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Case Study 1

Case Study Poketha L. Ruffin Averett University ED502 Child and Adoles ent Psy holo!y "#22 Professor$ %an y Lo&os'%!uyen (ar h )* 201+

Introduction: ,he o&servation -as ondu ted in the ho.e of the o&server. All task -ere o./leted in the o&server0s livin! roo. at a s.all ta&le. ,he su&1e t -as* 2as.ine* a

Case Study 2 four'year and t-o'.onth old ener!eti hild that attends a /rivate day are enter. She

has one youn!er sister. ,he su&1e t -as the dau!hter of the o&server0s a 3uaintan e. ,he o&servation took /la e -ith full /er.ission fro. the su&1e t0s /arents* and -as re orded &y a third /arty then do u.ented &y the o&server.

Method: ,he first task /resented to the hild -as the onservation of li3uid task. ,he hild -as seated at a ta&le and t-o identi al 1) oun e !lasses -ere /la ed in front of her. ,he hild -as then asked if the !lasses -ere the sa.e si4e. %e5t an e3ual a.ount of -ater -as /oured into ea h !lass. ,he hild -as asked if ea h !lass had the sa.e a.ount of -ater. A s.aller* -ider !lass -as then &rou!ht out and -ater -as /oured fro. the taller !lass into the s.aller one. ,he hild -as then asked* 6 does ea h !lass have the sa.e a.ount of -ater.7 ,he se ond task -as the onservation of nu.&ers task. Pennies -ere divided into t-o ro-s of ten and /la ed dire tly a&ove one another. ,he hild -as then asked to ount ea h ro- of /ennies. She -as asked if ea h ro- had the sa.e a.ount of /ennies. After her res/onse the se ond ro- of /ennies -as s/read out to &e -ider than the first ro-ithout addin! additional oins. ,he hild -as then asked -hi h ro- had the .ost /ennies. ,he onservation of len!th -as the third task. ,-o sti ks -ere /la ed a&ove ea h other. ,he su&1e t -as asked to look at the sti ks and tell if they -ere the sa.e si4e. ,he to/ sti k -as then sli!htly .oved to the left. ,he su&1e t -as asked -hi h sti k -as lon!er. After a res/onse -as !iven the t-o sti ks -ere /la ed dire tly a&ove one another

Case Study + a!ain and the su&1e t -as on e a!ain asked if the t-o sti ks -ere the sa.e. ,he &otto. sti k -as then .oved to the ri!ht and the su&1e t -as asked -hi h sti k -as lon!er8 ,he su&1e t -as then asked -hat she -ants to &e -hen she !ro-s u/ in order to olle t the su&1e t0s understandin! of an a&stra t on e/t.

Results: Task 1. Conservation of Liquid, "hen the su&1e t -as asked if the t-o 1) oun e !lasses -ere the sa.e her res/onse -as 6yes.7 "hen the -ater fro. one of the 1) oun e !lasses -as /oured into a shorter* -ider !lass the su&1e t -as asked* 6if &oth !lasses had the sa.e a.ount of -ater87 ,he su&1e t0s res/onse -as that the shorter -ider !lass had .ore -ater in it.

Task 2. Conservation of Num ers, ,he su&1e t -as first asked to ount the /ennies one ro- at a ti.e. "hen she ounted out the first ro- she -as a&le to ount fro. one to ten. "hen the su&1e t ounted the se ond ro- of /ennies she ounted fro. one to ten a!ain. ,he su&1e t -as then asked if &oth ro-s had the sa.e a.ount of /ennies. 9er res/onse -as re orded as 6yes.7 After the se ond ro- of /ennies -as len!thened the su&1e t -as asked* 6"hi h ro- has the .ost /ennies87 ,he su&1e t /ointed to the se ond ro- of /ennies and re/lied* 6this one.7 ,he su&1e t -as then asked* 6"hy do you think this ro- has the .ost /ennies87 ,he su&1e t re/lied* 6:e ause you s/read the. out.7

Task !. Conservation of Len"th, After the t-o sti ks -ere /la ed dire tly a&ove one another the su&1e t -as asked if the t-o sti ks -ere the sa.e. 9er res/onse -as

Case Study # 6yes.7 "hen the to/ sti k -as .oved to the left the su&1e t -as then asked* 6"hi h sti k is lon!er87 ,he su&1e t res/onded that the &otto. sti k -as lon!er. %e5t sti ks -ere /la ed dire tly a&ove one another a!ain and the su&1e t -as asked* 6Are these t-o sti ks the sa.e87 ,he su&1e t res/onded* 6yes.7 "hen the &otto. sti k -as .oved to the ri!ht the su&1e t -as asked* 6"hi h sti k is lon!er87 9er res/onse -as* 6,his one*7 and she /ointed to the to/ sti k. # stract Conce$t: ,he su&1e t -as asked -hat she -anted to &e -hen she !ro-s u/. 9er res/onse -as* 6; -ant to &e tall.7 ,he su&1e t -as then asked -hat she -ants to do -hen she !ro-s u/ and her res/onse -as* 6; -ant to tea h the sa.e !rade as .y .o..y.7

Inter$retation: ,he su&1e t is in the /re'o/erational sta!e of develo/.ent. She la ked onservation in ea h of the tasks. ,he su&1e t -as una&le to deter.ine that ea h of the o&1e ts -ere the sa.e on e the ori!inal state had &een altered. Durin! the li3uid task 2as.ine she -as a&le to des ri&e the a.ount of -ater in the first t-o !lasses as the sa.e. <n e the -ater -as /oured into the shorter -ider !lass 2as.ine thou!ht that there -as .ore -ater in the -ider !lass than in the taller. A ordin! to :er!en =200> /a!e ?>@* 6 hildren -ill fo us on one hara teristi &ut not take into a ount related hara teristi s. ,hey -ill look at hei!ht and not -idth* so an0t o./are tall narro-* short and -ide7 =:er!en 200>@. ,he nu.&er and len!th test task -ere e5a./les of entration* enterin! attention on a s/e ifi hara teristi and not fo usin! on others* -hi h re/resents a youn!

hildren0s la k of onservation =Santro k* 2011@. 2as.ine -as a&le ount to ten on ea h ro-* &ut -hen the to/ ro- of /ennies -as s/read out she stated that the len!th had

Case Study 5 han!ed as -ell. ,he sa.e out o.e o urred durin! the len!th task. 2as.ine -as a&le to see the t-o sti ks as the sa.e until either -as .oved. As noted in Santro k =2011@* onservation is the a&ility to reason that han!in! an o&1e t0s sha/e does not han!e the o&1e t0s /ro/erties. ,he /reo/erational sta!e of develo/.ent lasts fro. a!e t-o to seven and in ludes the intuitive thou!ht su&sta!e. "hen 2as.ine -as asked -hat she -anted to &e -hen she !re- u/ she res/onded that she -anted to &e tall. 9er idea a&out !ro-in! u/ -as si./listi in that she reasoned !ro-in! u/ as hei!ht. "hen she -as then asked -hat she -ould like to do she res/onded that she -anted to tea h the sa.e !rade as her .other. At this sta!e of develo/.ent hildren &e!an to use sy.&oli thou!ht to re/resent the -orld around the. =Santro k* 2011@. ,herefore 2as.ine0s / e durin! ea h task -as develo/.entally a//ro/riate.

Conclusion: Pia!et0s o&servation of hildren -as /heno.enal. Develo/.ental sta!es are evident in hildren at different /oints. "hat is .ost /rofound is that throu!h his -ork he de.onstrated that develo/.ent and intelli!en e are not the sa.e. ,hou!h delays in one .ay &e an indi ator of another* develo/.ental sta!es are the* 6unifyin! story of ho- &iolo!y and e5/erien e s ul/t o!nitive develo/.ent7 =Santro k 1A2@.

Referen es
Bergen, D. (2008). %uman develo$ment: traditional and contem$orar& theories. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson Prentice all. Piaget!s "onservation #as$s % &o'#'(e. (200), Nove*(er +). 'ouTu e. Retrieved ,arc- 8, 20.+, /ro* -ttp:00111.2o't'(*01atc-3 v4/5o678i7J)U Santroc$, J. 9. (20..). Child develo$ment (.+t- ed.). Ne1 &or$, N&: ,c:ra1% ill '*anities.

Case Study )

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