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Instructor: Stephen Carlson Consultation: By Appointment Telephone: 801-277-4444 E-Mail Address: Program Coordinator: a!la "ielson-#illiams Consultation: By Appointment Office: A$ 1%& J Telephone: 801-%&7-&140 E-Mail Address: pa!la.nielson-'illiams@(r!!

*his )o!rse )o+ers the (asi) s,ills of (o'ling in)l!ding- (all sele)tion. fit. approa)h and deli+ery. /istory. r!les. safety. terminology. and eti0!ette 'ill also (e )o+ered. 1t is designed for f!n and to en)o!rage lifelong parti)ipation. COURSE OCATIO!: All Classes 'ill (e held at the Ol"mpus #ills $o%ling &'() S *asatch $l+d, Salt a-e Cit" OCATIO! *E$SITE: http:..ol"mpushills/com.director".0o%ling. re-2e0!isiteCredit /o!rs2e0!ired *e3tS!pplies 4 *ools"one. 1 a),et at the (o'ling alley or online Ball and shoes 5optional. rental in)l!ded in fee6.

O$1ECTI2ES.OUTCOMES: St!dents 'ill1. $emonstrate ,no'ledge of the history. r!les. safety. terminology. s)oring. and eti0!ette of (o'ling. 2. $emonstrate ,no'ledge and appli)ation of the (asi) motor s,ills of (o'ling. 7. $emonstrate ,no'ledge and appli)ation of the strategies of (o'ling. 4. $emonstrate ,no'ledge of the importan)e of a lifetime leis!re a)ti+ity in 'ellness. COURSE RE3UIREME!TS: All st!dents are re0!ired to(/ Attend and acti+el" participate in class/ *his is the most important fa)tor in an a)ti+ity )lass. Consistent attendan)e 'ith a good attit!de is the (est 'ay to get a great grade8

49a,e-!ps for e5cused 5medi)al et)6 or non.e5cused a(sen)es 'ill need to (e arranged thro!gh :lymp!s /ills Bo'ling. 6ou are allo%ed four ma-e-ups for the semester/ *he (est poli)y is to attend8 Sa+e yo!r a(sen)es for emergen)ies li,e illness et). 41f yo! )hoose not to attend. yo! a))ept the responsi(ility for 'hat o))!rs d!ring yo!r a(sen)e. 1t 'ill (e yo!r responsi(ility to arrange for a ma,e-!p. 9a,e s!re yo! ha+e the instr!)tor of the ma,e-!p )lass sign and date a ma,e-!p slip for yo! that m!st (e t!rned in to yo!r reg!lar instr!)tor at yo!r ne3t meeting. 7/ Chec- in the first da" of class at the Ol"mpus #ills $o%ling front des- as a S CC student/ *hen yo! 'ill (e re0!ired ea)h )lass meeting to )he), in 'ith the instr!)tor. 8/ *arm-up and cool-do%n for each %or-out session/ Be)a!se it is important that st!dents 'arm !p (efore and )ool-do'n after a 'or,o!t. if a st!dent is more than 10 min!tes late or lea+es 10 min!tes early. they 'ill lose half of their attendance points for the da"/ &/ Sign the class roll 9%ai+er: each time "ou attend class/ *he instr!)tor 'ill ha+e the sign in sheet. lease 2emem(er- If "ou sign in and lea+e or sign in someone %ho is not there ; "ou %ill 0e failed for the entire semester/ )/ Complete eportfolio assignment/ Complete assignments and 'or,sheets gi+en (y the instr!)tor. Assignments and 'or,-sheets m!st (e handed in on time to re)ei+e f!ll )redit. ATE ASSI<!ME!TS *I !OT $E ACCEPTE=/ All assignments m!st (e posted (y the d!e date. 1f yo! 'o!ld li,e )onfirmation that the )oordinator 'as a(le to a))ess yo!r eportfolio. then yo! )an email the lin, to the program )oordinator 5email m!st in)l!de the st!dents f!ll name. )o!rse name and se)tion n!m(er6. >/ Complete the 7 ta-e home tests/ *hey m!st (e finished (efore the ne3t )lass. *he ans'ers )an (e fo!nd in the )o!rse materials. ?/ Participate in s-ill assessment/ @/ Along %ith attendance, each student must 0o%l && games and ha+e an esta0lished an a+erage 0" the end of the semester/ ;a)h st!dent m!st ,eep tra), of their a+erage in the entire )lass. A/ *ear appropriate clothing and foot%ear for %or-outs/ Must %ear 0o%ling shoes/ St!dents 'ho fail to dress appropriately and parti)ipate in )lass 'ill not (e allo'ed to parti)ipate and 'ill ta,e an a(sen)e for the )lass period. ('/ !otif" the instructor immediatel" in the e+ent of an" inBur", or change in health status %hich occurs 0efore, during, or after class/ lease do not lea+e )lass 'itho!t notifying the instr!)tor. 9a,e safety an important part of yo!r learning e3perien)e. ((/ Sign a participation %ai+er at the 0eginning of the semester/ *he 'ai+er m!st (e signed (efore st!dent )an parti)ipate in )lass. (7/ Practice mutual respect and cooperation/ 1f yo! are disrespe)ting either the instr!)tor or fello' st!dents yo! 'ill (e as,ed to lea+e the )lassroom and an a(sen)e 'ill (e gi+en.

(8/ =URI!< ECTURES, CE P#O!E USE, TECT MESSA<I!< A!= A OT#ER E ECTRO!IC E3UIPME!T I!C U=I!< $UT !OT IMITE= TO IPO=S, MP8s, P=A etc/ ARE !OT A O*E= =URI!< C ASS TIME ; P EASE MADE SURE A =E2ICES ARE TUR!E= OEE OR O! SI E!T =URI!< C ASS TIME- STU=E!TS *#O 2IO ATE T#IS RU E *I $E ASDE= TO EA2E A!= A! A$SCE!SE <I2E! (&/ 6ou ma" not record or pu0lish information from the class %ithout %ritten authoriFed use from the instructor/ 1f !sed 'itho!t a!thori<ation yo! ha+e +iolated 21=AC>?1"*;@@;C*AA@ 2: ;2*> 21B/*S. ME=ICA CO!SI=ERATIO!S: 1f yo! ha+e any do!(ts a(o!t yo!r health in relation to this )o!rse. )ons!lt 'ith the instr!)tor (efore (eginning yo!r program. <RA=I!<: *he final grade for this )o!rse 'ill (e )omp!ted as follo'sAttendance.Participation A+erage Sheet E5am ( Einal E5am ePortfolio Totals POI!TS: A ABD B BCD &&8-C00 &40-&&7 &22-&7% 4%8-&21 480-4%7 4C2-47% C C$D $ $; 478-4C1 420-477 402-41% 778-401 7C0-777 Belo' 7C0 Points Possi0le 700 1&0 70 70 10 >''

IMPORTANT DATES: 1 ! D"# $% !&' S'(' !'): W"-.') D*': A!!'/0 C1" E2$)!%$1-$ A -+/('/! A."-1"31' %$) S!*0'/!: L" ! D"# $% !&' S'(' !'): E2$)!%$1-$ D*' 5 (* ! 3' 2$ !'0 !$ #$*) $/1-/' '2$)!%$1-$ D'4'(3') 5!& HOLIDAYS: O4!$3') 16-17 N$.'(3') ,:-;< F"11 B)'"8 - N$ C1" ' H'109 C$11'+' O2'/ T&"/8 +-.-/+ 5 N$ C1" ' H'109 C$11'+' C1$ '0 A*+* ! ,1 ! F-) ! T-(' Y$* N$.'(3') ,,/0 D'4'(3') 5!& %$) "/# 2$-/! :

COURSE SC#E=U E: 6ou can change this to fit the class too *his )lass meets for 7 le)t!re?la( ho!rs per 'ee,. *his )lass emphasi<es lifetime 'ellness and fitness. #ee, 1 1ntrod!)tion. safety. eti0!ette. history #ee, 2 *erminology. r!les. approa)h 4 deli+ery #ee, 7 Ball sele)tion. fit. shoe sele)tion #ee, 4-10 ra)ti)e #ee, 10-14 *o!rnament. +ariation games #ee, 1& @ifelong 'ellness emphasis I!COMP ETES: An in)omplete is a )onditional grade gi+en only in e3traordinary )ases 'here a st!dent has )ompleted a ?'G of the )lass (!t is !na(le to )omplete )o!rse 'or, d!e to )ir)!mstan)es (eyond their )ontrol s!)h as a maEor illness?inE!ry or a death in the family. #ritten do)!mentation from yo!r physi)ian is re0!ired. >o! m!st meet 'ith the program )oordinator to sign all paper 'or, for an in)omplete to (e gi+en. STU=E!T CO=E OE CO!=UCT: *he st!dent is e3pe)ted to follo' the S@CC St!dent Code of Cond!)t fo!nd at http-??'''.sl)).ed!?poli)ies?do)s?stdt)ode.pdf A=A: Please ma-e sure the =RC %or-s through the Program Coordinator http-??'''.sl)).ed!?dr)? St!dents 'ith medi)al. psy)hologi)al. learning or other disa(ilities desiring a))ommodations or ser+i)es !nder A$A. m!st )onta)t the $isa(ility 2eso!r)e Center 5$2C6. *he $2C determines eligi(ility for and a!thori<es the pro+ision of these a))ommodations and ser+i)es for the )ollege. lease )onta)t the $2C at the St!dent Center. S!ite 244. 2ed'ood Camp!s. 4C00 So. 2ed'ood 2d. 84127. hone- 58016 %&7-4C&%. **>- %&7-4C4C. Fa3- %&7- 4%47 or (y emaillinda.(ennett@sl)).ed! EMER<E!C6 E2ACUATIO!: 1n )ase of emergen)y. please 'al, to the nearest e3it on the "orth. So!th. ;ast or #est end of the (!ilding and meet o!tside ne3t toG*elephone oleGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

<E!ERA E=UCATIO! STATEME!T *his )o!rse is part of the Beneral ;d!)ation rogram at Salt @a,e Comm!nity College. 1t is designed not only to tea)h the information and s,ills re0!ired (y the dis)ipline. (!t also to de+elop +ital 'or,pla)e s,ills and to tea)h strategies and s,ills that )an (e !sed for life-long learning. #hile the s!(Ee)t of ea)h )o!rse is important and !sef!l. 'e (e)ome tr!ly ed!)ated thro!gh ma,ing )onne)tions of s!)h +aried information 'ith the different methods of organi<ing h!man e3perien)e that are pra)ti)ed (y different dis)iplines. *herefore. this )o!rse. 'hen )om(ined 'ith !nderstandings of yo!r )omm!nity and the 'orld. as 'ell as )hallenge pre+io!sly held ass!mptions a(o!t the 'orld and its inha(itants. >o! 'ill also e3plore a 'ide +ariety of topi)s 'ith an eye to'ard dis)o+ering ne' interests and !n)o+ering ne' talents. Beneral ;d!)ation )o!rses tea)h (asi) s,ills as 'ell as (roaden a st!dentHs ,no'ledge of a 'ide range of s!(Ee)ts. ;d!)ation is m!)h more than the a)0!isition of fa)tsI it is (eing a(le to !se information in meaningf!l 'ays in order to enri)h oneHs life. Beneral ;d!)ation )o!rses fo)!s on )omm!ni)ation. )reati+ity. and )riti)al thin,ing s,ills and along 'ith the s!(stan)e of the )o!rseHs information. an appre)iation of the estheti)s of the area of st!dy and its )onne)tion to the larger so)ial 'e(. This course fulfills the ifelong *ellness reHuirement for <eneral Education/

S CC is committed to fostering and assessing the follo%ing student learning outcomes in its programs and courses: JA)0!iring s!(stanti+e ,no'ledge in the field of their )hoi)e J$e+eloping 0!antitati+e litera)y J$e+eloping the ,no'ledge and s,ills to (e )i+i)ally engaged J*hin,ing )riti)ally JComm!ni)ating effe)ti+ely

All S CC students, regardless of class location or modalit" %ill need to complete an eportfolio/ Eportfolio Assignments MUST 0e posted on a StudentIs eportfolio/
<eneral Education ePortfolio ;a)h st!dent in Beneral ;d!)ation )o!rses at S@CC 'ill maintain a Beneral ;d!)ation e ortfolio. 1nstr!)tors in e+ery Ben ;d )o!rse 'ill as, yo! to p!t at least one assignment from the )o!rse into yo!r e ortfolio. and a))ompany it 'ith refle)ti+e 'riting. 1t is a re0!irement in this )lass for yo! to add to yo!r e ortfolio. and this sylla(!s details the assignment and refle)tion yo! are to in)l!de. >o!r e ortfolio 'ill allo' yo! to in)l!de yo!r ed!)ational goals. des)ri(e yo!r e3tra)!rri)!lar a)ti+ities. and post yo!r res!me. #hen yo! finish yo!r time at S@CC. yo!r e ortfolio 'ill then (e a m!lti-media sho')ase of yo!r ed!)ational e3perien)e. Eor detailed information +isit http:..%%%/slcc/edu.gened.eportfolio/

After "ou ha+e pic-ed an ePortfolio platform, go to the corresponding help site to %atch the tutorials and loo- at the e5amples so "ou can get started on "our o%n: http:..slcceportfolio/"olasite/com http:..slcceportfolio/%ordpress/com http:..slcceportfolio/%ee0l"/com

ERE3UE!T 6 ASDE= 3UESTIO!S: *ho calculates and turns in grades: :lymp!s /ills Bo'ling is an offsite +endor 'ho pro+ides /@AC )lasses for Salt @a,e Comm!nity College. >o!r grade ho'e+er is the sole responsi(ility of yo!. the st!dent. 'ho )ompletes the re0!irement as they are listed in the sylla(!s and the Coordinator from S@CC 'ho 'ill )olle)t the attendan)e from :lymp!s /ills Bo'ling. )orre)t the eportfolio assignment. )al)!late the final grade and then post it online. All 0!estions a(o!t grades. et) sho!ld (e emailed to the rogram Coordinator. #o% to email the Coordinator: lease !se the address listed a(o+e or from 9y age. lease note that an email sent to the Coordinator 9AS* ha+e yo!r f!ll name. )lass n!m(er. se)tion and lo)ation in order for the )oordinator to respond. *he information is not sent a!tomati)ally to the )oordinator and m!st (e pro+ided (y the st!dents. *here to find assignments: All assignment 'ill (e posted to yo!r 9y age K 9y Co!rses ta(. @og onto 9y age. )li), on the 9y Co!rses ta(. find the )lass. )li), on the )lass. then loo, for Files in the left hand men!. All assignments 'ill (e posted there. *hat to do if I ha+e a pro0lem %ith m" offsite class: Coordinator at S@CC lease )onta)t the rogram


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Se)tion- GGGGGGG

Semester- GGGGGGG

1nstr!)tor- GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 ha+e +ol!nteered to parti)ipate in a program of progressi+e physi)al e3er)ise sponsored (y Salt @a,e Comm!nity College. 1 !nderstand that there are )ertain ris,s asso)iated 'ith any a)ti+ity program. in)l!ding. (!t not limited to- a(normal (lood press!re. fainting. disorders of heart (eat. rare instan)es of heart atta),. m!s)le strains. p!lls or tears. (ro,en (ones. shin splints. heat prostration. et).. and a))ept the responsi(ility for parti)ipating in this program. ;+ery effort 'ill (e made (y all in+ol+ed to minimi<e ris, of inE!ry thro!gh preliminary e3amination and (y o(ser+ation d!ring the a)ti+ity. 1 here(y a),no'ledge and a))ept these ris,s. 1 agree to hold harmless. defend. indemnify and release Salt @a,e Comm!nity College and its offi)ers. agents. and employees from any and all lia(ility in )onE!n)tion 'ith this program and its indi+id!al a)ti+ities. 1 !nderstand and a),no'ledge that the College ass!mes no responsi(ility for any a))idents. damages. inE!ries. or other o))!rren)es or losses of any ,ind asso)iated 'ith my parti)ipation in this )o!rse. *o my ,no'ledge. 1 do not ha+e any limiting physi)al )ondition or disa(ility 'hi)h 'o!ld pre)l!de an e3er)ise program.



I have read the syllabus ____ initials

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