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71% of Earth is covered with ocean. The water makes up a thin layer compared with the globe as a whole.

Oceans close to the shore are known as: inter tidal zones. Marine animals display a greater diversity of body types than land animals do. It is hard to study the deep oceans only about 1% has been studied. 250,000 species have been identified that live in the ocean total estimates run closer to 400,00 to 450,000. Seawater is about 800 times as dense as air and is more viscous so marine organisms and particles of food can float endless through the water. Water absorbs light differently than air does. Shorter wavelengths penetrate more deeply, the longer (yellows and reds) Mid water and deep sea communities depend on photosynthesizers. The ocean does not contain much plant life, b/c concentrations of critical nutrients are lower than they are on land. Global distributions of what nutrients there are depend on the temperature stratification of the ocean. Temperature and depth control the availability of oxygen. Oxygen enters only at or near the surface in the sea. Carrying large amounts of dissolved oxygen is the deep ocean b/c it originated at the surface in the coldest parts of the world and sank carrying the dissolved oxygen. At intermediate depths there is an oxygen depletion. Some organisms can adapt from on kilometer deep up to the surface. Marine snow is important b/c as it sinks to the bottom microbes, invertebrates and fishes feed on it so there is less to fall downwards. With high pressure it is difficult for animals of shells to live. Luminosity serves a variety of purposes, to identify and recognize species, to lure potential prey, to startle a predator and to warn mates of danger. Kelp forests are dominated by large brown algae (The Giant Kelp) reaches 60 m in length stretching 30 m from the seafloor to the surface. Kelp softens the waves and provide food and shelter for many kinds of fish and invertebrates. 80% of corals's soft parts can be made of zooxanthellae. They provide coral with food. Reasons why the ocean is not discussed:out of sigh out of mind to many scientist and laypersons alike.

Pressure will increase as human pop grows which is bad.

Life in the Ocean is a topic that seems to never come up enough. A lot of people don't know what life is like down there, including scientists who study the ocean. Yes, they know about creatures and habitats on shore, but the deep sea is a mystery. It is hard for scientists to study the deep sea because they haven't found a way to get information without putting someone in danger. Only about 1% of the deep sea has been studied. What we do know though is life close to shore is known as the intertidal zones. One of the many talked about species in the sea include coral. Coral is very important to life at sea, it serves as shelter to many organisms. Because coral is made up calcium carbonate, acidification breaks down the coral, making it harder to live. If coral were to die, so would the homes of hundreds of marine organisms. Another sea life shelter is kelp. Kelp forests are dominated by large brown algae, which is called Giant Kelp. It reaches 60 meters in length and stretches 30 meters from the sea floor to the surface. Kelp is important like coral reefs because it slows the waves and currents and provides food and shelter for many kinds of fish and invertebrates. The ocean is a very large place and is difficult to cover because of its layers that are separated into density levels. If human population continues to grow, the atmospheric pressure will increase, which causes animals who can't handle such changes to begin to die out. Humans have left a large footprint in the ocean. Ocean acidification is the big one. We pollute the ocean without having to touch it. For example farming. When farming we fertilize our crops to help them grow, and then it rains all the nutrients from the fertilizer (mainly nitrogen and phosphorous) run off into the ocean causing ocean fertilization. Because phytoplankton and other algae love these nutrients they begin to reproduce like crazy creating an algae bloom which eventually leads to dead zones because of lack of sunlight in the deeper oceans. Another example is the excess carbon dioxide we let out which causes levels of pH to decrease making ocean acidic and deadly to calcifying organisms. This article talks about many different types of species that live in the ocean. It's an informative article about life at sea. Because this article had a lot going on I chose to highlight the facts that I found interesting like the shelters these plants create for other organisms. Life in the Ocean ties in with the other articles we've read about the ocean which is nice because every article give you a little slice of new information to add to the old information you've already learned. The sea is such a big topic and there's so much we don't know about it, which is why I think more research and more people should be aware about what's going on down there. It's news and it should be talked about a lot more. If we knew more about the ocean then people would probably be more cautious to what they do and think twice about their actions.

So What? We should be caring about our oceans because we depend on them especially for food. People fish, and that's how they make money, with no more fish means no more money for that family. Also the ocean is a beautiful place, full of critters that remain unknown today. With further research we can seek out these critters and learn more about our beautiful oceans and ways to help and preserve it. It is our job to keep our world healthy, we only have one. What If..? All the plants and animals died. The sea would

Says Who? According the the authors of Life in The Ocean James W. Nybakken and Steven K. Webster. Along with scientists who have beenn trying for many years to find ways to research the deep sea.

What Does This Remind Me Of? This reminds me of the ocean acidification lab we

then be simply an acid body of water. It would be very sad because we would not know if these creatures were to ever come back and if they did, we probably wouldn't be around to enjoy them again. Which is why change needs to start now.

did. Whenever we read about the ocean that's always the first thing that pops into my head, because that is the basis of why the ocean is the way it is. Because of us. It's amazing how fast we are destroying our home.

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