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Top 20 Things Recruiters Hate About Resumes

Joo Iollowlo ls o llst toot wos to|oo Iro o scrvoy oI 25uu oI too to rocrcltors torocooct too u8 oou
Cooouo, lvoo by too oolloo coooy
Joo rocrcltors toot too| ort lo too scrvoy
stoou Iro vorlou soclolty rocs, loclculo |olooorlo. uoro oro too rosclts.

20. 8uryinq[Omi||inq |mor|on| |n|ormo|ion
Vooy coouluotos oItoo loovo oII loIorotloo toot coclu bo vory oolIcl to too. crylo
loIorotloo lo yocr rosco ls os roblootlc os olttlo lt oltootoor. kocrcltors uo oot oovo too
tlo to ul orocou roscos Ior loIorotloo, yoc woot to o|o yocr s|llls cloor. kocrcltors oovo
ocourous oI roscos to rovlow, o coouluoto sooclu GkA Ju|lk AJJ|NJlON lVV|DlAJ|L. A
oou scostloo ls to tollor yocr rosco to too s|lll sot, o sorlos oI s|llls, worus or orosos toot
yoc ooou Ior too osltloo. Joo ob|oct ooro ls to cotco too rocrcltors,oloyors ottootloo wltolo 5-
lu socoous.

19. UneIoined Gos in LmIoymen|
Altooco oloyors oro bocolo oro looloot oboct tols, uco to too rlso lo cooloyoot, bo
roorou to ooswor gcostloos. |voo lI yoc oovo to|oo o sobbotlcol or uocluou to trovol Iollowlo
roucotloo lt ls o oou luoo to ootloo toot.

18. kesumes wri||en in |be 1
or 8
A rosco sooclu oot bo wrlttoo lo too Ilrst orsoo, oltooco lt ls cooo to soo tols lsto|o. Joo
rocrcltor,oloyor uoos oot woot o llst oI l ulu tols oou l ulu toot, lostoou |oo lt sllo oou
loovo oct too l oou too o. Jols ls too coso wlto too 3
orsoo os woll. A rosco sooclu bo o sllo
loco oI or|otlo uoscrlblo too coouluoto's boc|rocou oou oow lt Ilts wlto too osltloo toot
tooy oro olylo to.

17. No| |ncIudinq on Losy |o IoIIow 8ummory
kocrcltors oro vory bcst oolo oou wlto ocourous oI roscos to ot toroco lI yocr rosco
uooso't coovoy ooytolo to too lo too Ilrst lu socoous oI rooulo cooocos oro tooy wlll ovo oo.
A scory soctloo ls oo oosy woy to coovoy sootolo lo o vory soort oocot oI tlo. Jooy oro
olso vory oosy to ccstolzo Iro rosco to rosco so toot yoc uoo't oovo to coooo yocr rosco
wlto ooco scblssloo.

1. Iic|ures, Grobs or Ukl links
Gooorolly tooro ls oo roosoo to loclcuo o lctcro wlto yocr rosco, coloss yoc oro olylo to o
osltloo os o ouol, Jv orsooollty or otoor scco osltloo toot o 'ooousoot oy bo rogclrou. Jols
ls cco too coso Ior roolcs oou ukL llo|s. Vooy uoortoots oro oot ogclou to occot
roolcs, lctcros or co|oowo ukL llo|s bococso oI too rocoot locrooso lo coctor vlrcsos oou too
ll|o. uoloss oo oolloo ortIollo, roolcs or llo|s oro rogcostou tooo lt ls bost to oot soou too.
Vooy tlos cowootou loIorotloo cocso too rocrcltor to uoloto yocr rosco wltooct ovoo ooolo

Worthington, Michael. Top 20 Recruiter Pet Peeves About Resumes. Careerbuilder July 2005: Article 68.

15. kesumes No| 8en| os o wOkD A||ocbmen|
uoloss soclIlcolly rogcostou by too rocrcltor, uo oot soou yocr rosco lo ooy otoor Iorot. lD|
Illos to|o cco oro tlo to uowoloou oou lo soo cosos rogclro soItworo toot tooy
rocrcltor,oloyor oy oot oovo.

Aootoor roosoo Ior tols ls toot o rocrcltor,oloyor oy oot oovo o osltloo Ior yoc ot too tlo oI
yocr ollcotloo, bct wlll ootor yoc lo toolr uk rocrcltlo systos lo coso otoor osltloos bocoo
ovolloblo. lI yocr rosco ls oot lo o WOkD or lolo tot uoccoot oou coooot bo lortou
gclc|ly loto toolr systo lo ost cosos lt wlll bo ulscoruou.

A tl toot rocrcltors ovo to roobor wooo sooulo oo ottocooot ls to olwoys ooo lt Ior too.
Joo Iorot tooy tylcolly ll|o to soo ls lost ooo, Ilrst ooo kosco o|lo lt oosy Ior too to
Ilou oou sort.

14. Ioor Ion| Cboice
Vo|o scro toot wooo crootlo o rosco too Ioot ls |ot sllo oou oosy to roou. Novor cso scrlts
toot oro oot stoouoru to woru, or toot oro vory ooru oo too oyo, scco os |uworuloo.

|oot slzo ls oootoor vory lortoot Ioctor to yocr rosco. oc uoo't woot to oovo too Ioot so bl
toot yocr rosco ls 5 oos loo, or so soll toot o rocrcltor wlll ooou o oolIylo loss to roou
lt. Gooorolly lu olot Ioot ls too obsolcto lowost yoc coo o boIoro yoc ot too soll oou l2
olot ls oou Ior oooulos.
koobor oltooco yoc oy tolo| o oro Ioocy loo|lo scrlt wlll o|o yocr rosco stoou oct,
roobor lt oy oot bo os oosy to roou oo sooooo olso's scrooo os lt wos oo yocrs.

18. Ob|ec|ives or MeoninqIess |n|roduc|ions
Woy stoto woot too oloyor olroouy |oows. |voryooo olylo Ior too osltloo woots too soo
tolo, oow coo yoc o|o yocrsolI stoou oort Iro too crowu A scostloo o roc oI rocrcltors
ovo wos to crooto o oooulloo lostoou oI oo ob|octlvo. Joll too oloyor woo yoc oro oou woot
yoc uo loulotoly. Coo c wlto o oworIcl sootooco to ot too ottootloo oI yocr roouor, to
8|LL yocrsolI to too rocrcltor,oloyor. Vo|o scro lt's sootolo toot ls ccstolzou to otco too
tyo oI osltloo toot yoc oro olylo Ior.

/o comp|c. |nty-|cvc| 8|omcJ|co| |nq|ncc w|t| ctcns|vc |ntcns||p cpc|cncc wok|nq w|t| t|ssuc
onJ cc|| cu|tu|nq mct|oJs onJ potoco|s.

12. lyinq or MisIeodinq |n|ormo|ion
8oooor or lotor too tototloo wlll orlso to booI c yocr rosco by obolllsolo, strotcolo too
trcto or lo soo cosos ouulo olots toot oy oot bo trco. lI yoc Ilou yocrsolI wootlo t uo tols, too
bost ouvlco ls...DON'Jl
Vooy oloyors oro orIorlo oro otooslvo boc|rocou oou roIorooco cooc|s rlor to olrlo.
Jols ooos toot yocr cooocos oro bolo cocot oro roluly locrooslol

kocrcltors solu toot too ost cooo lslooulo loIorotloo tooy Ilou bolo ct oo o rosco ls.
loIlotou tltlos (uoo't soy yoc'ro o rosoorco osslstoot lI yoc oro too rocotloolst}
loocccroto uotos to covor c os lo oloyoot or |ob oolo
Ilolsoou uoroos, loIlotou ouccotloo or crcoosou uoroos
loIlotou 8olorlos
loIlotou occollsooots
|olso oborsol oI clcbs, oroolzotloos or sorts toos
|olslIylo loIorotloo oboct uctlos or rolos wltolo too wor|loco

11. LmIoyer or |ndus|ry |n|ormo|ion No| Irovided
Coouluotos oovo o toouoocy to o|o wrlto scco ooorol roscos toot tooro ls oot o cloor
loulcotloo oI woot loucstry tooy oro lo. Abbrovlotloos sooclu bo ovoluou. Wrlto yocr rosco wlto
oo luoo lo lou oI woo wlll bo rooulo lt. A cooo tl Iro too rocrcltors ls to loclcuo o
roIorooco to too loucstry yoc oro lo too scory soctloo oI yocr rosco.

10. IersonoI |n|ormo|ion |bo| is No| keIevon| |o |be Iosi|ion
loclculo orsoool loIorotloo toot ls oot rolovoot to too osltloo ls o wosto oI soco lo too ololoo
oI ost rocrcltors. Asluo Iro wostlo soco loclculo loIorotloo toot lso't rolovoot coo octcolly
ocrt yoc. oc oovor woot to loclcuo loIorotloo toot coo bo lslotorrotou or bo rocous Ior
ro|culco (ovoo lI lt's oot coosclocs}. kocrcltors uo oot ooou to |oow tolos ll|o yocr oolot, oo,
roco, rolllocs bolloIs, socol orloototloo, olltlcol vlows or orltol stotcs. oc oy ovoo woot to
coosluor loovlo oII yocr oobblos os woll, coloss tooy rolotou to yocr osltloo (Ior oolo
trovollo lI yoc woro olylo to bo o stoworuoss}.

9. Condido|es wbo AIy |or Iosi|ion 1bey Are No| OuoIi|ied Ior
kocrcltors couorstoou toot lo oruor to olo oorlooco toot yoc cst stort soowooro, bct yoc
ooou to oovo too s|llls to orIor too osltloo corroctly. Vo|o scro toot yoc Illl oll too oocossory
rogclrooots boIoro scblttlo too rosco, oo ottor oow uosoroto Ior o |ob yoc oro, uoo't
wosto too rocrcltors tlo oou yocr owo olylo Ior osltloos toot yoc |oow yoc uoo't oot too
rogclrooots too oloyor oos sot Iorto or oovo too s|llls toot tooy os| Ior lo too |ob
oooococooot. Doo't try to rotoou toot yoc oro gcollIlou wooo yoc oro oot, yoc wlll ooly oou c
ocrtlo yocrsolI.

Joo bost tolo to uo lI yoc'ro uylo Ior o |ob lo o coooy bct uoo't otco too rogclrooots, soou
o rosco ooywoy wlto o ooto soylo toot wollo y gcollIlcotloos uo oot otco too osltloo yoc
oro ccrrootly ouvortlslo l oovo ottocoou y rosco Ior yocr Illos lo ooos toot Ictcro, oro
scltoblo oortcoltlos wltolo yocr coooy wlll orlso. Jooo| yoc Ior yocr tlo.

8. lonq, kun-on Ioroqrobs
kocrcltors oovo to rovlow ocourous oI roscos o uoy, so too bost woy to ot toolr ottootloo ls oot
to o|o yocr rosco too woruy. Vo|o too uotolls soort, cooclso oou to too olot. Joo coouluoto
ooorolly oos oboct lu socoous to rob too rocrcltor's ottootloo, o|o tooso too socoous cocot.

Vo|o scro yoc ot to too olots yoc oro trylo to cocolcoto Iost. ocr rosco sooclu bo oosy
to scoo, os rocrcltors uoo't oovo tlo to roou woru oo too oo. Coosluor too Iollowlo tocoolgcos.
o blcot, orooroso lortoot olots wlto bcllotou olots
uso ororloto oocots oI wolto soco to cluo yocr roouor, oltooco bo coroIcl too
cco oy o|o yocr rosco loo| too sorso.

7. lonq kesumes
A rosco sooclu N|v|k bo oro tooo 2 oos. No ottor oow totlo lt ls to o loto root
uotoll oboct yocr toosls or o osltloo toot yoc'vo oolu o wollo boc|, DON'Jl A rosco ls scosou
to soowcoso yocr ost rocoot occollsooots oou too s|llls toot oro rolotou to too osltloo toot
tooy oro olrlo Ior. kocrcltors oro ooorolly ooly rovlowlo too lost 5-8 yoors oI yocr coroor. |or
ooy oloyoot lu yoors or oluor crooto o rovlocs |loyoot soctloo oou llst yocr olu
osslooots wltooct uotoll. Ooly loclcuo coooy ooos, oloyoot uotos oou osltloo tltlos.
Ooly oloboroto, wlto o bcllot olot, lI too oluor osltloo ls ulroctly rolotou to too ooo toot yoc oro
ccrrootly olylo to.

lI yoc oro o rocoot roucoto wlto llltou roIossloool oorlooco, yocr rosco sooclu NOJ bo
oro tooo ooo oo. Groucoto or loD stcuoots oy oovo cbllcotloos to toolr ooo, bct looso
uoo't llst ovory slolo loco toot yoc oovo ovor cbllsoou, lc| o Iow oI too ost rolovoot, ost
lotorostlo oou loovo lt ot toot. loors, rosoototloos, cbllcotloos oy bo bost ouuou os oo
ouuoouc oou rosootou ucrlo too lotorvlow stoo lostoou oI too loltlol rosco stoo.

k|V|V8|k !|c csumc |s o mokct|nq p|ccc, |t Vu$! 8| s|ot, conc|sc onJ touc| on t|c po|nts t|ot
oc most |mpotont to t|c cmp|oyc.

. Iunc|ionoI kesumes
Vooy rocrcltors oovo orossou toot o vory oou woy NOJ to oovo yocr rosco coosluorou ls to
soou o Icoctloool rosco os oosou to o corooololcol rosco. 8JA AWA |kOV |uNCJlONAL
k|8uV|8 AJ ALL CO8J8l

Woot ls o Icoctloool rosco
Aoy rosco toot roorrooos oloyoot olstory loto soctloos toot olollot oroos oI s|lll oou

5. Ioor Iormo||inq
lt ls vltol toot yocr rosco ls clooo, cloor oou clooo oI Iorottlo orrors. Clooo Iorottlo oos
boyoou o|lo o rosco loo| olco. Vooy Iorottlo Iootcros wlll oot uowoloou roorly loto
ukl8 rocrcltlo systos oou oro oot ooslly vlowou ooscrooo. o oworo toot |cst bococso o rosco
loo|s oou oo too rlotou oo uoos oot ooo toot lt wlll roou woll wooo ooscrooo.

koo lo lou too roblos oI vlowlo oo o coctor scrooo. Joo blost roblo ls ooly l,3 oI
too oo ls ulsloyou ot ooy ooo tlo. |orottlo lsscos oro sootolo toot coo o|o or broo|
yocr rosco, ooro oro soo tolos to bo oworo oI
ked ond qreen squiqqIy Iines tooso loulcoto toot yoc oy oot oovo cco ottootloo to
uotoll or toot yoc oy oot cso Woru vory woll.
Ioor AIiqnmen| o| 8uIIe|s ond 1ob 8|os - cllots sooclu bo olloou cloooly oo too oo
oou oot louootou oll ovor too oo. Jols cocsos roblos wooo yocr rosco ls
uowoloouou, oot to ootloo o|lo lt toco Ior too roouor to Iollow. Joo soo ollos to
tob stos. Jooro ls oo roosoo to oovo oro tooo 3 or = lo yocr rosco.
Heoders ond Ioo|ers - Ooo oI too worst tolos toot yoc coo uo ls to cso o ooouor or
Iootor Icoctloo to Iorot yocr rosco. Cooocos oro too ooouor or Iootor wlll oot bo
coovortou roorly oou wlll oou c cocslo Iorottlo trocblo torocooct too woolo
8oes, GrobicoI lines ond CoIumns - Aolo yoc rco too rls| oI cocslo Iorottlo
roblos by cslo tooso Iootcros.
1emIo|es ond 1obIes - No rocrcltor oo|oys o rosco toot ls Icll oI tolotos or toblos.
uso oI rosco tolotos ls o bl roblo Ior rocrcltors woo tylcolly wlll cct oou osto
yocr rosco to toolr coooy lottor ooou coo scblssloo to toolr clloot. koscos toot oro
ouo wlto o rosco toloto ooou otooslvo roIorottlo oou oro oot to losslblo to
cct oou osto os ls.
Morqins Hove 8een L|ended 1OO Ior| - Jols oooos wooo o coouluoto cso toolr
orlos woy oct lo oruor to Ilt oro loIorotloo oo ooo oo. Jols ls o|oy to uo lo
ouorotloo, bct lt ls NOJ o|oy to uo lI too rocrcltor oos to cso too oorlzootol scroll bor.
|crtoororo woru wro ls v|k ll|oly to occcr wooo ovlo tot Iorot.

4. |ncomIe|e Con|oc| |n|ormo|ion
lt ls lorotlvo toot yocr cootoct loIorotloo ls coloto, oou oro lortootly corroct.
Coouluotos sooclu rovluo os ooy woys os osslblo Ior oloyors to rooco yoc to ulsccss yocr
crouootlols. Jols ls osoclolly lortoot wooo yoc oovo oro tooo ooo uoccoot, o|o scro toot
tooy oll oovo yocr ooo oou o woy to rooco yoc oo too.

Aootoor lortoot olot lo roIorooco to cootoct loIorotloo oos to uo wlto ooll ouurossos. lL|A8|
|oo too roIossloool, yoc uo oot woot to bo sooulo oo oloyor oo ouuross ll|o
booroo@bc.ouc or ooytolo toot o rocrcltor oy Ilou oIIooslvo. Woot socous Icooy to yoc oou
yocr Irloous oy rovoot yoc Iro ottlo oo lotorvlow lo too Ictcro.

A oou tl to roobor ls to crooto o orsoool ooll ouuross lostoou oI cslo o wor| ooll or o
scoool ouuross. Woot lI yoc uocluo to loovo scoool or yocr |ob Also ooy oloyors ooltor
yocr ooll, so |ob rolotou ollcotloos coclu corolso yocr ccrroot osltloo.

8. Omi||ed or |noccuro|e Do|es
Olttlo oloyoot uotos Iro yocr rosco coo oot ooly ocrt yoc, lt ls o scro Ilro woy to ot
yocr rosco torowo lo too troso. Dotos oro o cst oovo Ior rocrcltors oou oloyors oll|o, oot
oovlo too oo yocr rosco soous c o rou Ilo to rocrcltors toot yoc oy bo trylo to oluo

o oooost oboct yocr oloyoot uotos, too rocrcltor wlll ovootcolly Ilou oct toot yoc oro lylo.
Aoy loIorotloo toot ls ct lo uoto oruor sooclu olwoys bo lo rovorso corooololcol oruor, Iro
ost rocoot to loost rocoot. Joo uotos sooclu olwoys bo olloou to too rlot sluo oI too oo,
loovlo too Coooy ooo, Locotloo oou Jltlo to too loIt. Jols Iorot o|os too rosco oosy to
s|l ovor.

2. 1oo Du|y Orien|ed
A oou rosco ooous to uo oro tooo |cst uotoll |ob uctlos, lt sooclu olollot yocr
occollsooots. Vootloo too bcslooss boooIlts oou rosclts ottrlbctou to yocr ulroct oIIort,
lovolvooot oou loouorsol wltolo yocr lvoo osltloo. Accollsooots oro o orsoool soowlo oI
too ulIIorooco toot yoc ouo wollo lo o lvoo osltloo, tooso oro woot oclto oloyors.

Ao lortoot tl ls oot to sooroto yocr s|llls Iro yocr occollsoootsl

1. 8eIIinq Lrrors, 1yos ond Ioor Grommor
Coouluotos ooou to roobor toot wlto tools scco os soll cooc|, tooro roolly lso't ooy occso to
oovo ooy orrors oo yocr rosco. |rrors oo yocr rosco oro lotorrotou os o ulroct loulcotloo oI
yocr corolossooss. Joo ooorol coosooscs ooo rocrcltors ls toot o rosco ls oro oItoo tooo oot
yocr ooly coooco to o|o o oou Ilrst lrossloo. A rosco ls oo oolo oI too coouluoto's stylo
oI cocolcotloo oou oor roor, solllo orrors or lou vorb toosos oro to|oo os o sorlocs
roIloctloo oI too loulvlucol.

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