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Zachary Powers Subject: Social Studies (Lesson Two) Lesson On: Food to Dirt and Back !

ain" Date#Ti$e to be %$&le$ented: TB 'rade Le(el: )inder!arten ntici&ated ti$e: *+ $in , - hr"

Goals/Objective(s): S.B T co$&are di//erent sta!es o/ or!anic decay usin! the ter$ 0decay"1 S.B T understand that /ar$s e2ist in urban settin!s and describe the$ as /ar$s" S.B T describe how /ood scra&s can be turned into dirt usin! the (erb 0to co$&ost"1 S.B T e2&lain how co$&ost dirt can be used in a /ar$ to !row /ood"

National Standards for Social Studies: Kindergarten: Teachers o/ the early !rades can &ro(ide learners e2&erience with se3uencin! to hel& establish a sense o/ order and ti$e" o This standard will be $et in our discussion o/ the decay &rocess" They can introduce learners to basic econo$ic conce&ts and ha(e the$ e2&lore econo$ic decisions as they co$&are their &ersonal econo$ic decisions with those o/ others and consider the conse3uences o/ those decisions on the$sel(es4 as well as on !rou&s4 co$$unities4 the nation4 and the world" o This standard will be $et in our discussion o/ why we co$&ost" Teachers o/ youn! learners can also challen!e the$ to consider ways to understand how science and technolo!y $ay be used to &rotect the &hysical en(iron$ent4 and &ro$ote the co$$on !ood" o Understanding composting as a technology, this standard will be met as we discuss why we compost and subsequently, why we have urban farms. Materials and Preparation:

4 Bins - 4 piles of compost from different stages of decay. Refuse from our alsa lesson !"tra food scraps # pairs gloves # pairs goggles # smoc$s% Untitled &ill 'llen Boo$ by (e )ictures of me at the *irt +actory # (agnifying glasses

Classroom arrangement and management issues: ,hildren will sit on rug for reading and discussion portions. ,hildren will be seating at a circular table during e"ploration. ,hildren will have gloves and goggles and smoc$s to avoid filth. -ables will be newspapered to avoid filth. ,hildren who do not want to touch compost with gloves will be allowed to use magnifying glasses. Before wor$ing with the compost, students will be briefed on proper procedure and possible safety and sanitary issues involved in handling compost. Plan . will bring in our food scraps from our salsa lesson. /. was going to throw these away yesterday, but . wanted to show you guys something interesting.0 *id you $now that we can turn all this stuff into dirt for growing food% &e will discuss anything $ids /thin$ they $now0 about composting and chart it on the chart paper. &e will also post questions, /what do we want to $now%0 . will tell them that . found out about compost from a place called the *irt +actory, in our neighborhood. . will show them pictures of my visit to the *irt +actory and how everything wor$s there.

&e will then gather around samples of compost brought from the *irt +actory. . will hand out gloves and goggles and discuss proper procedure for handling compost. &e will tal$ about the /sequence0 of decay and how each pile in the sequence is different. . will highlight any possible answers to the $ids1 questions 2though only after they haven1t answered the questions themselves.3 &e will chart their observations of each pile and tal$ about what we learned about composting. &hy do we do it% &hat goes in, what comes out% &e will record what we have learned on the first chart. -he children will also record remaining questions. . will then introduce my boo$ about &ill 'llen, and give a little bac$ground on him. -he boo$ will tal$ about what he does with compost at his farms. *uring the boo$, . will highlight similarities between what we saw and the composting on (r. 'llen1s farm. -his final conversation will serve as in informal assessment of understanding. Assessment of the goals/objectives listed above: (ost assessment will be carried out through conversation and shared writing on chart paper. Using a version of the 4&5 chart, detailed in the first paragraph of my plan, . will evaluate the group1s thin$ing and learning over time6informally monitoring the ways in which they thin$ about their own learning. -heir thin$ing and understanding of the composting process will be assessed through conversation during the e"ploratory portion of the lesson and through charting before and after the activity. . will assess their thin$ing and understanding about urban farms through conversation and analysis of conversations via the recorded lesson.

Anticipating students responses and responses

our possible

tudents may find wor$ing with the compost repulsive. . have provided gloves and goggles, and if that is not enough, . also have magnifying glasses they can use if they don1t want to touch the compost 2other children can use the magnifying lenses, too.3 tudents may have difficulty comprehending the time over which composting occurs. . may be able to provide them with a visual

calendar, showing the time span in months, which they have some grasp of 2i.e. months are way longer than days.3

Accommodations: For students who have difficulty grasping the material For students who $i!ht ha(e di//iculty co$&rehendin! the co$&ositin! &rocess throu!h e2a$ination o/ the di//erent bo2es4 % will &ro(ide a ti$e la&se (ideo to better (isuali5e how the &rocess occurs" % will also &ro(ide a chart de&ictin! the ti$e s&an o/ the decay with re/erence to $onths and days (i"e" Se&te$ber4 October4 6o(e$ber or 78 days)"

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