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What are the key components of communication?

How do these key components affect the process of communication and its overall effectiveness? How might you improve the use of these key components of effective communication?

The key components to communication is transmitting an idea, sending the idea through a medium, receiving the message, understanding the idea and providing feedback to the message sender. These key components began with the sender and ends with the receiver. These components affect the process of communication and its overall effectiveness because if the sender does not send a thorough and clear message the receiver will not be able to respond to the senders message accurately; however, bad or unclear communication in the criminal justice field/law can and will be devastating to a case or an investigation process. The key components of effective communication can be improved in many ways such as practicing, staying up to par on vocabulary which is very important, writing, and last in which I feel is most important in working in the Criminal Justice field is paying attention to detail as well as documenting. Another way the key components can be improved is through workshops and actually taking the time to reread what has been written for small errors that may contradict part of or a whole message.

What are the components of nonverbal communication in the criminal justice system? How are these similar or different from the components of verbal communication? Is there a better solution to the integration of effective verbal and nonverbal communication within the criminal justice system?

In the criminal justice system the two components of nonverbal communication are body language and written in which the both are based on perception and image. Body language is important when it comes to nonverbal communication because it has a big effect on how people look at you in a situation and some examples are the way you stand, hand movement while speaking and facial expressions. In the criminal justice field actions such as shifty eyes, stuttering while answering questions while giving statements make give an officer or the receiver the impression that you are nervous and or trying to hide something. Nonverbal and verbal communications are very much different in my opinion because when an individuals make a statement or ask a question you have a better understanding on what they are trying to say and or put two and two together to figure it out; however, nonverbal communication can be misleading meaning if I put my hands over my face while someone is talking to me it could mean many things. Some examples are: you may smell funny, the receiver may have to sneeze, or the receiver might have just finished eating something that is lingering on his or her breathe. With saying this, the receiver may not know how to react to the body language. I do not believe there is a better solution to the integration of effective verbal and

nonverbal communication within the criminal justice system because anything that has to do with the criminal justice system is just too risky and serious to not make yourself understood.

What barriers impact effective communication within the criminal justice system? What actions lead to ineffective communication among criminal justice professionals? How can these barriers be overcome? What suggestions would you recommend?

The barriers that impact effective communication within the criminal justice system are emotional barriers, physical barriers, semantic barriers and effective listening. Some actions that lead to ineffective communication among criminal justice professionals is miscommunication between an officer and a dispatcher which can be as serious as life and death. The structure of an organization can also lead to ineffective communication because if you don't have individuals in the right place or a lack of personnel could have an effect on productivity. Other ineffective communication within the criminal justice would be listening skills, stress, anger, and morale which is just as important as the other examples. These barriers can be overcome by hiring individuals whom qualify or fit the criteria for the job best; however, not only with education but with experience also. Some of my suggestions recommended would listening meaning understanding what is said, setting the emotions to the side and last would be eliminating distractions.

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