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Journal Entry #1: Charachter Development - Ralph " "...Ralph, looking with more un er!tan ing at "iggy, !

aw that he wa! hurt an cru!he . #e hovere $etween the two cour!e! o% apology or %uther! in!ult. "&etter "iggy than 'atty," he !ai at la!t, with the irectne!! o% genuine lea er!hip, "an anyway, ()m !orry i% you %eel like that. *ow go $ack, "iggy, an take name!. +hat)! your ,o$. -o long." " ./ol ing, ". 012 -o %ar into the novel, we !ee a great amount o% character evelopment %rom Ralph. *ot really even $y hi! choo!ing. (t wa!n)t even hi! i ea to call everyone together, nor everyone together with the conch. -o, we !ee ralph a! a pretty pa!!ive character. &ut then, a%ter $lowing the conch attracting the group o% $oy! an a!!e!!ing the !ituation with them he i! vote to $ecome the "Chie%" o% the i!lan . 3e !ee him gla ly take thi! role in !tri e an !tart to a!!ign ta!k! an re!pon!i$ilitie! to the $oy!. 'or e4ample, he !ugge!te Jack an the choir $oy! $ecome the hunter! an "iggy take the ,o$ o% taking everyone! name!. -o Ralph, ha! alrea y ma e a pretty ra!tic tran!ition %rom a pa!!ive charachter to a lea er.

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