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Needle Felt Animals (3 weeks)

Rationale: You will employ design choices and further your aesthetic, technical and historic/cultural knowledge. The skills and knowledge that you gain from this project develop pro lem!solving skills and make connections to math (perspective) and social studies (history of rural to ur an migration, local architecture). Objective You will research different animals and design a new animal in your sketch ook. You will create this animal in 3* through the process of needle felting+ you will also create a container for your animal (nest, frame, etc). This can e made out of card oard, wire, or found o jects.

Vocab and Concepts: Write

"rt #undamentals $$$ % &isual "rts % '()"

") Young

the definition/technique for each term !"art of #our $rade% )roportion ,atting #elt -oe .illiams "ssem lage " straction

&aterials/ ,aga0ines/$nternet "rticles 'ketch ook/ pencils/erasers #elting 1eedles/)olyester #i er/.ool/mats (ard oard/wire/foam/ eads/twigs/etc Research' References and Connections: )owerpoint presentation ,aga0ine and $nternet pictures of animals 'ketches

(equence of Wor): "art One: .e will look at a powerpoint that includes artists who make sculpture out of everyday materials. 2mphasis will e on proportion and consistency and how even imaginary o jects must e elieva le in sculpture form. The same day we will demonstrate needle felting+ everyone will make a simple all out of fi erfill. "art *+o )ictures of animals will e provided to inform sketches of imaginary animals. Three sketches will e made and discussed among peers efore proceeding. You will choose the est sketch and create a needle!felt animal and container+ oth of which should not e3ceed four inches in any direction.

Ohio (tandards for Visual Arts:

",RC,-V-N.//NOW-N. 0th: 0", #ocus attention on selected artworks to identify and pose 4uestions a out aesthetic 4ualities (e.g., sensory, organi0ational, emotional) in the works. 1th: 0", 5se o servations, life e3periences and imagination as sources for visual sym ols, images and creative e3pression. "RO23C-N./",RFOR&-N. 1th $rade/ 4"R 6enerate ideas and engage in thoughtful planning when solving a visual art pro lem. 1th: 5"R Transform perceptions and processes into two! and three!dimensional artworks. 0th: 0"R *uring colla orative artmaking e3periences, demonstrate respect and support for peer ideas and creativity. R,("ON2-N./R,F6,C*-N. 1th: 5R, *efend artistic decisions using appropriate visual art voca ulary. 0th: 0R, "ssess personal progress to improve craftsmanship and refine and complete works of art.
"rt #undamentals $$$ % &isual "rts % '()" ") Young

$n!)rogress (informal, formative)/ )re!assessments, *aily o servation, )eer "ssessment .ork #inished )roject (formal)/ 6rading 7u ric, 'tudent 7eflection #inished )roject (summative)/ &isual "rts )roficiencies (8oards)

2ail# observation: You are on task, at work, showing your est effort. You demonstrate responsi ility and help maintain the 4uiet workspace of the studio. You draw multiple uni4ue ideas, demonstrating creativity Your work is neat, and you actively correct all of your mistakes and revise/refine work Finished "roject: #ollowing )roject *irections/.orking $ndependently (raft! .ork does not have visual flaws. #ormat is alanced and creative and supports the overall design. 1eedle felting is dense and sturdy+ pieces will not fall apart when handled. (oncept is supported with skillful material and color choices.
A (90%-100%) Student works at a level that uses concepts, materials, techniques, and visual ideas based on instruction to a level that exceeds the expectations of instruction. Student can replicate the work on an ongoing basis independently with few re isions to the final work. ! ("0%-"9%) Student works at a level that uses concepts, materials, techniques, and visual ideas based on instruction to a level that #eets all the expectations of instruction. Student can replicate the work under ery little super ision and with few re isions$ % (&0%-&9%) Student works at a level that uses concepts, materials, techniques, and visual ideas based on instruction to a level that generally #eets #ost of the expectations of instruction. Student can replicate the work under continued super ision and with #any re isions. ' ((0%-(9%) Student is not working at a level that uses concepts, materials, techniques, and visual ideas based on instruction. Student #eets so#e of the expectations of instruction. Student cannot replicate the work without ongoing super ision and constant re ision$ ) (0%-*9%)Student is not working at a level that uses concepts, materials, techniques, and visual ideas based on instruction. Student #isunderstands or #isapplies #ost of the expectations of instruction. Student cannot replicate the work without reworking #ost of the i#age

&odifications and ,7tensions:

"rt #undamentals $$$ % &isual "rts % '()" ") Young

,odification/ 'tudents create a less detailed project, students have e3tended time as dictated y $2)/9:9 plan. 23tension/ 'tudents create a more detailed project with a more ela orate ;container.< 'tudents who have e3tra time may add sewn em ellishments to their felted animals.

"rt #undamentals $$$ % &isual "rts % '()"

") Young

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