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[Adult roles and responsibilties ]

Personal values:
Students will talk about and start to understand personal values and goals. Also the will understand wants versus needs.

[11th and 12th] [50 min]

+ea#hing .aterials
/ullam dignissim interdum est vitae &ermentum. .orbi id sem a sem #onvallis gravida sed 0uis leo. 1tiam at volutpat mauris. *one# eget #ongue augue.

Standard 1 obe"e#tives 2 and )

$%denti& domain ' level(

%ntrodu#tion!Set %ndu#tion $5(:

*o the #hoi#e values walk where to have students #hoose between 2 #hoi#es and 1 side o& the room is the &irst #hoi#e and the other side o& the room is the se#ond #hoi#e.

Other 2esour#es!+e#hnolog
/ullam dignissim interdum est vitae &ermentum. .orbi id sem a sem #onvallis gravida sed 0uis leo. 1tiam at volutpat mauris. *one# eget #ongue augue.

+ransition $10(:
+alk avout the #hoi#e values walk and have the students #ome up with analog . ,alues are like..... and then give them one o& the #ant think o& one. ,alues are like.... #ho#olate ou think ou #an live without them but ou #ant-----

3esson 4od $15(:


$5ontent!+ea#hing .ethods(

PHASE 1: Description of Present Condition (time): +ea#her has students des#ribe the situation as the see it now. Students #ome up with analog


PHASE 2: Direct Analogy (time): Students suggest dire#t analogies6 sele#t one6 and e7plore $des#ribe( it &urther. Students share there analogies. PHASE : Personal Analogy (time): Students 8be#ome9 the analog the sele#ted in phase two. $:hat does it &eel like6 look like6 et#.( Ask students what the think the de&inition o& values and are and have them raise hand and share with the #lass. PHASE !: Compressed Conflict (time): Students take their des#riptions &rom phases two and three6 suggest several #ompressed #on&li#ts6 and #hoose one. :rite the words wants and need on the board. ;ive students a list o& things and going along with values have them de#ide whether the think ea#h thing is a want or a need. PHASE ": Direct Analogy (time): Students generate and sele#t another dire#t analog 6 based on the #ompressed #on&li#t. <ave them #hange there anolog i& the want a&ter talking about wants versus needs. PHASE #: $e%E&amination of 'riginal (as) (time): +ea#her has students move ba#k to original task or problem and use the last analog and!or entire s ne#ti#s e7perien#e. ;o ba#k to anolog and talk about it more

+ransition $5(:
<ave students go ba#k to there seats i& the are in groups that arent right ne7t to them and give them a minute to think and settle down.

Summar !5losure $10(:

<ave students write down the top ten things that the value and have them write it down and e7plain to them that there homework is to go home and #ome ba#k with a 2 page paper double spa#ed with there ten values and the reasons wh those are there to ten values.

+he two page paper will be turned in the ne7t #lass period.


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