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Brooke Nagata 11/18/13 Issue exploration Essay M,W 1-2:20 Dr.

Argyle Essay Anne Frank was one of the Jews that had been captured by the Nazi soldiers and placed into the concentration camps along with thousands, and thousands of other Jews. But before her capture her personal feelings and experiences were documented and later published from her personal diary. She was in hiding for two years cramped into a tiny space along with another family. A total of eight people for two years were together. During world war II when Hitler became the leader of Germany he ordered the Nazis to gather all the Jews up and put them in concentration camps as punishment for being Jewish. Hitler wanted a pure race and thought of the Jews to be evil. Because of this madness for power Hitler did experimentation on Jews that tortured them or left them badly injured. Some of Hitlers forms of extermination was gas chambers, target practice, or when the Jews were transported to the camps they would have to walk all the way there which would sometimes be a one to four day walk in the winter time. A lot of these experiments were ways and new tactics that Hitlers army could possibly use in war. They were trying to have a better understanding of the human body and how much pain it can handle. Though the research that was done didnt agree with any of the Adolf Hitler ideas and how he treated the Jews so poorly. It was uncalled for and digesting in the treatment of like animals. There is plenty of other books and resources written from other survivors experiences

and Hitlers soliders but Anne Franks is the most famous and the one most enjoyed. Was thankful to see through the eyes of someone who was going trough the experience and their thoughts, feelings, and real live experience that faced the challenges, and how Anne Frank had to hide her true identity of being Jewish. Very impressive for two years how she had kept herself hidden from the Nazi soldiers and how many times she was close to being captured. It was sad to read how her and many other peoples lives were taken from them and how Anne Franks childhood changed to what it seemed like overnight one day she went throughout life peacefully without a care in the world, then to have it suddenly interrupted with Hitlers crazy ideas. The story of Anne was the first book read. It was helpful to the research that was done. Because a major event in history that was documented by somebodies personal experience that went through the experience. Youre seeing first hand through their eyes of the challenges, thoughts, emotions that they had. Magazine: The name of the Magazine that was published and was found online was dedicated for the whole Jewish female community. Womens experiences of what went on with the camps they were put in, how they were put in etc. Anne Frank was mentioned in the article and how she was an inspiration to a lot of other young women. Book: A famous book that most commonly known is the Diary of Anne Frank written by her herself. The diary was ruined or seized by the Nazi soldiers when Anne was captured. In fact it was in the same place where she left it when she was captured. It became a very important document to history that the only survivor between Annes family and the other family that they had gone into hiding with published his daughters diary.

Biography book: That talked about life in Annes secret hiding place. How eight people that lived in a tiny space together was getting on each others nerves. How Anne was falling in love with the other families son they had. But Anne was confused and wasnt sure if it was love or just getting use to being with someone for so long that he was the only boy around her age. Magazine article: There was another Magazine article found that was talking about how life was in Germany and other Jewish people before Hitler came into power before the Nazi soldiers had came around and captured anyone that looked, acted o accused of being Jewish. It said in the article how Annes family was middle class and they had moved from Amsterdam to Germany to start a new life. How Annes father was a business man and he owned his own business. Website: Another website found on the internet was talking about the Hitlers soldiers and how some of them were forced and how they felt so guilty for what they were doing. It was also talking how all of Hitlers plans and his crazy ideas. By reading threw Hitlers history and such he was insane from the start and there should have been plenty of sign s from the start that something wasnt right with him before he had come into power. Published book: Name of the book is Voices from the Holocaust talking about the history of the death camps. Another book talking about life from before Hitler to when he wasnt in power anymore There were many resources out there on the web, book, magazines etc that was very helpful on information on the Holocaust. Holocaust was the main topic but because its a huge subject. It was narrowed down with Anne Franks and her experiences along with briefly talking a about the history of the concentration camps. Personal thoughts on the topic of the camps and how Hitler was running things at the time were yes of course their treatment was wrong. The camps

shouldnt have gone as long as they did. It was shocking how someone could just sit there and treat someone like an animal and not care. Most of Hitlers soldiers was just doing their feelings of what any normal human being not treating someone like so. Hitler was insane and should have been kicked out of power a long time ago. If people would have done their background checks like they do now. They would have discovered how Hitler himself was Jewish. What he was doing was punishing his own people. Another warning sign was the fact he wanted this pure race which meant only blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler himself wasnt blonde hair or blue eyes and didnt make sense to have such a request when their leader wouldnt be pure himself.

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