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APES- Unit #3 Study Guide Species Interactions and Community Ecology

1: W at ma!es t e "e#ra $ussel an in%asi%e species& Because they spread widely and become dominant in a community. They are non-native organims. ': (e)ine t e )ollo*ing species interactions: Competition: Both species are harmed. Predation+ Parasitism+ and ,er#i%ory: One species benefits and the other is harmed. $utualism: Both species benefit.

3: W at are some o) t e resources t at species compete )or in competition& Food, space,mates, water, shelter, sunlight. -: (e)ine Competiti%e E.clusion: One species completely excludes another species from using the resources. /: W at must appen )or species to Species must live side by side. 0: W at is t e di))erence #et*een )undamental and reali1ed nic e& E.plain * y a species *ouldn2t )ul)ill its )undamental nic e& Their difference is one is limited the other is not and can fulfill its needs by using all the resources it can get. Species can t fulfill its fundamental niche because it doesn t use all the available resources. 3: Gi%e an e.ample o) resource partitioning: One species is active at night another in the daytime. 4: ,o* does c aracter displacement elp *it competition& !ompeting species evolve physical characteristic that reflect their reliance on the portion of the

resources they use. 5: E.plain o* predator and prey populations depend on eac ot er: "f they re aren t enough prey then the predators won t have enough to eat. "ncreased predator population decrease prey. 16: ,o* does 7atural Selection strengt en population 8)itness9& Because it leads to evolution of adaptations which ma#es predators better hunters. 11: (e)ine t e )ollo*ing: Cryptic Coloration: !oloring that conceals or disguises an animal s shape Warning Coloration: !onspicuous coloring that warns a predator that an animal is unpalatable or poisonous $imicry: The act or art of imitating someone or something.

1': (e)ine Parasitism: $ relationship in which one organism %parasite& depends on another %host& for nourishment or other benefit. 13: W at is t e idea o) 8coe%olution9& "t the host and parasites become loc#ed in a duel of escalating adaptations. 1-: W at are some plant adaptations t at elp to protect plants against er#i%ory& !hemicals, physical li#e thorns, spines or irritating hairs, and other animals. 1/: E.plain o* pollination is a )orm o) mutualism: Two or more species benefit from their interactions. 'ollinations- bees, bats, birds, and other transfer pollen from one flower to another. 10: (e)ine t e )ollo*ing: Allelopat y: !ertain plants release harmful chemicals. Commensalism: (elationship in which one organism benefits, while the other remains unaffected. :acilitation: 'lants that create shade and leaf litter allow seedlings to grow.

13: W at is a community o) organisms& $n assemblage of species living in the same place. 14: (ra* a trop ic le%el pyramid *it t e )ollo*ing terms;de)initions <e.amples= #elo*:

Autotrop s: Self feeders- organisms that capture solar energy for photosynthesis to produce sugars. )*+ ,reen plants, cyanobacteria algae Primary Consumers: Second trophic level, organisms that consume producers. -erbivores consume plants. )*+ .eer, grasshoppers Secondary Consumers: Third trophic level, organisms that prey on primary consumers. !arnivores consume meat. )*+ /olves, rodents >ertiary Consumers: Fourth tropic level, predators at the highest tropic level, also carnivores. )*+ -aw#s Owls ?mni%ores: !onsumers that eat both plant and animals. (etriti%ores: Scavenge waste products or dead bodies. )*+ 0illipedes (ecomposers: Brea# down leaf litter and other non living material. )*+ Fungi, bacteria 15: ,o* is most energy lost in an ecosystem& Through respiration. Fewer organisms are at the highest trophic level, with less energy availability. '6: E.plain * y t is statement is true: 8 A uman %egetarian2s ecological )ootprint is smaller t an a meat-eater2s )ootprint@9 Because the production of meat re1uires a lot more use of natural resources. The more meat you eat the more resources you are wasting compared to eating no meat. '1: W at is t e di))erence #et*een a )ood c ain and a )ood *e#& $ food chain is showing how energy is transferred up the trophic level while a food web is a visual

map of feeding relationship and energy flow. '': W at is a !eystone species and * at appens to an ecosystem * en it gets remo%ed& $lters the food chain. '3: W at is a trop ic cascade& W y is it important& "t is the predators at high trophic levels that can indirectly affect populations of organisms at low trophic levels by #eeping species at the intermediate trophic level in chec#. "t is important because it can alter the food chain and area where these organisms live. '-: Communities o) organisms respond to distur#ances di))erently@ E.plain resistance and resilience@ (esistance is a community of organisms that resists to change and remain stable despite disturbances and (esilience is a community that changes in response to a disturbance, but later return to its original state. '/: W at is an in%asi%e species& ,o* do *e control a species t at as #ecome in%asi%e& <7ame se%eral *ays= $n invasive specie is a non native organism that spreads widely and becomes dominant in communities. /e control them by removing them manually, using toxic chemicals, drying them out, depriving them of oxygen , or stressing them by using heat, sound, electricity, carbon dioxide, or ultraviolet light. '0: W at is appening *it ecological restoration in t e :lorida E%erglades& There is a depletion caused by flood control practices and irrigation, population of wading birds dropped 234-254. "t will ta#e 63 years and billions of dollars to fix this. '3: Aiomes: 7ame t e type o) S?IBS in t e )ollo*ing: C >emperate deciduous )orests: Fertile soils C >emperate rain)orests: Fertile soils but is susceptible to erosion and landslides. C >ropical rain)orests: 7ery poor, acidic soils. C >ropical dry )orest: )rosion-prone soil. C (esert: Saline soils. C >undra: 'ermafrost+ permanently fro8en soil. C Aoreal )orest <>aiga=: 'oor and acid soil. '4: ,o* do #iomes c ange *it altitude& E.plain@ The higher the altitude the colder it is and less oxygen there will be available to living organisms. The organisms that live in these conditions then have to adapt to them to survive. The opposite comes for lower altitudes. They tend to be warmer or have moderate temperatures with a lot of oxygen.

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