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Name: Hunter Herrick Date: Monday, September 30, 2013 Subject: Mathematics Grade Level: K Signature of Classroom Teacher

___________________________________ I. Standards: AL.MA.K.8) Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. (Drawings need not show details, but should show the mathematics in the problem. This applies wherever drawings are mentioned in the Standards.) [K-OA1] AL.MA.K.9) Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem. [K-OA2] II. Objectives: The student will understand how to represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. (Drawings need not show details, but should show the mathematics in the problem. This applies wherever drawings are mentioned in the Standards.) The student will understand how to solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10. III. Introductory Activity: The teacher will first show how to put manipulative together and take them away to show how many in all and how many are left. Then, the teacher will solve addition and subtraction problems using a variety of tools to practice these skills. IV. Developmental Activity: Read a book about addition or subtraction such as Ten Sly Piranhas, Hershey Kisses Addition Book, Hershey Kisses Subtraction Book, Two of Everything. The teacher will now talk to students about addition and subtraction. Use the students in the class to have a whole and take away. Use a particular group, such as the girls to add to the boys to make a whole. This is an example of acting out situations to solve math problems in the areas of addition and subtraction. Model for student addition using the interactive whiteboard using the digital manipulative site:

When the student does addition the site will calculate the numbers for the student to find the sum. When demonstrating subtraction, the teacher will want to write the answer. Distribute teddy bear counters to students. Have students form two sets and then slide them together to find the sum. Start the lesson by telling them the number of bears they should put in each set. The teacher can make sure they place the first set on the left side of their desk and the second set on the right side. The teacher will then say the numbers for example " 5 plus 2 equals" When the teachers says "equals" the students slide the sets together and then count to find the sum. Practice this several times before writing a math sentence on the board. The teacher will stress the words "sets" and "sums". Students may have trouble with addition so this is a way to teach them how to find the sum or the difference. For the addition facts, tell the kids to "think the biggest number first and add up." Think "9" and count on 7 more for 7 + 9. For the subtraction facts, ex: 11 - 8, think 8 and count up to 11. Break students up into groups by ability level. Have the students work in math stations while the teacher works with small groups.

V. Culminating Activity: Once, the developmental activity is over. The group will break up into their Math Station groups: Math Station 1: Teacher led station where students will work with small groups based on ability levels. - Remedial group-use teddy bear counters to count out the appropriate number for each group. Add or subtract the counters together and have students count the sum or difference. - Middle group-Have students model a problem with the counters and have them write the addition or subtraction facts that go along with the counters. - Advance group-Have students demonstrate the ability to create their own addition and subtraction models and explain. Math Station 2: Have students work at computer stations on the following site and focus on addition, subtraction or a combination of both. . This will allow students to work on different levels based on ability. Math Station 3: Work on interactive board with the following activity: Math Station 4: Have students take Dominoes and lay them face down. Students will take turns in the small group at flipping over the Dominoes and practicing addition and subtraction.

VI. Assessment (Formal) Students will complete the worksheet that consists of 6 addition and subtractions problems at the end of the lesson.

VII. Modifications for Special Needs: Modifications for this lesson are as followed: The student who has self-control issues will be seated with calm students and/or the teachers desk. The students who work a little slower will be given extra time if available. The student with vision issues will be accommodated for by seating the student closer to the board. The student will also be reminded to bring and wear her glasses daily. The special needs student will be assisted with the help of his aid.

VIII. Resources Resources and supplies needed for this lesson are as followed: teddy bear counters, Dominoes, trade book on addition and/or subtraction, word processing document for extension book , Dominoes template in case teacher doesn't have access to a set. Cardstock will be needed if using this template.

IX. Self-Reflection: Self-reflection questions are as followed: What worked well, what would I change about the lesson, did I spend too much time on this lesson, and what would I change?

X. Alternate Activity (Plan B) For any station that is not the teacher led station. Use personal devices to complete any of the following apps: Math Drills (comes in a lite version), Teach Me Kindergarten, Fetch (uses cards that you can scan and students can "walk the room" to answer math problems as well as complete them at a table/desk, Park Math, Math Quizzer, Cloud Math, Math Match-Up.

Source of Lesson Plan

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