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Denise A. Roberts ELED 300 Dr.

Isbell Module 3- Writing Assignment In the text, Learning & Teaching, cha ters !, ", #, and $0 directl% correlates to the &ExEs 'edagog% and 'ro(essional Res onsibilities E)-$* )om etenc% !, and #. &he im ortant conce ts or ideas I belie+ed ,ere co+ered throughout the texts ,ere social interaction in the classroom, coo erati+e learning b% lanning and im lementing a ro riate instruction through guided disco+er%. According to

-aucha. and Eggen /*0$*0, ex ert teachers .no, that student in+ol+ement is a critical art o( classroom learning, and social interaction is one e((ecti+e ,a% to romote this in+ol+ement and increase learning. 1ocial interaction encourages students to re-e+aluate their o,n +ie,s o( the ,orld through an o en (orum o( shared ideas. 2ecause students are able to share their +ie,s on certain to ics, the% are also encouraged to +ie, to ics (rom di((erent ers ecti+es, and belie(s to re-e+aluate externall%, orall% and internall% in their minds. 1ocial interaction also im lements student-student interaction, grou goals, indi+idual accountabilit%, collaborati+e s.ills, and grou rocessing.

1tudents learn ho, to ta.e turns, listen, disagree constructi+el%, and gi+e (eedbac.s to each other. )oo erati+e learning goes be%ond social interaction or grou ,or.. &he de th o( coo erati+e learning is to accom lish teachers3 goal through thought(ul lanning, re aration and im lementing. When im lementing teachers ha+e to identi(% the (ollo,ing otential roblem areas4 noise, (ailure to get along,

misbeha+ior and ine((ecti+e use o( grou time. According to -aucha. and Eggen /*0$*0, )oo erati+e learning re5uires that students tal., listen, and hel one another learn. &he rocess i( o(ten made more com licated b% the heterogeneous nature o( the grou . 'lanning and im lementing a ro riate instructions in the classroom

re5uires great e((ort (rom the teacher. As a teacher lans and im lement, he6she must identi(% to ics, identi(% s eci(ic learning ob7ecti+es, assess (or rere5uisite .no,ledge, structure the content and re are the lesson. 8ext the teacher must e((ecti+el% im lement the to ic through resentations ,hile assessing and monitoring (or com rehension, integrate ne, in(ormation and then (inall% summari9ed the to ics through the closure rocess. Lastl%, guided disco+er% allo,s teachers to be s eci(ic ,ith learning ob7ecti+es, arrange in(ormation that clearl% de(ine atterns, and guided statements. According to -aucha. and Eggen /*0$*0, guided disco+er% is o(ten contrasted ,ith : ure; or instructed disco+er%, ,hereb% learners identi(% atterns and relationshi s ,ithout hel (rom a teacher. <uided disco+er% de ends on learners constructing an understanding, utili9ing current understanding, social interaction, and real-,orld tas. understanding. 2% gras ing these conce ts the student is able to roblem sol+e, and be acti+el% in+ol+ed ,hich moti+ates students and stimulates curiosit%. In conclusion, e((ecti+e teachers use strategies such as lanning and im lementing a ro riate instruction, and guided disco+er% to assist students ,ith

social interaction and coo erati+e learning. 1ocial interaction and coo erati+e

learning romotes students gro,th as it is considered an im ortant medium (or students to conce tuali9e their o,n thoughts b% com aring them to thoughts o( others.

)itation Re(erence -aucha.. D. = Eggen, '. /*0$*0. Learning & teaching: Research-based methods. /> ed., . *0!, *$!0. 2oston, MA4 'earson Education Inc.

Longitude6Latitude Assignment4 8e, ?rleans is at 300 8 Latitude, #00 W Longitude 1t. 'etersburg is >00 8 Latitude, 300 E Longitude I ,ould li.e to +acation in @a,aiiA this island is *$0 8 Latitude, $B!0 W Longitude

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