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Lesson 6: Working With Your Agency

What is important for me to remember about Lesson 6?

Support Specialists are Who are degreed, experienced Match Support professionals who are Specialists? employees of each BBBS agency. Their job is to help strengthen matches, through guidance and coaching, in order to positively impact the lives of children in the community. Your Match Support Specialist will be in touch with you, your Little, his or her teacher, and your Littles parent or guardian to help develop and maintain a positive and healthy match relationship.


Answer: Match

What do Match Support Specialists do?


1. Provide you feedback on how youre making a difference. 2. Find information and resources that you might be interested in. 3. Offer group activities and give you activity ideas for you and your Little. 4. Connect you with donated tickets to community or sports events. 5. Keep you updated on activities offered by the agency. 6. Help you communicate with your Little, your Littles parent and teacher. 7. Work with you to help resolve any conflicts that might occur in your match.

How often should I talk to my Match Support Specialist?

Monthly communication is required for the first year of your match and regular communication is required throughout the life of your match.


How else can I be involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters?


Join our social network Attend special events hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters Support Big Brothers Big Sisters Participate in the Big Brothers Big Sisters national network



When should I call my Match Support Specialist?


Five good reasons for calling your Match Support Specialist are: 1. Get feedback on the match from the Littles perspective 2. Share fun match stories 3. Discuss concerns about your Little or the match 4. Ask any questions you may have 5. Report any emergency situations or safety concerns


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