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Brand name: Amoclav

Generic name: Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid

Indications: infections caused by susceptible beta-lactamase-producing organisms: lower
respiratory tract infections, otitis media, sinusitis, skin and soft tissue infections,
UTI, pre and post surgical procedures.
Drug classification: antiinfective; beta-lactam antibiotic; amino penicillin
Mechanism of action: used alone, clavulanic acid antibacterial activity is weak. In
combination, it inhibits enzyme (beta-lactamase) degradation of amoxicillin and by
synergism extends both spectrum of activity and bactericidal effect of amoxicillin
against many strains of beta-lactamase-producing bacteria resistant to amoxicillin
Dosage: tab: Adult & children> 12 yr mild to moderate dental infection 375mg tid. Severe
infection 625mg tid or 1g bid. 312mg/5ml suspension. Children >6yr 5ml tid,
156mg/5ml suspension. 1-6yr 5ml tid. <1yr 25mg/kg/d in divided doses every 8h in
more serious infections the dosage may be increase up to 50mg/kg/d in divided
dosage every 8h. vial: Adult&children >12yr 1.2g 8h. severe infection 6h daily.
3months-12yr 5/25mg/kg 8h, 0-3months 5/25mg/kg 12h. may increase to 8h.
Special precaution: super infections involving pseudomonas or candida. Pregnancy and
Pregnancy risk category: B
Adverse reaction: GI: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Skin: skin rashes and urticaria. Other:
candidal vaginitis, abdominal discomfort, flatulence and headache, increases in
serum ALT, AST; glomerulonephritis; agranulocytosis.
Contraindication: history of penicillin associated jaundice or hepatic dysfunction. Possible
cross sensitivity with other β-lactam antibiotics; infectious mononucleosis.
Form: 250mg, 500mg, 875mg tablets; 125mg, 200mg, 400mg chewable tablets; 125mg/5ml,
200mg/5ml, 250mg/5ml, 400mg/5ml, 600mg/5ml oral suspension.
Nursing responsibility:
 Determine previous hypersensitivity reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins, and
other allergens prior to therapy.
 Monitor for signs and symptoms of urticarial rash (usually occurring within a few
days after start of drug) suggestive of a hypersensitivity reaction. If it occurs, look
for other signs of hypersensitivity (fever, wheezing, generalized itching, dyspnea),
and report to physician immediately.
 Lab tests: baseline C&S test prior to initiation of therapy; start drug pending results.
Note: generalized, erythematous, maculopapular rash (ampicillin rash) is not due to
hypersensitivity. It is usually mild, but can be severe. Report onset of rash to physician, since
hypersensitivity should be ruled out.

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