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Kaitlin Knapp

Pre and Post Test Assignment

Standards Used: Standard 3: Visual arts teachers have a broad and comprehensive understanding of the historical, political, social, and cultural contexts throughout the world from ancient times to the present, including: o 3 !"st#les and distinguishing characteristics of art from various cultures of Africa, the $iddle %ast, Asia, &ceania, the Americas, and %urope

o 3 '"purpose and functions of art from various cultures o 3 ("significant art movements and their development throughout histor# Results: The test was out of !3 points on both the pre and post"tests Ten of the eighteen students that too+ both the pre and post"tests improved after instruction Three of the eighteen did worse and five received the same grade on both tests *t is m# understanding that the three students that ended up doing worse after learning about all of the topics covered on the post"test guessed on most of the ,uestions These bo#s are fre,uentl# messing around in class and do not turn in man# of their re,uired assignments Additional Instruction: The three bo#s that did not improve from the pre"test and a few of the students who received low scores, such as a -.!3, will re,uire additional instruction before the final exam later in the term /or some, this simpl# means reviewing his.her notes, for others this means loo+ing over the presentation given about Students with IEPs: Several of the students in $r $ean)s classroom have *%Ps, * did not see much else being done to help them absorb the information

better than an# of the other students in the class * thin+ handing out the presentation to all of the students would be beneficial for them to stud#, especiall# students with *%Ps or those learning a second language This wa# the# could re"read the notes more carefull# and as+ ,uestions about specific material as needed Critique of Pre/Post: 0eliabilit# means that the test can be given over and over again and it will receive the same results * believe that if this" test were administered to another class, most of the students would improve after the lesson, leaving a select few that either sta#s the same Validit# refers to how well a test measures what it is purported to measure This pre and post"test measured a student)s understanding of a variet# of wor+s of art from several different eras /or their final, students will be re,uired to describe distinguishing characteristics between different cultures and the art that stems from them *n order to test their +nowledge of such characteristics * created a word ban+ of ages and st#les discussed in class that are meant to be matched to a short description of the age and its art The students will also be tested on specific wor+s of art To measure this * included four images of the +e# wor+s the# are expected to +now and had them match it with the age and culture it came from There is no test bias present in this assessment because all students are provided with the same information and are given the same"test The onl# possible bias would be a lac+ of information due to an absence, in which the student would not be expected to ta+e the post"test until he.she has been provided with the information Assessment of Teaching/Student Response: After giving the pre"test, * reali1ed how little most of these students +new about art histor# and after $r $eans) presentations, * was fairl# certain it would sta# that wa# Art histor# is not an eas# topic to teach because man# students do not ta+e an art elective to learn about it, it is something that is re,uired b# *ndiana state standards &ne of the first indications that this lesson would not go smoothl# was the wa# $r $eans introduced the topic 2e began stating that he +new that no one li+ed art histor# and that he himself does not li+e to teach it 3hildren rel# on the enthusiasm and excitement of the teacher, if a teacher doesn)t en4o# teaching it, the students will not en4o# learning it This topic was taught using a PowerPoint presentation that lasted approximatel# three da#s 3oming from a liberal arts college, * am used to open discussion based learning, so watching these +ids sit through three

da#s of lecture was difficult *f a teacher does not li+e a particular topic being taught, he.she should introduce it in a fun and innovative wa# to get the +ids interested A presentation was not the best wa# to go about fostering enthusiasm for learning The slides presented a few images and little text, re,uiring the students to ta+e notes based off what he said in class, something uncommon and sometimes foreign to high school students * agree that it is important to teach these students how to effectivel# ta+e notes so as to prepare them for college level courses, however * do not thin+ this lesson was the place to do it The students were less than interested in the topic from the moment $r $eans introduced it and did little to pa# attention during the presentations 5uring m# observation, * noticed that man# of them would write the small amount of information provided on the slide and would then 61one out7 and stare off into space, not listening to the valuable information that $r $eans was sharing * will sa# that providing all of the necessar# information on the slides was not ver# beneficial, it would have been nice to see an outline or a handout with all of the slides printed out so that it would be easier for the students to ta+e notes and pa# attention to what it was that $r $eans was lecturing about Possible Changes: There are not man# changes that * could ma+e to the test itself in order to help students do better * chose wor+s from onl# a few of the areas covered in class and used +e# words and a word ban+ to aid them in the matching process *n terms of teaching the lesson, * thin+ it would be beneficial for the students to get a print out of the presentation to ta+e notes on in class This wa# the# can review what was said in class as well as the main points the teacher wants the students to +now about each period of art histor# *n terms of possible changes in the wa# the lesson was taught, * would encourage more enthusiasm for the topic and ma#be even including an interactive game of some +ind to teach the +ids about art histor# These students are ver# rambunctious and full of energ# and as+ing them to sit ,uietl# for -8 minutes while giving a presentation is a lot to as+ of them *n terms of review for the test, * would have li+ed to see a game of some +ind as well, perhaps a game of 9eopard# or a board race that could harness some of that competitive energ# and gear it towards learning:

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