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List of problems

Simple Programs
• Display the following
 Your address.
 Your Biodata.
 Names of high level languages and low level languages.
 Names of operating system.
 Names of data type and number of bytes taken by them.
• Calculate the total marks if marks of three subjects are given
• Calculate the percentage if obtained marks & maximum of three subjects are
• Calculate the Area/Perimeter of Circle/Square/Rectangle/Triangle
• Calculate the volume of Sphere/ Cuboid/ Cylinder
• Read price of an item in real form (like 75.95) & print the output in paise (like
7595 paise)
• Convert angle given in Degree into Radian & vice versa
• Convert temperature given in Celsius into Fahrenheit & vice versa
• Perform arithmetic operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) on
two numbers
• Evaluate the expressions using Library functions.
• Check given no is +ve /-ve/zero/even/odd
• Solve Quadratic equation
• Find maximum/minimum of three numbers.
• Change the case of letter
• Check given year is Leap or not
• Check whether a given character is alphabet /digit /vowel/consonant /special
• Display the name of Color/Month/Weekday according to given choice.
• Perform the arithmetic operation (Addition/ Subtraction/ Multiplication /Division)
on two numbers according to the given choice.
• Calculate the Area/ Perimeter of Triangle/ Circle/ Rectangle according to the
given choice.
• Display Pass or Fail according to the given percentage
Per>= 48  Pass
Per < 48  Fail
• Calculate whether student is passed in first division, second division, third
division or fail according to the given percentage with the following criteria
Per>= 60  First 48<=Per< 60  Second
33<=Per< 48  Third Per< 33  Fail

• Read date of birth of a student & display days of month of her birth.

• Find the factorial of a given number
• Find the number whose factorial is given
• Find the nth term of Fibonacci series.
• Find the sum of all /odd /even/odd positioned/even positioned digits of a
given number.
• Find the sum of digits of a given number until sum exceeds 20.
• Check whether two given numbers are consecutive fibonacci numbers or not
• Check whether the given number is prime /Armstrong /magic /perfect /
• Display all the prime numbers in a given range.
• Find all exact divisors of given positive numbers.
• Find smallest divisors of given number.
• Find all even/odd numbers in a given range.
• Find GCD of N positive non zero integers.
• Find the number of and sum of all the integers greater than 100 & less than
200 that are divisible by 7.
• Accept N numbers from user and display sum of even & odd numbers
• Generate the table of given number.
• Find the reverse of a given number.
• Read a real number from the keyboard & print the following output in one line
Smallest integer Given number Largest integer
not less than not greater than
the number the number
• Find HCF & LCM of two given numbers.
• Find maximum of 4 numbers.
• Find out total hours, minutes, seconds in a given time where time is given in
• Read a positive number n & generate the numbers in following form
Entered number is  5
Output is  5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
• Check whether the given digit is present in given number, is yes then count
the occurrence of digit in that number
• Check whether the given digit is present in given number, is yes then count
the position of digit in that number
• Read a number n & display digit by digit as a series of words eg. 756 should
be displayed as “Seven Five Six”.

• Read a number n & display it as a series of words eg. 756 should be displayed
as “Seven Hundred Fifty Six.

* ***** * *
** **** *** ***
*** *** ***** *****
**** ** ******* *******
***** * ********* *****
* +* ******* *
** ++** ***** ***
*** +++*** *** *****
++++**** * ***
1 1 1 $ $ $ $ $
22 12 2 2 $ $ $ $
333 123 3 3 3 $ $ $
4444 1234 4 4 4 4 $ $
55555 12345 5 5 5 5 5 $

2 2 23 ABCDE AB
3 3 3 456 ABC ABC
4 4 4 4 78910 A AB
5 5 5 5 5 A

123454321 ABCDEDCBA 0 1
1234 4321 ABCD DCBA 101 21
123 321 ABC CBA 21012 321
12 21 AB BA 3210123 4321
1 1 A A 432101234 54321

1 1
121 11
12321 121
1234321 1331
123454321 14641
1 5 10 10 5 1

Find the sum of following Series up to n terms using For loop, While loop, Goto
• 1+2+3+4+5+……….
• 1-2+3-4+5-……….
• 1+4+9+16+25+………..
• 1+8+27+65+125……….
• 1+3+5+7+9+…………
• 1+9+25+49+81+……….
• 4+16+36+64+…………
• 1+27+125+343+……..
• 8+64+216+512+……..
• 1+1+2+3+5+8+………..
• 1-3+5-7+9+…………
• 1!+2!+3!+4!+5!+………..
• 1+1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+1/4!+……………
• 12+22+32+42+52+………
• 1/12+1/22+1/32+1/42+…………
• 13+23+33+43+53+………
• 1/13+1/23+1/33+1/43+…………….
• 1-1/2+1/3-1/4+1/5+……………..
• 1/12-1/23+1/34-1/45+…………..
• x+(x2/2!)+(x3/3!)+(x4/4!)+…………(x is given by the user)
• x-(x3/3!)+(x5/5!)-(x7/7!)+………… (x is given by the user)
• (y+a)/1+(y+2a)/2+(y+3a)/3+………(y & a are given by the user)
• x+x^2+x^3+x^4+x^5+..…………..(x is given by the user)
• 1^1+2^2+3^3+4^4+………….
• 2/9-5/13+8/17-11/21…….
Find the sum of following Series
• sin(x), tan(x), log(x), cos(x)
• Given a list of marks ranging from 1 to 100, write a program to compute & print
the number of students who have obtained marks
 In range 81 to 100,
 In range 61 to 80,
 In range 41 to 60,

 In range 0 to 40,
The program should use minimum number of if statements
• Read 20 numbers & display total multiples of 5.
• Sorting in Ascending/ Descending order (Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Selection
• Searching (Linear, Binary)
• Insertion of an element at last/first/specified position
• Compute the following where A, B, C are list of N numbers.
A = B + C ; A = B – C; A = B * C
• Conversion of Binary to Decimal / Octal/ Hexadecimal & vice versa
• Average/Minimum/Maximum of N numbers.
• Merging/ Concatenation/Append one list to another list.
• Delete all /first/ last occurrence of an element
• Delete an element from specified position.
• Reverse the elements of an array
• Find the sum of odd & even numbers separately.
• Find the sum of positive & negative numbers separately.
• Find largest even & largest odd number from a given list.
• Find Maximum & minimum element in a given list.
• Count odd & even numbers from the given list
• Count positive & negative numbers from the given list
• Split a list into two lists of even and odd numbers.
• Split a list into two lists of positive & negative numbers.
• Find all Pythagorean Triplets in the range 100 to 1000.

• To evaluate the following investment equation
V = P (1 + r)n
and print the tables which would give the value of V for various combination of the
following values of P, r and n.
P: 1000, 2000, 3000, …, 10000
r: 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, …, 0.20
n: 1, 2, 3, …, 10
P is the principal amount and V is the value of money at the end of n years. This
equation can be recursively written as
V = P (1 + r)
That is, the value of money at the end of first year becomes the principal amount for
the next year and so on.
• To print a two-dimensional Square Root Table as shown below, to provide the
square root of any number from 0 to 9.9. For example, the value x will give the
square root of 3.2 and y the square root of 3.9.
Square Root Table
Number 0.0 0.1 0.2 … 0.9

3.0 x y

• Perform the operations (Addition, subtraction, Multiplication, Transposition, Row
wise Sum & Column wise Sum) on matrices
• Check whether the matrix is Unit/ Diagonal/ Symmetric/ Upper Triangular/ Lower
• To multiply/add/subtract/divide every element of a given matrix by a given
• Find the determinant of an N*N matrix

• Count vowels, consonants, digits, spaces and special character.
• Count number of words and lines.
• Length of string.
• Reverse of string.
• Palindrome checking.
• Deletion of a given character/word.
• Frequency of a given character/word.
• Change case (lower, upper, title).
• Comparison (case sensitive, insensitive), concatenation, append and copy of two
• Insertion of given character/ word at first/ last/ specified position.
• Replace a given character/word by another given word/character.
• Replace each blank of a given String with underscore character (‘_’).
• Remove all the consonants from the given String.
• Generate all the permutation Strings from the given String.
• Factorial of a number
• nth term of fibonacii series
• generate sum of n natural numbers
• solve Tower of Hanoi problem

• calculate xn.
• GCD of two numbers
• Minimum & Maximum value from the given list of numbers
• Check whether the given character is present in the given String.
• Find number of occurrences of given character in the given String.
• Replace each blank of a given String with underscore character (‘_’).
• Find Reverse of a given String.
• Remove all the consonants from the given String.
• Check whether the given String is palindrome or not.
• Generate all the permutation Strings from the given String.
• Search a particular record of employee containing fields (empcode, empname)
• Sort record of employee containing fields (empcode, empname)
• Make a record of 5 students, having student name, age & marks in 3 subjects,
then find out the name of student with highest marks.
• Read a set of characters from keyboard and write them into sorted form in
• Read the data of ten employee and store the data in file
• Read the content from a file & show it on screen.
• Copy content of a file in another file.
• Create a file of numbers then store even & odd numbers of that file in two
separate files.
• Make copy of text file.
• Display contents of a text file.
• Change case of a given text file.
• Find total number of vowels, consonants, digits, spaces and special characters
in a given text file.
• Find frequency of a given character in a given text file.
• Count number of lines and number of words in a given text file.
• Merge two file of integers.
• Sort a given file of integers.
• Create file of record and update it.


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