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Barbara Bradford Salt Lake Community College Speech Outline COMM 1010-083 November 11, 2013

Audience and Occasion Analysis: Specific goal: My audience will learn the advantages and technique of typing by touch on a 10 key. Speaker Ethos: I learned to touch-type on a 10-key in my Accounting 1010 class. I have been using it for 32 years in various jobs I have had and also in my personal life. Pattern of organization: I will organize my 3 main ideas using the topical pattern of organization. Audience Analysis: My group consists of adult college students and working professionals, all of whom use computers extensively. Occasion Analysis: I will present to a group of 15 in a large room, using a PowerPoint presentation created with plain, clear text. Speech Outline: I. Introduction: a. Hook: childhood story. My parents had one of the old adding machines that had 10 rows of 10 numbers. It was run by manually pushing in the buttons to create a number and pulling the arm down to register the number (this will be the first slide on my PowerPoint). I remember going to a Tupperware party with my mother when I was about 12. A woman was totaling the checks using this really neat machine. She was a genius to be able to use that machine so well-- her fingers were flying! I was fascinated! The machine was a 10-key calculator and I have since learned that you dont need to be a genius to touch-type on this machine. b. Expertise: I learned to touch-type on a 10 key in my Accounting 1010 class, been doing for 32 years in various jobs I have held and also in my personal life. c. Thesis: The valuable skill of touch-typing on a 10-Key is easy to master. d. Preview: First: Touch typing on a 10 key is a valuable skill Second: Actual Technique Third: Tips for successful Body: a. Touch typing on a 10 key is a valuable skill to have 1. An Important Skill


(Introduce with Delaware High School website quote) a. It is included in many high school curriculums b. Required at some entry level jobs c. Its a largely ignored skill. d. Someone with this skill will be more employable. 2. It increases productivity a. It is faster than the hunt and peck method b. Its faster than using the number keys on the top of a computer key board c. It saves time and time is money (Dr. Salmons quote) Transition: Those are the advantages of Touch-typing on a 10-Key. Now lets look at how easy it is to master this technique. Second Major point: technique 1. Finger Placement a. Home Row: Pointer on 4, Middle on 5, Ring on 6 b. Top Row: Pointer up to 7 and back down, Middle on 8, and Ring on 9 c. Bottom Row: Pointer down to 1 and back up, Middle down to 2, and ring down to 3 2. Thumb types the 0 and clear 3. Pinky types the add and subtract buttons Transition: While the technique is quite simple in principle, there are some tips that will help you succeed Third Major point: Tips for success 1. Posture and position a. Sit b. 10-key on a table or desk at normal typing height c. Elbow slightly lower than wrists d. Need free movement of wrist 2. Dont look at fingers a. Concentrate on numbers typing b. Focus on accuracy before speed 3. Practice to build speed III. Conclusion Touch-typing on a 10-key is a valuable skill to have which will save time and make a person more employable. The technique is quite easy to learn, and once mastered, just takes a little practice and your fingers will be flying, too.


Numeric Keyboarding Skills. Learn the 10 Key and Save Time. Dr. James G. Salmons, (2007). (2007)<

Livingston, Amanda. (2013, Nov 5). Personal conversation.

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