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Library Hours at Elizabeth Learning Center in Cudahy, CA Monday 9/30/13 Time n/!

ut" 1#"00 $m % & $m

Notes & Duties: Overview of the library, discuss what goes on in the library, demographics of the student and teacher body, begin brainstorming projects. Two sections of boo s one for primary and other is for secondary. The !rimary school boo s also have some boo s with symbols with the catalog number, which are designed to be used for the picture, simple and transitional boo s. "eflection: #irst day was full of information about the school and discussing the projects that $r. %omleto had in mind for me to complete while & volunteer. 'e also went over some of details of how we manage students in the library. $r. %ompleto does ma e a point to let students now that there is only low voices to be used in the library, so that others can read with little disruption. There is also no, eating, drin ing or horse play. & also got introduced to how the (li)abeth *earning %enter +(*%, runs their chec in and out of boo s for both the elementary and high school students. The process is pretty much automated however, the stic er that was once used is no longer wor ing. Therefore, students are informed upon chec out that they have - wee s from that day to return the boo +s,. $y homewor is to thin ing about the projects we discussed and decide which ones &.d li e to tac le during my volunteer hours. ///

Tuesday, 10/1/13 Time n/!ut"1#"0' % #"3' $m

Notes & Duties: Discussed what projects & would li e to do 0oo #estival, 1 chec out *2 0oo festival at 34% 5et in contact with the librarian at %udahy public library News letter for website #eatured class on reading $otivation to get students to read

5oal is to get more students to visit the website for information 4ections of News *etter: (lementary interviews, high school interviews, 677 reasons to read, reading list and dates for students8faculty8parents to remember &nterview with the #amily %enter9 :eep record of daily activities ;ard copies of all wor , and electronic copies Discussed 1 opening of library jobs with *2 %hec ed in and out boo s to students "eflection: There was a lot happening in one day. 4tudents li e to go in and out of the library. 'hile waiting outside & waited with a student who noted that he was also waiting for $r. %ompleto to return so he could chec out boo s and return the one he had in hand. The library seems to be a safe place for a lot of students to hang out and just sit and get away from the hustle and bustle of their class schedule. &t.s getting to be fun to sit and watch the students chec out boo s. & can also tell $r. %ompeto needs help with coordinating the library office. $anaging the operations of the library and also trying to eep up with the other duties of a teacher librarian seem to be very challenging to manage all together. (((

)ednesday, 10/#/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"3' % 3"#0 $m

Notes & Duties: <isit with $s. "ico=s >th graders, and group interview Drafted &nterview article 5etting to now the regular students #amiliari)ing myself with the library *earning the rules of the library *istened in on 0oo readings8 Orientation for using O!2% for the ?rd graders "eflection:

Today & met with $s. "ico=s class and interviewed her >th grade students on why they li e reading, why they feel it=s important and where is their favorite place to read. This was such a fun e@perience to tal with them about what reading is and more specifically why they thin it is important to read. This was the best far for me to find out and also, hearing that many of them really li ed going to the (*% library to read. 4tarted to familiari)e myself with the layout of the library which includes two sections, one for the primary students and the other for the secondary students. There is also the special collections which are for students using primarily picture boo s +star image,, simple reader +circle image,, and transitional boo s +triangle image, for easier cataloging and to help with directing students to the best areas for their reading levels. ///

*riday, 10/&/13, 1"00 % &"0+ $m

Notes & Duties: "eading *og1 ma e a draft for reading program "eading motivation New schedule1time split between elementary, middle and high school students "eading levels determined by grade level !roject: %reate a reading log w8 reAuirements: Teacher 4tudent name and grade 0oo title & author Number of pages Number of minutes "elaying reading log to the teachers and the students *og is for teachers access online99

"eflection: Today we discussed the schedule planning that a teacher librarian has to coordinate when wor ing with teachers who come in to chec out boo s with their students. The set up at (*% is very different compared to most schools though, because the school is both a primary and secondary school. &n addition, we also discussed the reading log and the process of how to plan the reading competition. There=s going to be three different reading events and each one will have a different log +which & thin my only concern would be that the logs might get mi@ed up,. 'e also tal ed about which grades would participate. 'e also discussed what to eep record of for the students, for e@ample we want to now the number of boo s they read, the number of minutes and how many pages, this is so that we can eep a record for common core. 'e also discussed presenting this list to $s. "ico=s class first and then sharing with the rest of the >th grade classes. ///

Monday, 10/,/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"30 $m % &"1' $m

Notes & Duties: 0egan assisting with boo chec in8 chec out process 0rainstormed projects and what they would loo li e. 0egan drafting a proposal for the festival. -oo.*esti/al0ro1e2t" <ision8 $ission B "eading e@perience for %udahy community #ood vendors Tents w8 2uthors "eading organi)ations

Teachers from schools 4ponsorships9 2fter plan9 %onnect w8 city %ouncil 1 !roposal outline9 $ar eting to other schools in the city9 %ommunicating to the families in the community (*% #amily center9 %udahay !ublic *ibrary

0ro1e2t" 3e4sletter &ncluding featured class, $s."ico.s class 0ro1e2t" Colle2tions 0iographies C-6, 5o through about -7 boo s and weed through "eview the weeding outline process from the *23D for how to thin about weeding >yearsD offensive language Dated materials that are not relevant to students Diane to come ne@t Thursday to discuss projects !resentation w8Eth 5rade class O!2% lesson "eviewing the subject numbers and what they mean

;ow to loo up subjects Non1fiction v. #iction 0oo reading w8students,table by table. 'or with ?rd 5rade class for boo chec out8in News letter: &nclude reading log &nfo "eading log: $a e student friendly %onfirm for instruction and demonstration and boo tal E 1 > 0oo s for suggestions "eading resources +lin s, Newberry boo s +list online , Other boo promotions 4tart and end date #ind the top reader %ount the number of pages from the dates of start, $s. "ico, ;ow would she want to sign off on each boo 9 Or have parents sign off 6. Did they reach their goal for home reading +-7, ->, >7 boo s, -. Number of pages read, from start date to the end

?. Time: number of minutes read8 recorded, e.g. ?7 mins per day E. 2dd - e@tra rows to doc reading contest: 2nother motivator for reading #ollow up with Fose !ara "eflection: Today involved a lot of planning for the ne@t few days that & will be wor ing with $r. %ompleto. 'e spent a great deal of time wor ing on my projects that we are both on the same page and & have a clear direction of where & need to start and get moving on the projects. &t loo s li e we will have a lot to wor with for the boo festival. &t loo s li e it might be a long process, which & may not be able to see directly. Nonetheless, it will be fun to help initiate the process. &=ll be able to use some of the s ills & learned from technical writing to begin drafting a proposal using one of the formats from my te@t boo s. ((( Tuesday, 10/+/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"&' % 3 $m Notes & Duties: 0oo #estival 0rainstorming: 4urrounding areas: 0ell 5ardens ;untington !ar

:1$art 4uperior $ar et !ollo *oco Taco 0ell %ommunity G#airH for %udahy, %lair !ar Day "eflection One Auestion & had about the festival was having a budget for planning and paying for the tables and other activities $r. %ompleto wanted to have. ;e noted that there would be some funds from the school that could be used, but that we could also get some of those funds from city council and possibly have to send out some sponsor reAuests. :eeping this in mind, & also added that section to the boo festival proposal. This can also be a topic we can discuss with $r. !arra when we meet with him. &=m getting very e@cited about this boo festival. &t seems li e it will be a lot of fun to plan. &=d also li e to continue being a part of the project as it grows so & can see how it pans out. /// )ednesday, 10/9/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"&0 % & $m Notes & Duties: %onfirmed meeting with Fose !arra for #riday 6786I at C:?7 am (mail confirmation to F.! !repare proposal for the boo festival "eview reading log notes from $r. %ompleto %hange images

%reate template for each grade reading goal, i.e. pre1 through -nd grad B >7 boo s, ?rd B -7 and etc. * #ocus on finishing new logs 6-:6> pm meeting with Diane Ne@t wee : visit $s. "ico for feedbac on reading log and have approved by end of wee .

"eflection Today & spent my time wor ing on the reading logs so that they are ready for presentation. ;owever, & also wor ed on preparing for the boo festival as well. The reading logs ta e a lot more planning than & had originally anticipated. $r. %ompleto had also noted that there may be some mid year pri)es for student to reach the half way point with the reading time or boo s so they have some motivation to eep reading through the end of the school year. Today & also started to have students as me for help on loo ing for boo s in the library. Now that &=m getting used to how the numbering wor s at (*%, it=s getting a little easier to find the boo s. 3nfortunately, we can=t always find the boo s students are loo ing for because the boo could be chec ed out longer. "egardless, it=s fun to wor with ids in finding boo s they want and get e@cited when they find the one they are loo ing for. That=s probably the best part of volunteering so far, is seeing how e@cited some ids get with reading, or even just loo ing at the pictures. /// Thursday, 10/10/13 Time n/!ut" 1# % & $m Notes & Duties: $eeting with Diane 6. %omplete self 1 evaluation -. (thnography notes +from Tan)ania, w8 Dr. #armer

?. (valuations Observations +lesson teaching, a. 4ubmit by $r. %ompleto b. 2ctivity evaluation 1 Diane Note all projects on e1portfolio 'eeding out process - copies to eep timeline usually from > 1 67 years "elevance to students 'hen did person die, retire, other projects9 "eview *234D weeding guidelines: 4ee under G*ibraryH on website GmustyH library %hato=s itchen9 "eviewing C77=s for weeding !repare to read story time with :indergarden K- 6-:?7 pm on $onday "eflection: Today $r. %ompleto and & had a meeting with Diane to discuss my projects thus far and show her what & have completed. 4o far things loo to be on the right trac for my lesson, cataloging and ethnography notes, which will be given to Dr. #armer, per our discussion.

& also spent the other portion of my day understanding the GweedingH process that librarians do. $r. %ompleto had be read through the guidelines from the *234D website. ;e and & also discussed his process that he uses, when he begins weeding out the boo s. This process of weeding out boo s, is also usually a regular auditing of the boo s that should happen every year, if there=s enough man power. Otherwise, should be done every couple of years. This process should especially happen with the biography collections because this is where the print materials run out of date Auic ly for students. /// *riday, 10/ 11/13 Time n/!ut" 9"10 am % 1#"10 $m Notes & Duties: *23D Notes "eview how is weeding process recommended +subjective, - relevance - time period of when boo was published - *ast time boo was chec ed out - *anguage 1 use of terms in conte@t offensive or no longer true to students today9 "eflection: Today & got to spend a portion of the day wor ing in the 4econdary section and began wor ing on weeding out the C77.s for the library. The C77.s are the biographies. !reviously, $r. %ompleto informed me that the order the secondary boo s were classified a red dot stic erL however, because the stic ers would sometimes fall off, he later transitioned to have the secondary boo s cataloged with M4ecM on them. The use of having the boo s classified with M4ecM was a bit more logical and less stic y. &t seems to loo better visually on the selves as well. &n starting to review the boo s, initially feels very daunting. &.m still not very confident in some of the boo s & choose that should be removed but & thin &.ll have to go over that with $r. %ompleto. $any of the boo s seemed to be old in relevance to the students today. & will say though as & started to get into a groove of filtering through the boo s & reali)e the fun of loo ing through them. There are moments where you want to stop and read through some of the material to see what it.s about and if it actually could be used for a research paper or project for a student. &n addition, you get to learn a few things as well. The familiarity of the boo s helps also, when you have a student coming in as ing for specific subjects.

/// Monday, 10/1&/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"3' % &"30 $m Notes & Duties: "eading to indergarten: 4illy 4ally and the Napping ;ouse @- 2llow time for students to absorb the art wor - !oint out small details that will be revealed in the story. - !ay attention to details and help them grasp the connections in the story - *et them laugh and engage w8 the story - 0e animated "eflection: Today & got to read to one of the indergarten classes. The boo s & read were the Napping ;ouse and 4illy 4ally. $r. %ompleto had noted that we read the boo s usually twice for this class, since they are getting to learn how to develop some reading analysis s ills. 2 good way to start this is to let the students loo at the pictures and point out specific details. 2lso, there were a couple of critics that & was given at the end of reading both the boo s, which was & need to move slower, and ta e my time letting the students loo a the images, and to also allow more time for them to have fun with the pictures. & ended up reading the boo s a little fast, which left us with a little e@tra time. The e@periences just proved to me how much allowing students to Ge@perienceH the boo is also important for their reading encounters. This opportunity to read the boo with me is one of their impressions that they will have and can be impacting in either a positive way so they enjoy reading, or & can ma e it boring, or if & move too fast through the boo they may not understand the pleasure that comes with reading.

/// )ednesday, 10/15/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"3' % 3"&' $m Notes & Duties: Tal ing points: To discuss with students when presenting reading log

"eading programs (*% starts today %lippers starts later in October Note minutes counted Neat, honest recording (@plain how to record each column Teachers note to *ibrarian the top ? readers Ta e picture of the class for the article 4tudents who meet their goal for the number of boo s get to parta e in a !arty, e.g. ice1cream8 pi))a "eflection: Today & wor ed on preparing what to discuss with $s. "ico=s student ne@t wee for the reading logs. 'e are going to start passing out the reading logs now that they have been approved. This month, students can also start getting reading done towards the %lippers reading competition and possibly to go to a %lippers game. &n addition, we will be mentioning that there will be another competition along with the (*% reading log. The (*% reading will be the big one that students eep for the whole academic year. &=ve also been helping more with the chec in and out process for students. & find to be pretty fun. &t=s fun to see the students e@cited about the new boo s that they get to chec out. /// Thursday, 10/1,/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"3' % 3"&' $m Notes & Duties: !roposal !lanning:

Notes the locations that could come have a booth for food, or support by donating funds 2rea of surrounding areas to invite to attend. %udahy city council will be the audience for the proposal &nclude: #amily center ;igh school leadership 'hat indoor facilities are available for spea er presentations9 'hat is the par layout9 2uthors to invite9 (dward Fames 2mos +ideal, "ic "eran 1 !ercy Fac son author (ntertainment: %ommunity theater groups 4ha espeare in the par or 4ha "eviewed documents on how librarians help with common core9 "eflection: Tal ed about some papers that $r. %ompleto received regarding the changes to the school system, specifically the new common core standards. The role of the *ibrarian, and how the changes may effect the librarian. 2t this point, $r. %ompleto did mention that there are a few more openings in the *234% for a librarian. ;owever, the ultimate Auestion of how valuable the *ibrarians will be in the eye of the district will remain to be determined. There may be a slight increase in job openings, but who nows how long those opportunities will last and if the jobs themselves will remain valuable over the course of the ne@t few decades of academic changes.

/// *riday, 10/1+/13 Time n/!ut" +"1' % 11"30 am and 1#"3' % 3"&' $m Notes & Duties: Morning" $eeting with $r. !arra, *ibrary $anager at %udahy !ublic *ibrary 4ervices offered: Ninio +maga)ine access,, summer reading program G!aw to "eadH and more *oo ing to have a test run for the boo fair at the end of the school year, project first wee end of Fune after classes let out :ic off. !romote with the public library social networ s #unds: city council can assist with paying the event and reAuest for sponsorship. %ity %ouncil meetings B 6st and ?rd Tues. of every month at O pm +meet in December, A6ternoon 1 <ideo %onference with "anger Fennifer at %2 4tate !ar in *2 and class of ?rd graders - Discussed animal bones - %onsumed and the consumer, and producer - Did a virtual travel up stairs - 5reat visuals of the *2 4an 5abriel $ountains, map view, and bird=s eye view - !rops8 &mages of deer and mountain lion

$ovement, e.g. haw 4ome visuals were cut off because they were too big for the screen !i@elation is a little off, and some time delay between images and voice 4ound would also come in and out, sometimes loud or really low 4mall video feeds 4lide show with a moving bac ground P & 2 with students, encouraged them to visit, can wal a trail and par ing is a small charge.

"eflection: Today we discussed our topics to go over with $r. !ara for the boo festival proposal for tomorrow. 'e also brainstormed a few other ideas, such as, including some entertainment and which others to invite. 2ware that if we wanted a bigger name, it would ta e some planning and e@tra funding, usually, in order to ma e that happen. The planning ahead would help for scheduling and coordinating how to get the funds. 'e also discussed some alternatives for local writers to come who are nown in the community, which may still draw a crowd. The plan is to attend the council meeting in December to reAuest permission to have the event, and as for assistance with funding. There was also some discussion of logistics and planning of what is available to use in the par as far as lay out and etc. 4eems li e $r. !ara is on board for collaborating with the event. Now just to get things going. 2fter the meeting & updated all the notes on the proposal and posed it on 5oogle docs. for both to collaborate on. $r. %ompleto and & did agree that & could still help with the project on the small scale, just because &=m so far away.

*ater this afternoon, & stuc around to observe how $r. %ompleto uses video conferencing with students. The grade & thin was a ?rd grade class. The conferencing was with an *2 national par in the 4an 5abriel $ountains, this is for a science class. 'e were connecting all of the eAuipment and discussing how the feed between the school and the office at the par was not as strong, because there were some initial issues of getting connected and dialing through to the site. &n addition, once connected there some continuous issues of pi@elation, image sharing, and sound Auality. These issues, were also something we tal ed about how to trouble shoot and what would be better to use. The challenge though, is if the !ar doesn=t get better eAuipment of if their internet connectivity is a challenge because of where they are located that is another issue entirely, that not even the best eAuipment can wor through. The students seemed to really enjoy the interaction, there was also a moment when the "anger had the student=s pretend they are going up a series of stairs. This brought some fun interaction between the "anger and the students. &n addition, the "anger, had a P and 2 session after her presentation, and also encouraged the students to visit the par in person. This encouragement, after seeing the site online, could be a good motivator to get students to want to see local par s and other local community par s and museums ali e. This would definitely be a fun activity to use at a college campus. &t=s an opportunity for faculty to e@pose students to other parts of local important and valuable educational organi)ations, cost effective, and saves time because all students will be in their class. /// Monday, 10/#1/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"#' % &"0+ $m Notes & Duties: $eeting with $r. %ompleto - "eviewing 5oogle Docs for sharing the boo festival proposal and updating notes - 5ot $r. %ompleto set up on 5oogle docs. - 2ssisted with chec in8out for $r. $artine)=s class, chec ing out boo s on 5ree mythology - 4earched for some of the boo s ahead of time for the students to have at the table. - Discussed trouble shooting purchase o fa new T<8 $onitor for the group chat8 video conferencing. - Discussed news letter: printed copy of $s. "ico=s class interview "eflection:

$r. %ompleto and wor ed together to get his gmail account update so that he can have access to the shared document for the boo proposal with $r. !ara and &. /// Tuesday, 10/##/13 Time n/!ut" 1#"&' % &"1' $m Notes & Duties: "eview 2rticle for new letter and edit for notes %reate new templates for library posters #ind inspiring Auotes about literacy8 reading "ecommended boo websites Puote: GThere is a reason it used to be a crime in the confederate state to teach a slave to read: *iteracy is power.H Q $att $ac ay "eflection: Today & got to spend some time wor ing on the library news article that is part of the website. $r. %ompleto wanted to use the article as a way to drive students towards accessing the news letter through the website and get more students8 parents to visit the library website. 'e tal ed about how the article should loo and brainstormed some changes to the news letter. & also got to spend some time loo ing up some fun reading Auotes that would inspire students to read and encourage the importance for some posters. & found a bunch of Auotes that would be fun to post and & also found some with images associated with them that might bring another type aesthetic to the library. 'hile wor ing at the computer & has some students as ing me for help with loo ing for boo s. That was also fun. &t was li e & was a librarian already. & never reali)ed how much fun it is to help young students find boo s they would li e, or feel are necessary for a school assignment. &t=s li e there were mini college students. *riday, 10/#'/13 Time n/!ut" 1"1' % & $m Notes & Duties: - 'or on creating a new poster that advertises the website. - $r. %ompleto wanted the images of the library buttons on the poster, the e@act ones from the - 44O accounts for library fault shelf +eboo s, - Rth grade leadership team +survey, - >th grade classes, on ipod8 ipad8 computer8 indle8 and tablet - *eadership class will conduct the survey and create the Auestions:

- &deas for Auestions: internet access, how often do students use the internet, what do they use the internet for9 "eflection: $y last day wor ing with $r. %ompleto for the volunteer hours. &=m a little sad but & thin &=ve been able to bring a few things to (*% as well. & have enjoyed the full e@perience of wor ing on a library site. &n addition, li ed learning about how $r. %ompleto runs his library. The culture at (*% seems to have a lot of support. There is of course room for improvement and more hands on help in the library would be beneficial. & will admit, seeing how fast $r. %ompleto gets to tac le many of the daily tas as well as, his initiative to find engaging ways to get students engaged with reading. & also li ed how he wor ed with various teachers and made the library a valuable resource for technology, as well as, boo s and literacy.

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