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A reaction or change of the immune system as a result of an allergen or irritant.

Hypersensitivity refers to excessive, undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system. Type I hypersensitivity diseases are extremely
common. The common ones are allergic rhinitis and asthma. The number of cases of type I hypersensitivity diseases is increasing worldwide over time.

Type I hypersensitivity reaction involve skin, eyes , throat, bronchopulmonary tissues and g

Hypersenstivet reaction 1 cause a range of symptoms which creates minor to major health The reaction usually takes 15 - 30 minutes from the time of exposure to the antigen, althou 12hours. Nurse Assessment

Nurse can access patient by checinhg skin rash, itchy eyes swelling, secreation discharge Patient history is also very important while accessing. Risk factor:

Age is a risk factor . it can become more or less severe with age. when people get old , the my personal experiences, my husband have asthma . he is 38 year old, from last 4 years , year. Some time poorly treated asthma even more worse than treaded one with age . Later lead to lung compications. Diagnoised :

Diagnostic tests for immediate hypersensitivity include skin (prick and intradermal) tests , m IgE antibodies against the suspected allergens.

generally allergic symptoms tend to diminish with increasing age. This applies to conditions conjunctivitis. However conditions like anaphylaxis and angioedema do not have any age p

Read more: Altered immune response - Medical Dictionary / Glossary EmzwW

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