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I group I. Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple (affirmative or negative). ex. I (answer) all the questions. I answered all the questions. 1. Emily (visit) her grandparents. . !. Emily and "arry (coo#) supper. . &. "arry (not watch) a video last night. . *. I (not )inish) my homewor#. .

5. I (invite) her to the cinema. . $. Emily (not play) tennis on %unday. . '. (hey (li#e) the )ilm. . +. Emily (not wal#) to school yesterday. .

II. ,earrange the words to ma#e questions. (hen write short answers. ex. go to school - .id - on /onday0 - %he x Did she go to school on Monday? No, she didnt. )oot1all - "arry and 2iam - on (uesday0 - .id 3 . !. .id - wash the car - on 4ednesday0 - 5my x . &. visit grandparents - "arry - his - .id - on (hursday0 3 . *. on 6riday0 - 2iam - .id - coo# a pi77a 3 . 5. you - go to a party - .id - last night0 x . $. your parents - .id - at the wee#end0 - watch a video 3 . -1+ III. 8ame the di))erent types o) )ilms. ,E9U(58.E (:,5C:8 4:C:;< %:25(",ICI ,:,":, (5/C:,I8 -$

8ame and %urname


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