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Struggle for Spiritual Perfection

Spiritual life originates from the heart. It is an awakening

of a kind of knowledge, which transmutes the soul through
removing the parallax between soul and the Self. It is not
an outward display of religious ceremonies and sentiments.
We may be impressed by an outward appearance of
devotion which is sometime no more them a kind of
lukewarm religiosity, but without liberating our self from
the clutches of our ego, this lukewarm religiosity cannot
lead us to Allah, who looks on our heart.

God guides every heart, which has faith in His oneness and guides all
pilgrims who dare to listen to His voice deep within their own being. The word
religion, `to bind banks,' points to a process much more profound than mere
appearance; in fact, this refers to spiritual paths, which culminate in the spiritual
condition: a virtual union with Whole (Holy)

Living an ordinary secular life in the contemporary times does not attain to that
experience. It will not be found in mere pious acts, public professions of faith, or
bodily austerities. It is, ultimately, a personal and inner journey of the soul, a
meeting of Murabi (man) with his Rub after a spiritual struggle. That meeting, that
re-linking, that union or removing the parallax, is the real fruit of spirituality, east
or west.

In contemporary society, where cheap thrills are sought even in the sacred arena of
religion, a return to genuine, deep, religious experience is sorely needed. We must
abandon the hype of the instant and superficial in favour of the proven and real.

JIHAD-E-AKBAR is intended to inspire and prepare us to go inward to the depths

of our own consciousness, to the center of our being, and meet God in spirit and in
truth. This exposition is presented in the form of a conversation between the soul
(ego) and the Self (Lord) in the heart. It is our prayers that by assimilating these
dialogues, we will be inspired to go within ourselves and see the Truth.

It is hoped that this will be assimilated with open heart and mind to gain insight into
the true nature of the spiritual journey. May God Protect us from error and Guides
us to His own Truth.

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