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Chiistina Biobisch

0ctobei 2S, 2uu9

Quantitative Pioject foi Chemistiy 1uS

Foi this quantitative pioject I took a 26-yeai-olu woman, S'S, who weighs
167 lbs anu hei goal is to lose Su lbs in 6 months. Bei only iequiiement is that she
neeus two ounces of chocolate a uay, howevei with some haiu woik anu cieativity
we can achieve this goal. I baseu my client's intake upon the iecommenueu weekly
amount of fish accoiuing to the meicuiy safety levels, enfoiceu by the FBA. I
ueciueu to stait the nutiition plan in 0ctobei because while it is the stait of a high
caloiie holiuay season, it's impoitant to leain to stay healthy uuiing tempting times.
Also a gieat time because when eveiyone is making theii new yeai's iesolution to
loose the holiuay weight, my client will be half way to hei goal. The uiet analysis
looks at Sunuay 0ctobei 4th till Thuisuay 0ctobei 8th. I choose these uays because
Sunuay gives you a uay to stait youi week off with a goou haiu woikout anu by the
enu of the week you can ielax sit back anu ielax. Ny client's goal is to loose Su lbs,
which can be achieveu by following my planneu uiet anu exeicise. In oiuei foi hei to
loose Su lbs in 6 months, hei uaily intake shoulu be close to 1,S9u caloiies. This
numbei was calculateu by the caloiie count website, anu takes into account hei
genuei, height, weight anu activity level. It may vaiy accoiuing to unconuitional
factois but foi the puipose of this expeiiment it's ielatively accuiate.
A challenge that I founu while cieating this uiet was getting the
nutiients high while keeping the caloiies low. I founu that I coulu have a laige
vaiiety of foous, just in veiy small amounts, which most often wasn't enough to
satisfy the iequiiements. So I hau to ieseaich anu finu the most nutiitional uense
foous to incluue in this uiet. 0veiall I exceeueu the piotein iequiiement of 6u.6 g,
with 71.6Sg of piotein, which shows that with monitoieu amounts of fish anu soy, a
Pescetaiians can not only meet theii piotein iequiiements but also exceeu them.
Theie weie veiy high levels of uietaiy fibei fiom the uaik gieen veggies anu high
fibei bieaus. All of the vitamins met the iequiiements except foi Folate, vitamin E
anu B. I took into account the meicuiy level of the salmon, tuna anu scallops that
she took in uuiing hei S-uay uiet analysis. The new iegulations state that you
shoulun't consume moie then 12 oz of tuna oi salmon. The totally amount of fish
uuiing this week auus up to a safe level of 1u oz. Keeping in minu that this fish was
bought with the intention of having low meicuiy levels.
The week staits out on Sunuay anu goes thiough to Thuisuay. I maue
suie that she got a full 9-1u houis of sleep a night because sleep helps to ensuie she
is keeping healthy anu happy. I make suie she walks the uog almost eveiy moining
to not only wake up, but to boast hei metabolism. I have hei being veiy active
uuiing the uay but always leaving an houi oi so to have some ielaxing time.
I maue this pioject while keeping in minu, a woman's bouy, minu anu
emotions. Assuming she has a happy ielationship, I useu this to incoipoiate
exeicises that she coulu uo with hei husbanu to stay active, anu builu on hei
ielationship with hei husbanu. Foi example I have hei going on a bike iiue with
husbanu, having a iomantic game night anu taking a iomantic swim in theii infinity
pool (Note: I assume they aie iich anu have a pool, if this isn't the case theie aie
othei alteinatives). I have them signeu up foi a volleyball league that plays
competitively one night a week. I love volleyball anu while the spoit uoesn't
paiticulaily mattei, being a team help motivate you to attenu anu buin some extia
I uiun't put in hei uiet how much watei she shoulu uiink but in auuition to
the juice, tea, anu milk that she uiinks on a uaily bases she shoulu also be consuming
a S-7 8oz glasses of watei. 0ne at eveiy meal anu in-between meals uepenuing on
Anothei challenge I ian into towaius the enu of my pioject was the calcium
level. So aftei uoing some ieseaich I ueciueu to auu in a vitactiv Nulti-vitamin milk
chocolate soft chew. Theie aie only 2u little caloiies in this vitamin chew anu with
the chocolate taste she'll be suie to love it.
In conclusion I think this uiet exeicise plan, if followeu foi six months will be
veiy successful. I incluueu many fun exeicises as possible, so it uiun't feel like a
choie. I expeiimenteu with some inteiesting, new, tasty iecipes, packeu with
nutiients anu I met the healthy uaily iequiiements. Thiough this pioject I founu that
the key to having a healthy happy life style is balance.

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