tion and getting yoursel' o''+ unless+ o' #ourse+ you are so%eone who en>oys $ain (this is #alled a
y understanding the basis 'or 8atha 6oga+ then we will be able to edu#ate our bodies to be able to
hold auto'ellatio $oses 'or long enough $eriods o' ti%e to rea#h our goal! .his is es$e#ially i%$ortant
in the early trials o' auto'ellatioP 1' one is truly un#o%'ortable and e;$erien#ing $ain during the
learning $ro#ess+ it*s not un#o%%on 'or one to lose interest in the whole idea o' auto'ellatio!
.his is the lesson we learn 'ro% 8atha 6oga! y %astering it+ then we shall be better able to a#hieve
our true goal and that is the =riya ($ain 'ree) as$e#t o' Auto'ellatio with all its Rewards!
Anyway+ let*s get started!!!
Biomechanics Structure Function
Important Autofellatio Insights
e'ore we laun#h into the 0utritional as$e#ts o' Auto'ellatio+ let*s give you so%e e;tra in'or%ation to
think about be'ore we do so!
.he three %ain areas that we are interested in in#reasing their 'le;ibility is the atlanto&o##i$ital >oint
(head and ne#k)+ the s$inal #olu%n itsel'+ and the 'e%ur&a#etabular Khi$L >oints! Let*s dis#uss ea#h one
o' these and see what else we #an learn about their bio%e#hani#al $ro$erties!
Firstly+ let*s go ba#k and look at the s$inal #olu%n againP
.he s$inal #olu%n is very i%$ortant as it needs to do a nu%ber o' 'un#tionsP
1) .o $rote#t the s$inal #ord
2) .o allow %obility o' the s$ine
?) .o allow the s$inal nerves to e;it the s$ine to go to %us#les+ organs+ bones+ et#!
1' you look at the skull+ it is %ade u$ o' very thi#k and strong bone! 1t*s tough enough that+ in %ost
#ases+ a !22 #alibre bullet will boun#e o'' o' the skull instead o' entering the skull and into the brain!
.he reason the skull is designed this way is to $rote#t the brain! .he brain is the #o%$uter o' the body
and when it gets da%aged+ it %eans trouble! .his is why it has su#h a strong $rote#tive ar%or&like
8owever+ the s$inal #ord itsel' is >ust as sensitive and i%$ortant as the brain! 1t is %ade u$ o' si%ilar
tissues+ so it+ too+ needs to be $rote#ted $ro$erly! .he $roble% is+ i' we en#ase the s$inal #ord in a
boney tube (sort o' like the skull)+ then the s$ine won*t be able to %ove+ rotate+ or bend! <e would lose
%obility and this would severely li%it our $hysi#al abilities!
.his is why the s$inal #olu%n is divided into all o' these bones (vertebrae)! 4even in the ne#k+ .welve
in the .hora#i# region+ and Five in the Lower a#k! .hese bones are designed to not only $rote#t the
s$inal #ord+ but to also allow %ove%ent in the s$ine!
.he s$inal #ord also has nerves bran#hing o'' 'ro% it+ at all the levels+ between the vertebrae! 4o+ not
only do we have to $rote#t the s$inal #ord and allow %obility+ but we %ust also $rovide a##ess ('ro%
the s$inal #olu%n) 'or these nerves to e;it the s$inal #ord and then go to the %us#les+ organs+ and other
tissues that they innervate (ele#tri#ally #onne#t to) 'or $ro$er 'un#tioning o' the body!
1t truly is an engineering %arvel! 6ou will also noti#e that the s$ine has an elongated K4L ty$e #urve to
it when looking at it 'ro% the side! 1t #urves in at the lower ba#k and ne#k and #urves in at the %id&
ba#k and lower&sa#ral area! .his K4L #urve a#ts as a #oiled s$ring or sho#k absorber! 4o when you
stand+ sit+ run+ >u%$+ and all other a#tivities like this+ the K4L itsel' will s$ring u$ and down and take a
lot o' stress and strain o'' o' the vertebrae itsel'! Biomechanisists have noted that the ~S type curve
make the spine ten times stronger and more resilient than if there were no curves in it.
When we ~talk of the spine, we will be addressing these regions:
Cervical Region (Neck) Seven Vertebrae Noted as C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7
Thoracic Region (Mid-back) Twelve Vertebrae Noted as T1 T12
Lumbar Region (Lower back) Five Vertebrae Noted as L1 L5
All o' this is o' interest to the auto'ellationist be#ause we are interested in 'le;ing the s$ine as %u#h as
we $ossibly #an! .hink about itP <hat is the one stru#ture that #onne#ts your %outh to your $enis+
while at the sa%e ti%e+ se$arates your $enis 'ro% your %outhB The answer is the Spinal Column.
.here are %any $ortions o' the #ervi#al s$ine that need to be addressed by the auto'ellationist! <e will
#over so%e o' the %ost i%$ortant >oints that should be targeted to in#rease 'le;ion in the ne#k the %ost!
We are especially interested in the Atlanto-Occipital oint. This is the base of the skull !Occipital bone"
and the #irst $ertebrae % &' !&ervical One". &' is called the Atlas bone( as the skull rests and
articulates on this bone( hence the relation to Atlas in )reek *ythology destined to hold !support" the
world on his shoulders.
,1C.3R5 2F A.LA4 (C1) G .he R57 $ortion is what Arti#ulates with the ase o' the 4kull
The +econd &ervical $ertebrae % &, is referred to as A-is. This is because it has a small .odontoid/
process or tooth-like structure !it looks like a small penis( actually" that allows &' to rotate on &,. This
is where most of the rotation comes from in your neck( from the Atlanto-A-ial oint or &'0&, oint.
4e#ond Cervi#al Vertebrae G A;is (C2) G 0oti#e the 2dontoid ,ro#ess !e" whi#h looks like a $enis
8ere is an Anterior (Front) ,i#ture o' the Atlanto&A;ial Ioint (C1 & C2)
,osterior (a#k) ,i#ture o' the Atlanto&A;ial Ioint! 0ote that KdL is the $ortion that arti#ulates with
your 2##i$tal one (base o' skull) and is what we are %ost interested in 'or in#reasing ne#k 'le;ion 'or
auto'ellatio! 6ou #an see how the greatest a%ount o' rotation in your ne#k o##urs by seeing how C1
will Rotate on C2 with the hel$ o' the Kodontoid $ro#essL G Labeled as KcL in the $i#ture shown above
.y$i#ally the ne#k #an 'le; to about @0 degrees! .his is the a#t when you bring your #hin toward your
#hest! 0u%bers vary+ but 20: o' the 'le;ion is believed to o##ur at the Atlanto&2##i$tal >oint (Cervi#al
2ne and the 2##i$ital one)+ 20: at the Atlanto&A;ial Ioint (Cervi#al 2ne and Cervi#al .wo)+ and
20: at the >oint o' Cervi#al Four and Cervi#al Five! .he rest o' the 'le;ion in your ne#k o##urs at the
other vertebral levels!
Because so much of neck fle$ion occurs at this .45+IA- Atlanto2)ccipital /oint, we
will pay special attention to this 'oint when we assess *le$ion in the neck6
7RA<109 2F AC= 2F 85A7 A07 05C= <1.8 23.5R .144354 R5"2V57
1n the above drawing+ you #an see KAtlasL as the First Vertebrae (C1) under the skull and KA;isL as the
4e#ond Cervi#al Vertebrae (C2) under C1! Re%e%ber D0: o' ne#k 'le;ion o##urs between the skull
and C1 and with C1 and C2! For this reason+ we will es$e#ially target these areas 'or in#reased
0ote the Atlanto&A;is ,i#ture (again) and #o%$are to the $i#ture above G .he R57 #oloring in the
$i#ture denotes the $ortion o' the Atlas that arti#ulates with the 2##i$ital one o' the 4kull
Here is the Bottom of the Skull:
The RED colored portions denotes the area that the Occiput portion of the skull articulates with
the Atlas Bone (C1) for increased flexion and extension in the cervical (neck) region.
Again -- Atlanto-Axial 1oint (C1/C2) -- RED color notes articulation with skull (pictured above)
.82RAC1C 4,105 A07 R1 CA95
0ow we will %ove below the Cervi#al 4$ine to the .hora#i# ("id&a#k) Region o' the s$inal #olu%n
and e;a%ine it!
The Thoracic Spine can flex about 40 degrees under normal conditions. .his %ay sound like a lot+
but re%e%ber that it takes u$ a large $ortion o' the s$inal #olu%n! 1t is restri#ted in its %ove%ent
be#ause o' the ribs! .his is be#ause the ribs are atta#hed to these 12 thora#i# vertebrae and this li%its its
'le;ibility and range o' %otion!
.his is why so%e $eo$le #lai% to have their lower ribs re%oved surgi#ally to be able to $er'or%
auto'ellatio! 2ne o' the restri#tions o' 'le;ion is the trunk will inevitably be the lower ribs! y
re%oving the%+ it allows %ore 'orward 'le;ion o' the s$inal #olu%n and %ake auto'ellation %u#h
easier to $er'or%! 1 a% not interested in re%oving %y ribs to auto'ellate and you $robably aren*t either!
8owever+ this is a surgi#al o$tion i' you are #ourageous enough! ,ersonally+ 1 a% against this 'or% o'
surgery 'or auto'ellation!
8ere are two lovely $i#tures o' the thora#i# vertebrae and ribs! 1t*s easy to see how 'le;ion will be
de#reased in this area be#ause o' the Ribs & Rib 4tru#ture! The lower thoracic vertebrae have the most
mobility+ as these ribs are K'loatingL & do not atta#h to the sternu% (like the u$$er ribs) with #artilage
FR20. A07 4175 V15< 2F L3"AR 4,105 A07 4ACR3"
The lumbar spine can normally flex about 70 degrees forward. 1nterestingly enough+ about D0
degrees o' the 'le;ion in the Lu%bar 4$ine o##urs at the Lu%bar Five (LE) G 4a#ru% Ioint+ or the
Lu%bo&4a#ral Ioint! .his >oint is shown below in an M&Ray view 'ro% the side (LE and 4a#ru%)P
LA.5RAL L3"AR 4,105 M&RA6
Here one can see Lumbar Vertebrae 1 5 (L1 L5), the Sacrum, & the Pelvis. L5 & the
Sacrum form the Lumbo-Sacral 1oint where nearly 78 degrees of fle$ion occurs in the
lumbar region of the spine
<e have dis#ussed the three %ain regions o' the s$ine and their i%$ortan#e in 'le;ion! A 'ourth
#ategory is the ,elvi# region+ es$e#ially the Fe%ur&A#etabular Ioints whi#h we*ve brie'ly dis#ussed
already! <e will ne;t dis#uss the ,elvi# Region+ as it is a very i%$ortant as$e#t o' being able to gain
in#reased 'le;ibility 'or auto'ellatio!
All in all+ 'or the average $erson+ the fle-ion of the spine (total) is about 1D0 degrees! .ome of this will
be enhanced or restricted by the pelvis+ %ore i%$ortantly+ the Khi$L >oints or the Fe%ur&A#etabular
Ioints that we %entioned earlier!
0or%al hi$ 'le;ion is about 110 degrees! 8i$ 'le;ion o##urs when the leg is brought #loser to the #hest!
A23. 100 759R554 2F 12#T 81, FL5M120
8ow does 'le;ing the hi$s i%$a#t the 'le;ion o' the s$inal #olu%n and $elvisB .hat*s a great -uestion
we are going to answer to hel$ one understand the i%$ortan#e o' in#reasing hi$ 'le;ion and #onversely+
stret#hing out the ha%strings and #alve %us#les!
<hen the hi$s are 'le;ed+ es$e#ially bilaterally (both le't and right) we begin to see a $heno%ena #alled
,elvi# Rotation or ,elvi# "ove%ent! .his %eans that the ,elvis+ itsel'+ a#tually %oves on#e the hi$s
are 'le;ed! The larger the degree of hip flexion means a larger degree of Pelvic Rotation. 8i$
Fle;ion (as it is %easured) #an have u$ to (and even %ore than) ?E: o' its 'le;ion originating 'ro%
R2.A.120 2F .85 ,5LV14!
This is important because what happens when we get Rotation of the
Pelvis, through Flexion of the Hips we get Posterior Pelvic Tilt and THE
6ou #an see with the ,24.5R12R .1L. (whi#h+ again+ o##urs with 'le;ion o' both hi$s) the botto%
$ortion o' the $elvis ro#ks 'orward and the to$ $ortion o' the $elvis ro#ks ba#kwards! 6ou #an visualiNe
this in the $i#ture above and #o%$are it to the A0.5R12R .1L. and 053.RAL ,elvis shown on the
$revious $age!
Because when the pelvis rotates with POSTERIOR TILT it
brings our penis closer to our mouths!

This teaches us that if we can stretch out our hamstrings and calves that this will
allow more flexion of the hips which leads to more Posterior Pelvic Tilt. .he #alve
%us#les also need to be stret#hed as they will #o%$ro%ise the ha%strings i' they are too tight!
Anything we #an do to in#rease hi$ 'le;ion will aid in our e''orts to being able to auto'ellate! 6ou
%ight also have realiNed that the auto'ellatio $ositions whi#h in#or$orate the %ost hi$ 'le;ion will yield
the %ost $ositive results!
<e showed a diagra% o' the s$ine be'ore (lateral or side view) and showed the #urves in the s$ine!
Re%e%ber the K4L #urveB 8ere is a s$inal $i#ture againP
6ou will noti#e that the #urves in the ne#k region and lower ba#k region #urve inwardly! .hese are
#alled Klordoti#L #urves! .he #urves in the %idba#k and $elvi# (sa#ral) areas #urve inwardly! .hese are
#alled Kky$hoti#L #urves!
<hen one 'le;es their s$ine 'orward into Fle;ion+ these #urves will #hange in their #urvature! .he
#urves in the ne#k and lower ba#k will tend to 'latten out! .his is true in the lu%bar (lower ba#k) region
and with hi$ 'le;ion we start to see a 'lattening o' this #urve towards 'le;ion! .his is great news
be#ause it allows us %ore 'le;ion in the s$ine without actually 'le;ing the s$ine $hysi#ally/
.hese diagra%s (above) are o' a $erson laying on their ba#k! 0otice that the spine #I%! !ip *le$ion
has a flattened lumbar spine lacking its normal lordotic curve with a tendency towards *le$ion.
(Ravi standing on one leg in .i%es 4-uare+ 06C G About 1EE degrees Le't 8i$ Fle;ion/)
Looking at the $hoto o' Ravi (above) and his increased hip fle-ion in the $hoto+ it is easy to understand
that not only is the s$ine i%$ortant in gaining 'le;ibility 'or auto'ellating+ but so is increasing the
range of motion of the femur-acetabular !hip" joints( especially in regards to their secondary effects of
3osterior 3elvic Tilt and 1umbar 1ordosis #lattening during Autofellatio!
.his is i%$ortant not only 'ro% a 'le;ion as$e#t+ but 'ro% a KrelationL as$e#t+ too! Fle;ion o' the s$ine
and trunk involves nu%erous %us#les and liga%ents G We are quickly learning that it is all just not
in the spine and its sole degrees of flexibility. A large nu%ber o' %us#les+ tendons+ and liga%ents that
are not ne#essarily Ks$inalL in their %ain 'un#tion and stru#ture are related to in#reasing one*s ability to
auto'ellate! Also, it must be noted that the entire biomechanics of the body work as a unit.
So many tissues and joints work work hand-in-hand with other tissues and joints of the
body. The biomechanics of the body must be looked at as a single and contiguous unit. It
is all related together in some way.
<hile we are dis#ussing the bio%e#hani#s o' the $elvis we should also %ake note o' the 4a#roilia#
Ioints! .hese are 'or%ed 'ro% the arti#ulations o' the 4a#ru% with the 1lia on either side ('or%ing the
2056 ,5LV14 <1.8 +A&4O515A& O56T+ 8198L198.57 10 R57
.he 4a#roilia# >oints are i%$ortant to the body as they hel$ distribute the weight o' the u$$er body into
the $elvis and down into the legs! .he weight and stru#ture o' the u$$er body is #hanneled down
through the s$ine until the last lu%bar vertebrae (LE)! As this vertebrae arti#ulates with the 4a#ru%
(the Lu%bo&4a#ral Ioint) and is the last #onne#tion o' the u$$er body with the lower body! .his weight
is then distributed through the 4a#ru% to the 4a#roilia# Ioints (seen on the $revious $age)! Fro% there
is is #hanneled into the Fe%ur&A#etabular Ioints (hi$s)+ down the legs+ and into the 'eet!
.he sa#roilia# >oints have so%e li%ited range o' %otion! 8owever+ it is -uite s%all! As we already
%entioned+ the >oint(s) is used %ore 'or distribution o' weight (a;ial load)! A%ong the ranges o'
%otion+ Fle;ion and 5;tension are usually u$ to about 2 degrees ea#h in healthy sa#roilia# >oints! <ith
auto'ellatio we are looking 'or every $ossible o$$ortunity to e;tra#t 'le;ibility in the body+ so we will
#over so%e workouts 'or these >oints later in the book!
<e*ve dis#ussed the i%$ortan#e o' stret#hing out the ha%strings and #alve %us#les but there is also
another i%$ortant as$e#t o' tight ha%strings and that is that one o' these %us#les #onne#ts with a
liga%ent that hel$s stabiliNe the 4a#roilia# Ioints! y stret#hing out the ha%string (%us#le grou$) we
will be able to 'ree u$ the e;tra tension on the 4a#roilia# Ioints whi#h will allow the% 'reer %ove%ent!
5ven though their Fle;ion and 5;tension ranges are rather li%ited+ every little as$e#t hel$s in
auto'ellatio! <e will be targeting the ha%strings later in the book+ but it*s good to know that working on
the% will have nu%erous $ositive a''e#ts! .his is another e;a%$le o' how the bio%e#hani#s o' the
tissues and >oints o' the body work synergisti#ally (together) and not individualisti#ally (alone)!
4in#e we*re dis#ussing ,elvi# .ilt+ now would be a good ti%e to introdu#e the Linea Alba and its
i%$ortan#e in the body and 'or auto'ellating!
.he Linea Alba is a grou$ o' 'as#ia and #onne#tive tissue that originates 'ro% the Abdominal Muscles!
All these distin#t 'as#ia run together to #reate the Linea Alba whi#h is an#hored to the skeleton at the
,ubi# 4y%$hysis o' the ,elvis!
.his is i%$ortant be#ause %ost $eo$le have an Anterior .ilt to their ,elvis! .his is due to weak
abdo%inal %us#les+ $oor $osture+ and 'or sitting too long 'or $rolonged $eriods o' ti%e! <hile we #an
rotate the ,elvis into a ,osterior .ilt with 8i$ Fle;ion+ this only o##urs during the auto'ellation $ro#ess
(though e;er#ises #an be utiliNed to hel$ restore an Anterior .ilt to a 0eutral (or no .ilt) ,elvis! 5ven i'
we do use 8i$ Fle;ion to in#rease ,elvi# ,osterior Rotation+ i' we already have an Anteriorly .ilted
,elvis+ this will redu#e our ability to #reate a ,osterior Rotation u$on 8i$ Fle;ion in the auto'ellating
1' the abdo%inal %us#les are weak+ they won*t be able to $ut tension on and $ull u$ on the ,ubi#
4y%$hysis to e-ualiNe this i%balan#e! y strengthening our abdo%inal %us#les we will be able to
in#rease our s$inal 'le;ibility+ as well as in#reasing our ability to #reate and %aintain a stronger
,osterior ,elvi# .ilt with 8i$ Fle;ion during the auto'ellation $ro#ess!
.he Linea Alba #an be seen in $eo$le who have a %us#ular abdo%en that is la#king in e;#essive
abdo%inal 'at! 1t*s that line that runs down the %iddle o' their abdo%en (in red+ below)P
5s$e#ially when looking at the side (lateral) view we #an see how weak abdo%inal %us#les will be
unable to $ull this $art o' the ,elvis 3$ and #an #ontribute to an Anterior .ilt and drive your $enis
'arther away 'ro% your head during the auto'ellation $ro#ess!
As we*ve >ust brie'ly dis#ussed the abdo%inal area+ this is as good a ti%e as any to introdu#e the
#on#e$t o' e;#essive weight and its negative e''e#ts o' the ability 'or one to auto'ellate!
.here are two %a>or #ul$rits with e;#essive weight and auto'ellatio! 2ne o' the% is the build&u$ o' 'at
underneath the #hin! Call it double& or tri$le&#hin i' you like! 4o%e %en see% to easily de$osit 'at in
this area! .his will restri#t the ability 'or the ne#k to 'le; 'orward as 'ar as $ossible! 0ot only that+ but it
will $ut e;#essive $ressure on your ada%*s a$$le and throat and be+ not only un#o%'ortable+ but
$otential dangerous during auto'ellation! 4tart sli%%ing down and get rid o' any e;tra weight under
your #hin! 5;er#ising the %us#les o' your ne#k won*t de#rease the a%ount o' 'at under your #hin! 1t
will tone u$ the %us#les+ though! <hat one needs to do is a generaliNed #ardio&vas#ular workout and
burn #alories over all! 7e#rease your intake o' #alories and in#rease your out$ut o' #alories! .his is the
best way to lose wight!
.he se#ond region o' i%$ortan#e is the abdo%inal area! "en have a KgutL 'or one o' three reasonsP
1) .hey have e;#ess 'at in their abdo%inal region!
2) .hey have weak abdo%en %us#les that are untoned and allow the intestines to $rotrude!
?) .hey have both weak abdo%inal %us#les and e;#ess abdo%inal 'at!
.o deter%ine i' you have 'at in your abdo%inal region one needs to a$$ly a si%$le test! 4i%$le #ontra#t
your abdo%inal %us#les and grab the skin and underlying ('at) tissues with your hand! 1' you #an get a
hand'ul or %ore in your hand+ then+ #han#es are that you need to burn so%e #alories!
1' you #ontra#t your abdo%inal region and #an*t gras$ any %oderate a%ount o' e;#ess tissue+ then
#han#es are you >ust need to tone u$ and strengthen your abdo%inal %us#les!
5;#ess 'at in this region will restri#t the ability 'or you to 'le; 'orward! 1t will also 'or#e too %u#h
$ressure on the lower $ortion o' your rib #age+ as the 'at tends to roll u$ (when in the 'le;ion) $osition
and will es$e#ially $ut $ressure and strain on the two lower K'loatingL ribs that we dis#ussed earlier!
.his is a great way to 'ra#ture these ribs and strain the %us#les between the ribs (inter#ostal %us#les)!
1' you have e;#ess weight in your abdo%inal area you need to lose it!
Again+ doing sit&u$s isn*t going to burn this e;tra 'at! 2ne needs to start walking+ >ogging+ running+ or
using so%ething like a rowing %a#hine! .his burns #alories all around your body and is what you need
to do to burn this 'at o''! 5at less and eat healthier! Losing weight is very si%$leP 6ou %ust burn %ore
#alories every day that the a%ount o' #alories you are ingesting through eating and drinking! 5ating
#orre#tly (healthily) and in#reasing your ti%e e;er#ising is the best way to lose e;#ess weight!
8aving a sli%%er body will not only %ake one 'eel %u#h better+ a#tive+ and healthier+ but it will also
in#rease your ability to auto'ellate %ore than you #an ever i%agine! 1t is one o' the si%$lest and easiest
ste$s toward auto'ellation i' a %an has an e;#essive a%ount o' 'at under his #hin and in his abdo%inal
<e brie'ly dis#ussed liga%ents earlier+ but let*s go into the% a little bit dee$er!
Liga%ents generally re'ers to 'ibrous tissue that #onne#ts bone to bone or bone to tissue! .he liga%ents
that hold a wo%an*s breast u$right are #alled KLiga%ents o' Coo$er!L <ith ti%e and due to the e''e#t o'
gravity on the breasts+ they begin to stret#h out! .his is why wo%en*s breasts sag with age! Liga%ents
also hel$ an#hor your $enis to your body! Liga%ents are also what adds stability to your >oints! .hey
stabiliNe the >oints by kee$ing the% $ro$erly snug and in $ro$er align%ent! .his is why when so%eone
da%ages+ tears+ or ru$tures one o' their liga%ents (let*s say the knee)+ it will usually leave the% with a
weak >oint 'or the rest o' their lives; as the da%age to the liga%ent allows too %u#h K$layL in the knee
>oint whi#h sets it u$ to be %ore easily trau%atiNed or da%aged due to the de#rease in stability 'ro% the
weakening o' the liga%ent!
.he s$ine and the $elvis are loaded with liga%ents! .here are liga%ents that hel$ kee$ the bones in the
s$ine in $ro$er >u;ta$osition and kee$ the vertebral >oints snug and in $er'e#t working bio%e#hani#al
order! 1' these liga%ents are da%aged+ ru$tured+ stret#hed too %u#h+ or abused+ it will weaken the
strength o' the s$ine and the s$ine*s integrityP
1n the $i#ture above you #an get so%e idea as to the i%%ense nu%ber o' liga%ents that hold your s$ine
together! At the very ba#k we have the 4u$ras$inal Liga%ents+ etween the 4$inous ,ro#esses (these
are the bu%$s you #an see or 'eel when so%eone*s ba#k is 'le;ed over) there are 1nter&4$inal
Liga%ents+ Liga%enta Flava Liga%ents whi#h #onne#t La%ina to La%ina+ Anterior and ,osterior
Longitudinal Liga%ents 'or the Vertebral odies+ and others! .he 1ntervertebral 7is#s are also
#onsidered to be liga%ents!
6ou will noti#e in the $i#ture above that there is a KroundedL $ortion in the #enter o' the 1ntervertebral
7is#s between the Vertebral odies! .his nodules are re'erred to as the 0u#leus ,ul$osus! .hese are
#entered in these dis#s and have a very i%$ortant 'un#tion! <hen there is $ressure (a;ially) a$$lied to
the s$ine+ su#h as through walking+ li'ting+ or running+ they hel$ to distribute these 'or#es %ore evenly
through the 1ntervertebral 7is#s! .hey also %ake the s$inal >oints %ore o' a KbearingL sort o' >oint! .his
is be#ause they allow the vertebrae to swivel on these ball bearings 'or easier %obility o' the s$ine!
<hen so%eone talks about having a Ksli$$edL dis# or KherniatedL dis#+ they are re'erring to these ball
bearings (one $er 1ntervertebral 7is#) and what ha$$ens to the%! <ith a Ksli$$edL or KherniatedL dis#+
these ball bearings are trau%atiNed enough that they tear through the 'ibers that hold the% in the #enter
o' the dis#! .hey then tend to %igrate to the edge o' the 1ntervertebral 7is# (7is# ulge) itsel' and #an
$ut $ressure on nerves and #ause %u#h $ain and dis#o%'ort! 1' the 0u#leus ,ul$osus ru$tures out o' the
1ntervertebral 7is#+ this is an 5;truded 7is# and #an be a %edi#al e%ergen#y i' it i%$inges on the
s$inal #ord!
%his is important information to know, as we certainly don't want too put too much strain on the
spine during autofellatio that we compromise or in'ure these discs. .his is why i' you ever 'eel any
shar$ $ains or stabbing in your ba#k while auto'ellating+ or start to 'eel nu%bness or tingling into your
ar%s and hands or legs and 'eet+ then you want to dis#ontinue your auto'ellatio session i%%ediately!
/ust look at all the ama;ing ligaments from rear views of the back of head, neck, and lower back6
All o' these liga%ents are i%$ortant 'or $ro$er $osture+ bio%e#hani#s+ and health! <ith auto'ellatio
e;er#ises+ we are interested in stret#hing these liga%ents ever so slightly through s$e#i'i# stret#hes! <e
do not want to stret#h the% too %u#h or this #an lead to instability in the s$ine! .his is why it is so
i%$ortant to target all areas o' $otential stret#h in the head+ ba#k+ and $elvis! y e;tra#ting ea#h little
bit o' $ossible 'le;ion and %obility 'ro% all $ortions o' these areas+ we will be better able to auto'ellate
without #o%$ro%ising these stru#tures!
1t is also why $ro$er nutrition is so $ara%ount with auto'ellatio! y ingesting the #orre#t nutrients we
will be able to ensure that our liga%ents are as healthy and as res$onsive as $ossible to stret#hes! .his
is es$e#ially true o' the 1ntervertebral 7is#s! .he healthier they are+ the less #han#e they will be strained
or in>ured!
<e*ve all heard o' su#h ter%s as Ks#oliosisL and #han#es are the nurse at your ele%entary s#hool tested
you to see i' you had one! Let*s talk about what a s#oliosis is and i' it a''e#ts the ability to auto'ellate!
2bviously+ as we begin to realiNe the a%aNing %e#hani#al stru#ture that %akes u$ our s$ines+ we gras$
the i%$ortan#e o' the s$ine being $ro$erly balan#ed and aligned! .his is 'ro% both a lateral (side)
$ers$e#tive+ as well as a 'rontal $ers$e#tive!
<e noted that the side view o' the s$ine shows an K4L ty$e #urve and how this %akes the s$ine ten
ti%es stronger than i' it were >ust straight! <ith ti%e+ trau%a+ $oor $osture+ handedness (do%inant hand
G like right or le't handed)+ and weak %us#les+ it is easy to lose the K#orre#tL degree o' these #urves in
the resting state! 4o%e #urves get straighter and so%e get an in#rease in #urvature! .his a''e#ts the
s$ine*s ability to 'un#tion at 100: e''i#ien#y! .hey also work less e''i#iently when they are 'le;ed or
e;tended+ as the nor%al bio%e#hani#al $ro$erties have been re%oved!
.he sa%e #an be said about a s$ine that has a #urving to it 'ro% looking at it 'ro% the 'ront or ba#k+
su#h as in this view! .his is #alled a 4#oliosisP
A s#oliosis is si%$ly a lateral #urvature to the s$ine when seen 'ro% the 'ront or ba#k! "ost $eo$le
have a s#oliosis to so%e degree! 4o%e are %ore a$$arent than others! .hey #an be due to %us#ular
i%balan#e+ one leg shorter than the other+ de'or%ed vertebrae or $elvis+ s$inal trau%aJ'ra#ture+ or
de'or%ed vertebrae! elow you #an see a s#oliosis with the a##o%$anying ;&ray! 0oti#e the s#a$ula
(wing bones or shoulder blades) on her ba#k and the de$ression the s#oliosis %akes on the %us#ulature
in her u$$er+ %iddle+ and lower ba#kP
4C2L12414 & ACC2",A06109 M&RA64 G 4,105 8A4 550 4.RA198.5057 <1.8 RAC5
2bviously+ a s#oliosis like this is going to have an e''e#t on one*s ability to 'le; 'orward! e#ause o'
this ty$e o' K#urvatureL the nor%al bio%e#hani#s o' the s$ine will be #o%$ro%ised and nor%al %otion
and 'un#tion o' the ba#k will be i%$eded! 4in#e su#h a %arked s#oliosis like this will also alter the rib
#age and the nor%al setting o' the ribs+ i' one has a %oderate to severe s#oliosis it %ay inter'ere and $ut
undue $ressure on the ribs with 'le;ion and #ould $rove to be dangerous! Anyone with such a scoliosis
should reconsider autofellatio and most certainly discuss with their physician whether it is
contraindicated or not.
.hose who have a %inor ty$e o' s#oliosis (and %ost o' us do) are wise to try and #orre#t the #urvature!
.his should be done with the hel$ o' a s$e#ialist (an ortho$edist or #hiro$ra#tor #an be -uite hel$'ul)!
8owever+ a lot o' ti%es KhandednessL $lays a role in the 'or%ation o' a s#lioti# s$ine! 8andedness
re'ers to whether so%eone is right handed or le't handed+ as this will be the do%inant hand and ar% in
their body and will also represent the dominant foot and leg. .hose who are right handed will have
develo$ed stronger %us#ulature on the right side o' their body+ as they use it %ore than their le't side!
.his #auses %us#ular i%balan#e and will a''e#t your s$ine! y starting to use your non&do%inant hand
(side) %ore than your do%inant hand (side)+ you #an hel$ alleviate so%e o' the s$inal and %us#ulature
i%balan#e! Re%e%ber+ everything we #an do to in#rease the 'un#tionality and 'le;ibility o' the s$inal
regions (and asso#iated stru#tures) is 1%$ortant! 5ven a s%all s#oliosis will a''e#t 'le;ion (and
e;tension and rotation) abilities in your s$ine!
Also+ too+ take note o' your $osture! 4o%e 'olks like to sit on one leg or sit o'' to one side in their
#hairs; even when driving! .ry to %ake an e''ort to sit %ore sy%%etri#ally! 1' you*ve sle$t on one side
'or %ost o' your li'e (let*s say in a lateral $osition with your le't side down) then even things like this
#an #ontribute to the 'or%ation o' %us#le i%balan#es in your $elvis and s$ine and #ontribute to a
s#oliosis! .ry to do things in a sy%%etri#al 'ashion in all your daily and night&ti%e a#tivities! "ake an
e''ort to Kswit#h overL and use your non&do%inant hand and side %ore o'ten!
.hat*s #ertainly a good -uestion when we dis#uss the bio%e#hani#s o' the s$ine+ $elvis+ and body!
Certainly the best ti%e to auto'ellate is when you are rela;ed+ have $lenty o' ti%e+ and #ertainly won*t
be disturbed or distra#ted by other $eo$le! .he last thing you want is to have your sister walk in on you
when you are $er'or%ing this te#hni-ue! 1n instan#es when you are unsure that you won*t have 100:
$riva#y (whi#h+ 1 know+ %ay be di''i#ult) it*s $robably best to hold o'' and wait until you have so%e
true undisturbed ti%e to yoursel'!
0ight versus day is also a -uestion with auto'ellatio! 2n one hand it*s best to auto'ellate a'ter you*ve
had a de#ent night*s slee$! <hen you slee$ this hel$s your %us#les and liga%ents rela; and this will
hel$ one to 'le; %ore easily! 6our %us#les and liga%ents will #ertainly be %ore taught and tight a'ter a
hard day*s work! 5s$e#ially i' you are doing $hysi#al a#tivity or sitting $oorly in a non&ergono%i#
($oorly designed 'ro% a bio%e#hani#al $oint&o'&view) #hair!
8owever+ the night ti%e is re#o%%ended+ too! .he reason 'or this is the sa%e reason why you are taller
in the %orning than at night! And this is due to those 1ntervertebral 7is#s we dis#ussed! .hey are 'illed
with 'luid! <hen they are #o%$ressed during a#tivity during the day+ the bones o' the Vertebral odies
absorb the 'luid 'ro% the dis#s! <hen one slee$s (or lays down 'or long $eriods) and gravity is no
longer #o%$ressing the s$ine and dis#s+ then the 'luid %igrates out o' the Vertebrae and ba#k into the
dis#s %aking the% thi#ker! .his is why you are taller in the %orning! ut at night+ the length o' your
s$ine will be de#reased and %ake it easier to rea#h your $enis with your %outh during s$inal 'le;ion!
2ne should e;$eri%ent and dis#over whi#h ti%e o' %orning+ day+ or night is %ost suited 'or
the%selves! <ith ti%e you will easily be able to dis#ern whi#h is the %ost o$$ortune ti%e 'or
auto'ellatio to get the %ost out o' your $ositioning!
.his a to$i# that is well worth reading nu%erous ti%es and doing whatever you #an to i%$le%ent these
#on#e$ts! As we noted earlier+ every $ossible thing you #an do to en#ourage 'le;ibility in your ba#k and
$elvis is going to be e;tre%ely worthwhile! 5s$e#ially when we rea#h the $oint where we #an a#tually
$ut our glans in our %ouths and want to work our way down the sha't; you+ too+ will realiNe that every
little bit #ounts! 8ere are so%e ideas worthy o' i%$le%entation 'or you! 4o%e %ay be out o' bounds+
while others %ay >ust re-uire a little ingenuity and #reativity to utiliNe in your auto'ellatio work&out
1nversion+ when we dis#uss the hu%an being+ is the a#t o' inverting or turning u$side&down the body!
.his %ay see% 'airly in#onse-uential but it de'initely has $ositive results 'or the auto'ellationist!
8u%ans s$end %ost o' their daily lives either sitting+ standing+ or walking around! .his $uts an a;ial
'or#e on the s$ine and hel$s #o%$ress our intervertebral dis#s! 9ravity is the #ul$rit here and it $uts
undue $ressure on our s$ines and $elvises (not too %ention other $arts o' our body)!
.he idea is to KinvertL the s$ine (or hu%an 'ra%e) and reverse the negative a''e#ts that re%aining in an
u$right or sitting state does to us day a'ter day! y inverting the hu%an 'ra%e+ we reverse the
gravitational $ull on our bodies and hel$ Kdistra#tL or Ktra#tionL our bodies to en#ourage %ore
#ir#ulation to the s$ine and its liga%ents+ as well as stret#h out the sa%e %us#les and liga%ents o' these
4o%e s$orts thera$ists+ $hysi#al thera$ists+ and #hiro$ra#tors have .ra#tion "a#hines! 1' you #an get
your hands on one o' these+ it will have the sa%e results without having to invert your body! ,roble%
is+ i' you don*t have a##ess to this ty$e o' e-ui$%ent you will have to do so%ething on your own to
#o%$ensate 'or your la#k!
.here are 1nversion "a#hinesJtables that you #an $ur#hase! .hese are basi#ally #ots that one lays on
%ounted on a rotating 'ra%e! 6ou $ull on the sides or redistribute your weight and they invert
the%selves so that you are lying on this #ot+ however you are in the u$side&down $osition with your
head at the 'loor and your 'eet ($ro$erly held in $la#e) u$ in the air! 9ravity $ulls your body in the
o$$osite dire#tion it is used to and it is a wonder'ul way to distra#t your s$ine! .hese #an be $ur#hased
on&line 'or about Q200!00 and are very healthy and worthwhile+ es$e#ially 'or those who su''er with
heada#hes or lower&ba#k $ain o' a %e#hani#al nature!
6ou #an also $ur#hase Anti&9ravity oots whi#h do+ essentially+ the sa%e thing! 6ou #an also install a
hanging bar and hang u$side&down with your knees lo#ked around the bar! e #are'ul+ o' #ourse!
<hat 1 utiliNed was a ladder wedged at DE degrees under %y ba#k $or#h! 1 $ut a towel on the 'i'th rung
(the rungs will dig into the ba#k o' your knees and hurt like hell) and hung u$side&down 'ro% %y
knees! 6ou will 'eel the blood rush instantly to your s#al$ (.<+ they say it*s great 'or baldness)! 1
would gently hang 'ro% the rung and 'eel %y s$ine stret#h out! 2##asionally you will 'eel one o' your
vertebrae lightly K$o$L into $la#e! 1 would then hang and gently rotate %y trunk 'ro% side to side! 1t
'eels wonder'ul and will really hel$ you stret#h out your ba#k! Rela; your %us#les and let gravity do
the tri#k G 7on*t 'ight it!
<hile hanging u$side&down %ay be a little di''i#ult+ one #an also utiliNe si%$le hanging %ethods to
stret#h out and distra#t their s$ines! 4i%$ly hang by your hands 'ro% an overhead bar so that your 'eet
are not tou#hing the ground! Rela; all the %us#les in your body (a$art 'ro% your gri$) and let gravity
stret#h you out! 6ou should 'eel your $elvis $ull down ('ro% gravity) and hel$ distra#t your s$ine!
.his is a rather si%$le te#hni-ue that should always be $er'or%ed be'ore auto'ellatio! 5ither lay on
your ba#k+ sit #ross&legged+ or you #an stand still 'or this %aneuver! 8owever+ laying on your ba#k is
$re'erred+ as you won*t have the a''e#ts o' gravity to #o%bat! .his is si%ilar to the 7rdhva 8astasana
6oga $osition! 4i%$ly stret#h your hands and ar%s out over your head+ as i' you are rea#hing out to
tou#h the stars in the sky! 4tret#h your ar%s out toward the sky as intensely as you $ossibly #an while
$ushing your 'ingers as 'ar u$ as they will $ossibly go! 6ou should 'eel so%e s%all K$o$sL in your ba#k
as your s$ine is being distra#ted (the vertebrae will begin to naturally se$arate and 'all into $la#e)! 6ou
#an also try 'le;ing your ne#k (while tensed) 'orward and ba#kward and the u$$er $art o' your ba#k to
en#ourage %ore balan#ing and distra#ting o' the vertebrae! 4light e;tension o' the s$ine is also
rewarding in this $osition to ease ba#k tension! 1' one #an #ontra#t the %us#les that $ull the s#a$ula
(shoulder blades) toward the s$ine+ this is es$e#ially hel$'ul in straightening your u$$er ba#k and will
usually reveal a 'ew K$o$sL in this area! .his is also a great way to relieve tension i' you*ve been sitting
at a desk all day! Again+ this should always be $er'or%ed be'ore auto'ellatio! .he $i#ture is on the ne;t
.his is a %ethod they use in 2riental #ultures to hel$ with ba#k tension+ $ain+ and to hel$ rela; the
%us#les o' the ba#k! .y$i#ally+ a $erson lays 'a#e down on a #ushioned table and there are ro$es
hanging above! A $etite $erson (usually a wo%an) o' about 100 $ounds will gently walk on your
Kba#k!L .his is generally targeted on either side o' the s$ine! .hey have to be #are'ul not too walk to 'ar
outside o' the s$inal region+ as they #an 'ra#ture a rib i' they are not #are'ul! .hey use the ro$es
overhead to hel$ stabiliNe the%selves! .he ne#k %us#les #an also be K%assagedL this way+ as well as
the butto#ks! .his ty$e o' $ressure on the butto#ks is e;#e$tional 'or hel$ing release a lo#ked u$ $elvis!
1t 'eels wonder'ul and is great 'or rela;ing tension in the ba#k! 1t is also #o%%on to hear s%all K$o$sL
as the vertebrae hel$ get realigned 'ro% this %ethod!
1' you have a $artner+ #hild+ or brother or sister who is not very heavy and #an understand this #on#e$t+
then have the% try gentle walking on your ba#k! Re%e%ber that they shouldn*t walk on the #enter o'
the s$ine (the s$inal area+ this is where the bu%$s o' the s$inous $ro#esses are) but %ore on either side
o' the s$ine! Again+ be #are'ul that they don*t get too 'ar away 'ro% the s$ine so that they are $utting
undue $ressure on the outer areas o' the rib #age! .his is an e;#ellent way to rela; the ba#k and hel$ re&
align it!
1' you have a##ess to a Khot tubL ty$e o' s$a+ take advantage o' it! .he in#reased heat will hel$ rela; the
liga%ents and %us#les o' your ba#k and s$ine! 7o your best to ensure your ne#k %us#les are under
water+ too! .his is a great $re$aratory %easure be'ore auto'ellating+ as your %us#les and liga%ents will
be %u#h %ore su$$le! .he hotter the better!
.his utiliNes the sa%e #on#e$t as the 8ot .ub! .urn your water heater as high as it will go (don*t burn
yoursel') and let the hot water hit your ne#k+ ba#k+ and ba#k o' your legs! Fle; your s$ine and ne#k
while the water $elts against your body! Again+ the hotter the better! .his will aid in your 'le;ibility
%ore than you #an i%agine!
A hard&#ore %assage is de'initely advised 'or the auto'ellationist! 7on*t waste your ti%e with a K'eel
goodL %assage! 0o! 6ou need so%e serious %us#le work! Rol'ing is a dee$ 'or% o' %assage that will
bring tears to your eyes but will do wonders 'or rela;ing your ba#k %us#les! 8ave the% #on#entrate on
your ne#k+ sub&o##i$ital %us#les+ Muscles of the .capula <.houlder Blades= ( 5specially those 0e$t
to the .pine > ?eep and .uperficial Muscles, too+ %id&ba#k and lower ba#k+ $elvis+ $osterior and
lateral leg %us#les+ #alves (with s$e#ial attention to your a#hilles tendons)+ and the botto% o' your 'eet!
.ruly the #on#e$t K0o ,ain G 0o 9ainL is essential here! "ake the% work their tails o'' getting every
little knot and tensioniNed %us#le 'iber out o' your syste%!
"ani$ulation is the ter% where your s$ine is set into $ro$er align%ent! "ost $eo$le are 'a%iliar with
#hiro$ra#ti# treat%ents+ as #hiro$ra#tors are -uite skilled and edu#ated in this ty$e o' %edi#ine!
2steo$aths and so%e other $ra#titioners utiliNe %ani$ulation but+ $ersonally+ 1 would sti#k with
#hiro$ra#ti# 'or this ty$e o' %ani$ulation o' the s$ine and $elvis!
1 believe %ost health insuran#e #overs these ty$es o' treat%ents so it*s worth looking into to see i' your
health insuran#e #overs it! .hey %ay also have tra#tion %a#hines that #an hel$ with s$inal align%ent
and $hysiothera$y devi#es to hel$ rela; %us#les! Ask the% to hel$ straighten any s$inal vertebrae that
are out o' align%ent and to hel$ align your $elvis! .his will do wonders 'or your ability to auto'ellate!
4tea% roo%s are si%ilar to hot showers and hot tubs! 6our best bet o' 'inding one o' these is at a lo#al
e;er#ise gy%! Again+ the longer and the hotter (the stea% roo% session)+ the better! Anything you #an
do to loosen u$ your %us#les will %ake a world o' di''eren#e! 5s$e#ially be'ore starting to stret#h out
these sa%e %us#les+ as they will res$ond so %u#h better (and less stress'ully and $ain'ully) i' they are
rela;ed! #et heat is %ore $enetrative than dry heat+ so this is a great way to rela; and loosen u$ your
1 say KFinnishL sauna as 1 have no e;$erien#e with devi#es that are #alled K1n'rared 4aunas!L A true
Finnish 4auna is a wood&lined roo% with ben#hes and a heater! .he idea is to sit or lay in the sauna 'or
long $eriods o' ti%e and sweat! .hrough the sweating $ro#ess+ the body deto;i'ies (through sweating)
and the %us#lesJliga%entsJtissues get very rela;ed! Again+ the hotter and the longer the better;
8owever+ one %ust be a##li%ated to the sauna be'ore they try e;#ess te%$eratures 'or longer than
'i'teen %inutes! 1n 0orth A%eri#a (34A and Canada) sauna te%$eratures+ by law+ are not allowed to
e;#eed about 200&degrees 'ahrenheit! .his is truly a sha%e! "ost saunas in the rest o' the world get u$
to ?00&degrees 'ahrenheit ('or %ale saunas) and allow the $erson to sit on the level o' ben#h whi#h is
%ost #o%'ortable 'or the% (regarding te%$erature G .he lower the ben#h+ the lower the te%$erature)!
Fi'teen %inutes in a ?00&degree 'ahrenheit sauna and you*ll be able to su#k yoursel' %ad a'ter you*ve
'inished! Again+ it*ll #ost you about Q2000!00 to have one 'itted in your ho%e or you #an visit a gy% to
gain a##ess to a sauna+ >ust like a stea% roo%!
1' you do have a##ess to a sauna+ 1 would use as %u#h water on the ro#ks as $ossible to generate as
%u#h hu%idity as $ossible! 1t*s a %ore intense sauna+ but+ as we %entioned earlier+ wet heat is %u#h
%ore $enetrative than dry heat and you will have %u#h better rela;ation and loosening u$ o' all o' your
%us#les and liga%ents!
.hat begs the -uestion & +an I suck myself off in a sauna..."
Let's See:
4aunas+ in %ost 5uro$ean #ountries+ are ty$i#ally asso#iated with $rostitution! .hat is+ a %an enters a
KsaunaL #enter+ has a %assage+ rela;es in the sauna+ and then has se; with the wo%anJ%an o' his
,eo$le who have never visited su#h establish%ents #o%%only %istake that one would have se; in the
sauna with the $rostitute! .his is hardly the #ase! .he o;ygen levels are severely de#reased in a sauna
and any ty$e o' a#tivity (in#luding talking) will -ui#kly tire one out and leave the% short o' breath! 2'
#ourse+ the ben#hes are %ade out o' wood that is rather hard and it would be -uite an un#o%'ortable
$la#e to have se; (but+ who knows+ really G 1*ve never tried sauna se;)! A bed+ in %y o$inion+ is and
would be %u#h %ore #o%'ortable!
<hat about +aunasolmuB 4o%e o' you %ay have heard o' this ter% or te#hni-ue regarding auto'ellatio
and the Finnish 4auna! .his is a word that is attributed to the religious e;$ressionist 1or o#k 'ro%
Finland (Finland is the ho%e and origination o' the sauna+ though it is now believed to have gained root
in 3kraine and then headed u$ into Finland and 5ast into Russia)! o#k is -uite interested in
s$iritualis% and 6oga $ra#ti#es! .he $ra#ti#e o' K4aunasol%uL (Literally G 4auna =not)+ a##ording to
o#k+ is (at least) a two&thousand year old an#ient tradition where %en would learn s$e#ial 6ogi# $oses
so that they #ould auto'ellate in the sauna! .he idea was to bring onesel' to true auto'ellatio (which
actually does mean that you actually reach orgasm % Technically it doesn't count if you don't or can't(
9TW) and ingest one*s own se%en! .his is to hel$ ensure that not even one dro$ o' se%en is wasted; as
this is a very K%agi#alL and s$e#ial 'luid and it should never be dis#arded!
Bock's favorite 1oga pose for .aunasolmu is 1oganidrasana6
o#k has so%e other interesting ideas about auto#unnilingus (where a wo%an eats hersel' out in the
sauna) and the sharing o' Ksa#redL 'luids (se;ual 'luids between 'riends+ the sa%e se;+ and others) 'or
its e''e#ts on in#reasing 'ertility+ health+ and to hel$ en#ourage their neurologi#al 'low and vitality
through oral se;ual $ra#ti#es+ in#luding+ but not regulated to+ KFC&ing!L .his all starts+ a##ording to
o#k+ at the age o' seven+ as this is when these s$e#ial 6oga te#hni-ues and Kre#y#lingL o' 'luids needs
to be i%$le%ented!
<hile the sauna will %ost #ertainly hel$ one rela; G both %entally and $hysi#ally G 1 #an ad%it that 1
have never tried to 'ellate %ysel' in the sauna (1+ thank'ully+ have a##ess to a $rivate sauna)! 1*ve never
even gotten an ere#tion in the sauna! ,erha$s 1 will try it one day! .he reader is wel#o%e to e;$eri%ent;
however+ 1 wouldn*t try it at your lo#al gy%! .hat #ould be -uite an e%barrassing situation!
While we are on the subject of ingestion of seminal fluid, I would consult with your doctor before
attempting such delicacies. .here are %any ways o' in#reasing se%inal out$ut! For one+ it takes s$er%
about ?0 days to %ature! 4o+ give your body ti%e to get so%e s$er% u$ to %aturity level! .his %eans
not %asturbating or having se; 'or at least ?0 days G %hat means 0) orgasms for @8 days.
4$er%+ when they are e>a#ulated in the vagina+ utiliNe se%inal 'luid as a 'ood sour#e+ as a 'luid to travel
in+ and to de#rease the a#idity o' the vagina so that they #an survive! y in#reasing your nu%ber o'
healthy s$er% what do you also in#reaseB 6ou in#rease the a%ount o' se%inal 'luid you e>a#ulate+ 'or
the reasons stated above! 4o #reating healthy and strong s$er% is one way your body in#reases your
se%inal 'luid out$ut!
4to$ s%oking and sto$ drinking as these will har% the -uality and -uantity o' your s$er%! 5at 'oods
that are high in Nin# or take a de#ent Nin# su$$le%ent (get it at the health 'ood store)! Celery+ wheat
ger%+ and albu%in are great && 6ou #an get these at the gro#ery store! 1' you have a >ui#er start >ui#ing
#elery like #raNy! .hese will all hel$ you naturally in#rease your se%inal out$ut! Ri#e (whole grain
brown ri#e is best) and other star#hy 'oods will hel$ send your se%inal out$ut to $orn&star levels!
1n#reasing your #onsu%$tion o' water will in#rease the volu%e o' your e>a#ulate but it will be#o%e
thinner and not as thi#k!
.he best way to i%$rove the taste o' your se%en 'or you and your $artner is to re%e%ber that you are
what you eat! 1' you eat #ra$+ your se%en will ty$i#ally taste like #ra$! ooNe and #igarettes will also
%ake your se%en taste horribly bitter and nasty! Re%e%ber+ your body is basi#ally one huge #he%i#al
$lant! 6our body ingests 'ood&stu''s and then breaks these down and e;tra#ts a%ino a#ids+ %inerals+
nutrients+ and vita%ins that your body needs to %anu'a#ture su#h things as #he%i#als and hor%ones
that your body needs in order to 'un#tion! 1' you du%$ all kinds o' #ra$ into this #he%i#al 'a#tory+ then
#ra$ is what you will get in return! 1' you*re $o$$ing ibu$ro'en and other over&the&#ounter drugs all
day+ the taste o' these drugs will de'initely #arry over into the taste o' your se%en+ too!
4to$ eating >unk 'ood! 4tu'' like #hi#ken wings+ $otato #hi$s+ and the burritos they sell on the #orner!
1n#rease your intake o' 'ruits+ vegetables+ and grain $rodu#ts! 1' it looks like it will a''e#t the taste o'
your se%en+ it $robably will! Again+ you are what you eat!
:ou can sweeten the taste of semen with some juices. ,inea$$le >ui#e is e;#ellent as a se%en sweetener
&& .he 'resher the better! 4tay away 'ro% the highly&$ro#essed >unk that*s %ade 'ro% #on#entrate that
you will get at your ty$i#al gro#ery store! .his stu'' has been $asteuriNed so intensely that it*s basi#ally
nutritionless and dead! 2$t instead 'or the >ui#es they sell at the Korgani#L 'ood stores! .hese stores are
all over the $la#e now! 1' you #an get so%e 'resh $inea$$le and eat it that way+ this is great+ too!
4trawberries and kiwis also see% to have a $ositive taste on se%inal 'luid! "ake yoursel' a s%oothie in
the blender with so%e i#e #ubes+ >ui#ed #elery+ wheat ger%+ strawberries+ albu%in+ and $inea$$le!
0utrition is an i%$ortant 'a#tor in the ability to auto'ellate! 5t is also important as a preventative
measure against injuring your muscles or ligaments during autofellating. ,ro$er nutrition will hel$
in#rease the 'le;ibility+ strength+ and health o' the tissues needed to allow you to auto'ellate! 1ts
i%$ortan#e #an not be stressed enough! ,lease+ take all o' this very seriously!
First o' all+ sin#e we will be re&training or newly&training our %us#les+ >oints+ #onne#tive tissue+ and
bones to deal with this new added a%ount o' 'le;ion and %obility we want in our ba#ks and $elvis+ it is
i%$ortant that we su$$le%ent the $ro$er nutrients that will allow our bodies to 85AL FA4.5R! .he
e;er#ises and stret#hes involved in auto'ellatio are ty$i#ally $ositions and strains that your body is not
used to! .his %eans that they will be $ut under %ore intense $ressure and stress than they are used to! 1t
also %eans that 'or the% to #hange sha$e and 'or% to 'ul'ill their new duties+ they will have a %u#h
greater need to Re$air .he%selves! .his is very i%$ortant! <e want to build the healthiest and
strongest tissue $ossible! <ithout the $ro$er nutrients to do this+ we will only weaken our syste%s!
What you need to rebuild and heal these tissues:
Vitamin C
Vitamin A
All B Vitamins
Vitamin K
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Amino Acids (Especially L-Lysine)
Plenty of Water
Cod Liver Oil (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)
It is essential to feed your body these nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. I would
start at least one week before you start seriously stretching and working on your
autofellatio techniques by adding these to your diet.
Connective Tissue 1oints, Ligaments, Muscle Tendons:
.hese 'ibers are ty$i#ally %ade u$ o' so%ething #alled Collagen! Collagen is dense with $roteins and
water! .he best way to ensure these 'ibers are healthy and u$ to the task is to take $lenty o' Amino
Acids and Water! A%ino a#ids are the building blo#ks o' $roteins! A good&-uality A%ino A#id
su$$le%ent will do wonders 'or these 'ibers! 9et a good -uality su$$le%ent at a Korgani#L gro#ery
store! 7on*t go 'or the #hea$ brands at the %ore #onventional ty$es o' stores! <ith su$$le%ents+ you
truly get what you $ay 'or! .hey %ake #ost 10: %ore+ but the results are C0: better!
Also takeP
Antio;idants G 5s$e#ially Vita%ins A+ C+ & 5
Cod Liver 2il ('or Fish 2ils)
Sweating is also an in#redible ne#essity! .his is why serious weight li'ters head 'or the sauna a'ter their
workoutsP e#ause they know they will heal u$ %u#h 'aster and have less $ain and soreness a'ter a
good sweat! 4weating hel$s deto;i'y and 'lush out the to;ins and bio#he%i#al end $rodu#ts 'ro% a
>oint+ %us#le+ and #onne#tive tissue workout! 2ne doesn*t need a sauna to sweat! A healthy >og or run
during the hot day will also hel$! Also+ any other ty$e o' #ardio&vas#ular workout should get you
sweating! Anything you #an do to get rid o' this waste and re$la#e it with healthier nutrients is
de'initely to your advantage! Again+ water is essential in this $ro#ess+ too! 1' you sweat a liter o' 'luids
in the sauna+ then you need to re$la#e this 'luid! 7on*t re$la#e it with soda $o$ or so%e other >unk!
Re$la#e it with $ure and #lean water to hel$ your body be#o%e #leaner+ stronger+ and healthier!
Connective Tissue Intervertebral Discs:
Auto'ellatio and these ty$es o' stret#hes in general $ut a very large load and strain on the 1ntervertebral
7is#s! As we %entioned be'ore+ the last thing you want to do is in>ure or herniate one o' these dis#s! 4o
anything we #an do to kee$ the% $ro$erly nourished is o' e;tre%e i%$ortan#e! 5nsure these are in your
Vita%in A
Vita%in F
Vita%in C
4unshine 'or Vita%in 7
.ons and tons o' 'resh and #lean water
Cod Liver 2il
#ater is an e$tremely important necessity, very especially when we are going through the growth
process of allowing our bodies to become autofellatio ready. #hen tissues are pulled, strained, or put
under any other form of tension, water is needed. #ater will help filter out the used nutrients and
deadened cells from this process and help e$pel them from the body.
6our bones also need to be addressed+ as they will be $ut under new strains and loads that they are not
used to dealing with+ %u#h less with even being 'a%iliar with!
4unshine 'or Vita%in 7
Bones are also made up of +ollagen, so we also need6
A%ino A#ids (5s$e#ially L&Lysine)
4to$ drinking #o''ee or sodas with Ca''eine G Ca''eine in#reases Cal#iu% loss through urination!
5nsure that you get plenty of Magnesium. E0: o' your body*s %agnesiu% is in your bones! 3nder
stress'ul #onditions "agnesiu% is lost in the urine! y Kstress'ul #onditionL 1 don*t %ean things like
>ust getting 'ired 'ro% your >ob! 4i%$le things su#h as not getting enough slee$ or having the stereo on
too loud #an have your body e;#reting "agnesiu% like #raNy! ooNe+ #igarettes+ and #a''eine #an
wreak havo# with "agnesiu%+ too! 4o #an so%e %edi#ations! "agnesiu% is a very sensitive %ineral
and the ty$i#al K<esternL diet is sorely la#king in enough "agnesiu%!
<hen bones are being strained and are being re$aired+ your need 'or "agnesiu% goes through the roo'!
7o not underesti%ate the i%$ortan#e o' "agnesiu% when you are going through your auto'ellatio
>ourney! 1t*s a very essential %ineral that %ost o' us don*t get enough o'!
Aet out in the sunshine at least once a day. .he sun*s rays are e;tre%ely healthy and needed 'or $ro$er
body 'un#tion! 7on*t go out and get a sunburn+ >ust ensure that you get so%e dire#t sunlight onto your
body and skin at least on#e a day! .unlight is also very invigorating and acts as a libido enhancer.
Reducing Pain & Inflammation from Autofellatio Workouts:
4in#e we will be utiliNing %us#les we haven*t 're-uently used be'ore and stret#hing liga%ents that have
yet to be stret#hed+ it*s inevitable that so%e $ain and in'la%%ation will o##ur+ as well as so%e $ossible
s$as%s and #ra%$ing! <hat are so%e o' the things that one #an do to redu#e the in#iden#e and intensity
o' these sy%$to%sB
Drink Plenty of Water
Free Radical Production Start taking Anti-Oxidants
Cut Sugars (Especially Refined) Out Of Your Diet
Eat Lean Red Meat with Little Fat
Naturally-Forming Vitamin E Supplements (Not Synthesized in a Chemical Plant)
Increase Intake of Potassium
Get Plenty of Sunlight
Increase Vegetables in Your Diet (Uncooked is Preferred), Fruits are Not Preferred
Increase Your Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish are a Great Source or Cod Liver Oil)
Ginger Root (1uice it, Cook with It, or Get a Supplement)
Fats get a bad ra$ these days but 'ats are e;tre%ely i%$ortant in the building o' #ells (#ells #an*t be
%ade without 'at) and 'or hor%one $rodu#tion! .he $roble% is what ty$e o' 'ats to ingest! Any sort o'
#ooking oil that #o%es in a #lear #ontainer should be avoided at all #osts! Light breaks down natural
oils so these KrealL oils will #o%e in either dark brown+ dark green+ or bla#k bottles! 1' it*s in a see&
through bottle+ don*t use or $ur#hase it!
Fish are high in 2%ega&? Fatty A#ids so in#reasing your intake o' 'ish is a great way to get natural and
healthy 'ats into your diet! 0uts are also a wonder'ul sour#e o' nutrients and healthy 'ats! 1' they are
unroasted+ this is even better! .ake so%e natural Cod Liver 2il su$$le%ents! .his su$$le%ent is
e;tre%ely healthy and will work wonders 'or your >oint health and redu#ing >oint and lige%antous
"ost o' this has already been #overed in the $rior dis#ussions with the e;#e$tion o' ,otassiu%!
,otassiu% is essential 'or in#reasing the 'un#tionality and strength o' %us#les+ as well as kee$ing the%
'ro% be#o%ing strained and 'ro% #ra%$ing!
A%ino A#ids+ again are high on the list+ as $roteins are i%$ortant 'or %us#le strength and health!
7on*t 'orget Antio;idants to hel$ the %us#les heal! 2%ega&? Fatty A#ids+ again+ are at the to$ o' our
list 'or healthy %us#les G Get some Cod Liver Oil.
.hat*s the best -uestion o' all! 1t*s easy 'or so%eone to give you a list o' %inerals+ vita%ins+ enNy%es+
and a%ino a#ids to take! 8owever+ buying twenty bottles o' $ills is likely to be the last thing anyone
wants to get involved with! 1t*s e;$ensive and a $ain to kee$ tra#k o' all o' these things! 8ere*s what 1
suggest the Auto'ellationist does to hel$ hi% in his auto'ellation >ourneyP
1) Drink Tons of Water
2) Cut 2ut Re'ined+ Canned+ or ,ro#essed Foods
?) 5at 0uts as a 4na#k (,re'erably Raw)
D) 4to$ 7rinking 4odas+ Al#ohol everages+ and Ouit 4%oking
5) Get a GOOD Cod Liver Oil Supplement and Take It
6) Get a GOOD Amino Acid Supplement and Take It
7) Get a GOOD Multi-Vitamin/Mineral and Take It
8) Get a GOOD Anti-Oxidant Supplement and Take It
C) .ake an Additional Rin# 4u$$le%ent
10) Take an Additional Magnesium Supplement
11) 1' 5ating "eat G 5at Fish and Lean Red "eat
12) 5at ,lenty o' Vegetables G Fruits+ too+ but "ore Vegetables than Fruits
1?) 4to$ 5ating Anything Cooked in ,ro#essed 2ils or Any .y$e o' "argarine
1D) 9et 2ut in the 4unlight and in the Fresh Air
1E) 9et ,lenty o' 4lee$
1F) Cut 2ut 4tress in 6our Li'e G 5asier 4aid than 7one+ 1 =now! 1' 0e#essary and ,ossible+ 7u%$
the ,eo$le or 4ituations in 6our Li'e that 4tress 6ou 2ut G 6ou*ll e etter 2'' For 1t!
And one %ore thing!!! 1 know this is #heating+ but this is what 1 doP 6ou #an get KIointL su$$le%ents at
the 8ealth Food 4tore or 2rgani# 9ro#ery 4tore! .hese are ty$i#ally tablets or #a$sules with %any o'
the i%$ortant ingredients needed 'or %us#leJ>ointJ#onne#tive tissue healing! .hey aid in 'le;ibility and
the health o' these tissues! .hey #ost about Q2EJbottle and will last about a %onth! 9et the best -uality
available! 2ver ti%e you #an ween yoursel' o'' these su$$le%ents so that you only need a tablet or two
a week!
<e*ve #overed this be'ore+ but it should be re$eatedP A lot o' the Ksu$$le%entsL you #an $i#k u$ in the
.y$i#al K"artL stores are hardly anything worth taking! A lot o' the% are syntheti#ally $rodu#ed and
the -uality is -uite $oor! 4o%e o' these tablets are $a#ked so tightly together that your body won*t even
digest the% and they*ll be eli%inated in your 'e#al %aterial (trust %e+ 1 see these all the ti%es in M&Rays
o' the Lower 1ntestine)! 1' you $ur#hase the #hea$ stu''+ literally+ you are >ust %aking e;$ensive urine!
4$end the e;tra ti%e to seek out one o' these 2rgani# 9ro#ery 4tores (like <hole Foods) and talk to
the 'olks who work in the su$$le%ent se#tion! 4ur$risingly+ %ost o' these $eo$le really know what they
are talking about and #an dire#t you to the best su$$le%ents available; es$e#ially one o' these %us#le&
>oint&#onne#tive tissue su$$le%ents! 6ou*ll $ay e;tra 'or these ty$es o' $rodu#ts+ but they will a#tually
have a very $ositive a''e#t on your body! Again+ with this sort o' thing you get what you $ay 'or!
2ne other thing!!! "inerals+ Vita%ins+ and 0utrients are better absorbed by the body i' they are
naturally&o##urring in the 'oods you eat! Iust #hanging your diet to 'o#us on vegetables+ grains+ and
lean red %eat or 'ish %eat will do wonders 'or your syste%! Iui#ers are also a great way to >ui#e
vegetables and 'ruits and get all the vita%ins+ nutrients+ and %inerals >ust as "other 0ature originally
and $ro$erly designed the%! If 'uicing, throw in a little fresh Ainger :oot or fresh Aarlic <easy on
the garlic, it's pretty intense=. .hese are both Anti&2;idants and >ust about hel$ with everything in the
.his se#tion will be #o%$osed o' 'our areas+ all o' whi#h are i%$ortantP
1) Specific Muscle Targeting Superficial Back Line
2) Specific Release Mechanisms
3) Specific Stretching
4) Specific Yogafellatio Techniques
6oga'ellatio is the ter% 1 use to de'ine using 6oga $ositionsJstret#hes to $er'or% Auto'ellatio!
<e are going to utiliNe s$e#i'i# %us#lesJ'as#ia to hel$ KbreakL u$ lo#king and tension in these %us#les!
.his will hel$ in#rease 'le;ibility and %obility in the u$$er ne#k+ s$ine+ and $elvis! A great way to test
how a%aNing these si%$le e;er#ises is+ be'ore doing these e;er#ises+ stand u$ and bend over and try to
tou#h your toes! 0ote how 'ar you #an 'le;! .hen+ a'ter the e;er#ises have been #o%$leted+ stand and
bend over again to see how 'ar you #an 'le;! .he results will a%aNe you!
<e all know what "us#les are! .hese are what %oves are >oints so that we #an $er'or% %e#hani#al
tasks! *ascia is the fibrous covering of muscles. 1t has %any $ur$oses+ one o' whi#h is to kee$ the
%us#le 'ibers tightly $a#ked together 'or better $er'or%an#e!
<e noted be'ore that the body works synergisti#ally and not individually! .he Superficial Back Line is
a great way o' showing how this works! .he %us#les o' di''erent $ortions o' the ba#k o' the body all
#onne#t (through 'as#ia or %us#les) to 'or% a daisy #hain! .his way they #an hel$ #o%%uni#ate with
ea#h grou$ when we are $er'or%ing %ove%ents+ su#h as walking! 1' the #al' %us#les #an better
#o%%uni#ate with the thigh %us#les G to let ea#h other know what they are doing G then %e#hani#al
%ove%ent will be %u#h s%oother and %ore easily attained!
.he 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line %a$s out these %us#le grou$s and how they are #onne#ted to ea#h other
through seg%enting 'as#ia and %us#le #onne#tivity! 2ne o' the i%$ortant as$e#ts that the 4u$er'i#ial
a#k Line does is to hel$ kee$ your body in the ere#t state! .hese are #o%$osed o' very strong and
dense 'as#ia and %us#les! For e;a%$le+ your a#hilles tendon is $art o' this syste%! <ithout this syste%+
the %us#les on the 'ront o' your body would be strong enough that they would %ake you #url u$ in a
'etal $osition (4$inal Fle;ion in a KCL Curve)! 4o+ they #ounter&balan#e the e''e#ts o' the 'le;or
%us#les in the 'ront o' the body!
.his is i%$ortant to the auto'ellationist+ 'or i' the %us#les and 'as#ia in the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line are
unhealthy+ knotted u$+ or too tight+ then what will ha$$enB %hey will put more of an e$tensive
<e$tension= force on the spine and restrict fle$ion of the spine. .his is really i%$ortant+ es$e#ially as
the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line in#or$orates the ,elvis and ase o' 4kull+ whi#h we want to in#rease
%obility in order to auto'ellate! Again+ as noted above+ i' you want to see what really ha$$ens when we
target these %us#les+ you only have to try and tou#h your toes be'ore and a'ter the e;er#ises to see the
di''eren#e! 6ou will be a%aNed at the in#rease in 'le;ibility!
.he 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line starts at the 'as#ia at the botto% o' your 'eet! .hen it #onne#ts with your
a#hilles tendons and your #alve %us#les! Fro% there it #onne#ts to your $osterior thigh %us#les
(ha%strings)+ 'ro% there it goes into the ,elvis via the 4a#rotuberous Liga%ent to #onne#t with the
lower ba#k %us#les and 'as#ia! 1t heads u$ the s$ine and into the ne#k+ hooking into the sub&o##i$ital
%us#les (ba#k o' skull) and 'as#ia! 1t then runs u$ over the to$ o' the skull to interlo#k with the %us#les
o' the 'orehead and ends in the ridge above your eyes! <hy an interest in this lineB e#ause it #an
#ause Anterior ,elvi# .ilt and KreleasingL this Line will do wonders 'or $er'or%ing Auto'ellatio!
1nterestingly enough+ the anato%i#al #enter o' this Line is at your ,elvis! #hich, to the
autofellationist, is paramount for properly be able to autofellateB However, the most
Functional aspect of this Line is the muscles in back of the skull and just
below the skull. Again, of extreme importance to the autofellationist, as
we previously explained its importance with the Atlanto-Occiptal 1oint
(Skull and First Vertebrae).
.he 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line is shown on the ne;t $ageP
.here is also a 4u$er'i#ial Front Line that works to #ounter&balan#e the a#k Line! 1n this way+ these
two $lanes balan#e out the body! 8owever+ we are %ainly interested in Kunlo#kingL the a#k Line+ as it
will allow us %u#h %ore 'orward 'le;ibility! .here are a series o' e;er#ises and %assages that you #an
do that will work wonders 'or releasing this Line! Again+ test your range&o'&%otion bending 'orward as
'ar as you #an be'ore the e;er#ises! .he try it again a'ter the e;er#ises have been $er'or%ed! 6ou will
see a world o' di''eren#e!
<e are going to start at the 'eet and work our way u$ through the body (to the head) to release this line
'or an in#rease in s$inal+ head+ and $elvi# 'le;ion!
%he feet are the very foundation of the body and are an integral part of all 'oint and body functions.
"ake no %istake about it+ this is a V5R6 i%$ortant $art o' your body you need to target! Above is a
drawing o' the ,lantar Fas#ia! 1t runs at the botto% o' the 'oot and hel$s #reate the ar#h o' the 'oot!
2ver ti%e and abuse+ this 'as#ia gets knotted u$ and 'ails to work and res$ond $ro$erly! 5s$e#ially
'ro% $oorly 'itted and i%$ro$erly designed shoes! Iust releasing the knots in the $lantar 'as#ia will
work %ira#les on your ability to 'le; 'orward! .rust %e! 1t will blow your %ind!
.he %ain areas we want to target are #olored red! 4i%$ly take a wooden $en#il with a 'ull eraser at the
end! 3sing the eraser $ortion o' the $en#il+ gently work it (%assaging) into the red areas above! 4o%e
o' these areas are likely to hurt like hell! .his is great! .his shows you have a $roble% (re%e%ber $ain
is a warning sign that tells you so%ething isn*t -uite right)! <ork the eraser in harder and harder into
these sore s$ots+ over ti%e and sessions! 6ou should s$end about 'ive %inutes $er 'oot! 9o easy at 'irst+
as you %ay get so%e residual soreness that %akes your 'eet rather un#o%'ortable!
Perform this exercise every day, Five Minutes per Foot.
2n#e you have 'inished using your eraser+ use both thu%bs and slide the% 'ro% the botto% o' these
areas to the to$ o' these areas! .his %ore generaliNed 'or% will also hel$ loosen u$ the 'as#ia and
should 'eel good!
0e$t, get yourself a golf ball. 1ou can perform this sitting or standing. .tanding is
preferred but be careful with your balance. .imple roll the golf ball under the areas of
your foot. 4ut as much pressure down on the foot as possible. %his will also help work
out these knots. 4erform for %hree Minutes per foot, every day.
Perform this exercise every day, Three Minutes per Foot.
Next we will target the Achilles Tendon:
.he a#hilles tendon is the strong tendon that inserts into the ba#k bone o' your 'oot (#al#aneus bone)! 1t
is labeled .endo Cal#aneus in the $i#tures on the $revious $age! .he a#hilles tendon is the ne;t $hase
o' unlo#king the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line! .ake o'' your shoes and sit with your legs #rossed! 3sing one
hand+ take your 'irst two digits (.hu%b and Fore'inger) and gras$ the tendon! <ork u$ and down the
tendon with %oderate $ressure+ as you use your other hand to $ush the to$ o' your 'oot 'orward (as you
would i' you are standing on your ti$ toes G see the red arrow in the $i#ture 'or dire#tion to $ush)!
Here is the area to target with thumb and forefinger (in brushed red):
,ush with your one hand against the 'oot in the dire#tion o' the arrow! .his will $ut e;tra tension on the
A#hilles .endon! As the tendon and %us#le start to loosen u$+ you #an a$$ly %ore tension! 4troke the
KR57L area with your thu%b and 'ore'inger (o' your 'ree hand)+ as i' you were %asturbating this
tendon! Massage deep and light, hard and soft while you fle$ the front of the foot upward. .his will
do wonders 'or loosening u$ your ha%strings and #alve %us#les!
Perform this exercise every other day, Three Minutes per Foot.
0e;t we will %ove on to the #alves! .he #al' %us#les hel$ stabiliNe the body and a#t as sho#k absorbers
when we s-uat+ walk+ and run! .hey also a#t as a $ro$ulsion #enter to get you %oving in a 'orward
dire#tion! <ith $oor $osture+ sitting 'or too long o' $eriods+ and general abuse over ti%e+ the #alves
tighten u$ and restri#t the body! .hese restri#tions will be 'elt in the ha%strings+ knees+ $elvis+ and
lower ba#k! <e are interested in KreleasingL the%+ as it will allow the auto'ellationist to rea#h greater
degrees o' 'le;ion!
.his ne;t e;er#ise will a%aNe you as you $robably had no idea how $ain'ul and tense this area is! .o
work on the #alves+ you #an use your thu%bs or use a #ross&legged a$$roa#h and use the outside o'
your knee#a$ to work out and release these knots! 1' you are seated+ >ust 'eel to the outer edge o' your
knee #a$! 6ou will 'eel a bony and hard sur'a#e! .his is %erely the lateral as$e#t o' your knee #a$! .his
release %ethod is very si%$le and you #an $er'or% it anyti%e you are seated! Let*s take tightness in the
Right Cal' 'or e;a%$le! 4eated+ si%$le bring your Right Leg u$ (and #rossed) so that the Cal' is sitting
on the le't knee #a$! .hen+ using the #hart with the outlined red areas+ work your le't #al' into this
boney $ro#ess! 6ou #an also $ut $ressure down with your hands on your Right leg to have %ore o' an
e''e#t! 8ere is a generaliNed $i#ture showing the $ositioning and the area o' the knee #a$ you will use
to work out these knotsP
8ere are the areas (on the ne;t $age in R57) you will work out through this ty$e o' %assage! 6ou will
be a%aNed at how $ain'ul and tight these areas are! y releasing and working this knots out we will
have %ore %obility in our s$ine and $elvis! ,ay s$e#ial attention to the undersides o' the botto% o' the
knee >oint! 6ou #an also work these areas out with your thu%bsP
Perform this exercise every other day, Five Minutes
per Calf.
6ou should 'eel so%e dis#o%'ort and $ain on your ba#k and legs 'ro% doing these targeted e;er#ises!
,eo$le are so used to being so knotted u$ and tense+ that our %inds start blo#king these $ain signals out
a'ter a while! <e then wind u$ with all o' these bio%e#hani#al $roble%s and don*t even realiNe they
e;ist! Iust 'ro% doing these 'or%s o' release+ you will have %ore energy+ 'eel younger+ and 'eel %u#h
healthier! Let*s %ove onto the $osterior (rear) thighP
Again+ these areas need to be worked out and addressed! All o' these e;a%$les will do wonders 'or
in#reasing your s$inal and $elvi# 'le;ibility! 1 realiNe that these areas %ay see% totally unrelated but
they are #o%$letely related and are o' e;tre%e i%$ortan#e i' one wants to be able to auto'ellate! "ost
%en #an get within two or three in#hes o' their $enises 'ro% their %ouths without any work or s$e#ial
training! 9etting those e;tra in#hes is the really di''i#ult bit! 1' we #an $i#k u$ >ust a degree o' 'le;ion
here or a tiny a%ount o' su$$leness there+ when we add the% all u$ together+ it allows us to be able to
$ro$erly auto'ellate! .hink o' it as a #ar that you want to in#rease its $er'or%an#e! 6ou add sti''er
s$rings+ thi#ker sway bars+ better sho#ks+ and everything else you #an! 2ne s%all #hange %ay not %ake
%u#h o' a di''eren#e+ but i%$roving every little thing you $ossibly #an will boost your handling to
e;tre%es! 4a%e with the engine! Add a windage tray+ add so%e 'ree&'lowing headers+ install a higher
li't #a% sha't+ get a better #oil and distributor!!! Again+ one o' these #hanges isn*t going a%ount to
%u#h+ but i' you add everything you $ossibly #an+ you*ll wind u$ with an engine that #an blow
anybody*s doors o''!
*or the back of the thigh, you can utili;e a golf ball again and use it to roll and knead into the these
areas. .hey+ too+ will be tender and $ain'ul! <ith ti%e they will release and you will need to a$$ly
%ore $ressure to really get to the botto% o' these knots! .he $ain is #aused 'ro% the tissue being
unhealthy! <hen tissues like this KknotLu$+ it restri#ts $ro$er blood 'low (and hen#e 'resh nutrients) to
the area and you get a build u$ o' to;ins! .he $ain+ again+ is you body telling you that these areas have
1 have a set o' silverware that has a 'at and rounded handle (at the end)! 1 ty$i#ally use this to knead
into the %us#les behind the leg! 1' you utiliNe so%ething like this+ be #are'ul to target the %us#les and
'as#ia! 7on*t dig into any nerves are arterial areas!
Perform this exercise every other day, Five Minutes per Thigh.
<e are now going to target the Lateral .high or the side o' the thigh! .hese %us#les and 'as#ia wra$
into $art o' the ba#k o' the thigh %us#les and 'as#ia so we need to address these %us#les+ too! 2ne
great way to work these out is to use a s%all rolling $in! Iust lay on your side (on your bed+ 'or
instan#e) and dee$ly roll the rolling $in into these %us#les to break u$ the knots! e #are'ul u$ toward
the hi$+ as you don*t want to bruise any o' your $elvi# bones! 6ou #an also use your 'ingers (thu%bs) to
knead out these areas or you #an use your gol' ball! 4o%ething like a tennis ball will also work
e;tre%ely well in these areas! 6ou want to work on both sets o' %us#le and 'as#ia on the Right and Le't
sides! Again+ you will 'eel tenderness and $ain initially! <ith ti%e and nu%erous sessions+ this
tenderness and $ain will begin to subside!
Perform this exercise every other day, Five Minutes per Thigh.
<e*re now going to %ove onto the lower ba#k and unlo#king the $elvis! .here are two di%$les on your
ba#k that are level with your $elvis! .hese are where the ,oster 4u$erior 4a#ral 1lia# 4$ine (,414) is (a
boney $rotrusion o' your $elvis)! .hese di%$les are #aused by the #onne#tion o' the liga%ents and
'as#ia to this area! First we want to lo#ate these di%$les! 4tanding+ dee$ly $ress your thu%bs >ust under
the di%$les! 1' you don*t have di%$les+ you should be able to 'ind the% by 'eeling 'or the ,414 in this
area (on the ne;t $age)P
.o release $elvi# tension+ si%$ly de$ress your right thu%b below your right di%$le and your le't thu%b
below your le't di%$le!!!
NOW... Press Moderately Hard.
0ow+ SLOWLY e;tend your ba#k (ar#h your s$ine ba#kwards) while #ontinuing to $ut $ressure on this
area >ust under the di%$les! 1n#rease the $ressure as you ar#h ba#k as 'ar as $ossible (within reason+ o'
#ourse)! 2n#e you have e;tended as 'ar ba#k as is sa'ely $ossible+ #ontinue to add $ressure with your
thu%bs and hold this $osition 'or ten se#onds! 0ow+ SLOWLY 'le; your s$ine and body 'orward as 'ar
as you #an (like you are going to tou#h your toes)! Continue to a$$ly as %u#h $ressure as $ossible!
8old this 'ar 'le;ed $osition 'or ten se#onds and then slowly (with #ontinual $ressure by the thu%bs)
return your body to the nor%al u$right $osition!
Perform this exercise every day, Ten times per Day.
.his will do wonders 'or releasing tension in your $elvis and in#reasing 'le;ion in your $elvis! 0ow we
want to $er'or% the sa%e te#hni-ue on the lower ba#kP
Re#all that we %entioned that the greatest a%ount o' 'le;ibility in your lower ba#k #o%es 'ro% the LE&
41 Ioint! .his is also what is known as a KtransitionL area+ as we go 'ro% Lu%bar Vertebrae to 4a#ral
Vertebrae! .he sa%e ha$$ens at the lower $art o' the %id&ba#k+ where the .hora#i# Vertebrae (.12)
transitions to Lu%bar Vertebrae (L1)P
4175 V15< 2F 4,105 482<109 L2<5R .82RAC1C+ L3"AR+ & 4ACRAL V5R.5RA5
1' you look at your ba#k or the ba#k o' so%eone else+ you will see bu%$s in the %iddle o' the ba#k!
.hese e;tend 'ro% the ne#k down to your ,elvis! .hese bu%$s are 'or%ed 'ro% the 4$inous ,ro#esses
o' the Vertebrae! "us#les and liga%ents atta#h to the bones to hel$ %ove the s$ine! 6ou also have
so%ething #alled .ransverse ,ro#esses! .hese are on either side o' the vertebrae and also have %us#les
atta#hed to the% that allow you to have %obility in your s$ine!
<e now want to do what we did with the ,elvis >ust a %inute ago! And that is+ we want to $ut $ressure
with our thu%bs on the areas o' the .ransverse ,ro#esses+ 5;tend our ba#ks with #ontinual $ressure
('ro% our thu%bs)+ then 'le; 'orward with #ontinual thu%b $ressureP
4tart with LE+ then LD+ L?+ L2+ L1+ .12+ and .ll! For ea#h vertebrae+ slowly e;tend the s$ine ba#kwards
with $ressure 'ro% your thu%bs (Right .hu%b on Right .ransverse ,ro#ess+ Le't .hu%b on Le't
.ransverse ,ro#ess)! 9o as 'ar ba#k as you sa'ely #an+ then hold the $osition 'or ten se#onds! 4lowly
Return ba#k to 0eutral and then slowly 'le; 'orward! 8old 'or ten se#onds! .hen slowly return to
7o LE through .11 (in this se-uen#eP LE&LD&L?&L2&L1&.12&.11)! 2ne right a'ter ea#h other! .ake a
break i' you 'eel tired or strained! .hen rest a %o%ent and then start the $ro#ess again! 6ou should
$er'or% ea#h o' these seven levels 'ive ti%es+ a$art 'ro% LE whi#h you should do ten ti%es!
Perform exercise every day, L4-T11 Five Times, L5 Ten Times.
.he ne;t logi#al ste$ would be 'or the %id&ba#k! 8owever+ there isn*t %u#h 'le;ion in this area due to
the rib #age! 1' you are able to rea#h your hands u$ high enough to $er'or% the e;er#ises we >ust
dis#ussed in the Lower a#k (u$ into the lower .hora#i# Vertebrae)+ you are wel#o%e to do so! .hey
#ertainly will hel$ loosen u$ these %us#les and hel$ unlo#k this region! Re%e%ber+ every little bit we
#an add to in#reasing our 'le;ibility is $ri#eless!
<e #an+ however+ unlo#k these areas and take $ressure o'' o' the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line in this area! 1t is
a si%$le e;er#ise! All you need is a tennis ball! 4tand with your ba#k against a wall and $la#e the tennis
ball on the %us#les on the le't $art o' your %id&ba#k and roll the ball with these %us#les against the
wall! .ender and sore areas will stand out i%%ediately! <ork these out as you #ontinue to roll the ball
with your ba#k %us#les! .hen si%$le trans'er the ball to the Right side o' your %id&ba#k %us#les! .his
will not only 'eel great but hel$ relieve a lot o' tension in your %id&ba#k+ es$e#ially i' you work at a
desk (sitting) all day! About Five "inutes 'or the Le't and Five "inutes 'or the Right should be 'ine!
Perform exercise every day in Mid-Back Muscles.
<hile the 4houlder Area isn*t a dire#t $art o' the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line+ there are+ however+ areas that
will restri#t 'orward %otion and to intera#t with the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line! .hese are known as .rigger
,oints and we need to release the% 'or i%$roved auto'ellatio abilities! .hese will also work as a great
e;er#ise to get %ore range o' %otion in your shoulder! 0oti#e the drawing belowP
.here are two on the %us#les o' the shoulder blade and one ne;t to the shoulder blade near the s$ine!
.hey are on both sides o' the body! .here are other trigger $oints but these are the 'ive we are %ost
interested in!
3sing your Right hand+ rea#h around the ba#k o' your head and $ush into these three areas on and
around the 4houlder lade! .hey will ty$i#ally 'eel like se%i&hard nodules and be sore to the tou#h!
3sing whatever 'ingers are %ost #o%'ortable and strongest 'or you dig into these with the ti$s o' your
'ingers 'or about a %inute! .hen hold $ressure on the knot 'or about two %inutes! =ee$ a$$lying
$ressure while you hold it! Rela; and $ro#eed to other .rigger ,oints! First do the Right 4ide then the
Le't 4ide! 7o ea#h one+ on ea#h side+ Five ti%es! Re%e%ber these are only the three botto% ones!
Perform exercise every day, Five Times at The 3 Knots - Both Sides.
0e;t we %ove to the u$$er two .rigger ,oints shown in the last $i#ture in lue! 3sing your Right
8and+ start with the outer .rigger ,oint on the Right 4ide! Rea#h and 'ront and $ress 'ir%ly down on
this area! Again+ you will 'eel a knotted area and it will likely be sore and tender to the tou#h! 0ow+
take your Le't hand and $la#e it at the ba#k o' your head! 3sing Resistan#e with 0e#k "us#les+ Fle;
your head as 'ar 'orward as $ossible (your #hin toward your #hest)! Continue to a$$ly $ressure to this
.rigger ,oint with your Right 8and! 6ou should 'eel it $ull under your hand! 8old this $osition 'or ten
se#onds and then slowly return to neutral! .hen %ove to the se#ond .irgger ,oint #loses to the s$ine!
Re$eat $ro#ess! 7o both knots Five ti%es ea#h on both sides!
Perform exercise every day, Five Times, Both Knots, Both Sides.
0ow we want to unlo#k and release the ne#k region! <e will be doing a si%ilar e;tensionJ'le;ion
e;er#ise to release the ne#k %us#les! 8ere are the bones o' the ne#kP
6ou will see and 'eel a large bu%$ at the botto% o' your ne#k (at the ba#k side) in the #enter! .his is
the 4$inous ,ro#ess o' C@ and is the largest and %ost $ro%inent bu%$ in the area! 1t is also known as
the Vetebra ,ro%inensP
623 CA0 455 .85 4,10234 ,R2C544 2F C@ 23.L1057 10 R57 (4175 V15< 2F 05C=)
8ere is an M&Ray o' the ne#k looking at it 'ro% the 'rontP
<e are showing these land%arks to give you an idea as to where you should target $ressure to release
the %us#les! .he .ransverse ,ro#esses on either side o' the Vertebrae %ust be targeted! <e will only
use C@+ CF+ & CE! <e will unlo#k the u$$er area o' the ne#k when we go to the 4ub&2##i$ital area!
.his #an be $er'or%ed standing or sitting! Feel the Vertebra ,ro%inens on your ne#k! .he big bu%$ in
the #enter! 4i%$le %ove to the side o' this bu%$ >ust a bit+ so that your 'ingers are u$ against the side o'
the bu%$! 3se your third 'inger on your hands! ,ress your Le't third 'inger on the Le't side o' this
bu%$! 0ow $ress your Right third 'inger on the Right side o' this bu%$! ,ress hard and e;tend your
ne#k ba#k as 'ar as you #an (like you are looking u$ at the #eiling)! 6ou %ay 'eel so%e instant release
in your %us#les and >oints! =ee$ $ressing and hold this $osition 'or Five 4e#onds! 0ow+ slowly 'le;
your ne#k 'orward as 'ar down is it #an go (bring #hin to #hest)! ,ress harder with your 'ingers as you
slowly 'le; your ne#k! 8old this $osition 'or 10 se#onds and slowly return to 0eutral! ,er'or% Five
ti%es at Vertebral Levels CE+ CF+ & C@!
Perform exercise every day, Five Times at C5, C6, & C7.
8ere*s the last area we will be targeting that will hel$ us release not only the Atlanto&2##i$tal Ioint+ but
the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line+ too! 1t is one o' the %ost i%$ortant seg%ents to target in unlo#king your
body*s ability to 'le; 'orward! .here are devi#es and gi%%i#ks one #an $ur#hase to hel$ work out these
areas but they are hardly needed!
SContinued on the ne;t $ageT
6ou #an see where all those s%all %us#les insert into the ba#k o' your skull! .hat*s #alled the 2##i$ital
Line! .he "astoid ,ro#esses are lo#ated >ust behind the botto% o' your ears! .hey are also $art o' the
2##i$ital one! Atlas (C1) is also visible in the diagra%+ as well as so%e reddened areas! .he reddened
areas are where we want to 'o#us (on both sides o' the head+ o' #ourse)!
6ou #an 'eel where these %us#les insert into the ba#k o' the botto% o' your skull! Iust 5;tend your
head ba#k and resist with the %us#les o' the ba#k o' the ne#k and you will 'eel where they atta#h to this
2##i$ital Line! 4tarting with the First Red 7ot (seen above) that is in the %id&line o' the skull! Lo#ate
this area on both the Le't and Right sides o' your skull! ,ress your Right thu%b into the Right KknotL
and your Le't thu%b into the Le't Kknot!L 7ig into these knots with $ressure and a #ir#ular %ove%ent!
They should be sore and tender. <hile #ontinually $utting $ressure on these knots with your thu%bs+
5;tend your 8ead ba#k with resistan#e ('ro% the %us#les as 'ar as it #an go)! =ee$ a$$lying $ressure!
6ou will 'eel the %us#les tighten and they will be#o%e even sorer as you e;tend your head ba#k!
5;tend ba#k as 'ar as $ossible and hold 'or .en 4e#onds! <hile still a$$lying ,ressure with your
.hu%bs! Fle; your 8ead Forward and #ontinue to resist with the %us#les in your 0e#k! 6ou will 'eel
the %us#les $ull and tighten! =ee$ A$$lying ,ressure/ Fle; 'orward as 'ar as $ossible and hold this
$osition 'or .en 4e#onds! 4lowly 5;tend your 8ead to the 0eutral ,osition and #ontinue to a$$ly
$ressure with your thu%bs! Rela;! 5ven without the $ressure you should still 'eel soreness in these
.his should be $er'or%ed on all three o' the Red 7ots Above (on both sides)! .8R55 .1"54 ,5R
7A6! 1nitially+ you should $er'or% the% every other day 'or about a week+ as they are likely to be sore
and tender! A'ter a week you should be able to $er'or% the% every day+ three ti%es $er day! .his works
%arvels 'or heada#hes that are #aused by tension and strain! 6ou %ight even 'ind that your eyes 'eel
%u#h better and don*t tire out so easily!
Perform exercise Every Day, Three Times/Day at Three Areas.
6ou will noti#e+ too+ in the $i#ture that the "astoid one has a Red Area on it! .his is another area we
want to target to hel$ release the %us#les that atta#h to this bone! .hese %us#les hel$ with 0e#kJ8ead
Rotation as well as Fle;ion and Lateral Fle;ion!
8ere are two better drawings to hel$ you visualiNe and lo#ate the "astoid ,ro#ess (on the ne;t $age)P
Find your "astoids! .hey will be a little $ointed at the botto% and sore when you a$$ly $ressure! <e
will release these %us#les like the other 4ub&2##i$ital "us#les! ut be #are'ul not to slide your thu%bs
o'' o' the%! Find the %ore $ointed botto% and %ove your thu%bs u$ about 1JDL so you have a solid
$la#e to $la#e your thu%bs! Right .hu%b Right "astoid! Le't .hu%b Le't "astoid! <ith Resistan#e
'ro% the 0e#k "us#les and with ,ressure 'ro% 6our .hu%bs+ 5;tend your 8ead a#k as 'ar as it will
go! Continue to add $ressure with your thu%bs! 8old this 5;tension 'or .en 4e#onds! 4lowly return
your 8ead to 0eutral and Fle; 6our 8ead Forward with 0e#k Resistan#e ('ro% the "us#les) and by
kee$ing ,ressure a$$lied with your .hu%bs! 9o 'orward as 'ar as you #an! 8old 'or .en 4e#onds!
4lowly return ba#k to 0eutral (still a$$ly thu%b ,ressure) and rela;! 6ou should 'eel soreness! .hree
ti%es ea#h day every other day 'or about a week! A'ter that+ .hree ti%es $er day!
Perform exercise Every Day, Three Times per Day.
.hese a'ore%entioned e;er#ises are a 'antasti# way to release your 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line and in#rease
Fle;ibility in 6our 4$ine+ 8ead+ and ,elvis! .hey will also hel$ relieve enor%ous stress in your ba#k!
<hen %us#les and 'as#ia are too tense+ they #ontinually #ontra#t and this robs us o' energy and %akes
us 'eel tired! 4o+ not only will these releases hel$ you to auto'ellate+ they should %ake you %ore a#tive
and hel$ redu#e your $hysi#al stress and tension!
A'ter reading through this you*re $robably thinking you need to treat this as a 'ull&ti%e >ob in order to
auto'ellate! .his isn*t the #ase! Releasing the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line should be done at least three ti%es a
week 'or the 'irst week o' starting your auto'ellatio training! A'ter that+ try to 'it it in every other day or
so 'or two weeks! y that ti%e it should be unlo#ked enough that it won*t $ose a %a>or barrier to your
ability to 'le;! 2n#e you do start auto'ellating+ you will get a 'eel 'or the areas in your body that need
the %ost attention! 6ou*ll really be able to 'eel the areas that are restri#ting you! .hen you >ust need to
utiliNe the unlo#king te#hni-ues that are %ore in line with what*s holding you ba#k!
However, targeting the bottom of the Foot and the Sub-Occipital areas
are of extreme importance. These will help you out tremendously. So
they should be done as often as possible.
e'ore we get into the 4$e#i'ied 4tret#hes+ there are three other release %e#hanis% that will hel$ take
your s$inal 'le;ibility to the "oon! These should be performed at least once a day and
should be performed BEFORE every autofellatio session.
1) Golf Ball Method on botto% o' Feet as outlined $reviously! .his will do wonders to rela; your
entire s$ine! .rust %e on this! 1t should be utiliNed every ti%e you are going to auto'ellate! 6ou
#an use a tennis ball+ too! .ake one to work with you and utiliNe it when you #an! 1t will also do
wonders to release tension in your ba#k!
2) Unlock Your Glutes! Your ~glutes are the muscles that make up your butt. These are
ferociously strong muscles and if they are tense they are going to seriously inhibit your ability
to flex. Unlocking them ans relaxing them is a very easy process! Take something the size of a
Volley Ball or even a solid paper towel roll that is full. Lay on your back. Place the ball or the
paper towel roll (the paper towell roll should be standing up) between your upper thighs.
Now, press against the ball/roll with your thigh muscles. Contract your muscles and continue
to press firmly. Relax your buttocks at the same time. Within a few minutes you should feel
your glutes release and relax. Do this before every autofellatio session.
?) Release Your Pelvis G .his is a si%$le te#hni-ue that will hel$ you $ut %ore %otion into your
4a#roilia# Ioints and 'ree u$ %obility in your ,elvis! 4i%$ly lay on your ba#k on an e;er#ise %at!
0ow+ 7oris'le; your Feet (this %eans that the toe $ortion $oints toward your head+ as i' you were
standing on your ti$ toes+ but laying down)! 0ow+ 7orsi'le; as %u#h as $ossible and tense the
%us#les in your lower ba#k and $elvis! 6our legs should be straight and side by side! 0ow+ slowly
raise your legs (together and straight with the 'eet still dorsi'le;ed) as high as you $ossibly #an!
Raise the% as high as you #an while #ontinuing to tense the %us#les in your $elvis! 0ow+ slowly
lower your legs! "any ti%es you will hear a light K$o$L as one o' the 1lia o' your ,elvis #li#k into
$la#e! 7o be'ore every auto'ellatio session 'or in#reased $elvi# %obility!
1 re%e%ber stret#hing 'ro% ,5 #lass in Iunior 8igh and 8igh 4#hool! "an+ we all hated it! ut+ even
ba#k in the stone age+ $eo$le knew that stret#hing out your body stru#tures $ro$erly does wonders 'or
your energy levels+ $osture+ and 'le;ibility! <hen 1 started getting ba#k to doing so%e o' these old
stret#hes+ 1 was totally a%aNed at what a basket #ase %y body had turned into over the years! ,oor
$osture+ #ar a##idents+ sli$s+ 'alls+ $oorly&'itted shoes+ straining the ba#k+ doing $hysi#al work
i%$ro$erly+ slee$ing wrong+ re$etitive e;er#ises and %otions!!! <ell+ they >ust beat the #ra$ out o' your
body and %ake it tense and knot u$! Little by little things get tighter and worse+ but we blo#k the% out
or ignore the s%all a#hes and $ains until they go away! .he $roble% is+ the $roble%s are still there+ we
>ust don*t 'eel the% any%ore until we try and do so%ething about the%!
1*% not trying to give a le#ture on how you should live your li'estyle+ but you will 'ind that even si%$le
stret#hes+ su#h as we will outline+ will truly %ake you 'eel younger and %ore energeti#! 2' #ourse+ they
will also enable you to auto'ellate a whole lot easier!
"ost o' these te#hni-ues will utiliNe so%ething #alled 4roprioceptive 0euromuscular *acilitation or
si%$ly known as K,0F!L <hat the hell is ,0FB 9ood -uestion! ,0F stret#h te#hni-ues are a 'abulous
way to get the %ost stret#h and >oint range o' %otion during your stret#hing than >ust about any other
%ethod and it*s sa'e+ too! .here are %ore other dyna%i# and e;tre%e %ethods o' stret#hing but they
won*t buy us %u#h here and it*s best to try to kee$ this as si%$le as $ossible! <e*re not here to learn
how to be 4$orts "edi#ine e;$erts+ >ust to get the right in'or%ation we need to get us going on the road
to auto'ellatio!
With PNF, you simply stretch yourself to as far as you can in a normal stretch.
Then you hold this stretch and (without movement of the joint) strongly contract
all the muscles involved in that stretch. Then you relax the muscles and try to
stretch farther than before. What happens? You can now stretch farther. Trust me,
this works like magic. It has to to with receptors in the tendons, fatigue, and all
kinds of other muscle-joint physiology that we don't really need to know. We just
need to know how to properly utilize to get the most out of our stretches.
.his is a 6oga K,ositionL but 1*% bringing it to your attention 'irst+ even though it %ay see% out o'
$la#e in the K4tret#hingL $ortion o' this book! .he reason is that when we are seated and $er'or%ing
e;er#ises or stret#hes+ or even reading this book; then it*s best to get a##usto%ed to this $osition!
NOTICE: Cross-legged, feet on opposing thighs, knees at the floor. And >ust look at the Khi$L
>oints!!! .his is what we want to get in the habit o'+ whi#h is+ %aking our hi$s %ore 'le;ible 'or
auto'ellatio! A great way to $ra#ti#e this $ose is to utiliNe it when eating or wat#hing television;
a#tually+ any ti%e you have a #han#e to sit!
1' you #an only do a $artial $ortion o' this $osition+ kee$ $ra#ti#ing until you are able to do it 'ully and
easily! 1t*s also essential 'or hel$ing tone the lower ba#k %us#les and hel$s set u$ or s$inal region 'or
auto'ellatio! <hile in this $osition+ one #an $ress down on the edge o' the knees! .his stret#hes out the
4artorius "us#les and also hel$s with 8i$ Fle;ibility!
<hen you are #o%'ortable with this $osition+ then we want to use this $osition to even 'urther add
Fle;ibility to the 8i$ Ioints! .his is done by sitting in this $osition and gras$ing one 'oot and bringing
it u$ as 'ar as you #an (with tilting o' the base o' the 'oot) so that you #an view the botto% o' it! .hink
o' it as looking at the botto% o' your 'oot to see what you %ay have ste$$ed in! 7o this on both sides!
.his will aid in #reating %obility in the 8i$ Ioints via Fle;ion+ Abdu#tion+ 5;ternal Rotation o' the
4tret#hing out your ne#k is also a great way to strengthen your ne#k! <e want to strengthen our
%us#les+ too+ so as to allow us to have strong s$inal su$$ort during auto'ellatio! 6ou*ve $robably seen
these ty$es o' stret#hes be'ore+ so they should be easy to get the hang o'! We will be using PNF with
these. Re%e%ber+ take all o' these 4L2<L6 at 'irst/ 1t*s not a Ra#e or Co%$etition!
est $er'or%ed seated! 6our ne#k should be in a 0eutral ,osition! Looking 'orward with eyes level!
5;tend your ne#k ba#k as 'ar as it will go (ba#k o' head toward ba#k o' u$$er ba#k)! 0ow+ use one o'
your hands and $ress it against your 'orehead to $ush your head ba#k! 5;tenend ba#k as 'ar as it will
sa'ely and reasonably go! 0ow+ 82L7 .814 4.R5.C8 F2R .50 45C2074! 0ow+ #ontra#t the
0e#k "us#les as .ightly As ,ossible in this 5;tended ,osition 'or F1V5 45C2074! 0ow+ Rela; the
0e#k "us#les and $ush against your Forehead+ again+ to en#ourage %ore 5;tension! 6ou will see your
0e#k 5;tends Farther a#k! 82L7 .814 F2R A02.85R .50 45C2074! 0ow+ Contra#t 6our
0e#k "us#les Again 'or F1V5 4e#onds! Rela; and ,ush 6our Forehead 'arther ba#k with your hand!
6our ne#k will e;tend 'arther ba#k! 8old 'or .8R55 45C2074! 0ow+ rela; and slowly bring your
head ba#k to the 0eutral $osition!
1) 5;tend your head ba#k using a 'ree hand against your 'orehead!
2) 8old this 'or .en 4e#onds!
?) Contra#t the 0e#k "us#les (.ightly) G Contra#t 'or Five 4e#onds!
D) Rela; the Contra#t and $ush your Forehead 'or %ore 0e#k 5;tension!
E) 8old this $osition 'or .en 4e#onds!
F) Contra#t the 0e#k "us#les+ again+ .ightly G Contra#t in this ,osition Five 4e#onds!
@) Rela; Contra#tion and $ush against 'orward 'or %ore 5;tension!
A) 8old 'or .hree 4e#onds!
C) Rela; and ring 8ead to 0eutral!
These Stretches Only Need to be Performed Once in this Sequence per Session.
4a%e as 5;tension+ though we will be Fle;ing the 8ead 'orward and using the ba#k o' our hand to $ush
against the ba#k o' our 8ead! 3se sa%e se-uen#e as 5;tension! ,er'or% this 4eries 2nly 2n#e!
1n Lateral Fle;ion we will start+ again+ at 0eutral ,osition! <e want to bring our Right 5ar to our Right
4houlder and our Le't 5ar to our Le't 4houlder! As your 8ead is being 'le;ed to the side+ %ake a $oint
to kee$ your 4houlder ,ulled 7own 'or an 5;tra 4tret#h! Again+ take these slowly at 'irst and 92
4a%e as other ne#k stret#hes! 6ou #an rea#h above your head (with your Right hand) and grab the
u$$er $art o' the le't $ortion o' your 4kull! ,ull your hand (with your head) to bring your Right 5ar
#loser to 6our Right 4houlder!
,er'or% the sa%e se-uen#e as the other ne#k stret#hes! 1' you 'eel burning or stinging+ lay o'' and don*t
$ush it so hard! 1t*s better to take it easy and not strain your ne#k %us#les! ,er'or% 2nly 2ne 4eries on
the Le't and Right sides!
4a%e series as other ne#k stret#hes! <e si%$ly want to start in the 0eutral ,osition and without any
Fle;ion+ 5;tension+ or Lateral Fle;ion+ Rotate our 8eads to the Right and Le't! 1t*s best to $ush on your
le't Rygo%ati# Ar#h (#heek bone) to turn your 8ead to the Right; then #hange 'or the Le't side! 72
02. ,3. ,R5443R5 20 623R IA</ G 3se the Rygo%ati# Ar#h (#heek bone) or try and get
leverage on the side o' your skull!
Again+ utiliNe sa%e se-uen#e as other 0e#k 4tret#hes 'or the Le't and Right! ,er'or% only on#e $er
session (day)!
If you feel any lightheadedness, dizzyness, nausea, double vision, sharp or stabbing neck pain,
head pain, shooting pain into shoulders or arms, any sort of burning or numbness then
Discontinue these stretches immediately.
Because we are using 40* with these stretches, there is no need to perform them more than once
per day or session. %his form of 40* will yield the same results with one session as five sessions will
.his is a great 6ogi# $ose that will do a lot 'or the Auto'ellationist! 1t works wonders to hel$ stret#h out
the ba#k %us#les+ straighten your s$ine+ and $ut %ore %obility in our lower ne#k and shouldersP
<hile it is a 6oga K$ositionL it is invaluable to the auto'ellationist as a stret#hing aid and 'or its hel$
with s$inal align%ent! 1t*s also a great way to #he#k your u$$er&body %us#le i%balan#es! .y$i#ally+ one
side is easier to do than the other side! .his #ould be due to a $revious shoulder in>ury or a %us#ular
i%balan#e+ su#h as those #aused by handedness or re$etitive work using only one set o' %us#les on one
.here are %any di''erent ways to $osition the legs 'or this 4tret#hJ,osition! 3tiliNe the Lotus ,osition+
4tart by 'le;ing the Le't 5lbow and $ointing it straight u$ into the air (we*ll use the $i#ture as a guide)!
.hen rea#h underneath and behind your ba#k and try to #las$ your Le't 8and with your Right 8and!
.his %ay be di''i#ult at 'irst! 5ven i' you #an get your 'ingers to tou#h ti$s+ this is a great start! =ee$
working at it until you #an hook your 'ingerti$s o' one hand with your other hand! <hen you have
really %astered stret#hing these %us#lesJ'as#iaJtendonsJliga%ents+ you will be able to #las$ both hands
together+ as i' you are shaking your own hand!
2n#e you have (at least) been able to get your 'ingerti$s hooked together+ you #an a##entuate the
stret#h by $ulling the u$$er elbow (ar%) toward your ba#k! .he lower elbow #an then be brought in
#loser to the body! 6ou #an also get a lovely tra#tion e''e#t in your u$$er ba#k and ne#k by #las$ing
your hands (or 'ingers) and $ull the% a$art while %aintaining 'ingerJhand lo#king! .ry to kee$ your
u$$er elbow $ointed at the #eiling and lower elbow $ointed at the 'loor! 7o both shoulders!
1' you have any history o' shoulder dislo#ation+ 72 02. ,5RF2R" .814 4.R5.C8! Any history o'
%oderate to severe shoulder arthritis or 'ra#tures o' the s#a$ula or #lavi#le are also #ontraindi#ated with
this stret#h! ,eo$le with Rotator Cu'' tears or in>uries should also stay away 'ro% this stret#h unless
under the su$ervision o' an ortho$edist!
2n#e you are able to (at least) lo#k your 'ingerti$s together+ rela; and gently $ull your 'ingers a$art
(while+ still+ %aintaining #onta#t) to hel$ 'urther stret#h out your shoulders+ ne#k+ and s$ine!
La#k o' %obility in the .hora#i# 4$ine ("iddle a#k) is 'airly #o%%on; nearly as #o%%on as redu#ed
,elvi# "obility! <hen we 'ail to $ro$erly utiliNe the bio%e#hani#s o' our .hora#i# 4$ine+ we $ut %ore
strain on our ne#k and lower ba#k region to %ake u$ the di''eren#e! <e do not want this! <e do not
want to strain any >oint(s) unne#essarily! <e want ALA0C5 and a 'air distribution o' >oint strain 'or
sa'ety and $eak $er'or%an#e!
8ere are so%e si%$le ways to stret#h out your %id&ba#k and in#rease its %obility!
1) 9et a broo% handle or long sti#k! ,ut it on the ba#k o' your u$$er shoulders+ as i' you were going to
#arry two bu#kets o' water (on either side o' the sti#k) 'or long distan#es! 6ou will gras$ the sti#k with
both hands and this will bring your 4#a$ula (4houlder lades) together! 4ta#k u$ two #inder blo#ks or
use so%ething about 2 Feet high! 4tart by $utting your Right Foot on the #inder blo#ks+ but leave your
Le't Foot on the Floor! Contra#t your ,elvi# "us#les and si%$ly rotate your 3$$er ody to the Right!
I34. R2.A.5 623R AC= (54,5C1ALL6 3,,5R AC=)! 72 02. R2.A.5 623R ,5LV14
2R 05C=! Rotate to the right and hold the $osition 'or Five 4e#onds! 4lowly #o%e ba#k to 0eutral!
<ait Five 4e#onds and .urn again to the Right! ,er'or% .en .i%es on the Right! .hen $er'or% the
4a%e with the Le't side (.en)! Rela; and do .en "ore on the Right and .en "ore on the Le't!
2) Lay on the Floor or "at on your a#k! Fle; 6our =nees+ as i' you were doing sit&u$s! 6our hands
should be at your sides! 0ow+ bring your hands above your head with your ,al%s 3$! 1' you were
standing+ your hands would be $ointing to the sky! 0ow+ stret#h your hands and ar%s out as 'ar above
your head as you #an! 4tret#h+ stret#h+ and stret#h! 8old 'or Five 4e#onds! Rela;! Return hands to sides
o' body! Rela; Five 4e#onds! Re$eat! .his should be done 'or 1E Re$etitions! 6ou will 'eel your s$ine
distra#t and rela; during this stret#h! .ake a dee$ breath when you e;tend your ar%sJhands and slowly
breath out u$on bringing to your sides!
.hese .hora#i# 4tret#hes are very i%$ortant 'or the auto'ellationist! .his is one key area o' the body
that %ost $eo$le are la#king in %obility! <hat ha$$ens thenB <ell+ we utiliNe our lower ba#ks and
ne#ks instead! .his $uts %ore o' a strain on our lower ba#ks and ne#ks! y %obiliNing the .hora#i#
4$ine+ it will $ut less load on your lower ba#k and ne#k when $er'or%ing auto'ellatio! .his %eans you
will have a de#reased #han#e o' in>uring your ne#k or lower ba#k! Re%e%ber+ the .hora#i# 4$ine is
$retty solid be#ause o' the Rib Cage! 1t*s ti%e to loosen it u$!
.his $ose looks a bit inti%idating but it really isn*t! .his $ose hel$s us strengthen the ne#k %us#les in
the ne#k+ %id&ba#k+ and lower ba#k! 1t also stret#hes out all o' the %us#les and tissues in the 'ront o'
the body! <hile we are 'o#used on Fle;ion o' the 4$ine+ we %ust also #ountera#t this by stret#hing out
the 5;tension ('ront) $art o' our bodies! y strengthening our ba#k %us#les+ this $oseJstret#h hel$s us
redu#e the risk o' in>ury during Fle;ion while $er'or%ing Auto'ellatio!
9et a de#ent e;er#ise %at 'or the 'loor! .he 6oga %ats see% to be the best and o''er the %ost
#ushioning! Lie 'a#e down with your Ar%s at your 4ides with your ,al%s Fa#e u$! .ake a dee$ breath
and breathe out! As you breathe out+ bend your knees and try to bend your knees as #lose to your
gluteal region (butto#ks) as $ossible! (.he breathing $art really hel$s with this+ so don*t 'orget to breath
out as you 'le; your knees)! 6our knees should be about 5ight 1n#hes a$art! 0ow+ grab your ankles
with your hands!
0ow take a dee$ breath and $ush your knees ba#k (away 'ro% your butto#ks and away 'ro% your
body)! .his will $ull on your ar%s be#ause they will be resisting the knees going ba#k! Li't your thighs
o'' o' the 'loor while you e;tend your knees ba#k!
1' it*s too tough to get your thighs u$ and o'' o' the 'loor+ then >ust use a rolled u$ blanket under the%
while you are still at the beginner level with this $oseJstret#h! 6ou #an also use a %akeshi't stra$ and
wra$ these around your ankles (to gras$ with your hands) i' you #an*t rea#h 'ar ba#k enough!
6ou will 'eel that your u$$er body will be $ulled u$ as a sort o' #ounter&balan#e to the thighs being
elevated! 8old this $osition 'or about ?0 4e#onds! Contra#t and Rela; your a#k "us#les and the
%us#les between your 4houlder lades G 2n and 2''+ while you breathe! Feel the Frontal side o' your
body stret#h out! Look u$ at @0 7egrees with your head and ne#k! 4lowly rela; and rest 'or a %inute in
the original starting $osition! Re$eat this 5;er#ise .hree .i%es ,er 7ay!
2n#e you are #o%'ortable with the Regular 7hanurasana ,ose+ you #an alter it by adding a ro#king
%ove%ent to it! Iust gently ro#k yoursel' ba#k and 'orth as you breathe in and out! .his is great 'or
your Abdo%inal "us#les (whi#h we will be working on later) and will hel$ strengthen your ba#k
%us#les (es$e#ially 3$$er a#k) even %ore! Do either version at least three times a day. 2bviously+
as you get used to the $ositions and stret#hes and begin to 'eel what areas o' your body are weaker or
stronger+ you #an tailor the $osesJstret#hes to target the areas you need the %ost work and 'o#us on
doing these $ri%arily!
.he "atsyendrasana ,oseJ4tret#h is also known as the K8al' Lord o' the Fishes ,ose!L 1t works very
well in stret#hing out the %iddle and u$$er %iddle ba#k+ stret#h out the hi$s+ and add %obility to the
s$ine! 1t a$$ears to be a di''i#ult $ose but is -uite si%$le! .his $ose works wonders 'or the
.his is one o' %y $ersonal 'avorites 'or auto'ellatio $robably 'or what it does 'or %y shoulders+ u$$er&
and %id&ba#k+ and even the hi$s! 6ou*ll 'ind that a lot o' these $oses will invigorate you and boost your
energy levels+ as well as %aking you 'eel younger+ healthier+ and %ore li%ber!
4i%$ly sit on the 'loor with your knees bent! 4lide your Le't Foot over and under your Right 8i$! 0ow+
bring your Right Leg over your Le't Leg so that the botto% o' your 'oot is 'ir%ly $lanted on the 'loor!
.he Right =nee should+ initially+ $oint straight u$ at the #eiling!
An#hor your body by $la#ing your Right 8and on the Floor ne;t to and slightly behind your Right
8i$Jutto#k! .ake a dee$ breath and as you e;hale+ use your Right 8and as a e;ternal 'ul#ru% $oint+
and use it to gently twist your .runk to the Right! "ake a $oint to kee$ your body and e;tre%ities (legs
and ar%s) snug with ea#h other! .urn your 8ead (ne#k) to the Right!
9ently use your Le't hand on your Le't =nee as a leverage devi#e to $ut %ore rotation into your .runk!
=ee$ your ba#k 'ully ere#t and #on#entrate on rotation o' the 5ntire 4$inal area+ >ust don*t 'o#us on the
Loewr a#k! 8old this $osition 'or 2ne "inute and Return to 0eutral! Rest a %inute and then $er'or%
the sa%e on the other side! Do Three Times per Day on Both Sides.
<e*re now going to target getting overall in#reased Fle;ion in your 4$ine! .hese e;er#ises are a
ne#essity 'or auto'ellatio+ so do these diligently and as o'ten as $ossible/
As a side note+ i' you #an $er'or% your e;er#ises in the "orning+ A'ternoon+ and 5vening+ this would
be the best $lan o' a#tion! 6ou #an also do a lot o' these at work+ that is+ i' you have so%e $riva#y+ su#h
as your own $rivate and $ersonal o''i#e! 5ven doing so%e o' these s$ine stret#hes while you take a
shower is a great idea and+ as we %entioned+ the heat will %ake your body %ore 'le;ible! .aking a gol'
ball or tennis ball to work and work on your ,lantar Fas#ia (botto% o' 'eet) while you*re at your desk!
"ake the best use o' your ti%e! .he 'ollowing stret#hes work best a'ter you have unlo#ked your
4u$er'i#ial a#k Line!
4i%$le to $er'or%! 9et a $ie#e o' 2;DL wood about two 'eet long+ or any other ob>e#t with this a%ount
o' thi#kness (like a thi#k s#hool te;tbook)! ,la#e the ba#k o' your 'eet on the 2;D with your heels
elevated and your toes nor%ally on the 'loor! =ee$ your ba#k straight and >ust 'le; 'orward A. .85
81,4! 7o not try to 'le; your 4$ine! Let your ar%s 'all 'orward and let the e;tra weight o' the% $ull
your hi$s 'orward through gravity! .ry to 'or#e %ore 'le;ion in your trunk through your hi$s! 8old this
$osition 'or three se#onds+ then slowly return to nor%al! Re$eat .en .i%es! .his should in#rease your
hi$ 'le;ibility!
4a%e as above; however+ $ut the 'ront $ortion o' your 'eet (balls and toes) and $er'or% the sa%e
stret#h .en .i%es! 6ou will 'eel %ore o' a $ull on your A#ihlles .endon and Calve "us#les! .his is a
great Fle;ion 4tret#h!
This is a simple stretch that will strengthen your Abs and add Flexion to your hips and Pelvis.
Everyone loves this pose as it is so simple to do, not exceedingly technical or difficult and has
great side effects for the autofellationist.
Lay on your ba#k with legs e;tended! ,ull u$ your right knee and wra$ your hands around it and $ull it
toward your head as #losely as $ossible! =55, .85 L5F. L59 F3LL6 A9A104. .85 FL22R
<1.8 02 507! Feel the $ulling in your hi$ and leg >oints! 0ow+ Contra#t the %us#les o' 6our
A72"50+ Legs and ,elvis (5s$e#ially on the Right 4ide)! 8old 'or .en 4e#onds! Rela; these
#ontra#tions 'or Five 4e#onds+ but keep your Knee in this position. 0ow+ $ull 6our =nee 3$ 5ven
"ore (you #an do this %ore sin#e we are using ,0F/)! Again+ Contra#t 6our Abs+ Legs+ and ,elvis
"us#les very intensely! 8old 'or .en 4e#onds! Rela; 'or Five 4e#onds (kee$ing knee in this $osition)!
Contra#t again+ ,ulling =nee even #loser 'or .en 4e#onds! Rela; and slowly return your knee to the
'loor and $ut your ar%s at your sides! Rela; 'or a Few "inutes! 0ow+ Re$eat on Le't 4ide! 7o .hree o'
these on 5a#h 4ide every 7ay!
)nce you get good at this e$ercise, move on to6
.his is si%$ly the 4a%e 5;er#ise as ,avana%uktasana but you use 2.8 L594 A. .85 4A"5
.1"5! .his is even a better e;er#ise to do+ as the body is 4y%%etri# ($ro$er aligned on both sides)
while it is being $er'or%ed! <hile Auto'ellatio is sy%%etri#al+ too+ it hel$s i' we train the body to be
balan#ed! ,er'or% the 4ingle Leg .hree .i%es $er Leg and then ,er'or% with oth Legs .hree .i%es
$er 7ay!
.his looks a little daunting but within a short a%ount o' ti%e+ even the %ost in'le;ible o' you will be
able to do stret#hes like the 4u$ta ,adangusthasana! .he $i#ture above is a little advan#ed+ here*s how
to do it in a si%$le %ethod!
9o ba#k to the $revious stret#h we >ust did (,avana%uktasana) and get a FOOT STRAP:
9et in the $osition $i#tured on the $revious $age! <hen the =nee is bent u$+ take your stra$ (so%ething
like a used ne#k tie) and wra$ it around the botto% o' your Le't Foot! 8old the ends o' the stra$ in your
Le't and Right hands! .hen e;tend your leg using the stra$ as an an#hor $oint! .ry to e;tend your leg
'ully to C0 7egrees! 6ou should 'eel $ulling in your #alves and ha%strings! Extend as far as possible
and hold this stretch for 30 Seconds. Contra#t your Ab "us#les! 7o ea#h leg .hree .i%es $er 7ay!
<hen you get good at it+ start doing both legs at the sa%e ti%e!
8ere is a $ose that should strike 'ear in the heart o' any %an who has tight ha%strings and #alves! Iust
looking at this $ose %ade %e shudder when 1 'irst saw it+ as 1 was so inti%idated by! .here is no reason
to 'ear+ however; even with the tightest ha%strings and #alves+ unlo#king your 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line
and 'ollowing these stret#h $lans should have you well on the way to be able to $er'or% this in a 'ew
weeks! This is a KEY Stretch You Must Be Able to Perform! 1' you #an*t %aster it+ 1 doubt
you will be able to auto'ellate! 4o+ with that being said+ work on this $ose! Iust $ra#ti#ing this
$oseJstret#h will do wonders toward you bringing your $enis #loser to your %outh!
1t*s si%$le enough to $er'or%! Iust sit on the 'loor with your legs e;tended! 6ou %ay 'ind elevating the
ba#k o' your butto#ks with a s%all $illow %ight hel$! =ee$ your legs 'ully e;tended and in 'ull #onta#t
with the 'loor!
.ake a dee$ breath and breathe out! ,ress down with your 8eels toward the 'loor and slowly start to
bend 'orward with ar%s e;tended straight out (the weight o' the ar%s will hel$ you)! R5LAM your
a#k %us#les+ Contra#t 6our Abdo%inal "us#les+ Feel 6oursel' ,ulling 6our 9roin 1nto 6our ,elvis!
Chan#es are your knees will want to kink u$ a little to take the strain o'' o' the%! 720*. L5. .814
8A,,50! 1' you #an only 'le; 'orward a little with the legs $er'e#tly 'lat+ then do it this way! 1 would
go as 'ar as $ossible Forward with your head bowed! 8old this 'or .en 4e#onds+ while Strongly
Contracting Your Calf Muscles, Hamstring Muscles, and Your Pelvic Muscles! Rela; (still Fle;ed
in this $osition) 'or 1E 4e#onds! 0ow you should be able to 'le; 'orward a little %ore! 7o so and 8old
this $osition 'or .en 4e#onds with 1ntense Contra#tion o' the "us#les again! Rela; (still 'le;ed
'orward) 'or 1E 4e#onds! Fle; 'orward %ore! 8old and Contra#t .en 4e#onds! Rela; 'or 20 4e#onds+
then 4lowly Return to 0eutral!
3sing ,0F .e#hni-ues will drasti#ally #ut down the a%ount o' ti%e you will need to $er'or% this
e;er#ise! .his is a tough stret#h! 1*% not going to lie to you+ but it is a Very 4i%$le 4tret#h/ 1t will >ust
take a little ti%e and e''ort to $er'or%! 0ever $ush yourselves with stu'' like this! .ake it 4lowly and
Fir%ly! 1t*s better to s$end an e;tra week stret#hing out than $ulling a %us#le i' one gets in too %u#h o'
a hurry!
,adangusthasana is another stret#h that you need to %aster 'or auto'ellatio! <hile it is #o%$arable to
,as#hi%ottanasana+ sin#e it is $er'or%ed standing+ we $ut di''erent loads on the lower ba#k (Lu%bar
4$ine) and ,elvis+ as they are weight&bearing in this $osition! e#ause this a;ial weight is distributed
%u#h di''erent than when sitting on the ,elvis+ we %ust %aster this e;er#ise+ too!
Again+ this is a very si%$le stret#h+ but is di''i#ult to do! ,0F should hel$ us get a head start in
%astering this stret#h! 1t*s also great 'or the Abs+ whi#h will be the last $ortion o' this se#tion+ so %ake
sure you #ontra#t your abdo%en during this %aneuver! 1n the i%age+ the wo%an has her 'ingers #urled
under her toes+ as this is the 'inal ste$ in this $osition! 1nitially+ try to tou#h your ankles+ then 'eet+ then
your toes+ then to #url your 'ingers under your toes! .ake it easy at 'irst! Again+ this is no ra#e or
4tand u$right! 6our 'eet should be about a 'oot a$art! Firstly Contra#t your .high "us#les (in Front) so
that your ,atellas (=nee Ca$s) get $ulled u$ 'ro% the #ontra#tion! .his is i%$ortant and will hel$
stabiliNe your knees 'or the 4tret#h! .ake a dee$ breath and while you e;hale+ kee$ing your legs
straight+ Lower 6our 8ead and 4lowly end Forward+ trying to Fle; %ainly 'ro% your 8i$ Ioints!
.he 9oal is to interlo#k your Fingerti$s under your .oes! At 'irst+ unless you are very 'le;ible+ this is
going to be di''i#ult to do! 6ou should really 'eel your 8a%strings and Calves stret#h with this
%aneuver! 1' you are unable to get your 'ingers under your toes+ then utiliNe two stra$s! Loo$ the% and
hold the% in your hands as you Fle; 'orward! 2n#e you*ve 'le;ed as 'ar as $ossible+ then loo$ the%
under the 'ront $art o' your 'eet! Contra#t your Abdo%inal "us#les and take a dee$ breath in! 0ow+ as
you e;hale+ $ull with your 'ingers (or stra$s) against your 'eet and straighten out your elbows! 6ou will
'eel the resistan#e in your torso as you try to stret#h yoursel' in this Klo#kedL $osition! 6our legs should
be #ontra#ted+ as well as your ba#k and abdo%inal %us#les! Contra#t these %us#les intensely 'or .en
4e#onds! Rela; these %us#les (still 'le;ed) and wait Fi'teen 4e#onds!
0ow+ $ulling on your toes (through stra$ or 'ingers) should allow 'or %ore Fle;ion than be'ore!
Contra#t all your %us#les+again+ and hold 'or .en 4e#onds! Rela; Fi'teen 4e#onds and Re$eat! 7o
.hree Re$etitions! .hen+ slowly+ stand u$! Rela; 'or a %inute and re$eat the .hee Re$etitions! 7o
.hree 4ets o' .hree Re$etitions!
2n#e you have %astered the basi# ,adangusthasanaJ,adahastasana 5;er#ise+ then you #an e;$lore
di''erent versions o' it! .hese should only be atte%$ted on#e you are 100: #o%'ortable in your
'le;ibility! 1 'ound that so%e work better to target #ertain areas o' %y body than others; and so%e >ust
$lain work better 'or %e! 1 es$e#ially like when the ar%s are e;tended ba#k (.hird ,i#ture 'ro% Le't on
otto% Row) be#ause this hel$s #ounter&balan#e %y trunk and 1 a% %ore stable in this $osition! .he
e;tra e;tension o' the weight o' the ar%s also en#ourages gravity to have a larger e''e#t on %y stret#h
and works wonders on strengthening %y u$$er ba#k (1 do this by Contra#ting %y ,eris#a$ular "us#les
G .he "us#les that bring %y shoulder blades #loser to %y s$ine and elevated G ut this is >ust a
$ersonal $re'eren#e)! 2ver ti%e your body and your auto'ellatio e;$eri%entation will hel$ guide you to
what $oses work best!
<e*ve dis#ussed this be'ore but it is truly worth dis#ussing again! Learning these $oses and stret#hes is
#hanging the $hysi#al sha$e o' your body! 1' you are .hirty 6ears old and you haven*t done these ty$es
o' stret#hes be'ore+ it is de'initely going to take your body so%e ti%e to get used to the%! y overdoing
things and getting in a rush+ you*re likely to only in>ure yoursel'! 1' it takes .hree "onths to Auto'ellate
instead o' 2ne "onth by taking your ti%e and not s#rewing yoursel' u$ in the $ro#ess+ then that is what
you %ust do! 1t won*t kill you to wait an e;tra %onth or two by taking your ti%e and doing things
reathing is an integral $art to 6oga! 5s$e#ially 'ro% a rela;ation $oint&o'&view! 7i''erent theories
e;ist on when the #orre#t ti%e to breath in and to breath out is! 4o%e say to breath in on #ontra#tion+
so%e say to breathe out! .hose who breathe in on #ontra#tion+ it is said+ get %ore o;ygen in the blood
strea% to nourish the %us#les (this really isn*t the #ase+ though; you*re not going to de$lete your blood&
o;ygen levels with one 6oga %ove); while the $eo$le who are interested in K'atiguingL a %us#le or
liga%ent state that breathing out on #ontra#tion is best! 4o what*s the best %ethodB 4i%$leP <hatever
you are %ost #o%'ortable with! 8owever+ strong and dee$ breaths will surely hel$ you 'o#us your
e;er#ises+ as it #reates a Krhyth%L $attern to 'ollow; and does+ indeed+ give your tissues the e;tra
o;ygen levels they %ay re-uire!
6ou only have one body and you don*t want to s#rew it u$! As a kid 1 $layed baseball and drea%ed
about $it#hing 'or the tea%! .his was during %y Little League years! "y dad+ who $issed %e o'' at the
ti%e+ said that it wasn*t a good idea and wouldn*t let %e be a $it#her! KAnd why notBL 1 asked! 8e said
that when we*re young and still growing that you #an really s#rew u$ your ar% and shoulder by
throwing a ball like that! Anyway+ he was the law+ so 1 wound u$ being a #at#her instead! 1 even $layed
all the way through 8igh 4#hool+ but never as a $it#her!
Fa#t is+ %y dad didn*t know %u#h about %edi#ine but he was right about %ost things! <hen 1 got out o'
s#hool and $ra#ti#ed %edi#ine+ 1 was a%aNed at the a%ount o' guys who #a%e in+ %ost in their ?0s+
who had s#rewed u$ ne#ks+ 'roNen shoulders+ lower ba#k $roble%s+ arthritis+ and all kinds o'
%e#hani#al $roble%s in their >oints and s$ines! 7oing a Case 8istory $rovided what in'or%ationB 0ine
ti%es out o' ten their $roble% was #aused by a 'ootball in>ury+ wrestling in>ury+ or so%ething si%ilar
way ba#k in Iunior 8igh or 8igh 4#hool/ <hen 1 tried to e;$lain to these guys the #ause and e''e#t o'
their $roble%s+ they >ust didn*t want to believe it! .hey 'elt that KCoa#hL wouldn*t have let the% s#rew
the%selves u$ so easily! A'ter all+ KCoa#hL was their 'riend/ ut they 'orget that KCoa#h*sL >ob relied
on hi% winning that tro$hy and he was $robably a worthless and sel'ish bastard anyway! 0ow+
un'ortunately+ these guys are s#rewed u$ and will have $ain and dis#o%'ort 'or %ost o' their lives!
4urgery %ight hel$ in a lot o' #ases but the RiskJene'it is at hand! RiskJene'it %eans you have to
de#ide i' the Risk is greater than the ene'it! For %ost o' these %en+ the Risk o' surgery is greater than
the $otential ene'it! 2nly i' their $roble%s eventually worsen+ will the ene'it o' 4urgery outweigh
the Risk!
Let %e %ake this analogy a little #learer! Auto'ellatio is like $laying aseball! 6ou #an $lay %any
K$ositionsL on the Field and $lay your ga%e 4a'e and have a 9reat .i%e! 6ou #an $lay in the out'ield
and not s#rew your body u$! 6ou #an be a $it#her and not s#rew yoursel' u$! ut+ when you start going
to e;tre%es and doing stu$id things to ensure that K.he .ea% <ins/L you*ll likely only 'u#k yoursel'
u$! ,lay it sa'e+ not stu$id! There is no trophy to be won here.
8ey+ 1 know what it 'eels like to be #onstantly horny! 1 so%eti%es wonder i' 1*% not the horniest %an
ever born! 1 read this stu'' about Viagra and #an*t believe guys need to take this stu'' to be able to en>oy
the%selves se;ually! 8e#k+ the wind blows and 1 get an ere#tion; and 1*% nearly Forty 6ears 2ld (not
that that should have anything to do with it+ but %ost 'olks get it in their head that a "an*s se;ual $eak
starts burning out a'ter 1A&6ears o' Age G 4o%ething 1 re'use to believe 'or one %inute)! Anyway+ 1 also
know what it 'eels like to get se;ually su$er#harged to su#h a degree that you will do anything+ #o%e
heaven or hell+ to get yoursel' o''!!! Our Sexual Drive is one of our most basic, primal, raw, and
intense instincts. 1ts e''e#ts and desires are e%bedded in our 70A through the a#tivities o' all o' our
$revious an#estors! .hese dee$ly e%bedded needs %ust be addressed! 1' you try to ignore the% or
da%$en the%+ they >ust #ontinue to build u$ %ore and %ore $ent&u$ energy that is >ust s#rea%ing to
e;$lode like a 8ydrogen o%b!!!
"y best advi#e isP KEEP IT COOL.
7on*t get overly an;ious and s#rew u$ your body in the $ro#ess! 1 know it su#ks+ but trust %e+ it will be
so%e o' the best advi#e you ever get! 6ou don*t want to be in the 7o#tor*s o''i#e with a s#rewed u$
ne#k be#ause you tried to su#k yoursel' o'' ten years ago! 1t >ust isn*t worth it! .rust %e!
Anyway, enough wisdom for now. Let's get on with the Last But Not Least The Abdomen:
.he Abdo%inal "us#les are in#redibly i%$ortant to the Auto'ellionist! .hey %ust be 4tong and not
weak! Iust like i' your 8a%strings are as tight as tra%$oline s$rings+ having a weak abdo%en will
$retty %u#h sto$ you 'ro% $er'or%ing Auto'ellatio! 0ot only is a strong abdo%en i%$ortant 'or
Auto'ellatio+ but it is also very i%$ortant 'or $ro$er $osture and 'or $ro$er digestion o' 'ood! <hen
$eo$le*s abdo%ens get weak and $rotrude+ this allows the intestines to distend 'orward and stret#h out
and %akes $ro$er digestion a real $roble%! 4o not only will strengthening u$ your Abs %ake you look
se;ier+ 'eel se;ier+ have better $osture+ and aid in digestion+ it will also hel$ you to Auto'ellate!
.he 'irst stret#hJ$osture we will look at his a take on the basi# 1nversion ,osition in 6ogaP
.his is one o' the basi# ways to enter into an 1nversion ,osition! 4i%$ly lay on your ba#k with your
hands at your sides and you legs straight with your hi$s at C0 7egrees! 3tiliNe your hands as downward
leverage as you bring your $elvis and trunk o'' o' the 'loor! 72 02. 345 623R 81,4 .2 L1F.
623R ,5LV14! .his is very i%$ortant! 3se your A72"10AL "34CL54! 2n#e you have %ost o'
your trunk elevated+ then e;tend your (e;tended) legs so they are again at C0 7egrees!
"ost should be able to get into this $osition with little di''i#ulty! 1' you do have di''i#ulty with this+ you
#an bra#e your hi$s on either side with your hands! .his should hel$ you re%ain u$right in this
$osition! Always concentrate on using your Abdominal Muscles to stay in this pose. 7o not use
your 8i$ Fle;ors to re%ain ere#t! ,3. A .810 ,1LL2< 3075R 623R 85A7 F2R C2"F2R. 1F
623 7541R5!
2ne o' the great $oints about this e;er#iseJstret#h is that it not only strengthens your abdo%inal
%us#les+ but it also hel$s "obiliNe your ,elvis and 8i$ Ioints! 1t strengthens your a#k "us#les+ too!
Abdo%inal strengthening is es$e#ially i%$ortant to the Auto'ellationist+ as he is going to need to kee$
his Abdo%inal "us#les #ontra#ted 'or e;tended lengths o' ti%e! 1' you don*t have the strength and the
ability to #ontra#t your Abdo%inal "us#les 'or a long length o' ti%e+ you will start to #ra%$ u$ and get
sto%a#h $ains! 4trengthening your Abdo%inal "us#les is really i%$ortant i' you want to take your
Auto'ellatio Iourney to the 2rgas%i# 5nd! 2ne #an hardly do this i' their Abdo%inal "us#les are
#ra%$ing u$ and a#hing a'ter two %inutes!
0ow+ while in this $osition+ re%e%ber so%ething you $robably did in 9y% Class at 8igh 4#hool! And
that is to do the Ki#y#le 5;er#ise!L <hile you are in this $osition starting working your 8i$s+ =nees+
and Legs as i' you were $edaling a i#y#le! 1t*s -uite si%$le! Again+ re%e%ber to kee$ your Abdo%inal
"us#les Contra#ted!
,edal your i%aginary i#y#le 'or about .hree "inutes in this $osition! 0ow+ lower your legs (while
you are still $edaling) to about @0 7egrees! ,edal 'or another .hree "inutes! 0ow+ Lower your legs to
about DE 7egrees! And kee$ $edaling! .he lower your legs go+ the %ore abdo%inal strength you will
need to kee$ the% at this elevation! Feel Your Abs Contract! 7o this 'or .hree "inutes and now
lower your legs so that your 'eet are about 20 7egrees (about two 'eet o'' o' the 'loor)! .his should be
the toughest $art o' this %aneuver as you will really have to #ontra#t your abdo%inal %us#les to kee$
this $osition! Rela;!
.his is one %agi#al way to get what is #alled K4i;&,a#k Abs!L .his e;er#ise really works your Re#tus
For so%e %en+ this e;er#ise will be a $ie#e o' #ake! .hat*s great! 1' so+ then %ove on u$ to Five
"inutes in ea#h $osition! .hose %en who 'ind it di''i#ult+ kee$ at it until you are able to do at least
Five "inutes in ea#h $osition (with ar%s at side+ $al%s down+ as in the $hotos)+ C2045C3.1V5L6!
.his %ay see% like a long ti%e+ but this is a great way to strengthen your abs+ %obiliNe your
hi$sJ$elvis+ and to strengthen your ba#k %us#les! 1t*s also one o' the easiest and %ost 'un e;er#ises to
do! 1 don*t suggest it+ as 1 think everyone should #on#entrate on what they are doing when they are
e;er#ising+ but this is one o' those easy&enough e;er#ises you #an do and still wat#h television at the
sa%e ti%e!
6ou should do this 5very 2ther 7ay! 7o it as long as $ossible (within reason)! You really need to
strengthen your Abdominal Muscles.
.here are tons o' %ethods o' strengthening your Abs! All kinds o' gadgets and gi%%i#kery (yeah+ that*s
a real word) have invaded late&night television and the 1nternet 'or years on strengthening your Abs!
.hen there*s the entire 4i;&,a#k Ab #raNe that*s had everyone*s attention 'or the last twenty years and
still see%s to be on the %inds o' %ost %en interested in looking their $hysi#al best!
.here are %any areas o' the abdo%en that #an and should be targeted! 8owever+ these e;er#ises 1*ve
$rovided will do the best 'or the Auto'ellationist! .his isn*t a book on 4i;&,a#k Abs+ so 1*% not going to
waste your ti%e with all the "us#le grou$s and their Fun#tion!
,eo$le think these are a new invention that e;$loded on late&night television about ten years ago! .hat*s
hardly the #ase! "y grand'ather had one o' these he %ade by hand that he used to train with when he
was a bo;er and that was in the 1C?0s! 1 even have a s%all booklet (1 'orget where it #a%e 'ro%) that 1
#a%e a#ross+ as a little kid by Ioe ono%o on be#o%ing stronger (he was a 'a%ous li'ter 'ro% the 2ld
4#hool) who dis#ussed how to use one o' these things! A#tually+ that was a really #ool little book and 1
wish 1 still had it! 1t had all kinds o' ways o' develo$ing strength by using si%$le ob>e#ts like a sheet o'
news$a$er+ believe it or not!!!
Anyway+ you #an*t i%$rove u$on this si%$le devi#e 'or 4trengthening your Abs and that*s why it*s been
around 'orever! 8e#k+ the 9reek 2ly%$iads $robably even used these devi#es! .he beauty is that
they*re ine;$ensive to %ake on your own (or $ur#hase)+ they*re si%$le+ and+ o' #ourse+ .856
AC.3ALL6 <2R=! Forget all the 4u$er&Ab&Fle;&"onster&"a#hine #ontra$tions that #ost Q1E0!00!
.his little $u$$y is all you need!
6ou #an $i#k one o' these u$ at any s$orting goods store! 8aving said that+ they $robably won*t have
one i' you go+ so #all ahead be'ore you head out! 1' not+ you #an %ake one with a wheelbarrow wheel
and a thi#k wooden dowel! .hey $robably even sell the% at the K*"artL stores that see% to be taking
over the known universe! 1*ve tried to kee$ all the devi#es down to a %ini%u% in this book+ to %ake
things %ore natural+ hands&on+ and si%$le! .hings like Foa% Rollers+ =ineti# 5;er#ise alls+ 4tret#h
ands+ and the like are great+ but they tend to be#o%e reliant aids you shouldn*t need! 8owever+ an Ab
Roller is a devi#e worth having! Also, if you don't have one already, get a decent and %!I+3 1oga
4ad <Mat= to do your stretches and e$ercises on.
.hey are %ore stable (sa'er) and we #an utiliNe the additional wheel 'or %ore advan#ed %aneuvers
when we get our abs stronger and %ore $ower'ul!
.he si%$lest way to use the wheel is in this 'ashion! ;on't worry if it's tough at first. 1 hadn*t used one
o' these in 'ive years and was a%aNed that 1 #ouldn*t use it any longer! A'ter a week 1 had no $roble% at
all+ but %y abs were sore as hell a'ter the 'irst workoutP
4i%$ly =neel on the 'loor with your body as u$right as $ossible (you will have so%e 'orward tilting
(but not Fle;ion) o' your trunk be#ause your trunk is longer than your ar% length! .he wheel should be
resting in 'ront o' your knees! 6our Le't 8and on the Le't 8andle and Right 8and on Right 8andle!
=ee$ your head in the 0eutral ,osition (not Fle;ed or 5;tended) or with 4light Fle;ion (0o
5;tension)! 6our Ar%s 0eed to be Fully 5;tended (4traight)!
4lightly Contra#t your Abdo%inal "us#les and utto#ks to kee$ your ,elvis 'ro% .ilting and 4training
your Lower a#k! Allow your body to lean 'orward using the Ab <heel as the 'o#us o' <eight
.rans'er! .his will get the <heel Rolling Forward! =ee$ your Abdo%inal "us#les Contra#ted to
4.A1L1R5 623R .2R42! 6ou should 'eel your ba#k stret#h out as you Roll Forward!
.he =ey is to be able to Roll 2ut 5nough so that you Fully 5;tend your ody with your Ar%s 4traight
2ut and Legs Fully 5;tended! .hen+ you C20.RAC. 623R A4 to FL5M 623R .R30= and
bring your body ba#k to the =neeling $osition! 6ou 4hould 3tiliNe your Abdo%inal "us#les during
these %ove%ents to both L1"1. the 4$eed o' your Forward Roll and to 1ntrodu#e your Forward Roll
and ,ull 6our .runk into a K>a#kni'eL $osition to return to your =neeling ,osition! Re%e%ber .2 345
623R A72"10AL "34CL54 G .814 14 .85 50.1R5 ,210. 2F .814 5M5RC145!
1' you 'eel you are rolling too 'ar 'orward and are having di''i#ulty returning to 0eutral+ then si%$ly set
u$ with a wall in 'ront o' you to sto$ your 'orward roll! <ith ti%e you #an in#rease the distan#e 'ro%
you to the wall and won*t have any other need 'or the wall on#e you have develo$ed your abs! 02.5 G
Always Con#entrate on 6our Abs! 7o not use the u$$er&body strength o' your ar%s to bring the wheel
ba#k G 3se 6our Ab "us#les! Think ~Abdominal Muscles Constantly with these Exercises.
A note about Foot ,la#e%entP 4o%e advo#ates o' this e;er#ise believe you should interlo#k the end o'
you legs with one 'oot over the other! 4in#e we are interested in #reating 4y%%etry in the body+ do not
use this %ethod! 5nsure that both 'eet are 02. interlo#ked and about 4i; 1n#hes a$art! Crossing the
legs will #ause an i%balan#e in the ,elvis that we do not want to en#ourage while strengthening these
.he Advan#ed "ethod is si%ilar to the asi# "ethod! .he di''eren#e is that you start 'ro% a 4tanding
,osition with your Legs 4traight (no bending o' the knees) and with your trunk 'le;ed over! .his is
%ore di''i#ult that the kneeling %ethod+ as you have to work harder against gravity be#ause you are
standing! 7on*t try this %ethod until you have 'ully %astered the =neeling "ethod!
2n#e you have %astered both %ethods+ you #an then go to the 2ne Ar% "ethod! .his is best
$er'or%ed in the =neeling ,osition and is why you want an Ab <heel with two wheels! ,ut a s$a#er
between the two wheel so that they are #o%'ortable a 8and <idth a$art! 0ow+ instead o' using oth
8ands+ si%$ly $er'or% the e;er#ise with only 2ne 8and in the "iddle o' the Ab <heel! 8owever+
re$eat both sides the sa%e! <hi#h is to say+ i' you do .en Re$s with the Le't 8and+ then %ake sure you
do .en Re$s with the Right 8and!
6ou #an also grab the handles 'ro% below instead o' above! 2nly try this i' you*re <rist Fle;ors are
very 4trong! .his 'or%at won*t hel$ you Auto'ellate+ but will #ertainly strengthen your Forear%s!
2' #ourse+ 1 have %y $ride and would love to say that all the in'or%ation you need to $er'or% e;er#ises
like this is all in these $ages and in the words 1*ve written in this book! ut that would be a lie! 5very
%an is di''erent in $hysi#al build+ $hysi#al $otential+ and in his thinking and understanding o' things!
4o+ there are always alterations and alternatives o' %ethods and better ways o' doing things that %ay be
better suited to the individual! Really+ it wouldn*t be that hard to write an entire book on the Ab <heel
and what you #an a##o%$lish with it! ut that*s not our goal with this book! 1' you are having
di''i#ulties with so%ething like the Ab <heel+ then #he#k out $la#es like 6ou.ube on the 1nternet
where you #an 'ind e;a%$les (videos) o' su#h e;er#ises being $er'or%ed! .he key is to get you to
Auto'ellate+ not to #onvin#e you that 1 know everything (be#ause 1 don*t) and #an e;$lain everything
$er'e#tly (be#ause+ inevitably+ 1 #an*t)! Use all the tools you can that are at your disposal to reach
your goal!
Now, on to the Specific Yogafellatio Techniques...
<ell+ here we are! .he as$e#t o' the book that introdu#es the best $ositions in order to Auto'ellate!
A'ter all+ this is why we are reading this book!
0one o' these $ositions should be atte%$ted until you have at least worked on stret#hingJe;er#ising
with the $revious te#hni-ues! This is a big deal. 1' you >u%$ head'irst into these $ositions and #an*t
even begin to a##o%$lish the%+ #han#es are you %ight get 'rustrated and give u$ on atte%$ting
Auto'ellatio! "y goal is to hel$ you Auto'ellate! 1' you 'ollow what 1*ve outlined+ you shouldn*t have
any $roble%; so+ $lease+ try not to >u%$ into the tough stu'' until the easier stu'' is $ossible!
.he $revious e;er#ises and stret#hes are there 'or a reason! .hey have been $rovided as your
Foundation 'or 6oga'ellatio! Iust like a 8ouse has a 'oundation! 1' you don*t build a $ro$er 'oundation
and build a house on so%e worthless 'oundation+ the house is going to #olla$se all around you! 4a%e
with 6oga'ellato! 9et your 'oundation sound and solid! .hen you have so%ething 'ro% whi#h to truly
build your Auto'ellatio abilities! <ithout this 'oundation you are likely to get dis#ouraged and in>ured!
Always war% u$ be'ore A06 o' these ,ositions are tried! <ar% u$ by so%e o' the ,re$aratory
"easures we noted (like a ni#e hot bath or shower)+ <ork out your 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line+ and utiliNe
the 4$e#i'i# 4tret#hes! 6ou don*t need to go #raNy e;er#ising your abs be'ore $er'or%ing these
,ositions! 1n 'a#t+ you want to do >ust the o$$osite! 6our $re&6oga'ellatio e;er#ises should be about
stret#hing and rela;ation+ not working out on your Ab <heel! <ith ti%e you will 'ind and 'eel what
works best 'or you!
Any $ain or dis#o%'ort you %ight 'eel is a <arning 4ign 'or you to a#k 2''! Any weird nu%bness or
tingling and a#k 2''! Any strange sensations or burning and a#k 2''! Let*s re$eat it+ again G 7on*t
,ush or 4train 6oursel' or 6our ody! .here is $lenty o' ti%e in your li'e to learn how to Auto'ellate
$ro$erly! 3se it all wisely!
H 629A017RA4A0A H
<e saw this $oseJstret#h earlier in the book (re%e%ber 1or o#kB)! 1t see%s -uite inti%idating but you
need to start %astering this $oseJstret#h as soon as you #an! 1t will hel$ you in all the various
auto'ellatio $ositions that a %an #an utiliNe! 2bviously+ unless you are e;#essively li%ber and -uite
skilled in 6oga already+ you $robably won*t even #o%e #lose to %astering this i%%ediately! 8owever+
as we $ra#ti#e this $ose it will hel$ us to rea#h this $ose and hel$ our ability to auto'ellate!
4trangely enough+ on#e one is able to %aster this $ose+ it*s a#tually a very $leasant and $ea#e'ul
$osition! 1 know it hardly a$$ears that way+ but it is! .his %akes it one o' the better Auto'ellatio
,ositions+ as you #an rela; %ore on the 'ellatio $ortion than on your body being in an un#o%'ortable
Again+ don*t e;$e#t to %aster this in an instant! ut start working on this $ose 'or your own bene'it! As
they say+ KFake 1t .ill 6ou "ake 1t!L Make sure you have unlocked your Superficial Back Line and
limbered up for this pose.
0oteP .his will #o%$ress your thora#i# #avity (lungs) and intestinal syste%! 4o+ take it slow and
breathe easily! 1' you get too %u#h shortness o' breath+ then lay o'' and take it even slower! 6ou #an
$er'or% this either sitting on your $elvis (1s#hial .uberosities) or 'ro% a laying $osition! Laying is
ty$i#ally easier until you are well versed in this $ose! 4o%e $eo$le will do both legs at the sa%e ti%e G
7on*t worry about doing that! 2ne 'oot a'ter the other is easier at 'irst! 7o all the $osesJstret#hes
$ossible to release your ,elvis and 8i$ >oints!
1) Always war% u$ with the "atsyendrasana $oseJstret#h+ no %atter what!
2) Lay on your ba#k! <e are going to start with your K8andednessL legJhi$ 'irst! <hi#h is to say+ i'
you are Right 8anded+ then we will start with your Right LegJ8i$!
?) ring your Right 8i$ u$ to your #hest! =ee$ your =nee Fle;ed at C0 7egrees (or thereabouts)!
D) "ove your =nee and 8i$ around with your ar%s to loosen u$ the >oint as best as $ossible!
E) Return 6our Right 8i$J=nee to the 'loor and do the sa%e with your Le't 8i$J=nee!
F) Rela;!
@) 0ow+ ba#k to your Right 8i$J=nee! 4tabiliNe your body by bending your Le't =nee about ?0
7egrees with your 'oot 'ir%ly on your "at!
A) .A=5 A 755, R5A.8! ring your Right =nee to your #hest and try to bring your Right
=nee as Close to your Chin as $ossible!
C) 1' this 'eels #o%'ortable+ then rea#h under the Right Leg+ 'le; your head 'orward and e;tend the
Right Leg (at the =nee Ioint) and >ust try to $la#e it behind your head!
<ith the $ro$er 'le;ibility o' our earlier stret#hes and releasing the 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line+ you should
be able to do this! 1' not+ it*s not a big deal/ Iust kee$ $ra#ti#ing and stret#hing your Right Leg until you
#an do this!
2' #ourse+ a'ter you work with the Right Leg+ then you work on the Le't Leg! Return your Right Leg to
the "at and use it to 4tabiliNe your body with the =nee 'le; at ?0 7egrees with the 'oot 'ir%ly down on
the "at! .hen do the sa%e ,ro#ess with the Le't Leg!
7on*t try to do the Le't and Right legs both at the sa%e ti%e when you are 'irst beginning! I34. 72
205 L59 A. A .1"5 G R5LAM A07 R5.3R0 .814 L59 .2 053.RAL G .850 ,R2C557
<1.8 .85 2.85R L59! Always R5A.85 10 755,L6 when you go to $ut your leg(s) behind
your ne#k!
2n#e you are #o%'ortable in this $osition with either leg+ then si%$ly start with your K8andednessL
Leg and on#e that is $ositioned behind your ne#k+ then $ro#eed by adding your other leg! 6our other
'oot will Kinterlo#kL under your $revious 'oot!
345 ,1LL2<4 .2 43,,2R. 623R 05C= A07 ,5LV14 1F 623 7541R5
8andedness is i%$ortant in this e;er#ise! .y$i#ally+ the %us#ulature on your K8andedL side will be
%ore $ronoun#ed! 4o i' you are Right 8anded+ you will have %ore %us#le on your Right 4ide! .his
will ty$i#ally %ake the Le't 4ide %ore Fle;ible (less %us#le density)! .he se#ond Leg you $ut behind
your ne#k will have to be the %ost Fle;ible o' your .wo Legs+ as it %ust end 'arther to go ehind the
2ther Foot! .his is why we start with the 8andedness Leg!
1t*s easier than it a$$ears! 6ou will realiNe how i%$ortant strengthening your 0e#k has been and in
gaining that 'le;ibility in your 8i$s and ,elvis we dis#ussed!
10) 0ow+ si%$ly lay with your hands at your side+ 'a#e down+ near your butto#ks! ,ra#ti#e holding
this $ose and >ust %ellow out and breathe in and breathe out!
11) .he breathing $art is i%$ortant to get down+ as 1 already %entioned+ be#ause your thora#i#
#avity is going to be #o%$ressed and breathing will be %ore di''i#ult in this $osition! 9et 3sed
to 1t! Re%e%ber+ your blood $ressure+ heart rate+ and breathing rate are going to go through the
roo' on#e you start Auto'ellating! "ake sure you develo$ the $ro$er 4ta%ina 'or this with this
$osture! 7on*t >ust >u%$ in all at on#e!
12) 9et used to $er'or%ing this $ose until you are #o%'ortable with it and don*t have any #ra%$ing
or dis#o%'ort! .ake your .i%e and "aster it!
2n#e you 'eel #o%'ortable in this $ose and #an do it easily+ then we %ove onto utiliNing it 'or
12) 9et in this $ose with both legs behind your ne#k! reathe and rela;!
1?) 1nstead o' having your hands on the 'loor at ea#h side o' your butto#ks+ gras$ your Right
utto#k with 6our Right 8and and your Le't utto#k with your Le't 8and! 6ou %ay also 'ind
grabbing your $elvis at the sides o' your hi$s works >ust as well or better!
1D) 4i%$ly use your ar%s and hands to $ull your ,elvis #loser to your Fa#e! 6ou should easily be
able to get another in#h #loser >ust by $ulling your ,elvis #loser in with your 8ands! Fle; your
head (now you will know why we unlo#ked the 4ub&2##i$ital "us#les to give you better
.ranslation Ua s$e#ial %ove%ent o' the Atlas and 2##i$utV o' your 8ead on 6our 0e#k)!
1E) 0ow+ it*s all a %atter o' in#hes!
1F) 72 02. 345 .85 ,R5443R5 2F 623R F55. .2 F2RC5 623R 85A7 A07 05C=
F2R<AR7! 1 =02< 1. 14 .5",.109 3. 72 02. 4.RA10 623R 05C= .814 <A6!
<1.8 .1"5 623 <1LL 02. 0557 (2R 8AV5 .85 7541R5) .2 72 .814!
0ever ,ush 1t!
0ever For#e or 4train Anything!
0ever Rush .hings!
a#k 2'' i' Any ,ain+ <eird 4ensations+ or 4i#kness 2##urs!
Rela; and reathe 5asily!
"ake 1t an 5n>oyable 5;$erien#e!
7on*t 7o Anything 4tu$id!
SContinued on 0e;t ,ageT
.he ,low ,osition is one 'avored by %any Auto'ellationists as it is one o' the easiest to $er'or% and it
is also the easiest to get added leverage! Leverage isn*t always a good thing+ but we will dis#uss this
%ore later!
6ou need a really thi#k %at to $er'or% this $osition+ es$e#ially in the early stages (when you are
getting used to it) be#ause you will tend to $ut too %u#h strain on your ne#k! <hi#h you don*t want/
Let the weight o' your body rest and be distributed a#ross your u$$er ba#k and shoulders! Re%e%ber
the Veretbra ,ro%inensB .he big 4$inous ,ro#ess at the botto% o' your ne#k that sti#ks out %ore than
any o' your other s$inal bonesB 6ou*ll be $utting $ressure around this area+ so this is why you need a
thi#k %at! 6ou don*t want to >a% this vertebrae or unne#essarily strain it! A#tually+ using a de#ently
solid bed is great 'or this $osture+ but you need a very good and solid %attress! 1' you want+ $ut a $ie#e
o' $lywood (or two side by side) under your %attress to %ake your %attress stronger and 'ir%er!
Anyway+ the $osition is si%$le enoughP
1) Lay on your ba#k with your hands ($al%s u$) at your side!
2) Fle; your hi$s to C0 7egrees+ so that your legs are standing straight u$!
?) ring your hi$s over your head and shoulders! 6our legs should re%ain straight!
D) 6ou should be able to 'le; your hi$s enough so that your toes are tou#hing the 'loor behind your
head! 6ou #an see this illustrated in the asi# ,osition above! 6ou #an bend your knees a little i'
you $re'er!
1' you #an*t %aster this $ortion o' the $ose+ then don*t try to take it any 'arther! =ee$ $ra#ti#ing with
this introdu#tory $ortion to ensure your body is ready 'or the ne;t $hase! Again+ we are not in a rush or
hurry! 1t*s best to s$end a week $ra#ti#ing this $ortion be'ore %oving on! 6ou #an see why we were so
interested in in#reasing your 8i$ Fle;ion earlier in the book! For at this $oint in ti%e you are really
only Fle;ing your 8i$s!
E) 2n#e you have %astered getting your toes to the 'loor behind your head and are #o%'ortable in
this $osition+ then %ove your hands so that they are su$$orting your ba#k at the level o' the
K7i%$lesL we $ointed out earlier in the book! Look straight u$!
F) 0ow+ bring your shoulders #loser together and under your body+ so that you are su$$orting your
lower body with your shoulders and 0ot 6our 0e#k! .his is i%$ortant!
@) Rela;!
<ork on this $osition so that you #an get #o%'ortable %anaging this $osition 'or at least Five "inutes!
.hen $ra#ti#e holding this $osition without stabiliNing your ba#k with your hands+ as is seen in the
8alsana 6oga'ellatio $osition $i#tured on the $revious $age!
A) 0ow+ look at the 8alasana 6oga'ellatio $i#ture on $age 12E and noti#e that the legs are now
s$read with the =nees ent and that the =nees are resting on the 'loor! .his is i%$ortant and we
need to $ra#ti#e this $ortion o' the e;er#ise be'ore we #ontinue!
9) Once you are comfortable with the knees in this position, simply spread them apart and
now brace your back with your hands (like before).
10) Spreading the Knees will bring the Pelvis closer to the Head and Closer to Your Goal
The Wider the Better. 0ow this is why it is so i%$ortant to get your shoulders KunderL your
body to su$$ort you! 1' you stay in this $osition with this strain on your ne#k it*s not going to do
you any 'avors+ in 'a#t+ you*ll $robably s#rew it u$+ so re%e%ber that! .he shoulders will also
hel$ lo#k your u$$er body (and shoulders+ o' #ourse) in $la#e 'or the ne;t ste$!
11) 0ow that our shoulders are 'ir%ly an#hored and our body weight is $ro$erly $ositioned+ we #an
now use one or both hands to $ull our $elvis #loser to our body due to the stabiliNation o' our
ar%s! .his #an be done by $ulling on both butto#ks+ or i' you have a strong ar%+ you #an use
one ar% to $ull on the #enter o' your $elvis!
12) Adding %ore Fle;ion to the 4$ine is now $ossible with the ar%(s) and will bring your $enis and
%outh even #loser together!
1?) 6ou shouldn*t need to Fle; your ne#k too %u#h in this $osition! Let it lay #o%'ortably on the
"at! 1' your ne#k is being strained+ then you are doing it in#orre#tly! Continue to bring your
shoulders together and under your u$$er body 'or su$$ort!
6our end result should be the last 8alasana ,i#ture shown+ with the Legs 4$read but <ithout the Legs
Crossed (Like the Lotus Leg ,osition)! 4o%e 'ind it easier to $er'or% with the Legs Crossed but 1 'ind
that %y Feet and Legs get in the way!
There is a way to use leverage in this position, as I mentioned earlier. And that is that you can
maintain more of a Basic Halasana pose and use a Wall. The wall should be opposite your head
when laying down. Now, simply walk your legs down the wall and use them to help bring your
pelvis closer to your head. This is actually quite helpful in the beginner phases. 8owever+ using the
wall is a #rut#h and it allows us to use this as leverage! .his isn*t always good or sa'e+ as it en#ourages
us to 'or#e things 'arther than they are intended! 4o+ i' you utiliNe this %ethod+ 7o 0ot ,ush 1t!
Again+ don*t e;$e#t to be auto'ellating the 'irst ti%e you try this or any $osition! <ork on the $ositions
until you are #o%'ortable with the% 'or Five+ .en+ or Fi'teen "inutes! .hen on#e you have %astered
the%+ you #an work on #losing u$ the ga$ between your %outh and $enis! Remember when we talked
about PNF and being able to stretch more? 6ou got it! Use this technique in your positions to
encourage more stretching. 4i%$le 'le; as %u#h as $ossible! .hen Contra#t all the "us#les involved
as strong as $ossible (without going too #raNy) 'or about Five 4e#onds! .hen rela; the "us#les and try
to 4tret#h Farther! <hat ha$$ensB 6ou got it+ againP 6ou #an stret#h %ore and 'urther #lose your ga$!
6ou see+ this is why these ty$es o' #on#e$ts were introdu#ed in this book! .o give you every $ossible
edge i%aginable!
Please guys, go slow and be careful. Don't ever force anything or go beyond your limits. Be smart
about this so you can enjoy a lifetime of Autofellatio.
0ever ,ush 1t!
0ever For#e or 4train Anything!
0ever Rush .hings!
a#k 2'' i' Any ,ain+ <eird 4ensations+ or 4i#kness 2##urs!
Rela; and reathe 5asily!
"ake 1t an 5n>oyable 5;$erien#e!
7on*t 7o Anything 4tu$id!
.he isho$ ,osition is one o' %y 'avorite*s and is the %ost #o%'ortable 'or %e! 1nitially it was very
di''i#ult but was one o' those $ositions where 1 #ould #learly see %y $rogress grow with ea#h
Auto'ellatio atte%$t!
1) Assu%e a Lotus ,osition! However, assume it With Your Back Up Against a Wall for
2) 3se your hands and gras$ underneath both o' your =nees! ,ull u$ on your =nees and ring
your LegsJ,elvis Closer to 6our ody!
?) Continue to ,ra#ti#e this until you #an bring your =nees u$ to your ody (as in the $i#ture
above) without having to use your hands to bring your =nees u$!
6ou #an $ra#ti#e sitting in the $osition above with your Ar%s intertwined under your legs to hel$ you
get used to being in this $ose 'or long durations!
D) 2n#e you have %astered bringing your ,elvis 'ully to your #hest without having to use your
hands+ and #an re%ain in this $osition 'or long $eriods that you $ro#eed to Auto'ellation!
E) 4i%$ly gras$ under your 8a%strings (#lose to your butto#ks) and 0ot 6our =nees with both o'
you hands and $ull u$ on your ,elvis!
F) Fle; your head down toward your $enis!
Again+ this is where ,0F will de'initely hel$ you and #o%e into ,lay! <hen you have Fle;ed your head
and ,elvis as #lose together as $ossible+ then #ontra#t all o' the asso#iated %us#les very strongly! 8old
this #ontra#tion 'or Five 4e#onds and then rela;! 0ow+ you will be able to bring your head and $elvis
even #loser together! 2nly use ,0F .wo or .hree .i%es $er 4ession!
.his is great to $er'or% on a #ou#h! 2n#e you have %astered the stability $ortion o' it+ you won*t need
to use a wall as a su$$ort any longer; however+ you still #an i' you so desire!
0ever ,ush 1t!
0ever For#e or 4train Anything!
0ever Rush .hings!
a#k 2'' i' Any ,ain+ <eird 4ensations+ or 4i#kness 2##urs!
Rela; and reathe 5asily!
"ake 1t an 5n>oyable 5;$erien#e!
7on*t 7o Anything 4tu$id!
0ot every 6oga'ellatio $osition has to be based on a 6oga ,osture! .he Chair ,osition is one o' those!
.he great $art about learning how to unlo#k your 4u$er'i#ial a#k Line and learn to 4tret#h out your
body $ro$erly is that you #an $er'or% and e;$eri%ent with di''erent Auto'ellatio $ositions! 2ne o' the
si%$lest is .he Chair ,osition!
1) 9et a $added #hair where the seat does not e;tend to the 'loor! .here needs to be an o$ening
under the #hair! .he underside o' the #hair should be solid! 1' you have a #hair with thin lining
underneath that is #overing the s$rings+ you #an nail a $ie#e o' $lywood underneath it to %ake it
solid! .he #hair+ too+ should be solid!
2) 4it in the #hair with your legs about .hree Feet a$art at the knees! .his %easure%ent #an be
altered as you realiNe what width is best 'or you!
?) 4i%$ly Fle; your 8ead and 4$ine toward your ,elvis! 6ou #an now K,ullL on the 3nderside o'
the Chair with 6our 8ands! .his will ring 6our 8ead and 3$$er ody into a great degree o'
Fle;ion toward your ,elvis! Be careful not to overstrain or pull something.
D) 6ou #an also K,ullL on the underside o' your .highs! .he best $osition is >ust behind and under
the =nee! "ake sure the #hair is su''i#iently stable!
E) 2ne #an also K,ullL on the 3nderside o' 2ne .high with one 8and! <ith the other 8and+ K,ullL
on the 3nderside o' the Chair! 1' you utiliNe this %ethod+ swit#h hands every ti%e you $er'or%
it to ensure you kee$ 'le;ing sy%%etry into this Auto'ellatio .e#hni-ue! 4o+ i' you do this on
"onday with your Le't 8and $ulling on your Le't .high and your Right 8and $ulling on the
3nderside o' the Chair+ when you ne;t $er'or% this $osition+ si%$ly use your Right 8and to
$ull u$ on your Right .high and utiliNe your Le't 8and to $ull u$ on the Le't 3nderside o' the
#hair you are utiliNing!
F) .his $osition+ 1 have 'ound+ $rovides best align%ent with %y %outh and $enis!
Again+ re%e%ber your ,0F stret#hing tri#k! 9et in your $osition and 'le; as %u#h as you #an! Contra#t
all the a$$li#able %us#les strongly and hold this #ontra#tion 'or Five 4e#onds! Rela; the #ontra#tion
and wait Five 4e#onds! .hen see how %u#h Farther you #an Fle;! 2nly do a ,0F 4tret#h Release .wo
or .hree .i%es in a 4ession! 7on*t overdo it!
4in#e you are using your ar%s to in#rease your Fle;ibility+ be #are'ul/ 7on*t overdo it and don*t stress
your ba#k+ ne#k+ or $elvis in the $ro#ess! 9o slow and easy at 'irst and little by little you will be able to
'le; 'arther and 'arther!
0ever ,ush 1t!
0ever For#e or 4train Anything!
0ever Rush .hings!
a#k 2'' i' Any ,ain+ <eird 4ensations+ or 4i#kness 2##urs!
Rela; and reathe 5asily!
"ake 1t an 5n>oyable 5;$erien#e!
7on*t 7o Anything 4tu$id!
.he KCL ,osition has always see%ed to %e to be the %ost handiest o' all $ositions! 1 say that be#ause 1
have entered into this $osition in so%e awkward $la#es and situations! .he i%$ortan#e o' this $osition
is the sa%e with the original ,as#hi%ottanasana $ose! And that is that your 8a%strings and Calves
need to be 'ully stret#hed out!
1) Always 3nlo#k 6our 9lutes! Re%e%ber+ we dis#ussed this under Specific Release
Mechanisms! 7on*t atte%$t this unless you unlo#k your 9lutes!
2) .he $ositioning is easy enough! 4it on your butto#ks with your legs 'ully e;tended!
?) Fle; 'orward with your s$ine and ne#k to bring your %outh to your $elvis!
D) 6ou #an $la#e your Ar%s and 8ands under your "iddle .highs to hel$ en#ourage %ore o' a
,osterior .ilting to 6our ,elvis!
E) 4light Fle;ion in the =nees %ay hel$ redu#e $ressure on the ,elvis 'ro% the 8i$ Fle;ors and
allow you to get #loser than i' the =nees stay bent!
7on*t 'orget ,0F with this $osture! Again+ Fle; as #lose as you #an and #ontra#t all asso#iated %us#les
and hold 'or Five to .en 4e#onds! Rela; the "us#les (kee$ your Fle;ed $osition) and then $ro#eed to
Fle; 'arther than be'ore! 2nly do ,0F .wo or .hree .i%es during a 4ession!
3nlo#king the 9lutes is $ara%ount in this $osition! 1t*s use'ul in every $osition+ but es$e#ially in the
KCL ,osition!

STANDING ~C POSITION & .his $ose #an also be $er'or%ed while standing! 1nstead o' 9ras$ing
under the .highs+ try 9ras$ing the utto#ks or #loser to the utto#ks! 1 7o 0ot Re#o%%end the
4tanding KCL ,osition! 1t is easy to lose one*s balan#e in this $osture and it is %u#h %ore awkward and
un#o%'ortable than rela;ing on a solid bed or 6oga %at! 1t also $uts tre%endous strain on your =nee
>oints! e#ause 9ravity is a;ially bearing down on your body+ the bio%e#hani#s are altered 'ro% the
natural $ostures and stret#hes we have been working on!
LATERAL (LAYING) ~C POSITION & .his is a si%$le enough $osition but 1*ve never really
utiliNed it and 1*% not sure why! 1t see%s one o' the %ost natural $ositions+ as we are born in the Fetal
,osition and %ost o' us 4lee$ in this ,osition! 4i%$ly do the KCL ,osition while you are Laying on
6our 4ide!
Again, don't forget PNF!
0ever ,ush 1t!
0ever For#e or 4train Anything!
0ever Rush .hings!
a#k 2'' i' Any ,ain+ <eird 4ensations+ or 4i#kness 2##urs!
Rela; and reathe 5asily!
"ake 1t an 5n>oyable 5;$erien#e!
7on*t 7o Anything 4tu$id!
5veryone is going to develo$ their own $atterns and guides as to what they $re'er to do to best
6oga'ellate! .his is ty$i#ally what 1 doP
1) SET ASIDE PLENTY OF TIME G 0ever be rushed G e'ore or A'ter! .ry to set aside a
s$e#ial 7ay or 0ight that you will Auto'ellate!
2) DRINK PLENTY OF WATER THAT DAY G =ee$ your >oints+ dis#s+ and "us#les well
?) EAT LIGHTLY G 7on*t eat 8eavy "eals that 7ay and 7on*t eat or drink .hree 8ours be'ore
4) HAVE AN ENEMA This can easily accomplished at home. There is a HUGE difference if
your lower intestines have been flushed out in your ability to be relaxed, comfortable, and
to aid in increasing your Flexibility.
E) SOFTEN UP G .ake a 8ot+ 8ot 4hower or 8ot+ 8ot ath! 4aunas+ 4tea% Roo%s+ and 8ot&
.ubs are also Re#o%%ended! .ry to kee$ your thoughts $ea#e'ul and rela;ing! 7o so%e gentle
stret#hes in the hot water (or air)! 1 also 'ind %assaging %y body with %y hands see%s to
loosen %e u$ -uite a bit whether in the tub+ shower+ or sauna!
F) LIMBER UP G 7o 6our 4tret#hes/
@) ALWAYS UNLOCK YOUR SUPERFICIAL BACK LINE!!! G <ith ti%e you will have
gotten %ost o' the tension unleashed but it will still #ree$ into your ba#k+ ti%e and ti%e again!
At a bare %ini%u%+ work on your Feet and 4ub&2##i$ital "us#les!
A) UNLOCK YOUR GLUTES G 1t only takes a 'ew %inutes and %akes a huge+ huge di''eren#e!
C) MAKE SURE YOU WON'T BE DISTURBED G .hat goes without saying+ but 1 #an*t tell
you how %any ti%es 1*ve been in a ,osition and the $hone starts ringing! Cut out all these
$otential annoyan#es be'ore you begin!
in a #old roo% to %ake things %ore di''i#ult!
11) GET YOUR ~TOOLBOX READY G .his in#ludes whatever toys you %ight want to use+
towels+ tissues+ $illows+ $lugs+ $u%$s+ whatever! 1 have one o' those 'ishing ta#kle bo;es that 1
kee$ with the stu'' 1 usually use! 1 #an*t tell you how %any ti%es 1*ve set %ysel' u$ and got
going+ only to realiNe %y 'avorite KtoyL is in another roo%! ,re$are yoursel'!
12) TAKE YOUR TIME G Again+ this is not a Ra#e or a Co%$etition!
1?) PLAY IT SAFE G Look+ guys+ never $ush yourselves! Re%e%ber that ,ain is a <arning 4ign!
7on*t let your 9oal or your 8orniness sto$ you 'ro% using Co%%on 4ense! .here is always
another day and another ti%e to 5n>oy yoursel'!
1D) EXPERIMENTATION G .hat*s Right! .his isn*t the ible on Auto'ellatio! Add to it and
i%$rove u$on it!
5verybody likes Stuff! 4o+ let*s go over so%e 6oga'ellatio 4tu''P
Let*s start with this K4tu''!L 7on*t Auto'ellate i' you are in a bad and angry %ood and have had a
horrible day! .he Auto'ellatio e;$erien#e should be one o' rela;ation and $ea#e o' %ind! 7on*t %i;
negative e%otions+ 'rustrations+ and bitter energy while getting yoursel' o''! .hese things don*t %i; and
you don*t want to #orrelate $leasure with 'eelings o' anger! 1 know se; and %asturbation are great ways
to relieve stress+ but i' you*re really $issed o'' at (or about) so%ething+ save su#king yoursel' o'' 'or
another day!
1' you*re $lastered on Vodka and K$issedL out o' your %ind; do yoursel' a 'avor and don*t auto'ellate!
Chan#es are you will do so%ething very stu$id and har%'ul! .he sa%e thing should be said about drugs
that s#rew with your %ind or dis#onne#t your body 'ro% your %ind! .hat in#ludes $res#ri$tion drugs+
too! 8e#k+ they*re the worst kind! 4a%e with ,ain =illers! .his is a big one/ ,ain is a warning sign your
body sends to you to tell you that so%ething is da%aged or is being damaged. 1' you are trying to
auto'ellate and have severe $ain+ there*s a reason you are 'eeling that $ain/ 1t*s your body telling you to
sto$ whatever the he#k you*re doing! 4o/ 7on*t take $ain killers be'ore you auto'ellate! 2r i' you are on
$ain killers 'or so%e other $roble%+ don*t auto'ellate while you*re taking the%!
<hatever se; toys you are into and want to in#lude in your Auto'ellatio sessions is u$ to you! Iust
%ake sure they aren*t dangerous or #o%$ro%ising!
<hen 1 'irst started out on this -uest 1 be#a%e a little obsessed! 1 rigged u$ all kinds o' $ulleys with
stra$s to try to 'le; %y body using these ty$es o' instru%ents! 1 would use those belts that Furniture
"oving Co%$anies would use (you know+ the nylon ones with the #las$ed gears you #an $ull on and
tighten like a #ar seatbelt) and #reate these %ake&shi't harnesses that 1 #ould tighten trying to get #loser
to su#king %y $enis! 1 even got an old e;er#ise bike at a garage sale! .his was an old one 'ro% the
1CE0s or older that worked like a $air o' s#issors! 6ou*d start this thing u$ and it was like a ride at the
a%use%ent $ark! A#tually+ it was $retty #ool and had this #hro%e %etal seat and would a#tually have
%ade a great torture devi#e in a horror %ovie! Anyway+ this thing #aught %y attention at a garage sale
so 1 $ur#hased it and dragged it ho%e; %y %ind buNNing with ideas on how 1 was going to use this
#ontra$tion to hel$ %ysel' auto'ellate! 1 rigged this thing u$ thinking 1 #ould $osition %ysel' $er'e#tly
to have it hel$ %e 'le; %y s$ine better! 1 would then only need to turn it on 'or a se#ond and have this
thing Ks#issorL %y body so 1*d be #loser to su#king %y $enis! 2bviously+ you #an see where 1*% going
with this! 1t*s lu#ky 1*% still alive a'ter that 'lash o' brillian#e! 1 kid you not! 1 donated the bike to the
4alvation Ar%y be'ore 1 got any %ore wonder'ul ideas 'or its use!
6eah+ 1 was stu$id! Really stu$id; but like 1 %entioned+ 1 was really keen to be able to Auto'ellate! .rust
%e+ don*t try anything as stu$id as 1 did! 5s$e#ially with any ty$e o' %e#hani#al %a#hinery! 4$eaking
o' belts and stra$s that you #an tighten to try to en#ourage your $elvis #loser to your head or your head
#loser to your $elvis G 72 02. .R6 A06.8109 L1=5 .814/ 1 don*t #are i' you*re the rein#arnation
o' 8arry 8oudini! 4tu'' like this is dangerous and stu$id! 6ou*ll get yoursel' de'initely in>ured or killed!
8ave you ever been nailing a nail into a $ie#e o' wood and have the head o' the ha%%er slide o'' and
s%ash your thu%bB 4ure+ we all have! <hat ha$$ensB 6our re'le;es rea#t and you $ull your hand ba#k
as you 'eel i%%ediate $ain! 6our thu%bs starts to swell as %ore blood 'lows to the area to hel$
i%%obiliNe the >oint and to bring 'resh blood to the area to heal 'aster! 4o%e other $hysiologi#al events
ha$$en+ too+ that we won*t go into!!!
Anyway+ a'ter your initial KRe'le; Res$onseL what do you instin#tively doB As long as you*re $retty
sure you haven*t s%ashed your bones all to bits+ you will take your other hand and rub your in>ured
thu%b! <hy do we do thisB e#ause it "A=54 1. F55L 5..5R!
.he reason 'or this is that a'ter you s%ash your thu%b+ the $ain re#e$tors are sending all these i%$ulses
to your brain statingP K,A10/L .hese are the $redo%inate signals being sent to your brain that your
brain is 'o#using on! 4o the brain rea#ts by %aking you 'eel this $ain! 1t*s a si%$le $rote#tive
%e#hanis% that all hu%an beings should have! Iust like when you burn your hand on the oven stove as
a kid and it hurts like hell! <hat does it tea#h youB 1t tea#hes you not to do it again! .his is what $ain is
'orP .o ,rote#t us and .ea#h 3s!
4o+ now your thu%b hurts and you start rubbing it! .he reason it 'eels better is be#ause you are
sti%ulating %any %ore nerve re#e$tors that #o%%uni#ate to the brain! 4o instead o' >ust sending K,ainL
signals+ you are also sending te%$erature+ vibration+ $ressure+ de'or%ation+ and all kinds o' other
neurologi#al $er#e$tions to the brain! .his is #alled 45042R6 2"AR7"50.! e#ause you are
bo%barding the brain with tons o' neurologi#al re#e$tions 'ro% your thu%b! 4o what ha$$ensB
e#ause your brain is being bo%barded with all o' this in'or%ation+ the K,ainL re#e$tors get watered
down with all o' the rest o' in'or%ation your brain is re#eiving! 4o instead o' your brain >ust 'o#using
on these K,ainL i%$ulses+ it has to sort out all the rest o' this sensory in'or%ation+ too; so the K,ainL
signals are weakened by all the other in'or%ation at hand!
<hat does this have to do with 6oga'ellatioB 9ood -uestion! .rust %e+ es$e#ially when you 'irst start
out+ you*ll get a good idea as to how this works! "aybe not initially+ as you %ay be very e;#ited about
really being able to blow yoursel'+ but in a short $eriod o' ti%e here*s what ha$$ensP
.y$i#ally when a %an is %asturbating+ he*ll be rela;ing on a bed looking at so%e $i#tures in a
%agaNine+ wat#hing a $orn %ovie+ or sitting at a #o%$uter looking at on&line eroti#a! 4o+ the %an
be#o%es 'o#used on two %ain thingsP 1) .he eroti#a that is arousing 'or hi%! 2) "asturbation! .his all
#hanges when your body is knotted u$ in a twisted #ontortion that you are not ne#essarily very used to!
5ven i' you are used to it+ all the liga%ents+ %us#les+ tendons+ and >oints that are being $ut into these
e;tre%e $ositions are #onstantly sending data to the brain to tell the brain whatB .o tell the brain
so%ething #alled 4$atial 2rientation! 4$atial orientation is what you brain needs to know in order to
know your $la#e in your three&di%ensional world! 1t %ainly gets these 'ro% the >oints+ as the >oints
send in'or%ation to the brain as to what degree they are 'le;ed+ e;tended+ stressed+ et#! 3sing this
in'or%ation+ the brain gets a 'eeling as to where you a#tually are in this .hree&7i%ensional 4$a#e! Iust
i%agine how #o%$li#ated walking is! 7oNens o' %us#les are #ontra#ting while doNens o' other %us#les
are rela;ing+ all at very s$e#i'i# degrees in these >oints! 6our brain gets all this data 'ro% these >oints
and tissues and uses this to deter%ine what %us#le(s) to #ontra#t or rela; ne;t+ in order+ so that you
CA0 a#tually walk and not 'all on your 'a#e!
<hen 6oga'ellating+ it*s inevitable that your brain is going to be bo%barded with all o' this sort o'
in'or%ation that it is not used to! .he good thing is that+ like 1 %entioned+ in the beginning it isn*t so
bad be#ause you*re >ourneying on this new adventure to su#king your own $enis+ so this overruns $retty
%u#h anything else your brain wants to %onitor! ut+ as you get used to it+ it %ay be#o%e di''i#ult to
%aintain an ere#tion be#ause your brain is now taking all this sensory data 'ro% your >oints that are all
#ontorted and trying to 'igure out what*s going on in your three&di%ensional world!
8owever+ with ti%e this be#o%es less and less o' a $roble%+ as your brain and body 'inally begin to
rea#h a neutral $osition where they both understand what you want and what is going on!
<hi#h brings us to "aintaining that 5re#tionP
<hen 1*% %asturbating+ 1*% ty$i#ally 'antasiNing about so%e se; s#ene in %y head+ wat#hing a $orn
'il%+ or #he#king out so%e $i#tures! .his hel$s %e stayed 'o#us on the Kse;ualL $art o' it+ whi#h hel$s
kee$ %e aroused+ and there'ore+ ere#t!
6ou #an get #reative+ o' #ourse+ but it isn*t so easy to wat#h a $orn 'il% on the television or #he#k out
so%e raun#hy $i#tures in the 6oga'elltio $ositions! 4o+ 'or so%e guys+ it %ay be a bit hard to %aintain
an ere#tion! 8e#k+ even i' you*re totally turned on by your own $enis in your own %outh+ so%eti%es a
little hel$ is needed!
Co#k rings #o%e to %ind! 1*d say these aren*t so%ething 1*% really #o%'ortable with during %y
auto'ellatio sessions! .hey get un#o%'ortable and #an get #aught in so%e o' these $ositions whi#h
#ould be dangerous! 5s$e#ially when in e;tre%e 'le;ion+ they #an get #aught in the 'olds o' skin!
8owever+ a $enis $u%$ is -uite handy to have at your side! 1n 'a#t+ it*s a great way to really %aintain
that su$er&ro#k hard ere#tion+ to be honest with you! .hey don*t get %u#h in the way and they #an
usually be 'airly easily a$$lied even in the %ost e;tre%e $ositions! e #are'ul with these things+ as they
#an #ut into the skin where they a$$ly to the body! .here are also stories about guys who s#rew u$
blood vessels in the $enis and all other sorts o' horrors 'ro% using a $enis $u%$! 1*% not an e;$ert on
these things and #an*t vou#h 'or all the di''erent %akes and %odels+ so 1 would >ust %ention that it*s to
your best advantage to read what the guy who %ade it has to say about using a s$e#i'i# $enis $u%$
$ro$erly and sa'ely!
Also+ don*t ever be#o%e reliant on so%ething like this to get hard+ >ust use one i' you want to kee$
yoursel' going in a 6oga'ellatio $osition! .he last thing you want to do is let your $enis need a K#rut#hL
to get an ere#tion! ad habits are tough to break!
2' #ourse+ you are wel#o%e to e;$eri%ent with other ori'i#es and things that turn you on at your
dis#retion! .hat*s where it be#o%es -uite a 'un and en>oyable e;$erien#e!
2kay+ that should get your attention! 0o+ 1 didn*t >ust es#a$e 'ro% a 8i$$ie Co%%une in the 7esert! 1*%
serious about this! 1*% not going to get into .antri# 4e; and 4e; "agik and all o' that! 1' you are
interested in su#h things+ then 1 suggest you get serious and e;$lore the% yoursel'! 8owever+ there is
so%e $retty in#redibly stu'' you #an a##o%$lish i' you know how with Auto'ellatio!
<hen a %an orgas%s+ it is an a#t o' 0ature (or 9od)! .his is why it 'eels so good! e#ause 0ature is
rewarding %an the 'eeling o' K$leasureL 'or s$reading his seed! e#ause s$reading his seed does whatB
1. CR5A.54 L1F5! 0o %atter i' you are %asturbating+ either! 0o! 1t doesn*t %atter be#ause you are
$ra#ti#ing to s$read your seed (through %asturbation+ we are rewarded with $leasure 'or $ra#ti#ing+
<hen a %an orgas%s he is releasing the seed and energy needed to #reate L1F5! .hat %ay sound a bit
#orny+ but think about it! .hat*s why %ost $eo$le yell out so%ething like+ K2h "y 9od///L <hen they
are really having a ki#k&ass orgas%! .hat*s be#ause they are be#o%ing $art o' 0ature by Creating Li'e!
8o$e'ully you are still with %e!!! <hen a %an orgas%s when he Auto'ellates+ he*s doing the sa%e
thing+ but yet on a $ersonal and inti%ate level with hi%sel'! 8e*s a#tually #o%%itting Autose; by
literally sharing and re#y#ling his se;ual energy with hi%sel'! .his is $retty heavy stu'' 1*% not going to
go into too dee$ly+ but+ trust %e+ you #an do so%e really unbelievable e;$loration with Auto'ellatio!
8ere*s one way to do itP
4ensory 7e$rivation is the e;a#t o$$osite o' 4ensor o%bard%ent+ whi#h we re#ently >ust dis#ussed!
1nstead o' sending too %u#h sensory in'or%ation to your brain+ you send as little as $ossible! y
'iltering out all o' this e;tra sensory KdataL it allows one to #on#entrate on other thoughts or a#tivities
with e;tre%e a#uity and sensitivity!
4ensory de$rivation has been used 'or thousands o' years to get Kwit#hesL to ad%it they were Kwit#hesL
when they weren*t (like at the old 4ale% <it#h .rials) and by 2##ultists and Religious 5;$lorers to
e;$lore higher states o' #ons#iousness and >ourneys! asi#ally+ sensory de$rivation entails #utting o''
your ability to sense what is going on in your environ%ent! 2ne way o' doing this is in a salt #ha%ber!
6ou 'ill a #ha%ber 'ull o' salt water! Lay inside o' it and #lose the lid! .he salt water will %ake you
'loat and you will have a sense o' weightlessness! .he #ha%ber will #ut out any sounds so you #an*t
hear anything! .he #ha%ber is dark so you #an*t see anything! 6ou wear nose $lugs so you #an*t see
anything! For all $ra#ti#al $ur$oses you be#o%e sus$ended in total darkness with nothing 'or your
brain to $er#eive to let it know what is going on in your world!
.his %akes the brain wander like #raNy and e;$lore the darkness in whi#h it 'inds itsel'! <ith no
$hysi#al Ks$a#eL to tell the brain what is going on+ the brain ty$i#ally starts #o%ing u$ with interesting
'antasies+ hallu#inations+ and all sorts o' wild and interesting things! .o those who are used to dealing
with this sort o' thing+ they #an use it to solve di''i#ult $roble%s+ 'ind answers to things they seek+ and
>ust about anything else!
Another good e;a%$le o' sensory de$rivation is 'ro% what $eo$le e;$erien#e in an avalan#he and are
tra$$ed under a %ountain o' snow! e#ause they*ve been tossed around so %u#h+ they no longer know
whi#h way is u$+ down+ or any other dire#tion! eing i%%ersed in the snow #uts o'' all ability to
deter%ine where they are oriented in s$a#e! ,eo$le in these #ir#u%stan#es go #raNy be'ore they starve
to death; si%$ly be#ause they #annot $ossibly orient the%selves in their environ%ent! .hey are
#o%$letely lost!
<ell! <hen you start to do things like this with 6oga'ellatio+ so%e interesting things ha$$en+ yet on a
%ore se;ual and 9od&based level! Of course, do not even think about trying this unless you are
under the direct supervision and guidance of a doctor, you are a professional Autofellationist,
have a 100 safe and sound mind, have a Priest standing nearby, and are invincible. ut+ i' you
do de#ide to take this $ath+ $re$are to be se;ually blown out o' your %ind! 1*% serious! ,eo$le s$end
li'eti%es studying =undalini 6oga trying to rea#h su#h intense states o' se;ual $ower and
#ons#iousness that #an be had with 6oga'ellatio i' you know what to do!
6ou %ust be in a roo% you are #o%'ortable with and have $rior knowledge o'! 7e#ent te%$erature+ no
shar$ ob>e#ts+ nothing to hurt yoursel'! .he roo% %ust be totally dark! Cover u$ the windows! .owels
under the doors! 0o lights! 9et so%e really heavy&duty industrial ear $lugs to blo#k out all sound! 9et
one o' those slee$ %asks to blo#k out all vision! 9et so%e nose $lugs! 5nsure that no noises like the
television+ tele$hone+ door bell+ or anything else will disturb you!
9et #o%'ortable and shut out all other sensory data that #o%es into your brain through your senses!
.hat is+ a$art 'ro% your $enis in your %outh! .hen+ you start to Auto'ellate! <ithout anything else to
disturb you G no sounds+ no s%ells+ no light G 6ou will be#o%e $art o' a se;ual >ourney that will be
unbelievable! 6ou will 'eel that you have be#o%e your $enis! 1 kid you not! 6ou will 'eel that you AR5
a#tually your $enis! 6ou are this %assively hard+ throbbing+ $enis that is a thousand stories high u$ in
the air! 6ou #an lea$ tall buildings in a single bound and #an run a%ok having wild se; with %ountains+
#ities+ $lanets+ and even the sun!
4ound #raNyB 7on*t kno#k it until you*ve tried it! 1 #an write a book on so%e o' the out&o'&this&world
e;$erien#es 1 have had with 4ensory 7e$rivation and Auto'ellatio! <hen you are shut o'' 'ro% the
entire world+ where you are only le't with the a#t o' one o' the %ost $ri%al 'un#tions o' %an+ whi#h is
a#hieving orgas% 'or $leasure and 'or re$rodu#tion+ and are #o%$letely engaged in this $ro#ess!!! .hen
wat#h out!
<hy do you think the 1ndian .antrists have s#ul$tures and ar#hite#ture showing Auto'ellatioB .he
.antrists were the $eo$le who viewed 4e; as a Religion G All about Li'e+ 7eath+ and Rebirth! .heir
ar#hite#ture shows every 'or% o' se;ual a#t i%aginable! 5very 'or%! And+ yes+ they $ra#ti#ed 6oga+
too! 4ee any #onne#tion hereB
8ow about =undaliniB .his is another 8indu an#ient 'or% o' 4e;ual Religion that %eans K#oiled!L
Like the #oiled ser$ent or 2uroboros! 2uroboros is the An#ient 4y%bol o' a 4nake or 4er$ent
swallowing its own tail! 4ound 'a%iliarB 8e $o$s in 4#andinavian+ "eso&A%eri#an+ Celti#+ and %any
other 'or%s o' K"ythology!L
R5071.120 2F 23R22R24
.he whole #on#e$t o' Auto'ellatio is dee$ly e%bedded in these an#ient sy%bols and KreligiousL
$ra#ti#es! .hink about it! <ith no satellite television+ no %ovie theaters+ no books stores or libraries+ no
#ell $hones+ no #o%$uters+ and none o' the other #ra$ we have been s%othering our lives with+ these
beauti'ul and adventurous $eo$le set out to understand+ e;$lore+ and en>oy the things that were
es$e#ially and naturally rewarding! Things like Sex. .hat*s why you see these old 9reek %osai#s+
5gy$tian ,aintings+ ANte#+ "ayan+ Asian+ and A'ri#an de$i#tions+ and on and on and on+ that totally
show that these $eo$le were into 4e;! They were REALLY into SEX. And not >ust the ole*
"issionary ,osition with Ia#k and Iill snuggled u$ in bed+ these guys were into so%e really in#redible
and %ind&bending se;ual thoughts+ theories+ and a#ts!
Consider a si%$le+ $ossible ra%i'a#tion o' Auto'ellatioP
.his is basi# %edi#al s#ien#e! 6our %outh is the start o' one very long and o$en tube! 1t is hollow and it
ends as+ and at+ your anus! .he %outh is the entran#e+ the anus is the e;it! 1t*s true+ it*s >ust one long
tube! 1t starts at your li$s+ down your eso$hagus+ sto%a#h+ s%all intestines+ large intestines+ and ends at
your re#tu%! 1t is one single tube! .here are valves that #lose o'' (and o$en) to kee$ 'ood stu''s 'ro%
not travelling down the tube until your body is ready 'or the%+ but 'or all $ra#ti#al $ur$oses it is one
long and o$en tube and Your Mouth and Rectum are One!
.Okay( well( 5 never really thought of it like that before... 9ut( yeah( that does make sense./ .he whole
body is %ade u$ o' inter#onne#tions and si%ilarities like this! <hen you start to e;$lore these #on#e$ts+
es$e#ially when you are in a higher #ons#iousness+ like with auto'ellatio under sensory de$rivation+ all
kinds o' interesting thoughts and evolutionary ways o' thinking starts to blosso%!
For e;a%$le+ and this one ha$$ens to %e -uite o'tenP 1 4ensory 7e$rivate and start Auto'ellating! "y
$enis grows in %y %outh and with ea#h su#k it see%s to 'eed itsel' dee$er and dee$er down %y throat!
Like an oiled snake or a giant eel slithering inside o' %e! 1t %akes its way to %y sto%a#h and then
starts snaking its way through %y intestines! 1t truly 'eels like a snake slinking down and dee$ in %y
belly and it 'eels good; it 'eels se;ually grati'ying! 1t #ontinues its $assage and >ourney through %y
insides and 'inally thrusts out o' %y re#tu% whi#h is e;tre%ely se;ually sti%ulating! .hen+ it #urls u$
and twists around %y re#tu% and heads straight toward %y head! 1t then enters into what o##ultists #all
K.he .hird 5ye!L .his is on your 'orehead! 1 #an 'eel %y .hird 5ye blink and 2$en 3$ as %y $enis&
snake then inserts itsel' and burrows into %y third eye straight into %y brain; then it $asses through %y
brain and s$inal #ord to twist under and burrow ba#k into the insides o' %y %outh ('ro% behind)+ at
whi#h ti%e it e>a#ulates its veno% (se%inal 'luid) into %y %outh (A. <81C8 ,210. 1 AL42
2R9A4" A07 5IAC3LA.5)! And 1 'eel %y se%en and the snakes se%en (whi#h is in so%e way %y
se%en) %i; together and then slither and slink down %y throat+ %u#h like %y $enis did when 1 'irst
started 'ellating! 1t*s as i' it is one #ontinuous $ro#ess with no entran#e and no e;it! 0o start and no
'inish! 1 really #an*t $ro$erly des#ribe it! 1t is so%ething that needs to be e;$erien#ed to understand! 1t*s
like trying to e;$lain to so%eone what an orgas% 'eels like i' they*ve never had one! 0o+ a#tually+ that*s
not true! 1t*s %u#h %ore di''i#ult!
0ow+ 1*ve had so%e great se; in %y li'e! 8o$e'ully+ every one o' us have/ ut trust %e! And 1 %ean
trust %e! I doubt you have EVER experienced any Orgasm that comes even relatively close to this.
<ords truly #annot des#ribe this e;$erien#e!
.his %ight sound a bit #raNy to so%e o' you out there! .hat*s #ool+ I'm not trying to sell you on doing
this; I'm just bringing your attention to it. And trust %e+ 1 don*t do any drugs and 1*% not into any
really 'reaky stu'' in %y se;ual li'e! 1*% a down&to&earth $erson! ut when you start e;$eri%enting with
this ty$e o' energy and sy%bolis% during Auto'ellatio+ it will totally blow your %ind! And when 1 start
envisioning these things ha$$ening during Auto'ellatio+ it isn*t like so%ething 1*% >ust thinking about in
%y %ind! 0o! 1t*s as i' this stu'' is really ha$$ening! ,hysi#ally 8a$$ening! 1*% K'eelingL the entire
e;$erien#e and $ro#ess! 1t 1s Real! 1t #an be s#ary i' you*re not u$ to it!
.ake it 'or what*s it worth! For those interested in su#h things do so%e 'urther resear#h on .antra and
=undalini! .hey*ll hel$ you e;$lore K4tu''L that will #hange your li'e! 1ust be careful and tread
5nough K4tu''L 'or now!!! 0ow+ get started on the greatest 'or% o' "asturbation Available to "an/

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