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Doing the following steps will help heal your eyesight. 1: At sun-rise, the sun's color is RED.

Wait until it change completely to YELLO W color 2: Wear sandal to avoid earthing with Earth 3: Remove specs 4: Face towards Sun (Sun color is Yellow) and close your eyes normally (same as what you do while sleeping) 5: Stand in this position for atleast 10 min 6: Don't open eyes otherwise Sun's ray may damage it 7: After 10 min, rub your palm and cover your face (including eyes) 8: Fill your mouth with water. 9: Rinse your eyes 10: Gargle water before throwing it out. 11: Repeat Step 9 and 10 for atleast 1 more time CAUTION: 1: Dont perform this exercise during noon and evening 2: Dont perform using artificial Yellow bulb as it radiates short wavelength of UVB rays while Sun radiates long wavelength of UVB rays In the night, before going to sleep, do the following exercises: 1: Remove specs 2: Move eyes left-right 10 times, up-down 10 times, rotate both clock-wise and a nti-clockwise for 10 times each After every 2 months, eye sight will improve little. Specs power will reduce by 0.25

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