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The following slides look at seizure rates of the MMR alone, the VZV Chicken Pox alone, the

MMR and Chicken Pox in separate injections in the same visit, and using the MMRV Pro-Quad 4 in 1 Combo injection

Excess Chicken Pox Vaccine Seizures Over MMR Alone Which vaccine would you choose for your child? Keeping the MMR and delaying or skipping the Chicken Pox dramatically reduces the possibility of a febrile seizure without affecting Public Health.

MMRV---------- , MMR+V-------------, MMR alone -------------------, Yellow-----

VZV Chicken Pox alone--------------

189 / 83,107 = 1 / 439

598 / 376,354 = 1 / 629

Which vaccine would you choose for your child?

Excess Chicken Pox Fever Visits Over MMR Alone

3000 / 100k = 3 / 100 Vaccinated Children Require Outpatient Fever Visits

Yellow----MMRV---------- , MMR+V-------------, MMR alone -------------------,

VZV Chicken Pox alone--------------

Influenza Vaccine, PCV13, and Febrile Seizures Both influenza vaccine and PCV13 can
cause fever Some children with fever may have a febrile seizure most common in children 12-23 months of age VSD data (2011) indicate about 1 febrile seizure for every 2,225 children who receive both vaccines ACIP recommends both vaccines be given at the same visit if indicated

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