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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Reverse Percentages Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should

d be able to calculate 100% when given a representative percentage change. Most students should be able to calculate the original value after a real life percentage change. Some students should be able to calculate the original value after a compound percentage change. Keywords: Original amount, percentage change, 100%, Percentage Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Students recap calculating a simple percentage change using multipliers by matching up a solution with its respective question. Students will need a calculator from this point in the lesson. Emphasise the importance of the multiplier since this is prerequisite knowledge for the remainder of the lesson. Development To calculate the original amount after a percentage change emphasise that 100% is the numerical representation for what the amount used to be. Ratios can therefore be used to demonstrate the link between a percentage and the amount. It is important for students to understand the value of calculating 1% first, in order to then find the original 100%. Resources: Mini-whiteboards Interactive Excel File Treasure Hunt YouTube Video

When calculating a real life problem students first need to find the percentage value. For question v on the second slide a 12 percentage discount results in 88% having a value of 12. A common misconception is to take the 12% as the representative value. Use the interactive Excel file to provide additional practise. When ready, students could work through the problems on the third slide independently. For extra consolidation the treasure hunt activity in additional resources could be completed with students working in pairs.
Plenary The plenary is intended to consolidate the learning of the lesson and assess the progress made. Students match up a solution to the problem provided. Have the class work on mini-whiteboards to aid teacher assessment. Differentiation More able: Students could consider problems such as an amount is increased by 5% compound interest for 4 years and is now worth 400. How much was invested. A method of trial and improvement may be needed. Less Able Students may need additional support calculating the representative percentage for real life problems.

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