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Country PowerPoint Presentation

Researching a Countrys History Using Web Resources

Grades Subject(s) Objectives

High School Social Studies Research the history of a selected country Use the internet to perform research Create a presentation using PowerPoint Research within a small group Present their findings to the class Answer questions based on the findings of all groups Through this lesson the students are not only able to gain information on several countries, but also learn how to properly organize and present the information they have obtained. They will also learn how to use good research methods when using the internet and how to work within a small group. Finally, the students gain skills related to using presentation software (i.e. PowerPoint). National Council for the Social Studies: Curriculum and Content Area Standards Theme II: Time, Continuity, and Change Theme III: People, Places, and Environments Theme VI: Power, Authority, And Governance Small groups, discussions between students within the small groups, classroom wide discussion, and inquiry-based activity 1. A 15 minute period in which students divide themselves into small groups no greater than four and no smaller than three and select a country they which to research 2. Two 45 minute class periods in which the small groups work amongst themselves to research the chosen country via the internet and create a PowerPoint presentation based on their research (during which time the instructor would observe the groups and assist them if needed). 3. Two 45 minute class periods in which the small groups present their findings to the class and the remaining students take notes on each presentation 4. On 20 minute period in which students participate in a classroom wide discussion in which they compare and contrast their research Internet browser, computer, projector, note taking supplies, presentation software (PowerPoint) Students are graded on three separate occasions with all three grades combined for an overall score at the end of the project. Students are graded once during their research sessions based on how well they gather information and work within their group. The entire group is graded together during their presentation to the class based on a rubric that gauges the quality of the information being presented, the quality of the PowerPoint itself, the presentation to the class, and the amount of information contained within the presentation. Finally they will be asked to present notes taken on the presentations of the other small groups.


Learning Standards

Teaching Methods Procedure

Materials Assessments

Country PowerPoint Presentation

Researching a Countrys History Using Web Resources

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