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Theme: Writing is Strategic

Rationale: #n this lesson" students

ill learn ne strategies !or staying on topic during riting" and ho to apply those strategies to their o n riting*

Submitted by: Samantha Foltz )-rric-l-m Integration: Grade Level: 1st Grade
&usic Social Studies Science Writing &ath .eading Theatre %rt 7Subject/Topic: (ealth


*aterials+E,-i.ment: The boo/

2The Little &ouse" the .ed .ipe Stra berry" and the 3ig (ungry 3ear4 by %udrey Wood" large lined chart paper" ) photographs $one in !ocus" one out o! !ocus'" riting journals" crayons*

TE#S "chieve$:
1*1= % > rite brie! stories that include a beginning" middle" and end* 1*1? % > plan a !irst dra!t by generating ideas !or riting $e*g* dra ing" sharing ideas" listing /ey ideas'* 1*1? 3 > develop dra!ts by se5uencing ideas though riting sentences

The students ill demonstrate their ability to plan a !irst dra!t by listing ords" or dra ing pictures in their riting journals" or sharing ideas verbally ith a neighbor The students ill develop their dra!ts by applying their ideas through sentences in their riting journals The students ill create original stories in their riting journals that include a beginning" middle" and end

Lesson Plan:
#ntroduction $%nticipatory Set/&otivation':
%t hole group: (old up the ) photographs you have" $one in !ocus" one out o! !ocus'* +iscuss ith the students ho it is easier to see the picture in !ocus because it is ,L-%." hile the other picture is di!!icult to loo/ at and see because it is 01,L-%.* Tell students that this can also be applied to our riting* Tell them that sometimes" our stories get out o! !ocus" or o!! topic" and are hard !or the reader or audience to understand* Tell them that hile they listen to the boo/ you are going to read" that you ant them to pay close attention to ho the author stays on topic" ma/ing it ,L-%. !or the reader and audience to understand the story* .ead %loud: 2The Little &ouse" the .ed .ipe Stra berry" and the 3ig (ungry 3ear4 by %udrey Wood* BEFORE: 3e sure to do a picture al/ and as/ the students to predict hat they thin/ this boo/ is about* DURI !: 3e sure to continue to as/ the 5uestion" 2What is the boo/ about64* "FTER: +iscuss ho the author stayed on the same topic or !ocus throughout the hole story*

$For the !our categories belo " delete

Bloom%s Ta&onom':

@no ledge/.emember %nalysis ,omprehension/0nderstand -valuate %pplication ,reate

Di((erentiate$ Learning:
%uditory @inesthetic Aerbal/Linguistic #ntrapersonal Aisual/Spatial Logical/&ath &usical #nterpersonal

7re8 rite the !ollo ing on the large" lined chart paper and have the student9s identi!y the parts that are out o! !ocus" or 2o!! topic4: The 3irthday 7arty :n Saturday" # ent to my !riend9s birthday party* (e as turning si; years old* &y mom is )< years old* First" e played games at the party* 1e;t" e ate chocolate ca/e* &y mom ma/es really good ca/es* Then e opened presents* For ,hristmas" # got a bicycle !or a present* #t as a !un party* #n!ormation Giving: 1* .ead through the pre ritten story ith students" and have them identi!y hich statements are 2o!! topic4* ,ross these statements o!! as you go* 3e sure to as/ the students to e;plain their thin/ing o! hy a statement is o!! topic*

)lassroom Strategies:

,ooperative Groups (ands8:n Technology ,enters #ndependent %ctivities Simulation ,harts/Graphs/&aps Lecture 7roblem Solving Whole8group 7eer tutoring 7airing

)* -;plain to students that sometimes" it can be di!!icult to stay on topic as e rite" and that some good ays to help yoursel! stay on topic is to ma/e a list" dra a picture" or discuss your ideas ith a !riend" and that this is called 2dra!ting4* Tell them that 2dra!ting4 is a ay to plan out your riting*

&odeling: 1* 0se the smart board to model ma/ing a list o! ideas to include in your riting* 0se the birthday story as your topic* &a/e a list o! ords li/e !riends" presents" ca/e" !un* +iscuss ith students that ma/ing a list can not only help you stay on topic" but it can also help remind you o! hat you ant to rite about as you are riting* &odel ho it is a good idea to cross items o! your list a!ter you rite about them so that you /no you already included it in your story* )* .e8visit the chart made ith the story about playing on the ee/end* .emind the students that e started that story ith a picture" and labels to help us decide hat to rite about* Tell students that they can still use pictures as a great ay to plan" or 2dra!t4 hat they ant to rite about* B* -;plain to students that is also help!ul to 2dra!t4 a story by discussing your ideas ith a neighbor* #t ill help you plan hat you ant to rite" and your neighbor can also give you some more ideas to go ith your topic that you might not have thought about* C* Tell students that they ill be using dra!ting to plan their riting stories today" and that they need to use some dra!ting strategies* .emind students that their riting needs to have a beginning" middle" and end*

,hec/ !or 0nderstanding: 1* %s/ students to tell you the B things they can do to 2dra!t4 their stories* )* %s/ students hy it is important to 2dra!t4 !or our riting* What does it help us do6 B* (ave students turn to a neighbor and discuss some ideas !or their topic*

Guided 7ractice: (ave students return to their seats" and get out their riting journals* .emind them to use the 2dra!ting strategies4 to help them plan out their riting" and to /eep them on !ocus during their riting* Wal/ among the students" !acilitating here necessary until you are sure that each student has a topic in mind to rite about*

#ndependent 7ractice: Students ill rite their stories" using the dra!ting strategies to /eep their story 2on topic4* They should illustrate their stories a!ter ards i! they did not already illustrate as a dra!ting strategy* ,losure / ,ulminating %ctivity: .e8visit ith students about hy it is important to plan or 2dra!t4 our riting* .emind them o! the B strategies that ere discussed that they could use to help them stay on topic* %lso" remind them ho good stories and riters use details" and have a beginning" middle" and ending to their stories* %s/ students i! they !elt li/e the strategies helped them" and hy or hy not6



For the child ith a hearing impairment" ear the F& system to ampli!y your voice*

#! students struggle ith implementing the dra!ting strategies" re8teach the ne;t day" and consider dra!ting a story together at hole group instead o! using a pre8 ritten story*

1* Students ill be assessed on their use o! implementing and applying the dra!ting strategies that ere discussed in hole group* Dou ill observe this during their guided" and independent practice* )* Students ill be assessed on hether or not their story stays 2on topic4" or i! they stray !rom it* This ill be done by loo/ing over their !inished or/" and providing timely !eedbac/* B* Students ill be assessed on hether or not their story includes a beginning" middle" and end* They must have more than E sentences*

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