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The Estate


the late Wallace Jones, Esq.


Libro compi


Robert Si

ad uso

di a

cias-cuD idioma.

parole delie duo lingue e con una breve Grammatica dell'etimologia di - - Oitava edizione. Un volume legato in tela .

chi dirige le




spedisce franco a domi


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2011 with funding from

University of Toronto



Dizionario Italiano-Inglese e IngleseItaliano ed 8 2 vols, in 1

Gli Americani.



Si mette pure l' articolo davanti alle tutto un popolo od una setta intiera:

che designano

/ Tedeschi.
1 Protestanti.

cattolici romani.

The Americans. The Germans. The Protestants. The Roman catholics.

L' articolo anche



s' impiega davanti ad un nome comune al meno, ogni volta che tal nome indica un' intiera



re delle bestie.


marinaro spensierato e prodigo.

The lion is the king of beasts. The sailor is thoughtless and prodigal.


parole uomo e donna sono eccettuate da questa regola:

mortale. la

U uomo



La donna dev' essere r uomo.




mortal. ought to be the companion of

Ammettono pure
al plurale:

articolo gli adiettivi impiegati sostantivaThe virtuous alone are happy. The rich ought to assist the poor.

7 virtuosi sono i soli felici. / ricchi devono aiutare i poveri.

L'adiettivo usato

come sopranome dimanda sempre

Alfred the Great.


Alfredo il Grande. Pietro il crudele.


the Cruel,

numeri ordinali richiedono

Enrico - primo. Carlo - quinto.



the first.

Charles the


gli adiettivi e gli

cui la seconda parte



avverbi al comparativo nelle frasi in proposizione la conseguenza della

The richer he is, the more avaricious he becomes. The more amiable you are, the more you will be beloved.


pi avaro.

Pi diventerete amabile, amato.

pi sarete

L' articolo definito, che vien posto in italiano davanti ai nomi che indicano un membro qualunque del corpo, oppure delle facolt dello spirito, si traduce in inglese con r adiettivo pronominale possessivo:
Il si



rotta la gamba. tagliato il dito.

Peter has broken his leg. The master has cut his finger.


Quando il nome che indica la persona della Eccezione. si designa una parte del corpo il soggetto di un verbo


la p(

Baci suo figlio snla fronte. colpo II maestro rui dette un



kissed his son on the forehead.


The master gave me a blow on


{un, uno,



L' articolo indefinito a s' impiega sempre quando la parola che segue comincia con una consonante^ o con qualche lettera che ha suono di consonante. Si serve di an quando la parola che segue comincia con una vocale, o con qualche lettera che ha suono di vocale. Si dovrebbe considerare che solamente per l'eufonia che si scrive o a o an; e non mai dimenticare la ragione di questa diversit, per evitare gli errori di alcuni scrittori, ed anche di alcuni grammatici, i quali, considerando piuttosto la natura della lettera che il suono che presenta questa all' orecchio, hanno perci lasciato il principio suddetto, e fatto che an usurpi malamente il posto di a.

Conceduto questo, deve mettersi sempre 1 Davanti ad una consonante: Un sultano. Un libro. a sultan.


Una pecora. Un lione. Una montagna, 2 Davanti ad un' li aspirata, che ha suono di Un cavallo. Una casa. a borse. Una collina. Un cappello. a bill. Un cacciatore. Una speranza. a bunter.
a table. a lion.

a book. a sbeep. a mountain.

a bouse. a bat. a bope.*

3" Davanti ad un p, che viene sempre considerato come consonante quando trovasi al principio di una sillaba, bench sia preso come vocale al mezzo od alla fine. Un giovane. Un giovane. a young man. a youtb. Un tasso. Un metro. a yard.^ a yew tree. Un anno. Un giogo. a yoke. a year. 4" Davanti ad un to, che si considera pure consonante quando vien posto al principio di una sillaba: Un cameriere. a waiter. Una donna. a woman. Una passeggiata, a walk. Un'ostia. a wafer.



a warrior.



a wall.

Sino a questo punto non esiste contrariet fra i grammatici e gli scrittori moderni (quantunque trovisi spesso nei libri stamj^ati nel secolo passato 1' articolo an messo davanti ad una parola che comincia con un' h aspirata, come, per esempio, un cavallo, an horse) ma negli esempi seguenti si incontra questa contrariet, fd an si vede spesso impiegato davanti ad una parola che comincia con vocale, sebbene questa abbia suono di consonante, voglio dire davanti a quelle parole che cominciano con un u lungo, con un e seguito da un u lungo, e con un o in due parole in cui prende questa lettera il suono di un w.

Un uso, un costume. Un' universit. Un



an use invece di a uso. an university, invece di a university. ati unicorn, invece di a unicorn.

La regola di porre a davanti ad un' h aspirata non si applica altro elio nei dove la parola di una sola sillaba, ovvero se di parecchie sillabe, quando racconto cade sulla prima. Ogni volta che una parola di pi sillabe, che comincia con un' h non si accentua sulla prima, si devo farla precedere da an invece di a ; cos si direbbe: un eroe, a hero; un'azione eroica, an heroic action. 2 Misura inglese, meno di tre pollici di un metro francese.



pecora. eunuco. Una riputazione europea.

an ewe, invece di a ewe. an eunucli, invece di a eunuch. an Jluropean reputation, invece European reputation.

di a

In queste parole, come pure in alcune altre, la lettera u suona precisamente come un y, il quale, come stato gi detto, si considera sempre essere consonante al principio delle sillabe, e davanti al quale mettesi sempre un' a. Nessuno, per esempio, direbbe: un giovane, an youth; un tasso, an yew tree; un anno, an year: e pure an use, an university, an unicorn ec, hanno il medesimo suono, ed offendono egualmente 1' orecchio. Per la stessa ragione un' a deve sempre impiegarsi davanti alle parole one e once, che suonano come un w:

Un tale. Un regno

gi felice.

Such a one. once happy kingdom.

Le parole uno, un, una, un', si esprimono qualche volta in inglese 3on one, adiettivo numerale, invece di a o an. Accade questo


oggetto designato, per la forza stessa espressione, vien ristretto ad un solo oggetto

Ogni volta che


Non mi resta neppure un amico. Non e' in tasca un soldo.


have not one friend have not one sou in





N. B, Si pu anche esprimere mezzo della parola single:

Non mi resta neppure un amico. Non e' in tasca nn soldo.
Teneva una bottiglia in una mano, ed un bicchierino nell'altra.


di questa natura per

have not a have not a

single friend left.


single sou in my pocket held a bottle in one hand, and a wine-glass in the other.



non vien unito ad un


sostantivo, e quan-


e seguito

da una preposizione:

Datemi una penna.

Non ne ho

Prestatemi uno scudo. Non ne ho uno. Uno de' miei fratelli ammalato.


di questi alberi vecchio.

me a pen. have not one. Lend me a crown. I have not one. One of my brothers is One of these trees is



Trovano qualche volta gli studenti gran difficolt nel distinguere in che caso 1' articolo a o a?^, oppure 1' adiettivo numerale one dovrebbero impiegarsi, e s'ingannano nelF immaginare che ogni volta che si parla di un solo oggetto bisogna che si adoperi sempre owe, invece di a o an; per esempio, nella frase che segue: - Ho veduto un uomo, - lo studente tradurr assai sovente I have seen one man. - Ma cosa chiara che se si concede che questa traduzione sia giusta, si sbandirebbe in effetto 1' articolo "a o an, perch quando viene questo impiegato, si parla sempre di un solo

oggetto. La migliore regola che si possa dare sar forse questa che ogni volta che si pu aggiungere un certo per le persone, e qualunque per le cose, sar d' uopo far uso di a o an.


Le regole per i generi nella lingua inglese sono assai facili, e anche logiche. Il mascolino s' impiega per gli esseri del sesso maschile, il femminino per gli esseri del sesso femminile, ed il neutro per gli oggetti che o non hanno sesso, o il cui sesso incerto o
non vien espresso

dalla parola stessa.


Legale. Soldato. Cavallo.



Boy. Clergyman.



Cane. Leone.




Vergine. Cavalla. Leonessa,


Donna. Ragazza.



Libro. Tavola. Chiesa. Giorno.



Key. Bread.

Church. Day.

Pane. Prato. Mela.



Vi sono molte parole del genere femminino che si derivano altre parole del genere mascolino di cui dar alcuni esempj

Imperatore, Imperatrice. Czar, Czarina. Sultano, Sultana.

Principe, Principessa.

Emperor, Empress.
Czar, Czarine. Sultan, Sultaness. Prince, Princess.

Duca, Duchessa. Marchese, Marchesa. Barone, Baronessa.

Duke, Duchess. Marquis, Marchioness Baron, Baroness.


Ve ne sono delle altre a cui si aggiungono le parole man, e woman, donna, per distinguerne il sesso:
Lattaio, lattaia.


milkman, milkwoman or milkmaid,


workman, workwoman.

Si trovano delle altre alle quali nome, un altro nome o pronome


mette, o avanti o dopo


Canarino. Passerotto.

Canarina. Passeretta.

Cock canary- hen canary. Cock sparrow- hen sparrow.

Orso. Gatto.

Orsa. Gatta.

He ass- she ass. He bear- she bear. Tom cat- she cat.




Pavone. Tacchino.


child, female child. servant- ladies'-maid. Pea-cock, pea- hen. Turkey cock- hen turkey.


plurale dei sostantivi



forma in inglese dal singolare, con

Sultan, Sultans,

aggiungere un

Sultano. guerra.

Sultani. guerre.

dominio. padre.


war, wars, dominion, dominions,

father, fathers.

sottoposta questa regola a otto classi di eccezioni.



sostantivi che hanno le loro terminazioni in eh dolce, sh, s, X, e la pi parte dei sostantivi in o, formano il loro plurale con aggiungere es, al singolare:
chiesa, chiese.
desiderio, desiderj.

church, churches, wish, wishes,

hacio, baci. volpe, volpi.

eroe, eroi.

Mss, kisses,
fox, foxes,

hero, heroes.

Seconda Classe.
I sostantivi che terminano al singolare con y, ogni volta che questa lettera preceduta da una consonante, formano il loro plurale con cangiare il y in ies:

mosca, mosche.
signora, signore.
spia, spie.



lady, ladies,
spy, spies. si

Ma nei casi dove regola generale:

y e preceduto da unr vocale,

boy, boys, key, keys, day, days,



ragazzo, ragazzi. chiave, chiavi. giorno, giorni. denaro, denari.

money, moneys.

Tersa Classe.
Incirca nella

met dei

queste terminazioni


sostantivi che finiscono con al plurale in ves:

wife, wives,



o con

moglie, mogli.
vita, vite.


panino, panini.

loaf, loaves.


L'altra parte segue la regola generale, specialmente che hanno la loro terminazione in ff:
dolore, dolori.
grief, griefs,


manicotto, manicotti.
polsino, polsini.

muff, muffs,
ruff, ruffs.






trova qualche sostantivo che forma maniere:

bastone, bastoni, covone, covoni.
stafi', staffs, staves, sheaf, sheafs, sheaves.


suo plurale




Vi sono anche diversi sostantivi che prendono al plurale una terminazione del tutto diversa dal sinofolare

uomo, uomini,
donna, donne, bambino, bambini,
piede, piedi, dente, denti.

man, men. woman, women,

child, children,

foot, feet,

oca, oche, topo, topi, pidocchio, pidocchi, dado, dadi,

soldo, soldi.

goose, geese, mouse, mice,

louse, lice, die, dice,

tooth, teeth.

penny, pence.

Quinta Classe.

Alcune parole che sono derivate dalle lingue estere, r specialmente dalle lingue morte, conservano il plurale che hannu in
quelle lingue:
Raggio, raggi. Arcano, arcani.
Genio, genj.

Radius, radii.

Arcanum, Arcana.
Genius, genii.'

Fenomeno, fenomeni.

Phenomenon, phenomena.

Sesta Classe.

Vi sono pure dei sostantivi che ritengono nazione al plurale, che hanno al singolare:
pecora, pecore, daino, daini, maiale, maiali. sheep.


medesima termi-


Settima Classe. Delle altre s'impiegano soltanto al singolare:

affare, affari.

progresso, progressi,

business. progress.

sparago, sparagi,
spinacio, spinaci,

asparagus, spinage.

Ottava Classe.


delle altre

s'impiegano solamente

al plurale:

cenere, ceneri. elemosina, elemosine,


ashes, alms, bellows.


esistono in inglese, propriamente parlando, pi di due casi, il soggetto della frase, ed il genitivo possessivo. 1' oggetto diretto della frase, vien aggiunto da ossia accusativo, L' alcuni grammatici, sebbene prenda sempre la medesima forma che



nominativo, ossia





al genitivo, quando non esprime la possessione, al daed air ablativo, ossia agli oggetti indiretti, vengono questi espressi, come in italiano, per mezzo di preposizioni. Il nominativo il soggetto della frase:



ha un cappello nero.

Peter has a black hat.

del genio di

Genio fa genii quando significa un essere immaginario, geniuses, quando u uomo.






possessivo esprime la possessione personale:

cappello di Pietro nero.




L' accusativo

oggetto della frase


Il genitivo, Bigione of:

veduto Pietro.

have seen


quando non


preceduto dalla prepoPeter,

Noi parlavamo di Pietro.



were speaking- of

dativo preceduto dalla preposizione to:

this black

Portate questo cappello nero a Pietro.



to Peter.

ablativo preceduto dalle preposizioni



with, from, e


Pietro nel giardino.

in the garden.

Sono venuto con Pietro. Ho ricevuto un regalo da Pietro. Questo cappello nero fu fatto da Pietro.

have come with Peter. I have received a present from Peter. This black hat was made by Peter.



II nome al possessivo, con i suoi complementi, precede nome della cosa posseduta, e l'articolo si sopprime da-

vanti a quest'ultima:

mia amata madre.


dear mother's love.

Declinazione di un sostantivo inglese:

di Pietro.

a Pietro.

Peter. Peter's, of Peter. to Peter.


In, with, from,

da &c. Pietro.

by Peter.

L'adiettivo inglese, precede generalmente Gli adiettivi qualificativi sono invariabili:
Un bell'uomo.
Begli uomini.


handsome man. handsome men.

Una bella donna. Belle donne.

A handsome


handsome women.

Gli adiettivi


le loro

pronominali dimostrativi, questo e quello, this e terminazioni nel numero del pi, ma non
This man. These men. This woman. These women.

quando mutano
Questi uomini. Questa donna. Queste donne.

Quel paese. Quei paesi.

Quella citt. Quelle citt.

That country. Those countries. That city. Those cities.

Gli adiettivi pronominali possessivi variano genere, per il numero, e per la persona.
persona, 2^ persona,


inglese per



il il

mio, la mia, ec.

tuo, la tua, ec.


fem. neu.

suo, la sua, ec.


1^ persona,






nostro, la nostra, ec. vostro, la vostra, ec.


fem. neu.

B^ persona,


Gli adiettivi invariabili.

pronominali indeterminati, eccettuati

due, sono

Ecco una lista degli adiettivi indeterminati invariabili con le locuzioni c\Q servono a formare:
Ciascuno, ciascuna, ciascheduno, ciascieduna.


o every.


significa ciascuno di due, o di pi.

Ciascuno dei vostri

Each of your


Every s'impiega per designare ciascun oggetto preso isolatamente fra un numero maggiore di due, e al medesimo tempo indica che si prendono tutte le unit di cui il detto numero si compone Every one of my friends. Tutti i miei amici.

Each non s'impiega meno:


che con un





Ciascun giorno. Ciascheduna donna.

each day. each woman.

sia questo

Every pu impiegarsi anche con un nome nel plurale, purch preceduto da un adiettivo numerale:

un giorno





Si dice: ciascuno, ciascuna, each one

r uno e r

altro, each other

ognuno, ognuna, every one

ciascuna cosa, each thing: ogni cosa,


every thing: ogni altro, every other.

Either, Neither.
r altro. r uno l' uno n T altro.
either. neither.

Either vuol dire uno di due oggetti indicati:

Quale dei due volete Poi' uno o



of the



you have ? Either,

Neither al contrario equivale a ne l'uno ne Valtro.

Non mi

piace n l' uno questi due uomini.




I like neither of these

two men.

Both, tutti e due, non si impiega mai per pi di due: l'opposto a either od a neither:
Quale dei due volete? Ambidue.


of the



you have? Both.

Some, Any.
Qualche, alcuno, alcuna ec.

Some, any.

Some ha un senso
Datemi Datemi
del pane.
delle penne.


Give Give

ristretto e definito:

me some me some

bread. pens.

Any ha un

senso illimitato ed indefinito:

Have you any bread?

Avete del pane? Non ne ho.

have not any.

have none.

impiegano indifferentemente od al singolare od alcuno, alcuna some one, some body alcuni al plurale. Si dice uomini, some men; alcune donne, some women qualcosa, some thing; qualunque uomo, any man; qualunque donna, any woman: qualunque cosa, any thing qualunque altro, any other. Some one, some body, any one, any body, non si impiegano altro che nel numero del meno.





Tutto, tutta, ec.

Ali si usa al singolare ed al plurale:

Tutto l'anno. Tutti i miei amici. Tutti gli altri.
Ali the year. Ali my friends. Ali the others.


Several vien unito solamente con pi:

Parecchi amici. Parecchi altri.


sostantivo nel



Several friends. Several others.

Nullo, nulla, nessuno, nessuna ec,




adopera con un sostantivo, qualunque



Nessun uomo vi creder. si vedeva nessun nemico.

No man will believe you. No enemies Avere seen.


unito ad

s'impiega spesse volte invece di any, purch quest'ultimo sia una negazione, e il sostantivo che lo modifica sia espresso

Non ho nessun


have no boots.

Si dice: nessuno, no one, wobody; nulla, niente, nothing; nessun no other.

Tale, tali.


Such indica numeri.




impiega egualmente per

Such a one. Such another. Such persons.



Un Un
Gli adiettivi other si declina

altro simile.

Tali persone.

pronominali indefiniti variabili sono one e other;

come segue



Po8s. Ohj.

altro. di







declina solo al singolare come other. 1' un l'altro, one another: pi di uno, more than one: molti altri, many others: parecchi altri, several others. Si possono enumerare anche in questa classe gli adiettivi poco, little: pochi, feio; molto, much: e molti; many, i quali, del pari che altri di questi adiettivi indefiniti, s' impiegano sovente come pronomi.



Si dice:

NB. Del modo di formare in inglese tiene parola a pag. xxxii.

gradi di paragone


Dei Pronomi personali.
I pronomi personali variano secondo il numero nella terza persona singolare variano anche secondo


caso; il genere. Di

pi variano questi secondo la persona che esprimono. I pronomi personali si declinano nella maniera seguente:


della 'prima

persona dei generi mascolino







mio, la mia. i miei, le mie. Me, mi.



nostro, la nostra tra.

nostri, le nostr re.



noi, ci.


il i

della seconda persona dei generi mascolino e femminino.



il i



tuo, la tua.
tuoi, le tue.

vostro, la vostra. vostri, le vostre.



te, ti.



voi, vi.


Poss. Ohj.

della terza persona.



eglino, essi,


suo, la sua.
suoi, le sue.

loro, la loro.
loro, le loro,


lui, lo.











suo, la sua. suoi, le sue.

loro, la loro,


loro, le loro,

lei, la.


loro, le.




egli, ella,



eglino, elleno


suo, la sua. suoi, le sue.

loro, la loro.
loro, le loro,


lo, la.




s' accorda col suo antecedente, Il pronome di cui fa le veci, in genere, in numero, ed in

cio con persona:



Questo mio. Questi sono tuoi.

This is mine. These are thine.

Non v'ha differenza, qualunque sia il genere della cosa alla quale mine o thine si riferiscono




Questo suo (di lui) parlando di un Questi sono suoi, parlando egualmente Questo suo (di lei), parlando di una Questi sono suoi, parlando egualmente

uomo. di un maschio.

This is his. These are Ms.



una femmina.

These are

L' articolo definito non deve mai impiegarsi in inglese avanti a questi adiettivi pronominali possessivi.

Dei Pronomi
Si trovano
that, e ivhat.


in inglese




who, which,

Who ha

relazione solamente alle persone:

uomo che

vi parla.

hamhino che giuoca.

The man who speaks The boy who plays.

to you.


sMmpiega per


animali inferiori e per le cose:

The thing which happened. The horse which I see.

La cosa che accadde.

cavallo che vedo.

Di questi due pronomi

luho si declina

come segue:

Singolare e Plurale.


che, o il quale, la quale ec. di che, di cui, del quale ec. che, cui, il quale ec.






della cosa posseduta, che deve mettersi subito

sopprime sempre dopo whose, davanti al nome dopo whose, e daThe man whose house

vanti al verbo


di cui

vedo la casa.

I see.

figlio, di cui la






keener than

della mia.


ne, e ]Derci dev' essere appartiene alla persona


d'uopo non perdere di vista che whose indica la possessiosempre seguito dal nome della cosa che rappresentata da whose: uomo di cui la moglie cos vir- The man lohose wife is so virtuous,


quando non c'


c^uestione di possessione, si dice: of


invece di tvhose:


di cui parlo.

The man of whom


^V]l^ch invariabile.

That s' impiega e per le persone, e per le cose, invece di whoj di which. Questa parola pure invariabile:
L'uomo che ho veduto. La casa che ho comprato.

The man that I have seen. The house that I have bought.



That vien adoperato sempre quando si parla di una persona di un animale inferiore, o di una cosa, nella stessa frase uomo ed il cavallo che sono nel The man and tho horse that are in the



That vien impiegato anche dopo

l'uomo pi ricco che conosca.

the richest



that I know.

Wliat un pronome relativo composto, che corrisponde a (?ud una volta delle che, ci che, quelli che, ec, e tiene il luogo ad

due parole that o

those e which.


Questo ci che voleva. Questi sono quelli che voleva. Mi dette quello che mi oiferse.

This is what (that which) I wanted These are what (those which) I wanted He gave me what (that which) he oifered me.

_i prointerrogazione. con impiegati what, e which, nomi relativi, who, cor1" Wlio, interrogativo, non si adopera che per le persone il che variazioni medesime le risponde questo a chi? e subisce

Dei Pronomi interrogativi. pronomi interrogativi non sono altro in inglese che


Chi l? Di chi questo lihro? Chi conoscete?




Whose hook is this? Whom do you know?

s' impiega egualmente per le persone, corrisponde alle^ parole italiane cose; per gli animali, e per le pu essere seguito immediatamente e invariabile, quale, quali:


Which interrogativo

da un sostantivo. Which sempre relativo:

Quale (di questi uomini) l'ha fatto? Qual cavallo (fra questi cavalli) volete?


(di questi lihri)


Wiich (of these men) has done it? Which horse (one amongst others) do yo^ Vi^'ix for? Wiich (of these books) shall I huy?


le cose.

adopera egualmente per le persone, gli animali, e Corrisponde pure questo alle parole italiane, quale, quali.


What non



Che volete? Che fate in questa casa? Che cosa dite di quest'affare?

What What

"^^^^ ^o ^^^ want? are you doing in this house? do you say about this business

solamente una sola coniugazione dei verbi inglesi. I verbi nel participio regolari hanno le loro terminazioni nel preterito e
passato sempre in ed:
Amare. amava, o amai. Io, ho amato.




I lovecZ.


nel preterito I verbi irregolari hanno diverse terminazioni

nel participio passato.
Scrivere. Io scriveva, io scrissi.
Io ho scritto.



I wrote.


Si trover






verbi irregolari alla

di questu

dell' infinito in inglese la preposizione to : preposizioni s' impiega sempre il gerundio, od il participio presente, che vien espresso nella medesima maniera, e

L' unico



le altre


sempre in ing:
Mi piace il lavorare. Dopo aver pranzato.
I like to


After having dined.

Coniugazione dei Verbi.




verbo amare, to love, verbo regolare, participio passato in ed.





Il verbo scrivere, to write, verbo irregolare, che fa rito wrote, e nel participio passato written.

nel prete-

Tempo presente.

Present tense,

I love.


Io amo. Tu ami.

Egli ama.


Thou lovest. He loves.


write. write.

Noi amiamo. Voi amate. Eglino amano.

scriviamo. scrivete. scrivono.



Tou love. They love.



Yien impiegata questa maniera quando

si fa

parla di un'azione
father every day.



tempo presente:
I write to I love

Io scrivo ogni giorno a mio padre. Io ti



di tutto cuore. 2^

you heartily.

sto scrivendo.


Io scrivo


scrivi, ec.

Egli scrive, ec. Noi scriviamo, ec.

Voi scrivete, ec. Eglino scrivono,


writing. Thou art writing. He is writing. are writing. Tou are writing. They are writing.



Si adopera questa maniera nel parlare di una azione mente presente, e che ha qualche durata: I am toriting to my father. Io scrivo a mio padre. My father is dining now. Mio padre desina adesso. My brother is reading. Mio fratello legge. Si adopera pure


questa maniera nel parlare di una azione


alquanto futura:
Vado a desinare. Il mio amico va al teatro




going to dine. friend s going to the theatre this


Ma non si usa questa maniera quando 1' azione, quantunque attualmente presente, ha pochissima durata:
Odo un colpo di tuono. Vedo un lampo.

I see

hear a clap of thunder. a flash of lightning.



Non pu impiegarsi

questa maniera con

verbo amare

3* maniera.



perch non un verbo che esprime un' azione della natura indicata dal verbo scrivere qc, ma piuttosto un' azione abituale:

Io amo. Tu ami. Egli ama.



Noi amiamo. Voi amate. Eglino amano.


scrivete. scrivono.

do love. Thou dost love. He does love. We do love. You do love. They do love.

write. write. write. write. write.

fermative, solamente all' asseverazione :

impiega questa maniera, invece della prima, nelle frasi afquando si vuol dare gran forza od energia

Io vi amo. Io scrivo a mio padre ogni giorno. Non lo credo. Si, vi assicuro che gli scrivo ogni giorno.

do love you.

my father every day. do not believe it. Yes, I assure you I do write to him every day.
I write to I

mai di rigore nelle frasi affermaaggiunge per molta energia all' espressione. Nelle frasi negative pd interrogative d'uopo sempre l'impiego d'un verbo

NB. ^ Questa maniera non



ausiliario, e

quando non trovasi un

verbo ausiliario do:

altro ausiliario

nella frase,






Non mi vede. Mi amate?

Vedete quell'uccello?
to dare,

do not love you. does not see me. J)o you love me? Do you see that bird?



verbo osare,

un' eccezione a questa regola



Osate farlo?

dare not. Bare you do it?

Tempo passato.
Passato definito.




scriveva, scrissi.
scrivevi, scrivesti.

wrote. wrotest. wrote. wrote. wrote. wrote.

amai. Tu amavi, tu amasti. Egli amava, egli am.



I loved,

scriveva, scrisse.

Noi amavamo, noi amammo. scrivevamo, scrivemmo. Voi amavate, voi amaste. scrivevate, scriveste. Eglinoamavano,eglino amarono, scrivevano, scrissero.

lovedst, He loved, loved, You loved, They loved,



parla di un'azione s' esprime che l'azione fosse fatta, pure intieramente passata:

Devesi adoperare questa maniera quando non solamente passata, ma quando il tempo
mio amico. padre nella settimana pasogni
I tarate

in cui

Scrssi ieri al
7idi vostro



friend yesterday.

I saio

your father last week.

la chiesa di San Pietro giorno quando era in Eoma.

I visited St. Peter's every

day when

was in Kome.

In queste frasi


mente passato Boma.

- - ieri,

osserver che si parla di un tempo intierala settimana passata, e quando era in

2^ maniera.

2nd manner.


Io scriveva, o stava scrivendo. Tu scrivevi, ec. Egli scriveva, ec.

was writing-. Thou wast writing. He was writing.


Noi scrivevamo, ec. Voi scrivevate, ec. Eglino scrivevano, ec.


were writing.

You were writing. They were writing.


Questa maniera s'impiega quando



delle quali

non era

finita al

tempo che

parla di due azioni pasl'altra azione

ebbe luogo:
Io scriveva a

mio padre quando entr



Io stava

pranzando quando


loriting to my father when ha entered (came in). loas dining when the prince came,





verbo amare non


pu adoperare questa madella

niera, per la ragione indicata nel parlare

seconda maniera
3" manner.


tempo presente.
3' maneira.

Passato definito.

I did love,


amava, amai.

scriveva, scrissi,
scrivevi, scrivesti,

Tu amavi, amasti.
Egli amava, am. Noi amavamo, amammo. Voi amavate, amaste Eglino amavano,amarono.

Thou didst


scriveva, scrisse,


scrivevamo, scrivemmo,
scrivevate, scriveste. scrivevano, scrissero.


did love, did love, You did love, They did love,

write. write. write.

write. write. write.

Questa maniera trovasi nelle frasi affermative solamente per dar forza all' asseverazione intorn ad una cosa passata

Vi scrisse tre volte


Non posso


S io scrissi tre volte.

wrote to you three times yesterday. cannot believe it. Yes I did write three times.

4* maniera.



Passato indefinito.

Past indefinite.

ho amato. Tu hai amato. Egli ha amato. Noi abbiamo amato.


have loved.




Voi avete amato. Eglino hanno amato.

loved. He has loved. have loved. You have loved.

Thou hast



They have


written. written. written. written. written. written.

Impiegasi questa maniera:





in cui un' azione passata fu fatta

non vien

indicato :
Quanto ho amato quella donna.

How much

Eo spesso

scritto trenta lettere in un

I have loved that woman. have often written thirty letters in a day.


fu fatta

Quando il tempo nel quale non ancora terminato: Diz. Ital.'Ingl. - i.


dice che un' azione passata


Oggi ho scritto a vostra madre. Sono stato in Parigi in quest'anno.


have written to your mother to day. have been at Paris this year.



osserver che


parla di un

oggi, e quesf anno.

5* maniera.

tempo non ancora




Pi che



Io aveva o ebbi amato, scritto, Tu avevi o avesti amato, scritto, Egli aveva o ebbe amato, scritto, Noi avevamo o avemmo amato, scritto, Voi avevate o aveste amato, scritto. Eglino avevano o ebbero amato, scritto.

had loved. Thou hadst loved. He had loved. We had loved. You had loved. They had loved.


written, written.

delle quali era gi finita al

Usasi questa maniera nel parlare di due azioni passate, una tempo che V altra accadde

Aveva gi

scritto a

mio padre, quando


Aveva pranzato quando

principe entr.

had already toritten to my father when he came in. He had dined when the prince entered.

Tempo futuro.
Futuro semplice.
Io amer. Tu amerai. Egli amer.

Future Tense.

Simple future.
I shall love.

write. write. write. write. write. write.


wilt love.



will love.

Noi ameremo. Voi amerete. Eglino ameranno.



shall love.


You will love. They will love.

Futuro volitivo o imperioso.

Io amer. Tu amerai. Egli amer.

Volitive or imperious future.

I will love.

Thou shalt


write, write,



Noi ameremo. Voi amerete. Eglino ameranno.

Futuro anteriore
Io avr amato. Tu avrai amato. Egli avr amato.


shall love. will love. You shall love.


write, write,



shall love.


Anterior or compound future.


Noi avremo amato. Voi avrete amato. Eglino avranno amato.




have loved: wilt have loved, He will have loved. shall have loved, You will have loved, They will have loved,
I shall


written. written. written. written. written. written.


Vi sono due segni inglese per esprimere il futuro, shall e L impiego non erroneo di questi segni, e di quelli del condizionale, forma forse una dello pi grandi difficolt di quella

Il primo futuro, ossia il futuro semplice, esprime semplicemente che un'azione probabilmente accadr. Nelle frasi affermative e negative s' impiega shall per la prima persona, e ivill

per la seconda e

la terza.

Nella seconda persona

singolare, poco usata, will viene cangiato in wilt.

speculazione. Sarete punito, se fate quello.



Andr a Parigi nell'anno veniente. Sar punito, se fa quello. Faremo un cattivo affare con questa

I sJiall



go to Paris next year. bo punished if he does that. shall make a bad business of this

speculation. will be punished if you do that.

secondo futuro, ossia il futuro volitivo od imperioso, espriche un' azione sar fatta per la volont, o secondo il comandamento di colui che parla. Nelle frasi affermative e negative ivill impiegasi per la prima persona, e shall per la seconda e la terza:


Sar savio babbo.


far, se vi piace o no.

Non andrete con


quella gente.

non entrer in quella casa. miei amici non saranno puniti, se

potr impedirlo.

be good papa. do it, whether you wish or not. You shall not go with those people. My son shall not go into that house. My friends shall not be punished, if I can help it.
I will I will

Nelle frasi interrogative persona:

Andr oggi in citt? Andremo domani a Parigi?


adopera sempre





Shall I go to town to day? Shall we go to Paris to morrow?




seconda persona


shall o



le cir-

Shall, quando la volont della persona a cui si parla non entra molto nella risposta, e quando la risposta per riuscire indifferente a colui che domanda:

Andrete a Firenze quest'anno? Farete viaggio questa state?

Shall you go to Florence this year? Shall you travel this summer?

Will quando la volont della persona a cui si parla entra nella risposta, e quando la risposta non indifferente a colui che do-

Pranzerete oggi meco? Volete venire con noi in citt?
Will you dine with me to day? Will you come to town with us?


la terza



usa quasi sempre

Will he



questa sera?

Andr vostro padre a Milano domani? Quando ritorner il principe?

come this evening? your father go to Milan tomorrow? "When will the prince return?

II terzo futuro, ossia il futuro anteriore o composto, vien impiegato quando si parla di un tempo che sar gi passato in un' epoca indicata nella frase. Questo futuro, come il futuro semplice, prende sempre shall alla prima persona, e loill alla seconda e terza:







I shall

have finished this work




I shall

Sar stato qui un anno il giorno di Pasqua. Avrete ricevuti tre premj quando avrete ricevuto questo. Sar stato nell'armata trent'ann il primo d'Aprile,

have been here a year on Easterprizes



You will have received three when you have had this. He will have been in the army
years on the
first of April.

Condisionale semplice.
Io amerei.


Simple conditional.
I should love.

Tu ameresti.
Egli amerebbe.



Thou would'st love, He would love.

Noi ameremmo.
Voi amereste. Eglino amerebbero.



should love.


You would love. They would love.

Volitive conditional.

write. write. write. write. write.


Condizionale volitivo.

Io amerei (vorrei amare). Tu ameresti. Egli amerebbe.





Thou would'st



He would


Noi ameremmo.
Voi amereste. Eglino amerebbero.

scrivereste. scriverebbero.


would love. You would love. They would love.

Obligative conditional

write. write. write. write. write. write.

Condizionale ohhl igativo.

Io amerei (dovrei amare).

should love.


Tu ameresti.
Egli amerebbe.

Thou should'st



Noi ameremmo. Voi amereste. Eglino amerebbero.




should love. should love. You should love. They should love.

write. write. write.



Condizionale anteriore composto.


Anterior or compound conditional.


Io avrei amato. avresti amato. Egli avrebbe amato.

scritto, scritto,


1 should have loved. Thou would'st have loved,

scritto, scritto, scritto, scritto.

He would have


Noi avremmo amato. Voi avreste amato. Eglino avrebbero amato.



should have loved. You would have loved.


They would have

written. written. written. written. written. written.


Io avrei amato (avrei voluto amare) scritto. scritto. Tu avresti amato.

would have loved. Thou would'st have loved,


Egli avrebbe amato.

scritto. scritto. scritto.


He would have

Noi avremmo amato.

Voi avreste amato. Eglino avrebbero amato,

would have loved. You would have loved. They would have loved.


written. written. written. written. written. written.

Io avrei amato (avrei dovuto amare)scritto. scritto. avresti amato. scritto. Egli avrebbe amato.

should have loved.

loved, should have loved. should have loved.


Thou should'st have


Noi avremmo amato. Voi avreste amato. Eglino avrebbero amato,





You should have loved. They should have loved,

written. written. written. written. written. written.

due segni del condizionale sono should e loould. H primo condizionale, che si pu chiamare il condizionale semplice, cio a dire, che indica semplicemente che un' azione accaderebbe, se un' altra azione fosse fatta, prende should alla prima persona, e would alla seconda e alla terza:



Sarei bagnato, se uscissi colla pioggia. Sarejnmo molto sciocchi se facessimo

Sareste rovinato, se faceste quello. Sarebbe pi ricco, se spendesse meno. Sarebbero meno felici, se fossero meno

should be wet, if I went out in the rain. should be very foolish to do that. You would be ruined if you did that. He would be richer if he spent less. They xcould be less happy, if they were less virtuous.


secondo Condizionale, che puossi chiamare il Condizionale cio a dire, che indica che un' azione accaderebbe per volont di qualcuno, assoggettata a qualche condizione od espressa o sottintesa, prende ivould per tutte le persone:


Vorrei venir in casa vostra stasera se


Vorremmo ben intraprendere

re, se

quell' affa-

denari non mancassero. Non vorreste formar amicizia con quell'uomo, se lo conosceste. Non vorrebbe entrare in quel servizio se conoscesse la schiavit a cui sarebbe assoggettato.

this evencould. would willingly undertake this businessif(the) money were not wanting. You would not form a friendship with
I loould

come to your house


if I


that man if you knew him. He would not enter into that service did he know the slavery to which

he would be exposed.

terzo Condizionale, che


pu chiamare


Condizionale ob-

bligativo, cio a dire, che indica che un' azione dovrebbe accadere, o che sarebbe dovere di qualcuno di farla, prende should per tutte le persone. NB. Non sempre condizionale questo segno, ma piuttosto soggiuntivo, esprimendo il dovere che esiste di fare un' azione, senza nessuna condizione od espressa o sottintesa:

Dovrei fare tante cose, se intraprendessi

quell'impiego. Dovrebbe essere caritatevole, se fosse

should do so many things if I undertook that office. He should be charitable if he were



Dovreste andare a vedere vostro perch ammalato.

You should go and

cause he
is sick.

see your uncle, be-


Corrisponde precisamente a questa terza maniera d' esprimere Condizionale, r ausiliario ought, che vien sempre preceduto dalla preposizione to: cos si pu dire egualmente nelle ultime frasi:
Dovrei far tante cose &c.
I ought to

do so many things &c.

H quarto Condizionale, che si pu chiamare il Condizionale anteriore semplice, esprime che un' azione passata sarebbe accaduta, se le circostanze lo avessero permesso. Prende should per la prima persona, e would per la seconda e per la terza :
Vi avrei scritto ieri, se avessi avuto tempo. II mio amico sarebbe stato rovinato, se avesse fatto quello. Sareste stato molto sciocco se aveste

should have written to you yesterday, if I had had time. My friend would have been ruined if he

had done that. You xcould have been very

you failed in that duty.


mancato a quel dovere.

II quinto Condizionale, che anteriore volitivo, esprime che

pu chiamare il Condizionale un azione sarebbe accaduta con



volont di qualcuno, se le circostanze lo avessero permesso. ivould per tutte le persone:

Avrei ben voluto venir ieri a casa vostra, ma non ho potuto. Non avreste voluto fare quell' azione, se ne aveste preveduto tutte le conseguenze. Non avrebbero voluto intercedere per quell'uomo, se avessero conosciuto il suo carattere^

would have come to your house yesterday, but I could not.


You would not have done that

had you foreseen







not have interceded for had they known his


II sesto Condizionale, che si pu chiamare il Condizionale anteriore obbligativo, esprime che un' azione avrebbe dovuto accadere facendo qualcuno una cosa dovuta. Prende should per tutte le

should have gone to see my uncle yesterday because he was ill. He should not have committed such an

Avrei dovuto andar ieri a vedere mio zio perch era ammalato. Non avrebbe dovuto fare una tale


Lasciatemi amare.
lasciatemi scrivere.

Let me love.





Love (thou). Let him love.

Let us love.

write (thou).
let us write.

Amate. Amino.





Let them love.

write (you). let them writ

Nel modo imperativo


la terza persona ; per la seconda all'infinito senza la preposizione l' infinito :

Lasciatemi scrivere la mia lettera in pace. Scrivi a tuo padre.

il segno Jet per la prima e per persona il verbo rimane come to, che il solo segno del-

Amiamoci (I'un Mangino subito


loro pranzo.

Let me write my letter in peace. Write to thy father. Let us love one another. Let them eat their dinner directly.






impiegato come

oggetto, e mai

pronome personale vien sempre come il soggetto della frase


lasciate loro.

Let me, Let us.



let them.


Present Tense.

Io posso amare.

Tu puoi amare.
Egli pu amare. Noi possiamo amare. Voi potete amare. Eglino possono amare.



can love. Thou canst love. He can love. We can love. You can love. They can love.



writ 3. write write



Past Tense.
I could love.

Io poteva amare. Tu potevi amare. Egli poteva amare.


Thou couldst


Noi potevamo amare. Voi potevate amare. Eglino potevano amare.


could love. could love. You could love. They could love.



write. write. write. write. write.


Temilo presente.

Present Tense.

Io posso amare. Tu puoi amare. Egli pu amare.





Thou mayst


Noi possiamo amare. Voi potete amare. Eglino possono amare.


He may love. We may love. You may love. They may love.
Past Tens.

write. write. write. write. write. write.

Tempo passato.
Io poteva amare. Tu potevi amare. Egli poteva amare.
scrivere. scrivere.



Thou mightst


He might


Noi potevamo amare. Voi potevate amare. Eglino potevano amare.




might love. You might love. They might love.


write. write. write. write. write. write.

I segni can e could s'impiegano quando si parla di un potere fisico che si possiede o possedeva per far qualunque cosa, ed i segni may e might quando si discorre di un potere che viene, o di qualche permesso dato da un altro, o da qualche circostanza incerta:

Posso alzare questo peso. Egli pu camminare ben cinquanta miglia in una giornata. Che! non potete leggere le lettere
greche ?



this weight.

He can walk




Poteva alzare


questo peso,



can't you read the Greek let' ters? I could lift this weight yesterday, but
I could

non lo posso. Poteva camminare cinquanta miglia, in una giornata quando era giovane.
Potrebbe far ci se volesse. Posso venire forse domani.

to day I cannot. walk fifty miles in a day



was young.

Pu piovere,

ma non

lo credo.

Potete leggere questo libro, poich vostro padre ve lo ha permesso. Potrei cadere, se montassi quella scala. II re potrebb' essere scontento.

He could do that if he would. I may perhaps come tomorrow. It may rain, but I do not thmk it will. Yon may read this book, since your
father has given you leave. might fall if I got up on that ladder. The king might be displeased.

Nei tempi composti con il verbo avere, NB. medesimi segni che nei tempi semplici.
Se Se Se Se Se Se
io ami.


Present Tense.
If I love,


tu ami. egli ami. noi amiamo. voi amiate. eglino amino.

scriva scriva. scriviamo.



thou love.

If he love. If we love.




If they love.

write. write. write. write. write. write.


Tempo passato.
Se Se So Se Se Se
amassi. tu amassi. egli amasse. noi amassimo. voi amaste. eglino amassero.

Past Tense.
If I loved.



thou loved. If he loved.







you loved. they loved.

wrote. wrote. wrote. wrote, wrote, wrote,



modo soggiuntivo

e solamente nei casi che esprimono


specialmente al non usarlo mai:

Se mi scriva,

pochissimo impiegato in inglese. un forte dubbio con il verbo tempo presente, farebbe bene lo scolare di

gli risponder.

he write

(o writes) to

me, I will answer

Se fossi

re, non commetterei una tale azione. Se fosse ricco, sarebbe pi generoso di

If I loere a king, I If


would not do such an action. he were rich, he would be more generous than you.
Present Tense.


presente. scrivere.

to love.

to write.

Tempo passato.
aver amato.
avere scritto.

Past Tense.
to have loved. to have written.

Vien usato l'infinito al tempo un' azione o presente o futura



quando parlasi


si deve mangiare tanto quanto mangiate voi. un piacere di fare azioni caritate-


It is

not well to eat so much as you



It is a pleasure to actions.

perform charitable

Dobbiamo andare


teatro stasera.

We are to go

to the theatre this evening.


to si

segni dei tempi, eccettuato il segno ought, la preomette. Questa preposizione in inglese il solo
I canio lo faccia.

segno dell'infinito:
Posso farlo. Bisogna che
do it. most- do it. will- do it. should- do it










questa preposizione non si omette dopo i verbi essere ed quando vengono questi impiegati come verbi principali:

Dovrei pranzare con lui oggi. Dovrei dividere questo con voi.




dine with him to day. divido this with you.


L' infinito passata:


ieri a


passato quando

parla di un' azione

Avrei dovuto scrivere

mio padre.


Avrebbe dovuto prendere la sua medicina tre ore sono.

Participio presente.


to have written to my father yesterday. should have taken his medicine three hours ago.

Present participle.

amante (amando) scrivente (scrivendo)


Si adopera il participio presente od il gerundio, in inglese, in luogo dell' infinito, dopo tutte le preposizioni, eccettuato la preposizione to:
Sono stanco
di aspettare.
I ani tired

of waiting.

Part senza mangiare il suo desinare. Ud l'accusa senza arrossire.

Ho set off without eating his dinner. He heard tho accusation ?oi7;owffe?tts;tin(7.



NB. In inglese il participio presente ed espressi con la medesima parola.

Participio passato.

gerundio vengono

Past participle.




participio passato


adopera dopo










Sono rovinato.
Sar punito. Bisogna che sia perduto.

ruined. I shall be punished.


He must



Dei verbi irregolari.


I verbi irregolari inglesi sono irregolari in due tempi preterito ed al participio passato.

soli, cioj

Lista dei verbi irregolari inglesi.


Participio p)assato.

Ara. Arise.

abode. was.

abode. been.

essere. sorgere. svegliare. produrre, nascere. portare. battere. cominciare. piegare, flettere. privare. supplicare.

Awake. awoke. Bear (to bring for th) bare. Bear (to carry) bore.
Beat. Begin. Bend. Bereave.

born. borne. beat, beaten.



B bereft. E



besought. bade, bid. bound.


besoughtc bidden, bid. bound.

bitten, bit. bled.

legare, rilegare.



mordere. sanguinare.
soffiare, sbocciare.''

Blow. Break. Breed.


blew. broke.

blown. broken.
bred. brought.

generare, allevare. portare qui.
fabbricare. scoppiare.





Cast. Catch. Chide. Choose. Cleave (to adhere) . Cleave (to split).
Cling. Clothe.



gettare, buttare.


clave. clove, cleft. clung.

caught. chidden, chid. chosen. cleaved.

cleft, cloven.







attaccarsi. fendere. attaccarsi. vestire. venire. costare.




cantare da gallo. arrampicarsi.

Nel senso di bocciare

preterito non s'impiega.


Participio passato.


(to venture).


Dare Dare
Deal. Dig.




(to challeng(






dug. done.





tirare, designare.

Drink. Dwell. Eat.



drunk. dwelt.

spingere, condurre. bere.

dimorare, abitare. mangiare.

cadere. pascere, nutrire.




Fight. Find. Flee.

Fling. Fly.

fought. found.

fought. found.

trovare. fuggire. scagliare. volare. dimenticare.



Forget. Forsake. Freeze. Get.





flown. forgotten, forgot forsaken. frozen. got.



Gird. Give.





Go. Grave. Grind.

Grow. Have.

gave. went. graved. ground. grew. had.


gone. graven. ground.

acquistare, ottenere dorare. cingere. dare. andare.


macinare, arruotare.
crescere. avere.



grown. had. hung, hanged.* heard.

pendere, sospendere.




hidden, hid.


Hold. Hurt. Keep.


held. hurt. kept. knit.

hurt. kept.


Lade. Lay. Lead. Leave. Lend.
Let. Lie (to



tenere. nuocere. tenere. fare a maglia. conoscere, sapere. caricare.



mettere. condurre.




permettere, impedire.







giacere. caricare. perdere.



made. met.


Pay. Put. Rcadt

paid. put. read.

paid. put. read.

incontrare. mietere. pagare. mettere. leggere.


impiegato lui^jiegau per la cosa, hanged per la persona. Holden 3 poetico. Boetico.




Participio passato.

Rid. Ride. Ring.

Rise. Rive.


rode (ridden).


rang, rung.
rose. rived. ran.

suonare (un campane'^


Run. Saw.

riven. run.



sorgere. fendere. correre. segare.












mettere, porre. scuotere. formare.
radere. tendere.

Shake. Shape. Shave. Shear. Shed.


shook. shaped. shaved. sheared. shed. shone.

or shew.

shaken. shapen. shaven. shorn. shed. shone.

shod. shot.




showed or shewed, shown or shewn.


Shoe. Shoot. Shrink. Shred. Shut.

Sing. Sink.

mostrare. ferrare (un cavallo).

ritirarsi, scorciare.

shred. shut. sang, sung. sank, sunk.

shred. shut. sung. sunk.

tagliare in pezzi. chiudere. cantare.

sedere. uccidere.

Slay. Sleep.






slung. slunk.

slung. slunk.


frombolare. svignare. fendere, spaccare.



Speak. Speed. Spend.

smote. sowed. spoke.

sped. spent.




spoken. sped.

spat (poet).

spendere. versare.

Spin. Spit.



sputare. fendere, spaccare.

Spread, Spring. Stand.

Steal. Stick. Sting.

spread. sprang, sprung. stood.


spread. sprung.



Stink. Stride.
Strike. String.

stuck. stung. stunk. strode.

struck. strung.

stuck. stung. stunk. stridden.

struck,stricken.2 strung.

rubare. attaccare.

pungere. puzzare.

camminare a passi


Shaven poco impiegato, eccetto come addiettivo: corona rasa, shaven crown. striken impiegato iu poesia, ed anche com addiettivo: il cervo colDito. tht

itrkken deer.




Participio passato.





Strow or strew.
Swear. Sweat.

strowed, strewed

swore. sweat.

Swing. Take. Teach.

swam, swum.
took. taught.


Thrust. Tread.

thought. throve. threw.

thrust. trod.

strewn spandere. strowedjStrewed. giurare. sworn. sudare. sweat. gonfiare. swollen. R nuotare. swum. dondolare. swung. prendere. taken. insegnare. taught. strappare. torn. dire, raccontaro. told. pensare. thought. prosperare. thriven. huttare. thrown.


thrust. trodden.


Wear. Weave. Weep. Win. Wind, Work. Wring.

waxed. wore. wove. wept. won. wound. wrought, wrung.


waxen. worn. woven.


calpestare. incerare, divenire.

portare addosso.

piangere, lacrimare

won. wound.


avvolgere. lavorare.



I gradi di paragone degli addiettivi^ si formano in inglese in due maniere, o coli' aggiungere er al comparativo, ed est al superlativo, o col premettere more avanti al comparativo, e most avanti


adopera quando l' addiettivo di una sola pi grande; the greatest, \ pi grande; o quando T addiettivo, essendo di pi di una sillaba, termina con

La prima maniera

sillaba: great, grainde; greater,

un y: happy,

felice; happier,


felice; the happiest,




La seconda maniera, per

evitare la cacofonia, adoperasi

addiettivo di pi di una sillaba, e : powerful, potente; more powerful, pi potente; the most poiverful, il pi potente; magnificent, magnifico; more magnificent, pi magnifico; the most magmficeiit, il pi magnifico.

quando non termina con un y

Rispetto alle parole che terminano con un y, si possono impiegare egualmente ambidue le maniere sopra indicate cos, con la parola happy [felice), si pu dire o happier o more happy, pi felice, o the happiest, o the most happy, il pi felice; e quanto alla parola handsome (bello), quantunque sia di due sillabe, si pu dire a scelta, o handsomer o more handsome, pi bello, o the handsomest, o the most handsome, il pi bello.

Wrought anche impiegato corno addiettivo: ferro battuto, wrovght iron. Pegli addiettivi vedi a pag. xiii e seguenti.


















pittura. plurale.










8. 8.









sostantivo femminile
sostantivo maschile.





strada ferrata.







V. a.


verbo attivo.



verbo irregolare.
verbo neutro.






V. r.








first letter in

the alpha-


bet, and the first of the vowels. A signifies beginning, as Z, the



signifies ending:

hence the phrase


a dire A means to commence a thing. " Essere all' A to have scarcely commenced, and " essere alla Z to have nearly terminated any thing. The Tuscan sound of A is generally like the same letter in English, when followed by R in the same syllable, as in bar, mar, tar, etc. though it is pro-

with, when expressing an Abate, [b'te'] m. abbot. action of some part of the body. Abatino, [bti'n] m. little ab" A occhi chiusi bot. with closed eyes; " a bocca aperta with Abatone, [abt'ne'] m. stately open mouth. abbot, rich abbot. By under, when it expresses Abazia, [bts'] see Badia. dependence or submission. Abaziale, [btsi'l] adj. be" Tutto il reggimento era al longing to an abbey.

mio comando. The whole Abbacare, [bbk're'] v. a. to regiment was under my com- examine closely; -, v. n. to

By and, when

puzzle one's self, to be out. designa parti- Abbacchiare, [bbkki'S'r] v. a. tion or distribution, " due a to beat down fruit wi. i a pole. due by two and two. To throw down forcibly, sell


also used in




nounced somewhat more broadly and openly; the words ah and father may also serve to
give a

modes of locution. The follow- Abbacchiatura, [bbkki'tur]

ing are a few examples. " A f. the result of beating down cavallo, on horseback. " A with a polo. contante, for ready money, Abbachino, [bbki'n] wi. a for cash. " A credito, on trust. small book for teaching to keep " A buon mercato, accounts. cheap.

somewhat close approxi-

mation to the sound of this letter, and in French such words as blamer, dclamer, entamer,


be considered as sufficient-

ly similar. A, prop., serves for various locutions and constructions, mark ing different relations, and may he expressed in English by the particles to, at, in, by, with, under, and.
It is

A quest' ora, by this time. Abbachista, [bbki'st]. AbA destra, on the right hand. baohiere, m. arithmetician. " A mezzo giorno, towards the Abbacinamento [bbtshinSouth. " A che pro ? of what me'n't] m. dazzling, glare. use ?" A che piangete ? why do Abbacinare, [bbtshin're'] v .a.
" "

rendered by


when used

to express motion towards a place. " Vado a Londra. I am




Venne da



He came to our house. when no motion is ex-

pressed, and the usual habitation of a person is designated, unless such place be in some very large city. " Sto a Prato. I live at Prato. By in, when such place of habitation is designated, being a seen in the course of this large city: "Mio padre dimora work. a Londra. My father lives in Abaco, ['bk] m. arch- abaLondon. cus, plinth. By by, when it expresses agen- A bada, [a bada] mo. adv. play^ " cy: a forza di braccio by fully. strength of arm " Lo zucchero Abada, [b'd] /". unicorn. si vende a peso sugar is sold Abadessa, [abadssa] se Ba' by weight. " A mente 6j/ heart. dessa.

Ponte a Santa Tri- to dazzle, dim, cloud, offuscate, A qua- bewilder. resima, at Lent. " Oggi a ot- Abbaco, [bb'k] m. arithmetic. to, this day week. " Lettera Abbadare [bbd'r] see Badi cambio a sei mesi, a bill of dare, [dessa. exchange at six months. " A Abbadessa, [bbde"s] see Bamalizia, maliciously, " A vele Abbadia, [bbdi'] see Badia. spiegate, with unfurled sails. Abbagliamento [bbl'mn't] " Circa a, about. " Rispetto m. blindness, dimness of sight, a, concerning. " All' aspetto mistake, mental error. mi par signore. By his ap- Abbagli anza, [bbrn'ds] see pearance he seems to be a gen- Abbagliamento. tleman. "Vestire all' inglese, Abbagliare, [bbl''re'] v. o. to to dress in the English fashion. dazzle, overpower with light; A is also used in many adver- ^3. to beguile, bewitch, imposa bial expressions, as will be upon; -, be dazzled, bo
nit. Trinity bridge. "

you cry?


blind, get bewildered.



mn'te'] adv. confusedly. Abbagliatore, [abbal'it'ro]. one who dazzles. Abbaglio, [bb'r]wi. dazzling, dimness of sight; mistake. Abbaino, [bbi'no] m. a skylight window.



[bbymn't] , m. barking, yelping, grumbling.

r. to


heap up ; pile together ; collect (said especially of sheaves of Abbajare, [bby'r] v. n. to Abbaruffio, [bbrnff'io] m. a corn). bark, yelp, boast, brag; -alia prolonged quarrel. Abbicc, [abbitshi'] m. alphabet; non sapere /'-; to be veluna, to bay tbe moon, uttor Abbassamento,[abbssme'n't] m. abasement, diminution, fall. ry ignorant. vain threats. Abbajatore , [bbyat'r] m. Abbassare, [bbss're'] r. a. to Abbiettamente, [bbie'ttme'n'abase, bring down, pull down, te'] adv. abjectly, vilely. barker; slanderer, detractor. Abbajatrice, [abbayatri'tslie'] f. cast down, lower, diminish, Abbiettare, [bbitt'r] v. a. to humble; - gli occhi, to cast censoriou.s woman, detractress. down one's eyes;-, v. n. to Abbiettezza , [bbie'tte't's] /. Abbajone, m a noisy fellow. Abballare, [abbll'ro] v. a. to abate, come down, decline, abjectness, meanness. lessen; Abbassarsi, v. r. to Abbietto, [bbit't] adj. abject, pack up; embale. Abballatore, [bbllt're'] m. fall,' sink, humble one's self, despicable, vile. cringe. packer. Abbiezione, [bbie'si'ne'] f. abAbballinare, [bbllin're'] v. a. Abbasso, [bbs'so] adv. below, jection, meanness. down; - i cappelli! hats off! Abbigliamento, [abbirmdn't] to shake up;- le materasse, to - i repubblicani, down with the shake up the mattress. m. dress, finery, attire. Republicans. A.bballottare,[bbllth're']see Abbigliare, [bbil'r] v. a. to Abbastanza, [bbstn'ds] adv. dress, adorn, trim up, furuisb. Ballottare. ^bbambagiare, [bbmbj're'] enough, sufficientlj\ Abbigliarsi, [bbirrsi] v. r. V. a. to stuff with cotton, quilt. Abbatacchiare, [bbtkki're'] to adorn one's self. Abbancato, [bbdnc't] adj. see Abbacchiare. Abbigliatore-trice , [bbil'atfurnished with seats for rowers. Abbate, [bb'tjm. abbot, priest. r-trice'] m. f. an adorner. Abbandonamento, [bbandn- Abbattere, [bbt'te're'] v. a. to Abbigliatura, [bbiratr]/. the mn't] m. abandoning, aban- batter down, overthrow, subresult of adorning. donment, forsaking, dejection. due, abate, depress; mar.- la Abbindolamento , [bbindlAbbandonare, [bbndn're'] v. vela, to strike sail. Abbatter- me'n'to] m. cheat, trick. si, V. r. to meet with. a. to abandon, forsake, give Abbindolare, [bbindl're].o. over, quit, leave. Abbando- Abbattimento, [bbttime'n't] to bind round, deceive, cheat; narsi, . r. to give one's self m, overthrow, depression, de- Abbindolarsi,!;, r. to be puzstruction, faintness, weakness, over; be discouraged, despond; zled, get puzzled. - alia sensualit, to gratify conflict, battle; per-, by chance. Abbindolatore, [bbindlt're'] Abbattitore, [bbttt're'] m. m. a cheat, scoundrel. one's sensuality. Abbandonatamente, [bbnd- feller, destroyer, bully. Abbindolatura [bbindlt'r] ntmn't] adv. desperately, Abbattuta, [bbtt't] f. slau- and abbindolazione. f. trickery. ghter, abasement. violently. Abbiosciare, [bbish're'j v. n.
scuffle, quarrel.


Abbandonati, [bbndn'ti] m. Abbatuffolare , [bbtviffl're'] to fall off, get disheartened. t>. o. to mix confusedly, throw Abbiosciarsi, v. r. to become p. orphans, foundlings. Abbandonatore, [bbndnt'- into confusion, jumble. dispirited; lose courage. Abbazia, [bbdsi'] see Bada. Abbisognare, [bbisn''re']u.n. r] m forsaker, deserter. Abbandonevolmente, [bbnd- Abbecedario, [bbe'tshe'd'rijm. to want, need, bo necessary ababecedarian. bisogna eh' io vada, I must go. nvohne'n'te'] see AbbandonataAbbellare, [bbe'll're'] v a. to Abbisognevole, [bbisn'vle'] mente.

embellish, set off; -. v n. to adj needy, poor. [bbnd'n] m. , grow handsome. Abbittare, [bbitta're'] v. a. mar. forsaking, desertion; in -; in to bit the cable. confusion, in disorder, at ran- Abbellimento , [bbe'lHme'n't] embellishment, ornament. Abbitumare, [bbitma'r] v.o. dom. Abbarbagliamento, [bbrbl'- Abbellire, [bblli're'] u. a. to to cement. Abbiurare, [bbir're'] v. a. to mn't] m. dazzling, mental beautify; adorn; set off. Abbellitore , [bbe'llit're'] abiure, recant, renounce. error, hallucination. Abbiurazione, [bbiriitsi'ne] Abbarbagliare, [bbrbl''re'] embellisher. Abbellitura, [bbe'llit'r]/'. the f. abjuration; recantation. V a to dazzle, .stupify. Abboccamento [bbkkmn't] Abbarbagliatamente[bbrbr- result of embellishing. conj Abbench [bbnck'] m. interview; conference; partamen't] adv. indistinctly. ley. [bbrbik- though, although. Abbarbicamento, mn't] m the act and effect of Abbondare, [bbe'nd're'] v. a. Abboccare, fbbkk'r] v a. to hunt to fill up to the brim to bind, tie, swathe. taking root. seize with the teeth as a dog. Abbarbicare, [bbrbik'relu.n. Abbertescare, [bbrte'sk'r]u Abboccarsi, v. r. to have an a. to fortify with battlements, to take or strike root. interview with, talk together, Abbarcare, [bbrk're']u. a. to strengthen by works. Abbeverare, [bbvr're'] v. a. confer. heap up, pile. Abbarcatura, [bbrk'tr] f. to water, give drink to, sat- Abboccato, [bbkk't] arfj. delurate. icate, sweet, circumspect, pruthe result of piling up. Abbarrare, [bbrr're'] v. a. to Abbeveratlccio,[bbe've'rti'ki] dent in discourse, agreeable. Abboccatojo, [bbccat'i] ni. m. the leavings in a glass. bar, stop up, barricade. [bbe've'rt'y] the mouth of a furnace. [bbruff- Abbeverato jo Abbaruffamento , watering-place, horsepond. Abboccatore, [bbkkt're'] m. mn't] m. scuffle, quarrel, Abbiadare, [bbid're'j v. a. to babbler, medler in other peodispute. ple's matters, goyernment conAbbaruffare, [bbruff're'] va. give a feed of oats. to put in. confusion, jumble to- Abbicare, [bbik're'] t>. c. to tractor.


Abboccatura, [fbkkt'r] brim of a glass. Abbocconare, [bbkk'nrj



to cut into morsels (little used). Abbomnable, [bbmin'bile'] adj. abominable, execrable.



me'n't] wi. abomination.

Abbominare, [bbmin'r] u. a to abominate, bate, abhor. Abbominatore-trice , [abbmin'tre'-tric]



an abomina-

Abbom'nazione, [abbminatsi'n] tion.


abomination, detesta[bbmine''vle']







Abbominoso, [bbmin's]

mar. landing; Abbracciatura,[bbrts]i'tra] a man of easy f. embrace, space encompassed access. by a man's arms (said of the Abborracciare, [bbrratsh're'] measurement of solids). v.a. to bungle, botch. cobble.AB- Abbracciatutto, [bbrtsbtfBOERACCiARSi, [bbrtsh'rsi] t] m. and adj. a busy-body. V. r. to do hurriedly and in a Abbragiamento,[bbrgime'n'bungling manner gormandise. t] m. reduction to ashes. Abborracciatamente, [bbrr- Abbramare, [abbrm're'] v. n. tsh't'me'nte'] adv. in a bung- to long for exceedingly, desire ling manner. ardently. Abborraccione, [bbrrtsh'ue'] Abbrancare, [bbrnk're'] v.a. m. a great bungler. to snatch, gripe, grasp, clasp, Abborracciamento [bbrrat- hold fast, grapple with. m. bungling. sh'me'n't] Abbreviamento, [abbre'viame'n'Abborrare, [bborr're'] v. a. to t] m. abridgment. superadd, augment needlessly; Abbreviare, [bbre'vi'r] v.a. -, v. n. to err, wander mistake. to abridge, shorten, per -, in Abborrevole, [bbrre''vle'] adj. short. abhorrent, loathsome, odious. Abbreviativo , [bbrviati'v] Abborrimento, [bbrrimn't] adj. abbreviating, shortening. m. abhorrence, aversion, dis- Abbreviatore,[bbrvit're] rn.
proach, access
MOffio di facile


gust, detestation.
v. v




Abbonacciamento,[bbntsh- Abborrire, [bbrri're'] abhor, loathe, detest. me'n't] m. calm, stillness,



Abbreviatura, [bbre'vit'ra]
abbreviation phrase.)
ne'] f.

Abborritore, [bbrrit'rej m.




Abbonacciare, [bbntsb're'] hater, detester. v.a. to calm, still, pacify. Ab- Abbottacciarsi [bbtttsh'rbonacciarsi, grow calm. sl] V. n. to have the skin full Abbonamento, [bbnme'n't] of wine; tope. m. improvement, melioration, Abbottarsi, [bbtt'rsi] v. n. subscription. to be swollen with pride. Abbonare, [bbn're'] v. a. to Abbottlnamento [bbttinmake good, meliorate, mend, mn't] m. pillage plunder, admit (an account). Abbonarsi, mutiny, sacking. V. r. to get better, improve; Abbottinare, [dbbttin'rl v.a. - ad un giornale, to subscribe to pillage, rob. Abbottinak,

Abbreviazione, [abbrvitsi'shortening.

Abbrezzare, [bbrzz'r] v.n.

to shudder. Abbriccare, [bbrikk're'] v.

to fling, cast, hurl, lance. Abbrigliare, [bbrigli'r] v.a. to bridle.

mutiny. Abbondamento, [bbndamn'- Abbottinatore, [bbttinat're'] t] m plenty, abundance. m. rebel, factionary. Abbondante, [bbndan't] adj. Abbottonare, [bbttn'r] v .a. abundant, copious, numerous. to button. Abbondantemente, [bbndan- Abbottonato, [bbttn't]o(7J. abundantly, (said of one who knows how to tme'n't] adv. plentifully. keep a secret) cautious, reAbbondanza, [bbndan'ds] f. served. abundance, plenty, affluence. Abbottonatura, [bbttnt'Abbondanziere,[bbndndsi'- r] (. a row of buttons. r] m. city- victualler (at Flo- Abbozzamento,[bbtsme'n't] rence). m. and Abbozzata, [bbtsa't] Abbondare, [bbnd'r] v. n. f. rough draught, sketch. to abound with or in. Abbozzare, [bbts're'] w a to
for a journal.

si, V. r. to

Abbrivare [bbriv'r] v. a. mar. to unmoor; -, v. n. to bo under way. Abbrividare, [bbrivid'r] Ab,

brividire, [bbrividi'r] v. n. to shiver with cold. Abbrivo, [bbri'v] m. sea-way; run, course, headway.


[bbrntsa, mn't] m. sun-burning.


Abbronzare, [dbbrnts'r]
to tan,


sunburn, im-

Abbronzatello,[bbrnts'te'llJ adj. slightly scorched, somewhat tanned, rather brown. Abbronzatura, [bbrntsa'tr] the act of scorching.


sketch, delineate, trace. abundant, plentiful. Abbozzaticcio, [bbtsti-tsh] Abbrostire, and Abbrostolire, Abbondevolmente,[bbnde'vl- adj. half-sketched, half-ripe, [bbrstli'r] r. a. to scorch, mn't] adv. abundantly. half-blown. crisp, toast. Abbondezza, [bbndt'sj f. Abbozzatore, [bbtst'r] n Abbruciacchiare, [bbrtshkabundance, plenty. sketcher, drawer. ki're'] v. a. to scorch superfiAbbondosamente, [bbnds- Abbozzatura, [bbtstu'ra] f. cially, burn a little. me'n't] adv. copiously, proand Abbozzo [bbt's] m. Abbruciacchiato, [bbrtshkfusely. sketch, rough draught. ki't]ar/j.burnt here and there. Abbondoso, [abbnd's] adj. Abbozzolarsi, [bbtslr'si] v Abbruciamento [bbrtsh, abundant, copious, plentiful. a. to form its cocoon. mn't] m. burning. Abbonire, [bbni'r] v. a. to Abbracciamento , [bbrtsh- Abbruciare, [bbrtsha'r] v.a. soften, calm. me'n't] m. embrace. to burn, consume. Abbordaggio, [bbrd'dj] i?i. Abbracciare, [bbrtsh're'] v. Abbruciaticcio, [abbrutshatifboarding a ship. a. to embrace, contain, undersh] adj. superficially burnt, Abbordare, [bbrd're'] u a. to take, adopt. the smell of anything soraoboard (a ship), approach, ac- Abbracciata, [abbrtsh'ta] f. Avhat burnt. cost, address. Abbraccio, [bbra'tsh] m. em- Abbrunamento, [bbruname'n' Abbordo J [bbr'd] m. ap brace; accolade. t]m. darkening; sun-burnint

Abbranare, [bbrna'r] imbrown, burnish, darken. Abbrunarsi [bbrn'rsi] v. put on mourning. Abbrunire, [bbrni'r] u. o. to make brown. -, r. n. to grow dusk become sunburnt.


Abilitate, [bilit'te'] see Abilit. Abolizione, [blitsi'ne'] /".abolAbilitativo, [bilitti'v] adj. ition, disuse. Abolla, [bri] /. mantle used capacitating. Abilitazione, [bilittsi'ne'] f. by soldiers and ancient philoenabling, qualifying. sophers. Abilmente, [abilme'n'te'] adv. bolo, [a b'l] adv. mode of gilding or silvering. ably, cleverly, skilfully, conAbominabile,[bminbi'le']ody. Abbmscare, [bbrstb're'] v.n. veniently. Abissare, [biss'r] v. a. to abominable, execrable, hateful. to grow austere. Abominamento, see AbbominaAbbrnstiare, [bbrsti're'] Ab- precipitate, ruin. brustire, [bbrsti're'] v. a- to Abisso, [bis's] wi. abyss, gulf, mento. [itable. Aborigeni, [bri'je'ni] m. pi. hell. singe, scorch. Abbrustolare , [bbrstol're'] Abitabile, [bit'bile'] adj. hab- aborigenes, pi. and Abbrustolire,[bbrstoli'- Abitacolo, [bit'kl] m. poor Aborrevole, [brr'vl] adj. dwelling, mean habitation, bin- abhorrent, detestable, odious. r] V. a. to toast, crisp. - del Aborrire, [brri'r] abpane, to toast bread. nacle. Abbrutire, [bbrti'r] v. a. to Abitante, [bitn'te'] m. inhab- hor; loathe. Abortare, [brt'r] Abortire, brutify; -, v. n. to grow ugly. itant, dweller, resident. Abbucinare, [bbcin'r] va. Abitare, [bit're'] inhab- [brti're'] v.n. Abortirsi, [brtir'si] u r. to miscarry, fail. it, live in. to deafen with talk. Abbujare, [bby're'j v. a. to Abitato, [bita't]m. habitation. Abortivo, [brti'v] adj. aborhide, conceal.-,., to grow Abitatore,|'bitt'r] wi. inhab- tive; untimely. itant, dweller. Aborto, [br't] m. abortion, dark. Abburattamento , [bbrtt- Abitatrice, [bittri'tsh] f. fe- abortive child, premature birth. male inhabitant. Abosino, [bsi'n] wi. a kind me'n't] m. bolting, sifting. [bittsinAbburattare,[bbrtt'r]t).a. Abitazioncella , of plum tree. to bolt, sift, abuse. Abbuat- tshl'l] f. small lodging or Abrasione, [brsi'n] /. erahouse. sing, rubbing off or out. TABSi, V. r. to fidget. Abburattatore, [bbrttt're'] Abitazione,[bittsi'ne] /'.hab- Abrogare, [brg're'] v. a. to and Abburattajo, [abburat- itation, dwelling. abrogate, repeal, abolish. Abitevole, [bitv'le] adj. in- Abrogazione, [brgtsi'ne'] /. ta y] m. bolter, sifter. abrogation, recai, reversal. Abdicare, [bdik'r] v. a. to habitable. Abito, ['bit]n. habit, custom, Abrostine [brsti'n] m. a kind abdicate, resign. Abdicazione [bdiktsi'ne'] f. use; dress, clothes, pi.; suit of wild grape. abdication, resigning. of clothes temperament, com- Abrotano, [br'tn] Abrotino, Abdollao, [abdll'] m. Egyp- plexion; disposition; pigliar [br'tin] m. wild wormwood, southernwood. tian melon. I' -, to take the cowl, go into a

Abduttore, [bdtt're']

ma na^


Abituale, [bt'l] adj. habitabductor. Abduzione,[l)dutsi'ne']/. ana f. ual, customary. Abitualmente, [bitlme'n'te'] abduction. Abecedario, [be'tshe'd'ri] m adv. habitually, by custom. Abituare, [bit're'] use, horn-book. accustom. Abituarsi, v.r. to bel diletto,[abe'l dilt't]adv accustom one's self, become designedly, to one's fill. beU' agio, [a be'll'gi] adv. habituated. slowly, cautiously. Abituatezza, [bitte't's] f. Aberrazione, [brrtsi'ne'] f. state of being habituated, cusaberration, deviation. tom.


Abrotino, [brti'n] Abrotano, [brt'n] a. kind of flax. Absente, [absen'te'] see Assente. Absida, [bsci'd] /. interior of the choir. Abside, [b'side']m.08fr., apsis, circle of a planet. Abstemio, [bst'mi] adj. abstemious.


[bs're'] v.


to abuse, misuse, use



aw. by

Abitudinale, [bitdin'le'] adj.


exsperience, experimentally. habitual. Abetaja, [bt'y] f. fir-plan- Abitudine, [bit'dine']


misemploy, trespass on; abusarsi della pazienza di uno, to wear out a man's patience.
[bsi'ne'] /. abuso,



Abituro, [bit'r] m. humble


Abete, [abe"te'] m. fir-tree; pine. Abetino, [bti'n] adj. of firtree, deal.

[ bitse'f'fe'] adv. in


A bizzeffe,


great abundance. Ablaqueare, [blqe''re'] v. a. gum. to dig round the roots of trees. Abigeato [bije''t] m. cattle- Abiurare, see Abbiurare. stealing, horse-stealing, sheep- Ablativo , [blti'v] m., gr.
[bie'ti'na] f. fir-tree


ablative case.

Abigeo, [abij']m. cattle-steal- Abluzione,



tion; purifying.
adj. able, capa

ble, clever, skilful. Abilit , [abilit']

Abnegarsi, [bne'gr'si] v. r. to deny one's self. Abilitade, Abnegazione, [bne'gtsi'n] f.

capacity, self denial. f. ability, dexterity, address; power; fare Abolibile, [bli'bile'] adj. abolAcaro, [kd'r] m.miteincheeso. ishable. -, to give time. Abilitare [bilit're'] v. a. to Abolire, [bH're'] v. a. to ahol Acattolico, see Accattolico. ish, annul. Acca, [ak'ka] f. tho lettor H; enable, c[ualify, empower.

adv. abusively; improperly. Abusivo, [bsi'v] adj. abusivo, improper; moneta abusiva, f. base coin. Abuso, [b's] m. abuse, disuse. Abutelo, [bt'l] m. yoUovr raarshmallow. Abuzzago, [abtsh'g] a. kiul of bird resembling a kite. Acacip, [k'tshi] /. acacia. Academia, [kd'mi] see Accademia. Acanto, [akn't] m., bot. acanthus.

. ..

non vale un'
a pin.
-, it is

deep into the Accarpionare,
V. 0.

rious, eager in prosecuting any thing, obstinate. Accademia, [kkd'mi] f. aca- Accannellare, [kknne'll're'] v demy,university,musica,l soire. a. to wind upon bobbins.

not wortli

flesh, penetrate,

to pickle

[kkrpin'r] carp or other

Accademicamente, [kkdmi- Accanto, [kkn't] adv.

Accartocciamento , [kkrttcme'n'te] adv. after the cusside, beside, near. shme'n't] m. the act of wraptom of academies. Accantonamento, [kkntn- ping up in a cornet, (a paper Accademico, [kkd'mic] adj. mn't] m., mil. cantonment. used by grocers.) academical. -, m. academician; Accantonarsi, [kkntnr'si]t). Accartocciare, [kkrttsh're'] academist. n. to quarter one''s self. V a. to wrap up in a cornet. Accademista, [kkde'mi'st] m. Accantonato , [kkntn't] Aocasamento,[kksme'n't]m.
pr. a-

pupil in riding. adj., arch., containing corners marriage, wedding. Accadere, [kkd're'] v.n. ir'., and angles in a square. Accasare, [kks're'j v. a. to see Cadere, to happen, befal, Accapacciamento,[kkaptshbuild houses. -, u. n. to take a come to pass. Accadeesi, v. t. mn't] m. heaviness of head. wife. Accasarsi, v. r. to begin to be fit, become. Accapacciato , [kkptsh't] house-keeping, marry. Accadevole, [kkde'v'le'] adj. adj. fatigued with thinking. Accascare, [kksk'r] v. n. to that may take place or happen. Accapare, [kkp're'] v. .to chance, happen. Accadimento,[kkdime'n't]m. bring to an end, finish. Accasciamento, [kkshme'n'accident, chance. Accaparrare, [kkprr're'] v. t] m. debility through old age. Accaffare [akkafi^a're'] v. a. to a. to make a bargain, give or Accasciare, [akksh're'] v a. to snatch, wrest away. receive earnest money. weaken, debilitate. -, AccaAccagionamento , [kkjn- Ace apezzare, [kkpts're'] v sciarsi, V. r. to become feeme'n't] m. imputing, imputable or dejected through age, a. to conclude, finish, wind up.

tion, charge.


[akkjn're'] v. a.

to impute, accuse of, charge with. Accagionatore, [kkajnt're'] m. i.nputer, ai/uu.:72^.

Accagi-Acagi[kk' J -kjx;] cashew-nut, anacardium. Accagliare, [kkl'i're'] v. a. to put rennet in milk to coagulate
a. to

Accalappiare, [kklappi're] u
Accaldare, [kkld'r] v.
insnare, catch, inveigle. a. to


Accaloramento, [kklrme'n' to] m. the act and effect of


Accalorare, [kklr're'] v. a. and Accalorire, [kklri'r] to heat, incite, animate. Accampamento, [kkmpme'n't]


Accampanare, [kkmpn're'] V. a.o make in the form of a


Accampare, [kkmp're'] to encamp. Accamparsi,

to pitch one's camp.

v. n.
v. r.

Accamuffare,[kkmff're'] .a. to render suspected, senii to Coventry.

Accanalare, [kknl're'] v.
to channel, chamfer, flute.




Accanare, [akkn're'] v.

a. to

unleash, uncouple, let slip


Accapigliarsi, [kkpil'r'si] v. decay, fall off. r. to take one another by the Accasermare, [akkase'rraa're'] v. hair. a. to place in barracks. Accapitolare, [kkpitl're'j v. Accastellamento , [kkste'llaa., bookb. to put head-bands. me'n't] m,, mar. fore-castle, Accappaccato,[kkpptsh't] hind-castle. adj. wrapped in a mantle, hood- Accastellato, [akkste'll't]ad;. mar. having a fore-castle and ed, muffled up. Accappatojo, [kkdppt'y] m hind-castle. Accatarramento , [kkatrracombing-cloth, linen mantle. Accappare,[kkpp'r] v. a. to ran't] m. cold, catarrh. remove the hair from skins, Accatarrare,[kktrr'r] u. n, finish, succeed. to catch a cold. Accappiare, [kkppi'r] v. a. Acoatarr atura, [kktrrt'r] to tie with a running knot, f. a catarrhal affection. insnare, noose. Accatastare, [kktst're'] v. Accappiatura , [kkppit'r] a. to heap up. running knot, gin, Accattabrigbe,[kkattbri'ghc'] f. noose, snare. m. quarrelsome fellow. Accapponare, [kkppna're'] v. Accattameuto, [kkttamen't] a. to make capons, capon. m. beggary, begging. Accaprettare , [kkpre'tt're'] Accattamori, [kkttm'ri] f V. a. to tie an animal by the harlot. Accattapane, [kkttp'ne'] m. lour legs. Acoapricciare, [kkpritsh're'] beggar. A ccapricciarsi, [akkapr itshar'- Accattare, [kktt're'] v. a. to borrow, beg, seek for, obtain, si] V. r. to shudder, shiver, be get, impetrate. - pane, to beg horrified. Accapucciare, [kkaputsh'r] one's bread. V. a. to put on a hood, cover Accattatore, [kkttt're'] m. borrower, beggar, collector. one's self. Acoapucciato, [kkptsh't] Accattatozzi, [kkattt'tsijm. beggar from door to door. adj. (said of a horse that has a Accattatura, [kkttt'r] /. short head.) Accarezzamento , [kkre'ts- the thing borrowed. rae'n't] m. caressing, caresses Accatteria, [kktte'ri'] f. borrowing, begging, collecting. pi., wheedling. Accarezzare,[kkre'ts'r] va. Accatto, [kkt't], sum

collected, gain, profit; pigliar -, to borrow. Accattollco, [kkttli'c] adj. adj. wheedling, fondling. passion. Accanire, [kkni're'] see Acca- Accarezzatore,[kkre'tst're'] not catholic, protestant. Accattone, [kktt'ne'J m.vile m. flatterer. nare.

AccANAKSi, V. r. to get to caress, flatter, fondle. furious, put one's self into a Accarezzativo, [kkre'tsti'v]


Accanitamente, [kknitmn'- Accarezzevole,[kkre'ts'vle']

t] od u. furiously, rabidly, violently.

beggar, impostor.

Accanito, lakkani'to] adj.

Accavalcare, [kkvlk're'] v. adj. flattering. Accarnare, [kkrn're'] Accar- a. to mount upon. fu- nire [kkrni're'] v. a. to cut Accavalciare, [kkvlsth'rj



. a. to ride or sit astraddle Accensibile, [atshe'nsibi'le'J atO'- Accessorio, [tshe'ss'ri] adj. accessory. inflammable, combustible. upon, to back. Accavalcioni, [kkvltsh'ni] Accensione, [tshe'nsi'n] f. Accestire, [tsche'sti'rel v. n. to become bushy. burning, conflagration, or A cavalcioni, [a kvltsh'lAccenso, [tshn's] adj.,pocs. Acctta, [atshe''tt] /. hatchet, ni] adv. astride.
' !

kindled, inflamed, Accavallamento , [kkvllmn't] m. the act of piling Accentare, [tshe'nt're']


v. a. Accettabile, [tshe'tt'bile'] adj.

acceptable, agreeable, welcome. to place the accent on words. up. Accavallare, [kkvll re] v Accento, [tshe'n't] m. accent, Accettagione, [tshttaj'n] f. pronunciation, note, pause of Accettamento, [tshttmn'a. to pile one upon another. t] TO. acceptance. the voice. Acoavigliare, [kkvil''r] v .ft. Accentrarsi, [tshe'ntrr 'si] v.n. Accettamente, [tshe'ttme'n 'te'] to wind on bobbins. adv. earnestly. Accecamento, [atsbe'kran't] to retire into the centre. Accentuale, [tshe'nt'le'] adj. Accettante, [tshttn'te'] m. m. blindness, mist.ake, error. accepter (of abili of exchange). Accecare, [tshk'r] v. a. to of the accent. blind. -, V. n. to become blind, Accentuare, [tshe'nt're'] va. Accettare, [tshe'tt're'J v.n. to accept, receive; - una lettera to accent, pronounce. tarnish. Accecatoio, [tsbkat'y] i Accentuatamente, [tshe'ntu- di cambio, to accept a bill ol exchange. tme'n'te'] adv. in an accented an auger. (Accentuatamente. Accettata, [tshe'tt't] f. blow Accecatore, [atscbeTiato're'] m. manner. Accentuato, [tshe'ntu't] see from an axe. deceiver, cheat. Accedere, [tshde"re'] v. n. to Accentuazione,[tshe'nttsio'- Accettatore-trice, [tshe'ttt're'-tri'ce'] m. f. accepter. ne'] f. the effect of accenting. approach, draw near, accede. [tshe'rci- Accettazione, [tshe'tttsi'ne'] Acceffare, [tshfta're'] v. a. to Accerchiamento , catch with the teoth, seize, me'n't] m. encircling, encom- f. acceptance, acceptation. Accettevole, [tshe'tte''vl] see passing, hooping. (cock. snatch. Acceggia, [tshe"ji] /". ivood- Accerchiare, [tshe'rki're']v. a. Accettabile. Accettevolmonte, [tshtte'vlAccelerainento,[tshle'ramn'- to encompass, hoop, enclose. me'n'te'] adv. with pleasure, t) m. swiftness, speed, haste. Accerchiellare[tshe'rkill're'] Accelerare, [tshe'lr're] v. a. V. a. to bind with hoops, hoop. agreeably, willingly. to accelerate, speed. Accele- Accercinare, [tshrcin'r] v. Acctto, [tshe''t] adj. acceptrarsi, V. r. to hurry one's self, a. to make in the form of a por- able, agreeable, pleasing, grateful, welcome. ter's knot. make haste.

Acceleratamente, [tshe'le'rat- Accerrare,[tshe'rr'r] v. a. to Acchetamento, [kke't'me'nt] mn't] adv. in a hurry, quick- make fringe, wind into skeins, TO. the act and effect of calmly, speedily.


ing or appeasing.



adj. accelerating.

Accelerazione, [tshe'le'rtsi'n] f acceleration, speed. Accellana, [tschll'na]/'. cloth Accertare, [tshe'rt're'] v. a. to ascertain, confirm, assure, pro made of thread and wool. Accendere, [tshn'de're'] v. a. mise. Accertarsi, v. r. to assure one's self, make sure of. irr. (accesi acceso) to kindle, light, set on fire fig. to stir up. Accertatamente, [tshrttAccendersi, V. r. to catch fire, mn'te'] adv surely, with certainty. kindle, become angry. Accendevole , [tshnde"vl] Accertazione , [tshe'rtsi'n] and Accendibile [tshndi'bile'] f. ascertaining, confirmation, assertion. adj. inflammable, combustible. Acaendifuoco, [.itsche'ndif'c] Accertello , [tshrtl'l] iv. kestrel (hawk). w. one who lights a fire. Accendimento[tshndime'n't] Accerto, [tshe'r't] m. certainty, security, safety. ^ m. setting on fire, burning. Accenditojo, [tshndit'y] m. Accesamente, [tshe'sme'n'te'] adw. ardently,fervidly, eagerly. lighting stick. Accenditore, [tshe'ndit're'] m. Acceso, [atsh's] adj. from Accendere, kindled, lighted; Mndler, lighter, inflaraer. Accennamento, [tshe'nnme'n'- inflamed flashing merch. not paid, open; - d'amore, inflat) m. nod, wink, hint, sign. Accennare, [tshe'nn're'] v. a. med with love. to beckon, nod, hint, make Accessibile, [tshe'ssi'bile'] adj. accessible, approachable. mention, advise.
; ;

Accertamento, [tshe'rtme'n't] Acchetare, [kkt're'] v. a. to m. Accertanza,[tshe'rtn'ds] hush, quiet, still calm, appease Acchetarsi; v. r. to tranquil/. confirmation, certainty, aslize one's self, become calm, surance.


Acchiappare, [kkipp're']v.
to catch, seize


cheat, trick.

Acohiappatojo, [kkippt'y] TO. instrument for catching any thing, snare.

Acchiocciolare, [kkitshla're'] V. a. to make one sit squat;

Acchiocciolarsi, v. r. to sit brooding lie squat, sit cowering, moping. Acchitarsi, [akkitar'si] v. r. to

commence the first stroke at billiards. Acchito [kki't] to. the position of the ball when played. Accia, [t'sh] f. thread, flax,

Acciabattamento, [tshbtt'

mn't] TO. botching, bungling. Acciabattare, [tshbtt're] v, a. to botch, cobble, bungle. Acoiaccaro, [tshkk're'] v. a. Accennatore,[tshe'nna,t're'] m. Accessibilit, [tsche'sibili't] to crush, squash, bruise, pound. he who beckons or nods. f. what may be approachable. Acciaccata, [tshkk't] /". tho Accenaatura,[tshnnat'r] f. Accessione, [tshe'ssi'n] f. ac- act of bruising. Acciaccatura, [sthkkt'rj cession, addition, access, fit. nod, hint. Accenno, [tahe'n'n] m. hint, Accesso, [atshs's] m. access, f. the effect of bruising. Acciacciare [tshaki'r] v. n. approach, fit, paroxysm. advice. Acoensare, [tshe'ns're'] v. a. Accessoriamente, [tshssri- to gossip, undertake a thing inconsiderately. me'n'te'] adv accessorily. to let on lease.



Acciacco,[4.tshk'k] m.ontrage, Aocignimento, [tshin'ime'n't] GLiEESi, V. r. to meet, assemaflFront; indisposition, illness. m. preparation, preparing one's ble. Acciaccoso , [tshk's] adj. self. Accoglimentaceio, [kkl'ime'ninfirm, ailing. Accileccare, [tshile'k're'] va. tt'sh] TO. cool reception. Acciajare, [tshy'r] v. a. to flatter with feigned pro- Accoglimento, [kkl'ime'n't] m. assemblage, gathering; kind to reduce iron to steel. mises, (cignersi. Acciajato, [tshya't] adj. tip- Accingersi, [tshin'je'rsi] see Ac- reception, welcome. [kkritit'sh] ped with steel. Accintolare, [tshintl're'] v. Accogliticcio, Acciajo, [th'y] wi. steel; a. to sew on a band to the adj. gathered up hastily, picked penna d'-, f. steel-pen. selvage of a piece of woolen up here and there. Acciajuolo, [tshy'l]m. steel cloth to be dyed, to prevent Accoglitore,[kkrit're] trice, (to strike fire with). TO. f. gatherer, receiver. its being colored. Acciaunare, [tshn're'] v.n. Acci, [tsh'] conj. that, to Accolito, [kk'h't] m. acolyte. to set one's self to work with- the end that. Accollamento, [akk'lame'n't] ontconsideration or experience. Acciocch, [tshkk] conj. that, TO. taking on one's self the Acciappinare, [tshppin're'] in order that. debts or obligations of do hastily; - v. n. to Acciocco, [tshikk] adj. said ther. he angry Accollare, [kkll'r] v. a. to of a stock (flower). Acciaro, [tsh're'] v. a. to Acciottolare, [tshttl're'] v. yoke; join; AccoILarsi, v. r. mince almost obsolete. to take charge of, be respona. to pave with pebbles. Acciarino, [tshri'n] see Ac- Acciottolio, [tshitt'li] m. sible for, undertake. ciajnolo. the sound made by plates &c. Accolpare, [kklp're'] v. a. to Acciarito, [tshri't] adj. re- struck together. accuse, blame, impeach. duced to steel. Accipigliarsi, [tbshipigli'rsi] Accolta, [kkrt] f. assembly, Acciaro, [tsh'r] m. poes. V. n. to frown, become angry. meeting see Raccolta.

sword. Acciarpare, [atshrp're'] v. a. to cobble, botch, bungle. Acciarpone, [tschrp'ne'] m. a continual bungler. Accidentale, [tshide'nt'le'] adj.
accidental, casual.

Accismare, [tshism're']
to cut asunder, sever.

v. a.


[kklte'lln'te'J see Accoltellatore.

Accidentalit, [tshide'nt'lit] f. chance, accident.


[tshide'ntlme'n't, adi;, accidentally, by

Accidentato, [tschide'nt't]m. one struck by apoplexy. Accidente, [athsidnte'] m. acchance, hap misforapoplectic fit ; per -, by chance. Accidentoso,[tshidnt's]af7y. sudden, accidental (said of illcident,



Accidentucco,[tshide'ntt'sh] m. little accident. Accidia, [tshi'di] f. idleness, laziness, slotb, indolence.

Accidiare, [atshidia're'] v. r. to give one's self up to sloth.



me'n'te'] adv. lazily, slothfully.

Accidioso, [tshdi's] adj idle, lazy, slothful ; -, m. sluggard, drone. (cecare. Aociecare, [tshk're'J see Ac-

Accigliamento, [tshil'mn't]
TO. sullenness. Accigliare, [tshil''re'] v. a. to sew up the eyelids (of hirds of prey), to render them tame, AociGLiAESi, V. r. to knit one's brows, look sullen. Accigliato 7 [tshl''t] adj, gloomy, sullen; thoughtful. ccignersl, [tshin'r'si] v r. irr. {accingo; accinsi; accinto) to gird up one's loins; prepare one's solf; sot about.

Acciuffare, [tshuff're'] v. a. to Accoltellare [kklte'll're'] v.a. to stab or thrust with a knife. take by the hair, catch. Acciuga, [tsh'g] f anchovy. Accoltellata, [kkolte'll'ta] f. Acciugata, [tshg't] f. sauce stab with a knife. made of anchovies boiled with Accoltellatore, [kklte'llt're'] TO. stabber, gladiator, cutoil. throat. Accivettato, [tshivtt't] adj. cautious, wise by experience. Accomanda, [akkmn'd] f. Accivimento, [tshivimn'tjm. trust; deposit, pledge; share. provision, storing (little used). Accomandagione, [kkmndAcclamare, [kklm're'] u.a. to j'n] f. protection, trust, applaud, acclaim, elect by ac- guardianship. clamation; -, clap hands. Accomandante, [akkmndan'Acclamatore, m. one who ac- t] TO. sleeping partner, shareholder. claims. Acclamazione, [kklratsi'n] Accomandare, [kkmanda're'l v.a. to recommend, hand over, f. acclamation, applause. Accline, [kkli'n] adj. inclined, give in charge; deposit, consign, fasten, lash, belay. Accoaddicted. Acclive,[kkli'Ye'] adj. declivous, mandarsi, t>. r. to recommend one's self. sloping. Acclivit, [kklivit'] f, accli- Accomandatario, [akkmndt'ri] TO. acting partner, trusvity, sloping. Accludere, [kklude''re'] v. a. to tee, agent. inclose (said chiefly of letters.) Accomandigia, [akkmndi'jf] Accoccare, [kkkk're'] to place see Accomandagione. the arrow on the string; ac- Accomandita, [kkmn'dta] f. merch. partnership. coccarla ad uno, to play one Accomandolare, [akkmndl'a trick. Accoccolare, [kkkkla're'] v. re] V. a. to re-unite broken threads in weaving. a. to seat one's self squat. Ac[kkme'n'd] f. coccoLARSi, V. r. to sit squat, Accomenda, money or goods committed to stoop down. Accoccovare or Accoccovarsi, the master of a vessel to trade [kkkkvr'si] sit squat. with. Accodare, [kkd're'] v. n. Ac- Accomezzarsi, [akkmtsrsi] codarsi, [kkdr'si] v. r, to v.n. r. to unite hy the middle. Aocomignolare, [kkmin'l'follow close at one's heels. Accoglieuza, [kkl'n'ds] /". re'] V. a. to unite like a roof, acuminate. kind reception, welcome. Accogliere, [kk'l'r] v a.irr. Accommiatare, [kkmmdt're'] V. a. to dismiss, let go; dissee Cogliere; to welcome, reband; Accommiatarsi, v. r, to ceive; assemble, collect; -, v. n. to approach; happen; Aooo- take one's loavei bid farewell.
. .

Accommiatatore-trce,[Tkinmitt'r-tri'c] m. /".he that gives leave, he that sends away. Accomodabile, [kkmda'bil] adj. that may be adjusted, acto fit; set





[kkmdam. adjustment, agree-

ment, composition.

Accomodare, [kkmda're'] v
a. to

in order, prepare; heart-rending; -, m. misforfashion; join; tune; a sharp instrument used settle, place; reconcile; cook. for killing pigs &c. to preserve; - le ragioni, to Accorazione, [kkrtsi'n] f. settle disputed accounts. Acdeep grief, sadness sorrowing. conciarsi, V. r. to deck one's Accorciamento [kkrtsh, self oat; settle or place one's mn't] m. shortening, contracself; - detr anima, to prepare tion, diminution. for death. Accorciare, [kkrtsh're'J


accommodate, put in or-

Acconoiatamente, [kkntshtme'n'te'] see Acconciamente.

v. a. to shorten, contract, abridge.

der; adjust, arrange; procure: Acconciatore, [kkntsht'r] compromise; suit; please; Ac- ?n. adjuster; hair-dresser, at- crease. comodarsi, V. r. to conform tirer. Accorciatamente, [kkrtshtone's self; come to an agree- Acconciatrice, [kkntshtr'- mn't] adv. in a word, briefly. ment; be reconciled; sit dovm; tsh] f. tire-woraan, milliner. Accorciativo, [akkrtshti'v] $' la accomodi , please to be Acconciatura, [kkntshat'r] adj. shortening, contracting. seated. /.ornament for the head, head- Accorciatoja,

Accorciarsi, V. r. to shrink, become short, shrivel up, de-

Accomodatamente, [kkmdtme'n't] adv. suitably, exactly; justly, seasonably.


dress; perdere T-, to miss one's



a short cut.

aim be frustrated. Accorciatore, [kkrtsht'r] Acconcime, [kkntshi'me'] m. m. abbreviator, abridger. AccomodatTo, [kkmdti'v] repairing of a house or farm. Accorciatura, [kkrtshtn'r]
adj. suitable.

Accomodatrice, [kkmdtri'tsh]

tire-v^oraan, milliner.

[kkmdt'- gain; in -, seasonably, suitably. tractible. adjustment; agreement. Acconfarsi, [kknfr'si] v. r. Accordamento, [kkrdmeVAccomodazione, [kkmda- pass, to agree to a thing. t] m. accordance, consonance, tsi'n] /. accommodation, ad- Acconigliaro, [kknir're'] v. accord, agreement, harmony of justment, agreement. a. to draw up the oars into the parts. Accomodevolmente, [kkrr.- vessel. Accordare, [kkrd'r] v. a. to de'vlme'n'te'] adu conveniently. Acconsentimento, [kknse'ntitune instruments; reconcile; Accomodo, [kkm'djady. pro- me'n't] vi. consent, assent. grant; -v. n. to be in unison, per, fit, suitable. Acconsentire, [kknse'nti're'] v agree. Accordarsi, . r. to be Accompagnamento , [kkm- a. to consent, agree to; cede; in tune; agree, harmonize. pan'me'n't] m. accompani- approve. Accordatamente, [kkrdtment; suite, retinue. Accentare, [kknt're'] v. a. to me'n't] adv. unanimously. Accompagnare, [kkmpn''- meet with; inform, count. Accordato, [kkrdat] m. comre'] V. a. to accompany, attend, Accontato, [kknt't] adj. faplete harmony. escort; join with, match; Ac- miliar, intrinsic, correspondAccordatore, [kkrdt'r] m. compagnarsi, V. r. to accom- ent, (payment of a debt. tuner of instruments; peacepany one's self; take a compan- Acconto, [kkn't] m. part maker, reconciler, mediator. ion; marry. Accoppare, [kkpp'r] v. a. Accordatrice, [kkrdtri'tshe'] Accompagnatore, [kkmpn'- to kill by knocking down (as an f. she who reconciles, mediaat'r] m. companion. ox), to tile. trix. Accompagnatrice, [kkmpn'- Accoppiabile , [akkppia'bil] Accordatura, [kkrdat'r] f. tri'tshe'] one that accompaadj. matchable. harmony, consonance, unison. nies. Accoppiamento , [kkppi- Accordellare, [kkrdll'r] v. Accompagnatura, [kkmpn'- mn't] m. coupling, match, a. to twist any material toget'r] f, accompaniment, train. union. ther so as to form a cord. Accompagnaverbo,[kkmpn'- Accoppiare, [kkppi're'] v. a. Accordellatine, [akkrdllti've'r'b] particle placed before to couple, yoke; match, join; n] m. cloth woven in narrow a verb. Accoppiarsi, u. r. to walk two stripes. Accomunamento, [kkmn- by two; join in pairs. Acoordevole, [kkrde'vljadj. mn't] m. community, parti- Accoppiatojo, [kkppito'y] reconciliable; suitable, compatcipation. m. a chain or leash to tie hunt- ible. Accomanare, [kkmun're'] v. ing dogs together. Accordio, [kko'r'di] ni. cona. to put in common; -, u. n. to Accoppiatore, [kkppit're'] cord, agreement, convention, live in a community; Accomum. one that couples; match- capitulation. narsi, V. r. to treat as com- maker. Accordo, [kkr'd] m. agreerades, familiarize one's self. Accoppiatura, [kkppit'r] ment, compact; harmony, acAcconcezza, [kkntshe't's] f. f. coupling, union, pairing. cord; essere d'-, to agree, harsuitableness, conveniency; fi- Accoramento, [kkrmn't] monize; mettere d'-, to make nery, dress. m. affliction, sorrow, grief. friends, reconcile. Acconciamente , [kkntsh- Accorare, [kkra're'] v. a. to Accordonare, [kkrdn're'] v. mn't] adv. properly, becom- afflict deeply, grieve. Acco- a. to ornament with braid. ingly, fittingly. R4.RSI, V. r. to be grieved to Accorgere, [kk r 'j ere] r.n.trr. Acconciamento, [kkntsha- the heart. (accorgo ; accorsi ; accorto), to mn'tjm. adjustment; amends; Accorato, [kkr't] adj. pruperceive, discover. Accorgersi, skill, art. dent, sensible. v.r. irr. to be sensible of;DerAcconciare, [akkntsh'r] v. a. Aocoratojo, [akkiJrt'y] adj. ceive, remark, observe.


Acconcio, [kkn'tsh] adj. fit- f. shortening; abridgment. ted, dressed; suitable; becoming, Accorcievole, [kkrtsh'vl] m. convenience; advantage, adj. that may be shortened, con-



Accorgimento, [ickrjimn't] Accotonare, [kktn're'] v. a. Accumulare, [kktiml're'] v. a. to raise the nap. to accumulate, heap up. m. circumspection, prudence. Accoricare,[akkrica'r] see Co- Accotonatore, [kktnt'r] Accumulatamente, [kkmltmn't] adv. abundantly. m. nap-raiser. ricare. Accorre, [kk're']seeAccogliere. Accotonatura, [kktnt'r] Accumulatore, [kkmlt're'] Accorrere, [kkor'rr]i; n. irr. f. the effect of raising the nap. m. accumulator. [kkmla(accorsi; accorso), to run up, Accottimante, [kkttimn'te'] Accumulazione , run after, pursue accorr' uo- m. one who undertakes a work tsi'ne'], f. see Accumulamento. Accuratamente, [kkrtmn'mo help! help! by estimate. Accorrimento, [akkr'rime'n't] Accottimare, [kkttim're'] v. t] adv. accurately, v/ith care. m. concourse. a to undertake a work by esti- Accuratezza, [kkrte't's] f. accuracy, care; attention, dilAccorruomo or Accorr' uomo, mate. [kkr'm] [kkr'm] cry Accovacciarsi, [kkvatshr'si] igence. for succour, similar to the latin and Accovacciolarsi, (akkvt- Accurato, [kkr't] odj.accu' exclamation Quirites. shlr'si) V. r. to lie down in rate, careful; attentive. Accusa, [kk's] f. accusation, Accortamente, [kkrtame'n'te'] a lair, cower down, lie squat. adv. slily, cunningly, prudently. Accovonare, [kkvn're] v. a. charge. Accusabile, [kks'bil] adj. Accortamente, [kkrtamn't] to bind up in sheaves.

see Accorciamento. Accertare, [kkrta'r]



Accozzamento, [akktsme'n't] accusable, blameable. m. gathering, collection, mass; Accusamento, [akksme'n't]



Accortezza, [kkrte't's] f. wa- Accozzare, [kktsa're'] v. a. to riness, cunning, prudence, sarake up, gather, amass; join, gacity. unite. AccozzAKSi, meet Accortigianarsi , [kkrtigia- together clash, butt. nr'si] v. a. r. to become a Accreditare, [kkre'dit're'] v. a. courtier. to give credit to, bring into reAccortinare,[kkrtin're'] o.a. pute. Accreditarsi, v. r. to to furnish a hed with curtains. get a name, bring one's self Accorto, [kkr't] adj. wary, into repute. circumspect, prudent, wise; Accreditato, [kkre'dita't] adj. male -, imprudent, indiscreet, accredited, estimable, confiunwary; /"are-, to advise, warn; dential, worthy. star -, to be attentive. Accrescenza, [kkre'she'n'ds] Accosciarsi, [kkshr'si] v. r. see Accrescimento. to squat, sit down cowering. Accrescere, [kkrshe''re'] v. a.

m. accusation. (cuser. Accusante, [kksn't] nr. acAccusare, [kks're'] v. a. to accuso impeach; blame, reproach; own, confess; acquaint; - una lettera, to acknowledge
the receipt of a letter. Accusarsi, u. r. to blame or accuse
one's self, confess.

Accusativo,[kksati'v]m.,gr. accusative case. Accusatore-trice [kkst're'tri'ce'],m./'. accuser; informer. Accusatorio, [kkst'ri] adj. accusatory. Accusazioncella, [kkstsin-

Accostamento, [kkstme'n't] and n. irr., see Crescere, to tsh'l] f. slight accusation. Accusazione, [kkstsi'n] f. m. approach, access. increase, augment. Accostante, [kkstn'te'] adj. Accrescimento, [kkre'shime'n'- accusation, charge, blame. approaching,nearly like; pliant, t] m. increase, growth; aug- Acefalo, [tsh'fl] adj. acesupple; vino -, in. stomachic mentation, addition. wine; argomento - a stringent Accrescitivo , [kkre'shiti'v] argument. adj. increasing, augmenting. Accostare, [kkst're'] v. a. to Accrescitore, [kkre'shit'r] m. approach, advance, bring near. increaser amplifier. AccosTAESi, draw near, Accrespare, [kkre'sp'r] see accost, approach, address; make Increspare. an alliance with. Accrezione, [kkre'tsi'ne'] /. acAccostatura, [kkstat'r] f. cretion. connexion. Accruscagliare [kkruskl'r] Accostevole, [kkst'vle'] adj. V. a. to mix heterogenious of easy approach, accessible. things together. Accostolatura, [kkstlt'r] Aocucciarsi and Accucciolarsi, defect in a cloth when it [kktshr'si] [kktshlr'si] f becomes twisted in the fulling- V. a., r. to lie down in the mill. kennel. Accostumanza, [kkstumn'- Accudire, [kkudi're'] v. n. to ds,] f. custom, habit; practice. look after, take care of; apply Accostumare, [kkstm'r] v. one's self to, mind. accustom, inure; a. to train up, Acculare, [kkl're'] v. a. to educate; -, v. n. to be customa- place a cart with the shafts in ry, be accustomed. Accostuthe air. marsi, v. r. to inure one's self; Accularsi, [kklr'si] v. r. to get practised. squat down sit at one's ease ; Accostumatamente, [kkst- take one's lodgings. matme'n'te'] adv. usually, as Acculattarsi, [kklttr'si] v

phalous. Aceraja, [tshe'r'y]



wood of



adv. prematurely, unseasonably; pertinaciously, bitterly, tartly, harshly.


[tshe'rbe't't] adj. tartish, sourish; coy. Acerbezza, [tshrbt's]/".acerbity, tartness; asperity. Acerbire, [tshrbi'r] v. a. to exacerbate, (said of a disease). Acerbit, [tshrbit'] Acerbitade, Acerbitate, /". acerbity, tartness, harshness, asperity. Acerbo, [thr'b] adj. sour, unripe, tart; hard, severe. Acereta or Acereto [tschere''t]

m. a space planted with mapletrees.

Acoro, ['tshe'r] m, maple-tree. Aoerra, [tsche'r'r] f. incenso used in ancient sacrifices.

Acerrimamente, [tsche'rrimme'nte']

adv very bitterly, very


down like a dog. harshly. Accostumato, [kkstm't] Accumulamento , [kkml- Acerrimo, [tshe'rim] adj. accustomed, customary sour, valiant. me'nt] m. Accumulanza [kusual.
r. to sit


usual, ordinary; brcd; moral.





accumulation, Acertello, [tshe'rtl] m. kes' trel (hawk).

Acervare, [tshrv'r] v a to heap together. jioes. Acervo, [tshr'v] i.



heap, pile.

Acescente, [tshe'she'n'te'] adj. tending to acidity. Acescenza, [tsche'tsche'nt's]/". level ovremo dell'-, we shall Acquerugiola, [kkwr'jl] /*. have rain; far venire V - alia drizzling rain, Scotch mist. tendency to acidity. to make one's mouth Acquetamento, [kkutme'n'Acetabolo, [tsht'bl] m. vi- bocca water; diamante di prima -, t] m. the act and effect of apnegar cruet. Acetario, [tsht'ri] m. any a diamond of the first water; peasing. Acquetare, [kkue't're'] v. a. to mar., far -, to leak. herb eaten in salad. Acetato, [tshe't't] adj. acid, Acquacchiare , [akkuakkia're'] appease, pacify, quiet. V. n. to lose vigor (said of Acquetta, [kkut't] f. small sour, tart. rain; wine mixed with water; Acetino, [tshe'ti'n] m. species wine),
; ; ,

salt-water; beryl; Acquerella, [kkwe'r'l] /".small morta, f. stagnant water, still rain, light rain; water-colors. water; -nanfa, f. crange-flo- Acquerellare, [kkurll'r]v. wer-water; - rosa, - rosata, f. a. to paint in water-colors. m. rose-water; - viva, f. spring- Acquerello , [akkue'r'l] water; o fiore d' -, at water's wrater-colors thin watery wine.

[kkwitsh'l] f. , Acetini, [atshe'ti'ni] m. pi. little Acquacela, [akkwat'sha] /".mud- rivulet; drizzling rain. Acquidoccio, [kkuidt'sh] see works in glass which in form dy water. and color resemble the above- Acqnacedratajo , [kkwtshe'- Acquedotto. [kkuid's] adj. drt'y) m a seller of lemon- Acquidoso, named pomegranate. (aquafortis. humid, moist. Acetire, [tshti'r] v. n. to ade, Acquaforte , [kkitfr'te] f Acquiescenza, [akkwie'shn'ds] be sour, become acid. Acquagliare, [kkuar'r] u. a. /". acquiescence; compliance. Aceto, [tsh'to] m vinegar. Acquiescere, [kkwi'shr] f. n. Acetosa, [atsht'sa] f. sorrel. to curdle, turn into whey. Acetosella , [tshtsri] f. Acquajo, [kkw'y] m.waterer, to acquiesce; comply, yield. sewer conduit Acquietamento, [kkMitame'n'irrigator wild sorrel, dock. t] m. quiet, tranquillity, rest. Acetosit, [atshtsit'] Aceto- drain, water-tube. sitade, Acetositate, f. acidity, Acquajolo, [kkuay'l] adj. Acquietare , [kkuie't're'] see aqueous, aquatic, watery; -, m. Acquetare. sourness.

of oriental light color.

pomegranate of a Acquacchiato



faint, low-spirited.


Acetoso, [tshe't's]

adj. acetous, sour, sharp. Acetume, [tscht'me'] m. all kinds of acids. Acherdo, [akr'd] m. a kind of thorny shrub, wild pear. Achittarsi,[kittr'si] v. r. bill.,
see Acchitarsi.

Acquirente , [kkuirn'te'j m. water seller. Acquapendente, [akkuape'nde'n'- acquirer, buyer, purchaser. t] m. that part of a hill which Acquisizione, [kkuisitsi'ne']/.
acquisition, purchase. inclines towards the river. [kkuist'bile'] Acquare, [kku'rjv. a. to wa- Acquistabile, mar. provide adj. acquirable, obtainable. ter, inundate Acquistamonto, [kkuistmeVwith water, take in water. Acquario, [kkur'i] of t] m. purchase.

Acquistare, [kkwist're'] v. a. Achitto, [kit't] m., bill, see the signs of the zodiac. Acquarono, [kkur'ne'] s. m. to acquire, purchase. Acchito. Acquistatore,[kkuistat're']m. Acidezza, [tshide't'sa] Acidit rainy weather. [tshidi't]Aciditade,Acidita- Acquartierarsi, [kkurtie'rr'- purchaser. Acquistevole , [kkuiste"vlj si] V. r. to take a lodging. te, /.acidity, sourness, tartness. adj. acquirable. Acido, [a'tshid] adj. acid, sour, Acquastrino, [kkustri'n] ni Acquisto, [akkuis't] m. acquimarsh, swamp. pungent, tart, bitter. sition, purchase. Aeldulare,['tshidlre'] v a. to Acquata, [kku't] f., mar. supply of fresh water, water- Acquitrna , [kkwitri'n] f. acidulate. ships. small rain. Acidulo, [tshid'l] adj. acidu- ing-place for Acquatico, [kkw'tik] Acqua- Acquitrino , [akkuitri'n] m. lated. Acidume, [tshid'm]m. acids tile, [akkwa'tile'] adj. aquatic. marsh, bog, swamp. Acquato, [kkw't] adj. water- Acquitrinoso , [kkwitrin's] in general. adj. marshy, boggy, swampy. Acino, ['tshin] ni. kernel of a ed, wine mixed with water. Acquattarsi, [kkuttr'si] v.r. Aquivento, [kuivn't] m. rain grape, grape-stone, thyme. and wind. Acinoso, [tshin'6]odj.fullof to squat, cower. Acquatura, [kkut'r] /. wa- Acquolina, [kkuli'n] /". small grape-stones. rain. Acma, [k'm] /"., med. acme, tering. Acquavitaio, [kkuvit'y] m Acquosit, [kkusi't] /". aquocrisis. sity, wateriness. Aconite, [kni't] m., io^. aco- a brandy merchant. [akku's] adj. aAcquavite , [kkwvi't] f Acquoso, nite, wolf's bane. (harsh. queous, watery. Aconzia, [kn'j] m acontias, brandy. m. Acre, ['kr] adj. sharp, sour; aspecies of serpent called dart- Acquazzone, [kkuts'n] sudden and heavy shower of Acredine, [kr'din] f. acrimosnake. ny, sharpness. Acori, [k'ri] m. pi. running rain. Acquazzoso, [kkuts's] adj. Acredula, [krd'l]/'.mghtinulcers on the face, pi. galo. Acqua, [k'kua] f- water; fig. rainy, pluvious. Acquedotto, [kkwe'dt't] m. Acremente, [akre'rae'n'te'] adj. rain; - cedrata, f. lemonade; sharply, harshly. aqueduct, water-conduit. - concia, f. sugared water; - dolce, Acqueo, [k'ku] adj. watery, Acrezza, [krt's]^ sharpness, cotta, f. barley-water; tartness. aqueous. - fresca, /".cold f. fresh water; Acquereccia, [kkure't'sha] f Acrimonia, [ikrim'nia] acriwater; - di latte, /-.buttermilk, mony, sharpness, severity. ewer basin. inare, - marina,




Acro, ['kr]
adj., poes. sharp,

name of


man Adam. Addestrare,

the first

[dde'str're'] v.

Acrobata, [krb't] m. a rope


Acromatico, [krma'tik] adj.


m. gentleman usher; groom; [krni'k] m. the teacher. acronical rising and setting of Adattabile, [dtt'bile'] adj. Addetto, [dd't] adj. addicted, a star. Acrostico, [kr'stit] m. acros- that can be adapted, applicable. dedicated; attached.


L' ultimo -, the last Adam, i. e. Jesus Christ: porno di -, Adam's apple; Quel dt-,the human body. Adastiamento, [dstiran't] m. spite, envy. Adastiare, [dsti'r] v. a. to envy (little used.)

to prepare; accustom; exercise, drill; teach, instruct: (horse) to

manage. Addestrar-

to exercise, practise. Addestratore, [ddstrt'ie']

si, V. r.

Adattabilit, [dttbili't] f. tic. Aoroterio, [hrt'ri]wi., arcft. fitness, aptitude, suitableness. Adattamente , [dttme'n't] small pedestals, pi. Acuire, [ki're'j v. sharpen, adv. suitably. Adattamento, [dttme'n'tjm. edge, whet. Acuit, [knit'] Acuitade,Acui- adaptation, aptness, applicatate, f. acuteness, sharpness ; tion.

Addiacciare, [dditsha're'] v. a. to park or fold sheep-manure. Addiaccio, [ddi'ki] m. sheep


Addiacente, [ddiatshn'te'] adj.

adjacent, contiguous.



v. a. to

Adattare, [ddtt'r] v. a. to abdicate, repudiate. Acuitivo, [kti'v] ad;. stimu- adapt, fit, adjust. Adattarsi, Addicazione, [ddiktsi'ne'] V. r. to accommodate one's self abdication. lating. (adaptation. Addietro, [ddie''tr] adv. be Aculeo, ['kle'] m. sting, goad; to. Adattazione, [dttatsi'n] [. hind, backwards; per T-, herespur, stimulus. Acume, [akii'ni] j. sharp point; Adatto, [dt't] adj. adapted; tofore, formerly; essere - con, fit, proper, suitable; skilful. sharpness of wit; suhtility. to be ignorant of; lasciare -, Acuminare, [kmin're'] v. a. Addarsi, [ddr'si] v. r. to ad- to leave ofi"; mettere -, to negf.

dict one's self to. lect. to point, sharpen. Acustica, [k'stik] /".acoustics. Addato, [dd't] adj.dexterous, Addiettivamente,


Acutamente, [aktme'n'te'j adv.

acutely, sharply.



adv. adjectively.





Addaziare, [ddtsi'r] v. a. to Addiettivo, [additti'v] m. adimpose taxes, subject to tax- jective.

ness wit. ation. Acuticornio, [kticr'ni] m. Addebilire, [ddeTilfre'] v. a. to sharp horned. debilitate, weaken. -, f. n. to Acutire, [akuti're'] v. a. to shar- grow weak. pen. Addebitare, [dde'bit're'] r. a. Acuto, [k't] adj. acute, sharp, to place to account. pointed; accento -, m. acute Addebito, [ddbi't] m. impuaccent; dolore -, m. grievous tation, stain on character. pain; voce acuta, f. shrill voice. Addebolimentp, [ddblime'n'Acuziangolo,[ktsin'gl] m. t] n?. weakness, feebleness. acute angle. Addebolire, [dde'bl'r] see Ad, [ad] prep to, at; - uno - uno, Addebilire. one by one, one at a time. This Addecimare, [dde'tshim're'] v. a. tn tithe. preposition is the same as a, the d being added before a Addensare, [dde'ns're'] r.a. to vowel for euphony. make dense. Addensarsi, v. r. Adacquamento, [dkwamn't] to become dense, grow thick. ni. watering, irrigation. Addentare, [a'dde'nt're']^. a. to Adacquare, [dkw're'J i;. a. to seize with the teeth, bite. Addentatura, [dde'ntt'r] f. water; bathe. Adacquato, [adakwa'to] adj. well the effect of biting, a dovetail. watered; vino -, m. wine mixed Addentellare, [dde'nte'll're'J d. leave toothingwith water. a. arch, to Adagiare, [dj're] v. a. to stones at corners; (join.) to place in an easy posture; sup- dovetail, indent. ply with the conveniencies of Addentellato, [adde'nte'll't] m. arch, corner-stone, toothinglife; make comfortable; accommodate. Adagiarsi,!), r. to sit stone, projecting brick. down at one's ease; take one's Addentellato , [dde'ntll't]




Dimanda. Addimandare, [ddimnd're'] V, a. to ask, question; - una grazia, to beg a favor. AddiMANDARSi, V. r. to be called. Addimandatore, [addimandat'r] Addimandatrice, [ddimndtri'she')


Addimesticare, [ddimstika'r] V. a. to tame; -, v. n. to grow tame. Addimesticarsi, v.


to familiarize one's self.

Addimesticatura,[ddimstikt'r] f. taming; intimacy. Addio, [ddi'] adv. adieu, farewell, good bye. Addipanare, [ddip'nre'] see Dipanare. Addire, [ddi're'] and a^dicero,
u. a. to

destine, assign.



prep. over-against, opposite. Addirizzamento , [ddiritsme'n't] m. direction, instruction.


ease; loiter, dally. [ddaj't] adj.

comfortable; wealthy. Adagio, [da'j] m. adage, pro- Addentrarsi, [dde'ntrr'si] v. a. r. to enter in, to be in the verb; easy circumstances, pi. Adagio,[d'j]adv.slowly,soft- interior. [adde'n'tr] Addentro , adv. ly, gently; leisurely. Adamante, [dmn't] m. dia- within, inwardly.

adj. indented. easy, Addentrare, [dde'ntr'r] to send or put in.

v. a.

Addestare, [ddst're'] r.a. to mond. Adamantino, [dma'nti'n]adj. awake, ronse. Addestramento, [dde'strme'n'adamantine hard.

Addirizzare, [ddirits're'] r. a. to straighten; put in the right way; correct; reform; instruct; decide. Addirizzarsi, v. r. to take one's way; mend. Addirizzatojo, [ddiritst'yo] m. bodkin (to dress the hair.) Addirizzatura, [ddiritst'r] f. parting of the hair. Addirizzo [ddirits'ts] m. ornament, trimming. Addirsi, [ddir'si] v. a. r. to suit, become. Addiscere, [additsh'r] v.a.ttt

Adamo, [da'm] m. the proper

t] m. preparing; instruction.




Addsciplinare, [dditkiplin'- Addoppio, [ddp'p] adv. dou- Adducibile, [ddkibi'le'] adj. re] V. a. to discipline, teach, bly. any thing that may be alleged.

Additamento, [additme'n't]m.


Addorme'ntinento,tddrmn- Adducitore, [ddshit'rj m. adducer, alleger. tme'n't] m. drowsiness. addition, in- Addormentare, [addrme'nt'r] Addurare, [addr're'] tee InV. a. to lull, cause to fall asleep,



Addurre, [ddri're'] v. a. r. point out, show, indicate. v. r. to fall to harden. Additatore , [dditt'rel '^ asleep; get benumbed. Addurre, [ddr're'] v. a. irr. (acfpointer out; indicafor. Addormentaticelo, [addrme'n- duco ; addussi ; addotto) to Additto, [ddit't] adj. oWiged, tti'tsh] adj. a little frowsy, bring, convey; allege, cite; probound. duce. sleepy. Addivenire, [ddivni're'] v. n. Addormentativo, [ddrme'nt'- Adduttore,[ddtt're'] tn.anaf. irr. see Venire: to happen, abductor. tiv] adj. composing.


make sleepy; v. Addoementaesi,

, to sleep

chance. Addormeutatore, [ddrme'nt- Adeguamento, [ade'gumn't] Addizional8,[dditsi'nle']adj. t're'] m. opiate; tiresome per- m. equalizing; evenness, equaladditional. ity. son; cajoler. Addizione, [dditsi'ne'] f, ad- Addormire, [ddrmi're'] . a. Adeguare, [de'gu're'] v. a. to dition; supplement. equalize; balance; compare; to lull; -, V. n. to sleep; rest; Addobbamento, [ddhhme'n'- Addobmiesi, v. r. to fall asleep. appraise, estimate, value. t] m. ornament, finery, dress. Addossamento [ddssamn't] Adeguatamente , [de'gutAddobbare, [ddhha'r] v. a m. charging with; burden, me'n'te'] adv. equally, proporto deck, decorate; set off. charge. tionately. Addobbo, [ddb'b] m. orna- Addossare, [dss're'] v. a. to Adempibile, [de'mpi'bil] adj. mental furniture; decorations, lay upon one's back, load, feasible, practicable. pL; finery. (striped. charge; intrust; - la colpa ad Adempiere, [ade'm'pie're'] v. a. Addogato, [ddga't] adj uno, to lay the blame upon one. irr. (adempiuto) to fulfil, acAddolcimento, [ddltshimn' Addossaesi, v. r. to take complish; efi'ectuate, execute. to] m. softening; mitigation. charge of; undertake ; be an- Adempimento, [dmpimn't] Addolcire, [addltshi'r] v. a. to swerable for; - un impegno, to m. fulfilling, accomplishment. sweeten, soften; alleviate. take upon one's self au obli- Adempire, [dmpi'r] v. o. to Addolcitivo, [ddltshiti'v] m. gation. fulfil, execute. lenitive. Addosso, [dds's] adv. upon Adempitore, [dmpit're'] m. Addolorare, [ddlr're'] v. a. one's back; non ho danari -, fulfiller, accomplisher. to afflict. Addolokaesi, v. r. I have no money about me; ab- Adempiutamente, [ade'mpiutai;o be afflicted, grieve. bajare -, to bark at; andare -, mn't] adv. completely, duly, Addomauda, [ddmn'd] see to fall upon, fall foul of; perfectly. Domanda. mettere -, to charge with, Adenoso, (ade'n's) adj. glanAddomandante, [ddmndn'- impute; mettere le mani -, to dulous. t] m. demandant, petitioner. lay hold of, apprehend; por- Adentro, [dn'tr] od, inwardAddomandare, [ddmnd're'] tare l' occhio-, porre gli occhi-, ly, internally. V. a. to call, send for; ask. [dntsi'ne'] Adenzione, to cast an eye upon. f. Addomandatore, [ddmnd- Addottoramento, [ddttr- ademption, revocation of a t're'] m. questioner, petitioner. (guare. me'n't] m. giving or taking a will. Addomesticamento, [ddm- doctor's degree, giving a di- Adequare, [de'kw're'] see Adestikme'n'to] m. taming. Adequatamente, [adekuataploma. Addomesticare, [ddme'stik'- Addottorare, [ddttr're'jv.a. me'n'te'] adv. equally, exactly. le') V. a. to tame, familiarize. to confer the degree of a doc- Adequato, [de'kua't] adj. adeAddomesticarsi, v. r. to grow tor. Addottoearsi, v. r. to quate; proportionate. familiar. take a doctor's degree, become Adequazione, [de'kutsi'ne'] f. Addomesticatore, [ddmsti- a doctor. adequation; proportion. kat're'] m. tamer. Addottrinamento, [ddttrin- Aderbare, [de'rb'r] v. a. to Addomestichevole, [ddmsti- me'n't] m. instruction, erudi- feed with grass , put out to ke"vl] ad. tameable. grass. tion, the act of instruction or Addomine, [dd'mine'] m. ab- lecturing. Aderente, [de'rn'te'] adj. addomen, lower belly. herent; -, m. adherer, favorer. Addottrinare, [ddttrin're'] Addoparsi, fddpr'si] v. r. to v.a. to instruct, teach. Addot- Aderenza, [de'rn'ds] /". adhide one's self;behind any thing. TEiNAESi, V. r. to acquire herence, attachment; union; acAddoppiabile, [ddppibi'l] knowledge, learn. ceptance. a// 1. any thing that may be douAddottrinatamente, [ddttri- Adergere, [dr'jre'] v. a. irr. bled. (adersi) to raise up; extol. ntame'n'te'] adv. learnedly. Addoppiamento , [addppi- Addottrinatura, [ddttrint'- Aderimento, [de'rime'n't] m. me'n't] m. doubling. r] f. learning, erudition. adherence; accordance. Addoppiare, [addppi're'] v. a. Addottrinevolo, [ddttrine'v'- Aderire, [ade'ri're'] v. n. to adto double; fold. Addoppiaesi, le'] ad), docile. here; coincide, approve, conv.r. to become redoubled. Addrappato, [ddrpp't] adj. sent. Addoppiatojo, [ddppit'y] adorned with driipery, Aderpioare, [ade'rpica're'] v. n. m. instrument or machine for Addrieto, [ddri'to] poes. see r. to climb, or ascend cUngdoubling the threads of silk. Addietro. ing. Addoppiatura, [ddppit'r] Adducere, [dd'tshe're'] see Ad- Adescamento, [dskamn't] doublin*i redoubling. {. durre, m, bait, allurement; sednction.

Adescare, [desk're]
v. a. to bait; allure; entice, inveigle. Adescatore, [de'skt'r] m. allurer ; enticer, invoigler.



Adnata, [ddn't]

f. that mem- Adoratore, [drt're'] m. adobrane of the eye which covers rer, worshiper. its external superficies. Adoratorio, [drt'ri] m.tem-


[dbha're'] see


ple for idols.

Adesione, [de'si'n] f. adhe- dobbare. Adoratrice, [drtri'tshe] f. adherence ; agreement, Adocchiamento, [dkkime'n'- adorer. sion m. look, glance; t] gaze. consent. Adorazione, [drti'ne'] f. Adesivo, [de'si'v] adj. adhe- Adocchiare, [dkki're'] v. a. adoration, worship. stare to eye, at, ogle. sive. Adordinarsi, [adrdinr'si]v.r. Adespoto, [de'sp't] adj. vrith- Adolescente, [dle'shn'te'] m. to prepare one's self. youth, young man. Adorevole, [dr'vle'] see Adoout a master. Adesso, [ds's] adv. now, at Adolescenza, [dle'shn'ds] f. rabile.


this instant; adess' -, presenthy and by. destra, [a de'stra] adv. on the

adolescence, youth.




Adombramento, [dmbrame'n'- imp., poes. to be shady. t] m. shadowing, shade, um- Adornamente, [drnme'n'te']

adept. Adiacenza, [ditshn'ds] f. adjacency, nearness, vicinity. Adianto, [din't] m. maiden-

right hand. Adetto, [dt't]

Adombrare, [admbr're']

v. a.


adv. elegantly, neatly. [drnme'n't]

to overshadow; shade; fig. m. ornament, finery. to offuscate, blind; delineate, Adornare, [drn're'] v. a. to trace, sketch; fancy, imagine;-, adorn, embellish, set off. V. n. to start back, shy. (diettivo. Adornatamente [drntame'n'hair, fern. Adiettivo, [die'tti'v] see Ad- Adombratore, [dmbrt're'Jm. te'] adv. elegantly, neatly, with grace. Adimare, [dim're'] v. a. to he who shadows ; designer. hring down, cast down; hend; Adombrazione, [dmbrtsi'- Adornatore , [drnt'r] m. n] f. adumbration; umbrage; adorner, decorator; dresser. -, V. n. Adimarsi, v. r. to go faint sketch. down, descend. Adornatura, [adrnt'r] AAdipe, ['dip] m. grease, fat. Adonamento, [dnamn't] m. dornezza, [drne't's] f. dress, Adipocera, [dipc'r] /". fatty taming ; oppression. embellishment; elegance. Adone, [d'ne'] s. adonis. matter. Adorno, [dr'n] adj. adorned, Adiposo, [dip's] adj. adipose; Adonestare, [dne'st're'] v. a. set off; - , m. ornament, attire. to palliate; disguise. plump. Adottagione [dttgi'n] f. Adiracinare, [dircin're'] v. Adonide, and Adottamento , [dtt[d'nid] bot. f. adonis. me'n't] m. adoption. a. to tear, rend. Adiramento, [diramn't] m. Ad onta, [ad n't] adv. in spite Adottare, [dtt'r] v. a. to anger, wrath. of, notwithstanding. adopt. Adirare, [dir'r] v. a. to raalce Adontare, [dnt're'] v. a. to Adottativo , [dttti'v] see angry, irritate, provoke; Adi- affront^ abuse. Adontarsi, v. Adottivo. rarsi, . r. to get angry, fall r. to be offended, feel hurt; Adottatore , [dttat'r] in. into a passion. get angry. Adottatrice, [dtttri'tsh] f. Adiratamente, [dirtme'n'te'] Adoperabile, [dpe'rbi'le'j adj. adopter. adv. angrily, in a passion. capable of being used. Adottaziono, [dtttsi'ne'] f. Adirato, [dir't] adj. angry, Adoperamento, [dpe'rmn'- adoption. wrathful, irritated. t] m. using, use; employment. Adottivo, [dtti'v] adj. adopAdire, [di'r] v. a. to take pos- Adoperare, [dpe'r'r] v. a. to tive, adopted. session of an inheritance. use, make use of, employ. Ado- Adovare, [dv're'] or Aovare, Adirevole, [dire"vle'] adj. cho- perarsi, V. r. to exert one's ['vr] n. a. to shape or form like en egg. leric. self, work, endeavour ; contribdirimpetto, [ dirimp't] ute; speak for one. Adozione, [dtsi'ne'] f. adopadv. opposite, facing. Adoperativo, [dope'rti'v] od;, tion. diritto, [a diri't] adv. to the fit to be used. Adraene, [drft'ne'] Adrasna, right. Adoperatore, [dope'rt're'] m. [dre''n], or Andraene, [nAdiro30,[dir's] adj. irascihle, manager, negociator. dre''ne'] m, a shrub resembling Adoperazione, [dope'rtsi'ne'] the arbutus. irritable, passionate; hasty. dismisura,[d3mis'r]adv. f. use, exertion. Adraganti, [drgn'ti] m. a


[adoppiameV- vermicular whitish gum. opium; sleeping Adrento, [dre'n't] adv., poes. draught. spite of. within, inwardly. Adito, [a' dito] m. entry, access; Adoppiare, [doppia're'] v. a. to Adrieto, [dri't] poes., sec means, opportunity. give opium: lull. Addietro. Adiutore, [dyt'r] m. coad- Adoprare, [dpr're'] see Ad- Adro, ['dr] see Atro.
dispetto, [a dispe"t] adv. in
to] I. giving

beyond measure.


jutor, assistant, protector.


Aduggiamento, [ddjame'n't]

Adintorio, [dyt'ri] m. as- Adorabile,

sistance, help.

m. blighting shade. Aduggiare. [ddj're'] v. a. to Adiutrice, [adyutri'tshe'] /".help- Adorabilit , [drbi'lit] f. overshade, damp, blight; injure. adorableness. er, protectress. Adugliare,[dr'r] v. a., mar. Adiuvare, [dyv're'] v. a. to Adoramento, [drme'n't] m. to coil up a cable. adoration, worship. help. Adugnare, [dn''re'] v. a. to Adizione, [ditsi'ne'] f. enter- Adorante, [drn'te'] m. wor- snatch with the nails, grapple. shipper. ing upon an inheritance. Adulare, [dl're'] r. o. to flatAdizzare, [dits'r] v. a. to Adorar*, [dr're'] v. a. to ad- ter. excite, provoke, anger. ore, worship, pray to lAdulatore, [dlt'r] m.Adu




r. to toil, drudge, work like a latrice, [dltri'tsh] f. adu- Adustezza, [dste't's] Adustione, [dsti'ne'] /. adustion; slave, fatigue another. lator, flatterer. Affacciare, [fftsh'r] . a. to Adulatoriamente, [dalatria- dryness, scorching, aridity. Adustiv amente, [dstivme'n'- smooth, plane. Affacciarsi, t'. mn'te'] adv. flatteringly. Adulatorio, [dlt'ri] ad}. te'] adv. in a dry, burning man- r. to show one's self; step up to, offer one'sself, be an aspiner. adulatory, flattering. Adulazione, [dltsi'ne'] f. Adustivo,[dsti'v]adj.scorch- rant; -aHa finestra, to look out of the window. ing, dry. adulation, flattery. Adultera, [dl'te'r] {. adulte- Adusto, [d'st] adj. adust, Affacclatamente , ['t J ad .boldly, impudently. scorched, burnt up, dry. ress. Adulteramente, [dlte'rmen'- Aemmare, [emm're'] v. a. to Affacciato, [ffatsh't]adj .bold, brazen-faced. register, decypher. te'] adv. in an adulterous man-

Affagottare, [ffagtt're'] Aere, ['e'r] m. air, wind. ner. Adulteramente, [dlte'ramn'- Aereato, [r'tj adj. airy, to make up fagots.

v. a.

Affaitare, [ffit'r] see Affazt] m. adulterating, adultera- ventilated. Aeromoto, [e're'm't] m. storm zonare. tion. Affaldare, [fflda'r] v. a. to Adulterare, [dlte'r'r] v. a. of wind. plait; double. to adulterate; falsify, mix; -, Aereo, ['re'] adj. aerial. Aereoiito, [ae'reoli'to] or Aero- Affaldellare, [ffldll're'] v.c. V. n. to commit adultery. to wrap up, enclose. Adulteratore, [dlte'rt're'] m. lite, [e'rli't] s. r.. aorolite. Aerimanzia , [rimantsi'] f. Affalsare, [ft'ls're] v. a. to adulterer.

aeromancy. Adulteratrice,[dlte'rtri'she'] Aerimetria, [e'rime'tri'] f. adulteress.


n]^ adulteration;


Adulteria, [dlte''ri]

act of

committing adultery. Adulterino, [dltri'n]

adulterine, spurious, counterfeit, forged. Adulterio, [dlt'ri] Adultero, [dlt'r] wi. adultery. Adultero, [dl'ter] m. adulterer.

Adultivo, [drtiv] adj. any thing that encreases, or has the property of encreasing. Adulto, [drt,] adj. adult, grown up marriageable. Adurailiare, [dmilia'r] see Aumiliare. Adunamento, [dnmn't] m. collecuniting, assembling tion; meeting. Adunanza, [dnn'ds]^meeting, assembly.


[dn're']| v. a. to as-

falsify, adulterate, corrupt. ae- Affamare, [ffm'r] v. a. to rometry. famish, starve ; cause hunger ; Aerometro, [e'r 'mtr ] -, V. n. to be hungry; be dying with hunger, starving. meter. Aeronauta, [e'rn' Affamatamente, [affamtme'nte'] naut. adv. in a famishing manner. Aereostatica, [e'rstati'k] f. Affamaticelo, [affamati 'tsh]a(/j. aerostatics. half starved, famished. Aeriforme, [e'rifr'me'] adj. ae- Affamato, [ffm'to] adj. famriform. ished, starved; voracious. Aeroso, [e'r's] adj. airy; Affamatuzzo, [ffintt's] adj. sprightly, gay; polite, civil. starved looking; abject, mean. Aerostato, [e'rst't] m. bal- Affamire, [affami'r] v. n. to be hungry; die with hunger. loon. Aescamento, [ae'scme'n't] m. Affannare, [ffug're] v. a. to the act and effect of alluring. splash with mud, soil; - v. n. Aescare, [e'ska're'J v. a. to bait; to get muddy, become miry. allure. Affannamento, [ffnnmn't] Afa, ['fl f. suffocating or sul- m. anxiety, vexation. try heat; sultriness; fare , to Affannante, [ffnnn'te'] adj. grievous, vexatious. tire, annoy; disgust; be tireAffannare, [ffnn're'] v. a. to some. Afaca, [f'c] and Afaga, [f'- grieve, afflict, vex ; -, v. n. to be suffocated: be grieved. Afg] s. f. wild vetch. Afaticcio,[ftit'sh]adj .blight- fannarsi, D.r. to vex one's self, grieve, be uneasy; strive, strain, ed.

semble, convoke; collect. Adu- Afato, [f't] adj. withered, endeavour. narsi, V. r. to come together, blighted weak, meagre sickly, Affannato, [ffnn't] adj. suffocated .anxious ; grieved puny. assemble, associate. (vexer. Adunata, [dn't] /".assembly, Afatuccio,[ft'tsh] adj. sick- uneasy. Affannatore, [ffnnat'r] m. meeting. ly, languid, weak. Adunatore, [dnt're'] m. col- Afelio, [f'li] m., astr. aphe- Affannevole, [ffnnv'le] sci. Affannoso. lector. lion. Adanazlone, [dntsi'ne'] f. Aferesi, [fe"re'si] f. apheresis. Affanno, [ffn'n] m. shortness adunation, union; heap. Affabile, [ff'bil] adj. affable; of breath: anxiety, anguish, affliction, trouble. Adancare, [dunk're'J d. a. to civil, courteous. curve, bend. Aduncarsi, v. Affabilit, [affabilit'] (Affabili- Affannone, [ffnn'ne'] m. meddling person, busybody. to become aduncous r. get tade, Affabilitate) /. affability; Affannoneria, [Unanri'a] f. civility, courtesy. hooked. (crooked. Adunco, [dnTc]afIj. aduncous, Affabilmente , [ffbilme'n't] eagerness, trouble. Affannosamente , [affnnsiAdunghiare) [dnghi'r] v. a. atlv. affably, civilly. mn't] adv. with anxiety, restto seize with the claws, grapple. Affaccendarsi, [fftshe'ndr'si] Adunque, [dnTiMo'] ati. then, V. r. to be very busy, occupy lessly. Affannoso, [ffann's] adj. sufone's self. therefore. Adurere, [dre''r] burn. Affaccendato , [fftshe'nd't] focating, sultry ; grievous, vexatious. Adurgere, [adrg'r] . a. to adj. very busy, occupied. Affaccettare, [fftshe'tt're'] v. Affardellare, [ffardel're] v. a. hasten after, chase, pursue. to make up into a bundle, Adustare, [dst'r] . a. to a. to cut facet-wise. Affacchinarsi, [ffkkinr'si] v. pack up. parch, scorch, crisp ; dry up.




Affare, [ff'r] m. affair, busi- Aff, [aff'] adv. upon my faith, Affezionare, [fftsin're'] t7. . in faith, upon my honor. ness. to excite a fondness of, enamAffaretto, [ffart't] m. slight Affegatare, [ffe'gta're'] v. .to our. Affezionarsi, v. r. to be afflicted, grieve. affair. get fond of, fall in love with, Affarsarsi, [ffrsr'si] v. a., r. Affermamento, [ffe'rmme'n't] delight in; become attached to. to put on a doublet or otlier m. affirmation, confirmation, Affezionatamente, [ffe'tsinaconfirming. clothes. tme'n'te'] adv. affectionately, Affarsi, [ffr'si] v. n., irr. {see Affermare, [ffe'rm'r] v. ci. to fond'y. afffrm, maintain; assert. Af- Affezionato, [ffe'tsina't] adj. Fare), to suit, become. Affaruccio, [ffr'tsh] m. tri- fermarsi, V. r, to strengthen affectionate , fond , inclined , one's self; be confirmed; get kind. fling affair. Affasciare, [ffsh'r] v. a. to consolidated. Affezione, [fftsi'ne'] f. affecAffermatamente , [ffe'rmt- tion, tenderness, attachment. biad up in fagots, bundle. Aucscinameato , [affshina- mn't] adv. affirmatively, as- Affezionevole, [fftsine''vle7 suredly, men'toj wi. fascination. (affirmation. adj. fond, affectionate, full of Affascinante, [ffshinn't]affj. Affermativa, [ffe'rmti'v] f. love. Affermativamente, [ffrmti- Affiammare, [ffimm're'J v. a, fascinating, bewitching. Affascinare, [ffshin're] v. n. vme'n'te') adv. affirmatively. to inflame, kindle. Affermativo, [ffe'rmati'v] adj. Afflammata,[ffim'ta] f. cloth to fascinate, charra, bewitch. affirmative, positive. Affascinatore, [ffshint'ie] dyed red without cochineal. Affermatore, [ffe'rmt're'] m. Affiatarsi, [affiatar 'si] v. re/". to m. bewitchor, wizard. Affascinatrice , [ffshintri'- ascertainer, maintainor. begin to familiarise ones self Affermazione, [affe'rmtsi'ne'] with any one. tshe'] f. sorceress, witch. Affascinazione, [ffshinatsi'- f. affirmation, assurance. Affiato, [ffii't] adj. let out to ne'] f. fascination, bewitching. Afferramento , [ffe'rr'me'nt] lease, contracted for. Affastellare, [ffstll're'] v.a. m. the act of grasping, gripe, Affibbiaglio , [affibbi'l'] m. squeeze. buckle, clasp. to bundle up, jumble together Afferrare, [ffe'rr're'] v. a. to Afflbbiamento,[ffibbiame'n't] mix. Affastidire, [ffstidi'r]v, a. to grasp, gripe, lay hold of, seize; m. buckling, fastening. comprehend ; understand; mar. Affibbiare, [ffibbi're'] v. a. to trouble, vox. Affatappiare, [ffatppi're'] v. to cast anchor, come to sound- buckle, clasp button ; a//lbings. a. to bewitch, bewilder, amaze. biarla ad uno, to play one a Affatato, [fft't] adj. invul- Afferratojo , [ffe'rrt'y] m. trick. nerable. grappling iron; pincers, tongs, Afflbbiatojo, [ffibbiaty], 7. Affaticamento, [ffatikme'n't] pi. buttonhole, eye, hook, tag. Affertilire, [ffe'rtili're'] v. a. to Affibbiatura, [ffibbiat'r] f. m. toil, fatigue, weariness. Affaticante, [fftikn't] adj. render fertile. buckling; hooks and eyes, butlaborious, indefatigable. Affettamento, [aff' ttnie'n't]m. tons, pi. Affaticare, [fftic're'] . a. to and Affettataggine, [ffe'ttt- Af ficcare, [ffikk're'] v. a. to tire, fatigue, harass, teaze, d'ji'ne'] f. affectation. fix, fasten. weary, importune; -, v. n. Af- Affettapolpe, [ffe'ttp'lpe'] f. Affldanza, [ffidnts], f. trust, faticarsi, V. r. to toil hard, sabre, scimitar, falchion. confidence. strive, endeavour. Affettare, [fftt'r] v. a. to Affidare, [ffida're'] v.a. to conAffaticato, [fftika't] acJj.wea- slice, fold or plait affect, pre- fide in, give confidence, secure. ry, harassed. tend to, desire earnestly, covet; Affidarsi, v. r. to rely upon, Affaticatore, [fftikt'r] m. -,v.n. to be affected in dress etc. trust to, be persuaded. painstaker; drudge. Affettatamente, [affttatme'n'- Affidato, [ffida't] adj. trusty, Affatichevole , [afftike''vl] - , m. trusty te'] adv. most eagerly; affecttrue, certain ; adj. laborious, painstaking. edly. friend, confidant. Affaticoso, [fftik's] aij. la- Affettato, [ffe'ttd't] adj. sliced, Afflebolare, [ffie'bl'r] v. a. borious.hard-working, indefat- affected, artificial. to debilitate. igable. Affettazione, [ffe'tttsi'ne'] f. Affienare, [ffie'n're'] v. a. to Affatto, [fft'to] ad " qute^ en- affectation, mannerism. feed with hay, give hay to a tirely, perfectly; niente -, no- Affettivo, [fftti'v] adj. affecthorse. thing at all. ing, touching; pathetic. Affienire, [ffini're'] v. n. to Affattar amento, [ffattrme'n'- Affetto, [ff't] VI. affection grow up stunted, (said of poor t] m. sorcery, witchcraft, spell. passion; inclination ; tender- corn.) Affatturare, [ftattiir'r] v. a. ness, love; desire, wish. Affievolimento, [ffie'vlime'n'to bewitch, charm; adulterate Affettuare, [fftt're'j v.a. to t] m. weakness. (wine). dispose of, impress. Affievolire, [ffiie'voli're'] v. a. Affatturatore, [ffttrt're'] Affettuosamente , [ffe'tts- to weaken, enfeeble; make weak; m. sorcerer. mn'te) adv. affectionately, ten- -, V. n. to weaken, grow weak, Affatturatrice, [fftrtri'she'] derly. get feeble. Affettuosit, [ffe'ttusi't] f. Affiggere, [ffid'je're'] v. a., irr. {. sorceress. Affatturazione, [fftturtsi'- the quality ascribed to one {affissi ; affisso) to fasten, stick n] f. witchery, sorcery. who is affectionate. up, bind; gaze, stare at; stir Affazzouamento , [ffatsn- Affettuoso, [fftt's] a(ij. af- up, move; -, v, n. to stand still, mn't] m, ornament, embel- fectionate, kind, affable. stop. (adopt for a son. Affezionamento , [ffe'tsina'- Afflgliolare, [ffirlre] v.a. to lishment. affazzonare, [ffdtsn're'J u, a. me'nt] m. the act and effect of Afflguramento, [fligrmn'affection. to adorn, sot off. to]m. recognition, recolloctiou.
; ; ; .

AtBgnrare, [iFigr'r]

v. a. io
fix; fix


choked; uova affogate, poached eggs, pi.

call to recognize recollect mind, imagine. Affigurarsi,





figure to one's self,


Affilare, [ffil'r] r o. to whet,

sharpen, stimulate. Affilarsi, V. r.






[ffil't] adj.


pointed; viso

m. long thin

face. Affilata, [ffil't]. Affilatura, [afFilt'r], f. sharpe edge. Affilettare, [affiltt're'] lay snares. Affilettatura, [flTile'ttt'r] f. be let, let. the act and result of laying Affittatore, ffi^ittt're'] w. he snares (used especially for spi- who lets out a farm, landlord ders webs.) freighter. Affilo, [ffi'l] adv. in. a straight Affittevole, [ifitt'vl] adj. line. that can be let out. Affinamento, [ffinme'n't] m. Affitto, [affit't] adj. affixed, refinement, perfection. fastened, nailed; -, fi. rent, Affinare, [ffina'r] v. a. to re- house-rent. fine, purify hy fire; sharpen. Affittuale, [afi'iltua'le] and AfAffinarsi, v. r. to become re- fittuario, m. tenant, lodger, fined, clear up. farmer. Affinatejo, [ffinat'y wi. cru- Afflare , [ffl'ro'J v. n. to cible, melting-pot. breathe ; inspire. Affinatore, [ffint're'] m. re- Afflato, [ffl'to] m. broatli, infiner, gold-or silver-smith. spiration. Affinatura, [ffint'r] f. the Affliggere, [ffli'djre'] v. a. irr. result of refining. {afflissi ; afflitto) to afflict; torAffinch, [ffink'] conj. to the ment. Affliggersi, v. r. to end that, in order to. grieve. Affine, [ffi'ne'] adj. akin, kin- Afflittivo, [ffliiti'v] adj. afflicdred, allied; -, m. kinsman, retive, grievous. lation. Afflitto, [afflit'to] adj. afflicted, Affinimento, [ffinime'n't] m. sad, melancholy. perfecting, finishing, swoon. Afflizione, [afflitsi'n] f. afflicAffinire, [fi"ini'r] v. a. to ap- tion, sorrow, grief. proach the end, purify, swoon. Affluente, [ffln'te'j adj. afAffinit, [affinit'] (Afflnitade, fluent, abundant, rich. Afflnitate) f. affinity, kindred, Affluentemente, [fflue'nte'me'n'alliance; similitude. te'] adv. abundantly. Affluito, [alfinit] adj. finished, Affluenza, [ffln'ds] f. afflu;

one's eyes upon, gaze at; affix, post up a bill or placard. Affissarsi, v. r. to attend to, be intent. Affissione, [ffissi'ne'] f. affixing, sticking up, application. Affisso, [ffis's] adj. fixed, fastened; eager; -, m. placard, bill posted up gr. affix. Affittajuolo, [ffitty'l] m. tenant, lease-holder. Affittare, [ffitt're'j r. a. to let, hire, farm, lease, rent; fix as a nail; - un vascello, to freight a vessel. Affittarsi, v. r. to


Affogliare, [fFgli're'] r. a. give leaves to cattle. Affollare, [ffU'r] v. a. crowd together ; be out breath. Affollarsi, v. r. rush together, throng.


to of to

Affollatamente, [fflltmn''te'] adv. in a crowd. Affoltamento, [ffltme'n'to] m. haste, precipitation, crowding

together. Affoltare, [fflt're'] v. n.


foltarsi, v. r. to rush upon, dash forward, hurry, squeeze

together, blind another. Affoltata, [afflt'ta] f. speed, haste, great eagerness.




foundering; ship-

wreck. Affondare, [ffnd're']

v. a. to sink, submerge; -, v. n. to sink, go to the bottom; ruin. Affondato, [ffnda'to] adj. sunk,

wrecked; ruined. Affondatura, [ffndt'r]


sinking; deepening. Affondo, [ffn'dj adj. deep; -, adv. to the bottom, thoroughly;

m. irretrievable bankruptcy.


Afforcare, [ffrk're'] v. a. to moor across; hang. Afforestierare, [ffre'stie'ra're'] v.n. to become quite a stranger. Affornellare, [ffrne'U'r] v. a. to rest upon the oars. Affortiflcare,[ffrtifik're] Affortire, [ffrti're] see Fortificare. Affortunato, [ffrtn'to] ad}.

fortunate, lucky. Afforza, [ffr'tsa] adv. by forco, by dint of.

ill conducted, languid. ence, abundance; - di vento, Afflocagine , [tfikji'ne'] /". rush of wind. and Affiocamento, [aflloka- Affluere, [afflu'e're'] see Abbonmen'to] m. hoarseness. dare. Affiocare, [ftik'r] Affiochi- Afflusso, [ffls'so] m. afflux; re, [lFiki'r] v. n. to get increase (generally said of the hoarse become weak. humors of the body.) Afflo catara, [ffikt'r] f. Affocare, [lfka'r] v. a. to set hoarseness. on fire, inflame. Afflone, [ffinel and Anfione, Affocato, [ffk't] adj. of a fiery color, burnt, ardent, inf. a kind of piate prepared with amber and safi"ron. tense (said when speaking of Affioramento, [ifirme'n't] m. the passions. ) indication of a mine from the Affogaggine, [ffg'djine'] f. appearance of minerals on the Affogamento, (affogame'n'to)m. surface of the ground. suifocation,difficulty of breathAffiorato, [ffira't] adj. orna- ing: also used in raillery, and mented with flowers, hroider- interjectively, as, by Jove, ca;

Afforzamento, [ffrtsme'n't] m. force, strength.

Afforzare, [ffrts're'J strengthen. Affoscare, [ffsk're'J dim, offuscate.
v. a. to v. a. to

Affossamento, [affssme'n't] m. trench, intrenchrjient.

Affossare, [ffss'r] v. a. to intrench, ditch. Affossato, [ffss'to] adj. hollow. Affragnere, [affran'e're'] v. a. (affransi; afj'ranto) to break,
splinter; violate. Affralare, [ffral're'] Affralite,





[iFirm're'] v. a. to affirm, maintain. Affissamento, [fi'issme'n'tjm. gazing at, stare, great applica-


tion of the mind. Affissare, [ffiss're'] . a. to af-

enervate. Affralirsi, v. r. to pital, excellent. become enfeebled. Affogare, [ffga're'] v. a. to Affrancare, [ffranka're'] r.a. to stifle, suffocate; - neW acqua, free, emancipate; exempt. Afto drown; -di sete, to choke francarsi, V. r. to get freed; with thirst. Affogarsi, v. r. become vigorous. to be stifled, get suffocated. Affrangere, [affran'je're'] see AfAffogato, [ffg'to] adj. stifled, fragnere.



ghiadire, (gghidi're') v. . to be benumbed with cold, be cut to the heart with grief. Agghiaiato, [gghiy't] m. a place covered with gravel. Aggiacenza, [djitshn'ds] f.

AfiFrappare,[ffrappii'r] v. a. to Afro, [ii'fr) adj. sour, sharp ; biting. cut, mince. [ffratll- Afronitro, [dfrni'tr] m. saltAffratellamento, petre, soda. me'n't] m. Affrafellanza, [ffrte'lln'ds) {. intimacy, bro- Aga, ['g] m. a chief. therly love. Agalloco, [gll'k] m. alvesAffratellarsi, [ffrate'llar'si] v. wood. become comrades; live like Agape, ['gpe'], f. love feast.


[ffre'dd're'j v.a. to



appurtenance, appendage. pi. virgins Aggiacere, [djitshe''r] v. n

irr. see Giacere,


make cold;-, v. FEEDDABSI, V. grOW COOl, drug. Agassa, [gs's] get cold; slacken.

living in sisterhood, pi. n. Af- Agarico, [g'rik] m. agarick;





drove. Affrenamento, [ffre'nme'nt] w. Agata, ['gt] f. Aggio, [d'ji], disAgata, [g't] f. needle-full. check, restraint. count. Afl^enare, [ffre'n're'] v. a. to Agente, [jn't] adj. acting, curb, check, restrain. active; -,m. agent, factor, man- Aggiogare, [djig're'] v. a. to put on the yoke. Affrettamento, [ifre'ttme'n't] ager. m. haste, hurry, precipita- Agenza, [je'ntsi'a] f. agency. Aggiornare, [djirna're'] v. a. tion. Agevolamento, [jvlmn'to] to adjourn, appoint. AggioeNAESi, V. r. to dawn. Affrettare, [ffre'tt're'] v. a, to m. facilitating ; ease. hasten, speed, despatch. Af- Agevolare, [je'vl're] v. a. to Aggiovar6,[ggiv're'] see GioFRETTAESijt). hurry.

a magpie. agate.

Aggina, [ggi'n] f. a portion of pasture ground assigned to a









Aggiramento, [djirme'n't] m.

Agevole, [je"vl] adj. easy; circumventing; evasion, fraud; surprise. manageable. tily. Agevolezza, [je'vle't's] f. fa- Aggirare, [djir're'] v. a. to surround, enclose; deceive;-, Affrettatore, [ffre'ttt're'] m. cility; ease; mildness. hastener, urger on. Agevolmente, [je'vlme'n'te'] V. n. to go about. Aggikausi, V. r. to ramble, straggle. Affrico, [af frik] m. south west adv. easily, with ease readily, wind. Aggaffare, [ggaff're'] v. a. to Aggirata, [djir't] f. turning round. Afli-ittellate, [ffrittll'reT v. catch, lay hold of. a. to fry eggs, kill (in burle- Aggallato, [gglla't] a(y.(said Aggiratore, [djirtre'j m. Aggiratrice, [djirtri'sh]/". ramsque style.) of soft muddy land.) Affrontamento, [ffrntme'n't] Aggangherare, [ggnghe'r'r e] bler; charmer, bewitcher. m. affront; assault. Aggirandola, [ggirnd'l] f. V. a. to hook and eye a dress.
Affrettatamente ,
me'u'te'] adv, in

a hurry, has-

Affrontare, [ffrnt're']

v. a. Aggarbare, [ggrba'r] v. a. a chandelier lustre, revolving, to affront; attack. Affrontab- to be polite, courteous. moving round. 81, V. r. to meet face to face; Aggavignare, [gg vin'a're'] . Aggiudicare, [adjidic're') v. fall upon, fight. a. to adjudge, award. a. to gripe, seize, lay hold of. affrontata, [ffrnt't] (. as- Aggelare, [adjla're'] v. a. to Aggiudicazione, [adjtdiktsault; insult. si'ne'] f. adjudication, award. congeal, freeze. Affrontatore, [ffrntt're'j m. Aggelazione, [adje'latsio'ne'] f. Aggiugnere, [dji'ne'r] v. a. affronter, aggressor. irr. (see Giugnere), to add; join, congealment; jelly. Affronto, [ffrn't] m. affront, Aggentilire, [dje'ntili'r] v. a. unite ; reach. Aggiugneusi, w. insult, encounter with an en- to render genteel, embellish. r. to meet together. emy. Aggerare, [ggr'r] v. a. to Aggingnimento, [adjiun'ime'n'Affamato , [ffm't] adj. to] m. adding; supplem ,it. heap together, accumulate.

smoked, smoky. Aggestione , [agge'stine'] f. Aggiugnitore, (adjin'ito're') m. Affumicamento, [affiimikame'n'- heaping of materials carried one that adds; increaser. t] m. fumigation. Aggiungere, [djin'ge're'J see from one place to another. Affumicare, [ffmik're'] . a. Aggettare, [djtt'r] v. n. to Aggiugnere. to fumigate, smoke-dry. project, jut out. Aggiunta, [djtun't] f. addiAffuocare, [ffk'r] see Allo- Aggettivo, [dje'tti'v] m. ad- tion, augmentation. care. jective. Aggiuntare, [djintre'], v. a. Affuorch, [ffr'ch] and Af- Aggetto, [djS't] m. projection to join. fuori, adv. except. Aggiuntivo, [djinti'vo], wi. prominence. Affusione, [ffsi'n] f. tlia Agghermigliare, [agghe'rmil'a'adjective. action of pouring or sprinkling re'] V. a. to grasp, hold fast. Aggiunto, [adjin't] m. adwater on any thing. Agghiacciamento, [gghtatsh- junct, assistant. Affasolare, [ffsla're'] v. a. to mn'to] m. frost, extreme cold. Aggiurazione, [djirtsi'ne'i embellish, polish. Agghiacciare, [gghttsh're] f. conspiracy. Aforismo, [fris'm] m. apho- V. a. to freeze, congeal. Aa- Aggiurare, [djtr're'] v. a. to


[afristikadv. distinctly, with


brevity. Afretto, [fr't] adj. sourish, sharp. Afrezza, [afre't'sa] f. sourness,


GHiACCiAESi, V. T. to get fro- swear, conjure. become chilled ; shake Aggiustabile, [adjist'bile']ad/. zen with cold. that may be adjusted, accomAgghiaccio, [gghi'tsh] m. modable, placable.

sheep-cote; sheep-fold.

Aggiustamento, [djtstme'nto]

Agghiadamento ,
me'n'to] m.


m. adjustment; agreement,
v. a.



Agghiadare, [agghiada're'l Ag- Aggiustare,






to adjust, settle, set to rights, Aggrappare, [ggrpp're'] v. a. Aggroppare, [aggrppa're'] v. a. to knot, tie; collect, heap. Agto grapple, grasp, catch. Agreconcilo. Aggiustarsi, v. r. grapparsi, V. r. to cling to; gropparsi, V. r. to assemble. to adjust one's self; come to a Aggrottare, [ggrtt'r] v . a stick to ; lay hold of. settlement; agree. Aggiustatamente, [djistta- Aggrappolare, [ggrappl're'] to raise a ridge; - le ciglia, to knit one's brows, frown. Ag. a. to collect any thing togemn'te'] adv. properly, rightly. grottarsi, V. a. r. to lean or Aggiustatezza, [djistatt's] ther in a bunch. exactness; punc- Aggrassare, [ggrss'r] v.n. support one's self against any f. justness, thing. to become fat. tuality. aggiustato, [ggist't] adj. Aggratare, [aggrata're'] see Ag- Aggrottescare,[aggrtte'sc're'] V. a. to design an object groone who is governed by mea- gradire. tesquely. Aggraticciare, [ggrtitsh're] sure and order. A5ginstatore,[djtustt'r] m. V. a. to entwine; embrace. Ag- Aggrovigliare, [ggrvil''re']!'. graticciarsi, V. r. to become n. Aggrovigliarsi, v. r. to curl adjuster; regulator; weigher. up, shrink up. Aggiustevole,[djiust'vl]see interwoven, twist. Aggratigliare [aggratil'a're'j v. Aggrumare, [ggrum'r] v. a. Aggiustabile. to curdle, coagulate. Agglobare, [gglb're'] v. a. to a. to fetter, imprison. reduce any thing to the form of Aggravamento, [ggrvme'n'- Aggnimolare, [ggrral're'] v. a. to collect, put together. t] m. aggravation, surcharge. a globe, to wind. [ggrppaAgglomerare, [gglme'rre'] v. Aggravare, [aggravare'] v. a. to Aggruppamento , aggravate; oppress, aggrieve. me'nto] m. binding, forming a a. to unite, join. Agglutinare, [aggltin'r] v. Aggravarsi , v. r. to grow knot ; grouping together. heavy ; feel aggrieved ; be pain- Aggruppare, [ggrppa'r] see a. to paste together, unite. Aggroppare. Aggobbire, [ggbbi'r] v. n. to ful; put on heavier clothing. become hump backed, endure Aggravazione,[ggrvtsi'ne'] Aggruzzolare, [ggrzzl'r] V. a. to amass, collect. aggravation , surcharge great fatigue. f. Agguagliamento , [ggMrdAggomicciolare, [aggmitsb- weight, injury, affront. me'n't] m. making equal. l'r] Aggomitolare, [ggmi- Aggravio, [ggr'vio] m. aggraAgguaglianza, [ggurn'ds] vation, injury, wrong. tla're] i'. a. to wind up; make into a clew or coil. Aggomito- Aggraziatamente, [ggrtsit- f. equality, conformity, comlAKSi, V. r, to assemble in me'n'te'] adv. with a good grace, parison; resemblance. (Graziare. Agguagliare, [ggwl''re'] v.a. politely. groups; form into squares. Aggottare, [aggottare'] v. a. Aggraziare, [ggrtsi'r] see to equalize , make oven or Aggraziato, [ggrtsi't] adj. smooth; compare;-, v. n. to bo mar. to pump a ship. equal, be alike. Agguagliarsi, Aggradare, [ggrdreT see Ag- graceful, civil, genteel. Aggregamento, [ggrgme'n'- V. r. to compare one's self with. gradire. Agguagliatamente, [ggul'aAggradevole, [ggrde"vl] adj. t] see Aggregazione. agreeable; acceptable, pleas- Aggregare, [ggre'ga're'] u. a. to tme'n't] adv. equally, proportionately. aggregate. ing, satisfactory. Aggradevolmente, [ggrde'vl- Aggregato, [ggre'g'to] m. ag- Agguagliatore, [ggurtr] m. he that equalizes. gregate; assemblage. me'n't] adv. agreeably. Aggradimento, [ggrdime'n'to] Aggregazione, [ggre'gtsi'ne'] Agguagliazione, [ggual'atsi'm. aggregation, association. ne'] f. conformity, equality. m. pleasure, liking. Aggradire, [aggradi 're'] v. a. to Aggreggiare, [ggrdj're'] v.a. Agguaglio, [ggM'r] m., poes. comparison ; distinction. to gather together, collect. Agreceive kindly, like, pleaso. Aggraduirsi,[ggrdir'si] v.r. greggiarsi, V. r. to herd to- Agguantare, [agguanta' re*] v. a. gether. to seize and hold suddenly to make one's self agreeable to, gain the good will of any one. Aggressione, [ggre'ssi'n] f. catch; reef. Agguatare, [ggut're'l v. a. to Aggraffare, [ggrff'r] v. a. aggression, assault. ^ to clasp, snatch, hold fast, Aggressore, [ggrss're'] m ag- wait for, spy. Agguatarsi, v. r. to lie in ambush. gressor, assaulter. clutch. Aggrafflare, [ggrffi're] , v. Aggrezzare, [ggre'ts-r] v. n. Agguatevole,[ggttt'Yol] odj. insidious. to starve with cold. a. to snatch with the claws. Aggrampare, [ggrmp're'] see Aggricchiare, [ggrikki're'] v. Agguato, [ggu'to] m. lurkingplace, ambush; essere in -, to n. to be cramped with cold, Aggrappare. lie in wait. Aggranchiarsi, [ggrankir'si] stiff with cold. Aggrinzare, [ggrints'-r] v. Agguattarsi, [gguttar'si] v. . r. to got stiif with cold. Aggrancire, [ggrntshi'r] v. n. to wrinkle , shrivel get a. r. to stoop down to avoid being seen. wrinkled. a. to catch, gripe. [ggrndi- Aggrinzato, [ggrintg't] adj. Agguerrire, [ggue'rri're'] v.a. Aggrandimento , to train up to war. mn't] tu. aggrandizement, wrinkled. Aggrizzato, [ggritsa't] adj. Agguindolamento, [gguindincrsase: rise, promotion. lme'n'to] m. reeling off; artiAggrandire, [ggrandi're'] v. a. stiff with cold.
. ,

fice, imposture. covered with tartar, Agguindolare, [agguindl're'] V. a. to reel off, wind up; ^(7. to ittcrustate. Aggranditore, [ggrndit're'] Aggrondare, [aggrnd'r] v. n. lead by the nose. Agguindolo, [gguin'dl] see m. magnifier, amplifier, enlarg- to grumble, be angry. Aggroppamento , [ggrpp- Guindolo. es. ' J Aggrappamento , [aggrappa- mn't] wt. knotting ; heap, Aggustare, [ggust're'] . n. to please, give pleasure. group. mn't] m. grappling, hold.

to enlarge, increase. Aggrandirsi, V. r. to become large; raise one's self, grow.

Aggrommare, [ggrmm're'] v.
n. to get

Aghetta, [ght-ta]
vitrified lead.



litharge, Agnizione, [n'itsi'ne'] /".recog- Agrifoglio, [grif'l'o] m. holly Agrigno, [gri'n'] adj. sourish, nition. Aghetto, [ghe't't] m. lace, tag. Agno, ['n'] i. lamb; swelling harsh; proud. Aghiaccio, [ghit'shj m. helm, in the groin; - casta, m. agnus Agrimensore, [grime'nso'r] m. rudder. castus. land-surveyor. Aghirone, [ghir'ne'] 7n. heron. Agnus-di ['n's'de'i] and A- Agrimensura, [grime'ns'ra]/'. Agiamento, [gjimnt'] m. gnosdei, ['n's'di] conse- land-surveying, mensuration. ease, conveniency opportunity. crated wafer. Agrimonia, [grim'ni] /.agri-* Agiare, [ji'r] v. a. to accom- Ago, ['g] m. needle; hand (of mony, liver-wort. modate furnish with. a clock); stile (of a sundial) Agriotta, [gri't] /. egriot, Agiatamente , [jitme'n'te] sting (of a bee, Ac); spire; wild black cherry. ailv. commodiously, with ease. compass; tongue of the steel Agripersa, [agripr's] /. mar;
; ;

Agiatezza, [jitt's] [. easy yard; - da testa, m. bodkin. joram. circumstances, jtl. ; comfort Agognante, [gn'nt] adj. Agrippa, [agrfp'p] m. a kind of wealth. greedy after. ointment.probably named from Agiato, [ji't] adj. in easy cir- Agognare, [gn''re'] v. n. to the inventor. cumstances, wealthy conve- covet eagerly, long for, sue for, Agro, ['gr] adj. sour, acid; nient, comfortable; lazy, slow. aspire to. sharp, harsh, rough; severe;

Agibile, [ji'bilj adj. feasible, practicable. Agile, ['jile'] adj. agile, nimble, quick. Agijit,[gilit] (Agilitade.Agilitate) f. agility, nimbleness. Agilmente, [jilmn't] adv. nimbly, actively. Agio, ['ji] m. convenience.ease, comfort; a bell' -, a buon -, at leisure; a vostro -, at your leisure; se avr -, if I can spare time; dar -, to give time (to pay); prender -, to take one's

Agognatore, [gn't'rt] w.

troublesome, cross-grained. covetous man aspirant. Agro, ['gr] m. lemon juice. Agone, [g'n] w. large needle, Agrodolce, [grdrtshe] adj. wrestling sweet and sour mixed together packing needle ground; field of battle; combat. to form a sauce. Agonia, [gni'] f. agony; an- Agronomo, [gr'nm] tn. agri;

ler, gladiator, fighter.


Agonista, [gni'st] m. wrest- Agrume, [gr'me']m. acid fruits;

pot-herbs, pl.\


Agonizzante, [guitsn'tJacJj. Aguaglianza, [gurn'dsj see Agguaglianza. at the point of death, dying. Agonizzare, [agni ts'r] v. n. Aguardare, [gurd're'] v. n. to
to agonize, be breathing one's

look after, take care

to spoil.


Aguastare, [guast're']



Agire, [aji'r]

v. a.


n. to act,

Agitamento, [agjitmn'tj
agitation, shake, stir.


[jit're'] v. a.

stimulate vex, molest; negociate; plead;una lite, to carry on a lawsuit. Agitatore, [jitt'r] m. agitastir,

to agiexcite;

Agorajo, [gr'y] m. needlemaker: needle-case. Agostino, [gsti'n] adj. horn in August. Agostaro, [gst'r] m. an ancient golden coin having on one side the head of the Emperor Frederick, on the other an eagle after the manner of

Aguatare, [gwt're']

v. a. to

watch, wait for. Aguatatore,[gtt're'] m.insnarer, spy.






Aguato, [gu't] ni. lurkingplace, ambush. Agucchiare, [agkkia' r] v. a. to

sew, stitch.

tor, inciter, caballer.

Agosto, [go'st]



Aguglia, [gTa]

slight agitation.

[jittsi'ne'] f. scuttle hinges, gudgeons. tation; excitement. Agugliata, [gr'tj /.needleAgliata, [r't] /". garlic-sauce. Agrestata, [grst't] /".a drink full. Aolieti.o,[rt't] m. young garmade of a particular kind of Aguglione, [glVne'] m. sting; lic; confortarsi con gli aglietsour grapes and sugar. incentive. ti to feed one's self with vain Agreste, [gr'st] adj. agrestic, Agugliotto, [grtt] Ml. pinhopes. rural clownish, rude. tle of a rudder. A lio, ['I'] m. garlic. Agrestezza, [agre'stet'sa] f. rus- Agugnare, [gn'a're'] see AgoAijna, f'n'] f., poes. she-larah. ticity; sourness. gnare. Agnato, [n''t] m. kinsman by Agrestino, [grsti'njadj.sour- Agumentare, [grae'nt're'] see ttie. male line; cousin. ish, tartish. Aumentare. Agnazione, [n'atsi'ne'] f. kin- Agresto, [gr'st] w. juice of Agumino, [gmi'n] m. ship's dred by the fatber's side. sour grapes, verjuice. cable. Agnella, [n''la] Agnelletta, Agrestume , [grst'me'] m. Agunare, [gna're'] v. a. to col;


[grme'n'te'] adv. agi- sharply, severely, cruelly. Agrario, [gr'rijofJj. agrarian.



steeple, /. of a rudder,

[an'llt't] f. little sbe-lamb. acids, pi. Agnelletto, [an'll't] ni. lamb- Agretto, [gre't't] adj. sourish, kin. somewhat acid; -, m. Indian Agnellina, [ne"lli'n] /. see cresses, nasturtium. Agnella. Agrezza, [gre't's] f, sourness, sTiellino, [n'e'lli'n] adj. of a acidity, tartness. lamb; -, m. lambkin. Agricola, [gri'kl] AgricoltoAgnello, [a'ri] w. lamb. re, (agrikolto're') m. husbandAgnelletto, [n'll't] m. a sort man, tiller, countryman; farmof diminutive dumplings stuff- er. ed with lamb, or other meat Agricoltura, [agriklt'r] {. tgenerally used in the plural). agriculture; tillage.


[gr're'] &c. see



gurare &c. Agutello, [gt'l] m. small nail.



Agutetto,[gte't't]arfj. rather

Agutezza, [gte't's] Acutezza &c.




v. a. to

sharpening; sharpness.
[agii ts'r]





Albatrino, [lbtri'n] m. wine made from the fruit of the arbutus. Albatro, [lb'tr] m. arbutus. Albazzano,[lbts'n] m. stone used in making mortar. Albedine, [lb'din] /. Albeggiamento, [lbdjime'n'to] m. whiteness, brightness,splendor. Albeggiante, [lbe'djin't] adj. somewhat white. Albeggiare, [albe'djta'rel v. n.

whet, sharpen, edge, point; - Ajutativo, [ay tati'v] adi.helpuseful. Ajutatore, [ytt're'] m. Aju Aguzzatore , [gntst're'] i. tatrice, [yttri'tshe'] f. helpwhetter, grinder. er, assistant. Aguzzatura, [gtst'r] f. Ajutevole, [yte"vle'] adj. fawhetting, sharpening, edging. vorable, propitious. *Aguzzetto,[gtst't] m. emis- Ajuto, [y't] m. help, assistsary, confidant; minion. ance, succour. AjuTi, pi. auxiAguzzino , [gtsi'n] m. low liary troops, pi. officer over convicts. Ajutore,[yt're']sceAjutatore. Aguzzo, [g'tsj adj. acute Ala, [a'la] f. wing ; fin of a fish, sharp, pointed. yard; fig. protection; batter le Ahi! [i'] int. oh! alas! ali, to flutter; far - , to make Ahibi [ib] int. fie! humph! room; stare sull'ale, to he just Ahim, [im'] int. alas! going. Aim, [airae'] int. alas! Alabarda, [albr'd] f. halberd. Airare, [ira'r] v. a. to hate. Alabardata, [lbrd't] /'.blow

appetito, appetite.


sharpen one's

become whitish, dawn.

[lbr're'j v. a. ta raise the standard, display, set up, hoist. Alberatura, [lbe'rtu'r] /". a


generic term expressing all the Airone, [ir'ne'] m. heron. masts in a ship. from a halherd. Aissare, [iss'r] v. a. to irri- Alabardiere, [albrdi're'] m. Albercocca,[lbe'rk'k] /'.apritate, provoke, set on (said chief- halberdier. cot. ly of a dog). [lbe'rk'k] Alabastrino, [albstri'n] adj. Alberoocoo, m. Aita, [i't]/. &c.,seeAjuto, &c. made of alabaster. apricot-tree. Aita, [i't] f. help; aita, aita, Alabastro, [alb'str] m. ala- Alborella, [lbe'rl] f. aspenhelp, help.
adj. valor- Alacrit, [lkrit']



ous, robust.
[ita're'] v. a. to help.

gaiety, quickness.

tree. alacrity, Alberello, [lbe'rlo] vase, phial.


m. small

Alamanna, [lmn'n] Serala- Alberese,

manna,[se'rlmn'n/".] grape resembling the muscat. Alamaro, [lm'r] tn. ornamental lacing in the form of a button-hole. Alano, [al'n] m. a large dog of the mastiff kind, used chiefly in hunting wild-boars and other ferocious animals. Alare, [al're'] m. andiron. Alare, [l'r] v. a. to haul, pull, tow. Alario, [l'rio] adj. used substantively auxiliary soldier in the Roman legions. Alatorisa, [lte'ri's] /". a spring (of a watch etc,). Alaterno, [alate r'n ] m. privet; (evergreen). Alato, [l't] adj. winged. Alatore, [lt're'] m. hauler,


Aizzamento, [itsmn't] m.
ir ritation .instigation, provoca-


Aizzare, [its're'] v. a. to stir up, irritate, provoke, enrage, set on (said chiefly of a dog). Aizzatore, [ist'r] m. inciter, provoker, instigator. Aizzoso, [its's] adj. provoking, inciting, vexing. Aja, ['y] f. thrashing-floor; garden-plot; governess, directress.

stone, lime. Alb ereta, [lbe're't] f. Albereto, [lbe're"to] m. grove. Alberetto, [albe retto] tn. dwarftree, shrub.

Albergamento, [lbe'rgmn'to]

Albergagione, [lbe'rgj'-

Albergo. Albergare, [lbrg're'J v. a. to lodge, harbour, -, v. n. to lodge,

ne'] f. see

stop, reside, dwell.

Albergato, [lbe'rg't] ad/.inhabited, frequented, abounding in


Ajare, [y're'] see Inajare. Ajata, [y't] threshing-floor

full of sheaves.




inn-keeper, hotel-keeper.

Ajato,[y't] adj.ramhling, va(gabond; andar -, to ramble about. (azure.

Aj ermo,




Ajetta, [yt't] f. hot-bed. Ajo, ['y] m. preceptor, tutor, governor. Ajone, [y'n] m. rambler, rover.

Ajosa, [y's] adv. abundantly. Ajuola, [y'l] f. small barn.floor;

trench; sow (place for

spreading nets). Ajuolo, [y'l] m. net to catch

small birds.

Ajutamento, [ytmn't]


help, succour. Ajutante,[ytn'te']adj.sturdy, strong, powerful; -, m. helper, assistant; - di campo, m. aid-

Albergatrice, [albe'rgatri'tshe'] /. land-lady. Alberghetto, [alberghe't'to] m. small inn. Albergo, [lbr'g] ni. hotel, inn, lodging prendere -, to stop at puller. Alba, [lT] /"., poes. break of an hotel. Alberino, [lbe'ri'n] m. small day, dawn. Albagia, [lbji'] f. vanity,self- tree , fungus produced near marked like trees; stones conceit. Albaglo, [lbj'io] m. kind of trees. Albero, [l'be'r] m. tree, mast, coarse woolen cloth. Albagioso, [lbji'so] a4j. con- stock;- di mezzana, m. mizzen-mast; - di trinchetto, m. ceited, vain, proud. Albajone, [lby'ne'] m. sand fore-mast. Albicante, adj. [lbikn'te'] bank near the sea-shore. Albana, [lb'na] f. kind of whitish. Albicocca, [albikoTva] f. apricot. white grape, Albanella, [lbnen] f. kind Albicocco, [albik'kj m. apri;

of falcon.

cot tree.

decamp. Alb ardeola,[lbrde''l] /.water Albino, [lbi'n] adj. whitish; -, Ajutare, [yt'r] help, spoonbill. m. Albinos. assist, succour. Ajutausi, v. r. Albaro,[lb'r]m.blackpoplar. Albo, [l'b] m. album. to make use of, avail one's self Albatico,[lbti'cj m. a variety Albo, [l'b] adj. poes. white; of black grape used to color tipsy. of.



slight assistance.

white wine. (arbutus. Alberare, [lbr'rel Albatra, [alba'tra] /.fruit of the berare.






Albore, [lb'r] m, aurora, Aldio, [al'dio] or Aldione, m. a ted, parted with, estranged, distracted, crazy, mad. domestic laborer. dawn, treo. Alborottarsi, [lbrttr'si] v. Aleatico, [lti'co] m. a kind Allenatore, [lint're'] m. one
of grape. who alienates. a. r. to mutiny, raise a tumult. AlISQgiiie, [alb'jin] f. albugo, Aleffe, [ale'f'fe'] m. the first let- Alienazione, [lie'ntsi'ne'] f. alienation, transfer, estrangewbito spot on the corner of the ter of the Hebrew alphabet dire aleffe, to begin. ment, sale, change, distraction, eye. Albuginoso, [lbjin's] adj. Alegger, [ale'd'je're'] v. a. irr. mental derangement. see Eleggere: to select, choose. Alienigena, [lie'nij'n] m. an albugineous, white.

Album, [l'bm] m. albnra,scrap- Aleggiare,



v. n. to


flutter, try to fly.

Alieno, [lie"n] adj. alien, fo-

[le'nme'n't] m. reign, averse, reluctant. difficulty in breeathing. Aliga [li'g] f. sea weed. Albuminoso, [lbmin's] adj. Alenoso, [le'n's] adj. out of Aligero, [li'je'r] adj. winged. breath, panting, asmatic. Alima, [li'm] f. kind of sand albumineous. Alburno, [albr'n] m. yearly Aleppe, [lp'pe'i int. oh! alas! found in gold-mines. Alere, [l're'J v. a. to nourish. Alimentamento , [h'me'ntring in fir and similar trees.

Albume, [lb'm] m. white of Alenamento,

an egg.

Alcalde, [alkal'do] m. Spanish Alerione, [lri'ne'J m. a small mn't] m. aliment, food, noueagle without beak or feet, with rishment. judge. distended wings: used in he- Alimentare, [lime'nt're'] v. a. Alcaico, [lk'ik] ni. alcaics. raldry. [lkle'shn'te'] to nourish, feed, maintain. Alcalescente , Alessifarmaco,[le's3fr'mkJ Alimentario, [limnt'ri] adj. adj. alkalescent, alkaline. alimentary; pensione alimenAlcali, [l'kali] m. alkali, fossil- m. counterpoison, antidote. Aletta, [le't't] f. small wing, taria, f. maintenance, provisalt. sion. Alcalizzare, [lklits're'] v. a. pinion, fin (of a fish). Alfabeticamente, [lfbe'tik- Alimento, [lime'n't] m. alito alkalize. ment, food, noxmshment. Alcalizzazone, [lklitstsi'- me'n'te'] adv. alphabetically. Alfabetico, [lfb'tik] adj. al- Alimentoso, [lime'nt's] adj, n] f. alkalization.
phabetic. Alfabeto, [lfb6''t] m. alphaAlcanzo, [lkn'ts] m. letter- bet, horn-book. carrier , messenger (derived Alfanetta, [lfne't't] f. Carthaginian falcon. from the Turkish militia). Alfiere, [lfi're'] m. ensign, enAlce, [l'tshe'] m. elk. Alcea, [ltsh'] f. bat. vervain, sign-bearer, bishop (at chess). Alga, [l'g] /". sea-weed, seaalcea. Alchermes, [lche'r'me's] m. li- grass. quor composed of alcohol and Algazzella, [lgtsri] f. gazelle. juleps, colored with cochineal, and scented with aromatic Algebra, [al'je'bra] f. algebra. (trick. Algebrista, [lje'bri'st] m. alodors. Alchmia, [lkimi'] f. alchymy, gebraist. Alchimico, [lki'mik] adj. al- Algore, [l'je'r] v. n. irr. (alsi) to be cold, freeze. chymical. Alchimista, [lkimi'st] m. al- Algore, [lg're'] m. algor, chillness. chymist. Alchimizzare, [lkimits're] v. Algoso, [lg's] adj. full of sea weeds. n. to practise alchymy. Alcione, [ltshi'n] m. king- Alia, ['ii] f. wing (of a build ing). fisher, halcyon. Alcionide, [ltshi'nide'] m. hal- Aliare, [li'r] u. n. to fly. Alibi, [a'libi] m. (law) alibi ; cyon days, pi. Alcionio, [ltshi'ni]nt.marine provar I' -, to prove an alibi. excrement from which it is Alice, [ali'tshe] /. anchovy. supposed king-fishers build Alidada, [lid'd] f. cross-stafi', quadrant. their nests. Alcoole, [lk'le'] or alcohol, Alido, [lido] see Arido. spirits of wine highly recti- Alleggiare, [le'dj'r] see Alegf.

Alcanna, [lkan'n]
red dye.


alimentai, nutritive.

Alimo, [li'm] m. common



Alina, [all'u]


wing of a small



cockle. Aliotte, [lit't] sleeve, ruffle.

m. end of a




Aliquanto, [likwn't] adj. quant, unequal. Aliquote, [likw't] adj.



Alismo, [li'sm] m. a kind of Alisei, [lis'i] m. pi. tradewinds, pi Alitare, [lit're'] v. n. to pant, breath short; -, m. panting,

breathing short. Alito, ['iit] m. breath, breathing, light vapor, breeze; riouer V -, to recover one's self. Alitoso, [lit's] adj. odorous.
Allaocevole, [lltshe'vle'] see

Allacciamento, [lltshamn't] m. lacing, allurement.

[all tsh're'] v. a.


giare. lace, bind, allure, entangle. Aloorano, [lkr'no] m. al- Alienabile,[alie'n'bile']adj.alie- Allacciativo,[lltshti'v] adj. nable, transferable. alluring. coran. Alcovo, [lk'v] m. and Alcova Allenamento, [lie'nmn't] m. AUacciatrice, [lltshtri'she'] alienation, separation. f. alcove, recess. f. alluring woman. Alcuno, [lk'no] pron. and adj. Alienare, [lie'n're'] v. a. to Allacciatura, [lltsht'r] /.

somebody, some, any one, any alienate, transfer, deliver up; fastening, buttoning. body, any; alcuna volla, some- estrange. Alienarsi, v. r. to Allagamento, [llgmn't] m. become estranged, part from, inundation, deluge. times. Aldino, [aldi'n] adj. a kind of withdraw. Allagare, [llg'r] v. a. to text in printing derived from Alienatamente, [alie'natame'n'- overflow, inundate, submerge. [llgtsi'n] ^. its originator, generally called te'] adr. giddily, thoughtlessly. Allagazione, Alienato, [filiiui't] adj. uljea<i- overflowing, flood. the Aldino tcit,

Allampanare, fllmpn'r]
n. to starve with

gory, figure.




v. Allegoria, [lle'gri'j

hunger, be

Allettamento rlle'ttme'n't] m. allurement, charm.





adj. emaciated, meagre. Allappare, [llapp're'] v.


prick tv* tongue, excite.



m. enl;i,rging, extension. Allargare, [llrg'r] v. a. to enlarge, amplify, extend; - la mano, to be open-handed, use Allegramente,

v. a. to entice, allure, harbour, shelter. Allettarsi, v. r. to take to Allegorico, [lle'g'rik] adj. al- one's bed for illness; nestle. legorical, figurative. Allettativa, [llettti'v] {. alAllegorista, [llgri' lurement, lure, bait. legorist. Allettatore, [lle'ttt're'] m. AUettatrice, [lltttri'she'] /. Allegorzzare,flle'grits're'] v. to allegorize. enticer, seducer.

[lle'grik- Allettare,

mn'te'] adj. allegorically, figuratively.

[lle'grme'n'te'] Allettevole,



adv. gaily, cheerily, readily.

attractive, seductive.

Allargato, [llrg't] adj. en- Allegramente, [llgrrae'n't] m. mirth. larged, copious. Allargatore, [llargt're'] wi. Allegrare, [lle'gr're'] v. a. to gladden, delight. Allegrarsi, enlarger, amplifier. Allarmare, [allrma're'] v. a. to V. r. to rejoice, be merry. alarm, disturb. Ai.larmaiSi, AUegrativo, [lle'grti'v] adj. gladdening, diverting. V. r. to become alarmed. Allarme, [aliar 'me] m. alarm, Allegretto, [llgrt't] somewhat merry (term used in mutumult, fright. Allassamento, [llssme'nt] sic, expressive of less vivacity than allegro). m. relaxiition. Allatinare, [lltinre'] v. a. to Allegrezza, [lle'grt's] /. joyousness, cheerfulness. translate into Latin. Allato, [lla't] adv. beside, by, Allegria, [llgri'] /. mirth, about; allato allato, hard by, gladnoss, merriment. Allegro, [lle"gr] ad], cheerful, close by. Allattamento, [allattme'n't] gay, mirthful, merry, brisk, quick, smart. m. giving suck. Allattante, [llttn'te'] /'.nurse, Allegroccio, [lle'gr'tsh] adj. good-humoured, jovial. wet-nurse. Allattare, [lltt're'] v. a. to Alleluja, [lll'y] in. hallelujah, exultation. suckle; -, v. n. to give suck. AUavorare, [llvr'r] v. .to Alleluja, [llry] or Aceto-

Allevamento, [allvmn't] m.
bringing up, educ:ition. Allevare, [llv'r] v. a. to bring up, educate; - le pecore, to breed sheep. Allevato, [lle'v't] m. pupil,



m. fos-

Allevatrice, [lle'vtri'tshe'] (. foster-mother, nurse. Allovaturaccia, [llvatrt'sh] f. neglected education.




Alleviamento, [llvimn'tj m. alleviation, ease.

[llvi're'J v. a. to

alleviate, ease.

[alle'vit're'] m. alleviator, reliever; comforter. AUeviazione, [llviatsi'n] f. alleviation, relief. Allezzare, [ll'ds're'] v. n. to stink. sella, fce'tz'l],/'.wild sorrel. work, toil. Alleanza, [lle'n'ds] f. alli- Allelujare, [lle'l'jr] v. AUianza, [llin'ds] f. familyalliance, kindred. sing hymns of praise to God. ance, league. Alleato, [lla't] adj. allied, Allenamento, [llnmn't] m. Allibire, [llibi're'] v. n. to be astonished, become pale from breathing, respite, delay. confederate; -, m. ally. Allebbiare, [llbbi're'] v. a. to Allenare, [lln're'] v. a. to fear. contaminate, soil, stain, defile. put in breath, strengthen, for- Allibramento , [llibrme'n't]


Alleficare, [llfikr] v. n. Al- tify, invigorate, soften ;-, v. n. faint to get out of breath LEFiCAiisi, V. r. to take root, away, grow feeble. Allenarsi, cultivate friendship. Allegagione, [llgdji'n] f. V. r. to take breath; stop. Allenire, [allni'r] v. a. to citation, setting of fruit. Allegamento, [lle'gran't] m. soften, mitigate, faint. Allentamento, [lle'ntarae'n't] allegation; setting on edge. Allegare, [llg'r] v. a. to al- m. relaxation, slowness. lege, cite, excite; -, v. n. Al- Allentare, [llnt'r] v. a. to legarsi V. r. to form an al- slacken, relax. Allentarsi, v. r. to get slack, become reliance, unite in a league. Allegatore, [llgat're'j m. al- laxed. Allentatura, [lle'ntt'ra] f. leger, quoter.

m. booking, census. Allibrare, [llibra're'] v. a. to book, register. Allibrarsi, v. r. to enter one's name. AUicere, [lli'tshe'r] u. o. to allure, entice.

AUidere, [llide"r] v. a. bruise, bent with a pestle.

Allietare, [llit'r]


a. to a. to

gladden, rejoice,



AUievare, [lliv'r] remove, take away. AUievarsi, [llivr'si]

shoot up, grow up.

v. r. to





allegation, quotation.

Alleggerire, [alldjri'r]
to lighten, mitigate,


Allessamento, flle'ssmn't] Allievo, [allievo] m. pupil, scholar, foster-child. m. boiling, stewing.

relieve. Allessare, [lle'ss'r] v. a. to Alligare, [alligare'] v. a. to tie

together. Alleggerirsi, v. r. to relieve boil, stew. one's self from a weight, put Allesso, [ll'ss] adj. boiled; -, Alligata, [allig't] /. enclosed letter. m. boiled meat. on lighter clothes. Alleggiamento, [lle'djame'n'tj Allestire, [llsti're'] v. a. to Alligatore, [alh'gat're'j m. alliprepare, make ready. Alle- gator, crocodile. m. easing, alleviation, relief.

Alleggiare, [lldj'r] v. a. to stirsi, v. r. to prepare one's Allignare, [allin'r] v.a.totako root; grow. mar. - la self. alleviate, appease Allettajuolo, [lltty'l] m. Allindare, [llind're'] v. a, to gomena, - to ease the cable. make spruce; deck, set off. AlAUeggiatore, [lldjt'r] m. decoy-bird. AUeggiatrice, [lle'djtri'tsh] AUettamare, [llttmi'r] v. lindarsi, V. r. to deck oue'a self out. a. to manure, dung. t. reliever, comforter.

AUindatore, [llindt'r]


Almanacco, [lmnk'k] m. almanack, calendar; far alma'
nacehi, to build castles in the air; fancy. Almanco, [lmn'k] Almeno, [lme''n] adv. at least.

m. Allongamento, [llngme'n't] embellisher, polisher; setter off. see Allungamento. AUindire, [llindi'r] see Allin- Allontanamento , [llntnme'nt] m. Allontananza, [ldare. Allineare, [lline''re'] v. a. to lntnan'ds] f. removal, distance, remoteness. range in a file. Alliquidare, [allikuid'r] v. a. Allontanare, [llntn'r] v.a. to remove, send aAvay. Allonto melt; thaw; be moved. Allisciare, [llish're'j v. a. to tanarsi, V. r. to go a great way off; withdraw, depart from. smooth, gloss. AUisione, [llisi'ne'] f. the ef- Alloppiare, [llppi're'] v. a. to lull with opium. fect of bruising, allision. Allistare, [llist'rj v. a. to Alloppio, [ll'pi] m. opium. Allora, [ll'r] adv. then, at lace, embroider. Aiutare [llit're'] v. n. to arrive that time; recently; - quando, when, whilst. at the shore. AUitterato, [llitte'r't] m. a Allorino , [llri'n] adj. of laurel, laureled; -, m. little literary man.

Almiraglio, [lmirT] see



Almirante, [lmirnt] m. admiral, admiral's ship.

Almo, [l'm]
poes. spirit.



restorative; excellent; -, m.,

Almuzia, [almu'tsia] f. amice. Alno, [l'n] or Ontano, [nt'n]



Aloda, [l'd] f. lark. Alo, [lo'] m. aloes.

Aloetico, [lti'k] adj. aloetical.





Allivellare, [llive'll're'] a. to put up to lottery. vellare. Allividire, [llividi're'] v. n. to Alluciare, [lltshi're'] v. a., poes. to eye, stare at. get pale as death. Allocare, [llk'r] v. a. to Allucignolare, [lltshin'l'r] V. a. to make wicks; twist, place, locate. AUoccaccio, [allkk'tsh] wi. rumple. great ngly owl; fig. unsociable Allucinars!,[lltshinr'si] v. r. man. to be hallucinated, mistake; err. AUoccare, [llkka're'] v. a. to Allucinazione, [llutshintsi'n] f. hallucination. spy, lie in wait for. AUoccheria , [llkke'ri'] f. Alluda, [ll'd]m. sheep's skin. Alludere, [ll'de're'] v. a., irr. owl's flight. Allocco, [llTi]!. owl; dunce, {allusi ; alluso) to allude, hint at, refer to. dolt. Alloccone, [llkk'ne'] m. a stu- Allumare, [llm're'] v. a. to ignite, kindle, light; set fire to. pid fellow. Allodiale, [lldi'le'] adj. allo- AUumatore , [llumt're'] m. kindler, lighter. dial, allodian. Allodio, [ll'di] m. allodial Allume, [ll'rae'] i. alum. Allumiera, [llmi'r] f. alum tenure. Allodola, [alld'l] f. sky-lark. mine. AUodolino , [lldli'n] in. Alluminare, [alluminare'] v. a. to immerse cloth etc. in a disyoung of the lark. Allegagione, [llgj'ne'] f. solution of alum; impregnate with alum. and Allogamento, [llgme'n Allungamento, [allungme'n't] to] m. lease. Allogare, [llg're'] v. a. to m. lengthening; distance. place, settle; arrange; - dana- Allungare, [llnga'r] v. a. to lengthen; prolong. Allungarri, to put money out to inte rest; - una figlia, to marry a si, V. r. to remove from, go

Alloro, [ll'r] m. laurel. see Li- Allottare, [lltt're'] v.

Alone, [l'ne'] m. halo. Alopezia, [alpe"tsi] or Alope<

ca,[lp'tsh] /.a disease that causes the falling off of tho hair.

Alesa, [l's] f. shad (fish). Aloscia, [l'sh] f. hydromel. Alpestre, [lp'str] adj. mountainous; rough, wild; picturesque. Alpi, [alpi']
f. pi. the Alps. Alpigiano, [lpigi'n] m. a muntaineer, inhabitant of tho Alps. Alquanto, [alkw an'to] ad .somewhat, in some degree, a little, rather; -, adj. some, some

few. Alsi, [ls'] adv. also, likewise,


Altalena, [ltl'n]



Altalenare, [ltle'n're'] v. a. to swing, see-saw. Altaleno, [ltal'n] m. swinggate, lever.


[altame'n'te'] adv. highly, greatly, deeply; nobly,

daughter. Allogatore

away. m. Allungatura, [llngt'r] f. lengthening, stretching; pro- altar. landlord. Allogatrice, [llgtri'tsh] f. longation. Altauro, [lt'r] m. a mounAllupare, [llp're'] v. a. to he tain wind. landlady. Alloggiamento, [lldjme'n't] ravenous. Altea, [al t'] ^.marsh-mallows. I. lodging; rooms, quarters, Allusione, [llsi'ne'J /. allu- Alteggiare, [ltji'r] v. n. to encampment. sion, implication. be proud. Alloggiare, [lldj'r] v. a. to Allusivo, [llsi'v] adj.allusive, Alterabile, [lte'r'bile'] adj. allodge; -, V. n. to take up one's hiuHng at. terable, changeable. lodgings, stay at an inn. Al- AUuviare, [llvi're'].a6s. to Alterabilit, [lte'rabilit'] f. loggiarsi, V. r., mil. to open overflow. changeableness. an intrenchment. tAUuvione, [llvi'ne'] f. allu- Alteramente, [altrme'n'te'J Alloggiatore, [lldjt'r] m. vion; accretion. adv. haughtily, arrogantly. Alma, [al'ma] f., poes. soul; Alteramente, [lte'rme'n'tj m. inn-keeper, landlord. Alloggio, [all'dj] m. lodging- spirit. (magest. alteration, change. house, lodgings, rooms, pL; inn. Almagesto, [almaj'st] m. al- Alterare, [lte'r're'] v. a. to alAllogliato, [lll'a't] adj. mix- Almanaccare, [lmnakkre'] v. ter, change; debase, deteriorate. ture of wheat and tares: stupid, n. to write almanacks; puzzle Alterarsi, v. r. to be disdull. oncs's brains. turbed, get angry.


remarkably. Altana, [lta'n] f. small light tower (on a building). Altare, [lt'r] m. altar. Altarello, [altar 'i] m. little






Alteratamente, [lte'rtmn'- Altramente, [ltrmn'te'] adv. Amadore, [md're'] m. lover,

otherwise. t] adv. angrily, furiously. adj. Altres, [ltre's'] adv .also, likeAlterativo, [alterativo], wise, too. med. alterative. Alterazione, [lte'rtsi'n] f. Altrettale, [ltre'tt'le'] adj. similar, such like; equal. change, alteration. Altercare, [lte'rk're'] f. n. to Altrettanto, [ltrttn't] adv. as much, as much again, as dispute, quarrel. Altercazione, [lte'rktsi'ne'] /. much more, the same to you. Altri, [l'tri] pron. any body, altercation, dispute. Alterello, [lte'r'l] od/, some- any one, another; some, others. what high. Altrice, [altri'tsche'] f. a nurse. Alterezza, [lte're't's]. Alter- Altrieri, [ltri'ri] i, the day gia, [ltri'ji] f. haughtiness, before yesterday. Altrimenti, [ltrime'n'ti] adv. pride, insolence, arrogance. Alterzzarsi, [alte'rits'rsi] v. otherwise. n. r. to become angry. Altro, [rtr] adj. & adv. other, Alternamente, [lte'rnme'n'te'] quite another, different; more than; altra cosa, something adv. alternately, by turns. Alternare, [ltrn're'] v. a. to else; eccone un -, there is anoalternate. ther; per -, in other respects, Alternata, [lte'rn't] f. alter- however; -, m. something else, native. another thing volete -? do you Alternatamente , [lte'rnt- want any thing else ? me'n'te'] see Alternativamente. Altroch, [ltrk'] adv. except, Alternativa, [lte'rnt'iv] f. al- unless, but. ternativo, choice. Altronde, [ltrn'd] adv. elseAlternativamente , [lte'rnati- where, on the other hand, be vme'n't] adv. by turns, alter- sides. nately. Altrove, [ltr've'] adv. someAlternativo, [ltrnti'v] adj. where else, in another place. alternate, by turns, reciprocal. Altrui, [ltr'i] pron. others, Alternazione, [lte'rn'tsine'J f. other people ; I' -, other peoalternation. ple's goods, other men's proAlterno, [ltr'n] adj. altern, perty. successive. Altura, [lt'r] f. height; greatAltero, [lt'r] Alteroso,[lte'- ness, elevation, eminence; sulle r's] adj.proud,haughty lofty. alture, upon the heights. Altetto, [ltt't] adj. somewhat Altutto, [ltt't] adv. wholly, high. quite, entirely. Altezza, [lte't's] f. height, ele- Aluma, [l'm] see Allume. vation highness. Alunno, [ln'n] m. pupil, schoAlticcio,[lti'tsh] adj. half seas lar; foster-child.

Amadriada [mdri'd] f. nymph of the groves. Amalgama,[mrgm] /. amal,


a. to

[mlgm're'] v.



[mlgm, amalgamation.

Amandolata, [mndl't] f. a drink made of almonds. Amandorla, [mndrl] f. almond. Amante, [mn't] adj. loving


m. lover, sweetheart, gallant.

Amantemente, [mantme'n't]
adv. lovingly, tenderly.

Amanuense, [mnn'se'] m.
amanuensis, secretary.

Amaraocio, [mrt'sho]


Amaracino, [amrci'n] i. ointment made from marjoram. Amaraco, [mr'c] m. marjoram.

Amarame, [mr'm] m. refuse,

dregs, pi. outcast. [mrme'n'te'j , adv. bitterly. Amaranto, [amarn't] m. amaranth. Amarasca, [mars'k] f. egriot, cherry wine. Amarasco, [mrs'k]n. black hard cherry-tree. Amare, [ra're'] v. a. to love ; be fond of, like - meglio, to like better, have rather, prefer. Amareggiamento , [mre'djmnto] m. bitterness, embittering.


a. to

-, v.


over, tipsy.





n. to


Altieramente, [altie'rarae'n'te'] [lve''ri] m. bee-hive. bitter. adv. haughtily; loftily: nobly. Alveo, [lv'] m. channel, bed Amareggiola, [mre'd'jl] f. Altierezza, [altie're't'sa] of a river. mother-wort. pride, haughtiness. Alveolo, [lv'l] vi. narrow Amaretto, [amart'to] adj. tart, Altiero, [alti'r] adj. haughty, bed of a river; cell; socket. sourish; -, m. crackers, bislofty; noble. (metry. Alvo, [l'v] m., poes. belly, cuits, pi. Altimetria, [altime'tri'a] f. alti- womb, centre. Amarezza, [mre't's] /. bitter^ Altisonante, [ltisnn'te'J and Alzaja, [lts'y] f. cable. ness grief. Altisono, [ltis'n] adj. loud- Alzamento, [ltsme'n't] m. Amarezzare, [mrtsa'r] see sounding. Amareggiare. raising, lifting up. Altissimo, [ltxs'sim] m. the Alzare, [lts're'] v. a. to raise, Amaricante,[marikn'te'] AmaMost High. riccio, [mrit'sh] adj.sourish, lift up; -it prezzo, to raise

Altivolante, [ltivln'te'] adj.

high-flying. Alto, [l't] ad/.high, lofty, ele-

vated; loud; deep; uomo -, ra. man; in - mare, on the open sea; ad alta voce, loud, aloud; -di colore, high-colored; -, adv. loud; be quick, courage; parlare -, to speak loud; fare - e basso, to play the lord. Alto, [l't] m. height ; mus. treble; poes. high soa, abyss;

heaven fare


to halt, stop.

Altore, [lt'r]

what nou-

the price ; - la bandiera, to rather bitter. hoist the flag; -, v. n. to rise; Amarizzare, [mrits're'] v. a. Alzarsi, v. r. to get up, rise; to render bitter. Amarilli,[mril'li]/'. Amaryllis, be stirring. Alzata, [lts't] Alzatnra, [l- Amarino, [mri'nj ni. bitter cherry. tst'r] f. elevation ; risriig, Amaritudine, [mrit'din] f. rise. Amabile, [m'bile'J odj.araiable, bitterness; grief. Amaro, [ra'rjad/.bitter ; grieagreeable; sweet; affable. Amabilit, [amabilit'] f. ami- vous, cruel; -, m. bitterness; affliction. abloness, affability, mildness. Amabilmente , [mbilmn'te'] Amarognolo, [mr'n'l] adj. adv. in an amiable manner, rather bitter. Amarore, [rar'r] m. bitterkindly. ness; severity. Amaca, [ra'k] f. hammock.
I '

Amarulento, [amrln't]
bitter, rather bitter.




am- Amichevolmente ,


Amatista, [mti'st]



thyst. Amatita,[inti't] f. black lead, chalk for pencils. AmativO; [mti'vjadj.amiable, lovely. Amatore, [mt're'] w. lover;


Amatorio, [mt'ri] m. amatory, amorous.

Amatrice,[mtri'tshe'] /'.sweetheart; mistress. Amanrosi, [mr'si] f. partial or entire loss of sight.









circumlocution, preamble.


[mbshn'] f. embassy, deputation. Ambascia, [mb'sh] f. shortness of breath; anxiety. Ambasciadore, [mbshd'r] see Ambasciatore.

Ambasciare, [mbsh're']
to pant

v. n.


Ambasciata, [mbsh't]


gotiation, commission,message.

[mike'vladv. amicably. Ambiziosamente, [mbitsis- Amicizia,[mitshi'tsi]/". friendship, amity. me'n'te'] adv. ambitiously. Ambizioso, [mbitsi'sjady. am- Amico, [mi'k] adj. friendly, favorable; -, m. friend, combitious, desirous. panion. Ambo, [m'b] pron. both. Ambodue, [mbd'e'] see Am- Amido, ['mid] m. starch. Amidoso, [mid's] adj. having bedue. Ambone, [mb'ne'] m. a pulpit. the quality of starch. Aminea, [mi'n] f. a kind of Ambra, [m'br] f. amber. Ambracane , [ambracane*] m. vine. Amissibile,[raissi'bile']ady.that odoriferous amber. Ambrare, [mbr'r] v. a. to may be lost, losablo. perfume with ambergris. Amissicne , [mmis'sine'] f. Ambretta, [mbrt't] f. musk- loss. pear, skin prepared with am- Amist, [amist'] Amistade, bergris. Amistate, f. amity, friendAmbrogette, [mbr'je't'te'] f. ship. small squares of marble of Amitto, [mit't] m. a priest's various colors used in paving ; garment. [mmkktessalated pavement. Ammaccamento , Ambrogina, [mbrji'n] f. best me'n't] m. bruise, contusion. sort of almonds. Ammaccare, [mmkk'r] v. a. Ambrosia, [mbr'si] f. ambro- to bruise, crush. Ammaccarsi, sia, a kind of rue. 1'. r. to get bruised. Ambrosiano, [mbrsi'n] adj. Ammaccatura, [mmkkat'r] Ambrosian. f. bruise, contusion. Ambulare, [mbl're] v. v. to Ammacchi arsi, [mmkkir'si] run away, flee. V. r. to dodge into a bush,
bition, eagerness.

Ambasciatore, [mbsht'r] Ambulatorio,[mbult'r] a(j. lurk. in. ambassador. ambulatory. Ammaestrabile, [mme'strbi'Ambasciatrice, [rabshtri'- Ambustione, [mbsti'ne'] f. le'] adj. teachable. tshe'] f. ambassadress, ambasambustion, scald. Ammaestramento, [rame'strsador's wife.

Ambascioso, [mbsh's]
sorrowful, melancholy.


Amedano, [me'd'n] m. alder. me'n'to] m. teaching, instrucAmen, ['me'n] see Ammen. tion, education. Amenamente, [me'nme'n'te'] Ammaestrare, [mme'str're']
adv. agreeably, pleasantly. [mna'r] v. a. to strike, threaten.

Ambassi, [ambas'si]
bsace, aces.



V. a. teach, instruct, train, dis-

cipline, educate.

Ambe, [ambe] Ambi, [mbi], Ammaestratamente, [mmand Ambo, [ambo] pron. both. Amendue, ame'ndu'e'] Amen- strtme'n't] adv. in a masAmbedue, [mbe'd'] Ambedui, dune, [me'nd'ne] sec Ambe- terly manner. [mbd'i] Ambedue, [mb- due. Ammaestrativo, [mme'strti'd'] pron. both. [mbid'r]/'. bantering. Ambiare, [mbi'r] v. n. to amble, pace. Ambidestro, [mbide''str] adj.


Amenit, [amenit'] Ameni- V] adj. instructive. tade, Amenitate, f. amenity, Ammaestratore, [mme'strt'agreeableness. re'] m. teacher, instructor. Ameno, [m'n] adj. pleasing, Ammaestratrice, [mrastr-

agreeable, sweet. tri'tshe'] f. instructress, gover[mn'teT adj. used ness. , ambidexter. substantively, mad, deprived Ammaestrevole, [mme'str'Ambidue, [mbid'] see Am- of sense. vle'] adj. teachable, docile. bedue. Amento, [me'n't] m. a kind of Ammaestrevolmente, [mme'Ambiente, [mbin'te'] adj. am- chalice. stre'vlme'n't] adu. in a masterbient; -, in. surrounding air, Ametista, [me'ti'st] see Aaa- ly manner, learnedly.





Ambguamente, [mbigume'n'- Ametistina,

[mml''re'] v. a. to cord, bind up, beat with a

te'] adv. ambiguously. plant having lively bl ue flowers. hammer. Ambiguit, [ambiguit'] Ambi- Amflbio, [mfi'bi] adj. amphi- Ammagrare, [mmgr're'] and

bious. Ammagrire, [mmgri're'] v. Amianto, [min't] m. asbestos. n, to get thin, become lean. Ambiguo, [mbi'g] m. doubt. Amica, [mi'k] /.afemale friend, Ammainare, [mmin're'] v. a. Ambiguo, [mbi'g] adj. ambi- a mistress. mar. to lower the sails, brace Amicabile , [mik'bil] adj. the yards. guous, doubtful. Ambio, [mbio] m. amble. amiable, affable, gentle. Ammalarsi, [mmyr'si] v. r. 'Ambire, [mbi're'] v. a. to desire Amicamente, [micme'n'te'] see to deck one's self with flow-

guitade, Ambiguitate,/". ambi-

guity, doubt.

Ambito, [mbi't] m. cabal,

Amichevolmente. ers. Amicarsi, [mikr'si] v. r. to Ammalare, [mml're'] v. a. to circle, trigue, circumference. gain the friendship of one, become ill, sicken; - v. n. to Ambizioncella , [mbitsin- form a friendship. become or grow weak, fall sick. tfih'l] f. slight degree of Amichevole, [mik'vl] adj. Ammalatccio, [mmlti'tsh]
ardently, covet, seek favor.


amiable, affable, gentle.

adj. sickly, infirm.

Aininalato,[ininla't] adj. sick, diseased. AininalatTiccio,[mmlt'tsli]


[mmss- Ammansare, [mme'ns'r] v. d to acquire any preferment.


me'n't] m. accumulation, heap,

Ammontarsi, [mme'ntr'si] v. mass. and Ammalazzato, [mmla- Ammassare, [mmss're'] v. n. r. to remember. to amass, heap up. Ammas- Ammettere, [mme't'te're'] v. a. ts't] adj. sickly. Ammaliamento, [ammlimn'- sarsi, V. r. to come together, irr. to admit, receive see Mett]

m. witchcraft.



Ammaliare, [mmali'r]
to bewitch, fascinate.

Ammassatore, [mmsstr'e'] Ammezzamento


mn't] m. division, half. m. accumulator, heaper up. [mmassi- Ammezzare, [mmts're'j v. a. Ammaliatore, [mmliat'r] m. Ammassicciarsi , tshar'si] v. r. to get compact, to divide into two; v. n. to be pnchanter, magician.



grow hard.

half ripe.

tsh] f. enchantress, witch, sorceress.

Ammasso, [mms's] m.
V. a. to

Ammezzatore, [mme'tsat're]

Ammalatnra, [mmlit'r]
witchcraft, fascination.


mass, accumulation. [mmtss're']


wind into skeins.

V. a. to



render malicious.
[ramlt're'] v. a.

[ramtt're'] v. a. to hold out signals of distress.

v. a.

divider into two equal parts. [am'mi] m. a medicinal plant. Ammiccare, rramikk're'] v, a.

to wink, beckon.


Ammattire, [mmtti'r]

m. winker.


daub with mortar. Ammandorlato, [mmndrl'toj adj. (said of lozenges

make mad;




to go

mad, be distracted.

see Migliorare.
V. a. to

made Ammattonamento,

of almonds).

namn't]m.paving with bricks. Amminicolare, [mminikl're']



Ammattonare, [ammattona' l]
V. a. to

prop, aid, assist.

Amminicolo, [mminiTtl] m. pave with bricks. Ammattonato, [mmattn't] help, support. fetter. Amministrare, [mministr'r] Ammanieramento, [ramnie'- m. pavement, paved square. [mmts- V. a. to administer, govern, rm e n'tlm. mannerism, affect- Ammazzamento rule, furnish. me'n't] m. murder, massacre. ed embellishment. Ammanierare, [mmnie'r're'] Ammazzare, [mmts're'] v. a. Amministrativo, [amministrativo] adj. administrative. to murder, massacre. AmmazV. a. to embellish with affected zarsi, V. r. to kill one's self, Amministratore, [mministrornaments, adorn. t'r] m. administrator, trusAmmanieratura, [mmanie'r- toil hard, make nosegays.



orna- Ammazzasette, [mmtsse't'te'] tee. Amministratrice, [mministrm. bully, swaggerer. tri'tsh] {. administratrix. Ammaninconire, [mmaninc- Ammazzatoio, [ramatsty] Amministrazione, [mminiw. slaughterhouse. nirj V. n. to become melanAmmazzatore, [mmtst're'] strtsi'ne') [. administration, choly. government. Ammannajare, [mmnny're'] w. murderer. Ammazzatrice, [ammatsatri'- Amminuire, [mmini're'] v. a. V. a. to behead with an axe. to diminish. Ammannare, [mmnn'r] v. tshe'] f. murderes. Ammazzerare, [mmtse'r're'] Amminutare, [mmint're'] v. a. to prepare. [ammnni- V. a. to harden, indurate. a. to mince; hash. Ammannimento , Ammazzolare, [mmtsl're'] Ammirabile, [ammiratile'] adj. mn't] m. preparation. admirable, wonderful. Ammannire, [mmnni're'] see V. a. to make nosegays. Ammelmare, [amme'lma're'] Am- Ammirabilit,[mmirabilit'] f. Ammannare. Ammansare, [mmns're'l Am- memmare, [mme'mm'rj v. admirability, wonderfulness. mansire, [mmnsi'r] v. a. to n. to sink in the mire, get en- Ammirabilmente, [mmirbilmn'te'] adv. admirably, wontame, make gentle, soften, ap- tangled. Ammen, [m'me'n] int. amen! derfully. pease. Ammiragliato, [mmirl''t] f. Ammantare, [a'mmnta're'] v. a. so be it! to cloak, palliate, disguise. Ammenare, [mme'n're'] v. a. admiralty, admiralship. Ammiraglio, [mmirT] m. Ammantarsi, v. r. to cloak and n. to strike. Ammenazione,[mmntsi'n] admiral , admiral-ship ; lookone's self, put on a cloak. ing-glass. Ammantatura, [mmntt'r] f. a stroke, blow. Ammenda,[mmn'd]^amends, Ammiralita, [ramirlit'] f. /. cloaking, covering, cloak. the admiralty. Ammantellare, [mmntll'r] reform. Ammendabile, [amme'nda'bile'] Ammiramento, [ramirmn't] see Ammantare. Ammanto, [mmn't] tn. cloak, adj. that may he repaired, cor- see Ammirazione. Ammirare, [mmir're'] v. a. to rigible. mantle. Ammarcimento, [mmrtshi- Ammendamento , [amme'nd- adrairft. Ammirarsi, v. a. to be astonished, wonder. rae'n't] m. amendment. me'n't] m. putrefaction. Ammarcire, [mmrtshi're'] v. Ammendare, [mme'nd're'] v. Ammirativo, [mmirti'v] adj. admirative, wonderstruck. a. to amend, reform, meliorate, n. to putrefy. Ammarginarsi, [mmrjinr'si] repair. Ammendarsi, v. r. to Ammiratore, [mmirt're'] Amimprove, get better. miratrice, [mmirtri'tshe'J f. V. r. to heal up. [rame'ndt- admirer. Ammartellare, [mmrte'll're'] Ammendazione, si'ne'] f. melioration, correc- Ammirazione, [mmirtsi'ne'] V. a. to torment, make jealous. Amma8Clierare,lmmskr're'] tion. f. admiration, surprise. V. a. to dress another in a Ammendue, [amme'nd'] pron. Ammissibile, [mmissi'bile'j ad;.





admissible, receivable.

Ammissione, [mmissi'n]

-21 Ammontare, [mmnt're']



Ammistione, [mmisti'n]
mixture, medley. Ammisurare, [mmisr're'] a. to measure.



Ammisurato,[mmisr't] adj.

[mmvimn'm. movement. Ammozzamento , [mmLsaAmmonticare, [mrantikre'ju. me'n't] m. the act of cutting o. to heap together. earth etc. into small fragments. Ammonticchiare [mmntik- Ammezzare, [ammtsa're] e. n. ki'r] V. a. to heap up. to cut into fragments. Ammonticchiarsi, [ammntik- Ammozzicare, [mmtsik're]
heap up; come to.
-, v.


n. to ascend,

Ammitto, [ammft'to] m. amico. Ammobiliamento, [mmbiliamii't]

a. to


v. a. r.

to be united

V. a. to

strictly together.


cut to pieces. [mmtsla're']


Ammonticellamento, [mmntishllmn't] m. the

Ammobiliare, [mmbili'r]


heaping up.

V. n. to form into a mass and become hardened. Ammucchiare, [mraukki'r]

V. a. to

Ammodamento, [mmdme'n'- Ammonticellare

moderation. Ammodare, [mmd're'] to moderate.
t] VI.
v. a.


heap up,

pile up.

tshll'r] v. a. to

make small Ammucidire, [ammcidi'r] and

v. a.

Ammorbare, [mmrha'r]

Ammoderato,[mmde'r't] Moderato.

Ammufifare, [mmff'rj v. n. to get musty. to infect; -, v. n. to be taken Ammuinare, [mmina'r] see ill, fall sick, smell strong. Amraoinare.


V. a. to



Ammanire, [mmni're']


Amv. r.


dmn't] m. softness, effemi-

V. a. to

Ammusarsi, [mmsr'si]

render modest.

Ammodo, [ammdo]
adj. wise, prudent.

Ammorbidare, [mmrbid're'] modo Ammorbidire, [mraorbidi'r]

v.a. to soften, render effeminato.

to meet face to face (said especially of asses).

Ammutinamento , [ammutinamnto] m. mutiny, revolt.


[mm'j''re'] v.





grow dainty, get effeminate. Ammutinarsi, [ammutinar 'si] Ammorsare, [mmrs'r] v.a. V. r. to mutiny, revolt. multiply. Ammogliare, [mmr're'] v. a. to bite, nibble. Ammutinato, [mm.tin't]rt(fJ. to marry (a son), wed. Am- Ammorsellato, [mmrse'll't] seditious, mutinous. mogliarsi, V. r. to marry, get m. minced moat and eggs Ammutinatore, [mmtint'to he:iptogether

by bushels,

Ammortamento,[minrtme'n'- re'] m. mutineer, revolter. married. Ammogliatore, [mml't're'] t] m. extinction. Ammutire, [ammutire] AmmuAmmortare, [mmrt're'] v. a. tolire [mmtli'r] v. n. to m. match-maker. Ammoinamento [mmina- to weaken, destroy, blunt. be mute, become dumb. Ammortimento, [mrartime'n'- Ammutolito, [ammutolito] adj. mn't] TO. dalliance, caress. Amraoinare, [amrain're'] v. a to] m. the act of swooning, dumb, speechless. mortification. to caress, fondle. Amnistia, [mnisti'] /".amnesty. Ammollamento, [ammllme'u'- Ammortire, [mmrti're'] v. n. Amo, ['m] m. fish-hook. to fall into a swoon, decay. Am- Amoerre, [mr're'] Amuerro, to] m. steeping, softening. Ammollare, [mmll're'] v. a. mortirsi, V. r. to go out; sink, [me'r'r] Moerre, [me'r'r] m.

to soak, steep, mollify, soften; -, w. n. to be soaked, be calmed.

fade away.
satsi'ne'] /".extinguishment (of



Ammortizzazione, [mmrtit- Amomo, [m'm] m. amomum.



Amonte, [mn't]

adv. all on a

adj. apt to mollify.

a pension


by payment of

[mmllie'n't] adj. emollient, softening.

soften, relax, calm.

an equivalent.

Ammorzamen to

Amoraocio, [mr'tsh] m.
[mmrtslicit love.

Ammollire, [mmUi're']

Ammollitivo, [mmlliti'v] adj.
laxative, opening.

me'u't] m. elision.

Amore, [m'r]

[mmrts're'] v.a. to put out; extinguish, blunt,


Ammolsato, [ammls't] mixed with marrow.




m. extinguisher,


one who

Ammoniaco, [mmni'k]

extinguishes. Ammoscire, [mmshi're'] v.

to fade,

in. love; affection; charity; - di se, selflove; - proprio, selfishness; - mio! my love! per -mio, for my sake; per I' - di Dio, for God's sake; essere in-, to be in favor with; andare in -, to be in heat (of



Ammonimento, [ramnimu'- Ammostante, [mmstn'te']m.

t] m. admonition.


[rarani're'] v. admonish, warn, advise, deprive of an office. Ammonitore, [immnit're'] m. Ammonitrice , [mmnitri'tsh] f. admonisher. Ammonizioncella , [mmnitsintsh'la] f. light admoni-


Ammonizione, [mmnitsi'ne']

[mrdj, me'n't] m. love-affair. grape-presser, vintager. Amoreggiare, [mre'dj're'] v. Ammostare, [mmst're'] v. a. a. to court, make love to. to tread the wine-press press Amoretto, [mre't't] m. slight (m. wine-press. attachment, little love-affair. grapes. Ammostatoio, [mmstt'y] Amorevole, [mre"vl] adj. Ammotinare, [mmtin'r] v. kind, affable, obliging. a. see Ammutinare. Amorevoleggiare , [mre'vAmmottaraento,[mmttme'n'- le'dja're'] v. shew kindness, tumbling m. down; mould- caress, fondle. t] ering, falling of earth. Amorevolezza, [mre'vle't'sa] Ammottare, [ammtt're'] v. n. f. kindness, affability, bland;


flabby, soften.


admonition, advice, reproof.

to roll down, fall.

v. a.,

ness, trifling present.

Ammontatamente, [ammnt- Ammovere,

tanin'te'l od, confusedly.



irr. [see

Movere], to take away.

kind words,



[nli'st] wi, analy-

Amorevolissimo, [mrvlis'- Ampollina, [mpUi'n] f. small Analista,

sim] adj. very kind.
[more'vl, mn'te'] adv. witli kindness. Amorevolone, [mre'vl'ne']
phial, bubble in glass.

zer; critic.



[mplls- Analiticamente


me'n't] adv. in a bombastic

me'n'te'] adj. analytically.

Analitico, [nliti'k] adj. anamanner. Ampollosit, [ampollosit'] f. lytical. adv. very kindly. Analizzare, [nlits're'] v. a. Amorino, [mri'n] m. little bombast, fustian. [mpll's] adj. to analyze, decompose. love, slight attachment, mi- Ampolloso, Analogia, [nlji'] f. analogy; gnonette. bombastic. Amorosamente, [mrsmn'- Ampolluzza, [ampll'ts] f. proportion. Analogicamente , [nljikt] adv. lovingly, with affec- small vial; hour-glass. Amputare, [mpt're'j v. a. to me'n'te'] adv. analogically. tion. Analogico, [nal'jik] AnaloAmorosello, [mors'l] Amo- amputate. rosetto, [nirse't't] adj. ami- Amputazione, [amp ttsi'ne']/'. go, [an'lg] adj. analogical. Ananas, [n'nas] Ananasso, amputation. able, prepossessing, pleasing. Amorosit,[mrsi't'] /.hene- Amuleto, [mle''t] m. amulet, [nans'se'] or Ananasso, [ananasso] m. ananas pine-apple. volence, affection. talisman. Amoroso,[rar's] at?;, loving, Amunire, [mni're'J v. a. to de- Anapesto, [np'st] m., pros. anapest. amorous, affectionate,enamour- prive of an office. ed; -, m. lover, gallant, heau; Amurca, [mr'k] f. dregs or Anarchia, [nrki'] f. anarchy. Anarchico, [nr'kik] atij. anaradmirer. grounds of oil. Amoretto, [mr't] m. rising Ana, ['n] f., med. equal mix- chical. Anargiro, [nrji'r] adj. withlove, fondness. ture; equal portion.

out money. Anasarca, [nsr'k] ni. a kind Anabaptist. dam- Anacardo, [nkr'd] m. ana- of dropsy. Anatema, [nte''m] f. anathecardium, cashew-nut. ma, excommunication. and Anace, [n'tshe'] see Anice. Almostante, [lmstn'te'] m. Anacoreta, [nkr't] Anaco- Anatematizzare, [nte'mati(from the Arab Musteem) pacha, rita, [nkri't] m. anchorite, ts're'] V. a. to excommunicate. Anatocismo, hermit. [nttshis'm] ni. governor, vice-roy. Amovibile, [mvi'bile'] adj. mo- Anacoretico, [nkr'tik] ad], jur. anatocism, compound interest. vable, removable. of an anchorite. Ampelopraso,[mpe'lpr's]m. Anacoretzzare, [ankore'tits'- Anatomia, [ntmi'] f. anatomy. re'], V. a. to live like a hermit. wild leek. Ampiamente, [mpime'n'te'] Anacreontica, [nkre'nti'k]/'. Anatomicamente, [ntmikmn'te'] adj. anatomically. adv. amply, widely. song after Anacreon. Ampiare, [mpi're'J en- Anacronismo, [nkr nis'm] m. Anatomico, [ant'mik] adj. anatomical; -, ra. anatomist. anachronism. large, extend. Ampiezza, [mpie't's] f. large- Anadiplosi, [ndipl'si] /., rh. Anatomista, [ntmi'stj n. anatomist. anadiplosis. ness, extension. Ampio, [ra'pi] adj. ample, Anafora, [n'fr] f., rh. ana- Anatomizzare, [ntmits're'] V. a. to anatomize, dissect; inphora. large, spacious. Ampio, [m'pijm.vastness, size. Anagallide, [ugriide'] f.,bot. vestigate. Anatra, [nt'r] f. duck. Ampiopossente, [mpipssn'- chick-'weed. Anagiride, [njtri'de'] f. a Anatrella, [ntreTl] Anatrite'] adj. very powerful. Ampioregnante, [mpire'n'n'- shrub called the Madonna's na, [ntri'n] f. young duck. Anca, [n'k] f. hip-bone, hip, te'] adj. ruling a vast empire. olive. Amplesso, [mpl'sjffi. embrace, Anagnoste, [ngn'ste'jm. ana- haunch. Ancacciato, [anktsh't] adj. gnostes, lecturer at meals. fond pressure. Ampliare, [mpli're'] v. a. to Anagogia, [ngji'] f. mysti- large-hipped. Ancajone, [ncy'ne'] ado.;anenlarge, extend. Ampliarsi, v. cal sense. Anagogicamente, [ngjik- dare -, to limp, halt. r. to stretch, dilate. Ancella, [ntsh'l] f. maid-serAmpliativo, [mpliti'v] adj. me'nte'] adv. mystically. enlarging. Anagogico^ [ng'jik] adj. vant, waiting-maid. Anche, [iin'che'] adv. ai-o, too, Ampliazione, [mplitsi'n] /. mystical. Anagramma, [ancim'm] m. like'wise, even ne -, not oven, ampliation, enlargement. neither; per Amplificare, [mplifika're'] v. a. anagram. yet, as yet; to amplify, enlarge; exaggerate. Anagrammatista, [ngrmm- quand' -, although. Ancheggiare, [ankdj're'] v. n. Amplificatore, [mplifikt're'] ti'st] anagrammatist. Anagrammatizzare, [ngrm- to fidget one's legs. m. amplifier, magnifier. Amplificazione, [mplifiktsi'- mtits're'J v. a. to make ana- Anchina, [ankina] f. nankin. Ancidere,[ntshi'dr] v. a. irr., grams. ne'] f. amplification; exegesis. Amplitudine, [mplitdi'ne'] f. Analessi, [nle's'si] f. repeti- see Uccidere. Ancile, [antshi'le'] m. sacred amplitude, capaciousness. tion. Anal etti, [nle't'ti] ?.., shield. Ampio, [m'pl] see Ampio. Ancipite, [antshi'pite'] adj. amAmpolla , [rapl'l] f. vial, pieces, fragments, pi. Analfabete , [nlfbe"t] adj. phibious; two-edged. glass-vessel. Anco, [n'k] ado. also, yet, still, Ampolletta , [mplle't'ta] f. one who cannot read. small bottle sand-glass, hour- Analisi, [n'lisi] f. analysis; per -, as yet. Ancona, [nk'n] f. a niche. glass. far I' -, to analyze,

Amoscina,[mshi'n] /".damson Anabattista, [nbtti'st] m.

(plum). Amo scino, [msci'n] m. son-tree. Amostante, [mstn't]




Andirivieni, [andirivi'ni] m. Anflone, [nfi'ne'] m. opium. Ancora, [n'kra] f. anchor. Ancora, [nk'r] adt\ also, yet, pi. meanders, windings; di- Anfisci, [anfi'shi] m. pi. inhabit-


even, again. gressions, pi. [ankralr'] conj. Andito, [an' dito] m. passage, , although, oven thotigh. gallery, entrance. Ancoraggio, [nkr'dj] m. an- Andrienne, [andrie'n'ne'] m. and chorage. f, a kind of wide gown. Ancorare, [nkra're'] v. n. to Androgino, [andro'jinojm. heranchor, cast anchor. maphrodite. Ancorato, [nkr't]adj.anchor Andromeda, [ndrme"d] f. a shaped. northern constellation compoAncorch, [nkrk'j see Anco- sed of twenty seven stars. rach. Androne, [andr'ne'] m. portal, Ancoressa, [nkre's'sj f. an corridor, hall; alley, avenue. old nseless anchor. Androsemo, [ndrse'm] m. an Ancoretta, [nkre't'ta] f. small evergreen plant. anchor. Aneddoto, [n'dt] m. anecAncroja, [nkr'y] (. name dote. given to a deformed old woman. Anelare, [nel're'] v. o. to deAncndine, [nku'dine'] f. anvil. sire ardently; long for impaAncusa, [ank'sa] {., bot. orcha- tiently; -, V. n. to pant, be out net. of breath, vomit out. Anda, ['nd] a term used to Anelettrico, [nle'ttri'c] adj.

ants of the torrid zone, amphiscians, pi. Anfiteatro, [nfite''tr] m. amphitheatre.

AnHzioni, [nfizi'ni] amphictions, Grecian parliament. Anfora, [nf'r] f. a vase containing a certain measure of
wine. Anfratto, [nfrt't] m. a winding road. Angaria, [ngri'] f. forced

Angariare, [ngar'ar]

v. a. to overtax, extort tyrannically. Angariatore, [ngrit'r] m. extortioner, oppressor.

and Angiola, angel (of a woman). Angelesco, [n'je'le'sc] adj. anAngela,

[n'je'l] f.


Angeletta, [njle't't] f. little without electricity. Andamentaccio, [ndame'nt'- Anelazione , [ne'latsi'ne'] (. angel (of a woman). tsho] m. bad walk, had gait. Anelito, [ne"llt]wi. shortness Angelica, [anj'lik] f. angelica. Angelicamente, [nje'likme'n'Andamento , [andamento] m. of breath, panting, asthma. gait, step, proceeding; car- Aneliate, [ne'll't] adj. curling t] adv. like an angel. riage. hair. Angelico, [nj'lik] adj. angeAndante, [andn'te'] not artifi- Anelletto, [nlle't't] Anellino, lical. [ne'Ui'n] m. small ring. Angelo, [n'je'l] and Angiolo, cial, nnstudied, easy, natural; -, m. moderate movement. Anello, [anelo] m.ring, ringlet; [njil] tn. angel ; - custode, m. Andantemente, [ndnte'me'n'- link; thimble; dar V - to af- tutelar angel. Angeluccio, [nje'l'tsh] m. te'] adv. without interruption. fiance, betroth. Andantino, [ndnti'u] m.,mus. Anellone, [ne'll'ne'] m. large little angel. Angere, [an'je're'] v. a. Angersi, andantino, rather slowly. ring. Andare, [nd're'] v. n., irr. Anelloso, [ne'll's] adj. made [au'je'rsi] v. r. to grieve, be agitated. (vado, vai, va, vanno; andai; of rings, like a chain. andato) to go march. Andar- Anelo, [n'l] adj., poes. out of Angheria, [nghe'ri'] f. extorsene, to go away; decline; dis- breath. tion, vexation, oppression; appear; - a cavallo, to go on Aneloso, [ne'l's] adj. short- per -, against one's will, by horseback; - in collera, to be breathed, asthmatical. force, oppressively; mettere angry; - all' incontro, to go Anemometro, [ne'm'me'tr] m. angherie, to impose taxes. to meet; - a marito, to marry; anemometer. Angheriare, [nghe'ri'r] v. a. - a monte, to interrupt far - Anemone, [ne'm'ne'] An emolo, to over-tax, oppress. un negozio, to carry on a bu- [ane'mlj /. anemone. Angina, [a'nji'na] /".quinsy. siness; - in pace, to depart in Aneto, [n't] m. anothum, dill. Anginoso, [njin's] adj. (said peace; - pellegrino, to go wan- Aneurisma, [ne'uri'sm] m. a- of one suffering from the dering; - a seconda, to go with neurism. quinsy). the stream ; prosper; - a vela, Anfanamento, [nfnme'n't] Angiporto, [njipr't]m. blindat the nonsense. to sail; al peggio -, m. incoherent speech, alley. worst; -, m. step, walking; Anfanare, [anfn're'] v. n. to Anglicano, [nglik'n] adj. angait, pace. Andari, m. pi. ramble talk at random, prate glican, protestant. gardenwalks, alleys, pi. Anglicismo, [nglitshis'm] m. mind other people's affairs. Andata, [nd'ta] /. stop, walk; Anfanatore, [nfnt're'] m. anglicism, med. evacuation, stool. prater. Angolare, [ngl're'] adj. anguAndatacela , [ndtat'sha] f. Anfaneggiare, [nfne'dj're'] v. lar.
hasten on oxen

copious evacuation.


to talk foolishly.

Angolarmente, [anglrme'n'te']
trifles, pi.


[ndt're'] m. walker, traveller; - di nolle, night-

Anfania, [nfni']

adv. angularly.

Angolato, [ngl't]adj.having

walker. Anfesibena [anfe'sibdnd] and angles. Andattaro, [ndtta'r] or An- Amphisboena [araphysbu], /. Angoletto, [ngle'tt]ni. small dattalo, [ndtta'l] m. date a kind of serpent. angle. tree and its fruit. Anfibio, [nfi'bi] adj. amphibi- Angolo, [ngolo] tn. angle corAndatura, [ndt'ra] (. gait, ous. ner. Anfibologia, angumanner of walking. [nfiblji'] f. Angoloso, [ngl's] adj. Andazzaccio, [andats'tsh] m. amphibology. lous, full of angles. AngoAnfibologicamente, [nfiblii- Angoscia, [ng'sha] violent epidemical disorder. m. new- kme'n'te'] adv. ambiguously Adazzo, [ndt's] sciamento,[ngshmn't] m, fangled mode, passing fashion; Anfibologico, [nfibl'jik]o(iJ. anguish, affliction. epidemical disorder, influenza. ambiguous, doubtful. Angosciare, [ngsh'r] v. a.


to grieve, vox. Angosciarsi, v. r, to grieve, be uneasy.




large animal;

Annasamento, [nnsmn'to]
w. smell, scent.

Angosciosamente, [ngshs- Animaluccio , [niml'tsh] Annasare, [nns're'] v. a. to me'n'te'] adv. with gri-ef. Animaluzzo, [niml'tsj m. smell come to a trial with. Angoscioso, [ngsh's] adj. small animal. Annaspare, [nnsp're'] v. a. sorrowful, sad. Animante, [nimn'te'] m. living to reel into skeins, paw with Angue, [n'gue'J m.poes. snaie, being, animal. the fore feet, gesticulate. serpent. Animare, [nim'r] v. a. to Annata, [nn't] /. year, year's
Anguicrinito, [nguicrini't] animate, encourage. adj. having serpents instead of Animate, [nim't] adj. lively, hair. vivacious, good-hearted. Anguilla, [ngwin] f. eel. Animavversione, [nimve'rsi'Anguillaia, [nguill'j] /. a ne'] f. chastisement, reproof. marshy placo abounding in Animazione, [animtsi'n] f. eels. animation, spirit. Anguillare, [ngill're'] m. an Anime, [ni'me']^a kind of gum espalier of vines. produced in the East indies. Anguilletta, [anguille't'ta] An- Animella, [nim'l] f. sweetguillina, [ngui]] ina] f. small bread, sucker (of a pump). eel, grig. Animo, ['nim] m. understandAnguina, [ngui'n] f. a Icind ing, mind, fancy, affection; couof melon. rage, heart, grandezza d'-f. Anguinaglia, [nguinT] An- greatness of soul, i buon -, guinaia, [ngwin'y] f. groin, with all my heart; farsi -, to swelling. gain, courage; volgere nelV -, Anguria, rng'ria] f. water- to revolve in one's mind. melon. Animosamente, [nimsme'nAngustamente, [ngstme'n'- te'] adj. courageously, boldly. t] m. the state of any thing Animosit, [animosit'] Anithat has become narrow. mositade, Animositate, ^ aniAngustare, [ngst're'J v. a. mosity, rancour, boldness. to narrow, restrain. Animoso, [nim's] adj. couAngustia, [ng'sti] f. narrow- rageous, valiant, brave, eager. ness, distress, want, grief, Animuccia, [nimt'sh] f. poor
profits of a benefice pi.


[nnbb, mn't] m. cloudiness, gloomi-

Annebbiare, [nnbbi'r] v. a. to cloud, darken; mildew; -, V. n. to become inildewed Annebbiarsi, v. r. to get tur:

bid; shut one's eyes.



m. drowning, ruin. Annegare, [nng're'] v. a. to drown; deny; -, v. n. to be drowned, drown one's self. Annegazione, [nngtsi'ne'] /.
self abnegation, unselfishness.

Anneghittimento, [nne'ghittime'n't] m. laziness, poltroonery. Anneghittire, [nne'ghitti'r] v. n. to grow lazy, be negligent. Annegrare , [nne'grr] and Annerare [nne'r'r] v. a. to

blacken, tarnish, defame.

Anneramento, Annerimento,

[nne'rme'n'to] [Anne'rime'n't]

creature. m. blackening, blackness. Anisette, [nise't't] rn. anise- Annerire, [nne'ri'r] see Anto press, distress, vex. Anguwater. nerare. stiarsi, V. r. to be grieved, Anitra, ['nitr] f. dnck; - ma- Annestamento,[nne'stmn'to] distressed. schia, drake. m. grafting, ingraftment. Angustioso, [ngstis] adj. Anitraccio, [nftr'tsh] m. Annestare, [nne'st'r] v. a. io afflicted, anxious. Anitrella, [nitr'l] f. duck- graft, insert, unite.

Angustiare, [ngusti'r]

v. a.

Annettere, [nne'tte''re'] v. a. to [n] sounds used to call ducks. Anitrino, [nitri'n] m. duck- annex. Anice, [ni'tsh] m. anise-seed. ling. Annevare, [nne'v're'] v. a. to Anile, [ani'le] adj. poes. aged, Anitrio, [nitri'] m. neighing cool with snow. * old. (of a horse). Annibiare, [annibia're'] v. n. to Anima, ['nim] f. soul, spirit, Anitrire, [anitri're'] v. n. to be placed, have a place (used life, person; mar. spindle (of a neigh. jokingly). capstern); render i'-, to givo Annacquamento , [nnkw- Annichiiamento, [nnikilran'up the ghost. me'n't] m. watering. t] m. anniliilation. Animadversione, [nimdve'r- Annacquare, [nnkwre'] v. a. Annichilare, [nnikil'r] v. a. sio'n] f. animadversion. to mix with water, water, tem- to annihilate, annul. AnmciiiAnimalaccio, [nimla'tsh] m. per, restrain. LABSi, v. r. to be annihilated, great ugly animal; fig. stupid Annacquaticcio, [nnkwti'- humble one's self. fellow. tsh] adj. mixed with a little Annichilazione, [nnikiltsi'Animalculo, [nimlcl] m. water, cold-weak: ghigno an- nl /. annihilation.

Angusto, [ng'st] arfj.narrow, ling. hampered. Anitrina, [nitri'n] Ani Ani, ['ni] and Ane, Ane weed, duckling.

Annestatura, [nne'stt'r]



grafting, insertion.


aniraalculo. [nim'le'j m. animal,


nacquaticcio, a feigned smile.







to annihilate.

t] m. watering, sprinkling.
adj. Annaffiare, [nnffi're'] v. a. to

Annidare, [nnid're'] or Annidiare, v. n. to build a nest; settle. ANNiDARSi,t).\to nestle;

Animalesco, [nimle's'k] of the nature of animals. Animaletto , [nimle't't]



damp, sup-

m. port. settle one's self. animalcule. Annafflatojo, [nnffit'y] m. Annientamento, [nnintmn'Animalettucciaccio, [animale't- watering-pot. t] m. annihilation, reduction ttsh'sh] m. ugly little ani- Annale, [nn'le'] adj. annual, to nothing. mal. yearly. Annientare, [nnie'nt're', v. a. Animalit, [animalit'] f. ani- Annali, [nn'li] m. pi. an- to annihilate. mality, animal existence. nals, pi. (nalist. Annighittimento, [annighittiAnimalone , [uml'n] m. Annalista, [nnli'st] m. an- me'n't] see Anneghittimento.

Annighittire, [nnighitti'r]
n. to


v. a. to



v. n. to

Anninnare, [nninn'r]
lull asloep; to quiet.

Anniversario, [nnivrs'n'] m.
[n'n] vi. year; d'-in-, every year. Annobilitare, [nnMlit're'] see



Annodamento, [nndame'n't]
m. tying

v. a.

Annodare, [nnd'r]


Ansola, [ns'la] /". iron ring by which tie clapper of a bell Annullatore, [nnllt're'j m. is suspended. abolisher, repealer. Ansoria, [ns'ria] f. a kind of Annullazione, [nlltsf'ne'] f. grape. annulling, abolition, repeal. Ansoso, [ns'sj adj. panting. AnnuUire, [nnlli'r] see An- Antagonismo, [ntgnis'mjm. nullare. antagonism. Annumerare, [nnme'r'r] see Antagonista, [ntgni'st] m. Annoverare. antagonist. Annunziamento, [nnuntsia- Antartico, [ntr'tik] adj. antme'n't] m. announcing; pre- arctic. diction. Ante, [an'te'j f. a kind of square
annul, abolish; suppress.

Annullare, [nnll're']

Annunziare, [nnntsi're'] v.a. column or pillar. knot; conjoin. Annodatura, [nndt'ra] see to announce, predict. Ante, [ante'] adv. before. Annunziata, [nnntsi't] f. Antecedente, [ante'tshe'dn't] Annodamento. Annodamento, [nnyame'n't] name given to the Virgin Mary. adj. antecedent, preceding. Aununziatore, [nnntsit'r] Antecedentemente, [nttshe'm. ennni, disgust.
Annojare, [nny'r] v. a. to annoy, tease, importune. Anm. Annunziatrico, [nnntsi- de'nte'me'n'te'] adv. previously. tri'tshe'], f. announcer; fore- Antecedenza, [nte'tshe'dn'ds]

no jarsi,

V. r. to

grow weary,

precedency, priority.

Annunziazione, [nnntsitsi'- Antecedere, [nttsh'de're'] v. see Nolegne'] f. annunciation, Lady-day. a. irr. (see Cedere) to go beAnnunzio, [nnn'tsi] m. an- fore, precede. giare. Annomare, [nnm're] v. a. to nouncing; news, prognostic, in- Antecessore, [nte'tshe'ss're'] m. vitation. name, call. predecessor. Annominazione, [nnmintsi- Annuo, [n'n] adj. annual, Antediluviano, [nte'dilvia'n] yearly. ne'] f. paranomasia, rhetorical adj. used substantively, anteAnnusare, [nns're'] v. a. to diluvian. figure. Annona, [nn'n] /. victuals, come to a trial with (vulgarism). Antelmintico, [nte'lrain'tik] Annuvolare, [nnvl'r] v. n. adj. {med.) vermifuge. corn stores, pi. Annonario, [nniia'ri] adj. to grow cloudy. Antelucano, [nte'lk'n] adj Annuvolato, [nnvl't] adj. before day-break; giorni antebelonging to provisions. Annoso, [nn's] adj. old, an- cloudy, dark. lucani, the three first days of Annuvolire, [nnuvli'r] see cient. the new moon. Annotare, [nnta'rj v. a. to Annuvolare. Antemurale, [nte'mra'le'] m. Anodino, [ndi'n] adj. (med.) rampart; defence. note, annotate. Annotatore, [nntt're'] m. an- anodyne, lenitive. Antenato, [nte'na'tj ni. foreAnomalia, [nmli'] f. ano- father, ancestor. notator. Annotazione, [annttsi'ne'] /. maly. Antenitorio, [nte'nit'rij r%. annotation, remark. Anomalo, [n'mal] adj. ano- glass vase used in preparing Annotino, [nnti'u] adj. of one malous, irregular. sublimates. year; said of fruit, lambs etc. Anonimo, [n'nim] adj. ano- Antenna, [nt'n] f. feeler; Annottare, [nntt're'] v. n. nymous. sail-yard; poes., lance Annottarsi, v. r. to grow dark. Anotomia, [ntmi'] see Ana- Antennato, [nte'nn't] adj. Annovellato, [nnvll't] adj. tomia. provided with feelers. beguiled, deceived. Ansa, [n's] f. handle; dare Antennetta, [ntnne't't] f.
annoyed, tire. Annoiare, [nnl're']


little feeler; small sail-yard. [nsme'n't] m. Antenora, [nte'nr] /. place shortness of breath. of punishment (for traitors) ; bating arguments. Ansare, [ns're'] v. n. to pant, employed by Dante. breathe short. Annoverare, [nnve'r're'] v. a Antepenultimo, [nte'pe'nl'ti[nse''tik] Anseatico, adj. to number, count. m] adj. antepenult. Annoveratore, [nnve'rt're'] hanse; citt anseatiche, pi. Anteporre, [nte'pr're'] v. a. hause towns, pi. m. reckoner, computer. irr. see Porre, to put before; Annoverevole, [nnve're"vle'] Anserello, [nse'rel'l] m. young prefer. goose, green goose. adj. computable. Anteposizione, [nte'psitsf'Annovero, [nn'vr]m.reckon- Ansia, [n'si] /". anxiety. ne'] f. placing before; preferAnsiare, [ansia're'] see Ansare ing, calculation. ence, (ther. Annuale, [nn'l] adj. annual, Ansiet, [ansiet'] f. anxiety, Antepria, [nt'pri] adv rayearly; -, m. year's allowance, trouble, pang. Anteriore, [ntri'r] adj. first, Ansietato, [nsie't't] adj. ren- prior, former. anniversary. Annualmente, [nnlme'n'te'] dered anxious, afflicted, tor- Anteriorit, [nte'ririt] f. mented. adv. annually, yearly. priority. Annuario, [nn'ri] annual. Ansima, [nsi'm] f. difficulty Anteriormente, [nte'rirme'n'Annubilare, [nnbil're'] v. n. in breathing. t] adv. previously, before. to grow cloudy. Ansio, [n'si] adj. anxious, un- Antescritto, [nte'skrit't] adj. Annnllagione, [nnullgi'ne'] easy. above written.

[nnve'r, me'n't] m. enumeration, detail, rhetorical figure used in com-

ansa, to give occasion.





[An- Ansiosamente, [ansisme'n'te'] Antesignano

adv. anxiously.


nllmn't], m. see Annullazione.

adj. anxious.

Ansioso, [nsi's]


Antevenre, [ntvni'r]
v. a.


qualities, one of which increyy ses the force of the other. v. a. irr. Antipodi, [nti'pdi] m. pi. an.

come first. [ntib'gn] Antibagno, chamber entering into a


Antidieimento, [antiditshime'n't] m. prediction.

m. Autidire, [ntidi're'] tipodes, pi. {see Dire), to predict, prognosAntipodicola,[ntipdi'kl] m. ticate. (nurse. room. Antibala, [ntib'li] /. a wet Antidotario, [ntidt'ri] m. an inhabitant of the antipodes. Antiporre, [ntipr're'] v. a., Antibecco, [ntibe'c'co] m. but- dispensatory. Antidoto, [nti'dt] m. anti- irr. {see Porre) to put before, tress of a bridge. prefer. Anticaglia, [antika'l'a] f. anti- dote, counter-poison. Antifato, [ntif'tjm. addition- Antiporta, [ntipr't] Antiquities, pi. porto, [ntipr'tj m. vestiAnticagliaocia, [ntikl''tsh] al dowry, trouseau.


Antifona, [nti'fn] f. anthem, bule, portal. Antiprendere, [ntiprn'dre'J holy song. Antifonario, [ntifn'ri] m. v.a. irr. {see Prendere) to seize adv. anciently, formerly. beforehand. Anticamera, [ntik'me'ra] f. anthem-book. Antifrasi, [nti'frsi] f. anti- Antiquaria, [ntikua'ri] f. anantechamber, hall ; closet. tiquarian study; antiquities, phrasis. Anticasa, [ntic's] f. atrium. Anticato, [ntik't] and An- Antigiadicare, [ntjidik'r] pi. Antiqnario, [ntiku'rio] m. antiquato ; [ntika't] adj. used, v. o. to prejudge, forejudge. Antigrafo, [ntigr'f] m. ap- tiquary; virtuoso. accustomed. pendix to a manuscript, not Antiquato, [ntikw't] adj. anAnticheggiare, [ntike'dj're'] v original. tiquated, obsolete. n, to follow ancient manners. Antichetto, [ntikt't] adj. ra- Antiguardare, [ntigurd're'] Antiquo, [nti'kw] adj. old. Antisapere, [ntispe''r] v. a. V. a. to foresee. ther old-fashioned. Antichi, [antiTci] m. pi. ancients Antiguardia, [ntig wr'di] An- irr. {see Sapere) to foreknow. [ntisp'vl] tiguardo, [ntigur'd] /. van- Antisapevole , ancestors, pi. adj. prognosticable. Antichit, [ntikit] Antichi- guard. f. tade, Antichitate, f. antiquity Antigustare, [ntigust're'] v. Antisaputa, [ntisp't] a. to taste beforehand. foreknowledge, foresight. ancients, pi[ntitship- Antilogia, [ntiloji'] f. antilo- Antiscorbutico, [ntiskrb'tiAnticipamento, gy, contradiction; incongruity. k] adj. antiscorbutic. me'n't] see Anticipazione. Anticipare, [ntitship're'] v. a. Antimandare, [nti'man'dre'] v Antiserraglio, [ntise'rr'l'] m. fore-court, outer-court. to anticipate, prevent; -una a. to send before. gomma, to pay a sum in ad- Antimeridiano, [ntime'ridin] Autiste, [nti'ste'] m. prelate,

old stuff.




adj. forenoon.


Anticipatamente, [ntitshipt- Antimettere,



[ntiste'ri'ko] adj.



a., irr. {see

Mettere) to put be-


fore, prefer. advance. Anticipazione, [ntitshiptsi'- Antimonio, [ntim'ni] m. antimony. ne'] /. anticipation, prevention Antico, [nti'k] adj. ancient; Antimurare,[ntimra're'] v.a. to make a parapet-wall. -, TO. ancestor, forefather. Anticognizione, [ntikn'itsi'- Antimaro, [ntim'r] m. a pan] Anticonoscenza, [ntik- rapet wall, parapet. nshn'ds] f. precognition ; Antinarrazione,[ntinrrtsi'ne'] f. preamble. foresight. Anticonoscere, [ntikn'she're'] Antinato, [ntin't] adj. born beforehand. V. a. irr. see Conoscere; to Antinefritco , [ntine'fri'tic] foresee, foreknow. antinephritic, medicine Anticonoepire,[ntiknts('he'pi'- adj. r] V. a. to conceive before- counteracting diseases of the kidneys. hand. Anticorriere, [ntikrri'r] m Autinome, [ntin'me'] m. first





Antivedere, [ntive'de"re'] v. a. irr. {see Vedere) to foresee,


Antivediraento, [ntive'dime'n't] m. foreboding. Antiveditore, [ntive'dit're'] m.


Antivedutamente, [ntive'dtAntiveduto

me'n't] adv. with precaution. [ntive'd't] p. , part, foreseen, anticipated. Antivendemmiatore, [ntive'nde'mmit're] m. a very bright star to the right of the Virgin. Antivegnente , [ntive'n'n't] name. fore-runner. Anticorte, [ntikr't] f. fore- Antipapa, [ntip'p] m. anti- adj. forestalling, preventing. Antiveleno, [utive'l'n] m. anpope. court. Anticristiano , [ntikristi'n] Antipasto, [ntip'st] m. fore- tidote against poison. taste; first course (on the table) Antivenire, [antive'ni're'] v. n. adj. antichristian. Anticristo, [ntikri'st] m. an- Antipatia, [ntipti'] f. anti- irr. {see Venire) to be beforehand with; forestal; anticipathy. tichrist.

Anticritico, [ntikriti'ko] adj. Antipatico, [ntip'tik] adj. antipathetical. criticiser of critics. Anticnore, [ntik're'] m. disease Antipatizzare, [antipatitsa're'] inhorses occasioned by a tumor V. a. to have an antipathy, to dislike. formed near the heart. Antidata, [ntid'ta] f. ante- Antipensare, [ntipnsa're'] v. a. to premeditate. date. Antidato, [ntida't] adj. and Antipenultimo, [ntipnlti'm] adj. antepenultimate. part, given beforehand. Antidetto, [antid't] adj. fore- Antiperistasi, [antipe'rista'si] m. the action of two contrary told, aforesaid.



[ntvn't] p. part, prevented, anticipated. Antivigilia, [antivij'li] f. the day before the eve. Antologia, [ntlji'] f. anthology.

Antonomasia, [autonoma
{rh.) antonomasia^.

sia] f.

Antrace, [antra'tshe']tn.anthrai, scab,malignant ulcer.




Antro, [n'tr] m. cave, cavern, Apocalisse, [pklfs'seT Apo- Apoteosi, [pte''si] f. apotheosis, deification. calissi, [apklis'si] /". apoden. Appaciamento, [appatsham^n'Antropofago, [antrpf'g] m. calypse. Apocino, [ptshi'n] m. an t] m. pacifying; appeasement. man-eater, cannibal. Antropologia, [ntrpl'ji] f. Egyptian plant producing cot- Appaciare, [ppatsh'r] v. a. to pacify; appease. a biblical figure which ascribes ton. [p'kp] f. ((jr.) Appadigliouare, [ppdil'na'to God human actions and afiFec- Apocopa,
V. a. to pitch a tent, re'] elision, apocope. ring- Apocrifo, [p'krif] adj. apo- encamp. Appagabile, [ppag'bil] adj. cryphal; doubtful. finger. Anzare, [antsa're'] see Ansare. Apoditerio , [pdite"ri] m. that may be satisfied. Anzi, [n'tsijprep. before; -,arfo. dressing-room belonging to Appagamento, [ppgme'n't] m. contentment, satisfaction. rather, even, also, on the con- baths. trary. Apoflsi [pfi'si] f. protuberance Appagare, [ppg're'J v. a. to Anzianit, [ntsinit'] f, an- of the bones assisting the mo- satisfy, content; please. Appagarsi, V. r. to be satisfied; cientness, antiquity. tion of the articulations. delight in. Anzianitico, [ntsini'tik] wi. Apoftegma [pfte'g'm] see Appagliajare, [pprj're'] v. eldership. Apotegma. Anziano, [ntsi'n]a(ij.ancient, Apografo, [p'grf] m. apo- a. to collect straw for the rick. Appajare, [ppy're'] v. a. to antique; -, m. elder, senior. graph, copy. match, join, couple. Appaiarsi, Anzich, [ntsik'] adu. &conj. Apogeo, [pj'] m. apogee. before that; sooner than, ra- Apolline, [plli'ne'] Apollo, V. r. to pair, unite with. ther than. Appajatojo, [ppjat'j] m. a [Apllo] m. the sun. Anzichen, [antsik'n] ad. ra- Apologetico, [plj'tik] adj. cage or aviary for pigeons to ther, sooner. couple in; a kind of pigeonapologetic; palliative. Anzinato, [antsin't] adj. eld- Apologia, [plji'] f. apology, house. Appalesare, [pple's're'] v. a. est, first-born. defence. Aocchiaro, [kki'r] see Adoc- Apologista, [plji'st] m. apo- to discover, reveal. Appalechiare. sarsi, V. r. to discover one's logist, defender. Aorcare, [rk're'J v. a. to Apologo, [ap'lg] I. apo- self. strangle. Appallidire, [ppllidi're'] v. n. logue; allegory. Aormare, [rm're'] v. n. to Apone, [p'ne' male bee, drone. to turn pale. scent; seek, go in quest of. Aponeurosi, [pne'r'si] f. the Appallottolare, [ppllttl'Aorta, [r't] f. artery spring- membraneous expansion of a re'] V. a. to form into small ing immediatety from the left tendon. balls. ventricle of the heart. Apoplessia, [pple'ssi'] f. apo- Appaltare, [pplt're'] v. a. to Aortare, [rt'r] v. a. to plexy. let or lease out, farm (used miscarry (said of animals). Apopletico, [pple"tik] adj. chiefly for government conAparte, [apr't]m.(<ftL) apart, apopletic. tracts). soliloquy. Aporisma, [pri'sm] m. a pro- Appaltatore, [ppltt're'j m. Apatia, [apti'] f. apathy. blem the solution of which is farmer; contractor. Apatico, [iip'tik] adj. insen- believed possible. Appalto, [apparto] m. undersible. Apostasia, [pstsi'] /". apos- taking; farm; contract. Ape, [a'peT f. bee. Appaitene, [pplt'ne'Jm.husytasy. Apeliota, [pli't] m. east- Apostata, [p'stt] m. apos- body, intriguer. wind. Appanare, [ppn're'] v. a. to tate, renegade. Apepsia, [pe'psi'] f. apepsy, Apostatare, [pstt're'] v. n. form into cakes. indigestion. Appanciollarsi , [ppntshilto apostatize. Aperire, [pe'ri'r] v. a. to Apostatrice, [psttri'tshe'] f. lar'si] V. n. r. to lounge. open. Appannaggio, [ppanna'dj] m. apostate, renegade. Aperitivo, [pe'riti'v] Apostema, [pst'm] f. tu- appanage; inheritance. aperitive, opening. Appannamento, [ppnnrae'n'mor, abscess. Aperta, [pe'r't] /". opening. Apostemare, [pste'm're'] v. n. t] m. dimness, tarnishing. Apertamente , [pe'rtme'n'te'] to suppurate. Appannare, [ppnn're'] . a. adv. openly, publicly. Apostemazione, [pste'mtsi'- to dim, tarnish; -, v. n. to be Aperto, [pr't] adj. opened, ne'] f. abscess. allured, be caught. open: clear, evident, plain. Apostilla, [apstiri] f. mar- Appannato, [ppnna't] adj. Apertore, [pe'rt're'J m. opener. ginal note. (postolo. large, massive; vino appannato, Apertura, [pe'rt'r] f. aper- Apostolo, [p'stl] see Ap- wine cloudy on the super-





Apiajo, [pi'i] m. apiarist. Apiare, [pi'r] Apiario, [pi'-

[ap'strf] Apo- ficies. strofe, [ap'strfe] /. apo- Appannatoio, [ppannt'y] m. strophe. that which dims; veil, coverri] see Alveario. Apostrofare, [pstrf'r] v. ing. Apice, ['pitshe'] m. peak, top, a. to put an apostrophe. Appannatotto, [ppnntt't] summit. Apostrofatamente, [pstrf- adj. fat, fleshy, large, massive. Apicolo, [pi'kl] m. small tame'n't] adv. with an apos- Apparamento , [pprme'n't] peak. trophe. m. ornament, attire. Apio, ['pi] m. parsley, small- Apostrofatura, [pstrft'r] Apparare, [ppr're'] v. a. to age. prepare; learn; adorn. f. putting apostrophes. ^piro, [pi'r] adj. incombusti- Apotegma, [pt'gm] m. apo- Apparato, [ppr't] adj. pre-

ture; hole.



phthegm, proverb.
Diz. Ital,-Ing

pared; learned; adorned ;-,





Ijreparation; ornament; train; Appassionato, [ppssin't] buon -, I wish you a good ad], much affected, infatuated. appetite. pomp. [pprk- Appassire, [ppssi're'] v. n. to Appetitoso, [apptit's] adj. ppareccliiamento fade, wither. m. preparation appetizing, attractive. kimen't] Appassonare, [ppssn're'] i'. Appetizione, [pptitsi'n] f. goods, pi. Apparecchiare, [appre'kld're'] a. to shut up cattle in the appetite appetency, desire. fold. Appettare, [pptt're'] v. a. to V. a. to prepare, furnisli; - la tavola, to lay the clotli. Appa- Appastare, [ppst're'] r. a. to have at heart, take an interecchiarsi, V. r. to prepare paste, stick. Appastarsi, v. r. rest in. to stick to adhere. Appetto, A petto [pp't] prep. one's self, get ready. AppareccMatojo, [pprekki'- Appedare, [ppe'd're'j v. a. to opposite, facing -, adv. in commake soldiers alight from parison, compared to. t'y] m. dressing-table. Apparecchiatore, [ppre'kki- horseback to fight on foot. Appiacevolire, [ppitshe'vli'^
, ;

Apparecchiatura, [pprkki-

[ppe'll'bil] adj. re'] V. a. to render agreeable, susceptible of appeal. mitigate, soften. t'r] /".preparation; disposi- Appellamento, [ppllme'n't] Appianare, [ppind're'] v. a. to m. appeal. tion. smooth, level. Apparecchio, [appreTi'ki] m. Appellante, [applln'te'] m. ap- Appianatoia, [iippiant'ia] f. pellant. preparation. bricklayer's trowel.

m. preparer; dresser.


Appareggiare, [ppare'dja're'] v. Appellare, [applla're'] call; summon, cite; -, a. to match, compare. Apparentarsi, [appare' ntr'si] v. appeal.
r. to



to Appiastrare, [ppiastr're'] v. a.


n. to


one's self familiar; Appellativo,


to plaster with cement, cause to adhere. Appiastricciamento, [appiastri-

marry into. {(ir.) appellative. Apparente, [pprn'te'] adj. ap- Appello, [pp'l] m.

tshmn't] m. conglutinaap- tion. parent, visible. peal; challenge, defiance; fare Appiastricciare [ppistritsha'Apparentemente , [ppre'nte'- to appeal; {mil.) far I' -,to call r] V. a. to stick, cement. mn'te'] adv. apparently, pro- the roll. Appiattamento, [ppittmeVAppena, [pp'n] adv. hardly, t] m. cowering down; hihably. Apparenza, [pprn'ds] f. ap- scarcely. ding, concealment. pearance; in-, apparently Appenare, [appe'na're'] v. a. to Appiattare, [ppitt're'] v. a. Apparigliare, [appril''re'] v. a. pain, vex, distress; -, v. n. to to secrete, hide, conceal. Apsuffer, be distressed. piattarsi, V. r. to squat down; to match (said chiefly of horses) Apparimento, [apprime'n't] i Appendere, [ppn'de'r] v. a. hide one's self. apparition, vision. irr. {see Pendere) to hang up, Appiattatamente, [appiattataApparire, [ppri're'] v. n. irr. suspend, annex. me'n'te'] adv. stealthily, se[apparisco, apparii, apparvi; Appendice, [ppe'ndi'tshe'] m. cretly. apparso, apparito) to appear, appendix, addition. Appiccagnolo, [appikk'n'l] Appendizie, [appe'nditsi'o] f. pi. m. hook, crook, pretext. come forth, shew one's self. Appariscenza, [pprishn'ds] extra charges made by the Appiccamento, [ppikkme'n't] landlord to the tenant such as m. hanging up; fastening. f. splendid appearance; stateliness. Appiccare, [ppikk'r] v. a. to eggs, fowls, fruit &c. hang up, attach; join, stick toApparizione, [ppritsi'ne] /. Appennacchiare, [ppe'nnakki' gether; unite; come to a conapparition, vision. re'] v. a. to fill the distaff. Appartamento, [pprtmn't] Appensare, [ppe'ns'r] v. clusion. Appiccarsi, v. r. to m. apartment, room. premeditate. join; meet; catch; seize on; s'appicca il fuoco, the fire is Appartare, [pprt're'J v. a. to Appensatamente, [appe'nsata separate, set aside, place apart. mn'te'] adv. on purpose, de- kindling. Appiccaticcio, [ppikkti'tsh] Appartarsi, v. r. to with- signedly. draw one's self, retire. Appensato , [ppe'ns't] adj. ad;, sticky; viscous; catching; infectious, contagious; -, m. imAppartatamente , [pprtt- cautious, prudent. mn'te'] adv. separately, apart. Apperpetuare, [appe'rpe'tua're'J portunate fellow. Appiccativo, [ppikkti'v] adj. Appartegnente, [pparte'n'n'- V. a. to render perpetual. te'] Appartenente, [pprt- Apperticare, [appe'rtika're'j v. contagious. nn'te'] belonging, concerning; a. to beat with a pole. Appiccatojo, [ppikkat'y] m. suitable. Appeso, [ppe"s] adj. hung up, hook; holdfast. Appiccatura, [ppikkt'r] f. Appartenenza, [dpprte'nn'ds] appended, suspended. /. appirtenance. Appestare, [ppe'st're'] v. a. to fastening; union.
Appicciare, [ppitsh're'] v. a. infect. Appetente, [appe'tn'te'j adj. de- to stick to; superadd; join, unite. concern, become. Appartener- sirous, eager after. Appetenza, [ppe'tn'ds] f. ap- Appiccicante, [appitshikan'te] si, r. r. to be related. adj. sticky, glutinous. Appassare, [appss're'] u.a. to petite; appetency, inclination. wither. Appetibile, [ppti'bile'] adj. de- Appiccicare, [appitshik're] v.

Appartenere, [pprte'ne"re'] ti. irr. (Tenere) to belong





sirable, pleasing.






Appetire, [ppti're'] v. n. to one's self to. m. ardor, passion. Appiccinire, [ppitshini're"] v. Appassionarsi, [ppssinr'si] desire earnestly, long for. ^ a. to make smaller, diminish. V. r. to be eager about, desire Appetitivo, [ppe'titi'v] adj desirable. Appiccinirsi, v. r. to becomo earnestly. Appassionatamente, [ppssi Appetito, [ppe'ti't] m. appe- smaller. [appitshla'r] tite, stomach fig. ardent desire Appicciolare , atmn'te'] adv. passionately.


me'n't] tently.

and Appcciolire,




in- lessen. Appicco, [ppik'k]

sion, junction; dare

m. adhe- Applicatezza, [pplikate't's]

to give a


[pplik't] f. [ppikkl.i- bracket. Appostamento, [ppstmn't] me'u't] m. diminution, lesson- Applicato, [pplik't] adj. ap- wi. ambush. plied; prone. ing. Appostare, [ppst're'] v. a. to Appiccolare, [ppikkla're'] see Applicazione, [ppliktsi'ne'] watch, spy, lie in wait for. Appicciolare. Appostatamente , [appostataf. application. Api, [pi'] Appiedo, [ppi/- Appo, [p'p] prep, near , by; - me'n't] adv. purposely. noi, with us; after, according Appostatore, [ppstt're'] m. de'] adv. at the foot, at the botto; adv. in comparison. lurker, insidiator. tom. Appieno, [appi'n] adv. com- Appoco appoco, [pp'k pp'- Apposticelo, [ppsti'tsh] adj. k] adv. a little at a time, by put after, added. pletely, quite. [ppijn- degrees, slowly. Appigionamento , Apposto, [pp'st] p. part, placed; imputed. me'n't] m. hire (of a house), Appoderare, [ppde'r're'] v. a. powder, overcome. Appostolato, [ppstl't] n, house-rent. to reduce to v. [ppdi're'] w. a. a. Appodiare, to apostleship. Appigionare, [ppijn're'] Appostolicamente, [ppstlito let; rent, hire (an apart- enfeoff. Appodiamento, [ppdime'n'- krae'n'te'] adv. apostolically. ment &c.) Appostolico, [ppstlik] adj. Appigionasi, [ppij'nasi] m. t] m. enfeoffment. Appoggiamento, [appdjme'n'- apostolical; -, m. pope, ponhill (of a house to let). Appigliamento, [ppii'me'n't] t] m. elbow-prop, arm-rest, tiff, (apostle. banisters. Appostolo , [pp'stl] wi. m. union; taking root. Appigliare, [ppil''re'] v. a. to Appoggiare, [ppdj're'] v. a. Appozzare, [ppds'r] v. a. to to lean, rest ; prop ; support ; immerge in a well, to make a stick; adhere; follow; take root, appigliarsi al parere d'uno, to help. Appoggiarsi, v. r. to well. lean against, depend upon; Appratimento, [pprtime'nt] follow one's opinion or advice. m. the act of reducing to meaAppigliatura, [ppirt'r] f. trust to.

pretext or a hope.


Apposta, [ppo'st] and a posta (term used much in caff"e's when a person asks for coffee, intif. mating that it is made on pura pose) adv. on piirpose.


Appoggiatojo , [ppdjt'y] dows. union, connexion. Appigrirsi, [appigrir'si] v.r. to m. support,prop; arm-rest, ban- Apprendere, [pprn'de're'] v. a. isters. irr. {see Prendere) to learn, grow lazy. Appillottarsi, [appillttr'si] v. Appoggiatura, [ppdjt'rai /. study. Apprendersi, v. r. to leaning {see Appoggio). r. to linger, loiter. hold to, take root,
Appinzare, [ppinds're'] v.
to sting as a


Appoggio, [pp'dj] m. prop, Apprendevole,


support ; favor, protection, adj. see Apprensibile. Appio, [p'pi] m. parsley, small- Appojoso, [ppi's] adj. tire- Apprendimento, [ppre'ndimn'age. some. t] m. learning, study; apAppiombo, [appim''h] adv. Appollajare, [pplly're'] v. a. prehension.

to roost; fg. to lodge.

Apprendista, [ppre'ndi'st] m.

Appioppare, [ppipp're'] v. a. Appomiciare, [ppraitsha'r]u. to plant land with poplars ap- a. to rub with pumice. pioppare le viti, to sustain Apponete, [pp'ne're'] see Apvines on poplars. porre. Appiuola, [ppi'I] f. golden Apponimento, [ppnime'n't] pippin (apple). m. Apponizione, [ppntsi'Appinolo, [ppi'l] m. golden ne'] f. addition, supplement, pippin-tree. Appontonare, [pputn're']see Applaudere, [pplw'de're'] v. a. Appuntellare. Apporre, [ppr'r] v. a., irr. to applaud, clap, Applaudimento, [applawdime'n'- {see Porre) to appose, add; affix; t] wi. applause. trust, impute to, lay the blame Applaudire, [pplawdi're'] v. a. upon. Appoesi, v. r. to guess, to applaud. Applaudirsi, v. r. conjecture. to strut, admire one's self. Apportare, [pprt're'] v. a. Applauditore , [applaudito 're' to bring, carry; announce, refer, m. applauder. state; cause. Applauso, [ppltt's] m. ap- Apportatore, [pprtt're'] m.
plause, plaudit.


[ppre'ndit'r] scholar, apprentice.


adj. conceivable, intelligible. Apprensione, [ppre'nsi'ne']



Apprensiva, [ppre'nsi'v]
culty of conception.



Apprensivo, [ppre'nsi'v]


apprehensive, fearful; intelligent.

Appresentaro, [appre'se'nta're'] V. a. to show, represent, ApPRESENTARSI, V. T. tO shoW

one's self, appear.

Appressamento, [ppre'ssme'n't] m. approach.

Apportatrice, [pprttri'tshe'J Appressare, [ppre'ss're'] v. a. to put near, draw near. Ap/. messenger. applauder, approver. Appositamente, [ppsitme'n'- pressarsi, V. r. to come near, Applicabile, [applikatile'] adj. te'] adv. appositelyapproach.




applicable; suitable.

Applicamento, [pplikme'n't] false. m. application. Appositivo,

Applicare, [pplik're']
apply, adapt,


Appicabsi, v. r. to self to study.

v. a. to assign; adopt. apply one's

Applicatamente ,


Appositiccio,[ppsiti'tsh]adj. Appresso, [ppr'ss] prep, near, hard by, by, about; -, adv. [ppsiti'v] adj. nearly; at hand, after, afterapposite; addible. wards. Apposito, [pp'sit] adj. ap- Appressoche, [ppre'ssk'] adv. posite, subjoined. almost, nearly. Apposizione, [ppsitsi'n] /. Apprestamento, [apprestme'n'{gr.) apposition. t] m. preparation.




[ppre'sta're'] v. a. Approvamento, [pprvme'n'- Aquidoccio , [kwid'tsh] m. to prepare, set in order. Ap- t] m. Approvanza, [ppr- aqueduct, water-conduit. Aquila, ['kwil] f. eagle; fig. PEESTARSi, V. r. to prepare vn'ds] f. approbation. Approvare, [appro v'r] v. a. great genius. one's self, get ready. Aquilino, [kttili'n] adj. aquiAppresto, [ppr'st] see Ap- to approve, confirm. Approvatamente , [pprvta- line; -, m. eaglet, young eagle. prestamento. Appreziazione, [pprtsitsi'- mn'te'] adv. with approbation. Aquilonare, [kwiln're'] adj. appraisement, valua- Approvatore, [pprvt're'] m. northerly, boreal ; stormy. ne'] f. Aquilone, [kuil'n] m. northapprover. tion. Apprezzabile , [appre'tstile'J Approvazione, [pprvtsi'n] wind. Aquosita, [kusit'] see Acquoadj. appreciable, valuable. f. approbation, liking. Apprezzamento, [pprtsme'n'- Approvecciarsi, [pprve'tshr'- sit. si] V. r. to get some profit, Ara, ['r] /. (poes.) altar. t] m. estimate, appraising. Arabesco [arbe'sk] m, araApprezzare, [ppre'ts'r] v. a. benefit. to vaine, rate; esteem. Apprez- Appuntamento, [ppntme'n'- besque ; -, adj. in the manner of the Arabians. zarsi, . r. to esteem one's self. t] adv. precisely, exactly. Apprezzatvo , [pprtsti'v] Appuntamento, [ppntrae'n'- Arabico, [rbi'c]ad/.belonging t] m. appointment; agreement, to the Arabians, barbarous, adj. commendable. blue. Apprezzatore, [ppre'tst'reT convention. m. Apprezzatrice, [ppre'tsa- Appuntare, [ppnt'r] v. a. Arabile, [r'bile'] adj. arable, tillable. tri'tsh] f. one who rates , who to baste ; point, sharpen ; blame, Aragna, [r'n'] f. Aragno, reprove. prizes, valuer. Approbare, [pprb're'] see Ap- Appuntato, [ppnt't] adj. [r'n'] m. spider. pointed; formal; -, adv. exactly, Araldica, [rldi'c] /'.heraldry. provare. Approb azione, [pprbtsi'ne'] precisely; -, m. sum agreed Araldo, [aral'do] m. herald; harbinger. upon; final payment. approval. f. approbation, m. [rmn't] Approcciamento , [pprtsh- Appuntatore, [ppntt're'j m. Aramento , ploughing; husbandry; the act noter, censurer. me'n't] m. approach. Approcciare, [pprtsh're'] v. Appuntatura, [ppuntt'r] f. of ploughing. Arancia, [rn'tsh] f. orange. n. Approcciarsi, v. r. to draw blame, censure; mark. Appuntellare, [ppnte'lla're'] v. Aranciata , [rntsh't] near. f. orangeade. Approccio, [ppr'tsh] see Ap- a. to prop, support. Appuntino, [ppnti'n] adv. Aranciato , [rntsha't] adj. procciamento. orange-colored; - , m. orangery. Approdare, [pprda'r] v. n. just in time, exactly. to come to shore, land; to be Appunto, [ppun't] m. appoint- Arancino, [rntshi'n] m. China-orange. ment, accord, agreement. useful. Approfittare, [pprfitt're'] v. Appunto, [ppun't J adv. pre- Arancio, [rn'tsh] m. orangetree. cisely, exactly; mettersi in -, n. to profit. Arara rossa del Brasile, [r'Approfondare, [pprfnd'reT to get ready. Approfondire, [pprfndi'r] Appurare, [ppTjr're'] v. a. to r rssa del Brzile'J /. a species of parrot. V. a. to dig, deepen; search out, purify, cleanse. Appuzzamento, [pptsme'n'- Arare, [r'reT v. a. to plough; scrutinize. cultivate. Approntare, [pprnt'rel v. a. t] m. stench, infection.

Appuzzare, [ppts're'] v. n Aratolo, [r'tl] i. plough. to prepare, make ready. Appropiare, [pprpi'r] v. a. to emit an offensive smell, cor- Aratore, [rt're'] m. ploughman, husbandman. to apply properly, adapt. Ap- rupt manners. PROPIABSI, V. r. to appro- Aprico, [pri'ko] adj. sunny; Aratro, [r'tr] m. plough. Aratura, [rt'r] f. ploughing, sun-burnt. priate to one's self. tillage. Appropinquamento, [pprpin- Aprile, [pri'le'] m. April. Aprimento , [prime'n't] m. Arazzerla, [rtsri'] f. tapeskume'n't] m. approach. try-manufactory, quantity of [pprpin- opening; commencement. Appropinquarsi , kuar'si] see Appressarsi. (These Apriporta, [pripr't] m. por- tapestry. Arazziere, [rtsi'r] i. tater, door-keeper. terms are used pedantically). Approposito,[apprp'6it]ado. Aprire, [pri'r] v. a. irr. {apro; pestry-maker, tapestry-seller. aprii; aperto) to open, disclose; Arazzo, [r'ts] m. tapestry, a propos, seasonably, exactly. Appropriarsi, [pprprir'si] . discover. Aprirsi, v. r. to open, hangings, pi. Arbitrare, [rbitr'r] v. a. to burst open, expand. r. to appropriate to one's self. Appropriatamente, [apprpri- Apritivo, [priti'v] adj. aperi- arbitrate, judge. Arbitrariamente , [rbitrriatmn't] adv. with propriety, tive, aperient. Apritore, [prit're'] m. opener, mn'te'] adv. arbitrarily. right. Arbitrario , [rbitr'ri] adj. Appropriazione , [pprprit- box-keeper; porter. Apritura, [prit'r] Aprizio- arbitrary, despotic. si'n] {. appropriation. Approssimamento , [pprssi- ne, [pritsi'ne'] f. opening; Arbitratore, [rbitrt'reT " arbitrator, umpire. disclosure. mme'n't] m. approach. Approssimare, [pprssima're'] Apro, ['pr] m. a wild-boar. Arbitrio, [rbi'tri] tn. free-will; r. 0. & n. Approssimarsi, v. Aprone, ['prn] m. blackberry. absolute power; ad arbitrio Aquario, [akw'ri] m. {astr.) ad . at pleasure. r. to approach; come near. Arbitro, [r'bitr] tn. arbiter, [pprssi- Aquarius. Approssimazione, Aquatico, [ku'tik] adj. aqua- umpire. mtsi'n] f. approximation Arborato, [rbr't] adj. full Approvabile, [pprv'bil] adj. tic ; watery. Aqueo, [tue'] adj. aqueous. of trees, woody. annrovable.




Arciduca, [rtshid'k] m. arch"
Arciducato, [rtshidkto] m. archdukedom. Arciduchessa, [rtshidke's's] f. archduchess. Arciepiscopale, [rtshie'piskp'le']

Arbore, [r'br] wi. (poes.) tree; Archiatro, [rki'tr] m. head physician to a prince. mast. Arboreo, [rb're'] adj. arbo- Archibugiare, [rkibj'r] v. n. to shoot (with an arquereous. Arborescente, [rbre'tshe'n't] buse). adj. bot. any thing that creeps Archibugiata, [rkibj't] /. gun-shot. up trees (said also of moss). Arboreto, [rhr't] m. grove, Archibugio, [rkib'j] see Archibuso. wood. Arboroso, [rbr's] see Arbo- Archibusata, [rkibus't] see
Archibugiata. Arboscello, [rbsh'l] m. Ar- Archibusiera, [rkibsi'r] f. bascella, [rbsh'la] f. Arbu- loop-hole. scello, [rbsh'l] Arbusco, Archibusiere, [rkibsi're'] m. [rb'skj Arbusculo, [rbs'- arquebusier. Archibuso, [rkib's] m. handkl] m. little tree, shrub. Arbnsteno, [rbst'n] m. wild gun, arquebuse. Archidiacono, [rkidi'kn] m. vine. Arbusto, [rb'st] m. shrub, archdeacon. Archigallo, [rkig'l] m. high dwarf-tree. Arbuto, [rb't] m. arbute, priest of Cybel. Archimandrita, [rkimndri'ta] strawberry tree.

adj. archiepiscopal.

Arciere, [rtshi're'] m. archer,

Arcifanfano, [rtsbifn'fn] m. swaggerer, boaster. Arcigiullare, [rtshijill're'jm.
juggler, buffoon.

Arcignamente, [rtshin'mn'Arcignezza,
t] adv. gruffly, peevishly. [rtshin't's]

gruffness, crossness. .^cigno, [rtshi'n'] adj. sharp,

harsh, gruff.

Area, [r'k] f. chest, coffin; urn, tomb. Arcacela, [rk'tsh]





Arcadore, [rkd're'] m. archer,



Arcaismo, [rkis'm] m. archaism. Arcale, [rk'le'] m. arch (of a door), pit of the stomach.
Arcalif, [rk'lifj and Arcaliffo, m. Caliph. Arcarne, [rk'me'] m. carcass.

Arcanamente ,


adv. secretly, mysteriously, by


Arcangelo, [rkn'jl] m. arch-

Arcimastro, [rtshim'str] m. head-master; principal. m. leader, chief; archiman- Arcione, [rtsh'ne'] m. saddlebow; entrare in -, to get on drite. Archimiare, [rkirni're'] v. a. horseback; votare l'arcione, to fall from horseback. to transmute (metals &c.) to Arcipelago, [rtshp'lg] m. falsify metals. Archimista, [arkimi'sta] m. see archipelago. Arcipresbiterato , [rtshiprsAlchimista. Archiparente, [rkipre'n'te'] m, bitr't] Arcipretato, [rtshiof an patriarch. pre't't] m. dignity Archipenzolare, [rkipe'ntsl'- archpresbyter. m. [rtshipr'te'] V. a. to regulate by the Arciprete , re'] archpriest, archpresbyter. plummet. Archipenzolo,[rkipn'tsl] m. Arcivescovado, [rtshive'skva'lead-plummet. d] m. archbishopric. Archisinagogo, [rkising'g] Arcivescovale, [rtshive'skva'l] adj. archiepiscopal. m. chief of the synagogue. Architettare, [rkittt're'] v. Arcivescovo, [rtshive's'kv].

Arcanna, [rkn'n] /.red chalk. a. to build; contrive. archbishop. Arcano, [rk'n] adj. hidden, Architetto, [rkitt't] m. ar- Arciviola, [artshivi'l] A
mysterious; -, m. arcanum, chitect; contriver. mystery. Architetto, [rkit't] adj. of an Arcare, [rk're'] v. a. to shoot; architect, architectural. arch ; cheat. Architettonico, [rkite'tt'nik] Arcasse, [rks's] m. (mar.) adj. architectural. stern-frame. Architettore, [rkite'tt're'] m. Areata, [rk't] f. bow-shot; architect, builder; artisan. touch of the bow on the string Architettura, [rkite'tt'r] f. of the violin; arch, roof, tirar architecture. in -, to pump a person. Architrave , [rkitr've'j m. Arcatore, [rkt'r] see Arca- (arch.) architrave, frieze,
loncello. Arco, [r'k]


m. rainbow. Arcolaj, [rkl'i] to. pi. castles in the air, whims, pi. Arcolajo, [a'rkl'y] to. reel, winder. Arconcello, [rkntsh'l] m. small bow. Arcone, [rk'n] to. great bow. dore. Architrictinio, [rkitrikti'ni] Arcuato, [rk't] adj. bent, Arcavola, [rk'vl] f. great m. president of the table. prooked, curved. great grand-mother. Archiviare, [rkivi're'J r. a. to Arcuccio, [rk'tsh] m. cradleArcavolo, [rk'vl] m. great register, record. tester. great grand-father. Archivio, [rki'vi] m. archives, Ardea, [rde"] f. heron. Archeggiare, frkdj're'] v. a. old records-office. Ardente, [ardn't] adj. ardent, to arch, bend. Archivista, [rkivi'st] m. re- fiery: eager; desirous, passionArcheologia, [rke'lji'] /'. ar- corder, (beautiful. ate; spirited. cheology. Arcibello, [rtsbibl] adj. very Ardentemente , [rde'nte'me'n'Archetipo, [rk'tip] m. arche- Arcibriccone, [rtshibrikk'ne'] te'] adv. ardently, passiontype, model; original code. m. arrant scoundrel. ately. Archettino, [rke'tti'n] Archet- Arcibuffone, [rtshibff'ne'j ni. Ardenza, [rdn'ds] f. ardor, to, [arke't't] m. small arch; arch-fool. heat; eagerness, burning defiddle-stick; arched stick for Arcicorredato, [rtshikrre'd'sire. catching birds. t] adj. richly provided. Ardere, [r'dre'] v. n. irr. {arArchi, [r'ki] and Arci, [r'tshi] Arcidiaconato, [rtshidikn'- si ; arso) to burn, glow, be particles affixed to substan- t] TO. archdeaconship. on fire; be bright, shine; - d'amotives, rendering them super- Arcidiacono, [rtshidi'knjm re, to glow with love. lative: Prete, Arciprete, &c. archdeacon. 'Ardesia, [rd'sia] /". slate.


bow, arch. [rkble"n]

Ardiglione, tongue (of a



sil- Arguto, [rg't] adj. subtle^ ver-smith. ingenious, witty. m. Argentale, [rje'nt'le'] adj. sil- Arguzia, [rg'tsi] f. subtilty, Ardimento, [rdime'n't] boldness, impudence. very. piquancy; joke, witticism. Ardimentoso, [rdimnt's] Argentato, [rje'nt't] odj. pla- Aria, ['ri] f. air; mien, counadj. bold, impudent. ted with silver. tenance; mus. air. song; pigliar Ardire, [rdi're'] v. n. to dare, Argentatore, [rje'ntt're'] *. V -, to take the air. be bold, take the liberty; -, m. one that silvers over. Aricalco, [rikrk] and Oridaring, boldness valor. Argenteo, [rjn'te'] adj. sil- calco, [rikrk] m. a mixed Arditamente, [rditme'n'te'] very, silver- colored. metal used by the ancient3 adv. daringly, boldly. Argenteria, [rjnte'ri'] f. sil- (probably gold and copper). Arditezza, [rdite't's] f. bold- ver-plate. Aridamente, [ridmn't] adv. ness, hardihood; confidence. Argentiera, [rje'nti'r] f. sil- dryly, barrenly. Ardito, [rdi't] adj. bold, dar- ver-mine. Aridezza, [ride't's] Aridit, ing; valiant. Argentiere, [rje'ntire'] Argen- [aridit'] Ariditade, AriditaArdore, [ard're'] m. ardor, fer- tiero, [rjnti'r] m. silver- te, f. aridity, barrenness fig. vor desire, passion. smith. tiresomeness. Arduamente, [rduame'n'te']ad. Argentino, [rje'nti'n] adj. sil- Arido, ['rid] adj. arid, dry ; arduously, with difficulty. ver-colored, silvery; bright. fig. tiresome. Arduit, [arduit'] Arduitade, Argento, [rjn't] m. silver; Arieggiare, [rie'dj'r] v. n. to Arduitate, f. arduousness, dif- -two, m. quicksilver, mercury. resemble, want firmness. ficulty. Argiglia, [arji'l'a] ^ argil, pot- Ariento, [rin't] see Argento. Arduo, [r'd] adj. arduous, ter's clay. [rie't're'] v. a. to (ey. Arietare, difficult, perilous; -, m. dif- Argiglioso, [rjil''s] adj. claybatter, beat down. ficulty, adversity. Argilla, [arjiria] see Argiglia. Ariete, [ri'te'] m. astr., aries: Ardura, [rd'r] /". heat. Argillaceo, [rjill'tsh] adj. battering-ram. Area, ['re'] f. area, superficies. argillaceous, clayish. Arietta, [rie't't] f. little air. Arefatto, [re'ft't] adj. dried Argilloso, [rjill's] see Argi- Ariettina, [ritti'n] f. very up, withered. glioso. short air. Arella, [arel'la] f. pigsty. Arginamento, [rjinme'n't] m. Arimmetica, [rimm'tik] see Arena, [r'n] /. sand, gravel; causeway; bank. Aritmetica. sand-bank; amphitheatre. Arginare, [rjin're'] v. a. to Aringa, [rin'g] f. harangue Arenaceo, [re'n'tshe'] adj. raise a causeway. herring. arenaceous, sandy. Argine, [r'jin] m. causeway, Aringamento, [ringme'n't]. Arenario, [re'n'ri] and Are- bank, mole; barrier. long speech. nante [re'nnte'] m. gladia- Arginetto, [rjine't't] m. little Ar ingare, [ring're'] v. n. to tor; adj. term applied to the bank; intrenchment, rampart. harangue. cemeteries of the ancient Chris- Arginoso, [rjin's] adj. full Aringato, [ring't] adj. hatians. of banks. rangued ready. Arenga, [rn'g] f. herring Argogliarsi, [rgl'r's] v. r. Aringatore, [ringt're']m.haharangue. to grow proud. ranguer, speaker. Arenosit, [arenosit'] Arenosi- Argomentaccio, [rgme'nt'- Aringheria, [ringhri'] /. hatade, Arenositate, /". sandiness. tsh] m. bad argument. rangue, discourse. Arenoso, [re'n's] adj. sandy. Argomentare, [rgme'nt're']u. Aringhiera, [ringhi'r] f. Arente, [rn't] adj. arid, dry. n. to argue, reason. Argomen- chair; bar, hustings. Areola, [re''l] f. small hot- tarsi, V. J", to prepare one's Aringo, [rin'g] m. lists; bar, bed. self. pulpit; harangue. Areometro, [re''me'tr] m. Argomentatore, [rgme'ntt'- Ariolo, [ri'l] m. diviner, aerometer. re'] m. arguer, reasoner. soothsayer. Areopagita, [rpadj't] Areo- Argomentazione, [rgme'ntt- Ariona, [ri'n] f. majestic appagito, [re'pdj't] m. judge si'ne'] f. argumentation, rea- pearance. of the Areopagus. soning. Arioso, [ri's] adj. airy, lightAreopago, [rp'g] m. Areo- Argomento, [rgme'n't] m. ar- some, handsome; comely, gracepagus. gument, reason, proof; sign; ful. Areostatico, [re'sti'tik] adj. subject. Arismetica, [risme"tic] see aerostatic; pallone -, m. air- Argomentoso, [rgrae'nt's] , Aritmetica. balloon. adj. persuasive, convincing ; Arista, ['rist] f. chine of pork. Aresta, [r'st] f. extremity of ingenious. Arista, [ari'sta] f. ear of corn. an ear of corn. Arguire, [rgi'r] u. a. to in- Aristarco, [ristr'k] m. seArete, [r't] f. (see rete) fer, conclude ; blamo, reprivero critic. Aretina, [re'ti'n] f. a kind of mand. Aristocratico, [ristkr'tiko] dance. Argumentante, [rgume'ntn'- adj. aristocratical. Areticare, [are'tiTjare] v. n. to te'] m. reasoner, disputant. Aristocrazia, [ristkrtsi'] f. become desperate. Argomentare, [rgme'nta're'] aristocracy. Arfasattello, [rfstt'l] Ar- see Argomentare. Aritmetica, [ritme''tika] f. fasatto, [rfst't] m. low- Argomento, [rgme'n't] see arithmetic. born fellow, intermeddlor. Argomento. Aritmetico, [ritm'tik] adj. Arganare, [rgn're'] v. a. to Argutamente, [rgiitme'n'te'] arithmetical; -, m. arithmeadv. cunningly, subtilly. wire-draw. tician. Argano, [r'gn] m. windlass; Argutezza, [rgte't's] f. fines- Arlecchino, [arlkki'n] m. harfixar., capstau se quibble, witty conceit. lequin, buffoon.

Argentajo, [rje'nt'y] m.


arlotto, [rl't] fool, glutton.



climb up;
rave, dote.

m. slovenly Armillare, [rmill're'j adj. ar-

con la mente, to


[r'ra] poes., see

arms, pi.


Armo. Armipotente, [rmiptn'te'] Arpicordo, [rpikr'd] mi. harptad adj. mighty in arms. sichord. Armistizio, [rmisti'tsi] m. Arpino, [rpi'n] m. hook,grap-<

[rmk'l] adv. across, over the shoulder. Armadiaccio, [rindi'tsh] v.



Armo, m. [r'm] the shoulder Arpioncello, [rpintsh'l] Arpioncino , [rpintshi'n] m. small hinge. see Armonizzare. Arpione, [rpi'ne'] m. hingo, Armonia, [rmni']/". harmony, hook; tenter. concord. Arpista, [rpi'sta,] m & /.harper, Armoniaco, [rmni'k] m. am- harpist. moniac. Arra, [r'r] f. earnest-money, Armonico, [rm'nik] adj. har- pledge, security. raonical, musical. Arrabattarsi, [rrbdttr'si] v. Armoniosamente , [rmnis- r. to toil hard, endeavour. mn'te'] adv. harmoniously. Arrabbiamento, [rrbbime'n'Armonioso, [rmni's] adj. t] m. rage, madness. harmonious, melodious. Arrabbiare, [rrbbi're'] v. n. Armonizzare, [rmnits're'] v. to get furious; - dalla fame, to n. to harmonize. starve with hunger. Armonizzato,[rmnitsa't]adi. Arrabbiatamente, [rrabbitharmoniously distributed. ran't] adv. furiously. Armor accio, [rmr'tsh] m Arrabbiatene [rrbbit'l]
of large beasts.

ugly cup-board.



Armadio, [rm'di] m. clothes-


press, cup-board. [rmadi'ne'J , large press.


Armadura, [rmad'r] f. armour arms, pi. Armaduretta, [rmdre't't] f.


light armour.

Armajo, [rm'y] Armaiuolo,

[rmy'l] m. armourer, gunsmith. Armamentario, [rmme'nt'ri] m. arsenal. Armamento, [armme'n't] m. arming, armament. Armare, [rm're'] . o. to arm; equip; provide with, furnish. Armarsi, v. r. to arm one's self, take arms. Armario, [rm'n'] m. clothespress; book-case. Armata, [rm'ta] /".navy; army. Armatamente, [rmtme'n't] adv. by main forco. Armatella, [rmt'lal Armatetta, [rmte't't] f. small


adj. furious,


Arrabbiaticcio, m., aqr. disease in grain hindering the strength[rne''s] m. harness, ening of the roots. pi. utensils; furniture, equi- Arrabbiato, [rrbbi't]adj. enpage, dress. raged; meagre, thin; cane -, a Arnia, [r'ni] /". bee-hive. mad dog. Arnica, [rni'k] /"., eoi. arnica. Arraffare, [rrff'r] ArrafflaArnione, [rni'ne'] m. kidney. re, [rrffi're'] v. a. to grapple, Arnomanzia, [rnman'tsi] f. snatch, gripe; wrench. fleet. divination by inspection of the Arramacciare, [rrmatsh're'] Armatore, [rmt'r] m. pri- entrails of lambs. V. a. to drive in a sledge, make vateer. Aro, [aro] m. ot. arum. fagots. Armatura, [rmt'r] f. ar- Aroma , [r'ma] m. aroma, Arramatare, [rrmta're'] v.a. mour, breast-plate. fragrance. to catch birds by fire-light, Arme, [r'me'l f. arms, weapons, Aromatario, [rmta'rx] m. beat. pi. armour; all' armi I to arms! druggist, grocer. Arrampicare, [rrmpik're'J v. far d' -, to fight-, portar V ar- Aromatichezza, [rratike't'sa] n. to climb. mi, to bear arms. Aromaticit, [rmtishit'] /". Arrancare, [rrnka're'] r. aArmeggeria, [arme'dje'ri'a] f. aromatics, pi. to row with full speed; -, v. n. joust, tournament. Aromatico , [rm'tic] adj. to go lame, limp, pluck out. Armeggevole, [rmdje"vle'] aromatic, spicy. Arrancidito, [rrntshidi't] adj. fighting; quarrelsome. Aromatizzare, [rmtits'r] adj. rancid, musty. Armeggiare, [rme'dj're'] v. n. V. a. to aromatize, perfume, Arrandellare, [rrndlla're'] . to joust, tilt, hesitate, puzzle comfort. c. to tie hurl, sell cheap. one's self. Aromato, [rma't] aromatics, Arranflare, [rrnfi're'] v. a. Armeggiatore, [rme'djit're'] pi. perfume. to snatch, seize. I. tilter, swordsman. Aromo, [r'm] m. aromatics, Arrangolare, [rrngl're'] . Armeggieria, [arme'djie'ri'a] f. spices, pi. n. to be angry, be enraged. tilt, mock-encounter. Arpa, [r'p] Arpe, [r'pe'j f. Arrangolato, [rrngl't]acy. Armellina, [rme'lli'n] f. er- harp. enraged, furious. mine skin. (mine. Arpagonare, [rpgn'r] v.a. Arrantolato, [arrntl't] adj. Armellino, [rme'lli'n] m. er- to harpoon, grapple. hoarse, rough. Armentario, [rmnt'ri] adj. Arpagone, [rpg'ne'j m. har- Arrapato, [rrp't] adj. bald, of cattle; -, m. herdsman, cow- poon, harping-iron. skinned. keeper. Arpe [r'pe'j f. harpy, a kind of Arrapinare, [rrpin're'] v.a. Armento, [rme'n't] m. herd of vulture. to be angry, furious.











Armera, [rmri'] armoury.

m. harping. Arpeggiare, [rpe'dj'r] v. n. Armicella, [rmitshl] /.small to play on the harp, harp, mus. trifling arms, pi. Arpeggio, [rpd'j] m. harpArmigero, [rmi'je'r] adj. war ing; mus. arpeggio. like. Arpese, [rpe"se'] m. cramp-iron. Armilla, [arrail'la] f. bracelet, Arpia, [rpi'] harpy. armi fit. Arpicare, [rpik'rj v. a. to'

Arrappare, [rrpp'r]


Arrappatore, [rrppt're'] i. Arrappatrice, [arrappitri'tshe']


[rrspi're'] w. a. to


rasp, scrauo.

Arrata, [rr't] see Arra. Arrazzare, [rrts'r] v.n.o radiate, beam, shine. Arrecare, [n-e'k're'] v. a. to "bring; engage; induce, reduce. Areecaesi, V. r. to consent. m. Arrecatore, [rreTrt're'] bringer, messenger. Arredare, [arrd're'] v. a. to furnish, put in order. Arredo, [rr'd] m. furniture,



Arricchimento, [rrikkime'n't] Arrizzare, [rrits're'J see Aam. enrichment; embellishment. ricciare. Arricchire, [rrikki're'] r. a. to Arrobbiare, (rrbbia'rej v. a. enrich, adorn; -, v. a. Aeric& dye with madder. CHiRSi, V- r to become rich, Arrecare, [rrk'r] and Arrothrive.




int. to

Arricciamenti/, [rritshme'n'-

become hoarse.
Arroccare, [rrkk're'] v. a. to fill the distaff; castle. Arrocchiare, [arrokkia're'] v. a. to cut in pieces, cobble, employ any thing inconsiderately. Arrogantaccio, [rrgnt'tshl adj. very arrogant; -, m. arrogant fellow. Arrogantare, [rrgnt'r] v. a. to treat with arrogance.


household-stuff. [rre'mbd'j] m.

boarding (a ship).
[arre'mb're'] v. a.

to board, attack. Arrembato, [rre'mb't] adj. a term used of horses whose f<)et are dislocated, and of men "who drag their legs after them from -weariness or old age.



m. running aground, stranding;

dulness, stagnation.

Arrenare, [arrn'r] w. a. to polish with sand-paper;-, v.n. to run aground, get stranded;


to be stopped. [rre'ndme'n't] ni. lease, tenure.


Arrendatore, [rrndt'r] m. Arrendatrice , [arrndtri'- Arripare,

tshe'] f. renter.

m. fright, horror; shivering; curling, hair-dressing. Arricciare, [rritsh're'] v.n. to bristle up, stand on end; curl, frizzle;- un muro, to roughcast a wall. Arricciato , [rrtsh't] m. rough casting, adj. brocaded. Arricciatura, [arritshat'r] j. curling, frizzling; rough-cast. Arricciolinamento, [rritshliname'n'to] m. curls, ringlets, pL Arricordare, [rricrdre'] v. a. to remember, mention. Arridere, [rri'de're'] v.intr.irr. {see Ridere) to smilo upon; favor ; V. a. to enjoy; - un cenno, to nod an affirmative. Arriffare, [rriffa're'] v. n. to raffle, put to stake. Arrigobello or Arrigo l3ello [rrigo-bel'lo] m. clown, bufi"oon. Arringare, [rring're'j seeAringare.
v. intr.


[rrgn'te'] ai-rogant, proud.




[rrgnte, adv. arrogantly. Arrogantone , [rrgnt'n] adj. very arrogant. Arroganza , [rrgn'tsa] f. arrogance, pride. Arrogare, [rrg'r] v. n. Arrogarsi, [rrgar'si] v. r. to

arrogate , claim pretend to, annul. Arrogere, [rr'je're'] v. a. irr., (Arrose ; Arroso) to add, give

to boot.







on Arrogimento, [rrjime'n't] m.

Arrolare, [rrl're'] v. a. to enArrendersi, [rrn'de'rsi] v. r. shore. to surrender, yield, comply, be Arris ehiamento, [rriskimn'- rol, register. Arrolaesi, a. r. to enrol one's self. t] m. risk. supple like a twig. Arrendevole, [rrnde"vle'] adj. Arrischiante, [arriskian'te'] adj. Arrompere, [rrm'pe're'] v. a. irr., {see Rompere), to break; daring, venturous. flexible, supple. destroy. ArrendOTolezza [rre'ndv- Arrischiare, [rrisckia're'] v. a. le't'sa] f. flexibility; docility. to risk, hazard; -, v. n. Aeei- Arroncare, [arrnk're'] v. a. to Arrendevolmente, [rre'ndvol- schiaesi, v. r. to run the risk, weed, root out. Arroncato , [rrnk't] adj. mn't] adv. flexibly; submis- venture. Arrischiatamente, [rriskit- wrinkled. sively.

Arrendimento, [rre'ndime'n't] mn'te'] adv. hazardously, dar- Arroncigliare, [rrntshil''re] m. surrendering, yielding. ingly. V. a. to twist, writhe; - la coda, Arrequiare , [arreTcuie're'] v. Arrischiato, [rriski't] adj. (said of pigs and serpents.)
int. to repose; sleep.

hazardous, dangerous, rashly Arrorare,





[arre'sta're'] v. a. to




to moisten,

[rriski'vl] arrest, seize, detain; sequester; Arrischi avole , - la lancia, to coiich the lance. adj. foolhardy, rash. Aerestaesi, v. r. to stop; Arrischio, [rris'ki] see Ri-

wet, sprinkle.


[rrss're'J see





m. Arrisicare,


v. a

Arrossimento , [rrssime'n't] m. blushing, blush; shame.


^ipstafi', bailifi". to risk, hazard. Arresto, [rr'st]Arrestamen- Arrissarsi, [arrissar'si] v. r. to to, [rre'stame'n't] m. arrest, quarrel, contend. arresting, caption; delay; (iato) Arristiarsi , [arristiar'si] see Arrischiarsi. decree (from the French). Arrotare, [rre't're'] Arretica- Arritirare, v. a. to draw out. re, [rre'tik'r] v. a. to take (said of money &c.). with a net. Arrivamento, [rrivme'n't] m. Arretato, [rre't't] adj. net- arrival, coming. Arrivare, [rriva're'] v. a. to like. Arretrarsi, [rre'trar'si] v. r. bring ashore; help to; -, v. intr to arrive at, come to; reach, to go back, recoil. Arrettizio, [rre'tti'tsi] adj. attain to; - bene, to be well surprised, oppressed, inspired. received; non ci arrivo, I can Arrezzare, [rre'ts're'J v. a. to not reach it fig. 'tis beyond my comprehension. shade, screen. Arretto, [rre't't] adj. taken Arrivata, [rriv't] A Arrivo, [rri'v] m. arrival, coming. with force.

v. intr.

to blush, be ashamed. Arrostarsi, [rrstar'si] v. r. to struggle, twist, strive. Arrosticciana, [rrstitsha'na] f. pork chop, steak. Arrostimento , [rrstime'n't] m. roasting. Arrostire, [arrsti're'] r. a. to roast, toast, broil, dry up; manzo arrostito,\)eef. Arrosto , [rr'st] m. roast meat; fare un arrosto to make a mistake, commit an error. Arrota, [rr't] f. addition, overplus. Arrotamento, [rrtme'n'to] m.

sharpening, whetting.




Arrotante, [rrtn'tjtn. whet- Arruotamento , [rrtme'n't] Artico, [r'tic] adj. arctic ' m. sharpening. (tare. northern. ter, knife-grinder. Arrotare, [firrt're'] v. a. to Arruotaro, [rrt'r] see Arro- Articolare, [rtikl're'J v.o. to whot, grind, sharpen; smooth, Arruotolare, [arrtl're] see articulate, pronounce. Articolare , [rtikl're'] adj. Aekotarsi, v. r. to be disturb- Arrotolare. Arruvidare, [rrvid're'J v.n. articular. ed, troubled. Articolatamente, [rtiklatArrotato, [rrta't] adj. sharp- to grow rugged. ened (on the wheel) racked Arruvidato, [rrvid't] adj. me'n'te'] adj. articulately, disrude, rugged. tinctly. smoothed; dappled, Arrotatore,[rrtt're'] Arroti- Arruvidirt, [rrvidi'r] ee Ar- Articolato , [rtikl't] adj. articulate, distinct. no, [rrti'n] m. knifogrinder. ruvidare. [rs'l] f. muscle Articolazione, [rtikltsi'ne'] Arroto, [rr 6't] adj. superadded, Arsella ,
; ;

(shellfish). increased. f. articulation, juncture. Arrotolare, [arrtl're'] v. a. io Arsenale, [a'rse'nle'] m. arsenal Articolo, [rti'kl] m. article, Arsenico, [rs'nik] m. arsenic. point, clause; - r/ei /a /gfie, arroll up like a scroll. Arrovellare, [rrve'll're'] v. a. Arsibile, [arsi'bile'J adj. com- ticle offaith;-rfi/"on(/o, leading

article (of a journal); in artito irritate; make mad; -, v. n. bustible. to get angry, fly into a passion. Arsicciare, [rsitsh're'] t>. a. to colo di morte, at the point of Arrovellatamente, [rrve'Ut- scorch, dry in the sun. death. mn't] adv. furiously, with Arsiccio, [rsi'tshlarfj. scorch- Articoloso, [rti'cls] adj. ed, broiled, second hand when nimble, agile, alert (speaking rage. Arrovellato, [rrve'll't] adj. speaking of candles. physically). Arsione, [rsi'ne'J f. conflagra- Artiere, [rti'r] adj. working; furious, violent.

Arroventamento , [rrve'nt- tion. Arsivo, me'n't] m. making red-hot.

[rrve'nt're'] v . a.


-, m. tradesman, workman, [rsi'v] adj. caustic. mechanic. [r's] adj. burnt; con- Artificiale, [rtifitshf'le'] adj.

make red-hot. Arroventimento ,

giorno artfi,~ dale, the space of time that heat, drought; misery, me'n't] m. getting red-hot. the sun is above the horizon. Arroventire, [rrve'nti're'] v.n. Artanita,[rtni't] f. cyclamen. Artificialmente , f rtifitshil[rttme'n'te'] to grow red-hot, become fiery. Artatamente , mn'te'] adv. artificially. Arroventito, [rrve'nti't] adj. adv. artfully, cleverly, Artificiato, [rtifitshia't] see Artato, [rt't] adj. cunning, Arteficiato. red-hot, burning.

sumed wretchedly poor. Arsura , [rs'r] burning

artificial, artful;

Arrovesciamento , [rrve'sh- artificial. Artificio, [rtifi'tshi] m. artime'n'tl m. overthrow, ruin, Arte, [r'te'] /, art, artifice skill fice, industry, fraud. craft, deceit; ad -, on purpose; Artificiosamente destruction. [rtifatshi,

Arrovesciare, [rrve'sh're'] v. arti liberali, f. pL, the liberal sme'n't] adw. cunningly, slil3\ arts, pi. a. to turn the wrong side out Artificiosit , [rtifitshisit'] overthrow, destroy. Akrove- Artefatto, [rte'ft't] adj. made Artiflcositade, Artificiositawith art, artificial. sciAnsi, V, r, to get upset. te, /. artifice, cunning. Arrovesciatura, [rrve'sht'- Artefice, [rt'fitshe'] m. arti- Artificioso, [rtifitshi's] adj. ficer, artisan; workman. r] see Arrovesciamento, artful; crafty, sly, malicious. Arrovescio , [rrv'sh] adv. Arteficello, [rtfitsh'l] Arte- Artiflziatamente, [rti'fitsitagainst the grain, on the wrong ficinolo, [rte'fitsh'l] Arte- men'te"] adv artificially, false;






Arrozzare, [rrts'r] Arroz-

bungler. Artiflziato, [rtifitsi't] see zire, [rrtsi're] v. a. to make Arteficiato, [rte'fitsht't] adj. Artificiato. rough; -, v. n. to become artificial; fictitious; affected. Artifizio, [rtifi'tsi] see ArtiArteflcio, [rtfi'tshij m. arti- ficio. rough; grow uncivil.
[rrubil''re'] v


to become red.

Arrubinare, [rrbin're'j

v. a.

to make red. Arruffare, [rrff're'] v. a. to ruffle the hair. Arruffarsi v.r. to take each other by the hair. Arruffato, [rrff't] adj. dishevelled, loose.

Arruffatore, [rrfft're'] m. one who dishevels the hair;

entangler. Arruffianare, [rrffin're'] v. a. to disguise; pimp. Arrugginire, [arrdjini're] u n. to rust, grow rusty. Arrugginito, [rrdjini't] adj. rusty; impaired.

fice. Artigianetto, [rtijne't't] wi. Arteficiosamente, [rte'fitsht- little artisan. sme'n't] adv. with artifice. Artigiano, [rtija'n] adv. of a Arteficioso, [rte'fitshi's] adj. workman;-, m. artisan, workartificial, ingenious, astute, man, tradesman. Arteggiare, [rtdj'r] v. n. Artigliare, [rtil''re'] v. a. to to use artifice, seize with the claws. Artemisia, [rte'mi'si] /. mug- Artigliato, [rtil''t] adj. furwort, moth-wort. nished with claivs. Arteria, [rt'r] f. artery. Artigliere, [rtil''re] m. canArteriale, [rtri'le'J adj. ar- nonier, gunner.

Artiglieria, [artirri'] /. artillery, ordnance. (artery. Artigliere, [artil''rl see Ar Arterinzza, [rte'ri'ts] f. small tigliere. Artetica, [rt'tik] f. gout. Artglio, [rti'l'] m, claw, talArtetico, [rt'tik] adj. gouty, on; clutch. arthritical; -, i. gouty person. Artiglioso, [rtir's] adj.


Arterioso, [rte'ri's] adj. arterial,

Arrugiadare, [rrjid'r] u. a. Artezza, [arte't'saj /. narrow- clawed. ness ; want. to sprinkle. Artimone, [rtm'ne'j m, mizArruotaforbici , [rrtfr'bi- Articella, lartitsh'l] f. art of zen-sail; albero d'-,m.mzzonsmall gain, poor business. tshij m. scissors-grinder. niast.




f. stroke with Asiatic. a hatchet. Asilo, [asi'l] m. asylum, Aruspice, [r'spitshe'] m. au- Asciogliere, re[sh'l'e're'J v. a. fuge. gur, diviner. irr. {see Sciogliere) to absolve, Asima, ['sim] see Asma. Aruspicio, [rspi'tsh] m. au- pardon. Asimetro, [asime'tro] m. an imgury, divination. Asciolvere, [shl've're'] v. a. mensurable number, one having Arzanale, [rtsn'le'] m. see and n. to break-fast. no common measure. Arsenale. Ascissa, [shis's] f. geom., ab- Asina, ['sin] Arzente, [rtsn'teT ad/- ardent, scissa. f. she-ass, Asinaccio, [sin'tsh] m. great hurning. Ascite,[shi't] /".ascites, dropsy ass; very stupid fellow. fig. Arzentino, [rtsn'tin] adj. sii in the belly. Asinaggine, [sina'djin] /. dulvery. Ascitico, [shi'tik] adj. ascitic, ness, stupidity. Arzica, [rtsi'ca] f. a kind of dropsied. Asinaja, [sin'y] f. stable for yellow color used by minia- Asciugaberrette, [tshij'brasses. ture-painters. rtt] m. cap-stealer. Asinajo, [sin'y] m. ass-driArzigogolante,[rtsigglan't] Asciugaggine, [shg'djin] ver. f. part. pres. fanciful, fantastic; Asciugamento, [shgme'n'- Asinare, [asina're'] ride used also substantively for a t] m. dryness. on an ass. cunning person. Asciugante, [shgn't] adj. Asineggiare, [asfne'dja're] v. n. Arzigogolare, [rtsfggl're'j drying wiping. to bray like an ass. . a. to fancy. Asciugare, [shg're'] v. a. to Asinella, [sin'I] /. young Arzigogolo, [rtsig'gl] m. dry; wipe. (towel. she-ass. fancy, chimera; conceit. Asciugatojo, [shugt'y] m. Asinelio, [sin'l] m. little ass, Arzigogolone, [rtsiggl'ne'] Asciuttamente, [shttmn'- young ass. m. cunning fellow. te'] adv. dryly. Asineria, [sinri'] f. stubbornArzillo, [rtsil'l] adj. sprightly; Asciuttare [shtt'r] see , ness. bold, robust. Asciugare.

Aruspicare, [ruspik're']
to divine.

Artista, [rti'st] i. artist. Ascetico, [sh'tik] odj. ascetic; Ascrivere, [skri'vr] v. a. irr. rtistamente, [rtistamn'ti -, m. ascetic. {see Scrivere) to ascribe; reckon and Artisticamente, [rtistik- Ascetismo, [tsh'tism] ni. the amongst; number. Ascei versi, mn't] arfr. skilfully, with art. exercise of the spiritual life of V. r. to rank one's self among. Arto, [r't] aof/. narrow, strait; ascetics. Asello, [sl'l] m. whiting. cramped. Aschierare, [tshie''rre'] v. a. Asfaltare, [sflt'r] v. a. to Artoilace, [rtfil'she] /". astr. to place in order of battle. asphalt. the constellation Bootes. Aschio, [s'ki] m. envy, hatred; Asfalto, [sfl't] m. asphalt. Artritico, [rtri'tik] adj.arthri- competition. Asfissia, [asfis'sia] tic, of the joints, gouty. med. f. Aschioso, [ski's] adj. enviou?. asphyxy. Artritide, [rtri'tide] /". gout. Ascialone,[shl'n] m.bracket. Asfodillo, [sfdil'l] tn. asArturo, [rt'r] m. astr. arc- Asciare, [sh'r] v. a. to square phodel, daffodil. turus. with a hatchet, smooth. Asiatico,
v. a.

Asciata, [sh't]




[shtte't'sj /'.dryte] adv. stupidly, foolishly. cut layers for the first time. ness, siccity. Asinesco, [sine's'k] adj. stuAsaro, [sa'r] a mountain herb Asciutto, [sht't] adj. arid, pid, dull. having leaves angular like ivy. dry; emaciated, thin insipid Asinetto,[sine't't] ; m. little ass. Asbestine, [sbsti'n] adj. as- -, m. aridity, dryness. Asinile, [sini'l] adj. like an bestine. Asclepiadeo,
a. to

Arznccolare, [rtskkl're'j



Asinescamente, [asine'skame'n'-

[asm's] adj. asthmatic. ascend, Ascoltazione, [sklttsi'ne'] /. Asolare, [sl're>' breathe; Ascolto, [skl't] m. hearing, take an airing; ramble about; listening; stare in ascolto, to blow in gusts. listen at the windows, be an Asolo, ['sl]n?.breath,breathevesdropper. ing, respiration open air dicension, ascension-day. Ascondere, &c. [askn'de'rel see version, pigliare asolo, to take Ascenso, [shn's] see Ascen- Nascondere, &c. the air, an airing. dimento. Ascosamente , [sksme'n'te'] Aspalto, [aspal't] see Asfalto. Ascesa, [ashe"sa] see Salita. Ascostamente, [askstmn'tj Asparageto, fasprag'tj m. an Ascesso, [sh's] m. abscess. adv. under hand, secretly. asparagus bed. Asceta, [sh'tj m. ascetic; se- Ascoso, [ask's] Ascosto, [s- Asparago, [sp'rg] m. aspacluse. k'st] adj. hidden, concealed. ragus.

Asbesto, [sb'st] m. asbestos. asclepiad. Ascaride, [ask'rid] m. asca- Ascolta, [skrt] f. listening; rides, pi. sentinel; dare -, to lend an Ascaruola, [askr'la] f. name ear. of a kind of wild endive. Ascoltamento, [skltmn't] Ascia, ['sh] f. axe. m. listening, hearing. Ascella, [sh'l] f. arm-pit. Ascoltante, [skltn'te'] part, Ascendente, [shndn't] adj. pres. hearing; -,m. listener, auascending; -, m. ascendant; in- ditor. fluence; superiority. Ascoltare, [sklt're'] v. a. to Ascendenza, [she'ndn'ds] listen, attend to mind. f. ascent, rise: ancestors, pi. Ascoltatore, [askltt'r] in. Ascendere, [ashn'drj v. a. auditor, hearer.




Asinino, [sini'n] adj. asinine; stupid; -, m. little ass. Asinit, [asinit'] /. clownishness, rudeness; stupidity. Asino, ['sin] m. ass; - salvdtico, wild ass; a schiena d' asino, said of a street convexly paved.





ass; blockhead.

Asma, [as'ma] f. asthma. Asmatico, [sm'tik] Asmoso,




mount, climb; rise. Ascendinaento, [she'ndime'n't] m. ascent, going up. Ascensione, [she'nsi'n] f. as-

Aspe, [s'pe] see Aspide. Asperare, [aspra'r] v.

a. to



exasperate, provoke. Asperarteria, [aspe'rrt'ri] f. windpipe, throttle. [aspre'djn'te'J Assannare, [ssnn're'] v. a. to Asperella, [spe'rl] f. bot., Aspreggiante , adj. exasperating. seize with the teeth, bite; tear; horse-tail. Asperetto,[spe're't't]adj.some- Aspreggiare, [sprdj're'] v. a. slander, calumniate. to exasperate, irritate, provoke, Assanno, [ssn'n] wi. biting, what harsh.

[sprrae'n't] m. Assaltatore, [ssltt're'] m. suffering, fear. assailant, assailor. Aspreggiamento , [aspre'dja- Assalto, [ssrt] m. assault, me'n't] m. provocation; irri- onset ; prendere per -, to take tation, exasperation. by storm.

irr. {see





[spre't't] adj. a little

Sporgere) to sprinkle.



[spr'jin] , sprinkling, sign, indication.




Assapere, [sspe''re'] v. a. (see Sapere) to inform , harsh- know.



asperity ; Assaporamento, [ssprame'n'Aspergitore, [spe'rjit're'] m. ness ; bitterness roughness. t] m. tasting, savour. he who sprinkles. a.sperit,[sprit'] Asperitade, Asprigno, [spri'n'jadj.sourish, Assaporare, [sspr're'] v. a. Asperitate, and Asperltudine, ascescent. to savour, taste; enjoy. Asprit, [sprit'j see Aspe- Assaporato, [sspr't] adj. [spe'rit'dine'] f. roughness rit. severity. flavoured with any thing. Aspero, [s'pr] adj. rough, Aspro, [s'pr] adj. sour, sharp, Assaporire, [sspri're'] v. a. harsh; rough, uneven; rigid, to give flavour. sharp; severe. Aspersione, [spe'rsi'ne'j f. as- violent, fierce. Assassare, [ssss're'] v. a. to Assa, [as'sa] and Assa Fetida, throw stones at another. persion, sprinkling. assa-foetida. Aspersorio , [sprs'ri] m Assassinamento , [ssssinaf. Assaccia, [ss'tsh] f. bad me'n't] m. assassination; outholy-water-brush. board. Aspettabile, [sptt'ble'] adj rage, affront. Assaccomannare,[sskkman- Assassinare, [ssssin'r] v. a. remarkable, notable. Aspettamento, [spe'ttme'n't] n're'] v. a. to plunder. to assassinate,murder ; outrage, Assaettare, [sse'tt're'] v. imp. destroy. m. expectation. Aspettante, [aspe'ttn'te'] adj. to be struck by lightning (used Assassineria, [ssssine'ri'] f. waiting, expecting -, m. spec- only by way of imprecation). assassination, murder. Assaettato , [sse'tt'tj adj. Assassino, [ssssi'n] m. astator, by-stander. Aspettanza, [spe'ttn'ds] f.see lean, crafty. sassin, murderer (used also Assaggiamento, [ssdjmeV- adjectively). Aspettamento. Aspettare, [spe'tt're'] v. a.'to t] m. tasting, gustation; as- Assavorare, [ssvr're'] v. a. expect, wait for, look for, await; say. to taste, savour; enjoy. preserve. Aspettarsi, v. r. to Assaggiare, [ssdj're'] v. a. to Assaziare, [ssatsi'r] v. a. to taste ; try, assay. belong to, appertain. satiate, fill; cloy. Aspettativa, [spe'ttti'v] f. Assaggiatore, [ssdjt're'] m. Asse, [s's] f. board, shelf; expectance, hope, taster, wine-taster; assayer. axis, roraan penny. ^.spettatore, [spe'ttt're'] m. Assaggiatura^ [ssdjat'r] f. Asseccare, [sskk're'] see Secexpecter. Assaggio, [ass'dj] m. tast- care. Lspettazione, [spe'tttsi'n] ing, trying; trial, proof. Assecondare, [ssknd're'] v. Assai, [assa'i] adv. enough,much, a. to second, assist. f. expectation. aspetto, [sp't] m. aspect; very; copiously, richly; d' -, by Assecurare, [sskr're'] see far, by much; - bene, pretty Assicurare. face, air ; appearance ; retardawell; - pi, much more, many Asseder, [sse'd're'] v. n. irr., tion; nel primo -, at first sight, Aspide, [s'pide'] Aspide, [s'pi- more; - per tempo, very early; {see Sedere) to sit by or with - vicino, very near; - volte, d] m. aspic, asp. one; to make any one be Aspirante, [spirn'te'] adj. as- several times, many times; -, seated. Assedeesi, v. r. to sit piring to tromba -, f. suction- m. considerable number, great one's self down, be seated. pump; -, m. candidate, com- quantity; uomo d' -, a man of Assediamento, [ssdime'n't] weight. petitor. m. siege, blockade. Aspirare, [spir're'] v. a. to Assaissimo, [ssis'sim] adj. Assediante, [sse'din'te'J m. beaspire, wish for, be a candidate & adv. very much, many; ex- sieger. tremely. for gr. to aspirate. Assediare, [sse'di're'] v. a. to Aspiratamente, [spirtme'n'- Assale, [ss'l] m. axle tree besiege; shut up. te'] adv. with aspiration. of a carriage. Assediatore, [sse'dit'r] m. Aspirato, [spir't] adj. aspi- Assalimento, [sslime'n't] m. besieger. red to, desired gr. aspirated. assault, attack. Assedio, [ss'di] Asseggio, Aspirazione, [spirtsi'ne'J f. Assalire, [ssli'reT v. a. to as- [ss'dj] m. siege, blockade; aspiration, aspiring. sail, assault, attack. porre I' -, to tease, importune. Aspo, [s'p] m. reel, turning- Assalita, [ssli't] f. assault. Assegnabile, [sse'n''bil] adj. frame. Assalitore, [sslit're'] m. as- assignable, transferable , deAsportabile, [sprt'bile'] adj. sailer, assaulter. monstrable.

portable, transportable.

Asportare, [sprt're'] v. a. to m. assaulting, assault. export, carry away (these two Assaltante, [assai tn'te'] m. assailant. terms are nooTogical). Aspramente, [asprmn'te'] od v. Assaltare, [sslt're'] v. a. to
harshly, roughly, rudely.
assault, attack.

Assaltamento, [assltmn't] Assegnamento, [sse'n'me'n't] m. assignment, consignment,

transfer; expectation; allowance, income; far - sopra, to rely upon.


[dsse'n''r] r. a. to




assign, settle; allow, allege, Assentito, [sse'nti't] adj. skilconsign, destine; - il tempo, to ful, prudent, cunning; stare in fix the time. -, to be upon one's guard. Assegnatamente , [sse'n't- Assento, [ssn't] sec Assenso. me'n'te'] adv. thriftily, parti- Assentore, [ssnt're'] see Ascularly. sentatore. Assegnatezza, [asse'n'te't's] f. Assenza, [ssn'ds] f. absence. thriftiness, saving, economy Assenzio, [ssn'dsi] m. wormreservodness. wood, bitterness.


adj. dressed with affectation. Assetto, [ss't] m. arrange-

ment; small board; male in


ill-dressed; mettere in-, to set in order. Assevare, [asse'vare'] v. . to

congeal; be famished.


adj. Asserarsi, [ssrr'si] [sse'n''t] , thrifty, economical; reserved; grow dark, get late. moderate, limited. Asserella, [sse'r'l] Assegnazione, [sse'n'tsi'ne'] relle , [sse'r'l] m. /. Assegno, [sse''n'l wi., see board, shelf.

Asseveramento, [sse've'rmn'v. r. to t] m. assurance. Asseverantemente [sse'vrnte'me'n't] adv. with asseveraf. Asselittle

tion; assuredly.




Assegnamento, Asserenare, [sse're'n're'] v. a. assurance, certainty, assertion. Asseguimento, [sse'gwime'n't] to clear up; brighten, exhila- Asseverare, [assve'r're'] v. a. m. attainment, acctuisition; rate, cheer. Asserenarsi, v. r. to assure, swear. pursuit. [ssve'rti'v] Asseverativo , to become clear. Asseguire, [sse'gui're'] v. a. to Asserente, [asse're'n'te'] m. as- adj. affirmative, positive.
execute; obtain. sertor, mantainer. Asseverazione, [sse've'rtsi'Asseguitare, [sse'guit'rjv.a. Asserimento, [ssrimeVt] m. ne'] f. asseveration, assurance.
assertion. Assibilare, [ssibil'r] see SiAsserire, [sse'ri'r] v. a, to as- bilare. Assicella,[assitth'la]Assicina, sert, affirm, assure. Assemblare, [ssmhia're'] &c, Assero, [ss'r] m. joist, rafter. [ssitshi'n] f. small board; see Assembrare, &c. Asserragliare , [ssrrr'r] thin shingle. Assemblea, [sse'mbl'] f. as- V. to barricade; obstruct. As- Assiculo, [ssi'kl] m. small sembly, meeting. serragliarsi, v. r. to barricade 'pivot, hinge. Assembraglia, [assembrala] /, one's self. Assicuramento, [ssikrraeVclash, shock combat. Asserrare, [asse'rra're'] v. a. to t] m. Assicuranza, [ssikAssembramento , [sse'mbr'- press, squeeze. rn'ds] /. assurance, confime'nt] m. the act of ass em Assertivamente , [sse'rtivdence; trust; boldness. bling; crowd; ranging of troops; me'n'te'] adv. affirmatively. Assicurare, [assikr're'] v. a. union. Assertivo, [sse'rti'v] adj. af- to secure, guarantee, protect Assembrare, [sse'rabr're'] v. a. firmative. certify, animate; - un vascello, to assemble; range, couple; -, Assertore, [sse'rt're'] m. asto insure a ship mar., - la vela, V. n. to resemble; imitate. Assertor, defender, favorer. to take in sail. Assicurarsi, v. 8EMBEAKSI, V r. to assemble, Assertorio , [sssrt'ri] adj. r. to make one's self sure take meet together. affirmative. courage, trust in; venture. Assembrea , [ssembr'] see Asservare, [sse'rv'r] r. a. to Assicuratore , [ssikrt're'] Assemblea. preserve. m. insurer.

to pursue, follow.

Assegutore, [ssguit're'] Assecutore.


Assennare, [sse'nna're'] v. a. to Asserzione, [sse'rtsi'ne'] warn, advise, inform; malie sertion, declaration.


as- Assicurazione
ne'] /.


Assessore, [sse'ss'reT m. assessor, judge. rance-company. me'n'te'] ad.judiciously,wisely. Assestare, [sse'st're'] v. a. to Assiderare, [sside'r're'] v. a. Assennatezza, [sse'nnteVsa] adjust; war. to stow. Assestar- to chill, benumb with cold;-,. si, V. r. to agree, fit together. n. to get benumbed with cold. f. sense, judgment. Assennato , [sse'nn't] adj. Assestatore, [sse'stt're'J in., Assiderazione,[sside'rtsi'ne'] wise, judicious. mar. stower. f. chillness, numbness. Assennire, [asse'nni're'] v. a. to Assetare, [sst're'j v. a. to Assidero, [ssi'de're'] v. a. irr.,

assurance; security, insurance; societ d' -, f. insu-



advise, counsel.


[sse't.'t]arfy .thirsty;

(assisi; assiso) to besiege, sit

(said especially of consent, approbation. Assetire, [sse'ti'rel see Asse- birds);- il nome d'alcuno, to Assentamento, [sse'ntme'n't] tare. take any one's name. m. absence. Assettamento, [sse'ttme'n't] Assiduamente, [ssidme'n'te'] Assentare, [asse'nta're'] v. a. to m. arrangement, agreement. adv. assiduously. send away, dismiss. Assentar- Assettare, [sse'tt're'] v. a. to Assiduit, [ssidiit'] AssiV. si, r. to absent one's self; sit adjust, arrange, put in order; duitade, Assiduitate, f. assidown. trim, dress ; cook, season, mar- duity, diligence. Assentatore, [sse'ntt're'] m. ry another, v. n. Assettarsi, Assiduo, [ssi'd] adj. assiflatterer, fawner. V. r. to sit down, settle ; begin; duous. Assentazione, [sse'nttsi'ne'] deck one's self out. Assieme, [ssi'meT see Insieme. (distant. Assettatamente , [sse'ttt- Assiepare, [ssie'p're'] v. a. to f. adulation. Assente, [ssn't] adj. absent ; me'n'te'] adv. neatly, properly, hedge in, surround. Assieparsi, Assentimento, [sse'ntime'n't] fitly. V. a. r. to inclose one's self. m. assent, consent. Assettatore, [sse'ttt're'] m. Assiepato,[sse'pa't]adj.hedgAssentire, [asse'nti're'] v. n to regulator ; attirer ; follower. ed; obstructed. admit, allow; -, v. n. to assent, Assettatura, [sse'ttt'r] f. Assillito, [assili't] adj. stung; etayedness; propriety; dress. agree. irritated, put in a passion.
to sit

Assensione, [sse'nsi'n] f. As- Assetato, senso, [ssn's] m. assent, dry.

down, place. Assidersi,





45 m.
darsi, V.



to get compact; Assopire, [sspi're'] v. a, and r. a. to become drowsy.



[ssill're] v.

a. to



smart from


sting of

V. a. to subject,


Assillo, [ssiri] m. horse-fly.


Assoggettamento, [ssdje'ttme'n't] Assoggettimento, [s[ssimir- sdjttime'n't] m. subjection,

Assorbente, [ssrbn'te'] adj.. absorbent, sucking up. Assorgere, [ssr'be're'J v.a.irr.,

me'n't] wi. Assimiglianza, [ssimil'n'ds] f. assimilation, likeness.




similare, [ssimil're'] v. a. to

(assorbii ; assorbito, assorto) to absorb ; swallow up. Assorbimento, [ssrbime'n't] constraint, subordination. Assolatio,[sslti'] adj. south- m. absorption, sucking up. Assorbire, [ssrbi'r] see Asern. Assolato, [assl't] adj. ex- serber. Assordaggine, [ssrd'djine'] posed to the sun, sunny.

Assolcare, [sslk're'] v. a. to /. deafness. Assimiliazione, [ssimiltsi'- furrow, plou gh. Assordamento, [ssrdme'n't] n] /. assimilation; digestion. Assoldamento, [ssldme'n'to] m. stunning, giddiness. Assincopare, [ssincp'r] v. m. enrolling soldiers. Assordare, [ssrda're'] .a. to a. to cut ofi', elide, retrench. Assoldare, [ssld'r] v. a. to stun; deafen; -, v.n. to become

Assindacare, [ssindk're']


enlist, raise troops.

si, r. r.



to enter as a soldier,




Assioma, [ssi'mJAssiomate, enter the army. [ssi'mte'j m. axiom, maxim. Assolidare, [sslid'r]
Assisa, [ssi's] A livery; device; subsidy. Assise, pi. assizes, court of assizes. Assistente, [ssistn'te'] m. attendant, by-stander; helper.




being present; assistance, aid,

[ssi'ste're'] v.a.irr., (Assistito) to be present, assist; help.

stunned, deaf. see As- Assordire, [ssrdi're'] see Assordare, (gore. sodare. Assolfonire, [sslfni'r] v. n. Assorgere, [ssr'je're'j see SorAssortimento, [ssrtime'n't] to grow sulphureous. Assolatamente, [ssltmn'- m.lot; assortment, suit. Assortire, [ssrti're'] v. a. to te'] adv. absolutely. Assolato, [ssl't] adj. abso- draw lots sort, match. Assortitore, [ssrtit're'] m. lute, positive, arbitrary. Assolutorio, [sslt'ri] adj. sifter of corals. Assottigliamento , [ssttil'absolutory; clearing. Assoluzione, [assltsi'ne'] f. me'n't] m. thinning; refine;

absolution, acquittal.
[ssl've're'] v.a.irr.,

Assottigliare, [ssttil''re'] v. a. to make thin; sharpen; grind, refine; - l' ingegno, to sharpen the wit. Assottigliarsi, v. r. to grow thin, become sharpened; diminish. Assottigliativo,[assttirti'v] adj. attenuating. Assottigliato, [assttir't]ad/.



m. Assolvere,

assistant, helper; adjutor. Assitato, [ssitt] adj. imbued

assoluto) to absolve, acquit; release. with any odor. Assomare, [ssm're'] v. a. to Assito, [ssi't]m. board-parti- load, charge.
{assolsi; assolto,

Assomigliante, [ssmil'n'te']

Assiuolo , [ssio'l] m. owl, horn-owl, capo d' -, ignorant

adj. resembling, similar; conform. fellow. Assomigliamento , [ssmirAsso, [s's] m. ace (at cards or me'n'to] m. Assomiglianza, dice); - o sei, neck or nothing; [ssmil'n'ds] /'.resemblance, lasciare in asso -, to forsake; likeness, similarity. restare in -, to be forsaken; Assomigliare, [ssmir're'] v. fare un -, to eat at another's a. to compare, make a comparexpense. ison; -, V. n. Assomigliarsi, Assocciamento,[ssttshme'n'- V. r. to be like, resemble. t] 771. partnership. Assomiglio, [ssmi'r] m.likeAssocciare, [ssttsh're'] v. a. ness portrait. to hire a farm make over a Assomigliazione [assmir, troublesome person to another. tsi'ne'] /". resemblance, conAssociare, [sstshia'ro] v. a. to formity. join; accompany a funeral; take Assommare, [ssmm're'] v. a. into partnership. Associarsi, to finish; perfect.
; ;

sharpened; weakened; impoverished.

Assottigliatore, [ssttirt'r] m. thinner, attenuator. Assottigliatura, [ssttirat'r] /. thinning; sharpening.

Assozzare, [ssts're'] v. a. to dirty. Assozzarsi, v. r. to get


grow ugly.

Assuefare, [sswe'f're'] v. a. to accustom, inure. Assuefarsi, V. r. to accustom one's self;

inure one's self to. Assuefatto, [ssue'ft't] adj. V. r. to associate one's self, Assonante accustomed, inured, practised. [ssnn'te'] acj. , hecome a partner (inelegantly accordant, harmonious Assuefazione, [ssue'ftsi'n] used). Assonanza [ssnn'ds] f. as- /". custom, use. Associato , [sstshi't] m. sonance, harmony. Assueto , [ssw't] adj. acpartner; subscriber (not ele- Assonare, [ssn're'] v. n. to customed, used.


Assuetudine, [asswe'tu'dine'] f. sound together. [sstshitsi'- Assono, [ss'ne'] m. a large custom; practice. n] f. association, partnership, plank used hy wool-staplers to Assuggettire , [ssdjtti'r] commercial union ; funeral pro- press cloth. see Assoggettare. cession (not elegant save as Assonnamento, [ssnnme'n'- Assumere, [ss'me're'] v.a.irr., regards a funeral procession). {assunsi ; assunto) to assume, t] m. drowsiness, sleep. Assodamento, [ssdme'n't] Assonnare, [ssnn're'] .a. to undertake ; take up ; exalt one's m. consolidating, consistence, make drowsy; -, v. n. to get self. solidity. sleepy; be slow. Assonnarsi, Assunto, [assn't] m. underAssodare, [ssd're'j v. a. to V. r. to become drowsy, fall taking; charge, task; carej consolidate, strengthen. Asso- asleep. office.

Assunzione, [ssntsi'n] {. assumption; elevation, exalta-

~ 46 -


(astraggo; astrassi; astrarr; Astutezza, [stte't's] /. cunastratto) to abstract. Astraer- ning, artifice, deceit. tion. si, V. r. to turn away one's Astuto, [st't] adj. trafty, Assurdamente, [ssrdmn'te'] mind from. cunning; subtle. adv. absurdly. Astragalo, [strg'l] w. arch. Astuzia, [st'tsi] /'.craftiness, Assurdit, [assurdit'] /. al)- astragal; anat. the ancle bone. cunning, art. surdity, incongruity. Astragalote, [strg'lte'J f. a Atante, [tn'te'j adj. robust, vigorous. Assurdo, [ssr'd] adj. absurd; kind of natural alum.
-, J.

absurdity; nonsense.
[ssr'jre'] see Sor-



adj. astral,

Atarassia, [tarss']
v. a.






and Aste,

quillity of soul. Astrarre, [strr'r ]see Astra- Atare, [t'r] succour. [aste] ere.

to help,

[ttri'tshe'J f. assistant, helpabstraction; distraction, aball' -, to sell by auction. er. sence of mind. Astaco, ['stk] m. crab. Astrattamente, [strttmen'- Atauto, [tu't] m. coffin, Astallamento, [stllme'n't] te'] adv. abstractedly. bier. m. abode, home (from stoi /a, a Astrattatezza, [strttte't'sa] Atavo, [t'v] m. great grandstable). Astrattezza, [strtte't's] f. father. Ateismo, [te'is'm] m. atheism. Astallarsi, [stallr'si] v. r. to abstractedness. put up, set up one's abode. Astrattivo, [strtti'v] adj. Ateista, [te'i'stl m. atheist. Astante, [stn't] adj. standing taken abstractly. Ateistico, [ti'stik]a(/j.atheisby, present; -, m. assistant, Astratto, [strt't] adj. ab- tical. by-stander, spectator; attend- stracted, distracted, absent in Ateneo, [te'n'] m. atheant (on tbe sick), keeper (of an mind; extravagant, eccentric. naeum. infirmary). Astrazione, [strtsi'ne'j f. ab- Ateo, [''te'] see Ateista. Astata, [st't] f. stroke of a straction, separation; distrac- Ateroma, [te'r'm] m. callous lance. excrescence. tion.

f. pole, staff; spear, lance; asta di bandiera, flag staff; vendere





m. Atatrice,

Astato, [st't] adj. armed with Astrettivo, [stre'tti'v] adj. a lance. astringent costive. Astegnenza, [ste'n'n'ds] &c. Astrignere, [astri'n'e're'] v. a. see Astinenza, &c. irr. {astringo; astrinsi ; astretAstemio, [st'rai] adj. abste- to) to force, compel, be astrinmious, abstinent. gent. Astenersi, [ste'ne'r'si] v. r. irr., Astringente, [strinjn'te'] adj. (see Tenere) to abstain from, astringent.





m. atlas. m. athlete,

wrestler. Atletico, [tl'tik] adj. athletic, vigorous. Atmosfera, [tmsf'r] f. at-

mosphere. Atmosferico, [tmsfe'ri'ko] adj. atmospheric. forbear. Astringenza, [strinjn'ds] Astergente, [ste'rjn'te'] adj. Astringenzia, [strinjn'diSi] Atometto, [tme't't] m. small atom. abstergent, cleansing. f. astringency, force. Astergere, [str'je're'] v. a. Astringere, [strin'je're'J see Atomo, ['tm] m, atom, corirr. {see Tergere) to cleanse, puscle; in un -, immediately, Astrignere. wash. Astro, ['str] m. star; astro instantly. Asterisco, [ste'risTf] m. aste- marino, m.a fish that feeds on Atrabile, [trbi'l] f. black


bile, spleen.

Asterismo, [ste'ris'm]
rism, constellation.




m. Atrabiliario, [trabilia'ri] adj.


atrabiliary, melancholic. astrolabe, quadrant. [atrme'n't] Astrologare, [strlg're'] v.n. Atramente , m. ink color black as ink. stersion, cleansing. to astrologize, foretel. Astersivo, [ste'rsi'v] adj. ab Astrologo, [str'lg] m. astro- Atrio, ['tri] m. porch, vestibule; rail, terminus, station. stersive, cleansing. loger. Astetta, [aste't'ta]/". small pole; Astrologastro, [strlg'str] Atro, ['tr] arfj. black; dreadful. small spear. m. ignorant astrologer. Astiare, [sti're'j v. a. to envy, Astrologia , [strlji'] m. Atroce, [atr'tshe'Jad/.atrocious, terrible. grudge. astrology. Asticciuola, [stitsh'l] /'.little Astrologico, [strl'jik] adj. Atrocemente, [trtshe'me'n'te'] adv. atrociously. lance; handle of a paint-brush; astrological. principal beam of a shed. Astronomia, [strnmi'] f. Atrocit, [trotshit'] Atrocitade, Atrocitate, f. atrocity, Astifero, [sti'fe'r] m. spear- astronomy. cruelty. man. Astronomico , [astrn'mik] Atrofia, [trfi'] f. atrophy. Astinente, [stinn'te'] adj. ab- adj. astronomical. stinent, temperate. Astronomo, [str'nm] Astro- Attaccagnolo, [ttkk'n'l]m. Astinenza, [astine'n'dsa] Asti- nomaco, m. hook. [strn'mk] Attaccamento, [ttakkme'n't] nenzia, [stinn'dsia] f. ab- astronomer. Astruso, [str's] adj. abstruse, m. union; attachment. stinence, temperance. Attaccare, [ttakk're'] v. a. to Astio, ['sti] m. envy, rancour. obscure, hidden. Astioso, [stio's] adj. envious, Astuccio, [st'tsh] m. case, stick; tie, fasten; join attack; box; sheath; needle-case. impute; attaccarla ad uno, to spiteful, rancorous. play one a trick; attaccarla con Astivamente , [astivame'n'te'] Astutaccio, [stt'tsh] adj. crafty, sly; -, m. old fox. U70, to provoke a person; adv. hastily; promptly. Astore, [ast're'] m. gos-hawk. Astutamente , [sttme'n't] un amicizia, to form a friendship; ' la battaglia, to begin Astraete, [str'rej v. a. irr.^ adv. craftily, slily.
[ste'rs'ne'] f.


the battle;
firo; - lite
- il fuoco, to set on con uno, to quarrel

gesticulative person;

pL jug- Attenuare,



with one; corno to hlows. At- Attegnenza , [atte'n'n'ds] taccarsi, V. r. to addict one's kindred, relationship.
self to, hecoiQO attached to.

to attenuate, weaken. Attenuazione, [tte'natsi'n]


attenuation; weakening; ema,







attaccatccio, [ttkkti'tsh]
adj. viscous, sticky,


draw up in battle-array. Attemparsi, [tte'mpr'si]





little attention.

to grow old. tached; attacked. Attempatetto, [tte'mpate't't] Attaccatura, [ttkkt'ra] f. adj. rather old. attachmont, adhesion. Attempato , [tte'mp't] adj. Attacco, [ttk'k] m. cleaving aged, stricken in years. to, uniting with; union (impro- Attempatetto, [tte'mptt't] perly used); assault, attack; adj. old and sturdy. dare -, to give opportunity. Attemperamento, [atte'mpe'raAttagliare, [ttal''re'] v. a. to me'n'to] m. temperance, modecut; V. n. to please. Atta- ration, temperament. gliarsi, V. r. to suit, comply Attemperante, [ttmpe'rn't] with. part. pres. assuaging, calming. Attalentare, [ttle'nt're'] v. a. Attemperanza, [ttmpe'rn'ts] to please, content. f. temperance.

Attaccato, [ttkk't] adj. at-

Attenzione, [tte'ntsi'n]
tention; application.



. n.

tepid, lukewarm. Attergare, [ttrg'r] v. a. to


place behind, withdraw. AtteuOAESi, V. r. to go back.

Atterramento, [atte'rrme'n't] m. overthrow, ruin.

[tte'rr're'] v. a.


cast down, overthrow; ruiu, destroy, subdue. Atterrarsi, v.r.o humble one's self. Atterratore, [tte'rrt're'] i. Attalianato, [ttlin't] adj. Attemperare, [ttmpe'r're'] v. feller, destroyer. said of a proficient in Italian. [tte'rrime'n't] a. to temper; calm; -, v. n. to Atterrimento, Attamente, [ttme'n'te'] adv. observe, follow. Attemperar- m. terror, dread. fitly, suitably, masterly. Atterrire, [tte'rri're'] v. a. to si, V. r. to abstain, forbear. Attanagliare, [ttnl''re'] v. Attendamento, [tte'ndme'n't] terrify, alarm. Atterrirsi, v. a. to tear with red-hot pinr. to despond. m. encampment. cers; torment. Attendare, [tte'nd're'] v. a. to Atterzare, [tte'rts're'] v. n. to Attanagliato, [ttnl''t] adj. encamp; pitch tents. be reduced to a third. tortured alive. Attendato, [tte'nda't] adj. en- Attesa, [tt's] f. delay. Attappezzare, [ttppds're'] camped; settled (said of a place Attesamente, [tte'sran'te'] V. a. to cover with a carpet. adv. attentively. covered with camps.) Attapinamento, [ttpinme'n'- Attendente, [tte'ndn'te] m. ex- Atteso che, [tte's'k] or Attet] m. dejection, wretched- pectant. so come (tte's kme') conj. beness. Attendere, [ttn'de're'] v. n. cause. Attapinarsi, [ttpinr'si] v. r. irr. {attesi; atteso) to await; Attestare, [tte'sta're'] v. a. to to complain, groan. mind; pay attention to; expect; join end to end; attest, testify. Attappezzato, [ttppts'to] put off; - a fare, to continue; - Attestarsi, v. r. to press see Tappezzato. la promessa, to keep one'sword. close; come to blows; ne at-

Attaranto, [ttrn't] adj. hit- Attendimento, [tte'ndime'n't] testo il cielo, I cali heaven to ten by a tarantula. m. attention; reflection. witness. Attare, [tt're'] v. a. to adapt, Attenditore, [ttndit're'] m. Attestato, [tte'st't] m. attesapply, suit. Attarsi, v. r. to observer ; follower ; fortune- tation, certificate. suit one's self, comply with. hunter. Attestatore, [tte'stt'r] m. Attastare, [ttst'r] see Ta- Attenebrare, [tte'neljr're'] v. attestor, witness. stare. a. to darken, obscure. Attestazione, [atte'sttsi'ne'] f. Attatto , [ttt't] m. touch, Attenente , [tte'nn't] part, attestation, testimony. contact. pres. belonging to ; -, m. kins- Attevole, [atte'v'le'] adj. apt, Attecchimento, jtte'kkimn't] man. convenient. m. growth improvement. Attenenza, [tte'nn'ds] f. re- Attezza, [tte't'sa] f. attitude. Attecchire, [tte'kki'r] r. n. lationship, kindred; appurte- Atticamente, [ttikme'nte]a(/-o. to grow; improve, root (said of nance. elegantly, with purity of lanplants, also of men who live Attenere, rtte'ne''re'] v. a. irr. guage. by their wits). (sec Tenere) to keep to; keep Atticciato , [ttitsh't] adj. Attediare, [tte'di're'] v. a. to one's word. Attenersi, v. r. to strong-limbed, thick. tease, weary, vex. Attediar- stick to belong ; observe, fol- Atticismo, [ttitshis'm] m. atsi, V. r. to grow weary. low. ticism; elegance. Atteggevole, [tte'djv'le'] adj. Attentamente, [tte'ntme'n'te'] Atticista, [attitshi'sta] in. an
; ;

moving gracefully. imitator of the Attic idiom. adv. attentively. Atteggiamento, [tte'djme'n'- Attentare, [atte'nt're'] v. a. to Attioizzare, [attitshidsa're'] v. t] m. attitude, posture. attempt, venture. Attentarsi, n. to use or imitate the Attic
Atteggiaute, [ttdjan't] m. V. r. to expose one's self to. idiom. posture-master; buffoon. Attentato, [atte'nt't] m. crim- Attico, [t'tik] adj. elegant, Atteggiare, [ttdj're'] v. a. to inal attempt; crime, misdeed. delicate; sali attici, attic salt. animate (a statue);-, v. n. to Attentezza, [atte'nte'dsa] f. the Attignere, [tti'n're', and Atgesticulate; enact the bufi'oon. act of fixing tlio eyes steadily tingere, V. a. irr. {attinsi ; atAtteggiarsi, v. r. to be too on any thing; the being intent. tinto) to draw up; perceive; atgesticulative; atteggiare un ca- Attento, [ttn't]adj. attentive, tain (see Attingere). vallo, to exercise a horse, put careful; - m. attempt, intent; Attignimento [ttin'ime'n't] , a horse through his paces. aim, design; stare - to be m. drawing water; fig. acc[iiiAtteggiatore, [ttdjt're'] iti. attentive. ring knowledge.




Attorcigliamento, [ttrtshir- Attrattivo, [ttrtti'v] adj. atAttignitojo I [ttin'ity] me'n't] m. twisting, twining. tractive, enticing: -, m. atbucket. Attguo, [tti'g] adj. conti- Attorcigliare, [ttrtshir'r] traction, allurement. V. a. to twist, wring, wind Attrat trice, [attrattri'tshe'] f. guous, adjacent. she w'^o at'^racts, inveigler. Attillarsi, [ttillr'si] v. r. to up. dress one's self in an affected Attorcimento, [ttrtshime'n'- Attravei .mento, [ttrvrst] m. twisting, winding up. me'n't] m, the act of passing manner. Attillatam&nte, [ttillatme'n'- Attore, [tt'r] adj. (used sub- over. stantively) actor, player agent, Attraversare, [ttravrs're'] v. te'] adv. with affectation, very factor ; plaintiff. a to traverse, cross; thwart. elegantly. Attillato, [ttill't] od/.dress- Attoria, [ttri'] /". manage- Attraversarsi, V. r. to oppose ment ; administration. one's self to. ed too affectedly, dandyish. Attillatezza, [attillte't'sa] /. Attorneggiare, [ttrne'ggi'r] Attraversatore, [ttrve'rst'V. a. to surround, beset. dandyism. re'] m. he who goes across; opAttillatura, [ttillt'r] /. af- Attorniamento, [ttrnime'n'- poser. t] m. enclosure, paling. Attraverso, [ttrve'rs'] adv fected dress. Attillatuzzo, [attillt'ts] adj. Attorniare, [ttrni'r] v. a. (used also in the form of a to enclose, beset. preposition) across, through. rather affected. Attimo, [t'tim] m. moment, Attorno, [ttr'n] prep. & adv. Attrazione , [ttrtsi'n] f. about, round , round about {phys.) attraction; fig. induceinstant. ment. Attinenza, [ttinn'ds] see At- attorno attorno, everywhere. Atterrare, [ttrr're'] v. a. to Attrazzare, [ttrts're'] v. a. tenenza. Attingere, [ttin'jre'] v. a. irr. heap up in the form of a tower; mar., to rig out. Attrazzatore, [ttrtst're'] m. (attinsi; attinto) to attain, to, pile up wood. mar., rigger. arrive at, reach; touch; - cogli Attortigliare, [ttrtil''re'] v. occhi, to discern, perceive. a. to twist, wrap round; en- Attrazzo, [ttr'ts] Attrezzo, [ttre"ts] m. tool, instrume'nt; Attingitore, [ttingit're'] m. tangle, Attoscare, [ttsk're'] v. a. to attrezzi di cucina, pi. kitchenone who attains. Attiraglio, [ttirTo] m. lug- poison; grieve, - di odore, or utensils, pi. odore che attosca of Attrecciare, [ttre'tsh're'] see gage, equipage. said Intrecciare. Attirare, [ttir're'] v. a. to strong scents. draw; attract, allure. Attirar- Atteso, [tt's] adj. childish, Attribuimento , [ttribimn'frolicsome. t] m. imputation. si, v. r. to attract, obtain, win, Attitolare, [ttitl're'] v. a. to Attossicagione,[ttssikj'ne'] Attribuire, [ttribi're'] v. a.
; ,

entitle, give a title to.


Attitudine, [ttit'dine']




one's self; claim. [ttivmn't] Attossicare, [ttssik're'] v. a. Attributivo, [ttributi'v] adj. attributable, imputable. to poison, adv. actively. Attivit, [attivit'] Attivita- Attossicatore, [ttssikt're'] Attibuto, [ttrib't] m. attrim. poisoner. bute, essential quality. de, Attivitate, /. activity. Attivo, [tti'v] adj. active Attrahaccato , [ttrbkk't] Attribuzione , [ttribtsi'ne'] enterprising; diligent; debiti adj. encamped. /. attribution. part, Attrice, [ttri'tshe'] f. actress, attivi, pi. outstanding credits, Attraente, [ttrn'te'] pJ.;verJoai<iuo, an active verb. pres. attractive; lovely. player.

Attossicamento, [ttssikm. poisoning, empoisonment affliction.



. r. to


assign. ascribe to

Attizzamento, [ttitsame'n't] Attraere, [ttr'e'r] v. a. irr. m. stirring up the fire; fig. pro- {see Traere), to attract, allure, charm. vocation. Attizzare, [ttits're'l v. a. to Attraimento, [ttrimn't] m. attraction, allurement symstir up the fire; irritate. Attizzatoio, [ttitsat'y] m. pathy. (inciter. Attrappare, [ttrpp're'] v. a. poker. Attizzatore, [attitst're'] an to deceive, surprise; cavallo Atto, [t't] m. act; action; attrappato, wi. foundered horse. deed; gesture; sign; mettere Attrapperia, [ttrppe'ri'] f. in -, to put in execution, per- contraction of the nerves; form; stare in - di partire, to fraud. Attrappire, [attrappire'] v. n. be ready to go. Atto, [t't] adj. apt, fit, pro- and r. to become paralised;

Attristamento, [ttristme'n't] m. sadness, affliction.

Attristare, [ttrist're'] v. a. to grieve, saddeu. Attristarsi,
V. r. to afflict one"s self. Attristire, [ttristi're'] see At-




see Tri-

Attrito , [ttri't] adj. compunctious, repentant. Attrizione, [ttritsi'ne] f. attrition, compunction; rubbing

per; suitable. Attollere, [ttlle"re']

v. a. to

Attrupparsi, [ttrppr'si] v. Attondare, [ttnd're'] v. a. to Attrarre, [ttrr're'] v. a. irr., n. f. to collect in troops. round any thing. Attonitaggine, [ttnilggi'n] {see Trarre), to attract, entice. Attuale, [ttu'le] adj. actual, Attrattabile, [ttrtt'bil] At- real; effective. f. stupidity. Attonito, [att'nit] adj. aston- trattevole, [attratte" vole' J adj. Attualit, [ttali't] Attnatractable, yieldingto the touch. litade, Attualitate, [. actualished, amazed. Attopato, [ttp't] adj. full Attrattiva, [ttrtti'va] f. at- ity, reality. traction; charm. Attualmente , [ttlme'n'te'] of rats. adv. actually, really, indeed. Attorcere, [attor 'tshe're'] v. o. Attrattivit, [ttrttivi't] s the quality of being attractive Attuare, [tt'r] v.a. to ac irr., see Torcere.

lose the use of shrink, contract, ered, palsied.

ones limbs Attruppamento, [dttrppme'n'become with- t] TO. crowd, mob.



49 -


tuate, execute, perform, do. Augurare, [awgr're'] v. a. & Auretta, [wrt'ta] f. soft wind, n. to augur, foretel, wish. zephyr. v. r. to apply one's Auguratore, [wgurat'r] Au- Auricolare, [awrikl're'] Auriself intenti 3'. m. augur, culare, [urikl're'j adj. name Attuariato, [ttri't] w. of- gure, [wg're'J soothsayer. fico of a scrivener or notary. given to the little finger; conAttuario, [tt'ti] m. scriven- Auguriare, [dwguri're'] see Au- fessione -, auricular confession. gurare. Auricome, [wrik'm] arftZ. haver, notary. Attnazione , [tt'tsine] f. Augruro, [ttgu'ri] m. augury, ing golden-colored hair. omen; fare auqurj ad uno di Aurifero, [uri'fe'r] adj. prodrawing np a document. Attaocio, [tt'tsh] m. childish checchesia, to desire that a per- ducing gold. action. son may succeed in any thing. Auriga, [auri'ja] m. charioteer; Attaffamento , [attffme'n't] Augurioso, [wgri's] Augu- one of the northern constelroso, [wgr's] adj. ominous lations. m. plunge, immersion. Aurino, [wri'n] adj. dorato, Attnffare, [ttfif'r] r. a. to superstitious. plunge, immerse, dip. Attuf- Angustale , [wgst'le'] adj. golden. Aurispicio, [wrispi'tshi] m. FABSi, . r. to dive under wa- imperial. plunge into the water Augustarsi, [augustar'si] v. a. foretelling. ter Anrizzare, [Mrits're'j v. n. to abandon one's self to. r. to aggrandise one's self. AttufPatura, [ttufft'r] At- Augusto, [ug'st] adj. august; turn into gold. Auro, [u'r] m. poes., gold. taffazione, [ttfftsi'ne'] f. royal. immersion. Aula, [^^ f. royal palace, Aurora, [wr'r] f. aurora; Attuffevole, [ttffe''vl] adj. hall. break of day; aurora Borea lis, deep. Auledo, [ule'd] m. player on northern light. fit for plunging Ausare, [s're'] v. a. to use ; Attujare, [tty'r] v. a. to the pipe. offuscate, darken. Aulico, [u'lik] adj. aulic, of inure ; -, v. n. to be accustomed. Ausato, [ws't] arf;'. accustomAttuoso, [tt's] adj. active, the court. efficacious. Aulo, [u'l] m,. pipe. ed, habituated. Attutare, [ttra'r] seeTurare. Aumentamento, [wme'ntme'n'- Ausiliare, [usili're'J adj. auxiAttutare, [ttt'r] . a. to t] m. augmentation, increase. liary. quench; soften, calm, compose. Aumentare, [wmnt're'] v. a. Ausiliario, [ttsili'ri] adj. - la polvere, to lay the dust. to augment, increase, enlarge, auxiliary, helpful truppe Attutarsi, u. r. to grow calm, extend. ausiliari, pi., auxiliary f. Aumentativo , [ttme'ntti'v] troops, pi. be appeased. Ausiliatore, Attutatore, [tttt're'] m. ap- adj. augmentative. [wsilit're'] m. peaser, pacifier. Aumentatore , [wme'ntt're'] helper, protector. Attutire, [ttti're'] v. a. io m. Aumentatrice, [umnt- Ausilio, [usi'li] PI. help, asstill, impose silence; ease. tri'tsh] f. increaser. sistance, relief. Attutitore, [tttit're'] see At- Aumentazione, [awmentatsio'- Auso, [tt's] adj. poes., bold, tutatore. n] f. augmentation, addition. daring.


Aublezezia, [awhle'tse'tsi'] f Aumento, [umn't] m. in- Auspice, [aw'spitshe'] m. probot. a kind of verbena. tector, promoter. crease, growth Audace [ud'tsh] adj. auda- Aumettare, [aume'tta're'] v. a. Auspicio, [uspi'tshi] Ausp-

Aumettarsi, [me'tt'rsi] v.r. zio, [uspi'tsi] m. presage, to bathe, wet, damp, sprinkle. protection. te'] adv. audaciously. Aumiliare, [mili're'] v. a. to Austeramente, [awste'rme'n'te'] Audacia, [wd'tshi] f. auda- humiliate, humble. adv. austerely, rigidly. Austerit, [austerit'] Austecity, boldness; rashness. Anna, [aw'na] f. ell. Audibile, [udi'hil] adj. au- Aunanza, [nn'ds] /. assem- ritade,Austeritato, f, severity
cious, bold.



roughness. dible. bly, meeting. Audire, [audi're'] see Udire. Aunare, [n're*] v. a. to assem- Austero, [uste''r] adj. severe; morose. Auditore, [wdit're'] m. auditor; ble. master of the rolls. Auncinare, [ncin're'] v. a. to Austorio, [Mst'ri] m. vase for drawing water. Auditorio, [ttdit'ri] m. audi- take away, steal. tory, audience-chamber, au- Auncinarsi, [ntshinr'si] v.r. Australe, [ustra^] Austrino, [ustri'n] adj. southern. dience. to grow crooked, bend. Ange, [tt'je'] astr. m., summit, Aunghiare, [nghi're'] v. a. Austro, [w'str] m. poes., southwind. apex, acme. to cut angularly. Augella, [uje'1'l] f. a hen Aunghiatura, [nghit'ra] f. Autenticamente, [aute'ntikme'n'te'] adv. authentically. angular cut. bird, an amorous woman. Augellatore, [ujllt're'] m. Aura, [au'ra] f. poes., gentle Autenticare, [awtntika'rj v. bird-catcher, fowler. breeze, air - popolare, popular a. to authenticate, prove. Augello, [uj'l]m.poes.,bird. applause. Autenticazione,[utntiktsi'Auggiare, [dj'r] v. a. to Aurare, [wr're'] v. a. to gild, n] f. authentication. Autenticit, [utntitshit'J /. brighten. overshadow. Augnare, [un''re'] w. a. to lay Aurato, [wra't] adj. gilded, authenticity. Autentico, [utn'tik] adj. auhold of by the claws; (jard. to bright. thentic; per -, authentically. cut in the shape of a nail. Aurelia, [aure'iia] f. chrysalis. Augnmentare, [ugmnt'r] Aureo, [au're'o] adj. golden ; Autografo, [ut'grf] m. autograph. &c. see Aumentare, &c. gilded. Augurale, [ugr'le'] adj. au- Aureola, [ttre''l] f. glory, Autolatra, [utl'tri] f. self adoration. gurial. crown, light.

Diz. Ital.-lnQ,

. . .

Automato, [ut'mt] m. antomaton.



ancient ruin d" -, more Aversione, [ve'rsi'ne'J /. averthan enough, over and above. sion, hatred. Autonomia, [tn'mi] f. aa- Avanzi, [vn'tsi] pi. the re- Averse, [vr's] adj. inverted. Avertere, [vr'te'r] v. a. to mains of a feast. tonamy. avert, turn aside. Autore, [wt'r] m. author Avanzuglio, [avnts'l'] m Avertire, [vrti'r] v. n. to remnant; scrap. cause. m avert, turn aside. Avertirsi,. Autorevole, [wtre''vle] adj. Avanzume , [vnds'me'] a. r. to remove one's self, deauthorized, possessing autho- remnant, scrap.



[autre'vlmn't] adv. "with full power. Autorit, [autorit'] Autorita,

Avaraccio,[vr'tsh] adj. very part. Avidamente, [vidme'n'te'j adv. avaricious; -, vi. niggard.

Avaramente, [vrme'u't] adv

avariciously, sordidly. Avaretto, [vret't] m. little miser. Avaria [vri'] f. average ; damage at sea contribution made of the cargo for damage sustained at sea. Avarizia, [vri'tsi] f. avarice, niggardliness. Avarizzare, [vrits'r] v. n. to be niggardly. Avaro, [v'r] adj. avaricious, stingy; -, m. miser, skin-flint. Avaronacoio , [vrn'tsh]

greedily, eagerly.

de, Autoritate, f. authority. Autoritativo,[utritti'v]arfj. authoritative, imperious. Autorizzare, [utrits'r] v. a. to authorize. Autrice, [utri'tsh] f. authoress ; female writer. Autunnale, [wtnn'le'J adj. au-

Avidezza, [vidt's] Avidit, [avidit'] Aviditade, Aviditte,


avidity, greediness, ea-



['vid] adj. greedy, covetous. Avito, [vi't] adj. poes., hered-



Autunno, [utn'n] w. autumn. Auzzamento, [tsme'n't] vi.

whetting, sharpening.

itary, ancient. ['v] m. grandfather; pi. avi, forefathers. Avocare, (vkre'] v. a. to appeal.






whet, sharpen, set on.



Avogadare, [vgd'r] v. n. to be an advocate. m. great Avogado, [vg'd] m. advocate, lawyer.




Ave, [a've'] int., ave! all hail! sharpening; provocation. Auzzo, [tt's] adj. sharp keen. Avelenare, [vle'n're'] see Avvelenare. Ava, ['v] f. grandmother. Avanguardia, [vngur'di] f. Avellana, [ve'll'na] f. filbert, hazel-nut. vanguard. (aifront Avania, [vni'] f. exaction, Avellano, [ve'll'n] m. filbert Avanotto, [vn't] m. young tree, hazel-tree. Avellere, [v'le're'] v. a. irr., fry; novice.

Avante, [van't] prep,

avello), to pull cavity, excavation. eradicate. Avanti, [vn'ti] prep. &adt). be- Avello, [v'l] m. poes., tomb, Avvallare, [vll're'] v. a. to let down. Avvallarsi, v. r. to sepulchre. fore, forward, rather il giorno



Avola, ['vl] f. grandmother. Avolo, ['vl] w. grandfather. Avoltojo, [vlt'y] Avoltore, [vlt're'] m. vulture. Avorio, [v'ri] m. ivory. Avornio, [vr'ni] m. laburnum. Avunculo, [vn'kl] m. uncle by the mother's side. up, Avvallamento, [vllme'n't] njr

poes., before, further, forward.

Ave-Maria, Avemmara, [ve'- descend, flow. mri'] int. ave-mary. Angelus. Avvaloramento, [vlrme'n'Avanticamera, [vntlk'me'r] Avena, [v'n] /'.oats; pastoral t] m. streagthening; valor. Avvalorare,^ vlr'r] u.o. to pipe. f. antechamber. Avantiohe, [vntik'] conj. be- Avere, [v're'] v. a. & aux. irr., strengthen, animate. Avvalo{ho, hai, ha. &c.; ebbi, avesti, rarsi, V. r. to take courage. fore that. Avantignardia, [vntigwr'di] ebbe, &c.; avr; abbi; avuto), Avvampamento, [vmpran't] m. flame, blaze. to have, hold, possess; - agio, see Vanguardia. Avanzamento, [vntsme'n't] to have time, be at leisure; - Avvampare, [vmp're'] v. a. per buono, to take in good to burn; -, v. n. to be inflamed, m. advancement, progress. Avanzare, [vnts're'] v. a. to part; - a caro, to be glad; - be on fire. advance; outrun, surpass, ex- certezza, to be certain; - in Awangare, [vng'r] v. a. to costume, to be accustomed to, go on prosperously. cel; conquer; augment, improve - in meri to, to exceed in -dubbio, to doubt; - /'accia, to Avvantaggiamento,[vntdjmerit;- tempo, to gain time; be like; - freddo, to be cold; mn't] m. advantage; gain. - in grado, to accept; - in odio, Avvantaggiare, [vntdj're'J -, V. n. to be superfluous, remain. Avanzarsi, v. r. to ad- to hate; - paura, to be afraid; V. a. to advantage. Avvantaganticipate; improve; - pentimento, to repent; - in giarsi, V. r. to derive advanvance pregio, to value, esteem; - per tage, have the better. take courage. Avanzaticelo, [vntsti'tsh] regola, to make it a rule; - a Avvantaggio, [vnt'dj] m. m. remnant, scrap rera*ins, pi. sdegno, to despise, disdain; - advantage, profit. Avanzato, [vnts't] adj. ad-, voglia, to have a mind; averla Avvantaggioso, [vntdj's] vanced, forward; left; -in eta con una, to be angry with one; adj. advantageous. [vntdj'-, m. property, wealth; inher- Avvantaggiuzzo , in years. ts] m. small advantage. Avanzatole, [vntsat're'] m. itance, substance, riches. advancer, forwarder, amplifier. Averno, [vr'n] m. poes., hell; Avvantarsi, [vntr'si] v. r. to [avntse't't] ?. a lake exhaling mortiferous boast of, glory in. Avanzetto, Avvedersi, [ve'de'r'si] v. r. irr. vapors. trifling remainder. Avanzevole, [vnts'vl] adj. Aversiera, [ve'rsie"r] f. hob- (see Vedere) to perceive, bo aware of. goblin, ghost, gnome. superfluous. Avanzo, [vn'ts] m. re- Aversiere [vrsie're'] andAver- Avvedevole, [ve'd'vle'] adj, cautious, prudent. mainder, residue, remnant; siero, m. the devil.

the preceding day; andate go before, go on; speak on.


Avvedimento, [ve'dimn't] m.
foresight, caution, prudence. Avvedutamente, [ve'dtme'n'te'] adv. cautiously, prudently.



by Avvertito,

dent, adventure; chance.

[ve'rti't] arfj.wary,






to hazard, risk, Avventu RAKSi, V, r. to run the risk.

tme'n'te']adu. fortunately, acci-

circumspect; stare -, to be upon one's guard. Avvezzamente, [vtsmn't] m. use, custom.


foresight; sagacity.

Avventuratamente, [vntur- Avvezzare,

dentally, fortuitously.

v. a. to


[ve'd't] adj. cau[ve'n'ke']


accustom, use, inure. Avvezzarsi, V. r. to use one's self



Avventurato, [ave'ntr't]
fortunate, lucky.


though, although, because.




conj. though.


Avventurevolmente, [ve'nt- habit, custom. re'vlme'n'te'] adv. by good luck, Avvezzo, [ve'ts] m. custom,

use adj. accustomed, used. Avvelenamento, [ve'le'nme'n'- prosperously. t] m. empoisonment. Avventuriere, [ve'ntri're'] m. Avviamento, [vime'n't] m. preparation, setting out, beginAvvelenare, [ve'le'n're'] Avve- adventurer, soldier of fortune. lenire, [ve'le'ni're'] v. a. to Avventurosamente, [vve'nt- ning income, capital, lucrative

occupation. Avvelenatore, [ve'le'nt're'j m. Avventuroso, [ve'ntr's] adj. Avviare, [vi're'] v. a. to begin, prepare. Avviarsi, v. r. to set ompoisoner. lucky, fortunate. Avvenente , [vnn'te'] adj. Avveramento, [ve'rme'n't] m. out, go forward; - uno, to get rid of one. agreeable, genteel; charming; averment, confirmation. m. consequence of a thing. Avverare, [ve'r're'] v. a. to Avvicendamento, [vitshe'ndapoison.
rsme'n'te'] adv. luckily.



adv. agreeably, gantly, genteelly.


Avvenenza, [ve'nni^s]
gance, comeliness, grace.




me'n't] m. alternation. Avvicendare, [vitshe'nd're] v. n. to alternate, go in turns. rifier. Avverbiale, [ve'rbi'l] adj. ad- Avvicendarsi, v. r. to change by turns. verbial. [vve'rbil- Avvicendevole, [vitshnde''vAvverbialmente ,

aver, confirm.


[ve'rt're'] ni. ve-

elegance (ironical).

me'n'te'] adv. adverbially.


adj. alternate, reciprocal.

Avvenevole, [ve'ne"vle'] adj. Avverbio, [ve'r'bi] m. adverb. Avvicendevolmente, [avitshe'nhandsome, genteel. Avverdire, [iive'rdi're] v. a. to dvlme'n't] adv. alternately. Avvicinamento, [vitshinme'n'Avvenevolezza, [ve'ne'vlt's] make verdant. Avveriflcare, [ve'rifik're'] v. a. t] I. approachment, coming f. elegance, grace,



to verify, assure.


adv. gracefully.
[ve'ngk'J conj.
[ve'nime'n't] m.


[ave'rita're'] v. a. to

Avvicinanza, [avitshinn'ds]



although, whereas.
event, accident; coming.

n. irr.

Venire), to happen; befall, prosper; -, m. future, futurity; per I' -, henceforth.

Avvenirsi, [ve'nir'si] v. r. to light upon, fall in with. Avveniticcio, [ve'uiti'tsh] m. new comer.

approach. Avversamente, [ve'rsme'n'te'] Avvicinare, [vitshin're'] v. . Avvicinarsi, [vtshinr'sl] v. adv. adversely, unfortunately. Avversare, [ve'rsa're'] v. a. to r. to approach. Avvignare, [vin'a're'] v. a. to be against, resist. Avversario, [ve'rsa'ri] adj. ad- plant vines. verse, contrary; -, m. adver- Avvilimento, [vilime'n't] m. humiliation. sary, antagonist. Avversatore, [ve'rst're'J w Avvilire, [vili'r] v. o. to viliAwersatrice, [ve'rstri'tshJJ fy, abase. Avvilirsi, v. r. to lose courage. f. adversary, enemy. Avvers azione, [ve'rsts'ne'] f. Avvilito, [vili't] f/; humbled,
declare positively.
[ve'rse'v'le'] adj.


v. a. to

m. rushing upon.




me'n't] m. entanglement, conshoot, dart. Avventarsi, v. r. Avversione, [ve'rsi'ne'] f. aver- fusion. to rush upon, catch. Avviluppare, [vilpp're'] v. a. sion, dislike. Avventataggine, [ave'nttd'ji- Avversit, [vrsit'] Avversi- to entangle, confuse ; wrap up. n] f. imprudence, rashness. tade, Avversitate, f. adversity. Avvilupparsi, v. r. to bewilAvventatamente , der one's self, get bewildered. [ve'ntta- Avverso, [ve'r's] adj. adverse, me'n'te'] adv. inconsiderately. Avviluppatamente, [vilppinimical. Avventatene, [vntte'l'l] adj. Avverso, [ve'r's] prep, against, tme'n'te'] adv. confusedly. hare-brained , inconsiderate ; facing. Avviluppato, [vilpp't] adj. wild. Avvertentemente , [ave'rte'nte'- confused, engaged deeply in any

contrary, adverse.

Avventatezza, [ve'ntte't's] imprudence; temerity.


meVte] adv.

carefully, heed/.


Avventato,[ve'nt't]adj.hasty, Avvertenza, [ve'rtn'dsa] thoughtless. cumspection, attention.


Avviluppatore, [viluppt're'j m. cheat embroiler. Avvinacciato, [vintsh'tjad;.



[ve'nti'tsi] adj. Avvertimento , inebriated. [ve'rtme'n't] adventitious (said especially of m. advice, counsel con -, skil- Avvinare, [vin're'] v. a. to mix dowry and savings). with wine. fully. Avvento, [vn't] m. accession, Avvertire, [ave'rti're'] v. a. to Avvinato, [vin't] adj. mixed arrival, advent. advise, inform; -,v. n. to take with wine ; drunk (said also of Avventore, [ve'nt're'] m. cus- care, mind. cloth the color of red wine). tomer, purchaser. Avvertitamente, [vrtitmn'- Avvinazzarsi, [vintsr'si] v. Avventura, [ve'nt'r] f. acci- te'] adv. carefully. r. to got tipsy.




theatrical representation : della strada ferrata, railway share. Torre - contro a, to recur to tho tribunals, go to

Avvinazzato, [vints't] adj. Avvocare, [vk're'j v. a. to follow the law, plead. half drunk. Avvncere, [vin'tshere] v. a. Avvocaria, [vkri'] f. advocate's office. irr., (see Vincere) to tie up Avvocato, [avk'tol w. barfasten.


Azza, [t's] f. battle-axe. Avvincliiare, [avinW're'] v. a. rister, advocate, defender. to tie, clasp; entwine. Avvin- Avvocatore, [vkt're'] m. de- Azzampato, [tsmp't] adj. furnished with claws. CHiAESi, r. r. to embrace one fender. Avvocazione, [vktsi'ne'] f. Azzannare, [tsnn're'] v. a. another. to seize with the teeth. Avvincigliare, [vintsWr're'] advocate's profession. Avvocheria, [vke''ri] f. the Azzardare, [tsrd're'] v. a. to . a. to bind with twigs. hazard, risk. Avvinghiare, [vinghi'r] see act of advocating. Awinchiare. Avvocolare, [vkl're'] v. a. Azzardo, [tsr'd] m. hazard, danger; trial. Avviottolare, [vittl're'] v. to blind. adj. a.J.0 set on foot (used joking- Avvogadare, [vgda're'j see Azzardoso , [atsrd's] hazardous, dangerous. Avvocare. ly)Avvisaglia, [visl'] f. inter- Awogado, [vg'd] see Avvo- Azzeccare, [atse'kka're'] v. a. to hit the mark; strike. cato. view skirmish. Avvisamento, [visme'n't] m Avvogadore, [vgd're'] m. Azzeruola, [atse'r'l] f. small medlar. information, news; prudence. attorney general. Avvisare, [visa're'] v. a. to Avvoggolare, [vggl're'] v. Azzeraolo, [tse'r'l] /'. small medlar-tree. advise, warn; instruct, teach; a. to twist, wrap up. guess, con- Avvolgere, [vl'je're'] v. a. irr. Azzicare, [tsik'r] v. a. to aim at, direct trive; imagine, think; observe, (see Volgere), to wrap round. stir; remove. Azzicarsi, v. r. examine. Avvisarsi, v. r. to Avvolgersi, turn about; to bustle; be busy.

perceive; battle.



face; join

meet face to

Azzioatore , [tsikt're'J m, wander. Avvolgimento, [avljime'n't] stirrer; bustler. m. turning round; - di parole, Azzima, [atsi'ma] f. unleavened bread.

Avvisatamente, [vistme'n'te']

periphrasis. Avvolgitore, [vljit're'] m. adv. advisedly, cautiously. Avvisato, [vis't] adj pru- twister; deceiver. dent, subtle; fare -.render -, to Avvolgolare, [vlgl're'] v. a. to bend a wheel &c. give notice. Avvisatore, [vist're'] Avvi- Avvolontatamente, [vlntsatrice, [vistri'tshe'] /. ad- tme'n't] adj. rashly, headlong. viser, busy-body; valuer. Avviso, [vi's] m. advice, news; Avvolontato, [vlnt't] adj. di lettera -, letrash, headstrong. belief, opinion; ter of advice (to a banker &c.), Avvolpacchiare, [vlpakki'a mio -, in my opinion; sta- r] V. a. to wrap up; turn re suW -, to be upon one's round. Avvolpacchiarsi, v. r. to bewilder one's self. guard. Avvistare, [vist'r] v. n. to Avvolpinare, [vlpin're'] v. a. observe intently; expose mer- to deceive, dupe. Avvoltacchiare, [vltkki'r] chandise. Avviticchiamento , [avitikkia- V. a. to roam about. AvvolTACcHiARSi, V. T. to ramble, me'n't] m. twisting; knot. Avviticchiare, [vitikki're'] v. wander. Avvoltare, [vlt're'] v. a. to a. to twist, twine. Avviticciare, [vititshi'r] v. wrap up turn ronnd. a. to entwine like vine-ten- Avvolticchiare, [vltikki'r]

Azzimare, [atsimd're] w. a. to adorn, polish, remove the nap from cloth. Azzimarsi v. r. to adorn one's self. Azzimato , [tsima't] adj.
adorned, set off. Azzimella, [atsime'l'la] leavened wafers.


Azzimina, [atsimi'na]


coat of





Azzimato, [tsim't] m. azimuth.

Azzittarsi, [tsittr'si] stop, be silent.
t), r.


AzzoUare, [tsll're'] v. o. to kill with clods. Azzoppare, [tspp're'] v. a. io lame another; v. n. to limp,





Avvitire, [viti're'] see gnare. [vitla't] Avvitolato, tortuous, knotty.

V. a. to twist. Avvi- Avvolto, [vl't] adj. twisted,

lame, crippled.


Azzuffamento, [tsffme'n't] m. strife, quarrel, difference,

[tsiiffar'si] v. r. to

Avvoltolatamente, [vltlt- dispute. me'n't] adv. confusedly, hur- Azzuffarsi,


Avvivamento, [avivme'n't] m.


to blows, join battle.

Avvoltnra, [avlt'r] reviving. Avvivare, [viva'r] v. a. to en- plexity, confusion.^ liven; revive. Avvivarsi, v. r. Avvolvere, [avlve''re']

per- Azzuffatore, [atsfft're'J m, quarreller, wrangler. [atsffi'n] ?i. a v. a. to Azzuffino ,

sheriff's officer. wrap round. to recover strength. Avvivatojo, [vlvt'y] m. in- Avvotare, [vt're'] v. a to Azzuolo, [ts'l] m.. dark blue. Azzureggiare, [atsure'jia're'] u. vote. strument used in gilding. Avvivatore, (avivt're'] m. re- Azienda, [atsie'n'da] f. manage- n. to be inclined to blue. Azzurriccio, [tsrri'tsh] Azment; domestic economy. viver. and zurrigno, [tsri'n'] Azzur[tsina'ri] Avvizzare, [avftsa're'] v. n. to Azionario, m. rino, [tsrri'n] adj. sky[tsini'st] Azionista, fade grow soft.

Avvizzato, [avitsa't] adj. fad- stockholder,share-holder,part- colored. Azzurro, [tsr'r] m. azure, ner. ed; weak; soft. bright blue, color Avvizzire, [vitai're'] see Avviz- Azione , [ats'n] f. action, -ofremartno, deed; right; share; subject of of lapis lazuli. zare.




Bj is a laMal letter, the second Bacoanello , [bakkane'lo] m, of the Italian alphahet, and the noise. first of the consonants. It is Baccano, [bkk'n] m. great assimilated to P and V, many noise, tumult. words being written indiife- Baccante, [bkkn't] m.myth., rently with one or the other priestess of Bacchus; adj. raof these letters Serbare, and ging, storming. servare, to lieep ; nerbo, and Baccq,ra, [bkk'r] f. and Bacnervo, a nerve; panca, and caro, m. an herb, called also Asaro. banca, a bench ; biglietto, and vigiietto, a note etc. The Ita- Baccate, [bakTiato] adj. drunk, raging, mad. lian B has precisely the sound of the English: Bottiglia, a Baccellaccio , [btshll'tsh] m. big pod; great ninny. Bottle. Bahbaccio, [hhb'tsh] Bab- Baccellaio, [bdtshe'll'i] m. [bbbatsh'ne] m. vendor of leguminous vegetaliaccione,




simpleton, ninny.

Bacchio, [bk'ki] m. pole, cudgel; fare al -, to act at random. Bacheca, [bke''k] f. glasscase, glass-box; fig. a fop, popinjay. Bacherozzo, [bkr'ts] m.
grub. Bachiocco, [bki'k] m. dunce, blockhead. Baciabasso, [btshbs's] m. bow, reverence. Baciamano, [btshm'no] m. respect, compliment. Baciamento, [btshrae'n't] m.
kissing; salute. Baciapile, [btshpi'l] m. hypocrite.


fool, dunce, simpleton. (alia), [bbb'l]


and Baccelleria,



Alia babbale, adv. inconsiderately, foolishly. Babbare, [bbb'r] v

n. to

bachelor's degree; foolish ac-





cry Baccelletto, [batshelle'fto] i. small pod. as a babe. Babbeo , [bbb'] Babbione, Baccelliere, [btshe'll're'] m. bachelor of arts. [bbbio'n] m. blocthead. Babbio, [bb'bijm.asimpleton. Baccello, [btsh'lo] m. husk, Babbo, [bb'b] m. dad (for shell, cod. Babbomorto, a post- Baccellone, [btshll'ne'] m. father) blockhead. obit bond. Babbocclo, [bbb'tsh] adv. Baccelloneria, [btshe'lne''ria] without consideration. f, foolish action. Babbuassaggine, [babbuassa'- Bacchea, [bke''j /. hymn or dance in honor of Bacchus. djine] f. foolishness, stupidity. Babbuasso , [bbbs's] atlj. Baccheggiare, [bkj'r] v. n. foolish, stupid, awkward. to carouse. Babbuino, [bbbi'n] ^.baboon; Baccher, [bk'kr] /".see Baccara. monkey, silly fellow. Babbusco, [bbbs'k] adj. tall Bacchetta, [bkkt't] f. rod,

kiss; salute. Baciarsi, v. kiss one another.

to to

Baciatore, [batsht're'] m. Baciatrice




fond of kissing. Bacigno, [btshi'n'] m. kiss;




[btshi'l] basin.

m. basin;

Bacinella, [btsliinri] Bacinetta, [btshint't] f. small


Bacinetto , [btshne't't] m. helmet, casket. Bacino, [btshi'n] m. (see Bacile); a little kiss (said to infants). Bacio, [b'tsh] m. kiss; salute. Bacio, [b'tshy] m. a site having a northernly aspect, sheltered from the sun. Baciocco, [batsh'k] m. sim-

and big.

stick, staff.

Bacchettare, [bkke'tt'r] v. a. Babelle, [babel'le'] f. Babel. Babilonia, [bbil'ni] f. con- to scourge. Bacchettata, [bkke'tt't] f. fusion, tumult, disorder. Bacalare, [bkl'r] m. ba- stroke with a switch. chelor of arts, scholar; great Bacchettina, [bkktti'n] f. Bacchettino, [bkktti'n] m. wit (ironically). small switch. Bacaleria, [bklri'] f. ba Bacchettona, [bkke'tt'n] f. chelorship; conceit. Bacare, [bk're'] v. n. to be Bacchettone, [bkktt'n] m. devotee, hypocrite. worm-eaten. Bacaticcio, [bkti'teh] adj. Bacchettoneria, [bkke'ttne'ri'worm-eaten] /".Bacchettonsmo, [bkke'tBacato, [bc't] adj. said of tnis'm] m. bigotry, hypoone slightly indisposed, and crisy. Bacchettuaza, [bkktt'tsa] f. of an enamoured person. small switch. Bacca, [bk'k] /. berry. Baccal, [bkkl'] Baccalare, Baechevole, [bakke'v'lj adj.


Baciozzo, [btsh'ts] m. hearty kiss (term used by peasants). Baciuccare, [batshkk'r] Baciucchiare, [batshkkia'r] v.


repeatedly. [batshk'ki] m. little kiss, kiss given in haste. Baco , [b'k] m. silk-worm ; maggot, mite; avere i bachi, to be melancholy; poveri bachil

a. to kiss

poor simpletons Bacoliuo, [bakli'n] m. small


Bacolo, [bk'l] m. poes., staff, walking-stick. (cowl. Bacucco, [bkk'k] m. hood, Bacuccola, [bkk'klj f. wild filbert, hazel-nut. Bada, [ba'da] adv. take care! stare a -, to stand trifling; expect, hope; tenere a -, to keep at bay, amuso by promises. Badaggio, [bad'dj] m. fon4 glance,

very merry. Baccalare, [bakkal're'J m. ba- Bacchiare, [bkki're'] chelor of arts, graduate. beat with a stick. Baficalauro, [bkkalau'rj vi. Bacchiata, [bkki't]

m. stock-fish.

v. a, to





Baccanale, llkkni'llw. bac- Bacchiatore, [bkkiat'rj m. chanals, fi. (ueed also adjoc- a tipler. tlvely), (romping. Bacchico, [bk'kik] adj. of Baccanalla, fMkkuii'liJ /, Bacchus; drunken. Baccaaella, [bdkkia'laj f. a Baccbifero , [bkki'fr] adj. baccifercns, bearing berries.




Badalichio, [bdli'ki] see Ba- Baghero, [h'ghe'r] m. see Ba- Balausta, [blu'st] Balaustra, silisco. gattino. [blu'str] f. flower of the Badaloccare, [bdlkk'r] v. Bagliore, [br're'] m. flash of wild pomegranate-tree. n. to trifle, lose one's time. light.^ Balaustro, [blu'str] m. baBadalone, [bdl'ne'J m. great Bagnajuolo , 5)1. lustrade. [bn'yl] trifler; large fig. bath-keeper. Balbettante, [blbe'ttn't] m. Badaluccare, [tdlulik're'] v. Bagnamento, [bn'me'n't] m. stammerer, stutterer. n. to skirmish; lounge. bathing; moistening, wetting. Balbettare, [blbe'tt're'] Bai Badaluccatore [bdlkkt'- Bagnare , pjn''re'] v. a. to bezzare, [blbtsa're'J v. n. to r] m. skirmisher; trifler. moisten, wet, damp; wash. stammer, stutter. Badalucco , [bdlk'k] Balbo, [bl'b] adj. stammering. m. Bagnaesi, v. r. to bathe. skirmish; pastime; stare a -, Bagnato, [b'n't] adj. a title Balbotire, [blbti'r] Balbuto idle one's time. of knighthood given from the tire, [blbuti're'] see Balbettare. Badamento, [badme'n't] m. recipient's bathing when being Balbuzie, [balbii'tsie'] f. stamdelay; hinderance. knighted; - e cimato, cunning, mering, stuttering. Badare, [bd're'] . a. to mind; astute. Balbuziente, [blbtsin'te'] adj. take care of; observe. m. stammering, stuttering. Bagnatore, [bn't're'] Baderla, [bdr'l] f, silly con- bather. Balbuzire, [blbtsi'r] see Balceited woman. Bagnatura, [bn't'r] /". bath- bettare. Badessa, [hd's] f. abhess. ing, season for bathing. Balco, [bl'k] m. a straw or Badia, [bdi'] f. abbey, nunnery. Bagno, [b'n'] m. bath; cistern, bay loft. Badiale, [bdi'l] adj, great, tank; - d'acqua fredda, cold Balconata, [blkna't] f. small large. bath; - a vapore, steam-bath, railed gallery. Badigliamento, [hddrme'n't] vapor-bath; fare i bagni, to Balcone, [blk'nej m. balcony. m. yawning, gaping. bathe medicinally. Baldacchino, [bldkki'n] in, Badigliare, fbdir're'] v. n. to Bagnomaria, pj'n'm'ri] f. canopy used in carrying the yawn, gape. moist stove for distilling. Host, and over the chairs of Badile, [bdi'le'] m. mattock. Bagnuolo, [ban''l] m. small illustrious persons; canopy of Badiola, [bdi'l] Badiuzza, bath; fomentation. state. [badi'ts] f. small abbey. Bagola, [bg'l] f. fruit of the Baldamente, [bldmn'te'] adv. Bafti, [baffi] m pi. mustachios, lotus. boldly, courageously, gaily. ridere sotto i - , to laugh Bagole, n>g'Ie'] (Mirtillo, or Baldanza, [bldn'ts] f. boldpi secretly. Uva orsina), a kind of myrtle. ness, gaiety. Baffuto, [hff't] adj. wear- Bagordare, [bgrd'r] Baldanzeggiare , [baldantse'ing mustachios. dja're'] v. n. to live merrily. tilt, joust; feast. Baga, [b'g] f. jewel. Bagordo, [bgr'd] m. pike, Baldanzosamente , [bldntsBagagiole, [bagj'l] f. pi. lance; riot. same'n'te'] adv. in a bold mansmall baggage. B ailo, [bi'l] m .city-magist rate. ner, merrily. Basaglia, [bg'l'] f. Bagaglio, Baja, [b'y] f. bay, joke, ban- Baldanzosetto, [bldntsse'f[bgTo] m. baggnge. t] adj. somewhat bold. ter; dare la -, to laugh at, doBagaglione , [bgr'ne'] m. ride; fare le baje, to sport, be Baldanzoso, [bldnts's] adj. soldier's boy; blackguard. bold, courageous, valiant. merry (said of children). Bagagliume , [bgl''me'] m. Bajante, [bjn'te'] term used Baldo, [bal'do] adj. bold ; haughsmall quantity of baggage. ty. in the proverb: Ell' tra BaBagascia, [hg'sh] /'.strumpet. jante e Ferrante, which means Baldore, fbaldo're'] m. boldness; Bagattella, [bagatt'l] f. trifle, any thing in the hands of two assurance. bauble, sleight of hand. Baldoria, [baldo'ria] f. bonfire; equally cunning. Bagattelliere, [bgte'li'r] m. Bajare, [bay'r] v. n. to bark, fare -, to riot. juggler, trifler. Bajata, [by't] /".joke, raillery. Baldracca,[baldrk'k]/'. harlot. Bagattelluccia, [bgtte'l'tsh] Bajetta, [bye't't] f. bombasin; Balena, [bal'n] f. whale. Balenamento , [bale'nme'n't] small bay. f. trifle. Bagattino, [bgtti'n] m. a Bajezza, [bye"tsa] see Bajuola. m. lightning; blaze. small very coin worth about Bajo, [b'y] adj. bay, chesnut- Balenare, [ble'n're'] v. n. to the eighth of a farthing, used color. lighten; reel. in Venice. Bajocco, [byk'k] m. half- Baleniere, [ble''nie're'] m. a Baggeo, [bdj'] m. simpleton penny, a coin used in the Pon- whaler. (low style). Baleno, [bl'n] m. lightning ; tifical States. Baggianaccio, [hdjn'tsh] m. Bajonaccio, [byn'tsh] Ba- in un -, instantly. great blockhead. jone, [by'ne'] m. great joker. Balestra, [ble''str] f. crossBaggianata, [bdjn't] /". silly Bajonetta, [byne't't] f. bayo- bow, arbalist. act, foolishness. Balestralo , [ble'str'y] m. net. Baggiane,[bdji'ne'] ^.p^court- Bajoso, [Mj's] adj. facetious; bowman. promises, pi. (low style). Balestrare, [ble'str'r] . a. waggish. Baggianeria, [bdjine'ri'] f. Bajuca, [bayuTja] Bajucola, [b- to vex, trouble; -, v. n to foolish speech. y'kl] f. trifle, bauble. shoot, dart. Baggiano, [bdjta'n]. simple- Bajulare, [byl're'] v. a. to Balestrata, [ble'str'ta] f. bov,ton, dullard. shot. carry on the shoulders. Baggiolare, [bdjtl'r] v.o. to Bajuola, [by'l] f. gewgaw. Balestratore, [ble'strt're*] m. loan, support; rest. Baiaselo, [bl'sho] and Salasso bowman. Baggiolo, [bdji'l] m. prop, [bala's] m. a precious stone, Balestriera , [ble'stri'r] f, sUy. loophole, embrasuro. kind of ruby.
, ,



Balestriere, ['bale'stri're] see Ballonzare, [bllntsa're'] Bal- Balzello, [blts'l] m. additionBalestratore. lonzolare, [bllutsla'r] v. al tax. Balzelloni, [baltsll'ni] adv. Balestriglia, [ble'stri'gli'a] f. n. to skip, jump about. instrument for taking sound- Ballotta, [bll't] f. boiled andar -, said of any one that bounds while in motion. chestnut; ball for voting. ings at sea. Balestro, [bl'str] ni. cross- Ballottare, [blltt're'] v a. to Balzetto, [bltse't't] m. small bound. ballot, vote. bow. Balestrone , [ble'str'n] ni Ballottazione, [blltttsi'ne'] Balzo, [bl'ts] m. bound, jump, rock, cliff. large cross-bow. f. ballotation, voting Balneario, [blne''ri] adj. be- Bambagelle, [bmbje'l'le'] or Balia, [b'lia] f. wet-nurse. Crisantemo m. chrisanthemum. Balia, [bli'] f. power, autho- longing to a bath. rity; essere di sua -, to be Balniere, [balnie're'] in. a whale- Bambagello , [bmbj'lo] m. paint, rouge. one's own master. boat. Baliaccia , [bli'tsb] f. bad Baloardo, [blr'd] m. bul- Bambagia, [bmb'jia]^ cotton; allevare nella -, to bring up wark, bastion. wetnurse. Baliaggio, [bli'dj] m. baili- Baloccaggine, [blkk'djin] /". delicately; trarre la bambagia dal farsetto, to reduce another wick. trifles, pi. nonsense. to extreme debility. Baliatico, [bli'tik] m. nurse's Baloccamento, [blkkme'n't] Bambagiaro, [bmbj'r] m. wages, pj. m. amusement. Ballato, [bali't] m. bailiff's Baloccare, [blkk're'] v. a. to vendor of cotton. Bambagino , [bmbji'n] vu office. amuse. dimity. Balio, [ba'li] m. foster-father. Baloccheria, [balokke'ri'a] f. Bambagie, [bmb'j] see BamBalioso, [bli's] adj. power- foolishness. ful, vigorous. Balocco ) [blo'k] m. booby, bagia. Bambagioso, [bmbj's] adj. Balire, [bali're'] v. a. to suckle; ninny. educate; govern; wield. Baloccone, [blkk'n] m.great cotton-like, soft as cotton. Balista, [bli'sta] f. ballista. blockhead; -, adv. Bambara, [bmb'r] f. a game booby, at cards like primiera. Balivo, [bli'v] m. inferior foolishly. judge, bailiff. Balogia, [bl'jia] f. see Bal- Bambera, [brabe''r] adv. by chance, accidentally. Balla, [bl'l] f. bale, pack, lotta. bundle; a balle, in plenty; Balogio, [hl'jt] adj. foolish, Bamberottolo, [bmbe'rtt'l] m. a child of a certain size. silly. far le balle, to decamp. Baliaccia, [bll'tsh] f. heavy Balordaccio, [blrd'tsh] r.->. Bambinaggine, [bambina' dj ine] load. dolt, simpleton. f. childishness. Ballacocca , [bllck'k] /. Balordaggine, [blrda'djine'] f. Bambinaja, [bmbin'j] f. a nurse. apricot. stupidity. [bmbina't] Ballacocco, [bllck'k] m. Balordamente, [blrdme'n'te'] Bambinata, f. childhood. apricot tree. adv. stupidly. Balladore, [blld're'l m. gal- Balorderia, [blrde'ri'] see Ba- Bambinea, [bmbi'ne'] /.sweet' lery of a ship, platform. meats for children. lordaggine. Ballare, [bll're'] v. n. to Balordo, [blor'd] adj. used Bambinello, [bmbinel'l] ir.. dance; be unsteady. little child. substantively logger-head Ballata, [bll't] f. dancing- clown. Bambineria, [bmbine'ri'] /. ste song, ballad; guidar la -, to Balsamico , [blsa'mik] Bambinaggine. adj. command; sconciare la -, to balsamic. Bambinesco, [bambine's'k] adj. manage a matter ill. Balsamina, [blsmi'n] f. bal- childish. Ballatoio, [bllt'y] m. gal- sam. Bambinetto, [bambine't't] in. lery, platform. Balsamine, [blsmi'n] m, bal- very little child. Ballatore, [bllt're'] ?7i. Bai- sam-apple. Bambino, [bmbi'n] m. little latrice, [blltri'tshe'] f. dan- Balsamo, [bal'samo] m. balm. boy, babe - da Ravenna, said cer. Balsimare, [balsima're'] v. .to of a circumspect, prudent perBalleria, [blle'ri'] /. dancing. embalm. (samo. son. B allerina, [blle'ri'n] /".dancing- Balsimo, [bal'simo] see Bal- Bambo, [bm'b] adj. simple, girl; water-wagtail. Balteo, [bl'te'] vn. belt, cinc- stupid. Ballerino, [blle'ri'n] m. opera- ture. Bambocccria, [bmbtshe'ri] f. dancer, dancing-master. Baluardo, [blr'd] see Ba- childishness. Balletta, [balle't't] f. small loardo. Bambocciata, [bmbtsh't] f.

caricature. [blsn'te'] adj. short-sighted. Bamboccio, [brab'tsh] Barninterlude. bocciolo, [bmb'tshl] m. Balza, [brts] f. rock, cliff. Ballo, [brio] m. ball, assembly Balzana, [blds'n] f. fringe. little child, puppet; bad of dancers; fig. entrare in -, Balzano, [blds'n] adj. white- painting. to enter upon an affair, un- spotted; giddy-brained. Bamboccione,[bambtsh'ne'] i. dertake. Balzare, [bltsa'r] v. n. to big child. Ballonchiare, [bllnkia'r] v. bound, jump; jolt. Bambola, [bam'bl] f. doll; n. to dance among friends, Balzatore,[bltst're]m.leaper, looking glass.



Balletto, [blle't't] m. ballet;

without ceremony. jumper. Bamboleggiamento , [bmbBallonohio, [balln'ki] m. coun- Balzeggiare, [baltse'dj'r] v. a. ldjme'n't] m. childish actry-dance. to make leap or jump. tion. Ballone, [bll'ne'] m. large Balzellare, [bltse'll're'] v. a. Bamboleggiare, [bmble'dja'< halo. lc skip; overburden with taxes. re'] V. n. to act like a child.



Barbano, [brb'n] m. uncle. Barbaramente, [brbramn'te'j
adv. barbarously. Barbare, [brba're'] v. take root; barbarla ad uno, to play one a trick. Barbareggiare, [brbre'dj're'] V. n. to speak barbarously.

Bamboleggiatore, [tamlDldj- Bandolo, [bn'dl] m. head of a skein; ritrovare t{ -, to find t'r] m. childish person. [bmtlin'- the way. Bambolinaggine Bandone, [bnd'ne'] m. a large djin] f. cMldishness. Bambolino , [bmbli'n] m. plate of metal from which kitchen utensils are made. babe; darling. Bambolita, [bmblit'J Bam- Bansa, [bns] f. a kind of white bolitade, Bambolitate, /. child- grape.

ish action.






Barbarescamente, [brbare'sk-

Bambolo, [bm'bl] m. babe,


Bambolone, [bmbl'ne'j
joyons, happy.

Barabuffa, [brbf'f] noise, tumult. adj.

Baracane, [brk'ne'] Barbarismo, [brbris'm] rn. racan. bamboo. Banca, [bn'k] f. soldiers' pay- Baracca, [brk'k] /, barrack, barbarism, solecism. Barbaro, [bar 'baro] adj. barhut. office, jndgment-seat. Bancario, [bnk'ri] adj. of the Baraccame, [brkk'm] m. a barons, cruel. Barbassoro , [brbss'r] m. kind of cotton stuff. bank. Bancherottolo, [bnke'rtt'l] Baraccare, [brkk're'J v. a. to man of merit, wise-acre. Barbata , [brb't] /. small or Bancherotto, m. money- build barracks. Baracchiere, [brkki're'] m. roots, pi. changer's counter. Barbatella, [brbteTl] player, Banchettacelo, [banke'tt'tsh] sutler. Baraccuzza,[brk'ts] /".small sprig. m. great feast. Barbato, [brba'tj adj. rooted; Banchettare, [hnke'tt'r] v. barrack. Barare, [br're'] v. cheat, inveterate. a. to banqnet, feast. Barbazzale, [brbts'le'] m. Banchetto, [bnkeVt] wj. small dupe, truck. bench; banquet; [are -, to ban- Bararla, [brri'] f. fraud, curb; check; parlar senza -, to speak at random, to speak roguish trick. quet, feast. Banchiere, [bnki're'] Banchie- Baratro, [br'tr] m. abyss, too freely; non portare il barbazzale, not to be subject to gulf. re, [bnki'r] i. banker, camBaratta, [brt't] f. contention, any one. bist. Barberare, [brbe'r're'] v. n. to Banchina, [bnki'na] f. mound dispute, deceit. behind a parapet; mound of a Barattamento, [brttmn't] wobble like a top. Barberesco, [brbe're's'k] wt. m. exchange, truck. ditch, bench. Banco, [bn'k] m. bench; count- Barattare, [brtt're'j v. a. to groom of Barbary horses. Barbero, [br'be'r] m. Barbary exchange, cheat. er ; judgment-seat. Banconcello, [bankntsh'l] m. Barattatore, [brttt're'] m. horse, barb. little Barbetta, [barbe' t't] exchanger, barterer. small bench. Bancone, [bnk'n] m. great Barattazione, [brtttsi'ne'J f. beard; small roots, pi.: fetlock. Barbettino, [brbe'tti'n] m.very barter, truck. bench. ex- small beard. Banda, [bn'd] /. side, band Baratteria, [brtte'ri'] Barbicaja, /". the rooty stump changing, bartering. stripe, troop, gang; mar. - di of herbaceous plants. sotto en(o, lee-side; da-, aside, Barattiere, [brtti're'l or Baapart; andare alla -, to go to rattiere, [brtti'r] m. bar- Barbicamento, [brbikme'n't] m. taking root. ruin; passare da - a -, to go terer, cheat. Baratto, [brt't] m. exchange, Barbicare, [brbika're'] v. n. to through. take root. Bandeggiare, [bnde'dj're'] v. truck, cheat. Barattola, [brt'tl] kind Barbicella, [brbitsh'la] Bara. to banish. bicela, [brbi'kl] /. small Bandella, [bndeTl] /. iron- of water-fowl. Barattolo, [brt'tl] m. pre- root. work; hinges of a door, pi. Barbiera, [brbi'r] f. barber's Banderajo, [bnde'r'y] m. en- serve pot. beard; root, wife. Barba, [brll sign-bearer. Banderola, [bnde'rl] f. band- origin; alia -, in spite of; far Barbiere, [brbi're'] m. barber,

me'n'te'] odv. barbarously. Barbarico, [brba'rik] adj. barbarous, cruel. m. bar- Barbarie, [barba 'rie] /".barbarity.


Bamb, [bamb']








la -, farsi la


to shave.

Bandiera, [bndi'r] /".banner, Barba, [br'b] m. uncle. ensign; harlot; fare la -, said Barbabietola, [brbbi'tla] f. beet-root. of a tailor who cabbages cloth Barbacane, [brbk'n] m.barmar. flag; o-, by chance. Bandinella, [bndinri] /. bed- bacan, conduit. Barbaccia, [brb'tsh] /".shaggy curtain, roller-towel. Bandire, [bandi're'] v. a. to pro- beard. Barbaoheppo, [brbke'p'p] m. claim, banish. Bandita, [bndi't] f. privileged simpleton. Barbagianni, [brbjin'ni] m. place. Banditore, [bndit're'J m. public owl; simpleton. Barbaglio, [brbT] m. dizzicrier, proclaimer. Bando, [ban'd] m. ban, banish- ness, dimness. ment; - di testa, reward for Barbalacchio, [brblkTd] m. numskull. arresting; dare ii -, to banish. Bandoliera, [bndli'r] /. ban- Barbandrocco, [barbndrk'k]

shaver; hair-dresser. Barbieria, [brbie'ri'] /". barber's shop. Barbine, [brbi'ne'] /". pi., female ornaments of crape or ribbon worn on the head, and falling over the f ice. Barbino, [brbi'n] adj. miser, skin flint. Barbio, [br'bi] Barbo, [br'b] m. barbel (fish). Barbogio, [barb'ji] adj. old; weak; -, m. old dotard. Barbolina, [barbli'nl see Barbicella.

dolier, shouldor-belt.

adj. stupid, silly.

Barbone, [brb'ne'] m. graybeard bully, poodle, larkspur. galloy. Barbotta, [barbt'tal





Barbozza, [brbo'ts] {. horse's Bareria, [bre'ri'] see Bararia. BaronoTolmente, [brne'vlBargagnare, [bargn''r] v. a. me'n'te'] adv. nobly. under-jaw; helmet-strap. Baronia, [brni'] /. barony. Barbucino, [brbtshi'nj adj. to bargain, negotiate. Bargagno, [brga'n'] m. bar- Barra, [br'r] /". bar, sandthin-hearded. bank paling. Barbugliamento, [hrhl'rae'n'- gain, treaty. confused Bargello, [brj'l] m. sheriff. Bari'are, [brr're'] v. a. to bar, t] m, stuttering; Bargia, [br'jia] f. dewlap of stop, overreach, take in. speech. Barreria, [brre'ri'] f. fraud Barbugliare, [hrbr're'l v. a. an ox. Barggli, [brji'li] m. pi. Bar- roguish trick. to stutter, stammer. Barbuta, [hrb't] [. helmet, giglione, [brjir'ne'J m. gills, Barretta, [brrt't] /. a small bar or plate, an ingot. flaps of a cock, pi. casque. Barbuto, [brh't] ad}, beard- Bargigliuto, [brjir't] adj. Barricata, [brrik't] /". barrithat has gills. cade. ed; rooted. Barca, [brt] /. baric, ferry- Barigello, [brij'l] see Bar- Barriera, [barri'r] f. barrier,





Barcaccia, [brk'tsh] {. old Bariglioncino, [bril'ntshi'n] Barrire, [barri're'] v. n. to roar like an elephant. Barcajuolo, [barky'l] Bar- m. small barrel. caruolo, [brkr'l] m. boat- Bariglione, [bril''ne'] m. bar- Barrito, [brri't] m. the roar of an elephant man, bargeman. rel, cask. Barcata, [brk't] m.boat-full. Barilajo, [bril'y] m. cooper, Barro, [br'r] m. clay for making earthen ware. Barcheggiare, [brke'dj're'] v. cask-bearer. Barile, [bari'le'] m. hogshead, Baruffa, [baruffa] f. Baruffe, a. to go in a boat repeatedly. [baruffo] m. fray, altercation. Barcheggio, [brkd'ji] the barrel. action of leaving and return- Bariletta, [brilt'tl f. Bari- B arullare, [brll're'] v. n. to ing to a boat to load or unload. lotto , [bril't] Barilozzo, retail. Barchereccio, [brke're'tsh] m. [bril'ts] m. Barletto, [br- Barullo, [brl'l] m, retailer; number of boats waiting for le't't] m Barletta, fbarlt'tl simpleton. /.Barlette, [brlt'tjm. small Barzelletta, [brdse'Ue't't] f. any particular object. Barchetta, [brkt't] f. Bar- barrel, cask; small iron-chest joke, banter. Barzellettare, [brdse'lle'tt're'] chetto, [brkt't] m. small or safe. Baritono, [bri'tn] adj. mus. V. n. to jest, joke. boat, skiff. Basa, [b's] see Base. barytone. Barchino, [brki'n] m. punt. Barlacchio, [brl^ki] adj. stu- Basalischio, [bslis'ki] BasaBarco, [br'k] m. park. lisco, [bslis'k] m. basilisk. Barcollamento, [barkllme'n't] pid, good for nothing. Barlaccio, [brl'tshi] orfd.said Basalto, [bsl't] and BassalTO. tottering, wavering. te, [bassal'te'] f. basalt. Barcollare, [brkll're'] v. a. of spoiled grapes. Barlaventiare, barlve'nt're'] Basamento , [bsme'n't] in. to waver, totter, stagger. Barcellone, [brkoU'n] adv. V. n. to wait for a favorable base, pedestal. Bascia, [bsh'] m. bashaw. staggering; andar barcollane, wind. Barlettajo, [brle'tta'y] m Basciare, [bsh'r] v. a. to kiss. to go staggering. Bascio, [ba'sho] m. kiss. Barcone, [brk'ne'] m. large cooper. Barlume, [brl'ml m. glim- Base, [ba'se] f. base, basis, boat, barge. ground. mer, spark, twilight. Barda, [bar'd] m. caparison. Baseo, [bse"] adj. simpleton. Bardamentare, [brdme'nt'r] Bare, [b'r] m. cheat, knave. Baroccio, [br'tsh] m. waggon, Basetta, [bse't't] f. mustaches; . o. to caparison, harness. basette della spada, trimmings Bardatura, [brdt'r] /". Bar- cart. damento , [bardrae'n'tj m. Barocco, [brk'k] Baroccolo, of the sword-handle. [brk'kl] m. extortion, ex- Basettino, [bstti'n] m small horse-trappings, pi. mustachio. Bardella, [brd'l] /. pack- action, usury. Barometro, [br'me'tr] m. ba- Basettone, [bse'tt'ne'] m. one saddle. who wears large mustaches. Bardellare, [brde'U'rl w. a. rometer. Baronacoio , [brn'tsh] w. Basilica, [bsil'k] /".cathedral; to put on the pack-saddle. hall, court, royal residence. [bardellet'ta] f. rogue, rascal. Bardelletta Baronaggio, [brn'dj] m. Basilico, [bsi'lik] m. sweet small ipack-saddle. basil. Bardellone, [brdll'ne'] m.soft barony. Baronare, [brn're'] v. n. to Basilisohio, [bsilis'k] m. basaddle, pannel. silisk. Bardi, [br'di] m. p/., bards, _ spunge. Baronata, [brna't] f. roguery, Basimento , [bsime'n't] m. poets, pi. fainting fit. Bardiglio, [bardi'l'io] m. a kind knavery. Baroncello, [brntsh'l] m. Basimentucciofbsime'nt'tsh] of marble. m. slight fainting fit. BardocucuUo, [brdkkri] little baron young scamp. m. Coat worn by ancient bards. Barone, [br'ne'] m. baron; va- Basina, [bsi'n] /. pottage, broth (vulgarism). Bardotto, [bard't] m. small gabond. mule; 'passar per -, to come Baroneria, [brne'rf] f. rogue- Basire, [bsi're'] v. n. to expire, breathe one's last, faint. ry, imposture. off scot-free. Bareggiare, [barj're'] w, o. to Baronessa, [brne's's] f. ba- Basoffia, [basffia] see Basina. roness. Baseso, [bs's] adj. stupid, cheat. Barella, [breTla] f. hand-bar- Baronetto, [brne't't] m. ba- sluggish. ronet. Bassa, [bs's] f. sonata; shalrow; litter Barellare, [brll're'] v. a. to Baronevole, [brne"vle'] adj. lows, pi. noble ; heroical. Bassalte, [bassal'te'] m. basalt. carry on a hand-barrow.
| .




Bassamente, ['bssmn't] adv. Bastardo, [bstr'd] adj. bas- Batata, [bt't] Batatas, [btard, illegitimate. t'ts] f. potatoe. faasely, hambly. Bassamento, [bssmn't] m. Bastardume, [bstrd'me'] m. Batello, [btl'l] m. skiff, feruseless ryboat. Bassanza,[l)assn'ts] /".abase- race of bastards shoots, pi. Batista, [bti'st] f. cambric, ment, humiliation, misery. Bassare, [bss're'] v.a. to abate; Bastare, [bast're'j v. a. to sat- lawn. (chante. isfy; -, V. n. to suffice; last. Batisteo, [btiste"] see Battihumble.

Bassaride, [bssari'de'] f. BacBassetta, [bsse't'ta] f, basset (game); young lamb's skin; bro-




Basta, and

steo. to suffice to basta, Batocchio, [bt'ki] m. blind-

basta! silence!

Basterna, [bstr'n] f. cart, Bassettare, [bdsse'tta're] v. a. ancient French chariot. Bastevole, [baste''vle'] adj. sufto kill (vulgarism). Bassetto, [bsse't't] adj. some- ficient; competent. what low; -, m. counter-tenor. Bastevolezza, [bste'vle't's] /. Bassezza, [bsse't's] f. mean- sufficiency; competence. Bastevolmente, [bstvlmn'ness, lowness. Bassilica, [bssiliTc] f. one of te'] adv. sufficiently. the veins of the arm. Bastia, [bsti'] f. bastion, bulBassilico, [bssi'lik] see Basi- wark.



man's staff; tongue of a bell. Batosta, [bt'st] f. quarrel,


Batostare, [btst're'] v. n. to quarrel, wrangle. Battaglia, [btt'l'a] f. battle, duel, squadron. Battagliare, [battl''re'] v. a. to fight, combat. Battagliatore , [bttl't're] Battagliere, [bttl''re] Bat-

Bastiere, [bastie're'] see Bastajo. tagliero, [bttl''r] m. comlico. Basso, [bs's] adj. low; mean, Bastimento, [bstime'n't] m. batant. base, abject; acqua bassa, f. ship, vessel. Battaglieroso , [bttl'e'r's] shallow water; marea bassa, f. Bastina, [basti'na] s. a kind adj. warlike. lovr water, ebb-tide; tenere il of light pack-saddle. Battaglietta, [httl'e't't] f. viso -, to look down; il d Bastionare, [basti n're'] v. a. to skirmish. basso, it is getting late -, wlv fortify with bastions; strength- Battaglievole , [bttl''vle'l below, down, yonder; andare a en. adj. martial, warlike. -, to go down; -, m. profundity, Bastioncello, [bstintsh'ljm Battaglievolmente , [bttl'e'depth; bottom; mus. bass, basesmall bastion. vlme'n'te'] adv. in a fighting viol; di bassa mano, of low con- Bastione, [bsti'ue'j t?i .bastion, manner dition. rampart. Battaglio, [bttT] m. bellBassone, [bss'ne'] m. bassoon Bastita, [basti'ta] f. rampart, clapper. Bassorilievo, [bssrili'v] m. fortification. Battaglione , [bttl''ne'] i. bas-rolief. Basto, [b'st] m. pack-saddle, battalion. Bassotti, [bss'ti] m. pi. mess pannel, - rovescio, or a rove- Battaglioso, [bttal''s] adj. of macaroni. scio, said of a close valley; and warlike. Bassotto, [bsst't] adj. short of paved gutters. Battaglinola, [bttr'la] Batand thick-set man. Bastonacelo, [bstn'tsho] m. tagliuzza, [bttrt's] /.skirBasta, [b'st] f. basting; -, cudgel, bludgeon. mish. adv. enough, sufficiently. Bastonare, [bstn're'] v. a. to Batteggiare, [btte'dj're'] v. a. Bastatile, [bst'bile'] adj. suf- cudgel. to baptize. ficient. Bastonata, [bstn't] Basto- Batteggiatore , [btte'djt're'] Bastagio, [bst'ji] m. man of natura, [bstnt'r] /".basti- m. baptizer, baptist. all work, street-porter. nado, cudgelling. Battelletto , [bttlle't't] m. Bastajo , [bst'y] m. pack- Bastoncello, [bstntsh'l] Ba- small boat. saddle maker. stoncino, [bstntshi'n] ni. Battello, [btt'l] m. skiff, Bastalena (a), [bstl'n] adv. small stick. canoe; - a vapore, steam-boat, with all one's might. Bastone, [bst'n] m. staff, steamer. Bastante^ [bstan'te'] adj. suf- truncheon, support (baton): Battente, [btte'n'te'] m. door, ficient. Bastoniere , [bstni're'] m. frame. Bastantemente, [bstante'me'n'- macebearer, constable. Battere, [bt'tr] v.a. to beat; t] odv. sufficiently, enough. Bastoni, [bst'ni] m. pi. clubs strike, knock; thrash;- la camBastanza, [bstn'ts] f. dura- (at cards). pagna, to scour the country; tion, sufficiency. Bastracone, [bstrk'ne'] m. - le mani, to applaud; -, v. n. Bastarda, [bstr'd] f. small fat lusty man (said jocosely). to palpitate; walk fast. Batgalley; principal sail of a gal- Batacchia, [btak'ki] Batac- tersi, V. r. to fight a duel; ley; a kind of file. chiata, [btkki't] f. basti le guancie, to repent; in un Bastardaccio, [bastrd'tsh] nade. - d' occhio, in tho twinkling of m. mean bastard. Batacchiare, [btkki'r] v. a. an eye. Bastardaggine, [bstrd'djine'] to cudgel. Batteria, Lhtte'ri'] f. battery. bastardy. Batacchio, [btk'ki] m. stick Battesimale, [btte'sima'l] adj. f. Bastardella, [bstrdl] f. cudgel. baptismal. stewpan, sauce-pan. Batalo, [bt'l] 7i. border of Battesimo, [batte''sim] BatBastardelle, [bstrdri] m. the hood that covers the shoul- tesmo, [batte's'm] ni. baptism; little bastard, communal reders; kind of cloth stripe worn tenere a -, to stand godfather. gister-book. by church dignitaries, and by Battezzamento, [batttsamn'Bastardigia, [bastardi'ja] see undergraduates of certain col- t] i. christening. Bastardaggine. leges. Battezzare, [bttts'r] v. a. Bastardire, [bstardfr] v. n. Batassare, [batass'r] v. a. to to baptize, christen. degenerate. Rli:\kc, aLntato. to Battezzatore , [btte'tsat're']

and Battezziere, [btttsi'r]


Beccacelo, [be'kk'tsh]n. largo beak. Beccaficata, [be'kkfik't] f. a beccafico feast. Beccafico, [be'kkfi'k] m. figpecker. Beccajo, [be'kk'y] m. butcher-

scum of heated metals that rises above the surface of the baptzer. Batticuore, [bttik'r] m. pal- mould; seta -, floss silk. Bavaglio, [bvaT] m. bib. pitation; fear. BattifoUe, [battifol'le] f. ram- Bavella, [bavel'la] f. coarse silk Bavero, [b've'r] m. cape of a part. Battifredo, [bttifr'd] m. tow- cloak, collar of a coat. Bavetta, [bve't't] f, scum exer, bastion. Battifuoco, [battif'k]m. steel, crement. Baviera, [bvi'r] f. visor (of (to strike a liglit). Battigie, [batti'jio] f. pi. fall- a head-piece); mangiar sotto la -, to eat in secret. ing sickness. Battilano, [bttil'n] m. wool- Bavoso, [bv's] adj. slimy, slabbering; viscous. carder. Battilocchio , [bttil'kki] m. Bazza, [bd'sa] f. good luck; a sliort veil falling over tbe prominent chin; aver di -, to obtain by good luck ; esser eyes. Battiloro, [bttil'r] m. gold- di -, to get the better. beater. Bazzana, [bds'n] f. tanned Battimano, [bttim'n] .clap- sheep-skin. ping of bands, applause. Bazzarrare, [bdsrra're'] see Battimazza, [bttim'ts] m. Barattare. blacksmith's assistant. Bazzarro, [bdsr'r] see BaBattimento, [bttime'n't] m. ratto. beating; striking; palpitation. Bazzecole, [bdse''kle'] f. pi. Battinzecca, [bttintsk'k] m. trifles, toys pi. coiner, minter. Bazzesco,[badse's'k]arfj. coarse, Battipalle, [bttipl'le'] m can- rough, clownish.





caner, caviller. Beccamorto, [be'kkmr't]


grave-digger. Beccare, [be'kka're']

v. a. to pock; beccarsi il cervello, to puzzle one's brain. Beccarello, [be'kkr'l] m. kid. Beccare, [be'kka'r] see Beccajo. Beccastrino, [be'kkastri'n] ni.

mattock. Beccata, [be'kk't] f. stroke with the bill, bite. Beccatella , [be'kkte'l'l] f. hawk's lure; trifle. Beccatello, [bekkate'l'lo] m.
bracket, corbel.

non-ramrod. Bazzica, [bt'sik] f. Battiporte, [bttipr't] m. tion; intimacy. plank (to go in or out of tbe Bazzicare, [btsik're']
ship), hatches.

Beccatina, [be'kkti'n] f. little stroke with the bill. Beccatojo, [bkkat'y]i. drawer (of a bird-cage). conversa- Beccherello,[bkke'reTlo]m.kid. Beccheria, [be'kkri'] /".slaughv. a. to


Battisoffia, [battisffia] /. sudden fright. Battisteo, [battista'] m. font.

Battistero, and [bttiste''rl Battisterio, [bttist'ri] m. baptistery. Battistrada, [battistrada] m.


frequent, visit. Bazzicature, [btsikat'r] f. pi., see Bazzecole. Bazzotto, [bdst't] adj. half done, somewhat fat. Bdellio, [bdeTli] s.m. bdellium. Be, [be'] for Belli; adj. pi. bleating of sheep. Beare, [be''re'] v. a. poes., to

Becchetto, [bkke't't] m. fillet; prow. Becchico, [be'k'kik] adj. pectoral,


Becchino, [be'kki'n] m. graveBecco, [be'k'k] m. beak head of a ship; he-goat; mettere il




m. tremor,

palpitation. Battitoja,[bttit'y]/'.printer's

frame. Battitojo, [bttit'y] m. door or window frame. Battitore, [battitre'] m. beater. Battitura, [bttit'rj f. boating; thrashing. Batto, [bt't] m. rowing-boat. Battocchio, [bttk'ki] see Batocchio.

Battologia, [bttl'gia] f. repetition of words. Beatifieo,[bati'fik]u(fj. beatifBattuta, [btt't] f. beating; ic, blissful. mus., time. Beatitudine, [be'tit'dine'] /. Battuto, [btt't] m. platform, beatitude, bliss. leads (of a house). Beato, [be''t] adj. blessed, forBatucchieria, [btkkie'ri'] f. tunate. sophistry, craft. Bebn, [be'!)!!]. expression used Batuffo, [btf'f] Batuffolo, byMenzini to imitate the bleat[batuffolo] m. heap, hoard. ing of sheep. Baule, [b'l] m. trunk, travel- Becca, [b'k] f. silk-garter; ing-chest; fare il -, to pack band, tie. up. Beccabeccaficlii, [be'kkbkkBauletto, [ble't't] m. small fi'chi] m. a devourer of boctrunk, portmanteau. caficos (said jocosely). Bautta^ [bt't] /. a kind of Beccaccia, [bkka'tsha] f. woodVenetian mask. cock. Bava, [b'v] f. slaver, slabber- Beccaccino, [bkkdtshi'n] m. ing; rim or edge caused by the sulpu.

in molle, to tope. Becconacoio, [be'kkn'tsh] m. bless, beatify. great ugly goat. Beatamente, [be'tme'n't] adv. Boccone, [bkk'ne'] i. great blessedly. buck-goat, silly fellow. Beatanza, [be'tn'ds] Beatez- Beccuccio, [be'kk'tsh] m. gulza, [be'te't's] f. beatitude. let, spout. Beatificante, [be'tifikn't] adj. Beco, [b'k] m. a person maskblissful, heavenly. ed as a peasant. Beatificare, [be'tifika're'] v. a. Befana , [be'f'n] f. puppet, to beatify, bless praise, extol. goblin, ugly woman. Beatiflcatore, [be'tifikt're'] Befanaocia, [be'fn'tsh] f. hidm. poes., that blesses. eous spectre. Beatificazione , [be'tifiktsi'- Befania, [be'fni'] /. epiphany. beatification. ne'] f. Beffa, [beffa] f. trick, joke ;

beffe, to jeer, ; farsi banter. Beffardo, [be'ffr'd] m. jester, banterer. Beffare, [be'fi''re'] v. a. to laugh


at, ridicule.

Beffarsi, v



to care for. Beffatore, [bifat're'] m. Beffatrice, [be'fftri'tsh] f. jeerer,

mocker. Beffeggiamento, [be'ffe'djme'n't] m. derision.

Beffeggiare, [bffe'dja're'] v. a. to mock, ridicule. Beffeggiatore, [be'ffe'djt're'] m.
scorner, mocker. Beffevole, [bife"vle'] adj. contemptible.




[b'g] /, dispute, con- Belzuar, [be'ldtsr] . a kind Benedire, [be'ne'di're'] t>. a. to of lime. bless; consecrate. tention, strife. Beghino, [te'ghi'n] m. hypo- Belzuino, [beltsi'n] m. ben- Benedltore, [bne'dit're'] m. blesser. zoin. (blessing. crite. Begliomni, [beTmini] m. bal- Bemh, [he'mb'] arfw. well well. Benedizione, [be'ne'ditsi'ne'] /. Benaocione [be'ntsbi'ne'] adv. Benefacente, [be'ae'ftshin't] sam (plant). adj. beneficent. Begole, [b'gle'] f. pi., trifles, very well, excellently. Benacconciamente, [be'nkkn- Benefatto, [be'ne'ft't] m. poes. pL, idle talk. Beitore, [be'it'r] see Bevitore. tshi'me'nte'] adv. suitably, be- benefit, service. Benefattore, [be'ne'ftt're'] tn. comingly. Bel, [bel] for Bello. Belamento , [be'lme'n't] wi. Benaffetto, [be'nffe't't] adj. af- benefactor. bleating. fectionate, tender. Benefattrice, [be'ne'fttri'tshe'] Belare, [be'l're'] v n. to bleat; Benaguratamente, [be'ngr- f. benefactress. Beneficante, [be'ne'fikan'te'J Botmn't] adv. auspiciously. cry. Belato, [be'l't] see Belamento. Benagurato, [be'ngr't] adj. nificante, [bnifikn't] adj. beneficent. Bel bello, [bel b'l] adv. gent- auspicious. ly, discreetly. Benallevato, [be'nllv't] adj. Beneficare, [be'ne'fika're'] v. a. to benefit, do good to. Belgioino, [be'ljii'n] m. ben- well brought up. Benandata, [bnnd't] f. fare- Beneficato, [be'ne'fik't] adj. zoin. beneficiary. Belladonna, [be'lldn'n] /. a well-present. Benavventuranza, [be'nvnt'- Beneflcatore, [be'ne'fikt're'] m. medicinal herb. benefactor. Bellamente, [be'llme'n'te'] adv. rn'ds] f. good luck. [be'ne'fitshn'te'] Benavventuratamente, [be'n- Beneficente , gently. adj. beneficent, liberal. Bellare, [beTlr] v. a. to war. vntrtme'n't] adj. luckily. Bellatore, [bllt'r] m. war- Benavventurato , [be'nvnt- Beneficenza, [be'nfitshe'n'ts] ra't] Benavventuroso, [bnf. beneficence. Beneficiale, [bene'fitshi'le'] adj. Belletta, [be'lle't'ta] /".mud, filth. ve'ntr's] adj. lucky. beneficial. Belletto, [be'lle't't] adj. pretty, Bench, [be'nk] conj. although, Beneficiare, [be'ne'fitshi're'] v. though. genteel; -, m. rouge, paint. Bellezza, [blle't's] f. beauty Bencenare, [bntshe'n'r] v. n. a. to benefit; oblige. Beneficiato, [be'nfitshi't] see to sup well. perfection. Benoreato,[be'ncre''t]adj .wellBeneficato. Bellico, [blliTi] m. navel. educated, well-bred. Beneficio, [be'ne'fi'tshi] m. kindBllico, [b'lik] adj. warlike; Benda, [be'n'd] f. band, fillet; ness, favor; church living. brave. Beneficione, [be'ne'fitshi'ne'] m. Belliconchio, [be'llikn'ki] m. - reale, royal diadem. Bendare, [be'nd're'] v. a. to benefice, great living. umbilical string. Beneficiotto, [bene'fitshi't] . blind-fold, hoodwink. Bellicone, [bllik'ne'] ni. large Bendatura, [bndt'r] /'.band- poor living. beaker. Benefico, [be'n'fik] adj. beneBellicosamente, [be'lliksran'- age, blind. Bendella, [be'nde'l'la] Benderel- ficent, generous. te'] adv. valiantly bravely. Bellicoso, [bllik's] Bellge- la, [be'nde'r'la] /". small band. Benefiziare, [be'ne'fitsia're'] . n. to be useful. ro, [blli'je'r] adj. martial, Bendone, [be'nd'ne'] m. lappets, Benefiziata, [be'ne'fitsi't] f. warlike. [be'nd'tsh] m. prize-ticket. Bellimbusto, [bllimb'st] m. Bendnccio , Benefizio, [be'ne'fi'tsi] n. kindchild's handkerchief. dandy, spark, fop. Bellino, [blli'n] adj. pretty, Bene, [b'ne'] m. good; advan- ness, service. pleasing. tage; property, wealth; happi- Benemerenza, [be'ne'mrn'ds] Bello, [b'l] adj. beautiful, ness; beni stabili, beni immo- f. merit. bili, real property; Jen mobili, Benemerito, [be'ne'm'rit] adj. flne, gracious, agreeable; handsome, dear; adw. prettily, hand- personal property; mio bene, well deserving, well merited. somely, finely; -, m. beauty; or 6en mio, my dear, my love- Beneplacito, [be'ne'pl'tshit] m. opportunity, occasion. uomo da -, honest upright man; option, pleasure, convenience; Belloccio, [be'll'tsh] adj. beau- donna da -, good virtuous tt beneplacito, at choice. tiful, tall. woman; far del -, to do good; Benestante, [be'ne'stn'te'] adj. Bellone, [bll'n] adj. very voler del -, to wish well to, healthy, vigorous, rich.
; ,

Bellula, [be'llu'ld]

have kindness





v. n.

iBene, [b'ne'j adv. well, justly, Bellumore, [bllm're'] adj. right; ben -, very well; si -, facetious, merry. most certainly; - spesso, very Belo, [b'l] m. bleating, crying. often; ben gli sta, he deserves Belone, [be'l'n] m. whining! it, that is well; aver per -, child. to take it well of. Belt, [belt' 1 Beltade, Bel- Benedetta, [bne'de't't] /. electuary. tate, f. beauty. Beltresca, [be'ltr'sk] f. see Benedetto, [be'ne'de't't] adj. (beast. Bertesca. blessed; - i. falling-sickness. Belva, [be'l'v] f. poes., wildJBenedicenza, [bne'dicen'ds] f. Belvedere, [blve'd'r] m.broomj speaking well of another. iBenedicere, [be'ne'di'tshe're'] see (plant). (grace. Belvicida, [be'lvitshi'da] m.wild- Benedire. beast-hunter. Benedicite, [be'ndi'tshite'] w.

good health. Benevivere, [bnvi've'r]








adj. benevolent. Benevoglienza, [be'ne'vrn'tsa]



Benevolentemente, [be'ne'vle'nte'me'n'te'] adv. with benevolence.

Benevolenza, [be'nvle'n'ts]
benevolence, kindness. Benevolo, [be'n'vl] idj.
fectionate, kind.



Benfatto, [bnft't] adj. well

make one



-, to Berretta, [be'rrt't] f. bonnet, believe; - (J rosso, not cap; trarsi di -, to pull ofi Beniflcenza, [be'nifitshn'te] f. to be nice; - con gli occhi, to one's hat. devour with one's eyes; -, m. Berrettaccia, [be'rre'tta'tsha] f. benificence. ugly old cap. Beniflcio, [be'nifi'tshi] see Be- drink, beverage. Berettino, [bre'tti'n] and Ber- Berrettaio, [be'rre'tt'y]m. bonneficio. Benignamente, [be'nin'me'n't] tino, [be'rti'n] adj. grey, ash, net-maker, cap-maker. colored; gente beretlina, bad Berrettina, [brrtti'n] f. small adv. benignly, kindly. cap. Benignit, [be'nin'it'] Ben- folks. Berrettino, [be'rre'tti'n] m. cagnitade, Benignitate, f. benig- Berga, [br'g] m. dyke. Bergamasca, [brgma'sc] /". lotte, small cap. nity, goodness. Berretto, [be'rre't't] m. see BerBenigno, [bni'n'] adj. benign, a kind of leaping dance. Bergamotta, [be'rgm't] f. retta. obliging. Berrettona, [be'rre'tt'n] /.BerBenino, [be'ni'n] ado. tolerably bergamot. Bergamotto, [be'rgara't] m. rettone, [be'rre'tt'ne'] m. large well. bonnet. Beninsieme, [be'ninsi'me'] m. bergamot-tree. Berghinella, [be'rgWn'l] /".low Barrinola, [be'rri'l] f. small whole, mass. Beninteso, [be'ninte''s] adj. well woman. cap. Bergo, [be'r'go] m. a species of Berrovaglia, [be'rrvTia] f. understood. vine called also Verdea bianca. posse of bailiffs. Benissimo, [be'nissi'm] adv. Bergolare, [be'rgl're'j v. Berroviere, super, exceedingly well. [be'rrvi're'] m. tattle. Benivoglienza, [bnivre'n'ts] gossip, ruffian; bailiff.

a falsehood true; dare a

made, elegant.

Bergolinare, [be'rglin're'] v. see Benevolenza. Benlavorato, [be'nlvr't] adj. a. to pun, rally, joke. Bergolo, [br'gl] adj. light, well-wrought. Benmontato, [be'nmnt'to] adj. fickle; lively, changeable; -, m. basket. well mounted. Benna, [be'n'na] f. sledge, cart. Bericocolajo, [be'rikkl'y] m. Bennato, [be'nn't] adj. well- ginger-bread baker. Bericocolo, born, noble. [be'rik'kl] m. Benone, [be'n'n] adv. very ginger-bread. Berillo, [be'riri] m. beryl. well. Bonsai, [be'ns'i] adv certainly, Berlic, [be'r'lik] m. a name by which boys call the devil in truly. Bensedente, [be'nse'de'n'te'] adj. sport; fare berlic e berloc, to

(said of the features, and especially of the nose); well pro-


Bersagliare, [be'rsl'a'rj v. a. to shoot at a mark. Bersagliere, [be'rsr're'] m. sharpshooter. Bersaglio, [brsl'] m. mark, butt, view, design; metter a -, to put in danger. Berta, [br't] f. chat, raillery; beetle, or heavy mallet-jack; daw; dare la -, to impose upon. Bertabello, [bertabel'lo] m. net for catching birds or fish. a bad shot, deceive (said Berteggiamento,[berte'djmn't]


m. mockery.








pillory; Berteggiare, [berto'dja're] v. a. to mock, ridicule.

testimonial; pension.


Bens, [be'ns'] see Bentenuto, [bntn't] well-maintained.

pay Berlingaccio, [be'rlng'tsh] m. Berteggiatore , [be'rte'djato're'] Thursday before Shrove Tues- m. mocker, scoffer. Bonsai. day, last Thursday of the Car- Bertesca, [be'rte's'k] f. fort.,

nival ;

Bentornato, [bntrn't] vi. welcome given on safe arrival; Berlingamento, siate il -, you are welcome. t] m. prate, nonsense. Benvisto, [bnvi'st] adj. ac- Berlingare, [be'rling're] to prate, babble ceptable, sympathetic

Berlingajuolo, m. babbler.

portcullis, parapet. [be'rlingy'l] Bertescare, [be'rte'ska're'] v. a. to fortify with parapets. [be'rlingame'n'- Bertolotto (a), [brtl't] adv.
v. n.

without any expense. Bertone, [brt'ne'] m. croppedhorse; harlot's bully. Bertovello, [be'rtvl'l] m. bownet.

Benvogliente,[benvrn'te']acy.|Berlingatore,Lbrlingt're'] see Berlingajuolo. benevolent, Benvoglienza, [be'nvl'e'n'ts] /". iBerlinghiera, [be'rlinghi'r] f. talkative woman. benevolence. Benvolentieri, [be'nvle'nti'ri] iBerlinghiere, [brlinghi're'] m. great talker, babbler. adv. very willingly, heartily, Benvolere, [bnvl'r] v. a. Berlinghino, [be'rlinghi'n] m. a cozy chat after supper. irr. , (see Volere) , to wish well, love; -, m. benevolence, 'Berlingozza, [be'rling'ts] f. country-dance. love. m. tippler, 'Berlingozzo, [brling'ts] m. [be''n] Beone, puff-pastry. drunkard. Berbena, [be'rbe''na] see Ver-'Bernacla, [be'rn'kl] f. barnacle. bena. Berberi, [br'be'ri] n. barberry- Bernesco, [brne's'k] adj. burlesque. bush, Berbice, [br'bitsh] /.sheep. Bernia, [br'nf] /.riding-hood. Bercilocchio, [brtshil'ki] m. Bernocc iio, [brnk'ki] Bernoccolo, [be'rn'kl] m. boss, squint-eyed person. Bere, [b're'] v. a. irr. {beveva,\ knob. bevevi, bevvi \berro bevuto),io Bernoccolnto, [be'rnkkl't] dvink;6ersi una cosa, to believe adj. full of knobs.
j j | I i I




monkey. Bertuccino, [be'rttshi'n] w. small monkey. Bertuccio, [be'rt'tsh] m. set


Bertuccione, [be'rttsh'ne'] w<. baboon. Bernzzo, [be'r'ta] m. country-

man's breakfast. Berza, [be'r'tsa] f. leg, shank. Berzaglio, [be'rts'l'] see Bersaglio.




[bss'djne'] /.foolishness, awk-


Bestemmia, [be'ste'm'mia] /.Be* stemmiamento, [bstmmime'n't] m. blasphemy; traction, imprecation. do


Bestemmiare ,
V. n. to



[bstmmia'r] Bevilacq[na, [be'vilak'kwa] r>i. whiteness; whitewash; blank; water-drinker. lasciare in -, to leave a blank. blaspheme. Bestemmiatore, [bstemmit'- Bevimento , [be'vime'n't] m. Bianchi, [bin'ki] m. pi. white sediment in aqua fortis. [b- drinking; drinking-liquor. re'] m. Bastemmiatrice, stmmitri'tsh] /'.blasphemer. Bevitore, [bvit'r] wi. drinker; Biancolino, [binkli'n] adj.
whitish. Bestia, [be''sti] /. beast; en- tippler. trare in -,to fly into a passion. Bevitnra, [be'vit'r] Bevizio- Biancofiore, [biancfi're'] it?. an ancient dance. Bestiaccia, [he'sti'tsh] /".nasty ne, [be'vitsi'ne'] f. drinking. Bevono , [be'v'ne'] m. great Biancomangiare, [binkmnbeast. j're] I. (cook.) blancmanger. Bestiale, [be'stile'j adj, bestiai, drinker, tippler. Beuta, [b't] Bevuta, [be'- Biancone, [bink'n] a(/j. whitbrutal. ad ish. Bestialit, [be'stilit'] Bestia- v't] /. drinking-bout ogni -, at every glass. Biancore, [bink'r] n. whitelitade, Bestialitate, f. bestialBezzicare, [btsik're'] v. a. to ness ; paleness. ity; stupidity. Bestialmente, [be'stilmn'te'] peck; dispute, scold. Bianooso, [bink's] adj. very adv. like a brute. Bezzicatura, [betsiktn'r] /. white. Bestiame, [be'stia'me'] m. cattle; pecking; wound. Biancospino, [bidnkspi'n] m. Bezzo, [bd's] m. money; non hawthorn. herd, flock. Besticciuola, [be'stitsh'lj f. avere bezzi, to have no money. Biancovestito, [binkve'sti't] Biacca, [bik'ka] /. white lead. small animal. adj. dressed in white. B ostilit, [be'stilit'] se e Be- Biacco, [bik'k] m. adder; adj. Biancozzo, [binc'ts]m.whitestialit. irascible as a serpent. wash made of powdered lime. Bestiola, [be'sti'l] Bestiolina, Biada, [bi'd] /. standing corn, Biancuccio , [bink'tsh] see oats. [bstili'n] /. Bestiolino, [bBiancolino. stili'n] Bestiole, [be'sti'l] Biadaiuolo, [bidy'l] m.corn- Biancume, [bink'me'] m . white m. small animal, little crea- chandler. matter. Biadare, [bi'd'r] v. o. to feed Biante , [bin'te'] i. rambler, ture.

Biblico, [bi'blik] adj. biblical, Bianchezza , [binke't's] /. scriptural. watering-place, horse-pond. Bibliografia, [bibligr'fi] f. Bevere, [be''vr] v. a. to drink whiteness ; paleness. (see Bore). Bianchiccio, [binki'tsh] adj. the science of a bibliographer. Bibliografo, [bibli'grf] i. Beveria, [be'vri'] /. tippling; inclining to white. drunkenness. Bianchimento, [binkime'n't] bibliographer. Beverino, [b've'rin] m. a small wi. bleaching, whitening. Bibliomane, [biblim'n] m. Bianchire, [binki're'] v. a. to bibliomaniac. vase for birds to drink from. bleach, whitewash. -, v, n. to Bibliomania, [biblimni'] f. Bevero, [be''ve'r] i. beaver. bibliomania. Beveronaccio, [be'vern'tsh] grow white. Beverone, [be've'r'n] Bianciardo, [bintshr'd] adj. Bibliopola, [biblip'li]n. booksee Biancastro. seller. beverage. Bevibile, [be'viliile'] adj. drink- Bianco, jbin'k] adj. white; Biblioteca, [biblit'ca] f. librapale; gray; hoary; -, m. white, ry; study. able.

Bestiolucciaccia,(be'stiltsh'- with oats. Biadetto, [bide't't] m. bluish tsh] f. nasty little beast. paint. Bestionaccio, [be'stin'tsh] w Biaduli, [bid'li] m. pi. oatgreat dirty beast. Bestiuola, [be'sti'l] see Be- stubble. Biagiata, [biagi't] /. a silly stiola. Bestiuolo, [be'sti'l] see Be- thing. Bianca, [bin'k] white woollen stiole. Bettola, [be't'tl] f. ale-house, cloth. Biancajola, [bink'yl] tavern. f. Bettoletta, [be'ttle't't] /.small wardrobe-keeper in a convent. Biancana, [bink'n] /. brickpot-house. Bettoliere, [be'ttli're'] w. tavyard. Biancare, [binkr] v. o. to ern-keeper. Bettonica, [be'tt'nik] f. bet- whiten. Biancastro, [bink'str] adj. ony; fig. excellent thing. Betula, [b'tl] Betulla, [be'- whitish. Biancastrone , [binkstr'n] tri] /. birch-tree. Bevanda, [be'vn'd] f. drink, m. deadly white. potion. Biancheggiamento, [bianke'djaBevandaccia, [be'vnd'tsh] /. mn't] m. whitening; whitebad drink. ness. Bevandna , [be'vndi'n] Be- Biancheggiare, [binke'dj're'] vandaccia, [bvnd'tsha] /. . n. to grow white. small draught. Biancheria, [binke'ri'] f. linenBeveraggio , [be've'rd'j] wj. clothes, pi. beverage; drink-money; poison- Bianchetta , [binke't't] /. ed potion. woollen cloth to make flannel Beverare, [be've'r'r] v. a. to waistcoats. drink. Bianchetto, [binkt't] adj. Beveratojo, [be've'rt'y] iv. whitish.

vagabond. Biasciamento, [bishme'n't tn. chewing,masticating,mumping.


Biasciare, [biasha're'] Biascicare, [bishik're'] v. a. to mump, chew. Bias elatere, [biscit're'] m,

one who mumps or chev.s with difficulty. Biasimabile, [bisim'bile'] adj.


Biasimare, [bisim're'] v. a. to blame, censure. Biasimatore, [bisimt're'] m. blamer. Biasimevole, [bisime"vle'] adj.

Biasimevolmente, [biasime'vlme'n'te'] adv. reprehensibly.

Biasimo, [bi'sim] m. blame,



[biasma're'] see Bia-

Biasmo, [bis'm] see Biasimo. Biastemare, [biste'm're'] v. n. to blaspheme.

Bibbia, [bib'bi] f. Bible. Bibere, [bi'be'r] poes., see Bere. Bibita, [bi'bit] /". draught cup,




Bilanciare, [bilantsha're'] to weigh, ponder.
v. a.

Bibliotecario, [biblitk'rijm. Biforme, [bifr'm] adj. of two librarian. shapes. Bica, [bi'ka] f. rick, heap, pile. Bifronte, [bifrn't] arfj.doubleBicchierajo, [bikkie'r'y] m. faced; deceitful. drinking-glass-maker. Biftecco, [biftk'k] m. cook., Bicchiere, [bikki're'J m. driuk- beefsteak, (from the English.) ing-glass, cup. Bifnlco, [bifrk] see Bifolco Bicchieretto, [bikkie're't't] Bic- Biga, [bi'g] f. two-wheol-carchierino, [bikkie'ri'n] m. small riage. glass, wine-glass. Bigamia, [bigrai'a] f. bigamy. Bcchierone, [bikkir'n] !;i. Bigamo, [biga'm] m. bigamist. tumbler. Bigato, [big't] wi. ancient EoBicciacnto , [bitshk't] m. man coin. twy-bill. Bigatto, [bigt't] Bigattolo, Biccicocca, [bitshik'k] [. a [bigt'tl] m. silk-worm ; catsmall fortress. erpillar. Biccicucca , [bitshik'k] f. a Bigello , [bijeTl] m. coarse small ruinous fortress. camlet. Bicciughera, [bitshg'he"r] [. Bigerognolo, [bije'r'n'l] adj. a restive animai. somewhat gray. Bichiaccia , [biki'tsh] {. a Bigetto, [bige't't] adj. sometrifle. what gray.

Bilanciatamente, [bilnciat;i'me'n'te'] adv. evenly balanced. Bilanciatore, [bilncit're'] m. weigher. Bilanciere , [bilntsh'r] m. pendulum, flier. w. Bilancino , [bilntshi'n] small scales; spring-bar; postilion's horse; driver, leader. Bilancio, [bilan'tsh] m. balance; merch., ledger, account book; account. Bilbochetto , [bilbke't't] m. bilboquet cup and ball. Bile, [bi'lelAbile; wrath, anger; far montar la -, to provoke. Bilenco, [bile'n'k] adj. bandy;







Bicipite, [bitshi'pit] ad;, bici-

Bicocca, [bk'k]


small cas-

Bicolore, [bikl're'] adj. twocolored. Bicornia, [bik6r'ma.]/".bipointed


Bicorno, [bicr'n] ai}. having two horns, bicornous. Bicornuto, [bikrn't] adj. bicornous. Bidale, [bid'l] m. light footsoldier.

Bidello, [bideTl] m. beadle. Bidente, [bidn't] m. pitchfork, mattock ; two-year old sheep. Bidetto, [bide't't] m pony, nag Biecamente, [bikaran'tjadv.

askew. Bieco, [bi'k] adj. squinting, grim, rancorous. Bieco (a), [a bi'k] adv., obliquely.

Biennio, [bin'ni] m. space of two years adj. biennial. Bieta, [bie'ta] Bietola, [bi';




Bietolone, [bie'tl'ne'] m. ninny, simpleton. Bietta, [bie't't] f. wedge; mettere biette, to divide friends. Bifolca, [bifl'k] (. acre of land. Bifolcheria, [biflkri'] {. tillage; husbandry. Bifolco, [bifl'k] m. plough-

man; husbandman.
Biforcanieuto, [bifrkme'n't]

m. bifurcation.
Biforcatura, [bifrkt'r] f. the point of bifurcation of two

Biforco, [bifr'k] m. fork, pitchfork.

Bilia, [bi'lia] /. p cker's stick, pocket of a billiard-table. Bighellone , [bighe'll'ne'] m. Biliardo, [bilir'd] or Bigliarblockhead, dolt. do , [bil'r'd] m. billiard Bigherajo, [bighe'r'y] m.mer- table. ry-andrew; bone-lace maker. Biliario, [bili'ri] adj. biliary, Bigherato , [bighe'r't] adj. bilious. Bilicare, [bilika're'] . a. to ornamented with bone-lace. Bigherino, [bighe'ri'n] m. nar- counterpoise, weigh. Bilico, [bi'lik] m. equipoise, row lace. Bighero, fbi'ghe'ro] m. bone-lace. hinge. Bighino, [bighi'n] Bighiotto, Bilingue, [bilin'gite'l Biliaguo, adj. double tongued, deceitful. [bighit't] m. hypocrite, beBilione, [bili'n] m. billion. guin. Bigiccio,[biji'tshi]ad/.grayish, Biliorsa, [bilr'sa] /. chimera. Bilioso, [bili's] adj. bilious, dullish. Bigio, [bi'ji] m. gray-colour, irascible. wicked. Biliottato, [bilitt't] adj. (her.) Bigione, [biji'nj m. fig-pecker, speckled. becafico. Billera, [bille"r] f. jest, wagBiglia, [biT] f. billiard-ball. gery, (vulgarism.) Bigliardo, [biFr'd] m. bil- BillilBilli! [bil'li birii] chuck! liards, billiard-table. chuck (sound used in catching Biglietto , [bire't't] m. bill, hens.) ticket; - di tesoro, treasury- Bilt, [bilt'] see Belt. bill. Bilustre, [bil'str] adj. of ten Bigliocco, [bigli'k] m. beggar. years. Bigolione, [bigli'n] Bigolo- Bima, [hi 'ma] / a young sow. ne, [bigl'n] m. blockhead. Bimbo, [bim'b] m. baby. Bigoncia, [bign'tsha] f. vat Bimembre , [birara'br] adj. pulpit, chair. double membered. Bigoncina , [bigntshi'n] f. Bimestre, [bim'stre'] adj. of small vat. two months. Bigonciona, [bfgntshi'n] f. BimoUe, [bimol'le] m. mus., large vat. (tilt. B flat. Bigordare, [In'grd're'] r. a. to Binare, [bin're'] v. n. to twin; Bigordo , [bigr'd] pike, pair. lance. Binario, [bina'ri] adj\ binary, Bigotteria, [bigtt'ri] /. hy- double. pocrisy. Binascenza, [bnshn'dsa] f. Bigotto, [bigt't] m. hypocrite. birth of twins. Bilancetta , [bilantshe't'ta] f. Binato , [bin't] adj. twin, small pair of scales. twin-born. Bilancia, [biln'tsh] /".balance, Bindella, [bindel'la] f. ribbon, pair of scales; square fish-net; riband. spring-tree-bar (of a coach) Bindolare, [bindl're] r. a. to essere in -, to be irresolute. take in, deceive. Bilanciajo, [bilntsha'y] m. Bindoleria, [bindle'ri'] /. cun! ;


ning, artifice.

Biforcuto, [bifrcu't] adj. furcated.

Bilanciamento, [bilntshme'n'- Bindolo, [bin'dl] t] TO. weighing, ponderation. pulley; cheater.





Bindolone , [bindl'n] m. Biribisso, [biribis's] m. biribi Bischero, [bis'ke'r] m. peg (o knavish flatterer. (game of chance). a string-instrument). Binocolo, [bin'kl] m. opera- Biricchino , m. Bischeruccio, [biske'ru'tsh] m. [birikki'no]
glass. wretch. small peg. Bioccolo, [bik'kl] m. flock Birilli, [biril'li] w. 'pl. nine- Bischizzare, [biskits'r] v. n. pins, fl. of wool ; candle-gntterings to muse, reflect. lana in bioccoli, f. fleece. Biroccino, [birtshi'n] rn. cab- Bischizzo, [biskit's] m. invenBioccoluto, [bikkl't] ad]. riolet. tion: expedient. Biroccio, [bir'tsh] m. cart, Biscia, [bi'sha] /. snake, adder; flocked. Biodo, [bi'd] or Giunco fio- chariot. kind of dance. rito, m. rusli. Biroldo, [birol'do] in. black- Bisciolona, [bitshl'n] f. a Biografia, [bigrfi'] /. bio- pudding. kind of morel cherry. graphy. Birra, [bir'r] f. beer. Biscione, [bish'n] m. large Biografo, [bi'grf] m. bio- Birracchio, [Mrrk'ki] m. calf snake. grapher. of a year old. Bisciuola, [bish'l] f. little Biomba, [bim'b] f. folding- Birraglia, [birr'gli] f. posse adder. screen. of bailiffs (used contemptu- Biscolore, [biskl'r] adj. vaBionda, [bin'd] f. wash for ously.) riegated, speckled. the hair. Birrajo, [birr'y] wi. brewer. Biscottare, [bisktt're'] v. a. to Biondeggiare, [binde'dj're] . Birreria, [birre'ri'] f. brewery bake (twice); perfect. n. to grow yellow (said of body of bailiffs. Biscottello, [bisktt'l] Biscorn) be fair. Birresco, [birre"sk] adj. of cottino , [bisktti'n] m. suBiondella, [bindel'l] f. cen- bailiffs. garcake. taury, gentian. Birro, [bir'r] m. bailiff, Ser- Biscotteria, [bisktte''ri] f. Biondello , [binde'll] Bion- jeant. biscuit bakery. detto, [bindt't] adj. some- Birrone, [birr'ne'] w. strong Biscotto, [biskt't] m. biscuit, what fair. beer; surly police-man. sugar-cake. Biondezza, [binde't's]/". flaxen Birrovlere , [birrvi'r] see Biscroma, [biskr'm] f. rnus., color. Birro. demi-semiquaver. Biondo, [bin'd] ad^. flaxen, fair. Bisaccia, [bis'tsh] f. wallet, Bisdosso , [bisds's] see BarBiordare, [bird're'] v. n. to knapsack, panier. dosso. tilt, justle. Bisantino, [bisnti'n] m. span- Bisegolo, [bise''gl] wt. (shoe.) Bioscio, [bi'sh] aij. speak- gle. polisher. Bisarcavolo, [bisrk'vl] m. Bisellio, [bise'l'li] m. seat for ing indistinctly. Bioscio (a), [bi'sh] adv., very great-great-grandfather. two persons.' [bisa'va] badly (speaking of circumstan- Bisava , great- Bisestare, [bise'st're'] v. n. to f. ces), (want. grand-mother. be leap-year. Biotto, [bit't] adj. poor, in Bisavo, [bis'v] m. great- Bisestile, [bise'sti'le'] adj. bisBipartire, [biparti're'] v. a. Bi- grand-father. sextile; anno - m. leap-year. partirsi, [biprtir'si] v. r. to Bisavola, [bis'vl] see Bisava. Bisesto, [bise''st] m. twenty divide, part in two. Bisavolo, [bis'vl] see Bisava ninth of February. Bipedale, [bipd'le'J adj. bot., Bisbetico, [bisb'tik]arfj.whim- Bisforme, [bisfr'me'] adj. see sical. bipetalous. Biforme. Bipede , [bi'pe'de'] adj. two- Bisbigliamento, [bisbirmn'- Bisgenero, [bisje''ne'r] m.grandfooted. t] m. whispering. daughter's husband. Bipenne, [bipn'ne'] two-edged Bisbigliare, [bisbil''re'] v. . Bisillabo, [bisill'b] m. having axe. to whisper. two syllables. Biracchio, [birk'ki] wi. rag, Bisbigliatore, [bisbirt're'] i. Bislacco, [bislk'k] ad;, whimtatter; bit. whisperer; murraurer. sical, capricious. Birba, [bir'b] f. craftiness; Bisbiglio, [bisbiT] m. whisper; Bisleale,[bisle'a'le']a(f;. disloyal. phaeton battere la -, to mump, rumour. Bislessare, [bisle'ssa're'] v. a. to Bisca, [bis'k] f. gaming-house. parboil. go a-begging. Birbantare, [birbnt'r] v. n. Biscaccia, [biska'tsha] see Bis- Bislesso, [bisle's'so] adj. half to live by begging. cazza. done. Birbante, [birbn't] wi. rogue, Biscaiuolo, [bisky'l] Bislungo, [bisln'g] adj. obidle beggar. ster, cheat. long; uneven. Birbanteria, [birbnt'ri] /. Biscantarellare[biskntre'll'- Bisnaalva, [bisml'v] /. marshrascality. re'] V. n. to sing low. mallow. Birbonata, [birbn't] /". see Biscanto, [biskn't] m. corner; Bismutte, [bismut'te'] m. bisBirboneria. muth. duet. Birbone, [birb'ne'] m. mumper, Biscazza, [bisk'ts] /. gaming- Bisnipote, [bisnip'te'] m. and f. vagrant. house. grand-nephew, grand-niece. Birboneggiare, [birbne'dja're'] Biscazzare, [biskts'r] v. n. Bisnonno, [bisnn'n] see BiV. o. & n. to mump, beg. to game. savo. Birboneria, [birbnri'] [bisktsi're'] m. Bisogna, [bis'n'] f. Bisogna{. Biscazziere, roguery, knavery, fraud. gamester. mento, [bisn'mn't] m. busBircio, [bir'tsh] adj. short- Biscazzo, [bisk'ts] m. Bis- iness, want. sighted, chenza, [biskn'ts] f. knavish Bisognare, [bisn''re'] v. imp., Bireme, [bire"mo'] f. bireme. trick. to want, need; bisogna eh' io Biribara, [birib'r] f. squab- Bischerello , [biske'reTlo] see vada, I must go; mi bisogna ble, tumult. Bischeruccio. danaro, I want money.

Bisognevole, [bisn'e'vl]
needful, necessary.






-want; exigency. [bisn''s] adj. Blandimento, [blndime'n't] in. Bisognoso , blandishment. needy, indigent. Bissonte, [bissn't] m. bison, Blandire, [blandi're'] v. a. to flatter, fondle. bnffalo. Bistentare, [biste'nta're'] v. n. Blanditivo, [blnditi'v] adj. to suffer from want, be in pleasant, delightful. Blandizia, [blandi'tsia] f. cawant. Bisticciamento, [bistitsbme'n'- resses, pi. wheedling. Blando, [bln'd] adj. bland, t] m. quarrel, dispute. soft; affable. Bisticciare, [bistitsh'r] Bisticcicare, fbistitshika're'J v. Blasfemia, [blsfe'mi'] f. blasphemy. 71. to dispute. Bisticcio, [bisti'tsli] Bisticci- Blasfemo, [blsfe''m] odj. blasphemous; -, m. blasphemer. co, [bisti'tshik] m. quibble. B istinto, [bistin't] adj. twice Blasonare, [blsn're'J v. a. to blazon. dyed.

Bizzoco, [bids'k] Bizzocone, Boccata, [bkk'ta] f. mouthfub prendere [bidsk'ne] m. hypocrite, fool. slap (on the mouth) need, Bizzuga, [bids'g] f. turtle, una - d' aria, to take a walk. tortoise. Beccato, [bkk't] adj. largo

Boccetta, [btsht't] f. small bud; phial. Bocche d'Eolo, [bk'k d'e''l]
pi., clefts in the mountains from whence cold winds issue. Boccheggiamento , [bkkdjme'n't] m. death-gasp. Boccheggiare, [bkke'dja're'] v.

n. to gasp, be dying. Bocchetta, [bkkt't]



mouth; ear

(of the shoe).

Bocchi, [bkki] a voice used only in the phrase: far bocchi, to make a wry face. Bocchina, [bkki'n] f. little

Bistondare, [bistnd're']

r. a. Blasone, [bls'no'] m. blazonry. Blasonista, [blsni'st] m. blato .nalce oblong. Bistondo, [bistn'd] a(/j.round- soner. Bleso, [bl's] adj. stuttering. isli, oblong. Bistor , [bistri'] m. surg., Bloccare, [blkk'r] v. n. to block up. bistoury. [blkkt'r] Bistornare, [bistrn're'] v. a. Bloccatura , f blockade. to divert; withdraw. Bistorta, [bistr't] f. flexure, Blocco, [bl'k] m. siege; blockhead. snake's head, dragon's wart. Bistorto, [bistr't] adj. crook- Boa, [b'] m. boa constrictor. Boaro, [ba'r] m. cow-herd. ed; deceitful. Bistrattare, [bistrtt're'] v. a. Boato, [b't] m. bellowing. Boattiere, [btti're'] m. grato treat ill, wrong. Bisulco, [bisl'k] adj. cloven- zier. (oily. Boba, [b'b] ^ mixture of ointfooted; bifid. Bisunto, [bisiin't] adj. greasy, ments &c. Bitontone, [bitnt'nj in. very Bobolca, [bbl'k] f. a land-

mouth. Bocchipuzzola, [bkkipuds'l]


Boccia, [b'tsh]


bud, button.




Bocci oloso,
full of buds.


Boccinola, [btsh'l] f. small bud. Boccinolo, [btsh'l] m. bud; space in reeds between the knots ; (gas) burner. Bocciuolone, [btshl'ne'] m. large bud. Boccola, [bk'kl] f. boss. Beccolare, [bkkl'r] m. tube of metal into which the mouth measurement. large fig. of the bellows enters. Bitorzo , [bitr'ts] m. knob, Bobolco, [bbl'k] ni. herds- Bocconcello , [bkkntsh'l] man ploughman. wart. Bocconcino, [bkkntshi'n] m. Bitorzolato, [bitrtsl't] adj Bocca, [bk'k] /'.mouth; taste; bit, mouthful. aperture; - d' un fiume, mouth Boccone, [bkk'n] m. mouthknotty. Bitorzolo, [bitr'tsl] wi. small of a river; - de /io stomaco, pit ful, bit; bribe, pill. - di dama, Boccone, of the stomach tumor. [bkk'n'] Bocconi, Bitta, [bit't] f. mar., bite, bit. spunge-cake ;_a -, by word of [bkk'ni] adv. lying upon mouth - a -, face to face a Bitume, [bit'm] m. bitumen. one's face; cader -, to fall upon Bituminoso, [bitmin's] adj. baciata, willingly, easily; esser one's face. largo a -, to prate, talk at ran- Boccaccia, [bkk'tsh] Bocbituminous. Biuta, [bi't] f. plaster of fat dom, slander parlar a- aperta, cazza, [bkk'ts] f. little to speak too muck; stare a - mouth. ingredients. Biutoso , [bit's] adj. soft aperta, to listen attentively. Beccuto, [bkk't] adj. largeBoccaccevole, [bkktshe'v'le'] mouthed. pulpy. Bivalve, [bivarv] adj. bivalve.. Boccacciano , [bkktshi'n] Boce, [b'tshe'] /. voice ; note ; adj. in the style of Boccaccio. Bivaro, [biv'r] m. beaver. vote. Boccaccevolmente, [bkkatsh- Bociaccia, [btsh'tsh] f. loud Bivio, [bi'vi] in. cross-roads. Bizza, [bi'ds] /. wrath., rage, vlmn'te'] adv. in the manner voice. of Boccaccio. choler. Bociare, [botsha're'] v. a. to pubBizzarramente, [bidsarrmen'- Boccaccia, Lbkka'tsh] f. large lish, trumpet. ugly mouth. t] adv. oddly, strangely. Bodino, [bdi'n] m. pudding. Bizzarretto, [bidsarret'tol arf;. Boccacino, [bkktshino] i.and Bodriere, [bdri're'] m. shouladj. a kind of cloth made of der-belt. somewhat odd. Bizzarria, [bidsrri'] f. anger, linen mixed with cotton. Bofferia, [bffe'ri'] /. plumber's Boccale, [bkk'le'] wi. decanter. heating-pan. wrath, whim. Bizzarro, ibisav'r] adj. iras- Boccaletto, [bkklt't] Boc- Boffice, [bf'fitshe'] adj. soft, as f'itil/> \vhiinpi''!il. or\c\. calino, [bkkali'n] m. small wool, cotton, etc. decanter. Bizzeffe (a), [bidse'f'f] adv. in Bofonchiare, [bfnki're'] v. n, Boccalone, [bkkl'ne'J rn.large to mutter. quantity. Bizzoca, [bids'ka] Bizzoche- decanter. Bofonchino , [bfnki'n] adj, ra, [bids'kr] f. bigoted old Boccare, [bkk'r] . o. to an habitual grumbler. eat. maid. Boga, [bo'g-i] m. hoops (flsh).
; ;



[. sliglit disease, indisposition. Bogliente, [brn't] adj. boiling, simmering. Boja, [b'y] m. hangman. Bojardo, [byr'd] m. boyard. Bojera, [by'r] f. small vessel. Bojessa, [bys's] /. hangman's wife.



Boga, [t'j]

Bolo, [blo] m. bole.

Boncia, [bn'tsh] /". female cat, [bln'i'n] m. an Bonciana, [bntshi'n] /. ball stufi'ed with hair. ancient coin of Bologna. Bolsaggine, [blsa'djin] Bol- Boncinello, [bontshine'll] m. staple (of a lock). sina, [blsi'n] f. pursiness. Bolso, [bl's] adj. asthmatical. Bonetta, [bnt't] f. valise, Bolzonare, [bldsn're'] v. a. to wallet.


Bonificamento , [bnifikmn'butt, shoot. Bolzonata,[bldsn't]/".arrow- t] m. bettering, improvement. Bonificare, [bnifik'r] v. a. Bolannenico,[blrrae'ni'k]Bo- shot. larmeno, [blanne''n] and Bolo Bolzone, [blds'ne'] m. broad- to better, mend. Bonificahsi,
V. r. to

headed dart. armeno, m. Armenian, bole. Bolcionare, [bltshna'rj v. a. Bomba, [bm'b] f. bomb goal at a childish game; essere a -, to buct;-, V. n. to ruin one's to be at one's ease; tornar a -, self. Bolcione, [bltsh'n] m. cross- to return to one's purpose. Bombaba, [bmbab'J and Bonibow arrow. Boldone, [bld'n] m. black- babab, [bmbbb'] low Florentine song. pudding. [bmbn'dsa] /. Boldronajo, [bldrn'y] m. Bombanza, feasting. blanket-merchant. [bmbr'd] m. fleece; Bombarda /. Boldrone, [bldr'n] , mortar. blanket. Bombardamento [bmbrdBolgetta, [blje't't] f. letter, me'n't] m. bombardment. bag. [bmbrda're'] v. Bombardare, Bolgia, [bl'j] f. valise, budget, a. to bombard. portmanteau dark hole. Bolgicchire , [bljikki'r] m. Bombardiera, [bmbardi'r] f. loop-hole, embrasure. half-boot. [bmbrdi're'] Bolino, [bli'n] m. burin, gra- Bombardiere , Bombardiere, [bmbrdi'r] ver; (mar.) bowline. Bolla, [bl'l] f. bubble, blister; m. bombardier. Bombato, [bmb't] adj. conseal, bull (pope's letter). Bollare, [bll're'] . a. to seal, vex, curved.
; ;



Bonificazione, [buifiktsi'ne'] f. melioration.

Bonit, [bnit'] Bonitade, Bonitate, see Bont. Bont, [bont'] Bontade, Bontate, {. goodness, kindness; per bont, for the sake of, because. Bonzo , [bn'ts] m. bonze ;
Boodhist, priest; tailer's goose. [bo'te'] m. the constellation Bootes. Bora, [b'r] f. serpent. Borace, [br'tshe] /. borax. Boraciere, [brtshi're'] m. vase to contain borax.

Borbogliamento, [brbl'me'n't] m. muttering. Borbogliare, [brbl''re'] to whisper, speak low.

v. n.



Bombettare, [bmbtt're'] v. a. stamp ; confirm. Bollarlo, [blla'ri]m, collection to tipple. Bombo, [bm'b] m. infantine of pontifical bulls. Bollatura, [bllt'r] /". the act word for drink ; booming of (fiery. artillery. of sealing. Bollente, [bUn'te'] adj.boiling, Bombola, [bm'bl] /". bottle, Bolletta, [blle't't] f. certifi- pitcher. cate of health; tack (small Bomboletta , [bmble't't] f.

Borboglo, [brbl'i'] ni. murmuring, buzzing, rumbling noise (in the bowels).

Borbottamento, [brbttmeVt] m. grumbling.

Borbottare, [brbtt're'] v. n. to grumble. Borbottatore, [brbttat're'] m. grumbler. Borbottino , [brbtti'n] m.

small bottle.



Bollettato, [blltt't] adj. fur- Bomere, [b'me're'] Bomero, [b'- Borbotto, [brbt'tio] m. continual grumbling; rumbling in me'r] m. ploughshare. nished with certificates. Bollettino, [bUe'tti'n] m. small Bomicare, [bmik're'] see Vo- the intestines.
bill, schedule. Bollettone,[blle'tt'n]m.large


shoemaker's nail.
[blli blli]

force of substantive)




[bllikame'n't] slight boiling. Bollichio, [bUi'ki] m. movement made by a liquid when


BoUiciattola , [blHtslnatt'l]
f. f.

and Bollicina,


Borbottone, [brbtt'ne'] m. see Borbottatore. Borchia, [br'ki] /. stud, boss. bowsprit. Bonaccia, [bn'tsha] f. calm Borchiajo,[brki'y]m.spanglomaker. (at sea) tranquillity. Bonacciare, [bntsha're'j v. n. Borda, [br'd] f. a kind of apple. to grow calm. Eonaocio, [bn'tshi] adj. good Bordaglia, [brda'l'] f. populace, mob. natured. Bonaccioso, [bntsli's] adj. Bordare, [brd're'] v. a. tc cudgel; shake; -, v. n. to come tranquil, quiet. Bonamente, [bnme'n'te'] adv. on shore. Bordata, [brda't] /. {mar.] in earnest, truly, quietly.



Bonariamente, [bnrime'n't]
adv. kindly.

broadside, volley.

Bollimento , [blHme'u't] boiling, bubbling up.

Bollire, [blli'rj v. n. to boil, bubble up. ship. Bollitura, [bUit'r] f. ebulli- natured, credulous. Bonarita, [bnrit'] see Bona- Bordeggiare, [brde'dj're] v. n. tion; decoction. mar. to veer, tack about. Bollizione, [bllitsi'ne'] f. ebul- riet. Bordelleria, [brde'lle'ri'] Bonaso, [bn's] m. wild ox. / lition. Bonavoglia, [bnv'l'] m. a trifle. Bollo, [bl'l] m. seal, stamp. Bollore, [bll'rj m. boiling; volunteer at the oars; volunteer Bordella, [brdl'l] f. a fat beast. in general. impetus, rage.

Bordato, [brd't] m. varieBonariet, [bnarie't'] f. good- gated cloth. Bordatura, [brdt'ra] f. seam, ness, good-nature, simplicity. Bonario, [bn'ri] adj. good- border; (mar.) outside of a

Bordellare, [brdlla'r]



v. n. Borragine,[brr'jine'] f. borage. Botolino, [btli'n] wi. nasty Serrare, [brr're'] v. n. to little cur. to live dissolutely. Botolone, [btl'ne'] m. a garBordellazione, [brde'Utsi'ne] freeze. Borratello, [brrtri] m. rav- rulous grumbling person. f, prostitution. Botta, [b't] f. toad; blow, Bordelleria , [brde'lle''ria] f. ine. Borrevolmento, [brre'vlme'n'- thrust; touch of a paint-brush; trifle, trifling thing'. Bordelliere, [brdllie''re'] m. t] adv. with superfluity of repartee, kind of dark lantern, dare una -, to banter. words. frequenter of brotliels. Bordellino, [brdlli'n] w. dress Borrone, [brr'n] tn, large Bottaccino, [btttshi'n] m. of striped cloth. ravine; flood. small flagon. Bordello, [brd'l] m. house Borsa, [br's] f. purse, hag Bottaccio, [btta'tsh] m.flagon, exchange ; far flask. to hoard of ill-fame. Bordo, [br'd] m. border; money; tener - stretta, to be Bottacciuolo, [btttshi'l] m. (mar.) board; andare a -, to go stingy. small boil in the mouth adj. Borsajo, [brs'y] tn. purse- thick and short. aboard. Bottaglie, Bordone, [brd'ne'] i. staff (of maker, purse-seller. [bttT] [. pi. a pilgrim). Borsaiuolo, [brsy'l] m. cut- mud boots. Bottajo, [btt'y] m. cooper. Bordoni, [brd'ni] m. pi. first purse. wing-feathers, pi. Borsata, [brs't] f. a purse- Bottarga, [bttr'g] f Bottafull. Borea, [b'r] m. north-wind. rica, [bttri'k] f. a kind of Boreale, [boreale'] adj. boreal, Borsellina, [brse'lli'n] f. Bor- caviar made of the eggs of northern. sellino, [brslli'n] w. fob, fish.
; , ;

Borghese, [brgj(ie''s]/. burgess,


Boscagliaccia, [bskr'tsh] f. shed, stall. great useless forest. Botticella, [bttitsh'l] /".small Boscaglioso, [bskr's] adj. toad; small barrel. burgonet. full of woods. Botticelle, [bttish'l] m. small Borgognotta, [brg'nt't] f. BoscajuolO; [bsky'l] ra. for- barrel. burgonet. ester. Botticino, [btttshi'n] wt. see Borgolino, [brgli'n] m. ga- Boscata, [bsk't] /. boscage, Botticella. bardine. grove. Bottiglia, [bttiT] f. bottle. Borgomastro, [brgm'strjm. Boscato, [bsk't] adj. woody. Bottigliere, [bttir'r] wi. but burghmaster, magistrate. Boschereccio , [bskr'tsh] ler, steward. Boria, [b'ri] f. arrogance, adj. rural. Bottiglieria, [bottil'e'ri'a] /'.butvainglory. Boschettiejre, [bske'ttie''re'] m. ler's pantry. Boriare, [bri're'] v. n. Bo- forester. Bottino, [btti'n] m. booty, riarsi, [brir'si] v. r. to be Boschettino, [bske'tti'n] m. pillage; mettere a -, to pilproud. small grove. Boriosit, [boriosit'] f. pride, Boschetto, [bske't't] m. grove. Botto, [b't] m. blow; toll (of vainglory. Bosco, [bs'k] m. wood, forest. a bell); di -, suddenly, diBorioso, [br's] adj. proud, Boscoso, [bsk's] adj. woody, rectly. haughty. full of woods. Bottonajo, [bttn'y] m. butBorni, [br'ni] m. pi. corner- Bossino, [bssi'n] m. small ton-maker.

Borghesia, [brghe'si'] f. gher ship, the citizens, pi. Borghetto, [brght't] wi.bmall borough. Borghicciuolo, [brghitsho'l] m. hamlet. Borghigiano , [brghij'n] m. burgher, villager. Borgnolo, [brgn'l] adj. said of an ill-considered judgment. Borgo, [br'g] in. borough, market-town. Borgognone, [brgn''n] m.

small pocket. Borsello, [brsl'l] bur- pocket.




cask, barrel,

m, purse,


Bottega, [btt'g] f. shop. Borsetta, [brse't't] f. Bor- Bottegaio, [btte g'yj m. shopsiglio, [brsiT] m. fob, small keeper, retailer. pocket. Botteghetta, [btte'ghe't't] BotBorsetto, [hrs't] tn. large teghina, [bttghi'n] f. small purse, money-bag. shop. Borzacchino, [brtskki'n] m. Botteghino , [btte'ghi'n] m. buskin. pedlar's box; pedlar; Tuscan Boscaglia, [boskaTd] f. woods, lottery-office. forest. Bottegnccia, [btte'g'tsh] f.

box-tree. Bottonatura, [bttnt'r] f. an nntrue Bosso, [bs's] m. box-tree. buttons (of a suit). account. Bossolajo, [bssla'y] m. box- Bottoncello, [bttntsh'l]BotBorniola, [brni'l] f. unfair maker. toncino, [bttntshi'nj m. decision; blunder. Bossoletto, [bssleVt] Bos- small button. Borno, [br'n] m. boundary, solino, [bssli'n] tn. small Bottone, [btt'ne'] m. button;



Bornia, [br'ni]


limit; sign. [br'r] ,



shearings or flue of cloth for stuffing; superfluity of words, torrent.

Borraccia, [brr'tsh]



bad stuff'; leather-bottle. Borraccina, [brrtshi'n]

travelling leather-bottle; generic terra for mosses.

Bossolo, [bs'sl], dicebox for receiving alms. Bota, [b't] adj. a silly woman. Botanica, [bta'nik] f. botany. Botanico, [bt'nik] adj. botanical; -, m. botanist. Botare, [bt're'] see Votare. Boto, [b't] ee Voto. Botola, [b'tla] f. cavo, trapdoor.

bud. Bottoniera, [bttni'r] f. buttons (of a suit). Bottame, [btt'me'] m. great number of barrels. Bove, [b've'] m. poes., ox. Bovicida, [bvitshi'd] n.

Bovile, [bovile'] cow-house.



Borrace, [brr'tshe'] ec Borace.

Bovina, [bvi'n]

cow's dung.

Bovino, [bvi'n]
adj. of oxen.



Bramito, [br'mit] m. cry

Bozza, [b'ts] rough draught.


Braccere,[brtsh're'J m. lady's usher. Braccio, P3r'tsh] m. (pi. Brac;


Bozzacchio, [bdsk'ki] Bozzacchione, [bdskki'ne'] m. "blasted plum. Bozzacchire, [bdskki're'] v.n.


animals; howl; hissing. Bramosamente, [brmsme'n'cia) arm cubit, fathom a forza te'] adv. eagerly. di braccia, Mvth main strength; Bramosia, [brmsi'] /". earnest

grow stunted.

stare colle braccia in croce, to be idle. Bracciolino, [brtshli'n] m.

Bramoso, [brm'so]
sirous, eager, greedy.

adj. de-

Bozzaccia, [bts'tsh]

little arm. Branca, [brn'k] f. claw, gripe, Braccittolo, [brtsh'l] m. el- paw; - orsina, acanthus. Bozzago, [bts'g] Bozzagro, bow-prop, stay sedia a brac- Brancare, [brnk're'] v. a. to gripe, claw. ciuoli, f. arm-chair. [bts'gr] m. buzzard. Bozzale , [bts'le'J m. small Bracco , [brk'k] m. hound ; Brancata, [brnk't] f. hand- da fermo, setter; - da punto, ful, few. lake. Branchetto , [brnke't't] m. Bozze, [b'ts] /". pi., bossage; pointer. /". Brace, [bra'tshe] burning small flock. proofs (print), pi. Brancicare, [brntshik're] v. a. Bozzetto, [btse't't] m.weaver's cinders, pi. ; coke. Brache, [bra'ke'J f. pi., small to handle, feel. starch; bud; rough-sketch. Brancicone,[brntshik'n]a(/t). Bozzima, [bd'sim] m. gura- clothes, breeches, pi. Brachetta, [brkt't] f. trou- groping in the dark, crawling. water. Branco, [brn'k] m. flock,herd. Bozzina, [bdsi'n] f. boiling; ser-fiap. Brachierajo, [brkie'r'y] m. Brancolare, [brnkl're'] v.n. decoction. to grope along. Bozzininga , [bdsinin'g] f. truss-maker. Brachiere, [brki're'] i. truss; Brancolone, [brnkl'ne']Branrattle-snake. coni, [brnk'ni] adv. groping Bozzo, [b'ts] m. rough stone, suspensory. Brachigrafia, [brkigrfia] f. in the dark. free-stone. Brancuccia , [brnk'tsh] f. Bozzolare, [btsla're'J v. a. to short-hand writing. Brachigrafo, [brki'grf] m. Branchino , [brnki'n] m. taste pick up. small talon. [btsla'r] m. short-hand writer. Bozzolaio , Branda, [brn'd] /. hammock. Bracia, [br'tsh] see Brace. pastry-cook. Bozzoletto , [bdsle't't] m. Braciajo, [brci'j] m. ash- Brandello, [brnd'l] m. rag, tatter. box. small swelling. Bozzolo, [b'dsl] m. swelling; Braciaiuola , [brcij'l] /. Brandimento,[brndimn'tJ m. cocoon; crowd; miller's retail female charcoal-seller; drain shaking, brandishing. measure ; conglutination in for receiving the ashes of a Brandire, [brndi'r] v. a. to brandish; -, v. n. to tremble. woolen cloth ; shell (of the silk furnace. m. Brandistocco, [brndistok'k] [brcij'l] Braciajuolo, worm). m. a kind of pike (arms). Bozzoloso, [bdsl's] Bozzo- charcoal-seller. luto , [bdsl't] m. full of Braciere, [brtsh're'J m. bra- Brando, [brn'd] i. sword.


Brandone , [brnd'n] Brano, sier. pimples. Bozzone, [bts'ne'j ni. castrated Bracino, [brci'n] m. retail [br'n] m. bit, piece, rag. Brania, [br'ni] f. sow. charcoal-seller. lamb, ignorant fellow. Braca, [br'k] f. mar., stoppe^ Braciuola, [brtsh'l] f. chop, Brasca, [brs'k] /. cabbage.
steak, cutlet. or short rope for rudders. Bracato, [brk't] adj. very fat. Braco, [br'k] *n. dirt, mud, Braccare, [brkk'r] v. a. to slime. Bracone, [brk'ne'] m. boaster, scent, smell. coward; a meddling Braccetto, [brtsht't] wt. small great arm ; andare a -; to walk arm person. Brado, [br'd] adj. unsubdued, in arm. Braccheggiare, [brkke'dj're"] wild. Bradone, [brd'ne'] m. epaulet. see Braccare. Braccheggio , [brkke'd'i] m. Bradume, [brd'm] m. crowd


[brasile'] m. Brazil wood. Brassata, [brass't] /". measure of two bras (about four feet). Brattea, [brt't] f. the leaf

nearest the blossom.

Brava, [br'v] f. a kind of vetch. Bravaccio, [brv'tsh] wt. bully.

Bravamente, [brvme'n'te']odu.
bravely, valiantly. [brv'r] v. , brave, defy; reprove.

of oxen. scenting; quest, inquest. Braccheria, [brkkri'] f. pack Braghiere, [brghi're'] see Brachiere. of dogs. Bracchetto, [brakkt't] tn. set- Bragia, [br'j] f. burning cinders, pi. ting-dog. [brkki're'] m. Brago, [br'g] i. mud, mire, Bracchiere , marsh. keeper of dogs. Bracciajuola, [brtshy'l] f. Brama, [br'm] f. strong deBracciale, [brtshl] ni. arm- sire, eagerness. Bramabile, [brmabi'lj aJj. let; leather-cuff.



Bravata, [brv't]



Braccialetto, [brtshlt't] m.


Bramangiere, [brmnj'r]


[brvt'ri] adj. (vaccio. Bravazzo, [brv'ts] see BraBravazzone, [brvta'n] m. hector, bully. Braveggiare, [brve'dj're'] v.n. to bluster, be spirited like a horse.


Braveria, [brve'ri'] /". courage, Bracclare, [brtsh'r] v.a.mar., delicious dish. Bramare, [brm're'] v. a. to valor. to brace (the yards). Bravio, [br'vi] i. prize foT Bracciata, [brtsh't] f. arm- wish, desire. Brameggiare, Ibr le'dj'r] i*. victory in a race. ful; embrace; hug. Bracciatello, [brtsht'l] m. a. to have manj desires, be Bravo, [br'v] m. cut-throat, assassin. capricious. large crackling cake.




darsi Briscola, [brisc'l] /". a game at cards. Brivido, [bri'vid] m. piercing






to harass

courageons. Bravone, fbrv'n]



work hard

take great



Brigadiere, [brigdi're'] m. brif.

Bravura, [trv'r]


Breccia, [bre'tsia] /". 'breac'h far -, to persuado; afflict. Bremo, [br'm] a kind of rope.

Brenna, [br'n]


Bretto, [br't] adj. barren; covetous. Breve, [br've'] m. small relic (worn round the neck), strip of parchment; short inscription,


[br've'] adj. brief, short.

Brevemente, [bre'vme'n't] adv

briefly, in short.

Brevetto, Breviare,


m. brevet.
v. a. to


abbreviate, abridge.

m. bref.

viary, compendium.






little relic.

Brevieta [bre'vie'ta'] see Brevit. Breviloquenza, [brvilkuen'ds]


forcible eloquence.

Breviloquio, [bre'vil'kwi] m. short discourse. Brevit, [brevit'] Brevitade, Brevitate , f. brevity , con-

Brizzolato, [bridsl't] adj. Brigante, [brign'te'] adj. intri- speckled, spotted. guing; officious; industrious; Brizzolatura, [bridslt'r] f. -,ni.factionary; rogue, brigand. checker-work. Brigantino, [brignti'n] m. Brocca, [br'k] f. pitcher, jar. brigantine. Broccardo, [brkkr'd] m. a Brigare, [brig're'] v.a.o solicit, difficult legal question. strive; -, v. n. to be busy. Brocoare, [brkk're'] v. a. to Brigata, [briga't] /".troop, crew; urge; spur. brigade. Broccata , [brkk't] /". enBrigatella, [brigateTla] /".small counter, fight. company. Broccatello, [brkkt'l]BrocBrigatore, [brigt're'] m. com- catino, [brkkti'n] m. variepetitor; busybody. gated marble. Brigidino , [brigidi'n] in. a Broccato, [brkka't] m. brosmall cake made with sugar cade ; fence, palisade; adj. and anice-seed. brocaded. Brlgidio, [brigi'dio] ague fit, Brocchiere , [brokki're'] m. shivering. small buckler. Briglia, Lbri'l'] f. bridle,reins; Brocco, [br'k] m. shoot of a restraint. plant; splinter; skewer; tack, Brigliajo, [bril''y] m. bridle- stud ;c?ar nei-, to hit the mark. maker. Broccoliere , [brkkli're] m. Briglietta, [bril'e't't] /". small shield. light bridle. Broccolo, [br'kl] m. sprout, Briglione, [brir'n] m. great tendril; brocoli. heavy bridle. (zie. Broccoloso, [brkkl's] adj. Brigliozzo, [bril''ts] m. muz- sprouted. Brigoso, [brig's] adj. quarrel- Broccoluto, [brccl't] adj. some. abounding in brocoli. Brillamento, [brillmeVt] m. Broccoso , [brcc's] adj.

brilliancy, lustre. ciseness. abounding in shoots. Brezza, [br'ts] f. sharp breeze. Brillantare, [brillant're'] v. a. Broda, [br'd] /". hog-wash, Brezzeggiare, [bre'tsdj're'] v. to cut gems. dirt - e ceci said of rain Brillante, [brilln't] adj. bril- mingled with hail. n. to blow a fresh cool breeze. [brikt's] liant, bright, m. diamond. Briachezza , Brodajo, [brd'j] m. lover of f. Brillare, [brill'r] v. n. to broth: Frati brodaj, lay brodrunkenness. Briaco, [bri'k] adj. drunk, shine, glitter, sparkle v. a. thers. to sieve. inebriated. Brodettato, [brde'tt't] adj. Briacone, [brik'ne'] m. drunk- Brillato, [brill't] adj. puro, cooked in broth. clean. ard. Brodetto, [brdt't] m. fine Bricca, [brik'k] /. steep craggy Brillatojo, [brillt'yjm. sieve, soup, sauce; andar in -, to boulter. place. feel great pleasure (vulgaBricchetto, [brikke't't] m. little Brillo, [bril'l] adj. tipsy; merry; rism). m. an ozier. ass. Brodo, [br'd] m. broth, soup. Bricco, [brik'k] wi. ass; coffee- Brina, [bri'n] Brinata, [brin'- Brodoioso, [brdl's] adj.
; ,

t] f. white-frost, rime. pot. Briccola, [brik'kl] f. catapult. Brinato, [brin't] adj. covered with rime ; gray, variegated. [brikkn't] Bricconata, f. Brincio, [brin'ci] adj. said of roguery. the action of the mouth preBricconcello, [br ikkntsh'l] m paratory to crying. little rogue. Briccone, [brikk'n] m. rogue, Brindare, [brind're'] and Brindisare, [brindis'r] v. n. to knave, vagabond.

dirty, greasy.

Brodone, [brd'ne'] m. sleeveornament. Brodoso, [brd's] adj. abounding in broth. Brogio, [br'jt] adj. said of a


Bricconeggiare, [brikkne'dj'- drink toasts. [brindise'v'le'] r] lead a dissolute life. Brindisevole , Bricconeria, [brikkne'ri'] {. adj. said of one clever in pro- rise, revolt. posing toasts. roguishness, knavery. Broglio, [brT] Brida, [bri'tshi] /. little crumb; Brindisi, [brin'disi] m. toast, noise.

Brogiotto, [brjit't] adj. an excellent black fig. Brogliare, [brl''r] v. n. to



health. chippings, pi. Brollo, [brri] adv. naked; Briciola, [bri'tshl] f. Bricio- Brinoso, [brin's] adj. hoary. wretched, poor. Bricolino , Brio, [bri'oj m. vivacity, fire. [bri'shl] lo , Brolo, [br'l] m. garland, or[bri'tshlin] m. small crumb. Brionia, [bri'ni] f. wild gourd. chard. Brioso, [bri's] adj. lively, Bronca, [brn'k] /". pole to Brieve, [bri'v] see Breve. Briga,[bri'g]/'. trouble, uneasi- brisk, spirited. support vines. ness; quarrel; business, af- Brisciamento , [bn'shame'n't] Bronchi, [bron'ki] m. pi. bronfair; a -, a Qran -, -with difm, shivering. chia.



Brutter, [brtt're'] m. Bruttura, [brtt'r] f. nastiness, ugliness. Bruzzaglia, [hrtsl'] f. populace, rabble. Bua, [b'] f. childish cry indicating pain.


Bronchiale, [bronchiale] adj. Brunazzo, [hrna'ts] Brunetto, [brne't'tj adj. brownish, appertaining to the bronchia. Broncio, [brn'tsh] m. anger, swarthy. passion. Brunezza,[brn'ts] /".swarthiBronco, [brn'k]m.trnnlc,stem. ness. Broncone, [brnlc'n] m. big Brunire, [bruni 're'] v. a. to branch; prop (for vines). burnish; correct. Brontolare, [brntla'r] va. Brnnitojo, [brnit'yjm. burnto grumble. ishing tool. Brontolio, [brntH'] m. grum- Brunitore , m. [brnit're'] bling, low muttering. burnisher, glossar. Brontolone, [brntl'ne'] m. a Brunitura, [brnit'r] f. burgreat grumbler. nishing, gloss.

Buaccio, [bt'sli] m. great ox, an ignoramus.

Buassaggine, [bssa'djin]


Bubalino, [bbli'n]





bronzed; sun-burnt. Bronzista, [brntsi'stj/'.melter,


Bronzo, [brn'ts]


[br'n] adj. brown Bnhalo, [b'bl] m. wild bull. , dark, obscure; gloomy; m. Bubbola, [bb'bl] {. powet, mourning essere a -, to be in whoop tuft fib trick 1; n d of mourning. mushroom; bubbole, pi. il!e bronze, Brunozzo, [brno'ts] m. dark stories, pi.
; ,


man. Bubbolare, [bbbl're'] v. a Brnolo, [brolo] m. kitchen- to grumble, cheat. garden. Bubbolone, [bbbl'n] w. Brusca, [brusTca] /".horse-brush. babbler, cheat, swindler. Bruscamente, [brskmn'te'] Bubone, [biib'n] m. bubo. adv. abruptly, rudely. Bubula, [b'bl] see Bubbola. Bruscare, [briiska're'] v. a. to Buca, [b'k] f. hole, cave. Brucare, [brlv'r] v. a. to prune, lop. Bucacchiare, [bkkkia're'] v. a. strip off the lec^ves. Bruschetto , [brske't't] or to pierce, bore. Bruciacchiare, [brutshkki'r] Buschotte, [bske't't] f. pi., Bucacela, [bk'tsh] f. large V. a. to toast. drawing straws by lot. cave. Bruciaglia, [brutshil'] f. drj Bruschetto, [brskt't] adj. Bucaneve, [bukne''ve'] f. snovrBronzotto, [brntst't] adj. a nick-name given to persons of dark complexion. Brezza, [brt's]/'. a small boil. Brucamaglia, [brkamr] /. an army of caterpillars.
stuif for burning. sourish. Bruciare, [brtsh're'J v. a. to Bruschezza, [brske't's] /".rude^urn. ness, roughness, incivility. Bruciata, [brtsh't] roaste^ Bruschino, [brski'n] adj. and chestnut. m. deeply colored red wine. Bruciatajo, [brtsht'y] m. Brusco, [brs'k] adj. sour chestnut-roaster. rough, rude m. surgeon's file. Bruciaticcio , [brtshiati'tsh] Bruscolino, [Ijrskli'n] Brustn. the remains of a thing burncolo, [brs'kl] m. slip of ed the smell arising from straw. any thing burning. Bruscolo, [brs'k'l] m.slip of Brucio, [br'tsh] m. grub, straw. caterpillar. Brusta, [br'st] /. small charBruciolato, [bnitshl't] adj. coal. worm-eaten; enamoured. Brustolare, [brustl're'] v. a. Bruciolente, [brcilen'te'] adj. to grill, fry, toast. burning. Brutagla, [brtr] f. a great Bruciolo, [brutsh'l] m. chip herd of beasts. small worm. Brutale, [brt'le'] adj. brutal; Bruciore, [brtsh'r] m. smart passionate. itch. Brutalit, [brutalit'] f. brutalBruco, [brTc] m. grub, cater- ity, churlishness.


Buoare, [bk're']

v. a. to pierce,





Buccella, [btsh'l] f. crust of bread. Bucchero, [bkke"r] m. chinajar.
f. bark, peel, skin. Bucciere,[biitsh're']m. butcher. Buccina, [butshi'na] f. trumpet. Buccinare, [btshin'r] .a. to

Buccia, [h'tsh]

trumpet; proclaim. Buccinatore, [btshint're'] m. news-monger. Buccinello, [btshine"l] m. a kind of small net. Buccino, [butshi'n] m. snail. Buccio, [b'tshi] m. rind, skin.
Bucciolina, [btshli'n]





[brulik'me'] m. multitude, great quantity. Bruteggiare, [brte'dj're'] v. n. Brulicare, fbrlik're'] v. a. to to grow savage. stir up; -, V. n. to swarm. Bruto, [br't] m. brute, beast, Brulichio, [brliki'] m. buzz- adj. brutal. ing army of insects.. Bruttamente , [brttame'n'te'] Brullamente , [brllame'n'te'] adv. meanly, dirtily. adv. poorly. Bruttamente , [brttme'n't] Brullo, [brullo] adj. ragged; m. filthiness. naked; poor; sterile. Bruttare, [brutt're'] v. a. to Brulotto, [brl't] m, fire-ship. soil, stain, dirt. Bruma, [br'm] f. mid-winter; Brutteria, [brtte''ri] /". illthicabin-boy. ness. Brumale, [brm'l] adj.hrumal, Bruttezza, [brtte't'sa] f. ugliwintry. ness. Brumasta,[brma'st] andBru- Brutto, [brt't] arfj. ugly,filtb y mesta, [brme"st] s. a winter -, m. ugliness; {merch.) grossgrapo. weight.

[brtlmn'te'] licle. adv. brutally, churlishly. Bacciolo


[btshl] m. the , part of a reed between two

odj. thick-


Buccioso, [btsh's]
skinned. Buccolica,

[bkkli'ka] [bkk'lik]





[btshl] m. young

Bucentorio, [btshe'nt'rij Bucentoro, [btshe'nt'r] vi. bucentaur.

Bucherarne buckram. Bucherare,



fbiike'r're'] v. a.

pierce, solicit votes secretly.




Bucherello, [lilre'reTI] Buchi- Bufonchiare, [bfnki're'] v. n. Bulboso, [blb's] adj. bulbous. Buldriana, [bldri'n] f. a no, [buki'u] m. small hole. to grumble. Buciacchio , [btshk'ki] m. Bnfonchiello, [bufnki'l] m. harlot. Bulesia, [bule"si] f. Bulesio, young ox. pretended ill-humor, anger. [bl'si] m. pastern. Bucicare, [hutshika're'] v. a. to Bugia, [bji'] f. lie; flat candleBulicame, [blik'm] m. source, move, stir. stick. Bucinamento, [btitshiname'n't] Bugiale, [huji'le'] m. a quan- spring. Bulicare, [bulika're'] v. a. & n. m. whispering, huzzing. tity of wax-candles. Bucinare, [btshina're'] r. n. to Bugiano, [bujt'n] adj. ungen- to boil, bubble. Bulima, [b'lim] f. crowd, whisper, buzz. teel, unmannerly. Bucinatore, [btshint're'] see Bugiardaccio,[bjird'tsh] ni. press. Bulimo, [b'lim] m. Bulimia, Buccinatore. great liar. Bucine, [btshi'ne'] m.partridge- Bugiardamente, [bjirdme'n'- [b'limi] f. canine hunger. Bulinare, [blin're'] v. a. to net. te'] adv. falsely. Buco, [h'k] m. hole; hiding Bugiardo, [hjtr'd] m. liar; engrave, imprint. Bulino, [bli'n] m. burin; place. iyiii?Buda, [b'd] andare a -, to Bugiardone, [bjird'ne'] m. graver. Bulla, [bri] f. bubble, pimple; die. great liar.









bowels, entrails, pi. pierce ; lie, fib. Budellino, [bdlli'n] m. small Bugietta, [bjfe't't] f. little gut. falsehood ; fib. Budello, [hd'l] m. (budella, Bugigatto, [bjigt't] i. small hole. f. pi.) gnt, intestine, bowels, pi. Budriere, [biidri're'] w. shoul- Bugio, [b'jt] adj. pierced; -, der-belt. m. hole ; corner. Bugione, [huji'ne'] m. great Bue, [b'e'] m. (pi. buoi) dunce. lie. Buessa, [be's's] f. cow; an Buglia, [hr] f. a large con ignorant -woman. course of people. Bufalo, [b'fl] m. wild ox, Bugliolo, [br'l] m. a small tuffalo. wooden tub or bucket. Bufera, [b'fe'r] f. hurricane, Buglione, [bl''ne'] m. broth, whirlwind. soup confused mass. Buffa, [buffa] f. Mast; idle Bugliuolo, [bur'l] m. small story; trifle, nonsense; joke. barrel, bucket. Buffare, [hff'r] v. a.' to tell Buglossa, [bgls's] wild boidle stories; rally, mock; puff. rage. Buffettare, [bffett'r] v. n. to Bugna, [b'n'] f. boil, see Bueruct. gnola. Buffetto, [hff't] in. fillip; Bugnereccia, [bn'r'tshi] /. huffet. apiary. Buffetto, [hffe't't] m. french- Bugno, [bn'] m. bee-hive. roll. Bugnola, [b'n''l] f. strawBuffo, P)f'f] m. pufF, whiff; basket.

Bulletta, [blle't't] f. permit passport; lottery-ticket; tack. Bullettame, [blle'tt'me'j m. a mixture of small nails. BuUettato , [bUtt't] adj.

studded with nails.

Bnllettinajo, [blle'ttin'y] m. office-keeper in a theatre.

BuUettino, [blltti'n] m. safe conduct; billet. BuUettone, [blle'tt'n] m. register for deeds and contracts. Bulsino, [blsi'nl m. pursiness ; shortness of breath. Buonaccio,[bn'tsh] ac/j. goodnatured; simple. Buonaccordo, [bnkkr'd] m. harpsicord.

Buonagurato, [bngr'tjarfj.
lucky, happy.




pay for services rendered. Buonamente, [bnme'n'te'J adv.

certainly, truly.

Buonavoglia ,



Buondato, [bnd't] adj. coBugnolo, [b'n'l] m. boil. nonsense, Bugnolone, [bn'l'ne'] wi. large pious, abundant. Buond, p3nd'] m. good day, basket. Buffonare, [hffn're'] v. a. to Bugnone, [bn''ne'] m. jungle; good morning. Buonfatto, [bnft't] m. benethicket. play the buffoon, joke. Buffonata, [bffna't] f. buf- Bugrane, [bugra'ne']m.buckram. fit; kindness. Buiccio, [bi'tshi] adj. dark- Buonino, [bni'n] adj. pretty foon's trick. good; good-tompered. Buffoncello, [hffntsh'l] m. ish. Buono, [b'n] m. good. poor jester. Buina, [bi'n] f. cow-dung. Buffone, [hff'ne'] m. huffoon, Buino, [bin] adj. belonging to Buono, [b'n] adj. good, kind; able, fit, proper; con buona jester. oxen. Buffoneggiare, [hffne'dj're'] Bujaccio, [by'tsh] m. thick grazia, by your leave; a buon mercato, cheap; di buon'ora V. n. to play the buffoon, jest. darkness. Buffoneria, [bffne'ri'] /. buf- Bujo, [b'y] adj. dark, obscure; early; di buona voglia, willingly. difficult -, m. obscurity, darkfoonery. Buffonesco, [bffne's'k] adj. ness; essere al di, to be igno- Buontempo, [bnte'm'p] mi.ease, pleasure. rant of. droll, ludicrous, humorous. Buffone vole, [bffn'vle'] adj. Bujore, [by're'] m. darkness. Buonuomo, [bn'm] m. a Bnjose, [buj'se'] f. pi., prison- superintendant in certain ofjesting, droll. fices. Bnfolata, [bfla't] f. tuffalo houses (vulgarism, slang term) Buonvlschio, [bnvi'tshi] wi. a race anciently held in Flo- Bulbaro, [blb'r] m. carp. Bulbetto, [blbt't] m. small kind of mallow. reuce. Buranese, [brne"se'] f. a sweet Bufolo , [b'fl] m. tuffalo, bulb. white grape. Bulbo, [bl'b] m. bulb, onion. wild ox. Bnfolone, [bfl'ne'] m. large Bulbo, [bl'T)] adj. savage, mo Burrattello, [brtt'l] m. boi' ter, scarce. rose. buffalo; great duuco.
comic actor. Buffola, [hff'l] joke.





Barattera, [brttri'] /.bolt- Burneo, [burne'] adj. made of ivory. ing-room. adj. [brr'sh] jSurattinajo, [brttiny] m. a Burraceo , buttery. puppet showman. Burattinata, [brattin't] f. a Burrajo, [brri'y] m. buttormonger. comedy played by puppets. Barattino, [brtti'n] m. pup- Burrasca, [bxirrs'k] f. tempest, hurricane. pet. Buratto, [brft] m. bomba- Burrascoso, [brrask's] adj. tempestuous, stormy. sin; bolter. Burbanza, [burban'dsa] f. am- Burro, [br'r] m. butter. Burrone, [brr'n] m. precibition, parade. Burbanzare, [brbnts'r] v. pice. n. to boast. Burroso, [brr's] adj. but-


empty; m. a hole. Busone, [bus'ne'] see Bussone. Bussa, [bs's] f. stroke; troxible, affliction.

Bussamento, [bssme'n't] m.
blow, knock, hurt. Bussare, [bss're'] v. a. to beat, knock. Bussatore, [bsst'rc] m. knocker. Bussetto, [bsse't't] ni. polisher

Busso, [bus's] m. bustle; boxtree.

Burbanzesco , [brbntse's'k] tery. Burbanzoso, [brbants'sjarfj. Bursale,

proud, vain, lofty.
sme'n'te'] adv. proudly.


of the thigh.

m. muscles Bussola, [bs'sl] f. mariner's compass ;- di camera, screen:


Burbanzosamente, [brbnts- Busba, [bu'sba] m.

Burbera, [br'br]


Busbaccare, [bsbkk're'] v a

perder la -, at one's wit's end, despair.

to cheat; cajole.

Busbaccheria, [bsbkke'ri']


Burbero, [burTje'ro] adj. savage;

cheating, fraud. austere; crabbed. Busbacco, [bsbk'k] Busbaccone, [bsbkk'n] m. cheat. Burchia, [br'ki] f. a bark andare alla -, to copy the in- Busberia, [bshe'ri'] see Busventions of others. baccheria. Burchiello, [brki'I] m. wher- Busca, [busTca] /".search, inquest; ry, ferry. oil-flask ; slip of straw; andare Burchio, [br'ki] m. bark, alla -, to go a-begging. lighter. Buscacchiare, [bstakki're'] v. Bure, [b're'] m. handle (of a a. and n. to hunt after; cheat. Buscalfana, [bsklf'n] f. plough). Buriano, [bri'n] m. sweet worthless animal. Buscare, [bsk're'] v. a. and n. wine. Bnriasso, [bviris's] m. herald to search diligently (said also in a tournament; prompter at of a dog who fetches and carries. a theatre.

Bussoletta , [bssle't'ta] pocket-compass. Bussolotto , [bssle't't]



vote-box. Bussone, [bss'n] m. bassoon. Busta, [b'sta] f. envelope, knife case, cover for books. Bustino, [bsti'nj m. bodice, slight stays. Busto, [b'st] wi. bust; stays. Butirro, [btir'rj m. butter

medicinal ointment.

Butomo, [bt'm]



Burla, [bxirl]



waggery, Buscatore


searcher; swindler. joke, banter. Burlare, [brl'r] v. a. to jest, Buschette, [buske't'te'] f. little sticks or straws; lots, ridicule. Burlatisi, v. r. to pi. ; tirar le -, to draw lots. laugh at, ridicule. Burlatore, [brlt'r] m.jester, Buscione, [bsh'ne'] m. bush, jungle. banterer, wag. Burlescamente, [burle'skme'n'- Busco, [bs'k] Buscolino, [bust] adv. in a ludicrous man- kli'n] m. slip of straw. Buscola, [busk'l] f. oil flask. ner. Burlesco, [brls'k] adj. ludi- Busecchia, [bsk'ki] f. and Busecchio, [bse'k'ki] m. encrous, pleasant, burlesque. Burletta, [brl't] f. comic trails, pi. pocket. Busecchione, [bse'kki'ne'] m. opera. Burlevole, [brle'vle'J adj. des- garbage; bowels, pi. Busilli, [busiriij m. trouble picable, wretched. BurleTolmente, [burle'vlme'n'- (used jocularly). Busna, [bu'sna] /". a kind of te'] ado. jokingly.

rush. Buttafuori, [buttaf'ri] who advertises actors to go on the stage. Buttagra, [btt'gr] f. a kind m. of caviare. Buttare, [btta're'] v. a. to pour out pL, throw, thrust out

in faccia checchessia, to reprove any one. Butterato, [bttr't] adj. pock- negli occhi, or

marked. Buttero, [bt'te'r] m. pockmark; stud-keeper; horse-drover.







Bazzame,[bsd'me']m. animal's

Bazzicare, [btsik're'] v. n. to move gently, buzz, whisper. Buzzichello, [btsik'l] Buz[btsiki'] m. little zichio,

Burlioro, [brli'r] adr. comical, facetious.

ancient trumpet.

Burlone, [brl'ne'] m.jester.

Busnaga, [busna'ga] m. a plant Buzzo, [b'ds] m, pin-cushion; far buzzo, to be serious. resembling fennel.

C, this letter is greatly assinii-

at the end of words it i? inlated with G. It has two sounds, variably pronounced like sche. being perfectly hard before. A, schi, still with the soft sound 0, and U, while before E and I of the ch. Thus dieci, undid &c. are pronounced in English letit is pronounced according to the grammars like Che, Chi, ters dische, undsche &c. (sion. with the soft sound of the Ck Ca, [k] for: caso. in English. In Tuscany however Cabala, [k'bal] f. cabal; ova-

Cabaletta, [kdble't't] f. nxus. a pretty simple air. Cabalista, [kbli'sta] m. cabalist.


[kbali'stik] adj.







Cacacciano, [kktsh'n] ni. Cacciare, [ktsi're'] v. n. io Cadente, [kde'n'te'J adj. a falling body. great coward (vulgarism). chase, hunt; pursue; banish; Cacadubbi, [kkdul)'bi] m. an - collo schioppo, to go shoot- Cadenza, [kdn'ds] f. fall; habitual doubter. mws,, cadence, pause. ing, Cacciaesi, v. r. to inCacafretta, [kkfr't] in. rest- trude upon. Cadere, [kde're'] v. n. irr. (cadless person, busybody. Cacciata, [ktsh't] f. driving di; cadr; caduto), to fall; Cacaleria,[kkle'ri']/".kniglithappen, arrive; come into; lieout. long to; - ammalato, to fall liood (irouically). Cacciatola, [ktsht'y] /". dri Cacalia, [kak'lij f. an ever- ver; puncheon. sick; - nella povert, to grow [ktsht'r] green shrub. Cacciatora , poor; - per mano, to come into f. one's hands. CacaloccMo, [kkl'ki] int. sportsman's jacket. [ktsht'r] m. Cadetto, [kde't't] w. cadet ; hey-day Cacciatore, m. Cacaloro, a hunter, sportsman. younger brother. [kkl'r] purse-proud man. Caociatrice, [ktshtri'tshe'] f. Cadevole, [kd'vle'] adj. transient frail. Cacao, [kk'] see Caccao. huntress. Cacapensieri , [kkpnsi'ri] Cacciavite, [ktshvi'te'] m. a Cadi, [k'di] m. a Turkish judge. m. raiser of difficulties. small instrument used in taking Cadimento , [kdimn'tj wi. Cacare, [kk're'] v. a. to evac- up vines screw-driver. fall, ruin; fault. uate, void. Cacci, [ktsh'] m. a kind of Caditoje, [kdit'y] /. pi. arch., embrasures, pi. Cacasabbato, [kaksba't] in- lozenge made of liquorice. ter, wonderful! Caccole, [kk'kle'] /. pi., gum Caditojo, [kadit'y] seeCaduco. Cacasangue, [kksu'gue'] ni. of the eyes; blearedness. Cadmia, [kd'mij f. a mineral dysentery; inter, wonderful! adj. Caccoloso , [kkkl's] substance containing cobalt or Cacasego, [kkse''g] and Ca- blear-eyed. zinc. casevo , [kkse"v] inter. Cachereilo, [kke'r'l] m. dung Cado , [k'd] m. an ancient wonderful! (of sheep &c.) measure for liquids, containing Cacasodo, [kks'd] adj. said Cacheria, [kke'ri'] f. effemi- nearly a barrel. of one who desires to appear nacy, stupidity. Caduceo, [kdtsh'] m. Merbeyond his means. Cacheroso, [kke'r's] adj nice; cury's wand. Cacastecchi, [kakasteVki] m, effeminate; wanton, jealous. Caducit, [kadtshit'j f. cadumiser, skin-flint. Cachessia, [kke'ssi'] /, sallow- city, fragility. Cacatamente, [kktme'n'te'] ness of complexion. Caduco, [kd'k] adj. frail, adv. slowly and awkwardly Cachettico , [kkt'tik] adj. infirm, old; mal -, epilepsy. (vulgarism.) cachectic. Caduta, [kd't] f. fall, ruin; Cacatojo, [kkt'y] m. water- Cachinno, [kkin'n] m, loud disgrace. Cafagnare, [kf'n're'] v. a. to closet. laughter. Cacazibetto, [kkdsibe't't] m. Caciaja, [ktsh'y] /. dairy- make holes in the ground for woman ; dairy. fop, spark, dandy. planting trees. Caeca, [kk'k] f. excrement. Caciajo, [ktsh'y] m. cheese- Caff, [kff'J m. coffee coffeeCaccabaldole, [kkkbl'dle'] /. maker. (drinker. house, pL, blandishments, pL. Caciajuolo , [ktshy'l] m. Caffeista, [kffe'i'st] w. coffeeCaccabaldoria, [kkkbld'ri] cheese-monger. in. Caffettano , [cffe'tt'uj Cacio, [k'tsh] m. cheese; es- caftan. f. flattery, adulation. sere pane e -, to be intimate. Caccao, [kk'] m. cocoa-nut. Caffettiera, [kfftti'r] f. cofCacchiatella, [kkkit'l] /. Caciolino, [ktshli'n] m. small fee-pot. new cheese. thin cake. Caffettiere, [kfftti're'j m. cofCacchio, [kk'ki] m. first shoots Cacioso, [ktsh's] adj. cheesy; fee-house keeper. cheese-like, Caffo, [kf'f] m. odd number. c" vines. Cacchione, [kkki'ne'] m. whit- Cacivacca, [ktshivk'k] f. a Cafisso (a), [ kfiss] or A cahamlet on a hill. fusse, adv. abundantly. ish maggot. Cacchionoso, [kakkin's] adj. Cacodemone, [kkde'm'ne'] m. Cafura, [kf'r] see Canfora. an evil spirit. Caggere, [k'dje're'J poes., for full of maggots. Caccia, [k'tsh] /. chase, hunt- Cacofona, [kkf'n] /". caco- Cadere. Cagionamento, [kjnme'n't] ing; game; sport; pursuit; phony. andare alla -, to go shooting; Cacofonico, [kkf'nik] adj. m. occasion, causo. correre in -, to fly, run away inharmonious. Cagionare, [kjn're'] v. a. to Cacografia, [kakgr'fi] /.error occasion, cause. full speed dar -, to chase. in writing. Cagionatore, [kajnt're'] m. Cacciadiavoli, [ktshdi'vl] Cacografizzare, [kkgrfits'- causer; beginner, author. m. conjurer. [ktshffn'ni] Cacciaffanni , r] V. n. to commit errors in Cagioncella, [kjntsh'l] f. writing. adj. enlivening, gay. slight cause. Cacciagione , [ktshj'ne'] f. Cacozelia, [kaktse"li] /".Caco- Cagione , [kj'ne'] f. cause, zelo] m. bad imitation, affec- reason; pretext, excuse; a - di, game, venison; prey. (pitch. Cacciamali, [ktshm'li] adj. tation, on account of; prender -, to Cacume, [kk'me'] m. summit. take the opportunity. driver away of care. Cacciamento, [ktshme'n't] m. Cadauno, [kd'n] adj. each, Cagionevole, [kjn'vle'] adj. everyone. driving out. sickly, weak. Cacciamosche, [ktshms'k] Cadavere^ [kdve'r] Cadave- Cagionoso , [kjn's] adj. m. fly-flap. re, [kda've'r] m. corpse. faint, infirm. Cacciapassere , [ktshps's- Cadaverico, [kdve'ri'c] adj. Cagionnzza, [kjn'tsj^very


m. scare-crow.


slight cause.



Calcinatura , [kltslnnt'r] Calcinazione, [kltshintsi'n] f. calcination. [kltshine'l'l] m. Calcinello, small stone in lime not well

Cagliare, [kr'r] t. to fail Calandrella, [klandr'l] f. meadow-lark. in courage; -, v. n. to coaguCalandrino, [klndri'n] m. late, curdle. simpleton. Caglio, fkT] m. rennet. Calappio, [klp'pi] m. snare, Cagna, [k'n'] f. bitch. Cagnaccia, [k'n'tsli] f. a trap. (clog- Calare, [kl're'] v. a. to lower; harlot. Cagnaccio, [kn'a'tsli] m. a bad -,v. n. to go down, decrease; Cagnazzo, [kn''ts] adj. dog- fall in price; - le vele, to strike the sails. like, ugly, livid. Cagneggiare, [kn'e'dj're'J v. a Calascione, [klsh'ne'] m. Italto snarl, gnash. ian lute. Cagnescamente, [kn'e'skmn'- Calata, [kl't] f. descent, declivity; mar., falling off. t] adv. in a surly, rcanner. Cagnesco, [kn'e's'k] adj. cur- Calato, [kl't] m. an ancient rish; brutal, surly. basket. Cagnette, [kn't't] m. little Calbigia, [kalbi'gia] f. kind of dog. fine wheat. Cagnina,[kn'i'na] /".littlebitch. Calca, [krk] f. crowd, press. Cagnoletto, [kn'le't't] Cagno- Calcagnare, [klkn''re'j v. n. lino , [kn'li'n] m. pretty to run away. little dog. Calcagnino, [klkn''i'n]i. heel Cagnotto, [kn't'tj n. hector, (of a shoe &c.) bully. Calcagno, [klk'n'] m. heel. Cacco, [kik'k] m. ketch, pin- Calcagnuolo, [klka'n'l] m. a nace. sculptor's short chisel. Calmane, [kim'ne'] in. Indian Calcalettere, [klkltt're'] wi. crocodile. a letter-presser. Caina, Jki'n] f. place assigned Calcamento, [klkme'n't] m. trampling. by Dante for traitors. Cala, Pi'l] f. bay. Calcara, [klk'r] f. calcinatoCalabresella, [klbre'sl'l] /. ry furnace. a game at cards. Calcare, [klk're'] r a. to tread Calabrone , [klabr'ne'] m. upon, crush; oppress. hornet. Calcareo, [kalk're'] Calcarlo, Calafao, [klf'] m. oakum [klka'ri] adj. calcar ious calker. chalky. Calafatare, [klfta'r] v. a. to Calcatamente, [klktaran'te] calk. adv. closely. Calafato, [klf't] see Calafao. Calcato, [klk't] adj. crowded. Calamajo, [klm'j] m. ink- Calcatore,[klkt'r] m.treadstand. er; pressor. Calamandrea, [klmndr'] f. Calcatrice, [klktri'tshe'] f.

ground, producing blemishes in


Calcinosit, [kltshinsi't] f. having the quality of lime. Calcinoso, [kltshin's] adj. limy. Calcio, [kl'tshi] m. kick; foot; staff, butt-end, stock (of a gun); name of an ancient game in Florence; dar calci, to kick. a Calcite, [kltshi't] f. chim kind of mineral partaking of the nature of copper. Calcitrante , [kaltshitran'te'] adj. kicking; restive. Calcitrare, [kltshitra'r] v.n. to kick; resist, disobey. Calcitrazione, [kltshitrtsi'n] f. kicking; resistance. Calcitroso, [kaltshitr's] adj. kicking; stiffnecked. Calco, [krk] m. slight sketch. Calcografia, [klkgr'fi] the art of engraving on copper, or other metals. Calcografo , [klkgr'f] m.

engraver on inetals.
Calcolajuolo, [klkly'l] m.
a. to calculate, compute. Calcolatore , [kalklt're'J m.

weaver. Calcolare, [ktkl're'] v.

accountant, computer. Calcolazione, [klkltsi'ne'] calculation, computation. Calcele, [kl'klj/.pi., weaver's



Calambucco, [klmhk'k] w.

Calameggiare, [klme'dja're'J a. to whistle be idle.







going down wild thyme. Calamistro, [klrai'str]

curling-tongs, pi.






Calamit, [klmit'] Calamitade, Calamitate, f. calamity, misfortune. Calamitare, [klmit'r] v. a. to magnetize. Calamitico , [klamiti'k] adj. belonging to a load stone mag;


Calamitosamente, [kalmitsme'n't] adv. unluckily.

Calamitoso, [klrait's]
calamitous, miserable.


Calamitra, [klmi'tr]



Calamo, [k'lm] m. reed, cane. Calandra, [kln'dr] f. woodlark.

Calcoleria, [klkle'ri'] f. cruel woman. ciphering. Calcatura, [klkt'r] /".tramp- Calcoletto , [klkle't't] m. ling, pressing. small stone, gravel. Calce, [kl'tshe'] m. shaft, butt- Calcolo, [krkl] m. calculaend, bottom ; -, f. lime. tion, computation, gravel. Calcedonio, [kltshe'd'ni] m. Calcoloso, [klkl'sjarf/.stony, chalcedony. gravelly. Calceggiare , [kltsche'dji'r] Calcosa, [klk's] f. beaten V. n. to give kicks. path. Calcese , [kaltshe''se'] m. mar., Calculare, [klkl're'] &c. see mast-head-pulley. Calcolare, <fec. Calcestruzzo, [kltshstr'ts] Calda, [kl'd] f. the act of heatm. cement. ing steel or iron; a malady Calcetto, [kltshe't't] m. sock. occasioned by being overCalciante, [kltshan'te'jm play- heated; Calde a lesso, or calde er at foot-ball. arrosto, or ca/t/a/esso, &c. chesCalciare, [kaltshia'reT ^'- " to nuts boiled or roasted. kick, resist. Caldaja, [kld'y] f. Caldajo, Calcina, [kltshi'n] f. lime, [kld'y] m. small boiler, mortar. kettle. (boiler. Calcinaccio, [kltsliina'tsh] m. Caldajone, [kaldy'ne'] m. largo rubbish; destruction. Caldajuola, [kldyl] f. small Calcinajo,[klkin'jJ wi. trough boiler. for quenching lime. Caldamente, [kldamn't]o(i. Calcinare, [kltshin're'] v. a warmly, vehemently. to pulverize. Caldana, [kld'nal f. meridian Calcinatorio, [kltshinat'rij heat ; malady occasioned by

adj. calcinatory.

being over.-heated.


75 in.


Caletta, [kale't'ta] /. slice, bit. Calmo, [kl'm] m. Calmella, Calettare, [klt'tre'] v. a. to [kalm'lj f. twig, layer, graft. Caldano, [kld'n] m. brasier join pieces of wood neatly to- Calo, [ka'l] m. descent, dimiixuto warm rooms. gether; dovetail. tion; lowering (of the price). Caldanuzzo, [kldn'ts] m. Calettatura, [kle'tttu'r] f. Calocchia, [kl'kki] f. th8 small stove. dovetailing. top of the flail attached to the Caldaro, [kld'r] m. small Calettone , [kle'tt'ne'] w. a handle by means of the strap. boiler. large slice. Calocchio, fklk'ki] m.a pole. Caldarroste, [kaldarro'stej/.p^, Call, [kali] f. herb from which Calogna, [1 l'n'] &c. see Caroasted cliestnuts, pi. soda is made. lunnia, &c. Caldeggiare, [kldedj're'J v. Calia, [kli'] f. gold-filings, Calomelano, [klml'n] m. to foster, protect, favor. pi. ; nothing, jot. calomel. (tion. Calderajo, [kaldr'j] m. bra- Calibe, [ka'lib] m. med., steel. Calore, [kl're'] m. heat; affeczier. Calibeato, [klibe'a't] adj. Caloria, [klri'] f. manure. Calderello, [klde'r'l] m. gold- chalybeate. Calorifico, [klri'fik] adj. cafinch. Calibrare, [klibr'r] v. a. to lorific, heating; m. caloric. Calderno, [klde'r'n] m. the measure the cai ibre, proportion. Calorosamente, [klrsmeVrays of the sua passing through Calibro, [kli'br] m. calibre. t] adj. ardently. trees; adj. said of places pene- Calice, [k'litsh] m. chalice Calorosit, [klrsi't] /.heat. trated by the rays of the sun. calix. Caloroso, [klr's] adj. arCalderone, [kldr'ne'] m. cop- Calicione, [klltsh'ne'] m. large dent, hot, fiery. chalice; march-pane. Caloruccio , per, large kettle ; loc, - a va[klr'tsh] i. pore, boiler. Cali dita, [klidit'] A see Caldez- slight feverish heat. Calderotto , [kalde'r't] vi. za. Caloscio, [kal'sh] adj. soft, seething pot; tea-kettle. Calido, [kl'd] adj. hot. tender; delicate. Calderugio, [klde'r'j] in. gold- Califfato , [kliff't] m. cali- Calotta, [kl't] f. inside case; finch. phate. cap (of a watch). Caldernola, [kalde'ro'la] /". small Califfo, [klif'f] m. caliph. Calpestamento, [klpe'stme'n'boiler. Caliga, [kli'g] f. Roman mili- t] m. trampling upon. Caldetto, [klde't't] adj. rather tary boot. Calpestare, [kalpe'sta're'J v. n. warm. Caligare, [kalig're'] v. a. to to trample upon. Caldezza, [klde't's] f. heat; darken; -, ti n. to grow dark. Calpestata, [klpe'st't] /'.highzeal; affection. Caligine, [kli'jne'] /".darkness, way. Caldicciuolo, [kldltsh'lj m. obscurity. Calpestatore, [klpstat're'] m. slight fever-heat. Caliginoso, [klijin's] adj. trampler. Caldiera, [kldi'r] /". stew-pot. caliginous; dim. Calpestio, [klpe'sti'] m.stampCaldina, [kldi'n] or Caldino, Calisse, [kiilis'se'] or Calls, ing, clattering with the feet. [ka'lis] m. a kind of coarse Calta, [kl't] f. orange-flower. [kldi'n] m. sunny slope. Caldo, [kl'd] adj. hot; ardent, woolen cloth. Calterire, [kalte'ri're] v. a. to fervent; - -,ac^v. immediately; Calisto, [kli'st] m. the great excoriate. in. heat; ardor; vigor. bear. Calterito, [klte'ri't] adj. exCalduccio , [kld'tsh] adj. Calla, [kri]Callaja, [kll'y] coriated; ulive calterite,\)xmslukewarm; -,m. moderate heat. f. breach , passage gap in a ed olives. Caldura, [kld'r] f. heat; hot Calteritura, [klte'rit'r] ^ exweather. Callajuola, [klly'll /.pursecoriation. Calefaciente, [kalftshin'te'j net ; snare. Caluco, [kl'k] adj. miserable, /". poes., way, path. adj. heating, warming. Calle, [kl'le'] wretched. Calefatare, [kle'fta're'] see Ca- Callidamente , [kallidmn't] Caluggine, Calugine, [kl'jiu] adv. cunningly. lafatare. f. down (of young birds). Calefattivo, [kle'ftti'v] adj. Callidit, [kllidit'] f. cunning, Calumare, [klm're'jr.a. wiar., artifice. heating. to veer, slacken the rope. Calefazione , [kle'ftsi'n] f. Calligrafia, [klligrfi'] f. art Calunnia, [kln'nia] /.calumny. calefaction. of writing well. Calunniare, [klnnia're'J . a. Calligrafo, [klli'grf] m. writ- to calumniate. Caleffo, [kle'f'f] trick, joke. Calendario, [klnd'riJCalen- ing-master. Calunniatore, [klunnit're'j m. daro, [kalnd'r] m. calendar. Callo, [kl'l] m. induration; Calunniatrice , [klnnitri'(gap. tshe'] f. slanderer. Calando, [kle'n'd] and Calen- corn. Gallone, [kll'n] m. passage; Calunniazione, [klnnitsi'di, [kale'n'di] f. pi., calends. Calendula, [kln'dl] f. mari- Callosit, [kllsit'J Callosi- ne'] f. calumny. tade, Callositate, f. callosity, Calunniosamente, [kliinnfsgold. Calenzuolo, [kle'nds'l] and callus. me'n'te'1 adv. slanderously, Verdone, [ve'rd'n] m. green- Calloso, [kll's] adj. callous, falsely. full of corns. finch. Calunnioso, [klunni's] adj. Calere, [kle"re'] v. imp. irr.. Calma, [kl'm] /".calm, coolness. calumnious, slanderous. {mi cale ; calse ; caglia) to care, Calmante, [klmn'te'J adj. len- Calura, [kl'ra] see Caldezza. take an interest in; be concern- itive. Caluria, [klri'] /".manuring; ed for; non me ne cale, I don't Calmare, [klmd're'] v. a. to compost. calm, appease, soften; Calmar- Calvare, [kalva're'] r. a. to mako mind it. SI, V. r. to become calm. Calesso, [kle's's] m. calash. bald; -, v. n. to grow bald. Calestro, [kle"sr] m. stony Calmaria [kalmari'a] f. a long Calvello, [klvel'l] m. fina calm. soil, barren ground. corn.

small stove.


Salvezza, [klvt's] ^taldness. Calvinismo, [klYiais'm] m.



exchange. Cambiali, p/. prom- Carnicino, [kmitsh'n] m. habit-shirt. issory notes, pi. Cambiamento, [kmbime'n't] Camicione , [kmitsh'ne'j CaCalvinism. miciotto, [kmitsh't] m. unCalvinista, [klvini'st] m. change, mutation. Cambiamonete, [kmbiamn'- der-waistcoat. porter jacket. vinist. Camiciuola, [kmitsh'la] f. Calvizie, [Iclvi'tsi] /. baldness. t] m. money-changer. a. to flannel-waistcoat, jerkin. Calvo, [kal'v] adj. bald, hair- Cambiare, [kmbia'r] v. [kmine't't] m. change; turn, transform; mar., Caminetto , less ; -, m. baldness. Calza, [kl'ts] f. stocking; to shift (the sails). Cambiarsi, chimney-piece. Camino, [kmi'n] m. kitchen V. r. to change color. blowpipe; funnel. Calzaiuolo , [kltsy'l] m. Cambiatore, [kmbit're'] see chimney-piece; bianco di very dirty clothes. Cambiadore. stockin^'-maker, hosier. Calzamento, [kaltsmn't] m. Cambiatura, [kmbit'ra] /. Camiscia, [kmi'sh] see Camicia. change; relay. shoes, boots, and stockings, pi. Calzante, [kltsn't] adj. suit- Cambio, [kam'bi] m. change, Cammellino, [kmme'lli'n] m. camlet; adj. belonging to a exchange. able, proper, neat. Calzare, [klts'r] v. a. to put Cambista, [krabi'st] m. camb- camel. Cammello, [kmml'lo] m. camel. on shoes and stockings; questo ist, banker; stock-broker.

non mi calza, I don't like that. Cambraja, [kambr'y] Calzari, [klts'ri] m. pi. boots bric.
and shoes, pL

bod-room, Camminante, [kmminn't] m. f. Calzato, [klts't] adj. bed-chamber; - terrena, f. par- traveller. legged-horse. Calzatoio, [kltst'y] m.shoe- lour; - d'udienza, f. audience- Camminare, [kammin'r] v. n. to travel, walk; -, m. Avalkchamber. ing-horn. Calzerone, [kltse'r'n] m. pL, Cameraccia, [kme'r'tshj f. ing; march. Camminata, [kammin't] [. largo uncomfortable room.' thick socks. journey. Calzetta, [kaltst't] f. fine Camerale, [kame'r'l] adj. be- hall; walk, Camminato, [<mrain't] m. longing to the chamber. stockings, pi. Calzettaio, [kltstt'y] see Camerario, [kmr'ri] m. pa- beaten, frequently walked ou (said of roads). pal chamberlain. Calzaiuolo. [kmmi'n] m. road, Calzino, [kaltsi'n] m. short Camerata, [kme'r't] /. room- Cammino, way; journey; chimney, hearth ful], society. stocking, sock. m. {loc.) - a uapore.steara-chimney; Calzo, [kl'ts] m. shoes, boots, Camerazzo , [kme'r'ds] a gran -, with great rapidity. royal valet. pi. small Cammucc, [kmm'kk] f. a Calzolaio, [kaltsl'yj wi. shoe- Camerella, [kme'r'l] f. room; each separate compart- kind of silk stuff formerly used. maker. Calzoleria, [kltsle'ri'] /. shoe- ment of the honey-comb re- Camo, [k'm] m. bridle; rope; ceptacle of each grain of corn. halter. maker's shop. Camojardo, [kmyr'd] m. a Calzoni, [klts'ni] m.pLbreech- Cameretta, [kame're't't] /. small kind of skin-cloth. room; water-closet. small clothes, pi.

Camera, [k'me'r] white- room; - da letto,


cam- Cammellopardalo [kammelprd'l] m. camelopard. chamber, Cammeo, [kmm'] m. cameo,



Cameriera, [kme'ri'r] /".lady's Camomilla , [kmmiri] see Camamilla. maid, house-maid. Camaglio, [kmT] m. neck- Cameriere, [kme'ri're'] m. val- Camorro, [kam'r] m. clown, ugly person (-vulgarism usually et, waiter; gentleman's servant. piece. Camaleonte, [kmle'n't] m. Camerino, [kme'ri'n] m. small applied to women). Camosciare, [kmsh're'] v. a. room, cabin. cameleon. Camaleontessa, [kamle'nte's'- Camerista, [kinri'st] f. maid to dress shammy-leather. Camosciatura, [kmsht'r] of honor. s] f. female cameleon. Camamilla, [kmmiri] ^ cam- Camerlingo, [kmrlin'g] see f. dressing of shammy-leather. Camoscino, [kmshi'n] adj. of Camarlingo. omile. Camangiare, [kmnja're'] m. Camerone, [kme'r'ne'] m. very shammy-leather. Camoscio, [km'sh] m. chalarge room. esculent herbs; dishes, pi. Camarlingo, [kamrlin'g] wi. Camerotto, [knie'r't] m. Ca- mois; shammy {see Camuso). great chamber- meruzza, [kmr'ts] f. small Camozza, [km'ts] /". wild chancellor , she-goat. room, snug room. lain. Campacchiare, [kmpkki're" Carnato, [kma'tl m. switch, Cmice, [k'mitsh] m. alb, surV. n. to live poorly. plice; capsule. stick for beating wool &c. Camauro, [km'r] m. cap Camicetta, [kmitshe't't] /. Campagna, [kmp'n'] f. country, campaign. covering the ears (worn by the small shirt. Camicette, [kmitsht't] m. Campagnata, [kmpan't] f. a Pope).




Cambellotto, [kmbll't] m. small alb. Camicia, [kmi'tsh] f. shirt, camlet (stuff). Cambiabile, [kmbi'bil] adj. shift. Camiciaio, [kmitsh'y] w. fickle, volatile. Cambiacolore, [kmbikl'r] shirt-maker. m. a kind of mushroom that Camiciara, [kmitsli'r] /. fechanges color from touching it. male shirt-maker. [kmitsh't! f. Camtoiadore, [kmbid'r] m. Camiciata, perspiTiifrhty sally, great cambist, banker. bill of ration. Cambiale, [kmbi'l] f.

large extent of




adj. countryman, villager, rural.

fkmp'le'] adj. ar, battaglia -, f. pitched


Campamento, [kmpme'n't] m.

Campana, [kamp'n]



vase employed in distilling.

Campanaccio ,
[kmpu'tsh] Canaccio,

big Cancelleria, [kntshlri']

chancery. ugly dog; villain. m. bellwether. Campanaio, [kmpn'y] Cam- Canaglia, [knr] Canagliac- Cancellierato, [kntshe'Uie'r'panaro, [kmpn'r] m. bell- eia, [knr'tsh] f. rabble, t] m. chancellorship.
Cancelliere, [kntshlli'r] m. [knr'me'] ri. registrar; chancellor. Cancello, [kntsh'l] m. lattice; knocker ; blue-bell ear-ring, the lowest people. court-bar, chaucurtain-ring; kind of horse's Canajnolo, [kny'l] m. Ca- balustrade cel-bar. najuola, f. black grapes, pi. bit. Campanello, [kmpnri] m. Canale, [kn'l] m. canal, Cancellone, [kntshe'll'n] m. great bar. channel. house-bell. m. Canaletto, [knle't't] Canali- Canchero, [kn'ke'r] m. (suro.) [kmpni'le'] Campanile, no, [knli'n] m. little canal; canker. steeple, belfry; lanciare -, to Cancheroso, [knke'r's] adj. gutter. exaggerate, boast. cankerous. [knl's] adj. Campanino, [kmpni'nj adj. Canaloso , Cancherusse, [knkrutse'] Cana kind of marble found at Pie- abounding in canals. chitra, [kankitr] Canchero, trasanta, sounding like a bell. Canapa, [k'np] f. hemp, Campanone, [kampn'ne'] m. Canapaja, [knp'y] f. Cana- [knk'r] and Ganciola, [knpaio, [knp'y] m. homp- tshl] imprecatory exclamagreat bell.
ringer; bell-founder.





Canagliume ,

Campare, [kmp're']
save; deliver;






v. n. to escape;

Canapaio, [knp'y] m.hemp- Cancrena, [knkre''n]



to gangrene. Cancrenoso, [knkre'n's] adj. gangrenous. Cancro, [kn'kr] m. cancer;


[kmpe'dj- Canapaie, [knp'le'J m. rope, Cancrenare, [knkrn're'] v.n.


m. encampment, camp

Campeggiare, [kmpdj'r]_ v Canape, [k'npe'] m. hempencompass with twist; rope. n. to encamp Canapello, [knpeTl] m. small an army, stand under arms Campeggio, [kmp'dj] m. log- rope. Canapiendola [knpie'nd'l] vsrood. [kmpe'r'tsh] Campereccio , f. see-saw. Canapiglia, [knpiT] f. wild adj. rural, wild. m. duck. Camporelle, [kmpe'r'l] Canapino , [knpi'n] adj. small field. Campestre, [kmp'stre'] adj. hempen. Canapo, [k'np] m. mar., cacampestral. Campetto, [kmpt't] m. a ble tackle, cordage. Canapuccia, [knp'tsha] /. furrow. m. hemp-seed. [kmpi'tsh] Campiccio ,
, ;


Candela, [knd'l]
light, bougie.



[kndl'br] m. , chandeleer. Candeletta, [knde'le't't]^small taper. Candellaja, [knde'll'y] Candellara, [kndell'r] f. Candelora, [kudl'r] candlemas. Candelliere, [kndlli'r] m. outskirts of a field prepared for Canarino, [knri'n] adj. pale candlestick; chandeleer. yellow color. Candelottaio,[knde'ltt'y] m. cultivation. Campidoglio,Campidolio, [km- Canarino, [knri'n] Canario, candle-maker , tallow-chand[knri] m. canary-bird. ler. pidT] wi. capitol (at Rome). Campignnolo, [kmpin''l] m. Canata, [kn't] f. scolding, Candelotto, [knde'16't] m.short reprimand. thick candle. a kind of mushroom. Campio,[kmpi'] adj. belonging Canatteria, [kntte'ri'] f. pack Candente, [kndn'te'] adj. burnof dogs. ing, shining. to fields (said of fowls &c.) Campione, [kmpi'ne'] m.cliam- Canattiere, [kntti're'] Candi, [kn'di] adj. candy, sukeeper. gar candy. pion pattern daybook Campire, [kmpi'r] v. a. paint. Canavaccio, [knv'tsh] i. Candidamente, [kndidme'n't] canvass. adv. candidly; sincerely. to paint the ground of pictures Campitene , [kmpitl'l] m Canavaio, [knv'y] see Ca- Candidato , [kndid't] adj. novaio. white; -, m. candidate. small field. Campo, [km'p] m. field, plain; Cancellabile , [kntshe'll'bile'] Candidezza , [kndidt's] /. whiteness purity. camp; field of a shield in her- adj. that may be cancelled. [kntshll- Candido, [kn'did] adj. white; aldry; - del telescopio, space Cancellamento , fair; sincere, open. seen at one time in a telescope; ran't] m. repeal. - santo, burial ground a -, out Cancellare, [kntshe'll're'] v Candire, [kndi'r] .a. to candy. of town; dar -, to give room, to cancel, erase, annul - le Candito, [kndi't] m. candied fruits, pi, comfiture. give an opportunity; dar - braccia, to cross the arms. Cancellata , [kntshe'll't] f. Candore, [knd'r] m. whiteaperto, to give free access ness; purity; sincerity. levar il-, to decamp; mettere iron grating, lattice. Cancellato, [kntshe'll't] adi. Cane, [k'ne'] m. dog; cock (of a in -, to propose. Camporeccio,[kmpre"tsh] see grated, latticed. gun); - da caccia, hound. Cancellatura, [kntshe'lltii'r] Canestrello, [kue'stre'ri] CaCampereccio. [kntshlla- nestretto, [knstre't't] CaneCamuffare, [kmff're'] v. n. to Cancellazione , tsi'ne'] /. canceling. strino, [kne'stri'n] m. small disguise, dissemble, feign Camuffato , [kamff't] adj. Cancelleresco, [kntshe'lle're's'- basket, hamper. k] adj. belonging to chan- Canestriera, [kne'stri'r] f. disguised, feigned. Camuffo, [kmf'f] m. a rogue. cery (employed especially for basket-woman. Camuso, [km's] m. flat- nosed the large writing used in that Canestro, [kne"str] m. pan office). nier, hamper. person.


Canfora, [kn'fr] [. camphire. Canforato, [kanfr't] Canfo-


and Cannoncino, [knnntshi'- Cantajolo, Cantajnolo, [kntn] m. small cannon. y'l] tn. call-bird. rico, [knf'rik] adj. cam- Cannonciotti , [knnntshot'ti] Cantambanco , [kntambn'k] m. pL, a kind of short macca- m. impostor. phorate. Cangiabile , [knj'bil] adj. roni. Cantamento, [kntme'n't] m. Cannone, [knn'ne'] m. cannon, singing, air. changeable; fickle. Cangiamento, [knjme'n't] ni. great gun, tube, bobbin. Cantante, [kntn't] adj. singchange. Cannoneggiare, [knnne'dj'r] ing; merry; -, m. singer. Cangiante, [knjan'te'] or//. V. a. to cannonade. Cantare, [kant'r] v. a. & n. to changing(said chiefly of colors). Cannoniera, [knnni'rd] f. sing ; warble ; -, m. song ; Cangiare, [kanj're'J v. a. to embrasure. strain. m. change; shift. Cannoniere, [knnni're'] m. Cantarello , [kntr'l] Cangrena, [kngr'n] (. gan- cannonier, artillery-man. jordeu. grene. Cannoso, [knn'sj adj. reody. Cantaride, [knta'ride'] f. cauCaniccio, [kni'tsh] m. hurdle. Cannuccia, [knn'tsha] f. small tharides, pi. Canicula, [kni'kl] [. dogCantaro, [knta'r] w. song; cane. star; dog-days, pi. Cannutiglia, [knntiT] Caa- measure of 150 pounds. Canicular e, [knikl're'] ad}. nutiglio, [kanntil''] m. little Cantata, [knt't] /'.song with canicular. strips of gold and silver used a recitative; messa cantata, f. Canile, [knile'] tn. dog-kennel, in embroidering. high mass. adj. belonging to dogs. Cantatore, [kntt'r] m. singCanoa, [kn] f. canoe. Caninamente , [kninme'n'te'] Canocchiale, [kankki'l] see er, songster. adv. like a dog. Cantatrice, [kantatri'tshe'] f. Cannocchiale. Canino, [kni'n] adj. canine, Canocchio, [kn'ki] ?n. vine- songstress. currish; -,m. small dog; whelp. Canterano, [knte'r'n] m. chest prop. Canit, [knit'] f. cruelty; Cnone, [k'nne'] m. canon, of drawers. brutality. Canterella, [knte'r'l] /. canchurch-law. Canzie, [kni'tsie'] f. old age. Canonica, [kanni'k] f. resi- tharides, pi. Canna, [kn'nii] f. cane wind- dence of a canon. Canterellamento , [kante're'llapipe rod; barrel (of a gun). Canonicale, [knnik'le] adj. me'nto] m. the act of singing Cannajo, [knn'y] m. water- canonical. low. pipe maker; weaver's drawer; Canonicamente, [knnikamn'- Canterellare, [knte'rlla're'] v. hurdle; eel-basket. n. to sing low; warble. te'] adj. canonically. Cannamele, [knnme"l] [. su- Canonicato, [kannik't] w. Canterello, [knte'r'l] m. tinsel. gar-cane. Canterino, [kante'ri'n] w. singcanonship; prebend. Cannata, [knn'ta] [. blow from Canonichessa, [knnike's's] f. er; adj. a kind of barloy. a cane. Canteruto, [knt^'r't] adj. ancanoness. Cannella, [knn'l] f. pipe to Canonicit, [kannitshit'j f. gulous. conduct water; switch; spigot; canonicalness. Cantica, [kn'tik] /. song of cinnamon. Canonico, [kn'nik] adj. can- Solomon. Cannellato , [knne'll't] adj. onical; -, m. canon. Canticchiare, [kntikki're'] v. flavored with cinnamon; cinua- Canonista, [knni'st] m. can- n. to sing low chirp. mon-colored. Cantico, [knti'k] tn. canticle, onist. Cannelletta, [knne'lle't't] J. Canonizzare, [knnids'r] v. hymn. see Cannellina. Cantilena, [kntile''nd] /. little a. to canonize. Cannelletto, [knne'lle't't] m. Canonizzazione,[kannidstsi- song; love-song. tube. Cantilenacela, [kntile'n'tshd] ne'] f. canonization. Cannellina, [knne'lli'n] Asmall Canoro, [kan'r] adj. canorous, f. bad song. pipe. Cantilenare, [kntile'n're'j v. a. harmonious. Cannello, [knne'l'l] m. pipe, Canotto, [kn't] wi. canoe. and n., to make songs. reed; siphon. Canova, [k'nv] f. cellar; Cantimplora, [kntimpl'r] f. Cannellone, [knne'll'n] w. tavern. ice-pail. great pipe. Cannelloni, pi. a Canovaccio, [knv'tsh] w. Cantina, [kanti'n]/".cellar,cave. kind of maccaroni. Cantinetta, [kntine't't] /". sm al 1 canvass; towel. Cannelluzza, [knne'll'tsj f. Canovajo, [knv'y] i. butler, cellar; cooler. cock, spout. Cantiniere, [kntini're'] Cantistore-keeper. Canneto, [knne"t] m. reedy Causare, [kns'r] v. a. to re- niere, [kntini'r] wt. butler, fen. move; secure, shelter. Cansar- vintner. Cannibale, [knnib'le'] tn. can- si, V. r. to retire, escape. Cantino, [knti'n] tn. treble nibal, savage. Cansatoja, [knst'y] f. Can- string (of a violin, &c.) Cannicciaja, [knnitsh'ya] f. satojo, [knst'y] m. shelter, Canto, [kn'tjm. singing, song; hurdle used in drying figs. side, part; corner; a -, apart asylum. Canniccio, [knni'tshj m.hurdle Cantabile, [kantaTjile'] adj. that dal - tnio, as for me; mar., - di made of canes. may be sung m. vius., a slow sopravvento, weather-side. Cannocchiale, [kannkki'le'] m. musical composition. Cantonata, [kntn't] f. cortelescope. Cantacchiare, [kntkki're'] v. ner, angle, blow from a stone. Cannocchio, Cantoncello , [kntntsh'l] [knn'ki] m. n. to sing low, lium. sucker of a reed. Cantafavola, [kntf'vl] /. Cantoncino , [kntntshi'nj Cannonata, [knnn't] f. can- fable, tale. m. little corner. non-shot, cannonade. Cantafera, [kntf'rj/.hallad, Cantone, [knt'n] m. cornerCannoncello , stone; canton. [knnntsh'lj song , ditty.

Cantoniera, [Icntnie'r] f. a giuoco delle capanelle, a game played with walnuts something corner cupboard. Cantoniere, [kntni'r] m. a resembling marbles. street seller of ointments &c. Capanniscondere , [kapanni Cantore, [knt'r] m. chorister, sknd're'] m. Game called " hide and seek. singer. Cantoria, [kntri'a] f. singing- Capanno, [kpn'n] m. cottage,

Capillare, [kapilla're'j adj. capillary.

Capillato, [kpill't] adj. velvety, soft. Capimento , [kpime'n't] iw. capacity, comprehension.

adj. said of a


kind of wig.

Cantorino, [kntri'n] m.sing- Capannone , [kpnn'n] m. Ing-book. large cottage. Cantucciajo, [knttsh'y] m. Caparbieria, [kaparbie'ri'a] Cabiscuit-baker. parbiet [kprbie't'] CaparCantuccio, [knt'tsbi] m. cor- bietade, Caparbietate, /". obdi pane biscuit ner; stinacy, stubbornness. the extremity of an oblong Caparbio, [kpr'bi] adj. obloaf, the crusty piece. stinate, stubborn. Canutamente, [kntme'n'te'] Caparra, [kpr'r] /. earnestadv. prudently, cautiously. money; pledge. Canutezza, [knte't's] /.hoari- Caparrare, [kprr're'[ v. a. to ness, gray hairs, pi. give earnest. Canutiglia, [kantiTi] f. gold Caparrone , [kprr'ne'] ni. and silver-spangles, pi. embroil er, intriguer. Canuto, [kn't] adj. hoary, Capassone , [kpass'ne'] m. gray-headed, old. blockhead. Canzona, [kants'n] see Can- Capata, [kp't] f. salute, bow zone. nod, blow with the head. Canzonaccia, [kantsn'tsh] /. Capecchio, [kape'k'ki] wi. coarse bad song. tow. Canzonare, [kntsn'r] v a. Capegli, [kape'Ti] for Capelli

Capinere, [kpin'r] m.tom-tit. Capire, [kpi'r] v. a. & n. to contain; comprehend; vi capisco, I understand you; non- in u stesso, to be overjoyed. Capirotto, [kpirt't] m. ono who has broken his head. Capisoldo, [kpisrdj wi. bounty, gratuity, reward. Capisteo, [kpi'st] Capistejo or Capistero, vessel for sifting and cleaning corn; vessel to carry on the head. Capitagna, [kapita'n'a] /".strips of earth at the extremity of a


plowed unsown.



Capitale, [kpita'le'] afJj.captal,




m. capital, stock,


far poco



to sing



{see Capello).

no account of. Capitalmente, [kpitlme'n'te']

adv. capitally. Capitana,[kpit'n] ^admiral's

Canzonatorio, [kntsnt'ri] Capella,

adj. derisively.




young she-goat.

Canzonatura, [kntsntr] f. Capellatura, [kpe'llt'r] f. ship. humbug. head of hair, radiation round Capitananza, [kpitnn'ts] /. command of an army. Canzoncine , [kntsntshi'a] the stars. m. canzonet. Capelliera, [kpe'lli'r] f. false Capitanare, [kpitn're'] v. a. to appoint chiefs command. Canzone, [knts'ne'] f. song, hair. [kpitn't] m. to give fair Capellino, [kplli'n] Capitanato, ballad; dar captainry, chieftainship. words; essere in -, to be tho colored, auburn.
; ,

laughing-stock; mettere in
to laugh at.









Canzonina, [kntsni'n] /".little

song, canzonet.

Capellino, [kapelli'n] m. small head of hair; Capellini, a kind of paste resembling vermicelli. Capello, [kpe'l'l] m. hair; a -, to a hair, exactly. Capelloso, [kpllo's] adj. thin as a hair. Capelluto, [kpe'll'tjadj .hairy.

Capitaneggiare, [kap itane' dj'r] V. a. to



Capitaneria, [kpitnri'a] see Capitananza. Capitano, [kpit'n] m.captain. Capitare, [kpita'r] v. n. to conclude, finish; arrive at; bene to come off well, be

chaos, con- Capere, [k'pre'] v.a.seeCapire. successful. Caperozzolo, [kpe'rts'l] m. Capitazione, [kpittsi'ne'] f. poll-tax. Capacchione, [kpkki'n] m. cone, pin's-head. great foolishness. Capestreria, [kpe'stre"ri] f. Capitello, [kpit'l] wj. arcA., Capaccio, [kp'tsh] adj. ob- an action worthy of hanging; a capital; {bookb.) headband. stinate, stubborn; -, m. thick licence in writing; a piquant Capitolare, [kpitl're] v. n, to capitulate, parley, write in skull. morsel. Capace, [kp'tshe']af/j. capable, Capestro, [kp'str] n. halter, chapters. Capitolare, [kpitl're'] m. an fit. rope; villain. Capacit, [kpatshit'] Capaci- Capestruzzo, [kpe'str'ts] m. ecclesiastic belonging to a chapter; adj. belonging to a tade. Capacitate, /. capacity; rascal, pickpocket, bad rope. extent. Capetto, [kpt't] m. little chapter. Capitolazione , [kpitltsi'Capacitatile, [kptshitbi'le'] head. adj. comprehensible. Capevole, [kp'vle'j adj. ca- n] /. capitulation. Capitolo, [kpi'tl] m. chapter; Capacitare, [kptshit're'] v a. pable, intelligent. [kpe'ts'le'J m. a matter. Capitoli, pi. accord, to enable, qualify;-, v. a. r. Capezzale, small collar, bolster. agreeme^nt. to be persuaded. Capaguto , [kapag't] m. a Capezzolo, [kapt'sljm.nipple. Capitombolare, [kpitmbl'Capidoglia, [kpidTa] f. kind r] V. n. to tumble. kind of sharp weapon. Captombolatore , [kpitmbCapanna, [kpn'n] /". cottage ; of whale. Capifosso, [kpifs's] m. prin- lt're'] m. a tumbler, one who barn. tumbles. Capannella, [kapanne'l'la] Ca- cipal drain. pannetto , [kpnne't't] m. Capigliatura, [kpiglit'r] /. Capitombolo, [kpitm'bl] m, gang ; head of hair. tumble. small cottage ; hand


[k's] fusion.





Capitone, [kpit'n] m. coarse Capone, [kp'n] m. large head; Capperone,[kppe'r'ne']m.hood;


Capitorzolo, [kpitrz'l] m. Caponeria, [kpne'ri']

[Icpit's] adj. obstinate, stubborn. Capitozza,[kpit'ts]/'.pollard. Capitozzare, [kpittsii're] v.a. to cut in the forra of pollards. Capo, [k'p] m. head; chief;





commander, governor; fancy, idea; - per -, item per item


da -, agTitin; da - al pie/le, from top to toe - bombardiere, m. chief bombardier;- maestro, m. - (T anno, new head-master

year's day; in - del mese, at the end of the month; -d'opera. masterpiece; - della via, end of the street; far -, to confine upon, touch; oppose, resist; far - da uno, to apply to one; levar in -, to work (as wine &c.) mettere nel -, to make one be;



col - rotto, to

have the worst; venire a -, to come to an end bring about.

carrier's cloak. ob- Capperuccio, [kppe'r'tsh] m. stinacy, stiflfneckedness. shabby hood, cowl. Capopiede , [kppie"de'J adv. Cappietto, [kappie't'to] m. loop. topsy-turvy, error. Cappio, [kp'pi] m. knot, bow; Capopopolo, [kppp'l] m. cappio! cappizzi! contempdemagogue. tuous exclamation. Caporale, [kpr'leT adj. chief, Cappita, [kap'pita] int. heyday! tn.. principal; chief, com- Capponaia, [kppn'y] /. camander; corporal. pon-coop. Caporovescio , [kprve''sh] Capponare, [kppn're'] v. a. to adv. topsy-turvy. capon, curtail; mar. to cat (the Caposcuola, [kpsk'l] m. anchor). teacher of painting. Capponata , [kppn't] f. a Caposoldo, [kpsl'd] m. re- feast given by peasants on the muneration, reward. birth of their children. Caposquadra, [kapsku'dr] m. Capponcello , [kppntsh'l] mar., commodore. m. small young capon. Capotaste, [kpt'st] m. peg Cappone, [kpp'ne'] m. capon. (of a stringed instrument). Cappotto, [kpp't] m. cloak. Capotruppa, [kaptrp'p] m. capote; fare un -, to capot (at captain of the band. picket). Capoverso, [kpvr's] m. be- Cappuccetto, [kpputshe't't] m. ginning of a verse. small cowl capuchin. Capovolgere, [kpvl'je're'] Ca- Cappnccia, [kpp'tsh]/'.hood; povoltare, [kpvlta'r] v. a. cabbage-lettuce. to overturn; put on the wrong Cappucciajo, [kpptsh'y] m.

obstinate man.

Capotoandito, [kpbndi't] m. side. chief of banditti. Capozncca, [kptsuk'k] m. an Capocaccia, [kpk'tsh] m. imbecile. chief huntsman. Cappa, [kp'p] f. cloak hood, Capocchia, [kplj'ki] knob of cape. a stick Ac. Cappare, [kappa're'] pick Capocchio, [kpk'ki] adj. dull, out; choose. heavy, silly. Cappato, [kppa't] adj. excelCapoccia, [kp'tsh] ni. head lent of its kind. of a peasant's family, head Cappella, [kpp'l] f. chapel shepherd. maestro i - , leader of the Capocenso, [kptshn's] m. choir. poll-tax. Cappellaccio, [kppe'll'tsh] m Capocbino, [kpki'n] m. affir- coarse hat. mative nod. Cappellajo, [kppe'll'y] m. Capocuoco, [kpk'k] m.head- hatter. cook. Cappellania, [kppllni'] f. Capotila, [kpfi'l] m. first chaplainship. soldier of the file. Cappellano , [kppe'll'n] m Capogatto, [kpgt't] m. ver- chaplain; almoner. tigo, staggers, pi. Cappelletta, [kappe'lle't'ta] f. Capogiro, [kpji'r] m. dizzi- small chapel. ness, freak. Cappelletto, [kpplle't't] m. Capolavoro , [kplv'r] m. small hat. master-piece. Cappelliera, [kppe'lli'r]/".hatCapoletto, [kple't't]. hang- box, hat-case. ings, pi., tapestrJ^ Cappellina, [kappelli'nj/'.small Capolevare, [kple'v're'] v. n. chapel small hat. to fall head-foremost. Cappellnajo,[kppe'llin'y] m. Capolino, [kiipli'n] m. little rack for hats. head; far -, to spy through a Cappellino , [kppe'Ui'n] see hole, peep in. (handle. Cappelletto. [k'pl] m. plough Cappello, [kpp'l] m. hat, cap; Capolo, Capomaestro, [kpm'strjm. cardinal's hat. architect; superintendent. Cappellone, [kppll'ne'] in. Capomese, [kpm'se'J m. the large hat. first day of the month. Cappelluccio, [kppe'll'tsh] m.. Capona, [kp'n] f. obstinate coarse hat. woman. Cappelluto , [kppell't] m.

hood-maker, cloak-maker. Cappuccina, [kpptshi'n] Astazie, [st'tsi] Cardamindo, [krdmin'd] f. herb used in salads. Cappuccino, [kpptshi'n] m.

capuchin monk. Cappuccio [kapp'tsh] hood cabbage. Capra, [ka'pra] f. she-goat.



Capra,jo,[kpra'y] m. goatherd. Capresteria, [kapre'ste'ri'a] f.

wantonness, freak. Capretta, [kprt't] f. kid. Caprezzo, [kprt's] m. caprice,

whim, fancy.

Capricciare, [kpritsh're'] see Raccapricciare. Capriccio, [kpri'tsh] m. shivering; caprice, whim. Capricciosamente, [kapritshsme'n'te'] adv. capriciously. Capricciosit [kpritshsit'J f. capriciousness. Capriccioso, [kpritsh's] adj. capricious, whimsical. Capricorno, [kprikr'n] m. Capricorn. Caprifico, [kprifi'k] m. wildfig-tree.

Caprifoglio , [kprifT] m. honey-suckle. Caprigno, [kpri'n'] Caprino,

[kpri'n] adj. goatish. Caprile, [kpri'l] m. goat-fold. Caprio , [k'pri] m. roe-buck, wild-goat. Capriola, [kpri'I] f. caper,

Capriolare, [kpril're'] v. n, Capperi,[kp'pri] inf., heyday! to cut capers. headiness, obstinacy. Caponamente, [kpnme'n'te'] Cappero, [kp'pe'r] m. caper; Caprioletto, [kprile't't] m, fawn. caper-bush. adv. obstinately.

Caponaggine, [kpn'djine']


tufted, crested.




Capriolo, [kpri'l] ni. roe- Carbonaio, [krbn'y] m. coal- Cardella, [kardel'la] f. small carding brush. dealer. btick, wild-goat; tendril, Caprinola, [kpri'l], roe. Carbonara, [krbu'r] f. a Cardellotto, [krdlle't't] m. measure of wood for making gold-finch. Capro, [k'pr] m. Lilly goat. Cardeto, [karde"t] m. ground Caprone, [kpr'n] r. large charcoal ; a kind of sand. Carbonari, [krbn'ri] m. pi. sown with thistles. he-goat. Cardiaco, [kardi'ak] adj. carCaprugginare , [iprd'jn're'] a political Italian sect. Carbonata, [krbna't] f. cook. diac, cordial. V. n. to stave 'barrels. Cardialgia, [krdilji'a] f. med. Caprugginatojo , [kprd'jna- pork-chop. cardialgy. [krbutsh'l] Carboncello , t'y] m. cooper. Capraggine, [kprd'j'ne'] /".tlie Carbonchio, [krbn'ki] m. Cardinalato, [krdinl't] m. cardinalato. notches of the staves of casks. carbuncle; small coal. [krbnki's] Cardinale, [krdin'Ie'] adj.cptrCapsula, [kp'sl] f. capsule Carbonchioso , dinal, principal; -, m. cardia::); pod, husk; gun., cap, patent- adj. burnt; scorched. Carbone, [krb'ne'] m. coal; hinge. cap. Capsulare, [kpsl'r]ac(;. cap- carbuncle; - fossile, m. pit- Cardinalesco, [krdinle's'k] coal a misura di carboni, in adj. of a cardinal. sular. Cardine, [kr'din] r. hinge, Captivo,[kpti'v]acy. a captive. abundance, plentifully. pole. [karbonel'la] Capuccio, [kap'tsh] to. little Carbonella , f. small charcoal. Cardo, [kr'd] m. thistle; carhead. Capzioso, [kptsi's] adj. cap- Carboniccio, [krbni'tsh] adj. der's comb. [krdntsh'I] Cardoncello, black as coal. tious, fraudulent. Carabattole, [krbt'tl] f. Carboniera, [krbni'r]/'.coal- and Cardoncino, [kardontski'n] m. hot. artichoke suckers. plt. pi., trifles, haubles, pi. Carabo, [kr'b] m. yellow- Carboniggia , [krbnidja] f. Cardoncione , [krdntsh'n] (bine. m. acanthus. char CO al-p o wder. amber, Carabina, [krbi'n] f. cara- Carcame, [krk'm] m, car- Cardone, [krd'n] see Cardo. Cardosanto, [kardsu't] m. Carabinata, [krbin't] f. ca- cass. rabine-shot. Carcare, [krk'r] v. a. poes., hollyhock. Cardoscolimo, [krdskli'm] Carabiniere, [krhini're'] m. to charge, burden. carabinier. Car caria, [krk'ri] f. dog- and Carduccio, [krd'tsh]rn. wild artichoke. Caracollare, [krkU're'] t;. n. fish. to caracol, wheel aboxit. Carcassa, [krks's] f. carcass Careggiare, [kre'dj're'] o o. to caress; value, esteem. Caracollo, [karkri] vi. wheel(bomb); skeleton; hulk. ing about. Carcasse, [karks's] m. quiver. Carello, fkar'l] wi. cushion, Caraffa, [krf'f] f. decanter. Carceramento, [kartshe'rame'n'- pillovY. Carena, [kr'na] {. keel (of a Carafflna, [krffi'n] Caraffl- to] m. imprisonment. no, [krffi'n] m. small de- Carcerare, [krtshe'r'r] v. a. ship). Carenaggio, [kre'n'dj] m. cacanter. to imprison. Caraffone, [krif'ne'] m. large Carcerato, m. reening, calking. [krtshe'ra't] decanter. Carenare, [kre'n'r] v. a. to prisoner. Caramella, [kramri] f. fla- Carceratore, [krtshe'rt're'] m. careen, calk. geolet sugar plum. Carente, [kre'n'te'] adj. poes., constable, policeman. Caramente, [karmn'te'] adv. Carcerazione , [krtshrtsi'- needy, wanting. Carestia, [kre'sti'] f. dearth; dearly, tenderly. ne'] f. incarceration. Caramogio, [karm'j]wi.dwarf, Carcere, [kr'tshe're'] m. prison, scarcity. shrimp. Carestoso, [krest's] adj. nejail. (ru.S!i. Caramussale, [krmssa'le'] m. Carceriere, [krtshe'ri're'] m. cessitous. Carette, [krt't] m. soc];^o a high-pooped merchant vessel jailer. used by the Turks. Carcinoma, [krtshin'm] m. Carezza, [kart's] /". caress, Caranza, [krn'ts] f. a medic- an ulcerated tumor, a kind fondness. inal plant. Carezzamento, [kre'tsme'n't] of cancer. Carata, [kr't] f. fruit or pod Carciofaia, [krtshif'y] and m. flattery, cajolery. of the carob. Carciofeto, [krtshif't] w. Carezzare, [krts're'J v. a. to Caratare, [krt're'] v. a. to groundplanted with artichokes. caress, flatter. weigh, ponder; deliberate care- Carciofo, [krtsh'f] m. arti- Carezzatore, [krtst're'] m. fully; criticize. fondler, cajoler. choke; ninny. Caratello, [krt'l] m. keg, Carco, [kr'k] adj. poes.loaded; Carezzevole, [kre'tse"vl] adj. small barrel. -, t. charge, burden. flattering. Carato, [kr't] m. carat. Cardaiuolo, [krdyu'l] m. Carezzevolmente, [kre'tse'vlCarattere, [krt'te're'] m. cha- wool-carder. me'n't] adv. kindly, lovingly. racter; dignity, quality; style. Cardamomo, [krdm'mj m. Carezzine, [kre'tsi'n] f. pi. Caratteristico, [karttris'tik] cardamom. kind caresses, pi. adj. characteristic. Cardare, [krd're'] v. a. to Carezzoccie, [kre'ts'tshe'] f. pi. Caratterizzare, [krtte'ridsa'- card wool. rough caresses. re'] V. a. to characterize. Cardatore, [krdt're'] m. card- Cariare, [kri're'] v.n. to beCaravella, [krv'la] f. caravel. er; backbiter. come carious. Carbonaia, [krbn'y] f. coal- Cardatura, [kardt'r] f. card- Cariatide, Cariatidi, f. pi., capit; coal-shed; a measure of ing. riatides. wood for making charcoal; Cardeggiare, [karde'dja're'] v. Cariato, [kri't] adj. carious, coal-woman. a. to card; slander. rotten.



Carica, [ka'rik]



a high price ; -, m. dearness (oil f. charge, load; Carnale, [krn'le'] adj. carnal ; provisions), scarcity. care; dar la -, to charge, at- sensual. Carnalit, [krnlit'] Carna- Carogna, [kr'n'] f. carrion ; tack (the enemy). Caricamento, [krikmn't] m. litade, Carnalitate, f. sensual- jade. ity. Carognaccia, [krn''tsh] f. the act of lading. [karnlme'n't] old worn out jade. Caricare, [krik're'] v. a. to Carnalmente , adv. carnally, sensually. Carognuola, [krn'l] f. a good charge, load. Caricatamente, [kriktmu'- Carname, [krna'ra] m. car- for-nothing woman. Carola, [kr'l] f. ballad-dance. rion. t] adv. affectedly. [krikt're'] m. Carnascialare, [krnshl'r] Carolare, [krl're'J v. n. to Caricatore , see Carnevaleggiare. dance. loader, freighter. Caricatura, [krikt'r] /".car- Carnasciale, [krnsha'le'] see Carota, [kr't] /. carrot; fib, story. Carnovale. icature. Carice, [k'ritsh] f. sedge, Carnascialesco , [krnshls'- Carotaccia, [krt'tsha] f. notorious falsehood. k] see Carnovalesco. rush. Carico, [k'rik] adj. loaded, Carnatnra, [krnt'r] f. sec Carotaio, [krt'y] f. carrotseller ; quack. charged; -, tn. charge, load, Carnagione. Carne, [kr'ne'] f. flesh; meat; Carotare, [kart're'] v. n. to freight; hlame. Cariddi, [karid'di] f. Charihdis. pulp; sap; -di castrato, mut- fib; boast; u. a. to plant carrots. ton; - di manzo, beef; - di Carotidi, [krti'di] f. pi. carotCarie, [k'rie'] f. rottenness. Cariello, [krie'l'l] m. a kind pesce, fish; - di vitello, veal; id arteries. essere in -, to he plump ; far -, Carotiere, [krti're'] see Caroof ribbon used for binding. tai o. Carino, [kri'n] adj. dear, love- to slaughter, kill. m. Carovana, [krv'n] f. cara[krn'fitshe'] ly; -, m. my dear, my dar- Carnefice , van; convoy. hangman, executioner. ling. Carioso, [kri's] adj. carious, Carneo, [kar'n] adj. carneous; Carovello, [krvel'l] i. a variety of pear-tree. rotten. Carisma, [kari'sma] m. the gift Carnesalata, [karne'sl'tl f. Carpare, [krp're'] see Carpir Carpentiere, [krpe'nti'r] m. pickled pork. of the Holy Spirit. Carit, [karit'] Caritade, Ca- Carnescialesco, [krne'shls'- cart-wright, carpenter. Carpento, [krpe'n't] m. cart, k] adj. of carnival ; merry. ritate, f. charity; affection. cart-load. Caritatevol9,[kritat'vl]adj. Carnesecca,[krne'sk'k] /'.saltCarpicelo, [krpi'tsh] m. great meat. charitable, benevolent. Caritativamente, [karittiv- Carnevale, [krnv'le'] m. car- quantity; volley of blows. Carpine , [krpi'ne'] Carpino, nival. me'n't] adv., charitably. Caritativo, [kritti'v] Carite- Carnevaleggiare , [krnvle'- [krpi'n] m. horn-beam. Carpionare, [krpin'r] v. a. vole, [krit'vl] adj. chari- dja're'] v. a. to riot; roister. Carniere, [krni're'] m. Car- to dress fish like carp. table, kind. [krite'vlniera, [krni'r] f. game- Carpioncino,[krpintshi'n] to, Caritevolmente , young carp. pouch, sportsman's jacket. me'n'te'] see Caritativamente. Carnificina, [karnifitshi'na] /. Carpione, [karpi'ne'] m. carp. Carivendolo, [krive'nd'l] Carpire, [karpi're'] v. a. to a seller of goods at high prices. torture, torment. Carlino, [krli'n] i. a neapol- Carnvoro, [krni'vr] adj. car- snatch, seize; steal, rob. Carpita, [krpi't] rug, itan coin, value about four nivorous. f. Carnosetto, [krnse't't] arlj. blanket. pence. Carpo, [kr'p] wi. wrist. Carlona (alia), [alia krl'n] rather fleshy. Carnosit, [krnsit'] Carne-lCarpobalsamo, [karpbals'm] adv. carelessly. Carme, [kr'm] m. poem, strain. sitade, Carnositate, f. carno-l m. fruit of the balsam tree, Carpone, [krp'n] adv. on all Carmilitano, [krmilit'n] m. sity; plumpness. and Carmelita, [karmeli'ta] Carnoso, [krns] adj. fleshy, four, on hands and feet, Carradore, [karrad're'] Carrajo, muscular. m. carmelite-monk. Carminare, [krmin're'] v. a. Carnovale, [krnva'le'] tn. car- [krr'y] m. cart-wright, Carrata, [krr't] f. cart-load. nival. to card wool. Carminativo, [krminti'v]adj. Carnevaleggiare , [krnvle'- Carratello, [karrate'l'lo] m. bar-


dja're'] see Carnevaleggiare. carminative. Carminio, [krmi'ni] m. car- Carnovalesco , [krnvle's'k] adj. of carnival. mine. Carnaocia, [krna'tsh] f. had Carnovalino, [krnvli'n] adj. said of certain pompous eccle flesh. Carnaccoso,[krntsh's]Car- siastical functions. nacclnto, [krntsh't] adj. Carnume, [krn'me'] m. a species of zoophite. fleshy plump. Carnaggio, [krnd'j] i. flesh- Carnuta, [krn't] /". an iron box or safe containing the carmeat. Carnagione, [krnaj'ne'] /. car- dinals dinner when they are sitting in conclave. nation, flesh-color. Carnajo, [ka'rn'y] m. charnel- Carnuto, [krn't] adj*. plump, house, slaughter-house, hutch- fat. Caro, [ka'r] adj. dear, costly ery. w. beloved agreeable tener -, to Ikrnay'lo] Carnajnolo, esteem -, adv, dearly, dear, at game-pouch, hag.
; ; ; ; ;

rei, hogshead. Carreggiabile ,

[krre'djhi'll adj. accessible for carts &c.(said

of roads) Carreggiajo, [karrji'y] i. cart-maker. Carreggiare, [krre'dj'r] v. a. to drive a cart.





[karre'djt'r] carter, driver, waggoner. Carreggio, [krr'dj] i. num-

ber of carts together baggage, goods, pi. Carretta, [krrt'td] f. car* carriage (of a cannon).




m. Cartaja, [kart'ya] f. paper Carvi , [kr'vi] ni. caraway[krrtt'y] , manufactory. carter, waggoner. seed. Carrettata, [krrtta't] f. cart- Cartajo, [krt'y] m. paper- Casa, [k's] /. house; family - di campagna, country-houso ; maker, paper-seller. full, tumbril-full. Carrettiere, [krre'tti're'j m. Cartapesta, [ka.rtpe''st] rail. - di stazione, station/. macerated paper. carter, carrier. house; essere in -, to be at Carrettino, [krrtti'n] tv.. Cartaro, [krta'r] see Cartujo. home; vado a -, I am going Cartastraccia, [krtstr'tsh] home. small cart.

Carretto, [krre't't] m. wheel- /. waste-paper. Cartata, [krta't] barrow; brewer's dray.






Carrettone , [krrtt'ne'] m. Carteggiare, [krte'dja're'J v. n. to glance over a book large waggon. cor- Gasacela, [ks'teha] /. uglj Carriaggio, [krri'dj] ni. bag- respond; to play at cards. house. Carteggio, [krtd'j] m. cor- Casaccio, [ks'tsh] m. strange gage, equipage. m. [krritsh'l] respondence. Carricello, accident; a -, by chance. Cartella, [krt'l] /.inscription, Casaccone, small car. m. [ksakk'ne']
Carriera, [krri'r] f. career; label ; pocket-book. race ; life, sun's course, stone- Cartellare, [krtll're'] v. n. pit. to publish manifestos ; to send Carrino, [krri'n] m. barricade a challenge. formed of carts. Cartellina, [krte'lli'n] /".small Carriuola, [krri'l] /".truckle- label. Cartello, [krt'l] m. bill, manibed, wheel-barrow. Carro, [kr'r] m. car cart- festo, libel, challenge. bowsprit; Cartellone , load; heel of the [krtll'ne'] m. placard. astr. great bear; - trionfale, di tra- Cartiera, [krti'r] f, papertriumphal car; rail. sporto, lowry, truck; a carri, mill paper ware-house. Cartilagine , [krtil'jine'] /. in abundance. in. [krr'tsh] cartilage, gristle. Carroccio ,
; ;

coat, surtout; r o/^ar -, to turn one's coat, change sides.

great jacket. Casale, [ks'le'j m. hamlet, village.

Casalingo, [ksliu'g] adj. domestic: sedentary; pane -, m. household-bread. Casaline, [ksli'n] m. small hamlet; hut. Casamatta, [ksmt't] /. casemat3.




large house.

Casaportante , [ksprtn'te'] adj. carrying its own house

triumphant car, chariot. Carrozza, [krr'ts] f.

riage, coach.



[krrtsbi'le'J , adj. accessible for carriages.

Carrozzaio, [krrtsa'y] n. coach-maker. Carrozzare, [krrts'r] v. n. to go in a coach. [karrts.i't] Carrozzata , f.





coach-man, driver. Carrozzino, [karrtsi'n]

m. small carriage. Carruba, [krr'b] f. carob. Carrubio, [krr'bi] Carrubo, [karr'b] m. carob-tree. Carruca, [krr'k] see Carrucola.

Cartilagineo , [kartilji'ne'] (said of snails). Cartilaginoso, [krtilajin'sj Casare , v. a. to [kasa're'] adj. cartilaginous, gristly. marry, begin house-keeping. Cartina, [krti'ci,]/. small piece Casarella, [ksrri] /. small of paper. house; rail. - {della strada Cartocciere, [karttshi're'] m. ferrata), line-keeper's house. cartouch-box. Casato, [ksa't] m. or Casata, Cartoccio, [krt'tsh] m. pa- [ks't] /". surname family per-cup, cornet;cartouch; scroll race; adj., having houses, (said of a composite or Ionic cap- of a place). ital. Casatella, [kasteTl] f. excelCartolajo, [krtl'y] m. pa- lent small cheese. per merchant, stationer. Cascaggine , [kskd'jine'] f. Cartolare, [krtl're] v. a. to drowsiness. page. Cascamento, [kskme'n't] m. Cartolaio, [krtl'r] m. jour- fall, falling; chance. nal, log-book, diary. Cascamorto, [kaskamr't] m. Cartoleria, [kartl'ri] paper- fare il -, to make love to a

seller's shop. woman. Cartolina, [krtli'n] f. label, Cascante, [kskn'te'] adj. fallCarruccio, [krr'tsh] m. go- pocket-book. ing weak, faint. Cartonacelo, [kartn'tsh] m. Cascare, [ksk're'] u. n. to fall; cart, wheel-barrow. Carrucola, [karr'kla] /'.pulley. bad paste-board. lose courage. Carrucolare, [krrukla'r] v. Cartoncino, [krtntsM'n] m. Cascata, [ksk't] f. fall ; casthin paste-board. a. to draw up with pulleys ; to cade. Cartone, [krt'ne'] m. paste- Cascatella, [kaskate'l'la] /". a cheat. Carrucoletta, [krrkle't't] /. board, cartoon, kind of bonnet; small waterfall. dare^ il -,to give the lustre to] Cascaticcio, [kskti'tsh] adj. small pulley. Carta, [kr't] f. paper; sheet cloth. weak, perishable. Cartonetto , [krtne't't] m. Cascatojo , [kskt'y] adj. of paper; card; bill, bond; small model of a fresco paintgeografica, map - marezzata, weak, failing, inflammable. - da navigare. paper; ing. marble _ _ Caschetto, [kskt't] m.helmet. sea-chart; -pecora, parchment, jCartoso, [krt's] acZ;. papery,! casque. (rack. vellum; - sugante, blotting pa-; having the quality of paper. Casciaja, [kshi'y] /". cheese,' per; sacre carte, the sacred Cartuccia, [krt'tsh] Cartuz- Cascina , [kshi'n] f. dairy, writings, the Bible; giuocare] za, [kart'ts] /. small bit ofj cows' park, wood cut into small' paper; cartouche. alle carte, to play at cards. planks for making boxes etc. Cartaccia, [krta'tsh] /. bad Cartucciere, [kartutsM'te] m.!Cascinajo,[kshin'y]m. dairypaper, waste-paper; a useless! cartouche-box. man. (paper. Caruncula, [krn'kul] f. car-' Cascino, [kshi'n] m. wooden Vlaying-card. Cartaceo, [kart'tsheo] adj. of; buncle, small excrescence. form for making cheese.
; ;

Cascinotto , [kshint't] ni watch-cabin. Casco, [ks'k] see Caschetto. Casella, [ks'l] {. small house



[ks'se'r] w. chest, Castaldo, [kstl'd] m. bailiff, breast; mar., quarter-deck. steward of a manor-house Casserola, [kasse'r'l] /.sauce- farmer, mulatteer. pan. Castamente, [kastame'n'te'J adv celi. Cassetta, [ksst't] /. casket, chastely, modestly. Casellina, [kslli'n] /. small alms-box ; kind of till. Castellaneria, [kaste'llane'ri'a] cell. Cassettajo , [ksse'tt'y] m. /". chatellany. Caseoso, [kase''s] adj. cheesy. boxmaker, trunk-seller. Castellanla, [kaste'llni'] /. Casereccio , [ksr'tsh] adj. Cassettina, [ksse'tti'n] /. Gas- dignity of a castellai n. domestic, household. settino, [ksstti'n] m. casket, Castellano, [kstll'n] m. casCaserma, [kse'r'ma] f. barrack. drawer. tellain; lord of a manor. Casetta, [kse't't] /.small house. Cassettone, [ksse'tt'ne'] m. Castellare, [kstll're'] to. old Casettina, [kse'tti'n] f. Caset- chest of drawers, scrutoire, ruinous castle. tino , [kse'tti'n] m. small bureau. Castelletto , [kste'lle't't] to country-house. Cassia, [kas'sia], cassia. small castle. Casiera, [ksi'r] [. house Casside, [kassi'de'] /. helmet. Castellina, [kaste'll'n] f. a keeper; woman-servant. Cassiere, [kssi'r] w. cashier. boys game with three chesnuts, Casiere, [ksi'r] m. house- Cassilagine , [kssil'jine'J f somewhat resembling marbles. keeper, steward. bot.., henbane. Castello, [ksteTl] m. castle ;

Castiglione, [kstir'n] m. borough, large village. Castigo, [ksti'gj m. punishment. Castit, [kastit'] Castitado, Castitate, / cbastity; purity. Casto, [k'st] af/y. chaste; pure. Castone, [kst'u] m. collet (of a ring). Castorio, [kst'ri] to. phar., castoreum. Castoro, [kst'r] m. castor, beaver; castor-hat. Castraporcelli [kstraprtsheTcoffin. Castagnino, [kstn'i'n] and li] Castraporci, [kastrdpr'tshi] TO. pig-geldor; blunt knife; Cassajo , [kss'y] m. trunk- Castagno , adj. [kst'n'] unskilful surgeon. maker &c. chesnut-color. Cassamadia, [kassmdi'] /. Castagno, [kst'n'] m. ches- Castrare, [kastra're'l v. a. to castrate, geld; prick chesnuts; kneading-trough. nut-tree. Cassamento, [kssme'n't] m. Castagnoleta , [kasta'n'let] - le arnie, to remove honey annulling, abolition. from hives. (eunuch. f. a nursery ground for chesCastrato, [kstr't] to. mutton; Cassapanca, [kssapn'k] f. nuts. wooden bench with a back to it. Castagnolo, [kst'n''ll m. a Castratura, [kstrt'r] CaCassafe,[kssa'r] v. a. to annul, young chesnut-tree, chesnut strazione, [kstrtsi'n] /.

Casigliano, [ksil''n] tn. and Cassilignea, [kassili'gne'a] /. Casigliana, [ksil'n] f. one an aromatic cassia resembling Tvho inhabits the same house, cinnamon. but belongs to another family Cassino, [kassf'njm. coach-box, Casile, [kasi'le"] i.mean habi- cheese-form. tation. Cassiopea, [kssi'pea] /. conCasina , [ksi'n] Casinina, stellation setting with the [ksini'n] f. cottage. Scorpion, and rising with the Casino, [ksi'n] tn. small coun- Archer. try-box, summer-house. Casso, [ks's] adj. broken, anCasipola, [ksi'pl] f. hut. nulled vain -, wi chest, breast; Casirato, [ksir't] adj. nice, bosom (of a shirt). pleasing. Cassonaccio, [kssna'tsh] m. Casista, [ksi'stj f. casuist. large old trunk. Caso, [k's], ni. case, accident, Cassoncello, [kssntsh'l] m. chance ; o -, per -, by chance small trunk. - che, in case that. Cassoncino, [kssntshi'n] vi. Casoccia, [ks'tsh] /". large small sepulchre. dirty house. Cassone, [kss'ne'] m. groat Casolana, [ksl'n] f a kind trunk, coffer; covered cart for of apple. carrying military ammunition. Casolare, [ksla'r] m. a ruin- Castagna, [kst'n'] /. chesous house; house in bad con- nut. dition. Castagnacciajo, [kst'n'tshCasone, [ks'ne'] m.large house, y] m., seller of chesnut cakes. great house. Castagnaccio , [kst'n'tshj Casoso, [ks's] adj. fearful, TO. chesnut cake. uneasy. Castagnaio , [kstVt] adj. Casetta, [ks't] f. Casotto, term given to a place planted [ks't] m.snugwoodenhouse; with chesnuts. sentry-box. Castagneto , [kstn''e"t] m. Cassa, [ks's] /". chest, coffer, grove of chesnut-trees. trunk; weaver's frame treasu- Castagnetta, [kasta'n'e'tta] /. ry; stock (of a gun); bee-hive; small chesnut; danc. Castanet
; ;




mar., capstan; reservoir ;-rfeiV orologio, movements of a

watch; /are castelli in aria, to build castles in the air. m. Castelletto, [kstll't]
Castelluccio, [kste'll'tsh] m.

small castle.

Castigameuto, [kstigran't]
to. chastisement. Castigare, [kstiga're'] r. a. to chastise, punish. [kstig't] adj. Castigato, purged, beautified (said of wri-









/. effect


Cassatura, [ksst'r]
of cassation.



act of cassation; Corte di Castalderia, [kstlde'ri'a] /. Castrino,[k3tri'n]m. castrated Court of Cassation. Casseretto , [ksse're't't] m. managing of a farm, steward- goat; knife for pricking ches'
little fort, castle.

Castagnuolo, [kstn''l] adj. Castrense , [kstre'n'se'] adj. said of booty acquired in war. chesnut-colored. /. Castalda, [kstal'd] /. house- Castrimagia, [kstrima'yi] /. gormandising. -, keeper in a nunnery.


bad knife.



Catrasciamito, [ktrstshimi't] m. a kind of cloth. Catricola, [ktric'l] f. an external palisade. Catriosso, [ktris's] m. bono of a fowl's breast, a very lean

Castronaceio , [kstrn'tsh] Catasto, [kt'st] m. tax-hook; tax, impost. m. largo wether. Castroncello, [kstrntshe'ri] Catastrofe, [kt'strfe'] /. catCastroncino, [kstrntslii'n] astrophe. ni. young wether; young fool. Catauno, [kt'n] pro., each, Castrone, [kstr'ne'] m. wether; every one. gelding, dunce. Catechismo , [kte'kis'm] m. Castroneria, [kastrneri'] f. catechism. stupid talk, silliness. Catechista, [kte'ki'st] m. catCasuale, [ks'l] adj. casual, echist.

Casualit, [kaslit'] ty, chance.


person. Catta, [kt't] inter., esclamation of disdain, surprise, &c. (vulgarism). Catechistico, [kate'kfs'tik] adj. Cattabriga , [ktthri'g] m. casual- catecliistical. chicaner. Catechizzare, [kte'kids're'] v. Cattaneo, [ktt'ne'] see Caa. to





adv. casually, hy chance. Cateoismo , [kte'tshis'm] see Casuccia, [ks'tsha] /. cottage, Catechismo. hut. Catec, [kte"ci] see Cacci. Casnccina, [kstshi'n] /'.small Catecumeno, [ktk'me'n] m. cottage. catechumen. Casuista, [ksi'st] m. casuist Categoria, [kte'gri'] f. cateCasupola, [ks'plaj f. dirty gory.

Cattare, [ktt'r] v.



win by


Cattedra, [kt'te'dr] f. chair; papal see. Cattedrale, [ktte'dr'le'] f. cathedral.

Cattedrante, [ktte'drn'te'] m.
lecturer, professor. Cattivaccio, [kttiv'tsh] scoundrel, rogue.

Categoricamente, [kte'griksee

Casuzza, [ks'tsa]


Catacom'ba, [ktkm'bj f. catacombs, pi. Catacresi, [ktcr'si] /". catachresis.

Catadriottica, [ktdritti'k]


Catadupa, [ktd'p] /. a place abounding in cataracts (said

especially of those of the Nile). Catafalco, [ktfl'k] ni. scaffold, funeral canopy. step, softly. Catafascio (a), [a katf'sh] Catena, [kte''na] f. chain, fetadv. topsy-turvy. ter; ridge. Catafratta, [ktafrt't] , f. Catenaccia , [kate'n'tsh] f. breast-armour, heavy armour. heavy chain. Catalessia, [ktalssi'] f. cata- Catenaccio , [kate'n'tsh] m. lepsy, insensibility. padlock, large scar on the face. Catalettico, [ktltti'kj adj. Catenare, [kte'na'r] v. a. to cataleptic. chain, shackle. Cataletto, [ktl't] m. coffin, Catenella , [kte'ne'l'l] Catebier, litter. nuzza, [kate'nu'tsa] f. small Catalogo, [ktl'g] va. cata- chain. logue, list. Catenello , [kte'neTl] m. a Catapecchia, [ktpe'k'kia] f. cross-beam joining piles towilderness. r. Cataplasma , [katpis'm] m. Cateratta, [kte'rt'ta] /". sluice, cataplasm, poultice. flood-gate, cataract; door of a Catapulta, [ktprtl {. cata- mouse-trap. pult. Caterva, [ktr'v] f. crowd, Catarrale, [ktrr'Ie'] adj. ca- multitude band. tarrhal, catarrhous. Cateto, [kte''t] m.aperpendicCatarro, [katr'r] m. catarrh, ular line; plummet. rheum, cold. Catinaio, [katina'y] m. potter. Catarronaccio, [ktrrna'tsh] Catinella, [ktine'l'l] f. wash;

adv. categorically. Categorico, [ktg'rik] adj. categorical, absolute. Catela, [kt'l] f. a kind of line attached to a fish-hook. Catelano, [ktl'n] m. a garment worn by the Catalonians a kind of pluin-tree. Catellino, [ktlli'n] Catello, [katri] m. little dog, whelp. Catellone, [kate'll'ne'] m. large whelp; catellon -, adv. step by

Cattivamente, [kttivrae'n't]
adv. badly, wickedly. Cattivare, [kattiv're'] i'. a. to captivate; subdue, master, livo wretchedly. Cattivarsi, v. r. to get, win.




grieve, be afflicted;

live wickedly. Cattivellaccio, [kttive'llii'tsh] m. poor wretch. adj. Cattivello, [kttive'ri] miserable, pitiful. Cattivelluccio, [kttive'llii'tsh] adj. lean weak. Cattiveria, [kttive"ri] Catti* vezza, [kttivotsa) f. bondage;

wickedness, roguery.
Cattivit, [kttivit'] Cattivitade, Cattivitate, /^. captivity;

m. very bad rheum. hand-basin. Catarrone, [ktarr'n] m. great Catino, [kti'n] m. basin catarrh, great cold. kitchen vessel, hollow valley. Catarroso, [ktrr's] adj. ca- Catello, [ktri] m. a piece, tarrhous, catarrhal. fragment. Catartico, [ktr'tik] adj. pur- Catorbia, [ktr'bi] f. prison. gative. Catorcio, [katr'tsh] m. bolt, Catarzo, [ktr'ts] m. waste bar (of a door).

wickedness. Cattivo, [ktti'v] ad/.wretched, wicked; miserable; -, m. prisoner, slave. Cattivnzzo, [kttiv'ts] adj. roguish. Cattolicismo, [kttlitshis'm] m. Catholicism. Cattolicit, [kttlitshit] f. catholic faith. Cattolico, [ktt'lik] adj. catholic; pious. Cattura, [ktt'r] f. seizure, apprehension. Catturare, [kattr're'] v. a. to
seize, apprehend. Catuno, [kt'n] see Catauno. Caudatario , [kMdt'riJ m.

train-bearer, attendant.

Caudce, [kudi'tsh] m. trunk

of trees. Caule, [k'Ie'] wi. stalk, stem. north-west f. ca- Cauro, [k'r] m. Catasta, [kt'st] f. pile (of toptrics, wind. wood), funeral pile. [ktrfs's] Catrafosso, Causa, [ktt's] f. cause, reason, Catastare, [katst're'j v. a. to cipico. origin; law-suit, action; a heap up tas. CatratQO, [katr'me'] m. tar. che, because.

Catottrica, [ktt'trik]



Cavatappi, [kdvtp'pi] tn, corkscrew (word newly invented). Cavaticcio, [kav'titsh] m. earth removed in digging. Cavatore, [kvt're'j m. digger, miner. Cavatura, [kvat'r] f. cavity,
hole; digging.

Causale, [kaus'l] adj. said of Cavaleressa, [kvlre's's] and [kavli'r] f. a conjuaction that expresses Cavaliera , the cause of the thing spoken knight's lady, gentlewoman. Cavalierato, [kvlie'r't] m. of. Cansalita, [kusalit'] Causa- knighthood. litade, Causalitate, f. causa- Cavaliere, [kvli're'] in. cavalier, knight; horseman, high lity. Causalmente , [kaMslme'n'te] turret in a fortress da - , like a gentleman, nobly; - ri' induadv. with cause, with reason. Causare, [kus're'] v. a. to stria, m. fortune-hunter. cause, occasion, produce lit- Cavalierotto, [kvlir't] m. great lord. igate. Causatore, [kust'r] m. au- Cavalla, [kaval'la] f. mare. Cavallaccia , [kvl'tsh] f. thor agent. Causidico, [kasi'dik]ni, plead- jade, hack. Cavallaro, [kavll'r] wi. muleer, advocate. Caustico, [ku'stik] adj. caus- teer; horse-boy. Cavalleggiere , [kvlle'djre], tic, burning; -, m. caustic. Cautamente, kutme'n'te'] adv. Cavalleggiero [kvlldje'r] m. light-horse. prudiMitly, slily, craftily. Cautela, [kut'l] f. caution; Cavallereccio, [kavllr'tsh] adj. portable by horsefe. (laic) security, bail. Cautelare, [kMtl'r] v. a. to Cavallerescamente, [kavalle're'skmn'te'] adv. nobly, gallantly. answer for, bail. Cautelato, [kaitte'l't] as- Cavalleresco , [kvllre's'k] adj. noble, gallant. sured: prudent. [kvlle'ri'] Cauterio, [kut'ri] m. cau- Cavalleria , f. knighthood; horse, cavalry. tory. Cauterizzare, [kute'rids're'J v. Cavallerizza, [kvlle'ri'ts] f.
; ;
; [

Cavazione, [kvtsi'ne']




[kve''dine'] f.


Cavedio, [kve"di]

m. courtyard. Cavelle, [kave'l'le'] m. trifle; any thing, (vulgarism.) Caverella, [kve'rl'l] f. small

Caverna, [kavr'n]
den, cave.



a. to



Cavernella, [kve'rne'l'I] f. small cavern. Cavernosit, [kve'rnsit'] f. cavern; depth. Cavernoso , [kve'm's] adj. cavernous. Cavernuzza, [kve'rnu'ts] Caverozzola , [kvr'tsl] /". small cave, small cavity. Cavezza, [kve'ts] f. halter:

Cauto, [ku't] adj. cautious, Cavallerizzo, [kvlle'ri'ts] m. bridle; levar la -, to set at liberty. horse-breaker. wary, prudent. Cauzione, [kutsi'ne'] f. cau- Cavalletta, [kavllt't] f. lo- Cavezzata, [kve'ts't] f. blow given with a halter. cust, cheat. tion security, bail. m. Cavezzina, [kve'tsi'n] /".bridle, [kvlle't't] Cava, [ka'va] f. cave, hole; Cavalletto , reins. small horse; hobby, tressle. quarry; mine. Cavadenti, [kavde'n'ti] m. den- Cavallierato, [kvllir't] m. Cavezzone, [kve'ts'n] m. cavesson. knighthood. tist (vulgarism). Cavagne, [kv'n'] m. basket. Cavallina, [kvlli'na] f. filly; Cavezzuola, [kve'ts'I] /. small halter; young rogue. Cavagnuolo , [kv'n'lj m. debauchery. adj. Caviale, [kvi'le'] m. caviar. [kvlli'n] Cavallino, muz/.le. Cavaj uolo,[kvy'l] m .miner. horse, of a horse; -, m. colt, Cavicchio, [kvik'ki] i. peg, pin. Cavalcabile, [kvalkbi'l] adj. foal; nag. [kvitsh'l] wi. adapted for riding on (said of Cavallo, [kvri] m. horse Cavicciulo, horseman; knight (at chess); hangman's rope. roads). Cavalcamento, [kvlkran't] sandbank; - d' affitto, hackney- Caviglio, [kviT] tn. peg; m. riding, going on horseback. horse; - di corsa, race-horse; ankle. Cavalcante , [kavlkn't] m. - fiumatico, river-horse; - ma- Caviglinolo,[kvir6'l] m. small sea-horse; - da sella, pegrino rider horse. Cavalcare, [kvlk'r] v. n. to saddle-horse; dare un -, to Cavillare, [kaviU're'] . n. to horsewhip, lash; far una cosa cavil, wrangle. ride; domineer. Cavillatore , [kavillt're'] m. Cavalcaresco, [kvlkr'sc] a -, to do a thing in a hurry. caviller, chicaner. adj. b^'longing to a horseman. Cavallocchio , [kvll'ki] m. Cavillazione, [kvilltsi'n] f. Cavalcata, [kvlk't] f. cav- wasp; exactor. Cavallone, [kvll'n] m. great pettifogging. alcade. Cavillt, [kvillit'] f. sophism, Cavalcatojo, [kvlkt'y] m. horse surge, wave, reproof. Cavalluccio, [kvll'tsh] m. evasion. mounting-block. Caviliosamente, [kvillsraeVCavalcatore, [kvlkt're'] m. little nag, pony. Cavamacchie, [kvmk'kie'] m. t] adv. captiously. horseman, cavalier. Cavilloso, [kvill's] adj. cavCavalcatura, [kvlkt'r] /. scourer. Cavamente , [kvme'n't] m. ilous, captious. riding-horse. Cavit, [kvit'] Cavitade, CaCavalcavia, [kvlk'vi] f. a excavation; cavity. kind of suspension bridge Cavana, [kv'na] f. mar., cove, vitate, f. cavity, hole; pit. (off; dig. Cavo, [k'v] adj. hollow; conmade for passing from one mooring. Cavare, [kav're'] v. a. to take cave; -, m. cavity; mould morhouse to another. Cavalciare, [kvltsh're'] v. n. Cavastivali, [cvstiv'li] m. tise; mar. cable, rope. Cavolo, [ka'vl] m. cabbage, boothooks. to sit astraddle. Cavalcione, [kvltsh'ne'] aclu. Cavastraoci, [kvstra'tshi] m. colewort; - fiore, vi. cauli; ;


f. diteli,

Cavaleggiero, [kivldj'r] m. Cavata, [kv't] digging. light-horseman.

flower. pit; Cavolone, [kvl'n] m. large





Cavretto, [kvrt't] m. chev- Cedevole, [tshe'de"vle'] ad; flex- Celeberrimo , [tshe'lbr'rim] adj. very famous. ible; docile. ril, tid. Carriola, Cavriuola, [kvri'- Cedevolezza, [tshe'de'vle't's] /. Celebrabile, [tshe'le'br'bil] ady. worthy of being celebrated. flexibility; yieldingness. l] f. caper, capriole. Cavriuolo, [kvri'l] m.he-goat. Cediinento, [tshe'dime'n't] m. Celebramento, [tshlbrme'n'"' to] m. celebration; fame. Cazicli, [ktsi'k] m. an Ame- yielding, giving up. Cedobonis , [tshe'db'nis] m. Celebrare, [tshle'bra'r] v. a. rican chief.
artful. Cazza, [k'ts] cible, ladle.

indec. assignment to creditors.

to celebrate, praise.

Cedola, [tshe''dl] /".bill, bond. Colebratore, [tshlbrt're'] i. cru- Cedolone, [tshe'dl'n] m. pla- estoller, praiser. f. (cbym.) Celebrazione, [tshe'le'brtsi'ne'] card, posting-bill. Cazzabagliore , [katsbr're'] Cedornella , [tshdrn'l] f. celebration ; glory. Celebre, [tsh'lbre'] adj. fa-. balm-mint. m. dizziness (ironically). Cazzare, [ktsi'r] v. a. mar., Cedraja, [tshe'dr'y] f. lemon- mous, illustrious. [tshe'lbre''vl] Celebrevole , bed. to hale, haul. m. Cedrangola, [tshe'drn'gl] f. adj. worthy of prrse. [ktstl'l] Cazzateli , Celebrit, [tshe'le'brit'] Celelucerne. dwarf, (vulgarism) Cazzavela, [ktsvla] /. sea- Cedrare, [tshdr're'] v. a. to britade, Celebritate, f. celebrity. season with lemon. gull, sea-mew. Cazzerella, [ktse're'l'l] /. a Cedrato, [tshe'dr't] m. lime Celere, [tsh'le're'] adj. swift, nimble. lime-tree; lime-water. sea fish. Cazzica, [ktsi'k] inter, excla- Cedrino, [tshe'dri'nj adj. ce- Celeremente , [tshe'le're'me'n'te] adv. quickly. drine. mation of surprise. Cazzotto, [kts't] m. thwack, Cedrinolo, [tshe'dr'l] m. cu- Celerit, [tshle'rit'] f. celerity, swiftness. cumber. cuff. Cazzuola, [kts'l] f. trowel Cedro , [tsh'dr] m. cedar ; Celeste, [tshe'l'ste'] adj. celestial, heavenly. citron ; lime-tree. scent-bottle; cazzuole, f. pL, honied words; dare cazzuole Cedronella, [tshe'drnl'l] f. Celestiale, [tshe'le'sti'le'] adj. heavenly. to flatter with false promises. balm-mint. [tshe'le'stilCeduo, [tshe'd] adj. fit to be Celestialmente , Ce, [tshe'] adv. here, there. mn't] adv. divinely. Cecaggine, [tshk'djine'] f ce- cut down. Cefalalga, [tshe'fallji'a] f. ce- Celestino , [tshe'le'sti'n] adj. city, blindness. sky-blue, azure. Cecamente, [tshe'kmn't] adv. phalalgy. Cefalico, [tshe'fa'lik] adj. ce- Celia, [tsh'Ha] /. joke, playblindly, inconsiderately.
; ;

Cecare, [tshe'k'r] v. a. to blind ; cloud, darken. Cecca, [tshk'k] f. magpie. Ceccosuda, [tshk'sd] m. a fussy meddling person. Cece, [tsh'tshe']m. chick-pease; vetch; cece, or bel cece, said

fulness; trick. phalic. Celiacela, [tshe'li'tsh] f. bad Cefalo, [tsh'fl] wi. fish. GefTare, [tshe'fi'a're'] v. a. to joke, ugly trick. Celiare, [tshlia're'] v. n. to catch, snatch, seize. Ceffata, [tshe'flf't] f. box on jest, joke, banter, sport. Celiatore, [tshelit'r] Celiathe ear, slap. Ceffatella, [tshe'fft'l] f. slight trice, [tshe'liatri'tshe'] /".jester, joker. slap. ironically. Celibato, [tshe'liba't] m. celi[tshe'fft'n] Ceceprete, [tshtshe'pr't] m. Ceffatone , heavy blow. bacy. thistle-lye. Cecerello, [tshe'tshe'reTl] wi. a Ceffautto, [tshe'fia't] m.block- Celibe, [tshS'libe'] see Celebe. Celicela, [tshe'lik'l] or Celihead. kind of vetch. Cechesco, [tshe'k'sk] adj. in Ceffea, [tshffe'] f. name of a colo, [tshe'lik'l] m. heavenly constellation in the northern inhabitant; said also of the the manner of blind persons. Polar Star. Cechezza, [tsheTct's] /. blind- hemisphere. Ceffo, [tsh'f] m. snout, muzzle; Celidonia, [tshe'lido'nij {. bot. ness. celandine. Cecia, [tshe''tshia] f. south-east far ceffi, to make faces. Ceffone, [tshe'ff'ne'] m. slap on Cella, [tshl] f. cell ; cellar wind. cave. Ceciarello, [tshe'tshirl'l] m. the mouth. Celabro, [tslie'l'br] see Cer- Cellajo, [tshe'll'y] m. cellar, land adapted for grain. adj. vault, wine-seller, cellarist. vello. [tshe'tshi't] Ceciato, vetch-colored; one of doubtful Colamento, [tslie'lme'n't] m. Celleraja, [tshlle'r'y] /. cellarist (in a nunnery). concealment, secrecy. faith. Cecino, [tshe'tshi'n] m. small Celare, [tshe'l're'] v. a. to con- Gellerajo, [tshe'ller'y] m. celvetch; adj. said of malicious ceal, disguise. Celarsi, v. r. larist. persons, and caressingly of to conceal one's self; dis- Celleraria, [tshe'lle'rari'a] /. office of cellarist. semble. children. /. helmet, Colletta, [tshe'llt't] /". small Cecit, [tshe'tshit'] /.blindness; 'Celata, [tshlatj ambuscade. cell; socket (of teeth). infatuation. Cecolina, [tshkli'n] f. grig, Celatamento, [tshltame'n'te'] CelliPtG, [tshe'llie're'] m. cellar, "ault ; pantry adv. secretly. (eel). Cedente, [tshdn't] adj. flexi- Celato, [tshl't] adj. conceal- Collina, [tshe'lli'n] see Colletta. ed; latent; in -, by stealth. Celloria, [tshll'ri] f. noddle, ble; ductile.

ft. ref).




and Colatura,





pp.te (ironically).

& irr.

{cessi, cedesti &c.;





ceduto, up.



yield, give Celebe, [tshe'le'be*] m. & mavriccl man or wo-man.



Cellulare, [tshe'lll'r] Cellu-




loso, [tshlll's] adj. cellu- Cenerario, [tshe'nr'ri] adj. Censuratore , [tshe'nsrt're'] m. censurer; blamer. lar; honey-combed. containing the ashes of. Celonajo, [tshe'ln'y] m. up- Cenerata, [tshne'r't] f. lie, Centauro, [tshe'ntwr] m. cenlixivium. taur. holsterer, carpet-malcer. Gelone, [tshl'ne'j m. quilt, Cenere, [tshe''ne're'] m.&f.'m pi. Centellare, [tshe'ntella're] v. a. ashes, cinders; remains, pL; to sip. cover, carpet. Celsitudine, [tshe'lsit'dine'] f. giorno delle ceneri, m. Ash- Centellino, [tshntelli'n] Genheight, highness; eminence, Wednesday; ridurre in-, to tello , [tshe'ntl'l] m. sip

small draught. Centenaria, [tshnte'na'ri] f. prescription of ) 00 years. bal, tabour. supper. Cembanella, [tshe'mbn'l] /. Cenerino, [tshnri'nl Cene- Centenario, [tshe'nte'na'ri] adj. small pipe; reed. centenary, centennial. riccio, (tshe'ne'ri'tsh] adj. ashCembaneilo, [tshe'mbn'l] m. colored; dormire la cenerina, Centesimo, [tshe'nt'sim] adj. hundredth; hundredfold; -,wi. said of silk-worms. tabret. Cembolismo, [tshe'mblia'm] m. Cenerognolo , [tshe'ne'r'n'l] cent (American coin). Centimetro, [tshntime"tr] m. intercalation. adj. of ash-color. Cembolone, [tshe'mbl'ne'] m. Cenerone, [tshe'ne'r'ne'] m. mix- centimeter. large tabour. ture of ashes and manure used Centinaio , [tshe'ntin'y] m. hundred; a -, by hundreds. Cementare, [tshe'me'nt'r] v. a. for watering certain plants to cement, calcine. Ceneroso, [tshe'ne'r's J adj. full Centina, [tshe'nti'n] f. archshaped timber supporting the Cementazione, [tshe'me'nttsi'- of ashes. Cenernme , [tshe'nr'me'] m. roof. ne'J /. cementing. Cemento, [tshmn't] w. ce- what has been reduced to Centinamento, [tshe'ntinmn'ashes. t] m. giving any thing a curvment. Cemmamella, [tshemmame'l'la] Cenino, [tshe'ni'n] m. little ed shape. Centinare, [tsntin'r] v. a. and Gemanella, [tshmanl'- supper. Cennamella, [tshe'nnra'l] f. to arch, curve. l] f. cymbals. Gentiplicare, [tshe'ntiplika're'] Cempenna, [tshe'mpe'n'n] m. a flageolet. slow-coach. Connato, [tshe'nna't] see Ac- V. a. to increase a hundred
excellency. destroy by fire. Cembalo, [tshm'bl] m. cym- Cenerella, [tshe'nr'l]




V. n. to stumble.

Cenno, [tsh'n]


Cena, [tsh'n]

TO. wood-louse. Centomila, [tshe'ntmi'l] adj. [tshe'nnvan't] a hundred thousand. Cenamo, [tsh'nra] m. cin- Gennovanta, namon. adj. num.a hundred and ninety. Centone, [tshe'nt'ne'j to. patchCenare, [tshn're] v. . to sup. Cenobio, [tshe'n'bi] m. mon- work. Gentonodi, [tshe'ntn'di] w. Cenata, [tshe'n'tl f. supper. astery. Cenato, [tshe'na't] rn. dirty. Cenobita, [tshe'nbi't] i. friar, knot-grass.

f. supper. Cenacolo, [tshe'n'kl] m. supper-room.

signal; command; cosa, to touch lightly

fold. sign, nod, Cento, [tshn't] to. hundred. far - di una Centogambe , [tshe'ntgm'be'J

upon a


CenCerello, [tshe'ntshe'r'loj m. small rag. Cenceria, [tshe'ntshe'ri'a] f. heap of rags. Cenciaccio, [tshe'ntshi'tsh] m. filthy rag; bad clothes, pi. Cenciaja, [tshe'ntshi'y] /'.thing of no use ; a family occurrence of no importance. Cenciajaolo , [tshe'ntshfy'l]

monk. Centrale, [tshntr'le'] adj. cenCenobitico, [tshe'nbi'tik] adj. tral. monastic. Centrico, [tshn'trik] adj cenCenotafio, [tshe'nt'fi] m. ce- trical. Centrifugo, [tshe'ntri'fg] adj. notaph.
Cenquaranta, [tshe'nkuaran'ta] centrifugal. Centrina, [tshentri'na] adj. a hundred and forty. Censo, [tshn's] m. rent, trib- poise, sea-hog.
ute; census.


Centripeto, [tshe'ntri'pe't] adj.



[tshe'nsr're'] v. a.

a Censorato , [tshe'nsr't] m. heart. censorship. Centumviri, [tshe'ntm'viri] m. Cencinquanta , [tshentshin- Censore, [tshe'ns'r] m. censor, pi. centumvirs, pi. Gentnno, [tshe'nt'n] to. a huntttn't] adj. a hundred and critic. Censorio, [tshe'ns'ri] odj. cen- dred and one many people. fifty. Centuplicare, [tshntplik'rj Cencio, [tshn'tsht] m. rag, sorious. dishclont; - molle, a weak- Censuale, [tshe'ns'l] adj. feu- V. a. to centuplicate. Centuplo, [tshent'pl] m. a minded man. dal. Cencioso, [tshe'ntshi's] adj. Censuario, [tshe'ns'ri] adj. hundred-fold. copy-holder, tenant; tributary. Centuria, [tshe'nt'ri] f. cenragged, in tatters. Cener, [tshe'n'kr] m. a vene- Gensnare, [tshns're'] v. a. tury. Centurione, [tshntri'ne'] m. to tax. mous serpent. Ceneraccio, [tshe'ne'rd'tsh] w,. Censuario, [tshe'ns'ri] adj. centurion. tributary. Cenuzza, [tshn'tsa] f. little lye-ashes, pi. Ceneracciuolo,[tshne'rtshiu'- Censura, [tshe'ns'r] f. cen- supper. sure; censorship. Ceppaja, [tshpp'y] Ceppata, 1] m. cloth covering dirty [tshe'ppa't] f. rooty-stump. [tshe'nsr'bile'] linen, on which the ashes are Censurabile , adj. censurable, reprehensible. Ceppare, [tshpp're'] v. n. to placed. Generandolo, [tshe'ne'rnd'l] Censurare, [tshnsr'r] v. a. take root. to censure, blame. Ceppo, [tshe'''p] m. stump, m. a purchaser of ashes.

m. ragman. Cenciame, [tshntshi'me']

quantity of rags.

to criticise, censure.

Centro, [tshe'n'tr] m. centre;




bloct; stoct; fetters, chains, Cercine,[tshr'tshine']n.cushion ornament with fringe; exaggepi.; blockhead; new year's gift, for the head (of a porter). rate. christmas-box. Cerco, [tshr'k] m poes. circle Cerreta, [tshe'rre''t] f. and Cer. Cera, [tshe''r] f. wax; wax- circus. retaja, [tshe'rrt'y] ground candle ; face, mien; appearance Cerconcello , [tshe'rkntsh'l] planted with young oaks. m. bot. sorrel. Cerretano , [tshrre't'n] m. di buona -, with joy fur buona -, to be merry, feast. Cercone, [tshe'rk'ne'] m. turned charlatan, cheat. Cerajuolo, [tshe'ry'l] m. wax- wine, sour wine. Cerreto, [tshe'rre''t] m. forest chandler. Cercopiteco, [tshe'rkpt'k] m. of green oak-trees. [tshe'rlk'k] Ceralacca, a long-tailed monkey. Corretta, [ke'rre't't] f. a plant f. sealing-wax. Cercuito, [tshe'rk'it] m. cir- used by dyers for dyeing green. Ceramalla, [tshe'rml'l] see cuit, compass. Cerro, [tshr'r] m. green oak; Cennamella. Cereale , [tshe're''le'] adj. of fringe ; lock of hair. see Cerasa, [tshe'r's] f. CiCeres; of bread. Cerr olino , [tshe'rrli'n] m. riegia. Cerebello , [tshe're'b/l] Cere- small fringe. Cerasta, [tshrs't] f. horned bro, [tsh're'br] mi. brain. Cerr one, [tshe'rr'ne'] n. a large serpent. Cerebrale, [tshe'rbr'l] Cere- lock of hair. Cerbaja, [tshe'rba'ya] /. planta- broso, [tshe'rbr's] adj. be- Certame, [tshe'rta'ra] m. poes. tion of young oaks. longing to the brain. combat, fight; duel.

Cer- Cerebriforme, [tshe're'brifr'me'] Certamente , [tshe'rtme'n't] adj. having the shape of the adv. certainly, surely. Cerbiatto, [tshrbit't] m. brain. Certare, [tshrt're'] v. a. poes. Ceremonia, [tshe're'm'ni] f. to fight. fawn. Cerbiattolino , [tshe'rbfattli'- ceremony. Certezza, [tshrte''ts] f. certi-




Geremoniale, [tshe're'mni'le'] tude, evidence. n] m. a very timid person. Cerbio, [tshr'bi] m. stag, adj. ceremonial, formal; -, m. Certificamento , [tshe'rtifikahart. ceremonial. me'n't] m, confirmation. Cerbottana, [tshe'rbtt'n] f. Ceremoniere , [tshe're'mni're'] Certificare, [tshe'rtifik're'J v. a, long tube; ear-trumpet; per -, m. master of ceremonies. to certify, confirm. at second hand. Ceremoniosamente, [tshre'm- Certificato, [tshe'rtifika't] m. Cerca, [tslir'k] f. Cereamen- nisme'n'tjadt). ceremonious- certificate, confirmation. ly. te, [tshe'rkme'n't] m. search, Certificazione, [tshe'rtifiktsi'inquiry. Ceremonioso , [tshe're'mni's] n] f. attestation. Cercare,[tshe'rka're'] v a. to seek, adj. ceremonious, formal. Certissimamente , [tshe'rtissisearch; -del pane, to shift for Cereo, [tshe''re'] adj. waxen. mame'n't] at/v.most certainly. bread. Cerere, [tsh'rr] f. the god- Certissimo, [tshe'rtis'sim] adj.

dess Ceres. most certain, very true. Cerera, [tshe're'r'] f. wax- Certitudine, [tshrtit'dine'] f. chandler's shop. certitude. Cercatara, [tshe'rkt'r] f. re- Cerfoglio, [tsbrfT] m. chov- Certo, [tshr'to] adj. certain, search, inquest; pursuit. ril. positive; al -, di -, per -, cerCerchia, [tshe'r'kia] f. wall en- Cerfuglio, [tshe'rfT] see Cer- tainly; un -, some one, a perfogliocircling a city. son; adv. certainly, indeed; -, Cerchiajo, [tshe'rki'y] i.hoop- Cerimonia, [tshe'rim'ni] &c. m. certainty, reality. see Ceremonia, &c. maker cooper. Certosa, [tshe'rt's] f. CarthuCerchiamento, [tshe'rkime'n't] Cerinta, [tshe'rin'ta] f. honey- sian monastery. suckle. m. hooping. Certosano, [tshe'rts'n] CertoCerchiare, [tshe'rki'r] v. a. to Cermatore, [tshe'rmt're'] m sino, [tshe'rtsi'n] m. Carthuimpostor. hoop; surround. sian monk. Cerchiata, [tshe'rki't] f. a^r., Cernecchiare , [tshe'rnkki'r] C6rtuno,[tshe'rt'n] pron. some, V. a. to choose often. trellis work for creeping plants; somebody, (used in the plural). gallery formed of the curved Cernecchio, [tshe'rne'k'ki] m. Cerva, [tshr'v] f. hind (female branches of trees. an ear ringlet. of the stag.) adj. Cernere , [tsher'ne're'] v. a. to Cervellaccio , [tshe'rve'U'tsh] Cerchiato, [tshrki't] choose, pick; sift; discuss. round. m. bad-head; mad-cap. Cerchiatura, [tshe'rkit'rd] f. Cerniera, [tshe'rui'r] /".hinge. Cervellaggine[tshe'rvll'djin] Cernitore , [tshe'rnit'r] m. f. whim, caprice. hooping; encircling. Cerchiellino, [tshrkie'lli'n] m. sifter. Cervellata, [tshe'rve'll't] f. Cero, [tsh'r] m. wax-candle, thick short sausage. very small circle. Cerchiello, [tshe'rki'ljm. small wax-taper; simpleton. Cervelletto, [tshe'rvlle't't] m. circle. Ceroso, [tshe'r's] adj. waxen. lively genius. Cerchio, [tshr'ki] m. circle Cerottino, [tshe'rtti'n] m. little Cervelliera, [tshe'rve'lli'r] /. enclosure ; cerate. hoop ; garland helmet, casque. Cerotto, [tshe'r't] tn. wax-ta- Cervellinaggine, [tshe'rvellina'assembly. Gerchiolino, [tshe'rkili'n] vi. per; cerate. djine] f. giddiness , freak small hoop. Cerpellino, [tshe'rpe'lli'n] adj. foolery. Cerchione, [tshrk'ne'J m. the said of one who has narrow Cervellino, [tshe'rve'lli'n] adj. iron hoop encircling the wheel eyelids. hare-brained ; giddy ; -, i. Cerpellone, [tshe'rpe'll'n] m. queer man, odd man. of a carriage. great blunder; mistake. [tshe'rcin't] Cercinata, Cervello, [tshe'rv'l] m. brain, f. blow given with a porter's cushion. Cerrare, [tshe'rra're'j v. a. to brains; judgment, senso ge[tshe'rkt're']



catrice, [tshe'rkatri'tshe'] seeker, inquirer.




nns ; uomo di -, m. man of sense; Cesenese, [tshe'sn's] ?. a Cetereggare , [tshe'te're'd'jr] esser fuori di -, to be ont of kind of productive wild vine. Ceterizzare, [tshte'rids'r e] v . one's wits, be beside one's self; Cesio, [tsh'si] adj. blue, blue- a. to harp. perdere il-, to lose one's brains; eyed. Cetine, [tshe'ti'ne'] f. pi. burnstillarsi il -, to rack one's Cesoje, [tshe'so'ye'] f. pi. scis- ing pits for making coral pi. brain. sors, pi. Ceto, [tsh't] m. poes. whale. Cervellone, [tsbe'rvell'ne'] i. Cespita, [tshe'spi'ta] f. a gluti- Cetra, [tshe"tr] see Cetera. great genius ; strange fellow. nous herb. Cetracca, [tshe'trk'k] f. a Cervelloso, [tsbe'rvll's] adj. Cespite, [tshs'pite'] m. turf; fern that grows in the mouths headstrong, obstinate. bush; furze. of wells, and in moist places. Cervellotico , [tshe'rve'llt'k] Cespitoso, [tshe'spit's] adj. Che, [ke'] pron. that, which, adj. ideal, imaginative. briery. what, who, whom ; - c' ? what Cervelluto, [tshrvll't] adj. Cespo, [tshe's'p] see Cespite. is the ma,tter?c/ie che (checche), of souud judgment. Cespugliato, [tshe'spr't] adj. whatsoever, whatever, though ; Corvetta, [tshe'rvtt'] /" young bushy, briery. -, adv. when, as soon as; till; hind. Cespuglietto, [tshe'spre't'tjm. after; otherwise; non .... che, Corvetto, [tshe'rve't'to] Cerviat- small bush. but, only; - non parlate? why to, [tshrviat't] m. young Cespuglio, [tshe'sp'r]m. turf, don't you speak? ch' eh' , stag, fawn. bush. now and then, often; -, conj. Ceruleo, [tshe'r'l] adj. ceru- Cessagione, [tshe'ssj'ne'] see because; until; for; that, than; lean, sky-blue. Cessazione. whether; -, m. matter, thing,

Cerume, [tshe'r'me'] m. cerumen

Cessarne, [tshe'ssa'me'] m. filth, subject; un bel -, a great matCerusia, [tshrsi'] f. surgery rabble. ter. Cerusico, [tshr'sik] wi. sur- Cessamento, [tshe'ssame'n't] m. Chehuli, [ke'bu'li] m. pi. dried geon. discontinuance, pause. Indian plums. Cerassa, [tshe'rs's] f. white Cessante, [tshe'ssn'tj m trans- Checchessia, [ke'ke's'si] m. any lead. gressor, debtor. thing whatever. Cervia, [tshe'r'vi] f. see Cerva. Cessare, [tshe'ss're'j v a. to Chele, [k'l] f. pi. the claws Cervicale, [tshrvik'le'J adj. avoid, avert, delay; -, v. n. to of scorpions, crabs &c. belonging to the neck. cease, stop. Cheli, [k'Ii] f. Mercury's lyre. Cervice, [tshrvi'tsh] f. back Cessazione, [tshsstsi'ne'J f. Chelidre, [kli'dr] ni. seaof the neck, head, mind, intel- cessation, interruption. tortoise, (stone. lect. Cessionario, [tshe'ssin'ri] m Chelonite, [ke'loni'te'] f. toadCervicoso, [tshe'rvik's] adj. cessionary. Cheppia, [k'pi] f. shad-fish. obstinate. Cessino, [tshe'ssi'n] m. mate- Chorea, [kr'k] see Cherica. Cerviere, [tshe'rvi're'] w. lynx. rial removed from cess pools. Cherere , [k'rr] v a. poes. Cerviero, [tshe'rvi'r] adj. hav- Cessione,[tshe'ssi'ne'] /".cession, to require. ing the qualities of the lynx; conveyance; resignation. Cherica, [k'rik] f. tonsure, 8harp-eyed. Cesso, [tsh's] m. cess, remo- shaven crown. Cervietto, [tshe'rvie't'to] see Cor- val; water-closet. Chericale, [ke'rika'le'] adj. clevetto. Cesta, [tshe's't] /. basket, fish- rical. Cervino, [tshrvi'n] adj. of a ing-basket ; small cart. Chericalmente, [ke'rikalmeVte'] stag; tawny. Cestella, [tshst'l] /. Cestel- adv. clerically. Cervio, [tshr'vi] m. stag, hart. lo, [tshe'st'l] m. Cesterella, Chericastro, [ke'rik'str] m. Cervo, [tshr'v] m. stag, hart [tshe'ste'r'l] /. small basket, a bad clergyman. - volante, paper-kite. hand-basket. Chericato, [ke'rik't] m. clerkCervogio, [tshrv'jt] /'.beer. Cestino, [tshe'sti'n] m. small ship, clergy. Cerziorare, [tshrtsir'r] v.o. basket; dove-cot; go-cart. Cherichino, [ke'riki'no] Chori(law) to certify, inform, in- Cestire, [tshe'sti'r] v. n. to chetto, [ke'rike't'to] m. young struct. shoot, grow bushy. priest. Cerziorazione,[tshe'rtsirtsi'- Cesto, [th'st] m. bush, tuft; Cherico, [k'rik] m. clerk, belt, basket; gauntlet; bel -, priest. n] /. attestation. Cesale, [tshe'sa'le'] Cisale, [tshi- TO. brave fellow (ironically). Chericone, [krikn] i. great s'l] m. clipped hedge. Cestola, [tshe'st'l] /. machine clerk; very learned man. Cesare [tshe's'r] m. Emperor's or trap for birds, made of oziers. Chericuto, [ke'rik't] adj. who title. Cestone, [tshe'st'n] m. large has received the tonsure. Cesareo, [tshs're'o] adj. cesar- basket, hamper. Chericuzzo , [kriktVts] m. ian, imperial. Cestro, [tsh'str] m. a kind of ignorant priest. Cesarie, [tshs'ri] f. head of precious wood. Cheripo, [ke'ri'p] m. Indian hair, long hanging hair. Cestuto, [tshe'st't] adj. tufted, name for mother-of-pearl. Cesellamento,[tshsllmn't] thick. Chermes, [kr'me's] m. kermes. Cesura , [tshe's'r] /. pros. Chermisi, [kr'misi] to. crimson. m. carving, sculpture. Cesellare, [tshsll'r] v. a. to cesura. Chermisino, [ke'rmisi'n] adj. chisel, sculpture. Cetaceo, [tshe't'she'] adj. ce- crimson-colored. Cesellatore, [tshe'se'llt'r] m. taceous. Chernite, [ke'rni'te'] to. a kind Cete, [tsh'te'] m. whalecarver, engraver. of stone resembling ivory. Ceselletto,[tshslle't't] Cesel- Cetera, [tsh'tr] f. cithern, Chersidro, [ke'rsid'r] m. a lino, [tshslli'n] m. small harp, lyre. serpent resembling the asp, Ceteratore, [tshe'te'rt'r] Ce- inhabiting the water. chisel. Cesello, [tshe's'l] m, chisel, terista, [tshe'tri'st] m. harp Cherubico, [ke'r'bik] adj. cheplayer. graver. rubic.

Cherubino, [krti'n] m.



Chiappolino, [kippli'n] m. Chiatto, [ktat't] m. and Chiat thoughtless man. ta, [ktt't] /". ferry-boat. Chetamente, [ktme'n't] adv. Chiappolo, [kipp'l]m. refuse. Chiatton chiattone, [kidtt'ne] Chiara, [ki'r] /. white of an or Chiattoni, adv. stealthily. quietly; gontly. Chetare, [kta're'] v. a. to ap- eggChiavaccio, [ktv'tshjw. padpease, silence. Chetarsi, v. r. Chiaramente, [ktrme'n't] adv clearly, honestly. grow calm, be silent. Chetezza, [kt'ts] f. tranquil- Chifirare, [kir're'] v. a. to clear up, explain. Chiauausi, lity, silence. Chetichella, [ke'tike'l'la] Cheti- V. r. to grow bright, sliiue. chelli,[ktikrii] orfv. silently. Chiarata, [kir't] f. a medicCheto, [ke''t] adj. quiet, noise- ament for wounds made of beaten white of Qgg. less; gentle; a -, cheto cheto, Chiarea, [kt're'] f. a medicinal adv. quietly softly. Chetone, [ke't'n] adj. and m. drink composed of cinnamon, brandy, sugar &c. silent, reserved; cheton -, adv. Chiarello , [kir'l] m. wine without noise. Chi, [ki] pron. who, whom, who- and water ; glow-worm. Chiaretto, [kir't] adj. someever, any one, some. Chiacchiera, [Idk'kie'r] /. idle what clear; light; half tipsy, half seas over. talk.

lock, holt.


Chiavacuore, [kivak'r] m. stomacher. Chiavajo, [ktv'y] Chiavajuolo, [kivy'l] m. keeper of the keys; locksmith. Chiavarda, [kivr'd] f. bolt,
iron pin.

Chiavardare, [kivrd'r]
to lock.

v. a.




a. to

nail, drive in

lock. [ktv'r] see Chia/".nail-

Chiavatura, [kivt'r]
ing, fastening.


[kikkie'r- Chiarezza, [ktar'ts] f. light, Chiave, [ki've'] f. key; tuning, brightness : clearness, evidence mn't] ni. prate, prattle. key; stop-cock; mus. clef; Chiacchierare , [kikkir're'] Chiarificare, [kirifik're'] v. a. - maestra, master-key. to clear, explain. V. n. to prate, tattle. Chiavellare, [ktve'll're'] v. a. Chiacchierata, [kikkie'r't] f. Chiarificazione, [ktrifiktsi'- to nail. ne'] f. Chiarimento, [kirime'n'- Chiaverina tittle-tattle. [kive'ri'n] f. , Chiacchieratore, [kfkk ie'rat'- t] Chiarigione, [kiridj'ne'] javelin. m. clarification; explication. r] m. chatterer, babbler. Chiavetta, [kive't't] /. small Chiacchierella, [kikkir'lii] /. Chiarina, [kiri'n] f. Chiarine, key. [kiri'n] m. clarion, hautboy. Chiavica, [kt'vik] chit-chat. f. common Chiacchiericcio [ktkkie'ri'tsh] Chiarire, [kiri'r] u. a. to clear sewer, drain. m. confused talk of many per- up. ^ Chiavichetta,[k{vikt't]ChiaChiarita, [ktrit'] Chiaritade, vichina, [ktaviki'na] f. small sons. Chiacchierina, [kikkie'ri'n] f. Chiaritate, f. light ; explana- drain. prattling (of children). tion. Chiavicina , [kivitshi'n] f. Chiacchierio, [kikki'ri] m. Chiaritamente, [ktritme'n''te] small key. adv. clearly. the hum of voices. Chiavistello, [kivist'l] m. Chiacchierone , [kikkie'r'n] Chiarito, [kiri't] adj. clear, padlock; screw-vice. bright known, public. m.. great babbler. Chiazza, [ki'ts] f. scab, scar. Chiacchillare, [kiakkilla're'] v. Chiaro, [ki'r]odj.clear,bright; Chiazzare, [kits'rj v. a. to evident ; illustrious n. to prate, chatter. honest spot, speckle. Chiaito, [kii't] m. intrigue, true, loyal ; - , adv. clearly Chicca, [kik'k] /. swoet-meats, evidently; -, m. brightness, pi. disturbance. Chiamamento , [kimme'n't] clearness; lustre; - di luna, Chicchera, [kik'ke'r] f. cup moonshine. m. calling; demand. (for tea &c.) Chiamare, [kim're'] v. a. to Chiarore, [kir're'] m. bright- Chiccherone, [kikke'r'ne'j m. ness, lustre. call, name; send for; ask; come large cup (for tea &c.) vi chiamate? what is your Chiaroscurare, [kirskr'r] Chicchessia, [kikkssi'] pron. name ? Chiamarsi, v. r. to call v. a. and n. to paint in clare whoever. obscure. one's self, be named. Chicchiriata , [kikkiri't] f. Chiamata, [kim't] /. appeal, Chiaroscuro, [kirsk'r] m crowing of the cock.
; , ;

calling; election.

paint, clare-obscure.
adj. clear,

Chiamatore, [kimat'rel m. in- Chiaroso, [ktr's]

voker, implorer

bright. ; exclaimer. Chiana, Pii'n] f. standing Chiaroveggenza, [kirve'd'je'n' za] /. sagacity. pool. Chiapino, [ktpi'n] m. slipper. Chiassajuolo , [ktssyS'l] m. and Chiassajuola, [kissy'l] Chiappa , [kip'p] f. snare catch fleshy part, buttock. f. gutter, trench. Chiappare, [kipp're'] v. a. to Chiassata, [kiss't] f. uproar, riot. snatch, catch, find. Chiappo, [ktp'p] or Chiappa, Chiassatene , [ktsste'l'l] Chiasso , [kts'so] m. lane, [kip'p] m. and f. gain, haul,

blind-alley. (said ironically). Chiappola, [kip'pl] /.trifle, Chiasso, [kias's] m. uproar, Chiedimento, [kie'dime'n't] m. clatter, narrow street. bauble. demand ; entreaty. Chiappolare, [kippl'r] v. a. Chiassolino , [kisslin] m. Chieditore, [kie'dit'r] m. deblind-alley. to reject, lay aside. mander, petitioner. Chiappoleria, [kipplri'a] $ee Chiassone , [kiass'ne'] m. a Chieggia, [kid'j] f. rocky prebrawler, noisy fellow. Chiappola. cij^ice.

Chicchirich, [kikkiri'ki] sound expressing the crowing of the cock. Chicchirillo , [kikkiril'Io] m. a small cake attached to a stick by a thread, to amuse children. Chicco, [kikTf] m. grain, seed. Chiedere, [ki'de'r] v. a. irr. {Chiesi; chiesto) to demand, ask beg ; inquire. Chiedibile, [kie'di'bile'] adj. requirable.

see Chierica , [ki'rik] &c. Cherica &c. Chiesa, [kie's] f. church. Chiesastro, [kis'str] n. a church-frequenter. Chiesettina , [kie'se'tti'n] f. small church, chapel. Chesino, [kie'si'n] see Chie,



m. Chiomoso, [kim's]
ing long hair.
adj. hav

Chincagliere, [kinkr'r]


Chiesolastico, [kie'sl'stik] canter, hypocrite. Chiesta, [ki'st] f demand, request. Chiesuccia, [kte's'tsha] Chiesuola, [kie's'la] f. poor little church. [kte'tine''ria] Chietineria, f. sanctity said also of hypocrisy. Chietino, [kie'ti'n] adj. holy, hypocritical. Chiglia, [ki'r] f. keel (of a

Chinchina, [kinki'na] see Chinachina. Chinea, [kine''] f. ambling pad. Chinevole, adj. fkin'vle'] pliant, flexible humble. Chinevolmente, [kinvlme'n'ta] adv. respectfully, humbly, m. Chino, [ki'n] adj. bent cast down; deep; - m. declivity,
; ;

Chiosa, [ki's] f. glossary, comment, counters, stain. Chiosare, [kis're'] v. a. to gloss, comment.
Chiosatore, [ktsat're'j



Chiostra, [kt'str]



place, narrow valley , wood. solitude. Chiostrino, [kistri'n] m. small

cloister. f. quintin, tilting-post. Chiostro, [kt'str] m. cloister, Chiocca, [kt'k] ^. tuft, cluster convent; yard, back-court (of Chioccare, [ktkka're'] v. a. to a house); see also Cliiostra. cufi^, thwack, (vulgarism). Chiotto , [ki't] adj. silent, Chioccia, [ki'tsha] f. broodhen mute. Chiocciare, [kttsha're'] v. n, Chiovare, [ktv're'] v. a. to to cluck ; feel unwell. nail; far. to lame (in shoeing). Chiocciata, [kttsha't] f. a Chiovatura, [kivt'ra] f. far.

Chintana, [kint'n]

brood of chickens. prick of a nail. (years. a thousand Chioccio, [kt'tsh] atfj. hoarse; Chiovello, [kiv'l] wi. small Chilifero, [kilif'r] m. veins essere -, star -, to feel unwell. nail. Chiocciola, [ki'tshol] f. snail; ChioTO, [ki'v] see Cliiodo. that conduct chyle. recipient ; sea la a -, Chiragra, [ktr'gr] f. chiragra, Chiliflcamento, [kilifikamn't] screw winding staircase. gout. m. see Chilificazione. adj. [kttshlt't] Chiragrico , [kir'grik] Chilificare, [kilifika're'] v. a. Chioccioletta , med. to form into chyle; digest. Chiocciolina, [kitshli'n] f. Chiragrical, gouty. small snail. Chiragroso , [kirgr's] adj. Chilificazione, [kilifiktsi'ne'J Chiocciolino, [kttshli'n] m. gouty patient. /". med. chylification. small screw; biscuit; fare un -, Chirografo, [ki'r'grf] m. bond Chilo, [ki'l] m. med., chyle. under one's own hand. Chiloso, [kil's] adj. chyla- to gather one' s self together sleep adj. made in the form of Chiromante , [kirran'te] m. (illusion. ceous. chiromancer. Chimera, [kim'r] f. chimera, a screw. Chimerico, [kime''rik] adj. chi- Chioccolo, [ktkk'l] m. abrass Chiromanzia, [kirmantsi'] f. whistle to attract blackbirds. chiromancy. merical, imaginary. Chimeristico, [kime'ri'sti'ko] arfj. Chiodagione, [ktddj'n] f. a Chirurgia, [kirrji'] f. surmass of keys. gery. said of one who builds castles Chiodaja, [kida'y] f. instru- Chirurgico , [kirrji'k] adj. in the air.

Chiliade, [kili'd]



[kime'ridsa're'] v. n. to build castles in the air.



making nail-heads.




m. Chirurgo, [kirr'gj m. surgeon,

Chimerizzatore, [kimridsat'- nailer, nail-maker. Chiodame, [kid'm] m amass r] m. visionary. Chimica, [ki'mik] /.chymistry. of nails. Chimicamente, [kimikmn'te] Chiodare, [kid're'] v. a. to nail up, fasten with nails. adv. chymically. Chimico, [ki'mik] adj. cby- Chioderia, ]kidri'] /". a mass of nails. mical -, m. chymist. Chimo , [ki'm] m. digested Chiodetto, [ktd't] m. small


China, [ki'n]


declivity, slope,

-, or alia -,


Chinaroot. Chinachina, quinquina.





Chinare, [kin're'] v. a. to bend, bow; stoop down; -gli occhi, to look down. Chinata, [kin't] f. declivity




alv. aslope. Chinatezza, [kint'ts] Chinatura, [kinat'r] f. and Chinato, m. curvity, inflexion. Chincaglia, LkinkT] Chincaglieria, [kinkrri] f. hard-

chirurgeon. Chisciare, [kitsh'r] v. a. to weed, root out. Chitarra, [kitr'r] f. gnitar. Chitarreggiare', [kitrredj'r] V. n. to play on the guitar. Chitarrina, [kitarrina] f. a. small guitar. nail, peg, pin. Chitarrista , [kitrri'st] m. Chiodo, [ki'd] w. nail; aver guitar player. Chiacchinrlaja, [kikkiiirla'y] fisso il -, to be resolved. Chioma, [ki'm] f. head of f. confused noise of persons hair; horse's mane; radiation talking together. round comets; loaves of trees ; Chiudenda, [ktde'n'd] f. enclosure, hedge. broom - tail. Chiomante, [kimn'te'jad;. cov- Chiudere, [ki'de'r] v. a. irr. ered with leaves, floating as (Chiusi ; chiuso), to enclose, shut, fence. a horse's mane. Chiomato, [kim't] adj. hairy; Chiudimento, [kidiran't] m. enclosure. leafy. Chiomazzurro, [kimtsr'r] Chiunque, [kiun'ku] pron.whoever, any body. adj. poet., having azure hair. Chiomindorato, [ktmindr't] Chiurlo, [kir'l] ). bird-catchadj. having golden hair. ing with bird-lime ; dolt Chiominevoso , [ktmine'v's] dunce. adj. having white hair. Chiusa, [ki'sa] f. enclosure; Chiomispiovuto, [ktmispiv'- prison. t] adj. having hair falling Chiusamente , [ktusrae'n'te] adv. secretly. over the shoulders.

Chiusino, [kisi'n]
lid; stopper.



m. cover, Ciana, [tshia'na] f a low Flo- Ciarlatanesco,

k] adj. quackish. rentine woman. Chiuso, [ki's] adj. enclosed, Cianata, [tshin'ta] f. low Flo- Ciarlatano, [tshirlt'n] m. quack, cheat. shut up; -, m. enclosure, rentine dialect. fence. Ciancerella , [tshintshe'r'la] Ciarlatore, [tshirlt're'] m. Chiusura, [Irtus'rJ f. enclo- Ciancerulla , [tshuntshe'rl'- Ciarlatrice, [tshtrlatri'tsh] tattler, gossip. sure; lock. l] f. bawble. f. babbler, Ciarleria, [tshirle'ri'a] /. chitpron. us, to us; -, Ciancetta, [tshtantshe't'ta] Ci, [tshi] chat, prate. conj. here, thurc. trifle, gewgaw. Ci, [tshi] f. tea. Ciancia, [tshin'tsht] f. jest, Ciarliere, [tshirli're'] Ciar* Ciabatta, [tshtbt't] f. old banter; chit-chat; sport; in Hero, [tshirli'r] m. bab-, without success; dar la -, bler, idle talker. Ciarlivendolo, [tshirlivend'[tshiabatta'y] in. to quiz. seller of old shoes, cobbler. Cianciafruscole , [t.shtntshia- 1] m. quack, charlatan. Ciataattiere,[tsh!btti're'] Cia- frs'kle'] f. pi. trifles, foole- Ciarlone, [tshirl'ne'] m. everlasting talker. battino, [tshihtti'nj m. cob- ries, pi. [tshtantshid- Ciarpa, [tshtr'p] f. rags, tatbler, bungler. Cianciamento , ters, pi. frippery; scarf, shoulCiabattone, [tshibtt'ne'] m. me'n't] m. sport, joke.



bungling artificer, Cianciare, [tshintshi're'] v. n Ciabatura, [tshibt'r] f. old to joke; prate, trifle. rags, [generally used in tbe Cianciatore, [tshtntshzat're'] plural]. m. babbler, joker. Ciaccherino, [tshfkke'ri'n] in. Ciancicare, [tshintshik're'] see young pig, cunning cheat. Cianciare. Ciacciamellare, [tshiatshiml- Cianciero, [tshintsht'r] adj. l're'] V. n. to tattle. droll, merry.
Ciacciare, [tshttshi're'J v. n. Cianciolina, [tshintshtli'n] f. to pretend patronage. little joke, trifle. Ciaccino, [tshiatshi'no] m. a Ciancione, [tshiantshi'ne'] vi. little man, but a great meddler. ribald; babbler. Ciaccione, [tshitshi'nej m. a Cianciosamente, [tshintshigreat meddler. sme'n't] adv. in jest, wagCiacco , [tshik'k] m. hog gishly. sponger. Ciancioso, [tshtntshi's] adj. Ciaccona, [tshtkk'n] f. a playful, droll. kind of Spanish dance. Cianciugliare, [tshiantshir'Ciafifero, [tshidff'r] m. bailiff. r] V. n. to pronounce badly. Cialardone, [tyhilard'ne'] m. Ciancinme, [tshtantshtu'me'J m. one who does things by chance. empty talk, swaggery. Cialda, [tshjal'da] /". wafer, Cianfrogna, [tshinfr'gna] /". crackling cake. nonsense. Cialdetta, [tshialde't'ta] f. small- Cianfrusaglia, [tshtnfrus'1'] wafer. f. trash. Cialdino, [tshfaldi'n] m. said Cianghellino, [tshinghe'llin] of a weak and delicate person. adj. said of a dissolute person. Cialdonaio, [tshtldna'y] m. Ciangola, [tshtnj'la] f. chattering, nonsense. wafer-maker, wafer-seller. Cialdouf, tshild'ne'] m. rolled Ciangolare, [tshtangl'r] v. wafer (in the form of a n. to chatter, prate.


Ciarpame, [tshirp'me'] i.hoap

of rags. Ciarpare, [tshfrp're'] v. botch; cobble, bungle. Ciarperia, [tshtrpe'ri'] /. a quantity of rags, trifles. Ciarpiere, [tshtrpi're'] Ciarpone, [tshtrp'n] m. bungler, busy-body.



quantity of rags, dry leaves. Ciascheduno , [tshiskd'n] Ciascuno, [tshisk'n] pron. each, every one. Cibacelo, [tshtba'tsh] m. bad





Cibaccola, [tshihk'l]


Cibamento, [tshibame'n't]


Cibare, [tshib're'] v. a. te feed, give food. Cibarsi, v. r. to eat, feed upon; live upon. Cibario, [tshib'ri] adj. cibarious.

Cibazione , [tshibtsi'ne'] food, nourishment.


Cibeca, [tshibe''k] o:rfj.(saidconCiangottare, [tshtangtt're'] v. temptuously), stupid, simpleton. m. n. to sing softly in the throat Cibo, [tshi'b] m. food, aliment. [tshtltr'n] Cialtrone, Ciborio, [tshib'ri] m. pyx, like certain birds. rogue, cheat. [tshi'n] m. a flower sacred vase. [tshimh'l] Ciambella , f. Ciano, Cibreo, [tshibre''] m. ragout, of a deep blue color. small cake, roll. [tshtambe'Ua'y] Ciapperone, [tshfppe'r'ne'] m. fricassee. Ciambellajo Cica, [tshi'ka] /. nothing; -.arfv. chaperon, hood. m. cake-baker, pastry-cook. not a bit, not at all. [tshiambe'116't] Ciapperotto, [tshtppe'r't] m. Ciambellotto Cicada, [tshika'da] f. poes., cloak, mantle. m. camlet (stuff). Ciamberlano, [tsluambrla'n] Ciappola, [tshfpp'l] /". a grasshopper. small square chisel for working Cicala, [tshika'la] f. grasshopm. chamberlain. (babbler. per; chatterer. Ciambetta, [tshimbe't't] f. a metals. Ciaramella, [tshtrm'la] f. Cicalaccia , [tshikala'tsha] /. kind of whale. Ciammengola, [tshtmmn'g- Ciaramellare, [tshiarme'll're'J great talker.

Cicalamento , [tshiklarae'n't] V. n. to tattle, chat. l] f. trifle, toy, vile woman. Ciampanella, [tshtampan'l] f. Ciarla, [tshtr'l] f. Ciarlamen- m. prating. foolish thing; dare in ciam- to, [tshtarlme'n't] m. prat- Cicalare, [tshikl're'] v. n. te
Ciampicare, [tshtampik're'J
prate, blab. v. n. to Cicalata, [tshikla'ta] f. chitchat, prattle. prattle. n. to stumble. Diarapolino, [tshfmpli'n] ad]. Ciarlatanera, [tshtarltnri'] Cicalatore, [tshiklt're'] m. chatterer, prater. talkativeness; quackery. said of a kiud of pear tree. f. panelle, to do foolish things.
tling, talkativeness


v. Ciarlare, [tshirl're']



Ciliccio, [tshili'tsh] Cilicio, [tshili'tsh] m. sack-cloth , haircloth. Ciliegia, [tshili'jia] cherry.

Cicalatorio, Ltshiklt'ri] adj. Cicnrare, [tshikra're'] v. a. to talkative. tame, render domestic, accusCicaleccio, [tshikl'tsh] m. tom. chit-chat. Cicuta, [tshikt] /. hemlock. Cicaleria, [tshiklri'] /".talka- Cieca, [tsht'k] f. blind woman; tiveness. giuocare alla -, to play blindCicaletta, [tshikale't'ta] /. small man's buff.

Ciliegiajo , [tshili'jtay] m. cherry vendor. Ciliegio, [tshili'ji] m. cherry


Cicaliera, [tshlkli'r]



adv. blindly, inconsiderately. Ciliegiolo , [tshiliji'l] m. sip. Ciecare, [tshie'k're'] v. a. to cherry liquor. Cicaliere, [tshikli'rjm, hah- blind. Cilindrare, [tshilindr're'] v. a. bler. to smooth paper with a cylinCieco , [tshie''k] adj. blind Cicalio, [tshikli'] m. idle talk, dark, gloomy; hidden; inconder. foolish discourse. Cilindrico , [tshilin'drik] adj. siderate;-, m. blind-man. Cicalone, [tshikl'ne'] m. great Ciecolina, [tshikli'n] f. grig cylindrical. talker. Cilindro , [tshilin'dr] m. cy(fish). Cicatrice, [tshiktri'tsh] f. ci- Ciecolino, [tshte'kli'n] m. blind linder, roller. catrice, scar; fraud. Cilizio, [tshili'tsio] see Ciliccio. young man. Cicatrizzare, [tshiktrids're'] Cielo, [tshi'l] m. heaven; sky; Cima, [tshi'ma] f. summit, top; V. a. to cicatrize, heal up. ridge; fig. eminence; - di ribal' day-light; climate. Cicatrizzazione, [tshiktrids'- Cifera, [tshi'fe'ra] Cifra, [tshi'- do, TO. arrant-rogue. tsi'ne'] f. the healing of a fr] f. cipher; device; in -, mys- Cimare, [tshim're] v. a. to wound. shear (cloth) lop. teriously. Ciccantone, [tshikknt'ne'] m. Ciferista, [tshife'ri'st] m. a Cimasa, [tshima'sa] f. arch.. quack, mountehank. writer in ciphers. Ciccher, [tshik'ke'rl see Chic- Cifrare, [tshifr'r] v. a. to Cimatore, [tshimt're'] m. chera. shearer, slanderer. write in ciphers. Ciccia, [tshi'tsh] meat Cimatura [tshimt'r] Ciglio, [tshiT] m. (pi. cigli, f. , f. (vulgarism). shearings (of cloth) , ciglia, f.) eye-brow; eyes, pi. pi.; Cicciajo, [tshitshia'y] ni.hutch- view, look; aguzzare le ciglia, shearing (cloth). er (vulgarism). to look steadfastly, avere il Cimazio, [tshim'tsi] m.arch., Ciccialardone, [tshitshilrd'- ciglio basso, to bo sad. small moulding. ne'] m. glutton (vulgarism). Ciglionare, [tshil'ona're'l v. a. Cimba, [tshim'ba] f. poes., bark, ferry-boat. Cicciola, [tshitsh'l] f. a spe- to make banks for ditches. Ciglione, [tshir'ne'J to. edge Cimbalo, [tshim'bl] to. cymbal, cies of mushroom. Cimbellare, [tshimbll'r] see Cicciolo , [tshitsht'l] m. a (of a ditch), bank. Cigliuto, [tshil''t] adj. heavy Cimbottolare. small piece of pork. Cimberli, [tshim'be'rli] adv.; Ciccione, [tshitshi'ne'] m. whit- eye-browed. low, tumor; a small pustule Cigna, [tshi'n'a] f. girth; stare in-, in good humour, cheerful. sulle eigne, said of sick horses, Cimbottolare, [tshimbttl'r] or boil. v. n. to fall down (on one's Ciccioso, [tshitsht's] and Cic- also of infirm persons. face). ciuto, [tshitshi't] adj. fat, Cignalaccio, [tshin'l'tsh] m. Cimbottolo , [tshimb'tl] m. large wild boar. fleshy. [tshitshr'bit] /. Cignale, [tshin'le'] m. wild tumble. Cicerbita , Cimbraccola, [tshimbrk'l] f. boar. sow-thistle. Cignare, [tshi'n'are'] v. a. to a low ill - conducted woman [tshitshr'ki] Cicerchia , (vulgarism). gird round. vetch, chick-peas, pi. Cicerone, [tshitshe'r'ne'] m. Cignatura, [tshin'tr] f. the Cimelio, [tshim'li] m. article of virtu. girding place of a horse. (print.) pica. Cichino , [tshiki'n] m. very Cignere, [tshi'n'e're'] v. a. irr., Cimentare, [tshime'nt're'] v. a. (i insi; cinto) to gird; embrace. to purify gold with cement; little, but little. attempt, try; Cimentarsi, c. r. Cicigna, [tshitshi'n'a] f. newt, Cigno, [tshiV] m. swan. blind-worm. Cignone, [tshi'n'ne'] m. under- to face; engage. Cimento , [tshime'n't] to. ceCicisbea, [tshitshisbe''] /". co- girth, belly-band.


quette. Cicisbeare, [tshitshisbe'a're'] v. a. to court the ladies. Cicisbeato, [tshitshisb't] ni. coquetry. Cicisbeo, [tshitshisb'] wi. gallant, spark. Ciclamino, [tshiklmi'n] m. a medicinal plant.
Ciclo, [tshi'kl] m. cycle.

Cigolamento, [tshiglme'n't] ment; trial, essay, proof. Cimentoso, [tshime'nt's] m. rattling.



Ciclope, [tshikl'p]m. Cyclops. Cicog^na, [tshik'n'd] f. stork; beam (of a bell). Cicognino , [tshikn'i'n] m young stork. Cicorea. [tshik're'] Cicoria, rtshiko'ri] f. succory, endive.

Cigolare, [tshigl're'] v. n. to hazardous. hiss like green Cimice, [tshi'mitshe'] f. bug ; rattle, creak wood, grumble like the intes- poltroon. Cimiciajo, [tshimitshi'y] to. tines, chirp like sparrows. for destroying Cigolio, [tshigli'] m. crack- instrument bugs place abounding in bugs. ling. Cigolo, [tshi'gl]Cigulo,[tshi'- Cimiciattola, [tshiraitshtt'la] gl] adj. little, small. f. a kind of reddish grape. Cilecca, [tshilk'k] f. balk Cimiere^ [tshimi're'] Cimiero, [tshimi'r] m. crest (of a disappointment, baffling. Cilestrino, [tshile'stri'n] adj. helmet). Cimino, [tshimi'n] m. cummin. sky-colored. Cilestro, [tshile''str] Cimiterio, [tshimit'ri] CimiCiuccino, [tshilitshi'n] adj. of tero [tshimit'r] m. cemetery, church-yard. hair-cloth.
; ;

Cimosa, [tsliim's] and Cimos- Cinifo,
sa, [tshims's]

selvage of



[tshini'fo] m. a species Ci, [tsM] pron. this, that, what, which; con tutto -, of wild goat. Cinigia, [tshini'jia] /'.embers, pL nevertheless. cloth. Cimurro, [tsliimur'r] m. glan- Ciniglia, [tshini'l'ia] f. silk Ciocca, [tshto'k] f. cluster (0/ beading. flowers &c.), bunch, tuft. ders, pi. Cinismo , [tshini'smjm.doctrine Ciocche, [tshikke''] pron. what, Cina, [tshi'n] f. bark. that which. Cinabrese, [tshinbr's] m. red of the cynics. Cinamifero, [tshinmif'r]a(Jj. Ciocchetta, [tshtkk't] ^small chalk. tuft. Cinabro, [tshin'br] m. cinna- cinnamon bearing. Cinnamo, [tshin'namo] Cinna- Cioccla, [tshi'tsh] f. infanbar. Cinato, [fshini't] adj. pre- momo, [tshinnra'mj m. cin- tine cry for the breast m. a busy-body. namon. pared with bark. Ciucer, [tshintsh'r] Cincia, Cino, [tshi'n] m. wild plum, docciare, [tshitshi're'] v, n. Cinciallegra , sloe. to suckle, intermeddle. [tshin'tshi] [tshintshtdll'gr] (. see Cin- Cinocefalo, [tshintshe'fa'l] m Cioccione, [tshitshi'ne'] m. gallegra. great busy-body. a kind of ape. Cinciglie, [tshintshiT] m. mili- Cinoglossa , [tshinglss] f. Ciocco, [tshi'k] m. log, billet (of wood), stupid person. hound's tongue. tary sash. Ciucigliene, [tshintshirn] m. Cinosura, [tshins'r] f. astr. Cioccolata , [tshtkkla'ta] f. ursa minor. Cioccolate, [tshikkl't] m. a great drinker, buffoon. Cincinno, [tshintshin'n] m. lock Cinquadea, [tshinqu'd] f. chocolate. sword (said in derision). Cioccolattiera,[tshikkltti'of hair. Cincischiare, [tshintshiski're] Cinquannaggine , [tshinquiin- r], /. chocolate-pot. and Cinclstiare , [tshintshi- nggi'ne'] /. space of five years Cioccolattiere, [tsbikkltti'(vulgarism). stire*] v. o. to hack; stammer. r] m. seller of chocolate. Cincischio, [tshiutshis'ki] m. Cinquannate, [tshinquanna'te] Cioocuto, [tshikk'tj adj. full adj. of five years. hacking; stammering. of clusters. Cinedo, [tshin'd] m. boaster. Cinquanta, [tshinkttn't] adj. Cio, [tshi'] adv. that is, that Cinerario, [tshine'r'ri] udj. fifty. is to say, namely. cinerary. Cinqnantare , [tshinquanta're'] Ciofo, [tshi'f] m. a silly person. Cinerazone , [tshine'rtsi'ne'] V. o. to boast. Ciomperia, [tshirapri'] f. Cinquantesimo, [tshinkuant'- base action. f. reduction to ashes. adj. [tshine'ri'tsi] (Hnerizio, sim] adj. fiftieth. Ciompo, [tshim'p] m. carder, ash-colored, gray. Cinquantina , [tshinkwnti'na] low person. Cnfolare, [tshinfl're'] w. a. to f. fifty, fifty things, pi. Cioncare , [tshink're'] v. n. Cinquantino , [tshinqunti'n] to tipple; mangle; cut, fell. whistle. Cingallegra, [tshinglle''gr] /. m. a kind of millet. Cioncatore, [tshinkto'r] 1. tit-mouse, tom-tit. Cinque, [tshn'ku] adj. five. toper. [tshinku- Cionco, [tshtn'k] adj. cut off Cingere, [tshin'je'r]seeCignere. Cinquecentista , Cinghia, [tshin'ghi] f. girth. tsche'nti'sta] Italian artists of drunk. Cinghiala, [tshinghia'j] f. a the sixteenth century. Cioncolare, [tshtnkl're'] v.n. horse's vein near the girding Cinquecento , [tshinkwe'tshe'n'- to waddle, hang dangling. place. t] adj. five hundred. Ciondolamento , [tshindlCinghiale, [tslunghi'le']m.wild Cinquefoglie, [tshinkue'fTi] me'n't] m. dangling. boar. or Cinquefoglie, [tshinkue'f'- Ciondolare, [tshindl're'] v. n. Cinghialino , [tshinghili'n] l'i] m. cinquefoil. to hang dangling, shake about. [tshinkwrai'l] Ciondolina, [tshindli'n] {. adj. of the wild boar. Cinquemila , Cinghiare , [tshinghi'r] v. a. adj. num. five thousand. careless girl. Cinquennio, [tshinkue'n'ni] Ciondolino, [tshindli'n] in. to gird; surround. Cinghiata, [tshinghia't] /. a space of five years. ear-ring, drop. Cinquina, [tshinkwi'n] /. five, Ciondolo, [tshin'dl]m. thing blow with a girth. Cinghiatura, [tshihghit'r] f. five things, pL; five numbers in that hangs dangling; ear-ring. girthing. Ciondolone, [tshindl'nJQ (/v. a line at the game of Lotto. Cinghimento, [tshinghime'n't] Cinquino, [tshiukui'n] m. two dangling ;-, m. lounger, trifler. fives (at dice). Cionno, [tshtn'n] adj. lazy; a girth. despicable. Cinghio, [tshin'ghi] m. circle, Cinta, [tshin't] f. enclosure girdle. Ciotola, [tshi'tl] ^ cup, bowl, circuit. Cingolette, [tshingle't't] m. Cintino, [tshinti'n] m. under- Ciotoletta , [tshitle't'ta] {. petticoat. small cup. small girdle. (cup. Cingolo, [tshin'gl] m. girdle, Cinto, [tshin't] m. cincture, Ciotolone, [tshitl'nd] m.large girdle; halo. ciucturo. dottare, [tshitt'r] v. a. to

Cinguettamento, [tshingue'tta- Cintola,

mn't] m. prattle.


[tshingue'tt'r] V. n. to lisp, chatter; prate.


Cingaettatore, [tshinguttt'r] m. prater, chatterer. Cinguetteria, [tshingutte'ri']

prating, chit-chat. Cinico, [tshi'uk] adj. cynic, cynical.

[tshin'tla] /. girdle, belt; sash. Cintolino, [tshintli'n] wi.small girdle. Cintolo, [tshin'tl] ni. hand; list (of cloth). Cintura, [tshint'r]/. cincture, string. Cinturetta , [tshintr't] f. small girdle.

flog, lash.








pebble, flint; cripple. Ciottolare, [tshtttl're'] v. to fling ; pave.




blow with a stone.

Ciottolato, [tshittl't] paved road.

Ciottoletto, [tsliittlt't] m. small stone. Ciottolo, [tsht'tl] m. flintstone, pebble; lavare il capo co' ciottoli, to slander, detract. Ciottolo, [tshitt'l] adj. said of metals not purified, of precions stones not worked. Ciottolone, [tshittl'ne'] large stone. Ciovetta, [tshtve't'ta] see Civetta. Cipero, [tsliip'r] m. a kind of thorny rush. Cipigliare, [tshipir're'j v. n to eye askance. Cipiglio, [tshipiT] VI. rancO' rous look, frowning; far -, to


adj. Circonvallazione, [tshirknvlltsi'n] f. circumvallation.


Circolatojo, [tshirklt'y] in. Circonvenire, [tshirknvni're'] v.a. to circumvent ; deceive. chemical vase. Circolatore, [tshirklt're'] w. Circonvenzione, [tshirknve'nany thing that circulates, (said tsi'ne'] f. circumvention, fraud. of a charlatan). Circonvicino, [tshirkuvitshi'Circolatorio , [tshirklt'ri] n] adj. neighbouring. adj. of circulation. Circonvoluzione , [tshfrknvCircolazione, [tshirkltsi'n] ltsi'ne'] /". circumvolution. Circoscritto , [tshirkskrit't] f. circulation, rotation. m. adj. circumscribed, limited. Circoletto, [tshirklt't] small circle. (circuit. Circospetto, [tshirksp't] adj. Circolo, [tshir'kl] m. circle, circumspect, cautious. Circoncidere[tshirkntshi'dr] Circospezione, [tshirksptsi'V. a. irr. {see Recidere) to cirne'] f. circumspection, caution.

Circostante , cumcise. [tshirkstL,u't] Circoncidimento, [tshirkontshi- adj. surrounding; -, ni. bydime'n't] m. see Circoncisione. Circoncignere[tslurkontshi'n''e're'] V. a. irr. {see Cignere) to caciose. Circoncinto, [tshirkntshin't] adj. enclosed, surrounded. Circoncisione [tshirkntshisi' ne'] f. circumcision.

eye askance. Cipiglioso , [tshipil''s] adj irascible, passionate. Cipolla, [tshipri] f. onion, bulb head. CipoUaccio, [tshipll'tshl] m. a bad onion; marble somewhat less hard than porpliory, of green and yellowish color, with white and black spots. Cipollata, [tshiplla't] f. cook. ragout of onions and gourds fig. silly things, pi. Cipolletta , [tshiplle't't] /. small onion. vi. Cipollino , [tshiplli'n]


Circostanza, [tshirkstan'ds] f. circumstance: particularity Circostanziare, [tshirkstndsi'r] v.a. to circumstantiate.

Circuimento , [tshirkimu't] m. circuition.


v. a. to



me'n't] m. encompassing. Circondare, [tshirknd're'] v. a to enclose, border. Circondario, [tshirknd'r]

surround, enclose; round.

v. n. to


Circuito, [tshirk'it] i.circuit,

Circuizione, [tshirkitsi'nj
circuition, preamble. Circulare, [tshirkl're'] see Circolare &c.



district, ter-


chives, pi.


af!j. [tshipll's] Cipolloso, said of wood subject to exfo-





hairbag. Ciporro, [tship'r] m. blunder. Cippo , [tship'p] ni. half column; mile-post. Cipressetto, [tshipre'sse''t] in. plantation of cypress-trees. Cipressino, [tshiprssi'n] adj. clove-tasted. Cipresso, [tshipr's] w.cj'press. Cipri, [tshi'pri] or Cipro, [tshiCirconflesso,[tshirknfl's]arf/. pro'] m. Cyprus wine. Cipria, [tshi'pri] f. perfumed bent, bowed; accento -, m. circumflex. hairpowder. Ciprino, [tshipri'n] m. sea-fish. Circonflettere, [tshirknfle'tte'Ciragra, [tshira'gra] f. chiragra. r] V. a. to bend, bow. Circa, [tshir'ka] prep, about, Circonfluenza, [tshirknfln'concerning. ds] f. circumflucnce.

Circondazione, [tshirkndtsi'ne'] f. surrounding. Circonducimento, [tshirkndtshime'n't] m. the placing of the words to form a period. Circondurre , [tshirkndr're'] V. a. irr. {see Addurre) to lead around. Circonferenza, [tshirknfe'rn'ds] f. circumference. Circonferenziale , [tshirkonfe're'ntsia'le'] adj. belonging to a circumference. Circonflessione , [tshirknflessi'ne'] f. the act of turning round.

Circumambiente, [tshirkmmbie'n't] adj. circumambient. Circuncgnere, [tshirkntshi'n'e're'] &c., see Circoncignere&c. Ciregeto,[tshirje't] m. planta-

tion of cherry-trees. Ciriegia, [tshiri'ji] f. cherry. Ciriegio, [tshiri'jt] m. cherrytree.

Ciriegiuolo, [tshirijf'l] adj. of cherry-color; ni. a kind of wine. Cirindono , [tshirind'n] m.

new-year's gift.
Cirro, [tshir'r] m. curi, ringlet. Cirtde, [tshirti'd] m. a small curved fishing-net. Cisale, [tshis'l] ni. land-mark,

Circense, [tshirtshen'se'] adj. belonging to the games of the

circus. Circio,[tshr'tsht]w. north-east

Circo, [tshir'k] m. circus. Circolare , [tshirkl're'] adj.

circular, round. Cistico, [tshis'tik] adj. cystic, Circolare, [tshirkl're] w. a. to t] &c., see Circoscritto &c. biliary. dispute, discuss; -, v. n. to Circonspetto, [tshirknsp't] fee, see Circospetto &c. Cistifellea, [tshistife'l'le'a] f. a circulate, go round. small pear-shaped vessel at Circolarmente , [tshirklr- Crconstante, [tshirknstn't] the foot of the liver. &c., see Circostante &c. me'n't] adv. circularly. Circolato, [tshirkl't] m. cir- Circonvallare, [tshirknvll'- Cistio, [Ishis'ti] ni, a kind oi ivv. rej V. a. to circumvallate. cle; garlaud.

boundary. Ciscranna,[tshiskrn'n] /.folding-chair; an ugly old woman. Cispa, [tshis'pa] f. blearedness, Circonfondere, [tshirknfn'de'- blear-eyedness. V. a. to difl'use around, Cispardo, [tshispr'd] see Cisre'] scatter round about. poso. Circonfulgere, [tshirknflge"- Cisposit, [tshispsit']./". blearre'] V. n. to shine aronud. edness. Circonlocuzione, [tshirknlk- Cisposo, [tshisp's] adj. bleartsi'n] f. circumlocution. eyed; rheumy. (tank. Circonscritto , [tshirknskrif- Cisterna, [tshistr'n] f. cistern,



Civilmente, [tshivilme'n'te'] av,
civilly, politely.

Citabile^ [tshitati'lej adj. cita- Cittadinuzzo, [tshittdin'ts] (harp. m. low citizen. ble, Citara, [tshi'tr] /". jjoes. luto, Citto, [tshit'to] 1. boy, lad (vulgarism). Citare, [tshit'r] v. a. to cite, Cittola, [tshit'tl] /".little girl, summon; quote. Citaredo, [tshitr'd] sec Cita- lass. Cittolo, [tshit'tl] m. little boy, rista. Citareggiare, [tshitre'dj 'r e'J lad. Ciuco, [tshi'k] m. ass. V. n. to play on the harp. [tshiff'n'] adj. Citarista, [tshitri'st] m.player Ciuffagno ,

Civilt, [tshivilt'] Civiltade, Civiltate, f. civility; politeness. Civire, [tshivi're'] v. a. to provide, procure.






on the harp, minstrel.


Citarizzare, [tshitarids're'] see Ciiiffare, [tshiff'r] v. a. catch, snatch. Citareggiare. Citatore, [tshitt're'] m. citer, Ciuffetto, [tshiffe't't] m. small tuft, lock of hair. quoter. Citatoria, [tshitt'ri] f. sum- Ciuffo, [tshif'f] m. lock of hair, toupet. mons, writ. Citazione, [tshittsi'ne'] f. ci- Ciuffolo, [tshtuf'fl], trifles, toys, pi. ; nonsense. tation, summons. [tshite'ri're'] adj. Ciuffolotto, [tshifflt't] TO. Citeriore , (loc.) steam-whistle. nearer; hitherraost. m. Citiso, [tshi'tisjm. heath, fern. Ciufolotto, [tshiflt't]
Cito, [tshi't] adt). soon, quietly.

Clamare, [klm're'] v. n. to speak loud, bawl. to Glamazione, [klmtsi'ne'] f.

cry, invocation.

Clamide, [klmi'd]
cient robe. Clamore, [klm're'] outcry.


an anclamor,


nme'n'te'] secretly.


adv. clandestinely,

Clandestino, [klnde'sti'n] adj.

clandestine, secret.


[tshitra'djine'J [tshir'm] f. f. Ciurma, mint. crew, galley-slaves, pi. rout. Claretto, [klre't't] m. claret Citramontaao, [tshitrmnt'- Ciurmadore, [tshirmd'r] see (wine). Clariflcare, [klrifika'r] v. a. n] adj. on the other side of Ciumatore. Ciurmaglia , [tshtrmaT] /. to clarify. the mountain mob, rabble. Citri, [tshi'tri] m. pi. whims. Clarinetto, [klrine't't] m. claCitriata, [tshitri't] f. confec- Ciurmare, [tshturma'r] .a. to rionet. charm; cheat. tion made of citron. Clarino, [klri'n] m. clarion Citriuezza, [tshitrine''ts] f. Ciurmatore, [tshirmt'rj m. (trumpet). wizard, cheat, quack. jaundice. Claro, [kl'r] see Chiaro. Citrinit,[tshitrini't] /'.lemon- Ciurmerla , [tshirme'ri'] rank, f. Classe, [kls'se'] f. class charm, tricks, pi. color. order. Citrino, [tshitri'n] adj. lemon- Ciaschero , [tshis'ke'r] adj. Classicismo, [klssitshi'sm] m. tipsy. tasted; lemon-colored; m. ledoctrine of classic scholars. mon-taste, lemon-color. Civada, [tshiv'd] /. mar. sprit- Classico, [klas'sik] adj. clasCitriolo, Citriaolo, [tshitri'l] sail. sical. m. cucumber. Civaja, [tshiv'y] /".all kinds of Claudia, [klu'di] adj. green Citrullo, [tshitrl'l] wi. blockpulse. gage {susina Claudia). head, dunce. Civanza, [tshivn'ds] f. or Ci- Claudicare, [kludik're'] v. n. Citta, [tshit'ta] f. girl, lass. vanzo, [tshivn'ds] m. and to limp. Citt [tshit't']Cittade,Cittate, Civanzamento, [tshivnds'- Clausola, [klaw'sl] f. clause.

boi. balra,

Clangore, [klng're'J m. clanship's gor, flourish (of trumpets).

f. city, town. Cittadella , [tshittd'l]


borough, citadel. Cittadina, [tshittdi'n]

izen's wife.





adv. citizen-like, po-

[tshittdinnCittadinanza, ds] f. freedom guild citizens, pi.; humanity, civility;

; ;

abode. Cittadinello, [tshittdin'l] m. little burgess.

Cittadinescamente, [tshittdi'ne'skme'n't] tizen.

adv. like a ci-

[klaustra'le'] adj. , claustral; solitary. Civanzare, [tshivnds're'] v. a. Claustro, [klu'str] m. poes., to provide, procure. Civanzar- cloister. (sola. si, . r. to supply one's self Clausula, [klu'sl] see Clauwith. Clausura, [klattsu'ra] f. encloCivetta, [tshive't'ta] f. screech- sure; monastery. owl ; coquette. Clava, [kl'va] f. club. Civettare, [tshive'tt're'] v. a. to Clavicembalo , [klvitshemb'coquet; deceive; -, v. n. to be l] m. harpsichord. a coquette. Clematide, [kle'm'tid] f. bot. Civetteria, [tshive'tte'ri'a] f. co- periwinkle. quetry. Clemente, [kle'mn'te'J adj. cleCivettina, [tshive'tti'na] f. small ment, gentle. screech-owl; little coquette. Clementemente,[kle'me'nte'rae'n'Civettino, [tshivtti'n] m. fop, t] adv. kindly, mercifully.

mn't] m. benefit, advantage, Claustrale



[tshittadine's'k] adj. citizen-like; civil, polite. Cittadinese , [tshittdin'se'] adj. said of good wine, as that drunk by citizens in contradistinction to that drunk by peasants.

dandy. Clementine , [kle'me'nti'ne'] f. Civettone, [tshivtt'n] m. pi. the Constitutions of Clelarge owl. ment V. Civettuola, [tshivtt'l] /.little Clemenza , [kle'mn'ds] Clecoquette. Civico, [tshi'vik] adj. civic.

menzia, mency.




Civile, [tshivi'Ie'] adj. civil, po- Clericale, [kle'rik'le"] Clericato, lite; gracious; -, m. register. [klrika't] adj. clerical. Cittadino, [tshittdi'n] adj. of Civilista, [tshivili'st] w. juris- Clerico, [kle'ri'k] m. an ecclea citizen, polite; -, m. citizen, consult. siastic. Civilit, [tshivilit'] see Civilt. Cloro, [kl'r] m. clergy. burgess.

Diz. Ital.-Ing.

Clessidra, [klessi'dr]
lic clock.



hydrau- Coartazione, [krttsi'ne'] ( Cociore,

m. burn-

ing, inflammation. contraction. Coattivo, [ktti'v] adj. coer- Cocitojo,[ktshit'y] adj. easily Cliente, [klin'teT m. client. cooked. Clientela, [klinte"l] f. patron- cive, compulsory. Coazione, [kadsi'nj f. coac- Cocito, [ktshi't] m. the river age, protection; clients, pi. Cocjrtns. Clientelo, [klie'n'tl] Clientu- tion, compulsion. lo, [klie'n'tl] m. client; de- Cobbola, [kbb'la] Cobola, [k- Cocitura, [ktshitii'ra] f. decoction; burning. b'l] f. a kind of rustie poetipendant. Coclea, [k'kle'j f. interior of Clima, [kli'm] m. climate; re- cal composition.

Cocca, [k'k] /. notch (of an the ear. arrow); arrow; cock-boat; cor- Coclearia, [kkle''rid] ^scurvyner of cloth, summit of a grass. country. Cocolla, [kkl'l] f. and CuClimaterico, [klimt'rik] adj. mountain. Coccarda, [kkkrd] f. cockade. culia, [kkl'l] cow], frock (of climacteric. Clinico, [kli'nik] ad], clinical Coccare, [kkk're'] v. a. to put a monk) ; a sort of mushroom. (target. the arrow on the bow-string; Cocomerajo, [kkme'r'y] m. bedrid. water-melon bed m. shield, -, V. n. to make faces. seller of Clipeo, [kli'pe'] Clistere, [klist're'] Clistere, Coccerina, [ktshe'ri'n] f. a water-melons. Cocomerello, kind of white grape. [kkme'r'l] n. [klist'r] m. clyster. Clivo, [kli'v] ailj. declivous, Cocchetta, [kkke't't] m. little small water-melon. slope. Cocomero, notch. [kk'me'r] m.watersloping; -, m. declivity, Clizia, [kli'tsia] /. sun-flower, Cocchiata, [kkki't] f. sere- melon. Cocuzze, [kk'tse'] infer, exclanade (in a coach). turnsol. Cloaca, [kl'k] f. sewer, sink. Cocchiere, [kkkie're'] m. coach- mation of astonishment. /". Cocuzze, [kku'ts] Cocuzzolo, a kind of man. Cnza, [kni'ds] Cocchina, [kkki'n] f. country- [kk'tsl] m. crown of the dog-grass. head, top, summit. dance. Coabitare, [kbit'r] v. n. to Cocchine, [kkki'nj in. rascal. Coda, [k'd] f. tail; train, relive together. Coabitatore, [khitt'r] m. Cocchio, [k'ki] m. coach, car- tinue; end; file, series; stalk; riage. far -, to follow, attend; lisciar cohabitant. Coabitazione, [kbittsi'ne'] Cocchione, [kkki'n] m. large la -, to wheedle, flatter. cohabita- carriage. Codardamente,[kdrdme'n'te'] /. living together, Cocchiumare, [kkkim're'] v. adv. cowardly. tion. Goaccademico, [kkkd'mik] n. to hung up, mock, play a Codardia, [kdrdi'] f. cowardice. trick. in. fellow-academician. [kkki'me'] m. Codardo, [kdr'd] adj. cowCoacervare, [ktshrv're'] v. Cocchiume, ardly, vile. bung-hole. a. to heap up. Coacervazione,[ktshrvtsi'- Coccia, [k'tsha] f. pimple; hilt, Codazza, [kd'tsi] f. tail; extremity. handle (of the sword) shell. n] {. heaping up. Coaderente, [kde'ren'te'] adj. Cocciajo, [ktshi'y] wi. potter. Codazzo, [kd'ts] m. retinue, Cocciniglia, [ktshiniT] (. attendants, pi. coadhorent. Codeare, [kde''re'] see Codiare. Coadesione , [kde's'ne'] f. cochineal. Coccineo, [kishi'ne] adj. co- Cc.desto, [kde"st] see Cocoadhesion. testo, (tail. Coadiutore , [kdyt'r] wt. chineal color. Coccio, [k'tsh] m. pot-sherd. Codetta, [kde't't] little coadjutor. Coadjutoria, [kdyt'ri] /. Cocciuola, [ktsh'l] /. small Codiare, [kdi'r] v. n. to he pimple. at one's heels; observe, spy. coadjutorship. Coadjutrice, [kdyiitri'tshe'] f. Cocciuto, [ktshit] adj. obsti- Codiatore,[kdit're']TO.dodger,

Climate, [klima'to] m. climate:



v. a.


Coadjuvare, [kdyv'r]
to help, assist.

Coadunare, [kdna're']

u. a.

to collect, assemblo. Coadunazione, [kdntsi'n] crocodile. one mass. Coccola, [k'kl] f. berry. f. collecting into Coagolo, [k'gl] see Coagulo. Coocolina, [kkkli'na] f. small Coagulamento , [kglme'n'- berry; hooping-cough. Coccolone, [kkkl'ne'] adv. t] m. coagulation. Coagulare, [kgl're'] v.a. & star -, to lie squat, m. apoplectic stroke (vulgarism). 71. to coagulate. Coagulazione, [kglatsi'ne'] Coccoveggia, [kkkvd'j] f. congelation, curdling; con- owl; coquette. f.

Cocco, [k'k] m. cochineal; Codicalca, [kdikrk] f. train Qg^\ (said by children) darling; of a dress (used by ladies to sweep the streets). cocoa tree. Coccodrillo, [kkkdrill] m. Codice, [k'ditsh] m. code.
Codicillare, [kditshill're'] v. n. to make codicils; adj. belonging to a codicil. Codicillo, [kditshil'l] i. codicil.


Coccoveggiare, [kkkve'dj're"]

Coagulo, [k'gl] m. rennet,

r. n. to lie in wait; coquet. Cocente, [ktshn't] adj. burnrunnet. Coalescenza, [klstshe'n'ds] ing; sharp. Cecero, [k'tshre'] see Cuocere. f. cohesion. Coartare, [krt'rel v. a. to Cociculo, [ktshik'l] m. a kind of pepper. restrict, contract. Ooartativo, [krtti'v] adj. Cocimento, [ktshimeVt] m. beat; digestion, decoction. restrictive.

[kdim'ts] adj. docked. Codina, [kdi'n] f. Codino, [kdi'n] m. little tail; codino is also employed as a contemptuous expression to designate the party of reaction. Codione, [kdi'ne'] m. rump (said especially of birds). Codirosso, [kdirs's] m. a species of fig-pecker. Codognata, [kdn''t] /.




Colcare, [klk'r]
v. a. to lie
v. r.

Codolo, [Tcd'l] 7)1 the handle Cogno, [k'n'] m. an ancient Florentine wine measure, conof a knife or fork. Codone, [kd'n] m. large tail, taining ton barrels; kind of rough hasket. crupper; knid of wild-duck. Ceduto, [kd't] adj. having Cognome, [kn''me'] m. surname. a tailCoeguale, [ke'gw'le'] adj. coe- Cognominare, [kn'min'r] v.

down, stretch. Colcarsi, to lie down; go to bed. Colchico, [klki'k] m. chicum.


a. to surname. CoGNOMiNAnsi, qual, alike. Colente, [kln't] adj. inhabCoenzione, [kntsi'ne'] /".pur- V. r. to take the surname. chase of goods on speculation. Cognominazione , [kn'min- iting. Coercitivo, [krtshiti'v] adj. tsio'n] /. surname, family Colera morbus, [kl'r mr'bs], m. cholera morbus. name. coercive. Coerede, [ke'r'd] tv. coheir, Cognoscere, [kn''she're'] &c. Colere, [kd'le'r] v. a. poes., to worship. see Conoscere &c joint-heir. Coerente, [ke'rn'te'] adj. co- Cogoma, [k'gm] see Cocoma. Colezioue, [kle'tsi'n] /".breakCoincidente, [kintshidn'te'J fast, luncheon; far -, to breakherent. fast. Coerenza, [krn'ds] f. co- adj. coincident. Coincidenza, [kintshidn'dsa] Colibeto, [klib't] m. equiherence.

Colei, [kl'i] pron. she. Colendissimo, [cle'ndis'sim] adj. most worshipful.

vocal speech. Coesione, [ke'si'ne'J /".cohesion, /". coincidence. Coincidere, [kintshi'de're'] v. Colibr, [kli'bri] m. hummingconnexion. Coesstere, [ke'si'ste'r] v. n. 71. irr. {see Recidere) to coin- bird. Colica, [k'lik] /". colic. cide, concur. to coexist. Colico, [kli'k] adj. colic, gripCoetaneo, [ke't'ne'] adj. coc- Coito, [k'it] w. coition. Coitoso, [kit'sj adj. thought- ing. taneous, contemporary. Colino, [kli'n] m. cullender. Coeterno, [ktr'n] adj. co- ful, sad. Cojaccio, [ky'tsh] m. bad Colio , [k'li] ni. continued oternal. straining (as in making lye). Coevo, [k'v] adj. coeval, con- leather. Cojajo, [ky'y] ii. tanner, Colla, [k'l] m. glue cord. temporary. Colla, [kl'l] for Con la. Cofanajo, [kfn'y] m.haskot- leather-dresser, currier. Cojame, [ky'mc'] m. quantity Collacrimare, [kllkrim're'] maker; trunk-maker. V. n. to Aveep together. Cofanetto, [kfdne't't] m. small of hides. Cojaro, [ky'r] see Cojajo. Collana, [kU'n] f. necklace. hasket; small trunk. Cofano, [k'fn] m. basket; Cojattolo, [kytt'l] m. strips Collanuccia, [klln'tsh] f, of leather. small necklace. trunk, coffer. Coffa, [k'f] /. mar., a top; Cojetto, [ky't] m. leather- Collare, [kll're'] m. collar, - maestra, the main top;-rfi jerkin. ladies' ruff. trinchetto, the fore-top; - di Col, [kl] for: Collo, Con lo. Collare, [koUa're'ju. .to scourge; Col, [kl'] adv. there, yonder. lower with a rope; lift up; mezzana, the mizen-top. Cogitabondo, [kjitbn'd] adj. Cola, [k'l] f. strainer, filter. elevate; glue; join. Colabrodo,[klbr'd] tn.broth- CoUarettajo, [kllre'tta'y] m. musing. collar-maker. Cogitare, [kjit're'] v. n. poes. strainer. Colafizzare, [klfits're'] u a. Collaretto, [kllre't't] m. colto muse, think. lar, shirt-collar. Cogitativo, [kjitti'v] adj. to cuff, box. Colaggi, [kldji'] Colaggiu- Collarino, [kUri'n] m. small pensive. Cogitazione, [kjttsi'ne'] /. so , [kldjj's] adv. down collar, neck-band. there, below. Collata, [kll't] /". accolade; thought, meditation. m. dare la -, to dub a knight. Coglia, [kT] f. an effeminate Colamento , [klme'n't] (a fop. straining; draining; leakage. Collaterale, [kllatr'lj adj. dandy. m. Cogliata, [kl''t] /". action of Colare, [kl're'j v. a. to strain collateral ; indirect ; through, filter; - a fondo una relative. Cogliere, [kTe'r] . a. irr. nave, to scuttle a ship ; -, v. Collatore, [kllt're'] wi. colla(cogito, colgo; colsi; collo) to hit, n. to drop; molt. gather ; catch, surprise tor, patron. [klsh'nj strike; - in iscambio, to mis- Colascione , w. Collattaneo, [klltt'ne'] m. foster-brother. take; -, V. n. to happen, come Italian lute. Colass, [klass'J Colassuso, CoUattori, [kllatt'ri] m. p. to pass; agree with. [klass's] adv. there above, mar. lanyards. Coglitore, [kl'it'r] m. gatheryonder above. Collazionare, [klltsin're'] v. er, reaper. [klti'tshi] Coglitura, [kl'it'r] f. the act' Colaticcio, m. a. to collate, compare; confront. dregs of any liquid. Collazione, [klltsi'ne'] f. conof gathering. Cognata, [kn''t] /. sister-in- Colatio , [klti'] Colativo ference, collation confronting. [klti'v] adj. dissoluble; m. Colle, [k'le'] m. poes. hillock. law. Cognato, [kn''t] adj. allied, fallen fruit. Collega, [kll'g] m. colleague, related, kinired; -. m. hro- Colato, [kl't] m percolation,! adjutor. (m. binding filtration; arfj. said of sweet! Collegamento, [kUe'gmn't] ther-in-law. Cognazione , [kn'tsi'ne'] f. and oily wine.^ ^ Collegare, [kllga'r] v. a. to Colato j 0, [klt'y]m.strainer, bind, unite, join; Collegarsi, kindred, affinity. colander. Cognito, [k'n'it] adj. known. v. r. to confederate. Cognitore, [kn'it'r] m. re- Colatura, [klt'r] f. filtra- Collegato, [kUg't] i. contion. porter; recorder. federate, ally. Cognizione, [kn'itsi'n] f. Colazione, [kltsi'ne'J /.break- Collegatore, [klle'gt're'] m. fast, knowleige. leacuer.

Collegazione, [kllgtsi'n] union, junction.



Colombino, [klmbi'n] adj. of Collo, [kl'l] for Con lo. pigeons; -, m. young pigeou; Collo, [k'l] m. neck; summit, Collegiale, [klle'jt'l] s. col- top; package of goods; - di un limestone; vine. bracciolo, mar. the elbow of a Colombo, [kolomTjo] m. pigeon, legian. dove. Collegiale, [kUji'l] ad}, col- knee; portare in -, to carry on the arms; rompersi il -, to Colon, [k'ln] m. atiat. colon. legial. Colonia, [kl'ni] f. colony, Collegialmente, [klljilmn'- break one's neck. Collocamento, [kllkme'n't] plantation; settlers, pi. t] adv. in common. Coloniale, [klni'le'] adj. coloCoUegiare, [kllji'r] v. n. to m. placing; arrangement. Collocare, [kllk'r] v. a. to nial. decide together. Colonna, [kln'n] /. column, Collegiata, [klljt't] f. col- place, arrange. Collocazione , [kUkatsi'ne'] prop; file of soldiers; le colonne legiate-church. Collegio, [kll'ji] i. college, f. placing (used especially by di un libro, the columns of a painters in the arrangement of book; le colonne d' un letto, the community. bed-posts. CoUeppolare, [klle'ppl're'] o. figures). n. to leap for joy, rejoice, be Collocotore, [kllkt're'] m. Colonnata, [klnn't] f. Co one who talks iu company with lonnato, [klnu't] m. comerry. lonnade. Collera , [kl'le'ra] f. anger, others. CoUocntorio, [kllkt'ri] m. Colonnello, [klnn'l] m. cowrath. lonel; little column. Collericamente, [kllrikme'n'- parlour of a convent. Collocuzione , [kllktsi'ne'] Colonnetta, [klnn'ta] ^ little t] adv. in a passion. pillar; supporter. Collerico, [koll'rik] adj. chof. conference. (ious. Colloquintida, [kllquinti'd] Colono, [kl'n] m. peasant, leric, irascible. Colleroso, [kUe'r's] adj. bil- f. the fruit of a wild gourd of countryman, colonist, planter. [klr'tsh] m. very bitter taste. Coloraccio , Colletta, [kU't] f. collection: Colloquio, [kll'kwi] m. dis- bad color. harvest. Coloramento, [klrme'n't] tre. CoUettare, [kll'tre'] v. n. to course, conversation. Colloso, [kll's] adj. glutinous, dye, tincture. collect together. [kllttiv- sticky. Colorare, [klr're'] v. a. to Collettivamente , CoUotorto, [klltr't] m. wry- dye, paint; adorn; veil, disguise. mn't] adv. collectively. Coloratamente, [klrtmn'Collettivo, [klltti'v] adj. col- neck; hypocrite. Collottola, [kll'tl] f. nape t] adv. feignedly; plausibly. lective. Colorato, [klr't] adj. coCollettizio, [kUe'ttit'si] adj. of the neck. Collusione, [kllsi'ne'] f. col- lored, painted; plausible. hastily collected.
Colletto, [kll't] m. hillock
lusion. ; [kllsivCollusivamente , tippet, jerkin. Collettore, [klle'tt'r] m. col- mn'te'] adv. collusively. Collusivo, [kUsi'v] adj. collector, gatherer. Collettoria, [kUe'ttr'i] /. col- lusive. Colluvie, [kll'vi] /. crowd, lectorship. Collezione, [klle'tsi'n] (. col- mob; drain, filth. lection (of a tax); impost; com- Colmare, [klm'r] v. a. to pile up, heap; load; -, v. n. to pilation.




CoUicello, [kUitsh'l] m. hillock.


Colmata, [klm't] f. filling CoUicorto, [kUikr't] m. nar- up; embankment, causeway. Colmatore, [klmt're'] i. he cissus.
m. that fills to the brim. [klHji'n] Colligiano , Colmatura, [klmt'r] /".overmountaineer. Collimare, [kllim'r] v. n. to measure. Colmo, [kl'm] adj. full, overaim at strive. Collina, [klli'n] /".hill, hillock, full; loaded with; convex; -,m. summit, height; roof. chain of hills. Collinetta, [klline't't] {. Col- Colo, [k'l] m. sieve, strainer
; ;

coloring; disguise. Colore, [kl'r] m. color; pretence; complexion; appearance; sotto -, under pretence. Coloretto, [klrt't] m. slight color; blush. Colorire, [klri're*] eeColorare. Colorista, [klri'st] m.colorist. Colorito, [klri't] m. coloring; complexion; adj. highcolored. Coloritore , [klrit're'] m. painter. [kl'r] pron. Coloro , they, those. [klss'le'] Colossale, adj. colossal, gigantic. [klss'] Colosseo, m. coli-




linette, [kUine't't] m. little


Collino, [klli'n] m.little collar.

CoUiquamento, [kUikmn't]

m. liquefaction.
[klliku're'] v. a.

to liquefy.

[kllikuti'v] Collquativo , adj. apt to liquefy. Colliquazione, [kllikutsi'ne'j (. coliiquation, melting. [kUi'ri] vi. med. Collirio , eye-water.

Collisione, [kUisi'nJ lision ; clash.



CoUisivo, [kllisi'v]

adj.; ac-

an apostrophe.

Colosso, [kl's] m. colossus. Colofonia, [klf'nia] f. a kind Colostro, [kl'str]Tn. the first milk after child-bearing. of rosin. Colomba, [klm'b] f. (female) Colpa, [kl'p] /. fault, error oifence, sin; crime aver la - di, dove; keel. Colombaccio, [klmb'tshjm. to be the cause of; dar la -, to lay the fault on; chiamarsi in wood-pigeon. Colombaja, [klmb'y] f. Co- -, to confess one's self guilty. lombajo, [klmb'y] m. pi- Colpabile, [klp'bile'J adj. culpable, blamable. geon-house. Colombano, [klrab'n] n. a Colpabilmente , [klpabilmn't] adv. culpably, guiltily. kind of white wine. [klmb'la] Colombella , f. Colpare, [klp'r] v. a. to lay young pigeon; wood-pigeon the fault on (upon) , to acColombina, [klmbi'n] /.pige- cuse; -, V. ji. to sin. on's dung ; a kind of grape Colpeggiare, [klpdja're'J t.o - limestone ; fire-work. to strike, thump.

Colp Ottino





m. Coltrice,


who Combinazione, [kmbintsi'ne*]


little blow.


combination, union.

adj. [klp'vl] culpable, faulty. Colpevolmente, [klpe'vlmn'te'] adv, culpably, criminally. Colpire, [klpi're'] v. a. to strike; hit the mark. Colpitore, [klpit'r e'] m.striker; hurter. Colpo, [kl'p] ni. blow, stroke; hit; wound; ad un -, di -, ali at once; -di fucile, gunshot;

Coltricetta, [kltrishe't't] f. small feather-bed. Coltriciona, [kltritshi'n] /. largo feather-bed. Coltro, Ikrtr] m. coulter. Coltroncino, [kltrntshi'n] m. light counterpane. Coltrone, [kltr'n] m.coverlet,

Combriccola, [kmbrik'kla]



adj. combustible.

Combustibilit, [kmhstihilit'l /. combustibloness.

Combustione, [kmbsti'ne'] f, combustion burning, confla,


Coltura, [klt'r] f. culture; Combutta, [kmb'tt] assoworship. ciation, community (vulga- di (da) maestro, masterly Colubrina, [klhri'n] f. art. rism). (snake. Come, [k'me'] adv. so; as, like; stroke; - di mare, breaker, cnlverin. Colubro , [k'lubr] wi. poes. when ; as soon as how ? why? surge. what? - prima, as soon as; Colposo, [klp's] adj. cul- Colui, [kl'i] pron. he, that. Columbare, [klmb'rj in. a state? how do you do? -, conj. pable, criminal. although. Colta, [krt] f. collecting (of kind of olive. taxes); gathering; mill-dam; Columbaria, [klmh'ri] /. Comecch, Comech, [kme'kk'] conj. however, though. far -, to strike; wound; di -, ot. vervain. directly. Coluro, [kl'r] m. colure. Comedia, [km'di] /. comedy. Coltare, [klta're'] see Coltivare. Coma, [k'm] /. poes. head of Cementare, [kment're] v. n. Coltella, [klt'l] f. cutlass, hair; mane; disposition to sleep. to comment. Comandamento, [krandme'n'- Comentario, [kme'nt'rij m. dagger; dirk. Coltellaccio, [klte'll'tsh] m. t] /. command, order. commentary. Comandante, [kmndn'te'] m. Cementatore, [kme'ntt're'] m. cleaver, chopping knife. Coltellata, [kltll't] f. cut, commander, chief. commentator, annotator. Comandare, [kmnd're'] v. a Cementazione, [kme'nttsi'ne'] stab (with a knife). Coltellesca, [kltll'sk] Col- to command, rule. Comento , [kmn't] m. /. telliera, [kltlli'r] /'.sheath, Comandata, [kmnd't] /. comment. king's command. case. Cometa, [kme''t] /. comet. Coltelletto , [klte'lle't't] m. Comandativo, [krondti'v] Cometario, [kmt'ri] adj. of adj. commanding, imperative. small knife, folding-knife. a comet. Coltellinajo, [kltllin'y] m. Comandatore, [kmndt're'J Cometoide, [kme'toi'd] /. a m. commander. cutler. name given to comets supposed Coltellino, [kltlli'n] see Col- Comandatrice , [kma'ndatri'- to be stars. tsh] /. female commander. telletto. Comiato, [kmia't] m, leave, [klt'l] m. knife, Comandigia, [krandi'ji] /.re- permission. Coltello, grief; the longest great commendation. dagger Comica, [kmi'k] /. comic art. feathers of any bird's wing; Comando, [kmn'd] m. com- Comicamente, [kmikmn't] palm-branch. mand, injunction adv. comically. Coltellone, [kltll'n] wi.carv- Comare, [km're'] f. godmo- Comico, [k'mik] adj'. comical : ther; gossip. ing knife. merry -, m. comic actor comic Coltivabile, [kltiv'bil] adj. Cornato, [km't] adj. tailed writer. as a comet. arable, tillable. Comignolo, [kraiVl] m.ridge Coltivamento, [kltivme'n't] Combaciamento, [kmbtsh- (of a roof); highest part of a me'n't] m. joining together. in. culture; worship. roof; piece of wood that forms Coltivare, [kltiv're'] v. a. to Combaciare, [kmbtsli're']v.a. and supports the back of the to join together; Combaciarsi, roof; a kind of gutter-tile. cultivate; improve; exercise. Coltivato, [kltiv't]7n.plough- V. r. to kiss one another. Cominciamento , [komintshaCombagiamento,[kmbjme'n'- me'n't] m. beginning. ed land. Coltivatore, [kltivt'r] m. t] see Combaciamento. Cominciante, [kmintshn'tj cultivator, ploughman; encou- Combattente , [kmbattn't] m. beginner. m. combatant, soldier. lager. Cominciare, [kmintsh'r] v.a. Coltivatrice, [kltivtri'tshe'] f. Combattere, [kmbt'te're'] v.a. to begin, commence. to fight; harass oppose, shake, Cominciari, [komintsha'ri] m. cherisher, promoter.

Coltivatura, [kltivt'ra] f. disquiet; -,v. n. to contradict, resist. culture, ploughing. Coltivazione, [kltvtsi'n] f. Combattimento [kmbttime'n' cultivation, worship. t] m. fight, battle. Coltivo, [klti'v] adj.ploughed. Combattitore, [kmbattit're'] m. ploughed m. combatant. Colto, [kl't] land; worship ; pomp, luxury. Combattitrice, [kmhttitri' Coltore, [klt're'j m, husband- tshe'] /. virago, amazon. (plough. Combibbia, [kmbib'bi] /. toman, Coltrare, [kltra're'] . a. to pers drinking together. Coltre , [krtr] f. coverlet, Combinamento, Lkmbinme'n'' t] m. combination. counterpane. Coltrice, [krtritsh] /'.feather- Combinare, [kmbin'r] v. a to combine, assemble. bed, mattress.

pi. first dishes at a dinner.

Cominciatore, [kmintsht're'J m. beginner; founder. Cominia, [kmi'nia] f. a kind of


Comino, [kmi'nl wi. cumin. Comitante, [kratn't] m. attendant.

Comitato, [kmita't] m. poes.

retinue, attendants, pi. [kmitati'v] /". train, attendants, pi. Comito, [krai't] m. captain of galley-slaves.





Comizio, [kmi'tsi] m. scrutiny; commerce, affair ; correspon- Commissario, [kmmiss'ri] tei Commessario. assembly of citizens for the dence. election of magistrates or Commescore , [kmme'tshe"re'] Commissionario , [kmmissiothers. and Commescolare, [kmm- n'ri] m. commissioner, agent.

Comma, [km'm] f comma. scl'r], V. o. to mix together. Commacolare, [kmmkl're'] Commessaria, [kmme'ssri'] f. t).a. to stain, soil. and Commessariato, [kmme'sCommallevadore, [kmmlle'- sri't] m. commissarjship. vd're'] m. joint-tail. Commessaro, [kmme'ss'ri] Commedia, [krame''di] {. co- m. commissary, trustee. medy. Commessazione, [kmme'ssatsiCommdiajo, [krame'di'y] m. 'ne'] {. revelry, debauchery. writer of comedies (said con- Commessione, [kmme'ssi'n]

Commissione, [kramissl'ne]
commission, order.


Commistione, [kmmisti'n]





mixed, confounded.

Commistura, [kmmist'r]






symmetry; fitness. Commissione. w. Commisurare, [kommisi'r're'] [kmms's] [kmme'din'te'] Commesso, m. comedian, player. V. a. to emulate, be equo' +o. boarder; clerk; mosaic work. Commediare, [kmme'di're] v. Commessura, [kmme'ss'r] {. Commodo, [k'md] see Comodo. a. to write comedies turn into joint, junction. ridicule. Commestibile, [kmmsti'bile'] Commoraate , [kmmrn'tcj




Commedo, [kmme''d] m.

adj. eatable, fit for food; -, wi. eatables, pi.; food. au- Commestione, [kmme'sti'ne']

adj. dwelling, living.

Commorare, [kmmr're']
to live together.

v. n.

and Commistione, [kmmisti- Commovimento, [tramvime'u't] m. commotion, tumult. f. mixture. bile] ad), commemorable. Commettente, [kmmttn'te'] Commovitore, [kmmvit'r] Commemorare, [kmmmr'- Vi. correspondent, agent, con- m. mover, exciter. re'] r. a. to commemorate. stituent. Commozione, [kmmtsi'n] f. Commemorativo, [kmmrar- Commettere, [kmmt'te'r] . commotion, emotion, trouble. ti'v] adj. commemorative. a. irr. {see Mettere] to com- Communione, [kmmn'n] f.
thor or reciter of comedies.

Commemorabile, [komme'raora'-


Commemorazione, [kmme'm





[kmmn'da] f. , commandery, commendara. Commendabile, [kramnd'bi le] ad}, commendable.

[kramni're'] v.a. to fortify, strengthen. l] m. fire-brand; mischievous Commuovere, [kmm've're'] v. person. a. irr. {see Muovere), to move; Commettitore, [kmme'ttit're'] touch; disturb, vex. Commuowi. employer; perpetrato!*. versi, V. r. to bo moved.

mit, order; perpetrate; together, intrust.




Commettimale, [kmrattim'-

Commendabilmente, [kmme'n Commettitura, [kmmttit'r] Commutabile , [kmmt'bile'] dbilmn'te'] adv. commend adj. commutable. f. joining. ably. Commiatamento , [kmmit- Commutamento , [kmmt-

Commendamento, [kmme'nd

mn't] m. the act of dismis




me'n't]wi.commutaton,chango; exchange.

praise. [kmmi't] m. Commutare, [kmmt'r] v. a. Commiato , Commendare, [kmme'nd're'] v. leave, dismissal; prender - to commute; exchange. a. to commend, recommend. to taire leave. Commutativo, [kmmtti'v] Commendatario, [kmme'ndt'- Commilitone, [kmrailit'ne'] adj. commutative. ri] m. commendatary. fellow-soldier, companion. Commutazione, [kmmittsi'Commendatizia, [kmme'ndati' Comminare, [kmmin'r] v. a n] f. commutation; change. tsi] f. letter of recommendato threaten, prohibit. Comodamente, [kmdame'n'te']


Commendatore, [kmme'ndt' r] m. Commendatrice, [km





[kramndcommendation. Commendevole , [kmmnde"vl] adj. commendable, praiseworthy.




Commensurabile, [kmme'nsr'bile'] adj. commensurable. Commensurabilit, [kmme'ns-




adv. easily; commodiously. act threatening a Comodare, [krad're'] v. a. to fit; dress, trim; lend. Comminazione, [kmmintsi'- Comodato, [kmda't] i. volne'] /. threat, commination. untary loan, lending. Commischiamento, [kmmisld- Comodatore, [kmdat're'] m. me'n't] m. mixture. lender. Commischiare, [kmmiski're'] Comodevolmente, [kmde'vlwlv. V. a. to mix together. me'n'te'] conveniently, Commiserabile, [kmmise'r'bi- easily. Comodezza, [kmd'ts] /.conl] adj. worthy of compassion. Commiserabilmente , [kmmi- rcniency. se'rbilme'n'te'] adv. pitifully. Comodit, [kmdit'] f conCommiserare , [kmmise'r're'] veniency, opportunity , occaV. a. to commiserate, take sion; riches, pi.

Comminatoria, [kmrainatri]
judicial penalty.

Commensurare, [kmme'nsr'r] V. a. to adjust;


Comodo, [k'md]

adj. conve-


Commiserative, [kmraisrti'
V] adj. pitiful, benevolent.


nient, useful; fit; opportuno; esser -, to be in easy circum-

mensuration. Commiserazione , [kmmise'raCommentare, [kmmnta're']&c. tsi'n] /. compassion, pity.

stances; -, 7T?. conveniency, ease; advantage, profit a VO'




Commiserevole, [kmraise'r6"v



at your leisure.

[kmmr'tshi] Commercio , Commerzio, [kramr'tsi] m.

le] adj. lamentable, deplorable, Compadrone, [kmpdr'ne'J m. wretched. joint master.



[kmps- Compera, [km'pe'r]


Compa- Compassionamento

gine, [kinpagin]

sinme'n't] m. compassion.



Compassionare, [kmpssina'- Competente, [kmpe'tn'te']


commiserate. competent, qualified. V. a. to join. Compassionatore, [kmpssi- Competentemente, [kmpe'te'n-Compagnevole, [kmpn''vl] nit'r] m. compassionate man. te'me'n't] adv. competently. adj. sociable. Compassione, [kmpssi'n] f. Competenza, [kmpe'tn'ds] f. competency, competition. Compagnevolmente, [kmpn'- compassion, mercy. volnint] adv. sociably. Compassionevole, [kmpssi- Competere, [kmpe"te'r] v. n, Compagnia, [kmpn'i']/. com- ne"vl] adj. exciting pity, pi- to compete, be convenient; quarrel, dispute. pany, society; congregation; tiful.




a. to pity,



Compagno, [kmpa'u'] m. com-

panion, comrade, school-fellow; mate, partner; adj. equal. Compassivo, [kmpassi'v] adj. Corapanatica, [kmpna'tika] f. compassionate, humane. Companatico, [kmpan'tik] Compasso, [kmps's] m. comwi. victuals eaten with bread. pass, compartment; compasses, Comparabile,[kmpr'bil]o(y. pi. comparable. Compatibile, [kmpati'bile'] adj. Comparaggio, [krapr'dj] see compatible, pardonable. Comparatico. Compatibilit, [kmpatibilit'] Comparagiono, [kmprj'ne'] f. compatibility. Compatimento, [kmptime'n'f. comparison. Comparare, [kmpr're'] v. a. t] m. compassion; indulgence, to comparo, assimilate. forbearance. Comparatico, [kmpr'tic] m. Compatire, [kmpati're'] v. a. spiritual parentage. to pity, excuse. Comparativamente, [kmpar- Compatriota , [kmpatri'tal tivmn't] adD.comparatively. Compatriotto, [kmptri't] Comparativo , [kmprati'v] m. compatriot. adj. comparativo. Compattezza , [kmpatte"tsl Comparazione, [kmpratsi'- Compazione, [kmptsi'ne'] f. n] f. comparison; similitude. compactness. Compare, [kmp're'] m. god- Compatto, [kmpt't] adj.corafather, compeer. pact, solid. Comparigione,[kmprij'ne'] f. Compaziente, [kmpatsin'te'] appearance (in a court). adj. compassionate. Comparire, [kmpari're'J v. n. Compazientemente, [kmptsito appear. e'nte'me'n'te'] adv. patiently. Compariscente, [kmpritshe'n'- Compendiare, [kmpe'ndi're'] v. t] adj. making a figure. a. to abridge. Compariscenza, [kmprishn'- Compendio, [kmpn'di] m. As,] {. appearance, outside, abridgment, compendium. fiigure. Compendiosamente, [kmpe'nComparita, [kmpri't] f. ap- disme'n't] adv. compenpearing. diously. Comparizione, [kmpritsi'ne'] Compendioso, [kmpe'ndi's] adj. abridged, compendious. f. comparison. Comparsa, [krapr's] /. ap- Compenetrarsi, [kmpe'ntrar'pearance, outside show. si] V. n. to penetrate toge-

pssinvlme'n'te'] adv. passionately, pitifully.

[km- Competitore, [kmpe'tit're'] m. com- competitor. Compiacente, [kmpftshn'te']

adj. complaisant, polite.

[kmpitshn', complacency. Compiacere, [kmpitshe"r] v.



n. irr. {see Piacere), to please,

comply with. Comptacerst,



to take pleasure in, delia^ht. e" Compiacevole, [kmpitsh vole'] adj. delightful, agreeable.

n. irr. {see


me'n't] m. complaisance.
[kmpi'n'e're'l v.

Piangere) to bewail. Compiagnitore, [kmpjn'it're'] T)i. compi ainer. Compianto, [kmpin't] m. lamentation, complaint.

Compiere, [km'pire']

v. a. irr.

{compisco; compito, compiuto), to accomplish, finish. Compieta, [kmpi't] f. evening-prayers, pi. Compigliare, [kmpir're'] v. a.
to comprehend. Comptgliarsi, V. r. to coagulate; join. Compilare, [kmpila're'] V. a to

compile, compose. Compilatore, [kmpilt're']


compiler; writer.

Compilazione, [kmpiltsi'ne']


Compimento, [kmpime'n't] m.




fulfilling; perfection.


[kmpi're'] perfect.


Compitamente, [kmpitamen'-

Compartecipare,[kmprttsMpa're'] v. a. to

te'] adu. completely; civilly. share with. Compenetrazione , [kmpe'ne'- Compitare, [kmpita're'j v. a. to Compartecipe, [kmprt'tshi- trtsino'] f. the act of simul- compute; spell. pe] m. sharer, copartner. Compitazione, [kmpitatsi'n] taneous penetration.


Compartimento,[kmpartime'n'- Compensabile, [kmpe'nsa'bile'] t] m. compartment, partition. adj. compensable, rewardable. Compartire, [kraprti're'] v. a. Compensagione, [kmpe'nsj'to divide, share. ne'] /. compensation. Compartitore, [kmprtit're'] Compensamento, [kmpe'ns m. divider, distributer. me'n't] m. recompense reCompartitura, [kmprtitura] ward. compartment, partition. Compensare, [kmpe'ns're'] v. f. Compascuo, [kmps'k] m. a. to compensate, indemnify






politeness, courtesy.

Compito, [km'pit]

m. task;

Compito, [kmpi't]


plete; polite. Compitore, [kmpit're'] isher.


pasturage. Compensatore, [kmpe'nsat're'] Compiutamente , [kmpitCompassare, [kmpss'r) v.n. m. rewarder. me'n'te'] adv. completely. to measure with compasses Compensazione,[kmpe'nstsi'- Complemento, [kmple'me'n't] consider one's actions. ne'] f. compensation, equivalent. m. complement. Compassionabile, [kmpssi- Compenso, [kmpn's] m. com- Complessionato, [kmple'ssinabi'l] adj. worthy of com- pensation, remedy, assistance, na't] adj. of a constitution}






ill-made, sickly.





Complessione, [kmplssi'n] Compositoio, [kmpsit'y] m. Compressione, [kmpre'ssi'n]

/.constitution, disposition, condition.

print, setting-stick.



[knipl's] , strong, powerful ; complication; mass; nel




the lump.

Completivo, [kmple'ti'v]


Completo, [kmple''t]
plete, whole.


comv. a.

Compiettero, [kmple'tte"re'] a. to understand. Complicare, [kmplik're'] v.

to fold up,

wrap together.

Complicazione, [kmpliktsi'complication.

Compositore, [kmpsit're'] m. Compressivo, [knipre'ssivjac/j. mus. composer; print, com- serving to compress. positor, (composition. Compressocelo , [kmpre'ss'Compositura, [kmpsit'r] f. tsh] adj. strong, compressed. Composizione, [kmpsitsi'ne'] Comprimere, [kmpri'me're'] v.a. /.composition; accommodation, irr. {compressi ; compresso'\ to agreement. compress; restrain. Compossibile , [kmpssi'bile'J Comprobare, [kmprb're'] see Comprovare. adj. a thing possible to be done with another thing. Compromesso , [kmprm's] Composta, rkmp'st] /. see m. jur. compromise. Composto. Compromettere, [kmprmfCompostamente , [kmpst- tr] V. a. irr. {see Mettere) to ran't] adv. politely; prettily, compromise, expose; Compromodestly. mettersi, V. r. to be comprof.

Complice, [km'plitshe'] m. ac- Compostezza, [kmpstt's]





[kmplitshit'] f. modesty. Composto,[kmp'st] ad/, comparticipation, confederation. Complimentare, [kmplime'nta'- posed; sedate, modest; feigned, false; -, m. mixture, conserve. re'J V. o. to compliment. Complimento, [kmplime'n't] Compotazione, [krapttsi'ni. compliment. n] f. drinking bout. Complimentoso, [kmplime'nt'- Compra, [km'pr] f. Compra[kmprmn't] m. s] adj. complimentary, off- mento , purchase. (buy, purchase. CiOUBo CompUre, [kmpli're'] v. a. to Comprare, [kmpr'rj v. a. to compliment, suit; fulfil. Compratore, [kmprt're'] m. Componente , [kmpnn'te'] buyer, purchaser. pres. part, component; -, m. Comprendenza, [kmpre'ndn'composer ingredient. dsa] f. comprehension; capacity. Componete, [kmp'ne'r] see Comprendere, [kraprn'de'r] Comporre. V. a. irr. {see Prendere) to Componicchiare,[kmpnikki'- comprehend ; contain, comprise, abridge. r] V. a. to compose little and with difficulty ; not to be in a Comprendibile, [kmpre'ndi'bipoetic vein. l] adj. intelligible. Componimento, [kmpnime'n'- Comprendimento, [kmpre'ndi-


Compromissario, [kmprmissa'ri] m.jur. umpire.

Comproprietario, [kmprprit'ri] m. joint-proprietor. Comprovamento , [kmprvme'n't] m. approbation.

Comprovare, [kmprv're'] v.a.

to approve; admit, alloAv.

Comprovatore, [kmprvt'r]
m. approver.



approbation, proof. Compto, [kmp'tj adj. adorned, decorated.

irr. {see

[kmp'n'e're'] v.a.

Pugner), to



]kmpn'ime'n't] m. compunction. Compulsare, [kmpls'r e'] v.a. to compel, force. Compulsoria, [kmpls'ria] f. compulsion; warrant.


m. composition; modesty;





[kmpn'je're'] see

Compugnere. disposition of objects in a pic- tract, district. Comprenditivo, [kmpre'nditi'- Compunzione, [kmpntsi'n] ture. Componitore, [kmpnit're'] m. v] adj. comprehensive. f, compunction, contrition. Componitrice , [kmpnitri'- Comprenditore, [kmpre'ndit'- Computabile, [kmptbi'le']adj. that may be reckoned, computshe'] f. author; mus. composer. re'] m. one who comprehends.




Compunto. Comporre, [kmpr're'] v.a.irr. {see Porre) to compose; adjust,

arrange ; conciliate terminate,

CoMPORsi v. compound (with one's


r. to credi-



[kmprt'bile'] adj. tolerable, supportable. Comportare, [kmprt're'] v. a. to tolerate, bear. Comportarsi, V. r. to conduct one's self.

[kompre'nd, mi'n] Comprendonico, [kmprndni'k] Comprendonio , [kmpre'nd'ni] m. and Comprendonia, [kmpre'nd'ni] f. (vulgaintellect , judgment risms). Comprensibile,[kmpre'nsi'bile'] adj. comprehensible. Comprensibilit, [kmpre'nsibilit] f. comprehensibility.



Computamento, [kmptme'n't]

m. computation.
v. a.

Computare, [kmpt're']
to compute, reckon.

Comportativo, [kmprt'tiv]
adj. tolerant, patient of injuries.

Comportevole, [kmprt'vl] adj. tolerable, becoming, befitting.

[kmpttsi'computation. Computista, [kmpti'st] m. computer, calculator, reckoner. Computisteria, [kmptiste'ri'] f. accountant's office. Comprensione, [kmpre'nsi'ne'] Computo, [km'pt] m. reckoning, account. perception. f. comprehension, Comprensiva, [kmprensi'v] /. Computrire, [kmptri're'] v. the faculty of comprehending. n. to rot or become putrid toComprensivamente, [kmprn- gether. sivme'n't] adv. comprehen- Comunale, [kmn,'le']od;.comn]




[kmpr- Comprensivo

adv. tolerably.

Comporto, [kmpr't] m.

[kmpre'nsi'v] adj. comprising many things in one.


Compreso, [kmpr's] wi. cirdulgence; respite, delay. Composito , [kmpsi't] m. cumference, compass. composition ; adj. composite Compressibile, [kompre'ssibi'le'] arch. adj. compressible.

mon, universal. Comunalmente, [kmnlme'n'te'J adv. commonly, usually. Comunche, [kmn'k] see Comunque. Comune, [km'ne'] adj. common, usual, ordinary; trivial;

m. common people, public.

Comunella, [kmn'l] munity.



com- Concedimento, fkntshe'dime'n'- Conchigliologia,[knki'rlgia.' tl m. consent, concession; gift. f. conchology. Comunemente, [Icmiinrae'n'te'] Conceditore , [kntshdit're'] Conchiliforme, [knkilifr'me'] adj. formed like shells. m. grantor. adv. usually, generally. Comunicabile, [kmnika'bile'] Concento, [kntshn't] m. har- Conchiudere, [knki'de're'] v.a. irr. [see Chiudere) to conclude, sociable, ad], communicable mony, concert. Conoentoso, [kntshe'nt'sjarf;, infer; resolve; shut up. civil. Conchiudimento , [knkidiComuncamento , [kranik- harmonious. and Conchixisione Concentramento, [kntshe'ntr- me'n't] me'n't] m. communication. [knkisi'ne'] f. conclusion, Comunicante, [kmnikn'te'] me'n't] m. concentration. m. communicant. Concentrare , [kntshe'ntr're'] consequence. Concia, [kn'tshi] /'.tan-house* Comunicanza, [kmnikn'Js] v.a. to concentrate. Concentrazione, [kntshe'ntr- tanning; dressing; seasoning. f. communion, participation. Conciacalzette, [kntshikl tsi'ne'] f. concentration. Comunicare, [kmnik're'] v.o m. stocking-mender, ts't] [kntshn'trik] to communicate, participate, Concentrico, botcher. administer the sacrament -, adj. concentric. V. n. to converse, be familiar Concepere, [kon tshe'pe're'] and Conciaja, [kntshi'y] f. tanpit. with; CoMUNicAESi, . r. to Concepire, [kntshpi'r] v receive the communion. a. to conceive, imagine, un- Conciare, [kntsht're'] v. a. to mend; dress, trim; adjust; derstand. Comunicativa, [kmnikti'v] abuse; spoil; - la terra, to maexplaining and Concepibile , [kntshe'pi'bile'] f. facility of nure land; -vini, to adulterate instructing. adj. conceivable. Comunicativo, [kmnikti'v] Concepimento, [kntshe'pime'n'- wines. Conciatetti, [kntshit'ti] m. adj. communicative. t] m. conception; notion. Comunicatore, [kmnikt're'] Concernenza, [kntshrnn'ds] slater, thatcher. Conciatore, [kntshit're'j m. m. communicant. f. connexion; relation. Comunicazione, [kdmniktsi'- Concernere, [kntshr'ne're'] v. currier, tanner Conciatura, [kntshit'r] f. a. to concern, refer to. ne'] {. communication, communion. Concernevole, [kntshe'rne"vle'] mending, adjusting, dressing. Conciero, [kntsht'r] m. mendComunichino, [kmniki'n] m adj. concerning, regarding.


consecrated wafer. [kmni'ne] ,

Concertare, [kntshe'rt'r]


ing, adjustment.

a. to concert; adjust.

Conciglio, [kntshiT] see Concilio.




[kntshrt't] m.

Comunit [kmunit'] Comnni- intelligence, consent, agree- Conciliabile , [kntshili'bil] adj. reconcileable. tade, Comunitate, /. commument. nity; in -, in common. Concertatore, [kntshe'rtt're'] Conciliabolo , [kntshili'bl] m. assembly, conventicle. Comune, [km'n] m. common m. concerter, contriver.
Concerto, [kntshr't] m. con- Conciliamento,[kntshiliame'n't] m. conciliation. cert; agreement; di -, unani{adj. grantable. Conciliare, [kntshili're"] v. a. mously, , mn't] adv. as, in whatever Concessibile, [kntshssi'bile'] to conciliate, reconcile; Concimanner; however. Concessionario,[kntshssin'- liarsi, V. r. te become reconciled; to captivate. Con, [kon], prp. with. ri] m. grantee. Conato, [kn't] m. poes. at- Concessione, [kntshe'ssi'n] f. Conciliare, [kntshili're'] adj. consistorial. tempt, effort. concession, permission. Conca , [kn'k] f. washing- Concesso , [kntsh's] m. a Conciliativo , [kntshili'tiv] adj. apt to conciliate. vessel, cavity; shell. proposition granted. Concamerato, [knkme'r't] Concettare, [kntshe'tt're'] w. Conciliatore [kntshilit're'] m. reconciler, peacemaker. adj. arched. a. to form conceits. Concatenamento , [knkte'n- Concettino, [kntshe'tti'n] m. Conciliatorio, [kntshilit'ri] adj. conciliatory. me'n't] m. concatenation. witticism, false wit. Concatenare, [knkte'n'r] v. Concettizzare, [kntshe'ttits'- Conciliazione, [kntshiliatsi'ne'] /".reconciliation, agreement. a. to chain; join. re'] V. n. to be witty. Concatenazione , [knkte'n- Concetto, [kntsht't] m. foe- Concilio, [kntshi'li] m.council, consistory. tsi'n] f. concatenation. tus; conceit, flash of wit; imaConciliuzzo, [kntshili'ts] m. Concavativo,[knkvti'v] adj. gination, idea; credit, fame. concave, hollow. Concettosamente, [kntshtt- little council; synod. Concavare, [knkv're'] v. a. sme'n'te'] adv. in a witty Concimare, [kntshim're'] v.a. to hollow out. to manure (land). manner. Concavato, [knkv't] adj. Concettoso, [kntshe'tt's] adj. Concime, [kntshi'me'] m. maconcave. nure, compost. full of pleasant fancies. Concavit, [knkavit'J Conca- Concezionale, [kntshe'tsin'l] Concimatura, [kntshimt'r] vitade, Concavitate, /. conca- adj.appertainingto conception. f. the act of manuring lands. vity. Concezione, [kntshe'tsi'ne'J f. Concinnit, [kntshinnit'JConConcavo, [kn'kv] adj. con- conception; thought. cinnitade, Goncinnitate, f. elecave, hollow;-, m hollowness. Conchetta, [knk't] f. small gance. Concedere, [kntsh'de're'] v. a. tub. Concino, [kntshi'n] m. subreg. & irr. (see Cedere) to Conchiarire, [knkiri'r] v. a. stance found in the bark of oak grant, permit; lend; produce. to demonstrate. and other materials, adapted Concedil)ile,[kntshdibi'le]acy. Conchiglia, [konkiTa] f. soafor tanning skins. what may be conceded. shell, conch. Concio, [kn'tshi] adj. dressed,

Comunque, [kmn'kwe'] Co[kmnkMmnnquemente

elegant; -, m. agreement, or-




Conciofossecli, [kntshtfssk'l Conciofossecosach, [kn-

tshifssksk'] conj. seeing that, because.

Concionare, [kntshtn're'] v. n. to harangue, preach. Concionatore, [kntshint're'] m. haranguer, preacher. Conciono, [kntshi'ne'] /. harangue, sermon. Concisamente, [kntshisme'n't] (l'Iv. concisely.

Concisione, [kntshisi'ne'] f. cutting off; concision. Conciso, [kntshi's] acJj. concise, short.

Concistoriale, [kntshistri'le']
adj. consistorial.

Concistorio , [kntshist'ri] and Concistoro, [kntshist'-

agreeably, Conculcatore, [knklkt're'] ni. oppressor. Concordanza, [knkrdn'ds] Conculcazione , [knklktsi'ne'] f. trampling upon. f. concordance, agreement, conformity. Concaocere, [knk'tshe're'] v. Concordare, [knkrd'r] v. a. a. irr. {see Cuocere) to concoct, to reconcilo; confirm, agree -, digest. V. n. to concord, agree toge- Concupire, [knkpi're'j v. a. ther. poes., to desire. Concordatamente , [knkrd- Concupiscenza, [knkupishn'tmn'te'] adv. unanimously. ts] Concupiscenzia, fknkConcordativo, [knkrdati'v] pishn'tsi] f. concupiscence, adj. apt to agree. lust. Concordato, [knkrd't] adj. Concupiseere, [knkpi'she're'] unanimous, agreeing; - m. con- V. a. poes., to long for, covet. cordate, convention. Concupiscevole, [knkpish'Concorde, [kukr'd] adj. una- vle'] adj. concupiscible. nimous conformable, simi- Concupiscibilit, [knkpishilar; di - parere, of the same bilit'] f. concupiscence senopinion. suality. Concordemente,[knkrde'me'n'- Concussare, [knkss're'] v. a. te'] adv. unanimously. to shake, agitate.


r] m. consistory. Concordevole, [knkrde"vle'] Concussatore, [knksst're'J Concitamento, [kntshitamn'- adj. conformable, agreeable. m. shaker. t] m. emotion, tumult. Concordevolmente, [knkrde'- Concussionario, [knkssin'Concitare, [kntshit're'] v. a. vlme'n'te'Jadu. agreeably, una- ri] m. extortioner. to stir up; excite. nimously. Concussione, [knkssi'ne'] f. Concitativo , [kntshitti'v] Concordia, [knkr'di] f. una- concussion, extortion. adj. incentive. nimity, harmony. Concussivo, [knkssi'v] adj.

Concitatore, [kntshitt're'] m. Concorporale, [knkrpra'le'] shaking. instigator, inciter. adj. of the same body. Condanna, [kndn'n] f. conConcitazione, [kntshittsi'- Concorporare, [knkrpr'r] demnation, sentence. V. a. to incorporate. n] /. incitation; sedition. Condannabile, [kndnn'bile'J Concittadino, [kntshittdi'n] Concorre, [knkr'r] Concor- adj. conderanable. m. concive, fellow-citizen. n. irr. rere, [knkr're're'] v. Condannas;ione , [kndnnaj'Conclamazione, [knklamtsi'- (see Correre) to run to, concur, ne'] see Condanna. riot,huhliuh. n] f. outcry, co-operate; agree. Condannamento , [kndnnConclave, [knkl've'j m. con- Concorrente, [knkrrn'te'] m. me'n'tj m. condemnation, senclave. concurrent, competitor, rival. tence, doom. Conclavio, [knkla'vi] m. cab- Concorrenza , [knkrre'n'ds] Condannare, [kndnn're'] v. inet, closet. a. to condemn, sentence, f. competition, rivalship. Conclavista, [knklvi'st] m. Concorrimento, [knkrrime'n'- Condannatore, [kndnnt're'] member of the conclave. t] TO. concourse, confluence. m. condemnor. Concludente,[knkldn'te']adj. Concorso, [kcnkr'sj m. con- Condannatorio , [kndannt'concludent, decisive. course, crowd. ri] adj. condemnatory. Concludentemente , [knkl- Concezione, [knktsi'ne'] f. Condannazione, [kndnntsi',

dnte'mn'te'] adw. conclusively.

Concludere, [knkl'dr]

v. a.

concluso) (conclusi conclude; end; confine. Conclusione, [knklsi'ne'] f. nate, natural. pi. joint-debtors, pi. conclusion, end, consequence Concreditore , [knkre'dit're'] Condecente,[knde'tshn'te'] and in -, finally. m. joint-creditor. Condecevole, [knde'tshe'v'le'] Conclusivamente, [knklsiv- Concreto, [knkre''t] vi. con- adj. decent; proper. me'n't] adv. conclusively. crete; any quality considered Condecentemente, [knde'tshe'nConclusivo, [knklsi'v] adj. with its subject. te'me'n't] adv. decently, proconclusive, decisive. Concreto, [knkre"t] adj. con- perly. Concoide, [knki'de'] f. con- crete. [knde'n'Condegnamente , choid, geometrical fignve. Concrezione, [knkre'tsi'n] f. me'n't] adi', worthily, deser;

concoction, digestion. ne'] see Condanna. Concreare, [knkr're'] v.' Condannevole, [kndnncv'le'] to produce together. adj. condemnable. Concreato, [knkre't] a^lj. in- Condebitori, [knde'bit'ri] m.






shell; bowl; basin.

Concubina, [knkubi'n]


vedly. con- Condegnit, [knde'n'it'] Con*

Concolore, [knkl'rj adj. of cubine. the same color. Concubinato, [knkbin't] m. Concomitante, [knkmitn'te'] concubinage. Concubito, [knk'bit] m. lying adj. concomitant. Concomitanza, [knkmitn'- together. Concnlcamento, [knklkme'n'ds] f. concomitance, union. [knkrdan'te'] t] in. trampling with the Concordante , agreeable , feet. adj. concordant Conculcare, [knklk're'] v. a. conformable. Concordantemente , [knkr- to trample upon; oppress.

degnitade, Condegnitate, dignity, condignness.


Condegno, [kndV]
dign, worthy.

ad;, con-

Condennare, [knde'nn're'] sei Condannare. Condennazione [knde'nnatsi*


Condannazione. Condensabile, [knde'nsbi'le'J ad;, capable of condensation.



[kndnsbili, condensation. Condensamento , [tnde'nsmn't] m. condensation. Condensare, [knde'ns're'] v.a. to condense, thicken. Condensarsi, V. r. to grow thick.


confederate, leagued; federate.


Condore, [knd'r] m. Qondor. Condotta, [kndt't] f. conduct,


-, in.


management; carriage; Confederazione,



[kndtti'r] /" Conferenza, [knfe'rn'ds] f. conductress. conference. Condottiero, [kndtti're'] m. Conferire, [knfe'ri're'] v. a. to Condensazione, [knde'nsdtsi'- conductor; carrier. collate, compare; help; -, v. Condotto, [kndt't] m. con- n. to confer with, consult, imn] (. condensation. Condenso, [kndn's] adj. con- duct road, path ; conduit ca- part; be beneficial. nal; pipe. Conferma, [knfr'ma] Conferdense, thick. Condescendente, [knde'she'n- Condrilla, [kndril'l] /.a small magione, [knfe'rmj'ne'J f. see Confermazione. herb used in salad. dn't] ad], condescending. Condescendenza, [kndeshe'n- Conducere, [knd'tshe're'] see Confermamento , [Icnfrmmn't] m. sanction. Condurre. dn'dsaj f. condescendence. Confermare, [kndshn'de'Conducevole, Condescendere, [kndtsh'vle'] [knfe'rm're'J v.a. to confirm, approve. r] V. n. irr. {see Scendere) to adj. conducive. Confermativo, Condncimento, [kndtshime'n'condescend yield. [knfe'rmati'v] Condescensione , [knde'she'n- t] m. conduct, behaviour, man- adj. confirmatory. Conformatore, [knfe'rmt're'] si'n] f. condescension; couragement. Condncitore , [kndtshit're'] m. confirmer, attester. teoTisness; affability. Confermazione, [knfrmtsi'Condescensivo, [knde'she'nsi'- m,. conductor; teacher. ne'] f. confirmation, approbav] adj. indulgent, inclined to Conducitrice , [kondiitshitri'tion, tshe'] f. conductress; governess. (firmed. condescend. Condicevole , [kndi'she'v'le'] Conduplicazione, [kndplik- Confermo, [knfr'm] adj. contsi'ne'] f. duplicate. Confessamento, [knfe'ssmen'adj. convenient. Condimento, [kndimn't] m. Condurre, [kndiir're'] v. a. irr. t] m. confession. {see Addurre) to conduct, lead; Confessare, [knfe'ssa're'] v. a. seasoning. Condire, [kndi'r] v.a. to sea- persuade, bring to. Condursi, & n. to confess, acknowledge, V. r. to conduct one's self, avow. Confessarsi, v. r. to son, preserve. [kndishe'n- behave; - in qualche luogo, to confess to a priest. Condiscendente , dn't] &c., .see Condescenden- come to a place, get into a Confessatore , [knfe'sst'r] m. confessor. te &c. place. Condiscepolo , [kndishe''pl] Conduttore, [kndtt'r] w. Confessionale, [knfe'ssin'le'] m. school-fellow. conductor, guide; guard; lodger; m. confessional (seat). Condito, [kn'dit] adj. poes.. - di locomotiva, engine-driver, Confessionario, [knfessin'ri] 1)1. confessional. built, erected. (er, author. engine-man. Conditore, [kndit'r] m.found- Conduttura, [kndtt'r] f. Confessione, [knfessi'ne'] f. confession, faith. Conditura, [knditu'r] f. see journey; carriage. Condimento. Conestabile, [knst'bile'] m. Confesso, [knf's] adj. confessed, acknowledged. Condizionale, [knditsin'le'] high constable. Confabulare, [knfbul're'] v. Confessorato, [knfe'ssr't] m. adj. conditional, restrictive. Condizionalmente, [knditsi- n. to confabulate, converse. office of confessor. nlme'n'te'] adv. conditionally. Confabulazione , [knfabl- Confessore, [knfe'ss're'] Confesser, [knfe'ss'r] m. conCondizionare, [knditsin're'j tsi'ne'] /". confabulation. v.a. to qualify. Condizionar- Confacente, [knfatshnte'] adj. fessor. Confettare, [knfe'tt're'] v. a. suitable, becoming. si, u. r. to qualify one's self. Condizionatamente , [kndi- Confacenza, [knfatshn'ds] f. to. confect, sweeten; fawn upon a person. Confettarsi, fitness, suitableness. tsintme'n'te'] adv. conditionConfacevole , [knftshe"vle'] said of land ameliorated by ally. frost. Condizionato, [knditsin't] adj. fit, just, suitable. adj. fit, qualified, proper. Confacevolezza , [knftshe'v- Confettatore , [knfe'ttt're'] m. confectioner. Condizione , [kndits'ne'] f. le't's] f. suitableness. condition; state, situation; a -, Confacimento, [knftshime'n'- Confettiera , [knfe'tti'r] f. t] m. suitableness npon condition. agree- sweet-meat box. Confettiere, [knfe'tti're'] m. Condoglienza , [kndrn'ds] ment. and Condolenza, [kndlu'- Confalone, [knfl'n] ni. stan- confectioner. dard. Confetto, [knft't] adj. conds] f. condolence. Condolersi, [kndlr'si] v. r. Confarrare, [knfrr're'] v. n. fected, pickled; -, m. sweetmeat. irr. (see Dolere) to complain, to offer the sacrifice of corn
; ; ; ,








[kndmi'ni] m. Confarsi, [knfr'si] v. r. irr. {see Fare) to become, suit, fit; joint-dominion. Condonabile, [kndn'bile'] adj. agree, answer. Confastdiarsi,[knfstidir'si] pardonable, excusable. Condonare, [kndna're'] v. a. see Annojarsi. Confederamento , [konfe'de'rato pardon, excuse. Condonatore, [kndnt're'] m. me'n't] m. alliance, league. Confoderarsi , [knfde'rr'si] pardoner. Condonazione , [kndntsi'- V. r. to confederate. Confederato, [knfe'de'r't] adj. n] f. pardon, forgiveness.


sweet-meats, comfits, pi. mix-



V. a. to confect, preserve.

Confezione ,

[knfe'tsi'ne'] see Confettura.

Conficcamento, [knfikkme'n'* to] m. nailing.

Conficcare, [knfikk're'] v. to nail, drive in; fix.

Conficcatura, [knfikkt'r]



f. Conformativo, [knfrmti'v] Confnscare, [knfsk're'] v. a. adj. conformable. nailing; fixing. to darken, oifuscate. Conflcere, [knfitsh'r] v. a. Conformazione, [knfrmtsi'- Confusione, [knfsi'ne'] /'.conn] /. conformation, disposi- fusion, disorder. to consecrate. Confidamento, [knfidme'n't] tion. Confutabile, [knft'bile'] adj. m. Confidanza, [knfidn'dsa] Conforme, prnfr'me'] adj. con- refutable. form, agreeing. Confutamento, [knftmn't] f. confidence, faith, trust. Confidare, [knfid're'] v. n. to Conforme, [knfr'me'] Confor- m. refutation. trust, confide. Confidarsi, v. memente , [knfrmmn'te'] Confutare, [knft're'] u. a. to r. to give one's self up to. adv. and prep, conformably to, confute, refute. Confidente , [knfidn'te'] in. agreeably to. Confutativo,[knftti'v] Conconfidant; sincere friend. Conformevole, [knfrm'vle] futatorio, [knfutt'rij od;, Confidentemente, [knfide'nte'- adj. conformable. reprover, convincer. mn'te'] adv. confidently. Conformit, [knfrmit'] Con- Confutatore, [knfiitt're'J m. Confidenza, [knfidn'dsa] f. formitade,Conformitate,/'.con- disprover. confidence , assurance ; inti- formity; likeness. Confutazione, [knfttsi'n] macy. Confortagione, [knfrtj'ne'] {. confutation. Confidenziale, [knfide'ntsia'le' Confortamento, [knfrt- Congaudere, [kngde''re] v. . f. adj. confidential, trusty ; fame'n't] m. comfort; assistance, to rejoice together. miliar. relief. Congedare, [knje'd're'] v.a. to Configgere, [knfi'djr] v.-a Confortare, [knfrt're'] v. a. dismiss, license. irr. (see Affiggere) to nail. to comfort, fortify, strengthen Congedo, [knj'd] m. leave, Confignere, [knfin'e''re'] v. a encourage. farewell; dar-, to send away. to feign, counterfeit, compose. Confortativo [knfrtti'v] adj. Congegnamento,[knje'n''rae'n'Configurarsi, [knfigrr'si] v. strengthening. t] m. collecting; union. r. to take the form. Confortatore, [knfrtt're'lm. Congegnare, [knje'n'''re] v. a. Configurato, [knfigr't] adj. Confortatrice , [knfrttri'- to connect, join. like, resembling. tsh] f. comforter, consoler. Congelamento, [knje'lme'n't] Configurazione, [knfigrtsi'- Confortatorio, [knfrtt'ri] m. congelation. adj. comfortable, consolatory. n] f. configuration. Congelare, [knje'l're'] v. n. to Confinare, [knfin're'] v. a. to Confortazione,[knfrttsi'ne'] congeal, freeze, coagulate. confine; set bounds; banish;-, f. comfort, ease; encourage- Congelazione, [knje'ltsi'ne'] ment; support. V. n. to border upon. Coxfif. congelation, concretion. NAKSi, V. r. to limit one's Conforteria, [knfrte''ril f. Congelido, [knjli'd] adj. froself. chapel for the priests attending zen. Confine, [konfi'ne'] m. confines, condemned convicts. Congenere, [knj'ne're'J adj.

limits, pi. Confortevole , [knfrte'vHe'] congenerous. Confingere, [knfi'n'je're'] v. a. adj. comfortable. Congenio, [knje'ni] adj. born irr. (see Fingere) to counter- Confortinajo, [knfrtin'y] m. together. feit. ginger-bread baker. Congenito, [knje'ni't] adj. of Confiscabile, [knfisktile'] adj. Confortino, [knfrti'n] m. similar nature. confiscable. ginger-bread. Congerie, [knj'rie'J f. heap, Confiscare, [knfisk're'] Conforto, [knfr't] m. see Conmass. confiscate, forfeit. fortazione. Congestione, [knje'sti'ne'] /. Conflscazlone, [knfisktsi'ne'] Confortoso, [knfrt's] adj. congestion. abounding in comfort. Congettura, [knje'tt'r] &c., f. confiscation, forfeiture. Confitente , [knfitn't] adj. Confosso, [knfs's] m. barbi- see Conghiettura &c.

confessing. can, (brother. Conghiettura, [knghie'fct'r] Conflagrazione, [knflgrtsi'- Confrate, [knfr'te'] m. friar, f. conjecture, guess. ne'] f. conflagration. Confraternit, [knfrte'rnit'] Conghietturale , [knghie'ttdConflittazione, [knflitttsi'ra'le'] adj. conjectural. f. fraternity, brotherhood. ne'] f. contest. Confrediglia, [knfredil'] f. a Conghietturare,[knghte'ttr'Conflitto, [knflit't] m. con- tumultuous assembly. r] V. a. to conjecture, guess. flict, combat. Confricare, [knfrik're'] v. a. Conghietturatore, [knghie'ttConfluente , [knfln'te'] m. and Confricarsi, [knfrikar'si] rt're'] m.conjecturer,guesser. conflux. Congiario, [knjt'ri] m. gift to rub. Confluenza, [ko nflue'n'ds]/.con- Confricazione, [knfriktsi 'ne'] of corn, wine &c. made by the fluence; union. Roman emperors to the people. f. confrication, friction. Confondere, [knfn'de're'] v. a. Confringere, [knfrinj're'] v. a. Congioire, [knjii're'J v. n. to irr. (see Fondere) to confound, to break, crush, bruise, soften. rejoice together. mix; puzzle, abash, destroy, Confrontare, [knfrnt're'] v n. Congiugale, [knjigle'] see waste. CONFONDEESI, V. r. to to confront, compare. Conjugale. get confused. Confrontazione,[knfrnttsi'- Congiugare, [knjiug're'] &c., Confondimento, [knfndime'n'- ne'] f. confronting. see Conjugare &c. t] m. confusion. Confronto, [knfrn't] m. con- Congiugnere, [knji'n'e're'j v. a. Confonditore , [knfndit're'] fronting; a -, adxi. in com- irr. {see Giugnere) to join, m. confounder. parison. unite, annex; match. Conformare, [knfrm're'] v. a. Confaggire, [knfdji're'J v. n. Congiugnitore, [knjiun'it're'l to conform, assimilate. Con- to flee for refuge. m. uniter. FOEMARsi, V. r. to conform Confusamente, [knfsme'n'te'j Congiugnitura, [knjtun'it'r] ne's self. ottv. confusedly. /.joint, juncture.

Congiungere, [knjin'jr] Congiugnere.



Congruo, [kn'gr] adj. con- Connubio, [knn'bi] m. marriage, matrimony. grous, fit, convenient. Congiungimento , [knjinji- Conguagliare , [kngwr're'] Connumerare , [knnme'r're'j V. a. to number. me'n't] m. conjunction, junc- V. a. to equalize; ConguagliakCono, [k'n] m. geom. cone. tion, union. si, V. r. to become equal. Congiunta, [knjin't] f. wife, Conguaglio, [knguT] m. lev- Conocchia, [kn'ki] f. distaffi Conoide, [kn'ide'] /. geom. eling, equalization. consort.
[knjtnt- Coniare, [kni're'] v.a. to coin. adv. jointly, together. Coniato , [kni't] m. coined, Congiuntivo, [knjinti'v] adj. money, (generally used in the conjunctive, joined;-, mood plural). gr. conjunctive. Coniatore, [knit'r] m. coinCongiunto, [knjin't] m. re- er; inventor. lation, kinsman. Conicamente , [knikmn'te'] Congiuntura, [knjint'r] f. adv. conically. joint, juncture. Conico, [k'nik] adj. conical. Congiunzione, [knjintsi'ne'] Gonifero, [kni'fe'r] adj. like a cone. /. conjunction; rait, sbarra di Coniglia, [kniT] f. bow oar. -, f. connecting-rod. Congiura, [knji'r]/'. Congiu- Conigliera, [knir'r] f. warramento, [knjirme'u't] m. ren, rabbit-burrow. conjuration, conspiracy. Coniglio, [kniT] m. rabbit, Congiurare, [knjir'r] v.n. coney. to conspire. Coniglielo, [knir'l] m. young Congiurato, [knjtra't] Con- rabbit. giuratore, [knjirt're'] m. Conio, [k'ni] m. wedge, coin. conspirator. Cenizza, [kni'ts] f flea-bane. Congiurazione,[knjtr,tsi'ne'] Confettura, [knye'ttu'r] &c., see Conghiettura &c. f. conjuration, conspiracy. Conglobare, [knglb'r] v. a. Conjugale, [knyg'le'jarff.conto amass together in the form jugal. of a globe. Coniugare, [knyg're'] v. a. Conglobazione, [knglhtsi'- to conjugate, unite. n] /". conglohation. Conjugazione, [knyiigtsi'ne'] Conglomerato, [knglme'r't] f. conjugation; joining. adj. conglomerate. Conjuge, [kn'yje'] m. & f. conConglutinamento, [kngltin- sort, spouse partner. me'n't] m. conglutination. Conjugio, [kny'ji] ni. marConglutinare , [kngltin'r] riage. V. a. to conglutinate. Conjungere, [knynge''re'] v. a. Conglutinativo, [kngltinti'- to join together. v] adj. viscous. Consuntivo, [knynti'v] adj. Conglutinazione, [kngltin- apt to join ; subjunctive mood. tsi'n] f. conglutination. Conjunto, [knyun't] &c., see Congratulare , [kngratl're'J Congiunto &c. V. n. to congratulate, rejoice. Conjurazione, [knyrtsi'ne'] Congratulatorio, [kngrtla- f. conspiracy. t'ri] adj. congratulatory. Connaturale, [knntr'le'Jadj. Congratulazione, [kngrtl- natural; suitable. tsi'ne'] f. congratulation. Connaturalizzato, [knntrCongrega, [kn'grg] /. con- lits't] adj. naturalized. gregation. Connaturare, [knnatr're'] v. Congregamento , [kngre'ga- a. to sympathise in nature me'n't] m. assembly, meeting. make things of a like nature. Congregare, [kngre'g'r] v.a. Connazionale, [knntsin'l] to assemble. adj. of the same nation.
; ;



Conoscente, [knshn'te'] part, pres. knowing; known; grateful -, m. acquaintance con^









[knshn'ds] / , acquaintance; knowledge. Conoscere, [kn'shc'r] v. a

conosciuto) to discern; taste, relish far -, to make appear; Conoscersi, v. r. to understand, be conversant with. Conoscibile, [knshi'bil] adj.




knowable, intelligible. Conoscimento, [knshime'n't] m. knowledge; judgment.

Conoscitivo, [knshiti'v] adj.

Conoscitore, [knshit're] w. discerner; connoisseur. Conoscitura, [knshit'r] f.

knowledge judgment. Conosciutamente, [knshtme'n'te'] adv. knowingly, with






known, notorious. Conquassamento, [knkwssme'n't] see Conquasso. Conquassare, [knkwss're']

a. to bruise,


crush; ruin; split

in pieces.

Conquassazione , [knkusstsi'n] f. Conquasso, [knkus's] m. crash, shock; desConquidere

truction, ruin. [knkui'de're'] v. a. irr. {conquisi; conquiso) to afflict, grieve; cast down; ConQuiDEESi, V. r. to grieve, be

uneasy. Conquista, [knkwi'st] f. Conquisto, [knkui'st] m. conquest, acquisition.



Congregazione, [kngre'gatsi'- Connessamente,[knne'ssme'n'ne'] f. congregation, assembly. Congresso, [kngr's] m. congress, meeting. Congro, [kngr] m. conger-eel. Congrua, [kn'gr] /. income

(of a rector &c.).

Congruamente, [kngrme'n'te'J

adv. congruously.

Congruente, [kngrn'te']

congruent, correspondent. Congruenza, [kngrn'ds] /. Consacrare. congruence; suitableness. connivance, forbearance. Congruit, [kngrit'] f. con- Connubiale, [konnubii'le] adj. Consanguineo, [knsngwi'ne'] gruity, fitness. adj. near of kin, related. connubial.

me'n't] m. conquest. te'] adj. conjointly, at the same Conquistare, [knkuist're'] v a. to conquer, subdue. time. [knne'ssi'ne'] Conquistatore, [knktiistt'Connessione , Connessit, [knne'ssit'] f. r] m. conqueror. Conregnare, [knre'n''re] v. n connexion, union. Connestabile,[knne'st'bile']see to reign together. Consacrare, [knskr're'] v. a Conestabile. Connettere, [knnt'te're'] v. a. to consecrate. to Consacrazione, [knskrtsi'irr. {connessi; connesso) n] /". consecration. connect, join. Connivenza, [knnivn'ds] f. Consagrare, [knsgr're'] set




[knsil''r] rn. Consanguint,I~k;nsngttinit'] Conserto,[knsr't] m. concert; Consigliere , Consanguinitade, Consangui- adj. united together, dense, counseller, adviser. Consiglio, [knsiT] tn. counsel, close. nitate, f. consanguinity. Consapevole, [knsap'vl] arfj. Conserva, [knsr' va] /". pantry, advice ; council ; resource ; - di conscious far-, to make known. store-house ; conserve ; - di guerra, court-martial. Consapevolezza, [knsapv- piante, {. hot-house, green- Consignare, [knsin'a're'] see Consegnare. lts] /. consciousness, know- house; andare di -, to go in company; far -, to make pro- Consignore , [knsiV're'] m. ledge. joint-lord (of a manor). Consapevolmente, [knspe'vl- visions. Conservabile, [knse'rv'bil] Consimigliare, [knsimir're'] me'n'te'] adv. consciously. V. a. and n. to assimilate, make Conscienza, [knshtn'dsa] f. adj. conservablo. Conservadore, [knse'rvd'r] alike. conscience. Consimile, [knsi'raile] adj. siConscienzato, [knscie'nts't] m. conservator, preserver. milar, resembling. adj. having a good conscience. Couservagione, [knsrvj'ne'] Consimilmente, [knsimilme'n'Conscio, [kn'shi] adj. con- f. preservation. Conservamento, [knse'rvme'n'- te'] adv. in a similar manner, scious; sensible. similarly. Conscritto, [knskrit't] adj. t] m. maintenance. Conservare, [knsrva'ro'] v. a. Consistente, [knsistn'te'lparf. conscript, registered. pres. consistent, firm. Conscrivere, [knskri'v're'] . to conserve, preserve ; keep [kusistn'ds] Conservarsi, v. r. to last, Consistenza , a. irr. (see Scrivere), to enrol, remain; Conservatevi, mind Consistenzia, [knsistn'dsi] register. Conseorare, [knskr're'] &c., your health. f. consistence, consistency; et, Conservativo, [knsrvti'v] di -, f. mature age, middle see Consacrare &c. age. Consecutivamente, [knse'kti- adj. conservative. vamon'te'] adv. consecutively. Conservatolo , [knse'rvt'y] Consistere, [knsi'str] v. n. Consecutivo, [knse'kti'v]adj. m. magazine, depository, poor irr. {see Assistere) to consist ; house, convent for the educa- hold out; stand good. consecutive, successive. Consistorio, [knsist'ri] ConConsecuzione, [knse'ktgi'n] tion of children. Conservatore, [knse'rvt're'] sister, [knsist'ro] m. conacquisition. f. consecution; sistory, ecclesiastical court. Consegna,[knse"n']/'.passport- m. preserver; conservative. Conservatorio, [knse'rvat'ri] Consito, [knsi't] adj. (said of registrar (at a city-gate). land) cultivated, or rather Consegnare, [knseV're'] v a. m. infirmary; conservatory. Conservazione, [knse'rvtsi'- planted with trees. to consign, commit; intrust. Consegnatario, [knse'u't'ri] ne'] f. preserving, maintaining; Consobrino, [knsbri'n] m. cousin-german. health. m. (iato) consignee, trustee. Consegnazione, [knsn'tsi'- Conservevole, [knse'rv'vle'] Consociato, [knstshi't] tri. attache'. adj. that will keep, durable. ne'] f. consignment; trust. Consegrare, [knse'gr're'J see Conservo, [knsr'v] m. fellow- Consociazione,[knstshitsi'ne'] f. alliance, union. servant. Consecrare. Conseguente , [knse'gwn'te'] Consesso, [knse's's] m. as- Consodale, [knsd'le'] m. companion. sembly, meeting. adj. following, ensuing; per -,in Considerabile, [knside'r'bile'] Consolamento, [knslrae'n't] consequence. Consolanza, [knsln'dsa] f. Conseguentemente,[knse'gun- adj. considerable, important. Considerabilmente, [knside'r- comfort. tme'n't] adv. consequently. Consolare, [knsl're'] v. a. to Conseguenza, [knse'gun'ds] bilme'n't] adv. considerably. Consideramento , [knside'r- console, comfort, relieve. eifect. f. consequence, Conseguibile, [knsgwi'Ml] mnt] in. consideration, no- Consolare,] knsl're] adj. consular. tice; motive. adj. obtainable. [knsltaConseguimento, [knse'gwmeV- Considerare, [knside'rar] v. n. Consolatamente , adv. comfortably, t] 1. attainment, acquisition. to consider, mind, reflect upon; mn'te']
; ;

easily. Conseguire, [knse'gwi'r] v a. behold, look at. Consideratamente, [knside'r- Consolativo, [knslti'v] adj. to obtain; -, v. n. to happen. Conseguitare, [knsguit're'j tme'n't] adv. considerately, consolatory. Consolato, [knsl't] in. conwarily. V. a. to get; follow. Conseguitatore,[knse'gitt'- Considerato, [knside'r't] adj. sulship, belonging to a consul ; ad;', pleasing. circumspect, wary. r] m. obtainer. Consenso, [knsn's] m. con- Consider atore, [knside'rt're'j Consolatore, [knslt're'] m. Consolatrice, [knshitri'tsh] m. considerer, contemplator. sent, approbation.

[knse'nta'n] Consderazione,[knside'rtsi'- f. comforter, consoler. Consolatoriamente, [knsl^tfit. ne'] f. consideration, regard. Consentimento, [knse'ntime'n'- Consigliamento, [knsirme'n'- riame'n'te] adv. comfortably. Consolatorio , [knslt'ri] t] m. counsel, advice. t] m. consent. Consentire, [knse'nti're'] v.n. to Consigliare, [knsir're'j v. a. adj. consolatory. (approver. to advise, inform. Consigliar- Consolazione, [knsltsi'ne'] consent, agree to. consolation, comfort. Consentitore, [knse'ntit'r]m. si, V. r. to resolve. f. Consenzientoj [knse'ntsin'te'] Consigliatamente, [knsirt- Console, [kn'sle] m. consul;


adj. consentaneous,

president of any learned some'n'te'] adv. advisedly. adj. consenting to, ready. Consequente,[knse'kun'te']&c., Consigliato, [knsil''t] adj. ciety. Consolida, [knsli'd] /. walladvised; cautious. ee Conseguente &c. Consertare, [knse'rt'r] v. a. Consigliatore, [knsirt're'] m. wort (an herb). Consolidamento, [knslidaadviser, counseller. to weave together, concert.



vio- Contadinaccio, [kntadina'tsh] m. an ill-conducted peasant.

m. consolidation rae'n't] m. constraint , mn't] lence, strengthening. Consolidare, [knslida'r] v. Construire, [knstri're']

Contadiname, [kntdina'm] m.

dregs of country population. Construtto, [knstrt't] i. Contadinanza, [kntdinn'ds] Consolidativo, [knslidti'v] advantage, profit; in -, in ef- f. condition of a peasant. fect. adj. healing. Contadinella, [kntdin'l] f. Consolo, [kn'sl] see Console. Consnale, [kns'l] adj.gamos pretty little country-girl. celebrated in ancient Rome. Consomigliare, [knsiuir're'] Contadinescamente, [kntadiConsuetamente,[knsue'tmn'- ne'skme'n'te'] adv. in a clownV. a. to assimilate. Consonante, [knsnn'te'] part. te'] adv. as usual, commonly. ish manner. Consueto, [knsw't] adj. ac- Contadinesco, [kntdine's'k] pres. consonant, harmonious customed, ordinary. m. consonant (letter). adj. rustic; clownish. Consonantemente, [knsnn- Consuetudinario, [knsue'tdi- Contadino , [kntdi'nl in. te'me'n'te'] adv. conforraahly to. n'ri] adj. customary. country-man; adj. clownish.. Consonanza, [knsnn'ds] f. Consuetudine, [knsue't'dine'] Contadinotto, [kntdin't] m. harmony, accord. fine young peasant. f. custom, habit; practice. Consonare, [knsna're'] v. a. Consulare, [knsl're'] adj.con- Contado, [knt'd] m. country; sular. (tation, council. to accord; suit; answer. county, shire. Consono, [kn'sn] adj. con- Consulta, [knsl't] /. consul- Contage, [knt'je'] /. poes., Consultare, [knslt're'] v. a. contagion. sonant, agreeing. Consopito, [knspi't] adj. rav- to consult, deliberate. Contagio, [knt'jt] m. Contaished, enrapt, taken with Consultazione , [knslttsi'- gione, [kntaji'n] f. contane'] f. consultation. sleep. gion, plague. Consorella, [knsre'l'l] f. one Consultivo, [knslti'v] adj. Contagioso, [kntji's] adj. belonging to the same female advising, fit to be consulted. contagious. association (said of unns). Consulto, [knsl't] m. coun- Contamente, [kntmn't] wi. Consorte, [knsr'te'] m. lins- sel, advice. account; recital. Consultore , [knslt're'j m. Contaminabile, [kntminbi'hand, partner. consulter, adviser. Consorteria, [knsrte'ri'] le'] adj. that may be contamiConsultoriamente , [knslt- nated. society, family; conformity. m. rime'n'te'] adv. prudently. [knsr'tsi] Consorzio, Contaminamento, [kntminapartnership, society. Consultorio, [knslt'ri] adj. me'n't] m. pollution; defileConspergere, [knspr'je're'] v. belonging to a consultation. ment. a. irr. {see Sporgere), to he- Consuma, [kns'm] f. con- Contaminare, [kntmin'r] v, sumption; waste; ondare alla-, a. to contaminate. sprinkle. Conspetto, [knspt't] i. look, to be ruined. Contaminatamente, [kntraiappearance. Consumabile, [knsm'bil] ntme'n'te'] adv. impurely. Conspicere, [knspitshe''re'] v. adj. consumable. Contaminatore, [kntmint'a. to see, hehold, perceive; v. Consumamento, [knsmme'n're'] m. polluter, corrupter. n. to look around. t] m. consumption, affliction. Contaminazione , [kntmin[knspi'k] adj. Consumare, [knsm'r] Couspicno , v. a. tsi'ne'] f. contamination. conspicuous, visible. to consume, waste; accomplish, Contaminoso , [kutmin's] Conspirare, [knspir're'] v. a. perfect. Consumarsi, v. r. to adj. polluting. complot. away; conspire, pine fret. to Contante, [kntn'te'] arfj.countConspiratore , [knspirt'rc] Consumativo , [knsmti'v] ing; ready, prompt; danaro -, plotter. adj. consumptive. m. conspirator, w. ready money, cash. Conspirazione, [knspirtsi'- Consumato, [knsum't] rn. Contare, [knt'r] v. a. to

to consolidate;




to construct, construe.



Constante, [knstn'te']

count; value, prize; relate, teli; V. n. to be esteemed. Consumatore , [knsmt're'] Contatore, [kntt're'] m. acCostante. v. n. in. consumer, to waster. Constare, [knst're'J countant; teller. Consumazione, [knsumtsi'- Contatto, [kntt't]m. contact, be evident, clear ; to appear. /^. [knste'rnConsumo, ne'] Consternazione , [kns'm] m. touch. consumption; decay. tsi'ne'] /. consternation. Contazione, [knttsi'ne'] /. Constipato, [knstip't] adj. Consuntivo, [knsnti'v] adj. computation. consumptive, consuming. close; costive. Conte, [kn'te'] m. count, earl. Coustitnire, [knstiti'r] v. a. Consunzione, [knsntsi'n] f. Contea, [knt'] f. county. consumption, waste ; end. to constitute, appoint ; esConteggiamento , [knte'djaConsuonare, [knsna're'] see me'n't] m. computation. tablish, place. [knstituti'v] Consonare. Constitutive, Conteggiare, [kntdj're'] v.n. Consurgere, [knsr'je're'] v. adj. constitutive. to count, compute. Constitutor e,[knstitt're'] m. irr. {see Sorgere) to arise. Contegna, [knte'n'] f. proud Consustanziale , [knsstn- demeanour, pomp. constitutor, appointor. Constituzione, [knstitutsi'n] tsia'l] adj. consubstantial. Contegno, [knte'V] m. cirConsustanziazione, [knsstn constitution; decree; law. cuit; corner, place; appearance, f. Constrignere , [knstri'n'e're'] tsitsi'n] f. consubstantia' outside ; behaviour ; gravity ; Constringere, [knstrin'jr] ti on. pride, pomp; conceit; in -, with V. a. irr. {see Strignere), to Contadina, [kntd'n] ^coungravity. constrain, force, compel ; bind. try-woman; sort of country' Contegnoso, [knte'n''s] adj, Constringimento , [knstrinji- dance. staid; grave; proud.
ne'] f.

conspiracy, plot.


adj. see


adj. see







Contemperamento, [kntemp- Contentivo, [knte'nti'v] adj. ContinoTO, [kntin'v] see Conrmn't] m. Contemperanza, retentive (in the sense of con- tinue, (tinuazione.
[kntmprn'ds] f. due pro- taining). conformity; consti- Contento, [kntn't] adj. contution. tent, pleased; -, m. contentContemperare, [Icnte'mpe'r're'] ment; joy; contents, pi. V. a. to proportion; temper. Contenuto, m. [knte'n't] Contemplabile, [knte'mplbi'- contents, pi.; substance. l] adj. worthy of teicg con- Contenzione, [knte'ntsi'ne'] /. templated. contention, debate. Contemplamento, [knte'mpl- Contenziosamente, [knte'ntsimn't] m. contemplation. sme'n'te'] adv. contentiously. Contemplare, [knte'mpla're'] v. Contenzioso , [kntntsi's] a. to contemplate, meditate. adj. contentious. Contemplativa, [knte'mplti'- Conterminale, [knte'rmina'le'] v] f. contemplative faculty. adj. contiguous. Contemplativo, [knte'mplti'- Conterminare, [knte'rmin're'] v] adj. contemplative. V. ft. to border upon, adjoin. Contemplatore, [knte'mplt'- Contesa, [knt's] f. contest, r] m. Contemplatrice, [kndispute. tmpltri'tsli] f. contemplator. Contessa, [knt'ss] /".countess. Contemplazione , [kntmpl- Contessere, [knt'sre'] v. a. tsi'n] f. contemplation. (see Tessere), to interweave. Contemporaneo, [kntmpr'- Contessimento, [kntssime'n'n] adj. contemporary, coeval. t] m. weaving together. Contemprare , [knte'mpr're'] Contessina , [kntssi'n] f. see Contemperare. young countess. Contendere, [kntn'de're'] v. a. Contestabile, [knte'st'bile'] m. irr. (see Tendere), to prohibit; high constable. obstruct; -, v. n, to contend, Contestare, [knte'st're'] v. a. contest. to notify, refer a cause.

Continua, rknti'n]



Continuabilit,[kntini'iabili't] f. the quality of what is conti-


Continuamente, [kntinume'n'te']

adv. continually, without

any interruption. Continuamente, [kntinme'n'm. Continuanza, [kntinan'ds] f. continuation. Continuare, [kntin'r] v. a. to continue; pursue; -, v. n. to
last, persevere.

Continuatamente, [kntintit'me'nte'] adv. continually, with

but little interruption. Continuativo, [kntinati'v] adj. having the property of

Continuatore , [kntin\it'r] m. continuator; successor. Continuazione, [kntinatsi'ne'] Continuit [kntinit] Gontinuitade, Continuitate, f,
continuation; duration, constancy. Continuo, [knti'n] adj. continuous; lasting; -, m. continuity, di -, ad v generali y, of ten. Conto, [kn'tjm. account, computation; relation, story;nercA. - corrente, account current ; womo di -, wi. man of weight ; far - , to depend upon, rely ; non far - di, to make no account of; mettere a-, to discount; mettere in -, to put in the number; render - di, to give an account of; tener -, to keep the account. Conto, [kn't] adj. known pocivil ; lite , ready ; expert, agreeable. Contorcere, [kntr'tshe're'] v. a. irr. (see Torcere), to twist, writhe. [kntrtshiContorcimento , me'n't] m. contortion, twist.


[konte'nde'- Contestazione,[knte'sttsi'ne'] volme'n'te'] adv. contentiously. /. contest; notification.

Contendimento, [kntndimn'- Contesto, [knt'st] m. cont] m. dispute; effort. text; series. Contenditore, [knte'ndit're'] Contezza, [knte''ts] /. knowm. quarreler, wrangler. ledge, advice. Contenente, [kntnn'te'] adj. Contestura , [knte'st'r] f. and m. containing; continent, tissue, texture. sober; -, adv. directly, imme- Conticino , [kntitshi'n] m.

Contenenza, [knte'nn'ds]


small account; small Contigia , [knti'ji]



contents, pi., circuit; absti- ment. nence; reservedness. Contigiato , [kntiji't] adj. Contenere, [kntn'r] v. a. adorned. irr. {see Tenere) to contain, Contiguit, [kntigit'] Conhold. CoNTENEESi, V. r. to for- tiguitade, Contiguitate,/'. conbear, abstain. tiguity, nearness. Contenimento, [knte'nime'n't] Contiguo, [knti'g] adj. conm. capaciousness; continence, tiguous. self-possession; mien. Continente, [kntinn'te'] ni. Contenitore, [kntnit're'] m. continent. restrainer. Continentemente, [kntine'nte'Contennero, [knt'ne'r] v. a. me'n'te'] adv. chastely. to contemn, despise. Continenza, [kntinn'ds] f. Contentamente, [knte'ntme'n'- continence ; deportment, conte'] adv. with pleasure. duct; the thing contained. Contentamento,[knte'ntme'n'- Contingente, [kntinjn't] adj. t] m. contentment; pleasure. contingent; casual ; - , wi. conContentare, [kntnt'r] v. a. tingent, quota. to content, satisfy. Conten- Contingentemente, [kntinje'ntarsi, V. r. to be satisfied; te'me'n'te'] adv. casually. please one's self. Contingenza, [kntinjn'ds] f. Contentatura, [kntntt'r] contingence: casualty.


Contornamento, [kntrnmeVt] m. circular superficies. Contornare, [kntrn'r] v.


to trace the contours; Contornarsi, V. r. to have recourse to.

Contorno, [kntr'n]

i. circuit;

outline; Contorni, pi. environs,


[kntrsi'n] /. contortion; convulsion. Contra, [kn'tr] prp. against, opposite to.

Contrabbandiere, [kntrbbndi're'] m. smuggler. Contrabbando, [kntrbbn'd] adj. satisfying, sufficient. Contingibile, [kntinji'ble'] adj. m. contraband goods, pi.; di -, Contentezza, [knte'ntt's] f. casual, eventual. by stealth, clandestinely; far conteutment,8atisfaction;plea- Contingibilit, [kntinjibili't] ti -, to smuggle. (despicable, mean. ^.accidontalness, casualty, (lit- Contrabbasso , [kntrbbs's] Bure. Contentibile, [kntntibil] adj. tle used). m. counter-bass.
Contentamento. Contingere, [kntin'je're'] Contentevole, [knte'nt'vle'] to happen, chance.


v. n.




[kntrbt- Contraffacimento

tn't] adj. percussive.


Coutrabbatteria, [kntrbbattcounter-battery.
v. a.

Contrabbilanci aro, [kntrbbilntsh'r] balance.


to counter-

Contraccambi are, [kntrkkmv.


to exchange,

truck ; reward.

Contraccambio, [kntrkkm'bi] m. exchange; reward. Contraccava, [kontrkka'v] f.

countermine; stratagem. Contracchiave, [kntrkkia've']

f. false key. Contraccicalare, [kntrtshikl're'] V. a. to prate against another. Contrapposizione, [kntrppContraccicalata, [kntrtshik- cloth. sitsi'ne'] f. opposition. Idi'tilZ-prating against another. Contrafforte, [kntraffr't] m. Contrapposto, [kntrpp'st] Contraccit'era,[kntrtshif'r] counterfort, iron-bar. Contrafforza, [kntrffr'ts] f. m. resistance; antithesis. f. key to cyphers. Contrappuntista, [kntrppnContraccolpo, [kntrkkl'p] counter-force; re-action. Contraffuga, [kntrff'g] /". ti'st] m. one who understands m. rebound, recoil. counterpoint. Contraccritica, [kntrkkriti'- mus. counter-fugue. Contraggenio , [kntrdj'ni] Contrappunto, [kntrppn't] k] f. Censuring a critic. m. mus. countei'point. Contrada, [kntr'd] /'.country, m. antipathy, aversion. Contragguardia, [kntragur'- Contrariamente , [kntraria'region; street. mn'te'] adv. in a contrary Contraddanza , [kntrddn'- di] f. counter-guard. Contraire, [kntri're',] v. a. to manner. ds] f. country-dance. Contraddetto, [kntrdd't] m. resist, oppose; -, v. n. to be Contrariare, [kntrri're'] v.a. contrary. to contradict, oppose, thwart. contradiction. Contraddicimento, [kntraddi- Contralegge, [kntrle'g'g] f. Contrariet, [kntrrit'] Contrarietade, Contrarietate, f. an opposing law. tshimn't] m. contradiction, Contraddicitore[kntrdditshi- Contrallettera, [kntrll'te'rj contrariety, opposition ; adversity; trouble; malignity; t'r] m. contradictor. f. countermand. Contraddire, [kntrddi're'] v. Contrallume (a), [kntrll'me'] spite. Contrario, [kntri'ri] adj. conadv. against the light. a. irr. (see Dire) to contradict, Contralto, [kntrl't] m. mi/s. trary, adverse; -, m. contrary, oppose, deny. Contraddiritto, [kntrddirif- counter-tenor. opposition; al -, per to -, on the Contramalia, [kontramali'a] /. contrary. t] m. fine: penalty. Contraddistinguere, [kntrd- counter-charm. Contrarre, [kntrr're'] v. a. irr. (see Trarre) to contract; Condistin'gur] v. a. to mark, Contramarca, [kntramr'k] /. counter-mark, check. TBAESi, V. r. to shrink up. note, signalize. Contraddittore, [kntrddditt' Contrammandare , [kntrm- Contrarrispondere , [kntrrmnd'r] v.a. to countermand. rispn'de'r] v. a. irr. (see Rire] in. opposer; antagonist. [kntrm- spondere) to rejoin, reply. Contraddittorio, [kntrdditt'- Contrammandato , mnd't] m. countermand. Contrarrisposta[kntrrrisp'ri] adj. contradictory. Contraddividere , [kntrdivi- Contrammarcia, [kntrmmr'- st] f. counterplea; rejoinder. Contrascambiamento, [kntrad're'] v. a. to contradistinguish tsh] f. countermarch. [kntrmma- skmbime'n't] m. exchange. Contraddivieto, [kntrddivi'- Contrammarea, Contrascarpa, [kntrskr'p] to] I. prohibited goods, pi. r'] f. mar. counter-tide. Contraddizione, [kntrdditsi'- Contrammina, [kntrmmi'n] f. mil. counterscarp. Contrascritta, [kutraskrit't] n] f. Contradicimento, [kn- f. countermine; stratagem. trditshime'n't] m. contradic- Contramminare , [kntrarami/. mutual written agreement. opposition ; contrast Contrascrivere, [kntrskri'vtion , na'r] v. a. to countermine.

[kntriFa- Contrappasso, [kntrppas's] m. retaliation. counterfeit; Contrappelo, [kntrpp'l] m. forgery. Contraffacitore, [kontrffatshi- wrong side; a -, against the grain, t're'] mi. imitator forger. Contraffare, [kntrfi'r] v.a. Contrappesamento , [kontrappe'srae'n't] m. counterpoise, irr. (see Faro) to counterfeit, imitate ; disobey Contraffak- equilibrium. Contrappesare , [kntrppe's'si, V. r. to disguise one's self. Contraffatto, [kntrfft't] adj. re'J V. a. to counterbalance; counterfeited; disguised, de- compensate; examine. Contrappeso, [kntrppe"s] m. formed. counterpoise. Contraffattore, [kntrfftt'r] Contrapponimento, [kntrpm. counterfeiter. Contraffattura, [kntriftt'r] pnime'n't] jii. opposition. [kntrppr're'] f. Contraffazione, [kontrff- Contrapporr, V. a. irr. (see Porre) to oppose, tsi'ne'] counterfeiting. Contraffodera, [kntrffde"r] compare; Contkappoesi, v. r. to cross, oppose. f. lining between two pieces of



Contrammiraglio, [kntrmmi- r] V. o. irr. (see Scrivere) to Contraddote, [kntrdd'te'] f. rT] m. rear-admiral. write against. Contrammolla, [kntrmmri] Contrasforzo, [kntrsfr'ts] compensation for dower. m. opposite force. Contradiare, [kntrdi're'] see f. counter-spring. Contrariare. Contrammomento , [kontram'- Contrassegnare, [kntrsseVContradio, [kntr'di] ad;, con- mme'n't] m. counter-poise re'] V. a. to countersign. trary, adverse; -, m. adver- counter-action. Contrassegnatura, [kontrasse'-. Contrannaturale , [kntrnna- n't'r] f. counter-signature. sary. Contradire, [kntrdi're'] &c., tr'l] adj. contrary to na- Contrassegno , [kntrss'n'] see Contraddire &c. ture. wi. mark, token, sign, Contraere, [kntr'e're'] see Con- Contraoperazione, [kntrpe'- Contrassigillare, [kntrassijilobstacle.



rzi'ne'] f. counter-operation. la'r] V. a. to countorseal. [kntrafftshl] Contraparte, [kntrpr't] /. Contrassigillo, [kntrssijfl'lc] any thing standing opposite. counterpart. 7;i. counterseaL

Diz. lUl.-Inz.




Contuttoch [kntttk'] conj.
although, though. Contuttoci , [kntutttsht''] conj. however, nevertheless.
Convalesoente,[knvle'shn'te'] adj. convalescent. Convalescenza, [knvle'shn'ds] /'.convalescence.commencement of recovery. Convalidare, [knvlid're'] v.a. to corroborate, strengthen.CoNVALiDARSi, v.r. to rocover oue's strength. Convalidazione,Iknvlidtsi'ne'] f. confirmation. Convalle, [knvl'l] f. valley,

Contrastabile, [kntrst'bil] Contristazione, [kntristtsi'n] f. see Contristamento. adj. contestatle. Contrastamento , [kntrst- Contritamente[kntritme'n't] adv. contritely. mn't] m. contrast, dispute. Contrastampa, [Itntrstin'p] Contritare, [kntrit're'] a. a. to grind, pulverize, bruise. f. counter-proof. Contrastare, [kntrst're'] v.a. Contrito, [kntri't] adj. contrite; crushed. to resist, contest. Contrastatore, [kntrstt'rj Contrizione, [kntritsi'ne'j /. contrition, repentance. m. opponent. Contrasto, [kntr'st] m. con- Contro, [kn'tr] prep, against, opposite to; near; pro e -, pro trast; opposition, contestation. Contrattare, [kntrtt're']v.a. and con. to contract, negotiate; - debiti, Contronest, [kntrne'st'] / dishonesty. to contract debts, run into debt. Contrattazione, [kntrtttsi'- Controperazione, [kntrpe'rtsi'ne'] f. counteroperation. ne'] f. bargaining, traffic.

Contrattempo, [kntrtte'm'p] Contrordine, [kntrr'dine'] m Convenente, [knve'nn'te'] m. counter-order. agreement; fact; condition; protn. misfortune; a -, di -, unseasonably; Yar 71 -, to per- Controstomaco, [kntrst'm- portion, state means , way ;

expedient. k] see Controvolont. Contrattile, [kntrt'til] adj. Controversia, [kntrvr'si] f. Convenentemente, [knve'ne'ncontroversy. te'me'n'te'] adv. conveniently, self-contracting. Contratto, [kutrt't] m. con- Controversista, [kntrve'rsi'- suitably. st] m. controvertist. Convenenza, [knve'nn'ds] f. tract; agreement. Contrattura, [kntrtt'r] f. Controverso, [kntrvr's] adj. convention, proportion; condebated, doubtful. formity. contraction.

plex a business.

[knve*ne"vle'] [kntrrt're] Controvertere,[kntrvr'te're'] Convenevole , V. a. irr. {see Vertere) to conadj. suitable, convenient; -, m. conveniency, decency; conforContravvalere, [kntrvvle' 'r] trovert, debate. mity; requisite; star sui conV. a. and n. to be eq.uivalent, Controvertibile, [kntrve'rti'bil] adj. disputable. venevoli, to stand upon cerecounterpoise. Contravvallazione, [kntrvl- Controvertibilit, [kntrve'rti- monies. bili't] /'.what maybe disputed. Convenevolezza , [knvne'vltsi'n] f. contravallation. Contravvedere, [kntrvde"re'] Controvertibilmente, [kntr- l'ts] f. decency, propriety. ve'rtibilme'n'te'] adv. controver- Convenevolmente , [knve'nV. a. irr. {see Vedere) to look tibly. vlmen'te'] adv. in a proper at with an evil eye. Contravveleno, [kntrve'l'n] ControTOloiit,[kntrvlnt'] manner. adv. against one's will. Conveniente, [knve'nin'te'] adj. m. counter-poison. Contravvenire, [kntrave'ni're'] Contumace, [kntm'tshe'] adj. convenient, decent; -, m. agreecontumacious. ment; propriety. V. 11. irr. {see Venire) to conContumacemente , [kntum- Convenientemente, [knve'nie'ntravene, infringe. adv. contuma- tmn'te'] adv. conveniently. Contravventore, [kntrve'nt'- tshe'me'n'te'] ciously, refractorily. Convenienza, [knve'nin'ds] f. re'] m. infringer. Contravvenzione , [kntrve'n- Contumacia, [kntma'tsht] f. conveniency; conformity. contumacy. Convenire, [knve'ni're'] v. a. tsi'ne'] f. contravention, inContumelia, [kntm'li] /. irr. {see Venire) to convene fraction. summon; -,v.n. irr. to agree, Contravverst [kntrvrsit'] contumely, outrage. Contra vversitade,Contravver- Contumeliosamente, [kntme'- suit; be proper, be convenient; lisme'n't] adv. contumeli- ci conviene partire, we must sitate, f. contrariety. set out. Contrazione, [kntrtsi'ne'] f. ously. {adj. afflicted. Contumelioso, [kntumeli's] Conventare, [knve'nt're'] v. a. contraction. Contribolato , [kntribl't] adj. contumelious, outrageous. to confer a doctor's degree. Contribuire, [kntribi're] t>. a. Contnrbagione , [kntrbj'- Conventazione, [knve'nttsi'ne'] /. coronation (of poets). ne'] Conturbamento, [kntrto contribute, concur. Contributo , [kntrib't] m. bme'n't] f. perturbation, dis- Conventicola, [knve'ntik'll f. Conventicole, [knve'utiTcl] Contribuzione, [kntribtsi'- turbance; uneasiness. Conturbare, [kntrb're'] v. a. m. conventicle. n] /. contribution; levy, tax. Conventigia, [knvent'ji] f. Contributore, [kntribt're']m. to disturb, disorder. contributor; co-operator. Conturbatamente , [knturb- andConventigio, [knventi'jij m. convention, agreement. Contrimboscata , [kntrimb- tme'n'te'] adv. disturbedly. sk'ta] f. counter-ambush. Conturbativo , [kntrbati'v] Conventino, [knve'nti'n] m. small convent. Contrirsi, [kntrir'si] v. r. to adj. disturbing. Conturbatore, [knturbat're'] Convento, [knvn't] m. meetbe contrite. Contristamento [kntristamn'- m. perturber, confounder. ing, convent, agreement. [knve'nt'le*] Conturbazione, [kntrbtsi'- Conventuale , t] m. sadness, grief. adj. conventual, monastic. Contristare, [kntrista're'] v.a. n] see Conturbagione. to sadden, grieve ;CoNTUiSTAR- Contusione , [kntsi'n] f. Convenzionale, [knve'ntsin'contusion, hurt. l] adj. conventional. 81, V. r. to be afflicted. Contristatole , [katristt're'] Contaso, [kuta's] adj. hurt, Convenzionare, [knve'ntsin' bruised. r] 0. . to stipulate. m. afflictor.


V. a. to hit against.




Convenzione, [knventsi'ne'] /. Convvale, [knviv'le'] adj. con- Coorte, [kr'te'J f. cohort, troop. covenant, agreement. vivial. Convergente , [knve'rjn'te'] Convivare, [knviv're'] v.n. to Coperchiare, [kpe'rki're'J v. a.
adj. geom., converging.


to cover. eat together. [knvrjn'ds] Convivatore, [knvivt're'] w. Coperchiella, [kpe'rki'l] evasion, shift. geom., convergence. guest, fellow-commoner.
[knve'rje''re'] v. n.


Convivere, [knvi've'r] v. n. Coperchino , [kpe'rki'n] t. small cover. irr. {see Vivere) to live togeCoperchio, [kpr'ki] m. covther. f. layConvivio, [knvi'vi] m. ban- er; lid. Coperta, [kpr't] f. cover; Conversamento,[knve'rsnin'- quet; entertainment. t] m. conversation. Conviziare, [knvitsi'r] v. a. pretext; horse-cloth; - da letConversare, [knve'rs'reT v.a, to rail, detract, slander, revile, to, coverlet; sotto -, under the pretext. to converse; frequent; te faoutrage. miliar with. Conviziatore , [knvitsit're'j Copertamente, [kpe'rtme'n'te'] adv. secretly. Conversativo , [knve'rsti'v] m. insulter. adj. conversable, affable. Convizio, [knvi'tsi] m. slan- Copertina, [kpe'rti'n] f. small cover ; small wrapper. Conversatore , [knve'rst're'] der, calumny. m. visitant, companion. Convizioso, [knvitsi's] adj. Coperto, [kpr't] m. covert; arbour; fig. safety; a -, adv. seConversazione, [knve'rstsi'- injurious. ne'j f. conversation; assembly. Convocamento, [knvkameV- cretly, privately; al -, under Conversevole, [knvrse'vl] t] m. calling together, meet- shelter, in safety. ad}, sociable. Copertoio, [kpe'rt'y] m. coving. Conversione, [knve'rsi'ne'J /. Convocare, [knvk're'J v. a. er; roof. conversion. Copertone, [kpe'rt'ne'] m. boxto convoke; summon. Converso, [knvr's] m. serv- Convocazione, [knvktsi'ne'] cloth. ing-friar; per -, on the conCopertura, [kpe'rt'r] f. covf. convocation; synod. trary. Convogliare, [knvl''re'] v. a. er; lid; mask; evasion; plaster. Convertere, [knve'r'te're'] v. a. to convoy, escort. Copia, [k'pi] /. copy, transirr. (conversi converso) to Convoglio, [knvT] m. con- cript ; plenty, abundance. convert. voy; rail. - delle mercanzie, Copiare, [kpi'r] v. a. to copy,


to converge. Conversa, [knvr'sa] sister (in a nunnery).

Convertibile, [knve'rti'bile']od[/.

Convertimento, [knve'rtimeVt] m. conversion, change.

Convertire, [knve'rti're'] v. a. to convert; turn. ConvertirV. r. to be si, converted;




Convertito, [knve'rtit] m. conConvertitore, [knve'rtit're'J wi. converter. Convessit, [knve'ssit'] f. convexity.


luggage-train. Convolare, [knvl're'] v. m, to go swiftly. Convolgere, [knvl'je're'] v. a. irr. (see Volgere) to wrap wind. CONVOLGERSI, V. r. to wallow. Convolvere, [knvlve''re'] v. a see Convolgere. Convolvolo , [knvl'vl] m. bot. convolvulus. Convulsionario, [knvlsin' rio] m. one who suffers from


Copiatore, [kpit're'] m. copier; imitator.

Copiglia, [kpil'] f. peg, pin. Copiosamente, [kpisme'n't] adv. copiously. Copiosit, [kpisit'] Copiositade,Copiositate, f. abundance, plenty. Copioso, [kpis] adj. copious;

Copista, [kpi'st] m. copj^st;


Convesso, [knv's] adj. con- convulsions. Coppa, [k'p] f. back of the vox, convexed m. convexity. Convulsione, [knvlsi'ne*] f. head; cup; servir di -, to Convicino, [knvitshi'n] adj. help one to drink, be a cupconvulsion. neighbouring, adjacent. Convulsivo, [knvulsi'v] adj. bearer. Convincentemente , [knvin- convulsive, spasmodic. Coppaja, [kpp'y] f. cellar adv. convin- Coonestamento, [kne'stmeV- for oil-jars. tshe'nte'me'n'te'J cingly. Coppale, [kpp'Ie'] adj. adjunct t] m. excuse, subterfuge. Convincere, [knvin'tshe'rel v. Coonestare, [knst're'] v.a- of a kind of odorous resin pron.trr. (see Vincere) to convince, to palliate, veil. duced in various trees in convict, surpass, overcome. Cooperamento, [kpe'rme'n't] Mexico. Convincimento , [knvintshi- m. co-operation; concurrence. Copparosa, [kppar's] f. copmn't] m. conviction. Cooperante, [kpe'rn'te'J fart, peras.
Convincitivo, [knvintshiti'v] adj. convincing, persuasive. Convinzione, [knvintsi'ne'] /. conviction, confutation. Convitare, [knvit're'] v. a. to invite; to covet (not eligible). Convitato, [knvit't] m. guest. Convitatore, [knvitt'r] m. inviter (to a repast). Convito, [knvi't] m. banquet,
pres. ting.


contribu- Coppella, [kpp'l]




[kpe'r're'] v. n. Coppellare, [kppll're'] v. a. to refine, assay. to co-operate; contribute; conCoppetta, [kppe't't] f. cupcur. Cooperatore, [kpe'rt're'] m. ping-glass. co-operator, fellow-worker. Coppettone , [kppe'tt'ne'] tn.


large cupping-glass. Coppia, [k'pi] f. couple. Coordinare, [krdin're'] v. a. Coppiere, [kppi're'] Coppiere, feast. to set in good order, arrange. [kppi r] m. cup-bearer. Convitto, [knvit't] m. refec- Coordinazione, [krdintsi'- Coppietta, [kppie't't] f. small tory, college. ne'] f. order, arrangement. couple. Convittore, [knvitt're'] m. fel- Coortare, [krt'r] v. a. to Coppo, [kp'p] m. pitcher; low-commoner. exhort. hollow (of the eyes) calyx.

Cooperazione, [kpe'rtsi'ne'j
co-operation ; concurrence.




Cordoglioso, [krdl''s] adj. sorrowful, mournful. Cordonata, [krdna't] /. Cordonato, [krdna'tj m. rustic stepping-stone; row of piles to keep out water; gardenborder. Cordonato , [krdna't] adj. surrounded with cords. Cordoncello, [krdntsh'l] m. small string.

Coprimento, [kprimn't] m. Corbellare,


covering; coupling, copulation to quiz, rally. (of animals). Corbellatore, [krbe'llt'r] v.\. Coprire, [kpri'r] v. a. irr. mocker. {coprii ; coperto), to cover; pal- Corbellatura, [krbe'llt'r] /. liate, dissemble. Coprirsi, v. r. mockery. to put on one's hat, put on Corbelleria , [krhe'lle'ri'] /. warmer clothes. trifle, fudge. Copritore, [kprit're'] i. tiler, Corbelletto, [krbe'lle't't] m. thatcher; entire horse. small basket. Copritura, [kprit'r] (. cover; Corbello, [krb'l] m. basket, pretence. small round basket. Copula, [k'pl]^ conjunction, Corbellone, [krbll'ne'jm.large coupling. basket, hamper. Copulare, [kpl're'] v. a. to Corbezzola, [krb'tsl] /. arcouple, unite. bute-berry. Copulativo, [kplati'v] adj. Corbezzolo, [krb'tsl] w.arcopulative, conjunctive. bute. w. Coracia, [kr'tshia] f. a small Corbicino, [krbitshi'n] species of crow. young crow. Coraggio, [kr'dj] in. courage, Corbina, [krbi'n] /. a kind of valor; will. black grape. Coraggiosamente [kradjsa- Corbino, [krbin] m. a kind of ain't] adv. courageously. black fig. Coraggioso , [krdj's] aOj. Corbo, [kr'b] m. raven, crow courageous, hold. aspettare ii -, to wait in vain, Corallajo, [krll'y] m. pol- expect in vain. isher of coral. Corbona, [krb'n] /. common Corallina, [krlli'n] f. sea- purse. moss. Corcare, [krk're'] see Coricare Corallino, [krlli'n] adj. co- Corda, [kr'd] /. cord, rope ralline. torture; a -, directly, in a line - per ballare, dancing-rope. Corallizzazione, [krllitsa'tsin] [. material that has Cordaggio, [krd'dj] Cordataken the form of coral. me, [krd'm] m. cordage Corallo, [kral'l] m. coral. rigging. Corallnme, [krll'm] m. any Cordajo, [krd'y] m. ropothing belonging to coral; a maker. quantity of coral. Cordeggiare, [krddj're'] v. Corame, [kr'm] m. all sorts n. to be even with. of leather, raw-hides, pi. mer- Cordella, [krd'l] /. small cord cante di -, leather-merchant. Cordonare, [krdll're'] v. a. Corampopolo , [krmp'pl] to twist, twine. adv. publicly. Cordellina, [krde'lli'n] /. small Coramvobis, [krmv'bis] m, cord, tape, riband. portly man. Cordellone, [krde'll'ne']w.large Corano, [kra'n] m. the koran. silk cord. 'Corata, [kr't] f. pluck. Corderia, [krde'ri'] /. rope Coratella, [krt'lj f. liver, manufactory. chitterlings, pi. Cordiaco, [krdi'k] adj. of Coratellina, [krtlli'n] /.in- the heart. testines, pi. Cordiale, [krdile'] adj. corCorazza, [kr'ts] f. cuirass. dial, hearty, affectionate; -,m. Corazzajo, [krtsa'y] m. cui- cordial, restorative. rass-maker. Cordialit, [krdilit'J /. cor, ;
; ;

Cordone, [krd'ne'] m. string; whip-cord, bell-pull, hat-band;


Cordovano, [krdv'njm.cor dwain. Core, [k're'] poes. see Cuore. Coreggia, [kre"dj] /. leatherthong, shoe-tie. m. [kre'dj'y] Coreggiamo , strap-maker. Coreggiame, see Correggiame. Coreggiante, [krjin't] m. a friar girt with the cord of Saint Francis. Coreggiate, [kre'dj't] i. flail. Coreggiere, [kre'dji're'] ni, a



Coreggiola, [kre'dj'l] leather-thong.



Coreggiuolo , [kre'dj'l], m. small loather-thong a kind of


Coreo, [kr'e'] m. choree, troCoreografla, [krgra'fia] /. the art of composing dances. Coreografo , [krgr'f] m. composer of dances. Coretano, [krt'n] ni. North-

west wind.
Coretto, [kre't't] m. cuirass. Corgnale, [krn''lj m. cornelian.

Cori andr, [krin'dr] m.


Corazzare, [krtsa'r] v. a. io diality. arm with a breast-plate. Cordialmente, [krdilrarv'te'] Corazziere, [kratsi're'J m. a adv. cordially. horse-soldier armed with a Cordicella, [krditsh'l] Corcuirass. diclna, [krditshi'nj /. small Oorazzina, [krtsi'n] /'.breast- cord. plate. Cordigliero, [krdil''r] m. corClorazzone,[krts'ne']m. large
cuirass. Corba, [korTja]
delier (friar).

Cordiglio, [krdir]m.girdingwind. /. basket; baskotrope (of a friar); string. fuU; daily work of a pair of Cordogliare, [krdr're'j v. n. Corintio, [krin'ti] or Corinto, (krinto] adj. Corinthian order, to lament, grieve, pity. oxen. Corbaccliione , [krhakki'ne] Cordoglio, [krdl'o] m. heart- Corio, [k'ri] m. skin, hide. Corista, [kri'stl m. chorister. grief, sorrow. TO. great raven. Corhaccio, [krba'telil m. v>gly Cordogliosameute, [krdrsa- Corizza, [kri'tsl /. cold io the head, rhcupi me'n'te'] adv. sorrowfullv. lad raven.

coriander. Coricare, [krik're'] r, a. to cover up salad &c. to blench ; -,v. n. to lie down; go to bed. Coricarsi, v. r. to lie down, kneel down; stoop. Coricino, [kritshi'n] m. small heart; work in the form of a heart. Corico, [kri'k] m. a chorussinger; adj. music sung in the chorus. Corifeo, [krife"] m. chief, leader of the chorus. Corileto, [krile''t] m. hazelgrove, (tree. Cerilo, [k'ril] n?. hazel-nut Corimbo, [krim'b] ni. a bunch of ivy berries. Corina, [kri'u] /. North-west





pluck, Coroeno, [kre''n] m. must ture, equipment; bride's dress; mar. ship's rigging and tackboiled until one third becomes ling; poes. feast, banquet; -di Coma, [kr'n] f. fruit of the evaporated. Corolla, [krl'l] f: union of un libro, preface dedication &c. cornel. Correggere, [krr'djr] v. a. Coruacchia, [krnk'ki] /".rook, the petals of a flower. Corollario, [krll'ri] m. co- irr. {see Reggere) to correct, crov;-; fig. chatterer. Cornacchiaja, [krnkki'y] f. rollary. revise; chastise; Coereggeesi, Corona, [kr'n] f. crown tattling, gossip. V. r. to mend. Cornacchiamento, [krnkki- royal dignity; glory; ring, Correggiamo, [krre''djme'] or

chaplet. me'n't] m. prattling. Cornacchire, [krnkki're'] v. Coronajo, [krn'y] m. chaplet-maker. n. to chatter, prate. Cornacchino, [krnkki'n] m. Coronale, [krn'l] adj. belonging to a crown. young crow. Cornamento, [krnme'n't] m. Coronamento, [krnmn't] i. coronation. tingling in the ears. Cornamusa, [krnam's] /^.hag- Coronare, [krna're'] v. a. to crown; surround, encircle. pipe. Cornamusare , [krnraiis're'] Coronazione, [krntsi'ne'] /. coronation. V. a. to play on the bag-pipe. Cornata, [krn't] /". blow Avith Corpacciata, [krptsh't] f. belly-full. the horns. Cornatore, [krnt're'] m. play- Corpaccio, [krp'tsh] m.bulky body. er on the horn. Cornatura, [krnt'r] f. the Corpacciuto, [krpatsh't] adj. big-bellied, corpulent. quality or shape of a horn. Cornea, fkrn'e'] /. the cornea Corpetto, [krpe't't] adj. an
of the eye.




horse's trappings.

Correggimento, [korre'djime'n't] m. correction ; direction,


Correggitore, [krredjit'r] m. corrector; punisher, master. Correggiuolo, [krre'dji'l] m.


Correlativo, [krrelti'v] adj.


Correlazione, [krre'ltsi'ne']


mutual relation.

Corneggiare, [krne'dj're'] v. a. to butt with the horns put


forth the horns. Corneo, [kr'n] adj. horny,


Cornetta, [krne't't] horn cornet; troop of horse. Cornettatore, [krne'ttt'r e'] m a blower on the horn. Cornettino, [krne'tti'n] m. a bone instrument used by shoemakers to polish the heels of


Cornetto, [krne't't] m. little horn; surg. cupping-glass. Cornia, [kr'ni] see Corniola. Cornice, [krni'tshe'J f. cornice; frame. Cornicella , [krnitsh'l] /". Cornicello , [krnitshe"lj m.

Correligionario, [krre'lijfna'ri] of the same religion. Corrente, [krrn'te'] adj. current; general, usual; swift; hasty; prone; il mese -, the under waistcoat. present month; prezzo -, m. Corpicello, [krpitsh'l] mi. current price; - , adv. fluently, little weak body. with facility; -, m. current, Corpo, [kr'p] m. body; mass; stream; arch, rafter. society; corps di guardia, Correntemente, [krre'nte'mn'corps de guard; - di navigliu. t] adv. currently, speedily. body of a ship;-rfi bottega, tlie Correntia, [krre'nti']/. current stock of a shop; ridurre ad un of a river. -, to assemble, mix all toge- Correnzia, [krre'ntsi'] f. rapid ther. course, rush (of waters). Corporale, [krpr'le'] adj. cor- Correo, [krr'] m. accomplice, poreal, bodily; -, m. corporal associate. (at the altar). Correre, [kr're're'] v.n.irr.{corCorporalit, [krprlit'] /.ma- si; corso) to run, flow pass on teriality. Corre voce, it is reported, they Corporalmente, [krprlmeV- say; al tempo che corre, as t] adv. bodily; actually. times go; - n cavallo, to run Corporarsi, [krprr'sij v. rif. a horse; - il mare, to cruise; - pericolo, rischio, to run risk; to take a body. Corporatura, [krprt'r] /. - la posta, to ride post. corpulence, size. Correria, [krrri'] f. inroad,

Corporeit , [krpre'it] see cornet. Cornicino , [krnitshi'n] i;i. Corporalit. small cornice. Corporeo, [krp're'] adj. corCornicione, [krnitsh'ne'] m. poreal. arch, entablature. Corpulento, [krple'n't] adj. Cornicolare, [krnikl're'] adj. corpulent, fleshy. made like a horn. Corpulenza, [krpulen'ds] f. Cornicolato, [krnikl't] adj. corpulency. bent into the shape of a horn. Corpuscolo, [krps'kl] m. Cornigero , [krnij'r] adj. corpuscle, atom. bearing horns. Corpusdomini, [krpsd'mini] Cornio, [kr'ni] see Corniolo. m. eucharist, communion. Corniola, [kr'nilj /", crab- Corputo, [krp't] adj. bigapple ; cornelian stone. bellied. Corniolo, [kr'nil] m. coruel- Corpuzzo, [krp'ts] see Cortree.


Correspettivamente[krre'spe'ttivme'n'te'] adv. relatively. Correspettivit,[krre'spettivit] /. relation; reciprocal correspondence.

de'n'te'] see


Corrispondente. Correspettivo, [krrspetti'v] adj. correspondent, conform.

Correttamente [krre'ttme'n'te']
adv. correctly. Correttivo, [krre'tti'v] m. corrective.


Corno, [kr'n] i. Corna, f. pi. horn; pride. Cornucopia, [krnk'pi] f. horn of plenty. (horns. Cornuto, [krn't] adj. having Coro, [k'r] m. chorus ; choir ; north-west wind.

puscolo. Corre, [k're'] see Cogliere. Corredare, [krre'd're'] u. a. to

equip, furnish,

up decorate;

-i6as<imento, to equip a ship. Corredino, [krrdi'n] m. babylinen.

Corredo, [krr'd]

m. furni-

Correttore, [krre'tt're'] m. corrector; rector. Correttoria, [krre'ttri'] /. office of corrector. Correttrice, [krre'ttri'tshe'] f, censurer. Correzione, [krre'tsi'nel /".correction, reform censure. Corrilio, [krri'bjm. simpleton.



Corsojo, [krs'y] adj. sliding, running. Cortaldo, [krtl'd] i. cropped horse, bob-tail. Cortamente, [krtamn't] adv. briefly, in short. Corte, [kr't] f. court; banquet; hall, court-yard; tener -, to feast. Corteare, [krt'r] v. n. to follow in company with others. Corteccia, [krt'tsh] f. bark, crust; outside; rough-cast. Cortecciuola, [krttsh'la] f. small crust,

Corridore, [krnd'r] r.n. to Corrnccare, [krrtsh'r] v.a. to torment, afflict. Corruclaugh in company. Corridojo , [krrid'y] Corri- ciAESi, V. r. to be in a passion, dore, [krrid'r] m. corridor. be angry. Corridore, [krrid'r] m. rover, Corrucciatamente, [krrtshatran't] adv. angrily. racer. Corriere, [krri're'] Corriere, Corruccio, [krr'tsh]m.wrath, [krri'r] i. courier, mes- passion. Corrucciosamente, [krrtshsenger. Corri gente, [krrije'n'te'] m. and smn't] adv. angrily, wrathadj. corrective (said of medi- fully. Corruccioso, [krrtsh's] adj. cine). Corrigibile , [krriji'bil] adj. angry, pettish. Corrugare, [krrg'r] v.a. to corrigible. Corrimento, [krrimn't] m. corrugate, frown. Corrugazione, [krrgtsi'n] course, race. Corrispondente,tkrrispndn'- f. corrugation. t] adj. corresponding, suit- Corruscare, [krrsk'r] v. n. able ; - , m. correspondent ; to flash, lighten. Corruscazione, [krrusktsi'trustee. Corrispondentemente, [krri- n] f. corruscation, flash of
spndnte'rae'n'te'Jorfv. suitably.

Corteggiamento[krtdjimn't] m. courting, retinue. Corteggiare, [krtdji'r] v.a.

to court; attend. Corteggiatore, [krte'djit're'] m, fawner. Corteggio, [krt'dj io] m. train,


[krrispn- Corrusco, [krrs'k]aci'/. flash- retinue. Cortegianesco, [krtjins'k] ing, shining. dn'ds] f. correspondence. Corrispondere, [krrispn'de're'] Corruttela, [krrtt'l] f. cor- adj. of a courtier. Cortegiania, [krtjtni'] f. V. a. irr. {see Rispondere) to ruption. Corruttevole , [krrtt'vl] court-intrigue, finesse. correspond, suit; deal, [krrtti'bil] Corteo, [krt'] m.bride's train; Corritojo, [krrit'y] see Cor- Corruttibile , retinue; christening. adj. corruptible. ridojo. Corritore, [krrit're'] m. rover, Corruttibilit, [krrttibilit'] Cortese,[krt's]ac/;.courteous, Corruttibilitade, Corruttibi- kind, affable, rambler. Corteseggiamento [krtsdjiCorrivamente, [krrivmeVte'] litate, f. corruptibility. Corruttivo, [krrtti'v] adj. mn't] m. largess; great exadv. inconsiderately. pense. Corrivo, [krri'v] m. silly fel- corruptive, seductive. Corruttore , [krrtt'r] m. Corteseggiare, [krtsdjia'r] low, dupe. Corroboramento , [krrbr- Corruttrice, [krrutri'tsh] f. V. o. to entertain nobly. Cortesemente, [krtsmn't] corrupter; seducer. mn't] m. corroboration. Corroborare, [krrbr'r] v.a. Corruzione, [krrtsi'n] f. adv. courteously. Cortesia, [krtsi'] /. courtesy, corruption. to corroborate, strengthen. Corroborativo, [krrbrti'v] Corsa, [kr's] /. course, race; politeness. Cortetto, [krtt't] adj. somecareer; heat; a -, in running. adj. corroborative, strengthen-


Corsale, [krsa'lj m. corsair, ing. ^ Corroborazione,[krroboratsio - pirate. Corsaletto, [krslt't] m. corsn] /. strengthening. Corrodere, [krr'dr] v.a. irr. let. {see Rodere) to corrode; waste. Corsaresco , [krsr'sc] adj. Corrodimento, [krrdiran't] belonging to a corsair. Corsaro, [krs'r] see Corsale. m. see Corrosione. Corrogare, [krrg'r] v.a. to Corseggiare, [krsdjt'r] v.a. & n. to pirate, plunder. collect. Corrompere, [krrm'pr] v.a. Corseggiatore, [krsdjtt'r] m. corsair, pirate, irr. {see Rompere] to corrupt, spoil; seduce, bribe; Cobeom- Corsesca, [krss'k] f. spear, javelin. PERSi, V. r. to putrify, rot. Corrompevole, [krrmp'vl] Corsescata , [krssk't] f. thrust from a javelin. adj. corruptible. current [korsi'aj /. [krrrapi- Corsia, Corrompimento , mn't] m. corruption, depra- stream, side-pit, ward. Corsiere , [krsi'r] m. courvation. Corrompitore, [krrmpit're'] ser; war-horse. Corsie, [kr'si] m. current of m. corrupter, seducer. Corrosione, [krrsi'n] /. cor- water.



Cortezza, [krt'ts]
conciseness. Cortice, [kr'titsh]



Cortigiana, [krtiji'n]
tesan, court-lady.



Cortigianamente, [krtijianmn't] adj. in a courtly manner.

Cortigianello, [krtijtn'l] m.




[krtijtne'ri'] , see Cortegiania.

Cortigianesco, [krtijtane's'k]
adj. insincere.

rosion, wearing away.

Corrosivo, [krrsi'v] adj. corrosive.

Corrottamente, [krrttme'n't] od, corruptly. Corrottibile, [krrttitil] see Corruttibile. Corrotto, [krrt't] m. movirn ing, grief.

Cortigiano, [krtijt'n] adj. of the court; polite; -,m. courtier. Cortile, [krti'l] m. court, court-yard; poultry-yard. Cortiletto, [krtilt't] m. small Corsivamente, [krsivme'n't] court-yard. Cortina, [krti'n] f. curtain; adv. cursorily. Corsivo, [krsi'v] adj. running; pix-cover. credulous; flowing; typ. Carat- Cortinaggio, [krtin'djt] . bed-curtain. tere -, m. italics. course; Cortinare, [kortina're'] v. a. to [kr's] m. Corso, career; tide; progress; Corsican furnish with curtains. wine; Corsican dog; andare in Corto, [kr't] adj. short, brief; small ; - di vista, short-sight* -, to pirate, cruise.




ed; di -, shortly ; -, odo. short, irr. (see Sporgere) to sprinkle, Costipare, [kstipa're'] v. a. to water. shortly; soon. make costive. Cortola, [krt'l] f. a kind of Cospetto, [ksp't] to. aspect, Costipativo, [kstipti'v] adj. view; -, int. plague on it! hammer or pestle. engendering costiveness. Corucciare, [krtsh're'] v.a. Cospettone, [kspe'tt'ne'J to. Costipazione, [kstipatsi'ne'] f. bully. to irritate. constipation. Corvetta, [krve't'td] f. horse. Cospicere, [kspitshe''re'] and Costituente, [kstitn'te'] &c., curvet; mar. advice-boat, sloop. Conspicere , [knspitshe''r] see Constituente &c. Corvettare, [krve'tt're'] v. n. . . to look around. Costituzionale, [ksti ttsin'Cospicuamente, [kspikumn'- le'] adj. constitutional. horse, to cnrvet; prance. Corvettatore, [krvttt're'] m. t] adv. conspicuously. Costituzione, [kstittsi'ne'J f. Cospicuit , curveting horse. [kspikit'] constitution. f brightness; obviousness. Corvo, [kr'v] m. raven. Costo, [k'st] TO. cost, expense. Coruscare, [krsk're'] see Cor- Cospicuo, [kspik] adj. con- Costola, [k'stl] f. rib. spicuous, manifest; noble. ruscare. Costolame, [kstl'm] m. the Cosa, [k's] f. thing; matter; Cospirare, [kspir're'J &c., see structure of the ribs. business; cose da nulla, pi. Conspirare, &c. Costolato, [kstl't] adj.fartrifles, pt. ; che - dite? what do Cosso, [ks's] TO. pimple, wart; nished with ribs. knob. you say? Costolatura, [kstlt'r] f. Cosacela) [ks'tsh] f. bad Costa, [kp'sta] f. rib; coast; structure of the ribs. hillock; declivity; navigare - Costoletta thing. [kstlt't] , f. -, to coast along. Cosacco, [ksTc] m. cossack. cutlet. Cosacelo, [ks'tsh] m. a good Cost, [kst'] adv. there, in Costoliere , [kstlie're'j m. that place, thither; via -, far hanger. for nothing fellow. Coscendere, [kshn'de're'j see away, far off. Costolina, [kstli'n] /. small Condescendere. Costaggi, [kstdjt'] adv.yon- rib; cutlet. Coscia, [k'shi] f. Cosce, pi. der, there below. Costoluto, [kstlii't] arfj. havthigh, haunch, leg; - di manzo, Costale, [kst'le'] adj. belong- ing large ribs. round of beef. ing to the ribs. Costoro, [kst'r] pron. these, Cosciale, [kshia'le'] m. cuish; Costante, [kstn'te'] adj. con- those. coach-axletree. stant; certain. Costoso, [kst's] adj. costly. Coscienza , [kshtn'ds] Co- Costantemente, [kstante'meV- Costrettivo, [kstrtti'v] adj. scienzia, [kshin'dsi] /'.con- te'] adv. constantly, steadily. constringent. science ; scruple. Costanza, [kstn'ds] f. con- Costretto, [kstre't't] &c., see Coscienziato, [kshie'ntsi't] stancy, steadiness. Constretto &c. adj. having a good conscience. Costare, [kst're'] v. a. to Costrignere, [kostri'n'e're'] &c., Coscienziosamente , [kshie'n- cost; pay for; -, v. n. to be see Constrignere &c. tsismn'te'] adv. conscien- evident; bo plain; costa a tutti, Costringimento [kstringi,


every one knows. me'n't] to. force, obligation, [kshinti's] Costass, [kstss'] adv. there condensation. adj. conscientious. above. Costrittivo, [kstritti'v] adj Coscrizione, [kscritsi'n] f. Costato, [kst't] m.ribs, pi.; binding (said chiefly of banconscription, flank. dages). Cosellina, [kse'lH'n] Coserel- Costeggiare, [kste'djt're'] v. Costrizione, [kstritsi'ne'] f. a. to coast along. la, [ksre'l'l] Gosetta, [kconstriction, contraction. se't't] Gosettina, [kse'tti'n] Costeggiatore, [kste'djiat're'J Costruire, [kstri'r] &c., see m. coaster. /. trifle ; play-thing. Construire &c. Cos, [ksi'] adv. so, thus ; Costeggiatura, [kste'djt'r] Costrutto, [kstrt't] to. conthough. -, so so, indifferently; f. the act of coasting along. struction, disposition of the - come, as, just as; - fatto, Costei, [kst'i] pron. she. parts of a discourse, tendency such, of that kind. Costellato, [kste'll't] adj. of a discourse. Cosima, [ksi'm] f. a kind of studded with stars. Costruttura, [kstrtt'r] Copear. Costellazione, [kste'lltsi'ne'] struzione, [kstrtsi'n] f. Cosmetico , [ksm'tikjj adj. f. constellation. building, construction. cosmetic. Costereccio, [kste'r'tsh] m. Costui, [kst'i] pron. this man, Cosmogonia, [ksmgni'] f. pickled ribs of pork, pi. this fellow. co9mogony. Costerella, [kstr'l] /. hil- Costumanza, [kstmn'ds] f. Cosmografia, [ksmgrfi'] f. lock. custom, use; way.

cosmography. Cosmopolita, [ksmplit]

Costernarsi, [kste'rnr'si] v. r. Costumare, [kstm're'] v. a. to be confounded. to frequent; practise; civilize; cosmopolite. Costernazione, [ksternitsi'- instruct; -,v. n. to be accustoCosmorama, [ksmr^m] m ne'] f. consternation. med, be customary; be wont. Cost, [ksti'] adv. there, in Costumatamente, [kstmtacosmorama. Co80,[k'8] m.simpleton,ninny. that place. me'n't] adv. politely. Cosofflola, [ksffil] f. busy- Costiera, [ksti'r] /. shore, Costumatezza, [kstmt'ts] coast. body, intriguer. f. politeness. Oosone, [ks'n]m.great thing. Costiere) [ksti're'j tn. coaster. Costumato, [kstm't] adj. Cospargere, [kspr'je'r] v.a. Costiero, [ksti'r] adj. side- polite, civil. long, aslant. irr. {$ee Spargere) to sprinkle, Costumazione [kstmtsi'-


Costipamento, [kstipme'n't]
v. a.

Cospergere, [kspr'je'r]

costiveness, obstruction.

instruction. 'Costume, [kst'me'] w, custom,







Cottura, [ktt'r] f. cooking. m. crater; cup, [krt're'j Coturnato , [ktma't] adj. goblet. Costura, [kst'r] f. soam. shod with buskins. CratiocIo,[krti'tshi]m.hurdle, Cosuccia, [ks'tsh] Gosuzza, Coturno, [ktr'n] in. buskin; lattice. [ks'ts] /". trifle. Craticola, [krtik'l] /. gridifig. tragedy. Cotai, [kt'i] for Cotali. Cova, [k'v] /"..don, lair; tor- ron, grate. Cotalch, [ktrk] adv. so toise-shell. Cravatta, [kravt't] /. cravat; that. Covaccino, [kvtshi'n] m, a stock. Cotale, [kta'le'l proti, such, kind of cake. Crazia, [kr'tsi] /. an obsolete such a one; -, adv. so, thus. Covaccio, [kva'tsh] m.burrow, Tuscan coin. Cotalmente, [ktalmn't] adv cave. Creabile, [krabi'l] adj. that in such a manner, thus. Covacciolo , [kvtshi'l] m. may be created. Cotanto, [ktn't] adj. as much, den, lair. Creanza, [kre'n'ds] /. brooding; tre cotanti, thrice as many; Covare, [kv'reT v. a. to sit education; politeness. adv. so much, so long, very, brooding, hatch; foment; de- Creanzato , [kre'nds't] adj. Cote, [k't] f. whetstone. vise. well-bred, civil. Cotenna, [kt'n] f. skin of Covata, [kv't] /'.brood, covey; Creare, [kre''re'] r.a. to creato. the head; crackling of pork. progeny. Creativo, [kre'ti'vj adj. creaCotesti, [kte'sti] pron. this Covaticcio, [kvti'tshi] adj. tive, productive. one, this man. disposed to hatch. Creato, [kre''t] m. servant, Cotesto, [kte''st] pron. that, Covatojo, [kvt'y] m. bed. creature. this. Covatura, [kvtii'r] Covazio- Creatore, [kre't'r] m. creator. Cotestoro, [kte'st'r] pron. ne, [kvtsi'ne'] f. hatching; Creatura, [kre't'ra] /. creathese, those. hatching-time. ture; hireling. Cotestui, [kte'st'i] see Co- Coverchiare, [kove'rkia're'] &c., Creaturella , [kre'tr'l] /. testi. see Coperchiare &c. little creature. Cotica, [k()ti'k] f. skin of the Covertina, [kve'rti'n] /".saddle- Creazione, [kre'atsi'ne'] f. creahead; upper stratum of earth. cloth. tion; election. Coticone, [ktik'ne'] m. a thick Coviello, [kvie'l'l] m. an actor Crebro, [kre"br] adj. poes., headed person. representing a boasting sim- thick, dense; frequent. Cotidiana, [ktidi'n] f. quo- pleton. Credenza, [kre'dn'ds] /. belief,


il -,




tidian fever,

[ktidianmn't] adv. every day. Cotidiano , [ktidi'n] adj. quotidian, daily. Cotogna, [kt'n'a] f. quince. Cotognate , [ktn''t] m.


quince-marmalade. Cotognino, [ktn'i'njarfj. having the smell, color, or flavor

of the quince.

Cotogno, [kt'n'] m. quinceCotognola, [ktn''laj /". akind

of pear.

Cotonato, [ktn't] adj. stuffed with cotton. Cotone, [kt'ne'] m. cotton;

esplosivo, explosive cotton.

Cotonina, [ktni'n] f. coarse calico, canvass. Cotornice, [ktrni'tshe'] /.

partridge. Cotta, [k't] f. gown, surplice. Cotticchiare, [kttikkire'J v. a. to cook little. Cotticelo, [ktti'tsh] adj. half haked; half seas over. Cotticino, [kttitskin] wi. a small dish of meat. Cottiglio, [ktti'li] m. any kind of dressed meat. Cottimo, [kt'tim] m. bargain for the whole work. Cotto, [kt't] adj. cooked, baked; tipsy, drunk; i. dressed meat. Cottoja, [ktt'y] f. viands easily cooked. Cottojo, [ktt'y] adj. easily cooked.

Covigliarsi, [kvrr'sij v. r. to lie squat. Coriglio, [kvi'l'] m. bee-hive. Covile, [kvi'le'] m. don, haunt. Covo, [k'v] Covolo, [k'vl] m. den, lair, kennel. Covoncello, [kvntsh'l] n small sheaf. Covone, [kv'n] m. sheaf. Covrire, [kvri'r] &c., see Coprire &c. Cozione, [ktsi'n] f. boiling, cooking. Cozzare, [kts're'] v. a. to butt; -, V. n. to contest, dispute. Cozzata, [kts't] /". butting; shock. Cozzo, [ko'ts] m. shock, knock. Cozzone, [kts'nj m. horsedealer; agent. Cra, [kr'] sound imitating the

faith; credit; sideboard; lettera di -, /. letter of credit; dare a -, to sell on credit far -, to trust; far la -, to taste.

Credenzetta, [kre'de'ntset'ta] /. a small cupboard. Credenziale, [kre'de'ntsi'le'] adj.


of credit; lettere credenziali, pi., credentials, pi.

Credenziera, [kre'de'ntsi'r] /. cup-board; pantry. Credenziere, [krde'ntsi're'] m.

secretary; butler.

Credere, [kr'dre'] u. a. & n. to believe, suppose; confido. Credevole, [krd'vl] see Credibile.

Credibile, [kre'di'bile'] adj. credible; credulous. [kre'dibilit'] Credibilit, /.


crow. Cranio, [kr'ni] m. skull, Crapola , [kr'pla] Crapula, [kr'pl] /. habitual debauch. Crapolare, [krpl're'] v. n. to lead a debauched life. Crapulone, [krpl'n] m. debauchee. Crapulosita , [krplsit'J /. habitual debauch. Crassezza, [krss'ts] Crassi-

Credibilmente, [kre'dibilme'n'te] adv. in a credible manner. Credito, [kre''dit] m. credit,

reputation. Creditore, [kre'dit're'] m. creditor.

Credo, [kr'd] m. creed,


Credulit, [krdlit'] Credulitade, Credulitate, /. credulity. Credulo, [kr'dl] adj. credulous, (tard. Crema, [kr'ma] /. cream, cuszie, [krssi'tsie'J /. thickness, Cremare, [kre'ma're'J w. . to fatness. burn, broil. Crasso, [krs's] adj. fat, thick, Cremisi, [kr'mis] m. crimson.




Crastino, [krsti'n] adj. of the crimson colored. following morrow. Cremore, [kre'mo're'] Cratra, [krt'r] /. Cratere , extract.





natural borax, serving

Crepa, [kr'p] f. crack, fissure. Crestomazia, [kre'stra'tsi] f. Crepaccio, [krp'tsb] m. cleft, a selection from classical authors for the use of scholars. crack. Crepacuore , [krpk'r] m. Crostoso, [kre'st's] Crestuto, [kre'st't] adj. crested, tufted. heart-treaking, grief. Crepare , [krpa're'] v. a. to Creta, [kr't] f. chalk, clay. [kre't'tshe'] adj. crack; -, v. n. to burst - dalle Cretaceo , chalky, clayey. risa, to die -with laughing. Crepatura, [kreptu'r] f. crev- Cretino, [kre'ti'n] m. Cretan, idiot. ice, rupture. Crepitare, [kre'pita're'] v. n. to Cretoso, [krt's] adj. chalky. crackle, make a sharp noise. Cri, [kri'] noise made by the Crepito, n^rpi't] m. crackling. cricket. Crepolare, [krpla'r] see Cre- Cria, [kri'] childish exprespare. sion for the weakest bird in Crepolio , [kre'p'll] m. the the nest, or the most stinted sound made by any thing in of the family. splitting. Criare, [kri're'] &c., see Crea;

assist the fusion of metals. Crisolito, [kris'lit] m. chrysolite.

Grisopasso , [krisps's] green emerald.

Cristallaio , [kristll'y] m. worker in crystal, seller of


Cristallame, [kristll'm] m. a quantity of glass articles.


Cristallizzare, [krf stllids'r ]

V. a. to crystalize.


zarsi, V. r. to coagulate. Cristallizzazione, [kristllidsa-





toys, bawbles, pi. Crepuscolo, [kre'ps'klj



Crescendo, [kreshn'd] m. terra used in music for increasing the sound. Crescente, [kre'shn'te'] part. pres. increasing; -, m. crescent

tsi'ne'] f. crystallisation. Cristallo, [kristri] m. crystal. Cribrare, [kribr'r] v. a. to Cristate, [krist't] adj. crested. sift; purge; debate. Cristeo , [krist'] Cristere , Cribrazione, [kribrtsi'n] f. [krist're'] Cristero, [krist sifting ; discussion. r] m. clyster, injection. Cribro , [kri'br] m. sieve Cristianamente,[kristinme'n'searce. te'] adv. like a christian. Cribroso, [kribr's] adj. holed Cristianarsi, [kristianar'si] v. like a sieve. a. i/O become a christian. Cricca, [krik'ka] f. gam., flush Cristianella , [kristin'laj f.

re &c.

Crescenza , [kre'shn'ds] growth; excrescence.

[kre''she're'] v. n.


silly woman. of cards; band. Cristianello, [kristinl] Cricch, [krik] m. crack. n. Cricchio, [krik'ki] i. whim, silly fellow.



irr. {crebbi; cresciuto) to grow, caprice. increase, augment. Crimenlese, [krirae'nle"s] m. Crescimento, [kre'shime'n't] high treason, great excess. augmentation. Criminale , [krimin'le'j adj. Crescione, [kre'sh'ne'] m. water- criminal, culpable. cresses. Criminalista, [krirainli'st] m. Crescitore, [kre'shito're'] m. in- a criminal lawyer. creaser. Criminalit, [kriminlit'] /. Crescope, [kre'skp] in. a kind criminality. of cloth made of silk and wool. Criminalmente, [kriminlme'u'Cresentina, [kre'se'nti'na] f. a te'] adv. criminally. slice of toasted bread sprinkled Criminare, [kriraina're'] v. a. to with oil, salt, pepper &c. charge with a crime. Cresima, [kre"sim] /. chrism. Criminazione, [krimintsi'ne'] Cresimante, [krsimn'te'] Cre- f. crimination, charge. simatore, [kre'simt're'] m. Crmine, [kri'mine'] m. crime,

Cristianesimo , rkristfne"sim] m. Cristianit, [kristinitate,

nit'] Cristianitade, Cristia/. Christianity.

Cristianismo, [kristinis'm] m.

Cristianissimo , [kristimssi'm] m. an excellent christian; title given to French kings.

Cristiano, [kristi'n] adj.cirsm. christian, religious -,


Cristianone, [kristin'nej m. simple man. (steo.

anointer with the chrism. Cresimare, [krsim're'J v.

confirm; baptize.

a. to


[krs'ra] see Cresima. [kr'sp] /. wrinkle,


[kre'spme'n't] , crisping; curl. Crespare, [kre'sp're'] v. a. to twist, curl ; -, V. n. to shrink. and tail. Crespello, [krsp'l] m. fritter Criniera, [krini'ra] f. horse(cake). hair; lion's mane. Crespezza, [kre'spe't's] /. wrink- Crinito, [krini't] adj. hairy. ling; plait. Crinnto, [krin't] adj. very Crespino, [kre'spi'n] m. bar- hairy ; having a flowing mane. berry. Crino, [kri'n] see Crine. Crespo , [kre's'p] Cresposo , Criocca, [kri'k] /. gang, clique. [kre'sp's] arfj. curled, frizzled. Criolio, [kri'li] m. creole. Crespolina, [kre'spli'n] f. an Crisalide, [kris'lide] m. chryherb serving for a vermifuge. salis. Cresta, [kr'st] /. crest, tuft Crise, [kri'se'] Crisi, [kri'si] /.

Cristiere, [kristi're'] see CriCristo, [kri'st] m. Christ; the anointed. offence. Criminoso, [krimin's] adj. cri- Criterio, [krit'ri] w. criterion, judgment. minous, culpable. Crina, [kri'n] f. crest of a Critica, [kri'tik] /. critique, censure. mountain. Crinale, [krina'lj m. an orna- Criticamente , [kritikmn'te'j ment for the hair ; adj. belong- adv. critically. Criticare, [kritika're'] v. a. to ing to the mane. Crine, [krin] m. horse's mane criticise, censure.

Criticatore, [kritikt're'J critic, censurer. Criticismo, [krititshis'm]

u. m.

criticism. Critico, [kri'tik] adj. critical; captious; -, n. critic, judge. Critta, [krit't] f. grotto.

Crittogame, [krittga'm]
cryptogaraous plants.


Crittografia, [krittgr'fi] f. the art of writing in cyphers. Crivellajo,[krive'll'y]OT.sieve-

crisis. maker, riddle-maker. Crestaja, [kre'st'y] /'.milliner. Crisma, [kris'raa] see Cresima. Crivellare, [krive'll'r] v. a. to Cre8tato,[kre'8ta't]ad/.cre8ted, Orisocolla, [krisk6'l] /. a kind sift, riddle ; examine.




[krutshsadv. passionately. Cruccioso , [krutsh's] adj. angry, provoked.

Crivello, [kriv'l] m. sieve, Crocodilo, [krkdi'l] m. oee riddle; toulter. Coccodrillo. Cro, [kr'] imitation of tlie sound Crogiolare, [krjl're'] v. of crows. temper glass, boil nicely; CkoCroatia, [krt't] f. cravat. oiOLABSi, V. pamper one's Crocea, [krk'k] f. crutch. self. Croccare, [krkka'r] v. n. to Crogiolo, [krj'l] m. cook. crack; chatter. slow cooking. Crocchiare, [krkki're'] Crogiuolo, [krj'l] m.crucible. strike, clack. CroUamento, [krllmn't] m. Crocchio, [kr'ki] m. meeting; shaking. conversation; adj. sickly; stare Crollare, [krll're'] v. a. to a -, to chat. shake, toss. .Crocchione , [krkki'ne'J m. Crollata, [krll't] f. Crollo, prattler. [kr'l] m. shake, jog. Crocciare, [krtsh're'] v. n. to Croma,[kr'm] f.mus. crotchet. cluck. Cromatico , [krm'tik] adj. Crocco, [krTik] m. iron-hook. mus. chromatic. Croce, [kr'tsh] f. cross; af- Cronaca, [kr'nk] Cronica, fliction. [kr'nik] f. chronicle. Crocellina, [krtshlli'n] f Cronichista [krniki'st] m. , small cross. chronicler.

[krtshme'n't] , torment, pain. Cruciare, ['r] v. a. to torment, torture; Cruciarsi, V. r. to take the cross. Crucicchio, [krtshik'ki] see
Crocicchio. Crucifero, [krtshif'r] adj. serpentine stone. Crucifiggere, [krtshifi'djr]
see Crocifiggere.


Crucio, [kr'tshi] m. see Cruccio.

Crudamente, [krdmn'te'j adv.

crudely, harshly. Crudelaccio, [krdl'tsh] adj.





like Cronico,

saffron, saffron color.

Croceria, [krtshri'] f. multitude of crusaders. Crocesignato, [krtshe'sin''t] m. and adj. crusader, signed with the cross. Crocetta, [krtshe't't] /".croslet. Crocevia, [krtshvi'] /. cross-

[kr'nik] adj. med. merciless. chronic difficult. Crudeletto, [krudlet't] adj. Cronista, [krnist] see Croni- somewhat cruel. chista. Crudelezza, [kriidl'ts] CruCronografo , [krngr'f] m. delit, [krdlit'] Crudelt, chronicler. [krdlt'] Crudeltade, CruCronologia , [kro'nl'gi] /". deltate, cruelty, f. inhumanity, chronology. inclemency.

Crudele, [krd'l] adj. cruel,

Crociamento, m. torment.

Cronologicamente , [krnlji- Crudelmente, [krdlmn't] way. kmn't] adv. chronologically. adv. cruelly. Crociale, [krtshi'le'j m. cross Cronologico, [krnl'jik] adj. Crudetto, [krde't't] adj. rather street. chronological. crude.
[krtshrae'n't] Cronologista

a. to


Crociare, [krtsh're'] v.
(see Crucciare).


[krnlji'st] Crudezza, [krude'tsa] Crudit, m. [krdit'] Cruditade, Cruditate,/. crudity, rawness; indigestion.

Cronometro, [krn'me'tr] m.
chronometer. Crosciare, [krsh're'] v. n. to rain hard, pour; crackle. Croscio, [kr'sh] m. bubbling up burst. Crosta, [kr'st] f. crust, scurf. Crostare, [krst'r] v. a. to form crust by heat. Crostata, [krst't] /. fruit-pie,

a. to Cruscherella, [kruske'rl'l] f. crucifix. irritate, exasperate; Ckucciabor Cruscherello, [krskrl'lj Crocina, [krtshin] f. verbena. si, V. r. to be angry, get angry. m. a childish game. Crocione, [krtsh'n] m. great Crucciatamente [krtshat- Cruscolo, [krsk'l] adj. , lively, cross. mn't] adv. in a passion. robust. Crocinolo, [krtsh'l] ee Cro- Crucciato [krtsh't] adj. Cruscone, [krsk'nj , m. coarsa giuolo. angry. bran. Croco, [krlc] m.croccs, saff- Cruccio, [kru'tsh] m. anger: Crustaceo, [krst'tsh] adj.

[krst't] adj. crusty. Crusca, [kr'sk] bran; dregs. f. Crotalo, [kr'tl] m. Castanet, pi.; Florentine academy of Southern cross. kind of ratlle-snake. letters. Crocifero, [krtshife"r] m. one Crovello, [krvl'l] m. wine Cruscaio, [krsk'y] m. dealer who bears the cross ; crusader. made from grapes fermented in bran;anadorer of the Crusca. Crocifiggere, [krtshifi'djre'] but not pressed. Cruscata, [krsk't] /. nonV. a. irr. {see Figgere) to cru- Cruccevole, [krtshe"vle'] adj. sense. cify. passionate, hasty. Cruscheggiare, [krskdji'r] Crociflssino, [krtshifissi'n] Cruccevolmente, [krtshe'vl- V. n. to speak and write strictly adj. said of the crucifix. me'n't] adv. hastily. according to the Crusca. Crocifissione, [krtshifissi'ne'] Cruccia, [kr'tsh] f. pick-axe, Cruschello, [krusk'l] w. fine f. crucifixion. mattock. , bran. Crocifisso, [krtshifis's] m. Crucciare, [krtsha're'] v.

Crociata, [krtsb't] /'.crusade; cross-way, cross-road. Crociato, [krtsha't] m. torment; crusader. Crocicchio, [krtshik'ki] ni. cross-way. Crocidare, [krtshid'r] v. n. to croak, caw. Crociera, [krtshie''r] f. any traversing of wood, iron &c. in the form of a cross for strength or ornament the great Southern cross. Crocifera, [krtshif'r] f. great

Crudivoro, [krdivr] adj. eater of raw flesh; cruel*


Crudo, [kr'd] adj. raw, unripe, rough cruel rustic. Cruentare, [krnt'rj v. a. to stain with blood. Cruento, [krn't] adj. bloody:

dreadful, blood-thirsty. tart. (bunn. Cruna, [kr'n]/. Crune, [kr'Crostino, [krsti'n] m. toast, n] m. eye of a needle "small Crostoso, [krst's] Crostnto, orifice.

grief, pain.


Cubare, [kub'r] v.
. to lie



a cannon &c.; dregs remaining dress victuals. in the crucible, pasteboard cova kind of Cucinabile, [ktshinbi'le'] adj. er for books. Cubata, [kbi't] /. capable of being cooked. sweet paste. Culeggiare, [kule'dja're'] v. n. to Cubatto, [kbt't]n.Cubatto- Cucinare, [Ictshin'r] v. o, to strut wriggle in walking. cook, dress. la, [kbt'tl] f. bird-trap. Culice, [kti'litshe'] m. gnat. Cucinario, [ktshin'ri] adj. Culiseo, [klis'] see Colosseo. Cubebe, [kb'be'] m. cubebs. Cubicare, [kbik'r] v. a. to belonging to the culinary art. Culla, [kl'l] f. cradle; fig. Cucinetta, [ktshine't't] ^small infancy. cube. kitchen. Cubico, [ku'bik] ad], cubie. Cullamento, [kllme'n't] m. Cubicolo, [kbik'l] m. a small Cuciniera, [ktshini'r]/'.cook- the act of rocking the cradle. maid. dormitory. Cidlare, [kll'r] v. a. to rock Cubiculario, [kubikl'ri] m. Cuciniere, [ktshini're'j m .man- (the cradle); to quiet. chamberlain; groom. cook. CuUeo, [kl'le'] m. a leathern Cubiforme , [kbifr'me'] adj. Cucino, [ktshi'n] m. cushion, sack in which parricides were pillow. having the form of a cube drowned by the Romans. Cubile, [kbi'l] m. poes. couch. Cucire, [kutshire'] v a. to sew, Culmifero , [klmife"r] adj. stitch. Cubitale, [kbita'le'j adj. of the term given to plants the stems measure of a cubit; lettere cu- Cucito, [kutshi't] m. seam, su- ofwhich are smooth and knotty. ture. bitali, very large letters. Culmine, [kl'rain] m. top, Cubito, [k'bit] m. cubit, elbow; Cucitore, [kutshit're'] wi. sewer; apex. tailor. angle. Culmo, [kl'm] m. stem, stalk. Cucitrice, [ktshitri'tsheT f. Culo, [k'l] m. backside botCubo, [kuT)] m. cnbo, die. Cuccagna, [kkk'n'] f. land of seamstress, mender. tom (of a glass &c.) Cucitura, [ktshitn'r] f. suture. Cultella, [klt'la] see Coltella. delights. Cuccaja, [kkk'y] f. nest; Cu, Cu, [k' k'] nsed to imi- Cultivare, [kltiv're'j &c. see tate the sound of the cuckoo. habitation. Coltivare &c. Cuccare, [kkk're'] v. a. to Cuculiare, [kkli'r] v. c. to Cultro,[kl'tr]m.knif6 formermock, quiz. fondle. ly used in sacrifices. Cuccbiaja, [kkkia'y] f. drag Cuculiatura, [kklit'r] f. Cumino, [kmi'n] m. cumin. raillery, quizzing. rammer; ladle. Cumolo, [k'ml] see Cumulo. Cucchiaiata, [kkkiy't] f. Cuculia , [k'kU] f. hood, Cumulare, [kmula'rj v. a. to cowl. spoonful. accumulate. Cucchiajera, [kukkiy'r] f. Cuculo, [kti'kulc] m. cuckoo. Cumulatamente , [kumltCucurbita, [kkr'bit] /".cucur- mn'te'] adv. abundantly. case for spoons. Cuccbiajo,[kukki'y] m. spoon; bite, gourd. Cumulativamente, [kmltiCucurbitino, [kkrbiti'n] m. vmn't] adv. in a heap, colspoonful. Cuccbiajone, [kkkiy'n] m. a kind of small worm formed lectively. in the intestines of animals. soup-ladle. Cumulativo, [kmlti'v] adj. Cucchiaia, [kukki'r]7- trowel, Cucuzza, [kk'ts] f. gourd; cumulative. noddle, pate. ladle. Cumulatore, [kmlt're'] m. Cucchiarino, [kkkiri'n] m. Cucuzzolo, [kk'tsl] m. sum- accumulator. mit, top. tea-spoon. Cumulazione, [kumltsi'ne'] f. Cuccia, [k'tsh] f. couch; seat. Cuffia, [kf'fi] f. coif, cap, accumulation, pile. Cucciare, [ktsh're'j v. a. io lie bonnet. Cumulo, [k'ml] m. heap; down ; stretch; - v. n. to lie Cufflare, [kffi'r] . o. to gor- store. mandize. down. Cuna, [k'n] f. cradle fig. home. Cuccio, [k'tsh] m. little dog; Cuffletta, [kffi't] Cufflna, Cuneiforme, [knifr'mj adj. [kuflfi'na] f. child's cap. simpleton. wedge-shaped. Cucciolino,[ktshli'n]m.pret- Cuffione, [kflfi'ne'] m. large Cuneo, [k'ne'] m. wedge. cap. ty little dog. Cuniculo, [kni'klj m. mine ; Cucciolo, [k'tshl] m. puppy; Cufflotto, [kffi't] m. man's rabbit. cap, bonnet. whelp. Cunzia, [kn'tsi] f. wild marCucciolotto, [ktshilt't] wi. Cugina, [kji'n] f. Cugino, joram. and adj. simple, inexperienced. [kji'n] wi. cousin. Cunziera, [kntsi'r] f. perdarling, Cui, [k'i] pron. which, whom; fuming-pan. Cucco, [k'kk] m. cuckoo, simpleton; egg (childish a -, to whom da -, from whom. Cuoca, [k'k] f. cook-maid. Culaccinato, [klatsin't] adj. Cuocere, [k'tshe'r] v. a. expression). irr Cnccobeone, [kukkbe''n] m. said of inferior grain. {cossi ; cotto) to cook fret. Culaccino, [kltshi'n] mask. m. rea fierce looking Cuociore, [ktsh'r] m. burnCuccovaja, [kkkv'y] /. a mains (in a glass), pi. ; culac- ing, itching. refuse cini, pi. pieces of wax. Cuocitura, [ktshit'r]/'. cookchildish legend about cuckoos Culaccio, [kl'tshi] m. rump ing. &c. beef &c. of Caccama, pcukku'ma] f. kettle, Cuoco, [k'k] tv. cook, manCulaja, [kl'y] f. paunch of cook. spite, animosity. crammed fowl m a Cuccuruc , [kkkr'k] said Cuojajo, [kya'y] in. currier. far , imitation of the crowing of the when the clouds are charged Cuojo, [k'y] m. leather, skin. rain with (vulgarism). cock. Cuoprlre, [kpri'r] see CoOucimentO) [ktsbimn't] m Culajo, [kla'y] adj. trouble- prire. teasing. some, seam. Cuora, [k'ri] f. meadow Cucina, [ktshi'n] f. kitchen; Culatta, [klt't] /". breech of produce floating in the water

cookery; cuocere della -, to






comttistible substanco formed Curatella, [krats'l] /.entrails, Curvilineo, [krvli''ne'] adj, by the accumulation of dried pi. curvilinear. vegetable matter. Curativo, [krati'v] adj. cura- Curvit, [kurvit'] Curvitade, Cuore, [k're'] m. heart; fig. cou- tivo, medicinal. Curvitate , f. crookedness ; rage; life; di Ouon -, heartily; Curato , [kr't] tn. parson, bending. di tutto -, most heartily, with parish-priest. Curvipede , [krvipe''de'] adj. all my heart; far -, farsi -, to Curatore, [krat're'] m. guarcrooked-footed. cheer up; pregare al -, to en- dian, trustee. Curvo, [kr'v] adj. curved,bent, treat cordially; prendere -, to Curazione, [kurtsi'ne'] f. cu- hump-backed; m. crookedness. grow bold; venire in -,to come ring, healing. Cuscinetto , [kshint't] n. into one's mind. Curcuma , [kr'kma] f. hot. small cushion. Cuori, [ku'ri] hearts at cards. Indian saffron. Cuscino, [kshi'n] m. cushion, Cuoricino, [kritshi'n] m. little Curia, [k'ri] pillow; roti, -da urto, buffer, f. court of justice, heart. tribunal. buffer-head. Cupata, [kp't] f. a kind of Curiale, [kria'l] adj.. of the Cuscuta, [ksk'ta] f. monk's sweet cake made in Siena, court. rhubarb. made of almonds and honey. Curiandolo , [krin'dl] m. Cusoffiola, [ks'fil] f. sudCupezza, [kpt's] f. depth. bot. coriander. den fright. Cupidamente , [kpidmn't] Curiciattola, [kuritsht'tla] f. Cuspide , [ks'pid] f. poet. adv. eagerly, passionately. little cure. spear, javelin.

Cupidigia, [kupidi'jia] Cupidit, Curiosamente, [krisme'n'te'] Custode, [kst'de'] m. keeper [kpidit'] f. cupidity, cove- adv. curiously, exactly. guardian. tousness, greediness. Curiosetto , [krist't] adj. Custodia, [kust'diii]/'. custody; Cupidino, [kpidi'n] m. a little somewhat curious. watch; care; case. Cupid. Curiosit, [krisi't] Curiosi- Custodire, [kstdi're'] v. n. to Cupido, [kupi'd] m. Cupid. tade, Curiositate, /". curiosity; keep, guard; secure.

Cupido, [kpi'd] adj. desirous,




covetous. Curioso, [kri's] adj. curions; Cupo, [k'p] adj. deep; obscure, comical. dark; reserved, pensive; -, m. Curra, Curra, [kur'ni, kur'ra] depth; profundity. Curre, Curre, [kr're',kr're'] Cupola, [k'pl] f. dome. words used for Calling hens. Cupoletta, [kplt't] and Cu- Currare, [krr're'] v. a. to polina, [kplina] small move stones by means of rollf.

adv. carefully. Cnstoditore, [kstdit're'] see Custode. Cutaneo, [kt'n] adj. cutaneous. Cute, [ku'te'] /. skin (of men). Cuterzola, [kte'rts'la] f. a

dome. Cupresso,


ers. see Ci- Curro, [kr'r]



Cura, [ku'rj/'.care; cure, treat(of a disease); parish. Curabile, [kr'bil] adj. curable; mendable.


Cnragioue, [krj'nd] f. cure, treatment (of a diisease). Curandajo [krnd'y] m.



Curante, [krn'te'] part. pres.

careful, attentive.

Curare, [kr'r] v. a. to take care; value; cure; bleach;


Cursore, [krs'r] m. runner messenger. Cuticola, [kti'kl] f. cuticle, Curvare, [krv'r] v. a. to pellicle. curve, crook; Curvarsi, v.r. Cuticugno, [ktik'n'] m. a species of dressing-gown. to stoop. Curva, [kur'va] f. a curve, an Cutignulo, [kti'n'l] m. a inflammation under the horse's kind of fig. ham. Cutretta, [ktre't't] /. waterCurvatura, [krvt'r] /".crook- wag-tail. edness. Czar, [tsarl m. title of the EmCurvetto, [krve't't] adj. Some- peror of all the Kussias. what bent. Czara , [tsa'ra] and Czarina, Curvezza, [krvt's] see Cur- [tsari'na] /. title of the Emvatura. press of Russia.

kind of winged ant. Cuticagna, [ktik'gn] f. nape of the neck skin of the liair.

D is pronounced as in English. It
has great affinity with T, and therefore many Latin words written with the latter letter are changed in Italian into the former for the sake of softness;
as latro (a robber) ladro potestas (power) podest ; litus (the

shore) lido, etc. Da, [da] prep, from, by; about; of; - amico, like a friend; banda, aside, apart; - beffe, in jest; - canto, aside, separately; - che, since; - indi i7inanzi, thence-forward; - indi in poi, Binco that time; - indi in qua,

hitherto; - lunga, - lungi, at Daccanto, [dkkn't] ado. dosa a distance; - me, by myself; at my house; - molto, of worth - Dacch, and Dache, [dike'] (onj. since, as. oggi innanzi, for the future per tutto, everywhere; -prima, Daddolino , [dddli'n] and at first; - senno, seriously, in Daddolone, [dddl'n] m. a earnest; - vero, indeed; - Fi- blockhead. renze, a native of Florence Daddolo , [dadd'l] m. (more donna - marito, a marriageable used in the plural) grimace. woman: bottiglia - vino, a wine- Daddovero, [dddv'r] adv. bottle. in earnest, really. Dabbada, [dbb'd] f. Psaltery. Dadeggiare, fdddj're'] v. a. Dabbenaggine, [dbbe'n'djine'] to play with dice Dado, [da'd] m. die, cube; pef. simplicity. Dabbene, [dabb'ne'] adj. good, destal. uprigh* Daga, [d'g] /.dagger, stiletto.
; ;

Daghetta, [dght'ta]

small Dannato



[dnn't] o. the Dardo, [dr'd] m. dart, spear. used in the Dare, [d're'] v. a. irr. {diedi, grant, detti, dato) to give ; Daguerreotipare, [dgurreti- plural). pa'r] v.a.o daguerrootypo. Dannatore, [dnnt're'] m. con- permit; commit; appoint; announce; produce, yield ; show, Daguerreotipia, [dagurrtiti- demnor. pi'] f. daguerreotypy. Dannazione, [dnntsx'n] f. tell; strike; dart; incline to; - addosso ad uno, to fall upon Daguerreotipista, [dgurre- condemnation. tipi'st] m. daguerreotyper. Danneggiamento , [danne'djii- one; - il buon anno, to wish a happy new-year; -il batteBaina, [dii'in] /. doe. me'n't] m. damage, loss. Daino, [d'in] m. deer, buck. Danneggiare, [danne'dj're'] v. simo, to baptize; - le carte, to deal the cards; - compimento, Dalla, [dl'l] from the, (. a. to damage, injure. - tomba, from the tomb; - ci- Danneggiatore, [danne'djt're'j to finish; - a credere, to make one believe; - fastidio, to momo al fondo y from the top to m. one who causes damage. the bottom. Dannevole, [dnn'vle'J adj. lest, trouble ; - il buon giorno, to bid good morrow; - indugio, Dallato, [dll't]a(Zt).boside,by. blamable, hurtful. Dalmatica, [dlmati'k] f. a Dannevolmente , [dnne'vl- to put off; - in luce, to publish; - nel matto, to play the fool ; deacon's tunic. me'n'te'] adv. damnably; dison, di piglio , to lay hold Dama, [d'm] f. lady, mistress; advantageously. draughts; giuocur a -, to play Dannifleare, [dnnifik'r] v. seize - in prestanza, to lend ; - da ridere, to give cause to at draughts: nostra -, the Vir- a. to condemn; hurt. gin Mary; bocca di -, a kind Danno, [dn'n] m. damage; laughter; - del tu, to thee and thou; - il ben venuto, to bid of sponge cake; coscia di -, a prejudice. kind of pear. Dannosamente, [dnnsme'n'- one welcome. Darsi, v. r. to Damare, [dm'rl v. n. to t] adv. hurtfully, disadvan- give or addict one's self to; apply; - attorno, to look about; crown a man (at draughts). tageously. Damascare, [damsk're'] v. a. Dannoso, [dnn's] adj. hurt- - la briga, to give one's self to damask. the trouble ; - a gambe, to run ful, noxious. away; - pensiero, to mind; Damaschino, [dmski'n] or Dante, [dn't] m. deer-skin. Dammaschino, [dmmski'n] Danteggiare, [dntdj're'] v. buon tempo, to live a merry life. adj. said of the finest steel, n. to imitate Dante. and of a species of rose. Dantesco, [dnte's'k] adj. in Darsena, [drs'n] f. mar.,



Damasco, [dmas'k] m. damask


wet-dock. the style of Dante. Dantista, [dnti'st] adj. said Dassai, [dss'i] adj. sufficient; Dameggiare, [dame'dja're'] v. a. of one who studies Dante. able, capable. to court (the ladies). Danza, [dn'tsa] /. dance; en Dassezzo,[dgs'ts]ad .lastly. Damerino, [drae'ri'n] m.dandy, trare in -, to undertake an Data, [d't] f. date; blow; quacoxcomb. lity, condition; kind. affair, intermeddle; menar la -, Damigella, [draij'l] f. young to lead the dance. Dataria, [datari'] f. chancery lady. Danzante, [dntsn'te'] m. dan- (at Eome). Damigello, [dmij'l] m. young cer, (dance. Datariato, [dtari't] m. office man, page. Danzare, [ddnts're'] v. n. to of the Pope's chancellor. Damigiana , [dmij'na] f. dntst're'] Dan- Datario, [dt'rio] m. chancellor Danzatore, glass vase in the shape of a zatrice , of the Pope. [dntstri'tshe'j {. flnsk, used for wine &c. Dateria, [date'ri'] see Dataria. dancer. Damma, [dam'ma] f. doe, deer. Danzetta, [dantst't] {. short Dativo, [dti'v] m. gr., dative. Damo,, [d'm] m. wooer, gal- dance. Dato, [d't] adv. - che, suplant. Dape , [d'p] (. pi. poes.; pose that; -, m. gift, present; power. Danajaccio , [dny'tsh] m viands; banquet. bad money. Dappi, [dappi'] Dappiede, Datore, [dt're'] m. giver, Danajo, [dn'y] see Danaro. donor. [dappie''de"l adv. from the foot, Dattero, [dt'te'r] in. date Danajoso, [dny's] see Da- from the bottom; again. naroso. Dappocaggine, [dappk'djine'l (fruit). Danaro, [dn'r] m. farthing Dappochezza, [dppket's] f. Dattilico, [dttili'k] adj. said money. indolence, carelessness, idle- of a verse composed of dactyles. Dattilifero, [dttilif'r] adj. Danaroso, [dnr's] adj. rich ness. in money. Dappocamente, [dppkmn'- producing dates. Dannabile , [danna'bile'] adj. t] adv. carelessly, idly. Dattilo , [dt'tilj m. pros., damnable; blamable. Dappoco, [dapp'k] adj. lazy, dactyle; date-tree. Dannabilmente, [dannbilme'n'- cowardly; spiritless. Dattorno, [dttr'n] ad. about, te'J adv. blamably. Dappocucciaccio , [dppk- around, [dvnt'djij Dannaggio, [dun'dj] ir). adj. tshi'tshi] simpleton Davantaggio , harm. adv. moreover, besides. (vulgarism). Dannagione , [dnnj'ne'] f. Dappoi, [dpp'i] adv. since. Davante, [davn'te'] Davanti, condemnation. Dappoich , [dppik'] adv. [dvn'til adv. & prep, before. [davants'le'] m. Davanzale, Dannajnolo, [danny'l] m since that, in as much as. one who damages another's Dappresso, [dppr's] j)ref.. jutting out, mantle-pieco. property. Davanzo, [dvn'ts] adv. over near, hard by; after. Dannamento, [dnnmn't] m Dardeggiare, [drde'dj're'] v. and above, superabundantly. damnation. Davvantaggio , [davnta'dji] a. to dart, shoot. Dannare, [dann'r] v. n. to Dardiero, [drd'r] m. archer, see Davantaggio. condemn, blame; erase. Davvero, [divc'rl adv. intrutiu bowman, lancer.
raised work.


decliae, ruin.


irr. (decisi; deciso) to cut oflE' divide; decide. m. de- Decidimento, [de'tshidime'n't] i. decision, resolution.

Daziere, [dtsi're'] m. a collec- Decadimento, [de'kdime'n't] m.

tor of taxes.

Dazio, [d'tsi]




Decagono, [dk'gn]

cagon. Dazione, [datsi'n] f. surrender, Decalogo, [dk'lg] m. decalogue. giving up. Dazzajuolo, [datsyu'l] m. Decalvare, [dklv'r] v. a. to shave, render bald. rate-book. Decamerone, [de'kmr'ne'j m. Dea, [d'] f. goddess. Deambulare, [de'ambl're'] v. Decameron of Boccaccio. Decampamento, [de'kmpame'n'o. to walk.




Deciferare, [de'tshife'r're'] v. a. to decipher. Deciferatore, [de'tshife'rt'ro'] m. decipherer. Decima, [d'tshima] f. tithe.

Deambulatore, [de'mblt're'J t] wi. decampment. m. a walker, walking philo- Decampare, [dkmpa're'] v. n. to decamp. sopher, peripatetic. Deaurato, [diir't] adj. gilt. Decanato, [deTtana'to] m. deaneDehaccare, [de'bkk're'] v.n. to ry, deanship. Decano, [dka'n] m. dean; serage, rave. Debaccatore, [de'hkkt're'] m. nior. Decantare, rdeTint're'] v. o. to raging man. Debbiare, [de'hhi're'] v. a. to decant; extol. burn roots &c. on the land for Decantazione, [de'knttsi'ne'] improving it. f. decanting. Debbio, [deVbi] m. wood-ashes, Decapitare, [de'kpit'r] v. a. tobehead. pi. Debellare, [de'be'll're] v. a. to Decapitazione, [dkpittsi'-


[de'tshim'bile'] adj.


Decimale, [de'tshim'le'] adj. deDecimare, [de'tshim're'J v. a. to

tithe, decimate.

Decimatore, [de'tshimt're'] m.

Decimazione, [de'tshimtsi'n]


ne'] /. beheading. conquer, subdue. Debellatore, [dbllt'r] m. Decasillabo, [dksillab] m. a word of ten syllables. conqueror, subduer. Debellazione, [dbe'lltsi'ne'] f. Decembre, [detshemlare'] m. December. conquest. Decennale, [de'tshe'nn'le'] DeDebile, [de"bile'] see Debole. cenne, [dtsh'ne'] adj. decenDebilit, [de'bilit] Debilitade, nial. Debilitate, see Debolezza. [de'tshisivaDecisivamente , Debilitamento, [dbilitmen't] Decennio, [de'tsh'ni] m. space adv. decisively, peme'n'te'] m. diminution of strength; often years. Decente, [de'tshn'te'] adj. de- remptorily. discouragement. Decisivo, [de'tshisi'v] adj. deDebilitare, [dbilit're'] v. a. to cent, becoming. Decentemente, [de'tshe'nte'meV- cisive, peremptory. enfeeble, weaken. Decisore, [detshis're'] m. deDebilitazione, [de'bilittsi'ne'] te'] adv. decently, becomingly. Decenvirato , [de'tshe'nvir't] cider, judge. weakening. f. Declamare, [dklm'r] v. n. Debitamente , [de'bitme'n'te'] m. decemvirato. Decenviri, [de'tshe'n'viri] m. pi. to declaim; harangue. adv. duly, justly, fitly. Declamatore, [de'klamat're'] ni. Debito, [d'bit] adj. due; fit, decemviri, pi. ^ Decenza , [de'tshn'ds] f. de- declaimer. suitable; -, tn. debt, duty. Declamatorio, [deTjlmt'ri] Debitore, [deTjit're'] m. Debi- cency, decorum. Decernimento, [de'tshe'rnimn'- adj. declamatory. debtor.

m. tithe-book. Decimo, [d'tshim] adj. tenth; foolish, silly, giddy; -, m. tenth part; simpleton. Decimottavo, [de'tshimtt'v] adj. eighteenth. Decina, [de'tshi'n] f. half a score; tithing. Decipula, [detshi'pula] f. snare, bird-trap. Decisione, [detshisi'ne'] f. decision, decree.

the act of tithing. [dtshimi'n] ,

trice, [deTitri'tsh] f.

Debituolo , [dbit'l] Debi- t] m. discerning. tuzzo, [de'bit'ts] m. little Deoernere, rde'tshe'rne're']


v. n.


Debole, [de"bleT adj. weak, m. weakness.

declamation, harangue. [de'klrat'ri] Declaratorio , to decree, discern. adj. declaratory; affirmative. feeble, Decessione, [detshe'ssi'ne'] f. death, the act of departing Declinabile, [dklina'bile'J adj.


Decessore, [de'tshe'sso're'] m. a weakly. adj. relinguisher. [deTjole't'to] Deboletto, Decotto, [dtshe't't] adj. desomewhat weak, languid. Debolezza, [dble't's] /".weak- ceived. Decettorio, [de'tshe't'ri] adj. ness, debility. Debolino, [dbli'n] adj. some- deceitful. Decevole, [de'tshe"vle'] adj. dewhat weak. Debolire, [dblire'] v. a. to cent, suitableDecevolezza, [de'tshvle't's] f. weaken. Debolmente, [deTjolmen'te] adv. decency.




gr., declinable.

Declinamento, [de'kliname'n't] m. slope, declivity.

Declinare, [dklin're'] v. n. to decline, lower; decay; gr. to decline.



/.declination; gr. declension. Declive, [de'kli've'] adj. bending down, sloping ; m. declivity. Declivit, [dklivit'] DecliviDecevolmente, [de'tshvlme'n'- tade, Declivitate, /. declivity, feebly; languidly. descent. te'] adv. decently. Seca, [d'k] f. decade. Declivo, [dkli'v] see Declive. Decacordo , [de'kakr'd] m Decozione, [de'tshe'tsi'ne'] /. deDecollare, [de'kU're'J v. a. to ception, cheat. Psaltery of ten strings. Dechiarare, [dkir'r] see Di- decapitate. Decade, [d'kde'] f. decade. Decollazione, [deTclltsi'ne'] /. Decadenza, [dkdn'ds] f. de- chiarare. Dechinare, [detin're'] see Di- decapitation. cay, decline. Decomposizione , [decmpsi' chinare. Decadere, [deTc'de'r] v. n.irr tsi'ue'] f. decomposition. v. a. [tee Cadere) to fall off, decline Decidere, [de'tshi'de'r]




[de'ditmeVte'] [dkrama't] Deditamente , adv. pressingly, urgently. Decorare, [dkr'r] v. a. to Deditizio, [de'diti'tsi] m. and adj. a soldier who surrenders decorate, adorn. Decorazione, [de'krtsi'ne'] /. to the enemy. Dedito, [d'dit] adj. addicted; decoration, ornament. Decoro, [dk'r] adj. decorous; aifectionate. decent;-, m. decorum, decency; Dedizione, [de'ditsi'ne'] /. sursee Decorazione.

defrander, cheat.

Defraudazione, [de'frudtsi'ne'] f. deceit, artifice.

Defrato, [de'fr't] m. newwina become thickened by boiling. Defunto, [de'fn't] adj. deceas-




Decorosamente, [de'krsme'n'- Dedurre, [ddr'r] v. a. irr. infer. Degenerare, [djne'r'r] v. n. (see Addurre) to deduce te'] adv. in a decorous manner. to degenerate. Decoroso, [dkr's] see De- Dedursi, . r. to resolve. Deduzione, [ddtsi'ne'] f. de- Degenerazione, [de'je'ne'rtsi'coro.
Decorrere, [de'krr'r]
v. n. to

ed, defunct. [de'ga'n'] f. a long and large fishing-net.

duction, inference.

run down.



n] f. degeneracy; baseness. Degenere, [dgne'r] adj. degenerate, (term not


Decorso, [de'kr's] m. course, Defalco, [dfl'k] m. defalcation. stream. Decotto, [dko't] m. decoction. Defalcare, [de'flk'r] v. a. to Decottore, [de'kott're'] m. in- deduct, retrench. Defatigare, [de'ftig're'] v. a. solvent delitor. Decozione, [dktsi'ne'] f. de- to fatigue, weary. Defendere, [dfe'nde"r] v. a. to coction. Decremento, [dkre'me'n't] m. defend. Defensione, [dfe'nsi'ne'] f. dedecrease, decay. Decrepit, [dkrpit'] D^cre- fence. pitade, Decrepitate, f. old age. Defensore, [de'fe'nso're'] m. deDecrepitezza, [dkre'pit'ts] f. fender. Defensorio, [de'fe'ns'ri] m. a decrepitness. Decrepito, [de'kr'pit] adj. de- defensive writing, apology. Deferenza, [de'frn'ds] f. decrepit.




Degnamente, [deVamn'te'] adv







deign, condescend, be pleased.




condescension, complaisance. Degnevole, [de'n'e"vle] adj. condescending, affable.

Degnevolmente, [de'n'vlmn'-



adj. decreasing. Decrescere, [dkr'she're'] v. n. irr. {see Crescere) to decrease.

Decrescimento, [dkre'shimeVt] m. decrease, decline. Decretale, [dkre't'le"] m. canon'

ical decree; adj. decretal.

Decretalista, [de'krtli'sta] m. canonist.

Decretalmente, [dekre'talme'n't] adj. decisively, definitively.

Decretare, [de'krt'r] v. a. to decree; establish. Decretato, [dkre'tt] Decreto,


t] od, condescendingly. Degnificare, [de'n'ifik're'] v.a. to make worthy. ference, respect. Deferire, [de'fri're'] v. n. to pay Degnit, [dn'it] see Dignit. Degno, [de'n'] adj. worthy. deference to, submit ; defer. Defesso, [de'f's] adj. fatigued, Degradamento,[de'grdimen't] m. see Degradazione. tired. Defettivo, [de'fe'tti'vo] see Di- Degradare, [de'grd're'] v. a. to degrade, lessen. fettivo. Deficiente, [de'fitshtn'te'] adj. Degradazione, [de'grdtsi'ne'] deficient, wanting. f. degradation. Deficienza, [de'fitshie'n'ts] f. Deh! [de] int. alas! oh! Deicidio, [de'itshi'di] m. deicide. deficiency. Definibile, [de'fini'bile'] adj. de- Deicola, [de'ik'l] in. worshiper of God. finable. Definire, [dfini're'] &c.,see Dif- Deificamento , [de'ifikamn't] i. deification. finire &c.

Deificare, [de'ifik're'] v. a. to deify ; adore. definitive. pound fiuid part of the water Deiflcazione, [de'ifiktsi'ne'] f. deification, apotheosis. Decubito, [dkbi't] m. confine- it contains. Deflessione, [de'fle'ssi'ne'] f. de Deifico, [de'i'fik] adj. divine. ment to bed. Decumbere, [de'kumbe"re'] v. n. flection, bending. Deiforme,[de'ifr'm]ady.divine. med. to stagnate (said of tue Deflettere, [dfle'tt're'] v. n. to Deismo, [de'is'm] m. deism. Deista, [dis't] m. deist. humors of the body.) bend. Decuplo, [d'kpl] adj. tenfold Deflorare, [de'flr're'] v. a. to Deit, [deit'] Deitade, DeitaDecnrio, [de'k'ri] m. decurion; deflower. te, f. deity, divinity. captain of ten soldiers. Deflorazione, [de'flrtsi'ne'] /. Dejetto, [de'y't] adj. dejected, Dedaleggiare, [de'dldj're'j v. defloration. abject. . to be pufi'ed up. Deflusso, [dfls's] m. deflux- Dejezione, [de'ye'tsio'ne'] f. deDedalo, [dd'l] adj. ingenious ion. jection. in the art of Dedalus. Deformare, [de'frma're'] v. a. Delatore, [de'lt'r] m. delator, Dedicamento , [ddikmeVt] to disfigure. accuser. Deformazione, [defrmtsi'ne'] Delazione, [deltsi'n] f. delasee Dedicazione. Dedicare, [de'dik'r] v. a. to f. deformation. tion. dedicate. Dedicarsi, v. r. to Deforme, [dfr'me'] adj. de- Delebile, [de'le'bi'l] adj. what devote one's self to. formed, ugly. may be abolished or destroyed. Dedicatoria, [ddikat'ri] f. Deformemente, [de'frme'meV- Delegare, [dle'g're'] v. a. to dedicatory epistle, dedication. te'] adv. doformedly. delegate, intrust, depute. Dedicazione, [de'dikts'ne'] [ Deformit, [deformit] see Dif- Delegato, [dlga't] m. delededication. formit. gate, deputy. Dedignazione, [ddn^tsi'n] Defrandare, [ddfi'itida're'] v. a Delegazione, [dle'gtsi''n] /. to defraad, froatrate. delegation, deputation. f. see Disdegno.

[dkr'tj m. decree, statute. Deflemmare, [de'fle'mma're'] v. [dkre't'ri] adj. chim. to separate from a com-

Delere, [dle'r] v. a. to cancel, destroy. Delettare, [de'le'tt'r] &c., see Dilettare &c. Deletto , [dl't] m. choice flower, prime. Delflno, [dlfi'n] m. dolpliiu




Delia, [d'H] for the moon.

[ddro[de'litsis- Demostrativamente , , strativran'te'] adv. demonmn'te'] adv. deliciously. Delizioso, [dlitsi's] adj. de- stratively. Demostrativo, [de'mstrti'v] licious, delicate. Delta, [de'l't] ni. a Greek let- adj. demonstrative. Demostrazione, [dmstrtsi'ter; northern celestial sign. Deltoide, [dlti'd] ni. anat., ne'] f. demonstration. Denajo, [de'n'y] see Danaro. deltoid muscle.

[dl'br] v. poes., Dendrite, [de'ndri'te'] f. a stone on which trees appear to be tempie, church. Delibare, [dliba're'] v.a.focs., Delucidazione, [dltshidtsi'- drawn. to taste, try violate. Denegare, [de'ne'g're'] v. a. to ne'] see Dilucidazione. Deliberamento, [dlibe'rme'n'- Deludere, [dl'dre'] v.a.irr., deny; disown. t] ni. deliberation. {delusi; deluso); to delude, trick. Denigrare, [de'nigr're'] v. a. to Deliberare, [dlibr're'] v. n. Deludimento, [dliidime'n't] in. blacken; slander. to deliberate. Delusione, [de'lsi'ne'] f. de- Denigrazione, [de'nigratsi'ne'] Deliberatamente , [dlibe'rt- lusion, cheat. f. blackening: defamation. me'n'te'] adx). deliberately, wa- Deluditore, [de'ldit're'] m. de- Denodare, [dndr'] v. a. to
poetically Delubro,

^ used

ceiver, beguiler.


Deliberativa, [de'libe'rti'v] /. Demagogo, [de'mg'g] m. de- Denominare, [de'nmina're'] v.a. the power or faculty of delibe- magogue. to denominate, name.
ration. Deliberativo,[de'libe'rti'v]adj. deliberative.

Demandare, [de'mnd're'] v. a. Denominativo, [de'nminti'v] to commit the judgment of any adj. denominative.
thing to another

Denominatore, [de'nmint're']
m. denominator.




deliberation, consultation.

[de'mni'l] adj. said of lands belonging to the


Delicamento, [dlikamn't] m.
see Delicatezza.

sovereign, demesne.

[dnmin, denomination.


[de'liktme'n'te] acfw. delicately, softly.


Dementare, [de'me'nt're'J v. a. Denotare, [de'nt're'] v. a. to to make mad. denote, signify. Dementatore , [de'me'ntt're'] Denotativo, [de'ntti'v] adj.
m. madman. Demente, [de'mn't]


delicacy; softness; effeminacy. Delicato,[dlik't]adj.delicate; soft, gentle. Delicatura, [de'Ukatr] /". overdelicacy, affected delicacy, affa-

mad, Denotazione,



denotation, designation.
[de'nsa're'] see

Demenza, [de'mn'ds] Demen- Densare,





bility. D emergere, [dmr'je're'] Delimare, [de'lima're'] v. a. to Sommergere. corrode, consume. Demeritare, [dme'rit're'] v a. Delineamento, [de'line'me'n't] to do amiss, demerit. m. delineation. Demeritevole , [de'mrite"vle'] Delineare, [dline'a're'J v. a. to adj. unworthy. draw, sketch. Demerito, [de'm'rit] m. deDelineatore, [de'line't're'] v\. merit; punishment. designer. Demersione, [de'mrsi'n] /. Delinquente, [de'linkuGu'te] w. drowning. delinquent, offender. Demerto, [de'mr't] see DemeDelinquenza, [delinkttn'ds] rito.

Densit, [de'nsil'] Densitade, Densitate, f. density, thicksee ness, compactness.

Denso, [dn's] adj. dense, thick; solid; m. thickness, solidity. Dentale, [de'nt'le'] ni. ploughshare adj. dental. Dentarne, [de'nt'rae'] m. set of







teeth; indent.

fault, offence.

Dentata, [dnt't]/".bito, nibble. Dentato, [de'nta't] ar/j. furnishDemocraticamente, [de'mkrti- ed with teeth.
kame'n't] adv. democratically.

Delinquere, [de'Iinkw're]

r. n.




[dmkr'tiko] Dentame. Delio, [d'li] m. foes., the sun. adj. democratica!. Dente, [dn't] m. tooth; notch; Deliquio, [dli'kwij m. fainting Democrazia, [de'mkratsi'] f. - di latte, milk-tooth; mostrare fit. democracy. i denti, to show one's teeth
a fault, sin.



Deliramento, [dlirme'n't]



[de'mkrititshi'sm] m. philosophical sys-

Delirare, [dlira're'] u.n.torave; tem of Democritus. dote. Democritico, [do'mkriti'k] adj. Delirio, [dli'ri] m. delirium, follower of the doctrines of De- Dentecchiare, [de'nte'kkid're] v. madness. mocritus. n. to nibble. Delirio, [de'li'ri] adj. delirious, Demolire, [de'mli're'] v. a. to Dentellato, [de'nte'll't] adj. raving. demolish, destroy. made like a Delitto, [de'lit't] m. crime, mis- Demolizione, [dmlitsi'ne'] /. Dentelliere, [de'ntellie're'] m. deed. demolition, destruction. tooth-pick. Delizia, [de'li'tsi] /" delight, Demone, [de'ra'n] m. demon. Dentello, [de'nt'l] m. indentapleasure. Demoniaco, [dmni'k] adj. tion. Deliziamento, [de'lltsime'n't] demoniacal, furious. Dentice, [de'nti'tshe'] m. a fish.
ni. delight, joy. Demonietto, [de'mnie't't] m. Dentiera, [de'nti'ra] f. chir., Deliziare, [dlitsi're'] v. a. to little devil. a set of false teeth. delight. Delizt.vusi, v. r. to Demonio, [de'm'ni] ?. demon, Dentifricio, [dntifri'tshi] vi.

pigliare il morso coi denti, to persist obstinately in an opinion, be headstrong ; - canino, or di cane, dogstooth (bot.)


dtli L'ili







Dentina, [dnti'na] f. a species Depravazione, [de'pravtsi'ne'] Derivativo , [de'rvti'v] adj. derivative. of sweet grape. f. depravation, corruption. Dentino, [dnti'n] m. small Deprecabile, [dprki'bil] adj. Derivazione, [de'rivtsi'n] f.
merciful, pitiful. tooth. Dentista, [de'nti'st] m. dentist. Deprecativamente, [de'pre'ktiDentizione, [de'ntitsi'u] /".den- vme'n't] adv. deprecatively. tition. Deprecativo, [de'prkti'v] adj. Dentro, [de'n'tr] adv. within, deprecativo. inwardly. Deprecazione, [de'prettsi'ne'] Denudare, [de'nud're'j v. a. to /. deprecation, supplication. Depredamento, [de'pre'dame'n'divest; expose, show. Denunzia, [dnn'tsi] &c.,see t] i. depredation, pillage Diriunzia &c. ruin. Deonestare, fde'nst'r] v. a. Depredare, [de'pre'da're'] v.a. to ravage, pillage, prey upon. to dishonor, discredit.

derivation, origin.


[drivie"ni] m. pi.,

windings; digressions,


[d'rg] see

Derogav. a. to


derogate, disparage.

Derogatorio, [de'rgt'rl] adj. derogatory. Derogazione, [de'rgtsi'ne'] f.


Derrata, [de'rra't] f. merchanDeostruere, [dstre"re'] v. a. Depredatore, [de'prdt're'] m. dise, ware, commodity portion. depredator. Dervis, [der'vis] m. dervis. to open, remove obstructions, Depredazione, [de'pre'dtsi'ne'] Desalare, [dsal're'J v. a. to fted. Depascere, [de'ptshe''re'] v. a. /. depredation. remove salt from any thing, to feed down grass &c. Depremere, [de'pre*'me''re'] see render insipid. Depauperare, [de'pwpe'r're'] v. Deprimere. Descendente , [de'she'ndn't] a. to impoverish. Deprendere, [de'prnde"re'] v. a. &c., see Discendente &c. Dependente, [dpe'nde'n'te'J &c., to collect; surprise. Descheria, [dske'n] m. a tax Depressione, [dpre'ssi'ne'] f. formerly paid by butchers. see Dipendente. Depilatorio, [de'pilt'ri] m. depression, abasement. Deschetto, [dske't't] m: small

med., depilatory.







Deplorabile, [dplrbi'le'] De- irr., {depressi; depresso); to deplorando, [dplrn'd] adj. press, oppress; depreciate. Depurare, [de'pr'rj v. a. to deplorable; mournful. Deplorabilmente , [dplrbil- depurate. Depuratorio, [de'purat'ri] m. raen'te] adv. deplorably. Deploramento, [dplrme'n't] reservoir for purifying water; adj. capable of being purified. m. lamentation. Deplorare, [dplr're'] v. a. & Depurazione, [de'prtsi'ne'] f. , n. to deplore, bewail. depuration. Deplorazione, [dplrtsi'n] Deputare, [de'pta're'] v. a. to deploring, lamentation. depute, delegate. Deponente, [dponn'te') m. gr., Deputato, [de'pt't] m. deputy, verb deponent; adj. deponent. delegate. Deponimento , [depnimn't] Deputazione, [de'pttsi'n] f. m. deposition, testimony. deputation. Depopolare,' (dppol'r] or Derelitto, [de're'lit't] adj. abanDepopulare, v. a. to unpeople, doned. devastate. Derelizione, [de're'litsi'ne'] f.

m. table, board, dinner-table; chair. Desorittibile , [dskritti'bil] adj. describable. Descrittivo, [dskritti'v(5] adj.





irr., {see

v. a.

Scrivere) to describe; represent. Descrivibile, [de'skriviTsile'] see Desorittibile.

Descrizione, [de'skritsi'ne']


description; picture. Deseccare, [de'skk'r] v. a. to


Depopulazione, [de'ppltsi'ne]



Deseccativo, [de'so'kkati'v] adj. capable of being dried; desic-

devastation, havoc. Deretano, [drta'n] see Dire- cative. [depr'r] v. a. irr., tano. Deserere, [de'se're're'] v. a. def. (see Porre) to depose; degrade; Deretare, [de're't're'] v. a. to to abandon. quit, resign; attest, bear witdisinherit. Desertare, [de'se'rta're'] &c., see ness. Deridere, [de'ri'de're'] v. a. irr., Disertare &c. Deportazione, [de'prttsi'ne'] {see Ridere) to deride, mock. Deserto, [dsr't] adj. desert, Deriditore, [de'ridit're] see De- solitary; -, m. desert, wilderf. transportation. Depositare, [depsit'r] v. a. to risore. ness. deposit, consign. Derisibile , [de'risi'bile'J adj. Desertore, [de'se'rto're'] m. deDepositario, [dpsit'ri] m. laughable, ridiculous. serter. depositary, confidant. Derisione, [de'risi'ne'] /". de- Deservire, [de'se'rvi're'] see DisDepositazione,[de'psittsi'ne'] rision. sorvire. Derisivamente, [de'risivme'n'- Deserzione, [de'se'rtsio'ne'] f. def. deposition. Depositeria, [de'psite'ri'] /. de- te'] adv. with derision. sertion. pository, treasury. Derisivo, [de'risi'v] adj. deri- Desiabile, [de'si'biljarf;. poes., Deposito, [de'p'sit] m. deposit. sive, ridiculous. desirable. Depositore , [de'psit'r] ni. Derisore, [de'ris'r] m. derider, Desiare, [de'si're'] see Desidedepositor. scofl'er. rare. Deposizione, [de'psitsi'ne'] f. Derisorio, [de'riso'ri] adj.mock- Desiccare, [de'sikk're'] see Disdeposition ; evidence ; testi- ingseccare. mony, (tion. Deriva, [de'ri'v] f. mar., lee- Desiderabile, [de'side'ra'bile']adj. Deposto, [de'p'st] m. attesta- way of a ship leeboard. desirable. Depravare, [deprv're'] v. a. to Derivare, [driv'r] v. n. to Desiderabilmente, [dside'rdeprave, spoii. derive; spring, issue. bilmn't] adv. eagerly. Depravatore, [de'prvt'r] m. Derivatamente, [drivtme'n'- Desideramento, [dsidrme'n'depraver. te'] adv. derivatively. tj m. desire.


Diz. Ital.-Ing.




]>esiderare, [dsidr'r] v. a. Desso, [ds's] pron. he, he him- Detenzione , [de'te'ntsi'ne'] f. detention; confinement. self. to desire, long for. Desideratamente, [de'side'rt- Destamente, [de'stme'n't] m. Detergere, [dtr'je're'] v. a. irr. (see Tergere) to deterge, scour, awaking. -me'n't] adv. with desire. Desiderativamente, [dside'r- Destare, [de'st're'] v. a. to cleanse. [dtrirtivmn'te'] adv. in a desiratlo awake ; revive. Destarsi, v. r- Deterioramnto , me'n't] m. deterioration. to awake ; begin again. manner. [de'side'rti'v] Destatojo,[d'e'stt'y]m. alarm- Deteriorare, [de'te'rir'r] v. a. Desiderativo, to deteriorato, make worse. clock; morning bell. adj. desirable. m. Deteriorazione, [dterirtsi [dstt're'] Desid cratere , [de'side'rt're'] Destatore , ne'] f. deterioration. i.Desideratrice,[de'side'rtri'rouser. tshe'] f. desirer, wisher. Desteritk, [de'ste'ri't'] /. dexte- Determin amento, [de'te'rminame'nt] m. determination. Desiderevole , [de'side're'v'le'] rity, cleverness. adj. desirable. Destillare, [dstilla're'J see Di- Determinare, [dte'rmin're'] v. a. to determine, fix. Desiderio, [de'sid'ri] m. de- stillare. sire, longing. Destinare, [de'stin're'] v. a. to Determinatamente , [de'te'rmintme'n't] adv. detorminateDesiderosamente, [dside'rs- destine; appoint; intend. [dstint- ly, precisely. mn't] adv. eagerly. Destinatamente , Desideroso, [dsidr's] aclj. me'n't] adv. according to des- Determinativo, [de'te'rmi'nti'desirous, eager. v] adj. decisive; m. motive, tiny.

Desidia, [dsi'di] /. poes., sloth, Destinato, [de'stin'tj m. the impulse. indolence. Determinazione, [de'te'rminatsithing decreed destiny. Designare, [de'sin 're'] &c., see Destinazione , [dstintsi'ne'J 'ne'] f. determination, resolution. Disegnare. (dine. f. destination, intentDesinare, [de'sin're'] v. n. to Destino, [de'sti'nj m, destiny, Detersivo, [de'te'rsi'v] adj. deDesinare, [de'sin're'] ni. Desi- fate; lot. tersive. nata, [de'sin't] f. dinner, re- Destituire, [de'stiti're'] v. a. to Detestabile, [de'te'sta'bile'] adj.



detestable, odious.

Desinata, [de'sin't] f. dinner. Desto, [d'st] adj. awaked, Desinatore, [desint're'] m. one sprightly. who dines, dinner-guest. Destra, [d'str] f. right hand, Desinenza, [desinn'ds] ter- right side. mination. Destramente , [de'strme'n'te'J Desio, [de'si'] m. poes., desire. adv. dexterously, skilfully. Desiosamente, [de'sisme'n't] Destrare, [de'stra're'j v. a. to adv. ardently. lead by the hand. Desioso, [dsi's] adj. desirous. Destreggiare , [de'stre'dji're'] Desirare, [dsir're'] v. a. poes., V. a. to contrive skilfully; use



mn'te'] adv. detestably, hate-

Detestamento, [dtstme'n't] m. detestation. Detestando, [de'te'stn'd] adj.

abominable. Detestare, [de'te'sta're'] v. a. to detest, abominate. Detestatore, [de'te'stt're'] r.i.

to desire. artifice. Desire, [de'si're']Desiro,[de'si'r] Destrezza, [de'stre't'sa] f. dexm. poes., desire. terity; sagacity, craftiness. Desistere, [de'si'ste're'] v.n.irr., Destriere, [dstri're'j m. cour{see Assistere) to desist for- ser. bear. Destro, [d'str] m. convenience, Desolamento , [de'slme'n't] opportunity , propitious mom. desolation, destruction. ment, adj. dexterous, right;



detestation, abomination.

Detinere, [de'tine"re'J v. a. to keep waiting. Detonazione, [dtntsi'n] f.

chym. detonation. Detraggere, [de'tr'dje're'] Detrarre,


Desolare, [dsl're'J v.

a. to




[de'trr'r] v.




Trarre) to lessen; slander;

Desolato, [de'sla't] adj. deso- Destruggere, [de'str'dje're'] see deprive. Detrattare, [de'trtt're'] v. a. late, afflicted. Distruggere. Desolatore , [de'slt're'] m, Destruttore, [de'strtt're'] m. to avoid: escape from. Detrattore, [detrtt're'] m. Dedestroyer. destroyer. Desolazione, [de'sltsi'no'] f. Destruere, [de'stru'e're'j v. a. to trattrice, [de'trttri'tshe'J f.
desolation, devastation.


detractor, slanderer.


[dsrttsi'ne'j Destruzione, [de'strtsi'nj





destruction, ruin.

detraction, lessening.

Desperanza, [de'spe'ran'ds] &c. Desuetudine, [de'se'tdi'ne'] see Disperanza &c. desuetude, disuse.




detriment, injury.

Despetto, [dsp't] adj. despi- Desviare, [de'svi're'] v. a. to Detrimentoso, [de'trime'nt's] sed, abject; m. contempt. make go astray, lead astray, adj. detrimental. Detronizzare , [de'trnids're'] Despoticamente , [de'sptikdebauch, deprave. me'n'te'] adv. despotically. Detenere, [dte'n're'] v. a. irr. V. a. to dethrone. Despotico , [dsp'tik] adj. {see Tenere) to detain, hin- Detrudere, [de'trde''re'] v. a. to thrust out. despotical. der. Despotismo, [de'sptis'm] m. Detenimento, [de'te'nimn't]m. Detta, [de't't] f. debt credit despotism. good luck (in play) essere in imprisonment. Despoto, [ds'pt] m. despot. Detentore, [de'te'nt're'] m. de- - con uno, to go halves with one; agree; star della -, to be Despumazione, [de'spmtsi'- tainer. ne'] f. suppuration of humors. Detenuto, [de'te'n't] adj. de- bail for one. possa, [de's'sa] pron. she, she tained (said chiefly of prison- Dettagliare, [de'ttaPa-'re] v. q, to detail. herself. ers)
; ;




&c., see

having the form
seller of

Dettagliatamente, [dttrt- Diacciare, [ditsh're'j adv. minutely, in Ghiacciare &c. itint]




m. Dialogizzare, [diljitsa're'] v. n. to speak or write in diaices. logues dispute. Diacciatura, [ditsht'r] f. Dialogo, [dia'lg] m. dialogue, rules, pi. Dettamente, [de'ttme'n't] m. spots existing in stone or conference. marble. Dialtea, [dil'te'] f. an ointdictation. Dettare, [de'tt're'] v. a. to dic- Diaccio, [di'tsh] m. ice; adj. ment made of marsh-mallows. Diamantajo, [dimant'yj w. tate; teach. icy. polisher of diamonds. adj. Dettato, [dett't] m. style, Diaccioso , [ditsh's] Diamante, [dimn'tc] ni. diaelocution; proverfrigid. Dettatore, [de'ttt're'] m. ono Diacimino , [dtshimi'n] m. mond. who dictates. an electuary against flatu- Diamantino, [dimnti'n] adj. of diamond, adamantine. Dettatura, [de'ttat'r] /". dic- lency. Diacine, [ditshi'n] inter, the Diamarinata, [dimrina'ta] f. tation; dictatorship. cherry jam. Dettazione, [de'tttsi'n] /".dic- deuce! tation. Diacciuolo, [diatsh'l] adj. Diametrale, [dime'tr'le'] adj. diametrical. Detto, [de't't] m. word; maxim. brittle, fragile; -, m. icicle. Deturpamento, [dtrpmn't] Diacodion, [dik'din] m. phar Diametralmente , [dime'trldiacodium. mn't] adv. diametrically. m. pollution. Deturpare, [de'trp're'] v. a. to Diaconato, [dikn't] m, dea- Diametro, [di'me'tr] m. diameter. disfigure, corrupt. conship. Deturpatore, [dtrpt're'J m. Diaconia, [dik'ni] f. title or Diamin , [di'min] Diamine , corrupter, dealer. dignity of a deacon. [dimi'ne'] int. the deuce 1 Deturpazione, [de'trptsi'ne'] Diacono, [di'kn] m. deacon. dear me Diacustica, [diksti'k] /. dia- Diamoron, [dim'rn] i. syrup f. filthiness. Deuteronomio, [de'te'rn'mi] coustics. of mulberries. m. Deutoronomy. Diadema, [dide"m] m. dia- Diamusco , [diamus'k] m. a Devastamento, [de'vstme'n't] dem; fig. royalty. kind of cordial powder. m. havoc, ruin. Diafanit, [diafanit'] /. trans- Diana, [di'na] /. morning-star; Devastare, [de'vst'r] w. a. to parency. mil. batter la -, to beat the devastate, waste. Diafano, [di'fn] adj. diapha- reveil. Devastatore, [devstt'r] m. nous, transparent. Dianzi, [din'tsi] adv. before, ravager. Diaforesi, [difre"si] f. exces- not long since. Devastazione, [de'vsttsi'ne'] sive perspiration. Diapalma, [diprm] m. ointDiaf*retico, [difre'tik] adj. ment made from a decoction f. devastation, havoc. Devesso , [de'vs's] m. con- sudorific. of palm leaves. cavity. Diafragma, [difrg'm] and Diapapavero, [dippv'r] m. Deviamento, [de'virae'n't] m. Diaframma, [diaframma] i. electuary made from poppies. Deviazione, [de'viatsi'n] /. anat., diaphragm. Diapason, [dip'sn] m. diadeviation, misconduct. Diagnosi, [din''si^ /". diag- pason. Deviare, [de'vi're'] v. n. to de- noscis. Diapenidio, [dipe'ni'di] m. a viate, digress. Diagnostico, [din'sti'k] adj. kind of electuary for a cough. Devoluzione, [dvlutsi'no] f. Diapente, [diape'n'te'J m. diadiagnostic. devolution, transfer. Diagonale, [dia'gn'l] adj. dia- pente; musical interval. Devolvere, [de'vl'vre'] v. a. & gonal. Diaprassio , [diprs'si] wi. n. to devolve; roll down, over- Diagonalmente, [dfgnlme'n'electuary made from horeturn. hound. te'] adv. diagonally. Devotamente , [de'vtme'n'te'] Diagrante, [digrnte'j m. gum- Diapruno, [dipru'n] m. elecadv. devoutly, piously. dragon. tuary made from dried plums. Devoto, [de'v'tj adj. devout, Diagrudio, [digrdio] m. pre- Diaquilonne, [diquiln'ne'J m. devoted, attached. paration of scammony. a kind of plaster. Devozione, [de'vtsi'ne'] f. de- Dialettica, [dil'tik] f. dia- Diario, [di'ri] m. diary, votion, piety, reverence. lectic art, logic. journal. Di, [di] prep, of, from, to; - certo, Dialetticamente , [dile'ttik- Diarodon, [dir'dn] m. a comfor certain; - giorno, by day; - me'n'te'] adv. logically. position for making purgative giorno in torno, from day to Dialettico, [dil'tik] adj. dia- and stomachic pills. day; pi ricco - me, richer lectical, logical ; -, m. logi- Diarrea, [dirr'] Diarria,

Dettaglio, [de'tt'r] m. detail. Dettame, [dtt'rae'J m. dictates,

shop for selling ices


than I. cian. [dirri'] f. diarrhoea. D, [d] m. day; day-time. Dialetto, [dil't] m. dialect, Diascane, [disk'n] Diascolo, Diabete, [dibe"t] and Diabe- idiom. [diskl] Diaschigni, [ditica, [diahe"tiS:] f. diabetes. Dialisi, [diali'si] /". disjunction. skin'i] inter the deuce! Diabolicamente , [diblik- Dialogico, [dilji'k] adj. be- Diascolo, [disk'lj m. the me'n'te'] adv. diabolically. longing to a dialogue. devil. Diabolico, [dib'lik] adj. dia- Dialogismo , [dilji'sm] m. Diasena, [dfse"n] and Diabolical, devilish. composition by way of diasene, f. an electuary made Diacciaja, [ditshi'y] f. ice- logue. from senna., house. Dialogista, [dilji'st] m, i Diasprificare , [diasprifika're*] Diaccial9,[ditsM'le'] m. sheep- composer of dialogues. V. a. to harden. fold^ Dlalogistico, [dialjistikj adj Diaspro, [dia'spr] m. jasper.

Diastole, [dia'stl] f. anat., diastolo; dilatatiou of tho heart. Diatesi , [di'te''si] particular constitution of a pereon. 'Diatesseron, [ditsse'rn] m. musical interval.



Dibonariet, [dibnrie"t'] /. Dichinare, [dikin're'] v. n. to affability, kindness. decline, go down. Dichinarsi, Dibonario, [dibn'rijadj.good- V. r. to stoop down humble


one's self.
declivity, descent.

Diboscamento, [dibskme'n't] Dichino, [diki'n] m. decline;

Diciannove, [ditshinn've'] adj.

m. felling of trees. Diboscare, [dibsk're'] v. a. to Diatriba, [di'trib] f. diatribe, cut down trees, disforest; clear. dissertation. Dibrancare, [dibrnk'r] v. a. Diavola, [dia'vl] f. shrew. to dilate, expand. Diavolaccio, [diavl'tsb] m. Dibrucare, [dibrk're'] v, a. to buon -, a good fellow. lop, prune. Diavoleggare, [divlj're'] v. Dibrucatura, [dibrkt'r] f. n. to play tbo devil. clearing of woods. Diavoleria, [divle'ri'] f. dev- Dibruscare, [dibri\skar] v. a. ilisb affair. to cut away dry branches. Diavolesco, [divle's'k] acj. Dibucciamento, [dibtshmeVdevilish. t] m. barking (of trees) Diavolesimo, [divlesi'm] m. shelling. a diabolical thing. Dibacciare, [dibutsha're'] v. a. Diavolessa, [divls'sa] f. a to bark, peel; husk. shrew. Dibuccio, [dib'tsh] m. the Diavoleto , [divle't] m. a act of peeling. hubbub, not Dicace, [dika'tshe'] adj. talkaDiavoletto, [diavle't't] wi.little tive, satirical. devil. Dicacit, [diktshit'] f. garDiavolino, [divli'n] and Dia- rulity, talkativeness. volone, 1. a kind of sugar- Dicadere, [dikde'r] see Deca;


[ditshinn, v'sim] adj. nineteenth. Diciassette, [ditshiss'te'J adj. seventeen.


[ditshfsse't, t'sira] adj. seventeenth. Dicibile, [ditshi'bil] adj. utterable, expressible.

Diciferare, [ditshife'ra're'] &c., see Deciferare &c. Dicioccare, [ditshkk're'] v. a. to nip off (fruits or flowers).



adj. eighteenth.

Diciotto, [ditsh't] adj. eighteen. Dicitore,[ditshit're']ni. speaker,

pi ams made of spices; dia- dere. volino, adj. diabolical. Dicalvare, [diklvr] v. a. to Diavolio, [div'li] m, a regu- make bald. lar rumpus. Dicapitamento, [dikpitme'n'Diavolo, [di'vl] m. devil, t] m. beheading. evil spirit. Dicapitare, [dikapita're'] see DeDiavolone, [divl'ne'J m. great capitare. devil. Dicare, [dik're'] v. a. poes., to Dibandonare, [dibndna're'] v. dedicate. a. to abandon. Dicembre, [ditshm'bre'] m. De-

orator. Dcitura,rditshit'r] f. delivery (in speaking). Dicollare, [dikll're'] see Decollare.

Dicorso, [dikr's]



Dicrescere , [dikre"she're'] see Decrescere. Dicrollamento, [dikrllmeVt] m. shaking.

Dicrollare, [dikrll're'] to shake, agitate.






bicare, [dibarbik're'J v. a. to Dicere, [di'tshre'] see Dire. root up. Diceria, [ditshri'] f. saying, instructive. Dibassamento, [dibssme'n't] harangue. Didascalie , [didsk'li] m. m. debasement. Dicervellare , [ditshe'rve'U're'] school. Dibassare, [dibassare'] v. a. to V. a. to rack the brains. Di- Didascalo, m. [didsk'lo] debase. Dibassarsi, v. r. to cervellarsi, V. r. to overwork schoolmaster. lose courage, despond. [didfatshone's brains. Didiacciamento , Dibassatura, [dibsst'r] f. Dicervellato , [ditshe'rve'll't] mn't] m. thawing lique,

Dicrudare, [dikrd're'] v. a. to sweeten; calm. Didascalico, [didsk'lik] adj.

debasement. Dibastare, [dihasta're'] v. take off tbe pack-saddle. Dibattere, [dibt'tr] v.

adj. stolid.
a. to



[ditshe'ss're'] v. n. to lessen, diminish.

Didiaeciare, [diditsh're'] v. a.
to thaw, liquefy.

a. to

Dicevole, [ditsh'vl] adj.suit- Didietro, [didi'tr] m. the hind


shake, shuffle; beat, pound; able, becoming. debate. Dibattersi, v. r. to Dicevolezza, [ditshe'vle't's] / exert one's self. suitableness, decency.

Didotto, [didt't] adj. deducted,


Dibattimento, [dibttime'n't] Dicevolmente, [ditshe'vlme'n'm. shaking; debate. te'] adv. decently. Dibattito, [dibatti't] m. discus- Dichiaragione, [dikirj'ne'] f. sion, dispute. Dichiaramento, [dikirmn'Dibattitojo, [dibiittit'y] m. a t] m. declaration; avowal. kind of musical instrument Dichiaramente, [diktrmnte'] used by the ancient Egyptians. adv. clearly. Dibattitore, [dibattit'r] m. Dichiarare, [diki'r're'] v. a. to
declare, explain.

Die, [di'] in. poes., day, sunshine. Diece,[di'tshe'] Dieci, [di'tshi]

adj. ten.

Diecimila, [die'tshimi'lii] adj. ten thousand. Diecina, [ditshi'n] /". ten in


number. Diecireme, [die'tshire"me'] f. a [dibt't] m. debate, Dichiaratore, [dikfrt're'] m. ship with ton benches of oars.

Dieresi, [dire"si]



Dibattuta, [dibt'tt]

dis- Dichiarazione, [dikfartsf'ne'] Diesis, [di'sis] pute. tone. f. declaration, explanation. Diboccare, [dibk'kre'] v. a. to Dichiarire, [diktri'r] v. a. to Dieta, [die"ta] take out of the mouth. clear; dissipate one's doubts. sembly.

mus., semidiet;



[dibnri- Dichinamento, [dikinmn't] Dietamente; [ditam&'tel adVt f adv, gracioasly. quickly. m. stocjin^, slope; decline.







Diffamamento, [diffamme'n't] Difforme,


formed, ugly. m. see Diffamazione. Dietetico, [ditti'k] adj. die- Diffamare, [diffma'r] v. a. to Difformit, [difformit'] Difformitade, Difformitate, /. detetic. defame, slander. Dietreggiare, [dietre'dja're] v. Diffamatore, [diffmt're'] m. formity; irregularity. Diffreno, [diffr'n]; in -, adv., defamer, slanderei'. n. to go back, withdraw. Dietro, [di'tr] prep. & adv. be- Diffamatorio, [diffmt'ri]adj. loosely. Diffusamente, [diffsme'n'te'] hind, afterwards; porta di -, defamatory. tack-door - la porta, behind Diffamazione,[diffmtsi'ne'J f. adv. diffusely, at large. Diffusione, [difl'si'n] f. difdefamation, calumny. the door. Dietroguardia, [dietrgur'di] Differente, [diffe'rn'te'] adj.df- fusion. Diffusivo, [diffsi'v] adj. difforent, various. /. rear-guard. Difalcare, [difik're'] see Dif- Differentemente , [diffe're'nte'- fusivo, extending. Diffuso, [diff's] adj. diffuse; falcare. me'n'te'] adv. differently.

copious. to Differenza, [diffe'ru'ds] Differenzia, [diffrn'dsi] f, differ- Difilare, [difila're'] v. a. to fling straight at; Difilarsi, v. r. to Difalta, [difal'ta] see Diifalta. ence, diversity. Difendente, [difndn'te'J m. de- Differenziale, [diffe'rntai'le'] go straight on, file off. Difilatamente, [difilatamn'te'] adv. differential. fondant, respondent. Difendere, [difn'de're'] v. a. Differenziare, [diffre'ndsi're'] adv. straight and quickly. irr. {difesi ; difeso) to defend, V. a. to distinguish; -, v. n. to Difilat.0, [difil't] at/u. straight on, directly. protect; maintain; forbid, differ. prohibit. Differimento, [diffe'rime'n't]ni. Diflnimento, [difinimen'to] m. definition conclusion. Difendevole, [dife'ud'vle'] adj. delay, putting off. defensible. Differire, [diffe'ri're'] v. a. to de- Difinire, [difini'r] see Diffinire. Diformare, [difrm're'] &c., see Difendimento, [dife'ndimn't] fer, put off; -, V. n. to differ. Difformare &c. Difficile, [diffi'tshile] adj. diffim. defence, protection. Difornire, [difrni'r] v. a. to Difenditore, [difndit're'] see cult, hard. furnish. Difensore. Difficilmente, [diffitshilmn'te'] Difrenare, [dffre'n're'] v. a. to Difensibile, [dife'nsi'bile'] adj. adv. with difficulty, hardly. defensible; maintainable. loosen. Difficolt, (diffiklt'J Difficol(loosely. Difensione , [difnsi'ne'] see tade, Difficoltate, and Diffi- Difreno, [difre''n] ; in-, adv.. Difesa. (fensive. culta, [diffikulta'J f. difficulty, Difrodare, [difrda're'J v. o. to defraud. Difensivo, [dife'nsi'v] adj. de- trouble. Difensore, [difns'r] m. de- Difficoltare, [diffiklt're'] v. a. Diga, [di'g] /. dike, bank, embankment, mole. fender, protector. to make difficult. Diferire, [difri're'] v. n. to de- Difficoltoso, [diffiklt's] adj. Digamia, [dig'mi] /. bigamy. difficult. Digenerare , [dije'nra'r] &c., fer to, confide in. Difesa, [dif'sa] f. defence; far Diffldamento, [diffidme'n't] m. see Degenerare &. -, to resist. Diffidanza, [diffidan'dsa] f. Digeribilit, [dijeribili't] f. Difettare, [dife'tt're'] v. n. to distrust. entire power of digestion. stand in need of; want. Diffidare, [diffid're'j v. a. to Digerimento, [dijcrime'n't] m. Difettivamente, [difttivme'n' distrust, suspect. digestion. Diffidente, [diffidn'te'] adj. dif Digerire, [di'je'ri're'] v. a. to dit] adv. defectively. Difettivo, [dife'tti'vjad;. defec- fident, suspicious. gest; concoct. tive, imperfect. Diffidenza, [diffidn'ds] f. dis- Digestibile, [dije'st'lile'] adj. Difetto , [dif't] m. defect trust, suspicion. digestible. blemish; want. Diffignere, [diffi'n'e're'] v. a. to Digestione, [dije'sti'ne'] f. diDifettosamente,[difttsme'n'- dissimulate. gestion. t] adv. in an imperfect man- Diffinire, [diffini're] v. a. to de Digestire, [dije'sti're'] v. a. to digest; arrange; reflect, study. ner. fine, doten.iine. Difettoso, [dife'tt's] adj. de- Diffinitamente, [diffinitame'n'- Digestivo, [dijsti'v] adj. difective, imperfect. gestive; disposing. t] adv. absolutely. Difettualmente, [dife'ttlmn'- Diffinitivamente , [difffnitiva- Digesto, [dij'st] m. digest, mn't] adv. definitively. pandects, pi. te'l adv. defectively.
Difalliro, [diflH'r]



Difettuccio, [dife'tt'tsh] slight defect.

[diffiniti'v] adj. Dighiacciare, [dighitsh're'] v. , definitive, decisive. n. to thaw; liquefy. Difettuosamente , [dife'tts- Diffinitore, [diffinit'r] m. de- Digiogare, [dijga'r] v. a. to me'n't] adv. defectively. finor. unyoke; disjoin. Difettuosita , [dlfttsit'] /. Diffinizione, [diffinitsi'ne'J /. Digitale, [dijita'le'] f. digitalis. defectiveness, imperfection. definition; decision. Digito, [di'jit] ni. finger; inch. Difettuoso, [dife'tt's] see Di- Diffondere, [diffn'de're'] v. a. irr. Digiugnere, [diji'n'r] v. a. fettoso. {see Fondere) to diffuse, pour irr., {see Giugnere) to disjoin,

m. Diffiniti vo

Diffalcare, [difflk're'] v. a. to out; DiFFONDEUsi, V. r. to diabate, deduct. late, enlarge. Diffalco, [diffrk] m. abate- Diffonditore, [diffndit'r] m.


Digiunamente, [dijinmn't]
adv. sparingly.

ment, diminution.




breach; dearth.
Diffaltare, [dififlt're'J v. a. to

one who diffuses. Difformare, [difforma're'] to deform, disfigure.

v. a.

[dijin're'] v. n. to




Digiunatore, [dijint'r] m. Digiunatrioe, [dijintri'tsho]




raen't] adv. deformedly.





Digiune, [diji'n] f.pL, ember- Dilagare, [dilg'r] v. a. to Dileguo, [dil'gtt] m. disappearance; distance; andar in overflow; cover with water. weeks, pi. fasting. Digiuno, [diji'n] afZj. fasting; Dilagatamente, [dilagtrao'n'- -, to vanish. Dilemma, [dil'm] /. dilemma, jejune; -, m. fasting; absti- te'] adv. impetuously. Dilagato, [dilg't] ad].', alla difficulty. nence. Dignificare, [din'ifika'r] v. a. dilagata, with fury, with impe- Dileticamento,[dile'tikame'n't] Diletico,[dile''tik] m. tickling. (tear in pieces. tuosity, to render worthy. Dignit, [din'it'l Dignitade, Dilaniare, [dilni'rel v. a. to Dileticare, [diltik're'] v. n. to Dilapidamento, [dilapidame'n'- tickle; make merry; please. Dignitate, f. dignity, rank. [dile'tik's] adj. adj. t] m. dilapidation, profusion. Dileticoso, [diu"it's] Dignitoso , Dilapidare, [dilpid're'] v. a. to ticklish; nice. worthy, dignified; noble. Diletta, [dilt'ta] f. sweetheart. Digocciare, [digtshia're'] v. a. squander away, waste. Dilappolare, [dilppl're'] v. a. Dilettabile, [diltt'bile'J adj. to sprinkle. delightful, pleasing. Digocciolare, [digtshl're'] w. to cut away burrs. Dilargare, [dilargi're'] v. a. to Dilettabilit, [dilttbilit'] Din. to drop. lettabilitade, Dilettabili rate, Digozzaro, [digts're'] v. a. to thin out. Di largo, [di largo] adv. libe- /. dolightfulness, pleasure. cut the throat. Digradamento, [digradme'n't] rally, abundantly, plentifully. Dilettabilmente , [dile'ttabiladv. delightfully, Dilassezza, [dilass'ts] /. wea- me'n't] rt. graduai descent. pleasingly. Digradare, [digrad're'] v. a. to riness, weakness. degrade; blend; -, v. n. to Di lass, [di las's] adv. from Dilettamento, [dile'ttme'n't] m. delight. thenCe above. descend gradually. Digradatamente , [digrdta- Dilatabile, [dilt'bil] adj. di- Dilettante, [dile'ttan'te'] ?. dilettante, amateur. latable, extensible. mn't] adv. by degrees. Digradazione, [digrdtsi'ne'] Dilatabilit, [diltbili't] and Dilettare, [dile'tta're'] v. n. to delight, rejoice; Dilettarsi, v. Dilatamento, [diltrae'n't] m f. gradual descent. to take delight in,be pleased. Digranare, [digrn're'] v. a. to dilatation. Dilatare, [dilt're'] v. a. to di- Dilettatore, [dilttt'r] m.rehusk. joicer, amuser. Digrappolare, [digrppl're'] late, extend; defer, prolong. remove bunches of fruit. Dilatativo, [dilatati 'v]ad; .hav- Dilettazione, [dile'tttsi'ne'J /. pleasure, delight. Digrassare, [digrss're'] v. a. ing the property of expansion. Dilatazione, [dilattsi'ne'] f. Dilettevole, [dilette" vole'] adj. to take off the fat. delightful. Digredire, [digrdi're'] v. n. to dilatation, extension. [dile'tte'vlDilatorio, [dilt'ri] adj. dila- Dilettevolmente, digress, swerve. mn'te'l adv. delightfully. Digressione, [digre'ssi'ne] f. tory, tardy.

Dilavamento, [dilavme'n't] vi. Dilettivo, [diltti'v] adj. affec[dilvtsi'n] tionate, fond. Dilavazione , Diletto, [dil't] adj. beloved, digressive. washing away. Digrosso, [dfgr's] m. digres- Dilavare, [dilv're'] r. a. to dear; -, m. delight, pleasure, joy; a -,a bai -, at pleasure, on sion, deviation. f, wash away. Digrignare, [digrin''re'] v. n. Dilavato, [dilv't] ar/y. washed purpose; prender a -, to make sport of; laugh at. away; faded, wan. to gnash, grin. Digrossamento, [di'grssme'n'- Dilazioncella, [diltsintsh'l] Dilettosamente,[dile'ttsrae'n'digression.

t] TM. first sketch, rough-cast. /. short delay. Digrossare, [digrss're'] v. a. Dilazione, [dilatsi'ne'] to chip; form; teach. respite, stay.

Digrumale, [digrra'le'l w.tho first stomach of ruminating


Digrumare, [digrma're'] v. to chow; muse on, consider.

l>igrnmatore , m. rurainator.



Dignazzamento, [di'gtsme'n't] m. and Diguazzata, [di guats't] f. shaking, mixing

(any liquid). Diguazzare, [dfguts're'] to shake up, agitate, mix. Dignisare, [diguis'r] v. devise, mask.
v. a.
a. to

te'] adv. pleasantly. delay, Dilettoso, [dile'tt's] adj. delightful, (affection. Dilefiare , [dile'fia're'] v. n. to Dilezione, [dile'tsi'n] f. lovo, Diliberamento,[di]ibe'rame'n'tJ burst, perish (vulgarism). Dilegare, [dile'g're'j v. a. to J. Diliberanza, [dilibe'ran'dsa] (. deliverance; reflection; deciuntie ; explain. Dileggiabile, [dile'djia'bxl] adj. sion. Diliberare, [diliber're'] v. a. to laughable, odd. Dileggiamento, [dile'djtran't] deliver, rid of; deliberate; dem. derision, scorn, laughing- cide. Diliberatamente, [dilibe'rtstock. Dileggiare, [dile'dji're'] v. c. to me'n't] adv. deliberately, advisedly. laugh at, mock. Dileggiatamente, [dile'djtt- Diliberativo, [dilibe'rti'v] adj. deliberative. adv. ridiculously mn't]

Diliberazione, [dilbertsi'ne'] laughably. Dileggiatore, [dile'djit're'] m. f. deliberation, resolution. Dilibrarsi, [dilibrr'si] r. r. to Dignsciare, [digusha're'] v. a. derider, banterer. tumble, trip. to shell, husk. Dileggiatorino,[dile'djitri'n] Dijudicare, [diydik're'] v. a. Dileggino, [dildji'n] m. fop, Dilicatamente,[diliktme'n'te'] adv. delicately, genteelly. to judge, submit to judgment. gallant. Dilacciare, [dilatsha're'j v. a. to Dilegine, [dil'jine'] aij. soft; Dilicatezza, [dilikatt's] &c., see Delicatezza, &c. unlace, untie. thin (of texture); feeble. Dilaceramento [dilatshe'rarae'n'- Dileggio, [dile''dji] m. derision. Diligente, [dilijn'te'] adj. dilit] m. lacerating, tearing. Dileguare, [dile'ga'r] v. n. Di- gent, careful. Dilacerare, [diltshr're'J v. a. leguarsi, [dilgttr'sij v. r. to Diligentemente, [dilije'nte'meVte'] adv. diligently, carefully. to tear, roiid. run away, go otf; vanish.

Diligenza, [dilijn'ds] Diligenzia, [dilijn'dsij caro.


[dimndtinue, cease;





demand. tersi, V. r. to debase one's Dimandante, [dimndn't] m. self. Dimezzamento, [dime'tsmen'Dilgere, [diHje"re'] v. a. to love demandant, petitioner. Dimandare, [dimnd're'] i'. a. to] m. division into two parts. intensely. Dimezzare, [dime'tsa're'] Dimi' Diliquidare, [dilikuid'r] v.n. to ask, request. Dimandatore, [dimandt're'] m. diare, [dimidi're'j v. a. to dito liquefy, melt. Diliscare, [dilisk'r] v. a. to Dimandatrice, [dimndtri'- vide into halves. tsh] f. inquirer, demander. scale fsh. Di mezzo, [di m'ds] adv. Diliticare, [dilitik're'] see Di- Dimane, [dim'ne'] Dimani, [di- middle di mezzogiorno at ma'ni] ac/v. to-morrow: rfiwan noon; di - tempo, of a middle loticare. I'aJfrOjthe day after to-morrow; Dilizia, [dili'tsid] &c., see Deliage; di - verno, in the depth ol - seruy to-morrow evening. zia &c. winter. Dileggiare, [dildjd're'] v. n. to Dimanierache, [dimnir'ke'] Diminuimento [diminuime'n'adv. see Maniera. decamp, marcii off. t] m. diminution, retrenchDilombarsi, [dilmbr'si] v. r. Dimembrare, [dime'mbra're'] v. ment. a. to dismember, tear. to break one's back. Diminuire, [dimini're'] w. a. Dilombato [dilmb'tl adj. Dimenamento, [dime'nme'n't] to diminish, retrench, reduce. broken-backod; weak; m. disease m. agitation, motion. Diminutivamente, [dlminutivDimenare, [dimn're'] v a. to me'n'te] adv. diminutively. in tho back. Dilucidamente [diltshidme'n'- shake, agitate; toss; Dimenar- Diminutivo, [diminti'v] adj.
me'n't] m.
_ ;

si, V. r. to flutter, move one's diminutive. self restlessly and violently. Diminuzione , [diminutsi''ne'] Dimenazioue, [dimntsi'ne'] f. f. diminution, reduction ; deto dilucidate, explain. Dilucidazione, [diltshidtsi'- Dimenio, [dime'ni'] m. agitacrease. n] f. elucidation, explanation. tion, tossing. Dimissoria, [dimiss'ri] adj. Diludere, [dild'r] see Delu- Dimensione, [dime'nsi'ne] /. lettera -, f. dimissory letter. dere. dimension. Dimito, [di'mit] m. dimity. Diluente, [diln't]ary. diluent, Dimenticaggine, [dime'utika'- Dimolto, [dimrt] adv. very

t] adv. clearly, plainly. Dilucidare, [diltshid're'] v.a.

Diluire, [dili're'j v.a. to render fluid the humors of the human


Dilungamento, [dilngme'n't]
m. remoteness; delay. Dilungare, [dilng're'J v. stretch keep off, remove

to delay; Dilungarsi, v. r. to depart from, digress. Dilungazione, [dilngtsi'n] f. removal, delay. Dilungi, [diln'gi] adv. far off. adj. forgetful. live, dwell, reside. Dilungo, [diln'g] a - , adv., Dimentico, [dime'nti'k] m. for- Dimoro, [dim'r] see Dimoracontinuously, directly. getfulness (used in the phrase : mento. Dilusione, [dilsi'ne'] f. de- mettere in -). Dimorsare, [dimrs'r] v. a. lusion, imposture. Dimentire, [dime'nti'r] v. a. to to bite to pieces. Diluto, [dil't] adj. diluted. give the lie, contradict. Dimostrabile , [dimstra'bil] Diluviano, [dilvi'n] adj. di- Dimesso, [dim's] adj. omitted, adj. demonstrable, provable. luvian, of the deluge. neglected; disprited. Dimostramento, [dimostrame'n'Diluviare, [dilvi'r] v. a. to Dimesticamente , [dime'stika- t] m. demonstration. rain hard, deluge, overflow. me'n'te'] adv. familiarly; pri- Dimostrantemente, [dimstrn' Diluviatore, [dilviat'r] m. vately. tmeVte'] adv. demonstrably. glutton. Dimesticamente , [dime'stika- Dimostrare, [dimstra'r] v. a. Diluvio, [dil'vi] m. deluge me'n't] m. taming; familiari- to demonstrate, show prove. ; abundance. ty. Dimostrativa, [dimstrati'va] Diluvione, [diluvi'ne'] m. glut- Dimesticare, [dime'stik're'] v the faculty of demonstra/. ton, gormand. a, to domesticate, tame. Dimeting. Dilnvioso, [dilvi's] adj. over- sticarsi, V. r. to grow fami- Dimostrativamente, [dimstrflowing. liar, become intimate with. tivmn't] adv. demonstraDimacchiare, [dimkki'r] . Dimesticazione , [dime'stika- tively. n. to clear copses. tsio'ne'] f. taming, tameness. Dimostrativo , [dirastrti'v] Dimagrare, [dimagra're'] and Dimestichezza, [dime'stikt's] adj. demonstrative. Dimagrire, [dimagri're'] v. a. f. familiarity, intimacy; kind- Dimostrato, [dimstr't] m. to make lean; -, v. n. to grow ness; pigliar - con uno, to con- demonstration. ]oan. tract a friendship with one. Dimostratore, [dimstrt're'] Dimagrazione , [dimgrtsl'- Dimestico, [dim'stik] adj. m. demonstrator, explainer. n] /. growing thin, attenua- tame; intimate, familiar. Dimostrazione, [dimstrtsi'tion. Dimetro, [dim'tr] adj. of two n] /. demonstration; mark, Dimanda,[dimn'd] /. question, meters. sign. request. Dimettere, [dimt'tr] v. a. Dimottare, [dimtt're'] v. n. Dlmandagione, [diraandaj'n] irr. {see Mettere) to discon- to roll down a declivity.

Dimenticamente , much, a great deal, in great f. [dime'ntikmn't] m. Dimen- quantity; m. a great thing. ticanza, [dime'ntikn'ds] Dimonio, [dim'ni] see Deforgetfulness. monio. Dimenticare, [dime'ntik're'] v. Dimora, [dimo'r] delay; f. a. & n. to forget; neglect. abode, stay. Dimenticatojo , [dirae'ntikat'- Dimoragione,[dimrjt'ne'] Diy] m. oblivion; mancfar, met- moranza, [dimran'dsa] f. stay, ter nel -, to forget [vulga- habitation, abode. rism). Dimoramento , [dimrme'n't] Dimentichevole , [dime'ntike''- TO. dwelling; delay. vl] Dimentico, [dimn'tik] Dimorare, [dimr're'] v. n. to




Dimozzicare, [dimtsik're] v Dinnnziatore, [dinuntsit'r] Diportamento, [diprtmn't] m. conduct; mien. m. Dinunziatrice, [dinntsi' a. to mutilate.
Diportarsi, [diprtar'si] v. r. to Dimugnere, [dimn'er] or Di- tri'isli] f. accuser. mungere, [diinnjrejv.a. irr Dinunziazione, [dinntsitsi'- divert one's self; conduct one's self. n] see Dinunzia. (see MngaoMi) to waste. Dinamica, [dinrai'k] f. that Di nuovo, [di n'v] ac/u. again. Diportevole, rdip(te''vle'] adj. pleasing, agreeable. part of mechanics which treats Dio, [di'] m. God.

Dinvolo, [dinv'l] adj. furtive- Diporto, [dipr't] m. diversion, amusement, pleasure; solace. underhand. ly to pass beforo another, over- Dio, [di'] adj. hright, clear, Dipositare, [dipsit're'] &c. see Depositare &c. divine. take another. Dinanzi, [dinn'dsi] prep. & adv. Diocesano, [ditshe's'n] adj. Dipositario, [dipsit'ri] t.
of motive powers. Dinanzare, [dinnts're']






f. /.

diocese. Diposito, [dipsi't] m. deposit. fly trap, Diprendere, [diprnde''re'] v. a.

presence of;


-, tlie day before. Dinasare, [diiis're']

d Diocesi, [di'tshe'si] Dionea, [di'ne'j


to take in the fact. diop- Dipressione, [dipre'ssi'ne'] f, the act of depression. Dinastia, [dinast'i] /'.dynasty. trics, pi. Dinderlo, [dindr'lj m. long Diottrico, [dittri'k] adj. he- Dipsa, [dip'sa] /. Lyhian and
a. to

cut off the nose.



Syrian viper. bolt. longing to dioptrics. Dindo, [dfn'd] Dindi, [dindi] Dipanare, [dipna're'] v. a. to Diputare, [dipiita're'] depute, delegate. I. a boyish word for money. wind up, reel. Dinegare, [dinga're] v. o. to Diparere, [dipre''re'] v. n. irr. Diradare, [dirada're'] make thin; rarefy; -, deny, disown contradict. (see Parere) to appear. Dinegazione, [dine'gtsi'ne'] /, Dipartenza, [dipartn'ds] f. unmoor. Diradarsi,

v. a. to

a. to







grow thin. departure, farewell. [dine'gr're'] v. a. to Dipartimento, [diprtirae'n't] Diradicare, [diradik're'] v. a. stain the character. blacken, to eradicate, root up. m. departure; division. Dinervare, [dinrv're'] v. a. to Dipartire, [diprti're'] v. a. to Diragnare, [dirn''re'] v. a. to clear away cobwebs, render enervate, weaken. divide, part. Dipartiusi, v. r. manifest. Diniego, [dini'g] m. denial, to go away, digress. going negation. Diramamento, [di'rmame'n't] Dipartita, [diprti't] f. m. the act of thinning out. Dinigrare, [dinigra're'] v. a. to away. v. stain, blacken ; slander. n. Diramare, [diramd'r] v. a. to Dipascere, [dipa,tshe"re'] Dinoccare, [dinkk'r] v. a prune, lop. Diramarsi, v. r. to consume by feeding. to become ramified. to dislocate the neck; dinoc- Dipelare, [dipl're'] v. a. to carsi la mano, to put one's make bald fleece. Diramazione , [dirmtsf'ne'] hand out of joint. Dipellare, [di'pe'lla're'] v. a. to /. ramification; separation, diDinoccolare, [dinkkl're'] v vision. tear off the skin. dislocate the neck. a. to Dipendente, [dipe'ndn'te'] adj. Dirazzare, [dirts're'] v. n. to Dinodare, [dind'rj see Dis- depending; consequent. degenerate. nodare. Dipendentemente, [dipe'nde'n- Dire, [di're'] v. a. irr. (dico; f/isDinominare, [dinmn're'J v. te'mn't] adv. dependingly. si ; (ic/fo) to tell relate ; cn'l; a. to name, mention. Dipendenza, [dipe'ndn'dsj f. cio a -, that is to say dico di Dinominazione, [dinminatsi'- dependence ; protection. no, I say it is not; voler-, to n] /. naming, name. Dipendere, [dipeVdre'j v. n. to signify, mean; - addio, to bid Dinonziare, [dinntsi're'] see depend on. adieu; - a bocca, to say by Dinunziare. Dipennare, [dipe'nna're'] u. a. to word of mouth; - male, to see Deno- erase, cancel. Dinotare, [dint're'] speak ill, slander; -, wi. saying; tare. Dipignere, [dfpi'n'e're'] v. a. irr. report. Dintornamento, [dintrnme'n'- (see Pignere) to paint; describe, Diredare, [dire'd're] v. o. and t] m. tracing of contours. Direditare, [direditd'rej to represent. Dintornare, [dintrn'r] v. a. Dipignitore, [dipin'ito're'] see disinherit. the contours, outline. Dipintore. to trace Direggere, [dire'j're'] v. a. see Dintorno, [dintr'n] m. outline; Dipingere, [dipfn'je're'] see Di- Dirigere. places, neighbouring pi. Direnare, [diro'na'r] v. n. to pignere. Dintorno, [dintr'n] Al din- Dipinto, [dipin't] m. picture; break one's back. and D'intorno, adv. torno & representation. Direpzione , [dire'ptsi'n] f. prep, around. Dipintore , [dipint're'] m. poes. rapine. v. a. [dind're'] Dinudare, to painter. Diretano, [dire'ta'n] arf/. hind;
denial, refusal.


Dipintrice [dipintri'tshe'] f. [dinme'r're'] v. female painter. reckon. number, a. to Dipintura, [dipint'ra] f. paintDinumerazione, [diniimrtsi'- ing, picture. enumeration; detail. n] f. Diploma, [dipl'ma] m. diploDinunzia , [dinn'tsi] f. de- ma, privilege. nunciation, accusation. Diplomatico, [diplra'tik] adj. Dinunziare, [dinntsi'r] v. diplomatic. impeach. to denounce, a. Dipopolare, [dippl're'] v. a. Dinuuziativo, [dinuntsiati'vo] to depopulate. informing. adj. denouncing, Diporre, [dfpr're'] see Deporre.

denude, disclose.


last; m. the hind part. Diretare, [dire't're'J see Diro*


Diretro, [dire'tr] m. back part,

last (poes.).

Diretro, [dire"tr] adv. behind,

backwards. Direttamente,


adv. directly. Direttivo, [dirtti'v]




Diretto, [dir't] adj. direct, straight just. Direttore, [dirtt're'] m. director, administrator. Direttorio, [dirtt'ri] m. directory. [dire'ttri'tshe'] Direttrice, f. manager, teacher. Direzione, [dire'tsi'ne'] f. direc;


adj. written or

Diroccamento, [dirkkme'n't] m. destruction, ruin.

spoken without


Diroccare, [dirkk're'] v. a. to Disacceso, [distshe"s] adj. extinguished, extinct. destroy. Diroccatore, [dirkkt're'] wi. Disacconciatamente , [disakkntshtamn'te'] adv. unhanddestroyer. Dirocciare, [dirtsha're'] v. n. somely.
to fall

down from a



tion; care.

Dirogare, [dirg're] see Dero- unfit, indecent. Disaccordante , [diskkrdn'gare &c.


ricapo, [di rik'p] adv Dirompere, [dirm'pe're'] v. a. again. irr. (see Rompere) to soften, Diricciare, [diritsha're'] v. a. to relax; break, cleave. Diromshfll ciiesnutg. persi, V. r. to soften; fall into Diridere, [diri'de're'] see Der- a passion. dere. Dirompimento, [di'rmpime'nDirieto, [diri't] adv. behind, t) m. rupture, disunion. {vulgarism). Dirotta, [dirt't] f. deluge (of Dirig^ere, [diri'je're'] v. a. irr. rain); great quantity. diretto) {dir<'ssi ; Dirottamente, [dirttme'n'te'] to direct guide. adv. immoderately , excessDirimente, [dirime'n'te'] adj. an- ively. nulling (said of marriages). Dirotto, [dirt't] adj. steep ; Dirimere, [diri'mr] v. a. to broken excessive. divide; break, separate. Dirozzamento, [dirtsme'n't] Dirimpetto, [dirimp't] prep. m. first instruction. over against, opposite to. Dirozzare, [dirts're'] v. a. to Dirincontro, [dirinkn'tr] adv. rough-hew; civilize, instruct. opposite to; lihro di rincontro, Dirubare, [dirb're'] v. a. to a book mot with by chance. rob. Diripata, [diripa'taj /. precipice, Dirufchiare, [dirukkia're'] v. a. crag. to cut corn with a sickle. Dirisione, [dirisi'ne'] see De- Dirugginare, [dirdjin're'] v. risione &c. a. to rub off the rust.


adj. discordant.

V. n. to

[diskkrda're'] be out of tune.

Disacerbare, [disatshe'rba're'] e. a. to appease; calm. Disacquistare, [diskuist'r]

V. a. to lose; w;iste.

Disacrare, [diskr'r]

v. n. to

Disadattaggine, [di'sadatta'djine] /. awkwardness.



mn't] adv. awlfwardly. Disadatto, [disdt't] adj. unfit, unseemly; awkward.

Disaddobbare, [disddbb're'J
V. a. to


Disadirato, appeased.

Disadombrare, [disadmbr're'] V. a. to remove a shade.





Disadornare, [disdrn're] . a. to undeck. Disaduggiare, [disddja're'] v. m. the a. to liberate from an annoyance.

DisafiTaticarsi, [disfftikr'si] V. T. to repose one's self. Disaffettazione, [disaffettatsio'-

adv. directly, straight; justly. sound emitted by iron while Dirittezza, [dirittt's] f. level; the rust is being removed. rectitude, honesty justice. Diruinare, [diruina're] v. a. to Diritto, [dirit't] adj. straight; ruin. upright; -, adv. straight, di- Dirupamento , [dirupme'n't] rectly, precisely; -, m. right, m. falling down from some reason; duty, custom. rock; precipice. Dirittone, [diritt'ne'] adj. very Dirupare, [dirp're'] v. a. to cunning. precipitate; -, v. n. to fall Dirittura,[diritt'r]/'.straightdown from a rocky steep. ness; uprightness; level, tax; Dirupato, [dirp't] Dirupi;

n] f. unaffected manners, pi. Disaffezionare, [disfftsin're']

V. a. to disaffect.


[disaffrnt't] , adj. satisfied by an apology for an affront received. Disagevole, [disje"vle'] adj.

namento, [dirpiumeVt] m. a -, directly. Dirivare, [diriva're] &c., see precipice, steep. Dirupinare, [dirpina'r] see Derivare &c. Dirupare. Dirivieni, [dirivi'ni] m. pL, Dirupo, [dini'p] m. a valley windings; digressions, pL Dirizzacrine, [diritsakri'ne'] m. between rocks. Diruto, [dir't] adj. poes. desee Dirizzatojo. Dirizzamento , [diritsme'n't] molished. m. the act of directing, state Disabbellirsi, [disbbe'llir'si] v. r. to lose one's beauty, grow of the thing directed. Dirizzare, [diritsa'r] v. a. to ugly. ^ rectify, redress; correct; direct. Disabilita, [disabilita'] /".inabilDirizzarsi, v. r. to rise, get ity. Disabitare, [disbit'r] r. a. to Dirizzatojo, [dintst'y] m. depopulate. Disabitato , [disbit't] adj. hodkin (to part the hair). Dirizzatore , [diritst're'] m. uninhabited. Disabitazione, [disbittsi'ne'] director; manager. Dirizzatrice, [diritstri'tshe'] /. f. decampment. Disaccagionare, [dsakkjna'directress, governess. Dirizzatura , [diritst'r] f. r] V. a. and r. to excuse one's self. parting line of the hair. [disatshe'nt're'] [dirits'ne'] Dirizzone, vi. Disaccentare, thoughtlessness ; blunder. V. a. to omit the accent.
Diro, [di'r] adj. dire, cruel.


Disagevolezza, [disje'vle"ts]


Disagevolmente, [disaje'vlme'n't] adv. with difficulty, with inconvenience. Disaggradare [disaggrda're']


. n. to displease, dislike.



vl] adj. disagreeable.



I'an'dsa) /.inequality .disparity.

Disagguagliarsi [disgguil'r'sil V. r. to differ, be unlike.



gttl'tme'n'te'] adv. differently, unequally.

Disagguaglio, [disaggua'l'] m.
difference, disparity.

Disagiare, [disjt're'] v. a


incommode, trouble. Disagiatamente [disjitme'n'-


t] adv. inconveniently. Disagiato, [disji't] adj. in[dstshe'ntat] convenient, uneasy; needy

[disjit'r] m. distiirber. Disagio, [disa'ji] wt. incouve-





povnieocy, trouble ; want erty stare a -, to be tineasy. J)isagiosamente,[disjismii'te']adv. inconveniently; poorly. Disagioso, [disjt's] adj. inDisappensatamente,[disappe'n- Disavvantaggiosamente, [disconvenient, troublesome. Disajutare, [disayta'r] v. a. stme'n't] adv. inadvertently, vvantdjtsme'n't] adw. with loss. inconsiderately. to binder, trouble. Disajuto, [disy't] m. binder- TJisappetenza, [disppte'n'ts] Disavvantaggioso, [disvvntdji's] adj. disadvantageous. ance; obstacle. f. want of appetite. [disvvdiDisalberare, [dislbe'ra're'] v. a. Disapplicare, [disppUk're'] v. Disavvedimento , me'n't] m. inadvertence. n. to relax one's mind. to unmast. Disalbergare, [dislbe'rg're'] v. Disapplicatezza,[disapplikt'- Disavvedutamente, [disvve'dutme'n'te'] adv. inconsiderately, n. to remove, be gone. tsa] /. inattention; neglect. Disalbergato , [dislbrga't] Disapplicato, [dispplik't]arf;. imprudently. Disavvedutezza, [disvve'dt'inattentive ; negligent. adj. homeless. Disalloggiare , [dislldjia're'] Disapplicazione , [dispplika- tsa] f. inattention, imprudence. V. a. to dislodge. tsi'ne'] f. inapplication, heed- Disavveduto, [disvve'd'tjadj. inconsiderate, careless. Disalmare, [disalma're'] v. a. to lessness.
; ;

[dis- Disavorrare, [disivrr'r], , ppassintme'n'te'] adv. dis- to unload ballast. Disavvantaggiare, [disvvnt* passionately. Disappassionatezza, [dispps- dji're'] v. n. to lose one's advantage. sinte''ts] f. insensibility. Disappassionato, [disppssi- Disavvantaggio, [disvvnt'na't] adj. dispassionate; in- djt] m. disadvantage, injury; aver il -, to be worsted in. different.

Disapprendere , [disppre'n'- Disavvenente, [disvve'nn't] [disambile'] adj. de're'] v. a. irr., {.<ee Prendere) part. pres. ill-looking, ugly. Disavvenentezza, [disavve'ne'nunamiable, odious. to unlearn, forget. Disamante,[disma'te'] adj.nn- Disapprensione, [disappre'nsi'- t'ts] Disavvenenza, [disvve'loving. n] f. unlearning, forgetful- nn'ds] /".deformity, ugliness. Dsavvenevole, [disvve'n'vDisamare, [dism're'] v. n. to ness; fearlessness. Disapprovare , [dispprv're'] le'] adj. disagreeable; ill-mancease to love. nered ; ugly. Disambizioso, [dismbitsi's] V. n. to disapprove.


Disamenit, [disrae'nit']

[disvve'niDisapprovazione, [dispprva- Disavvenimento , me'nt'] m. misadventure, ill tsi'n] f. disapprobation. agreeableness, unpleasantness. Disarborare, [disrbr're'] v.a. luck. Disavvenire, [disvve'ni're'] v.n. Disameno, [dism'n] adj. dis- to unmast. Disarginare, [disrjin're'] v.a. irr., {see Venire) to happen agreeable, unpleasant. unfortunately. Disamicizia, [dismitsbi'tsi] f. to destroy banks (of a river) Disarmamento, [disrmamn'- Disavventura, [disvve'nt'r] enmity. Disamina,[dis'min] /".Disam- t] m. disarming. f. mishap, mischance. namento, [disminine'n't] in. Disarmare, [disrm're'] Disavventuratamente, [disvadj. unambitious.




ve'ntrtme'n'te'] adv. unluckif.

Disaminante, [disminn'te'] m. Disarmonia,

v. a.

unfortunately. Disavventurato,[disvve'ntr'ly,

Disaminare, [disamin're']



to examine, consider; discuss. Disaminazione, [dismintsi'-

adj. discordant.

[disvt] Disavventuroso, ve'ntr's] adj. unlucky, un-

Disarmonizzare [disrmnitsa'-

r] V. n. to disagree. Disammirazione, [dismmir- Disasprire, [disspri'r] v. a. tsi'n] /. disestoem; indiflfe- to soften, assuage; calm.

n] see Disamina.

happy. Disavventurosamente,


Disassuefare, s] adj. unfortunate. V. a. to unaccustom. Disastrare, [disstr're'] v. a. Disavvertenza, [diswertn'to cease to love. Disamorato, [disamr't] adj. to render another unhappy, to Z3] f. inadvertence. Disavvezzamente, [disvve'tsaincommode another. without love indifferent. Disamore, [dism'r] m. spite, Disastro, [diss'tr] m. disaster, nie'n't] m. want of practice. Disavvezzare, [disvve'ts'r] misfortune, calamity. indifference. Disamorevole, [dismr'vl] Disastroso, [disstr's] adj. V. a. to disaccustom. Disavvisamento , [dfsvvisddisastrous, calamitous. adj. unloving, uncourteous. Disamorevolezza , [disrare'- Disattento, [disttn't] adj. me'n't] m. oversight, negligence; imprudence. vl'ts] /". unkindness. inattentive. Disamoroso, [dismr's] adj Disattenzione, [disttentsi'ne'] Disbandare, [disbnd're'] v. a. to disband, dismiss. unkind; insensible. f. inattention. Disancorare, [disnkr're'] v.a Disattristare , [disattrista're'] Disbandeggiato, [disbnde'djia't] adj. banished. V. o. to drive away sorrow, reto unmoor. Disbandire, [disbndi're'] v. a. Disanimare, [disnim're'] r. a joice. Disautorizzare, [distrits'- to banish. to kill dispirit. Disapparare, [disppr're'] v .a. re'] v.a. to deprive of authority. Disbaragliare , [disbrl''re'] Disavanzare, [disvnts'r] v. V. a. to rout, disperse, defeat. to unlearn. n. to go back; lose ground; Disbarattare, [disbartt're'] e. Disapparire, [disppri're'] v.n a. to rout; disperso. suffer loss. to make a bad figure. [disppri- Disavanzo, [dsvan'ds] J. de- Disbarazzare , [disbrts're] Dsappariscente , triment, damage. . a. to disembarass. sbn'te'] adj. disfigured, ugly.

vntrsme'n'te'] adv. unfortunately. [dissse'f're'] Disavventuroso, [disvve'ntr'-

Disamorare, [dismr're'j v.n.

[dislir'b'r] v. a.

v. a.



to root out, extirpate

to disembarlf to abate.

Disbarcare, [disbarka're']

v. n. to land.
v. a.

Disbassare, [disbss're']

Disbattere, [disbtte"re'] v. n. to toss about, shake, agitate,

beat, debate.

Disbendare, [di'sbe'nd're'] v. a. to remove bandages. Disborso, [disbr's] m. the act of taking out money from the pocket; disbursement. Disboscare, [disbska're'] v. a.
to disforest.

Discaricare, [diskrik're'] v. a. Dischierare, [diskie'ra're'] v. a. to break the ranks ; Disciiieto unload; ease. Discarico, [diska'rik] m. dis- RARSi, V. r. to quit the ranks. Dischiesta, [diski'st] /". carecharge, unloading. Discarnare, [diskrna're'] v. n. lessness. Dischiodare, [diskid're'] v. ff. to grow lean. Discaro, [disk'r] adj. disagree- to unnail. Dischiomare, [diskim'r] v.a. able. Discatenare, [diskte'n're'] v. a. to pull out the hair. Dischiudere, [diski'de're'] v.a. to unchain, unfetter. Discavalcare , [diskvlk're'] irr., {see Chiudere) to disclose; v.a.&. n. to unhorse, dismount. exclude. Discavare, [diskav'r] v. a. to Dischiamare, [diskim're'] v.a. to scum. dig, excavate. Discedere, [dish'de'r] v. n Discignere, [dishi'n'e're'] v. a. irr. {see Cigncre) to ungird, poes., to depart, set out.

untie. Disbramaro, [disbrm're'J see Discendente, [dishe'ndn'te'] m Discioglibile, [dishoTibile'] descendant. Sbramare. Disbranare, [disbrn're'] v. a. Discendenza, [dishe'ndn'dsa] /. dissolvable.
to rend, tear in pieces.

extraction, race.

Disbrancare, [disbranka'r e'] u. a. Discendere, [dishn'de're'] v. n. to disbranch; sever. irr. {see Scendere) to descend Disbrandare, [disbranda're'] v. from, spring from. a, to disarm a person of his Discendimento, [dishe'ndirae'n'sword. to] m. Discensione, [dishnsi'Disbrigare, [disbriga're'] v. a. n] descent, descension. to extricate, disentangle; dis- Discensivo, [dishe'nsi'v] adj. patch; Disbrigarsi, v. r. to having a descending forces extricate one's self. Discentrato , [dishe'ntr't] adj. Disbrunare, [disbrn're'] v. a. removed from the centre. to clear up. Discepolato , [dishe'pl't] m. Disbuffare, [disbif're'] scholarship, pupilage. fume, puff, pant, rage. Discepolo, [dishe''pl] m. schoDiscacciamento , [diskatsha- lar, pupil. me'n't] m. expulsion. Discernente, [dishe'rnn'te'] adj. Discacciare, [disktsh're'] v. a. discerning, judicious. to expel. Discernero, [dishe'r'ne're'j v. a. Discacciato, [disktsha't] adj. to discern, perceive, under/".

Disciogliere, [dishTe're'] v. a. irr.: {see Sciogliere) to untie; dissolve; Disciogliersi, v. r. to melt, dissolve.



t] TO. solution; analysis. Discio glito re, [dishrit're'] to.

interpreter. Disciolto, [dishl't] adj.looSQ; lively, brisk, vigorous. Discioltura, [dishlt'ri.] f. solution, skilfulness. Disciorre, [dishr're'] see Disciogliere.

Discipidezza, [dishipide'tsa]


Disciplina, [dishipli'n] f. discipline; instruction. Disciplinabile, [dishiplin'bile']

adj. disciplinable, docile.

banished, exiled. stand. Discacciatore, [disktsht're'] Discernevole , [dishe'rne"vle'] m. expeller. adj. discerning quicksighted Discadere, fdiskd're'] v.n.rr., Discernimento, [dishe'rnime'n'{see Cadere) to fall away, waste; to] m. discernment, judgment. devolve. Discernitivo, [dishe'rniti'v] adj. Discadimento, [diskdime'n't] apt to discern. TO. fall, decay, ruin. Discernitore, [dishe'rnit're'] m. Discalzare , [disklts're] see discerner, skilful man; judge. Scalzare. (footed. Discerpere, [dishr'pe're'] v. a. Discalzo, [diskrts] adj. bare- to tear in pieces. Discancellare, [diskantshe'lla' Discorre, [dishr're'] v. a. irr., re'J V. a. to cancel. {see Scegliere) to choose sepaDiscanso, [diskn's] m. escape, rate. evasion. Discervellato, [dishe'rve'll't] Discantare, [disknta're'] v. a. adj. hare-brained. to disenchant. Discesa, [dishe"s] f. descent
; ; ;

Disciplinabilitk, [dishiplinabili'ta] f. the quality of one who

is docile.

Disciplinale, [dishiplm'l] adj. belonging to discipline.

Disciplinante, [dishiplinan'te'] part. pres. (used substantively) one who uses discipline. Disciplinare, [dishiplina're'J v.a.
to discipline; instruct.

Disciplinata, [dishiplin't] a blow given for discipline.


Disciplinatamente, [dishiplinatme'n'te'] adv. according to the

rules of discipline. Disciplinovole,[dishipline"vl]
adj. disciplinable, docile.

V, a. to lop,


declivity, fall; rail, gradients,



a. Discettare, [dishe'tt're'] va. to to suffer loss; - nel credito, to dispute, debate; contend. lose one's credit. Discettazione, [dishe'tttsi'ne'] Discapito, [diska'pt] m. loss, f. debate, contest.

Discapitare, [diskpit're']v.

damage. Disceverare, [dishe've'r're'] v.n. Discarcare, [diskrk're'] v. a. to sever; set aside; Disceveto unload. rarsi, V. r. to part with. Discolamente, [disklme'n'te'] Discarcerare, [diskrtsche'r'- Dischiarare, [diskir're'j v. a. adv. dissolutely, lewdly, lire'] V. a. to set at liberty. to declare, expose. centiously. Discaricamento[diskrikme'n'- Dischiavare, [diskiv're'J v. a. Discoletto [diskle'tt] adj. , t] m. discharging, unloading. to open (with a key); disclose; rakish, waggish. Discarica, [diskari'k] /. sche- rescue. Discolo, [dis'kl] adj. quarreldule of monthly payment of Dischiedere, [diski'de're'] v. a. some, riotous, wild alia disco* pensionaries. irr., {see Chiedere) to deny. la, disorderly.

Disco, [dis'kol "I- disk, quoit. Discobolo, [diskb'l] ni. a player at quoits. Discoccare, [diskkk're'j see Scoccare. Discojare, [disky're'] v.a. to remove the skin or rind.


ly, v. a.



[dislclra Disconoscintamente, [diskn- Discordanza, [diskrdn'ds] Discoloramento , mn't] m. pallor, want of sbtmn'te] adv. unknowing- discordance.



Discolorare, [dislclr'r]


Discordare, [diskrda're'] v. n. to be out of tune disagree, be


V. n. not to follow up; to disat variance. to discolor; stain. Discolorazione, fdislclrtsi'- continue. Discordatore , [diskrdt're*] n] f. discoloration; paleness Disccfnsentimento, [disknse'n- Ml. wrangler. Discolorire, [disklri'r] see timn'tj m. dissent, opposi- Discorde, [diskr'd] adj. dis-

Scolorare. tion. sonant; contrary; disagreeDiscolpa, [diskrp] f. Dscol Disconsentire, [disknse'nti'r] ing, incompatible. pamento, [disklpamn't] m. V. n. to dissent, differ. Discordemente, [diskrde'me'n'excuse, justification. Disconsiderare, [disknside'r'- t] adv. discordantly; oppoDiscolpare, [disklpa're'] v. a. r] V. a. not to consider, not sitely. to pay attention. Discordevole , [diskrde''vle] to oxcul pat, excuse, justify. [diskmda'r] Disconsigliamento, [di'skonsi- a'/j. quarrelsome, contradicting. Discomodare l'amn't] m. dissuasion. Discordia, [diskr'dij /. disV. a. and r. to incommode. Discomodit, [diskmdit'] f. Disconsigliare, [disknsira're'] cord, dissension. V. a. to dissuade inconvenience. Discorrente, [diskrrn'te'] adj. [disk'md] adj. Disconsigliatamente, [diskn- speaking, discoursing. Discomodo inconvenient. siratamu't)adu. unadvisedly, Discorrere, [diskr'rre'] v. n. Discompagnabile, [diskmpa- inconsiderately. irr. {see Correre) to ramble Disconsigliatore, [disknsir- about; discourse, reason. n''bile] wlj. separable. Discompagnare, [diskompan'a- t're'] m. dissuader. Discorrevole fdiskrr'vle'] adj. wandering; slippery. r] i'. tt. to disunito, separate. Disconsolare , (disknsl're'J Discompagnatura, [diskmpa- V. a. to discomfort, deject. Discorrimento, [diskrrime'n'n't'r] f. separation; dis- Disconsolazione, [disknslm. running about; cont] tsi'n] f. affliction, sorrow. union. course; talk. Discomporre, [diskmpr're'] v. Discontentare, [diskntnta're'] Discorritore, [diskrrit'rc'] ni. see Scontentare. talker, prater. a. irr., (see Porre) to discomDiscontentezza, [disknte'nt'- Discorsione, [diskrsi'ne'] /".inpose, derange, disorder. Discompostezza, [diskmpst'- ds] /. discontent. cursion, inroad. unbecoming- Discontento, [diskntn't] adj. Discorsivamente, [diskrsiva ts] f. disorder discontented, displeased mn'te] adv. discursively. ness, immodesty. afDisconciamente, [diskntsli- flicted m. discontent. Discorsivo , [diskrsi'v] adj. mn't] adv. uncivilly, im- Discontinuare, [diskutinu're'] discursive. V. a. to discontinuo, coase. Discorso, [diskr's] wi. disproperly. Disconciare, [diskntsh're'] . Discontinuatamente, [diskn- course, reasoning, talk. tinatmn't] adv. interrupt- Discortese , [diskrte"se'] see a. to trouble, disturb, spoil. edly. Disconcio, [diskn'tsh] adj. unScortese, &c. handsome, improper; ungen- Discontinnazione , [disknti- Discorticare, [diskrtik're'j v. ntsi'ne'] f. discontinuation. a. see Scorticare. teel w. damage, loss. DiscoDcluso, [disknkl's] adj. Discontinuo, [disknti'n] adj. Discosceso, [diskshe"s] adj. inconclusive. not continuous, done at in- steep, precipitous -, m. preciDisconfacevole, [disknftshe'- tervals. pice, steep. v'l] adj. unseemly, unbefit- Disconvenevole, [disknve'ne"- Discosciare, [disksh're'] v. a. vl] Ac, see Sconvenevole &c. to disjoint the thigh. ting. Disconfermare, [disknfe'rm'- Disconvenire, [disknve'ni're'J Discosciato, [disksh't] adj. V. a. irr. {see Venire) to misbesteep, craggy. r] V. a. to annul. Discostamento, [diskstrae'n'Disconfessare, [disknfe'ssa're'] come. Discopertamente, [diskpe'rti- t] m. sending away; remoteV. a. to disown. ness, distance. Disconfidenza, [di'sknfide'n'- mn't] adv. openly. Discoperto, [discpr't] adj. Discostare, [diskst're'] v. a. dsal f. diffidence, distrust. Disconfggere, [disknfi'dje're'] discovered, open. to send off. Discostarsi, v. r. Discoprimento, [diskprime'n'- to go away; keep off. see Sconfiggere. Discosto, [disk'stj adj. far Disconforme [disknfr'm]arf/. t] m. discovery, detection. Discoprire, [diskpri're'j v. a. off, distant. deformed, unshapely. Disconfortare, [disknfrt're'] irr. {see Coprire) to discover, Discosto, [disk'st] prep, didisclose. (discoverer. stant from (used also adverV. a. to discomfort; dissuade; DlSCONFOllTAUSI , V. T. to bo Discopritore, [diskprit're'j m. bially). (Sconforto. Discoraggiamento , disheartened. [diskra- Discovrimento, [diskvn'me'n'Disconforto, [disknfr't] see djamn't] m. discouragement. t] I. detection, discovery. Discongiugnere, [disknjn''- Discoraggiare, [diskrdj're'J Discovrire , [diskvri'rj see Discoprir. V. a. to discourage. r] V. a. to disjoin. Discongiugnimento , [diskn- Discorare, [diskra're'] . a. to Discredente, [diskre'den'te*] adj. incredulous. jin'imen't] m. separation. dishearten, dismay. Dsconoscenza, [disknshn'- Dscordamento, [diskrdme'n'- Discredenza, [diskre'dn'ds] /. incredulity. t] m. disagreement. ds] f. ingratitude. Disconoscere, [diskn'she're'] Discordante, [diskrdn'te'] adj. Discredere, [diskre"de're'] v. a. {see Conoscere) not discordant, incompatible. to disbelieve, not to credit. 1). a. irr. to know again; to forget one's Discordantemente, [diskrdan- Discredersi, v. r. to undeceive one's self. te'mn't] adv. incompatibly. friends.
, , , ; ; ;
; ;

[dsTtrditmii't] see Discredito. Discreditare, [diskrditii'i] v.




adv. indignantly, an- Disenfiare, [dise'nfia're'] v. a. to remove a swelling; -, v.n. &DiDisdegnoso, [disde'n''s] adj. SENFiAESi, V. r. to coaso swellindignant, scornful. a. to speak ili of. ing. Discredito, [diskr'dit] m. dis- Disdetta, [disd't] f. denial, Diseunato , [dise'nn't] adj. credit. refusal; misfortune; notice to foolish, senseless.


quit. (ill-luck. Disensato, [dise'ns't] adj. dull, Disdetto, [disd't] m. refusal; doltish, heavy. Discrepare, [diskre'p're'] v. n. Disdicciato, [disditsh't] adj. Disenteria, [dise'nte'ri'a] f. dyunfortunate in play. to differ, disagree. sentery, looseness. Discrescente, [diskrshe'n'te'] /. Disdicevole,[disditshe"vle'] adj. Diseparare, [dise'pr're'] v. a. ebb of the sea. unseemly. to separate. Discrescenza, [diskre'slin'ds] Disdicevolezza, [disditshe'vole"- Diseppellire, [dise'ppe'lli're'] v. tsa] f. unseemliness. a. to disinter. (. decrease, diminution. Discrescere, [diskr'she're] see Disdicevolmente , [disitshe'- Disequilibrio , [dise'qiiili'bri] Decrescere. vlme'n'te'] adu.unhecoraingly. m. the state of any thing reDiscrespare, [diskre'sp're'] v. Disdicimento, [disditshirne'n'- moved from its equilibrium. t] m. retractation. Diserbare, [dise'rb're'] v. a. to a. to smooth down folds, &c. Discretamente, [diskrtme'n'- Disdicitore, [disditshit're'J m. remove weeds from corn. t] adv. discreetly. one who retracts. Diserbatura, [dise'rbat'r] f. Discretezza, [diskrte't's] f. Disdire, [dfsdi're] v. a irr. (see the act of weeding corn. Dire) to deny, refuse; retract Diseredare, [disre'd're'] v. a see Discrezione. Discretiva, [diskre'ti'v] f. the renounce; forbid; -, v. n. to to disinherit. power of discerning. misbecome, be unsuitable. Di- Diseredazione , [dise're'dtsi'Discretivo , [diskre'ti'v] adj. sdirsi, V. r. to unsay, retract ne'] f. disinheriting. assisting to discern; rendering one's word. Diserede, [dise'r'd] m. person discreet. Disdorare, [di'sdr're'] v. a. to disinherited. (Diseredare. Discreto, [diskr't] adj. dis- remove gold from any thing. Disereditare, [dise'rdit'r] see creet, prudent. Disdoro, [disd'r] m. dishonor, Diserrare, [disrr'r] v. a. to Discretorio, [discre't'ri] m. shame, infamy (pedantic ex- open, unlock; detach. council room in a monastery. pression). Disertamento, [disrtmn't] Discrezione, [diskrtsi'n] /. Disdotto, [disdt't] aJJ. becom- m. desolation, ruin. discretion. ing ignorant from want of Disertare, [disrt're'] v. a. to Discritto, [diskrit't] &c., see memory. desert; lay waste, rum. Descritto &c. Disebbriare, [dise'bhria're'] v. n. Disertato, fdise'rta'to] adj. unDiscrollare, [diskrll're'] v. a. to become sober again. seemly, ill-made, unapt. Diseccamento, [diskkme'n't] Disertatore, [dise'rtt're'] m. to shake. Discucire, [diskutshire'] v. a. to m. drying up. destroyer, ravager. unsew; wear out. Diseccare, [dise'kk're'] v. a. to Disertazione, [dise'rttsi''ne'] f. Disculminare , [disklmin're'] dry up, wither. destruction, ruin, desolation. V. a. to unroof; v. n. to remain Diseccativo, [dise'kkati'v] adj. Diserto, [disr'tj m. desert, deprived of a roof; be house- desiccative. wilderness. Diseccazione, [dise'kktsi'ne'] Disertore, [dise'rt're] m. deless. Discuotere, [diskte'''re'] v. a. f. desiccation, drying up. serter, runaway. to shako about, consider, exam- Disegnamento, [disn'me'n't] Diservigio, [disrvi'j] m. and (discursive. TJi. delineation; design. Diservimento, [dise'rvimn'tj ine, Discursivo, [diskursi vo] alj. Disegnare, [dise'n''r] v. a. to ill office. Diservire, fdisrvi're'] v. a. to Discussione, [diskssin] f. design, draw; project; intend. Disegnatojo, [dise'n'at'y] m. disserve, do injury to. discussion, disquisition. Discutere, [disk'tre'] v. a. irr. pencil-case, or other instru- Disfacibile, [disfatshibi'le'] adj. easy to be defeated. {discussi; discusso) to discuss, ment used for drawing. Disegnatore, [diseVt're'] m. Disfacimento, [disfdtshime'n't] examine. [diskutsie'n'te'] designer, painter. m. defeat, destruction. Discuziente , part. pres. of Discutere; term Disegnatura, [disn't'r] f. Disfacitore, [disftshit're'] m. destroyer. used by physicians for those sketch, design. substances that dissipate hu- Disegno, [dis'n'] m. design, Disfacitura, [disftshit'r] /. drawing; aim, intention, pur- the act of undoing. mors, <fcc.

Discrepanza, [diskre'pn'ds]

v. a. to [disdi're'] Disfamamento, [di'sfmme'n'pose. Disegnaglianza, [dise'gwrian- t]ni. defamation, slander; satlower, depress, descend. isfying hunger. Disdegnamento, [disdn'mn'- dsa] f. inequality. Diseguale, [dise'gw'le'] ad;, un- Disfamare, [disfm're'] v. a. to t| m. indignation, anger. satiate; satisfy; defame. Disdegnanza, [disdn'n'ds] f. equal, uneven, different. Disegualit , [dise'gualit'] f. Disfare, [disf'r] v a. irr. (see disdain, scorn. Fare) to undo, defeat, destroy. Disdegnare, [disde'n''re'] v. a. inequality. Disfarsi, v.r. to waste; -d'una to disdain, scorn. Disdeqnah- Disegualmente, fdise'gulme'n't] adv. unequally. cosa, to get rid of a thing. si, V. r. to be angry. Disdegnatore, [disdn't're'jm. Disellare, [disll're'] v. a. to Disfatta, [disft't] f. defeat, unsaddle. ruin. one who disdains. Disdegno, [disd'n'] m. dis- Disembriciare, [dise'mbritshii'- Disfatticcio, [disftti'tshi] adj. dain; indignation, wrath. r] V. a. to unroof by removing said of lands lying waste, an(i long unsown. [Pisdegnosameute, [disde'n's- tho tiles.




Disguaglianza, [disgurn'ds] f. Disguaglio, [disgul'] m.

Disfatto, [disfat't] adj. un- Disgovare, [disjiv'r] r. a. to injure. done, defeated. Disfattore, [disftt're'] see Dis- Disgiugnere, [disji'n''e're'] v. a. irr. {see Giugnere) to disjoin, faci toro. separate. Disfavillare, [disfvill're'] v. Disgiugnimento,[disjtn'ime'n'n. to sparkle, shine. Disfavore, [disfv're'] m. dis- t] m. disjunction, separation. [disjintDisgiuntamente , favor, disgrace. Disfavorevole , [disfavr'vle'] mn'te'] adv. separately, distinctly. arfj. unfavorable, adverse, cold.

Disgustare, [diegust're'] v. a. to disgust, displease; vex disgustarsi con alcuno, to be angry with one. Disgustevole , [disgiiste"vle']

adj. disgusting, disagreeable.



Disfavorevolmente, [disfvre'- Disgiuntivo, [disjinti'v] adj. l'tsa] f. disagreeableness. Disgusto, [disg'st] m. disgust, disjunctive. vlme'n'te'] adv. unfavorably, Disgiunto, [disjin't] adj. dis- displeasure. unkindly. Disgustoso , [disgst's] see Disfavorire, [disfvri'r] v. a. joined, separated. Disgustevole. to be contrary to one, op- Disgiunzione, [disjintsi'ne']
Disiare, [disi'r] v. a. to depose. f. disjunction, separation. Disfazione, [disftsi'n] /.des- Disgocciolare, [disgtshl're'j sire, wish, long for. Disiderabile, [diside'rbi'l] adj. see Sgocciolare. truction. Disfecciare, [disfe'tsba're'] v. a. Disgombr amento, [disgmbr- desirable. mn't] m. the act of leaving Disiderare, [dfside'ra'r] &c., and r. to remove the dregs. see Desiderare &c. Disfermare, [disfe'rm're'] v. n. empty (said of houses). Disgombrare, [disgmbr're'] v. Disigillare, [disijill're'] v. a. to enervate; weaken. Disferrare, [disfe'rr'r] v. a. a. to leave empty; leave the to unseal. country. Disimbarazzare[disimbarats'to unshoe (a horse). Disfibbiare, [disfibbia're'] v. a. Disgradare, [disgrd're'] v. a. re] V. o. to disembarasR. to divide into degrees, gradu- Disimbarazzo, [disimbr'ts] to unbuckle. m. disembarassment. Disfida, L^isfi'da] f. defiance, ate degrade, disesteem. challenge. Disgramare, [disgrra're'] v. a. Disimbarcare, [disimbrk'r] Disfidare, [dfsfid're'J v. a. to to remove sorrow. V. a. to disembark. challenge, defy; -, v. n. to Disgradevole , [disgrde''vle'] Disimpacciare , [disimpatsh'mistrust. adj. disagreeable. r] V. a. to disembarass. Disfidatore , [disfidt're'] ni. Disgradimento, [disgrdimn'- Disimpacciato, [disimptsh't] adj. disembarassed; free. challenger. t] m. disesteem, contempt. I>isfigurare, [disfigr're'] v. a. Disgradire, [disgrdi'r] v. a. Disimparare, [disimpr'r] v. to deform, spoil. to dislike, displease. a. to unlearn, forget. Disfigurazione, [disfigrtsi'- Disgrado (a), [a disgr'd] adv. Disimpedire, [disimpe'di're'] v. unwillingly, in spite of. n] f. deform.ity. V. to assist, remove impediDisfilare, [disfil're'] v. a. to Disgraticolare, [disgrtikl'- ments. unwind. re'] V. a. to break the bars. Disimpegnare, [disimpe'n''re] Disfioramento, [disfirme'n't] Disgrato, [disgr't] adj. dis- V. a. to disengage; remove; dim. defloration. agreeable, unpleasing. simpegnarsi di sua parola, to Disfiorare, [disfir'r] v. a. to Disgravamento, [disgrvme'n'- keep one's word. deflower. t] m. discharging, exonera- Disimpegno, [disimp'n'] m. Disfiorato , [disfira't] tion. adj. disengagement, release. destroyed, ruined. Disgravare, [disgrv'r] v. a. Disinare, [disina're'] see DesiDisfogamento, [disfgmeVt] to unload; ease. nare. m. exhaling, vent. Disgravidamento, [disgravida- Disincantare , [disinknt're'] Disfogare, [disfga're'] v. a. to me'n'to] m. delivery. V. a. to disenchant. exhale. Disgravidare , [disgrvid're'j Disinclinazione , [disinkliniiDisfogliare, [disfl''re'J v. a. V. a. to bring forth. tsi'n] f. disinclination; disto strip off the leaves. Disgrazia, [disgr'tsi] f. dis- like. Disformare, [disfrm're'] &c., grace, misfortune; per -, un- Disinenza, [disinn'ds] ses Desee Diff'ormare &c. fortunately. sinenza. Disfornire, [disfrnf're'] v. a. Disgraziare, [disgratsia're'] see Disinfiammare, [disinfiamm'to unfurnish; deprive. Disgradare. re'] V. a. to remove inflamma;


[disfrtn't] Disgraziatamente, [disgrtsitme'n'te']



adj. unfortunate.

Disfrancare, [disfrnk're'] v a. to weaken, enervate. Disfratare, [disfrata're] v. a. to doff the coAvl. Disfrenare , [disfre'n'r] see

Disgangherare, [disganghe'r'r] V. a. to


Disgannare, [disgnna're'J Disingannare.

Disgenio, [disg6"ni] vi. antipathy. ^ Disghiacciare, [disghitsh'r] thaw.

adv. unhappily, by Disinflgnere, [disinfiVre']D.schance. infingere, [disinfin'je're'j v. a. Disgraziato, [disgrtsi't] adj. irr., {see Fingere) to feign, unlucky , unpleasant , disdissemble, disguise. agreeable. Disinfintamente , [disinfintaDisgregare, [disgre'g're'J v. a. me'n'te'] adv. sincerely. to disperse, scatter. Disinfinto, [disinfin't] adj. unDisgregazione, [disgre'gtsi'- dissembling, sincere. ne'] /. disjunction, separation. Disingannare, [disingnn're'] Disgrevare , [disgrv're'J see e. a. to undeceive. Disgravare. Disinganno, [disingn'n] to. Disgroppare, [disgrpp're'J v. undeceiving. a. to untie, undo. Disinnamoramcuto , [disinnaDisgrossare, [disgrss'r] see mrmn't] m. the act of Digrossare. ceasing to love.



v. a. to


[disbbe'din'ds] see Disubbidienza, &c. Disinsegnare , [disinse'n''re'J Dismaltare, [dismltr'e'] v. a. Disobbligante, [disbbl ign'te'] V. a. to unteach. to remove enamel. adj. disobliging; uncivil. Disinteressatezza, [disinte'rs- Dismantarsi, [dismantar'si] v. Disobbligantemente, [disbblisat'ts] f. disinterestedness. r. to take off one's cloak. gnte'me'n'tc'] adv. disobligingDisinteressarsi, [disinte'rssar'- Dismantellare, [dismnte'll're'] ly. v.a. to dismantle fortifications. Disobbligare, [disbblig're'] v. si] V. r. to be disinterested, be impartial. Dismarrimento, [dismarrimn'- a. to disoblige, free from; Disi] V. r. to

Disinnamorarsi[disinnmrr'- Dismalare, [dismala're']

cease loving.
cure, heal.



re'sstme'n't]at/v.disinterestedly, impartially.

t] see Smarrimento. sobbligarsi, V. r. to free one's Dismascherare, [dismske'r'- self from an obligation. re'] V. a. to unmask. Disocchiare, [diskki're'] v. a.

Disinteressato, [disinte're'ss't] adj. disinterested.

Dismemhramento, [disme'mbrme'n't]




disinterestedness, indifference. Disiavitare, [disinvit'r] v. a. to countermand.

a. to

[disinvlje''re'] v.

unwrap, disentangle.

Disinvolto , [disinvrt] adj. free, easy; clever; graceful. Disinvoltura, [disinvlt'r] /. gracefulness, cleverease; ness; self-reliance.

Disio, [disi'] Disiro, [disi'r] /". see Desiderio. Disistancarsi, [disistnkr'si] V. r. to rest one's self. Disistima, [disisti'm] f. dis- Dismisuratameute, [dismisura- decently. esteera, contempt. tme'n't] adv. beyond mea- Disonestare, [disne'st're'] v.a. Dislacciare, [dislatsM're'] v. a. sure. to dishonor, disgrace; Disoneto unlace, unfold. Dismisurato, [di sraisur't] adj. STABSi, V. r. to disgrace one's Dislagare, [dislaga're'] v. n. to immeasurable, extreme. self. overfloAv like a lake. Dismodato, [dismd't] adj. Disonesto, [disne''st] adj. disDislamare, [dislma're'] v. a. immoderate, disorderly. honest, indecent immoderate, to break in pieces (used espe- Dismonacare, [dismnk're'j v. excessive; unjust. cially of armor). a. to uncloister. Disonnarsi, [disnnr'si] v. r. Dislattara, [disltre"] v. a. to Dismontare, [dismnt're'] v. n. to awake. wean. to dismount, descend; alight. Disonoramento, [disnrame'n'Dislaudare, [dislddr] and Dismorbare, [dismrb're'J v.a. t] m. Disonoranza, [disnDislodare, [dislda'r] v. a. to to remove a disease. rn'ds] (. dishonor, disgrace;

to put out the eyes. Disoccupare, fdiskkp're'] v. Dismembrare, [disme'mbr're'] disengage, release; DisocV. a. to dismember. cuparsi, V. r. to rest from laDismemorato, [disme'mr't] bor, take one's ease. adj. unmindful, forgetful. Disoccupato, [diskkp't] arfj Dismettere, [dismt'te'r] r. a. unoccupied, at leisure, disenirr. {see Mettere) to abandon, gaged. give up ; omit. Disoccupazione , [diskkpDismidollare, [dismidll're'] v. tsi'n] f. leisure. o. to remove marrow. Disolare, [disl'r] &c., see DeDismisura, [dismis'r] Dism- solare Se. suranza, [dismisran'ds] f. Disonest, [disne'st'] Disoneredundance, excess, superflui- stade. Disonestate, dishonesty; obscenity, lewdness. ty; a -, exceedingly. Dismisurare, [dismisiira're'] v. Disonestamente , [disnstn. to exceed, go beyond. me'n'te'] adv. dishonestly, in-


[disle''Ie'] of^j .disloyal,

Dismuovere, [dism've're'] v. a. infamy. irr., {see Muovere) to move; Disonorare, [disonora' r]


v. a.



adv. disloyally. Dislealt, [disle'lt'] Disleanza, [disle'n'ds] perfidy.




[disle'g're'] v. a. to

untie, loose; explain.

Disleghevole , [disle'glie'vl] adj. easy to loose.

Dislocare, [dislka'r] v. a. to displace, mislay; remove. Dislocazione, [dislktsi'ne'] f.

Dislogare, [dislga'r] v.

a. to

Dislogazione, [dislgtsi'ne'J


Disloggiare, [disldj'r] v. a. to dislodge an enemy. Dislungarsi, [dislungar'si] v. a. r. to remove oneself to a distance.

Dismagare, [dismg're]
to mislead.

v. a.

Dismagliare, [dismr're']
to tear Avith the nails.


to dishonor, disgrace, slight. Disnamorarsi, [disnamrr'si] Disonoratamente, [disnrtV. a. r. to leave off loving, be me'n'te'] adv. shamefully, disdisenamourod. gracefully. Disnaturale, [disntr'le'] adj. Disonoratore, [disnrat're'] unnatural. m. one who dishonors himself. Disnaturare, [disntr're'] v.a Disonore, [disn'r] m. disto change nature. honor, infamy. Disnaturato, [disntr't] adj. Disonorevole, [disnre''vl] unnatural, inhuman. adj. dishonorable, shameful. Disnebbiare, [disne'bbia're'] v.a. Disonorevolmente, [disnre'to dispel the clouds; clear up. vlme'n'te'] adv. dishonorably. Disnerbare, [disne'rb'r] and Disoppilare, [disppila'r] v.a. Disnervare, [disne'rv'r] v.a. to disinter. to enervate Disnervaksi, t; r. Disopra, [dis'pr] Tprep. above, to become enervated. over. Disnidare, [disnid're'] v. a. to Disoprapp,[disprppi']adt). quit the nest. over and above, besides, into Disnodare, [disnd're'j v.a. to the bargain. untio a knot; unravel. Dsorbitante,[disorbtn't]ad;. Disnodevole, [disud'vle'j adj. exorbitant. easy to be untied. Disorbitantemente , [disorbiDisnore, [disn're'J m. jioes., tnte'me'n'te'] adv. exorbitantly. dishonor. (denude. Disorbitanza, [disrbitn'ds] Disnudare, [disnd're'] v. a. to f. extravagance, excess. Disobbedionte, [disbbdia't] Disordinaccio, [disordina' tshid] adi, disobedient. m, great disorder.




[dfsrdiii- Disparire, [dispri'r] v. n. to Disperare, [dispr're'] v. a. io

men'i] m. Disordiuanza, [di-

disappear, vanish.

disorder. Dispariscente, [disprishn'te'] Disordinare, [disordina' r] v.a. adj. unsightly, ill-looking. to disorder; -, v. n. to live in Disparit, [disparit'] Disparidebauchery; Disordinarsi, w. tade, Disparitate, {. disparity, inequality. r. to be confounded. Disordinariamente, [disrdina- Disparmente, [disparme'n'te'] adv. unequally. Tiir e n'tejadv. extraordinarily. Disordinario , [disrdina'ri] Disparte, [dispr'te'] adv. aside, adj. extraordinary. apart. Disordinatamente, [disrdina- Dispartimento , [dispartime'n't] m. division. tmn't] adv. disorderly. Disordinato, [disrdiu't] aJj. Dispartire, [disprti're'] v. a. to disordinate, confused; debaucli- distribute; separate; break. Dispartitamente, [disprtited. Disordinazione,[disrdintsi'- me'n't] adv. separately. Dispartitore, [dispartito 're'] m. n] f. disorder, confusion. Disordine, [disr'dine'] m. dis- parter, divider. Disparutezza, [dispriite"ts] f. order; debauchery. Disorganizzare, [disrgnitsa'- leanness, deformity, ugliness. r] V. a. to disorganize, disor- Disparuto, [dispru'tjadj.thin, emaciated. der; Disorganizzarsi, v. r. to Dispassionamento, [dispssi'te confounded. Disormeggiare, [disrmdj're'] nme'n't] i. apathy. v. a. mar., to unbend the cable. Dispegnere, [disp'n'e're'] v. a. Disornare, [disrn'rj . a. to and r., to extinguish. Dispendere, [dispn'de'r] v. a. disadorn. Disospito, [disspi'tjadj.inlios- irr {see Spendere) to spend. pitabie. Dispendio, [dispu'di] m. exDisossare, [disssa're'] v. a. to pense, costs, pi. Dispendiosamente, [dispe'ndibone. Disotterrare, [distte'rra're'j v. sme'n't] adv. expensively. Dispendioso, [dispe'ndi'sj adj. a. to disinter, unbury. Disovrappi, [di svra.ppi']a(/v. expensive, costly. Dispenditore, [dispndit're'] over and above, besides. [dispatsli Dispacciamento , spendthrift. haste, speed. Dispennare, [dispe'nna're'] v. a. me'n't] Dispacciare, [disptsha're'] v. to pluck tho feathers.

deprive of hopo; -, . n. & Disperarsi, V. r. to despair of, despond.



me'n'te'] adv. desperately.

Disperatezza, [dispe'rt'ts]

Disperato, [dispe'r't] adj. desperate, hopeless; da -, like a



despair, desperation, rage.

Disperdere, [dispr'de'r] v.

to dissipate, waste, scatter. Disperdimento, [dispe'rdime'n't] m. dispersion, ruin. Disperditamente, [dispe'rditme'n't] adv. dispersedly.

Disperditore, [dispe'rdit're'] m. squanderer, waster. Dispergere, [dispr'je're'] v. a. irr., {see Sporgere) to disperse,

Dispergimento ,


m. scattering, rout. Dispergitore, [dispe'rjito're'] m.

destroyer, waster.




dispersion. Dispesa, [dispensa] f. expense. Dispettabile, [disptt'bil]ad/. despicable, contemptible. Dispettaccio, [disptt'tsh] m. spiteful insult.

t] adv.


contemptuously. Dispettare, [dispe'tt're'] v. a. m to despise, contemn DispetDispensa, [dispn's] f. distri- TARSi, V, r. to be vexed, be a. to clear, despatch. Dispaccio, [disp'tsh] m. des- bution, portion, part; pantry, angry. dispensation, licence; post; Dispettatore, [dispe'ttt're'] m. patch, speed. a contemner. Dispaiare, [dispya're'] v. a. to office; mar., steward's room. [dispe'tte"vle'] unmatch. Dispensabile , [dispe'nsa'bile'] Dispettevole , adj. despicable; scornful. Dispandere, [dispnde''re'] v. a. adj. dispensable. Dispensamento, [dispnsraeV- Dispettivamente, [dispe'ttivdto scatter, sprinkle. me'n'te] adv. contemptuously; Disparare, [dispr're'] v. a. to t] m. distribution. unlearn, forget. Dispensare, [dispns'r] v. a. scornfully. Disparatezza, [dispart'tsa] /. to share; dispense with, exempt. Dispetto, [disp't] adj. despisDispensataraente, [dispnst- ed; mean, vile; -, m. affront, inequality. contempt, scorn; a -, in -, per Disparato , [dispr't] adj. mn'te'] adv. by favor. unequal, badly matched. Dispensativa, [dispe'nsti'v] /. -, in spite of; avere in -, to Dspar occhiare, [dispre'kki'- that part of economy which con- despise. sists in the well-ordering of a Dispettosamente, [dispe'ttsr] V. a. to take away, clear me'n'te'] adv. spitefully, anhousehold house-keeping. the table. grily. [dispe'nst'r] Dispareggio, [dispare"dj] m. Dispeusatore, Dispettoso , [di'spe'tts] adj. inequality. m. dispenser, distributer. Disparere, [dispd,re''re'] m. con- Dispensazione, [dispnstsi'- spiteful, malicious. Dispettosuzzo, [dispe'tts'ts] tost, variance. n] f. dispensation, licence. Disparere,[dispre''re']v.n.trr., Dispensiera, [dispe'nsi'r] /. adj. somewhat spiteful. Dispezzaro, [dispe'tsa're'J v. a. {see Parere) to have a bad aphouse-keeper. pearance. Dispensiere, [dispe'nsi're'] m. to cut in pieces. Dispiacente , [dispitshn'te'] Dispargere, [dispar'je're'] on. butler, steward. adj. displeasing. trr., (see Spargere) to disperse, Dispepsia, [dispe"psi] f. indiDispiacenza, [dispitshn'dsa] diffuse. gestion. Dispargiraento, [disparjimeV- Disperabile, fdispe'ra'bil] adj. f. displeasure, sorrow, pain. Dispiacere, [dispitshe"r] v. a. hopeless, without remedy. t) m. dispersion. irr., {see JPiacore) to displease, [disprj'n] Dispari, [disp'ri] adj. unequal, Disperagione , disgust. see Disperazione. uneven, ditferent. Risparimente , [disparimeVte'] Disperanza, [dispe'rn'ds] see Dispiacere, [dispitshe''re'] i displeasure, annoyance. Disperazione. ed, unequally, differently.
; ;




Dispiacevole, [dispitsh'vl] Disposare, [disps're'] V. a. to! Disprigionare, [disprijn're'] V. a. to free from prison, set marry, espouse. ad], unpleasant. Dispiacevolezza, [dispttshv- Dispositiva, [dispsiti'va] m. at liberty. ^ declaratory part of a writing Disproporzioiiaro, [disprprl'ts] f. displeasure, displeatsina'r] v. a. to disproporor contract. sing act. Dispiacevolmente, [dispitsh- Dispositivo, [dispositivo] adj. tion. vlme'n't] adv. disagreeably. preparatory ; said also of the Disproporzionato, [disprprDispiacimento, [dispitsliime'n'- declaratory part of a law, tes- tsin't]afZi. disproportionate. Disproporzione, [disprprtsitament, &c. t] m. affliction , vexation Dispositore, [dispsit're'] m. 'ne'] /. disproportion. grief. Disprovvedutamente, [disprvDispianare, [dispin're'] v. a. disposer, governor. adv. rashly, to spread out on the ground, Disposizione, [dispsitsi'ne'] (. vdtme'n'te'] unadvisedly. explain; DisPiANARST, V. r. to disposition, mind. Dispossessare, [dispsse'ss're'] Dsprovveduto , [disprvve'd'lie down flat on the ground. t] adj. unprovided unpreDispiantare, [dispint're'] v. a. V. a. to dispossess. Dispostamente, [dispstiimn'- pared. to root out, destroy. Dispulare, [displ're'] v. a. to Dispiccare, [dispikk'r] v. a te'] adv. with order. Dispostezza, [dispste''ts] f. thresh away the chaff. to pluck up, pull up. Dispnmato [dispm'tj adj* readiness; beauty. Dispicciare, Idispitsh'r] v. a Dispotico, [disp'tik] &c., see unfrothed. to despatch, expedite. Dispuro , [disp'r] adj. imDispiegamento, [dispie'gme'n'- Despotico &c. pure. Dispratcabile,[disprtikbi'le'] t] m. the act of explaining. Dispiegare, [disptg'r] v. a. adj. impracticable (said of per- Disputa, [dis'pt] f. dspute. strife. to display; explain; Dispiesons). garsi, V. r. to expand. Dispregare, [dispre'g're'] v. n. Disputabile, [dispt'bile'] adj. disputable. Dispietatamente , [disptt to neglect praying to have no Disputabilmente, [disputabilmn't] adv. without pity; will to pray. cruelly. Dispregevole , [disprje"vl] mn'te'] adv. disputably. Disputamento, [disptme'n't] Dispietato, [dispie't'tj adj un- adj. despicable, contemptible.

Dispregevolmente , [disprje'- m. disputation. Disputare, [dispt'r] v. a. to Dispignere, [dispi'n'ere'] v. a. vlmn'te'] adv. disdainfully. dispute, debate. irr. (see Spignoro) to cancel a Dispregiabile , [dsprj'bile'j Disputativo, [disputti'v] adj. painting. see Dispregevole. disputative. Displicenza, [displitshn'ds] Dispregiamento, [disprjme'n' see Dispiacenza. Disputatore, [disptt're'] m. to] m. contempt. Dispnea, [dispn'] f. a species Dispregiare, [dispre'j'r] v. a. reasoner. of asthma. to despise, undervalue, con- Disputazione, [dispttsi'ne'] Dispodestare, [dispde'st'r] temn. /. disputation. V. a. to deprive of power. Dispregiatamente, [disprjiat- Disquillante, [diskuilln'te']ad/. Dispoetico, [dispoti'k] adj. ine'n'te'] adv. despicably. resounding. nnpoetical. Dispregiativo, [disprejiti'v] Disquisizione, [diskuisitsi'ne'] Dispogliamento, [displ'me'n'- adj. said of words that by their f. disquisition, inquiry. t] m. the act and effect of ending express contempt. Disradicare, [disrdik're'] v. a. despoiling. Dispregiatore , [disprjt're'] to eradicate. Dispogliare, [dispr'r] sec m. despisor. Disradicazione, [disrdiktsi'Spogliare &c. Dispregio, [dispr'j] m. con- ne'] f. eradication. Dispolpare, [displpa'r] v. a. tempt. Disragionato, [disrjin'tjaf/j. to remove the pulp. Dispregnare, [dispre'n'a're'] to without reason, contrary to Disponente, [dispnn't] adj. be delivered of a child. reason. disposing; -, m. disposer. Disprezzabile, [disprts'bile'] Disragione, [disrj'ne'] f. want Disponibile, [dispnibi'le'J adj. adj. despicable, contemptible. of sense. disposable. Disprezzantemente , [dispre'- Disragionevole , [disrjne'v'Disponitivo, [dispniti'v] adj. tsante'me'n'te] orfu. scornfully. le'] adj. unreasonable. positive enjoining (said of Disprezzamento , [dispre'ts- Disragionevolmente, [disrajnthat quality of writing or pub- me'n't] tn. contempt. e'vlme'n'te'] adu. unreasonably. lic document that commands Disprezzanza, [disprtsn'ds] Disramare, [disrm'r] v. a. to or enjoins). (disposer. lop off branches. f. injurious contempt. Disponitore, [dispnit'r] ni. Disprezzare, [dispre'ts're'] v. Disregolatamente, [dfsre'glDispopolare, [disppl'rj v. a. to despise, undervalue. tmn't] adv. irregularly. a. to unpeople. Disprezzatore, [dispre'tst're'] Disregolato, [disre'gl't] adj. Dispopolatore, [dispplt're'] m. contemner. disorderly, irregular. wt. depopulator. Disprezzatura, [dispre'tst'r] Disrompere, [disrm'pe're'] v. a. Disporre, [dispr'rel v. a. irr. f. carelessness (said of writing irr. {see Rompere) to break {tee Porre) to dispose, set in and of dress). off. order persuade, induce; trans- Disprezzevole, [dispre'ts'vle'] Disrugginare, [disrudjina're] fer. DisPORSi, V. r. to preadj, despicable, vile. and Disruvidire, [disrvidi'r] pare one's self, determine. Disprezzevolmente, [dispre'tse'- V. a. to rub off the rust. Disportazione , [disprttsl'- vlmn'te'] adv. despicably, Dissagrare, [dissgr're'] v. a.
merciful, inhuman.

ne'] f.



to profane.
v. a, to

Pisposamento, [dispsme'n't] Disprezzo, [dispr'ts] m. con- Dissalare, [dissl'r]

m. betrothing.
Diz. lll-lnQ.

tempt, disdain, carelessness.

render less salt.




Dissonnare, [dissnn'r] v. . to awake from sleep. Dissono, [diss'n] adj. dissonant.

Dissaldare; [dissld'r] v. a. to Dissimigliantemente, [dissimidissimirntme'n'te'] adv. unsodder. Dissanguare, [dissng'r] v. larly. a. to bleed within an incli of Dissimiglianza , [dissimirn'ds] /. unlikeness, difference. one's life. Dissanguinare, [dissngin'r] Dissimigliare, [dissimir're'] v. n. to differ, be unlike. V. a. to wash skins from the Dissimile, [dissi'mile'] adj. unblood. Dissapore, [dissp're'] m. dis- like, different. Dissimilitudine, [dissirailit'cord, disagreement. Dissavoroso, [dissvr's] adj. dine'] /. unlikeness, difference, disparity. unsavoury. Dissecazione, [dissa'ktsi'n] f. Dissimulantemente, [dissimiilnte'mn'te'] adv. feignedly. dissection. Disseccare, [dissetka'r] v. a. Dissimulare, [dissiml're'] v. a. to dissimulate , disguise to dry up. Disseccatvo,[disskkti'v]adj. conceal. Dissimulatamente, [dissimuladesiccative, shriveling. Dis3eccazione,[disse'kktsi'De'] tme'n't] adv. dissemblingly. /. the act and effect of drying Dissimulatore, [dissimult're'] m. Dissimulatrice, [dissimup. Disselciare, [disse'ltsh're] v. ltri'tshe'] f. dissembler. Dissimulazione, [dissimltsia. to take up the pavement. [dissll't] adj. Dissellato , 'ne'] dissimulation , dis/. without a saddle. guise. Dissembrare, [disse'mbra're'] v. Disspabile, [dissipa'bile'] adj. dissipable. a. to be dissimilar.

Dissotterramento [dstte'rrme'n't] m. the act of disinter,


Dissotterrare, [disstte'rr're'] V. r. to unbury. Dissovvenirsi , [dissve'nir'si] V. a. irr. (see Venire) to forget.

Dissuadere, [disswade''r]
irr. (dissuasi

v. a.

dissuaso) to dis/.


Dissuasione , [dissusi'n]

Dissuasivo, [dissttsi'v] adj. apt to dissuade. Dissuasore , [dissus'reT m.

dissuader. Dissuasorio, [dissws'ri] adj. dissuasive, dehortatory. Dissuetudine, [dissMt'dine'] f. want of practice. Dissuggellare, [disisdje'll're']
V. a. to unseal.

Dissuria, [dissuri'a]



Disseminare, [disse'min'r] v. Dissipamento, [dissipme'n't] Distaccamento, [distkkme'n't] m. detaching; mil. detachm. dissipation, wasting. a. to disseminate spread pubDissipare, [dissip're'] v. a. te ment. lish. Distaccare, [distkk'r] v. a. Disseminatore, [disse'mint'- dissipate, spend. to detach; separate, disunite. re'] w. disseminator; spreader. Dissipatvo, [dssipti'v] adj. Disseminazione, [disse'mintsi- possessing the faculty of dissi- Distaccarsi, v. r. to part. Distaccatura, [distkkt'r] /. pating humors. 'n] f. spreading, publishing. Dissennare, [dissnn're'] v. a. Dissipatore, [dissipt'r] vi. detaching parting. Distacco, [distak'k] m. dissquanderer. to infatuate. Dissennato, [disse'nn't] adj. Dissipazione, [dissiptsi'n] f. engagement, alienation. Distagliare, [distr're'] v. a. to dissipation, prodigality. senseless, mad.




Dissipdezza, [dissipide''ts]


cut asunder.

Distagliatnra, [distrt'r] f. insipidity. Dissenteria, [disse'nte'ri'a] /. dy- Dissipito, [dissipi't] ailj. insi- separation; cut, chap. Distangare, [distng'r] . a. pid, tasteless. sentery. Dissentire, [dissnti're'] v.. to Dissodare, [dissd're'] v. a. to to remove bars. Distante, [distan'te'] acfj.distant, dissent, disagree. break up, plough. Disseparare, [disse'pr're'] v. Dissollecitudine, [disslltshi- far off. t'dine'] f. slowness, slackness. Distantemente, [distante'me'n'a. to separate. Disserrare, [dsse'rr're'] v. a. Dissolubile, [dissl'bile'] adj. te'] adv. distantly, at a great
dissension, strife.
distance. dissoluble. to open, unlock. Dissertazione, [disse'rttsi'ne'] Dssolutamente,[dissltme*n'- Distanza, [distn'ds] Distanzia, [distn'dsi] /. distance. te'] adv. dissolutely. f. dissertation. Disservigio, [disse'rvi'ji] m. Dissolutezza, [disslute"ts] /. Distare, [dist're'] v.7i. irr. {see Stare) to be distant. disservice, injury. licentiousness; excess. Disservire, [disse'rvi're'] v. a. Dissolutivo, [disslti'v] adj. Distasare, [dists're'] v. a. to (to untile. having the faculty of dissolv- unstop. to disserve, do injury. Distegolare, [diste'gl'r] v.a. Disservizio, [disse'rvi'tsi] see ing. Disservigio. Dissoluto, [dissluto] adj. dis- Distemperare, [diste'mpe'r're'] see Stemperare, &c. Dissestare, [dissst're'] v. a. solute, debauched. Dissoluzione, [dissltsi'ne'] /". Distendere, [distn'de're'] v. a. to derange, disorder. irr. {see Tendere) to extend, Dissetare, [disse't're'] v. n. to dissolution. quench (thirst). Dissolvere, [dissl've'reT v. a. distend, stretch. Distendeksi, Dissettore, [disse'tt're'] m. dis- irr. {see Solvere) to dissolve ; w. r. to enlarge; unbend. Distendevole , [distnde'v'l] sector. undo. Dissezione, [disse'tsi'n] f. dis- Dissomigliante, [dissmirn'- and Distendibile, [diste'ndibile'] adj. easy to be distended. section, incision. t] see Dissimigliante. Dissidio, [dissi'dij m. dissent, Dissonante, [dissnn'te'] adj. Distendimento, [diste'ndime'n't] m. and Distenditura^ [dislitigation. dissonant. te'ndit'r] distension. Dissigillare, [dissijill're'] v. a. Dissonanza , [dissnn'ds] / Distenebrare, [distne'br'r] . (syllable. dissonance. to unseal. Dissillabo, [dissil'lab] m. dis- Dissonare, [dssn'r] v. n. to o. to become light, luminous. Dissimigliante, [dissimirn'tl be discordant (said of musical Distenere, [distn're'] v. a. irr. {see Tenere) to retain, stop. dj. dissimilar, different. instruments).




Distenimento , [distnimen't] Distorditezza, [distrdit'ts] Distringere, [distrin'je're'J ste Distrignere. m. detention, restraint. f. extreme giddiness of spirit. Distenitore, [diste'nit're'] in. Distordito , [distrdi't] adj. Distruggere, [distru'dje'r] v. extremely giddy. a. irr. {see Struggere) to desone who detains. Distensione, [diste'nsi'ne'] /. Distornamento, [distrnme'n'- troy, ruin. Distruggimento , t] m. diversion; hinderance. extension, expansion. [distrdjiDisterminare , [diste'rmin're'] Distornare, [distrn're] v. a. mn't] m. destruction. drive to turn away, divert; hinder. Distruggitivo, [distrdjiti'v] V. a. to exterminate Distorre, [dist'r] v. a. irr. adj. destructive. away.

[dist's] /. extent, {see Torre) to divert, dissuade. Distruggitore, [distrdjit're'] stretching, reduction to wri- Distortamente, [distrtmeV- m. destroyer, waster. Distruttivamente, [distrttivte'] adv. distortedly, badly. ting. rae'n'te'] adv. destructively. Distesa (a), [a dist's] adv. at Distorto, [distr't] adj. distortDistruttivo, [distrtti'v] adj. large. ed ; unjust. Distesamente, [diste'sme'n't] Distraere, [distra'e're'] see Dis- destructive. Distruttore, [distrtt're'] m. adv. extensively, widely. trarre. Disteso, [diste's] m. a con- Distraimento, [distrime'n't] destroyer. Distrazione, [distrtsi'ne'] /. tract, reduced to writing to m. distraction, separation. give or do something; adj Distralciare , [distrltshi'r] destruction, ruin. largo, spacious, extended. V. o. to remove shoots of trees, Disturare, [distr're'] v. a. to unstop, open. Distessere, [distsse"re'] v. a. tendrils of vines, &c. to unweave. Distramho , [distrm'b] adj. Disturbamento, [distrbraeVt] m. disturbance, perturbaDistico, [dls'tik] m. distich. squint-eyed. Distillamento, [distillme'n't] Distrarre, [distrr're'] v. a. irr. tion. in. distillation. {see Trarre) to distract, divert Disturbare, [distrb're'] v. a. Distillante, [distilln'te'] adj. from; hinder. Distrarsi, v. r. to disturb; vex. distilling. Disturbatore, [disturbt're'] m. to divert one's mind from. Distillare, [distill're'] v. a. & n. Distrattamente, [distrttme'n- disturber, vexer. Disturbo, [distr'b] m. trouble, to distil, infuse. t] adv. distractedly. Distillato, [distill't] adj. well Distrattare, [distrtt're'] v. a. anxiety. discussed at large. examined, Disubbidiente, [diabbidin't] to treat ill. Distillatojo, [distillt'y] m. Distrattivo, [distratti'v] adj. adj. disobedient. still, alembic. Disubbidientemente, [disbbiapt to distract the mind. Distillatore, [distillat're'] m. Distraziare, [distrtsi're'] v. die'ntmn'te'J adv. disobedientdistiller. ly. a, to tear. Distillazione , [distilltsi'ne'J Distrazione, [distrtsi'ne'] f, Disubbidienza , [disbbidie'n'distraction, confusion; absence dsa] Disubbidienza, [disbbif. distillation. Distinguere, [distingwe're'] v. a. of mind. din'dsi] f. disobedience. irr. {dittinsi; distinto) to dis- Distretta, [distr't] f. distress. Disubbidire, [disubbidire'] v.a. tinguish; divide. Distinguersi, Distrettamente, [distre'ttame'n'- to disobey. te'] adv. rigorously, expressly. Disudire, [disdi're'] v. n. irn V. r. to distinguish one's self. Distinguibile, [distiugui'bile] Distrettezza, [distre'tt'ts] /. (see Udire) to seem not to hear. Disuggellare, [disjie'll'r] v. rigor, severity, straitness. adj. distinguishable. [distingiii- Distretto, [distr't] adj. press Distinguimento , a. to unseal. mn't] m. the act of distin- ed, pinched; rigorous; needy; Disuguaglianza, [disgurn'guishing. -, m. district, terMtory. ds] f. and Disuguaglio, [diDistinguitore, [distnguit're'] Distrettuale, [distrtt'le'] m. sguT] n. disparity, ineinhabitant of a district. quality. m. one who distinguishes. Distintamente, [distintame'n'- Distribuimento, [distribuinieV- Disuguale, [disuguale'] adj. unequal, uneven. t] m. distribution. t] adv. distinctly. Disugualit, [disugualit'] DisDistintiva, [distinti'v] /. dis- Distribuire, [distribi're'] v ugualitade, Disugualitat, f. to distribute; range. tinction, partition. Distintivo, [distinti'v] adj. dis- Distributivamente, [distrib- inequality. tinctive; -, m. mark, token; tivame'n'te'] arfv. distributive! y. Disugualmente, [disgulmeVcharacteristic. Distributivo, [distribti'v] adj. te'] adv. unequally. Disumanare, [dismn're'] v Distinzione, [distintsi'ne'J /. distributive. Distributo, [distrib't] adj. a. to divest of humanity. Disdistinction, separation. Distirpare, [distirp're'] v. a. to distributed. XJMANAB.SI, V. r. to grow inDistributore, [distribt're'] m. human. extirpate. Disumano, [dism'n] adj. inDistivalarsi, [distivalar'si] v. a. distributer. Distribuzione, [distribtsi'ne'] human, cruel. to take off one's boots. Distogliere, [dist'l'e'r] v. a. f. distribution, portion. Disumidire, [dismidi're'] v. a. irr. {see Togliere) to dissuade. Distrigare, [distriga're'] v. a. to to dry up humidity. Distoglimento, [distrime'n't] disentangle, unfold; explain. Disunibile, [disnibi'le'] adj. sedissuasion; theft Distrigarsi, v. r. to disentan- parable. Distonare, [distn'r] v. n. to gle one's self, get rid of. Disuniforme, [disunifr'me']adj. Distrignere, [distri'n'e're'] v. a. dissimilar in form. sing out of tune. irr. {see Strignere) to bind Disunione, [disni'ne'] /. disDistoppare, [distpp're"] close ; pinch; hold. to uncork. union, discord. Distoreere, [distr'tshe're'] see Distrignimento,[distrin'ime'n'- Disunire, [disni're'] v. a. to Storcere, &c. to] m. tying close. disunite.





v. n. tv

Disunitamente, [disnitmn'- Disviatamente,

te) 0(^0. separately. Disunto, [disn'tj thin.
ad}, lean,

[dfsvitme'n'- Divagare, [divg're'] adv. deviatingly. rove, ramble.





Divallamento, [divllme'n't] m. going down.

Disusanza, [dissn'ds]


dis- Disviatore, [dfsvit're']

leader, seducer.

to Disvievole, [disvie'v'le'] clined to deviate. Disusatamente, [disstame'n'- Disvigorire, [disvigri're'] v. a. Divampare, [divmp'r] tv n. te'] ad^K against custom. and r., to lose strength. to burn, blaze. Disusato, [diss't] adj. nn- Disviluppare, [disvilpp're'] v. Divano, [div'n] m. divan. nsual, obsolete. a. to unravel; clear. Divanzare, [divantsa're'] v. a. Disuso, [dis's] m. disuse, ces- Disviscerare, [disvitshe'r're'] v. to get precedence of, outrun. sation of custom. Divariamento, [divrim-n't] a. to disembowel. m. the act of changing or Disutile, [dis'tile'] arfj. useless, Disviticcliiare, [disvitik'ki're'] disutilit, [disutilit'] Disuti- V. a- to untwist, disentangle. varying. litade, Disutilitate, /. useless-! Disviziare, [disvitsi'r] v. a. Divariare, [divri're'] v. a. to vary, change; -, . n. to differ. to correct, purify; mend. ness. Disutilmente , [distilme'n't] Disvolere, [disvle"re] v. a. irr. Divariazione, [divritsi'n] adv. uselessly. {see Volere) to refuse, reject. f. difference. Disvalento, [disvlu'te'] adj. Disvolgere , [disvl'je'r] sec Divario, [div'ri] m. variety,

Disusare, [disus'r] disuse, disaccustom.

m. mis- Divallare, [divll'r] v. n. to descend, come down. adj. in- Divampamento, [divmpmn't] m. flame, blaze.

Svolgere. Dita, [di'ti] pi. of Dito. n. irr.(see Valere) to prejudice, Ditale, [dit'le] m. tWmWe fnger-stall. hurt, harm. Disvalore, [disvl're'] m. little Ditata, [dit't] f. a tlow with the fingers. value, demerit. Disvantaggio , [disvnt'dji] Dite, [di'le'] adj. rich. m. disadvantage. Ditello, [dit'l] m. arm-pit. Disvantaggioso, [disvntdj'- Ditenere, [dite'ne"re'] w. a. irr. {see Tenere) to entertain; des] a'Ij. hurtful.
worthless. Disvalere,
[disvle''re'] . a.



Divastazione, [divsttsi'ne'] f. and Divastamento, [divastame'n't] m. devastation.



Disvariamento, [disvrimeVto]

tain, confine.





mn't] m. the act of growing young. Divecchiare, [dive'kkia're'] v.n. to grow young. Divedere, [divde''re'] v. a. irr. (see Vedere) dare a -, to let see, demonstrate; give to understand.

Disvariare, [disvri're'] v.

to vary, be different. Disvario, [disv'ri] m. varia- tbyrambus. Dito, [di't] tion, difference.

detainer. Ditirambo, [ditirm'b]




di- Divegliere,






m. (dita, f. pi.), gliere. [divllime'n't] finger, inch; mostrare a dita, Divellimento , m. rooting out. to point at. to awake; stir up. Disvegliere, [disvTe'r] v. a. Ditola, [di'tl] f. a kind of Diveltare, [dive'lta're'] v. n. to mushroom. turn up the ground for plantirr. (see Svellere) to root out, Ditrarre, [ditrr'r] v. a. irr. ing. pluck up. Disvelamento, [disvlme'n't] (see Trarre) to take away, car- Divelto, [diverto] m. ploughed ry off, rob. ground. unveiling. Divenire, [dive'ni're'] v. n. irr. Disvelare, [disve'l'r] v, a. to Ditta, [dit't] f. firm.

v. a.

nnveil, ilisclose.



Dittamo, [ditt'm] m. dittany. (see Venire) to become, happen. m. Dittatorio, [dittt'ri] adj. dic- Diventare, [dive'nt're'] v.n. to

revealer, discoverer.

become altered.

Disvellere, [disveTle're'] see Dis Dittatura, [dittt'r] f. dicta- Diverberare, [dive'rbe'r'r] t. a. to beat about at random. tion; dictatorship. vegliere. [ditttsi'ne'] [divr'bi] m. talk, Disvenire, [disvni're'] see Sve- Dittazione , /. Diverbio, conversation. dictation. nire. Disventura, [disve'nt'r] f. ill- Ditto, [dit't] m. word, saying. Divergenza, [dive'rge'n'ts] /.. Dittongo, [dittn'g] m. diph- divergency. luck. (plunge. Divergere, [divr'jre'] v. n. Disventuratamente, [disve'ntii- thong, rtmn't] ad. unfortunately. Dituffare, [ditffa're] v. a. to irr. (diverso) to diverge. Disventurato , [disvntr'to] Diturpare, [ditrp're'J v. a. to Diverre , (div'r) see Disvegliere. disfigure. adj. unfortunate. Disverre, [disv're'] see Disve- Diuretico, [dire''tik] adj. diu- Diversamente, [dive'rsme'n'te*] adv. differently. retic. gliere. Disvestire, [disvsti're'] v. a. to Diurno, [dir'n] adj. diurnal, Diversiflcamento, [dive'rsifikiiquotidian. me'n't] m. diversification, vanndress divest. Disvezzare, [disve'ts're'] v. a. Diuturnamente, [ditrnme'n'- riety. Diversificare, [divrsifik'r] v. t] adv. for a long time. to disaccustom; wean. Disvezzo, [disv'ts] adj. unac- Diuturnit, [diuturnit'] f. long a. to diversify. duration. Diversificazione, [dive'rsifikacustomed. Disviamento, [disviraeVt] m. Diuturno, [ditur'n] adj. long, tsi'ne] /. variation, alteration. of long duration. deviation. Diversione, [dive'rsi'ne'] f. d Disviare, [disvi're'] v. a. to Diva, [di'va] /. goddess. lead astray. Disviarsi, v. r. to Divagamento , [divgme'n't] version, amosemeut; mil. stram. roving abroad. tagem. stray; forsake.

Diversit, [diversit']



[divl't] Divoluto, [divi't] adj. wrapped, roiled up. Di voracit, [divrtshit'] /.voracity. Divoragione, [divrj'n] f.

diver- Divinazione, [divinatsi'ne'] / divination. Diverso, [divr's] adj. diffe- Divincolabile, [divinklbi'le'] rent, unlike; strange; frigitful, adj. that may be unbound. [divinklDivincolamento , fierce. Divertere, [divr'tre'] sei Di- me'n't] m. unbinding. Divincolare, [divinkl're'] .a. vertire. Diverticolo, [dive'rti'klc] m. to liberate from chains, writhe. Divincolazione, [divinkltsi'cross-lane. Divertimento, [divrtime'n't] ne'] f. liberating, loosening, unbinding. m. diversion, interruption. Divertire, [dive'rti'r] v. a. to Divinit, [divinit'] f. divinity, divert, amuse; dissuade. Divertirsi, V. r. to divert one's self, Divinizzare, [divinids're'] v. a to deify, idolize. take one's pleasure. Divestire, [dive'sti're'] v. a. to Divinizzazione, [diviuidstsi'divest, strip

devouring; whirlpool.

Divoramento, [divrme'n't] m.
devouring, rapacity.

Divoramenti, [divrmn'ti] m.
braggart, hector. Divorare, [divra're'] v. a. to devour, consume. Divoratore , [divrt're'] l.

ne'] f. deification.

Divettare, [dive'tt'reT beat -wool with a flail.


n. to


Divettatura ,



[divi'n] adj. divine excellent; m. a divine. Divisa, [divi'sa] f. share ; way,

; ;

Divorazione, [divrtsi'ne'] f. devouring. Divorzio, [divr'tsi] m. divorce.



ado. devoutly, religiously. manner livery. the act of boating- v^ool. Divettino, [divtti'n] m. wool- Divisamente , [divisme'n'te'j Divoto, [div't] adj. devout; attached. adv. separately. beater. Divezzare, [dive'ts're'] v. a. to Divisamente, [divisme'n't] m. Divozione, [divtsi'ne'] f. dewean; disaccustom. Divezzar- division; thought, design; de- votion; attachment. Divulgare, [divlg're'] v. a. to vice. si, V. r. to disaccustom one's self. Divisare, [divis're'] v. a. to divulge. Divezzo, [dive''ts] adj. disac- think, imagine, devise diver- Dizionario, [ditsini'ri] m. dictionary. customed, out of practice. sify. Diviamento, [divime'n't] m. Divisatamente, [divistme'n'- Dizione, [ditsi'ne'] /. diction; jurisdiction. deviation. te'] adv. distinctly. Diviare, [divia're'j v. a. to de- Divisato, [divis't] adj. dis- Dizzaccherare, [ditskke'r'r] V. o. to clean away spots of viate. figured; striped. Diviatamente, [divtmn'te'] Divisatore, [divist're'] m. a dirt. adv. in a hurry. deviser. (visible. Do, [do] m. the first note in the Diviato, [divi't] adj. quick, Divisibile, [divisi'bile'] adj. di- musical scale. nimble, ardent. Divisibilit, [divisibilit'] /. Doana, [d'na] see Dogana. Doario, [d'ri] m. dower. Dividendo, [divide'n'd] m. di- divisibility. vidend. Divisione, [divisi'ne'] /. divi- Debbia, [db'bl] /. pistole Dividere, [divi'de'r] v. a. to sion discord. (coin). divide, part, separate. Divisila, [divisit'] f. quality Dobblone, [dbbl'ne'] m. doubDividimento, [dividimen't] m. of that which may be divided. loon. division. Divisivo, [divisi'v] adj. divi- Dobletto, [dble't't] m. a French Dividitore, [dividit'r] m. di- sible. cloth made of a mixture of linvider. Diviso, [divi's] m. thought, de- en and cotton. Dividuit, [dividit'] f- divi- sign, project. Doccetta, [dtshe't't] /. small sibility. Divisore, [divis're'] w. divider. conduit. Dividuo , [divi'd] adj. divi- Divisorio, [divis'ri] (zaj. hav- Doccia, [d'tsh] /'.conduit, pipe; sable. canal, rivulet. ing a divisible property. Divietamento, [divie'tme'n't] Divisura, [div^s'r]/. division. Docciajo, [dtsh'y] m. plumm. prohibition. Divizia, [divi'tsi] f. abundance, ber. Divietare, [divie't're'] t). a. to affluence. Docciare, [dtsh're'] v. a. to prohibit, interdict. Divizie, [divi'tsi] f. pi. riches, pour; -, V. n. to drop. Divietazione, [divie'ttsi'ne'] /. wealth, property. Docciatura , [dtsht'r] f. prohibition, interdiction. [divitsis- pouring by drops. Diviziosamente, Divieto, [divi'tj m. prohibi- mn't] abundantly Doccio, [d'tsh] wi. and Docadv. tion, veto. cione, [dtsh'ne'] earthen conrichly. Divinamente , [divinmn'te'] Divizioso, [divitsi's] adj. rich, duit-pipe. adv. divinely. Docibile, [dotshibile'] and Dociopulent. Divinamento, [divinme'n't] m. Divo, [di'v] adj. poes., divine, le, [d'tshi] adj. docile; tracdivination. table, pliable. heavenly. Divinare, [divin'r] v. a. to Divolgamento, [divlgme'n't] Docilit, [dtshilit'] Dociltadivine, foretol. de, Docilitate, /. docility, tracm. see Divolgazione. Divinatore, [divinat're] m. Di- Divolgare, [divlg're'] v. n. to tableness. vinatrice, [divinatri'tshe] /. divulge. Documento, [dkme'n't] m. diviner. Divolgatamente , [divlgt- document; precept. Divinatoria , [divint'ri] f. me'n'te'] adv. publicly. Dodecasillabo, [dde'ksill'b] the art of divination. adj. of twelve syllables. Divolgatore, [divlgt're'] m. Divinatorio, [divinatrio] adj. divulger. Dodecimo, [dd'tshim] Dodipossessing the art of divina- Divolgazione, [divlgtsi'n] cesimo, [dditsh'sim] adj. tion. twelfth ; m. the twelfth part. f. divulging, publication.



Doloso, [dl's] adj. fraudulent,

Dodici, [d'ditshi] adj. twelve. Dolcepomifero, [dlce'praife'r] Dodicimila, [dditslii'mil] adj. adj. bearing sweet apples Dolcesonante,[dltshe'snn't] twelve thousand. Dodicina, [dditslii'n] f. dozen. adj. sweet-sounding. Dodrante, [ddrn'te'] i. nine Dolcezza, [dltshe''ts] /. sweetounces or inches; 3/4 ihs of an ness, pleasure. acre. Dolci, [dl'tshi] m. pi. sweets, Doga, [d'g] /". stave of a bar- confits, pi. rel &c. Dolcia , [dl'tsh] /. swine's Dogaja, [dog'y] f. rut. blood. Dogame, [dg'm] m. a quan- Dolciamaro, [dltshdm'r] adj. tity of barrel staves. a mixture of bitter and sweet, Dogamento, [dgme'n't] m. the (kind of sauce.) act of putting together the Dolciato, [dltsh't] ad;, sweet, staves of a barrel. charming. Dogana, [dg'n] /. custom- Dolcicanoro , [dltshikn'r] house; custom. adj. melodious, harmonious. Doganato, [dgn't] m the Dolcificare, [dlthifik're'] v. a. office of a custom-house officer. to sweeten, soften, appease.

Dolzaina,[dltsa'in] f. and Dolzaino, [dltsi'n] m. hautboy. Dolze, [dl'tse'] see Dolce.

Domabile, [dombile] adj. tamable.

Domanda, [dmn'd] Domandagione, [dmandj'ne']



mand. Domandamento,[dmndme'n'tj m. demand. Domandante, [dmndn't] n. demandant, petitioner. Domandare, [dorand're'] v. a. to demand, request che cosa domandate? what do you want?



adj. interrogative.

[dgan'se'] m. a Dolcificazione,rdltshifiktsi'- Domandatore, [dmandt're'j , custom-house officer. m. demander, inquirer. ne'] f. dulcification, sweetening. Doganiere, [dgni're'] m. cus- Dolcigno, [dltshi'n'] adj. Domandazione, [dmndtsi'tom-house officer. ne'] f. demand. sweetish. Dogare, [dga're'J v. a. to bind; Dolciloquo, [dltshil'qu] adj. Domane, dm'ne'] Domani,[dmake casks. said of one who has a soft rna'ni] adv. to-morrow; doman Dogato, [dga't] w. the dignity speech. l' altro, the day after to-morof a Doge adj. said of a stri- Dolcione, [dltsh'n] adj. dull, row. ped cloth. Domare, [dm're'j . a. to tame, silly, simple. Doge, [do'ge'] m. Doge. Dolciore, [dltsh're'j w. Dolci- subdue. Doghetto, [dghe't't] m. young tudine, fdltshit'dne'] /".sweet- Domatore, [dmat'r] m. tamer,


subduer. ness. Dolcire, [dltshi'r] v. a. to Domattina, [dmtti'n] f. tof. grief, afflic tion; doglie, pi. pains of la- sooth. morrx)w morning. bor, pi. Dolcitudine, [dltshitdi'ne'] /. Domeneddio, [dme'ne'ddi'] m. Doglianza, [dl'an'dsa] f. and sweetness. God. Doglienza, [dre'n'ds] lamen- Dolciume, [dltsh'm] i. sweet Domenica, [dme'''nik]/".sunday. tation, grief. Domenicale, [dme'nik'l] ndj. flavor. Doglietto, [drt't] m. small Dolco, [dl'k] adj. mild; plea dominical; -,m. sunday-elothes, cask. pi. sant. Doglio, [dT] OT. cask, tun, Dolente, [dln't] adj. doleful, Domenicano, [dme'nik'n] j. barrel. afflicted. dominican friar.
Doglia, [dT]








adv. grievously. adv. sorrowfully, sadly. rae'n'te'] adv. familiarly. Doglioso, [dr's] adj. grievous, Dolere, [dle"re'] v. n. irr. (dol- Domesticamente, [dme'stikafflicted, sorrowful. go; dolsi; dorr; doluto) to ran't] m. domestication, Dogma, [dg'm] or Domma, suffer, feel pain; take pity; mi D omesticare, [do me'stik'rj &c., [dmmri], m. dogma, principle. duole il capo, my head aches. see Dimesticare &c. Dogmaticamente, [dgmtika- Dolersi, v. r. to grieve, com- Domestichete, [dme'stike''t] me'n'te'l adv. dogmatically. plain, lament. m. cultivated land. Dogmatico, [dgm'tik] adj. DolflHo , [dlfi'n] m. see Del- Domestico, [dm'stik] adj. dodogmatical; positive. fino. mestic, familiar; -,wi. domestic, Dogmatizzare, [dgmtids're'j Dollaro, [dll'r] m. an Ameri- valet. (mabile.
V. n. to dogmatize; assert. Dogo, [d'g] wj. mastiff.

can dollar.
Dolo, [d'l] m. fraud, artifice. Dolorare, [dlra'r] v. n. to be in pain; complain. Dolore, [dl're'j m. pain, grief; pangs, pi. Dolorifero , [dlrif'r] adj. producing pain. Dolorifico , [dlri'fik] adj. painful. Dolorosamente, [dlrsdme'n'te'] adv. sorrowfully. Doloroso, [dlr's] adj. dolorous, painful, afflicted; wicked, lewd.


[dme''vle'] see


Doh! [dh]

exclamation, expressing either joy or sorrow.


Domicilio, [dmishi'li] m. residence, abode.


Doime! [di'm] inter, alas! Dolabra, [dolabra] f. a bad


[dminn'te'] adj.

dominant, reigning. Dominare, [dmin'r] v.

rule over,



sweet, pleasant, soft; -, adv. pleasantly, agreeably; - dolce, by degrees; -, m. sweetness. Dolcemele, [dltshe'm'le'] m. a kind of ancient musical instrument resembling the flute.



Dominatore, [dmint're']
ruler, sovereign.

[dmintsi'n] power, empire. Domine, [d'mine'] m. lord,




Dominicale, [dminik'le'] adj.




adv. sweetly, gently. Dolosamente , [dlsme'n'te'] Dominio, [dmi'ni] m. dominDolcepappola, [dltshe'ppp'- adv. deceitfully, treacherously. ion, empire. l] f. a kind of very sweet Dolosit, [dolosit'] f. fraud, Domino, [dmi'n] m. lord, masgrape (vulgarism). deceit. ter.

Domito, [d'mit]



tamed, Donnicida, [dnnitshi'd] m Dorice, [dori'tshe'] f. a kind of pear grown in Portugal. woman-slayer. Donnicina, [dnnitshi'n] f. a Doricismo, [dritshi'sm] m. Domma, [d'm] wi. dogma. doricism. Dommascliino, [dmmski'n] woman of humble condition. Donnina, [dnni'n] f. a pretty Dorico, [dri'k] adj. Doric oradj. of damask; egregious. der of architecture. Dommasco, [dmms'k] yn. little woman. Donno, [d'n] m. master, lord Dormalfuoco, [drmlf'k] m. damask. drone, sleeper. Donnola, [d'nl] f. weasel. Domo, [d'm] adj. subdued. Don, [don] wi. lord, sir; title Donnone, [donnne] /. a big Dormentare, [drme'nta're'Jr.a. to sleep. woman. given to Romish priests. Donagione , [dnj'ne'J f. Do- Donnuccia, [dnn'tsh] f. silly Dormentorio, [drme'nt'ri] m. dormitory. namento, [dname'n't] m. see little woman. Dono, [d'n] m. gift, present; Dormicchiare, [drmikki're'j Donazione. Donare, [dn're'j v. a. to give, talent; in -, as a gift; - di tem- V. n. to doze, nap. Dormigliare, [drrair're'] see po, usury. present virjth, bestow upon. Donario, [dn'ri] wi. a sacred Donova, [dn'r] f. pi. bride's Dormicchiare. Dormiglione, [drmir'ne] m. (donee. clothes and ornaments, pi. gift. Donatario, [dpnt'ri] m.jur., Donuzzo, [dn'ts] Donuzzo- lazy drone. Donativo, [dnti'v] m. dona- lo, [dn'tsl] TO. small gift. Dormiglioso, [drrair'sj adj. sleepy, drowsy, sluggish. tive, present, used especially Donzella, [dnds'la) f. virgin, Dormire, [drmi'r] r. n. to damsel, lady's maid. for donations made to princes Donzellare, [dntsl're'] v. n. sleep; - al fuoco, to be negliby their subjects. Donatore, [dnt're'] m. Dona- to play the fool, idle away gent; -, m. sleep; repose. Dormita, [drmi't] f. rest, retrice, [dntri'tsh] f. giver, time. Donzello, [dnds'ljm.knight's pose the season in which silk donor. Donatnra, [dnt'ra] Donazio- esquire; spark; sergeant.bailiff, worms moult.

ne, [dntsi'ne']





[drmit're'] v. a.

Donzellona, [dndse'll'n] f. an to nap. Dormitona, [drmit'n] f. a Donde , [dn'de'] adv. whence, old maid. Donzellone , [dndsell'ne'] m. long and sweet sleep. from Avhence v;hy. Dormitore , [drmit're'] m. Dondecbe, [dndk'] adv. of lounger, idler. Dopo, [d'p] adv. & prep, after, sleeper; sluggard. what place soever. Dondolare, [dondolale] v. a. to behind, afterwards; since. Dormitorio, [drmit'ri] Dorswing; dally; DonTolabsi, . Dopoch [dpk'] adv. & conj. mitoro, [drrait'r] i. dorafter that, since. r. to loiter. mitory. Dondolo , [dnd'll] m. the Doppia, [d'pi]^ pistole (coin); Dormiveglia, [drmive'*ri] f. flounce. action of continued swinging. a very light sleep. Dondolo, [dn'dl] m. swing- Doppiamente, [dppime'n'te'] Dormizione, [drmitsi'ne'] f. ing; jest, sport; voler il -, to adv. doubly; feignedly. rest, repose. love a joke. Doppiare, [dppi'r] v. a. to Dorsale, [drs'l] adj. of the Dondolone , [dndl'ne'] m. double, multiply; increase. back. dangler, idle fellow; simple- Doppiatura, [dppit'r] /. Dorso, [dr's] m. back. ton; a -, dingling-dangling, in doubling, folding. Dorura, [dr'r] f. gold plate. suspense. Doppieggiare , [dppie'dj're'] Dosa, [d's] Dose, [d's] f. Donna, [d'n] f. wife, lady, v. n. to be double, insincere dose, portion. mistress; la nostra Donna, the (said of words having a dou- Dosare, [ds're'] v. a. to dose; Virgin Mary. ble signification). mix. Donnacchera, [dnnk'r] f. a Doppiere, [dppi're'] Doppie- Dosare, [ds're'] v. a. to promiserable little woman. re, [dppi'r] m. torch, taper. portionate doses. Donnaccia,[dnna'tsh]/'.shame- Doppieruzzo, [dppie'r'ts] m. Dossi, [d'sij m. pi, grey miniless woman. small torch, small wax-light. ver skins. Donnaccinata, [dnntshin't] Doppiezza, [dppie''ts] f. du- Dossiere, [dssi're'] Dossiere, plicity ; dissimulation , craft[dssi'r] TO. blanket; coverlet. f. said of thinking and acting as a woman. iness. Dosso, [d'sj TO. back; non ho Donnajo, [dnn'y] Donna- Doppio, [d'pi] adj. double, moneta in-,I have no money jaolo, [dnny'l] m. spark. deceitful; -, w. double; chime. about me; dar ii -, to turn Donneggiare, [dnndj'r]i).n. Doppione, [dppi'ne'] m. doub- one's back. to domineer, play the master, loon (coin); double copy of a Dota, [d't] see Dote. court women. book. Dotale, [dt'le'] adj. belonging Donneria, [dnne"ri] f. state Doramento, [drme'n't] m. to dower. and condition of women (vul- gilding ornament. Dotare, [dt're'] v. a. to portion, garism). Dorare, [dr're'] v. a. to gild; bestow; favor. Donnescamente[dnne'skme'n'- adorn. Dotatore, [dtt'r] m. one te'] adv. like a woman; cour- Dorato, [dr't] m. gilding; ad/, who gives a dowry, bestower. teously. gilt, gold color. Dotazione, [dttsi'ne'] f. doDonnesco^ [dnne's'k] adj. wo- Doratore, [drt're'] m. gilder. tation, portion. manlike; courteous. Doratura, [drt'r] f. gilding. Dote, [d't] dowry, portion; Donneto, [dnn't] m. assem- Dor, [dor'] adj. of gold color, endowment, gift; talent. blage of low women. golden. Dotta, [d't] f. hour, favoraDonnetta, [dnnt't] f. little Doreria, [dre'rf] f. gold-things, ble opportunity; delay: a -, in woman. pi. ; gold-plate. time', pigliarsi le sue dotte, to
; ;






one's pleasure; rimetter

le dotte, to

make up the time

Rottamente, [dttme'n't] adv.


Dotto, [d't]


learned, eru-


[dttr'tsh] m.

pitiful doctor. Dottorale, [dttr'le'] adj. doc-


Dottorare, [dttr're'] v. a. to give or to take the degree of


adv. justly. Dovuto , [dv't] adj. due ohliged; fit; -, m debt, duty ; obligation. Dozzina, [ddsi'n] /. dozen, twelve; stare a -, to hoard; tenere a -, to keep an ordinary. Dozzinale, [ddsin'l] adj.common, vulgar, mean. Dozzinalmente, [ddsinlmn't] adv. commonly, vulgarly. Dozzinante, [ddsinn'te] m. hoarder.

[dvtme'n'te'] Drogheria, [drghe'ri'] /. drugs, groceries, pi. Droghiere, [drghi're'j m.drug,


Drogmano, [drgm'n] m. dragoman, interpreter. Dromedario, [drme'd'ri] in. dromedary. Druda, [dru'da] /. concuhine,

Druderia, [drde'ri'a] /. amorous caresses, pi. Drudo, [dr'd] adj. clever, hold; amorous; -, m. whoremonger,

Dottorato, [dttr't] m. doc- Draghetto, [draghe't't] m.drag- gallant. Druido, [dr'id] m. druid. Dottore, [dtt'r] m. doctor, onet ; cock (of a gun). Draghinassa, [drghins's] /. Duale, [di'l] adj. dual, of two. master. Dualismo, [dliism] m.ManiDottoreggiare, [dttre'dj're'] rapier (ironical). cheism. V. n. to play the doctor, he Dragomanno, [drgmn'n] m. Dualista, [dli'st] m. Manidragoman. ostentatious of learning. m. Dragonario, [dr'gnri] m. a cheist. [dttr'l] Dottorello , Dualit, [dualit'] /. duality. Roman ensign. sorry doctor. [dr'gntshl'l] Dubbiamente, [dbbime'n't] [dttre"ri] Dottoreria , f. Dragoncello, learned imposture, ostentation m. a kind of fig; a worm pro- adv. doubtfully. Dubbiare, [dbbi're'] v. a. to duced under the skin. of learning. Dottoressa, [dottor e's's] /.doc Dragone, [drag'n] m. dragon; doubt, suspect question. Dubbiet, [dbbit'] Dubbiezdragoon. tor63s; hlue stocking. Dottoretto, [dttre't't] Dotto- Dragontea, [dr'gntea] /. grass za, [dhhie''ts] /. doubt, suspense. rino, [dttri'n] i. ignorant plantain. Dramma, [drm'm] /. dram; -, Dubbio, [dh'bi] adj. doubtful; doctor. -, m. doubt, scruple; irresoluDottrina, [dttri'n] /".doctrine, m. drama; comedy, tragedy. Drammaticamente, [drmmti- tion. knowledge. Dubbiosamente,[dhhisme*n'Dottrinale, [dttrin'le'] adj. kme'n'te'] adv. dramatically.
_ ;

doctrinal, instructive.

Drammatico, [drmm'tik]arfj.

t] adv. doubtfully.

Dottrinalmente [dttrinlme'n't] adv. learnedly. Dottrinamento, [dttrinme'n't]





[drmmtr'- doubt, uncertainty. treatise on dramatic Dubbioso, [dbbi's]adj.douhtful,

instruction, education.

v. a. to



Drappamento, [drppme'n't] Dnbio,

m. clothing. Drappare, [drpp're']
v. a. to

Dottrinare, [dttrin're']
teach, instruct.

Dottrinatore, [dttrint're'l m.

(head. Drappella, [drppel'l] /. spoarteacher, instructor. Dottrineggiare[dttrine'dj're'] Drappellare, [drppe'U're'j v.n. to wave the colors. V. a. to make a shew of learn-

[d'bi] Dubitamento, [dbitme'n't] m. Dubitanza, [dhitn'ds] /. doubt. Dubitabile, [dbitbi'l] adj. doubtful. Dubitamento, [dbitme'n't]

m. doubt. [dhitn'ds] Drappelletto, [drppe'lle't't] m. Dubitanza, /. doubt, fear. Dove, [do've]adv. &conj. where, small hand. v. a. [dhit'r] m. n. troop Dubitare, whither; in case that, provided Drappello, [drpp'l] to doubt, hesitate. that; whereas; -cresta, where- of soldiers, hand. Drappellonare,[drppe'llna're'] Dubitativamente, [dhittivsoever, any where. me'n't] adv. doubtfully, amDoveche, [dvk'] adv. & conj. V. o. to adorn with tapestry. Drappellone, [drppe'll'ne'J m. biguously. although, wherever. Dubitativo, [dbitti'v] see Dovere, [dv're'] v. a. & n. irr. tapestry, hangings, pi. {devo, debbo, deggio; dovei, Drapperia, [drppe'ri'] /. dra- Dubbioso. Dubitazione, [dhittsi'ne'] /. dovetti ; dovr dovuto), to owe, pery; silk stuffs, pi. he ohliged; egli deve venire Drappicello, [drppitsh'l] m. doubt, fear. Dubitevole, [dbite'v'le'] adj. light silk stuff. oggi, he is to come to-day; che m. doubtful. [drppi're'3 dobbiamo fare? what must we Drappiere , Dubitevolmente , [dbite'vldraper; silk-weaver. do? -, m. duty, task; part; a me'n'te'] adv. doubtfully. right, as it ought to he; far Drappo, [drp'p] m. mercery Dubtezza, [dbite''ts] /. state clothes; pi. dress. il mio -, V 11 do my hest. Doveroso, [dvr's] adj. duti Drastico, [drsti'k]adj.drastic, of doubt. Dubitosamente, [dbitsme'n'purgative. fui, rightful. te'] adv. doubtfully. Dovizia, [dvi'tsia] /. riches, Driada, [dri'da] /. dryad. [drittme'n'te'] Dubitoso, [dbit's] adj. duDrittamente , wealth; ahundance. bious, fearful. Doviziosamente , [dvitsis- adv. see Dirittamente. Dritto, [drit't] see Diritto, &c. Duca, [d'k] m. general, chief; mn'te'] adv. ahundantly. Dovizioso , [dvitsi's] adj. Drizzare, [drits're'] v. o. to duke. Ducale, [duk'le'] adj. ducal. raise, erect. rich; copious. Dovunque, [dvn'kue'] adv. Droga, [dr'g] /. drug; droghe, Ducato, [dk't] m. dukedon^ duchy; ducat (coin). pi, drugs, groceries, jjl wheresoever, wherever.
; ;




v. [nki'T] a. to Dula, [dli'] create a dute. saints. Bucatone , [dkt'n] m. a Dumo, [d'm] ducat. thorns, pi.



m. commander,


Ducea, [dt'she'] f. duchy. Ducenario, [dtslin'ri] m. a commander of two hundred soldiers among the Romans. Ducente, [dtshe'n't] adj. two hundred. Ducere, [du'tshe'rejseeCondurre. Duchea , [dk'] f. duchy dukedom. Duchesco, [dke's'k] adj. ducal,

a kind f. of black grape. i, poes., bush, Duramente, [drmeVte'] adv. hardly, harshly, cruelly. Dumoso, [dm's] adj. full of Duramento , [drmn't] Ri. bushes. duration, continuance. Durante, [duran'te'] m. a kind Duna, [d'n] f. sand-banlc. of strong cloth; mezzo -, cloth Dunque, [dn'kue'] adv. then. of a similar texture , but Duo, [du'o] adj. two m. duet. Duodecimo, [dd'tshim] adj. lighter. Durante, [duran'te'] adv. dutwelfth. Duodecuplo, [dde'k'pl] adj. ring, lasting. Durare, [dr're'] v. n. to last, twelvefold. Duodenario, [dde'n'ri] adj. hold out, endure; resist, be of twelve ; consisting of twelve tenacious; - fatica, to bear

worship of Duracla, [diir'kl]



Durastro, [dr'str] ad[/. someDuolo, [do'l] m. grief, pain. Duchessa, [dke's's] f. duchess; Duemila, [dmi'l] see Duemila. what hard. guide. Duomo, [d'm] m. dome, ca- Durata, [dr't] f. duration. Durativo, [drti'v] adj. duDuchessina[dke'ssi'n]/".young thedral. Duplicare, [dplik'r] v. a. to rable, steady. (endured. duchess. Durato, [dr't] adj. lasted, Duchino, [dki'n] m. young double. Duplicatamente , [duplikt- Durazione, [drtsi'n] /". duduke. Due, [du'eT adj. two tener tra me'n'te'] adv. doubly; deceit- ration, continuance. Duretto, [drt't] adj. hardish, -, to hold in suspense. fully. adj. [duplik't] tough. Duecento , [de'tshn't] adj. Duplicato , doubled; folded; -, m. dupli- Durevole, [dre''vle'] adj. durtwo hundred. able, lasting. Duellante, [de'lln'te'] m. duel- cate. list, dueller. Duplicatura, [duplikt'r] f. Durevolezza, [dre'vle''ts] f. Duellare, [dll're'] v. a. to words inadvertently repeated durability, continuance. fight a duel. Durevolmente, [drvlme'n'te'J by the compositor. Duellatore, [dc'Ilt^'e'] Duel- Duplicazione, [dpliktsi'ne'] adv. durably, for ever. Durezza, [dre''ts] /. hardness; lista, [due'lli'sta] m. duellist. /. doubling. Duello, [d'lj m. duel, single Duplicit, [dplitshit'] Dupli- induration. [drik'ri] adj. combat. citade, Duplicitate, f. dupli- Duricorio , Duemila, [due'mi'l] adj. two city; dissimulation. hard-skinned (said of fruit). thousand. (nial. Dupliflcato, [dplifik't] adj. Durindana, [drind'n] f. OrDuennale, [de'nn'le'] adj.bien- double, twice as many. lando's sword (applied ironiDuerno, [de'r'n] m. a printed Duplo, [du'pl] m. double. cally to any cowardly bully's paper consisting of two pages. Dura, [du'ra] /". delay duration; sword). Duetanti, [de'tn'ti] adv. as obstinacy; stare alia -, to be Duro, [d'r] adj. hard, strong; many more, twice as many, obstinate. stubborn, inexorable, cruel; -, double. Durabile, [dr'hile'] adj. du- m. hardness, toughness. Duetto, [de't't] m. duet. Duttile, [dt'tile'] adj. ductile ; rable, lasting. Dugento, [djn't] adj. two Durabilit, [durabilit'] Dura- malleable. hundred. bilitade, Durabilitate, f. du- Duttilit, [duttilit'] f. ductility, malleability. Duino, [di'n] m. two aces, pi. rability, duration. Dulcificare, [dltshifik're'] v. Durabilmente, [drbilme'n'te'] Dutto, [dt't] m. duct, canal. Duttore,[dtt'r] m. conductor, n. to sweeten, soften. adv. perpetually. Dulcificatore, [dltshifikt'r] Duracine, [dr'tshine'] and Du- guide. (tress. m. a sweetener. racino, [durtshi'n] adj. hard, Duumvirato, [dumvir't] m. Dulcinea, [dltshine"] f. mis- hardish, tough (said of fruits duumvirate. Dulcorare, [dlkr'rj v. a. to the stone of which adheres Duumviri, [dm'viri] m. pi. firmly to the pulp). duumvirs, pi. sweeten.
of a duke.
; ;

B, this vowel is greatly allied to E', [e] for: Egli. being often Ebanista, [bni'st] m. cabiI, both of them used indifferently, as Decembre net-maker, ebonist. or Dicembre (December), Desi- Ebano, ['bn] m. ebony. derio or Disiderio (desire),&c. In Ebbe, [e'bb'] Ebbene, [e'bbne'] Tuscany it has two sounds: the adv. well then, very well. one open as in mensa (a table), Ebbio, [b'bi] m. dwarf-elder. pronounced nearly as the a in Ebbrezza, [e'bbr'ts] Ebbriathe English word man ; the chezza, [e'bbrike"ts] /. drunkother closed as cena (supper), enness, intoxication. pronounced as the a in lady. Ebbriaco,[e'bhri'k]odj. drunk, E, [e] conj. and. foolish.







Ebbro , [e'b'br] adj. drunk Ebdomadario , [eTjdmd'ri]

m. hebdomadary. Ebere, [be"re'] v. n. to grow weak, faint (poes.). Ebetazione , [be'tatsi'ne'] f.

bluntness, stupidity, obtuseness of intellect.


['hte'] adj.







Ebetndine, [btdi'n] f. the Eccessivit, [e'tshe'ssivit'] f. Economia, [e'knmi'] f. economy; frugality. excess, greatest altitude. quality of one who is dull. Ebollimento, [ebllimn't] r. Eccessivo, [e'tshe'ssi'v] adj. ex- Economica, [e'knmi'ka] f. the science of economics. Ebollizione, [bllitsi'n] /". cessive, immoderate. Eccesso, [tsh's] wi. excess Economicamente, [e'knmikebullition, heat. me'n't] adv. economically. Ebraicamente, [e'brikmeVte'] elevation, excellence; crime. Eccetera, [e'tsh'te'r] f. and so Economico, [e'kn'mik] adj. adv. in a Hebrew manner. economic; frugal. Ebraico, [bri'k] adj. belong- of the rest. ing to the Hebrews; m. the Eccettare, [e'tshe'tta're'] see Ec- Economista, [e'knmi'st] m. a writer or professor of public Hebrew language one skilled cettuare. Eccetto, [tsh't] adj. except- economy. in the Hebrew language. ed; restricted; -, prep. & conj. Economo, [eTc'nm] m. stewEbraismo, [bris'm] m. He except, unless; but, save; -, ard, manager. braism. Eculeo, [e'k'le'] m. an ancient Ebraizzare, [e'brits're'] v. n. m. exception. to imitate the rites of the Eccettuare, [e'tshe'tt'r] v. a. instrument of torture in the form of a horse. Hebrews, adhere to the reli- to except; restrict. gious opinions of the Hebrews. Eccettuativo, [e'tshe'ttti'v] Ecumenico, [km'nik] adj. universal, general. adj. exceptive. Ebreo, [br'] m. a Hebrew. ^ Eccettuazione, [e'tshe'tttsi'- Ed, [e'd] conj. and. Ebrezza, [br'ts] /. ebriety. Ebriachezza, [brik'ts] f. n] Eccezione, [tshtsi'n" Edace, [e'd'tshe'] adj. voracious; consuming. difference. drunkenness. f. exception; Ebriet, [brie't'] see Ebbria- Eccidio, [tshi'di] m.slaughter, Edema, [e'de''m] m. dropsy.
; ;

chezza. Ebrifestoso,






Eccitamento ,

drunk with revelry. Ebrio, ['bri] Ebro, drunken.

Edematoso, [e'de'mt's] adj. v. a. io said of a dropsical humor. Edera, [e"de'ra] f. ivy. excite, instigate, set on. EbuUiente , [e'bllie'n'te'] adj. Eccitativo, [tshitti'v] adj. Ederaceo, [e'dr'tshe'] Ederoso, [e'de'r's] adj. like ivy; of exciting. boiling. Ebullizione, [e'bllitsi'ne'] f. Eccitatore, [e'tshitat'r] m. ex- ivy. Edicola, [e'di'kl] f. little citer, instigator. the act of boiling, ebullition.
m. excitation, instigation.

[e'br] adj

Eburneo, [br'n]

Eburno, Eccitazione,




Edificamento, [e'difikme'n't] excitation. wi. building. (catomb. Ecclesia, [kkl'si] f. church. as ivory. Ecator>'.be, [ktm'be'] f. he- Ecclesiaste, [kklsi'st] w. Edificare, [difik'r] v. a. io build, edify, instruct. Eccedentemente, [e'tshe'de'nte'- Ecclesiastes.
[elDr'n] adj. of ivory,
me'n'te'] adv exceedingly. Eccedenza, [tshe'ndu'ds]


Ecclesiasticamente, [e'kkle'sia- Edificatore , [e'difikt're'] stikmn't] adv. ecclesiasti- builder, architect; teacher.


excess; superfluity.



v. a.


n. irr. {see Cedere) to exceed,

surpass, go beyond. Eccellente, [tshlln'te']

excellent, exquisite.


Eccellentemente, [e'tshe'lle'nte'mn't] adv. excellently.

Eccellentissimo, sim] adj. sup.


given to




cellenzia, [e'tshlln'dsi] f. excellency; title given to governors, ministers &c. ; per-, edile. tongue. par excellence. a week; Eccellere, [e'tsh'le're'] v. a. to Eclissare, [eTcliss're'] v. a. to Edima, [e'di'm] f mezz' -, the middle of the eclipse, obscure. excel. Eccelsamente, [e'tshe'lsme'n't] Eclissamento, [klssme'n't] week. m. the act of eclipsing; the Editore, [e'dit're'] m. editor, adv. highly, mightily. Eccelsitudine, [tshlsit'din] state of a planet when eclipsed. publisher. m. edict, Eclissi, Editto, [e'dit't] [e'klis'se'] Eclisse, f. highness. (tan decree. Eccelso, [e'tshl's] adj. high, [klis'si] /. eclipse.
lofty; eminent, sublime.

Edificatorio, [e'difkt'ri] adj. edifying. Ecclesiastico, [e'kkle'si'stik] adj. ecclesiastical; - m. eccle- Edificatrice, [e'difikatri'tshe'] /. instructor. siastic, priest. Ecclissare , [kkliss're'] see Edificazione, [e'difikatsi'ne'] f. building , edification ; good Eclissare. Ecco, ['k] adv. here is, there example. Edificio, [difi'tshi] Edifizio, is, here are, there are; behold eccomi pronto, here I am ready. [edifi'tsi] t?i. edifice; fabric. Edile, [e'di'le'J m. edile; adj. beEcco, [k'k] m. echo. Echeggiare, [kdji're'] v. longing to an edile. Edilit, [e'dilit'] Edilitade, echo, resound. Echino, [ki'n] m. sea-hedge- Edilitate, f. office or dignity of an edile. hog; architectural ornament. Echio, ['ki] m. bot., harfs Edilizio, [e'dili'tsi] adj. of an





Eccentricamente, [tshntrika-

Editno, [e'di't] m. sacrisEdizione, [e'ditsi'n] f. edition,


mn't] adv. in an eccentric Eclizia,



see Edera. Eccentricit, [e'tshe'ntritshit'] Ecloga, [eTcl'g] f. see Egloga. Educanda, [e'dkn'd] /.boardEco , ['k] /. nymph from ing-school Miss. f. eccentricity. Eccentrico, [tshn'trik] adj. whom the word echo was de- Educare, [e'dk're'] v. a. to educate, instruct. rived. eccentric; odd. Eccessivamente , [e'tshe'ssiv- Economato , [e'knm't] m Educatore, [e'dkt'r] w. pro* ceptor, teacher. the office of an economist. mn't] adv, excessively.



Edra, ['dr]


m. Effigie,



[6"y] int. come come! courage! adj. ephe- Ejaculazione, [e'yklatsi'ne]



and Effige, Eja,

girls' scliool.


effigy, representation.

Educazione, [dtatsi'n]


education, instruction. meral. f. ejaculation. Educero, [dtsh'r] v. n. to Efflorescenza, [e'fflre'shn'ds] Emulazione , [e'yltsi'n] wailing, lamentation. lead to, introduce. f. efflorescence. Edulio, [d'li] m.meat. Efflusso, [e'ffls's] m. efflux, Eia, [l'] int. oh! alas!







[lbr're'] v. a. to

raised by the sun &c.


[e'fe'm'ride'] f.

Effluvio, [ffl'vi] ephe- ration, exhalation.

m. evapo-


Elaboratezza, [lbrt'ts]




Effatoile, [e'ffa'bile'] adj. effable,



v.a.irr. exactness, accuracy. pour out, Elaborato, [lbr't] adj. elaborate.




elaboration. Effeminare, [e'ffe'mn're'] v. a. Effrenatamente,[e'ffre'ntme'n'- Elasticit, [e'istitshit'] /".elasticity, spring. to effeminate. te'] adv. without restraint. Effeminataggine, [e'ife'minata- Effrenato, [e'ffrna't] adj. un- Elastico, [l'stik] adj. elastic, springy. djine] or Effemminataggine, bridled. [ffe'mmintdji'n] f. effemi- Effumazione, [e'ffmtsi'ne'] f. Elatere, [e'lte'''re'] m. a small membrane uniting the seed to nacy. exhalation. Effeminatamente, [e'ffe'raint- Effusione, [e'ffusi'ne'] f. effu- the receptacle, and throwing it (ty. off when ripe. ratin't] adv. effeminately. sion, emission.

eifeminacy, weakness.

Effondimento m. effusion.


Elaborazione, [elhrtsi'n]


Effeminatezza, [e'ffe'minate'ts] Efimero, [e'fi'me'r] adj. q^uotidian (said of fever). f. effeminacy, weakness. Effeminato, [ffe'min't] ndj. Efod, ['fd] m. ephod. effeminate, weak; tender, del- Eforo, [e'f'r] m. a magistrate icate. of the council of the Ephori. Efferatamente, [e'ffe'rtme'n'te'] Egente, [jn't] adj.poes., inadv . inhumanly. digent, needy. Efferatezza , [e'ffe'rte"ts] f. E gestione, [je'sti'ne'] f. egescruelty, barbarity. tion, evacuation (little used). Efferato, [ffe'r't] adj. cruel, Egida, ['jid] Egide, [e'jide]

Efferit, [e'ffe'rit'] fierceness.

/. shield; protection. cruelty, Egira, [ji'r] f. Hegira. Egli, ['ri] pron. he, it;

Elato, [e'i't] adj. elate, haughElazione, [e'itsi'ne'] /. elation, haughtiness, pride. Elee, [l'tsh] /. holm-oak. Elefante, [e'ie'fn't] m. elephant. Elefantesco, [e'ie'fnt'sk] Elefantino, [le'fnti'n] adj. elephantine. Elefantiaco, [lfanti'k] adj. belonging to elephantiasis ; said of one affected with elephantiasis.


Effervescenza, [e'ffe'rve'shn'dsa]

effervescence, fervor.

Effettivamente, [e'ffe'ttivame'n't] adv. effectively, in fact.

Effettivo, [ffe'tt'v] adj. effective, real.

Elefanzia, [le'fantsi'] Elefanhe himself, himself. Eglino, [Tinj pron. pi., fhej. tiasi , [e'ie'fnti's] /. mod., elephantiasis, leprosy. Egloga, [e"glg] f. eclogue. Egocerote, [gce'r'te'] m. Cap- Elegante, [le'gn't] adj. eleso,




pretty, beautiful;


m. ego-

Effetto, [e'ff't] m. effect re- tism. sult, end; in -, in fact, truly, Egoista, [e'gi'st] m. egotist. indeed; per questo -, to this Egramente, [e'grme'n't] adv. purpose, therefore ; effetti di reluctantly. un mercante, effects, or goods Egregiamente , [e'gre'jme'n'te'] adv. excellently. of a mercliant. Effettore, [fftt'r] m. Effet- Egregio, [e'gr'j] adj. egretrice, [ffttri'tshe'] /. agent, gious, famous, wonderful. effector. Egresso, [e'grs's] m. egress. Effettuale, Te'ffe'tt'l] adj. ef- Egritudine, [e'grit'dine'J /'.sickfectual, efficacious. ness, infirmity. Effettualmente, [ffe'ttlme'n'- Egro, [e"gr] Egroto, [e'gr't] adj. ili, infirm, sick: afflicted. t] see Effettivamente. Effettuare, [fftt're'] Eguaglianza, [e'gurn'ds] /. effectuate; fulfil, accomplish. equality, parity. Efficace, [ffik'tsh] adj. effi- Eguagliare, [gur're'] v. a. cacious, effectual. to make equal.

handsome. Elegantemente,

adv. elegantly, politely.


Eleganza, [le'gn'ds] Eleganzia, [le'gn'dsia]



Eleggere, [e'i'dje'r] v. a. irr., {see Leggere) to elect, choose. Eleggibile, [e'idji'bil] adj. eligible.







election; preference.

Elegia, [ljl'] /. elegy. Elegiaco, [e'ie'ji'k] di.elegiac, mournful; -, m. writer of elegies.




Eguagliatore, [e'gurt're'J m. Elementale,

equaliser. Eguale, [eguale'] adj. uniform; equitable.


t] adv. efficaciously. Efficacia, [e'ffik'tshf] cacy, virtue.









Efficienza, [e'ffitshin'ds] ficiency, fulfilment.

Elementario, [e'imnt'ri] see Egualit, [e'gulit'] Egualit- Elementale. de, Egualitate, f. equality, Elemento, [e'ie'rae'n't] m. eleevenness. ment, principle.

Egualmente, [e'gulmeVte'] adv. Elemosina, [lm'sin]



Efflgiamento, [c'ffijmn't] m. equally, alike. charity. image, likeness. Eh!, [e] Ehi! [ehi'] tnf.halhem! Elemosinario, [e'ie'msin'ri] Effigiare, [ffij'reT v. a. to Ei, [i] for Egli. Elemosiniere, [le'msini're'] image, paint, represent. Eim, [e'i'm] int. alasi m. alms-giver, almoner.

Elemosinuzza, [lmsin'ts] Elidere,
charity. Elenco, [ln'koj m. catalogue, index.



n] f. lucubration, careful study. Eludere, [e'I'de're'J . a. irr. (eiusi; eluso), to elude, avoid adj. eligia. irr.



eliso), to

retrench; sup-


E li gib ile,









Eligbilit, [e'iijibili't]



[e'isi'ne'] f. elusion,

Emaciato , [mtsh't] adj. Bun. emaciated. adj. Eliotropio, [e'iitr'pi] m. he- Emaciazione, [e'mtshtsi'ne] electoral. liotrope, sunflower. emaciation; leanness; de/. Elettorato, [e'ie'ttr't] m.elec- Elisio, [e'ii'si] in. elysium ; -, cline. torate, electorship. adj. elysian. Emaculato, [e'mkla'tj adj. Elettore, [ltt'r] m. elector. Elisione, [e'iisi'n] spotless. f. elision. Elettovario, [elttv'rij m. Elisire, [e'lisi're'] m. elyxir. Emanare, [e'mn're'] v. n. to electuary. Elisirvite, [e'lisirvi'te'] m. the emanate, issue.

m. asweet gibility. oi'.y balsam, produced from the Eliometro, [e'lime''tr] m. intrunk of a Syrian tree. strument used for measuring Eletta, [l'ta] see Elezione. the apparent diameter of the Elettivamente, [lttivmn't] sun and planets. adv. by election. Elioscopio, [lisk'pi] m. a Elettivo, [ltti'v] arf/.elective. telescope with fumigated glass Eletto , [l't] adj. elected for observing the spots on the
chosen; rare. Elettorale, [le'ttr'le']

Elusorio, [e'is'ri] adj. illusory, fraudulent.

Emaciamento, [e'mtshme'n't]
m. growing thin. Emaciare, [emtsh're'] emaciato, grow lean.
u. n. to

Elettricamente , [e'ie'ttrikelyxir of life. Emanazione, [e'mntsi'ne'] mn't] adv. by electric force. Eliso, [e'ii's] m. elysium. emanation, origin. Elettrice, [lttri'tshe'] /. elec- Eutropia, [litr'pi] sap- Emancipare, [e'mntshi'pa're'] f.
tress. phire. Elettricismo,[e'le'ttrishi'sm]m. Eutropio, [litr'pi] see Elioelectric force. tropio. Elettricit, [e'ie'ttrishit'] f. Elittico, [e'iit'tik] adj. ellipelectricity.



dom. Ematita,

emancipate, set free. [mntshiptsi'ne'J /. emancipation, freea. to


Ella, ['i] f. bot , elecampane, tric. starwort. Elettrizzare, [e'lttrids're']v.a. Ella, ['i] fTon., she, it; Elle, to electrify. Elleno, pi. they
[e'ie't'trik] adj. elec-




Emblema, [mbl'm] m.

Elettrizzatore, [le'ttn'dst'- Elleboro, [ll'bro] m. 'jot., r] m. he that electrifies. hellebore. Elettrizzazione[lttridstsi'- Ellenismo, [e'ile'nis'm] w.helne'] f. electrifying. lenism. Elettro , [l'tr] m. amher Ellenista, [lle'ni'st] m. hellemetal mixed of gold and silver. nist; one skilled in Greek. Elettuario, [ltta'ri] m. elec- Ellera, [rir] A ivy. tuary. Elli, [l'li] for Egli, Eglino, Elettura, [e'ie'ttu'r] f. electo- Ellisse, [llis's]Ellissi, [llis'rate; having a vote in the elec- si] /. ellipsis omission. tion of emperors. Ellittico, [llit'tik] adj. ellip;

Emblematico ,


adj. emblematical. Emblici, [e'rabli'tshi] m. pi., a kind of dried Indian plum.


[e'mblism'le'] , ad], intercalary.



[e'mblis'm] m. embolism, intercalation.

Embolo, [e'mb'l] m. piston. Embrice, Lm'britshj m. flat


Elevamento, [lvme'n't] m.
elevation, superiority.


Embriciata, [e'mbritshi't] a blow from a tile.


Elio, ['i] for Egli, Esso. Embriciate, [e'mbritsha't] adj. Elevare, [le'v're'J v. a. to ele- Elmato, [lm't] adj. helmed. tiled. vate, exalt. Elmetto, [e'imt't] Elmo, [eT- Embrione, [e'mbri'n] m.

m] m. helmet, casque. bryo. Elocutorio, [lct'ri] adj. Embrocazione, fe'mbrktsi'Elevato, [lv't] adj. elevated, belonging to elocution. n] Embrocca, [e'mbrk'k] f. lofty, sublime. Elocuzione , [lktsi'ne'J /. embrocation. Elevatorio, [le'vt'n'] adj. elocution, eloquence. Embroccare, [e'mbrkka'r] v.a. name given to certain muscles Elogio, [l'j] in. eulogy, pan- to embrocate, foment. in various parts of the body of egyric. Emenda [e'mn'd] f. emendaanimals possessing a raising Elongazione, [e'ingtsi'ne'j /. tion, correction. power. elongation, stretching. Emendabile, [e'rae'nd'bile'] adj. Elevazione, [e'ie'vtsi'n] /. ele- Eloquente , [lkun't] adj. corrigible.





height, eminence.

vation; superiority. Elezionare, [ltsin're']

to elect, choose.

eloquent, rhetorical.
v. a.





adv. eloquently.

Elezione, [ltsi'n]/'. election, Eloquenza [lkttn'ds] /". , deliberation. eloquence. , Eliaco, [li'k] adj. astr., said Eloquio, [l'ktti] m. poes., me'n't] adv. correctly. of planets. discourse, speech. Emendativo, [e'me'ndti'v] adj. Elice, [e"litshe'] see Elee. Elsa, [l's] f. Elso, [eTs] m. corrective. Eliceto, [litsh't] m. place hilt. Emendatore, [e'me'ndt're'] rn. planted with oaks. Elucubrato, [e'ikbr't] adj. emendator, corrector.

m. see Emenda. Emendare, [e'me'nd'r] v.a. to amend, mend; correct. Emendatamente [e'rae'ndt-








Elucubrazione, [e'ikubrtsi'-

emendation; revisal.

Emendevole, [rand'vl]




Empetiggine, [e'mpti'djin] ring-worm; tetter.







Smungere. Enarrare, [e'nrr're']

see Nar-

adv. impiously; unmercifully. rare. Emergenza, [e'me'rjn'dsa] /. Empiastrare, [mpistr'r] v. Encansto, [e'nk'st] m. a kind of picture amongst the anciemergency, need ; occasion, a. to apply a plaster. Empiastro , [e'mpi'str] m. ents, the colors of which were event. plaster, cataplasm. prepared with melted wax. Emergere, [e'mr'je're'] w.n.irr {see Mergere) to emerge rise Empiema, [e'mpi'm] f. accu- Encefalitide, [e'ntshe'phalitide'] mulation of humors in the cav- f. inflammation of the brain. np. Enchiridio,[e'nkiri'dij m. manEmerito, [e'me'ri't]af/j. dismiss- ity of the chest. ed with entire pay for long Empiematico, [e'mpie'mti'k] ual. adj. said of one who suffers Enciclica, [e'ntshikli'k] f. a paservices rendered. Emersione,[mrsi'ne'] /".emer- from humors in the cavity of pal letter. Enciclopedia, [e'ntshiklpe'di'a] the chest. sion, reappearance. Emetico, [e'm'tik] adj. emetic, Empiere, [m'pie're'] v. a. irr f. encyclopedia. {empito, empiuto), to fill up, Enciclopedico, [e'ntshiklpe''divomitive. k] adj. encyclopedical. Emettere, [e'me'tte''re'] v. a. to complete. send forth, emit. Empiet, [e'mpie't'] Empieta- Enciclopedista, [e'ntshiklpe'Emiciclo, [e'mitshicl] m. semi- de, Empietate, f. impiety; ir- di'st] m. encyclopedist. Enclitico, [nkiiti'ko] adj. said roligion. circle. Emicrama, [e'milcr'ni] Emi- Empiezza, [empi'ts] f. impie- of particles joined to verbs. Encomiare, [e'nkmi'r] v. a. grania, [migr'ni] /".megrim ty; filling np.

emergent; m. accident.


[migr're'J v. n. to




to praise.

[e'mpime'n't] m.
adj. impious,
v. a. to

[e'nkmi'st] m.

Emigrazione, [e'migrtsi'n]

filling up.

adj. laudatory.

Encomiastico, [e'nkmisti'k]


[e'minn'te'] adj. nent, lofty; remarkable.


emi- Empio, [e'ra'pio] inhuman.

Encomiatore, [e'nkmit'r] m.

me'n'te'] adv.






[e'nk'mi] m. praise,

Eminentissimo, [e'mine'ntissi- Empireo, [mpi're'] adj. empy- eulogy. Endecasillabo, [e'nde'ksill'b] ml and Eminenza, [e'minn'- real -, m. empyrean. adj. said of verses of eleven dsa] title given to cardinals. Empireumatico, fempire'uraa'/".

/. a proportion in arithmetic containing Empiricamente,[mpirikme'n'one and a half (as 15). t] adv. empirically. Emiplegia, [e'mipl'ji] /". a Empirico, [mpi'rik] m. emparalisis of the half of the piric, charlatan.

Emiolia, [mi'li]

tik] adj. empyroumatical.





an en-

demic disease.
[e'nde'mi'k] adj. en-

body. Emisferico,

[e'misfe'ri'k] adj.


w. impetuos- Endica,

[e'ttdiTia] f.


ity, violence.


Empi tore, [mpit're']

Emisferio, fe'misf'ri] Emis- plisher. fero, [misf'rl m. hemisphere. Empituosamente, [e'rapitsaforestaller. Emissario, [e'miss'ri] m. emis- mn't] impetuously. Endicare, [e'ndika're'] v. n. to sary entire-horse, stone-horso; Empitura, [mpit'r] f. filling; purchase goods to re-sell. sluice. trimming. Endice, [n'ditshe'] m. sign, Emissione, fe'missi'n] f. emis- Emplasticamente, [e'mplastfka- token; nest-egg. mn't] adv. in the manner of Endivia, [e'ndi'via] bot., ension; bleeding. dive, succory. Emistichio , [e'misti'ki] m. a plaster. Emplastico, [e'mplastik] adj. Eneo, ['n] adj. poes., brazen. foes., hemistich. Energeticamente, [ne'rje'tikaEmitriteo, [e'raitri'te'] m. a of a plaster. mixed ague. Emporetico , [e'mpre''tik] m. rau't] adv. energetically. Energia, [e'ne'rji'j /. energy, Emolliente, [e'mllin'te'j adj. chym., filtering paper. vigor, eloquence. emollient, softening. Emporio, [mp'ri] m. fair.

m. accom- Endicajuolo, [ndiky'lo] w. a purchaser of goods tQ sell again;


Emolumento, [emlme'n't] m. Emugnere






t] adv. energetically. Emorragia, [e'mrrj i'] /". v. a. to Energico, [e'nr'jik] adj. eneremulate, vie with. getic, forcible. orrhage. [e'mlt're'J m. Energumeno, [e'ne'rgme''n] m. Emorroidale,[e'mrrid'le']aff;". Emnlatore ,

Smugnere. hem- Emulare, [e'mla're']

Emulatrice, [e'raulatri'tshe'] f. demoniac. hemorrhoidal. Enervare, [e'ne'rv're'J d. a. to Emorroidi, [mrr'idi] /. pi., emulator, competitor, rival. Emulazione, [e'mltsi'ne'] /. enervate. hemmorrhoids, fi. Emorroissa, [mrris's] f. a emulation, competition, rival- Enervazione, [e'ne'rvtsi'ne'] f. enervation. woman who suffers from the ry(of blood. Emulo, ['mulo] m. competitor, Enfasi, [n'fasi] /".rft., emphasis. hloody flux. Enfaticamente, fe'nftikrae'n'spitting rival. Emottisi, [mtti'si] [e'mtti'kl adj Emulsione, [e'mlsi'ne*] /.emul- te'] adu. emphatically; with emEmottoico


said of one


spits blood.





fion, alteration.

emo- Emundazione, [e'mndtsi n] Enfatico, [e'nf'tik] adj. empha tical. f. the act and effect of cleaning.

{. little



Epifana, [e'pfni'] /".epiphany. Epigastrio, [e'pig'stri] m. the upper part of the abdomen. Epiglotta, [piglt't] f. epiglottis.



Enfiagione, [nfiaj'ne'l f- Enm. [e'nfimn'tl fiamento, swelling; pride. Enfiamento , [e'nfime'n't] m. swelling with pride. Enfiare, [e'nfi're'] v. n. \q swell, Entratore, [ntrat're'] m. one puif np; becomo proud. Enfiativo, [e'nfiti'v] adj. that who enters; novice. Entratura, [e'ntrt'r] f. enoccasions swelling. Enfiato, [e'nfi't] m. swelling, trance ; access , admittance ; aver - con uno, to be familiar ad}, swollen, proud. Enfiatura; fnfit'r a] E nflazio - with one. me, [e'nfitsi'ne'] /. swelling Entro , [n'tr] adv. & prp. within; - un mese, within a pride. Enfio, [n'fi] adj. swelling, mouth. Entromettere, [e'ntrmtte"r] proud. V, a. to introduce. Enfiteusi, [nfiteu'si] f. a long Entusiasmo, [e'ntusis'm] m. lease. Enigma, [e'ni'gm] m. enigma, enthusiasm. Entusiasta, [e'ntsiast] or Ennddle. Enigmaticamente, [e'nigmti- tusiaste, [ntsi'ste'] m. enthusiast, fanatic. kme'n'te'] adv. enigmatically. Enigmatico, [e'nigma'tik] aj. Entusiastico , [e'ntsi'stik] adj. enthusiastic. enigmatical.
; ;

step in; penetrate - in open a ball; - in collera, to fall into a passion in parola, to begin a discourse; - in possessione, to take possession of. Entrata, [e'ntr't] /. entrance; income; prelude.
ballo, to


[e'pi'grfe'] /".epigraph,

inscription; device. Epigrafia, [pigr'fi]

{. the art of composing epigraphs.

Epigramma, [pigrm'm]




k] adj. epigrammatical.

Epigrammatista, [pigrmmti'sta]



grammi'sta] m. epigrammatist.



a short epigram.


[e'pile'ssi'] {. epilepsy, falling sickness. Epilettico, [pile't'tik] adj. epi-


Epilogamento, [e'plgme'n't] m. epilogue; summary.

Epilogare, [pilg're'J
v. a. to


up, conclude.

Enimma, [e'nim'm] see Enigma. Enula,

Enorme,[e'nr'me']acfj. enormous. Enormemente, [nrme'me'n'te']

[e''nl]/.6of., starwort.


Ennmeramento, [e'nmrme'n't] m. enumeration.


Enumerare, [enme'r're'] v. adv. enormously. Enormezza, [nrm'ts] Enor- to enumerate, reckon.

Epilogo, [e'pi'lg] m. epilogue. Epimone, [pim'ne'] m. a rhetorical figure, consisting of a repetition of the same word to

mit, [e'nrmit'] Enormitade, Enumerazione , [nme'rtsi'ne'] f. enumeration, numbering. Enormitate, /. enormity. Enseforme, [e'nse'fr'm] adj. Enunciare, [e'nntsh-t're'J v. a. eword-shaped (said of the to declare, express Enunciativa, [nntshiti'v] f. leaves of plants). Entasi, [e'nta'si] in. the thiclcest an exposition of facts, exposition, declaration. part of a column. Ente, [n'te'] m. being; exi- Enunciativo, [e'nntshiti'v] the Su- adj. enunciative. stence; - Supremo Enunciazione, [e'nntshttsi'preme Being. Entimema, [e'ntime''m] m. en- ne'] Enunziazione, [e'nntsitsi'ne'l /. declaration, expresthymem.

produce a moving effect. Epinicio , [e'pini'tshi] m. a triumphal song. Episcopale, [piskp'le'] adj.




Episcopio, [e'pisk'pi]
episcopal palace.

m. an

Episodeggiare, [e'pisde'dj're'] and Episodiare, [e'pisdi'r]

Entimematico, [e'ntime'mti'k] sion. tidj. in the manner of an enthy- Eolipila,

mem; one who forms



u. a. to make episodes. instru- Episodicamente , [e'pisdikment serving to demonstrate mn'te'] adv. by way of epithe force of water reduced to sode.

Entitade, En-

entity, existence. Entomata. [e'nt'mt] /. pi., insects, pi. Entomo, [e'nt'm] m. insect. Entomoliti, [ntmli'ti] m. insects in a petrified state. Entomologia, [e'ntmlji'] f.

Episodico, [e'pis'dik] ad)', epivapor. Eoo, [e"] adj. oriental, eastern. sodical. Episodio, [e'pis'di] m. episode, Epa, [e'p'] f. paunch. digression. Epate, [e'p'te' m. the liver. Epatica, [e'p'tik] [.boi., liver- Epistassi, [e'pists'si] m. bleeding at the nose. wort. Epatico, [e'p'tik] adj. hepatic. Epistlio, [e'pisti'li] 171. an ar(letter. Epatite, [e'pti'te'] /'. inflamma- chitrave,
Epstola, [e'pi'stl]
/. astr.,

tion of the liver. entomology. Entomologico, [e'ntmlji'k] Epatta, [e'pt't]

adj. entomological.

epact. Epistolare , Epicedio, [pitsh'di]n. elegy, epistolary.

f. epistle. [pistl'r] adj.

funeral song. [e'ntr'n'] f. and Entragno, [e'ntr'n'] m. entrails, Epicheja, [pike"y] f. benign interpretation of laws equity. bowels, pi. ; inside. Entrambi, [e'ntrm'bi] Entram- Epico, ['pik]arfj.epic, heroic. Epicraticamente, [epikvatika1)0, [ntram'b] adj. both. Entramento, [ntrmn't] ni. me'n't] adv. little by little. Epicureo, [e'pikr'] adj. epientrance, opening. Entrante, [ntrn't] adj. in- curean.


Epistolario, [e'pistl'ri] lottor-book; epistles, pi.


Epistolarmente mc'n'te'] adv by



Epistolotta , short letter.


Epitaffio, [epitaffio] Epitafio, [pit'fi] m. epitaph ; inscrip-

Epidemia, [e'pide'mi'] f. epide- tion. Epitafista, [e'pitafi'st] m. a powerful; it mese -. next mical disease. month; - , m. beginning, en- Epidemico , [e'pide'mi'k] adj. composer of epitaphs. epidemical. (epidermis. Epitalamio, [pitl'mi] n trance. [e'pidrmid] (. nuptial song. Entrare, [e'ntr're'] v. a. & n. to Epidermide
trusive. Benetratirig: forceful,




[e'kuilihr'r] v. a. Equo, ['k] m, a horse. Equo, ['kuj adj. just, equito balance equally. medical application, epl Equilibratore, [kwilibrt're'] table. them. Equoreo, [elu're'] adj. martti. a balancer. Epiteto, [pi'te't] m. epithet. itime. Epitmbra, [pitim'br] f. dod- Equilibrazione, [eTiuilibrtsi' Era, ['rj f. era, epoch, period. ne'] /. equipoise. der. Epitimio, [e'piti'mi] or Epito- Equilibrio, [e'kwili'bri] m.equi- Eradicare, [e'rdik'r] v. a. to

Epitema, [pit'm] m. exter- Equilibrare,


root out. a Eradicativo, [e'radikti'v] adj eradicative; destructive. horse. to epitomize, abridge. Epitomatore, [e'pitmt're'] ni. Equinoziale, [kuintsi'le'] adj Eradicatore, [e'rdikt'r] i. rooter out; destroyer. equinoctial. abridger, compiler. Epitome, [e'pi'tme'] m. epi- Equinozio , [e'kwin'tsi] m Erario, [e'r'ri] m. public treasury, exchequer. astr., equinox. tome. Epittima, [e'pitti'm] f. fomen- Equipaggiare, [e'kMipdja're'j v. Erba, [r'b] f. herb, grass; colombina, bot. vervain; mala a. to equip, fit out, man. tation. -, weed; - trastulla, idle Epittimare, v. ii. mecl., to fo- Equipaggio , [e'kwip'dj] m

mo, [e'pit'm] i.tliyme-flower. librium, equipoise. Epitomare, [pitm're'] v. a. Equine, [e'kui'nj



ment. Epittimazone, [e'pttimtsi'ne'] f. the act of fomentation. Epizootia, [pitsti'] /. contagious malady in animals;


Epoca, ['pk]


epoch, pe-

Epodo, [e'p'd] m. an epode. Epopea, [e'p'pe'd] /'.the nature or subject of an epic poem.
Epopeico, [e'ppi'k] adj. epic. Epopeja, [pp'y] /. epopee. Eptagono, [e'ptg'n] m. hep-

tagon. Eptasillabo, [e'ptsill'b] adj. Equiponderare, [e'kuipnde'r' of seven syllables. r] V. n. to be equal ii Epula, [c'p'l] /. banquet. weight. Epulouaccio, [pln'tsh] m. Equiseto, [e'kuise''t] m. bot., very great eater. horsetail. Epulone, [e'pl'ne'] m. glutton, Equit, [e'kuit'] Equitade, gormand. Equitate, f. equity, right. Equabile, [kw'bile'] adj. equa- Equitare, [e'kwita're] v. n. poes., ble, equal. to ride on horseback. Equabilit, [kubilit'] /.equa Equitazione, [e'kuittsi'ne'j f. bility. riding, horsemanship. Equabilmente, [e'kuhilme'n't] E quite, [e'kuite'] m. knight.

words, pi. equipage, equipment; retinixe effects, pi. carriage Erbaccia, [e'rb'tsh] /", weed. and horses ; crew, ship's peo- Erbaceo, [e'rb'tsh] adj. herbaceous, grassy. ple. Equiparare, [e'kuipr're'] v. a. Erbaggio, [rb'dj] m. esculent plants, pot-herbs, pi. to equal, compare. Equipollente , [e'kwiplln'te'] Erbajo, [e'rb'y] m. pastureground. adj. of equal power. Equipollenza, [e'kuiplle'n'dsa] Erbaiuolo, [e'rbay'l] m. heran equivalent (used when balist. f. Erbale, [e'rb'l] adj. herbaspeaking of prepositions). Equiponderante , [kipnd- ceous, grassy (little used). Erbario, [e'rba'ri] m. herbal. rnte'] adj. of equal weight. Eqniponderanza, [e'kuiponde' Erbato, [e'rb't] adj. grassy; m. tart made from herbs. rn'ds] f. equal weight.


to vegetate,


v. .

become grassy.

Erbetta, [e'rbe't't] f. small slender herb. Erbire, [rhi'r] v. n. to clothe

with grass. Erbivoro, [e'rbiv'r] adj. herbivorous.

Erbolajo, [e'rbl'y] see Erbajuolo.

Erbolare, [e'rbl're'J v. a. to seek for herbs. (/.equally. Equitemporaneo, [kuile'mp- Erbolaro, [e'rbl'r] m. herbalist; simpler. Equalit, [kwlit'] Equalita- r'ne'] adj. of equal duration. de, Equalitate , /. likeness Equivalente, [eTfuivalen'te'] adj. Erbolina, [e'rbH'n] f. small uniformity. equal in value; -, m. equiva- herb. Erborare, [rbr're'] v. n. to Equamente, [kume'n'te'] adv. lent, equal value.


equitably, justly. [kttanimit']



collect simples.


adv. equivalently.




equanimity, moderation, self- Equivalenza, [e'ktiivln'ds] f. somewhat grassy. Erboso, [rb's] adj. herbous, possession. equivalence. Equanimo , [e'ku'nim] adj. Equivalere, [e'kivle''re'] v. n. grassy. equaniraous smooth. irr. {see Valere) to be of the Erbucce, [e'rb'tsh] f. pi. ErEquate, [e'kw't] adj. leveled. bucci, [rb'tshi] m. pi. -emuli same value. Equatore, [kut'r] m. equa- Equivocale, [e'kwivk'l] adj. herbs, esculent herbs, pi, tor, (equation. Erbuccia, [rb'tsh] f. short equivocal, ambiguous. Equazione , [kwatsin] grass; turf, sward. f. Equivocamente,[kuivkmn'Equestre, [ku'stre'] adj. eques- te'] adv. equivocally. Erculeo, [e'rk'l] adj. her;





Equiangolo, [e'kuin'gl]




Equivocare, [e'kuivk're'] v. a. to [ekwidistan'te] inherit. to equivocate ; mistake. adj. of the same distance. Equivocazione, [kttivktsi'- Erede, [e'r'd] m. & f. heir; Equidistanza, fkMidistn'dsa] n] /. equivocation; mistake. heiress. Equivoco, [e'ktti'vk] adj. equi- Eredit, [e're'dit'J Ereditade, f. equal distance. Equidiuturno, [kwiditr'n] vocal, ambiguous; -, adv. equi- Ereditate, /". inheritance, headj. having an equal duration. vocally;-, m. double meaning. ritage.

Ereda, [e'r'd] see Erede. Eredare, [e'rd'r] v. a.





Equivocoso, [kuivk's] ambiguous, dubious.




v. a.





[r'r] m. error; hook (o a well); term used by peasants* Erroneamente, [rrne'mn't] adv. erroneously.

[ereditario] Ere[rdit'vl] adj.


Ermeticamente, [e'rme'tikame'n'- Erro,

adv. horraetically.


Ermetico, [e'rm'tik]




metical. Ermo, [r'm] adj. solitary, de- Erroneit,





m. hermit,



hermitage. Eremtico, [e're'mi'tik]

mitic, solitary.


Eremitorio, [e're'mit'ri] Eremitoro, [re'mit'r] m. hermitage; retreat. Eremo, [e'r m] see EremitagEresia, [eresi a] /". heresy. Eresiarca, [re'sir'k] m, heresiarch.

m. hermitage. having errors. Ermodattilo, [e'rmdttl'l] m. Erroneo, [e'rr'ne'] Erronico, colchicum. [rr'nik] adj. erroneous Ernia, [r'ni] /. hernia, rup- rambling. ture. Erroraccio, [e'rrr'tsh] m. Erniaria, [rnii'r] f. hot., great blunder. Errore, [e'rr'r] m. error, misrupture-wort. Ernioso, [e'rui's] adj. her- take, fault, trespass; per -, nious, ruptured. through mistake. Erodente, [e'rdn'te'] adj. cor- Erta, [r't] (. declivity, steep, slope; stare all' -, to be or rosive. stand upon one's guard. Eroe, [e'r'e'] w. hero. Eroessa, [e'rs's] see Eroina. Ertezza, [rtt's] /. steep;





Eretaggio, [e're't'dj] tage, patrimony.


adv. heroically. Erto, [r't] adj. steep; arEroicit, [e'ritshit'J /. quality duous; -, m. declivity. Erubescenza , [e'rbe'shn'dsa] m. heri- constituting a hero. Eroicizzare, [e'ritshits're'] v. Erubescenzia , [erbshn'dsia] f. blush, shame. a. to place among heroes. adj. heEroico, [e'r'ik] adj. heroic, Eruca, [r'k] f. rocket; caterysi-

Ereticamente, [e'rtikmeVte']



Eroicomico, [e'rik'mik] adj. adv. heretically. Ereticare, [re'tik're'] v. n. to heroi-comic. Eroide, [e'ro'ide'] f. heroic fall into heresy. poem. Eretico, [e'r'tik] m. heretic. Eretto , [r't] adj. erect Eroina, [e'ri'n] f. heroine. Eroismo, [ris'm] wi. heroism, straight, upright. Erettore, [e're'tt're'] bravery. er; said also of certain mus- Erompere, [e'rm'pe're'J v. n. irr. {see Rompere) to burst cles. Erezione, [e're'tsi'ne'] f. erec- forth. Erosione, [e'rsi'ne'J f. corrotion; institution. Ergastolo, [rg'stl] m. pri- sion. Erotico, [e'r'tik] adj. erotic. son, dungeon. Ergere, [e'r'je're'] t'. a. irr. {ersi; Erpete, [r'pe'te'] m. med., hererto) to erect, raise. Ergo, [r'g] adv. ergo, there(fern. fore, Erica, ['rik] f. hot., heath, Eridano, [e'rid'n] m. Erida-

Erudimento, [e'rddimn't] m.
erudition, teaching.

Erudire, [rdi're'] v.
struct, teach.


to in-

adv. learnedly.



[e'rdi't] adj. erudite,




erudition, learning.


[e'rmpe"re'] v. n. to






v. n. to

pes, erysipelas.

eruct, belch.



[e'rpikmn't] Eruttazione, [e'rutttsi'ne'] /. , eructation. harrowing; clambering. Erpicare, [e'rpik're'j v. a to Eruzione, [e'rtsi'ne'] f. eruption. harrow; clamber. Erpicatojo, [e'rpikt'y] m, net Ervo, [r'v] tn. black vetch.
for quails, &c.


[e'ri'je're'] v.

a. to raise.

Erile, [e'ri'le] adj. belonging to a master. Erigono, [e'rig'ne'] /.Erigono. Erinne, [e'rin'n] /. one of the Furies. Erisipela, [e'risipl] /. erysipelas. Erisipatoloso, [e'risiptl's] ad), of the nature of erysipelas. Erma, [e'r'm] m. a figure of the god Mercury in bronze or marble Avithout arms or legs placed by the Romans at the corners of streets Ermafrodito, [rmafrdi't] m.

Erpice, [e'r'pitshe'] m. harrow, Errabile, [e'rrabi'le'] adj. liable

to err.

Esacerbamento , [satshrbme'n't] and sacerbazione,


m. exaspe-



[e'rrbn'd] , errant, vagrant.


a. to

[e'satshe'rb're'j v.

exasperate, irritate ,pro-


m. er-




part. pres.

wandering, erring ; in error roving, cavaliere -, m. knighterrant; -, m. stroller, vagabond. Errare, [errare'] v. n. to err; exaggerate, enlarge. Esagerativo, [sgrti'v] adj. wander, roam mistake. Errata , [e'rr't] /". portion, apt to exaggerate. Esageratore, [e'sge'rat'r] m. share; errata, pi. Erratamente , [e'rrtme'n'te'] an exaggerator. hermaphrodite. Esagerazione, [e'sje'rtsi'ne'] Ermellino, [rme'lli'n] m. er- adv. erroneously. Erratico, [e'rr'tik] adj. errat- f. exaggeration, aggravation, mine. hyperbole. Ermeneutica, [e'rme'ne'uti'k] f. ic, errant. the art of interpreting monu- Errato, [rra't] adj. mistaken, Esagitare, [e'sjit're'] v. a. to vex, harass. confused. ments &c. Srmesino, [e'rme'si'n] Ermisi- Errino, [e'rri'n] m. a medicine Esagitazione , [e'sjitatsi'ne'] given to cause sneezing. /. vexation, trouble no, [rmisin] m. sarcenet.

Esacordo, [e'skr'd] m. a musical instrument of six chords; harmonious system of six sounds, called a sixth, or a hexachord. Esagerare, [e'sjor're'] v. a. to




adj. relative to excrement. m. hearing and granting Esaudire, [e'saudi'r] v. a. to Escrementizio apon. [eskie'tnenti'tsi] and Escrementoso, (e'sEsaffono, [sa'gn] m. hexa- iittend to; grant. Esauditore, [e'sudit're'] wi. he krmnt's] adj. excromentipon; having six sides. tious. Esalabilo, esiilil'bile] at/y. exha- that grants. Esaudizione, [e'sduditsi'ne'] f. Escremento, feskremn't] m. 1, lille, fvaporable. excrement, excretion. Esalanieuto, [slmn't] m. see Esaudimento. Esauribile , [e'suri'hile'] adj. Escrescenza, [skrshn'dsa] /. ovaporation. excrescence. exhaustible. Esalare, (sal'r] v. a. to eX' Esaurire, [e'sari're'] v. a. to Escretore, [skrt're'] adj. ashale; expire. sisting excretion. exhaust, dry up. Esalatojo,[e'salat'y] andEsa latore, [slt'rj m. air-holo, Esautorare, [sutr're'] v. a. Escretorio, [skrt'ri] adj. excretory. ventilator. to deprive one of authority. Esalazione, [e'saltsi'ne'] /".ex- Esazione, [stsi'ne'] f. ex- Escrezione, [e'skre'tsi'ne'] /. exri:ulo in the

[sagn't] ndj. form of a hox-




halation, evaporation.



[e'saltme'n't] m.


exaltation, elevation.

hait tuals, pi. tinder.


cretion. food, vic- Escubie, fe'sk'hi]

f. pi.,


watches, poet.

[e'skbit're'] m. a Escubitore night watcher, sentinel. exalt, extol, praise; value. seller of ammunition. Esaltatore, [sltt're']m. pan- Escandescente, [e'sknde'shn'- Esculapio, [skl'pi] i. the

Esaltare, [e'slt'r]

to Escajuolo,





adj. flying into a passion.

constellation Serpentarius.
[e'skuln't] adj. es-

Esaltazione, [e'salttsi'n]
exaltation, praise.

Escandescenza, [e'skndshe'n'- Esculento, ds] f. suddeu wrath, anger, culent.

Esculo, [sk'l] m. a kind of Esame, [e's'in] m. examina- passion. tion; swarm of bees. Escandola, [skn'dl] f. mar., beech. Escursione, fe'skrsi'n] f.exEsamerone [e'same'r'ne'] m. cabin. curcion, digression. the six days in which God Escara, [e'sTcr] f. scn.r, scah.

created the Universe. Escato, [e'ska't] m. snare; al- Escusa, [sk's] f. excuse. Escusabile , [e'sks'bil] adj. Esametro, [s'mtr] m. pros., lurement. hexameter. Escavazione, [e'skvtsi'ne'] f. excusable, pardonable. Escusare, [e'sks'r] v. a. to Esamina, [e'sa'min] Esami- excavation. nanza, [e'sminu'ds] f. exa- Eschetta, [e'ske't'ta] /". small excuse. Escusatorio, [e'skst'ri] adj. mination. bait; allurement. Esaminare, [e'smin're'] v. a. Eschio, [s'ki] m. heech-tree. serving to excuse. discuss. to examine Escimento, [e'shime'n't] m. is- Escusazione, [skustsi'ne'] f. Esaminatore, [e'sminat're'] m. sue, way out, passage. excuse; plea. examiner. Esecrabile, [e'skr'bl] adj. Escire, [e'shi're'] see Uscire. Esaminazione, [e'sdmintsi''ne'] Escita, [shi't] f. issue. execrable. [e'sklmmeV- Esecrabilit, reseTcrabi'li'ta] f. f. Esamine, [s'min] m. ex- Esclamamento, amination. quality of being execrable. t] m. exclamation. Esangue, [e'san'gue'] adj. hlood- Esclamare, [e'sklam're'] v. n. Esecrabilmente , [e'se'krabilless; half dead. mn't] adv. execrably. to exclaim. Esanimare, [snfm're'j v. a Esclamativo,[e'sklmti'v]ai'/;. Esecrando, [skran'd] adj, to terrify, dishearten. exclamatory. execrable.

Esclamatore, [sklmt're'] m. Esecratore , [e'skrt're'] wi. ' one who exclaims. hater. Esarca, [sr'k] and Esarco, Esclamazione, [e'sklmtsi'ne'] Esecratorio, fe'se'krt'n'] adj. [sr'k] m. esarch, vice-re- f. exclamation, try. said of an oath calling for pungent. Escludere, [e'skl'de're']D.a.trr. ishment from God in the event Esarcato, [e'srk'tj m. sub-pa- {esclusi of one having spoken falsely. escluso) to exclude, triarchate. except. Esecrare, |sekr'r] v. a. to Esasperamento, [e'sspe'rmn'- Esclusione, fe'sklusi'ne'] f. and execrate, detest, hate. t m. see Esasperazione. Esclusiva, [sklsi'v] exclu Esecrazione, [se'krtsi'ne'] /". Esasperare, [esspe'r'r] v. a. sion. execration, hatred. to exasperate, provoke. Esclusivamente [e'sklsiv Esecntare, [skt're'] v. a. Esasperazione, [e'sspe'ratsf'- mn'tl adv. exclusively. to execute.
adj. terrified,



Esclusivo, [e'sklsi'v] adj. ex- Esecutivo, [e'se'kuti'v] adj. exene'I /. exasperation, irritation. Esastico, [sasti'k] m. an epiclusive, excepting. cutive, executory. gram composed of six verses. Escogitare, (skjita're'J v. a. Esecutore, (sekt're'] m. exeEsastilo, [ssti'l] m. an edi- to meditate, i.:vent. cutor, hangman. fice having six columns in Escogitativa, fe'skjitati'v] f. Esecutoria, |skut'ril f. the front. thinking faculty. office and business of an exeEsattamente , [e'sattme'n'te'j Escogitatore, [skjitat're'] m. cutor. ndv. exaitiy, strictly. a deep thinker. Esecutoriale , [e'se'kutn'l] Esattezza, [stt'tsaj /.exact- Escolpazione, [e'sklptsf'ne'] adj. executive (said of judge s ness, punctuality. justification. /. mandate). Esatto, [sat't] adj. exact, ac- Escoriazione , [skritsi'ne'] Esecutrice, [e'se'ktri'tshe'] f. curate, caruful. excoriation. /. executrix. Esattore, [esatto re'] m. collec- Escreato, eskr'tj m. spitting Esecuzionale, [eselttsiii le] tor, gatherer. out catarrh. m, a judge 's decree.




[sktsi'n] , execution, performance.

E s er c it ati vo,


Esitazione, [e'sittsi'n]^hesitation, doubt. Esito, ['sit] *n. issue, event;
success; sale; course. Esiziale, [esitsi'l] adj. destructive; fatal. Esizio, [si'tsi] m. destruction, ruin. Esodo, ['sd] m. exodus.

[e's e'rtsbitati'vo]

adj. exercising; laborious.



an assem- Esercitatore, m. exerciser.

Esegesi, [e'se'je"si] f. exegesis. Esercitazione, [e'se'rtsbittsx'Esegetico, [e'sje'ti'k] adj. nar- ne'] f. exercise, tbemo. rative (said especially of poe- Esercito, [e'sr'tsliit] m. army. Esercizio , [srtshi'tsi] m. try). Eseguibile, [e'se'guibi'le'] adj. exercise, practice tbeme pursuit; mil., far V -, to exercise capable of being performed.



m. esopha-


v. a. to

(the troops).

m. execution. Eseguire , [se'gui'r]

execute, perform.


[e'sle"t] adj. out of , use, antiquated. Esergo, [e'se'r'g] m. small cir- Esondare, [snd're'] v. a. to




to disinlierit.

cular space round a medallion. overflow. Esibire, [e'sibi're'] w.a. to exhi- Esorabile, [e'srdbi'le'] adj. plaEsempigrazia, [e'se'mpigr'tsi] bit, offer, present, show Esibir- cable, easy to be appeased. Esorbitante, [e'srbitn'te'] adj. si, V. r. to offer one's self. adv. for instance. Esempio, [sm'pi] m. example, Esibita, [e'sibi'ta] f. exhibition, exorbitant, excessive. presentation; notary's fees, pi Esorbitantemente, [e'srbitancopy; per -, for instance. Esemplare, [e'se'mpla'r] adj. Esibitore, [sibit'r] wi. ex- tme'n'te] adv. exorbitantly. Esorbitanza, [srbitn'ds] f. exemplary; -, m. copy, model; hibitor. Esibizione, [e'sibitsi'ne'] f. ex- exorbitancy, enormity. -, V. a. to copy, imitate. Esorcismo, [e'srshis'm] m. Esemplarit, [se'raplrit'] f. hibition, ofi'ering; tender. Esiccante, [sikkn'te'] part, exorcism. exemplarity, good example. Esorcista, [e'srtshi'st] m. eiEsemplarmente[e'smplrme'n'- pres., drying up. Esigente, [sijn'te'] part, pres,, orcist. te'] adv. exemplarily. Esorcizzare, [e'srtshids're'J . Esemplativamente , [e'se'mpla- exigent, acquiring. a. to exorcise. tivame'n'te] adv. by way of Esigenza, [e'sijn'ds] Esigen[e'srtshitszia, [sijn'dsi] /. exigency, Esorcizzazione, example. tsi'ne'] f. the act of exorcising. Esemplativo,[e'se'mpIti'v]adj. want.




exemplary. Esemplificare, [e'se'mplifik'r] . a. to exemplify, illustrate. Esemplificatamente, [smplifiktme'n't] adv. by way of example. Esemplificativo , [e'se'mplifik ti'v] adj. apt to exemplify. Esempliflcatore, [e'se'raplifika



v. a. irr., e

Esordio, [e'sr'di] m. exordium,

to exact; require. preamble. (begin. Esigibile , [e'siji'bil] adj. re Esordire, [e'srdi're'] v. n. to (small. quirable. Esornare, [e'srn're'] v. a. to Esiguo, [e'si'gi] adj. exiguous, adorn, embellish.

[e'siliir'r] v. a. to Esornativo, [esornativo] adj. exhilarate, cheer up. said of eloquence. Esile, [e'si'l] adj. slender, lean, Esortare, [e'srt're'] v. a. to weak. exhort, advise. t'r] n. exemplifier, imitator, Esiliare, [e'silia're'] v. a. to exile, Esortativo,[e'srtti'v] ad/, exrelegate. hortative. copier. Esemplificazione, [e'se'mplifika- Esilio, [si'li] Esigilo, [e'si'l'] Esortatore, [e'srtt're'] m. Esortatrice, [srttri'tshe'] tsi'n] /.exemplification, copy. m. exile, banishment. Esemplo, [e'sm'pl] m. exam- Esimare, [e'sim're'J v. a. to f. exhorter. estimate. Esortatorio, [e'srtt'ri] adj. ple, copy, rule. Esentare , [se'nt're'] v. a. to Esimere, [e'si'me're'] v.a. to ex- having the power of exhorting. exempt , except ; privilege ; empt, free; Esimersi, v. r. to Esortazione, [e'srttsi'ne'] f. Esentarsi, v.r. to exempt or free one's self, save one's self exhortation. from. Esorto, [e'sr't] m. the rising excuse one's self. Esente, [e'sn't] adj. exempt. Esimio, [e'si'mi] adj. excellent, of a star. Esenzionare, [e'se'ntsin're'] see rare, exquisite, extraordinary. Esoso, [e's's] adj. hateful, deEsinanire, [sinni're'J v. c. to testable. Esentare. Esostosi, [sst'si] /".tumor in Esenzione, [e'se'ntsi'ne'] f. ex- annihilate. emption, immunity, freedom. Esistenza, [e'sistn'ds] f. exist- the bones. Esoticit, [stitshi't] f. the Esequiale, [e'skui'I] ody.exe- ence, life. Esistere, [e'si'ste're'] v. n. irr., quality of being exotic. quial; funereal. Esequiare, [e'se'kttxa're'] v. a. to esistito, to exist, subsist; live Esotico, [e's'tik] adj. exotic, Esistimare , [e'slstima're] see foreign. bury.



[e's'kue'] f. pi.,



irr., {see


v. a.


m. obsequies, Esistimazioiie,te'sistimtsi'n]
esteem, opinion.

Spandere) to expand,


y{.; burial. [e'sr'tshe'r] v. a. to


Esitabondo, [sitbn'd] adj. Espansione,



exercise (little used).

pansion, display.

Esercitamento [e'se'rtshitame'n't] m. exercise; labor.


m. Espediente, [spe'din'te'] adj. fit, proper useful; -, m. expeEsercitare, [e'se'rtsbit'r] v. a. Esitare, [e'sit're'] v. a. to sell, dient, means. retail; -, v. n. to waver, hesi- Espedire, [e'spe'di're'] v. a. to to exercise; train ; practise despatch. carry on; Esercitarsi, v. r. tate. to exercise one's self, take Esitato, [sit't] adj. sold; un- Espeditamente, [e'speditam^n'* certain. exercise. t] adv in baste.

E sitamente

[espditi'Y] expeditious, quick.

ad]. Esplicativo,


[e'spn''re'] v. a. to

[e'splikt'iv] adj.

apt to explain. Espedito, [spe'di't] adj. expe- Esplicatore, [e'splikt're'] m. explainer, interpreter. dite; despatched. Espediziono, [e'spe'ditsi'ne'] f. Esplicazione, [spliktsi'ne'] expedition; speed. f. explanation (little used). Espellere, [e'sp'le're'] v. a. irr. Esplicitamente , [e'splishit{espulsi; espulso) to expel, mn'te'] adv. explicitly. banisli. Esplicito, [e'spli'tshit] adj. exEsperiente, [e'spe'rie'n'te] adj. plicit, plain, clear formal.

subdue, conquer, take by as-


[e'spn't'r] m.

conqueror, subduer.

Espugnazione, [e'spn'atsi'ne'] f. taking by assault, conquest.

Espulsione, [splsi'n]





rnn'te'Jorfu.with experience. Esperienza, [spe'rin'dsa]


[e'splsi'va] f. expulsive force or virtue (said especially of bodily humors). explode, dissipate. Esplorare, [splr're'] v. a. to Espulsivo, [e'splsi'v] adj. expulsive. explore, sound.



[e'splde"re'] v. n. to






m. Espulsore,


m. Esf.



explorer, searcher, spy.

pultrice, [e'spltri'tsh]


Esplorazione, [e'splrtsi'ne'] peller. v. a. Esperimentalmente, [e'spe'rif. exploring, examination, spy- Espungere , [spn'je're'] mntalmn't] adv. experi- ing out. irr., {see Pungere) to expunge, mentally. Esplosione, [e'splsi'ne'] f. ex- cancel, blot out. Esperimentare, [e'spe'rime'nta'- plosion. Espurgabile, [e'spurgabi'le'] adj. r] V. a. to experience, try. Esponente, [spnn'te'] m. de- capable of being cleansed. Esperiinentato, [e'spe'rimnt'- mandant (legal term). Espurgare, [e'sprg'r] v. a. to Esporre, [e'spr're'] v. a. irr. , purge, scour. t] adj. experienced, tried. Esperimentatore, [espe'rime'n- (see Porre) to expose represent; Espurgatorio, [e'sprgt'ri] tt'r] m. experimenter. risk, hazard; explain, interadj. cleansing. Esperimento, [e'spe'rimn't] m. pret; - la Vila, to venture one's Espurgazione, [e'sprgtsi'n] experiment, experience. life EspoRsi, v. r. to expose f. expectoration, spitting. Esperio, [e'spe"ri] adj. western. one's self, offer one's self ready. Esquisitamento[e'skwisitame'n'Esperir, [e'spe'ri're'] v. n. to Esportare, [e'sprt're'j v. o. to t] adv. exquisitely. Icnow by experience. export. Esquisitezza [skwisite't's] f. Espero, [e'spe"r] m. the evening Esportazione, [e'sprttsi'ne'J excellence, choiceness; nicety. star. Esquisito, [e'skuisi't] adj. exf. exportation. Espertamente, [e'spe'rtme'n'te'] Espositivo, [spsiti'v] adj. quisite, excellent. adv. by experience. explaining. Esquisitore , [skuisit're'] m. Esperto, [spr't] adj. expert, Espositore, [e'spsit'r] tn. ex- searcher, observer. skilful. positor, interpreter. Esquisizione, [e'skttisitsi'ne'] Espetibile, [e'spe'ti'bile'] adj. de- Esposizione, [spsitsi'ne'] f. f. perquisition. sirable. exposition, explanation. Essa, ['s] proti., she, it, the Espettare, [e'spe'tt're'] v. a. to Esposto, [e'sp'st] m. ; fanciul- same; Esse, pi. they. expect, look for. lo -, foundling. Essempio,[sse'm'pi] see EsemEspettativa, [spe'ttti'v] f. Espressamente, [e'spre'ssme'n'- pio, (because. expectation, hope, hope of obta- te'] adv. expressly, positively. Essendoch, [e'sse'ndk'] conj. ining a benefice. Espressione, [sprssi'ne'] f. Essenza, [ssn'ds] /". essence ; Espettazione , [e'spe'tttsi'n] expression. nature. Espressiva, [e'spre'ssi'v] f. ex- Essenziale, [e'sse'ntsi'le'] adj. f. expectation. Espettorante, [spe'ttrn'te'] pression; representation. essential; -, vi. essential part. med., expectorative. Espressivamente, [e'spre'ssiv- Essenzialmente , [e'sse'ntsialEspiare, [spi'r] v. a. to ex- mn'te'] adv. expressively, ex- me'n'te] adv. essentially. piate spy. pressly. Essequie, [e'ss'kttie'] see EseEspiatore, [e'spit'r] m. spy. Espressivo, [e'spre'ssi'v] adj. quie. Espiatorio , [e'spit'ri] adj. expressive , significant ; ener- Essere,['se're'] v.oua;.irr.(sono, expiatory. getic. era; sei, , siamo, siete, sono Espiazione, [e'spitsi'ne'] /. ex- Espresso, [e'spr'sjady. express, fui, fosti, fu, fummo, foste, fupiation, satisfaction. precise, firm; -, adv. expressly, rono; sar; sii, sia; stato), to Espilare, [spil're'] v. a. to positively. be, become; belong; be about; swindle, rob slily. Esprimere,[espri'me're'] V. a. irr. che sar di lui ? what will Espilatore , [e'spilt'r] m. {espressi, espresso) to express; become of him ? fui per morire, swindler, pick-pocket. declare. I was near dying; - per andarEspilazione, [spiltsi'ne'] f. Esprobare, [e'sprb're'j v. a. to sene, to be about to go, to bo robbery; swindling. reproach, reprove; censure. ready to go; - bene con alcuno, Espirare, [e'spira're'] v. n. to ex- Esprobabile, [e'sprbbi'le'j adj. to be well with one -, m. being, pire, breathe out. deserving of reproof. existence; state; -subiremo, SuEspirazione, [spirts'ne'] f. Esprobatore, [e'sprbt're'] m. preme Being. expiration, breathing out. reprover, blamer. Essi, [e"si] pron. pi., they. Espletivo, [e'splti'v] adj. ex- Esprobazione, [e'sprbtsi'ne'] Essiccante [e'ssikn'te'] adj. , pletive. drying up. f. reproach, reprimand. Esplicabile, [e'splikabi'le'] adj. Espropriazione, [e'sprpritsi'- Essiccativo, [ssikti'v] adj.
adj. experimental.
; ; ; ;

explainable. Esplicare, [e'splik're'] v. explain (little used).

ne'J f.



a. to

Espugnabile, [spun'Til]

Essiccazione, [e'ssikatsi'ne']











Estrarre, [strr're'] v. a. irr. esteem; regard; think. Estimativa, [e'stimti'v] /. un- (see Trarre) to extract; collect. Estrattivo, [e'stratti'v] adj. derstanding, judgment. Estimatore , [e'stimt're'] m. having an extracting virtue. Estate, [st'te'] f. summer. [strt't] m. exEstatico, [st'tik]ady.6cstatic. Estimatrice, [e'stimtri'tshj Estratto, tract; abridgment. [ste'mpra'le'] Estemporale f. vainer, appraiser. Estemporaneo , fe'stmpr'- Estimazione, [e'stimtsi'ne'] f. Estrattore, [e'strtt're'] m. one who takes out goods from the im- estimation; value. n] adj. extemporary Estimo, [e's'tim] m. impost, custom-house. promptu, sudden. Estemporalit, [ste'mprlit'] tax, appraising; adj. outward Estravagante [e'strvgn't]
, ,

exhilarated. Esso, ['s] pron. he, it. Est, [est'] see Estate. Estasi , [e's'tsi] f. ecstasy trance.

ri] adj. extraordinary,

v. a. to



mon, unusual.


the faculty of extemporising.


(little used).

adj. extravagant, odd.


irr. (estinsi

[stin'gue're*] v. a.

Estravaganza, [e'strvgn'ds]

Estrazione , [e'strtsi'ne'] f. guish. Estendere, [e'stn'de'r] v.a. irr. Estinguibile, [e'stingtti'bile']odj. extraction, drawing out ; descent. (see Tendere) to extend, stretch, extinguishable. Estendibile, [e'stndi'bile'] adj. Estinguitore, [e'stingit'r] m. Estremamente, [e'strmme'n'adv. extremely, excesextensible, dilatable. extinguisher, destroyer. te'] Estensione, [ste'nsi'ne'] f. ex- Estintivo, [e'stinti'v] adj. ex- sively. tinctive. Estremit, [e'stre'rnit'] Estretension, largeness. Estensivo, [stnsi'v] adj. ex- Estinto, [e'stin't] adj. extin- mitade, Estremitate, /. extremity; misery. tensive; large. guished dead. Estensore, [ste'ns'r] m.anat. Estinzione, [e'stintsi'ne'] /". ex- Estremo, [e'str'm]ad;.extreme, extensor. utmost; excessive estrema untinction, destruction. Estenuare, [e'ste'nu're'] v. o. to Estirpamento, [e'stirpmn't] zione, f. extreme unction; esextenuate, emaciate. m. extirpation. sere agli estremi, to ]je at Estenuativo, [e'stnti'v] adj. Estirpare, [stirp're'] v. a. to the point of death; - m. exemaciating. extirpate, destroy. tremity, last moment. Estenuato , [e'ste'n't] adj. Estirpatore, [stirpt're'] m. Estricare, [e'strika're'] v. a. to thin. extricate. destroyer.

prnmn'te'j adv. extemporaneously.

estinto) to extin-




Estirpazione ,




extenuation, leanness; weak[e'ste'ri're'J adj.

extirpation, destruction.

adv. extrinsically.

Estispicio , [e'stispi'tshio] m. Estrinseco, [strin'se'k] adj. inspection of the entrails of extrinsic. terior, external. animals in sacrifices. Estro, ['ctr] m. poetic rage, Esteriorit, [ste'ririt'] f. out- Estivale , [e'stiva'le'] Estivo , enthusiasm. side. [sti'v] adj. estivai, of sum- Estrudere, [e'str'de're'] v. a. Esteriormente, [e'ste'rirme'n'- mer. irr. (estrusi; estruso) to exte'] adv. externally, outwardly. Esto, [e's't] for Questo (poettrude, expel.



a. to

[e'ste'rminre'] v.




exterminate, destroy.





adj. Tiot, (boiling.


Esterminatore, [e'strmint'- Estollere. re'] m. destroyer. Estollere, [e'stl'le'r] v. n. irr. Esterminazione [e'ste'rminto extol, praise. tsi'n] f. Esterminio, [e'ste'r- Estorquere, [e'str'kwe'r] v. a. mi'ni] m. destruction, havoc. irr. (estorsi; estorto) to exEsternamente, [e'ste'rnme'n't] tort, wring.



[e'st's] adj. ardent,

v. a. to

fervent, stormy. Esturbare, [stiirba're']

expel, fling





adv. externally, outwardly.





exuberant, redundant.

Esternare, [strn'r] v. a. to torsion. Esuberanza, [sbe'rn'ds] f, reveal, avow. exuberance, superabundance. Estra, ['str] adv. outwardly. Esterno, [e'ste'r'n] m. exterior, Estradotale, [e'strdt'le'J adj. Esuberare, [e'sbe'r're'l v.a. to outside. in addition to dower. cause to come out; suck out. Esterno, [e'str'n] adj. exter- Estragiudicialmente, [e'straju- Esula, ['sl] /". milk-thistle
nal; of yesterday.
ditshidlme'n'te'] adv. extrajudi-


Estero, ['ster] adj. foreign; cially. commercio -, m. foreign trade. Estragiudizale,[e'strjditsi' Esterrefatto, [estrrft't]adj. le] adj. extrajudicial.


[e'sl're'] v. n.

to ex





a. to exulcerate.


[e'ste'rsi'vo] adj.

tersive, cleansing.



adv. extensively; distinctly. Esteso, [ste"sj adj. extended,

ample. Estetica, [e'ste'ti'k] /".esthetics. Estetico, [stti'kj at/j. belonging to esthetics. (gard. Sstima) [e'sti'ma] f. esteem, re-

Esulcerativo, [e'sltshe'rati'v] adj. apt to exulcerate. Esulcerazione, [sultshe'ratsi'* te'l adv. reign manner. n] f. exulceration. Estraneo , [e'str'ne'] adj. Esule, ['sl] adj. exiled. strange; foreign; -,Tn. stranger, Esultanza, [sltn'ds] f. joy. foreigner. Esultare, [slt'r] v. n. to Estraordinariamente, [e'str- exult, rejoice exceedingly. rdinriamn'tj adv. extraor- Esaltazione, rslttsi'n] f,



fe'strne'me'n' strangely, in a fo


exultation, delight.

sixrire, [sri'r]


Evaporative, [e'vprati'v] adj.

v. n. to be Ettasillaho, [e'ttsilla'b] adj. a v?ord of seven syllables. hungry. Esusto, [s'st] adj. burnt, Ette, ['t] m. a trifle, a mere nothing. consumed. Et, [et'] Etade, Etate, f. age, Eucaristia, [ukristi'] f. eucadente, old age charist, communion. ceutury; Eucaristico, [wkristi'k] adj. tumore, under ago. Etera, ['tr] (. Etere, ['te'- sacramental. r] m. ether, air; firmament, Euchimo, [uki'm] m. whole;


of an evaporative nature. [vaprt'ri] m. suffumigation.


Evaporazione, [vprtsi'ne']


Evellere, [v'lre'] see Svellere.




ft're'l Eterio, [e't'ri] adj. ethereal, celestial. Eterizzare, [trits'r] v, a.






m. Evento,


m. success,


event, accident.

Eufonia, [e'wfni'a] f. euphony. Eventuale , [ve'nt'l] adj. Eunuco, [un'k] m. eunuch. eventual, casual. Eternale, [e'te'rn'le'] adj. eter- Eupatorio, [e'upt'ri] m. hot. Eventualit, [eventualit'] f. nal, agrimony. (nity. eventuality contingency. Eternalit, [e'trnli't] /'.eter- Euripo, [e'ri'p] m. a race of Eversione, [vrsi'ne] overf. Eternalmente, [e'trnlme'n'te'] the sea. throw, destruction. Eternamente, [e'te'rnme'n'te'j Euritmia, [e'uritmi'] f. euryth- Eversore, [vrs'r] m. overadv. eternally. my, symmetry. thrower, destroyer. Eternare, [te'rn're] v. a. to Euro, [tt'r] m. poes., east- Evertere, [vrt're'] v. a. to wind. eternize. overturn, ruin. Eternit, fe'te'rnit'] Eternita- Euronoto, [rn't] n. south- Evidente, [vidn't] adj. evieast wind. de, Eternitate, f. eternity, dent, visible, plain, clear. Eterno, e' ter 'no ] adj. eternal, Eutanasia , [e'tn'si] /. a Evidentemente, [vidente'me'n'everlasting; -, adv eternally. tranquil death. tl adv. evidently, plainly.
io purify.

Eteroclito, [e'tr'klit] adj.iv- Eutrapelia,[tttrpe"li]/". mod- Evidenza, [vidn'ds] f. eviregnlar, anomalous; odd. eration in amusement. dence; proof. Eterodosso, [trd's] adj. Evacuamento, [vkme'n't] Evincere, [e'vin'tshe're'] v. a. m. see Evacuazione. heterodox. irr. {see Vincere) to dispossess. eterogeneo, [e'te'rj'ne'] adj. Evacuare, [vk're'] v. n. to Eviscerare, [e'vitshe'r'r] v. a. heterogeneous, evacuate, empty; clear. to disembowel. fitesie, [te'sie'] f. pi. trade- Evacuativo, [e'vkti'v] adj. Evisceratore, [e'vitshe'rato're'] vrinds, pi. evacuating, purgative. m. one who disembowels. Etica, ['tjlc] /. ethics, moral Evacuazione, [e'vktsi'ne'] /. Evitabile, [vit'bil] adj. eviphilosophy; consumption. evacuation. table, avoidable. Eticamente, [tikmn't] adv. Evadere, [v'de're'] v. n. irr. Evitare, [vit'r] .a. to avoid, ethically. (evasi; evaso) to escape; ab- escape. Etichetta,[e'tilce't'tl^. etiquette, scond. Evitatore,[e'vitt're'] wi. avoid-

al; hectic,

ticket, label.





Etico, ['tik] adj. ethic, mor-



consumptive. Etimologia, [timlji'] mology.



avoiding, escaping.



adv. evangelically.



Evangelico, [vnj'lik] adj.




eviction; proof.

Evo, f'v] m. age, century. kme'n't] adv. etimologically. Evangelic, [e'vnj'li] m. gos- Evocare, [vk'rj v. a. to Etimologico, [e'timl'jikj adj. pel. evocate; conjure. Evangelista, [vnje'li'st] m. Evoe , ['v] an exclamation etymological. Etimologista, [timlji'sta] m. evangelist. made to Bacchus, Evangelizzare, [e'vnje'lids're'] Evoluzione, [vltsi'n] etymologist. /. Etimologizzare, [e'timljids'- V. n. to preach the gospel. mil. evolution. re'] V. n. to form etymologies. Evangelo, [vnj'l] m. gos- Exconsolo, [e'xkns'l] m. an


Etiologia, [e'til'j] /.etiology. pel. ex-consul. Etiope, [ti'p] m. an inhabi- Evaporabile, [e'vpr'bil] adj. Esegetico, [xjeti'k] (better evaporable. tant of Ethiopia. Esegetico) adj. narrative.




pagan, Evaporamento,





heathen. Etra, ['trl


t] m. see Evaporazione. [e'vpr'r] v. n. /. poes. ether, sky. Evaporare, [tt'gn] m. hepta- to evaporate ; melt away, vanish.







ever, although.

pronounced like in Eng- Fabbricamento, [fabbrikame'n'- Fabbricatore ffbbn'kt'r] , Peata (feast). to] m. fabrication, structure. m. builder, mason; forger; inPa [fa'] m. the fourth note in Pabbricante, [fbbrikn't] m. triguer, liar, music. (ing; fabric. manufacturer, (to build; forge. Fabbricazione, [fbbriktsi'Fabbrica, [fb'brik] f. buiW- Fabbrioare, [fabbrika'r] v. .j n] /. building, structure.


Fabbriciere, [fabtritshe're] or Fabbrichiere , m. superintendent of the building of a cbnrch or other large edifice. Fabbricone , [fabbrik'ne'] m. large building, great edifice. Fabbricuccia, [fbbrik'tsha] f. small building. Fabbrile, [fbbri'Ie'] adj. of a smith ; belonging to any manual art.



Faceto, [ftsht] adj. face- Fagiuolo, [fjl] m. kidney-* bean; ninny, blockhead. tious, gay. Facezia, [ftsh'tsi] {. merry Fagotto, [fag't] m. bundle, packet; mus. serpent; far -, to conceit, waggery. Facidanno, [ftshidn'n] adj. pack off. used substantively, mischie- Faina, [fi'n] f. musk- cat. Falago, [fl'g] adj. said of a vous person. Facile, [fa'tshile'] adj. easy, horse's skin of a blackish color. pliant; convenient; -all'ira, Palananna, [fln'u] or Faprone to anger; uomo -, m. aiFa- laninna, [flnin'n] m. an effeminate man, a silly fellow. ble man. Fabbro, [fbTjr] Fabro, [f'- Facilit, [ftshilit'] Faeilita- Falange, [fln'je] f. phalanx. br] wi. smith, blacksmith; de. Facilitate, /. facility, easi- Falangio, [fln'j] m. venomous spider. ness readiness. workman; forger, inventor. Falarica, [fl'rik] f. fiery Fabolico, [fblili] adj. fabu- Facilitare, [ftshilit'r] v

lous, figurative.





Fabula, [f'bla]
vola &c.


[falbal'] see Palpila. Falbo, [fl'b] adj. light brov. w. easily, readily. [fbltsi'n] f. Facimale, [ftshim'le'] adj. %ised Palcastro, [flk'str] m. sickle, see

Fa- Facilmente, [ftshilme'n't] adv. Falbal,

bill-hook. swts/aniiveiy, mischievous boy conversation, conferring. Faccella, [ftsh'l] f. small Facimento, [ftshime'n't] m. Falcatore, [flkt're'] m. reaper, mower. lighted torch. (business. doing, performance; work. Faccenda, [ftshn'd] f. aiTair, Facimola, [ftsbi'ml] /. Fa- Falce, [fl'tshe'] /".scythe, sickle; Faccenderia, [fatshe'nde'ri'aj see cimolo, [ftshi'ml] ni. sor- fig. harvest-time. Falcetto, [fltshe't't] m. small Affannoneria. cery (little used). Faccendetta, [ftshe'ndt't] f. Facinoroso, [ftshinr's] adj. scythe. Palchetto, [flke't't] m. a small slight affair, atrocious. Faccendevole, [ftshe'nde'v'le'] Facitojo, [ftshit'y] adj. fea- falcon. sible, practicable (vulfjarism). Falcia, [fl'tsh] f. poes.jScythe; adj. intermeddling. Faccendiera, [ftshe'ndi'r] f. Facitore, [ftshit're'] m. Fa- fig. harvest-time. meddling woman, busybody. citrice,[ftshitri'tshe']/.raaker, Falciare, [fltsh're'] v. a. to mow. Faccendiere, [ftshe'ndi're'] m. workman. intriguer, factotum. Facitura,[ftshit'r] /.making, Falciata, [fltsh't] f. cut of the scythe, swathe. Faccendino, [fatshe'ndi'n] m. performance. an intermeddler. Facolt, [fklt'] Facoltade, Falciatore, [fltsht're'] m. Faccendone, [ftsho'nd'n] m. Facoltate, f. faculty, power; Falciatrice, [fltshtri'tsh] a disturber. property, riches, pi. f. mower. [fklt's] adj. Falcifero , [fltshi'fe'r] Faccendoso, [ftshe'nd's] arfj. Facoltoso , adj. bearing a scythe. busy, bustling (little used). powerful, wealthy. Faccetta, [fatsh't] f. small Facondamente, [fkndme'n'- Falcione, [fltsh'ne'] m. falchion. face; {jevo.) angular cut. te'] adv. eloquently. Facchinaccio, [fkkin'tsh] m. Facondia, [fkn'di] f. elo- Falcinola, [fltsh'l] f. see Falcetto. arrant knave. quence; fluency (of speech). Faccbiaeggiare,(fkkindj'r] Facondit, [fkndit'] Facon- Palco, [fl'k] m. falcon. ditade, Paconditate, /. elo- Falconare, [flkn're'] v. n. to y. n. to work like a porter.

Facchineria, [fkkine'ri'] f. quence (little used). porter's work: mean action. Facondo, [fkn'd] Facchinesco, [ftshine's'k] adj. quent,
appertaining to a porter.



hawk. Falcone,


m. falcon,

Facchino, [fkki'n] m. porter;

scoundrel adj. vile, abjectFaccia, [f'tsh] /. face, visage appearance , show , outside page; in -, to one's face; - a -, face to face, man to man; cangiar -, to change color ; far -, to grow impudent, dare. Facciaccia, [ftsh'tshj f. ugly
; ;

(totum. hawk; mil. falconet. Factotum, [fct'tm] m. a fac- Falconeria, [flknri']/".trainPacult, [fklt'] &c., see Fa- ing of hawks. Falconetto, [flkne't't] ni. colt &c. Facultoso, [fklt's] m. rich. young falcon. Paggeto, [fdj't] m. and Fag- Falconiere, [flkni're'] m. falgeta, [fdj't] f. beech-tree coner. Falda, [fl'd] f. fold, plait; grove. Faggino, [fdji'n] adj. of a skirt; brim, flap; flounce, borbeech. der; side (of a bill); flake (of Paggio, [f'dji] m. beech-tree. snow); lock (of wool); a - a -,


Facciata, [fatsh't]
front; page. Faccinola, [ftshl] square bit of paper.



Faggiuola, [fdji'l] f. beech- slice by slice, little by little mast. di - in -, everywhere. Fagiana, [fj'n] f, hen-phea- Faldata, [fld't] f. a great




Face, [f'tsh]

f. torch, brand. Facella, [ftsh'l] Facellina, [ftshe'Ui'n] /. small torch, small light.



adv. facetiously. Facetare, [ftshe't're'] v. n. to be facetious, jest, joke.

a pre- Faldato, [fld't] adj. flounced, serve for pheasants. plaited. Pagianato,[fjin't] adj. said Faldella, [fld'l] f. lint; ten of birds cooked like pheasants. pounds of wool skein of silk. Fagiano, [fj'n] m. pheasant. Faldellato,[fldll't]ad;.full Pagiolaccio , [fjl'tshij m. of lints; folded. a great simpleton. Paldelletta, [fldllt't] PalPagiuolata, [fjl't] f. awk- dellina, [flde'Ui'n] f. small

Fagianaja, [fjn'y]

wardness, silliness.

plait, lint.

Faldetta, [faldet'ta] of snow.



a flake Falsamente, [falsme'n't] m. Famiglio, [famiTo] m. servant, valet; bailiff. falsehood. Faldiglia, [faldiT] f. hoop- Falsamonete, [flsrane"te'] m. Famiglinola, [fmir'l] ^little family. petticoat; crinoline. false coiner, clipper. Faldistorio, [fldist'n]m. and Falsarda, [flsr'd] f. sorce- Familiare, [famir're'] see Famigliare. Faldistoro, [fldist'r] bish- ress. op's arm-chair. Falsardo, [flsrd] m. sorce- Familiarit, [familiarit'] see Famigliarit. Falegname, [flen''mjm. car- rer. penter, joiner, wright. Falsare, [fls're'] v. fal- Famosamente, [farasme'n'te'] adv. famously, publicly. Faldoso, [fald'sj adj. ahound- sify; forge. ing in hill-sides. Falsaredine, [falsare'di'ne'] f. Famoso, [fm's] adj. famous,

public. snaffle-rein. /. moth; light person. Falsariga, [flsari'ga] f. black Famuccia, [fm'tsh] f. little Falera, [fle''r] f. an ancient lines for writing straight, pi appetite. kind of large necklace used as Falsario, [fls'ri] Falsatore, Famulazione, [fmltsi'ne'] an ornament of rank or distinc- [flst're'] m. forger, counter- f. servitude.

Falena, [fl'n]






Falerno, [flr'n] m.Falernian Falsato, [fls't] adj. feigned,

famished, hungry.

falsified (said of drugged wine). Fanale, [fn'l] m. beacon, wine. Falimbello,[flimh'l]m.light- Falsatore, [flst're] m. liar, light-house. FanatIco,[fn'tik]adj. fanatic. headed fellow. falsifier. Fallahile, [fll'bil] adj. fail- Falseggiare, [flse'dj're'j v. a. Fanatismo, [fntis'm] m. fanaticism. ing: crafty, deceitful (little to falsify. ^used). Falseggiatore , [flse'djt're'] Fanciulla, [fntshrij f. young Fallace, [fll'tshe'] adj. falla- m. falsifier. girl, lass. cious, deceitful. Falsetto, [flse't't] m. mus., Panciullaccio, [fntshil'tsh] m. a dissolute youth. Fallacemente,[flltshe'mn'te'] falsetto, treble. adv. fallaciously, deceitfully. Falsidico, [flsi'dik] acfj, false, Fanciullaggine,[fntshlla'dji'n] f. childishness, puerility. Fallacia, [fll'tsh] (. fallacy, fallacious. deceit, fraud. Falsificamento, [flsifikme'n'- Fanciullaja, [fntshll'y] f. Fallare, [fll're'j v.n. to err, t] m. falsifying, counterfeiting. crowd of boys and girls. mistake ; fail, offend ; omit, Falsificare, [flsifik'r] v. a. Fanciulleria,[fntshll'ri]see neglect. Fanciullaggine. to falsify. Fallatore, [fllt're'] m. offend- Falsificatore, [flsifikt're'] m. Fanciullescamente, [fantshler, transgressor. Falsificatrice , le'skme'n'te'] adv. childishly. [flsifiktri'Fallenza, [flln'ds] see Fal- tshe'] f. falsifier, corrupter. Fanciullesco, [fantshlls'k] lanza. Falsificazione, [flsifiktsi'ne'] adj. childish, puerile. Fallevole, [flle'v'le'] adj. fal- f. falsification, adulteration. FanciuUetta, [fntshllt't] f. lacious. Falsiloquo, [flsil'ku] adj. little girl. Pallihile, [flli'Ml] adj. falli- said of a liar. Fanciulletto,[fntshllt't]m. hlo; frail. Falsit, [flsi't] f. falsehood; little boy. Falligione, [fllij'ne'j see Fal- breaking promises. Fanciullezza, [fntshlle''ts] f. lanza. Falso, [fl's] arfj. false, feigned, childhood. Fallimento, [fllime'n't] m. er- deceitful; adulterated; -,adv. FanciuUino, [fdntshlli'n] m. falsely; -,m. falsehood, untruth. ror, failure; bankruptcy. little boyFallire, [falli're'l v. a. to make Falta, [fal'ta] f. want, failing; Fanciullo, [fntshl'I] adj. mistakes; deceive; -, v. n. to distress. childish, young; m. young fail; sin ; become a bankrupt, Faltare, [falta're'] v. want, child, boy. Fanciullozzo, [fntshll'ts] be bankrupt; - la via, to lose be deficient. m. and Fanciullezza, [fnone's way; -, m. error, sin, crime. Fama, [f'm] f. fame, renown. Fallito, [flli't] m. bankrupt; Fame, [fa'me'J f. hunger, avidi- tshill'ts] /. a simple boy ty; eagerness; avere -, to be or girl. adj. mean, insufficient. Fanciullazzo, [fntshll'ts] Fallitore, [fllit're'] m. trans- hungry. Famelico, [fm'lik] adj. dying see Fanciulletto. gressor; deceiver. Fandonia, [fud'ni] /". idle Fallo, [fl'l] m. error, over- with hunger; greedy. failure; in -, Famigerato, sight, in vain. [fmijr't] adj. story, fable. Fanello, [fn'l] m. linnet. Falloppa, [fllp'p] f. an un- famed; famous. finished cocoon a vain boaster Famiglia, [fmiT] f. family Fanfalecco, [fnfl'k] m. afPalo, [fal'] m. bonfire /"ar -,to servants, pi. fected person. blaze, Famigliare, [fmil''re'] adj. fa- Fanfaluca, [fnfl'ka] /". spark; Faloticheria , [fltike'ri'] f. miliar, intimate; -, m. servant; trifle, gewgaw.

extravagance , whim (little confidant. used). Famigliaresco, [fmirre''sk] F alotico, [fl'tik] adj. whim- adj. belonging to the family. sical, capricious (little used). Famigliarit, [fmirrit] Pa-

Falpal, [falpal'] /. furbelow. Falsabraca,[flsabr'k] /'.faussebraye(term of fortifications). Pamigliarizzare, [frairrits'- Fanferina,[fnfri'n] /".joking, Palsadore, [flsd're'] m. for- re'] V. a. to render familiar. mocking.
ger, cheat.

[fn'fn] adj. vain, , ostentatious. Fanfaronata, [fnfrn't] f. boasting. migliaritade, Famigliaritate, Fanfarone, [fnfr'ne'] m. a great boaster. f. familiarity, intimacy.

F anfano

Falsamente, [flsme'n't] adv.

Pamigliarmente,[fmirrme'n'- Fanga, [fn'g] f. and Fango, t] adv. familiarly, intimately. [fn'g] m. mud, slush.



- osteria, to keep an inn; - o' pugni, to box; - ta quaresima, to keep lent; - sera,

m. Fantocciata, [fnttshia'ta] f. a farce represented by puppets. Fanghiglia, [fanghi'l'd] (. mud, Fantoccino, [fnttshi'n] m. little puppet; simpleton. mire. Fango, [fan 'go] m. mud, mire; Fantoccio, ifut'tsho] m. pupi.t };trouble.

noja, to tire;

to pass away one's time; - tlenzio, to be quiet; - testa, to

Fangoso, [fug's]


muddy, Fantoccione, [fdnttsh'n] m.


Fan gotto,



Fannonnolo, [fannnn'l]
for nothing, silly.

Fano, [fd'n] m. fane, temple. Fantaccia, [fnt'tsh] f. scullion.





Fantajo, [fdnt'y] m. lover of girls.

oppose, resist: farla ad uno. to play one a trick; - vela, to set great puppet; great fool. sail, sail; - vista, to feign; Fantolino, [fntli'nj m. little t'ita, to live; Fa lisi, .r to make boy. ones self; become, com to, apFantone, [fnt'ne'] m. dandy, proach; - beffe, to laugh at, spendthrift. mock; - alia porta, to go to the Faonamento, [fnme'n't] m. door; - sera, to draw tovvards night; - turdi, to grow late. parturition of animals. Faonare [fn'r] v. n. to Fare, [f'r] m. usage, custom, produce (said of animals). manner. Farabolone, [frabl'n] and Faretra, ffr'tr] f. qniver. Farabulone, [farbul'n] m. Farfalla, [frfal'la] /".butterfly.
pet; silly fellow.

Fantasia, [fntsi']




a tattler, gossip. [farbtt'] cheat, blackleg.


Farfalletta,[farfllt't]/'.small butterfiy. Farfallino, [farflH'u] m.. vola-

Faraone, [fr'ne'] m. pharo tile man. Fantasiaccia, [fntsi'tsh] (game). Farfallone, [farfll'ne'l w.largo strange fancy. Fantasiare, [fantasia're'] v. n. Farchetola, [farke"tll ^teal. butterfly far un -, to do a silly action. to take fancies, build castles Farciglione, [fartshir'nj m. wator-fowl. Farfanicchio, [frfnik'ki] m. in the air. Fantasima [fiinta'simal Fan- Farda, [fr'd] f. spittle; filth. greit fool. tasma, [fantasima] [. phantom. Fardaggio, [frd'dj] m. bag- Farfarello, [frfr'l] m. little imp. Fantasiosamente, [fntasis- gage, accoutrement. mn te] adv. capriciously (lit- Fardata, [fardii'tal/.blow (with Farfare, [fr'fr] m. bot., colt's something filthy). foot. tle used). Fantasticaggine, [fntstika'- Fardellare, [frdll're'l v. n. to Farina, [fri'na] /. flour, meal; djin] [ caprice, strangeness. make up a bundle, bundle to- - d' avena, oat-meal. Farinaccio, [frin'tsh] rn. Fantasticamente, [fntstik- gether. mn't] adv. fantastically Fardelletto, [fardelle't't] Far- worm-eaten wood;rice pounded dellino, [frdlli'n] 7rt. small with the husk. oddly. Farinaceo, [frfn'tshe'] adj. Fantasticamento, [fntstik- bundle (of clothes Ac). Fardello, [frd'l] m. bundle, farinaceous, mealy. me'n't] m. strange idea. Farinajo, [frina'y] m. place Fantasticare, [fntstika're'] v. pack; far -, to make off. Fare, [f'r] v a. irr., (fo fa- for keeping meal. n. to fancy, imagine. Fantastcatore, [fntstikt'- ceva; feci; far; fatto) to do, Farinajuolo, [friny'l] m. compose ; finish meal-seller. act, r] m. builder of airy castles, make play; bid, cause; be of conse- Farinata, [farin't]^ porridge muser. Fantasticheria, [fntistike'ri'] quence, matter; be proper, be made of meal and water. suitable; ci non fa per me, that Farinello, [frin'l] m. rogue, ee Fantasticaggine. Fantastico, [fnt'stik] adj. doesn't .suit me; al far del gior- wretch. no, at the break of day; quattro Farinevole, [frinv'le'] adj. fantastic, ideal. Fante, [fn't] m. man-servant; vfiesi fa, four months ago; fa mealy. foot-soldier knave (at cards). vento, the wind blows, it is Faringe, [frin'j] /.the orifice Fanteggiare, [fnte'dj'r] v. a. windy; fa bello, it is fine wea- of the throat. [frinife"r] ther; /"acciamo una passeggiata, Farinifero, adj. to serve, wait upon fawn. Fanteria, [fntri']/. infantry. let us take a walk; fate che ven- bread-fruit tree. Fantesca, [fnts'k] /. maid- ga da me, bid him come to me; fa- Farisaico , [fris'ik] adj. temi sapere, let me know; avere Pharisaical. servant, servant-girl. Fanticella, [fntish'la] /, little a - con uno, to have to do with Fariseo, [fris'] m.. phariseo, one; - acqua (mar.) be leaky; hypocrite. servant-girl. Fantigino, [fantiji'n] m. boy, - ajuto, to help, assist; - alto Farlingotto, [frling't] m.


Fantilita, [fntilit'l A infancy; childish action (little used).

Fantineria, [fntine'ri'] /".trick,

duplicity (vulgarism).

Fantocceria, [fnttshe"ri]





Fantocciaggine, [fnttshiji'n] childianness. Fantocciajo, [fnttsha'y] m. a painter of puppets, a low painter.

(mii.) to halt ;- 6e iiOjto beautify, set off; - bene, to succeed; caldo, to he hot weather;- le carte, to deal at cards; - caso di, to make account of; - difesa, to defend one's self; - diritto, to do justice; - fede, to testify; - fine, to finish, end; - forte, to fortify, strengthen; - grazia, to forgive, pardon lamenti, to complain; - male, to injure, hurt; - menzione,

unintelligible talker.

FarmaceuticOj [frmtshe'ti'k] adj. pharmaceutical.

Farmacia, [frmtshi'] /.pharmacy. Farmaco, [fr'mk] m. drug; medicament. Farmacologia, [frmkl'jf] /. science treating of pharmacy.

Farmacopea, [frmakp']


Farmacopola, [frmkp'l]in. to mention ; - a met , to go druggist. [frntikhalves; - motto, to speak of; - Farneticamento |

ron't] fever).


169 --


a Fascinatore, [fshint're'] m. Fatare, [ft're'] v. a. to charm; render invulnerable; -, v. n, to bewitcher, sorcerer. Farneticare, rfrne'tilr're'] v.n. Fascinatrice, [fshintri'tshe'] destine, be decreed. Fatato, [ft't] adj. fated; into doto, bo dolirious. f. sorceress. Farnetichezza, farne'ti"kt'sal Fascinazione, [fshintsi'ne']/'. vulnerable. and Farneticheria, [frnti- Fascino, [fshi'n] m. fasci- Fatatura, [fttu'r] /. and Fatamento,[fatinn'tJm.charm, nation. te'ril /. fronzy. Farnetico, [farn'tik] adj. fre- Fascinotto,[fshint't]Tn.sraall charming. Fatica, [fti'k] /. fatigue, toil, fiigot. netic, delirious. Farnia, [fr'ni] f. a kind of Fascio, [f'sh] m. bundle.bunch, labor; work; reward, wages, burden; mass; - di chiavi, pL ; con gran -, with much difoak. ficulty, with much ado a-, with Paro , [f'r] m. light-house, bunch of keys. Fascinccio,[fsh'tsh] m.small difficulty. watch-tower. Faticabile,[ftik'bileTa(j. toilFarragginare, [frrdjin're'] bundle. Fasciume, [fsh'me'] m. heap some, painful, laborious. . o. to jumble together. Faticaccia, [ftik'tsh] /.painFarraggine, [frr'dj ine'] /'.mix- of rubbish. Fascinola, [fsh'l] /".bandelet, ful work. turo, medley; botch-potch.

m. raving





carsi, V.


to fa-

farraginous; jumbled to- Fase, [f'se'l f. phasis, phase. Fasservizi, [fssrvi'tsi] tn. ergether. Farragine, [frra'jine'] see Far- rand boy at the gate of a city. Fastelletto , [fstllt't] t?i. raggiue. Farrago, [frr'g] m. farrago, small fagot. Pastello, [fdst'l] m. fagot, jumble. Farrata, [frr't] [. cake made truss; bunch; bottle. Fasti, [f'sti] m. pi. archives; of fine flour. annals, pi. [farritsh'l] [. Farricello , Fastidio, [fsti'di] m. tediouscoarse flour. Farro, [fr'r] tn. buck-wheat, ness; disgust; trouble, weurinoss aver in -, to loathe, corn.

pres. fatiguing, hard.



tigue, harass; embarrass:



fatigue one's

work hard,

Faticato, [ftik'tj adj. tired weary. Faticatore, [ftikt're']m.hardworker, pains-taker. Fatichevole, [ftik'vle'] adj.

[fstidis'- tikvlrae'n't] adv. laboriousdjin] f. troublesomeness, vexa- ly. Faticosetto, [ftikse't't] aaj, [frse'tt'y] tiousn'^ss. Farsettaio, doublet-maker. Fastidiosamente , [fastidisa- rather laborious. Farsettino,[farse'tti'n]m.small mente] adv. tediously, weari- Faticoso, [ ftik's] adj. fatigudoublet. ing, painful. somely. Farsetto, [frs't] m. doublet. Pastidiosit, [fastidsit'] f. Fatidico, [fti'dik] adj. (atdiiFarsettone, [frstt'nj m. fastidiousness, vexatiousness, cal, prophetic. large doublet. Patiga, [fti'g] &c., see Fatiimportunity. Fascetta, [fshe't't] f. small Fastidioso, [fstidi's] adj. te- ca Ac. band, strip, stays. dious; tiresome, troublesome, Pato, [f't] m. fate, destiny.

disdain. Farsa, [fr's] f. farce. Farsata, [frs't] f. edge of a Fastidiosaggine,

Faticosamente, [fatiksme'n't] and Fatichevolmente, [f-


Fascettino,[fshtti'n]m.small disagreeable; morose. bundle. Fastidire, [fastidi're'] v. a. to Fascia, [fa'sha] f. band, fillet, weary, fatigue; vex; -, v. n. to bond; Fasce, pi. swaddling be tiresome; loathe; abhor. clothes, pi. Pastidiume, [fstidi'me'] m. Fasciacca, [fatshakTca] f sash. world of troubles. Fasciare, [fsha'r] v. a. to Fastigio, [fsti'jt] m. top, sumbind, bandage; envelop; swathe, mit. swaddle. Fastigioso, [fstijt's] see FaFasciata, [fasha't] Fasciatu- stoso. ra, [fsht'r] [. bandage, lig- Fasto, [f'st] TO. pomp, ostenature. tation; adj. of happy augury. Fasciatojo, [fasht'y] m. a Pastosamente, [fstsme'n'te] long strip of linen or other adv. ostentatiously, proudly. cloth. Fastoso, [fst's] adj.fastuous, Fasciatura, [fsht'r] f. the pompous ; proud , haughty act of binding up, truss. lofty. Fascicolare, [fshikl're'] v. a. Fata, [f't] f. fairy, elf, fay. to lay in fagots. Fatagione, [ftj'ne'] /. talisFascicolo, [fshi'kl] m. little man, charm. bundle; numero (of a book.) Fatale, [ft'le'] adj. fatal, preFascina, [fshi'n] /. fascine, destined.


[fat't] f. sort, kind, fashion; species; nature; di fai -, of such kind; di tutte le fatte, of ail sorts.


[fttme'n'te'] ar/w. in fact, really, efi'ectively; si -,


such a manner.

Fatterello, [ftterl'lo] m. trifling business.

sible, easy, possible.

Fattevole, [ftt'vle'] adj. fea-

Pattezza, [fttt's]



Fattibello, [fttib'l] m. paint (for the cheeks), rouge. Fattibile, [ftti'bilj adj. feasible, practicable.

Fatticchiare, [fattikki'a're'] v n. to do often, be accustomed






adj. ro-


Fatalismo, [fatlis'm] m. fata- Fatticcione,


[fttitsh'ne'] adj.

Pasciname,[fshin'me']m. small

lism, (list. stout, corpulent; powerful. fagots. Fatalista, [ftli'st] m. fata- Fattivo, [ftti'v] adj efficient, Fascinare, [fshin'r] v. a. to Fatalit, [fatalit'] /". fatality, efficacious; stirring. make fagots. destiny. Fattizio, [ftti'tsij adj. artifiFascinata, [fshin't] f. fen- Fatalmente, [ftlme'n't] adv. cial, artful. cing. by destiny; unfortunately. Patto, [ft't] tn. fact, deed,






[fve'llt're'] Fa- Favorito, [fvri't] adj. favored, protected; -, m. favorite. vellatrice, [fve'lltri'tsh] f. Favoritore, [fvrit'r] see talker, speaker; prater. Fautore. really; immediately, at first; Favellatorio, [fvllt'ri] adj Favule, [fv'l] m. bean-feld. apt to discourse. in sul -, without loss of time sul -, in the act; - sta che, the Favellio, [favlH'] m. talking, bean-straw. Fazionario , [ftsin'ri] m. prate, prattle (little used). fact of the matter is that, there is the point; badate a' Favellonlco, [fve'llni'kj m. factionary. Fazionato, [ftsin't] adj. disprater. fatti vostri, mind your own Faverella, [fve'r'l] Pavetta, posed, situate. husiness. pattojano, [fatty'n] m. oil- [fv'tj f. dish of mashed Fazione, [ftsi'ne'] f. figure ; face; fashion; faction, party; beans. presser. essere in -, to be upon duty. Fattojo, [fatt'y] m. oil-mill, Favilla, [fvil'l] f. spark. m. [ftsini're'J Favillare, [fvill're'] v. n. to Pazionere, oil-press. partisan, sectarian. Fattora, [fatt'r] /".house keep- sparkle, twinkle. Favilletta, [fville't't] /. little Faziose, [ftsi's] adj. factious; er in a monastery. seditious. spark. Fattore, [ftt're'] m. maker artisan ; author ; agent, stew- Favillo, [fviri] m. splendor. Fazzoletto, [ftsle't't] Fazzuolo, [fts'l] i. handkerFavo, [f'v] m. honey-comb. ard, factor. chief. Fattoressa,[fttre's's]/".house- Favola, [f'vl] f. fable, story. Favolare, [fvl're'] v. n. to Pe, [f'] see Fede. koeper, steward's -wife. Febbrajo, [fe'bbr'y] m. FeFattoria, [fttri'] /". factory; tell tales (little used).

matter, point; Favellatore,

- d' armi, feat, exploit; a gran -, very nmcli; di -, in fact,

bruary. [fvle'dj , mn't] m. narration of fables. Febbre, [f'bre'] f. fever. Fattorino, [fdttori'n] Fatte- Favoleggiare, [fvle'dj'r] v Febbricella, [fbbritsh'l] f. slight fever. n. to tell tales; banter, mock. rello, [fttr'l] m. shop-man, Favoleggiatore, [fvole' djt'- Febbricita, [fe'bbritshit'] f. feshop-boy. verishness. Fattost, [fttst'] adu. there's re'] m. fabulist, story-teller. Favolesca, [fvls'k] f. spark Febbricitante, [felbritshitn'the point. te'l adj. feverish. Fattucchiera, [fttkki'r] f. of fire flying in the air. Pavolesco, [fvle's'k] see Fa- Febbricitare, [fe'bhritshit're'] witch, sorceress. V. a. to febricitate, be feverish. Fattucchieria, [fattukkie'ri'] f. voloso. Tavoletta, [favle't't] f. little Febbricone, [fbbrik'n] m. witchcraft. violent fever. Fattacchiero, [ftt.kkie"r] m. story.


directory, agen-


Favolone, [fvl'ne'] m.' fabu- Febbricoso, [fe'bbrik's] adj. wizard. feverish. Fattura, [fatt'ra] f. work, ma- list, romancer. king fashion reward advice Favolosamente, [fvlsme'n'- Febbrfico, [fe'bbrifi'k] adj. it.ducing fever. charm, witchcraft; seduction; t] adv. fabulously. Favoloso, [fyl's] adj. fa- Febbrifugo, [fe'bbri'fg] m. merch. invoice. med. febrifuge. Fatturare, [fattr're'] v, a. to bulous.
; ; ; ;

adulterate (wine.)



Pavone, Febbrile,


adj. febri-

le, of a fever, from a fever. Fatturo, [ftt'r] adj. that is [fv'ne'] m. honey-comb. Pavone, [fv'ne'] m. honey- Febbroso, [fbbr's] see Febto be done. Fatuit, [fatuit'] Fatuitade, comb; an absurdly proud man. bricoso. Fatuitate, f. fatuity, foolish- Favonio, [fv'ni] m. poes., Febbruzza, [fe'bbrt's]/'. slight fever. west-wind, zephyr. ness. Fatuo, [fa't] adj. infatuated, Favorabile, [fvr'bile'] see Fa- Febea, [fbe'] f. the moon; Diana poetical. vorevole. foolish, giddy; fuoco -, m. ignis Pavorabilmente , ffvrbil- Febeo, [f'b] m. the sun; fatuus.

Fauci, [fau'tshi]
throat; strait.

me'n'te'] adv. favorably. (mele. Pavorato, [fvr't] adj. forFaumele, [fawra'le'J see Favo- tunate. Fauno, [fiiw'n] m. faun, satyr. Pavoratore, [fvrt'r] see Fausto, [fu'st] adj. lucky, Fautore. Favore, [fv're'J ni. favor, proprosperous. Fautore, [fut're'] m. Fautri- tection. ce, [ftttri'tsh] f. favorer, Favoreggiare, [fvre'dj're'] v. a. to favor, protect. protector; partisan. Fava, [f'v] f. bean; ballot; Favoreggiatore, [fvrdjt'r] see Fautore. vote; pride: fig. nothing.

pL, gullet,

Apollo; adj. poetical. Feccia, [f'tsh]/". dregs, pL sediment; dross. Pecciaja, [fe'tsh'y] f. bung. Pecciata, [fe'tsh't] f. a vile

Feccioso, [fe'tsh's] adj. full of dregs; wearisome, tiresome. Fecola, [fe'kl] f. fecula. Fecondabile, [fkndbi'l] adj. capable of becoming fruitful. ^

Pavagello, [fvj'l]

celan- Favorevole, [fvre"vle'] adj. favorable, propitious. [fvre'vlFavata, [fv't] f. moss of Favorevolmente , bean-meal; foolish pride {vul- me'n't] adv. favorably. Favorire, [fvri'r] v. a. to garism). Favella, [fav'la] f. speech, dis- favor, protect; assist, support; concede; /"avon'sca dirmi, please course; dialect; language. Favellamento, [fve'llme'n't] toinforra me; mi favorisca, o me the favor. m. speech, talk. Favellare, [favlla'reT v. a. & Favoritamente, [fvritmen't] adv. favorably. n. to speak, discourse; tell.

Fecondamente, [fkndme'n'te']
adv. fruitfully; abundantly.

Fecondare, [fknda

r] v. a. to



Fecondatore, [feTcndat'r] m.
that fertilizes.

Fecondazione, [fe'kndtsi'n]

the act of fecundity.

Fecondevole, [fe'knd'vl] adj,

fruitful, (little used^.

Fecondit, [fe'kndit]


ditade, feconditate,


[fe'mmini'n] adj,

fecun- Pelino, [feli'n] adj. feline, of a

see Fiele.

Fecondo, [fekn'd] affj.fruitful. Pelle, [fl]

Feculento, [fkln't]
of dregs.
adj. full Felleo,

feminine; weak, tender. Femminoccia, [fmmin'tsh]

bitter as



Fedare, [feda're'] v. a. totefoul. Fello, [fl] adj. Fede, [f'dj f. faith; fidelity, fidious, cruel. loyalty, sincerity trust, cred- Pellonamente, [fellnmn't] Femore, it, confidence bone. di buona -, adv. wickedly.

f. fat, jolly woman. Pemminaccia, [fmmin'tsh] wicked; per- Femminnzza, [fmmin'tsj f. mean woman.


m. thighcut,

faithfully, sincerely;



buona -, m. honest man in mia, hy my faith, faith far to give credit; non serbar la to break one's word.

Fellone, [fll'n] adj. felonious, Pendente, [fnde'n't] m. barbarous, inhuman; -, m. gash. Fendere, [fn'de'r] v. a. scoundrel.
Felloneria, [flln'ri] edness.


(fendei; fenduto, fesso)to cleave,


plough; Fendersi, v.r.



m. trustee.

Fedecommesso, [fe'de'kommeVS]

m. deed of trust.

me't'te're'] v.


a. irr.


tere) to intrust.

make a deed

of trust,

Pededegno , [fe'de'de"n''] worthy of trust.


to crack open, split, burst. mn't] perfidiously Fendibile, [fndibi'l] adj. that adv. may be cut. wickedly. Fellonesco, [fellne's'k] adj. Pendimento, [fndime'n't] m. cleft, chink. perfidious, cruel. [fndit'y] Fellonessa, [fllns'sa] /. per- Penditojo, m. cleaver; pen-cutter. fidious woman. Fellonia, [fllni'] f. felony, Fonditore, [fndit'r] m. one who cleaves or cuts. perfidy. Fellonit, [fellnit'] /. per- Fenditura, [fndit'r] f. see



Fedele, [fedle] adj. faithful, fidy, wickedness. Fendimento. loyal, true; -, m. christian, be- Fellonosamente , [fllns- Peneratore, [fnrt're'] m. liever. mnt] adv. wickedly, perfid- usurer. Fedelissimo, [fe'delissi'm] adj. iously. Penice, [fni'tsh] f. phenix. title of the King of Portugal. Fellonoso, [felln's] adj. felo- Peniceo, [fni'tsh] adj. reddish, red. Fedelmente, [fe'dlme'n't] adv. nious; wicked. (plush. faithfully, sincerely, loyally. Felpa, [fel'pa] f. shag, felt, Fenicontero, [fe'niknt'r] and Fedelt, [fedelt'] Pedeltade, Peltrajolo, [fltry'l] r. a Fenicottero, [fniktt'r] m. Fedeltate, f. fidelity, loyalty. flamingo. worker in felt. Federa, [f'de'r] f. ticking pil Feltrare, [fltr're'] v. a. to Penile, [fni'l] m. hay-loft, low-case. granary. (federate. full ; filter. Federato, [fe'de'r't] adj. con- Feltratura, [fltrt'r] f. the Fenomeno, [fn'me'n] m. pheFedifrago, [fe'difr'g] adj. a action of making felt. nomenon. breaker of faith, a faithless Feltro, [fl'tr] m. felt; felt- Fora, [f'r] f. wild beast. Ferace, [fra'tshj f. fruitful, person. cloak. Fedita, [fe'dit'] f. filthiness. Feluca, [felTr] f. felucca (ves- fertile. Peditore, [fe'dit're'] see FeriFeracit, [fe'rtshlt'] f. fruitel).

fulness, fertility. [f'min] Femmina, Ferale, [fr'lj adj. funereal, f. female, woman. Pemminaccia, [fmmina'tsh] /". deadly. Feralmente, [frlmn't] adv. ugly woman. Femminella , [fe'mmin'l] f. deadly; cruelly. foolish woman, false shoot of Fercolo, [fe'rk'l] and Ferculo Fegato, [fgato] m. liver. [frk'l] m. arms &c. carried a vine. Fegatoso, [fgt's] adj. pim- Femmineo , [fe'mmi'ne'] adj. in a triumphal procession. pled. Perentario, [frnta'ri] feminine, womanish. m. Felce, [fl'tsh] fern. Pemmineria, [fmmin'ri] f. an archer. f. Felceta, [fltsh't] f. a place womankindFeretro, [f'rtr]m. bier, litter. full of ferns. Pemminescamente, [fe'mrains- Feria, [f'ria] f. holiday. Pole, [f'l] m. poes. see Fiele. kmn't] adv. like a woman. Feriale, [fri'lo] adj. daily, Felice, [fdli'tshe] adj. happy, Femminesco, [fmmins'k] adi. trivial; abiti feriali, in. pi., - lucky. womanlike, eft'orainate. weekday-clothes, pi. Pelicemente , [felitshme'n't] Femminetta, [fmmint't] f. Ferialmente, [frialmn'tjadi). adv. fortunately, luckily. pretty little woman. commonly. Felicit, [flitshit'] Pelicita- Femminezza, [fmmnt's] f. Periare, [fe'ri're'] v. n. to keep de, Felicitate, f. felicity, pros- female sex, fair sex. holiday. perity. Pemminiera, [fmmini'r] f. Periato, [fria't] adj. vacant, Felicitamento, [felitshitmn'- women's apartment women, festal; at leisure; -, m. vacat] m. the rendering happy bepi. (used jestingly). tions (of the courts) pi. coming happy; state of hap- Femminile, [fmmini'l] adj. Feribile, [fribi'l] adj. capable piness. feminine. of being wounded. Felicitare, [felitshit're'] . a. Femminilit, [femminilit'] f. Fericida, [fritshi'd] m. slayer to felicitate, make happy. feminality; womanhood. of wild beasts. Pelicitatore, [flitshitt're'] m. Femminilmente , [fmminil- Peridore, [frid'r] see Feri one who felicitates. mn't] adv. womanishly, in tore. Felicitazione, [flitshitatsi'ue'] a womanish manner; weakly, Ferigno, [fe'ri'n'] adj. see Ferieffeminately. no. f. tt$ Felicitamento.



[f'd] adj. dirty, foul. Fegatella, [fe'gtell] /. hepatica. Fegatello, [fe'gatl] m. bit of liver roasted.





[frimn't] m. Perrajo, [frr'y] m. iron-mon- Fervere, [fr've're'] v . to boil, , be hot. ger; cutler. wounding, hnrting; wound. Ferino, [fri'n] adj. savage, Ferrajolo, Ferrajuolo, [frr-, [frvt's] (. fervor (little used). yolo] m. cloak. cruel. [frrmn't] m. Fervidamente, [frvidmn't] l'erire, [fn"r] r. o. to strike, Ferramento adv. fervidly; vehemently. iron tools, j)l. wound hit. Ferita, [fri'ta] /. wound, hurt, Ferrana, [frr'n] f. grains of Fervido, [fer'vidoj adj. fervid, ardent. different seeds sown together contusion. Fervore, [frv'r] m. fervor, Ferit, frit'l Feritade, Pe- (for grass). ardor; vehemency; zeal. Fe.randina,[frrandi'na]/'. cloth ritate, /. ferocity, fierceness. Ferito, Lfri'tJ i. a wounded made of a mixture of thread Fervoroso, [frvr'sj adj. ardent, zealous. and wool. man. Feritoja, ffe'rit'y] f. loop- Ferrare, [ferra r] v. a. to bind Ferza, [fr'tsa] f. whip, lash, scourge; sun's heat. with iron; shoe (a horse). hole; barbican. Feritojo, [frit'y] m. an offen- Ferrareccia, [frrr'tsh]/'. all Fesso, [fs's] adj. cleft, chopped; weary; -, m. fissure, cleft; sorts of iron tools, pi. sive weapon. (cleft. Feritore, Ifrit're'] m. wound- Ferrata, frr't] /. iron-grato; crack. Fessolino, [fssli'n] m. small iron-railing. er, striker; assail er. Feritura, [frit'r] f. a wound. Ferrato, [frr't] adj. of iron, Fessura, [fss'rj /. fissure; opening, narrow passage. Ferma, [fr'mj/. enlisting, en- hard, constant. gagement bargain, contract; Ferratore, [frrat'r] m. far- Festa, [f'st]/. holy-day, feast; rejoicing, joy, delight; dar -, rier, smith, (little used). seal; proof; cane rfa-, pointer. Fermaglio, [frma To) m. clasp, Ferratura, [frrt'rj/. horse- to give a holiday; far -, to feast, revel. shoeing; iron-work. buckle; badge of an order. Fermamente , [frmmn't] Ferravecchio, [frrvk'ki] m. Festajolo, [fstay'l] and Festajuclo, m. director of a feast. adv. firmly, assuredly. old iron-seller. Fermamente, [frmmn't] m. Ferreo, [f'r] adj. ferreous Festante, jfstn't] a(/j. joyful. Pestare, [fst'r] v.a. to feast, establishment; confirmation; hard. Ferreria, [frrr'] f. quantity revel, (little used). sky. Pesteggevole , [fstdj'vl] Fermare, [frm'r] v. a. to stop, of iron-tools, &c. stay; fix; confirm; resolve; Ferretto, [frrt't] adj. grey, adj. festive, (not much used). Feumaesi, v. r. to stop, pause; silver-grey (of the hair); -, m. Festeggiamento, [fstdjmn't] m. rejoicings, pi. tag, small tool; clasp. delaj. Fermata, [fe'rmat'] f. pause, Ferriera, [frri'r] f. farrier's Festeggiare, [fstdj'r] v. a. stop; delay. leathern bag; forge; iron-mine. to give a feast. Fermato, [frm't] odj. stop- Ferrigno, [frri'n'] adj. ferru- Festeggio, [fstd'j] see Festeggiamento. ped, firm, constant sealed; m. ginous; fig. hard, inflexible. accord, agreement, Ferrino, [frri'uj m. small Pestello, [fastllo] m. a rosette and other similar ornament Fermentare, [frmnt're'] v.n. iron-tool. to ferment; work. Ferro, [f'r] m. iron; sword; used at feasts.
; [ [



adj. fermentative.

Fermentazione, [frmnttsi'


Fermento, [frmn't] m.
ment, yeast.


[frme't's] f. firmness, steadiness; stability, so-

lidity; constancy.

Fermit, [frmit']



(said of a public instrument). Fermo, [fr'mo] adj. firm,steady, fast; stable; solid; constant;

determined, intrepid canto -, m. plain song; con viso -, with a grave countenance; with a fruitful. hasten. resolute look -, m. agreement, Fertilezza, [frtilt's] Ferti- Pestinatamente,[fstintme'n targain; substance; per -, as- lit, [fertilit'] Fertilitade, t] adv. in a hurry. suredly, certainly; sincerely. Festinazione, [fstinatsi'n] f Fertilitate, {. fertility. Fero, [f'r] adj. poes., fierce. Fertilizzare, [frtilids'r] v. a. haste, hurry. Feroce, [fr'tsh] adj. fero- to fertilize, fructify. Festino, [festino] adj. hasty, cious, fierce; terrible. Fertilmente, [frtilme'n'te'] adv. quick; nimble; -, m. ball, feast.

arms, pL; - di cavallo, horse- Festerecciamente, [fste're'tshoe; mettere a' [erri, to put sh'mn't] adv. festively. Festereccio, [fstr'tsh] adj. in chains. Ferruginosit, [frrjinsi't] of holy-days; joyous. /. quality of that which is fer- Festevole, [fst'vl] dj. joyful, merry. ruginous. Ferruginoso, [frrjn's] adj. Festevolmente, [fste'vlmn't] adv. joyfully. ferruginous. Ferrnminamento, [frrmin- Pesticcinola, [fstitsh'l] f. little feast. mn't] m. solder. Ferruminare, [frrmn'r] v. Festichino, [fstiki'n] m. seagreen color (little used). a. to solder; unite. Ferruzzo, [frrii'ts] see Fer- Festinamente, [fstinme'n'te'J adv. quickly, speedily. rino. Fertile, [fr'til] adj. fertile, Pestinare, [fe'stin'rj v. n. to

Ferocemente, [frtshme'n't]
adv. ferociously, fiercely. Ferocia, [fr'tsh] Ferocit, [frotshit'] Ferocitade, Perecitate, f. ferocity, cruelty. Ferraccio, [frr'tsh] m. old

Festivamente, [fstivmn'tj fertilely, fruitfully. Feruggine, [fr'djine'] f. rust. adv. solemnly. Ferula, [f'rl] f. reed; bot. Festivit, [festivit'] Festiviferula.

tade, Festivitate,



Ferragosto, [fe'rrg'fit] m. first day of August.

mirth. Feruta, [fe'ru'ta] see Ferita. Fervente, [frvn't] adj. fer- Festivo, [fe'sti'v] adj. festive, vent; vehement; eager. solemn; giorno -, m. holiday; Ferventemente, [frve'nte'mn'- abiti festivi, m. pi. sundayt] adv. fervently, vehementlj. clothes, pi.



Ficaja, [fik'y] f. fig-tree. Ficato, [fika to] m. fig-cake. Ficcamento, [fikkmn't] n. driving in, nailing.

- gli occhi in, one's eyes on; prcarni innanzi, V. r. to introduce one's self into, worm one's self into. [fst'k] m. fescue; bit of Fiammesco, [fimme's'k] adj. Piccatoja,[fikkt'y] f. marshy (duce. shining, bright. land. straw, mote. Fetare, [fe't're'l v. a. to pro- Fiammetta, [fimme't't] see Piccatore, [fikkt'r] m. one who fixes. Petente, [ftn't] arfj. stinking. Fiammella. Fiammifero, [firami'fe'r] adj. Piccatura, [fikktu'r]/". fixing, Fetenzia, [fe'te'n'tsi] f. stink. flaming, burning (said of match- nailing. Fetere, [f'tr] see Puzzare.

Piammare, [fimm're'] v. n. to Pesto, [fs't] adj. festive. Festoccia, [fest'tsha] f. kind flame; burn. Piammasalsa, ffiaramsrs] /. reception (little used). Festone, [festne] m. festoon. scurf; ring-worm. Festosamente, (fe'stsmn'te'] Fiammata, fiamm't]^. a brisk flame made by straw and other see Festevolmente. similar materials. adj. fstse't't] Festosetto, Fiammeggiare, [fiamme'dj'rc] somewhat merry. Festoso, Lfst's] adj. joyful, V. n. to sparkle, glitter. Fiammella, [fimm'lj f. little merry. Festuca, [fe'stTca] f. Festuco, flame.

Ficcanaso, [fikkn's] i. a meddler, busy-body. Piccare, [fikk'r]i'. a. to drive

in. nail, fasten;






adv. fetidly; offensively.

Fiammola, [fim'ml]



Fetido, [f'tid] Petidoso,

Fiancare, [fink're'] v. a. tido'sl ad], fetid. figFeto, [f'tol m. foetus, emtryo. flank, strengthen the flanks. Fiancata, [finka't] /". thrust Picoso, [fik's] adj. tiresome, Fetore, [fet'r] m. fetidness. troublesome, annoying. Fetosa, [feto sa] at/j. pregnant in the flank. (said of sheep and similar ani- Fiancheggiamento, [finke'dj- Fida, [fi'da] /. security, pledge.
mn't] m. reinforcement. mals). Fiancheggiare, [finkdja're'] Petoso, [fet's] adj. fetid. V. a. to support ; reinforce Fetta, [ft't] f. slice, cut. Fettolina, [fttli'n] Fettuc- help. cia, [ftt'tsh] f. small slice; Fianco, [fin'k] m. flank, side. Fiancuto, [fink't] adj. longribbon. Feudale, [fe'udTe'] adj. feudal. sided, broad-sided. Feudalit, [fedli't]/". quality Fiasca, [fis'k] /. flask, flagon. Fiascaccio, [fisk'tsh] m. veof a fief or feud. Feudatario, [fwd'tari] m.feu- ry large ill-shaped bottle. datory. Piascajo, [fisk'y] m. bottleFeudo, [fe'u'd] m. fief, fee; vender. tenure, Piascheggiare, [fiske'dj're'] Pi J [fi] int. fy! for shame V. a. to buy by the flask.
; I

Pichereto, [fike're"t] Picbeto, [fik't] m. fig-tree plantation. Fico, [fi'k] m. fig: fig-tree. to Ficosecco, [fiksk'kjm. dried

Fidaglone, [fidji'nj



Fidanza,- [fidn'ds]
dence, faith.



[fidands're'] v. a. to warrant, bail, betroth. Fidanzata, [fidntsa't] /". a

betrothed female. Fidare, [fidd'r] v. a. to trust, confide in; Fidarsi, v. r. to trust to, depend upon.



adv. confidently.

Fidato, [fid'tj adj. faithful,






Fiaba, [fia'ba] /. fib, story. Fiacca, [fik'k] /'.noise, clatter;

Piaschettino,[fiaske'tti'n]Fiaschetto, [fiske't't] m. small


Pidecommesso [fide'kmms's] Ac, see Fodecommesso &c.

uproar. Fiasco, [fisTc] m. bottle, flask; Fideiussore, [fidysso're'] m. Piaccacollo, [fiakkacol'lo] m. a far-, to fail in an undertaking. bailsman, surety. dissolute person. Fiascone, [fisk'n] m. large Fidale, fide'le] adj. faithful. Fiaccamente [fikkme'n'te'Jaiv. flask. Fidelit, [fidelit'] see Fedelt. weakly, faint. Piata, [fia'tfi] f. time; una -, Fido, [fi'dja'/j. faithful, trusty, Fiaccamento, [fikkme'n't] m. once; due fiate, twice. honest, loyal. rupture, breaking. Piataraento, [fiatme'n't] m. Fiducia, [fid'tsh]/". confidence, Fiaccare, [fikk're'] v. a. to breathing. expectation. break; weaken, enervate. Fiatare , [fit're'] v. n. to Piduciale,[fidtsh'le']afij. conFiaccatura, [fikkt'r] f breathe, blow; speak. fiding, trusting. fracture, breaking. Piato, [fi'trt] m. breath; breeze; Piducialmente, [fidtshlme'n'Piacchetto, [fikkt't] Piac- strumento da -,m. wind-instru- t] adv. confidently. chiccio, [fikkitshi] ment. adj. Piedere, [fi'dre'J v. a. (poes.) to somewhat tired. Piatoso, [fit's] adj. fetid strike. Fiacchezza, [ fiakke't'sa] f. lassi- disagreeable, (little used). Fiele, [fie'] m. gall; bittertude, weakness, imbecility. Fibbia, [fibTjia] f. buckle, clasp. ness; rancor. Fiacco, [fik'k] adj. tired, weak, Fibbiajo, [fibbi'y] m. buckle- Pienajo, [fin'y] adj. adjunct feeble; -, m. ruin, destruction. maker. of certain rural instruments Fiaccola, [fik'kl] f. torch, Pibbiare, [fibbia're'] v. a. to employed in hay-making, as flambeau. buckle, fasten. forca fienaja, hay-prong; /"a /ce Fiaccone,[fiakk'ne']m. an idler. Pibbietta, [fibbie't't] f. small fienaia, scythe. Piadone, [fid'nj m. honey- buckle. Fienile, [fieui'le'] m. hay-loft. comb. Fibra, [fi'br] f. fibre, filament. Fieno, [fi'no] m hay; forage. Fiala, [fi'la] f. phial, flask. Fibrosit, [fibrsi't] f. the Fiera, [fi'r] f. wild beast; Fiale, [fia'l] m. honey-comb. qu.ility of being fibrous. fair, market. Fiamma, [fim'm] /. flame; Fibroso, [fibr'so] adj. fibrous. Pierajuolo, [fie'ry'l] m. sj fig. passion. Pibula,[fi'blJ f.poes., buckle, vendor at fairs. Fiammante, [fi^mmau't] adj. clasp; brace. Fieramente, [firma't] adv



m.bad fig.


Fierezza, [ffrt's] f. fierceness skill, dexterity. Fiero, [fi'r] adj. fierce, cruel, frightful, detestable; proud;




wiredraw; draw out; run



statue; poniam -, let us sup- -, tn. row, range. pose; /'ar-, to distinguish one's Filarmonico, [filrm'nik] .

self. philharmonic. Figurabile, [figrd'bile'l acfj.fig- Filastrocca, [filastroTja] Filavivacious. urable. tera, [filat'r] f. blind story, Fierucola, [fie'rTcl] /. little Figuraccia, [figra'tsh] A ugly nonsense. wild beast; little fair. figure. Filateria, [filte"ria] /. phylacFievole, [fi'vle'j adj. feeble, Figurale, [figurale'] adj. figu- tery. infirm. Filatessa, [filate's's] /".row, file. rative (little used). Fievolezza, [fie'vle't's] /".weak- Figuralmente, [figrlme'n'te] Filaticcio, [filti'tsh] m.thread ness, frailty. adv. figuratively. made of raveled silk. Fievolmente, [fie'vlmn'te']adv. Piguramento, [figrme'n't] m. Filato, [fila't] m. thread. weakly, faintly; languidly. figure; representation. Pilatojajo, [filtya'y] m. a Fifa, [fi'f] f. lapwing, hoopoo. Figurante, [figurante'] m. bal- silk-weaver. Figere,[fi je're'] Figgere, [fid'je'- let-dancer. Filatojo, [filat'y] m.spinningV. a. irr. {fissi; fitto) to Figurare, [fi'gurd're'] v. a. to re'] wheel. fix, drive in, put in. figure, represent; trace; form; Filatore, [filato re'] m. spinner. Figlia, [fiT] f. daughter; child. embody; Figurarsi, v. r. to Filatrice, [filtri'tshe'] /. female Figliare, [fir're'] v. a. to bring figure to one's self, imagine. spinner. forth (young ones). Figuratamente, [figratme'n'- Filatura, [filt'r] /. spinning; Figliastra, [fir'str] /". step- tj Figurativamente, [figra- art of spinning. daughter. tivme'n'te'] adv. figuratively. Filettare, [filettare'] v. a. to Figliastro, [fir'str] m. step- Figurativo , [figurati' v] adj. adorn with gold-threads. son. figurative. Filettatura, [file'ttt'r] f. the Figliata, [fir'ta] f. newly-born Figuratore, [figurt're'J m. a act of adorning with gold animal. maker of figures. threads.

haughty; high-spirited;


Figliaticelo, [firti'tsh] and Figurazione, [figrtsi'ne'] f. Filetto, [file't't]m.small thread; Figliereccio, [fil'e'r'tsh] a'lj. imagination, idea, fancy. snaffle. prolific, procreative. Figureggiare, [figrdj're'] v. Filiale, [filiale] adj. filial. Figliatura, [firt'r] /". deliv- a. to use rhetorical figures. Filialmente, [filialme'n'te'] adv.
ery, birth.

Figlio, [fiT] m. son, child. Figlioccia, [fir'tsha] f. god-

Figuretta, [figrt't] Figuret- filially. tina, [figrtti'nj f. little Filiazione,


[filitsi'ne'] /.filia-

tion; descent.

Figurinaio, [ffgurin'y] m. a Filibustiere, [filibsti're'] . rfil'tshi'n] Fivendor of figures. buccaneer. glioccio, [fil''tsh] m. god- Figurino, [figuri n] r. dandy, Filice, [fili'tshe'] &c., see Felison. lion. ce &c. Figliolaccio, [firl'tsh] m. a Figurista, [figri'st] tn. figure- Filiera, [fili'r] f. wire-drawsaid bad son ; buon -, of a painter. ing-plate. kindly natured person. Figurone, [figr'ne'] wi. colossal Piliggine, [fili'djine'] see FuligFigliolaggio, [fil'l'dj] m. see figure. gine. Figliolanza. Fila, [mi] f. file, row; alla-, Filigrana, [filigr'n] f. filiFigliolame, [frl'me'] m. col- one after another, successive- gree. lective name of the shoots and ly. Filippica, [fili'ppilr] f. phileaves of trees. Filabile, [filbile'] adj. easy to lippic. Figlioletto, [firle't't] m. little spin. Filippo, [fih'p'p] m. Philip. child, little boy. Filaccica,[fil'tshik] /".threads, Filo, [fil] TO.(FiLA,pL) thread; Figliolone, [firl'ne'J m. big filaments, pi. wire; fig. manner, custom; son; large boy. Filaccioso, [filtsh's] adj. of di paglia, a straw; -di perle, Figliuola, [fil''l] see Tiglia. a thin texture. string of pearls; per -, exFigliuolaccio, [firl'tsh] m. Filaloro, [filal'r] w. gold or actly; mandar, o metter a fil bad child, naughty boy. silver wire-drawer. di spada, to kill with the sword.

daughter. Figlioccino,

m. Filamento, [filme'n't] m.


Filodrammatico, [fildrmma-

ment thread.


[firln'ds] off-spring; children, pf.


Filamentoso, [filme'nt's]

tilc] adj. fond of the stage. adj. Filologia, [fillji'j f. philo-

Figliuoletto , [firle't't] and Filanda, [filn'da] /". a place for Figliuolino, [firli'n] m. a stretching silk. little child. Filandaia, [filnd'ya] f. afeFigliuolo, [fil''l] see Figlio. malo silk-weaver. Figmento, [figmn't] m. fig- Filandra, [filn'dra] f. filanders; ment, fiction. a disease peculiar to hawks, Fignere, [fi'n'e'ri] see Fingere. sea-weeds on a ship's bottom.



[fin'l're] v. n. to Filantropia,[filantrpi']/. philone's self in anthropy, love of mankind.

agony. Fignolo,

Filantropo, [filn'trpj m.phil[fiVl]

anthropist. Filanzia, [filn'tsi] /. inordiFigulo, [fi'gul] m. potter. nate love of self. Figura, [fig'r] f. figure, form, Filare, [fil'r] u. a. to spin,

m. tumor,

logy. Filologico, [filljilr] adj. appertaining to philology. Filologo, [filologo] Filogo, [fil'g] m. philologer; critic. Filomela, [filomla] /". poes., nightingale. Filondente, [filnde'n't] f. a kind of coarse cloth. Filone, [fil'ne'] m. vein (of ore, water, Ac). Filonio, [fil'ni] m. a kind oi saporific electuary. Filopono, [filp'n] m. a level of hard work.



Finzione, [ffntsi'n]
fiction, deceit. Fio, [fi'6] m. fief;

Filoso, [fil's] adj. thready, full Finestrate, [fine'str't] m. row of windows. of thread. Filosofale, [filosofale] adj. phi- Finestrella, [fine'str'la] Finestretta, [fine'stre't't] f. small losopMcal. Filosofante, [filsfn't] m. window. Pinestrone, [fine'str'ne'] m. philosopher. Filosofare, [filsf're'] v. n. to large window. Finetto, [fine't't] m. a kind of philosophize. Filosofastro, [fllsf'str] m. fine camlet. Finezza, [fine"tsa] f. fineness, philosophaster. Filosofessa, [filsfeVs] f. fe- niceness; politeness, civility; male philosopher. artifice, finesse. Filosofia, [filsfi'] f. philo- Fingere, [fin'je'r] v. a. irr. sophy. {finsi; finto) to feign, disFilosoficamente , [filsfik- semble. Fingimento, [finjime'n't] m. me'n'te'] adv. philosophically.
Filosofico, [fils'fik] ac/j. philosophical. Filosofismo, [filsfis'm] m to feign. false philosophy. Fingitore, [finjit're'] m. feign Filosofo, [fil'sf] m, philo- er, dissembler. sopher, reasoner. Finibus, [fini'bus] {lat.) from Filosomia, [filsmi'] see Fi- the extremities of the earth sonomia. Finimento, [finime'n't] m. end, Filotimo, [filti'm] m. an aspi- conclusion; a set of any thing rant to honors. (as of harness &c.) (potion. Filtro, [fil'tr] m. philter, lovo- Finimondo, [finimn'd] m.end


recompense; punishment; pagar il -, to pay dear for. Fiocaggine , [fik'djine'] f.


weakly. Fioccare,

[fikme'n'te'] adv.

v. n. to flakes. Fiocco, [fi'k] m. lock of wool; flake; tassel.


snow in large

Fioccoso, [fikk's] adj. flaky;


Fioccuto, [fikk't] adj. full of flakes. feint, fiction, deceit. Fingtivo, [finjiti'v] adj. apt Fiochetto, [fike't't] adj. some-

what hoarse.


Fiocina, ffi'tshin] /'.harpoon. Fiociniere , [fitshini'r] in. harpooner. Fioco, [fi'k] adj. hoarse; faint.

Fionda, [fin'd] f. sling. Fiondatore , [findt'r]


slinger. Filuca, [ffl'k] /. see Feluca. of the world. Filugello, [filj'l] m. silk- Finire, [fini're'] v. a. to finish, Fioraja, [fir'y] /". fiowerworm; silk. accomplish; acquit; kill; -, v. n. girl. Fior aliso, [fiori i's] m. cornFiluzzo, [filu'ts] m, filament, to be at an end; die. flower, blue-bottle. fine thread. Finita, [fini't] f. end, concluFiorame, [fir'me'J m. ali sorts Filza, [fil'ts] /. row, string sion; death. long train. Finitamente, [finitme'n'te'ladw. of flowers, pi. Fiorcappuccio , Fimbria, [fim'briaj /". edge, finitely. [firkpp'horder, fringe. Finitezza, [ffnit'ds] /. perfect tshi] m. larkspur. [firdli's] Fimbriato, [fimhria't] adj.hor- execution, finish. (to. Fiordaliso , nv. dered, fringed. Finitimo, [fini'tim] adj. close flower-de-luce. [fi're] m. Fiore, flower; Fime, [fi'me] Fimo, [fi'm] m. Finitivo, [finiti'vo] adj. termibloom, blossom; fig. youth; virginity; soil, dung. nating. - di choice, a thing) adv. & best (of Fin, [fin] prep, till; as Finito, [fini't] adj. tired.weary; latte, crea.m; - di rame, verdifar as; - l, hitherto; - ^wi, fine, perfect; hopeless. until now; - da quel tempo, Fino, [fi'n] adj. fine, nice, thin, gris; a fior d' acqua, at water's' from that timo;-c/i' io viva, as subtile ; crafty, skilful ; per- level Fiori , pi. clubs (at cards). long as I live. fect; brave, valiant: -, adv. Finale; [fin'l] adj. final, defin- & prep, as far as, till, until Fiorecrinito, [fire'krini't] adj. itive; m. vignette at the end - anche, even, also ; - qui, having the hair girt with flowers. of a chapter; the last piece of hitherto; -a quando? till when? a musical act. dalla Sita fanciullezza, from Fioreggiare, [fire'dja''re'] v. n. Finalmente, [finlme'n'te'] adv. his boyhood. to flourish, bloom. finally, at last, ultimately. Finocchietta, [fiuokkie't'ta] f. Fiorellino, [fire'lli'n] FiorelFinamente, [finme'n't] adv. a kind of apple having a fennel lo, [fir'l] m. floweret. finely, skilfully. Fiorente, [firn'te'J adj. flouflavor. Finanze, [finan'dse'] f. pi., fi- Finocchietto, [finkit't] m. rishing, in flower. nances, pi. revenue. young fennel. Fiorentinamente , [fire'ntinFinanziere, [finndsi're'] m. Finocchio, [fin'ki] m. fennel me'n't] adv. in the Fiorentine financier. Finocchi! exclamation expres- dialect. Finare, [find're'] v. a. to finish, sive of wonder. Fiorentineggiare, [fire'ntine'desist, stop. Finora, [fin'r] adv. till now. dj're'] v. n. to affect the Flo/". Finattantoche, [finttntk'] Finta, [fin't] feint, artifice, rentine dialect. conj. till, until, whilst. deceit. Fiorentinesco, [fire'ntine's'k] Fine, [fi'ne'J m. & f. end, ex- Fintaggine, [fintaji'ne'] f. sim- adj. belonging to a Florentine. tremity; conclusion; aim, de- ulation, pretence. Fiorentinismo, [fire'ntinis'm] sign, intention a che - ? to Fintamente, [fintme'n'te'] adv. m. manner of speaking as used what end? to what purpose? feignedly, deceitfully. in Florence. alia -, in conclusion, at length; Fintantoch, [fintntk'] cdv. Fioretto, [fire't't] m. fencing-, adj. fine; elegant (see Fino). until. foil; refined sugar. Finemente, [fine'mn't] adv. Finteria, [finte'ri'] f. nosegay Fiorifero, [firi'fe'r] acly. bear; ; ; ; ;

finely, perfectly. mixed with green leaves. ing flowers. Finestra, [fin'str] /.window; Finto, [fin't] adj. feigned; Fiorino, (firi'n] - invetriata, sash-window. hidden. (cqxb)..






Fiorire, [firi'r] adorn Fisco, [fis'k] m. fise, exchequer. witli flowers; -, v. n. to flouFisica, rff'sik] /". physics, nat prosper. risli Fioriscente, [firishn't] adj. ural philosophy.


belonging to a farm; 8la>n

said of a measure of corn, fruit Ac.

[fitte'tsd] f. thickness (as of leaves Ac.) Fittile, [fitti'l] adj. made of clay (said of a vase). Fittivo, [fitti'v] adj. fictitious, counterfeit.


Fisicamente, [ fi sikarae'n'te'jadu. Fittezza,

physically; really. Fiorista, [firi'st] m. florist. Fiorita, [firi't] m. festoons of Fisicare, [fisika're'] v. n. to fancy. flowers, pi. Fiorite2za,[firitt's]/'.flo-wer- Fisico, [fi'sik] adj. physical, natural; -, m. physician. iness. Fiorito, [firi't] adj. full of Fisicoso, ffisik'sj adj. fanciful, scrupulous. flowers. Fioritura, ffirit'ra] f. flower- Fisiognomo, [fisin'c'm] m. physiograanist. ing, flourisliing. Fiorrancio , [firrn'tsh] m. Fisiologia, [fisilji'] f. physiology. marigold; crested wren. Fiorume, [fir'me'] m. the re- Fisiologico, [fisil'jik] adj. physiological. mains of hay. Fiorvellato , [firve'll't] m. Fisiologo, [fisi'lg] m. phys(waver. iologist. amaranth. Fiottare, [fitt're'] .n. to float, Fisiomante, [fisimn'te'] m. Fiotto, [fi'tj m. surge, wave; physiognomist.
tide, flood.

Fittiziamente,rfittitsimeVte'] adv. fictitiously.

Fittizio, [fitti'tsi] adj. ficti tious, false. Fitto, [fit't] m. rent, hire.
[fitt'ne'] m. main root; spirit of divination. Fittuario, [fitt'ri] m. teuvint,


renter. Fiumale,[ftma'Ie']arf/.fluviatic.

Fiumana, [fim'n] Fiumara,


overflowing river.

Fisionomia, [fisinmi']/'.phys- Fiumatico,

[fiiim'tik]a(ij. flu-

Fiottone, [fitt'ne'] m. a great iognoray. grumbler. Fisionomista, [fisinmi'st] Fiottoso, [fitt's] adj. hil- Fisionomo, [fisi'nm] m. lowy, tempestuous. physiognomist, Firma, [fir'm] /". signature, Fisitero, [fisite"r] and Fisesubscription. tero, [fiste''r] adj. a kind of Firmamento, [firmme'n't] m. whale. firmness; firmament. Fiso, [fi 'so] adj. fixed; attentive, Firmano, [firm'n] m. firman. intent;-, a*:/!), fixedly, intently.

viatic (little used).

Fiume, [fi'm] m.


[fimt't] Fiumicello, [fimitsh'l] ni. small

river, rivulet.

Fiuta, [fi't] i. smeli, sense of smeli. Fiutare, [fit're'] v.o. to scent, smeli; try, sound. Fisamente, [fisme'n't] adv. Fisonomia, [fisnmi'] &c., see Fiutasepolcri, [fitase'pl'cn'] m. antiquarian, archeologist, fixedly, attentively; earnestly. Fisionomia. Fisare, [fisa'r] &c., see Fis- Fissamente, [fi'ssme'n'te'] dv. genealogist &c. (used contemptuously). sare &c. fixedly; attentively. Fiscale, ['le'] m. chancellor Fissare, [fiss'r] e. a. to fix Fiutato, [fit't] f. the act of smelling. of the exchequer; avvocato -, the eyes on, gaze at. adj. fiscal, Fissazione, [fisstsi'ne'J f. fixa- Fizione, [fitsi'ne'] f. fiction; attorney general invention; fable. belonging to the exchequer. tion. Fiscaleggiare, [fiskle'dj're'] Fissezza, [fisse"ds] f. immo- Flacidita, [fltshidit'] f. flaccidity. bility, stability. V. u. to cross-examine. Flacido, [fl'tshid] adj. flaccid, Fiscella, [fish'l] /. cheese Fissile, [fis'sile] adj. fissile. wicker-basket; cheese-vat. Fisso, [fis's] adj. fixed; firm, languid, weak. Flagellamento, [flajllmu't] Fischiamento, [fiskimn'tjm. permanent. m. see Flagellazione. whistling, hissing. Fistella, [fist'l] see Piscina. Fischiante, [fiskin'te']arf;.hiss- Fistiare, [fisti'r] &c., see Fi- Flagellante, [flajlln'te'l adj. whipping (said especially of ing (said of certain letters). schiare &c. Fischiare, [fiski're'] v. n. to Fistierella, [fistie'r'l] /. bird- those who scourge themselves as a penance). whistle, whiz, hiss. catching (with a call-bird). Flagellare, [flaje'lla're'] v. a. to Fischiata, [fiski't] f. whis- Fistio, [fi'stil see Fischio. tling, hissing; signal. Fistola, [fi'stl] f. fistula; fla- whip, scourge. Flagellatore, [flaje'llt're'J nit Fischiatore , [fiskit're'] m. gelet, pipe. whistler, hisser. Fistolare, [fistl're'] adj. fistu- whipper, scourger. Fischierella , [fiskie're'l'l] f. laj, hollow -, v. a. to become Flagellazione, [flje'lltsi'ne'j fowling with a decoy-bird and fistulous (little used). f. flagellation. a whistle. Fistolo, [fi'stl] m. demon, Flagelletto[flje'lle't't]m. small whip. Fischiettare, [fiskie'tt're] v. a. spirit. Fistoloso, [fistl's] adj. fistu- Flagellifero, [flge'nife''r] adj. to whistle. carrying the whip. Fischietto, [fiskie't't] m. little lous, fistular. whistle; {loc.) steam-whist.^e Fistuco, [fistTc] m. slip of Flagello, [flaj'l] m. whip scourge; disaster. (mar.) boatswain's call. straw, a trifle. Fischio, [f3'ki]m.hiss,whistle; Fistulatore, [fistlat'r] m. Flagizio, [flji'tsi] m. wickedness (latinism to be used spasignal. flagelet-player, piper. Fischione, [fi'ski'ne'] and Fi- Fitta, [fit't] f. fall of loose ringly). Flagiziosamente, [flajitsisastione, [fisti'n] m. kind of earth; quagmire; stitch. wild-duck. Fittajuolo, [fitty'l] m. ten- mn'te] adv. atrociously. Flagizioso , [fljitsi's] adj (fishi'na] /. wickerant, renter. .Tiscina Fittamente, [fittamn'te'] Fit- atrocious. basket; fruit-basket. Fisci, [fish'] small silk hand- tivamente,[fittivmn'tJodv. Flagrante, fflagrau'te'] adj. fla grant; notorious. closely packed, fictitiously. kerchief for the neck.
; ; ,




pilPlaminato, [flamin't] m. dig- Flottare, [fltti're'] v. n. mar., Foderetta, [fde're't't] low-case. to be a-float, float. nity and office of a flamen. Flamine, [fimi'n] m. flamon. Flottiglia, [fltti'l'] f. flotilla. Fodero, [f'de'r] m. lining

Flamula,[fl'ml] /".frog-grass. Fluente, [fln'te'j part. pres. flowing; copious. Flanella, [flan'l] f. flannel. Fluidezza, [flide't'sj Fluidit, Flato, [fl't] m. windiness. Flatuosit, [flatuosit] f. flatu- [fluidit] f. fluidity. Fluido, [fl'd] adj. fluid; flowlency. Flatuoso, [flt's] adj. flatu- ing; -, m. fluid, humor. Fluire, [fli'r] i;. n. to flow, lent, windy. Flautino, [fluti'n] m. small run. Fluoro, [fl're'] m. monthly flute. courses, pJ. Flautista, [fluti'st] m. flute

scabbard; raft.

Fedina, [fdi'n] f. mine or quarry of stone, marble &c. Foga, [f'g] f. fugue, fury, impetuosity.






Poggia, [f'dj] /".fashion, forra, shape; manner. Poggiare, [fdja're'] t" a. to form,

Flussibile, [flssi'bile'] adj.fluid, fashion. Poggiato, [fdj't] af/j. formed, Flautizzare, [fltits'r] r. n. fusible (little used). Flussiblit,[flussibili't]Flus- well-made. to play on the flute. sibilitade, Flussibilitate, f. Foglia, [fT] /". leaf; lamina. Flauto, [flau't] m. flute. Fogliaceo , [fl''tshe'] adj. Flavo, [fla'vjcrfj.poes., yellow; fluidity, fluidness; fluency. bright, fair. Flussione, [flussi'ne'] /".fluxion; leafy. Fogliame, [fF'me'] /". leaves, Flebile, [fl'bile'] adj. plaintive, catarrh.

mournful. Flusso, [fls's] adj. transitory, pi. foliage. a leaf full Flebilmente, [fle'bilmn'te']ad. perishable; -, m, flux, dysen Fogliata, [fl'at] mournfully. tory; fluxion; - e riflusso, flux (speaking of books). Flebotomare,[fle'btm're'] v. a. and reflux, ebb and flow (of the Fogliato, [f''t] adj. leafy.


to bleed, let blood. [flbtmi'] , blood-letting.


Fognatura, [f'l'tra]



Plebotomo,[fle'bt'm]m.Phlebotomist. Flegetonte, [fleje'ton'te'] m.phlegethon.

Flemma, [fl'm] f. phlegm. Flemmatict, [flmmtishit'] f. nature of phlegm. Flemmatico, [fle'mm'tik] adj.





Flutto, [flt't] m. surge, billow. made to represent leaves. Pluttuamento, [flttmn't] Foglietta, [fre't't] f. small leaf; pint, half a quart; a kind m. fluctuation. Fluttuante, [flttun'te'] part, of tobacco. Foglietto, [fl'e't't] m. leaf (of pres., fluctuating, uncertain. Fluttuare, [fltta'r] v. n. to a book), sheet (of paper). Foglio, [fT] rrt. sheet of pafluctuate. Fluttuazione, [flttiidtsi'n] f. per; page; newspaper, journal; (loaf. in -, in folio. fluctuation; irresolution. Fluttuoso, [fltt's] adj. bil- Pogliolina, [frli'n] /. small Foglioso, [fr's] adj. leafy. lowy; tempestuous, stormy. Fluviale, [fluviale] adj.fluviatic. Pogliuccia, [fr'tshii] /".small


Poca, [fic]


seal, sea-calf.


Flessibile, [6881^)116'] adj. flexi- Focaccia

ble, pliable.


bun; render pane per




der like for like.

cake Pogliuto, [fr't] adj. full of to ren- loaves. Fogna, [f'n'] /". common sewer,

flexibility, pliability.



gutter, sink.

Flessione, [fle'ssi'n e'] /", flexion. small cake. Flesso, [fl's] Flessuoso, [fle's- Pocaja, [fk'y] f. flint-stone. s's] adj. bent, curved. Foce, [f'tsh] f. gullet; mouth Flessura, [fle'ss'r] flexure. (of a river). Fleto, [fl't] m. tears, fi. (little Pocherello, [fke'r'l] m. small used). flre; mouth (of a river). Flettere [fl'te're'] v.a. irr. (fles- Focile, [ftshi'l] see Fucile. so), to bend; yield. Poco, [f'k] m. flre; ardor; Flibustiero , [flibsti'r] m. passion; focus {see Fuoco). buccaneer. Focolare, [fkl'r] m. hearth, Flogistico, [flji'stik] m. phlo flre-placo brasier. gistic. Focone, [fk'ne'] m. great fire Florale, [florale'] adj. floral. powder-pan. Floridezza, [flridt's]/".florid- Focosamente , [fkosroe'n'te'] ness. adv. ardently; vehemently. Florido, [fl'n'd] adj. florid, Focoso, [fk's] adj. fiery; flowery. mettlesome. Fiorfero, [flri'fe'r] adj. full Fodera, [f'de'r] f. lining scabof flowers. bard. Florilegio, [flrile"ji] m. a Foderaio, [fde'r'y] m. furcollection of beauties from rier. different authors. Foderare, [fde'r're'] v. a. to Floscezza , [flshe"ts] f. the line, line with fur; nave fodequality of that which is flabby. rata di rame, f. copper-sheathFlosciamente, [flshme'n't] ed vessel. od, softly, languidly. Poderatore, [fde'rt're'] m. Floscio, [fl'shij adj. flaccid, guider of rafts.
; ; ;

Fognare, [fn''re']'U.a.tomake
a sewer.

Fogno, [f'n'] w. a sewer; a mountain storm.

Poja, [f'y]

letchery, concu-

Fojonico, [fyni'k] m. a small animal resembling the muskcat.

Pojoso, [fys] adj. libidinous. Fola, [f'l] tale, story crowd, throng. Folaga, [fl'ga] f. moor-hen. Folata, [fl't] /". gust of wind; flight of birds.

Folcire, [fltshi're'j u. a. to prop, support.


[flgran'te'] adj.

Folgorare, [flgr'r]

lighten; shine.

Folgorato [flgra'tjadj'.hasty,
sudden, rapid. Folgoratore, [flgrt're'j wi. thunderer. Poigore, [fl'gre'] m, thunderbolt.

flabby; weak.



[fl't] /. fleet.

[fde'rtu'r] ning, fur-lining.

f. li-

Polgo're, [flg're'] m, splendor, light.

Diz. Ital.-Ing,





Fondatamente, [fnddtmeVte'] Foraggiare, [frdjare'] v. a. to forage. adv. with reason, justly. go swiftly. Polla, [fla] f. crowd, throng, Fondato, [fnd't] arfj. found- Poraggiere,[frdj're'] m. forager; pillager ed; deep; m. foundation. press. m, Foraggio, [fr'dj] m. forage, [fndt're'] Pollare, [fll'r] v. a. to beat Fondatore ,
V. n. to lighten;


provisions, pi.

Follatore , [fllt're] m. an Fondatrice, [fndtri'tshe'J /. instrument use^ for picking foundress. Fondazione, [fndtsi'n] /, grapes. Polle, [fl'Ie'] m.hellows.pnrse, foundation, basis. Pondeggiare, [fnde'dj're'] v. a. pocket adj. foolish, silly. iPoUeggiamento, [flle' djme'n'- to cast anchor. Fondello, [fnde'l'l] m. button t] m. folly, extravagance. ."Folleggiare, [flldj're'] v. n. mould. Fondere, [fn'de're'J v. a. irr. to play the fool. Folleggiatore, [f lle'djt're'] m. (fusi,fuso)to melt metals; disone that plays the fool, joker. sipate; misuse; - i colori, to iFoUemente, [fllme'n't] adv. mix colors. Fonderia, [fnde'ri'] f. founfoolishly. Folletto, [flle't't] m. hohgoh- dry. Fondibile, [fndibi'le'] adj. fulin, sprite. Follia, [flli'] Pollezza, [fl- sible. Pondigliuolo, [fndir'l] and lt'.s] f. folly; extravagance FoUicola, [flli'kl] /". husk, Pondime, [fudi'm] see Fon;

Poramacchie, [frmk'kie'] m.

Forame, [fr'm] m. hole; opening.

Poraminoso, [frrain's] adj.

full of small holes.

Foraneo, [forneo]

adj. of a court of justice, of the bar. Forare, [fr're'J v. a. to pierce, bore, penetrate.

Forasiepe, [frsie''pe'] m.wren; poor little man. Forastico, [frsti'k] adj. tmsociable.

Foraterra, [frt'r]


fall of








and Fonditore,



founder, caster; spendthrift. Pondo, [fn'd] adj. deep thick, enclosed in a husk. Follicolo, [fUik'l] m. husk dense; -, m. bottom, depth; centre; fund, capital ;- di una enclosing seed. tela, said of the principal color Pollone, [fll'ne'] m. fuller. Folta, [fl'tj f. crowd, throng; in cloth;- di un quadro, ground heap. of a picture; articolo di -, Foltamente, [fltmn'te'] adv. m. leading article; andar a -, thickly, in crowds. to go to the bottom; dar -, to *Poltezza,[flt'ts] /'.thickness, waste; mar. to cast anchor; mettere in -, to dissipate, ruin. abundance. Polto, [frt] m. a spot thickly Poiifone,[fnf'ne']m.a delicate planted with trees; adj. thick; morsel, a young and plump numerous. person. Fomentare, [fme'nt're'] r. c. Fontana, [fnt'n] f. fountain,

FoUicolato, [fllikl't] adj

Foratojo, [frt'y] ni. auger, wimble; gimlet. Foratore, [forate're*] m. perforator; auger.
[frtii'r] /.piercing, holes. Forbici, [for'bitshi] f. pi. scissors claws (of a crab) , pi. Forbiciaro, [frbitsht'r] m. cutler, scissors-maker, shears-



Forbicioni, [frbitsbt'ni] m.

Forbire, [frbi'r] bish, rub up.

large scissors, shears, pi. v. a. to fur-

Forbitamente, [frbitme'n't] adv in a cleanly manner.

Forbitezza, [forbitt'sj/. polto foment: excite. source. ish, lustre. [fme'ntt're'J Fontanella, [fntn'l] f. small , Porbitojo, [frbit'y] m. burm. fom enter; exciter. fountain; issue. Fomentazione, [fmntatsi'ne'] Fontanelle, [fntne'l'l] m. a nishing tool. Porbitore, [frbit're'] m. polkind of fig. /. Fomento, [fme'n't] m. fo(match. Fontaneo, [fnt'ne'] adj. of a isher, cleaner. mentation, Forbitura, [frbitu'r]/.theact Fomite, [f'mite'j m. tinder, fountain (little used). .Pondacajo , [fmlk'y] m. Fontaniere, [fntni're'] m. of furbishing.


cloth seller.

Fondaccio, [fnd'tshjm.dregs,
fi. sediment. J'ondachetto, [fndkt't] m. woolen-draper's shop. Tondachiere, [fndki're'] m. woolon-draper; shop-keeper. Fondaco, Ifou'dk] m. warehouse, mercer's shop.

Fondamentale, [fndme'nt'le'J
adj. fundamental.



mntlmn't] adv. fundamen-

Pondamentare [fndme'nt're']
. a. to found, establish.


[fndme'n't] m.

foundation, basis.

fountain-builder; superintend- Forbottare, [frbtt're'] v. a. to beat, insult. ent of fountains. Fontaniere , [fntni'r] adj. Porca, [fr'k] f. pitch-fork; gallows, gibbet; cross-way; living in a fountain (said of the scellerato da -, m. NewgateNaiads). Fontano, [fnt'n] adj. of a bird. Forcata, [frk't] f. opening fountain. Fonte, [fn'te'] m. & f. fountsiin, of the legs; fork-full. source; origin, cause; levare al Porcatella, [frkt'l] /.small - un bambino, to stand godfafork-full. ther (godmother) to a child, Forcato, [frk't] adj. forked. Forcatura, [frkt'ra] see Forstand sponsor to a child. Fonticella, [fntish'la] Fonti- cata. cina , [fntishi'na] /. small Forcella, [frtsh'la] f. little fork; prop; anat. sternum. fountain. Porcelletta, [frtshllt't] /. Fora, [f'r] see Fuor a. Forabosco,[frb'sc] in, wood- very little fork. Porche, [frk'] see Fuorch. pecker.


Foracchiare, [frkki'r]

v. a.

found, raise, establish.



holes, bore.

Forchebene, [forke'b'ne'J tn a rascal, one worthy of the


Fondata, [fnd'ta]/. wino-lees, Foraggiamento,

sediment; grounds,


t] w. foraging; provisions, pi.

Forchetta, [frkt't]






Formidine, [frmi'din]
fear, dread.

eat with; favellare in punta Formabile, [frm'bil] ad;.susceptible of form. (fi -, lo spoak with affectation. [frm'dj] m. Forchettiera, [frketti'ra] /. Formaggio , cheese. fork -case. Forchetto, [frke't't] m. a two- Formaggiuolo, [frmdj'l] m. prongod instrument, a forked small cheese. Formajo,[frm'y] tn.last-mahranch.


Formidoloso,[frmidl'6]affy. formidable. Formisura, [frmis'r] adv. beyond measure.





Forcina, [frtshi'n] see Forchetta.

mula. Formale, [frm'le'] ac?;. formal, Formosit,




external. forceps. [fr'kl] i. pitch Formalista, [frmli'st] m. formalist. fork. Forcone, [frk'ne'] m. spear Formalit, [formalit'] Formaltade, Formalitate, f. formalwith thveo iron-prongs.

Forcipe, Fercolo ,






beauty, grace.

Formoso, [frm's] adj. handsome beautiful (not much




Forcutamente, [frktmn't]
aUv. like a fork. Forcuzza, [fork'tsa]


Formula, [fr'mla]



[f're'l see


Formalizzarsi, [frralidsr'si] Formulario, [frml'ri] m. a small V. r. to he too formal ; he cap- book of formularies. tious. Fornace, [frn'tsh] f. furnace; Formalmente, [frmlme'n't] - da calcina, lime-kiln; - da
adv. formally, precisely. mattoni, brick-kiln. [frmme'n't] m. Pornacella, [frntsh'l] Porsee Formazione. nacetta, [frntsht't] f. small Formare, [frm're'] v. a. to furnace. form, fashion; order. Pornaciajo, [frnatsh'y] w. Formatamente, [frmtmeV- workman in a furnace. te'] adv. positively, perfectly. Fornaciata, [frntshi't] f. Formatello, [frmatl'l] adj materials placed in a fursaid of a kind of round hand- nace. writing. Pornacina , [frntshi'n] f. Formativo , [frmti'v] adj. small furnace, stove. giving form. Pornaja, [frn'y] f. baker's Formato, [frm't] adj. form- wife. ed; strong-limbed; -, m. form, Pornajo, [frna'y] wi. baker; shape; nature. oven-keeper. Formatore, [frmat're'] m. For- Pomata, [frn't] f. batch. matrice, [frmtri'tsh] [frn'l] m. small /. Pomello, former, maker. furnace, chimney, stove. Formazione, [frmatsi'ne'] f. Fornicare, [frnik'rj v. a. to formation. fornicate. Formella, [frm'la] f. hole (to Fornicatore, [frnikt're'] wi. plant trees); swelling. fornicator. Formellame, [frmll'me'] ni. Fornicatrice, [frniktri'tshe'] a kind of ornamental work. f. fornicatress. Fermentare, [frme nt'r] see Fornicazione, [frniktsi'ne']

Forellino, [fre'lli'nj m. little










Foresello, [fre's'l] m. little

countryman. Foresozza, [fre's'ts] /".handsome country- girl. Foresozzo, [frs'ts] m. hand-

some country-lad.



Forestaria, [frestri'a] Foresteria, [frste'ri'] f. crowd of strangers; a place outside a convent to lodge strangers.



m. head-

Forestierajo, [fre'sti'ra'y] m a monk appointed to entertain strangers.



mn'te'j adv. in a foreign





Forestierejfre'sti're'] and Forestiero, f frsti'rj m. stranger, guest.

Fermento, [frme'n't] see Fer- Fornice, [frni'tshe'] ceiling, mento; Frumento. arch. Formentone, [frme'nt'ne'] m. Fornimento, [frnime'n't] m.

Forestieria, [frstie'ri'] see maize. furniture; provision. Forestaria. Formica, ffrmfk] f. ant, em- Pornimentuzzo, [fornime'ntii'Foresto, [fr'st] adj. wild, met; St. Anthony's firo. t.s] m. little ornament. savuge; desert. Formicaio, [frmik'y] m. ant- Fornire, [frni'r] v, a. to fin-






furnish, provide.

small worm found in Fjrflce, [fr'fitsh]






Formicare, [frmik're'J v. n. Fornito, [frni't] o^/j. finished, to swarm; abound. perfect; -, m. see Fornimento. Pormichetta, [frmiket't] For- Fornitore, [frmt'r] m, furmicola, [frmi'klj

Forflciata, [frfitsha'ta] f. cut witli the scissors. Forfora,[ fr'fr] Forfore, [fr'fre! f. scurf; scald-head. Forforosa , [frfr's] adj. scurfy. Pori, [f'ri] see Fuori. Foriera, [fri'r] /. fore-runner, precursor. Fjriere, [fri're'] m. fore-runner; quarter-master. Fprma, (fr'm] f. form, figure; fashion; model; way, rule; appearance, outside; - di scarpe,



Fornitura, [frnit'r] f. furm. niture, ornament. ant-eater. Porno, [fr'n] m. oven, baker's Pormicolajo, [frmikl'y] m. shop. ant-hill; crowd. Pornuolo, [frn'l] m. lantern

Formichiere, [frmikie"re']



for bat-fowling.

mn't] Formicolio, frraik- Foro, [f'r] m, hole; aperture; li'] m. prickling, tingling. forum, tribunal. Formicolare, [frmikl're'] v. Forosetto, [forse't't] m, counn. to crowd together like ants. try-lad, young peasant. Formicene, [frmik'ne'] m. large Forra, [f'r] /. glen, defile. ant. Porse, [fr'se] adv. perhaps; Formidabile, [frmid'bile'J adj. about; essere in -, to be in
formidable, dreadful.



Cf^. for-

Posse, [f's]

Porsennare, [frsnn'r] v.n. Fortunato, [frtna't]

to rave.

porsennataggino, [frsennata'djin] f. folly, madness; extravagance.

Forsennatamente, [frse'nntme'n't] adv. madly; extravagantly.

Forsennatezza, [frse'nnate't's]
f. folly,


m. large ditch, trench; defile. Portuneggiare, [frtune'dj're'] Fotografia, [ftgrfi'a] f. phoV. n. to risk, venture oneself tography, (trol. on the sea. Pottivento, [fttivn't] wj. kesPra, [fra'] Fortunevole, [frtune"vle'] adj. prep, amongst, befortuitous, accidental. tween; - otto d, in eight days Fortunosamente , [frtns- time; tanto, in the mean while. me'n'te'] adv. by chance, unexFra, [fra'] m. brother ; friar. pectedly.
tunate, lucky.

Forsennato, [frse'nn't] adj. Fortunoso, [frtn's] arT;. for- Fracassamento, [frkssme'n't] m. crash. tuitous, hazardous. mad, furious extravagant. Fortuzzo, [frt'ts] see For- Fracassare, [frkss're'] v. a. Porsi, [fr'si] see Forse. to splinter, smash; destroy. adj. strong, tetto. [fr't] Forte, brave, told, intrepid firm ; ar- Forvoglia, [frvT] adv. a- Fracassata, [frkss't] f. a strong blow. duous; -, adv. strongly, val- gainst one's will. iantly; extremely; hard; loud; Forza, [fr'ts]/". force,strength, Pracassatnra, [frkasst'r] f. power; loc. - di vapore, steam- smashing; destruction. -, m. fort, fortress: strength. orteraente, [frte'me'n'te'] a! v. power; a -, per-, by force, by Fracassio, frkssi'] m. crash, strength of: a viva -, in spite clatter; uproar. etoutly, valiantly, forcibly. Forteruzzo, [frte'rt's] adj. of; far -, to force, constrain; Fracasso, [frks's] wi. noise, tumult; destruction. strive, attempt import. somewhat strong (little used). Forteto, [frt't] m. woody Forzamento, [frtsme'n't] m. Fracassone, [frkss'ne'] m. a roisterer. land, land coyered with un- constraint, violence. Forzare, [frts're'] v. a. to Praccurrado, [frkkrr'd] m. derwood. Portetto, [frteVt] adj. rather force, compel; Fouzarsi, v. r. puppet (without feet). Pracellare, [frtshe'll're'] v. a. to strive, endeavour. strong. Fortezza, [frte't's] /. firmness; Forzatamente, [frtstame'n'te'] to break into small pieces. Fracidare, [frtshid'r] v. a. adv. by force, constrainedly. constancy; courage; force, enerForzato, [frts't] w. galley- to putrefy ; annoy ; -, v. n. to gy; fortress, citadel.

rot. slave; adj. forced, violent, exFracidezza, [frtshide't's] f. cessive. putrefaction, rottenness. Portifical)ile,[frtifik'hile']a(/j. Forzatore, [frtst're'j m. forFracidiccio, [fratshidi'tsh] adj. cer, constrainer. fortifiable. mouldy, musty; -, m. mustiadj. [frtse''vle'] Fortificamento, [frtifikme'n'- Porzevole , ness. forcible, violent (little used). t] m. fortification. Fortificare, [frtifika're'] v. a. Forzevolmente, [frtse'vlmeV- Pracido, [fr'tshid]ad/. musty;




strong, acid, sour.

wearied. te'] adu. forcibly,violently(little to fortify, strengthen. Fracidume, [frtshid'me'] m. [frtifikti'v] used). Fortificativo , adj. capable of being forti- Forziere, [frtsi'r] m. iron dunghill; annoyance. chest, trunk, coffer, strong- Fradicezza, [fraditshe't'sa] see fied. Fracidezza. Fortificatore, [frtifikt're'] m. box. Forzore, [frts're'] m. force; Fradicio, [frdi'tshto] adj. exfortifier. tremely wet, very damp. Fortificazione , [frtifiktsx'- sourness.
ne'] f. fortification.




[fr'g] {poes.) see


Fortigno, [frti'n'] adj. sourish, sharpish.

od. valiantly, stoutly.

Fortilizio, [frtilf tsi] or Fortalizio [frtli'tsi] m. a small fortress. Fortino, [frti'n] w. small fortress, redoubt.

[frts's] Forzuto, Pragellare, [fraje'lla're'] &c., see [frts't] adj. strong, sturdy, Flagellare &c. Fragile, [fra'jile'j odj. frail, britpowerful. Poscamente, [fskme'n'te'j adv. tle ; weak.

Fortitudine, [frtit'dfne'j fortitude; strengthFortore, [frt're] see Forzore.


Fortuitamente, [frtitme'n'te'] ad. fortuitously,by chance. Fortuito, [frt'it] adj. for-

Pragilezza, [frjile't's]/'. frailobscurely, gloomily. ty; weakness (not much used). Fosco, [fs'k] adj. blackish Fragilit, [frajilit'] Fragiligloomy, dusky, dim, dark. Fosforico, [fsfri'k] adj. phos- tade, Fragilitate, f. fragility, brittleness ; weakness ; inconphoric. Fosforo, [fs'fr] m. nioming- stancy. Fragilmente, [frjflme*n'te']arft>. star phosphorus. with weakness, weakly. Fossa, [f's] /. diteli, trencli
; ; ;

tuitouSt, accidental.



For- Possataccio, [fsst'tsh] w. zore. torrent, deep stream. Fortuna, [frt'n] f. fortune, Possatella, [fsst'l] f. small chance; accident; success, hap- ditch, fosse. piness ; danger, misfortune Possatene, [fssatelo] m. very small torrent; drain. risk; tempest, storm; per -, by chance, by good luck. Fossato, [fss't] m, small torortunaccia, [frtna'tsh] /. rent; ditch. Posserella, [fsse'r'l] Fossetill luck. ortunatamente , [frtunta- ta, [fsse't't] f. small ditch, moat, dimple. me'n'te']odv. fortunately, lucki[frt'me'j

Fragmento, [frgmn't] * Frammento. Fragnert, [fra'n'e're'] see Frangere.




Fragolaja, [fragl'y] /. anrl Pragoleto,[frgl'to]m.strawberry-ground. Fragore, [frg're'] m. greai noise; sweet smell (little used).

Fragoroso, [frgr's]

adj. so-




adj. fossil.




[frgrn't] adj. Franco, [frn'k] adj. free] bold; Frascheggiare, [frske'dj're'] , privileged; - di porto, post- v. n. to rustle, flirt; trifle. fragrant, odorons. Frascheggo, [frskd'j] i. Fragranza, [frgrn'ds] f. fra- paid;-, m. frank (coin). Francolino , [frnkli'n] wi. rustling (of the leaves). grance. Frascheria, [frske'ri'] /.fooleheath-cock. Frale, [frale'] adj. frail. Fralezza, [frle'ds]/'. fragility, Frangere, [frn'je're'] v. a. & n. ry, nonsense. weakness (said of material irr. {fransi ; franto) to break; Fraschetta, [frske't't] /. small bough; giddy boy or girl; fool. be beaten; overcome. sul)stances).



adv. Frangia, [frn'j]


fringe, or- Praschettino, [frske'tti'n] m.


naments, pi. [frme'skl'r] Prangiajo, [frnji'y]



seller of fringe. Frangiare, [frnj'r] v. a. to Prascolina, [frskli'n] /. trimix, mingle, insert. fles, idle stories, pi. Framezzare, [frame'dsa're'] v. a. fringe. Frangiatura, [frnjit'r] f. Frascoluto, [frsklu't] adj. to place between. Frammento, [frmme'n't] m. each of tho tufts that form a bushy, full of bushes.
a. to

mix together,

little giddy boy. a Praschiere, [frski're'] light person.





Frammesso, [frmms's] m. Frangibile , [frnji'bil'e'] Frammettente, [frmme'ttn'- frangible, brittle.

te'] adj. interposing; terposer, go-between.


m. in- Frangibilit,


Frangibilitade, Frangibilitte, /.fragility, brittleness.

Frammettere, [framme't'te're'l v
a. irr. {see

Mettere) to inter- Frangicupola , [franjicp'l] pose; insert; Frammettersi, m. a bore, troublesome person. Frangimento, [frnjirae'n't] m. V. r. to meddle with. Frammettimento, [frmme'tti- breaking; fragment; lassitude after a fever. me'n't] m. interposition. Frammischiare, [frmmiski'- Frangionare, [frnjin're'] v. Praseggiamento [frse'djme'u't] m. the use of phrases. a. to adorn with fringe. re'] V. o. to intermix.
[fr'n] and Franata, Prangipana , [frnjip'n] f. [franata] f. precipice. sweet odor of amber and civet. Franare, [frn'r] v. . to roll Frangola, [frng'l] f. a kind down. of alder. Francagione, [frnkj'ne'] /. Frannonnolo, [frnn'nl] m. exemption. dotard (little used). Francamente , [frnkme'n'te'] Frantendere, [frntn'de're'] v. adv. frankly, freely. a. irr., {see Tendere) to misunFrancamento , [frnkme'n't] derstand, (press. m. freedom, delivery. Frantojo[frnt'y]m.crushingFrancare, [frnk're'] v. a. to Prantume, [frntu'me'J m. heiip free, exempt; - una lettera, to of splinters. frank a letter. Prantura, [frant'r] /. a miFrancatore , [frnkt're'] m. nute particle of any thing. one who frees. Franzesismo, [frntse'sism] m. Francatura, [frnktu'r]/'. the gallicism. act of franking a letter; the Frappa, [frp'p] /. shred, jag money paid for franking. fare frappe , to censure severely. Francescamente, [frntshe'sk- Frappare, [frpp're'] v. a. to me'n'te'] adv. after the French mince; cheat; talk idly, boast. manner. Prappatore, [frppat'r] m. Francescano [frntshe'sk'n] cheat; boaster.

tfYasconaja , [frskn'y] f. place abounding in bushes; bird-catching. Frascone, [frsk'ne'] m. great bough; branches (for fuel), pi. ; portarci fras coni, to }>& gravely indisposed; portare i frasconi a Vallombrosa, to carry coals to Newcastle. Prase, [fra'se'] /. phrase, sentence; turn.



[frsdj're'] v. a.

to use phrases.

Fraseologia, [frse'lji'] /. phraseology. Prassignolo, [frssi'n'l] m.


Frassinella, [frassinella] /.bastard dittany. Prassineo, [frssi'ne'] adj. ashen.

Frassineto , [frssine''t] m. grove of ash-trees. Frassino, [frs'sin] wi. ashtree.

me'n't] wi.


[frastr'me'] [frstra, cutting, notch.


Frastagliare, [frstl''re'] v. a. to cut out, notch; puzzle. Frastagliata, [frstar't] /. cutting up; confusion.

Frastagliatamente, [frstratme'n'te'] adv. confusedly.

Franciscan friar. Prappeggiare, [frppe'dj're'] v. Francesco, [frantshe'sTco] adj. a. to paint foliage. French; mela francesca, a kind Prappeggiato, [frppe'dj'tjwj. of apple. a painting of foliage. Francese , [frntshe''se'] adj. Prapponimento,[frppnime'n'French; alia-, in the French t] m. interposition. manner. Frapporre, [frppr're'] v. a. irr. Francesismo, [frantshe'sis'm] {see Porre) to interpose, insert; m. a French mode of speaking; mix; Feappobsi, v. r. to interharharism. fere. Francheggare,[frnke'dj're'] v Frasario, [frs'ri] m. a colleca. to free; exempt; encourage. tion of choice phrases. Franchetta , [frankt't] adj. Frasca, [frs'k] f. branches, said of a kind of apple. pi.; foliage; bush; foolish man,

Frastagliatura, [frstrt'r] /. cut, notch; eyelet. Frastaglio, [frstT] m. cut, slit; open work. Prastenere, [frste'ne're'] v. a. irr., {see Tenere) to entertain; amuse. Prastingolo , [frsting'l] i. a kind of piquant sauce. Frastornare, [frstrn'r] v. a.
to divert from hinder. Frastuono, [frst'n] m. great

noise; disturbance.

Franchezza, [frank e't'sa] /".boldness, bravery; frankness; free-



pi. idle stories,

pi.; stuff.

dom, immunity. Frascame , [frsk'me'] Franchigia, [frnki'ji] f. free- quantity of bushes. monk, bad friar. dom, liberty; exemption, priv- Frascato, [frsk't] m. bower, Frataglia, [fratT] f. a herd ilege. green boughs, pi, of monks (said depreciatingly).

Pratacchione, [frtkki'ne'] m. very fat monk. m. a Prataccio, [frt'tshj m. wicked




Fratajo, [frta'y] m. a hanger- Fraude, [frau'de'] {. fraud, arti' Frego, [fre"g] m. stroke, dash, scar; stain, blash; fry; rut; fice far -, to defraud. on of monks. dor un -, far un -, to cancel, Prate, [fr't] m. 'brother;monk, Fraudevole, [frttd'vle'] adj blot out; far un - ai uno, to fraudulent, treacherous. friar. Fratellanza, [frte'lln'ds] (. Fraudevolmente , [frde'vl- dishonor one. Fregola, [fr'gl] /. spawn, mn't] adj. deceitfully. brotherhood. Fratellesco, [frate'lle's'k] Fra- Fraudolente, [frwdln'te'] see spawning. Fregolo, [fre"gl] m. shoal of tellevole, [frtll'vl] adj. Fraudolento.

Fraudolentemente, [frudle'n-


fish; fry.

Fremente, [frmn'te'] adj. raFratellevolmente, [frte'lle'vl- tmn't] adv. deceitfully. Fraudolento,[frudln't] adj. ging, fuming; shuddering. mn't] adv. like a brother. Fremere, [fr'me'r] Fremitare, Fratellino, [frtlli'n] i. little fraudulent. Fraudolenza, [frudln'ds] /. [fre'mita'r] v. n. to roar, rage, brother. shudder. fraud, deceit. Fratello, [frat'l] m. brother Fravola, [fr'vla] see Fragola. Fremito, [fr'mit] m. roaring. intimate friend. Frateria, [frtri'a] /.brother Frazione, [fratsi'n] [. frac- Frenajo, [frn'y] m. bridlemaker; rail, brakeman. tion; fracture. hood; monastery. Fraternale, [frate'rn'le'] ai'^ Freccerla, [frtshe''n'] /.aplace Frenare, [fre'n'r] v. a. to bridle, restrain, curb; rail., to of meeting for usurers, &c. fraternal, brotherly. apply the brake. [frte'rnl- Freccia , [frt'sh] /. arrow , Fraternal mente , Frenatore, [fre'nt're'] m. one mn't] Fraternamente, [fra- shaft. trnmn't] adv. like a bro- Frecciare, [fre'tsh're'J v. a. to who restrains or curbs. shoot, dart. Frendere, [fre'nd'r] v. n. to ther. Fraternare, [frte'rn're'l v. n. Frecciata, [fre'tsh't] f. arrow- rage, grind the teeth with shot. anger. to behave as a hrotiier. Fraternit, [fraternit'] Fra- Frecciatore, [fre'tshat're'j m. Frenella, [fren'l] /. bit, curb (of the bridle). ternitade, Fraternitate , /. archer, bow-man. Freccioso,[frtsh's]ad;.quick, Frenello, [fre'n'l] m. muzzle; fr.tternity. necklace: ornament. Fraternit, [frte'r'nit] f. con- nimble. fraternity, (erly. Freddamente, [fre'ddame'n'te'] Frenesia, [fre'ne'si'] /. Freneticamente , [fre'ne'tikme'n't] Fraterno, [fratr'n] a^j.broth- adv. coldly; carelessly. Fratescamente, [frtskamn'- Freddare, [fredd'r] v. a. to m. frenzy. cool; -, V. r. to grow cold, shiver. Freneticare, ffre'ne'tik're'] v.n. te) ndv. in a monkish manner. Fratesco, [tVts'k] adj. of a Freddezza, [frddt'sj /.cold- to be delirious, become frenetic. ness, indifference. Frenetichezza, [fre'ntikt's] mouk admirer of monks. see Frenesia. Fraticello, [fratitshel'lo] m. an Freddicelo, [freddi'tsh] adj. Frenetico, [fre'nti'k] adj. franhumble mouk; a kind of water- rather cold; indifferent. Freddo, [frddo] adj. cold; tic, mad; -, m. madman, delirfowl. (nitis. Fraticida, [fratitshi'da] m. fra- phlegmatic, slow; indifferent; ium, impotent; -, m. cold, coldness, Frenitide, [fre'ni'tide'] /. phretricide. Freno, [rre"n] m. bit, bridle; Fraticidio , [frtitshi'di] m. chilliness. Freddoloso, [fre'ddl's] adj. restraint; government; rail,, killing a brother, fratricide. break, brake; por -, to keep Fratile, [frti'i] adj. after the chilly. (doloso. manner of friars (little used). Freddoso, [fre'dd's] see Fred- under control; tenere a -, to Fratismo, [frati'sm] m. the Freddura, [frdd'rj /. cold- restrain. ness, chilliness; slowness; fa- Frenologia, [fre'nl'dj]/.phrestate or quality of a friar. tuity ;(/ire freddure, to twattle. nology. Fratoccio, [frat'tsh] Fratot to, [fratt'tj m.a strong lusty Frega, [fr'gj/. spawn; ardent Frenulo, [fre'n'l] m. a flexible
; ;

desire. membrane. [fratritshi'd] see Fregacciolare, [fre'gatshl're'] Frequentare, [fre'kue'nt're'] r. v.a. to rub gently (little used). a. to frequent. Fraticida. Fratta, [frt't] /. hedge, bush, Fregacciolo, [fre'g'tshlj m. Frequentativo, [fre'kue'ntti'v] line badly drawn. adj. repeated. jungle. Frattaglie, [frattT] (. fi., Fregagione, [fre'gj'ne'] Frega Frequentato, [freTfue'nt'tlad/. mento, [fre'gmn't] m. rub- frequented. heart, liver and lights, pluck. Frequentatore,[fre'ke'ntt're'] Frattanto, [frattn'tj adv. in bing, friction. Fregare, [fre'g're'] v. a. to rub m. frequenter; haunter. the mean time. Frequentazione , [fre'kue'ntFrattempo, [frtte'm'p] at this gently; draw a line. Fregata, [fre'g't] /. frigate. tsi'n] /. frequenting, fretime, at that time. Frattojo, [frtt'y] m. machine Fregatina, [fre'gti'n] /. small quentation ; intimacy, familiarity. frigate ; the act of rubbing. for crushing olives. Frattura, [frtt'r] /. fracture, Fregatura, [fre'gtu'r] see Fre- Frequente , [fre'kun'te'] adj.



v. a.

frequent, ordinary.

Fratturare, [frttr're']
to fracture.

Fregiamento, [fre'jamn't] m. Frequentemente, [fre'kue'nte'me'n't] odv. frequently, usualtrimming; finery.

Fregiare, [frj'r] v.a. to trim,

Frauda, [fra'da] f. deceit. Fraudare, [frud'r] v. a.

Frequenza, [fre'kttn'dsa] Freadorn, embellish. Fregiatura, [fre'jt'r] /.trim- quenzia, [frkun'dsi] /. condefraud, beguile. course, resort. Fraudatore, (frdt're] m. ming; border. Fraudatrice, [fraudtri'tsh] Fregio, [fr'ji] m. trimming ; Frescamente , [fre'skmn't] adv. recently, lately. lace ; badge of honor. /. defrauder, deceiver.





a Frittella, [fritt'H] f. fritter; Frondifero, [frndi'fe'r] adj. bearing leaves. pancake; beau, fop. adj. Fritto , [frit't] m. meat fried Prondire, [frondrre*] see Frondeggiare. in oil &c.; part. past, fried; somewhat fresh. Frondoso, [frnd's]orfj. leafy. Freschezza, [freske't'sa] /".fresh- undone; ruined. Frittume, [frittu'me'] m. Frit- Frondnra, [frnd'r] f. foliage, ness; bloom, prime. Fresco, [frs'k] adj. fresh, cool; tura , [fritt'r] f. fry, fried leaves, pi. (little used). Frontale, [frontale] m. frontlet; green; new; di -, lately, just dishes, pi. now; uova fresche, pi. new \a,idi Frittura, [fritt'r] /. tlie act adj. belonging to the forehead. eggs, pL ; vento -, m. gale; di- and manner of frying, small fish Frontaletto, [frntle't't] m. an ornament worn by children pingere a -, to paint in fresco. &c. for frying. on the forehead. rrescoccio, [fre'sk'tsh] Fres- Frivole, [fri'vle'] see Frivolo. coso, [frsk's] adj. fresh; Frivolario, [frivl'ri] m. sel- Fronte, [frn'te'] f. front; forehead, face; aHa-, over against; hloomy, vivid. ler of articles of little value. m. Frivolezza, [frivlt's] f. fri- far -, to make head against. [fre'skli'n] Prescolino, Fronteggiare, [frnte'dj'r] v. slight freshness in the air. volity. cool- Frivolo, [fri'vl] arfj. frivolous. a. to face, oppose. Prescura, [frsk'r] ness, approaching to coldness. Frizzamonto, [fritsmn't] m. Frontiera, [frnti'r] f. frontier, confine, border. smarting, pricking. Prete, [fr't] m. Freta, f. pi., sea. Frizzante , [fritsdn'te'] part. Frontiere, [frnti'r] adj. imPretta, [fr't] f. hasto, hurry. pres., smart, sharp, biting, pudent, brazen-faced. Frontispizio , [frntispi'tsi] Frettare, [frtt'r] v. a. mar., pungent. title (of a Frizzare, [frits're'] v. n. to m. frontispiece to hog (a vessel). book); fore-front of a house Frettazza, [fretta'ts] /. mar., smart be piquant, be witty. hog, scouring brush. Frizzo, [fri'ts] see Frizzamento. or building.
painter of frescoes. Fres Ghetto, [fre'ske't't]

Frettolosamente, [fre'ttls Froda, [fr'd] /. Frodamento, Frontone, [frnt'ne'] m. back mn't] adv. quickly, speedily. [ frdmn't] m. fraud, arti- of a chimney; Frontoni, pi. mar., breast-work of the poop. Frettoloso, [frttl's] Fret- fice. toso, [frett's] adj. quick Frodare, [frd're'] &c.,eeFraTi- Fronzolo, [frnts'l] m. ribbon or other useless ornament worn hasty. dare &c. Friabile, [fria'bile'l ari;, friable. Frode, [fr'd];. Frodo, [fr'd] by women; a species of chesnuttree. Friabilit, [friabilit'] {. fria- m. fraud. bility. Prodiere, [frdi'r] m. a cus- Fronzuto, [fruts't] adj. leafy Fricassea, [frikdss'] [. fricas- tom-house officer employed to green. Frosone, [frs'ne'] m. bullfinch. see, hotch-potch. prevent fraud. Friccioli, [fritshi'lil m. pi., Frodolente, [frdln'te'] see Frotta, [fr't] f. Fretto, [fr't] m. crowd, troop. small remnants of pork. Frodolonto. Friere, [fri'r] m. military Frodolentemente, [frdlnte'- Frottola, [fr'tl] /".ballad; knight. mn't] adv. fraudulently, by old wives"talo. Frggere, ffri'dje're'] v. a. irr., fraud. Frottolare, (frttl're'] u.n. to (frissi; fritto) to fry, scorch; Frodolento, [fre'dln't] adj. write ballads; jeer. whine. fraudulent, artful. Pruciandolo,[frtshind'l] m. Friggimento, [fri'djme'n't] m. Frodolenza, [frdln'ds] f. a kind of broom for cleaning
fraud, deceitfulness. the act of frying. Friggio, [frid'ji] wr. the hissing Frollamento, [frllme'n't] m. noise made in frying. and Frollatura, [frllt'r] f. Frigidezza, [frijidt's]/. cold- making (meat) tender. ness; indifference. Frollare, [frll'r] v. a. to Frigidit, [frijidit'] f. frigidi- soften beef, make tender. ty; impotence. Frollo, [fr'l] adj. made tenFrigido, [fri'jid] adj. frigid, der; digestible. cold; impotent (said especially Promba, [frm'b] f. sling. of land). Frombatore, [frmbt'r] m. Prigione, [friji'ne'] m. Frise- slinger. land horse. Frombo, [fromT)] m. noise, Frignare, [fri'n're'] v.n.o cry crash, whizzing. or sob incessantly ( generally Frombola, [frm'bl] f. sling,


Fruconare, [frkn're'j

v. a. to


m. blud-


Frugacchiamento, [frgkkimn't] m. the act of sounding

with a stick casks &c. when they are brought into a town where the octroi duty is paid.

Frugacchiare , [frgkki'r] V. a. to sound with a stick;


Frugale, [frugale'] adj. frugal;

said of children). sling-stone. thrifty. Frigorifero, [frigrif'r] adj. Frombolare, [frmbl'r] v. a. Frugalit, [frugalit'] Prugaoccasioning cold. to sling, cast stones. litade, Frugalitate, /". frugaFringuello, [fringu'l]m. chaf- Frombolatore, [frmblt're'] lity; sobriety.

Fromboliere, [frmbli're'J m. Frugalmente


Frinzello, [frintse'l] m. a piece slinger. adv. frugally. of botched work. Fronda , [frn'd] Fronde Frugare, [frg're'] v. a. to Frisato, [fris't] m. cloth. [frn'de'] f. leaf. grope, sound with a stick; feel; Friscello, [frish'l] m. the Frondarsi, [frndr'si] v. a. r, ferret, rummage; goad, spur flour that sticks to the walls in to clothe one's self with leaves. on; try. a mill. Frondeggiante, [frnde'djn'te'] Frugata, [frg'ta] /". poking; Frtta, [frit't] f. frit. adj. covered with leaves. goading; trying. Frittata, [fritt't] /. cooft. Frondeggiare, [frnde'dj're'] Frugatoio , [frugt'y] A. omelet. leaf, bear leaves. sounding-pole; blow.





Fucilare, [ftshila're']
v. o, to



searcher; trier; exciter. a scribbler. Frugifero, [frji'fe'r] adj .fruit- Frustapennelli, [frustpe'nnlbearing. li] m. and^ a poor painter. Frugivoro, [frji'vr] adj. fru Frustare, [frust're'] v. a. to whip, scourge ; wear out, spoil. givorous. Frugnolare, Frugnuolare, [fru- Frustatore, [frstt're'] m.flagn'l're'] v. a. to go fisMng or ellator, punisher. fowling witli a lantern. Frustatorio, [frstt'rl] adj

Fucile, [ftshile'] m. steel;


Fuciliere, [ftshili're'] m. fusileer.

Fucina, [ftshi'n] /. forge. Fucinata, [ftshin't] /. great

(little used).

Frugnuolatore, [frn'lt'r] vain, useless. m. bird-catcher with a lantern. Frustatura , [frustt'r] / Frugnuolo, [frn'6'l] m. fov/1- whipping, scourging. ing-lantern. Frustino, [frsti'n] m. small Frugolare, [frgl're'] see Fru- whip. gare. Frusto, [fr'st] adj. worn out, Frugolino, [frgli'n] Frugo- old; decayed; -, m. bit, morsel; - o -, little by little. lo, [fr'gl] m. mischievous child. Frustrare, [frstr're'] v. a. to Frugone, [frug'ne'] m. sound- frustrate, baffle. ing-pole; hang, blow. Frutice, [fr'titshe'] m. shrub. Frui, [fr'i] m. enjoyment. Frutta, [frt't] /. pi., fruit,
Fruibile, [fribi'l] adj. enjoyable.

Fuco, [f'k] m. drone.

[f'ga] f. flight, escape; suite (of rooms); mus. fugue; mettere in -, to put to flight. Fugace, [fg'tsh] adj. fugitive, transient, transitory. Fugacit, [fgtshit'] /. fugacity, transitoriness. Fugamento , [fgme'n't] m. putting to flight ; defeat. Fugare, [fg're'J v. a. to put to flight, rout.




Fugatore, [fgt're'j m. he who dessert. Fruttaggio, [friitt'ji] m. all puts to night, pursuer. Fruire, [fri're'] v. a. poes., to kinds of fruit; ornament worked Fnggente,[fdjn't] par/, pres. enjoy. running away; adj. swift, tranin fruit. Fruizione, [fritsi'ne'] /". frui- Fruttaio, [frtt'y] m. room sitory. tion, enjoyment. Fuggevole, [fdje''vle'] adj. flyin which fruit is kept. Frulla, [frl'l] f. see Frullo. Fruttatolo, Pruttajuolo, [frut- ing; swift, transient. Frullana, [friiUa'n] f. scythe. tyl] m, fruiterer. Fuggiascamente , [fdjskFrullare, [frll'r] v 'a. to Fruttarne, [frtt'me'] m. all me'n'te'] adv. secretly, by whir, whizz, whistle; uvo frul- kinds of inferior fruit. stealth. lato, m. beaten up egg far -, to Fruttare, [frtt're'] v. a. & n. Fuggiasco, [fudjs'k] adj. fuhurry, spur on. to produce fruit, bear; be of gitive ; s tar -, to abscond one's Frullo, [frl'l] m. whirring, use. self. (able. whizzing, noise; nothing, fig. Pruttario,[frutt'ri] and Frut- Fuggibile,[fdji'bile']ad7.avoidFrullone, [frll'n] m. bolter, teto, [frtt't] m. a culti- Fuggifatica, [fudjifati'ka] m. & sieve. vated place planted with fruit- f. sluggard. Frumentario , [frme'nt'ri] trees, (tart. Fuggilozio, [fiidjil'tsi] m. ocadj. of corn; legge frumenta- Fruttata, [frutt't] f. a fruit cupation to prevent idleness. ria, f. corn-law. Fruttato, [frtt't] adj. fructi- Fuggimento, [fdjime'n't] m. Frumentazione, [frme'nttsi'- fied; planted with fruit-trees. flight, escape. n] /".corn-harvest; corn carried Fruttevole , [frtt'vle'j adj. Fuggire, [fdji'r] v. n. to flee, home. fruitful, fertile (not much run away. Frumentiere, [frme'nti're'j m. used). Fuggita, [fdji'tj f. hasty sutler; victualler. Fruttiera, [frtti'r] f. a fruit flight; shelter. Frumentifico , [frme'ntifi'k] dish. Fuggiticcio, [fadjiti'tsho] see adj. producing corn. Fruttifero, [frtti'fe'r] Prutti- Fuggitivo. Frumento, [fr me'n't] m. wheat, feroso , [frttife'r's] and Fuggitivamente , [fdjitivcorn. Fruttifico, [frttifi'k] adj. me'n'te'] adv. in a fugitive Frumentone, [frum.e'nt'n] m. bearing fruit, fruitful. manner. maize, Indian-corn. Fruttificare, [frttifik're'J see Fuggitivo, [fudjiti'v] adj. fu.

[frme'nt's] adj. Fruttare. fruitful in corn. Fruttificazione , [frttifikFrusciare, [frsh're'] v. a. to tsi'ne'] f. fruit; profit, rent. importuno (little used). Frutto, [frt't] m. fruit; profFruscio, [friishi'] m. noise of it, advantage. steps, rustling. Fruttuosamente , [frttsFrusco , [frs'k] Fruscolo , me'n'te'] adv. profitably, use[frs'kl] m. dead twigs on fully. trees, pJ. Fruttuosit , [frttiisit']



Fuggito, [fdji't] adj. fugitive m. a deserter. Fuggitore, [fdjit're'] m. Fug


gitrice, [fdjitri'tsh] gitive, runaway.



Fulcire, [fultshi're'] prop, support.




fruitfulness, fertility. liant, shining. [frtt's] adj. Fulgore, [fl'je're'] v. n. to , Frussi, [frus'si] Frusso, [friis'- fruitful, profitable. shine. S] m. primero (game at cards). Fu, [fu'] f. bot., valerian. Fulgetro, [fulg'tr] m. thunFrusta, [fr'st] /'.whip.switch; Fucato, [fk't] adj. painted; derbolt, flogging. disguised. Fulgidezza,[fljide't'6]^spl6nFrusta gno, [frst'n'] m. fus- Fucignone, [ftshin''ne'] m. a dor, fulgency, tian, dimity. large white worm injurious to Fulgidit, [fljidit'] f. fulFrustamattoni, [frstmtt'- pears. gency. ci] m. an idler, pretended Fucilata, [ftshil't] f. a shot Fulgido, [fl'jid] adj. fulgid,




[fljn'te'] adj. bril-


m. bull-



from a gun.


Fnlgoro, [flg'r] m. splendor,
brightness. Pulicetta, [flitslit't]





Fuliggine, [fli'djin] f. soot._ Fuligginoso, [flidjin's] adj.

sooty; dark.

Fulminante, [flminn'te]
fulminant, thundering.


[fumstr'n] m. Fuorch, [frk'] conj. save, except, except that. Funa, [f'n] /". a Mexican plant Puorchiudere, [frkt'de're'] e on which cochineal is produ- Forchiudere. Fuori, [f'ri] see Fuora. ced. Funajo , [funa y] Punajolo , Fuoruscito, [frshi't] m. exile, outlaw. [fnyo'l] m. rope-maker. Funambolo, [fnm'bl] m. Purace, [fr'tshe'] adj. stealing

Fulminare,[flmina'r]andPulmineggiare, [flmindj'r] v. a. to fulminate, thunder ; rage, fume. Fulminarlo, [flmina'no] adj. thundering. Fulminatore, [flmint're'] m.


(little used). [fn'me'] m. mar., Puramento , [frme'n't] m, theft, robbery (little used). rigging, tackling (of a ship). Funata, [f'nt] f. chain of Furare, [fr're'J v. a. to steal, rob. (er. prisoners. Funditore,[fandit're'] m. sling- Puratore, [frt're'] m. stealer, robber. Pune, [fii'ne'] f. rope, rack. Funebre, [fn'bre'] Funerale, Purbaccio, [frb'tsh] m. great

rope-walker, dancer.

Fulminazione, [flmintsi'ne']

[fne'r'le'] adj. funereal.


fulmination, thundering.
t. thunder-



Fulmine, [flmine]


fune- Furbescamente, [frbskme'n't] adv. roguishly. Funestare, [fne'st're'] v. Furbesco, [frbe's'k] adj. roguminante. ish, knavish; crafty; lingua Fulvo, [fl'v] ad], of a deep sadden, afflict. Funesto, [fn'st] adj. fatai, furbesca, f. jargon, patois. yellow. Purbetto, [frbt't] m. little Fumacchio, [fmk'ki] m. fu' disastrous. Pungaja, [fng'y] /. mush- rogue. migation. Furbo, [furbo] m. knave, swindFumaiuolo, [fmay'l] m. smo- room-bed. ler, pick-pocket. ky coal ; funnel of a chimney. Fungo, [fn'g] m. mushroom Purcifero [frtshif'r] adj. , Fumale, [fumale] adj. smoky fungus, ulcer; - di Levante, nux vomica; - marino, a zoophite of worthy of being hanged. (little used). Furente, [frn't] adj. furious, Fumana, [fm'n] f. exhala^ a red or green color that at- enraged. like a taches itself to rocks vapors other or smoke of tion fungus, and having the appear- Furetto, [fre't't] m. ferret, from water or mountains. Furfantaocio , [frfnt'tsh] Fumante, [fman't] adj. smo- ance of an anemone. m. great rogue. adj. funFungoso, [fng's] famhouse; fireside; king; m. Furfantaggine, [frfnt'djine'] spungy. gous, ilyFurfanteria. Fumare, [fmd'r] v. a. to Funicella, [fnitsh'I] f. Fu- see Furfantare, [frfant're'] v. n. smoke tohacco;-, v. emit nicello, [fnitsh'l] Funicoto lead a rogue's life. lo, [fni'kl] m. little rope, smoke, fume. Furfante, [frfn'te'] m. rogue; Fumaraolo,[fumar'l] m.hole small cord, twine. rascal, miserable fellow. in the chimney for expelling Punzioncella, [fntsintsh'l] Purfantello , [frfut'l] j. f. trifling duty, trifling office. smoke. Fumata, [fm't] f. signal hy Funzione, [fntsi'ne'] f. func- little rogue. [frfante'ri'] Furfanteria, f. tion, office. smoke. knavery, wicked acFumatore , [fumat'r] m. smo Puocato, [fk't] adj. said of roguery, tion. a deep bay color. ker. Purfantone , [frfnt'ne'] m. Fumea, [fume"] /. smoke, vapor. Fuochista, [fki'st] f. rail., great rogue. Fumeggiare, [fme'dja'r] v. a. fireman, stoker. Fuoco, [f'k] m. fire; fig. fLa.rae, Purfare, [frf're'] v. a. to apto emit smoke. [fumik'r] . n. to passion, love; anger; hearth, propriate small sums unlaw-


ral, obsequies, pi. [fn're']

m. fune- Furberia, [frbe'ri'] f. knavery; imposture; stratagem.


[flmi'ne'] see Ful-

Fumicare, smoke; perfume. Fumicazione, [fumiktsi'ne'] Fumigazione, [fmigtsi'ne'] Fumigio, [fmidj] m. f. and

house; family^ centre, focus;

- d' artificio, care il - ad


Fumido, [fmi'd]

adj. smoky. Fumifero, [fmif'r] adj. smoky, producing smoke.

fire-work; appic- Furia, [f'ri] /. fury, frenzy, una casa, to set a impetuosity; throng, crowd; a house on fire; dar - al canno- -, furiously; dar nelle furie, to fly into a rage, rage. ne, to fire a cannon; mettere al -, to set on fire; mettere a Purialmente, [frilrae'nte'J adv. furiously (little used). - e fiamma, te destroy by burn-

Fumignivomentissimotremen- Puocoso,

mn'd] adj. smoke; said of Tartarus. Fumo, [f'm] m. smoke, fume;

Furiare, [fri're'] -, to take fire [fk's] adj. fiery, furious, rage. Furibondo , [fribn'd] ardent. [fumin'ivme'ntissimtre'vomiting fire and Paora, [f'r] Pnore, [f're'] and furious, frenetic.
ing pigliare



vanity, idle conceit. [fmle'n't]


having tho appearance of smoke. Fumosit, [fumosit'] f. smokiness.

Fumoso, [fm's]



Fuori, [f'ri] adv. & prep, out without, except; fuor -, of, through, quite through; fuor di out of town, abroad; citt, fuor di mano, out of hand^- out of the way; fuor di misura, beyond measure; fuor di tempo, out of season; fuor dell' uso, obsolete; fuor voglia, unwillingly.

Furiere, master.


m. quarter-



adv. furiously, violently.



character, state and quality of one who is furious. Furioso, [fri's] adj. furious,

mad; impetuous, fierce. Fur ire, [fri'r] i>, a, to rage.



Pascne, [fs'n] m. stag oi two years; a -, abundantly.
Fusorio, [fs'ri] adj. belonging to the fusion of metals; arte fusoria, the art of casting metals. Fusta, [f'st] f. flat boat;
[' 5

m. Fusciacca, [fshk'ka] f. a kind of belt or sash, formerly worn Furone, [fr'n] m. great ros- by horsemen. Pusciaoco, [fshk'k] m, piece ter. Parore, [fr're'] m. fury, rage; of crape or velvet embroidered with gold or silver attached impetuosity. Furtivamente, [frtivmn'te'] to the crucifix when borne in procession. adv. furtively, stealthily. a Furtivo, [frti'v] adj. furtive, Fusciarra, [fshr'r] f. young scapegrace. stealthy; clandestine, hidden. adj. dark, Furto, [fr't] m. theft, stealth; Fusco, [fs'k] gloomy. di -, per -, by stealth, priFusellino , [fselli'n] m. a vately. Furuncolo, [frn'kl] m. fu- comb used by hair-dressers for
little thief, little






Fustajo, [fsta'y] m. saddle bed-maker.

runcle, boil.




spindle-tree. Fusajo, [fsa'y] spitidle-maker.

Fustelle, [fustl'l] m. fustic. Fustibulo, [fstib'l] m. a kind of ancient sling. curling hair. [fstitsh'l] m. Fusibile, [fsi'bile'] adj. fusible. Pusticello , Fusibilit, [fusibilit'] f. fusi- small stalk.

Fustigazione, [fstigatsi'ne'] bility. Fusiera, [fsie"r] f. a small f. a beating given as a pun(bust. Fusajolo, Fusajuolo, [fusay'- instrument made of straw and ishment, wood used by women when Fusto, [f'st] m. stem, stalk, lo) m. whirl put to a spindle. (meit. Fustuccio, [fst'tsh] ni. small Fusato, [fsa't] adj. in the spinning. manner of a spindle, said of Fusile, [fusi'le'] adj. easy to stem. Fusione, [fsi'ne'] f. fusion, Futile, [fii'tile'] adj. futile, tricolumns, and also of legs. fling, frivolous. Fuscelletto, [fushelle't'to] Pu- liquefaction. scellino, [fshlli'n] Fuscel- Fuso, [f's] m. spindle; shaft Futuramente , [ftrame'n'te'] adv. for the future, in time to (of a column). lo, [fsh'l] m. fescue; straw; skewor; cercare col fuscellino, Fusoliera, [fsli'r] f. a come. Futuro, [ft ^T] adj. future; -, punt. to search diligently: rompere m. the future, futurity, time il fuscellino, to break friend- Fusolo, [f'sl] m, shin, axleto come; gr. future tense. tree. ship.
m. turner;

G, this letter, companion of C, has also two sounds, being! hard before o, o, and , and soft before e and t ; for this reason, when it is wished to preserve the hard sound before those letters, it is necessary to interpose an h, as bottega
(a shop) botteghe (shops); intrigo (intrigue) intrighi (intrigues) &c. G is elided before n as in magnifico (magnificent) significante (significant) &c. Gabarra, [gb'r] f. a large bark.



m. a rascal.

Gabbadeo, [gbbd'] and Gabbasanti, [gbbsn'ti] m. hypocrite.


[gbbrae'n't] m.

deception, fraud, trick.



ki'ni] m. a cheat, blackleg.

Gabbamondo, [gbbma'd] m.

batrice, [gabbatri'tshe'] f. de- Gabelliere, rgbe'lli'rel m. receiver of the gabel, customceiver, impostor. Gabbevole, [ gabbe" vole'] odj. de- house officer. Gabinetto, [gbne't't] m. cabceitful; jocose. casket, Gabbia, [gb'bi]/". cage; aviary; inet, closet, study prison, jail; frail to press and coffer. strain olives; muzzle for mules; Gagga, fg'dji] f. cassia. Gaggio, [g'dj] m. pledge, gage. wior. main top-sail. Gabbiajo, [gbbi'y] m. cage- Gagliardamente,[grrdme'n't] adv. stoutly, vnliantly. maker. [gbbia'n] adj. Gagliardazzo,[grrd'tso] adj. Gabbiano, clownish, dull;-, m. sea-mew, very valiant. (full. Gagliardezza, [gdrardet'sa] 6aseagull. Gabbiata , [gbbi't] f. cage- gliardia, [gal rdi] /.strength, Gabbiere, [gbbi're'j Gabbiero, vigor. adj. fgrr'd] [gbbi'r] m. mar., top-man, Gagliardo , strong, stubborn; -, arfv. vigwatch. Gabbiolina,rgbbili'n]/'.Gab- orously. bioncello, [gbbintsh'lj m. Gaglio, [gT] m. rennet. Gaglioffaccio, [grfta'tsh] m, small cage. Gabbionata , [gbbin't] f. great rascal. Gaglioffaggine, [grff'djine'j repair of cages. Gabbione, [gbbi'ne'] m. large f. roguery; swindling. Gaglioffamente,[garflFme'n'te'] cage; fort, gabion. Gabbo, [gb'b] m.jeering, jest; adv. roguishly.

Gabbanella, [gbbn'l]

to ridicule, Gagliofferia,[grffe'ri] /'.scurrility, cheat. Gabella, [gb'l] f. gabel, tax, Gaglioffezza , [gl'fi'e'tsal /. ding-hood; frock. quality of a good for nothing Gabbano, [gbb'n] m. gabar- custom, duty. Gabellabile, [gbe'll'bile'] adj. fellow. dine.

mockery; farsi

- di,



Gaglioffo fgarf f] adj. knaGabbare, [gbba'r] e. o. to de- subject to excise. vish; impudent; -, m. blackceive; deride, mock; Gabbarsi, Gabellare, [gblla're] v. a. to pay duty; non gabello quel che guard, rascal. V. r. to scorn one's self; be [grff'ne'] . dite, I don't believe a word of Gaglioffone , merry, jeer. dastardly scoundrel. Galibatore, [gbbit'r] m. Gab- what you say.

Baglioso, fgal''s] adj. glutinous, viscous. Oaglittolo, [gr'l] r. husk, shell, cod (little used). Gagno, [ga n'] m. sheep-fold




Galeotto, [gle''t] m. galley- Galnppo, [glp'p] m. soldier's

Galoscia, [gl'sh] f. pi., gaGalera, fgle'r] f. galley. loshes, pi. Galero, [gle''r] m. a wig. Galestro, [gle"str] m. a kind Galvanismo, [glvnis'm] to. of clay mixed with carhonate galvanism. fig. intrigue. Gagnol amento, [gn'lmn't] of lime. Gamba, [gamTia] f. leg, shank; m. howling. Galestroso, tgle'str's] adj. darla a gambe, to take to one's


[gn'l're'] v. n. to

said of galestro.


howl, yelp. Gaietta, [glt't] f. sea-hiscuit. Gambale, [gmb'le'] to. stem, Gagnolo, [gan'li']ni. howling, Galigajo, [gligy] see Calzo- stock, stump. yelping. Gambasino, [gmbsi'n] to. a lajo. Gajamente, fgyme'n'te'] adv. Galla, [galla] /".nnt-gall; acorn. kind of pea. merrily, gladly. Gallare , [gll'r] v. n. to be Gambata, [gmb'ta] f. blow Gajetto, [gye't't] adj. rather buoyant, float exult ; tread with the foot, kick. Gamberaccia, [gmbr'tsh] f. (as a cock). Gajezza , [gayet'sa] f. gaiety, GallastronOi [gllstr n] m. sore ulcerated leg. merriment, joy. Gamberello, [gmbrl'l] to. large cock. Gajo, [g'y] adj. gay, merry, Galleggiare, [glle'dj're'J v. n. small craw-fish. joyful. Gambero, [gmb'r] to. crawto float, swim. Gala, [ga'la] f. tucker; finery, Galleria, [glle'ri'] f. gallery fish, crab. - sotterranea, tunnel. dross giorno di -, m. gala-day Gamberuolo, [gmbrl] m. di -, clieertully; far -, to eat Galletta, [galle't't] f. kind of greaves, pi. ami drink, be merry. grape; a sort of ornament made Gambettare, [gmhtt'r]v. . Galana, [gl'n] f. turtle, to kick about one's legs. of jewelry. Galanga, [galan'ga]/. galangal, Galletto, [galle't't] Gallettino, Gambetto, [gambt'toj m. dare an aromatic root brought from (glle'tti'nj m. young cock, il -. to trip up one's heels. Iti (11 a. Gambiera, [gmbi'rj f. see cockerel. Galano [gala'n] m. a tassel Gallicinio, [gallitshi'ni] m. Gamberuolo. made of ribbon. Gambitto, [gamhi't]m. gambit cockcrowing; midnight. Galante, (galan'te'l cij. gallant, Gallicismo, [gllitshis'm] m. at chess. gay: gracious, civil; clever. Gambo, [gm'bj m. stem, stalk; gr., gallicism. Galanteggiare, [glntdj'r] Gallina, [galli'na] f. hen. stroke, .a. to court the l;idies. Gallinaccia, [gllin'tsha] /. old Gambone, [gmb'n] to. large Galantemente, [gdlutmn'te'] useless hen. leg, big leg. adv genteelly cleverly. Gallinaccio , fga^Hi'^a'tsho] m. Gambuccia, [gmh'tsh]/".thin Galanteria, [glntri']/". gen- turkey-cock; mushroom. leg. tility, politeness; finery, nick- Gallinajo, [gllina'y] m. hen- Gambuto, [gamb't] adj. highnacks, pi. stalked, long-legged. roost; poulterer. Galantina, fgalnti'n] /". meat Gallinelle, [gllin'l] Gamella, [gm'lj pi., largo f. /. chopped fine. astr. pleiades, pi. wooden bowl. Galantino,fglnti'n] ad;', pret- Gallione, [glli'ne'] m. bad Gammautte, [gmmt'te'] to. ty, pleasing. surg., bistoury. capon. Galantuomo , [glnt'ni] m. Gallo, [gl'l] m. cock. Gamurra, [gmr'r] f. woolhonest man, man of honor re -, Gallonare, [glln're'] v. a. to en cloth; long petticoat. king Victor Emmanuel. lace. Ganascia, [gn'shd] f. jawCalappio, [glap'pij m. trap Gallone, [gll'ne']m. side flank, bone, chops pincers; part of the snare; gin. (galaxy. galloon. cock of a gun. Galassia, fgals'si] f. astr., Gallonzolo , [gllnz'l] m. Gancetto, [gantshe't'to] m. small Galateo, [gal't] m. a well- sprout of brocoli or other simi- hook. known work containing maxims lar plant; see Tallo. Ganciata, [gntshi't] f. the of good conduct. Galloria, [gall'ri] /. exulta- act of fixing with a hook. Galbanifero, [glbam'f'r] adj. tion, transport. Gancio , [gn'tsh] to. hook a name given to the fruit from Galloriarsi, [gllrir'si] v. r. hasp. whence galbanum is produced. to be transported with joy. Ganellinare, [ganllin're] v. a. Galbano , [gal'bano] m. galba- Gallozza, [gall'ts] Gallozzo- to play at an Italian game at num. la, [gll'tsl] nut-gall cards. f. Galea, [gal'] f. galley. bubble; sound of rain in water. Ganellino, [gane'lli'no] m. an Galeato, [gl't] adj. helmed. Galluzia, [glltsi] /. an af- Italian game at cards. Galeazza, [gla'ts] f. galeas; fected woman. (gall. Ganga, [gn'g] f. a bird rea large Venetian galley. Galluzza, [gllts] f. nut- sembling a partridge. Galeffare, [galff'r] v. a. to Galluzzare, [gllts'r] v. n. Gangama, [ganga'm] /. a kind laugh at, jeer. to exult. of fishing-net. Galeonaccio, [gle'ntsh] m. Galoppare, [glpp're'] v. n. to Gangherare, [gngher'r]v.o. a large galley (said of a great gallop. to set on hinges. hig coward). Galoppata, [galoppa t] /. gal- Gangherelle, [gngher^]GanGaleone, [gl'ne'] m. galleon. loping; race. gherino, [garghe'ri'n] m.small 6aleopsi,[gl'psi] a medicinal Galoppatore, [glppt'r] m. hinge, small clasp. herb called white nettle. galloper. Ganghero, [gn'ghr]m. hinge, Galeotta, [gal'tj/. little gal- Galoppo, [gl'p] TO. gallop ; hook (in the sense of hook and ley, galeot. andare di -, to gallop. eye), clasp dare un - , said of



Garzatore, [grts'tr] m. a carder of cloth.

ham, the doubling of a hare fare Garetto, [gre't't] m hough. inn -, to go by a cross road; ttare e' gangheri, to be on Gargagllare, [grgr'rl v.n. to grumble, murmur (little one's guard. Gangola, [gan'gla] f. tonsil, used). Gargagliata, [grgr'tj/'.congland; king's evil. Gangoloso, [gngl's] adj. fused noise, uproar (little used). Garganega, [grgn'g] /. a glandulous, scrofulous. Gangrena, [gngr'n] /. gan- kind of grape. Gargarismo, [grgris'm] w grene. Gangrenoso, [gngre'n's] adj. gargarism, gargling. Gargatta, [grgt't]6argozza, gangrenous. Ganimede^ [gnim'de'] m. dan- [grg'ts] f. throat, wind(howl. pipe (little used). dy, fop. Gannire, [gnni're'] v. n. to yelp, Gargherismo,[grghe'ri'sm] m. Ganza, [gn'tsa] f. mistress, the act of gargling. Gargia, [gr'dj] f. gill of a fish concubine.




Garzo, [gar'ts] m. the action of carding cloth. Garzella, [grtsl'l] /. a comb for carding cloth. Garzonaccio, [grdsn'tsh] m. mischievous boy. Garzonastro, [grdsn'str] m.
great dolt.




m. boy, Garzone, lad, youth; shop-boy, waiter;


lad. [grds'ne']



o. to Gariofllata, [grifil't]



[grdsne'v'le'] adj. like a youth, in the manner


of a youth. herb bennet or avens. m. one Tvho Garofana, [grf'n] /. a kind Garzonevolmente, [grdsne'vlme'n'te'J adv. like a young of pear. Iceeps a concubine. Gara, [g'r] f. strife, quarrel, Garofanare, [grfn're'] v. a. man. Garzonotto , [grdsn't] m. dispute; rivalry; vincere la -, to season with cloves. Garofanato, [grfna't] adj. young man. to carry off the prize. Garahina, [grbi'n] f. a spe- seasoned with cloves ; having Garzuolo, [grds'l] wi. heart (of cabbage, lettuce &c.); fine the odor of cloves. cies of mattock. Garahullare, [grbull're'] v. Garofanino, [grfni'n] m. hemp. kind of wild pink produced in Gas, [gas] m. chym., gas; illua. to deceive, defraud. minazione di -, f. gas-lighting; Garagollare, [grgll'r] v. n. marshy places. Garofano, [gr'fan] m. clove, lampada di -,/". gas-lamp; lanto wheel about. terna di -, f. gas-lantern. Garagollo, [grgl] m. wheel- gilliflower. Garone, [gr'ne'] m. gusset; bit. Gasometro,[gs'mtr] m.gas' ing about. Garamoncino, [grmntshi'n] Garontolare, [grntl're'] v. ometer. a. to strike with one's fist (vul- Gasoso, [gs's] adj. gaseous. m. <j/p. bourgois. Gastigagione, [gstigj'ne'] f. Garamone, [grm'n] t. typ., garism). Garontolo, [grn'tl]m. fisti- Gastigamento, [gastigran'small Roman. t] m. punishment, chastisecuff (vulgarism). Garante, [grn'te'] m. guaran Garosamente, [grsme'n'te'] ment. tee; mar., rope, rope's end. adv. in a quarrelsome manner. Castigare, [gastiga're'] v. a. to Garantire, [grnti're'j see Gua Garosello, [grs'l] adj. some- chastise; correct; stile gastirentire. Garavina, [grvi'n] f. sea- what quarrelsome -, m. carou- gato, m. pure style. Gastigatezza, [gstigte't's] /. sal, tournament, joust. gull. Garbare, [garba re'] please, Garoso, [gr's] adj. quarrel- exquisite purity (of style). Gastigatoja , [gstigt'y] f. some. be agreeable; suit. Garbataraente,[grba.tme'n'te'] Garrare, [garra're'] v. n. to dis- punishment for a fault committed (burlesque). pute noisily. adv. gracefully. Garbatezza , [garbte't's] f. Garrotta, [grre't't] f. Garret- Gastigatore, [gstigt're'] m. chastiser, corrector. gracefulness. to, [grrt'tj m. ham, hough. Garbato, [grb't] adj. genteel, Garrevole , [grr'vl] adj. Gastigatura, [gastigatu'ra] Castigazione, [gstigtsi'ne'] f. pleasing, graceful -, i. skele- scolding; captious. Garrimento, [grrime'n't] m. Gastigo, [gsti'g] m. punishton of a ship. ment, chastisement. Garheggiare, [grbe'dj're'] v.n. reprimand. Garrire, [grri're'] v. n. to war- Gastricismo , [gstritshis'm] to please, be agreeable. m. general denomination for Garbino , [garbi'n] m. south- ble; chatter; reprimand. west-wind. Garrito, [grri't] m. warbling, the maladies of the stomach. Gastrico, [gstri'k] adj. gasGarbo, [gr'b] m. pleasing chirping reproof. manners, pi.; gracefulness; uo- Garritore, [grrit're']nt.chider, tric; ar/erie gastriche, gastric arteries; sugo-, gastric juice. mo di -, an upright man; adj. grumbler. Garrulamente, [garrlame'n't] Gatta, [gt't] f. she cat; chiarough, acid (said of fruit). mar la - -, to call a cat a cat; Garbuglio, [grbT] m. dis- adv. in a prattling manner. Garrulare, [grrl're'J v. n. to speak plain; voler la -, to be order, tumult.
live in concubinage.


in earnest. Gareggiamento, [gre'djme'n'- prattle; joke, sport. t] m.and Gareggio, [gr'dj] Garrulit, [garrulit'] Garruli Gattaboja, [gttb'y]
strife, contention.


(on. pris-



. n.

to rival, dispute.

tade, Garrulitate, f. garrulity, Gattafora, [gttf'r] f. a kind of Genoese tart. talkativeness. Garrulo, [gr'rl] adj. garru- Gattaja, [gtt'y] Gattaiuola,

Gareggiatore, [gre'djt're']m. lous, talkative. Gareggiatrice , [grdjtri' Garza, [gar'tsa]

tshe'] f.

cat's hole.

white heron; Gattesco, [gtt'sk] adj. catlike.

v. o. to Gattico, [gatti'tsche']

competitor, rival.

egret (fowl).




[grts'r] cloth.

m. white


Gatticida, [gattitsM'd]



cat-killer. Oattno, [gtti'n] m. kitten. Gatto, [gat't] m. cat.

Genealogia, [je'nealji'] a Gelata, [je'l't] f. frost. Gelatamente,[je'latme'n't]ariv. nealogy.

frostily; coldly.



[je'ne'l'jik] adj.

Gelatina, [jlti'n]



Gattofodero, [gttfd'r] m. jelly. lining of cat's skin. Gelatinoso,


Gattomammone [gttmmm'm. marmoset. Gattono, [gtt'ne']



mnmps; far il -, chilly. the simpleton. Gelicidio, [je'litshi'di]m. frosty Gattozibetto , [gtttsibe't't] weather; rimo (little used).
tn. civet-cat.

large to play

gelatinous. Gelato, [je'l't] m. an ice, icecream; adj. frozen, chilled,





Gattuccio, [gtt'tsli] m. little cold, chilly. commander. cat; sea-dog; hand-saw. Gelo, O^'lJ m. freezing weaGeneraleggiare , [J e'ne'rle'dj'Gandere, [gude''re'] see Godere. ther; ice. Gaudio, [gu'di], Gelone, [jl'ne'j m. hard frost; re'] V. . to speak generally. Generalissimo, fje'nrlis'sim] gladness. chilblain. Gaudioso, [gudio 'so] adj. joy- Gelosaccio, [je'ls'tsh] adj. m. mil., generalissimo. Generalit, [je'ne'rlit'] Geneful, glad. very jealous. Gavardina, [gvrdi'n] f. a Gelosamente , [je'lsme'n'te'] ralitade, Generalitate, f. generality. kind of dressing-gown. odv. jealously; carefully. Gavazza, [gv'ts] f. Gavaz- Gelosia, [je'lsi'] f. jealousy; Generalizzare, [je'ne'rlids're'] V. a. to generalize. zamento, [gvtsmn't] m. fear; lattice, persian -blind. shout of joy. Geloso, [jl's] adj. jealous, Generalmente, [je'ne'rlme'n't] Gavazzare, [gavts're'] v.. to fearful. adv. generally, commonly. Generamento , [je'ne'rme'n't] jump for joy. Gelsa, [jl's] f. mulberry. Gavazziere, [gvtsi're'] m. Gelseto, [jls't] m. ground m. procreation. noisy rejoicer (little used). Generare, [je'ne'r're'] v. a. to planted with mulberry trees. Gaveggiare, [gve'dj'r] v. a. Gelso, [jel'so] m. mulberry-tree produce, engender. to court (vulgarism). Gelsomino, [jlsmi'n] m. jes- Generativo, [je'ne'rti'v] adj. Gaveggino , [gvdji'n] m. samine. generative. wooer, lover (vulgarism). Gemebondo, [je'mbn'd] adj. Generatore, [jne'rt're'] m. beGavetta, [gve't't] /. huncli of plaintive. getter, progenitor. musical strings. Gemelliparo, [je'me'llip'r] adj. Generazione, [je'ne'rtsi'ne'] f. Gavignare, [gvi'n're'] v. a. to bearing twins. generation, progeny. (pits. Gemello, [jm'l] m. twin; adj. Genere, [j'ne'r] m. kind, sort; embrace closely. Gavigne, [gavi'n'e'] f. pi., arm gender. equal, similar. Gavina, [gvi'n] f. a kind of Gemere, [j'me're'] v. n. to groan, Genericamente, [je'ne'rikme'n'sea-gull. (groan. te'] adv. generically. lament; trickle. Gavine, [gvi'ne'] /. pi., anat Gemicare, [je'mik'r] v. a. to Generico, [je'n'rik] adj. geparotis.

Genealogista, fje'ne'l'jist] m. a writer on genealogy. Generabile , [jnerbi'le'] adj. capable of producing. Generabilit, [jne'rbilit'] f. power of engendering. Generalato, [jne'rl't]. m.generalship; rank of a general. Generale, [jne'r'le'] adj. general, universal; -, m. general,

adj. glan-


v. a. to


Gavinoso, [gvin's]

double; repeat.



m. son-in-law.




Gavocciuolo [gvtsh'l] tn. reduplication; repetition. bubo caused by the plague. Gemini, [je'mini] m. pi. astr., Gavonchio, [gvn'ki] i. a twins, pi. kind of eel. Gemino, [j'min] adj. double. Gavotta, [gv't] /. kind of Gemire, [je'rai're'] see Gemere. sea-fish. Gemitio, [je'ra'ti] m. dripping Gazofllacio, [gzfil'tsh] m. of water in a grotto the place treasury. from whence water trickles Gazza, [g'ds] f. magpie. oozing of humors in the body. Gazzella, [gads'l] f. antelope Gemito , [j'mit] m. groan, Gazzera, [g'dse'r] see Gazza complaint. Gazzerino, [gdse'ri'n] adj. a Gemma, [j'md] f. gem; bud. kind of plum. Gemmajo,[jmm'y] m. a place
; ;

te'] adv. generously. Generosit, [jnrsit'] Generositade, Generositate, f. gen-



[je'ne'r's] adj.


erous, noble.

Genesi, [j'ne'si] m. & f. GenGenetliaco, fje'ne'tli'k] m. calculator of nativities.




preserved ginger.



Gazzerotto,[gdsr5't]m.little pie, small magpie; simpleton Gazzetta, [gadst't] f. gazette,

Gazzettiere, [gdse'ttie''re'] a writer in journals. Gazzettino , [gadstti'n] small newspaper.

Gengiovo, [ge'nji'v] m. ginger. Gengiva, [je'nji'v] f. gum. Gena, [j'ni] f. vile race, low ; Gemmare, [je'ram're'] v. n, to race, crowd, mob. m. gem, bud. Geniaccio, fje'ni'tsh] m. evil Gemmato, [je'mm't] adj. made genius bad disposition. m. of gems full of buds. Geniale, [je'ni'le'] adj. genial ; Gemmiero, [je'mmi'r] m. jew- pleasing; letto -, m. nuptial
[je'ramn't] Gemmante gemmed sparkling.

where gems are found.


Cazzino, [gtsi'n] adj. bluish. eller. Geenna, [ge'n'n] f. hell. Gemmfero, [je'mmife"r] Gelamento, [jlame'n'tjm.freez- producing buds.
ing, congelation.

Gelare, [jla're'] v. a. freeze; congeal.


bed. adj. Genialit, [jnilit'] f. sympathy, congeniality. Gena, [j'n] /. cheek. Genio, [j'ni] m. genius, guarn. to Gendarme, [je'ndar'me'] m. gendian angel; talent, inclination^ darm. taste.




Genitabile, [j nitT)!! ]adj. gen- Gennino, [je'ni'n] adj. genu- Germinativo, [je'rminti'v] adj. apt to germinate. ine; true. erative. Genitale, [jnitle'] adj. geni- Genziana, [je'ntsi'n] f. bot., Germinatore, [jrminat're'] m. that germinates; generant. gentian. tal, inborn. Genitivo, [jniti'v] w.^r., gen- Geodesia, [je'de'si'] f. land- Germinazione, [jrmintsi'n] surveying. /. germination, budding. itive case; ad), generative. Geografa, [je'grfi'] f. geo- Germini, [jrmi'ni] an Italian Genito, [j'nit] m. son. game called also Minchiate; and graphy. Genitore, [jnit'r] m. father. Genitrice, [jnitri'tsh] ^ moth- Geografico, [je'gr'fik] adj. certain cards with which the game is played. geographical. er. Geografo, [j'grf] m. geo- Germogli abile, [je'rmVbi'le'] Genitura, fje'natii'r] f. Mrth. adj. apt to germinate. Gennajo, [jnna'y] m. January. grapher. [je'rml'Gentaccia, [jnt'tsh] Genta- Geologia, [jlji'] /. geology. Germogliamento , mn't] m. budding, sprout. glia, [jnt'I'] f, Gentame, Geomante, [jmn'te'] m. & f. Germogliare, [je'rml''r] v. n. geomancer. [jnt'm] m. rahble, mot. Gente, [jn't] f. people, na- Geomanzia, fje'mntsi'] /'.fore- to bud, sprout. Germogli atore, fje'rmlat'r] tion; relations, kindred; di telling by figures. bassa -, of a mean extraction; Geometra, [j'me'tr] m. geo- ad}, causing to bud, producing buds. metrician. di buona -, of a good family Geometria, [je'mtri'a] f. geo- Germogliazione, [je'rmrtsi'd'arme, soldiers, pi. ne'l /. the act of budding. Genterella, [je'ntr] f. vul- metry. Geometricamente, [je'me'trik- Germoglio, [jrmTJ m. bud, gar, common people. sprout, shoot. Gentildonna, [jntild'n] f. mn'te'] adv. geometrically..

Geometrico, [je'm'trik] adj. lady. Gentildonnajo, [je'nti'ldnna'y] geometrical. m. a hanger on of the ladies. Geometrizzare, [je'me'trids'Gentile, [je'nti'le'] adj. genteel, re'] V. a. to use the science of geometry, be very exact. noble, humane, affable, polite; prepossessing; nice, pretty, del- Geometro, [je''me'tr] see Geoicate; weak; -, m. pagan, gen- metra. Geoponico, fje'pni'k] m. one tile. Gentilesco, [je'ntile's'k] adj. who studios agriculture adj. belonging to agriculture. genteel, graceful; pagan. Gentilesimo, [je'ntil'sim] m. Georgica, [je'rji'k] f. the Georgics. paganism. Gentiletto , [je'ntile't'to] adj. Georgico, [je'rji'k] adj. belonging to agriculture. pretty, nice, neat. Gentilezza, [jiitile't's] Genti- Georgofllo,[jrgfi'l] m. amateur student of agriculture. ligia, [jntili'jt'ii] f. gentility, generosity, politeness, kind- Geostatica, [jstti'k] f. tliat part of statics which treats of ness paganism. Gentilire, [jntili'r] v. a. to the equilibrium of solid bod;

6eroglificare,[je'rgrifika're']w. a. to write hieroglyphics.



m. former and interpreter

of hieroglyphics. Geroglifico, [je'rgli'fik] adj. hieroglypbical, emblematical


-, m. emblem. Gerontocomio, [je'rntnk'mi] m. hcspital for aged persons.


ennoble, embellish. Gentilit, [jntilit'] Gentilitade, Gentilitate, f. gentility; heathenism (little used). Gentilizio [jntili'tsij adj. of the same family. Gentil mente, [jentilme'n'te'jadv. gracefully, gently, nobly. Gentil omineria, [jntilmine''- hierarchical. na) f. the quality of a gentle- Gerba, [jrT] f. a young shoot. man; boasting of gentility (said Gerbajo, fje'rb'y] wi. ground ironically). planted with young shoots. Gentiletto, [je'ntll't] m. coun- Gerfalco, LJe'rfl'kJ m. gertry-gentleman. falcon. Gentiluomo, [je'ntil'm] ni. Gergo, [jr'g] m. jargon, gibnobleman, gentleman. berish, cant. Gentiluzzo , [jntilu'ts] Gerla, [jr'l] f. back-basket, poor miserable gentleman. dosser.

/". Gerrettiera fje'rrtti'raj order of the Garter. Gerrettiero, fjrretti'r] adj. belonging to the order of knights of the Garter. Gersa, [jr's] f. red paint. Gerundio, [jrn'di] m. gr., gerund. Gesmini, [je'smi'ni] m. pi. jasmines, pi. ies. Geranio, [je'r'ni] i. lot ge- Gessajo, [jess'y] and Gessajuolo, [jssyu'l] former ol ranium. Gerarca, [je'rr'k] m.hierarch, statues, vases &c., in plaster. Gessare, [jss'r] v. a. to high priest. Gerarchia, Lje'rrki'] f, hierar- plaster. Gessato, [je'ss't] adj. of the chy. Gerarchico, [je'rr'kik] adj. nature of plaster; containing


Gesso, [j's] m. plaster. Gessoso, [jss'sj adj. full of


Gesta, [j'sta] f. pi. achievements, exploits, pi. Gestare, [jesta're'J v. a. to carry, bear.

Gestazione, fjsttsi'ne']
period of gestation.



Gentuccia, [je'ntu'tsha]




com- Germana, [je'rm'na] f. sister. Gesteggiare [jestedja're'] GeGermanamente, [jrmanmn'- stire, [jesti'rj v. n. to gestic-

ulate. Gentucciaccia, [je'ntutsha'tsha] te'] adv. truly, sincerely. Germano, [jrm'n] adj. true, Gesticolare, [je'sti'kl're'] v. n. f. dregs of the people, pi. Genuflessione, [jnfle'ssi'ne] real, genuine; -, m. brother; to gesticulate impolitely. wild duck; cugino -, m. cousin Gesticolazione, [jestikltsi'/. genuflection, kneeling. n] f. gesticulation. Genuflesso, [jnfls's] adj. german.

kneeling. Genuflettere,
n. irr.



and Germine, Gestire,


v. a. to



[jermi'ne'] m. germ, bud.

Flettere) to bend Germinare, [je'rrain're']

one's knees.

germinate, bad.

ploy action in speaking. r. n. to Gesto, Ij'st] m. gesture; management charge, care.




adj. adj.


Ghiaccioso, [ghitsh's] Oes, [js'] m. Jesus. fall of ice. Gesuita, [jsi't] m. a Jesuit a kind of cake made at Pis- Ghiaccinola, [ghjtshl] a kind of pear. toja. Gesuitico, [je'sti'k] adj. Je- Ghiacciuolo, [ghitsh'l]
suitical, Geto, [j't]



Ghignoso, [ghin''s] adj. jealous, easy to imagine an offense.



(to hoist.

m. a small leatliern Ghiacere,

tie tlio feet of


Ghindare, [ghinda're'j v. a. mar. see Gia- Ghindazzo, [ghind'ts] m. mar.


thong used to
birds of prey.


Ghiado, [ghia'd] m. extreme Ghinea, [ghi'ne'] f. a guinea; kind of coarse cotton cloth. GettamO) [jtt'me'] m. a useless cold. Ghiaggiuolo, [ghidj'l] m. Ghiotta, [ghit'tj f. dripping thing. pan. Gettamento, [je'ttme'n't] m. sword-grass. Ghiaja, [ghi'y] f. gravel, Ghiottamente, [ghfttme'n'te'] throw, cast. adv. greedily, gluttonously. Gettare, [jtt're'] v. a. to throw, pebble. cast; attack suddenly; - lagri- Ghiajata, [ghiy't] /. layer of Ghiotterellino , [ghitte're'lli'me, to shod tears; - un sospi- gravel highway. n] Ghiotterello, [ghittrl'ro, to heave a sigh, sigh - Ghiajoso, [ghiy's] adj. gritl] adj. dainty, nice. ty, sandy. via, to cast off; throw away; Ghiotteria , [ghitt'n'a] and Gettarsi, v. r. to throw one's Ghianda, [ghin'd] f. acorn, Ghiottezza, [ghitt'tsd] f.
' ; ;

(fling. self upon. Gettata, [jtt't] ^ throw, cast, Gettatore, [jttt'r]ni. throw er: founder, caster. Gettito, [j'tit] m. spitting (of blood &c.) Getto, [j't] m. throw, jet; incrustation; plaster foundery; d'un -, at one cast; - d' acqua, water-spout; mar. far -, to throw overboard. Gettone, [je'tt'n] m. counter



Ghiaadaja, [ghind'yj f. jay, Ghiotto, [ghft't] adj. glutjack-daw. tonous, covetous; luscious, Ghiandaie, fghfnd'le'] m. a wicked. worm resembling an acorn. Ghiottoncello, fgliiottontsho'Io] Ghiandellino, [ghindlli'n] m. m. little glutton. small acorn. Ghiottone, [ghitt'ne'] m. glutGhiandifero, [ghiandi'fe'r] adj. ton; great cheat. bearing acorns. Ghiottoneggiare,


(at cards). Gheffo, [gh'f] m. jutting out. Gheppio, [ghe'p'pi] m. kestrel Ghera, [gh'r] f. a small hoop.

Gherbino, [ehe'rbi'n] m. South

West wind. Gheriglio, [ghe'riTio] m. the kernel of a walnut &c. Gherminella, [ghrmin'la] / juggling trick.
Ghermire, [ghrmi're'J
snatch, catch.
v. a. to




snatcher, catcher. Gherofano, [ghr'fn] see Ga rofano. Gherone, [ghe'r'ne'] m. piece gusset; cutting. Ghetta, [ght't] f. gaiter. Ghi'ttare, [ghe'tt'r] v. n, to

gold and melted lead.






[ghindi'n] f. a dj'r] V. a. to satisfy glutsmall vase made to contain tony; give one's self up to aromatic vinegar. gluttony. Ghiandola, [ghin'dl]/'. gland; Ghiottoneria, [ghitto ne'ri'] f, kernel. wickedness, roguery. Ghianduccia , [ghiandu'tsha] Ghiottornia , [ghittrni'a] f. Ghianduzza, [ghind'ts] /. gluttony; avidity; dainties, titsmall acorn. bits, pi. Chiara, [ghi'r] see Ghiaja. Ghiova, [ghio'va] f. clod, lump Ghiarabaldana, [ghirbld'- of earth, sod. n] f. trifle, nothing. Ghiozzo, [ghi'ts] m. gudgeon; Ghiareto, [ghir't] and Ghia- blockhead. riccio, [ghiri'tsh] wi. grav- Ghiribizzamento, [gliiribitsi' elly bed of a river. men 'to] m. fancy, caprice. Ghiaroso, [ghir's] adj. full Ghiribizzare, [ghiribitsa're'] v. of gravel. n. to fancy, muse. Chiaretto , [ghirt't] and Ghiribizzatore, [ghiribitsat'Ghiarottolo, [ghirtt'l] m. r] m. fantastical person. Ghiribizzo , a small pebble. [ghiribi'ts] w. Ghiazzerino, [ghiatse'rl'n] m. whim, fancy, humor. cuirass, habergeon. Ghiribizzoso, ighinbits's]arfj. Ghiazzeruola, [ghitse'r'l] f. whimsical, capricious. pinnace, bark. Ghirigoro, [ghirig'r] m. floum. rish (in writing). [ghibe'lli'n] Ghitellino, Ghibeline; adj. belonging to the Ghirlanda, [ghirln'd] f. garland. Ghibelines.

Ghiera, [ghi'r] /. ferrule, Ghirlandare, [ghfrlanda're'] v. Ghezzo, [ght's] adj. black, iron ring. a. to crown with a garland. swarthy; -, m. a kind of bastard Ghierabaldana, [ghie'rblda'- Ghirlandella, [ghirlndl'lj /". crow a species of fungus. small garland. nti] see Ghiaraldana. Ghiabaldana, [ghibld'n] /. Ghignantemente , [ghin'ante'- Ghiro, [ghi'r] m. dormouse. trifle, toy. Ghironda, [ghirn'daj /. hurdyme'n'te] adv. sneeringly. Ghiaccesco, [ghftshs'k] adj. Ghignare, [ghin"'r] v. n. to gurdy. glacial, frozen; cold. sneer, laugh in one's sleeve. Ghisa, [ghi's] f. unpurified Ghiacciaja, [ghitsha'y] /.ice- Ghignata, [ghin'a'tj /. burst cast iron.

house. Gi'a, [ji'aj for: Andava {see Anof laughter. Ghiacciare, [gh/tsh're'] v. a. Ghignatore, [ghin't'r] wi. dare). & n. to freeze; congeal. sneerer. Gi, [jt'] adv. formerly; alGhiacciato, [ghitsh't] m. a Ghignazzare, [ghfn'atsa're'] v. ready, now; certainly, truly. white and transparent spot in n. to burst with laughter. Giacche, [jikk'J conj. since, stones: adj. frozen, congealed. Ghignettino, [ghin'e'tti'n] Ghi- that. Ghiaccio, [ghia'tsh] m. ice; gnetto, [ghin't't] m. slight Giaccher, [jik'ke'r] /. wagfrost. gery; trick, (little used). smile, simper.



Giglio, [jiT] m. lily;fleur-de

[jtkki'rd] Jiacchiare , see Giannettata, [jtnne'tt't] f. Gracchiare. thrust with a pike. giacchio, [jik'k] ?. sweep- Giannetto,[jinne't't] m. genet. net; gettar - tondo, to spare Giannottone, [jinne'tt'ne'] m. notody. large pike, great spear. Bracere, [jttsli're'] v. n. irr. Giannizzero, [jtnni'tse'r] m. {giaccio, giaci, giace ; giacqui ; janissary. giaciuto) to lie down; be sit- Giansenista, [jinse'ni'st] n. uated. jansenist. Giacimento, [jttsliime'n't] m. Giara, [jt'r] /'.aknd of drinking glass. lying down. Griacinto, [jttsWn't] m.liya- Giarda, [jtr'd] f. spavin trick, cinth, adj. hyacinth color. quiz. Griacitojo, [jttshit'y] m. hed, Giardinato, [jirdin't] adj. conch, lair. abounding in gardens. [jiardine''ri] f. Giacitura, [jitshit'r] f. man- Giardineria, ner of lying down ; collocation the art of cultivating gardens. Giardinetto, [jtrdint'tj m. of words. Giaco, [ji'k] m. coat of mail, small garden. Giardiniera, [jtrdime'r] f. cuirass. herb-woman; gardener's wife. Giacomo, [jk'm] m. James. Giaculatoria, [jklt'ri] adj. Giardiniere, [jirdini're'] Giar ejaculatory. diniero, [jtrdini'r] m. gar Giallamina, [jillmi'na]/.ntn. dener. calamine. Giardino, [jirdi'n] wr. garden. Gialleggiante , [jfalle'djn't] Giardoni, [jtrd'ni] f. pi., spavand Giallastro , [jill'str] in. adj. yellowish. Giargone, fjtarg'ne'] m. a speGialleggiare, [jflldj're'] v.n cies of yellow diamond.



[jigt't] m. leg of (a French mode of ex-

pression used instead of cO'

Gilbo, [jiinao] adj. ash-colored. Gilia, [ji'lia] f. clayey soil. Girne, [ji'm] m. an odorous flower called jessamine of Peru. Gineprajo, [jine'pr'y] and Gi-

nepreto, [jine'pre"t] m. land planted with juniper trees. Ginepro, [jin'pr] m. juniper tree ; juniper berry. Ginestra, [jin'str] /". broom,

Ginestreto, [jine'stre"t] m. and Ginestreta, [jine'str't] f.




broomy (not much used). Gingillare, [jinjill'r] v.n. to build castles in the air. Gingillino, [jinjilli'n] m. a place-hunter. Gingillo, [jinjill] m. a kind of small pick-lock; a toy.
Gingillone, [jinjill'n] m. an

to incline to yellow.

Giattanza, [jittn'dsj/.boasting, brag,

Gianetto, [jillt't]o(//. yellowish.

Giattura, [jitt'ra]
[jille't'sa] /.



Ginnaremo, [jinnr'm] kind of grape.






ness, saffron-colour. Giava, [ji'v] f. store-room (of (elin. Gialliccio, [jilli'tsh] Glallia ship). gno, [jilliV] see Gialletto. Giavellotto, [jtve'll'tlwi.javGiallo, [jill] adj. yellow; Gibbo, [jib'b]n. protuberance; hump. pale. Giallogno, [jtll'n'] adj. yel Gibboso , [jibb's] Gibbuto, lowish; pale. [jibb't] adj. gibbous. Giallolino , [gillli'n] m. a Giberna, [jibr'n] /. cartridgekind of yellowish color of a box; pouch. drying naturo used by painters. Gbetto, [jibe't't] m. gibbet. Giallore, [j tall re'] and Gial Gichero, [jike''r] and Gicaro, lame, [jillm] m. yellowness; [jik'r] m. a kind of arum, paleness. lords and ladies. [jiker's] adj. Giallosanto, [gillsn't] adj Gicheroso, yellowish. abounding in lords and ladies. (ish. Gialloso, [jiall's] adj. yellow Gielo, [jt'l] m. frost; frosty

Ginnasiarca, [jinnsir'k] m. superintendent of gymnastic exercises, head of a gymnasium. Ginnasio, [jinn'si] m. gymnasium, academy. Ginnastica, [jinna'stika] /".gymnastics, pi.

Ginnastico, fjinna'stiko] adj. gymnastic. Ginnetto, [jinne't't] m. genet. Ginocchiello, [jinkki'l] m. hog's foot; part of the parapet of a battery. Ginocchio, [jin'ki] m. Ginocchia, pi. knee.

Ginocchione, [jinkki'ne'] Ginocchioni , [jinkki'nij adv.


[jtll'me'] m. the weather. upon one's knees. , quality of being yellow; a mal- Giga, [ji'ga] Ajig. Gi, [jt] int. go on! (to horses); ady common to silk-worms. Giganta, [jigan'ta] f. giantess. andar - -, to go. slowly. Gialluria, [jillu'ri] /". a yellow Giganiaccio, [jignt'tsh] m. Giocacchiare, [jikkkia're'] v. matter found in roses. huge giant. n. to play for small stakes. Giambare, [jimb're'] r. a. to Gigante, [jigan'te'] m. giant. Giocare, [jik're'] &c.,see Giuobanter, rally. Giganteggiare, [jignte'dj're'] care &e. Giambeggiare, [jimbe'dj'r] V. n. to play the giant, enact Giochetto, [jike't't] m. little V. a. to trick, deride. game. the great man. Giambo, [jtm'b] i. pros. Giganteo, [jignt'] adj. gi- Giochevole , [jtke"vle'] adj. iambic; dar ii -, to mock, laugh gantic. pleasant; merry.

Gigantescamente, [jignte'sk- Giochevolmente



Giammai, [jtmm'i] adv. nev

or; ever, sometimes.

adv. in a giantlike


Olammengola, [jimmeVgl] Gigantesco,

mere nothing

adv. pleasantly, in jest. Gioco, [ji'k] see Giuoco. see Giocoforza, [jtkfr'ts] /. nete']


Gigantessa,[jigante's's] /.gian- Giocolamento, [jiklame'n't] Giannetta, [jtnne't't] f. lance, tess. m. juggling. spear; cane. Gigliato, [jil''t] adj. lilied, Giocolare,[jtkl're^m.juggle^, Giannettario, [jtnne'tt'ri] buffoon; -, v. n. to juggle. sown with lilies. and Giannettiere, [jjnne'tti' Giglieto, [jil''t] tn. bed of Giocolarmente, [jtklrmen'lilies. re'] n. pikeman. t] adv. jocularly.

Gocolatore, juggler.



[jivn't] m. m. Giorgeria,[jirje'ri 'a]/', bravery. Giovanotto , Giorgio, [jir'ji] in. George; strong young man. Giocolatoriamente, [jiolcolato- fare ti -, to enact the bravo, Giovare, [jiov'r] v. a. to help, assist;-, V. .to be of use; take boast. riran't] adv. jocularly. Giocolino, [jikli'n] m. little Giornale, [jirnle'] adj. daily, pleasure in; a che giova? of what use? to what purpose? diurnal; - m. journal, diary; game; diversion. Giovatico, [jiv'tik] m. see Giocolo, [ji'kl]i. sport; jest. newspaper. Giocondamente, [jikndme'n'- Giornaletto , [jtrnle''t] m. Giogatico; dare a giovatico, to let out oxen on hire. small journal. te'] adv. joyfully, gaily. Giocondare, jjiknd're'] v. n. Giornaliere , [jirnli'r] m. Giovativo, [jtvti'v] adj. useful, salutary (little used). day-laborer, workman. to rejoice; r. to enjoy one's self. Giocoudevole, [jtknd'vl] Giornaliero, [jimli'r] adj. Giovatore, [jivt'r] m. Giovatrice, [jivtri'tsh] / .helpdaily. adj. pleasing, rejbicing (little Giornalista, [jirnli'st] m. er, aider. used). Giove, [jt've'] m. Jupiter. [jtknde't's] journalist. Giocondezza , Giocondit , [jikndit'] f. Giornalmente, [jtrnlme'n'te'] Gioved, [jtvdi']m. Thursday. Giovenca, [jivn'k] f. heifer. mirth ; satisfaction. adv. daily, every day. J*oy, iocondo, [jikn'd] adj. mer- Giornare, [jtrn'r] v. n. to Giovenco, [jive'n'k] m. bullock. Giovenezza, [jivnt's] see dwell in. ry, joyful. Giovanezza. Giocosamente, [jiksme'n'te'] Giornata , [jtrn't] f. day adv. jocosely, in jest. day's work; journey; alia -, Giovenile, [jive'ni'l] see Giovanile. Giocosit, [jiksi't] /. festiv- by the day, every day far -, ity. to come to battle; una bella -, Giovent, [jive'n't'J Gioventude, Gioventute, f youth. Giocoso, [jik's] adj. jocose, a fine day. mirthful. Giornea, [jtrn'] /. coat sol- Giovereccio, [jivr'tsh] adj. said of any thing young and Giocuccio, [jtk'tsh] m. little dier's cloak. sport, little diversion. Giorno, [jir'n] m. day; day- fresh. Gioculatore , [jiklat'r] m light; o-, at day-break; di -, Gioveto, [jiv't] m. a kind of juggler. by day di - in -, from day to grape. Giogaja, [jiga'y] f. dew-lap day; buon -, good day; good Giovevole, [jtve"vl] adj. use(ofoxen); chain, ridge (of moun morning; tutto il -, continual- ful; profitable. tains). ly; -di fovoro, workday; -ma- Giovevolezza, [jive'vle't's] f. utility, advantage. Giogaie, [jigle'] adj. belong- gro, - nero, fishday. ing to the yoke, conjugal. Giostra, [ji'str] /. joust,tilt; Giovevolmente, [jtve'vlme'n't] adv. usefully, advantageGiogtitico, [jigati'k] wi. sum trick. (gay. paid for the hire of oxen to Giostrante, [jistrn'te'] m. tilt- ously. ^ Gioviale, fjivi'le'] adj. jovial. plough land. er, combatant, champion. Giogliato, [jil''t] adj. mixed Giostrare, [jtstra'r] v. n. to Giovialit, Ljivilit'] /.jollity, joyfulness. with tares. joust, tilt; deceive. Gioglio, [jiT] wi.tare ; darnel. Giostratore, [jistrt'r] m. Giovincello, [jtvintsh'l] see Giovanetto. Giogo, [ji'g] m. yoke; slavery; tilter. summit. Giostrone, [jistr'ne'] and Gio- Giovine, [ji'vine'] &c., see GioGiogoso, [jig's] adj. moun- stroni , [jistr'ni] adv. used vane &c. tainous. in the phrase: andar -, to idle Giracapo, [jrk'p] m. dizzi,

Gioire, [jti're'] v. a. & n. to joy, rejoice; enjoy one's self, make merry; m. joy, satisfac-


aid, relief.

ness, vertigo. [jtvame'n't] m. Giracelo, [j^rko^] and Giragole , [jirg'l] m. the lotus

tion. Giovanaccio, [jtvn'tsh] m. Gioivo,[jti'v]adi .jovial, merry. wild young man. Gioja, [ji'ya] f. jewel; joy, Giovanaglia, [jivnT] /. a pleasure. crowd of young men. Giojante, [jiyn'te'] parl.pres., Giovanamente, [jtvnmeVte'] joyful, cheerful (little used). adv. youthfully. Giojellare, [jtyll'r] v. n. to Giovanastro, [jivn'str] wi. adorn with jewels. an ill-conditioned youth. Gioiellato , [jfye'll't] adj. Giovane, [ji'vn] adj. young, adorned with jewels. youthful -, m, & /. young man; Gioielliere, wi. [jiylli're'] young woman. jeweller. (gem. Giovaneggiare, [jivndj're'] Gioiello , [jiy'l] m. jewels, V. n. to enact the youth. Giojosamente, [jiyo'smu't] Giovanello , [jivan'lo] Gioadv. joyfully. vanesco, [jivne's'k] atfj very Giojosetto, [jiyat't] adj. young (little used).

Giraffa, [jirff]



Giramento, [jirmn't] m.turning round; dizziness.

Giramondo, [jirmn'd] m. a
vagabond. Girandola, [jirn'dl] f. chandelier; shift; maze. Girandolare, [jirndl'r]v. n. to revolve, muse. Girandolina, [jirandli'n] f,
small chandelier. Girandolino, [jirndli'n] m. weather-cock; fig. fickle person.

[jirn'te'] m. merch., Giovanetto, [jivne't't] adj. indorser. Giojoso, [jty's] adj. joyful, youthful ; -, m. young person. Girare, [jir're'] v. o. & n. to scamper Giovanezza , [jtvnet'sa] f. turn, wheel: rove Giolito, [ji'lit], reposo. youth ; spring of life. about; merch. to indorse.


somewhat merry.

Giomella,(jtm'l]/. twohand- Giovanile, [jtvni'le'] adj. ju- Girarrosto, [jirrr'stjm.turufuls.

Giordano, [jirda'n] river Jordan.


venile, young. spit. w. the Giovanilmente,[jvnilme'n'te'] Girasole, [jirs'le'] w. sun-flow adv. in a youthful manner. er; opal stone.

Viz. Ilal.-Ing,




[jiditshi'e] see , Giudizioso. Giudiziale, [jiditsi'le'] see Giudiciale. Giudizio, [jidi'tsi] m. court of justice, tribunal; judgment, opinion; uomo di -,m. man of sense. Giudiziosamente, [jtditsisame'n'te'] adv. judiciously.

Girata, [jir't] /.turning; turn; Ginbbilamento, [jibbilme'n'revolution; tnerc/i., circulation; t] m. joy, rejoicings. Giubbilare, [jibbil're'] &c., dar la -, to indorse, transfer. Giratario, [jirta'ri] m. merch., see Giubilare &c. Giubbileo, [jibbil'] m. jufirst indorsor. Girativo, [jirti'v] adj. and bilee. Giratorio, [jirt'ri] circular; Giubbiloso , [jibbil's] adj. overjoyed. successive. Giravolta, [jirvl't] f. turn- Giabboncello, [jinbbntsh'l] m. small doublet. ing, going round; winding. Giravoltare, [jirvlt'rj v. n. Giubbone, [jibb'ne'] tn. underwaistcoat, doublet. to turn round. Girazione, [jirtsi'ne'] f. gyra- Giubilare, [jibil're'] v. n. to rejoice. tion, turning round. Giubilatore, [jtbilt're'] m. Gire, [ji'r] v. n. poes., to go. Girella, [jir'l]/". small wheel; rojoicer, shoutcr. Giubilazione, [j'ibiltsi'ne'] /. pulley; woatliercocl<. Girellalo, [jirll'y] m. maker Giubilo, [ji'bll] Giubilio, [jibili'] m. rejoicing, feastof pulleys; haro-brained person.
Girelletta, [jirllt't] Girelliing.
[jik're'] &c.,see

Giudizioso, [jtditsi's] adj. judicious, prudent. Giuggiola, [ji'djl] /.jujube. Giuggiolino, [jidjli'n] adj. yellow-red colored. Giuggiolo, [ji'djl] m. jujubetree.

Giuggiolone, [jidjl'n] tn. a simpleton (vulgarism). Giugnere, [jt'n're'] v. a. irr.,

(giunsi; giunto) to arrive at; reach, overreach; join.

na, [jirlli'n] wheel.


very small Giucare,


care, &c.

Girello, [jirl] m. small circle; Giuccata, [jikk'ta] f. folly. Giucco , [jiuk'k] adj. foolish ring.


[jtun'ime'n't] m.

junction, union.

Girevole, [jir'vle'J adj. mov- silly. Giaccheria, [jtukke"ri] f. folly. able, changeable. Girevolmente, [jirvlme'n'te'] Giucchevole, [jtkkv'le] adj. adv. changeably. jovial. Girfalco, [jirfl'k] Girifalco, Giucolare, [jikla're'] see Gio[jirifrk] WJ. gerfalcon. colare. Girimeo, [jiri'm] m.merry-go- Giudaico, [jid'ik]ady. Jewish. m. [jiudis'm] round. Giudaismo ,

Giugno, [ji'n'] m. Juno. Giugnola, [ji'n'l] f. a kind of pear that ripens in Juno. Giugulare, [jigla'r] arfj. jugular.

Giulebbare, [jile'bb're'] v. a. to preserve fruit &c. in sirup as


ad] [jiritn'd] Giulebbato, [jtlbb't] adj. Giritondo , Judaism. round, circular, winding in a Giudaizzare, [jidids're'] v.n. preserved in sirup as julap. Giulebbe, [jiiil'bj Giulebbe, circle. to Judaize. adj. [jil'b] tn. julap. [jide'e"sk] Giro, [ji'r] m. turn, rotation Giudeesco, Giulecco, fjil'k] tn. galleycircumference; revolution; per belonging to a Jew. -, round about. Giudeo, [ji'de'] m. a Jew; adj. slave's dress. Giuliana, [jili'n] /. gilliflowGironajo, [jirn'y] m. a ram- Jewish.


Gindicamento, [jidikme'n't]


Giuliano, [jili'n] adj. said of Girone, [jir'n] w. great cir- m. judgment, opinion. cuit, great compass andar a Giudicare, [jidik'r] v. a. to a period of three years. Giulio, [jili'] see Giulivo. to ramble about. judge, decide think. Gironzare, [jirnts're'] v. n. to Giudicativo, [jtdikti'v] adj Giulivamente, [jtlivmn't] ramble about. adv. gladly, cheerfully. judiciary. Girovago, [jir'vg] arfj.roving, Giudicato, [jidika't] m. judi- Giulivetto, [jilive't't] adj. pretrambling. cature; judgment; jurisdiction ty joyfuL Girumetta, [jirme't't] f. a of a judge. Giulivit, [jilivit'] /. gayety, pleasant ditty. Giudicatore, [jtdikt're'] tw. jollity. Gita, [ji't] /. journey, excur Giulivo, [jtuli'v] adj. joyous, judge, decider. Sion ; turn; far -, to take exer- Giudicatorio,[jidikt'ri]ac/j. jolly.


judicial, judiciary.

Giullare, [jillre']



Gittajone, [jitty'ne'] m. bot., coriander. Gittare, [jitt'r] Ac, see Gettare &c. Gitto, [jit'to] m. throw; spout; mortar; o -, precisely. Gittone, [jitt'ne'J m. coriander-

merry-andrew. Giumella, [jim'l] f. contents the office of a judge. Giudicazione, [jtdikatsi'ne'] of both hands joined, pi. Giamenta, [jmme'n'ta] f. mare. f. judgment, sentence. Giudice, [jiu'ditsh] m. judge, Giumento, [jime'n't] tn. beast of burden; cart-horse. umpire, magistrate. Giudiciale, [jmditshtal] adj. Giuncaja, [jink'ya] /. placo
Giudicatura, [jidikat'r]
full of reeds.

Gi, [ji'] adv. down, below. [jiditshilGiudicialmente, Giubba, [j tb'b] m.under-waist- me'n'te'] adv. judicially. coat, doublet; mane. Giudiciaria, [jtditshi'ri] f. Giubbato, [jibba't] adj. fur- jurisdiction of a judge. nished with a mane. Giadiciario, [jtditshi'ri]a(/j. GiubbereUo, [jtubbe'r'l] m. judiciary, judicial. under-waistcoat. Gindicio, [jidi'tshi] i. triGinbbette, [jtubbe't'te] f. pL, bunal judgment. gibbet, gallows, pi. Giudiciosamente, [jiditshtGiubbetto, [jtbbe't't] w. un- emn'tj adv. with judgment, dorwaistcoat, doublet; gibbet, sensibly.

Giuncare, [jtnk'rc'] v. a. to strew with rushes. Giuncata, [jt'nk'ta] /. creamcheese, new made cheese (so called because kept betwen





Giuncaja. Giunchiglia, [jiunldTa] Giunchiglie, [jnkiT]



Giunco, [jin'k] m. rush, bul- Giur,


upright; exact, precise; equal; m. justice, equity; -, ar/v. justly
exactly, precisely. Glaciale, [gltsh'le'] adj. glacial, icy.


m. jury.


Giuncoso, [jink's] adj. said mn'te'] of a place abounding in rushes. gally. Giungere, [jiun'jr] see Giu- Giuridico, [jiuri'dik]
dical, legal.

[jtridikadv. juridically, leadj. juri-

Gladiatore, [gldit'r] m. gla-

Giungimento, [jfnjime'n't] see Giurdizione,[jiridItsi'nJsee diator. Gladiatorio, [gldit'rij adj. Giurisdizione. Giugnimento. [jin'sditsibelonging to a gladiator. Giuniore, [jini'r] m. the Giurisdizionale na le'] adj. of the jurisdiction. Gladio, [gla'di] m. poes. sword. younger of two. Ginnipero, [jini'pe'r] m. juni- Giurisdizione, [jirisditsi'n] Glandola, [gln'dla] Gianduia, [gln'dl] /. gland, kernel. per-bush (poes.). f. jurisdiction. Giunta, [jtun't] f. arrival Giurisperito,[j irspe'ri't] Gi- Glanduletta, [glndlt'ta] /.

glandule. overplus, overweight, increase; risprudente, [jirisprdn'te] Glanduloso, [glndl'sj adj. meeting; di -, into the bargain; m. counsellor, lawyer. a prima -, at first, at tho be- Giurista, [jiri'staj m. jurist, glandulous. civilian. Glasto, [gl'st] Glastro, [gl'ginning. str] 1. woad. Giuntamente , [jtntmn't] Giuro, [jJ'r] m. oath. Gius, [jis'j m. right, justice. Glauco, [gltt'k] adj. sea-green; adv. conjointly. Giuntare, [jint're'] v. a. to Giusdicente, [jisditshe'n'te'] m. cerulean. a judge. Glave, [gl've'] m. sword-fish. overreach; deceive. Giuntatore , [jintt'r] m. Giuso, [ji's] adv down, on the Gleba, [gl'b] /. glebe, sod; ground (poes.). Glebe, pi. fields, pi. cheat, swindler. Giunteria, [jinte'ri'] f. m., Giusquiamo, [jiskui'm] m. Gli, [l'i] art. tho; -, pron. to bot., hon-bano. him, to them ; they, them -, fraud, swindling. Giuntura, [jtnt'r] /'.juncture; Giusta, [ji'sta] prep. according adv. there. to, conformably to. Glieirrizza, [glitshirri'dsa] /, articulation. Giuocacchiare, [jikkki'r] v. Giustacore,[jf stak'r] m. bod- liquorice. ice, waistcoat. n. to play for a trifle. Glifo, [gli'f] m. a kind of orGiuocaccio, [jik'tsh] m. bad Giustacorpo, [jtstkr'p] m. namental groove used in arcorslet. chitecture. game. [jistmn'te] Glohettino, [glbe'tti'n] GloGiuocare, [jtk're'] v. a. to Giustamente , adv. justly, rightly; precisely. play, sport, jest. betto, [glbt't] m. globule; Giuocatore, [jikt'rj m. Giustezza, [jistet's] f. just- drop. ness; exactness. gamester, player. Globo, [gl'b] wi. globe, sphere; Giuoco, [jt'k] m. game, play, Giustificabile, [jistifik'bile] ball. sport; jest, diversion; manner; adj. justifiable. Globosit, [globosit'] Globosia -, jokingly, in jest; - della Giustificante , [jistifikn'te'] tade, Globositate, /. globosity, adj. justifying, justificative. sphericalness. cieca, blindman's buff. Giuocolare , [jikl'r] adj. Giustificanza, jistifikn'ts] Globoso, [glb's] adj. globu/[.proof, testimony (little used). jocular, waggish. lar, spherical. Giuocolare, [jikl're'j v. n. to Giustificare, [jistifik'r] v. a. Globulento, [glbln't] adj. to justify; clear. Giustificarfrolic, play antics. having the form of a globe. 61obulenza,[glble'n'tsa] /. the Giuocolatore, [jtklt'rj m. si, V. r. to justify one's self. juggler. taking the form of a globe. (plot. Giustificatamente, [jiustifikaGiura, [ji'r] f. conspiracy, tme'n'te'] adv. in a justifying Globulo, [glb'l] m. a gloGiuracchiamento, bule. [jirkki- manner, rightly. Giustificativo, [jiustifikti'v] Gloria, [gl'ri] /. glory; fame, me'n't] m. false oath. Giuracchiaro, [jirkki'r] v. adj. justificative. renown; praise; farsi - d'una Giustificato, [jistifik't] adj. cosa to boast of a thing. n. to swear falsely. Giuramento, [jirme'n't] m. justified, excused. Gloriare, [glri're'] v. a. to oath; dar il -,to administer an Giustificatore, [jistifikt'r] praise, magnify; GLORiAuai, v. wi. justifier; defender. oath. r. to boast, take pride in; grow Giurare, [jir're] w. a. and w. Giustificatorio , [jtustifikt'- proud. ri] adj. justifying, serving to Gloriazione, [glritsi'n] /. to swear; affiance, betroth. Giuratamente, [jtrtmn't] justify. ostentation, pride (little used). odo. with tho affirmation of an Giustificazione, [jistifiktsi'- Glorificamento, [glrifikmn'n] f. justification, vindication; t] m. praising, glorification. oath (little used). Giurato, [jirat] m. juror, acquittal. Glorificare, [grifik'r] v. o. jury-man; conspirator. Giustizia, [jisti'tsi'] /.justice, to glorify, praise. Giuratore, fjtrt'r] m. swear- equity ; reason ; execution; gal- Glorificatore , [glrifikt'r] lows chiamar in-, to sue at m. glorifier. er; bJasphemer. Giuratorio, [jirat'ri] adj. ju- law. Glorificazione, [glrifiktsi'ratory, sworn. Giustiziare, [jistitsi'r] i-.a. ne'] f. glorification. Giurazione, [jtrtsi'ne'] f. see to execute, put to death. Gloriosamente, [glrisme'nGiuramento. Giustizierato, fjtstitsie'r't] t] adv. gloriously. Giure, [jiu'r] m. law, juris- m. jurisdiction. Gloriosetto, [glrise't't] adj. prudence; in -, according to Giustiziere, [jistltsi're'] Giu- rather vain, conceited. law. stiziere, [jistitsi'r] m. exe- Glorioso, [glri's] adj. gloriGiureconsulto, [jtre'knsl't] cutioner. ous, illustrious self- conceited, m. jurisconsult, civilian. Giusto, [jtu'st] ad;', just, right; haughty.

Glorinzza, [glri'ts] renown.

slight Goccioletta



de, Golostate, gluttony [gtshle't't] f. f. , droplet; a little. longing, lust. Goloso, [gl's] adj. gluttonous; filosa, [gl's] /. gloss, com- Gocciolo, [g'tshl] m. drop small quantity. ment. covetous. Glosare, [gls're'] v. a. to gloss, Gocciolone , [gtshl'n] m. Golpato, [glpa't] ac^j. mildewed, blighted. large drop ninny. comment. Glosatore, [glst'r] m. glos- Goccioloso, [gtshl's] adj. Golpe, [gl'pe'] f. mildew, blast; ;

ing ; fox. dropping. ser, commentator. Glossario, [glss'ri] in. glos- Godente, [gdn'te'] adj.; frati Golpone, [glp'n] m. cunning godenti, military monks insti- fox. sary. Gombina, [gmbi'na] f. thong Glossografia, [glssgrfi'] f. tuted by Pope Urban IV. Godere, [gde"re'] o. a. & n. to of the flail (little used). glossography. Glossografo, [glss'grf] m. rejoice, enjoy; be delighted; Gomena, [g'mn] /. mar., possess; enjoy cable. commentator. Gomitata, [gmit't] /. blow Gluma, [gl'm] f. small cell one's self. or hnsk enclosing some kinds Godereccio, [gde're"tsh] Go- with the elbow. (lime. devole, [gd'vle'] adj. giving Gomito , [g'mit] m. elbow, of corn. cubit; angle, corner; arm. pleasure. Glutine, [gl'tin] f. glne, birdGlutinosit, [glutinosit'] f. tlie Godevole, [gde'v'l] and Go- Gomitolare, [gmitl're'] . a. dibile, [godibile] adj. enjoyto reel. quality of being glutinous. Gomitolo, [gmi'tl] m. clew Glutinoso, [gltin's] ad}, glu- able, delightful. Godevolmente, [gde'vlrae'n'te'] of thread ; snow-ball ; swarm tinous, viscous. of bees. Gnaffe! [n'ff'] int. by my troth! ofifu. with joy. Godimento, [gdime'n't] m. en- Gomitone, [gmit'ne'] Gomito(vulgarism). ni, [gmit'ni] adv. leaning on Gnatone, [n't'ne'J m. parasite, joyment, pleasure. Godioso, [gdi's] adj. joyful, the elbows. spunger. Gomma, [gm'm] f. gum. Gnau, [n''u] m. mewing (of a lively. Goditore, [gdit're'] m. jovial Gommarabica, [gmmr'bik] cat).










enjoyment, Gommifero, [gmmi'fe'r] adj. producing gum; gummy. Gnaulio, [n'uli] m. continual pleasure; banqueting. Goezia, [ge''tsia] f. a species Gommoso, [gmm's] adj. gummewing. Gnocco, [n''k] m. dumpling; of magic ; invocation of evil mous, gummy. spirits. Gomena, [g'mn] see Goblockhead. Gnome, [gno'me'] m. gnome, Goffaggine, [go ffa'dj ine'] see Gof- mena. feria. Gondola, [gn'dla] f. gondola. adage. Gnomi, [gn'mi] m. jil. gnomes, Goffamente, [gfFme'n't] adv. 6ondoletta,[gndlet'tJ/".small gondola. awkwardly. genii, pi. Gnomone, [gnm'ne'] m. index, Goffeggiare, [gffe'dj're'] v. n. Gondoliere , [gndli're'] ni. gondolier, boatman. to act foolishly. hand (of a sundial). Goffezza, Gonfalonata, [gnfln't] f. Gnorri',' [n''ri] far lo -, to feign Goflferia, [gife'ri'] [gfife't's] awkwardness a crowd following a flag (little ignorance. f. used). clownishness; stupidity; blun Gnucca, [n'k'k] /. the skull. Gonfalone,[g(5nfl'ne'] m. standGobba, [go b] f. hump ; promi- der. Goffi, [goffi] m. a game at cards ard, flag. nence. Gonfalonierato, [gnflnie'r'Gobbino, [gbbi'n] adj. said of resembling primiera. money clipped, tampered with. Goffo, [g'f] adj. awkward, t] m. rank of ensign. Gobbo, [g'b]adj. hunchbacked, stupid, dull; -, m. stupid fel Gonfaloniere , [gnflm''re'] Gonfaloniero , [gnflni'rj gibbous ; - , w. hunchback, low. Goffone , [gff'ne'] m. great m. ensign, standard-bearer, humpback. chief magistrate. Gobbuzzo, [gbbu'ts] adj. a blockhead. Goffotto, [gflf't] adj. a little Gonfia, [gn'fia] m. glass-blowlittle hunchbacked. er. Goccia, [g'tsh] f. drop a - awkward. Gogna, [gV] f. iron-collar Gonfiaggine, [gnfi'djine'] Gona -, drop by drop.


Goduta, [gd't]



m. the act of dropping. Gocciare, [gtsh're'] v. a. to drop; -, V. n. to fall in drops Gocciola, [g'tshl] f. drop,
droplet; gutter; crack. Gocciolarne, [gtshl'rae'] m. ornaments in the form of drops. Gocciolamento, [gtshlmn't] m. dropping; distillation. Gocciolare, [gtshl're'] v. a. & n. to drop, pour in drops. Gocciolatojo, [gtshlat'y] wt. gutter, drain; aqueduct. Gocciolatura, [gtshlt'r] f. bolo made by drops.

fiagione, [gnfij'nj f. Gonchains, pi. prison. Gola, [g'l] f. throat; gluttony; fiamento , [gnfime'n't] m. swelling; pride. desire, appetite, concupiscence; conduit,'pipe; mouth, entrance; Gonfiagote. [gonfi g'te"] m. a mi fa -, it makes my mouth proud upstart; balloon. water; mentire per la-, to lie Gonfiamento, [gnfime'n't] m. the actof swelling;pride,haughin the throat. Golaccia, [gl'tsha] f. large tiness. Gonfiare, [gnfi're'] v. a. to throat; great glutton. Gole, [go 'le'] f. pi., defiles, gor- swell, puff up ; -, v. n. to grow

proud. ges. Goletta, [gle't't] f. collar, Gonfiatamente, [gnfitme'n'cape; mor. schooner. te'] adv. pompously, proudly. Golfo, [gl'f] m. gulf, bay. Gonfiato, [gnfi't] m. tumor;




adv. with voracity. Golosit, [golosit']

Gonfiatoio, [gnfit'y] tn. syGolosit* ringe; squirt (instrument).

. ,

; ,



m. Gorgieretta, [grjie're'tt] f. small ruff, tucker. Gonfiatura, [gafit'r]/'.swell- Gorgo, [gr'g] m. gorge, whirlpool, gulf, abyss. ing haughtiness flattery. Gonflavesciche, [gnfiveshi'- Gorgogliamento [grgl'me'n't] m. gargling. ke'] wi. & /". a hahhler, blah. Gonfietto, [gnfit't] m. small Gorgogliare, [grgl''re'] v. n. get to gargle , bubble up swelling; little conceit. Gonfiezza, [gnfie't's] /".Gonfio, wormy. Gorgogliato, [grgl''t] adj. [gn'fi] m. swelling; pride.
; ; ;


see Gozzoviglia.

Gozzuto, [gts't] adj. having a wen. Gracchia, [grk'ki] /".jackdaw;


Gracchiamento, [grkkime'n't] and Gracchio [grkki] m.

Gonfio, [gn'fi] adj. swelled; vain, proud; m. swelling tumor. Gonfione, [gnfi'n] m. a puffy fat person. Gonfiotto, [gnfi't] m. swim-


Gonga, f gn'g] Gongola, [gn'gl]


sore throat.

Gongola, [gng'l]
of shell-fish.

a species

Gongolare, [gngl're'] v. n, to leap for joy, jump. Gongolo, [gng'l] wi. merriGorgozza, [grg'ts] /.throat; noisy, chatty. ment. Gracile, [gr'tshile*] adj. slenGongone, [gng'ne'] m. swell- gullet. ing in the cheek from tooth- Gorgozzare, [grgts're'] v. a. der, slight, thin. Gracilit, [grtshilit'] Graciache &c. to gargle. Gongro, [gn'gr] m. conger- Gorgozzule, [grgts'le'] m. litade, Gracilitate, f. slenderness, leanness; delicacy. eel. throat; esophagus.

croaking; prattle. Gracchiare, [grkki'r] v. n. to croak; prate. worm-eaten. Gorgoglio, [grgl'i'] m. gar- Gracchiatore , [grkkit'r] Gracchione, [grkki'n] m. gling, purling. Gorgoglione, [grgl''ne'] ni. babbler. Gracculo, [grk'kl] m. jackweevil, mite. Gorgone [gr'gne'] or Gorgone, daw. [grg'ne'] ni. Medusa, Gorgon, Gracidare, [grtshid're'] v. a. to croak, cluck. shield of Minerva. Gorgoneo, [grg'ne'o] adj. be- Gracidatore, [grtshidat'rj m. prater, slanderer. longing to the Gorgon cruel Gracidazione, [grtshidtsi'* fierce. Gorgorano, [grgr'n] m. n] /. croaking; chattering. grogram (stuff), Graoidoso, [gratshid's] ad).

Gonna, [gn'n] Gonnellaj [gn- Gema, [gr'n]

petticoat. Gonnelletta, [gnnlle't'ta] Gonnellina, [gnnlli'n] f. short petticoat. Gonnellino, [gnne'lli'n] m. child's jacket, tunic.




Gonnellone, [gnne'll'ne'] m. long petticoat, robe. Gonorrea, [gnrr'] f. gonorrhea.

Gonzo, [gn'ts]

adj. clownish,

foolish; -, m. clown, stupid fellow. Gora, [g'r] f. conduit; mill-

Gota, [g't] f. cheek. Gotaccia, [gt'tsh] /". ugly cheek. Gotata, [gt't] f. slap, cuff. Gotellina, [gte'lli'na] /. small delicate cheek. Gotico, [gti'k] adj. gothic. Gotta, [gt't] f. gout (disease); drop. bowl. Gotto, [g't] m. goblet, cup, Gottoso, [gtt's] adj. gouty. Gotazza, [gt'ts] see Gotel

Graoimolamento, [grtshimlme'n't] and Gracimolo, [grtshim'l] grapes.




Gradatamente, [grdtme'n't] adv. gradually, by degrees.

Gradazione, [grdtsi'ne'J
gradation. Gradella, [grd'l] basket, hurdle.
/. /.





agreeable, acceptable.

Governamento, [gve'rnme'n'

Gradevolmente, [grde'vlme'n't] adv. with pleasure. Gradimento, [grdime'n't] m.

approbation; acceptance; kindness.

to] m. government; conduct. Gorajo, [gr'y] m. mill-pool. Governare, [gve'rn'r] v. a. to Gorbia, [gr'bi] f. ferrule; govern, manage, steer; take point (of an arrow). care of; season; manure, culGorello,[gr'l] m. small water- tivate. pipe. Governatore) [gvrnt're'] m. Gorga, [gr'g] f. gullet, throat. governor. Gorgagliata, [grgri't] f. Governatrice,[gve*rntri'tshe'] chattering, idle talk. f. governess. Gorgata, [grg't] /". a draught Govemazione, [gve'rntsi'ne'] of any liquid; the quantity of f. government. liquid that can be imbibed Governetto, [gve'rne't't] m. without drawing breath. government of a small town. Gorgheggiamento, [grghe'dj- Governo, [gvr'n] m. governme'n't] m. trilling, quaver. ment; conduct; (ioc.)hand-gearGorgheggiare, [grghe'dj're'] v. ing; sbarra di -, f. hand-gearn. to trill, quaver. rod, reserving-lever. Gorgheggiatore, [grghe'djt'- Gozzaja, [gts'y] f. gathering re'] m. triller, warbler. (in the throat); wen. Gorgheggio, [grghe"dj] m. the Gozzo, [g'ts] m. bird's crop






Gradinare, [grdin'r] work with a chisel in marble. Gradinata, [grdin't] f. flight
of steps.

Gradinatura, [grdint'r] f. the act and effect of working with a chisel; the marks left

by the chisel in stone or marble. Gradino, [grdi'n] m. step (of

a staircase). Gradire, [gridi're]
v. a. to ac, v. n. to


of; -

act of trilling. wen; cruet. Gorghetto, [grghe't't] m. wa- Gozzoviglia, [gtsviT] /.mer- Grado, [gr'd] m. degree, step; ter-current, little stream. rimaking. rank, dignity; will, pleasure; Gorgia, [gr'j] /, gullet; speak- Gozzovigliare, [gtsvir'r] v favor; di -, willingly; vi sapr ing gutterally. n. to merrimake, revel. - , I shall be obliged to you Borgiera, [grji'r] /". ruff, Gozzovigliata, [gtsviri't] quando vi sar a - , when you f. gorget. feasting, revelry. please.

please ; satisfy; ascend by steps. Gradito, [grdi't] adj. welcome, agreeable. Gradivamente, [grdivmn'tj see Gratuitamente.




Graduale, [grd'l] adj. grad- Grammatista^ [grmmti'st] craw-fish ; cramp ; bliander ; m. professor of grammar with- (astr.) cancer. ual. GrancWolino, [grnkili'n] m, Gradualmente, [grddlmn't] out merit. Grammatistica, [grmmtisti'- small craw-fish, shrimp. adi', gradually, by degrees. Graduare, [grda'r] v. a. to ka] f. the art of reading and Grancia, [gran'tshia] /. ulcer in the mouth ; farm-house. writing well. graduate. Graduatamente [gradtdme'n'- Gramo, [gr'm] adj. wretched, Grancio, [gran'tsho] see Grante']

adv. by degrees.

sad; deplorable; hurtful, per-


Graduato, [gradui't] adj. grad- nicious. uated; having taken degrees. Gramola, [gr'ml] f. hempGraduatoria, [grdt'ri] f. brake; (bak.) trough. and adj. judgment prayed for Gramolare, [grral're'] v. a. declaring the priority of credi- to bruise flax; knead. tors. Gramolata, [grml't] f. a Graduazione, [grdutsi'ne'] f. kind of water-ice. gradation, promotion to a high- Gramolatura, [grmlat'r] f. er office. the operation of bruising flax. Graduire, [gradui're'] v. a. to Gramola, [gram'pa] cl aw, talon. ennoble (little used). Gramuffa, [grmuf'f] f. cant, Graffiamento, [graffiame'n't] jargon. Gramuffastronzolo, [gnimiWam. scratching, scratch. ni. Graffiare, [grffi'r] v. a. to strnts'lj a pedantic scratch, claw. (hypocrite. grammarian. Graffiasanti, [grffisn'ti] w. Gran, [gran] for Grande. Graffiatura, [gralFit'r] f. Gran, [gran] m. grain, corn. scratch; slight tear. Grana, [gr'n] f. cochineal; Graffio, [grffio] m. scratch, rough superficies. hook. Granadiglia , [grandil'a] f.

Granciporro, [grantshp'r] m.
grample;pig'/iar un -, to make a blunder. Grancire, [grantshi're] v. a. to catch, snatch, seize. Grancitello, [grntshife'1'l] m. a small ulcer in birdis" mouths.

Grandato,[grnd't]w. nity of a grandee of Spai



Grande, [gran'de] adj. gr high, sublime noble priu


pal;-, adv. greatly, extreme])


m. nobleman, lord. Grandeggiare, [grnde'dj'r]

V. n. to lord it.

Grandemente ,


adv. greatly, extremely.


Grafico, [gra'fik] adj. graphic.

Gragnola, Gragnuola, [grn''la]



Gragnolata, [gr'n'lta] f. a kind of water-ice; a species of


Gramaglia,[grani'r] /'.mourning (clothes). Gramaglioso, [gramdr's] adj. dressed in mourning. Gramare, [grama're] v. a to afflict, vex (little used).
[grdme't's] f sadness, affliction, pain. Gramigna, [grami'n'] /". dog's grass.


Gramigne, [grmi'n'] m, sort

of olive-tree adj. abounding in dog's grass. Gramignoso, [gramin''s] adj. full of dog's grass. Gramma, [grm'm] tn. a small

metricalmeasure,the24th, part
of an ounce. Grammatica, [gramm'tik] grammar.
adj. grammatical.

Grammaticale, [grmmtik'l]

Grammaticalmente, [grammtiklme'n'te'] and Grammaticamente , [grmmtikarae'n'te']

adv. grammatically. Grammatico, [gramm'tik] m.

grammarian. Grammaticastro, [grmmatikastr] m. a bad grammar.




grammar, pedantry. Grammatichevole, [grmmatike'v'le'] adj.

Grandezza,[grnde't's]/". greatness, largeness, bigness blue passion-flower. subGranaglia, [grnal'] f. fusion limity; enormity. and preparation of gold or silver Grandiccione, [grnditshi'ne] in very minute grains for adj. rather tall. Grandicciuolo, [grnditsh'l] bends &c. Granagliare, [granal'a're'] v. a. Grandicello , [grndish'l] see Grandetto. to fuse minute particles of gold Grandigia, [grndi'ji] /".pride, or silver. Granajo, [grn'y] adj. of haughtiness. Grandiglia, [grandil'a] /. an corn; m. granary. Granajolo, Granajuolo, [gr- ancient Spanish collar. nay'l] m. corn-merchant. Grandiloquenza[grandilque'n'Granare, [grn're'j v. n. to run ts] /. grandiloquence. Grandinare, [grndin're] v. to seed, produce seed. Granata, [grn't] f. broom; imp., to hail. grenade. Grandinata, [grndina't] /. Granatajo, [granat'y] m. a shower of hail, hail-storm. maker of brooms. Grandinato, [grndina't] adj. Granatata , [grant'ta] /. a hail-struck. blow with a broom. Grandine, [grn'din] /. hail; Granatiere, [grntie"re'] m. a storm; tumor in the interior of the eye-lid. grenadier. Granatiglia, [grinatira] f. fine Grandinoso, [grndin's] adj wood used for veneering or in- bailing, tempestuous. laying. Grandioot , [grandiosit'] /. Granatino, [granatino] w. an sumptuousness; magnificence. Indian tree producing hard Grandioso, [grndi's] adj. wood for veneering &c; small sumptuous, magnificent, pombroom; little grenade. pous. Granato, [grna't] m. garnet Grandone, [grnd'ne']af//. very pomegranate, adj. hard, strong. great, very large. Granatuzza, [grntu'ts] /. Grandore, [grnd're'] m. Granlittle broom; small grenade. dizia, [grndi'tsi] /".see GranGranbestia, [granb'sti] f. elk. dezza. Grancancelliere, [grnkantsh- Grandetto, [grnd't] adj. ralie''re') m. lord high chancellor. ther large. (duke. Grancella, [grankel'la] f. a kind Granduca, [grnd'ka]nj. grandof sea cray-fish. Granducale, [grndka'I] adj. Grancevola, [grantsh'vla] /". belonging to a grand-duke.
; ;

lobster. Granducato, [grndk't] m, grammatical. Granchiessa, [grankie's'sa] /". grand-duchy. Grammaticuccia [grmmtik'- she cray-fish. Granduchessa, [grndke's'sd] tsha] f. bad grammar. Granchio, [gran'ki] m. crab, /. grand-duchess.




a pip, Grassetto, [grsse't't] adj. pret- Grattonata, [grttna't] f. the crumbs of any thing grated; ty fat. Granellare, [grnll're'] v. a. Grassezza, [grsse't's[/'.fatness, the act of grating. Grattugia, [grtt'ja] f. grater, plumpness. to prepare mutton kidneys for Grasso, fgrs's] adj. fat, grea- rasp. cooking. Granelleria , [grne'll'ri] /". sy ; plump rich stupid; riso -, Grattugiare, [grttuj're'] v.a. m. burst of laughter -, n. fat; to grate, rasp. trifle, nonsense (little used). Granelletto, [grnllt't] Gra- abundance; egli sta sul -, he is Grattugiatore , [grttjt'r] m. one who grates. wealthy. nellino, [grnlli'n] m. small Grassoccio, [grss'tsh] adj. Grattugina,[grttji'n]/".small grain. grater; file. Granello, [grn'l] m. grain, pretty fat.

[gran lla]


kernel; stone. Granelloso, [grne'U's] adj. (dian corn. granulous. Granfarro, [granfr'r] m. InCranfia, [gran'fi] f. a claAv. dlrangiallo , [granjial'lo] m. a double yellow ranunculus. Granigione, [grnij'n] /".Granimento , [grnimn't] m.

Grassone, [grass'ne']
fat, corpulent.

[grti're'] v. a. to gratify, benefit, (little used). Grassottino, [grsstti'n] adj. Gratuitamente, [grtitme'u'adj.
te'] adv. gratuitously. rather fat. Grassotto, [grsst't] see Gras- Gratuito, [grt'it] adj. gratuitous, voluntary. soccio. Grassottone, [grsstt'ne'j adj. Gratulare, [grtla're'] r.a. and. r. to congratulate, wish joy. excessively fat. Grassume, [grss'me'] m. fat Gratulatorio. [grtlat'ri]a(fJ. congratulatory. suhstance, tallow, manure. Gratulazione, [grtltsi'ne'J Grata, [gr't] see Graticola. Gratamente, [grtame'n'te'J adv. f. congratulation. Gravaccio, [grv'tsh] adj. very gratefully, graciously. Gratella, [grt'l] /". small heavy, dull. Gravacciuolo,[grvtsh'l]ar//. grato fish-basket. Graticcia, [grti'tsh] /". how- somewhat heavy, (little used). Gravame, [grv'me'J m. weight, net. Graticciata, [grtish't]/'. Gra- burden. ticcio, [grti'tsh] m. hurdle; Gravamento, [grvme'n't] m. weight ; charge lattice. grievance Graticcinola, [grtitsh'l] /. seizure. Gravare [grv're] charge, small hurdle. Graticola, [grtiTcl] f. gridi- burden; vex, wring; -,v. n. to weigh heavy. ron, grate. [grvati'v]^ adj. Graticolare, [grtikl're'] v.a. Gravati vo , 1." heavy; grievous. to graticulate. Graticolato, [grtikl't] adj. Gravato, [grav't] adj. sad, afflicted, charged. latticed. Graticoletta, [grtikle't'tj f, Grave, [gr've'Jac/j grave, heav}', strong;-, m. gravity, weight. small grate.

very Gratuire,

running to seed.
Granire, [grni're'] v.n. to seed,

run to seed.
Granite, [grni't] adj. grainy; hard; -, m. granite (stone). Granitojo, [grant'y] m. a small chisel used by gold smiths. Granitura, [granitiVra] f. going to seed; milling (of coin). Granmaestro , [grnm'str] m. grand master. Grano, [gr'n] m. grain, corn;

wheat; trifle. Granocchiella, [grnkkie'l'l] f. a kind of frog that leaps on the leaves of trees. Granoso, [grn's] adj. grainy,
full of seeds.

Grappare, [grapp're']


a. to

grapple, catch. 6r appella,, [grappri]/". a kind Gratificare, [grtifika're'] v. a. Gravedine,[grav'dine'] f. heaviof grape. to gratify,oblige, favor, benefit, ness in the head, defluxion. Gravemente, [grve'me'n't] adv. Grappo, [grp'p] m. grappling, bestow. catching (little used). Gratificazione, [grtifiktsi'- heavily; grievously. Gravetto, [grvt't] adj. someGrappoletto, [grpple''tt] ne'] f. gratification; service. Grappolino, [grppli'n] m. Gratis, [gr'tis] adv. gratis, what heavy. Gravezza, [grve't's] f. heavismall cluster, little bunch of gratuitously. grapes. Gratitudine , [grtt'dine'] f. ness; weight; gravity; trouble, vexation. Grappolo, [grap'pl] m. bunch gratitude, thankfulness. of grapes ninny, dolt. Grato, [gr't] adj. grateful; Gravicciuolo, [grvtsh'l] adj. Grapposa, [grpp's] f. a kind pleasing, welcome; -, m. will, somewhat heavy. of white grape. Gravicornuto, [grvikrn't] desire; pleasure. Grasceta, [grtsche"t] f. a place Grattabugia , [grttb'j] f. adj. having large heavy horns. for feeding pigs and other ani- brush used by goldsmiths for Gravidamente, [grvidmen't] mals in the spring. m. Gravidanza, [gravidan'ds] polishing metals. Grascia, [gr'sh] (. provisions, Grattacapo, [grattk'p] m. Gravidezza, [grvidt'sa] f. victuals, pi. ; gain. gravidity; pregnancy. itching of the head, care. Grascino , [grshi'n] m. com- Grattamento, [grattme'n't] m. Gravido, [gr'vid] adj. laden; missary of provisions. scratching, scraping. full; pregnant. Graspo, [gra sp] m. grape-stalk. Grattare, [grtta're'] v. a. to Gravina, [grvi'n] f. an instruGrassaccio , [grssa'tsh] adj. scratch, scrape, rub; - gli orec- ment serving the double purvery fat. chi, to flatter. pose of a hoe and pick-axe. Grassamente, [grssme'n't] Grattata, [grtt't] f. the act Gravisonante, [grvisnn't] adv. with fatness; largely. of scratching. adj. loud sounding. Grassatore, [grsst'r] i. Grattaticelo, [grttti'tsh] m. Gravit, [gravit'] Gravitade, highwayman. scratching. Gravitate, f. gravity; majesty. Grassazione, [grsstsi'n] f. Grattatura , [grttt'r] f. Gravitare, [grvit're'] v. hi ghw ay-r ohb ery. scratch, scar. gravitate. Grassello, [grss'l] m. hit of Grattazione, [gratttsi'ne'] f. Gravitazione, [grvittsi'ne] fat; a kind of fig. the act of scratching. /. gravitation.




[grvitnn'te] Greggiuola, [gre'dj'l] f. small report, fame mettere in -, to Gravitonante spread a report. adj. loud thundering. flock. Gravosamente, [grvsran't] Grembialata, [gre'mbild'ta] f. Grieve, [gri'v] adj. poet., heavy; grievous. O'/e. heavily, hardly. apron-full. Gravosit, [gravosit'] f. the Grembiale , m. Grievemente , [grie've'me'n'te'] [gre'mbi'le'] adv. heavily; grievously, sadly. quality of being heavy. apron. Gravoso, [grv's] adj. heavy; Grembiata , [gre'mbii'ta] see Grifagno, [grif'n'] adj. raven-

hard, rigid; grievous, sad; mo-


ous, rapacious.

mentous. Grembiule, [gre'mbi'le'] see Grifare, [grif're'] v. a. to take Grazia, [gr'ts] ^ grace, come- Grembiale. with the snout, guzzle. liness, beauty; favor; kind- Grembiulino, [gre'mbili'n] m. Griffo, [griffe] see Grifone. ness; service; privilege; di-, small apron. Grifo, [gri'f] m. snout, muzzle; pray; far-, to pardon; render Grembo, [grm'b] m. lap bo- a kind of net; a puzzle; torgrazie, to thank; Grazie, f. cere il grifo, to make faces. som apron. pi. myth., the Graces. Gremio, [gr'mi'] m. lap, bo- Grifone, [grif'ne'] m. griffin; Graziabile, [grtsi'bile'] Gra- som. slap on the face. ziale, [grtsi'le'] adj. worthy Gremito, [gre'mi't] adj. full, Grigio, [grij] adj. gray, grizzly. of pardon. thick; crowded. Grazianata, [grtsind't] /. an Greppia , [grp'pi] f. rack, Grigiolato, [grijla't] adj. awkward attempt at politeness. manger. speckled with different colors. Graziano, [grtsi'n] m. one Greppo, [gre'p'p] m. mound of Grilla, [gril'l] f. a kind of who does an act of politeness earth, bank. grape. awkwardly. Greppola, [gre'pp'l] f. tartar Grillaja, [grill'y] /. barren ground, unfruitful soil. Graziare, [grtsi'a're'] v. n. to attaching to a wine-cask. grant a favor absolve. Gressibile, [gressibi'le'] adj. Grillanda, [grilln'd] see GhirGraziato, [grtsi't]afy. grace- said of animals that walk in landa. ful; m. one who has been contradistinction to those that Grillare, [grill're'] v. n. to simpardoned. mer , begin to boil fly. (said Graziosamente, fgrtsisme'n'- Grespignolo, [gre'spi'n''l] m. chiefly of fermented liquors).
; ;

t) adv. graciously. see Cicerbita. Graziosetto, [gratsise't't]ody. Greto, [gr't] m. shore, sandy pretty, nice. ground. /". Graziosita, [grtsisit'] Gretola, [gr'tl] f. bar (of a gracefulness, comeliness elecage); trovar la-, to find the gance. opportunity of escaping. Grazioso, [grtsi's] ad/, grace- Gretoso, [grt's] adj. gritty, ful; polite. sandy, stony. Grecajuolo, [greTcy'l] m. a Grettamente , fgre'ttme'n'te'] adv. sordidly, miserly. vendor of Greek wines. Grecale, [grk'lj m. North- Gretteria, [gre'tte'ri'] Grettezza, [gre'ttt's] f. niggardliEast wind. Grecamente, [gre'kme'n'te'] adv. ness, meanness. in a Grecian manner, in the Gretto, [gr't] adj. niggardly, stingy. Greek language. Grecarello, [grkre'1'l] m. a Greve, [gre've'] ad;, heavy, thick, terrible. kind of wild duck. Grecchia, [grk'ki] f. a spe- Grevemente, [gr ve'mn'te'] adv heavily. cies of heath. Grecheggiare, [gre'ke'dja're'] and Grezzo, [gre't's] adj. rough,

Grillettare, [grille'tt'r] v. a, to make a bubbling noise in

boiling. Grilletto, [grille't't] m. little cricket; gun. trigger. [gril'l] m. cricket; Grillo, whim, freak. Grillolino, [grillli'n] m, little cricket. Grillone, [grill'ne'] m. large

grasshopper. Grillotalpa, [grilltl'p] f. a kind of locust. Grilloso, [grill's] adj. whimsical,




v. n.

to speak or write after the Gre-

cian manner. Grechetto, [greTce't'to] m. a kind of wine. Grecismo, [gre'tshis'm] m. grecism. Grecista, tgre'tshi'sta] m. a Greek

Grecit, [gre'tshit'] f. Greek nation. Greco, [grTc] m. Greek wine; north-east wind. Grecolevante, [gre''kle'vn't] fu. east-north-east wind. Gregario, [grg'ri] adj. gregarious; vulgar.

Gregge, [gr'dj] m. Greggia,

[grimld'l] m. pick-lock. Grimo, [gri'm] adj. wrinkled. Grinta, [grin't] f. an ugly phiz. Grinza, [grin'ds] f. wrinkle, rude, coarse. (wrinkle. Griccia, [gri'tsha] f. crutch. fold. Gricciolo, [gritsh'l] wi. start; Grinzetta, [grindset'ta] f. little Grinze, [grin'ds] Grinzoso, fancy, caprice. Griccione, [gritsh'n] m. sort [grinds's] adj. wrinkled. Griso, [gri's] adj. gray, grizzly, of waterfowl. Grida, [gri'd] f. proclamation; Grisolita, [gris'lit] /. Grisolito, [gris'lit] m. chrysolite. report. Gridamento, [gridmn't] in. Grisopazio , [grisp'tsi] m. green emerald. outcry; scolding. Gridare, [grid're'] v. a. & n. to Grispignolo, [grispi'n'l] t?. sow-thistle. cry; bawl; divulge; scold; Grofano, [gr'fn] see Garoshow. Gridata, [grid't] f. cry, out- fano. Groliarsi, [groliar'si] Ac, see cry; reprimand. Gridatore, [gridt're'] m. crier, Gloriarsi etc. Gromma, [grm'm] f. tartar; public crier; bawler. Gridellino , [gride'lli'n] adj. crust.


lilac color. [gre"dj] f. flock; herd; crowd; Gridio, [gridi'] m. bawling, sheep-fold. Greggio, [gr'dj] adj. rough, brawling. Grido, [gri'd] m. cry, shriek; raw; clownish.


[grmm't] [grmm's]

adj. adj.

tartarized, incrusted.


Gronda, [grn'd]
ter; pantile.



eaves, gut- Grottesca, [grotte'sTca] f. gro- Guadagnare, [gudn''r] v. a. to gain, win, profit. tesque painting. [grtte'sk- Guadagnatore, [gwadn't'r] Grondai a, [grnd'y] f. eaves- Grottesoamento , dropping. me'n't] i. pictures, ornaments TO. Guadagnatrice, [gdn"Grondajo, [grnd'y] m. gut- &c. executed in the grotesque tri'tsh] /. gainer, winner. Guadagneria, [gudn'ri'] f. style. ter; drain. Grondare, [grnd're'] v. n. to Grottesco, [grtteVk] adj. gro- mean gain, ill-got acquisition ; avarice. drop, fall in drops. tesque, odd. Grondea, [grnd'] see Gronda. Grotticella, [grttitsh'l] /. Gnadagnetto, [gwdn'e't't] m. small gain. 6rondeggiare,[grnde'dj'r]see small grotto. Guadagno, [gud'n'] m. gain, Grondare. Grotto, [gr't] m. bittern. grongo, [grn'g] m. conger. Grottoso, [grtt's] adj. cav- lucre; income. Guadagnucchiare, [gwadn'ukGroppa, [gr'pa]/. rump, croup, ernous; vaulted. crupper. Groviglia [grovirl and Gro- ki're'] v. n. to puzzle one's Groppiera, [grppi'r] f. crup- vigliola, [grvir'l] {. twist- brains to make some small gain. per, saddle-strap. ing, twining. 3roppo, [gr'pj MI. knot; group; Gr,[grvi'] Grua, [gr'] /".crane. Guadagnuccio, [gudn''tsh] Guadagnuzzo, [gwdan't'sj packet, parcel, bag (of money); Gruccia, [gr'tsh] f. crutch m. small gain. gust. dibble. Groppone, [grpp'ne'] m. croup Grucciata, [grutsh't] [. a blow Guadare, [gwd're'] v. a. to ford. (of a horse), rump. given with a crutch. adj. Gruccione, fgrtsh'ne'] m. a Guade, [gu'de'] f. drag-net. [grpp's] Gropposo , Guado, [gua'd], shallow knotty. species of thrush. passage; rompere il -, to break Grossa, [gr's] f. mass, quan- Grue, [gru'e'] see Gru. the ice; a plant used by dyers tity, whole; gross; alia -, by Grufare, [gruf'r] and Grufothe lump. lare, [grfl'r] v. a. to grub to dye sky-blue. Guadoso, [gttd's] adj. fordGrossaccio, [grss'tsh] adj. up, nozzle. very big, corpulent. Grugnire, [grim'i're'] v. n. to able, passable.

Grossagrana, [grssgr'n]

Gnat, [gtt'i] see Guajo. grunt. Grugnito, [grn'i't] m. grunt- Guai, [gtt'i] in^ wo! alas! beware! Grossamente , [grssme'n'te'] ing. adv. plentifully, abundantly. Grugno, [gr'n'] m. snout, Guaime, [gwi'm] m. afterGrosseggiare,^ [grssddj're'j v. muzzle; frowning; (ar il -, to grass. Guaina, [gtti'n] /. sheath; n. to brave it. frown. Grosser elio, [grssr'l] see Grullo, [grl'l] adj. stupid, casket, cos'or. Guainajo, [gttina'y] m. sheathGrossetto. dull. maker. Grosseria, [grsse'ri'] f. work- Gruma, [gr'm] f. tartar Guainella, [gin'l] f. carobing largo articles in gold and crust. silver. Grumata, [grm'ta] f. water tree. Grossero, [grss'r] adj. awk- mixed with the tartar produ- Guaire, [gwi'r] v. n. to howl with pain (said especially of ward, coarse. ced in casks. Grossetto,[grsse't't]a(f/.som6- Grumato, [grm't] m. kind of dogs). Guajo , [gtt'y] m. wailing, what big. mushroom. Grossezza, [grsst's] f. big- Grumereccio, [grume're"tsh^ m. howling; yelling (of dogs); woe, calamity ; a -, fiercely, ness; coarseness, clownishness. second crop of hay. Grossiere, [grssiS're'] Grossie- Grnmetto, [grme't't] w. small barbarously; guai, pi. woes





clot of blood.

griefs, sorrows, pi.

m. whole- Grumo, [gr'm] m. clot of Guaiolare, [gwyl'r] Guajolire, [guyli're'] v. n. to laeale-merchant, tradesman. blood; concretion. Grosso, [gr's] adj. big, thick, Grumolo, [gr'ml] ot. cabbage, ment, complain, moan; yelp. coarse, head of greens; grumoli di ne- Gualcare, [gwlk're'] v. a. to large, heavy huge full or press clotb. rough; fat; stupid; -,adv. in ve, flakes of snow. great quantity heavily, rude- Grumoso, [grm's] adj. gru- Gualchiera, [gwlki'r] f. fullheavy; stupid;
; ;




main body,




ing-mill; cloth-press.

bulk; mass; whole; first small Gruogo, [gr'g] m. and Groco, figs thrown out by the tree in [gr'k] bot, crocus. liea of blossoms ; negoziante Gruppetto, [grppe't't] m. small heap; little knot. in -, wholesale-merchant. Grossolanamente, [grssln- Gruppito, [grnppi'to] adj. natme'n't] odv.ina coarse man- urally polished (of diamonds). ner. Gruppo, [grp'p] see Groppo. Grossolanit, [grossolanit'] f. Gruppoioso, [grppl's] adj. coarseness, rudeness. full of knots. Grossolano, [grssl'n] adj. Gruzzo, [gr'ts] m. heap, pile; hoard. coarse; dull. Grossotto, [grss't] adj. rather Gruzzolo, [gr'tsl] m. hoard thick. of money. Grossume, [grss'm] m. Gros Guadagnabile, [gwdn''bile'] sura, [grss'r] f. bigness; adj. attainable lucrative. Guadagnamento , bulk; size. [gdn'Grotta, [gr't] f. grotto, cave me'n't] see Guadagno.

Gualchierajo, [gulkie'r'y] m. a calenderer. Gualcire, [gltshi're'] v. a. to rumple, crush. Gualdana, [guld'n] f. troop of soldiers (little used). Gualdo, [gt*l'd] m. defect, imperfection (little used). [guldrp'p] f. horse-cloth, caparison. Guaime, [gttl'm] adj. soiled, stained. Guanaco, [gwn'k] m. a Peruvian camel. Guancia, [gun'tsha] f. cheek. Guancialata, [guntshl't] f, blow with a pillow.


. .

(Juanciale, [guantsh'l] m. pil-



low; cheek-guard. Buanoaletto, [guntshle't't] m. small pillow.

guanciata, [guntslia't] on the face.



Graanciatina, [gntsliti'n] /. slight slap on the face. Gaancione, [guntsh'ne'] m. sound slap on the face. Guantajo, [gunt'y] in. glover,



[guanti'ra] f. a , small silver-case for keeping gloves in. Gaanto, [gun't] ni. glove; dar nei - to fall into one's clutches, fall in the snare. Guarantire, [gurnti'r] see Guarentire. Guardaboschi, [gurdh'ski] m. wood-ranger.

Guardacapre, [grdk'pre']
a goat-keeper.


Guardacasa, [gurdka's]


Guardacorpo, [gttrdkr'p] m body-guard, life-guards-man. Guardacuore, [gurdk'roj r.

corset, bodice.

- civica, - na- Gnastada, [guasta'da] de^ ; /. zionale, national guard; city- canter, phial. militia; esser di -, to bo upon Guastadetta , [guastade't'ta] guard; far la -, to watch; pren- Guastadina, [guastdi'n] f, der -, to take care of, have small phial. Guastafeste , [gwastf'ste'] m. care. Guardianeria, [gurdine'ri'] feast-troubler. Guastamente, [gustme'n't] f. guardianship. to. TO. waste, havoc. Guardiano , [gurdi'n] guardian, keeper; rail. - della Guastamestiere[gttastame'sti'strada ferrata, line-keeper. re'] TO. bungler, spoil-trade. Guardinfante, [gitrdinfn'te'] Guastamigliacci, [guistami'lia'tshi] m. a thin person, an TO. woman's hoop; hoop-pettiunhealthy person. coat, crinoline. Guardingamente , [gwrding- Guastare, [gttasta're'] v. a. to spoil, deteriorate, waste, deme'n'te'Jacfr. cautiously; respectstroy; Guastarsi, v.r. to spoil fully. Guardingo, [gttrain''g] adj. one's self, get spoiled. cautious, wary; -, to. fortress; Guastatore , [guastato 're'] to. distaff. spoiler; pioneer. Guardiolo, [gurdi'l] to. young Guastatura, [gstt'r] f. spoiling, wasting. guardian. (aspect. Guardo, [gur'd] m. view, look, Guasto , [gu'st] to. ruin Guarentia, [gure'uti'] Guaren- havoc; plunder; dar il -, to lay waste, destroy. tigia, [gure'nti'ja] /".guaranty, surety, assurance ; protection. Guatamento, [gutme'n't] m. Guarentire, [guare'nti'r] v. a. observing, watching. Guatare, [guat're'] t> a. to look to warrant; defend. Guarguattagio, [gurgwttji] at, spy, watch.

watch; defence

Guatatore [gutt're'] to. and TO. a ninny. Guari, [gtt'ri]a(Jv. much, many; Guatatrice, [guttri'tsh] f. - non , it is not long since; gazer, watcher. nurse. Guardagote, [gurdg'te'] m. non - di tempo, a very short Guatatura, [gutt'r] /. gamask; veil (for the face). zing, look; guard. time. Guardamacchie, [gttrdmk'- Guaribile, [gwari'bile'] adj. cu- Guatteraccio, [gutte'r'tsh] kie'] TO. guard (of a gun). TO. -dirty scullion. rable, remediable. Guardamandrie , [gwrdmn'- Guarigione, [grij'ne'] f. Gua- Guatterino, [gutte'ri'n] m. dri] m. herdsman. rimento, [gurime'n't] m.cure, little kitcheu-boy. Guardamano, [gwrdm'n] m. recovery. Guattero, [gut'te'r]TO. kitchenhand-leather. Guarire, [gwari're'] v. a, to cure, boy, scullion. Guardamento, [gurclame'n't] heal; -, v. n. to recover health. Guattire, [gutti're'] see Guaire. m. look, glance; guard, reposi- Guarnacca, [gurnak'k] Guar- Guazza, [gwt's] f. dew. tory. naccia, [gurn'tsh] f. morn- Guazzal)ugliare[gutsburare'] V. a. to mix, confound, emGuardanaso, [gurdn's] m ing-gown, dressing-gown. a sort of mask. Guarnelletto, [grne'lle't't] to. broil. Gnardanfante, [gurdnfn'te'] small fustian-petticoat. Guazzabuglio, [guatsbuT] to. see Guardinfante. Guarnello, [gurn'l] to. fus- medley, hotch-potch. Guazzare, [gtsa're'] v. a. to Guardanidio, [gttardni'di] m. tian. nest-egg. Guarnigione, [gwrnij'ne'] see stir; shake, agitate; ford; water (a horse) ; -, v. n, to be agiGuardaportone, [gwrdprt'- Guernigione. ne'] TO. gate-porter. Guarnimento,[gwrnime'n't]TO. tated. Guardare, [gurd'r] v. a. to munition, equipment. Guazzatoio, [gwtst'y] to. watering-place. look, behold, regard; consider; Guarnire, [gurni're'] v. a. to guard, take care of; - le feste, furnish; fortify; (mar.) to rig. Guazzerone, [gtse'r'ne'] to. to keep holidays; -, v. n. to Guarnitore, [gwarnite're'] to. goar; piece, snip. mount guard, keep watch;GuAii- one who furnishes. Guazzetto, [gutse't't] m. raBAKSi, V. r. to look at one's Guarnitura, [gurnitu'r] Guar- gout, minced meat; damp placeself; abstain from. nizione, [gurnitsi'n] f. trim- Guazzo, [gwt's] TO. ford, pud-Guardaroba, [gurdr'b] f. ming. die, splash; dipingere a -, to wardrobe; wardrobe-keeper. Guarrente, [gurre'n't] adj. paint in water-colors. Guardasigilli ; [guardasijil'li] very active, very secure. Guazzoso , a<ij. [gttts's] i. keeper of the seals. Guascappa, [guskap'p] f. a splashy, muddy. Guardatore, [gurdt're'] to. kind of ancient garment. Gubernaculo, [gube'rn'kl] to. Guardatrice, [gardtri'tsh] Guascherino, [gwske'ri'n] adj. (poes.) helm, rudder. Gucchia, [gtik'ki] f. a needle ; unfledged. /. spectator, inspector, guardian, defender. Guasconata, [guskna'ta] f. iron-bar. [gnardt'r] Guardatura , Guelfo, [gueTf] m. a Guelph. gasconade, boast. f. Guascone, [gttsk'ne'] m. gas- Guercio, [gur'tshjarfj. squintlook, regard; guard. Guardavivande, [gwrdvivn'- con, boaster eyed. Guastaoavoli, de'] TO. pantry. [gMstkv'li] Guernigione, [gurm'j'ne'J /. m. an interloper. gr.rrircn, fortified placoGuardia, [guar'di] f. guard,

Guardadonna, [gurdd'n]


[ '




[gttit't] adj. filthy, [gttrm'mn't] ductor ;a - di, under the direc- Guitto , nasty, stingy. tion of. m. munitions, pi. trimming. Quernire , [gurni'r] v. a. to Guidabile, [guidbi'l] adj. that Guizzante , [guitsn't] adj. frisking, gliding; slippery. may be guided docile. furnish, equip trim. Guernitara, [grni'tur] 6uer- Guidagiuoco , [guidji'k] m. Guizzare , [guits're'] v. n. to

nizione, [gurnitsi'n]



a director of sports.

glide, frisk


Guidajuola,[gttidy']] f. lead- Guizzo, [gwit's] adj. withered, ming. wrinkled; -, m. gliding, friskGuerra, [gv'r] /.war, fight; er of the flock; bell-wether. Guidalescato, [gwidale's'kt] ing; flashing. obstacle. Gumedra, [gm'dr] f. great Guerreggevole,[gurrdj'vle'] adj. wither-wrung. Guidalesco, [guidle's'k] m. ninny. adj. warlike, martial. Gurge, [gur'je'l m. gorge; gulf Guerreggevolmente , [gwerre'- the withers, pi. (little used). djvlme'n'te'] od v. in a warlike Guidamento, [guidame'n't] m. Guscio, [g'sh] w!. shell; bark; guiding, conduct. manner. Guerreggiamento, [gwe'rrdj- Guidapopolo, [guidapopolo] m. body (of a coach); case; scales, balance. a demagogue. me'n't] m. making war, fightGuidare, [gwid're'] v. a. to Gustatile, [gust'bile'] adj.tasting. able. Guerreggiare , [gwrre'dj're] guide, lead, rule. Guidarmenti, [guidarme'n'ti] m. Gustaccio, [gust'tsh] m. bad v. a. to wage war, fight. taste ill-flavor. Guerreggiatore, [gurre'djt'- shepherd, herdsman. Guidatore, [gttid't're'] m.Gui- Gustamento, [gstame'n't] m. re] m. warrior. Guerresco, [gue'rre's'k] adj. datrice,[guidtri'tshe']/'. guide, tasting, taste; relish. Gustare, [gst're'] v. a. to ruler. warlike, martial. Guerricciuola , [gue'rritsh'l] Guiderdonamento, [guide'rdo- taste, savor; relish; try; comprehend; approve. namn't] m. recompense. f. skirmish. Guerriere, [gue'rri're'] m. war- Guiderdonare, [guide'rdn're'] Gustativo, [gstti'v] adj. that tastes, tasting. V. a. to remunerate, reward. rior, fighter, soldier. Guerriero , [gue'rri'r] adj. Guiderdonatore, [guide'rdn- Gustatore, [gstt're'J m. Gustatrice, [giistatri'tshe] warlike, valiant; -, m. Avarrior. t'r] m. rewarder. f. Guerrista, [gwrri'st] ni. a Guiderdone, [guidrd'ne'] Gui- taster; trier; approver. derdono, [gttide'rd'n] m. rec- Gustevole, [gste"vl] adj. lover of war a warrior. (swindler. tasteful; savoury, agreeable. Gufaccio, [gfii'tsh] m. large ompense, ugly owl. Guidone, [guid'ne'] m. rogue Gustevolmente, [gste'vlmn'[guidne'ri'] te'] adv. tastefully. Gufare, [gf're'] v. a. to mock, Guidoneria, f. Gusto, [g'st] w. taste, savour; laugh at, banter. roguery, swindling. Gufeggiare, [gufe'dja're'l v. n. Guiggia, [gi'dj] f. the upper relish pleasure trial la mio-, in my mind. to hoot or screech like an leather of a slipper or shoe the Gustosamente, fgiistsame'n'te'] owl. the strap of a sandal adv. agreeably, pleasantly. Gufo, [g'f] m. owl, screech- strap-braces of a shield. owl. Gundolo , [guin'dl] wi. reel, Gustoso, [gst's] adj. agree;

Guffo, [gf'f] a distilling vessel.


able, pleasant.


Guglia, [gT] f. obelisk. [gr't] f. needle,

Guinzaglio, [guintsaTo] and Gutturale, [gttr'le'] adj. gutGuinzale, [guints'le']?n. leash, tural.

Gutturalismo, [gutttali'sm]
; ; ;







guide, con-

way, manner ni. the defect of pronouncing in mode fashion practice a -, a guttural manner. in -, after the manner, like; in Gutturalmente, [gifturlmeVt] adv. gutturaily. nesstina -, by no means.
[gtti's] f.

H, has no
real sound, but is words, but is never aspirated used after c and g when follo- in Italian. wed by e or i, to render the Ha! [ha] interrogative particle, sound hard, as in cheto (quiet), eh? aveva bisogno io di tue faChina (China), &c. It is used vole ha? did I want to hear in the verb avere, as ho, hai, your lies, eh? ha, hanno, and iu some other Hara, [ha'r] f. a pig-stye.

Harem, [h're'm] m. harem. Hoi, [hoi'] (for Ohi), inter, alas! ah lack-a day Homo, [ho'm] m. man (used in the phrase Ecce Homo /). Hut! inter, oh dear (a sound 6X pressive of pain).

t, is

the cousin-german of E, as has been before said when speaking of the former letter. It is often used before the s impura, that is s followed by an-, other consonant, to prevent the

harsh sound of too many consonants, as in Ispagna, instead of in SpagfJia (iu Spain), in ispirilo, instead of in spirito, (in spirit, or in the spirit). / has the sound of E in English, fiu-

me (a river) being pronounced like the e in fever. At the commencement of syllables when followed by or N, it has the same sound as in English before the same letters: immaculato,




immaculate; independente, in- Idolatria, [idltri'] f. idolatry. Igiene, [iji'ne'] gimen, diet. adj. Idolatrico, [idl'trik] dependent, &c.
idolatrous. I,[i'J for, io: lade, [i'd] lad, [i'di] /". pJ., Idolatro, [idl'tr] i. idolater, idolist. astr., hyades, pi ; the Pleiades. Idoleggiare, [idle'dj're'] v. a. Iato, [i't] m. hiatus; ahyss. Iberno, [ibr'nj adj. hibernal, to personate abstract ideas, incorporeal substances, &c. of winter. Idolo, [idolo] m. idol, image. Ibi, [i'bi] m. ibis. [idne'me'n'te'] Ibisco, [ibi'sc] m. marsh-mal- Idoneamente, adv. fitly, aptly, seasonably. low. [idne'it'] Idoneit, Ibrido, [ibri'd] adj. hybrid. f. fitneas, Icneamone, [ikne'um'ne'J m. ability, capacity. Idoneo, [id'ne'] adj. fit, able; ichneumon. Icnogragia, [icngr'ji] f. the suitable. geometrical plan of an edifice. Idra, [i'dr] f. myth, hydra. Iconografia , [ikngr'fi] f. Idrargiro, [idrarji'r] m. quickdescription of statues, pic- silver, mercury. tures &c. Idraulica, [idrau'lika] f. hyIconoclasta, [ikncl'st] m. draulics, pi. an iconoclast. Idraulico, [idrtt'lik] adj. hyIconomaco, [iknm'k] w. a draulic. non-worshiper of images. Idreleo, [idre''le'] m. a kind of Iconomo, [ik'nm] m. econo- emetic. mist, manager. Idria, [i'dria] f. pitcher. Icore, [ik're'] m. anat., ichor. Idro, [i'dr] m. see Idra. Icoroso, [ikr's] adj. icorous, Idrocefalo, [idrtsh'fl] m. serous. (thyology. dropsy in the head. Ictiologia, [iktilji'] f. ich- Idrocele, [idrtsh'le'] wi. hydro-

hygiene re;

Ignaro, [in''r] adj. ignorant. Ignatone, [in't'ne'] m, great

eater,stupid fellow(little used). [in''vi] /. idleness, indolence.

Ignavo, [in''v] adj. indolent,

lazy; cowardly. Igneo, [l'nM] arfj. igneous, fiery. Ignicolo, [i'n'iklj m. a spark of fire. Ignifero, [i'n'ife'r] adj. fire-


Ignito , [in'i't] burning.

adj. infiamed,
adj. gn/".

Ignivomo, [in'i'vm] vomous.

tion, kindling.



Ignobile, [in''bil] adj. ignoble,


Ignobilita, [l'n'bilit'] Ignobilitade, Ignobilitate, /. ignobility; mean extraction. Ignobilitare, [i'n'bilitre'] v.n. to render ignoble.



Idatide, [ida'tide']


mod., hy-


datides, pi. Idrodinamica, [idrdinmi'k] Iddio, [iddi'] m. poes., God. f. a generic term including hyIdea, [id'] /. idea, fancy. draulics and hydrostatics. Ideale, [de''l^] adj. ideal; in- Idrofobia, [Idrfbi'] f. hydrotellectual. phobia. Idealmente, [ide'alme'n'teT adv. Idrofobo, [idr'fb] adj. afraid ideally. of water. Idealit, [ide'li't] f. ideality. Idrogeno, [idr'je'n] m. chym., Ideare, [ide''re'] v. a. to imag- hydrogen. Ignorantaggine , [n'rnt'ine, fancy. Idrografia, [idrografia] /". hydro- djine'] /.ignorance, foolishness. Ideizzare, [ide'idsa're'] v. n. to graphy. Ignorante, [in'rn'tS] adj.gnoform ideas. Idrografico, [idrgr'fik] adj. rant, illiterate. Identicamente, [ide'ntikme'n'- hydrographical. Ignorantemente [in'rnte'meVte'] adv. identically. Idrologia, [idrlji'] f. hydro- te'] adv. ignorantly.
[ide'ntika're'J r. a. logy. Ignorantone, [in'rnt'ne'] m. to identify. Idromante , [idrmn't] m. a very ignorant fellow ignoraIdentico, [idn'tik] adj. iden- diviner by means of water. mus. tical, self-same. Idromanzia, [idrmn'tsii f. Ignoranza, [in'rn'ds] IgnoIdentit, [identit'] Identitade, hydromancy. ranzia, [in'rn'dsi] /. ignoIdentitate, f. identity, same- Idromle, [idromle'] m. hydro- rance. ness. mol. Ignorare, [in'r're'] v. a. not to Ideologia, [ide'lji']/".ideology. Idrometra , [idrme"tr] m. know, to be ignorant of. Idi, [idi'] m. pi., the ides. professor of hydrometry. Ignoscere, [in''she're'J v.a.irr., Idillio, [idirii] ni. dyl. Idrometria, [idrm'tri] f. hy- (ignoto) to forgive, excuse. Idioma, [idi'm] m. idiom, drometry. Ignotamente, [in'tme'n'te']ad'D.

adv. ignobly; meanly. Ignobilt, [in'bilt] see Ignobilit.^ (miny. ^ Ignominia, [in'mi'ni] f. igne* Ignominiosamente, [in'minisme'n't] adv. ignominiously. Ignominioso, [in'mini's] adj. ignominious. Ignorantaccio, [in'rnt'tsh] m. great idiot, great fool.



Idrometro, [idr'mtr] m. hy;

secretly, privily.

Idiota, [idi't] adj. ignorant

-, m. idiot. Idiotaggine , [iditggi'ne'] ignorance of literature.


Ignoto, [in''t] adj. unknown drometer. Idronfalo, [idrnf'l] m. a kind hidden. of spurious hernia. Ignudamente, [in'dran'te'] Idropicarsi, [idrpikr'si] v. r. adv. nakedly.


[iditme'n'te'] to become dropsical. , adv. unlearnedly,ignorantly. Idropico, [idr'pik] adj. dropsiIdiotico, [idit'k] adj. idiotic. cal. Idiotismo, [iditis'm] tn.idiot- Idropisia, [idrpisi'] f. dropsy. ism. Idroscopie, [idrsk'pi] m. Idiotizzare, [iditits're'] v. a. hydroscope. or to write speak incorrectly. Idrostatica, [idrstd'tika]/'. hyIdolatramente, [idltrme'n'- drostatics, pi. m. idolatry. t] Idrostatico, [idrstti'k] adj. Idolatrare, [idltr're'] v. a.o belonging to hydrostatics. worship idols. Ieri, [i'ri] adv. yesterday.

[in'da're'] v. a. to strip naked, undress (little used). Ignudo, [in'u'd] adj. naked. Igrometria, [igrra'tri] f. hy-



grometry. Igrometro, [igr'me'tr] m. hygrometer. Igroscopio, [igrsk'pi] m. hygroscope. Iguana, [ig'n] /. a kind of




amphibious lizard found in tlie Illiquido, [illiktti'd] adj. not Imbalconato , [imblkn'tl clear (said of accounts). adj. of flesh-colour. East Indies. Illividire, [illividi're'] v. n. to Imbaldanzire, [irabldntsi're'] Ihl [ih'] inter, fie; for shame. V. n. to grow bold, take coubecome livid. n, [il] or*. & pron. the; he, it. Hare, [ilare'] ar//. joyful, lively. Illodabile, [illd'bile'] adj. il- rage. Imballare, [imblla'r] v. a. to Ilarit, [ilarit'] f. cheerfulness. laudable. niucente , [illu'tshe'ute'] adj. embale, pack up. lie, [ile] f. chaos. Imbalordito, [imblrdi't] adj. shining, giving light. Iliade, [ili'de'] f. the Iliad. Illudere, [ill'de'r] v. a, irr. stunned; alarmed. Ilice, [ili'tsche'] m. holm-oak. inabile, [illbi'l] adj. firm, {illusi; illuso) to delude; mock. Imbalsamare , [imbalsama're'] Illuminamento, [illminme'n'- V. a. to embalm; preserve. constant. Imbalsamazione , [imblsmIllacciare, [illtsh're'] v. a. to t] m. illumination.

Illuminare, [illmin're']

v. a.


adj. hard-hearted. Illaidire, [illidi're']

make ngly; soil. l't] adj. delicate, smoothed. Illanguidire, [illanguidi're'] r. enlightener. Illuminazione, [illmintsi'ne'] Imbambagiare, [imbmbj're'] n. to languish. Ulaqneare, [illkwe''r] v. a. f. illumination; brightness; - di V. a. to wrap up in cotton, line with cotton. gas, gas-lighting. to ensnare; enslave. [imbmbl're'] [illsingbi'le'] Imbambolare , lUascivire, [illatshivi're'] v. n. lUusingabile , V. n. to be moved. adj. incapable of flattery. to become lascivious. Illativamente, [illtivme'n't] Illusione, [illsi'ne'] f. illu- Imbambolire, [imbmblire'] v. n. to doat, com to second adv. consequently. sion; error. childhood. Illativo, [illti'v] adj. illative, Illuso, [illu's] adj. deluded ; Imbandigione , [imband j'n e'] consequential. mocked. Illaudabile, [illud'bile'] and Illusore, [ills'r] m. deceiver, f. Imbandimento, [imbndime'n't] m. dishes served up, lUaudevole, [illude'vl] adj. deluder; mocker.
Illusorio, [ills'ri] ad;, illuso[illud't] adj. unry, vain. deserving of praise. Illnstramento, [illstrme'n't] Illazione, [illtsi'ne'] f. infe- m. light, splendor.

to illumine, enlighten; shine. Illuminativo , [illminti'v] a. to adj. enlightening. Illuminatore, [illmint'r] m.

ts'n] ing.


the act of embalm-

Imbalsamire, [imblsmi're'] v. n. to embalm. Imbambagellato, [imbambaje'l-


, rence, conclusion. Illustrare, [illstr're'] v. a. to ; Illeoebra, [ille''tshe'br] /".attrac- illustrate ; explain, adorn ; ren- obstruct. Imbarazzo, [imbr'ts] m. emtions, caresses, blandishments, der famous. pi. Illustratore, [illustrt'r] m. barrassment; obstacle. Imbarazzoso, [imbarts's] adj. lUecebroso, [ille'tshe'br's] adj. explainer. attractive, charming. Illustrazione , [ilhistrtsi'ne'] embarrassing. Imbarbarescare, [imbrbre'sIllecitamente , [ille'tshitame'n'- f. illustration; explanation. te'] adv. illicitly, unlawfully. Illustre, [ill'stre'] adj. illus- k'r] V. a. to introduce foreign words into a language. Illecito, [ille"tshit] odj. illicit, trious, eminent. unlawful. Illustremente, [illustre'me'n'te'] Imbarbarescatore, [imbrbre'skt'r] wi. keeper of barbs or Illegale, [ille'gle'] adj. illegal. adv. illustriously. Illeggiadrire, [ille'djdri'r] v. Illustrezza , [illstre"ds] f. race-horses. Imbarberire, [iinbrbe'ri'r] v. a. to render agreeable, beautilight, splendor, nobility. fy. Illustrissimo , [illstris'sim] . to grow barbarous. Imbarbogire, [imbrbji're'] v. Illegittimamente, [iUjittfm- adj. most illustrious. . to grow childish through me'n'te'] adv. illegitimately. Illuvie, [illu'vie'] f. filthiness. Illegittimit, [illjittimit] f. ninvione, [illvi'n] /'.inunda- age. illegitimacy. tion. (ge &c. Imbarcamento, [imbarkame'n'^ Illegittimo, [illjit'tim] adj. il- Image, [ima'je'] &c., see Imma- to] m. embarkation. legitimate. Imbacare, [imbk're'] v. n. to Imbarcare, [imbark're'] w.a. to embark; engage in; undertake; Illeso, [illso] adj. unhurt, safe. be full of worms. Illetterato, [ille'tte'r't] adj. il- Imbacatnra, [imbkt'r] f. Imbarcarsi, v. r. to enter literate, ignorant. the condition of any thing upon, embark in. Imbarcatore, [irabrkat're'] m. Illibatezza, [illibte't's] /. in- swarming with worms. tegrity, stainless purity. Imbaccarsi, [imbkkr'si] v. embarker, freighter. Imbarco, [imbr'k] m. embarIllibato, [illib't] adj. spotless, a. r. to be full of wine. stainless. Imbacchettonire, [imbkke'tt- kation; enterprise; embargo. Illiberale, [illibe'r le"] adj. illi- ni'r] V. n. to grow hypocri- Imbardare, [imbrd're'] v. a. beral; mean; sordid. to cover a horse with armor; tical. Illibitamente, [illibitame'n'te'] Imbacuccare, [imbkkk're'] v. Imbardarsi, v. r. to fall in adj. unlawfully. love. n. to cover with a hood ; wrap lUicito, [illi'tshito] see Illecito. up; Imbacuccarsi, v. r. to cov- Imbarrare, [imbrr're'] v. a. to Illimitatamente , [illimitt- er, veil one's self. bar; perplex. me'n'te'] adv. unboundedly. Imbagnamento, [imbn'meV- Imbasamento, [imbsme'n't] Illimitato, [illimit't] adj. il- t] m. the act and effect of m. basis, foundation, groundlimited. bathing. work. Illiquidire, [illikttidi'r] v. n. Imbagnare, [imbn''re'] v, a. Imbasare, [imbs're'] v. . to to become liquid, dissolve. to moisten; damp. place any thing on a pedestal.

Imbandire, [imbndi're'] v. a. to dress, serve up cook. Imbarazzare, [irabrts're'] v. to . embarrass trouble


[imbast'r] , base, pedestal.



Imbasceria, [imbshe'ri'] see Ambasceria &c.


Imbertonarsi , [imbe'rtnr'si] Imboccatura, [imbkkt'r] f. Imbertonirsi , [imbe'rtonir'si] mouth (of a river) bit (of n V. r. to be enamoured, be in bridle); entrance (of a street). Imbociare , [imbtsh're'] see love with.

Imbastardimento, [imbstrdi- Imbestialirsi , [imbe'stilir'si] Diffamare. me'n't] m. degeneracy. V. r. to grow brutal, grow fu- Imbollicamento , [imbllikImbastardire, [imbstardi'r] rious, me'n't] m. pimple, blister. (furious, raging.
Imbollicare, [mbllik'r] v. (basto. Imbestiare, [imbe'stia're] v. n. n. to break out into pimples. Imbastare, [imbst'r] v. a. to to brutify; Imbestiarsi, v. r. Imbolo , d' imbolo , [imb'l Imbastimento, [imbstime'n't] to become brutish. d'imb'l] 0(('v furtively. m. see Imbastitura. Imbeverare, [imbve'r're'] v. n. Imbolsimento, [imblsime'n't] m. shortness of breath. Imbastire, [imbsti'r] v. o. to to pour down liquor. baste, stitch slightly, ^ew Imbevere, [imbe''ve're'] v. a. irr. Imbolsire, [imblsi'r] v. n. to slightly. grow pursy. {see Bere, Bevere) to imbibe, Imbastitura, [imbstit'r] (. absorb; imbue, inspire; Imbe- Imbolsito, [imblsi't] arfj.asthbasting, stitching slightly. versi, V. r. to become im- matical. Imbasto, [imb'st] m. pack- bued. Imbonciare, [imbntsh're'] v. saddle. Imbevimento, [mbe'vime'n't] n. see Imbronciare. Imbattersi, [imbt'te'rsi] v. r. m. the act and effect of im- Imbonire, [mbni're'] v. a. to appease, pacify. to meet with by chance. bibing. Imbatto, [imbat't] m. unex- Imbiaccamento,[imbikkme'n'- Imborsarsi, [imbrgr'si] v. r. to grow populous. pected meeting; hindrance. t] m. painting, white-wash. Imbavagliare, [imbvr'r] v. Imbiaccare, [imbiakk're'] v. a. Imboriarsi, [imbrir'si] v. a. to boast. o. to blindfold, hood-wink a to paint with white; blanch. person. Imbiadato , [imbida't] adj. Imborsare, [imbrs're'] v. a. to purse, pocket. Imbavare, [imbv're'J v. a. to sown with corn. slabber. Imbiancamento,[imbinkrae'n'- Imborsatura [imbrst'r] and Imbeccare, [imbe'kka'r] . a. t] m. white-washing, bleach- Imborsazione,[imbrstsi'ne'] to feed a young bird; instruct ing; deceit. f. pocketing money.
. o.


n. to degenerate, cor- Imbestialito, [imbe'stiali't] adj.


Imbiancare, [imbinka're'] v. a. Imboscamento, [imbskme'n'to white-wash; whiten, suborn, t] m. ambush. full; bribe; pigliare un' -, to Imboscare, [imbsk're'] v. a. bribe. catch a cold. Imbiancatore, [imbinkt're'] to lay in ambush; Imboscarsi, Imbeccatojo, [imbe'kkat'y] m. m. white-washer, whitener. V- r. to retire into a wood. a seed drawer in a bird-cage. Imbiancatura, [irabinkt'r] Imboscata, [imbsk't] /. amImbecherare, [imbe'ke'r'rej v. f. white-washing, whitening. buscade, ambush. a. to suborn (vulgarism). Imbianchino, [imbinki'n] m. Imboschire, [mbski're'J v. n. Imbecille, [mbe'tshirij adj. a white-washer. to grow woody. imbecile, weak. Imbianchire, [imbinki're'] v. Imbossolare, [mbssl're'] v.

Imbeccata, [imbe'kk't]



[imbe'tshillit'j f

imbecillity, weakness.

wash white; -, v. n. to a. to lath. Imbottare, [irabtt're'] grow white; be confounded.

a. to

v. o. to

Imbelle, [imb'le'J adj. unfit for Imbietolire, [imbie'tli're'] v. n. war; faint-hearted. to be affected, moved. Imbellettamento, [imblle'tt- Imbiettare, [imbitta'r] v. a. me'nt] m. the act of rouging. to put in a wedge. Imbellettare , [imblltt'r] Imbigiare, [imbija're'] v. n. to and Imbellettire, [imbe'lle't- turn grey. ti're'] V. a. and Imbellettarsi, Imbiondare, [imbind're'] and r r. to paint one's face, fard. Imbiondire, [imbiondire'] v. a. Imbellire, [imblli'r] v. a. io to make fair;-, w. n. Imbion.

put into a cask. Imbottatojo, [irabttt'y]


Imbottavino, [imbttvi'n] m. a large funnel used for casking



[imbttil'a're'] , V. a. to bottle wine.

a. to

Imbottire, [imbtti're'J v.
quilt, stuff.

embellish, beautify.

Imbottito, [imbottito] m. a kind Imbirbonire, [imbirbni're'J v. of quilted under-waistcoat. Imbottitura, [imbttit'r] /". n. to become wicked. /. a bandage. Imbisacciare, [imbistsh're'] v. quilting. Imberbe, [imbr'b] adj. beard- a. to put in a wallet. Imbovinare, [imbvin're'] v. a. less. Imbiutare, [imbit're'] see Im- to manure with cow-dung. Imberciare, [irabe'rtsha're'] v. a. piastrare. Imbozzacchire, [imbdskki're'] to hit the mark, reach, attain. Imbzzarrimento, [imbidsrriV. n. to thrive ill, witber. Imberciatore, [imbe'rtsht'r] me'n't] m. fit of passion, Imbozzimare , [imbdsim're'j m. that hits the mark. V. a. to starch. waspishness. Imbercio, [imbe'r'tshi] m. the Imbizzarrire , [imbidsrri're'] Imbozzimatore, [irabdsimt'act of hitting the mark. and Imbizzire, [imbidsi're'] v. re'] m. a starcher. Imbere ) [imb'r] see Imbe- n. to fly into a A'iolent passion, Imbozzimatura , [imbdsimvere. t'r] f. the act of starching. rage. Imberrettato , [imbrre'tt't] Imbizzarrito , [imbdsrri't] Imbraca, [imbr'k] /. breechadj. bonneted, with one's cap ing of a horse. adj. raging, very angry. on. Imboccare, [imbkk're'j v. a. Imbracare, [imbrk're'] v. a. [mbertescare, [imbe'rte'sk're'] to feed; disembogue; instruct; to move any thing by means of stays mend a torn loaf V. a. to fortify with mantelets. art. to dismount.
[imbe'nd're'] v. o.


DiESi, V. r. to turn yellowish.



to bind, put a fillet. Imbendatura, [imbe'ndt'r]

of paper thighs.

baby's Imbroccata,



Imitamento, [imitame'n'to]

bandage a


imitation, counterfeiting. hit; thrust, blow. Imbracciare, [imbrtsh're'] v. Imbrodolare, [imbrdl're'] v. Imitare, [imit're'] u. a. to imia. to put in one's arm, em- a. to grease, daub. Imbrodo- tate, counterfeit.
brace. larsi, V. r. to bedaub one's Imbracciatoje,[imbrtsht'ye'1 self. [imbrdlt'f. pt., a kind of forceps used Imbrodolatnra, by goldsmiths. r] {. the act of greasing one's Imbramarsi, [imbrmr'si] v. self. a. to conceive desire. Imbrogiottirsi, [imbrjttirsi] Imbrancare, [imbrnk're'] v. V. n. r. to be over-fond of n. and; r. to place one's self in one's children or of one's own a company; to enter into file. compositions. [imbrol'iaImbracciatura, [imbrtsht'- Imbrogliamento me'n't] m. difficulty, intrigue. ra] f. handle of a shield &c. Imbrandire, [imbrndi're'] v. a. Imbrogliare, [imbrrd'r] v. a. to draw one's sword. to perplex, confound ; war. Imbrattamento, [imhrttme'n'- le vele, to brail up the sails, t] m. see Imbrattatura. reef Imbrogliarsi, w. get Imbrattamondo,[imbrttmn'- bewildered. d] t. an embroiler. Imbrogliatore, [imbrl't're']
, ;

Imitatore, [imitat're']



tatrice, [imittri'tshe'] f. imitator, copier. Imitatorio, [imitto'ri] adj. imitatory. Imitazione, [imittsi'ne'] /'.imitation.

Immacchiarsi, [immakkir'si]
V. r. to hide one's self in a jungle, conceal one's self.



adj. pure, spotless.

Immacolato, [immkla't]
immaculate. Immage, [imm'j]

(poes.) see

Immagine. Immaginabile, [immjin'bile']

adj. imaginable.

mbrattare, [imbrtt're'J v. a. TO. busybody. to soil, dirty, daub. Imbroglio, [imbr'l'] m. perJmbrattascene, [imbrttsce''- plexity; intrigue. ne'] m. a poor actor. Imbroglione, [imbrl''n] m. Imbrattato, [imbrtt't] adj. meddling fellow. embarrassed, indebted. Imbromiarsi, [imbrmir'si] v.





Immaginare, [immjin're']


Imbrattatore , [imbrttt're'] n. r. to be drunk. m. dauber, sloven. Imbrucare, [imbrk're'] v. a. Imbrattatura, [imbrtttu'ra] to eat off leaves of plants as and Imbratteria, [imbrtte"- caterpillars &c. (por-holes. ri] f. spot, stain, daub; sketch. Imbrunali, [imbrunali] m. scupImbratto, [imbrt't] i. dirt; Imbrunare, [imbrn'r] Imhogs' wash. brunire, [imbrani're'] v. a. to Imbrecciare, [imbre'tsh're'] v. make brown; burnish; -, v. n. a. to hit the mark. tion. to grow brown; become dark. Imbrentina , [imbre'nti'n] f. Imbrunitura, [irabrnit'r] f. Immaginativo, [immjinti'v] trouble. adj. imaginative. burnishing sun-burning. Imbreviare, [imbre'via're'] v. a. Imbruschire, [imbruski're'] v. Immaginato, [immjin't] adj. to register at a notary's. imagined, figured. n. to become waspish, be vexed. Imbreviatura , [imbre'viat'r] Imbruttare, [imbrlt're'] v. a. Immaginatore, [immjint'r]

imagine, fancy. Immaginariamente, [immajinarlme'n't] adv. imaginarily. Immaginario , [immjin'ri] adj. imaginary. Immaginativa, [immjinti'va] f, imaginative faculty. Immaginativamente, [immjintivme'n't] adv. in imaginan. to


Imbudellare, [imbde'll're'] v. drunkenness. o. to make sausages. Imbriaco, [imbri'k] adjAi-unk, Imbufonchiare, [imbfnkia're'J intoxicated. V. a. to mutter, grumble. Imbriacone, [irabrik'no'] m. Imbuire, [imbi're'] . n. to get groat drunkard, tippler. stupid. Imbricconire , [imbrikkni'r] Imbullettare , [imblle'tt're'] V. n. to grow knavish, turn V. a. to drive in tacks, nail dishonest. with tacks. Imbrigamento , [imbn'gme'n'- Imburchiare, [imbui-k're'j v. a. t] m. perplexity; distress; into assist one in a composition, trigue. dictate, prompt. Imbrigare, [imbraga're'] v. a. Imbusto, [imb'st] m. bust, to embroil, trouble; IniBRiGAfitrunk; body; corset. si, V. r. to strive, try. Imbuto, [imb't] m. funnel. Imbrigliare, [imbril'a're'J v. a. Imbuzzire , fimbutsi'r] v. n. to bridle; restrain, stop. to become angry, bo irritated. Imbrigliatura, [imbril't'raj Imeneo, [ime'n'] m. (myth.)

the act of registering at a notary's. Imbriacaggine, [imbriakadji'ne'] f. and Imbriacameuto, [imbrikmn't] m. intoxication. Imbriacare, [imbrik're'] v. a. to intoxicate; Imbbia causi, v. r. to get drunk. Imbriacatnra , [imbrikt'r] Imbriachezza, [imbrike't's]

to daub, bespatter.


imaginer, conceiver.
imagination, fancy.

Imbruttire, [imbrutti're'J

v. n.

Immaginazione, [immjintsi'ne'] f.



Imbucare, [imbk're'] v. a. to Immagine, [imm'jin]/. image, put in a hole; -, v. n. Imbu- figure; likeness. carsi, V. r. to creep into a Immaginevole, [immjine''vl]
adj. imaginable.

Imbacatare, [imbukata're'] a. to wash with lye, buck.



ne'vlme'n'te'] adv. in idea, fan-

tastically (little used).


maker of images. Immaginoso, [immjin's]


wild fancies. Immago, [imm'g] image.

full of



Immagrire, [iramagri're'] v. a. to grow lean. Immalinconicarsi, [immalinkonikar'si] v, r. to grow melancholy.

Immalinconichire, [immlinkniki're'] v. a. to make melancholy, afflict.

Immalsanire, [immlsni're']
a. to enfeeble, sicken.


bridling; restraint. Imbroccare, [imbrkk're'] v. to hit the mark; aim at.



nnptials, pi. Imitabile, [imit'bil] adj. imi table.



Immaltare, [immlt're'] v. o. to daub with slime or mortar. Immancabilmente, [immank


adv. without


Immane, [imm'n]
crnel, savage.
adj. {poe$.)


Immobilmente, [immbilme'n't] odv. immovably, steadfastly;

Immegliare, [immeT'r] v. n. to grow better. Immaneggiabile, [immndj'- Immelare, [imme'l're'] v. a. to bil] adj. unmanageable. sweeten with honey. Immanente, [immnn'te'] adj. Immelatura, [imme'lt'r] f. immanent, inherent. sweetening with honey. Immanicato, [immnik't] adj. Immemorabile, [imme'mr'bifurnished with sleeves. le'] adj. immemorial. Immanifesto , [immnif'stj Immemore, [imm'mr] adj.
adj. not plain, secret.


Immoderanza, [immdern'ds]



Immoderatamente, [immde'rtmn't] adv. immoderately.

Immoderatezza, [immdrt'ts]


Immoderato, [immde'r't] adj. Immanit, [immanit'] f. im- Immensamente, [imme'nsme'n'- immoderate excessive. manity, savageness. Immodestamente, [immde'stte'] adr. immensely. Immansueto, [immns't]adj. Immensit , [imme'nsit'] Im- me'n't] adv. immodestly. ferocious. mensitade, Immensitate, f. Immodestia, [immd'sti] f. Immansuire, [immnsi're'] v. a. immensity, iufiniteness. immodesty. to tame; v. become tame. Immenso, [immn's] adj. im- Immodesto [immd'st] adj. Immantenente, [immnte'nn'- mense, huge, vast. immodest, impudent. t] Immantinente, [immnti- Immensurabile, [imme'nsr'- Immolamento, [immlme'n't]

nn't] adv. immediately, instantly.



v. a.

m. immolation, sacrifice.

Immergere, [immr'jre']

Immolare, [mml're']

v. a.



[immrtshe'sci'bile'] adj. incorruptible. Immarcire, [immrtshi're'] v.n.

to rot;

Mergere; to immerse,


Immolatore, [immlt're'] m.


grow feeble (little used). t] m. immersion. Immolazione , [immltsi'ne'] Immarginare, [immrjin'r] Immel'itamente[imme'ritmn'- f. immolation, sacrifice. V. a. to stitch together; cicat] adv. undeservedly. Immollamento, [ immoli meVtrize.

Immeritevole, [imme'rite"vl]


m. moistening,


Immarmorare, [immrmr're'] adj. undeserving; unworthy. softening. and Immarmorire, [iramrm- Immeritevolmente, [imrarit- Immollare,
adv. undeservedly. marble. Immerito, [imm'rit] adj. unImmascheramento, [immske'- merited, undeserved. rmn't] m. disguisement, Immersione, [imme'rsi'ne'] f. mask. immersion, plunging.
ri're'] . n.

[immll're'] .a. to


become stone or


moisten, soak; mollify. Immondamente [immndme'n'te'] adv. dirtily, filthily. Immondezza , [immnde't's] Immondizia, [immndi'tsi] f.
filth, dirt.

Immortalizzare, [immrtliImmillarsi, [imraillar'si] v. r. ds're'] v. a. to immortalize. Immaterialit, [immte'rilit'] to increase by thousands. Immortale, [immrt'le'] adj. /. immateriality. Imminente, [imminn't] adj. immortal, eternal. Immaterialmente, [immte'rial- imminent, impending, threat- Immortalit [immortalit'] Imme'n'te'] adv. immaterially. ening. mortalitade, Immortalitate, Immatrimoniarsi, [immtrim- Imminenza , [imminn'ds] f. f. immortality. nir'si] v. a. r. to be united in overhanging; near danger. Immortalmente[immrtlme'n'matrimony (said jokingly). Immischiare, [immiski're'] v. t] adv. immortally, for ever. Immattire, [immtti'r] v n. a. to mix together. Immortire, [iramrti're'] see to become mad. Immisericordiosamente , [im- Ammortire. Immaturamente , [immtr- mise'rikrdisme'n'te'] adv. Immoscadare, [immskd're'] mn't] adv. prematurely. without pity, unmercifully. V. n. to musk, scent. Immaturit, [immaturit'] f. Immiserlcordioso, [immisri- Immoto, [imm't] adj. immovimmaturity, unripeness. krdi's] arfj. unmerciful. able, steadfast. Immaturo, [immt'r] adj. im- Immistione, [immisti'ne'] f. Immucidire, [immtshidi'r] v. mature, unripe. mixing together. n. to become mouldy. Immedesimare, [imme'de'sim' Immisto, [immi'st] adj. un- Immundizia, [immndi'tsi] see re'l see Identificare. mixed, pure. Immondezza. Immediatamente, [immdit- Immisurabile, [immisr'bile'] Immune, [imm'ne'] adj. exempt, me'n'te'] adv. immediately. adj. immeasurable; immense. privileged. Immediato, [imme'di't] adj. Immitigabile, [immitigl^il] Immunit, [immunit'] Immuimmediate; present. adj. implacable. nitade, Immnnitate, f immuImmedicabile, [irame'dik'bile'] Immobile, [imm'bile'] adj. im- nity, exemption, privilege. adj. incurable. movable; beni immobili, m. pi., Immutabile, [immt'bil] adj. Immedicabilmente, [imme'dik- real estate. immutable, invariable. bilmn'te'] adv. incurably. Immobilit, [immobilit'] Im- Immutabilit, [iTiimtbilit'J Immeditato, [imme'dit't] adj. mobilitade, Immobilitate, /. Immutabilitade, Immutabili* unmeditated. immobility. tate, /. immutability.
adj. immaterial.

Immascherare, [immske'r're'] Immettere, [imme't'te'r] v. a. V. a. to mask, disguise; Immairr., see Mettere to insert, in8CHEEARSI, V. r. to disguise scribe; embody. one's self. Immezzare, [imme'tsa're'] ImImmascheronare, [immske'r- mezzire, [imme'tsi're'] r. n. to n'r] v. a. to mask. grow musty, wither. Immastricciare [immstritsh'- Immiare, [immi're'] v. n. to r] V. a. to plaster. become one with me, penetrate Immateriale , [immtri'l] my thoughts.





Immorale, [immr'le']


Immorbidare, [immrbid're'] see Ammorbidare. Immortalare , [immrtl're'l

men't] adv. immutably, inva-


m. a thing badly learned; a

[immiitalDil- Impalizzare, [implitsYe'] v. a. to fence with a palisado, enriably. close. Immutare, [immtd'r] v. a. to Impaludare, [impllid're'] Imcliangi), alter. pallidire, [impllidi're'] v. n. Immutazione, [immuttsi'n] to get pale. Impalmamento, [implmme'n''f. immutability, stability. Imo, [i'm] ar/j. low, deep vile; t] TO. joining of hands. -, m. lowest part, bottom, Impalmare, [implma'r] v. a. ground: da sommo a -, from, to give the hand; shake hands, bead to foot. betroth, affiance. Im pacchetta re, [impakke'tta'r] Impalpabile, [impalp'bile'] adj. V. to wrap up, make a packet. impalpable.

work done by a beginner.



bil] adj. incomparable.

Impareggiabilmente, [impare'djbilmn'tj adv. incomparably.

Imparentarsi, [impare'ntar'si] V. r. to marry into: get familiar. Imparentato, [impre'nt'to]ac/j.

related, kindred, allied. [im'pari] adj. uneven,


Impacchi ucare,[impkkikd're'] Impalpabilmente, [impalpbil- Imparimente,


to dirty.

mn't] adv. impalpably.

adv unequally, not alike

Impaccia mento,rimptslirae'n'- Impaludare, [impald're'] v. a. used). to) nee Impaccio. Imparit, [imparit'] f. imparito grow marshy. Impacciante, [impatshan't] m. Impampinarsi, [impampinar'si] ty, inequality, busy-body. V. r. to adorn one's self with Impartibile, [imprti'bil] adj. Impacciare, [imptsli're'] v. a. vine leaves. indivisible. to encumber, embroil, trouble, Impancarsi, [impnkr'si] v. r. Impartire, [imprti're'] v. a. to communicate, impart. embarrass, perplex; Impacciae- to sit down at table. si, V. r. to intermeddle. Impaniamento [impnime'n't] Imparziale, [iraprtsia'le'] adj. Impacciativo, [imptshti'v] m. bird lime the act of daubing impartial; just.

adj troublesome, tiresome. with bird-lime. Impacciato, [imptsU't] adj. Impaniare, [impni're'] v. a. to occupied very busy. daub with bird-lime ensnare, Impacciatore, [imptsht're'] entangle. m. tiresome fellow. Impaniatura, [impnit'r] f. Impaccio, [imp'tsh] m. trou- the act and effect of daubing ble, perplexity; pain. with bird-lime. Impaccioso , [ipatshi's] adj. Impanicciare , [impnitsh're'] a busy-body. V. a. to plaster; soil. Impadronire, [impdrni re'] v. Impanio, [imp'ni] m. entanglement embarrassment , oba. to put ill possession of; Im; ; ,

Imparzialit, [imprtsilit'] f. impartiality justice. Impasseggiabile, [impsse'djbilj adj. impassable fsaid of a




Impassbile, [impssi'bile] a'lj. Impassibilit, [impassibilit']






torment, vex


PAniiONiasi, v

r. to




Impastabile, [impastabi'le'] adj.



Impadulare, [impdl're']

Impaludare. Impagabile, [impaga'bile'] adj. per-window, sash-window. of a bad coloring, (said of a inestimable, above all price. Impannate [impann't] adj. painting). Impaginare, [impjin'r] v. a. covered with cloth. Impastatore, [impstt're'j m, to form pages from types put Impannatnra, [impnnt'r] one who kneads. together by the compositor. /. the act and effect of covering Impastatura, [impstt'r] f, Impaginatura, [impjint'r] with cloth. and Impastamento, [impasti me'n't] m. the act and result /. the operation of forming pa- Impantanare, fimpntn're'] v. a. to become marshy; v. n. to ges. of kneading. Impasticciare, [irapstitsh're'] Impagliare, [impgli're'] v. a. get muddy; stagnate. V. a. to form a medley. to cover any thing with straw, Impanzannare, [impntsnn'thatch. r] V. a. to recount fables or Impaste, [imp'st adj. fasting. Impastocchiare, [imp.'-tkki'idle stories. [impl''ta] Impagliata , f. said in some places of a wo- Impappaficare, [impppfik'- re'] V. a. to amuse with idle stories. man brought to bed. r] a. to put on a hood (nearly Impastoiare, [impsty'rc'] v. Impagliato, [impr't] adj. obsolete). Impappolare, [impppl'r] to a. to clog, shackle. covered with straw. Impastnra, [irapst'r] pasImpalandranato, [implndr- mess with pap. Imparacchiare, [imparakki're'] tern (of a horse). n't] adj. cloaked up. Impatibile, [impati'bile'] adj. Impalare, [impl'r] v. a. to V. a. to learn slowly. Imparadisare, [imprdisa're'] insufferable, incompatible. impale. Impalato, [impl't] adj. stiff, V. a. to imparadise, beatify, Impatriare, [impair ia're] v. n.

Impannate, [impnna're] v. a. that may be kneaded. and n. to cover with cloth. Impastare, [impst're'] r.a. to Impannata, [impnn't] f. pa- knead; paste; male impastalo,




to return to one's

own country.
v. a. to

Impalazione, [impltsi'ne']

Imparagonabile, [impragn'- Impattare, [imptta're']

bil] adj. incomparable, excellent.



Impaurante, [impauran'te'] adj. Iraparamento, [imprrae'n't] horrible, terrific. Impalcamento,[implkme'n't] m.the act of learning; the thing Impaurare, [impaura're'J Imlearned or to be learned. paurire, [impttri'r] v. a. to m. ceiling, counter-lathing. Impalcare, [implk'r] r.a. to Imparare, [impr'r] v. a. to frighten, terrify; -, V. . to be learn, acquire knowledge ceil, plank. a frightened. Impavidamente[impvidme'n'' Impalcatura, [implkt'r] f. mente, to learn by heart.
Impalazzato, [impltsa'tlarfj.


like a palace.

ceiling, inner roof.



t] adv. fearlessly, intrepidly.

Diz. Ital.-ing.


fi'Tiip'vid]dj. fear-


v. o.

Imperch, [imprk'l
a'iv. because; -,m. cause, reason (little used). (therefore.

less, intrepid.

Impendere, [imppu'de're'] to hang suspend.

Impazientare, [imptsint'r] Impenetrabile, [impe'ntr'bile'l

Imperci , fimprtsb'] adv. Imperciocch, (imprtsbkke'] adv for. because, wbereis. lit'l /. impenetrability. imp itient; eager. Impazientemente, [impatsie'n- Impenetrabilmente, fimpe'ne'- Imperdonabile, (imprdna'bitrbilmn'tj adv. impenetra- le'l ad}, unpardonable irretinn'te'J adv. impatiently. raissible. Impazientire, [imptsinti're'] bly. [impe'nitn'te'] Imperfettamente, fimperfttv.n. Impazientirsi, [imptsin- Impenitente ,
ad} impenetrable. see Impazientire. [irapatsin'te'] ad], Impenetrabilit, [impe'ne'trbi,

mn'tl adv. imperfectly. [impenitn'ds] Imperfetto, [imprft't] adj. ill! |MT feet. pazieuzia, [impatsin'dsia] f. impenitence. Impennacchiarsi, [impe'nnk Im"e. te zi on cella , [impe'rfimpatience. Impazzamento, [impatsme'n't] kir'si"! . r. to put on feathers,'l] /. slight imperfection. adorn with feathers. m. insanity; madness. Impazzare, [impts're'] Impaz- Impennamento, [impe'nname'n'- Imperfezione, firape'rfe'tsi'ne'] t] m. the clothing with feazire, [imptsi'r] v. n. to grow f. imperfection, defect. thers; fledging. Imperforato, [imprfr't] adj. mad. Impeccabile, f impelck'bil] adj. Impennare, [impp'nna're'] v a. not pierced. to fledge; give wings. Impen- Impergolare, [impe'rgl'r] v. impeccable, sinless. Impeccabilit, [impetkbilit'] narsi, V. r. to get feathered, a. to form a bower. become fledged; to rear (said Imperiale, [impe'ri'le'] adj. im/. exemption from sin. perial excellent, eminent m. Impeciamento, [imptshime'n'- of horses). an imperial. t] m the act and result of Impennata, [impe'nn't]/. penful of ink. Imperialit, fimpe'rilit'] f. pitcliing (daubing with pitch). Impeciare, [imptsh're'] v. a. Impennato, [impe'nn't] adj. devotion to an imperial house. winged, plumed. Imperialmente, [imprilmn'to tar, pitch. Impeciatura, [impe'tsht'r] f. Impenliellare, [iinpe'nne'Ua're'] t] adv. like an emperor. V. o. to give poudl-touches, Imperiare, [impe'ria're'] see Imtarring, pitching. perare. Impecorire, [impe'kri'r] v. n. paint. Impensabile , [impnsbi'le'] Impercolosire, [impe'riklsi'to grow stupid. r] V. n. to be in danger, run Impedalarsi, [impe'dlr'si] v. adj. unimaginable. fimpe'nst- risk, hazard r. to get thicker in the stem; Impensatamente, men't] adv. unoxpoctcdly Imperio, [imp^'ri] m. empire; grow in size. thoughtlessly. dominion, command. Impedantire, [impe'dnti're'] v Impensato, [impns'l] adj. Imperiosamente , [impe'risn. to play the pedant. adv. imperiously Impedibile, [impdi'bile'] adj. unexpected, unthought of; all'-, mn't proudly. on a sudden. that may be hindered. Impedimento, [impdime'n't] Impensierirsi, [impe'nsirir'si] Imperiosit, [imperiosit'] f. haughtiness, pride, arrogance. V r. to muse deeply, think m. impediment, hinderance. Imperioso, [imperi's] adj. Impedire, [impdi'r] v. a. to seriously. Impensierito , fimpe'nsiri't] imperious, haughty. hinder, prevent Imperitamente, [impe'ritame'n'Impeditivo, [inipe'diti'v] adj. adj. thoughtful, pensive. Impcpare, [impe'p're'] v. a. to te') adv. unskilfully. hindering, obstructive. Imperito, [irape'ri'tl adj. unImpedito, [impdi't]arfj .hinder- pepper. Imperadore, [impe'rd're'j see skilled ignorant, awkward. ed; paralytic; impotent. Imperizia, [impe'ri'tsiii] f. ignoImped tore, [impdit''re'] m. Imperatore. Imperadrice, [imprdri'tsh] rance, unskilfulness. hinderer, obstructor. Imperlaqualcosa, [irape'rlkulImpegnare, [impn''re'l v. a. see Imperatrice. ko'sl adv. therefore. to pledge; engage; - la fede, Imperante,[impe'rn'te']m. comImperlare, [iraprl're'] v. a. mander. to give one's word. to adorn with pearls. Impegnativo , [impe'n'ti'v] Imperare, fimpe'r're") v. a. to Impermalirsi , (impe'rmlir'si] command, govern, rule. ad], obligatory. Impegno, [irape''n'] m. engage- Imperativamente, [impe'rtiv- V. n. to take a thing ill, be vexed. ment, promise; bond, obliga- raen't] adv imperatively. Imperativo, [imprti'v] adj. Impermeabile, [imprme'abile'] tion. adj. impermeable. Impegolare, [irope'gl're'] see imperative, imperious. Impeciare. Imperatore, [imprt're'] m. Impermeabilit, [irape'rme'bilit'l f. the quality of being Impelagare, [impe'lg're'] v. a. emperor. to embroil, embarrass, per- Imperatorio, [imprt'ri] adj. impermeable. Impermisto, 'impe'rmi'st] adj. imperial plex. Impelare, [impe'l're'] v. n. to Imperatrice, [imprtri'tshe*] f. nninixfd; genuine. [imprmta'Impermutab le empress. get hairy. Impellere, fimpl'le're'] v. o. Impercettibile, [imprtshtti'- bil) see Immutabile. Impernare, [imprn're'] . a. impulso) to bil] adj. imperceptible. (impulsi irr. Impercettibilit, [imprtshe't- to set upon a pivot; poise. impel. Impernatura, [iraperntu'ra] f. Impellicciare, [impe'llitsh'r] tibilit'] /. iinperceptibility. Impercettibilmente , [impr- the mode and result of poising. V. a. to dress in furs. Impendente, (irapndn'te'] adj. tshttibilmn'tej aUv. imper- Impero, [imp'r] m. empire; power. ceptibly. impending, overhanging.
tir'sil V. r. to lose


adj. impenitent, unrepenting.

Impazienza, [iir)patsin'dsa]Im- Impenitenza,




v. a. to


[mper, [imper'] adv. there- Impetrare, [imptra'r]



by entreaty;

n. to

m. dauber.

Impiastrazione,' impistratsi'petrify. Impetrativo, [l'mpe'trti'v] ndj. ne] f see iinpiiistrameiito. limpiaImpe scrittibile , [impe'rskrit- cap (ble of being moved by en- Impiastricciamento stritshamen'to] tu. sticking on treaty. ti'biltl ad), imperscriptiblo. a plaster. Irapericrutable, (imperskr- Imoetratore, [iraptrt're'] m Impiastricciare, [impistriuusoarch ible. ta'liile] ailj suppliant. Im perse cerante , [impe'rse've'- 1 Mpetrazione, [impe'trtsi'ne'] tsha're) v. a. to stick cfti a plastrr bisme ir, d tub. impetntion, entreity. r in'te] adj. inconst;tnt,changef. Impetricato, fimpt^'trik't] adj. Impiastriccio, [impisf ri'tsh] at)le. m. daub. Im :)erseveranza , fimpe'rse've'- hard as stonf. stony. rm'dsal f. inconstaocy, in- Im ettito, f impettito] adj. up- Impiastro, irnpid's:tr] w. pi 's-

Imperocch, [imprkk'] adv.

because; since.



ter, poultice; agreeineut, couright, straight. rseverare, fimprsve'r'- Impettorirsi, (impe'ttrir'sil v. trict. w. n. act to persevere, be upright; hold Impiattare, [impitt'rf] f. a. n. r. to walk


the chest forward.





to conce il; to lie hid.




im person il. me'n'te'] adv. impetuously Impiccare, [impikk're'] v. a. to hang: Impiccarsi, v. r. to ;ersonalraente, fimpe'r.snalrashly. hang one's self. inen'tel adv. impersonilly Impetuosit,fimpe'tusi't'] Ira[imprson'to] petuositade, Imoetuositate, /. Impiccataccio, |impikkt;i'tsh] Iai,jersoaaio m. a villain; one worthy of nd) stout, thick-set. impi;tuosity. viohmce. Impersuasibile, [impe'rsusi'bi- Impetuoso, [impetu's] adj. being lianged. Impiccatene, [impikkt'll m. ie| adj. uuporsuasilile. impetuous, violent. logImpersuasibilitk, imprsiisi- Irapeverare, [impe've'ra're'] v. a. young villain. Impiccato, [imp ikk't] m bangIpilitj f. obstiii icy. to season with pepper.





liciW'Vrr. nuvertheless.

Imperterrito, [ mprt'ritjarfi

Impiacevolire, (impitshe'vli'- Impiccatojo, [iiiipikkat'yj a^/j. ripe for Uiu gallows. re| V. a. to appeise, time. Impiagare, fimpiga're'] v. a. Impiccatore, [impikkto'r] m.




wonnd, hurt.

a h;irigman; J i<'k Ketcli.


[impe'rtinn't] iiiiiii.Ttiiient, insolent, ir-

nan re,


ratore, fimpiasrat're'] m. Impiccatura, [impikkatJi'r' f. hanging, execution. one that wounds, hurter. Imoia ratura, [impigat'r] /. Impicciare, [impilsha're] v. a.





wounding, wound.

to embroil, perplex




imperli- Impiallacciare,



to interni



Impicciativo [inipilsii i*i'v>] rel ' a. to ven'^ir. ertinenza, [imprtinn'dsd] Imoiallacciatura.fimpilltsh- adj. inlined to inlerineil'lle. Impiccio, jimpi'tslio] w. perimpertin nee. t'rl f. veneering. / plexity, trouble. Imperturbabile, [imprtrha'- Imoianellare, [impiane'lla're'l v Imp'ccione, [iinpitsh'ne'l m. a importurl)iil)li': calm. liili-i adj a. to tile. Imperturbabilit, [imperturb- Impiangere, [impinge"re'] t>. great busy-body. Impiccolire, [impikk' li're] t>. imperturbability, o to grieve. bilit'] (. Impiantamento , [impiant- n. to diminish. tr itiquillity. [imper- mn't] m. the act and effect Impidocchiare, [impidkkii'-e] I;n erturbabilmente , and Impidocc'.iire, [ini|i!'''i'cadv. tnrtaliilmn't] imper- of planting.



're' r.a. to to place one's self. ei. w. r (imperttir- IraTiantito,[impinti'tlw.tiled employ, make use o*', luistovv occupy. l.atsio'ne] f tran'iuillity. floor or p veniint. [impiegi'toj wi. [imprvr- Impiastraccio, [irapistr'tsh] Impiegato, (ye versamento, 1 placeni m; Hm]>Iov.^. -iiniHirin] m. fury, rage. m. bad plaster. erversare, [imprversa're'l Impiastr afogli, [irapistrfTi] Impiego, [iinpi''g()l m e'liploy, livi oCficH. charsre. r n to become furious, rage. m. a scribhldr. pervertire, (nii]>rverti're| v. Impi astrazione, fimpiiistraj'- Im Dieta, fimpie't'] Tnnn' ' ^, I Impiotate, f. impiety, ineto grow perverse, grow ne'l (. nord., inoculation. n ligion. (impiastra(P'rvious. Imoiastramento , i.kL'd sticking on a Impietosire, [impiet^si're! c a. Impervio, fimpr'vi] ad), im- men'to] m. to move to nity; !.-\iiMKri) iitpi ister. Ijipristare, [unpsta're] v. a. Impiastrare, fimpiastra're'] v. Ri. 1'. r. to be moved to eo.nillfcrt. t.-. passion. [impti'jin] a. to iipply a pi ister. plaister; lTn.)etigine , f. to in- Impietoso, [impie't's] adj. imriiij;-wonn, tetter. fig. to reconcile; gard. oculate, ingraft; Impiastrar- piti ible. [imptij'in's] 1 1 -dticjinoso , si. V. r. to bedaud one's self. Impietramento, [mpie'trmnuilj. scabby. Impeto, lim'pet] m. impetu- Impiastrascartahelli , [impia- t'l] m. petrification. straskrtbe'riil m. violeu -e: shock. a poor Impietrare, [JMipietra're") Imu-'t \ pietrire, imjueln're) ti. a. & scribbler. I .ipetrat)i'.ej [iinpe'tra'bile] adj.

noertdrbato, (impprti'irVia'to] ml uiilisturbed, tranquil.


Impiantare, [impfnt're'l v. n. to implant; infix; Impi.\ntar-




to geiier.ite


become lousy. Impierave, un pi eg



obtainable. Impetrazione, |nnpetrj'ne'J outaiuiug by prayer.



Impiastrata, fimpi'astra'ta] f. n to petrify. and Impiastralo, [impiastr'- Impietrimento, [tmpitrima'' to] see Impietramento. t] m. a plaster.


Impigliare, [l'mpira'r] v. n. to ent;ingle, embroil iMPifiLiAR PI, r. r. to meddle with; put one's self forward. [mpigliatore, [iinpiTt'ro] m obstnicter; busybody. Impiglio, [impiTo] m. tronble,



Impositore, [impsit're*]m. imposer, orilerer.

un- Imposituro, [impsit'r] adj. about to be imposed. polito. Impolminato , [implmin't] Imposizione, [impositsi'ne'] /. imposition; import, duty, toll. adj. wan, pale; consumptive. Imuolpare, [iraplp'rj v. a. to Impossessarsi, [ impssessr'si]




Impoltronire, [impltrni're']
a. to


v.r. to take possession of. Impossibile, [impssi'bil] adj.




v. n. to


lazy; grow




Impigrire, [impigri're']

grow lazy. Impigro, [impi'gro]

gent, active.





besmear with

Impiagare, [fmpin'je'r] see ImImpinzare, [impints'rj v. a.

to gorge, overfill. [im'pi] adj. impious, irreligious. Impiotare, [impil're'] w. n. to


Impolverare, [implve'ra're'] v. a. to powder; cover with dust. Impomatare, [impmt'r] v. a. to anoint with pomatum. Impomato , [impm't] adj. planted with apple-trees. Impomiciare, [impmitbhi're'] V. a. to rub with pumice-stone. Impomiciato , [impmitsh't] adj. rubbed with pumice-stone. Imponente, [impnn't] adj. imposing.

Impossibilit, [impossibilit'] Impossibilitade, Impossbilitate,



Impossibilitare,! impssibilit'r| V. a. to render impossible. Impossibilmente, [impssibii* men't] adv. impossibly. Imposta, [impsta] f. impost, tax, custom door-post, door;

frame; window-frame, windowshutter.




[impst'me'] m. generic term for any thing belonging to shutters.

[impst're'] v. a.

posture, deceit. Imposturare, [imposturare'] v. a. to accuse falsely, slander. order; prescribe, enjoin. Importal9le, [imprt'bile'] adj. Impotente, [imptn'tj adj. impotent. insufferable, intolerable. Importante, [imprtn'te'] adj. Impotenza, [imptnds] Imf. implacabiiity. Implacabilmente, [implkbil- important, weighty. potenzia, [imptn'dsi] /'.imme'n't) arf. implacably. Importanza, [imprtn'ds'] f. potence, weakness. Implacidire, [implcidi're'] v. importance, moment. Impottinicciare[impttinitsh'n. to render mild, soften. Importare, [imprt're'] v. a. to r] V. a. to botch, cobble up. Impllcanza, [implikn'ds] f. import; denote, signify; -, v. Impoverire, [irapve'ri're] v. a. implication. to make poor; -, v. n. to grow n. to amount; he of conseImplicare, [implik're'] v. a. to quence; questo importa a me, poor, come to poverty. implicate, imply; embarrass. that is my concern; -poco, to Impraticabile, [imprtik'bile'] Implicato, [implik't] adj. ir- be of little consequence. adj. impracticable. resolute, perplexed. Importazione, [imprttsi'ne'] Impratichirsi, [imprtikir'si] Implicatore, [implikt're'] m v.r. toexercise one's self in,gain f. importation. entangler, intriguer. Importevole, [imprte"vle'] see practice in.

begin to vegetato and run to seed (said of bulbs and fruit; used by peasants). Impiombare, [impimba're'] v. a. to solder with lead; lead; measure with a plummet. Impiparsi, [impipr'si] v. r. used in the phrase me ne impipo, signifying that another is superior to the speaker in some quality or science. Impiumare, [impim'r] v. a. to feather, plume. Implacabile, [implakTile'] ac/j. implacable, inexorable. Implacabilit, [implkabilft]

m. imposition. Imponitore, [impnit're'j m. imposer, enjoiner. Imporcare, [imprk'r] v. o. to furrow. Imporporarsi, [imporporarsi] v r. to dress in purple; blush. Imporrare, [imprra're'] v. n. to mould; grow musty. Imporrazione, [imprrtsi'ne'] f. growing mouldy. Imporre, [impr're'] v. a. irr. (see Porre) to impose, lay upon;

merch., to book, post up books place the men (in back-gam-

mon); arch to arch. Impostatura, [impstt'ra] arch., arching; jambs, pi. Impostemire, [impstmi're']



n. to iraposthumate, swell up.

Impostore, [impst're'] m. impostor, cheat.

Impostura, [impst'r]






(little used).


[impre'k're'] v. a. to

implication, entanglement. Importo, [impr't] m. amount, imprecate. Implicitamente, [implitshit- sum. Imprecativo, [impre'ktrv] ad/, me'n'te] adv. implicitly. Importunamente, [imprtn- imprecatory. Implicito , [impli'tshit] adj. mn't] adv. importunately. Imprecatore, [impreTcate're'] m. implicit. Importunare, [imprtna're'] v. one who imprecates. Implorare, [implr'ri] v. a. to a. to importune, tease. Imprecazione, [imprettsi'ne'] implore, beseech. Importunatamente, [imprt- f. imprecation. Implorazione, [implrtsi''ne'] natmn't] adv. importu- Impregnamento [impre'n'ame'n'nately. t] m. impregnation; pregnan/. supplication, earnest prayer.

un- Importunit [importunit ] Importunitade, Importunitate, f. Impoetarsi, [impe'tr'si] v. n. importunity. Importuno, [imprt'n] adj. r. to become a poet. Impoetichire, liinpe'tiki'r] v. importunate, troubIe.sonie. Importuoso, [iinprt's] adj. a. to render poetical. Impoliticamente, [implitik- not having a port, not possessing a good port. nu'te] adv. inipolitically.

Implume, [implume]







Impregnatura, [imprn't'r] fecundation. /. pregnancy Impremeditato, (imprraedit'-

to] adj. unpremeditated.

Imprendere, [impru'de're] v.a.

irr., (see



Prendere) to under- Improbit, [improbit'] f. im- Improvveduto, [imprvve'd't] probity, wickedness. 0'/;. unprepared; unexpected. Imprendimento,[iinpi"ndime'n'- Improbo, [impr'b] adj. bad, Improvvisamente, [imprvviwicked. samn't] adv. unexpectedly, t) m. undertaking, attempt. Imprenditore, [impre'ndit'r] Impromessa, [imprme's's] see suddenly. Promessa. Improvvisamente, [imprvvim. undertaker; learner. Imprensione , [imprnsi'ne'] Impromettere, fimprme't'te're'] sme'n't] m. impromptu. V. a. irr., {see Mettere) to pro- Improvvisante [imprvvisn'te'] see Impressione. and Improvvisatore, [improvImpreparato, [impripr'tjarfj. mise. Impronta, [imprn't] f. im- vist're']m. an improvisatore. unprepared. Improvvisare, [imprvvis're'] Impresa, [)mpre"s] /. enter- pression, print, stamp. Improntacelo, [imprnt'tsb] V. a. to make extempore verses. prise; emblem. Improvvisata , [imprvvis't] Impresario, [impre's'ri] m. adj. very importunate. Improntamente [imprntme'n'- f. extempore-composition. undertaker; stage-manager. Improvviso, [imprvvi's] adj. Imprescia, [impr'tsh] all' -, t] adv. importunately. Improntameuto , [imprnt- unprovided, unexpected, unadv., in haste, hastily. Impresciare, [impr'tshre'] v. me'n't] m. impress, impres- thonght of; sudden; -, adv. sion importunity. upon a sudden, unexpectedly. a. to hasten. Impressare, fimpre'ssa're'] v. a. Improntezza, [imprntt's] f. Improvvistamente, [improwiimportunity. stran't] see Improvvisamento press on, hasten. Impressionare, [impre'ssin'- Impronto, [imprn't] adj. im- te. portunate; -, m. impression, Improvvisto, [imprvvi'st]af//. r] V. a. to impress. unprovided. Impressione, (impressi'ne'T f. mark; print. impression, print; mark; idea; Improntuoso , [imprnt's] Imprudente, [impruden'te'] adj. adj. importunate. imprudent, indiscreet. imago ' ' Impressiva, [impre'ssi'va] f Improperare, [imprpe'r're'] v. Imprudentemente, [imprde'na. to reproach, Ijlame. tJmn'te'] adv. imprudently, retina of the eye. Impressore, [impre'ss're'] m Improperio, [iraprp'ri] m. rashly. reproach, blame. Imprudenza,[imprdn'ds]Imprinter; engraver. Imprestanza, [impre'stn'ds] f. Improperioso, [imprpe'ri's] pradenzia, [imprdn'dsij /. adj. vile, abject, deserving of imprudence. lending, loan. Imprunare, [impruna're'] v. a. Imprestare, [irapre'st're'] v. a. blame. (loan. Impropiet, [mprpie't'] &c., to hedge. to lend; grant. Impube, [imp'be'] Impubere, Imprestito, [impr'stitj m. see Impropriet &c. Impretarsi, [impre'ta'rsi] v.n.r. Improporzionale, [imprprtsi- [imp'bre'] adj. beardless, untake, begin; learn.

n'l] adj. disproportional. der age, boyish. to become a priest. Impretendente, [impre'te'ndn'- Improporzionalit, [imprpr- Impudente, [impdn'te'] adj. tsinli t] /'.quality of a thing impudent, bold. t] adj. unpretending. Impreteribile, [iraprtri'bile'] that has no proportion with Impudentemente, [impiide'nfe'adj. unfailable, certain.

another; disproportionableness.

mn'te]ad.impude)itly, boldly.



bilmn't] ai^v. infallibly,

Improporzionalmente, [impr- Impudenza, [impdn'dsaj cer- prtsinlmn'te'] adv. out of impudence, immodesty.


[impre've'd't] Improporzionato, [imprprtsin'to] see Improporzionale. unforeseen, unexpected. Imprezzabile, [imprts'bil] Impropriamente, [imprpnmn't] adv. improperly unadj. inestimable, beyond value. Imprigionamento, [imprijn- fitly. Impropriet, [ impropri e't'] f. mn't) m. imprisonment. Imprigionare, [imprijn're'] v. impropriety; unfitness. Improprio, [irapr'pri] adj. imo. to imprison. Imprigionatore, [imprijnt'- proper; unfit. Improsperire, [improspe'ri're'] r] m. jailer. Imprima, [impri'ma] and Im- V. n. to prosper. primamente, [imprimran't] Improvativo,[imprvti'v]adJ. inconclusive. adv. first, first of all.


[impdi'kmn't] adv. indecently, wan-

Impudicit,[impditshit'] and Impudicizia, [impditshi'tsij

/. immodesty, Impudico, [impdi'k] adj. un-

chaste, lascivious.

Impugnabile, [imp''nbi'le'] impugnable.

t] 1. see


Impugnamento, rimpn'me'n'Impugnazione.


[impn''re'] v. a. to gripe, grasp, lay hold of;

Imprimere, [impri'mre'] v. a. irr., (impressi ; impresso) to

impress; imprint; stamp.

Imprimitura, [imprimit'r]


colored print; impression. Improbabile, [imprb'bil]a(/i. improbable; unlikely. Improbabilit, [improbabilit'] /. improbability, unlikelihood.



bilinn t] adv. improbably.

Improbamente, [imprbme'n'te) ailv. dishonestly, wickedly.

Improbativo, [imprbti'vjod;. ^shonest, reprehensible.


attack, oppose, dispute; - la spada, to draw one's sword. Impugnatore, [impn't'r] ni, adj. unprovided. impugner; antagonist. [imprve'r're'] Improverare, v. Impugnatura, [impn't'r] f. a. to reproach. grasping; handle, hilt (of a Improvidamente, [imprvid- sword). mn't] adv. inconsiderately. Impugnazione, [impnn'tsi'ne'J Improvidenza,[imprvidn'ds] f. opposition, resistance, hinderance. f. improvidence, want of forethought, (prudent. Impulcinato, [impltshin'tl af/j Improvido, f impr'vid] im- a'/;.said of hatched eggs. Improvvedutamente, [imprv- Impulito, [impli't] adj. unvdtmn't] adv. inadver- polished, (an impeller. tently. Impulaatore, [implst'r] m.

Improvazione, [imprvtsi'ne'] (little used). f. improbation Improveduto, [imprve'd't]

Impulsione, [impulsi'c]
pulKioti; action.

214 im- Inabolibile,




&c., see



liiiipi'ilsi'vl orfj.

innalzamento Ac. im- Inaccessibile, fmtshessi'bilel Inamabile, [inamabile] adj. disaUj. inaccessible, out of roach.

pulsive, impellftit.


Impulso, [impl's]




Impunemente, fimpne'mn't]


with inipniiitj'. unibile, impni'bill ad].






irnpunity. Iniju.i amente liinpiuntl'icnii-l sei' ImpuniMiieiite. l.Tipunito, iiiipiinrt) uilj. un,




acciaiare, [inatshaj'r] v.a. to unite stuel with iron. Inaccordabile, [makkerda'bil] adj. not to be granted. Inaixorto, (inakkor'tol adj. incautious, inconsiderate. Inacerbare, [matslierba'rel Inacerbire, linatsherlu're] v. a. to ex 1.per a te. ir ri tate, provoke. Inacetare, luatsheta'r] v. a. fo dress with vinegar. Inacetire, inatsliet l're) t'. n. to
| |






catch with a hook; enamour.

Inamarire, (inaiiiarrre)i'


bitter; -, v. n.




[inm"'n] adj. Jjsiiit


agr>-ealde, unpleas


v. n. to
. r.




form a frieiulship with any




v. a.

Inanellare [iiianella're] e.a. to IniMcijUare Ac. Impuntatura, (iiiipiintt'ral f Inacutire, [inkti're'] t'. a. to pui III rings, curl. defect in the wheel ofawatcii, w het, sharpen. Inanellato, [inanlld't] ailj. fenned of rings, hiving the preveMliiijT or impeding motion. Inadattabile,! indttbi'le']of/y. forni of rings. Impunt re, (itiipiiutirej v.a to iinritted.
pelili niinii

picn-f 1'. stop, h lit.

; ,


grow sniir. Inacquare, [inakku'r] Ac,

Inamraendabile, [inminenJ'see
I'lli] ailj


Inadattabilit, [indttbili'ta] Inanimare, |innima'r] r.a. to aiiiniate, encourage; -, r. u to /. unlit ness. insufficiency, incaiiiipiiiiit iial. take courage. p icity. Ini; u.n tura [impnt'r] f. Inadempbile, [inadmpibi'l] Inanimato, [uiauima't') adj. i:isi iti iiilip a 111 mate, lifeless. ad) that cannot be fulilled. Imp iramente, impiiramtn'te] Inaffettato, (inalTtta to] adj. Inanirnatore, iMaiiniKifn r.j ni. a e iinimruly, uncle. mlvexi'itcr, elicourager un irti'cted



Imp'intuale, luiipat'l] adj.


Impurit, iinpiirit'l Impuri- Inadequato, [iiiadekun'to] adj. Inanime, iiia'niiiK-) idj. lifi!.--;. tade, Impuritate, f. imptirity. Inanimire, inainnirrel < n \a inidequate. Imputo, [inip'ro] adj. impure, Ina^^g-uaglianza, [inguil'an'- animate, stiumlate, enconr i^e. obscene. Isa] /. ineciuality, difference. Inanit, (inanit') /. inanity, Impusillanimire, [impbi llni- Inagitato, [inajit'toj adj not futility agitated. mi'r"'l '. n to fjrow conardly. Inantennare, [inantenna're' v Impntabit [iuipijt;i'bilj ai/j. Ina^jrare, a mar., to lirace the yanis. |ingr're'] Inagrelile,. itn)iu stirel inagresti're']and Inagri- Inappannabile, ( mappa nual.'Lripu amento, fimptmu't] re [inagn'rej w.n. to grow sour le] adj. incapable of beiug

in;pntition, accusation. (Slid of fruit). obscured. utare, [impta'r] v. a. to In ijare, |inay're'l v. n. to dis- Inappassionare, fmppassiona'111)1 te, .iccuse. tend shocks of corn on the re] V. a. to put in a passion, Imputatore, fimputt're'] m. floor. make angry. ni|Mitei-, accuser. Inalbamento, [inlbme'n't] m. Inappellabile, (inappella'bile] Im|.u!azior.e, (iinptt.sio'n] /. nilj iiiia](p.alab!e. wiiiteniug. iininit-ition. accusation. charge. Inalbare, [inalb're'] v. a to Inappellabilmente, (luppellaImputridire, (iniptridrr) v. whitewash, whiten. knhueu te] adv. without apn. to putrefy. Inaiberaraento, [inalhramn'- peal Impuziare, limpi'its're] v. n. \.'i\ VI. masting ships. Inappetente, (inappeten'f e I'idj. to grow putrid, stink. laalberare, inalhera're] r.a. to without ippi'tite; SijUe iliiisn. Impuzzolire, imptsli're] see cluni' upon a tree; plant; mar., Inappetenza, (luappet u'dsaj ^ Jnii>ii7,zare. to mast. want of appetite, disgust. In, [in I'rep. in, into, at, on, upon. Inalberato, [inlher'to] adj. Inapprensibile, in ippr.nsi'biInabile, fma'bile] adj. imapa- s id ol land planted with trees, Ic] adj un oniprelieiisilili). I'le. uii.sVilful. Inalidire, [inalidi'r] see Inari-llnaquoso, [makuoso] adj. wihInabilit, (maini ita'] Inabilit- dire. out water dry. de. Inabilitate, /. inability ;;inalieiabile,,iiialien'b>l] ai/j. Inarabile, (inarabile) adj iniiiipoteiice unalienaid Capalih- ol being ploiij-a d. Inabilitare, [inbilit're] v. a. Inalienabilit, (inalienabilit'], (mara'toj ad;, uuto render incap.ible, disable. /. unalienahleness. ploughed. Inabissamento, [inbissmn'- Inalterabile, (inltr'bile'] adj. Inarborare [inrbr'r] see , toj m. ally ss. unalterable, immutable. In ilherare. Inabissare, finbi.;s'rl "-a- to Inalterabilit, ( nalterabil ita'] Inarcare, (inrk're'] v. a. to ingulf: ruin; JNABISSABSI, v.r. /. immutability, unchangeable- arch, bend; - le ciglia, to raise to get ruined ness. the hrows, look arch; i.n miInabitabile, (inabit'bil] (//.Inalterabilmente, [inlte'rbil- ca asi, V. r. to grow arched, Uiimhaliitable. me'n'tl adi), unalterably. bo w Inabitare, (inabit'r] v. a. to Inalterato, (inaltra'to]a(,j. un- Inarcatore, finrkto're] inli.ihit. altered.who looks arcti. Inabitato, [mabita'to] adj. un- Inalveazione, (malvtsi'nj Inaroatura, [markatii'raj f, inhabited. curvo, urcii. f. making a canal.





[inkmt't] adj.

Inarenare, finrn'r] v. a. to Inavveduto, finwe'd't] adj. unwary, indiscreet. with nand. (ill Inargentare, (inrjnt're'] va. Inavventura, [invve'nt'r] f. misfortune. to plate with silver Inargentato, |inarjnt't6] adj. Inavvertentemente, [invveV inadvertentmn't] adi;, pUted with silver. tently. Inarguto, linargu'tl adj. blnnt Inaridare, [inand'r] Inaridi- Inavvertenza, finavve'rtn'ds] re, linaridi'r] v. a. to make f. inattention, thoughtlessness. arid, dry up; -, v. n. to become Inavvertito, [invvrti't] see Inavveduto. arid. [intsi'ne'] f. inInaridito, fmiridi't] adj. dried Inazione ,
np. withered. Inarpicarsi, [inrpikr'si] v.

as straight as a polo. Incameramento , [inkme'rmen't) m. imprisonment; con






imprison, confine;



Incamerazione, [inkme'rtsi'n]


Incamiciare, [inkmitsh're'] v. a to pl.ister with mortar; Incamiciarsi, V. r, to put on

Incacciare, finktsli're'] v. a, one's shirt. Incamiciata, [inkmitshata] /. to chase, pursue. to clamber np. Inarrendevole, [inrrnde''vl] Incaciare, [inkatsh're'] v. a. camisado; attack by night. Incamiciato , [inkmitsha't] to season with cheese. adj. inflexible. Inarrendevolezza, [inrre'nde'- Incadaverire, [inkdvri're'] v. adj. shirted; mas, rough-cast. Incamiciatura, |inkamitsht'n. to rot. vl'teal f. inflexibility. Inarrestabile, [inrrstbn] Incagionare, [inkjn're'] v. a. r| f. mas., rough-c.isting. Incamminamento , [inkammito cause, occasion. adj. not to be arrested (said Incagliamento, [inkrme'n't] nmen't] m. settling on foot; of water Ac). beginning. Inarrivabile, [inrriv'bile']arf/. m. coagulation. inaccessi Ide, unattainible. Incagliare, (inkal''re'l v. n. to Incamminare , [inkmmin're'] v. a. to set on foot; begin; Inarsicciato, [inrsitsli/t] adj. curdle, war to run aground, push forward; Incamminausi, parched. strand. Inarticolato, [inrtikl't]adj. Incaglio, [ink'l'] m. strand- V. r to set out. ing; entanglement, difficulty. Incamuflfare, [inkmfi''re'] v. inarticulate. Inartificioso , [inrtifitsh's] Incagnarsi, [inkn"r'si] v. r. a. to disguise one's self; put on a hood. Oilj. artless, natural. to shake with rage. Inasinire, [inasini're'] v. n. to Incagnato , [inkan''t] adj. Incanalamento, finknlrae'n'tj m. '..he act and efi'ect of grow stupid. angry, grim. Inaspare, [inaspare'] v. a. to Incalamitare , [inklmit're'l enclosing running water in a canal. wind, reel. V. a to inoculate with the



lo id-stone.

Incalappiare, finklppi'r] v. Inaspettatezza inaspe'ttate"a. to ensnare, entangle intsa] and Inaspettazione, [intrigue. spttatsi'n] f. the happen- Incalcare, [inklk're'] v a. to ing of something unlooked for. pursue hotly, press; force. Inaspettato, [insptt't] adj. Incalcatura, [inkalkt'r] f. unexpected, unlooked for; sud- the act of pursuing. den. Incalciare, [inkltsh'r] see Inasprare, [inaspra're'] Inaspri- Incalzare. [inaspn'r] re, v. a. to exas- Incalcinare, [inkltshin're'] v. perate; Inasprirsi, v. r. to be- a. to calcine. come exasperated; get worse. Incalcitrare, [inkaltshitra're'] Inattaccabile, [inttakk'bil] V. a. to kick; - v. n. to be restive. adj. not to be attacked. Inattitudine, [inttit'dine'] f Incalii'inato, [inklijin to] odj.

tamn'tl adv. unexpectedly.

Incanalare, [inkanala're'] v. a. to confine running water in a



[inknlt'ra] , dove- tailing. Incanato, [inkn't] adj. enr igod, furious.

bi'I] adj.




Incancherire, [inknkri'rej v. a. to irritate, anger; -, v. n.


become irritated





f :i1il(i limis.

In cai I in unto , ill'tsity. Inatto, [int't] adj. unapt, m. Incannare, [inkann're'] v. a. unable. to wind bobbins; swallow up. Incallire, inklli're'] v. n. to Inaudbile, [inwdi'bil] adj. grow o;illous, indurate. Incannata, [inkann't] f. cherinaudible. Incallito, inkalli't] adj. grown ries passed through a split Inaudito, [inawdi't] adj. un- callous, liaiilened. reed; trap, snare.
| I

Incandidire, [inkndidi'r] v. a. to whiten. Incandlre, [inkandi'reT v. a. to shine with silvery light (said of the moon). [inkllinin't]



v. a.

to graft.






Inaugurare, [tnwgr're']
to inaugurate.


a. to

make a




Inaugurazione, [inugrtsi'nel

v. a.

to solicit with ardor. Incalvire, [inklvi'r] v. n. to

/ for a fracture.

[inknntshtrellis-work, bandage

Inaurare, [inar're']

Inavarire, [inavari're'] v. n.

enchant, bewitch; delight; sell tainen'tl adv. by auftion. by mistake. pursuur. Incantatore, [inknt't're'] In Inavvedutezza , [invvdte'- Incalzonarsi , [inkltsnr'si] oantatrice, [inknttri'tshe] /, taaj f. inadvertency. V. r. to put on one's breeches. charmer; conjuror.

grow avaricious. Inavvedutamente,

grow bald. Incantagione, [inkantj'n] f. lacalzamento, [inkltsmnt] Incantamento, [inkntmn'to ]th enchantment, bewitching. m. ch se. to Incalzare, [inklts're'] v. a. to Incantare, inkant'r] va. to

finvve'd- chase, pursue hotly. inadvertently, Incalzatore, [inkltst're'] ni.


216 --, v.

n. to


enhance the price

rise in price.

adi- conjuring,


Incassamento, [inkssmeVt] m. putting in a case; collecting.

Incantazione, [inkntatsi'n] /.Incantesimo, [inknt'sim] m. enchantment. Incantevole, [inknt'vle'] adj. enchanting, charming. Incanto, [inkn't] m. enchantment, charm, witchcraft pubauction ; vendere sale , lic all'-, to sell by auction. [inkntnar'si] Incantonarsi , and Incantucciarsi , [inkn;

IncarbonchiariS, [inkrbnkiar]

Incassare, finkss're'] r. a. to kdrbnki'r] v. n. to take the case, pack up; cash. Incassatura, [inksst'ra] f. color of charcoal. Incarbonire, [inkarbni're'] v. a. a quantity of objects packed

and Incarbonchire,


become charcoal.

up together.

Incarcare, [inkrka're'] see In- Incastagnare, [inkstn''re'] v. to caricare. a. fortify with boards, Incarceragione , [inkrtshe'r- wainscot.
j'n] see Incarcerazione.

ttshr'si] V.

r. to

hide one's

self in a corner.

Incanutimento, [inkanutime'n't] m. hoariness; grey hair.

Incanutire, [inknti're'] v. n. to grow grey ; grow old. Incapace, [inkpa'tsh] adj. incapable, unable. Incapacit , [inkptshit'] f. incapacity, inability. Incapacioilit , [inkptshibilit']



Incarcerare, [iukrtshe'r'r] v. a. to imprison. Incarcerazione, [inkrtshe'ratsi'n] f. imprisonment. Incarco, [inkar'k] m. poes., load, charge. Incarica, [ink'rik] f. load, burden; weight. Incaricare, [inkrik're'] v. a. to load, charge. Incaricato , [inkrik't] adj. charged with; -, m. envoy. Incarico, [ink'rik] m. charge,

Incastellamento , [inkste'llmn't] m. battlement; scaffold.

Incastellare, [inkste'll'r] v.
a. to fortify:



Incastellato, [inkstll't] adj. abounding in fortifications (said also of a narrow-heeled

[inkpatshitbilit'] /. incomprehensibility. Incapacitabile, [inkapatshitabi'le)

adj. incomprehensible.

Incapamento , m. obstinacy.


Incaparbire, [inkprbi're'] v. n. to be headstrong, persist. Incaparbito, [inkprbi't] adj. headstrong, obstinate. Incaparrare, [inkprr'r] v.
a. to give earnest. Incaparsi, [inkpr'si] see In-


Incapato, [inkpa't] adj. prejudiced; mar. embayed. Incapestrare, [inkpstr'r] v.

a. to

halter, snare.

Incaponir, [inkpni're'] v.n. Incaponirsi, [inkpnir'si] v. r. to grow stubborn. Incappare, [inkpp're'] v. a. to tie, knot; -, v. n. to fall into a snare; be caught; stumble.
V. r. to


put on one's hat, cov-

er one's head.
[inkppe'll't] Incappellato , adj. with one's hat on, cover-


tsh'r] V.


[inkppe'rwrap in a
v. r.

hood; Incapperucciabsi,

to take the cowl. Incappiare, [inkpp'r] v. a. pulley. to tie with a knot; entangle, Incartare, [inkart're'] v. a. to put in paper. fasten. Incappo, [inkp'p] m. snare; Incartocciamento,[inkrttshme'n't] m. the act of rolling stumbling-block; hit. Incappucciare, [inkpptsh'- up paper in the form of a cone ; the paper itself when r) V. a, to put on a cowl; rolled np. mask. Incapriccirsi, [inkapritshir'si] Incartocciare, [inkdrttsh'rl InV. a. to roll up in paper V. r. to fall in love, bo smitCARTOcciAasi, V. r, to become ten. Incarare, [inkar're'] v. a. to shriveled, curl up.

horse). Incastita, [inkstit'] Incastitade, lucastitate, f. incontinence. Incasto, [ink'st] adj. unchaste, incontinent. burden; tax, custom; care; Incastonare, [inkstn'r] v. injury, wrong; prender I' -di, a. to enchase; set in. to take the care of; take the Incastonatura, [inkstnt'r] command of. f. enchasing; setting in. [inkrnj'ne'] Incastrare, [inkstr'r] v. a. Incarnagione , (little used) sec Carnagione. to mortise, enchase. Incarnare, [inkrn're'] v. n. to Incastratura, [inkstrt'r] f. take flesh; heal up; paint to mortising, enchasing. the life. Incastro, [ink'str] irk. far., Incarnatino, [inkrnti'n] adj. hoof-parer, butteris. flesh-colored. Incastronire, [inkastrni're'] v. Incarnativo, [inkrnti'v] adj. n. to grow silly. incarnative. Incatarrare, [inktrra're'] InIncarnato, [inkrnat] ad;, in- catarrire, [inktrri'r] v.n. carnate, flesh-colored to catch a cold. Incarnazione, [inkrntsi'ne'] Incatarr atara, [inktrrt'r] incarnation, flesh-color. /. a cold. f. Incarnire, [inkrni're] v. a. to Incatenacciare, [inkte'natsh'the flesh. penetrate into r] V. a. to fasten with a [inkrni'tj adj. Incarnito , padlock. rooted in the flesh. Incatenamento, [inkte'nme'n'Incarognare, [inkrn''re'] and t] m. the junction of walls. Incarognire, finkrn'i're'] v. Incatenare, [inktn're] v. a. n. to become carrion; Incahoto chain, shackle, fetter. GNAESi, V. r. to he mad with Incatenato jo , [inkte'nt'y] love. adj. worthy of chains. Incarrare, [inkdrr'r] v. a. to Incatenatura, [inktnt'r] /. chaining joining together mount artillery. Incarrozzare, [inkrrtsa're'] v. union. a. to place in a carriage; In- Incatorzolimento, [inkatrtsCABROzzARSi, V. r. to get into limn't] TO. blasting of fruit. Incatorzolirsi, [Dktrtslir'a carriage. Incarrucolare, [inkrrkl'r] si] V. r. to be blasted; wither away. V. a. to put the rope into the
; ;

Incatramare, [inktrim're'] o. to smear with tar.

Incattivire, [inkattivi're'] v. n. to grow wicked. Incattolico, [inkttli'kl adj.

not catholic.

Incautamente, [inkutrae'n'tl
adv. inconsiderately. Incautela, [inkut'l] f. imprudence. Incauto, [inku't] adj. inconsiderate, unwary, negligent.












the carriage. [inkvlktu'rd] f. setting one thing over another; (her.) quartering. Incavallare, [inkavll'r] v. a. to place upon; set across; InCAVALLAKSi, V. v. to mount, ride on horseback.

mount upon

Incensata, fintshe'ns't] f. per- Incesto, [intsh'st] m.jur., incest; adj. impure. fuming Avith incense. Incensatore, [intshe'nst're'] m. Incestuosamente, [intshe'stone who perfumes with incense. smn'te'] adv. incestuously. Incensatura, [intshe'nst'r] f. Incestuoso, [intshe'st's] adj. incestuous. see Incensamento. Incensiere, [intshe'nsi're'] m. Incetta, [intsh't] f. purchase of goods for retail {are -, to censer; incense-pan. Incensione, [intshe'nsi'ne'] /. fores tal.

kindling, conflagration. Incettare, [intshe'tt're'] v. a. io Incavare, [inkv're'] v. a. to Incensivo, [intshnsi'v] adj. buy up, forestal; engross; moscoop, hollow. nopolize. kindling, inflaming. Incavatura, [inkvt'r] /. ex- Incenso, fintshn's] m. in- Incettatore, [mtshttt're'] wi, cavation; cavity, cove. cense; adulation; dar ~ ad uno, forestaller, engrosser. Incavernarsi, [inicvrnr'si] v. to flatter a person. Inchiavardare, [inkivrd're'] w. a. to nail with large nails. r. to hide ono"s self in a cave Incensurabile[intshe'nsr'l)ile'] Occhi incavernati, m. pi., deep- adj. irreproachable. Inchiavare, [inkiv'r] v.n. to sunk eyes, pi. Incentivo, [intshe'nti'v] m. in- lock; shut up. Incavezzare, [inkve'ts're'j v. centive, motive, stimulus. Inchiavistellare,[ink{vistlla'a. to put on a halter. Incentrare, [intshe'ntra're'] v. a. r] V. a. to padlock, bolt. Incavicchiare, [inkvikkia'r] to penetrate to the centre Inchiedere, [inki'de'r] v. a. V. a. to peg, pin. Incentrarsi, [intshe'ntrr'si] v. irr., (see Chiedere) to inquire, Incavigliare, [inkvir're'] v. r. to meet in one centre. search into. Inceppare, [intshe'ppa're'] i'. a. Inchieditore, [inkidit're'] m. a. to fasten with pegs. Incavo, [inka'v] m. cavity, to shackle, fetter. inquirer, searcher. hollow, hole. Incerare, [intshe'r're'] v. a. to Inchierire, [inkie'rire'] see InIncazzirsi, [inkatsir'si] v. n. to wax; -, V. n. to grow yellow. chiedere, (search. be obstinately capricious (vul Incerato, [intshe'r't] arfj. wax- Inchiesta, [inkt'st] ^.inquest, garism). ed ; strong resisting ; -, wi. oil- Inchinamento [inkinmn't]ni. Incedere, [intsh'de're'] v. n. to cloth; waxing. inclination, bowing. walk on, proceed, march. Inceratura, [intshe'rt'ra] f. Inchinare, [inkin'r] v. a. to Incelebrato , [intshlbr't] the act and result of waxing. bend, bow, incline; nod, assent? adj. unsung, omitted to be cel- Incerberarsi, [intshrbrr'si] -, V. n. to decline; Inchinarsi, ebrated. . r. to incline one's self, bend V. n. r. to become savage. Incelebre, [intsh'le'br] adj. Incerchiare, [intshe'rki'r] v. one's self, make a bow, bow, unrenowned, unknown. a. to hoop. salute. Incendere, [intshn'dre'] v. a. Incerchio, fintsheVki] D' in- Inchinata , [inkina't] /". bow, & n. irr. (see Accendere) to cerchio , [d'intsheVki] adv. salutation, reverence. burn, inflame. around. Inchinazione, [inkintsi'ne] f. Incendevole , [intshe'nd'vle'J Incercinare, [intshe'rtshina're'] inclination; bent; salutation. v.a. to put a pad upon one's Inchinevole, [inkin'vle'] adj. adj. inflammable. Incendiamento , [intshe'ndia- head. inclined, prone. ran't] see Incendimonto. Incerconire, [intshe'rkni'r] v Inchinevolmente, [inkine'vlIncendiare, [intshendi'r] v. n. to grow sour, grow tart ( said me'u't] adv. by inclination; humbly, respectfully. a. to set fire to anything. of wine) Incendiario, [intshe'ndia rio] m. Incertamente, [intshe'rtame'n'- Inchino, [inki'n] adj. inclined, bent; -, m. bow, salutation. incendiary. t] adv. doubtfully. Incendibile,[intshe'ndibi'le']af/j. Incertezza, [intshe'rte't's] In Inchinazzo , [inkinfs] m. certitudine, [intshe'rtit'din] slight bow. inflammable, easy to burn. Inchiodacuore, [inkfdk're'] Incendimento, [intshe'ndime'n'- f. uncertainty, doubt. m. an ornament shaped like a to] Incendio, [intshn'di] ni. Incerto, [intshr't] adj. uncerheart. tain, doubtful; m. uncertainty. conflagration. Incendioso, [intshe'ndi's] adj. Inceso, [intsh's] m. cautery. Inchiodare, [inkid're'] v. a. occasioning conflagration. Incespare, [intshe'sp'r] In- to nail, nail up; spike; prick Incenditi vo,[intshnditi'v]adj. cespicare, [intshe'spik'r] v. (a horse). apt to inflame. n. to stumble shoot up, spread. Inchiodatura, [inktdt'r] f. Incenditore, [intshe'ndito're'] m. Incessabile, [intshss'bile'] orfj. prick (of a nail). lucenditrice, incessant, continual. [intshe'nditri Inchiostrare, [inktstr're'] v. tshe] f. incendiary. Incessabilmente, [intshe'ssbil- a. to daub with ink. Incenerare, [intshe'ne'r're'] In- mn't] adv. incessantly. Inchiostro, [inkt'str] m. ink. cenerire, [intshne'ri're'] v. a. Incessante, [intshssn't] adj. Inchiovatura, [inkivt'r] f. incessant, continual. to burn to ashes. nailing up; prick (of a nail). Incenerazione[intshe'ne'rtsi'- Incessantemente, [intshe'ssn- Inchiudere, [inktu'de're] v. a. ne']/. the act and result of burntmn'te'] andlncessatamente, irr., (see Chiudere) to include, [intshe'sstmn't]adv. inces- enclose, contain. ing to ashes. Incensamento, [intshe'nsme'n'- santly, perpetually. Incialdare, [intshtalda're'] v. n. to] m. perfuming with incense. Incessanza, [intshe'ssan'dsa] f. to wrap up in a wafer. Incensare, [intshns'rj v. a. perpetuity. (walking. Inciampamento , [iutshmpa,to perfume with incense; extol. Incesso, [intsheVs] m. going. mn'tj m. a stumbling-block. tBcensaria,[intsh9n3ari]/:,wild Incestare, [intshe'sta'r] v. a. to Inciampare, [intshiampa're] . mint. put into a basket. n. to stumble; trip.


a trip or



fintshmp't] /. Incittadar8i,rintshittdr'si]i5. Incognitura, rink'n'itr] f. the being unknown. a. r. to leave the country for stumble. Incognoscibile, [inkn'shi'bi' m. the city. [intshtm'p] Inciampo, le] adj. unknowable, inscrutaIncittadinarsi, fintshittdinr'ptuinliling; difficulty. Incidente, [mtshiden'te'] m. in- si) t>. a r. to take or imitate ble. Incognoscibilt [inkn'tshithe manners of a citizen. ciili nt, (Msual event. Incidentemente, [intshide'nte'- Incivettire, [intshivtti're'] v. bi'lita) /. in.scrutability. Incoia, [in'kola] and Incoio, n to become coquettish. nieii'tel arfr. accidentally. Incidenza, (intshiden'dsal f. in- Incivile, [intshivi'lej adj. un- [inko'l] m. inhabitant. IncoUamentj , [inkllme'n't] cidence; hap, chance; digres- civil, ill-bred. m. glueing. Incivilire, [intshivili'r] v. n. sion. IncoUanare, [inklln're'] v.a. to grow civil. Incidere, fintshi'de're'] v.a. irr. to adorn with a necklace. (witti, tnctso) to cut into, In 'civilmente, [intshivilme'n'te'] Incollare, [inkll'r] v. a. to adv. uncivilly, unpolitely. en^ruve; rn.ike a digression. Inciferato, lintshifer'toj adj. Incivilita, fintshivilit' Inci- glue, stick together. vilitade. Incivilitale, /. inci- Incollerirsi, [inkollrir'si] v. r done in ciphers. to fall into a passion. Incignare, [intshil'r] v.n. to vility, rudeness. wovl< the ground i second time. Inciuscherare, [intshiuske'ra'- Incollerito , [inkolleri't] adj. Inci^nere, (intshi'nerj v. n. r\ V. n. to be intoxicated, be raging, angry. Incolorarsi, [inklrr'si] v. r. inebriated. trr. (see Cignere) to be pregInclemente, [inkle'mn'te'] adj. to be colored. nant. inclement, severe. Incolpabile, [inklp'bil] adj. Incile, fintshie'] m. a drain to unblamible. (exalt. Inclementemente, [incle'me'ntconduct water. Incolpabilmente , finklpbilIncimare, (intshim're'] v a. to men'te) adv. inclemently. Incinerazione, (intshinrtsi'- Inclemenza, [inklemn'ds] f. mn'te] adv. unblamably. inclemency, severity. Incolpare, [inklpa'r] v. a. to iie] f manuring with ashes. Incinta, [intshiu'taj adj. preg- Inclinabile, [inkliua'bil] adj. blame, find fault with accuse. Incolpato, [inklp'to] m. a deinclinable, inclining. nant Incioccamento [intshkkrae'n'- Inclinamento, (inklinme'n't] linquent; oJj. blamable also m deci! nation, inclination; pro- without fsiuli', incolpata tutelo., tol m. the act and effect of pensity. self-defence. striking two hard substances together; collision. Inclinantemente, [inklinante'- Incolpatore, [iuklpat'r] in. Incioccare, [intshokka're'] v. a. mn't) adv. with inclination. accuser. Inclinare, [inklin're'l v. a. & Incolpevole, [inklpe''vle'] adj. to collide unblamable, innocent. Incipiente, [intshipin't] adj. n. to incline, be prone. I:!clinato, [inklin't] adj. in- Incoltamente, [inkltaraen't] boginning; -, w. novice adv. in an inelegant manner. Inciprignire, [intshiprin'i'rel clined, prone. virulent (saiil Inclinazione, finklintsi'ne'] /. Incoltezza, [inkolt'ts] f. wild, V. n. to grow without culture (said of fruit cliefly of diseases). inclination, propensity, dispo&c.). Incirca, [intshir'k] adv about, sition. concerning, tou'hing. Inclinevole, finkline'vole'] adj. Incolto, finkrt] adj. unculdisposed, prone. tivated, rude; desert, waste; Incirconciso,|intshirkntshi'sj without ornament. adj uucircumcised. Inclito,(in'klito]adj .illustrious, famous Incircoscrittibile, fintshirkIncombattibile, [inkmbtti 'biscnttibi'll arjj. illimitable. Includere, [inkl'dr] see In- le) adj. incontestable. Incombente, i^inkombn'te'] adj. Incircoscritto, intshirk.skrit'- chiudere. to) adj. unbounded, illimited. Inclusi vamentefinkl sivme'n'- incumbent. Incisione, |intshisi'nj /.inci- t] a /v. inclusively. Incombenza, [inkrabn'ds] f. sion, slash. Incoato, [inkatj adj. com- incumbency; charge. Incombustibile, [inkmhsti'Incisivo, intshisi'v] adj. incimenced, begun. sive; dividing. Incoccare, [mkkk're'] v. a. to bile) a Ij. incombustible. Incombusto, [inkmb'st] adj. Inciso, [intshi'sl adj. cut in, notch an arrow; stammer. engraved; -, m. member, part Incocciare, finktsh're] v. n. unburnt; not consumed. (of a discourse). Incocciarsi, [inkotshr'si] v.r. Incominciameato , [inkmintshamen'toj m. commencement, Incisore, [mtshis're] m. en- to grow obstinate. graver; denti incisori, m. pL. Incodardire, [inkdrdi're'] v. beginning. incisory teeth pi. n. to lose courage, get cow- Incominciante, finkmintshan'Incisura, [intshis'r] f. inci- ardly. t] m. beginner, novice. sion; gap. Incoerente, [inkrn'te'J adj. Incominciare, [inkmintsh're'] Incitamento, fintshitmn't] incoherent. V. a. to commence, begin. m. incitement, impulse. Incoerenza, [inke'rn'ds] f. Incominciato, [inkomintsha't] Incita e, [intshit'r] v. a. to incoherency. see Incomiuciamento. incite, inipel, spur on. Incoitabile,[inkjit'bile']a'/;. lacominciatore, [inkmintsh' Incitativo, (intshitti'v] adj. to'r) rn. beginner, author. inconceivable. inciting, moving. Incogliere, [inkTre']''. a. irr., Incomincio, [inkmin'tsh] m. (intsbitt're'] m. Incitatore, beginning. (see Cogliere)to catch, surprise; lncitatrice,|intshitatri'tshj/'. -, V. n. to happen. Incommendare, finkmme'nd'' ine ter, provoker. Incoiuitamentelinkdn'itme'n'- re] r a lo giv" in commendam. Incitazione, [intshitatsi'ne'] f. tt- J a V. incognito. Incommensu abile , [inkomi incitement, impulse, induce- Incoi^nito, [inko'n'it] adj. tiu- mensura'bilej adj. iucommonniout. kuowu, strange. sur;ible.
| I


bilel udj



dratmn'te'l adv. inconsiderately, imprudently. incomprehensible. In omprensibilit.linkompre'n- IncOiasideratezza,(inkiisidrBursibility Incommodit, [inT<Tnmdit'] sibilit' Incomprensibilitade, tt s;i| f. imprudence, rashness. Incomprensibilitate, /. incom- Inconsiderato, [inkonsidr't] &(., see Incomodit &c.

[mknm- Incomprensibile, [inkmprnsi'-


Incommutabile,! inkommt'bile) ad], ininiulab e.


adj. inconsiderate, rash.


Incomp ensibilmente, finkm- Inconsiderazione



Incommutabilit, [inkmmtViilita'l


inutalulmen'tej U'iv


and Incom- ratsio'n] f. inconsideration, prensivamente, [inkomprensi- inattention: rashness. vamen'tej adv. incomprehen- Inconsistente, inkonsistn'te']






Incomunicabile, [inkmnik'[inlcmmt- bil) adj. incommunicable. Incomunicabilmente, [inkmuvo'le'i 'iilj. immutable. adv. incom[inkmd- nikabilmentj Incomodamente mf-nte| u'/v iaconimodiously, mnnicably. Incuncepibile, finkntshe'pi'bi iiiconveiiii'iitly.




Ine jusoiabilmente, [inknsl.bilmentel adv. inconsolaidy. Inconsolato, [inkonsola'toj adj.


Incomodare, iiikmd'r]


to iih-oimiikkIc, disturb, trouble

Incomodato, [inkomoda'to]




Incomodit, (inkomndit'] Incomoditade, Incomoditate, f.


disadvantage; distress. Incomodo, [luk'mod] af/j. inconvenient, tiresome, trouble-, m. inoonveniency trouble: slight ailment Incomparabile, inknmpr'biIt-Jaf/y ini-omparable.


Incomparabilmente, inkmp[



Incomparai si,
a r

incompanibly. nkomparar'si

be a godfathi'r. Incf.ntaminatamente , [inkonIncompartibile, (ink'imprti'- f vviiiit of confidence. [inknfsd- taminatamen'tej adv.' sincerebile] aUj. indivisible, insepira- lconfusaraente , ly, purely. ble. raen'te'l ailo. confusedly. (nel f. rnclty. Incompassione, finkmpassio- Incongiungibile, [inkonjiiinii Inccntaminatezza, finkntmiIncom patibile, [inkmpati'bilj i-i'le] adj. not to be united, natet sa] /. incorruptuess, pa<

Inconsolazione, [inknsltsi'Inconcepibilit, [inkntshpi- ne] f. disconsolateuess, hopeless sorrow. bilita) f unconcoivableness. Inconciliabile, f mkontshili'bi- Inconstante, [inknstn'te'] &c. see Incostante <S:c. le) adj. irreconcilable. Inconcinno, (inkntsliin'n]orfJ. Inconsueto , [inkns-ttc't] adj. unused, not accustomed. unadorned, inelegant. Inconcludente, [lukonkliidcn'- Inconsultamente, [inkonsiltadv. men'te] unadvisedly tej adj. inconclusive, undecithoughtlessly. sive. Inconcluso, finknkl's] adj. Inconsulto, [inkonsul'to] adj. inconsiderate, thoughtless. uncoucluded, undecided. Inconcusso, [inknks's] adj. Inconsumabile, [inknsra'biunshaken, firm. ll adj. inionsum lille. Incondite, [inkn'dit] adj in- Inconsumato, [inkonsuma't] adj. not consumed, remaining. condite; confounded. finknfide'n'te] Inconsutile, mkonsu'tile] a'lj. Inconfidente seamless. adj. not coiilideiit, not trustIncontaminabile, fiiikntmiworthy. iia'bile] adj. incorruptible. Incontidenza, ffnknfidn'ts]

adj. inconceivable.

rity. (l'/j im-oiupatilili;. incompatible. Incompatibilit, [uikmptibi- Incongiunto, [inknjiin't] adj. Incontaminato, fi'nkntmin' to] adj incoutamin ite, pure. litii) f. inciiiiipalibility. disunited. Incompensabile, [inkompens'- Incongruente, finkngn'u'n'te] Icontanente, [inkontan u'te'] adr. immediately, at once. bile) ailj. noi i-ompensable. ai(j inconsistent, incongruous. Incompetente, [mkmptcn't] Incongruentemente , [inkon- Incontenente, [inkontnn'te'] O'Ij. irii-oiiipdtent, unqu ilifed. gruentemn't] adv. inconsist- see Incontanente. Incontemplabile , Incompetentemente,(ink>mp- ently. [inkntmplabi'le) adj. unable to bo contenteiiien te|ff'/i'. incompetent- Incongruenza f inkongvucn'dsa] ly, vvitbout autiiority. incongruity, inconsistency. templated. f. Incompv,ienza, Incontentabile, rnkntntT)!finkompe'tn'- Incongruit, [inkongrita] dsa] / iiironiprtciry, inability. incongruity, dispvnportion. insatiable. le'l ad] Incompiuto, inknmp/'t] and Incongruo, [inkn'grn] adj. in- Incontentabilit, [inknte'ntIn, ompleto, mk'Miipleto] w/j. congruous; inconsistent. bilita'l f. insatiableness. incomplete, imi)erloct. Incon )cchiare, inknokki'r] Incon estabile, [inkonte'st'biIncompiesso, [inkmpl's] adj. V. a. to fill the di.staff. adj. incontestable, certain. le'l uncomplicated: simple. Inconosciuto , [mknosh't] Incontestabilmente, [ink'intIncomportabile, (inkomprt'- adj. unknown. stabilmn't] adv. incontestabile] adj. insupportable, intol- Inconquassabile , [inknkusbly. erable. sa'bile'] adj. unshaken. Incontinente , [inkntinn'te'J Incomportabilmente, [inkm- Inconsapevole, [inknspe'v'- adj. incontinent, unchaste. portabilinen'tej a<lv. intolera- le) adj unknowing. Incontinentemente, [inkntibly. Inconseguente, [inknse'ge'n'- nntmn't] adv. intempe/".

Incomportevole, finkmprte''-

rate] y. te'l ad), (gram.) irregular. volel see Incomportabile. Inconseguenza, [inkonsegun'- I.LContnenza, [inkntinn'dsa] Ir. com possibile,! inkompussibi'] f. inconsei|uenco. I.icontinen/ia, [inkontmen'< U'I le Iilc-ouipatiblH. Inconsidei abile, [inknsidr'- dsia) f. incontinence. Incoinposto, mkoinp'stJ aclj, iiilej ndj. inconsiderable. Inconto, [inkou'toj adj. iaoldisordurud, neglected. Ilaconsideratamente, [inkonsi-' gant, unadorned.




Incontra, [inVn'tr] prep. a- Incorezzato, finkre'ts'tl adj. corruttibilitate, f. incorruptibility, integrity. stiffened by gainst; a/r -. on the contr.iry. said of cloth Incorruttibilmente, [inkrrtgrease &c. tncontraffattibile, [inkntrfadj. tibilmn't] adv. incorruptibly. [inkrna't] fttibi'l] adj. not to be coun- Incornato , Incorruzione, [inkrrtsi'ne'] obstinate. terfeited. Incontramento, [inkntrmn'- Incorniciare , [inkrnitsh're'] f. incorruption. Incortinare, [inkrtin're'l v. V. a. to frame, border. t] m. meeting, interview. Incontrare, [inlcntra're] v. a. Incoronare, [inkrn're'] v. a. a. to enclose with curtains. Incospicno, [inkspi'k] adj. to crown, adorn. to meet, meet with; -, v. n. to happen, befal; Incontrarsi, v. Incoronato, [inkrn'tj adj. indiscernible. Incostante, [inkstan't] adj. honored, exalted. r. to meet at the same point, Incoronazione, [inkrntsi'- inconstant, unstable. fall in with. Incostantemente, (inkstantIncontrastabile, [inkntrsta'- ne'] f. coronation. Incorporale, [inkrpr'le'] see mn't] adv. inconstantly. bil] adj. incontestable. Incostanza, [inkstn'dsa] f. Incontrastabilmente [inkn- Incorporeo. inconstancy. trstbilmn't] adv. incon- Incorporalit, [inkrpralit'l Incoticato , [inktik't] adj. testably. /. incorporality, iucorporeity. Incontrastato, [inVntrst't] Incorporalmente, [inkrprl- crusted, incrustated. Incotto, [inkd'tj a(/J. scorched, adj. undoubted, evident. mn'te'] adv. without a body. prep. Incorporamento , [inlcn'tr] [inkrpr- sun-burnt. Incontro, Incoverchiare, [inkve'rkia're'l against, opposite, towards; anmn't] m. incorporation. dare all' - di uno, to go to Incorporare, [inkrpr're'] v. and Incovertare, [inkve'rta'meet one; farsi -. to advance: a. to incorporate, embody; In- r] v. a. to put on a lid. -, m. meeting, rencounter; corporarsi, v. r. to become Incrassamento, [inkrssamu'chance. incorporated. t] see Ingrassamento. Incontrovertibile , f inkntr- Incorporazione, [inkrprtsi'- Incrassante, [inkrassan'to'] adj. adj. vertiTjile] incontrover- ne'] /. incorporation. said of medecines adapted to tible. Incorporeit, [inkrpre'it'] thicken the blood and humors Incontrovertibilmente, [inkn- state and quality of that which of the body. trvrtibilme'n'te'] adv. inconis incorporeal. Increanza, [inkre'n'dsa] /. in trovertibly. Incorporeo, [inkrp're'] adj civility, rudoness. Inconturbabile , [inkntrb'- incorporeal, immaterial. Increato, [inkr't] adj. inbil] adj. imperturbable; tran- Incorporo, [nkr'pr] m. increate. quil, unruffled. corporation, fusion; union. Incredibile, [inkre'dibi'l] adj. Inconvegnenza, [inkonve'n'e'n'- Incorre, [inkr'r] see Inco- incredible. tsal f. inconvenience. gliere. Incredibilit, [inkrdibilit'J f. Inconvenevole, [inknvn'v- Incorreggibile, [inkrre'djibi' incredibility. Inconveniente, [inknv- le] adj. see Incorrigibile. le'] Incredibilmente , [inkre'dibilnin't] adj. inconvenient, un- Incorrentare, [inkrrnta're'] v. me'n'te'l adv. incredibly. becoming, unsuitable. a. to strengthen with beams Incredulit, [inkrdlit'j /.inInconveniente, [inknve'nin'- Incorrentire, [inkrrnti'r] v. credulity. n. to become rigid as a beam. Incredulo, [inkr'dll adj. inte'l m. inconveniency, trouble Inconvenientemente, [inkonve'- Incorrentito , [inkrre'nti't] credulous, hard of belief. ninte'mn't] adv. inconve adj. stiff, rigid. Incremento, [inkrme'n't] m. niently. Incorrere, [inkr're're'] v. a. & increment, increase. Inconvenienza, [l'nknve'nin'- n. irr. (see Correre) to incur, Increpare, [inkrp're'] v. a. to ds| f. inconvenience. fall into; - in errore, to comreprove, blame. Inconversabile, [inknve'rsbi'- mit faults. Increpazioncella, [inkre'ptsi,

l| adj. unsociable. Inconvincibile, [inknvintshi'bile'l adj. not to be convinced. Incoraggiamento [inkradjmn't) nt. encouragement. Incoraggiare, [inkradj'r] v. (j. to encourage, excite; -, v. n. to take courage. Incoraggire, [inkrdji're'] v. a. to encourage, spur on. Incorare, [inkr'r] v. a. to encourage animate infuse courage; v. n. to take into head; one's put into one's head, persuade. Incordare, [inkrda're'] v. a. to string (an instrument); -, V. n.





slight reprima, ul,

mn't] adv. incorrectly. Increpazione, [inkre'patsi'ucj Incorretto, [inkrrt't] adj. in- f. reproof, reprimand. correct. Increscere, [inkr'shre'] v. n. Incorrezione, [inkrre'tsi'ne'] irr. (see Crescere) to be sorry, be tired; to commiserate. f. incorrectness of living, dissoluteness. Increscevole, [inkre'sh'vl] Incorrigibile , [inkorriji'bile'l adj. tiresome, sad.

adj. incorrigible. Increscevolmente , [inkre'she'Incorrigibilit,[inkrnjil)ilit'] vlmn't] adv. tediously, offensively. f. incorrigibleness; obduracy. , , Incorrigibilmente , [inkorriji- Increscimento, [inkre'shime'n'bilmen'te'] adv. incorrigibly. t] m. weariness, sorrow, grief. Incorrottamente, [inkrrtt- Increscioso, [inkre'sh's] adj. me'n'te'] adv. purely, justly. tiresome, tedious. Incorrottibile, [inkrrttibi'le'] Increspamento, [inkre'spme'n'adj. incorruptible. t] m. curling, crisping, frownto grow stiff. Incorrotto, [inkrrt't] adj. ing. Incordato , [inkrd't] adj. incorrupt, pure. Increspare, [inkre'sp're'] v. a. strung; stiff, benumbed. Incorruttibile, [inkrrtti'bi- to curl,';risp, frown; - la fronIncordatura, [inkrdt'r] f. l] adj. incorruptible. te, to knit one's brows. stringing (of an instrument); Incorruttibilit, [inkrrttibi- Increspatura, [inkre'spat'r] f. stiff neck. lit'] Inoorruttibilitade, Intee Increspamento.




Incretare, [inVrta'r] v. a. to Incuorare, finkr're'l v. a. & Indecentemente, findtshe'nt* n. to put into one's hoad. overlay witli clay. mii't] adv. indecently, un Incrinare, [iiikrin'r] . n. to Incurabile, [inkiir'bil] adj. hofoniingly. crark, split; g-ipe. incurable, irremediable. Indecenza, [inde'tshn'dsil f. Incristallarsi, [inkn'stallar'si] Incurato, [inkr't] adj. not indecency, unbecomingness. cured; neglected. V. n. r. to form icicles. Indeciso, [inde'tshi's] adj unIncriticabile [inkritik'bile'] Incuria, [ink'ri]/. negligence, decided. adj. not to be criticised. carelessness. Indeclinabile , [inde'klind'bile'] Incrociamento, [inkrtshme'n'- Incuriosamente , [inkiirisadj. indeclinable. mon't] adv. without curiosity. Indeclinabilit, [indklinbi'Htl tn. crossing. Incrociare, finkrtsh're'] v. a. Incuriosita, [inkrisit'] /". t'l f. the quality of that to cross; war to cruise. want of curiosity. which is indeclinable. Incrociatore, [inkrtshat're'] Incurioso, [inkri's] adj. not Indeclinabilmente, [inde'klintn. cruiser, pirate. awakening curiosity. bi'lmn't] adv. indeclinably. IncrocicchiamentOjfinkrtshnc- Incursione, [inkrsi'ne'] f. in- Indecoramente, [indkrmn'Icimn't] tn. cursion, invasion. intersection t] adv. indecorously, unbecrossing. Incurvabile, [inkrvbi'le'l adj. comingly. Incrocicchiare, rmlfrtsiiikki- incapable of being curved. Indecore, find'kre'] adj. indeIncurvamento , [inkiirvme'n'- corous, indecent. re'l . a. to intersect, cross. Incrocicchiato, [inkrtslu'kki'- tl m.. the act and effect of Indecoro, [indk'r] adj. indet] adj. laid across, entangled, curving; the thing curved; corous. confused. bending the knee. Indefatigabilmente, [inde'fatiIncrojarsi, finkryr'si] v. a. r. Incurvare, [inkrv're'] . a. to gbilmn't) adv. unweariedly. to grow rude, grow stubborn. curve, bend; Incurvarsi, . r. Indefensibilmente, finde'fe'nsiIncrollabile, [inkrllbil] adj. to bend; prostrate one's self. bilme'n'te'] adv. without deimmovable, unshaken. Incurvazione, [inkrvtsi'n] fence. Incrostamento, [inkrstme'n'- f. incurvation. Indefessamente , [indfe'sst] m. incrustation. Incurvevole, [inkrve'v'le'] adj. me'n'te'] adv. indefatigably, asIncrostare, [inkrst're'] v. a. causing to bend or curve (said siduously. to incrust, plaster. of old ago). Indefesso, [inde'f's] adj. inIncrostatura , [inkrstat'r] Incurvo, [inkr'v] adj. bent, defaligable, unwearied. Incrostazione, [inkrsttsi'- bowed, crooked. Indefettibile , [inde'ftti'bile'J n] f. incrusting. lucusare, [inkusa're'] . a. to adj. indefectible. Incrucciarsi, [inkrtshr'si] v. accuse; censure, blame. Indefettibilit, [inde'fttibilit'] n. r. to grow angry, hecome Incustodito, [inkstdi't] adj. f. indefectibility. enraged. unguarded Indeficiente , [inde'fitshtn't] Incrudelimento , [inkrdli- Incutere, [inku'te're'] v. a. irr. adj. not deficient; continual. me'n to] tn. the exercising {incussi ; incusso) to strike in- Indeficientemente , [inde'ficruelty. to instil. tshinte'mn'te'] adv. contiIncrudelire, fmkrde'li're'] v. a. Indaco, [in'dkl w. indigo. nually. to exasperate, irritate; -, v. n. Indagabile, [indgbi'le'J adj. Indeficienza, [inde'fitshin'ds] to get inflamed; grow cruel. investi gable. f. abundance, plenty. Incrudire, [inkrdi'rj v. a. to Indagare, [indg're'] v. a. to Indefinibile, [indfinibi'Ie'] adj. make harsh, make rough; ex- search into, inquire. undefinable. asperate. Indagatore, [indgt're'] m. in- Indefinitamente , [inde'finitIncru ente, [inkrn't] adj. un- vestigator. me'n'te'] adv. indefinitely. bloody. Indagazione j [indgtsi'ne'] Indefinitezza , [inde'finite't'sa] Incrunare, [inkrn're'] v. a. Indagine, [ind'jin] f. inves- and Indefinitudine, [inde'finito thread a needle. tigation. tudf'ne'] f. indefiniteness, inIncruscare, [inkrska're'] v. a. Indanajare, [indany're'] . a. determination. to fill with bran, cover with to speckle, stain. Indefinito, [inde'fini't] adj. inbran; meddle, be meddling. Indanajato, [indany't] adj. definite. Incubazione, [inkbtsi'n] /. speckled, spotted (as the skin Indegnamente, [inde'n'rae'n'te'] incubation. of a leopard &c.). adv. unworthily, basely. Incubo, [in'kb] tn. incubus, Indarno, [indr'n] vain, Indegnamente, [inde'n'me'n't] night-mare. to no purpose. tn. see Indegnazione. Incude, [inku'de'l Incudine, [in- Indebitamente, [inde'bitame'n'- Indegnarsi, [inde'n'ar'si] v. r. -k'din] f. anvil. adv. unduly, wrongfully. t] to be angry. Inculcare, [inklk're'] v. a. to Indebitarsi, [inde'bitr'si] . r. Indegnativo, [indeVati'v] adj. inculcate, impress deeply. to contract debts. provoking. Inculcatamente , [l'nklkt- Indebitato , [indelit't] adj. Indegnato, [indeVa'to] adj. inme'n'te'] adv. earnestly. indebted. dignant, very angry, rnging. Inculcazione, [inklktsi'no'] Indebito, [indTft] adj undue, Indegnazione, [indon'tsi'ne'] tautology. f. unjust. f. indi^'nation, wrath. Inculto, [mkrt] adj. uncul- Indebolimento, [indeTliraeV- Indegnit [inde'n'it'J Inde* tivated. t] m. weakness. gnitade, Indegnitate, /. indigIncumbenza, finkmbn'ds] f. Indebolire, [inde'bli're'] . a. nity, affront. incumbency, charge. to make weak, weaken; -, . Indegno, [ind'n'] adj. unIncuocere, [ink'tshe're'] v. a. n. to grow weak. worthy. irr.{see Cuocere) to boil; roast; Indecente, [inde'tshn'te'] adj. Indelebile, [indele"bile'] adj. in* singe. indecent, unbecoming. dolible, not to be effaced.
; ,




In elebilmente, [indlebilinn'- Indicamento, [indikmn't] m. Indipendente, (infipe'ndn't] te| adv. in an indelible maniiidiiation. mark, token. Ac. see Independente S:c. ner. Indicare, (indika'rel t). a. to in- Indipignibile, [nidipin'ibi'le'] deliberato, dicate, point out, show. I" a /j. incapable of being p liuted. I indlibr't]a'/j. indeliberate. Indicativo, [indikati'vola'/i. in- I.-dire, [indi'r] v. a. to intiIn 1 eliberazione, [inde'librtsi- dicative; -, m. (gr.) indicative! mate. o'n] /. want of deliberation. mood. Indirettamente.f indire' ttame'n'Indelicatirsi, [indelikatir si] v. Indicazione, findiktsi'n] f.\ t] a'lv indirectly. n r. to prow delicate. see Indicamento. Indiretto, [indir't] adi. indiIndemoniato , [indemnni'tj Indice, [in'ditslie'] m. index; rect; oblique. (to direct. C'/j possessed with devil. forefinger. Indirigere, [indiri'ge"r| v. a. Indenne, [iude'nej aJj. indemni- Indicere. [inditshe"re'] v. a. to Indi'-izzamento,[indintsaiiin'fied, unhurt. intimate, announce. to| see Indirizzo Indennit, (indennit'] f. in- Indicevole, [inditshe'vnif'] In- Indirizzare, (indirits're) va. demnity; compensation. dicibile,! inditshi'bile] adj. un-| to show the way, guide; adIndennizzare, [indennidsa're'] v. speikable, ineffable. dress (a letter); 1\^I n I7.z.\ usi, a to indemnify; corap 'nsate. Indicibilmente , finditsbibil- V. r to direct one's steps, iio Indennizzazione, indennidsa- men'te'l ndv. in*ixpressibly. guided. tsio'ne) /. indemnification. Indico, [indi'k] see Indigo. Indirizzatore, [indiritsto're'] Indentro, [indn'trjodv. with- Indie, (in'die'] f. pi., the Indies. m. director, guide. in, internally. Indietreggiare, [inditrdj'- Indirizzo, [indint's] m. direcIndependente, finde'pndn't] rj V. n. to draw back; start tion, address.



Independentemente, [indpn- Indietro,



Indiscernibile, findishrni'bile'] [indi'tr] adv. backadi indi.^icernible. adv. indepen- wards, after, behind; volgersi T" disciplinabile, [indi shi pi ina'-, to look back. .ill adj. indoi ile. [inde'pe'nden'- Indifeso, [indif's] adj. un- Indisciplinato, [indi.shi pi ina't]

bick; recoil.

dsa] f. independence; freedom. guarded. ad), undisciplined, utitaug^ht. Indescrivibile, [indskrivi'bil] Indifferente, [indiffrn't] adj. Indiscretameate, [indiskrtadj indescribable indifferent, careless. mn't] a<lv indiscreetly. Indescrivibilmente, [indskri- IndilFerentemente, [indiffp'ren- Indiscretezza, mdiskre'tt's] vibilmen'tj adv. indescri- te'men'te'l a'/v. indifferently. f. indiscretion, impnulence. bably. Indifferenza, (indiffrn'ds] f. Indiscreto, [indiskre't] adj". Indestinare, [inde'stina're'] v. a indiffirence equality ; re-, indiscreet, imp' inlont.. to destine. seiiil'l nice. Indiscrezione, jiiidiskrtsi'ne']


finde'tr- lndifferibile,[indiffrihi'le'] adj.



indiscretion, rasliiiess.

nataiuen 't J adv. indetermi-

not to be deferred.




Indiffinitamente, findiffinita- not discussed. Inde erminato, findtrmin'- mn't) adv. indefinitely. (iiidisia're'] v. a. Indisiare, to] adj. undecided, doubtful. Indifflnito, [indittini'toj odj. into raise a desire. Indeterminazione, [inde'termi- definite. Indispensabile, lindispe'nsa'binatsio'ne] /. indecision; doubt. Indigeno, ['ndi'je'n] adj. in- le) aij. indispensable. Indettare, [indtta'rj v. o. to digenous. Indispensabilit, [indispe'n.'jaagree, determine. Indigente, [indijn'te'] adj. in- bih't'l /. indispensahleness, Indettatura, [indttt'r] f digent, in want. iiulispensable necessity. agreement. Indi^^enza, iindijn'ds] f. in- Indispensabilmente, [indispe'nIndevoto, [indev't] see ludi- digence, want. sbilmn'tlodr indispensably. voto. Indigere, (inili'jt're'] v. n. to be Indisperato, [indispr't] adj. Indevozone, finde'vtsi'ne'] /. .indigent, lie in want of. disorderly. want of devotion. [indijsti'bil] Indispettire, [indisptti'r] v. Indi^estibile Indi, (in'di cri v. thence, after- ad), indigestible. ft. to be angry wards; a pochi giorni, a few Indigestione , [indijsti'ne'] Indispettito, indisptti't] adj, days after. indigestion, crudity. hurt, piqued, vexed. f. Indiamantare, [indimant're'] Indiijesto, [indije'sto] adj. in- Indisposizi ancella, [indispsiV a. to louvorl into a diamond; digested crude. tsiontshe'l] /. slight indispocommunicate the hardness of Indignato, [indin''t] ailj. in- sition. a diamond. dignant. Indisposizione, findisp sitsi'Indian i, indi'n] (. printed cal- Indignazione, [indin'atsi'ne] nj f. disorder, defect: indisico; adj a female Indian. (nity. position; disin<lination. /. indignation Indiano, [indi'n] adj. an In- Indignita, findin'i'ta] f. indig- Indisposto, [indispo'st] adj. dian. Indigrosso, [indigr'sl adj. in out of order, confused; indisliidiare, fmdi're'l v. a. to rank ill, one with another; in a posed, ill; disinilined. among the gods, deify. Indisputab le, {mdispta'bile'] lump. Indiavolamento , [indivl- Indileguabile, [indilgttbi'le'l adj. indisputable. m furious raen'toj passion. adj. imapible of being melted. Indisputabilmente, findispntIndiavolare, [indivla're] v. a. Indiligenza, [indihjen'dsa] f. bilmen'tl adv. indisput il Iv. til fly into a furious passion. negligence, carelessness. Indissipabile, [indissipa' I'le] Indiavolato, findiav'toj adj. Indiminuire, [indiminui're'] v. ailj. incapable of being dissipatfurious, ragiiig. a. to diminish. ed. Indiazione, [ludltsi'a] f. Indimostrabile, [indimstr'- Indissolubile, [iiidissl'bilej deihcation. bil] adj. not demonstrable. adj. indissoluble.





IndissolubilitfindisslbilitT Indolcare, [indlt'r] see In- Indtto, [ind't] arfj. illiterate, nntiiugbt. dolcire. ( indissolnbility. [indltshini're'] Indottrinabile, [indttrin'biIndissolubilmente, findissl- Indolcinire , and Indolcire, lindoltshi'r] ll adj. nnteachablo. bilinen'te'l ndv. indissolubly. Indistaccabilmente, [indista- V. a. to sweeten, soften; -, v.n. Indottrinare, [indottrin're'] . a. to instruct, teach. tbilmu'te] adv. insepnrahly. to become soft. adj. Indovarsi, [indvr'si] v. r. to [iudltshi't] Indistinguibile, [indistin^uibi'- Indolcito, place one's self, soft, tender. le) a'Ij not to be distingnished. [indistint- Indole, [in'dle'l f. nitural dis- Indoverosamente, [indovrsIndistintamente, mn't] adv. unduly. position; nature, temper; inmen'te] adv. indistinctly.

Indistinto, [indistin'to]






Indolente, findolpn'te'] adj. in-


Indovinaglia, [indvinl'] f. Indistinzione, [indistintsi'n] dolent, inert. Indolentire, [mdle'nti're'] v.n. and Indovinamento, [indvi/. indistinction; disorder, con name'n'to] m. divination, preto become benumbed. fusion. Indivia, [indi'vi] f. endive, Indolenza, lindlen'ds] Indo- diction lenzia, [indlen'dsi] / indo- Indovinare, [indvin're'] v. a. succory. to divine. Individuale, rindivi'd'l] adj. lence, laziness. Indolenzire, [indle'ntsi'r] v.n. Indovinatore , [indvint're'] individuil, personal. diviner, prognosticator. to become benumbed. Individualit, [individualit'] Indolimento, [indlimn't] n?. Indovinatorio, [indovinat'ri] f individuality. possessing the virtue of adj. Individualmente, [individl- slight pain. individually Indomabile, [indm'bile'] odj. divining, adv. men'te] Indovinazione, findvintsi'untamable. singly. ne ^ divination. Individuare, rindivid'r] t>. a. Indomandato, findmnd't] Indovinello, [indvin'l] m. to individuate, particularize, adj. unasked, undemanded Indomito, [ind'mito] Indomo, riddle, enigma. specify. Individuazione, findividtsi'- [ind'nij adj. untamed, un- Indovino, [indvi'n] adj prophetical; -, m. diviner, foren] f. individuation, specifi- ruly: fierce. Indonnarsi, [indnnr'si] v r. teller. cation. Indovutamente, [indvtme'n'Individuo, [indivi'du] adj. in- to make one's self master. t| adv. unjustly dividual: in.separable ; -, m. Indoparsi, [indnpar'si] v. r. to draw back, retire. Indovuto, [indv't] adj.undue, individuai. Individuit, [individi't] /". Indoppiare, [indppi'r] v. a. unjust. to double. Indozza , [ind'ts] f. pain, indivisibility. sickness. Indirinaglia, [indivinT] f Induramento, [indrran't] m. gilding. Indozzamento, [indtsrae'n't] foolish riddle (little used). Indivinizzare, [ ndivinits'r] Indorare, [indr're'] v. a. to m. sickness; sorcery. gild, ad.>rn. . a. to render divine. (gilder. In:iozzare, [indts're'] . a. to Indivisamente, [iiidivisme'n'- Indoratore, findirt'rl m. fall away; bewitch. indistinctly, confu- Indoratura,! indorato r] /'.gild- Indracare, [indrak're'] Indrat) adv. mg fig. appeirance. gare, jindrag'r] v. n. to get sedly. Indivisare, [indivis're'] v. a. Indormentato, [indrmnt't] furious, rage. fl'/j drowsy, sleepy. Indrappare, ( indrpp're'] v. a. to describe. to m.ike cloth. Indivisibile, [indivisi'bil] adj. Indormentimento, [indrme'ntimen't] m. numbness. indivisible, inseparable. Indrappellare, [indrappe'll're']



Indivisibilit, [indivisibilit'] Indormentire, [ludrmnti're'] Indivisibilitade, Indivisibli- v. a. to benumb. Indorraire, [indrmi're'] , n. to tate, /. indivisibility. be unconcerned. Indivisibilmente, [indivisibil Indormito, [indnrmi't] adj. mu't) adv. indivisibly. sleepy, overcome with sleep. Indiviso, (indivi'sc] adj undi vided, whole. Indossamento, [indossmn't] Indivoto, [jndiv't] adj. unde- m. merch. indorsement. vout, irreligious. Indossante, [indossn't] m. Indivozlone, [indivtsi'n] f. merch. indoraer.


in battle-array. [indre'to] Indrieto, [indrie'to] see Indietro.


a lo

draw up

Indrizzamento, [indntsame'n'to) see Indirizzamento &c. Indrudire, findrdi'r] v. n. tf become amorous. Induare, [ind're'] v. a. to

divide into two.



Indossare, |indss're'l v. a. adj. indubitable, certain. Indiziare, [inditsi're'] r. a. to merch. to indorse. Indubitabilit,[indubitbilit'] hint, argue; give suspicion. Indosso, find's] adv. upon f certainty. Indizio, [indi 'tsi] m.sign,to1cen. one's back, on: non ho denari Indubitabilmente, findbitbilIndizione, [inditsio'nj f. astr 1 have no money about me mnte) Indubitatamente, [inindiction. Indotato, [ indta't ]ac/;. dower- dubitatamen'te] adv. undoubtIndocile,
[ind'tshile'] adj. inless.

edly, certainly.

Indocilire, [indtshili're'] v. n. to become docile. Indocilit, [indtshilit'] /. indocility.

lndogafo,[indg't]af/j.staved. Indogliare, [indl'r] v. a. to


Indotta, [indt't] f. induce- Indubitato, [indbit't] adj. ment, incitement. undoubted, sure. Indottamente, [indttmn'te'jjlnducare, [indk're'] v. a to adv. nnlearnedly. create a duke. Indotti vo, [indtti'v] odj. per- Inducente, indtshn't] adj. suasive, exciting inducing, inciting. Indotto, [indt't] m. see In- Inducere, [indtshe''r) sea In*



Indncmento, [ndtshiTnn't]
m. inducement, instigation. Inductore , [indtshit'r]


Inerpicarsi, fine'rpikr'si]
to clamber up.

briare , [inbri'r] v. a. to make drunk. vi. Inebbriazione, [ine'bbritsi'ne'l Innebriazione, [inbriatsi'n] inducer, instigator. Induere, [ind'r] v. a. to put f. drunkenness. on (used only in the past par- Inebrioso, [inbri'sj adj. given to drunkenness. ticiple induto or indotto). Indugevole, [indj'vl] adj. Ineccitabile [intshit'bil e'] a'/J. that cannot be roused. tardy, lingering. Indugia, [ind'ji] f. m. see Ineclissare, [ine'clissa're'] v. a. to eclipse. Indugio. Indugiamento, [indjimn't] Inedia, [in'dia] f. abstinence from food and drink. m. delay. Indugiare, [indji'i'e'] . a. to Inedito, [in'ditj oc/j. inedited, unpublished. dcl.iy. put off; prolong. Indugiatore, [indjit're] m. Ineffabile, [ine'ff'bil] adj. un-

Inerrabile , [ine'rra'bile'] adj. unerring, that cannot err. Inerte, [inr't] and Inerto,
[inr't] adj. inert, lazy, dull.


[inerudita, mente'] adv. unlearnedly.


Inerudito, [ine'rdi't] adj. unlearned. Inerzia, [inr'tsfa] f. sluggishness, laziness, dulness. Inesaurbile, [insuri'bile'] adj.

Inesausto, [ine'sau'st] adj. inexhausted, not emptied.

Inescamento , [inskran't] speakable. delayer, procrastin.itor. m. bait, allurement. [ind'jt] in. delay, Ineffabilit, [ine'ffabilit'] Inef, prolonging, procrastination; fabilitade, Ineffabilitate, f. in- Inescare, [insk'r] v. a. to bait, allure. effability. mettere ad -, to put off. adj. Ineffabilmente, [ine'ffbilmn'- Inescogitabile, fine'skjit'bile'] [indji's] Indugioso , adj. unimaginable. t] adv. ineffably, unspeakaprocrastinating.




indulgent, kind. Indulgenza, [indljn'ds] Indnlgenzia, [indljn'dsi] f. indulgence, kindness. Indulgere, [indl'jre'] v. a. to indulge; grant. Indulto, [indl't] m. indult, pardon. Indumento, [indme'n't] m.
dross, clothes, pi.






inefficacious. Inefficacia, [ine'ffik'tsh] efficacy; inefficiency.



[inskrta'bil] adj. inscrutable.




Ineguaglianza, [ine'gwrn'ds]
see Inegualit.

adj. inexcusable,


unpardonable. [insks,

tion (said of land). ity. [indrran't] Inegnalmente, [ine'gnalmen'te'] Inesercitato, [insrtshit't] adj. unpractised, unskilled ; adv. unequally. m. hardness; ohduracy. Lidurare, [indurare] v. a. to Inelegante, [ine'le'gn't] adj. ignorant. Inesiccabile, [insfkk'bile'] adj. harden, make hard; -,.. inelegant. and Indurarsi, v.r. to become Ineleganza, [inle'gn'ts] f. inexhaustible; perennial. Inesigibile, [insiji'bile] adj. inelegance. hardened, be obdurate. Indurimento, [indrimn't] m. Ineligibile, [ine'liji'bile'] adj. in- irretrievable. Inesione, [ine'si'ne'] f. inhethe act of hardening, and the eligible. Ineloquente, [inlkue'n't] adj. rence. state of the thing hardened. Inesorabile, [ine'sr'bil] adj. Indurire, [indri'r] see Indu- not eloquent. Ineluttabile, [ine'ltt'bile'] adj. inexorable. rare. Inesorabilit , [ine'srabilit'] Indurito, [indri't] adj. hard, insuperable; unavoidable. Inemendabile, [inmnd'bile] f. the quality and state of become hardened. what is inexorable. Indurre, [indr're'] v. a. irr., adj. incorrigible. [ine'srabil{see Addurre) to induce, draw; Inemendato, [inme'nd't] adj. Inesorabilmente , mn't] adv. inexorably. occasion; Indursi, v. r. to de- incorrect. [ine'nrr'bile'] Inesperienza, [inspe'rin'dsa] llj^enarrabile , cide, determine. Industre, [ind'stre'] see Indu- adj. unutterable, inexpressible. f. inexperience. Inentro, [inn'tr] ocfv. within, Inesperto, [inspr't] a c/j. instrioso. expert, unskilful. Industria, [ind'stri] f. indus- inwards.

Indurabile, [indrbi'le'] apt to indure.

Ineguale, [ine'gua'le'] adj. un- bilmn't] adv. inexcusably. Ineseguibile , equal; rough, rugged. [insgui'bil] Inegualit, [inegualit'] Ine- adj. impracticable. gualitade, Inegualitate, f. in- Inesercitabile, [ine'se'rtshit'biequality, unevenness, dispar- le'] adj. incapable of cultivaadj.


try, art, skill.

Industriarsi, [indstrir'si] v. r. to strive hard, do one's best. Industriosamente, [indstrisame'n'te] adv. industriously. Industrioso, [indstri's] adj. industrious. Induttivo, [indtti'v] adj. inductive, persuasive. Induttore, [indtt're'] see Inducitore.

Induzione, [indtsi'ne'] ducement.

Ine, [ine"] place.


Inequabile, [ine'ku'bile'] adj. unequal. Inequale, [inkua'le'] &c., see Ineguale &c. Inequivalente, [inkuivln'te'] adj. not equivalent. Inerbare, [inrba're'] v. a. to cover with grass. Inerente, [inrn'te'] adj. inherent; inborn. Inerenza, [inrn'dsa] /. inherence; union. in-

Inespettatamente, [inespe'ttdtmn't] mente. Inespiabile,




inexpiable. Inespirabile, [ine'spira'bile'] adj.

unable to respire.
Inesplebile, [ine'sple''bile'] adj. not to be filled; insatiable, inextinguishable. Inesplicabile , [ine'splik'bil]
adj. inexplicable.

Inerme, [inr'me']


unarmed; Inesplicabilmente,


adv. bere, in this




Ineroicare, [ine'rikd'r] to render heroicul.

bilmn't] adv. inexplicably. v. a. Inesprimibile, [insprimi'bile'] adj. inexpressible unspeakable





Inespugnabile, [inspn''bil] the Princesses of Spain and tade, Infedeltate, f. infidelityj perfidy. adj. inexpugnable. Portugal. Inestimabile , [ine'stim'bile'] Infantasticbire, [infntstiki'- Infederare, [infe'de'r're'] v. a. to put on a pillow-case. adj. inestimable. re'] V. n. to grow fantastical. Inestimabilmente, [instima- Infante, [infn'te'] m. infant, Infelice, [infli'tshe'J adj. unhappy, unlucky. biliTin'te'] adv. inestimably. child; infant (title of the PrinInfelicemente, [infe'lishe'meVInestmato, [ine'stim't] adj. ces of Spain and Portugal). nnprized, not valned. Infanteria, [infnte'ri'] (. in- te'] adv. unhappily.
Inestinguibile, [ine'stingwi'bi- fantry, foot-soldiers, pi. l] adj. inextinguishable. Infanticida, [infntitshi'd] m. Inestirpabile , [ine'stirpa'bile'] murderer of a child. adj. not to be extirpated. Infanticidio , [infntitshi'di] Inestricabile , [ine'strik'bile'] m. infanticide. adj. inextricable. Infantile, [infantile'] adj. inInestricabilmente, [ine'strik- fantine. bilme'n'te'] adv. inextricably. Infantilit, [infantilit'] and
Infelicitade,Infelicitate, /. unhappiness, misfortune, misery. Infelicitare, [infelitshit'r] v. a. to render unhappy. Infellonire, [infellni're'j v, n. to got felon-like grow cruel. Infeltrito, [infeltri't] adj. reduced to the likeness of felt; inInfelicit, [inflitshit']



adv. ineptly, unfitly.

Infanzia, [infn'dsi] f. fancy, childhood; fig. beginning.

[infn't] Infaonato , black and blue, livid.



a. to

[infe'ramini're'] v.

Inettitudine, [ine'ttit'dine'J inaptitude, unfitness.




enervate; -, Infemminirsi, v. r. to

Inetto, [in't] adj. inept, unfit. Infarcire, [infrtshi're'] v. a. become effeminate. Infemminito, [in fe'mmini't] a'/j Inevitabile, [invita'bile'J adj. to stuff. inevitable. Infardare, [fnfrd're'] v. a. to effeminate, weak.



besmear with

spittle, foul.

me'n't] adv. inevitably. Inezia, [in'tsi] f. folly, nonsense. Infaceto, [inftsh't] adj. insipid, heavy, dull. Infacondo, [infkn'd] adj. ineloquent; insipid, dry. Infallibile, [inflli'bile'] adj. infallible, sure, Infallibilezza, [infllibile"tsal and Infallibilit, [infallibilit']

Infarinacchiato, [infrinakki't] adj. having a smattering of any science or art. Infaretrato, [infrtr't] adj. bearing a quiver. Infarinare, [infrin're'] v. a. to cover with flour. Infarinato , [infarina't) adj.

Infenso, [infe'n's] hostile. Inferie, [inf'rie'] f. pi. funeral


Inferigno, [infe'ri'n'] m. coarse


Infallibilmente, [infallibilme'n'te'] adv. infallibly, certainly. Infalotichire, [infaltiki're'] v. n. to get into a bad humor. Infamamento , [infmmen't] TO. defamation, infamy.



v. a. to

defame, calumniate.


[infmat're'] m. Infamatrice, [infamatri'tshe'] f. defamer, slanderer. Infamatorio, [infmt'ri] adj. defamatory. Infamazione, [infmtsi'ne'] f. dofamation , discalumny


brown bread. Inferiore, [infe'ri're'] adj. inferior; subordinate. Inferiorit, [inferiorit'] f. inferiority; subordination. powdered; {Jig.) superficially Inferire, [infri'r] v. a. to infer, conclude. informed. Infarinatura, [infrint'r] f. Infermamente , [infe'rmamn'te'] adv. infirmly, weakly. the act of covering with flour smattering; slight knowledge Infermare, [infe'rm'r] v. n. Infasciare, [inftsh're') v. a. Infermarsi, [infe'rmar'si] v. r. to get infirm; fall sick. to wrap up. Infastidiare, [infstidi're'] v. Infermeria, [infe'rmri'] f. infirmary. n. to be disgusted, be annoyed; Infermiccio, [infe'rmi'tsh] adj. far -, to make wearisome. Infastidimento, [infstidimn'- rather infirm. Infermiere , [infe'rmi're'] m. t] m. disgust, weariness. overseer of an infirmary. Infastidire, [infstidi're'] v. a. Infermit, [infermit'] Inferto annoy; importune, tire. mitade, Infermitate, f. infirInfaticabile, [inftik'bil] adj. mity; sickness. (.sick. indefatigable. Infaticabilmente, [mfatikabil- Infermo, [infr'm] adj. intirm; Infernaccio, [infe'rn'tsh] m. me'n'te'] adv. indefatigably. deepest pit of hell. Infatigabile, [inftig'bilj see Infernale, [infe'rn'le'] adj. inInfaticabile.

fernal, hellish. a. to Inferno, [infe'r'no] adj. infernal; infatuate. Infamemente, {infme'me'n'te'] Infausto,[inftt'st]ad/.unlucky, very wicked; -, m. hell. Inferocire, [infer tshi'r] v. n. adv. infamously, basely. inauspicious. Infamia, [inf'mi] f. infamy ; Infecciare, [infe'tsha're'] v. a. to to grow ferocious. Inferrajolarsi, [infe'rrylr'si] disgrace. fill with dregs. V. a. r. to put a cloak on one's Infamigliarsi, [infmirr'si] v. Infecondare, [infeTind're'] v. self ; wrap a cloak closely marry. a. to render barren. r. to settle in a place Infamit, [infamit'] f. infamy; Infecondit, [infe'kndit'] f. around one's self. Inferrajolato, [infrryl't] infecundity, sterility. dishonor. InfanciuUire, [infntshlli'r] Infecondo, [infe'kn'd] adj. un- adj. wrapped up in a cloak. Inferrare, [infe'rr'r] v. a. to fruitful, sterile. v. n. to play the child. Infando, [infn'd] od;, heinous, Infedele, [infe'de"le'] adj. un- fetter, chain. faithful; disloyal; -, m. infidel, Inferrata, [infe'rr't] Inferfrightful. riata , [infe'rri't] f. ironInfangare, [infng're'] v. a. to miscreant. bespatter with mud, splash; In- Infedelmente , [infe'de'lme'n'te'] bars, iron-rails, pi. ; grating. Infert} [infe'rt'] see Inferfangarsi, v. get splashed. adv. unfaithfully; falsely. mit. Infanta, [infn't], f. title of Infedelt, [infe'dlt'] Infedel-

Infame, [inf'me'] base, mean.


infamous; Infatuare, [inft're'] v.

Diz. Uai.-lnQ.





Infertile, [infr'til] aclj. bar- Infiammatamente, [infidmm- Inflneche, [infine'k'] odv. until, until that. tame'n'te'] adv. with heat. ren, unproductive. [infe'rvr- Infiammativo, [infimmati'v] Inflngardaccio , Infervoramento , [infingarda'adj. inflammatory; inciting. tsh] adj. very lazy. me'n't] m. ferver, heat; zeal. Infervorare, [infe'rvra're'] v. a. Infiammatore, [infimmt're'] Infingardaggine, [infingrd'to fill with fervor ; Infervo- m. Infiammatrice, [infimm- djine'] f. laziness, idleness. rarsi, V. r. to become fervent. tri'tshe'] f. inflamer; exciter. Infingardamente, [infingardInfervoratamente, [infe'rvra- Infiammatorio , [infimmt'- me'n'te'] adv. lazily, slothfuUy. Infingarderia, [infingrd'ria] tamn't] adv. fervently, zea- ri] adj. inflammatory. Infiammazione, [infimmtsi'- and Inflngardezza, [infingrlously. de'ts] f. sloth, laziness. Infervorativo, [infe'rvrti'v] ne'] f. inflammation. Infiammeggiare, [infiamme'dja.'- Infingardire, [infingrdi're'] . adj. apt to make fervent. Infervorato, [infe'rvr't] adj. re'] V. n. to shine. a. to make lazy; -, v. n. InInfiascare, [infisk're'] v. a. fingardirsi, V. r. to grow fervent; zealous. Infervorire, [infe'rvori're'] sec to put into bottles. lazy. Inficer, [infitshe''re'] v. a. to Infingardo, ffnfingr'd] adj. Infervorare. Inforzato, [infe'rts'tjarfj.whip- infect. lazy, slothful, indolent; -, m. [infidme'n'te'] like (little used). Infidamente , slothful person. Infestagione, [infe'stj'ne'] f. adv. unfaithfully. Infingere, [infin'je're'] Ac, see molestation, trouble. Infidelita, [infide'lit'] see In- Infignere &c. Infestamente, [infstme'n'te'] fedelt. Infinit, [infinit'] Infinitade, adv. importunately. Infido, [infi'd] adj. unfaithful, Inflnitate, f. infinity. Infestamento, [infe'stme'n't] false. Infinitamente, [infinitme'n't] tn. importunity, trouble, mo- Infiebolire, [infie'bli'r] see Inadv. infinitely, extremely. lestation. fievolire. Infinitesimale, [infinite'sim'Infestare, [infe'st're'] v. a. to Inficiare, [infiel'r] e>. a. to le'] adj. infinitesimal. importune, tease. mix with gall. Infinitezza, [infinite"tsal and Infestatore, [infe'stt're'] m. Infierire, [infie'ri're'] v. n, to Infinitudine, [infinitudi'ne'] /".
infinite. t] m. debilitation, weakness. Infinitivo, [infiniti'v] m. gr. , see Infestagione. Infievolire, [Infivli're'] v. a. infinitive mood. Infestevole, [infe'ste"vle'] adj. to enfeeble, debilitate. Infinito, [infini't] arf;. infinite, troublesome, teasing. Infiggere, [infi'dje'r] v. a. irr. endless ; in -, without end. Infesto, [inf'st] adj. impor- {see Figgere) to nail, drive in. Infine, [infi'n] prep, till, until, tunate, tiresome. Infignere, [infi'n'e're'] v. n. irr. from, as far as; -ad ora, till Infestuto, [Infe'stu't] wi. (vet.) (see Fingere) to feign, dissem- now; - allora, till then; - a

Infestatrice, [infe'statri'tshe'] become fierce. molester, disturber, teaser. Infievolimento, finfie'vlime'n'f.


the quality of that which




ble; pretend.

qui, hitherto;

a quando,


Infettamente , [infe'ttame'n't] Infignimento , [infin'imeVt] m. infection; corruption. m. dissimulation, feint.

Infettare, [inftt're'] v. a. to Infignitore , [infin'it're'J wi. infect; corrupt. dissembler. Infettatore , [infe'ttt're'] m. Infigurabile, [infigr'bile'] adj. staincr, corrupter. that cannot be figured. Infettivo, [infe'tti'v] adj. in- Infilacappio, [infilakip'pi] m. fective, tainting. hair-pin. Infetto, [inf't] adj. infected; Infilare , [infil're'] v. a. to corrupted. (enfeoff. thread; file; - perle, to string Infeudare, [infe'ud're'] v. a. to pearls. Infeudazicne, [infe'wdatsi'ne'] Infilatura, [inffltu'r] f. the act of threading or stringing. f. enfeoffment, investiture. Infezione, [infe'tsi'n] /. infec- Infilzare, [infilts're'] v. a. to tion. string, thread; pierce; InfilInfiaccliimento, [infiakkfme'n'- zarsi, V. r. to fall into the to] m. weakness, faintnoss. snare; run one's self through Infiacchire, [infiakki're] v. a. the body. to make weak, .vfeaken; -, v. n. Infilzata, [infilts't] f. string; to become weak. row; series.

dal principio del mondo, from the beginning of the world.

when? how long?

Infinocchiare, [infinkki're'] v. a. to make one believe; deceive.

Infinocchiatura, [infinkkitu'rl f. deception, imposition. Infinoch, [infink'] adv. &

conj. until. Infinta, [infin't] simulation.
/. feint, dis-



adv. foignedly, deceitfully. Infinto, finfin't] adj. feigned, dissembled; -, m. feint, dissimulation. Infinzione, [infintsi'n] f. deception, duplicity. Infiorare, [infir're'l v. a. to adorn with flowers Infiorar;


[infimra'bile'J Infilzatura



adj. inflammable. piercing, running through. si, V. r. to flower, bloom; adorn Infiammabilit, tinfimmibili- Infimamente , [infimme'n'te'] one's self with flowers. t'] f. inflammability. adv. abjectly. Infiorazione, [infirtsi'ne'] f. Inflammag-ione, [infimmaj'- Infimita, [infimit'] f. baseness. the disposition of flowers on ne'l f. inflammation; flame. Infimo, [in'fim] adj. lowest, plants. (rare. Infiammamento , [infimma- basest, vilest; utmost, ex- Infierire, [infiri're'] tee Infiomn't] m. inflammation; heat; treme. Inflrme, [infir'mj &c., see Infervor. Infln, [infin'] for Infine. fermo &c. Infiammare, [infimm'r] v Inflnattanto, [infinttn't] In- Inflscare, [infiska're'] v. a. to a. to inflame, kindle ; excite finche, [infink'] see Infine- confiscate. Infiammarsi, v. r. to got in- ch. (last. Infisso, [infis's] adj. infixed,
^ ;


Infine, [infi'ne'j


finally, at






Infistolire, [infistolire] v. Inforcata, [infrk't] f. fork* Infra, [in'frd] prep, among, between; about. full. turn into a fistula. [infratshidaInfittire, [infitti'r] v. n. to Inforcatura, [infrkt'r] f. Infracidamento, me'n't] m. putrefaction. the fork of the body. become thick. Infiammatorio, [inflmmat'ri] Inforestierarsi, [infre'stie'rr'- Infracidare, [infrtshid'r] v.
adj. inflammatory.


[infle'ssi'bile'] adj.

n. to putrefy; corrupt; weary. si] V. r. to become a stranger. Infonuamento, [infrmraen't] Infracidatora, [infrtshidt'r] f. putrescence corruption. m. the act of informing.

Informare, [infrm're'] . a. to Infracidire, [infratshidi're] see form; inform, instruct; prepare, Infracidare. inflexibility. Infiessibilmente , [infle'ssibil- qualify; Informarsi, v. r. to Infradiciamento, [infraditshatako a form; be instructed; me'n'to] see Infracidamento. me'n't] adv. inflexibly. Infradiciare , [infraditsha're] Inflessione, [infle'ssi ne'] f. in- inquire. Informativo, [infrmti'v] adj. see Infracidare. flection; variation. Inflettere, [infl'te're'] v. a. irr. informing; -, m. inquest, ac- Infragnere, [infra'n'e're'] v. a. irr. {see Fragnere) to break, cusation. (see Flettere) to bow, bend. Infliggere, [inflij're'] v. a. to Informato, [infrma't] adj. in- crush; Infragnersi, v. r. to be (fliction. formed, instructed; full-grown; broken to pieces. inflict.
Infiessibilit, [infle'ssibilit'J

Inflizione, [inflitsi'ne'] /". in- strong-limbed. lnfluente, [iufln't] U'Ij. in- Informatore, [infrmt're'] m. informer, accuser. fluential. Influenza, [infln'ds] Influen- Informazione, [infrmtsi'ne'] influence zia, [infln'dsi] /. f. information, instruction. Informe, [infr'me'] adj. formflowing. and Influiless, shapeless. Inflaere, [infle''re'] "re, [infli'r] v. n. to flow in. Informemente, [infrme'rae'n'te'] m. one adv. without form. Influitore, [inflit're'j Informicolamento, [infrmikwho pours in. Influssare, [inflss'r] v. n. to lme'n't] m. cutaneous irritation, prickling^j pour down water &c. Influsso, [infls's] and Influ- Informicolare, [infrmikla'r] V. n. to have a cutaneous irvio, [infl'vi] m. influx, flow; -

Infragnimento ,


t] m. Infraguitura, [infrn'it'r] /. breaking. Infragranti, [infrgrn'ti] adv.

in the fact. Infralimento y [infrlime'n't] m. frailness, weakness, weariness. Infralire,


v. n. to



grow weak.

Infralito, [infrli't] adj. frail, feeble.


V. a. to place


[infrrara'sa] f.





Infocagione,[infkji'ne']/".and Informit, [informit'] f. infor- Inframmesso , [infrmm's] m. interposition, mediation. Infocamento , [infkmn't] mity, shapelessness. m. conflagration; ardor, fer- Infornaciata, [infrnsh't] f. Inframmettente, [infrmme'ttn'te'] m. mediator. a furnace full. vor; zeal. Infocare, [infk're'] i'. a. to Infornapane, [infrnp'ne'] m. Inframmettentemente,[infrmadv. interme'tte'nte'mn'te'] inflame; Infocarsi, v. r. to bak. shovel. Infornare, [infrn're] v. a. io ruptedly, with mediation. tako fire, bum. Inframmettere, [infrmme't'tInfocato, [infk't] adj. said put into the oven, bake. Infornata, [infrna't] f. bak. re'] V. a, irr. {see Mettere) to of a fiery red color. Infocazione, [infktsi'ne'] f. batch. interpose, mediate - v. n: to Inforsare, [infrsa're'] . n. to meddle with. see Infocamento. Infrancesare, [infrntshe's're'] Infocolato , [infkl't] adj. put in doubt. Infortire, [infrti're'] v. n. to V. n. to imitate the French. enflamed, heated. Infrangere, [infran'je're'] see Instrengthen; grow sour. Infoderare, [infde'r'r] v. a fragnere. Infortunare, [infrtn're'] v to line. Infognarsi, [infrr'si] v. n. r n. to run the risk; get ship- Infrangibile, [infrnji'bile'] adj. infrangible. to clothe one's self with leaves. wrecked. Infogliata, [infera t] see Sfo- Infortunatamente, [infrtn- Infrantojata, [infrnty't] f. the quantity of olives that is tame'n'te'] adv. unfortunately gliata. Infognare, [infn"a're'] v. a. to Infortunato, [infrtna't] adj. pressed at one tine. unfortunate, unhappy. Infrantolo, [infrnt'y]fn. olive stick in the mud. oil-press, olive-mill. Infogonato, [infgc't] adj. Infortunio, [infrt'ni] in. illInfrantume, [infrantvi'me'] m. fortune, disaster. red-hot. InfoUire, [inflli're'] v. a. to Infortuno,, [infrt'n] adj. un- a htap of broken articles. Infrantura, [infrnt'r] see make mad; - . n. to grow fortunate. Inforzare, [infrts'r] v. a. to Infragnimento. mad. [infrappl'tl Infoltire, [inflti'r] v. n. to fortify, enforce; -, v. n. In- Infrappolato , become thick (said of foliage). forzarsi, V. r. to grow strong; adj. having many lappets (said Infondere, [infn'dre'J v. a. get sour. of dress). irr. {see Fondere) to infuse, Inforzato, [infrts't] adj. for- Infrapposto, [infrapp'st] adj. tified, strong; sour. placed between. instil. Infondimento, [infndime'n't] Infoscamento, [infskme'n't] Infrascamento, [infraskame'n'm. infusion, instillation. m. offuscation. t] m. superfluity of branches. Inforabile, [infra'bile'] adj. ira- Infoscare, [infsk're'] v. a. to Infrascare, [infrsk'r] v. a. offuscate, render dim. pierceable. to cover with branches; enInforcare, [infrk're'] w. a. to Infossare, [infss're'] v. a. to tangle, impose upon. catch with a fork; bestride a lay in the grave. (low. Infrascritto, [infrskrit't] <<?;. horse; hang. Infossato, [infss't] adj. hol- underwritten, signed.




[infrskri'vr] Infurbire, [infrbi're] v. a. to Ingannare, [fngnn're'] v. .1to deceive, cheat; Ingannarsi, un- make another cunning. Infuora, [inf'ra] and Infuori, V. r. to mistake, be mistaken; derwrite, subscribe, sign. se non m' inganno, if I don't Infratarsi, [infratar'si] v. a. r. [inf'ri] see Fuori.
V. a. irr. {see Scrivere) to

to become a monk. Infrattanto, [infrttan't] adv. in tbe mean time. Infrazione, [infrtsi'ne'] /. infraction, rupture; violation. Infreddagione, [infre'ddj'ne'] see Infreddatura.

Infurfantire, [infrfnti're'] v.
n. to


turn roguish.

Ingannativo, [ingnnati'v] adj.

inclined to deceive.



t] m. cold; chilliness. Infreddare, [infrda're'] v. a. to make cold, cool; -, v. n. to

catcli cold.

adj. cooling.


Infreddatura, [infre'ddt'r] /. Infusamente , [infsme'n'te'] cold, rheum. Infrenare, [infrn'r] v. a. to adv. confusedly. Infuscare, [infsk'r] v. a. to bridle; restrain. Infrenellare, [infre'nella're'] v. render obscure or confused. Infusibile, [infsi'bile'J adj. ina. to stop rowing. Infrenesire, [infrne'si're'J v.n. fusible. Infusione, [infsi'ne'] f. infuto grow frantic. Infreneticato, [infre'ne'tik't] sion; inspiration. Infuso, [inf's] adj. infused, adj. phrenetic. Infrequente, [infre'kun'te'] adj. instilled. Infuturarsi, [inftrr'si] v. r. infrequent, rare. Infrequenza , [infre'kun'ds] to extend to futurity, to stretch Infrequenzia, [infrkun'dsi] into the future. Ingabbiare, [ingbbi're'] v. a. infrequency, rarity. f. Infrescamento, [infre'skame'n'- to cage shut up. Ingaggiamento, [ingdjmen't] tee Rinfrescamento. Infrescatojo, [infre'skt'y] m. t] m. engagement; enlisting. Ingaggiare, [ingdj're'] wine-cooler; refrigeratory. engage; - a usura, to pawn; [infrijidan'te'] Infrigidante , Ingagoiaesi, v. r. to pledge adj. cooling, refrigerative.

Infurfantito, [infrfnti't] adj. roguish, knavish. Infuriare, [infri're'] v. n. to be furious, rage. Infuriatamente,[infritme'n't] adv. furiously, in a great passion. Infuriativo, [infriti'v] adj. apt to become furious. Infuriato, [infuria't] adj. enraged. Infuriatore, [infurit'rj m. one who rages.

Ingannatore, [ingnnt're'] m. [ingantri'Ingannatrice ,

tshe'] /. deceiver, cheat.

Ingannerello, [ingnne'r'l] m.
slight deceit.

Ingannevole, [ingannvole'] odj*.

deceitful, fallacious.



vlme'n'te'] adv. deceitfully. Inganno, [ingn'n] m. deceit,

trick; error, mistake; a -, deceitfully; tirar d' -, to undeceive.

Ingannuzzo, [ingnn'ts] m.
slight deceit.

Ingarabugliare, [ingrbr'r] Ingarabullare , [ingrbll're'] see Ingarbugliare.

Ingarbare, [ingrb'r]
trim, set
V. a. to

v. a.


Ingarbugliare, [ingrbur'r]
entangle, perplex, con-


Ingastada, [fngst'd] Ingastara, [ingasta'ra]



Ingastigato, [ingstig't] adj. unpunished. Ingastigazione, [ingstigtsi'of punishne'] f. remission ment.




Infrigidare, [infrijid'r]
to cool, refresh. Infrigidire, [infrijidi're'] to grow cold.

v. a.

one's self. Ingaggio, [ing'dj] m. earnest-

V. n. to rejoice,

be merry.

money, handsel. ; Ingagliardia, [ingrrdi'] f. try. Ingegnare, [injeVa're'] v. a. to Infrigno, [infri'n'] adj. wrin- weakness of body. Ingagliardire , [ingl'rdi're'] trick, dupe; Ingegnarsi, v. r. kled, frowning (little used). to make strong and vi- to try, strive; do ono's best, t>. n. Infrollire, [infrlli're'] v. n. to gorous, reinforce; - v. n. to endeavour. become tender. Ingegner, [inje'n''r] f. inInfrondarsi, [infrndr'si] v. r. grow strong. Ingalappiare, [inglppi're'] v. genious woman. to put forth leaves, leaf. Ingegnere, [injn''re'] IngeInfrunito, [infrni't] adj. fool- a. to catch in a trap, insnare. Ingalluzzarsi , [inglltsr'si] gnero, [inje'n''r] m. engineer, ish, senseless. Infruscare, [infrsk'r] v. a. V. r. to carry one's head high; machinist. Ingegnera, [inje'n'e'ri'a] f. art be proud. to confuse, perplex. Infruttifero, [infrtti'fe'r] see Ingaloppare, [ingalpp're'] v. of engineering. Ingegnevole, [inje'n''vle'] adj. a. mar., to set up a mast. Infruttuoso. Infruttuosamente, [infrutt- Ingambatura, [ingambt'r] /. ingenious. Ingegno, [inj'n'] m. natural Bmn't] adv. fruitlessly, un- impediment, contrariety. Ingambo, [ingm'b] m. danger, talent; vdt, genius; cunning, profitably. artifice; engine, machine; chainInfruttuosit, [infruttuosit'] impediment. pump; a -, cunningly, craftily; state of being unfruitful. Ingangherare, [ingnghe'r're'] f. the Infruttuoso, [infruttuso] adj. V. a. to suspend on the hinges. uomo d' -, m. ingenious man. [injeVsaIngannabile, [ingnn'bile'] adj. Ingegnosamente , unfruitful, unprofitable. mn'te'] adv. ingeniously. Infunare, [infua're'] v. a. to deceitful. Ingannacontadini , [ingnnd- Ingegnosit , [inje'n'sit'] f, tie with ropes. eagaciousness, acuteness. Infunata, [infu't] /". a gang kntdi'ni] ni. a vain boaster. Ingannagione , [ingnnj'ne'] Ingegnoso, [inje'n''s] adj. inof prisoners tied to a rope. Infunatura , [infnt'ra] f. f. and Ingannamento, [ingn- genious, witty. (funnel. nme'n't]m. deceit, cheat,trick Ingegnuolo, [injeV'l] wi.craf* tying with ropes. Infundibolo, [infndiTsl] m. Ingannante, [ingnnn'te'] adj. tiness, sliness. Infuocare, [infk're'] &c., see deceiving, deceitful; -.w. cheat, Ingelosire, [injelsi're'] . . to grow jealous. deceiver. Infocare &0


Ingegnamento, [inje'n'me'n't] m. cunning, craftiness Indus-

Ingemmamento, [injemmmn't] m.



Inghiottitojo, [inghittit'y] Inginrioso, [injiuri's] adj. inm. throat, glottis. jurious, insulting, outrageous. Ingemmare, [inje'ram'r] v. a. Inghiottitore, [inghittit're'] Ingiuso, [injiu'so] adv. here to adorn with jewels; gard. m. one that swallows up, great below, downward (poet.). to inoculate, engraft by a eater. Ingiustamente[njtstme'n'te'] bud. Inghiozzare, [inghits're'] v.a. adv. unjustly, wrongfully. Ingenerabile , [inje'ne'ri'bile] to swallow. Ingiustizia, [injtsti'tsi] /. inad}, ingenerable. Inghirlandamento, [inghirldn- justice, injury. Ingeneramento, [inje'nrme'n'- dme'n't] m. crowning with Ingiusto, [injin' sto] adj. unjust, t] m. generation, procreation; flowers. wrongful; m. injury. production. Inghirlandare, [inghirlnd're'] Inglorioso, [inglri's] adj. inIngenerare, [inje'ne'r're'J v. a. V. a. to crown with garlands. glorious. to engender, produce. Ingiacare, [injik'r] v. a. to Ingluviatore, [inglviat're'jm. Ingenerativo , [inje'nrti'v] put on the cuirass. glutton, gobbler. adj. incapable of generating. Ingiallare, [injill're'] Ingial- Ingluvie, [ingl'vie'] f. gluttony, Ingeneratore , [inje'ne'rt're'] lire, [injtlli're'] v. a. to make voracity. I. he that engenders, producer. yellow; -, v. n. to grow yellow. Ingobbire, [ingbbi'r] v.

adorning with jewels.

[injidrdin't] grow hunch-backed. , Ingoffire , [ingffi'r] v. a. to adj. full of gardens. mother. Ingioiare, [injie'la're'] v. a. to stupify; V. become stupid. Ingenerazione , [inje'ne'rtsi'- freeze; -, v. n. to be frozen. Ingojamento , [ingymn't] n] f. generation, kind. Ingigliare, [injir're'j v. a. to m. the act of swallowing. Ingeneroso, [injne'r's] adj adorn with lilies. Ingojare, [ingy're'J v. a. to





that engenders,

ungenerous, illiberal. Inginocchiarsi, [injinkkir'si] swallow, ingulf. Ingenio, [inj'ni] see Ingegno V. r. to kneel down. Ingojatore, [ingyt're'] m. deIngenioso, [l'nje'ni's] see In- Inginocchiata, [injinkk'ta] vourer, glutton, gormand. gegnoso. win- Ingolfamento, [inglfiime'n't] f. genuflexion, kneeling Ingenito, [inj'nit] adj. innate, dow with grating that projects. tfi. ingulfing. inborn; natural; (th.) not en- Inginoceliiatojo,[injinkkit'- Ingolfare, [inglf're'j v.a. to gendered; per -, by natural y] m. knoeling-stool. enter a gulf; Ingolfarsi, v. r. instinct, naturally. Inginocchiatura[injinkkit'- to go into a gulf, plunge in Ingente, [injn'te'J adj. large, r] f. curvature. go ahead; apply one's self vast. Inginocchiazione, [injinokkia closely. Ingentilire, [inje'ntili're] v. a. tsio'ne'] f. genuflection, kneel- Ingollare, [ingll're'] v. a. to to make noble -, v. n. to be- ing. gobble up, swallow. come noble, become genteel. Inginocchione, [injfnkki'ne'] Ingomberare, [ingmbe'r're'J v. Ingenuamente, [inje'nme'n'te'] Inginocchioni, [injinkki'ni] c. to incumber, clog, embarrass. adv. ingenuously. adv. kneeling, upon one's knees. Ingombramento , [ingmbraIngenuflessarsi , [inje'nufles- Ingiocondo, [injikn'd] adj. me'n't] m. incumbrance. sar'si] and Ingenuflettersi displeasing, disagreeable. Ingombrare, [ingmbr're'] iee [ingnfle'tte'r'si] v. . to bend Ingiojare, [injiy're'] v. a. to Ingomberare. the knee. fill with joy; adorn with jewels. Ingombro, [ingm'br] adj. inIngenuit, [inje'nit'] Inge- Ingiojellare, [injiye'll're'J v. cumbered, clogged; -, m. innuitade, Ingenuitate, A inge- a. to adorn with jewels. cumbrance, clog; nuisance. nuousness, openness, sincerity. Ingiovanire, [injivni're'] v.n. Ingonnellarsi, [ingnne'llr'si] Ingenuo, [inj'n] adj. inge- to grow young again; grow V. n. r. to put on a gown. nuous, frank, open, sincere. brisk. (down. Ingorbiare, [ingrbi'r] v. a. Ingorgo, [inje'r'g] m. mystery. Ingi, [inji'] adv. downward, to put a ferrule to a cane. Ingerimento, [injrimn't] m. Ingindicato, [injidik't] adj. Ingorbiatura, [ingrbit'r] f. intervention. unjudged. putting a ferrule iron-ring. Ingerire, [inje'ri're'j v. a. to ad- Ingingnere, [injiu'n'e're'] v. a. Ingordamente, [ingrdme'n't] duce; - sospetto, to awake irr. {see Giugnere) to join, en- adv. gluttonously, greedily. suspicion. Ingeriesi, v. r. to join. Ingordezza, [ing'rde't's] Ininterpose, meddle with. Ingiuncare, [injink're'] v. a. gordigia, [ingrdi'jia] f. avidIngessare, [inje'ss're'] v. a. to to cover with rushes. ity, greediness. plaster with gypsum, chalk, Ingiungere, [injin'je're'] see Ingordina, [ingrdi'n] a f. parget. Ingiugnere. coarse rasp or file. Ingessato, [inje'ss't} m. In- Ingiuria, [inji'ri] f. injury, Ingordo, [ingr'd] adj. greedy, gessatura, [inje'sst'r] f. wrong, offence, insult (this eager, covetous exorbitant. plastering. word is used for persons, and Ingorgamento, [ingrgme'n't] Ingesto, [inj'st] arfj. inserted. never for things). m. engorging, gorging. Inghiaiare, [inghiay're'J v. a. Ingiuriare, [njtri're'] v. a, to Ingorgare, [ingrg're'] v. a. to to gravel. injure, wrong, offend, call gorge, stuff; -,v.n. to become Inghiomellato, [inghimell't] names. engorged. adj. coiled up, shriveled up. Ingiuriativo, [injiuriti'v] adj. Ingozzare, [ingts're'] v. a. to Inghiottimento, [inghittim e'n'- apt to injure. swallow, gorge; fig. to swallow t] I. swallowing, absorption; Ingiuriatore, [injirit're'] m. down (an injury).

injurer, insulter. Ingracilirsi, [ingratshilirsi] if, Inghiottire, [inghitti're'] v. a. Ingiuriosamente, [injirisa- n. r. to become thin. swallow, un' adv. to absorb; injuriously, u- Ingradare, [ingrd'r] v. in- me'n't] giuria, to pocket an affront. justly; reproachfully. go on by degrees.

V. n. to spread like weeds.



[ingrn''re'] v. n. Inibizione, [inibitsi'ne'] f. iuto be angry, get surly. hibition, prohibition. Ingranato, [ingrn't] m. gar- Ingrommarsi, [ingrommar 'si] Inidoneit, [inidne'i't] f. inanet; color of garnet. V. r. to form a crust, get inbility, unfitness, inaptness.

Ingramignare, [ingrmin''r] Ingrognare,

Ingrandimento, [ingrudime'n'- crusted; concrete. Inimicare, [iniraika're'] v. a. to t] m. aggrandizement; rse, Ingroppare, [ingrpp'r] v. a. treat like an enemy. growth. to form a group make up a Inimichevole,[inimike"vle']a(fj'.

packet, carry on one's back. inimical, hostile; contrary. n. to Ingrossamento, [ingrssme'n'- Inimichevolmente, [inimike grow larger; rise. t] m. increase, swelling. vlme'n'te'] adv. like an enemy. Ingranditivo, [ingranditi'vo] Ingrossare, [ingross'r] v. a. Inimicizia, [inimitshi'tsi] /. adj. apt to increase. to make big or thick; -, v. n. to enmity; aversion. Ingranditore, [ingrndit'r] engross , grow big or thick, Inimico, [inimi'k] adj. inimim. magnifier, increaser. swell up; got with child; be cal, hostile; adverse; -, m. eneIngrassamento, [ingrssme'n'- surly. my, adversary. t] m. fattening; fatness. Ingrossativo,[ingrss.'iti'v]a(j. Inimitabile, [inimit'bfle] adj. Ingrassare, [ingrassa're'] v. a. thickening. inimitable. to make fat, fatten; manure;-, Ingrossatura, [ingrsst'ra] f. Inimitabilmente, [inimitdi! I'lV. n. to grow fat, get fat, excrescence arising on the men'te'] adv. inimitably. fatten. superficies of any thing. Inimmaginabile, [inimmjin'IngrassatTO, [ingrssti'v] Ingrossire, [ingrossi're'] r. n. bile'] adj. unimaginable. adj. fattening. to grow big. Inintelligibile, [inintc'lliji'bile'J Ingrassatore, [ingrasst're'] Ingrosso, [ingr's] adv. by ad], uuintelligible. m. fattener. (nure. wholesale, in the lump. Inintelligibilit, [ininte'llijibiIngrasso, [ingras's] in. ma- Ingrottare, [ingrtt're'] v. li'ta] /. impossibility of being Ingrataccio, [ingrt'tsh] adj. place in a grotto. Ingrottarsi, understood. very ungrateful. [ininve'stigaV. n. r. to hide one's-self in a Ininvestigabile, Ingratamente, [ingrtame'n'te'] grotto. bi'le'] arfj.that cannot be invesadv. ungratefully. Ingrugnare, [ingrn''re'] v. n. tigated. Ingratezza, [ingrate't'sa] see In- to pout; look sullen, be angry. Iniperbolare, [inipe'rbl're'] . gratitudine. Ingruppare, [ingruppa're'] v. a. . to represent in the figure of In grati colamento, [ingrtik- to group. hyperbole. lmn't]m. railing; enclosure. Inguainare, [fngttin'r] v. a. Iniquamente, [inikumen'te'] Ingraticolare, [ingrtikl'r] to put in the case, sl>eat]i. adv. iniquitously, unjustly. V. a. to rail, enclose witli rails. Inguantarsi, [ingwntar'si] v. Iniquit, [inikit']Iniquitade, Ingraticolata, [ingrtikl't] r. to put on one's gloves. Iniquitate, f. iniquity, injus/. cross bars of wood in the form Inguantato, [ingunta't] adj. tice. of a trellis for supporting \vith one's gloves on envelop- Iniqnitosamente, [inikitsaplants. ed, enclosed. me'n'te'J adv. iniquitously. Ingraticolato, [ingrtikl't] Inguazzarsi, [ingwatsar'sij v.n. Iniqnitoso, [inikuit's] adj.nm. grate, grating. r. to be bathed with do^v. iquitous, wicked. Ingratitudine, [ingrtit'dine'] Ingabbiare, [ingubbi're] v. n. Iniquizia, [inikui'tsia] /. iniquiingratitude, unthankfulness. fill one's to belly, stufi" one's ty; crime. f. Ingrato, [ingr't] adj. ungrate- self (vulgarism.) Iniquo, [ini'kw] adj. iniquitous, ful, unthankful; disagreeable. Inguiderdonato, [ingwide'rdo- unjust. Ingratone, [ingrt'n] m. very n't] adj. unrecompensed. Inispiegabile, [inispie'gabi'le] ungrateful man Ingniggiare, [inguidja're'] v. a. adj. inexplicable. Ingravescente, [ingrve'tshe'n'- to fit a pair of shoes. Inistimabile, [inistimabi'le'] see t] adj. becoming heavier. Inguinaglia, [inguinr] see Inestimabile. (first. Ingravidamento , [ingravida- Anguinaglia. Iniziale, [initsia'le'] adj. initial, mn't] m. ingravidation Inguinale, [inguina le] adj. in- Iniziare, [initsi're'] v. u. to pregnancy. guinal; of the groin. initiate. Ingravidare, [ingrvid're'] v. a. Inguine, [in'gwine'] m. groin. Iniziatore, [initsit're'] m. beto impregnate; -, v. n. to be Inguistara, [ingwist'r] ginner. f. depregnant, be with child. canter, glass-bottle. Iniziazione, [initsitsi'ne'] /. Ingrazianarsi [ingrtsinr'si] Ingnrgitamento[ingrjitme'n'- the act and effect of beginning. V. n. r. to acquire a benefit by t] see Ingorgamento. Inizio, [ini'tsi] m. beginning. artifice. Ingurgitare, [ingrjit're'] v.a. Inizzare, [initsa'r]&c., see AizIngraziarsi, [ingrtsir'si] v. to swallow up. zare &c. n. r. to ingratiate one's self. Ingurgitatore, [ingrjitt're'] Injettare, [inye'tta're'] v. a. to Ingraziato, [ingrtsi't] adj. m. a great glutton. make an injection. ingratiated, in favor. Ingnsciare, [ingwsha're'] v. n. to Iniezione, [inye'tsine'] f. inIngrediente, [ingre'din'te'J m. enter into the shell. jection. ingredient. Kigustabile, [ingst'bile'] adj. Injuria, [iny'ri] see Ingiuria. Ingremire, [ingre'mi're'] see not tastable. (bit, forbid. Injnstizia , [inysti'tsi] see Gremire. Inibire, [inibi're'] v. a. to inhi- Ingiustizia. Ingresso, [ingr's] m. ingress, Inibita, [inibi't[ /". inhibition. Inlacciare, [inltsh're'] v. a. to entrance. Inibitoria, [inibit'ri] /. an insnare; Inlacciarsi, v. r. to Ingrillandare, [ingrillnd're'] inhibitory decree. fall into the snare, get caught. u. o. to place a garland on a Inibitorio [inibit'ri] adj. Inlagarsi, [inlagar'si] v. r. t# , person or thing. prohibitory, forbidding. ispreadlike a lake.
v. a.

Ingrandire, [ingrandire] to aggrandize, raise; -, v.




Inlaidire , [inlaidi'r] v. a. to direct a current of water into Innarsicciato, [innrsitsh't] mako ngly. a channel. adj. burnt, parched; -, m. burnInlanguidire, [inlnguidi'r] v. Innalzamento,[innltsme'n't] ing, hurt by fire. n. to languish. m. elevation, exaltation pre- Innasare, [inns're'] v. a. to lulappolarsi, [inlapplr'si] v. ferment. put into the nose. r. to be covered with burdock- Innalzare, [innaltsa're'] v. a. to Innaspare, [innasp're'] u. a. to flowers. elevate, raise; advance, prefer; wind up; reel in walking. Inlaqueare, [inlkwe''re'] va. -, V. n. Innalzarsi,!), r. to rise, Innaspatura, [innspat'r] f. to insnare. ascend. the act of winding. Inlato, [inla'to] m. side. Innalzatura, [innaltstiVr] f. Innasprimento, [innsprimn'Inlaudabile, [inlawda'bile'] adj. elevating, rise. tj m. sharpness, ii-ritation. illaudable. Inn amare, [innma're'] . a. to Innasprire, [innaspri're'] v. a. Inlecitamente,[fnle'tshitme'n'- take with a hook. to make rough; exasperate, te'] adv. unlawfully. Innamidare, [innmid're'] v. a irritate: -, v. n. to grow rough. Inlecito, [inl'tshit] adj. illicit, to starch. Innato, [inna'tj adj. innate, unlawful. Innamoracchiamento, [innm- inborn. Inleggiadrito, [nle'djdri't] rkkimn't] m. little love- Innaturale, [inntr'le'] adj. adj. become pretty, handsome. afFair. unnatural. Inlegittimita, [inle'jittimit'] f. Innamoracchiarsi, [innmrk- Innaturato, [inntr't] adj. illegitimacy. kir'si] V. r. to be slightly in contrary to nature. lalegittimo, [inljit'tim] adj. love. Innaurare, [innr're'] v. a. to

[innmr- gild. , m. courtship; love- Innavare, [innv're'] v. a. to intrigue, amour. put into a ship. Innamoramentuzzo, [innamo- Innavigabile , [innvig'bil] rame'ntt's] m. little amour. ad/, innavigable. Inlicito, [inli'tshit] see Inle- Innamorare, [innamra're'] v. a Innebbarsi, [inne'blnr'si] r. ft. cito. to inspire with love; inflame; r. to grow cloudy. Inliquefattibile, [inlikfatti- -, r. n. Innamorarsi, v. r. to Innebbriare, [inne'bbri're'j &c., bi'le] adj. incapable of liquefall in love become enamoured. see Inebbriare &c. faction. Innamorata, [innamr't] f. Innegabile, [inne'ga'bile'] adj. Inlitterato, [inlitte'r't] adj. mistress, sweetheart. undeniable.


Inletterato, [inle'tte'r't] adj. illiterate, unlettered. Inlibrare, [inlibra're'] v. a. to balance (little used).

illiterate. Innamoratamente, [innrar- Inneggiare , [inne'dja're'] v. a. Inlividire, [inlividi're'] v. a. to tmu't] adv. lovingly, ten- to compose hymns, sing hymns. cover with bruises. derly. Innegrire, [inngri' r] v. n. to Inlucidarsi, [inltshidr'si] v. Innamoratine, [innmrti'n] grow black.
r. to become lucid. adj. rather amorous. Inmalinconicare, [inmlinkni- Innamorativo, [innmrti'v] k'rl Inmalinconichire, [in- adj. charming. mlinkniki'r] and Inmalin- Innamorato, [innmr't] adj. conire, [inmlinkni're'] v. n. enamoured, in love; -, m. lover. to grow melancholy, grow sad. Innamorazzarsi, [innmrts'Inmalvagire, [iumlvji're'] v. si] V. ft. r. to inspire with love. n. to grow wicked, corrupt. Innanellamento , [innnllaInmelare , [inme'l'r] v. a. to mn't] m. curling. anoint with honey. Innanellare, [innne'll're'] v. a. Innabissare, [innbiss're'J v. a, to curl, frizzle; give the ring in marriage. to ruin -, v. n. to sink. Innacerbire , [innatshe'rbi're'] Innanimare, [innnim're'] v. a. see Inacerbire. to animate, encourage, stimuInnacquamento[innkkwame'n'- late; Innamimabsi, v. r. to take courage. t] m. watering, putting water Innanimire, [innnimi're'] see into. Innacquare, [innkku're'] v. a. Innanimare. (before. Innanti, [innan'ti] prep, (poes.) to water; dilute. Innaffiamento, [innaifime'n't] Innanzi [innan'tsi] prep, before, m. watering , above in presence of, in premoistening
; ,

get dark.


v. n. to

Innerpicare, [innrpik'r] v.a. to climb up. Innervare, [innrv're'] v.n. to

become strong.
Innestagione, [innstj'n] f. Innestamento, [innstmn't] ni. (gard.) graft.

Innestare, [innsta'r]

v. {gard.) to graft, inoculate.


Innestatore, [innstt'r] m.
(gard.) grafter, inoculator. [inne'stat'ra] f. {gard.) grafting, inoculation. Innesto, [inn'st] m. graft,


shoot; junction. Innito, [inni't] m. neigh'ng.

Innizzare, [innits'r] v.a. to


sprinkling. ference to -, adv. sooner, forbefore Innaffiare, [innfifi're'] v. a. to ward afterwards water, moisten, sprinkle. tratto, first of all, beforehand; Innaffiatojo, [innaffit'y] i. venire -, to present one's self. watering-pot. Innanzi, [innan'tsi] m. model, Innaffio, [innaffi] m. a slight pattern, original. watering. Innaridire, [innaridi're'] v. a.

to dry up -, V. ft. to grow arid. Innario, [inn'ri] m. hymnInnalbare, [inniilb'r] v. n. to book. grow whitish. Innarpicare, [innrpik're'] v.a. Innocenza, [inntshn'ds] In* Innalberare, [innlber're'] sue to gripe, catch. nocenzia, [inntshn'dsi] f, Inalberare. Innarrabile, [innrr'bile'] see innocence, harmlessness, sim<

Innagrestire, [innagre'sti're']





Inno, [in'n] m. liymn. Innobbedienza, [innbbdin'dsa] &c.,see Disubbidienza &c. Innocente, [inntshn't] adj. innocent, harmless. Innocentemente, [inntshntemn't] adj. innocently. Innocentino, [inntshnti'n] m. a foundling. Innocivo, [inntshi'v] and Innocuo, [inn'k] arfj. innocent.

Innalveare,[iniialve'a're']v, a. to






Innoculare, [inkl'rj v. o. to Inoltrarsi, [inltrr'si] see In- pito, [inspi't] adj. solitary, desert. noltrarsi. inoculate (the small pox). innografo, [inngra'f] m. a Inoltre, [inl'tr] adv. besides, Inosservabile, [insse'rv'bile'] adj. inobservable. moreover. writer of hymns. Innoliare, [innli're'] v. a. to Inombrare, [inmbr're'] v. a. to Inosservabilmente, [nsse'rvbilmn'te'] adv. without being shadow. anoint, oil. Innoltrarsi, [innltrr'si] v. r. Inondamento, [inndme'n't] seen. Inosservanza, [insse'rvan'ds] to advance forward; go beyond. m. see Inondazione. Innomabile, [innmabi'le'] and Inondare, [innda'r] v. a. to f. want of observance, violation. Innominabile, [innmin'bile'] inundate, submerge; over-run. Inosservato, [insse'rv't] adj. Inondazione, [iundtsi'n] f. unobserved; concealed. adj. not to be named. Innominatamente, [innmin- inundation, submersion, flood Inossire, [nssi'r] v. ossify. adv. namelessly, over-running. tmn't] anonymously. Inonest, [inne'st'] f. dis- Inquadrare, [inkudr're] v. a. to divide into squares (said of Innominato, [innmina't] adj. honesty, indecency. unnamed; nameless anonym- Inonestamente, [inne'stame'n'- gardens &c.).


Innondare, [innnd're']
inundate, deluge.

v. a.

to Inonesto,


[innr're'] v. a.

t] adv. unquietly, impatiently. Inquietare, [inkMit're'] v. a. honest, indecent. to disquiet, disturb; vex, make to Inonorato, [innr't] adj. un-

t] adv. dishonestly,indocently. [inn'st] adj. dis-

Inquietamente, [inkwitame'n'-

honor. honoured. Innossio, [inn'si] adj. (poes.) Inope, [in'pe'] adj. poor, ininnoxious. digent. Innostrare, [innstr're'] v. a. Inoperante , [inpe'rn't] adj. inoperative; inefficacious. to adorn with purple-cloth. Innottnsire, [innttsi'r] v. n. Inopia, [in'pi] /.want, penury, to become blunt. need. Innovare, [innv're'] v. a. to Inopinabile, [inpin'bile'] adj. innovate, renew. unimaginable. Innovatore, [innvt'r] m. Inopinatamente, [inpintInnovatrice, [innvtri'tshe'] me'n'te'] adv. unawares, unexpectedly, suddenly. f. innovator. Innovazione, [innvtsi'n] f Inopinato, [inpin't] adj. uninnovation. expected. Innovellare, [innve'll're'] v a. Inopportunamente, [inpprto renew (little used). tname'n'te'] adv. unseasonably, Innubbidienza, [innubbidin'- out of season. ds] see Disubbidienza. Inopportuno, [inpprt'n]ad;. Innumerabile, [innme'r'bi'le'] inopportune, unseasonable. adj. innumerable. Inorare, [inr're'] v. a. to gild; Innumerabilmente, [innme'r- respect, honor. bilmn't] adv. innumerably. Inordinatamente, [inrdintInnumerevole, [innme're"vle'] me'n'te'] adv. confusedly. see Innumerabile. Inordinatezza, [inrdinte't's] Innuovare, [innv're'] see In- f. disorder, confusion. novare. Inordinate , [inrdin't] adj. Innuzzolire, [inndsli'r] u.a. disordered. to excite a desire, awako ea- Inorganico, [inrgni'k] adj. gerness. inorganical. Inobbedienza, [inbbe'din'dsj Inorgogliare, [inrgr're'] In&c., see Disubbidienza <tc. orgoglire, [inrgri'r] v. a Inocchiare, [inkki're'J v. a. to make proud; Inorgogliarsi,
to graft.

uneasy; Inquietarsi, v. r. to torment one's self, be uneasy.

Inquietatore, [inkttitt're']m.
disquieter, harasser. Inquietazione,[inkuie'ttsi'ne'] f. disturbing, vexing.-

Inquiete, [inkiii't] and Inquietezza, [inkuiett's] f. uneasiness, trouble, perplexity. Inquieto, [inkwi't] adj. uneasy, restless.



inquietude, trouble. Inquilino,[inkuili'n] m.tenant, inmate.

Inquinamento, [inkttinme'n't]
m. filth, nastiness. Inquinare, [inkuina're']

v. o. to

stain; disgrace.

Inquisire, [inkwisi're'] v. a. to impeach, charge, accuse. Inquisitore, [mkuisit'r] m. inquirer; inquisitor. Inquisizione, [inkuisitsi'ne'] f. inquisition, search, examination.

Inraccontabile, [inrkknt'bile'] adj. not to be related. Inradiare, [inrdia're'] see Irradiare &c.



&c., see Irragionevole.


v. a.

to hate

Inorgoglirsi, v. r. to grow Inrancidimento, [inrantshidime'n'to] m. rancidness. proud. Inornato, [inrn't] adj. una- Inrancidire, [inrantshidi're] v.

n. to become rancid. dorned. Inorpellamento,[inrpe'llame'n'- Inrazionabile, [inrtsin'bil] Ac, see Irragionevole &c. Inodorabile, [indr'bile') adj. t] m. tinseling; disguise. inodorous, scentless. Inorpellare, [inrpe'll're'] v. a. Inrecuperabile, [inrkpr'Inodorare, [indr're'] v. a. to to tinsel; disguise, counterfeit. bile'] adj. irrecoverable, lost. give scent. (inodorous. Inorpellatnra [inrpe'llt'r] Inrefragabile, [inre'frg'bil] Inodorifero, [indrife''r] adj. f. covering with tinsel. adj. irrefragable, undeniable, Inoffensibile, [inoffensibile] adj. Inorribilire, [inorribili're'] v.n. certain. invulnerable. Inrefrenabile, [inre'fre'na'bile'] to render more horrid. Inoffeso, [inff's] ac/j. unhurt. Inorridire, [inrridi're'] v. a. to adj. ungovernable, unruly. Inofficioso, [inffitsh's] adj. Inregolare, [inrgl'r] &c., terrify, shudder. inofficious, uncivil. tee Irregolare Ac. Inospitale, [inspit'le'] adj. inInoliamento, [inlime'n't] m. hospitable; cruel. Inreligioso, [inrlijt's] &c.,set anointing with oil oily speech. Inospitalit, [inospitalit'] f. Irreligioso &c. Inoliare, [inli'r] see Inno- inhospitality. Inremediabile,[inre'me'diabi'le'] laospite, [ins'pfte'] and Inos- adj. tee Irremediabilo Ac. liare.

Inodiare, [indi're'J
(little used).




[inrmissi'bilj Insaldabile, [insldbi'le'] adj. Inschiavire, [inskiavi're'J v. a. incapable of being soldered. to enslave. tet Irremissibile. Inreparabile,[inrpr'l3le']adj. Insaldare, [insld'r] v. a. to Inschidionare, [inskidin're']




bilme'n't] adv. irreparably. Inreprensibile [inre'pre'nsi'bile]

adj. irrepreliensible. Inrepugnable,[inre'pTgndbi'le'] adj. see Irrepugnabile. Inresoluto, [inre'sl't] &c., see Irresoluto &c.


[inre'tme'n't] m.

snares, traps, nets, pL; ambush. Inretaro, [inre't're'j Inretire, [inrti'r] v. a. to catcli in a net, insnare.


[inre've'rn'te'] adj.

irreverent, disrespectful.

lareverenza, [inre've'rn'dsa]




&c., see Irrevocabile &c. Inrcchire, [inrikki're'] v. a. to


starch; fortify; heal used). Insaleggiare, [insle'dj're'] v.a. to sprinkle with salt; corn. Insalibile, [insalibi'le'] adj. incapable of being salted. Insalsarsi, [insalsar'si] v. r. to grow brinish, take salt. Insalubre, [insl'br] adj. insalubrious, unwholesome. Insalvabile , [inslv'bile'j adj. not to be saved. Insalvaticare , [inslvtik're'] Insalvatichire, [inslvtiki're'] V. n. to become waste, grow wild, grow rough. Insanabile, [insn'bile'] ad/, incurable, irremediable. Insanabilmente[insanbilme'n'te'] adv. incurably. Insanamente , [insnme'n't] 3d. insanely, in a foolish mansolder;



V. a. to put upon the spit. Insciente, [inshtn'te'] adj. ignorant. Inscogliarsi, [inskrrsi] v. a. r. to insinuate itself among rocks (said of the sea). Inscrittibile , [inskrittibi'le] adj. that cannot be inscribed. Inscrivere, [inskri'vre'] v. a. irr., (see Scrivere) to inscribe; address (a letter). Inscrizione , [fnskn'tsi'ne'] f. inscription; title, address. Inscrutabile, [inskrt'bile']ad>'. inscrutable; impenetrable. Inscrutabilit, [inskrtbilita ] f. impenetrability. Insculpere, [inskiilpe're'] v. a.

def. to

engrave upon.

Inricordevole, [inrikrde''vle'] ner. Insanguinamento, [insanguiadj. unmindful, forgetful. nmn't] m. the act and effect Inriducibile, [inridtshibi'le'] of becoming bloody. adj. irreducible. Inrigare, [inrig're'] v.a. to ir- Insanguinare, [insanguina're'] V. a. to make bloody, sprinkle rigate, water. with blood. Inrigidre, [inrijidi'rj v. n. to Insania, [ins'ni] f. insanity, grow rigid. Inrimediabile, [inrme'dibi'le'] madness. adj. see Irrimediabile &c. (and Insanire, [insni're'] v. a. to make insane;-, v. n. to grow generally for inri, see Irri). Inriverente, [inrivrn'te'] &c., insane. Insano, [ins'n] adj. insane, see Irreverente &c. Inrorare, [inrr're'] see Irro- mad.

Inscurire, [inskri'r] v. a. to render obscure. Inscusabile, [inskus'bil] adj. inexcusable. Insecabile, [inse'ka'bile'J adj. incapable of being cut. Inseccare, [inse'kka're] v. a. to dry, make dry. Insecchire, [inskkf're'] v. to become lean, dry up. Insecutore, [inse'kt're'] m. a persecutor. Inseducibile, [msdtshibi'l] adj. not to be seduced. Insegna, [ins'n'] f. banner, colors, standard, ensign; flag; sign, mark; arms, pi.

Insapiente, [insapie'n'te'] adj. rare. Inrossare, [inrssa'r] v. a. to ignorant. Insapienza, [inspin'ds] f. redden, dye red. Inrubinare, [inrubina're'] v. a. ignorance. to adorn one's self with rubies; Insaponamento, [insdpnme'n't] m. the act of washing with take the appearance of rubies soap. imitate the color of the ruby. Inrugginire, [inrdjini'r] v.n. Insaponare, [insapn'r] v. a. to wash with soap, speak in to grow rusty. an oily manner; fig. to flatter. Inrugiadare, [inrdjd're'] v. Insaporare, [insapr're'J and to sprinkle, water, bedew. Inruvidire, [inrvidi'r] v. a. Insaporire, [insaporare] v. a. to give flavor. to irritate, make angry. [nsaccagione, [insakkji'n] Insassare, [insss're'] i;. n. to putting into the petrify. f. the act of Insatanassito, [insatnssi't] pocket. Insaccare, [inskk'r] v. a. to adj. furious, devilish. Insatollabile , [iustllbf'le'j sack up, pocket. Insalare, [insl're'] v. a. to adj. insatiable. salt, corn; Insalarsi, v. r. to Insaturabile, [instr'bile'J adj. grow brinish; take salt; grow insaturable.



instruction; admonition.

[nse'n''r] w. a. to instruct, inform. Insegnativo, [insn'ti'v] adj. instructive, informing.


Insegnatore, [nsn't're'] m.
instructor, teacher.

Inseguire, [inse'gwi're'J v. a. to pursue, run after. Inselciato, [inse'ltsh't] adj. paved with pebbles, graveled.


Insalata, [insla't] f. salad. Insalatiera, [inslti'r] f. a (salad. salad-bowl. Insalatina, [inslti'n] f. small Insalato, [insl't] adj. salted, seasoned. Insalatojo, [inslt'y] m. a

vendor of salad. Insalatura, [insalt'r] /".salting, pickling.

Inseliciare, [inslitshi'r] v. a. to pave. Insellare, [inse'lla're'j v. a. to put on the saddle; Insellarsi, V. r. to seat one's self in the saddle. Inselvarsi, [inse'lvr'si] v. r. to get woody; live in woods. Inselvaticare, [inse'lvatika're'] Insaziabile, [instsi'bile'] adj. V. . to grow wild. Inseminato, [inse'min't] adj. insatiable; insatiate. unsown. Insaziabilit, [instsibilit'J Insaziabilitade,Insaziabilita- Insemitarsi, [inse'mitar'si] v. r. to get on the way, begin one's te, f. insatiableness. Insaziabilmente, [nstsiabil- journey. me'n't] adv. insatiably. Insenare, [inse'n'r] v. a. to Insaziet, [instsi't] see In- put into one's bosom (little saziabilit. used). Inscampabile, [inskrap'bile'] Insenata, [inse'n't] /. a bay.
adj. unavoidable.

Insenatura, [inse'nat'ra]




Insofferibilmente, finsoffe'ribil* me'n'te'J adv. insuil'orably.
Insofflare, [insffi're'j v. a. to

curve in the bed of a river adv. together with, in company with. forming a kind of ba}'. Insensataggine, [insnst'dji- Insieparsi, [insie'par'si] v. r. to hide one's self in a hedge. n) [. folly, madness. Insensatamente , [insnst- Insigne, [insi'n'e'] adj. notable, mn't] adv. foolishly. famous. Insensatezza, [inse'nste't's] (. Insignificante, [insin'ifikn't] adj. insignificant. folly, madness, stupidity. Insensato, [inse'nsa't] adj. in- Insignire, [insin'i're'] v. a. to sensato, foolish. decorate: adorn; signalize. Insensibile, [inse'nsi'bile'] adj. Insignorire, [insin'ri're'] v. a. insensible, unfeeling ; imper- to make one master of; Insiceptible. GNOUiRSi, V. r. to make one's Insensibilit , [inse'nsibilit'] self master of. [insinttn't] Insensibilitade, Insenslbili- Insinattanto , Insinattantoch, [insi'nttntate, {. insensibility. Insensibilmente , [inse'nsibil- tk'] adv. & conj. till, until. mn't] adv. insensibly; grad- Insino, [insi'n] Insnoch, [inually, by little and little. sink'] conj. till, until. Insensitive, [inse'nsiti'v] adj. Insinqu, [insinku'j adv. as far as here, so far. deprived of sense. adj. Insinuabile, [insin'bile'] adj. [inse'nsi'v] Insensivo , that can bo insinuated, insinunapt to feel. [inse'pr'bile'] uant. Inseparabile , Insinuante, [insinn't] adj. aij. inseparable.

Insofficiente, [insoifitshten'te'] &c., see Insufficiente &c.
Insoffribile, [insffri'bile'] adj. insufferable, intolerable. Insoggettabile, [insdjtta"bile'] adj. unconquerable.

Insognarsi, [insn'r'si] v. r. to dream; imagine, muse. Insolcare, [inslk'r] v. a. to plough. Insolentaccio, [insle'nt'tsh] adj. very insolent. Insolente, [insln'te'] adj. insolent, arrogant, haughty. Insolenteggiare, [insle'nte'dj're'] V. n. to play the insolent.



me'n'te'] adv. insolently, tily.


Insolentire, [fnsle'nti're'] v. n. to grow insolent, become proud,


Insolentone, [iasle'nt'ne'] adj. insinuating. Insinuare, [insin're'] v. a. to extremely insolent. Insepolto, [inse'pl't] adj. un- insinuate, suggest Insinuar- Insolenza, [insln'ds] f. insolence, sauciness, impudence. si, V. r. to insinuate one's self, buried. Insolfare, [inslf're'j v. a. to steal in. Insepoltura, [inse'plt'r] Insinuazione, [insintsi'ne'] sulphur. privation of burial. Insolito, [ins'lit] adj. unusual, Inserenare, [insre'na're'] v. a. f. insinuation; suggestion. to clear up; -, v. n. to grow Insipidamente, [insipidme'n'- rare.


adv. inseparably.


Insellare, [inslla're'] v. a. to ruin, annihilate; -, v. n. to insipidity. grow soft; weaken (little the act of insertion. Inserire, [insri're'] v. a. to Insipidire, ffnsipidi're'] v. n. to used). Insolubile, [l'nsl'bile'] adj. ingrow insipid. insert, put into. [inse'rpe'nti'to] Insipido, [insi'pid] adj. insipsoluble, indissoluble. Inserpentito , id, tasteless, dull; tiresome, Insolubilmente, [inslbilme'n'adj. envenomed. te'] adv. indissolubly. Inserrare, [inse'rra're'] v. a. to tedious. Insipiente, [insipin'te'J adj.vLn- Insommergibile, [insrame'rjishut in, shut up, enclose. bi'le'] adj. incapable of being Insertare, [inse'rt're'] v. a. to wise, foolish, silly. Insipientemente , [insipie'nte'- submersed. insert; join, unite. Insonnare, [insnn'r] v. a. to me'n'te] adv. foolishly. Inserto, [insr't] m. a graft. (ing. Inservigiato, [inse'rviji't] adj. Insipienza , [insipin'ds] f. lull to sleep. Insonne, [ins'n] adj. unsleepwant of understanding. officious, obliging. Inserzione, [insrtsi'ne'] /. in- Insistenza, [insistn'ds] f. ob- Insonte, [insn'te'J adj. innocent, harmless (little used). stinacy, persistence in urging; sertion. Insopportabile, [inspprt'biInsetare, [inst're'] v. a. to perseverance. Insistere, [insi'ste're'] v. n. irr. le'] adj. insupportable. cover with silk; graft (vines). {see Assistere) to insist, persist. Insopportabilmente, [inspprInsetto, [ins't] m. insect. Inseverito , [inse've'ri't] adj. Insitare, [insita're'] v. a. to tbilme'n'te'] adv. insupportably. graft. grown severe. Insidia, [insi'di] f. ambush, Insitatore, [insitt'r] m. a Insordire, [insrdi're'] v. n. to grow deaf. grafter. snare, deceit. Insidiare, [insidi'r] . a. to Insito, [in'sit] adj. innate, nat- Insorgere, [insr'je'r] v. n. irr. (see Sorgere) to rise up; ural ; TO. a graft. lie in wait; circumvent, plot. -Insidiatore, [insidit'r] m. Insizione, [insitsio'ne'] f. graft- rebel. Insormontabile , [insrmnt'Insidiatrice, [insiditri'tsh] ing. bil] adj. insurmountable. insidiator, traitor ; traitress. Insmorzabile, [msmrts'bile'] f. Insospettire, [insspe'tti'r] . Insidiosaniente,[insidisme'n'- adj. inextinguishable. Insoave, [ins've'] adj. dis- a. to make suspicious; -, v. n. te'] adv . insidiously. to grow suspicious, distrust. Insidioso, [insidi's] adj. in- agreeable. Insoavita, [insvit'] f. dis- Insostenibile , [insstni'bile'] sidious, treacherous, sly. adj. indefensible. Insieme, [insi'm] adv. to- agreeableness. gether, in company with ; in- Insoccorso, [inskkr's] adj. Insozzare, [insts're'] Insozzire, [instsi're'] v. a. & n. to sieme insieme, close together, unassisted, unhelped. soil. jointly, at the same time; -, Insociabile, [instsh'bile'] Insociale, [inatsha'le'] adj. un- Inspargere, [insprj'rj v. <h m. whole, mass. to sprinkle. Insiememente, [insie'me'me'n'te'] sociable.
clear; rejoice.

Inserimento, [inse'rime'n't] m. Insipidezza,

adv. insipidly. [insipidt's]




Insulsamente, [fnslsme'n't]
adv. foolishly, stupidly. Insulsit, [insulsit'] f. foolishness. Insulso, [insul'so] adj. foolish, silly, stupid. Insultare, [inslt're'] v. a. to
insult, offend.

[nsperabile, [inspr'bil] adj. Instillare, [instill'r] . a. to instil; insinuate. not to be hoped. [inspe'rt- Instinto, [instin't] m. instinct. Insperatamente , Institnire, [institi're'] v. a. to me'n'te'l adv. unexpectedly. fix, apInsperato, [inspr't] adj. un- institute, establish point; instruct. hoped for, unforeseen. Inspergere, [inspr'je're'] see Instituta, [institu'ta] f. institutes, pi. Aspergere. Inspessamento, [inspe'ssameV- Institutista, [instituti'sta] m. writer of institutes; lecturer t] m. condensation. Inspessare, [inspss're'] v. n. on tho institutes. Institute, [instit't] m. preto become thick. Inspessato, [inspss't] adj. cept, maxim. Institutore, [institut'r] m. condensed. Inspettore, finspe'tt're'] m. in- institutoT , establisher ; preceptor. spector, superintendent; {rail.) - dell' atrio, inspector of the Institutrice, [institutri'tshe'] / governess. railway-station. Inspezione, [inspe'tsio'ne'] f. in- Instituzione, [instittsi'ne'] f institution, establishment; inspection, overseeing; office.

Insultatore, [insultatre'] m. Insultatrice, [iusultatri'tshe']



Insulto, [insl't] m. insult, affront, offence.


[inspe'r'bile'] , adj. insuperable.


t'] f.

[in sii pe'r abili[insiipe'r-



bilme'n'te'] adv. insuperably.


Inspiramento, [inspirme'n't] struction. Instivalato, [instivl't] m. see Inspirazione.

Inspirare, [inspir're'J
n. to inspire.
v. a.

[insupe'rbi, me'n't] m. pride, hanghtiness.



booted, in boots. Instolidire, [instlidi're'] v. n.

to become stolid, grow dull. [inspirt're'] m. Instradare, [instrd're'] v. a. sorgere. inspirer, infuser. Insurrezione , [insrre'tsi'ne'] Inspirazione, [inspirtsi'ne'] f. to put into tho way. Instruire, [instri'ro'J v. a. to f. insurrection. inspiration. Insussistente, [insssistn'te'] instruct, teach. Inspontaneo , [inspnta'ne'] Instrumentale, [instrmnt'- adj. not subsisting, not exist-" adj. involuntary. Instabile, [inst'bfl] adj. un- le'] Instrumentario, [instrii- ing; unreal. Insussistenza , [insssistn'mnt'rij adj. instrumental. stable, inconstant. Instabilit, [instabilit'] Insta- In strumento, [instrme'n't] m. dsa] f unreality. Insusurrare, [inssrr're'] v. bilitade, Instabilitate, f. in- instrument, tool; deed, bond. Instruttivamente, [instruttiva- n. to murmur against. stability, inconstancy. Intabaccare, [intbkk're'] v. Instabilmente, [l'nstbilmn'- me'n'te'] adv. instructively. Instruttivo, [instrtti'vj adj. a. to fall vehemently in love t] adv. inconstantly. (vulgarism). instructive, instructing. Instancabile , [instnk'bile'] Instrutto, [instrt't] adj. in- Intabarrarsi, [intbrrr'si] v. adj. indefatigable. a. r. to wrap one's self up in a Instancabilit, [instnkbilit'] structed, learned. Instruttore, [instrtt're'] m. great coat. /. indefatigableness. instructor ; tutor. Intaccamento, [intkkme'n't] Instancabilmente , [instnk Instruzione, [instrtsi'ne'] f. m. notch; offence. bilrae'n'te'] adv. indefatigably. lustantaneamente , [instnt- instruction , precept ; educa- Intaccare, [intkk're'] v. a. to tion. notch; prejudice; hurt, wound. ne'me'n't] ad. instantaneous Instnpidire, [instupidi're'] v. n. Intaccatura, [intkkt'ra] f. notch, score; detriment. Instantaneo, [instant ne'] adj. to be astonished. Ins, [ins'] adv. above. Intacco, [intk'k] m. offence, instantaneous. Instante, [instn'te'j adj. in Insucidare, [instshid're'] and prejudice. stant, urgent, pressing ; m. an Insudiciare, [insditsh're'J v. Intagliamento, [intrme'n't] a. to foul, soil. m. incision, cut. instant. Instantemente, [instnte'me'n'- lusudare, [insuda're'] v. w. to Intagliare, [intr're'] v. a. to sweat (only used in the phrase engrave, carve ; - ad acqua for" t] adv. instantly, urgently. te, to etch. In stanza, [instn'dsj f. in- - in una cosa, to give great attention to a thing), Intagliato, [intl''t] adj. enstance, prayer. Instare , [insta're'] v. a. to Insueto, [instt't] arfj. unused. graved, cut; well-made. press, insist, urge; suppli- Insufficiente, [insfi'itshin'te'] Intagliatore, [intl't're'] m. adj. insufficient, inadequate. engraver, carver. cate. [insfi'i- Intagliatnra, [intrt'r] Instaurare, [instr're'] v. a. Insufficientemente , f. engraving, carving. tshte'ntme'n'te'] adv. insuffito restore. Intaglio, [int'l'] m. engraving, Insterilire, [instrili're'] v. n. ciently. Insufficienza , [insfi'itshin'- cut, sculpture; {ro,il.) cut, cutto become barren. Instigamento, [instigme'n't] ds] Insufflcienzia, [insffi- ting, open cutting. m. see Instigazione. tshtn'dsi] f. insufficiency. Intagliuzzare, [intrts're'] v. Instigare, [instig're'] v. n. to Insufflare, [insffl're'] v. a. to a. to cut up; mince. instigate, urge on, stimulate. blow into, inspire. Intallire, [intlli'rj v. n. to Instigatore, [instigat're'] m. Insufflazione, [insffltsi'ne'] run to seed. Instigatrice, [instigtri'tshe'j f. inspiration. Intaminato, [mtmin't] adj, Insugars, [insgr'si] v. a. r. uncontaminated, uncorrupted. f. instigator. Instigazione, [instigtsi'ne] f. to increase in sap (said of Intanagliare, [intnr'ro'] , plants). instigation. a to torment with pincers.


Insuperbire, [inspe'rb're'] v. n. Insuperbirsi, v r. to grow proud, be puffed up with pride. Insurgere, [iusur'je're'] see In-

Intanarsi, [intnr'si] v. hide one's self in. a don, Intanfarsi, [intanfr'si]
n. io



Integramente, [inte'grme'n't] Intemperatara, [inte'mpe'rt' adv. with integrity, honestly, r] Intemperie, [inte'mp'rie']


grow mouldy.


[inte'gr're'] v.



/.intemperature,intemperance; inclemency.

v. n. to make entire, complete. smell mouldy. Integrit, [integrit'] IntegrlIntangibile, [intanji'bile'] adj. tade, Integritate, f. integrity, not to be touched. wholeness, entireness; uprightIntanto, [intan't] ado. in so ness, honesty; completeness, perfection. far, in as much ; in the mean Integro, [inte"gr] (in'te'gr) time; however; whilst. Intantoch, [intntk'] adv. adj. entire, complete; upright,

Intanfire, [intnfi're']

Intempestivamente, [inte'mpe'stivme'n'te'] adv.




adj. unseasonable, untimely. Intendacchare, [intndkki're']

V. o. to




[inte'ndn'te'] adj.

conj. whilst, till.


intelligent, clever, learned attentive; -, m. intendant, chief

Intarlamento , [intrlame'n't] Integumento, [inte'gme'n't]m integument, cover. m. worm-eating; rottenness.

magistrate, lord-lieutenant.



Intarlare, [intarl'r] v. n. to Intelaiare, ]inte'lay're'] v. a -io me'n'te'] adv. attentively. Intendere, [intn'de're']v. a. trr., j)ut into the loom; weave. grow worm-eaten. Intarlato, [intrl't]adj.worm- lutelajatura, [inte'layt'ra] f. (see Tendere) to understand, frame-work; wooden carcass. comprehend; hear; think, mean, eaten; carious. Intarlatura, [intrlt'r] /".the Intellettiva, [inte'lle'tti'v] [. in- signify, denote; mind, attend dust thrown up by the Avorra tellectual faculty; understand- to, have in view; -gli occhi, to fix one's eyes Intendersi, v. ing. when gnawing wood. Intarmarsi, [intarmar 'si] v. r. Intellettivamente, [inte'llotti- r. to understand one another, agree together. to be eaten or consumed by vame'n'te'] adv. intellectually. Intellettivo, [intlle'tti'v] adj. Intendevole, [inte'nde"vle'] adj. moths.

intelligible, clear. Intarsiamento, [intrsirae'n'- intellective, intellectual. t] m. the act and effect of in- Intelletto, [inte'll't] m. in- Intendevolmente, [inte'nde'volsense, meVte] adv. intelligibly, clear(inlay, chequer. tellect, understanding laying, ly; learnedly. Intarsiare, [intarsi'r] v. a. to meaning, signification. Intarsiatura, [intrsiat'r] f. Intellettore, [inte'lltt're'] m. Intendimento, [inte'ndime'n't] m. understanding, intellect; one who easily comprehends. marquetry, inlaid work. judgment mind; signification, [intlltta'le'] Intartarito, [intrtri't] adj. Intellettuale,
; ;


Intasamento m. stopping up

adj. intellectual. [intsme'n to] Intellettualit[inte'lle'ttlit']



Intasare, [ints're']


with tartar stop up; bung. Intasatura, [intst'r] Intasazione, [intstsi'ne'J



Intascare, [intsk're'J v. a. to pocket; seize. Intassare, [intss're'] v. a. to bend (a bow). Intassellare, [intssell're'] . o. to place squares for tessilated Intelligibile,

sense; intention, design; resolution; essere d' - insieme, to Intellettualitade, Intellettua- understand each other. litate, [. power of mind, in- Intenditivo, [inte'uditi'v] adj. apt to understand, intelligent. tellect. Intellettnalmente[intlle'tta,l- Intenditore, [intndit'r] wi. intelligent man, wise man. me'n'te'] adv. intelligently. Intellezione, [intlltsi'ne'] /". Intenebrare, [inte'ne'br're'] v. a. to darken, offuscate. intelligence judgment. Intelligente, [intllijn'te'] adj. Intenebrimento , [inte'ne'brime'n't] m. darkening; obscuintelligent, learned. rity. [inte'llijn'ds] Intelligenza, f. intelligence , understanding Intenebrire, [inte'ne'bri're'] v. a. to darken; v. . to get dark be sense; cleverness.
; ;

[intlliji'bile'] adj.

Intassellatura, [intssllt'r] /. the act of placing squares for tessilated work. Intatto, [intt't] ad}, untouched untainted, pure. Intavolare, [intvl're'] v. a. to place the men (at chess &c.); wainscot, floor; set to music. Intavolato , [intvl't] m. ceiling, wainscot. Intavolatura, [intvlt'r] f.

intelligible, conceivable. Intelligibilit, [inte'llijibilit']


confounded. Intenerare, [inte'ne'r'r] v. a. to make tender, affect; move.


m. softening


passion. Intemerata, [inte'me'r't] f. Intenerire, [inte'ne'ri're'] v. a. to confusion, perplexity, tiresome make tender, soften; affect; -, V. n. Intenerirsi, v. r. to beaffair, wearisome thing. Intemerato, [inte'me'ra't] adj. come compassionate, be moved. Intensamente, [inte'nsame'n't] inviolate, unspotted, pure. Intemperante, [inte'mpe'rn'te'] adv. intensely; powerfully. adj. intemperate, immoderate. Intensione, [intnsi'n] /. intension. wainscot ; music-book rule, Intemperantemente, [inte'mpinstruction.' rnte'me'n'te'] adv. intempera- Intensit, [inte'nsi't] f. intensity. Integamare [inte'gm'r] . tely. [inte'mpe'rn'- Intensivamente , Intemperanza, [inte'nsivaa. to put into an earthen pan. me'n'te'] adv. intensely. Integerrimo, [inte'j'rim] and ds] f. intemperance. Integrissimo, [inte'grissi'm] Intemperarsi, [inte'mpe'rar'si] Intenso, [intn's] Intensivo, [intnsi'v] adj. intense, pierc. r. to grow temperate (little adj. very integral, complete; ining. corruptible. used). Integrale, [inte'grleT adj. in- Intemperatamente, [inte'mpe'- Intentabile, [inte'nt'bile'] adj. rtme'n't]af/v. intemperately. not feasible, impracticable. tegral, principal.

Intelligibilmente, [inte'llijibilme'n't] adv. intelligibly.

sympathy, com-

Integralmente, [inte'grlme'n'- Intemperato, [inte'mpe'ra't] adj. Intentamente,



adv. entirely, completely.

intemperate, excessive.

adv. intently, attentively.




Intentare, [intnt'r] v. a. to Interdetto, [inte'rdo"t] adj. in- intermediate; -, m. interlude; terdicted, prohibited -, m. in- interval. attempt, try. Intormentire, [inte'rme'nti're'J Intentazione, [intnttsi'n] terdict,.prohibition. law-suit. Interdicere, [inte'rdi'tshe're'] see V. n. to be benumbed, be stiff. f. attempt

[inte'ntivIntermestruo, [inte'rme"str] Interdire. , intently, atten- Interdicimento , [inte'rditshisee Interlunio. Intermettere , [fnte'rmt'te'r] me'n't] m. interdiction. tively ; closely. Intento, [intn't] adj. intent, Interdire, [inte'rdi'r] v. a. irr. a. irr. {see Mettere] to interattentive, diligent; -,m. intent, {see Dire) to interdict, pro- mit, interrupt; suspend. Intermettimento, [inte'rme'ttihibit. intention, design, purpose. Intenzionale, [inte'ntsin'le'] Interdizione, [inte'rdatsi'ne'] f. mn't] m. interposition. Intermezzo, [inte'rm'ds] m. interdiction, prohibition. adj. intentional; designed. Intenzionalmente, [inte'ntsi- Interessamento[inte're'ssme'n'- interruption, suspension adj. intermediate, placed between. nlmn'te'] adv. intentionally. t] m. interest, concern. Intenzionato, [inte'ntsin't] Interessante,[intre'ssn'te']acZj. Interminabile, [inte'rmina'bile'J adj. interminable, boundless. interesting. adj. intended (used with the Interessare, [inte're'ss're'] v. a. Interminatamente, [intrminadverts bene and male). Intenzione, [inte'ntsi'ne'] f. in- to interest affect ; Interessar- tme'n'te'] adv. endlessly. Interminato, [intrmina't] adj. tention, design/purpose; mean- si, V. r. to interest one's self. (Intiepidire. Interessatamente, [inte're'ssunbounded. ing. Intermissione, [inte'rraissi 'ne'] Intepidire , [inte'pidi're'] see tme'n'te'] adv. interestedly.



Inter ame,


m. en- Interessato,

[inte're'ssa't] adj.


intermission, pause.





ad. entirely, quite, completely. Interare, [inte'ra're'J v. a. to

Intero , [inte"rj adj. entire, trails, pi. whole; perfect; straight form. intercessor. Intercettare, [inte'rtshe'tt're'j Interiore, [intri're'] adj. in- ward; per -, entirely; stare -, to stand upright; m. the whole. w. o. to intercept. terior, internal; -, m. heart, Interpellare, [inte'rpll'r] v. Intercetto, [inte'rtsh't] adj. breast; thought. a. to intimate by a judicial act, intercepted. Interiori, [inte'ri'ri] m. pi. see interrogate {legal). Intercezione, [inte'rtslie'tsi'ne'] Interiora. stopping. Interiorit, [inte'ririt'] f. the Interpellazione[inte'rplltsi'f. interception; n] f. interpellation, summons. Interchiudere, finte'rki'de'r] interior. V. a. irr. {see Chiudere) to en- Interiormente, [inte'rirme'n'te'J Interpetrare , [inte'rpe'tra're'J &c., see Interpretare &c. close, shut in.. adv. internally, inwardly. Intercidere, [inte'rtshide"re'] v. Interito, [int'rit] m. destruc- Interpolare, [inte'rpl'r] v. a. to interpolate. a. to divide, cut into two, hinder. tion, death. Intercidimento , [inte'rtshidi- Interlassare, [inte'rlass're'] v. Interpolatamente, [intrpltme'n'te'] adv. interruptedly. me'n't] m. the act and effect a. to interrupt, suspend. of dividing. Interlineare, [inte'rline''re'] v. Interpolazione, [inte'rpltsi'[inte'rtshisIntercisamente, n] f. interpolation. a. to interline. mn't] adv. interruptedly. Interlineare, [inte'rline''re] adj. Interponimento , [inte'rpniIntercisione, [inte'rtshisi'ne'] interlineary. mn't] m. interposition, meInterlocutore, [inte'rlkt're'] diation. f. intercision, interruption. Intercludere, [inte'rcld're'] v. m. interlocutor; actor. Interporre, [inte'rpr're'] v. a. [inte'rlkt'a. to half shut. Interlocutoria, irr. {see Porre) to interpose, Intercolonnio, [inte'rkln'ni] ri] f. an interlocutory judg- interfere; insert; Interporsi, m. arch, inter columnation. ment. V. r. to intermeddle. Intercostale, [iute' rkst'le'] a rfj. Interlocutorio, [inte'rlkt'- Interpositore, [inte'rpsit're'] said of the muscles lying be- ri] adj. interlocutory. m. interposer, intercessor. Interlunio, [inte'rl'ni] m. in- Interposizione, [inte'rpsitsi'tween the rihs. Intercntaneo, [inte'rkt'ne'] terlunium. ne'] f. interposition, mediatioaj
adj. intercat:<.neous.

render perfect. Intercalare, [inte'rkl're'] v. a. to intercalate; -, m. verse often repeated. same'n'te'] adv. interestedly. Intercalario, [inte'rkla'ri] adj. Interessoso, [inte'rss's] adj. intercalar. greedy of gain. Intercalazione, [inte'rkltsi'- Interessuccio, [inte're'ss'tsh] ne'] f. intercalation. m. small interest; small affair. Intercedere, [inte'rtsli'de're'] v. Interezza, [inter e't's] f. integn. reg. & irr. {see Cedere) to rity; strength, vigor. intercede, mediate. Interim, [interim] m. interim. Interceditore,[intrtslie'dit'r] Interinare, [inte'ria're'] v. a. see Intercessore. to ratify judicially. Intercessione, [inte'rtshe'ss'- Interjezione, [intryetsi'ne'J /. interjection. n] f. intercession. Intercessore, [inte'rtslie'ss're'] Interiora, [inte'ri'r] /". pi. en-

m. Intermisto, [inte'rmi'st] adj, intermixed. partner. Interesse, [inte'r'se'] m. inter- Intermittente, [inte'rmittn't] adj. intermitting discontinuest, advantage, gain; affair, concern detriment loss ba- ing. [inte'rmittn'date a' vostri interessi, mind Intermittenza, ds] f. intermission, interrupyour own business. Interessosamente, [inte're'ss- tion, interval.
interested, self-interested
, ; ,



adv. internally. Internarsi, [inte'rnr'si] v, r. to penetrate deeply, pierce to the inmost parts. Interno, [intr'n] adj. internal,


-, m. interior, parts, pi. heart.


Internodio, [inte'rn'di] m.ftof.


Internunzio, [inte'rnun'tsi] m.

Intermedio, [inte'rm'di]






Interposto, [intrp'st] arf;. in- Interruzione, [inte'rrtsi'ne'] f. Intestarsi, [inte'star'si] v. r. to terposed; m. an interjection. interruption , discontinuance be headstrong. Interpretamento, [inte'rpre't- suspension. Intestato, [inte'st't] adj. obmn't] m, explanation, ex- Intersecare, [inte'rse'k're'] v.a. stinate, stubborn; (^om;.) in

to intersect, cross, traverse.

Interpretare, [inte'rpret're*] v. a. to explain, expound. Interpretativamente, [inte'rpre'ttivmn'te'] adv. in an interpretative manner. Interpretativo, [inte'rpre'tli'v] adj. intei-pretative, interpreting.


testate. [intrse'kt'- Intestinale, ri] adj. intersecting. intestinal.


[inte'stin'l] adj.

Intersecazione, [intrse'ktsi'- Intestine, [inte'sti'n] adj. in^

ne'] f.




guerra infe-

stina, f. civil war; -, m. insee testines, bowels, pi. Intersecare. (to insert. Interserre, [intrse'ri'r] v. a. Intiepidare, [intie'pid're] InIntersezione, [inte'rse'tsi'ne'J f. tiepidire, [intie'pidi'r] v. n.





see Interprete.




to cool; become indifferent.



Intieramente, [intie'rme'n't] Interpretatoria, [inte'rpre'tt'- interstice, interval. adv. entirely, totally. ri] and Interpretazione, [in- Intertenere, [inte'rte'ne''re'] v. te'rpre'ttsi'n] f. interpretaa. irr. {see Tenere) to enter- Intiero, [inti'r] see Intero. tion. tain, amuse; retain one in ser- Intignare, [intin''r] v. n. to Interprete, [intr'pre'te'] m. in- vice: Intertenersi, v. r. to be worm-eaten.
terpreter, explainer. [intrpnj're'] V. a. to place points in a sentence. Interpunzione, [intrpntsi'ne'] /. pointing, punctuation. Interrare, [inte'rr'r] v. a. to plaster over Avitli clay; bury. Interr, [xnteVr] or Interrogo, [inte'rre'd'je'J ni. inter-rex, regent. Interregno, [inte'rr'n] m. interregnum, ({errare. Interriare, [inte'rria'r] see In-


one's self witli others.




Interpungere ,

Inter tenimento,[inte'rtnime'n'- moth-holes, pi. t] m. entertainment, pastime; Intigner, [inti'n'e're'] v. a. irr. (see Tigner) to dip, steep; sport; chit-chat. Intertrigine, [inte'rtriji'ne'] f. soak; involve. blister caused by walking, &c. Intignosire, [intin'osi're'] v.a. Intervallato, [inte'rvll't] adj. to give a scald head. divided into intervals; inter- Intimamente , [intimme'n't] adv. intimately, familiarly. stitial. Intervallo, [inte'rval'lo] m. in- Intimare, [intim're'] v, a. to
terval; space.

intimate, signify.



Intimatore, [intimt're'] m. in-



me'n'to] m. intervention assis- former. tance, help; accident, event; Intimazione, [intimtsi'ne'j f. intimation , declaration ; demeans.

nouncing. (of a canal Intervenire, [inte'rve'ni're'] v.n. irr. (see Venire) to intervene, Intimidire, [intimidi'r] v. n. to grow fearful. Interro, [intr'r] m. accretion, happen; come to pass. alluvion. Intervento, [inte'rvn't] w. and Intimidito , [inti'midit] adj. Interrogare, [inte'rrg're'] v. a. Intervenzione, [inte'rventsi'- grown timid. to interrogate, question; exa- ne'] /. intervention; assistance. Intimo, [in'tim] adj. intimate, mine. Intesa, [int's] f. intention, inward, inmost; m. the inInterrogativa, [inte'rrgt'v] design, purpose; mind; star terior of the mind or body; a friend. sull' -, to be on one's guard /. interrogation.

muddy bottom

gativme'n'te'] tively.




P^^ti^orire, [intimri'r] v. a.


adv. intently, attentively. Intosaurare, [inte'sr're']

make afraid, n. to be afraid.





Intingere, [intin'je're'] see Intia. to enrich. Inteschiato, [inte'ski't] adj. gner. gation; punto -, ni. note of in- stubborn. Intingoletto, [intingle't't] m. terrogation. Intesina, [inte'si'na] f. seizure, little ragoiit, made-dish. Interrogatore, [inte'rrgt're'] sequestration. Intingolo, [intin'gl] m. ram. interrogator, examiner. Intesire, [inte'si're'] v. a. to gout. Interrogatorio, [intrrgt'- seize, sequestrate. Intinto, [intin't]m.juice,sauce, ri] m. interrogatory, examina- Inteso , [inte''s] adj. intent, gravy. tion. mindful; m. the thing under- Intintura,[intint'r]/.soaking, Interrogazioncella, [inte'rrg- stood, agreement. dipping. tsintsli'l] f. short interro- Intessere, [int'se're'] v. a to Intirannirsi, [intirannir'si] v. gation. interweave, interlace. r. to become a tyrant, usurp Interrogazione,[jntrrgtsi'- Intessimento , [inte'ssime'n't] absolute dominion. n] f. interrogation, inquiry. m. the act and result of inter- Intirizzamento,[intiridsme'u'
adj. interrogative,

Interrogativo, [inte'rrgti'v]

by interro

V. a. irr., (see



Rompere) to in- Intessitore, [intssit're'] terrupt, stop; Inteehompeesi, one who interweaves.
V. r. to

to] TO. numbness, stiffness. m. Intirizzare, [intiridsa're'J v. a. to benumb, make stiff; -, w. n.








nterrompimento, [inte'rrmpi- tissue. me'n't) m. interruption, stop. Intestabile,


Intirizzimento, [intiridsirae'n't] TO. numbness with cold. adj.

Intirizzire , [intiridsi're'J see adv. interruptedly. Intestare, [inte'st'r] v. a. to Intirizzare. Interruttore, [inte'rrtt're'J m. pledge any thing in another's Intirizzo, [intiri'ds] see Iati-* interrupter, hinderer. name; join a chain together. rizzimento.


(law.) intestable.



Intralciatamente, [intrltshatmn'te] adv. Confusedly. Intralciatura, [intrlsht'r] see Intralciamento. Intrambo, [intrra'b] Intra mendue, [intramnd'] adj. both, both together. Intramento,[intrme'n't] m. entrance; beginning (little used). Intramessa, [intrm's] f. interposition; mediation. Intramesso, [intrm's] m.

Intisicare, [intisik'r] and In- Intorbidazione, [intrbidatsi'tisichire, [intisiki'r] v. a. to ne'] f. turbidness; disturbing. cause a consumption; -, v. n. Intorbidire, [intrbidi're'] v. n. to get consumptive, pine away. to get turbid, become muddy; Intitolamento, [intitlme'n't] grow dim. m. title, claim. Intormentimento, [intrme'ntiIntitolare, [intitl're'] v. a. to me'n't] m. numbness, stiffentitle, name, call; ascribe; ness. dedicate. Intormentire , [intrme'nti're'] [intitltsi'ne'] V. n. to be numbed, be stiff. Intitolazione, Intorniamento, [intorniame'n'f. title; dedication. Intoccabile, [intkk'bile'] adj.- to] m. encompassing, enclosure circuit. not to be touched. Intollerabile,[intlle'r'bile'] arfj. Intorniare, [intrnia're'] v. a. intolerable. to surround. Intollerabilmente , [intlle'r- Intorno, [intr'n] adv. & prep. hilme'n't] adv. intolerably about, around; touching, conIntollerante, [intllrn'te'] adj. cerning; m. a surrounding place; gli intorni, the environs; inintolerant; impatient. Intolleranza, [intlle'ran'ds] f. forno intorno, on all sides, intolerance. around; Ih -, there-abouts Intombare, [intmh're'] v. a guardate -, look about you. to place in the tomb; bury. Intorpidire, [intorpidire'] v. n.





V. a. irr. (see Mettere) to put into, introduce: Intramettersi, V. r. to interpose; engage in.

Intramettimento, [fntrmettime'n't] m. intermeddling. Intramezzare, [intrmdsa're']

V. a. to interpose.



[intrmi, intermixture. Intramischiare, [intrmiski'music. Tuscans. Intonatore , [intnt're'] m. Intossicare, [intssik're'] v. a. re'] V. a. to intermix. tuner, singer. Intramissione, [intramissi'n] to poison. Intonatura, [intnt'r] f. in- Intostire, [intosti're'j see Indu- /. intervention, mediation. tonation; intimation. Intransgredibile, fintransgrerire. Intonazione, [intntsi'ne'J /". Intozzare, [intts're'] v. n. to diTiile'] adj. inviolable. intonation, tuning. Intransitivamente, [intrnsitigrow clumsy. Intonchiare, [intnti're'] v. n. Intra, [in'tr] prep, between, vme'n'te'] adv. intransitively. to bo worm-eaten. amongst; - due, in suspense, Intransitivo, [intransiti'v] adj. Intonicare, [intnik're'] v. a. undecided. intransitivo, neuter. to plaster. Intrabescarsi, [intrabe'skar'si] Intraporre, [intrpr're'] see InIntonicato , [intnik't] m. V. r. to fall in love (vulga- terporre.

torpid, grow dull. Intorto, [intr't] adj. twisted. Intonare, [intn're'] v. a. to Intoscanire, [intskni'r] v. a. begin to sing, tune ; set to to take the manners of the
[intnk're'] see Intonicare &c.



[intrme"ds] m. the space between one thing and another.


plaster, cover. Intraprendente, [intrpre'ndn'rism). Intonicatura, [intniktu'r] f. Intraccijlio, [intratshiTo] m. t] adj. enterprising , underIntonico, [int'nik] m. rough- space between the eyebrows. taking energetic. cast, plaster. Intrachindere , [intrki'dre'] Intraprendere, [intraprn'de're'] Intonso , [intn's] adj. un- V. a. irr. (see Chiudere) to en- V. a. irr. (see Prendere) to unshorn. dertake; catch. close, shut in, fence. Intopaziare, [intptsi'r] v. Intracidere, [intrtshid'r] see Intraprendimento, [intrapre'ndime'n't] m. enterprise. a. to color as the topaz. Intercidere. lutoppamento, [intppame'n't] Intracorrere, [intrkrre"re'] v. Intraprenditore, [intrapre'ndim. shock; hinderanco, obstacle. n. to run between. t'r] Intraprensore, [intr'Intoppare, [iutppa're'] v. n. to Intradire, [intradi're'j see In- prns'r] m. undertaker, atdash against, meet with; stum- terdire. tompter. ble upon. Intraducibile, [intrddtshi'bi- Intrapresa, [intrapre''sa] /. an Intoppo, [fnt'p] m. dashing le'] adj. untranslatable. undertaking. against, shock; meeting, ren- Intradue, [intrd'e'] adv. un- Intrarompore, [intrrm'pe're'] counter; obstacle. see Interrompere. certainly, doubtfully. Intorare, [intr're'] v. n. to Intrafatto, [intrafat'to] adv. Intrasmutabile, [intrsmtbi'grow furious as a bull. le'] adj. immutable. quite, entirely (little used). Intorato, [intra'tj a!j. fu- Intraguardato , [intragwarda'- Intratagliare, [intratari're'] v. rious as a bull. a. to cut into two. t] adj. guarded, defended. Intorbare, [intrb'r] see In- Intralasciamento, [intrlsh- Intratessere, [intrt'se're'] 9. torbidare. a. irr. (see Tessere) to interme'n't] m. interruption ; susIntorbidamento , weave. [intrbid- pension. mn't] n. turbidness dis- Intralasciare, [intrlsh're'] v. Intrattabile, [intrtt'bile'] adj. turbing. intractable, unmanageable; rea. to interrupt; suspend. [iutraltsh- fractory. Intorbidare, [intrbida're'] v. Intralciamento , o. to make turbid, trouble mn't] m. intricacy; perplex- Intrattab ilit, [intrattabil ita'] make angry; -, V. n Intorbi- ity. unraanagef. intractableness darsi, V. r. to get muddy, grow Intralciare, [intrltsh're'] v ableness, obstinacy. thick; become angry. a. to interlace, interweave; en- Intrattanto, [intrttn't] adv. tntorbidatore, [intrbidt're'] tangle embarrass ; Intral- meanwhile, in the mean time. m. disturber. ciarsi, V. r. to get entangled, Intrattenere, [intrtte'ne"r] v.
; ; ; ; ;





irr. (see Tenere) to enterme'n'te'] adv. intrinsically; really. tain, amuse ; engage; Intrattenersi, V. r. to divert one's Intrinsicare, [intrinsika're'] v.


(intrusi; intruso) to intrude, thrust in; drive in. Intrugliare, [intrr'r] v. a. to jumble different things together. Intruglio, [intrT] m. jumbling together. Intruonare, [intrna're'] see InIntravvenire, [intrve'ni'r'] see grow wicked; thrive ill, rot. tronare. Intervenire. Introcque, [intr'kue'] adv. in Intrupparsi, [intruppr'si] v. r. Intreccamento,[intre'tshme'n'- the meantime. to enlist; turn soldier. t] m. intertwining; net-work. Introdotto, [intrdt't] m. in- Intrusione, [intrsi'ue'] f. inIntrecciare, [intrtsh're'] v. a. troduction; (little used). trusion. to intertwine, interweave;braid, Introducibile , [intrdtshibi'- Intruso, [intr's] adj. intruform a tress. le'] adj. introducible. ded, thrust in (said of an ecIntrecciatojo, [intre'tsht'y] Introducimento, [intrdtshi- clesiastical benefice). m. ornamentai pin for the hair; me'n't] m. introduction; rudi- Intuba, [int'b] f. chicory. (mar.) marling ments. head-dress ; Intufare, [intf're'] v. n. to spike. Intrcdacitore, [intrdtshit'- have the taste of turf, have un Intrecciatura, [intre'tshat'r] re'] see Introduttore. earthy smell. Intreccio, [intre''tsh] m. Introdurre, [intrdur're'] v. e. Intuitivamente,[intitivme'n'f. wreath, garland; knot; plot. irr. (see Addurre) to introduce, te'] adv. intuitively. Intrefolata, [intre'fl't] f. in- bring in. Intuitivo, [intiti'v] adj. intrigue. Introduttivo , [intrdtti'v] tuitive. [intre'pidaIntrepidamente , adj. introductive. Intuito, [int'it] n?. looking me'n'te'] adv. intrepidly. Introduttore, [intrdutt're'] m. into, glance; perception. [intre'pidt's] Intrepidezza , introducer, usher. Intuizione, [intitsi'ne] f. inIntrepidit, [intre'pidit'] f. Introduzioncella,[intr6diitsin- tuition, mental perception. intrepidity, fearlessness, cou- tsh'la] f. a short introduction. Intumescenza , [intme'shn'Introduzione, [intrdtsi'n] ds] f. tumefaction. rage. Intumorito, [intmri't] adj. Intrepido, [intr'pid] adj. in- f. introduction, preface. tumefied, swelled. trepid, courageous. Introito, [intr'it] m. entrance Intuonare, [intn'r] &c., see Intrescare, [intre'ska're'] v. a. exordium, commencement. Intonare &c. to perplex, entangle, confound.' Intromessione, [intrme'ssi'ne'j Inturgidire, [intrji'di're'] v. n. Intricare, [intrik'r] &c., ee f. introduction, insertion. Intrigare &c. Intromesso , [intrm's] m. to be turgid, puffed up. Intricatamente, [intriktme'n'- side-dish, made dish. Intuzzare, [intts'r] v. a. to Intromettere , [intrme't'te're'] resist, oppose. te'] adv. intricately. Intridere, [intri'de're'] v. a. irr. [inbbidindsa] V. a. irr. [see Mettere) to in- Inubbidienza, {intrisi ; intriso) to dilute troduce; insert. f. disobedience. steep; knead; splash. Intromettitura, [intrmttit'- Inuggiolire , [indjli're'] see Intridimento , [intridi'rae'n't] r] f. interposition, mediation. Innuzzolire. m. the act of diluting, &c. Intronamento, [intrnme'n't] Inugnere, [in'n'e'r] v. a. irr. Intrigamento, [intrigme'n't] and Intruono, [intru'n] m. (see Ugnere) to anoint. Inuguale, [ingw'l] &c., see m. intrigue, intricacy, confu- tingling, stunning. Intronataggine, [intrntdji'- Ineguale &c. sion, perplexity. Inulto, [inl't] adj. unrevengIntrigante, [intrigan'te'] m. in- ne'] f. stupidity. triguer, intermeddler, busy- Intronare, [intrna're'] v. a. to ed. Inumanamente, [inmnarae'n'stun. body. Intrigare, [intrig're'] v. a to Intronatura, [intrntu'ra] f. te'] adv. inhumanly, cruelly. intrigue, confuse, perplex. Inumanit [inm.anit']Inumastunning, tingling noise. Intrigatamente,[intrigtme'n'- Intronfiare, [intrnfi're'] v. n. nitade, Inumanitate, f. inhumanity, cruelty. te'] adv. confusedly, in an into swell with rage, fume. triguing manner. Intronfiato, [intrnfi't] adj. Inumano, [inra'n] orfj. inhuIntrigatore, [intrigt're'] m. choked with rage. man, cruel. intriguer, busybody. Intronizzare, [intrnidsd're'] v. Inumidire, [inmidi're'] v. a. Intrigo, [intri'g] m. intrigue; a. to enthrone. to moisten, damp; Inumidirsi, perplexity. Intronizzato , V. r. to get humid. [intrnidsa't] Intrinseco, [intrin'sk] &c., see adj. proud, haughty, command- Inurbanamente,[inrbanrae'n' ing. Intrinsieo &c. to] adv. rudely, uncivilly. Intrinsicamente , [intrinslka Intronizzatura, [intrnidst'- Inurbanit, [inurbanit'] Inur

n, to grow intimate. Intrattenimento , [intrtte'ni- Intrinsieo, [intrinsi'ko] adj. inme'n't] m. diversion, pastime; trinsic. loitering. Intrinsicarsl , [intrinsikar'si] Intravenire, [intrve'ni'r] see V. n. to become familiar. Intervenire. Intrinsichezza , [intrinsike'fIntraversamento , [intrve'rs- s] f. intimacy, cordial friendme'n't] m. the act of crossing; ship. the place crossed. Intrinsieo, [intrin'siko] adj. inIntraversare, [intravrs're'] v. trinsic, inward; intimate; -, m. the interior. a. to cross; cross-plough; -, v. n. to deviate, err; Intraver- Intriso, [intri's] ni. dough, sarsi, V. r. to oppose. mixture. Intraversatura, [intrve'rst'- Intristare, [intrlsta're'] Intristire, [intristi're'] r] f. crossing; obstacle. v. n. to
self; loiter.

Intronizzazione , [intrnidstsi'ne'j f. enthronement; installation.

Introversione, [intrve'rsi'ue] f. turning inwards. Introvertere, [intrvrt're'] v.

a. to introvert.


[intn'i'de're'] v. a. irr.

Iianitade, Inurbanitate, f. innrtanity, incivility, impoliteness. Inurbano, [inrb'n] adj. unpolite, ungenteol. Inurbarsi, [inrbr'si] v. r. to enter a town.



Invarcabile, [invrk'bile'] adj. Inventore, [inve'nt'r] m. inventor, contriver. impassable. Invariabile, [invar ia'b ile'] adj. Inventrice , [inve'ntri'tshe] {.
invariable, firm. Invariabilit, [invariabilit'] f. invariableness, constancy. Invariabilmente , [invribilmn't] adv. invariably. Invariato, [invri't] adj. unvaried, unchanged. Invasamento , [invdsme'n't] m. invasion.

inventress, contriver.

Invenzionare, [inve'ntsin're'] V. a. to invent fictions. Invenzione, [invntsi'ne'] f. invention; fiction.

Inusato, [insd't] adj. not in


Invenust, [invenust']



Inustatamente[insittme'n'te'] adv. in a manner not in uso. Inusitato, [insit't] adj. not in use, out of use, obsolete. Invasare, [invs're'] v. a. to Inasto, [in'st] adj. burnt. put into a vase; rush in; Inutile, [in'tile'] adj. useless, assault; Invasarsi, v. r. to bo vain. amazed. Inutilit, [inutilit'] /". inutility, Invasato, [invs't] adj. posuselessness. sessed by a devil plunged Inutilmente,[intilmeVte']arfv. amazed. uselessly, to no purpose. Invasatore, [invst're] m. an Invadere, [inv'de'r] v. a. irr. invader. (invasi ; invaso) to invade Invasatura , [invsat'r] f assail. mar., cradle. Invagare, [invg're'] see Inva- Invasellare, [invase'Ua're'] v. a. ghire. to put into a vessel. Invaghcchiarsi , [invaghik- Invasione, [invsi'ne'] f. obses;

legance. Invr, [invr'] prep, towards, against. Inver, [inve'r'] for Invero. Inverarsi, [inve'rr'si] v. r. to

appear true.
Inverdire, [inve'rdi're'] v. n. to grow green. Inverdurato, [invrdr't] adj. covered with verdure. Inverecondia, [invrkn'di]
/. impudence, immodesty. Inverecondo, [invrkn'd]ody. impudent, immodest. Inverisimiglianza, [inve'risimi-




Inverisimile,[inve'risi'mile']ad7. kiar'si] v. r. to fall slightly sion ; besetting; invasion, irrup- unlikely, improbable; m. an in love (vulgarism, little used). unlikely thing. tion. Invaghimento, [invghime'n't] Invasore, [invs're'] m. an in- Inverisimilitudine , [inverisim. falling in love; passion. militu'dine] /. unlikelihood, vader. Invaghire, [invghi're'] v. a. to Invecchiare, [inve'kki're'] v. n unlikeliness. charm, inflame with desire ; I n- to grow old. Inverisimilmente, [inve'risimilVAOHiRSi, V. r. to get fasci- Invedovire, [inve'dvi're'] v. n me'n't] adv. without likelinated, fall in love. hood. to be widowed, become a AvidoInvajare, [invaya're'] v. n. to wer. Invermigliare, [inve'rmir'r] grow black, become blackish. Invegliare, [inve'l''r] v. n. to V. o. to vermilion. Invajolare, [invyl're'] v. n. watch, become old. Invermmamento , [inve'rminato change color (said of black Inveire, [inve'i'r] v. n. to in mn't] m. breeding worms. grapes). Inverminare veigh ; rail at, outrage. [invrmin're']

Invalere, [invle''re'] v. n. to Invelenire, [inve ni're'] v. n. and Inverminire, [invrmini'be established (said of a cus- to be exasperated. re] V. n. to breed worms. tom or usage). Invellutato, [invllt't] adj. Invernare, [invem'r] v. n. to Invalidamente, [invai idme'n'- clothed in velvet. winter, pass the winter. t] adv. without validity. Invendicato, [inve'ndik't] adj. Invernata, [inve'm't] f. winInvalidamento , [invlidme'n'- unrevenged, unavenged, un- ter-time, winter-season. t] m. annulling. pauished. Invernicare, [invrnik'r] InInvalidare, [invlida're'] v. a. Invenenato, [inve'ne'n't] adj. verniciare, [inve'rnitsh'r] v. to invalidate, make void, annul. envenomed. a. to varnish. Invalidit, [invalidit'] f. in- Invenia, [inv'ni] [inve'rnitshaf. humilia- Inverniciatura , validity; nullity. tion, respects, pi.; pardon. t'r] /. varnish, varnishing. Invalido, [inv'lid] adj. inva- Invenire, [invni'r] v. a. to Inverno, [invr'nj m. winter, lid, infirm; null. find out, discover. winter-season. Invaligiare, [invalija're'] v. a. Inventamento, [inve'ntme'n't] Invero, [inv'r] adv. truly, into put into a valise, pack. nr. invention. deed. Invalorire, [invlri'r] v. a. to Inventare, [inve'nt're'] w. a. to Inversamente, [inve'rsamn't] strengthen; Invalorirsi, v. r. invent, find out, contrive. adv. inversely. to get strong; recover. Inventariare, [inve'ntri're'] v. Inversione, [inve'rsi'n] f. inInvalso, [inval's] adj. intro- a. to make an inventory. version. duced, brought into use, estab- Inventario, [inve'nt'ri] m. in- Inverso, [invr's] adj. inverted, lished. ventory, list. upside down; -, prep, towards, Invanimento, [invnime'n't] m. Inventatore, [inve'ntt're'] m. in comparison. pride, haughtiness. inventor, deviser. Invertere, [invr'te're'] v. a. irr. Invanire, [invani're'] v. a. to Inventatorello, [inve'nttr'l] (inveno) to invert, turn uprender fruitless, baffle; - v. n. m. poor inventor. side down, overturn; bend. Invanirsi, v. r. to grow proud, Inventiva, [inve'nti'va] {. in- Inverzicare, [inve'rtsik'r] v, become vain; come to nothing; vention, inventive power, ge- n. to grow green. be blighted. nius. Invescare, [invsk're'] and InInvanito, [invani't] adj. fruit- Inventivamente [inve'ntiv- veschiare, [invski're'J v. a. , less, vain; haughty. mn't] adv. untruly. to glue; entangle, catch; InveInvano, [inv'n] adv. in vain,' Inventivo, [invnti'v] adj. in- scarsi, v. r. to be captivatedj vainly. ventive. be deeply in love.






Invisibile, [invisi'bil] adj. invisible, imperceptible. Invisibilmente, invisibilme'n'te'] adv. invisibly.

Invescatrice, [invsl^tri'tsli] Invidiatore , [invidiat're'] m. Invidiatrice, [invidiatri'tshe'] /. allurer, enchantress. Inveschiamento, [invskimn'- f. envier, maligner. [invidisInvidiosamente , t] m. snare; allurement. Inveschiare , [invski're'] see mn't] adv. invidiously, enviously. Invescare. Investg^abile, [inve'stig'bile'j Invidioso, [invidi's] ad;.invidious, envious. adj not to be investigated. Investigagione , [inve'stigj'- Invido, [invi'do] adj. envious. ne'] f. Investigamento, [inve'- Invietare, [invita'r] Invietistigamn't] m. investigation re, [inviti're'] v. n. to grow

Invisibilit, [invisibilit'] ^.invisibility.

Invitamente, [invitame'n't]m.


examination. Investigare, [inve'stfga're'] v.

a. Invievole, [invi'vl]

[l'nvit're'] v. a. to invite, allure; Invitarsi, v. r. to invite each other, invite one's self; offer one's services.

adj. fit Invitata, [invit't] f. invitation. to be despatched. to investigate, search out. Investigatore, [inve'stigt'r] Invigilante, [invijiln'te'] adj. Invitativo, [invitti'v] apt to invite, alluring. vigilant, watchful. m. investigator, ferretor. Investigazione, [invstigtsi'- Invigilare, finvijil're'] v. a. & Invitato, (invit't] arf/. invited; -,m. guest. n. to watch carefully. n] f. investigation, search.





[invirikki'r^ Invitatore, [invitt're'J

i. in-

viter, host. Investimento, [inve'stimn't] V. n. to become cowardly. Invigorare, [invigr're'] and Invtatrice, [invittri'tsh] m. see Investitura.


Investire, [inve'sti're'] v. a. to Invigorire, [invigri're'] . a. invest; spend; employ; suit; to invigorate, encourage; -, v. n. to become invigorated, grow strike, attack. Investitura, [investit'ra] f. in- strong. Invilire, [invili're'] v. a. to disvestiture. Inveterare, [inve'te'r're'] v. n. hearten, discourage; -, v. n. to get disheartened; lose one's to grow old. Inveterato, [invtr't] adj. spirita. Inviluppamento , [invilppinveterate, old. Invetrare, [inve'tr'r] v. a. to mn't] m. involution; perplexity, confusion. vitrify, glaze.

inviter, hostess.





[inve'triame'n', t] m. varnishing; glazing. Invetriare, [invtri'r] see In-


Invetriata, [inve'tria'ta] /".glasswindow; glazing. Invetriato, [invtri't] m. varnishing; glazing. Invetriatura, [inve'trit'r] /. varnishing. Invetrire, [inve'tri're'] v. .to reduce to glass. Invettiva, [invtti'v] f. invective, abuse.


[inve'ttiva, mn'te'] adv. invectively, abusively. inviolable. Invettive, [inve'tti'v] adj. in- Inviolabilmente , [invilbilvective, abusive, harsh. me'n't] Inviolatamente, [inInvezione, [inve'tsi'n] f, in- viltme'n'te'] adv. inviolably. veighing; invective. Inviolato, [invil't] adj. inInviamento, [inviame'n to] m. violate. preparation ; means ; step, Involento, [inviln't] adj. furthering. gentle, kind, mild. Inviare, [invi're'] v. a. to put Inviperare, [invipe'r're'] v. n. the way, set in on foot: for- to get waspish; rage. ward; despatch. Inviperire, [invipri'r] see In[invit'r] Inviatare, v. a. to viperare. an escort. serve as Inviscare, [invisk're'] see In[invi't] m. envoy, vescare. Inviato,

Invitevole, [invite''vle'] adj. inviting; enticing. Invito, [invi'tj m. invitation; stake, bet, toast in drinking; adj. against one's will. Invitto, [invit't] adj. unvanquished. Inviziare, [invitsi're'] t>. o. to Inviluppare, [invilpp're'] v. vitiate, spoil; -, v. n. to get vitiated. o. to wrap up; perplex; Invilupparsi, V. r. to wrap one's Invizzire, [invitsi're'] v. n. to fade. self up; entangle one's self. Inviluppo, [invilp'p] m. en- Invocare, [invka're'] v. a. to invoke, implore. velop, packet, wrapper; intriInvocativamente, [invktivcacy, confusion. mn't] andlnvocatoriamente Invincibile, [invintshi'bile'] adj [invktrime'n't] adu. in an invincible; unconquerable. Invincibilmente, [invintshibil- invocative manner. Invocatore, [invkt're'] m.Inmn'te'] adv. invincibly. Invincidire, [invintshidi're'] v. vocatrice, [invktri'tsbe'] f. invoker, suppliant. a. to make soft; -, i). n. to grow Invocazione, [invkatsi'ne'] f. soft; get flabby. invocation, calling upon. Invio, [invi'] see Inviamento. Inviolabile, [invil'bile'] adj. Invoglia, [inv'l'aj/. pack-cloth,

wrapper. Invogliamento, [invrme'n't] m. longing; passion.

Invogliare, [invr're'] v. o. to excite a longing; wrap up, pack up. (cloth; parcel. Invoglio, [invT] m. packingInvogliuzzo , [invr'ts] m. small parcel, bundle. Involare, [invla're'] purloin, steal, rob; Involarsi, v. r. to steal away, disappear. Involatore , m. [invlt're'J
thief, robber.

Inviscerarsi, [invishe'rr'si] v. Involgere, [invl'je'reT v.a.irr. Inviatore, [invit'r] m. direc- r. to penetrate the bowels (see Volgere) to involve; wrap tor, instructor. up; contain. pierce into. Invidia, [invi'dia] /. envy ; de- Invischiare, [inviski're'] v. a. Involgime, [invlji'mo'] m. a sire. small bundle. to smear with bird-lime. Invidiabile, [invidi'bfle'] adj. Inviscidamento , [invishida- Involgimento, [invljime'n't] enviable. me'n't] m. thickening. see Ravvolgimento. Invidiare, [invidi'r] v. a. to Inviscidire, [invishidi'r] v. n. Involontariamente, [invlntaenvy, grudge. riame'n't] adv. involuntarilj. to grow thick, condensate.





Ipotesi, fip'te'si] f. hypothesis, supposition. Ipoteticamente,[ipte'tikme'n't] adv. conditionally. Ipotetico, [ipt'tik] adj. hypothetic, conditional. Ippace, [ipp'tsh] m. cheese made of mare's milk. Ippagro, [ipp'gr] m. wildhorse. Ippocentuaro,[ipptslie'nt'r] ni. centaur. Ippocrasso , [ippkrs's] m. hippocrass.

[invlnt'ri] Inzuppare, [intsuppa're'] Involontario, ad) involuntary; -, m.iuvolunto suck in, soak in. tary action. Inzuppato, fintsppa't] Involpare, [invlp'r] v. n. to soaked, imbibed.


got blighted. Io, [i'] pron. I. Involpire, [invlpi'r] v. n. to Ipecacuana, [ipe'kk.a'na] f. grow cunning. ipecacuanha. Involtare, [invlta'r] v. a. to Ipenemio, [ipe'n'mi] adj. said wrap up, envelop. of empty eggs. Involtatura, [invltt'r] f. Iperbola, fipr'bl] Iperbole, wrapper. (ipr'bll f. hyperbole. Involtino, [invlti'n] m. small Iperboleggiamento , [ipe'rbparcel. ldjmn't] m. exaggeration. [invrt] odj. wrapped Involto, Iperboleggiare, [iprbldj're'] up, enveloped; -, m. packet, V. a. to exaggerate. parcel. Iperboleggiatore, [ipe'rble'djInvoltura, [invlt'ra] f. cir- t'r] m. an exaggerator. cuitous discourse, going about Iperbolicamente, [iprblikthe bush. me'n't] adv. hyperbolically. Involucro, [invl'kr] m. cap- Iperbolico , [iprb'lik] Ipersule, case. bole, [ipr'bl] adj. hyperInvoluzione, [invlutsi'ne'] f. bolical, exaggerating. involution, tricky discourse. Iperbolone, [iprbl'ne'] m. Involvere, [invrvcr] v. a. to great hyperbole. involve; contain. Iperboreo , [ipe'rb're'] adj. Involvimento, [invlvimn't] poes. hyperborean, northern. m. wrapping up; cheat. Iperdulia, [iprdli'j /. worInvolutare, [invlut'r] v. a. to shiping of the Virgin. involve, roll up; inclose. Ipermetro , [iprme"tr] m. Involuzione, [invlutsi'ne'] f excess of syllables in a metre. involution; packet. Ipoca , [ip'k] f. a kind of Invulnerabile, [invlnr'bile'] fishing -net. invulnerable. U'l] Ipocondria , [ipkndri a] f. Inzaccherare, (intsakke'ra're'] r. spleen, vapors, pi. a. to splash with mud; embroil. Ipocondraco, [ipkndri'k] Inzaffato! intsff'tjodj. crowd- adj. hypochondriacal. ed together. Ipocondrico, [ipkn'drik] m. Inzaffirare, [intsaffira're'] v. a. hypochondriac. to adorn with sapphires. Ipocondrio, [ipkn'dn'] and Inzampognare [intsdmpn''r] Ippocondrio, [ippkn'drijwi. V. a. to make believe; impose the lateral part of the belly upon. lying under the ribs. Inzavardare, [indsvrda're'] v. Ipocondro, [ipkn'dr] m. hypochondres, vapors, pi. o. to grease; soil. [indsvrda't] Ipocrisia, [ipkrisi'] f. hypoInzavardato , adj. greasy; dirty. crisy. Inzeppamento, [intsppme'n'- Ipocrita, [ip'krita] Ipocrite, toj m. heap, pile, mass. [ip'krit] m. hypocrite, disInzeppare, [intspp'r] v. a. sembler. to heap, pile up; press down, Ipocritamente, [ipkritme'n'te'] tread down. adv. in a hypocritical manner.

[ipp'drm] m. , hippodrome. Ippogrifo, [ippgri'f] nt. hippogriff, winged horse. Ippomane, [ippma'ne'] m. a raging humor in marcs. Ippopotamo^ [ippp'tam] Ippotamo, [ipp'tm] m. seahorse. Ira, [i'ra]


anger, wrath.

Iracondamente, [irkndmen't] adv. angrily, passionately. Iracondia, [irdkn'di] f. anger, wrath, Iracondioso, [irkndi's] Iracondo, [irkn'd] adj. pas-

sionate, irascible.

Iracondo, [irkn'd] adj. passionate, easily provoked. Iracundia, [irkun'di] &c., see Iracondia &c.
Irare, [ir'r]v.ft.Irarsi, [irrsi] V. r. to be angry, rage. Irascere, [irsh'r] v. n. to get into a passion, fall into a rage. Irascibile, [frashi'bile'j orfj.irascible,


Irascibilit, [irshibilit'] Irascibilitade, Irascibilitate, /.

irascibility, wrathfulness.

Iratamente, [irtmn'te] adv.

angrily, wrathfully. Irato , [ir't] adj. angry dignant. Irco, [ir'k] m. he-goat.


Ire, [ire"] v. n. to go. Ipocritico, [ipkriti'k] adj. re- Ireos, [ire'os'] m. iris (flower). [i'ri] and Iride, [iride'] Iri, presentative hypocritical. Inzibettato, [indsibtt't] adj. Ipocrite, [ip'krit] adj. hypo- /. poes. rainbow; the circle surrounding the eye-ball. perfumed. critical. Inzipillare, [indsipilla're'] v. a. Ipocritone , [ipkrit'n] m. Iridato, [rid't] adj. manycolored. to urge on, incite. great hypocrite. Inzoccolato, [intskkl't] adj. Ipogeo, [ipj'] m. hypogeum, Irino, [iri'n] m. extract made from the iris. wearing wooden shoos. cave. Irondine, [irondi'ne'] see RonInzotichire, [indstiki'r] .. Iponea, [ip'ne'a] m. allegory. to grow awkward. Iposarca, [ipsr'k] m. a spe- dine. Inzuccherare , [intskke'r're'] cies of universal dropsy. Ironia, [irni'a] f. irony. V. a. to sugar, sweeten with Ipoteca, [ipt'ka] f. mortgage, Ironicamente, [irnikme'n'te'] adv. ironically. sugar. dead pledge. Inzuccherato, [intsukke'r't] Ipotecare, [ipte'k're'] v. a. to Ironico, [ir'nik] adj. ironical. adj. sugared, sweet, beloved. Irosamente, [irsme'n'tj see mortgage, put to pledge. Inzuppabile, [intsppbi'l] adj. Ipotecario, [ipte'ka'ri] adj. be- Iracondamente. capable of being sucked in or longing to a mortgage; m. mort- Iroso, [ir's] ady. ireful, raging. Irrabbiosire,[irrbbisi're']v.n. soaked. gagee. Inzuppamento, [intsuppameV- Ipotenusa, [ipte'n's] ^ina<^. to get into a passion.

Inzeppatura, [indse'pptr] the action of heaping up &c.


to] m. sucking in, moisture.


Irraccontabile [ixrkkntbne'j



adj. Irreverentemente,[irre've're'nt-<
me'n'te'] ado. irreverently.

irreverence, disrespect. Irreligiosamente, [irre'lijis- Irrevocabile, [irre'vka'bile'] adj. radiation, brightness. me'n't] adv. irreligiously. irrevocable. Irraffrenabile, [irraffre'naTjile] Irreligiosit, [irrlijtsit] f. Irrevocabilit, [irre'vkbili't] adj. unrestrainable. Irraggiamento, [irrdjnie'n't] irreligion. f. the quality of being irrevocaIrreligioso, [irrelijt's] adj. ble. m. irradiation, brightness. Irrevocabilmente, [irre'vkabilIrraggiare, [irradja'r] see Ir- irreligious. Irremeabile, [irre'me''bile'] adj. mn'te'] ad, irrevocably, withradiare. out recai. Irraggiatore, [irrdjt're'] m. irremeable. Irremediabile, [irre'me'dia'bile'] Irrevochevole, [irre'vke"vl] enlightener; instructor. see Irrevocabile. Irragionevole , [irrjn'vle'] adj. irremediable. Irremediabilmente,[irre'me'di- Irricchire, [irrikki'rC^j v. a. to adj. unreasonable. enrich. Irragionevolezza, [irrjnv- bilme'n't] adv. irremediably. Irremediatamente, [irre'medi- Irriconoscibile, [irrikntshilt'sa] f. unreasonableness. bile'] adj. that cannot be recogIrragionevolmente, [irrjne'- tmnte'] adv. irremediably. vlmn't] adv. unreasonably. Irremedievole, [irre'me'die''vle'] nised. Irricordevole, [irrikrde''vle'] Irrappresentabile , [irrppre'- see Irremediabile. ad;, unmindful, forgetful. snt'bile'] adj. incapable of Irremissibile [irreraissibile'Jadj. Irridere, [irri'de're'l v a. irr. {see irremissible, unpardonable. being represented. Irrazionabile, [irrtsin'bil] Irremissibilmente, [irrmissi- Ridere) to deride, laugh at. bilmn't] adv. unpardonably. Irriflessivo, [irrifle'ssi'v] adj'. adj. unreasonable, irrational. thoughtless. Irrazionabilit, [irrtsinbi- Irremunerabile [irre'mnr'bi Irrigare, [irrig'r] irrile'1 adj. not remunerable. lit'] Irrazionabiltade, Irragate, water. zionabilitate,/". want of reason. Irremunerato, [irre'mne'r't] Irrigator e, [irrigt're'] m. waIrrazionabilmente, [irrtsin- adj. not remunerated. terer, moistener. bilme'n't] adv. unreasonably. Irreparabile, [irre'pr'bile'] adj. Irrigazione, [irrigtsi'ne*] f. Irrazionale, [irrtsin'l] adj. irreparable, irrecoverable. Irreparabilmente, [irre'prbil- irrigation, watering. irrational. Irrigidire, [irrijidi're'] v. n. to Irrazionalit, [irrtsinlit'] mn'te'] adv. irreparably. Irrazionalitade, Irrazionali- Irreperibile, [irre'pe'ribi'le'] adj. grow rigid; grow hard. Irriguo, [irri'g] adj*. irriguous, not to be found. tate, /. irrationality. moist. Irreconciliabile, [irre'kntshi- Irreprensibile, [irre'pre'nsi'bile'] Irrilevante, [irrile'vn'te] adj'. adj. irreprehensible. lia'bil] adj. irreconcilable, imIrreprensibilit, [irre'pre'nsibi- irrelevant. placable. Irrimediabile, [irrime'dia'bile'] Irreconciliabilit [irretntshi- lit'] /. irreprehensibility. adj. irremediable. libilit'] f. irreconcilableness. Irreprensibilmente, [irre'prn Irreconciliabilmente, [irrkn- sibilme'n't] adv. irreprehensi- Irrimessibile , [irrime'ssi'bile'] see Irremissibile. bly. tshilibilme'n'te'] adv. irreconIrreprobabile, [irre'proba'bile'] Irrisione, [irrisi'n]/'. derision, cilably. scorn. Irreconoscibile[irre'lrnshibi'- adj'.irreproachable, unblamable Irreprobabilmente, [irrprb- Irrisivo, [irrisi'v] adj'. deservle'] adj. not to be recognised. Irreconoscibilmente , [irrk- bilrae'n'te'] adv. in a blameless ing derision, apt to deride. Irrisoluto, [irrisl't] see Irnshibilmn'te'] adv. in a man- manner. Irrepugnabile, [irre'pn''bile'] resoluto. ner not to be recognised. Irrisoluzione, [irrislutsi'n] Irrecuperabile [irrkpr'bile'] adj. unquestionable. Irrepugnabilmente, [irre'pugna- /. irresolution. adj. irrecoverable. Irredimibile, [irrdimi'biljady. bilme'n'te'] adv. unquestionably. Irrisore, [irris're*] m. derider, Irrequieto , [irrkui't] adj. scoffer. not redeemable. Irrisorio, [irris'ri] adj*. mockuneasy, restless. Irrefragabile, [irre'frg'bile'] ing, scoffing. Irresistibile, [irre'sisti'bile'] adj. adj. irrefragable, irrefutable. Irritamento, [irritme'n't] m. irresistible. Irrefragabilit[irre'frgbilit'] Irresistibilmente, [irre'sistibil- irritation, provocation. irrefragability. f. Irritare, [irrit'r] v. a. &, n. Irrefragabilmente, [irre'frg- mn't] adv. irresistibly. to irritate, excite, provoke. Irresolubile, [irre'sl'bil] adj. bilme'n't] adv irrefragably. Irritativo, [irritti'v] adj. irinsoluble; unconsumable. Irrefrenabile, [irrfre'n'bile'J Irresoluto, [irrsl't] adj'. ir- ritating, provoking. adj. unrestrainable. Irritatore, [irritt're'] m. proIrrefrenabilmente, [irre'fre'n- resolute, undetermined. voker. [irrstrbi'le'] bilme'n'te'] adi). unrestrainedly. Irrestorabile , Irritazione, [irrlttsi'n] f. irIrregolare, [irre'gl'rj adj. ir- adj. that cannot be restored. Irretameuto, [irre'tme'n't] m. ritation, provocation. regular. Irrito, [ir'rit] adj. annulled; Irregolarit, [irre'glrit'] Ir- snare. regolaritade, Irregolaritate, Irretare, [irre't'r] and Irreti- useless. re, [irrti 're'] v. a. to catch in Irritrosire, [irritrsi'r] v. n. irregularity. f. to grow stubborn. Irregolarmente [irre'glrme'n'- nets, snares &c. Irretrattabile, [irre'tratt'bile'] Irrius cibile, [irriutshi'bile'l adj. te] adv. irregularly. Irregolatamente, [irre'glt- adj. irrevocable, unrepealablo. impossible to obtain success. mn't] adt>, in a disorderly Irreverente, [irre've'rn'te] adj. Irrivelabile, [irrivl'bile'] adj'. irrevealable. irreverent. manner.

adj. incapable of being reconut- Irregolato, [irre'gla't] disorderly, disordered. (radiato; -.v.n. to shine. ed. Irradiare, [irradi'r] v. a. to Irreligione, [irre'liji'ne'] Irradiazione, [irrdiatsi'u] f. religion, impiety.


Irrevorenza, [irrvrn'ds]


Irriverente, [irr'vrn't] &c., see Irreverente &c. Irrorare, [irrr're'] v. a. to bedew, besprinkle, water. Irrugginire, [irrdjni'r] v. n. to grow rusty. Irrugiadare, [irrjud're'J v. a. to water, bedew. Irruvidire, [irrvidi're'] v. a. to make uncultivated. Irruzione, [irrtsi'ne'] f. irruption, inroad. Irsuto, [irs't] adj. hirsute;




in- Istraggere, [istrie"re'l v. a. to abstract, divert the attention. Istantaneamente, [istntane'- Istrice, [i'stritsh] m. porcumen't] adv. instantaneously. pine. Istantaneo, [istant'ne'] adj. Istricia, [istri'tsha] f. a female

instantaneous. porcupine. Istante, [istn'te'] adj. instant, Istrione, [istri'ne'] m. histrion, immediate; -, m. instant, mo- comedian. ment. Istrionico, [istri'nik] adj. his-




adv. instantly. Istruire, [istri're'] v. inIstare, [ist'r] &c., see Insta- struct, teach. re &c. Istrumentale , [istrmnt'le'l Istate, [ista'te'] f. summer. adj. instrumental. rough. /". hairiness; Isterico, [ist'rik] adj. hyste- Istrumento, [istrme'n't] m. Irsuzie, [irs'tsie'] ric, hysterical. instrument, tool; contract. roughness. Istesso, [ists's] adj. the same Istruzione, [istrtsi'n] f. inIrto, [ir't] $ee Irsuto. struction, information. Isabella, [isb'l] m, light bay. (less used than stesso). Isagono, [isg'n] adj. having Istigamento, [istigme'n't] m. Istupidire, [istpidi're'] v. a. to render stupitied. instigation. egual angles. Ischiade, [iski'de'] /^. hip-gout, Istigare, [istiga're'] &c., see In- Isvagare, [isvg'r] v. a. to stigare &c. take oflf the attention, divert sciatic. the mind. Istinto, [istin't] m. instinct. Ischio, [is'ki] m. holm-oak. Iscrizione, [iskritsi'u] f. in- Istiodromia, [istidr'mi] f. Italianamente, [itlinmn't] that part of navigation which adv. after the Italian manner. scription, title; label. Iscrutabile, [iskrtbi'le'] adj. treats of the management of Italianare , [itlina'r] and the sails. Italianizzare, [itlinids'r] inscrutable. V. a. to translate into Italian. Iscuria, [isk'ri] f. retention Istituire, [istiti're'J v. o. to institute, instruct. Item, [i'te'm] adv. item, moreof urine. Istituto, [istit't] w. insti- over, again (little used). Isola, [i'sl] f. island, isle. Iteramento, [ite'rmn't] m. Isolano, [isl'n] m. islander. tute, precept. iteration. Isolato, [isl't] adj. isolated, Istitutore, [istitt're'] m. inIterare, [ite'r're'] v. a. to iteseparate; wi. isolated house, stitutor, preceptor. Istituzione, [istittsi'n] /. in- rate, repeat. isolated quarter. stitution, establishment. Iteratamente , [ite'ratame'n'te'] Isoletta, [islt'ta] Isolotta, Istmo, [ist'm] m. isthmus. adv. repeatedly. [isl'tt] f. small isle. Isonne (a), [a is'n] adv. in Istoria, [ist'ria] f. history, Iteratore, [itrt're'] m. one story. who iterates. great quantity, in plenty. Istoriale, [istri'le'] adj. histo- Iterazione, [ite'ratsi'ne'] f. reIsopo, [is'p] m. hyssop. rical. iteration, repetition. Isoscele, [isosh'le] adj. said of a triangle that has two Istorialmente, [istrilme'n't] Itinerario, [itinr'ri] m. itineadv. historically. rary. equal sides. Ispettore, [ispe'tt're'] m. in- Istoriare, [istri're'] v. a. to Itinere, [itine"re'] w. voyage, record in history, relate em- journey. spector. Ispezione, [ispe'tsi'ne'j see In- bellish; paint historical fres- Itterico, [itt'rik] adj. ictecoes. rical. spezione. Ispido, [is'pid] adj. rough Istoricamente, [istrikme'n'- Itterizia, [itte'ri'tsij f. jaundice. te'] adv. historically. shaggy; thorny, bushy. Ispirazione, [ispirtsi'ne'] f. Istorico, [ist'rik] adj. histo- Ittiologa,[ittilji'] /".ichthyorical, of history; - m. histology. breathing, inspiration. Ivi, [i'vi] adv. there, in that Isporre, [ispr're'J v. a. to ex- rian. Istorietta, [istrie't't] /. short place; - entro, within. pound. Iviritta, [ivirit'ta] adv. in that Issare, [iss'r] v. a. mar., to history, novel, tale. Istoriografo, [istri'grf] adj. place; there, just there. hoist; set up. historical; -, m. historiogra- Izza, [it's] /. wrath, anger, Isso, [is's] for Esso. passion. Issoffatto, [issfft't] aiit?. im- pher, historian. Istradamento, [istrdme'n't] Izzappare, [itsappa're] v. e. to mediately. dig. Istabil6,[istbi'l]a(ij.unstable. m. setting out; beginning.


this letter has been of late roughly treated by some philologists, and it has been attempted to expunge it altogether from the Italian alphabet. It will bo soon that I have not adhered to this opinion, as it appears to me that inconve-

niences and

anomalies would

flow from its adoption, which it is most desirable to avoid. In the lirst place the banishment of this letter from the Italian alphabet after its long continued use and adoption by ma-

merit and almost classical auwould create no slight confusion, and would well-nigh amount to a reformation in orthography, a thing equally

and undesirable. In the

ny writers of acknowledged

next place it would altogether set aside the logical distinction




givon by many grainmarians Jalino, [ili'n] adj. hyaline, Jubilare, [ybila'r] see Giu bilare. as to tho orthography in the transparent. plural of words ending in io Jambico, [ymbi'k]flrfj. iambic. Judiciale, [yditsha'l] adj. set short in the singular, such as Jambo, [ym'b] m. pros., iam- Giudiciiilo. Judiciaria , principio (a beginning), uenfa[yditsha'ri] bus. f. place where a judge has jurisglio ,a fan &c. and would con- Japige, [yapi'je'] m. Nortli West
Jubileo, [ybil'] m. jubilee. [ys'pid] m. jasper. in to long, in which the plural is Jattanza, [yattn'dsa] Jattan- Jugero, [y'jr] m. an acre. rightly written with double t, zia, [yttan'dsi]/. brag, boast- Jugulare, [yglar] adj. jugular. as in mormorio, murmur; ron- ing. zo, buzzing; zo, an uncle &c. Jattatore, [yttt're'] m.boast- Jungere, [yunje"re'] v. a. to

found them in an unseemly wind. manner with those terminating Jaspide,


Alterations evidentlyimproving the orthography of a language may be admitted, though even in such case sparingly and with judgment those that would increase the difficulty of the orthography, as the omission of the j would undoubtedly do, should in all cases be avoided. These observations are of course




[ytttsi'ne'] see

[yura're'j see Giurare. Jure, [y'r] m. law; right. Jemale, [ye'ma'le] adj. hyemal. Juresconsulto, [yrscnsrt] Jena, [y'nj Jene, [ye''ne'] /. and Jurisconsulto, [yrisknsl't] m. see Giureconsulto. hyena. Jerarchia, [ye'rrki'] see Ge- Juridicamente, [yridikme'n'-

Jattanza. Jattura, [ytt'r] age.

Juniore , younger.




dam- Jurare,


t] ailv. juridically.

Juridico, [yridik] with much diffidence Jori, [yri] adv. yesterday. by a foreigner; but I have at' Jerraltro, [yrlrtr] m. day Giuridico &c.


before yesterday. [yriditsi'ne'] f. Jermattina,[ye'r mtti'n] f. yes- jurisdiction. Jurisdizionale, terday morning. [yrisditsini'Jernotte, [yrn'te'] f. yester- l] see Giurisdizionale. Jurisperito, [yrispri't] m. night, last night. Jerobotane, [yrbta'ne'] m. Jurisconsult. Jurista, [yuri'st] m. jurist. verbena. Jerofila, [ye'r'fil] f. gilliflower, Jus, [ys] m. right. Jacinto, [ytshin't ]m. bot.min. violet. Jusdicente, [ysditshn'te'] see hyacinth. Giu.sdicento. Jerogliflco f [le'rgli'fik] see Jacolo, [yk'l] m. a dart. Juspatronato, [ysptrn't] Geroglifico. Jaculatorio, [yklt'ri] adj. Jersera, [ye'rs'rl f. yesterday m. patronage. ejaculatory. Jusquesito, [yuskusi't] m. an evening, yesternight. Jaculo, [y'kl] m. flying- Jonico, [y'nik] atlj. Ionic. acquired right. serpent. Jota, [y'tj m. iota, jot; point; Jusquiamo,[ysktti'mJ m.bof., Jalappa, [yl'p]/". j; /io r., jalap. nothing. hen-bauo.

least the satisfaction of



ing that I do not differ with the majority of Italian writers, but only with certain philologists who may be considered as somewhat in the light of purists. Jacea, [yatsh'], lychnis. Jachetto, [y.;kt'toJ m. yacht.

tif is

pronounced as in English: lanterna (a lantern), Londra (London). When preceded by G. that letter becomes elided, and is never pronounced hard as in English. La, [l'] art. & pron. the; her, it. L, [la'] adv. there; ^u e-, hero and there; - entro, there within; - gi, there below; yonder; - intorno, thereabout; entrar troppo in -, to go too

on the

lips given

with the back Laboriosit, [laboriosit'] Laboriositade,

of the hand.



labor, fatigue, loilsomeness. a. to lip out a prayer like Laborioso, [labori'sj adj. labeggars. borious, toilsome. Labbro, [labTir] i. {labbra, f. Labrace, [lbr'tshe'] m. pike



pi.) lip;




m. thick Labrnsca,

lipped person.

[la'b] /. stain, spot. Labefatto,[lbft'tJac/j. weak- tie. ened, spoiled. Lacch, [lkk'] m. lackey, footLabore, [lb'r] v. a. to slip, boy.

[librus'ka] /. wild grape. Laccetto, [latshe't'to] m. shoe-

slide. Labarda, [lbr'd] f. halberd. Lacchetta, [lakke't'ta] /'.racket, Labardata, [lbard't] f. blow Laberinto, [lbe'rin't] m. laby- haunch, leg. rinth, from a halberd. (frail. Lacchezzino, [lakke'dsi'n] LaoLabaro, [lb'r] m. a military Labile, [la'bile'] adj. slippery; chezzo, [lakkd's] m. tit-bit; ensign among the Romans. Labilit, [labilit'] /. fragility, merry jest; bon-mot. Laccia, [l'tsh] /. shad-fish; Labbia, [lb'bi] /. face, coun- caducity. tenance, aspect. Labirinto, [lbirin't] see Labe- fig springe.

Lacciaja, [hitsha'ya] f. lasso, Labbiale, [labbia'le'] adj.\a\)\a.\. rinto. noosed ropo. Labbiato, [labbia to] adj. formed Laboratorio, [labrat'ri] m laboratory. with lips. Lacciare, [ltsh're'] see Allac[Idbrisa- ciare. Labbo, [llib] m. an aquatic Laboriosamente , bird. ran't] adv. laboriously, hard- Laccio, [l'tsh] m. snare, gin^ Ia1)l)rata; [labbra'ta] f. a blow lylasso; ambush.

Lacciolajo, [ltshil'y] m. one who spreads nets or gins. Laccioletto , [ltshlt't] m. little snare. Lacciolo, Lacciuolo, [ltshd'l] m. snare, gin; springe. Lacerabile, [ltshe'r'bile'] adj.



Ladroncella, [ladrntsh'l] f. Lagrimoso , [lgrim's] adj. weeping, full of tears; drop little female robber. Ladroncelleria, [ldrntshe'Ue'- ping, wet. Lagume, [lg'me'] m. morass, ri'a] /. petty theft, larceny. Ladroncello, [ldrntsh'l] m. marsh, puddle. Laguna, [lg'na] see Lacuna. little thief, pick-pocket. Ladrone, [ldr'ne'J m. high- Lai, [la'i] m. pi. poes., lamentations, pi. bandit. [ladrn'ri] and Laicale, [likTe'j adj. laical, Ladroneccio, [ldrn'tsh] m. profane; temporal. Laicamente, [likarae'n'te'] adv. robbery, theft. Ladroneggiare, [ldrne'dja'r] temporally, secularly. Laico, [l'ik] adj. lay, secular; V. a. to rob, thieve. Ladronesco, [ladrone'sTio] adj. -, m. lay-brother, layman, secular. thievish; knavish. Ladruccio, [ldr'tsh] m. little Laidamente, [lidme'n'te'] adv. uglily, filthily; indecently. (bottle. thief. Lagena, [lj'n] /'.flagon, stone- Laidare, [lid're'] v. a. to soil,


Laceramento, [ltshrme'n't] Ladroneria,

m. tearing, rending. Lacerare, [latshr'r] tear, rend; outrage;
v. a. to


Laceratore, [ltshe'rt're'] m. tearer, render; defamer, slanderer.




laceration, tearing; slander. Lacero, [la'tshr] adj. in rags. Laggi, [ldji'] Laggiuso, [laLacerta, [l'tshe'rt] /. a lizard. dji's] ad, there below, down; Lacerto, [ltshr'tj m. muscle yonder. of the arm (from elbow to Laghettino, [lghe'tti'n] .very (zard. small lake. wrist). Lacertola, [ltshr'tla] f. li- Laghetto, [lghe't't] m. small Laci, [la'tshi] adv. there, in lake; cavity. that place. Lagnamento, [ln'me'n't] m. Lnco, [l'k] m. poes., lake ; complaint, moan. stream. Lagnanza, [ln'n'ds] f. comLaconeggiare, [lkne'dj're'] v. plaint, grief. n. to use brevity in speaking Lagnarsi, [ln'r'si] v. r. to or writing. complain, moan. Laconicamente, [lknikme'n'- Lagnevole, [lan'e"vle'] ac/j.doloful, plaintive. t] adv. laconically, concisely. Laconico, [lak'nik] adj. la- Lagnio, [la'n'io] m. continual conic; short, concise. moaning. Laconismo, [lakuis'm] m. la- Lagno, [l'n'] m. groan ; grievconism. ing, lamentation. Laconizzare, [laknits're'] v. Lagnosamente, [ln'smn'te'] n. to adopt a laconic style. adv. dolefully, mournfully. Lacrima, [l'krima] &c., see La- Lagnoso, [ln''s] adj. doleful, grima &c. plaintive. Lacuna , [lk'n] f. lagoon, Lago, [l'g] m. lake; stream. marsh; gap; de- Lagone, [lg'ne] m. pool, marsh, pool, morass,


[lide't's]/. ugliness;

indecency, obscenity. Laidit, [lidit'] Laiditade, LaiditatOj /. ugliness, deformity. Laido, [l'id] adj. ugly, foul; indecent; -, m. see Laidezza. Lama, [l'm] f. plain, open
field; plate; blade.


[lmbikk, m. distillation, drop-


Lambiccare, [lmbikk're'] v. a. to distil; examine too closely; Lambiccarsi, v. r. to puzzle

one's brain.


[lmbikk't] m. quintessence, extract. Lambicco, [lmbik'k] m. alembic.

Lambimento, [lmbimn't] m.






lick, lap; graze.

Lambitivo, [lmbitl'v] m. 1amfect. gap. Lacunale, [lkn'le'] adj. Lagrima,[la'grim]/.tear,drop; bative, electuary. marshy, boggy. sparger lagrime, to shed tears. Lambrusca, [lmbns'kl f- and Lacunare, [lkn'r] m. the Lagrimabile, [lagrima'bile'J adj. Lambrusco , [lmbr'sk] m. wild grape. space between the ceiling and deplorable, lamentable. the floor above. Lagrimale, flagriraa'le'] and La- Lambruscarsi, [lambrskr'si] Lacunoso, [lkn's] adj. full crimale, [lkrima'l] adj. sor- V. r. to grow wild. of pools. Lamella, [lamel'la] see Lamina. rowful. Lacustre, [lk'str] adj. said Lagrimare, [lgrim're'] v.a.a Lamentabile, [lme'nt'bile'] adj. of anything being in or in- bewail, deplore; -, . n. to shed lamentable. habiting a lake. tears, weep; trickle;-, m. weep- Lamentabilmente, [lme'ntbilLadano, [l'dan] in. (phar.) lau- ing, shedding of tears. mn't] adv. lamentably. danum, opiate. Lagrimatoja, [lgrimt'y] /. Lamentabundo [lme'ntbun'Laddove, [ladd've'] see Dove. and Lagrimatojo , [lagrima- d) adj. sad, sorrowful. Laddovunque, [lddvn'ktte'] t'y] m. channel under the Lamentamento, [lme'ntmeVadv. see Dove. eye down which the tears tj wi. Lamentanza, [lmnLadra, [ladra] f. female thief. trickle. tn'ds] f. lamentation, comLadramente, [ldramn't] adv. Lagrimatorio, [lgrimt'ri] plaint. thievishly, wretchedly. Lamentare, [lmnt're'] v. a. m. lachrymatory. [ldri'n] wi. little Lagrimazione, [lgrimtsi'ne'j Ladrino & n. to lament, complain. thief, pick-pocket (little used). Lamentatore, [lme'ntt're'] ni. /. lachrymation, weeping. Ladro, [l'dr] adj. villanous, Lagrimetta, [lagrime' t'taj/.littlo lamenter, complainer. wicked; ugly, disagreeable; pi. tear, droplet. Lamentatorio, [lame'ntat'ri] -, m. thief, pick-pocket, rob- Lagrimevole, [lgrime''vl] adj. adj. plaintive, mournful. deplorable. ber. Lamentatrice, [liimnttri'tshe'j comLadronaglia, [ladronaTa] and Lagrimosamente, [lagrimosa- /. she that laments Ladronaja, [ladru'y] /.gang me'n'te'] ad, with tears, mourn- plainer. fully. Lamentazioncella , [lamenta* of thieves; robbery.
, , ,






sighs, moans,



clothier. Lamentazione, [lainentatsio ne] Lanate, [ln't] adj. wooly. Lance, [ln'tshe'] f. balance, f. lamentation, complaint. Lamentevole, llmnt'vle']adj. scales, pi.

m. languidness; dejection. Languire, [langui're'] v.n. Languirsi, V.

r. to

languish, fade.

Languore, [lng'r] tn.langour,

lamentable, plaintive.

Lancella, [lntsh^]





vlme'n't] adv. lamentably. [lme'n't] m. lament, wailing.




lamontable, mournful.


thin blade; little plate. Lamia, [l'mi] /". sea-dog, shark. large lancet. Lamicare, [lmik're'] . imp. to Lancia, [liin'tsha] /".lance, spear; lancer; long-boat; -spezzata, drizzle. Lamiera, [lmi'r] f. cuirass; body-guard; abbassar la -, to couch one's lance. piato; breast-plate; blade. Lamina, [l'min] [. plate of Lanciabne, [lantshiaTiue'] wi tora-tit. metal; blade. Laminare, [lmin're'] r. a. to Lanciamento, [lntshdme'n't] m. darting, shooting; mar. rake. laminate; cover with plates. Laminatojo, [lmint'y] ni. Lanciare, [lntsh're'] v. a. to dart, fling, wound with a lance; wire-drawing machine. Laminetta, [lmint'ta] /".small Lanciarsi, v. r. to rush upon,
tliin piate.

Laniatore, [lnit're'] m. killer Lancetta, [lntshe't't] f. lan- of beasts. cet; small lance: handle ; hand Laniere, [lni're'] m. lanner, lanneret. (of a watch); dart. Lancettata, [lantshe'tt't] f. Lanifero, [lni'fr] adj. bearing wool. a blow given with a lance. Lancettina, [lantshttin] /. Lanificio, [lnifi'tsh] m. woolen manufactory. small lancet. Lancettone, [lntshe'tt'ne'] m. Lanifico, [lni'fik] adj. woolen,
of wool. Laniflzio, [lnifi'tsi] m. woolen goods, pi. ; woolen trade. Lanigero, [lni'jr] adj. lanigerous, bearing wool.

Lano, [l'n] adj. woolen. Lanoso, [ln's] adj. full of

wool; hairy; rough-haired. [lntr'n]/'. lantern, lanthorn; ship's light; cupola; -di gas, gas-lantern. Lanternaggio, [lnte'rn'dj] m. mar. lantern-duty.




Laminoso, [lmin's]

[lntsh't] f. the Lanternajo, [lnte'rn'y] m. distance a dart may be hurled; lantern-maker. Lammia, [lm'mi] /". sorceress, stroke or wound with a lance; Lanternare, [lnte'rn're'] v. a. to illuminate, illustrate. rushing. nymph. Lampa, [lam'p] f. light, splen- Lanciatoja, [lntshit'y] /. a Lanternetta, [lnte'rne't't] f. Lanternino, [lnte'rnl'n] m. casting-net. dor. Lampada, [lm'pd] Lampade, Lanciatore, [lntshit're'J m. small lantern. Lanternone, [lnte'rn'ne'] m. llm'pd] {. lamp; - di gas, lancer, spearman. gas-lamp; rail. - di signale, Lanciere, [lntshi'r] m. a great lantern. Lanternuto, [lntrn't] adj. signal-lamp. lancer. Lampanaio, [lmpn'y] m. Lanciero,[lntsh'r] adjiarmed like a lantern; lean, thin. Lanuggine, Lanugine, [ln'jiwith a lance. lamp-maker. Lampaneggiare, [lmpne'dj'- Lancio, [ln'tsh] m. great leap, ne'] /. down, soft hair. bound; di primo -, at the first Lanuginoso, [lnjin's] adj. r] t). n. to lighten. downy. Lampaneggio, [lampne'd'j] m. blow, at once. moonlight(a low term, used also Lanciola, [lntsh'l] f, dart, Lannto, [lnu't] adj. lanugi(lance. nous, downy, wooly. small lance. for lightning). Lampante, [lmpn'te'] adj. bril- Lancione, [lntsh'n] m. great Lanuzza, [ln'tsj /".fine wool Lanciottata, [lntshtt't] f. soft hair. liant, bright; clear. Lanzichenecco, [lntsike'ne'k'k] Lampare, [lmp're'] see Lam- blow with a lance. Lanciotto, [lantsh't] m. jave- Lanzo, [ln'tsj m. German peggiare. foot-soldier. Lampeggiamento, [lmpe'dj- lin, short lance. Lanciuola, [lntsh'l] see Lan- Laonde, [ln'de'] adv. wheremn't] m. flash, lustre. fore, whence. Lampeggiante, [lampe'djn't] ciola. Landa, [ln'd] /". flat open Lapazio, [lp'tsi] m. monk's adj. luminous, resplendent. grass; dock; sorrel. Lampeggiare, [lmpe'dj're'] v. country, plain heath, moor. Landgravio, [lndgr'vi] m. a Lapazza, [lp'tsa] /. mar. fishes n. to shine, glitter. of the mast, pi. Lampeggio, [lmpd'j] m. flash, landgrave. lightning. Landrone, [lndr'ne'] see An- Lapida, [l'pida]/. stone; gravestone. Lampionaio, [lmpiny] m. a drone. lamp-lighter. Lanetta, [lane't'ta] f. a kind of Lapidare, [lpida're'] v. a. to Lampione, [lampi'ne'] m. lamp- cloth; said figuratively and jo- stone. cularly of a malicious astute Lapidario, [lpida'ri] m. lapipost, carriage lamp. dary, diamond-cutter. Lampo } [lm'p] tee Lampeg- person. Lanfa, [ln'f] f. orange-water. Lapidatore, [lpidat're'] m. one gio. Lampone, [lmp'ne'] m. rasp- Languidamente,[lnguidme'n'- who stones. Lapidazione, [lpidtsi'ne'] f. te'] adv. languidly. berry. Lampreda, [lmpr'd] /. lam- Languidetto, [lnguide't'l] adj. lapidation, stoning. somewhat languid, ratherfaint. Lapide, [la'pid]/^. grave-stone; prey. Lampredotto, [lampre'd't] m. Languidezza, [lnguide't's] /". precious stone. Lapideo, [lpi'd] adj. stony, small lamprey, young lamprey. languidness, feebleness. Languido, [ln'guid] adj. lan- of stono. Lana, [l'u] f. wool; fleece. Lapidescente, [lapide'shn'tni Lanaiuolo, [lnylj wi. wool- guid, faint.

lam- Lanciata,

adj. ing.



[lrji're'] v. a. to give Lascivo, [lshi'v] adj. lascivious, wanton. liberally; present; grant. Lapidoso , [lapid's] ad], full Largita, [lrjit'] Largtade, Lassa, [las's] f. leash (to lead Largitale, /.liberality,largess, hounds). of fitones, stony. Lassare, [lass're'] v. a. to tire, Lapillare, [lapilla're'] r. o. to munificence. Largitore, [lrjit're'] m. liberal fatigue, abandon. crystalize. Lassativo, [lassati' v] adj. laxLapillazione, [lplltsi'n] /. giver; grantor. Largizione, [lrjitsi'ne'] /. lar- ative. the act of crystalising. Lassazione , [lssatsi'ne'] f. Lapillo, [lpil'l] m, small stone gition, gift. Largo, [lr'g]adj'. broad, largo; lassitude, weariness. pebblo; precious stone.

turning to stone, petrify- Largire,

plentiful lassitude, faintness. dinner; -, adv. largely, abun- Lassitudine, [lssit'dine'] f. dantly ; largo largo I make lassitude, weariness. lead. Lappo, [lp'pe'] -Jarlappe-lappe, room! -, m. breadth, space; Lasso, [ls's] adj. tired, relaxed; wretched, miserable. latitude. to long for. Lappola, [lp'pla] f. hot. hur Largoveggente, [lrgve'djn'- Lasso, [ls's] m. lapse; apostasy. te'] adj. far-sighted ; cleardock.
ful; larga

Lapis, [la'pis] m. hematite, red chalk; - lazzalo, - lazzuli, lapis lazuli; - piombino, hlack-

open-handed, liberal, bounti- Lassezza,

[lsse't'sal f.




[lkue''tj adj. arch. headed. Largnme, [lrg'me'] m. spavaulted. Lardaccio,[lrd'tsh] wi. rancid ciousness, extent. Largura, [lrg'r] f. wide exbacon. Lardajola, [lrdyl] f. and tent. Lari, [l'r] m. pi. lares, housead), a kind of peach. Lardajolo, [lardy'l] m. and hold gods, pi. Lari, [la'ri] f. pi. the apices of adj. a kind of fig. Lardare, [lrd'r] v. o. to lard. mountains. Lardaruolo [lrdr'l] m. pork- Larice, [la'n'tshe'] f. larch-tree. Laricino , [lritshi'n] adj. of hutcher. Lardatojo, [lrdat'y] wi. lard- the larch-tree. Laringe, [lrin'je'J f. larynx, ing-pin. Lardatura, [lrdt'r] f. lard- throat. Laro, [l'r] m. a sea-gull. ing, stuffing with bacon. Lardellare, [lrdll're'] v. a. to Larva, [lr'vj f. ghost, phanlard, stuff with bacon. tom; mask. (hidden.


Lass, [lass'] Lassuso, [lss's] adv. there above. Lastra, [l'str] f. flat broad

stone, slate; plate, board.

Lastrajuolo, [lstry'l] m. paver. Lastrare, [lstr'r] v.o. to polish, enamel; mar. to trim, stow. Lastretta, [lastre't'ta] /. small
plate, tablet.

Lastricamento, [lstrikme'n't] see Lastricato.

Lastricare, [Ustrik're'] v.a. to pave with broad stones. Lastricato, [lstrik't] m.

Lastricatore, [lastrikt're'] wi. a paviour. Lastricatura, [lstrikt'r] /. paving. Lastrico, [l'strik] m. pavement; ridursi sul -, to bring one's self to beggary. Lastrone, [lstr'ne'] m. large flag; oven-stopple. Latebra, [l'te'brj f. dark recess, den.

m. Larvato, [lrv't] adj. masked; small slice of bacon. Larveggiare, [larve'dja're'] v. a. Lardello , [lrd'l] ni. thin to describe fabulously. slice of bacon. Lasagna, [ls'n'l f ribbonLardiero, [lardi'r] adj. greasy; macaroni, vermicelli, pi. said of broth. Lasagnajo, [lasan''y] m. vorLardo, [lr'd] wi. lard, bacon; micelli-maker. pickled pork. Lasagnone, [lsn''n] m. stuLardone, [lrd'n] wt. pickled pid follow, awkward fellow. pork. Lasca, [ls'k] /. roach; astr Largaccio, [lrg'tsh] adj. very Pisces, pi. wide, unwieldy. Lasciamento, [lshme'n't] m Largamente, [lrgme'n'te']arf. leaving, abandoning. largely, amply. Lasciare, [lsh're']v.o. to leave, Largare, [lrg're'] v. a. to en- abandon; cease, discontinue; large, expand. allow, suffer ; forget bequeath;






dark, secret, hidden.

[ltn'te'] adj. latent,



Largheggiamento, [larghe'dja'rae'n't] m. openness of hand,


Largheggiare, [larghe'dja'r]
a. to


lasciatemi stare, let me alone; adv in secret, furtively. Lasciarsi, v. r. to reserve to Laterale, [ltr'le'j adj. lateral. one's self; abandon one's self Lateralmente, [lte'rlme'n'te'J adv. sidewise. to.

[ltshiat'r] f. an largesses, give presents ; -, v. error of the compositor in n. to be liberal. printing. Largheggiatore[larghe'djt're'] Lascio, [l'sht] m. legacy, will; TO. generous man. leash, band. Larghetto , [lrghe't't] adj. Lascito, [l'shi't] m. legacy.


full liberty;

make Lasciatura,


[lte'r't] adj". having

Laterina, [lte'ri'n] f. privy. Laterizio, [lte'ri'tsi] adj. of


rather wide.




largeness, breadth liberality, hounty; copiousness, abundance; permission, leave.

Larghit, [larghit'] Larghitade, Larghitate, f. largeness;





Latibulo, [lti'bl] m. hidingLascivamente, [lashivame'n'te'] place; secret, mystery. adv. lasciviously, wantonly. Latinamente , [ltiname'n'te'] Lascivetto, [lshive't't] arfj'. ra- odv.inthe Latin manner ;comther lascivious, somewhat fro- modiously, comfortably. licsome. Latinante, [ltinn't] adj. and Lascivia [lshi'vi]/.lasciviou3- m. one who speaks or writes ness; efi'eminacy. Latin. Lascivita, [lashivit'l Lascivi- Latinare, [latina're'] v. a. to tade. Lasci vitate, /.lascivious- speak in Latin. (ism. nesH. Latinismo, [ltins'm m. latinI




Latinista, [latni'stj m. latn- Lattente,[lttn't]o(fj.sucking, Lava, [la'va] /. lava. ist. suckling. Lavabo, [lavabo] m. water-tuba Latinit, [latinit'] f. latinity; Latteo, [lt'te'] adj. lacteous, in a sagrcsty a paper on the Latin authors, pi. milky, left side of the altar on which Latinizzamento [latinidsmen'- Latternolo, [ltte'r'l] m. curds are written the prayers to be tu. translation into Latin. tl and whey, curdled milk. recited by the priest whilst he Latinizzare, [latinidsa'r] v.n. Latticinio , [lttitshi'ni] m. washes his hands. to liitinize.translate into Latin. milkfood, Lavacarne,[lvkr'ne'] adj. said Latini zzatore, [latnidst'r] Latticino,[lttishi'n]m.butter- of a man of low condition. m. translator into Latin. milk, Lavacapo, [lvk'p] m. repriLatino, [lati'n] adj. Latin; Latticinoso, [lattishin's] adj. mand, rebuke. easy, plain, intelligible, clear, milky, milkwhite. Lavaceci , [lvtshe"tshi] ni. convenient, commodious; -, n, Lattifero, [latti'fr] adj. lacti- numskull, dunce (vulgarism). Latin tohgue; learning; thesis ferous; yielding milk. Lavacro, [lav'kr] m. washingtheme; - di cucina, low Latin. Latticelo, (ltti'tsh] and Lat- place, bath. Latinnccio, [ltin'tsh] m. tificcio, [lttifi'tsh] m. white- Lavagna, [lv'n'] /. slate (to theme, dictation juice of unripe figs &c. write upon), slates, pi. Latitudine, f latitdine'] /.lati- Lattiginoso, [lttijin's] see Lavamano , [lvm'n] Lavatude, breadth, extent. Latticinoso. mane, [lavama'ne'] Lavamani, Lato, [l't] adj. wide, large, Lattime, [ltti'me'] m.scnrf (on [lvm'ni] m. basinstand. spacious, extended; -, m. side children's heads); hard enamel. Lavamento, [lvmn't] m place; part; a -, beside; da -, Lattimoso, Avashing. [lttim's] adj. apart, aside; in ogni -, on all scurfy, scurvy. Lavanda, [lavn'd] /. washing; sides. Lattonzo, [lttn'ts] Latton- lavender. Latomia, [lt'mi] /". marble- zolo, [lttn'tsl] m. sucking Lavandaja , [lvnda'y] /. quarry. calf. washer-woman, laundress. Latore, [lat're'] m. bearer, por- Lattoso,ritt's]adj. abounding Lavandajo, [lvnd'y] Lavan* ter. in milk (said of certain fruits). diere, [lvndi're'] m. washLatrabile, [latrdbi'le'] adj. apt Lattovaro, [lattv'r] Lattua- er; bleacher. to bark. rio, [ltta'ri] Lattuaro,[lat- Lavandara, [lvnd'r] see LaLatramento, [ltrme'n't] m. ta'r] m. electuary. vandaja. barking; growling Lattuga, [latt'g] /.lettuce. Lavare, [lv're'] v. a. to wash, Latrare, [latr'r] r. . tobark, Lattugaccia, [lattuga'tsha] /. clean; stupe; -il capo ad uno, yelp; growl. bad lettuce. to reprimand a person. Latratore, [ltrt'r] m.barker; Lattuginoso, [lttjin's] adj. Lavascodelle, [lvskd'le'] m. grumbler. milk-colored. scullion. Latria, [la'tri] [ltri'] /".wor- Lauda, fl'da] /. land, hymn. Lavativo, [lvti'v] m. clyster; ship of God iilono. Laudabile, [lauda'bile'] see Lo- injection. Latrina, [latri'na] /. place of dabile &. Lavatojo, [lvt'y] m. washretirement, privy. Landano, [la'dn] m. phar. ing-place, laundry, washhouse. Latro, ll'trj m. poes. thief, laudanum. (dare &c. Lavatore, [lvat'r] m. Lavarobber. Laudare, (Iriud're'] &c.,see Lo- trice, [lvtri'tsh] /.washer; Latrocnio, [ltrtshi'ni] m. Laudese, [laude'se'] m. hymn- bleacher. larceny, theft. singer, chorister. Lavatura,[lavt'r] /.washing; Latta, [lt't] /. tin, sheet of Laudevole, [ltid'vle'] see Lo- dish-water. iron tinned; lath. devole <fec. Lavazione, [lvtsi'ne'] /.washLattaja, (ltt'yaj/'.milkwoman, Laurea, [lau'rea] /, wreath of ing, wash. dairy-in;iid. laurel; doctorship. Laveggio, [lave"dj] m. brothLattajo,|latt'y] ad;. abundant Laureare, [lare''re'] v. a. to pot; small brazier. ill good milk; -, m. milkman; confer the laurel, crown with Lavendola, [lvn'dl] /. bot. laurel. lavender. Lattajuola, flatty'l] f. lot. Laureato, flaure''t] adj. crown- Lavoracchiare, [lvrkkia're'] yellow succory. ed with laurel, laureate. V. n. to work little and slowly. Lattaiuolo, [latty'l]Tn. milk- Laureazione, [lawratsi'ne'] /. Lavoraccio, [lavr'tshj m.bad tooth. crowning with laurel. work. Lattante, [lttn't] nutrice -, Laureo, [lau'r] adj. poes. of Lav6randajo,[lvrand'y]ad;. wetnurso. /. laurel. said of land easy to cultivate. Lattare, [latt're'] v. a. to give Laureto, [lur't] m. laurel- Lavorante, [lvran'te'] m. workV. suck; -, n. to suck. grove, plantation of laurel- man, worker, jour neyman.hand. Lattata, [ltta't] f. orgeat. trees. Lavorare, [lavra'r] v. a. & n. Lattato, [ltt't] a/j. milky, Lauricomo , [lrik'm] adj. to work, labor plough, cultimilkwhite. (nurse. crowned with laurel. vate; - a giornata, to work by Lattatrice, flattatri'tshe'] /.wet- Laurino, [luri'n] adj. of laurel, the day; - sotto, to work unLattazione, [latttsi'n] f. the made of laurel. derhand. act of sucking. Lauro, [lau'r] m. laurel; glory. Lavorati, [Idvrti'] adj. araLatte, (lat'ti m. milk; soft roe; Lautamente, [lutamn'tjadu. ble, tillable. white juice; fiore di-,m cream; magnificently, sumptuously. Lavorativo, [lavrati'v] LavcH
; ; : ;

Lautezza, flutt'sa] /. magni- reccio, [lavr'tsh] adj. giorficence, sumptuosity. no -, m. work-day. Latteggiante, [lattdjan'tj adj. Lauto, [Idu't] od;, magnificent, Lavorato, [lvr't] m. plough milky; full of white juice. sumptuous, stately. ed laud.

fruttilo di-,m. fosterbroti er; vitello di -, m. sucking calf.

KaToratore, [lvrt'r] m. laborer, Avorkman; ploughman. Lavoratrice , [lvrtri'tsh] Lavoratora, [lavrt'r] f. worker, workwoman. Lavorazione, [lvrts'n] f. ploughing. Lavoreccio , [Idvr'tsh] m work, labor; toil. Lavorarla, [lvrri'] f. cultivated lands, pi. Lavorerio, [lvr'ri] m. handwork. Lavoretto, [lvre't't] m. small work. Lavoriera, [lvri'r] see La-



much Legato,

[le'ga'to] m. legato, envoy; legacy. Legatojo, [lgat'y] m. pazzo -, a raving madman. Legatore, [le'gt're'J m. binder, bookbinder. Legatura, [le'gtii'r] f. ligature, bookbinding; union of notes in music. /". Legaturina, [le'gturi'n] small ligature. Legatuzzo, [le'gat'ts] m. tri-

adv. affectedly, with too

Leccatore, [lkkt're'] m. gor-

mand, parasite.
Leccatura[le'kkt'ra] ^lickiag; slight wound. Leccete, [le'tshe''t] m. plantation of holm-oaks: maze. Lecchettino, [lkktti'n] m. honied words, pi.

Lecchetto, [lkke't't] m. hutt,

mark; pg. decoy. Leccio, [l'tshi] m. holm-oak, fling legacy. Legazione, [le'gtsi'n] f. legreen oak. Lecco, [lk'k] m. butt, mark ; gation, embassy. Legge, [l'dje'] /". law, rule, statdaintiness. Lecconcino, [lkkntshi'n] m. ute. vororia. Leggenda, [le'djn'd] /". legend; Lavoro, [lav'r] m. work.piece little gormand. of work; brick-work, kc; - di Leccone, [lkk'ne'] m. glutton, silly story.
rilievo, embossed work. gormand. Lazo, [la'dsj m. jest, joke, huf- Lecconeria,





[le'dje'nda'y] m. seller of legends or pamphlets. Leggendario, [ldje'nda'ri] m.


Lazzeggiare, [ladse'dja'r] v. n. Lecconessa, [lkkne's'sa] /".wo- collection of legends, legendato put in smart jests. man fond of dainties. Lazzeretto, [ldsert't] m. la- Lecconia, [le'kkoni a] Leccornia, Leggente, [le'djn'te'] wi. a pubzaretto; pest-liouse.





Leggeramente, [le'dje'rme'n'te'] Lazzcruola, [ladsr'la] f. Nea- dainties, greediness. politan medlar: kind of apple. Leccume, [lkk'me'l m. tit-hit; adv. lightly, inconsiderately. Leggere [l'djre'] v. o. irr. Lazzeruolo, [ldsr'l] m. Nea- allurement, temptation. politan raedlar-tree; kind of ap- Lece, [l'tsh] v. de/", it is per- (lessi letto) to read; teach, in,


[ldse't't] adj.

it is




some- Lecitamente,

Leggerezza, [ldjre't'sa] /".light-


ness, fickleness, nimbleness. |ldje'rmn't] , [ldsit'i /. tartness. Lecito, [le''tshit] adj. lawful, adv. lightly, swiftly. Leggero, [legg'rj see LeggieLazzo, [lad's] adj. tart, sharp: permitted. droll, comical, jocose; -, m. Ledere, [l'de're'l " i^f- (lesi; re. Leggeroso , [le'dje'r's] adj. tartness, acidity; buffoonery. leso) to hurt, offend, injure. light (said of lands). Leena, [l'nj /. lioness. Le, [le] pron. pi the; them. Leale, [le'le'] adj. loyal, faith- Lega, [le'gl /. league, confede- Leggiaccia, [ledj'tsh] f. bad ful, trusty. ration, alliance; alloy; moneta law. Lealmente, [le'lme'n't] odi; di bassa -, /. base coin; uomo Leggiadramente, [le'djadrame'n't] adv. gracefully, gallantly. loyally, faithfully. di bassa - , m. man of mean Leggiadretto, [ldjdrt'tjai/j. condition. Lealt, [lealt'] Lealtacle,Leal tate, f. loyalty, probity. Legacela , [le'ga'tsha] /". tie, genteel, gallant; agreeable. Leggiadria, [ldjdri'] f. grace, Leardo, [lar'd] adj. grey garter, string. dapple, black and white; -po- Legaccio, [lga'tsh] Legaccio- gentility: elegance, comeliness, charms, pi. mato, dapple grey. lo, [lgatsh'l] chain Leatico, [lti'kj m. a kind of Legale, [lga'l] adj. legai, law- Leggiadrino, [le'djdri'n] adj. genteel, nice. ful; m. a lawyer. grape. Legalit, [legalit'] f. legality, Leggiadro, [le'dja'dr] adj. nice, Lebbra, [le'b*bra] f. leprosy. pretty, elegant, charming; -, Lebbroso, [lbbr's] adj. lep- authenticity. Legalizzare, [le'glids'r] v.a.\ m. lover, beau, gallant. rous. Legglajo, [ldj'y] m. a bad Lebete, [le'he"te'T m. kettle. to legalize.



with permis-



Leccamento, [lkkame'n't] w. Legalizzazione,

licking, lapping up. Leccapestelli , [lkkpe'st'li] m. glutton.





da] m. glutton, parasite. Leccapiatti, [lkkapiat'ti] m. spunger, parasite. Leccarda, [lkkr'd] f. drip-

ping-pan. Leccarde, [le'kkr'd] adj. gluttonous, greedy. Leccare, [lkka're'] .a. tolick; skim, graze. Leccata, [lkk't] f. the act of

Leccatamente, [le'kkatmn't]

legalization. Legalmente, [lglme'n'te'] adv. legally. Legame, [le'ga'm], ligature; chain. Legamento, [le'gme'n'tjm.ligament, tying. Legare, [le'ga're'] . a. to tie, bind; oblige; force; leave by will, bequeath; - l'asino, to sleep sound ; - un libro, to bind a book; Legarsi, v. r. to make a league; - con giuramento, to hind one's self by an oath. Legatario, [lgta'ri] m. jur. legatee.





adj. leg-

Leggieramente, [le'dje'rme'n'te']
adv. lightly, rashly.


[ldj'r] adj. light,

nimble; frivolous; inconstant; cavalli leggieri, m, pi. light horsemen, pi.


[ldjrt's] f. lightness, nimbleness. [ldjrme'n't] Leggiermente,

adv. lightly, easily. Leggiero, [le'dj'r] see Leggiere.

Leggio, ri'djjm. reading des^ Leggio, [l'dj]af;.soft,tendet.




Leggitore, [ldjft'r] m.reader, Leguminoso, [lgmin's] adj. Lentischio, [le'ntis'kf] Lentis* lecturer. leguminous, of pulse. co, [le'ntis'k] m. lentisk. Legionario, [ljna'ri] adj. le- Lei, [l'ij fron. her; a -, to her ; Lentit, [le'ntit'] /. pliability, gionary. da -, from her ; di -, of her. flexibility. tegione,[lj'ne'] /".legion; great Leila, [ll'l] (. starwort, ele- Lento, [ln't] adj. slow, tardy, number. heavy, sluggish; loose, unbent; campane. Legislativo, [le'jislti'v] adj. Lellare, [lella're'] t'. n. to dally, cuocere a fuoco -, to stew: -, legislative. adv. slowly, sluggishly; lento hesitate. Legislatora, [ljislt'r] f. fe- Lembo, [lemT)] m. outskirts of lento, very slowly, very softly. male lawgiver. any thing , pi. hem edge, Lentre, [le'nt're'] m. see Len[Ic'jislt're'] m. ridge. Legislatore, tezza. legislator, lawgiver. Lenza, [ln'dsa] f. flshing-line, Lemma, [l'm] m. lemma. Legislatura, [ljislt'ra] f. Lemme lemme , [l'm l'me'] angling-line; linen bandage. legislature. odw. softly, gently (vulgarism). LenZuoletto, [lntslt't] t. Legislazione, [ljisltsi'ne'] f. Lemure, [lm're'] m, a ghost, small sheet (for a bed).
; ,





m. shoot




lawyer, Lena, [l'n]


breath, respira-

(for a bed).


f. (law) Lenare, [le'n're'] see Allenare. lawful share of inheritance. Lendine, [ln'dine'] f. nit. Legittimagione,[lejittimj'ne'] Lendinela, [le'ndin'l] /". sort legitimation. /. of coarse cloth. Legittimamente[lejittimme'n - Lendinoso, [lndin's] adj. nitadv. legitimately, lawfully. t] ty.

Legittima, [ljit'tim]

Legittimare, [ljittim'r] u.a. Lene,

to legitimate,


Leo, [le''] m. see Leono. Leofante, [lfn'te'J tn. elephant. Leofantessa, [le'fnteVs] f. female elephant. Leona, [l'n] see Leonessa. Leoncello, [le'ntsh'l] Leoncino, [le'ntshi'n] m. young adj. poes. humane,

lawful. lion. gentle. Legittimazione, [ljittimtsi' Lenemente, [le'ne'me'n'te'] adv. Leone, [le''ne'] m. liou; dandy, justifica ne'] /. legitimation, fashionable; astr. Leo. gently, softly, mildly. tion. Leneo, [l'ne'] adj. having re- Leonessa, [le'ne's's] /". lioness.. Legittimit, [ljittimit'] f. le lation to Bacchus. Leonino, [lni'nj adj. leonine, gitiniacy. Leniente, [lnin'te']adj.lenient, of a lion. Legittimo,[ljit'tim]adj. legit- emollient. Leopardo, [le'pr'd] m. leoimate, just, equitable. Leniflcamento, [le'nifikme'n't] pard. Legna, [l'n'] /. pi. firewood, m. mitigation, assuagement. Lepidamente [le'pidme'n'te']


Lenificare, [le'nifik're'] v. a. to adv. facetiously, cheerfully. Legnaceo , [le'Vtshe'] adj. mitigate, assuage. Lepidezza, [lpidt's] /. facewoody. Lenificativo, [le'nifikti'v] adj. tiousness, cheerfulness. Legnaggio, [ln''dj] m. line- lenitive, assuasive. Lepido, [l'pid] adj. pleasant, ago, family. Lenimento^ [le'nime'n't] m. sof- facetious, merry; witty. Legnaja, [le"n'ay] f. pile of tening, mitigating. Leporajo, [lpr'y] Leporawood; wood-house. Lenire, [le'ni'r] v. a. poes., to rio, [le'pr'ri] m. park (for Legnajo, [le'Vayo] m. mass of soften, lenify. hares), warren. wood, pile. Lenit, [lenit'] Lenitale, Le Lepore, [lp're'] w. poes. graceLegnaiuolo, [le'n'y'l] Legna- nitate, /. lenity, mildness. fulness, complaisance. maro, [ln'm'r] m. joiner Lenitivo, [le'niti'v]adj. lenitive, Leporino, [le'pri'n] adj. lepocarpenter. assuasive. rine, hair-lipped. Legname, [le'n''rae'] n. timber; Lensa, [ln's] f. flshing-line Leppare, [lpp're'] v. a. to carwood for building. Lenta, [ln't] f. lentil. ry off; -, V. n. to run away. Legnare, [ln''re] v. n. to cut Lentaggine, [lenta' djin] f. wild (vulgarism.) wood (for fuel); cudgel. thyme. Leppo, [l'p] m. smell of oily Legnata, [ln"'t] {. cudgeling Lentamente, [le'ntme'n't] adv. matter burning. Legnatico, [le"n'tik] m. right slowly, softly. Lepracchiotto , [le'prkkit't] of cutting wood in another's Lentarsi, [le'ntr'si] v. r. to m. a young hare. woods. slacken, relent. Lepratto, [lprt't] m. leveret, Legne, [le"n'e'] see Legna, Lente, [ln't] f. lentil ; lens, young hare. Legnerello, [lnr'ljm. small convex glass, spyglass; - palu- Lepre, [l'pre'] m. hare; far da piece of wood; wood-work. - vecchia, to be cautious. stre, water-lentil. Legnetto, [ln'e't't] m. little Lente, [ln'te'] adj. slow, lazy Lepretta, [lepre't'ta] f. Lepretbit of wood; small boat. {see Lento). tine, [le'pre'tti'nj m. young Legno, [l'n'] wi. wood, timber; Lentemente, [le'nte'me'n'te'] adv. hare. ship, vessel; - ^anto, guaiacura. slowly. Leprino, [le'prx'n] see LepoLegnoso, [le'n''s] adj. woody. Lentezza, [lnte't's] rino. f. slowligneous. Leproncello, [lprntsh'l]Leness, slackness. Legnazzo, [leVt's] m. small Lenticchia, [lntik'ki] f. lentil prone , [le'pr'n] m. small piece of wood; sticks, branches. (pulse). hare. (reus. Lenti colare, [lntikl're'] adj. Leproso, [le'pr's] adj. lepLegorizia, [legoritsia] /". lic- lenticular. Leprottino , [le'prtti'n] Leorice. Lentiggine , [le'nti'djine'] pretto, [lprt't] m. young f. Legulejo, [le'gl'y]m lawyer. freckle, red spot. hare. Legume, [le'g'me'J m. pulse Lentigginoso, [lntidjin'slad;. Lerciare, [le'rtsh're'] . o. to (pease, beans, Ac), freckled. dirty, sully.







dirty, Letteraccia



m. stocS

unpleasant letter.

Letterajo, [le'tte'r'y] m. a pre- Leuto, [le'u't] m. lute. Lero, [l'r] m. Mtter vetch. Leva, [le"va] /. lever; levy, tended savant. /. awl; sordidness. Letterale, [le'tte'ra le] ed;, lite- raising; - d'acqua, siphon; di milizia, levy of troops. Lesione, [lsi'n] /". damage, ral, word for word. Letteralmente, [le'tte'ralme'n'- Levabile, [le'v'bil] adj. movinjury, prejudice. able, portable. Lessare, [lssa'r] v. a. to hoil, te'] ado. literally. [le'vme'n't] m. cook in water, dress in boiling Letterario, [le'tte'r'ri] adj. lit- Levamento , water. erary; learned; gabinetto -, rising, elevation. Levante, [le'vn'te'] adj. rising; Lessatura, [le'sst'r] /. toil- m. reading-room. Letterato, [le'ttr't] adj. let- oriental; easterly; tazza -, f. ing, cooking. morning-cup; -, m. east, leLessicografia , [le'ssikgr'fia] tered, learned. vant, orient. lexi- Letteratone, [ltte'rt'ne'] m. f. the art of compiling Levantina, [le'vnti'na] f. a silk cons. very loaraed man. Lessico, [l'sik] m. lexicon, Letteratura, [le'tte'rtu'r] f. tissue so called from having been first produced in the Ledictionary. literature, learning, science. Lessicografo, [le'ssik'grf] m. Lettereccio, [le'ttr'tsh] adj. vant. Levantino , [le'vnti'n] adj. lexicographer. belonging to a bed. Lesso, [l's] adj. boiled, dres- Letterello, [ltte'r'l] m. small born in the east. Levare, [le'va're'] v. a. to raise sed in water; -, m. boiled bed; couch. meat. Lettoretta, [le'tte're't'ta] Lette- up, lift up; take away, carry; Lestamente, [le'stme'n'te'j adv. rina, [le'tte'ri'na] f. short let- prohibit; levy; ci poco leva, {mar.) that matters little nimbly, quickly. ter, note, billet. Lestezza, [le'stt's] /. nimble- Letterista, [le'tte'ri'sta] m. a l'ancora, to trip the anchor; - I' assedio, to raise the siege; ness; acuteness, cunning. letter-writer. Lesto, [l'st] adj. nimble, quick; Letterona, [le'tte'r'n] andLet- - una difficolt, to take away a sly. terone, [ltte'r'ne'] m. long difficulty; - la grida, to cry out; - milizie, to levy troops; Lestrigone, [le'strig'n] m. a letter. cruel wretch. Letteruzza, [le'ttr'tsj f. see Levarsi, v. r, to rise, stand up; go away; grow proud: Letale , [le't'le'] adj. poes., Letteretta. deadly. Letticene, [le'ttitsh'l] Lettic- levatevi il cappello, take oif Letamajo, [le'tma'y] and Le- ciuolo, [lttitshi'l] m. small your hat; il vento si leva, the wind is rising. tamaro, [le'tma'r] m. dung- bed, couch.

Lesina, [l'sin]

Lettichiero, [le'ttiki'r] m. con- Levata, [lev't] /". rising, lifting up; departure; sun rising. ductor of a litter. street-sweeper, scavenger. Lettiera, [ltti'r] /'.bedstead, Levatojo, [lvt'y] adj. ponte -, m. draw-bridge. Letamare, [le'tra're'] v. a. to head-board. manure, dung improve. Lettiga, [le'tti'g] and Lettica, Levatore, [le'vt're'] m. boaster, extoller, early riser. Letame, [lta'm] m. dung; ma- [letti'ka] /. litter. nure, compost. Lettighetta, [le'ttighe't'ta] Let- Levatrice, [le'vtri'tsh] f. raidLetaminamento,[le'tminmn'- tighina, [le'ttighi'na] f. small wife. [lvtsi'ne'] f. rit] m. manuring; improving. litter. (rello. Levazione, Letaminare, [ltmin're] see Lettino, [le'tti'n] see Lette- sing, elevation. Letamare. Letto, [l't] wi. bed; layer: Leve, [l've'J adj. light; trifling, Letaminatura, [le'tmint'r] haunt; bottom, bed of a river; poor. Letaminazione,[le'tmintsi'- dregs, lees (of wine &c.), pi., Levemente, [le've'me'n'te'] adv. - nuziale, nuptial bed. lightly; easily. n] f manuring. Letaminoso, [letamin's] adj. Lettore, [ltt're'] m. reader Levezza, [lvt's] f, lightness; levity. full of compost, manured. lecturer, professor. Letane, [lt'n] Letame, [l- Letteria, [le'ttri'] f. lecture- Levigare, [le'vig're'J v. a. to polish, smooth. tni'e'] f. pi. litany. ship, degree of doctor. Letargia, [le'trji'] /".lethargy. Lettrice, [le'ttri'tshe'] f. a fe- Levigazione, [le'vigatsi'no'] /, the act of polishing; polishing. Letargico, [le'tr'jik] adj. le- male reader or lecturer. thargic, (targia. Lettuccino, [ltttshi'n] Let- Levistico, [lvi'stik] m. boi., lovage. Letargo, [le'tr'g] m. see Le- tuccio, [le'tt'tsh] m. couch. Lete, [le't] m. Lethe. Lettura, [le'ttu'ra] f. lecture. Levita, [le'vi't] m. a levite. Letoo, [l't] adj. forgetful. Letturina, [le'ttri'n] /. cur- Levit, [levit'] Levitade, Le* vitate, /. levity; vanity. Leticare, [ltik're'] v. a. & n. sory lecture. to litigate; go to law. Leucata, [lk't] f. white Levitare, [le'vit'r] v. n. to ferment, leaven. Letificare, [ltifika'r] v. a. to agate. joy, give joy. adj. Levitico, [lvi'tik] m. LeviLeuceato , [le'tshea't] ticus. Letizia, [lti'tsi] f. poes., glad- white.

Letamajuolo, [ltmy'l] m.

Leucioflemmatia, [ltshfle'm- Levore, [le'v'r] wi. agility, lightness. rad'tiaj f. dropsy of the celbod. lalar tissues, so called from Levriera, [le'vri'r] f. greyLettera, [l'te'r] f letter, epis- the apparent whiteness of the hound bitch. Levriere, [le'vri're'] and Le tle learning, knowledge, let- watery humor it produces. vriero, [lvri'r] m. greyters, pi. ; - di cambio, - cam- Leucoflemmatico , [lkfle'mbiale, bill of exchange ; - di mti'k] adj. affected with hound. procura, power of attorney. Lexia, [l'tsii] f. Lezio, [l'tsi'cl dropsy.



m. bad




affectation , caresses, pi. Liberare, [libe'r're'] v. a. io de- - di memoria, pocket-book; coaxing, pampering; lezio di liver, release; Liberausi, v. del quaranta, pack of cards. Librone, [libr'n] m. large r. to free one's self, get rid of. stile, (|Uiiintness of style. Lezionale, [le'tsin'l] and Le- Liberatore, [librat'r] m. Li- book. zionario, [ltsin'ri] beratrice, [libratri'tsh] f. Liccio, [H'tsh] m. woof; texture; yarn; cloth. containing tlie ecclesiastical deliverer, rescuer. Liberazione, [librtsi'n] and Licenza, [ltshn'ds] Licenzia, lessons. Lezioncina, [le'tsintslii'n] f. Liberagione, [liberajio'ne'] de- [litshn'dsi] /. licence, permission licentiousness con liverance, liberation. short lesson. Lezione, [ltsi'ne'] f. lesson, Libercolo, [libr'kl] m. badly vostra -,\)y your leave; prender -, to take one's leave. lecture; far -, to take a lesson. written little book. [litshntsiaLeziosagrgine, [ltsis'djin] f. Libero, [li'br] adj. free; open, Licenziamento , mn'tj m. dismissal, disbandsoftness; wantonness, effemi- frank; io libera, f. open way. Liberta, [libr't] /. freed-wo- ing. nacy. Licenziare, [litshe'ntsi're'] t>. Leziosamente, [le'tsisme'n'tl man. dismiss, disband, give o. to Libert, [libe'rt'] Libertade, adv. delicately, effeminately. Lezioso, (ltsi's] adj. full of Libertate, f. liberty, freedom; permission to Licenziarsi, v. r. to take leave of, bid farecaresses, tender to fulsome- privilege. Libertinaggio, [libe'rtin'dj] well. ness; effeminate. Lazzaro, (ltsa're'] w. o. & n. to Libertinismo, [libe'rtinis'mj Licenziato, [litshe'ntsia't] m. licentiate, graduate. m licentiousness. emit an offensive smell. Lezzi no , [ltsi'n] m. mar., Libertino, [librti'n] adj. made Licenziatara, [litshntsit'r] free, emancipated. /. grant of permission; declahousing. Lezzo, [l'ts] m. stinTc, fetid- Liberto , [libr't] m. freed- ration of the licentiate.
; ;



m. excessive caresses,

Libidine, [libi'dine']

Licenziosamente, [litshentsi-






smn't] adv. licentiously. Licenziosit, [litshnsisit']


[h'bidinsa- libertinism. mn'tj adi libidinously, wan- Licenzioso, [litshe'ntsi's] adj. Li, [li) for I, Gli. licentious, dissolute. tonly. Li, [li] a<lv. there, yonder. Libagione, [libji'n] f. Liba- Libidinoso, [libidin's] adj. li- Liceo, [litsh'j m. lyceum, academy. bidinous, wanton. libamento, [libmu't] Libstico, [libi'stik] see Levi- Licere, [litshe''re'] v.def. to be tion, drink-offering. lawful, be permitted (used only Libare, [Uba'r] v. a. to taste, stico. try the quality, make a liba- Libito, [H'bit] m. will, plea- in the third person singular of the present of the indic(tion. sure, mind; o -, at pleasure. tion,



Libazione, [libtsi'ne'] /, liba- Libo, [li'b] m. west-south-west ative). Lichene, [like"ne'] m. lichen. Libbia, [lib'bia] f, the branch wind. of an olive that has been cut. Libra, [li'br] f.astr., balance; Licnide, [likni'de] m. lychnis. [lib'br] pound tenere in -, to hold in suspense. Licore, [lik'r] (poes.) see LiLibbra f, Libraccio, [libr'tshj m. worth- quore. weight; balance. Lidia, [li'dia] /".a kind of jasper, Libecciata, [libtsh't] /". mar., less old book. used sometimes instead of [libr'y] m. bookLibrajo, gale from the south-west. touchstone. Libeccio, [lib'tsh] m. south- seller. Libramento, [Hbrme'n't] i. Lido, [li'd] m. shore, bank; west-wind. country. Libellista, [libe'Ui'st] m. libel- swinging, balancing; (astr.) liLiena, [ie"n] /. a coarse wollen bration. ler, libelliht. Libello, [lib'l] m. libel, pam- Librare, [libr're'] v. a. to ba- counterpane. lance, poise, weigh; ponder, Lienteria, [lie'nte'ri'a] f. lienplilet; declaration. Liberagione, [librj'ne'] /".de- consider; Librarsi, v. r. to be tery. liverance, freedom, release. in equilibrium; balance one's Lieta, [lie"t] f. a clear and transitory flame emitting no self. Liberalaccio, iibrl'tsh]ad'j. Libraria, [Hbr'ri] see Li- smoke. profuse, prodigal. Lietamente, [litme'n'te'] adv. Liberale, llibr'le'] ocfj. liberal; breria. humane, generous Librario, [Hbr'ri] adj. apper- joyously, merrily. affable, Lietezza, [litt's] f. joyousfree; arti liberali, pi. liberal taining to books.

Libratamente, [libratame'n'te] noss, gaiety. arts. Jit. Lieto, [li't] arfj. joyous, merLiberalit, [liberalit'] Libera- adv. equally poised. ry, gay. litade, Liberalitate, f. libera- Librazione, [librtsi'ne'] f. balLie va, [li'v]/". moment, weight, lity, bounty, generosity. ancing. Liberalmente, [librlme'n'te'] Libreria, [libre'ri'] A library. consequence; n uomo di -, a man of importance a lover adv. liberally, generously. bookseller's shop. Liberalona, [libral'n] alla Libressa, [libre's'sa] f. a stupid to lift or bear with; small jointed iron liberalona, adv. careless of book. cross-bars for ornaments. Librettino, [libre'tti'n] m.small putting back the head of a [libe'rame'n'te'] Liberamente , carriage. elementary book adv. freely, ingenuously, frank- Libretto, [libre't'to] Librettnc- Lieva lieva, [lie"v li'v] adv. ci, [libre'tt'tshj Libriccino, take care, make room. ly, sincerely; generously; by [libritshi'n] m. little book, Lievare, [lie'v'r] see Levare. all means. Liberamente, [libe'rme'u't] m. small book. Lieve, [li've'] adj. light, easy; Libro, [li'br] m. book; work;' trifling. deliverance.
I j



Lince, [lin'tshe'] m. lynx. Linceo, [lin'tsh] adj. of a lynx sharp-sighted. Linda, [lin'da] f. sea-quadrant. Lindamente, [lindmn'te'J adv. sprucely, elegantly; fluently. Lindezza, [linde't's] f. spruceness, neatness, elegance, grace;

Lieve, fli''v] Lievemente, [lie- Limbicare,[limbik're'] seeLambiccaro. veinn't] adv. lightly, easily; quickly, kindly, courteously. Limbicco, [limbik'ko] m, alemLievezza, [lie'vet'sa] Lievit, bic. [lievit'] see Leggerezza. Limbo, [limT)] m. limbo resLievitare, [livita'r] see Levi- traint. ter. Liminare, [limina're'] adj. beLievit, [lie'vit'l f. lightness longing to the threshold. of conduct. Limitare, [limita'r] v. a. to limLievito, [H'vit] m. leaven, it, circumscribe; -, m. thresh;


Lindo, [lin'd] adj. spruce, neat, ferment; poultice. elegant, graceful ; old. componiLievre, [li'vr] see Lepre. Limitatamente, [limittmeV- mento-, m. terse composition, Lig:ame, [liga'mj m. lie, liga- t] adv. within limits; res- Lindura , [lind'rj see Linture




Ligamento, [ligmn't] m. lig- Limitativo, [li'mitdti'v] adj. Linea, [H'nea] /. line; lineage, ament; bond, limiting, restrictive. race level (rail.) - della straLigamentoso [ligame'nt's] Limitazione, [limittsi'ne'] /, da ferrata, line. and Ligamentare, [ligmnt'- limitation; restriction; con- Linealmente,[line'lme'n't]odu.

r] adj. ligamentous. Ligare, [lig'r] see Legare.

Ligiare, [liji'r] v. a. to polish,

Ligiata, [liji'tj of polishing.

the action


[h'jiat'r] f. the operation of smoothing cloth. Ligio, [li'ji] adj. liege, loyal. Ligittimo, [lijit'tim] see Legittimo.



m. line-

age; race, family.

Ligneo, [li'n'] adj. ligneous, wooden. Ligno, [li'n'] see Legno. Ligone, [lig'n] m. a pickaxe. Ligustro, [lig'str] m. bot.,





Lilla, [lil'l] /. lilac. Lillato, [lill't] adj.

adorned with vain ornaments, Lillo, [lil'lj m. a tinsel ornament. Lima, [li'mal f. file; lime; muddy ground; bret, dah (fish); a species of small lemon; far lima lima, to mock, jeer at. Limabile, [lim'bil] adj. polishable.

Limaccio, [lim'tsh] m. mud, mire; slime. Limaccioso, [Hmatsh's] adj.

muddy, miry.




filing, polishing.

Limare, [lima'r]

v. a. to file, perfect; con-

sume. Limatezza,

[linite't's] f. filing,

lineally, in a direct line. dition. Limite, [li'mit]m. limit, bound- Lineameuto, [linmn't] m. lineament, feature. ary. Limitrofo, [limi'trf] adj. bor- Lineare, [lin'r] and Lineale, [lin'l] adj. lineal. dering upon, contiguous. Lineare, [lin'r] v. a. to draw, Limo, [li'ra] m. mud, mire. Limonajo,[limn'yJ m. a lem- sketch. Linearmente, [linrmn't] see on-seller. Limonata, [limna't] [. lemon- Lineamente. Lineato, [lina't] adj. striped, ade. Limonato, [lirana't] ad)", loni- streaky; delineated. Lineatura, [lint'r] Lineaon-colored. Limoncello, [Ifmntsh'l] Li- zione, [lintsi'n] /. lineamoncino , [limntshi no] m. ment; sketch. Lineetta, [linie't't] f. small small lemon, small citron. Limone, [lim'n] m. lemon, cit- line. Lineto, [lin't] m. a spot plantron; lemon-tree. Limonea, [limne"] /. lemon- ed with flax. Linfa, [lin'fa] f. lymph. ade (little used). Limonella, [limoue'lla] f. white Linfatico, [linf'tik] adj. lymphatic dittamy. Limosina, [lim'sln] [. alms, Lingua, [lin'gua] A tongue, language; idiom; - di terra, tongue charity. Limosinante, [Ifmsinn'te'] m. of land; - buona, bugloss; aver -, to have intelligence mendicant, beggar. Limosinare, [limsin're'] v. a. enquire; dar -, to give intelligence; m,ettere la - in molto give alms; -, v. n. to beg le, to have a glib tongue, be alms. Limosinarlo, [limsln'ri] m, voluble. Linguaccia , [lingw'tsh] f. almoner. Limosinatore, [limsint're'] slanderous tongue. Limosiniere, [limsini're'] Li- Linguacciuto , [lingutsh't] mosiniero, [lirasini'r] m. adj. prattling. Linguaggio, [lingua'dj] m. lanalms-giver, almoner. Limosinacela , [limsin'tsh] guage; idiom, Linguajo,[lingu'y]m,afi'ected f. small alms. Limosit, [limosit'] Lmosi- speaker, purist, tade,Limositate, /'.muddiness, Linguardo, [lingwar'd] Linguto , [liug't] adj. foulmud. (miry Limoso, [Ifm's] adj. muddy, tongued. Limpidetto, [limpide't'tj adj Lingueggiare, [lingwe'dja're'] v.

polishing; correction.

somewhat limpid.

n. to chatter; slander.


paper-filter, funnel, Limatore, [limit're'J m. filer, parency. Linguettare, [lingutt'r] v. a. polisher. Limpido, flim'pid] adj. limpid, to stutter, stammer; strain, Limatura, [limat'ra] f. file- clear; pellucid. filter. dust; filing; Diver di -, to live Limula, [li'mula] Limuzza, [li- Lingaoso [h'ngu's] adj. , by one's wits. mut'sa] f. small file (little long-tongued; chattering (little Limbello , [lirnh] Limbel- used). used).

[lim't] adj. clear; correct, elegant (said of style in writing).

Lim- Linguella, [lingu'l] Linguetta, [lingtt't]


pidit, [limpidit'] f. limpidness, purity; brightness, trans-

small tongue;

luccio,[limbe'll'tsh]m, leath- Linajolo , [h'ny'l] er-cuttings, pi. seller, flax-dresser.







iment, ointment.




tino, [li'n] m. flax; lint; fiio Lisca, [lis'k] f. hurds of hemp, tigatrice, [litigtri'tshe'] f. litpL; fish-bone; silly thing. igant, wrangler. di -, m. linen thread. Iinseme, [linse"me'] m. linseed. Liscezza, [lishe't's] f. smooth- Litiggine, [liti'djine'] see LenLinteo, [lin't] m. linen cloth. ness, gloss. tiggine. Lintiggine, [linti'djine'] seeLen- Liscia, [li'sh] f. rubber, fur- Litigio , [Uti'j] m. dispute ,
tiggine. Iiiocorno, corn. Li ofante,
bisher. [likr'n]

m. uni- Lisciamente, [lishame'n'te'] adv smoothly, fluently. m. ele- Lisciamento, [lishme'n't] m. [Iffn'te'] phant. smoothing, polishing, glossLionato, [lin't] adj. tawny, ing; fawning. of :i dun colour. Lisciarda, [lishar'da] LisciarLione, [H'n] see Leone. diera, [lishrdi'rj /. woman Liopardo, [lipr'd] see Leo- that uses rouge. pardo. Lisciare , [lisha're'] v. a. to Lippa, [lip'p] /. wild oats. smooth, polish; flatter, blanLippitudine, [Uppit'din] /. dish; Lisciarsi, v. r. to paint,

quarrel, strife, law-suit. Litigioso, [litij's] adj. litigious, quarrelsome. Litigone, [litig'ne'] m. a very quarrelsome person. Lto, [^.i't] m. see Lido. Litogenia, [litj'nia] f. lithogenesy.

Litografia, [Ixtgrfi']




Lippe, [lip'p] adj. blear-eyed. Liquabile, [liku'bile'] adj. capable of liquefaction, soluble.


[liku'me'] m. any , liquid used for condiment. Liquamento, [likttmn't] ni. liquefaction, melting. Liquativo , [likwti'v] adj. liquefiable, soluble.

irr. {see




Fare) to liquefy, dissolvo; Liquefarsi, V. r. to be-


liquid, dissolve.

easily soluble.

Liquefazione, [likue'ftsi'ue']




adv. in a liquid manner; easily; apparently, clearly. Liquidare, [likuida're'] .c. to liquefy, melt; liquidate, pay off, settle, balance.

Liquidazione, [likuidtsf'ne']/.


liquefaction; liquidation. [likuidt'sa] , liquidness, glibness.


Liquidire, [likuidi're'j v. n. to grow liquid, melt. Liquidit, [likuidit'] Liquditade, Liquiditate, f. liquidity,

Litografico, [litgr'fik] adj. lithographical. Litologia, [litlji'] /. lithofard. Lisciatojo, [lisht'y] m. pol- logy. ishing tool. Litorale, [litr'le'] ad;, littoral, Lisciatore, [lisht're'] m. pol- maritime. isher; flatterer. Litotomia, [littmi'a] f. lithoLisciatrice , [lishtri'tshe'] f. tomy. woman that paints her face. Litta, [lit'td] f. very minuto Lisciatura, [lisht'ra] f. fard- sand. ing, painting of one's face. Litterale, [litte'rd'le'] &c., see adj. Liscio, [li'sh] smooth, Letterale &c. glossy; -, m. paint for the Litteratore, [litte'rt'r] see face. Letterato. Lisciva, [lishi'v] f. lye wash. Littorale, [littr'le'J see LitoLiscivoso, [lishiv's] adj. lis- rale. civious. Littore, [litt're'] m. lictor. Liscoso, [lisk's] adj. full of Lituo, [li't] m. augur'e wand. hurds. Litura, [lit'r] f. rasure, eraLisimacchia , [lisimk'ki] f. sure. liturgy. water-willow. Liturgia, [litrji'a] f. Lisma, [lis'ma] m. ream of Liturgico , [litr'jik] adj. of paper. the liturgy. Liutessa, [lite's'sa] f. bad lute. Liso, [li's] adj. worn out. small Lissivazione, [lissivtsi ne'] f. Liuto, [li't] *n. lute boat. lixivium. Lista, [li'sta] f. list, stripe; sel- Livella, [liv'l] f. line, plummet, level. vage; roll, catalogue. Listare, [lista're'] v. a. to lace, Livellare, [livelU'reT v. a. to level, make even. fringe, embroider; stripe. Listella, [list'lj f. square, fil- Livellarlo, [live'll'ri] adj. havlet small list. ing a long lease -, n. leaseholder, tenant. Listra, [li'stra] see Lista. Litamaccio, [litm'tsh] m. Livellatore, [live'llt're'Jm. lev; ; ; ;

Liquido, [li'kMid]
fluid; clear;

adj. liquid,

bad manure. Litame, [lita'rae']


m. manure, Livellazione,


levelling. dung-hill. stance; liquor. Litanie, [litani'e'j /". pi, litany. Livello, llivl] m. level; imLiquirizia, [likwiri'tsi] f. lieo Litare, [lita're'] v. a. to make post, quit-rent. rice. an agreeable sacrifice appease. Lividastro, [livida'str] LiviLiquore, [liku're'] m. liquor, Litargia, [litarji'a] f. lethargy. diccio, [lividi'tsh] arfj. somestrong drink. what livid. Litargico, [litr'jik] adj. leLiquoretto , [likttrt't] m. thargic. Lividezza, [livide't's] f. liviweak liquor. dity; fig. grudge, rancor. Litargirio, [litrji'ri] Litar Liquoroso, [likur'slod;. spir- giro, [litrji'r] m. litharge. Lividire, [lividi're'J v. a. to ituous (said of full bodied and Lite, [li'te] /. contention, quar- make livid. sweet wine). rel, pleading, lawsuit; attac- Livido, [li'vid]oc(/. livid, black Lira, [li'ra] f. livre, franc (mo- car -, to begin a quarrel. and blue. ney); lyre (instrument); lyric Liticare, [litik're'] see Liti- Lividore, [livid're'] m. lividity, paleness; fig. envy. style; poetry; - sterlina, a gare. pound sterling. Litgamento, [litigme'n't] m. Lividume, [livid'me'] m. a spot Liressa, [lires'si] ^. bad lyre. dispute, contention. of a livid color. Litigante,[litign't]m. pleader. Lividura, [livid'r] f. lividLirico, [li'rik] adj. lyric. Litigare, [litig're'] v. a. & n. ness, bruise. Lirio, [li'ri) m. white lily. to litigate, plead contest. Livore, [liv're'] m. lividnesa Iiirista, [liri'sta] m. a player Litigatore, [litigt're'] m. Li- envy, rancor. ou the lyre.

m. liquid sub

te| u(tv.



[livrsame'n'- Lodevolmente, fldvlme'n't] Lombale, [lmb'l] Lombare, llomba'r] adj. appertaining to adv. commendably. enviously, spitefullj'. the loins. Iiivoroso, [livoro's] adj. en- Lodola, [l'dl] f. lark. Lodolajo, [ldl'y] m. a spe- Lombarda, [lmbr'd] f. lomvious, rancorous, spiteful. bard (dance). livrare, [livra're] v. a. to finish, cies of falcon. Lodoletta, [ldl't] f. young Lombata, [lmb'tl f. loins, pt. complete. Lombeggiare, [lmbdj'r] v. Livrea, [livr'] f. livery; ser- lark. Logaritmico, [lgrit'mik] adj. a. to strike. vants, pi.; house. Lombo, [lml] TO. loin, haunch, Lizza, [li'tsa] /, lists ; palisades, logarithmical. hip, flank. barriers, pi.; tilting ground, Logaritmo, [lgarit'm] m. loLombricato, [lmbrik't] adj. garithm. course. Lo, [lo] art. the; -, proti, him, it. Loggetta, [ldjt't] f. small composed of earth-worms. [lombrikt't] Lombrichetto, Lobo, [l'b] m. lobe; lap of the lodge.

Loo, [lok] TO. lohock. Locale, |lnka'l] ailj. local, peculiar to a place.

Localit, [loklitj f. locality. Localmente, [lkdlmn't] adv.



[lkn'da]/". inn, lodg[lkndi're'J





(loka're'] v. a. to place,

settle: lay up, arrange.

Locazione, [loktsi'ne]


tion, situation; letting out. Leccio , [l'tsh] m. a stupid,

silly fellow.

m. small earth-worm. f. lodge, open balcony; apartment; Lombrico, [Inmbri'k] to. earthworm, maw-worm. rail. - da mercanzie, luggageroom; - da magoni, coachhouse; Lombricone, [lmbrik'ne'] . large earth-worm. tener -, to trifle with a person, Lombricuzzaccio, [lmbrikmake a fool of one. Loggiamento, [ldjme'n't] see ts'tsh] m. nasty worm. Lombricuzzo, [lmbrik'ts]TO. Alloggiamento. Loggiato, [ldja't] m. covered small earth-worm. Lomia, [lmi'] f. sweet lemon. gallery, covered portico. [longanimit'] Loggione, [ldj'ne] to. great Longanimit Longanimitade, Longanimiterrace, great gallery. Loghicciuolo, [lghitsh'l] m. tate, f. longanimity, patience. Longanime, [lngni'm] adj. small place. patient, long-suffering. Logica, [l'jik] f. logic. Logicale, [ljik'l] adj. logical, Longevo, [lnj'v] adj. poes.




of logic.

long-lived, old.

Logicamente , [ljikme'n't] Longimetrla, [lnjime"tri] f. Locco, [lk'k] see Loc. the art of measuring lengths adv. logically. Loche, [l'k] wi. mar. log. Loco, l'kj poes. place oppor- Logicare, [ljik're'l v. n. to rea- and distances. Longnquit, [lnjinkuit'] f, tunity. son, dispute, subtilize. Locomotiva, [lkmti'va] ^ lo- Logicastro, [ljikstr] to. a great distance. Longinquo, [lnjin'ku] arfj. vecomotive, locomotive-engine. poor logician. Locotenente, [lkte'nn't] to. Logico, [l'jik] adj. logical; -, ry distant, remote. Longitudinale, [lnjitdin'le'] lieutenant. TO. logician, disputant. Loculo, lok'l]TO, small glands Loglio, [1 l"] TO. bot. darnel, adj. longitudinal. Longitudine, [lnjit'dine'] f. serving to receive the fatty cockle-weed. humor separated from the blood. Loglioso, [ll''s] adj. full of longitude; length. Lontanamente, lntnme'n'te'] Locupletazione,[lkplttsi'- darnel. ne] / gain, advantage. Logogrifo, [lg(5gri"f] m. logo- adv. far off, afar. Lontananza , [lntnn'dsa] f. Locusta, [lok'st] f. locust gnphe, riddle, rebus. lobster (fish). Logoranza,[lgrn'ds]/'.wear- remoteness, distance. Lontanare, [lntn're'] see AlLocuzione, [lktsi'tie']/". locu- ing out, consuming.

Logorare , [lgr're'] v. a. to lontanare. wear out, waste, consume; Lo- Lontanetto, [lntne't't] adj. Lodabile, [loda'bil] adj. laud- gora Rsi.f.r. to work one's self somewhat distant. able, commendable. Lontano, [lnt'n] adj. distant, to death. Lodabilit, [lodabilit'] /".laud- Logoratore, [lgrat'r] to. remote; quite different; -,adv.
tion, expression, phrase. [lo'd] see Lode.


Lodamento, [ldrime'n't] praising, commending.


waster, prodigal. m. Logorizia, [lgri'tsi]




far from, a great



off; TO.

the back-ground of a


[ld'rej v. a. to praise, commend, extol; propose; Loda usi, V. r. to be pleased with,

Logoro, [l'gr] adj. worn out, Lontra, [ln'tr] /". otter. wasted; -, m. decoy, lure. Lonza, [ln'tsa] f. panther. Lograre, [lgr're'J see Logo- Lonzo, [lu'ts] adj. enervated,

be contented with. rare. [ldtmeVte'] Loguccio, [lg'tshj TO. small adv. in a praiseworthy man- place. ner. Loja, [l'y] /. dirt, nastiness, Lodativo, [ldati'v] atJj. prais- mire. ing: demonstrative. Loica, [l'ik] &c., see Logica Lodatore, [ldt'r] to. Loda- &c. trice, [ldtri'tshj /. praiser, Lojetta, [lye't'ta] f. little dirt. commender. (dation. Lolla, [ll'lj /. husk, chaff (of Lode, ll'd] f. praise, commen- corn &c.). Lodevole, |lnd'vl]a(/;.praise- Lolligine, [llli'jine'] f. cuttle worthy, commendable. (fish). Lodevolezza, [ldvole't's] f. Lombaggine, [lmbdji'n] /. praiseworthiness. lumbago.



[l'p] /. chaff (of corn,

Lopposo, [lpp's]

adj. chaffy,


[lokw'tshe'] adj. lo-

quacious, prating.


[lkutshe'rae'n't] adv. loquaciously.

Loquacit, [lkwatshit'] Lo quacitade, Loquacitate, /". lo-


quacity, talkativeness. [lkw'l] f. speech, tongue.

Diz. Ital.-Ing.

Lordamente, [lrdmn't] adv. Luccicone
filthily, nastily.



[ltshi'kne'] m. a Lucrosamente, [lkrsme'n'te'] , adv. profitably, advantageously. large tear. Lordare, [lrda'r] v. a. to dir- Luccio, [l'tsh] m. pike (fish). Lucroso, [lkr's] see LucraLucciola, [l'tshl] f. fire-fly. tive. ty, daub, stain. Lordezza, [lrdt'sa] Lordizia, Lucciolato, [ltshl'tjm.glow- Lucubrare, [lkbr'r] .a. to lucubrate; elaborate. worm. [lrdi'tsi] f. filth,; Lacco, [lk'k] w. ancient Flo- Lucubrazione, [lkbrtsi'ne'] spot. Lordo, [lr'd] adj. filthy, foul, rentine robe (of magistrates). f. lucubration. lewd, impudent; said also of Luce, [lu'tshe']/". light, splendor Luculento, [lkln't] adj. luculent, luminous, clear. gross weight. fig. eye; pupil; dare alia -, to Lordume, [lrd'me'] m. Lordu- publish; venir in -, to appear. Ludere, [lu'de're'] v.n.irr. (iwsi ; ra , [lrd'r] f. filth nasti- Lucente, [ltshn't] adj. shi- Ivkso) to sport, play. Ludibrio, [ludinario] m. mockery, noss; ribaldry, unchastity. ning, bright. cuirass, Lucentemente, [ltshnte'mn'- laughing-stock. [lriTi] Lorica, f. breast-plate. Ludificare, [ldifik'r] .a. to t] adv. brilliantly. Loricato, [lrik't] adj. armed Lucentezza, [ltshe'ntt's] see dazzle, quiz. with a cuirass. Lucidezza. Ludificazione, [ldifikatsi'ne'] Lornio, [lr'ni] adj. squints Lucere, [l'tshe're']v.n.irr.(ittssi) /. mocking, quizzing. Ludimagistro, [ldimji'str] to shine. Loro,[l'r] pron. them, to them, Lucerna, [ltshr'n] f. lamp, m. school-master, pedagogue. their; U -, their property, their light; /?3. guide. Ludione, [ldi'n] m, merryown. Lucernata , [ltshe'rn't] f. andrew, juggler. Losco, [lsTc] adj. short-sight- lamp-full of oil. Ludo, [l'd] m. poes. play; ed; one-eyed; obtuse, stupid. Lucernetta, [ltshe'rne't't] see game; diversion. Ludrico, [ldri'k] adj. scornLessarla , [lss'ri] &c. see Lucernuzza. Lussuria &c. Lucerniere, [ltshe'rni'r] m. ful, contemptuous. Lotare, [lt're'] v. a. to lute, lamp-stand. Lue, [l'] /. lues, plague, pesplaster with clay. Lucernuzza, [ltshe'rn'ts] m. tilence. Lotatura, [ltat'r] f. the re- small lamp. Luganica, [lgni'k] f. a kind sult of luting, the act of luting, Incerta, [hitshr't] Lucertola, of sausage. Loto, [l't] tn. mud, mire; dirt; [ltshrtl] /. lizard. Luggiola, [l'djll f. sorrel. lotus. Luchera, [lk'r] f. look, re- Lugliatico, [lr'tik] Lugliolo, Lotolente, [ltln'te'] Lotoso, gard; countenance(vu/gansm). [lril] adj. ripe or flowering [lt's] adj. muddy, dirty. Lucherino, [lke'ri'n] m. gold- in July. Luglio, [lT] m. July. Lotta, [l't] f. struggle, wrest- finch. ling, efi'ort. Lucia, [l'tshia] f. a kind of Lugubre, [lug'bre'] adj. mournful, doleful, sorrowful. Lottare , [ltt'r] v. n. to Baccanalian dance. struggle, strive. Lucidamente, [ltshidme'n'te'] Lu, [lui'] m. wren. Lottatore, [lttt're'] ni. wrest- adv. brightly, resplendently. Lui, [l'i] pron. him, it: o -, to ler, struggler. Lucidamente, [ltshidmn't] him; da -, from him. Luigi, [li'ji] m. louis-d'or. Lotteggiare, [ltte'dj're'] see wi. brightness. Lottare. Lucidare, [ltshid'r] r. a. to Luissimo, [lis'sim] pron. he Lotto, [l't] m. lottery; lot, elucidate, make luminous; ex- himself. Lumaca, [lm'k] Lumaccia, chance. plain. [lm'tsh] /. slug; scala a -, Lova, [l'v] f. fche-wolf; allu' Lucidatore, [ltshidt're'j m rer; prostitute. an illustrator. f. winding stair-case. Luhricante, [lbrikn'te'] adj. Lucidezza, [ltshfde't's] Luci Lumachella, [lmk'l] f. Lumachine, [lmki'u] m. small lubricating. dita, [ltshidit'] Luciditade, Lubricare, [lbrik're'] v. a. to Luciditate, /. light, splendor; snail. lubricate, smooth. Lumacone, [lmk'ne'] m. large lustre.
; ,

Lubricativo, [lbrikti'v] adj. Lucido, [l'tshid] adj. lucid, snail. laxative, purgative. bright clear sleek ; -, m. trans- Lumajo, [lma'y] m. a lampLnbrichezza, [lbrike't's] f, lu- parent paper. lighter. bricity, looseness. Lucifero, [ltshi'fe'r] m. Luci- Lumbricale, [lumbrikale'] adj. Lubricit, llbritshit'] Lubr- fer; morning star; ac/j. illumi- lumbrical. citade,Lubricitate, /'.lubricity. nating. Lume, [l'me'] m. light; candle; Lubrico, [l'brik] adj. slippery, Lucignolato,[ltshin'l't]af/j. brightness; knowledge, genius; fallacious, false; prone, relax- twisted, plaited. fate - al signore, show the gened; -, m. slippery place. Lucignoletto, [ltshin'le't't] tleman out (in, up). LucarinO; [lkri'n] m. canary- m. small wick. Lumeggiamento, [lme'djme'n'bird. Lucignolo , [ltshi'n'l] m. t] m. distribution of the lights. Luccetto, [ltshe't't] m. small wick of a candle; distaif-full. Lumeggiare, [lme'dj're'] v. a. pike. Luco, [l'k] m. boscage, grove. to distribute the lights and Lucchesino , [lkke'si'n] m. Lucore, [lk'r] m. light, splen- shades; to light up, lighten., scarlet-dress. Lumettino, [lme'tti'u]m.very dor. Lucchetto, [lkke't't] m. pad- Lucrare, [lkr're'] v. a. to gain, weak light. Lumetto , [lme't't] tn. small lock. win. Luccicare, [ltshik'r] v. n. to Lucrativo, [lkrti'vcj adj. lu- light. Lumia, [lmi'] /. lime; lemon. glitter, twinkle. crative, gainful. Luccichio, [ltshiki'] m, co- Lucro, [l'kr] m, gain, lucre, Lumicino, [liimitshi'n] m.littla profitlight, rush -light. ruscation; flash*



[lpe'sc] and Lupi* gno, [lpi'n''] adj. wolfish; ravenous. Lupinajo, [lpin'y] m. seller of lupines (pulse).

[lumi'r] /. light Lunganimo, [lung'nim] adj. patient, enduring. torch, chandelier. Iiuminajo, [linin'y]m. chan- Lungare, [lng're'] v.n. to dedelier, hranch. viate, digress. Luminara, [lmin'r] /". illumi- Lungarno, [lng'rn] m. along nation, luminary. the banks of the Arno. Luminare, [lmin're'] m. lumi Lunge, [lun'je'] adv. off, far off, nary; light; star; v. a. to illu- far from, distant, a great way minate. off; prep, distant (with the Luminarlo, [lmin'ri] m. lu- ablative case). [lnghe"ri] minary. Lungheria , f. Luminativo, [lminti'v] adj. length, extent. illuminative. Lunghesso, [lnghe's's] adv. by, Luminazione, [lmints'ne'] f. along, near. illumination. Lunghetto , [lnghe't't] adj. Luminello, [lrainl] m. socket rather long; tedious. [lnghe't's] of a candlestick; lamp. Lunghezza , f. Lnminiera, [lmini'r] see Lu- length; duration. (light. Lungfhiera, [lnghi'r] f. longmiera, Lumino, [lmi'n] m. small winded discourse. Luminosit, [luminosit'] Lu- Lungi, [ln'ji] advi. & prep, far, minositade, Luminositate, f. far off, at a distance. luminousness, light, splendor. Lungo, [ln'g] adj. long; slow, Luminoso, [lmin's] adj. lu- lazy; irresolute: -, adv. a long minous, shining. while; at length; -,prep.^long; Luna, [l'n] ^ moon; month; by, near; -, m. length; dura- crescente, the crescent (of the tion. moon) ; - nuova, the new moon; Luogaccio, [lga'tsh] m. bad - piena, the full moon; - scema, place. the wane of the moon; - secon- Luoghicciuolo, [lghitsh'l] m da, the second quarter of the small placo; little village. moon; mil., mezze lune, pi. Luogo , [l'g] m. (luoghi, pi.) lunettes, pi. place, habitation; village; famLunagione, (lnaj'n] see Lu- ily, lineage ; employ ; need nazione. a ~ e tempo, in the proper place Lunare, [lun'r] adj.helonging and time, opportunely; in -, in to the moon. place, instead ; - comune, privy, Lunario, [ln'ri] m. almanac, necessary; luoghi comuni, pi. calendar. common places, pi. ; aver -, to Lunarista, [lnri'st] m.alma- take place; cedere ii -, to give


hot. lupine;

adv. malignantly.

Lupino, [lpi'n] m.
adj. wolfish.

Lupo, [l'p] m. wolf;

re, lynx.

- cervie-

Luppolo, [lup'pl] m. hops. Lurco, [lr'k] adj. gluttonous, voracious; -, m. glutton. Lurcone, [lrk'ne'] m. great






[lske''r] adj. tipsy,

half-seas over.




Lusco, [ls'k] adj. near-sighted; stupid. Lusignuolo,[lusin"''l]m.nightingale.

Lusinga, [lsin'g] f. Lusingamento, [lsingmn't] m. flattery,

soft words,



ment. Lusingare,

[lsing're'] v. a. to

flatter, coax,

wheedle, allure




one's self, hope.

Lusingatore, [lusingt'r] m. Lusingatrice, [lsingtri'tsh] f. flatterer, fawner, wlieedler. Lusingheria , [lsinghe'ri'] f. flattery, soft words, pi. Lusinghevole, [lsinghe"vle']



corrosive matter produced along the hanks of streams and rivers lunar course. Lunatico, [ln'tik] adj. lunatic, fanciful. Lunato, [ln't] adj. of a crescent form. Lunazione, [lntsi'ne']/. as (r lunation. Luned, [luned'] m. Monday.

the preference dar -, to give adj. flattering. place ; far -, to make room ; non Lusinghevolmente, [lsinghe'trovar -, to have neither house vlmn'te'] adv. flatteringly. nor home, have neither shelter Lusinghiere, [lsinghi'r] Lusinghiero, [lsingh'r] adj. nor harbour. Luogotenente, [lgte'nn'te'] flattering; alluring, seductive; m. lieutenant. -, m. flatterer, fawner, decei;

Luogotenenza, [lgte'nn'ds]



lieutenancy. Lussare, [luss're'] v. a. to luxLuoguccio, [lg'tsh] m. little Lussazione, [lsstsi'n] f, place. luxation. Lupa, [lu'p] f. she-wolf; enti- Lusso, [ls's] m. luxury; ostencer, inveigler.






monday made by journey- Lupacchino,


m. Lussoriare,[lssri're']seeLus-


tailors &c. young wolf. suriare. [lnt't] /. small Lupaccio, [lpa'tsh] m. great Lussureggiare, [lssrdj're'] , half-moon, lunette. wolf; glutton. V. n. to luxuriate, revel, be Lunga, [ln'g] /'.leather-thong, Lupajo , [lp'y] m. a wolf- lusty grow rank. strap; length of time; delay; catcher. Lussuria, [lss'ri] f. luxury, olia -, at the long run; da -, Luparia, [lpri'] f. wolfs wantonness; excess. dalla - , from afar; per -, at bane. Lussuriante, [lssurin'te'] adj. length ; andar la -, to delay, Lupatello, [lpt'l] Lupatti- wanton, libidinous ; luxurious, procrastinate; andar per la -, no, [lptti'n] m. young wolf; rank.


to take the longest way; dar whelp. Lussuriare, [lssuri're'J v. . la -, to stretch out, put off Lupeggiare, [lpe'dj'r] v. n. to live luxuriously, abandon delay; mandar in> -, to put off to usurp, carry off. one's self to debauchery. Lupercali, [lpe'rk'li] tn. feast Lussureggare,[lssrie'dja'r] from day to day. Lungkgnola, [lng'n'l] f. celebrated at Rome in l^Jiior of see Lussureggiare. long net; tedious story.' the god Pan, and in memory of Lussuriosamente, [lssrisi' Lungamente, [lngma't]ad v the she-wolf that suckled Eom me'n't] adv. wantonly, luxua long while, long. ulus and Bemas. riously.



Lutifigolo, [ltifigl] m. potter (little used).

Jinssarioso, [lssri's]*a(l>. Lustrazione, [lstrtsi'ne'] f. lustration, purification. luxurious; wanton. Iiustra, [l'stra] /. den, cave ; Lustre, [l'str] f. pi. feint, subterfuge; pretence. lurking-hole. Lustrale, [lustrale] i^dj. lus- Lustrine, [lustrino] m. lustring; tinsel ; street shoe-black. trai. Lustramento , [lustrmn't] Lustro, [l'str] adj. polished, glossed; smooth; -, m. lustre, i. clearness. splendor; gloss; lustrum, term Lustrante, adj. [lstrn'te'] sparkling ; brilliant. of five years ; cave, den, cavern. Lustrare, [lstr're'] . a. to Lustrore, [lstr'rj m. splenillustrate, lighten ; burnish ; dor, brightness. gloss; -, V. n. to shine, sparkle. Lutare, [lt're'] v. a. to lute. Lustratore,[lstrt'r] tn. cal- Lutatura, [ltat'r] f. luting. Luterano, [luter' no] m. a Luenderer, polisher; boots. Lustratura, [lstrt'rj f. pol- theran ; adj. according to the doctrine of Luther. ishing; lustre.

Luto, [l'tj m. lute, clay; mud,




adj. clayey;

muddy, miry. Lutta , [lt't]

struggle; debate.



Lutto, [lt't] ni. mourning, wailing; grief, sorrow; mourning clothes, pi.

Luttuosamente, [luttsame'n't] adv. mournfully, sadly. Luttuoso, [ ltt's]ac/y.mournful,

deplorable; sad.

Lutulento, [ltln't] arfj.muddy, miry.

plot, secret practice; - a va- Macellaro, [mtshell'r] see pore, steam-engine; rail, net- Macellajo. tatore della -, cleaner. Macelleria, [mtshe'lle''ri] /. when it is preceded by an s, Macchinale, [mkkn'le'] adj. butcher's .shop. Macellesco, [mtshe'lle's'k] adj. as in smania, in which case it mechanical; involuntary. has a softer and sbmewhat Macchinalmente , [mkkinl- butchering, slaughtering. more elongated one than takes mn'te'] adv. mechanically Macello, [mtsh'l] m. slaughshop, butcher's ter-house; place in the union of the without will or judgment. same letters in the words smear, Macchinainento,[mkkinmn'- shambles,p/.; massacre, slaughter. t] m. machination, plot. smile, &c. Ma, [ma] conj. but, nay; even, Macchinare, [mkkin're'] v. a. Maceramento, [matshe'rame'n't] m. maceration. to machinate, contrive, plot. also; yet, however. Macca, [mk'k] /. abundance, Macchinatore, [mkkint're'] Macerare, [mtshra're'] v. a. to m.machinator, contriver, devi- macerate soak, soften; weaken store. make lean; - il lino, to steep Maccatella, [mkkat'l] f. de- ser. ball of Macchinazione, [makkintsi'- flax. fect, imperfection; ne'] machination ; device, Macerazione, [mtshe'rtsi'ne] minced meat (little used). /. mortification. Macoheria, [mkke'ri'] f. calm plot. /. maceration Macchinetta, [mkkine't'ta] f. Maceria, [ratshe'ria] m. heap of at sea tranquillity. stones; ruins, pi. Maccherone, [mkke'r'ne'] see small machine. Maccheroni ; vino - said of Macchinista , [mkkini'st] m. Macerie, [nitsh'rie']/'.leanness. machinist, engine-maker rail. Macero, [m'tshe'r] adj. macethick wine. Maccheronea , [mkkrn'] engine-driver, engine-man, en- rated; mortified; -, m. maceration, steeping. Maccheronica, [mkke'rni'k] gineer. [mkkin'ne'] m. Macerone, [mtsher'ne'] m sort /. burlesque composition, Ita- Macchinone, of parsley. lian words with Latin termina- large machine. Macchinoso, [mkkln's] adj. Machia, [m'ki] f. hypocrisy, tions. dissimulation. Maccheroni, [mkke'r'ni] m. relating to machines. pi, macaroni; un maccherone, Macchione, [mkki'ne'] m. jun- Machione,[mki'ne'] m. a dissigle, bushy place, mulator. a blockhead. [makki's] adj. Maca, [mtshi'] f. heap of Maccheronico, [mkke'r'nik] Macchioso, spotted, full of stains. stones. adj. macaronic, burlesque. [mkkit's] /. Macie, [m'tshie'] f. leanness. Macchia, [mk'kia] ^.spot, stain; Macchiuzza, blemish; bushy place, hedge, small spot; blemish, Macigno, [ratshi'n'j m. hard thicket; alia -, clandestinely, Maccianghero, [mtshn'ghe'r] grey stone; rock. secretly. strong-limbed; adj. stupid Macilente, [mtshiln'te'] MaciMacchiajuolo, [makkiayl] m. (little used). lento, [mtshiln't] adj. thin, scourer. Macco, [mk'k] wi. bean-por- lean, lank, meager; sickly. Macchiare, [mkki're'] v. a. to ridge; massacre, slaughter; a Macilenza, [mtshilu'dsd] f. stain, blur; blemish; Macchiarthinness, leanness, meager* -, copiously, plentifully; uscire noss. si, V. r. to stain one's self; a -, to eat at free cost. grow dark. Mace, [ma'tshe'] f. mace, husk Macina, [ma'tshina] see Maci[mkkir'l] of the nutmeg. Maochiarella , (butcher. ne. Macchierella, [mkkir'l] /. Macellajo, [matshell'y] m. Macinamento, [mtshi'name'n'slight sketch or design. Macellamento, [mtshllmeV- t] m. grinding; pulverizing. Macchietta, [ mkk ie't't] f. little t] m. slaughtering, killing (of Macinare, [mtshina'r] v.a. to animals). grind as at a mill; pulverize. spot, small stain. Macchina, [mk'kin]/.machine; Macellare, [mtshe'll're'] v. a. Macinata, [mtshiu'tj /. miti. engine; frame; large edifice; to butcher, kill destroy. hopper-fulL
this letter differs in no respect from the cound of the same letter in English, except



Maestria, [me'stri'] /. skill, cleverness ; authority. Maestrino, [mstri'n] m. a young master. Maestro, [m'str] m. master;
teacher, instructor, professor ; head, chief, director ; northwest wind.; colpo di -, m. master-stroke; - di camera, Lord

Macinato, [mtshin't] m. flour, Madornale , [madornale'] adj. meal. maternal; large, gross; chief, Hacinatojo, [mtshint'y] m. principal; legitimate. oil-mill. Madre, [m'dr] f. mother; fig. Uacinatore, [mitshint'r] m. origin, cause; mould. grinder; color-grinder. Madrefamiglia, [mdre'fmir] Macinatura, [mtshint'r] f. f. mother of a family, mistress grinding; flour, meal. of a house. macinazione, [mtshinatsi'ne'] Madreggiare, [mdre'dj'r] v.n. {. the act of grinding. to act like a mother; resemble Macine, [ra'tshine']/.mill-stone, the mother. grinding-stone; esser alla -, to Madreperla, [mdre'pr'l] f. te in distress, be reduced. mother of pearl. Macinella, [ratshin'l] Maci- Madrepora , [mdre'p'r] /. netta, [mtslunt't] /. small madrepore, petrified plant. grinding-stone; hand-mill; Madreselva, [mdre'sl'v] /. mullar; pestle. honey-suckle; wood-bine. Macino, [mtshini'] m. grind- Madrevite, [radre'vi't] i.worm

chamberlain; - di campo, fieldmarshal; - di casa, house-steward; - delle poste, post-master; - di stalla, master of the horse; -tn teologia, doctor of

Maestro, [m'str] adj. skilful; chief, main; strada maestra, f. high road; mal -, m. epilepsy. ing; grist, flour. (drigal. Maestrone,[me'str'nJ m.great of the screw. Macis, [ra'tshis] m. maco. Madrigale, [madrigale'] m. ma- master. Maciulla, [raatshul'la] f. brake, Madrigaleggiare, [mdrigld- Maestrnzzo, [me'strt's] m. hemp-brake. paltry master. (ress. j'r] V. a. to write madrigals. Maciullare, [mtshill're'] v. a. Madrigaletto, [mdriglt't] Maga, [m'g] /. poes., sorceto break flax or hemp; chew. and Madrigalino, [madrigali'- Magagna, [mg'n] f. defect, flaw blemish rottenness. Macola, [m'kl] &c., see Ma- n] m. short madrigal. cula &c. Madrigna, [mdri'n'] see Ma Magagnamento, [mgn'me'n'Macolabile, [mklbi'le'] adj. trigna. t] m. blemish, fault; wormeasily stained or spotted. Madrina, [madri'na] f. god- hole. Macro, [m'kr] see Magro. Magagnare, [mgn''re'] v. a. mother, midwife. Macula, [m'kl] f. stain, spot; Madrona, [mdr'n] see Ma- to spoil corrupt.
; ; ;

blemish, sin.



Maculare, (mkla're'] v. stain, spot ; blemish ;



Madrono, [mdr'ne']
in the side.

a stitch


feigned, rotten.

[mgn''t] adj. simulated, maimed;

Maculato, [mkl't]


Madroso, [mdr's] spot- stones and marbles


adj. said of full of in

Magagnatura, [mgn't'r] /. see Magagnamento. Magazzinaggio, [mgdsin'dj]

m. warehouse dues, pi. Magazziniere, [mgdsini'r] n. warehouse-keeper. Magazzino, [mgdsi'n] m. magazine, store-house; shop. Magest, [mje'st'] see Maest. Maggesato, [mdjs't]arfj.un-

Maculatore, [mklt're'] Ma- Maest , [me'st'] Maestade, culatrice, [mkltri'tsh] f. Maestate, /.majesty, greatness; stai nor; defamer; beater. delitto di lesa -,m. high treaMaculazione, [mkltsi'ne'] f. son. staining; stain, spot; blemish. Maestevole, [me'st'vl] adj Maculoso, [mkl's] adj. full majestic, august. of stains. Maestevolmente, [me'ste'vlMaculuzza,rmkult's]/'. small mn'tl Maestosamente, [rae'stain; slight error.

Madama, [md'm] /.madam. Madamigella [mdamij^l] f. Miss; young lady. Maddalena [maddal'n] f. a beli formerly rung at Florence when any one was to be hanged. Maddaleone, [mddale''n] and Magdaleoue, [magdale'o'ne'j m.

rolls of plasters.

ploughed, left fallow. stsme'n't] adv. majestically Maggeri, [mad'jeri] m. pi. mar., planks, pi. with dignity. Maestoso, [me'st's] adj. ma- Maggese, [mdje''se'] m. Maggiatica, [mdj'tik] /. fallow jestic, stately. ground. Maestra, [me"str] /. schoolmistress; mastery, cleverness, Maggio, [md'j] m. May. strong lye ; a large rope for Maggio, [md'j] see Maggiore. nets, floating cork for desig- Maggiociondolo, [mdjtshn'nating the spot in which nets dolo] m. laburnum. Maggiolata, [mdjl't] f. a are placed.

Madefatto, [mde'ft't] adj. Maestrale, [mae'stra'le'] m.northmoistened. west wind. Maderno, [mdr'n] ad;, mater- Maestranza, [me'strn'ds] /. nal, of a mother. company of workmen, workMadia, [ma'diaj f. kneading- men, pi. (little used). trough, hutch. Maestrato, [me'str't] m. magMadido, [ma'did] adj. humid, istracy, magistrates, pi. wet. Maestrello, [mae'str'l] m. unMadie, [mdie'] adv. indeed. skilful master. Madonna, [md'n] f. dame, Maestressa, [me'stre's's] /. mistress, lady; Virgin Mary. school - mistress; mistress; Madonnetta , [madnne't't] /. house-keeper. little image of the Virgin. Maestrevole, [raae'stre''vle'] adj. Madore, [mid're'J m. humidity, masterly, skilful.

merry song sung in the month of May. Maggiorana , [radjr'n] /. sweet marjoram. Maggioranza, [mdjrn'ds] /.
majority, superiority.


[mdjrd'm] , major-domo, steward. Maggiore, [mdj'r] adj. greater, elder; of age; fratello -, m. eldest brother; -, m. (jur. Log. mil.) major; maggiori, pi.

ancestors, forefathers, pi.

Maggioreggiare, [mdjrJj'-

moisture. Maestrevolmente, [me'stre'vl- r] V. a. to domineer, govern, Madoretto,[ioidrt't]m.slight me'n't] adv. in a masterly Maggiorello, [mdjr'l] adj





greater, older.

Maggiorente, [mdjrn't]



Magnanaccio, [mn'n'tsh] m. Magrezza, [mgre't's] f. leanness aridity scarcity, poorbad locksmith. (gretto. Magnanimamente, [man'nim- ness, Magrino, [mgri'n] see MaMaggiorano. me'n't] adv. magnanimously. Maggioringo, [mdjrin'g] see Magnanimit [ran'nimit'] Magro, [ma' gr] adj. meager, Maggiorente. Magnanimitade, Magnanimi- lean, thin slender, weak arid, Uaggiorit, [mdjrit'] f. ma- tate, /. magnanimity, generos- dry; giorno -, m. fishday; main a city, Uaggioretto, [mdjrt't] see


gra cena, f. slender repast, greater nnm'ber full ity. a major. Magnanimo, [mn''nimo] adj. stinted supper; far -, to abstain Maggiormente, [madjrmeVte'] magnanimous, generous; bravo. from meat. adv. more, much more. Magnano, [mn''n] m. lock- Magrone, [mgr'n] adj. not fatted (said of pigs &c.). Maggiornato, [madjrn't] ni. smith. eldest son, eldest brother. Magnare, [mn''r] see Man- Mai, [m'i] adv. ever, always ; Magher, [m'ghe'r] adj. mea- giare. never, at no time; yet; -piti, ger, lean; slender, weak; arid, Magnate, [magnate'] m. magonce, at last never more dry. si, yes indeed sempre -, evernate, nobleman. Magia, [mji'] and Magica, Magnesia, [mgn'si] f. mag- more, always. [mji'c] f. magic, -witchcraft. nesia. Maice, [mai'tshe'] and II m":, Magicamente , [mjikmn't] Magnete, [mgn'te'] f. magnet, [mai'ts] m. maize, Indian-co; . adv. magically, by enchant- loadstone. Main , [main'] and Maisi ment. Magnetico, [mgn'tik] adj. [miisi] adv. expressing strong Magico, [ra'jik] adj. magical; magnetical. negation and affirmation, as m. an enchanter. Magnetismo, [magne' ts'm] m. no indeed, yes indeed. Magio, [m'j] m. one of the magnetism. Majale, [may'l] m. hog, geldmagi. [mn'ifika- ed hog. Magnificamente , Magioncella, [mjntsh'la] f. mn'te'] adv. magnificently. Majella, [my'l] /. laburnum small habitation. Magnificamente , [mn'ifika- may-pole. Magione, [mj'ne'] f. mansion, me'n't] m. magnifying, ele- Majo, [m'y] m. laburnum; dwelling, habitation. green bough, may-pole. vation. Magionetta, [mjne't't] see Magnificare, [mn'ifik re'] v. Majolica, [may'lika] f. delfMagioucella. ware; white crockery. a. to magnify, exalt, praise. Magiostra, [mj'str] f. large Magnficatamente, [raan'ifikii- Majolicare, [mylika're'] v. a. strawberry. to cover with varnish used for tme'n't] see Magnificamente. Magirico, [mjiri'kl <(/ ap- Magnificatore, [man'ifikt're'] delf-ware. pertaining to a cook. Majolo, [mj'l] m. a kind of m. magnifier, extoUer. Magisteriato, [mjiste'rl't] m. Magnificente, [mn'ifitshn'te'] sweet black grape. magistracy. Majorana, [myr'n] f. maradj. magnificent splendid Magisterio, [mjist'ri] Magi- grand. joram. stero, [mjist'r] m. skilful- Magnificentemento , [mn'ifi- Majorasco, [myrs'k] wi. elness der brother's inheritance. workmanship engine tshe'nte'me'n't] adv. magnifiinstruction, discipline Majordomo, [myrd'm] m. doc- cently. torship. Magnificenza , [mn'ifitshSn'- major-domo, house-steward. Magistrale, [mjistrl] adj. ds] Magniflcenzia, [mn'ifi- Majuscola , [mys'kla] f. magisterial, lofty. {print.) capital letter. tshn'dsi] /. magnificence Magistralit, [mjistrlit'] f. pomp. Majuscolo , [mys'kl] adj. doctrine, science. capital, great; huge. Magnifico, [mn'ifik] adj. mag Magistralmente , [mjistrl- nificent, splendid, superb. Malaccio, [ml'tsh] m. great me'n'te'] adv. magisterially. Magniloquenza, [ran'ilkttn'- evil a disease in sheep. Magistrato, [rajistra't] m. ds] f. magniloquence, bril Malaccolto, [malkkl't] adj. magistrate; tribunal. ill-received. liancy of style. Magistratura, [mjistrt'ra] f. Magniloquo, [mn'il'ku] adj. Malacconcio , [mlakkn'tsh] magistracy, magistrates, pi. adj. improper; ill-used. magniloquent emphatic. Magistrevole , [mjistr'vl] Magnitudine, [mn'it'dine'] f Malaccortamente, [malkkrtadj. masterly; noble. me'n't] adv. inconsiderately, magnitude, greatness. Maglia, [m'l'] f. mail coat Magno , [mV] adj. great, incautiously. Malaccorto, [mlkkr't] adj. of mail; ring, link; net--Work, mighty. knitting; stitch. Magnolia ,[mn''lia] /. mag- inconsiderate. Maglianese, [marne''se'] ni. a nolia. Malacia, [ml'tshi'] f. great kind of plum-tree. Mago, [m'g] adj. magical, il- desire for one particular sort Magliato, [mra to] adj. mailed; lusory; -, m. magician. of food. well packed up. Magolato, [magl't] m. space Malacreanza , [mlkre'an'ds] Maglietta, [rare't't] f. small between two furrows. f. impoliteness, rudeness. mesh, annulet. Magona, [mg'n] f. refining Maladettamente , [mldttaMaglio, [maT] m. mall; sledge- smithy, large forge; greut me'n'te'] adv. cursedly, brutally. Maladetto,[mlad't]ady. curshammer, beetle. store; plenty. m. ed, detestable. Magliolina, [mrli'n] /. small Magoniere , [mgni're'] Maladicenza, [mlditshe'n'ts] mesh; speck on the eye. smith. [mgrme'n't] Magliuolo, [mr'l] m. layer, Magramente , f. slander. Maladicere, [mldi'tshe're'] Haadv. poorly, stingily. shoot. Magnamente , [mn'me'n't] Magretto, [mgrt't] adj. ra- ladire, [maladi're'] v. a. irr., ther lean, somewhat slender. {see Diro) to curso. adv. stately, nobly.


office of




[mldure'v'l] Haladizione, [mlclitsi''n] f. Malavventura, [mlvve'nt'r] Maldurevole , adj. of a short duration. malediction; curse. f. misfortune. malafatta, [malft't] f. slip Malavventuratamente, [mlv- Male, [m'l] m. evil, mischief; ve'ntrtme'n't] and Malav- harm, pain; grief; hurt, damflaw, defect; mistake.

Malaffetto, [mlfift't] adj. illminded, spiteful. (wine. Malaga, [ml'ga] f. Malaga

trsamn'te'] nately.

[mlvve'n, adv. unfortu-






[mlj'vle'] hard, difficult, laborious.

difficulty, labor.




r't] adj. unfortunate.

Malagevolezza, [mdljevlt's] Malavventuroso, [mlavve'ntf.

r's] adj. unfortunate.



Malavvezzo, [mlvve't's]
ill-accustomed, ill-bred.


wickedness ; immisfortune piety far - ad alcuno, to injure one, hurt one; -, adv. ill, badly; hardly; aver a -, to take it ill; dir - d'uno, to speak ill of one; esser o star - con alcuno, to be on bad terms with

mn't] adv. hardly,



Malagiato, [malaj't]

adj. ill

at ease; needy, indigent.

Malagma, [malag'ma] m.


Malalingua ,

[mllin'gua] /. slanderous tongue; defamer.

[ralme'n'te'] adv. badly, barbarously, excessively.



[mlnkni'] see

Malandare, [mlnd'r] t irr., (s^e Andare) to go on





ruined, lost.

Malandr, [mln'dr]



k] adj. of a highwayman. Malandrino, [mlndri'n] adj. roguish, rascally; -, m. high-

Malandr, [mlan'dr]
adj. ro-





aster, misery.

Malapproposito, [mlpprp'sit] adv. unseasonably.

m. Malebolge, [mlbrje'J m. horrible place (in hell). falling sickness, epilepsy. [mle'de't't] adj. Malcapitato, [mlkpit't] adj. Maledetto, cursed, execrated. ruined. Malcautamente, [mlktme'n'- Maledicamente,[mle'dikmen'te'] adv. calumniously. te'] adv. incautiously. Malcauto, [mlktt't] adj. in Maledico , [ml'dik] adj. calumnious, slanderous cautious, inconsiderate. Malcompostamente, [malkm- Maledire, [male'di're'] v. a. irr. pstmn't] adv. confusedly, (see Dire) to curse, execrate. Maledizione, [mle'ditsi'nj /. without order. Malcomposto, [mlkmp'st] malediction, curse. Malefatta, [mlft't] f. error, adj. confused, disordered. Malconcio, [mlkn'tsh] adj. mistake. Malefattore, [mle'ftt're'] m. ill-used. Malcondescendente , [mlkn- an evil doer. de'she'ndn't] adj. uncivil, dis- Malefica , [ml'fik] f. sorceress, enchantress. obliging. Malcondotto,[mlkndt't] adj. Maleficamente, [mle'fikmeVte'] adv. wickedly. ill-used. Malconoscente, [mlkndshn'- Maleficenza, [mlfitshn'ds] t] adj. ungrateful. f. m.ischief; witchcraft. Malconsigliare, [mlknsirre'] Maleficiato, [mle'fitshi't] adj. V. a. to give ill-advice. charmed, bewitched. Malconsigliato, [mlknsil''t] Maleficio, [mle'fitshi]m.crime; witchcraft. adj. ill-advised, imprudent. Malcontento, [mlknte'n't] adj. Maleficioso , [male'fitshi'sj discontented, displeased, dis- Malefico, [ml'fik] adj. ma-

Malcaduco ,



[mlrdi'tj adj. Malcoperto, [mlkpe'r't] adj. fool-hardy, brazen-faced. half naked, ill-covered. Malare, [ml'r] v. n. to fall Malcorrispondente, [mlkrrisick. spndn'te'] af/j. ill-correspondMalarrivato, [mlarriv't] adj. ing, unsuitable. luckless; miserable. Malcorrisposto, [malkrrisp'Malassetto, [mlsse't't] adj. st] adj. treated with ingratiill arranged, disordered. tude; unreturned. Malaticcio, [mlti'tsh] adj. Malcostumato, [mlkstra'tn] sickly, infirm. adj. ungenteel, indecent. Malato, [ral't] adj. sick, in- Malcreato, [mlkrea't] adj. illdisposed. bred; impolite, rude. Malattia, [mltti'a] f. sickness, Malcubato , [mlkb't] adj. disease, infirmity. sickly, weak (little used). Malattiuccia, [mltti'tsh] /. Malcurante, [mlkrn't] adj. slight illness. heedless, careless..


lefic, hurtful. Malefico, [ml'fik] m. sorcerer, magician ; adj. injurious, poisonous. (leficio. Malefizio, [mle'fi'tsi] see MaMalenconia, [mle'nkni'] see



[mle'stn'te'] adj.

needy, indigent.






adj. ill-omened.

Malauguroso. Malaventura, [ralve'nt'ra] see Malavventura. Malavoglia, [mlvT] Malavoglienza, [mlvrn'ds] f. malevolence.

Malavvedutamente ,

[mlvve'dtamn'te'] adv. imprudently. Malavveduto , [malavve'd't]


Malevogliente, [rale'vrn'te'] adj. malevolent. Malevoglienza,[mle'vrn'dsa] Malevolenza, [mle'vln'dsd] f. malevolence, ill-will. Malevolo, [mal'vlj adj. maleMaldetto, [mlde't't] adj. ill- volent, malignant. said. Malfacente, [mlftshn'te'] adj. Maldicente, [mlditshn'te'] adj. malefic, mischievous. slanderous m. slanderer, Malfacimento, [mlftshime'n'backbiter. t] m. bad action, crime. Maldicenza, [mlditshn'ds] f. Malfare, [mlf'r] v.a. &n. irr. slander, calumny. (see Faro) to do wrong, harm. Maldicitore, [malditshit're'] m. Malfatto, [mlfiift] adj. illslanderer. (der. made, deformed; -, m. misMaldire, [maldi're'] v. a. to slan- deed, crime. Maldisposto, [mldisp'stjodj. Malfattore, [malftt're'] m .Mal ill-intentioned, evil-minded, fattrice, [malfttri'tsh] / wicked. malefactor.

Malfattoria, [mlfttri'] /. witchcraft, sorcery. Malferuto, nidi fr't] m. a disease ill horses. Malfiorito, adj. final firi't] profilici ng few flowers. malfondato, [mdlfnda't] adj. ill-founded, unsteady. Malforte, [mlfr'te'] adj: weak, cowardly.

Maliziare, rmalitsia're'l

n to Malparato, [malpara't]

adj. ill-

grow vicious; be Maliziatamente



provided; helpless, destitute. Malpari, malp'rij aiij. unequal,

mn'te] see Maliziosamente. ill-matched. Maliziato, [mlitsi't] at/j. ma- Malpensiere, [mlpe'nsie"r] m. licious, crafty; falsified. evil thought. Malizietta,[mlitsit't]/',little Malpiglio, [malpi'r] m. angry




unfortunate. Malgradito, [mlgrdi't] adj.

ill-received, unwelcome. Malgrado, [mlgri'd] adv. in

spile of; - che, although; displeasure, spite.





t.sisanin'te]a'iv .ungraciously,

disagreeably. Malgrazioso,[malgrts's]ady. ungracious, uncivil; disagreeable, (charm. Malia, [mli'a] f. witchcraft, Maliarda, [maliar'da] f. sorceress, witch.

Maliardo, [mliar'd]
rer, wizard.



Maliere, [mli're'] of burden.


a heast

Maliflcio, [mlifi'tshi] &c., see Maleficio &c. Malizia, [mli'ji] f, small red







Malignamente, [mlin'me'n't]
adv. malignantly.

Malignare, [mlin''re'] v. n. to grow malignant. Malignetto, [mlin'e't't] adj. rather malignant. Malignit, fmlin'it] Malignitade, Malignitate, f. malignity, malice.

[mlitsis- Malpizzone, [mlpits'ne'] m. mn'te'] adv. maliciously, crafdisease in horses feet. tily. Malpolito, [malpli't] adj. not Maliziosetto , [mlitsist't] refined, rough. adj. a little malicious. Malpratico, fmlpr'tik] adj. Maliziosit, unpractised, inexpert. [mlitsisi'ta] f. maliciousness. Malpreparato, [malprepar't] Malizioso, ]inalitsi's] adj. ma- adj. ill-prepared, unprovided. licious, mischievous. Malpr, [malpr'] m. hurt, detMalleabile, [mll'bile'l adj. riment; prejudice. malleable. Malprocedere, [mdlprtsh'de'Malleabilit, [mlle'hili't] /. m. incivility, rudeness. ductibility. Malproprio, [milpr'pri] adj. Malleo, [ml'le'] i, hammer, improper, unsuitable, unfit. mallet. Malprovveduto, [mlprvVdu'Mallevadore, [mlle'vd're'] m. t] adj. ill provided. bail, surety, bondsman. Malpulito, [mlpli't] see MalMallevadora, [mllvd'ria] f. polito. see Malleveria. Malrifatto, fmlrift't] adj. Mallevare, [mlle'v're'] v. a. to not made, tumbled (said of a bed). bail, secure; -, v. n. to be security for (little used). Malsaldato , [mlsld't] adj. Malleveria, [mllevri'] /. bail, improperly soldered. security; dar -, to give bail. Malsania, [mlsni'] /.ill habit Mallo, [mal'loj m. green shell of of body; infirmity. the walnut. Malsauiccio, [mlsani'tsh] adj. Malmaritata,[mlmrita'ta]adj. sickly, valetudinarian. said of a woman who has a bad Malsano, [mals'njat/y. unhealhusband, or who is separated thy, unwholesome; insane. Malservito , [malsrvi't] adj. from her husband. Malmenare, [mlme'n'r] v. a. badly served. to ill-use, beat; tease, torment. Malsicuro, [mlsik'r] adj. inMalmerito, [mlm'ritj m. ill secure, uncertain. Malsincero, [mlsintsh'r] adj. office, disservice. Malmettere, [malme't'te'rc] i'. a. insincere, dissembling.


irr. (see

Mettere) to spend


[maln't] soled (said of shoes). born, mean, vile. Malnaturato,[miilnatr't]ady. Malta, [mal'ta] f. mire, slime, m. devil, demon. mortar. [mali'n'saof a bad complexion; weak. Malignosamente Malnoto, [mln't] adj. not well Maltalento, [maltlen't] adj. mn't] adv. maliciously. evil-minded; -,m. evil-miudedMalincolico, [inlink'lik] see known. ness, grudge, rancor. Malinconico. Malo, [ma'l] adj. bad, ill. Malinconia, [mlinkni']^ me- Malora, [mal'r] f. ruin, perdi- Maltemuto , [maltm'tj adj. un feared. lancholy, sadness. tion; andar in -, to get ruined, Maltessuto, [raalte'ss't] adj. Malinconicamente, [malinkni- ruin ones self. Malorcia, [mlrtshi] see Ma- ill-woven. kmn't] adv. sadly. Malto, [mrt] m. malt. Malinconico, [mal ink'nik] Ma- lora. lnconoso, [mlinkn's] adj. Malordinatamente, [malrdin- Maltollerabile, mltUe'rbi'le'] adj. intollerable. melancholy, sid. tmn'te'] adv. confusedly. Malinteso, [mlinte"s] adj. ili Malordinato, [mlrdin't]ac?j. Maltolto, [mltrt] m. onerous



ma- Malnato,

Malsofferente, [mlsoffrn'te'] a<lj. impatient. adj. low- Malsolato,[ malsla't] ad;.badly


lignant, spiteful, hurtful; -,


m rtiisnndcrstanrlinif ill arranged. tax. [maliso] adj. using Malore, [ml're'J m. illness, dis- Maltornito, [mltrni't] adj. unpolished uneducated, coarse. witchcraft. ease, trouble. Maliscalco, [mliskrk] m. Maloruzzo, [mlr'ts] m. a Maltrattamento! mi trattamnto] wi. ill-treatment, ill-usage. slight illness. field marshal; great lord; farMalosservato, [mlsse'rv't] Maltrattare, [mltrtt're'J v.a. rier. to ill-treat, abuse. Malissia, [mlis'si] f. a kind adj. illobserved. Maloticheria, [maltike"ri] f. Maltrattatore, [mltrttt're'j of grape. m. he who treats ill. JKalizia, [mli'tsi] f. malice, malignity (vulgarism). craftiness; grudge; sickness, Malotico, [mdl'tikj adj. ma- Maltrovamento, [mltrvme'n'to] m. bad iuventiou. lignant; hurtful, noxious. contagion.





Haltuito, [mltitj adj. badly Mammelletta, fmmme'lle't'ta] Mancipio , [rantshi'pi] w. Mammellina, [mmmlli'n] ^ slave. dyod. Manco, [mn'kl odj. defective, Maluria, [ml'n']/". bad omen. small breast. Malurioso, [itiluri's] adj. Mammifero, fradmmife''r] adj. faulty, imperfect; a man manniamniiferous. omiuous, portentous. ca, on the left hand adv. Malusato, [mls't] adj. mis- Mammillare, Lmmmill're'J adj. less; even; -, m. want, deemployod, misspent. mammillary. fect; fault, failing. Maluzzo, [ml'tsj m. slight Mammina, [mammina] f. dear Mandare , [mnd'r] v. a. to indisposition. mamma. send; order, command; bid; (violet. Malva, [ml'va] f. mallows. Mammola, fmmml] f. double inform - per uno, to send for Malvaccini, [ralvtshi'ni] m. Mammoleggiare, v. n. to play one; - attorno, to send about; - bando, to publish; - in bando, pi. a wild plant of the gerathe child. nium tribe. Mammoletta, [mamralt't] /. to bauish, exile; -ad effetto, to accomplish, eflf'oct; - a fine, to Malvagia, [mal vji']^malmsey small double violet. (wine). Mammolino, [mmmli'n] adj. finish, perfect; - a fondo, to Malvagiamente, [mlvjme'n'- childish, infantile; -, m. baby. sink; - giii, to swallow down; tj adv. wickedly. Mammolo, [mm'ml] m. little destroy; - in lungo, to protract, delay; - male, to waste, dissiMalvagio,[mlv jjarfj.wicted, child; double violet. villiiiuous. Mammona, [mmm'n] Mam- pate; - Via, send away. Malvagione, [mlvj'ne'] m. mone, [mmm'ne'] m. mammon, Mandarino, [mndri'n] m, mandarin. great villain. fig. riches, pi.; marmoset. Malvagit, [malvji't'] Malva- Mammoso , [mmm's] adj. Mandata, [mnd't] /. sending; mission. gitade, Malvgitate,/'. wicked- mammiform. ness, roguery. Mammuccia, fmmmn'tsh] f. Mandatario, [mndat'ri] m. [mlv'g] adj. in- kind good mamma. commissioner, trustee; agent. Malvago Mandato, fmanda'to] m. mancurious, little desirous. Mana, [m'n] see Mano. Malvato, [mlv't] adj. made Manaccia, [mn'tshj f. ugly date, order; power of attorney. Mandatore, [mndt'r] m. hand. of mallows. Malvavischio, [mlvvis'ki] m. Manare, [mnr] v. n. to flow. sender; commander, ordererj bot. marsh-mallows. Manata, [mn't] f. handful; informer. Mandibula, [mndi'bl] /.manMalvedere, [ralvede"re'] v. a. bundle. dilile, upper-jaw. irr. {see Vedere) to look at Manatella, fmanate'la] Manatiwith an evil eye; hate. na, [mnti'na] f. small hand- Mandola, [mn'dl] see Mandorla. Malvestito, [mlve'sti't] adj. ful. shabby. Mancamento, [mnkme'n't] m. Mandla, [mnd'l] f. cithern. Malvicino, [ralvitshi'n] m. want, deficiency; fault, defect; Mandolino , [mndli'n] m. small cithern. bad neighbour. slip. Malvissuto, [mlviss't] adj. Mancante , [mnkn'te'] adj. Mandorla, [mndr'l] f. almond. one that has lived badly. wanting, deficient, defective. Malvisto , [mlvis't] see Mal- Mancanza, [mnkn'ds] f. see Mandorlato, [raandrl't] m. almond-paste. veduto. Mancamento. Malvivente, fmlvive'n't] m. Mancare , fmnk're'] v. n. to Mandorletta, [mndrle't't] /. libertine, dissolute. want, need; stand in need of; small almond. Malvivo, [mlvi'v] adj. half- fail, fall away; miss; - d' ani- Mandorlo, [mndr'l] m. aldead. mo, to lose one's spirits; - il mond-tree. [malvrn'te'] Malvogliente , colpo, to miss one's aim; - al Mandra, [mn'dr] /. flock:sheepMalvolente, [mlvln'te'] adj. suo dovere, to neglect one's fold. malevolent. duty; - di parola to break Mandragola, [mndr'gla]Man dragora, [mndr'grj f. boi., Malvoglienza, [ralvre'n'z] /. one's word. malevolence. Mancatore, [mankt're*] i. mandrake. Mandria, [mn'dri] see ManMalvolentieri, [mlvle'uti'ri] promise-breaker. dra. adv. unwillingly, reluctantly. Manchevole, [mnke''vle'] adj. Mandrale, [randri'le'] ManMalvolere , [mlvle"r] i. ili imperfect, defective. driano, [mndri'nj m. herdswill, malevolence; v. a. to hate, Manchevolezza, [mnke'vle'fman. wish ill to. sa] /. imperfection, faultiness. Malvolto, [mlvrt] adj. badly Manchevolmente , [mnkvl- Mane, [m'n] f. morning. [mndje'vle'] turned, ill-formed. mn't] adv. imperfectly, de- Maneggevole , Maneggiabile, [mndj'bil] Malvoluto, [mlvl't] adj. fectively. Manchezza, [mnke't's] /".want; adj. manageable, tractable. hatod, detested. Maneggiamento, (mndjme'n'defect; error. Mamma, [mm'm] f. mamma Mancia, [mn'tsh] f. drink- t] m. management, handling. breast. Maneggiare, [mndj'r] v. a. Mammalacco, [mmmlk'k] money bounty. Manciata, [mntsh't] /". hand- to handle, touch; manage, m. mamaluke; dolt. exercise; treat; govern, diMammamia, [mrammi'] m. ful; small quantity. rect. a hypocrite; inter, wonderful! Manciatella, [mntsht'l] f. (wife. Maneggiatore , [mndjt're'] very small handful. indeed! Mammana, fmmm'n] f. mid- Mancina, [mntshi'nj f. mar. m manager; agent. Maneggio, [mn'djl m. manMammare, [mmm'r] v, a. to boom, tackling. Mancino, [mntshi'n] adj. left- agement, treating administrasuck the breast. Hammella, [mmm'l] f. wo- handed; a -, on the left hand, tion conduct; riding-school. to the left. man's breast. Manella, [man'la] /. manellOf
; ,




[mniglda'fmnl] m. handful, sheaf, Mangione, [mnji'ne'] m. great Manigoldaccio , fagot. tsh] m. great scoundrel. eater. Blanere, [man'r] v. a. to stay, Mangiucchiare, [mnjikki'- Manigoldo, [manigol'do] m. exeremain. re'] V. a. to eat without ap- cutioner; rogue. Elanescalco, [mne'skl'k] m. petite. Manigoldone, [mnigld'ne'] tn.




[rane'skme'n't] adv. with one's hands; hand to hand. Manesco, [mne's'k] adj. done with the hand; handy, pliable;
, ;

hasty passionate some, Manina , [mni'na] f. pretty (handful. niac, furious. Manetta, [mant't] f. a small Manica , [m'nik] f. sleeve little hand. Manette, [mnt'te'] f. pi., hand- funnel; strainer; pump-hoso; Maninconia, [mninkni'] f. cuffs, manacles, pL melancholy. English channel. Manfanile, [mnfni'le'] f. handle Manicacela , [mnik'tsh] f. Maninconico , [mnink'nik] Maninconioso, [maninkoui'cf a flail. ugly wide sleeve. Manganare, [rangn're'] Man- Manicaretto, [mnikre't't] m. S] Manincouoso, [mninkganeggiare , [mngane'dj're'j ragout. n's] adj. melancholy; bleak.; arid. V. a. to cast stones; mangle, Manicce, [mani'tshe'] f. pi. mar., calender; gloss. Manine, [mni'n] m. see Matackle of pullies. Manganella, [mngn'l] f. Manichette, [mnike't't] Mani- nina. crossbow; stall (in a choir). chino, [mniki'n] m. small Manipolare, [manipla're'] n. Manganese, [mngano''se'] adj common soldier; -, v. a to sleeve, ruffle; insult. manganese. manipulate compose. Manico, [ma'uik] ni. handle Mngano, [m'ngan] m. balis- haft (of a knife); neck (of a Manipolazione, [mnipltsi'ta; calender. n] f. manipulation, manual fiddle). Manganone, [mngn'ne'] m. Manicona, [mnik'n] /. Ma- work; composition. great balista. nicone, [mnik'ne'J m. wide Manipolo, [mni'pl] tn. maniple, handful. Mangereccio,[mnjre"tsh] ar7j. sleeve. eatable. Manicotto, [mnik't] m. muff. Maniscalco, [maniskrk] m Mangeria, [manje'ri'a] f. extor- Mauicottolo, [mnik'tl] i. blacksmith, farrier. Manna, [mn'n] f. manna. tion, open robbery. hanging sleeve. Mangia, [mn'gi] f. a bronze Maniera, [mani'r] f. manner; Mannaja, [mnn'y] f. axe colossal figure on the tower form; fashion; wise, sort cus- butcher's axe, hatchet. of the public palace at Sienna, tom, use; di - che, so that. Mannajetta, [mnnye't't] / that struck the hours with a Manierare, [mnie'ra're'] v. a. small hatchet. hammer; fare il - da Siena, to adorn, polish; give elegant Mannajone, [mnny'ne'] m. large hatchet. to enact the brave, hector. manners. Mangiacavoli, [mnjk'vli] m. Maniero, [mni'r] adj. tame, Mannaro, [mnn'r] i. scarecabbage-eater. crow. docile; well-dressed. Mangiafango , [mngifn'g] Manlerona, [mnie'r'n] f. no- Mannerino, [mnne'ri'n] m. m. a drying northerly wind. young wether. ble manner (said of buildMangiaferro, [mnjf'r] vi. ings). Mano, [m'n] f. hand; help, bully, bravo. Manieroso , [mnir's] adj. assistance; power; side: wriMangiagnadagno, [mangigu- well-mannered, polite, graceful. ting; a -, at hand; a - a -, d'n'] m. a day-laborer one Manifattore, [mniftt're'J m. from hand to hand by dewho lives from hand to mouth. manufacturer, workman. grees; a- diritta, to the right: Mangiamento, [manjme'n't] m. Manifattoria, [mniftt'rl] f. a mani piene, liberally, bountieating; victuals, pi. fully a man chiusa, inconsidsee Manifattura. Mangiapane, [mnjpa'n] m. Manifattura, [mniftt'r] f. erately; a man salva, withlazy fellow. out risk; di -in -, successivemanufacture; fashion. Mangiapelo , [mnjpe"lj i. Manifestamente , [mnife'st ^ly, by degrees; di lunga -, of moth. a long standing by far fuor mn'tl adv. manifestly. Mangiare, [manj're'] v. a. to Manifestamento , [manife'sta- di -, out of the way; per -, by eat consume the means of; cavallo di -, m. waste -, m. me'n't] m. manifestation. act of eating food, aliment. Manifestare, [mnifst're] t\ led-horse; omo di bassa -,m. Mangiata, [mnj't] f. a hearty a. to manifest, publish. low fellow; - di soldati, small meal. Manifestatore, [mnife'stt're'] number of soldiers; stretta di Mangiativo, [mnjti'v] adj. f. revealer. -, shake of the hand; avere la fit to oat, eatable. Manifestazione, [mnife'sttsi'- -, to have the advantage; cader Mangiatoia , [mnjt'y] f. n] f. manifestation. per-, to happen, arrive; dar -, manger. to assist; favor; dare la -, to Manifesto, [mnif'st] adj. Mangiatore , [mnjt're'] m. manifest, evident; -, adv. evi- give one's hand; promise; marMangiatrice, [manjatri'tshe] f. dently; -, m. manifesto, edict; ry; dar di -, to take up, lay eater; gormand. hold of; dar nelle mani, to fall placard. Mangiatura , [mnjt'ra] /. Maniglia, [mniT] f. Mani- into one's hand; dar l'ultima plentiful meal. glie, [mniT] m. bracelet. -, to give the last polish; finMaugieria , [mdnjie'ri'a] see Manignone , [manin'o'ne'] m. ish; essere alla-, to be ready; Mangeria. chilblain on the hands. bo pliable; far a -, to do oo

Mangusta, [mng'st] /".ichneu- great rogue. Manila, [mani'la] f. stout cord mon. Mani, [m'ni] i. pi., manes, packing rope. Manimettere , [mnimtt're'] ghosts, pi. Mania, [rani'] /.mania,frenzy, see Manomettere. Manimorcia, [mniror'tsh] f. madness. quarrel- Maniaco, [mni'k] adj. ma- slovenly woman.




Manutenzione, [mnte'ntsi'ne']
(jur.) bail, security.

levar la -, to Mantellato, [mntella't] adj. discontinue; covered as with a cloak (said menar per -, to lead by the of horses and dogs). hand; metter -ad una cosa, to Mantelletta, [mntlle't't] f. begin a thing; metter tra le priest's garment. mani, to place in one's hands; Mantelletto, [mntelle't't] m. star colle mani alla cintola, to small mantle or veil; manstand idle; stringere la -, to telet. shake hands; uscir di -, to Mantelline, [mntelli'n] m. escape; venire alle mani, to curtain short cloak. Mantello, [mnt'l] m. cloak, come to blows. manomessa , [ranme's's] f. mantle; fig. pretence, pretext, the act of laying one's hands color; sotto -, under the pre(large cloak. upon any thing (properly said text,



Manuvalderia, [mnvlde'ri'l see Manovalderia.

Mannzza, [mn'ts]



[mn'ds] f. heifer ; , sweet-heart. Manzina, [mntsi'n] f. cloverpasture. Manzo, [mn'ds] m. a young ox; beef; -arrosto, roast beef. Manzotta, [mnds't] /. heifer. Maomettismo, [ramttis'mj of new wine when it is begun Mantellone , [mnte'll'ne'] m. m. Mahometanism. Mantellotto, [mnte'll't] m. Mappa, [mp'p] f. napkin a to be sold). geographical or topographical Manomettere, [mnmt'te'r] short and comfortable cloak. chart. [mante'lluV. n. irr. {see Mettere) to lay Mantellucciaccio , hands upon; begin; tap, broach; tsh'tsh] m. little old cloak. Mappamondo, [mppmn'd] m. map of the world. ill-use, ruin; emancipate. Mantenente, [mante'nn'te'] adv Marabuto, [mrb't] m. mar. Manopola, [mn'pl] f. gaunt- see Immantinente. Mantenere, [mnte'ne"r] v. a. mainsail. let, half sleeve. Manoscritto, [manskrit'tjarfj irr., {see Tenere) to maintain; Marachella, [mrkl] f. spy written; -, m. manuscript. keep; support; defend; - la deceit, cheat. Manoso, [mn's] adj. soft, parola, to keep one's word Maragnuola , [mrn''l] f. gentle; tractable. Mantenersi, v. r. to main- hay-stack. Manovalderia, [ranvalde'ri'a] tain one's self; subsist, live. Marame, [mr'me'] m. refuse, Mantenibile, [mnte'nibiie] adj. sweepings, pi.; plenty. f. guardianship, tutelage. Marangone, [miirang'ne'] m. Manovaldo , [manvl'do] m. capable of being preserved. guardian, tutor. Mantenimento, [mnte'nirae'n'- plungeon, diver; joiner's jourpreser- neyman. Manovale, [mnv'le'] adj. man- t] m. maintenance Marano, [mr'n] m. a kind ual, done with the hand; -, vation. m. bricklayer's hand. Mantenitore, [mnte'nit're'] m. of vessel or sea-craft. Marasca, [mrs'k] /. egriot. Manovella, [manv'l] /".lever. maintainor, supporter. Manovra, [mn'vr] f. mar., Manticchi, [mantik'ki] m. pi. Marasmo, [mrs'ra] m. med., marasmus. cordage, tackling rigging (of mar., lifts, pi. a ship); exercise of troops Mantice, [mn'titshe'] m. bel- Maraviglia, [marviT] /. Avonder, amazement; o -, admiraManovrare, [mnvr'r] v lows, pi. mar., to work a ship j man- Manticetto, [mntitshe't't] m. bly, surprisingly. Maravigliabile, [mrvir'bile'] oeuvre. small bellows, pi. Manritta, [mnrit't] /. right Manticiaro, [mntitsh'r] m. adj. wonderful. Maravigliaccia, f marvil''tsh] hand. bellows-maker. Manrovescio, [mnrv'sh] m. Manticora, [mntik'r] f. man- f. very great wonder. [mrvirback-stroke. tiger, mantichor, or manticor; Maravigliamento, Mansare, [mansare] see Am- a species of large monkey or me'n't] m. admiration, surprise. mansare. baboon. Mansionare, [mnsin're'] v. Mantiglia, [mnti'l'] f. man- Maravigliarsi, [mrvil'r'si] V. r. to wonder. a. to assign a place. telet, woman's cloak. Mansionario, [mnsin'ri] m. Mantile, [manti'le'l m. coarso Maraviglievole, [mrvire''vlc'] see Maravigliabile. chaplain, curate. napkin, coarse tablo-cloth. Mansione, [mnsi'n] f. man- Mantino, [mnti'n] m. small Maravigliosamente, [mrvirsmeVt] adv. wonderfully. sion, abode; inn. mantle. Mauso, [mn's] m. a farm. Manto, [mn't] m. mantle, veil; Maraviglioso,[mrvir's] adj. wonderful, marvelous. Mansuefare, [mnswe'f're'] v. a. fig. pretence, excuse. irr. {see Fare) to soften, make Manuale, [manuale'] adj. man- Marca, [mr'k] f. border, frottgentle; appease. ual, of the hand; -, m. man- tier; region; mark, token. Marcare, [mrk'r] v. a. & n. Mansuetamente , [mnswt- ual, handbook. mn'te'] adv. mildly, benignly. Manualit, [manualit'] f. man- to mark; border upon. Marcassita, [markssi'tj/'.marMansueto, [mnsu'tjadj.mild, ual operation.


gentle, affable.




Mansuetudine, [mnswe't'dine']

adv. manually, with the hands. Marcescibile, [mrtshe'shi'bile'] adj. perishable, corruptible. f. mildness, gentleness, benig- Manubrio, [mn'brijm.handle, Marchesa, [mrk's] Marchenity. hilt; lever. Manteca, [mnt'k] f. poma- Manucare, [mnk're'] v. a. to sana, [mrke's'n] f. marchioness. tum. eat; corrode. Mantellaccio , [mante'll'tsh] Manuccia, [mn'tsh] /. pretty Marchesato, [mrks't] m. marquisato. m. worn out cloak. little hand. Uantellare, [mntll're'] v. a. Manumissione, [mnmissi'- Marchese, [mrke'se'j m. marquis. palliate Mantel- n] /'.manumission; freedom. to cloak m, [mrke'si'n] LAESi, . r. to cloak one's self; Manuscritto, [mnskrit't] see Marchesino,
; ;

palliate oile's actions.


young marciuis.

Marchiana, [Tnrki'na]/. large Maretta,
blac'k-lieart cherry.



[mrt't] f. slight maritime; pesce -, m. sea-fish; swell of the sea. -, m. mariner, seaman; west Marchiare, [mrkia'r] v. a. to Marezzare, [mnrds're'] u.a. to wind color -, blue color. mark, stamp. vein like marble. Mariolare, [mrila'r] v. a. to Marchiatore, [rarkit'r] va. Marezzo, [mar'ds] m. mar- trick, swindle. one who marlis. bling, veining. Mariolera , [mrile'ri'] f. Marchio, [mr'ki] m. mark, Marga, [mar'gaT f. marl. trickery, swindling. impression; brand. Margarita, [rargri'ta] Mar- Mariolo, [mri'lj m. swindler, Marcia , [mr'tsh] /". pus gherita, [mrghri't] f. pearl. cheat.
; ;

Margheritina, [mrghriti'na] Mariscalco, [mriskrk] m. marshal farrior. /. daisy. ease in sheep. Margigrana, [mrjigr'n] f. Maritacelo, [mrittsh] m. [mrtshapi''de'] Marciapiede, bad husband. sort of grape. 1. foot-path, sido-path; cause- Marginale, [mrjin'le']a<Z/.raar- Maritaggio, [rarit'djjm. marriage, matrimony. way. ginal. Marciare, fmrtsh're'] v. a. to Margine, [mr'jin] m. margin, Maritale, [mrit'le'] adj. marital, conjugal. corrupt, rot; -, r. n. to march, border, bi'ira; cicatrice. march off. Marginetta, [marjine't'ta] [mritme'u't] /. Maritamento , TJi. marriage. Marciata, f mrtsha't] f. march, small margin; little scar. beat of drum. MargioUo, [mrj'lj adj. rotten; Maritare , [mrita're'] v. a. to marry; unito; Maritarsi, v. Marcidajlia, [mrtshidr] spoiled. see Marciume. Margo, [mr'g] m. poes. mar- get married; wed, espouse. Marito, [mri'tj m. husband, Marc do, [mr'tshid] ad], pu- gin, border. trefied, (putrefaction. Margolato, [margl't] m. Mar- spouse. Margione, [mrtshij'ne'] f. gotta, [mrg'tj /". layer set, Marittimo, [mdrit'tm] adj. maritime; marine. Marcio, [mr'tsh] ad], putre- off-set. [mrile'ri'! fied, rotten; vile, despicable; Margottare, [margtt're'] v. a. Mariuoleria, A fraud, cheat, knavish trick. -, 7D. (]am. double stake, lurch; to set layers, lay twigs. campar il -, to save the lurch. Margraviato, [rargravi't] m. Mariuolo, [mri'lj m. cheat, swindler. Marcioso, [mrtsh'so] adj. pu- margraviato. rulent. Margravio,[mrgr'vi] m. mar- Marizzare, [rarids're'J see Marezziure. Marcire, [mrtshi're'] v. n. to grave. Margutto, [mrgt't]af/y. uG:ly Marmaglia, rmrma'r]/".rabble, rot, fester; corrupt, spoil. Marcitojo, [tnrtshit'yl m. a and malicious, foolish {vulga- mob; marble architecture. Marmagliaccia, [mrmr'tsh] kind of trough for rotting rism). rags. Maria, fmi'ri] f. Mary essere f. lovv mob. Marciume, [mrtsh'me'] m.pus; la - pieto.ia, to be compassio- Marmato, [mrm't] adj. plasmeanness, villany. nate: far le Marie, to pretend tered with marble-paste; diaC' cio -, cold as marble. Marco, [inr'k] m. marls; sign, devotion, play the hypocrite. Maricello, [mritsh'lj m. bay, Marmeggia,[mrmd"j] Araagnote, countermark. got. (marmalade. Marcorella, [mrkr'l] /. bot. gulf. mercury. Maricino, [mritshi'nlm. agita- Marmellata, [mrmll't] f, Mare, (ina're'] m. sea; fig. abun- tion of the sea produced by the Marmiera, [mrmi'r] /. a marble-quarry. dance, plenty. wind. Marea, (rar'] f. tide, ebb and Marigiana, fmrij'n] f. sort Marmifero, [mTmife''r] adj. abounding in marble. flow;n6rvous agitation succeed- of wild duck. ing a fever; - alta, high wa- Marina, [mri'n] f. sea- coast, Marmista, [mrmi'st] m. marter; - wassitno, spring-tide. shore; navy, marine; marina ble-cutter, sculptor. Mareggiare, [mrdj're'] v. n. marina adv. along the sea- Marmitta, [mrmit't]/.a largo brazen pot. to float upon the sea; Maregshore. giarsi. V. r. to get sea-sick. Marinajo, [mrin'y] m. mari- Marmo, [mr'm] m. marble. Marmocchio, [mrm'ki] m, Mareggiata, [mrdj't]/ tide, ner, sailor. ebb and flow; flood. Marinare, [marin'r] v. a. to little urchin; little-boy. Mareggiatura,[mrdjt'r] /. pickle; man a ship; -, v. n. to Marmorajo, [mrrar'y] m.

march. Marciaja, [mrtsh'j]

a dis-


sea-sick uess.

of the sea


be vexed. m. swell Marinaresca, [mrinr'sk] fluctuation of the crew of a ship.


marble-cutter, sculptor.

Marmorare, [mrmr're']
to marble, vein.

v. a.


Marinarescamente, [mrinre's- Marmoraria, [mrmr'ri]

kmen'te'] adv. sailor-like.
sculpture, statuary.


Maremma, [mr'm]

contiguous to the sea; saltwater marsh. Maremmano, [mre'mm'n] adj. maritime; marshy, fenny. Marescalco, Lmarskl'k] see Manescalco. Maresciallo, [mre'shl'l] m. marshal. Maresco, [mre's'k] arJj. maritime, marine. Marese, [mar's] m. marsh, log, fen.

Marinaresco, [mrinrs'kjaffJ. Marmoraro, [mrmr'r] see of the sea; arte marinaresca, Marmorajo. Marmorato, fmrmr't] m. seamanship. f. Marinaro, [mrin'r] see Mari- plaster of marble; coarse mosaic work. najo. Marinato, [mrin't] m. salted Marmoreccio, [mrmre''tsh] adj. of marble (little used). meat. Marineria, [mrine'ri'] f. navi- Marmoreo, [rarm're'] Marmorino, [rarrari'nj adj. of gation; navy. Marinesco, [mrineVk] see Ma- marble, like marble. Marmorizzato, [mrrarids't] rinaresco. Marino, [mri'n] adj. marine, adj. marbled (said of paper).



Mascalzone, [mskalts'ne'l m,

[mrrar's] adj. Marti, [mr'ti] for Marted. Martinaccio, [mrtin'tsh] m. Marmotta, [mrra't] f. mar- very large snail. mot; a lazy fellow. Martnella, [martine'lTa] /". a Mama, [mr'n] f. marl. large bell that in ancient times Marnare, [marn're'] v. a. to accompanied the Florentine dress land with marl. armies. Marc, [m'r] m. an herb resem- Martinello, [mrtinl] Marti hling marjoram. netto, [martin e't't] m. crane, Maroso, [mr's] m, wave, lever. surge; marsh; perturbation. Martingala , [mrting'l] f. Marra, [mr'r] /'.mattock, pick- martingale. axe. Martire, [mar'tire'] m. martyr. Marrajnolo , [mrryl] m. Martire , [mrti'r] m. marpioneer, miner. tyrdom, torture. Marrano, [mrr'n] m. traitor, Martirio, [mrti'ri] m. martyrinfidel. dom, torture. Marrata , [mrr't] f. a blow Martirizzamento, [mrtiridsfrom a pick-axe, ran't] m, torture. Marreggiare, [mrrdja're'] v. a. Martirizzare , [mrtiridsa're'] to harrow. V. a. to torture to death; MarMarretto, [mrre't't] m. small tirizzarsi, V. r. to torment mattock. one's self. Marritta, [mrrit't] see Man- Martire, [mrti'r] see Martirio. ritta. Martirologio, [mrtirl'j] ni Marrobbio, [mrr'bi] m. hot. martyrology. bore-hound. Martora, [mr'tr] f. and MrMarrocchino, [mrrkki'n] m. tore, [rar'tr] m. marten. raorocco-leather. Martorello,[mrtr'l]m. little

resembling marble.





[mash ia]




grinder, cheek-tooth.

Mascellata, [rashll't] /". a slap on the jaws. Mascellone, fmshe'll'ne'] m. great jaw; slap on the face.

Maschera, [ras'kr]



vizard; veil; cover; cavare la-, to unveil mandar in -, to steal.

Mascheraccia, [mskr'tsh] f. ugly mask. Mascherajo, [mske'r'y] m. seller of masks. Mascherare, [mskr're'] v. a.


feign, hide;


rarsi, V. r. to put on a mask. Mascherata,[mskr't] /".masquerade.

Mascheretta, small mask. Mascherizzo,




[mske'ri'tsT m. spot, livid mark {vulga-


Marroncello, [mrrntshl] m. martyr. small mattock. Martoriamento, [mrtrime'n'- Maschiare, [mski'rj v. a. to Marrone , [mrr'n] m. large t) m. rack, torture. square stones. mattock largest sort of chest- Martoriare, [mrtri're'] v. a. Maschiezza, [mski'e't's] /".man;

Maschiamente, [mskime'n'te'] adv. like a man, manfully,

liness, manhood, virility. nut; blunder, fault; a mountainto rack, torture. guide. Martoriatore, [mrtrit're'] j. Maschile, [mski'l] ar/j. manly, Marroneto , [mrrn't] m. a torturer. of man; genere -, m. masculine chestnut-grove. Martorio, [mrt'ri] Marto'ro, gender. Marrovescio, [mrrv'sh] m. [mrt'r] wi. rack, torture ; Maschilemente, [maskile'me'n'back-stroke. te] Maschilmente, [maskilraenpain. t] odo. manfully, like a man. Marruca, [rarrTi] /. thorny Marza, [mr'ds] f. graft. bush, bramble. Marzacotto, fmrtsak't] i. a Maschio, [mas'kio] adj. male, Marrucajo, Imrrk'y] and kind of paste used by glaziers. manly; vigorous, great, noble,

Marrucheto, [mrrk't] m. Marzaiuolo, [mrdsy'l] adj. Mascicano, [mshik'n] adj. massive, hard. a place full of brambles. of the month of March. Marruffno , [mrruffi'n] m. Marzamma, [mrtsm'm] and Mascolinare, [msklin're'] v. journeyman weaver; draper's Marzemina, [rardse'mi'nj /. a. to attributo to a word the masculine gender. boy. (wine. a kind of grape. Marsalla, [marsal'la] f. Marsala Marzapane, [mrdsp'ne'] m. Mascolinit, [maskHnit'] manhood, virility. marchpane. Marsina, [mrsi'nj /. an under Marzeggiare, f rartse'dja're'J v .0. Mascolino, [mskli'n] adj. waistcoat. masculine. Marte, [mr'te'] w. fig. war. to be like March. Marted, [mrte'di'j m. Tuesday; Marziale, [mrtsi'le'] ad/, mar- Masnada, [msn'd] f. troop of - grasso, Shrove-tuesday. soldiers band, gang ; compatial, warlike. Martellare, [mrtll'rj v. a. to Marzio, [mr'tsi] adj. dedicat- ny; family. Masnadiere, [msndi're'J m. hammer; torture. ed to Mars. Martellata, [mrte'll't] and Marzo, [mr'ts] m. March soldier; highwayman. Massa, [ms'saj f. mass, pile, Martellatura, [mrtllt'r] (month). Marzocchino, fmardskki'n] m. hoard. f. blow with a hammer. Massaccia, [mss'tsh] f. great Martelletto, [mrtlle't't] Mar- little fool, little dunce. heap. tellino, [mrtlli'nj m. small Marzocco, [mrds'k]m.painthammer. ed or sculptured lion; block- Massacro, [mss'kr] m. deer's head; massacre. Martellina, [mrtelli'n] f. ma- head, dunce. son's hammer. Marzolino, [mrtsli'n] adj. of Ma,ssaja, [mss'y] f. houseMarch in (said wife, careful house-keeper. Martello, [mart'll m. hammer; March; made torment Massajo, [mssa'y] m. housescourge anxiety, of a certain kind of cheese). adj. sown steward, good husband, good care; tuonare a -, to sound the Marzuolo, [raarts'l] manager. alarm. in March. [maska'n'o] adj. craf- Massaretta , [mssre't't] /. Martelloce, rrortell'ne'] m Mascagno, little servant-maid. large hamroor; sledge-hammer ty, cunning sharp (yulgarism) Hartesco, [mrt'sk] adj. war- Mascalcia, [mskltshi'] /. vet- Mass ara, [massacra] see Massaja. Massaro, [mss'rjseeMassaja erinary art, farrier's art. like, ferocious.
, ;




Masseria, [mssri'] /. farm- Matassa, [mts'sd] f. skein Matrice, [matri'tshe'] f. womb; parcel, set; troop. house; quantity (of goods). mould, matrice. (tricide. Masserizia, [mssri'tsi] f. do- Matassata, [mtssa't] f. quan- Matricida, [matritshi'da] m.machattels, tity of skeins; perplexity. mestic economy Matricidio, [matritshx'di] m. household goods, fl.; furni- Matassetta, [mtsst't] Ma- murder of a mother, matriture; provision; store, quan- tassina, [mtssi'n] f. small cide. tity. skein. Matricimo, [mtritshi'm] adj. Masseriziaccia, [msse'ritsi'- Matematica, [mte'mti'k] f. said of sheep reserved for tsh] f. old household goods, pi. mathematics; divination. breeding. Masseriziuola, [msse'rtsi'l] Matematicale, [mte'mtik'le'] Matricola, [mtri'kl] f. maadj. mathematical. tricular book, register. f. trifling furniture. Masseto, [mss't] m. a place Matematicamente, [mte'mti- Matricolare, [mtrikl're'] v. adv. mathemati- a. to matriculate, register. filled with lumber. kme'n'te'] Massiccio , [massi'tsh] adj. cally. Matrigna, [mtri'n'] f. stepmassy, solid; strong. Matematico, [mte'm'tik] adj. mother; far viso di matrigna, Massima, [ms'sim] f. maxim, mathematical; -, m. mathema- to look displeased. tician. Matrignare, [mtrin''re'] Marule. Massimamente, [mssimme'n'- Materassa, [mate'rs's] f. see trigneggiare, [mtrin'e'dj'r] V. a. to act like a stepmother; Materasso. te'] Massime, [mas'sime'] Massimo, [ms'sim] adv. chiefly, Materassajo, [mte'rss'y] m. treat harshly. Matrignevole , [mtrin'e'v'l] particularly. mattress-maker. Massimo, [ms'sim] adj. su- Materassata, [mte'rss'ta] /. adj. in the manner of a stepmother. a blow from a mattress. preme, very great. Masso, [ms's] m. rock, massy Materassino, [mte'rssi'n] m. Matrimoniajo, [mtrimni'y] small mattress. wi. matrimonial agent (said stone. Mastacco, [mstk'k] ad;, stout, Materasso, [mte'rs's] m. mat- jocosely). Matrimoniale, [mtrimni'le'] tress. strong (little used). Mastello, [mstl] wi. bathing Materassuccio,[mtrss'tsh] adj. matrimonial, nuptial. Matrimonialmente , [mtrimsee Materassino. tub, bucket. Mastica, [ms'tik] /'.seeMastice. Materia, [mt'ri] f. matter; nialme'n'te'] adv. matrimonially, by marriage. Masticacchiare, [rastikkki'- cause. r] V. a. to chew, ruminate; Materiaccia, [mte'ri'tsh] /. Matrimonio, [mtrim'nf] m. matrimony, wedlock. thick matter. muse. Masticamento, [mstikme'n't] Materiale, [mte'ri'l] adj. ma- Matrina, [matri'ua] f. mid-wife, god-mother. terial; heavy. wi. mastication, chewing. Masticare, [mstik're'] . a. to Materiali, [mte'ri'li] m. pi. Matrisalvia, [matrisal'via] /. bot., all-heal. materials, pi. chew, ruminate; consider. [mtrisl'v] Masticaticcio, [mstikti tsh] Materialismo , [mte'rilis'm] Matriselva, f. honey-suckle. m. materialism. m. thing masticated. [ratr'n] Masticatore, [mstikt're'] m. Materialista, [mtrili'st] m. Matrona, f. matron;

materialist. chewer (of tobacco). Mastcatoro,[mstikt'ri]rtdj. Materialit, [materialit'] Materalitade, Materialitate, f. that may be masticated. Masticatura, [mstikt'r] Ma- materiality; material existence. sticazione, [mstiktsi'ne'] f. Materialmente, [mte'rilme'n'te'] adv. materially; coarsely, mastication. Mastice, [m'stitshe'] m. mastio, heavily. Maternale , [mate'rna'le'] adj. glue, ceinent. Masticino, [mstitshi'n] adj. maternal, motherly. Maternamente, [mte'rname'n'of mastic; viscous. Mastiettare, [rastie'tt're'] v. t] adv. in a motherly manner. a. to fit with hinge-hooks. Mastiettatura, [mstittt'r] Maternit, [mte'rnit'] Mater/.iron-work, hinges (of a door), nitade, Maternitate, f. maternity, motherhood. pi.


old faithful servant. [mtrna'le']


matronal, matron-like. Matrone, [mtr'n] m. pain in the side.



see Matterello.

Mattaccnare, [mtttshin're'] V. a. to represent by puppets. Mattaccinata, [mtttshin'ta] representation made by f. a puppets. Mattaccino, [mtttshi'n] m. mimic; puppet; little simpleton.

Mastietto, [mastie't to] m. hinge- Materno, [matr'n] adj. mater- Mattacelo, [mtt'tsh]m. madman droll fellow. nal, motherly; chalk. hook, rag-bolt. Mastino, [msti'n] m. mastiff. Materozzolo, [matrts'l] wi. Mattajoue, [mtty'ne'] m. barMastinotto, [mstint't] adj. a small ring to suspend keys on. ren land, composed of chalk
coarse, awkward.





Mastio, [ms'ti]m. male; hinge, crayon. Matitatoio, screw.

and marine shells. Mattamente, [mttame'n'te'] odv.

foolishly, madly.


Mattana, [mtt'n] f. bad hupencil-case. Mastra, [ms'tr] f. mistress. suonare a -, to Maestrevolmente, [me'stre'vl- Matraccio, [matr'tsh] m. re- mor, ennui be weary of one's self. mn't] adv. in a masterly tort. Matre, [m'tre'] f. poes., mo- Mattare , [matt'r] v. a. to manner. checkmate; subdue. Mastro, [ms'tr] m. master - ther fig. origin. d' equipaggio, boatswain; -,adj. Matricale, [mtrik'le'] f. camo- Mattea, [mtt'] f. uccellar

first, chief,

Mastrusciere ,

principal. mile. [mstrshi're'] Matricario



to quiz.




m. Matteggiare, [ratte'dj're'] v.. to play the fool.






[mttm'tik] Maturit, [maturit'] Maturi- Mazzocchio, [mts'ki] m. tuft Mattematico , tade, Maturitate, f. maturity, of hair; bundle; bunch of ribAc, see Matematico &c. bons assemblage of persons Matterello, [matter 'i] in. little ripeness; wisdom. Maturo, [mt'r] adj. maturo, stalk of endive &c. run to seed. mad follow; (bak.) roller. Matteria, [mtte'ri'] see Mat- ripe; perfect; et matura, f. Mazzocchiuto , [mtskki't] advanced age; uomo -, m. dis- adj. knotty. tezza. Mazzolino, [mtsli'n] m. bunch Matter, [mt'te'r] J. stick, creet man.






of flowers, nosegay.

Mazzuola, [mts'l] /. switch, Matterone, [matte'r'ne'] m.great very ripe. small stick. Mattei;allo, [matte'rul'lo] m. in- Mausoleo, [mwsl'] m. mauMazzuolo, [mts'l] wi. small soleum. clined to madness. Mattezza,[mattt's] /'.madness, Mav, [mav'] m. light azure, bunch; pick. Me, [me"] pron. me; di me, of folly, foolishness. sky-color. Mattina, [matti'n] f. morning. Mazza, [ma'tsa] f. stick, staff; me; a me, to me; da me, from Mattinare, [rattina'r] v. a. to club, maco; mallet; menar alla me, by me. sing matins. -, to betray; menar la - tonda, Me' [me''] for: Meglio. Mattinata, [mattina'ta] /. sere- to spare nobody; metter troppa Meandro, [me'n'dr] m. meander, maze. nade; whole morning. -, to say more than one should, Meare, [m're'] v. n. to glide, Mattinatore, [mttint're'] m. speak too freely. morning-serenader. Mazzacastello, [matsakaste'l'- pass over; flow. Meato, [me''t] m. pore. Mattino, [mtti'n] m. morn- 1] m. rammer. ing. Mazzacavallo, [mtskvri] Mecca, [me'kTca] f. a kind of Matto, [mt't] adj. mad; extra- m. engine to draw up water varnish made of dragons' blood. Meccanica, [mkk'nik] f. mevagant; very desirous; -, m. out of a well. madman; far cosa da -, to act Mazzacbera, [matsa'ke'ra] f. in- chanics, pi. Meccanicamente, [me'kkniklike a madman. strument to catch eels. Mattolina, [mttli'n] f. tit- Mazzaculare, [matskl're'] v. me'n'te'] adv. mechanically. lark. n. to tumble head over heels. Meccanico, fme'kk'nik] adj. Mattonaja, [mttna'y] f. a Mazzafrustare , [mtsfrust'- mechanical; base, mean; -, m. mechanician; mechanic. brick-yard. re'] V. a. to strike with the Meccanismo, [me'kkanis'm] m. Mattoname, [mttn'me'] m. balista. brick-rubbish. Mazzafrusto, [mtsfr'st] m. mechanism. Mattonamento, [mttnrae'n'- balista. Meccere, [mtshe"re'] m. master t] m. pavement. Mazzamarrone, [mtsmrr'- (used derisively). Mattonato, [mttn'tjtn.pave- ne'] m. blockhead, dunce. Mecenate, [nie'tshe'n't] m. pament, paved square; open street, Mazzamurro, [matsmr'r] m. tron. Mattoncello, [mttntsh'l] m. crumbs of sea-biscuit, pi. Meco, [me''k] pron. with me. small brick. Mazzapicchiare, [mtspikki'- Medaglia, [mdT] f. medal; Mattone, [ratt'ne'] m. brick; re'] V, a. to strike with a mal- coin. arrant fool. let. Medagliaio, [medal''y] m. a Mattonella, [mattne'l'l] f. bil- MazzapiccMo , [ratspik'ki] vendor of medals. liard-cushion; di -, indirectly. m. mallet. Medagliere, [me'dre"re'] w. a Mattoniero , [mattni'r] ni. Mazzata , [mts't] /. blow collection of ancient medals. brick-maker. with a club; cudgeling. Medaglietta , [mdrt't] f. Mattngio, [mttjJ] acZ;. of tlie Mazzatello , [mtst'l] see small medal. (said smaller species of spar- Mazzetto. Medaglione , [me'dr'ne'] ni. rows &c.). Mazzera, [mts'r] f. a mass large medal, medallion. Mattutina, [mdttti'n] /. see of stones used for sinking the Medaglista, [me'dl'i'st] m. Mattina. nets employed in tunney-fish- medallist; antiquary. Mattutinale, [matttin'le'] adj. ing. Medagliuccia, [me'dal''tsh] /. of the morning; morning; early. Mazzeranga, [mtse'ran'g] f. worthless old medal. Mattutino, [mattti'n] adj. of rammer, beetle. Medela, [me'de''l] f. medicine, the morning, morning; -, m. Mazzerangare, [mtse'rng'r] (little used.) morning morning worship V. a. to ram; trample upon. I/Iedemo, [me'de"m] for: Mematins, pi. Mazzerare, [matse'ra're'] v. a. desimo. Maturamente , [mtrrae'n'te'] to drown a person with a stone Medesimamente , [me'de'simaadv. maturely; deliberately. about his neck. me'n'te'] adv. likewise, also. Maturamente, [mtrran't] Mazzetta, [matse't'ta] f. mallet, Medesimit, [me'dsimi't'J m. ripening, maturation. large hammer. sameness, identity. Maturare, [ratr'r] v. a. to Mazzettino, [matse'tti'no] Maz- Medesimo, [me'd'si'm] Medesmake ripe; mature; suppurate zetto, [matse't't] m. little mo, [me'de's'm] pron. same, finish, perfect; -, v. n. to bunch; di fiori, nosegay. self; to -, I myself. ripen, grow ripe. Mazziere, [mtsi're'j m. mace- Mediante , [me'din'te'] prep. Maturativo, [matrti'v] adj. bearer, beadle. through the medium of, by maturative suppurative. Mazzo, [ra'ts] m. bunch, bun- means of, through. Maturato, [mtr't] adj. ma- dle; packet; - di carte, pack Mediare, [mdi're] v.n. to meture; inured. of cards ; - di fiori, nosegay diate, act as mediator. Maturazione, [mtrtsi'n] f. mettersi in -, to take part in. Mediatamente, [mditrae'n'te'] maturation, ripeness. Mazzocchiaja, [matskki'y] Mediate, [me'di'te'J adv. meMaturezza, [mtrt's] f. ma- f. great bunch of hair &c.; tire- diately, (middlo. turity. woman. MediatOi [me'di't] adj.mediati




Melichino, [me'liki'n] m. phar. hydromel. Melico, [m'lik] adj. melodious, harmonious. Melifero , [me'life''r] adj. producing honey. Meliga, [mli'g] and Molli ga, [rae'Ui'ga] f. buck-wheat.

Mediatore, fmdit're'l m. Me- Meditare, [me'dit're'] v. n. to meditate, muse. diatrice, [mdiatri'tshe'] f. mediator, intercessor, go-betwoen; Meditatamente, [me'dfttm e'n'- di commercio, broker. t) aril). deliberately, purposely. Mediazione, [mditsi'n] f. Meditativo, [mditti'v] adj. mediation, intervention, inter- meditative. Meditazioncella, [me'dittsin'cession. Medica, [m'dik] f. hot., lu- tsh'l] f. slight meditation. Meditazione, [me'dittsi'ne'] f. cern. Medicabile, [me'dilc'bile'] adj. meditation, contemplation, revery. curable, remediable. Medicamentario, [me'dikame'n- Mediterraneo, [me'dite'rri'ne'] ad], mediterranean. t'ri] m. pharmacopoeia. Medicamento, [mdikme'n't] Mefite , [mfi'te'] /. mopMtic air. m. medicament. Medicamentoso, [me'dilcme'n- Meglio, [mT] adv. better; andar di bene more, rather t'so] adj. medicamental, mein -, to go on better and betdicinal. Medicare, [me'dik're'] v. n. to ter adj. the best, the flower alia -, as well as one can. medicate, cure. Medicastro, [me'd.iM'str] Me- Megliorare , [mrr'r] &c., dicastrone, rme'dikstr'n] m. see Migliorare &c. Mela, [m'l] f. apple. quack, charlatan. Medioastronzolo, [me'dikstrn- Melacotegna, [mlkt'n''] /. quince. ts'l) m. an ignorant doctor. Medicatore, [mdilit'r] m. Melagrana, [roe'lgr'n] Melagranata, Ime'lgrn't] physician; leech. f. Medicatura , [me'diktu'r] f. pomegranate. using remedies; healing. Melagrano , [mlgr'n] ni. Medicheria, [mdike"ri] /. a pomegranate-tree. surgeon's laboratory. Melancolia, [mlnkli'] &c., Medichessa, [mdike's's] f. fe- see Malinconia &c. male physician (used derisi- Melangola, [me'ln'gl] /.bitter orange. vely). Medchevole, [me'dik'vl] adj. Melangolo, [me'lng'l] m. bitmedicinal; healing. ter-orange tree. Medichino, [mdiki'n] m. an Melansaggne, [me'lns'djine] ignorant doctor, a little doctor, f. silliness, stupidity. Melarancia, [mlrn'tsh] f. a very young doctor. Medicina, [mditshi'n] /.medi- orange; fiction. Melarancata, [me'lrantsh't] cine, physic. Medicinale, [rae'ditshin'le'] adj. f. a blow given by flinging an medicinal; -, m. remedy, me- orange. Melarancio, [me'lrn'ts] m. dicamsmt. Medicinalmente, [me'ditshinl- orange-tree. Melario, [ml'ri] m. bee-hive. mn't] a'/v. medicinally. Medico, [m'dik] adj. medical, Melassa, [melassa] /. molasses, meilicinal; -, m. physician, pi., treacle. Melata, [ml't] f. august-dew, doctor. Medicone, fme'dik'ne*] wi. very honey-dew; apple-marmalade: a blow given by flinging an skilful physician.




a sort of

white earth. Melino, [mli'n]







[mll't] m. sort of

Mellifero, [me'Ili'fe'r] adj. pro-

ducing honey.
Mellificare, [me'llifik're] v. n.

make honey.

Mellifinire, [me'llifliii'r] v. a.
to sprinkle with honey.

Mellifluo, [mlli'fl] adj. mellifluous, sweet as honey. Melliga, [me"lig] f. balm-mint.



Melansaggine. Mellonajo, [mlln'y] m. bed

of melons. Melloncello, [me'llntsh'l] m. small melon. Mellone, [me'll'ne'] m. melon; blockhead. Melma, [mel'ma] f. mu"*, mire, puddle. Melmoso, [me'lm'sjarij.muddy, miry. Melo, [me"l] m. apple-tree. Melocotogno, [mlkt'n'] m.






Melodiante, [mlodian'te'] adj. one who sings mtilodiously. Melodico, [mel'dikj adj. melodious.



men't] adv. melodiou.sly. Melodioso, [mldi'sj adj. inulodious, hannonioiis. Melodrarama,[meldrm'm] m.




molodrame Melodrammatico,


Medicuccio, [mdik'tsh] m. Melato, [rae'la't] adj. honied. mellifluent. quack, charlatan. Mediet, [mdiet'] Medietade, Melazzo,[mla'ts] tn. molasses, Medietate, f. moiety; geomet- unrefined sugar. rical, arithmetical, or harmo- Mle, [m'le] m. honey. nious proportion or analogy. Meleagrida, [mle'gri'd] anrl Medio, [m'di] adj. middle; Meleagride, [mlgri'd] m. Guinea-fowl. prezzo -, m. average price Melensaggine, fmle'ns'djine'] dito -, m. middle finger. Mediocre, [mdi'kre] arfj. mid- see Melansaggne. Melenso, [mln's] odj.foolish, dling, moderate; indifferent. [nidikr- heavy, dull. Mediocremente , mn't) a(iu. indifferently, so so. Meleto, lmle''t6] m. plantation Mediocrit, [radikrita'] Me- of apple-trees, apple-orchard. diocritade, Mediocritate, f. Meliaca, [nili'k] /. apricot. moUiocrity; middle way; au- Meliaco, [mli'kj m. apricottree. rea -, the goldL-n mean. Meditamento, [mditmn't]; Melica, [m'lik]/'.maize,Turk6y wheat. 1^ meditation, thought.

ni'tik] adj. melodram;itic:il.

of black grape.


Melogranato, (me'lgrn'tjm.
pomegranate-tree. Melopea, [me'p]


Melopopone, fi^elpp'ne'] m.
a kind of apple-shaped melon. Meloso, [me'lo'sj adj. sweet as honey.

tree, wild


f. crabapple-tree. [me'l'm] m. mildew


(on the vinos).

Meluzza, [melu'ts] Meluzzola,

[ml';i| /.small apple.

Membran a, membra' n] /.mem


l)raue, ^cilicio.

[rambrn'Hembranaoeo , tsh] Membranoso, [mmbrn's] adj. membranous, filmy. Uembranza, [me'rabrn'ds] see Rimembranza. Uembrare, [me'mbr're'] v. a. &
. poes. to


lessen , bridge.
[me'nra're'] v. a. to

remember, recollect.

Membratura, [me'mbrt'r]

the disposition of the various parts of the body (said of paintings).




andMenpossente, [me'npossent] ad;. less powerful, impotent. small member. Membriflcare, rroe^i'ifilfa''re'] Menatore, [me'nt'r] wi. Me- Menosvenire, [me'nosve'ni're'] v. n. to come less. V. . to design and dispose the natrice,[me'ntri'tshe']/. guide, different parts of the body leader. Mensa, [mn's] /". table, hoard; revenue of a bishop; apparec(said of paintings). Menatnra, [me'nt'r] /. joint chiare la -, to lay the cloth. Membro, [mm'br] m. member; agitation, motion. limb. Mencio, [me'n'tsh] adj. thin, Mensale, [me'nsa'le'] adj. a geometrical, quadrilateral, irregMembrolino, [me'mbrli'n] m. flaccid, flabby. ular figure; convivial. small member, particle. Menda, [me'n'd] /". fault ; re Membrone,[me'mhr'ne']m.large paration, indemnity; forfeit. Mensario, [me'ns'ri] adj. said of a dog who is good for nomember. Mendace, [mnd'tshejad' thing but to eat. Membruto, [me'mbr't] adj. dacious, false, deceitful. strong-limbed , square-built; Mendacemente , [mndtsh- Mensetta, [me'nse't'ta] f. small thick-set. odv. mendaciously, table. (ledge. me'n'te'] Mensola, [me'n'sl] f. bracket; Memorabile, [me'mora'bile'] adj. falsely. memorable, remarkable. Mondare, [mnd're'] v. a. to Menstruale, [me'nstr'le'] adj. menstrual. Memorabilmente, [mmrbil- make amends, repair. me'n'te'] adv. memorably. Mendicamente, [me'ndikme'n'- Mensnale , [me'nsld] adj. Memorare, [me'mr're'] v. a. to te'] adv. in a begging manner. monthly. put in mind, remember. Mendicante, [rae'ndikn'te'] adj. Mensurare, [me'nsr'r] v. a. Memorativa, [me'mrti'y] f. begging, mendicant, poor; to measure. faculty of remembering. Mensuratore,[me'nsrt're'] see wj. beggar, mendicant. Memorativo, [me'mrti'vjarf/, Mendicare, [me'ndik're'] v. a. Misuratore. memorative, mindful. Menta, [me'n't] f. bot. mint. to beg, ask alms. Memore, [m'mrjadj. mindful. Mendicatamente, [me'ndikt- Mentale, [me'nta'le'] adj. mental,
bricciuolo, [me'mbritsh'l] m.

approve, allow; - a capo, to bring to an end, carry out - ad effetto, to bring to pass; effect; - i giorni, to spend one's days; - per la lunga, to put off, delay; - moglie, to take a wife; - a morte, to kill; - parole, to agree, accord; - per parole, to put off with fair words. Menata, [mn't] f. handful; conducting. Menatina, [me'nati'n] f. small (poker. handful. Menatojo, [me'nt'y] n? stirrer,

diminish, shorten, a[me'nrae"ts]



smallness, minuteness. Menomissimo, [me'nmis'sim]


very least, slightest.

[me''nm] adj. least,


less; smallest.



adj. least of all. Menopossente, [me'npsse'n'te']

Memorevole, [me'mre''vle'] adj. me'n'te'] see Mendicamente. memorable, remarkable. Mendicatore, [me'ndikt're'] m. Memoria, [me'm'ri] f, memory, mendicant, beggar. remembrance; memorandum, Mendicatorio, [me'ndikt'rf] imparare a -, to learn adj. beggarly. note Mendicazione,[me'ndiktsi'ne'] by heart. Memoriale, [me'mri'le'] m. me- Mendicit, [me'nditshit'] Menmorial, memorandum; monu- dicitade, Mendicitate, f. menment; petition. dicity, beggary. Memorioso, [me'mri's] adj. Mendico, [mendiTi] adj. mensaid of one who has a good dicant, poor. memory (little used). Mendo, [mn'd] m. amends, Memoriuccia, [mmri'tsh] f. indemnity, defect, fault (little faithless memory. used). Men, [me'n'] for Meno. Mendoso, [me'nd's] adj. full Mena, [m'n] f. work, business; of defects. underhand dealing condition, Menipossente, [me'nipssn'te']




adv. mentally, in the mind.

Mentastro, [me'nt'str]
wild mint.


Mente, [raeVte*]


mind, under-

standing, intellect, judgment; memory; fancy; saper a -, to know by heart; tener a -, to remember ; uscire di -, to

Mentecattaggine, [me'nteTftt'djine'] f. stupidity, foolishness.

Mentecatto, [me'nte'kt't] adj. mad, imbecile; blockish; -, m.

Mentecnrvo, [me'nteTir'v]









tion; diarrhea.

astute, cunning. Menno, [m'n] arfj. vain ; beard- Mentire, [mntl're'] v. a. io give the lie; -, v. . to lie; - una less; -, m. eunuch. Meno, [me"n] adv. less; a -, cosa, to deny anything. unless, if not; di -, at least, Mentita, [me'nti't] /. lie, falseadj. least powerful.

Menale, [me'n'le'] m. rope (of a capstan &c.).

otherwise; non posso far di





, [me'nme'n't] m. leading, conduct; motion, agiMenomabile, [me'nm'bile']af/j. tation; behaviour. Menante, [me'nn'te'] adj. a that may be diminished. Menomamento, [mnmme'n'copyist. Blenare, [me'n'r] v. a. to lead, tj m. diminution, retrenchguide, conduct; shake, stir, ment. agitate produce manage, han- Menomanza, [me'nmn'ds] /. diminution; want, need. dle; plot, contrive; - buono, to

cannot but I cannot for- Mentitamente, [me'ntitame'n'te'] bear; venir -, to grow poor; adv. falsely, deceitfully. Mentito , [mnti't] adj. false, faint away.


[me'ntit're'] tu. liar.

Mento, [me'n't] m. chin. Mentosto, [me'nt'st] adv. not

so soon, not so quickly, later.

Mentovare, [me'ntv'r] to mention, name.

v. a,







[me'n'tre'] Mentrech, Mercatantilmente, [me'rktn- Merendella , [mre'nde'l'la] f. [mntre'k'] odv. while, whilst, tilmn't] adv. in a commercial victuals accustomed to bo oaten at luncheon. as long as. way, merchant-like. Menzionare, [me'ntsin'r] v. Mercatantone, [me'rktdnt'ne'] Merendonaccio , [me're'ndn'a. to mention, make mention. m. rich trader, great merchant. tsh] m. great numskull. Menzione, [me'ntsi'n] f. men- Mercatantuolo, [me'rktnt'- Merendone , [rae'rnd'n] m. tion ; memory /ar -, to mention. 1] Mercatantuzzo, [me'rk- blockhead, dunce. Menzogna, [mnts'n'] /. false- tnt'ts] m. little merchant, Merenduccia , [me're'nd'tsh' hood, fib, story. merchant of small credit. Merenduzza, [rae're'ndu'tsa] / Menzognare, [me'ntsn''re'] v. Mercatanza , [mrktn'ds] slight luncheon. n. to tell lies. Mercatanzia, [me'rktntsi'] Meretrice, [mrtri'tshe']/'. pros;

titute. f. traffic; merchandise. Mercatare, [mrkt're'] v. a. Mergere, [mr'je're'] v. a. irr. Menzogneramente, [me'ntsn'- & ft. to trade, deal cheapen, {mersi; merso) to plunge, imrme'n'te'] adv. deceitfully. haggle. merse. Menzognere , m. a Mergo, [mr'g] m. plungeon, [me'ntsn''re'] Mercatino, [me'rkti'n] Menzognero, [rae'ntsn''r] a man employed in -the market; diver; vine-shoot. liar. a person of rough uncouth Meria, [m'ria] f. delightful Menzonare, [me'ntsn'r] manners. shady place (in groves &c.) Menzionare. Mercato, [me'rk't] m. market, term used by the common Meo, [me''] m. a plant from the market-place; bargain; rate, people. (giare. seeds of which is produced a price ; provision quantity a Merlare, [me'ri're'] see Merigpurgative oil. 6mo -, cheap ;/"ar- di chicches Meridiano, [me'ridi'n] dj. meMeramente, [me'rme'n'te'] adi', sia, to turn a thing to good ac ridian; -, m. noon; meridian. merely. Meridionale, [me'ridin'l] adj. count; gain by a thing. Meraviglia, [mrviT] &c., see Mercatura, [me'rkt'r] f. com meridional, southern. Maraviglia &c. Meriflcare, [mrifik're'] v. a. merce. Mercadante, [rae'rkdn't] see Merce, [mr'tshe'] /".merchandise, to render pure (said of the Mercanto. wares, goods, pL air). Mercantare, [mrknt'r] see Merc, [me'rtsh'J f. recompense, Merigge, [me'ri'dje'J Meriggia, Mercatantare. reward salary; help, aid merit; [mri'dj] f. noon-tide. Mercante, [me'rkn't] m. mer- compassion; kindness, favor Merggiana,[me'ridj'n] /.midchant, shop-keeper; -di fanno, gran -, I thank you very much; day; meridian nap, siesta; far woolen-draper. - la vostra generosit, thanks la -, to take a nap after dinMercanteggiare, [me'rknte'dja'- to your generosity. ner. r] V. n. to trade. Mercede, [me'rtsh'de'] f. reward Meriggiano, [me'ridj'n] adj. Mercantesco, [mrknts'kjct/j. (see Merc); andar all' altrui -, of noon, meridian. of a merchant; trading. to implore one's assistance Meriggiare, [mridja're'] v. n. Mercantessa, [me'rknts's] f. render -, to reward, thank. to rest under the shade. tradeswoman. Mercenajo, [me'rtshn'y] m. Meriggio,[mri'dj]arf/.southerMercantevole, [me'rknte"vl] hireling, mercenary. ly; of noon; -, m. south; midMercantile, [me'rknti'le'] adj. Mercenariamente, [me'rtshe'nd- day. mercantile, trading commer- riame'n'te'] adv. mercenarily. Meriggi one, [me'ridj'n] adv. cial. Mercenario, [me'rtshn'ri]ad/. at noon; under the shade; m. Mercantilmente , [me'rkantil- venal, mercenary; -, m. mer- an idler, lover of ease. me'n't] adv. after the custom cenary. Meritamente , [me'ritrae'n'te'] of merchants. Merceria, [me'rtshe"ri] f. mer- adv. deservedly, rightly. Mercantone, [me'rknt'n] m. cery, silk stuffs, fl.; mercer's Meritamente, [me'ritme'n't] m. great merchant. shop. desert; reward. Mercantuzzo, [me'rknt'tsj m. Merciajo, [me'rtsh'y] tw. mer- Meritare, [me'rit're'] v. a. to small trader, dealer. cer. recompense, reward; merit, Mercanzia, [me'rkantsi'] f. mer- Merciajuolo, [me'rtshy'l] m. deserve; gain reward; - d'ujio, chandise, goods, wares, pi. pedlar. to deserve well of a person. Mercanziuola, [mrkntsi'I] Mercimonio, [me'rtshim'ni] Meritevole, [me'rite''vli adj. /. slight commodity ; small m. illicit trade, smuggling. deserving, worthy. merchandise. Mercivendola, [me'rtshive'nd'- Meritevolmente , [me'rite'vlMercare, [mrka'rj v. a. & n. l] /. a small female trader. me'n'te'J adv. deservedly, duly. to traffic, deal in. Mercoled, [mrkle'd'] Mer- Merito, [m'rit] adj. just, Mercatahile, [mrkat'hil] adj. cord, [me'rkrd'J m, Wednes- worthy; proper; -, m. merit, salable, marketable. day. reward; interest, fruit. Mercatantare, [mrktnt'r] Mercuriale, [me'rcuri'l] adj. Meritoriamente [mritri, V. ft. to trade, traffic. mercurial; unstable. me'n'te'] adv. meritoriously. Mercatante, [merktn'te] m. Mercurio, [mrk'ri] m. mer- Meritorio, [me'rit'ri]a6(7. merimerchant, trader ;- a^'ingros- cury, quicksilver. torious, deserving. so, wholesale merchant. Merda, [mr'da] f. excrement. Merla, [mr'l] f. see Merlo. Mercatantesco, [me'rktants'- Merdocco, [me'rd'kj m. phar. Merlare, [me'rla're'J v. a. to



liar, fibber.


k] adj. trading.


raise battlements.

Mercatantessa, [me'rktnte's'- Merenda, [me'rn'd] ^ luncheon, Merlata, [me'rl't] /. range of sa] f. tradeswoman. collation. battlements. Mercatantile, [mrkdtanti'l] Merendare, [me'rnd're'] v. n. Merlato, [me'rl't] adj. with set Mercantile. to take a luncheon. battlements, indented.



; ;

need , necessity merlatura, [raerlt'r] /".lattle- Mescuglio, [me'sk'l'] m. med- profession fa mestiere, mestieri che, it ley, hotch-potch. ments, pi. is necessary that. Merlettare, [me'rle'tt'r] v. a. Mese, [m's] m. month. Mesenterio , [me'se'nt'ri] m. Mestizia, [me'sti'tsi] f. sadness, to adorn with battlements. grief, gloom. Merletto, [me'rlt't] m. lace, anat., mesentery. bone-lace. Mesmerismo, [me'sme'ris'm] m. Mestizzo, [me'sti'ts] adj. halfcast. Merlo, [rar'l] i. battlement; mesmerism. Mesmerizzare, [me'smrids're'] Mesto, [m'st] ad;, sad, gloomy. blackbird. Mestola, [me"stl] /. ladle, Merlone, [me'rl'n] m. large V. a. to mesmerize. blackbird. Messa, [me"s] f. mass; sprout, trowel; battle-door; dunce, Merlotto, [rae'rl't] Merluzzo, shoot; course (at table); stock, spooney. Mestolata, [me'stla'ta] f. spoon[mrl'ts] m. young black- fund; (gam.) stake. bird. Messaggeria, [mssdje'ri'a] f. ful; blow with a ladle. Mestoletta, [mstlt't] f. MeMero, [m'r] adj. pure, un- embassy. mixed, genuine; - imperio, m. Messaggiera, [me'ssdji'r] f. stolino, [mstli'n] m. small absolute power. messenger, ambassadress (little ladle. Mestolo, [me'st'l] tn. see MeMertare, [me'rt'r] &c., ee Me- used).
ritare &c.





stola. [me'ssdji'r] Messaggiere Messaggiero, [me'ssadjt'r] i. Mestolone, [me'stl'n] m. great


bln-ck-bird. messenger, envoy. Mesata, [msa'tj/'.wliolemonth; Messaggio, [mss'dj] m. mesmonth's pay. senger, message. Mescere, [m'sher] v. a. irr., Messale, [me'ss'le'] m. missal, (mesciuto) to mix; pour out. mass-book. Meschiameuto, [me'skime'n't] Messe, [m'se'] f. poes., harvest. ni. mixture. Messeratico, [msse'ra'tik] m. Meschiare, [me'ski'r] v. <i. to mastership, title of sir (little mix, mingle; join. used). MescMnaccio , [me'skina'tsh] Messere, [rae'sse"re'] m. master, adj. very wretched. sir. Meschinamente, [me'skiname'n'- Messerino, [me'sse'ri'n] m. little t] adv. wretchedly, misermaster (little used). ably. Messia, [me'ssi'a] m. Messiah. Meschinello, [me'skin'l] Mes- Messiato, [me'ssi't] m. quality chinetto, [rae'skint't] cj. and office of the Messiah. wretched, miserable. Messione, [mssi'ne'] f. misMeschinit, [me'skinit'] Mes- sion, sending (little used). chinitade,Meschinitate,/'. mis- Messiticclo, [me'ssiti'tsh] m. ery, extreme poverty; mean- bud, sprout. ness. Messo, [me's's] ?. messenger, Meschino, [me'ski'n] adj. poor, envoy message macebearer miserable -, m. shabby fellow. course at table. Meschio, [me's'ki] adj. mixed, Messore, [me'ss'r] m poes., mingled. reaper, harvester. Meschita, [me'ski'ta] f. mosque. Messorio, [me'ss'ri] adj. used Mescibile , [mshi'bil] adj. for reaping. miscible; compatible. Messura, [me'ss'r] f. mowing, Mesciroba,[me'shir'b] ower. harvest, recompense. Mescitore, [mshit're'] m. cup Mestare, [mst'r] v. a. to stir bearer, butler. with a wooden ladle, mingle, Mescolamento, [me'sklme'n't] blend. I. mixture, mingling combi- Mestatoio, [me'stt'y] m. stir;





menstrual, monthly. Mestruo, [m'str] m. med. menses, pi. Mestura, [me'stu'ra] f. mixture. Met, [met'] Metade, Melate, f. half, moiety. Meta, [ra't] f. cow-dung. Meta, [m't] f. liimt, boundary, land-mark. Metacronismo, [me'tkrni'sm] OT. that kind of anachronism which consists in antedating

Metadella, [me'tdl'l] Mezzetta.



Metaffloni, [me'tffi'ni] m. pi.

mar. reef-lines,


Metafisica, [me'tt'i'sik] f. metaphysics, pi. Metafisicale, [me'tafisika'le'] Metafisico, [metfi'sik] adj. metaphysical.




adv. metaphysically. Metafisico, [me'tfi'sikj m. metaphysician. Metafora, [mt'f'r] f. (rh.)

metaphor. Metaforeggiare, [me'tfre'dj're']

see Metaforizzare.

Metaforicamente, [me'tfrikme'n'te']



spoon; spattle.

adv. metaphorically,

Mescolanza, [me'sklan'ds] f. Mestatore, [me'stt'r] m. stir- figuratively. mixture, medley; salad. rer, mingler. Metaforico, [me'tf'rik] adj. Mescolare, [me'skl're'] Mestica, [me's'tika] and Mesti- metaphorical, figurative. mix, mingle; confuse; - le car- canza, [me'stikn'dsa] /".mould, Metaforizzare, [mtfrids're'] te, to shuffle the cards; Mescocast; print. . a. to speak metaphorically.
larsi, V. r. to intermeddle. Mesticare, [me'stik're'] v. a. to Metallico, [mtriik] adj. meMescolata, [me'skl'ta] f. mix- prime cloth, plaster cloth or tallic. ture, medley. wood(to paint upon); mix colors. Metaniere , [me'tlli're'] m. Mescolatamente, [me'sklt- Mesticheria , [me'stike"ri] /. worker in metals. mu't] adv. promiscuously, color-shop. Metallifero, [me'tallife"r] adj. confusedly. Mestichino , [mstiki'n] m. producing metals. Mescolato, [me'skla't] adj. (paint.) spattle, scraper. Metallificare , [me'tllifik're'] mixed, blended; confused; -, m. Mestieraccio, [me'stie'r'tsh] -m. V. n. to become metallic. mixed wool, woolen cloth. poor trade, bad business. Metallino, [mtlli'n] adj. meMescolatura, [msklt'ra] see Mestierante, [rae'stiru'te'] adj. tallic. Mescolata. a tradesman. Metallo, [me'tl'l] m. metal. Mescugliare, [me'skl''r] r. a. Mestiere, [me'sti're'] Mestiere, Metalloteca, [me'tllte"k] /. a to mix up confusedly. [mst'r] m. trade, business; museum containing metals.

Metallurgia, metallurgy. Metallurgico


zanitade, Mezzanitate, f. mediocrity, mediation. Mezzano, [mds'n] a'j. middle, middling; -, m. mediator, reconciler; go-between. Mezzarion, [mts'rin] m.Mezereon.


adj. metallurgie.

Metamorfosi, [me'tmr'fsi] metamorphosis.



[me'tpls'ra] m.

Metastasi, [me'tst'si]


Metatesi, [me'tte"si]
thesis, transpositiou.



Metato, [mt't] m. a place for drying chesnuts. Mete, [m't] f. cupola. Metempsicosi, tmtmpsik'si] /. metempsychosis. Meteora, [mt'r] f. meteor. Meteorico, [met'rik] adj.

in assetto, to arrange; - in avventura, to risk, hazard; bottega, to set up a shop; -net capo, to put into one's head - caso, to set up house-keeping; -in cte Jo, to extol to the skies; - compassione, to move; - consiglio, to consider, ponder; - cuore, to encourage; in cuore, to put into one's mind; - in faccende, to give work; in forse, to raise a doubt; - a fuoco, to set on fire; - indugio,

Mezzatinta ,
half tint.



Mezzellone, [me'dse'll'ne'] adj. between liquid and solid. Mezzeria, [me'ts'ria] f. agreeto give the laborer half the profits in consideration of working the farm. Mezzetta, [me'dst'ta] f. small wine or corn measure. Mozzetto, [me'dst't] m. defective paper.


Meteorologia, [mtrlji'] f. meteorology. Meteorologico, [me'trl'jik] adj. meteorological of me,


Meteoroscopo, [me'tr'skp] m. meteoroscopa.

Meticcio, [mti'tsh] adj. mongrel, bastard. Metodicamente , [me'tdikamen't] adv. metbodically.

Metodico, [me't'dik]
thodical; formal.



Metodista, [me'tdi'st] wi. Methodist.

Metodizzare, [mtdids'r]
a. to


methodize, regulate. Metodo, [m'td] m. method;

rule, use.

Metonimia, [mtnimi'] metonimy.


Metopio, [me't'pi] m. a tree producing ammoniac. Metaposcopia, [mtpsk'pi] f. physiognomy. Metoposcopo,[me'tp'skp] m. an introducer. physiognomist. Mettidoro, [rae'ttid'r] MettiMetraglia, [mtrT] f. mil., loro, [mttil'r] m. gilder. grape-shot. Mettitore, [me'ttit'r] m. plaMetrica, [me'tri'k] /. the art cer, putter, setter in order. of writing in verse. Mettitura, [mttit'r] /. pla-

to delay; - innanzi, to set forth, bring forward, propose; - insieme, to assemble, join: in iscritto, to write down; - al libro, to book; - in luce, to publish; - le mani addosso, to take hold of; - in novelle, to laugh at, deride; -a partito, to propose; - paura, to intimidate, frighten; - piede a terra, to land; - alia prova, to put to trial ; - in punto, to get ready; - ragione, to calculate; - a sacco, to sack, pillage; in serbo, to put by; - la tavola, to lay the cloth (for meals); -alia vela, to set sail; -alia via, to get ready; - nella via, to put in the way; Mettersi, V. r. to set about, begin; - a fare una cosa, to set about doing a thing; - in collera, to fall into a passion; - in cuore, to form a resolution; - in guardia, to stand upon one's guard; - in mare, to put to sea, em bark; - a ridere, to begin to laugh, - per servitore, to go to service; - a tavola, to sit down at table; - alia via, to set out, set out on one's journey. Mettidentro, [me'ttidn'tr] m.

Mezzina, [me'dsi'na]
water-pot. Mezzo, [m'ds]





half; moderate; m. middle, half; centre; means, mediation; help, aid; mediator, intercessor; a -,

by halves



through the


of; in questo -, meanwhile, in the mean time; sen-


delay, immedi-

ately; esser di -,to intermeddle; produrre in -, to produce, allege; propose; star di -, to be neuter: tener la via di -, to

keep the middle way. Mezzo, [me't'so] adj. over-ripe, withered, musty. Mezzobusto, [mdsb'st] m.

Mezzocerchio, [me'dstshr'ki] m. semicircle. Mezzocolore, [me'dskl'r] m.

pale color.


[me'dsd'i'] m. noon, mid-day; south. Mezzogiorno, [radsjtr'u] m. south south-wind noon, noon; ;


Mezzograppolo, [rae'dsgrp'pl] m. sort of wine from choice



Metricamente, [mtrikame'n'te'J

cing, putting, position. adv. metrically, in verses. Meu, [m'] m. fennel. Metrico, [m'trik] adj. metri- Mezza, [m'dsa] f. half hour.

[me'tsm'br] f. half-shade, between light and shade.

Mezzorilievo , [rae'dsrilie''v] cal; -, m. poet. Mezzado, [me'ds'd] see Mez- m, half relief. Metro, [m'tr] m. metre; poet- zanino. Mezzoscuro , [me'dssk'r] m. ical measure verse. Mezzaiuolo, [me'dsy'l] m. half-tint. Metropoli, [me'tr'pli] f. me- sharer, partner. Mezzosoprano, [mdsspr'nj tropolis. Mezzalana, [me'dsl'n] /. lin- m. half-soprano. Metropolita, [me'trpli't] m Mezzotermine, [me'dstrmi'ne'J sey-woolsey. metropolitan bishop. Mezzana, [me'ds'n] f. a sort m. expedient, means. Metropolitano [mtrplit'- of brick middle string of a Mi, [mi'] pron. me, to me; n] ad), metropolitan. parla, he speaks to me: - place, lute; (mar.) raizzen. Mettere, [me't'tr] v. a. irr., Mezzanamente, [me'dsnme'n'- it pleases me; - prendo la li(miti; messo) to put, place, set; bert, 1 take the liberty. t] adv. indifferently. dispose, admit ; (ya/'d.) bud, Mezzanotte, [mdsne"t] adj. Miagolare, [miagla're'] v. n. to in abbandono, to for- middling, middle-sized. sprout; mow. sake, neglect; - addosso, to Mezzanino, [rae'dsani'n] adj. Miagolata, [migla't] f. Mia charge with, accuse; amore, very middling -, m. apart- golio, [migoli'] m. mewing. to fix one's affection upon Miagulare, [miglar]seeMia* ment between two floors. nell'animo, to pat to mind; Mezzanit, [mdsnit'J Mez- golare.

Miao, [m'i] and Mian, [m'i] imitation of the mewing of
a. to eat

(little used).



much black-pudding Militarmente,

Migliaccio, [mira' tsh]m. blackcats. Mica, [mita] (nsed with non) pudding. [rartshi'l] adv. not at all, not in the least. Migliaccinola, Hicante, [mikn't] adj. poes. f. a kind of fritter. Migliajo, [mil''y] ni. thousand; shining, hrilliant. Ilicca, [mik'kj /. pottage, por- mile: a migliaja, by thousands. Migliarina, [mil'ari'na] Mi- tare, ridge, hroth. Micchetto, [mikke'tt'] m. a kind gliarino, [mil'ri'n] m. chaf- Milizia, [mili'tsi] f. art of war; finch. militia militia-men , trainof ape. Mccia, [mi'tshia] f. art. match; Migliarola, [mil'ar'l] /. spar- bauds, pi. row-shot, hail-shot. Millanta,[milln't] f. thousands she-ass. an infinite Micciarello, [mitshir'l] m. Miglio, [miT] m. (Miglia, f. pi.) and thousands, mile; millet. number. young ass. Miccichino, [mitshiki no] m. Miglioramento, [mil'rme'n't] Millantamento, [millntame'n'very little, little hit, hnt little m. amelioration, amendment, t] see Millanteria. improvement; recovery. Millantare, [millnt'r] v. a. (little nsed). Miccinino,[mitshmi'n]adj.very Miglioranza, [mirrn'ds] f. to exaggerate, boast: Millanamelioration. tarsi, V. r. to boast, swagger. little (little used). Miccino, [mitshi'n] adj. little; Migliorare, [mil'r're'] v. a. to Millantatore, [raillntt'rjm, many, some n -, a little pat' better, improve; -, v. .Miglio- boaster, braggart. lare a -, to speak softly. rarsi, V. r. to grow better, get Millanteria, [millnte'ri'] /. boasting, bragging. Miccio, [mi'tsht] m. ass, jack- better recover. Migliorativo, [mirrti'v] adj Millanto, [milln't] m. vain ass. [mitshidi'le'] adj. restorative. ostentation , boasting (little Micidiale, Migliore, [mil''re'] adj. better; used). murderous; -, m. murderer. m. the best; advantage. Mille, [mine] adj. thousand; Micino, [mitshi'n] w. and Mivolte, a thousand times -, m. [mirrme'n'te'] cina, [mitshi'na] f. little cat, Migliormente, immense number; a - o -, by kitten. adv. better. Micio, [mi'tshf] m. and Micia, Migna, [mi'n'a] f. quantity of thousands. [rai'tshi] f. cat, puss; stare in olive-blossoms. Millecuplo, [mille'k'pl] adj. a barba di micio, to he at one's Mignatta, [min't'ta] f. leech, thousand times more. ease, he content. usurer. Millefiori, [millfi'ri] m. all Micolino , [raikli'n] m. very Mignello, [min''l] m. niggard. flower water. little bit, ever so little. Mignolare, [min'l're'] v. a. to Millefoglie, [millfT] f. bat. Microcosmo, [raikrks'm] m. blossom (as the olive-trees). millefoil, yarrow. microcosm. Mignolatura, [mignlt'r] f. Milleforme, [millfr'me'] adj, multiform. Micrografia, [mikrgrfi'a] {. the blossoming of olives. micrography. Mignolo, [mi'n'l] m. little Millemila, [mille'mi'la] or MilMicrometro, [mikr'me'tr] m. finger; toe; olive-blossom. lemilia, [mille'mi'lia] f. a milmicrometer. Mignoncello, [min'ntsh'l] m. lion. Millenario , [mille'n'ri] adj. Microscopico, [mikrsk'pik] little darling. ad}, microscopie. Mignone, [mn''n] m. minion, millenary. [raille'pi'di] m. (ache. Millepiedi , Microscopio, [mikrsk'pi] m. darling. microscope. Migrana, [migr'n] f. head- wood-louse. [mill'sim] adj. Midolla, [mid'l] f. pith; mar- Migrare, [migr're'] v. n. to mi- Millesimo thousandth ; - m. poes. milrow; crumb (of bread). grate, emigrate. MidoUame, [midll'me'] m. a Migrazione, [migrtsi'n] /, lenium. Millione, [milli'n] ni. a millarge quantity of crumb. migration, emigration. lion. Midollare, [midll're'] adj. Mila, [mi'l] pi. of Mille.

adv. in a soldierly manner, Militatore, [militt'rj m. soldier, warrior (little used). Milite, [mi'lit] tn. soldier militia-man, yeoman; i militi, pi. the militia. Militorio, [milit'ri] see Mill-


Milensaggine,[milns'djine']/'. crummy. Midollo, [mid'l] n. cream, foolishness, stupidity. best; per venire at -, to come Milenso, [miln's] arfj. foolish, to the purpose. stupid. MidoUonaccio, [raidlln'tsh] Milia, [milia] pi. of Mille. adj. foolish, stupid. Miliare, [mili're] adj. med. Midolioso, [midU's] adj. full miliary. of marrow, pithy. Miliardo, [milir'd] m. amillion Midolluto, [midll't] adj. in- millions. ternal, recondite. Milione, [raili'ne'] wi. million. Miele, [mi'le'] m. honey. Milionesimo, [railin'sim]a(Zj Mietere, [mi'te'r] . a. to reap, millionth. gather in, collect. Militante, [militn'te'] adj. miliMietitore, [mitit're'] m. Mie- tant; military. titrice, [mititri'tshe'] /, reap- Militare, [milit'r] adj. military; warlike; -, m. military er, harvester. Mietitura, [mie'tit'r] /. reap- man, soldier. ing; harvest-time. Militare, [milita're'] v. n. to rail itate, fight; hear arms, be a Miga, [mi'g] see Mica. Uigliaooiare, [mirtsh're] v. soldier.

[millin'ri] m, millionaire, Milordino, [milrdi'n] m. dandy, lion. Milza, [mil'tsa] f. spleen; tirar le milze, to work hard, suffer. Mimetico, [mime'ti'k] adj. imitative.


Mimico, [mi'mik]



Mimma, [mim'm]

f. chubbycheeked baby (little used). Mimo, [mi'm] m, mimic, buf-

Mimosa, [mim's]
tive plant.




Mina, [mi'n]

f. half a bushel: mine, threat, Minacceria, [mintsh'rx] f, cQutiuual threats.




Minaccevole , [rainatsli'vl] Miniare, [mim'r]v. a. to paint Minnge, [minu'je'] /. pi. stringa in miniature, miniature; Mi- (of an instrument) pi. catgut. adj. menacing, threatening. SinacceTolmeute, [minatsli- NiARSi,t).r. to paint one's fjif.a... Minugia, [min'ji] f. pi. gut,

intestines, bowels, pi. vlmn'te'] adj. tlireateningly, fard Miniatore, [minit're'2 ' min- Minnire, [mini're'J v. a. to diin a tlireatening manner. minish; -, V. n. to grow less. Minaccia, [min'tsh] f. men- iature-painter. Miniatura, [miniat'r] f. min- Minuscolo , [miniTs'kl] adj. ace, threat. little, small; smaller. Minacciamento,[minatslimn'- iature-painting. tj m. menacing, threatening. Miniera, [mini'ra] f. mine, me- Minuta, [min't] f. rough copy, first draught; short notes, pi. Minacciare, [minatsha'r] v, a. tallic mine; ore, minerai. Minierale, [minie'ra'l] see Mi- Minutaglia, [mintT] f. mito menace, threaten. nutiae, rubbish mob, rabble. Minacciatole, [mintsht're'] nerale. Minima, [mi'nim] f. vims, min- Minutame, [mint'me'J m. a m. inenacer, threatener. parcel of rubbish. Minaccatorio, [minatsht'ri] im.


Minimamente, [minimme'n't] Minutamente, [mintame'n'tj [mintsh- m. diminution. adv. minutely, piece-meiil. samn't] adi), in a threatening Minimare, [minim're'] v. a. to Minutante, [mintn'tj m. a writer of minutes. diminish, lessen. manner. Minaccioso, [minatsh's] a'ij. Minimo, [mi'nim] adj. least, Minutare, [mint're'] v. a. to write down minutes. smallest. threatening, full of threats. Minace, [min'tsh] adj. poes. Minio, [mi'nij ni. vermilion; Minutello, [mintri] adj. rather small, thin, slender. miniature. threatening. Minare, [rain're'] v. a. to mine; Ministeriale, [ministe'ri'le'Jodj. Minuteria, [mintri'] /.trifles, pi.; rubbish; mob. ministerial. excavato. Minaretto, [rainre't't] m. a Ministerio, [minist'ri] Mini- Minutezza, [minte't's] /. mistero, [minist'r] m. ministry, nutia, trifle. minaret. Minatore, [mint're'] m. miner, administration, office; govern- Minutiere, [minti're'] m. goldsmith. digger of mines. ment. Minatorio, [mint'ri]af/j. min Ministranza, [ministrnts] f. Minutina, [minuti'na] f. salad of small herbs. jurisdiction. atory, threatening. Minchiate, [minki'te'] f. pi. a Ministrare, [ministra'r] v. a. Minuto, [min't] adj. slender, game played with 97 cards of to afford, supply, furnish; gov- thin, small; of low extraction, a peculiar kind. ern;-, w. ti. to minister, serve, common, vulgar; vendere a -, to sell by retail -, adv minuteMinchianista, [minkini'st] m. officiate. Ministrativo , [ministrti'v] ly, in bits; - -, very small; a player at minchiate. tagliare -, to cut small; -, m. Minchionare, [minkina'r] v .a. adj. administrative. Ministratore, [ministrt'r] m. sixtieth part of an hour, minto quiZ; hanter, jest. Minchionatore, [minkint're'] administrator, agent. ute; pottage of small herbs; small cattlem. banterer, scoffer. Ministrazione,[ministrtsi'ne'] Minchionatorio, [minkinat'- /.ministration, administration, Minuzia, [min'tsij f. minutia,
adj. threatening.

ri] adj. derisive.



Minchionatura, [minkinat'r] Ministrello, [ministr'l] m. tle agent. f. mockery, raillery.



[mintsi's] particular in trifles. ^



[minkintsh'- Ministriere , [ministri're'] m. minstrel; courtier. silly Ministro, [mini'str] m. minisfellow, blockhead. ter, administrator;- di giusti Minchioneria, [mfnkine'ri'] f. zia, executioner;- dell' interno, joke, trick; folly, trifle, blunder. home-secretary. Minchionevolezza, [minkine'- Minoranza, [minrn'dsa] f. mivl'ts] f. folly, stupidity. nority, smallness (little used) Minerale, [mine'r'le'J adj. min- Minorare, [minr'rj u. a. to eral; -, m. mineral. diminish, retrench. Mineralista, [mine'rli'st] m. Minorasco, [minrs'k] m.deed mineralist. of trust Mineralogia, [mine'rlji'] f. Minorativo , [minrti'v] adj. mineralogy. diminutive, diminishing. Minestra, [mine'stra]/. pottage, Minorazione, [minrtsi'ne'] f. soup, broth. diminution. Minestrajo, [mine'str'y] m. Minore, [min're'] adj. less, soup-distributor. smaller; minor; fratello -, m. Minestrare, [mine'str're'] v. a. younger brother; -, m. log. to make soup, serve up the minor. soup; govern, rule. Minoringo, [minrin'g] m.least Minestrella, [mine'str'la] Mi- quantity. nestrina, [mine'stri'n] f. thin Minorit, [minorit'] /. minority; weak soup. under-age. Minestrone, [mine'str'ne'] m. Minotauro, [mintu'r]m. minotaur. a loggerhead. Mingherlino, [minglirli'n]adj. Minuettina, [mine'tti'n] /.Milean, slender. nuetto, [raint't] m. minuet.

Minuziucola, [mintsikl]


m. fop, beau, coxcomb. Minchione, [minki'ne'] m.

Minuzzaglia, [mintsTa] /. Minuzzame, [mints'm] m. bits, scraps, fragments; detail


trifles, pi.


[mints're'] v. a.

to mince; ponder, ruminate.

Minuzzata, [mints't]/.strewing of leaves and flowers. Minuzzo, [min'ts] m. small bit; crumb. Minuzzolare, [miniitsola're'] v.
a. to cut into small pieces, hash. Minuzzolino, [mintsli'n] m, small crumb, morsel.

Minuzzolo , [min'tsl] crumb, small bit. Mio, [mi'] pron. my, mine.

Miologia, [mil'ji] /.myology. Miope, [mi'pe'] m. myope.shortsighted person. Miopia, [mipi'] /. myopy, shortness of sight. Mira, [mi'r] /. aim, sight; intent; aver la -, to aim at; mettere di -, mettere in -, to level, take aim.




Mirabile, [mir'bil] adj. admi- Mischiamento, [raiskirae'n't] Misericordia, [mise'rikr'di] /. m. mixture, medley. mercy, compassion. rable, wonderful. Mirabilia, [mirbi'li] m. pi. Mischianza, [miskian'dsa] f.see Misericordievole , [mise'rikordie"vle'] adj. worthy of comMischiata. wonderful things. Mirabilmente, [mirbilme'n'te'] Mischiare, [miski're'] v. a. to passion, pitiful. mix, mingle; -, v. n. to brawl; Misericordievolmente, [mise'riadv. admirably, wonderfully. MisericorMirabolano, [mirbl'n] m. come to blows; Mischiarsi, krdie'vlme'n'te'] V. r. to intermeddle. diosamente, [miso'rikrdismrobolan (plum). Miracoleggiare, [mirkle'dj'- Mischiata, [miski't] Mischia- me'n'te'] adv. compassionately, tura, [miskiat'r] f. medley; mercifully. re'] r. a. to work miracles. Misericordioso, [misrikrdi'Miracolo, [mira'kl] m. mira- mixture. Mischiatamente,[miskitme'n'- s] adj. compassionate, mercicle, wonder. te'] adv. promiscuously, con- ful. Miracolone, [mirkl'ne] ui Miserissimo, [mise'rissi'm] adj. fusedly. great wonder. Miracolosamente, [mirakls- Mischiato, [miski't] m. and most unhappy. /". Misero, [mi'se'r] adj. miseraMischiatura, [miskiat'r] me'n't] adv. miraculously. ble, wretched ; paltry sad Miracoloso, [mirkl's] adj. the act of mixing mixture. Mischino, [miski'n] see Me- stingy. miraculous, marvelous. Miserone, [mise'r'ne'] m. great Miradore, [mird're'] see Mira- schino. Mischio, [mis'ki] adj. mixed; miser. tore. Miramente, [mirme'n't] m. variegated; -, m. mixture, med- Misfacitore, [mfsftshit're'] m. a malefactor. the act of taking aim. ley. Mirando, [mirn'd] adj. admir- Miscibile, [mishi'bil] adj. mis- Misfare, [misf'r] v. a. irr. (see Fare) to do wrong; -, v. n. to able, wonderful. cible; compatible. Mirare, [mir're'] v. a. & n. to Miscontonto , [miskntn't] contravene. behold, view, contemplate aim adj. discontented, dissatisfied Misfatto, [misft't] wi. misdeed, at. crime. (little used). Miratore , [mirt're'] m. be- Miscredente, [miskre'dn'te']ar/j. Misgradito, [misgrdi't] adj. holder; mirror. unwelcome (little used). (sand. incredulous; -, m. unbeliever; Miriade, [miri'd] f. ten thou- disbeliever, infidel, heathen. Misleale, [misl'l] &c., see Mirica, [miri'k] /. a small twig. Miscredenza, [miskre'dn'ds] Disleale &c. Mirice, [miri'tshe'] f. tamarisk. Mislealmente, [misle'alme'n'te'] f. incredulity, atheism. Mirifico , [mri'fik] adj. won- Miscredere, [miskre''dre'] v. n. adv. perfidiously. drous, wonderful. Mislealt, [mislealt'] and Mito misbelieve, disbelieve. Miro, [mi'r] adj. poes. wonder- Miscuglio, [miskuTo] m. mix- sleanza, [misle'n'ts] f. disful, surprising. loyalty. ture adulteration. Mirra, [mir'r] f. myrrh. Misdire, [misdi're] v. a. irr. {see Missionario , [missin'ri] m. Mirrare, [mirr're'] v. a. to per- Dire) to speak ill, slander missionary. fume with myrrh. Missione, [missi'n] [. mission, (little used). Mirteo, [mrt'] adj. of myrtle; Miserabile, [mise'ra'bile'j adj. discharge. deep bay (said of horses) miserable, poor, needy; unfor- Missiva, [missi'v] f. missive, Mirteto, [mirte"t] m. myrtle- tunate, unhappy. epistle. (sive. plantation, myrtle-grove. Miserabilit, [mise'r abilit'] f. Missive, [missi'vo] adj. misMirtillo, [rairtil'l] m. myrtle- wretchedness, misery. Mistamente, [mistarae'n'te] adv. berry. mixedly, promiscuously. [mise'rbilMiserabilmente , Mirtino, [mirti'n] adj. of myr- mn't]aflfv. miserably, wretch- Misteriale , [miste'ri'l] adj. tle, made of myrtle. mysterious. edly. Mirto, [mir't] m. myrtle-tree. Miseracelo , [mise'r'tsh] tn. Misteriosamente, [miste'risMisantropia, [misntrpi'] /. poor wretch. me'nt] adv. mysteriously. misanthropy. Miseramente , [mise'rame'n'te'] Misterlo, [mist'ri] m. mysteMisantropo, [misn'trp] m. adv. miserably, poorly. ry, secret.





Misavvedutamente, [misavdtme'n't]

miserable, pitiable.

unexpectedly, Miserazioue, [mise'rtsi'ne'] f. pity, commiseration, mercy. Misayveuimento , [misave'ni- Miserello, [mise'r'l] adj. poor, mn't] m. mishap, misfortune. pitiful. Misavvenire, [misave'ni're'] v.n. Miserere, [misr're'] Latin irr. {see Venire) to misbefal. word used in Tuscany instead Misavventura, [misve'nt'r] of abbi misericordia : have mercy, have pity. f. mischance, mishap, Miscadere , [miskd're'] see Miserevole, [mse're''vle'] sec Misavvenire. Miserabile. Miscea, [mishe''] /. lumber, Miserevolmente , [mise're'vlmedley; trifles, pt. me'n'te'] adi?, miserably, wretchMiscellanea, [mishll'ne'] f. edly. miscellany. Miseria, [mis'ri] /".misery, disMiscellaneo, [mighilla'ne'] adj. tress, poverty wretchedness miscellaneous. stinginess, niggardliness. MisoWa, [mis'kia] f. scuffle, Misericordevole, [mise'rikrde''suddenly.
; ;


Misterioso , [miste'ri's] adj. mysterious, secret. Mistero , [mist'r] see Misterio.

Mistia, [mis'tia] see Mischia. Mistianza, [mistin'ds] [. mixture, medley. Misticamente, [mistikmcn'te]

adv. mystically. Misticare, [mistika're'] r. a. to confound together, embroil. Mistico, [mis'tik] adj. mystical,

Mistio, [mis'ti] see Mischio. Mistione, [misti'n] (. mixture;

complex. Misto, [mis't] adj. mixed -, m, mixture, compound. Mistura, [mist'r] /. mixtures

fray, conflict; fight.


vl] see Misericordievole.




Modellabile, [mdllabi'le'] adj, capable of being moulded. Modellare, [mdll're'] .a. to model, mould; frame; delineato.

Misturare, [mistra'r] Mitra, [rai'tr] f. mitre, episcoadulterato. pal crown. Uisura, [mis'r] f. measure ; Mitrare, [mitr're*] v. a. to put requital ; expedient, means on a mitre, instai a bishop. aim;(niu.) cadence; a -, pro- Mitria, [mi'tri] see Mitra. portionably; u - che, in pro- Mitridatico, [mitridti'k] and portion as, according as, so as; Mitridate, [mitrid't] m.mithfuor di -, senza -, beyond mea- ridate. sure, excessively; dar la-, to M, [ra'] adv. now; mo, mo, in requite; pigliar le misure, to a moment, just now. take measures. Mobilare, [mbil're'J see MobiMisurabile, [misr'bil] adj. liare. measurable; within measure. Mobile, [moTjile'] adj. movable; Misuramento , [misramn't] variable, fickle; -, m. movam. measuring. bles, household goods, pi. Misurare, [misr're'] v. a. to Mobilia, [mbi'lij f. furniture. measure, proportion; ponder; Mobiliare, [mbili're'] v. a. to Misurarsi, v. r. to keep within furnish (a house); camere mobounds. biliate, f. pi. furnished rooms,

Modellatore, [mdllat're] m. modeler, former.

Modali etto,
model. Modello,

[mdelle't't] Modellino, [mdlli'n] m. small




pattern, type; example.

Moderamento, [mdrme'n't] m. Moderanza, [mde'rn'ds]



Moderare, [mde'r're'] v. a. to moderate, restrain; Moderarsi,







Misuratamente, [misrtrae'n'- pi. t] adv. Avith measure, mode- Mobiliatura,




Misuratezza, [misrte't's] f. measure moderation (little


Mobilit, de, Mobilitate,


[rabilit'r] /. [mobilit'] Mobilitaf.

[mdertj mn't] adv. moderately, temf.

perately. mobility, Moderatezza, [raderte't'sa]

moderation, self-command.

used). Mobilitare, [mbilit're'] v. a. to Moderato, [mde'ra't] adj. moderate, temperate, sober. Misurato, [misr't] adj. mea- render movable. sured, moderate, discreet, tem- Mobilmente, [mbilmeVte'] adv. Moderatore, [mde'rt're'J m. Moderatrice, [mdrtri'tsh] perate. movably. Misuratore , [misrt're'] m. Mocajardo , [mkyr'd] m. f. moderator; director. Moderazione, [mdrtsi'ne'] f. (mar.) hair-cloth (worn by monks). log-line. Mocoeca, [mtsh'k] m. & f. moderation, temperance ; disMisurazione, [misratsi'n] f. driveller; ninny; idleness (vul- cretion.


Modernamente, [mde'rnme'n'(little used). garism). [misre''vlj see Moccicaja, [mtshik'y] f. mu- t] adv. recently, newly. Modernit, [modernit'] f. novMisurabile. cus issuing from the nose, Misuse, [mis's] misuse, Moccicare, [ratshik'r] v. n. elty, newness. Moderno, [mdr'n] adj. modabuse. to snivel. Misvenire, [misve'ni're'j v. n. Moccichino, [mtshiki'n] m. em, recent, new.


irr. (see Venire) to

swoon; to


Modestamente, [mde'stmn'-

miscarry. Mite, [mi'te'] adj. mild, meek. Mitemente, [mitmn't] adv. mildly, gently. Mitera, [rai'te'ra] f. paper-mitre (worn at the pillory). Miterare, [mitr'r] v. o. to put on the mitre of infamy. Miterino, [mite'ri'n] adj. deserving the mitre. Miterone, [mite'r'ne'] m. large mitr.e of infamy. Mitigamento, [raitigmn't] m. mitigation. Mitigare, [mitig'r] v. o. to mitigate, appease, ease, calm;

[mtshik'ne'] m. t] adv. modestly, discreetly. Modestia,[md'sti] f. modesty, great idiot {vulcjarlsm). Mocciconeria, [mtshikne'ri'] moderation; discretion. stupidity [yul- Modesto, [md'st] adj. modf. foolishness, est; shy, chaste; sober. garism). Moccicoso, [mtshik's] adj. Modico, [mdi'k] m. and adj. said of humor running from a little, small. Modificare, [mdifik're'] v. a. the nose. Moccio, [m'tsh] m. mucus to modify, limit. [mdifikti'vl Modificativo , from the nose. Moccioso, [mtsh's] see Moc- adj. capable of being modified. Modificazione , [mdifiktsi'cicoso. /. modification, modera[mkkl'y] Moccolaja , ne'l /,




Moccolino, [mkkli'n] m. small Modiglione




V. r. to relent.

Moccolo, [mk'kl]


(arch.) modillion, console. bit of Modino, [m'din] see Modano.

Modio, [m'di] m. bushel. [mitigti'v] adj. candle, small candle. lenitive, assuasive. Moccolone , [rakkl'ne] m. Modista, [mdi'st] /. a bonnetMitigazione, [mitigtsi'n] /". great bit of candle ; great maker. mitigation, alleviation. Modo,[m'd] m.raanner,meaus; idiot. Mitit, [mitit'] f. mildness. Moco, [m'k] m. kind of pulse custom, use ; measure ; {gr.) Mitologia, [mitlji'] f. my- (to feed cattle). mood ; a -, like ; a mio -, as thology. Moda, [rao'd] f. mode, fashion, I do, as I please; di - che, in - che, so that, insomuch ; in Mitologico, [mitl'jik] adj. vogue; alia -, fashionably. mythological. Modaccia, [md'tsh] /. ugly che -? in what way? ad ogni all means, absolutely ; -, by Mitologista, [raitlji'st] Mi- fashion. tologo, [mit'lg] m. mytho- Modanatura, [mdnt'r] f. oltre -, excessively; t verun avere -, to logist. -, in no manner; (arch.) moulding. mtostorico, [mitstri'k] adj. Modano, [m'dan] m. mould, be able , have the means ; dar -, to open the way, initisaid of history mixed up with model, calibre; frame ; netting ate; far di -, to endeavour; mythology. mesh.

to set bounds to, regumoderate; direct. Modulare, [mdl'r] v. a. to modulate, harmonize, tune. Modulatore, [mdlt'r] m, modulator, tuner. Modulazione, [mdltsi'ne'] f. modulation, tuning. Modulo, [m'dl] m. model, form, module. Moggiata, [mdja'tii] /". rood,






Moltiplicabile, [raltiplik'bile'] Molino, [mli'n] m. mill. Molla, [m'l] f. spring of a adj. multipliable. Moltiplicamento , [raltiplik"watch &c., mainspring. adj. mn't] m. multiplication. Mollaccio , [mlla'tsh] Moltiplicando, [mltiplikn'd] flabby, very soft (little used). Mollame, [mll'm] m. soft m. (ar.) multiplicand. Moltiplicare, [mltiplik're'] v. flesh. Mollare, [mll're'] v. a. to a. to multiply, increase. slacken, loosen; (mar.) to veer; Moltiplicatamente , [mltipli-

ktme'n't] and Moltiplice -, V. n, to leave off, desist. Molle, [m'le'] adj. humid, moist; mente , [mltiplitshe'mn'te'J adv. in various manners. Italian acre. gentle, tender soft, delicate met- Moltiplicatore, [mltiplikt'Moggio, [m'djj m. bushel; weak pulpous, downy re'] wi. multiplier; increaser. tere in -, to soak. hogshead. Moltiplicazione , [raltiplikaMogio, [m'j] adj. heavy, sleepy, Molle, [m'l] see Molli. stupid. Molleggiare, [mlldj're'] v.n. tsi'ne'] f. multiplication. Moltiplico, [mlti'plitshe'] adj. Mogliajo, [mr'y] adj. said to be pliant. of an affectionate husband. Mollemente, [mlle'me'n't] adv. multiplied; various. [mltiplitshit] Mogliazzo, [mr'ts] m. wed- kindly, gently, softly; weak- Moltiplicita Moltiplicitade, Moltiplicitate, ding, nuptials, pi. ly, effeminately. Moglie, [mT] f. wife, spouse. Molletta, [mllt't] /. hook to f. multiplicity, diversity. Moltiplico, [mlti'plik] m. mulMogliera, [mr'r] Mogliere, the bucket of a well. [ml''re'] f. wife, woman. Mollette, [mllt't] f. pi. pin- tiplying; multiplication. Moltisillabo, [mltisill'b] adj. Moine, [mi'ne'] /". pi. dalliance, cers, nippers, pi. coaxing. Mollettina, [mlle'tti'n] ^.sraall polysyllabic. Moltitudine, [mltit'dine'] f. Moineria, [mine''ria,] f. coax- spring. ing manner, coquetry. Mollezza, [mlle't's] f. softness; maltitude, great number. Molto, [ml't] adj. much, many, Moiniere,[mini'r] tn.fondlor, delicacy; effeminacy. cajoler (little used). Molli, [m'li] f. pi. fire-tongs, great; -, adv. ranch, greatly, Moja, [m'y] /. salt-pit. extremely; molto molto, very pi. Mojatore, [myt're'] m. worker Mollica, [mlli'kj /. crumb much, too much; -, m. great in a salt-pit. fleshy substance. quantity, great number; abunMola, [m'iii] /". mill-stone; Molliccio , [mllt'tsh] Molli- dance; uomo da -, m. man of mole. weight. cello, [mllitsh'l] adj.soraeMolato, [ml't] adj. sharpen- wihat soft. Moltospito, [mltspi't] adj. ed, whetted. Molliflcamento,[mllifikmen'- very hospitable. Molcere, [mltshe"re'] and Mol- t] m. mollifying, mitigation. Momentaneamente , [mme'ncire, [mltshi'r] v. a. to sof- Mollificare, [mllifik're'] v. a. tne'me'n't] adv. in a moten, appease, mitigate. ment, at once. to mollify, soften; calm. Mole, [m'l] /. pile, heap Molliflcativo , [mllifikti'v] Momentaneo, [mme'nt'ne']a(/j. mass of buildings; structure, adj. emollient. momentaneous,transitory, fleetsize; mass, bulk. Molliflcazione, [mllifktsi'- ing. Molecola, [ml'kl] f. mole- no'] f. mollification, softening; Momento, [mme'n't] m. mocule. alleviation. ment, instant; importance, Molenda, [mln'd] f. miller's MoUire, [molli'ro] v. a. to mol- weight ; motion, impetus affee. lify, soften relax. fare di -, m. matter of imporMolendare, [mle'nda'r] v. a. MoUitivo, [mUiti'v] adj. emol- tance. to take away a small quan- lient; opening. Momordica , [mmr'dik] /. tity from a larger. Molllzie, [mlli'tsi] f. softness; (bot.) geranium. Molestamente, [mle'stme'n'te'] weakness, effeminacy. Mona, [m'n] /. madonna dame, adv. troublesomely, annoying- Mollore, [mll'r] Mollume, mistress. ly[mU'm] m. humidity (from Monaca, [m'nk] f. nun.
; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ;



t] I. vexation, trouble. Molestare, [mle'sta'r] v. a. to

rain), dampness. Molo, [m'l] m. mole, quay.




Monacale, [mnak'I] adj. monastic, monkish. Mer- Monacanda, [mnkn'd] f.


molest, importune.

Molestatore, [mle'stt'r] m. tiresome man. Molestia, [ml'sti] f. molestation, vexation, annoyance, importunity, uneasiness. Molesto, [ml'st] adj. troublesome, tiresome -, m. molestation, annoyance. Molgere, [mlg're'] v. a. to milk. Molinajo, [mlin'y] and Mo;

Molosso, [ml's] i. mastiff. Monacare, [mnak're'] v. a. to Molteplice, [mlte'pli'tshe'] see make a nun; Monacarsi, v. r. Moltiplico. to take the veil. Molticcio, [mlti'tsh] m. mud, Monacato, [mnk't] m. momire. nastic life; monachism. Moltifldo, [mltifi'd] adj. cleft Monacazione, [mnktsi'ne'J in many parts. f. the act of taking the veil. Moltiforme, [mltifr'me'] adj. Monaccordo, [mnkkr'd] m. multiform. raonochord. Moltilatero, [mltil'te'r] adj. Monacella, [mnitsh'l] f. young

having many



linaro, [mlin'r] m. a miller. Moltiloquio, [mltil'ktti] m. Monacello [mntsh'l] n. , Molinara,[mlina'r]/". amillers- great loquacity. young monk, little monk. maid. (mill. Moltiparo, [mlti'pr] adj. mwl- Monachetta, [mnke't'taj $69 Molinello, [mlin'l] m. hand tiparous. Monacella.



Monnosino, [mnnsi'n]
gracious cheerful

[mnkt't] see Mondiale, [mndia'le'] adj. mundane, worldly. Monacello. Monachile, [mnki'l] adj. mo- Mondifloamento , [mndifikmn't] m. cleansing, purifynastic. Monachina, [mnki'n] f. little ing. Mondificare, [mndifik'r] v. nun; spark. Monachino, [mnki'n] m.gnat- a. to mundify, clean. snapper, bulfinch; adj. dark Mondificativo, [mndifikti'v] adj. mundificativo, cleansing. red color, livid, tawny. [mndifikMonachismo, [mnkis'm] m. Mondificazione tsi'n] /. cleansing, purifymonachism. Monacile, [mntshi'le'] see Mo- ing. Mondiglia, [mndl'l'] f. panacale. Monaco, [mo'nk] m. monk; rings, husks; sweepings, pL;

(little used).

small ape,





and , Monocolo, [mn'kl]a(//.monoeulos, one-eyed.





Monocromato, [mnkr'mt]
m. a picture of one color.

Monodia, [mndi']
funeral oration.







Monacnccia, [mnk'tsh] /. Mondizia, [randi'tsi] pretty little nun; monacucce liness, neatness.





Mondo, [mn'd] adj. cleansed, Monogramma, [mngram'm] sword-grass. m. monogram. clean; pure. Monade, [mn'de'] /. monade. Monarca, [mnr'ka] m. mon- Mondo, [mn'd] m. world, Monologo, [mnfi'lg] m. monuniverse; mankind; fig. great ologue, soliloquy. arch. Monarchia, [mnrki'] f. mon- quantity; dar al -, to give Monomachla, [mnmki'] /. single combat. birth to; venire a!-, to come archy. Monarchico, [mnr'kik] adj, into the world, be born; uscire Monopolio, [mnp'li] m. monof a monarch, monarchical. Monaro, [mn'r] m. miller.


to die. [rane'd'l]



mag- Monopolista, [mnpli'st] m.

monopolist; forestaller. pie. Monasteriale, [mnaste'ri'lo] [mnllri'] f. Monosillaha, [mnsil'lb] f. adj. belonging to a monastery. Monelleria , monosyllable. Monasterio, [ranst'ri] Mo- roguery ; enticing. nastero, [mnst'r] jn. mon- Monellesco, [mne'lle's'k] adj. Monosillabo, [mnsiriab] adj. of one syllable; -, m. word of roguish. astery, cloister. Monasticamente , [mnstik- Monello, [ran'l] m. swindler, one syllable, monosyllable. Monostico , [mn'stik] m. pick-pocket, rogue. rae'n't] adv. monastically. Monastico, [mn'stik] adj. Moneta, [mn't] f. coin, mon- poes., monostich. Monotonia, [mntui'] f. moey; - bianca, silver-coin. monastical. Moncherino, [mnke'ri'n] m. Monetaggio , [mne't'dj] m. notony. Monotono, [mn'tn] adj. mocoining of money, minting. one-handed person. Monchino, [mnki'n] m, stump Monetale, [mne't'l] adj. be- notonous. Monsignore, [mnsin''re'] m. longing to money. (of a limb). Monco, [mn'k] adj. maimed, Monetare, [mnt're'] v. a. to my Lord, your Lordship; title given to high ecclesiastical crippled; de- coin, mint. one-handed, Monetario, [mne't'ri] w. a dignitaries. fective. Monsone, [mns'n] m. monMoncone, [mnk'ne'] ee Mon- coiner of false money. m. soon. [nanti're'] Monetiere, chino. Monstroso , [mnstr's] see Mondacelo, [mnd'tsh] m. coiner. Monetina, [mnti'n] f. small Mostruoso. wicked world. Montagna, [mnt'n'] f. mounMondamente , [mndme'n't] coin, small money. Mongana, [mng'n] f. milk- tain. adv. cleanly; decently. Montagnaocia, [rantn''tsha] fed calf. Mondamento, [mudme'n't] wi Monile, [mni'le'] m. necklace. cleaning; clearing. f. high and steep mountain. Mondana, [mnd'n] /^. aworld- Monimento, [ranime'n't] and Montagnetta, [mntn'fc'ta] Monumento, [mnme'n't] m. little mountain. ly-woman prostitute. Mondanamente, [mndnme'n'- admonition, exhortation; mon- Montagnoso, [mnta'n''s] adj. mountainous. ument; tomb. te'] adv. in a worldly manner. Mondanit , [mondanit'] /. Monisterio, [mnist'ri] see Montagnuola, [mntn''l] see Montagnetta. Monasterio. worldliness. Mondano, [mnd'n] adj. mnn- Monitore, [mnit're'] m. mon- Montambanco, [mntmbn'k] m. mountebank. dane, worldly; -, m. worldling. itor, adviser. Mondare, [mnda're'] v. a. to Monitorio, [mnit'ri] m. mon- Montamento, [mntmn't] m. mounting, ascending. itory, admonition. peel, pare; clean, cleanse; sift, Monizione, [mnitsi'ne'] f. ad- Montanaro , [mntan'r] m. winnow, riddle. muni- mountaineer, highlander. Mondatore, [mndt're'] m. monition ; warning Montanello, [mntn'l] m. tions, pi. peeler ; cleanser, sifter. Mondatura,[mndt'r]/. peel- Monna, [m'n] f. dame, mis- mountaineer; tomtit, linnet. Montanesco, [mntne's'k] ad/ tress. ing, cleansing, pickings, pt. Mondazione, [mndtsi'n] f. Monnino, [mnni'n] m. young rustic. Montanino, [mntni'n] adj. of ape. sifting; purification. Mondezza, [mndt's] f. clean- Monnone, [mnn'ne'] m. large mountains -, m. mountaineer, highlander. ape, great monkey, baboon. ness, neatness. Mondezzaio, [mndets'y] m. Monn'onesta, [mnnn'sta] f. Montano, [mnt'n] adj. of a honest woman (said ironically). mountain; mountainous. dunghill.




Morditore, [mrdit're'] m,
ter; slanderer.

act for delaying the execution [rantn'ds] see , of a judiciary proceeding. Montata. montare, [mnt're] v. a. to Morbetto, [mrbt't] m. indismount, ascend; raise; exalt; position, slight illness. - a cavallo, to mount a horse; Morbidamente , [mrbidme'n'- in furore, to get angry; - la t] adv. delicately, weakly. guardia, to mount guard; -, v. Morbidamente, [mrbidme'n't] m. softening, pampering n. to rise; come to, amount to; effeminacy. increase, grow. Montata, [mnt't] /. mount- Morbidare, [mrhid're'] v. a. ing ascent, height; advance- to weaken, render effeminate. Morbidetto, [mrbidt't] adj. ment, preferment. adj. soft, tender. [mntti'le'] Montatile , Morbidezza, [morbide' t's] f. that may he mounted. Montato, [mnt't] adj. ben -, softness, delicacy; niceness, wantonness, luxury. well-mounted, well-furnished. Montatojo , [mntt'y] m. Morbido, [mr'bid] adj. soft, delicate; downy; tender; efmounting-hlock. (very soft. Monte, [mn't] m. mountain, feminate, [mrbid'n] adj. hill; heap, mass, great quan- Morbidone, tity; a monti, in heaps, in Morbifero, fmrbi'fe'r] Morbigreat numbers, copiously - di fico, [mrbi'fik] adj. morbific, causing diseases. piet, the city pawn-hroker"s, Morbiglione, [mrbir'ne] see lombard, loan-office.
; ; ;

Morditura, [mrdit'r] f. see Mordimento. Morella, [mr'l] f. morel

quoit; giuocare alle morelle, to play at quoits. Morello, [mr'l] adj. blackish, black (said of horses).

Morena, [mr'n] f. lamprey. Moresca, [mre's'k] f. morrisdance.

Moresco, [mre's'k] adj. moorish.

Moretto, [mre't't] m.Moor. Morfea, scurf, [mrf'] /.

scabbiness. Morfla, [mr'fi]
cosely). Moria, [mrx']



plague; con-



[mribn'd] adj. dying. Moriccia, [mri'tsh] /.rubbish;

mulberry. Monticellino, [rantitshe'lli'n] Morviglione. Monticello, [mntitsh'l] m. Morbino, [mrbi'n] m. wan- Morice, [mri'tsh] Morici, [inotonness, petulance ri'tshi] f. pi. piles, hemorrhoids, hill, hillock; heap Montimbanco, [mntimbn'k] Morbisciato, [mrbish't] adj. pi.
sickly, infirm, weak. see Montambanco. Montoncello , [mntntsh'l] Morbo , [mr'b] m.




young negro.

Montoncino , [mntntshi'n] contagion, infection passion Morigerare, [mrijra're'] v. a. - sacro, epi- regio, jaundice m. young ram; sheep-skin. to tutor, bring up; teach good manners. Montone, [mnt'n] m. ram, lepsy. wether battering ram num- Morboso, [mrb's] adj. dis- Morigeratezza, [mrije'rte't'sa] eased, sickly, contagious. skull. f. good manners, pi.; becoming Montonino, [mntni'n] adj. Morcajo, [mrk'y] m. a spe- demeanour. cies of olive-tree. Morigerato , [mrije'r't] adj. of a ram. Montuosit , [montuosit'] /. Morchia, [mr'ki] f. dregs, of good manners, well brought

hilliness; steepness.

Montuoso, [mnt's] ly, mountainous.

adj. hil-

grounds ojf oil, pi. Morchioso, [mrki's]

of dregs.

adj. full

Moriglione, [mril''n] m. avosetta.

Monumento, [mnme'n't] m. Morcia, [mr'tsh] see Morchia. Morioncno, [mrintshi'n] m. Mordace, [mrd'tshe'] adj. bi- small cap, little head-piece. monument, tomb.
Monzicchio, rmntsik'ki] m. ting pungent, sharp, satirical; lingua, -, f. tart tongue. small heap (little used). Mora, [m'r] /". mulberry, bl ack- Mordacemente[mrdtshrae'u'berry; heap of stones; delay; t] adv. sharply, satirically. a pillar made of brick or com- Mordacetto, [mrdtshe't't] adj. rather tart, somewhat sharp. mon materials. Morajuola, [mry'l] f. mul- Mordacit, [mrdtshit'l Mordacitade, Mordacitate, f. morberry (fruit). Morajaolo, [mry'l] m. mul- dacity; sharpness, bitterness. Mordente, [mrdn'te'J adj. bi berry-tree. Morale, [mr'l] adj. moral -, ting, pungent; -, m. mordant. Mordere, [mr'dre'] v. a. irr. m. morals, pi.; morality. Moraleggiare, [mrle'dja're] v. {morsi; morso) to bite backbite,

Morione, [mri'ne'] m. helmet,

casque, head-piece.

Morire, [mri're'] v n. irr. {muoio; morr; morto) to dio, expire; go out ; - di fame, to die of hunger, starve - di freddo, to freeze to death; - di suo male, - di morte naturale, to die a naturai death; - di voglia, to long for. Moritojo, [mri't'y] adj. mor.

tal, subject to death.

Mormeca, [mrme''k]
ton, silly fellow.



n. to moralize. Moralista, [mrli'st] m.


satirize, censure.

mor- Mordicamento, [mrdikme'n'- Mormoracchiare, [mrmrkkit] m. bite, biting. 're'] V. a. to slander. Moralit, [moralit'] Moralita- Mordicante, [mrdikn'te'] adj. Mormoramento, [mrmrme'n't] m. murmur, buzzing noise; de, Moralitate, f. morality, biting; sharp, tart. Mordicare, [mrdik're'] v. a. to grumbling. moral. Mormorare, [mrmr're'J v. n. Moralizzare, [mrlids're'] v. smart, fret, burn. Mordicativo, [mrdikti'v] adj. to murmur; grumble, lament. n. to moralize, teach virtue. Moralizzazioiie,[mrlidstsi'- sharp, smarting. ^ Mormoratore , [mrrart're'] Mordicazlone, [mrdiktsi'ne'] m. grumbler; backbiter. n] f. moralizing. Moralmente, [mrlme'n'te'] adv. f. biting, pricking, bitingness. Mormorazione, [mrmrtsi'Mordigallina, [mrdiglli'n] f. ne'] f. murmuring, grumbling ; morally; probably. Morato, [mr't] adj. of black- chick-weed. calumny. Mordimento, [mrdime'n't] m. Mormoro, [mrm're'] see Hot* berry-color; blackish. Uoratoria, [morato 'ria] f, an bite; censure, slander. morio.

Mormoreggiare, [mrmre'dj'- Morticino,
r] V. . to purl;





[mrmr'vl] adj. buzzing; calumnious. Uormorio, [rarmri'] m. murmur, calumny. Mormoroso, [mrmr's] see

Mormorevole. Moro, [m'r] m. mulberry-tree; Moor; negro. More, [m'r] for Maojo (see

Moroide, [mr'id]
licmorrlioids, pi.


pi. piles,

Morola, [mr'Jd] f. mulberry. [mrsmn't] tion. Mortificativo, [mrtifikti'v] adv. tardily, slowly. Moroso, [rar's] adj. tardy, adj. causing mortification. Mortificazione, [mrtifiktsi'sloAv, lasting. Morrocca, [mrrk'k] /. ; fare n] f. mortification abstinence. la-, to act the s^py (vulgarism). Morsa, [mr's] Morse, [mr's] Mrtina, [m'rtin] Mortine, pi.; cor[m'rtine'] f. myrtle. f. screw-vice, pincers, ner-stone. Mortiniccio, [mrtini'tshi] ni. Morsecchiare, [mrse'kki're'] v. a place abounding in myrtles. a. to bite gently, gnaw, nibble. Mortigno, [mrti'n'j adj. sadMorseccliiatura, [mrskkit'- colored. ra] f. bite, tooth-mark. Mortito, [mrti't] m. myrtleMorseggiare, [mrsdj're'J v.n. berry ragout. nibble, slowly. eat Morto, [mr't] adj. dead, deto Morselletto , [mrslle't't] m. ceased extinguished wan morsel; pill. acqua morta, f. standing waMorsello, [morselo] tn. morsel, ter; peso -, m. dead weight; mouthful. -, m. corpse, dead body; dead

[mrtitshi'n] adj. Moschereccio , [raskre''tshi] dead, pale, withered -, m. little adj. appertaining to flies. corpse. Moscherino, [mske'ri'n] wi. [mrtlfe'r- small fly, gnat, midge; montare Mortiferamente , ran't] adv. in a deadly man- il -, to fly into a passion for ner. nothing. Mortifero , [mrti'fr] adj. Moschetta, [mske't't] f. small deadly, mortiferous. fly; musket. Mortificamento , [mrtifik- Moschettare, [mske'tt'r]i;.. mn't] m. mortification. to kill with a musket-ball. Mortificare, [mrtifik'r] v. a. Moschettata, [msktt't] f. to mortify curb, musket-shot, gun-shot. macerate subdue; vex. Moschetteria, [mske'tte'ri] f Mortificatamente, [mrtifikt- body of sharp-shooters, musmn'te'] adv. with mortiiica- keteers, pi. ; volley of musket; ;



Moschettiere, [mske'tti're'] m. musketeer, sharp-shooter. Moschettina, [rasktti'nj /. small fly. Moschetto, [mske't't] m. musket, hand-gun. Moschettone, [mske'tt'ne'] m. blunderbuss. Meschino, [mski'n]m. little fly.

Mosciama, [msh'ma]



tunny-fish. [mshi'n] schino.






Moscione, [msh'n] m. a small species of gnat bred in wine casks at the time of making





Morsicatura, [mrsiktiVr]


mark of

a bite.

Morso, [mr's] m.

bite, biting; snaffle, curb; morsel, mouthful;

remorse; restraint.

Morsura, [mrs'r] gnawing; smart.



Mortadella, [mrtd'l]/. Mortadelle, [mrtad'l] m. Bologna-sausage. Mortajetto, [mrtaye't't] m. small mortar. Mortajo, [mrt'y] and Mortaro, [mrt'r] m. mortar. Mortajone , [mrty'n] m. large mortar. (deadly. Mortale, [mrt'le'] adj. mortal. Mortalit, [mortalit'] Mortalitade, Mortalitate,/'. mortality; slaughter.



adv. mortally,



Mortamente, [mrtme'n'te'Jadv.
like a dead person. Mortaretto, [mrtre't't]
art. squib, cracker.


Morte, [mr't] f. death, decease a -, mortally. Mortella, [mrt'l] f. and Mortelo, [mrt'l] m. myrtle.

Mortelletta, [mrtlle't't] /. small myrtle. Morticelo, [rarti'tsh] adj. half dead; vran.

man. new wine, tippler. [mskntsh'l] Mortorio, [mrt'ri] Mortoro, Mosconcello, [mskntshi'n] [mrt'r] m. funeral, obse- Mosconcino, m. small fly, gnat. quies, pi. Morvido , [mr'vid] see Mor Moscone, [msk'n] m. large fly, hornet. bido. Morviglione, [mrvil''ne'] m Mossa, [m'sa] f, movement, motion. measles, pi. Mosaico, [ms'ik] adj. mosaic, Mosse, [m's] f. pi. startingpost, barrier; signal (of partinlaid. Mosca, [ms'k] f. fly; - cieca, ing); essere in sulle -, to be blindman's buflf; saltar la -, to on the point of starting tenebe offended , get angry; far re alte -, to hold in, restrain. d'una - un elefante, to make Mossolina,[mssli'n] see Mussolina. mountains of molehills. Moscadato, [mskd't] adj. Mostacchio, [mstk'ki] m. mustachio, whisker. musked. Moscadella , [mskad'l] f. Mostacciaccio, [msttsh'tsh] Moscadello, [mskde''lj m. m. great ugly whisker. M ostacolata, [msttsh't] f. muscat-wine, muscadel. slap on the mouth. Moscado, [msk'd] m. musk. Moscajo, [msk'y] m. great Mostacciatina, [msttshti'n] number of flies tiresome affair f. gentle slap on the face. Moscajola, [msky'l]/". meat- Mostaccino, [msttshi'n] m. small face. safe, pantry. Moscardino, [mskardi'n] Mo- Mostaccio, [msttsh] m. face, scardo, [mskr'd] m. tassel, visage; mustachio. Mostaccione, [msttsh'n] m. male hawk. Moscaruolo, [mskr'l] m. slap on the mouth. Mostacciuolo, [msttsh'l] m. musk-rat. Moscatello , [mskt'l] m. spice-cake. Mostaccuzzo , [mstkk'ts] muscat-wine, sweet wine. Moscato, [msk't] m. dapple- see Mostaccino. Mostaja, [mst'y] /. a kind of gray, musk. Moscerino , [mshe'ri'n] see very sweet grape. Moscherino. Mostarda, [mstr'd] f. sweet Moschea, [msk'a] f. mosque. fruits preserved with mustard.
; ;




Mostatore, [nistt'r] m. wine- Motteggevole, [mtte'dje'v'le'] Mozzo, [m'ts] adj. cut off curtailed; mutilated; -, w. prosser, pressman. adj. facetious. Mosto, [m'st] m. must, new Motteggevolmente, [mtte'dje'- stump, fragment; piece; - di

Mostoso, [mst's] adj. sweet as must. Mostra, [m'str] /". show, display; review; appearance, semblance; sample, pattern; sliowwindow, glass-case; dial-plato. Mostrabile, [mstr'bil] adj. that may be shewn.


stalla, stable-boy. vlmn'te'J adv. facetiously. [mtte'dj- Mozzorecchi, [mtsre'k'ki] m. , mn't] m. quizzing, raillery. rogue, cheating fellow {vulv. a.

Motteggiare, [mtte'dj're']
to jeer, quiz.


Mucca, [mk'k] /. a milch-cow. Motteggiatore, [mttdjt're'] Mucchero, [mk'ke'r] m. water

banterer, jeerer, quiz.
of roses &c.

Motteggio vole,
adj. facetious,

[mttdje''vle'] ftucchierello







[mstrdme'n't] Motteggio, [mtted'j] m. jest, small heap. Mucchio, [mk'ki] m. shewing, shew; demonstra- banter, raillery.

m. heap,

Motteggioso, [mtte'dj's] see


pile; mass.

Mostrare, fmstr'r] v. a. to Motteggievole. shew; demonstrate, teach; - il Mottetto , [mtte't't]


Muccia! [mu'tsha] inter, denojoke,

ting surprize.


shew one's teeth

jest; sport.


oppose; -, V. n. to appear, Motto, [m't] m. motto, device; seem; pretend, feign, make as word; jest, joke; non ne fate if; mostra di non conoscermi, -, dou't speak of it, don't he makes as if he did not know mention it. (jest. me. Mottuzzo, [mtt'ts] in. little Hostrativo , [mstrti'v] adj. Motuproprio , [mtpr'prio] demonstrative. see Motoproprio. Mostratore, [mstrt're'] m. Moveca , [rav'k] simpleton, demonstrator, exhibitor, green horn.

[mtsh'y] , servant-boy.


Mucco, [mk'k] see Muco. Mucellaggine, [mtshll'dji/".

Mostrazione, [mstratsi'ne'] f. demonstration, shewing, display.

Mostro, [m'str] m. monster,


Mostroso, [mstr's] adj. monstrous, prodigious, excessive.


ne'] see Mucilaggine. (cat. Mucia, [rau'tshiii] puss, sheMucidaglia, [mtshidT] f. a heap of rotten substances. Mucido, [m'tshld] ad;. musty, mouldy humid, moist efiferaMovente, [mvn'te'J adj. mov- inate; m. mould arising from ing; nimble, active -, m. mo- damp. Mucilagine, [mtshil'jin] Mutive. Movenza, [mvn'ds] /. move- cilaggine, [mutshila'dji'ne] f. mucilage. ment; graceful action. Movere, [m've're'] see Muovere. Mucilagginoso,[miitshildjin'Movevole, [mve''vl] Movibi- S] adj. mucilaginous; viscous. [mvi'bil] adj. movable, Mucina, [mtshi'na] f. little le,
; ; ;


[mstrsaadv. monstrously strangely. Mostrjiost, [mstrsit']Mostruositade, Mostruositate, f. monstrosity. Mostruoso, [mstr's] see Mostroso. Mota, [m't] f. mud, mire, dirt;

moving; persuasible; variable,


(she-) cat, young cat. Mucine, [mtshi'n] m. young

cat, little cat.

Movimento, [mvimn't] movement, motion.

Movitiva, [mviti'v]
origin (little used). Movitivo, [mviti'v] stable, -, m. cause.


Muco, [m'k] m. mucous fluid. cause, Mucosit, [raksit'] Mucositade, Mucositate, f. viscosity. un- Mucoso, [mk's] adj. viscous, mucous.



[mvit're'] see

Mo- Muda, [m'd]Mudagione, [mdaj'n]



moulting; changing.

Motaccio,[mt'tshi] m. muddy Mozione, [mtsi'ne']







Motivare, [mtiv're']

v. a. to allege, propose; explain. Motivo , [mti'v] adj. motive,

impulsive; -, m. motive, cause; incitement. Motivone, [mtiv'ne'] wi. strong motive. Moto, [m't] m. movement, motion; impulse; di proprio -, of one's own accord, spontaneously. Motoproprio, [mtpr'pri] m. an absolute decree. Motore, [mt'r] m. mover, contriver. Motoso, [mt's] adj. muddy, miry. Motrice, [mtri'tshe'] adj. moving, impelling; -, f. mover, contriver. Motta, [m't] /. clod, lump of

moult. Muffa, [muffa] f. musliness, tion; proposition. Mozza, [mts] f. a kind of small mouldiness saper di -, to have cheese inclosed in a bladder, a musty smell. Muffare, [mffa're'] v. n. to grow and tied in the middle. Mozzamente, [mtsmnte'] adv. musty, grow mouldy. Muffaticcio, [mffti'tsh] adj. in a mutilated manner. Mozzamento, [mtsran't] i. somewhat musty. Muffato, [mffa't] adj. musty; cutting oflF, mutilation.

movement; commotion, agita-


Kotteggeria, [mtte'dje"ri]
the act of quizzing.


spoiled with damp. [mts're'] v. a. to truncate, mutilate, cut off; Muffeggiare, [muffe'dja're'] see Muffare. abridge, abbreviate. Mozzatura , [mtst'r] f. a Muffetto, [mfft't] m. dandy, spark, beau. small remnant of cloth &c. Mezzetta, [mtst't] /".bishop's Muffettino, [mffe'tti'n] m. an irascible person. gown. Mozzicoda, [mtsik'd] adj. Muffldo, [mffi'd] adj. mouldy, covered with mould. docked, cropped. Mozzicone , [mtsik'ne'] m. Muffo, [muffo] see Muffato. Mugavero, [muga've'r] m. anfragment, remainder. Mozzinerla, [mts]ne''ri] f. cient spear, dart; pike-man. {vulga- Mugellaggine, [mjll'djin], cunning see Mucilaggine. rism) Mozzino, [mtsi'n] m. cunning Mugghiamento , [mghime'n' to] m. lowing, bellowing. blade, sharper {vulgarism).

Mugghiare, [mglii'r] v
to low, bellow.



Mulino, [mli'n] and Molino, Munto, [mn't] af/;.lthin, exten[moli'n] m. mill; - d' acqua, uated; - di senno, senseless. MugghieTole,[mugliie"vl] adj. water-mill; - a vapore, steam- Munuscolo , [mns'kl] in. lowing (said of cattle); la- mill; - a vento, wind-mill; adj. small gift. menting. of a mule. Muovere, [m've're'] v. a. irr. Muggliio, [m'glii] and Mu- Mullaghera, [mllghe''r] f. a (mossi; mosso) to movo; oxcito, glio, [mT] m. lowing, belspecies of wild broom. instigate; persuade; - gli aflowing, lamentable ery. Mulo, [m'l] m. mule fig. ob- fetti, to touch, affect; alter, Muggine, [m'djine'] f. wMting, stinate person bastard. change; - lite, to go to law; (fish). Mulona, [ml'n] /. great mule quistione, to propose a quesMuggiolare, [mdjl're'] see fig. very obstinate woman. tion; -, V. n. to stir; bud; Mugolare. Mulsa, [mul'sa] f. and Mulso, Muoversi, v. r. to move on, set Muggire, [mdji're'] see Mug- [ml's] m. hydromel. oflF; proceed; - a dire, to begin ghiare. to speak. Multa, [ml't] f. fine, penalty. Muggito, [mudji't] and Mugi- Multare, [mlt'r] v. a. to fine, Muracelo, [mr'tsh] m. old to, [mji't] m. lowing, belruinous wall. amerce. lowing, roar. Multiforme, [mltifr'me'] &c., Muraglia, [mr'l'] f. wall. Mugherino , [mghe'ri'n] m, see Moltiforme &c. Murajuolo,[mry']] adj. insort of jessamine. Multiloquio, [mltil'ku] m.. habiting walls (said of certain Mughetto, [mghe't't] m. lily excessive talking. (aged. birds). of the valley. Multilustre, [mltil'str] adj. Murale, [murale] adj. mural. Mugiolare, [mjl'r] see Mu- Multipare , [mltip'r] adj. Muramento, [mrme'n't] m. golare. walling ; masonry. multiparous. Maglio, [mT] see Mugghio. Multiplicamento , [mltiplik- Murare, [mr'r] v. a. to wall; Mugnajo, [mn''y] m. inillor; me'n't] m. the act of multi- build; stop up, enclose. sea-gull, sea-mew. plying. Murata, [rar't] f. dungeon; Mugnajo, [mn''y] adj. of a Multiplicare,[raltiplika'r]&c., castle, fortress. mill mola mugnaja, f. mill- see Moltiplicare &c. Murato, [mr't] adj. walled, stone. Multitudine, [mltit'din] see surrounded by walls. Mugnere, [mu'n'e're'] w. a. irr. Moltitudine. Muratore, [mrt're'] m. ma(munsi ; munto) to milk; press, Mummia, [mm'mi] f. mummy. son, bricklayer. drain, extract. Mundiale, [mndi'I] see Mon- Muratorio, [mrt'ri] adj. beMugnitore , [mn'it're'] ni. longing to a brickalyer. diale. milker. Munoramento, [mne'rme'n't] Muroido, [murtshi'do] adj. idle, Mugolamento, [miglme'n't] m. remuneration, reward. good for nothing. Mugolio, [mgli'] m. howl- Mnnerare, [mne'r're'] v. a. to Murello, [mrl'l] m. little ing, yelping; groaning. wall. remunerate, reward. Mugolare, [mgl'r] v. n. to Munerazione, [mne'rtsi'ne'] Murena, [mr'n] f. lamprey. yelp groan. Muretto, [mrt't] see Muf. recompense, reward.
; ;

Mula, [m'l] f. mule slipper. Mungere, [mn'je're'j see MuMulacchia, [mlak'ki]/'. jack- gnere. daw, crow. Municipale, [mnitship'le'] adj. Mulacchaja, [ralkki'yl f. municipal. flight of crows prating, chat- Munioipe, [munitshi'pe'] m. intering. habitant of a municipal town. Hulaccio, [ml'tsh] m. bad Municpio , [mnitshi'pi] m. mule. city, free-town. Mulaggine, [ml'djin] /".stub- Munificente , [mnifitshn't] bornness of a mule; obstinacy. adj. munificent. Mulattiere , [mltti'r] m. Muniflcentemente , [munifi;


Muria, [mu'ria] f. brine, pickle. Muriatico, [raria'tik] adj.

(chym.) muriatic. Muriccia, [mri'tsh] f. heap of stones; mulberry. Muricciuolo, [mritsh'l] m.
little wall.

Muricino, [mritshi'n]



Murmure, [mr'mre'] m. murmur, warbling. Mure, [m'r] m. (muri & mura, pi.) wall; rampart; homo; - di
spartimento , partition-wall stare a - a -, to be next door neighbours. Musa, [m's] f. muse; pips,
flageolet; song.

muleteer; mule-driver. tshntme'n'te'] adv. munifiMulatto, [mlt't] and Mulaz- cently. Munificenza, [mnifitshn'ds] 20, [ml'ts] m. mulatto. Mulcere, [mltshe"r] see Mol- Munificenzia , [mnifitshn'cere. dsi] f. munificence, liberality, Mulenda, [muln'd] f. miller's bounty. fee. Munifico, [muni'fik] adj. muMuletta, [mle't't] f. Muletto, nificent, liberal. [mult't] m. young mule.little Munimento , [mnimn't] m. mule. monument; admonition. Muliaca, [mH'k] seeMeliaca. Munire, [mni're'l v. a. to proMuliebre, [mli'br] adj. wo- vide; fortify; Muntesi, v. r. manish; delicate, soft. to provide for one's self; arm Mulinajo , [mlin'y] m. a one's self. miller. Munistero, [mnist'r] see MoMulinare, [ralin're'] v. n. to nastero. revolve in one's mind, muse. Munitorio, [mnito'ri] see MoMulinare, [mHn'r] m. miller nitorio. Mulinello, [mlin'l] m, hand- Munizione, [mnitsi'ne'] /. mumill ; whirlwind ; (mar.) windnition, fortification; provision; lass. pan di -, m. soldier's bread.

Musaico, [ms'ik] m. mosaic, mosaic work. Musardo, [msdr'd] adj. musing, loitering, lazy.




stare, loiter, (little used).

Musarola, [msr'l] see Museruola.

Musata, [ms't]




Muscato, [muska't] Muschiato, [mskit] adj. musked,





Huschietto, [mskit't] m. Musichino, [msiki'n] m. little Mutande, drawers, musician. musk-pear. Muschio, [ms'ki] m. moss; Musico, [m'sik] adj. musical; Mutante,


musk. Mnschioso

changing; inconstant. [mski's] adj. Musicene, [msik'ne'] m. great Mutare,[mt'r]t) change, , musician. alter, vary; remove; Mutarsi, mossy, full of moss. Musino, [musi'n] m. little V. r. to change one's shirt, Muscia, [m'sh] see Mucia. clothes &c. Huscino, [mslii'n] m. little muzzle, kind of eel. Muso, [m's] m. muzzle, snout; Mutatore, [mtt're'] m. chancat, kitten. grimace. ger. Musco, [ms'k] see Muschio. Muscolare, [mskl're'J adj. Musoliera, [msli'r] f. muz- Mutazione, [mttsi'ne'] /".mutation, alteration. muscular. zle. Muscoleggiamento, [mskl- Musona, [ms'n] f. sulky wo- Mutevole, [mt'vl] see Mutabile. djme'n't] m. articulation. man. Muscoletto, [mskle't't] Mus- Musone, [ms'ne'] adj. surly, Mutevolmente,[mte'vlme'n'te'] sullen, pouting; -, m. slap on see Mutabilmente. colino, [muskli'n] m. small the face, cuff. Mutezza,[mtt's] f dumbness. muscle. Muscolo, [ms'kl] and Mus- Musorno, [msr'n] m. stupid Mutilamento, [mtilme'n'tj m. fellow. mutilation; abridgment. culo, [msk'l] m. muscle. Muscoloso, [mskl's] adj. Mussitare, [mssit'r] v. a. to Mutilare, [mtil're'] v. a', to full of muscles, muscular. speak in a low tone. mutilato; abridge. Museggiare, [mse'dja'r] v. a. Mussole, [ms'sl] Mussoli- Mutilatore , [mtilt'r] m. to compose in poetry (said jo- no , [mssli'n] m. muslin mutilator. kingly). (stuff). Mutilazione, [mtiltsi'ne'] f. Musello, [mse'll] m. the lower Mustacchi, [mstk'ki] m. pi., mutilation. mustaches, pi. lip of the horse. Mutilo, [m'til] adj. mutilated, Museo, [ms'] m. museum. Mustella, [mst'l] f. weasel. truncated. Museruola, [msr'l] f. nose- Mustiare, [msti'r] v. n. to Muto, [m'to] adj. dumb, mute. hand; hridle; muzzle. use moss. Mutolezza, [mtlt'sa] /.dumbMusetto, [mset'tj m. small Mustio, [m'sti] m. moss, tree- ness, muteness, silence snout; little muzzle. Mutolo, [m'tl] adj. dumb, moss. Musica, [m'sik] /. music; dis- Musulmano, [mslm'n] m. mute ; -, m. dumb person. cord, noise (said contemptuous- Mahometan. Mutria, [m'tri] /. harsli counly). Muta, [m't] f. change, ex- tenance. Musicale, [msik'le'J adj. mu- change; mutation; a - a -, by Mutuamente , [mutamen'te'] sical. turns; -di cani, pack of hounds; adv. mutually, reciprocally. Musicalmente, [msiklmn'te'] - di cavalli, set of horses; - di Mutuare, [mt're'] v. a. to adv. musically. vestiti, suit of clothes. lend money on interest. Musicare, [msik're'] v. n. to Mutabile, [mut'bil] adj. mu- Mutuazione, [mtatsi'ne'] /. sing, play. mutuation, reciprocation. table; inconstant. Musichevole, [msike'v'le'] adj. Mutabilit, [mutabilit'] Mu- Mutulo, [m'tl] m. modillion; appertaining to music. tabilitade, Mutabilitate , f. bracket. Musichiere, [msiki're'] m. mu- mutability, change. Mutuo, [m't] adj. mutual, sician (said derisively). Mutabilmente, [mtbilme'n'te'] reciprocal; -, in. loan of money Musiehessa, [msiks'sa] f. fe- adv. inconstantly. at interest. male musician (said derisi- Mutamento, [mtme'n't] m. Muzzo, [mt's] adj. sweet and vely). mutation, vicissitude. sour.

pi. [miitn'te'] adj.


N, this letter is sounded like the same letter in English,

er of pearl, nacre.


moth- Nanfa, [nn'f]

v. a.



save when preceded by an s, Naccherare, [nakke'r're'] as in snello, when it is sound- to sound the rattle.

Nanna, [nn'n]

ed more softly, and in some- Naccherino, [nkke'ri'n] what a more elongated man- kettle-drummer.
ner than in the union of the same letters in the words inow, snort &c. When preceded by a g, as in gnaffe, gnomone, tlosea much of its sound, as in the English words gnaw, gnome, &c. Nabissare, [nabissa're'] v. a. io

m. Nano,

f. lullaby; far to lull to sleep. [n'n] m. dwarf, shrimp;



large kettle-drum. Nadir, [nadir'] m. nadir. Naffe, [naf'fe'] int. indeed


melo -, m. dwarf-apple tree. Napo, [n'p] m. turnip. Nappa, [np'pj /. tuft, tassel,
cockade. Nappello,
(wolf's-bane. [np'l] m. (hot.)




[nappi'na] /. small tassel. Nafta, [nafta] f. naphtha. Najade, [n'yd] /.naiad,water- Nappe, [np'p] m. cup, goblet; (to a dwarf. basin. nymph. destroy, ruin, overwhelm -, Naneo, [n'ne'] adj. belonging Nappone, [npp'ne'] m. large V. n. to rage, fume; Nabis- Nanerello, [nne'r'l] Nanetto, tassel, great tuft. SARSi, V. r. to fall into an [nne't't] m. little dwarf. Narciso, [nrtshi's] Narcisso, abyss ; get overwhelmed. Nanino, [uni'n] m. very little [nrtshis's] m, daffodil ; narNacchera, [nk'ke'ra] f. kettle- dwarf. cissus.

Narcotico, [nrk'tik] adj. nar- Naseca,



[ns'k] f. an ugly Naturalezza, [nturle't's] /. nose. naturalness, natural property, Nardino , [nrdi'n] adj. of Nasello, [ns'l] Nasetto, [n- nature. se't't] m. little nose; catch, Naturalissimo, [ntrHs'sim] spikenard. bolt, haddock. adv. naturally, of course. Nardo, [nr'd] wi. spikenard. Naro, [n're] Narice, [nri'tsh] Nasino, [nsi'n] wt. pretty little Naturalista, [natrli'st] m. nose. naturalist. nostril. f. Narragione, [nrraj'ne']/'.Nar- Naso , [n's] m. nose ; menar Naturalit [naturalit'] Naturaramento , [nrrme'n't] m. pel -, to lead by the nose ; aver litade,Naturalitate, /.natural buon -, to be sagacious, pre- property, naturalness. narration, recital, story; tale. Narrare, [nrr'r] v. a. to re- scient; mettere il - per tutto, to Naturalizzare, [ntrlids're'] v.a. to naturalize. intermeddle in every thing. late, teli. Narrativa, [nrrti'v] f. nar- Nasone, [ns'n] m. large nose. Naturalmente, [ntrlmn'te'] Naspare, [nsp'r] v. a. to wind adv, naturally, after nature; rative, recital. of course. [nrrtiv- into skeins. Narrativamente , mn'te'] adv. by way of re- Naspo, [ns'p] m.reel; winder. Naturante, [nturn't] adj. ef(rative. Nassa , [ns's] f. bow-net ; ficient, producing. lation, Naturare, [natr're'] v. a. to Narrativo, [nrrti'v] adj. nar- phial. render natural , naturalize ; Narratore, [nrrt're'] m. nar- Nasso, [ns's] m. yew-tree. Nastrai 0, [nastr'y] m. riband- Naturarsi, v. r. to become harator, relator, teller. bituated to, accustom one''3 weaver. Narratorio, [nrrt'ri] adj Nastriera, [nstri'r] f. knot self to. narrative, relating. Naufragare, [nufrg're] v. n. of ribands; bow-knot. Narratrice, [nrrtri'tslie']/. reNastrino, [nstri'n] m. small to shipwreck, be ruined. later. Naufragio, [nufr'ji] m. shipNarrazioncellafnrrtsintsh'- riband. Nastro, [ns'trjm. riband, lace. wreck; destruction, ruin. l] /. little story. Narrazione, [nrrtsi'ne'] f. Nasturzio, [nstr'tsi] Naufrago,[n3tt'frg]adj.wreckwater-cresses. ed, ruined. narration; account. Nasaccio, [ns'tsh] m. large, Nasnccio, [ns'tsh] . very Naulo, [nu'l] see Navolo. Naumachia, [nttmki'] /. naulittle nose. ngly nose. Nasaggine, [nasa'djine'] ni. per- Nasuto, [nsu't] Of/;. big-nosed, machia, sea-fight. Nausea, [nu's] f. nausea son with a large, ugly nose, long-nosed. Natale, [nt'le'] adj. natal na- loathing. Baron Big-nose. [nusabn'd] tive; -, m. nativity, birth-day; Nauseabondo, Nasale, [ns'le'] adj. nasal. disgusting, nauseous, Nasare, [nasa're'] v. a. & n. to Qiorno del Natale, Christmas- 06^'. loathing. day. smell, smell out. Nasata, [ns't] f. rebuff, re- Natalzio, [ndtli'tsi] adj. na- Nauseamento, [nuse'me'n't] m. nanseousness. tal ; giorno -, m. birth-day. pulse {vulgarism). Nauseare, [nuse''re'] v. a. to Nascente, [nshn't] adj. com- Natnre, [nt're'] see Nuotare. ing forth, rising, new; cres- Natatoria, [natt'ri] f. pond, nauseate, loathe ; -, v. n. to be disgusted at, have retchings. fish-pool. cent. Nascenza, [nshn'ds] /'.birth, Natatore, [ntt're'] m. Nata Nauseativo, [nMsti'v] adj. nauseous, loathsome. trice, [nttri'she] f. swimmer; nativity; tumor. Nascere, [na'she're'] r. n. irr. any thing that swims or floats. Nauseato, [nuse''t] Nauseoso, [nuse''s] adj. disgusted, {nacqui ; nato) to be born^ come Natica, [nti'k] f. buttock. Natio, [nti'] ad/. natal, native. nauseous, loathsome. forth, arise, proceed. Nascimento, [nshime'n't] m Nativamente , [ntivme'n't] Nauta, [ntt't] m. poes. sailor, boatman. adv. naturally. birth; origin, rise. Nascita, [n'shit] f. birth, ex- Nativit, [nativit'] Nativitade, Nautica, [nu'tik] /. art of sailing. Nativitate, /. nativity, birth. traction; descent. Nascituro, [nshit'rjadj.about Nativo, [nti'v] adj. native, Nautico, [ntt'tik] odj. nautical, natal; natural; lingua nativa, of navigation. to rise. Nautilio, [nawti'lio] m. nautilus Nascondono, [nsknde'l'l] see f. mother-tongue. Nato, [n't] m. poes. offspring, (fish). Nascondiglio. Navale, [navale'] adj. naval, of Nascondere, [nskn'de're'] v. a. son, child.

irr.{nascosi; nascoso, nascosto) Natrice, [natri'tsh] f. water- navigation; -, m. dock-yard. Navalestro, [nvl'str] *. snake. to conceal, hide. Nascondevole, [nsknde''vle'] Natta, [nafta] /. trick; tumor waterman, ferryman. Navarrino, [navrri'n] ni. a (in the mouth); naphtha. adj. that may be hidden. Nascondiglio, [nskndlT] m. Natura, [nt'r] f. nature, es- kind of grape vine originally hiding-place, lurking-place. sence; humor, disposition; kind, brought from Navarre. ship's Navata, [nv't] /. Nascondigliuolo, [nskndir'- sort; di sua -, naturally. Naturacela, [ntr'tshii] /'.bad freight, boat-full. 1] m. small hiding-place. Nave , [n'v] /. ship , vessel Nascondimento, [naskndime'n'- disposition. Naturale, [ntr'l] adj. natu- nave (of a church). t] m. hiding, concealment. ral, innate, genuine, easy, unaf- Naveggiare, [nave'dja're'] v. n. Nasconditoi'e, [nskndit're'] m. hider, concealer. fected; -, of course; -, m. na- to navigate. Nascosamente, [nasksme'n'te'] ture; cavar dal -, to copy from Navetta, [nve't't] /. small ship, small vessel.. nature. adv. secretly, stealthily. Nascostamente, [nskstme'n'- Naturaleggiare, [ntrldj'- Navicabile, [nvikbi'le'] tet r] .a. to represent naturally. Navigabile. te'] $ee Nascosamente.



Negligentare, [nglijnta'r]
a. to neglect, disregard.

&c. see Neccio, [ne''tsh] and Niccio,] [ni'tsh] m. a kind of small Navicella , [nvitsh'l] and cake made of chesnut-flour. Navicula, [nvik'la] f. small Necessariamente, [ntshssvessel; bark, boat; little nave. rimn't] adv. necessarily. Navicellajo, [nvitshe'll'yj m. Necessario, [ntshss'ri] adj. ferryman, boatman. necessary, needful; -, m. neNavicellata, [nvitshell't] f. cessary, water-closet. boat- full, barge-full. Necessarioso, [ntshssri's] Navicellino, [nvitshlli'n] m. adj. necessitous, needy. very small boat, punt. Necessit, [ntshssit'] NecesNavicello, [uvitsh'l] m.boat, sitade. Necessitate, f. neces-

Navigare &c.


[neglijn't] adj. negligent, heedless, careless. Negligentemente, [nglijntmn't] adv. negligently, heedlessly.

Negligenza, [ne'glijn'ds] Negligenzia, [nglijn'dsi] /. negligence, carelessness. Negligere, [ngli'jr] v. a. irr.

{neglessi; negletto) to neglect,

disregard. want. Navichiere, [nviki're'] m.boat- Necessitare, [ntshe'ssit'r] v. Negossa, [ne'g's] f. Negosso, [ng's] m. sweep-net. man, waterman. a. to necessitate, compel. Navigabile, [nvig'bil] adj. Necessitoso, [ntshssi'ts]adj. Negoziante , [ngtsin't] w. merchant, trader. navigable. necessitous, poor, indigent. Navigamento, [nvigme'n't] Necrologia, [ncrl'ji] f. ne- Negoziare, [ngtsi'r] negotiate, trade, traffic, treat, m. navigation. crology. transact. Navigare, [nvig're'] v. n. to Necrologio , [neTrrl'ji] m navigate, sail; - secondo i ven- register of deaths. Ne goziativo,[ne'gtsiti'v] ad;. negociable. ti, to sail with the stream. Necromanzia, [nkrmntsl']/ Negoziato , Navigatore,[nvigt'r]m.nav- necromancy. [ngtsi't] m, treaty, negotiation. igator, seaman. Ned, [ned] for: Ne. Navigatorio, [nvigt'ri] adj. Nefandezza , [nfndt's] Ne Negoziatore, [ngtsiat'r] m. Negoziatrice , of navigation; arte navigato- fandigia, [nfndi'ji] Nefan^ [ngtsitri'-





art of sailing.

dita, [nfndit'] /'.wickedness,



negotiator, trader.

Negoziazione, [ngtsitsi'ne'] Navigazione, [nvigtsi'ne'] /. execrableness. navigation, sailing; - a vapore, Nefando, [nfn'd] adj. nefan- /. negotiation, treaty. steam-navigation. Negozietto, [ngtsit't] w. dous, most execrable. Navigio, [navi'ji] m. ship, ves- Nefari amente, [nfrime'n'te'] trifling business. sel. Negozio, [ng'tsi] m. afi'air, adv. nefariously. Naviglio, [navi'r] m. fleet; Nefario, [nf'ri] adj. nefa- business; transaction trade,

vessel, ship.




Navile, [navi'le'l adj. naval, mar- Nefasto, [nf'st] adj. unlucky. itime; -, m. fleet; ship (little Nefritico, [nfri'tikj adj. med. used as a substantive). nephritic. Navilio, [nvi'li] see Naviglio Nefritide , [nfri'tide'] f. med. Navolo, [n'vl] m. freight, nephritis, gravel. fare. Negabile, [ng'bil] adj. deniNavone, [nv'ne'] m. long tur able. nip; numskull. Negabilit, [ngbilit'] f. lie, Nazionale, [natsina'l]adj.nati- contradiction. onal, of the country. Negamento, [ne'grae'n't] Nazione, [ntsi'ne'] /". nation; negation, denial. tribe, race; extraction. Negare, [ng'r] . a. to deny, Ne, [n] pron. to us, us; some, disown. some of it, some of them - sono Negativa,[ngti'v] /".negation,

Negozione,[no'gtsi'n] /".heavy Negozioso, [ngtsi's] adj. busy, careful. Negoziuccio, [ngtsm'tsh] m.

trifling business.

Negreggiare, [ngrdja'r]
to got blackish

v. n.

be sun-burnt. Negretto, [ngrt't] od;, blackish, sun-burnt. Negrezza, [ngrt'si] /. blackness, swarthiness. Negro, [n'gr] adj. black, gloomy; sad; -, m. negro.

contento, I


ts's] /.necromancer ; wizard; thence. witch. t] adv. negatively. Ne', [n] for : Nei, Nello &c. Negativo, [ngti'v] adj. nega- Negromantico, [ngrmn'tik] Ne, [n] conj. neither, nor; - tive, denying, refusing. adj. necromantic. anche, not even. Negatore, [ngt'r] m. denier, Negromanzia, [ngrmntsi'] Nebbia, [n'bi] /. fog, mist; refuser. /". necromancy, witchcraft. /?g'. ignorance; im&o</are la -; Negazione, [ne'gtsi'n] Negrore,[ngr'r]m. blackness. f. neto lose one's pains. Nel, [nel] Nello, [n'l] for: No gation, refusal. Nebbione, [nbbi'n] m. thick Neghittaggine, [nghittji'n] lo. mist. Nembo, [ne'mb] m. nimbus ; /. laziness, poltroonery. Nebbioso, [nbbi's] adj. fog- Neghittosamente, [nghitts- sudden rain, deluge of rain; misty, gloomy. gy, mn't] adv. negligently, care- storm; shower. Nebride, [nbri'd] f. chamois- lessly. Nemboso, [nmb's]ad;,stormy, skin anciently worn by Bacca- Neghittoso, [nghitt's] adj. tempestuous. nalians. (mist. negligent, careless; indolent, Nemesi, [n'msi] f. vengeance, Nebula, [n'bl] /. poes. fog, sluggish. rancor, malice. Nebulento, [nbln't] see Ne- Neglettamente, [nglttmn'- Nemicamente, [ne'mikme'n'te'] buloso. t]a(/. neglectfully, carelessly. adv. hostilely. Nebulone, [nbl'nj m. a sim- Neglettare , [ngltt'rj v. a. Nemicare, [nmik're'] v. a. to pleton. to undervalue. hate, persecute. Jebuloso, [neTiulo'so] adj. neb- Neglezione,[ngle'tsi'n]/',neg- Nemichevole, [nmik'vl] adj. ulous, misty. ligence; omission. inimical, fierce, furious, cruel.


(her, it,

satisfied with denial. them); -, adv. Negativamente, [ngtivmn'-

Negromante, [ngrmn't] m. Negromantessa, [ngrmiin-


I tat. -Ina.


ffemichevolmente, [nraikvlmn't] adv. fiercely, cruelly.



[nttpan'ni] m [nri'tsht] adj. blackish, Nettapanni, clothes-scourer rather black, swarthy; tawny, v. a. to clean, Ibernico, [nmi'k] adj. inimical, Nerita, [nn't] f. a univalve Nettare, [ne'tt're'] cleanse, scour -, v. n. to pack species of snail of lively and hostile; contrary; -, m. enemy, otf, decamp. various colors. fiend, foe. Nemist, [nmist']Nemistade, Nero, [n'r] adj. black, dark; Nettare, [ne't'tr] m. nectar. Nettareo, [ntt're'] adj. neclivid -, m. black, black color Nemistate, f. enmity. Nenia, [n'ni] f. funeral song, mourning vestire a -, to put tareous. [ne'ttti'v] adj. on mourning; mostrar nero per Nettativo , mournful ditty. Nenufar, [n'nfar] m. water- bianco, to reason falsely, utter cleansing, detersive. falsities porre il - sul bianco, Nettatojo, [nttt'y] m. dishlily. clout, wisp, broom. Keo, [n'] wi.mole: patcli, spot. to write. Nerume, [nr'm] see Nerezza. Nettatore, [nttat're']m. cleanNeoflto, [nofi't] t. ncophite. - della macchina, rail. neology. Nervale, [nrv'l] adj. belong- er Neologia, [nlji'a] engine-cleaner. Neologico, [nl jikojfldj.neo- ing to the nerves. Nervata , [nrv't] see Ner- Nettatura, [ntttu'r] {. cleanslogical. ing; sweepings, pi.; dirt. Neologismo, [ne'ljis'm] m. bata. Nerveo, [nr've'o] adj. nervous, Nettezza, [ne'ttt's] [. cleanlineologism. ness, neatness uprightness, Neologo, [n'lg] m. inventor vigorous. Nervetto, [ne'rvt't] m. small sincerity. of new words. Netto, [nt't] adj. clean, neat, Nepitella, [nepit'l] /. boi. cat- nerve. Nervo, [nr'v] m. nerve, sinew, pure; clear, net; faithful; Nepitelle, [ne'pit'l] m. rim of vigor, strength; essere di buon porto -, m. net amount; -. adv. cleanly; honestly; fraukly; -, to be vigorous. the eye-lids Nepote, [npt[in.&/'. nephew, Nervosamente, [ne'rvsnie'n'te'] cleverly giuocar -, to proceed cautiously. niece; grandson, grand-daugh- adv. nervously; vigorously. Nervosit, [ne'rvsit'] Nervo- Nenno, [ne''n] ee Niuno. ter. Nepotina, [ne'pti'n] /. grand- sitade, Nervositate, f. vigor, Neutrale, [nutr'l] adj. neutral, indifferent. energy. niece. Nepotino, [ne'pti'n] i. grand- Nervoso, [ne'rv's] Nervuto, Neutralit, [ne'utrlit'] Neu[nrv't] adj. nervous, sturdy, tralitade, Neutralitate, {. neunephew. trality. Neputa, [np't] see Nepitella. strenuous. [ne'shin'te'] adj. Neutralizzare, [ne'utrlids're'] Neqnit, [nkuit'] Nequitanza, Nesciente , V. a. to neutralize. [nkuitn'dsa] f. wickedness, ignorant, uninstructed.
; ;




[nkuit's] wicked, iniquitous.



[ne'shie'nte'- Neutralmente, [nwtrlme'n'te'] Nescientemente, adv. neutrally, indifferently. mn't] adv. ignorantly. Neutro, [nu'tr] adj. neuter, [ne'shtn'ds] Nescienza , /.

[ne'kui'tsi] see


Nerbare, [ne'rhre'] . a. horsewhip. Nerbata, [ne'rh't] /. a hlow little round bell. with a horse-whip. Nespolina, [nspli'n] /. small Nerbo, [nr'b] m. nerve; sinew; medlar. cat-gut. Nespolo, [ne'spl] w. medlar Nerborino, [ne'rhri'n] m. small tree. nerve Nessile , [ne'ssi'le'] adj. that Nerboruto, [ne'rbr't] adj. may be knotted. nervous, muscular, vigorous, Nessunissimo, [ne'ssunis'sim]

ignorance, want of education adj. poes [n'shi] , to ignorant. Nespola, [ns'pl] f. medlar



Nevajo, [ne'v'y] m. abundance of snow. Novale, [ne'v'le'] adj. said of

snowy weather.
Nevare, Nevata,
[ne'va're'] see



Nevicare. a picture


representing a snow-scene. [ne'va'tj adj. cooled with snow.


adj. not a single one.



Nessuno, [nss'nl and Nissu adv. vigorously, sturdily. no, [niss'n] adj. none, no Nerboso , [nrb's] Nerbuto, body, not one; any, any one, [nrb't] adj. nervous, vigor some, any body (seldom used ous. in sucTi sense, and only interNerbuto, [nrb't] adj. possess rogatively: c' egli stato ing muscles; strong, muscu- has any one called?) nessuna

cosa, nothing at all. [nere'djameV- Nestaja, [ne'st'y] and Nestat) m. blackening. juola, [ne'sty'l] f. nursery Nereggiare, [nredja're'] v. n. ground; seminary. to incline to black; grow black. Nestare, [ne'sta're'J v. a. to graft, Nereide, [nr'id] sea- inoculate. f. nymph. Nesto, [n'st] m. graft, scion. Nerellino , [nre'lli'n] m. a Nettacessi, [ne'tttsh'si] m. large kite. small black spot. Nibbio, [nibTjio] m. kite; simscavenger, night-man. pleton. Neretto, [nrt't] adj. rather Nettamente, [ne'ttmn'te'l adi" blackish, dusky. cleanly, neatly; uprightly, Nicchia, [nik'ki] f. niche; fg. charge; situation. Nerezza, [nrt's] /'.blackness, frankly. swarthiness. Nettamento, [ne'ttme'n't] m. Nicchiaja, [nikki'y]/. ground Nericante, [nrikn't] Neric- cleaning, scouring. covered with shells.


Neve, [n'v] f. snow. Nevicare, [nvik'r] v. imp. to snow. Nevicoso, [nevik's] adj.snowy, full of snow. Neviera, [ne'vie''r] /. a snowhouse place for preserving snow. Nevischia, [ne'vis'ki] /. Nevischio, [nvis'ki] m. drizzling snow, sleet. Nevosit, [ne'vsit'] Nevositde , Nevositate, quality of what is snowy. Nevoso, [uv's] adj. snowy, full of snow; white as snow. Nibbiaccio , [nibbi'tshj tn.





water-lily. Nicchiamento, [nikkimn't] Ninfea, [ninf'] Ninfetta, [nlnft't] f. little m. whining, complaining.

Nicchiare, [nikki'r] v. . to whine, compbiin. Nicchietta, [nikkit't] f. small


Nicchietto, [nikkit't] m. small shell ; a void space.



m. shell

conchshell; cockle. Nicchiolino, [nikkli'n]

m. small shell. Nicchioso, [nikki's] adj. said of land covered with shells.
Nicessit, [nitshe'ssit'] &c., see Necessit &c. Nichilo, [niTiil] m. nothing,

naught. Nidata, [nid't] and Nidiata,

[nidi't] f. nestful, covey. Nidiace, [nidi'tshe'] adj. fresh Nitido, [ni'tid] adj. neat, clean, ciuola. from the nest; simple, silly. spruce, nice bright, shining. Nocellata, [ntshe'll't] /. a Nidiata, [nidi't] see Nidata. Nitore, [nit're'] m. brightness, kind of sweet paste made of apples and almonds &c. Nidificare, [nidifik're'] r. n. to brilliancy; neatness.^ Nocemoscada, [ntshe'msk'make a nest hreed, hatch fix Nitrico, [ni'trik] adj. nitric. one's residence, settle. Nitrire, [nitri're'] v. n. to neigh. d] /. nutmeg. Nidio, [ni'di] m. nest, roost; Nitrito, [nitri't] m. neighing. Nocente, [ntshn'te'] adj. noxhome. [nitrit'r] m. a ious, hurtful. Nitritore, Nocentino, [ntshe'nti'n] m. Nidiuzzo , [nidi'ts] m. small neighing horse. nest. Nitro, [ni'tr] m. nitre, saltpe- foundling. Nocere , [no'tshe're'] see NuoNido, [ni'd] see Nidio. tre. Nidore , [nid'r] m. a smell Nitroso, [nitr's] adj. nitrous. cere. similar to that of rotten eggs Ninno, [ui'n] pron. no one, Nocevole,[ntshe''vle']ac?/.hurtful, pernicious. or oily smoke. nobody, none. Nidoroso, [nidr's] adj. smell- Niveo, [ni've'] adj. very white, Nocevolmente, [ntshe'vlme'n'te'] adv. hurtfully, perniciously. ing disagreeably. white as snow. Niogare, [nie'g're'] v. a. to deny, No, [no] adv. no; not dico di - Nocimento, [ntshime'n't] m. refuse. harm, damage. (fusai. I say it is not. Niego , [ni'g] m. denial, re- Nobile, [n'bil] adj. noble, il- Nocino, [ntshi'n] adj. of a nut ; a child's game played Niellare, [nill'r] v. a. gold. lustrious, excellent ; -, m. nowith walnuts; lingua nocino, to engrave. ble, nobleman. Niello, [ni] m. gold, wavy Nobilezza, [nbile't's] Nobili- f. slanderous tongue. Nocitore, [ntshit're'] m. he carved work, raised work. ta, [nobilita'] see Nobilt. Niente, [nin't] m. nothing Nobilitare, [nbilit're'] v. a. io that injures; a dangerous man. - affatto nothing at all. ennoble; make famous; Nobi- Nocivamente, [ntshivme'n't] Kientedimanco, [nie'nte'dimn'- litarsi, V. r. to make one's adv. harmfully, perniciously. k] Nientedimeno, [nie'nte'di- self illustrious. Nocivo , [ntshi'v] Nocitivo, m'n] Nientemeno, [ninte'- Nobilitatore, [nbilitt'r] m. [ntshiti'v] adj. hurtful, perm'n] adv. nevertheless, how- he that confers nobility. nicious. ever. Nobilmente, [nbilmn'te'] adv. Nocumento, [nkmn't] m. Niffa , [niff] /. Niffo, [niff] nobly, generously. damage, wrong. Niffolo, [niffolo] m. snout Nobilt, [nobilt'] Nobiltade, Nocumentnccio, [nkme'nt'muzzle. Nobiltate, f. nobility, noble- tsh] m. slight damage. Niffata, [nifT't] /". a blow given ness; generosity, liberality. Noddo, [nd'd] m. a simpleton. on the snout. Nobilume , [nbil'me'] m. the Nodello, [nd'l] m. juncture ; Nigella, [nijela] f. 5o^ bishopclass of nobles (said contemp- knot in plants. weed, gith. tuously). Noderoso, [nde'r's] NoderuNighittoso , [m'ghitt's] see Nocca, [nTc] f. knuckle, joint. to, [nde'r't] adj. knotty, Neghittoso. Nocchia, [nk'ki] /".green ker- knobby. Nigligente, [nigljn'te']&c., see nel. Nodo, [n'd] *n. knot; joint, Negligente &c. Nocchiere, [nkk're'] Nocchie- articulation; bond, union - del Nigro, [ni'gro] &c. , see Negro ro, [nkki'r] m. pilot, steers- collo, nape of the neck ; - di &c. man. vento, whirlwind. Nimicare, [nimik're'] &c,, see Nocchieroso, [nkkir's] Noc- Nodoroso, [ndr's] see NoNemicare &c. chieruto, [nkkie'r't] adj. doso. Nimicizia, [nimitshi'tsia] f. en- knotty.knobby rugged, sturdy. Nodosit, [nodosit'] f. knottimity, rancor, grudge. Nocchio, [n'ki] m. knot, knob ness. Ninfa, [nin'f] f. nymph ; chrys- (in trees &c.). Nodoso, [ndd's] adj. knotty ; alis. Nocchioso, [nkki'fi] see Noc- nodoua. Ninfale, [ninfale'] adj. of a chieroso. Nodribile, [ndri bile] adj. nournymph; airy. Noccioletto, [ntshle't'] Noc- ishable.
; ; ; ;

ciolino, [ntshlf no] m. small stone (of fruit). Nocciolo, [nt'shl] m. kernel, nymph; pretty girl. Ninna, [nin'n] f. lullaby, baby; stone (of fruit) pippin, mumps; sono due anime in un -, they far la -, to go to sleep. Ninnare, [ninn're'] v. rock, are hand and glove. lull asleep. Noccioluto, [ntshl't] adj. Ninnarella, [ninnrl] /. little with a kernel, stony. Nocoinola, [ntsh'l] f. hazelsong (to still babes). Ninnolare, [ninula're'] v. .to nut, filbert. Nocoinolo, [ntsh'l] m. hazel, trifle away one's time. filbert-tree, nut-tree. Ninnolo, [nin'nl] m. trifle. Nipitella, [nipit'lj see Nepi- Noce, [n'tshe'] f. walnut; husk, shell; - del collo, anat. necktella. bone; Adam's apple; - del piede^ Nipote, [nip'te'] see Nopote Nisoondere, [niskn'de're'] see ancle bone; - moscada, nutmeg; -, ni. walnut-tree; 6a(fere ti -, Nascondere. Nissnno, [niss'n] see Nessuno. to fatigue one's self by trying to persuade another. Nitidezza, [nitidt's] f. bright Nocella , [ntshl] see Nocness; clearness.

Nodrice, [ndri'tsli] wet-nurse.




[ndriran't] m. , nonrishment, food. Nodrire, [ndri're'] v. a. to nourish, feed; bring up; No-


DRiBSi, V. r. to feed one's self; - di speranze, to live upon hope.

m. [ndrit'rj , nourisher, feeder. Hodritrice, [ndritri'tshe'] /". nurse. Hodritura, [ndrit'r] f. nourishment; education. Hoi, [n'i] pron. we, us. Nostrano, [nstr'n] see NoKoja, [n'y] /. weariness, an- print, non pareil. noyance ; trouble, vexation Non, [non] adv. not;no;-cfte strale. altro, at least, but; - pertanto, Nostro, [n'str] pron. of us, ill words, pi.; dar-, to trouble, ours; our. be tiresome; venir a -, to dis- nevertheless, however. Nona, [n'n] /. none, ninth hour. Nota, [n't] /". note ; mark, please. Nojare, [ny're'J . a. to weary, Nonagenario, [nnje'n'ri] adj. sign; stain. Notabile, [nt'bile'] adj. notaninety years old. tease; trouble, molest, vex. [nnlir- ble, remarkable; -. m. saying; Nojatore , [nyt're'J m. tire- Noncorrispondenza, rispndn'ds] f. nonconformi- byword; Notabili, pi. the nosome person, bore. tables, pi. Nojevole, [ny'vle']seeNojoso. ty, disproportion. Nodosamente , [nysme'n't] Noncurante, [nnkrn't] adj. Notabilmente, [ntbilmeVte'] notably, remarkably; adv. careless, indifferent. adv. wearisomely, tediously. clearly. Nojo80,[ny's] adj. wearisome, Noncuranza, [nnkrn'ds] f. Notajo, [nt'y] m. notary. carelessness, indifference. tiresome, tedious. [nndimnlc] Notajuolo, [nty'l] NotaIdoleggiare, [nle'dj're'] v. a. to Nondimanco , Nondimeno, [nndime"n] adv. juzzo, [ntyuts] m. poor freight; embark; hire notary. Noleggiatore, [nle'djat'r] tn.l nevertheless, however, yet Notamente, [ntmn'te'] adv. Nondormire, [nndrmi'r freighter; chartering party. especially, principally. Noleggio, [nle''dj] m. freight- want of sleep Notamente , [ntme'n't] m. None, [n'n] /. pi. nones, pi. ing, hire. Nolo, [n'l] m. freight; hire; Nonesercizio,[nne'se'rtshi'tsi] swimming. cavallo da -, m. hired horse; m. want of exercise, want of Notando, [ntn'd] adj. notable, remarkable. dare o -,to lend, hire out; pi- practice. Nonfatioa, [nnfti'k] /. facil- Notantemente, [ntntmn'te'] gliare a -, to hire. see Notamente. Nomacelo, [nm'tsh] m. bad ity, ease. Nonna, [n'n] /. grandmother Notare, [nt'r] o, a. to note, name, bad reputation Nomade^ [nm'de'] adj. nomad, ottono sera - , good evening mark; remark; sing by note; granny (said sportively to a -, V. n. to swim. wandering. Notarla, [ntri'] f. NotariaNomare, [nm're'] ee Nomi- person half tipsy). Nonnaja, [nnn'y] /. an idle to, [ntri't] i. notary's ofnare. fice, notary's profession. Nomatamente , [nratdme'n'- nursery tale. Nonnannome , [nnnnn'me'] Notariesco, [ntri'sk] adj. te'] see Nominatamente. belonging to a notary. Nomato, [nma't] adj. renown- adj. anonymous. Nonnatnrale, [nnntr'l] adj. Notare, [nt'r] see Notajo. ed, celebrated. Notatamente , [nttme'n'te'] Nome, [n'm] m. name renown, unnatural, against nature. repute; watch-word; noun; a Nonno, [n'n] m. grandfather. adv. specially, particularly. Nonnulla, [nonnul'la] /". thing Notatojo, [ntt'y] m. airmio -, in my name. (mer. bladder, Nomea, [nm'] ee Nominanza. of no moment. Notatore, [ntt're'l m. swimNomenclatore, [nme'nklt're'] Nono, [n'n] adj. ninth. Nonostanteche, [nnstnte'k'] Notatura, [ntt'r] /. swimm. nomenclator. ming. Nomenclatura, [nmnklt'r] conj. notwithstanding that.

square ; rule, model, pattern a - di, according to, after. Norte, [nr'te'] m. north. namely. Nominativo, [nminti'v] ni. Nosco, [ns'k] for Con noi. Nosografia, [nsgrfi'] /. nogr. nominative case. Nominato, [nmin't] adj. cel- sography. ebrated, famous, well-known. Nosologia, [nslji'] /. nosolNominatore, [nmint'r] m. ogy. Nostalgia, [nstlji'j /. homenamer, appointor; patron. Nominazione, [nmintsi'n] sickness. /".naming; appointing, present- Nostrale, [nstr'le'] adj. of our own country or town; vino -, ing; renown, fame. Nomisma, [nmis'm] m. medal; Tuscan wine. Nostralmente, [nstrlmn'te'] coin. Nompariglia, [nmpriT] /. adv. as in our own country.


[nmint, adv. each by his name;

Nonperseveranza, [nnpe'rse've'f. nomenclature. Nomiere, [nmi're'] m. one who rn'ts] f. want of persevegives a name. rance. Nomina, [n'min] /".nomination Nonpertanto, [nnpe'rtn't] see Nominale, [nmin'l] adj. no- Nondimeno. minal. Nonpossa, [nnps'sa] /. impo-

Notazione, [nttsi'ne']
annotation. Noterella, [nte'rla]



Nominamento, [nminame'n't]


Notoria, [nte'ri'] see Notaria. Notevole, [nt'vl] adj. notable, remarkable.

m. naming; pronouncing any Nonuplo, [nn'pl] i. nine Notevolmente, [nte'vlmn't] adv. notably, remarkably. times the amount. one*8 name. Nominanza, [nminan'ds] /. Nonusanza, [nnsn'ts]/.No- Notiflcagione, [ntifikj'ne'] /. nnso, [nn's]m. disuse, want Notificamento, [ntifikmn'name, reputation, celebrity. t] m. notification, declaraNominare, [nmin're'] v. a. to of practice. Norcino, [nrtshi'n] wi. a pig- tion; notice. name, call; appoint. Notificare, [ntifik'r] v. a. to Nominata, [nmn&'t] ee No- killer. Norma, [nr'md] /. carpenter's notify, declare. minanza,

Notificatore, [ntifikt'r] m. he that makes known. Notificazione, [ntifiktsi'n] /, notification, declaring. Notizia, [nli'tsi] y. notice, inknow advice ; formation, ledge; news; dar -, to advise, inform; pervenire a -, to come to one's knowledge. Hotizietta, [ntitsit't] /.little notice, slight hint.



Novizia, [nvi'tsi]



bride. Novellajo, [nve'll'y] ad], said Noviziato, [nvitsi't] m. noof one eager for news, of a vitiate. speller of newspapers. Novizio, [nvi'tsi] adj. inexpeNovellamente, [nve'llme'n'te'] rienced ; -, m. novice ; beadv. newly, lately; again. ginner. Novellamente, [nvllme'n't] Novo, [n'v] see Nuovo. Nozione, [nts'ne] /. notion; m. story-telling. Novellare, [nvll're'] v. n. to idea. tell stories; prattle; Novel- Nozze, [n'ts] /. pi., nuptials, Noto, [n't] adj. known; mani- LAESi, v. r. to begin again, wedding; marriage; andar a fest; -, m. poes., south-wind. hecome renewed (in such sense -, to work cheerily. little used). Nozzeresco, [ntsre's'k] adj. Notola, [n'tl] f. little note Notoletta, [ntle't't] /. very Novellata, [nve'll't] /. incred- nuptial, of marriage. little note. ible tale ; Mother Goose's story. Nozzoline, [ntsli'n] /. pi.,


had news.


Notomia, [ntmi'] f. anatomy; Novellatore, [nve'llt're'] m. little marriage-feast. far - d' una cosa, to examine a teller of tales, writer of tales. Nube, [n'b] /.poes., cloud.
Novelletta, [nve'lle't't] /. amu- Nubila, [n'bil] see Nuvola. Nubile, [n'bil] adj. marriagesing little story. omist; analyzer. Novelliera, [nve'lli'r] /. tale- able. Notomistico, [ntmisti'k] adj. hearer. Nubiletta, [nbilt't] /. little anatomical. Novelliere, [nvlli're'] Novel- cloud. Notomizzare, [ntmids're'J v. liero, [nve'lli'r] m. news- Nubilit, [nubilitc'] Nubilita. a. to anatomize; analyze. monger, tell-tale de, Nubilitate, /. cloudiness; Notoriamente, [ntrime'n'te'] Novellina, [nvlli'n] /. a kind darkness. adv. notoriously, publicly. of radish Nubilo, [n'bil] Nabiloso, [nuNotoriet, [notoriet'] f. noto- Novellinit,[nve'llinit']/.nov bil's] see Nuvoloso. riety, notoriousness. elty, newness. Nubiola, [nbi'I] /. a sort of Notorio, [nt'ri] adj. noto- Novellino, [nve'lli'n] adj. quite grape. rious, (tricaro. new, quite fresh Nuca, [nu'k] /. nape of the Notricare, [ntrik'r] see Nu- Novellista, [nvlli'sta] m. wri- neck. Nottata,[ntt't] /".whole night; ter of tales, novelist. Nudamente, [ndme'n't] adv. fare -, to sit up a whole night. Novellizia, [nve'lli'tsi] /.first- nakedly. Notte, [n't] /. night; di -, by fruits of the year, pi. Nudare, [nd're'] v. a. to strip night. Novello , [nv'l] adj. new, naked, divest, deprive of. Nottetempo, [ntte'tm'p] Not- fresh; young; modern. Nudit, [nudit'] Nuditade, Nutetempore,[ntte'tm'pr]adv. Novellozza , [nve'll'ts] ditate, /. nudity, nakedness. /. in the night-time. laughable story. Nudo, [n'd] adj. naked, bare, Nottivago , [nttiv'gl adj. Novelluccia, [nvell'tsh] No- Nudrire, [ndri'r] &c., see Nonoctivagant; -, m. night-rara- vellnzza, [nvll'ts] /.little drire &c. hler. story, fable. (vember. Nugatorio, [nugt'ri] adj. nuNottola, [n'tl] /. wooden Novembre, [nvm'br] m. No- gatory, trifling. latch; bat (bird). Novena, [nv'na] /. nine suc- Nugazione, [nugtsi'ne'l f. ' Nottolata, [nttl't] /. whole cessive days, pi. ; nine day's trifle. night. devotion. Nugola, [nu'gla] &c., see NuNottolina, [nttli'nj /. small Novennio, [nv'ni] m. space vola &c. latch; little hat. of nine years. Nulla, [nl'l] wi, nothing not Nottole, [n'tl] m. bat. Noverare, [nve'r're'] v. a. to any thing. Nottolone, [nttl'n] m.night- number, compute. NuUadimeno , [nlldim'n] walker, night-worker. Noveratore, [nve'rt're'] m. odw. nevertheless, however, yet. Nottua, [nt't] /. a small numberer, computer. NuUamanco, [nUmn'k] adv. owl. Noverazione, [nve'rtsi'ne'] /. nothing less. Notturno, [nttr'n] adj. noc- numbering, counting, compu- Nnllamente, [nullame'n'te'] arfw, turnal, nightly. tation. in no way, in no manner. Novale, [nv'le'] m. fallow- Noverca, [nvr'k] /. poes., NuUapi, [nllpi'] adv. noground. step-mother. thing beyond. Novamente, [nvme'n'te] see Novercale, [nve'rk'l] adj. of Nullit, [nullit'] /. nullity, noNuovamente. a step-mother. thingness; non-existence. Novanta, [nvn't] adj. ninety. Novero, [n've'r] m. number. Nullo, [nl'l] adj. no, no one, Novantena,[nvnt'n] /. nine- Novesimo, [nve'sim] adj. none void, invalid -, tn. noty. ninth. thing, non-existence; no man, Novantesimo , [nvnte''sim] Novilunio, [nvil'ni] m. new nobody.


Notomista,[ntmi'st]m. anat-

ninetieth. moon, crescent. Nume, [n'me'] m. poes., deity, Novatore, [nvt're'] m. inno- Novissimo [nvis'sim] adj. divinity. , vator. very new, most recent; last; Numerabile, [nume'r'bil] adj. Nove, [n've'] adj. nine. U - d, the last day, doomsday; numerable, countable. Novecento, [nve'tshn't] adj. -, m. the four ends of man Numerale, [nmr'l] adj. nunine hundred. (death, judgment, hell, heaven). meral. Novella, [nv'Ii] /. story, tale; Novit, [novit'] Novitade, No- Numeralmente, [nme'rlmn'intelligence, news; message. vitate, /. novelty. t] adv. numerically.

Numerare, [nmr'r]



v. o, to Nunziatore, [nntsit're'J see Nutrimentoso, [ntrime'nt's] adj. nourishing. Nunciante. nnmfcer, count. Numerativo, [nmrti'v] adj. Nunziatura, [nuntsit'r] f. Nutrire, [ntri'r] v. a. to nourish; maintain. nunciature. onnmerating, counting. Numeratore , [nmrt're'] m. Nunzio, [nn'tsi] in, nuncio, Nutritivo, [ntriti'v] and Nutritizio, [ntriti'tsi] adj. nuambassador. numerator, counter. Numerazione, [nme'rtsi'ne'] Nuocere, [n'tshe'r] v. a. irr., tritive, nourishing. hurt, Nutritore, [ntrit're'J m. nou(nocqui; to nociuto) f. numeration, numtering. risher, maintainor. [nme'rik- prejudice. Numericamente , raen'te'] adv. numerically. Nuora, [n'rj/'.daughter-iu-law. Nutritura, [nutritu'ra] NutriNumerico, [nm'rik] ad;, nu- Nuotare, [nt'r] v. swim; zione, [ntritsi'n] f. nutrition, nutriment, food. drift. merical, of numbers. Numero, [n'me'r] m. number; Nuoto, [n't] m. act of swim- Nuvola , [n'vl] f. cloud ; (mer. flight; innalzare alle nuvole, ming, multitude harmony, rhythm. Numerosamente , [nme'rs- Nuotatore, [ntt'r] m. swim- to praise to the skies. mn't] adv. in great num- Nuova, [n'v] f, information, Nuvolaglia, [nvlT] f. mass of clouds. notice, news. ters. Numerosit , [mmrsit'] f. Nuovamente, [nvme'n'te'] adv. Nuvolame, [nvl'me'] m. cloudiness in liquids. numerousness ; harmony, ca- newly; again. Nuovo, [n'v] adj. new; fresh; Nuvolate, [nvl't] m. great, dence. Numeroso, [nume'r's] adj. nu- modern ; unpractised, unex- many thick clouds. perienced; di -, again, once Nuvoletta, [nvle't'ta] f. small merous; harmonious. cloud, light cloud. more. Numine, [n'min] see Nume. Nuvolette, [nvlt't] ni. small Numismatico , [nmism'tik] Nuro, [n'r] see Nuora. Nuto, [n'tj m. sign, beck, dark cloud. adj. numismatic. Nuvolo, [n'vl] J. cloud, thick Nnmmario, [nmma'ri] adj. nod. Nutribile, [nutri'bile'] adj. nou- cloud; -, it is foggy; - di relating to money. pecchie, swarm of bees - di Nummo, [nm'm] m. poes., rishing, nutritious. Nutricamento, [ntrikme'n't] stornelli, flight of starlings; money. - di vento, gust of wind. Nummulario, [nmml'ri] m. m. nutriment, food. Nutricare, [ntrik're'j . a. to Nuvolone, [nvl'ne'] m. large a banker. black cloud; dark sky. Nunciante, [nntshin'te'] m. nourish, feed; bring up; NuNuvolosit^ [nuvolosit'] Nuvotricarsi, t). r. to feed upon. messenger. lositade , Nuvolositate , Nunciare, [nntshi're'] v. a. to Nutricativo, [ntrikti'v] adj f. cloudiness; darkness. nourishing, nutricious. announce; declare. [ntrikt're'] m. Nuvoloso, Nutricatore, [nvl's] adj. clouNuncio, [nn'tsht] see Nunzio. Nuncupativo , [nnkpati'v] nourisher, fosterer; sustainer. dy, misty; offuscated. [ntri'tshe'j nurse, Nuvoluzzo, Nutrice, /. [nuvl'ts] m. little adj. nuncupative, verbal. cloud. Nundine, [nun'din] f. pi., Ro- foster-mother; bringer up. [ntrik'vl] Nuziale, [ntsi'le'] Nutrichevole adj. nuptial; man fairs, pi. , Nunzia, [nn'tsi] f. female Nutrimentale, [ntrime'nt'le'] matrimonial. nutritive. Nuzialmente nourishing, [ntsilme'n'te'] adj. messenger. , Nunziare, [nntsi'r] tee Nuu Nutrimento, [ntrimn't] m. adv. in a nuptial manner, as aliment. at a wedding. nourishment, dare.
; ;

0, has two sounds, one more Obbedire, [bbe'di'r] v. a. to open, as in btta, which cor- obey, submit. responds to the sound of the Obbeditore, [bbe'dit're'j m. he same letter in English in the that obeys. words bottom, bottle ; the other Obbidiente, [bbidin'te'] &c., more closed, as in botte, which see Obbediente &c. is assimilated to the sound of Obbiettare, [bbie'tt're'] v. a. the same letter in the words to object to, resist. Obbiettivo , [bbie'tti'v] adj. bone, bold &c. The just distinction between objective; vetro -, m. {opt.) these two sounds is extremely object glass. difficult for foreigners, and Obbietto , [bbi't] adj. obrequires long practice and no jected to, opposed; -, m. obslight degree of study. ject, aim, intent. Obbiezione , [bbie'tsi'ne'] f. 01 [] inf. ol oh! objection, opposition; diffi0, [] conj. either, or. Obbliare, [bblia re'] to forget, omit, neglect. Obbliatore, [bblit're'J m. he




Obbligagione, [bbligj'ne']

Obbligamento, [bbligmn't] m. obligation, engagement.

[bblign't] adj. obliging, civil, kind, courteous. Obbligantemente, [obblignte'me'n't] adv. obligingly, kindly, courteously. Obbligare, [bblig're'] v. a. to oblige; compel , engage; do a

Obbediente, [bbe'din'te]
obedient, submissive.




kind office; Obbligarsi, v. r. to bind one's self by a bond; engage one's self.



[obbligataObbioso, [bbi's] see Sospet- Obbligatamente , Obblatore, [bblt're'] m. of- mn't] adv. in a binding
ferer; outbidder.

mn't] adv. obediently. Obbedienza, [bbdin'dsa] obedience, compliance.



Obblazione, [bbltsi'ne']
lation, offering: sacrifice.

ob- Obbligatissimo, [bbligtissi* m] adj. much obliged.

Obbligato obliged,



see Occhiatella






constrained; indebted. [bbligt'ri] Obbligatorio ,

adj. obligatory, binding.

Obblazione. Obliare, [bli're'] &c., see Obbliare &c.


[kkitl] Oc, chiatina, [kkiti'n] f. slight glance. Occhiato, [kki't] adj. full of


[bli'ku] Obliquo Obbliquo &c. [bbligtsi'n]



obligation, bond.


[bblighe't't] m. trifling obligation. Obbligo, [b'blig] m. obliga-


tion, bond, duty; subjection. [bbli'] m. forgetful,


ness, oblivion. [bbli's] adj. forgetful, unmindful; negligent.

Obbliquamente, [bblikume'n't] adv obliquely, indirectly. Obliquangulo, [blikungu'l] m. a triangle baving all its an-

Occhiatura, [kkit'r] f. look, Obliterare, [blite'r're'] r.a. to looking at, cast of the eye. obliterate, cancel. Occhiazzurro , [kkitsr'r] Oblivione, [oblivine'] see Ob- adj. blue-eyed. blivione. Occhibagliare, [kkibr're'] v. Oboe, [b'] m. hautboy. n. to be dazzled. Obolo, ['bl] Obole, ['bl] Occhibendato , [kkibnd't] m. obole. adj. bandaged. Obombrare, [bmbr're'] v. a. Occhieggiare, [kkie'dj're'] v.n. to shade, overshadow. to ogle, regard aflPectionately. Obrizzo, [bri'ts] m. gold Occhiellaja , [kkilla'j] f. a female buttonhole-maker. without alloy. Obsediare, [bse'di're'] v. a. to Occhiellatura, [kkillt'r]



Obsequente, [bse'kun'te'] adj. Occhiello, [kki'l] ni. buttongles oblique. hole; eyelet. Obbliquare, [bbliku'r] v. n. obsequious. Obtrettazione, [btre'tttsi'ne'] Occhiettino, [kkitti'n] see to march obliquely. OcchiolinoObbliquit, [bblikuit'] Obbli- /. detraction, calumny.
quitade, Obbliquitate,


Obumbramento, [bmbrme'n'- Occhietto,

t] m. obscuration, darkening.


m. small

quity; deviation. Obbliquo , [bblikw] adj. oblique, indirect; unjust.


Obumbrare [bmbr'r] see Adumbrare &c.



Occhio, [Tci] m. (Occ/ii, pi.) eye, look, sight; bud, germ; bull's
- ito, my dearest, darling; a occhi aperti, deliberately o occhi c/nusi .blindly, fearlessly; in sugli occhi, sotV -, before one's face; in un batter d' -, in a wink, in a trice; aprire gli occhi ad uno, to open a person's eyes; avere buono -, to have a good mien have a promising appearance; chiudere gli occhi ad una cosa, to connive at a thing; dar, o far d' - , to give a glance hint, wink; guardar sott' -, to cast a sheep's eye, ogle; misurare a occhi, to measure with the eye perder d' -, to lose sight of; piangere a caldi occhi, to

Obbliterare, [bblit'rre']
to cancel, obliterate.

v. a.

Oca, ['k]

f. goose; oca masmaschio delVoca, m. gan-

eye, skylight;


Obblito, [bbli'tj adj. forgotten; omitted.


[bblivi'ne'] , oblivion, forgetfulness.





Obbrigare, [bbrig'rel &c., see Obbligare &c. (brobrio. Obbrobbio, [bbrb'bi] see ObObbrobriato, [bbrbri't] adj

der ;-impastojata, great booby; far il becco all' -, to complete a work, give the finishing hand to a work. Occare, [kka'r] .a. to harrow. Occasionale, [kksin'le'] adj. occasional, casual, incidental; opportune. Occasionalmente, [kksinlmn't] adv. occasionally casually.

Occasione, [kksi'ne'] f. occasion, opportunity. weep bitterly; veder di buon -, Occaso , [kk's] m. sunset; to smile upon, welcome; veder west fig. death. con mal -, to look surly upon; Occhiacelo, [kki'tsh] m.large receive ill. Obdurate , [bdr't] threatening eye far occhiacci, Occhiolino, [kkili'n] w. small adj. hardened: see Indurato. to look indignantly at. and beautiful eye gard. small Obedire, [bdi'r] &c., see Ob- Occhiaja , [okkia'ya] /. hollow bud. bedire &c. of the eye; black rim around Occhione, [kki'ne'] m. large Obelisco, [be'lis'k] m. obelisk. the eye. eye. Obesit, [obesit'] f. obesity. Occhialaccio, [kkil'tsb] m. Occhiuceio, [kki'tshjm. small Obeso, [be"s] adj. obese, fat. bad spectacles, pi. eye. Obito, [bi'tj m. death; adj. Occhialaio, [kki]'y]in. spec- Occhiuto, [kki to] adj. full of dead. tacle-maker , seller of spec- eyes; full of buds. Obietto, [bi't] &c., see Ob- tacles. Occhiuzzo, [kkiu'ts] see Ocbietto &c. Occhiale, [kki'le'] adj. of the chiuceio. Obizzo,[bi'ts]m.mii. howitzer, eye; dente -, m, eye-tooth; -, Occidentale, [tshide'nt'le'] adj. Objurgazione, [byrgtsi'nj m. spectacles, pi. ; telescope. occidental, western. Occhialino, [kkili'n] m. eye- Occidente, [tshidn'te'] m. Ocf. reproof, censure. Oblata, [Obl't] serving glass, spy-glass. cident, west. f. sister, lay-sister. Occhialista, [kkili'st] m. Occidere , [tshi'de're'] fee, sea Oblato, [bl't] m. serving optician. (telescope. Uccidere fee. friar, lay-brother. Occhialone , [kkil'nj m. Occiduo, [tshi'du] adj. setting Oblatore, [blt're'] m. offerer, Occhiare, [kkia're'] v.a. to eye, of a star. outbidder. ogle. Occipitale, [tshipit'le'] adj. Oblatratore , [bltrt're'J m. Occhiata, [kki't] f. glance; belonging to the occiput. barker; slanderer. look leer, ogle. Occipite, [tshipi'te'] and Occi*

Obbrobrio, [bbr'bri'] m. dishonor, infamy, shame. Obbrobriosanaente, [obbrbrio sme'n't] adv. opprobriously. ignominiously. Obbrobrioso, [bbrbi's] adj. opprobrious, ignominious. Obbrobriuzzo, [bbrbri'ts] m. light affront.

Occasionare, [kksina're'] v.a.

to occasion, cause. Gccasioncella, [kksintsh'l]

slight occasion.



Offa, [offa] f. cake ; sweet biscuit, tart. OlFella, [ffl] f. crumpet. OfFellaro, [ffll'r] m. biscuit-

izio, [tshipi'tsi] m. anat. Oda, ['d] f. ode. Odiabile, [odibile] adj.hateful, occiput. Occisione, [tshisi'n] see Uc- detestable. Odiare, [di'r] v. a. to hate, cisione. Occoltare, [kklt'r] v. a. to detest. Odiatore, [dit're'] wi. hater, Ili de. Occorrente, [klirrn't] adj. evil-wisher. occurring; happening; requi- Odibile, [di'bil] adj. odious, hateful, detestable. site. Occorrenza, [kkrrn'ds] f. Odiernamente, [die'rnme'n't] occurrence; occasion; eventual adv. to-day, now, at present, at the present time. necessity, want, need. Occorrere, [kkr'rre'] v.n.irr. Odierno, [dir'n]adj. of to-day, of the present time. {ee Correre) to occur, happen; he presented, meet; want, stand Odievole, [di'vl] acfj. odious, heinous; detestable. in need of; call to mind. Occorrimento, [kkrninn't] Odio, ['di] ni. hatred, rancor; aversion; aver in -, to hate. m. meeting; recollection. Occorso, [kkr's] m. encoun- Odiosaggino, [dis'djine'] f, hatred, ill-will. ter, occasion; want, need. Occltamente, [kkltme'n'te'] Odiosamente , [disme'n'te'] adv. odiously, hatefully. adv. secretly, by stealth.

baker, confectioner. Offendere, [ffn'de're'l v. a. irr.

{offesi; offeso) to offend, injure;


v. r. to take offence, feel offended.

Offendevole, [ffnd'vle'] adj.

offensive, hurtful. Offendibile, [ffndi'bile'] adj. susceptible of offence. m. Offendicelo, [ffndi'kl] stumbling block, hinderance. Offendimento, [ffndime'n't]

m. offence, insult.
Offenditore, [ffndit're'] m. Offenditrice, [ffnditri'tsh]
/. offender, injurer. Offensa, [ffn's] Offensione, [ffnsi'ne'] f. offence, insult; trespass. OffensiTamente,[ffe'nsivme'n'te] adv. offensively, hurtfuUy, Offensivo, [ffnsi'v] adj. offensivo, hurtful. (injured. Offenso, [ffn's] adj. offended. Offensore, [ffns'r] m. offender; transgressor. Offerire, [ffri're'] . o. to offer, present, tender; bid; offer up, sacrifice; Offerirsi, v. r. to present one's self. Offeritore, [ffrit're'] m. offerer, bidder; sacrificer. Offerta, [ffr't] f. offer, proffer, proposal; offering. Offertorio, [ffe'rtr'i] m. offertory. Offesa, [ffe''s] f. offence, injury, displeasure; trespass.

Occultamento, [kkltme'n't] Odiosetto,[dist't]adj. somewhat tiresome, disagreeable. m. concealment, hiding.

Occultare, [kklta'r] v.
a. to conceal, hide; Occultarsi, v.r. to ccnceal one's self, abscond. Occultatore, [kkltt'r] m. concealer, hider. Occultazione, [kklttsi'ne'] Occultezza, [kkltt's] f. occultation, hiding. Occulto, [kkirt] adj. occult, hidden; latent; -, m. things

Odiosit, [odiosit'] ness, hatefulness.




[di's] adj. odious, , hateful; detestable. Odire, [odi're'] see Udire.

Odissea, [diss'a] f. Odyssey Odontalgia, [dntlji'] /'.odontalgia.




odorous, sweet-scented.



Occnpamento, [kkpme'n't]
m. occupation, possession. Occupare, [kkp'r] v. a. to occupy, hold, possess; employ; Occuparsi, v. r. to apply one's self to occupy one's self with. Occupato, [kkp't] adj. occupied, employed, busy; in hand. Occupatore, [kkpat're'] m.

Odoracchiare, [drkki're'] n. to smell badly.

odor, smell; perfume.

Odoramento, [drme'n't] m.



odorous, fragrant.
[dr're'] v. a. to , smell, scent; smell out, discov-





Officiale, [ffitshi'l] m. officer; official. Officiare, [ffitsht're'] v. n. to

occupier, usurper, possessor. Occupazione, [kkptsi'ne'J /". occupation, employment; business, trade. Occursione, [kkrs'ne'] f. encounter, meeting. Oceanino , [tshni'n] adj. oceanic, of the ocean. Oceano, [tsh'n] m. ocean. Oclocrazia , [klkrtsi'] f. ochlocracy. Ocone, [k'ne'l I. large gander. Ocra, ['kr] Ocra, ['kri] f. ochre. Oculare, [kiil're'] adj. ocular; testimonio, -, m. eye-witness.

Odorato, [dr't] ad/.fragrant; officiate. -, m. smell; sense of smelling. Officina, [ffitshi'nj f. workOdorazione,[d6rtsi'n] f.see shop, shop; laboratory. Odoramento. Officio, [ffi'tshi] m. office, Odore, [d're'] m. odor, smell, charge; duty; -delta posta, scent; fig. hint; aver - d' una post-office. cosa, to have an inkling of a Officiosamente , [ffitshtsamn't] adv. officiously, courthing. teously. Odorettuccio, [dre'tt'tsh] m. slight odor, slightly un- Officiosit, [ffitshisit'] Offlciositade, Officiositate, f, ofpleasant smell. ficiousness, civilitv. Odorifero , [dri'fe'r] adj.

Odorino, [dri'n]



Officioso, [offitshi's] adj. servici'able, officious, obliging.



Officiuzzo , [ffitshi'ts] slight service.


[kltme'n'adv. ocularly, visibly, te'] e>ndently; attentively. Oculatezza, [kltt's] f. circumspection. Oculato, [kla't] adj. ocular cautious, wary, sagacious. Oculista, [kli'st] m. oculist.

Ocularmente , Oculatamente,


savoury smell.

Odorosamente, [drsran't]
odoriferously, in a fra grant manner. Odorosetto, [drse't't] adj


somewhat odoriferous.

Offizioso, [ffitsi's] &c., s^e Officioso Ac. Offuscamento, [ffskme'n't] m. offuscation. Offuscare, [ffsk'r] v. a. to offuscate, darken; dim, cloud.

Odoroso, [dr's] adj. odorous, OffuBcatore, [ffskt're'] odoriferous. one who darkens.


Odoruzzo, [dr'ts]



Od, [dj

conj. or, either.

Offuscazioue, [ffsktsi'ne'] offoscatioQ, darkening.



Oltraggiamento, [ltrdjameVt] m. outrage, injury, insult;

Oleoso, [le''s] adj. oily; unctuous, greasy. Oficiale, [ofitshia'le] m. see Of- Olezzare, [le'ds'r] v. n. to ficialo. smell sweet. Oficio, [fi'tshi] &c., see Offi- Olezzo, [l'ds] m. odor, fracio, &c. grance. Oftalmia, [ftalmi'] /. ophthal- Olfare, [lf'r] see Odorare. my. Olfattorio, [lftt'ri] adj. olOftalmico, [ftalmi'kjadj. serv- factory. ing to cure ophthalmy. Oliandolo, [lin'dl] m. oilOggetto, [dj't] m. ohject; merchant, oilman. aim, end; subject. Oliario, [li'ri] m. magazine Oggi, ['dji] adv. to-day, now- for keeping oil. a-days, this afternoon; - o Oliato, [li't] adj. oiled, seaotto, this day week. soned with oil said also of the Oggid, [djidi'] Oggigiorno, olive when colored and ripe. [djijirn] adv. now-a-days, Olibano, [li'bn] m. frankinat present. cense; incense-tree. Oggimai, [djim'i] adv. now, Oliere, [li'r] /'.pi., oil-cruets, henceforth. oil-lamps, pi. Ogliaro,[r'r]m. oil-merchant, Oligarchia, [ligrki'] f. olioilman. garchy. Ogni, [Vi] adv. every, all - Olimpiade, [limpi'de'] f. olymdove, everywhere - volta che, piad. every time that. Olimpico, [lim'pik] adj. OlymOgnicosa, [n'ik's] i. the pic. whole, every thingp. Olimpio, [lim'pi] adj. of Olym[fitshri']


Oltraggiare, [ltrdj're'] v. a. to outrage, affront, insult. Oltraggiatore, [ltrdjt're'] m. affronter, insulter; abuser. Oltraggio, [ltr'dj] m. outrage, abuse; insult, affront; o -, ad -, excessively far -, to commit an outrage.

Oltraggiosamente, [ltrdjsme'n't] adv. outrageously. Oltraggioso, [ltrdj's] adj. outrageous; offensive. Oltramarino, [ltrmri'n] adj. ultramarine. Oltramaraviglioso, [ltrmrvil''s] &c., see Oltremaraviglioso.

Oltramontano, [ltrmnta'n] adj. ultramontane, beyond the mountains.

Oltrapagato, [ltrpg't] paid too much.

01trapassare,[ltrpss're']&c., see Oltrepassare &c. Ognilinguiloquo, [n'ilingil'- pus. Oltrarsi, [ltrr'si] v. r. to adkw] adj. speaking every lan- Olimpionico, [limpini'k] m. vance. guage. a successful combatant in the Oltraselvaggio, [ltrslv'dj] Ognintorno, [n'intr'n] adv. Olympic games. adj. very savage. every where around, on all sides. Olimpo, [lim'p] m. Olympus. Oltre, [l'tr] prep, besides, beOgnissanti, [n'issn'ti] m. all- Olio, ['ii] m. oil; - santo, ex- yond, more than, above -, saints' day. treme unction. adv. very far, very forward, Ogniveggente, [u'ive'djn'te'] Oliosita, [lisit'] /. oiliness. before. adj. ad'}, all -seeing. Olioso , [li's] oily Oltrech, [ltre'k'j Oltredch, Ognora, [n''ra] adv. always, greasy. [ltredik'] adv. & conj. becontinually. Olire, [li're'] v. n. to smell sides that, moreover. Ognorach, [n'rak'] adv. sweet. Oltremaraviglio so, [ltre'mardevery time that, as many Olitorio, [lit'ri] adj. of vil''s] adj. most wonderful. times as. herbs, of vegetables. Oltremare, [ltre'ra're'] adv. beOgnotta, [n''t] Ognottach, Oliva, [li'vj f. olive , olive- yond the sea. [n'ttk'] adv. always. tree. Oltremarino, [ltre'rari'n] adj. Ognuno, [n''n] 'pron. every Olivastro, [liv'str] adj. olive from beyond the sea. body, every one. colored, darkly brown. Oltremirabile, [ltre'mir'bile'] Ognunque, [n'n'kue'] pron. Olivato, [liv't] adj. said of adj. most admirable. whoever, whatever. lands containing olive-planta- Oltremirabilmente, [ltre'mirtions. Oh! [oh] int. oh! bllmn't] adv. most admiraOhi! 0! [i'] int. alas! ah! Olivete, [live''t] m. plantation bly. Oib! [ib'] int. fy! shame! of olivo-trees. Oltremisura, [ltre'mis'r]ad Oim, [im'] int. alas! Olivigno, [livi'n'] adj. of olive beyond measure, excessively. Ois, [is'] int. woe to him. wood. Oltremodo, [ltre'm'd] adv. Oit! [it'] and Oit, [it'] Olive, [olivo] m. olive-tree. exceedingly, immeasurably. int. woe to thee! Olla, ['i] f. pot; - podrida, Oltremonti, [ltre'mn'ti] adv.. hotch-potch. Ol! [ol'] int. ho there! stop! beyond the mountains. Olanda, [ln'd] Holland; tela Olmeto, [lme"t] m. plantation Oltrenaturale, [ltre'ntr'le'] di Olanda, linen cloth made in of elms. adj. supernatural. Holland. Olmo, [l'm] m. elm-tree. Oltrenumero , [ltre'n'me'r] Olandetta, [lande't't] f. fine Olocausto, [lkatt'st] m. holo- adv. innumerably. linen cloth made in Holland. caust. Oltrepassare, [ltre'pss're'] v. Oleaceo, [l'tshe'] adj. olea- Olografo, [lgra'f] adj. holo- a. to trespass; go beyond, ginous, oily. (oily. graph. exceed. Oleaginoso, [le'jin's] adj. Oltra, [l'tr] prep, besides, be- Oltrepossente, [ltre'pssn'te'] Oleandro, [le'n'dr] m. olean- yond. exceedingly adj. powerful , der, rose-bay. Oltracci, [ltrtsht'] adv. omnipotent. Oleastro, [le''str] wi. wild moreover, besides. [mtshi'n] Omaccino, m. very olive-tree. Oltracotanza, [ltrktn'ds] little man. Olente, [ln'te'] adj. odorifer- /. arrogance, presumption, in- Omaccio , [m'tshj m. bad ous, sweet-scented. solence. man. Oleosit, [le'sit'] f. oilinessj Oltrajrgialjile , [ltrdj'bil] Omaccione, [matsh'ne'] m. big tinctaousnees, adj, exposed to insults. heavy-limbed man ; fellow ,




[ndtsi'ne'] see far V -, to affect the man of homoeopathic; medico -, m. Ondazione, homoeopathic practitioner. Ondeggiamento. importance. Omaggio, [m'dj] m. homage, Omerale, [me'r'le'] adj. be- Onde, [n'de'] adv whence, from whence; wherefore, for thia longing to the shoulder. submission. Ornai, [m'i] adv. now; at Omerico, [mri'k] adj. Ho- reason, in order to, Ondeche, [ndk'] adv. from meric. length, for the future. whenceplace , Ombelico, [rabeli'k] Omhili- Omerista, [me'ri'st] m. one whatever who studies and delights in soever. co, [mhili'k] m. navel. Ondeggiamento, [nde'djme'n'Ombra, [m'bra] /". shade, shad- Homer. t] m. undulation, vacillaappearance; Omero, ['me'r] ni. shoulder. spectre; ow suspicion Omettere, [me't'te're'] v. a. irr. tion. pretext, pretence protection; farsi paura colV -, {see Mettere) to omit, leave out. Ondeggiare, [nde'dj're'] v. n. to fluctuate, waver, be agito be afraid of one's own Ometto , [me't't] Omettolo, tated. [mt'tl] m. little man. shadow. Ombracolo, [mbrTil] Om- Omicciatto, [mitsh't] Omic- Ondeggiatore,[nde'djt'r] m. bracalo, [mbr'kl] m. shady ciuolo, [mitsh'l] m. low one who vacillates.

Ondetta man; helpless creature. place; protection. Ombramento, [mbrmn't] m. Omicida, [raitshi'd] m. mur- wave.
shadowing; shadow, shade.





Ondoleggiare, [ndle'dj're'] v. derer, manslayer. n. to undulate gently. to Omicidiale, [mitshidi'l] adj. Ondoso, [nd's] adj. wavy, shade, overshadow; -, v. n. to homicidal, murderous. [mitshidi'ri] full of waves. suspect, take umbrage; shy, be Omicidiario , adj. murderous (said of one Ondulazione, [ndl'tsi'ne'] f. restive. Ombratile , [mhr'tile'] adj. Avho has committed homicide). undulation, wavy motion. Omicidio, [omitshi'di] i. mur- Oudunque , [ndn'k] adv. ideai, chimerical. whencesoever, wheresoever, on Ombrato, [mbr't] adj. shady der, man-slaughter. all sides. (said of a place); m. shade (said Omilia, [mili'] f. homily.

of pictures).

Omina, [mi'n]



containing half a bushel pock.

shade; shelter. [mhrtsi'n] f. , shade; veil, cover. Ombre , [m'br] m. ombre (game). Ombreggiamento , [ombredjaovershadowing, m. mn't] shade obscurity.

Omino, [mi'n] i. man. Omissione, [missi'ne']

sion; fault.

a measure Onerario, [ne'r'ri] adj. "ha.Yng the care of; nave oneraria, f. very little ship of burden.

Oneroso, [ne'r'sjarff. onerous, burdensome, heavy.





Onestate, f. honesty, modesty, decency, decorum.

Ommissione, [mmissi'ne']


a. to



Omnibus,[m'nibs] m. omnibus.

adv. honestly, cently.

[ne'stmeVte'] modestly, de-

shade, overshadow veil. Omniscio, Lni'shi] adj. all- Onestare, [ne'st're'] v. o. to embellish, adorn; palliate, veil. Ombrella, [mbr'l] f. slight knowing. shade; umbrella; (hot.) umbel. Omogeneit, [mje'ne'it'] f. Onesteggiare, [nstdja'r] v. n. to act honestly; deal with Ombrellaio, [mbrll'y] Om- homogeneity. honesty. [mbrlli're'] m. Omogeneo, [mj'ne'] adj. hobrelliere , Onesto, [n'st] adj. honest, mogeneous. umbrella-maker. Ombrellino, [mhre'lli'n] m. Omologare, [mlg're'] v. a. modest, becoming; just, rightful; -,adv. in an honest manto compare, ratify. small umbrella. Ombrello, [mhr'I] i. um- Omologo, [omlogo] adj. homo- ner, honestly; -, m. honesty, decency. logous. brella. Ombrifero , [mbri'fr] adj. Omonimo, [m'nim] adj. ho- Onfacino, [nftshi'n] adj.; olio monymous Omonimi, m. pi., -, m. oil made from half-ripe shady. olives. Ombrina, [mbri'n] f. slight homonymes, pi. Onice, ['nitshe'] m. onyx (gem). Omore, [m'r] see Umore. shade. Ombrinali, [mbrin'li] m. pi. Omotonia, [mt'ni] f. simil- Onirocritica, [nirkriti'k] / interpretation of dreams. itude of sound. mar., scupper-holes, pi. Ombro, [m'bri] m. a shady Omuccio, [m'tsh] m. little Onnifecondo,[nnife'kn'dl adj. making every thing fruitful. silly man. place. Ombrioso, [mbri's] adj. shy- Onagro, [n'gr] m. wild ass. Onninamente , [nninme'n'te'] Oncia, [n'tsht] /. ounce; inch. adv. entirely, quite, thoroughing (as a horse). Ombrosit, [ombrosit'] f. sha- Oncinetto , [ntshine't't] m. ly; hy all means. Onnipossente, [nnipssn'te'] diness, darkness; fig. igno- small hook. Onnipotente , [nniptn't] Oncino, [ntshi'n] m. hook. rance. adj. omnipotent, almighty. Ombroso, [mbr's] adj. shady, Onda, [n'd] f. wave, billow poes. waves, pi.; sea; a onde, Onnipotenza, [nniptn'ds] f. dark; mistrustful; restive. omnipotence. Omei, [m'i] m. pi., moans, like waves ; swaggering. Ondamento, [ndmn't] m. Onnipresenza, [nnipre'sn'ds] groans, pi. furrow on the cheek caused by f. omnipresence. Omelia, [meli'] f. homily. Onniscienza, [nnishin'ds] f. Omento, [mn't] m. anat., re- continual weeping. Ondante, [ndn'te'] adj. fluc- omniscience. ticulum. Onnivedente , [nnive'dn'te'] Omeopatia, [me'pti'] f. ho- tuating, undulatory. Ondata, [nd't] f. surge; and Onniveggente, [nnivmoeopathy. dje'n'te'J adj. all-seeing. Omeopatico, [rae'p'tik] adj. breaker.
; ;

Onomastico, [nmsti'k]



m Ontologia, [ntlji'] f. onto- Opimo, [pi'm] adj. abundant, logy. copious; fertile; rich. onomasticon. adji [pin'bil] Onorabile, [nr'bil] adj. hon- Ontosamente , [ntsme'n'te'] Opinabile , imaginable. adv. shamefully. orable, worthy of honor. Onorabilit, [onorabilit'] f. ho- Ontoso, [nt's] adj. shameful, Opinabilmente, [pinabilme'n'te'] adv. by fancy; apparently. bashful. norableness. Onorabilmente, [nrbilraeV Onusto, [n'st] adj. loaded, Opinare, [pin're'] v. a. to laden; full of. opine, think, suppose. te'] adv. honorably. adj. [pinti'v] Onorale, [onorale] adj. honora- Opacit, [ptshit'] Opacitads, Opinativo , Opacitate, f. opacity, obscuri- thinking, supposing. ble, respected.
Onorantemente, [nrnte'mn'te']


Opaco, [p'k] adj. opacous, adv. honorably. Onorando, [nrn'd] adj. de- obscure. serving of honor, venerable. Opale, [p'le'] and Opale, [pOnoranza, [urn'ds] f. hon- l] in. an opal. Opeflce , [pe''fitshe'] m. workor, esteem. Onorare, [nr're'] v. a, to hon- man, worker, artificer (little used). or, respect, esteem. Onorario, [nr'ri] m. fee, re- Openione, [pe'ni'n] see Opiward, salary.

Opinion accia, [pinin'tsh] f. odd fancy. Opinione, [pini'ne'] /. opinion; fancy, mind. Opobalsamo, [pbls'm] m. opobalsam, balm of Gilead. Opodeldoc , [pdl'dk] to.
phar. opodeldoc. Oppiare, [ppi're']
v. a. to


opium; lull to sleep. Onoratamente, [nrtme'n'te'] Opera, ['pe'r] f. work action, Oppiato, [ppi't] TO. phar. (town. deed; business; composition; opiate. adv. honorably, faithfully. Oppido, [ppi'd] TO. a fortified Onoratezza, [nrte't's] ^hon- play, opera.
orableness; uprightness.



adj. Oppilare, [oppila r] v.a. to op-

pilate, obstruct. Onoratissimo, [nrtis'sim] feasible, practicable. Operaccia, [pe'r'tsh] f. bad Oppilativo, [ppilti'v] adj. adj. most honored. oppilative, obstructing. Onorato, [nr't] adj. hon- work, bad action; bad opera. ored, honest, respected, re Operaggio, [pr'dj]m. work; Oppilazione, [ppilatsi'n] /". obstruction; impediment. (orer. business. spectable. see [ppini'n] Onoratore, [nrt'r] m. hon- Operagione , [pe'rj'ne'] see Oppinione , Opinione. Onorazione , [nrtsi n] f. Operazione. Operajo, [pr'y] m. work- Oppio, [p'pi] TO. white popthe act of honoring. lar opium. Onore, [n'r] m. honor, re- man, laborer. w. spect; rank, mark of distinc- Operamento, [pe'rme'n't] m. Opponente , [ppnn't] opponent. tion ; Momo d' -, m. man of working, operation. Operante, [pe'rn'te'] i. a bus- Opponimento , [ppnimn't] honor. TO. opposition. Onoretto, [nre't't] m. slight iness-like man. Operare, [pe'r'r] v.a. to ope- Opporre, [ppr'r] v. a. irr. honor. {see Porre) to oppose, resist, Onorevole , [nr'vle'] adj. rate, do, work. splendid, honorable; pom- Operativa, [pe'rati'v] f. ope- setup against; Opporsi, v. r.


rative art, practice.






honor; stateliness.

Onorevolmente, [nre'vlme'n

te'] adv. honorably; splendidly. Onorificamente,[nrifikme'n te'] adv. honorably, with due honor. Onoriflcare , [nrifik're'] see Onorare. Onoriflcatamente, [nrifiktmn'te'] see Onorevolmente. Onoriflcatore, [nrifikt're'] TO. one who honors. Onorificazione, [nrifiktsi'ne'] /. honor, esteem. Onorificenza, [nrifitshe'n'ds] f. honor, respect; glory. Onorifico, [nri'fik] adj. honorable, honored. Onranza, [nrn'ds] &c., see

Onoranza &c. Onta, [n't] /. shame, affront, disgrace; ad - di, in spite of Ontaneto, [ntn't] m. plancontradictorily. retta. tation of alder-trees, grove of Operoso, [pe'r's] adj. active; Opposto, [pp'st] adj. op alders. laborious, hard-working; busy. posite, contrary; -, to. reOntano, [nt'n] m. alder-tree, Opifice, [pi'fitsh] see Opera- verse, contrary. alder. tore. Oppressare, [ppre'ss'r] v. a. Ontare, [nt're*] Ontire, [onti'- Opificio, [pifi'tshi] TO. work to oppress, harass, vex; suffo-
re'l V. a.

[pprtnmn't] adv. opportunely, seaOperato , [pe'r't] m. work sonably. Opportunit, [opportunit'] Opdono. Operatore, [pe'rt're'] m. ope- portunitade, Opportunitate, f. opportunity; need. rator, workman, artificer. Operatorio, [prt'ri] adj. Opportuno, [pprtii'n] adj. opportune, seasonable, conoperative. Operatrice, [pe'ra.tri'tshe'] f. venient ; necessary. Oppositamente, [ppstmn'agent; efficient cause. Operazioncella , [pe'rtsin- t] adv. on the contrary. Opposite, [pp'sit] see Optsh'l] f. slight operation. Operazione, [pe'rtsi'n] f. posto. operation, work, action ef- Oppositore, [oppositre] to. opposer, opponent, adversary. fect. Operetta, [pe're't't] f. little Opposizione, [ppsitsi'n] f. opposition , resistance ; work. obstacle. Opericciola, [pe'ritsh'l] Opposta, [pp'st] In opposto, small work. Operiere, [pe'ri're'] see Ope- [pp'st] adv. opposite to. Oppostamente, [ppstmn't] rajo. Operina, [pe'ri'n] see Ope- adv. in an opposite manner,

[pe'rti'v] adj. efficient, efficacious,

to set one's self against, oppose.



to dishonor, disgrace





dinary; usual, wonted; common, vulgar; all'-, at the usual

Oppressatore , [pprsst'r] Orazione, [rtsi'ne'] f. prayer, orison; speech, oration, rhem. oppressor. Oppressione, [pprssi'n] f. torical harangue. Orbacca, [rbk'ka] f. berry oppression. Oppressivo , [ppre'ssi'v] adj. of laurels and similar shrubs.

Oppressore, [ppre'ss'r] an oppressor.

rate; d' -, usually, commonly, generally; per I'-, commonly, mostly; -, m. ordinary; daily Orbare, [rb'r] v. a. to be- post. w. reave (of childrenj deprive of. Ordinata, [rdin't] f. geom. ordinate. Orbe, [r'be'] m. orb, gJobe.


[ppre'ss'r] see Orbezza, [rbe't's]


Opprimere, [ppri'me're'] oppress, overwhelm.

t] m. assault, attack.

v. a.

bereave- Ordinatamente, [rdintmn't] adv. according to order. to Orbicolare, [rbikl're'] Orbi- Ordinativo, [rdinti'v] adj.

ment, privation.

Oppngnamento, [ppn'me'n'Oppugnare, [ppnn'a're'jv.a. to

assail, attack;

colato, [rbikla't] adj. orbic- ordinal. Ordinato, [rdin't] adj. orular, spherical; orbiculated. Orbiculo, [rbi'kl] m. pulley; dered, regulated; moderated;

commissioned ; ordained (to little round ball. Orbita, [r'bit] /".cart-rut; or- holy orders). Ordinatore, [rdint'r] OrdiOppugnatore, [ppn't're'] m. bit (of a planet). [rdintri'tsh] f. Orbita, [orbita'] Orbitale, Orbi- natrice , oppugner, assailant orderer , disposer; director; Oppugnazione, [ppn'tsi'n] tate, f. blindness; privation. Orbo, [r'b] adj. blind bereft, ordainer. f. assailing, attack. Ordinazione, [rdintsi'ne'] f. destitute. Opra, ['pr] poes. see Opera. medical preOprare, [pr'r] poes. see Ope- Orbolo, [rb'l] m. a species of order, decree scription; receipt; ordination olive tree. rare. Orca, [r'k] /'.ork, sea-monster. (to holy ordersj. Oprire, [pri're'] see Aprire. Opulente, -[pln't] Opulen- Orcella, [ortshl'l] f. a species Ordine, [r'din] m. order, disposition; series, file, line; of lichen. to, [pln't] adj. opulent, commission Orcetto,- [rtshe't't] m. small rank ; charge wealthy. command; custom, habit; d' pitcher, small jar. [pln'ds] Opulenza , f. Orchestra, [rk'str] /. or- del Re, by the king's order opulence, wealth, riches, pi. in - a, with regard to; - caOpuscolo, [ps'kl] m. opus- chestra. Orcia, [r'tsh] f. Orcio, [r'- valleresco, order of knightculum, pamphlet. hood; ordini sacri, pi. holy Ora, [ra] ^ hour time; che - tsh] m. oil-pot , oil-aruet orders, pi.; - di stanze, suite jar, pitcher. ? what o' clock is it ? d' - in a buon -, Orciaja, [rtsh'y] f. a maga- of rooms; mettere in -, to sot -, now and then in order; mettere all'-, to early; -, adv. now, at present, zine for containing oil-jars. at this time; per -, for the Orciolajo, [rtshl'y] m. pot- make ready, prepare. Ordinetto, [rdiiit't] m. little present, for this time; or -, ter. just now, in a moment, pres- Orcioletto, [rtshle't't] Orcio- order; little commission. lino , [rtshli'n] m. small Ordingo, [rdin'g] see Ordigno. ently; directly. Ordire, [rdi're'] v. a. to warp; Oracolare, [rkla'r] v. a. to pitcher. Orciuolo, [rtsh'l] m. pitcher, frame, machinate. utter oracles. Ordito , [rdi't] m. chain Oracolista, [rkli'st] ni. an Oreo, [r'k] m .hobgoblin; death; weaver's warp, web; fig. plan, utterer of oracles. plot. Oracolo, [r'kl] m. oracle; the grave. Orda , [r'd] /. horde, tribe, Orditojo, [rdit'y] m. weav. oratory. loom. clan. Orafo, ['rf] m. goldsmith. Oragano , [rg'n] m. hur- Ordegno , [rd'n'] Ordigno, Orditore, [rdit're'] tu. warper, weaver; fig. contriver. [rdin'] m. machine, engine ricane. structure Orditura, [rdit'r] f. warpOramai, [rma'i] and Ormai, tool, instrument ing, web, texture. by this system. [r 'mi] adv. now time at length, for the future. Ordimento , [rdime'n't] m. Ordo, [r'd] see Lordo. Oreade, [re''d] f. oread. Orare, [ra'r] v. a. to pray, warping, web plotting. Ordinabile, [rdina'bil] adj. Orecchia, [re'k'ki] f. see Orecadore; implore; harangue. chio; stare colle orecchie levate, Orario, [r'ri] adj. horary, that may be ordered. to hearken attentively. Ordinale, [rdin'l] adj. ordi horal; m. time-tahle. Orecchiare, [re'kki're'] v. n. nary, usual; ordinal. Orata , [ra't] f. gold-fish
; ; , ;


Ordinalmente, [rdiulme'n'te']

to listen.

Oratore, [rt'r] m. implorer, adv. in an orderly manner. Ordinamento, [rdinme'n't]m. adorer ; orator, haranguer preacher. (quence. order, ordering, arrangement. Oratoria , [rto'ri] f. elo- Ordinando, [rdinn'd] m. canOratoriamente, [rtrime'n'- didate (for holy orders). Ordinanza, [rdinn'ds] /. ort] adv. eloquently. Oratorio, [rt'ri] adj. ora- dinance; decree; order, file. torical, rhetorical; -, m. ora- Ordinare, [rdin're'] v. a. to order, range, arrange, rule, tory oratorio. Oratrice, [rtri'tshe'] f. adorer, govern, conduct; ordain, confer holy orders. worshipper. [ordinria-^ Orazioncina, [rtsintshi'n] Ordinariamente , me'n't]arft>. ordinarily, usually. /. shojt sermon; reproof, lecOrdinario, [r&inA'ri6] a'fj, orture.

Orecchiata, [rkki't] f. box on the ear. Orecchino, [re'kki'n] m. earring, pendant. Orecchio, [reVki] i. Orecchi,
ear; auricle; strap, latchet; fold; cantare a -, to sing by ear ; dare od -, to lie"Tken to, give ear to gonfiar gli orecchi, to flatter; parlar all' -, to whisper; prestar I' -, to lend an ear ; star cogli orecchi tesi, to listen intently.

Orecchione, [rekki'nlm.larca



m. Orinare, [rin're']
r. . to

ear; fort, orillon; Orecchioni, jOrgogliuzzo,




water. ears, pi. little pride, conceit Orecchiuoli, [rkki'li] m. p{. Oriaflamma, [rifim'm] see Orinario, nary. Orifiamma. cap-bands to cover the ears. m. Orinoso, [ribn'dl] adj. Oribandolo, [re'kki't] Oreccliiuto, nous. sort of ancient girdle. long-eared.

swoUings about



adj. adj.




m. gold- Oricalco

smith, silversmith.

Oreficeria, [rfitshe'ri']/".goldsmith's trade, goldsmith's shop (bottle. brass-vessel. &c. Oreggiare, [re'dja're'] v. n. to Oricanno, [rikn'n] m. scentpaint of a gold color, shine Oricello, [ritsh'l] m. orchal. Orichicco, [rikik'k] m. gum like gold. Oreglia, [re'T] f. see Orec- of cherry-trees, &c. Oricrinito , [rikrini't] adj. chio. yellow-haired. Oreria, [re'ri a] f. gold-plate. Oretta, [rt't] /". a short hour. Orientale, [rie'nt'le'] adj. oriOrezza, [re't's] m. soft zephyr. ental, eastern. Orezzamento, [rtsame'n't] m. Orientare, [rie'nt're'] v. a. mar. to trim a ship; Oriengentle hreezo, fresh air. Orezzare, [re'ts're'] v. n. to tarsi, V. r. to find out the east. blow gently (like the zephyr). Orezzo, [re't's] m. see Orezza. Oriente, [rin'te'j m. orient, Orfana, [r'fn] /".orphan girl. east; adj. rising. Orfanello, [rfn'l] Orfanino, Orifiamma, [rifim'm] /. ori[rfni'n] m. young orphan. flam; holy Virgin. Orfanezza, [rfne't'sa] Orfani- Orificeria, [rifitshe'ri'] see t, [rfnit'] Orfanitade, OrOreficeria. fauitate, f. orphanage. Orificio, [rifi'tshi] Orifzio, Orfano, [r'fn] m. orphan. [rifi'tsi] m. orifice. Orfanotrofio, [rfntr'fi] m. Origamo, [ri'g'm] Origano, orphan-house, foundling hos- [ri'gn] tn. wild marjoram. pital. Orige, [ri'g] m. an African Organale,[rgn'le'] adj. organ- wild-buck. ical, instrumental. Originale, [rijin'le'] adj. origOrganare, [rgn're'] see Orga- inal, primitive; -, m. orignizzare. first cast, inal, first copy; Organetto, [rgne't't] m. small archetype; omo -, m. odd organ, hand-organ. fellow. Organicamente, [rgnikme'n'- Originalit, [rijinlit'J/.origtj adv. organically. nalness. Organico, [rg'nik] adj. or- Originalmente, [riji'nlme'n'te'] ganic, instrumental. adv. originally, primitively. Organista, [rgui'sta] m. or- Originamento, [rijinamn't] ganist, organ-player. m. origin.

[rikrk] m. an Oriolajo, [ril'y] m. watchprecious metal imi- maker. tated by the ancients by mix- Oriolo, [ri'l] see Orinolo. ing gold and copper; brass; Orione, [ri'ne'J wi. orlon.


Orire, [ri'r] v. n. to rise,, spring; be born. Orittologia, [rittl'jia"! ^that part of natural history which treats of fossils. Oriundo, [rin'd] adj. originary. Oriuolajo, [ril'y] m. watch-

Oriuolo, [ri'l] m. watch, clock; - o polvere, hour-glass; - a sole, sun-dial. Orizzontale, [ritsnt'l] adj. horizontal.



adv. horizontally. Orizzonte, [ritsn't] m. horizon.

Orlare, [rl're'] v. a. to hem; border, edge. Orlatura, [rlat'ra] f. hemming; edging, border. Orliccio, [rli'tshj m. kissingcrust.

Orliccinzzo, [rlitsh'ts] m. little crust (of bread). Orlo, [r'l] m. hem, selvage; edge; brim; brink. Orma, [r'm] f. trace, footstep; example. Ormai, [rm'i] adv. now; at length, for the future. Ormare, [rma'r] v. a. to trace, pursue.

Ormatore, [rmt're'] m. tracer, pursuer.

[rgnids- Originare, [rijina're'] v. a. to mn't] m. disposition of parts. give origin to, originate -, v. Organizzare, [rgnids're'J v. a. n. to take its rise, be originto organize. ated; begin. Organizzazione, [rgnids- Originariamente , [rijinriatsi'ne'] /. organization, propme'n't] adv- originarily, prier disposition. marily, at first. Organo, [r'gn] wi. organ. [rijina'ri] Originario, adj. Organato, [organ 't] adj. or- originary, original. ganic; musical (little used). Originatore, [rijint're'J m. Orgasmo, [rgs'm] m. orgasm. originator. Orgie, [r'ji] /. pi. orgies, rev- Originazione, [rijntsi'ne'J /.


Ormeggiare, [rme'dj're'] v. a. mar., to moor; ORMEaaiARsi.

V. r. to cast anchor.






adj. ornamental.

Ornamentino, [rname'nti'n] m, little ornament. Ornamento, [rnmn't] m. ornament.

Ornare, [rn're'] v. a. to adorn, origin, etymology. decorate; trim. Orgoglio, [rgT] m. pride, Origine, [ri'jin] f. origin Ornatamente , [rntme'n'te'] vainglory, haughtiness. adv. elegantly, gracefully. beginning, source, cause. Orgogliosamente , [rgrs- Origliare, [rir're'] v. n. to Ornatezza, [rnt'tsa] f. admn't] ado. proudly, haughti- stand listening; try to find. ornment. lyOrigliere, [orir're'] m. pillow, Ornatissimo, [rntis'sim] adj.
els, pi.



somewhat haughty, rather Orina,


proud. Orgogliosit,

haughtiness (little used). Orgoglioso , [rgr's] proud, haughty.


most adorned. Ornato, [rna't] adj. adorned; Orinale, [orinale] m. chamber- accomplished, beautiful -, m. pot; retort, alembic. ornament, embellishment. Orinaletto, [rinlt't] Orina- Ornatore, [rnt'r] m. em* lino, [rinli'n] m. small bellisher. chamber-pot. Ornatura, [rnt'r] /. adorn






accomplish- Orrore,



Ortopeda, [rtpe'di'] f. orshe-bear ; astr., thopedia. Ortopedico, [rtp'dik] adj. Ornitologo , [rnit'lg] m. -maggiore, great bear. Orsacchio, [rsk'ki] Orsac- orthopedical. ornithologist. Ornitomanzia, [rnitmntsi'] chino, [rskki'n] m. bear's Orura, [r'r] f. gold-plate; cub. gold-wares, pi. f. ornithomancy. Orsaccio, [rs'tsh] m. great Ornzza, [r'tsa] /". short hour. Orno, [r'n] m. wild ash. Orvietano, [rvit'n] m. quack Oro, ['r] m. gold; riches, pi., huge bear. - filato, gold-wire pagare d' - Orsata, [rs't] f. a jumble of medicine. Orza, [r'ts] f. mar., mizenin -, to pay in gold; ridurlo unmeaning words. a -, to come to a conclusion; Orsicello, [rsitsh'l] m. bear's bowines, pi.; larboardTside of cub; young bear. a ship. star nell' -, to live at one's Orsiero, [rsi'r] m. a keeper Orzaiuolo, [rdsy'l] m. pimease. ple on the eye-lid. Oro1)ancbe, [rhn'ke] m. bot., of bears. Orsino, [rsi'n] adj. of a bear, Orzare, [rts'r] v. n. mar., strangle-weed. to laveer, sail in the wind's Orochicco, [rkik'k] see Ori- like a bear. (maker. Orso, [r 'so] m. bear; paving eye. chicco, Orologiere, [rljt'r]m. clock- shovel pigliar I' -, to get in- Orzata, [rds't] f. barleywater, orgeat. Orologio, [rlj] m. clock, toxicated. Orsojo, [rs'y] m. silk-warp Orzato, [rds't] adj. of barley, watch, pendulum. mixed with barley. Orometria, [rme'tri'] f. ho- texture. Ors, [ors'] int. come on! come Orzeggiare, [rtse'dj're'] see rometry. Orzare. Oroscopo, [r'skp] m. horo- now! courage! Ortaccio, [rt'tsh] m. neglect- Orzese, [rdse"se'] f. sort of exscope, nativity. cellent vine. Orpellajo,[rpll'y] m. leath- ed kitchen-garden. Ortaggio, [rt'dj] m. greens, Orzo, [r'ds] m. barley. er-gilder. Osalida, [s'lid] f. bot., sorrel. Orpellamento , [rpe'llame'n't] pot-herbs, pi. m. tinseling; fig. specious pre- Ortato, [rt't] and Ortivo, Osanna, [sn'n] int. hosanna! [rti'v] adj. said of ground Osannare, [snn'r] v. a. to tence, mask. Orpellare, [rpell're'] v. a. to cultivated as a kitchen-garden. sing hosannas. Orteflca, [rte'fi'k] /". a kind of Osare, [s'r] v. a. to dare, be disguise, cloak. tinsel bold. Orpellatura, [rpllat'r] f. cutaneous disorder. Ortense, [rtn's] adj. of a Osbergo, [sbr'g] m. breasttinseling. plate. Orpello, [rp'l] m. tinsel; t'9- kitchen-garden; esculent. Oscenamente , [she'nme'n'te'] Ortica, [rti'k] f. nettle. disguise. Orpimento, [rpimn't] m. or- Orticajo, [rtik'y] m. a place adv. obscenely. Oscenit, [she'nit'J/.obscenity, covered with nettles. piment. Orranza, [rrn'ds] see Ono- Orticello, [rtitsh'lj vi- small unchastity. kitchen-garden. Osceno, [sh'n] adj. obscene, ranza. Orticheggiare, [rtike'dj're'] v. unchaste, filthy. Orrare, [rr're'] see Onorare. Oscillare, [shill're] v. n. to Orrendamente, [rrndmn'- a. to sting with nettles. Orticheto, [rtik't] m. place oscillate. te'] adv. horribly. Oscillatorio, [shillt'ri] adj. Orrendo, [rrn'd] adj. hor- full of nettles. Orticino, [rtxtshi'n] see Orti- oscillatory. rible, dreadful. Oscillazione, [shilltsi'ne'] f. Orrettizio, [rre'tti'tsi] adj. cello. oscillation. Ortivo, [rti'v] adj. ortive. obreptitious, surreptitious. Orrevole, [rr'vl] adj. poes., Orto, [r 'to] 771. kitchen-garden; Oscitanza, [shitn'ds] f. negligence, carelessness. rising of the sun, planets, &c. honorable. Osculare, [skul're'] v. a. to Orrevolezza, [rrGvle"ts] see adj. born. kiss {geom.) to meet at one Ortodossia, [rtdssi'] /. or Onorevolezza &c. point. Orrezione, [rrtsi'ne'] f. ob- thodoxy. Ortodosso, [rtd's] adj. or- Osculazione, [skltsi'ne] /. reption, suppression. osculation. Orribile, [rri'bil] adj. hor- thodox. Ortografare, [rtgraf're'] v. a. Oscurabile, [skr'bil] adj. rible, dreadful. that may be obscured. to write correctly. Orribilit, [orribilit'] Orribi[skrme'n't] litade, Orribilitate, f. horri- Ortografia, [rtgrafi'] /". or- Oscuramente, thography; plan (of a build- adv. obscurely. bleness.


[rnitlji j

fright ; darkness 1 detest it.




horror, Ortologia, [rtl'ji] in -, logy.




Orsa, [or's]

Orribilmente ,






Ortograficamente, [rtgrfik- m. darkening obscurity. Orridamente, [rridme'n'te'] see mn't] adv. orthographically. Oscuratamente, [skrtme'n'Ortografico, [rtgr'fik] adj. t] adv. unintelligibly. Orrendamente. Oscurare, [skr're'] v. a. to Orridetto, [rridt't] adj.some- orthographical. Ortografizzare, [rtgrfids'- darken; dim, eclipse; tarnish; what horrible. OscuEAUsi, V. r. to become Orridezza, [rride't's] Orridi- re'] V. a. to write correctly. t, [orridit'] f. horror, fright. Ortografo , [rtgr'f] m. a dark, grow gloomy. Orrido, [r'rid] adj. horrible, correct writer, a master of Oscuratore , [skrt're'] . orthography. tarnisher; defamer. frightful. Orrifico, [rr'fik] see Ono- Ortolano, [rtl'n] m. gar- Oscurazione, [skratsi'ne'] f. dener; ortolan (bird). rifico. darkening ; darkness, dimness.
adv. horribly, dreadfully.






Osservanza, [sse'rvn'ds] Osservanzia, [sse'rvn'dsi] /. Oscarezza , [skrt's] see observation, remark, respect. Osservare, [ssrv'r] v. o. to Oscurit. scuriccio , [skri'tsh] see observe, mind, consider; keep; watch; honor; - la parola, to Oscuretto. Oscurit, [skrit'] Oscurita- keep one's word. [sse'rvatde, Oscuritate, /. obscurity, Osservatamente , me'n't] adv. attentively, heeddarkness; fig. ignorance. Oscuro, [sk'r]- adj. obscure, fully. dark, dim; abstruse; vita oscu- Osservativo, [sse'rvti'v] adj. remarkable. ra, f. retired life; -,adv. obscurely, darkly; -, m. obscu- Osservatore, [sse'rvt're'j m.
rity, dark.



Ostellano, [ste'll'n] m, innkeeper, landlord. Ostelliere, [stlli're'] m. inn, hostelry.

Ostello, [st'l] m. poes., mansion, lodging, abode. Ostensibile, [stnsi'bile'] adj. ostensible, demonstrable.




Ostentamento, [stntmn't]





Ospe, ['sp] see Ospite. Ospedale, [ospedale] m. hos- Osservazioncella,[sse'rvtsinpital.

wi. ostentation, show. Ostentare, [ste'nt're'] v. a. to Osservatorio, [sse'rvt'ri] m. boast, parade; vaunt. observatory. Ostentatore, [ste'ntt'r] m.

Osservatrice, [sse'rvtri'tsh]
observer, spectator.

boaster, vaunter. slight observation. Ostentazione, [stnttsi'n] f. ostentation, boast. Ospitabile,[spit'bil]adj.lios- Osservazione, [ssrvtsi'nj pitable. Osteologia, [ste'lji a] /".osteolf. observation, note. Ospitale, [ospitale'] see Ospe- Ossesso, [ss's] adj. possess- ogyed (by evil spirits) oppressed. Osteria, [oste'ri'a] f. hostelry, dala Ospitalit, [ospitalit'] Ospi- Ossetto, [sse't't] m. ossicle, inn, public-house. Ostessa, [ste's'sa] /. hostess, talitade, Ospitalitate, /". hos- small bone. pitality; kindness. landlady. Ossa, [ssi'] conj. or. (wife. Ospitalmente , [spitlme'n't] Ossiacanta, [ssikn't] f. a Ostetrico, [ste'tri'tsh] f. midOstia, ['sti] f. host, consecraadv. hospitably, with kind- kind of thorn. Ossicino, [ssitshi'n] see Os ted wafer; victim, sacrifice. ness. Ostiario, [sti'ri] m. doorOspite, [spite'] m. guest, host, setto. landlord; adj. hospitable. Ossidione, [ssidi'ne'] f. siege. keeper; verger, beadle. Osplziare, [spitsi're'] v. a. to Ossificarsi, [ssifikr'si] v. r. Ostichezza, [stikt's] f. tartlodge. to ossify, turn into bone. ness, harshness. Ospizio, [spi'tsi] m. hospice, Ossificazione, [ssifiktsi'n] Ostico, ['stik] adj. tart, harsh; /. ossification. asylum. morose, surly. Ossajo, [ssa'y] m. bone- Ossifraga, [ssifra'g] /". and Ostiere, [sti'r] Ostiere, [stiworker. Ossifrago, [ssi'frg] m. ossi- 'r] m. innkeeper; lodging; the Ossame, [ss'me'] m. heap of fraga, ospray, enemy's camp. bones. Ossigeno, [ssi'je'ne'] Ossigeno, Ostile, [sti le] adj. hostile, inOssatura, tsst'r] f. order [ssi'jn] rn. (chym.) oxygen. imical. and disposition of the bones. Ossilapato,[ssil'pt] m. bot., Ostilit, [ostilit'] Ostilitade, Ossecrare, [sse'kr're'] . a. to lapathum. Ostilitate, /. hostility, antagentreat, conjure. Ossimele, [ossimele'] m. oxy- onism; havoc. Ossecrazione, [sse'krtsi'n] mel. Ostilmente, [stilme'n'te'] adv. Osso, ['s] tn. {Ossa, (. fi.) in a hostile manner. f. supplication, entreaty. (of Osseo, ['se'] adj. bony, made bone ; stone a fruit) del Ostinarsi, [stinr'si] v. r. to be of bone. ciliegio, cherry-stone. stubborn, persist obstinately. Ossequente, [sskun'te'] adj. Ossoso, [ss's] Ossuto, [s- Ostinatamente, [stintme'n'obsequious. adj. bony; scraggy. s't] t] ad .stubbornly, obstinately. Ossequiare, [sse'kwi'r] v. a. Osta, ['sta] see Ostessa. Ostinatetto, [stinte't't] adj. m. [st'kl] to pay homage, revere, honor. Ostacolo, obstasomewhat obstinate. Ossequio, [ss'kui]m. homage, cle, hinderance. Ostinato , [stin't] adj. obobsequiousness. Ostaggio, [st'dj] m. hostage. stinate, stubborn. Ossequiosamente, [sse'kuis- Ostale, [sta'l] see Ospedale. Ostinazione, [stintsi'ne'] /. raen't] adv. obsequiously. Ostante, [stn'te'J adj. oppos- obstinacy, stubbornness. -, adv. Ostraceo, [stra'tsh] see TeOssequioso, [sskui'sj adj. ing, repugnant; non notwithstanding, in spite of. obsequious. staceo. u. Osserello, [sse'r'l] m. ossicle; Ostare, [sta're'] a. to oppose, Ostracismo, [strtshis'm] m. kernel. resist, be repugnant to. ostracism, banishment (of ten Osservabile, [sse'rv'bile'] adj Ostatore, [stt're'] m. oppo- years). observable, remarkable. ser. Ostracite, [strtshi'te'] f. petOsservabilmente, [sse'rvbil- Oste, ['st] m. host, landlord, rified oyster -shell. guest; great mn'te] adv. remarkably. innkeper; num- Ostrica, ['strik] f. oyster. Osservagione, [ssrvj'ne'] /". ber ; great army; andar a -, to Ostricaio, [strik'y] m. an observance, maintaining. take the field; far il conto oyster-seller; an oyster-bod. Osservamento, |sse'rvme'n't] senza T -, to reckon without Ostrichetta, [strike't't] f. m. observance, observation. one's host. small oyster. Osservandissimo , [sse'rvn- Osteggiamento, [ste'djimeV- Ostrioo, [stri'k] adj. purple dis'sim] adj. most honored. t] m. encampment. color.
; ;


[sse'rvan'te'j adj.





Ostricone, [strik'ne'j m. larga


observing; exact.


n. to

encamp; attack.

Ostro, ['str] south-wind.


Ottuso, [tt's]

purple; poes. Ottaverella , [ttve'r'l] f. small octave. Ostruimento, [struimn't] m. Ottavino, [ttvi'n] m. octave obstruction (said of the bowels). (musical instrument). Ostruire, [stri'r] v. o. to ob- Ottavo, [tt'v] adj. eighth; m. octave (said of the leaves of a struct; hinder. Ostruttivo, [strtti'v] adj. ob- book). Ottemperare, [tte'mpe'r're'] v. structive; hindering. Ostruzioncella[strtsintsli'- a. to obey, comply with. Ottemperatamente , [otte'mpe'l] f. slight obstruction. Ostruzione, [strtsi'n] /. ob- rtmn'te'] adv. obediently. Ottenebrare, [tte'ne'br're'] v. a. struction; hinderance. Ostupefare, [stpf're'] v. a. to darken, obscure. Ottenebrazione[tte'ne'brtsi'irr. {see Fare) to stupify. stupefazione [stpfatsi'ne] n] f. darkening, darkness. Ottenere, [tte'ne're'] v. a. irr. f. stupefaction. Otraccio, [tr'tsh] m. large {see Tenere) to obtain, acquire. Ottenibile, [tte'ni'bil] adj. obleather-bottle. Otre, ['tr] and Otro, ['tr] tainable.


blunt, stupid. Ovaja, [v'y] /". ovary. Ovale, [v'l] adj. oval, oblong,


[vn'te'] adj. triumphant, (oval. Ovatino, [vti'n] m. small Ovate, [v't] adj. oval. Ovatta, [vt't] /. cotton wool. Ovazione, [vtsi'ne'] f. ova-




adv. where; in case

that, provided that, if; as, whilst.


Ovech, [ve'k'] afZ v. wherever. Overare, [vr'r] &c.,see Operare &c. Ovile, [vi'le'] m. aheepfold dwelling place. Oviluccio, [vil'tsh] m. small sheepfold. Ovparo, [vi'pr] adj. oviparous, bringing forth eggs. Ove, ['v] see Uovo. Ovra, ['vr] f. poes. work deed, action. Ovrare, [vr're'] see Operare. Ovveramente, [vve'rmn't] conj. or, or else, either. Ovvero, [vve"r] conj. or else,
; ;

m. leather-bottle; gourd;

- di

Ottenimento, [ttnime'n't] m.
obtainment, acquisition. Ottica, ['tik] f. optics, pi. Ottico, ['tik] adj. optic, optical ; visual m. optician. Ottimamente, [ttimme'n'te'] adv. perfectly well. Ottimate, [ttim'te'] m. optimate, chief nobleman, grandee. Ottimo, ['tim] adj. perfectly good, best.

vino, skin of wine. Otrello[tr'l]in.small leatherbottle.


[tri'k] /. phar. , (lo. treacle. Otricello, [tritshl] see OtrelOtta, ['t] f. poes. hour, time; a - a -, from time to time. Ottaedro , [tt'dr] m. an eight-sided figure. Ottagesimo , [ttaje"sim] adj. Ottipede, [ttip'de'] adj. having or, either, alias. eight feet. eightieth. Ovvia! [vvi'] int. come on! Ottagono, [tt'gn] m. geom Otto, ['t] adj. eight. (mia Ottoageno, [ttj'n] see Ot- courage! octagon. Ovviare, [vvi're'] v. a. to obOttalmia, [pttlmi'] /". oplithal- togonario. Ottalmico , [ttl'mik] adj. Ottobre, [tt'bre'] m. October. viate, prevent.

Ottocento, Ltttshn't] adj. ophthalmic. Ottangolare, [ttngl're'] and eight hundred. Ottangulare [ttangl'r]arf;. Ottogenario, [ttje'n'ri] adj. octogenarian, eighty years old. :;ctaugular. Ottangolo, [ttn'gl] m.geom. Ottonajo, [ttn'y] m. brassworker, brasier. octagon. Ottannata, [ttnn't] f. a Ottoname, [ttn'me'] m. works (eight. in copper. period of eight years. Ottanta, [ttn't] adj. eighty, Ottonario, [ttn'ri] adj. of (octant. Ottone, [tt'ne'J m. brass, yelfourscore. Ottante, [ttn'te'] m. astr. low copper. Ottantesimo, [ttnt'sim] adj. Ottuagenario, [ttje'n'ri]
see Ottogenario.

Ovviatore, [ovviato 're'] m. preventer.

Ovviazione, [vvtsi'ne']
viating, prevention.



Ovvio, ['vi] adj. obvious trivial, common. Ovunque, [vun'ku] adv. wher-



ulcer Ozena, [ts'na] Ozio, ['tsi] m. leisure

idleness; stare in

in the

ease ; to be un-


(blunt. Oziosaggine, [tsis'dji'ne'] f. Ottanzette, [ttnts'te'J adj. Ottundere, [ttnd'r] v. a. to laziness, idleness. eighty-seven. Ottuplo, [t'tpl] m. octuple, Oziosamente, [tsisme'n'te'] (up, dam adv. lazily, idly. eightfold. Ottarda, [ttr'd] f. bustard. Ottare, [tta're'J v. a. poes. to Otturare, [ttra're'] v. a. to stop Oziosetto, [tsise't't] adj. rawish, desire. Ottusamente , [ttsme'n'te'J ther idle. Oziosit, [tsisit'] OziositOttativo,[ttti'v]a(Ij.optative; adv. obtusely, bluntly. -, wi. gr. optative. Ottusetto,[ttse't't]adj.some- de, Oziositate, f. laziness, in-

Ottava,[tt'v] /'.octave; stanza what obtuse. dolence. of eight lines; eight days, pi Ottusezza , [ttuse't's] Ottu- Ozioso, [tsi's] adj. idle, lazy; Ottavario , [ttv'ri] m. a sione , [ttsi'n] Ottusit, useless, fruitless, vain. space of eight days after a fes- [ottusit'] Ottusitade, Ottusi- Ozzimato, [tsim't] adj. full tival especially dedicated to of sweet basil. tate, f. obtuseness, bluntnoss. the Saint whose festival has Ottusiangolo , [ttsiang'l] Ozzimo, [t'sim] m. lot. sweet been solemnized. frt. an obtuse angle. basil.

P, has the game sound in Italian Pacatamente
as in English. Pabulo, [pabulo] m. pasture.



calmness, quietness.
adj. placid,

adv. placidly, calmly.


Pacatezza, [pakate't'sa]

[pka'tj tranquil; serene.




tante Pacca, [pk'ki] f. a blow, -woiincl knee-pan; cader dalla - nella are you? tanti paesi (vulgarism, used mostly in brace, to fall out of the frying- usanze, every country has its customs. pan into the fire. the plural). Pacchetto , [pakkt't] m- a Padellajo, [pdlla'y] Padel- Paesello , [pe's'l] m. small lare, [pdll'r] m. maker of country; little town. small packet. Paesetto, [pe'st't] m. landPacchia, [pakTci] f. and Pac- pans. chiamento, [pkkiame'n't] m. Padellata, [pde'll't] f. pan- scape.

merry-making feasting.





Padellotta, [pde'lle't'tj frying-pan, sauce-pan.



Paesista[pe'si'st]Tn.landscapepainter. Paffa, [paf'fa] f. food in general.

Pacchiare, [pkki're']

v. a. to




guttle (ufffarism). Pacchiarina , [pakki'rina]


Padellotto,[padll't]n.large Paffuto, [pff't] fat. frying-pan.



mud, dirt. Padiglione, [pdil''ne'] wi. paPacchiato tto, [pkkirt't] m. vilion; curtained canopy. Padre, [pa'dre'] m. father; fig. a good natured simpleton. Pacchio, [pak'ki] i. food in author. general {vulgarism). Padrefamiglia, [pdre'famir] Pacchione, [pkki'ne'] m. glut- f. the father of a family. Padreggiare, [pdre'dj'r] v.n. ton, gormand. Pacciame, [patshi'm] Pacciu- to bo like one's father. me, [ptsh'me'j m. sweepings, Padricello , [pdritsh'l] m.

Paga, [paga]

salary; f. pay, service-money; hire. Pagabile, [pag'bil] adj. payable.

Pagaccia, [pg'tshi] f. a badpaymaster {vulgarism).



payment, wages,



little friar.
. .

adv. like a pagan.


Pacciano, [patsha'no] adj. sim- Padrino,

ple, foolish.



Paganesimo, [pgn'sim] m.

paganism, heathenism. Paganicamente [pgnikmeVPacciotta, [ptsh't] (. glut- a duel). tony. Padrona,[pdr'n]/'.patroness; te'] see Paganamente. Paganico,[pg nikjadj.pagan, Pace, [pa'tshe*] ^. peace; repose, mistress. tranquillity; truce; con vostra Padronaggio, [pdrn'dj] see heathenish, infidel. Paganismo , [pgnis'm] seo buona -, by your leave; Dio vi Padronato. die-, God bless you; in santa Padronanza, [pdrnn'ds] f. Paganesimo. at one's ease, at leisure.; dar -, superiority , mastery ; com- Paganizzare, [pgnidsa're'] v. to give ease, to ease; darsi -, mand authority. n. to live like a pagan. to tranquilize one's self; por- Padronato, [pdrn't], Pagano, [pg'n] adj. pagan, tare una cosa in -, to bear a patronage; protection. heathen; idolatrous; m. a pathing patiently. Padroncina, [pdrntshi'na] f. gan. Paceficare, [patshe'fika're'] &c., Pagare, [pg?,'r] v. a. to pay young mistress. see Pacificare fee. Padroncino, [pdrntshi'n] m. discharge, repay -di contanti, Pachetto, [pake't'tq] m. packet, young master. to pay in ready money Pagarparcel. Padrone, [pdr'n] m. master; si, V. r. to pay one's self. Paciare, [patshia're'] ee Pacifi- patron; protector; - della casa, Pagarla, [pg'rll /^.suretiship. care. proprietor of the house - di Pagatore, [pgt'r] m. payer, Paciaro, [ptsh'r] ee Paciere. caa, landlord, innkeeper; - di pay-master. Pacienza, [patshin'ds] see Pa- cause, lawyer; - di vascello, Pagatorello, [pgtr'l] m. zienza. captain of a ship. bad pay-master. Paciere, [ptsh're'] m. peace- Padroneggiare, [pdrne'dj're'] Pagatoria,[pagt'ri] /. magismaker. V. n. to lord it, domineer pat- trate for making payments Pacifero, [ptshi'fr] adj. from the exchequer. ronize. bringing peace. Padroneria,[padrne'ri']/".right Pagatura, [pgt'r] f. see PaPacificabile, [ptshifika'bil] gamento. of conferring a benefice.

monk; godfather; second


adj. placable.




Paggeria, [pdjri']
of pages.



Pacficamente, [ptshifikme'n't] adv. peacefully, quietly. Pacificamento,[ptshifikme'n't] tn. pacification; appeasing. Pacificare, [patshifik'r] v. a. to pacify, appease; Pacificarsi, V. r. to be pacified, become

mistress; patroness.

Paggetto, [pdje't't] Paggino, Fadule, [pd'Ie'] see Palude. Padulesco, [padls'k] see Pa- [pdji'n] m. young page, lit-*
tie page.


Paggio, [p'dj] m. page, sorvmarshy (said of land). Pagher , [pagher'] m. bill Paesaccio, [pe'sa'tsh] m. bad payable at sight, promissory

reconciled. Pacificatore,




[pitshifikt're'] pacificator; mediator.


Pacificazione, [ptshifikatsi'ne'] f. pacifying. Pacifico, [ptshi'fik] adj.pacific, peaceable.

Pacioso, [ptshi's] see Pacifico. Paciozza,[ptshi'ts]/".reconcil iation (vulgarism). Paco, [pa'k] m. Peruvian sheep
yielding the Vigonian wool. padella, [pd'l] f. frying-pan;
Diz. Ital.-lng.


f. page (of a book). Paesana, [pe's'n] f. country- Paglia, [p'l'a] f. straw, chafi". woman. Pagliaccia, [pl'a'tsh] f. bad Paesano, [pe's'n] adj. of the straw. same country; - , m. country- Pagliacciata, [pa'l'tshi't] /. man, compatriot. bufi"oonery, impertinence. Paesante, [pae'san'te'] m. a land- Pagliaccio, [pl''tsh] m. chopscape-painter. ped straw; clown in a pantoPaese, [p'se'] m. country, re- mime. gion, land; fatherland; di che Pagliajo, fpl''y] m. stack of -siete Voi? what countryman straw.

m. land- Pagina, [p'jin]






Palazzina, [pltsi'n]

Pagliaiuolo , [pl'y'l] m. Palafitta, [plfit't] /. fence seller of straw; statle-keeper. of piles. Pagliaresco , [pal'rs'k] adj. Palafittare, [plfitt're'] v. a. made of straw. to drive in piles fence. Fagliata, [pl''ta] f. chaff. Palafittata, [plfitt't] f. pilePagliato, [pl''t] adj. straw- work; fencing. colored. Palafreniere, [plfrni'r] PaPagliccio, [pritsM] m. small lafreniero, [plfre'ni'r] ni. straw. groom of the stable. Pagliericcio, [prritshi] m. Palafreno, [plfre"n] m. palchopped straw; bad straw frey, lady's horse ; saddlestraw mattress. horse, (palace. Paglietana, [prtan] ^ silver- Palagetto, [plje't't] m little eel. Palagio, [pl'ji] m. palace. Pagliolaja, [prl'y] f. dew- Palaja , [pl'y] /". ground lap. planted with young chesnuts Paglioliere, [prlie're] m.mar. destined for poles. ship's purser. Palajnolo, [ply'l] see SpaPaglione, [pal''ne'] m. chopped latore. straw. Palamento , fpalaraen'to] m. Paglioso, [pl''s] adj. full of rowing, oaring; course. straw; stained, vicious. Palamidone, [plmid'ne'] m. Pagliuca, [pl''k] Pagliucola, an insipid person. [pr'kl] f. little hit of Palamita, [paJami't] f. a fish straw; foscue. somewhat resembling the tunPagliume, [pl''me'] m. heap of ney-fish. hits of straw. Palamite, fpUmi'te'] /". a round Pagliuola, [pr'la] /. spangle, net for fishing. gold-dust. Palanca, [pln'k] f. stake, Pagliuolo , [prl] m. small stockade, palisade; a small traw; mar. biscuit-room net- piece of copper money. tare il -, to run away, pack off. Palancare, [plnk're'] v. a. Pagliuzza, [pr'tsa] f. very mar., to haul, hale. small bit of straw. palancato, [plnk'tjm. stock; ; ;


Palazzo, [pl'ts] m. palace; court of justice. Palazzone, [plts'ne'] Palazzotto,[palts't] m. large palace.

Palcaccio, [palk'tsh] m. bad


bad stage.

Palchetto, [plke't't] m. little stage, small floor; little scaffold; book-case; little kitchenshelf ; (<A^) little box.

Palco, [pl'k] m. floor; scaffold; stage; box (in a theatre); horns (of a stag &c.), pi. Palcuccio, [plk'tsh] m. little
stage, little floor.

Paleggiamento, [ple'djme'n't] m. unloading (with shovels);

(mar.) hauling out.


[pal'] ni. scourging , (bot.) dog's tooth. top Paleografia, [plgr'fi] /. paleography.




revealing, discovery.

Palesare, [pls'r]



make known,


Palesatore, [plest'r] m. revealer.


[pl'se'] adj. plain, evi-

dent, known.







ade, palisade; enclosure.


Palanchino, [palnki'n] m palankeen. satisfied; -, m. pay, payment. Palancola, [plnk'l] f. a Pagode, [pag'de] m. pagoda. beam or log of wood serving Pagonazzo , [pgn'ts] &c., as a bridge to cross a narrow see Pavonazzo &c. stream. Pagone, [pg'ne'] see Pavone. Palandra, [pln'dr] f. bomb- wrestler. Pagoneggiarsi, [pgudjr'si] ketch, bomb-ship. Paletta, [ple't't] ^ fire-shovel; V. a. r. to strut about like a Palandrana [plndr'n] f. spattle, palette. , peacock, boast of one's self. and Palandrane, [plndr'n] Palettare, [pale'tta're'] v. a. to Pagura, [pg'r] see Paura. fix stakes, drive in stakes. m. old-fashioned great coat. Pah! [pah!] int. expressive of Palandrea, [palndr'] see Pa- Palettiere, [plttir] m. an ironical admiration. instrument of thin brass used landra. Pajo, [payo] m. (Paja, f. pi.) Palano, [pl'n] m. mar., haul- by goldsmiths in working pair, couple, brace; - di carte, enamel. ing-raackine. pack of cards; - di forbid, Palare, [pla'r] v. a. to drive Palettina, [pale'tti'na] f. small pair of scissors; - di pistole, in stakes, pale; fence, pali- fire-shovel ; little spattle. brace of pistols. small Paletto , [plt't] m sade. Pajolata, [pyl't] f. pot-full, Palata, [pl't] f. palisade stake, little door-bolt. "boiler-full. simultaneous stroke (of the Palettone, [pltt'ne'J m.spoon Pajuola, [pyl] /. selvage; oars); shovel -full. bill (bird). stripe. Palatina, [plti'n] /. fur-tip- Palicciata, [plitsh'ta] see FaPajuolo, [py'l] m. copper, pet; neck-handkerchief. lizzata. boiler, kettle. [plitsh'l] m. Palatinato,[pltiu't] m. pal- Palicciuolo , Pala, [pa'l] /.shovel; ladle (of atinate. littlo stake. a water-mill); blade (of an Palatino, [plti'n] adj. pala- Pallette, [plie't't] ni, small oar). tine; -, m. palatine. cloak. Baiacelo, [pal'tehi] m. an iron Palato, [pl't] m. palisade; Palificare, [palifik'r] v. a. to tool for stirring up melted palate; adj. fortified with pal- drive in stakes; enclose witli glass. stakes, support with stakes. isades. Paladina, [pldi'n] /. a fur Palatura, [plt'ra] f. the se- Palma, [p'ma] f. a wood destippet. ason for fixing stakes for vines. tined for the growth of stakts Paladinesco, [paladine'sTio] adj. Palazzaccio, [plts'tshj m. to make poles.
nail loaf.

Pago, [p'g]


adv. openly, manifestly. Palestra,[pl'str] f. wrestling; place for gymnastic exercises. Palestrale , [plstr'l] and Palestrico, [pl'strik] adj. palestrian, gymnastic. Palestrita , [ple'stri't] m.

of a paladin.

great old palace in ruins.


[plindr'm] n,

Paladino, Ipldi'a]

m. pal- Palazzotto


little palace.



or Palinganesi, [palingen'si] transition from one state to another, regeneration. Palinodia, [palinodia] /. palinode, recantation. Palinsesto, [plins'st]m.meraorandum-book, tablets, p[. Palio, Ip'li] m. prize (at a race); canopy; mantle; correre il -, to run a race ; mandare al -, to see a thing out.




pallid, Palo, [pa'lo] lever.

Pallido, [pallido]




Pallidore, [pallid're'] m. pale- Palombina, [palmbi'na]

ness, wanness.


of griipe.




[pli't] altar-piece.





[plisklm] Pa[pliskr'm] m.

Palizzata, [palits'ta] f Palizzate, [palits'to] Palizzo, [pli'tso] m. palisade, palisado. Palla, [paKl] f. ball; bullet; giuoco delia -, m. game of tennis; aver la - in mano, to have in one"s power; balzar la -, to seize the opportunity ball, billiard-ball ballot. ling &c. essere in -, to prosper, succeed; far alia - d' uno, to Pallottolajo, [pllttl'y] m.. Palpeggiare, [plpe'dj're'l v. a. bandy one about. a maker or vendor of billiard to handle, feel, touch lightly Pallaccorda, [pllkrV \] f. and other small balls. and repeatedly; tap, poke; tennis-court. Pallottoletta, [pllttle't't] f. caress. Palladio, [pll'di] m. palla- very small ball, marble, bad. Palpeggiata, [plpe'dj't] f. dium; jig. defence, protection, Pallottoliera, [pllttli'r] /. gentle touch. lee adj. consecrated to Pallas. (in a cross-bow). [plpe''vle'] Palnotch Palpevole, Pallafreaiere, [pllfrni'r] Pallottolina, [pllttli'n] $ee pabile.
; ;

Pallidnccio, [pallid'tsh] adj. Palombo, [plm'b] m. woodpigeon. rather pale, Fallidume , [pllid'me'] see Paloscio, [pl'shi] m. a short single-edged sword. Pallidore. Pallina, [plli'n] f. little ball. Palpabile, [palp'bil] adj. palpable, evident. Pallino, [plli'n] m. Pallini, Palpabilmente, [palphilme'n'[plli'ni] m. pi., small shot. [pl'Ii] m. pallium, t] adv. palpably, evidently. Pallio , Palpamento, [plpmn't] to. mantle; palliation. Pallonaccio, [plln'tsh] m. palpation, feeling. Palpare, [plp'r] v. a. to feel, balloon; large foot-ball. Pallonaro, [plln'r] v. . to touch, grope; cajole, flatter. Palpativo, [plpti'v] adj. caplay at foot-ball. pable of feeling. Palloncino, [pllntshi'n] m Palpatore, [plpt're'] m. feeler; small foot-ball. Pallone, [pll'ne') m. air-tal- cajoler, flatterer. Palpebra, [plp'br] f. Palpeloon; large foot-ball. Pallore, [pll're'] m. paleness, bro, [plp'br] m. eye-lid. [plpedjPalpeggiamento , wanness. mn't] m. the act of handPallottola, [pll'tl] f. small

alafreniere. see Pallottoletta. Pallajo, [pall'y] m. marker Palma, [pal'ma] /". palm-tree, (at tennis or billiards). date-tree; palm (of the hand); Pallamaglio, [pllmaT] wi. fig. laurel, victory ; batter - a pall-mall. game of -, to applaud. (moto. Pallare, [pll'r] .a. to play Palmajo, [palma'yo] m. see Palat tennis, play at bowis; bran- Palmare, [plm'r] adj. said dish, shake. of two muscles or of a memPallata, [plla't] /. pelting brane belonging to the palm with balls. of the hand. Palleggiare, [plle'dj're'] . a. Palmata, [plm't] f. blow or to play at tennis ; banter, quiz. slap with the palm of the Pallente, [plln't] adj. pallid, hand ; dare la -, to give a bribe; pale. engage a sailor. Pallerino, [palle'ri'no] m. player Palmella, [plme'l'l] /. short at tennis &c. or knotty wool that remains in Palleto, [pl'lt] m. paletot, the teeth of the carding surtout. (ball comb. Palletta, [pllt't] /. small Palmento, [plme'n't] wi. winePalllamento, [pallime'n't] m. press; mill-stone frame; mill; and Palliazione, [pllitsi'- macinare a due palmenti, to n] f. palliation, disguise. take double fees. Palliare, [plli'rj . a. to pal- Palmeto, [plm't] m. plantaliate, disguise, conceal. tion of palm-trees. Palliativo, [plliti'v] arfj.pal- Palmiere, [plrai're'] m. palliative. mer; pilgrim. Pallidaccio, [pllid'tsh] adj. Palmipede, [palrai'pe'de'] adj. very pale, very wan. palmipede, web-footed. Pallidamente , [pllidame'n'te'] Palmisto, [plmi'st] m. Indian adv. wanly. palm-tree. Pallidetto , [pllide't't] adj. Palmite, [pal'mite'] m. branch rather pale. of a vine or palm-tree. Pallidezza, [pallide't'sa] /. pale- Palmizio, [plmi'tsi] m. palmness.

Palpitamento, [plpitme'n't]


Palpitare, [plpit'r] v. n. to

Palpitazioncella, [plpittsintsh'l]

slight palpit ition.

Palpitazione, [plpittsi'n] f. palpitation; throbbing. Palpone, [plp'ne'j adv. by the


Paltone, [plt'ne'] m. beggar; vagrant, vagabond. Paltoneggiare, [pltne'dj're'] V. n. to beg about; ramble. Paltoneria, [pltne'ri'] beggary; roguery, rascality. Paltoniere, [pltni're'] m. beggar, vagabond. Paludaccio , [pld'tsh] m. noisome marsh. Paludale , [pld'le'] adj. marshy, swampy.


[pldame'n't] , coat of mail. Paludano, [pld'n] see Pa-



Palude, [pl'de'] morass, fen.





Paludello, [plud'l] m. small

marsh. Paludoso, [pld's] and Palustre, [pl'str] adj. marshy,


Palvesaro, [palve's'r] or PalPallidiccio, [pallidi'tsh] adj. Palmo, [pal'mo] m. span (mea- vesajo, [plvsyo] to. armed palish. sure). with a shield. Pallidit, [pallidit'] see Palli- Palmone, [plm'ne'] m. bough Palvesata, [plvsi't] ^target, dezza. anoiuted with bird-lime. fence.

tree; palra-sunday bough.







large Panciera, [pntsh'r]



m. small

Pampana, [pm'pn]

f. vino- Panciolle, [pntshle'] adv. stare in -, to want for nothing brauch, vine-leaf. Pampanajo, [pmpn'y] ad;. tenere a -, to feast well, treat sumptuously; (vulgarisin). bearing vine-branches. Pampanata, [pmpna't] /. fu- Pancione, [pntshi'n] m. a big-bellied man. migation of musty casks. Fampano, [pm'pn] m, vine- Panciotto, [pntshit't] m. an vine- nnder-waistcoat. vine-leaf , tendril , Panciuto, [pntsh't] adj. bigbranch. Pampanoso, [pimpn's] Pam- bellied. panuto, [pampnii't] adj. full Panconcellatnra, [pnkntshl;

Panfano, [pn'fn] and Panfilo, [panfilo] m. ancient galley oi war. Pangrattato, [pngritt't] m rasped bread. Pania, [p'ni] f. bird-lime;

Paniaccio, [pani'tsh] and Paniacciolo,



of vine-leaves.

Pampinario, [pmpin'ri]

vine-branch bearing no fruit.

Pampineo, [pmpi'ne'] Pampl

adj. [pampini'fe'ro] nifero , bearing vine-leaves. Pampino, [pm'pin] m. vine-

leaf, vine-tendril.

pampinoso, [pmpin's]
full of vine-leaves.


Panacela, [pn'tsha]
tion to preserve wine.






wort, all-heal.



Panada, [pn'd] f. panada. Panata, [pna't] /. panada. Panateli, [panatelo] m. small



[pnteVe'] adj. , panatenee, feasts held at Athens in honor of Pallas. Panatojo, [pnt'y] m. reel,


basket; shepherd's scrip,




pantler, bread-baker. Panca, [pn'k] /". bench.

Pancaccia, [pnka'tsh]




Pancacciere, [pnktsh're'] m. frequenter of benches, lounger,



[pnk'tsh] m. a large bench. Pancacciuolo, [pnktsh'l] m. bot., sword-grass. Fancale, [pnk'le'] m. benchcarpet, sofa-housing. Pancarne, [pankr'n] i. a kind of flat pie or cake made of flour and meat. Pancata, fpnk't] f. benchfull of people; row of vines. Pancello, [pantshel'lo] see Pannicello.




small Panerina, [pane'ri'na] f. Panerino , [pne'ri'nj m. small Panchetta, [pnke't't] Panchet- basket. tina, [puke'tti'nj f. small Panerzzola, [pne'rts'l] f. bench. very small basket. Panchetto, [pnke't't] m. foot- Panetteria , [pne'tte'ri'] f. breadroom, pantry. stool. Pancia, fpn'tsh] f. paunch; Panettiere , [pntti're] m. steward of the stores. belly.

breast-plate. pancetta, [pntsht't] belly.

leather-bag for lime-twigs snare, entanglement. lt'r] f. lathing. Panicato, [pnik't] adj. said Panconcello, [pnkntsh'l] m. of a diseased pig. lath. Panicela, [pni'tsh] f. paste. Pancone, [pnk'ne'] m. plank, Panicelo, [pni'tsh] m. kneaded thick board ; joiner's bench, flour; flour-cake. carpenter's bench. Panicciuolo, [pnitshl] m Pancotto, [pnk't] m. pa- very small loaf, small roll. nada. Panico, [pnilc] m. millet. Pancratista, [pnkrti'st] m. Pnico, [p'nik] adj. panic. the victor in a wrestling- Paniera, [pui'r] f. basket, match. hamper; bread-basket. Pancreas, [pn'kre's] m. anat., Panieraj o [pnir'y] nt.basketmaker. pancreas. (hamper. Panereste, [pnkr'st] m. pan- Paniere, [pui're'] m. basket, Panieretto, [pnie're't't] and acea for all diseases. Pancuccia, [panku'tsha] /".small Panierino , [pnie'ri'n] m. small basket. bench, small seat. Pandore, [pan'de're'] v. a. to Panierone, [panie'ro'ne'] m. very publish, manifest. large basket. Pandette, [pndt't]/".pJ.,Pan Panieruzzo , [pnie'r'ts] n. small basket. dects, pi. Pandora, [pnd'r] f. a string- Panificarsi, [pnifikr'si] v. r. ed instrument resembling a to turn into bread, become bread. lyre. Pane, [pa'ne'] m. bread; loaf; Panificio, [pnifi'tsht] wi. ma- casalingo, king of bread, kneading. fig. sustenance; household bread; - di cera, Panione, [panio'ne'] m. limeinferigno, twig; allurement. cake of wax; wheaten bread; - perduto, Panioso, [pni's] m. glutinous, sticky. good-for-nothing fellow di piombo, pig of lead; - di zuc- Paniuzzo, [pnit's] m. Pachero, loaf of sugar; esser niuzzola, [pnit'sl] /.limecome - e cacio, to be hand twig, snare. and glove; mangiar il - a tra- Panna, [pan'na]/'. cream; panna dimento, to eat one's bread in montata, whipped cream. idleness ; render - per focac- Pannacelo, [pnn'tsh] m. bad cloth; tatter. cia, to give tit for tat; tenere Pannaiuolo , [pnnyl] tu. a suo -, to maintain, feed. Panegirico, [pnji'rik] m. pa- woolen-draper. negyric, eulogy; adj. lauda- Pannatura, [pnnt'r] f. representation of drapery in tory. Panegirista, [pnjiri'sta] m. sculpture. Panneggiamento, [pnne'djpanegyrist, encomiast. Panellino, [pnlli'n] m. small mn't] m. paint, drapery. Panneggiare, [pnne'dja'rj v. o. loaf, halfpenny-roll. Panello , [pn'l] m, bon-flre to paint drapery. Panneggiato, [pane'dj't] m. on days of rejoicing. Panerccio , [pnre''tsh] m. sculptured drapery of a figure.^ Pannello, [pnnl] m. linen* surg. whitlow.

cloth, of middling quality. Pannia, [pan'uid] /. sort of sedge. Pannicello, [pnnitshl] m. bit of cloth; Pannicelli, pi. clothes of bad stuff. Pannicolo, [panni'kl] m, bit of cloth; anat. diaphragm. Panniere, [pnni'r] m. wool

eu- draper; cloth-weaver.

Fannilino, [pnnili'n] m. linen




m, bird; simpleton, Pappardo, [pappr'd] see Papavero.

Pannina, [pnni'n]


drapory. Fanno, Ipan'n] m. cloth, wool-

\Yoolen- Paolo, [p'l] m. sixpence(cotn). Paonazzo, [pan'ts] &c., see

Pappare, [ppp're']

r. n. to eat

Pavonazzo &c. f. bellyfull. mar. sail-cloth; Paone, [pa'ne'] see Pavone. - lino, linen-cloth; mettetevi Paoneggiare, [pndj'r] see Pappatojo, [pppt'y] m. ladle for stirring meat &c. in the PaTon::,ggiare. ne' miei panni, imagine yourfrying pan. i panni ri- Papa, [pa'pa] m. pope, pontiff. self in my place Pappatore, [pappat're'] m. glutfanno le stanghe, fine feathers Pap, [pp'J m. papa. Papale, [pp'l] adj. papal, of ton, gormand. make fine birds. Pannocchia, [pann'ki] f. ear the pope, belonging to the pope. Pappatoria, [pppat'ri] f. gutPapalina, [ppli'n] f. a skull- tling, gormandizing (vulgaor flower of Indian corn. rism). Pannocchiato, [pnnkki't] cap. Papalino, [ppli'n] adj. papal; Pappina, [pppi'n] /. delicate adj. spiked like corn. Pannocchina, [pnnkki'n] f. soWa(o-,wi. soldier of the pope. broth. bastard-rye. Papasso, [pps's] m. priest of Pappino, [pppi'n] m. servant Pannolino, [pnnli'n]m.hand- false Gods. in a hospital. kerchief. Papato, [ppa't] m. papacy Pappo , [pap'p] m. bread (childish expression). Pano, [p'n] m. a kind of popedom. pustule. Papavero, [pp've'r] m. poppy Pappolata, [pppl't] f. waPanoplia, [pn'pli] /'.panoply. Pape! [p'p] int. strange! won- tery hash, tasteless dish; insipPantalone, [pntl'n] m. pair derful. id story. of pantaloons; buffoon. Papera, [p'pe'ra] f. see Papero. Pappolone , [pppl'ne] and Pantanaccio, [pntn'tsh] m. Paperello, [ppe'r'l] see Pape- Pappone, [ppp'n] m. great miry puddle, filth. rino, (weed. eater, glutton. Pantano, [pnt'n] m. slough, Paperina, fppe'ri'n] f. chick- Pappuccia, [ppp'tsha] f. a puddle. Paperino, [ppri'n] adj. of a Mahomedan slipper. Pantanoso, [pantn'sj adj. gosling; -, m. gosling. Parabola, [par'bl] f. parable, marshy, slimy, dirty. Papero, [pa'pr] m. young allegory; geom. parabola. Panteismo, [pantis'mjm. pan- goose, green-goose. Parabolano, [prdbl'n] adj. theism. Paperotto, [prr't] m. large false; vainglorious; -, m. gosling; fat goose. Fanteone, [pnte''ne'] m. panprattler, blab. Paperottolo, [ppe'rtt'l] m. Parabolico, [prb'lik] adj. theon. a little pope (said sportively). Pantera, [pnt'r] f. panther parabolical; allegorical. draw-net. Papesco, [ppe's'k] adj. papal, Parabaloide , [prbli'd] f. Fanterana, [pnte'r'n] /. small popish. a very sublime parable. lark, wood-lark. Papice, [papitshe'] f. a kind of Paracaduta , [prkd't] m. Fanterino, [pnte'ri'n] adj. of cutaneous disease. parachute. a panther. Papilione, [ppili'n] wi. but- Paracentesi, [prtshn'te'si] f. Panterreno, [pnte'rre"nj m. terfly; moth. tapping. bot. sow-bread. Papilla, [piipiria] f. nipple (of Paraclito, [pr'klit] m. ParaPantofola, [pnt'fl] f. pan- the breast), teat. clete, Holy Ghost. tofle, slipper. Papilletta, [ppillt't] /.small Paracronismo, [prkrnis'm] Pantografo, [pant'grf] m. nipple. m. parachronism. pantograph, copying machine. Papiro, [ppi'r] m. papyrus. Paracuore, [prk're'] m. pluck, Pantomima, [pntmi'ma] f. Papismo, [papismo] m. popery. lungs, pL pantomime. Papista, [papi'sta] wi. papist. Paradisiaco, fpardisi'k] PaPantomimo, [pantmi'm] m. Papistico, [ppisti'k] adj. be- radisale, [prdis'l] adj. of pantomime player, mimic actor. longing to the pope. paradise. Pantraccola, [pantrk'kl] /. Pappa, [pap'p] f. pap (mess). Paradiso, [prdi's] m. parastory, tale; trifle (vulgarism). Pappacchione [pppkki'ne'] dise; fig. felicity; (tht.) upper, Pantufola, [pnt'flj see Panm. glutton. gallery; adj. said of certain tofola. Pappacece,[ppptshe''tsh]ad7. species of apples pears and Panucciaolo, [pantshl] m. foolish, childish. grapes. a small loaf or mass of any Pappafico, [pppfi'k] m.hood; Paradossare, [prdss're']and thing. mar. main top-gallant mast, Paradosseggiare, [prdsse'Panurgo,[pftnrg] m. an intri- top-gallant sail. dja'r] v. n. to speak in paraguer, a busy-body. Pappagallesco [pppglle's'k] doxes. Panza, [pan'tsa] f. paunch. adj. of a parrot. Paradossico, [prdssi'k] adj.
en cloth,
; , ,

to excess, gorge. Pappata, [papp't]

Panzane, [pants'n] Pappagallessa,[pppglle's's]

stories, pi.; nonsense.






m. Pappagallo,



large cuirass.

small cuirass.

Panzetta, [pnts'tj

[ppplr'd] hypocrite; simpleton. little Pappalecco [pppal'k] , daiuty bit, dainties, pi.


Panziera, [pntsi'raj/. cuirass, Pappardelle, [papprd'le'J/.js/. breast-plate. ribbon-Termicelli &c. cooked in Paoliup, [pli'n] adj. stupid, broth.

Paradossista , [pardssi'st] wi. a writer of paradoxes. Paradosso, [prd's] adj. paradoxical; -, m. paradox. Parafango , [prfan'g] m. apron of a carriage. Paraferna, [prfr'n] f. jur. paraphernalia, parapherna, pi. Parafrasare, [prfrs'r] v,
a. to paraphrase.



Pareglio, [pr'l'] see Parelio. Paregorico, [parg'rik] adj. med. paregoric, anodyne. Parelio, [pr'li] m. parhelion, Parenchima, [prn'kim] f,

Parafrasi, [pr'frsi] f. para- Paranomasia, [prnm'si] /. rh. paranomasia. phrase Parafraste, [prfra'st]m. par- Paraocchi , [prk'ki] m. pi. winkers, winkers (for horses). aphrast. Parafrasticamente, [prfrsti- Parapetto, [prp't] m. fort. parapet, breast-work. kinn'te'l adv. in the manner Parapiglia, [prpil'] /. tuof a paraphrase. Parafrastico, [prfr'stikjarfj. multuous assembly, throng; periphrastical, disorder, confusion. Parafrenitide, [prfre'niti'de'] Paraplessia, [prple'ssi'] f. inflammation in the dia- med. slight apoplexy. /. Parare, [pra'r] v. a. to deck, phragm. Paraggio, [pr'dj] i. match, dress, trim out; parry, ward equal; lineage, degree; part of ofF; oppose; Pararsi, v. r. to prepare one's self set against; the sea lying near the coast. Paragonabile, [prgn'hil] oppose. Parasarchie, [prsr'kie'] f. pi. adj. comparable. Paragonanza, [pargnn'ds] mar. chain-wales, pi. Parasite, [prsi't] f. parasit{. comparison, parallel.


Parenesi, [prn'si]


Parentado, [pre'nt'd]

f. parentage, kindred, relations, pL; extraction; far un -, to make up a match. Parentale, [pre'nt'le'] adj. pa-

ternal, of a father.

Parente, [prn'to] m. relative,

relation, kindred.

Parentela, [parentela] f. relationship, consanguinity, affinity.

Paragonare, [prgn're']
to compare, equal

r. a.

ical plant.




;Paragonau- Parasole,





umbrella. Parentesi, [prn'te'si]/". parensi, V. r. to be compared, enter Parassitacelo, [prassit'tsh] thesis. into competition. Parentevole, [pre'nte"vle'] adj. Paragone, [prg'ne] m. touch- m. smell-feast. like a parent ;affectionate,i<ind. stone, test; comparison a - ai, Parassitico, [prassi'tik] adj. comparatively parasitical; flattering. Parentevolmente, [prntvolcompared to mn't] ailv. kindly. oro di -, sterling gold; far -, Parassito, [prssi't] m. paraParenticcio, [parenti'tshi] m. site, sponger. to compare: mettere in - , to Parassitone, [prssit'n] m. a distant relation. put in comparison. Parere, [pr'r] v. n. to apParagrafo, [pr'grf] w. par- great parasite. Parata, [pr't] f. parrying pear; think, judge; Parersi, v. agraph. Paraguanto , [prgwn't] m. parade; guard, defence; stare r. to show one's self, come in -, to stand prepared. forth che ve ne pare ? what do gratuity, drink-money. Paralasse, [parls's] f. astr Paratie, [prti'] m. partition- yon think of it? wall; parade, guard. Parere, [pr'r] m. opinion, parallax. mind, advice; at parer mio, in Paralellamente [prle'llme'n'- Parato, [pr't] adj. ready, pre pared; dressed; -, m. finery, my opinion. te'] adv. in a parallel line. Paretajo, [prt'y] m. place Paralello, [parl'l] adi.paral- dress; drapery. Paratura, [prt'r] /". attire, where fowlers set bird-nets. lel, equal -, m. parallel. Parete, [pr't] f. wall ramParalellogrammo , f prle'll- ornament gram'mo] m. parallelogram; Paravento, [prvn't] jn.large part; a kind of net; fig. obstacle. pantograph, drawing-machine. folding-screen. Paralipomenon, Paralippome- Parca, [pr'k] f. fate, destiny. Paretella, [paretela] /. foldingnon, [prlipm'nn] and Pa- Parcamente, [prkme'n'tjttdw. net. Pargoleggiare, [prgldj'r] ralipomeni , [prlipm'ni] sparingly, frugally. V. . to play the child. cessation; books of the Chroni- Parcere, [par'tshere'] v. a. to spare; pardon. Pargoletta, [prglt't] f. a cles. Paralisi, [prli'si] and Para- Parcit, [prtshit'] Parcitade, little girl. Parcitate,/. sparingness, mod- Pargoletto , [prgle't't] adj. lisia , [prlisi'] /. palsy eration. infantine, childish; -, tn. litparalysis. Paralitico, [prli'tik] adj. Parco, [pr'k]odj.parsimonious, tle boy. sparing; thrifty, frugal; -, m. Pargolo, [pr'gl] tn. poes., palsied, paralytic. little boy, infant. Parallasse, [prlls'se'] see Pa- park, deer-park. Pardiglio , [prdiU'] m. dark Pari, [pa'ri] m. peer. ralasse. Pari, [pa'ri] adj. alike, equal; Parallelismo, [prlle'lis'mjm. grey color. Pardino, [prdi'n] adj. of the like, similar; al -, del -, parallelism. equally levarne del -, to come paralogismo, [parai jis'm] m. leopard's skin. off quits; giuocare a - e tmPardo, [pr'd] i. leopard. log. paralogism. Paralogizzare, [parai jits're'] Pare, [pa're'] adj. alike, similar. pari, to play at odd and even; V. a. te reason falsely. Parecclii,[prk'ki] adj. pi. sev- -, adv. equally, evenly; perpendicularly. Paramento , [prmn't J m. eral, divers. sacerdotal ornaments, pi.; rich Parecchia re, [pare'kkia're'J see Parietaria, [parie't'ri] f, bot., pellitory. Apparecchiare dress, drapery; caparison. Parametro , [para' metro] m. Pareggiabile, [pre'dj'hiljadj. Pariete, [pri'te'] see Parete. Pariflcamento, [prifikmn'geom. parameter. comparable. Paramezzale , [prrae'ds'l] Pareggiare, [prdj'r] v. a. t] tn. equaling. tn. mar. kelson. to equal, make even, level; Pariforme, [prifr'me'] adj. of Paramosche, [parms'k] m. compare; merch. to settle {an equal form, alike. Pariglia, [pri'l'] f. requital, fly-flap. account). Paranchino, [prnki'u] m. Pareggiatura, [pre'djat'r] /". retaliation; render la -, to eauality, evenueiss. reader or give like for like. mar. tackle.
; , ; ;

Parilit, [prilit'] equality.



likeness, Parola, [par'l] /.word; term; Parte, [par'te*] /. part, share; maxim ; proverb ; avere la side, place; party; country; a -, da -, apart, aside ; da Parimente, [parime'n'te'J adv. -, to be allowed to speak have permission ; chiedere la a -, quite through, through in like manner, likewise. Parit, [prit'J Paritade, Pa- -, to ask permission; dar pa- and through; - per -, one by role, to lull into persuasion, one, f iece by piece ; in nesritate, f. parity, equality. Parladore, [prld're'] see Par- delude, deceive ; non far -, to suna -, nowhere; dalla - mia, latore. be silent; masticare le parole, for my part, as for me ; in Parlamentare, [prlrae'nt'r] to think before one speaks ; ogni -, everywhere ; in quaV. n. to parley, hold a parley; perdere le parole, to speak in lunque -, wherever; da - di vain, speak to no purpose; tutti, in the name of all ; dar harangue. Parlamentario , [parlme'nta'- pesare le parole, to weigh one's -, to impart, communicate; words well; pigliare la -, to pigliar la - di qualcheduno, to ri] adj. parliamentary. Parlamentatore , [prlme'nt- begin to speak; rompere le pa- take a perspn's part; pigliar in mala -, to take ill. t'r] m. a speaker, an haranrole in bocca ad uno, to interrupt a person; venire a paro- Partecipabile, [prttshipbi'guei. Parlamento, [prlmn't] m. le, to come to hard words. l] adj. divisable. parley; parliament. Parolaccia , [prl'tsh] /. Partecipanza, [prte'tshipn*ds] see Participazione. Parlantiere, [prlntie'r] m. a coarse language. great talker, a chatterbox. Parolajo, [prl'y] m. great Partecipare, [prte'tship'r]8ec Parlantina, [prlnti'na] /.glih- talker, prater; prosy fellow. Participare. ness, loquacity. Paroletta, [parlet't] Paroli- Partecipe , m. [prt'tshipe'] Parlantine, [prlnti'n] adj. na, [prli'n] /. little endear- sharer; far -, to impart, in' glib, talkative, chatty. ing word; paroline dolci, pi. 'form. Parlare, [parl'r] v. a. & n. honied words, pi. Parteggiamento,[prte'djmn'to speak, talk, converse; par- Parglinetta , [prline't't] f. t] m. sharing. late inglese? do you speak little flattering word. Parteggiare, [prte'dj're'] v. n. English ? - fra i denti, to speak Parolone, [prl'ne'] m. ex- to take one's party, side with. through one's teeth, mutter pressive word , high-flown Partegnenza , [parte'n'n'ds] indistinctly; - alia muta, to word. see Appartenenza. speak by signs ; -, m. speak- Parolozza, [prl'ts] f. coarse Partenere, [prtn're'] see Aping, speech, talk ; non intendo expression. partenere. il vostro -, I don't understand Parolazza, [prol'ts] /. little Partenevole, [parte'ne'vle'] adj. what you say. word. participant. Parlasia, [prl'si] f. see Pa- Parosismo, Parossismo, [prs- Partenza, [prtn'ds] f. deralasia. sis'm] m. paroxysm. parture. Parlata, [prl't] f. Parlato, Parotide, [pr'tid] /. med., Partere, Parterre, [prt're'] m. [prl't] ni. talk, conversa- tumor, swelling. parterre; flower-bed.


Parpaglione , [parpr'n] m. Partevole,



Parlatore,[prlat're'] m. speak- butterfly. (ricide. er, haranguer, orator. Parricida, [pferitshi'd] m. parParlatorio, [prlt'ri] m. par- Parricidio, [parritshi'di] m. lour (of a convent) ; parlia- parricide, murder of a father. ment-house, senate-house. Parrocchetto, [prrkke't't] m. Parlatrice, [prltri'tsh] f. mar., foretop mast. talkative woman, gossip. Parrocchia, [prr'ki] /. parParlatura, [prlt'r] /.speak- ish, parish-church. ing, discourse. Parrocchiale, [prrkkil] adj. Parletico, [prl'tik] adj. par- parochial. alytic, palsied; -, m. trem- Parrocchiani, [prrkki'ni] m. bling of the head and hands pi., parishioners, pi. in old age. Parrocchiano , [prrkki'n] Parlevole, [prle"vle'] adj. bab- m- parishioner, parish-priest. bling, speakable; non -, in- Parroco, [pr'rk] m. rector, expressit>le. parish-priest, parson.

bile, [prti'bil] adj. partable,

divisible; separable. Particella, [prtitsh'l] /".particle, parcel. Participamento , [prtitshipme'n't] m. participation, sharing.

Participare, [partitshipa're'] v. a. to participate, partake of; impart. Participatore, [partitshipt'r] m. participator, partaker. Participazione , [prtitshlptsi'ne'J /. participation pilft. Participio, [partitshi'pi] m.

(gr.) participle.

Parmigiano, [prmij*'n] m. Parrucca, [prrk'k] /. peruke, Particola, [prti'kl] /. parParmesan cheese. periwig. ticle; parcel, share. Parnassamente, [prnssmeV- Parrnccaccia, [prrkk'tsh] Particolare, [partikpla're'] adj. t] and Parnassescamente, f. ugly old wig. particular; singular; -, m. a [parnssskme'u't] adv. poet- Parrucchetto, [prrkke't't] m. private individual. ically. small parrot, perroquet. Particolareggiamento, [partiParuassioo, [prns'sik] adj. Parrucchiere, [prrkki'r] w. klre'djamen't] m. particuof Parnassus; poetical. wig-maker, hair-dresser. larizing, distinct mention. Parnasso, [prns's] m. Parnas- Parrucchino, [prrkki'n] m Particolareggiare, [prtiklsus.

small wig, toupee.

rdj're'l see Particol arizzare.

Paro, [p'r] m. pair, couple, Parruccone, [prrkk'ne'] m. a Particolarit, [prtiklrit'] brace. large wig (said by the popu Particolaritade, ParticolariParoco, [p'rk] $ee Parroco. lace of a serious person of tate, /. particularity, pecuParodia, [prdi'] /. parody. high standing). liarity. Parodiare, [pardi'r] v. a. to Parsimonia , [prsim'ni] /. Particolarizzare, [prtklariuarody. ds're'] v. a. to particularize. parsimony, frugality.

laridstsi'n] tion.



Pasquinare, [pskuin're']
v. n,

tprtik- Parvenza, [prvn'ds] f. apparticularisa- pearance; smallness. Parviflcare, [prvifik're'] v. a. Particolarmente , [prtiklr- to lessen, diminish. mn't] odv. particularly, dis- Parviflcazione, [parvifiktsi'tinctly, singly. ne'] f. lessening, diminution. Particoletta, [prtiklet't] /. Parviflco, [parvi'fik] adj.mean, small part, parcel. sordid, niggardly. Particula, [prti'kl] &c., see Parvipendere, [prvipn'dre'] Particola &c. V. a. to undervalue. Partigiana, [partij'n] f. par- Parvit, [parvit'] f. smallness, tisan. minuteness. Partigianata, [prtijn't] f. Parvo, [pr'v] adj. little, small, thrust with a partisan. petty. Partigiano, [prtija'n] tn. par- Parvoletto, [prvle't't] Partisan, factionary. volino, [prvli'n] m. poes., Partigianone, [prtijan'n] m. new-born child, infant. large halbort. Parvolo, [pr'vl] wi. little Partigione, [partij'n] /. par- child, young child. tition, division. Parziale, [prtsi'le'] adj. parPartimento, [partime'n't] m. tial. division, sharing. Parzialeggiare, [prtsiale'djaPartire, [parti're] v. a. to share, re'] V. n. to be partial. divide ; separate; -,v.n. Par- Parzialit, [prtsilit'] Partirsi, V. r. to depart, set off; zialitade, Parzialitate, f. parretire.

make pasquinades.

Pasquinata , [pskuin't] f. Pasquino, [paskttiri] tn. pasquinade, lampoon. Passabile, [passa'bile'] adj. passable, tolerable.



adv. tolerably.

Passaggetto, [pssdje't't]

small passage. Passaggiere, [pssdj're'] Passaggiero, [pssdj'r] tn. passenger; (rail.) roba di -, effects of passengers, pi. luggage, baggage. Passaggio, [pss'dj] tn. passage, way; transition; avenue, opening; toll; passage-money; (rail.) cross-road, crossing; esser di -, to be a passenger. Passamano , [pssam'n] tn. tape; lace, trimming, shoeribbon.

Passamente, [pssmn't]
passage, passing.


Partita, [prti't] f. departure; Parzialmente, [prtsilme'n'te'] Passante, [passan'te'] adj. light, share, portion; party, faction; adv. partially, unjustly. of little strength (said of wine); order; {merch.) article, entry Pascale, [psk'le'] see Pas- -, tn. leather-band. (in a ledger) ; game fare una quale. Passaporto, [psspr't] tn. -, to play a game. Pascere, [p'shre'] . a. irr. passport. Partitamente, [partitame'n'te'] {pascei ; pasciuto) to feed, nour- Passare, [pss're'J v. a. & n. to adv. separately, distinctly. ish ; support -, t) n. to pasture, pass, go through, cross; penePartitive, [prtiti'v] odj. par- graze; browse; Pascersi, v. r trate; - bene, to succeed; titive. to feed one's self; live upon ; sotto silenzio, to pass over in Partito, [par ti't] m. way, means; delight in. silence; Passarsi, v. r. to be manner ; condition, contract Pasci, [pshi'] m. pashaw. satisfied with; - di, to do withbargain; decision, resolution, Pascibietola, [pshibi'tl] m. out. hazard, risk; danger; -riciso, simpleton, dunce. Passata, [pss't] f. passage, ultimatum; far i J -, to collect Pascigreppi, [pashigre'p'pi] m. intermission, cessation, stake votes; recare a -, to put to an animal that feeds in the at cards ; dar -, to deny, negthe hazard of the dice, risk. high-road. lect. Partitore, [prtit'r] m. divi- Pascimento, [pshimn't] m. Passatempo, [psstm'p] m. der; distributor, divisor; turngrazing, pasture. pastime, amusement. coat. Pasciona, [psh'n] ^ fat pas- Passatiua, [pssti'n] f. slight Partituzzo,[prtit'ts]m.small ture; abundance. reproof. means. Pascitore, [pshit'r] m. gra- Passato , [pss't] tn. past Partizione, [prtitsi'ne'] ^ par- zier; shepherd, pastor. time ; Passati, pi. ancestors, tition, division. Pasco, [ps'k] tn. poes., pas- forefathers, pi. Parte, [pr't] tu. childbed, ly- ture, pasturage. Passatojo, [passt'y] odj.easy ing-in; birth; offspring; pro- Pascolamento, [psklmen't] to cross; -, tn. stepping-stone, duction, work; dolori di -, m. tn. pasture, grazing of cattle. fording-stone. pi. pains of labor, pi. Pascolare, [pskl'r] v. a. & Passatore, [psst're'] tn. passPartoriente, [prtrin'te'] adj n. to pasture, feed. er by, patesenger; trespasser. parturient; lying-in; -, f. ly- Pascolo, [ps'kljtn.pasturage Passavante, [pssvn't] tn. ing-in woman. meadow. inor., gangboards. Partorire, [prtri're'] v. a. to Pasmare, [psm're'] v. n. to Passavogare, [passavogare^ . bring forth, give birth to pro- faint away. a. to row amain. duce; -, V. n. to be delivered. Pasmo, [ps'm] see Spasimo. Passavolante , [passvln'te'J Partorito, [prtri't] m. new- Pasqua, [ps'ku] /. Easter; m. small cannon; emigrant. born infant. Easter-sunday; dar la mala -, Passeggiamento, [pssdjame'nPartoritrice, [prtritri'tshe'] f. to trouble, vex. t] tn. taking a walk, walking, woman confined, lying-in wo- Pasquale, [pskule'] adj. of walk. man. Easter; agnello -, tn. paschal Passeggiare, [psse'dj're'] v. a. Parata, [pr't] f. appearance lamb. to walk, pace (a horse); -, v. n. outside ; fare -, to foign. Pasquata, [pskwa't] f. a sol- to take a walk, promenade. Parvente, [prvn't] adj. visi- emn feast, holiday. Passeggiata, [pssdj't] f. ble, manifest; m. opinion; al Pasqueggiare , [pasktie'dja're'] walk, turn fare una -, to take mio parvente, according to my V. n. to celebrate Easter. a walk. opinion; tn parvente, appa- Pasquereccio, ^pskue'r'tsh] Passeggiatella, [pssdjat'l] rently. tee Pasquale. (. little walk.
; .




Passeggiatojo, [piissdjt'y] Passolino, [pssli'n] tn. short Pastiglia , [pstiT] f. pastil, sugar-plumb. step. m. a promenade, public walk. Passeggiatore, [passdjt'r] Passonaja, [pssn'y] f. fold Pastigliera, [psti'l'e'r] f. a inclosed with large stakes for small vessel used for odorous in. Passeggiatrice, [psse'djherding calves. pastiles. tri'tsh] /. walker promenaPassonata, [pssn't] f. pile, Pastille, [pastin] m. bolus. der. Pastime, [psti'me'] m. pasture. Passeggiere, [psse'dj'r] Pas- stake. seggiero, [pssdj'r] tn. pas- Passone, [pss'ne'] m. a large Pastinaca, [pstin'k] f. parstake. snip ray (fish). senger; toll-gatherer. Passeggiere, [psse'dj'r] adj. Passala, [ps'sul] see Passola. Pastinare, [pstin're'] v. a. to Passulato, [pssl't] orfj. said dig with the hoe; hoe. of passage, fleeting. Passeggio, [pss'dj] m. public of liquors mixed with the juice Pastinazione, [pstintsi'ne'] of dried grapes. walk, promonade. f. breaking up with a hoe. Passera, [ps'sra] f. sparrow Passuro, [pss'r] adj. about Pastino, [psti'n] m. the ope- di canaria canary-bird ; - to suffer. ration of digging land to prepare it for planting. Pasta, [pa'sta] /. paste, dough stipajuola, tomtit. Passerajo,[passe'r'y] m. chirp- buona -, good-natured, sweet- Pasto, [p'st]m. food, aliment; tempered; mettere mano in -, to meal, repast a tutto - , coning (of sparrows). tinually ; dar - , to feed with Passere, [ps'se'r] w. see Pas- intrigue. Pastaccia , [pst'tsh] f. bad delusive hopes, draw on another sera. at play by letting him win Passeretta, [psse'rt'tj Pas- paste; bad temper. serina, [pssri'n] f. Passeri- Pastaccio, [pst'tsh] m. wild trifling sums. no, [psse'ri'n] m. little spar- chervil; numskull; adj. (said of Pastocchia, [pst'ki] f. idle soil) soft, friable. story, nonsense, tales, pi. row. Passero, [ps'se'r] m. see Pas- Pastaccione, [psttsh'n] wi. Pastocchiata, [pstkki't] f. a blockhead. insipid dish; stuff, nonsense. sera. m. Passerotto [psse'r6't]m.young Pastadella, [pstd'l] f. fine Pastoforio , [pstf'ri] sparrow; fare un -, to act in- paste, queen's biscuit. archives of a church, pi. pastern; considerately. Pastajo, [pst'y] m. a seller Pastoja, [pst'y] f. Passetto, [psse't't] adj. some- of paste. horse's clog; fetter; impediwhat faded, withered; -, m. ell. Pastareale , [pstre''le'] m. ment. Passibile, [pssi'bil] adj. suspaste made of flour, sugar, and Pastone, [pst'n] i. great ceptible of pain; patient of eggs. (clamp. lump of paste. pain. Pasteca , [pste"k] f. mar. Pastorale, [pstr'le'] adj. pasPassibilit, [passibilit'] Passi Pasteggiabile, [pstdj'bil] toral, of a shepherd; -, m. bilitade, Passibilitate, f. pasadj. vino -, m. table-wine. crosier; -, f. pastoral poem,
, ; ; , ; ;





Passibilmente, [pssibilme'n't] t] m. repast, feast. adv. in a passive manner; idly. Pasteggiare, [pstedj're'j

somewhat faded. Passimata, [pssim't]



Passino , [pssi'n] m. fathom (measure) width of the loom. Passio, [ps'si] m. the passion of Jesus Christ, pie; pastil. pastoral. Passionare, [pssin'r] v. a. Pastetto, [pste't't] m. thin Pastorella, [pstrl] f. shepto torment, torture; -,v.n. to paste; little feast. herdess; a kind of rustic dance. suffer. Pasticca , [pstik'k] f. and Pastorello, [pstr'l] m. young Passionato , [pssin't] adj. Pasticco, [pstik'k] pastil, shepherd.
passionate, fond, eager.

Pastoralmente[pstrlme'n'te'] v. a. adv. like a pastor. & feast, enter tain; dine or Pastorare, [pstr'r] see Pasup together. sturare. Pastelletto, [pstellt't] m Pastoratioo, [pstrtik] m. small bit of pie. the office of a pastor. Pastelli ere, [pste'lli'r] m.pas- Pastore, [pst'r] m. pastor, try-cook. shepherd; clergyman. Pastello , [pstl] m. bit of Pastoreccio, [pstr'tsh] adj.

Passione, [pssi'ne']/. passion; Pasticceria , [pstitshe'ri'] f, affection; suffering, torture. pastry-cook's shop. Passivamente, [pssivme'n'te'] Pasticcetto, [pstitshe't't] m, Passive , [pssi'v] adv. pas- a small pie. sively. Pasticciato, [pstitshi't] adj. Passivit, [pssivit']/'.passiv6- said of viands cooked with ness, passibility. cheese, butter and meat gravy. Passivo, [pssi'v] adj. passive. Pasticciere, [pstitsh'r] m. Passo, [ps's] adj. Avoather- pastry-cook. beaten; withered. Pasticcio, [psti'tsh] m. pie; Passo, [ps's] m. step, pace; di mele, apple-tart. pass; passage; course; walk; Pasticcione, [pstitsh'n] m. ford; passo passo, a- a-,softly, good-natured man. by degrees; - del tempo, lapse Pasticciotto , [pstish't] i. of time; uccello di -, m. bird of little pie, small tart. passage; perdere i passi, to lose Pasticco, [pstik'k] m. see Pa-

Pastorizia, [pstri'tsi] pastoral art.




one's labor. [ps'sl] , dried grapes, pi.


sticca. raisins, Pastieri, [psti'ri]



Pastosit , [pastosit'] /". softness, mellowness. Pastoso, [pst's] adj. soft, pulpy; mellow. (less cloak. Pastrano, [pstr'n] m. capaPastriociano, [pstritsh'n] w. wild chervil ; numskull. Pastume, [pst'me'] m. all sorts of pastry &c. Pastura, [pst'r] f. pasture, pasturage dung, ordure. Pasturale, [pstr'le'] m. pastern (of a horse) crosier. Pasturare, [pstr're'] v. a. & n. to pasture ; feed, have the care of souls. mar. Pasturevole, [pstr'vle'] adj,
; ;

hatchways, p^





Patacca, [ptk'k] and Patac- Patologlco, [ptl'jik] adj. Patteggiamento [ptte'djme'n't] m. agreement, convention, pathologic. 00, [ptk'k] m. base coin , thing of small value non vale- Patrasso, [ptrs'sl m. andare bargain. Patteggiare, [ptte'dj're'] v.n. a -, to die (vulgar proverb). re una -, to be worth little or Patre, [p'tr] m. poes. see Pa- to agree upon contract, barnothing.


[pt'n] adj. patent,



manifest, trivial (vulgarism). Patria, [p'tri] f. fatherland, Patteggiatore, [patte' djt'reT m. contractor, bargainer. Patarassi , [ptrs'si] m. pi. native country. mar. backstays -volanti, shift- Patrlale, [ptri'l]adj. belong- Pattinare, [pttin're'] v. n. to skate. ing to one's country. ing back-stays. Patriarca, [ptrir'k] m. pa- Pattino, [ptti'n] m. skate (for Patata, [pt't] f. potato. sliding); patten. Patefatto, [ptft'to] adj. open, triarch. Patriarcale, [ptrirk'l] adj. Patto, [pt't] m. pact, agreepatent. ment, convention; bargain; di patriarchal. Patella, [pt'l] f. knee-pan. Patena, [pat'n] f. cover of the Patriarcalmente, [ptrirkl- bel -, agreed; con - che, on conmn't] adv. in a patriarchal dition that. chalice, patin. Pattona, [ptt'n] f. a kind of Patentato, [ptnt't] m. pa- manner. Patriarcato, [ptrirk't] m. cake made of chesnut-flour. tentee. Pattovire, [pttvi'r] see PatPatente, [patn'te'] adj. plain, patriarchate. pa- tuire. evident, manifest; -, m. letter- Patrlarchla, [patriarki'a] patent, brevet; - di sanit, cer- triarch's residence, patriarch's Pattuglia, [pttT] f. patrol;


tificate of health.




[pate'nte'me'n't] Patrice, [patri'tshe'] see Patri- Pattulre,[ptti'r]t).a. to stip-

adv. plainly, evidently. Patera, [p'tr] f. patera. Paterassi , [patrs'si] m. pi. mar. back-stays, pi. Patereccio, [patr'tshl Paterecciolo , [ptr'tshl] m. whitlow. Paterino, [pte'ri'n] m. heretic. Pateringa, [paterin'ga] /. a kind ^f black grape. Paternale, [pte'rnale'] adj. pa-


ternal, fatherly. [pte'rnran't] adv. paternally, like a father. Paternit, [paternit'] Paterni-

tade, Paternitate,
ty, fatherhood.



Paterno, [pater'n]

adj. pater-

nal; hereditary. Paternostro, [pte'rn'strj m. Lord's prayer, rosary, chaplet.

t] adv. pathetically.

ulate , covenant, agree, barzio. Patrlcida, [ptritshi'd]m. par- gain. Pattume, [ptt'me'] m. sweepricide, murderer of a father. Patricldlo, [ptritshi'di] m. ings, pi.-, dirt. Patulo , [p'tl] adj. open ; parricide, homicide. Patricio, [ptri'shi] m. patric- large. Paturna, [ptr'n] /. sadness ian. Patrigno , [ptri'n'] m. step- (vulgarism). Paucifero, [putshife''r] adj. father, father-in-law. Patrimoniale, [ptrimni'le'] bearing little fruit. Paucit, [putshi't] f. a small adj. patrimonial. Patrimonio, [ptrim'ni] m. quantity. Paura, [pu'ra] f. fear, fright patrimony. Patrlnato, [ptrin't] m. office aver -, to be afraid; far -, to frighten. of a godfather. Patrlnlt, [ptrini't] f. the Paurevole , [pr'vle'] adj. frightful, dreadful. living in one's country. Patrlno,[ptri'n]tn.god-father; Paurezza, [pr'ts] f. fear. Paurlre, [pauri're'] v. a. to second (in a duel). Patriottico, [ptri'tik] adj. alarm.


Paurosamente, [pttrsme'n'te']

Pateticamente, [pttikmu'- Patrlotto,



adv. fearfully, timidly.

; ;

Pauroso, [pur's] adj. timorPatetico, [pt'tik] arfj. pathet- Patriziato, [ptritsi't] w. pa- ous, timid mistrustful frightic,

moving the passions.


Patibile, [ptibi'l]

stop. n. to trician, senatorial ; - , pause, make a stop. m. gibbet, trician. Patrizzare, [ptrids're'] Pavame,[pv'ra] ni. sassafras. gallows. Pavana, [pv'n] f. and PavaPatico, [p'tik] adj. m. med. take after one's father. Patrocinare , [ptrtshin'r] nlglla, [pvniT] a kind of hepatic. Patimento, [ptirae'n't] n. suf- V. a. to patronize , protect; Spanish dance. Pave, [pa've'] for Paventa. plead. fering, pain, grief. adj. [pave'ft't] Patina, [p'tin] f. painter's Patrocinatore, [ptrtshint'- Pavefatto , varnish;meUowtint onpictures r] m. protector, patron ; ad- poes. terrified. Paventare, [pave'nta're'J v. n. to vocate, counsellor. caused by age. Patinarlo, [ptln'ri] adj. glut- Patrocinio , [ptrtshi'ni] m. fear, be afraid.
able, sufferable. Patibolo, [pti'bl]

triciate, patrician's dignity. bear- Patrizio, [ptri'tsi] adj. pa-


Pausa, [ptt's] f. pause, m. pa- Pausare, [paus'r] v.


patronage, defence.
[pti're'] v. a.





n. to


[ptr'n]/". cartridge-

frightful, dreadful.

Buffer, endure; - di , to be in want of; be afflicted with, be subjected to; -una disgrazia, to undergo a misfortune. Patito, [pti't] m. a lover (vulgarism). Jatitore, [ptit're] m. sufferer, (logy patient.

Patologia, [ptlji']


[pavn't] wi. fright, , dread, horror. Paventosamente, [pve'ntsronage. Patrone, [ptr'n] wi. and Pa- mn't] adv. fearfully, timorously. trono, [patr'n] m. patron. adj. [pve'nt's] Patronimico, [ptrni'mikjadj. Paventoso, fearful, timid, frightful, horrid. patronymic, of one's father. Pattare, [patt'r] v. a. to Pavesajo, [pvs'y] and Pavesare, [pvs'r] m. an inpatho- equalize.


Patronato, [ptrn't] m. pat-




f. little

ta, [pe'kre't't]


armed with a Pazziccio,


[ptsi'tsh] see Paz-

sheep; pecO'

foam of the

pavesata, [pve's't] made with a shield.

defence Pazziaola

[ptsi'l] , folly; foolish thing.


[pkritshi'd] a sheep-killer.

large Pazzo, [p'ts] adj. mad, foolish; Pecorile, [pkri'le'] adj. of a sheep; stupid; harmless; -, m. furious; whimsical, extravaPavido, [p'vid] adj. timid, gant esser - d' una cosa, to be sheep-fold. timorous. foolishly fond of a thing; -, m Pecorina, [pe'kri'n] f. young Pavimentare , [pvime'nt're'] insane person; madman; mad- sheep; carta -, parchment. V. a. to pave, floor. Pecorino, [pkri'n] adj. of a person. sheep Pavimento, [pvime'n't] m. Peana, [pe''n] f. paean. m. lamb -, sheep's







Pecca, [p'k]


slight defect,


Pavonazziccio,[pvntsi'tshil blemish, foible. Pecorone, [peTir'ne'] m. great and Pavonazzognolo, [pv- Peccabile, [pkk'bile'jod'j. pec- blockhead. nts'n'l] adj. approaching Pecuaria, fperk'ri] /.manner cable; fallible. to purple. Peccadiglio , [pe'kkdiT] m. of breeding and feeding sheep. Pavonazzo, fpvn'ts] m. vio- peccadillo, petty fault. Pecuglio , [pk'r] see Pelet, purple-color. Peccaminoso, [pkkmin's] culio. Pavoncella, [pvntsh'la] f. adj. sinful, criminal. Peculato, [pe'kl't] m. peculiipwiiig. Peccante, [pe'kkn'te'] adj. pec- lation. Pavoncello, [pvntsh'l] Pa- cant, faulty. Peculatore,[pklt're']m. pecvoncino [pvntshi'n] m. Peccare, [pe'kka're'] v. n. to sin, ulator. young peacock. transgress. Peculiare, [pe'kli're'] adj. pePavone, (pv'ne'] m. peacock. Peccataccio, [pe'kkt'tsh] m. culiar, particular. Peculiarmente, [pe'klirmeVPavoneggiarsi, [pvne'djr'si] great sin. V. r. to walk proudly, strut; Peccato, pe'kk't] m. sin, transt] adv. peculiarly, particu- di larly. to pique one's self on gression; crime. boast of. Peccatoraccio, [peTcktr'tsh] Peculetto,[pe'klie't't]wi.small Pavonessa,[pvn's] /'.peahen. m. great sinner. flock; earning. Pazientare, [ptsie'nt're'] v.n. Peccatore, [pkkt're'] m. Pec- Peculio , [pk'li] m. flock, to use patience, be patient. catrice, [pkktri'tshe'] f. sin- herd; stock; hoard; earnings, Paziente, [ptsin't] adj. pa- ner. pi. tient, enduring; -, m. patient, Peccatuzzo, [pkkt'ts] and Pecunia, [peTc'ni] f. money, sick person. Peccatuccio, [pe'kkt'tsh] m. cash. Pazientemente,fpatsie'nte'me'n'- peccadillo, slight off'ence. Pecuniale, [pe'kni'le'] Pecut] adv. patiently. Peccher, [pk'kr] m. goblet. niario, [pkni'rij adj. pePazienza, [ptsin'ds] Pazien- Pecchia, [pe'k'ki] f. bee. cuniary, of money. zia, [ptsin'dsi] f. patience, Pecchiare, [pkki're'] v. a. to Pecunialmente, [pknilme'n'sufl"erance friar's hood. suck like a bee; tipple, drink t] adv. with money. Pazzacchione, [ptskki'ne'] hard. Pecuniativo, [pkniti'v] adj. m. great fool. Pecchione, [pe'kki'n] wi. drone; collecting money. Pazzaccio, [pats'tsh] m. ar- tippler. Pecunioso, [pkn's] adj. perant fool. Peccia, [p'tsh] f. paunch. cuniary, monied, rich. Pazzacone , [ptsk'ne'] see Pecciata, [pe'tsha'ta] f. kick in Pedaggio, [pd'dj] m. toll, Pazzacchione. turnpike-money. the belly. Pazzamente, [ptsme'n'te'] adv. Pecciolo, [pe'tsh'l] m. a kind Pedaggiere, [pe'ddj're'Jw. tollfoolishly. (zerello. gatherer. of fig. Pazzarello, [ptsrl] see Paz- Pecciuto, [pe'tsh't] adj. big- Pedagna, [pe'd'n'f f. mar., Pazzeggiare, [ptse'dj'r] v. n. bellied. stretcher, foot-board. to play the fool, act foolishly, Pece, [pe''tshe'] f. pitch; - gre- Pedagnuolo, [pe'dn''l] m. a small foot-bridge. be giddy. ca, resin. Pazzerella, [ptse'r'l] f. Paz- Pecetta, [pe'tsh't] /. cerate. Pedagogheria, [pdgghe'ri'] [ptsr'l] m. little Pecioso, [ptsh's] adj. smear- /. pedantry. zerello Pedagoghessa, [pdggh's] madcap, little fool. ed with pitch. Pazzeresco, [ptsre's'k] see Pecora, [p'kr] f. sheep, ewe. /.female pedant; blue stocking. [pekr'tsh] Pecoraccia, Pazzesco. /. Pedagogia, [pdagji'j /. teaching of children. Pazzeria, [ptse'r'] f. folly, large sheep; blockhead. Pecoraggine, [pkr'djine'] f. Pedagogico, [pdg'jik] adj. madness. pedagogical, pedantic. Pazzericcio, [ptse'ri'tsh] adj. stupidity. Pecoraja, [pkr'yi] f. shep- Pedagogismo, [pdgji'sra] m. somewhat foolish. pedantry. Pazzerone, [ptsr'ne'] m. de- herdess. Pecorajo, [pkr'y] m. shep- Pedagogizzare , [pe'dagjits'ranged person. r] V. n. to fulfil the office of Pa^.zescamente, [patse'skame'n'- herd, swain. Pecorare, [pe'kr're'] v. n. to a pedagogue. te] adv. madly, oddly. Pazzesco, [ptss'k] adj. mad, bleat; sing badly. Pedagogo, [pe'dg'g] m. pedfoolish; alia pazzesca, like a Pecoraro, [pe'kr'r] see Peco- agogue. madman, wildly, strangely. rajo. Pedale, [pe'daHe'] m. stock, trunk Pazzia, [ptsi'] /. madness ex- Pecoreccio , [pe'kre"tsh] m. (of a tree); (inst.) pedal; (shoe.) travagance. maze; confusion; adj. apper- stirrup. Pazziare, [ptsi're'] $ee Paz- taining to sheep. Pedana, [pe'd'n] f. foot-board zeggiare. Pecorella, [pki-'l] Pecoret- (of a carriage).
, [




Pedano, [pd'n] see Pedale. Peggiormente, [pe'djrme'n'te'] Pellegrinita, [plle'grinit'] /. Pedante, [pdn'te'j i. podant, adv. in a worse manner. delicacy, rarity. pedagogue. Pegno, [pe''n'] m. pledge, pawn; Pellegrino , [plle'gri'n] ai$. Pedanteggiare, [pdante'dj're'] token, mark dar la fede in -, foreign; singular, nice, exV. n. to enact the pedagogue. to pledge one's word; metter quisite; -, m. pilgrim. Pedanteria, [pe'dante'ri'j f. ped- -, to lay a bet. Pelletteria, [plltt'ri] f. a antry. Pegnoramento, [peVrme'n't] quantity of skins for tanning. Pedantescamente, [pe'dantsk- m. the act of pledging. Pellicano, [pllik'n] vi. pelmn'te'] adv. pedantically. Pegnorare, [pn'r're'] v. a. ican. Pedantesco, [pe'dnts'k] adj. to acquire a thing pledged by Pellicceria , [pe'llitshe'ri'] f.

Peggioramento, [pdjrmn'- Pellegrina, [pelle'gri'n] f. fe- Pelosit, [pelosit'] /'.hairiness, t] ni. getting worse. male pilgrim. shagginess. Peggiorare, [pdjr'r] v. a. Pellegrinaggio,[plle'grina'dj] Peloso, [pe'l's] adj. hairy, to make worse; -, v. n. to m. pilgrimage; journey. shaggy.

Pellicciajo, [pe'llitsh'y] and Pellicciare, [pllitsh'r] m. furrier, dresser of furs. Pellicciajuolo, [pe'llitshy'l] m. petty dealer in furs. Pellicciare, [pllitsh're'] v. a. to fur, dress furs. Pellicciere , [pe'llitsh'r] m. 6o(., pedicle. furrier, dealer in furs. rogue, ruffian. Pedicolare, [pe'dikl're'] f. bot., Pelame, [pl'me'] m. hair; co- Pelliccio, [plli'tsh] adj. made lice-bane; morbo pedicolare, lor of the hair; fig. same kind, of fur. the pedicular discase. Pelliccione , [pe'llitsh'n] m. same block. ^. Pedignone, [pdin''n] m. chil- Pelamento,[pe'Ime'n't] m^ull large pelisse. blain (on the feet &c.). ing of the hair; plucking out Pollice, [plli'tshe'] f. a harlot. Pediluvio, [pdil'vi] m. foot- the feathers. Pellicella, [pllitsh'l] /. little bath. Pelanibbi, [pe'lanib'bi] m. op- skin; film. Pedina, [pe'di'n] f. pawn (at pressor, exacter. Pellicello , [pe'llitsh'l] m. chess), man (at draughts). Pelapiedi, [plpi'di] m. mean finger-worm. Pedino, [pe'di'n] m. little foot. follow (vulgarism). Pelliceo, [pe'lli'tshe'o] adj. of Pedio, [p'di] m. the back of PelapoUi, [plp'li] m. ninny, fur of leather. the foot. Pelliciato, [pllitsh't] m. plas* lazy drone. Peditato , [pe'dit't] m. in- Pelare, [pe'l'r] v. a. to pluck ter spread upon leather. fantry. out the feathers, pull out the Pellicina, [pellitshi'na] see PelPedo , [p'd] m. shepherd's hair; peel; strip, pick; skin, licella. crook. flay. Pollicino, [pellitshi'n] m. oar Pedona, [pe'd'n] see Pedina. Pelamela, [pe'lr'l] and Pe- (of a sack) bottom (of a net). Pedonaggio, [pdn'dj] m. Pe- latina, [plti'na] scald, loss Pellicola, [plli'kl] Pellolina f. donaglia, [pdnT] f. in- of hair. [pllli'n] f. pellicle, cuticle. fantry. Pelatojo, [pelt'yc] m.flaying- Pellucido, [pll'tshidj adj. Pedone, [pe'd'n] m. foot-sol- place; flaying-knife. pellucid, clear. dier; stem. Pelatura, [plt'ra] f. plucking, Pelo, [p'l] m. hair; nap; fig. Pedoto, [pe'd't] m. Pedotta, stripping of the hair; flaying. rank, condition; o -, to a hair; [pe'dot'ta] f. Pedotto, [pdf- Peletto, [pe'lt't] m. soft hair, precisely, exactly; -dell'act] m. pilot, steersman. down; fine wool. qua, surface of water; andare Peducciajo, [pe'dtsh'y] Pellaccia, [pell'tsh] f. hard a -, to be acceptable; lasciare seller of sheep's trotters. skin. -, to be a loser; vedere il Peduccio, [pe'd'tsh] m. sheep's Pellagione, [pllji'n] nell'uovo, to be exceedingly f. the trotters, pi. (arch.) console. color and quality of skins. sharp-sighted. Pedule, [pd'l] m. foot, sock Pellame, [pll'me'] m. skins, Pelolino, [pe'lli'n] m. very fine (of a stocking). hides, pi. hair. (hair. Pegaseo, [pg'se'] and Pega- Pelle, [p'le'] /", skin, hide; Pelone, [pe'l'ne'] tn. long coarse fig. so, [pgaso] m. Pegasus. appearance; pei ie pelle, super- Pelosella, [pls'l] /. bot., Peggio, [p'dj] adj. worse; di ficially; lasciar la -, to lose mouse-ear. male in -, worse and worse; one's life; scampare la -, to Pelosetto,[pe'lse't't]arfj.rather al - andare, at the worst. save one's life. hairy.
i ;

pedantic. the judgment of the Court. Pedantnccio, [pe'dant'tsh]Pe- Pegola, [pe"gl] /". pitch. dantuzzo , [pe'dnt'ts] m. Pel, [pel] for Per lo. paltry schoolmaster. Pelacane, [plk'ne'] vi. curPedata, [pd't] f. track, trace, rier, tanner. footstep. Pelaghetto, [pe'lghe't't] m. Pedestre, [pe'd'stre'] adj. pe little sea, bay. destrian, on foot; low. Pelago, [plago] m. depths of Pedicello, [pditshl] m. the sea, ocean; abyss; confusmall worm. sion, perplexity. Pedicciuolo , [pe'ditsh'l] m Pelamantelli, [plrant'li] m.

peltry, furriery; fur-trade. Pelliccia, [plli'tsh] /.fur-coat,


grow worse.

Peggiorativamente, [pdjrti- place of reception for pilgrims. vmn't] adv. in a worse Pellegrinare, [pllgrin'r] v. manner. n. to travel as a pilgrim. Peggiorativo , [pe'djrti'v] Pellegrinazione [pllgrin, adj. making worse, growing tsi'n] /". peregrination, pilworse. grimage. Peggiore, [pdj'r] adj. worse Pellegrinetto [plle'grint't] , il -, the worst. m. little pilgrim.

Pellegrinajo, [pllgrin'y] m. Pelta, [prt] f. pelta (buckler). Peltrato, [pltr't] adj. tinned

Peltro, [pl'tr] m. pewter.

Pelvi, [pl'vi] f. (anat.) pelvis. Peluria, [pl'ri] f. soft down; tender hair; said of chesnuts, &c. Felazza^ [pl'ts] f. a hair-





Peluzzo, [pel'ts] m. slight Penetramento, [pne'trme'n't] Pennellare, [pe'nnlla'r] . e. hair; panno di -, Florence m. Penetranza, [pne'trn'ds] to paint. Pennellata, rpnne'll't] Pen* plush. f. penetration. Pena, [pe''n] f. pain, punish- Penetrare, [pe'ne'tr're'] v. a. to nellatura, [pnnllat'r] f. ment; sorrow, grief; labor; penetrate, pierce. stroke with a paint-brush. a -, a mala -, scarcely, with Penetrativo, [pe'ne'trti'v] adj. Pennelleggiare, [pnne'lldja'difficulty;

non vale

la -, 'tis

penetrative, piercing.

r] V. a. to paint.

not Avorth the trouble. Penetratore, [pne'trt'r] m. Pennelletto, [pe'nnllt't] m. Penace, [pe'na'tshe'] adj .torment- that penetrates. small hair paint-brush. ing, grieving. Penetrazione, [pe'ne'trtsi'ne'] Pennello, [pe'nn'l] m. paintPenale, [pe'n'le'] adj. penal. /'.penetration;sagacity; shrewd- brush; white-washing brush; Penalit, [penalit'] Penalit- ness. pennon attached to a lance de , Penalitate , f. penalty, Penetrevole, [pe'ne'tr'vl] see weather-cock fatto a -, beautipunishment. fully made; avere o tener rocPenetrativo. penalmente, [pe'nlme'n'te'] adv Penetrevolmente, [pe'ne'tre'vl- chio al -, to be circumspect; under pain. ncora in -, {mar.) kedgcme'n'te'] adv. with penetration. Penare, [pe'na're'] v.a. to inflict Penisola, [pe'ni'sl] /. penin- anchor. pain, torment; -,v. n. to loiter, sula. Pennellone, [pe'nne'Il'n] m. delay; take great pains, work Penlsoletta, [pe'nisle't't] large paint-brush. f. hard; suffer, endure. Pennetta, [pnnt't] f. small small peninsula. Penati, [pe'na'ti] m. pi., pena- Penitente, [pe'nitn'te'] adj. pen- feather; fin. tes, household-gods, pi. itent, contrite ; -, m. penitent. Penniera, [pe'nni'r] fig. f. a kind home. Penitenza, [pe'nitn'ds] Peni- of vase made of wood gilded Pencolare, [pnkl're'] v. n. to tenzia, [pe'nitn'dsi] /. peni- to hold masses of feathers as stand insecurely; be in danger tence, repentance. ornaments in a room. of falling. Penitenziale , [pe'nite'ntsia'le'] Pennino, [pnni'n] m. aigrette. Pendaglia, [pe'ndT] f. belt, adj. penitential. Pennito, [pe'nni'to] m. barleygirdle. Penitenziare , [pnite'ntsi're] sugar. Pendaglio, [pe'ndT] m. tenter- V. a. to impose a penanco. Pennoncello, [pe'nnntsh'l] m. small pennon, banner; plume. hook. Penitenziario, [pe'nite'ntsi'ri] Pendente, [pe'ndn'te'Jad/.hang- Penitenziere, [pe'nite'ntsi'r] Pennone, [pe'nn'n]m. pennon, ing, dangling; depending, dem. penitentiary, confessor. banner, ensign. pendant; stare in -, to remain Penitenzieria, [pe'nite'ntsie'ri'] Pennoniere, [pe'nnni're'j wi. in suspense; -, m, ear-ring, f. penitentiary's court. ensign-bearer. drop; declivity. Pentenzinccia, [pnite'ntsi'- Pennuccia, [pe'nn'tsh] f. small Pendentemente , tsha] f. slight penance. feather, little plume; (mar.) [pe'nde'nte'me'n'te'J adv. in a hanging Penna, [p'n] f. feather; quill, yard. manner, slopingly. pen; summit, top; fig. style, Pennuto, [penn't] adj. feathPendenza, [pndn'ds] f. de- writer; a -, a - e calamaio, ered, feathery. clivity; inclination; undecided exactly, precisely; - d'acciajo, Pennuzza, [pnn'ts] see Penaffair. steel-pen; dor dt -, to cancel, nuccia.

Pendere, [pn'de're'] v. a. & n. blot out; lasciar nella -, reto hang, be suspended; incline, star nella -, to forget in wribe inclined; be undecided. ting, omit; pi^iiar ia -, to set Pendevole, [pnd'vl] adj. de pen to paper, write; temperapending; inclined. re una -, to make a pen. Pendice, [pe'ndi'tshe'] m. decliv Pennacchiera, [pe'nnkki'r] f. ity, slope of a hill; outskirts, plume of feathers. suburbs of a city, pi. Pennacchino, [pe'nnakki'no] m. Pendio, [pe'ndi'] m. declivity, small plume of feathers. steepness. Pennacchio, [pe'nnkki] m. Pendola, [pn'dl] f. chimney- plume, tuft of feathers, ostrichclock, pendulum. feather; crest; (mar.) vane. Pendolo, [pn'dl] adj. pen- Pennacchiuolo, [pnnakkil] dulous, hanging; -, m. plum- m. small plume of feathers. met, pendulum oriuolo a -, Pennaccia, [pe'nn'tsh] f. ugly pendulum-clock. plume. Pendolon, [pe'ndl'n] adv. Pennace, [pe'nn'tshjodj. painhanging down. ful, tormenting. Pendone, [pe'nd'ne'] m. belt, Pennajuolo , [pe'nny'l] m.

Penombra, [pe'nm'br]




[pensmn't] adv. with difficulty. Penoso, [pn's] adj. painful,



[pe'nsaj'ne'] /".Pen-




thought, musing.

Pensante, [pe'nsn't] adj. pensive, musing. Pensare, [pe'nsa're'j v. n. to





Pensata, [pe'ns't]


Pensatamente, [pe'nstmn'te]
adv. on purpose. Pensativo , [pe'nsti'v]

thoughtful. Penese, [pe'ne'se'] m. stevedore. Pennata, [pe'nn'tj f. pen-full Pensatojo, [pe'nst'y] m. foo-l Penetrabile, [pntr'bil] adj. of ink. for thought; mettere nel -fio penetrable, piercing. Pennato, [pe'nn't] adj. feath- put a flea into one's ear. Penetrabilit, [pe'ntrabilit'] f. ered, full of feathers ; -, m. Pensatore [pnst'r] Tn , penetrability; acuteness. {gard.) pruning-knife, bill. thinker. Penetragione,[pe'ntrj'ne'] see Pennecchio, fpe'nnk'ki] Pen- Pensazione, [pe'nstsi'ne'] f. Penetrazione. necchino , [pnnkki'n] m. and Pensamento, [pe'nsame'n'Penetrale, [pe'ne'tr'l] adj. pen- distaff full. to] m. thought, consideration. etrative; -, m. inmost recess Pennella, [pe'nn'Ia] f. a paste- Pensieraccio, [pe'nsie'r'tsh] la (of a house). brusii. bad thought.


pencase; seller of pens.

Pensierato, [pnsir't] adj. thoughtful, pensive solicitous. Pensieretto, [pnsirt't] m. little thought. pensiero, [pensi'r]ffi.thought, meaning: mind,intention; solicitude; megere in-, to put into one's head. Pensieroso, [pe'nsie'r's] adj. thoughtful, musing. Pensieruccio , [pnsie'r'tsh] Pensieruzzo, [pusir'ts] m. little thought, little idea. Pensile, Ipn'sil] adj. hanging, suspended. Pensionario, [pe'nsina'ri] m.





Penuria, [pe'n'ri]

penury, Perci, [pe'rtsht'] adv. therefore, however. Penuriare, [pe'nri'r] v. n. to Perciocch, [prtshikk'j adv. & conj. since, for; that. be in need, want. Penurioso , [pe'nuri's] adj. Percipere, [prtshi'pr] v. a. to perceive, conceive. penurious, indigent. Penzigliare, [pe'ntsir'r] Pen- Percorrere, [pe'rkor're're'] v. a. zolare, [pe'ntsla'r] v. n. to irr. (see Correre) to run rapidly through; peruse hastily. dangle, bob. Penzolo, [pn'tsl] atfj. hang- Percossa, [pe'rks's] f. stroke, ing, dangling; -, m. hanging blow. Percossione, [pe'rkssi'n] /. bunch of grapes. Penzolone , [pe'ntal'ne'] m. percussion, striking. large hanging bunch of grapes. Percossura, [pe'rkss'r] see Penzolone, [pe'ntsl'n] Pen- Percossa. zoloni, [pntsol'ni] adv. in a Percotimento, [prktimn't]

hanging manner. pensioner, boarder. [pnsintsh'l] Peonia, [pe''ni] f. peony. Peota, [p't] and Peotta, little pension. f. Pensione, [pnsi'ne']/'. pension, [pt't] f. mar., a species of hoarding-house; annuity; sal- bark used in the Adriatic. Pepajuola, [ppy'l] /. pepary, wages, pi. Pensoso, [pe'ns's]ad;. pensive, per-box. Pepato, [pe'p't] adj. spiced thoughtful. Pentaci'lo, [pe'nt'kl] m. tal- aromatic; pane -, m. gingerbread. isman, amulet. Pentacordo, [pe'ntkr'd] in. Pepe, fp'pe'] m. pepper; di -, cunning, sly; come di -, expontachord. Pentafllo, [pe'nt'fil] m. boi., actly. Pei;erella, [pe'pe'r'l] /. peppercimine- foil. Pentagono , [pe'nt'gn] i. wort.

m. percussion, blow. Percotitore, [prktit'r]




[pe'rktit'r] /. striking, hit, blow. Percuotere, [prk'tare'] v. a. irr. {percossi ; percosso) lo strike, beat; -, v. n. to hit upon; meet with.







percussion, stroke. [prkssi'v] adj. percussive.

[pe'rkss're'] see


[pnt'me'tr] m.



adj. Percussore,




m. [ppe'r'n] Peperone , (pros.) pentameter. Pentangolo, [pntng'l] m. a Cayenne pepper. Peplo, [p'pl] m. purslain, rich figure containing five sides. Pentagono, [pntg'n] m. female dress. Per, [per] prep, for.hy, from, in, pentagon. Pentasllabo, [pe'ntsill'b] m. through; - l' addietro, heretofore - altro, however - I' amor a verse of five syllables. Pentateuco, [pntatu'k] m. di Dio, for God's sake; - appunto, just now, precisely; Pentateuch. Pentecoste, [pe'nte'k'st] /'.Pen- cambio, in recompense; - cer; ;



v. a. irr.

(perdei, persi ; perduto, perso) to lose, let slip miss consume


waste, destroy; - il tempo, to lose one's time; -di vista, to lose sight of. (ridge. Perdice, [pe'rdi'tshe'] /. partPerdigione , [prdij'nJ] see Perdizione. Perdigiorno, [pe'rdijir'n] m.


Pentere, [pe'nte"r] see Pentire. Pentimento, [pntimn't] m.

repentance. Pentire, [pnti'r] v. n. Pentirsi, [pntir'si]

V. r. to repent,

be sorry. Pentola, [pn'tl] /. and Pentolo, [pnt'l] m. earthen pot, broth-pot; bombard, mortar. ra, by chance. Pentolaccia, [pntla'tsha] f. Pera, [p'r] pocket; wallet. Pentolaccio, [pntl'tsh] m. Pera, [pe"ra] /. pear. large ill -shaped broth-pot. Peragrare, [pe'rgr're'] v. a. Pentolajo, [pntl'y] Pento- to search through a country. laro, [pntla'r] m. potter, Percacciare, [prktsh're] v. seller of earthen pots. a. to pursue, hunt out. Pentolata, [pntola' t] /".a blow Percepere, [pe'rtshe'pe're'] and with a pot; a pot-full. Percepire, [pe'rtshpi'r] v. a. Pentoletta, [pntle't't] /.Pen- to comprehend. [prtshe'tti'bil] tolino, [pntoli'n] m. small Percettibile ,

an idle fellow. to, certainlj; -innanzi, hereafter; - me, as for me; for my Perdimento, [pe'rdime'n't] ni. part; - lo meno, at least; - loss, perdition; waste. modo che, so that; - modo di Perdinci! [prdin'tshi] inter. parlare, so to speak; - lo pi, exclamation expressive of disdain or surprise (vulgarism). for the most part; - tutto, everywhere; - parte di tutti, Perdita, [pr'dit] /. loss, detriment; waste. in the name of all - quel che vedo, from what I see; - ventu- Perditissimo , [pe'rditis'sim]



lost time.

[pe'rdite'm'p] t.




ditrice, [prditri'tsh] f. loser. Perditorio, [prdit'ri] adj.



[pe'rditsi'ne']/. per-

dition; destruction.

Perdonabile, [prdn'bile']


Pentolona, [pentl'na]

Perdonanza, [pe'rdnn'dsa] /. adj. perceptible, perceivable. Pen- Percezione, [prtshe'tsi'n] /. pardoniug; penitence; indulgence conceded by the popes perception, comprehension. tolone, [pntol'n] m. large Perch, [prk'J adv. why? for visiting places esteemed earthen broth-pot; dunce. Penultimamente, [pnltm- wherefore? for what reason? holy. because, to the end that dim- Perdonare, [pe'rdna're'] u a. to me'n't] adv. lastly.





the reason. Perchio, [pr'ki] m. padlock.

il -,




pardon, forgive; spare; non -a, fatica f tg spafe no paios,,

IPerdonatore, [prdnt'r] m. forgiver, excuser. Perdono, [prd'n] m. pardon; remission. Perducere, [prd'tshr] v. a. irr. (see Addurre) to conduct, guide. Perdurabile, [pe'rdr'bile'] adj. perdurable, everlasting. Perdurabilita, [pe'rdrbilit'] , Perdurabilitade, Perdurabilitate, /. duration; obstinacy. Perdurabilmente, [prdrabilmn'te'] adv. perdurably. Perdurare, [prdr'r] v, last, hold out.



Periclitare, [priklit'r] v. . to be in danger, run the risk, Pericolamento, [pe'riklmn't] m. danger, peril, hazard. Pericolare, [prikl'r] v. a. to ruin, destroy; -, v. n. to be in danger, run the risk; run into a precipice. Pericolatore, [pe'riklt're'] m. attorney (ironically). Pericolo, [pri'kl] ni. danger, peril, jeopardy, risk, hazard.

Perfezione, [pe'rfe'tsi'n]


Perflcere, [pe'rfi'tshe're] &c.,see Perfezionare &c.

Perfidament, [pe'rfidme'n't]
adv. perfidiously, lareacherously, basely. Perfidia, [pe'rfi'dia] f. perfidy, faithlessness; stubbornness. Perfidiare, [pe'rfidi're'] v.n.o be obstinate, be obstinately

[pe'rfidisa- Pericolosamente , [pe'riklsme'n'te] adv. perilously, danadv. perfidiously me'n't] gerously, with risk. faithlessly. Perfidioso, [pe'rfidi's] odj.per- Pericoloso, [prikl's] adj. wrong- perilous , dangerous, hazardPerdurevole, [pe'rdr'vle'] adj. fidious ; stubborn , ous. durable. headed. Perdurre, [pe'rdur're'] see Per- Perfido, [pr'fid] adj. perfidi- Pericranio , [pe'rikr'ni] m. (anat.) pericranium. ducere. ous, treacherous, false. Perdutamente,[prdtme'n'te'] Perfigurare, [perfigura're'] v. Perielio, [pri'li] m. (astr.) perihelion. adv. dissolutely, madly, des- a. & n. to imagine, fancy.


perately. Perfine, [prfi'n] adv. at last. Periferia, [pe'rifri'] /. periPeregrina, [pe'rgri'n] &c., see Perforamento, [prfrmn't] phery, circumference (of a circle). Pellegrina &c. n. perforation, boring, hole. Perenne, [pr'ne'] adj. peren- Perforare, [pe'rfr'r] v. o. to Perifrasare, [pe'rifrs're'j v. n. to use periphrases, perinial; perpetual, durable. perforate, pierce through. Perennemente, [prnne'me'n'- Perforata, [prfra't] f. hot., phrase. Perifraii, [pe'ri'frasi] /. perite] a'iv. perpetually, lastingly St. John's wort. Perennit, [perennit'] /. per- Perforazione, [prfrtsi'ne'J /. phrase, circumlocution. Perigeo, [pnj'] m. (astr.) petuity. perforation, piercing. Perentoriamente, [pe're'ntri Perfrequentare , [perfre'kue'n- perigee, nearest distance from the earth. mn't] adv. peremptorily. t'r] v. a. to frequent very Perigliarsi, [pe'ril'r'si] v. r. Perentorio, [prnt'ri] adj much. peremptory. Perfuntoriamente, [pe'rfnt- to expose one's self to danger. Pereto, [pre''t] m. orchard of rimn'te] adv. in a perfunc Periglio, [pri'l'j &c., see Pepear-trees. ricolo &c. tory manner, carelessly. Peretta, [pe're't't] f. a metal Perfusione, [prfsi'n] /. pro- Perimetro, [pe'ri'me'tr] m. peball armed with sharp points rimeter, circumference, comfuse aspersion. attached to horses racing with- Pergamena, [pe'rgm'n] Per- pass. out jockeys, as in Rome, Flo- gamina, [pe'rgami'na] /'.parch- Periodare, [pe'rid're'] and Perence, &c. riodeggiare , [periddj're] ment, vellum; lantern. Perfecitore, [peVfe'tshite're*] m. Pergamene, [pe'rgm'n] m. a V. n. to speak or write in long perfecter , finisher , periods. accom- parchment-book. plish er. Pergamo, [pr'gam] m. pulpit; Periodicamente , [pridikPerfettamente, [pe'rfe'ttme'n'- scaffold, hustiiigs. mn't] adv. periodically. t] adv. perfectly, completely, Pergiurare, [prjir're'] &c., Periodico, [pri'dik] adj. pewholly, entirely. riodical; regular. see Spergiurare &c. Perfettare, [prfe'tt're'] v. n. Pergola, [pr'glj /. bower, Periodo , [pri'd] m. period, to bring to perfection. arbour ; wine-trellis ; esser -, circuit; conclusion. Perfettibile, [porftti'bil] adj. to stand up like a post, be Periosteo, [pe'ri'ste'] and Pesusceptible of perfection. riostio , [pe'ri'stij m. anat. like a mute. Perfettivo , [perfetti' v] adj. Pergolato, [pe'rgl't] m. gar- periostium. perfective, completing. den-trellis, vine-arbour, bower; Peripateticamente, [pe'ripate'tiPerfetto, [prft't] adj. perfect, adj. made in the form of a kmn'te'] od, peripatetica! ly. perfected, complete, finished ; bov/er. Peripatetico , [pe'ripte'tik] -, m. perfection, perfectness, Pergolese, [pe'rgle"se'] adj. peripatetic. f. large excellence. winter-grapes kept on the vine- Peripateticismo, [pe'ripte'tiPerfezionamento, [pe'rfe'tsin- arbour, pi. tshi'smj m. peripatetic philosmeu'toj m. perfecting, finish- Pergoleto, [pe'rgl't] see Per- ophy. ing, improvement. golato. Peripezia, [pe'ripe'tsi'j f. sudPerfezionare, [prfe'tsin're'] v Pergoletta, fpe'rgle't'ta] /".small den change, sudden turn of fora. to perfect, bring to pervine-trellis, small bower. tune. fection, finish, improve. Peri, [p'ri] m. pi., peers, mag- Peripneumonia, [pe'ripne'umPerfezionativo, [prftsint'- nates, paladins, pt. ni'ii] /. med. inflammation of v] ad}, fit to perfect, adapt- Pericardio , [prikr'di] wi. the lungs. ed to perfect. (anat.), pericardium. Perire, [pe'ri're*] v. a. to ruin, Perfezionatore,[prfe'tsint'- Pericarpio, [prikr'pijm. (to/.) destroy; kill; -, v. n. to perish, r] m. Perfezionatrice, [per- pericarp. be ruined; decay. ftsindtri'tshl A perfecter, Periclimeno, [pe'riklim'a] m. Perissologia , [pe'rissl'ji] /. finisher. honey-suckle. faulty repetition of words.




adv. perniciously Peristaltico, [pristl'tili] adj. Permessivo, [pe'rme'ss'v] adj. me'n't] permissive. hurtful] y. med. peristaltic. Peristilio, [peristilio] m. arch. Permesso, [pe'rm's] m. per- Pernizioso , [pe'rnitsi's] adj. mission, leave ; con -, by your pernicious, hurtful. walk under pillars, peristyle. Perno, [pr'n] m. pivot, hinge; Peritamente , [pe'ritmn'te'] leave. Permettere, [pe'rmt'te're'] v. a. decoration, ornament; glory; adv. skilfully, dexterously. Peritanza, [pritn'dsa] f. basli- irr. {see Mettere) to permit, support, column, basis ; mar. allow; grant, give leave. bolt. fulness, timidity ; modesty. Peritarsi, [pritr'si] v.r. to be Permischiamento, [pe'rmiskia- Pernottamento, [pe'rntt.ime'n'me'n't] m. mixture ; disturb- t] m. pernoctation. bashful, be timid. Pernottare, [prntt're'] v. n. Perito, [pe'ri't] adj. expert, ance, riot. learned, skilful; -,ni. esteemer, Permischianza, [pe'rmiskian'- to sit up all night; pass the dsa] f. mixing together. whole night. appraiser. Peritoso, [pe'tit's] adj. bash- Permischiare , [pe'rmiski'r] Pernoverare, [pe'rnve'r're'] v. V. a. to mingle, confound. a. to compute carefully. ful, ashamed, timid. [pe'rmi- Pernuzzo, [pe'rn'ts] m. small Perituro, [prit'r] adj. perish- PermiscMatamente , skiatame'n'te'J adv. in a mixed pivot. ing, transitory, frail, unstable. Pero, [pe"r] m. pear-tree. Perizia, [pe'ri'tsia] f. skill, ex- manner. pertness , ability, cleverness, Permissibile,[pe'rmissibi'le']adj. Per, [pe'r'] adv. for that, on permissible. that account thereupon (of modesty. art. Perizoma[prits'm] /'.cincture Permissione, [pe'rmissi'ne'] f. therefore ; per per, in short, to conclude. Perjurio, [pe'ryu'ri] m. perjury, permission, leave. Permissivamente, [pe'rmfssiva- Perocch, [pe'rkk'] con], for, forswearing. Perjuro, [pry'r] m. perjurer, me'n'te'] adv. with permission, because, since, seeing that. Peroneo, [pe'rn'] m. anat. with leave. forswearer. Permissivo, [pe'rmissi'v] adj. fibula, shin-bone. Perla, [pr'la] f. pearl. Perorare, [pe'rr're'] v. a. to Perlagione,[prlj'n] f. splen- permissive, granting liberty. Permistione, [prraisti'n] f. conclude a speech , close a dor of the pearl. discourse. Periato, [prl't] adj. pearl- mixture, mingling. Permovere, [pe'rmve"re'] v. a. Perorazione, [pe'rrtsi'ne'] f. colored, pearled. peroration. to move. Perlettii, [prlt'ta] f. Perline, Permovimento, [pe'rmovimeV- Ferpendicola, [pe'rpndikl] f. [pe'rli'u] m. small pearl. a perpendicular line. Perlismaltato, [pe'rliamlt't] t] m. emotion, agitation, rise. adj. set with pearls, covered Permuta, [pe'rm't] f. see Per- Perpendicolare, [pe'rpe'ndikl're'] adj. perpendicular ; upmutamento. with pearls. Perlona, [pe'rlo'na] /.large pearl. Permutabile, [pe'rmt'ble']adj. right. Perpendicolarmente, [pe'rpe'nPerlone, [pe'rl'n] m. lazy fel- mutable, changeable. Permutamento, [pe'rmtme'n'- diklrmn'te'] odu. perpendiclow, dunce, simpleton. ularly. t] m. permutation, exchange; Perlongare, [prlng're'] v. a Perpendicolo, [pe'rpe'ndi'kl] truck, barter. to prolong, put off. Perlustrare, [pe'rlstr're'] v. a. Permutare, [pe'rmt're'] m. plumb-line, plummet; level; permute ; exchange, give in a -, perpendicularly. to make diligent soarch for an exchange for ; barter ; remove. Perpetrare, [pe'rpe'tra're'] v. a. enemy. Perlustrazione, [prlstratsi'- Permutatamente, [prmtt- to perpetrate, commit, act. [pe'rptrt're'j rae'n't] adv. by way of ex- Perpetratore , ne'] /. diligent search for an m. perpetrator. change. enemy. Permaloso, [pe'rml's] adj. PermutatTO,[pe'rmtti'v]a<?. Perpetrazione, [prpe'trtsi'ne'] f. execution, perpetration. touchy , captious ; petulant, permuting, exchanging. Perpetuagione, [pe'rptaj'n] Permutatore, [pe'rmtt're'] peevish. Permanente, [pe'rmnn't] adj. Permutatrice , [pe'rmttri'- f. perpetuation, duration, con; ;

Permanentemente, [prmnn-

tsh] /. permuter, exchanger, tinuance. Perpetuale, [pe'rpe't'le'] adj. barterer. te'me'n'te'] adv. permanently, Permutazione, [prmttsf'- perpetual, incessant. [pe'rpe'tlit'] durably. n] f. permutation, exchange; Perpetualit , Perpetualitade, PerpetualitPermanenza, [pe'rmnn'ds] /. barter. permanency, duration, stabil- Pernetto, [pe'rne't't] m. small te ; Perpetuanza, [pe'rpe'tdn'ds] /. perpetuity, eternal duity. pivot. Permanere, [pe'rmne''re'] v. n. Pernice, [pe'rni'tsh] f. part- ration. Perpetualmente , [perpe'tualirr. {see Rimanere) to be perridge. manent, be continuous; perse- Pernicioso , [pe'rnitsh's] see me'n'te'] Perpetuamente, [perpe'tuame'n'te'] adv. perpetually. vere, last. Pernizioso.

permanent, durable, lasting.

Pemiciotto, [pe'rnitsh't] m. Perpetuare, [pe'rpe'ta're'] v. a. to perpetuate ;Perpetuaesi,v. young partridge. Permansivo, [prmnsi'v] adj. Pernicona, [pe'rnik'n] f. a r. to become perpetual. Perpetuatore, [pe'rptt're'] lasting, continual fixed. kind of large plum. Permeabile, [pe'rme''bile'j adj. Pemicone, [pe'rnik'n]m. plum- m. he that perpetuates. Perpetuazione, [pe'rptatsi'permeable. tree; a young partridge. n] f. perpetuation. Permeazione, [prme'tsi'ne'] Pernio, [pe'r'ni] see Perno. /.permeation, passage through. Pernizie, [pe'rni'tsie] f. ruin, Perpetuit , [pe'rpe'tit] Per* petnitadejPerpetuitatej/.per" permessione, [pe'rmssi'n] see loss, hurt, mischief.


[pe'rmne'vle'] adj. permanent, durable.


Peruiidiosamente, [pe'rnitsis-





Perpetuo, [prp't] adj. per- Persica, [pr'sika] f. peach. Persicata, [pe'rsika't] f. conpetual, endless. Perplessit, [pe'rplssit'] Per- serve of peaches. plessitade , Perplessitate f. Persichino, [prsiki'n] adj. peach-blossom color. perplexity; anxiety. Perplesso, [prpl's] adj. per- Persico , [pe'r'sik] m. peachtree. plexed, uneasy. [pe'rplita- Persistenza, [pe'rsistn'dsa] /. Perpolitamente ,

me'n'te'] adv. excellently. [pe'rkuisiti'v] Perquisitivo , adj. searching, prying. Perquisizione, [pe'rkuisitsi'n] f. perquisition, search. Perrocchetto, [pe'rrkkt't] wi. (toupee. paroquet. Perrucca, [pe'rrk'k] f. wig, Persa, [pe'r'sa] f. marjoram. Perscrutabile, [pe'rscrtabi le']

persistanco. Persistere, [pe'rsi'ste'r]

(persistito) to persist.

v. n.irr.

Perso, [pr's] vi. bluish-grey. Persolvere, [pe'rsl've're'] v. a.


adj. investigable.

(see Solvere) to fulfil an beat down with a pole. obligation. Persona, [pe'rs'n] f. person, Perticata, [pe'rtik't] f. blow man; woman; form, body, shape: with a pole. life in -, personally in - d'al- Perticatore , [pe'rtikt're'] m. cuno, in a person's place; non land-surveyor.
; ;

persuasive, convincing. Persuasore, [prsuas'r] m. persuader. Persuasorio, [prsus'ri] adj. persuasory, persuasive. Pertanto, [prtn't] adv. non -, nevertheless, however, yet. Pertempo, [prtm'p] adv. in good time. Pertenere, [pe'rte'ne're'] &c.,see Appcrtenere &c. Pertica, [pr'tik] /".perch, pole. Perticare, [prtik'rL-] v.

Perscrutare, [prscrt'r] v.a.

to investigate.

there is nobody; rail, Pertichetta , [pe'rtike't'ta] f. persone, passenger- small pole, staif. Perticone, [pe'rtik'n] wi. long Persea, [pe'r'se'] /. a nectarine. train. Persecutore, [pe'rse'kt're'] m. Personaccia , [pe'rsna'tsh] f. pole, long perch; tall slim Persecutrce,[pe'rse'ktri'tshe'] clumsy deformed person, great fellow. Pertinace, [pe'rtina'tshe'] adj. ill-shaped figure. f. persecutor; vexer. [pe'rse'kii- Personaggio, [pe'rsna'dj] m. Persecuzioncella , pertinacious, obstinate, stubtsintsh'l] f. slight persecu- personage, person; far un -, born. Pertinacemente, [pe'rtinatshe'tion. to play a pai-t. Persecuzione, [pe'rse'ktsi'ne'] Personale, [prsn'le'] adj. per- me'n't] adv. pertinaciously, persecution; importunity, sonal, individual. obstinately. /. molestation. Personalit, [pe'rsnlit] Per- Pertinacia, [pe'rtina'tsh] Perv. a. Perseguire, [pe'rse'gtti're'] sonalitade , Personalitate, f. tinacit,[prtintshit']/'. perto persecute torment contin- personality. tinacity, stubbornness, obstiue, go on with, pursue. Personalmente, [pe'rsnlme'n'- nacy. Perseguitamento, [perse'guitd- te'] adv. personally, in person. Pertinente, [pe'rtinn'te'] adj. vexa- Personcina, [pe'rsntshi'na] f. pertaining, belonging to. me'n't] m. persecution tion. Pertinenza, [prtinn'dsa] Perlittle person; little figure. Perseguitare, [pe'rse'gwita're'] Personciono,[pe'rsntsh'ne'] m. tinenzia, [prtinn'dsi] f. apV. a. to persecute, molest; purtenance. great ugly figure. pursue. Perspettiva , [pe'rspe'tti'va] f. Pertrattare, [pe'rtrdtt'r] v.a. Perseguitatore, [pe'rse'gwitat'- perspective, prospect. to treat of, discourse of. re'] m.Perseguitatrice, [perse'- Perspicace, [pe'rspik'tshe'] adj. Pertrattazione, [pe'rtrtttsi'gttittri'tsh] f. persecutor perspicacious, sharp-witted. ne] f. prolongation, delay. pursuer, follower. Perspicaeemente[pe'rspiktshe'- Pertugetto , [prtjt't] m. Perseguitazione, [pe'rse'gwita- me'n't] adv with perspicacity. small hole, fissure. tsi'ne] f. Perseguito, [pe'rs- Perspicacia , [prspik'tsh] Pertugiare , [pe'rtja're'] v. a. gi't] m. persecution, vexa- Perspicacit, [pe'rspiktshi- to pierce, make a hole. tion, pursuit. [pe'rtu'j] m. hole, t'] Perspicacitade, Perspica- Pertugio, Perseguitore , [pe'rsguit'r] citate, f. perspicacity, quick- opening; chink. see Persecutore. Perturbamento, [pe'rtrbameVness of apprehension. Perseo, [pr'se'] m. Perseus; a Perspicuit, [prspikit'J f. t] m. perturbation, trouble, constellation in the Northern perspicuity. disturbance. hemisphere. Perspicuo, [pe'rspik] adj. per- Perturbare, [pe'rtrb're'] v. a. Perseverante, [pe'rsve'rn'te'] spicuous, transparent. to disturb, trouble, confuse. adj. persevering, constant, Perspirabile , [prspirbi'le'] Perturbatamente, [pe'rturbatasteadfast. adj. having perspiration. rae'n'te'] adv. disturbedly.







rntmn't] adv. persevering-


[prtrbt're'] Perturbatore, m. perturber, disturber.

v. n.

[pe'rsade"re'] v. a. Perturbazione[pe'rtrbtsi'ne']



(persuasi; persuaso) persuade, convince.


[pe'rts're'J see



Perseverare, [pe'rsve'r're']



to persevere, persist; continue.



[pe'rt's] see







tamn'te'] adv. perseveringly. suaded. Perseverazione,[pe'rse'vrtsi'- Persuasione , [pe'rswsi'ne'] n] see Perseveranza. persuasion; conviction.




of vine.

m. sort




Persuasiva, [pe'rsusi'v]



Perseverare. Persiana, [pe'rsi'n] Yenotian blind.


ulty of persuading. Peruzza, [pe'r'ts] f. small persian, Persuasivamente, [pe'rsasiva- pear. me'n't] adv. persuasively. [pe'rveVn'te'] Pervegneate

Diz. IM.-lna,






Pesolo, [pe"sl] Pesolone, [pe'sl'ne'] adv. hanging down, dangling. sluice,

Pervenente, [prvnn't] adj. Pescagione, [pe'skj'n] penetrating to, coming to, at- ing.



Pervenimento, [prvnirae'n't] flood-gate. m. coming to, attaining, ar- Pescajuolo,

riving at.



Pessimamente, [pssimmeVt] adv. most wickedly, wretchedly.

lock (in a river). Pervenire, [prve'ni're] v.n.irr Pescare, [psk'r] v. a. to fish; {see Venire) to attain to, reach, look for, search; - a fondo, to arrive at. examine thoroughly. Perversamente, [prvrsraeV- Pescata, [psk'tj /. net-full; t] adv. perversely. complete sweep. Perversare, [prvrsa're'] v. a. Pescatello, [pe'skt'l] m. small & n. to bluster, storm, rage. fish. Perversione , [prvrsi'n] /. Pescatore, [pe'skat're']m.fisherperversion wickedness de- man, angler. pravation. Pescatorello, [pe'sktr'l] m. Perversit, [pe'rve'rsit'] Per- poor fisherman. versitade, Perversitate , f. Pescatorio, [pe'skato rio] adj. perverseness, perversity; wick- piscatory. edness, ill nature. Pescatrice, [pe'sktri'tsh] f. Perverso, [prvr's] adj. per- fish-woman, fisherwoman. verse, wicked, depraved. Pesce, [p'sh] m. fish; - nuoPerverser, [prve'rs're'] m. a vo, simpleton; sano come un -,
, ,

Pessimita, [pssimit'] Pessimitade, Pessimitate, /. extreme wickedness. Pessimo, [p'sim] adj. most wicked, infamous. Psta, [p'st] /.footstep, track, trace beaten path ; crowd pounding; lurch; seguitar uno alla -, to follow one by the
; ;


Pestacolori, [pstkl'ri] a grinder of colors.


[pe'stme'n't] m. pounding, trampling. Pestapepe, [pstp'p] m. numskull, blockhead.



[pe'st'r] v. a. to



as sound as a bell.

bruise; thrash; trample under






Pesceduovo, [pshd'vj m. Pestarola, [pstr'l] f. a Pervertimento, [perve'rtime'n'- omelet, egg-pancake. chopping-kinfe. t] m. perversion, depravity. Pescetto, [pe'sht't] m. little Pestata, [pst'ta] f. pounding,
Pervertire, [prvrti'r] v. a. fish. to pervert, deprave, corrupt; Peschereccio , [pe'ske're't'sh] PrRVERTiRsi, V. r. to become adj. of a fisherman, fishing. pei ^^rted, become depraved. Pescheria, [pe'skri'] f. fishery; Pervertitore, [prvrtit'r] m. fish-market. pervertor, corrupter. Peschetta, [pe'ske't'ta] f. small Pervicace [pe'rvik'tshe'] adj. peach. porvicacious, headstrong. Peschiera, [pe'ski'r] f. fishPervicacia, [prvik'tsh] (. pond, fish-roservoir. stubbornness, obstinacy. Pesciaccio,[pe'sha'tsh] m. large Pervinca, [prvin'k] /. bot., ugly fish. periwinkle. Pesciaiuolo, [pe'shy'l] ee Pervio, [pr'vi] adj. pervious, Pescivendolo. open. Pesciar elio, [pe'shr'l] PesciaPesaliquori, [pe'sliku'ri] m. tello, [psht'l] m, little hydrometer, test-liquor. fish; fry.
bruising; beating. Pestatojo, [pe'stt'y] see Pestello.

Pestatore, [pe'stt're'] m, a pounder. Pestatura, [pe'sttu'r] f. the thing pounded. Pste, [p'st] f. plague, pestilence, contagion. Pestellino, [pe'stlli'n] m. small

dangerous. Pesweighing examination. chiera. Pestilenza, [pe'stiln'ds] f. Pesamondi , [psmn'di] m. Pesciolino, [pe'shli'n] m. small pestilence, plague. boaster, braggart. fish. Pestilenziale, [pstilntsil] Pesante, [pe'san'te'J adj. heavy Pescione, [pe'sh'ne'] wi. large Pestilenzioso , [pe'stilntsi'important, grave. fish. s] ody. pestilential, contagious, Pesantemente, [pe'sante'me'n'te'] Pescioso, [pe'sh's] adj.aibonni- destructive. adv. heavily; gravely. ing in fish, fishy (little used). Pestio, [psti'] and Pesto, [pe'Pesantezza, [psntt'sj Pe- Pesciotto, [pe'sh't] m. rather st] m. stamping, trampling sanza, [pe'san'dsa] f. weight, large fish. upon. heaviness; pain, sorrow. Pesciuolo, [pshl] m. small Pestone, fpest'ne'] m. large Pesare, [pesa're'J v. o. to weigh, fish; fry. heavy pestle. poise; examine, ponder; -, v. Pescivendola [pe'shivn'dl] Petacciuola, [pttsh'I] f. , n. to weigh, be a burden, be fish-woman. plantain. f. heavy. Pescivendolo, [peshivn'dlj Petalo, [pe"tl] m. bot., petal. Pesatamente , [pstmn't] m. fish-monger, fish-carrier. Petardo, [pe'tar'd] in. petard. adv. prudently, considerately. Pesco, [ps'k] m. peach-tree. Petazza, [pe'ta'dsa] /". a trifle, Pesatore, [pst'r] m. weigh- Pescoso, [pe'sk's] see Pe- thing of no moment. er; examiner. scioso. Petecchia, [pe'te'k'kia] m. nigPesatura, [pst'r] f. the act Peso, [p's] m. weight, load, gardly fellow, miser; (vulgaand effect of weighing. burden; charge; care; moment, rism). Psca, [ps'k] f. peach; slap importance; di niun -, of no Petecchiale, [pe'te'kkia'Ie'] adj. on the face;bruise(on the face). importance; (merch.) - lordo, petechial; spotted. psca, [pe's'k] (. fishing; angross weight; - morto-, dead Petecchie, [pe'te'k'kie'J /. pi. med. dare alla -, to go out-fishing. weight; - netto, net weight; purpie-spots, pi. pescadore, [pe'skad'r] see Pe- far buon to give good Petitore, [pe'titij're'J m. petitionccatore. weight. er, pliiintiff.


pestle. Pestello, [pst] m. pestle. Pestifero, [psti frjat^j.pestiferous; hurtful, mischievous. Pestilente, [pstiln't]a(/j pestilent, pestiferous; destruc.







Petitoro, [ptit'ri] adj. petitioning. petizione, [ptitsi'n] f. petitenion, request, denicand ; treaty. Petonciano, [pe'tntsh'n] m. pumpion; naso a -, a swollen purple nose. Petrafatto, [pe'trafiit't] adj.


Pezzame, [pts'm] m. mass
of bits, rubbish.

Pettinare, [pttin're'] v. a. to comb, card; fig. to scratch; - la lana, to card wool; - il lino, to card flax. Pettinatore, [pe'ttint're'j m. wool-comber, carder. Pettinatura, [pttint'r] f. combing, carding. Pettine, [pt'tine] m. comb (weav.) stay.

Pezzato, [ptsa'tjar/j.speckled,
spotted, variegated.

Pezzendo, [petsn'd] adv. ondar -, to go begging. Pezzente, [ptsn'te] m. beggar.





Petraja, [pe'tr'y] f. heap of Pettinella, [pe'ttinl'l] /". eel-spear. stones stone-quarry. Petrata, [ptr'ta] /". a blow Pettiniera, [pttini'r] /".comb

piece; red fard. an Pezzettino,[ptse'tti'n] m. very



from a stone.




Petricciuola, [pe'tritsh'l] f very small stone. Petriera, [ptri'r] f. marble or stone quarry. Petrificare, [pe'trifika're'] v. a.
to petrify. Petriflcativo,

adj. apt to petrify. Petrificazione, [pe'trifiktsi'-

n] /. petrification. Petriflco, [ptri'fik] adj. changing to stone. Petrigno, [ptri'n'] adj. stony;






Petrino, [pe'tri'no]


hard as a stone; obstinate. Petrolic, [pe'tr'li] m. petrol,

Pezzo, [p'ts] m. bit, piece, case. morsel;,- d' artiglieria, piece Pettirosso, [pe'ttirs's]m. rob- of ordnance; un - fa, a long while since, some time since in red-breast. esser d' un -, to be all of a Petto, [p't] m. breast, bo som; heart, mind; a -, in com- piece be sincere. parison ; avere a -, to have at Pezzolata, [pe;tsla't] f. pieco heart; have at the breast; of lawn &c. sufficient for a dar di -, to hit upon, meet; handkerchief. metter a - di, to compare with; Pezzolina, [pe'tsli'n] f. Pezpigliar o -, to take to heart; zolino, [ptsli'n] m. small sfogar il -, to ease one's mind; piece, little bit. stare a -, to face, cope with. Pezzuola, [pts'l] f. small Pettoccio, [pe'tt'tsh] m. full piece handkerchief. bosom, fine breast. Pezzuole, [pts'l] m. little Pettorale, [pttr'le'] adj. pec- piece, small rag. toral; summary (said of the Piaccianteo, [pitshan'te'] m. judgment of a court); -, m. a tardy person; slow coach. poitrel, breast-strap. Placentare, [piatshe'nta're'] . Pettoralmente, [pttrlme'n'- a. to flatter, coax. t] adv. summarily. Piacente , [pitshn'te'J adj. Pettoregglare, [pttre'dj're'] pleasing, agreeable. V. a. to strike breast against Piacentemente , [ptatshe'nte'; ; ;

rock-oil. breast. me'n't] adv. pleasantly, courPetronciana, [pe'trntsha'n] f. Pettorutamente , teously. [pe'ttrtPetronciano , [ptrntshan] mn't] adv. haughtily, proud- Piacere, [pitsh'r] v. a. irr. m. porapion, pumpkin. ly, pompously. (piaccio, piaci, piace &c.; piacPetrone, [pe'tr'n] m. large Pettoruto, [pttr't]adj.high- qui; piaciuto) to please, charm; stone. breasted. Piacersi, v. r. to be pleased Petrosa, [pe'tr'sl f. dry and Petturina, [pe'ttri'n] f. stom- Avith, take delight in; mi piace, stony land. acher. I like it;-,m. pleasure, deliglit; Pet '-osellino, [pe'trse'lli'n] Pe- Petulante, [pe'tiilan'te'] adj. pet favor; fatemi il -, do me the trosello, [ptrs'I] Petroseulant, saucy; arrogant. pleasure; essere al - d^ alcuno, molo, [pe'trs'ml] Petro- Petulantemente , [ptlnte'to be at a person's disposal. sillo, [ptrsiri] m. parsley. me'n'te'] adv. petulantly, in Piaceroso, [pitshe'r's] adj. Petroso, [pe'tr'sj adj. stony; solently. ready to please. hard. Petulanza, [pe'tln'ds] Petu Piaceruzzo, [pitshe'r'ts] m. Petruciola, [pe'trtsh'l] see lanzia, [ptln'dsia] f. petu- little pleasure, little favor. Pietruzza. lance, wantonness. Piacevolaccio , [pitshvl'Pettabotta,[pe'ttb5't]/'.breast- Peucedano, [pe'utshe'd'n] m tsh] adj. very pleasing. plate, cuirass. bot., hog-fennel. Piacevole , [pttsh'vl] adj. Pettata, [ptta'ta] /. blow upon Pevera, [p'vr] /. wooden pleasing, affable , agreeable, the breast. funnel. good-humored, droll, facetious, Pettegola, [ptt'gl] f. silly Peverada, [pe've'ra'da] f. broth, merry. creature; gossip. meat-broth juice. Piacevoleggiare, [pitshvle'Pettegoleggiare, [pe'ttgle'dja'- Pevere, [p'vre'J i. pepper. dj're'J r. a. to blandish, care'] V. gossip. Poverino, [pe've'ri'n] m. small ress; - V. n. to be humorous, Pettegolesco , [pe'tte'gl'sk] wooden funnel. be agreeable jest, joke, sport. adj. gossiping. Pevere , [pe''ve'r] m. stewed Piacevoletto, [piatshvlt't] Pettegolezze, [pe'tte'gle't'se'] f. meat, ragout. adj. pleasant, affable, agreepi., silly tattle, gossip. Peza, [p'ds] /. fishing-net. able. Pettegolo , [pe'ttg'l] m Pezza , [p'ts] f. piece (of Piacevolezza, [pitshvle't's] tatler. cloth) stripe ; remainder, bit; f. affability, gentleness, playPettiera, [pe'tti'r] /. poitrel; Momo di -, m. man of distinc- fulness, sportiveness. breast-strap (of a horse), tion; buona - fa, a good while Piacevolino [pitshe'vli'n] , Pettimio, [ptti'mi] m. bot., ago; a questa -, at present, adj. somewhat pleasing. monk's rhubarbc now. Piacevolmente , [pitshe'vlPettinagnolo, [pettinatolo] m. Pezzaccio, [pe'tsa'tsho] m, large me'n'te'] adv. pleasingly, gra; ; ;


clumsjr bit.

ciously, playfully.




Piacevolone [piatshvl'n] Pianiente[pimn'te'] ac^u.pious- fi -, plainly; easily, freely; -, adj. very pleasant. ly, religiously. m. plain; floor, story ; casa a Piacibilit, [piatshibilit'] f. Piana, [pia'na] f. plank, rafter, tre piani, f. three-story house. pleasing quality. joist; stave. Pianoforte, [pinfr'tc] m.piaPiacimento, [pitsliime'n't] m. Pianamente, [pinrae'n't] adv. noforte, piano. pleasure, content, satisfaction softly, gently. Pianta, [pin't] f. plant; scion, will. Pianare, [ptn'r]. o. to plane, shoot; sole (of the foot); plan Piacolo, [pilcl] m. crime; make plain, smooth. (of a house); - dell' edifizio, expiatory sacrifice. Pianatojo, [pint'y] m. small ground-work of a building. Piaga, [pj'g] f. sore,' wound, chisel, graver. Piantabile, [pint'bile'] adj. it calamity; rinfrescar le piaghe, Pianatore, [pfnt'r] m. a to be planted. to open wounds afresh. smoother of metals. Piantaggine , [pint'djin] f. Piagare, [ptg'r] v. a. to Pianeggiare, [ptne'dj're'] v. n. plantain. wound, hurt. to be on a level with the sur- Piantagione, [ptntj'ne'] /. Piagare, [pij're'j &c., see Pia- rounding plain. Piantamento, [piantme'n't] cere &c. Pianella, [ptn'l] f. slipper; m. planting, plantation. Piaggerella, [piadje'r'l] Piag- tile. Piantare , [piant'r] v. a. to getta, [piadjet'ta] f. little hill, Pianellajo , [pine'll'y] m. plant; set, place; - carote, to hillock. slipper-maker. make one believe; Piantarsi, Piaggia, [pt'dj] f. gentle emi- Pianellata, [pine'll't] f. blow V. r. to fix one's self, settle. nence, side of a hill seawith a slipper. Piantata, [pint't] /. plantashore country-side andar Pianelletta, [pine'lle't't] Pia- tion. piaggia piaggia, to coast along; nellina , [pine'lli'n] f. little Piantatoio, [pintt'y] m.peg, andar di - in -, to go from slipper. pin, spigot. place to place. Pianer, [pin're'] *n. a basket. Piantatore, [ptntt're'] wi. Piaggiamento, [ptdjme'n't] Pianerotto, [ptnr't] m.little planter; sharper (at dice). m. flattery, wheedling. plain. Piantazione, [pinttsi'n] see Piaggiare, [pidj're'] v. a. to Pianerottolo, [pine'r'tl] m Piantagione. go coasting along comply landing-place (of a staircase), Pianterella, [piantr'la] Pianwith; blandish, wheedle. lobby. ticella, [piutish'l] f. small Piaggiata, [pidja't] f. coast, Pianeta, [pine"t] m. planet;-, plant. bank of a river. Pianto, [pin't] m. tears, pi. f. priest's cope. Piaggiatore , [pidjt're'] ni. Pianetino, [pine'ti'n] m. a weeping, lamentation fare il flatterer, wheedler. - di, to think no more of. small planet, a satellite. Piaggione, [ptdj'ne'] m. wide Pianetto,[ptant't] adv. gently, Piantonaia, [pintna'ya] /".and extended shore. in a very low voice. Piantonaio, [pintn'y] m. Piaghetta, [piaghe't'ta] f. little Pianezza , [pine't's] f. level, ground for planting young wound; slight misfortune. plain; smoothness; clearness trees; nursery. Piagnere, [pi'n'e're'] v. a. irr. (of conscience). Piantoncello, [pintntsh'l] {piansi; pianto) to lament; -, Piangente , [ptanjn'te'] adj. Piantoncino, [pintntshi'no] V. n. to weep, shed tears. weeping, in tears. m. young plant, sprig. Piagnevole , [ptan''vle'J &c. Piangere , [pian^je're] see Pia- Piantone, [ptnt'ne'jm. sucker; see Piangevole &c. gnere. sapling. Piagnisteo, [pin'ist'] m. re- Piangevole, [pinje''vle'] adj. Pianura, [pin'r] /. plain, peated bursts of tears,pi.; lam- deplorable, lamentable. open plain. entation for the dead. Piangevolmente , [pinje'vl- Piare , [pi're"] v. n. to chirp Piagnitore, [pin'it're'] mn'te'] adv. lamentably, with sing. see Piangitore. tears. Piastra, [piastra] f. plate (of Piagnolente, [pian'ln't] &c., Piangimento, [pinjime'n't] m. metal); dollar; dry scab, scale. see Piangolente &c. weeping, lamentation. Piastrella, [pistr'l] f. quoit. Piagnone, [pian''n] ni. funeral Piangitore [pianjit'r] m.Pian- Piastrello, [pistr'l] m. leath;

gitrice , [pinjitri'tshe'J er, cloth (for plasters) f. weeper; mourner. [pian'kl're'] Piastretta, [pistrt'ta] /'.small V. n. to weep silently. Piangolare, [pingl're'J v. n. thin plate (of metal). Piagoso, [pzg's] adj. full of to weep silently. Piastriccio , [piastri'tsh] and



wounds. Piangoloso, [ptngl's]PianPiaguccia, [ptg'tsh] Piaguz- guloso, [pingl's] adj. deza, [pig'ts] /. small wound. plorable, lamentable, woful. Pialla, [ptl'l] f. carpenter's Pianigiano, [ptnij'n] adj. of pi ane. the plain; -,1. lo wlander (little Piallaccio, [pialla'tsh] m. board used). sawn only on one side. Pianissimamente, [pinissimPiallare, [pill'r] v. a. to mn't] adv. very softly. plane. (planer. Pianissimo, [pinis'sim] adj. Piallatore, [ptllt'r] m. a very smooth. Piallatura, (pillat'ra] /. a Piano, [pi'n] adj. level, flat; plane-full ; chips. plain; smooth, even; clear, Pialletto, [ptlle't't] m. small intelligible meek andar per plane, moulding plane. la piana to take the easiest Piallone, [ptllo'n] m. largo way; -, adv. softly, gently; plane, jointer. slowly, low; piUft -, very softly;



m. nonsense.
Piastrino, [pistri'n] m. hauberk.

Piastrone, [pistr'n] m. coat

of mail, plastron. Piatire, [piati're'] v. n. to plead, go to law, enter a suit; contest^ contend. Piatitore,[piatit're']n. pleader, litigious person; petitioner. Piato, [pi't] m. plea, law-suit, dispute, debate; afi'air. Piatta, [piat'ta] f. flat boat,


Piattaforma, [ptttafr'm]




[pikkni'r] m. , pioneer, delver. Piccoso, [pikk's] adj. captious,

platform, level place ; cannon- Picchiante[pikkian'telm. (cooft.) terrace ; (rail.) turn-table, turn- ragout (of veal &c.), fricandeau. Picchiapadelle,[pikkipadri] plate. piattare, [piatta're'] v. a. to m.brazier, tinker(said jocosely ). Picchiapetto, [pikkip't] m. hide, secrete. Piattonata , [ptatte'll't] f. a hypocrite; diamond-cross. Picchiare, [pikki'r] v. a. to blow given with a dish. Piattelletto, [pttte'lle't't] m. knock (at a door) strike, beat; chi picchia? who knocks? very small plate. Piattellino , [pjtte'lli'n] m. Picchiata, [pikki't] f. knock, rap, blow; misfortune, loss. small plate, small dish. Piattello , [ptatt'l] m. little Picchiere, [pikki're'] m. pike;

touchy. Piccozza, [pikk'ts] /.small


Piccozzino, [pikktsi'n] m. chopping-knife, cleaver. Picea, [pi'tsha] f. wild pinetree, pinaster.






color of pitch.

man. Pidocchieria , [pidtkie'ri'] f, dish. [pikkfrl] f. niggardliness, trifle. Piattellone, [pitte'll'ne'] m. Picchierella, rap, knock, thump {vulgarism); Pidocchio, [pid'ki] m. louse. largo dish. Pidocchioso, [pidkki's] adj. Piatteria, [pitte'ri] f. table- aver la -, to be very hungry. Picchierellare, [pikkirlla'r] lousy. service, dishes, plates, pL Piatto, [piat't] adj. flattened, V, a. to strike with a hammer. Pie, [pie'] see Piede. flat; hidden; star -, to sit Picchierello, [pikkie'r'l] m. Piede, [pi'dj m. foot; stem, small bi-pointed hammer. plant; base, ground; support; squat. Piatto, [piat't] m. dish, meat, Picchiettare, [pikkitt'r]v.a. a -, on foot; gente a -, footmess, course. soldiers, pi. ; da capo a -, from to mark with spots. Piattola, [ptt'tl] f. black Picchiettato, [pikkie'tt't] and head to foot; a pic pari, with beetle, cock-roach. Picchiato , [pikki't] adj. ease; ad ogni pie sospinto, at Piattole, [ptt'tl] m. kind of spotted. every step, very often su due fig. Picchiettatura, [pikkittt'r] piedi, at once, in a moment; Piattolone , [piattole ne] m. f. speckling, spots, pi. dar de' piedi, to kick; essere large cock-roach. Picchio, [pik'ki] ni. wood- in -, to be alive; farsi da piedi, [piattl's] adj. full Piattoloso, pecker; blow, rap. to recommence; levarsi in -, to Picchiotto, [pikkitt]m. a door- rise, stand up; pigliar -, to of lice. Piattonare, [pittn're'] v. a. to rapper. grow strong; stare in piedi, to strike with the flat (of a sabre Piccia, [pi'tsh] f. row of loaves stand upon one's legs; tenere stuck together. or blade). il - in due staffe, to stand well Piattonata, [pittn't] f. blow Piccinino, [pitshini'n] arfj.very with both parties. with the flat of a blade. little, diminutive. Piedestallo, [pie'de'stll'l] PiePiattone , [pitt'n] wi, large Piccino, [pitshi'n] adj. little, destilo, [pide'sti'l] m. pedesdish crab-louso. diminutive. (Piccoletto. tal, basis. Piazza, [pia'tsa] f. place, room; Piccioletto, [pitshlt't] see Piedica, [pi'dik] f. snare, gin, square; market-place, mart; Picciolezza, [pitshlt's] springe; trestle. f. fortress; (ar -, to make room; littleness, smallness. Piedino, [pie'di'n] m. small and far il bello in -, to lounge Picciolino,[pitshli'n]orfi.very shapely foot. little, very small. about, stand idle. Piedistallo, [pie'distl'l] see Piazzata, [pitsa'ta] (. object of Picciolo, [pi'tshl] adj. small, Piedestallo. d' una very little, diminutive. ridicule; fare una Piega , [pi'g] f. plait , fold cosa, to make a town's talk of Piccionaja, [pitshin'ya] /. a crease, wrinkle; fig. bias, turn; dove-cote, pigeon-house. a thing. habit. Piazzeggiare, [pitsdj're'] v. Piccioncello , [pitshntsh'l] Piegamento, [pie'gme'n't] m. Piccioncino , [pitshntshi'n] folding up, plaiting, wrinkling. n. to lounge idly. Piazzetta, [pitse't't] Piazzuo- m. young pigeon, small pigeon. Piegare, [pie'ga're'] v. a. to fold, la, [pits'l] /. small square. Piccione, [pitsh'n] and Pipbend; incline; - una lettera, to pione, [pippi'n] m. pigeon; fold up a letter; Piegarsi, w. Pica, [pi'k] f. magpie. Picca, [pikka] f. spear, pike; ninny. r. to yield, consent; {mil.) to pique. Picciuolo , [pitsho'l] m. stem fall back. Piccante , [pikkan'te'] adj. pi- (of fruit &c.); stalk; pedicle, Piegatura, [pfe'gt'r] f. fold, peduncle. quant, biting. plait; inclination. Piccare, [pikk're'] prick, Picco, [pik'k]arf/.piqued,stung, Piegheggiare, [pie'ghe'dja're'] v. sting, pique; injure Piccarsi, nettled; a -, adv. perpendic- a. to paint the folds of drapery. V. r. to pique one's self on; ularly; apeak; -, m. peak, top. Pieghetta, [pie'ght't] /. small pretend to. Piccolamente, [pikklme'n'te'] fold, small wrinkle. Piccare, [pikkr] m. beggar, adv. meanly, poorly. Pieghetto, [pight'tjm. small rascal, rogue. Piccoletto, [pikkle't't] adj packet (of letters &c.). Piccata, [pikk't] f. thrust very little, diminutive. Pieghevole, [pie'gh'vle'j adj. with a pike. Piccolezza, [pikkle't's]/".small- pliant, flexible, supple; docile. m. ness, littleness, pettiness. Pioeatiglio, [pikktiT] Pieghevolezza, [pighe'vlt's] minced meat, hash. Piccolino, [pikkli'n] see Pic- f. flexibility; compliance. Picchettato, [pikke'tt't] adj. coletto. Pieghevolmente , [pie'ghe'vlspotted, speckled, dapple. Piccolo , [pik'kl] adj. small, mn'te'] adv. flexibly, pliably. Picchetto, [pikkt't] m. piquet little; short; da -, from one's Piego, [pi'g]m. packet (of let(game); {mil.) picket. childhood. ters, papers &c.). Picchiamento , [pikkime'n't] Piccone, [pikk'njm. pick-axe Piegolina, [pie'goli'na] f. small m, knocking, knock. mattock. fold, small crease.





Piglio, [pi'l'] m. taking, hold; look; dar di -, to lay hold of; begin.

Piegoso, [pig's] adj. tumbled, Pifara, [pi'fr]


/. fife.


n. to

Piena, [pi'n]/'. flood of waters; play on the fife. [pigm'tik] adj. Piiferatore, [piffe'rt're'] m. a Pigmatico, fg. andarsene colla -, to sail pygmean. player on the fife. with the stream. Pienamente, [pinme'n'te'] adv. Pifferollo, [piffr'l] m. land- Pigmentario, [pigme'nta'ri] m. an embalmer of dead bodies. surveyor's rule. fully, quite. Pienarella, [pie'nre'll] f. a Pifferina, [pifl'e'ri'na] f. little Pigmeo, [pigm'] m. pygmy, dwarf. fife. small flood. Pienezza , [pzne't's] Plenitu- Piffero, [piffero] m. fife; fifer. Pigna, [pi'n'a] /".jutting stone; dine, [pinit'din] f. fulness, Pifferone, [piffe'r'nj vi. large pump-borer, piercer; a bunch of grapes. fife. abundance, completeness. Pieno, [pi'n] arij. full; abound- Pigamo, [pi'gm] m. bastard- Pignatta, [pin't't] f. brothpot, pipkin; kettle. ing; ltna piena, f. full moon; rhubarb. [pin'att'y] Pi-, m. fulness, plenitude; depth; Piggiorare, [pidjr're'] &c., see Pignattaio gnattaro , [pin'tt'r] m. middle, heart; avere il suo -, Peggiorare &c. Pigiamento, [pi.iiame'n't] m, potter. to bave one's duo. Pienotto, [pie'n't] adj. rather the act and effect of crush- Pignattello , [pin'tt'l] m. small earthen pot. ing &c. full plump. Piet, [pi't] f. poes. sorrow, Pigiare, [pij're'] v. a. to tram- Pignatte, [pin't't] m. see Piple upon, tread, crush (grapes gnatta. affliction, anguish. Pignere, [pi'n'e're'] v. a. irr. &c.). Piet, [piet'] Pietade, Piotate, piety; pity, compassioa Pigiatore, [pjdt're'] m.treader, {pinsi ; pinto) to push, thrust /.
, ;

fuller, grape-presser. mercy; per - for pity's salce monte di - ,m. city pawn-bro- Pigiatura, [pijfit'ra]

out, paint;

-, v.

n. to jut out.

tram- Pigneta, [pin''ta]


^ plantation

of pines. pling, pressing of grapes &c. Pietanza [pie'tn'dsa] /'.pittance, Pigionale, [pijna'le] and Pi- Pignolo [pin''l] and Pgnuoplate of meat, portion; poes. gionante, [pijnn'te'] m. ten- lo , [pin''l] m. kernel of pine-apples. ant, lodger. pity. pietica, [pi'tik] f. wooden Pigione, [pij'ne'] m. house- Pignoncello, [pin'ntsh'l] m. small dike. rent, lodgings, pi.; dare a -, to horse, trestle. let; pigliar a - xma casa, to Pignone, [pin''ne'] m. dike, [pfe'tsame'n'Pietosamente, te'] adv. piteously, compas- rent a house; star a -, to live mound. Pignoramento, [pin'rme'n't] in a hired house. sionately. Pietosetto, [pitse't't] adj. in- Pigione, [pij'ne] m. a pestle m. pledge, mortgage. grapes in the Pignorare, [pin'r're'] v. a. to for bruising clined to pity. give or take as a pledge : Pietoso, [pit's] adj. pitiful, vat. mortgage. merciful; exciting pity, mov- Piglia, [pi'l'] see Pigliatore. Pigliamento, [piPamen'to] m. Pignuolo, [pin''l] m. a kind ing. of black grape ; wine made from Pietra, [pi'tr] f. stone; gem; taking, seizure. the same grape. - di porogonc, touchstone; - di Pigliare, [pil''re'] v. a. to take, seize; receive; pigliarla per Pigolare, [pigl're'] v. a. to scandalo, stumbling-block. pip, chirp; complain. uno, to take one's part; pi Pietraja, [pitry] f. a stone gliarsela con uno, to bo angry Pigolio, [pig'li] m. a continquarry. Pietrajo, [pie'tr'y] m. a stone- with one, fall out with a ued chirping. person; - animo, to take cour Pigolone, [pigl'ne'] m. grummason. Pietrame, [pie'tr'm] m. heap age; - aria, to take the air; bler, murmurer; importunata - consiglio, to determine; - a beggar. of stones. - Pigramente, [pigrme'n'te'] adv. Pietrata, [pie'tr't] f. blow with credito, to take on credit; slothfuUy, slowly; carelessly. diporto, to divert one's self; a stone, stone-throw. Pietrella, [pitr'l] f. small fatica, to take pains; - in fa- Pigrezza, [pigre't's] see Pigrizia. stidio, to gP't disgusted with; stone. Pietrificare, [pie'trifik're'] v. a. -ad imprestito, to borrow; - a Pigrizia, [pigri'tsi] f. laziness, male, - in mala parte, to take idleness, slothfulness. to change to stone. Pietrificazione, [pitrifiktsi'- amiss, take it ill ; - mira, to Pigro, [pi'gr] adj. lazy, idle, take aim; - moglie, to take a slothful, careless. n] f. petrification. Pietrone , [pitr'ne'] m. large wife; - occhi, to charm, ravish; Pila, [pi'l] /. pile ; pillar, but- in ottimo, to take at one's tress; large mortar; stone cisstone. Pietrosit, [pie'trsi't] /". stony own risk; - parola, to get in- tern to hold water ; trough for telligence; - partito, to go to pressing olives; - battesimale, quality, stony nature. Pietroso, [pttr's] adj. stony, service; - pena di, to punish; font. - pruova, to make experiment, Pilao, [pil'] m. boiled rice. gravely. Pietruzza, [pie'tru'tsa] Pietruz- try; - querela, to pick a quar- Pilastraccio, [pilstr'tsh] m.

zola, [pitr'tsl] /. small rel; - terra, to land; - vettu- ugly pilaster. Pilastrata, [pilstr't] f. row ra, to hire a coach. stone, pebble. Pievania, [piv'nia] see Pieve. Pigliatore, [pirt'r]m. taker, of pilasters. Pilastrello, [pilastr'l] Pilareceiver. Pievano, [pivi'n] m. vicar. Pieve, [pi've'j /. parish-church; Pigliavento, [pil'ave'n't] see strino, [pilastri'n] m. small pilaster. Ventiera. vicarage. Pieviale, [pie'yi'le'J m. church Piglievole, [pxre''vle'] adj. ea- Pilastro, [pil'str] m. pilaster,

man's cope.

sily taken.



Pilastrone, [pilstr'njm. large Pinco, [pin'k] m. mar., pink; a ship with a very narrow stern. pilaster. Filata, [pila't] f. a pile of pie- Pincone,[pink'ne']m.blockhead, dolt. ces of cloth pressed together Pindareggiare, fpindare'dja're'] a mass of pressed olives. Pilatro, [pil'tr] m. St. John's V. . to speak affectedly. grass; pollitory. Pindaricamente , [pindrikiiPileo, [pi'l] m. ancient Ro- mn't] adv. in the style of Pindar, affectedly. man hat. Filiere, [pili'ro'] m. pillar, col- Pineta, [pin't] f. Pineto, [p{umn. n't] m, wood of pine-trees, Pillacchera , [pillak'kr] /. grove of pines. splash; defect; miser. Fingere, [pin'je'r] v. a.- irr. Pillacela, [pill'kla] /. dung of (pinsi; pinto) to paint; push, animals, dirt. thrust; Pingebsi, v. r. to get Pillare, [pilla're'J v. a. to pound, on, advance. fat, adj. grind, bruise. [pin'gwe'] Pingue,

Pioggia, [pt'dja]

rain; - di

shower of liowers.

Pioggioso, [pidj's] sec Piovoso.

Piomhajuola, [pimbay'la]


Piombaggine, [ptmb'djine'] f. plumbago , mocklead lead;


Piombare, [pimb're'] v plumb, lead, pewter, tin;

a. to


seal up; -un colpo, to deal a blow; - V. n. to be perpendicular, sink like lead.

Piombaria, [pimbri']



Piombata, [ptmb't]
ball; leaded dart.



Pillicciajo, [pillitsha'y]




rier, fell-monger. Pinguedine , [pingu'dine'] f. Pillo, [pil'l] m. pounder, pestle, fat, fatness. club. Pinguedinoso, [pingue'din's] Pillola, [pil'll] {. pill. adj. fat, greasy. Pilloletta, [pilllt't] Pilloli- Pinifero, [pinife''r] adj. pinena, [pillli'nj f. small pill. bearing. Pillone, [pill'n] m. mallet. Pinna, [pin'na] f. fin (of a fish).



plumbed, leaded; heavy; load-

Piombatojo, [pimbat'y] m. an aperture in the projecting

Pillotta, [pill't] f. small ball; game at balls. Pillottare, [pilltt'r] v. a. to baste (meat); use ill, torment. Pilo, [pi'l] m. javelin; pillar, buttress; cistern to hold water;

sarcophagus. Filone, [pil'ne']

m. pilaster;

Piloro, [pil'r] m. pylorus. Pilose, [pil's] adj. hairy. Pilota, [pil't] m. pilot, steers-


di costa, coast-pilot.

part of a parapet for hurling stones &c. on the besiegers. Pinnacolo, [pinn'kl] m. pin- Piombatura, [pimbt'rj see Piombata. nacle, turret; top. Pino, [pi'n] m. pine, pine-tree; Piombinare, [ptmbin're'] v. a. to plumb, sound with a plum(poes.) ship, vessel. Pinocchiajo, [pinkki'y] m. a met; empty; clean a privy. Piombino , [pimbi'n] adj. seller of pine-seeds. Pinocchiato, [pinkkia't] m. plumbean; lead-colored; -, m. plummet; black-lead, pencil; sugared pine-seeds, pi. Pinocchio, [pin'ki] m. pine- {mar.) plum-line. Piombo , [piui'b] m. lead seed. plummet, level. Pinta, [pin'ta] f. push, thrust Piomboso,[pimb's] adj. heavy instigation, impulse. Pintaculo, [pintk'l] see Pen- as lead, leaden.

Pilotaggio, [pilt'dj] m. pilotage, pilot's fees, pi. Piloto, [pil't] see Pilota.

Fintata, [pint't]

Piluccare, [pilkk're'] . a. to pluck oif a bunch of grapes one by one; eat up. piluccone, [pilkk'ne'] m. pilferer, rogue, scratch, bite. Pimaccio, [pim'tsh] m. bolster,

Pimacciuolo, [pimtsh'l] m small bolster, pillow; compress.

Pimmeo, [pimm']



Pimpinella, [pimpin'l] f. bot., pimpernel. Pina, [pi'na] f. fruit or apple of the pine-tree. Pinacolo, [pina'kl] m. pinnacle, top.


[pinakte'k] /. , gallery of paintings &c. Pinassa, [pins's] f. pinnace. Pinastro, [pin'str] m. wild

Finca, [pin'k]


sort of long

cucumber. Pinchellone,

[pinke'll'ne'] m. booby, dunce. Pincianella, [pintshanel'Ia] f. a small unjust gain. Pincione, [pintsh'ne'J m. cliaf-


[pip'p] f. Pioppo, , fpiop'p] m. poplar-tree. Pioppino, [pioppi'n] m. a kind thrust. Pinticchiato, [pintikki't] adj. of fungus growing at the foot of poplar trees. spotted. Pintore, [pint'r] see Pittore. Piovana , [piv'n] f. rainPintorio , [pint'ri] adj. of water. Piovanato , [pivna't] adj. painting; picturesque. Pintura, [pint'r] see Dipin- rectory, rectorship. (chera. Piovano, [piva'n] m. rector, tura, Pinza , [pin'ts] see Pinzo- country-parson. Piovano, [ptva'n] adj. rainy, Pinzacchio, [pintsak'ki] pluvial acqua piovana, f. rainmite, weevil. Pinzare, [pints're'] v. n. to water. Piovegginare , [pive'djin're'] sting. Pinzette, [pintse't'te'] f. pi., pin- see Piovigginare. cers, nippers, pi. Piovere, [pi've're'] v. n. irr. Pinzo, [pin'ts] adj. very full, (piovve, piobbe ; piovuto) to replete, abounding. rain, shower, pour. Pinzochera, [pintsd'ke'r] /. lay- Piovevole, [piove' vole'] adj. rainsister, beguine; bigot. ing, rainy, showering. Pinzocherato , [pintske'r't] Fiovifero,[pivi'fe'r]adJ.bringadj. hypocritical. ing rain. Pinzochere, [pints'ke'r] m. Piovigginare, [pividjin're'] t>. bigot, hypocrite. n. to drizzle, rain gently. Pinzocherona, [pintske'r'n] Piovigginoso , [piovidjin's] adj. drizzling, damp, misty. f. Pinzocherone, [pintskr'ne'] I. great hypocrite. Pioviscolare, [piviskl'rj v. Pio, [pi'] adj. pious, religious; a. to drizzle. compassionate. Piovitojo, [pivit'y] m. rePioggerella, [pidje'r'l] Piog- ceptacle for rain-water. getta , [pidjt't] f. small Piovitura, [pivit'ra] /". heav* rain, drizzling rain. shower (little used).


a push,




Pitonissa, [pitnis's] f. pythoness, prophetess. Pittima, [pit'tim] f. epithem; miser. Pittore, [pitt'r] m. painter ;
describer. Pittorello, painter.

Piovoso, [piv's] adj. rainy,' Pisciacane, [pisMkd'ne'] m. bot. pluvious. choke-weed. Pisciarello, [pisbrl] wi.kind Pipa, [pi'p] f. totacco-pipe. Pipare, [pip'rj v. a. to smote of claret. (a pipe). Piscina, [pishi'na] /. fish-pond, Pipilare, [pfpil're'] v. n. to pool; bathing-place. pip, chirp. Piscoso, [pisk's] adj. full of
Pipistrello, [pipistr'l] m.Taat. Pipita, [pipi't] f. agnail; pip (in fowls); tendril; top. Pppio , [pip'pi] m. gullet, spout. Pippionaccio,[pippin'tsli]m. blockhead. Pippionata , [pippin't] f. childish stuff, nonsense. Pippioncino, [pippintshi'n] m. young pigeon. Pippione, [pippi'n] f. pigeon; simpleton. Pira, [pi'r] /. funeral pile.

m. bad

abounding in


Pisellajo, [pise'll'y]

m. pea- Pittorescamente

[pittre'sk, mn'te'] adv. in a picturesque

Piselletto, [pise'lle't't] m. little pea. Pisello, [pis'l] m. pea (kind of pulse); blockhead. Pisellone, [pisll'ne'] m. blockhead, numskull. Pispiglio, [pispiT] &c. see Bisbiglio &c. Pispinello, [pispin'l] m. little jet-d'eau, small fountain. Pispino, [pispi'n] m. waterPiramidale, [prniid'l] adj. spout, fountain. pyramidal. Pispola, [pis'pl] /". meadowPiramidalmente , [pirmi'dl- lark. mn't] adv. in the forra of a Pispoletta,[pisple't't]/. wood-

Pittoresco, [pittre's'k] adj. picturesque. Pittrice, [pittri'tshe'] /.(female)

Pittura, [pitt'r]

f. painting, picture; description. Pitturacela, [pittr'tsh] f. bad painting. Pitturare, [pittr'ro] v. a. to paint, depict; describe.






pyramid. lark. Piramidare, [pirmida're'] r.a. Pisside, [pis'side'] f. to form any thing in the shape vase; cavity. of a pyramid. Pissipissare, [pissipissa're'] Piramide, ['pira'mide'] /. pyra- n. to whisper. mid; fusee (of a watch). Pistacchiata, [pistkki't]

Pituitoso, [pitit's] adj. pituitous, full of phlegm. Pi, [pi'] adv. more, above; pyx; small many; al -, at most at the


most; assai -, much more; di -, besides, moreover; - fa, formerly; per lo -, for the most
part; - tardi, later; - tosto, rather, sooner; - volte, several times; - e - volte often ami often, repeatedly. Piuma, [pi'ma] f. plume, tuft of feathers feather-bed. Piumacetto, [pimatshe't't]m. downy pillow, cushion.
, ;


Pirata, [pira'ta] see Pirato. confection of pistachio-nuts. Pirateria, [pirate'ri'a] f. piracy, Pistacchio, [pistak'ki] m. pisrobbery on the high seas; pla- tachio nut-tree; pistacluo-nut. giarism. Pistagna, [pista'n'a] /. flounce, Piratico, [pir'tik] adj. pirat- furbelow. ical. Pistilenzia, [pistiln'dsi] Ac, Pirato, [pira 'to] m. pirate; pla- see Pestilenza &c. giary. [pisti'li] m. bot., Pistillo, Pirchio, [pir'kio] m. a cloivn, a pistil. miser. Pistola, [pi'stl] f. letter,

Piumaccio, [piuma'tsh]7n. bolster, cushion.

Piumacciuolo, [piuraitsh'l] w,. small cushion; compress. Pirite, [piri'te'] f. pirites. epistle. Piroetta, [pir't] /'.pirouette, Pistola, [pist'l] /. pistol;- a Piumaggio, [pim'dj] m pluAvhirligig. double-barreled mage. due canne Piroga, [pir'ga] f. pirogue, pistol. Piumata, [pim't] /. small

canoe. Pistolente, [pistln'te'] &c., see ball offeathers;(swrg'.) pledget Pirola,[pir'l]/.pyrola, winter- Pestilente &c. Piumato, [pim't] ady. downy green. Pistoiese, [pistl'se'j m. hanger, feathery. Pirolo, [pir'l] m. ladder-step. cutlass. Piumino, [pimi'n] m. ostrichPirologia, [pirlji'] f. pyrol- Pistolessa, [pistle's's] /. ill- feather, aigrette. ogy, treatise on fire. Piumone, [pim'ne'] m. an inwritten letter. Piromante, [pirmn'te'] m. di- Pistoletta, [pistle't't] f. little strument used for raising the viner by fire. nap. letter.

Piromanzia, [pirmantsi'] Pistolettata, pyromancy, divination by fire. pistol-shot.




Piumoso, [pmm's]



Pirometro, [pir'mtr] m. pyrometer. Piropo, [pir6'p] m. carbuncle, ruby. Pirotecnia, [pirte'kni'] /".pyrotechnics, fire-works,


Pirotecnico, [pirtk'nik] adj. pyrotechnic. Pirronico, [pirroniTfo] see Pirronista.




Pyrrhonism, scepticism.
pirronista, [pirrni'st] m. pyrrhonist, sceptic.

Piscatorio, [piskt'ri] piscatory, of a fish&rman.


mato. Pistolotto, [pistle't't] m. little Pinolo, [pf'l] m. peg, pin; rundle (of a ladder). pistol, pistolet. Pistone, [pist'ne'] m. piston, Piuttosto, [pitt'st] adv. rather, sooner. sucker; blunderbuss. Pistore,[pist'r] m. Tjoes. baker. Piva, [pi'vti] f. bag-pipo. Pistrice, [pistri'tshe] m. a kind Piviale, [pivi'le'J m. sacerdotal cloak. of very large whale. Pistrino,[pistri'n] m. grinding- Piviere, [pivi'r] m. piover. Pive, [pi'v] m. dandy, lion, house. gallant. Pitale, [pit'le'] m. cliambor-pot. Pitoccare, [pitkk'rj v. n. to Pizza, [pi'ts] f. sort of cake. Pizzaguerra, [pitsage'r'ra] m. go-begging. Pitoccheria, [pftkke'ri'] /'.nig- an inciter of quarrels. Pizzare, [pits're'] v. a. to prick, gardliness, sordidness. Pitocco, [pit'k] m. beggar; sting, bite. Pizzicagnolo,[pitsikaVl] and ancient cloak.

Fizzicajuolo , [pitsiky'l] m. cheese-mongor. Pizzicaquestioni, [pitsitkusti'ni] m. caviller, disputer. Pizzicare, [pitsik'r] v. a. to pinch, peck, bite; itch; - di
checchessia, to have a little dash or tincture of a thing.




Plastico, [plas'titshe'] see Pla- Plettro, [pl'tr] m. poes. fiddla


Fizzicarolo, [pitsikr'l] see Pizzicagnolo. Pizzicata, [pitsik't] f. pinch, nip; sugar-plum; (mus.) touch. Pizzicheria, [pitsik'ri] f. articles sold by cheesemongers. Pizzico, [pi'tsik] m. pinch, nip, pinchful. Pizzicore, [pitsik're'] m. itching, pricking, pruriency. Pizzicottare, [pitsiktt'r] v. a. to pinch. Pizzicottata, [pitsiktt't] f. pinching, pinch: touch. Pizzicotto, [pitsik't] see Piz-

Plastico, [pls'tik] adj. plastic. Platanetto [platan e't'tjm. small plane-tree. Platano, [pl'tn] m. piatane, plane-tree. Platea , [plt'] /". area (of a building): pit (of a theatre). Platiceronte,[pltitshe'rnte']m. a species of large-homed stag. Platino, [plti'n] m. platina. Platonico, [plt'nikj ad;. Platonic.

Pleura, [ple''ra] f. membrane covering the internai cavity of the chest. Pleurisia, [ple'urisi'a] f. med.
pleurisy. Pleurite, [ple'ri'te] and Pleuritide,[plriti'dj/".




Plato's philosophy. Plausbile, [plusi'bil] adj. worthy of applause, plausible specious. Plausibilit, [plausibilit'] /. plausibleness; speciousness. Plausibilmente, [plwsibilme'u'te'] adv. plausibly. zico. Plauso, [pltt's] TO. applause, Pizzo, [pi'ts] TO. tuft of hair clapping. growing on the chin Plaustro, [pltt'str] m. chariot, Placabile, [phik'bil] adj. pla- cart; astr. Charles's wain. cable, appeasable. Plebaccia,[plba'tshid] andPle Placabilit, [plkbili'ta'] f. baglia, [plbr] f. lowest placability. people, rabble. Placabilmente,[plakbilmcn't] Plebalmente,[pleblme'n'te']aa'r. adv. placidly, gently in a vulgar manner.

tion of the chest. Pliade, [pli'ade] /.p/.seePlejadi. Plica, [plilf] /. tablets for keeping daily accounts. Plico, [pli'k] m. packet of letm. ters; envelop. Plintite, [plinti'te'] f. a sort of

Plinto, [plin't]
TO. arch, plinth. Plorare, [plr'r] r). n. to weep. Ploro, [pl'r] see Pianto. Plotone, [plt'ne'] m. a platoon

of soldiers.

Plumbeo, [plum'be']

adj. leaden; heavy. Plurale, [phir'l] adj. plural, many; -, to. or. plural number. Pluralit, [pluralit'] Pluralitadfc, Pluralitate, /. plurality, majority.

Pluralizzare, [pluralits're'] v. a. to make plural what is generally expressed in the singular.

Placamento, [plkmn't] m. Plebe,

appeasing, atonement. Placare, [plk'r] v. a. to appease, calm, quiet. Placazione, [plkatsi'ne']/'. appeasing, calming. Placebo, [pltsh'b] m. complaisance; cantar -, to ploase, flatter {vulgarism little uaed). Placibilit,[platshlb]lit'J f. the art of pleasing. Placidamente, [pltshidmn'te'] adv. placidly, quietly. Placidezza, [platshidt's] Pla-


/.common peo- Pluralmente [plrlrae'n'te'jrtdt),

in the plural number. Plebeaccio , [plbe''tsh] m. Pluviale , [plvi'l] Pluvio , [pl'vij adj. pluvial, raiuy. vulgar fellow. Plebeaggine, [ple'beadji'ne] f. Pneumatico, [pne'mti'k] adj. pneumatic. a low matter. Plebeamente , [plebe'mn't] Po, [po'] for Poco. Plebejamente, [plebymen'- Peana, [p'n] f. buzzard. t]a'/r).likeaplebeian,vulgarly. Poccioso, [ptsh's] adj. fullPlebeismo, [plbe'is'm] m. ple- breasted; fat, plump. Poohettino, [pke'tti'n] and beian manner. Plebeizzare , [ple'be'its're'] v. Pochino, [pochi'n] Pochette, [pkt't] adv. a little, very n. to use vulgar expressions. Plebeo, [plbe''] adj. plebeian, little. cidit, [pltshidit'] f. placidi- low, mean. Pochezza, [pkt's] f. littlety, softness, mildness, calm- Plebiscito, [ple'bishi't] m. uniness; scarcity, need. ness. Poco, [p'k] ad;, little, small; versal suffrage. Placido, [pl'tshid] adj. placid, Plejadi, [pl'ydi] /. pi. astr. few; slender, thin; pochi uomild, calm. mini, few men; -, adv. little, pleiads, pi. Placito, [pltshi'te'] f. a species Plenariamente, [pie'nrime'n'- not much ;a-a -, little by little; - anzi, not long ago, just now; of alum. t] adv. plenarily, fully. Placito, [pl'tshit] m. Plenario, [ple'n'rij adj. plena- fra -, shortly; - stante, a little will, pleasure; kindness while after, soon after; -, to. *ry, full. Plagiario, [plji'ri] m. pla- Plenilunare, [ple'niln're'j adj. little, small quantity; un -, a giary. belonging to the full moon. little. Plagio, [pla'ji] m. plagiarism Plenilunio, [ple'nil'ni] to. full Pocoflla, [pkfi'l] /".idle spinPlanetario, [plnt'ri] adj moon. ster, idle woman. planetary. Plenipotenza , [ple'niptn'ds] Pocolino, [pkli'n] adv. very Planimetria, [plnmtri'] f. f. absolute power. little. planimetry. Plenipotenziario, [ple'nipte'n- Poculo , [p'kl] TO. poes. Planisferio, [plnisf'ri] m. tsi'ri] m. plenipotentiary. draught; bowl. planisphere. Plenitudine, [ple'nit'dine'j f. Podagra, [pd'gr] f. gout. Plasma, [pls'm] m. green plenitude, fulness. Podagrico, [pd'grik] Podaspotted gem; figure in clay Pleonasmo, [ple'ns'm] to. groso, [pdgr's] ad;, gouty. Plasmare, [plasm'r] &c., see pleonasm. Poderaccio, [pde'r'tsh] m. Formare &c. bad land, bad farm. (art. Pletora, [pl'tr] f. med. plePlastica, [pla'stika] f. plastic thora. Poderajo, [pde'r'y] to. farPlasticare, [plstik'r] v. n. Pletorico, [ple't'rik] ple- mer, bailiff. Podere, [pdo're'] m. power thoric. to make earthen images
ple, vulgar.

manor, farm



[pligr'fi] f. the art of writing in ciphers. Poligrafo, [pli'grfo]m.teacher of writing in ciphers. Polimentario , [plirae'ntari] m. narrow-mouthed vase. Polio, [p'li] m. bot. poliura. Polipetalo, [plip'tl] adj. bot. of many petals. Polipo, [p'lip] m. polypus. Polipodio , [plip'di] m. bot.

a -



- il



mondo good Poligrafia,

one's might. Heavens! Poderetto, [pdrt't] Foderi- Poggerello, [pdje'r'll Poggetno, [pde'ri'n] wi. small farm. tino, [pdjtti'n] Poggetto, Poderone, [pde'r'n] m. large [pdjt't] m. little hill. farm. Poggia, [p'dja] f. mar. starPoderosamente, [pde'rsme'n'- board-rope (of the mainsail) te'] adv. powerfully, vigorously. starboard-side. Poderoso, [pde'r's] adj. pow- Poggiare , [pdja're'] v. n. to erful, vigorous, sturdy. mount, ascend, rise; mar. to Poderuzzo, [pdr'ts] $ee Po- steer before the wind; Pogderetto. giarsi, V. r. to lean upon. Podest, [pde'st'] Podestade, Poggio, [p'dj] m. hill, little Podestate, f. power, dominion; hill; ascent. authority. Poggiolino, [pdjli'n] m. little Podest, [pde"st] m. mag- hill, knoll. istrate; mayor, alderman. Pogginolo, [pdj'l] m. long Podesteria, [pde'ste'ri'a] f. of- balcony, verandah; balustrade, fice or jurisdiction of the mayor. parapet. Podestessa, [pdste's'sa] f. wife Poh! [poh!] inter, expressive of of the magistrate or governor. contempt &c. Poema, [p'm] m. poem. Pol, [po'i] adt). then, after; since, Poemessa, [pe'me's's] f. a had as, then; di -, afterwards; in -, poem. excepted, unless po' -, in short, Poemetto, [pmeVt] m. short to conclude ; d' allora in ; ; ,

Polire, [pli're'j see Pulire. Polisillabo, fplisirib] adj. of many syllables; -, m. polisyllable.

Politamente, [plitmn'te'] ice Pulitamente.

Politecnico, [plite'cni'k] adj. polytechnic. Politeismo, [plitis'm] m. polytheism. Politeista, [plite'i'st] m. poly-

theist. Politeistico, [plite'isti'k] adj. poem. thenceforward. belonging to polytheism. Poemizzare, [pe'mits're'] v. n. Poich, [pik'] adv. & conj. Politezza, [plitt's] see Puto poetise. since; considering that, in as litezza. Poesia, [pe'si'a] /".poetryjpoesy. much as , seeing; - vi piace Politica, [pli'tika] f. politics, Poesiola, [pe'si'l] /. a .short cos, since you will have it so. pl\ policy; finesse. poetical composition Pojana, [py'n] f. a species of Politicamente, [plitiklme'n'Poeta, [p't] m. poet. hawk. te'] adv. politically, artfully. Poetacelo, [pt'tsh] m. paltry Pol a, [p'l] f. crow, daw. Politicastro, [plitik'str] m. poet, rhymster. Polacca, [plk'k] f. polacre foolish politician. Poetana, [pe't'na] f. poetess, (vessel used in the Mediterra- Politico, [pli'tik] adj. politicfemale rhymer (little used). nean). al; crafty; -, m. politician, Poetante, [pe'tn't] m. would- Polare, [pl'r] adj. polar. statesman. he poet. m. Politicone, [plitik'ne']m. great Poledrino , [ple'dri'n] Poetare, [pe't're'] v.n. to write young colt, young foal. politician, great statesman. poetry, compose poems Poe- Poledro, fpl'dr] m. colt, foal. Polito, [pli't] adj. polished; tarsi, v. r. to hocome laureate. Poledruccio, [ple'dr'tsh] see clean, neat. Poetastro, [pe'l'str] m. poet- Poledrino. Politrico, [pli'trik] m. bot. aster, rhymster. maiden-hair. Poleggio, [ple"dj] m. hot. pen poeteggiare, [pe'te'dj're'] v. n. ny-royal. Politropo, [pli'trp] adj. fond to poetize. Polemica, [pl'mik] f. polem- of traveling abroad. Poetesco, [pe'ts'k] adj. poet- ics, pi. Polizia, [pli'tsi] f. police. ical. Polemico, [pl'mik] adj. po- Polizza, [pli'ts] f. note, bill ; Poetessa, [pe'te's's] f. poetess. lemical. ticket; lottery-ticket; invoice. Poetevole,[pe'tv'l] adj. poet- Polomonia, [plm'm] f. hot. Polizzetta, [plitse't't] Polizical. valerian. zina, [plitsi'n] f. Polizzino, Poetevolmente, [pe'te'vlme'n'- Polenta, [pln'ta] f. chestnut- [plitsi'nj m. little note, little te'] adv. poetically. flour pudding, hominy. bill. Poetica, [p'tika] f. poetry. Poliantea, [plint'] f. alpha- Polizzotto, [plits't] wi. large Poeticamente, [ptikme'n'te'] betical collection of pieces bill. adv. poetically. fragments &c. Polla, [pl'la] f. spring of water. Poeticheria, [pe'tike'ri'l f. po- Poliarchia, [plirki'] f. poly- Pollajo, [pU'y] m. hen-roost, etical turn, poetical style. archy. coop, poultry-yard; star bene Poetico, [p'tik] adj. poetical, Poliarchico , [plir'kik] adj. a -, to be at one's ease; andar poetic; - , m. poet ; professor appertaining to polyarchy. a -, to go to sleep. of poetry. Polgamia,[pligmi'] /.polyg- Pollajolo, [plly'l] see PolPoetino, [pe'ti'njm. little poet. amy. lajuolo. Poetizzare , [ptids're'] see Poligamo, [pli'gm] m.polig- Poilajone, [plly'n] m. large Poeteggiare. roost, large poultry-yard. amist. Poetone, [pe't'ne'] m. great Poliginia, [pliji'ni] f. a class Pollajuolo, [pliaj'l] m. poulpoet. of plants producing hermaphro- terer, poultryman; huckster. Poetonzolo, [pe'tnds'l] m. dite flowers. Pollame, [pU'me'J m. poultry, a sorry poet. Poliglotte, [pligl't] ad;. poly- fowls, pi. Poetria, [ptri'a] see Poetica. glot, written in several tongues. Pollanca, [pUn'k] f. young Poetuzzo, [pe'tu'ts] m. paltry Poligono, [pli'gn] adj. poly- turkey. poet, poetaster. gonal - , m. bot. knotgrass PoUanchetta, [pollanke't'ta] / Poffare, [pff'r] int. woudor- jeom. polygon. very young turkey.
; , ;




Pollare, [pna'rj v. pul- Polpetta, [plpt't] f. forced- Polverezzare, [plve're'ds're'] e. a. to pulverize. lulate, bud forth (little used). meat ball sausage. Follastra , [pll'stra] f. fat Polpo , [pl'p] m. polypus Polveriera, [plve'ri'r] /'.powder-mill; powder-magazine. (fish). puUot. Pollastraccio, [pllastr'tsli] Polposo, [plp's] adj. pulpous, Polverino, [plve'ri'nj m. sandprimingbox, powder-box brawny. $ee Pollastione.

m. Polputamente, [plptme'n'te'] powder. Polverio, [plve'ri'] m. whirllittle pullet, little chicken. adv. with much flesh. PoUastriere, [pUastri'r] m Polputello , [plput'l] adj. wind of dust. Polverista, [plve'ri'st]n. gunpoultryiTian. somewhat pulpous. PoUastrina, [pllstri'n] f. Polputo, [plp't] adj. pulpous, powder-maker.

young fowl, young fat chicken. Pollastrino, [pUastri'n] m. young fat chicken. Pollastro, [pll'str] m. fowl, chicken. Pollastronaccio, [pllastrn'tsh] m. had fowl; great fool. Pollastrone, [pllstr'ne] m. largo fowl, large chicken; simpleton. Pollehbro, [pll'hr] m. simpleton, blockhead {vulgarism). Polleria, [pllri'] f. poultrymarket; poulterer's shop. FoUezzola, [pll'tsld] f. top of a sprout. Pollice, [p'litshe'] m. thumb; big toe; inch. Pollina, [perlina] f. hen-dung,
fowl's dung.


brawny; substantial.

Polverizzabile, [plve'rids'bil]

Polseggiamento,[plsdjmn'- adj. reducible to dust. Polverizzamento, [plve'ridst] m. beating of the pulse. Polsino, [plsi'n] m. wrist- me'n't] m. pulverizing. Polverizzare, [plvrids're'] v. band.
Polsista, [plsi'sta] m. a skilful feeler of the pulse. Polso, [pl's] m. pulse, pulsation; strength, vigor; tastar il - ad uno, to feel a person's pulse. Poltiglia, [plti'l'a] A flummery, pap, mud, meal-pudding. Poltiglioso , [pltil''s] adj. muddy, slimy. Poltra, [pl'tr] /".leg. Poltracchiello, [pltrkki'l] Poltracchino , [pltrkki'n]
a. to pulverize.

Polverizzatore, [plve'ridst'r] m. pulveriser, grinder. Polverizzazione, [poi'n] /". pulverization, grinding-

Polverzzevole, [plve'rids'vl] adj. reducible to powder. Polveroso, [plve'r's] adj. full of dust, dusty.

Polveruzza, [poi ve'ru'tsa] fine powder.


m. young foal. Poltracchio , [pltrk'ki]

Pollinaro, [pllin'r] see Pollajuolo.

Polline, [pl'line'] in. icf., pollen. PoUinella , [pllineTla] f. a

small inflammatory tumor.

Pollino, [pUi'n] m. hen-louse; marshy land. Polio, [pl'l] m. fowl, chicken, pullet; - d' India, turkey. Polloncello, [pllntsh'l] m tender shoot, sucker. Pollone, [pll'n] m. sprout, sucker, off-set. Polloneto, [pllne't] m. a kind of nursery ground for the production of young plants. Pollute, [pll't] adj. polluted; de tiled. Polluzione, f jjlltsi'ne'] /. pollution; defilement.

Polviglio , [plvi'l'] Tji. fine dust, small dust. m. Pomario, [pm'ri] see Pometo. colt, foal. Poltrire, [pltri're'] . a. to lie Pomata, [pm'ta] f. pomatum Pomato, [pm't] adj. full of in bed lazily, enact the sloth. Poltro, [pl'tr] adj, idle, lazy, apple-trees, full of apples. Pome, [po'me] see Pomo. slothful. Poltrona, [pltr'n] f. an easy Pomella, [pm'l] f. applechair.

Poltronaccio, fpoltronatsho] m. Pomellato , [pme'U't] adj. dapple, dapple-grey; spotted, great lazy fellow. Poltroncollo , [pltrntsh'l] variegated. Pomello, [pm'l] m. small little idle fellow. Poltroncione, [pltrntsh'ne'] apple; pimple. Pometo, [pme''t] m. orchard m. great idle fellow. Poltrone , [pltr'n] m. slug- of apple-trees. Pomfolige,[pmfli'j]/".(chym.) gard, poltroon. Poltroneggiare, [pltrne'dj'- tutty, spodium. r] V. n. to lead an idle life, Pomice, [p'mitsh] f. pumiceloiter.


Pomiciare, [pmitsh'r] v. a to rub with pumice-stone. idleness, cowardice. Polmonare, [plran're'] adj. Poltronescamente, [pltrne's- Pomidoro, [pmid'r] m. lovepulmonary. kamn'te'] adv. lazily, coward- apple. Pomiere, [pmi're'] Pomiero, Polmonaria, [plmn'ri] f. hot., lung-wort. [pmi'r] see Pometo. Poltronesco, [pltrones'ko] ad], Pomifero, [pmi'fr] adj. poPolmoncello,[plmntsh'l]m. lazy, indolent, cowardly. small lungs, pi. Poltronia, [pltrni'] see Pol- miforous, fruit-bearing. Polmone, [polm'ne'] m. lungs, troneria. Porno, [p'mj m. {pomi, poma,







ing. tato. Pomogranato , [pmgrn't] Polo, [p'l] m. pole. foal (little used). Polpa, [pl'pa] f. pulp, fleshy Polve, [pl've'] /. poes., dust, m. pomegranate. part; calf of the leg. Pomoso, [pm's] adj. loaded powder. Polpaccio, [plp'tsii] m. calf Polveraccio, [plve'r'tsh] m. with apples. sheep's dung. Pompa, [pra'pa] /". pomp, ostenof the leg. tation, show. Polpacciuto, [plpatshiVt] adj Polvere , [pl've're'] f. dust pulpous, fleshy; plump. powder gun-powder gettare Pompare, [pmpa're'] see Pompeggiare. Polpastrello, [plpastr'l] m la - negli occhi ad alcuno, to throw dust in a person's eyes. Pompatico, [pmpti'k] tmi fleshy end of the finger.

Poltroniere, [pltrni're'] Poltroniero, [pltrni'r] m. idle wast- fellow, sluggard. Poltruccio, [pltr'tsh] m. colt,



pommel; hilt; apple; AdamOy Adam's apple ; ;

cotogno, quince

- di terra,





Pompeggiante, [prapedjan'tej Ponzare, [pnts're'] v. a, to Popputo, [ppp't] adj. pompous, ostentatious. make an effort, strain, labor. full breasts. Pompeggiare, [pmpdj'r] v. Ponzatura [pntst'r] f. Populato, [ppul't]




struggling, straining. Popaleo, [pp'le'o] adj. of the rade, flaunt. Poplite, [popli'te'] m. ham, hind poplar, of poplar-trees. Pomposamente, [pmpsme'n'- part of the knee. Populeone [ppl'ne'] m. a t] aclv. pompously. Popolaccio, [ppla'tsh] and kind of emollient ointment. Pomposit, [pomposit'] Pom- Popolaglia,[popla'ra]m. pop- Populo, [pp'l] see Popolo. positade, Pompositate, /'.pom- ulace, mob. Populoso, [ppl's] see Popoposity, ostentation. Popolano, [ppl'n] m. pa- loso. Pomposo, [prap's] adj. pom- rishioner, inhabitant of a vil- Porare, [pr're'] v. n. to pass pous, ostentatious. lage. through the pores, permeate. Ponderare, [pnde'r're'] v. a. Popolare, [ppl're'j adj. pop- Porca, [pr'ka] /. ridge (between & n. to ponder, poise, weigh ular, vulgar, common; low. furrows); sow. consider. Popolare, [ppl're'] v. a. to Porcaccio, [prk'tsh] m. nasty Ponderatamente , [pnde'rt- people. sloven. mn't] adv. maturely; delib- Popolarescamente, [pplare's- Porcajo, [prk'y] Porcaro, erately. kamn'te'] adv. vulgarly, com- [prk'r] m. swine-herd; keeper Ponderatore, [pnde'rt're'] m. monly. of hogs. ponderer, thinker. Popolaresco, [pplre's'k] adj. Porcamente, fprkme'n'te'] adv. Ponderazione, [pnde'rtsi'ne'] of the people, popular. dirtily, filthily. Popolarit, [popolarit'] Popo- Porcastro, [prk'str] m. young f. weighing; consideration. Ponderosit, [ponderosit'] /. laritade, Popolaritate, f. pop- porker, porkling. weight, heaviness; gravity. ularity. Porcella, [prtsh'l] /. young Ponderoso , [pndr's] adj. Popolarmente, [pplarme'n'te'] sow, little sow. ponderous, weighty, heavy; adv. popularly. Porcellana, [prtshll'na] f. massive; powerful. Popolato, [ppl't] adj. peo- porcelain, china; purslain. Pondi, [pn'di] m. pi., bloody pled, populous. Porcelletta, [prtshllt't] /. flux. Popolatore, [pplt're'] m. he little sow; small sturgeon. Pondo, [pn'd] m. weight, load; that peoples. Porcelletto,[prtshellt't]Por. importance, moment. Popolazione, [ppltsi'n] f. Cellino, [prtshlli'n] m. suckPonente , [pnn't] m. west, population, inhabitants, pi. ing pig; guinea-pig. Occident; west-wind. Popolazzo, [ppl'ts] m. com- Porcello, [prtsh'l] m. hog, Ponentecello, [pne'nte'tsh'l] mon people. pig, swine. m. gentle west-wind. Popolesco, [pple's'k]ad;. pop- Porcellotto, [prtshll't] rh, Ponere, [p'nr] v. a. see ular, frequented. large hog. Porre. Popolezza, [pple't's] f. igno- Porcheggiare, [prke'dj're'] v, Poniamoch, [pnim'k] conj. bility, meanness (little used). n. to behave like a hog. although, nevertheless. Popolo, [p'pl] m. people, na- Porchereccia, [prke'r'tsha] /. Ponimento, [pnimn't] m. tion; common people; multitude, a pig-stye. placing, putting. mass, quantity. Porchereccio , [prke're"tsh] Ponitore, [pnit're'] m. placer, Popoloso, [ppl's] adj. pop- adj. of or for hogs swinish putter; planter. ulous, spiede -, m. boar-spear. (bed. (color. Pons, [pn's] m. deep-red Poponaja, [ppn'y] f. melon- Porcheria, [prke'ri'] f. nastiPontare, [pnt'rj v. a. to Poponajo, [ppn'y] m. a mel- ness, filth. thrust; point. on-vendor melon-bed. Porchetta, [prke't't] /. PorPonte, [pn't] m. bridge, scaf- Poponcino [ppntshi'n] m. chotto, [prke't't] m. little folding; (mor.) deck; fig. sus- small melon. pig, sucking pig. pense; - levatoio, draw-bridge; Popone, [pp'ne'] m. melon. Porchettame, [prke'tt'me'] m (rail.) - di sopra, culvert. Poponella, [ppneTla] and Po- a herd of young pigs. Pontefice, [pnt'fitsh] m. pon- ponessa,[ppne's's] f. a taste- Porcile, [prtshi'l] m. pig-sty; tiif, high-priest. nasty place. less melon. Ponticello, [pntitshl] m. Poppa [pp'p] f. Avoman's Porcinaglia, [prtsliinT] f. little bridge; trestle. breast, teat, pap poop (of a behaving as a pig, speaking Pontificale, [pntifik'l] adj. vessel). filthily. pontiical. Poppacela, [ppp'tsh] f. large Porcino, [prtshi'n] adj. of a Pontificalmente , hog; filthy. [pntifikl- flabby breast. mn't] adv. in a pontificai Poppajone , m. Porcinoso, [prtsMn's] adj. [pppy'ne'] manner. piggish, filthy. fruitless branch of a vine. Pontificato, [pntifika't] m. Poppare, [ppp'r] v. a. to suck, Porco, [pr'k] m. hog, pig, pontificate, popedom. swine; sea-hog; - spinoso, drain. Pontificio, [pntifi'tsh] adj. Poppatojo , m. porcupine; far l' occhio del -, [pppat'y] pontificial. to cast a sheep's eye at one. nipple-glass, sucker. Ponto, [pon't] Ti. pocs., sea, Poppatola, [ppp'tl] f. doll, Porcone, [prk'n] m. large ocean, deep. hog; great nasty fellow. puppet. Pontone, [pnt'ne'] m. pontoon, Poppatore, [pppt'r]m. child Poretto, [prt't] m. small ferry-boat. pore. that sucks. Pontura, [pnt'r] see Pun- Poppelliiia,[pppe'lli'n] /".small Porfido, [pr'fid] m. porphyry. tura. Porfirogenito, [prfirj'nit] breast. Ponzamento, [pontsamn't] m. Poppese, [pppe"sc'] ai.slu'onds adj. born in purple, of noble uirth. effort, throe, straggle. (of a ship), pi.
n. to


a show, boast, pa-

[pr'jr] v. a. irr. {porsi ; porto) to prosent, oiFer, reach, hold out, give; help to; -credenza, to give credit; orecchi, to give ear, lend an ear ; Porgersi, v. r. to present one's self. Porgimento, [prjime'n't] m. presenting, giving. porisma, [pri'sm] m. corollary. Poro, [p'r] m. pore. Porosit, [porosit'] Porositade, Porositate, f. porosity. Poroso, [pr's] adj. porous, full of pores. Porpora, [pr'pr] f. purplecolor; purple-cloth. Porporato , [prpra't] adj clothed in purple; -, m. a cardinal.



Portacappe, [prtakp'pe'] m. Porteria, [prt'ri] f. a species of lodge placed at the gates of portmanteau, travelling bag. Portacappello, [prtkpp'l] some convents. m. hat-box, hat-case. Portevole, [prte"vle'] adj. tolm. erable, .supportable. Portafasci, [prtf'shi] Perticale, [prtik'le'] m. porporter. Portafiaschi , [prtfis'ki] m. tico. Porticciuola, [prtitsh'l] Porhamper, basket. Portafogli, [prtf'ri]jn. pock- ticella, [prtitsh'l] f. small
et-book, portfolio, letter-caso. gate, postern, wicket. Portalettere, [prtlt'te're'] m. Portichetto, [prtike't't] ni. small porch, vestibule. letter-carrier, postman. Portamantello, [prtmnt'l] Portico, [pr'tik] m. porch, portico; vestibule. m. portmanteau; carpet-bag. Portamento, [prtme'n't] m. Portiera, [prti'r] /. doorcarrying; bearing; look, mien, curtain; coach-door; portress. Portiere , [prti'r] m. doorbehaviour, address, manner. keeper, porter, usher. Portamorso, [prtmr's] m Portinajo , [prtin'y] Portiport-mouth, bit-strap. Portantina , [prtnti'n] f. naro, [prtin'r] m. doorkeeper, porter. sedan-chair. Portantino, [prtanti'n] m. Porto, [pr't] m. port, haven, harbour; carriage. chairman, porter, bearer. Portapenna, [prtp'na] /. pen- Portolano, [prtl'n] m. pilot; house-porter, door-keeper; a holder. Portare , [prta're'] v. a. to book descriptive of ports or harbours. carry, take, bring, bear, wear bring forth, yield, produco Portolatto, [prtlft] m, foreallege; induce; excite; patro- rower, strokesman; stroke-oar. nize - ^TMno, to wear mourning: Portonajo, [prtn'y] m. see -ica/zoni, to wear the breeches; Portinajo.
; ; ;

Porporeggiare, [prprdj'r]
V. n. to incline to



[prpn'n] beautiful red color.

[prpri'n] adj. , purple, of purplo-color. iPorporo, [pr'pr] m. purple. Porraceo, [prr'tsh] adj. porracoous; greenish.

Porracina, [prrtshi'na]/". lungwort. Porrandello , [prrndlj m. wild leek. Porrata, [prra't] /. leek-soup,

Porre, [pr'r] v. a. irr. (pongo, pone &c.;posi posto) to put, self. place; order; - in bando, to Portareca , [prtre"k] and banish - cagione, to charge Portarecchia, [prtr'kki] with,blamo;- in corta, to write wi. porter. down; - it caso, to suppose: - Portastanghe, [prtstn'ghe'] cura, to take care of, mind; - wi. strap for supporting the in effetto, to carry into effect, shafts of a gig. execute; - fine, to finish, make Portata, [prt't] f. reach of an end; - in luce, to publish; a cannon; calibre; quality, con- mente, to mind, take heed; dition ability, capacity course la mira, to aim at; - in obblio, at table ; mar. burden \uori to forgot; - in opera, to set up; deiia-, beyond a person's reach. - in ordine, to set in order, Portatile, [prt'til] adj. portprepare; -ai sole, to destroy, able; tolerable. demolish -studio, to take heed; Pot iativo, [prtti'v] adj. ca- in vendita, to expose for sale; pf )le of bearing. - in volta, to rout; PoKSi, v.r. Po iato, [prt't] m. brood to set one's self; - con alcuno, litter; design. to engage in anyone's service; Portatore, [prtt're'] m. Por- a cammino, to set out on one's tatrice, [prttri'tsh] /".porter, journey; - in cuore, to resolve; bearer, carrier; sufferer. - a tetto, to go to bod; - a se- Portatura, [prtt'ra] /. car; ; ;

Portone, [prt'ne'] m. gate, great door coach-gate. bear patiently; - pericolo, to Portorio , [prt'ri] m. port(slain. hazard run in danger - la dues, spesa, to be worth the trouble; Portulaca, [prtl'k] /. purPouTAUsi, V. r. to behave one's Portulano, [prtl'n] see Por-credenza, to believe;
to pick a quarrel;

- /'uoco,

in pace, to


Portuoso, [prt's] adj.having harbours (said of a country). Porzana, [prts'n] f. a kind of marsh-hen. Porzioncella, [prtsintsh'l] portion. f. small Porzione, [prtsi'ne'] f. portion,


f. repose, quiet; suspension, pauso.


Pesamento, [psamn't] m. reposing, repose.

Posanza, [psn'ds] see Posa. Posa-piano , [pspi'n] m. ticket on cases, trunks &e.

dere, to sit


Porrina, [prri'n] /".small leek; wart. Porro, fp'rlm. leek; wart, excrescence predicare a' porri, to preach to the deaf, speak to the walls. Porta, [porta] see Facchino. Porta, [pr'ta] f. door, gate, entry; - di citt, city-gate. Portabile, [porta bile] (/;. port;


riage: clothes, fashion. [prtavn't] , b'.asting pipe. Portella, [prt'l] /. Portello, [prt'l] m. little door, postern.

containing brittle ware, said also of one who walks gingerly. Posare, [ps'r] v. a. to set down, lay down; repose (troops); rest; Posarsi, V. r. to repose, take breath. Posata, [ps't] /. pause, rest; m. cover (knife, fork and spoon).



adv. softly, gently, self-coUect-

Portendore, [prtn'de're'] v. a. Posatezza, [pste't's] /. selftranquillity , irr. (see Tendere) to portend, collectedness ,

Portento, [prtn't] m. portent, Posato,


Portentoso, [prte'nt's]
portentous, prodigious.

[ps't] adj. sedate, self-collected, staid, modest. adj. Posatojo, [pst'y] m. percl^


(in a cage).

[psat'tsh] , short pause, short stop.



Possessor e,[psse'ss're']iTj.pos- Postiere, [psti'r] m. keeper

of post-horses, post-master. [pstir'n] m. postilion, post-boy. possessory. Possibile, [pssi'bile'] adj. pos- Postilla, [pstiri] f. postil, marginal note. sible, that may be done. Possibilit, [possibilit'] Possi- Postillare, [pstilla're'] v. a. to bilitade, Possibilitate, f. pos- make postils, gloss. Postillatore, [pstillt're'] m. sibility. Possibilmente, [possibilme'n'te'] glosser. Postillatura , [pstillt'r] f. adv. possibly. notes, annotations, pi. Possidente[pssidn'te']adj.possessing; -, m. possessor; landed Postliminio , [pstlimi'ni] m. proprietor ; private gentleman. recovery of one's right on rePosta, [p'st] f. post, station, turn from captivity. place; stall, posthouse; rendez- Postmorte,[pstmr't] odv. afvous , opportunity; ambush; ter death. footstep, trace; stake, bet; ca- Posto, [p'st] m. place, post; vallo di -, m. post-horse; navi- stand; situation, station; room. [pstk'] conj. in glio di -, m. packet-boat; uffi- Postoche, case that. cio delta -, post-office a -, presessor, proprietor.
adj. Postiglione,

Posatura, [psat'r]/'.sediment, Possessorio, [pssss'ri]





a piece of

dipped in vinegar and


water. Poscia, [p'sh] adv after, afterwards. Posciache, [pshk'] adv. & conj. since, since that, although. Poscritta, [poskrit'ta] f. Poscritto, [pskrit't] m. postscript.

Posdomane, [psdma ne'] Posdomani, [psdma'ni] m. day

after to-morrow. Posevole, [pse'vle'J adj. capable of repose. Positvamente,[psitivme'n'te'j a'Iv. positively, certainly. Positivo, [psiti'vl adj. positive, real

modest in attire


Positura, [psit'r]


Posizione, [psitsi'ne']


tion, situation; proposition.

Posola, [p'sl] f. crupper (of a horse). Posolatura, [pslt'r] Poso liera, [psli'r] /". crupper. Posolino, [psli'n] m.crupperstrap.

Pospasto, [psp'st]


Posponimento, [pspnime'n't]
m. postponement. Posporre, [pspr're'] v. a. irr (see Porro) to postpone, set be hind, put off overlook, neglect. Pospositivo, [pspsiti'v] adj. placed after, neglected. Posposizione, [pspsitsi'nj postponing; delay, putting f.

on purpose; di q^iesta -, Postremo, [pstre"m] adj. last, at this rate; da sua -, of his hindmost. own accord; andar in -, andar Postscritto, [pstskrft't] tee per le poste, to go post, ride Poscritto. Postulante, [pstln'te'] m. pospost; far la -, to escort. Posta, [p'st] /".situation; pos- tulant, candidate. Postulate, [pstul't] m. posture planting, plantation. Postare, [pst'r] v. a. to place tulate. soldiers; Postarsi, v. a. r. to Postulatorio,[pstlt'ri]arf/. petitionary. take one's place. Postema, [pst'm] /. abscess. Postulazione, [pstla'tsine'] Postemastro, [pste'm'str] m. f. ijur.) postulation. Postumo, [p'stm] adj. posti post-master. Postemato, [pst'm' to] adj. im- humous. Postura, [pst'r] /. posture posthumed.

Postemazione, [pste'mtsi'- cabal, plot. ne'] f. imposthumation. Postutto, [pstt'tj m. al -, Postemoso , [pste'm's] adj. quite, absolutely. having imposthumes. Potabile, [pt'bile'] adj. potaPostergale , [psterg'le'] adj. ble, drinkable. dorsal. Potaggio, [pt'dj] m. pottago.
[pste'rg're'] v. a.

broth, mess.

[ptj'ne'] f. PotaPossa, [p's] Possanza, fps- Posteri, [p'ste'ri] descen- mento, [ptame'n't] m. pru sn'ds] f. power, force; virtue. dants, successors, pi.; poste- ning, lopping. Possedente, [psse'dn'te'] adj. rity. Potare, [pt're'] v. a. to pruno, used substantively one who Posteriore, [pste'ri're'j m. pos- lop. possesses (said of property). teriors, pi. Potassa, [pts's] f. potash. Possedere, [pssde"r] v. a. to Posteriormente[pste'rirme'n'- Potatojo [ptat'yj m.pruningpossess be master of; enjoy te'] adv. subsequently. knife. know thoroughly. Posterit, [pste'rit'] Posteri- Potatore, [ptit're'] m. pruner; Possedimento, [pssdimeVt] tade, Posteritate, /. posterity, vino-dresser. m. possession; enjoyment. descendants, pi. Potatura, [ptt'r] /".pruning, Posseditore, [pssdit'r] m. Postero, [pst'r] m. an em- lopping: branchfts, pi. Posseditrice, [pssditri'tshj ploye' at the post-office. rotazione, [ptatsi'ue'J /. pruf. possessor, owner. Posticcia , [psti'tsh] f. mar. ning, lopping. Possente, [pssn't] arfj.power- row-locks, pi.: the higher part Potentato, [pte'nt't] m. poful, potent, vigorous. of a ship; hammocks hung tentate, monarch. Possentemente, [psse'nte'me'n'- round a ship during a fight, to Potente, [ptn'te'] adj. potent, t] adv. powerfully, mightily. prevent the men being seen by powerful. Possessioncella , [pssssiu- the enemy. Potentemente, [pte'nte'me'n'te']


throw behind,

slight, despise.


factitious ; capelli posticci, false curls, pi. ; m. planPossessivamente, [pssssiv- tation of trees, m. pi. mn'tl adv. possessively. Posticipare, [psti tship're'] v. Possess vo, [pssessi'vj adj. a. to defer, delay. possessive, possessory. Posticipazione, [pstitshipaPosseso, [pss's] m. posses- tsi'n] /. deferring a matter sion, holt iug. after the time agreed on.

tsh'hi] f. small possession. Possessione, [pssssi'ne'J

Posticcio, [psti'tsh] adj false,


adv. powerfully.

possession; estate.

Potenza, [ptu'dsa] Potenzia, [ptn'dsia] f. potency, power. Potenziale, [ptntsia'lj adj.

potential; efficacious.



mn't] odu.poteutially.powerPotere;
[pte"re'] v.a.irr.{potso^



a. to

puoi, pu &c.; potei ; potuto) to Prassine, [pras'sine'] see Praasio. bo able; non posso, 1 cannot; avete potuto udire, yon may Prassino, [prs'sin] adj. porhavo heard; -, m. ability, raceous, greenish. power authority. Prassio , [prs'si] m. horoPotest, [potest'] Potestade, hound.

[pre'mbla're'] v.

preface; premise.

Preambolo, [pre'm'bl]

amble, preface.

Prebenda, [pre'bn'd]
end; provision.



Potestate, f. power. Pratajaolo, [pratay'l]m. meaPotesteria, [ptstri'a] see Po- dow-mushroom; adj. belonging desteria &c. to meadows. [ptissima- Pratare, [prt'r] . a. to prePotissimamente, principally pare land for meadow-ground. me'n't] adv. chiefly. Pratellino, [pratlli'n] Praadj. tello , m. small [ptis'sim] [prt'l] Potissimo,

Prebendario, [pre'be'nd'ri] m, prebendary, stipendiary. Prebendato, [prbnd't] adj.

possessed of a prebend. Precare, [prk're'] v. a.
pray, supplicate.

Precariamente, [pre'krime'n't] adv. precariously. meadow. principal, chief; singular. Poto, [p't] m. poes. drink, Prateria, [prate'ri']/". meadows, Precario, [prk'ri] adj. procarious, uncertain. prairies, pi. draught. Pottinicclo, [pttini'tsh] m. Pratica, [pr'tik] f. practice, Precauzione, [prkutsi'ne'] f. precaution, care. sewing badly executed; botch- usage; way; converse, inter course; experience; exercise Precazione, [pre'ktsi'ne'] f. ing; confused mixture. supplication, prayer. secret practice, Poveraccia , [pvr'tsha] f. a familiarity plot; di -, freely; easily; far Prece, [pr'tsh] /".poes., praykind of snail. (preceding. Poveraccio, [pve'r'tsh] adj. -, to act freely; practise; far er, entreaty. poor, wretched; -, m. poor le pratiche, to canvass; con- Precedente, [pre'tshe'dn't] adj. Precedentemente, [prtshdntrive, plot. wretch, miserable creature. Poveraglia, [pvrT] f. beg- Praticabile, [prtika'bile'] adj. tmu'tj adv. previously, before. practicable. gars, mendicants, pi. Poveramente, [pvrme'n'te'] Praticabilit, [prtikbilit'] /. Precedenza, [prtshe'dn'ds] f. precedence, priority. practicability. adv. poorly, wretchedly. Poverello, [pvr'l] adj. poor, Praticabilmente , [prtikbil- Precedere, [prtsh'de're'] v. a. unfortunate. to precede, go before. mn't] </. practicably.




[prtikame'n'te'] Precellente,[prtshe'lle'n'te']or/;.

mn'te'] adv. poorly, sorrily. Poveretto, [pve'rt't] m. poor,


Poverino, [pve'rin]



Povero, [p've'r] adj. poor, indigent; - in canna, very poor. Povert, [pve'r't'] Povertade, Povertate, f. poverty, indigence.

Pozione, [ptsi'ne'] f. potion; draught. Poziore , [ptsi're'] adj. prior, anterior, preceding (leg.). Poziorit, [ptsirit'J f. anteriority, precedence (leg.). Pozza, [p'ts] f. pool, pit; land, horse-pond; sink. Pratizia, [prti'tsi] Pozzanghera, [ptsn'ghe'r] f. Prato , [pr't] m.

superexcellent. adv. by practice, through use. Praticante , [prtikan't] m. Precentore, [pre'tshe'nt're'] m^ precentor. practitioner. Praticare, [pratika're'] v. a. to Precessione, [pre'tshe'ssi'ne'] f. astr., precession. practise, exercise; manage; frequent negotiate - bene, to Precesso, [pre'tsh's] adj. preceded, gone before. live in good society. Praticello, [prtitsh'l]m.small Precessore, [pre'tshe'ss're'] m. predecessor, ancestor. meadow. Pratico, [pra'tik] adj. practis- Precettare, [pre'tshe'tt're'] w. ed, experienced, versed, praca. (law.) to summon, cite. tical; conversant. Precettatore, [pre'tshe'ttt're'] Praticone, [prtik'ne'] m. great preceptor, teacher. Precettivo, [prtshtti'v] adj. practitioner. Pratito, [prti't] and Prativo, preceptive. [prti'v] adj. said of meadow- Precetto, [prtsh't] m. pre; ;


cept, lesson, rule.

pasture- Precettore, [pre'tshe'tt'r] m. meadow preceptor, teacher. puddle, dirty plash. pasture-field. Precettorello, [prtshe'ttr'l] Pozzetta , [ptst'ta] /. small Pratoline, [pratoli'ne'] f. pt. m. pedant. puddle, dimple. in Precettoria, [pre'tshe'ttri'] f. spring-flowers produced Pozzo, [p'ts] m. well; spring, meadows. direction, government. source - di fuoco, fire-pit mo- Pratolino, [prtli'n] m. field- Precidere, [pre'tshi'de're'] v. a. itrar la luna nel -, to make mushroom. irr. {precisi; preciso) to cut one believe the moon is made Pratoso, [prt's] add. mead- off, shorten, retrench. of green cheese. owy. Precingersi , [prtshinge'r'si] Pozzolana, [ptsl'n] /. poz- Pravamente, [prvme'n'te'] adv. see Accingersi. zolana, cement. wickedly. Precnto, [prtshin't] m. prePozzuolo, [ptsl] m. a small Pravit, [pravit'] Pravitade, cinct, enclosure. well. Pravitate, f. depravity, wick- Precipitamento , [pre'tshipitPrammatica, [prmm'tik] /. edness. me'n't] m. precipitation. pragmatic sanction. Pravo, [pra'v] adj. depraved, Precipitare, [prtshipit're'] v. pranzare, [prn'tsr] v. a. to wicked, vicious. a. to precipitate; hurry, urge dine. Preaccennare, [pre'tshe'nn're'] on; -, V. n. to fall down headPranzatore, [prdntst're'] m. V. a. to state beforehand, men- long; (chym.) to precipitate; he who dines. tion before. Peecipitausi, V. r. to rush Pranzo, [prn'ts] m. dinner. Preallegato, [pre'alle'g't] adj. headlong. Prasma, [pras ma] f. dark green above alleged, above men- Precipitatamente , [pre'tshipiemerald. tioned. tatme'n'te'] adv. precipitately.





Precipitato, [prtshipit't] m. Precorrere, [pre'kr're're'] v. a. Predicatorello, [pre'diktr'l] irr. (see Correre) to forerun, m. bad preacher. med., precipitate. Predicatoressa, [prdiktre's'Precipitazione , [pre'tshipitt- precede, prevent. sa] and Predicatrice, [prtidisi'n] /. precipitation, over- Precorritore, [prkrrit're'] m. Precorritrice , [prkrritri' katri'tshe'] /. chatterer, gossip. haste, rashness; indiscretion. tsh] /". forerunner harbingei Predicazione, [pre'diktsi'n] adj. Precipite, [pre'tshi'pit] rash; headstrong. Precursione, [prkrsi'n] /. f. preaching, sermon. Predicere, [prdi'tshre'] ssa Precipitevolissimevolmente , going before. Predire. [prtshipite'vb'ssime'vl'me'u- Precursore , [pre'krs're'] m Predichetta, [pre'dike't'ta] f. t] adv. with headlong celerity precursor, forerunner. (used burlesquely). Preda, [pr'd] f. prey, booty, short sermon, short lecture. Precipitosamente, [pre'tshipi- plunder; dare in-, to deliver Predicimento, [prditshimn'up, expose; darsi in -, to give t] m. foretelling. tsme'n'te'J adv. precipitately, Predicitore, [prditshit're'] m. rashly. one's self up to. Precipitoso, [pre'tshipit's]arf/. Predace, [pre'd'tshe'] adj. ra- foreteller. Prediletto, [pre'dil't] adj. beprecipitous; overhasty, incon- pacious, plundering. loved, dearest. siderate, rash. Predamento, [prdme'n't] m Predilezione, [pre'diltsi'ne'] /. Precipizio, [pre'tshipi'tsi] m. pillage, plunder. precipice mandare in -, to Predare, [pre'd're'] v. a. to pil- predilection; partiality. Prediligere, fprdili'jre] v. a. squander, destroy. lage, plunder; spoil. irr. (prediletto) to be preposPrecipuamente , [pre'tship- Predatore, [pre'dt're'] m. pil sessed with; love partially. me'n'te'J adv. principally, above lager, plunderer. all. Predatorio, [pre'dt'ri] adj. Predio, [pr'di]; manor, estate. Precipuo , [pre'tshi'p] adj. predatory, plundering. principal, chief; only. Predatrice, [pre'dtri'tshe'] f. Predire, [pre'di're] v. a. irr. (see Dire) to predict, foretel, Precisamente, [pre'tshisme'n'- plunderer, prey-hunter. te'] adv. precisely, exactly. Predecessore, [pre'dtshe'ss're'J prophesy. Predizione, [prditsi'ne'J f. proPrecisare, [prtshis'r] v. a. m. predecessor, ancestor. to specify exactly. Predefinire, [pre'dfinir] v. a. diction, prophecy. Predominare, [prdmin're'] v. Precisione, [prtshisi'ne'] f. to predetermine. precision, exactness. Predella, [pre'd'l] f. stool, n. to predominate; overrule. Precisivo, [prtshisi'v] adj. foot-stool; confessional; close- Predominio, [pre'dmi'ni] m. predominancy superiority precisive. stool; reins (of a bridle), pi. Preciso, [pre'tshi's] adj. pre- Predellina, [pre'dlli'n] f. Pre- mastery. cise, exact, accurate, strict; -, dellino, [prde'lli'n] m. little Predone, [pre'd'n] m. plunderer, highwayman. adv. precisely, exactly, accu- stool, small foot-stool. rately. Predellone, [pre'de'Uo'ne'J m Preeccellente, [prtshe'lln'te'] adj. very excellent. Preclaramente, [prklrme'n'- bench, high stool. t] adv. nobly, bravely. Predeliuccia , [pre'de'll'tsh] Preeleggere, [prl'dje're'] a. irr. (see Leggere) to proPreclaro, [pre'kl'r] adj. noble, see Predellina.


Predestinare, [prde'stin'r]
[pre'kl'de're'] v. a.


elect, destine.


a. to


precluso) to pre- Predestinazione , [pre'de'stindsa] f. pre-eminence. clude; hinder. tsi'ne'] /. predestination. Prece, [pr'k] m. prayer (poes.). Predeterminare, [pre'de'te'rmi- Preesistente , [pre'sistn'tj adj. pre-existing. Precoce, [prk'tshe'] adj. pre- n'r] v. a. to predetermine.
irr. (preclusi

Preeminenza, [pre'eminn'ds] Preeminenzia , [prminn'-

cocious, premature. Predeterminazione, [pre'de'te'rPrecogitare, [prkjit're'] v. mintsi'ne'] f. predeterminan. to precogitate, premeditate. tion. Precognizione, [prkn'itsi'- Prediale, [pre'dia'le'] and Pren] Precoguoscenza, [prk- diatorio, [pre'dit'ri] adj. n'oshn'ds] /. precognition, predial of farms. foreknowledge, prescience. Predica, [pre''dika] f. sermon



pre-existence. Preesistere, [pre'e'si'ste'r] v. n. irr. (preesistito) to pre-exist. Prefato, [pre'f't] adj. afore-


lecture. [prkn''she'r] see Preconoscere. Predicabile, [pre'dikaTiile'] Precone, [prk'ne'J m. piib- predicable; affirmablo.

said, above-mentioned. Prefazioncella , [prftsintshe'l'Ia] /. a short preface. [prftsi'ne'] f. adj. Prefazione ,

preface, preamble,;introduction.
[pre'f ern'dsa] , f, preference, precedence. Preferevole, [prfr'vle'] Preferibile, [prfri'bil] adj. pref-

Preconio, [pre'k'ni] Predicazione. Preconizzare, [prknids're] Predicamento , [pre'dikame'n'V. n. to preconize, extol. t] m. predicament; preaching, Preconizzatore, [prknidsat'- sermon. rej m. preconizer. Predicante, [pre'dikan't] m. Preconizzazione , [pre'knids- (protestane) preacher; frati tsi'ne] f. preconization. predicanti , m. pi. dominican Preconoscenza, [prknshn'- friars, pi. ds) see Precognoscenza. Predicare, [pre'dika're'] v. a. & Preconoscere, Iprkn'tsh'r] n. to preach; sermonize, lecture; v. a. irr. (see Conoscere) to beseech; exaggerate. foreknow, foresee. Predicato, [prdik't] m.{log.)

(praise. m. poes.,

Predicagione, [pre'dikj'ne'] see Preferenza


Preferimento, m. preference.


Preferire, [pre'fe'ri're'] v. a. to prefer, choose. Prefetto, [prf't] m, prefect, magistrate. Prefettura, [pre'fe'tt'r] f. prefecture.

(preacher. Prefica, [pr'fik] Preconoscimento, [pre'knshi- predicate. Predicatore, [prdikt'r] m. er at funerals. me'n't] m. foreknowledge.

hired weep-



[pre'mime'n't] m.
[pre'minn'te'] adj.

trr. {prefissi

[prefi'djr] . a. to have a foretaste of; try before. prefsso) to prolix; determine; settle; Prefig- Pregustazione, [pre'gsttsi'gersi, v. r. to take into one's n] f. Pregusto, [prg'st] m. foretaste. head, imagine.


pre-eminent, superior. Preminenza , [prminn'ds]

Preflggimento, [pre'fidjime'n't] Prentendere, [pre'inte'nde"re'] V. a. to understand beforehand. m. prefixing, determination.

Preminenzia, [pre'minn'dsia]


[prfigr- Preire, [pri're'] precede. Premio, [pr'mi] m. reward, Prefiguramento , recompense prize premium men't] m. prefiguration. Prelatizio, [preti'tsi] adj. riportare il -, to win the prize. Prefigurare, [prfigr're'] v. belonging to a prelate. Premitore, [prmit'r] m. opPrelato, [prel't] m. prelate. a. to prefigure.

Prefigurazione, [pre'figrtsi'- Prelatura,[pre'lt'r] /'.prelacy. n] f. prefiguration. Prelazione, [pre'ltsi'ne'] AprePrefinire, [pre'fini're'J v. a. to lation, preference; superiority. predetermine. Prelezione , [prle'tsi'ne'] f. Prefinizione, [pre'finitsi'ne'] f. prefatory lecture, pre-election. predetermination. Preliare, [prli're'j fight, Preformazione, [pre'frmtsi'- combat. ne'] /. preformation. Prelibare, [pre'lib're'] v. a. to Pregadi, [pre'ga'di] or Pregati, have a slight foretaste of; try [prg'tij m. pi., Venetian sen- before. ate. Prelibato, [pre'lib't] adj. ex-

pressor, crusher.

Premitura, [pre'mit'r] /'.pressing, squeezing; juice.

Premonizione, [pre'mnitsi'ne']
/. premonition, forewarning. Premorire, [pre'mri'r] v.n.irr. (see Morire) to die before, pre-


a. to

[pre'mstr're'] v.






cellent, delicious.

foreshow, predict, presage. Premozione , [prmtsi'n] f. promotion; foreknowledge.

beg Preliminare, [prlimina're'] adj. Premunire, [pre'mni're'] v. a. wish; - Iddio, to pray to God. preliminary, previous; -, m. to fortify before-hand; PremuPregativo, [prgti'v] adj. apt preliminary. nirsi, V. r. to stand prepared. to pray. Prelio, [pre''li] m. battle. Premura, [pre'm'r] f. eagerPregatore, [pre'gat're'] m. im- Prelodato,[prelda't]arfj.prais- ness; concern, concernment; plorer, petitioner. importance. ed before, praised above all. Pregevole, [prj'vle'] see Pre- Prelucere, [pre'l'tshe're'] v. n. Premurosamente, [pre'miirsgiabile. me'n'te'] ad v. eagerly, earnestly. irr. (prelussi) to precede with Preghevole, [prghe"vl] adj. a light; outshine. Premuroso, [pre'mr's] adj. suppliant, entreating. Preludio, [pre'l'di] m. prelude. pressing, urgent, eager; moPreghiera,[prghi'ra]/".prayer, Prematuramente, [pre'mtr- mentous. supplication. Premutare, [pre'mt're'] v. a. me'n'te'] adv. prematurely. Pregiabile, [prji'bil] adj. Prematuro, [prmt'r] adj. to change the order; counterA'aluable, estimable. premature, too early. mand. Pregiabilit, [prj lbili' '] f. Premeditare, [pre'me'dit're'] v. Prenarrare, [pre'narr''re'] v. a.


to tell before-hand. [pre'nrrtsi'prize, value, esteem; rate;PRE- tdme'n'te'] adv. premeditately, ne'] f. previous relation. GiAusi, V. r. to pretead to, be intentionally. Prence, [pre'n'tsh] m. poes. proud of. Premeditazione , [pre'me'dit- prince. Pregiatove, [prjit'r] tn. ap- tsi'ne'] f. premeditation. Prencessa, [pre'ntsh's] f. poes. preciator, appraiser. Prementefpre'mn'te'Jarfj. press- princess. Pregio, [pr'jt] value, worth, ing; urgent. Prendere, [prn'de're'] v. a. irr. esteem, appreciation. Prementovato, [pre'me'ntv't] (presi; preso) to take, seize; Pregiudicare, [prjidik'r] v. adj. above mentioned. receive; surprise; -campo, to a. to prejudice, hurt. Premere, [pre 'me're' press, take the field; - in fallo, to Pregiudicativo, [prjidikti'- squeeze, squeeze out; urge; mistake ; - fondo, to cast anchor; v] adj. prejudicial, injurious. - terra, to land; Prendersi,!). oppress, depress; matter, im Pregiudiciale, [prjiditshia - port. r. to be taken, be caught le] adj. prejudicial. Premessa, [pre'm's] f. log. dell' amore, to fall in love with. Pregiudizio, [prjiudi'tsi] m. premiss, premise. Prendibile, [pre'ndi'bile] adj. prejudice, damage, wrong. Premessione, [pre'me'ssio'ne'] /. that may be taken. Pregiudizioso, [prjiditsi's] see Preambolo. Prendimento, [pre'ndime'n't] adj. prejudicial, hurtful, in- Premettere, [pre'me't'te're'] v. a. m. taking; necondo il mio -, as jurious. irr. (see Mettere) to put or lay I take it. (taker. Pregnante , [pre'n'an't j adj. before; premise, explain pre- Prenditore [pre'ndit'r] m.
a. to

value, estimation.







Premeditatamente, [pre'rae'dita- Prenarrazione,






Tuscany. reward, recompense. Prenome, [pre'n'm] m. Chrisand Premiativo, [pre'miti'v] adj. tian name. Pregnezza, [pre'n'e't'sa]/". preg- remunerative, rewarding. Prenominato, rpre'nmin'tjadj. nancy. Premiatore, [primit'r] above-named, foresaid. Pregno, [pr'n'] adj. pregnant, raunerator, rewarder. Prenotare, [pre'nta'r] v. a. to full of. (treaty. Premiazione, [pre'mitsi'ne'] /. note before. Prego, [pr'g] m. prayer, en- remuneration, reward. Prenozione , [pre'ntsi'n] /. Pregodente, [pre'gde'n'tj adj. Premice, [prmi't.she] adj. fra- prenotion, conjecture. enjoying by anticipation. gile, easily crushed (said of Pronunziare , [prnntsi're'] Pregustare, [pre'gst'r] v. a. plants &c). V. a. to foretel, prophesy.
v. a. to




lottery-office in

mn'te'] adv. pregnantly. Pregnanza, [pre'n'n'ds]

Diz. Ital.-lnQ.





Prenunziatore, [prnntsit'- Prerogativamente, fpre'rgti- Pre3entazione,[pre'se'nttsi'n] vame'n'te'] adv. with prerogar] m. seer, foreteller. f. presentation. Prenunzio , [prnn'tsi] m. tive, (gy, rugged. Presente, [pre'sn'te'] adj. prePrerutto, [prrt't] adj. crag- sent, at hand; ready; instant; prediction. Preoccupare, [pre'kkp're'] v. Presa, [pre'sa] /".taking; cap- ai -, at present; di -, presenti}', at this moment; -, m. present, ture; prize, prize-money; hold; a. to preoccupy, prepossess Preoccupazione , [pre'kkp- dose, pinch handle di prima -, gift; this letter present time;
; ;

gr. present tense. at the first brush, at first sight; Preonorato, [pre'nra't] adj. dar -, to give occasion; dar le Presentemente, [pre'se'nte'me'n't] adv. presently, at this moprese, to give the choice ; piespecially honored. Preordinare, [prrdin're'] v.o. gliare una -, to take a pinch ment; personally, in person. (of snuff); venire alle prese, to Presentimento[pre'se'ntime'n't] to preordain, decree. m. presentiment, foreboding. Preordinazione[pre'rdintsi'- come to blows. Presacchio , [pre's'kki] m. Presentire, [prsnti'r] v. a. n] f. preordination. to have a presentiment of, Preparamento, [prparme'n't] handle of a spade. Presagio, [pre's'j] m. presage, forebode, feel. m. preparing, preparation.




Preparante, [pre'prn't] med. preparative. Preparare, [prpr'r] v.

Presentuccio, [pre'se'nt'tsh] prognostic. Presagire, [pre'sji're'] v. a. to m. small present. Presentuoso,[pre'se'nt's] adj. presage, prognosticate. e. to prepare, dispose; make ready; Presago, [pre's'g] m. diviner, presumptuous, arrogant. Presentuzzo, [prese'nt'ts] see foreteller. adjust. Preparativo, [pre'prti'v] adj. Presame, [pre'sa'me'] m. rennet. Presentuccio. Presapere, [pre'sp'r] v. a. to Presenza, [pre'sn'ds] Presenpreparative. zia, [prsn'dsi] /'.presence; Preparato, [pr e'pr't] adj. pre- know beforehand. Presbita, [prs'bit] m. long- aspect, appearance; mien; uopared; ready. mo di bella -, m. man of a Preparatore, [pre'prt'r] m. sighted. Preparatrice,[pre'partri'tsli] Presbiterale, [pre'sbite'r'le"] adj. distinguished appearance. Presenziale, [prsntsia'le'] adj. clerical, priestly. preparer, provider. f. Preparatorio , [prprt'ri] Presbiterato, [pre'sbite'r't] m. that is present, in presence. Presenzialit, [pre'sentsilit'] priesthood. adj. preparatory, introductory. Preparazione, [pre'prtsi'n] Presbiteriano, [prsbite'ri'n] /. bodily presence. Presenzialmente, [pre'se'ntsialadj. presbyterian. preparation. f. Prepensamento [pre'pe'nsme'n'- Presbiterio, [pre'sbit'ri] m. me'n't] adv. in presence, personally. presbytery; parson's house. t] m. thinking beforehand. Preponderante, [prpndrn'- Prescegliere, [pre'shTe're'] v. a. Presepio, [pre's'pi] m. stable; manger. irr. {see Scegliere) to choose adj. preponderating; dete']



before. [pre'pnde'rn'- Prescia, [pr'sh] /'.haste.hurry.

Preservamento, [pre'se'rvame'n't] m. see Preservazione.

ds] /. preponderance; weight. Presciente , [pre'shin'te'] adj. Preservare, [pre'srv'r] v. a. to preserve, keep; save, guard. Preponderare, [pre'pnde'r're'] prescient, foreknowing. [pre'se'rvti'v] preponderate, outweigh; Prescienza, [pre'shin'ds]/'.pre- Preservativo


science, foreknowledge.

adj. preservative.

Preponderazione, [pre'pnde'r- Prescindere, [pre'skndre'] v. tsin] f. outweighing; great to separate; abstract from.

Preservatore, m. preserver. Prescito, [prshi't] adj. fore- Preservazione,

seen; reprobate.

Preporre, [pre'pr'r]

v. a. irr.

Porre) to place above prefer advance, promote. Prepositivo, [pre'psiti'v] adj. adj. prescriptible. m. [pre'skrit't] Prescritto, prepositive, preceding. Prepositura, [prpsit'r] f. prescript. Prescrivere, [pre'skri've're'] v. a. provostship, provost's lodge. Preposizione, [pre'psitsi'n] & n. irr. {see Scrivere) to proscribe; fix. f. gr. preposition. Prepossente, [pre'pssn'te'] see Prescrizione, [pre'skritsi'ne'] f. (posta. prescription; med. recipe. Prepotente. Preposta, [pre'p'st] see Pro- Presedere, [prse'de"r] v.n.irr. Preposteramente, [pre'pstra- {see Sedere) to preside, rule over. mn't] adv. preposterously.

[prsrvtsi'n] f. preservation. Prosciutto, [pre'sht't] m.ham. Preside, [pr'sid] Presidente, [prsidn'te'] m. president. Prescrittibile, [pre'skritti'bil]




presidency, superintendance. Presidiare, [pre'sidia're'J v. a. to defend with a garrison, garrison. (son. Presidio, [pre'si'dio] m. garriPresiedere, [pre'si'de're'] v. a. to preside (at a meeting).

Presignare, [pre'signa'rej
to indicate.

v. a.




[pre'p'str] adj.

preposterous. Preposto,[pre'p'st] m. provost;


Presentaneamente, [pre'se'ntane'me'n'te'] adv at the present






[pre'sm'ne'] m.


from unpressed grapes. Presontnosamente, [pre'sntiiPrepotente, [pre'ptn'te'] adj. ready; quick. very powerful, all powerful Presentare, [pre'se'nt're'] v. o. sme'n'te']adr. presumptuously. (generally used in a bad sense to present, offer; introduce; Presontuoso, [prsnt'sj adj. deliver up; Peesentarsi, v. r. presumptuous arrogant. as meaning tyrannical). Pressa, [pr'sa]/. press, throng, [prptn'dsa] /. to present one's self, appear. Prepotenza Presentatore, [pre'se'ntt're'] crowd; haste. supreme power, insolence. Prerogativa, [prrgati'v] /. m. presenter, introducer ad- Pressante , [pre'ssn't] ai), pressing, urgent; earnest. vowee. prerogative.




Pretermissione, [pre'te'rmissi'o
ne'] f.

[prsspp'k] Presuasione, , pre-opinion. adv. nearly, thereabout.



Pressare, [prss're'J v. a. to Presumere, [pre's'me're'] v. n. Preternaturale, [pre'te'rntr'presunto) to le'] adj. preternatural. irr. (presunsi ; press, pursue, urge; hurry. Preternaturalmente, [pre'te'rPressatura[prsst'raJ/'.press- presumo; imagine, suppose. ing: entreaty. Presumibile, [pre'smi'bile'j adj. ntrlmn't] adv. preternaturally. Pressezza, [prt'isse't's] f. near- presumable, supposable. ness, vicinity. Presumitore, [pre'smit're'] m Pretesco , [pre'te's'k] adj. priestly. Pressione, [pre'ssi'ne'] f. pres- presumptuous person. son, pressure. Presuntivamente, [pre'sntiv- Pretessa, [pre'te's'sa] f. priesfc ess. Presso, [pr's] adj.near, neigh mn'te'] adv. presumptively. touring; -, adv. prep, near, Presuntivo, [pre'snti'v] adj. Pretssere, [pre'ts'se'r] v. a. to give a coloring (used only hard by; almost, about; presso presumptive; (jur.) apparent. presso, close by, quite near Presuntuosamente,[prsnt- figuratively). a me, near me; - a poco, nearly, sme'n'te*] adu. presumptuously. Pretesta, [pre't'st] f. a long thereabout, more or less. Presuntaosello, [pre'snts'- white robe fringed with purple, worn by the Pressoch, [pre'ssk'J adv. al- l] adj. self-sufficient. sons and most, nearly. Presuntuosit, [pre'suntsit'] daughters of Roman senaPressore, [pre'ss're'j m. pressor; Fresuntuositade, Presuntuo- tors &c. Pretesto , [pre't'st] m. prefuller. sitate, f. presumption. Pressura, [pre'ss'r] f. pres Presuntuoso, [pre'snt's] adj. text, pretence. Pretignuolo, [prtin''l] see sure; oppression, vexation. presumptuous. Presta, [pr'stj/.loan; impost Presunzione, [pre'sntsi'ne'] f. Pretazzuolo. Pretino, [pre'ti'n] m. young (little used). presumption, conceit. Prestamente , [pre'stame'n'te'J Presupporre, [pre'sppr're'J v. priest. adv. quickly, readily. a. irr. (see Porre) to presup- Pretismo, [pre'ti'smo] m. priesthood. Prestamente , [pre'stme'n't] pose. m. lending, borrowing; loan. Presupposizione, [pre'suppsi- Protone, [pre't'n] m. very tall priest, hypocrite. Prestante, [pre'stn'te'j adj. ex- tsi'ne'] f. presupposition. cellent, exquisite. Presupposto, [pre'spp'st] m. Pretore, [pre't'r] wi. pretor. Prestanza, [pre'stn'ds] ^ lend- presupposition. Preterir., [pretoria] /. pretoring, loan ; impost, duty dare Presura, [pre's'r] f. taking, ship. in -, to lend prendere in -, to capture; rennet; game taken Pretoriano, [pre'tri'n] adj. borrow. pretorian. in hunting or shooting. Prestare [pre'sta're'] v. a. to lend; Pretacchione, [pre'takki'ne'] m. Pretorio, [pre't'ri] adj. pregrant, yield; - la mano a, to big, ignorant priest. torian; -, m. judgment-hall. lend a helping hand, assist - Pretaccio, [pre't'tsh] m. bad Pretesemelo, [prtse'mlj m. giuramento, to give oath; - priest. parsley. orecchio, to listen, give ear. Pretajo, [pre'ta'y] adj. fond of Prettamente , [pre'ttaraen'te'] Prestatore, adv. plainly, sincerely, simply. rprp'stiit'rl m. priests' company money-lender; usurer. Pretajuolo, [prtyl] m. field- Pretto, [pr't] adj. pure, unPrestatura,[pre'stt'r]/'. lend- mushroom. mixed. ing, borrowing. Pretaria, [prtri'] f. lot of Pretura, [pre't'r] /". pretorPrestazione, [pre'sttsi'ne'] f. priests. ship. loan, impost, duty. Pretazzuolo, [pre'tts'lj m. Prevalenza, [pre'vln'ds] f. Prester, [pre'st're'J m typhoon prevalence, superiority. ignorant priest. a kind of venomous snake. Prete, [pr't] m. prest,clergy- Prevalere, [prvl're'J v. n. Prestetto , [pre'ste't't] adv. man. irr. (see Valere) to prevail, bo rather quick, in a hurry. Pretelle, [pre't'le'] /'.pi. moulds; better; Prevalersi, v. r. to Prestezza, [pre'ste't'sa] f. speed, matrice, ingot-mould. avail one's self. swiftness. Pretendente, [pre'te'ndn'te'J m. Prevalicare, [pre'vlik'r] &c. Prestigia, [pre'sti'ja] f. see Pre- pretender. see Prevaricare &c. stigio. Pretendere, [pre'tn'de're'] v.a. Prevaricamento , [prvrikPrestigiare, [pre'stija're'] v. a. irr. (see Tendere) to pretend; me'n't] m. prevarication. to fascinate, bewitch, deceive, claim, lay claim to; intend, Prevaricare, [pre'vrika'r] v. delude. a. & n. to prevaricate, transaim at; maintain. Prestigiatore, [pre'stijt're'] m. Pretendezza,[pre'te'nde't's]Pre- gress. juggler, deluder. /". tensione, [pre'te'nsi'ne'] pre- Prevaricatore, [pre'vrkt're'] Prestigio, [prsti'j] m. fasci- tension, claim; boldness. m. prevaricator, transgressor. nation , witchery , illusion Pretensore , [pre'te'ns're'J m. Prevaricazione,[prvrika,tsi'juggling. pretender. n] f. prevarication, shuffle. prestigioso , [pre'stij's] adj. Preterire, [pre'te'ri're'] v.a. to Prevedenza, [pre've'dn'dsa] /. witching, illusive; deceitful. neglect, pass over; omit. foresight, carefulness. Prestito, [pr'stit] m. lending, Preterito, [pre't'rit] m. gr., Prevedere, [prvd'r] v. a. borrowing, loan; dare in -, to preterite, past tense. irr. (see Vedere) to foresee lend; pigliare in -, to borrow. Preterizione, [pre'te'ritsi'ne'] anticipate. f. Presto, [pr'st] wld. quick, preterition. Prevediraento, [preve'dime'n't] prompt; ready; -, adv. quick, Pretermettere , [pre'te'rmt'te'foresight. nimbly, readily, at once. V. a. r] irr. (see Mettere) to Prevenimento, [prve'nime'n't] Presto, [pr'st] m. loan, lend- pretermit, pass by, omit, neg- m. prevention; pre-occupation, ing; pawn-broker's shop. lect. prepossession.
; ;


irr. {see




Primopilo, [primpi'l] see PriPrimordiale, [primrdi'le'] adj.
primordial, original.

[pri'ma] adv. before, formerly; rather; come -, as soon as da -, firstly, in the beginning; t -, in Preventivamente, [pre'vntiv- the first place. Primaccio, [prim'tsh] m. pilme'n'te'] adv. previously. Preventivo, [prve'nti'v] adj. low, cushion. Primacciuolo, [primtsh'l] m. anticipated. Prevenzione, [pre've'ntsi'ne'] /. small cushion; compress. Primaj amente, [primyme'n'te'] prevention, anticipation.


Venire) to come before, anticipate; prepossess; foresta!; prevent; hinder.



Primordio, [primr'di] m.


Prince, [prin'tshe'] see Principe. Principale, [printshipale] alj.

principal, chief.

Principalit, [printshiplit'] f. principality, sovereignty. Prevertimento, [pre'vrtime'n'- see Primieramente. Primamente, [primrae'n'te']acfv. Principalmente, [priutshiplt] m. subversion. mn'te'] adv. principally Prevertire, [pre've'rti'r] v. a. first, firstly. Primariamente, [primriame'n'- chiefly. to pervert, corrupt. Principato, [printshipa't] m. Previdenza, [pre'vidn'ds] Pre- te'] adv. first, primarily. videnzia , [prvidn'dsia] /. Primario, [prima'ri] adj. pri- principality superiority, government. mary, principal, chief. foresight; forecast. Previo, [pr'vi] adj. previous. Primasso, [prims's] m. lead- Principe,[prin'tship]m. prince; chief, head. Previsione, [prvisi'ne'] f. fore- ing man (used derisively). Primate, [prim'te'] m. primate, Principesco , [printships'k] sight. adj. of a prince. Prevosto, [pre'v'st] m. pro- chief. [primti- Principessa, [printshfp'sa] f. Primaticciamente , vost rector. Prevostura , [pre'vst'ra] f. tshmn't] adv. very early, princess. Principiamento , [printshipiain good time. provostship; rectorship. Preziosa, [pre'tsi's] f. prudish Primaticcio, [primti'tsh] adj. me'n't] m. commencement, beginning. precocious, early (said espewoman. Principiante, [printshipin't] Preziosamente, [pre'tsisme'n'- cially of fruit). Primato, [prima't] adj. first, m. beginner, apprentice. t] adv. preciously. Preziosit, [prtsisit'] Pro- principal; -, m. highest place. Principiare, [printshipi'r] . Primavera , [primv'r] f. a. & n. to begin, enter upon. ziositade, Preziositate, f. Principiatore, [printshipit'spring; spring-flowers, pi. preciousness, excellence. Prezioso,[prtsi's] adj. preci- Primazia, [primtsi'] f. pri- re'] m. beginner; author. Principiativo , [printshipiati'macy. ous, costly. Prezza, [pr'ts] f. see Prezzo. Primaziale, [primtsi'l] adj. V] adj. commencing, originating. Prezzabile, [pre'tsa'bil] adj. priraatical, principal. Primeggiare, [prime'dj're'] v. Principino, [printshipi'n] m. valuable, estimable. Prezzaccio , [pre'tsa'tsh] m. n. to precede; excel, surpass. young prince. Primerano , [primr'n] see Principio , [printshi'pi] ni. very low price. principle; beginning; source. Prezzare, [pre'ts're'] v. a. to Primiero. fix the price, rate prize, ap- Primicerio, [primitsh'ri] m. Priora, [pri'r] /. ecclesiastical dignity, dean. preciate; esteem. Prezzatore, [pre'tst're'] m. he Primiera, [primi'r] /. prime- Priorale, [prira'l] adj. belonging to a priory. who rates, appraiser. ro (game at cards). [prir'tik] Prezzemolo, [pre'ts'ml] m. Primieramente, [primirme'n'- Prioratico , i. priorship (at Florence), parsley. te'] adv. in the first place. Prezzevole, [prtse"vle'] see Primierante, [primirn't] m. Priorato, [prir't] m. priorship, prior's office. Prezzabile. a player at primero. Prezzo, [pr'ts] m. price, rate, Primiero, [primi'r] adj. first, Priore, [pri're'] m. prior, head of a convent value; salary, reward; a buon former. adj. former, -, cheap a caro -, dear. Primigenio, [primij'ni] adj. first. Prioria, [priri'] f. priory; Prezzolare, [pre'tsla're'] v. a. primitive, original. to cheapen, bargain, haggle. Primipilo, [primipi'l] m. first priorship. Priorista, [priri'st] m. comPria, [pri'a] adv. poes., before, centurion. [primitiva munal book containing a list sooner. Primitivamente , of the priors , and of their Pricissione, [pritshissi'ne'] see me'n'te'] adv. primitively, orig period of office. Processione. inally. Priega, [pri'g] &c., see Pre- Primitivo, adj. Priorit, [priorit'] Priorita[primiti'v] ghiera &c. de, Prioritate, /. priority; primitive, original. Prigiona, [prij'n] f. female Primizia, [primi'tsia] f. pre- precedence. prisoner. Priscamente , [priskame'n'te'] mices, first fruits, pi. Prigionare, [prijn'r] v. o. to Primo, [pri'm] adj. first, prin- adv. anciently, formerly. Imprison, confine. Prisco, [pris'k] adj. ancient, cipal. Prigioncella, [prijntsh'l] /". Primogenito, [primj'nit] m of olden times. a small prison. Prisma, [pris'ma] j, (opt.) first-born son. Prigione, [prij'n] f. prison, Primogenitore, [primje'nit'- prism. jail; -, m. prisoner, captive. Prismatico, [prisma'tik] adj. r] m. first father. Prigionia, [prijni'] f. im- Primogenitura, [primje'nit'- prismatic. prisonment, captivity. r] f. primogeniture, birth- Pristinamente, [pristiname'n'Prigioniere, [pn'jni're'] Pri right; eldership. t] adv. anciently, formerly. gioniero, [prijni'r] m. pris Primonato , [primn't] m. Pristino, [pri'stin] adj. anfirst-born. cient, primitive, former. oner; jailer.





Pritaneo, [pritn'] m. Gre- Problema, [prbl'ra] m. prot- Procelloso, [prtshe'll's] adj. stormy , tempestuous; turbu cian tempio dedicated to Vesta, lem. Pritani , [prit'ni] pi. chief Problematicamente , [prble'- lent. mtikme'n't]arfv. problemat- Proceri, [prtshe"ri] m. pi. granmagistrates in Athens




Privazione. Privajo, [privd'y] m. watercloset, necessary. Privamente, [privme'n't] m. privation. Privanza, [privn'ds] /. strict intimacy, familiarity. Privare, [priv're'] v. a. to deprive, bereave; Privarsi, v. r. to deprive one's self, abstain from. Privata, [priv't] f. sewer,


(ness. dees, [probi e'm'tik] Procerit,[prtshe'rit']/'. greatProcero, [prtshe"r] adj. tall. adj. problematical. Problemino, [prble'mi'n] m. Processare, [prtshe'ss're'Jv.a. & n. to sue, begin a law-suit problem easily solved.

Probo, [pr'b]
est; upright.

adj. good,


impeach. Processetto, [prtshe'sse't't] m.

little law-suit.



Processionalmente, [prtshe'ssinlme'n'te'jadr .in procession.

Procaccevole, [prktshe"vle']
adj. industrious.

Privatamente, [privtmn't]
adv. privately, in particular as a private person. Privativa, [privti'v] f. patent


Privativamente , [privtivme'n't] adv exclusively.


Privativo, [privti'v] adj. privative, exclusive.

Privato, [priv't] adj. private, particular; -, wi. privy, watercloset.

Processionare, [prtshe'ssin'Procaccia, [prk'tsh]m.letter- r] V. n. to go in procession. Processione, [prtshe'ssi'n] f. carrier, postman. Procacciamento , [prktsha- procession. me'n't] in. procuring, procure- Processivo, [prtshe'ssi'v] adj. progressive. ment. Procacciante , [prktshan'te'] Processo, [prtsh's] m. progress, progression; process, adj. industrious, diligent. Procacciare, [prktsh're'] v. law-suit; far - aduno, to enter a suit against one. a. to procure; try, get, endeavour; Procacciarsi, v. r. Processura, [prtshe'ss'r] f. criminal proceeding. to procure one's self. Procacciatore, [prktsht're'] Procindenza, [prtshmdn'ds] m. industrious man, hard-work- f. inclination to fall, falling down. ing man. Procaccino, [prktshi'n] m. Procinto, [prtshin't] m. precinct, enclosure; essere in to be on the point of.
- di,

Privatore, [privt're'] m. one letter-carrier. that deprives. Procaccio, [prk'tsh] m. proPrivazione , [privtsi'ne'] f. vision; letter-carrier, post-boy; privation, want. (son. mail. Privigno, [privi'n'j m. step- Procace, [prk'tshe'] adj. petPrivilegiare, [privilj'r] v. a. ulant, saucy; arrogant, rash; to privilege, exempt from. wanton. Prvilegiativo, [priviljti'v] Procacetto, [prktshe't't] adj. adj. conferring privilege. rather presumptuous, somePrivilegio, [privil'j] m. priv- what self-conceited. ilege, special grant exemp- Procacit, [prktshit'] f. saution. ciness, petulance, wantonness. Privo, [pri'v] adj. deprived of; Proccura, [prkk'r] f. procu;

Proclama, [prkl'm]
clamation, ban.
to proclaim, publish.



Proclamare, [prklam're']


prone; -, m. slope; propensity, inclination. Proclivit, [prklivit'J /. declivity; propension. Proco, [prk] to. suitor, wooer,

gallant. Procojo, [prko'y] to. herd of ration; poAver of attorney. less. Proccuragione, [prkkrj'ne'] black cattle. Frizzato, .[prits't] adj. spot- f. procuration; office of at- Proconsolare , [prknsl're'] ted, speckled. adj. proconsular. torney. Pro, [pr'] adj. valiant, bold, Proccurare, [prkkr're'] v. a. Proconsolato, [prknsl't] courageous; -, m. utility, prof m. proconsulship. to procure act as attorney it, advantage ; o che - ? of transact; Proccueabsi, v. r. Proconsolo, [prkn'sl] to. what use? to what purpose? to get; send for. proconsul; pescare per il -, to senza -, without profit, use- Proccuratore, [prkkrt're'] labor in vain. lessly, idly Procrastinare, [prkrstina're'] dare il buon -, to m. solicitor attorney. congratulate, wish well. Proccurazione, [prkkrtsi'- V. a. to procrastinate, delay, Proavo , [pr'v] Proavolo, ue'] f. care, charge, office; pro- put off. [pr'vlj TO. great grand Procrastinatore, [prkrstincuration. father. Proccureria, [prkkre'ri'] f. t're'] TO. procrastinator. Procrastinazione, [prkrstinProbabile, [prb'bile'] adj. pro- attorney's profession. bable, likely. Procedere, [prtsh'de're'] v. n. tsi'ne'] f. procrastination, deProbabilit, [probabilit'] Pro- irr. {see Cedere) to proceed, go lay, dilatoriness. babilitade, Probabilitate, /" forward, continue issue, result; Procreamento, [prkrmn't] probability, likelihood. TO. generation, production. conduct one's self. Probabilmente, [prbbilmn'- Procedimento, [prtshe'dimn'- Procreare, [prkre'a're'] v. a. to t] adv. probably. procreate, produce beget. t] m. proceeding, procedure, Procreatore, [prkrt're'l to. Probativo, progress; conduct. [prbti'v] adj proving. Procedura , [prtshe'd'ra] /. Procreatrice, [prkre'tri'tsh] Probazione, [prbtsi'ne'] f. manner of proceeding. f. procreator, producer. probation; proof. Procella, [prtsh'l] f. storm, Procreazione, [prkre'tsi'ne'] production. Probit, [probit'] Probitade, tempest, hurricane; peril. f. generation, Probitate, {. probity, honesty, Procellipide, [prtshllipi'de'] Procurare, [prkr're] &c.,e*





adj. swift as a storm.

Proccurare &c.




procuro, [prk'r]m.seeProc- Produzione, [prdtsi'ne'j f. Profezia, [prfe'tsi']/'.prophecy, prediction. production; fruit. curazone. proda, [pr'd] /. bank, shore; Proemiale, [pre'mi'le'] adj. pre- Profferare,[prflFe'r're']see Profferire. liminary, introductory. eds^e; prow. Prode, [pr'd] adj. 'bravo, val- Proemialmente, [pre'miline'n'- Profiferenza, [prffe'rn'ds] f. uttering, pronunciation; offer. te'] adv. by way of introduciant, courageous; -, m. profit (see Pro).


Profferere, [prff're'rJseeProf-

and ferire. [pre'mi're'] Proemizzare , [pre'mits're'] Profferibile, [prffe'ri'bil] adj. to coast. utterable, expressible. prodemente [prde'me'n'te'j adv. V. a. to preface, introduce. Proemio, [pr'mi] m. preface, ProfiFerimento, [prffe'rime'n't] bravely, valiantly, boldly.
prodezza, [prodet'sa]/. bravery,
prowess. Prodiero, [prdi'r] m. beadrower. prodigalit, [prodigalit'] Prodigalitade, Prodigalitate, /. prodigality, waste. Prodigalizzare, [prdiglids're'] V. a. to squander, lavish.

Prodeggiare, [prddj're'] v.n. Proemiare,

m. uttering, pronunciation. introduction. Profanamente, [prfnme'n'te'] Profferire, [prffe'ri're'] v. a.

adv. profanely.

Profanamento, [prfnme'n't] m. profaning, profanation.

to utter, pronounce ; declare, show; Pkofferiesi, v.r. to offer one's


Profanare, [prfan'r] v. o. to Profferitore, [prffe'rit'r] m. utterer; profferer. profane; abuse. Profanatore, [prfnt're'] m. Profferta, [prffr't] f. offer, Profanatrice, [prfantri'tshe'] offering.

Proffilare, [prffil're'] v. a. to Prodigalmente, [prdiglme'n'- f. profaner, violator. [prdig- Profanazione, [prfnatsi'ne'] paint in profile. te'] Prodigamente, Proffllo, [prffi'l] m. profile, me'n't] adv. profusely, lavish/. profanation. Profanit [profanit'] f. pro- side-face. lyProflciente, [prfitshfn'te'] adj. prodigio, [prdi'ji] m. prodigy, faneness; impiety. Profano, [prf'n] adj. pro- proficient; -, m. adept. wonder. [prdijsaProficuo, [prfi'k] adj. profProdigiosamente fane, impious. feed of itable, advantageous. Profenda, [prfn'd] me'n't] adv. prodigiously.
, , /".

Prefigurato, [prfigr't] adj. Prodigiosit, [prdijsit'] f. oats provender. prodigiousness. Profondare, [prfe'nd're'] v. a. compared. Profilatura , [prfilt'r] f. Prodigioso, [prdij's] adj. pro- to give a feed of oats &c. Preferenza, [prfrn'ts] f. profile. digious, wonderful. Profilo, [profilo] &c., see ProfProdigo, [pr'dig] adj. prod- ofi'er. igal;-, m. prodigal, lavisher, Proferire, [prfe'ri'r] &c., see filo &c.


ProfTerire &c.

Proditore, [prdit'r] m. trai


Professa, [prf's]


nun that

Profittabile, [prfitt'bil] adj. profitable, advantageous, use


ful. has professed. [proditria Professare, [prfe'ss're'] v. a. Profittabilmente, [prfittabil me'n'te'] adv. profitably. me'n'te'] adv. traitorously, perto profess teach publicly. Professatamente , [prfsst- Profittare, [prfitt're'J v. n. to fidiously. Proditorio, [prdit'ri] adj. mn'te'] adv. professedly, pub- profit, be useful. Profittevole, [prfitte"vle'] see treacherous, perfidious. licly.







treason, perfidy. see Professore. Professione, [prfe'ssi'ne'] Prode, [pr'd] see Prode. /. Prodomo, [prd'm] m. super- profession ; calling ; trade intendant of the hospital of religious order. the knights of Malta. Professo, [prf's] m. proProdotto, [prdt't] m. pro- fessed monk, ex professo, adv. duct, produce; gain. fully, amply. Prodromo, [pr'drmjm. precur- Professore, [prfe'ss're'] m. prosor, introduction, preface. fessor, public lecturer. producere, [prd'tshe're'J see Professoriale, [prfssri'le'] Produrre. adj. relating to professors (said Producibile, [prdtshi'biljadj. of salary). producible. Profetale, [prfe'tTe'] adj. of a Jroducmento, [prdtshirae'n'- prophet, prophetical.

Profittevolmente, [prfitte'vlme'n'te'] adv. advantageously. Profitto, [prfit't] m. profit, advantage ; progress, proficiency.

t] m. producing, production. Profetare, [prfe't're'] ProfeProducitore , [prdtshit're'] teggiare, [prfte'dj'r] Pro-




fetezzare, [prfe'tts'r] v. to prophesy, foretel.


authoress. Profetazione , [prfe'ttsi'ne'] produrre, [prdr're'] v. a. irr. f. prophecying. (see Addurre) te produce yield, Profetessa, [prft's] f. proph;

cause. etess. Produttibile,(prdttibi'le']arfj. Profeticamente[prfe'tikme'n'producible. te'] adv. prophetically. irr. (see Fondere) to pour out. Produttivo, [prdtti'v] adj. Profetico, [prf'tik] adj. pro- Profondit, [profondit'] Proproductive. phetical, prophetic. fonditade, Profonditate, f. produttore , [prdutt'r] see Profetizzare , [prfe'tids're'] profundity, depth. Producitore. see Profetare. Profondo, [prfn'd] adj. pro-

Profluvio, [proflvio] m. overabundance ; flux ; flowing flow of words. Profonda, [prfn'd] ee Profondit. Profondamente, [prfndame'n't] adv. profoundly. Profondamento , [prfndame'n't] m. sinking down. Profondare, [prfnd'r] v. a. to divo into; sound, sift; -,v.n. to sink; perish Profondassi, V. r. to sink to the bottom. Profondatamente, [prfndtmeVte'] adv. very deeply. Profondazione, [prfndatsi'ne'] f. digging, excavation. Profondere, [prfn'ddr] v. a.
; ;

found, deep, low; -, adv. profoundly, deeply; -, m. profundity, depth; bottom. Profugo, [pr'fug] adj. fugitive; -, m. fugitive. Profumamento, [prfmame'n't] m. perfuming, scenting;



Proi- Prominenza, prminn'ds] pro- prominence, protuberance.

Proibitore, [pribit're']


bitrice, [proibitri'tsh] hibiter, forbidder.





Promiscuamente, [prmiskmnte] adv. promiscuously.


Profumare, [prfdm'r]
to perfume, scent.

v. a.

Promiscuit , [prmiskit'] prohibition, forbiddance. Projetto,[pry't]m. projectile. Promiscuitade, PromiscuitaProj ottura , [prytt'ra] and te, /. promiscuousness , conProiezione, [prytsi'ne'] f. fusion. Promiscuo, [prmis'k] adj. jutting out. Prolagare, [prlg're'] &c., see promiscuous.

ari t'.

Promissione, [prmissi'ne'] /. [prfmt- Prologare &c. promise; permission. delicately, nicely. Prolatore, [prlt're'] m. proPromissorio, [prmiss'ri] adj. Profumatuzzo, [prfmat'ts] nouncer; editor. Prelazione, [prltsi'ne'] f. ut- promissory. m. dandy, spark, lion. Promobile , [prmbi'le'] adj. profumeria, [prfme"ria] /. terance, pronunciation. Prole, [pr'le'] f. offspring, is- exchangeable. perfumer's shop. Promontorietto , [prmntriProfumico, [prf'mik] see sue; race; children. Prolegomeno, [prle'g'me'n] e't't] m. little promontory. Profumo. Promontorio, [prmnt'ri] m. Profumiera, [prfmi'r] f. m. introductory discourse. perfuming- Prolifico, [prli'fikjac/j prolific, promontory. perfuming-vase , Promotore, [prmt're']m.Profruitful. pan. Profumiere, [prfmi're'] m. Prolissamente, [prlissmn'te'] motrice, [prmtri'tsh]/. properfumer. moter, forwarder. adv. with prolixity. Profumino, [prfmi'n] m. per- Prolissit, [prolissit'] Prolis- Promovere, [prm've're'] v. a. fuming-pan, smelling bottle; sitade, Prolssitate, f. prolix- irr. {see Movere) to promote, advance; further, move; spur, dandy, spark, lion. ity, diffusion. Profumo, [prf'm] m. perfume. Prolisso, [prlis's] adj. prolix, animate. Profumoso, [prfm's] adj. diffuse; tedious. Promovimento, [prmvimeVperfumed. Prologare, [prlg're'] v. a. to to] m. promotion, advancement; Profusamente, [prfsme'n'te'] speak a prologue. incitement. adv. profusely, lavishly. Prologatore, [prlgt're'] and Promovitore, [prmvit're'j see Profusione, [prfsi'ne'] /.pro- Prologhista, [prlghi'st] m. Promotore. fusion, lavishness. Promozione, [prmtsi'ne'] /. speaker of a prologue. Profuso, [prof's] adj. profuse; Prologhetto, [prlghe't't] promotion, advancement; in-


short prologue.
V. a.


Progenerare, [prje'ne'r're']

to be the origin of a stock. Progenia, [prj'ni] Progenie, [prj'nij f. progeny , offspring.




progenitor, ancestor. Progenitrice, [prje'nitri'tshe'] f. foremother, ancestor. Progettare, [prjtt'r] v. a. to project; Tpia,n; strada ferrata progettata, f. projected railway Progetto, [prj't] m. project,
plan, idea.

lude, flourish. descendants, pi. Proluvie, [prl've'] /. flood, Prono, [pr'nj adj. prone, inPrognosticare, [prn'stik're'] inundation. clined. &c., see Pronosticare &c. Promere, [pr'mre'] t>. a. to de- Pronome, [prn'me'] m. proProgramma, [prgrm'm] m. clare, disclose, show. noun. program, prospectus. Promessa, [prm's] /. prom- Pronominale , [prnmina'le'J Progredire, [prgre'di'r] v. n. ise; bail. adj. pronominal. to advance, proceed. Promessione, [prme'ssi'ne'] /. Pronominato , [prnmin't] Progressione, [prgre'ssi'ne'] f. promise; permission. adj. renowned, famous. progression, process, advance. Promettere, [prmt'te're'] v.a. Pronosticamento, [prnstikaProgressivamente, [prgre'ssi- irr. {see Mettere) to promise; me'n't] m. Pronosticanza , vmn'te'] adv. progressively. pledge one's word; Promet- [prnstikn'ds] /. prognostiProgressivo, [progressivo] adj. tersi, V. r. to promise one's cating, prediction; foretoken. progressivo, advancing. self; offer one's self. Pronosticare , [prnstika'r] Progresso, [prgr's] m, prog- Promettimento, [prme'tti'men'- V. a. to prognosticate, foreress, advancement. t] m. promise. tel. Proibire, [pribi're'] v. a. to Promettitore [prme'ttit're'] Pronosticatore, [prnstikt', prohibit, forbid. m. one that promises. m. prognosticator, forere'] Proibitivo, [pribiti'v] adj. Prominente, [prminn'te'] adj. teller. prohibitory. prominent, protuberant. Pronosticazione, [prnstika(bird).

Progiudicare , [prjidik'r] &c., see Pregiudicare &c. Progne, [prVe'J /. a swallow

Prologizzare, [prljits're'] v a. to write or speak a prologue Proloquio , [prl'kui] m. an axiom. Prologo, [prl'gu] m. prologue. Prolungamento, [prlngmn't] i. prolongation, delay. Prolungare, [prlng'r] v. a. to prolong, defer, delay. Prolungatamente, [prlngtme'n't] adv. diffusedly. Prolungazione, [prlngtsi'ne'] f. prolongation, delay. Prolungatore, [prlngat're'] m. a delayer. Prolusione, [prolsi 'ne'] /".pre-

Promulgare, [prmlga're']

v. a.

to promulgate, proclaim, divulge. Promulgatore, [prmlgt're']

m. promulgator. Promulgazione, [prmlgtsi'ne'] /.

[prm've're'] see





Promutare, [prmt'r] see Permutare &c.


pote, [prnip'te']

Pronim. greatgrand-nephow; Pronipoti, pi.

tsi'ne]/. prognostication, foretelling.



Propendere, [prpn'de'r] v. Proporzionatore, [prprtsin. to propend incline he nt're'J m. one that propor,

Pronostico, [prn'stik] m. partial to, ho disposed to loan. tions. prognostic, token; adj. prog- Propensamento , [prpns- Proporzione, [prprtsi'ne'] f. nosticating. mn't] m. premeditation. proportion, agreement. Prontamente , [prntme'n'te'] Propensione, [prpe'nsi'ne] f. Proporzionevole , [prprtsiadv. promptly, quickly. propensity, inclination. n'vl] adj. proportionate, fit. Prontare, [prnta're'] v. a. to Propenso, [prpe'n's] adj. in- Proporzionevolmente, [prprimportune, urge Prontarsi, clined. tsine'vlme'n'te'] adv. propor;

V. r. to strive, try.

Propiamente, [prpime'n't]see



Propositivo, [prpsiti'v] adj. Propriamente. titudine, [prntit'dine'] f. Propiet, [prpie't'] &c., see apt to propose. promptitude, readiness; quick- Propriet &c. Proposito, [prp'sit] m. inness, vivacity. Propina, [prpi'n] f. fees (for tention, purpose; subject; Pronto, [prn't] adj. ready, at a doctor's degree &c.), pi. question; motive, reason; a-, hand quick, speedy, hasty Propinare, [prpina'r] v. a. to seasonably, on the subject of; hold; - all' ira, irascible. drink the health of, drink a con -, on purpose, intentionfprnte't's]

Pronuba, [pr'nba]

ally. toast to. (man. Propinquamente, [prpinkw Propositura, [prpsit'r] /. Pronubo, [pr'nh] m. hride- rae'n't] adv. hard by, close provostship, rectorship. Pronunciare , [prnntsh're'] to. Proposizione, [prpsitsi'n] f. &c., see Pronunziare &c. Propinquit, [prpinkwit']Pro- proposition, proposal; saying, Pronunzia, [prnn'tsi.] /'.pro- pinquitade, Propinquitate, f. maxim, axiom. nunciation. Proposta, [prp'st] f. propopropinquity, nearness. Pronunzlamento, [prnutsi- Propinquo, [prpin'kw] adj. sition argument, motion. me'n't] m. utterance; delivery. near; related, allied Propin- Propostato , [prpst't] m. Pronunziare, [prnntsi're'] v. QTTi, pi. relatives, relations, pi. provostship. Propio, fpr'pi]see Proprio, &c. Proposto, [prp'st] m. puro. to pronounce. Pronunziativo, [prnntsiti'- Propiziare, [prpitsi'r] v. a. pose; subject; provost, rector. v] adj. pronunciative. to propitiate. Propreso, [prpr's] m. enPronunziatore, [pTnntsit'- Propiziatore, [prpitsit're'] m. closure, compass (little used). r] m. pronouncer. Propriamente, [prprime'n't] propitiator. Pronunziazione , [prnntsia- Propiziatorio, [prpitsit'ri] adv. properly, fitly, exactly. tsi'ne'] f. pronunciation, dePropriet, [propriet'] Proprieadj. propitiatory. livery. Propiziazione , [prpitsitsi'- tade, Proprietate, f. property, Propagabile, [propagaTjile'] adj. n] f. propitiation, atonement. essential quality ; ownership, prop ag able. Propizio, [prpi'tsi] ailj. pro- possession, estate. Propagamento, [prpagmeV- pitious, favorable. Proprietario, [prprie't'ri] m. proprietor, owner. t] m. propagation. Propol, [pr'pli] m. propolis. Propaganda, [prpagn'da] f. Proponere , [prp'ne're'j see Proprio, [pr'pri] adj. proper, propaganda. own, peculiar; fit; amor -, m, Proporre. Propagare, [prpg're'] v. a. Proponibile, [prpnihi'le'] adj. self-love, selfishness; -, adv. to propagate, disseminate, mul- proposable. properly, precisely, exactly -, tiply; Propagarsi, v. r. to he Proponimento, [prpniraeVt] m. property, peculiar quality, propagated, he extended. m. purpose, intent, resolution. essential attribute; possession. Propagatore, [prpgt're'] m. Proponitore, [prpnit'r] m. Propugnacolo, [prpn"'kl] propagator, spreader. Propugnaculo , [prpu''kproposer. Propagazione, [prpgtsi'ne'J Proporre, [prpr're'] v. a. irr. l] m. rampart, bulwark. {see Porre) to propose, intend; Propugnare, [prpn''r] v. a. f. propagation. Propagginamento , [prpdji- resolve. to defend, vindicate. nme'n't] m. propagation by Proporzionabile , [prprtsi- Propugnatore, [prpn't're'] layers, provining. m. defender; supporter. nhile'] adj. proportionable.
; ;


Propagginare, [prpdjin're'] Proporzionabilmente, [prpr- Propugnazione, [prpn'tsi'V. a, to propagate by layers, ne'] f. defence; guard. tsinbilme'n't] adv. proporprovine; fig. to spread, di- tionahly. Propulsare, [prpls're'] v. a,

Proporzionale, [prprtsin'le']

to repel, repulse.

Propagginazione, [prpdjintsine']

adj. proportional.


vine-shoots, Proporzionalit, [prprtsin





lit'] Proporzionalitade, Pro porzionalitate, /. proportion-

Propulsatore , [prplst're'] m. repeller. Proquojo, [prku'y] m. herd

of black cattle, fold. Prora, [pr'r] /. prow, stern (of a ship). Proroga, [pr'rg] /". prorogation, putting off. Prorogare, [prrg're'] v. a. to prorogue, put off. Prerogativa, [prrgti'v] f. arrogance, insolence. Prorogazione, [prrgtsi'ne'] f. prorogation.

vine- layer; ten- ality. dril, scion; offspring. Proporzionalmente , [prpr Propalare, [prpl'r] v. a. to tsinlme'n'te'] adv. proportiondivulge, disclose. ally. Propalatore, [prplt're'] m. Proporzionare, [prprtsina'divulger ; publisher. r] V. o. to proportion, adjust. Propalazione, [prplatsi'ne'] Proporzionatamente, [prprtsinatame'n't] adv. proporf. the act and effect of divulging. tionately. Prope , [pr'pe] adv. near, Proporzionato, [prprtsin' hard by. t] add, proportioned.





. irr. (see



v. a.

[prstrtsi'nc] , prostration, dejection. Prosumere, [prs'mre'] &c., see Prosumere &c. Presuntuoso, [prsnt's] &c. see Presuntuoso &c. Prosuocero, [prstshe"rl *n. father or mother in law's father. Protasi, [pr'tsi] f. poes., protasis, prologue.

Rompere) to burst Prosperare,


out, break forth.

n. to prosper, thrive.

lan't j


[prrmpi- Prosperazione, [prspe'ratsi', ne'] f. prosperity, success. bursting forth




adj. prosperous, lucky. Prosa, [pr's] f. proso. [prspre'Prosaico, [prsa'ik] adj. pro- Prosperevolmente saic. vlme'n'te'] adv. with success, Prosaismo , [prsi'sm] m. happily. ^ Prosperit, [prspe'rit'] Proprosaic manner. Prosapia, [prs'pi] f. pro- speritade , Prosperitate , f prosperity, success; stoutness. Proteggere, [prt'dje're'] v. a. geny, lineage, family. Prosare, [prs'r] v. a. & n. Prospero, [pr'spe'r] adj. pros- irr. [protessi; protetto) to probanter, perous, lucky, favorable, pro- tect, defend; favor, patroto write in prose
, ;





Prosastico, [prs'stik] adj. in Prosperosamente, [prspe'rs- Proteggitore,[prtdjit'r] see prose, prosaic. me'n't] adv. successfully, hap- Protendere, [prtn'de'r] v. a. irr. (see Tendere) to stretch, Prosatore, [prsat're'jm. prosewriter; fig. prosy fellow. Prosperoso, [prspe'r's] adj. stretch out, widen; Protendersi, V. r. to stretch one's Proscenio, [prsh'ni] m. {tht.) prosperous; stout; lusty. self. proscenium. Prospettare, [prsptt're'] v. Prosciogliere, [prshTe're'] v. a. to take a prospective view. Protervamente, [prte'rvame'n't] adv. insolently, frowardly. a.irr.{see Sciogliere) to absolve, Prospettiva, [prspe'tti'va] f. Protervia, [prtr'vi] Proterdeliver. perspective. Prosciogligione, [prsbrij'- Prospettivista, [prspttivi'st] vit, [prtrvit'J Protervitade, Protervitate, f. arrogance, n] f. Proscioglimento, [pr- m. painter of perspectives. shrime'n'tj m. absolution Prospettivo, [prspe'tti'v] adj. insolence, frowardness. delivery, at a distance Protervo, [prtr'v] adj. arroprospective gant, froward, wrongheaded, Prosciorre , [prsbr're'] see distant. Prosciogliere. Prospetto, [prsp't] m. pros- saucy. Proteso, [prte"s] m. extension Prosciugare, [prshg're'] v. pect, view. a. to dry up, exhaust. Prossimamente, [prossimame'n'- in length and width. Prosciutto, [prshut't] m.liam. te'] adv. next, just now. Protesta, [prt'st] ProtestaProscrivere, [prskri'vr] v. Prossimano, [prssim'n] adj. gione, [prtstj'n] and Protestazione, [prtsttsi'n] f. a. irr. [see Scrivere) to pronear; related. scribe, banish. Prossimare, [prssima're'] v. a. protestation, declaration. Protestante, [prtstn't] adj. Proscrizione, [prskritsi'ne'] f. to approach. proscription, banishment. Prossimit, [prossimit'] Pros- & m. Protestant. Prosecuzione, [prse'ktsi'ne'] simitade , Prossimitate , f. Protestare, [prte'st're'] v. a. [pr- proximity, nearness; relation- to protest; declare. f. and Proseguimento, Protestatorio, [prte'stt'ri] se'girae'n't] m. following ship. prosecution. Prossimo, [pr'sim] adj. next, adj. appertaining to protestaProseggiare, [prse'dj're'] v. a. near; contiguous; neighbour- tion. to write prose. ing; akin, related; -, m. neigh- Protesto, [prt'st] j. protestation excuse , Proseguire, [prse'gui're'J Pro- bour ; fellow-creature. pretence seguitare, [prsgttita'r] v. Prostendere, [prstn'de're'] v. (merch.) protest. a. to prosecute, pursue; follow, a. irr. (see Tendere) to cast Protettorato, [prte'ttr't] i. protectorate. go on. flat upon the ground; stretch; Proselito, [prse'li't] m. pros- Peostendersi, v. r. to stretch Protettore, [prte'tt're'J m. proelyte, convert. one's self flat upon the ground, tector, defender. Protettrice, [prte'ttri'tshe'J f, Prosista, [prsi'st] m. a prose- prostrate one's self. writer. Prosternarsi, [prste'rnr'si] v. protectress, patroness. Protezione , [prte'tsi'ne'] f. Prosodia, [prsdi'] f. pros- r. to be terrified. ody. Prosternazione,[prstrntsi'- protection, defence, support. Proto, [pr't] m. chief, head; Prosodico , [prs'dik] adj. ne'] /. prostration. prosodical. Prosternere, [prstr'ne'r] v. first artist (print.) foreman. Presone, [prs'ne'] m. prosy a. irr. (prosteso) to prostrate, Protocollo, [prtk'l] m. profellow. overthrow, strike down; Puo- tocol; registry book. Prosontuosetto, [prsntsf- STEBNERSi, V. r. to prostrate Protomartire , [prtmr'tire'] m. protomartyr. t] adj. rather presumptuous. one's self, sprawl; fall dov/n. Prosontuosit, [prsntsit'] Prestito, [prsti'tj m. a temple Protomedico, [prtme'dik] m. Prosontttositade, Prosontuo- having columns before and first physician. Protonoe, [prtn'e'] m, emsitate, /. presumption. behind. Prosontuoso, [prsnt's] adj. Prostituire, [prstiti're'] v. a. pyreura, highest heaven. presumptuous; bold. Protonotariato, [prtntri'to prostitute. Prosopopea, [prspp'] f. Prostituzione, [prstittsi'ne'] t] m. prothonotaryship. prostitution, degradation. Protonotario , [prtnt'ri] prosopopea, personification. f. Prospera, [prsp'r] f. stand Prostrare, [prstr'r] v. a. to m. prothonotary. prostrate, cast flat down de- Prototipo, [prt'tip] adj. origfor placing books in a choir. Prosperamente, [prspe'raran'- base; Pbostkarsi, v. r. to inal, primordial; -, m. prototype, original. prostrate one's self. te'] od, prosperously.
, , ;

Protraere, [prtra'r] Protrar-



me'n'te'] adv. in the manner of Provveditoria, [prve'ditri'] the Provenfals. re, [prtrr'r] v. a. irr. (see f. see Provveditorato. Trarr) to draw lines &c.; pro- Proverbiale, [prve'rbia'le'] adj. Provvedutamente, [prve'dtmn't] adv. prudently, warily. tract, lengthon; sketch. proverbial. Protraimento, [prtrime'n't] Proverbialmente, [prve'rbil- Provveduto, [prve'd'tc] adj, provident. and Protrazione, [prtrtsi'- mn't] adv. proverbially. n] f. protraction; drawing Proverbiare, [prve'rbi're'] v. Provvidamente, [prvi'dame'n't] arfu. providently, prudently. lines. a. to reprimand, scold; scoflP; Protuberanza, [prtbe'rn'ds] -, V. 11. to speak in proverbs. Provvidente, [prvidn't] adj.
f. protuberance, tumor. Protuberare, [prtbr're']


n. to jut out.

proof, experiProva, [pr'v] ment, ossay; proof-sheet; wit/".

ness; dispute, debate; prowess;

-, as as possible; far -, to scornful, abusive. take root; succeed; mettere a -, Proverbista, [prove'rbi'st] m. to put to the trial. a collector of proverbs. Provabile, [prv'bile] &c., see Provetto, [prve't't] adj. adProbabile &c. vanced in years, old. Provamento, [prvame'n't] m. Provevole, [prve'v'le'j adj. proof, sign; evidence. probable. Provano, [prv'n] adj. stub- Provianda, [prvin'd] f. vicborn, obstinate (little used). tuals, provisions of food, pi. Provare, [prv'r] v. a. to Providamente, [prvidmn't] try, taste; prove, demonstrate; adv. providently. bo sensible of. Previdenza, [prvidn'dsa] ProProvatamente, [prvatme'n'te'j videnzia , [prvidn'dsi] f. adv. by proof. providence, forecast; proviProvati vo , [prvti'v] ailj. sion. proving. Provide, [pr'vid] adj. pruProvatore, [prvt'r] m. trier, dent, careful, cautious. attempter. Provnca, [prvin'k] /. lot., Provatura, [prvt'r] f. kind periwinkle. (vince, region. of cheese. Provincia, [prvin'tsh] f. proProvazione, [prvtsi'ne'] f. Provincialato, [prvintshl't] proof, experiment, trial; witm. provincialship. ness. Provinciale, [prvintsh'le'] adj. Provecciarsi, [prve'tshr'si] v. provincial. r. to take advantage of (little Provincietta, [prvintshe't't] /. used). small province.


on purpose; a tutta

Proverbiatore, [prvdrbit'r] prudent, wary. Provvidentemente, [prvide'nTO. reprehender, reprover. Proverbio, [prvr'bijm. prov- tme'n't] see Provvidamente. Provvidenza, [prvidn'dsjsee erb; injury, outrage. (vido. Proverbiosamente, [prve'rbi- Previdenza. Provvido, [pr'vid] see Prosame'n't] adv. scornfully. Proverbioso, [prve'rbi's] adj. Provvigione , [prvij'n] see


Provvisare, [prvisa're'] v. a. to make extempore verses. Provvisatore, [prvi'st're'] m. composer of impromptus. Provvisionale, [prvisina'le'J
adj. provisional.



nalmn't] adv. provisionally. Provvisionare, [prvisin'r] V. a. to give a pension. Provvisionato, [prvisin't] adj. pensionary. Provvisione , [prvisi'n] f. provision; pension; {merch.) commission; resolution, decree;

per modo di -.provisionally.

Provvisioniero, [prvisini'r] TO. purveyor, victualler. [proviso] to. Provviso , im-


(little used).




Provveditore. Provvista, [prvi'st]


Provvedimento. Provvisto, [prvi'st] add. prepared, ready.

Proveccio, [prv'tsh] m. pro- Provocamento , [prvkmeVfit, gain (little used). t] TO. provocation, stirring up. Provedente, [prve'dn'te'] adj. Provocare, [prvok're'] v. a. provident, cautious, careful. to provoke, rouse. Provedere, [prve'd'r] &c.,see Provocatamente , [prvktProvvedere &c. rae'n't] adv. provocatively. Provegnente, [pro ve'n'n'te'] adj Provocativo, [prvkati'vj adj. proceeding, arising, coming. provocative. Provenda, [prvn'd] f. prov- Provocatore, [prvkt're'] m. ender, food, provisions. provoker, rouser. Provenienza, [prve'nin'ds] f. Provocazione, [prvktsi'ne']
derivation, origin.

Prua, [pru']
a ship).





Prudente, [prdn'te']
dent, discreet.


Prudentemente,[prde'nte'me'n't] adv. prudently, discreetly. Prudenza, [prdn'dsa] f. prudence, circumspection; wis-

Prudenziale, [priide'ntsi'le']af/j.

provocation, stirring up.

Provenimento, [prve'nirae'n't] Prevosto, [prv'st] see Pro- Prudenzialmente, [prde'ntsilm. success, result. posto. me'n'te'] adv. with prudence. Provenire, [prve'ni're'J v. n. Provvedente, [prve'dn'te'] adj. Prudere, [pr'de'r] v. n. to
provident, providing. itch, smart. Provvedenza,[prvdn'ds]see Prudore, [prd're'] to. PruduProvento, [prvn't] m. rent, Provvidenza. ra, [prd'r] /. itching, pruincome, revenue. Provvedere, [prvede"r] v. a. riency. Proventuale, [prve'nt'le'J m. irr. {see Vedere) to provide, Prueggiare, [pre'dj're'] v. n. rent-collector. take care reward, pay. mar., to haul the wind. Provenzaleggiare, [prve'nts- Provvedimento, [prve'dime'n'- Prueggio, [pr'dj] m. mar., ldja'r] v. a. to imitate the t] TO. care, carefulness, pre- steering of the prow. manners and speech of the caution. Prugna, [pr'n'] f. plum; pruProven9als. Provveditorato, [prve'ditra'- gne secche, pi. prunes, pi. Provenzalismo, [prve'ntsli'- t] m. employ or office of pur- Prugno, [pr'n'] m. plum-troo. sm] m. manners &c. of the veyor. Prugnola, [pr'n'l] f. sloe. Proven9als. Provveditore, [prve'dit're'] m. Prugnolo, [pr'n'lj m. black;

irr. {see Venire) to ceed, come, arise.

grow, pro-

Provenzalmente ,


purveyor, furnisher.





Pugnello, [pn''l]

Frugnuolo, [prn''I] m. cham- Pubblicista, [pbblitshi'st] m. publicist. pignon (mushroom). Pruina, [pri'n] f. hoar-frost. Pubblicit, [pbblitshit'] PubPruinoso, [prin's] adj. cov- blicitade,Pubblicitate, /.publicity. ered with hoai'-frost. Pubblico, [pb'blik] adj. pubPruna, [pr'n] see Prugna. Prunaja , [prn'y] /. Pru- lic, known; -, m. public. najo, [prn'y] m. place set Pubert, [pubert'] Pubertade, Pubertate, f. puberty. with plum-trees. Pruname, [prn'me'] m. place Pubescente, [pbe'shn'te'J adj. pubescent. full of thorns and briers. Prunata, [prn't] /. a thorn- Publico, [p'blik] &c., see



Pugnentemente.fpn'e'nte'me'n't] adv. sharply. Pugner, IpVe'r] v. a. irr. {punsi; punto) to sting, prick; pique; vex.



adj. pricking, sharp.


m. a

Pugnetto, [pn't't] m. sting;

incentive; handful. small branch Pugnimento, [pn'imn't] m. for grafting. stinging, pricking; compuncsmall bramble. Prunella, [prnl] f. wall- Puccetto, [ptsh't] m. fist, tion. blow given with the hand Pugniticcio, [pn'iti'tsh] m. wort. goad; incentive. Prunelle, [prn'l] m. black- closed. Pudicamente, [pdikme'n'te'] Pugnitivo, [pun'iti'vo] adj. punthorn. gent; sharp. Pruneto, [priine"t] m. thorny- adv. in a chaste manner. Pudicizia, [pditshi'tsi] f. pu- iPugnitopo, [pn'it'p]m. small bush. holly-oak. Pruno, [priVn] m. thorn, black- dicity, chastity. thorn, bramble; -6ianco, white- Pudico, [pdi'k] adj. chaste, [Pugnitura, [piin'it'r] seePuntura. modest; virtuous. thorn. Prunoso, [prn's] adj. thorny, Pudore, [pd're'J m. modesty, jPugno, [pV] m. (pugni, pudecency. (childish. gna, pi.) fist; cufi", fisticuff; briery. Puerile, [pue'ri'le'] adj. puerile, handful; hand-writing; fare a' Pruova, [pr'v] see Prova. Prurigine, [prri'jin] /. pru- Puerilit, [pe'rilit'] /".childish- pugni, fare alle pugna, to box,

Pubblico &c.

Pruneggiuolo, [prne'djl] m. Puca, [pu'ka]


ness. riency, itching. [pe'rilme'n'te'] Pruriginoso, [prrijin's] adj. Puerilmente , adv. in a childish way. prurient, itching. Prurire, [prri'r] v. n. to itch. Puerizia, [pue'ri'tsia] /. childishPrurito, [prri't] m. pruriency, ness. itching; fig. longing, desire. iPuero, [pe''r] m. boy, lad. Pruzza, [pru'tsa] /. itching, Puerpera, [pr'pe'r] /. lyingpricking. in woman. Pseudo, [pse''d] m. a lie ; Puerperio, [pe'rp'ri] m.child(used adjectively as an adjunct bed, accouchment. to certain nouns, to indicate .Puga, [p'g] {. a graft. the falsity of the quality they jPugilato, [pjil't] m. boxing. express). Pugile, [p'jil] Pugillatore, m. Pseudottore, [pse'dtt're'j m. [pjillat'r] pugilist , boxer. a sham doctor. Pseudolegista, [pse'dlji'st] iPugillo, [pjil'l] m. pugil ; {med.) pinch, pinch-full. m. a pretended lawyer. Pseudofllosofia, [psudfils'- Pugna, [p'n'] f. fight, comfia] f. false philosophy. bat, battle; debate, quarrel. Pseudonimo, [psdni'm] m. Pugnace, [pn''tsh] adj. pug(said of books published iinder nacious , fond of fighting warlike. a fictitious namo). Pseudopalo, [psdpl] m. a Pugnacementejrpn'tshme'n'false opal. t] adv. pugnaciously. Psicologia, [psiklji'] f. psy- Pugnalacelo, [pn'l'tsh] m.
! i i I


jPugnoro, [pn''r] m. a small

measure of earth. Pugnuolo, [pn''l]

handful. Pula, [p'l]

m. small


husk, hull;


Pulce, [pl'tsh] /. flea. jPulcella, [pltsh'l] f. maid, virgin.



[piiltshe'll'na] f old maid. IPulcelloni, [pltshll'ni] adv. in single blessedness (ironi\


Pulcesecca, [pltshe'sk'k] pinch, pinch-mark. Pulciajo , [pltsh'y] m. dirty hole, place abounding



iPulcina, [pultshi'na]




Psilio, [psi'lio] Psillo, [psil'lo] m. bot., flea-bane, flea-wort. Ptialismo, [ptilis'ra] m. mei.,

f. consumption. Pubblicamente, [pbblikmn*-

Ptisi, [pti'si]

t] adv. publicly.

Pubblicamente, [pbblikme'n'to] m. publication. Pubblicano, [pubblik'n] m.


Pubblicare, [pbblik're']
to publish.

v. a.

Pubblicatore , [pbblikt're'] m. publisher. fighting, battle. Pubblicazione, [pbbliktsi'- Pugnelletto, [pn'e'llt't] o] f. publication. small handful.

jPulcinella, [pltshin'l] m. Punchinello, punch; rubber at whist. Pulcinellata , [pltshine'll'ta] great dagger. Pugnalata, [pn'l't] {. stab /. foolish words or acts. Ipulcinetto , [pltshint't] m with a poniard. Pugnale, [pn''l] m. poniard, young chicken. Pulcino, [pltshi'n] m. young dagger. Pugnaletto , [pn'le't't] m. chicken, small chicken. stiletto, small dagger. (Pulcioso, [pltsh's] adj. full Pugnalone, [pn'l'n] m. large of fleas. |Pulcritudine, [pulkritudi'ne'] f. dagger, great poniard. Pugnare, [pn''re'] v. a. & n. poes., beauty. to fight, combat; attack, op- IPulcro , [pl'kr] adj. poes., pose; dispute. beautiful. Pugnatore, [pn't're'j m. com- Puledretto, [ple'dre't't] and batant, fighter. Puledrino , [pldri'nj m. Pugnazione, [pn'tsi'ne] f. young colt.
j I





Fuledroccio, [ple'dr'tsh] Pu-

ledrotto,[pldrt't] m. large




[punte'dj, me'n't] m. punctuation. Punteggiare, [pntdj're'] v. a. adj. to point, mark the stops.

Punga, [pun'g]



Puledruccio, [pldr'tsli] see


[pnj'l] m. goad , spur, incentive.




Puleggia, [pl'dj]



Punteggiatura, [pntdjtu'r]

f. punctuation. Puntellare, [puntll're'] v. n. peuny-royal; dar [pn'jr] see Pu- to prop, support; stay. gner. away. Puntellino , [punte'lli'n] m. air-bubble Pungetto, [pnjet't] see Pun- prop, support stay; fig. aid. pHlica , [p'lik] f. gello. Puntente, [pntn't] m. sharp(in glass). Pulicaria, fplik'ri] /". hot. Pungiglione , [pnjir'n] m. pointed instrument. flea-wort. sting, flea-bane, goad. Punterella, [pntr'l] f. small Pungiglioso , [pnjir's] adj. point. Pulice, [pu'litshe'] see Pulce. [p'lig] see Pulica. pungent; pointed. Punternoletto, [pnte'rle't't] Puliga, Pulimante , [plimn't] m. Pungimento, [pnjime'n't] see m. small bodkin. exquisite. Pugnimento. Punteruolo, [pnte'r'l] m. boddandy, Pulimento, rplime'n't] m. pol- Pungitivo , adj. kin weevil. [pnjiti'v] polish, gloss. sharp. ishing, pungent, Puntiglio, [pnti'r]m. punctia. clean, to Pungitojo, [pnjit'y]m. spur, lio, point of honor. Pulire, [pli'r] v. polish; give the last finish; goad, sting. Puntiglioso , [pntir's] adj. flatter. Pungitore, [pnjit're'] m. one punctilious. Pulitainente,[plitnie'n'te']adv. who goads or stings. Puntino, [pnti'n] m. small point; a -, exactly. neatly, cleanly; civilly, po- Pungitura,[pujit'r]/". punc Puntiscritto, [pntiskrit't] m. litely. ture. cleanPulitezza, [pulite't'sa] /. Pungolare, [pngl're'] v. a. to initial mark on linen &c. liness, neatness; elegance; pogoad; stimulate. Punto, [pn'to] m. point; stitch; liteness, civility. Pungolo, [pn'gl] m. goad; moment; a -, exactly di - in -, - per -, distinctly; in un -, in clean, Pulito, [pli't] adj. stimulus. refined polished Punibile, [pni'bile'] adj. punish- an instant; a buon -, by good smooth able, reprehensible. polite, gallant terse. luck; a mal -, by ill luck; - inPulitore, [plit'r] m. polisher. Punigione, [pnij'ne'] f. Puni- terrogativo, note of interrogaPnlitura,[plit'r] /'.polishing, mento,[pnimn'tJ wi. punish- tion; essere in -, to be ready; polish; gloss. ment; correction essere in buon -, to be in good Pulizia, [plitsi'a] /. cleanliness. Punire, [pn're'] v. a. io punish; health; far-, to stop, suspend neatness. use ill. payment; mettere in -, to set PuUario, [pll'ri] m. a keeper [Punitivo, [pniti'v] adj. pu- in order; mettersi in -, to prenitive, punishing. of fowls. pare one's self. PuUolare, [plll're'] v. n. tOjPunitore[pnit're']m.punishcr, Punto, [pn't] -, adv. at all, pullulate, bud forth; swarm. chastiser nothing at all; senza -pensare, Pullulamento, [plllme'n't] Punizione, [pnitsi'ne'] f. pun- without thinking at all. m. pullulating, shooting; multi- ishment, correction. Puntocoma, [pntk'm] f, Punta, [pn't] f. point; top, semicolon. plying. Pulheadland; pleurisy; end; di Puntolino, [pntli'n] m. small Pullulare, [pllla'r] see

Pungentemente [piinje'nte'me'n'tp] see







send Pungere,

lolare. soldati, troop, band of soldiers; point. Pullulativo, [plllti'v] adj. per -, directly; (mil.) far - Puntone, [piint'ne'] m. point; pigliar prop. germinating. falsa, to make a feint Pullulazione, [pllltsi'n] /. la -, to get sour (of wine). Puntuale, [puntuale'] adj. puncpullulation, germination. Puntale, [pnt'le'j m.tag, aglet; tual, exact. Pulmonare, [plmn're'] and ferrule. Puntualit, [puntualit'] PunPulmonario, [plmn'ri] adj. Puntaletto, [pntle't't] m. tualitade , Puntualitate, f, pulmonary. (pulpit. punctuality. tag, point (of a lace). [puntalrae'n'te'] Puntualmente, [piintualme'n'te'J Pulpitino, [plpiti'n] m. small Puntalmente, point Pulpitista, [pulpiti'sta] m. adv. by point, distinct- adv. punctually, exactly.

preacher (said ironically). Pulpito, [pl'pit] m. pulpit. pulsare, [pls're'J v. a. to beat, knock, strike; throb. Pulsatile, [plsa'til] adj. beating, knocking, throbbing. Pulsazione, [plstsi'ne'] f. pulsation, throb. Pulsino, [plsi'n] m. shortness of breath. Pulsione, [plsi'ne'] f. a push. Pulsono , [pls'ne'] m. punch (blow), puncheon. Pulvisculo , [plvisk'l] m. very small dust. Pulzella, [pltsl] see Pulcella.

ly; jointly.

Pnntnazione, [pntatsi'ne']


Puntamento, [pntame'n't] m.

pointing out (the ship's course Puntura, [pnt'r]/'. puncture; prick, stitch (in the side), pang. on a chart). Puntare, [punta're'] v. a. to point; Punturetta , [pntrt'ta] f. stimulate, urge ; thrust in. slight puncture. Puntata, [pnt't] f. thrust Puntuto, [pnt't] adj. sharp-

with a pointed instrument.






Puntualmente. v.a. to prick slightly; grope; Puntatura, [pntt'r] Punta- probe. zione, [pnttsi'n] /. punc- Punzellamento,[pntsellme'n'tuation.
t] m. spurring; instigation.

Puntazza, [pnt'ts] f. an iron Punzonare, [pntse'Ua'r] v. a. point on the top of rails &c. to spur; incite. Puntazze, [punt'ts] m. cape, Punzello, [puntse'llo] m. instihead-land.

gation, incitement.

Fanzione, [pntsi'n]
ture; pricking





mild Putire, [pti'r] v. n, to stink. Pato, [p't] adj. pure. Punzoncino, [pntsntslii'n] Purgo, [piir'g] m. fulling-mill, Putre, [pu'tre'] a'/j. putrescent, m. small puncheon. Puriflcamento , [purifikameV- putrid; corrupt. Putredine, [ptr'dine'] /. puPanzone, [pnts'n] m. pun- t] see Purificazione. choon: thump. Purificare, [purifik're'] v. a. to tridness; rottenness. Punzonotto, [pntsnt't] m. purify; verify; Purificarsi, Putredinoso, [ptrdin's] adj. small puncheon. rotten, corrupt. V. r. to purify one's self, clear Putrefare, [ptre'f're'] v.n.irr. Pupilla, [ppil'l] f. pupil of the one's self. {see Fare] to putrefy, rot; Pueye. (pillary. Purificatojo, [prifikt'y] m. Pupillare, [ppilla'r] adj. pu- a small cloth used by the offi- trefarsi, r. r. to grow rotten. Pupilletta, [ppilla't't] [. small ciating priest for wiping the Putrefattevole , [ptre'ftt'vl] Putrefattibile, [ptre'pupil of the eye. sacramental cups &c. ftti'bil] adj. corruptible. Pupillo, [pupillo] m. ward, Purificazione, [prifiktsi'ne'] Putrefattivo , simple person. [ptre'ftti'v] /. purification; cleansing. Pur, [pur] for: Pure, Purit, [purit'] Puritade, Pu- adj. putrefactive. Puramente, [prmn't] adv. ritate, /". purity, pureness in- Putrefatto, [ptre'ft't] adj. purely, merely, only. (tan. putrefied, rotten. nocence, Purch, [prk'] conj. provided Puritano, [prit'n] m. Puri- Putrefazione, [ptre'ftsi'n] that, if, however. Puro, [p'r] adj. pure; clean f. putrefaction; corruption. Pure, [p'r] adv. yet, although, chaste; mere, plain; sincere, Putrescbile , [ptre'shi'bile'] adj. apt to rot. moreover, however, never- true.

punc- Purghetta, [parghl't]

(fuller's mill.

theless, besides; at least, also, likewise, only, even hut lo so - troppo , I know it but too well. Purello, fpr'l] Puretto, [pure't'to] adj. pure, unadulterated; genuine. Purezza, [prt's] f. pureness, purity. Purga, [pr'g] f. purge. Purgagione, [prgj'n] /'.Purgamento, [prgme'n't] m.see

[ptrid'me'] m. adj. Putridame , [prp're'] mass of rotten things. purple-colored. Purulento, [prln't] arf;. pu- Putridire, [putridi're'] v. n. to rot, get rotten. rulent, putrid; corrupt, rotten. [prln'ds] f. Putridit, [putridit'] f. putridPurulenza , ity, rottenness; corruption. purulence, putridness. Pusignare, [psin''re'] v, n. to Putrido, [ptri'd] adj. putrid. Putridore, [ptrid'r] see Pueat after supper. Pusigno, [psi'n'] m. refresh- tridame. Putridume , [ptrid'me'] see ments after supper, pi.


Pusillanimamente, [pusillaniI



mme'n'te']adv.pusillaniraously. Putrire, [ptri're'] see PutrePurgazione. Pusillanime, [psill'nim] see Putta, [pt't] /. wench; magpie. Purgante, [prgn'te'] adj. pur- Pusillanime. Pattacelo, [ptt'tsh] m. misgative, cleansing; -, m. purgo; Pusillanimit, [pusillanimit'] chievous boy; little imp. Purganti, pL souls in purga- Pusillanimitade, Pusillanimi- Puttana,[ptt'n] /".prostitute. tory, pi. Pattella, [ptt'l] f. young tate, f pusillanimity. Purgare,[prg're'J. purge, Pusillanimo, [psill'nim] adj. lass, little maid. cleanse, purify; clear; Purgar- pusillanimous, cowardly. Puttello, [ptt'l] m. little si, V. r. to take a purge. Pusillit [pusillit'] /".littleness, boy, little child. Purgatamente, [prgtrae'n'te'] meanness. Puttina, [putti'na] seePuttella, adv. purely, correctly; tersely. Pusillo, [pusil'l] adj. little, Puttino, [ptti'n] see Puttello. Purgativo, [prgti'v] ad;.pur- small; base, mean. Putto, [pt't] m. boy, lad. gative, cleansing. Pustula , [p'stl] f. pustule, Putto, [pt't] adj. venal, merPurgato, [purga' to] adj. purged, pimplo. cenary. (pustule. purified; terse. Pustuletta,[pstle't't] /.small Puzza, [p'ts] f. pus. Purgatojo, [purgt'y] a Putativamente, [putativmn'- Puzzare , [pts're'] v. n. to kind of tank to receive water. t] adv. in a supposed manner. stink. Purgatore, [prgt'r] m. puri- Putativo, [ptti'v] adj. puta- Pazzerello, [ptse'reTl] m. a slight stink. fier, cleanser. (ruption. tive, supposed. Purgatorio , [prgat'ri] adj. Putente , [ptn'te'] adj. fetid, Puzzo, [pt's] m. stench; cor/", Puzzola, [pt'sl] purgatory; purgative ; -, m. rancid; offensive. polo-cat; purgatory; torment, torture. Putidezza, [ptide't's] /". rot- pismire, mushroom. Puzzolente, Purgatrice, [prgtri'tsh] f. tenness. [ptsln'te'] adj. cleanser, scourer. Putido, [pti'd] adj. stinking. stinking contagious ; offensive. Purgatura, [prgt'r] /".filth, Putidore, [ptid'r] m. stink; Puzzoso, [pts's] adj. fetid, rancid. sweepings, pi. infection. [ptil''s] adj. Puzzura , [pts'r] /". stencil, Purgazione , [prgtsi'ne'] /". Putiglioso , offensive smell ; infection. purgation; cleansing, clearing. smelling offensive.

the same sound on this side; da quel tempo in m. merch. journal, wastebook. Quadernale, [kMade'rna'le] Qua-, since that time. in Italian as in English. m. dernario , [kude'rn'ri] wi. Qua, [kua] adv. here, this side, Quacchero , [kwk'ke'r] poes. quatrain. hither, in this place; - e l quakor. here and there; di -, this way: Quadernacoio, [kude'ra'tsh] Quadernetto, [kwde'rne't't] m.
<J|,this letter lias

small writing-tooTc, little copy book, Quaderno, [kwdr'n] m. copybook , writing-took; quiro (of paper); two fours (at dice); ted (in a garden) merch. casli took. Quadra, [kua'dra] /. geom. quad rant; dar la -, to quiz, laugh




[kudril'te'r] Qualcosellina, [kwlkse'lli'n] , adj. quadrilateral. f. some little thing. Quadrilineo, [kwdriline'] adj. Qualcuno, [kualk'nj see Qual-

a geometrical figure contained cheduno. Quale, [kua'le] pron. what within four lines. Quadrilittero, [kttdrilitte''r] which that; who such as, like. Qualesso, [kuls's] pron. who, adj. composed of four letters. Quadrilungo, [kttdriln'gjadj. what, whoever. Qualiflcare, [kulifik're'] v. a. oblong figure.

Quadrimestre, [kudrim'stre'] to qualify; distinguish. at. Qualificatore, [kulifikt'r] Quadratile , [kwdr'bile'j adj. m. space of four months. Quadripartire, [kdriprti'r] m. qualifier. accommodatle, suitatle. V. a. to divide into four parts. Qualificazione, [klifiktsi'Quadragenario , [kudrjn'
of Quadripartizione, [kuadripdrtitsi'n] f. division into four Quadragesima, [kwadrje''sim] parts. Quadrireme, [kdrire"me'] f. a see Quaresima. Quadragesimale , [kuadraje'si- galley of four tenches of oars. Quadrisillabo, [kMadrisil'lato] m'le'] adj. quadragesimal. Quadragesimo, [kwdrj'sim] adj. of four syllatles. Quadrvio, [kudri'vi] m. a adj. fortieth. Quadramente, [kitdrrae'n't] place where four streets meet. Quadro, [k'dr] adj. square m. quadrature, square. Quadrangolare, [kwdrngl'- foolish,silly;nii(7/io-,m. squaremile; radice quadra, f. squarere'] adj. quadrangular. Quadrangolo, [kwadran'gl] m. root; -, m. square; frame; picture; garden-ted. quadrangle, square. Quadrante, [kwdrn'te'] adj. fit, Quadrone, [kudr'ne'] m. large adapted; suitatle; -, m. geom. picture coarse linen a kind of torch of white wax; a species quadrant. Quadrare, [kttdr're'] v. a. & n. of large square trick. Quadruccio, [kudr'tsh] m. to square; fit; please. Quadrare, [kudr'r] m. pic- square trick; small picture. [kuadr'pe'de'] ture-dealer, picture-merchant. Quadrupede ,
rio] adj. forty years forty.
; ; ;

ne'] f. qualification.

Qualit, [kulit'] Qualitade, Qualitate, f. quality; nature; condition. Qualitativo, [kwalitti'v] adj. qualifying. Qualitato, [kualit't] adj. that has quality, that has received


[kwlme'n't] adv.



Qualora, [kwl'r] adv. whenever; every time that, as often


Qualsisia, [kttlsisi'] Qualsivoglia, [IcttlsivTa] adj.


pron. whoever, whosoever, whatever, whatsoever, what. Qualuno, [kul'n] Qualunche, [kualun'ke'] Qualunque, [kwln'ku] adj. and pron. what,

whatever, who, whoever; qualunque ora, qualunque volta, whenever, at any time whatever. Qualvolta , [kualvol'ta] adv. re'] V. a. to quadruplicate. Qnadruplicatamente, [kuadr- whenever. pliktme'u't] ado. quadruply. Quando, [kwan'd] adv. when, Quadruplice, [kudr'plitsh] whenever; since; sometimes; Quadruplo, [kwdr'pl] adj. a - a -, now and then, here and there di - in -, from time to quadruple, fourfold. Quaentro, [kwan'tr] and Qua time; quand' anche, even if, entro, [kw e'ntr] adv. within even though; -, m. time, moment, hour. this place. Quaggi, [kudji'] Quaggiuso, Quandoch, [kundk'] adv. [kudjt's] ad 0. here telo w, in when, if, though, whenever, even. this world. Quandunque[kundn'ke']ad. Quaglia, [kuTa] f. quail. Quagliamento, [kttrme'n't] whenever. Quanquam, ['kuam] adv. m. coagulation. Quagliare, [kMra'rJ v. n. te fare il -, to pretend to te sometody, assume too much. coagulate, curdle. lery of paintings. Quagliatura , [kualt'ra] f. Quantit, [kuantit'] Quantitade, Quantitate, f. quantity, Quadrettino, [kudre'tti'n] m coagulation, congelation. numter. little picture; small glass-vase. Quagliere,[kttar'r] Quaglieri, Quadretto, [kwdrt't] m. small [kwl''rij m. quail-pipe, tird- Quantitativo , [kuntitti'v] adj. quantitive. square; little picture. call. Quanto, [kun't]ady .how much; Quadriennio, [kudri'ni] m. Quai, [kua'i] for: Quali. spaco of four years. Qual, [kual] inf. what! - dolorel Quanti, how many, as many as; Quadriforme,[kttdrifr'm]adj. what pain! see Quale. -, Quanto, adv. as far, as long; square. Qualche, [kMal'k] adj. and pron. as for; how long; - a me, as Quadrifronte, [kuadrifrn't] some, any pron. whatever, for me; - prima, as soon as adj. having four faces. whoever; - cosa, anything, possible; very soon; tanto o Quadriga , [kwadri'ga] f. poes. something. some little; a' quanti siamo del mese ? what day of tho car drawn ty four horses. Qualcheduno , [kulke'd'n] month is to day? -, mi. quanQuadriglia, [kuddri'la] f. taud pron. somebody any tody tity; amount, number; price. of soldiers; quadrille. some one, some. Quadriglie, [kudriT] m. qua- Qualcosa, [kualk'sa] f. some- Quantoch, [kuantk'J conj, thin ar. drille (game). although, though.

Quadratamente, [kwdrtmn'te']



adv. quadruply. Quadratino, [kdrti'n] m. print, small quadrant. Quadrato, [kudr't] m. square; print, quadrate. Quadrato, [kwadra't]ad/.square; well knit, well made; strong; radice quadrata, f. square root, denti quadrati, certain horses' teeth which are changed twice. Quadratura, [kwdrt'r] [. quadrature, squaring. Quadrella, [kwdr'l] f. large square file. Quadrellare, [kwadre'lla're'] t).a. to dart arrows, shoot. Quadrello, [kudr'l] m. arrow, bolt; packing-needle; cute. Quadreria, [kudrri'] (. gal-

quadruped. Quadruplicare, [kuadrplik'




Quantunque [kuaiitn'kw]coni. Quarto, [kur't] adj. fourth Quercia, [kwor'tsha] f. oak, oakm. quarter, fourth part; tree; fig. far -, to stand upon & adj. altbougli, though how much, how many as much as pock; piece; libra in -, book in one's head. many; - volte, whonovor, as quarto andare nel -, to boar no Quercino , [kwe'rtshi'n] adj.
, ; ; ;

often as.



Quaranta, [kuaran'ta] arfj. forty. Quartodecimo, [kartd'tshi- Quercioletto, [kue'rtshle't't] m. small oak, young oak. Quarantamila, [kuarntrai'la] m] adj. fourteenth. Quartogenito, [ku irtje'n'tjni. Querciuola , [kuertsh'l] f. adj. forty thousand. Querciuolo, [kurtsh'l] m. [kuaranta'na] f. and adj. fourth-born. Quarantana .young Quartuccio oak. [kuart'tsh] m. forty days, pi. Querela, [kue'r'l] f. lamentaQuarantena, [kurnte'n] see quarter of a peck. tion, Quarzo, [kar'ds] m. quartz. complaint dar -, porre -, Quarantina. to accuse one. Quarantesimo, [kttrnte"sim] Quasi, [kzta'si] adv. as if, like
, ,


[kMarnti'jta] guarantee, security. Quarantina , [kuarnti'n]


Querelaccia, [kttrl'tsh] f. quasi quasi, almost. sad complaint. Quassia, [kas'si] f. quassia. Quass , [kwss'] Quassuso, Querelante, [kue'reln'te"] -, wi. [kuss's] and Qua su, [k plaintiff, accuser; complainer. f. Querelare, [kue'rla're'] v. a. to su] adv. here above, up here. quarantine. Quarant' ore,[kurnt're]/". pL Quaternario, [kwte'rna'ri] m. accuse, indict; -, v. n. Querelarsi, v.r. to complain, lament. forty hours (of exposition), pL poes. quatrain. Quarantottesimo [kwrnttt'- Quatricroma, [kutrikr'm] m. Querelatore, [kwrlto'r] m. complainer, accuser. mus. demisemiquaver. simj adj. forty-eighth. Quarantotto, [kurnt't] adj. Quatriduano , [kwtrid'n] Querelatorio , [kMrlt'ri] adj. complaining. forty-eight. adj. (said of a period of four Quereloso, [kurl's] see QueQuare, [ku'r]adv,why? where- days).
adj. fortieth.





Quarentana, [fcsre'nt'n] Qua- adv. secretly. rantina, [kwre'nti'n] Quare- Quatto, [kuat't]


[kwe'rn'te'J ac?/.inter-


cowering; still; quatto quatto, Querimonia , [ktte'rim'ni] f. complaint, moan. quietly, very softly. Quaresimale [kre'! Jm'le'] adj. Quattone, [kuatt'n]arfv. quite Querulo, [ke"rl] Queruloso, quadragesimal, of lent; -, m. still andar -, to creep along, [kue'rl's] adj. querulous book of sermons for lent. skulk along. complaining; sad; always re,





days; lent.

Quattordici, [kuttr'ditshijarf;. pining. Quesito, [kwe'si't] m. query, fourteen. school. Quattrinaio, [kttrin'y] m. question. Quarta, [kwr'ta] f. quarter; a monied-man. Questesso, [kwe'ste's'so] pron. peck; astr. quadrant. this very same. adj. Qnattragio, [kttr'j] Quartabuono, [kMrtb'n] m. superfine, extra (said deri- Questi, [kw'sti] pron. this man, wooden square-rule. this one, this. sively). Quartana, [kwrt'na] f. quartan Quattrinata, [kuttrin't] /". Questionabile, [kwe'stinbi'le'] ague, fourth-day ague. Questionale, [kwstin'l] adj. farthing's-worth. Quartanario, [krtan'ri]ac//. Quattrinello , questionable, doubtful. [kttttrin'l] sick of a quartan ague. Quattrino, [kttattri'n] m. far- Questionare , [kwstina'r] &c., Quartanella , [kuartn'l] f. thing. see Quistionare &c. slight fourth-day ague. Quattrinuccio, [kwttrinu'tsh] Questo, [ku'st] pron. this; - e Quartato, [kurta'tjad'j.square, m. bad farthing. quello, this and that; in -, duquartered; plump. Quattro, [kwt'tr] adj. four a ring this, in the mean time; Quarterone, [katrte'r'n] m. -,inlots; in plenty; - tempora, quest' oggi, this day, to-day. quarter of the moon. pi. Questore, [kue'st'r] m. quespt. four ember-weeks Quarteruola, [kwrte'r'l] f. mangiar - bocconi, to oat a few tor, treasurer. peck (measure); small barrel. bits. Questoria, [kwe'stri'a]/". digniQuarteruolo, [kwrte'r'l] m. Quattrocento, [kuttrtshn't] ty of a questor. brass-counter. adj. four hundred. Questua, [kw'st] f. begging. Quartetto, [kurte't't] m. quar- Quattromila, [kwttrmil] adj. Questuante, [kue'stn't] m. tetto. four thousand. beggar. Quartiato, [krti't]a(ij.noblo Quattropiedi, [quttrpie'di] m. Questuare, [ke'st're'] v. a. to both by father and mother. a quadruped. beg, go begging. Quarticello, [kurtitsh'l] m. Quei , [ku'i] Quegli, [kuTi] Questuazione, [kwe'sttsi'ne'] short quarter of an hour. for: Quelli. A begging. Quartiere, [kuarti'r] Quartie- Quel, [kul] for: Quello. Questuoso, [kuest's] ad;, luri, [kwartie'ri] m. quarter, Quello, [ku'l] pron. {quegli, crative. fourth part; quartieri d' in- quelli, quelle, pi.) he; that; Questura, [kue'st'r] see Queverno, ft. winter-quarters, pi.; quella signora, that lady; quel- storia. dar -, to give quarter. le signore, pi. those ladies, pi.: Quetamente [kue'tame'n'te'] adv. Quartiermastro, [kartie'rm'- in -, in quella, at that moment; quietly, softly; stealthily. str] m. quarter-master. in the mean time; however. Quetanza, [kutn'dsa] /. ro- Quartina, [kurti'n] f. poes. Querce, [kur'tshe'j f. poes. oakceipt; quittance, discharge. quatrain. tree. Quotare, [kue't'r] and Quitare, Quartino, [kvrti'n] m, a kind Querceto, [kue'rtshe"t] m.wood [kwit'r] v. a. to quiet, calm; acquit; -, v, n. Quetabsi, t. r, of small clarionQt. of oak-trees, thicket of oaks.

Quarquonia, an orphan






i 1

Quintultimo, [kuintul'timo] adj. last but five. Quintuplo , [kuin'tpl] adj.
quintuple, fivefold. Quiritta, [kuirit'ta] adv. just here, hero, in this place. Qnisquiglia , [kuiskui'lfa] f.

[ktiind'tshim] to repose , rest one's self; be Quindecimo, adj. fifteenth. quiet. ^ueto, [ku't] adj. quiet, still ; Quindi, [kuin'di] adv. hence, satisfied; di -, quietly, softly. then, afterwards; therefore; di -, from that place ; da - inijui, [kui] adv. here, hither; di nanzi, thenceforward ; - giit, -, cfa -, hence; j>er-, this way; di - a pochi giorni , in a few there below ; - su, there above.


Quindicesimo, [kuinditshe"sim]

sweepings; small



[kiddit'] Quidit, adj. fifteenth. Quistionale, [kttistin'l] see Ikuidit'] f. quiddity, essence. Quindici , [kuin'ditshi] adj. Quistionevole. Qudentro , [kwide'n'tr] adv. fifteen. (thereabout. Quistionamento , [kwistinhere within. Quind' oltre, [kuindol'tre] adv. me'n't] m. dispute, quarrel. Quiditativo, [kMiditti'v] adj. Quingentesimo , [kttinjnt'si- Quistionare, [kuistin'r] v. a. essential. m] adj. five-hundredth. & n. to question, dispute, conQuiescente, [kie'shn't] adj. Quinquagenario, [kuinkuje'n'- test, quarrel. quiescent, at rest. (rest. ri] adj. fifty years old. Quistionatore, [kuistint're'] Quiescere, [kwi'she'r] v. Quinquagesima, [kwinkaje''si- m. Quistionatrice, [kuistinQuietamente , [kMtmn't] m] f. quinquagesima Sunday. tri'tsh] f. quarrelsome peradv. quietly, peaceably. Quinquagesimo, [kwinkwaje'si- son , quarreler , wrangler Quietanza , [kttitn'ds] see m] adj. fiftieth. contradictor. Quitanza. Quinquangolo, [kwinkvan'gl] Quistioncella, [kwistintsh'l] Quietare, [kwie't're] v. a. to m. (geom.) pentagon. f. slight question, little disquiet, appease; acquit; Quie- Quinquelustre,(kMnkMe'l'stre'] pute. TABSi, V. r. to he quiet; he at m. a period of five lustres. Quistione, [kwisti'ne'] f. quesease. Quinquennale, [kwinkue'nn'le'] tion, law-suit. Quietativo, [kuie'tti'v] adj. adj. quinquennial , recurring Quistioneggiamento, [kuistiquieting, calming (little used). every five years. ue'djme'n'tj m. dispute, conQuiete, [kwi't] /. quietness, Quinquennio, [kwinktt'ui] m. test. quietude, tranquillity; repose, Quistoneggiare,[kMstine'dj'space of five years. rest. Quinquereme, [kttinkue're"me'] r] V. a. & n. to dispute, deQuietezza, [kuie'te't's] /. quiet- f. five-oared vessel. bate, contest. ness, quietude. Quinquesillabo, [kuinktte'sil'l- Quistionevole, [kuistin'vle'] Quietino, [kwie'ti'n] m. ai little b] adj. of five syllables. adj. questionable, doubtful. hypocrite. Quitanza, [kitan'ds] f. cesQuinta, [kwin't] f. quint. Quietismo, [kie'tis'm]m.quiet- Quintadecima, [kwintde"tshi- sion; quittance, discharge. ism, quakerisra. Quitare, [kwita're'] v. a. to m] /. full moon. Quietista, [kMie'ti'st]m.quietist, Quintale, [kwintale'] m. quintal, acquit, discharge, give a requaker. (post. hundred-weight. ceipt; free. Quieto, [ktti't] adj. quiet, calm, Quintana, [kwint'n] /.tilting- Quivi, [kwi'vi] adv. there, in at ease ; peaceful ; serene Quintavolo, [kuinta'vl] m. that place, then;- entro, therediscreet. grand-father's great grand- in; - medesimo, in the same Quietudine , [kuie't'dine'] f. father. place, just there; - oltre, - vi~ quietitude, rest. Quinternaccio, [kuinte'rn'tsh] cino, near there, in this neighQuilio, [kwi'li] m. cantare in bourhood. m. large ugly writing-book. to sing very high and clearly. Quinternetto , [kwinte'rnt't] Quiviritta, [kuivirit'ta] adv. Quinamonte, [kwinmn't]adv just here. m. small writing-book. a little off, yonder. Quinterno, [kuintr'n] m. wri- Quota, [ku't] f. quota, share, Quinavalle, [kwinvl'l] adv. ting-book, copy-book, stitched portion; contribution. Quotidianamente, [ktttidinyonder, there below. book. Quinci, [kuin'tshi] adv. from Quintessenza, [kttinte'ssn'ds] mn'te'J adv. daily, every day. Qttotidianeggiare, [kwtidiane'here, from hence; hence; after, f. quintessence.


quindi, here Quinto, [kttin't]

adj. fifth;





to return every

and there.


fifth part.


Quincioltre,[kuintshrtre']af/v. Quintodecimo, [kuintd'tshi- Quotidiano, [ktttidian] adj. quotidian, daily. hereabout. m] adj. fifteenth. Quindavalle, [kuindaval'Ie'] see Quintogenito, [kuintge'ni't] Quoziente, [kwtsin'te'] m. {ar.) Quinavalle. quotient. adj. fifth-born.

B, the R in Italian has a much the ear to the pronunciation Rabballinare, [rabbdlHna're'] o rougher sound than in English; of this letter by the Tuscans. a. to roll up things together ia a foreigner is readily distin- Babacchino, [rabakki'n] m. a confused manner. guished by the pronunciation little child, little boy (little Rabbaruffare, [rabbiiruffa're'] . a. to pull about, ruffle, disof this letter, either from the used). compose, put out of order; excess of asperity or otherwise Babacchio, [rabk'ki] Rabache gives to its sound. The sole chiuolo, [rbkki'l] m. child, Rabbaruff.vrsi, v. r. to fall together by the ears; rumple (barb. manner of overcoming this boy (little used). get disordered. one's dress difficulty is by accustoming RabarliarO; [rbr'br] m. rhu;




disorder, confusion; Raccetto, [ratshe't't] m. lodgBabl)asgamento,[riil)l)assaTnn'- to] ing, shelter, retreat, asylum. uproar. t] m. abatement, deduction. Eabbassare, [rbbss'r] v.a. Rabbuffare, [rabbff're'] v. a. Racchetare, [rakkta'r] v. a. to console, comfort, cheer, apto disorder, dishevel, put in to lower, abate. Rabbattere, [rabbat'te're'] v. a. confusion; Rabbuffarsi, v. r. pease; Racchetarsi, v. r. to cease weeping, be consoled. to half-shut; flatten; Rabbat- to get dark; grow murky. tersi, V. r. to meet again ty Rabbuffo, [rabbuffo] m. rebuke, Racchetta, [rkke't'tj /".racket, battle-door. reprimand; curtain-lecture. chance.


Rabbujare, [rbby'r] v. n. Racchiappare, [rakkiapp'r] Rabbujarsi, v. r. to grow clou- V. a. to catch again. Racchiudere, [rkki'de're'] v. dy, grow dark. Rabbellire, [rabbellire'] v. a. Rabescatura, [rabe'skt'r] f. a. irr. {see Chiudere) to shut up, to embel lish anew, adorn afresh; work done in imitation of ara- include; contain, comprehend. Racciabattare, [ratshbtt're'] besque. -, V. n. Rabbellirsi, v. r, to Rabesco, [rbe's'k] m. Arabic . a. to patch, botch, mend. become handsomer. Racciarpare, [ratshrpa'r] v. Rabberciare, [rabbe'rtsli're'] v. work, arabesque. Rabescone , [rbe'sk'ne'] m. a. to patch up again. o. to patch, bungle. Raccoccare, [rakkkk're'] v. a. Rabberciativo, [rabbe'rtshati'- large arabesques, pi. Rabicano, [rabik'n] wi, roan to notch an arrow again; reV] adj. patching. new the attack; reply. color; roan horse. Rabbi, [rb'bi] see Rabbino. Rabbia, [rb'bia] /.fury, violent Rabido, [r'bid]arf/. poes., rab- Raccoglienza, [rkkl'n'dsa]

r] V. a. to throw into confusion, put in disorder.


id, furious.



Raccogliere, [rkk'l'e're'] v. a. Rabbineggiare, [rbbine'dja'r] Rabino, [rbi'n] see Rabbino. [rkknt- irr. {see Cogliere) to gather, V. a. to interpret according to Raccantucciare , tsha'r] v. a. to push another collect; deduce, infer; receive, the Rabbis. lodge; comprise, comprehend Rabbinico , [rbbi'nik] adj. into a corner. Raccapezzare, [rkkpe'ts're'] understand; Raccogliersi, v. rabbinical. r. to take shelter; collect one's Rabbinista, [rabbi ni'sta] m. V. a. to make deep research Rabbinist. discover a thing after deep thoughts; - insieme, to meet together. Rabbino, [rbbi'n] m. rabbin research. Rabbiosamente, [rabbismn'- Raccapitolare, [rkkpitl're'] Raccoglimento, [rkkrimn't] adv. furiously,' ragingly v.a. to recapitulate, repeat, t] m. gathering; heap, pile; recollection, meditation; reRabbiosetto, [rbbis'tj adj. sum up. rather enraged. Raccappellare, [rakkppell're'] ception. Raccogliticcio, [rkkl'i'ti'tsh] Vabbioso, [rabbi's] ad], en see Rincappellare. raged furious impetuous, Raccapricciamento, [rakkapri- adj. picked up here and there. excessive greedy, eager. tshran't] m. horror, terror, Raccoglitore, [rkkl'it're'] m, Rabboccare, [rbbkk'r] v. a. fright. gatherer, collector; compiler. to bite again; fill up again. Raccapricciare, [rakkpritsh'- Raccoglitrice, [rkkl'itri'tshe'] Rabbonacciare, [rbbntsha'- r] V. a. to strike with horror, f. gatherer; midwife. r] V. a. to make calm, soften, terrify; Raccapricciarsi, v. r. Raccolta, [rakkol'ta] f. collecappease; -, v. n. to grow calm, to bo horror-struck, tremble tion; harvest; suonare a-, to become pacified beat a retreat. Rabbonac- with fear. ciAusi, V. r. to get reconciled, Raccapriccio , [rkkpri'tsh] Raccolto, [rkkl't] m. crop, become friends again. harvest. m. horror, fright. Rabbonire, [rabbni're'] v. a. to Raccartocciare, [rkkrttsh'- Raccoltoro , [rkklt'r(f j m. appease, pacify; Rabboniusi, r] V. a. to curl up, roll up. gatherer; collector (little used). V. r. to become appeased, get Raccattare, [rkktt'r] v. a. Raccomandagione, [rkkmnreconciled. to redeem, recover, retrieve. daj'n] f. recommendation Rabbordare, [rbbrd're'] v. a. Raccenciare, [rtshe'ntsh're'J protection. to board (a ship) again. [rkkV. a. to patch up, mend, piece. Raccomandamento , Rabi)racciare, [rbbrtsli'r] Raccendere, [rtshn'dr] v. mndme'n't] m. recommendar. a. to embrace again. a. irr. {see Accendere) to retion; lettera di -, f. letter of Rabbrenciare, [rabbre'ntsha're'] kindle;light up again; Raccen- recommendation. w. a. to mend again (little dersi, V. r. to break out again, Raccomandare, [rkkmnd'used). re-animate, waken. r] V. a. to recommend; comRabbreviare, [rbbre'vi're'] v. Raccendimento , [rtshndi- mit to one's charge; Raccoa. to shorten again. me'n't] m. rekindling. MANDAESi, V. r. to rccommeud Rabbrividare, [rbbrivid'r] v. Raccennare, [rtshnn're'] v. one's self; entreat a person's

n. to shudder, shiver.

a. to

point out again.


favor; to

present one's


Rabbrunare, [rabbrn're'] v. Raccerchiare, [rtshrki're'] a. to become darker (said of a, to hoop again, enclose.




[ratshe'rt're'] v. a.

dati'v] adj. recommendatory.




cloudiness, obscu-

Raccertarsi, v. r. to cheer up afresh, take courage again.

again; Raccomandatore , [rkkmndat'r] m. recommender, protector.

Rabbruscarsi, [rabbruskr'si] Raccettare, [rtshtta're] v. a. Raccomandatorio, [rkkradnRabbruzzarsi, [rabbrtsr'si] to harbour, take to one's home, dat'rij adj. recommendaV.







Raccettatore , [rtshttat're'] Raccomandazione, [rkkran. Rabbuffamento, [rbbffraeV- m. good hospitable man. dtsi'n] f. rocommendatiou.
Diz. Ilal.-lna.


Raccomandiga, [rkkmndi'ji] /. letter of recommendation.

me'n't] traction.


a. to





[rkkm, dmn'toj m. repairing, mend[rkkmda're']

V. a. to repair,

mend. Raccomodatore, [rakkmdam. Raccomodatrice to're]


[rkkradatri'tsh] /.repairer,

mender. Raccompagnare,[rkkmpn'a'
re] . a. to reconduct, attend again; go back; see home.

Raccomunare, [rkkmna're'] V. a. to make common. Racconciamento, [rkkntshreconmn'to] m. mending



Racconciare, [rkkntsh're']
a. to


con- Racimoluto,(ra,tshiml't]ad/. garlanded with small branches. Raccorciare, [rkkrtsh're'j v. Racimoluzzo, [rtshiml'ts] a. to shorten, contract, abridge. m. small bunch. Raccorcio , [rkkr'tsh] adj. Racqaattarsi , [rkkuttr'si] shortened, abridged ; dimin- V. r. to sit cowering. ished. Racquetare, [rkkut're'] RacRaccordamento.rrkkrdme'n'- quietare, [rkkuie'ta're'] v. o. t] m. remembrance, mem- to calm, pacify. ory. Racquistagione, [rkkuistaj'Raccordare, [rkkrd're'] v. a. n] /. Racqustamento, [rkto remember; reconcile; Rackuistmn't] m, recovery, recoEDAKSi, V. r. to remember; gaining. be reconciled. Racquistare, [rkkuist're'] 9. Raocordatore, [rkkrdt're'] a. to recover, regain. m. a reconciler. Racquistatore, [rkkuistt're'] Raccordazione, [rkkrdtsi'- m. one who recovers, regainer. ne'] (. remembrance. Racquistazion6,[rkkuisttsi'Raccorgersi, [rkkr'je'rsi] v. n] /. Raequisto, [rkkui'st] one's self, rem. recovery. r. to bethink pent. Rada, [r'da] /", bay, roadstead. Raccorr, [rkkor're'] see Rac- Radamente, [rdame'n't] adv. cogliere. rarely, seldom.
[rkkrt're'] v. a. to shorten; abridge.


repair, reconcile,

mend; make up, Raccertare,


[radde'nsa're'] v. a.

Kacconciatore, [rkkntshat'- Raccosciarsi, [rkkshr'si] v. r] m. Racconciatrice, frak- r. to sit down squat. kntshtri'tsh] / repairer, Raccostare, [rkkst're'] v. a. mender. to approach again, draw near Raddirizzamento, [rddi'ritsBacconciatara, [rkkntshat'- again; Raccostarsi, v. r. to me'n't] m. straightening; rerepair, mending re- come nearer. /. establishment. Raccozzamento,[rkktsme'n'Racconciliare, [rkkntshili'- t] m. gathering; meeting; r] V. a. to reconcile; Raccon- assembly. ciLiAESi, V. a. r. to be recon- Raccozzare, [rkkts're'] v. a. ciled. to collect, bring together, join Racconcio, [nihkn'tshl adj. together; Raccozzarsi, v. r. to repaired, refitted; -, m. mend- meet again. Raccozzone, [riYkts'n] adv ing, botching. Racconfermare, [rkknfrm'- unitedly. Raccrescere, [rkkr'shre'l v. r] V. a. see Riconfermare. Racconfortare, [rkknfrta're'] a. irr. {see Crescere) to increase, augment. see Riconfortare.

recondense; Raddensarsi, V. r. to get thicker, thicken. Raddimandare, [rddimnda're'] V. a. to demand back.


Raddirizzare, [raddiritsa're'] . a. to redress, set upright


rectify; instruct.

Raddobbare, [rddbha're']
a. to


repair a ship, refit. Raddobbo, [rdd'b] m. mar.,


Raddolcare, [raddlk're'] v. a. to calm, appease; -, v. n. to

grow mild. Raddolcimento


Racconoscere, [rkkn'slie'r]
&c., see

Riconoscere &c.

Racconseguare, [rakknseV'. a. to restore.

Racconsigliare, [rkknsir're'] V. a. to advise again. Racconsolare, [rkknsl'r] V. a. to comfort, console; RaccoNSOLAESi, V. f. to tako accuse again, indict again. comfort. Racemifero, [rtshmi'fr] adj. Racconsolatore , [rakknsl- bearing vine-leaves or bunches t'r] m. comforter, consoler. of grapes. Raccontabile, [rakknt'bile'] Raceme, [rtsh'm] m. poes., aUj. narrable; memorable. grape; cluster. Raccontamento,[rkkntme'n'- Racemose, [rtshe'm's] adj. to] m. recital, account. full of clusters. Raccontare, [rkknt're'] v. a. Rachitico, [rki'tik] adj. med., to relate; give an account of; rickety. mention. Rachitide, [rki'tide'] f. med.,

me'n't] m. mitigation. [rakkre'shi- Raddolcire, [rddltshi're'] v. Raccrescimento , mn't] m. increase, augmen- a. to sweeten; calm, pacify, tation. Raddomandare, [rddmnd'Raccresparsi , [rakkre'spar'si] re'] v.a. to redemand. v.r.a. to curl again. Raddoppiamento, [raddoppiaRacculare, [rakkulare'] v. n. to men'toj m. redoubling. Raddoppiare, [rddppi're'] t). draw back (vulgarism). Raccusare, [rakkusa're'] v. a. to a. to redouble, augment, in-

crease; repeat.






Raddoppiatura, [rddppit'r) f. doubling or bending of (gallop. the membranes &c. [rddp'pio] Raddoppio m.

t'r] V.




v. r.

Raccontatore, [rkkntt're'] rickets. m. Raccontatrice, [rkknt- Racimolare, [rtsWml're']


again; Raddormentarsi, to fall asleep again.



[rddssa're'] v. a.

narrator, relator. to put on one's back again; a. to pick up the clusters ; huddle up. Raccoutazione, [rkknttsi'- pluck, glean. n] /. and Racconto, [rkkn'- Racimoletto , [rtshimlt't] Raddotto, [rddt't] m. place t] m. account, relation, report. of meeting; assembly. m. small bunch, small cluster. m. Raddrizzamento , [rddritsaBaccoppare, [rkkppi'r] v. Racimolo , [ratshi'ml] o. to combine, join. cluster of grapes, buncli; rest, mn't] m. straightening, redress; rectification. Raccorciameuto > [rkkrtsha- remainder.




[rddrits'r] v. Bafano, [r'fn] m. horse-rad- Baffossare, [rffss're'] v. a. to fortify with fresh moats. ish. to redress; set upright; forra; instruct. Baffacciare, [rfftsh're'] Ac, Baffrancare, [rffrnk're'] v. a. to re-establish, refit. Baddurre, [rddr're'] see Ri- see Rinfacciare &c. Raffardellare , [raffrdll're'] Baffreddamento , durre. [rffre'ddme'n't] m. cooling, refrigeraEadduttrice, [rddttri'tshe'] f. V. a. to pack up; parcel out. Raffare, [rffa'r] v. a. to carry tion. reducer, corapeller. Baffreddare, [rffrdd're'] v. a. Rader, [ra'de're'] v. a. irr. off: rob. to make cold, cool, refrige{rasi; raso) to shave, shear; Raffazzonare, [rfftsn're'] v. rate; -, V. n. to grow cold, get erase, efface; skim; rake up a. to trim, set off; embellish. the remains. Rafferma, [rffr'm] f. confir- damped; Baffeeddarsi, v. r. to catch cold; get indifferent. Radette, [rde't't] adj. rather mation, ratification. Raffermare, [rffe'rm're'] v. a. Baffreddatojo, [rffrddt'y] thin,'somewhat clear. m. cooling-vessel, wine-cooler. Radezza, [rade't'sa] f, rarity, to confirm, ratify; establish.

Eaffermazione, [rffe'rmts'- Baffreddo, [rffre'd'd] adj. cold; infrequency. Badiale, [radiarle'] adj. radial, ne'] /. confirmation, ratifica- cool, indifferent. Baffreddore, [rffre'dd're'J m. beamy. tion. Radiante, [rdin'te'] adj. ra- Baffermo, [rffeVm] adj. con- cold, rheum. Baffrenamento, [rffre'nme'n'firmed; old, stale. diant, brilliant. Radiare, [rdi're'] v. a. and n. Baffibbiare, [rffibbi're'j v. a. t] ni. curbing, restraint. to radiate, emit rays. to buckle again; redouble, re- Baffrenare, [rffre'n're'] v. a.




Badica, [ra'di'ka] see Radice. Badicale, [rdik'l] aj. radical; fundamental, original; -, m. radical, democrat. Badicalmente, [rdiklme'n'te'J


adv. radically; originally. [rdikme'n't] ,

m. radication.
v. n. to

take root. Radicazione, [rdiktsi'ne'] f. taking root. Radicchiella, [radikkie'l'la] /". generic term for various tender herbs oaten as salad. Badicchio, [rdik'ki] m. succory, endive.

Badice, [radi'tshe']


root; fig.

peat; rally. Raffibbiata, [rffibbi't] /. riveting; rivet, clench. Raffica, [rffi'k] f. mar an impetuous gust of wind. Raffldarsi, [raffidar'si] v. r. to confide in, trust to. Raffidato, [rffid't] adj. confided in, trusty. Raffigurabile , [rfffgr'bil] adj. easily known again. Rafflguramento,[raffigrme'n't] m. recognition. Raffigurare, [rffigiira're'] v a. to recognize ; remember ; discover. Raffilare, [riffila're*] v. a. to pare, clip. Raffilatura, [rffiltu'r] f. parings, shavings; shreds, pL


curb, restrain ;



v. r. to refrain

from, forbear. Raffrenatore, [rffre'nt're'J m. one who restrains or moderates.

Raffrescamento, [rffre'skmeVt] m. cooling; coolness.


v. a.

to accelerate, hasten.

Baffi'ontamento,[rffrntme'n't] I. encounter; meeting.

Bafflrontare, [rffrnt'r] v. a. to encounter again; attack; confront, compare ; Raffrontarsi, V. r. to be confronted. Baffascare, [rffsk'r] v. n. to grow darker.

Baffusolare, frffsl're'] v. a.
to trim, repair.

origin, cause. Raffinamento , [rffinarae'n't] Badicella, [rditsh'la] Badi- m. refinement, perfection. cetta, [raditshe't'ta] f. small Raffinare, [rffin're'] v. a. to refine, perfect; subtilize. root, radicle. Radiflcare, [rdifik're'] v. a. Bafflnatezza, [rffintt'sa] f. to rarefy , make thin ; ex- refinement.

Bagana, [rg'n]




[rgne'l'la] /. a small sea dragon; a species of frog ; a kind of pandoean pipe.

girl, lass.





Baf finatore ,


Radimadia, [rdim'di] f.{bak.) refiner; improver. trough-scraper. Bafflnatura, [rffint'r] f. refining, polishing. Badie, [ra'di] m. poes., ray. Badiosit, [radiosit'] /. ra- Bafflneria, [rffine"rf] f. sugar (diant. refining-house. diancy, Badioso , [rdi's] adj, ra- Baffinimento , [rffinime'n't] Badissimamente , [rdissim- I. refinement, perfecting. mn't] adv. very seldom. Bafflnire, [rffini'r] v. n. to Baditura, [rdit'r] /. scra- get refined. pings, shavings, pi. Baffio, [raffio] m. hook; harBado, [r'd] adj. rare, tlin; poon. unfrequent; precious; -, adv. Baffittare, [rffi tt're'] v. a to rarely, seldom. hire again, lease again. Badnnameuto, [rdnme'n't] Baffola, [rf'fla] f. crowd, m. Eadunanza, [rdunn'ds] press. [rffnd're'] v. a. f. assembly, congregation,meet- Baffondare, ing. to hollow out deeper. Badanare, [raduna're'] v. a. to Baffone, [rff'ne'J m. a kind of assemble, bring together; Ra- grape. dunarsi, V. r. to assemble, Baffortiflcare, [rffrtifik'r] come together, meet. V. a. to fortify more strongly. Radunata, [rdn'ta] f. as- Bafforzare, [rffrts'rj v. a. sembly, assemblage. to reinforce, fortify.

Bagazzaccia, [rgts'tsh] f. naughty girl. Bagazzaccio, [rgts'tsh] m. naughty boy. Bagazzaglia, [rgtsaT] f. Bagazzame, [rgts'm] m. parcel of boys, naughty children, pi.

Bagazzata,[rgts't] /".puerility, childishness; childish trick. Ragazzetta,[rgtse't't] /".little





little boy, little lackey.

Bagazzina, [rgtsi'n]
girl, nice little girl.


Bagazzino, [rgtsi'njm. little

boy, nice little boy.

Bagazzo, [rg'ts] m. boy,




foot-boy; (mar.) shipboy, cabin-boy. Bagazzone,[rgts'ne']m. larga boy, stout servant.

, .

Bagazzuocio, [rgts'tsh]Ragazzuolo, [rgts'l] m. toy.
v. a.





contraction, Ragionare, [rajna're'] v. a. & n. to reason, discourse, discuss;

infer, conclude

Raggricchiare, [raggrikkia'ro']
V. a. & n. to contract, shrink, shrivel; Raggricchiarsi, v. r.

BagenzarO) [rgents'r]
to render



compute, sum m. discourse, conversa;

dress care-

tion, talk.
t] od, reasonably, justly.


Baggavignarsi, [rggvin'r'si]
V. r. to clamber, scramble up. Baggelarsi, [rdje'lr'si] v. r.

shrivel cuddle up.



up; Ragionatamente [rjntme'n'-

[rjnti'v] adj. me'n't] m. wrinkling, shrink- reasonable, rational, judicious. Ragionato, [rjn't] adj. reaing. to congeal. Baggentilire, [radjentili're'] v. Raggrinzare, [rggrints'reT v. sonable, judicious logical, well explained; divulged. a. & n. to wrinkle, shrivel ; a. to render genteel, polish. Baggliiare, [raghi r] v. n. to Raggrinzarsi, v. r. to get Ragionatore , [rjniitd'r] m. reasoner, talker. wrinkled; lose courage. bray. Bagghio, [r'ghi] i. braying Raggrottare, [rggrtt're'] v. Ragloncella , [rajntsh'l] /.

Raggrinzamento , [rggrints- Ragionativo,

a. to embank anew; mend trifling reason. (of an ass). Ragione, [rj'n] f. reason, ditches; frown again; scowl. Baggiante, [rdjn'te'] adj. ra Raggruppare, [rggrpp're'] v. judgment; sense; cause, modiant, beamy. Baggiare, [rddja're'] v. n. to a. to tie up together; make tive; right, justice; subject, radiate, beam. up in parcels; Raggruppar- theme; account; rate; a - di, Baggiata, [rdj't] f. thorn- si, V. r. to curl up, twist; at the rate of; con-, di-, justly, with good reason avere -, to wriggle. back (fisb). Baggio, [r'dj] m. ray, beam Raggruppo , [rggrp'p] m. be right, be in the right; chiedere -,to call to account; creaknotting up again, twisting. light; (geom.) radius. Baggiornare, [rdjirn're] v. Raggruzzare, [rggrts'r] v. re una -, to form a company or partnership; essere ben -,to be a, & n. to shrink, shrivel up. n. to return (of the day), grow Raggruzzolare, [rggrtsl'- reasonable; far -, to do justice; light. Baggioso, [fadj's] adj. ra- re'] V. a. to scrape together, far - nel bere, to pledge in hoard up; Raggruzzolarsi,. drinking far la -, to make up diant, beamy, bright, Baggiramento, [rdjirme'n't] r, to squat, double one's self accounts, compute: mettere a -, to put to account; render -, to m. winding; cunning shift, up. Ragguagliamento , [ragguara- give an account; saldar la -, to subterfuge. close an account; saper di -, to Baggirare, [rdjir'r] v. n. to mn't] m. Ragguaglianza turn round, -whirl - una per- [rggul'u'ds] f. leveling, know book-keeping tener -, to judge. sona, to lead a person by the level; evenness. Ragguagliare, [rggwr're'] v. Ragionetta,[rajint't] f. weak nose. Baggiratore, [rdjirt're'] m. a. to level, make even, equal- reasoning. ize; balance, compare; inform, Ragionevole, [rajn'vle'] adj. cheat, swindler. Baggirevole, [rdjire"vle'] adj. advise; - le scritture, to post reasonable; just, right; mode, rate. up the books. circuitous; shifty, evasive. Baggiro, [radji'rj m. subter- Ragguagliatamente,[rggur- Ragionevolezza, [rjne'vlf;

fuge, evasion.


adv. proportionately.



reasonableness, reason.


Ragguagliatore, [irgguart'- Ragionevolmente , [rajnvlmn't] adv. reasonably, justr] m. informer, teller. a. irr. {see Giugnere) to over[rgguaT] m. ly; moderately. take, retake, rejoin, reunite Ragguaglio , Raggiuqneksi, v. r. to meet equalizing, balancing, equali- Ragioniere, [rjui'r] m. accountant calculator bookty, proportion; rate; relation, again.
[radji'n'e'r] v.


[rdjin'ime'u't] m. rejoining, reunion. Baggiuolo, [rdji'l] i. slight ray, little beam, gleam. Bagginstare, [radjist're'] v. a. to mend, refit. Bagglutinare , [rggltin're'] V. a. to stick together, unite,

keeper; auditor (of accounts); [ragguardi- merchant's clerk. mn't] m. look; considera- Ragionio , [raji'ni] m. long and tiresome reasoning. tion; attention. Ragguardare, [rggward'r] v Ragioso, [rj's] adj. resinous. a. to regard, look at atten- Ragliare , [rl'a'r] see Ragtively; consider, weigh; exam- ghiare. Ragna, [r'n'] f. spider's web; ine; concern, belong. Ragguardatore, [rggurdat'- bird-net, fowling-not; snare, attach, Baggomicellare, [rggmitshe'l- r] m. regarder, observer, by- ambush; dare nella -, to fall into the snaro. stander. l'r] V. a. to agglomerate. Baggomitolare, [rggmitl'- Ragguardevole, [rggurde"v- Ragnaja, [ran''yd] /. fit place rj V. o, to wind upon a ball, le'] adj. remarkable, consider- to lay bird-nets.

account, notice, advice.


coil up.

able; clear, sharp,


Ragnare, [rn''r]
gat threadbare.

Baggrandire, [rggrndi're'J
a. to re-aggrandize.

Ragguazzare, [raggiUtsa're'] see


bird-nets, net birds;

v. a. to lay -, v. n. to


web. Ragionacela, [rjn'tsh] f. Ragnatele, [rn'tl] m. spiheap up. der; cob-web. Baggravare, [rggrv're'] v. a. bad reason. to aggravate, make greater; Ragionale, [rjna'le'J see Ra- Ragnateluccio, [ran'atl'tsh] m. small spider. make worse; -, v. n. to in- gionevole.


[rggrnell'- Ragia, gather, glean, fraud.

resin; snare, Ragnatela,





Ragionamento, [rjname'n't] Ragno,



Ragnolo, Ra



m. reasgning, discourse.

gnuolo, [ran''l] m.



Rammaricazioncella, [rmmriktsintsh'l] /. slight complaint.

ppidor'8 web, a delicate kind of Rallungare, [rllng're'] v. a. to lengthen out. Ragnnamento, [rgiinme'n't] Rama, [rama] f. fruit-bearing m. Radunanza, [rgnan'ds] bough, branch (less used than

Rammaricazione, [rmmriktsi ne'] grief.


assembly, meeting heap, pile.



[raguna're'] v. o. to

Ramo). Ramacelo, [rm'tsh] m. large

useless branch.
[rra'tshe'] ad;.of proy,



assemble; heap up. Ragunata, [rgn't]

bly; pile, heap.

Rammarichevole, [rmmrike"adj. lamentable, doleful.


assem- Ramace,

rapacious (of birds).

Rammaricho, [rmmri'ki] m.

Ragunaticcio, [rgnti'tsh] Ramajolo, Ramaiuolo, [rania- complaint, grief, exposition of the motives which another has y'l] m. ladle. adj. heaped together; collecRamarro, [ramr'r] m. lizard; for complaning. titions. Eagunatore , [rgnt'r] m. occhi di -, witching eyes, pi. Rammarico, [rmm'rik] m, Ramata, [rm't] /.bat (at bat- complaining, complaint, lamgatherer; collector. entation; tears, pi. Raganazione, [ragntsi'n] (. fowling); a -, abundantly. Ramatare, [rmt're'] v. a. to Rammaricoso, [rmmrfk's] assembly; circle. adj. complaining; groaning. knock down with a bat. Rai, [r'i] for Raggi. Baitare, [rit'r] v. n. to cry Ramatata, [rmt'ta] f. blow Rammassare, [rmmssa're'J v. a. to scrape together, collect. with a bat. out, weep and cry. Raja, [ra'y] (. thornback (fish). Ramatella, [rmt'l] f. small Rammattonare, [rmraattn're'] V. a. to pave ji.^ain with Bajare, [ry'r] see Raggiare. branch. Ralingare,[rlinga're'] v.a.mar. Ramato, [rm't] adj. full of bricks. Rammembranza , [ramme'mbranches. to let fly the main-sheet. Ralinghe, [ralin'ghe']^ pi. mar. Ramazza, [rm'tsa] and Ra- bran'dsa]/'. remembrance, membolt-roper, sheets, fil. macela, [rma'tsh] /. sledge. ory. Rallargamento, [rallargame'n'- Ramazzotta, [rmdst't] f. a Rammembrare,[rmme*mbr're'] o. to remembei*. t] m. widening, dilation. kind of cap. Rallargare, [rllrga'r] v. a. to Rame, [r'me'] m. copper, copper- Rammemoranza , [ramme'mowiden, extend;diflruse;strength- money; intagliare in -, to en- rn'ds] /. remembrance. Rammemorare, [rmme'rar're'] v. grave on copper. en; Rallargaesi r. to become dilated; grow liberal. Ramerino, [rmri'n] m. rose- V. a. to remind, remember, record. Eallargatore, [rllrgt'r] m. mary. enlarger, dilator. Rainetto , [rme't't] Rami- Rammemoratore, [rmme'mr Ealleggiare, [rlle'dj're'] . a. cello, [rmitsh'l] m. small t're'] m. Rammemoratrice, [rmrae'rartri'tshe'] /. remem to relieve, comfort. branch. Rallegramento, [rlle'grme'n'- Ramice, [rami'tshe'] m. hernia. brancer. t] m.Rallegranza, [rlie'grn'- Ramiere, [rmi're'J m. copper- Rammemorazione, [rdmme'm,




joy, pleasure, mirth. [rlle'gr're'j v. a.






amuse, delight Rallegrarsi, v. r.

Ramificare, [ramifik'r] v. n. memory. Rammemoriare, [rmme'mri'cheer Ramificarsi, v. r. to ramify. to be Ramificazione , [rmifiktsi'- re'] V. n. to recai to mind.

delighted; take one's pleasure. Eallegrativo,[rlle'grti V] and



Rammendatore, [ramme'ndt'[rmi'n] f. scoria, re'] m. mender; corrector. Rallegratore, [rlle'grt're'] m. dross of copper. Rammentamento, [riimme'ntrojoiccr, cheerer. Ramingo, [rmin'g] adj. flut-| me'n't] tre. Rammentanza Eallegratnra, [rlle'grt'r] f. tering from bough to bough; [rmme'ntn'ds] rememf. joy. pleasure, delight; delight- wandering, fugitive, homeless. brance, recollection. ful countenance, serene look. Ramino, [rmi'n] m. brass- Rammentare, [rmme'nt're'] i>. Eallegro, [rall'grjwi. joy; con- kettle, copper-boiler. a. to remind, put in mind, gratulation. Ramiscello, [rmish'l] see Ra- commemorate; Rammentarsi, Eallenare, [rlle'aa'r] ee Alle- moscello. V. r. to recollect, remember. nare. Rammantare , [rammnt're'] Rammentio, [rmme'nti'] m. Eallentamento, [rlle'ntmeV- and Rammantellare , [rm- repetition. t] m. slackening, abatement. mnte'll'r] v. a. to cover Rammescolare,[rmme'skl're'] Eallentare, [rlle'nta're'] v. a. with a cloak; Rammantaesi, V. a. to mix together. to slacken, retard, abate ; -, v. n. V. r. to wrap one's self up. Rammezzare, [rrame'ds're'] v. to become slack, relent; soften; Rammarcarsi , [rmmrkr'si] a. to cut in two, divide. - l'animo, to unbend one's mind. &c., see Rammaricarsi &c. Rammollare , [rmmll're'] Rallevare, [rlle'v're'] v. a. to Rammarginare, [rmmrjin'- Rammollire, [rmmlli're] v. educate, rear, mitigate. r] V. a. & heal up; cica- a. to mollify, soften RamRallievare, [rllie'v're'J v. a. to trize. MOLLAESI, V. r. to get soft. alleviate, relieve; comfort. Rammaricamento, [rmmrk- Rammentar , [rmmnt're'J Rallignare, [rllin''re'] v. n. to mn't] m. complaining, com- V. a. to heap up, pile up. strike root again. plaint; grief. Rammorbidare, [rmrarbid'Rallumare , [rllm're'] and Rammaricarsi, [rmmrikr'si] re'] and Rammorbidire, [rmEallegratorio, [rlle'grt'ri]
adj. rejoicing, joyful.

ramification. [rmi'n'] copper.

ne'] f.

Rammendare, [rmme'nd're']



a. to

mend, correct; reform.

[rllumin're'] . r. to complain, lament; , v.a. to enlighten again; restore grieve; grumble. one's sight; Ralluminarsi, v.\ Rammaricatore,[rmmrikdt'r. to







enervate, mitigate.

Rammorbidativo,[rmmrbidti'v] orfj. softening, emollient.

recover one's sight.

r] m. complainer; grumbler.




Bammorbidire, [rmmr'bicli'r] Eanciato,[rntsha't6] Rantoloso




[rammrvi- colored. wheezing, hoarse. Bancicoso, [rntshik's] see Ranuncolo , [ranun'icl] Ra* d'r] $e Rammorbidare. Bammucohiare, [rmmkkia're] Rancido. nnncnlo, [rnn'kl] m. ra Rancidezza , nunculus, crow-foot. [rntshide't's] V. a. to heap up. Bamo, [r'm] m.brancli, bough; Bancidit, [rntshidit'] f. Ranuzza, [rnu'ts] f. small

arm (of a river). Bamognare, [rmn''r]

v. n.



Bancido, [rn'tshid] odj.rancid, Ranzonare, [rantsn'r] v. a. musty, stale. to ransom, redeem. to journey on happily. Bamolaccio , [rml'tshj m. Rancidume, [rntshid'me'] m. Ranzone, [rnts'ne'J f. ransom,
redemption. orange- Rapa, [r'p] f. turnip, radish. colored; stale, rancid; m. sol- Rapace, [rp'tshe'] adj. rapadier's ration. cious, greedy.

musty taste. horse-radish. Bamoruto, [rmr't] adj. full Bando, [rn'tsh]

of branches.

[rmsh'l] m. Bancioso , [rntsh's] adj. Rapacemente, [rpdtshome'n't] email branch. adv. rapaciously, greedtls-. Bamosit,[rmsit']/.branchi- rancid, rank. Banco, [rnli] adj. lame, hob- Rapacit, - [rptshit'] I: " paness. citade, Rapacitate, /. ra] cBamoso, [rm's] ad;, branchy, bling. Bancore, [rnk'r] m. rancour, ity, greediness. full of branches. Rapare, [rap're'] v. a. to cut Bampa, [ram'pa] /. paw, claw, grudge; malignity. Banda (a), [rn'd] adv. exactly; the hair close. gripe, clutch. Rapata, [rp'ta] /.blow given Bampante, [rmpn'te'j (herald.) near. Bandagine, [rnd'jine'] adv. with a turnip. (said of a lion rampant). Rap, [rap'] m. rappee (snuff). Bampare, [rmp're'] v. a. to andar -, to be wandering. Randagio, [rnd'j] m. wan- Raperella, [rpe'r'l] /. ferclutch, paw. rule; inlaced work. Bamparo , [rmp'r] m. ram- derer, rambler. Bandellare, [rnde'll're'] v. a. Raperino, [rpe'ri'n] and Rapart, bulwark. perugiolo, [rpe'rjlj m. Rampata, [rrap't] f. clawing, to beat with a stick, cudgel. Bandellata, [randella t]/. cud- green-finch. blow with a paw.


Raperonzo, [rpe'rn'ts] RapeBampicare, [rampika're'] v. n. gelling. Bampicarsi, v. r. to clamber, Randello, [rnd'l] m. packing- ronzolo , [rpe'rn'tsl] m. rampion (salad-root). stick cudgel. climb. Bampicone, [rmpik'n] m. Randione, [rndi'n] rn. ger- Rapidamente, [rpidme'n'te']

falcon. large harpoon, grappling iron. Bampino,[rmpi'n]?. harpoon, Ranella, [rn'l]



Bampo, [rm'p] m. hook,harpBampogna, [rmp'n'] f. Rampognamonto,[rmpn'me'n't] m. rebuke, reproof.


[rmpn''re'] v.a. to rebuke, scold, abuse ; Rampognarsi, V. r. to murmur,

Bampognatore, [rmpn't'r]

adv. rapidly, quickly. small frog; Rapidezza, [rpide"ts] andRa (surg.) rana. (deer. pidit, [rapidit'] Rapiditade, Rangifero, [rnjif'r] m. rein- Rapiditate, /. rapidity; swift(swift. Rango, [rn'g]m. rank, degree. ness, Rangoloso, [rngl's] adj. Rapido, [r'pid] adj. rapid Rapino, [rapirlo] m. dross mixeager; attentive. Ranino, [rni'n] adj. marshy, ed with ashes thrown up from Vesuvius a kind of sand used boggy, fenny. Rannata, [rnn'ta] /". buck, lye. in making mortar. Rannestamento [rnne'stmn'- Rapimento , [rpime'n't] m. raptnre, ecstasy; rape. t] m. grafting afresh.

Bannestare, [rannst're'] v. a. Rapina , [rpi'n] m. grumbler. prey; fury. Bampognevole, [rmp'n'e'vl] to graft afresh. and Bampognoso, [rmpn''- Bannestatnra, [rnne'sttu'r] Rapire, [rapi're'] v.
S] adj. reproachful, scolding;



a. to




Rannicchiare, [rnnikki're']

[rmplld- a. to shrink in, shrivel up; -, me'n't] m. source, spring. V. n. Bannicchiaksi, v. r. to Bampollare, [rampollare] v. a. squat, sit squat; crouch. to produce; -, v. n. to spring Ranniere, [rnni're'] m. buck forth gush out, issue shoot ing-tub, lye-pot. forth; proceed; rise. Ranno, [rn'n] m, lye; buckRampollo, [rampon] m. small thorn. spouting spring of water Rannodamento, [rannodameVyoung shoot, offset of a tree t] m. tying again.
, ; ; ;


by force, ravish; transport, charm, delight. Rapitivo, [rapit'v] adj. ravoff

ishing, captivating.



m. rav-

ishor; exactor.
[rapitri'tshe'] Rapitrice , f. charmer, fascinating woman. Rapontico, [rpn'tik] m. bot., monk's rhubarb. Rappa, [rap'pa] f. kibe, chap (in the heel of a horse). Rappaciare, [rappatsh're'] v.


Bampone, [rampne] m.
hook, cramp-iron.


Bamuccio, [rm'tsh] Bamu- BannuTolamento

cello, [rmtsh'l] i. small branch. Bamusculoso , [ramuskl's] adj. branchy, branched.

Bana, [r'n] {. frog. Rancare, [rDka'r] Banchettare, [rnke'tta'r] v . n. to limp; hobble.

a. to pacify, calm, reconcile. [rnnvl- Rappaciazione, [rapptshatsi'mn't] m. darkness, cloudi- no'] f. reconciliation. Rappacificare, [rpptshifik'ness. Bannnvolare, [rnnvl'r] v. re'] V. a. to pacify, calm, appease. n. to grow cloudy; grow sad. Ranocchia, [rn'ki] f. Ranoc- Rappadore , [rppd'r] m. ravisher, freebooter. chio, [rn'ki] m. frog. Ranto, [rn't] Rantolo, [rn'- Rappagare , [rppga'r] tii Appagare. tl] m.rattling (in the throat).

[rnnd're'] v. a. , to tie again; renew. Bannoso, [rnn's] adj.lixivial.





Bappallottolare , [rpplltt- Rapportazione, [rapprttsi'- Raramente, [rrme'n'te'] adv. rarely, seldom. Id'r] Rappallozzolare, [lpn] /. report, statement. plltsl r] v. a. to make up Rapporto, [rappr't] m. re- Rarefaciente, [rre'ftshtn'te'] into balls or pills; Rappallot- port information ; relation, adj. rarefying; dilating. affinity. Rarefare, [rre'fa'r] v. a. irr. ToiiARSt, . r. to gather into knots, get curled up. Rapprendere, [rpprn'de're'] v. (see Fare) to rarefy; dilato; Bapparare, [rppr're'] v. a. a. irr. {see Prendere) to take Rarefarsi, v. r. to become dilated. to learn again. back; recoTor. Eappareccbiare, [rppreliki'- Rapprendimento , [rappre'ndi- Rarefazione, [rre'fatsi'ne'] f. r] V. a. to set in order again. mn't] m. renewing, re-estab- Rarefatto, [rrft't] m. raRappareggiare, [rppre'dja're'] lishment; recovery. refaction. V. a. to equalize; compare. Rappresaglia, [rppre'sT] f. Raretto , [rre't't] adj. somewhat rare, rather thin. Bapparire, [rappari're] v. n. reprisals, pL; retaliation. irr. (see Apparire) to ro-ap- Rappresagliare , [rppre'sl''- Rarezza, [rrt's] f. rarity;


r] V. o. to


reprisals, re-

thinness, fewness, scarcity; sin-

gularity, excellence. Rappattumare, [rppttm'r] quite. V. a. to pacify, make up a Rappresentabile, [rppre'se'nt'- Rariccio, [rri'tsh] adj. somequarrel; Rappattumarsi, v. r. bil] adj. that can be repre- what rare. Rarificare, [rrifik're'J see Rato become reconciled. sented.

Bappella, [rppeTl] f. an iron Rappresentagione, [rappre'se'n- refare. point; prong of a fork. taj'n] /. and Rappresenta- RariflcatTO, [rrifiki-i'v] adj. Rappellare, [rappella're'] v. a. mento, [rpprse'ntrae'n't] m. rarefying; dilating. Rarit, [rarit'] Raritade, Ra to recai; -, v. n. to appeal. representation, image. Rappezzamento, [rppe'tsmn'- Rappresentante , [rppre'se'n- ritate, f. rarity; fewness, to] m. patching, mending. tan't) m. representative, actor. scarcity; curiosity. Rappezzare, [rpptsa'r] v. a. Rappresentanza , [rppre'se'n- Raro, [r'r] adj. rare; thin; to piece, patch up, mend. tn'ds] f. image, type. scarce choice, exquisite, exRappezzatore, [rppe'tst're'] Rappresentare, [rppre'se'nt'- cellent; -, adv. rarely, seltn. Rappezzatrice, [rapptsdom. r] V. o. to represent, exhibit; tri' f. patcher, mender. figure, image; typify; denote; Raruccio, [rir'tsh] adj. some;

Rappezzatura, [rpptst'r] Rappresentarsi, v. r. to re- what rare. Rappezzo, [rpp'ts] m. present one's self; - in giudi- Rascetta, [rashe't'ta] f. a kind f. mending. zio, to appear in a tribunal. of thin woolen cloth. Rappianare, [rppina're'] v. a Rappresentativa , [rppre'se'n- Raschiabile, [rskibi'le'] adj. to sirioolh, level. tti'v] f. power of representcapable of being scraped or Rappiastrare [rppfstr're'] ing. grated. v.a. to plaster up again; stick Rappresentativamente , [rap- Raschiamento, [rskiame'n't] again; reunite, join. prsnttivamn'te] adv. in m. aud Raschiata, [rski't]

Rappiccare, [rppikk'r] v. a. picture. to hang up again; begin anew. Rappresentativo, [rappre'se'ntRappiccatura, [rppikkt'r] ti'vo] adj. representative. Rappresentatore, [lppre'se'ntf. reunion, junction. Rappiccinire, [rppitshini're'] t'r] m. representor. Rappresentatoria, [rappre'se'nv.a. to lussen, diminish. Bappiccolare, [rappikkla're'] tat'ri] f. the dramatic art. Rappiccolire, [rppikkli're'j Rappresentazioncella, [rappre'V. a. to


scraping, grating.
a. to

Raschiare, [rdski'r]
scrape, grate.

mar., scraper.








Rappigliamento, [rppirme'n'- Rappresentazione,

farce. [rappre'se'n-

ttsi'ne] /, representation; to) m. coagulation. Rappigliare, [rppir're'] v. a. acting. to coagulate, curdle; Rappi- Rappresentevole, [rappre'se'nto become t vl] adj. able to represent. gli a usi, V. r. cuvdled; set to again; begin Rappreso, [rappre''s] adj. coagulated, curdled; benumbed; afresh. Rappoggiaj'e, [rppdj're'j v. foundered impotent. Rappressare, [rppre'ss're'] v. a. to prop, lean. Rappolo, [rppl] see Rap- a. to draw near again. Rapprofondare, [rpprfnd'poll a. Bapportagione, [rpprtj'ne'] r] v.n. to plunge into again. [rpprsf. Bapportamento, [rpprt- Rapprossimamento , mn't] m. report; informa- simnin't] m. approjiimation. [rpprssiRapprossimarsi , tion; account. Rapportare, [rpprt're'] v. a. mar'si] . r. to draw nearer. to report, relate, recount; bring Rappuntare, [rppnt'r] v.a. in; cause; represent, show; to point again. transport, transfer; Rappor- Rappurare, [rappr're'] v. a. taksi, v. r. to refer to. to purge again. Rapportatore, [rpprtt're'] Rapreno, [rpre"n] m. lye. tu. Rapportatrice, [rpprt- Rapsodia, [rpsdi'j/.rhapsody, tri'tsh] f. relator, reporter Rapsodista, [rpsdi'st] Raptell-talo. sodo, [nlps'd] m. vhapsodist,

[rskit'r] f. scraping, rasure, erasure. Rascia, [r'sh] /. serge (stuif). Rascione, [rsh'n] m. a pieca of flannel used for infants. Rasciugare, [rshg'r] v. a. to dry up, wipe off. Rasciugatura, [rshgat'ra] f, drying. Rasco, [ra'sko] tn. a grater.


[rse'nt'r] v. a. to






[rsn'te'] prep, zing; close to; along.



a kind

of satin.

Rasiera, [rsi'r]






[r's] m. rasure; satin. Rasojaccio, [rsya'tsh] m.bad


Rasojo, [ras'y] tn. razor. Raspa, [ras'pa] f. rasp; file.


[rsp'rj v. a. rasp, scrape ; pilfer, steal.




search every where, seek every where. Ratire, [rti're'] v. n. to be in the pangs of death; be heartbroken, (firmed. Rato, [r't] adj. ratified, con-

[rsp't] m. wine Rassodare, [rassodare'] v.a. to consolidate; strengthen. of plucked grapes. Raspatura, [raspt'r] /.rasp- Rassodia,[rssdrJ /. rhapsody Rassomigliamento, [rssmiing, scraping. Rasperella, [rspe'r'l] f. wild rmn't] m. Rassomiglianza, [rassraira'dsa]/.resemblance; "broom. Raspettare, [rsptt'r] v. a. comparison. Rassomigliare, [rssmir're'] to expect again. Raspino, [raspino] m. an iron V. o. & n. to resemble, be tool used by silversmiths, en- like.


Rattaccamento, [rttkkaran't] m. attaching again; reunion.

gravers Ac,

m. bunch of


Rattaccare, [rttakk're'] v. n. to attach again, reunite.



ti'v] adj. resembling, like.


Rassomigliatore, [rssmirgrapes; mange, itch. Raspollare, [rspll're'] v. a. t're'] m. that resembles. Rassommare, [rssmm'r] to to glean grapes after vintage Raspollo, [rsprij m. small sum again; sura up a second time. hunch of grapes. Massaggiare, [rssdja're'j v. a Rassottigliare, [rssttir're'] V. a. to make thin; lesson; to taste a second time. Rassalire, [rssli'r] v. a. to make pointed; subtilize; Ras ascend again. soTTiQLiAiisi, V. v. to taper Rassaltare, [rsslta're'] v. a. off, decay. Rassumere, [rassme"re'] v. a. to assault again.

[rttiikk, nme'n't] m. mending, patching (old shoes); tatters, pL

Rattacconare, [rattakkna'r] V. o. to patch , botch (old



[rttame'n'te'] adv.

rapidly, swiftly. Rattarpare, [rttrp'rj



V. o. to


moderate, repress; Rat-

temperarsi, V. r. to restrain to re-assurae, recapitulate. [rsse'ga're'] v. n. to Rastello, [rAst'l] m. barrier, one's self , forbear , refrain coagulate, curdle again. from. Rassegna, [rss'n'] f. review, palisades, pi. muster (troops); far la -, to Rastiamento, [rstime'u't] m. Rattenere, [rtte'ne"re'] v. a. scraping, grating. irr. {see Tenere) to detain, keep review (troops). Rassegnamento, [rsse'n'meV- Rastiapavimenti, [rstipvi- back; hinder; Rattenersi, . mn'ti] m. low fellow. r. to contain one's self, check t] m. reviewing (troops). Rassegnare, [rssn''r] v. a. Rastiarchivi, [rstirki'vi] m. one's self; pause. Rattenimento, [rtte'nime'n't] to resign up; consign; res- antiquary. tore; return thanks; submit; Rastiare, [rsti're'] v. a. to m. retention; detention. review (troops). Rattenitiva, [ratteniti'va] f. scrape, rake off. Rassegnatamente, [rsse'n'ata- Rastiatojo,[rstiat'y] i.rake retentive faculty; memory. me'n't] adv. with resignation. Rattenitivo, [rtte'niti'v] and (for an oven); scraper. Rassegnatore, [rsse'n't'r] m. Rastiatura, [rstitu'r]/'. scra- Ratteuitojo, [rttnit'yo] m. inspector (of troops), muster- ping, rasure. parapet, rails, pi. master. Rastione, [rsti'ne'] m. metal- Rattenuta, [rtte'n't] /". see Rassegnazione, [rasse'n'tsi'- founder's plane. Rattenimento. n] (. resignation. Rastrellare, [rstre'lla're'] v. a. Rattenuto, [rtte'n't] adj. reRassembramento, [rsse'mbr- to rake, plane; rob. served; cautious, discreet. mn't] m. Rassembranza, Rastrellata, [rattesta're'] v. a. [rstrll'tj f. Rattestare, [rsse'mbrn'dsj/.resemblance, rake-full. to reunite; Rattestarsi, v. r. likonesB. Rastrelliera, [rstre'lli'r] /", to meet again, rally. Rassembrare, [rsse'mbr're'] v. rack, crib, manger dresser, Rattezza, [rttt's] /.rapidity, *i. to resemble, be like as- kitchen-shelf; stand for arms. rimbleness. semble. Rastrellino, [rstre'lli'n] m. Rattiepidare , [rattie'pida're'] Rasserenamento , [rsse're'n- small rake, small scraper. Rattiepidire, [rattie'pidi re'] v. me'n't] m. clearing up. render lukewarm Rastrello, [rstr'l] m. rake; a. to cool, Rasserenare, [rssrn're'] v. railing, rails, pL; (shoe.) rack relax; Rattiepidarsi, . r. to a. to exhilarate; -, v. n. to menar il -, to rake up; sack. grow cool, become lukewarm. clear up, become serene. Rastro, [r'str] m. (agr.) rake, Rattivo,[rtti'v]a(/j.rapaciou3, Rassettamento, [rssttarae'n'- iron-rake. ravenous. t] m. repairing, mending. Rasura, [rs'r] /". rasure, Rattizzare, [rttits'r] v. a. to Rassettare, [rsstta'r] v. a. erasure; tonsure. stir the fire; kindle. to settle, set in order; arrange, Rata, [r't] f. rate, share, Ratto, [rt't] adj. rapid, swift; adjust; take up, gather. quota, part. steep ;-,arf. swiftly, suddenly; Rassettatore , [rsse'ttt're'] Ratania, [rt'ni] /. ratany. ratio ratio! make haste!-, m. wi. repairer, mender. Raticone, [rtik'n] and Ra- robbery,rape; rapture, ecstacy; Rassettatura, [rssttat'r] /. ticoni, [ratik'ni] adv. anda- rat. see Rassettamento. re -, to go wandering about. Rattoppamento, [rttppme'n'Rassicurare, [rssikr're'] v. a. Ratificamento, [rtifikme'n't] tj wi. patching, mending. to re-assure; encourage; Rasm. ratification, confirmation. Rattoppare, [rattpp'rj v. a. sicurarsi, V. r. to take con- Ratificare, [ratifik're'J v. a. to to patch, botch, mend. fidence become emboldened. ratify, confirm. Rattorcere, [rttr'tshe're'] . a. Rassimiglianza, [r;issimirn'- Ratificazione, [rtifikatsi'ne'] irr. {see Torcere) to wring,
; ; ; ;

ts] see Eassomiglianza.




Rassodamento,[rassdamn't] Ratilia, m. consolidating, strengthen- ships.




of Rattore, [ratt're'] see Rapitore.


Ratio, [viti'] adv andar

Rattorniare, [rttrni'r] to surround, beset.





v. a. to


Rattraere, [rttr'r] see Rat-] Ravvilire, [ravvili're']

Rattraimento, [rttraimn't] m. contraction. Eattrappare, [rttrappa'r] v.n. to become paralized; shrink,

get withered.


[rttrppt'contraction (of the ra] f. nerves). Rattrappire, [rttrppi're'] see

Razzajo, [rds'y] m. fire-work maker. Ravviluppamento, [rwilupp- Razzare, frads're] v. n. to ramn'tj m. entanglement; dis- diato, sparkle. Razzare, [rats're'] v. n. to paw order, confusion. Ravviluppare, [ravvilpp're'] the ground. V. a. wrap up, entangle; em- Razzarla, [rats'rf] f. all kind of tapestry, tapestry manufacbroil; Ravvilupparsi, v.r. to tury. get confounded. Ravvincidire, [ravvintshidi're'] Razzeggiare, [radse'dj'rjv.n.
V. n. to

grow flabby; grow



to radiate, shine.


Ravvinto, [rwin't]



[rattrappv. n. irr.


m. paralysis. Rattrarre, [rattrr're']

Ravvisare, [rvvis're']
inform, advise, recognize.

v. a.

Razzente, [radsn'te'] adj. tart, pungent; brisk (said of wine). to Razzese, [rtse"s] m. Genoese


{tee Trarre) to shrink. Rattristare, [rttrist're'] v. a.


[rdsim're'] v. a,

Ravvivamento, [rvvivme'n't] to deck out, adorn, polish. Razzina , [ratsi'na] f. little m. reviving, resurrection. to grieve, make sad; Rattristarsi, V. r. to become sad. Ravvivare, [rvviv're'] v. a. to race. Rattura, [rtt'r] /.rape, rav- revive, re-animate; Ravvivar- Razzo, [rd's] m. ray, beam ;
si, v. r.

to revive; take fresh

spoke; rocket.





Razzola, [rds'l]


a kind of

chicken-pox, measles, pi. Ravvolgere, [rvvl'je'r] v. a. Ravanello, [rvn'l] Ravano, irr. {see Volgere) to wrap up, [r'van] m. radish. enclose; Ravvolgersi, v. r. to Raucamente, [rawkame'n'te'jarfv. roam, ramble about. hoarsely, in a hoarse manner. Ravvolgimento, frvvljime'n'Raucedine, [rutsh'din] /. t] m. Rawolgitura, [rvvlhoarseness. jit'r] f. winding, turning, Rauco, [rau'k] adj. hoarse (tortuosity. intertwining. harsh, rough. Ravvolta, [rvvl't] /".winding,

Razzolare, [rtsl're'] v.a. to scratch, scrape (as a fowl). Razzolata, [rtsla't] /. and Razzolio, [rads'lijm.scratching, scraping. Razzuffarsi, [rtsffr'si] v, to begin the battle anew.

Razzumaglia , [ratsmaT] f. Raumiliare, [rmili're'] v. a. Ravvoltare, [rvvlta'r] v. a. mob, rabble. Razzuolo, [rds'l] m. little to make humble, tame, render to \VTap up, roll up. meek. Ravvolto, [rvvrt] m. bundle, ray; little spoke. Raunare, [rn're'] &c., see Ra- packet, parcel. Re, [re'] m. king; sovereign; dunare &c. Raziocinamento, [ratsitshin- (/'orme, herald; - di siepe, tornRauncinato,[rntshin't] adj. me'n't] m. ratiocination, rea- tit, wren. hooked, curved. Reagente, [rjn'te'] adj. resoning. Rauno, [ra'n] in. heap, pile; Raziocinante , [rtsitshinn'- acting. assembly. Reale, [re''le'] adj. royal, kingt] m. disputant. Raveggiuolo, [rve'dj'l] m. Raziocinare, [rtsitshin're'] ly; real, positive; true, loyal,
goat's milk-cheese.
sto, [rvir'st] m. wild vine. Raviuoli, [rvi'lijm. vermicelli
V. n. to reason,

Raverusto, [rve'r'st] Raviru- Raziocinazione, [rtsitshinatsi'nel f. tshi'ni]

sincere, frank; alia -, like a king.^ Raziocinio, [rtsi- Realit, [re'li't] f. royalty. m. ratiocination, Realizzare, [rlids'rj v. a. to





with eggs,



Razionabile, [rtsin'bile'] adj. Realmente , [re'alme'n'te'] adv. Ravizzone, [rvids'ne'J m. a reasonable, having the use of really, truly; royally. variety of the common cabbage. reason. Realt, [rlt']Realtade,RealRavvalorare, [rvvlr're'J v. Razonahilit, [rtsinabilit'] tate, /. reality; existence. a. to encourage, fortify. Reame, [r'm] i. realm; f. reasonableness, reason. Ravvedersi, [ravvdr'si] v. r. Razionabilmente, [rtsinbil- kingdom. irr. {see Vedere) to repent; mn't] ee Ragionevolmente. Reamente , [re'me'n'te'] adv. wickedly, impiously. amend, reform. [rtsin'le'] adj. Razionale, Ravvedimento, [rwe'di'me'n't] rational, reasonable, judicious. Reas, [r'as] m. small wild red moral amendment, re- Razionalit , [rtsinlit'J f. poppy. m. pentance. Reassumere, [re'ss'me'r] v. rationality; understanding. Ravviamento, [rvvfme'n't] Razionalmente, [rtsinlme'n'- a. irr. {see Assumere^ to take again. m. self-amendment. t] adv. rationally. Ravviare , [ravvia're'] v. a. to Razionare, [rtsin'r] see Ra- Reato, [re''t] m. crime, transset in the right way again argression. ziocinare. range, set on foot again; Rav- Razione, [rtsi'ne'] f. ration, Reazione, [re'tsi'ne'] f. re-acviarsi, V. r. to recommence daily portion; proportion. tion. one's journey. Razza, [rt's] /. race, family, Rebhiare, [re'bbi're'] to strike Ravviatamente, [ravvitmeV- lineage; breed; kind, sort; ca- with the prong of a fork. t'] adv. in an orderly manner. vallo di -, m. race-horse, blood- Rebbiata, [re'bbi't] f. a blow Ravvicinare, [rvvitshin're'] horse. given with the prong of a fork. v.a. to bring near again, bring Razza, [rd'sa] f. thornhack; Rebbio , [r'bi] m. prong (of within one's reach; Ravvici- ray; spoke (of a wheel). a fork). narsi, V. r. to come near, Razzaccia, [rts'tsh] f. vile Rebellione, [re'be'lli'n] S4e Riapproach. bellione. race.
cheese and green herbs.

Kecadia, [rkdi']



(recisi ; reciso) to cut off, re- Recreamento, [re'kre'me'n't] m. recreation. trench. Eecalcitrare , [riltsliitr'r] Reciditore, [re'tshidito're'] m. Recreare, [re'kre''re'] &c., see Ricreare <fe. retrencher. &c., see Ricalcitrare. [re'kre'me'nti'Recidiva, [r e'tshidi'va] /.relapse, Recrementizio, Becamento, [rkme'n't] tsi] adj. recremontitious, surelapsing. bringing, fetching; cause. Recamo, [relc'ni] m. tackle Recidivare, [re'tshidiv're'] v.n. perfluous (said of humors of the body). with two pullies. to relapse.




Recidivo, [re'tshidi'v] adj. re- Recriminare,

[re'kriraina're'] v.

a. to recriminate. lapsing, backsliding. Kecapitolare, [re'kpitla're'] Recinto, [rtshin't] m. enclo- Recriminazionefre'krimintsi'ne'] /. recrimination. Recapitulare , [re'kpitl're'] sure. &c., see Ricapitolare &c. Recipe, [r'tshipe'] wi. med. re- Recuperare, [re'kpr're'] v. a. to recover, regain. Becappiare, [re'kappia're'] v. a. cipe, prescription. to choose again, select again. Recipiente, [re'tshipin'te'] adj. Recuperazione, [re'kpe'rtsi'n] f. recovery. Recare, [rk'r] v. a. to bring, receiving , hospitable polite Recusa, [re'k's] &c., see Ricufetch, carry; attribute, impute; -, m. recipient, receiver. announce, inform; cause; in- Reciprocamente, [re'tshiprka- sa &c. duce; reduce; - a cuore, to take me'n'te'] adv. reciprocally, mu- Reda, [r'd] /. heiress; offspring; a four-wheeled car. to heart; - ad effetto, to carry tually. into effect, accomplish; - a fine, Reciprocare, [re'tshiprk're'] Rodaggio, [re'da'dj] m. inheritance, succession. to finish, perfect; -a luce, to V. reciprocate. bring to light; publish; - a Reciprocazione, [re'tshiprk- Redare, [re'd'r] r. a. to inherit. Redarguire, [rdrgi're'] v. a. niente, to destroy, ruin; Re- tsi'ne'l f. reciprocation. carsi, V. r. - addosso, to take Reciproco , [re'tshi'prk] adj. to disprove, rebuke, blame. Redarguizione, [rdrgitsi'upon one's self; - a cuore, to reciprocal, mutual. undertake; - in guardia, to be Recita, [r'tshit] f. represen- ne] /. reproving. Redatore, [re'dt're'] m. heir. on one's guard; - ad ingiuria, tation. to take as an affront; - a men- Recitamento, [re'tshitme'n't] Redatrice, [redatri'tshe'] f. heiress. te, to call to mind, recollect; m. see Recitazione. - a noja, to begin to be tired, Recitante, [re'tshitn'te] m. ac- Redazione,[re'dtsi'ne']/.reducget annoyed; -ad onore, to take tor, comedian, player. tion. as an honor. Recitare, [re'tshit'r] v. a. to Reddere , [re'dd6"re'] v. a. to restore. Recata, [rk't] /". bringing, recite; act, represent. fetching; carriage; grief, lam- Recitativo, [re'tshitti'v] m Reddimento, [re'ddime'n'tj m. entation. reddition , restitution ; mus. recitative. surBecatore, [re'kt're'] m. Reca- Recitatore , [re'tshitt're'J m. render. trice, [re'ktri'tsh] f. bringer, Reddizione , [re'dditsi'ne'] f. reciter, relator. fetch er; carrier. Recitazione, [re'tshittsi'n] appurtenance, support, restiBecatura,[rkt.'r] /".carriage, f. recitation, recital. tiition. porterage. Reciticcio, [re'tshit'tsh] m. Rede, [r'de'] m. heir; descendRecchiata, [re'kki't] f. Rec- matter spewed in retching. ant. chlone, [re'kki'ne'] m. box on Reclamare, [re'klm'r] v. Redentore, [re'de'nt're'] m. ranthe ear. somor redeemer.saviour; Jesus reclaim; complain; protest. Recedere, fre'tsh'de're'] v n.irr. Reclamazione, [re'klmatsi'ne'] Christ. (see Cedere) to recede, draw[re'de'ntsi'ne'J f. /. Reclamo, [re'kl'm] w. re- Redenzione, back; desist. redemption, ransom. clamation, appeal. Becedimento, [re'tshe'dirae'n't] Reclinare, [re'klin'r] v. a. to Redificar e, [redifik're'] see Riem. receding; desistance. dificare, &c. recline, repose. Beccute, [retshn't] adj. re Reclinatorio, [re'klinto'ri] m. Redimere, [re'di'me're'] v. a. irr. cent, new; late. (redensi ; redento) to redeem resting-place sofa, couch. Becentemente, [re'tshe'nte'meV Reclusorio, [re'kls'rijwi. poor- rescue. t] adv. recently, newly; of house. Redimibile, [re'dimi'bil] adj.



[re'tshe"pe're'] see






recruits, pi.

cevere. Reclutare, [re'klt're'] t?. a. Becere, [r'tshe're'] v.n. to retch, recruit; complete. Redimire, [re'dimi're'] v. a. to vomit. Recogitare, [re'kjit're'] v. a. crown. Eecesso, [re'tsh's] m. recess, & n. to think over, consider, Rdina, [re"din[ Rdine, [rretreat. dine'] /. rein (of a bridle). reflect upon. Becettacolo, [re'tshe'tt'kl] m. Recognzione, [re'kn'itsi'ne'] Bedintegramento, [rdinte'grreceptacle ; shelter. me'n't] m. see Reintegrazione. /. recognition. Becettibile, [re'tshe'ttibi'le'] adj. Recolendo, [rklu'd] adj. Redintegrare , [rdinte'gr'r] apt to receive. . a to renew, re-establish. reverend. Becettivo, [rtshe'tti'v] ad)'. re- Reconciliare, [re'kntshili're'J Redintegrazione, [re'dintgrceiving. V. a. to reconcile, tsi'ne'l renovation , re/. Becettore, [re'tshe'tt're'] m. re- Reconciliatore,[rkntshilit'- establishment. ceiver; shelterer. Redit, [re'dit'] see Eredit. re'] m. reconciler. Becezione, [rtshtsi'ne'J f. see Recondito, [re'kn'dit] adj. re- Reditiere, [re'diti're] m. heir. Ricetta. condite; abstruse; m. a secret Redivivo , [re'divi'v] adj. toRecidere, [re'tshi'de're'] v. a. irr. chamber. turned to life.

redeemable. Redimibilit, [re'dimibilit'J redoomabloness. to





Regenerazione, [rje'ne'rtsi'Eedola, [rd'l] /. path across Refolo, [r'fl] m. squall. Refrangersi, [rfrn'je'rsi] v.r. ne] f. regeneration. a farm. Redolire, [rdli'r] v. n. to be irr. (see Frangere) to be re- Reggente,[re'djn'te']adj .regent.
rodolont, smell sweet.





Reducer e,

[rd'tshe're'] sec

Ri- Refrangibile, [re'fra.nji'bile'] adj



Beducimento, [re'dtshimn't] Refrattario,

[rfrtt'ri] adj. refractory; disobedient. see Riducimento. Reduplicare, [re'duplit're'] v. Refrazione, [re'frtsi'n] /". refraction. a. to redouble; repeat. Reduplicativo, [rdplilcti'v] Refreddatorio, [re'fre'ddt'ri] m. cooling-room in a glass adj. reduplicative; double.

[r'dje're'] v. a. irr. (ressi; rc((o)to support, uphold;

govern; withstand, op-

Reduplicazione[re'dpliktsi'- furnace. ne'] f. reduplication; doubling. Refrenare, [re'fre'n're'] &c., see Reduttibile, [rdtti'bile'] adj. Raffrenare &c. (Riduzione. Refrgeramento,[re'frije'rme'n'reducible. Redazione , [re'dtsi'ne'] see t] m. refreshment,restoration Reedificare, [rdifik'r] &c., of strength. Refrigerante, [re'frijrn't] m. see Riedificare &c. Refajuolo, [rfyl] m. thread- a vessel filled with cold water for passing distilled liquors. merchant. Refe, [r'fe'] ni. thread; continui- Refrigerare, [re'frije'r'r] v a. ty; cucire a - doppio, to cheat to cool, refresh ; alleviate

pose; maintain, nourish; favor; -, . n. irr. to last, hold out; subsist, live; Reggersi, w. r. to stop or check one's self. Reggia, [r'dji] f. royal palace.

both parties. console. (gicide. Referendario, [re'fernd'ri] Refrigerativo, [re'frije'rti'v] royally. m. referendary, i-eporter; in- Refrigeratori o, [r e'fr ije'rt'- Regicida, [re'jitshi'd] m. reformer, spy. ri] adj. refrigerative, cooling. Regicidio, [rjitshi'di] m. regReferimento, [re'fe'rimn't] m Refrigerazione, [re'frije'rtsi'- icide, king's murder. report, statement, relation. n] f. refreshment, comfort. Regina, [rji'n] f. queen. Referire, [r fri'r] see Riferir e Refrigerio, [rfrij'ri] m. re- Regio, [r'ji] ady. royal; noble. Referto, [re'fr't] m. report; lief, comfort. Regioire, [re'jii're'J v. n. to relation; statement. Refuggio, [re'fdji] m. refuge (country. rejoice, be glad. Refetto, [re'fe't't] m. restora- asylum. Regione , [rji'ne'] f. region, tion, recompense. Refuggire, [re'fdji're'] see Ri- Registrare, [rjistr're'] v. a. to Refettoriere, [re'fe'ttri'r] m. fuggire. register, record. administrator of the refectory. Refugiarsi, [re'fujir'si] v.n. r Registratore, [re'jistrt're'] m, Refettorio, [re'ftt'ri] m. re to take refuge. registrar, recorder. fectory. Refulgente, [rflje'n't] adj. Registratura, [re'jistrt'r] /".

Reggibile, [rdji'biljacf/. manageablof governable. Reggimento, [re'djime'n't] m. ruling; government; behaviour, conduct; basis; mil.^ regiment. Reggitore, [re'djit're'] m. ruler, governor, rector. Reggitrice, [re'djitri'tshe'] f. governess. Regiamente, [rjtamn'te'] adv.

Ref ezonare, [rfe'tsin'r] v .n.

to take refreshment.


registering, registry.
[re'flje'n'ts[ /.re-


Registro, [rji'str]




[rftsi'ne'] f. re-

fection, refreshment,

fulgence, brightness. repast; Refuso, [re'f's] m. print. wrong


book of records.



reparation. letter. Reficiare, [re'fitshi're'] andRe- Refutare, [re'ft're'] &c. sec fiziare , [rfitsi're'J v. a. to Rifutare &c. restore; repair. Regaglia, [re'gT] f. leavings Refiziatore, [re'fitsitVi] m. after meals. comforter, rojoicer. Regalabile, [re'gl'bile'] adj. fit Reflessare, [rflss're'] v. a. for a present. (paint.) to reflect (the light). Regalare, fre'gl're] v. a. to Reflessibile, [re'flssi'bil] adj. make a present of, present reflexible. with, regale; season. Reflessibilit , [re'fle'ssibilit'J Regalatamente, [re'gltme'n'-

government. Regnante, [re'n'n'te'] m. reigning prince, sovereign.


rn''re'] v. a. to reign,
[re'n't're'J wi.ruler,

manage; predominate.


Regnicolo, [re'n'i'kl] adj. na-

tive of any kingdom indicated in the context. Regno, [r'n'] m. kingdom, rcfle.xibility. adv. t] sumptuously. reign, empire. f. Reflessione, [re'fle'ssi'ne'] f. re- Regale, [re'g'l] adj. regal, Regola, [r'gl] f. rule, law; flection, meditation. royal ;-,m. barrel-organ; hand- order; statute; religious order; Reflessivo, [rfle'ssi'v] adj. re- organ. convent , monastery ; model, flexive, reflective. Regalia, [re'gli'] f. regalia. example ; ar. - d' oro, rule of

Reflesso, [re'fl's] m. reflection, repercussion. Beflettere, [re'fl'te're'] v. a. irr. (see Flettere) to reflect; throw back. Refluo, [r'fl] adj. refluent. Reflusso, [rfls's] m. reflux:

Regalista,[re'gli'st] m. royalist.


Regolamento, [re'glmeVt]m.

Refocillare, [re'ftshill'r] v. a. to restore, give new life fortify; REPOCII.LARSI, V. r. to feel comforted, recover one's strength.

adv. regulation, statute. royally, magnificently. Regolare, [re'gla're'] r. a. to [re'ga lo] m, present, doregulate, conduct; rule; polso nation. regolato, m. regular pulse; ReRegaiuccio, [re'gl'tsh] m. golarsi, V. r. to conduct one's small present, keepsake. self, behave. Regata, [re'g't] f. boat-race, Regolare, [re'gla're'] adj. reguyacht-race. lar, punctual. Rege, [r j] m. poes. king. Regolarit, [re'glrit'] RegoRegenerare, [rjne'r'r] v. a. laritade, Regolaritate, f. reto regenerate. gularity; order.





[re'missi'bile'] adj.

Eegolarmente, [rglrmn't] Relazionetta,


excusable, parshort relation; short account. remissible, adv. regularly, exactly. [rlgme'n't] donable. Regolatamente, [reglatme'n'- Relegamento, Remissione, [re'missi'neT /.rem. banishment. tj adv. in a regular manner. abatement, Regolatore, [rglt'r] m. re- Relegare, [rle'ga're'] v. a. to re- mission, pardon cessation. gulator, director, administra- legate, banish.





Remissoria, [re'miss'ri]



RoRelegazione, [rele'gatsi'ne'j f. mito &c. Regolazione, [re'gltsi'ne'] /. relegation, banishment. Religionario, [re'lijn'ri] m. Remo, [r'm] m. oar; fig. hard see Regolamento. labor, punishment of the galRegoletto, [re'gle't't] m. ruler, sectary; protestant.

Regolatrice, [re'gltri'tsh] directress, governess.


ters of remission, pi. Remito, [rmi't] &c., see

Religione, [rlij'n] /.religion;

religious order.



[re'gli'n] f. a kind of Florentine calce. Regolizia, [re'gli'tsi] f. lico-

Remolino, [ramli'n] m. whirlf.

Religiosa, [rlij's]


wind. f. nnn. Religiosamente, [rlijsme'n*- Remora, [r'mr] prey ; short delay. te'] adv. religiously, piously.


Regolo, [r'gl] m. petty king; Religiosit, [rlijsit'J






f. reli- Remoto, [re'm't] adj. remote, distant. giousness, piety. Religioso, [rlij's] adj. relig- Remozione, [re'mtsi'ne'] f. removing; remoteness, distance. ions, pious; -, m. monk, friar. little


RegolnzzO; [re'gl'ts] m.petty




Relinqnere, [re'lin'kue're'] v. a. Remuggire , [re'mdji'r] see Riraugghiare. to abandon, leave. [re'mne'rReliquia, [re'li'kui] f. remain- Remuneramento, me'n't] m. remuneration rem. regress, der relic, relics, pi. Reliquiario , [re'liktti'ri] m. ward; recompense.



mn't] m. overflow. Regurgitare, [re'grjit're']

n. to

Remunerare, [re'mne'ra're'] shrine (for relics). Reliquie, [rli'kui]/". pi. relics, a. to remunerate, reward.






Regurgito, [re'gr'jit] i. overReina, [re'i'na] /. queen; carp. Reintegrare, [re'intgr're'] v.

a. to reintegrate. Reintegrazione,[re'inte*grtsi'ii] f. reintegration.

Reliquiere,[re'liqiue"re] and Reliquiero, [re'liqie"r] m. repository in which relics are preserved. Relucere, [rlutshre'] see Rilucere. Relnttanza, [reluttn'ds] f.

Remuneratore, [re'mne'rt're] wi. Remuneratrice , [rmnertri'tsh]



Remuneratorio, [romnrt'ri] adj. rerauneratory.

Remunerazione [re'mne'ratsi'ne'] f.

remuneration, requital.

Rena, [r'n]


Renaccio, [re'n'tsh] m. small Reinvitare , [re'invita're'] v. a. Remajo, [re'm'y] wi. oar- sand; sandy ground. Renajo, [re'n'y] m. sands, pi. ; to invite again. maker. Reit, [reit'] Reitade, Retta- Remanere, [re'mne''re'] see Ri- sand-pit; sandbank. Renajolo, Renajuolo, [re'ny'le, /". crime, wickedness. manere. Reiterabile , [rite'r'bile'] adj. Remante, [rmn'te'] m. see Re- 1] m. sand-carrier sand-seller. Renale, [rn'l] adj. belonging that may be reiterated. matore.




[re'm're'j v. a.


n. to

to the loins.

m. reiteration, repetition. row. Reiterare, [reite'ra're'] v. a. to Remata, [re'ma't] reiterate, repeat again. the oars.


[rn'de're*] v. a. reg.


stroke of

Rematore, [remt're'] m.rower;

adv. repeatedly. Reiterazione, [re'ite'rtsi'ne'J see Reiteramento.




galley-slave. [re'm'di] see



Recezione , [re'ye'tsi'ne'] throwing away, rejection. Rejudicata , [rydik't]

a judicial decision.





oars (of a ship).



[re'mn's] adj.


sured; examined.

Relassamento, [re'lssme'n't] Remgamento, [re'migme'n't] m. relaxation; release. t. rowing.

Relassare, [rlss're']
relax, slacken.
v. o. to




Rematore. Relassazione, [rlsstsi'ne'] f. Remigare, [re'mig're'] see Rerelaxation, release, remission. mare. Relasso, [rls's] m. relapse. Remigatore, [re'migt're'J see Relativamente, [rlativme'n'- Rematore. te']aflv. relatively, in respect to. Remigazione, [re'migtsi'ne']
Relativo, [rlti'v] adj. relative.

reso) to render, make; restore; return, compensate; produce, yield; - ouvertito, to advise, let know; - facile, to facilitate; - forte, to make strong; fortify; - l' anima, to give up the ghost; cenno, to give a sign; - conto, to give a reason; render an account ; - colpo per colpo, to render like for like; - diletto, to please ; - fede , to assure, testify; - frutto, to produce fruit; - grazia, - grazie, to reirr.



Relatore, [relt're'] m. relator,

reporter, narrator.

Remigio, [re'mi'ji] m. rowing. Reminiscenza , [rminishn'ds] Reminiscenzia, [re'mini-

Relazione, [re'ltsi'ne'] f. rela- shndsi] f. reminiscence. tion, analogy; recital, narra- Reminiscitiva, [rminishiti'Y] tive; account. f. power of remembering.

- lume, to give light, light illuminate - merito, to make amends; onore, to honor; - ragione, to give an account; - il saluto, to - sospetto salute again to awake suspicion; - testimonianza, to bear witness, Avitness; - voce a voce, to answer exactly; - voto, to givo one's vote; Rendersi, t>.r. to surrender, yield; - certo, to be cer
; ; ; ,

turn thanks, thank;




tain;-t colpa, to confess one's Repente, [re'pn'te] adj. sud- Reprovazione, [re'prvtsi'ne'] Bolf guilty; - in vn luogo, to den; unexpected. f. reprobation. go to a place repair to; - mo- Repente, [re'pn'te'] Repente- Repubblica, [re'pbTslik] /. renacOyio enter a religious order. mente, [re'pe'nte'mn'te'] adv. public. Eendevole , [re'nd'vl] adj. suddenly, upon a sudden, Repubblicano, [re'pbblik'n] supple; yielding. unawares. adj. republican; -, m. repubRendimento, [re'ndime'n't] m. Repentere, [re'pn'te're'] see Ri- lican. reddition surrender; return- pentir. Repubblicante, [re'pbblikn'ing; restitution. Repentinamente , [re'pe'ntina- t] adj. one who lives in a reRendita, [rn'dit] /. rent, rev- me'n'te'] adv- suddenly. public. Repentino, [re'pe'nti'njadj. sud- Repnbblichetta, [re'piibblikeTenue. Renditore, frendit're'] m. one den; unexpected. .t] f. small republic. who gives tack; restorer. Repere, [r'pe'r] v.n. to crawl, Repubblichista , [re'pubbliki'sta] m. republican. Rendituzza , [re'ndit'ts] f. creep. small income, moderate reve- Reperibile, [re'pe'ri'bile'] adj. Repubblicone, [re'phblikt'ne'] m. one who greatly meddles possible to be found. nue. Rene, [r'n] tn. reins, loins, pi.; Reperire, [re'pe'ri're'] v. a. irr. with the public business. dar lo reni, to take to one's (reperto) to find out, discover. Republica, [re'p'blik] &c., se heels, run away. Repertorio, [re'pe'rt'rij m. re- Repubblica &c. Renella, [rnl] f. small sand; pertory, index. Repudiare, [rpdia'r] v. a. to gravel (disease). Repetere, [re'pe'te're'j v. a. to repudiate; divorce. Reniccio, [re'ni'tsh]wi. quantity repeat; reply. Repudio, [re'p'di] m. poes., of sand collected atout running Repetitore, [re'pe'tit'r] m. re- repudiation.
; ,

peater, private teacher; ques- Repugnante, [re'pn'n'te'] adj. repugnant, contrary. Renistio, tioner; critic. [rni'sti] m. sandy ground. Repetizione, [re'pe'titsi'ne'] /". Repugnantemente, [re'pun'anRenitente, [re'nitn't] adj. re- repetition. tme'u't] adv. repugnantly. sisting, restive, stubborn; testy. Repilogare , [re'pilg're'] see Repugnanza, [re'pn'n'ds] /. Renitenza, [re'nitn'ds] f. re- Riepilogare. repugnance. sistance, repugnance,ohstinacy, Replete, [re'plt] adj. replete, Repugnare, [re'pn''re'] v. n. stubbornness. full. to be repugnant, be contrary Renone, [re'n'ne'] m. coarse Replezione, [re'ple'tsi'ne'] f. re- to, be inconsistent with. unsifted sand. pletion, fulness. Repugnazione, [rpn'tsi'ne'] Renosiccio, [re'nsi'tsh] adj. Replica, [re'plika] /". Replica- A repugnancy, inconsistency. sandy. mento, [re'plikmn't] m. re- Repulsa, [repul'sa] f. repulse, Renosit, [re'nsit'] Eenos- ply, answer. refusal. tade, Renositate, f. sandiness. Roplicare, [re'plika're'] v. a. to Repulsare, [re'piilsa're'] v. a. to Renoso, [rn's] adj. sandy. reply, repeat; answer. repulse, refuse.

waters. Renischio,


Rensa, [rn's]








adv. repeatedly. Renunzia, [re'nn'tsi] &c., see Replicativo, [rplikti'v] adj. Rinunzia &c. apt to reply. Renuzza, [re'n'ts] f. small Replicazione, [re'pliktsine'] f. sand. reply, answer. Reo, [r'] adj. guilty, crimi- Repositorio, [re'psit'ri] m. nal; -, m. evil, guilt; culprit. repository. Reobarbaro, [re'bar'br] m. Reposizione, [re'psitsi'ne'] f. rhubarb. reposition, replacing.

lawn, fine linen.

see Repulsa. Repulsione, [re'plsi'n] f. repulsion. Repulsivo, freplsi'v] adj. repulsive, repelling.


[re'pta're'j v. a.


to repute, think, esteem.



reputation, esteem; credit. Reparabile, [reparaTbile'] adj. Reprensibile,[re'pre'nsi'bile']ad';. Requiare, [rkuia'r] v. n. to reparable. reprehensible, blaraable. repose one's self (little used). Reparare, [re'pra're'] v. a. to Reprensione, [re'pre'nsi'ne'] f. Requie, [r'kwie'J /. repose, rest; repair; retrieve. reprimand, reproof. quiet, ease.




[rpartri'tsh] retriever, restorer.


m. Reprensorio, [re'pre'ns'ri] adj. Requiescere, [re'kuie'she''r] v. reprehensive. n. to be in a state of repose. Reprimente, [re'prlmeVt] m. Requisito, [rkMisi't] m. reqf.


repressing, restraining.
v. a.

uisite, prerequisite.

reparation, restoration, edy.

rem- Reprmere,



[re'prti't] adj. di-

[repressi ; represso) repress, restrain; hinder.


[rkuisit'ri] (jnr.) instance, request.




vided, distributed.

m. parti-

[re'prbbi'le'] adj.




Resa, [r's]

^ surrender, yield-

reprove, blame. Resarcire, [re'srtshi're'] v.a. to Reprobazione, [re'prhtsi'ne'j repair, refit. Repatriazione , [re'patritsi'- f. reprobation. Resoarpinare , [rskrpin're'] n] /'.return to one's country. Reprobo, [r'prb] adj. repro- V. a. to refoot boots. Repellere, [re'p'le're'] v. a. irr. bate. Rescindere, [re'shin'de'r] v. a. (fee Espellere) to repel, re- Repromissione, [rprmissi'irr. (rescissi; rescisso) to reject. n] f. promising again. scind; annul, cancel. Repentaglio , [repe'ntT] m. Reprovare, [re'prva're'] v. a. to Rescissione , [re'shissi'ne'] f,

tion, distribution. Repatriarsi, [re'ptrir'si] v. r. to return to one's country.


[re'prba're'] v. a. to

jeopardy, peril; risk.

reprove, disapprovo.

rescission, annulling.

Rescissorio, [rshiss'ri] adj.



breathe out, exhale; impart; -, Restituzione, [re'stittsi'ne'] f. V. n. to respire, breathe. restitution, restoring; repayRescritto, [re'skrit't] m. re- Respirativo, [re'spirti'v] adj. ment. script, decree. Resto, [r 'sto] wi. remainder, exhilarating, rejoicing. Rescrivere, [re'skri'vre'] v. a. Respirazione, [re'spirtsi'ne'] rest, remnant, surplus del -, irr. (sec Scrivere) to write back; repose, as for the rest, after all; far f. respiration, breath copy. del -, to lay all at a stake, to pause. Resecare, [rset'r] v. a. to Respiro, [re'spi'r] m. breath, venture one's all. retrench, cut off. Restoppio, [re'stp'pi] m. straw breathing-time; pause; rest. Resecazione, [re'se'ktsi'ne'] f. Respitto, [re'spit'to] m. respite, obtained in gleaning. cutting off; revoking. Restoso, [re'st's] ac/j. bearded quiet; pause. Reservare, [rse'rv'r] see Ri- Rospo, [r'sp] m. bush, shrub. (as corn); full of bones, bony.

belonging to rescission.



[re'spnde"re'] see




adj. re-


adj. restringent.

[re'spns'bilj Restringere, [re'strin'je're'] v. a. , irr. {see Stringere) to restrain, adj. responsible, accountable. Residenza, [re'sidn'ds] Resi- Responsione, [re'spnsi'n] /. limit. denzia, [rsidn'dsi] f. res- answer, reply. Restringitivo, [re'stringiti'v] idence, dwelling ; residuum, Responsivo, [re'spnsi'v] adj. adj. restringent. sediment. Restrittivo, [re'stritti'v] adj. responsive, answering. Residenziale , [re'side'ntsile'] Responso, [re'spn's] m. sec restrictive.

siding; -, m.


min- Responsabile







Residuale, [re'sid'le'] adj. that which remains. Residuare, [re'sid'r] v. a. to form the residue. Residuo, [rsi'd] m. residue, remainder. Resina, [rsi'n] f. resin, rosin. Resinifero, [rsini'fe'rj Resinoso, [rsin's] adj. resinous. Resipiscenza, [rsipishn'ds] f. resipiscence, repentance. Resistente , [re'sistn't] adj. resisting, opposing. Resistenza, [re'sistn'ds] f. resistance.

Responsorio, [re'spns'ri] m.

restriction, limitation. (spitto. Resadare, [re'sda'r] v. n. to chaunt. Resquitto, [re'skuit't] see Ri- sweat. Ressa, [r's] f. importunity; Resultamento, [re'sltme'n't] strife, dispute (little used). m. result, consequence. Resta, [r'st] f. beard (of corn); Resultare, [re'slt'r] v. n. to bones, prickles (of a fish), pi.; result, follow as a consequence. rope, string (of onions); rest Resupino, [re'supi'n] adj. lying (of a lance); tumor in a horse's on one's back. foot; pause, delay; senza -, Resurgere, [re'sur'je're'j see Ri-

without stopping.








mainder, residue. Restare, [re'st'r]



n. to re-

resurrection; Pasqva E aster-sun day.



main; stay, abide; cease,







accordo, to agree; a. to resuscitate. - conlento, to be satisfied; Re- Resuscitazione,[re'siishittsi'(see Assistere) to resist, oppose bold out, endure. starsi, V. r. to stop; give over; n] f. resuscitation. Resolutamente, [re'sltmn'- refresh one's self. Retaggio, [re't'dj] wi. inheritte'] adv. resolutely. Restata, [re'st't] f. end, con- ance, heritage.
v. a. irr.

- d'


[rslti'v] adj. resolutive; dissolvent. Resoluto, [rsl't] see Riso-

clusion, rest.



v. o. to retic-

Restauramento, [restttrme'n'- ulate, t] m. restoring, restoration, Retata,

v. a.


luto. re-establishment. ResolutoriOj. [re'slt'ri] adj. Restaurare, [re'stur're'] resolutory. to restore, re-establish.

Resolnzione, [re'sltsi'ne'] f. Restauratore , [re'stawrt're] resolution, determination; de- m. Restauratrice, [re'sturcision.

v. a. to
ne'] f.

restorer; repairer.

Resolvere, [rslv're']

Restaurazione , [rsturtsi'restoration; recovery.


cast of the Rete, [re''te'] f. net, snare; network, grating; a -, like a net; tender le reti, to lay snares. Retentiva, [re'te'nti'va] f. retentiveness; memorj-. Retentivo, [re'te'nti'vo] adj. retentive; mindful.




Besolvibile, resolvable.



m. covery; comfort; reward.





retention. Reticella, [re'titsh'l] [rstiiime'u'te'] net; lace, bone-lace.



mn't] adv. respectively. Respettivo, [rspe'tti'v] adj

adv. reluctantly. Reticenza, [re'titshn'ds,]/". retResticciuolo, [restitshl] m. icence, mental reservation; respectful; relative. small remainder. voluntary omission. Respice, [re'spi'she] m. minute Restio, [rsti'] adj. restive, Reticino, [re'titshi'n] m. small particle of any thing ; remain- wrongheaded, stubborn; -, m. net; net-work. der. wrongheadodness , stubborn- Reticolamento, [re'tiklmen'Eespignere, [re'spi'n'e'r] Re- ness. t] Reticolato, [re'tikl't] spingere, [re'spin'je're'] v. a. Restipnlare, [re'stipiila're'J v. n. Reticnlato, [re'tikl't] m irr. {see Spignere) to push to stipulate mutually. net-work; adj. reticulated. hack, drive back, repel. Restituimento, [rstitime'n'- Reticnlazione, [re'tiklatsi'ne'J Respirabile, [re'spir'bile'] adj. t] m. see Restituzione. f. net-work; lace-work. respirable, breathable. Restituire, [rstiti're'j v. a to Retiflicare, [re'tifik'rj &c., see Respiramento, [re'spirme'n't] restore, return pay back. Ratificare fcc. m. respiration, breathing. Restitutore, [rsiitt'rc'] m Retiforme , [re'tifx'mj adj< Respirare, [re'spira'rj v. a. to restorer, returner. fQjBied as a not?.




Retina, [rti'n] f.anat., retina. Rettangolo , [re'ttn'gl] adj. Reverente, [re' ve'rn'te'] adj. reverent, respectful. Retinente, [rtinn't] adj. re- rectangular; -, m. rectangle, Rettare , [re'tt'r] v. n. to Reverentemente , [re've're'nteserved; prudent wary. mn'te'] adv. reverently, resRetore, [r't'r] m. rheto- crawl, creep.


Rettezza, [re'tte't's] f. rectitude; pectfully. uprightness; justice. Reverenza, [re've'rn'dsa] ReveRettificamento, [re'ttifikamen*- renzia, [re've'ren'dsia] f. revRettorica &c. t] m. rectification. erence, respect; courtesy, bow, Retorta, [rtr't] f. retort. Retraere, [re'tra're] v. a. irr. Rettificare, [re'ttifik're'] v. a. salutation; con -parlando, with to rectify; set to rights; cor- all due submission,respoctfully; (see Trarre) to withdraw. Retratto , [re'trt't] m. the rect. far la -, to make a bow, salute. Rettificatore, [re'ttifikt're'] m. Reverenziale, price of any thing sold. [re've're'ntsia'le']

&c., see

Retribuimento , [rtribime'n'- rectifier, regulator. adj. reverential, respectful. Rettificazione [re'ttifikatsi'u] Reverire, [re've'ri're'] v. o, to ret] m. retribution, reward.
Retribuire, [rtribi'r] v. a. f. rectification, setting right. vere. to retribute, recompense, re- Rettile, [rt'tile'] adj. creeping; Revisione, [re'visi'n]



-, m. reptile. quite. sing, revisal. Retributore, [re'tribt're'] m. Rettilineo, [re'ttili'ne'] adj.rec- Revisore, [re'vis're'] m. reviser, tilinear. rewarder, requiter. censor. Retribuzione, [re'tributsi'n] Rettitudine, [re'ttit'dine'] f. Revocabile, [rvkliile'] adj. rectitude, uprightness. revocable. /. retribution, recompense, reRetto, [r't] adj. right Revocare, [re'vk're'] &c., see quital. [re'tri'v] adj. slow, upright; rejust; Rivocare &c. Retrivo, linea retta, Revelazione, [re'vltsi'n] f. mainiug behind. f. right line. arfu. behind, af- Rettorato, [rttr't] in, rec- revolution; change. Retro, [r'tr] torship. Revulsione , [rvlsi'ne'] f. ter, backward; in times past. Retroattivo, [re'tratti'v] adj. Rettore, [re'tt're'] m. rector, revulsion of the humors of retroactive. governor, ruler, director, su- the body. Retroazione, [re'trtsi'ne'] f Revulsivo, [rvlsi'v] adj. reperior. retroaction. Rettoria, [re'ttri'] f. rectory, vulsive. Retrobugigattolo , [re'trbgi- rectorship. Rezza , [rd's] f. blond-lace ; gtt'l] m. a small room be- Rettorica, [re'tt'rik] f. rheto sweep-net; caul. Rezzo, [rd's] m. shady place. hind another. rie. Retrocamera, [re'tr}r'me'r] /. Rettorcamente[re'ttrikme'n'- Riabbassare, [riabbssa'rjv. a. hack-room, inner-cabinet. te'] adv. rhetorically. to lower again. Retrocedere, [rtrtsh'dre']. Rettoricare, [rttrik're'j v. a. Riabbattere, [ribbt'te're'] v. a. n. irr. {see Cedere) to retrocede, to speak rhetorically. to half-shut; flatten. Rettorico, [rtt'rik] adj. rhe- Riabbellire, [ribblli'r] v. a. go back. Retrocedimento, [re'trotshe'di- torical, oratorical, to adorn afresh. mn't] m. Retrocessione, (re'- Rettoricuzzo, [rttrikt's] m. Riabilitare, [ribili'ta're'] v. a. trtshssi'n] f. retrocession. bad rhetorician. to habilitate afresh. Retrogradare, [rtrgrada'r] Rettrice, [rettri'tshe'] f. direc- Riabilitazione, [ribilittsi'tress, governess. n] f. new qualification. V. n. to retrograde, go backRetnndere, [re'tnde"r] v. a. to Riabitare, [ribit'r] v, a. to ward.

Retrogradazione, [ro'trgrdtsi'ne'l f.

blunt. retrogradation. Reuma, [re'w'ma] m, rheum, caRetrogrado, [rtr'grd] adj. tarrh, cold, defluction. Reumatico, [rumtik] adj, retrograde. Retroguardia , [re'trgjtr'di] rheumatic, catarrhous. /. Retroguardo, [rtrgwr'd] Reumatismo, [re'ttmtis'm] m. TO. rear-guard. rheumatism. Retroguida , [re'trogui'dal m. Revelabile, [rvl'bile'] arfj.that captain of the rear-guard. may bo revealed; impartible.

inhabit again, repeople.

Riaccendere, [ritshn'de'r] . a. irr. {see Accendere) to rekindle.



mn't] m. rekindling. Riaccettare, [ritshe'tt're'j v. a. to accept again. Riaccoccare, [rikkkk're'] see Retropignere, [re'trpi'n're'] v. Revelare, [rve'l'r] v. a. to re- Raccoccare. (ery. Riaccolta, [rikkl'ta] f. recovveal; impart, publish. a. irr. {see Spignoro) to push hack. Revelatore, [re'velat're'] m. re- Riaccomodare, [rikkmda're'j V. a. to mend, refit. Retrotrarre, [re'trtrr're'] v. a vealer: discoverer, to retire backwards, imagine Revelazione, [re've'ltsi'ne'] /", Riaccompagnare , [rikkmpn''re'] v. o. to reconduct, see a thing occurred at an an- revelation; discovery. terior time. Revellente, [rvlln't] adj. re- home. Retrotrazione, [re'trtrtsi'ne'] vulsive. Riacconciare, [rikkntsh'r] [re'v'le'r] v. a. to V, o, to repair, reconcile. f. pulling backward; fixing the Revellere, mind on an anterior period. Riaccostare, [rikksta're'] v.a, revel, cause a revulsion. Retta, [r't] f. resistance, op- Reverberare, [rve'rbe'r're'j v. to accost again, approach again. dar -, to lend an a. to reverberate. position Riaccotonare, [rikktn're'] ear; side with; consent; far -, Reverberazione,[re've'rbe'rtsi'V. a. to card again.

[rikktsto make head against. n] f. reverberation, reflection Riaccozzamento , Rettamente, [re'ttmn'te'J adv. Reverbero , [re'vr'be'r] m. mn't] m. meeting again
rightly, justly.



Rettangoletto, [re'ttngle't't] Reverendo, [re've'rn'd]od!;.rev- Riaccozzare, [rikkts'rlo.. m. small roctanglo. or end, venerable. to re-assemhie.




[riatlrre'sliere] Riapplicare, [ripplik'r] r a. Ribaldare, [n'balda're'] v. n. to jEliaccrescere, to apply again; Riapplicarsi, commit wickedness. V. a. irr. (see Crescere) to augV. r. to apply one's self again. Ribaldeggiare, [ribalde'dja're'] ment. a. to play roguish tricks. Riacqnistare , [ria'klcttista're'] Riaprimento, [riprlmn't] m. Ribaldella, [ribld'lj /. abanre-opening. V. a. to acquire again; retake,



[riapri're'] v. a. irr.

doned woman.

Biadattamonto, [ridttme'n't] m. re-adaptation. Eladattare, [ridtta're']

v. a.

Aprire) to open again.

Riapritura, [riprit'r] f. Ribalderia, [ribalde'ri'a] f. ribRiaprimento. Riardere, [rir'de're'] v. a. irr. aldry; rascality. to re-adapt, suit afresh. Riaddomandare,[riddmnd'- [see Ardere) to scorch parch Ribaldo, [ribal'do] arf;. rascally, roguish - , m. ribald, rascal, up; blast, sear. r] see Raddoraandare. Riaddormentarsi, [riaddrme'n- Riardimento, [rirdime'n't] m. rogue; needy beggar. Ribaldonaccio, [ribldn'tsh] burning; parching up. tr'si] v.r. to fall asleep again.
, ;

Ribaldello,[ribald'l] m.knave, scoundrel. see

Eiaddossare, [riddss'r] v. Riarmare, [rirma'r] v. a. to arm again; Riarmarsi, v. r. to a. to wear again, put on again.
Riadirarsi, [riadirar'si] v. fall into a passion again.
r. to




Riadornare, [ridrn're'] a. to adorn again. Riadulare, [ridla're'] v. a.


flatter reciprocally. [ridn're'] v. a. re-assemble, collect afresh. a. to wipe again. Riaffermare, [riflfe'rma'r].a. Riascoltare, [risklta're'] v. a.

arm one's self again. Riarrecare, [rirre'k're'] v. a. dance again. Ribalta, [ribal'ta] /. trap, pitv. to carry again. Riarricchire, [rirrikki're'] .a. fall; (war.) shipwright's scale. Ribaltare, [ribalt'r] v. a. to to to enrich again. Riasciugare, [n'shga'r] and overturn, trip up; (mar.) to to Riasciuttare, [rishtta're] v. capsize.
Ribalzamento, [ribltsmn't] m. rebound.
Ribalzare, [ribaltsre'] v. n. to rebound, spring back. Ribalzo, [ribl'ts] m. rebound;

great scoundrel. Riballare, [riballa're'] v. n. to

to hear again. to re-affirm. Riaffezionare, [riffe'tsin're'] Riassalire, [ridssli'r] v.a. to v.a. to love again. assault again. Riaggravare, [riggrv'r] see Riassettare, [risse'tt're'] v.a. Raggravare. to mend again, re-adjust. Riaguzzare^ [rigts're'] v. a. Riassicurare, [riassikr're'] v. to sharpen again. a. to re-assure; cheer; RiassiRiallogare, [rillg'r] v. a. to curarsi, V. r. to take courage replace. again.

Ribandare [riband'r] v. a. (mar.) to remove from one side


of the vessel to the other.

Ribandimento, [ribndime'n't] m. recalling from exile.


n. to alter again. Rialto, [rial'to] adj. elevated;


Ribandire, [ribandi'r] v. a. to recai from banishment, repeal. Ribarbare, [ribarb'r] v. shoot new roots. high -, m. eminence, height. to absorb again. Rialzamento, [rialtsme'n'tj m. Riassumere, [riss'me're'] v.a. Ribassare, [ribassa're'] v. a. to abate, diminish in price. elevation. trr.(see Assumere)to re-assume; Ribasso, [ribs's] ni.abatement, Rialzare, [ridlts're'] v. a. to sum up. [rittkk- discount. raise higher; Rialzarsi, v. r Riattaccamento , mn't] m. second attachment. Ribastonare, [ribstna're'] v.a. to rise again. Riamare, [rira're'] v. a. to re- Riattaccare, [rittkk'r] r.a. to cudgel again. turn love for love. to fasten again, attach again; Ribattere, [ribt'te're'] v. a. to Riamicare, [rimik'r] v.a. to Riattaccarsi, v. r. to join boat again; oppugn, combat; reconcile, re-unite. again, adhere again. confute; reverberate, reflect; Riammalarsi, [rimmlr'si] v. Riavere, [riv're'] v.a. irr. (see blunt, dull. r. to fall sick again. Avere) to have again, regain, Ribattezzaraento, [ribatte'dsaRiammettere, [rimmt'te're'] recover; - le parole, to resume mn't] m. baptizing again. Ribattezzare , [ribttds're'] V. a. irr. {see Mettere) to reone's discourse; Riaversi, v. admit; receive again. to recover one's strength. V. a. to baptize again. Riammirare, [rimmir're'j v.a. Riavolo, [ri'vl]m. oven-rake. Ribattimento , [ribttime'n't] to admire anew. Riavvicinare, [riavvitshin're'] m. repercussion; reverberation, Riammogliare, [rimmr're'] V. a. to bring nearer. reflection. V. a. & n. to marry again. Ribaciare, [ribtsh're'] v. a. to Ribattitura, [ribattit'r] RiRiammonire, [rimmni're'] v. kiss again. battuta, [ribatt'tj ^ beating a. to warn again. Ribadimento, [ribdime'n't] m. back; clenching. Riaudamento, [rindme'n't] riveting; clenching. Ribattutamente[ribtttame'n'wi. repassing; fresh inquiry. Ribadire, [ribdi're'] v. a. to t] adv. in a repellent manner. Riandare, [riand're'] v. a. & n. rivet; clench. Ribattuto, [ribtt't] soam of irr. {see Andare) to repass; Ribaditura, [ribdit'r]/".riveta coat &c. reconsider. ing; clenching (of a nail). Ribeba, [rib'b] Ribeca, frib'Riannestare, [rianne'sta're'] v.a. Ribagnare, [ribn'a're'] . tt. to ka] f. rebock (instrument). to graft again. wet again, soak again. Ribeccare, [ribkka'r] v. a. to Riapertura, [ripe'rt'r] peck again. /. Ribaldacelo , [ribalda'tsh] m. opening again. great scoundrel. Ribecchino , [ribe'kki'nl m, Riapparire, [ripprf're'] v. n. Ribaldaggine, [ribld'djine'] small rebeck (inslrximent). irr. (see Apparire) to re-appear. see Ribalderia, Ribellagione , [ribelij'ne'] /. Riappendere, [rippn'drj v. Ribaldaglia, [rihldil'l/.pack Ribellamento, [ribllmn't]


v. a.



[rfssrbi, me'n't] m. reahsorption. Riassorbire, [rissrbi'r] v. a.

a. to

hang up again.


of rogues.






conclusion; capacity; uomo di Ebellante, [riblln't] adj. re- Ricadia., [rikdi'] f. relapse -, m. man of judgment. trouble, misfortune. bellious ; -, n. rebel. Eibellaro, [ribll'rc] v. a. & n. Ricadiare, [rikdi're'] . a. to Ricapitolare, [rikpitl'r] v. a. to recapitulate, sum up. annoy, trouble. (lion, revolt. to rebel. [rikpitlEibellione, [ribe'lH'ne'] f.reh&l- Ricadimento, [rikdime'n'tjm. Ricapitolazione , tsio'nj /. recapitulation, sumKibello, [rib'l] m. rebel, in- falling again, relapse. Ricadioso, [rikdi's] ad/. tire- mary. surgent. Ricapo (di), [rik'p] odv.anew, Eibenedire, [ribe'ne'di're'] v. a. some, desponding. again, afresh. f. trr. (see Dire) to bless again; Ricaducit, (rikdtshit'] Ricapoficare, [rikpfik're'] v. assigning a trust &c. reconsecrate. Eibenedizione, [ribne'ditsi'- Ricaduta, [rikad't] f. Ricag- a. to fall head foremost. gimento, [rikjime'n't] ni. re- Rlcaprngginare, [rikprdjin'ne'] f. new consecration. re'] V. a. to groove anew. Eibeneflcare, [ribe'nefikjl're'] v. lapse. Ricagnato, [rikn''t] adj. flat- Rcardare, [rikrd'r] v. a,, to a. to return good for good. card again. Eibere, [rib're'] v. a. & n. irr. nosed. Ricalare, [rikl'r] v. . to Ricaricare, [rikrik'r] v. a. {tee Bere) to drink again. to charge again, load again come down again. Eibes, fri'be's] m. currant. Eiboboletto , [ribble't't] m. Ricalcare, [riklk'r] v. a. to RiCARiCAESi, V. r. to resume the charge. trample down again. little jest.

Eibobolo, [rib'bl] m. saying in low Tuscan




Ricalcitramento, [rikltshitr- Ricarminare, [rikrmin're'] a. to card again; shake. me'n't] m. kicking back; re-


Eiboccare, [ribklca'r]
overflow, be brimful.

. n. to

Ricascamento, [rikskme'n't] sistance, opposition. Ricalcitrante,[rikltshitrn't] m. falling again.

adj. kicking back; restive, re-

Ricascantezza, [riksknte't's]
Ricascare, [riksk'r]
disposition to fall, relapse. v. n. to fall again, relapse. Ricascata, [rikaska'ta] f. relapse.

Eibocco, [ribkTc] m. overflow; superabundance; a -, in plenty.

Eibolla,[ribri] f.- del timone, (mar.) tiller, helm.


[ribllime'n't] , ebullition. EiboUio , [riblli'] m. ebullition, boiling, effervescence. Ribollire, [ribUi're'] v. n. to boil again, boil up, effervesce; be

fractory , stubborn ; wrongheaded. Ricalcitrare , [rikltshitr're'] V. . to kick back; be restive, be cross-grained ; resist. Ricalzarsi, [rikltsr'si] v. r. to put on one's shoes again. Ricamamento, [rikamme'n't] m. embroidery; needle-work.

Ricascatezza, [rikskte't's]



m. {mar.) garboard-strake. Ribrezzare, [ribre'ts'r] v. .

Ribordo, [ribr'd)

feel a chilliness, shiver, tremble (with cold). Ribrezzo, [ribr'ds] m. shiver ing, shuddering, chilliness



Ribucare, [ribk're'] make a new opening.

Ribuffo, [ribf'f] rebuke, reprimand.

v. a. to

Ricatenare, [rikte'n're'] v. a. to shackle again. Ricamare, [rikama're'] v. a. to Ricattamento, [rikttme'n't] embroider. m. rescue, revenge; satisfacRicamatore, [rikmt're'] m. tion. Ricamatrice, [rikmtri'tshe'] Ricattare, [riktt're'] w. o. te redeem, recover; Ricattarsi, f. embroiderer. Ricamatura, [rikmt'r] f. V. r. to be avenged, be reembroidery. quited. Ricambiare, [rikmbi're'] v. a. Ricattatore, [rikttt'r] m. to requite, reward, repay. deliverer, rescuer. Ricambio, [rikm'bi] m. re- Ricatto, [rikat't] m. redempchange, re-exchange; fresh tion; vengeance. change; recompense, reward, Ricavalcare, [rikvlk're'] v.

requital, return; (mar.) vele di n. to mount again. -, spare-sails, pi. Ricavare, [rikva're'] v. a. to Riburlare, [ribrla're'] . a. to Ricametto, [rikme't't] m. little dig again; gain, profit; reembroidery. return the joke. cover; copy out, transcribe. Ributtamento, [ribttme'n't] Ricamminare, frikmmin're'] Riccaccio, [rikka'tsho] m. rich m. rebuff, repulse, refuse. V. n. to set out again. curmudgeon. Ributtante, [ribttn't] adj. Ricamo, [rik'm] m. embroi- Riccamente, [rikkme'n'te'] adv, repulsive ; unpleasant , dis- dery. richly, abundantly. agreeable. Ricancellare, [rikntshe'lla'r] Ricchezza, [rikke't's] f. riches, Ributtare, [ribtt're'] v. a. to r. o. to cancel again. pi. ; magnificence. repulse, rebuff, reject; vomit. Ricangiare, [riknj're'] v. a. Ricciaja, [ritsh'y] f. place to Ributtata, [ribtta't] f. see to reward, repay. ripen chestnuts ; curly head. Eibuttamento. Ricantare, [riknt're'] v. a. to Riccio, [r'tsh] adj. frizled, Ributto, [ribt't] m. repulse; sing again. curled ; shaggy ; -, m. husk oi vomiting. Ricantazione, [riknttsi'n] chestnuts; euri, ringlet; hedgeRicaccia, [rik'tsh] f. Ricac- f. recantation; retraction. hog; - marina, sea-urchin. ciamento, [riktshme'n't] m. Ricapare, [rikpa're'J v. a. to Ricciolino, [ritshli'nj m. ringexpulsion. choose the best. let, small curl. Ricacciare, [riktsh're'] v. a. Ricapire, [rikapi're'] see Ca- Ricciolo, [ritshi'l] m. a lock to repulse, expel; drive back: pire. of hair, curl. drive in again. Ricapitare, [rikpit're'] v. a. Ricciutello, [n'tsht] adj. a Ricadere, [rikde''re'] v. n. irr. to direct; send, deliver, trans- little curled, a little frizled. {tee Cadere) to fall again ; be mit ; recover; cash bills. Ricciuto, [ritshii't] adj. frizled, pendent, hang down; lie down Ricapito, [rik'pit] m. address, in ringlets. (as corn); - nel peccato, to fall direction (of a letter) ; intro- Ricco, [rik'ko] adj. rich, wealthy; i again into sin. duction; delivery; sale; end, fertile, rank ; pompous.


Diz, Ital.-lng


Riccone, [rikk'n] m. very rich



io cali back, recai




cut, in-





Ricenare, [ritslie'n'r] v. n. to plain. -, sup twice. Richiamata, [rikim't] /. re- erately. Ricentinare, [ritshe'ntin're'] v. cai, revocation. Ricisamente , [ritshisame'n'te] a. to arch over again. Richiamatore , [riktmt're'] adv. precisely, exactly. Ricepere, [ritsh'pr] see Ri- m. Richiamatrice, [rikim- Riciso , [ritshi'so] adj. cut ; cevere. tri'tsh] /. appellant. quick, sudden. Ricerca, [ritsherta] f. Rcer- Richiamo, [rikt'm] m. recai; Riclamo, [rikl'm] see Recamento, [ritshe'rkme'n't] m. reclaiming; appeal; bird-call, clamo. inquiry, search, research. decoy ; complaint; far - di, to Ricogliere, [rikTe're'] , a. Ricercare, [ritshe'rk'r] v. a. complain of. irr. {see Cogliere) to gather, to seek again, seek out; search, Richiarire, [rikiri're'] v. a. to collect; take things out of
inquire into; request, interro- declare again. gate; -, m. prelude, flourish. Richicco, [rikik'k] m. a viscous [ritshe'rk't] Ricercata , humor flowing from certain f. search, perquisition; prelude. trees.

cutting off; a -, alia the shortest way ; inconsid-

pawn; note; learn;

to fetch

- ti fiato,

QLiEBSi, . get rid of.

breath; Ricoto got clear of,


Ricercatamente, [ritshe'rkt- Richiedere, [riki'de're'] v. a. Ricoglimento , mn't] adv. on purpose. m. gathering irr. {see Chiedere) to request,
[ritshrk't] adj. in request; exquisite. Ricercatore, [ritshrkat're'] m.



tation. entreaty pray; summon, cite; wish, desire; require, demand; Ricoglitore , [rikrit're'] i, gatherer, collector. (agr.) to plough deep. Ricercatrice , [ritshe'rktri'- Richiedimento, [rikie'dime'n't] Ricoglitrice, [rikritri'tshe'] /. tsh] /. searcher, inquirer. m. request, demand; summons. gatherer; midwife.
v. a. to

Ricerchiare, [ritshe'rki'r]

new-hoop. Ricernere, [ntshr'nr] to sift anew.

a. to chisel

v. a.




[ritshe'ssi're'] v. n.

to stop, stay. Ricetta, [ritsh't] f. medical prescription, receipt. Ricettacolo, [ritshtt'kl] Rcettaculo, [ritshe'tt'kl] m.

receptacle; asylum.

EicettamentOj [ritshettame'n't] m. reception.





Richieditore, [rikie'dit'r] m. Ricognizione , [rikn'itsi'ne'] /,recognition,acknowledgment, domander; petitioner. Richiesta, [riki'st] /".request, recognizance; reward; (mil.) petition; summons; awer -, to reconnoitring. Ricognoscere, [rikn''she'r] be in request. Richinarsi, [rikinr'si] v. see Riconoscere. Ricolare, [rikl're'] , a. te humble one's self. Richiudere, [riki'de're'] v. a. filter again. irr. {see Chiudere) to shut up, Ricoloare, [riklk're'] , a. te close up; Richiudessi, . r. to lie down again. Ricolere, [rikl'rel , n. to close up; heal up. Riohiudimento, [rikt'dime'n't] bring to memory, remember. Ricollegarsi, [rikllgr'sij o. m. shutting up; closing. Richiusura, [rikts'rj /". small r. to confederate again. Ricollocare, [rikUok're'] v. a. enclosure. Ricidenda , [ritshide'n'da] m. to replace.

to receive; lodge, shelter; Ki- revocation. (cidere. CETTAESi, V. r. to take ref- Ricidere, [ritshi'de're'] see Reuge. Ricidimento, [ritshidime'n'to] Ricettario, [ritshe'tt'ri] m. m. Riciditura, [ritshidit'r] book of medical receipts. f. cut, incision ; notch. Ricettatore, [ritshttt're'j m. Ricidivo, [ritshidi'v] see Rereceiver; welcomer. cidivo. Ricettivo, [ritshtti'v] adj. re- Ricignere, [ritshi'n'e're*] v. a. ceptive. irr. {see Cignere) to gird, Ricetto, [ritsh't] m. shelter, beset. asylum ; lobby ; dar -, to lodge, RicignimentO) [ritshin'ime'n*take in, shelter. t] wi. girdle, cincture. Ricevere, [ritsh've'r] v. a. to Ricimentare, [ritshime'nt're'] receive, admit; lodge. V. a. to make a new attempt; Ricevimento, [ritshvime'n't] RiciMENTABSi, V. T. to try in. receiving, reception; drawagain, venture again. ing-room; party. Ricino, [ritshi'n] m. ricinus; fiicevitivo, [ritshe'viti'vo] adj. tree from which castor-oil is receptive. extracted. Ricevitore, [ritshvit're'] i. Ricinto, [ritshin't] m. encloRicevitrice, [ritshvitri'tsh] sure, compass. Rioioncare, [ritshinka'r] tj. /. receiver. Ricevitoria, [ritshe'vit'ri] f. n. to drink again; tipple again. lottery-office in Tuscany. Ricipiente, [ritshipin'te'j see Ricevuta, (ritshv't]f.receipt; Recipiente.

Ricolmare, [rfklm're'] , a. to heap up; cram. Ricolmo, [rikl'm] adj. heaped up, overloaded; abundant.
Ricolorare, [riklr'r] Ricolorire, [riklri'r] color again. Ricolta, [rikl't] f. [rikl't] m. crop, battere a -, to beat a
V. a. to fight again.

o. to



Ricombattere, [rikmbt'tr]




Ricominciare, [rikmintsh're'] . a. to begin anew. Ricominciatura, [rikmintshatrj f. beginning again.


[rikmme't'te*re] . a. irr. (see Mettere) to

Ricompaginare, [rikmpajin're']

. o. to re-unite.


Ricezione, [ritsbe'tsi'n] /. ception, admission. Richadere, [rik'de're'] &c., see

Eioiiiedere &c.

Ricircolare, [ritshirkl're'] v. Ricompensa, [rikmpn's] /. re- n. to rove about. [ritshirkl- Ricompensamento , [rikomRioircolazione ,

Ricomparire, [rikmpri're'] n. to appear again.


[rikira'r] v. a.

pnsmn't] tsi'n] f. new circulation. Ricircondare, [ritshirkuda're'] reward. . a. to surround ag^Q. Ricompensare




r] V.


a. irr.


recompense, re- Ricondensare, [riknde'ns're'] V. a. to condense anew. Ricompensazione, [rikmpe'n- Ricondire, [rikndi're'] v. a. to season again. stsi'ne'] see Ricompensa. Ricompenso, [rikmpn's] m. Ricondito, [rikn'dit] adj. recompensation; reimbursement. condite, abstruse. Ricompera, [rikm'pr] Ri- Ricondotta, [rikndt't] f. new comperagione, [rikraprj'- conduct. n] /. Ricomperamento, [ri- Ricondurre, [rikndr're'] v. a. buying irr. {nee Condurre) to reconm. kmprme'n't] delivery duct, bring back; reduce; hire again recovery or rent again. ransom. Ricomperare, [n'kmpe'r're'] v, Riconduzione, [rikndtsi'ne'] a. to buy again, repurchase f. new lease. redeem, ransom; Ricompe- Riconferma, [riknfr'ma] see KARSi, V. r, to redeem one's Riconfermazione. Riconfermare, [riknfe'rm're'] self. Ricomperatore, [rikmpe'rt'- V. a. to confirm again, reredeemer. assure. r] m. repurchaser Ricomperazione, [rikmpe'r- Riconfermazione, [riknfe'rm/. tsi'n] redeeming, ransom, tsi'ne'] /". new confirmation,

Conoscere) to ree-

ward, requite.

ognize, know again; acknowledge; reward; confess, avow; Riconoscersi, v. r. to confess, acknowledge one's faults. Riconoscibile, [riknshi'bil] adj. easy to recognize. [riknshiRiconoscimento , me'n't] m. recognition ; ac-

knowledgment, recognizance

reward; thankfulness. Riconoscitore, [riknshit're'] wi. he who acknowledges. Riconquista, [riknkwi'st] /* re-conquering, recovery. Riconquistare, [riknkuist're'] V. a. to reconquer, recover,

Riconsagrare, [riknsgr'r] and Riconsegrare , [nknsgr're']





(little used).

fresh assurance.

[riknseV'r] Ricomperevole, [rikmpe'r'v- Riconfessare, [riknfe'ssa'r] v. V. a. to restore; return. a. to confess again; Riconfesl] odj. redeemable; recoverable. SAKSi, V. r. to go to confess Riconsiderare, [riknside'r're'] V. a. to consider again. Ricompiere, [rikm'pie're*] v. a. again. irr. (tee Compiere) to fill again, Riconficcare, [riknfikk're'] v. Riconsigliare, [riknsil''re'] v.
a. to counsel again Rioonsxfulfil reward. a. to nail or drive in again. Ri compimento, [rikmpime'n'- Riconformare, [riknfrm're'j GLiARSi, V. r. to determine, come to a decision, to] m. fulfilment; reward, comV. o. to conform again. [riknslpensation. Riconfortare, [riknfrt're'] v. Riconsolamento , Ricomporre, [rikmpr're'j v. a. to comfort; fortify; en- me'n't] m. consolation, comfort. courage; reassure. a. irr. {see Porre) to recompose; re-unite, reconcile; re- Ri confortatore, [riknfrtt'- Riconsolato, [riknsla're'] v. a. to console again, comfort. strain. re'] m. comforter, consoler, enRiconsolazione, [riknsltsi'Ricompra, [rikm'prl &c., see courager. Kicompera &c. Riconfrontare, [riknfrnt're'] n] /. consolation, comfort. Ricontare, [riknt'r] v. a. to Riconcedere, [rikntshe"de're'] V. a. to confront again. reckon again; tell. V. a. irr. {see Cedere) to grant Ricongegnamento, [riknje'n'aRiconto, [rikn't] m. epilogue, again. mn'to] m. now connexion. Riconcentramento [rikntshe'n- Ricongegnare, [rikngn''re'] summary. trust Ricontradire, [rikntrdi're'] v. triTien'to] m. concentration. V. a. to unite again a. to contradict again. Riconcentrare, [rikntshntra - again. r] V. a. to concentrate; Ri- Ricongelare, [rlknge'l're'] v. Riconvenire, [riknve'nire] v. CONCENTEAESI, V. T. to Con- a. to freeze again, congeal a. irr. {see Venire) to sue the

anew. Riconsegnare,

plaintiff. centrate one's thoughts. again. Riconcepire, [rikntshpi're'Jv. Ricongiugnere, [rikuji'n'e're'] Riconvertire, [riknve'rti're'] v. 0. to conceive again. a.n. to convert again, change V. a. irr. {see Giugnere) to Riconchiudere, [riknkid're'j join again, re-unite; Ricon- again. V. a. to shut again. GiUGNERSi.w. r. to joiu togeth- Riconvitare, [riknvit're'J v. Riconciare, [rikntsh'r] v.a. er again; get united. a. to invite in return. lo mend; reconcile; Ricon- Ricongiugnimento, [riknji- Ricoperchiare, [l'ikpe'rkia're'] ciARSi, V. r. to grow fair again. n'imn't] wi. re-union, junc- V. a. to cover again. Riconciliagione, [rikntshili- tion. Ricoperta, [rikpr't] f. cojn] f. Riconciliamento, [vi- Ricongiunzione , [riknjint- vering; pretext, excuse. kntshiliamn't]m. reconcile- sio'n] f. uniting together Ricopertamente , [rikpertament, renewal of friendship. mn't] adv. covertly, secretagain. Riconciliare, Irikntshili'r] Ricongregarsi, [rikngre'gr 'si] ly, stealthily. V. a. to reconcile, re-unite V. r. to assemble together Ricopertura, [rikpe'rt'r] f. Riconciliarsi, . r. to become again covering, concealment. friends again. Riconiare, [rikni're'] . o. to Ricopiare, [rikpi'r] v. a. to Riconciliatore, [rikntshiliat'stamp anew. copy again; imitate. r] m. Riconciliatrice, [ri- Riconnettere , [riknue'tt'r] Ricopiatura, [rikpit'r] f. kntshilitri'tsh] f. reconr. a. to unite again. copy; imitation. ciler. Riconoscente, [riknshn'te'] Ricopribile, [rikprTile'] adj. Riconciliazione, [rikntshilid- adj. grateful, thankful. recoverable, retrievable.

Riconoscenza, [riknshe'n'dsa] Ricoprimento, [rikprimn't] gratitude, thankfulnesi?, m. covering, hiding. f. V. a. to manure again. acknowledgment; recognizing Ricoprire, [rikpri'r] v a. irr. Ricondannare, [rikndnna're] reward avowal, confession. {see Coprire) to cover again; V. a. to condemn again. Riconoscere, [rikn'shr] . excuse.


Riconcimare, [rikntshim'r]




Ricopritore, [rikprit're] Tn,IE.icoverta, [rikvr't] see El- Eidevole, [rid'vle'] adj. ludicoperta. crous; pleasant. be who covers or excuses; de (coricare. Eicovrare, [rikvr're'] &c., see Ridevolmente, [ride'vlme'n'te'] fender. adv. ludicrously: pleasantly. Eicorcare, [rikrka'rc] see Ri- Ricoverare &c. Eicordabile, [rikrdbi'le'l adj. Eicovrire, [rikovri're'] &c., see Ridicimento, [riditshimn't] Ricoprire &c. TO. recital, repetition. worthy to be remembered. Eicordabilmente , [rikrdabil- Eicreamento, [rikrme'n to] m. Eidicitore, [riditshit're'] m. recreation; amusement. repeater, tell-tale. mn't] adv. memorably. Kicordanza, [rikrdn'ds] f. Ricreare, [n'kr'r] . a. to rec- Eidicolo, [ridi'kl] m. ridirecollection, remembrance; me- reate, divert, amuse rejoice, cule, ridiculousness. exhilarate; Ricrearsi, v. r. Ridicolo, [ridi'kl] Ridculo, morial, keepsake. ridiculous, adj. Kicordare, [rikrd're'] v. a. to to divert one's self; unbend [ridi'kl] laughable. put ju mind, remember, men- one's mind. tion ; record instruments; Ri- Ricreativo , [rikre'ti'v] adj. Ridicolosaggine, [ridiklsa'coHDAESi, r. to call to mind, recreative, refreshing, divert- djin] f. buffoonery.





Eicordatore, [rikrdt're'] m. Eicreatore, [rikre'at're'] m. diverter; redeemer. rememberer. Eicordazione, [rikrdtsi'ne'] Ricreazione, [rikrtsi'ne'] f. recreation, sport. /. remembrance, recollection, memory. Ricredere, [rikr'de're'] v. a. to Eicordevole, [rikrd'vle'] adj. undeceive; -, v. n. to undememorable. ceive one's self, change one's RicordeTolmente, [rikrde'vl- mind. mn't] adv. according to rec- Eicrescenza, [rikre'shn'ds] f.

mn't] adv. ridiculouslyEidioolositk, [ridiklsit']



[ridikl's] adj. ridiculous, foolish. Ridimandare, [ridimnd're'] v.

a. to ask again, redemand. Eidiminuire, [ridiminui're'] a. to


diminish again.

fiiocrdo, Irikr'd] m. remembrance, keepsake; warning. Eicoricare, [rikrik'r] v. a. to lay down again; -, v. n. Ricoricarsi, V. r. to go to bed again; go down again. Eicoronare, [rikrn'ro] v. a. to crown again.





V. a. irr. [see


Reggere) to coradj.

rect again perfect. Eicorrente, [rikrrn'te']

recurrent, reilowing.




irr. {see Correre) to

run again;

have recourse to; surround. Eicorrimento, [rikrrime'n't]


recourse, reflux,

Eicorso, [rikr'sj m. reflux, recourse; refuge. Eicorsojo, [rikors'y"! m. boi Eicuperare, [rikupe'ra're'] v. a. lire a -, to boil furiously. to recover, regain: retrieve. Eicosteggiare , [rikstdj're] Eicuperatore, [rikprt're'] V. n. to coast along again. TO. recoverer, redeemer. Eicostituire, [rikstiti'r] v Eicaperazione, [rikpe'rtsi'a. to reconstitute, set again. n] f. recuperation, recovery. Eicostruire, [rikstri'r] v Eicurvo, [rikr'v] adj. curved, a. to rebuild; repair. crooked. (denial. Eicotonare, [riktn're'j v. a Ricusa , [rikii's] f. refusal, to card again. Eicasare, [riks're'] v. a. to

excrescence. Eidintornare, [ridintrn're'] t). Eicrescere, [rikr'shr] tj. n, a. to retrace outlines. irr. {see Crescere) to grow, in- Eidipiguere, [ridipi'n'e're']v a. crease. irr. {see Pignere) to paint over Eicrescimento, [rikre'shime'n' again. to] m. increasing, increase. Eidire, [ridi 're'] v. a. irr. {see Eicriare, [rikri'r] &c., see Re- Dire) to tell again, repeat; creare &c. refer, tell; trovar o -, to find Eicucimento, [rikdtshime'n'tj fault with; Ridirsi, v. r. to m. sewing again. nnsay, retract. Eicacire, [rikutshi're'] v. c. to Eidiritto, [ridirit't] adj. set sew again; repair. up straight again. Eicucitore, [riktshit're'j *r.. Eidirizzare, [ridirits'r] and botcher, patcher. Eidrizzare, [ridrits'r] v. a. Eicucitara, [riktshitu'r] \. to set up straight again, resewing up ; mending, botching; dress. seam. Eidisoorrere, [ridiskor're're'] . Eicuooere, [riko'tshe're'] . a. n. irr. {see Correre) to discourse irr. {see Cuocere) to boil again, again, talk over again. cook again; bake again; con- Eidisegnare, [ridiseu'a're'] f. coct, digest; consider, weigh. . to sketch again. Eicnperamento, [rikpe'rmn'- Eidisptare, [ridispta're'] v. t] wi. recovery. a. & n. to discuss again.







stretch again.



refuse, reject; recuse.

Ridistinguere, [ridistin'gue'r] V. a. irr. {see Estinguere) to explain more clearly. Riditore, [ridit'r] m. jeerer, joker, mimic. Ridividere, [ridivi'de're'] v. a. irr. (see Recidere)to subdivide. Eidivincolarsi, [ridivinklar'wriggle, twist about; get out of the toils. Eidivisibile, [ridivisibi'le'] adj. divisable again.
si] V. r. to

carding again. Eicusazione,[rikstsi'ne'] see Eicotta, [rik't] f. buttor-milk Ricusa. curd, butter-milk cheese. Ridare, [rida're'] v. a. to give Eicoveramento, [rikvraran'- again, give back. to] m. recovery. Eidere, [ri'de're] v. n. irr. {risi; Eicoverare, [rikve'r're'] v. a risoi to laugh, smile; be pleasto recover, retrieve; rescue, ant, be cheerful; - agli ansave reduce, bring to Rico- Oioli, to laugh at nothing Riverarsi, V. r. to have recourse dersi, . laugh at, deride; to, escape to, take refuge banter, mock. [rikvrt'r] Eidestare, [ride'st'r] v. a. to Biooveratore m. ho that recovers awake again, rouse.
; ;

Eidolente, [ridln't] adj. redolent, odoriferous.

Ridolere, [ridl're'] v. n. irr. {see Dolere) to smell sweet ;




to compiala

again. Ridolo, [ri'dl]




Ridomandare, [ridmnda'r]
a. to


[rife'tsi'ne'] f. restoration, repair; requitB.1. Riffa, [riffa] (. a kind of lottery of valuable objects. Riffo, [rif'fo] adj. strong, robust.

Rifiatare, [rifit're'] v. a. & n, to breathe, respire. Rifiatata, [rifiat't] f. the act of taking breath after fatigue. Rificcare, [rifikk'r] v. a. to fix again; tell again, repeat. dirizzare. scire. Ridubitare, [ridbit'r] v. n Rifabbricare, [rifbbrik'rj v. Rifidare, [rifid'r] v. n. to confide, trust. to doubt aj,'ain. a. to rebuild. Riducere, [rid'tshre'j see Ri- Rifacibile, [riftshi'ble'] adj. Rifiggere, [rifi'dje're'] v. a. irr. {see Affliggere) to fix again, durre. that may be made again. Riducibile, [re'dtshi'bile'] adj. Rifacimento , [riftshime'n't] nail again. reducible. m. remaking; repolishing; re- Rifigliare, [rifil'a're'] v. a. & n. to produce little ones again, Riducimento, [ridtshime'n't] establishment. m. reduction. Rifacitore , [riftshit'r] m. bring forth again; pullulate Riducitore, (ridtshit're'] m. repairer. again. reducer, bringer back. Rifallo, [rifal'l] m. new fault. Rifilare, [rifil're'j v. a. to reRidurre, [ridr'r] v. a. irr. Rifare, [rif'r] v. a. irr. (see late any thing to the injury {see Addurre) to reduce, bring Farej to do again, make again; of another; play the spy. back; force; Ridursi, v. r. to repolish, recast, repair; mend; Rifllatore, [rifilt'r] m. spy. meet together, assemble; ar- answer for; - sicuro, to re Rifinamento, [rifinmen'tj m. rive at, come to; - a mente, to assure; Rifarsi, v. r. to re- cessation, interruption. call to miud, recollect. cover one's strength, regain Rifinare, [rifin'rj v. n. RifiRiduzione, [ridtsi'n] f. re- - diritto, to stand upright. NARSi, V. r. to leave off", stop. duction, diminution. Rifasciare, [rifsh'rj v. a. Rifinimento, [ritniimn'toj r. Riecoolo, [rikk'l] ado. here to bind again. extenuation, thinness. he is again. Rifattibile, [rifatti'bile'] adj. to Rifinire, [nfini'r] v. a. to Riedere, [ri'de're'] v. n. def. be done or made again. finish, complete: extenuate; -, irr. {riedi, riede, r ledono; rie- Rifatto, [rift'tj m. a certain . n. to leave off", cease da, nedano) to come back. Rifloramento , [rifioramn't] fact. m. blossoming again. Riedificare, [ridifik'r] v, a. Rifavellare, [rifve'll're'j v. n. Rifiorire, [rilion're] v. a. to to rebuild. to talk again. Riedificazione, [rie'difiktsi'- Rifavorire, [rifavri're'j v. a. to adorn again; renew; -, v. n. to flourish again, bloom again. n) f. rebuilding. take into favor again. Rieleggere, [rildj're'] v. a. to Rifazione, [riftsio'n] /. ma- Rifioritura, [rifioriti! 'ra] /. dechoose again, elect again. composition of the superficies king up again; repairing. Eiemendare, [rimnda'r] v. a. Rifendere, [rifn'der] . o. of the crystals of any salt by to correct again. exposure to the air. irr. (see Fendere) to cleave Riempiere, [rim'pie're'] v. a. to again. Rifiutabile, [rifit'bile'J adj. till again, fill up again. deniable. Riferendario,[rife're'nd'ri]see Riempimento, [rimpirae'n't] Referendario. Rifiutamento , [rifiutme'n't] m. tilling up again. Riferimento, [rife'rime'n't] m. m. refusal, denial; repudiation. Riempire, [rimpi're'] v. a. to relation. Riflutare, [riftta'r] v. a. to fill up again. Riferire, [rifri're'] v. a. to re- refuse ; renounce. Riempitivamente, [rfe'mpitiv- late, refer, state ; ascribe ; - Rifiutatore, [rifiiitt'r] m. meut] adi', superfluously. grazie, to return thanks; -, v. refuser, denier. Riempitivo, [riempiti' v] adj. n. Riferirsi, . r. to refer to Rifiuto, [rifi't] m. refusal; filling up; superfluous, exrebuff; outcast; scum, sweepa person's judgment. pletive. Riferma, [rifr'ma] f. confir- ings, pi. Riempitura, [rie'mpit'r] f. fill- mation. Rifle.iSamente, [rifle'ssme'n't] ing up; redundancy. Rifermare, [rife'rm're'] v. a. to adv. reflexively, by reflection. Rienfiare, [rinfi'r] . n. to confirm; prove. Riflessare, [rifle'ss're'J v. a. swell again, pufi" up ; be proud. Riferrare, [rife'rr're'] v. a. to {paint.) to paint or throw in Rientramento, [rintrmn't] shoe again (a horse). the lights. m. coming in again. Riferto, [rifr't] t. relation, Riflessibile, [riflssi'bil] adj. Rientrare, [rintr'r] v. report; account. reflexible; worthy of reflection.
; ;

v. re-enter, come in again; shrink; - in s stesso, to* turn one's ask again. Ridonare, [ndn're] v. a. to eyes inward, reflect upon one's give back, return. self. Ridondamento, [ridndmn'- Riepilogare, [rie'pilg're'] v. n. to recapitulate. to] m. see Ridondanza. Ridondante, [ridndn'te] adj. Riergere, [rirge're'] v. a. to redundant, superfluous. erect anew. Ridondanza, [ridndn'ds] f. Riesaminare, [rie'smin'r] v. redundancy; superabundance. a. to examine again. Ridondare, [ridnd'r] v.n. to Riesci, [ri'shi] a word used redound; result, issue; be re- by the people to signify any dundant. thing they think of doing, the Ridono, [rid'ne'] m. laugher issue of which is doubtful; for merry man. example, one would say: che Ridosso (a), [a rid's] adv stai tu facendo? (what are you astraddle. doing?) and the otlier would Ridotto, [ridt't] m. place of answer eh, si vedr un meeting; haunt; retreat, shel- riesci (eh, you will see: I am ter; receptacle. thinking of something). Ridrizzare, [ridrits're'] see Ri- Riescire, [rishi'r] see Riu;


Riflammeggiare, [rifiamme'dja're]







[rifink're'j f. a. to flank, fortify.

Riflancheggiare, [rifianke'dja'r] V. o. to strengthen the flanks; succour, support.

Rifiatamento , [rifiatme'n'to] m. respiration.

Riflessione, [n'flssi'n] f. reflection; consideration; far sopra, to reflect upon. Riflessivo, [riflssi'v] adj. reflective; attentive. Riflesso, [rifl's] m. reflex, reflection; consideration; (paint.)



Rifreddamento, [rifre'ddame'n'- to make genteel, make elegant; to] m. coolness. polish. Rifreddare , [rifre'dd're'J see Rigerminare , [rije'rmin're'] Raff'reddare. and Rigermogliare, [rije'rmRifreddo, [rifre'd do] m. cold r're'] . n. to sprout again. meat, cold provisions. Rigettaglia,[rijtt'r]/'.sweepRifrenare, [rifrn'r] &c., see ings, pi.

lights, pi. Raff'reuare &c. Rigettamento , [rijttme'n't] Riflettere, [riflt'te're'] v. a. irr. Rifrigerare, [rifrije'r're'] &c., m. rejection, refusal. {see Flettere) to reflect, reversee Refrigerare &c. Rigettare, [rijtti're'] v. a. to berate; consider. Rifriggere, [rifri'dje're'] v. a. reject, refuse; vomit. Rifluire, [rifli're'] v. n. to irr. (see Friggere) to fry again. Rigettatore, [n'jttat're'] n. flow back. Rifritto, [rifrit't] m, bad odor one who rejects. Riflusso, rifls's] m. flov?ing caused by greasy vessels being Rigetto, [rij't] m. refuse, back, reflux, ebb-tide. placed near the fire. outcast, sweepings, pi. Rifocillamento , [riftsbill- Rifrondire, [rifrpndi're'] . n. Righetta, [right't] f. small nin't] m. restoring, comfort. to shoot new leaves. line, small streak. Rifocillare, [riftshill'r] v. Rifronzire, [rifrntsi're'] v. a. Righettato, [righe'tt't] adj. a. to recreate , strengthen striped, lined. to put out new leaves; adorn comfort; brace; fortify. excessively. Rigiacere, [rijtshe''re']i). n. irr. Rifolo, [rif'l] m. a gust of Rifrugare, [rifrug're'] v. a. to (see Jacere) to lie down again. wind. (found again. grope again, rummage. Rigidamente , [rijidmn't] Rifondare, frifnda'r] w. a. to Rifrusta, [rifr'st] f. rum- adv. rigidly, rigorously. Rifondere, [rifn'dr] v. a. maging, search. Rigidetto, [rijide't'to] adj. soirr. (see Fondere) to melt Rifrustare, [rifrsta're'] v. a. to mewhat rigid. again, cast again; pour out. rummage, search, infest; cane. Rigidezza, [rijide't'sa] /. rigor, Rilorare, [rifr'r] v. a. to Rifrusto, [rifr'st] m. volley severity; stiff^ness. pierce again. of blows. Rigidit, [rijidit'] Rigidit' Riforbire, [rifrbi're'] v. a. to Rifuggimento, [rifdjime'n't] de, Rigiditate, f. rigidity, rigfurbish again, clean again m. the act of fleeing. stifl'uess, id ness, harshness, RiFouBiRSi, V. r. to furbish Rifuggire, [rifdji'r] v. n. to rigor. one's self; brush up. flee, take refuge. Rigido , [ri'jid] adj. rigid Riforma, [riforma] f. reform, Rifuggita, [rifdji'ta] /.refuge, hard, stiff; severe, inflexible. reformation. shelter. Rigiramento, [rijirme'n't] m. Riformabile, [rifrma'bil] adj. Rifuggito, [rifdji't] m. ref- turning about. susceptible of being reformugee, runaway. Rigirare, [rijira'r] . a. to ed; changeable. Rifugiare, [rifjt're'J see Ri- surround; deceive;-, v. n. to Riformagione, [rifrmj'ne'] f. fuggire. turn, turn about, whirl; RigiRiformamento, [rifrmmn'- Rifugio, [rif'ji] m. refuge, rarsi, V. r. to turn one's self

t] m. reform. asylum. Riformare, [rifrm're'] v. a. to Rifulgente, [rifuljn'te'] reform, improve; Riformar- refulgent, dazzling. si, V. r. to become reformed; Rifusione, [rifsi'n]



round; go round. Rigiratore, [n'jirt're'] coaxer cheat, deceiver. [rijirt'l] re- Rigiratello ,



recover one's strength. Riformativo, [rifrmati'v] adj. reformative. Riformatore, [rifrrat'r] m. reformer. Riformazione, [rifrmtsine'] f. reformation. Rifornire, [rifrni'r] v. a. to furnish again, provide again.


little cheat.

Rifuso, [rif's] adv. a rifuso, Rigirazione, [rijiratsio'nel f. copiously, abundantly. turning round, circuition, cirRifutazione, [rifttsi'ne'j f. culation. refutation. Rigire, [rijl're'] v. n. irr. (see Riga, [ri'g] f. line, streak, Gire) to return, go back again. stripe; ruler; ruled line. Rigirevole, [rijirv'l] adj. Rigaglia, [rigTa] /. perqui- turning easily. site, profit. Rigiro , [riji'r] wt. turning Rifortificare, [rifnrtifik'r] v. Rigagliuola, [rigar'l] f. small round , underhand dealing ; a. to fortify again, re-enforce. perquisite, small profit. evasion, subterfuge; spring. Rifragnere, [rifr'n're'] v. o. Rigagno, [rig'n'] Rigagno Rigittamento , [rijittme'n't] irr. {see Fragnere) to refract, lo, [riga'n'l] m. streamlet, tn. casting out; vomiting. reverberate. rivulet; street-channel. Rigittare, [rijitt'r] v. a. to Rifrancare, [rifrnka're'] v. a Rigaligo, [rig'lig] m. bot. reject, expel; vomit. to strengthen. lark-spur. Rigittatore, [rijittt'r] m. reRifrangere, [rifrnje''re'] v. a. Rigamo, [ri'gm] Rigano, [ri' jecter, expeller. to refract. gnj m. wild marjoram, ori- Rigiucare, [rijtk'r] see RiRifrangibile, [rifranji'bile'] adj. gan. giuocaro. refrangible. Rigare, [rig'r] v. a. to draw Rigiugnere, [rijiu'n'e'reT v. a. Rifrangimento, [rifranjime'n'- lines, rule; wet, water; carta irr. (see Giugnere) to join t] m. refraction. ri/ata, f. ruled paper, lined again; overtake, catch. Rifrattivo, [rifrtti'v] adj. re- paper. Rigiuocare, [rijzk're'] v. a. to fractive, refracting. Rigattiere , m. play again. [rigtti're'] Rifratto, [rifrt'tj in. refrac- broker, huckster. Rigiurare, [rijir'r] v. a. to tion. Rigenerare, [rije'ne'r're'] &c., swear again. Rifrazione, [rjfrtsi'o] f. re- tee Regonerare &c. Rignare, [rin'a're'J v. . to fraction. Rigentilire, [rijntili'r] v. a. snarl like a dog.




BigBevoIe, [rin'v'lel odj- aptlRiguardatcre,^ [n'gurdt'r] m. Riguardatrice, [riguarda to snarl. tri'tsh] f. looker-on; guarRigno, [ri'n'] i. snarling. small dian. Rigo , [ri'g] m. line Riguardevole, [rigurde'vle'] line; ruler. Rigodere, [rigd're'] r. o. & adj. considerable, remarkable, rare. n. to enjoy again, rejoice. Rigodone, [rigd'n] m. a kind RiguardoTOlezza, [rigurde'v'

adv. softly, gently.

Rilentamento, [rile'ntme'n't] m. relaxing; refreshment:pause. Rilente (a),[ riln't] adi>. softly, gently; cautiously. Rilessare, [rile'ss'r] v. boil again.
a. to

lfs] (. consideration; con- Rilevamento, [rile'vmn't] m. of rapid dance. raising up again; erection. Rigoglio, [rigT] m. rankness siderableness ex- Riguardevolmente, [rigurd- Rilevare, [rilva're'] w.o. to raise (in plant) ; evaporation uberance; boldness; arrogance, vlmn'te'] adv. in a consider- up again, raise, erect; enhance; comfort; establish; nurse, suckable manner, singularly. sturdiness. Rigogliosamente , [rigrs- Riguardo, [rigur'd] m. look, le; educate; notice; -, v. n. mn't] adv. rankly; proudly, regard, view; sight; aim; con- to rise; be useful; matter; poco sideration; interest (on money); rileva, it matters little; Rilearrogantly. Rigoglioso, [rigl''s] adj.rank, in -, as for, as to; avuto -, varsi, V. r. to get on one's feet vigorous; presumptuous, arro- taking into consideration; sfa- again; recover; be in relief. gant, proud; impetuous, au- re in -, to be on one's guard, Rilevatamente, [rile'vtme'n't] adv. in relief; eminently. beware. dacious. splendidly Rigogliosoccio, [rigl's'tsli] Riguardosamente, [riguardsa' mn't] adv. cautiously, cir- Rilevaticcio,' [rile'vti'tsh] w,. ad somewhat proud. a parvenu. Rigogoletto, [riggle't't] m. cumspectly. Riguardoso, [rigurd's] orfj. Rilevato, [rile'v't] adj. eleva young yellow-hammer. ted, raised; eminent; brought Rigogolo, [rig'gl] m. yellow- cautious, circumspect Rignarire, [riguari're'] v. n. to up; noble; -, tn. relief; height, hammer. swelling. Rigoletto, [rigle't't] m.round be cured, get well again. Riguatare, [rigut'r] v. o. to Rilevatore, [rile'vt're'] m. redance. liever; redeemer. Rigonfiamento, [rignfime'n'- peep at again. Riguiderdonamento, [riguider- Rilevazione , [rle'vtsi'ne'] f. to] m. new swelling. Rigonfiare, [rignfi're'] v. n. dnmn't] m. remuneration, raising up again; returning to a former state. reward. to over-swell, puiF up. Rigonfio, [rign'fi] adj. swell- Riguiderdonare,[riguide'rdn'- Rilevo, [ril'v] see Rilievo. ed, putfed up. r] v.a. to remunerate, reward. Riliberare, [rilibr'r] v. a. to liberate again, free again. Rigore, [rig're'] m. rigor,harsh- Rigurgitamento[rigrjitme'n' ness; cold fit. to] m. regurgitation; overflow. Rilievo, [rili'v] m. leavings, Rigorismo, [rigris'm] m. rig- Rigurgitare, [rigrjit'r] v. a. remains, pi.; refuse; relief; importance, moment; basso -, basorism. to regurgitate: overflow. Rigorista, [rigri'st] m. rig- Rigurgito, [rigr'jit] m. bub- relief; mezzo -, demirelief. Riligioso , [riliji's] &c., see orist. bling up, overflowing. Rigorosamente, [rigrsme'n'- Rigustare, [rigst'r] v. a. to Religioso &c. Rilimare, [rilim're'] v. a. to t] adv. rigorously, severely. taste again. Rigorosit, [rigorosit'] Rigo- Rilasciare, [rilsh'r] v. a. to file again. Rilodare, [rild're'] v. a. to Tositade,Rigorositate, /'.rigid- release, let free. ness; sternness, severity, rigor. Rilascio, [ril'sh] m. release, praise again. Rilegare, [rilg're'] v. a. to reRigoroso, [rigr'sjodj. rigor- relief.

ous, severe.

a. to

[rigve'rn're'] v.

Rilassamento, [rilssme'n't] place. Riluccicare, [riltshik'r] v m. relaxation; laxity.

Rilassare, [rilss'r]
n. to glitter, sparkle. v. a. to relax, slacken; let go; Rilas Rilucente, [riltshn't] SARSi, V. r. to give way, relax. shining, brilliant.

wash, scour (plates

Rigovernatura, [rigvrnt'r]


scouring (of plates &.C.). Rigrattare, [rigrtt're'] v. a. Rilassatezza, [rilsste't's] f. Rilucentezza, [riltshe'nte't's] to scrape again. laxity; slackness. f. splendor, lustre. Rigridare, [rigrid're'] v. n. to Rilassazione, [rilsstsf 'n] /. Rilucere, [ril'tshe're'] v.. irr.
cry again, call again.


to shine, glitter; be
v. a.

V. a. to regain,

[rigudn''re'] Rilasso,




win back.

slow; weary; listless; lazy;-, Rilusingare, [rilsing're']

Rigualcatojo,[rigulkt'y] rammer (for cannon).



to reiterate flattery.

Riguardamento, [ ri guardmn'to] m. look, circumspection.

Rilastricare, [rilastrik're'j v. Rilnstrare, [rilstr're'] . a, to give a new gloss, polish anew. a. to pave again. Rilavare, [rilv're'] v. a. to Rilutare, [rilt'r] w. a. to lute Riguardare, [rigurd'r] v. a. wash again. again, cement again. to look at, look on, view, Rilavorare, [rilvr'r] v. a. io Rima, [ri'm] /^. rhyme, verse; behold; regard, concern; con- plough again. song. sider; aim at; ci non mi ri- Rilegamento, [rile'gme'n't] i Rimaccia, [rim'tsh] f. bad guarda, that does not concern tying again, binding again. rhyme, bad poetry. me; KiauABDABSi, v. r. to Rilegare, [rile'g're'] v. a. to tie Rimacinare, [rimtshin'r] v, take care of one's self; la si again, bind again; relegate; a. to grind again (corn &c). riguardi, mind your health. prohibit. Rimandare, [rimnd're'j v. a. Riguardato, [rigward'tj adj. Rileggere, [ril'dje're'] v. a. irr. to send back, dismiss. circumspect. Rimando, [rimn'd] m. return* (160 Leggere) to read again.





tossing Rimberciare, [rimbe'rtsha're'] v Rimediare, [rime'di're'] v. a. to remedy, care. a. to patch, botch. Rimaneggiare , [rimndj'r] Rimbercio, [rimbe'r'tsho] m. Rimediatore, [rime'diat're'] tn. repairer, restorer. ruffle. V. a. to handle again, retoncli.






remnant, remainder; rest. Rimanenza, [rlmnn'ds] abode; permanence; offals,

m. Rimbiancare, [rimbtnk're'] a. to bleach again. f. Rimbiondire, [rimbindi''re*]



Rimedicarsi, [rime'dikr'si] v. r. to take medicine again. Rimedio, [rim'di] n. remedy,






v. a.


[rimn're'] v. n. irr. (rimango, rimani, rimane &c.\

Rimbiutare, [rimbit're']


[rime'dit're'] v. a.

to plaster again. rimasi; rimarr; rimaso, rima- Rimbizzarrire, [rimbitsrri're'J V. n. to take courage, become sto) io remain, stay, stop; dwell, abide; cease, abstain; rimane- bold.
tevi con Dio

to meditate again. Rimeggiare, [rimdj're'J v. a. to rhyme.



God be with you

Rimboccare, [rimbkk're']v.a.
to invert, upset (a vase);

Rimangiare, [rimnj'r]
to eat again.

v. a.

Rimembranza, [rime'mbrn'ds] f. remembrance, memory. turn Rimembrare, [rime'mbr're'] v.



[rimn'te'] m. rhymer. Rimarcabile, [rimrk'bile'] Ri-

upside back.

down; overturn;

remember, remind, put mind; Rimembrarsi, v r.

a. to

in to

Rimboccatura, [rimbkkt'r] [rimrk'vl] inverting; turning upside f. down. adj. remarkable, notable, imRimbocchetto, [rimbkke't't] portant. Rimarco, [rimr'k] m. import- m. the mouth of a sack &c. Rimbocco, [rimbk'k] see Riance, consequence, weight. Rimare, [rim'r] v rhyme. bocco. Rimarginare, [rimrjin're] v. Rimbombamento, frimbmbmn't] m. resounding. n. to heal up. Rimario, [rima'ri] m. rhyming Rimbombare, [rimbmb're'] v. ft. to resound, boom. dictionary. Rimaritare, [rimaritare'] v. a. Rimbombevole, [rimbmbe''vle'] adj. resounding. to marry again, reunite -, r .. Rimaritarsi, v. r. to take a Rimbombo , [rimbm'b] m. second husband, marry again. resounding, booming; roar, Blmaso, [rim's] m. remnant, echo. Rimbomboso , [rimbmb's] residue. Rimasticare, [rimstik're'] v. adj. resounding; roaring. a. to chew again ; meditate, Rimborsare, [rimbrs're'] v. a. ruminate. to pocket again; reimburse;

call to
a. to

mind, recollect.


Rimemorare, [rimmr'r]


[rime'n're'] v. a. to


bring back; handle; stir. [rimn't] /. ,

act of stirring up.


Rimondare, [rime'nd're'] v. o. to mend, repair. Rimendatore, [rime'ndt're'] m.

Rimendatrice, [rimndtri'tshe'] f. mender, patcher.

Rimondatura, [rime'ndatu'ra] f. Rimondo, [rime'a'd] m. mendRimenio,

ing, piecing, patching up. [rime'ni'o] m. bringing

back; shaking.

Rimeno, [rime"n] m. return, repayment; profit. (denial.

Rimentita, [rimnti't] f. fresh Rimeritamento, [rime'ritme'n't] m. recompense, reward. Rimeritare, [rime'rit're'] v. a. to recompense, requite, compensate.

Bimasuglio, [n'msT] m. bits, repay. Rimborsazione, [rimbrstsi'crumbs, remains, pi. Rimatore, [rimt'rjm.rhymer, ne'] /. Rimborso , [rimbr's]; repayment; rhymster. Rimazione, [rimtsi'ne'] /. in- requital. Rimboscarsi, [rimbskr'si] v. vestigation (little used). Eimbaldanzire, [rimbldntsi'- r. to skulk away, dodge; hide one's self. re'] V. ft. to take courage again, Rimbottare, [rimbtt're'] v. a. pluck up heart again. Rimbaldera, [rimbld'r] f. to barrel up again. polite but affected reception Rimbrontolare, [rimbrntl' ivulgarism). r] V. a. to harp about a favor Rimbalzare, [rimblts're'].n. done to any one. to rebound, hop; result. Ri mb rottamente, [rimbrttRimbalzo , [rimbal'tso] m. re- mn't] m. reproach. bound, counterblow, reaction; Rimbrottare, [rimbrtt'r] v


[rime'sklconfusion, trouble. Rimescolanza, [rimskln'dsa] f. mixture; confusion.

Rimescolare, [rimeskl're']
a. to


mix up together;


(the cards); blend; confound; Rimescolarsi, v. r. to inter-

meddle; get perturbed. Rimescolascanzie, [rimeskolaskan'tsie'] m. a reader of trifles. Rimescolata, [rimskl't] f. di -, indirectly. a. to reproach, scold. Rimbambire, [rfmbmbi're'] v. Rimbrottatore, [rimbrttt'- mixing up, curdling of the blood from sudden fright. ft. to grow childish, dote. r] m. reprehender. Eimbarbogito, [rimbrbji't] Rimbrottevole, [r imbrtte"vle'] Rimessa, [rim's] /".remission, recai; grace; sucker, offshoot; adj. obtuse, doting. adj. reproachful, blaming. Rimbarcarsi, [rimbrkr'si] v. Rimbrotto , [rimbr't] Rim> repartee; coach-house. brottolo, [rirabr'tl] m. re- Rimessamente, [rime'ssame'n'te'] r. to re-embark; re-engage. adv. submissively, humbly. Eimbastare, [rimbsta'r] and proach, imputation. Bimbastire, [rimbasti're'J v.o. Rimbrottoso, [rimbrtt's] see Rimessibile, [rimssi'bil] adj remissible, pardonable. to baste, sew slightly. Rimbrottevole. Rimbeccare, [rimbkk'r] v a. Rimbruttire, [rimbrtti'r] v. ft. Rimessione, [rimssi'n] f. appeal; remission. to toss back (a ball &c.) repel to become ugly.


Rimbucare, [rimbk're']
(d), [rimbe'k'k]

v. n.

Rimessiticcio, [rirae'ssiti'tsh]
tn. new sprout, shoot, sprig. Rimesta, [rime'^sta] /.mixture;


to dodge into a hole. pertly, waspishly. Rimburchiare, [rimburkia're'] Eimbellire, [rimbe'lli're'] v. a. V. a. to tow, pull up. to make handsomer; -, v. n. to Rimediabile, [rime'dia'bile'] adj. remediable, curable. grow handsomer*


reproof, reproach.

Rimestare, [rimst're'] v. a. to mingle, mix; handle; resist.

irr. {see


Rimpetto, [rimp't] prep, against, opposite, facing.

[rimt'ter] v. a. Rimorchio, [rimr'ki] m.{mar.) , Mettere) to replace, towing; expostulation. set again; remit, pardon; re- Rimordere, [rimr'de're'] v. a. irr. (see Mordere) to bite again; strain, repress drive back, beat back; restore; commit, consigm reproach; - , v. . to feel redeliver up ;-,v.n. to bud afresh; morse. recommence, return; - it conto, Rimordimento , [rimrdimn'to give an account; send in an t] m. remorse, sting of conaccount; - una cosa in uno, to science. refer a matter to a person; - Rimormorare, [rimrmra're'] mano, to set to again, begin V. grumble again. again; - in possesso, to put in Rimorsicare, [rimrsik're'J v. possession; - su, to bring up, a. to nibble again. renew; bring into fashion; - il Rimorso, [rimr's] m. remorse; contrition, repentance. taglio ad un rasojo, to sharpen a razor; Rimettersi, v. r. to Rimorto, [rimr't] adj. pale as place one's self; submit; refer death. to; - in came, to get stout Rimoso, [rim's] adj. full of

Rimpiagare, [rimpiaga're'] a. to wound again. Rimpiagnere, [rimpia'n'e're']




n. irr. {see Piagnere) to

complain. Rimpiastrare,
V. o. to


plaster up again. Rimpiastrata, [rimpistr't] f. fresh plastering.

Rimpiattare, [rimpitt''r] v. a. to hide, conceal; Rimpiattarsi, V. r. to squat, cower

down; shrink. Rimpiattato , [rimpitt't] Rimpiatto, [rimpit'tl odj.

squat; hid, hidden; secret.

clefts, leaky. Rimpiazzare, [rimpitsa'r] grow well. Eimettimento, [rimttime'n't] Rimostranza,/, [rimstrn'ds] a. to replace; fill the place


m. carrying back; remission, remonstrance representation. surrogate. Rimostrare, [rimstr're'] v. a. Rimpiazzo, [rimpt'ts] m. reforgiveness. placing substitution. Bimettiticcio, [rimttiti'tsh] to remonstrate; represent. Rimotamente, [rimtran'te'] Rimpicciolire, [rimpitshli'reT m. sucker, scion, and Rimpiccolire, [rirapikkEimettitnra, [rimttit'r] f. adv. at a distance, remotely. Rimoto, [rim't] adj. remote, lir] V. o. to make less; -, .n. see Riraettimento. to grow less. Eimigliorare , [rimil'r're'] v. distant. Rimovere, [rim've're'] see Ri- Rimpinconire, [rimpinkni're'j n. to grow better again. V. n. to grow stupid. Rimirare, [rirar'r] v. a. to muovere. Rimovibile, [rimvi'bile'] adj. Rimpinguare , [rimpingu're'J look at intently. V. a. to fatten again. Bimischiare, [rimiskiare'] v. a. removable; changeable. Rimovimento, [riraviraeVt] Rimpinzamento , [rimpintsato mix again, disorder.
; ;

Bimissione, [rimissi'ne']





mn'tj m. over-filling, cram-

v. a.



Rimozione, [rimtsi'n] /. re- a. to cram, gorge. Rimmarginare, [rimmrjin're'] moval change. Rimpolpare, [rimplp're'] v. n. Rimpaciare, [rimptsh'r] v. to get fleshy, grow fat. see Rammarginare. Bimmattonare, [rimmttn're'] a. to reconcile disputants. Rimpolpettare, [rimplpe'tt'Rimpadronirsi, [rimpdrnir'- r] V. a. to make a thing ap. a. to replace bricks. Bimminchionire, [rimminkio'- si] V. r. to seize on again, take pear different from what it is fresh possession of. make white black, and black nire'] v. n. to grow stupid. Bimmollare, [rimmll're'] v. a. Bimpalmare, [rimplm'r] v. white. a. to calk, tar. Rimpopolare, [rimppl're'] v. to soak again, moisten again. Eimoderare, [rimde'r're'] v. a. Rimpannucciarsi, [rimpnn- a. to people again. tshr'sij V. r. to retrieve one's Rimpostemire, [rimpste'mi're'J to moderate again. V. n. to suppurate again. Eimoderatore, [rimde'rt'r] self. Rimparare, [rimpr're'] w. a. Rimpoverire, [rimpvri're'] w. m. reformer. Eimodernare, [rimde'rn're'] v. to re-acquire, learn again. n. to become impoverished Rimpastare, [rirapsta'r] v. again. a. to modernize. Blmolinare, [rimlin're'] v. a. a. to knead again; retouch. Rimpozzare, [rimpts're'] v. Bimpatriarsi, [riraptrir'si] v. n. to stagnate. to whirl about. Bimoltiplicare , [rimltiplik'- r. to return to one's country. Rimpregnare, [rimpreVa're'] c. Bimpaurare,[rimpur'r]Rim- . to be pregnant again. r] V. a. to multiply again. Bimondamento, [rimndme'n'- paurire, [rimpauri're'] v. n. to Rimproccevole , [rimprotshe"t] m. cleansing, cleaning. be terrified again. vl] adj. reproaching.

Bimisnrare, [rimisr're'] to measure again.



[rimpints're'] v.

Rimpazzare, [rimpatsa're'] v.n. Rimprocciamento , [rimproto add folly to folly; get worse tshme'n'tj m. blame, reBimondatnra, [rimndt'r] f. and worse. proach. Rimpazzata, [rimpts't] alla Rimprocciare, [rimprtsh'r] cleansing, purging; pruning. Rimondo, [rimn'd] adj. clean- -, adv. like a madman, extrav- V. a. to blame, reproach.
v. a,

Blmondare, [rimnd'r]

to clean, purge; top; prune.






[rimnt're'] v. a. n. to go or get up again, refit

Bimpeciare, [rimptsh're']
a. to pitch, calk.


[rimpr'tsh] m. reproach; per -, dis-


up again; wind up Rimpednlare,


(a clock).

Bimorbidare, [rimrbid're']
a. to soften.

to ings).


dainfully. [rimpe'dl'r] v. Bimproccioso, [rimprtsh's] new-foot (stock- adj. reproving, reproachful.

[rimpe'nna're'] w.


[rimrki'r] v. tow, haul, expostu-

o. (mar.) to late.

tr] V. a. irr. {seje Mettere) a. to feather anew; Rimpento promise again. NARsi, V. r. to become feather- Rimproverabile, [rimprve'r'ed anew; rear. bl] adj. blamable, censurable*

rameli' to] m. blame, reproof.



Bimproveramento, [rimprove- Rinascimento,

Rimproverare, [rimprvr'r] V. o. to reprove, reprimand
accuse; insult.

Rimproveratore, [rimprve'rto'r] m. blamer, reprimander. Rimproverazioncella, [rimpr-

vratsintsh'l] proof.


slight re-

Rimproverazione, [rimprve'rtsio'n] (. RimproVerio, [rimprvrio] Rimprovero, [rimpr'vr] m. reproach, reproof, disgrace: insult. Eimu^ghiare, [rimghi're'] Rimuggire, [rimgi're] v. n. to bellow again, I'oar again. Rimuginare, [rimjin'r] v. a. to make a diligent search. Rimula, [rim'l] /. a small chink. Rimuneramento , [rimne'r-

[rinashime'n't] Rincattivire, [rinkttivir] . [rin'shita] f. n. to become wicked again. new-birth, regeneration; re- Rincavallare, [rinkavalla're'] v. production. a. to supply with fresh horses; Rinavigare, [rinvig'r] v. a. -, 1). . to get a new horse ; to sail again. remount; Rincavallarsi, . Rincacciare, [rinkatsha're'] v. a, r, to refit one's self with to push back, turn out again. clothes. Rincagnarsi, [rinkn'r'si] v. Rincerconire, [rintshe'rkni'r] V. . sour; get r. to frown, knit one's brows, to grow look grim, spoiled. Rincagnato, [rinkn''t] adj. Rinchinare, [rinkin'r] . a. flat-nosed; squat. to incline, bend. Rincalciare, [rinkltsh're'] see Rinchiomarsi, [rinkimr'si] v Rincacciare. n. & r. to be clothed again Rincalcinare, [rinkaltshina're'] with leaves (said of trees). V. o. to white-wash again, Rinchiudere, [rinki'dr] plaster again. o. irr. {see Chiudere) to shut Rincalorire, [rinklri're'] v. c. in, enclose. [rinkiudito rekindle. Rinchindimento , Rincalzamento, [rinkltsme'n'- mn't] m. shutting in, enclosing, (closure. t] wi. urging on, pressing; {gard.) laying new mould about Rinchiuso, [rinkt's] m. en-

m. Rinascita,

the root. Rinciampare, [rintsbimp'r] Rincalzare, [rinklts'r] v. a. V. n. to stumble, fall again; Rimunerare, [rimne'r're'J to pursue hotly, urge, press; blunder. a. to remunerate, reward. {gard.) lay new mould about Rincignere, [rintshi'n'e're'] v. Rimunerativo, [rimunrti'v] the roots (of trees &c.) prop ft. irr. {see Cignere) to be with





0(0. reinurierative.


child again.

Rimuneratore, [rimne'rt'r] Rincalzata , [rinklts't] /. Rinciprignire, [rintshiprin'ire'J m. Rmuneratrice, [rimn- prop, support; supply. V. n. to grow angry again. rtn'tshe] /. remunerato!, re- Rincalzatura, [rinkltst'r] Rincivilirsi, [rintshivilir'si] v. wardev. r- to grow civil, become po/. laying new mould round the
Rimunerazione,[rimne'rtsi'- roots of trees. lite. ne) /. remuneration, requital, Rincalzo, [rinkrts] m. prop, Rincollare, [rinkll're] v. a. reward. support; succour, aid. to paste again, glue again, Rimuovere, [rim've're'] v. a. Rincauata, [rinkn't] f. re- Rincolpare, [rinklprj v. o. irr. (see Muovere) to remove, proof. to inculpate again. turn away; dissuade; Rimuo- Rincannare, [rinknna're'] v Rincominciamento, [rinkminVEusi, V. r. to retire from, to re-form a trellis. tshmn'toj m. recommenceseparate. Rincantare, [rinknt'r] v. a. ment. Rimurare, [rimr're'] v. a. to to oifor by auction again. Rincominciare, [rinkmintsh'wall again; stop up, block up. Rincantucciare, [rinknttsha'- r] u. a. & ft. to recommence, Rimurchiare, [rimrki'rj see r] V. a. to shut up in a hole; begin again. Rimorchiare. Rincantucciarsi, v. r. to hide Rincontra, [rinkn'tr] prep. Rimurchio, [rimr'ki] m. tow- one's self in a corner. opposite; andare alla -, to go ing, hauling a -, towing, haul- Rincaponire, [rinkpni're'] v. to meet. ing; with hard labor. ft. to be obstinate. Rincontrare, [rinkntr're'] v. Rimutamento, [rimtme'n't] Rincappare, [rinkpp're'] v.n. a. to meet; light on; Rinconm. change, alteration, trans- to fall in again, be caught. trarsi, V. r. to meet together formation. Rincappellare, [rinkappella're] by chance. Rimutare, [rimt're'] v. a. to V. a. to heap up; re-ferment Rincontro, [rfnkn'tr] m. renchange, alter, transform. old wine with new grapes -, counter, meeting; di -, oppo;

Rimutazione, [rimttsi'n]
mutation, transformation.


Eimutevole, [rimt'vl] adj

site. again. Rincappellazione, [rinkappe'l- Rincoraggiare, [rinkradja're'j ltsio'n] /. reproof. V. a. to encourage again.

V. n. to fall sick

mutable, variable; inconstant.- Rincarare, [rinkar're'] RincaRinacciajare, [rinatshy'r] v Tire, [rinkari'r] v. o. to raise a. to steel iron. the price; -, v. . to grow Rinacerbire, [rinatshe'rbi're'J v. dearer. a. to irritate, exasperate. Rincarnare, [rinkrn'rj v. n. Einaldosca, [rinld'sk] and to grow fat again. Rinaldessa, [rinlde's'sj f. a Rincartare, [rinkrta're'] v. a. kind of grape. to Avrap again in paper; rinRinarrare, [rinarr'r] v. a. to cartar panni , to brighten relate again, recount. cloth. Rinascenza, [rinshn'ds] f. Rincarto, [rinkr't] m. a smallsee Hina.scimento. er sheet inserted in a larger Rinascere, [rin'she'r] v. n. one. irr. {see Nascere) to be born Rincatenare, [rinktn'r] v.
again, revive.
o. to cli;iin

Rincoramento, (rmkoiame'n't]
m. encouragement. Rincorare, irinkor're'] v. a. to hearten, encourage; cheer up; Rincorarsi, v. r. to take

Rincordare, [rinkrd're'] v. a. to new-string (an instrument). Rincoronare, [rinkrn'rj v.

a. to crown again. Rincorporamento ,

[rinkrpramn't] m. re-imbodying of
the soul.



[rinkrpra'r] v.a. to re-imbody.

Rincorrere, [rinkr're'r] v. a. irr. (see Correre) to pursue





repair iron, become strong.grow Rinfranto, [rinfrn't] m. dia-



[rinfe'rvora're'] Rinfratellarsi, [rinfrte'llr'si]

V. r. to

Rincorsa, [ri'ntr's] f. run- V. a. to give new fervor; RmFERVORARSi, V. f. to bo inspining back to take a leap. Rincrescere, [rinkr'shre'] . red with new fervor. [rinfiamma. irr. {see Crescere) to weary, Rinfiammagione, be tired, be tiresome; be dis- j'n] f. inflammation. agreeable; Rincrescersi, v. r. Rinfiammare, [rinfiamm'r] v. a. to rekindle, inflame. to be sorry, be annoyed. [rinfiankEincrescevole, [rinkrshe'vl] Rinflancamento , mn't] m. prop , buttress adj. tiresome, tedious; disa;

unite in brotherly love.

v. a.

Rinfrenare, [rinfrna'r]

to bridle, curb, restrain. Rinfrenazione, [rinfrntsi'ne'] f. bridling, restraining. Rinfrescamento , [rinfrskmn't] TU. refreshing, cooling,



refreshment. Rinfrescare, [rinfre'sk'r] v. a. to refresh, cool; renew, rev've;






v. r. to


tiresomeness, te- a. to flank, prop, fortify. Rinfianco, [rinfin'k] m. a dionsness; ennui, disgust. Rincrescevolmente , [rinkre'- prop, buttress, support (said shvlinn't] adv. tediously, of a wall). Rinflchire, [rinfiki're'] v, n. to disagreeably. [rinkre'shiRincrescimento , become faded (said of persons). mn't] m. see Rincrescevo- Rinfilare, [rinfila're'J v. a. to string again. lezza. Rincrescioso,[rinkre'sh's]a(fj. Rinfiorare, [rinfir're'] see Riannoying, wearied, uneasy. fiorire. Rincrespare, [rinkrsp'r] V. Rinfocare, [rinfk're'] Rinfoa. to crisp again. colare, [rinfkl're'] v. a. to

Rinfrescata, [rinfre'sk't] /. see Rinfrescamento. Rinfrescativo, [rinfre'skt'v]

adj. cooling, refrigerative.

on; Rinfocolarsi, v, r. to Binculamento, [rinklme'n't] catch fire; get angry. m. recoil (of a cannon); falling Rinfoderarsi, [rinfde'rr'si] v back of troops. r. to draw in one's horns; reRinculare, (rinkl're'] v. a. to tire, shrink, resheath one's recoil, draw back. sword. Rinculata, [nnkl't] {. re- Rinfondere, [rinfn'de're'] v. a. coiling; falling back; retroces irr. {see Fondere) to infuse siou. add again; founder (a horse). Rinfaocare , [rinfk're] se$ Rindirizzare, [rindiridsa're'] v. Rinfondimento, [rinfondime'n'- Rinfocare. a. to direct again. t] m. infusion; fresh addition; Rinfusione, [rinfsi'ne'] /. new Rindossare, [rindss're'J v. a. weariness, sorrow; foundering infusion. to put on one's clothes again. (a horse). Rinfuso , [rinf's] adj. full, Rinegare, [ring'rj v. a. to Rinformare, [rinfrm're'j v. a. mixed together; confused deny. to form, reform. foundered; alia rinfusa, conRinettare, [rine'tt'r] v. a. to Rinformazione, [rinfrmtsi'- fusedly. clean again, to scour again. ne'] f. fresh information. Ringagliardamento, [ringal'rRinettatore, [rinttt'r] m. Rinfornare, [rinfrn're'] v. a. dmn't] m. stren^gthening. a ropolisher. to put into the oven again. Ringagliardire, [ ri ngl'rdi 're']

Rincrudire, [rinkrudi're'] to exasperate again.

v. a.






to spur

Rinfrescatojo, [rinfrskt y] m. cooler basin. Rinfrescatura, [rinfre'skt'r] f. refreshment, commencement of the cooler season. Rinfresco , [rinfrs'k] wi. refreshment; first leaven. Rinfrigidarsi , [rinfrijidar'sij V. r. to grow cold, get frigid. Rinfrignato, [rinfrin''t] adj. frowning. Rinfronzare, [rinfrnts're'] and Rinfronzire, [rinfrntsi'r] v. n. to put forth leaves, shoot new leaves; Rinfronzirsi, v. r. to adorn one's self.

Rinettatura, [rine'ttt'r]

Rinforzamento, [rinfrtsme'n';

cleaning again. t] wi. re-enforcement succour. Rinetto, [nn't] adj. cleaned Rinforzare, [rinfrts'r] v. a. again, scoured again. to re-enforce; strengthen, reRinfacciamento , [rinftslicover one's strength; Rinformn't] m. taxing, censure; zarsi, V. r. to grow stronger. blame. Rinforzata, [rinfrts't] f. reRinfacciare, frinftsh're'J v. enforcement supply (of fresh a. to tax; taunt, reproach. troops), succour. Rinfagottarsi, [rinfgttr'si] Rinforzo, [rinfr'ts] m. re-enV. r. to wrap one's self up. forcement; fresh supply. Rinfamare, [rinfama're'J v. n. Rinfoscarsi, [rinfskr'si] v. r. to restore to fame. grow gloomy, darken. RinfanciuUare , [rinfantshul- Rinfrancare, [rinfrnk're'] v. a. l'r] and Rinfanciullire, [rinto make bold and sturdy fntshlli'rj v. a. to become strengthen, fortify; encourage;

V. a. to strengthen; -, v. n. to recover strength, get stnrdy. Ringalluzzarsi, [ringlltsr'si] V. r. to strut with elation. Ringangherare, [ringngher'r] V. a. to set on the hinges again; reunite; find again.



see Ringalluzzarsi.



a. to regenerate,


Ringentilire, [rinjentili'r] n. a. to make genteel, ennoble ; embellish.

Ringhiare, [ringhi're']
snarl, growl.

v. n. to

n. Rinfrancarsi, v. r. to Ringhiera, [ringhi'r] f. bar, indemnify one's self; recover hustings, chair. one's former standing. Ringhio, [rin'ghi] m. snarling, -, V. n. to grow childish, dote. Rinfrancescare, [rinfrantshe's- growling. Einferrajolare, [rinfrryla'- k'r] V. a. to repeat the same Ringhioso [ringhi's] adj, , r] V. a. to cover with a cloak; * thing. snappish, surly. R1NFERRA.JOLAES1, V. r. to wrap Rinfrangere, [rinfran'je're'] v. a. Ringhiottire, [ringhiotti're'] v, one's self in a cloak. irr. {see Frangere) to break, a. to swallow up again. Binferrare, [rinfrr're'] v. a. io split, smash. Bingi, [rin'ji] m. {bot.) erynga


-, V.

Rinfantocciare, [rinfnttsha'r] V. a. to set in order again





Engioire, [rinjii're] . n. to Rinnegato , [rinne'g't] and Rinsangnignare,[rinsngwin"'Rinnegatore , [riJiiiegt'r] r] Rinsanguinare , [rinsnrejoice, be merry. guin'r] . o. to make bloody, Ringiovanire , [rinjivni're'] m. renegade. Eingiovenire, [rinjiveni'r] Rinnestamento, [rinne'stame'n'- open a wound afresh; -, v. n. to bleed again. t] m. {gard.) grafting, graft. V. a. & n. to make or grow Rinnestare, [rinnst'r] v. o. Rinsanicare, [rinsnik're'] . young again; renew. Ringiovialire, [rinjtvili're'] (gard.) to graft again; reunite. a. to restore to health. Rinnovabile, [rinnv'bil] adj. Rinsanire, [rinsni'r] . a. to V. n. to become jovial. recover one's health. Eingirare, [rinjir'r] v. n. to renewable. Rinnovagione, [rinnvj'n] f. Rinsavire, [rinsvi're'J v. n. to turn round, rove about. Ringodersi, [ringdr'si] v. n. r. Rinnovamento, [rinnvme'n'- become wise again. t] m. renewal, restoration, Rinsegnare, [rinsn''re'] . a. to rejoice, take courage. to inform again. Ringojare, [ringy'r] v. a. to renovation. Rinnovare, [rinnva're'l . a. to Rinselvarsi, [rinse'lvar'si] . r. swallow again. Ringone, [ring'n] m. a glen, renew; renovate, restore; -, v. to grow woody and wild again; hide one's self in the woods . Rinnovarsi, v. r. to be defile. again. Ringor gam ente, [ringr gme'n'- renewed, be restored. over- Rinnovata, [rinnv'ta] /. re- Rinserenire, [rinse're'ni're'] see t] m. gurgling up ; Rasserenare. newal. swelling; boiling over. Ringorgare, [ringrg'r] v. n. Rinnovatore, [rinnvt'r] m. Rinserrare, [rinse'rr're'] . a. to shut up. to gurgle up; swell up; boil ronewer, restorer. Rinnovazione, [rinnvtsi'ne'] Rinsignorirsi , [rinsin'orir'si] over. Ringorgo, [ringr'g] m. over- f. Rinnovellamento, [rinn- . r. to take possession again, retake. ve'llran't] m. renewing, reswelling. Rinsolcare, [rinslk'r] . a. Ringranare, [ringrn'r] v. a. newal resuming. Rinnovellare, [rinnvll're'] to plough again. to re-sow with corn. Rintagliare, [rintl''re'] . a. Ringrandire, [ringrndi'r] v. w. a. to renew, begin again. Rinnovellatore, [nnnvllt'- to engrave anew. a. to enlarge, increase. Rintanarsi, [rintanar'si] . r. Ringrassare, [ringrassa're'] v.n. r] see Rinnovatore. Rinnovellazione , [rinnve'll- to dodge into a den. to grow fat again. Rintasare, [rints're'] . o. to Ringravidamento, [ringrvid- tsi'n] see Rinnovazione. Rinnumidire, [rinnmidi'r] v. stop again, bung again. mu't] m. fresh pregnancy. Rintegrare, [rinte'gra're'] v. a. Ringravidare, [ringrvid're'] o. to moisten again. [rintshe'rn't] to re-integrate -, . n. Rxnv.a. to get with child again; Rinoceronte, - , V. n. to become pregnant Rinocerote, [rintsher't] m. teorarsi, . r. to get re-inte(famous. grated, reunite. rhinoceros. again. Eingraziabile, [ringrtsi'bile] Rinomabile, [rinm'bil] adj. Rintegrazione, [rnte'grtsi'Rinomanza, [rinmn'ds] f. nl /. renewing, restoration. adj. deserving thanks. Rintendere, [rintn'ddr] . a. Ringraziamento, [ringrtsia- renown, fame. mn'to] m. thanks, returning Rinomare, [rinm're'] . a. to irr.isee Tendere) to understand again. make famous, celebrate. thanks. Eingraziare, [ringrtsii'r] v. Rinomato, [rinm't] adj. re- Rintenerire, [rinte'ne'ri're'] .fl. to soften, move again; Rintenowned, famous, celebrated. a. to return thanks, thank. Eingrinzimento , [ringrintsi- Rinomlnanza, [rinminn'ds] NEBXRSi, . r. to soften, bo moved. men'to] m. wrinkling; wrin- f. fame, celebrity; name.
; ;

kles, pi.

Rinominare, [rinmin're']

v. a.



m. making whole again reEingrinzire, [ringrintsi're'] . to praise, celebrate. Rinominato, [rinmin't] adj. newing. a. to wrinkle, frown, shrivel. Rinterrogare, [rinterrg're'] v. Ringrossare, [ringrss'r] v. renowned, famous. Rinominazione, [rinmintsi'- a. to interrogate again. a. to augment, strengthen. Rinterzare, [rintertsa're'] . o. Ringuacinare,ringatshin're'] ne] f. fame, renown.


Rinovagione, [rinvj'ne'] /. [ringrjit'r] renovation. . n. to regurgitate ; overflow. Rinovare, [rinv're'] &c. , see a. . Rinnafflare, [rinnflfi'r] Rinnovare &c. to water again. Rinovellare, [rinve'll're'] &c., Rinnalzamento,[rinnltsme'n'- see Rinnovellare &c. t] m. raising up, elevation. Rinquartare, [rinkuarti're'] v Rinnalzare, [rinnaltsa're'] v. a. a. to quarter. to raise, raise higher; -, v. n. Rinsaocamento,[rinsakkjne'n'to grow, increase, rise up; RiN- t] m. shaking {vutgaiism). NALZAEsi, v. r. to raise one's Rinsaccare, [rinskk're] . a self, get elevated. to sack up again; Rinsaccarsi, Rinnamorare , [rinnmr're'] V r. to be shaken. V. a. to enamour again; Rinna- Rinsaldamento, [rialdme'n'MORABSi, . r. to fall in love t] m. consolidation. again. Rinsaldare, [rinsld're'] . a. Rinnegamento, [rinne'gme'n't] to consolidate anew. I. abjuring. Rinsalvatichire, [rinslvtiki'Rinnegare, [rinne'g'r] . o. to r] . n. to get thorny; become deny, abjure. a savage again.
. a. to replace in the sheath.

to triple.



Rintiepidire, [rintipidi'r] a. to make cool again; -, . n. to grow cool again assuage. Rintoccare, [rintkkar] v. a.

to toll (a bell).

Rintocco, [rintokTco] m. tolling,


Rintonacare, [riitnk'r]
a. to


roughcast, plaster again.

. n. to

Rintonare, [rintn'rj

Rintoppamento, [rintppme'n't] see Rintoppo.

Rintoppare, [rintoppa're']
to'meud, botch; repair;

. a.
. n.

RiNTOPPARSi, . r. to meet with; run against, dash r





Rinzeppare, [rintspp'r] see

Bintoppo, [rint'p]Tn. meeting; Rinverdire, [rinve'rdi're'] v. rencounter, shock, dash, re- to make green again; -, v. n. grow green again. sistance, opposition; obstacle. Rintorno, [rintr'n] m. circuit, Rinvergare, [rinve'rga're'] v.


Rinzocco, [rintsk'kj



to discover, find out. turn; subterfuge. [rinve'rgt'rel Rintorto,[rintr't]adj. twisted; Rinvergatoije, nt. discoverer. tortuous. Rintracciamento, [rintrtsha- Rinvermigliarsi,[rinve'rmira.r'mn't] VI. inquest, inquiry, si] V. r. to grow red again. Rinversare, [rinvrs'r] v. a. investigation. Rintracciare, [n'ntrtsh're'] v. & n. to overturn; overflow. a. to try to find out, search, Rinvertire, [rinve'rti're'j v. a. to exchange; truck; -, v. n. to investigate. draw back, return happen. Rintracciatore, [rintratshat' Rinverzicare, [rinve'rtsika're'] r] m. searcher, inquirer. Rintrecciare, [rintre'tsha're'] v. Rinverzire, [rinve'rtsi're] v. n. to grow green again, reflourish. a. to interlace, intwine. Rintrodurre, [rintrdr're'] to Rinvescare, [rinvsk're] v. a. to birdlime again; allure. introduce again. Rintronamento, [rintrname'n' Rinvesciarda, [rinve'shr'd] f. Rinvesciardo , [rinvshr'd] to] m. resounding; ringing. Rintronare, [rintrn'r] v. a. m. tell-tale, blab. Rinvesciare, [rinve'sha're'] v. a. & n. to resound, boom; roar. Rintrono, (rintr'njtn. resound to report, tell tales. Rinvestimento, [rinve'stime'n'ing; booming. Rintropire, [rintrpi're'] to] m. investiture. Rinvestire , [rinve'sti're'] v. a. become dropsical. Rintuono , [rint'n] m. a to invest, put in possession of; slight booming. barter, truck, exchange.



adj. wicked, guilty;

m. guilt, crime; wickedness;

v. a.

criminal; brook. Riobbligare, [ribbligar]

to oblige again.

Rioccupare, [rikkpa'r] v. a. to occupy anew. Rione, [ri'n] m. ward, quarter (at Rome). Rionorare, [rinra'r] v. a. to honor again. Rioperare, [ripe'ra're'] v. n. to
operate again.

Riordinamento, [rfrdinamen't] m. setting in order again. Riordinare, [riordin'r] v. a.

to set in order, repair.

Riordinatore , [rirdint'r] wi. one who sets in order. Riordinazione , [rirdintsi'-

Rintuzzamento, [rinttsme'n'- Rinviare



n] f. setting in order, mending. Riordire, [rirdi'r] v. a. to weave again. Riornare, [rirn'r] v. a. to ornament afresh. v. a. to

blunting; hinderance.
v. a

send back, dismiss.




Rintuzzare, [rintts're']

to blunt; make obtuse; abate; oppose, repress; Rintuzzarsi, V. r. to become blunted, get


[rinumida're'] v. a. to moisten again. Rinunciare, [rinntsh're'] and mn't] iee Rinvigoramento. pice. Rinunziare, [rinntsi'r] v Rinvigorire , [rinvigri'r] see Ripaciflcaro,[riptshifikd.'r] V. a. to renounce, relinquish, disRinvigorare. a. to pacify. own; relate, tell. Rinviliare, [rinvili'r] v. a. to Ripadriare, [n'padria're] v. n. Rinunzia , [rinn'tsi] Rinnn- lower (the price), bring down. to return to one's country. ziagione , [rinntsij'n] f. Rinvilire , [rinvili'r] v. a. to Ripagare, [ripg'r] v. a. to

a. to observe again. [rinvfgr mn't] m. recovery of ones Riottolo, [ri'ttl] m. a small rivulet. strength, strengthening. Rinvigorare, [rinvigr're'] v. a Riozzolo, [ri'tsl] m. small rivulet. to strengthen, invigorate again; -, V. n. to become strong again. Ripa, [ri'pi] f. river-bank, seashore; dyke, mound; preciRinvigorimento , [rinvigor


renunciation, relinquishment; vilify, undervalue. repay. report, relation, tale, story. Rinvilnppare, [rinvilpp're'J Riparabile , [ripra'bile'j adj. Rinunziatore, [rinntsit're'] V. a. to wrap up; perplex. reparable, retrievable. tn. renouncer,reporter delator Rinvitare, [rinvit'r] v. a. to Riparamento [riparme'n't] , Rinunziazione, [rinntsitsi'- invite again. m. repair; rampart. (vitation. n] see Rinunzia. Rinvito, [rinvi'to] m. new in- Riparare, [ripra'r] v. a. to Rinuocere, [rin'tshe"r] v a. to Rinvivirsi, [rinvivir'si] v. r. to repair; remedy; shelter, dehurt again. (swim again revive; recover. fend; restore, comfort; parry, Rinuotare, [rinut'r] v. a. to Rinvogliare, [rinvr're'] v. a. oppose; hinder; Riparabsi, v. Rinutrire, [rintri'r] v. a. to to excite a desire. r. to repair to; frequent. nourish again. Rinvolgere, [rinvl'jr] v. a. Riparata, [ripr'ta] f. goal, Rinvalidare, [rinvlid'r] v. a. irr. (see Volgere) to wrap up, end of a course. to confirm again. envelop, enclose ; surround Riparatore, [riprt'r] m. RiRinvangare, [rinvng'r] .a RiNVOLGERSi, V. T. to Wrap paratrice, [riprtri'tsh] f, to search again, investigate one's self up. repairer, restorer. anew. Rinvoltare, [rinvlt'r] see Ri paratura, [riprt'r] RiRinvelenire, [rinvele'ni're'] v.n. Rinvolgere. parazione, [riprtsi'n] f. to poison again, get into a pas- Rinvolto, [rinvl't] m. parreparation; refitting, restoraBion again. cel, small packet. tion. Rinvenibile, [rinve'ni1)ile'] adj. Rnvoltura,[rinvlt'ra] /".fold- Riparlare, [riprl're'] v. . to easy to be found. ing up, wrapping; outside. speak again. Rinvenimento, [rinve'nime'n't] Rinzaffare, [rintsfiP'r] v. a. Riparo, [ripd'r] m. remedy, exm. finding out; invention. to wedge up, bung, fill up with pedient; resource; defence. Rinvenire, [rinvn're] v. a. irr. cotton or tow. Ripartigione, [riprtij'n] f. {ee Venire) to find again Rinzaffatura, [rintsfPt'ra] /". Ripartimento, [riprtimn't] soften; -, v. n. irr. to recover; Rinzaffo, [rintsf'f] m. plas- m. division, distribution por; recover one's senses ; yield. tering. tion, share.
; . ; ; I

Bipartire, [riparti'r] v.
divide, distributo, share.
a. to




Riponere, [rip'ne'r]



Kipartitamente,[riprtitme'n'Riponimento , [ripnime'n'tl t] adv. separately. Ripezzamento, [ripe'tsme'n't] m. replacing. Ripartizione, [ripartitsi'ne'] f. m. Ripezzatura, [riptst'r] Ripopolare, [rippl're'] v. a. see Ripartigione. to people anew. /. mending, refitting, botching.

repetition; burden {of a song); rehearsal.

irr. (see

Ripezzare, [ripts'r] v. a. to Riporgere, [ripor'jre']w. a. irr. {see Porgere) to offer again. mend, patch up; repair. Ripezzatore, [riptst're'] m. Riporre, [ripr'r] v. a. irr. {see Ripassare, [ripss're'] v. . to mender, patcher. Porre) to put again, place repass, go back; revise. Ripiacere, [riptatshe"r] v. a. again; collocate; rebuild; reRipassata, [ripssa't] f. re- irr. {see Piacere) to please store; shut in, hide; bury; passing; revising, re-examin- again. Ripoasi, V. r. to set about, ing; fare una -, to reprove. Ripiacimento , [ripitshimn'- begin. Ripasseggiare, [ripssdj're'] t] m. new pleasure, new do- Riportamento, [riprtme'n't] V. n, to walk out again. m. report, relation. light. Ripatire, [ripti'r] v. a. & n. Ripiagnere , [ripi'n'e're'] Ri- Biportanovelle, riprtnve'l'to suffer again, endure again. piangere, [ripin'je'r] v. n. l] m. tale-bearer, slanderer. Ripatriare, [riptri're'] v. a. irr. {see Piagnere) to weep Riportare, [riprtd'r] v. a. to to recall from banishment; -, carry back; carry off; report, again; complain, moan. V. n. to return to one's conn- Ripiantare, [riptnt're'] v. a. relate; put off, delay; gain. try. Riportatore, [riprtt'r] m. to set up again; replant. Bipeccare, [ripeTcka're'J v. n. to Ripicchiare, [ripikkia'r] v. a. reporter, tell-tale. sin again. Riporto, [ripr't] wi. report, to knock again. Ripensamento, [ripnsame'n't] Ripicchio, [ripik'ki ojm.counter- inforsiation, statement eraI. second thoughts, pi.; second broidery. blow; retaliation. consideration. Ripicco, [ripiklc] m. reper Riposamento, [ripsmn't] m. Ripensare, [ripnsa're'] v. n. to cussion, counter-blow. repose, rest, sleep. revolve in one's mind. Ripidezza, [ripidt'sa] f. steep Riposare, [rips're'] v. a. to Ripensazione, [ripnsatsi'n] ness, declivity. place agarn, put again; -, d. n, Ripido, [ri'pid] adj. steep, to repose, rest one's self, sleep; f. consideration, meditation. Ripentaglio, [ripe'ntT] tti precipitous. pause, stop; Riposarsi, u. r. hazard, jeopardy. Ripiegamento, [ripie'gmeVt] to discontinue, aase; - sopra, Ripentimento, [ripe'ntirae'n't] m. folding up. to rely upon, trust in -, m. rem. repentance, penitence, con- Ripiegare, [ripie'ga're'] v. a. to pose, rest; pause. trition. fold, plait, bend; dull: Ripie- Riposata, [rips't] /. repose, Ripentirsi, [ripe'ntir'si] v. r. to garsi, V, r. to entangle one's pause. repent, regret, be sorry for. Riposatamente, [ripstraen'self, relapse into. Ripentitore, [ripntit're'J m. Ripiegatura, [ripie'gt'r] f. t] adv. quietly, calmly. penitent. Riposatojo, [ripst'y] m. folding up. Ripercotimento , [ripe'rkti- Ripieghevole , landing-place (of a stair-case). [ripie'gheV'le'] mn'tj m. repercussion; re- adj. flexible, easily folded up. Riposatore, [ripst'r] m. hound. Ripiego, [ripi'g] m. expe- comforter. Ripercuotere, [ripe'rk'te'r] v. dient, means. Riposevole, [rfpse"vle'] adj. a. irr. {see Percuotere) to re- Ripienezza, [ripie'nt's] calm, quiet, peaceful (little ful[rip'she're']


Pascere) nourish again.


a. feed,


percuss, beat back, strike back, ness, repletion. send back. Ripieno, [ripi'n] adj. full Ripercussione, [n'pe'rkiissi'ne'] m. filling up, stuffing; (weav.) woof; servir di -, to stand for f. repercussion, rejection. Ripercussivo , [ripirkssi'v] a cypher, be a make-weight. 0(/j. ropercussi\e. Ripigiare, [ripijii'r] v. a. to Ri perdere, [riper 'de're'] v. a. to press down again. lose again. Ripigliamento, [ripil'me'n't] Riperella, [ripe'r'l] f. small m. retaking; remorse. beach, small bank. Ripigliare, [ripil''re'] v. a. to Ripesare, [rips're'] v. a. to retake, resume; seize; win; weigh again; re-examine. reprimand. Bipescamento, [ripskme'n't] Ripignere, [ripi'n'e're] v. a. irr. m. fishing out again; recov- {see Pignere) to repel, repulse; ering. beat back.






setting of bones.


[rip's] tn. repose, , rest; quiet, tranquillity.


Ripossedere, [ripssde're'J
a. to repossess.

Riposta, [rip'stl f. replacing, putting apart; far la -, to put

by, reserve.

Ripstamente, [n'pstame'n't]

adv. by stealth, secretly. Ripostiglio, [ripsti'l] RipoRipescare, [ripe'sk're'] v. a. to Ripilogare, [ripiloga're'] v. a. stime, [ripsti'm] m reposfish up, fish out again; recover. to recapitulate, sum up. itory; recess, lurking hole. Ripestare, [ripst're'] v. a. to Ripingere, Lripin'jer] see Ri- Riposto, [rip'st] adj. hidden; pound again; thump again. pignere. tener -, to hide, conceal.

Ripetere, [rip'te'r]


to Ripiovere, [ripi've'r] v. n Ripregare, [riprg'r] v. a. to irr. {see Piovere) to rain again. pray again, entreat again. [ripe'time'n'to] m. Riplacare, [riplakare'] v. a. to Ripremere, [ripr'mr] v. a.

repetition. appease again; Riplacarsi, v. to press again; repress; reRipetitore, [riptit're'] m. re- r. to become appeased. strain. peater, rehearser ; private Ripolire, [ripli're'J te$ Ripu- Riprendere, [riprn'dre'] v. a. teacher, examiner. lire. irr. {see Prendere) to retake,




chide; Ri- Riprovedere , Riprovvedere , Risaldatnra, [risldt'r] f^ to correct [riprve'd'r] v. a. irr. (see see Risaldamento. Vedere) to provide again; re- Risalimento, [rslimeVt] m. one's self, amend leave off. Biprendevole , [ripre'nd'vle'] examine. going up again. Ripraova, [ripr'v] see Ri- Risalire, [risali're'] v. n. to adj. reprehensible. Kiprendevolmente, [ripre'nde'- prova. ascend again, go up again. vlmn't] adv. reprehensibly. Ripudiare, [rfpdi're'] v. a. to Risaltare, [rislt're'j v. n. to Biprendimento, [riprendirae'n'- repudiate, divorce. leap again, rebound; jut out. Ripudio, [rip'di] m. repudia- Risalto, [risl't] m. jutting tol m. reprehension, reproof. Biprenditore , [ripre'ndito're'] tion, divorce. out, rebound, projection; dare Ripugnanza, [ripn'u'ds] Ri- -, to enhance. m. reprover, consurer. Biprensibile,[riprnsi1)ile']arf;. pugnazione, [ripn'tsi'n] f. Risalutare, [rislut'rc'] v.a. to reprehensible. repugnance, aversion opposi- salute again.



Biprensibilmente, [ripre'nsibil- tion. men'tti] adv. in a blamable Ripugnare, [ripun''r] v. a. & n. to repugn, resist, be conmanner. Biprensione, [rfpre'nsi'n] f. trary to. Ripugner, [rip'n'e're'] v. a. reprehension, blame, reproof. Biprensivo, [ripre'nsi'v] adj. irr. {see Pugner) to sting


[risai uttsl'reciprocal salutation. Risaminare, [rismn're'j v.a. to re-examine. (curable.






again, prick again. m. Ripulimento, [riplime'n't] m. Risanare, [risana're'] v. a. to polishing. fault-finder, blamer, censurer. cure; Risanarsi, v. r. to get Bipresa, [ripre'sa] /. renewal, Ripulire, [ripli're'j v. a, to cured, recover one's health. polish, gloss; retouch, revise. Risanciano, [risntshi'n] m. repetition; reprimand; per fi Ripulitore, [riplit'r] m. pol- one who laughs heartily and riprese, at several times. Bipresaglia, [riprsT] f. re- isher, furbisher; reviser. repeatedly. Ripulitura, [riplit'r] /. pol- Risapere, [rispe''re'] v. a. irr. prisals pi.; retaliation. Bipresentare, [ripre'se'nta're'] v. ishing; revising. {see Sapere) to know by report, Ripullulare, [riplll're'] v. n. knov by hearsay. a. to represent, expose. to repullulate, shoot forth Risarchiare, [risarkia're'] v. a. Ripresentatore, [ripre'se'ntat' again. r] m. representer; imitator. to weed again. Bipressioue, [ripre'ssi'n] f. Ripulsa, [ripul'sa] f. repulse, Risarcimento, [risrtshime'n't] refusal. repressing. m. mending, reparation, inEiprestare, [ripre'st're'] w. a. to Ripulsare, [ripls're'] v a. to demnification. repulse, refuse, deny. lend again. Risarcire, [risrtshi're'] v. o. to Biprezzo, [ripr'ts] m. shiver- Ripurga, [ripr'ga] f. Ripurga- mend, repair, compensate; - un mento , [riprgrae'n't] m, danno, to make up for a loss. ing, shuddering. Biprincipiamento, [riprintshi- purgation; polishing, furbish- Risata, [ris't] /. laughter, depimn't] see Ricomincia- ing. rision; laughing-stock. Ripurgare, [riprg're] v. a. to Risbadigliare , [risbdir're'] mento. again. Riprincipare,[ri'printshipi're'] purge V. n. to gape again. Ripurgativo, [riprgti'v] adj. Risbirciare , [risbirtsha'r] v. tee Ricominciare. purging. Biprobato, [riprb't] adj. rea. to ogle again. Ripurgatnra, [ripurgt'r] f. Riscaldamento, [riskldameVprobate, wicked. purging (of metals). Biprodarre, [riprdr're'] v. a t] n. warming, heating; pas[riptme'n't] irr. (lee Produrre) to repro- Riputamento , sion; pimple. m. repute; thought. duce, cause. Riscaldare, [riskld're'l v. a. Biproduzione, [riprdtsi'ne'] Riputare, [ript're'] v. a. to to warm again, heat again; repute; attribute. reprove; Riscaldarsi, v. r. to f. reproduction. Biprofondare, [ri'prfnd're'] Riputazioncella, [ripttsin- warm one's self; get angry, fall tsh'l] /. trifling reputation. V. n. to replunge. into a passion; break out; be Bipromettere, [riprmt'te're'] Riputazione, [ripttsi'ne'] /. blasted. reputation, fame. V. a. irr. (see Mettere) to promRiscaldativo,[riskldti'v]ad'j, ise again; Ripromettersi, v. Riquadrare, [rikudr're'j v. a. heating, warm. to square. r. to flatter one's self, expect. Riscaldazione, [riskldtsi'e] Riproporre, [riprpr're'] v. a. Riquadratura, [rikudrat'r] /. warming, over-heating. irr. {see Porre) to propose f. quadrature, making square. Riscappare, [riskppa'r] t. . Riquisito, [rikttisi't] adj. req- to escape again. again. Biprotestare, [riprte'st're'] v. uisite. Riscappinare, [riskppin'rej Riquisizione, [rikuisitsi'ne'j /. V. a. to new-foot (boots Ac). a. to protest again. Biprova, [ripr'v] f. proof, requisition, request. Riscattare, [risktta're'] v. a. Rirallegrarsi , [rirlle'grr'si] to redeem, rescue; Riscattarevidence. Biprovagione, [riprvj'ne'] /, V. a. & r. to rejoice anew. si, V. r. to win back one's loRirompersi, [rirm'pe'rsi] v. r. sings; return like for like. reprobation. Biprovare, [riprv're'j v. a. to irr. {see Rompere) to break Riscattatore, [riskttt're'J m. reprobate; try again; confute; again. redeemer, rescuer. RiPEOVABSi, V. r. to make a Risagallo, [risgri]m.(cftym.) Riscatto, [riskt'tjm. redempnew trial. red arsenic. tion, recovery. Riprovazione, [riprvts'ne'] Risaja, [rs'y] f. rice-field. Biscegliere, [rishel'e're'] v. a. /^.reprobation.rejectiqn; frying Risaldamento, [risaldmn't] irr. {see Scegliere) to cho^^so again. I TO. soldering again; healing up. again, select again.

[risnmn't] m. cure, recovery.




Riserbatezza, frisrbte't'sa] /. reserve; modesty. Riserbatojo, [rise'rbt'y] m.
reservoir; preserve. [risrbtri'tsh] see Riservatrice.

Elsceglimento, [rishl'imn't] Eiscotltore, [risktit're'] m. receiver, collector; exactor. m. new choice. Biscendere, [rfshnd'r] v. a. Riscritto , [riskrit't] see Rescritto. to descend again. Bischiaramento, [rislcirme'n - Eiscrivere, [riskri've're'] see Reto] m. clearing up, elucidation; scrivere. Riscuotere, [risk'te're'] v. a. joyBiscbiarare , [riskir're'] Ri- irr. {see Scuotere) to rescue, schiarire, [riskiri'r] v. a. & exact, recover; Riscuotersi, V. r. to have one's revenge (at n. to clear, elucidate, illustrate; EiscHiARAESi.v.r. to cloar up, play); shake with fear; return

Riserbazione, [rise'rbtsi'n] f. Riserbo, [rsr'b] m. reser-

* get clear.


[riskii're'] see


Eischio, [ris'ki] m. risk, peril, hazard. Bischiosetto, [riskise't't] adj. somewhat dangerous. Eischioso, [riski's] adj. hazardous, perilous. Eischizzare, [riskitsa're'] v. a. to leap backwards. Eisciacquare, [rishakua're'] v.a. to rinse, wash; risciacquarsi Risedente, [risdn'te'] m. resila bocca, to

vation, reserve; store, provision; saving; custody. Riserramento, [risrrme'n't] m. obstruction; blocking up. like for like. Riscurare, [riskr're'] v. n. to Riserrare, [rise'rr'r] v. a. to become darker (said of paint- shut again, shut in. ings). Riserva, [risr'v] see Riserba. Risdegnarsi, [risde'n'r'si] w. r. Riservare, [rise'rva r] &c., see Riserbare &c. to fly into a passion again. Risecare, [risk're'] v. a. to cut Riservatrice , [rise'rvatri'tshe'] again, retrench. f. reserver, keeper. Riseccare, [rise'kk're'] v. a. to Riservire, [risrvi're'] v. a. to dry up; -, v. n, to grow dry. serve again, return a favor. Risecco, [rise"k] adj. dried up, Risetto, [rise't't]ni.sweet smile. Risforzo, [risfr'ts] m. a fresh arid.

wash one's mouth.



Eisciacquata , [rishku't] reprimand, curtain-lecture.

Bisciacquatojo, [rishkut'y] m. mill-dam, by-millrace.

[rishr're'] v. Bisciogliere, a. to loosen again, untie knots. Bisce, [risTc] wi. {poes.) risk, hazard. Biscolo,[ris'kl]m.soda,potasb. Biscomunicare, [riskmnika'-







Biscontare, [risknt're'] v. e. to deduct; abate. Biscontrare, [riskntr'r] v.a. to compare, collate; find; -, v. n. to meet, meet by chance; Bl8C0NTEAESI,. f. to light ou;

Risedere, [rise'de*'re'] v. {see Sedere) to reside, abide, Risguardamento , [risgurumn't] m. look, gaze, glance. dwell; stay. Risega, [ris'g] f. (arcA.)juttng Risgnardare, [risgur'd're'] v. out. a. to look, regard; observe. Risegare, [rise'g're'] v .o. to saw Risgnardatore, [risgurdt'r] again; cut off, retrench; Rise- m. looker on, spectator. OABSi, V. r. to sever, separate. Risguardevole, [risgrde"vle] Risegatura, [rise'gt'r] /. cut, adj. remarkable, considerable. cutting; retrenching. Risguardo, [risgur'd] m. look, Risegna, [rise'Va] /. resigning, regard ; respect. resignation, giving up. Risibile, [risiljile'] adj. risible, Risegnare, [risn''re'] . a. to laughable.' resign, renounce; sign. Risibilit, [risibilit'] f. risibilRisegnazione, [risn'tsi'ne'] ity, laughableness. Risicare, [risik're'] v. a. & n. f. resignation, submission. Riseguire, [rise'gui're'] v. a. to to risk; be in danger.
continue, follow.

Risgarare, [risgr're'] n. irr. conquer again.

v. a. to


[rise'mbr're'] v. a.

Biscontro, [riskn'tr] m. ren- to resemble. counter, meeting; confronting, Riseminare, [rise'mina're'J v. a. comparing; tallying; counter- to sow again. part; - di stanza, suite of Risensarsi, [rise'nsar'si] r. r. rooms. to recover one's senses. Biscontro , [riskn'tr] prep. Risentimento, [risntimn't] opposite to. m. resentment, anger. Eiscontroso, [riskntr's] adj. Risentire, [rise'nti'r] v. a. & n. knotty (said of wood). to hear again; awake; RisenBiscoppiare, [riskppi're'] v.a. tirsi, V. r. to feel one's self, to burst out afresh, revive. recover one's senses; wake up; Biscorrere , [riskr'rre'] v. o. grow strong; be revenged of. & n. irr. {see Correre) to run Risentitamente,[risntitme'n'over, peruse again; reconsider, te'] adv. resentingly. ruminate upon. Risentito, [rise'nti to] adv. with Biscorrimento, [riskrrimeV- resentment, spitefully, invidt] m. run, course. iously. Biscorticare, [riskrtik're'] v. Riserba, [risr'b] Riserbanza,

Risico, [ri'sik] m. risk, hazard, peril, danger ; correre il -, to run the risk. Risicoso, [risik's] adj. hazardous, dangerous. Risigallo, [risigl'l] m. red arsenic.

Risimigliare, [risimil''re'] v.a. to resemble, be like. Risino,[risi'n] wi. sweet smile. Risipola, [risi'pl] /. St. Anthony's fire. Risipolato , [risipla't] adj. said of one who suffers from Saint Anthony's fire. Risistere, frisi'ste're] &c. see Eesistere &c. Risma, [ris'm] f. ream of pa,

per; faction.

Riso, [ri's] m. (risa, p/.) laugh, a. to skin again, flay again. [risrbn'ds] f. reservation, laughter far le risa grasse, to Biscossa, [risk's] f. rescue, provision, economy; reserve; burst out into a loud laugh; recovery; armata di -, army of preserve. morir delle risa, to die with reserve. Riserbare, [n'se'rh're'] v. a. to laughing. Biscossione, [riskssi'n] /, reserve; preserve; save; con- Riso, [ri's] m. {risi, pi.) rice. exaction; receipt of money. Risodare, [risd're'] see Rassider, regard, mind. Eiscotimento , [risktimn't] Riserbatamente , [rise'rbt- sodare. m. exacting payment, receiving mn't] adv. prudently, cau- Rsofflamento, [risffiame'n't] toney. m. blowing again; bubble. tiously.



Rispettnccio, [rispe'tt'tsh] m. little regard. Rispianare, [rispina're'] v. a.
to smooth; explain. Rispianato, [rispian't] m. a
flat surface.

Risoffiare, [risffi'r] v. a. to Risospignere, [risospi'n'e're'] v. a. irr. (see Spignoro) to beat blow again. Bisognare, [risn''r] v. n. to back, repel; scout. Risospirare, [risspir're'] v. a. dream again. Risolare, [risl're'] v. o. to sole to sigh again. Risotterrare, [ristte'rr're'] v. again (shoes &c.). Bisolcare, [rislk're'] v. a. to a. to put under ground again,

Rispianato, [rispian't]


plough again. Risoldare, [risldd're']


Risottomettere, [risttme't't- Rispiare, [rispi're'] v. a. to spy ovt secrets. r] V. a. irr. {see Mettere) to Rispicciare, [rispitsha're'] v. a. see subdue again. to spout out, gush out. Risovvenire , [risvve'ni're'] v risolare. Risolino, [risli'n] m. little n. RisovvENiRSi, V. r. irr. (see Rispignere, [rispi'n'e're'] v. a. irr. {see Spignere) to drive Venire) to remember. laugh. EsoUecitare, [rislle'tshit're'] Rispandersi, [rispande'r'si] v, back; scout. Rispigolamento , [rispi'glu. a. to solicit again. r. to spread itself again. [risparmia- me'n't] m. fresh gleaning. Risolleticare, [rislltik're'] v. Risparmiamento, mn't] m. thriftinoss, saving, Rispigolare, [rispigla'rj v. a. a. to tickle, tickle again.
a. to

solder again. Risolettare, [risltt're']

Risollevare, [risoli v'r e'] v. a. frugality. to raise again, alleviate again. Risparmiare, [risparmi're'] v Risolntamente, [risltmn'- a. to save , economize ; hoard tj adv. resolutely, deterraiup; exempt; - , v. n. Rispar nately. MiARSi V. r. to take care of Risolutezza, [rislute' t's]/ res- one's self. oluteness, determination. Risparmiatore, [risprmit'Risolutivo, [rislti'v]a(/j,res- r] m. thrifty saving man,

to glean, pick up. Rispigolatore, [rispiglt'r] m, gleaner.




ohitive; dissolving.

Risoluto, [risl't] adj. resolute.


[risltsi'ne'] /.

resolution; decision.

Risolvente, [rislve'n'te'] m. and adj. resolvent (med.) Risolvere, [risl've'r] v.a.irr. {see Assolvere) to dissolve melt; reduce; resolve, determine. Risolvibile , [rislvi'hil] adj.

resolvable, dissoluble. [rislvime'n't] m. resolution, dissolving. Risomigliare, [rismilVre'] v. a. to resemble, be like.


Risommare, [rismma'r] to sum up again.

V. a. irr. (see

v. a.


Mettere) to sub-

mit again.


[risom ministrmn't] m. fresh pro-

Risomministrare, [risomministr'r] v. a. to provide again.

Risonamento, [risnme'n't] m.
resounding. Risonante, [risnn'te'J adj. resounding; sonorous. Risonanza, [risnan'dsa] f. resounding, sound. Risonare, [risn're'] v. a. & n. to ring again; resound, boom. Risonevole, [risne'v'le'] adj.

Rispignere, Rispinta, [n'spin't] f. repulse driving out. Rispirare, [rispirare'] v. n. to respire, breathe. manager. Risparmio, [rispr'mi] m. sa- Rispirazione, [rispirtsi'ne'] f ving, thrift; parsimony; sa- respiration, breathing. vings; banca de' risparmi, sa- Risplendente, [risplndn'te] adj. resplendent, bright; splenvings-bank. [risprmi'- did. Rispar miuccio , Risplendentomente, [risple'ntsh] m. little saving. Rispazzare, [rispats're'] v. a. de'ntme'n'te'] adv. splendidly. Risplendere, [risple'n'drj v. to sweep again. n. to shine; be brilliant. Rispedire, [rispe'di're'] v. a to despatch again, expedite Risplendevole, [risplnde'vle'] adj. brilliant, lustrous. again. [risplendi Rispegnere, [rispe"n'e're'] v. a. Risplendimento , me'n'to] m. splendor, brightirr. (see Spegnere) to extinness. guish again. Rispendere, [rispn'de're'] v. a. Rispogliare, [rispl''re'] v. a. to strip again, denude. irr. {see Spendere) to spend Rispondenza, [rispndn'ds] again, make fresh expenses, Rispergere, [rispr'je're'] v. a. f. conformity, correspondence. irr. {see Sporgere) to sprinkle Rispondere, [rispn'de're] v. a. & n. irr. {risposi; risposto) to again. Rispettabile, [rispe'tta'bile'Jarfj. answer, reply; correspond, agree, suit; be answerable; respectable, venerable. Rispettare, [rispe'tt're'] v. a. quella finestra risponde al giardino, that window looks to respect, honor. Rispettevole , [rispe'tte"vle'] into the garden. Rispondevole, [rispnde" vole'] adj. respectful. Rispettivamente, [rispe'ttiva- adj. answerable, corresponding, suitable. mn't] adv. respectively. Rispettivo, [risptti'v]ad;.res- Risponditore, [rispndit'r] m. bondsman, guarantee. pective, particular. Rispetto, [rispt't]m. respect, Risponsabile, [rispnsa'bile'] regard, consideration, def- adj. responsible, answerable.

erence; tt -,in -,per -, in compari son, as for, as to, on account of; per - di, for the sake of; resounding. con - vostro, by your leave; Risorbire, [risrbi're'] v. a. to per buon -, with all due defswallow again. erence ; portare - a quatcheduno, Risorgere, [risr'jr] &c., see to show respect to a person Risurgere &c. Rispetti, pi. love-ditties, pi. Risorgimento, [risrjime'n't] Rispettosamente, [rispttswi. resurrection. me'n'te'] adv. respectfully.

Risponsione, [rispnsi'n] /. answer, reply. Risponsivo, [rispnsi'v] see

Responsivo, Risposare, [risps're']
v. a. to

marry again.
/. an answer. Rispostaccia, [rispst'tsh] f. rude answer.

Risposta, [risp'st]

Risospendere, [risspe'nde"re'] Rispettoso, [rispe'tt's] V, a. to suspend again. respectful, submissive.

Diz, Ital.-Ing,


Risposto, [risp'st] swered, replied.




Bisprangare, [risprng'r] a. to mend (pots) with wire. Rispremere, [rispr'me'r]
a. to v. v.




Ristoppiare, [ristppi're']. to glean, pick up.

squeeze out again,

[risprn're'] v. a.
v. a. to

Eispronare, to spur again. Risputare, [rispta'r]

spit again.

Risquadrare, [riskuadr.i're'] v. a. to regard again; look at a thing again attentively.

Risquittire, [riskttitti'r] v

to repair, set to rights. Risquotibile,[riskwti'bil]a(/i. demandable, requirable, recovRisurgimento, [risrjime'n't] relief. erable. Rissa, [ris'sa] f. strife, dispute. Ristorazione , [rstrtsi'n] in. rising up, resurrection. Risurrezione, [risrre'tsi'ne'] Rissare, [riss'r] v. n. to quar- f. comfort, restoration. f. Risuscitamento, [risushitarel, dispute, wrangle; Rissar- Ristoro, [rist'r] m. recompense; amends; release, com- me'n'to] m. resurrection, resi, V. r. to altercate, quarrel ; vival. fort. be angry. Rissoso, [riss's] adj. quarrel- Ristrettamente, [ristre'ttmn'- Risuscitare, [risshit're'j v. a. to resuscitate; -, v. n. to t] adv. briefly, in short. some, wrangling. Ristabilimento, [ristbilimn'- Ristrettine, [ristrtti'n] m. revive. Risuscitatore, [risshitt're'] small abridgment. t] m. repairing; re-establishRistrettire, [ristre'tti're'] v. a. m. re-animator. ment, restoration. Risuscitazione, [risshitatsi'Ristabilire, [ristbili'r] v. a. to narrow, straiten. Ristrettivo, [ristrettilo] adj. ne'] /'.resuscitation; reviving. to restore, re-establish. Risvegghiare, [risvghi're'] v. Ristacciare, [risttsh'r] v. a. restrictive; astringent. Ristretto, [ristr't] m. abridg- a. to awake. to sift again try, examine. Risvegliamento, [risvl'me'n'Ristagnare, [ristan''r] v. a. ment; epitome. to solder with tin; stanch, Ristrignere, [ristrl'n'e're'] v. a. t] m. awaking, rousing; quickstop; -, V. n. to stagnate, be irr. (see Strignere) to restrain, ness, vivacity. constrain, compress; straiten; Risvegliare, [risvel'a're'] v. a. stagnant. Ristagnativo , [ristan'ti'v] join, unite; constipate; enclose, to rouse, awake; excite; Risveshut up; RiSTRIQNERSI, V. gliarsi, V. r. to awake. adj. stanching. Ristagno, [rista'n'] i. stanch- r. to shrink, get narrow; corno Risvegliatore , [risve'l't're'] m. rouser, awaker; exciter. near; - con uno, to get inti ing; stagnation. Ristampa, [ristam'pa] f. re-im- mate with a person ; - nelle Risviare, [risvia're'] v. a. to dispalle , to shrug up one's vert, dissuade. pression, new edition. Ritaccare, [ritkka're'] v. a. to shoulders. Ristampare, [ristrap'r] t'. a Ristrignimento, [ristrin'ime'n'- fix again, nail again. to reprint. t] m. restriction, constriction. Ritagliare, [rital'a're'] v. a. to Ristanza, [ristn'ds] f. cessa Ristringere, [ristrin'je'rj see cut in slices again; pare; clip, tion, discontinuation. Ristrignere. retrench. Ristare, [rist'r] . .Ristar [ritl't're'] m. SI, V. r. to stop, cease, discon- Ristringimento, [ristrinjime'n'- Ritagliatore, retail-dealer, seller in retail ; t] see Ristrignimento. tinue; give over, have done. Ristata, [rist't] f. stop, halt Ristropicciare , [ristrpitsh'- shop-keeper. Ritaglio, [ritT] m. fresh cut; Ristaurare, [ristura'r] v. a. re'] V. n. to rub again. Ristuccamento, [nstkkme'n'- shreds, scraps, parings, pi; to restore, repair; recover retail ; vendere a -, to sell by Ristauramento, [ristrrae'n'- tj m. plastering again. retail. t] m. restoration, reparation Ristuccare, [ristkk'r] v. a. nauseate, Ritardamento, [ritrdame'n't] to plaster again Ristauratore,[r3tttrt'r] m. Ritardanza, [ritrdn'ds] disgust. restorer; repairer. Ristauro, [ristu'r] m. resto- Ristucchevole, [ristkke'v'lj /. delay, stop; deferring, hinderance. adj. annoying, disgusting. ration, comfort; reward, comRistucco, [ristk'k] adj. sur- Ritardare, [ritrd're'] v. o, to pensation. tired out, retard, delay; obstruct; -, v. feited, disgusted; Ristecchire, [ristkki'r] v. n n. to lag, tarry, loiter. annoyed. to dry up, wither. Ristillare, [ristill're'] v. a. to Ristudiare, [ristdi're'] v. a. Ritardativo, [ritrdti'v] adj. delaying, apt to delay. to study again. distil again. Ristinguere, [ristingue"re'] v Ristuzzicare, [risttsik'r] v. Ritardatore, [ritrdt're'] m. retarder, delayer. o. to stir up, stimulate again. a. to extinguish. Risucciare, [ristsha'r] v. a. Ritardazione, [ritrdtsi'n] Ristio, [risti'] adj. restive. /. retarding, delay. Rstio, [ri'sti] m. risk, hazard; to suck out; dry up. delay (restore. Risudamento,[risdme'n't] m. Ritardo, [ritr'd] m. peril. stop; obstruction. Ristiture, [ristiti're'] v. a. to fresh perspiration; fume. Ristitutore, [ristitt're'] m. Risudare, [risda're'] v. n. to Ritassare, [ritass're'] v. a. to sweat again; evaporate; distil. tax, impose taxes. restorer. Ristoppare, [ristpp're'J v. a. Risuggellare, [risdjll'r] v. Ritassatore, [ritasst'r] taxer, imposer of taxes. a. to seal up again. to stop up with tow.

m. result, consequence. Ristoramento, [ristrme'n't] Risultare, [rislt'r] v. n, to result, proceed, arise, issue. wi. restoration; compensation. Ristorare, [ristr'r] v. a. to Risultato, [rislt't] m. rerestore, repair; compensate, sult, consequence. reward; make up; Ristorarsi, Risumere, [rism're'] v. a. to resume. . r. to refresh one's self, take Rlsunzione , [risntsi'ne'] /". food; recover one's self. Ristorativo, [ristorativo] adj. resumption. Risupino, [rispi'n] ad;, lying restorative, strengthening. Ristoratore, [ristrt'r] m. on the back, supine. Risurgere, [risur'je're'] v. n. restorer, strengthener. irr. {see Surgere) to rise again; Ristorazioncella, [ristrtsin proceed. tsh'l] /.little comfort, slight




Ritassazione, [ritsstsi'n] Ritiro, [riti'r] m. retirement, Ritornatore, [ritrnt'r] w. he that returns. retreat. imposition of taxes. f. taxing, Ritegno, [rit'n'] m. reserved- Ritmico, [rit'mik] adj. har- Ritornello, [ritrn'l]m.intt., burden, chorus. monica!. ness, reserve; self-possession, moderation, discretion prop Ritmo, [rit'm] m. rhythm; Ritorno, [ritr'n] m. return, coming back; net gain, profit hinderance ; support, defence; measure. Rito, [ri't] m. rito, ceremony; /ar -, to return; far un -, to retentive facnlty, memory. take a turn. .Ritemenza, [rite'mn'ds] f. custom. Ritoccamento, [ritkkme'n't] Ritorre , [ritr're*] see Ritonew fear, new apprehension. gliere. Ritemere, [rite'm're] v. a. & ni. rise (of price); retouching. Ritoccare, [ritkk'r] v. o. to Ritorta, [ritr'ta] f. tie, band n, to fear again; apprehend. Ritemperare, [rite'mpe'r'r] v. knock again; retouch; Ritoc- (of a fagot &c.). carsi, V. r. to deck one's self Ritortiglio, [ritrti'l'] m. sa. to temper again; appease out, adorn one's self. twisted thread. again. Ritendere , [ritn'de're'] v. a. Ritocco, [ritk'k] m. retouch Ritorto, [ritr't] adj. twistedj ing growing dearer, increase tortuous. irr. {see Tendere) to bend again,
; ; ; ;


of price.

Ritenenza, [rite'nn'ds]

taining, holding. Ritenere, [ritn'r] v. a. irr (see Tenere) to retain, hold again; stay, stop; preserve,



v. n.


contain one's self, forhear; - con alcuno, to keep company with one, be friends

Ritogliere, [ritTe're'] v. a. irr. {see Togliere) to retake, recover; turn out of the way. Ritoglimento, [ritl'ime'n't] m. retaking; recovering. Ritoglitore, [ritl'it're'] m. he who retakes, recovers. Ritollerare, [ritlle'r're'] v. a. to be mutually tolerant.

Ritortola, [ritr'tl] (of a fagot). Ritortura, [ritrt'r]

ing, twist.





Ritosare, [rits're'] V shear. Ritradurre, [ritrdr'r] v. a.

irr. {see

Addurre) to translate

a second time.

Ritraente , [ritrn'te'] drawing back.

Ritonare, [ritn're'] v. n. to Ritraimento, [ritrirae'n't] m. with one. Riteuevole, [rite'ne'v'le'j adj. thunder again. backwardness ; repugnance , Ritondamente, [ritndmn'te'] aversion. apt to retain, retentive. Ritenimento, [ritnime'n't] m. adv. roundly. Ritrangola, [ritran'gl] f. Ridetaining; retention. Ritondare, [ritnd're'] v. a. to trangolo, [r itran'gl] m.usury,
Ritenitiva, [rite'niti'va] /". re- make round, equal. interest. tentivencss, memory. Ritondato, [ritnd't] m. cir- Ritranquillare, [ritrnkill'Ritenitivo, [ritniti'v] ad]. re- cumference, turn. re'] V. a. to calm; appease; Ritentive. Ritondello, [ritnde'l'l] adj. TRANQuiLLARSi, w. r. to calm Ritenitojo,[rite'nit'y]m.hank; gracefully rounded (said of a one's self, grow calm. parapet, fence. person's figure). Ritrarre , [ritrr're'] v, a. irr. Ritenitore, [rlte'nit're'] m. he Ritondetto, [ritnde't't] adj. (see Trarre) to draw; extract; that detains, keeper. somewhat round. draw an outline , take a por-

Ritentare, [rite'nt're'] v. a. to Ritondezza, [ritnde't'sa] Riattempt again. tondit, [ritndit'] RitondiRitenuta, [rite'n't] f. see Ri- tade, Ritonditate, f. Ritondo, tenimento. [ritn'd] m. roundness, ro-

trait; describe,

show ; deduce, derive induce, infer withdraw;





te'] adv. moderately, prudently. Ritondo, [ritn'd] adj. round, Ritenutezza, [ritntt'sa] /, circular. Ritorcere, iritr'tshre'] v. a. reserve, self-government. Ritenzione, [rite'ntsi'ne'J /". re- irr. {see Torcere) to wring Ritratta,

comprehend, understand egli ritrae dal padre, he takes after his father; Ritrarsi, v. r. to draw back, retire; disengage one's self from change one's mind; repent; bo disheartened.
; ;




tention; reserve.




a. to set fresh boundaries. Ritessere, [rits'se're] v. a. to weave again; repeat. Ritignere, [riti'n'e're'] v. a. irr. (see Tigner) to dye again. Ritimare, [ritima're'J v. n. to

compose in rhyme. Ritiramento, [ritirme'n't] m.

contraction; retreat. Ritirare, [ritir're'] v. a. to draw back, take away with;

draw, retire; Ritirarsi, v. to retire; shrink up.



again, twist again; to retort: rata. Ritorcersi,!;, r. to turn aside ;( Ritrattabile, rritrattbi'le'jaff/. stray. that may be retracted. Ritor'cimento, [ritrtshime'n't] Ritrattamento, [ritrttmeVm. Ritorcitura, [ritrtshit'- t] m. retraction, disavowal. r] /. twisting, winding; turn- Ritrattare, [ritrattare] v. a, ing aside. to treat again, retract; RitratRitormentarsi, [ritrme'ntr'- tarsi, V. r. to retract, recant. si] V. r. to torment one's self Ritrattativo, [ritrttti'vj adj. again representing; descriptive. Ritornabile, [ritrnbi'l] and Ritrattazione, [ritrtttsi'n] T>,t _-_..-',-., 1 r_.-i Ritornevole, /. [rtrne'vle'] wij. retractation, recantation. that may return. Ritrattino, [ritrtti'n]m. small Ritornamento, [ritrnme'n't] portrait, miniature. m. return, reflux. Ritratti3ta,[ritrtti'sta]m.por;

Ritirata, [ritir't] f. retreat Ritornare, [ritrn're'] v. a. to trait-paintor. evasion, subterfuge water- return, send back, restore -, Ritratto, [ri trt't] m. portrait, closet; suonar la-, to beat a V. n. to come back, arrive; - in representation ; description ; retreat. se, to come to one's self, recovlikeness; product; profit. Ritiratamente, [ritirtme'n'te'] er one's senses; - sano, to get Ritrecine,[ritre"tshin]/".3weepadv. separately; aside. well again. net; lead-pipe. Ritiratezza, [ritirtt's] f. re- Ritornata, [ritrna't] v. %, f. re- Ritremare, [ritre'm're'] tirement, seclusion. turn, coming back. to tremble again.




Etreppio, [ritrp'pi] m. bast- Rituale, [rituale'] m. ritual, Rivelamento, [rivelme'n't] m. revealing, revelation. prayer-book. ing, weaving. Eitribuire, [ritribi'r] v. a. to Ritualista, [rituli'st] m. a Rivelare, [rive'l're'] v. a. to reveal, disclose. compiler of rites. requite. Eitribuzione, [ritribtsi'ne'] /. Rituffare, [ritff'r] v. a. to Rivelatore, [rivelt're'] m. Riretribution.

Eitrinciare, [ritrintsha're'] v.a. to carve, cut out. Eitrincieramento, [ritrintsherme'n't] intrenchment. Eitrincierarsi, [ritrintsbe'rar'si] V. r. to intrench again. Eitritare , [ritrit're'] v. a. to bruise again, pound again. Eitrogradazione, [ritrgrdtsi'ne'] f. retrogradation, retrogression. Eitrogradare,[ritrgrd're']&c. see lietrogradare &c.

dip again, plunge again. Ritnramento, [ritrme'n't] m.

velatrice, [rivltri'tshe'] vealer, discoverer.



Rivelazione , [riveltsi'ne'] f. obstruction, stopping up. Ri turare, [ritur'r] v. a. to shut revelation. Rivellino, [rive'lli'n] m. ravelin. again, stop up again. Riturbare, [ritrb're'] v. a. to Rivendere, [rivn'dr] v. a. to
disturb again, trouble again.
sell again, retail.

Riumiliare, [rimili'rj

v. a.

humble again.

Eitrombare, [ritrmb're'] to trumpet again.

v. a.

Riungere, [rin'je're'] v. a. irr. salable. (see Ungere) to anoint again. Riunimento, [riunimen't] m. Rivendicare , [rive'ndik're'] v. [rini'ne'] f. reRiunione a. to revenge , vindicate; RiVENDiCARSi.v. . to be revenged. newal of friendship. Riunire, [rini'r] v. a. to re- Rivenditore, [rive'ndit'r] m.

Rivenderla, [rivnde'ri'] f. exchange, truck. Rivendibile, [rive'ndi'bile'] od;,

unite, reconcile.

Eitrosa, [ritr'sa] f. fowling- Rinrtare , [rirt're'] v. a. to knock again, dash again. net; snare; entanglement. Eitrosaccio, [ritrs'tsb] adj. Riuscibile, [rishi'bil] adj. likely to succeed. cross-grained, peevisb. Eitrosaggine, [ ritrsa' dj ine'] f. Riuscimento, [rishime'n't] m. success. crabbedness, stubbornness. Eitrosamente, [ritrsme'n't] Riuscire, [riushi're'] v. n. to succeed, happen, prosper; come adv. crabbedly, waywardly. Eitrosare, [ritrsa'r] and Ri- out, turn out, come to an end. trosire , [ritrsi'r] v. n. to Riuscita, [rishi't] f. success, issue, progress; far buona -, to grow crabbed. Eitrosetto, [ritrse't't] adj. a turn out well. rather ca- Riva, [ri' va] f. sea-shore, bank; wayward little


Rivenditrice, [rive'nditri'tsh] retailer, broker, huckster,


hawker. Rivendugliolo m. huckster.


Rivenire, [rive'ni're'] v. n. irr. (see Venire) to come again, return; proceed: Rivenirsi, v. r to recover one's senses.



me'n't] m. reverberation.

[rive'rbe'ra'r e] v a. to reverberate, reflect. River beratojo, [rive'rbe'rt'y] , m, furnace for heating metals. limit. pricious. Eitrosia, [ritrsi'] Ritrosit, Rivaggio , [riv'dj] m. sea- Riverberazione,[rive'rbe'rtsi'shore; side, edge. ne'] f. Riverbero, [rivr'br] [ritrosit'] /.crabbednoss,wayRivale, [rivale'] w. rival, com- m. reverberation, reflection ; wardness, wrongheadedness.

Eitroso, [ritr's] adj. crabbed, petitor. wayward, stubborn, wrong- Rivalersi, [rivlr'si] v. r. to headed; a -, against the grain; recover, grow strong. in an opposite sense; -, m. Rivalicare , [rivlik're'] v.a. to traverse again. month of a net; whirlpool. Ritrovabile, [ritrv'bil] adj. Rivalidazione, [rivlidtsi'ne'] that can be found again. f. new confirmation. Eitrovamento, [ritrvme'n't] Rivalit, [rivalit] Rivalitade, m. finding again invention, Rivalitate, f. rivalry, compe;


Riverdire, [riverdi're'] v. n. to grow green again. Riverendo, [rivrn'd] adj. reverend, venerable.


[rive'rn'te'] adj.


erent, respectful.





[ritrv're'] v.

find again, find

a. to find out, in-

vent; retouch; Ritrovarsi, v. r. to find one's self; be; repair


mn'te'] adv. reverently. Riverenza, [rive'rn'ds] Rivetition. Rivangare, [rivng're'] v.a. to renjzia, [rive'rn'dsia] f. rebow, dig up again, hoe again; fig. to verence , veneration; courtesy, salutation; far la -, pry into, investigate. Ri varcare, [rivrk're'] v. n. to to make a bow, make a courtesy. pass over again.

Eitrovata, [ritrv't] /. Ritro- Riudire, [ridi're'] v. a. irr. (see Riverenziale, [rive're'ndsi'le'] adj. reverential, respectful. vato, [ritrv't] m. invention, Udire) to hear again. Rivedere, [rive'de'r] v. a. irr. Riverenziare, [rivere'ndsia're'] discovery. V. a. to revere (little used). Eitrovatore , [ritrvt're'] m. {see Vedere) to see again inventor, discoverer. revise, review; examine; a ri- Riverenzione, [rive're'ndsi'ne'] (ironically). vederci, till we meet again, Eitrovatrice, [ritrvtri'tshe'] f. very low bow Rivergognarsi, [rive'rgn''rsi] good bye. f. inventress. Eitroro, [ritr'v] m. meeting; Rivedimento, [rive'dime'n'to] m. V. n. r. to be ashamed. Riverire, [rivn'r] v, a. to recircle, assembly, society, renreview, revision. dezvous. Riveditora, [rivdit'r] f, a vere, respect; salute. Eittamente, [rittame'n'te'] adv. female employed to remove Riversare, [rive'rs're"] v.a. to pour out, overset; ~,v.n. Ristraightway;rightly, uprightly. rough hairs from cloth. Eitto,[rit't]odj. right: straight; Riveditore, [rive'dit're'] wi. re- versarsi, V. r. to pour over, run over; fig. to pour out one's upright; just ritto ritto, quite viewer, reviser. (reversible. heart. straight;-, adv. Riveggente, [rive'djn'te'] adj. seeing again; reviewing, re- Riversibile, [rive'rsi'bile] adj. ly; -, m. right side; right way. (vealable. Riversibilit, [rive'rsibilit] f, vising, [rittrv'sh] Eittorovescio, Eivelabile, [rivl'bile'J adj. re- reversibility. adv. upside-down.




Riverso, [rivr's] adj. over- Rivolta , [rivol'ta] f. turning turned; inverse; -, m. reverse; change, vicissitude revolt, mis- rebellion. wrong side overflow fortune; back stroke. Rivoltamento, [rivltme'n't] Eivertero, [rivr'te'r] r. a. irr. m. turn, change; revolution. (see Vertere) to revert. Rivoltare, [rivlt're'] v. o. to Bivesciare, [rive'sh're'] v.o. to turn, invert; disturb; Rivoloverthrow; cast upon; t, v. n. tarsi, V. r. to rise against, RivESCiARsi, V. r. to prostrate revolt. one's self. Rivoltatina, [rivltti'n] f. Rivesoio, [riv'sh]seeRovescio. little inversion. Rivestire, [rive'sti'r] v. a. to Rivoltatore, [rivltt're'] m. a dress again, clothe; invest; revolter. Rivestirsi, t). put on one's Rivoltella, [rivoltella] f. a bye; ; ;




sturdiness, vigor. Robusto, [rb'st] adj. robust, sturdy, strong; vigorous.




Rocca, [r'ka] f. fortress, fort castle; chimney, chimney-pot. Rocca, [rk'k] f. distaff.





Roccetto, [rtshe't't] >n. rochet,


Rocohella, [rkk'l]
quill (to



clothes again.

Rivetta, [rivt't] [rivt't] m. rivulet. t] m. revolution, turn. fortress. Riviaggiare, [rividja're'] . n. Rivoltolare, [rivltl're'] v. a. Rocchetta, [rkke't't] f. small to recommence one's journey. to turn round, roll to wallow distaff. Riviera, [rivi'r] f. coast, sea- in. Rocchetto, [rkke't't] m. rochshore; sea-country; river. Rivoltnoso, [rivlt's] adj. et, surplice; bobbin. Rivilicare, [rivilika're'] v. a. to seditious; turbulent. Rocchietto , [rkkie't't] m. examine carefully (little used). Rivoltura, [rivlt'r] /. revo- small block. Rivincere, [rivin'tshe're'J v. a. lution, overthrow winding Rocchio, [r'ki] m. piece , evasion , subterfuge (little irr. {see Vincere) to conquer chump (of wood); block (of used). again; subdue. stone); roll, roller. Rivinta, [rivin't] /. reconquer- Rivolvere, [rivl've're'] v. a. to Rocchi, [r'ki] m. pi. sausages, revolve. ing; new victory. rolls (of pork &c.), pi. Rivisita, [rivi'sita] f. revisiting. Rivoluzione , [rivltsi'ne'] f. Roccia, [r'tsh] /. rock precRivisitare, [rivisita're'j v. a. to revolution, rebellion change. ipice; filth, dirt. revisit, return a visit. Rivomitare, [rivmita're'] v. a. Rocco, [r'k] tn. crosier; rook Rivista, [rivi'st] f. review, re- to vomit again. (at chess). vision, correction. Rivotare , [rivt're'] v. a. to Rochezza, [rke't'sa] /". hoarseRiviva, [rivi'va] f. cheering empty again. ness. again, one cheer more. Rivulsione, [rivlsi'n] f. re- Roco, [rTc] adj. hoarse, harsh. Rivivere, [rivi've're'] v. n. irr. vulsion, extirpation. Rodere, [r'de'r] v. a. irr. (rosi; (see Vivere) to revive, come to Rizzamento, [ritsame'n't] m. roso) to gnaw, nibble; bite; life again. hoisting, raising; elevation. consumo, waste; - ti freno, to Rivivificare, [rivivifika're'] v. a. Rizzare, [rits'r] v. a. to hoist, champ the bit fret inwardly, to recai to life. raise, erect, set up sot upright chafe. Rivo, [ri'v] m. brook, stream. Rizzarsi, v. stand upright; Rodimento, [rdime'n't] to. Rivocabile, [rivk'bile'j adj. rise. gnawing, biting; anguish. revocable. Roano, (r'n) adj. roan. Roditore, [rdit'r] m. he that Rivocamento, [rivkme'n't] Rob, [rob'] m. rob. gnaws; consumer. Roba , [r'b] f. goods, wares, Roditura, [rdjt'r]/.gnawing; I. see Rivocaziono. Rivocare, [rivk're'] v. a. to re- articles, victuals, chattels, pi.; -torment. stuff ; robe, gown ; property cai, repeal; annul, abolish. Rodomontata, [rdmnt't] f. Rivocativo, [rivkti'v] adj. {rail.) - di passeggiere, effects rodomontade. of passengers, pi.; baggage; Rodomonte, [rdmn'te'] m. revocativo. Rivocatorio, [rivkt'ri] adj. far -, to get rich. rodomont, bully. Robaccia, [rb'tsh] f. trash, Rodomonteria, [rdmnte'ri'] revoking; repealing. Rivocazione, [rivktsi'ne'] [. stuff. f. bluster.
; ;
; ;

wind silk &c.). and Rivetto, Rivoltolamento,[rivltlmn'- Rocchetta , [rkt't] f. small


Rivolare, [rivl'r] v. n. to

Robbia, [r'bi] f. Robbo, [r'b] see Robea, [r'be'j f. again. Rivolere, [rivle''re'] v. a. & n. the head of oxen moist grass and trr. (seeVolere)to desire again,
revocation, recai, repeal.

madder. Rob.



k] adj. threatening, bluster.

a disease in ing, bullying. from eating Rogare, [rg're'] v a. (jur.) to from other draw up a deed, contract. causes. (gown. Rogatore, [rgat'r] m. notary, want again; ask again. short attorney. Rivoletto, [rivle't'tjm. rivulet, Robetta, [rbe't'td] f. Robiccia, [rbi'tsh] /". trifles, Rogazione, [rgtsi'ne'] f. praysmall brook.

Rivolgere, [rivl'je're'] v. a. irr. gewgaws, pi. er. [rbitsh'la] {see Volgere) to revolve, turn; Robicciuola, /. Rogazioni , [rgtsi'ni] f. pi. wrap up turn to a person en- cheap little gown. rogation-week. gage; Rivolgersi, . r. to turn Robiglia, [rbi'l'] f. a kind of Rogito, [r'jit] m. (jr.) deed against, revolt; change one's wild pea. drawn up by a notary; signing mind; - ad no, tohave recourse Robone, [rb'n] m. gown (of and subscribing. doctors Ac). to a person. Rogna, [r'n'] f. scab, mange. Rivolgimento, [rivljirae'u't] Roborare, [rbr'r] v. a. to Regnacela, [rn''tsha] f. very m. revolution; change. strengthen, fortify. bad itch. Rivolo , [ri'vl] m. rivulet, Robustamente, [rbstme'n't] Rognetta, [rn'e't't] /. slight brook. adv sturdily, vigorously. itch.
; ;

Rognone, Rognoso,
[rn'''n] i.



kidney. Remore, [rm'r] m. noise, Rondone, [rnd'ne] m. martin uproar; far -,to make a noise; (swallow). be talked of. Ronfa, [rn'f] f. sequence (at leprous. Bognuzza , [rn't's] see Eo- Romoreggiamento, [rmre'dj- cards); accusare or confessare me'n't] m. noise , uproar ; la - giusta, to play fair; tell gnetta. confusion. the thing as it is. Rgo, [r'g] m. (poes.) pyre Romoreggiare, [rmrdj're'J Ronfare, [rnf're'] see Roncare. funeral pile. m. V. n. to make a noise. brier; bramble, Ronflare,[rnfi're']v.n. to snore. Rogo, [r'g] Romorio, [rmri'] m. noise, Ronzamento, [rntsnin't] m. blackthorn. buzzing; ramble. Romajolata, [rmyl't] f. a clatter. Romoroso , [rmr's] adj. Ronzare, [rnts're'] v. .to ladle-full. m. [rmyli'n] Romajolino, noisy, clattering; celebrated. buzz, hum; ramble. Rompere, [rm'pe'r] v. a. irr. Ronzino, [rntsi'n] m. nag, small pot-ladle. m. ladle. (ruppi; rotto) to break; in- pony. RomaJTiolo,[rmy'l] Romanesco , [rmane's'k] adj. terrupt; stop; hinder; - il capo Ronzio, [rndsi'] Ronzo, [rn'the Romans. ad no, to teaze one; - la fede, ds] i. buzzing, humming. of Rome, of Romano, [rma'nj m. steel- to be unfaithful - il ghiaccio, Ronzone, [rnts'ne'] m. horse; yard; weight(on the steel-yard). to break the ice begin - la stallion, entire horse; kind of Romantico, [rmanti'k] adj guerra, to make war;-i mare, hornet. romantic. to shipwreck ; - le parole, to RorarOi [rr'r] v. a. (poes.) to Romanzatore, [rmntst're'] interrupt one; - un pericolo to bedew. see Romanziere. turn aside a danger; - il pro- Rorastro , [rr'str] m. (bot.) Romanzeggiare, [rmntse'dj'- ponimento to change one's bryony. r] V. n. to write romances. mind; - it silenzio, to break Rorido, [r'rid] adj. dewy. Remanzesco,[rmntss'kJa(/ silence; la testa, to tire, Ro'sa, [r's] f. hollow formed romantic. weary; Rompersi, v. r. to fall by the rushing of waters. Romanzetto, [rmntse't'tj m. into a passion - a ridere, to Rsa, [r's] /".rose; red spot; - canina, sweet briar, wild little romance, novel. burst out laughing. Romanziere, [rmntsi're'] m Rompevole , [rompe' vole'] adj. eglantine correre la -, to take romancer, novel-writer. brittle, fragile. the opportunity. Romanzo, [rmn'ts] m. ro- Rompicapo, [rmpik'p] m. Rosaceo, [rs'tshe'] adj. rosy. mance, novel. tiresome person. Rosajo, [rs'y] m. rose-bush; Romba, [rm'b] see Rombola. Rompicollo, [rmpik'l] m. rosary. Rombare , [rmb're'] v. n. to break-neck, precipice ; rash Rosajone, [rsy'ne'] m. large hum, buzz. undertaking. rose-bush; rose-tree. Rombazzo , [rmba'ts] m Rompimento , [rmpime'n't] m. Rosario, [rs'ri] m. rosary. rumbling whizzing great breaking; giddiness. Rosato, [rs't] adj. rosy; red noise, uproar. Rompitore , [rmpit're'] m as a rose; acqua rosata, /'.roseRombetto, [rmbe't't] m. small breaker, infringer. water; giorni rosati, m. pi, turbot. Rompitura, [rmpit'r]/'.break- white days, happy days, pi. Rombico, [rom'bitshe'J m.monk's ing, fracture. Rosato, [rs't] m. a kind of rhubarb. Ronca, [rn'k] f. hedging-bill red-cloth. Rombo, [rm'b] m. humming, Roncare, [rnk'r] v. a. to Roscido, [rshi'd] adj. dewy. rumbling, whizzing; turbot; weed, clear from thistles. Rosecchiare, [rskki're'] v. a. (geom.) rhomb. Ronchio, [rn'ki] m. knob to nibble. Romboidale, [romboidale'] adj. wart, tumor. Rosella, [rsela] /". arbute. (geom.) rhomboidal. Ronchione,[rnki'ne'] m. great straw-berry tree. Romboide, [rmb'ide']n.(gfeom.) block of wood &c. Rosolila, [rslli'j f. measles rhomboid. Ronchioso , [rnki's] Ron- pi. Romea, [rm'] f. female pil- chiuto, [rnki'tj adj. rugged, Rosellina, [rslli'n] /.damaskgrim. rough. rose. Romeo, [rm'] m. pilgrim; Roncigliare, [rntshir're'] v. a. Roseo, [r'se'] adj. (poes.) rosy. wanderer. to catch with a hook. Roseto, [rse"t] m.bed of roses, Romice, [r'mitshe'] in. sorrel. Ronciglio , [rntshi'l ] and garden of roses. Romitaggio, [rmit'dj] m. her- Runciglio,[rntshi'ri]m.hook, Rosetta, [rse't't] /". little rose, mitage, solitude. harpoon. rose of diamonds &c. an iron (ved, hooked. Bomitano, [rmita'n] adj. sol- Ronciato, [rntshi't] adj. cur- instrument used for cutting itary; rude; -, m. Augustine Ronco, IrnTf] m. pruning- horses'hoofs white star on a friar. knife, hedging-bill. horse's forehead.
[rn''s] adj. scabby,
, ;

Bomitello, [rmit'l] m.


Roncola, [rn'kla]


hedging- Rosicare


v. a. to


nibble, bite


[rmit'sk] adj. solitary, secluded. Bomito, [rmi't] adj. solitary, desert; -, m. hermit, recluse. Bomitojo, [rmit'y] Romitorio , [rmit'ri] Romitoro, [rmit'r] m. hermitage, solitude.


Roncone, [rnk'ne'] see Ronco. Rosicatura, Ronda, [rn'd]/". round, patrol. gnawing. Rondare, [rnd're'] v. a. to Rosicchiare,

time. [rsikt'r] f,
little at a



make the rounds,



m. [rn'dine'] f. swallow. rose-colored enamel. Rondinella, [rndin'l]/.(pocs.) Rosignoluzzo, [rsin'l'ts] m.


Rondina, [rou'dina] Rondine, Rosicohiero,


swallo-v7. young nightingale. [rmitnts'l] Rondlnino,[rndini'n]m.young Rosignnolo , [rsin''l] a poor miserable hermit. swallow; early fig kind offish. nightingale.


391 --


Eosino, [rsi'n] adj. rose-co- Rotazione, [rttsi'ne'] /. rota- Rovesciamento, [rvdahiimo'n'tion, turning. t] m. overthrow, destruction. (rosoniary. lorod. [rsmari'n] in. Roteare, [rt're'] v n. to wheel, Rovesciare, [rvahil'r] v. a. Bosmarino, to overthrow, overturn, spill Bosolaooio , [rsl'tsh] m. go round (poes.). Roteggiare, [rtdja're'] see Ro- - un battello, to upset a boat. vrild poppy. Rovesciatore, [rvshdt'r] m. Eosolare , [rsl'r] v. a. to teare. Rotella, [rt'l] f. buckler; one who overturns; destroyer. fry, roast. Rosolia, [rsli']/". measles, pi. small wheel; round spot; knee- Rovescina, [rvshin] f. a game at cards. pan. Bosolio, [rs'li] m. rosolis. Rosone, [rs'ne'] m. large rose. Rotelletta, [rote'lle't'td] Rotel- Rovescino,[rve'shi'n] m. crossknitting of a stocking. lina, [rte'lli'na]^ little wheel; Rosore, [rs'r] m. corrosion. Bospacoio, [rsp'tsli]jn. large round slice. (round shield. Rovescio, [rv'sh]'m. wrong Rotellone, [rtell'ne'J m. large side, reverse; heavy shower; ugly toad. Rotino, [rti'n] m. a little torrent; storm: a -, on the Bospo, [r'ep] m. toad. wrong side; - d'ingiurie, torBossastro, [rss'str] wheel, fore-wheel. Rotolare, [rtl're'] v. a. to rent of abuse. ish. roll; -, V. n. to turn, run here Rovescione, Bosseggiare, [rsse'dj'r] v.n [rve'sh'ne'] m, back-stroke, back hand-stroke; and there. to incline to red; be reddish. Bossellino, [rsslli'n] m. a Rotoletto, [rtle't't] m. small -, a -, adv. backwards. kind of olive. roll of parchment &c. Roveto, [rv't] m. placo full Bossello, [rssel'l] m. a species Rotolo, [r'tl] m. roll, scroll. of briers &c. Rotoloni,[rtl'niJ adv. rolling. Rovigliamento, [rvil'me'n't] of fig. Bossetto, [rsse't't] adj. redisli. Rotondamente, [rtndme'n'tj m. disorder; noise. Bossezza, [rsse't's] /". redness; adv. roundly. Rovigliare, [rvil're'] v. a. to blush. Rotondare, [rtnd're'] v a. to rummage; tumble. Bossiccio, [rssi'tsh] Rossi- make round; round. Rovina, [rvi'n] f. ruin, degno, [rssi'n'] adj. inclining Rotondezza, [rtnde't's] Ro- vastation , destruction imtondit, [rotondit'] Rotondi- petuosity, violence. to red. Bossino, [rssi'n] adj. some- tade, Rotonditate, /. round- Rovinamento, [rvinraen't]




ness, sphericity.
adj. red; divenir m. red; - d'uo^jo,

Bosso, [rs's]
to blush;

Rotondo, [rtn'd]

adj. round,

m. ruin, destruction. Rovinare , [rvin're']

yolk of an egg. Rotone, [rt'ne'l /'.large wheel. Bossore, [rss're'] m. blush, Rotta, [rt't]/'. rupture, breach; redness, bashfulness. rout; consternation terror Bossoretto, m. fuggire in -, to fly in dis[rssre't't] slight blush. order; mettere in - to rout; Bosta, [r'st] f. fan,leafy twig; partire in -, to go away angry; a kind of drain made at the venire alle rotte , to come to foot of chesnut trees to collect blows. rain-water; a kind of sweet- Rottame, [rtt'me'] m. crumbs meat. fragments, pi. ; rubbish. Bostajo, [rst'y] rn. sweet- Rottamente, [rttme'n'te'] adv. meat seller. excessively, immoderately. Bosticci, [rsti'tshi], dross Rotto, [rt't] m. break, fracof iron, scoria. ture, rupture; {ar.) fraction. Bostrato, [rstr't] adj.beaked. Rottorio, [rtt'rijm. cautery. Bostri, [ro'stri], court, Rottura, [rtt'r] f. rupture, hustings, pL fracture; rent , cleft , gap Bostro, [r'str] m. beak pro- opening, breach hernia. boscis, trunk. Rotula, [rt'l] f. knee-pan. Bosnme, [rs'me'j m. gnawing, Rovaglione , [rvr'n] m erosion. measles, pi.
, ; ,

v. a. to ruin, demolish, destroy -, v. n. to fall headlong ; fall into ruins; Rovinarsi, . r. to ruin one's self; destroy one's reputation. Rovinaticelo , [rvindt'tsh] adj.falling into ruins, ruinovis; ready to fall. Rovinatore, [rvint're'] m.

Rovinatrice,[rvintri'tsh] destroyer, waster.



[rviue"vle'] adj.

furious; irascible.


Bosura, [rs'r] f. erosion Rovajaccio, [rvy'tsh] wi. bits, crumbs, pi. very strong north-wind. found. Bota, [r't] see Euota. Rovajo , [rv'y] m. north- Rovistiare, [rvisti're'] . n. Botaja, [rt'y] /. cart-rut, wind, north-east wind. Rovistiarsi, [rvistir'ai] v. r. track (of a wheel); - della stra- Rovajonaccio, [rvayn'tsh] to wallow in. da ferrata, rail. m. very boisterous north-wind Rovistico, [rvl'stik] m. hot.,
[rtme'n't] m. ro- Rovano, [rv'n] adj. roan. privet. tation, rolling. Rovella, [rv'laj f. Rovello, Rovistio, [rvisti'] wi. rumBotare, [rt're'] v. a. to wheel; [rv'l] m. rage, fury. maging, disorder. break on the wheel (a malefac- Roventare, [rve'nta're] va, to Rovistolare, [rvistl're'] see tor); -, v.n. to wheel, go round make red hot; inflame. Rovistare. like a wheel ; (astr.) to rotate Rovente, [rvn't] adj. red hot, Rovito, [rvi't] adj. red-hot. RoTAESi, V. r. to turn like a burning; vehement. Rovo, [r'v] m. brier, bramble, weather-cock. Rovontezza, [rvnte't's] /. blackthorn. Eotatore, [rtat'r] m. rotator, scorching, conflagration. Rozza, [r'tsa] /. jade, sorry whirler. Rovere, [r'vr] m, male oak. horse. Eotatorio, [rtt'ri] adj. said Rovereto, [rvr't] m. pianta Bozzaocia, [rtsa'tsh] f* old of certain musclos. tion Qf male-oaks, jade.

[rvine'vl, me'n't] adv. furiously. Rovinio, [rvini'j m. great noise; precipice. Rovinosamente, [rvinsme'n't] adv. impetuously, furiously. Rovinoso, [rvin's] adj. impetuous, furious. Rovistare, [rvist're'] v. a. to rummage, search, ferret ; con-




[rdji't]ni. roar, roar-

Rozzamente, [rdsmn't] adv. Rublo, [r'bl] m. rublo. Ruggito, coarsely, roughly. Rubo, [r'b] m. poes., bramble, ing.
Rozzetta, [rtst't] see Eozzaccia.


Rug bottina,



Ruber, frb're'] m. blushing. small wrinkle. Rozzezza, [rds'ts] Rozzit, Rubrica, [rbri'k] f. rubric. Rugiada, [rjia'd] f. dew. [rdsit'J Rozzitade, Rozzi- Rubrica, [nVbrik] f. ruddle, Rugiadezza, [rgidt's] f. tate, /. ruggedness, rusticity, red chalk. softness and freshness of leaves rudeness. Rubricare, [rubrik'r] v. a. to and herbs. Rozzo, [r'ds] adj. rugged, write red letters in a book. Ragiadato, [rjtd't]andRU' coarse, raw, clownish, rude. Rubro, [r'br] adj. poes., red; giadoso, [rjid's] adj. dewy; Rozzone, [rts'n] m. old -, m. brier, bramble, black- moist. worn out horse. thorn. Rugoso, [rg's] adj. wrinkled. Rozzume, [rds'm] tn. rough- Ruca, [r'k] Ruchetta, [r- Rugumare, [rgm're'] ness, rusticity; ignorance. ke't't] /. garden-rocket. chew the cud, ruminate. Ruano, [rii no] adj. said of a Rucolare, [rkl're'] v. a. to Rugnmazione, [rgmtsi'ne'] tind of adder. affirm forcibly. f. rumination; meditation. Ral)a, [r'b]/'. rohhery, rapine Rude, [rn'd] adj. rude, rough, Ruina, [ri'n] f. ruin, destrucswindling; andar a-, to be coarse. tion; fury. pillaged; maniar a -, to give Rudimento, [riJdfme'n't] wi. Ruinare, [ruina're'] &c., see Roup to pillage. vinare &c. rudiment, principle. Rubacchi amento , [rhklcia- Rudit, [rdit'] roughness, Ruire, [rui're'] v. n. to rush me'n't] m. petty theft. coarseness. upon. Rubacchiare, [rbakki're'] v. Ruffa, [ruffa] /. throng, press, Rulla, [rl'l] f. roller. (quette. a. to pilfer. crowd far a - raffa, to scram- Rullare, [rU're'] u. o. to roll, Rubacuori, [rbk'ri] cowhirl. ble. Rubagone, [rbj'n] /. rob- Ruffiana, [rffi'n] f. pro- Rullo, [rl'l] m. roller; game



curess. at ninepins; cylinder for inking helmet, Ruffianameuto, [rffinme'n'- letters for printing. casque. Ruminare, [rmin're'] v. a. & t] m. pimping. Rubaldo , [rubl'd] see Ri- Ruffianare, [rffin're'] v.a. to n. to ruminate ; consider, baldo. ponder. pimp; disguise. Rubamento, [rbme'n't] m. Ruffianella, [rffin'l] /".little Ruminatore, [ruminato 're'] m. robbery, theft. Ruminatrice, [rmintri'tsh] procuress. Rubare, [rb're'] v. a. to steal, Ruffianeria, [rffiane'ri'] Ruf- f. considerer, ponderer. rob; discard (at cards). flanesimo, [rffin'sim] m. Ruminazione, [rmintsi'ne'] Rubatore, [rubt're'J m. Ru- pimping, cunning, artifice. f. rumination; meditation. batrice, [rubatri'tshe] f. thief, Ruffianesco, [rfiFins'kj adj. Rumore, [rm'r] &c., see Repilferer, robber. more &c. pimping. Rubbio, [rb'bi] m. sort of Rufflanezza, [ruffiane t's] Ruf- Runciglio , [runtshiTo] see corn-measure. Ronciglio. flania, [ruifini']/'. see RuffiaRubecchio, [rbk'ki] m. mill- nesco. Ruolo, [r'l] m. roll, catawheel. Ruffiano, [rffi'n] m. pimp, logue, register. Ruberia, [rhe'ri'] f. robbery Ruota, [r't] f. wheel; turn; go-between. extortion, rack (punishment); Ruffo, [rf'f] adj. yellowish circle; Rubesto, [rbe''st] adj. fierce, red. (mar.) stern; - i poppa, sternferocious. post; andare a -, to wheel Ruffola, [ruf'fl] see Ruffa. Rubicondo, [rbikn'd] adj. Ruffolare, Rufolare, [rffl'- about. red; ruddy. Ruotare, [rt're'] &c., see Rore'] D. n. to eat like a beast. Rubidetto , [rbide't't] adj. Ruffolatto, [rfflt't] m. a tare &c. somewhat rugged, Rupe, [r'pe'] f. rock, cliff; presmall wild hog. Rubido, [r'bid] adj. rugged, Ruga, [r'g] f. wrinkle; green cipitous mass. rough. Rupinoso, [rpin's] adj. steep, caterpillar. Rubificare, [rbifik'r] v. a. Rugghiamento, [rugghime'n'- craggy (little used). to rubify, make red. Rurale, [rra'le'] adj. rural, t] m. roaring, roar. Rubiflcativo, [rbifik;iti'v]a(J;. Rugghiare, [rgghi're'] v. n. rustic; simple. making red blushing. Ruscellettino, [rshe'lle'tti'n] to roar. Rubigine, [rubi j ine] see Rug- Rugghio, [rg'ghi] m. roar, m. small rivulet. gine. Ruscelletto, [rshellt't] n. roaring. Rubigli, [rubi'l'a] f. black Ruggine, [r'djine'] f. rust; mil- rivulet. vetches, tares, pi. dew, blight; grudge, hatred, Ruscello, [rsh'l] m. brook, Rubina, [rbi'na] f a kind of aversion; adj. said of a kind of rivulet, stream.

bery, thieving.

Rubalda, [rbal'd]







m. small Rugginente, [rudjfnn'te'] Rugruby. ginoso, [rdjin's] ad;, rusty. Rubino, [riibi'n] m. ruby. Rugginire, [rdjini'r] v. n. to Rubinoso, [rbin'sj adj. red grow rusty. as a ruby. Rugginuzza, [rdjinu'tsd] f. Rubiola, [rbi'l] /. sort of slight mildew; little rancor. grape. Rnggio, [r'dj] see Rugghio. Rubizzo, [rbit's] adj. robust, Ruggire, [rdji're'i v. . to, stout.

[rs'ki] /. Rusco, [rs'k] m. holly, holly-o.ik.






nightingale. Ruspa, [rs'pa] f. scratching, scraping (of fowls). Ruspare, [rspa're'] . a. to scratch, scrape (like fowls). Bnspesza; [rsp'tsa] /. rougUness.




adj. [rvid't] Easpo, [ruspo] adj. now coined; Rustichezza, [rstike't's] Bu- Buvidotto somewhat rough. sticit, [rstitshit'] Bustinow; -, m. sequin. Buspone, [rsp'n] m. a piece citade, Busticitate, f. rus- Buvistare, [rvist'r] see Ro-

vistare. of money of the value of throe ticity, rudeness, clownishness. Bustico, [ni'stik] adj. rustic; Buvistico, [rvi'stik] see Rosequins. Bussare, [rssa're'] v. n. to clownish; simple; -, m. rustic, vistico. Buzzamento, [rdsame'n't] n. peasant. snore, snort; roar. playfulness. play, sport Busso , [rs's] m. snoring Buta, [r't] f. rue. Butale, [rt'le'] and Butato, Bnzzaro, [rudsa re'] . a. & . snorting; roaring. to sport; be playful. Busticaggine, [rustika'djine'] [rt't] adj. of rue. /.rusticity,clownishness, awk- Buticarsi, [rutikar'si] v. r. to Buzzo, [r'ds] m. playfulness, frolicsomeness, waggery,"" wanbudge, stir with difficulty. wardness. Bnsticale, [rstik'le'] adj. ru- Butilare, [rutilare] v. n. to tonness.

Buzzola, [rt'sl] f. top, pegshine, glitter. ral; rustic. Bnsticalmente, [rstiklmn'- Buttare, [rtt'r] v. n. to top a kind of disk hurled with force; a game much in vogue t] Busticamente, [rstik- belch, eruct. me'n't] adv. rustically; clown- Butto , [rt't] m. belching, among the peasants in Tuscany. ructation. ishly, awkwardly. Bustlcano , [rstik'n] adj. Buvidamente, [rvidme'n't] Buzzolare, [rtsla're'] v. a. & n. to hurl the ruzzola; peg orfv. roughly, rudely. rustic, rural coarse, awkward; uomini rustici, in. pL, coun- Buvidezza, [rvide't's] Buvi- a top spin, turn round whirlj sink (a ship). dit, [rvidit'] {. roughness, trymen, pi. Bustichetto, [rstlke't't] adj. ruggedness, coarseness; rude- Buzzolone,[rtsl'ne']m. large

somewhate rustic. Eusticlievole,[rstike'v'le'] adj. rustic, clownish.


rolling stone; taw.

Buvido, [r'vid] adj. rough, Ruzzoloni , [rtsl'ni] rolling down. rugged; rude, uncultivated.


pouch, bag; far -, to gather S, has two sounds, one hard, as in sole, casa, spillo, which is pus; nourish anger. similar to the sound of the Saccardello, [skkrd'l] wi. same letter in English in the rogue, blackguard. words sun, house, silver &c.; Saccardo, [skkr'd] m. solthe other soft as in sposa, ro- dier's scrub ; fag, rascal. sa, accusa, answering to the Saccarello, skkr'l] m. small sound of the English z, as in bag, scrip. zany, zeal &c., and of the Saccata, [skk't] f. a parcel second s, in the word Susanna. of land sufficient to contain Sabatico, [sba'tik] adj. sab- the seed of a sack of corn. batic. Saccente,[stshn't]adj.pcdanSabatina, [sb'tin] f. meat tic; cunning; -, m. wiseacre, supper eaten after midnight cunning fellow.

Sacchetto, [skke't't] m. set Sacchetta. Sacchettone, [skke'tt'ne'] m.

large sack. Sacciutello, [satsht'l] adj. somewhat self-conceited. Sacciutezza, [satshutet'sa] see Saccenteria. Sacciuto, [satsh't] adj. selfsufficient,


Sacco, [sk'k] m. sack, large plundering, bag ; sack-cloth

pillage; fig. belly; andare colle trombe nel -, to come off with

on Saturday. Saccentemente,[stshe'nte'me'n'Sabatino, [sb'tin] adj. of te'] adv. presumptuously, arSaturday born on a Saturday. rogantly, astutely. Sabatismo, [sbtis'm] m. ob- Saccenteria, [stshe'nte'ri'] f. servance of the sabbath. self-conceit, presumption, boldSabato, Sabbato, [sa'bat] m. ness. Saturday. Saccentino, [stshe'nti'n] adj. Sabbia, [sb'bi] f. sand, grav- pedantic,conceited; -,m.witling. el. Saccentone, [stshnt'n] m. Sabbiare, [sabbi're'J v. a. to wiseacre, pedantic coxcomb. fill with sand. Saccentuzzo,[stshe'nt'ts] see

empty pockets;




to be eager; comprar gatta in -, to buy a pig in a poke; essere at {ondo del -, to be at

Sabbioncello, [sbbintsh'l] Saccentino. m. small sand; sandy ground. Saccheggiamanto , Sabbionoso, [sabbin's] Sab- me'n't] m. sacking, pillaging. bioso, [sabbi's] adj. full of Saccheggiare, [skkdj're'J v. sand, sandy. a. to sack, pillage. Sabina, [sbi'na] and Savina, Saccheggiatore, [skke'djat'[savi'n]/' sabine, sabine-tree. re'] m. plunderer, pillager. Sabordo, [sbr'd] m. mar., Saccheggio, [skkd'j ] m. sackport-hole. ing, plundering, pillage. Sacca, [sk'k] f. bag, wallet, Sacchetta, [skke't't] f. small satchel; - da viaggio, carpet- sack, small bag, satchel. bag, portmanteau. Sacchettare, [skktt'r] v Saccaccio, [skka'tsh] m. bad a. to beat with bags of sand. sack, old bag. Sacchettino, [skktti'n] m.\ Saccaja, [skk'y] f. wallet, very small bag; budget.

the bottom of the meal-tub; far -, to gather, heap up ; far un -, to commit a great blunder; mettere uno in -, to beat one in argument; sciorre it-, to slander; tenere il -ad uno, to bo an abettor. Saccoccia, [sakk'tsha] /".pocket. [sakke'dja- Saccola, [sk'kl] /. cardamo-

Saccolo, [sak'kl] sack, small bag.
soldier's scrub to pillage.



Saccomanno, [skkmn'n] m.



Saccomazzone,[skkmts'ne'] VI. a game played by two peasants, both of whom, being blindfold, try to strike each other with a knotted cloth. Saccomettere, [skkmt'te'rj see Saccheggiare,

Sacconaccio, [skkn'tsh]
old straw-bed.



Sacro, [sa'kr] adj. sacred, con- Sagginale, [sdjina'l] m. cornsecrated, solemn. stalk. [skkntsh'l] Sacrosanto, [sakrsn't] adj. Sagginare, [sdjin'r] v. a. to Sacconcello , Sacconcino, [sakkntshi'n] m. sacred, inviolable. stall, fatten. small straw-mattress. Sadduceo, [sddtsh'Jm.Sad- Sagginato, [sdjin't] and SaSaccone, [skk'n] m. straw- ducee. ginato, [sajin't] adj. mixed mattress, straw-bed. Saeppolare, [se'ppl'r] v. a. with maize (said also of the m. to prune (the vine). Saccnccio , [skk'tsL] color of an animal). satchel, small bag. Saeppolo, [sp'pl] wi. bow, Sagginella, [sdjin'la] /". TurSaccalo, [sk'kl] see Sac- cross-bow; vine-shoot. key-wheat of late growth. colo. Saetta, [st't] f. arrow; dart; Saggio, [s'dj] arfj wise, pruSacello, [stshe'l'l] m. a small thunderbolt; sun-beam, ray; dent circumspect, cautious chapel, oratory. triangular chandelier; lancet; -, m. wise man discreet man; [satshe'rdtle'] Sacerdotale , rabbet-plane gnomon (of a assay, trial; experiment; proof; adj. sacerdotal, priestly. sundial), hand (of a watch) a taste; sample; sample flask, Sacerdotalmente , [stshe'rd- -, adv. very rapidly. sample-bottle; far -dell'oro, tlme'n'te'] adv. in a priestly Saettarne, [stt'm] m. lot of to try gold. arrows, manner, like a priest. Saggittiere, [sdjitti'r] see Sacerdote, [stshrd't] m. Saettamento, [se'ttame'n't] m. Sagittario. darting arrows. priest. Sagginolo, [sdj'l] m.sanpleSacerdotessa, [stshe'rdte's'sa] Saettare, [stt're'] v. a. to flask; pair of money-scales. shoot, dart; throw; wound; Sagitta, [sjit't] see Saetta. /. priestess. Sacerdozio, [stshe'rd'tsi] ni. saetta il sole, the sun darts Sagittare, [sjitta're'j v. a. to his rays. priesthood. shoot with an arrow. Sacra, [s'kr] f. consecration. Saettata, [se'tt't] f. arrow- Sagittario, [sjitt'ri] m. arSacramentale, [skrmnt'le] shot; bow-shot. cher. Saettatore , [se'ttt re'] m. Sagliente, [sal'n't] adj. saadj. sacramental mysterious. Sacramentalmente, [skrmn- archer, bowman. liant, jutting out. talme'nt] udv. sacramentally. Saettatrice, [se'tttri'tshe'] f. Sago, [s'gj see Sagace. Sacramentare, [skrmnt'r] female archer, bow-woman. Sagola, [s'gl] f. mar., soundv.a. to administer the sacra- Saettia, [sde'tti'a] f. brigantino, ing-line. light frigate. Sagoma, [s'gm] /. counterment; -, V. . to receive the Saettiere, [stti'r] see Saet- poise of a steel-yard; module. sacrament; take an oath. Sagora, [s'gr] see Sagola. Sacramento, [sakramn't] m. tatore. sacrament ; oath Lord's sup- Saettolare, [sattl're'] see Sagra, [s'gr] f. installation Saeppolare. (polo. (of a bishop), consecration per. small Sacrare, [skr're'] u. a. to con- Saettolo, [se't'tl] see Saep- anointing of a king secrate, dedicate; Sacrarsi, v Saettone, [sae'tt'n] m. acoa- cannon. tias (serpent). Sagramentare, [sagrme'nt'r] r. to devote one's self to. Sacrario, [skr'rij m. see Sa- Saettume, [stt me'] see Saet- &c., see Sacramentare &c. tame. Sagrare , [sgr'r] see Sacristia. Sacrato, [skr't] adj. conse- Saettuzza, [se'tt'ts] f. small crare. [sgrti'n] adj. Sagratine crated, sacred; holy ;-,nt. sanc- arrow; lancet. Saffico, [sffi'k] adj. of Sappho great, solemn, excessive. tuary; asylum. Sagrazione, [sgrtsi'n] f. Sacrestia, [skre'sti'] see Sa- (said of Sapphic verse). Saffiro, [sffi'r] m. sapphire annual commemoration. cristia. Sagrestana, [sgrsta'n] f. Sacrificamento, [skrifikme'n'- (precious stone). Sagace, [sg'tsh] adj. saga- sacristan nun. t] m. sacrifice. Sagrestano, [sgre'st'n] m. Sacrificante, [skrifikn'te'] m. cious; cunning, keen. sacristan, Sagacemente, [sgtshe'me'n't] vestry keeper, sacrificer. sexton. Sacrificare, [skrifik're'] v. a. adv. sagaciously. to sacriflce,dedicate,consecrate; Sagacia, [sag'tshia] and Sa- Sagrestia, [sgrsti'] f. sacgive up, renounce; -, v. n. to gacit, [sgtshit] Sagacita- risty, vestry. de, Sagacitate, f. sagacity, Sagri, [s'gri] m. shagreen. offer sacrifice. Sagrificare, [sgrifik'r] &c., Sacrificatore , [skrifikt're'] perspicacity, cunning. Sagapeuo, [sgap'n] m. gum see Sacrificare &c. m. sacrificer. Sagristia, [sagri'sta] m. sacrisSacrificazione, [skrifiktsi'- sagapenum. Sagena, [sje''n] /. trammel- tan of the Pope's palace. ne'] /. sacrifice, offering up. Sacrificio, [skrifi'tsh] Sacri- net. Sagro, [s'gr] ni. saker-hawk; small cannon. fizio, [skrifi'tsi] m. sacrifice, Saggetto, [sdje't't] wi. little trial, little proof. Sagrosanto, [sagrsan't] adj. victim. Sacrifico, [skrifi'k] adj. be- Saggezza, [sdje't's] /'.wisdom, sacred; inviolable. prudence; modesty. Saime, [sai'me] m. hog's grease. longing to a sacrifice. [sadjmn'te'] Saja, [sa'ya] f. fine thin serge [skrile'ga- Saggiamente , Sacrilegamente , adv. wisely, prudently. (woolen stuff). mn't] adv. sacrilegiously. Sacrilegio, [skril'ji] w. sac- Saggiare, [sdj're] v. a. to Sajetta, [syt't] f. thin light serge (woolen stuff). try, taste. rilege, profanation. Sacrilego, [skri'lgj adj. sac- Saggiatore, [sdjt're'] m. as- Sajetto , [syt'to] ni. small sayer, trior (of gold &c.). doublet; waistcoat. rilegious; impious, infidel. Bacristano,[skrist'n] m. sac- Saggina , [sdji'nj f. buck- Sajo, [s'y] Sajone, [sy'nj wheat, maize. t, doublet jorkjo. ristan, vestry-keoper, sexton.





der; heal up; settle, close (an Salio, [sli] m. priest of Bacchus. account). Sajotto, [sayt't] m. douWet; Saldatojo,[sldt'y] m. solder- Salire, [sli're'] v. n. to ascend, soldier's coat. ing-iron. mount; -, m. ascent, mounting; Sala, [s'la] f. hall; dining- Saldatura, [saldat'r] f. sol- going up. room; drawing-room, parlour; dering ; healing up ; seam, Saliscendi, [salishn'di] Saliaxle-tree; sword-grass, bur- mark ; [merch.) settling (an scendo, [slishn'd] m. latch dock. of a door. account). Salacca, [slk'k] f. pilchard. Saldezza, [slde't's]/".firmnees, Salita, [sali'ta] /. ascent, rising Salace, [sala'tsh] adj. sala- steadfastness; solidity. ground, acclivity; (rail.) gracious; libidinous. Saldo, [sl'd] adj. sound, whole; dients, pi. , Salajuolo , [sly'l] m. a solid, massive; staunch, stout; Salitojo, [slit'y] m. ladder; seller of salt. healthy; settled, closed; star horse-block. Salamalecclie, [slmlk'ke'] {. -, to stand firm, hold out; -, Salitore, [slit're'] m. climber, salam, profound bow (vulga- adv. firmly; strongly, stoutly; scrambler up. rism). m. balance, settling (an ac- Saliva, [sali'va] /". saliva, spittle. Salamandra, [slmn'dr] f. count). Salivale, [sliva'l] adj. salisalamander. Sale, [se"le'] m. salt; wit, sense, vary. Salame, [sl'me'] m. salt-meat, judgment; d' Inghilterra, Ep- Salivare, [saliv're'] v. n. to salt-pork. som salts; apporre if -, to find spit, expectorate. Salamistra , [salami's tra] /. fault with every thing; saper Salivatorio, [slivt'ri] adj. tlue-stocking. salivatory. di -, to taste bitter. Salamistrare, [slmistra're'] Saleggiare, [sle'dj're'] u. a. to Salivazione, [slivtsi'ne'] f. enact the blue-stocking. sprinkle with salt. salivation, expectoration. Salamistreria, [salamistre'ri'a] Salente, [sln't] adj. ascend- Salma, [sl'm] /". poes., burden, weight; spoil; - di legna, load ing, jutting out. f. self-sufficience, presumption. Salamlstro , [saUmi'stro] m. Saletta, [sale't't] f. little par- of wood. would-be wit, ignorant. [slma'str] adj. lour; small dining room; bad Salmastro , Salamoja, [slam'y] (. brine, salt. saltish, brinish. pickle. Salgemma, [salj ma] f. Sal- Salmata, [salma'ta] f. a long Salamojare , [slamya'r] v. gemmo, [slj'm] m. mineral and tedious discourse. n. to make pickle. Salmeggiamento , [slmdjasalt, rock-salt. Salamona, [slam'n] see Sa- Saliare, [sali're'] adj. sump- mn'tj m. psalmody. lamistra. tuous, splendid. Salmeggiare, [slmdj're'] v. Salamene, [slm'ne'] m. sal- Salibile, [sali'bile'] adj. of easy a. to sing psalms. mon; sermon, discourse; idiom. ascent. Salmeggiatore, [slme'djat're'] Salare, [sal'r] v. a. to salt. Salica [s'lik] adj. (jur.) salic. wi. psalm-singer. Salariare, [slria'r] v. n. to Salicale, [slik'l] m. planta- Salmeria, [slme'ri'] f> bagpay a salary, reward. tion of willows. gage, equipage. Salariato, [slari't] m. hired Salicastro, [slik'str] m. wild Salmista, [slmi'st] wi. psalservant. willow-tree. mist. Salano, [sl'rij m. pay, sa- Salice , [sa'litshe'] m. willow- Salmo, [sal'mo] m. psalm. lary, wages, pi. tree, willow. Salmodia, [slmdi'] /. psalmoSalassare, [slassa'r] v. a. to Saliceto, [slitsh't] see Sali- dy. Salmone, [slm'ne'] m. salmon. bleed, let blood ; farsi -, to cale. Salicone, [slik'ne'] m. tall Salnitro, [slni'tr] m. nitre, get one's self bled. saltpetre. Salasso, [sls's] m. blood-let- white willow-treo. Saliera, [sli'ra] /.salt-cellar; Salone , [sl'ne'] m. saloon, ting. great hall, great dining-room. Salato , [sl't] adj. salted, salt-pit. hriny; -, m. salt-pork, salted Salifero, [slif'r] and Salifi- Salottino,[sltti'n] m. a small meat. co, [slifi'k] adj. producing saloon. Salotto, [salo to] m. small hall, Salavo, [sla'v] Salavoso, [s- salt. lv's] adj. dirty white; dirty. Saligastro, [slig'str] m. wil- parlour, sitting-room. Salpare, [slp'r] v. a. mar., Salce, [srtsh] m. willow-tree, low. Saligno, [sli'n'] m. white Car- to weigh anchor. willow. Salprunella, [slprne'l'l] f. Salceto, [saltshe"t] m. willow- rara marble. plot, plantation of willows; Salimbacca , [salimhk'k] f. nitrate of potass. mark (upon goods); seal (on Salsa, [sal'sa] f. sauce ; seasonfiy. intricate aifair. ing, condiment; fig. pain. Salciaja, [sltsha'y] f. a low patents &c.) [salime'n't] m. Salsapariglia, [slsapri'l'] f. Salimento , willow hedge. [sltshi'n'] mounting, ascent; pride. (phar.) salsapariila. Salcigno , adj. Salina, [sli'n] f. salt-pit; salt. Salsedine, [sls'din] f. saltgnarly, knotty; hard. Salcio, [sl'tshiwj. willow-tree, Salinatore, [slint're'] m. a ness; acridness in the blood; worker in salt-mines. willow. wine-blossoms, pi. Salinatura , fslint'r] Salda, [sal'da] f. solder; glue. f. Salsetto, [slst't] adj. saltish. Saldamente, [sldme'n't] adv. preparation of salt. Salsezza, [salse't'sa] /. saltness, Salincerbio, [slintshr'bi] Sa- strong salt-taste. firmly, strongly, sturdily. Saldamente, [sldme'n't] m. lincervio , [slintshr'vi] m. Salsiccia, [slsi'tsh] f. sauleap-frog (boy's play). staunching, closoldering; sage. sing; settling, final settlement. Salino, [sli'nj adj. saline; Salsicciaio, [slsitsh'y] Saldare^ [sald'r] v. a. to sol- saltish, briny. sausage-maker; pork-butcher.






Salsiccione, [slsitsh'n] Sal- Salterio , [slt'ri] Saltero, Salvamano (a), [a slvm'n] and A man salva, adv. secure[salte'rj m. psalter, psalmsicciotto , [slsitsht't] m. book, psaltery, horn-book; nun's ly, without danger. short thick sausago. (leap. Salvamente, [slvmn't] adv. Salsicciuolo, [slsitsh'l] m. veil. Saltetto, [slte't't] m. little safely. hit of a sausage. Salso, [sl's] adj. salt, hriny; Salticchiare, [sltikki're'] see Salvamento, [slvamn't] m. safety,'proservation ; welfare; Saltellare. hiting. Salsuggine, [sls'djin] f. salt- Saltimbanco, [sltimbn'k] m. a -, in safety. Salvare, [salva're'] v. a. to mountebank, quack; humbug ness, salt-humor. Salsugginoso , [salsdjin's] Saltimbarca, [sltmbr'k] see save, preserve; defend deliver, rescue; spare; Salvarsi, v. r. Saltambarco. adj. hrackish. Salsume, [sls'm] ni. salt- Salto, [sarto] m. leap jump, to make one's escape, save
; ;

meat; saltness. [slthe'k'k] Saltabecca




bound forest, wood a one's self. (robe. Salvar ob a, [slvr'b] /".wardsalti, by fits and starts. f. Saluberrimamente, [slbe'rri- Salvastrella, [slvstr'l] /. mmn't] adv. most whole- (bot.) pimpernel. [slthkka're']
; ;

Saltabellare, [salthe'll're] v. n. to skip, frisk, garahol; leap about. Saltacchione (a), [a sltkki'n] adv. frisking, skipping. Saltainpanca, [sltinpan'k] m. charlatan. Saltaleone, [sltale''ne'] m. a kind of elastic wire. Saltamartino, [sltamrti'n] m. small cannon; dandy. Saltambarco, [sltmbr'k] m. countryman's jerkin.

Salvaticamente[slvtikme'n'somely. Saluberrimo, [salubrrimo] adj. t] adv. shyly, rustically. Salvatichetto, [slvtike't't] very salubrious. Salubre, [sl'bre*] adj. salubri- adj. rather shy, unsociable. Salvatichezza, [slvtikt's] ous, wholesome. Salubremente, [slbrme'n'te'] f. wildness, shyness, rusticity.
adv. salubriously, healthfully, Salvaticina, [slvtitshi'n] se Salvaggina. in health. Salubrit, [salubrit'] Salubri- Salvatico, [slv'tikj orf/. wild, tade, Salubritate, f. salubrity. savage, ferocious; rude, unSalumajo , [slma'yj m. a sociable, shy; tesata salvatica, wild beast; - , ni. retired seller of salt-meat. f. Salume, [salu'me'l m. salt-meat, woody place; wild forest; game.
fish &c.


a leap.




Salutare, [slt're'] r.a. to saSaltamindosso, [sltmind'so] lute, greet, hail; -, m. salutam. shabby scanty dress (said tion, greeting. Salutare, [slt're'] adj. saluin raillery). Saltanseccia, [sltnse''tsha] f, tary, wholesome, useful. sort of lark; weather-cock. Salutatore, [sltt'r] m. saSaltare, [slt're'] u.n. tojump, luter. leap, bound, skip, dance; - in Salutazione, [sluttsi'n] collera, to fly into a passion; salutation, greeting. - di palo in frasca, to skip Salute, [sl't] f. safcty,health, about. salvation; eterna -, f. eternal Saltarizzo,[sltri'ts] m.(said happiness. of a horse accustomed -to Salutevole, [slt'vl] adj. jump). salutary, healthful, sound. Saltatoja, [saltat'y] f. a kind Salutevolmente,[sltvlme'n'of fishing-not. te] Salutiferamente, [sltiSaltatore, [sltt're'] m. Sal fe'rme'n'te'] adv. wholesomely, tatrice,[slttri'tshe] /".jump- usefully. er, dancer. Salutifero, [slti'fe'r] adj. sa/",

Salvaticene , [slvtik'ne'] m. wild man ; very unsociable

person. Salvaticotto, [slvtik't] Salvaticuccio , [slvtik'tsh] adj. rather shy. Salvaticume, [slvtik'me'] m. wildness; rusticity.


[slvt'r] Salva* , trice, [slvtri'tsh] /'.deliverer, preserver.


[slvt'r] m. sa, viour, liberator. Salvatorio, [slvt'ri] m. asylum, place of refuge. Salvazione, [slvtsi'n] /".salvation; preservation. Salve, [sl'vJSalvete, [salve" t]
V. n. hail, all hail.

Baltazione,[slttsi'ne']/'.jumping, leap.

Salteggiare, [salte'dja're'] to skip in dancing.

v. n.

Saltellare, [sltll'r] v. n. to skip, frisk, gambol; trip along. Saltellino, [sltlli'n] i. little spring, little skip. child's money-box. saving, delivering. Saltello, [slt'l] m. skip, Salvadore, [slvd're'] see Sal- Salvigia, [slvi'ji] /. asylum. bound. vatore. Salvo, [sl'v] adj. safe ; sure, Saltellone, [slte'll'n] Saltel- Salvafiaschi , [slvfi'ski] m. secure; sano e -, safe and loni, and Saltelloni, adv. bottle-case, liquor-chest. sound; - errori, errors exceptskippingly. Salvaggina , [slvdji'n] f. ed; -, m. agreement, compact, Saltereccio, [salte're"tsh] adj. game, wild fowl. contract; mettere in-, porre in preparing to jump. Salvaggio, [slv'dj] see Sel- -, to place iu safety. Salterellare, [sltrlla'rl v. vaggio. Salvoeondotto, [slvkndt'-* n. to frisk, gambol ; go trip- Salvaggiume, [slvdj'me'] m. to] m. safe conduct, passport. ping along. Sambuca, [smbi'ka] /. sackbut. game, venison. Salterello, [salte'r'l] m. little Salvagione, [slvj'ne'] see Sal- Sambuchino, [sambki'n] adj. skip ; cracker. vazione. of elder-tree. Balteretto, [slte're't't] m. a Salvaguardia , [slvgur'di] Sambuco, [smb'k] m. elder* email book of psalms. tree. f. safeguard ; protection.

Salvezza, [slve't's] /. safety ;5 lubrious, wholesome, healthful. salvation, preservation. Saluto, [sl't] m. salute, sal- Salvia, [sl'vi] /. (bat.) sage. utation, bow. Salviate, [slvi't] adj. made] Salva, [sl'v] f. volley, dis- with sage; having the smell oi charge; tasting; far la -, to taste of sage. Salvietta, [slvit't] /. napkinJ taste food. Salvadanaio, [slvdn'y] m. Salvificante, [slvifikn't]ad/i^

Bampiero, [sdmpi'r]
of fig-treo, plum-tree. Sampog^na, [smp'n']
adj. sort



Santificazione, [sntifiktsi''n] f. sanctification.
Santiflcetur,[sntifitshe"tr]tn. a saintly-looking person hypocritical looking. Santifico , [snti'fik] m. holy

Sanguinaria, [sangwin'ri]


blood-wort. reed; Sanguinario,[snguin'ri]


sanguinary; cruel. Sampognare, [smp'n're'] see Sanguine, [san'g wine'] m. bastard

Zampognare. San, [san] for Santo.


Sanguineo, [sngui'ne'jadj.san-

Sanabile, [san'bile'] adj. cura- guine, of blood. Sanguinit, [sangttinit'] Sanble, remediable. Sanali, [sn'li] m. pi. haum of guinitade,Sanguinitate/.consanguinity ; blood. maize or buckwheat. Sanamente, [snme'n'te'] adv. Sanguinolente, [sngMinln' te'] Sanguinolento, [sangwinoheal thfull}'; wisely, judiciously Sanare, [san'r] v. a. to cure, ln't] adj. sanguinary, bloody; blood-thirsty, cruel. heal, heal up prune, lop cas trate; -, v. n. to get cured, Sangninolentemente, [sangtti' ;

man, devout man. Santimonia, [sntim'm']


holiness, sanctity. Santinflzza, [sntinfi'ts] m. canting hypocrite, bigot (littlfl used). Santino, [snti'n] m. small

heal; recover.


Sanativo, [snti'v] adj. heal-

Sanguinosamente, [snguinsme'n't]arfv,

with much blood- shed. ing; sanative. Sanatore, [snt're'] m. healer, Sanguinoso, [sngwin's] adj bloody, sanguinary, gory. physician. Sanatorio, [snt'ri] ar/j .heal- Sanguisuga, [snguis'ga] f.
ing; sanative.

Sanazione, [sntsi'n]
ring, healing; recovery.



Sancire, [sntshi'r] v. a. to de icle; self-heal. (pus. cree, award. Sancolombana,[snT<:lmb'n] Sanie, [sa'nie'] f. sanies matter, /. grape produced on the under Sanificare, [snifik'r] see Ri sanare. mentioned vine. Sancolombano, [snklmb'n] Sanioso, [sani's] adj. full of m. a kind of vine. pus. Sandalo, [san'dl] m. sandal- Sanit, [sanit'] Sanitade, Sa;

leech; blood-sucker. Sanicato, [snik't] ac/j. recov ered from illness, cured. Sanicnla, [sni'kl]/". (bot.) san

image of a saint. Santit, [santit'] Santitade, Santitate, f. sanctity, holiness; sua -, the Pope. Santo, [sn't] arfj. holy, sacred, blessed; santa Barbara, f. {mar.) powder-room Venerd m. GoodFriday; -,m. saint; church; entrare in -, to church. Santocchieria, [sntkie'ri'] f. hypocrisy. Santocchio , [sntk'ki] m. a hypocrite. Santoccio, [snt'tsh]m. ninny, dunce. Santola, [snt'l]/'.god-mother; sponsor (at the font). Santolina, [sntli'n] Santolma, [sntl'ma] f. southern^
; ,


wood; sandal, slipper. Sandracca, [sndrk'k]






m. a kind of vine. Sangiovannita, [snjivani'ta] m. knight of the order of St. John. Sangioveto , [snjive"tT and Sangioghito, [snjighi't] m. a kind of grape-vine. Sanguaccio, [sngwa'tsh] tu.

m. blood bleeding; blood-letting; race, family; a - caldo, in a fury; far - dal naso, to bleed at the nose metter tutto a - e a fuoco, to destroy all with fire and sword; - dell' uva, wine. Sanguifero , [sngwi'fr] adj. slow (vulgarism). blood-conveying. Santamaria, [sntmri'] f. Sanguiflcare, [sngwifk'r] v. kingfisher, species of mint, Santambarco, [sntmbr'k] n. to produce blood. Sanguificazione, [sngwifik- m. carter's frock. tsio'u] /. production of blood, Santamente, [sntme'n'te'] adv chylifaction. in a holy manner, devoutly. Sanguigna, [sngwi'n'] /'.blood- Santarello, [sntar'l] Santestone, red lead. rello,[sntr'l] m, little saint. Sanguigno, [sngui'n'] adj. Santessa, [sante's'sa] /. female sanguine; bloody, of blood; of bigot, devotee. the color of blood; sputo -,m. Santificamento, [sntifikme'n'spitting of blood. t] m. sanctification. Sanguinaccio, [snguin'tsh] Santificare, [sntifik're'] v. a. m. black pudding. to sanctify, canonize; SantifiSanguinare, [sngttin're'] v. a. carsi, . r. to become holy. to make bloody, stain with Santiflcatore , [sntifikt'rj blood; -,v. n. to bleed. m. sanctifier.
; ;

bad blood. Sangue, [san'ge']

health, soundness of Santolo,[sn'tl] m. god^-father, body. sponsor (at tho font). Sanna, [san'na] f. tusk, fang. Santone, [sant'n] m. great Sannitrio, [snnit'ri] see Sal saint (ironically). nitrio. Santonico, [snt'nik] m.wormSannnto, [sann't] adj. having wood. tusks. Santoreggia, [sntre'd'ja] /. Sano, [s'n] adj. sound, healthy; savory. healthful, salubrious, salutary; Santuaria, [sntu'ri] f. San- e salvo, safe and sound state tuario, [sntu'ri] in. relic; -, mind your health. sanctuary. Sansa, [sn's] Sansena, [sn- Santula,[sn'tl]/".god-mothor, s'n] f. olive-husks, pi. sponsor (at the font). Sanscritto , [sanskrit'to] m. Sanzione, [sntsi'n] f. sancSanscrit. tion, confirmation. Sansuco,[sans'k]m. marjoram. Sanzo, [su'ts] m. a game at Santa, [sn't] Santade, Santa- cards resembling primiera. te, f. health; farneticare a -, to Sapa, [sa'pa] f. boiled must of talk nonsense. wine, comfit of grapes. Santagio,[sant'j]adj.inactive, Sapere, [sp'r] v. a. irr. (so,



sai, sa,


sappiamo, sapete, sanseppi, sapesti &c.; sapr ;

saputo) to know, understand; smack, smell of; far -, to inform - a mente, to know by heart; saper grado di chicchessia, to be grateful for a thing; -, m. learning, knowledge, science, erudition. Sapevole , ad] [sp'vle'l learned, informed; privy to.






Sapido, [spi'd] adj. savoury. Sapiente, [spin'te'] adj. knowing, erudite, well informed, a

good scholar.




[spie'nte'me'n'- Sarcasmo, [srkas'm] m. sar- Sassello, [sass'l] m. small casm, taunt. stone; small thrush. adv. learnedly, wisely. Sapienza, [sapin'ds] Sapion- Sarchiagione, [sarkij'ne'] /". Sasseo, [ss's] adj. stony. Sarchiamento, [srkimn't] Sasseto, [ssse"t] m. stony zin , [spin'dsla] f. wisdom

ground. TO. weeding. Sarchiare, [srki're'] v. a. to Sassettino, [ssstti'n] to. very Saponaceo, [spn'tshe'] adj. weed. (weeder. small stone. Sarchiatore, [sarkit're'] m. Sassetto , [ssse't't] to. small saponaceous, soapy. Saponaja, [sapn'y] f. soap- Sarchiatura, [srkit'r] f. stone, pebble. Sassiflicare, [sssifikd'r] v. n. wort; fuller's weed. weeding, rooting out. Saponajo, [spn'y] m. soap- Sarchiella, [srki'lj f. see to become stone, turn into


Sapio, [s'pi] see Savio.

toiler; soap-seller.


[srkie'll're'] v. a. Sassifico, [sssifi'k] adj. petri-

Saponaria, [spn'ri] /. soap- Sarchiellare,





soap- Sarchiello, [srki'l] Sarchietlather, snap-froth. to, [srkit't] Sarchio, [sr'Sapone, [sp'ne'] m. soap. ki] m. weeding-hook. Saponeria, [spnri'] f. soap- Sarchiolino, [srkili'n] Sarchioncello, [srkintsh'l] m. manufactory, soap-hoiling. Saponette, [spnt't] m. and small weeding-hook. [spnt't] Saponetta , f. SarcocoUa, [srkkri] /. balsquare of soap, wash-hall. sam. Saporare, [spr'r] v. n. to Sarcofago, [srk'fag] m. sarcophagus. taste, savour, relish to drink Sarcotioo, [srk'tik] adj. prowith a zest. Sapore , [sap're'] m. savour, ducing flesh. taste, relish; pleasure; di mez- Sarcula, [srk'l] f. a kind of grape. zo, -, half ripe. Saporetto, [spre't't] m. little Sarda , [sr'd] f. cornelian

Saponata, [spn't]

Sassifraga, [sssi'frg] Sassi*

fragia, [sassifr'j] f. {bot.) saxifrage. Sasso, [ss's] m. stone; rock;

Sassolinetto, [sssline't't] m. very small stone. Sassolino, [sssli'n] m. small stone. Sassone, [sss'ne'] to. great


[sss's] adj. stony

full of stones.

Satan, [s'tn] Satana, [s'tna] Satanasso, [stns's] m. sa-

tan, evil spirit. (stone). taste; savoury sauce. Saporiflco,[sprifik]a(Jj.high- Sardanapalesco,[srdnple's'- Sataneismo, [stne'i'm] m. wicked action. flavored. k] adj. parasitical. Saporitamente, [spritme'n'- Sardella, [srd'l] Sardina, Satanico, [st'nik] adj. Satanic, diabolical. [srdi'n] f. sardine, pilchard. te'] arfv.with gust, relishingly, delightfully. Sardonico, [srd'nik] adj. sar- Satellite, [ste'riite'] TO. satellite; Saporitine, [spriti'n] adj. donie, sneering; -, m. sardonyx bailiff. Satellizio, [stlli'tsi] to. duty somewhat savoury. (stone). Saporito, [spri't] adj. sa- Sargano, [srg'n]m. and Sar- of a satellite. gina, [sarji'n] f. coarse woolen Satira, [s'tir] f. satire, lamvoury, delicious, agreeable. Saporosamente, [sprsme'n'- cloth. poon. te'] adv. savourily, relishingly, Sargia, [sr'ji] f. serge (stuff) Satiraccia, [stir'tsha] /". very Sarmento, [srme'n't] m. vine- sharp satire. with a zest; heartily. Saporosit, [sprsi't] Sapo- branch, twig. Satiraccio, [stir'tsh] TO.ugly rositade, Saporositate, f. sa- Sarmentoso, [sarme'nt's] adj. satyr. Satireggiare, [stire'dj're'] v.a, vouriness, flavor, relish. full of twigs. Saporoso , [spr's] adj. sa- Sarpare, [sarp're'] v. a. (mar.) to satirize, lampoon, ridicule. Satirello, [stir'l] to. little voury, tasty, relishing, delici- to weigh anchor. Sarrocchino , [sarrkki'n] m. satyr. ous, charming. pilgrim's cloak. SatirescamentG[stire*skme'n' Sappa, [sap'pa] see Sapa. Sappiente, [sppin'te'j see Sa- Sarte, [sar't] f. (mar.) shrouds, te'] adv. satirically, in a satirical manner. piente. pi. cordage. Saputa, [sp't] /. knowledge, Sartiame, [srti'me'] m.{mar.) Satiresco, [stire's'k] ad/, satir ical; censorious. science. ali the cordage, shrouds, pi. Satiretto, [stire't't] see Sati Saputamente, [sptme'n'te'j Sarto, [sr't] m. tailor. adv. knowingly. Sartora, [srt'r] /". raantua- rello. Saputona, [spt'na,] /. blue- maker ; seamstress , needle- Satirica, [stiri'k] /. the art stocking. of satirical poetry. woman. Satiricamente, [satirikame'n'te'] Sara, [s'r] /". saw-fish. Sartore, [srt're'J see Sarto. Saraceno, [srtsh'n] adj. gra- Sassafrasso, [sssfrs's] m. adv. satirically, censoriously. no -, m. Indian corn, maize. Satirico, [sti'rik] adj. satirisassafras. Saracinare, [saratshina're'] v. n. Sassaja, [sss'y] f. heap of cal, stinging; -, to. satirist, to become brownish, turn black writer of satires. stones, mound. (as grapes). Sassaiuola, [sssay'l] f. fight- Satirino,[stiri'n]seeSatirello. Saracinesca, [srtshine'sTc] /. ing with stones. Satirizzare, [stirids're'] portcullis. Sassajuolo,[sssy'l] m. wood- satirize, lampoon. Saracinesco, [srtshine"sk] pigeon. Satiro, [sa'tir] to. satyr ; satiradj. of a Saracen. Sassare, [sss're'l v. a. to stone. ist (kind of ape). Saracino, [srtshi'n] m. Sa- Sassata, [sss'ta] /. blow given Satirografo , [satir'grf] m. racen; stake, pale; Saractni, wiih a stone. writer of satires. pi. (gard.) grapes becoming Sassefrica, [ssse'fri'k] f. {bot.) Satisfacimento, [sdtisftslii))lack,p(. goat's beard. me'n't] tee SatisfazionQ.




Sbalestrato, [sblstr't] adj, shot at a venture missed ; wild, giddy. Sballare, [sblld're'] v. a. to un;

Satisfare, [satisfa'r] &c., see Saziamento, [satsime'n't] m. disgust, filling ; satiating, Soddisfar &c. Batisfazione , [stisftsi'n] weariness. Saziare, [satsia're'] v:a. to sasee Soddisfazione. Sativo, [sti'v] wlj. fit to bo tiate, satisfy; fill. Saziet, [satsit'] Sazietade, sown. Sazietate, f. satiety, fulness Satolla, [st'la] ^ belly-full. Satollamento, [stllmn't] disgust. Sazievole, [satsio"vle'] adj. sam. satiety, fulness, repletion Satollanza , [satllan'dsa] f. tiating; cloying; importunate. Sazievolezza, [stsivle't'sa] satiety, cloying. Satollare , [stll'r] v. a. to see Saziet. Sazievolmente, [satsie'vlme'n'satiate, fill, glut; satisfy. Satollo, [sat'l] adj. satiated, te'] adv. in a wearisome manner; tirosomely. glutted. Satrapia, [satrpi'] f. dignity Sazio, [s'tsi] adj. satiated, sated, full. of a satrap. Sbaccaneggiare, [sbklvne'dja'Satrapo, [s'lrap] m. satrap. Satrapone, [satrp'n] m. man r] V. make a hubbub. of importance (said ironically) Sbaccellare, [sbtshll'r] v. a. Saturare,[stra'r] V. a. to sat- te shell, husk. Sbacchettatura, [sbkke'ttat'urate, fill, cloy. Saturazione, [strtsi'n] f. r] f. barrel of a gun &c. Sbacchiare, [sbakkire'] v. o. to saturation, repletion. Satureja , [stre"y] /. bot. knock down with a stick. Sbacco, [sbk'k] adv., a -, in savory. Saturit, [siitrit'] Saturita- great abundance (vulgarism). Sbadacchiare, [sbadkki're'] v. de, Saturitate, f. saturity.



relate fables.

Sballone, [sbll'ne'] m. storytoller, romancer.

Sbalordimento, [sblrdimeVt]m.bewildermont,amazement. Sbalordire , [sblrdi'r] v. a. to bewilder, confound; disconcert; dismay; -, v. n. ts bo amazed, be confounded. Sbalorditivamente, [sblrditivamn'te'] adv. amazingly,
astonishingly. Sbalorditivo, [sbalrditi'vjarfj. that amazes, astonishing. Sbalzare , [sblts're'j v. a. to throw, fling; overturn; -, v. n. to leap, dash, bounce.

Sbalzo, [sbl'ts] bounce, somerset.




v. a.

m. disbanding. Sbandare, [sbnd'r] to disband; dismiss.



Sbandeggiamento, [sbande'dja-

me'n't] m. banishment, exile. Saturnale, [strn'Ie'] adj. sat- n. to yawn; loiter. urnal; noisy. Sbadataggine, [sbadata' dj ine] Sbandeggiare, [sbnde'dj're'] v. a. to banish, exile. Saturnino, [strni'n] adj. sat f. listlessness, inattention, negSbandellare, [sbnde'll're'] v. a. urnine. ligence. Saturnit, [satrnit'] f. mel- Sbadatamente, [sbdatame'n'te'] to remove the hinges of a door. Sbandigione, [sbndij'ne'] f. ancholy, misanthropy. adv. listlessly, inattentively. Saturno, [satr'n] m. Saturn. Sbadatello, fsbdt'l] adj. Sbandimento, [sbndime'n't] m. banishment. Saturo, [sa'tr] see Satollo. rather listless. Sauro, [satt'r] adj. sorrel light Sbadato, [sbd'tl adj. inatten- Sbandire , [sbandi're'] v. a. to banish dismiss, disband. bay. tive, listless, negligent. Saviamente, [saviarae'n'te'] adv. Sbadigliacciare, [sbdil'tsb'- Sbandita , [sbndi't] f. place where hunting is free. wisely, prudently. r] V. n. to do nothing but Savieggiare, [savie'dja'ro'] v. a. yawn. Sbandito, [sbndi't] m. exile. to instruct. Sbadigliamento, [sbdirmeV- Sbando, [sbn'd] tn. disbandSaviezza, [savie't's] f. wisdom, t] m. yawning, gaping. ment of soldiers. prudence. Sbadigliare, [sbdil''re] v. n. Sbaragliamento, [sbrrmeVSavina, t] m. disorder, disunion. [savi'na] saviue, to yawn, gape. f. sabine-tree. Sbadiglio, [sbdiT] m.yawn, Sbaragliare, [sbrr're] v. a. Savio, [sa'vi] adj. sage, wise, gaping. to rout, disperse. prudent, judicious learned Sbagliamento , [sbrmn't] Sbaraglino, [sbrri'n] m.backclever; -, m. sage, wise man, m. mistake, error. gammon. philosopher. (wise Sbagliare , [sbl''re'] v. n. to Sbaraglio, [sbarT] m. rout, Saviolino,[svioli'n]of//.rather mistake, be mistaken. disorder; kind of backgammon ^Savione, [savi'n] m. very wise Sbaglio, [sbT] m. mistake, played with three dice. man, great philosopher. oversight, blunder; fare uno -, Sbarattare, [sbrtta're'j v. a. Bavojardo, [savyr'd] m. a to make a mistake. to rout, disperse. sort of sweet cake. Sbaldanzire, [sbldntsi'r] v. Sbarazzare, [sbrts're'] v. a. Savonea, [svn'a] f. med. n. to be disheartened, despond. to disembarrass, disencumber ; lozenge, cough mixture. Sbaldeggiare, [sblddj'r] v. rid of; Sbauazzarsi, v. r. to Ifci Savore, [sv'r] m. savour, rel- n. to grow bold. rid one's self of. ish; sauce. iHfc Sbaldire, [sbaldi're'] v. a. to en- Sbarazzino, [sbrtsi'n] m. a Savorra, [sv'ra] f. ballast; courage another; w. . to be en- wild dissolute youth. cargo. couraged. Sbarbare , [sbrb're'] v. a. to Savorrare, [svrr'r] v. a. to Sbaldore , [sbld'r] m. bold- eradicate, tear away boroavo. ballast. ness, courage. Sbarbatello, [sbarbatelo] m. Savorratori , [svrrt'ri] m. Sbalestramento[sbIe'strme'n'- beardless youth, novice. pi. lighters, loading boats,;?/. t] m. overthrow, havoc. Sbarbato, [sbrb't] adj. upSaziabile, [satsi'bilj adj. easi- Sbalestrare, [sblstr're'] v a. rooted; beardless. ly satisfied. to strike far from the mark, Sbarbazzare, [sbrbts'r] v. Saziabilitk, [satsibilit'] f. sa- miss the mark lance , hurl a. to check, scold, rebuke. tiablencss; cloying. mistake. Sbarbazzata, [sbrbts'ta] /, Saziabilmente, [stsiblme'n'- Sbalestratamente, [sble'strat- check, twitch with the reins j te] adv. in abundance. mn'te'] adv. inconsiderately. scolding, severe reprimand.



8bar'bazzato,[sT3ar'bts't] adv. with unbridled liberty.



Sbarbicamento, [sbrbikme'n't] m. uprooting extirpation.




v. a.

to root up, eradicate.

n. to


v. a. to

disembark, land; unload;


come ashore.

deduction, Sbiancare, [sbtank're'] v. n. to grow whitish, grow pale. Sbattuto, [sbtt't]flc?/.shaken, Sbiancato, [sbtnk't] and agitated; discouraged, fright- Sblancido, [sbiantshi'do] adj. ened; deducted, (pack. whitish, pale. Sbaulare, [sbul're'] v. a. to un- Sbiavato, [sbiv't] see SbiaSbavagliare, [sbvl''r] v. a. dato. Sbiecamente , [sbie'kme'n'te'] to unmask, uncover. Sbavamento, [sbvame'n't] m. odr.ohliquely.slopingly, aslant,
slaver, driveling.

tation; clapping discount.

Sbarcatojo, [sbrkt'y] m.un-


lading; landng-place. Sbavare, [sbv'r] v a. to drivel. Sbiecare , [sbe'k're'] v. n. to Sbarco, [sbr'k] m. disembark- Sbavato, [sbv't] adj. without slope, he awry; bias, swerve; ing, landing. foam. fatto a -, wrought in bias. Sbardellare, [sbrdell'r] v. a. Sbavatura, [sbvt'r]/.slaver, Sbieco , [sbi'k] Sbiescio, [sbi'tshi] adj. slant; crookto break in a coli, train a colt; drivel flake-silk. - dalle risa, to laugh immode- Sbavazzatura, ed. [sbvtst'ra] Sbietolare, [sbie'tl're'] D.n. te rately. f. wetting with slaver. Sbardellatamente, [sbrdelldta Sbavigliare, [sbvT're'] &c.,see weep for tenderness, be moved. Sbiettare, [sbitt're'] v. a. to me'n't] adv. excessively, be- Sbadigliare &c. yond measure (vulgarism). Sbeffare, [sbe'ff're'] .a. to scoff, pull out the wedge, pack off bag Sbardellato, [sbrdell't] adj. mock, banter, ridicule, deride. and baggage. trained;exorbitant (Duigarism). Sbefifeggiamento , [sbe'ffe'dja- Sbigottimento , [sbfgttime'n'Sbardellatura, [sbdrdllt'r] me'n't] m. ridicule, derision. t] m. dismay, amazement; Sbeffeggiare, [sbe'ffe'dja're'] v. a. alarm. f. training; rudiments, pi. SbarlefFe, [sbrlf f] see Sber- to laugh at, ridicule. Sbigottire, [sbfgtti're'] .a. to leffe. Sbeffeggiatore, [sbe'ffe'djt're'] terrify, appal; -, v. n. Sbigottirsi, V. r. to be dismayed, be Sbarra , [sbr'r] /". bar, rail m. banterer, scoffer. stop; barricade; (loc.) - di Sbellicarsi, [sbe'llikr'si] v. r. frightened; despond, despair. congiunzione, connecting-rod [sbigttitto break the navel-string; - Sbigottitamente, - di governo, hand-gear-rod, dalle risa, to burst with laugh- me'n'te'] arfv. tremblingly; with conserving lever; vincere le ter (vulgarism). fear. sbarre, to force the lines. Sbendare, [sbe'nd're'] v. a. to Sbilanciamento , [sbilntshSbarrare, [sbarr're'] w. a. to unhand, unveil; Sbendarsi, v. me'n't] m. outweighing; bendbar, barricade: unbar; sbarraring downwards. r. to take off one's band; relax si nelle braccia, to stretch out Sberciare, [sbe'rtsh're'] v. . to Sbilanciare, [sbilntsh'r] v. one's arras. a. to outweigh, incline the miss the mark, fail. Sbarrata, [sbarr't] /. repara- Sberleffare, [sbe'rle'ffa're'] v. a scale. tion of rails or bars. Sbilancio, [sbiln'tsh] see Sbito slash mock. Sbarro, [sbr'r] m. bar ; ob- Sberleffe, [sbrl'f] Sberleffo, lanciamento. stacle. [sbe'rl'f] m. gash, scar; gri Sbilenco, [sbiln'k] adj. crookSbasoffiare, [sbsffi're'] v. a ed, bow-logged. mace, wry face. to guttle, gormandize [vulga- Sberlingacciare[sbe'rlingtsh'- Sbillacco, [sbillk'k] see Birism). slacco. re'] V. n. to keep tho carnival, Sbassamento , [sbssame'n't] Sbernia, [sbe'r'nia] f. traveling Sbirbato, [sbirb't] adj. duped, see Abbassamento. deceived. hood. Sbassare , [sbss're'] v. a. to Sbernoccoluto, [sbe'rnkklu' Sbirbonare, [sbirbn're'] v. a. lower, abate. to go-begging; live in idleness. to] adj. full of knobs. Sbasso, [sbs's] m. abatement. Sberrettare, [sbrre'tt're'] v.n. Sbirciare, [sbirtsh'r] v. a. to Sbastare, [sbstare'] v. a. to to take off one's hat, salute hat look narrowly at; leer, ogle. take off the pack-saddle. Sbirracchiuolo, [sbirrkki'l] in hand. Sbatacchiare, [sbtkki're'] v. Sberrettata, [sbe'rre'tt't] f. bow m. under-bailiff. a. to beat, knock down ; dash Sbirraglia, [sbirr'r] Sbrrewith uncovered head. to and fro. Sbertare , [sbe'rta're'J v. a. to ria, [sbirre'ri'] /. body of bailSbatacchio , [sbtak'ki] m iffs, lot of constables. scoff, mock. beating down, knocking down; Sbertucciato, [s\)rttshi't] Sbirro, [sbir'r] m. polico-man, flooring. adj. crushed, crumpled (said of bailiff, constable. Sbattere, [sbttere'] a. to beat Sbisacciare, [sbisatsha're'] v. a. a hat &c.). toss; harass; abate, deduct; -, Sbevazzamento,[sbe'vtsran'- to draw out of the wallet. V. n. Sbattersi, v.r. to strugSbittare, [sbitt'r] v. a. mar., t] m. tippling. gle, be agitated, be troubled. Sbevazzare, [sbe'vts're'] v. a. to unbit the cable. Sbattezzare, [sbtte'ds're'] v. a. to tipple. Sbizzarrire, [sbidsrri're'] see to make renounce the Christian Sbevere, [sb've'r] . a. irr. (see Scapricciare. faith; Sbattezzarsi, v. r. to Sboccamento, [sbkkme'n't] Bere) to drink hard.
; ; ; ;

change one's religion, deny Sbezzicato, [sbtsik't] one's Christian name, become pecked, hen-pecked.


m. disemboguing; mouth (of a


a renegade. Sbiadatello, [sbidt'l] adj. Sboccare, [sbkk're'] v. n. to Sbattimento, [sbttime'n't] m. rather pale; rather clear. disembogue, rush out, overtossing, shaking agitation Sbiadato, [sbid't] adj. light flow break off the neck of a

projection. Sbattito, [sbtti't] m. Sbattuta, [sbatt't] f. shaking, agi-

blue , faint blue (said of half bottle. starved horses innocent of Sboccatamente, [sbkktame'n't J adv. indecently, filthily. oats).



Sbriciolare, [sbritshl'r] v. a. to crumble, grind, pulverize. Sbrigamento , [sbrigmn'tj m. expedition, dispatch.

Sboccato, [sbkk't] ad], dis- Sbracarsi, [shrkr'si] v. r. to charged foul-inouthod, liard- take off one's small clothes; inouthed;broken-n6cked(speak- strain every nervo; strive, uo one's best. ing of a bottle). Sboccatura, [sbkkdt'ra] f. Sbracatamente, [shrktmn'mouth (of a river). t] adv. excessively; thoughtSbocciare, [sbtsh'r] v. n. to lessly. open, expand (as flowers). Sbracato, [sbrk't] adj. withSbocco, [sbk'k] see Sbocca- out one's small clothes; easy, mento. delightful happy. Sbocconcellare, [sbkkntshe'l- Sbracciare, [shrtsh're'] v. a. to la'r] v.n. to nibbio, eat slowly. takeout of the arms; SbbacSbocconcellato, [sbkkntshl- CIAU8I, V. r. to uncover one's l't] adj. cut into bit.s. arms ; use every effort or Sbolgettare, [sblge'tta're'] v. means. a. to belch out, emit. Sbracciato, [shrtsh't] adj. Sbolzonare, [sbltsn're'] v. a. with one's sleeves tucked up. to batter down (walls &c.) Sbracia, [sbra'tsha] m. brag;

Sbrigare, [sbrig're'] v. a. to expedite, dispatch, hiisten; Sbrigarsi, v. r. to make haste; - d' uno, to get rid of a person.

Sbrigatamente, [sbrigtmn't] adv. expeditiously, quickly. Sbrigativo, [sbrigti'v] adj. expeditious, quick. Sbrigato, [sbrig't] adj. dispatched; ready, quick; short, done; la pi sbrigata via, the shortest cut. Sbrigliare, [sbrir'r] v. a. to

unbridle, untie. Sbombardare, [sbmbarda're'] v. gart, boaster. a. to bombard. Sbraciare, [shrtsh're'] v. a. to Sbrigliata , [sbril''t] Sbrigliatura, [sbril't'r] f. check Sbombettare, [sbomhe'tta're'] v stir the fire; waste. n. to be always tippling. Sbraciata, [sbrtsh't] f. Sbra- with the reins; reproof, rebuke, Sbonzolare, [sbntsla're'] v.n ciamento, [sbrtshmen't] m. curtain-lecture. to fall down; belly out; ruin. stirring of the fire; boasting, Sbrigliatella, [sbril't'l] /.

Sborbottare, [sbrbtt're'J a. to scold, reprimand. Sborchiare, [sbrki're'] v. to take off the studs &c.



bauchery. Sbordellaro,


me'n't] m. licentiousness, de[sbrde'll'r]



a. to riot; royster.

Sbornia, [sbr'nia]


Sborrare, [sbrra're'] v. a. to take off the wadding; open one's budget; speak one's mind,
tell all.

little check; slight reproof. rodomontade. Sbracio, [sbrtshi'] m. stirring Sbrigliatura, [sbril't'r] f. a blow with a bridle given to of the fire; boasting. Sbracione , [sbrtsh'ne'] m. horses; bitter reproof. Sbrizzare, [sbritsa're] v. a. to boaster. Sbraculato, [sbrkl't] adj. break into bits; splash, drop. Sbrobbiare, [sbrbbi'r] v. a. without breeches. Sbraitare, [sbrit'r] e. n. to to use bad and abusive languago (vulgarism). make a great uproar. Sbramare, [sbrm'r] v. a. to Sbreccare, [sbrkk'r] v. . to clean silk with a needle. sate one's appetite ; satisfy, gratify desire; content; Sbra- Sbroccatura, [sbrkkt'r] f. the action of cleaning silk with marsi, V. r. to be content. Sbranamento , [sbrnme'n't] a needle. Sbrocco, [sbr'k] wi. refuse m. tearing in pieces.

Sborsamento, [sbrsme'n't] m. Sbranare,






disbursement, laying o\it. tear in pieces. Sborsare, [sbrs'r] v. a. to Sbranatore, [sbrnt'r] m disburse, lay out money. one that tears in pieces. Sborsatura, [sbrst'r] f. see Sbrancamento , [sbrnkme'n'Sborsamento. to] m. separating from the flock Sborso, [sbr's] m. disburse- Sbrancare, [sbrnk'r] v.o. to ment; sum paid. take from the flock; lop off, Sboscare, [sbsk've'] v. n. to break; Sbrancarsi, v. r. to denude of wood, disforest. separate go astray. Sbottare, [sbtt'rj v. n. to Sbrandellare, [sbrnde'll're'] v. void, spit out. a. to cut off a bit. Sbottonare, [sbttn're'] v. a. Sbrano, [sbr'n] m. tearing, to unbutton; scoff. rending. Sbottoneggiare, [sbttne'dj'- Sbrattare, [sbrtt're'] v. a. to r] V. a. to satirize, ridicule, clean, empty, disengage. quiz. Sbravazzone, [sbrvts'ne'] m. Sbozzacchire, [sbdskki'r] v. bully, swaggerer. n. to thrive, grow again. Sbregaccia, [sbrg'tsh] /'.tatSbozzare, [sbtsa'r] v. a. to tling woman, slanderous wosketch; roughdraw, draw the man. outlines; {mar.) to take off the Sbricco , [abrik'k] m. rogue,

Sbroccolare, [shrkkl'r] see Sbrucare. Sbrogliare, [shrl''re'] v. a. to disentangle, clear; Sbrogliarsi,






Sbronconare, [sbrnkn're'] v. a. to grub up the roots, break up clear. Sbrucare, [sbrk're'] v. a. to


strip off the leaves. Sbruffare, [sbrff're'] v. a. to spirt out; besprinkle, bespit. Sbruffo, [sbruffo] m. besprinkling, besputtering.

Sbruttare, [sbrtt're'] v.
clean, scour.

a. to

Sbucare, [sbk're'] v. a. & n. to come out of a hole; draw


Sbucchiare, [sbukki'r] Sbuc-

Sbozzatura, [sbtst'r] rough outline. Sbozzimare, [sbdsima'r] v.

ciare, [sbtsh'r] v. a. tobarkf vagabond. Sbricconeggiare , [sbrikkne'- skin. dj'r] v.n. to lead a roguish Sbudellamento, [sbdllme'n'a. t] m. drawing out of the life. to wash out the starch. bowels. Sbricio, [sbri'tsh] adj. mean, Sbozzo , [sb'ts] m. sketch, vile, miserable, wretched (vul- Sbudellare, [shdell're'] v. a. rough draught. garism). to draw out the bowels. Sbozzolare, [sbtsl'ie'] v. a. to Sbriciolamento , [shritshl- Sbuffare, [sbff'r] v. n. to take the miller's fee; take the me'nt] m. grinding, pulver- fume, pant, rage; snort like a silk-cocoons from the branches. izing. horse.



Diz. Ital.-Ina.




snorting; Scadenza, [skdn'ds] f. fall, Scalappiare, [sklppi're'] r. decay; {merch.) expiration (of n. to disentangle one's self, Sbugiardare, [slijrda'r] v.a. a bill of exchange), term of escape. Scalare, [skl'r] v.a. to take to givo (one) the lie, convinco payment. Scadere, [skd'r] v. n. irr. by escalade, scale, storm. of falsehood. Sburrato, [sbrr't] aclj. said (See Cadere) to decay, fall off: Scalata, [skl't] f. escalade, fall due, become due; de- storming. of cheese made of skim-Tnilk Scalatore, [skalt're'] m. he Sbnsare, [sbs'r] v. a. to win volve. from one all his money, leave Scadimento, [skadirae'n't] m. that scales. Scalcagnare, [sklkn''re'] . decay, decline, ruin. one penniless at play. Scabbia, [skb'bi] /. scab, Scafa, [sk'fa] f. skiff, long o. to tread on one's heels. Scalcheggiare , [sklkdj'r] boat; tender. itch. Scabbiare, [skbbi're'] v. a. to Scafajuolo, [skfy'l] m. of- see Scalciare. ficer of the long boat, boat- Scalcheria, [sklke'ri'] f. ofcure the itch; polish, plane. fice of a carver. Scabbiosa, [skbbi's] f. scab- man. Scaffale, [skaffa'le'] m. book- Scalciare, [skltsh'r] v. a. to wort, scabious. kick; resist. Scabbioso , [skabbi's] adj case; book-shelf. scabby; rough, rugged; scaly. Scaffare, [skaffa're'] v. a. to Scalcinare, [skltshin're'] v. Scabello, [skb'l] m. foot- make the game even; play odd a. to scrape off plaster, divest of plaster. and even fall. stool. Scabro, [skd'br] adj. rugged, Scafo, [sk'f] m. hulk, carcass Scalco, [skl'k] m. steward, carver (of meat). scraggy, rough. (of a ship). Scaldaletto, [skldle't't] m. Scabrosit, [skabrsit'] Sca^ Scagionare, [skjn're'] v warming-pan. brositade, Scabrositate, f. to exculpate. ruggedness, roughness; hard- Scaglia, [skT] f. scale (of a Scaldamano, [skaldm'ne'] m. hot cockles (boys' play), pi. fish or snake); chips of marble, ness. Scabroso, [skdbr's] adj. sca- pi ; sling. Scaldamento, [skldme'n't] n. warming, heating. brous, rough, rugged, scrag- Scagliabile, [skl'a'bile'] adj. that may be scaled; darted. Scaldare, [skld're'] v. a. to gy; hard. Scacazzamento,[skkatsme'n'- Scagliamento, [skl'me'n't] warm, heat; excite; Scaldart] ni. looseness of the bowels; m. flinging, throw. si, V. r. to get warm; grow dissipation. Scagliare, [skl''re'] v. a. to angry. Scacazzare, [skaktsd're'] v. a. scale; fling, hurl, dart, lance; Scaldatojo , [skldt'y] m. to squander idly. recount wonders Scagliarsi, stove-room, warming-place. Scaccata, [skkk'ta] f. chock V. r. to struggle, be agitated Scaldatore,[skldt'r] m.that at chess. warms. (uered. - addosso ad alcuno, to dash Scaccato, [skkk't] adj. cheq- upon a person. Scaldavivande , [sklddvivn'Scaccheggiato, [skakkdj't] Scagliatore, [skl'at're'] wi. d] m. chafing-dish. adj. chequered. Singer, slinger, lancer. Scaldeggiare, [sklddj'r] r. Scacchiere, [skakki're] Scac- Scaglietta, [skal't't] Scaglio- a. to animate, spur on, excite. chiero, [skakki'r] wi. chess- la, [skr'l] f. small scale Scaldino, [skldi'n] m. sort of board, draught-board. (of fish &c.) chafing-dish. Scacciagione, [sktshj'ne'] f. Scaglioncino, [skl'ntshi'n] Scalea, [skl'] /. outside stoneScacciamento, [sktshame'n'- m. short step, little degree. stairs, pi. (noose. t] m. chasing off, expulsion. Scaglione, [skl''ne'] m. step; Scalella, [skl'l] /". snare, gin, Scacciamosche, [sktshms'- stairs, pi. ; degree, progres- Scaleno, [skle"n] adj. schok] m. fly-flap. sion; scaglioni santi, pi. tho lene (said of a triangle that Scacciapensieri , [skatshpe'n- holy stairs, pi. has three unequal sides). si'ri] m .pastime, sport, amuse- Scaglioso, [skF's] adj. scaly, Scaletta, [skl'tj little f. ment. covered with scales. staircase, narrow stairs, pi.; Scacciare, [skatsh're'] v. a. to Scaglinola, [skr'l] f. Sca- flat tile. drive away, expel ; turn off (a glinolo, [skr'l] m. little Scalflccare, [sklfikk'r] Scalservant). scale little shell gilder's figgere,[sklfid'j'r e] and ScalScacciata, [sktsha'ta] f. dri- plaster. fire, [sklfi're'] v. a. to graze, ving away, expulsion. Scagnardo, [skn'r'd] adj. skin lightly. Scacciatore, [sktsht're'J m. ugly, low, mean (little used.) Scalfltto, [sklfit't] m. Scaldriver off, expeller. Scagno, [sk'n'] m. folding- fittura, [sklfitt'r]/'. scratch. Scacco, [skk'k] m. square (in stool, camp-stool ; counting- Scalina, [skali'n] f. small pria chess-board); rout, routing; house. vate staircase. -matto, chock-mate; dar lo-, Scala, [sk'l] f. staircase, Scalinata, [sklin't] f. flight to hurt, injure; ricevere lo -, stairs; step; scale; ladder; sea-| of steps. to receive injury; Scacchi, pi. port; (rail.) perron; - a chioc- Scalino, [skli'n] m. step of chessmen, men (at draughts), ciola, winding-staircase; -/"ran- the stairs, stair. pawns, pi.; a -, chequered; ca, free ingress and egress. Scalmana, [sklm'n] /. med. giuoco degli -, game of chess. Scalabrino, [sklbri'n] m. a pleurisy. Scaccolo, [skkk'l] m. rag, clever fellow. (staircase. Scalmanato, [sklmn't] see small piece. Scalacela, [skl'tsh] f. bad Scarmanato. Scaccorocco, [skakkrk'k] m. Scalamati, [sklm'ti] m. vet., Scalmarsi, [sklmr'si] v. n. r. check to the castlo. leanness in horses. to warm ones self. Bcaciato, [skatsh't] adj. balk- Scalamento, [sklme'n't] m. Scalo, [sk'l] m. ship's hold; ed, deluded, deceived. mil., escalade, scaling a wall. sloping ground.






[skl'n'] m. scallion (onion), shalot. Scalona , [slil'na] f. great staircase. Scalorire, [skalri'r] v. a. to foment; draw out the heat.



to] TO. change, exchange; com- Scanalatura, [skanalat'ra] f. mutation; vicissitude. channeling, fluting {mar.)

Scalpelletto, [skalpe'lle't't] small chisel, small scalpel. skip, caper; frequent change. Scalpello, [sklp'l] m. chisel, Scambievole, [skmbi'vle]adi. graver, scalpel. mutual, reciprocal. Scalpicciamento, [slclpitsh- Scambievolezza , [skmhie'vmn't] m. stamping or tramp- le't's] f. mutual change recling under foot. iprocity. Scalpicciare, [sklpitsha're'] v. Scambievolmente , [skamhie'a. to stamp under foot, trample vlme'n'te'] adj. reciprocally, upon. mutually, one after another. Scalpiccio , [slclpi'tsh] m. Scambio, [skm'bi] to. change, stamping, trampling; noise exchange; barter; - prp. inof footsteps. stead of, in place of; equal to. Scalpitamento,[sklpitme'n't] Scamerare, [skme'r're'] v. a. TO. stamping, trampling upon. to take out of the treasury. Scalpitare, [sklpit're'] v. a. to Seamerita, [skme'ri't] {. loin stamp upon, trample under or fillet of pork. Scamiciato, [skmitsh't] adj. foot; scorn. Scalpitio, [sklpi'ti] m. stamp- without one's shirt; naked.
; ,

Scambiare, [skmhi're'] v. a. to channel. exchange fill the place of. Scancellamento, [sl^antshe'llaScambiettare, [skmbie'tt're'] me'n'to] to. canceling, erasing. V. a. to skip; change often. Scancellare, [skantshll'r] v. m. Scambietto, [skambie't't] m. a. to cancel, erase.

Scancellaticelo, [skdntshllati'tsh] adj. easy to cancel, somewhat canceled.

Scancellatura, [skntshyt'r] Scaucellazione, [skntshlltsi'ne'] /. erasing.

[skntshe'ri'j , (, plate-shelf, dresser. Scancia, [skantshi'a] f. kitchenshelf; shelf. Scancio, [skntshf'] adj. slanting, sloping; -, m. cross cut.


Scandagliare, [skndala'r] v. a. to sound, measure; examine


Scamonea, [skmn'] f. bot. ing, trampling upon. Scalpore, [skalp're'] m. noisy scammony. complaint, lamentation; noise. Scamosciare, ["skmsha're'] v. used). Scalpro, [skl'pr] see Scalpello. a. to dress shammy leather. Scandalzzare, [skdndlidsa re'] V. a. to scandalize, occasion Scalterito, [sklte'ri't] &c., see Scamosciatore , [skmshat'Scaltrito &c. TO. dresser of shammy scandal; Scandalizzarsi, v. r. re'] to bo scandalized, be offended, Scaltramente, [skltrme'n't] leather. adv. cunningly. Scamozzare, [skmts'r] v. a. take offence, be in a passion. thing. Scaltrezza, [skltrt's] f. Scal- to pare or scrape any Scandalizzatore, [skandalidsatrimento, [skltrime'n't] m. Scampaforca , [skmpfr'k] t'r] who causes scandal, cunning, craftiness slyness scandalous man. TO. scape-galiows, rogue. tact, address. Scampamento, [skampme'n't] Scandalo, [skan'dalo] TO. scandal; Scaltrire, [skltri'r] . a. to dishonor, infamy; hindrance, TO. escape, safety. sharpen, teach wit; trick. Scampanare, [skmpdna're'] v, obstacle ; dissension, discord ; Scaltritamente, [skaltritme'n'- a. to ring the chimes. hurt. te'] adv. cunningly, craftily. Scampanata , [skampn't] Scandalosamente, [skndalsScaltrito, [skltri't] Scaltro, ringing the chimes playing me'n'te'] adv. scandalously. [skl'trj adj. cunning, crafty, upon the bolls, reproof. Scandaloso, [skndl's] adj. sly , sharp scandalous, shameful ofTensive. wary knowing Scampanellare, [skampne'll' sagacious. re'] V. a. to ring a small bell. Scandella, [sknd'l] /", small Scalzacane, [skltsk'ne'] and Scampanellata, [skmpnll'- barley. Scalzagatto,[skltsagt't] m. t] f. a sharp ring at the bell. Scandelle , [sknd'l] f. j)l. ragamuffin, vagabond. Scampanio, [skmpni'] to. drops of oil floating on water. Scalzamento, [skltsame'n't] ringing of the bells; chimes, Scandere, [skn'dr] v. a. to TO. Scalzatura, [skaltst'r] Christmas chimes, pi. ascend; climb; (pros.) scan. taking oif one's shoes and Scampare, [skmp're'] v. a. to Scandescenza, [skande'shn'tsa] /. stockings; hoeing up, digging. deliver, save, preserve, defend; f. anger, disdain. Scalzare , [sklts'r] v. a. to -, V. n. to escape, get out of Scandigliare , [skandil a'r] t5. take off one's shoes and stock- danger. 0. to sound; examine. ings; bare the roots of trees; Scampatore [skmpt're'] to. Scandire , [skndi r] v. a. to strip; expose; pump one. scan, measure (verses). rescuer, deliverer. Scalzato, [skltsa't]arfj.unshod, Scampo , [skm'p] to. escape, Scandolezzare, [skndlds're'] deliverance, see Scandalizzare. bare-footed. flight, refuge; Scalzatojo, [skltst'y] m. safety; evasion, subterfuge Scandolo , [skn'dl] &c., see tooth-lancet. non v' -, there' no remedy Scandalo &c. Scalzatore, [skltst're'] m. he for it. Scanfardo, [skanfar'do] at//, dirthat takes off his shoes and Scampoletto , [skamplt't] ty, scurvy. stockings; artful inquirer. Scampolino, [skmpli'n] m. Scange, [skan'je'] to. grogram, Scalzo, [skrts] adj. unshod, small remnant, shred. shot-silk (stufi'), bare; unarmed. Scampolo, [skm'pl] m. rem- Scangoo, [skn'ge'] m. misforScamatare, [skmt're'] v. a. to nant, remainder. tune, accident (vulgarism). beat off the dust of wool. Scamuzzolo , [skm'tsl] m. Seanidato , [sknid't] udj, Scamatino, fskmati'n] to. a bit, little bit {vulgarism). white, candid, very while. beater of wool. (wand. Scanalare, [sknl'r] v. a. to Scannafosso, [skann-afs's] m. Scamato, [skm't] to. a rod, flute, channel, chamfer; {(jun.) a kind of military foi tifica ScambiamentO; [skamhiame'n'- rifle. tioa.

Scandaglio, [skand'r]m. plummet, sounding line; level; examination. Scandaleggiare, [skndaledj're'] see Scandalizzare (little



fji.tlieact of



Scappino, [skppi'n] m. sock,
foot (of a stocking).

Scannamento, [stannmn't] Scapestrato

cutting the throat.

Scapponata, [skppna't] f. Scannapagnotte[sknnpn''tbirth-day feast (on capons). t] and Scannapane, [sknn- Scapezzainento,[skaptsmn'Scapponeo,[skppn'] m. reppa'n] m. a great eater; useless t] m. pruning, lopping off; rimand, reproof {vulgarism sillabico, elision of a syllable. individual. Scannare, [skann're'] v. a. to Scapezzare, [skptsa'r] v. a. little used). Scappucciare, [skpptsh'r] to lop off, behead. cut a throat; ruin. Scannatojo, [skannat'y] m. Scapezzonata, [skaptsn't]/'. i; n. to take off one's hood fail. cut-throat place; shambles, pi. and Scapezzone, [skpts'n] Scappuccio, [skpp'tsh] m. taking off the hood; fault Scannatore, [sknnt're'] m. m. slap on the head, cuff, rap. Scapigliare, [skpir'r] v. a. to blunder ( vulgarism in the cut-throat.
. ; ,

unbridled, thoughtless.





rumple one's hair;

v. r. to



latter sense).

mn't] m. fluting, chamfering. Scannellare, [sknnell're'] v. a.



off; -, v.




epout out; flute metals, thin


Scannello, [sknn'l] m. wrismall ting-desk; scrutoire; hench; part of the rump of


Scannetto, [sknne't'tj m. small Scanno, [skn'n],tench; sand-bank.

Scannonezzare, [sknnne'ds r] u. a. to cannonade; boast of. Scanonizzare, [sknnidsi're'] V. a. to annul the canonization. Scansamento, [skansme'n't] m. avoiding, shunning. Scansare, [skansa r] v. a. to remove out of the way, displace; avoid, shun - wn colpo, to dodge a blow; Scansarsi, v. r. to" withdraw, keep off. Scansatore, [sknst'r] who shuns danger; remover.

Scansia, [sknsi']/. book-case,

hook-shelves, pi.

Scansione, [sknsi'ne'] /. scanning verses. Scantonare, [skntn're'] v. a. to break off the corners V. n. to go away slyly, dodge,

shun, elude.

Scapare, [skp'r] v. a. to cut off the heads of anchovies previous to salting them; Scapauei su checchessia, to pore over
a thing

investigate deeply.

Scapataggine, [skptadji'n]

act, thoughtless-

Scapato, [skpa't] adj. reckless,


Scapecchiare, [skpkki'r] v a. to dress, card flax; Scapecchiarsi , V. r. to disentangle

one's self.

lead Scaprestare, [skprsta'r] see Scapestrare. a dissoluto life. Scapigliato, [skpir't] adj. Scapricciare , [skpritsh'r] disheveled; dissolute. Scaprccire, [skpritshi'r] v. Scapigliatura, [skpil't'ra] a. to cure a person of his whims; disenchant; -, v. n. f. dissolute life, debauchery. Scapitamento, [skpitmn't] ScAPRicciRSi, V. r. to get cured of one's whims; satisfy one's m. loss, detriment. Scapitare, [skpit'r] v. a. & self. Scapula, [ska'pula] f. shouldern. to be a loser, sustain a loss - di riputazione, to fall off in blade. Scapulare , [skapl'r] and reputation. Scapito, [sk'pit] m. loss, Scapularo , [skapl'r] m. damage, detriment dare -, to small hood, scapulary. cause a loss; dare a -, to sell Scarabattola, [skrbt'tl] f. Scarahattolo, [skrbat'tl] at a loss. Scapitozzare, [skpitts'r] v. m. glass-case, show-window. Scarabeo, [skrb'] m. black a. to lop, head trees. Scapo, [ska'p] m. shaft (of a beetle. Scarabillare, [skrbill'r] v. column). Scapolare, [skapl're'] m. small a. to scrape (a violin). Scarabocchiare, [skarabkk'hood, scapulary. ScapoUa, [skpll] f. a foolish r] V. a. to scribble, scrawl, make blots. saying. Scapolo, [sk'pl] adj. disen- Scarabocchiatore,[skrbkkigaged, free, unmarried, single; t'r] m. scribbler, scrawler, -, ni. bachelor. blotter. Scaponire, [skpni'r] v. a. to Scarabocchio, [skrbk'ki] m. scribbling, scrawl, blot. overcome one's obstinacy. Scappare, [skpp'r] v. n. to Scarabone, [skrb'n] see Scarafaggio. escape, run away. Scappata, [skppa't] f. escape, Scaracchiare, [skrkkf'r] v. flight; sally; oversight, misa. to spit out catarrh; ridicule. Scaracchio , [skark'ki] m. take. Scappatina, [skppti'n] Scap- spitting out catarrhous matter. patella, [skppt'l] f. little Scarafaggio, [skarfa'dj] m. scarab, beetle. escapade, little subterfuge. Scappatoia, [skppt'ya] /. Scaraffare, [skrff'r] v. a. to hole to escapo through eva- tear away by force. Scaramazzo, [skrm'ts] adj. sion, subterfuge. Scappatura , [skppt'r] see not quite round (of pearls); uneven, unequal. Scappata. Scappellare, [skppell'r] . a. Scaramuccia, [skrm'tsh] /. v. n. skirmish. to unhood (a hawk); n.


Scapecchiatojo, [skpkkit'y] m. brake, flax-comb. Scapestrare, [skapsti-'r] v dea. to take off the halter bauch, pervert, corrupt; -,v. n Scapestrarsi, v.r. to slip one's head out of tho halter; load a



Scapestratamente, [skpe'stratmn't]



take off Scaramucciare, [skarmtsha'r] V. n. to skirmish. one's hat, salute hat in hand. [skrm'tsh] Scappellata, [skppll't] /. a Scaramuccio , Scaramugio, [skrm'j] see salute with the hat off. Scappellottare, [skpplltt'- Scaramuccia. [skrvnt'r] r] V. a. to give a blow on the Scaraventare, V. a. to hurl. head. Scappellotto, [skppll't] m. Scarcare, [skark're'] v. a. to unload, discharge (poes.). blow on the head. Scapperuccio , [skppr'tsh] Scarceramento , [skdrtshramn't] m. release from prison, m. short cloak (with hood). Scappinare, [skappina're] v. a. liberation. to foot stockings, put new soles Scarcerare, [skrtshe'r're'] i'. a, to shoes. to roloaso from prison.


v. r. to




Scarcerazione, [skrtsliertsi'- Scarmigliare, [skarmird're'] v. Scarpino, [skarpi'n] m. small (shoe. light shoe, pump. a. to rumple, ruffle, entangle n] f. see Scarceramento. Scarco, [skar'k] m. (poes.) Scarmigliarsi, v. r. to strug- Scarpone, [skrp'ne'] m. large iinloading, discharging. gle, take each other by the Scarriera, [skrri'r] f. gang Scardare , fskrd'rj v. a. to hair. of vagabonds. remove tlie husks from ches- Scarmigliata, [skrmir't] f. Scarrozzare, [skrrtsa'r] v.
fighting, quarreling. n. to ride in a coach. [skrdss're'] v. Scarmigliatura, [skrmirat'- Scarrucolamento, [skrrklaa. to card (wool); slander. r] f. rumpling, ruffling ; en- mn't] m, movement produScardassiere , [skardssi're'] tangling. ced by pulleys. m. carder, wool-comber. Scarmo, [skr'm] m. oar-peg, Scarrucolare, [skarrkla'r] v, Scardasso, [skrds's] m. card oar-pin. n. to run on the pulley;"'slip. (to comb wool &c.). Scarnamento , [skrnmn't] Scarsamente , [skarsme'n'te'] Scardiccione, [skrditshi'ne'] m, scarification. arfr. scarcely, sparingly, poorl y. m. wild thistle. Scarnare, [skrn're'] v. a. to Scarsapepe, [skrspe''pe'] f. ScarnarScardine, [skrdi'ne'] Scardoue, scarify, slash; flay; wild marjoram, origan. [skrd'n]m.Scardova,[skr'- si, V. r. to grow lean, lose Scarseggiare, [skarsdj're'] v. dv] f. sort of fresh water one's flesh. n. to bo short of, want ; bo



fish. Scarnascialare, [skrnshl'Scarferone, [skrfe'r'ne'] m. r] V. n. to feast, banquet. buskin, half-boot. Scamatino , [skrnti'n] adj. Scarica, [sk'rik] /". unloading, pink-colored, flesh-colored. landing; volley. Scarnato, [skarn't] adj. thin, Scaricalasino, [skrikl'sin] fleshless, flesh-colored. m. seesaw (game at draughts). Scarnificare, [skrnifikare'] v. Scaricamento, [skrikme'n't] a. to cut off the flesh, divest of m. unloading, discharge. flesh. Scaricamiracoli, [skrikmir'- Scarnire, [skarni're'] v. a. to kli] m. quack. cut off' the flesh, make lean; -, Scaricare, [skrik're'] v. a. to V. n. to get lean. unload, discharge; unbend; let Scarnito , [skrni't] Scarno, fly, fire oif, shoot; fulfil, satis[skr'n] adj. emaciated, lean, fy - la coscienza, to ease one's bony. conscience; - il ventre, to un- Scarnovalare , [skrnvl're'] load one's stomach. V. o. to feast, banquet. Scaricatoja, [skarikt'y] /". a Scarpa, [skar'pa] f. shoe; scarp kind of snare like a cage to of a wall; drag (of a carriage); catch birds. sloping. Scaricatojo, [skrikt'y] m Scarpaccia, [skarp'tsh] f. old landing-place, wharf; storeshoe, bad shoe. house; mart. Scarpare, [skarp're'] v. a. to Scaricazione, [skriktsi'n] slope. Scarpellare, [skrpe'll're'] v a. f. unloading, discharge. Scarico, [sk'rik] ac/j. unloaded, to chisel, carve. discharged, eased; free; clear, Scarpellata, [skarpll't] f. serene; cheerful; -, m. unload- stroke of the chisel cut. ing, discharge. Searpellatore, [skrpllt're']
; ;

stingy. Scarsella, [skrs'l] (. pocket, purse. Scarsellina , [skarse'lli'na] f. small pocket. Scarsellona, [skrse'll'n] and Scarsellone, [skrsll'ue'j m. large pocket. Scarsetto, [skrse't't] arfj.thin, slender, fine, delicate. Scarsezza, [skrst's] {. scarcity, stinginess. Scarsit, [skrsit'j Scarsitade, Scarsitate, (. scarcity, savingness, sparingncss penury.

stinted, light; -

[skar's] stingy,




niggardly; di danaro, bare of m. scarcity; rarity;

want. Scartatellare, [skrtbll're'] v.o. to turn over the leaves of a book; glance over. Scartabellatore, [skrtbellt're] m. superficial reader. Scartabello, [skrtb'l] Scar-

Scarificare, [skrifikd'r] v. a. to scarify.


[skrifikt're'] scarifier. Scarificazione, [skrifiktsi'n] f. scarification, incision. Scariola, [skri'l] f. a kind

m. scarificator,

of endive.

(fine cloth

Scarlatta, [skarlt't] f. very Scarlattina, [skrlttj'n] f.

scarlet-fever. Scarlattino,[skrltti'n] Scarlatto, [skrlt't] m. scarletcloth.


[skarlat't] adj. of scarlet-color, scarlet. Scarica, [skr'l] f. a kind of sage.




Scalmana, [sklm'n]

Bcarmanare, [skrmn're'] and Scalmanare, [sklmn'r] v. n. to have a pleurisy.

tafaccio , [skrtaf'tsh] m. old useless writings, Avorthlesa m. stone-cutter, carver. books, pi. Scarpelletto, [skrplle't't] m. Scartamento, [skrtme'u't] m. small chisel. rejecting, discarding. Scarpellinare , [skarpllin'r] Scartare, [skrt'r] v. a. to V. a. to cut, chisel (stones). reject, discard; set aside. Scarpellino, [skarplli'nj see Scartata, [skarta't] /".discardSearpellatore. ing, refusal, refuse. Scarpello, [skarp'l] m. chisel, Scarto, [skr't] m. discarding; graver. useless parefuse, rebuff"; Scarpellone, [skrpell'ne'] m. pers, pi. large chisel. Scartocciato , [skarttsh't] Scarpetta, [skrpe't't] f. small adj. arch, scrolled. shoe, light shoe, pump. Scartoccio , [skrt'tsh] m. Scarpettaccia, [skrptta'tsh] arch., scroll. Scarzo, [skar'ts] adj. nimble, f. bad little shoe. Scarpettina, [skarpe'tti'na] f. quick; slender. Searpettino, [skarpttinj m. Scasare, [skasa're'] v. a. to small shoo, light pump. turn out of the house. Scarpettone, [skrpe'tt'ne'] m. Scassare, [skss'r] v. a. to large pump. uncase; break up. Scarpinare, [skrpin're'] and Scassatore, [sksst're'J m. one Scarponare, [skrpna'r] v. who uncases. [sksstu'ra] f. a. to run away, show a pair of Scassatura , legs {vulgarism). uncasing, taking out of a chest.

Bcassinare, [slfssiii'r] v. a. to smash, shatter, ruin, destroy.



zione, [skvtsi'ne'] /". exca- Sceltnme, [she'ltu'me'] m. refvation, digging. use, trash, cast off. Scavezzacollo, [skave'tsk'l] Scomamento, [she'mme'n't] m.

Scasso, [sTcs's] m. ploughed m. breakneck fall, dangerous ground, tillage breaking open fall; jeopardy, peril; dissolute man; a -, rashly, precipitately, drawers. Scastagnare, [skastn''re'] v. desperately. o. to shuffle, evade; avoid dif- Scavezzare, [skve'ts're'] v. a. to break, overstrain. ficulties. Scataluffo, [sktlf'f] m. rap, Scavezzo, [skv'ts] m. remnant (of cloth &c.). cuff. Scatarrare, [sktrr're'] v. a. Scavo, [sk'v] m. cavity, hollow, ditch, pit. & n. to spit out catarrh. Scatarrata, [skatarra'ta] /. spit- Scazzellare, [sktsll're'] v. n. to toy, frolic, play ting, spittle. (vulgaScatenato, [slcte'll't] adj. rism). Scebran, [she''brn] /. bot., duped, laughed at. Scatenamento , [skate'name'n'- spurge. Sceda, [sh'd] f. raillery, foolto] m. unchaining. Scatenare, [sktn'r] v. a. to ishness; minutes, pi. unchain, unfetter; Scatenar Scedardo, [shdr'd] m. jester. SI, V. r. to hurst one's chains, Scodato, [she'da't] adj. railing, satirical. break loose, sally out. Scatola, [sk'tl] /. hex; - da Scederia,[shde'ri']/'. nonsense, tabacco, snuff-box; dire a let- mockery. tere di -, to speak openly and Sceglimento, [sheTime'n't] m.

and Scemanza,


diminution, reduction.



diminish; decay.

Scematore, [shmt're'] m.

minisher, abater. Scemo, [sh'm] adj. diminished, decreased; wanting, deficient; silly, imbecile; foolish; luna scema, f. waning moon; -, I. diminution, reduction; decrease.

Scempiaggine, [she'mpi'djin]

foolishness, stupidity.
. a.

Scempiare, [she'mpia'r]

to unfold, explain, interpret rack, torture.



foolishness, silliness.



[she'mpititafoolishly, conadj.




choice, selection; picking.

unfolded; foolish.

Scatolajo, [sktl'y] m. a box- Scegliere, [shTe're'J v. a. irr. maker, box-vendor. {scelgo, scegli, sceglie, &c. Scatoletta, [sktle't't] f. little scelsi, scelto) to choose, select; pitch upon; divide, separate. box. Scatoliere, [sktli're'] m. box- Scegliticcio, [sheTiti'tsh] m. refuse, sif tings, pi. maker, seller of boxes. [shrit'r] Scatolino, [sktli'n] m. see Sceglitore , m. Scatoletta. chooser, picker. Scatolona, [skatl'na] f. Sca- Sceleraggine , [sheTe'ra'djine'] tolone, [skatl'ne'] m. large Sceleratezza , [she'le'rtt's] &c., see Scelleraggine &c. box, largo casket. Scattare, [skatt're'] v. n. to get Scolorato, [shlr'tj &c., see run out, Scellerato &c. slacken; unbent, Scelesto, [shl'st] see Scelescape. Scattatojo, [skttat'y] m. lerato. Scelleraggine, [she'lle'ra'djine'] notch or nut of a bow. Scattino, [skatti'n] m. small Scellerataggine, [she'llrt'djine'] see Scelleratezza. spring of a watch. Scatto, [skat't] m. unbending; Scellerare, [shlle'r'r] v. a. discrepance; spring of a watch. to stain, contaminate, make Scaturigine, [sktri'jine'J f. wicked. Scelleratamente , [she'lle'rtasource, spring. Scaturimento, [skturime'n't] me'n'te'] adv. wickedly, maf. spouting out, springing liciously. Scelleratezza , [shelle'rate't's] up. Scaturire, [sktri're'] v. n. to f. wickedness, villany. spring, spout out; rise, issue. Scellerato, [she'lle'r't] adj. Scavalcare, [skvlk're'] v. a. wicked, villanous; -, m. scoun;

Scempiet, [shmpie't'J Scempiezza, [shmpit's]



simplicity. Scempio, [she'm'pi] adj. single,

simple; silly, imbecile; -, m. rack, torture; slaughter. Scena, [sh'n] (. scene, stage, theatre; play. (scene.

Scenaccia, [she'na'tsha] {. bad Scenario, [she'na'ri] m. actor's guide (book); play-bill; sidescenes, decorations, pi.

Scendere, [shn'dr] v. a. irr. (scesi; sceso) to descend; go down, to lower (in price).
Scendibile, [shndi'bil] easy to descend.



descent; declivity.


representing by scenery, representing upon the



Sceneggiare, [she'ne'dj're'J v. a. to represent by scenery, represent upon the stage.

Scenicamente, [shnikme'n'te'J adv. in a theatrical manner.

to unhorse (a cavalier); fig, to drel. Scenico, [sh'nik] adj. scenic, supplant; -, v. n. to dismount Scellerita, [she'lle'rit'] Scelle- theatrical ; m. buffoon, merryritade, Scelleritate, see Scel- andrew. (from a horse). ScaTalcatore,[skvlkt're'] m. leratezza. Scenografia, [she'ngrfi'] /. scenography. one who dismounts; supplanter. Scellino, [she'lli'n] m. shil Scenografico , [she'ngra'fik] Scavallare , [skvll're'j see ling.

Scavamento, [skvme'n't] m.

[sh'l] m. poes., see adj. scenographic. , Sceleratezza. Scernere, [shr'ne're'] v. a. to excavation, digging. Scelta, [shl'ta] f. choice, salec- discern, distinguish ; choose, Scavare, [skav'r] v. a. to ex- tion; flower, best; a sua -, to select. cavate, dig. one's mind; far -, to choose, Scernimento, [shc'rnime'n 'to] m. discernment, selecting. Scavato, [skva't] m. a cavity select. Sceltezza, [shelte't's] /. select Scerpare, [shrpa'rj v. a. to made with an instrument. Scertear away, lacerate Scavatore, [skvt'r] m. dig- ness, exquisitenoss. Scelto, [shl't] adj. choice, PARSf, V. r. to bo broken, ^9 ger, delver, miner. lacerated* Scavatura, [skvtviraj Scava- best, es(juisito.





me'n'tel adv. in a playful manner, playfully. Scherzo, [skr'ts] n. pleasantry, raillery, jesting, jest, sport; da -, in jest. Scherzosamente , [ske'rtssame'n'te'] adv. facetiously, in

Soerpellato, [sherplla't] Scer-lSclieletrame, [skltr'm] wi a quantity of skeletons pellino, [shrplli'n] adj. disScheletrizzato, [skltrids't] torted (said of the eye) Scerpellone, [shrpll'ne'] m. adj. reduced to a skeleton. Scheletro, [sk'le'tr] m. skelegreat blunder. Scerpere, [she rpe're'] v. o. to ton; carcass. Schena, [ske'na] see Schiena. pull out, root out. Scerre, [she'r're'] see Scegliere. Scherano, [skr'n] m. assasScervellare, [shrvll'r] v. a. sin, brigand. to worry to death with over- Scheranzia, [ske'rntsi'] see Squinanzia. talking. Scervellato, [she'rve'll't] adj. Schericare, [ske'rika're'] v. a. hare-brained, half-witted. to remove the top of diaScesa, [sh's] f. descent, de- monds &c. clivity; flux of humors, rheum, Schericarsi, [ske'rikar'si] v. a. & r. to leave the priesthood. cold. Scesoso, [she's's] adj. blear- Schericato , [ske'rika't] adj. degraded (from priesthood). eyed. Sceterare, [she'te'r'r] v.o. to Scherma, [skr'm] f. fencing; maestro di -, fencing-master. play on the lyre.



adj. a little playful. Scherzoso , [skrts's] adj. playful, jocular, pleasaJit. Schiaccia, [ski'tsb] and Stiaccia, [sti'tsb] f. trap, mantrap, pit-fall; hatch, wooden leg.

Schiacciamento,[skjtshmn't] m. crushing, squashing,

contusion. Schiacciare, [skitsh'rc'j v.

Scetticismo , [she'ttitshis'm] Schermaglia, [ske'rmT] m. scepticism. strife, quarrel, skirmish.

Scettico, [sh'tik] adj. sceptical; -, m. sceptic Scettrato, [she'ttr't] and Scet-


to crush, bruise. Schiacciata, [skitsh't] /^.thin




hard cake; Scotch thin oaten


Schermidore , [ske'rmd're'] Schiacciatina, [skitshti'n] trifero,[she'ttrife"r]odj.wield-| and Schermitore, [ske'rmit'- f. small thin cake. Schiacciato, [skitsh't] adj. re'] m. fencer, fencing-mastor. ing the sceptre. Scettro, [sh'tr] m. sceptre, Schermigliare , [ske'rmir're'J crushed, bruised; naso -, m. flat nose. supreme power. see Arruffare. Sceveramento, [she've'rrae'n'tj Schermire, [ske'rmi're'] Schiacciatura, [skitshat'r]
| ! I

fence Schermirsi, v. r. to f. crushing, squashing. defend one's self, shield one's Schiaffeggiare , [skiffdj'r] sever, set apart, separate; self. V. a. to give (one) a slap on the (cuff. wean. Schermo, [skr'm] m. defence; face, cuff. Sceverata, [she've'r't] / sep- weapons, pi Schiaffo, [skiaf'f] m. slap, box, arating, severing. Schernevole, [skerne"vle'] adj. Schiamazzare, [skiiimts'r] Sceveratamente , [she've'rt- scornful, contemptuous ; v. n. to cackle; cry out, clamme'n'te'] adv. separately, asunpicable. our. der. Schernevolmente, [ske'rne'vl- Schiamazzatore, [skiamatst'Scev oratore, [she'vrt're'] wi. me'n't] adv. scornfully, scur- r] m. brawler. separator, divider. rilously, [sktmtsi'] Schiamazzio , Scevero, [she''ve'r] adj. sever- Schernimento, [skrnime'n't] Schiamazzo, [skim'ts] m. ed; weaned. m. scorn, mockery, contempt; noise, brawling; bird-call; lure. Scevrare, [she'vr're'] see Sce- insult. Schianciana, [sktntsh'n] f. verare. Schernire, [ske'rni'r] v. a. to (geom.) diagonal line. Scevratamente, [she'vrtamn'- scorn, deride. Schiancio,[sktntshi']n. slope, te'] adv. separately, apart. Schernita, [ske'rnit'] f. con- oblique direction; a -, in bias, Scheda, [sk'd] f. note, billet, temptuous acts. awry, athwart. poll-ticket. Schernitivo, [ske'rniti'v] adj Schiancire, [skiantshi're'] v. a.

m. separating, separation Sceverare, [she'vr'r] v. a. to





deriding, insulting.

to strike obliquely.

Schernitore, [skrnit're'] m. Schiantamento, [sktntmen'Scheggia, [sk'dj] f. chip, splin- Schernitrice, [skrnitri'tsh] t] m. extirpation. ter, crag; stem (of a tree). Schiantare, [skinta're'] v. a. to f. scorner, scoffer. Scheggiale, [ske'dj'le']m. leath- Scherno, [skr'n] m. scorn, de tear up, tear off, rend, crack, er-girdle. rision; insult, affront; avere split. Scheggiamento, [ske'djme'n't] a -, to scorn prendere a -, to Schiantettino , [skinte'tti'n] wi. chipping, cleaving. laugh at, deride. m. snap; fillip. Scheggiare, [ske'dja'r] v. a. to Scheruola, [ske'r'l] f. boi., Schianto, [sktn't] wi. tearing make chips, cleave, shatter, skirret splinoff, rending, cleaving shiver; Scheggiarsi, v. r. to Scherzamento, [ske'rtsmeVt] ter; crash, crack; great noise; burst in pieces, be shattered, m. play, jest, pleasantry. torment. be shivered. Scherzare, [skrts'r] v. n. to Schianza, [sktn'ds] f. scab,

Scheggio , [ske''dj] m. cliff, dally, play, sport; jest, joke, scurf. rock; scrag, splinter. banter. Schiappare, [skiapp're'] v. a. Scheggione, [skdj'ne'] m. great Scherzatore, [ske'rtst'r] m. to cleave, split (wood). cliff; large splinter. jester, banterer, wag. Schiarare, [skira'r] v. a. to Scheggioso, [skdj's] adj. Scherzetto, [ske'rtst't] m. lit- clear up, elucidate, explain; -, craggy, rugged. tle jest, little sport. V. n. to become clear, clear up, Bcheggiuola, [skdj'lajScheg- Scherzevole, [skrts'vle'j adj. brighten, giuzza, [skdjt's] /. little pleasant, playful. Schiaratore, [skirt're'] m. splinter. ScherzeTolmente, [ske'rtse'vl- elucidator, explainer.

[sktar'] , clary, all-heal.



niere, [skini'r] m. greavea, leg-piece.

panies, by hands: a - a -, by fiJes; far -, to set in array.


[sktarimn't] , clearing up, explaining. Schiarire, [skiri'r] v. n. to clear up, illustrate, explain; -, V. . to get clear, get thin appear. Schiatta, [sktt't] and Sti atta, [stiat'ta] f. race, progeny. Schiattare, [skitt'r] v. n. to hurst. Schiattire, [sktatti're'] v. n. to yelp, hark, squeak. Schiattona,[skitt'n] /".sturdy


[skirmen't] Schiodare, [skfd're'] v. a. to unnail. m. arraying, battle-array. Schierare, [skir'r] v. a. to Schiodatura, [skidt'r] /.

unnailing. draw up in line of battle. Schiettamente, [skittme'n'te'] Schiomare, [sktm're']

v. a. to adv. honestly, plainly, ingen- disorder the hair. Schioppetteria,[skippe'tte"ria] uously, frankly, openly. [skittt's] a band of soldiers armed Schiettezza, /. f. ingenuousness, with muskets. uprightness Schioppettiere , [skippe'tti'frankness, sincerity. Schietto, [skit'tj adj. pure, r] m. fusileer, fusilier.


plain, level

clean, Schioppetto


neat; honest, candid, sincere, Schioppo, [sktp'p] m. gun, musket; - a capsola, percusfrank. woman. sion-gun. Schiava, [skia'v] f. female Schifa, [ski'f] f. disgust. Schifamente,[sldfmn't] adv. Schiostrarsi, [skistrar'si] v. slave. a. & r. to leave the cloister; Schiavacciare, [skivtsh're'] filthily, dirtily; timidly. Schifamento, [skifmn't] m. become free. V. a. to open, remove bolts. Schiavaccio, [skiva'tsh] m. Schifanza, [skifan'dsd] /'.aver- Schiribizzo, [skirihi'ts] see Ghiribizzo. sion, disdain, contempt. vile slave. Schiavare , [skiv'r] Schia- Schifanoja, [skifn'y] m. a Schisa, [ski's] f. per -, adv. across, crossways. vellare, [sktvlla'r] v. a. to lazy fellow. Schifare, [skif're'] v. a. & n. Schisare, [skis're'] v. a. (ar.) unnail, unfix. to reduce fractions. Schiavesco, [skiave's'k] adj. of to shun, avoid, elude, refuse loathe, abhor; Sciiifabsi, v. r. Schiso, [ski's] m. (ar.) reduca slave, servile. tion of fractions. Schiavetto, [skiave't't] m.little to loathe. Schifatore,[skift'r]m.avoid- Schisto , [ski'st] m. (min.) slave, young slave. schist. Schiavina, [sktvi'n] f. slave's er; disapprover. Schifetto, [skift't] m. small Schitarrare, [skitrra'r] v. n. frock; pilgrim's robe. to play upon the guitar. skiff; little boat. Schiavit, [skiavit'] Schiavi tadine, [sktvitii'dine] f. sia Schifevole, [skife'vl] adj. des- Schiudere, [ski'dre] v. a.irr. (see Chiudere) to disclose, open; very, servitude, bondage, bonds, pising; loathing. Schifevolmente, [skifvlmn'- -, V. n. expand (as flowers), chains, pi. Schiavo, [skt'v] m. slave, cap- t] adj. loathingly, disgust- blow. Schiuma, [ski'ma] f. froth, inglytive. Schiavolino , [sktavli'n] m. Schifezza, [skife't's] /". nasti- foam, dross, scura. ness; loathing, disgust; deli- Schiumare, [skima're'] v. a. to little slave, young slave. skim, cream; -, r. n. to froth, Schiavoue, [skiv'n] m. strong cacy, daintiness; prudishness. foam. Schifilt, [skifilt'] Schifiltaslave. Schiazzainaglia,Iskia,tsama'r] de, Schifiltate, f. coyness, af- Schiumoso , [skim's] adj. frothy, foaming. fected modesty, prudery disf. rascality; rabble. aversion, Schivare, [skiva're'j v. a. & . Schiccheracarte,[skikke'rakr'- gust , reluctance to avoid, shun. loathing. te'] m. an ignorant writer. Schiccheramento , [skikke'ra- Schifiltoso, [skifilt's] adj. Schivezza, [skive't'sa] f. shyness, coyness, bashfulness, rescrib- shy, coy, difficult. mn'tj m. daubing Schifo, [ski'f] m. skiff, small servedness. bling. Schivo, [ski'v] adj. shy, retirSchiccherare, [skikke'r'r] v. boat. Schifo, [ski'f] adj. nasty; nau- ing, bashful; reserved, moda. to daub, scribble. est; tiresome, gloomy. coy, shy, Schiccheratore , [skikke'rat'- seous, disgusting reluctant; over-nice, delicate; Schizzamento , [skitsme'n't] r] m. dauber, scribbler. Schiccheratura , [skikke'rt'- prendere a -, to take a distaste m. gushing out. against; venire a-, to bo dis- Schizzare, [skitsa're'] v. a. to r] f. daubing, scribbling. sketch -, v. n. to gush out ; Schidionare, [skidin'r] v. a. gusted v/ith. Schifosamente, [skifsame'n't] rush. to spit meat. Schizzata, [skits a't] /". gush, Schidione, [skidi'ne'] Schido- adv. nastily, disgustingly. ne, [skid'n] m. spit, broach. Schifoso, [skif's] adj. nasty, dash. Schizzatoja, [skitsat'y] f. Schiena, [ski n] f. back-bone; disgusting, disagreeable. fire-conducter in a furnace for [skirab'tsh] Schimhecio , croup, ridge. Schienale, [skie'n'l] m. hack, Schimbescio,[skimb'sh] adj. melting metals. Schizzatojo, [skitsat'y] m. bandy-legged. croup. syringe, squirt. [skinantsi'a] / Schienanzia, [skinnts'] see Schinanzia , Schizzettare, [skitse'tt're'j v. quinsy. Squinanzia. Schienella, [skie'n'I] f. wind- Schinchimurra, [skinkimur'ra] a. to syringe, squirt; inject. Schizzettino , [skitse'tti'n] /. imaginary monster. gall (disease). [skitse't't] Schizzetto , m. adj. Schincio, [skin'tsho] adj. ob [skie'n't] Schienuto , small syringe. strong-backed,vigorous,sturdy. lique, cross. Schiera, [ski'r] /'.legion, bat- Schinella, [skinel'la] /. wind Schizzinosamente, [skitsfnsme'n'te'] adv. prudishly, disgall. squadron talion , company dainfully, harshly. hand rank, file a -, in com- Schiniera, [skini'r] /. Schi





[slcitsin's] arj. Scialiva, [shli'v] f. spittle, saliva. disdainful; countrary, indisposed, difficult. Scialle, [sharie'] m. shawl. Schizzo, [ski'ts] m. splash; Scialo, [sh'l] m, exhalation, hit; sketch. pomp, magnificence. Scialone, [shl'ne'] m. great Sca, [shi'] f. ship's track. Sciabica, [sh'bik] /. bird-net. spendthrift. [shabl] Sciatoola, Scialuppa,[shlup'pa]/'. shallop; Sciatola, - cannoniera, gun-boat. [sh'bl] f. sabre, scimitar. Sciatoordare, [shbrd'r] v. Sciamannato, [shmnn'tjadj. slovenly ; ill-built ; awkward a. to beat cloth in a trough. Sciacquadenti, [shkdn'ti] alla sciamannata, in a slovwith enly manner. m. light breakfast taken Sciamare, [sham'r] v. n. to a glass of wine (vulgarism).



Scientificamente, [shie'ntifikmn't] adv. scientifically.




scientific, learned, erudite.

Scienza, [shtn'ds] Scieuzia, [shtn'dsi] f. science, knowledge learning erudition


letters, pi.





Sciacquare, [shakw'r] v. a. swarm. Sciame, [sh'm] and Sciamo, manner. to rinse, wash. Sciacqnatojo, [shakwt'y] m. [shi'm] m. swarm (of bees) Scienziato, [shie'ntsi't] adj. learned, erudite; - , m. man mill-stream. crowd. Sciacquatorio, [shkwt'ri] Sciamito, [shmi't] m. sort of of science, scholar. Scienziuola , [shintsi'l] m. ruin; andarsene in -, to fall stuff; amaranth (flower). Sciancare, [shnk'r] v. n. little science, limited knowlinto ruin. Sciacquatura, [shakwt'r] f. Sciancarsi, v. r. to be hip;

belonging to science. Scienziatamente, [shie'ntsiatame'n'te] adv. in a scientific


rinsing, dish-water.

adj. hip-






Sciaguattamento, [shaguatta- Sciancato, [shnk'tj shot, lame. mn't] m. shaking (fluids).

Sciaguattare, [shaguatt'r] v.
a. to lave.




Sciagura, [shg'r]
tune, disaster.




Sciagurataggine, [shgrt'djin] f. wickedness, baseness; wretchedness. Sciaguratamente, [shagrtmn't] adv. wretchedly, miserably, basely; unluckily.

Sciaguratello , [shgrat'l] adj. rather bad; somewhat wicked; -, m. little wretch. Sciaguratezza, [shagrte't's] foolish talk; absurdity. saliva. /". rascality, wickedness.wrotchSciarpellino, [shdrpe'lli'no] adj. Scilla, [shil'l]
staring wide.

decypher. Scignere, [shi'n'e're'] v. a. irr. Sciapidire, [shapidi're'] r. n. to (see Cignere) to ungird, untie. grow insipid, grow dull. Scilecca, [shilk'k] f. joke; Sciapido, [sha'pid] and Scia- trifle, nonsense. Scilinguagnolo, [shih'ngwa'n"pito, [sh'pit] adj. insipid. Sciarada, [shara'da] f. cherade. l] m. string or ligament of the Sciarappa, [shrp'p] /'.jalap. tongue. Sciare, [shi're'] v. n. (mar.) to Scilinguare, [shilingu're'] v. n. row against the stream. to stammer, lisp. Sciarpa, [shr'p] f. rags, tat- Scilinguatello, [shilinguat'l] m. stammerer. ters, pi. ; scarf, shoulder-belt. SciarpellareJ [sharplla'r] r. Scilinguato, [shilingwa'to] adj. stammering, lisping. a. to hold the eyes wide open. Sciarpellato, [shrpe'll't] adj. Scilinguatore, [shilingwat're'j staring wide. m. stammerer, lisper. Sciarpelleria, [shrpe'lle'ri'] f. Sciliva, [shili'vaj f. spittle,

squill, sea[shilliti'ko] adj. of

Sciagurato , [shgr't] adj. Sciarra , [shar'ra] f. brawl squills, of onions. wretched, unfortunate, miser squabble. Scilloria, [shillri'] inf. tellect, capacity (vulgarism). able; pitiful; low, base, sorry; Sciarramento, [sharrame'n't] wicked. m. routing, dispersing. Scilocco, [shil'k] m. sirocco. Sciaguratone , [shgrat'ne'J Sciarrare, [shrr'r] v. a. to Sciloma, [shil'mj m.. tedious m. great villain. rout, disperse. speech, tiresome verbiage.

Scialacquamento , [shlkw,- Sciarrata, [shrr't]/'. routing, Sciloppare, [shilpp'r] v. a. me'n't] m. prodigality, prodefeat; strife, quarrel. to give syrup; /ig. to coax,
Sciatica, [sha'tlka] /. hip-gout. wheedle. Sciatico, [sh'tik] adj. sciatic, Sciloppo, [shilp'p] m. syrup. having the hip-gout. Scimia, [shi'mid] and Scimmia Scialacquatamente, [shlkw- Sciatta, [sht't] /. ship's boat; [shim'mia] /. ape, monkey, tmn'te'] adv. profusely, lavsmall boat, canoe. baboon. ishly. Sciattaggine , [shtt'djine'] /. Scimiatico, [shimia'tiko] adj. Scialacquatore , [shdlkwat'- unfitness. apish. r] m. prodigal, spendthrift, Sciattare , [shtta're'] v. a. to Scimieria, [shimiri'a] f. apishwaster. ruin, spoil. ness; mimicry. Scialacquatura , [shlkttt'- Sciattezza, [shatte't'sa] /. slov- Scimiesco, [shimie's'k] adj. rera] f. prodigality, wasting. enliness misconduct, immodes- sembling an ape. Scialacquio, [shla'kui] Scia- ty. Scimio, [shi'mio] see Scimia. lacquo, [shl'ku] m. pro- Sciatto, [shat't] adj. slovenly; Sdimiotto, [shimi't] m. young fusion, waste. simple. ape, young monkey. Bcialamento, [shlme'n't] m. Sciaura, [shu'r] Sciauratag- Scimitarra, [shimitar'ra]/".scymexhalation, vapor. gine, [shwrta'djin] &c., see itar, sabre. Scialappa, [shlp'p] f. jalap. Sciagura &c. Scimmione, [shimm'ne'] k. Scialare, [shla'r] v. a. to ex- Scibile, [shi'bile'] adj. knowable. great baboon; ugly fellow. hale; evaporate; dissipate; Sciente, [shin't] ad;", knowing, Scimmiottare, [shimmitt're'] feast. learned. V. 0. to ape, mimia.

Scialacquare, [shlku'r] v a. to lavish, squander.




[sliimmi't] see Scioltezza, [shlte't's] /. nim- Scipa, [shi'p] m. ignoramus, bleness, agility; freedom. blockhead. Scimunitaggine, [shimnita'- Sciolto, [shl't] adj. untied, Scipare, [ship're'] &c., set Sciupare &c. djin] f. silliness, foolishness, ungirded; unshackled; independent, free; agile, nimble; Scipidezza, [shipide't's] f. inimbecility. Scimunitamente, [shimnit- easy; fluent; liquefied, dissol- sipidity, silliness. mn'te'] adv. sillily, foolishly. ved; a briglia sciolta, with full Scipidire, [shipidi're'] v. n. to grow insipid, grow stupid. Scimunitello,[sliimnit']]adi. speed; libro -, m. book in sheet; somewhat silly -,m, little fool. versi scio^i, blank verse. Scipido, [shi'pido] adj. insipid, Scimunito, [shimni't] adj. Sciolvere, [shl've're'] see Asciol- tasteless; stupid. Scipire, [shipi're'] see Scipidire. foolish, imhecile. vere. Scindere, [shiu'de'r] v. a. to Sciouata, [shn't] f. Scione, Scipitaggine, [shipitdji'ne'] f, insipidity, stupidity. (gnere. [sh'ne'] m. squall, whirlwind, cut, separate. Scipitamente, [shipitame'n'te'] Scingere , [shn'je'r] see Sci- hurricane. adv. insipidly, tastelessly; Scintilla, [shintil'l] f. spark, Scioperaggine, [shpe'r'djine'] laziness, waste of foolishly. sparkle. f. idleness, Scipitezza, [shipite't'sa] /". inScintillamento, [shintillame'n'- time. Scioperalibraj, [shprlibra'i] sipidity, dulness, foolishness. t] wi. sparkling, twinkling. Scipito, [shipi'tj adj. insipid; Scintillare, [shintilla're'] v. n. m. sciolist, smatterer. Scioperamento, [shpe'rme'n'- tiresome. to sparkle, twinkle. Scintillazione, [shintilltsi'- t] m. idleness, idle labor, loss Scire, [shi're'] v. a. to know. Scirignata, [shirina'ta] /. gash, n] f. scintillation, sparkling. of time. Scintilletta, [shintillt't] f. Scioperare, [shpr're'] v. a. to slash. hinder from working; Sciope- Sciringa, [shirin'ga] f. syringe. little spark; feeble light. Scioccacelo, [shkka tsh] m. KAESi, V. r. to leave off work, Sciringare, [shiringa're] v. a. spend one's time in doing noth- to syringe, inject. great simpleton. Sciringato, [shiring't] adj. Scioccaggine, [sbkk'djine'] f. ing. [shpe'rt - pasta sciringata paste made Scioperataggine, foolishness, folly. of flour, sugar, and white of Scioccamente, [shkkme'n'te'J djin] see Scioperaggine. Scioperatamente, [shpe'rtadv. foolishly, sillily. Scirocco, [shirTc] m. southSciocclieggiare, [shkke'dja're'] mn'tj adv. idly. east wind, sirocco. V. n. to play the fool, act fool- Scioperatezza, [shpe'rtt's] Sciroppo, [shir'p] m. syrop. ishly; talk foolishly. f. idleness. [shpe'rti'v] Scirpo, [shir'p] in. reed, rush; [shkke'r'l] Scioperativo , Sciocclierello , Scioperato, [shpe'r't] adj. sedge. adj. somewhat foolish; - , m. Scirro, [shir'r] m. (med.) sciridle, sluggish, unoccupied. little fool. (scirrousSciocclieria, [shkke'ri'a] Scioc- Scioperatonaccio, [shpe'rt- rus. chezza, [shkke't's] f. foolish- n'tsh] Scioperatone, [sh- Scirroso, [shirr's] adj. (med.) ness, stupidity; silly thing, pe'rt'n] wi. very idle fel- Scisma, [shis'ma] f. schism, dissension. low, lazy drone. folly. Sciocchino, [shkki'njadj.some Scioperio , [shpe'ri'] m. idle- Scismatico , [shism'tik] adj. schismatic. ness, slothfulncss, losing time. what foolish. Sciocco, [sh'k] adj. insipid Scioperone , [shpe'r'ne'J m. Scissile, [shis'sil] adj. scissile; separable. mawkish; silly, foolish; -, m. drone, stupid fellow. silly fellow. Sciopino, [shpi'n] m. unfore- Scissione , [shissi'ne'J f. scission ; separation. Sciocconaccio, [shkkn'tsh] seen event, happy accident. Scioprare, [shpra're'J see Scio- Scissura, [shiss'ra] f. cleft, m. a very foolish person. rent, chink. Scioccone, [shkk'ne'J m. great perare. fool, great booby. Sciopro, [sh'pr] wt. ease, re- Sciagamano, [shgm'u] f, towel. Sciogliere, [shTe're'] v. a. irr. pose : cessation from labor. (sciolgo, sciogli, scioglie &c.; Sciorinamento, [shrinme'n't] Sciugare, [shga'r] v. o to dry, wipe off. sciolsi ; scioglier , sciorr ; I. airing; displaying. [shgt'y] m. sciolto) to untie, dissolve, re- Sciorinare, [shrin're'] v. a. to Sciugatojo , towel, napkin. solve ; fulfil, accomplish ~ il air (linen &c.); brandish; disventre, to open the bowels; play, disclose ; divulge; Scio- Sciupare, [shp'r] v. a. to. un voto, to pay a vow; Scio- KiNARSi, V. r. to open one's waste, spoil, tear; -, v.n. SciuGLiEBSi, V. r. to free one's self clothes, undress ; take a little parsi, V. r. to miscarry. t. [shpt're'] from, get rid of. relaxation, rest one's self. Sciupatore , Scioglimento, [shl'ime'n't] Sciotta, [sht'ta[ f. an odorous waster, spendthrift. untying, dissolution ; explaSciupinare, [shupina're'] v. a. to powder used in chocolate. nation; dissoluteness, licence Scioverso, [shvr's] m. green consume; wear out; spoil, detumult, sedition; looseness of wheat ploughed down for stroy. the bpwels. Sciupinio, fshpini'] Sciupio, manure. Scioglitore, [shrit're'] m.'one Sciovernarsi, [shve'rnr'si] v. [shpi'] m. wasting, consuwho unties; explainer. n. r. to be a diner out; spare ming wearing out; destruction. Sciolezza, [shilt's] f. super one's own food at the expense Sciupone, [shp'nj m. a great ficial knowledge; pedantry. of others; enact the parasite. spendthrift. Sciolo, [shi'lj m. sciolist. Sciorre, [shr're'Jsee Sciogliere. Scivolare, [shlvl're'J v. n. to Scioltamente, [shltme'n't] Sciovcchiolare, [shvikkila- hiss; slide; skate. ad V .freely,without impediment; r] . a. to disperse pigeons, Scivoletto,[shivle't't]m.(mu.) (said of a hawk). nimbly, fluently. trill, passage.
; ;

Bolamare, [sklam'r]



v. n. to Scolajo, [skla'y] see Scolare. Scolorare, [sklr'r] u. a. to Scolamento , [sklame'n't] m. discolor, tarnish; Scolouaesi, oxclam, cry out. V. r. to loso color, fade, got Sclamazione, [sklmatsi'n] flowing, running out. pale. oxchiTTiation, outcry, clamor. Scolare , [skl'r] m. scholar, f. learner, student, pupil; ap- Scolorimento, [sklrime'n't] [skkkalf's] Scocca'lfuso , m. loss of color; paleness. monna scocca'lfuso, f. an idle prentice. Scolare, [skl'r'] v. flow, Scolorire, [sklri'r] v.n. Scoliussoy. Scoccare, [skkka'r] v. a. to run out, drop, drain, trickle; lorirsi, . grow palo, fade. Scolpamento, [sklpme'n't] m. v. n. to lot fly, shoot off; far -, to drain, drain off. Scolareggiare, [sklre'dj're'] exculpation, justification. escape, peep out. Scoccatojo, [skkkt'yjm.nut v.n. to act or to play like a Scolpare, [sklp're] v. a. to exculpate, justify; Scoi-^'arsi, scholar. (of a tow). Scoccatore, [skkkt'r] m. Scolaresca, [skolare'sTca] f. lot V. r. to exculpate one's self; justify one's self. Scoccatrlce, [skkktri'tsh] of school-boys, students, pi. Scolaresco, [sklreVk] adj. of Scolpire, [sklpi're'] v. a. to enf. shooter with a bow, archer. grave, carve; articulate, proScocciare, [skkki're'] v. a. to a scholar, of a school-boy. break an egg-shell. Scolaretto, [sklr e't't] m. little nounce distinctly. Scolpitamente, [sklpitame'n'Scocco, [sk'k] m. letting fly school-boy. te'] adv. distinctly, clearly. [sklrme'n'te'] an arrow, shoot; twang stroke, Scolarmente, Scolpitore , [sklpit'r] m. moment; - dell' alba, peep of adv. like a scholar. day. Scolastica, [sklsti'k] f. phi- sculptor. [sklpit'r] Scoccobrino, [skkkbri'n] m losophy and theology that Scolpitura , f. merry-andrew, buffoon. follow the method of Aristotle. sculpture, impression. Scoccolare, [skkkl're'] v. a Scolasticamente, [sklstika- Scolta, [skl't] /".sentinel, sentry, watch. to pick up berries; heap up me'n'te'] adv. scholastically. (blunders). Scolastico, [skl'stik] adj. Scoltare, [sklt're'] v. a. to listen, hearken, attend. Scoccolato, [skkkla't] adj. scholastic, of schools. sifted; clear, distinct. Sedativo, [sklti'v] ac//. caus- Scoltellare, [skltlla're'] v. a. to weed out oats &c. Scoccoveggiare, [skkkve'dja'- ing to flow. r] V. a. & flirt, banter Scolatojo, [shlt'yjtn. strain- Scoltura, [sklt'r] see Scultura. Scodare, [skdii'r] v. a. to cut er, drain, sower. off the tail, dock, crop. Scolatura, [sklt'r] f. res- Scolturesco, [skltr'sk] adj. belonging to sculpture. Scodella , [skd'la] /". por- idue, dregs, pL; sediment. ringer; bowl; soup-plate. Scoletta, [sklt't] /. little Scombavare, Lskmbv're] v. Scodellare, [skde'U're'] w.a. to school. a. to slabber. bowl up, fill the porringer; Scolia, [sk'li] see Scolio. Scomberello, [skmbe'r'l] i. pour out. Scoliaste, [skliste'] m. glos- holy-water sprinkler. Scodelletta, [skdlle't't] Sco Scombiccherare , [skmbikke'ser, commentator. dellina, [skdlli'n] f. small Scolio, [sk'li] m. note, scho- r'r] v. a. to scribble. porringer, small soup-plate Scombinare, [skmbin're'] v. lium, commentary. Scodellino , [skdlli'n] m. Scollacciato, [skllatsh't]od'j. a. to discompose; confound. powder-pan ; dimple on the with uncovered neck. Scoml)inazione,[skmbintsi'cheek. Scollare, [sklla're] w. a. to un- ne'] f. disorder, confusion. Scodinzolare, [skdindsl're'] gine ; disjoin uncover the Scombro, [skm'br] m. mackV. wag or shake the tail neck. erel. Scofacciare, [skftsha'r] v. a Scollata, [skll't] f. a blow Scombnjamento , [skmbyto make flat. on the neck. rae'n't] m. confusion, disorder, Scofflna, [skffi'n] f. rasp; Scollato, [skll't] m. a hollow dispersion, ruin. grater. cut sloping inwards in a fe- Scombujare, [skmby're'] v. Scoglia, [skT] f. slough, cast male dress, so as to leave the a. to scatter, disperse. skin (of a serpent) neck uncovered. Scombussolare, [skmbiissla'fig. old rags, pi. Scollatura, [skllt'r] /. slop- re'] V. a. to disperse, scatter, Scogliaccio, [skl''tsh] ing cut (round the neck). rout (vulgarism). large reef. ScoUegamento, [skllgrae'n'- Scommessa , [skmm's] f. Scogliera, [skTe'r] f. a mass t] m. disjunction; breaking wagor, bet, stake; fare una-, of naked rocks. up. to lay a wager. Scoglietto, [skre't't] m. small Scollegare, [sklle'g're'] v. a. Scommettere [skmmt'te'r] , rock, small shelf. to separate colleagues, disV. a. irr. (see Mettere) to Scoglio, [sk'l'] m. rock, reef, unite. disjoin, separate; bet. shelf, sand-bank; slough, husk, Scollinare, [skllin'r] v. a. Scommettimento, [skomme'ttiskin. to go over hills and mountains. me'n'to] m. division, discord, Scoglioso, [skl''s] adj. rocky, Scollo, [skl'l] see Scollato. schism.


Scolmare, fsklm're']
bushel &c.).

v. a. to

Scogliuzzo, [skl''ts] see Scoglietto.

scrape, strike off (an overfull

Scommettitore, [skrame'ttit'r] m. bettor; firebrand (in the sense of one who foments dis-

Scognoscenza, [skn'shn'ds] Scolo, [sk'l]

Sconoscenza. Bcojare, [skya'r]
skin, gall.


VI. flowing off, cord). running, course, draining. Scommezzare, [skmrae'ds're'] u. o. to flay, Scolopendra, [sklpn'dra] V. o. to divide into two parts. f. milliped (insect). Scommiatare, [skmraiat're'] [skyt'tl] m. Scoloramento, [sklrme'n't] v. a. to dismiss; Scommiatae. loss of color, paleness. si, V. r. to take one's leave.




[skmmitat] Sconapigliume, [skmpir'me'] Sconciare, [skntsh're'] v. a. to spoil, derange, embroil, conm. confused mass. [skmpni- found; tease; Sconciarsi, v. Scommodare , [skmmda'r] Scomponimento me'n't] m. decomposing, dis- r. to miscarry; hurt one's self; see Scomodare, &c. sprain. Scornino vimeuto, [skramvi- order, confusion. mn't] w. commotion; fer- Scomporre, [skmpr're'] v. a. Sconciatamente, [skntsht& n. irr. {see Porre) to discom- mn't] adv. in an unbecomment. Scommovitore, [skramvit'- pose, undo, disorder; decom- ing manner. pose, analyze {print.) to take Sconciatore, [skntsht're'j m. r] m. disturber of the peace.

tsi'n] used).


revolt, rising (little


[skmra've're'] , V. a. irr. {see Muovere) to excite, revolt, raise.

Scomodamente, [skmdme'n't] adv. incommodiously, inconveniently. Scomodare, [skmd're'] . a. disturb, incomto trouble, mode tease non si scomodi, don"t trouble yourself. Scomodezza, skmde't's] Scomodit, [skmdit'] Scomoditade, Scomoditate, f. inconvenience, trouble; disadvantage; indisposition. Scomodo , [sk'md] adj. in;

convenientjincommodious, tiresome; -, m. inconvenience,


Scompaginare, [skmpajin're']
V. a. to

disarrange, disorder,

disjoint; unhinge.

Scompagnamento, [skmpan'mn't]

m. disjunction,




V. a. to disunite, separate, sever, part; -, v. n. to be separa-

the types; scorrtporsi nel disturber, perturbator, confounder. become abashed. Scompositore, [skmpsit'r] Sconciatura, [skntshat'r] f. m. one who takes down the miscarriage, abortion; dwarf. Sconcio, [skn'tsh] adj. unbetypes. ^ Scomposizione, [skmpsitsi'- coming, indecent; strange, eccentric; deformed, ugly, huge; ne'] f. decomposition; perturrugged, dislocated, sprained; bation, trouble. Scompostamente, [skmpstd- steep; abortive; -, m. inconvenience; damage. inme'n'te'] adv. in disorder Sconcludere, [sknklde"re'] v. decently. Scompostezza, [skmpste't's] a. to undo, loosen. disorder, ir- Sconcobrino, [sknkbri'n] m. f. discomposure, buffoon, merry-Andrew. regularity; immodesty. Scompuzzare [skmpts're'] Sconcordanza,[sknkrdn'ds] V. a. to fill with an offensive f. false concord; irregularity. Sconcordare, [sknkrd'r] v. smell. Scomunica, [skmu'nik] f. ex- n. to be discordant, disagree. Sconcorde, [sknkr'd] adj. communication, discordant. Scomunicagione, [skmnik Scomunicamento , Sconcordia, [sknkr'di] /. j'n] f. [skmnikme'n't] m. excom- discord, variance. Scondesceso,[sknde'she"s] ad/, munication, curse. Scomunicare , [skmnik're'] rugged, rocky. V. a. to excommunicate, curse. Scondito, [skndi't] adj. unScomunicato , [skmiinik't] seasoned; insipid, tasteless; senseless. adj. vile, wicked, villanous. Scomunicatore, [skmnikat'- Sconferma, [sknfr'm] f. retractation of any thing afre'] m. excommunicator. Scomunicazione, [skmnik- firmed.
volto, to
; ,





excommunication, Sconfessare,



ted from.

Scompagnatura, [skmpn't'ra]


sij V.

[skmpnnr'to loosen one's one's self after






being over-heated. Scomparire, [skmpri're] v. n. irr. {see Apparire) to decline Sconcertamento, [skntshe'rtby comparison disappear, fade me'n't] m. disagreement, disturbance, disorder. away. Scompartimento, [skmparti- Sconcertare , [skntshe'rt're'] mn't] m. partition , com- V. a. to disconcert, disturb, disorder. partment. Scompartire, [skraparti're'] v. Sconcertatamente, [skntshe'rttmn't] adv. in a disordera. to divide into compartments, ly manner. part, distribute. Scompensare , [skmpe'ns're'] Sconcertatore, [skntshe'rtt'V. a. to think of divers matr] m. a disturber. Sconcerto, [skntshr't] m. ters ruminate. Scompigliamento, [skmpiPa- discord; disagreement, disorder, trouble, confusion. me'n't] m. disorder, confuSconcezza, [skntsht's] /. unsion; rout. Scompigliare, [skmpir're'] v. handsomeness , unbecoming;

a. to disown, deny. curse. [sknfikkaSconcare, [sknk're'j v. a. to S conficcamento , rae'n't] m. the act of drawing draw out from the water-tub. Sconcatenato, [sknktn't] out nails. adj. not linked together; un- Sconficcare, [sknfikk're'] v. a. to draw out nails. connected. [sknfidan'ds] Sconcentrato , [skntshe'ntr'- Sconfidanza , diffidence , mistrust sust] ad}, out of its centre. f.


Sconfidare, [sknfid'r] v. a. to mistrust; -, v. n. to be diffident.



a. irr. {sconfssi

9. sconfitto) to

discomfit; ruin.


see Sconfitta. [sknfidjit're'] m. one who defeats. Sconfiscare, [sknfisk're'] v. ; a. to confiscate. Sconfitta, [sknfit't] f. discomfiture , defeat , destruction , ruin. Sconfondere, [sknfn'de're'] . ness, indecency. o. to embroil, disorder, disturb; Sconciamente, [skntshame'n'- a. irr. {see Fondere) to conmake uneasy. Bcompigliatamente , [skompi- t]aciw.unbecomingly,ungrace- found, disturb; deter.


Sconfortamento , [sknfrtafully; extravagantly. Sconciamente, [skntshme'n'- mn't] m. dissuasion , disScompiglio, [skompiTo] m. con- t] m. disorder, disarrange- couragement. Sconfortare, [sknfrti'ro*] v. a. ment; irregularity. fusion, disorder.
in disorder.

adv. confusedly,



Scontrata, [skntr't] f. ae cidental meeting. Scontrevole, [skntre'v'l] adj.

to dissuado, deter from; Scon- Sconsideranza, [sknsidrn'fortarsi, V. r. to be discour- ds] /. inconsiderateness, imaged, despond. prudence. Sconforto, [sknfr't] m. dis- Sconsideratamente, [sknside'couragement, discomfort. ratmn't] adv. inconsideraBcongiugnere, [sknjin'e''re'] tely. Sconsideratezza, [sknside'rV. a. to disjoin. Bcongiugnimento, [sknjin'i- te't's] see Sconsideranza. m. Scongiuntura , Sconsiderato , [sknsidra't] inu't]

[sknjint'r] f. disjunction, adj. inconsiderate, rash. disunion parting. Sconsiderazione, [sknsiderBcongiuramento , [sknjir- tsi'n] f. inconsideration, imme'n't] m. conjuration; en- prudence. treaty. Sconsigliare, [sknsir're'] v. Scongiurare, [sknjiur're'] v. a. to dissuade, divert from, a. to conjure; entreat. deter from. Scongiuratore, [sknjirt're'] Sconsigliatamente, [skonsiTa1. conjurer, exorcist. tmn't] adv. unadvisedly, ness. Sconvenevole, [sknve'ne"vle'] Scongiurazione , [sknjirt- rashly. unseemly unbefitting adj. si'ne'] /".Scongiuro, [sknji'- Sconsigliatezza, [sknsirte'findecent. r] wi. conjuration, supplicas] see Sconsiderazione. tion. Sconsolamento, [sknslme'n'- Sconvenevolezza , [sknve'nvle't's] see Sconvenenza. Sconnessione, [sknne'ssi'ne'] t] m. see Sconsolazione. [sknve'ne'/. want of connexion, disunion. Sconsolare, [sknsl'r] v. a. Sconvenevolmente, Sconnettere, [sknnt'tr] v. to dispirit, sadden, grieve; vlmn'te] adv. unsuitably, una. & n. irr. {see Connettere) to ScoNSOLAusi, V. r. to become becomingly. Sconveniente, [sknve'nin't] write unconnectedly; be disdisconsolate. adj. unsuitable, unbecoming, di- Sconsolatamente, [sknsltcursive, be incoherent indecent. gress. mn'te'] adv. inconsolably. , [sknvSconocchiare , [skukki're'] Sconsolazione, [sknsltsi'- Sconvenientemente, nintme'n't] adv. improperly, V. a. to spin off a distaff-full; ne'] /. affliction, grief, distress. draw out. Scontare, [sknt're'j v. a. to indecently. Sconocchiatura, [sknkkit'- deduct, abate ; compensate Sconvenire, [sknve'ni're'] v. n. irr. {see Venire) to misbecome, ra] f. remainder of a distaff(merch.) to discount; pay. full. Scontentamento, [sknte'nta- be unsuitable. [skushn'te'] me'n't] m. discontent, dis- Sconvolgere , [sknvl'je're'] v. Sconoscente , a. irr. {see Volgere) to turn upadj. ungrateful ignorant. satisfaction. side down, overturn, confound; [skn- Scontentare, [sknte'nt're'] v. Sconoscentemente , dissuaclo. shnte'mn'te'] adv. ungratea. to discontent, displease, dis[sknvljifully; ignorantly. gust; grieve, vex; Sconten- Sconvolgimento , disSconoscenza, [sknshn'ds] TARST, V. r. to vex one's self, mn'lj m. convulsion order. /.ingratitude, unthankfulness; be afflicted. ignorance. Scontentezza, [sknte'ntt'si] Sconvolgitore, [sknvljit're'] Sconoscere, [skn'she're'] v. n. /. Scontento, [skntn't] m. m. disturber. irr. (see Conoscere) to pay discontent, displeasure; grief, Scopa, [sk'pa] f. kind of heath; broom , besom ; whipping with ingratitude, be ungrate- sadness. ful. Scontento, [skntn't] adj. dis- scourge; asparagus stalk. Scopagogne , [skpg'u'j wi. Sconoscimento, [sknshimen'- contented, sad. t] m. see Sconoscenza. Scontinuare, [skntin're'] v. a scoundrel. Scopagione , [skpji'ne'] /. Sconosciutamente, [sknsli- a. to interrupt, discontinue. tme'n'te] adv. without being Sconto , [skn't] m. discount,

Scontro, [skn'tr] m. meeting, rencounter meeting with shock; adversary; mark, token. Sconturbare, [skntrb'r] v, Scona. to disturb, trouble turbarsi, V. r. to be perturbed, be troubled. [skntr'b] , m. Sconturbo, trouble, confusion. Sconvenenza, [sknve'nn'ds] and Sconvenienza, [sknveinconvenience, nin'dsa] f. unseemliunseasonableness
; , ;

known. abatement. Sconosciuto, [sknsh't] adj. Scontorcere, [skntr'tshe're'] v. unknown, obscure. a. irr. {see Torcere) to contort, Sconquassamento, [sknkwas- writhe about, twist: Scontor smn't] m. breaking in pie- CERSi V. r. to writhe; twist, ces', squashing, crushing. wriggle. Sconquassare, [sknkuass're] Scontorcimento , [skntrtshiV. a. & n. to break in pieces, me'n't] and Scontorcio, [skndestroy; squash, crush. tr'tshi] wi. contortion, twistSconquassatore, [sknkuassa- ing. (Contraffare. t'r] m. destroyer, ravagcr. Scontraifare, [skntrffa're'J see Sconquasso, [sknkws's] m. Scontramento, [skntrmn't] destruction; crash, crush, ruin. m. meeting, conflict, encounter. Sconsacrare, [sknskr'r] v. Scontrappesarsi, [skntrppea. to profane. sr'si] V. a. r. to overbalance Sconsentimento , [skonse'nti- one's self, lose the equilibrium. mn't] m. disapprobation, re- Scontrare, [skntra'r] v. a. to fusal. meet with, encounter; check(an Sconsentire, [sknse'nti're'J v. account); confront; Scontrarto b. differ, disagree. si, V. r. to clash, meet.

Scopamestieri, [skpmestie ri] ni. Jack of all trades. ScopapoUai , [skppll'i] m. hen-roost cleaner; scullion. Scopare, [skp're'] v. a. to sweep; scourge (criminals). rn, [skpt're] Scopatore, sweeper. Scopatura, [skpt'rj/.sweeping, scourging whipping rep' rimand. Scopazzone, fskpts'ne'] tn. knock, slap, rap. Scoperchiare, [skpe'rki're'] v. a. to uncover; raise the lid. Scoperta, [skpr't]/. uncover; ;

ing; discovery; aifa -, openly, publicly. Scopertamente, [skpe'rtmn''









[slipr't] adj. un- Scorare, [skra're] v. a. to dis- Scornare , [skrn'r] . a. to , break off the horns; affront, covered, open; bare; evident; hearten, discourage. -itti. open place, clearing; open Scorbacchiamento, [skrbk- scorn; Scornarsi, v. r. to bo ashamed; be disgraced, blush. air. kime'n'tjm. defaming; mockScornatura, [skrnt'rj Scopertura , [slcpe'rtn'r] f. ery. /. affront, scorn. opening, clearing; open place. Scorbacchiare, [skrblikid're']

Scopetino, [skpe'ti'n] Scopeto, [skpe"t] wi. land covered






dishonor, Scorneggiare, [skrne'djd're'J a. to butt, punch.


with heath. Scorbiare, [skrbi're'] v. n. to Scopetta, [skpe't'ta] f. brush. make blots on paper. Scopettare, [skpe'tt're'] v. a. Scorbio, [skr'bi]m. blot, spot; scorbutic. to brush, brush away, dust. defect. Scopo, [sk'p] m. aim, mark; Scorbutico, [skrb'tik] adj. intent, design. Scorbuto, [skrb't]m. scurvy. Scopolo, [sk'pl] m. {poes.) Scorcare , [skrk're] v. n. to high rock. rise, get up (from bed). Scoppettiere, [skppe'tti're] Scorciamento, [sktshme'n't] see Scoppiettiere. m. shortening , curtailing Scoppiabile, [skppfabi'le'] adj. contraction. capable of being cracked or Scorciare, [skrtsh're'] v. a. to burst; easy to be cracked or shorten, curtail; contract. burst. Scorciatoja, [skrtsht'y] /, Scoppiamento, [skppime'n't] cross-way, bye-path. m. crash, crack. Scorcio, [skr'tsh] m. shortenScoppiare, [skppi're'] v. a. to ing, foreshortening; end, latter uucouple; -, v. n. to burst end; -dei giorno; close of the crack; split; explode; pullu day; fare scorci, to paint the late; - dalle risa, to laugh heartforcshortenings. ily; Scoppiarsi, v. r. to burst, Scordamento, [skrdme'n't] become cracked. m. forgetfulness, oblivion. Scoppiata, [skppi't] /.burst, Scordare, [skrd'rj v. a. to crack; explosion. put out of tune; fig. to cause Scoppiatura, [skppiat'ra] f. discord; -, v. n. to jar; be disbursting, chink, rent; explo- cordant, disagree; Scordarsi, sion. forget. Scoppiettare, [skppitt're'J v. Scordeo, [skr'de'] see Scordio. n. to crackle. Scordevole, [skrd'vlj adj. Ecoppietteria, [skppie'tteri'] forgetful, unmindful. /. fusiliers, pi. ; volley of small Scordio, [skr'di] tn. {hot.) shot. water-germander. Scoppiettiere, [skppfe'tti're'] Scoreggia, [skre"dj] f. leath; ,

Scorniciamento [skrnitshmn't] m. cornice frame


border. Scorniciare, [skrnitsha're'] .

a, to



Scorno, [skr'n] m. scorUj shame. Scoronare, [skrn're'] v. a. to cut off the branches. Scorpacciata, [skrpatsh't] /.


hide-full, bell j-ful; satiety. [skrp'r] v. a. to , eat a hide-full, gorge.

Scorpio, [skr'pi] Scorpione,

[skrpi'ne'] m. scorpion. Scorpioncino, [skrpintshi'n] m. small scorpion. Scorporare, [skrpr'r] v. a. to disembody; extract from the mass take out of the capital


Scorporazione, [skrpratsi'ne'] /. Scorporo, [skr'pr] m. disembodying; separating from the capital stock.

Scorrazzamento , [skrratsme'n't] m. rambling, pillage.


to make ramble, pillage. n.


[skrrts'r] v. excursions,


fusileer, fusilier.

Scoppiettio, [skppie'tti'] m. crackling noise, crepitation. Scoppietto, [skppie't't] m. slight cracking; light gun. Scoppio, [sk'pi] m. crack crash; explosion; light gun; far -, to cut a dash. Scoprimento, [skprime'n't] m.
discovery, disclosure.

er-thong, strap. Scoreggiare, [skre'dj're'] v. a. to scourge, flog, whip. Scoreggiata, [skrdj't] f. cut with a whip, lash, flogging. looseness. Scoreggiato, [skre'dj't] wi. Scorrere, [skr're're'] v.

Scorredato, [skrre'd't] adj. badly equipped (said of ships). Scorreggere , [skrrd'jrj v. a. to render licentious. Scorrente,[skrrn't]adj, running, flowing, Scorrenza, [skrrn'ds]/.flux,
a. irr.


[skr'je're'] v. a.


perceive, discern; distinguish; guide, escort, ac-


Scoprire, [skpri're'] v. a. irr. company. {see Aprire) to uncover, dis- Scorgimento, [skrjimeVt] m. Scorreria, [skrre'ri] /. incurcover, open; perceive; learn ;/igf. discernment. sion, inroad. - paese, to sound a person, feel Scorgitore [skrjit're'] m. Scorrettaccio , [skrre'ttd't.shj , his pulse; scoprirsi con alcuno, looker on, observer; guide. adj. very incorrect. to unbosom one's self to any Scoria, [sk'ri] /'.scoria, dross, Scorrettamente [skrre'ttmeVone. scum. t] adv. incorrectly, loosely. Scopritore, [skprit're'] m.Sco- Scoriazione , [skritsi'ne'] /. Scorretto, [skrrt't] adj. inpritrice , [skpritri'teh] /. scorification , reducing correct, faulty; dissolute. to discoverer. scoria. Scorrevole, [skrr'vle'] adj. Scopritura, [skprit'r] /, disr Scoriflcatojo, gliding , [skrifikt'y] running flowing , covery, finding out. wi. crucible, test. fluent; swift, transient. Scopulo, [sk'pul] see Scoglio. Soornacehiamento, (skornak- Scorrezione, [skrrtsi'ne'] /. Scoraggiare, [skrdj'r] and kiran't] typographical error , fault m. chattering Scoraggire, [skrdji'r] v. a. prattle; scorn, derision, slan- mistake. to discourage, dishearten; Scoder. Scorribanda[skrribn'd]ScorEA.GOIARSI, V. r. to get dis- Scornacchiare, [skrnkki're'J ribandola, [skrribn'dl] /, couraged, despond. V. a. to ridicule, slander. little excursion. Dooramento , fskrame'n't] m. Scornacchiata, [skrnkkii'ta] Scorridore, [skrrid'ro'J fs. discouragement, dejection. /. see Scornacchiamento. scout, military spy.
, ,

run over; plunder; -, V. n. to run away, slip away; glide, come down; - un libro, to run over a book; - il ventre, to have a diarrhcea.
{see Correre) to

Scorrimento, [skrrimn't] m. Scorto,
flowing, flux; inroad. Boorritojo , [skrrit'y] adj. running, sliding nodo -, m. running knot. Bcorritore , [skrrit'rj see Scorridore. Scorrubbiarsi, [skrrubtir'si] V. r. to fall into a passion. Scorrubbioso , [skrrbbi's] adj. choleric, irascible, angry. Scorrucciarsi, [skrrtshr'si] V. a. r. to fall into a passion,



[skr't] adj. wary, clever, prudent; m. foreshort-

adj. subject to dizziness, giddy,


Scotomia, [sktmi'a]


Scorza, [skr'ds]
shell; skin, hull;

bark, peel,

ness, vertigo.

fig. outside, Scotta, [sk'td] f. whey, butterappearance. milk; {mar.) main-sheet. Scorzare, [skrds're'] v. a. to Scottamento , [skttme'n't] bark, peel; skin; divest; Scor- m. scalding, burning. zarsi, V. r. to cast off the skin, Scottare, [sktt'r] v, a. to throw off the slough. scald; burn, scorch; sting, Scorzone, [skrts'n] m. ven- nettle; Scottarsi, v. r. to


get angry. Scorsa, [skr's] f. course, run; incursion dare una - ad un libro, to peruse a bookliglitly.

Scorserella,[skrsr'l]/". little excursion, little run. Scorsivo, [skrsi'v] adj. that

opens tho bowels. Scorso, [skr's] adj. run out; past over; i7 mese -,last month; -, m. oversight, mistake, irreg
ularity, fault.

Scorsoio, [skrs'y] adj. running, sliding, slipping. Scorta, [skr't] f. escort, guide, convoy.



adv. prudently, warily.

Scortamento, [skrtrae'n't] m. abridgment, contraction.

Scortare, [skrt're'j shorten, abridge.
a. to

burn one's self. Scottatura,[sktttii'r]/'.scalding, burning. Scoscendere, [skshn'de're'] v. Scotto , [sk't] m. dinner, a. irr. {see Scendere) to tear meal (at an inn); bill; reckonoff a branch, split from the ing; - stare a -, to be a trunk; Scoscendersi, v. r. to boarder. burst asunder. Scovaociare, [skvtsh're'] and Scoscendimento , [skshndi- Scovare, [skva're'] v. a. to me'n't] m. rolling down , drive out of the cove or den; rushing down (of earth &c.) ; dislodge; ferret out; discover. burst, cleft; precipice. Scoverchiare, [skve'rki'r] v. Scosceso, [sksh's] adj. bro- a. to take off the cover, unken; steep, precipitous. cover. Scosciare, [sksha're'] v. a. &n. Scoverta, [skvr't] &c., iee to dislocate one's thighs. Scoperta &c. Scoscio, [sk'sh] m. precipice, Scoviglia, [skvi'l'] /. sweepdown fai. ings, dirt. Scossa, [sk's] f. shake, toss Scozzare, [skts'r] v. a. to leap; sudden shower. shuffle (the cards). Scossare, [skss'r] v. a. to Scozzonare, [sktsn're'] v. a.
[skrtsn'r] {bot.) goat's beard.

omous serpent.

shako, toss, jolt. Scossetta, [sksse't't] shake, little shock.



to break a horse; teach sharpness ; make witty, instruct. Scozzone, [skts'n] m. horse-


[skrt're'] v. a. to

escort, convoy.

Scostamento m. keeping





Scranna, [skrn'n]



Scortecciamento, [skrte'tsh- Scostare, [skst'r] v. a. to put stool, camp-stool. away,reraove; drive away; Sco- Screato, [skr't] see Scriato. me'n't] m. taking off the bark. [skrdn'te'] adj. Scortecciare, [skrte'tsh're'] v. starsi, v. r. to go from; for- Scredente, sake. disbelieving, incredulous; disa. to take off the bark, bark. Scortese, [skrt's] adj. dis- Scostumatamente, [skstm- obedient, stubborn.
courteous, disobliging, uncivil, unpolite.



Scredere, [skre"dre']


a. to




Scostumatezza, [skstmte'f- Screditare,

unpoliteness; indecency;

[skrdit're'] v.


to discredit, cry down. [skrdit'vle'] libertinage. Screditevole , bligingly, uncivilly. Scortesia, [skrte'si'] /. inci- Scostumato, [skstm't] adj. adj. discreditable. unpolite, ungenteel, ill-bred. Scredito, [skr'ditj m. disvility, rudeness. Scorticamento, [skrtikarae'n'- Scostarne, [skst'me'] m. see credit disgrace. Scremento , [skre'me'n'to] m. Scostumatezza. t] m. excoriation, flaying. excrement. Scorticapidocohi, [skortikapi Scotano, [sk'tn] m. fustic. Scotennare, [skte'nn're'] v. a. Scremenzia, [skre'me'ntsi'a] f. dok'ki] m. skinflint. Scorticare , [skrtik're'j v. a. to take off the rind of bacon. quinsy. [skte'nna't] m. Screpolare, [skre'pl're'] v. n. to skin,flay; strip off the bark; Scotennato, to crack, split, burst, chap. hog's lard, grease. fleece, extort. Scorticaria , [skrtik'ria] f. Scotimento, [sktime'n't] m. Screpolatura, [skre'platu r] f. Screpolo, [skr'pl] m. crevshaking, shake; shock. seine (fiahing-net). Scorticatojo, [skrtikt'y] m. Scotitoio, [sktit'y] m. sal- ice, chink, chap, fissure crack. Screpoloso, [skrpl's] adj. ad-basket, strainer. flaying knife; barking knife; Unghtr-house; excoriation. Scotitore,[sktit're']w.shaker. full of chinks. Scorticatore, [skrtikat'r] m. Scoto, [sk't] m. thin light Screscere, [skre''she're'] v. n, irr. {see Crescere] to decrease, serge. flayer; fleecer, extortioner. [skrtikt'r] Scotola, [sk'tl] f. brake (to grow less. Scorticatura

adv. discourteously, diso-

Scorticazione, [skrtiktsi'- beat flax) scotching-handle. Screziare, [skre'tsi're'J u. a. to n] f. scratch , excoriation ; Scotolare, [sktl're'] v. a. to variegate, speckle. Screziatura, [skre'tsitu'r] /". beat flax; beat, cuff. extortion. Scortichino , [skrtiki'n] m. Scotolatura, [sktlat'r] f. variegation, speckling. hards fallen fro^m hemp or Scriato, [skri't] and Screatoj flaying knife, flayer. by the action of the [skr't] adj. thin, elenderj Scorto, [skr'tl adj. shortened, flax weak, feeble. brake. abridsod.

n. [skri'b] scribe, writer, copyist. Scribacchino, [skritakki'n] m. scribbler, scrawler. Scricchiare, [skrlkki'r] and Scricchiolare, [skrikkil're'j V. n. to creak, rattle, crack. [skrikkil't] Scricchiolata, f. creaking, rustling. Scriccio, [skri'tsho] Scricciolo, [skri'tshl] m. wren. Scrigna, [skri'n'] f. see Scri-



Scrupulo, [skr'pl] see ScruSoroba, [skr'b] f. a ditch. Scroccare, [skrkk're'] v. a. to polo. Scrutabile, [skrt'bil] adj.. cheat, swindle. Scroccatore, [skrkkt're'] tn. scrutable, inquirable. Scrutare, [skrt're] see Scrucheat, sharper, swindler. tinare. [skrkke't't] Scrocchetto , Scrocchettino , [skrkktti'- Scrutatore , [skrtat're'] tn. n] tn. little sharper, little searcher, scrutinizer, examiner, inquirer. swindler. Scrocchio, [skr'ki] m. exor- Scrutinare, [skrtin're'] v. a. to scrutinize search into bitant profit, usury. Scrocchione, [skrkki'ne'] m. examine. Scrutinatore , [skrtint're'] usurer. Scrocco, [skr'k] tn. swindling, m. scrutinizer. Scrutinio, [skrtini'] Scrutcheating. [skrkk'ne'j m. tino, [skrtti'n] m. scrutiny, Scroccone , inquiry. swindler, sharper. con- Scuccomedra, [skkkm'dra] Scrofa, [skr'f] f. sow Scuccumedra, [skkkm'dra] cubine; king's evil. Scrofacoia, [skrfa'tsh] f. big /. great jade, great horse. Scucire, [sktshi'r] v. a. irr, filthy sow; nasty woman. Scrofola, [skr't'l] /. scrofu- {see Cucire) to unsew; undo; rend. la, king's evil. Scrofoloso, [skrfl's] adj. Scndajo, [skd'y] tn. buckler,

Scrignetto,[skrin'e't't]ni.small bunch; small casket.

Scrigno, [skri'n'] m. bunch (of a camel) coffer, casket, strong box. adj. [skrin''t] Scrignuto , scraggy, crooked, hunchbacked. Scrima, [skri'ma] see Scherma. Scrimaglia, [skrim'l'] f. see

Scherma. Scriminatura, [skrimint'ra] f. parting of the hair.


Scrinare, [skriu'r] v. a. to Scrofula, [skro'fl] see Scrofola. uncurl (the hair). Scrinato, [skriua'tojadj. dishev- Scrogiolare, [skrjil're'] v. n. (said of the sound made by eled, hanging down. Scritta, [skrit'ta] f. writing, certain kinds of food when masticatedj. inscription; obligation, bond. Scrittacelo, [skritt'tsh] i Scrollamento, [skrUme'n't] m. shaking, agitation. bad writings, old papers, j)l. Scritto, [skrit't] m. writing; Scrollare, [skrll'r] v. a. to - fitto, close writing. shake, jog, toss, agitate, trouScrittojo, [skritt'y] m. wri- ble; deter from. Scrollo,[skr'l] m. shake, tossting-desk, bureau, study. ing, jog vibration. Scrittore, [skritt'r] m. wriScrepolo, [skr'plj tn. scruter, author; copyist. Scrittorello, [skrittr'l] m. ple. Scropuloso, [skrpl's] adj. bad writer, scribbler. Scrittoria, [skrittri'] f. scriv- poes., rugged, uneven. Scrosciare, [skrsh'r] v. n. ener's office; book-keeping. Scrittura, [skritt'r] /. wri- to crackle, crash; boil hard. ting ; Holy Scripture, bible Scrosciata, [skrsh'tii] /.crackling, crash, rattling. document book-keeping. Scritturaccia, [skrittr'tsh] Scroscio, [skr'sh]trt. bubbling
I |

maker. Scudale, [skd'le'] adj. belonging to a shield. Scudato, [skd't] ofifj. bearing
a shield. Scudellaja, [skde'll'ya] /. porringer; porringer-full. Scudereseo, [skdrs'k] adj. of an armor-bearer. Scuderia, [skdri'] f. stable ;


see Scrittaccio.

Scritturale, [skrittr'le'] adj. scriptural, of writing -, m. riscio, [skri'shj i. switch, scrivener, registrar, notary, Scrostamento, [skrstme'n't] m. taking off the crust, peel- rod, twig. copyist; clerk. Scudo, [sku'd] tn. shield, buckScritturista, [skrittri'sta] tn. ing off; chipping. commentator on the Scriptures. Scrostare, [skrst're'J v. a. to ler, scutcheon, coat of arms; shell (of take off the crust, peel chip defence, protection Scrivacchiare, [skrivkkia'r] a tortoise); crown, dollar. (bread). V. a. to scribble. Scrivaneria, [skrivne'ri'] f. Scrunare, [skrn're'] v. a. to Scudone, [skd'n] m. large shield. scrivener's office ; book-keep- break the eye (of a needle). Scrupoleggiare, [skrpldja'- Scuffia, [sk-uffia] f. woman's ing. Scrivania, [skrivni'] f. large r] and Scrupolizzare, [skr- cap, coif, head-dress. plids'r] v. n. to scruple, be Scuffiata, [skffi'ra] f. tirewriting desk. woman, milliner. Scrivano, [skriv'n] m. scriv- scrupulous. Scrupolo, [skr'pl] m. scru- Scuffiare, [skffi'r] v. a. to ener, writer; book-keeper. devour. Scrivere, [skri'vr] v. a. irr. ple, doubt; difficulty. (scrissi; scritto) to write; reg- Scrupolosamente, [skrupls- Scuffina, [skffi'n] f. rasp. Scuffinare, [skffin're] v. a. compose; (jmerch.) to me'n't] adv. scrupulously. ister, Scrupolosit, [skrplsit'] f. to rasp. note. Scufflone, [skffi'n] tn. great Scrivibile, [skrivibi'le'] adj. that scrupulousness, scruple. Scrupoloso, [skrpl's] adj. cap, great coif. may be written. adj. [skritsi't] scrupulous, over-nice ; cap- ScufflottO; [skffi't] tn. maa'fl Boriziato , tious. cap. peckled, spotted.
; ; ; ;

Scudetto, [skde't't] m. buckler, scutcheon. Scudicciuolo, [skditsh'l] m. small shield, small scutcheon, boss of a bridle. Scudiere, [skdi're'] and Scu diero, [skdi'r] tn. knight's attendant, esquire. Scudisciare, [skdisha're'] and Scurisciare, [skrish'r] v. a. to beat with a switch, horse-whip. or boiling violently; rattling, Scudisciata, [skdish't] /. a - di risa, loud blow given with a whip. clatter, crash Scudiscio, [skdi'sh] and Scuburst of laughter.




Sculacciare, [skltsh're] v. retired; cruel, barbarous; -, Sdegnosetto, [sdn'se'tt] adj. somewhat disdainful, rather wi. obscurity, darkness ; glooma. to whip, smack. angry. Sculacciata, [skltsha't] /. iness. Sdegnoso, [sde'n''s] adj. disSculaccione, [skltsli'n] m. Scurra, [skur'ra] m. buffoon. dainful, scornful, angry. Scurrile, [skrri'l] adj. scurwnipping. Sdegnuzzo , [sden''ts] m, Sculettare, [skltt'r] v. n. rilous, buffoon-like. spite, malice. to wag the tail; be off, run Scurrilit, [skrrilit'] Scurrilitade, Scurrilitate, f. scur- Sdelinquire, [sde'linkui're'] see away. Sdilinquire. Sculmato, [sklm't] m. dislo- rility, buffoonery. Scusa, [sk's] f. excuse; pre- Sdentare, [sde'nt're'] v. a. to cation of the hip (in horses). break the teeth of an instruSculpere, [sklp'r] see Scol- text, color subterfuge. ^ Scusabile, [sks'bil] adj. ex- ment. pire. Sdentato, [sde'nt't] adj. toothScultare, [skulta're'] v. a. to cusable, pardonable. less. Scusabilmente, [sksbilme'n'carve, engrave (little used). Scultore, [sklt'rejwi. sculptor, t] adv. in an excusable man Sdiacciare, [sditsh're'] v. a. and 71. to thaw. ner. carver, engraver. Scultorio, [sklt'ri] adj. he- Scusamento, [sksmn't] wi, Sdicevole, [sditshe''vle'] adj. unbecoming. excuse; pretence, evasion. longing to sculpture. Scultura, [sklt'r] f. sculp- Scusare, [sks're] v. a. to ex- Sdiginnare, [sdijin're'] v. n. cuse; justify; Scusarsi, v. r. to break one's fast. ture, carved work. Scuojare, [skoya're'] v. a. to to excuse or justify one's self. Sdilacciare, [sdiltsh'r] v. a. Sensazione, [skstsi'n] f. to unlace. flay, fleece. [sdilinkuiScuola, [sk'la] /. school, col- excuse, justification, reason; Sdilinquimento , mn't] m. swoon, fainting. class ; scliool-house subterfuge. lege academy. Scusatore, [skst'r] Scnsa- Sdilinquire, [sdilinkwi'rj v, a. Scuoletta, [skle't't] f. little trice, [skstri'tsh] f. excu- & n. to weaken, faint. Sdilinquitameute, [sdilinkuischool. sor, justifier. Scuorare, [skr're'] see Sco- Scuscire, [skshi'r] see Scu- tmn'te'] adv. in a fainting



cire. v. a. irr. Scusevole, [skse"vle'] see Scu{scossi, cussi; scosso, scusso) sabile. to shake, shake off; throw off; Scusso, [sks's] adj. naked, toss; Scuotersi, v. r. to start destitute; - di danaro, bare of with fear, be startled; get rid money.

manner. Sdimenticare, [sdime'ntika're'] &c., see Dimenticare &c. Sdipignere, [sdipin'ere] v. a.

irr. (see Pignoro) to blot out a picture; erase, cancel. Sdire, [sdi'r] see Disdire, Sdiricciare, [sdirltsh're'] v. a. to husk chestnuts. Sdiridito, [sdiridi't] adj. extenuated. Sdoganare, [sdgn'r] v. a. to redeem from the custom-house; take out of bond. Sdogato, [sdg't] adj. without pipe-staves. Sdogliare, [sdl''re'] v. n. to cease suffering. Sdolcinato, [sdltshin't] adj. tasteless, insipid; mawkish. Sdondolare, [sdndl'r] see



Scutica, [sku'tika]/. vrhip.lash

Scuotimento, [sktime'n't] m. Scutifero, [sktif'r] odj.boarshaking; concussion. ing a shield. Scuotitore , m. Scutiforme, [sktifr'm] adj. [sktit're']
shaker, stirrer up. Scura, [sk'rl see Scure. Scuramente, [skrran't]ad
darkly, obscurely. shield-shaped. Scute, [skt] m. small boat. Sdarsi, [sdr'si] v. r. to grow idle, grow sluggish. Sdato, [sd't] adj. inattentive,

Scuramente, [skiirrae'n't] darkening, dimming.

Scurare, [skr'r] v. a. to Sdebitarsi, [sde'bitar'si] v.r. to cloud, darken, dim; Scurarsi, pay off one's debts; perform


grow cloudy, grow

one's duty.

gloomy. Sdegnamento , [sde'n'me'n't] Scurazione, [skrtsi'ne'] f m. indignation, anger, passion. darkening, dimming. Sdegnare, [sde'n''r] v. a. to Dondolare. Scure, [sk're'J /. hatchet, axe, disdain, scorn, despise, abhor; Sdonnare, [sdnn'r] v. a. to cutlass. Sdegnarsi, v. get angry; emancipate; set at liberty; Scuretto, [skre't't] adj. dark- wither; - lo stomaco, to have Sdonnarsi, V. r. to shake off ish, rather dark. the yoke, acquire ono's freea distaste for. Scurezza, [skurt'sa] f. obscu Sdegnatamente, [sde'n'tmeV- dom. rity, darkness: gloom. t]adv. indignantly, angrily. Sdonzellarsi, [sdndse'llr'si] Scuriada, [skri'd] Scuriata, Sdegnato, [sdn''tj adj. in- V. n. lo play the fop; lounge [skri't) /. scourging; coachabout, trifle. dignant, wrathful. man's whip, lash. Sdegnatrice, [sdn'tri'tshe'] /. Sdoppiare, [sdppi're'] v. a. to
Scuricella, [skritshl] /".small

scornful woman.

unfold, untie.


dain, despise. Sdormentare, [sdrmnt're'] v, Scurisciare, [skrish're'] &c., Sdegnosaggine, [sde'n's'djine'] a. to awake, call up, rouse ; see Scudisciare &c. Sdegnosit, (sdnsit'] Sde- Sdormentarsi, v. t. to wake, Scurit, [skrit'] Scuritade, gnostade, Sdegnositate, f. cease to sleep. Scuritate, f. darkness, ob- disdain, indignation, wrath, Sdormentire, [sdrme'nti'r] W scurity; difficulty; paleness; anger. Sdormentare. calamity. Sdegnosamente, [sde'n'.sme'n'- Sdossare, [sdss're'] v. a. to Scuro, [sk'r] adj. obscure, te'J adv. indignantly, scorntake discharge a back-load dark, gloomy difficult ; pale; fully. off.

Scurire, [skri'r] v. darken, make obscure.



m. indigna- Sdorato, [sdi-a't] wrath; avere a -, to dis- the gilding rubbed





Sdottorare, [sdttr'r]
In ilfgrade (a doctor).





shal- Secento, [setshen'to] and Seicento, (seitshen'toj wlj. six Sdrajarsi, (sdravrsi] v. r. io Seccamente, [sekkmn't] adv, hundred; -, m. sixteeuth century. drily. lie stretche.l. lie down. Sdrajata, (s.irayu'taj f. the act Seccamente, [skkmn't] m. Secessione, [se'tshe'ssi'ne'] /. mutiny, rebellion. dryness, aridity. of lying down. adj. Secesso, [stshs's] wi. (poet.) [skkan't] Sd ajone, |sdry'n] odw. lying Seccante , solitary place. troublesome, tiresome. at tuli length. Sdrucciolamento, fsdrtshl- Seccare, [skk'r] v. a. to dry Seco, [s'k] pron. with him, with her, with one's self; con -, up, drain; teaze, importune, Dien'toJ m. slip, slide ; false weary; Skccarsi, v. r. to get along with him (her or herself). step. Secolare, lsekola're]a(/j. secular, Sdrucciolante, fsilrtslilan'teT dried up, grow arid. ttii). slippery, sliding; ,><wit't. Seccata, [skk'taj /. tiresome worldly;-, m. laymau, worldly person. Sdrucciolare , |sdrt..sliola r] story. [skkati'tsha] f. Secolarescamente, [seknlaresi. n. to slip, glide; trip; stum- Seccaticcia, dead wood, small dry branches, kainen'tej adv. in a worldly 1.1 . manner. Sdrucciolente, [sdrtshlen't] VlSdrucciolevole, fsdriitsliol'- Seccativo, fskkti'v] adj. de- Secolaresco, [sklrs'k] adj. secular, worldly, profane. vlf a<l}. slippery; easy, tran- siccativo, drying. Seccatoja, [skkt'ya] f. Sec- Secolarit, [skolanta'J /. secFtory, Htieting; perilous. Sdrucciolevolmente, siirtsli- catojo, Iskkto'y] m. place ularity, worldliness. Secolarizzare, [sekolrids'r] for drying fruits. levoluieu'tj adv. easily, readSeccatore, [skkt'r] m. im- V. a. to secularize. ily Sdrucciolo, fsdr'tshlo") m. portunate person, prosy fellow; Secolarizzazione, (sklridsatsin'nj /. secularization. dun. slide: fig. snare, treachery; Seccatrice, fskktri'tsh] /. Secoletto, [sklbt't] m. this Rluuibling block. miserable age, this wicked Sdrucciolo, |sd ni 't.shl] Sdruc- tiresome woman. world. uiij. Seccatura, [sekkt'r] /". tire|sdrntsholo'soj cioloso,


[skk'n a]

lows, shelves,

Secolo, [spTcI] m. century, someness; importunity. (skkr'tsh] age; the world as it is; ne' seSecchereccio , Sdrucio, Isdr'fshltn.nnseani- ailj. half dry, withered; -, m. coli de' servii, from ago to age, for over and ever; - d' oro. the see Secchezza. ing, ripjiing; opcu asoain.ront; Seccheria, [skkri'] see Sec- golden age; a'nostri secoli, in cleft, crack. our times. Sdrucire, [sdrtslii're] v. a. to caggine. unstitch, unsew, rip; - un eser- Secchericcio, [skke'ri'tsh] see Seconda, [skn'd] f afterbirth; andar a - ad uno, to Secchereccio. cito lo break the ranks; -, v. Secchezza, [skkt's] f. dry- humor a person. n. to got ripped; get leaky. Secondamente, [skndmn'Sdrucito, fsdntshi'tlni. Sdru- ness, aridity; dry manner. citura, Isdrtshit'rJ /. rip, Secchia, (sk'kia) f. pail, bucket; t adv. secondly, in the second piovere a secchie, to rain vio- place. rent, chink leak. Secondamenteche , fsknlaSdruscire, [sdrushi re"] see Sdru- lently, rain cats and dogs. Secchiata, [skki'tj/. bucket- mntkj con;. according to. as. cire. Secondare, [skonda'rl v. a. to Se, [se"l conj. if, provided that, full abundance. unless; thus; - bene, although; Secchiello, [skki'l] i. small second, assist; countenauce favor. -non, except; - wi' aiti Dio! so pail, small bucket. Secchio, [sk'ki] m milk-pail. Secondariamente, [skndn'help me God! mn't] adv. in the second Se, [s'] pron. one's self, himself, Secchione, [skki'n] f. large place. pail, large bucket. herself, itself, themselves; lo Secondario, [sknda'ri] adj. fece ila se. lo fece da per se. he Seccia, fs']^ stubble; stub (field. secondary, accessory. did it by himself; far sopra di ble-field. se. to act for one's self; s ne Secciajo, [stsh'y] m.stubble- Secondina, [skondi'n] /. secundine, after-birth. Secco, [sk'k] adj. dry, arid andarono, they went away. Sebbene, jsbb'n] conj. al- slender, thin, meagre; stingy, Secondo, [skn'do] ar/j. second, miserly -,m. dryness, drought, inferior; propitious; -, a<iv. though, though. Secante, [skn't] f. (geom.) aridity; rimanere in -, to be secondly, in the second place; -,prep. according to, after, purpuzzled. secant. Secare, [sk'r] v. a. (poes.) to Seccomoro, [skkm'r] m. suant to; -, m. second (sixtieth part of a minute). sycamore. c\i t. Secca [sk'ka] f. (secche, pi.) Seccore, [skk're'] m. drought, Secondoch, [sekndk'] conj. as, according as. ridryness. sli;illow, sandbank, reef; manere sulle secche , to be Seccume, [se'kk'm] m. dried Secondogenito, se'kndj'nit] m. second born, second son. loaves, dried up fruit on a tree. etrii tided. Seccabile, [sekkaTiile] adj. sub- Secodere, [stshde'rej v. n. to Secreta, [skr'ta] f a secret. Secretamente, (skrtmn'tj leave the city. ject to dry up. [stshntis'm] m. adv. secretly, privately. Seccaggine, (seTcka'djine] f. Secentismo, dryness, aridity; barrenness; bad style of writing according Secretarlo, (skrt'rioj m. secimportunity, tiresomeness dar with that of the seventeenth retary; confidant. Secreto, [skre't] m. secret, century in Italy. -, to importune. Seccagginoso, [skkdjin's] Secentista, (stshe'nti'st] rn. secrecy. dry, withered, arid; writer of the seveuteeath cen- Secreto, [se'kre"t] adj. secret, ail;, a secreto, apart. tury. tixesome, importunate









m. [sn'k'ki] Beoretorio,[skrt'ri]ac/i. sec- Sedizioso, [se'ditsi's] adj. se- Segnacchio , sign, mark. retory. ditious, factious. Secrezione, [skre'tsi'n] f. se- Seducente, [sedutshn'te'j adj. Segnacolo, [se'n'i'kljm.mark, sign; signet. crotioa. seducing, attractive. Securamente, [sekrmn't] Seducibile, [se'dtshi'bile'] adj. Segnalare, [sn'l're'] v. a. to signalize; Segnalarsi, v. r. a'iv. securulj', safely. seducible. Secure, [seku'r] /. liatchet Seducimento, fse'dtshime'n't] to distinguish one's self. [sn'ltaSegnalatamente , (poei.) tn. seducing, corruption. Securit, fseTtrit'] and Se- Sedulit,[sdlita']/. sedulous- men'tj adv. principally, above
curt, [skr't] [. security assurance. Secure, [se'ku'r] adj. secure, safe; certain. Sad, [se'd'] conj. if (see Se). Sedanina, [sedni'nj f. sort of parsley. Sedano, fse'da'n] m. celery Sedante, [sdn't] at/j.sedative, assuasive.

ness, assiduity.


Sedurre, [sdr're'] v. a. irr. Segnalato, fse'n'la't] adj. signalized, famous. (see Addurre) to seduce, deceive, Segnale, [sn''le'] m. signal, corrupt; debauch. sign, taken, omen; (rail.) tamrSeduta, [sd'tl f. sitting. Seduttore, [sdtt'r] m. Se- pada di -, signal-lamp; dar duttrice, [sdttri'tsh] f. se- segnali (mediante il telegrafo),
ducer, corrupter.





duction, corruption. v. a. to as- Sega, [se'ga] /. saw;

to telegraphize. se- Segnaletto, se'n'le't't] Segnaluzzo, (sen'l'ts] m. little - piccola, signal, little token.

Segnamento, [sn'me'n't] m. suage, appease, compose. hand-saw. Sedatamente, [sdatme'n'tel Segabile, [se'g'bil] adj. fit for a mark or note. Segnare, [seu'a'r] v. a. to adv. tranquilly sedately , sawing. quietly. Segale, [seg'le'] /. rye, coarse mark, note, label; stamp; make the sign of the cross : Sedativo, [se'dti'v] ad}, seda- bread -corn. tive, calming. Segalign o, f se'gliV] adj. thin, bleed; beat time;beastonished. Segnatamente, [sen"atinen't] S de, (s'd) /". seat; la Santa slender, lank. the Holy See. Segalone, [se'gl'nl j. long- adv. particularly, expressly.
Sedentario, [se'de'nt'ri] adj. billed plungeon (bird). sedentary. Segamento , [sgamn't] w. Sedere, (sde"re'] v.n.irr.isiedo sawing; section. and seggo, siedi, siede, ceniamo, Segare, [se'g'r] v. a. to saw, sedete, siedono, sedono and segcleave; reap, mow; - una vena, gono sedei ; seder ; and sedr ; to cut a vein; Seoaksi, v. r. seduto) to sit down, be seated; (geom.) to cross each other. be situated; sedete, sit down, Segaticelo, [sgti'tsh] adj. fit be seated; - a mensa, to be at for sawing. table; -, m. sitting down; seat, Segatore, [se'gt're'] m. Sega bottom. trice, [se'gatri'tshe] f. sawyer; Sederino, [se'de'ri'n] m. a small reaper, mower. seat in a carriage fastened on Segatura, [se'gt'r] f. sawwith hooks to hold a third dust, sawing ; reaping ; hayperson. (see making harvest time. Sedia, [s'dia] f. chair, seat; Segavene, [sgve"n] SegaveSediario, [sdi'ri] m. one who ni, [segave' ni] m. public bloodlets out chairs &c. for hire. sucker, extortioner. Sedicente, [sditshn't] adj. Seggetta, [sdjt't] /. chair, self-styled, pretended. close-stool. Sedicesimo,[sditsh'sim] adj. Seggettiere , [se'dje'ttie're'] m. sixteenth. chair-porter, chairman. Sedici, [s'ditshi] o''j. sixteen; Seggettina, [se'djetti'na] /".small sixteenth ti - Marzo, the six- sedan, small close-stool. teenth of March. Seggia, [s'dji] /.Seggio, [s';
; ;

Segnato, [sn'a'to] adj. marked, noted; evident; engraved, imprinted; beaten (path); cited. Seguatojo, [sn'to'yo] m. a kind of running ruler for

making straight lines. [sn'at're'] Segnatore ,

marker. Segnatura, [se'n't'r] /. signature; resemblance, likeness. Segnetto, [sn't'tj m. little sign, little mark.



m. sign, mark,

token; wonder ensign, standtrace, vestige; ard; seal; terra; - per -, distinctively, precisely, exactly far - cogli occhi, to twinkle; far stare a -, to make obey, keep in awe. Segnore, [sn''rj &c., see Signore &c. Sego, [s'g] wt. tallow, suet; candela di -, f. tallow-candle. Segola, [se'golaj /. rye, coarse bread-corn. Segolo, [s'gl] m. hedgi)igSedigito, [sdiji't] adj. having djjo] tn. chair, seat; see. six fingers. Seggiola, [s'djila] /. chair, bill, pruning-knife. Sedile, [sdi'le'] m. seat, bench, cantilivers ; kind of carved Segone, [sg'n] m. large saw;

coarse chair; stand.



Sedimento, [sedimn't] m. sed- Seggiolina, [sdjili'n] f. Segiment, dregs, lees, pi. giolino, [sdjili'n] m. small Sedimentoso , [sedime'nt's] seat, low chair. ail], full of sediment. Seggiolone, [sdjil'n] i. Sediola, [sdi'lj f. a small large chair, arm-chair. seat. Seghetta, [se'ght't] f. small Seditore, [se'dit'r] m. sitter, saw, hand-saw; snaffle. guest. Segmento, [se'gme'n'toj m.{geom.) Seditura, [se'ditu'ra] f. the hind segment. w. parts. [se'n'k's] Segnacaso, Sedizione, [se'ditsi'ne']/. sediti- jramm., preposition expressing
on, tumult.


[se'gre'g're'] v. a.


separate, set apart.

Segrenua, [se'gren'na] adj. said 01 a lean spare person (vulgarism).



tsh'tshl/'.alean idle (vulgarism).



secret [se'gre''tl f. place; dungeon; helmet, cap.

Segretamente, [sgrtmn't]
adv. secretly, stealthily, privately.

the case of a noun.


Sediitiosamente , [se'ditsis- Segnaccento, [sn'tshe'n't] men't] adv. seditiously. sign marking the accent.


[se'gre'ti'ri] /. fa-

malo confidant; female secre- Seine,



[smbidn'ds] f. [se'i'no] m. two sixes, Sembianza , pair of sixes (at dice). appearance, resemblance; mark, Segretariato , [se'gre'tri't] Selbastrella, [selbstr'l] see token. m. secretaryship. Semblea, [se'raTilea] f. troop, Selvastrella. Segretariesco, [se'gre'tri'sTc] Selce, [sl'tshe'] and Selice, assembly. adj. belonging to a secretary. [sli'tshe'] f. flint-stone pa- Sembrare, [se'mbr're'] v.n. to Segretario, [sgre't'ri] m. sec- ving stone. seem, appear. retary ; confidant portable Selciare, [se'ltsh'rel r. a. to Seme, [se'me'] m. seed, grain desk, scrntoire. pave (with round flints or peb- race ; origin, cause; spring. Segretarione, [se'grtri'ne'] bles). Sementa, [se'mn't] and Seni. bosom-friend. Selciata, [se'ltsh't] f. and mente, [se'me'n't] /, seed. Segretaro, [sgrt'r] see Se- Selciato, [se'ltsh't] m. pave- sowing; cause; race, extractary.
; ;


Segreteria, [s^te'ri'] Segretessa, [sgrts'sj


ment, paving; stone-floor. se- Selcioso, [sltsh's] adj. flinty,



cretary's office; secretaries, pi.


Selenografla , [st''r'fi] male confidant. and Selinografla, [sliugra'- Semenzajo, Segretezza, [se'gre'tt's] f. se fi] f. selenography Sementatore, [smntt'r] m. cret, secrecy. Selice, [se'litshe'] see Selce. sower. Segreto, [se'gre''t] adj. secret, Seliciato, [se'litsha't] m. pave- Semente, [se'mn'te'] see Sehidden; unknown; -, adv. se ment. menta. cretly, in secret ; -, m. secret, Sella, [s'l] f. saddle seat ; Sementino, [se'mnti'n] m. Romystery; inmost soul; confi stool, close-stool; andar a -, man festival after sowing; kind dant; remedy, recipe. to go to stool. of pear-tree. Seguace, [se'gua'tshe'] adj. fol Sellaccia, [se'll'tsh] /. bad Semenza, [se'mn'ds] f. seed; lowing; -, m. follower. saddle. sowed field; race, extraction; Seguela, [sgw'l] f. sequel, Sellajo, [sell'y] m. saddler, cause. consequence. saddle-maker. Semenzajo, [smnts'y] m. Seguente, [se'gun'te'J adj. fol- Sellare, [se'U're'] v. a. to saddle; seed-plot, nursery. lowing, succeeding. burden. Semenzare, [se'me'uts'r] v. a. Seguentemente , [se'gue'nte'- Sellino , [se'lli'n] m. small to sow. mn't] adv. consequently saddle, harness-saddle. Semenzina, [se'me'ntsi'n] f. hence, then. Selva, [seTva] f. wood, forest bot., worm-wood. Seguenza, [se'gun'ds] f. se- sylvan scene poetical mis- Semenzire, [smntsi're'] v. n. quence, continuity series, cellany. to run to seed. suite; quantity; - di pesci, Selvacoia, [se'lva'tsha] [se'me'strle'J adj. f. gloomy Semestrale, shoal of fishes. (hound. forest. of six months. Segugio, [se'g'ji] m. blood- Selvaggiamente,[se'lvdjme'n'- Semestre, [se'm'stre'] i. space Segaimento, [sguime'n't] m. t] adv. wildly, rudely; of six months; half year's following, pursuit. clownishly, pay. Seguire, [sgui're'] r.o. to fol- Selvaggina,[selvdji'n]/. ven- Semi, [s'mi] adj. half. low, pursue; continue; second, ison, game. Semibreve, [smibr'v]/'.mus., accomplish; happen, befal; - Selvaggio, [se'lv'dj] adj. sav- semibreve. vn discorso, to go on in one's age; strange, inexperienced, Semicanuto, [se'mikn't] adj. discourse; - un metodo, to fol- raw; - m. savage. almost white. low a method. Selvaggiume, [slvdj'me'] see Semicerchio [se'mitshr'ki] Seguita, [se'gi't] see Segui- Salvaggiume. m. semicircle. mento. Solvano, [slv'n] see Silvano. Semicircolare, [se'mitshirkl'Seguitabile, [se'guit'bile'] adj. Selvareccio, [se'lvre''tsh] adj. r] adj. half round. to be followed, imitable. woody; wild, savage. Semicircolo, [smitshir'kl] i. Seguitamente, [se'guitame'n'te'j Selvastrella, [se'lvstr'l] / semicircle. adv. consecutively, in order. pimpernel. Semicroma , [se'mikr'm] /". Seguitamento, [sgttitme'n't] Selvatico, [selv'tik] ad/, wild, (mus.) semiquaver. m. following, going after, pur- savage. Semicupio, [se'mik'pi] wi. hipsuit. Selvetta, [selve't't] f. grove, bath. Seguitante, [se'guitn'te'] m. boscage. Semidenso, fsemide'n's] adj. follower, adherent. Selvoso, [selv's] adj. woody, somewhat dense. Seguitare, [seguita re'] v. a. to full of shrubs. Semideo, [smid'] m. demifollow, pursue. Semacco, [smk'k] m. smack god. Seguitatore, [se'guitt're'] m. (boat). Semidiametro, [smidime"tr] Seguitatrice, [segwitatri'tshe] Sembiaglia, [se'mhiT] m. semidiameter. see f. follower; imitator. Sembraglia. Semidotto , [smid't] adj. Seguito, [s'guit] m. retinue, Sembiamento, [se'mbime'n't] half learned. suite; continuation; issue, see Sembianza. Semignorante, [se'min'ran'te'J event, success. Sembiante, [se'mbin't] adj. adj. almost ignorant. Seguitore, [se'guit're' and Se- resembling,similar ;-,i. coun- Semignudo, [smin''d] adj. guitrice, [seguitri'tshe] ^ fol- tenance, look; air, mien; half naked. lower, imitator. semblance, appearance, col- Semila, [se'mi'l] adj. six thouSei, [s'i] adj. six. or, show; mostrar-, to make sand. Seicento, [sitshn't] adj. six believe; far strano -, to look Semilnnare, [semiln're'] adj, hundred. strangely. soniiluiiar.

Sementare, [se'me'nt'r] v. a. to sow, sow with corn. Sementarlo, [sme'nt'ri] see

Bemimasico, [smimsi'k] m.
ignorant musician.



eternal, everlasting ever and ever.

for Sne, [s'ne'] adj. old; -,m. old


Seminagione, [sminaj'ne']
sowing; sowing-time. Seminale, [seminarle'] adj. for sowing.







some; for



pure, single




plain, honest

weak, foolish

Senetta, [se'n't] Senett, [se'ntt'] Senettude, Senettute,



[se'minme'n't] Semplicello,[se'mplitsh'l]ad'j.

old age.

Sonici, [s'nitshi] m. swelling m. sowing, disseminating. somewhat simple. Seminare, [semin'r] v. a. to Semplicemente , [se'mpHtshe'- in the throat.

sow, disseminate.

mn'te'] adv. simply;






Seminario, [srain'ri] m. nur- sincerely. sery, seed-plot seminary, Semplicetto

seminarist; boarder. [se'mintSeminatamente , mn't] adv. sparingly. Seminato, [se'min't] m. place furrow, sowed, sown field ridge; uscir del-, to digress, be beside tbe question. Seminatore, [smint'r] m. dissemisower ; seedsman ; nator.


see Semplicello.

decrepit. Senio, [s'ni] crepitude.

m. old agt, de-

Seminarista, [se'minari'st] m. Semplici,

[sm'plitshi] f. pi., Seniore, [se'ni're'] adj. senior, older ; -, m. oldest man, sesimples, medicinal herbs, pi.

[se'mplitsha'- nior. Sempliciaccio , Senneggiare, [se'nne'dja're'j v. tsh] m. great simpleton. Sempliciario, [se'mplitsh'ri] a. to become wise. Sennino, [se'nni'n] m. cevei m. treatise on simples. Semplicione, [se'mplitsh'n] steady youth. Sempliciotto, [se'mpltsh't] Senno, [s'n] m. sense, wism. simple person, weakling; dom, judgment; intelligence; cleverness , cunning ninny. trick Semplicista, [se'mplitshi'st]ni. meaning, opinion, sentiment o mio -, at my pleasure con -, Seminatrice, [se'mintri'tshe'] f. herbalist, botanist. sower; source, origin. Semplicit,[se'mplitshit']Sem- wisely; da -, seriously, in earSeminatura, [se'mint'r] Se- plicitade, Semplicitate, /.sim- nest; uomo di -, m. man of sense; trarre del -,to drive one minazione, [se'mimitsi'n] f. plicity. sowing; seed-time. Sempre, [sm'pre'] adv. always, mad uscir di -, to lose one's [smip't] m. continually, ever senses, become deranged. - che, as Semipoeta ) poetaster. often as; - mai, mai -, for Seuuuccio, [se'nn'tsh] m.good sound sense. Semirotondo , [se'mirtn'd] ever, always. adj. half round. Sempreverde , [se'mpre've'r'de'] Seno, [s'n] m. bosom, breast; heart; creek, little bay. Semita, [se'mit] f. footpath, adj. evergreen. narrow way. Sempreviva , [se'mprvi'v] f. Senope or Senopio, adj. red as Semitiero, [se'miti'r] m. little and Semprevivo, [se'mpre'vi'- sinoper. footpath. Senopia, [sn'pi] /. sinoper. V] m. house-leek. Semitono, [se'mit'no] wi. mus., Semuto, [se'm't] adj. fur- Sensale, [snsa'l] m. broker, semitone. agent; go-between. nished with seeds. Semivivo, [se'mivi'v] adj. half Sena, [se"n] f. (phar.) senna. Sensaluzzo, [snsl'ts] i. alive, half dead. Senapa, [se''npa] and Senape, little broker, little agent. Seiniuomo,[smi'm]m. shrimp [se'n'p] f. mustard-seed Sensatamente, [snstran'tj adv. sensibly, judiciously. of a man. mustard. Semivocale, [se'mivk'le'J /. a Senapismo , [se'napis'm] m. Sensatezza, [snstt's] /".good half vowel. sense, wisdom, prudence. cataplasm of mustard. Semmento, [se'mme'n't] m. seg- Senario, [se'na'ri] adj. senary, Sensato, [sns't] adj. sensible, judicious, prudent. ment; piece, shred. of six. Semola, [se"ml] f. bran; ref- Senato, [sn't] m. senate; Sensazione, [snstsi'n] /. use. senate-house; tenere il -, to sensation, sense. adj. [sml'y] Semolajo , Senseria, [snsri'] /. brokerconvoke the senate. composed of bran. age; agency; exchange. Senatoconsulto , [se'ntkuSemolino, [se'mli'n] m. very slt] m. a decree of the senate. Sensibile, [snsi'bil] adj. sensmall seed; sand-like wheat- Senatorato , [se'ntr't] m. sible, perceptible sharp, punmeal. dignity of a senator. gent, aflfecting. Semoloso, [se'ml's] adj. full Senatoriamente , [se'ntri- Sensibilit, [sensibilit'] Senme'n't] adv. with senatorial sibilitade, Sensibilitate, f. of bran.
; ; ;


[se'mvn'te'j adj.


sensibility, tenderness.

self-moving. Sempice, [smpi'tsh] see



m. sen- Sensibilmente, [snsibilme'n't] adv. sensibly, perceptibly.



Senatoressa, [se'ntre's's] and Sensifero, [snsif'r] adj. proSempiternale, [se'mpite'rna'le'] Senatrice, [sntri'tsh] f. wife ducing sense (said of the nerves adj. sempiternal, everlasting. of a senator. belonging to the senses). Sempiternalmente, [se'mpiter- Senatoria, [se'nt'ri] f. grade Sensitiva, [snsiti'v] f. pernalme'n'tej Sempiternamente, and office of a senator. ceptive faculty; sensitive plant. [smpite'rnamn t] adv. ever- Senatorio, [se'nt'ri] adj. sen- Sensitivamente , [snstivlastingly. atorial. mn't] adv. in a sensible Sempiternare, [se'mpite'rn're'] Senatorista, [se'ntri'st] m. manner. V. a. to eternize. book in which senators are Sensitivo, [se'nsiti'v] adj. senSempiternit, [se'mpite'rnit'J inscribed. sitive, ticklish, delicate, touchy. Seaazione , [se'ntsi'n] /. Sonso, [sn's] m. sense; senf. perpetuity. Sempiterno, [se'mpitr'n] adj.\ watcr-crcssc?, pJ. suality; sentiment, feeling;




ac- Sentore , [snt'r] m. smell, n] f. sequestration, seizure; scent, odor; hint, advice, infor- setting apart, removal. mation; noise; stare in -, to Sequestro, [sku'strj m. seizure, sequestration. listen. senses; - comune, common sense; omo di buon -, m. man Senza, fsn'ts] prep, without; Ber, [sr'] m. Sir, master. senz' altro, without fail, in- Sera, [se"ra] f. evening; night; of sense. Sensorio, [se'ns'ri] m. senso- fallibly; - che, besides, except, buona -, good evening. moreover ; - pro, uselessly, Serafico, [sra' fikjoiij.seraphic, Tium, seat of sense. Sensuale, [sns'le'] adj. sen- idly; - pi, without any thing angelical. else; simply, only; -modo, ex- Serafino, [se'rfi'n] m. seraph. sual ; carnal. [serlmn'nj Sensualit, [sensualit'] Sen- cessively; - pensare, without Seralamanna, /. a large white grape. sualitade, Scnsualitate, f. sen- thinking. Senziente, [se'ntsin'te'] adj. Serale, [sr'le'J adj. of the evensuality; sense. ing, evening. Sensualmente, [snsulran'te'] sentient. Seralmente, [se'rlme'n'te"] od. Sepa, (s'pa] see Sepe. a'Iv. sensually: carnally. Sentarsi, [sntar'sij v. n. r. to Sepajuola, [spy'l] f. wren. every evening, nightly. (sitting. Separabile, [sepr'bil] adj. Serapino, Lserpi'nj m. i.,Mm seat one's self. sagapen. Sentata, [snta't] f. tbe act of separable. Sentente, [seutn't] adj. sen- Separabilit, [se'parbili't] f. Serata, [se'r't] /. evening, tJe whole evening. separability. tient; feeling. fse'parme'n't] Serbabile, [serba'bile'l (i(f/. that Sentenza, [sntn'ds] Senten- Separamento, can be kept, conservable. m. separation, disjunction. zia, [se'ntn'dsi] f. sentence, Separanza,lsprn'ds]/". sep- Serbanza, (srbn'dsj f. keepjudgment, decision; saying. ing, preservation. Sentenzialmente, [sntntsil- aration; parting. Separare , (spra'rc'] v. a. to Serbare, [srb'r]*. a. to keep, mn'te] adv. sententiously. Sentenziare, [sentntsia're] v. separate, part; Separarsi, v. preserve; reserve, hold back, keep in reserve; put off, delay. r. to separate one's self, depart, a. to sentence, decide. Serbastrella, [srbstr'la] /. Sentenziatore, (snte'ntsit'- remove. Separatamente, fse'paratme'n'- (bot.) pimpernel. re] m. judge, decider. Serbatojo, [srbt'y] adj.conSentenzieggiare, [sente'ntsie'd- t] adv. separately, apart. ja'reju.n. to deal in sentences. Separativo, [sprati'v] adj. servable; -, m. preserve: fishpond; reservoir; coop, mew. Sentenzievolmente , [se'ntn- separating, severing. tsie'vhnn'tj adv. ty sen- Separatorio, [separato'tio] adj. Serbatore, [sdrbt'r] m. Serbatrice,|srbtri'tsh] /.keepseparatory. tence, by decree. Sentenziosamente,fse'nte'ntsi- Separazione, [se'prtsi'ne] f. er, depositary. Serbevole, [srbe"vle']af/y.that separation, setting apart. eamn'tj adv. judiciously can be preserved or kept, conSepari, [sp'ri] adj. unequal. wisely. servable. Sentenzioso, [se'nte'ntsi's]af7j. Sepe, [s'p] /. sort of lizard. Sepellire, [splli'rj see Sep- Serbo, [srT)! m. keeping, desententious, full of axioms.
ceptioii; understanding, judgment; i cinque sensi, the five



and Sen-


tiero, [suti'rj m. path, bye- Sepolcrale,





posit, custody, charge; dare in -, to entrust to. (Ma.ter. Sere, [s'r] w. Sir, my Lord,

Sepolcreto , [se'pllfre"t] m. Serenare , [sren'r] v. a. to make clear; brighten up; fig. place full of ancient torabs. little narrow path. [se'plkri'n] m. to appease, calm, console; -, v. Sentirne, [snti'm] m. afflic- Sepolcrino, n. to grow clear; be calm. small sepulchre. tion, pain. Sentimento , [se'ntime'n't] m. Sepolcro, [sepl'kr] m. sep- Serenata, [sre'n't] /. serenity; calm calmness cloudless sentiment, sense; judgment, ulchre, tomb; monument. understanding; opinion wscir Sepoltura, [spltu'r] f. Sep- weather (mus.) serenade. pellimento, [sppllimen'to] Serenatore, [serenato 'r] m. del -, to lose one's senses, calmer, soother. Sentimentoso, [sntimnt's] m. sepulture, burial; tomb. Seppellire, [spplli'rj v. a. to Serenissimo, [s rnissi'ml adj. adj. strong, energetic. most serene (title given to Sentimentuzzo, [sntime'nt'- bury, inter; hide. Seppia, [sp'pi] /. cuttle-fish. princes). ts] m. poor thought. Sentina, [snti'naj /. sinTt-well Septico, [spp'tik] adj. septical, Serenit, [sre'nit'] Serentade, Serenitate , /. serenity, putrefactive. of a ship; common-sewer; (ig. Sepnltuario, [se'pultu'ri] m. brightness; tranquillity, calm; sinl< of wickedness. Serenity , Serene Highness Sentinella, [sntin'la] /".sentry, register of family burials. sentinel, guard; far la -, to Sequela, [sku'ld] f. sequel, (title). consequenco, series, suite; Sereno, [se'r'n] adj. serene, mount guard. clear ; calm, tranquil ; selfSentire, (snti're'l v. a. & n. to continuation. collected; joyful, happy; -, m. fool; hear; smell; taste; per- Sequente, (se'kucn'te'] adj. folclearness starry open air lowing, consecutive. ceive, bo sensible of; esteem, think; Skntiusi, v. r. to feel Sequestramento , [se'kue'str- heavens; calm cloudless weathmen't] wi. see Sequestrazione. er; al -, in the open air. one". self. Sentita, [se'nti't] f. feeling, Sequestrare, [se'kuestr're] v. Serezzana,[srds'nd] f. frosty breeze. a. to sequester; set aside; seize, sense: sagacity. Serfaccenda, [srftshn'd] m. Sentitamente, [se'nti'tmn'te'] deprive of. and adj. busy-body, meddler. Sequestrarlo, [se'kue'str'ri] o'/r. judiciously, prudently. Sariedocco, [serf d'k] /.great Sentito, [.senti' to] ai<j. judicious; m. sequestrator. Scquestrazione,[se'kue'stratsi'- idiot, great simpleton. clever.
; ;




Sergent.e,(srjn'te]fn.sergeant: Serpato, fse'rpa'to] arfj. speckled Serrateste, [serrate 'ste'] .close cap. like a snake. const :iIi1h. Sergentina, fsrje'nti'n] f.ser- Serpe, (sr'pe'] /.serpent, snake. Serrato, fserra'to] adj. lockod, Serpeggiamento [srpdjmn'- shut; close, pressed together, guiUifs piko, halberd. thick panno - w. thick dolh. Sergoncello, lsergnlsh'l]wi. to| m. winding, meander. Serpeggiare, (serpdj'r] v. n. Serratore, [srrato'rj m. shut.sorrel. ter, locker up. Ser cozzone, fsrgts'n] m. to wind, meander. {urch.) inoiUllion; thump un- Serpeggiato, [srpe'dja't] adj. Serratura, [srratu'rl /^. lock; closure, sliutting up: end. tortuous. der lite cliin. Seriamente, f se'n'ame'n'te'l adv. Serpentaccio,[se'rpe'nt'tsh]nj. Serto, [sr'to) m. (po<'S.) garland, cliiiplet. largo ugly serpent. Kenously, griively, in earnest.
: ,





Serpentare, ,serpent're'] to importune, tease.

v. a.





a kind of trefoil.

Serie, [s'ri] /". series; succes- Serpen aria, [srpe'nt'ri] /. sion, course. driigon"s wort. Seriet, Isrit'] Serietade, Serpentario, [se'rpe'nt'ri] m. Serietate,/. seriousness, grav- (iistr.) Sorpentarius. ity. Serpente, [srpn't] m. large Sei io, [sp'ri] a^//. serious, grave: serpent. iniporliint; tri su/ -, seriously; Serpentello, fse'rpe'nt'l] nr. -, m. seriousness, gravity. young serpent, small snake. Seriogiocoso, [sriojioko's]ac/y. Serpenti fero , [srpentif'r] .serio-roniic, niock-lieroic. adj. producing serpents. Seriosa mente, (seriosanin'te] Serpentile, [serpentine'] adj. ailv. seriously, in earnest. belonging to a serpent. Serioso, (sen's) adj. serious, Serpentino, (srpe'nti'n] adj. gr;ivo; important. serpentine, of a serpent; - , m. Sermento, |srnien't] Sermenserpentino stone. to, Isruieu'tojwi. viue-branch Serpentoso, (srpe'nt's] adj. ten.lril. full of serpents.

Serva, [sr'vii] f. servant-maid. Servatile, [srva'bile] adj. that can bo kept. Servaccio, [se'rva'tsh] m. very bad servant. Servaggio, [se'rv'dj] m. servitude, slavery.


[.se'rvmn'tl m. keeping, preserving; maintain-

[se'rv're'] v. a. to keep, preserve; maintain; observe. Servatore, [srvto'r] m. Servatrice, (servatri'tshe] f. keeper; preserver, observer. Servente, [servn'l) adj. serving, subservient, obedient; m. Sermentoso, [se'rnie'nt's] ad}. Serpere, (ser'pere'] v. n. to wind servant. full of sprigs or twigs; prolilc Servetta, [se'rve't'ta] f. little about, creep.


in liuds.

Serpetta, |serpe't'ta]Serpicella,


Sermo, [spr'm]


Sermocinale, [sermtsliinle] a'Ij. belonging to a sermon. Sermocinare, [srmotsliina're']

see Seniionare.

[se'rmtshinam. preacher, haranguer. Sermocin azione, (srmtshinatn tf



tsin'iie]/'. recitation, harangue. Sermoliino, IsrmolirnJ m. villi Miyme. Serposo, [se'rp's] adj. full of vitore. Sermonare, [se'rmnd'r] v. a. serpents, snakes v&c. Servigetto, fse'rvije't'tn] .triIo proarl". harangne. Serpotta, [srpt't] m. an igno- fling service, kind office. Sermonatore, [sermnt're'] rant presumptuous person. Sorvigiale, [srvij'le'J m. & f. w preacher, haranguer, proser. Serqua, [sr'kul Serquettina, servant serving brother Sermoncello , [serniontshe'l] [srkutti'nj /. dozen (of oggs, serving sister. Serraoncino, [sernintshi'n] pears &c.). Servigiare, [se'rvijta're] v. n. w. short sermon. Serra, [s'ra] f. saw; defile; to render assistance. Sermone, [snn'ne"] w. sermon, buttress; fury, impetuosity; Servigio, [srvi'joj m. service, discourse, conversation; diathrong, crowd, rush; entreaty. employ; kind ofiice: pleisure, lect, i'liom. Serraglia, [st^rrdTa] f. Serra- favor; affair, matter ul vomir Sermoneggiare, [se'rmnc'dj'r] glio, [srrToj m. enclosure of -, at your service; metlemi ul V. a. to preach, luirangue. palisades, wall; park; harem, -, to go to service Serocchia, [sr'kia] see Siroc- seniglio. Servigiuzzo, [servij'ts] see chia. Serrarne, fse'rra'me'] m lock. Serviziuccio. Serolone, [srl'n] m. sea- Serramento, [se'rrmn'toj m. Servile, [servi'le'] adj. servilo, diver. locking up, shutting up. slavish, mean. Serosit fsrsit'] f. serosity. Serrare, [se'rr're] v a. to lock Servilmente, [se'rvilme'n'te']a'/v. Seroso, [sr'sj adj. serous, up, shut close, shut up; conceal, servilely, slavishly, meanly. watery. keep in; wind up; bind, press; Servilit, (servi lit a')/' servility. Serotinamente, [se'rtinmeV- rush after, pursue closely; - Servire, [servi r] v. a. to servo; te] adv. late, beyond the time. fuori, to shut out ;- i/ /)u(7no, wait on; help at t;ible; do a Serotino, (ser'tin] Serotino, to clench one's fist; Skuu.^ksi, service; deserve, merit; assist [ser'tin] adj. late; late in V. r. to unite closely; stand one with money; ci vi ser^a the day or season; lingering, close; - U'ldosso a chea hessia, d' ovriso, let this be a warning tardy. to press upon any thing. to you. Berpajo, [se'rpa'y] m. marshy Serratamente, [srrtame'n't] Servito, [se'rvi't] m. servicei jungle, moist ground. adv. clcscly, concisely, soundly. course at table; salary.
, ; :

[srpitsh'hi] /^. sm;i.ll serpent. Servicciuola, fse'rvitsh'la] f. Serpicinol serpi tshi'njm.young little maid of all work, little serpent, little serpent. scullion. Serpigine, {srpi'jine'J /. ring- Servicella, [se'rvitshe'la] Serviworm: scab, scurf, cina, [srvitshi'n] f. little (pentino. Serpigno, (srpi'n'l see Ser- maid-servant, young houseSerpillo, [serpillo] SerpoUo, maid. [serpo'lo] m. {hot.) serpillum. Servidorame , fsrvidra'me'] Serpire, [serpi'rej v. a. to gird, TO. crowd of men-servants. encircle. Servidore, [srvid're] see Ser-


^ 424 ^


Bervitoraccio, [srvitr'tsh] Sesso, [s's] m. sex; 6ei-, fair sex. m. bail servant. Servitore, [srvit're'] *n. ser- Sessola, [s' sla] f. scoop, laving ladle. vant, vaiet. Servitorino, [srvitri'n] m. Sesta, [s'st]and Seste,[s'st] little servant, lackey. /. pair of compasses; a sesta, [srvitri'tslie'] exactly, precisely; menar le Servitrice , f. waiting-maid woman-servant. seste, to run fast; venir a sesta to come to a resolution. Servit, [servit'] Servitude, Servitnte, Servitudine, [ser- Sestante, [sstn'tj m. astr., vitu'dinej /. servitude; bondsextant. age; bond, obligation; ground- Sestare, [se'st'r] v.a. to adjust, set in order. rent; servants, pi. Serviziale,lsrvitsi'le']m. clys- Seste, [s'st] see Sesta. Sesterzio, [sester'tsij m. sester, injection. terce (Roman coin). Serviziario, [se'rvitsi'ri] m. a servinginan. Sestiere, [ssti'r] and SeServiziato, [se'rvitsi't] adj. stiero, [ssti'r] TO. measure of two gallons. serviceable, officious. Servizio, [srvi'tsi] see Ser- Sestile, [ssti'l] m. astr., sex; ,

septangular. Settanta, [se'ttn't] adj,





adj. seventieth.

Settantotto, [se'ttant't] adj. seventy eight. Settario, [stt'ri] Settatore, [sttt'r] m. sectary, follower. Sette, [s'te'] adj. seven. Settecento, [stttshn't] adj.

seven hundred.
Setteggiante,[sttdjn'te']odj. factious; seditious.

Setteggiare, [sttdj're'] v. .
to enter a sect.

Setteggiatore m. sectarian.


Settembre, [se'ttm'bre'] m. Septile. vigio. Servizione, [se'rvitsi'ne'] m. Sestina, [se'sti'n] f. stanza of tember. Settembrino, [se' tte'mbn"n]ady. six lines. great service, great kindness. of September said also of [se'rvitsi'tsh] Sesto, [s'st] adj. sixth. Serviziuccio wine liable to turn acid, and of Sesto, [s'st] m. order, rule m. little service, little office. porre - a kind of fig. Servo , [sr'vj adj. servile, arch ward, quarter mean;-, m. bondsman; slave; ad una cosa, to set a thing in Settenario, [se'tte'n'ri] adj. septenary. order; trovar - ad una cosa, to servant. Settennale, [se'ttnn'l] adj. Sesamo, [s'sam] m.wMte In- find a remedy for a thing. Sestodecimo, [ststd'tshim] septennial, of seven years. dian vvlioat. Settentrionale, [sttntrin'Sesamoide, [se'sm'ide'] /. bot., adj. sixteenth. Sestone, [sst'n] m. archi- le] adj. northern. elecampane. Settentrione, [sette'ntri'ne'] m. Sescalco, [se'skl'k] m. carver tects' compasses. Sestula, [s'stl] f. sixth part north (for the table); steward. Settesillabo, [se'tte'sill'b] adj, Sescaplo, [se'sku pio] adj. sex- of an ounce. (wort. Sestuplo, [s'stpl] adj. sex- of seven syllables. tuple, Sottile, [stti'l] adj. that can Seseli, [se'se'li] m. bot., hart- tuple, sixfold. be sawed. Sesquialtero , [sskuirtr] Seta, [s't] f. silk. [se'ttili'ne'] adj. adj. sesquialteral, containing Setajuolo, [sety'l] i. silk- Settilineo, formed of seven lines. manufacturer, silk-merchant. one and a half. [sttima'n] [sslcuipe'd'le'] Sete, [s't]/. thirst; eagerness, Settimana , Sesquipedale f. week. longing; ho -, I am thirsty. adj. sesquipedal, a foot and a half (said of very long words). Seteria, [stri'] /. silk-manu- Settimanale, [se'ttimauii'le'] adj. weekly. Sessagenario , [se'ssjn'ri] factory, silk-mercery. Setino, [sti'nj m. silk-hang- Settimanalmente, [se'ttimnladj. sexagenarian. mn'tej adv. weekly, every Sessagesima, [sssj'sim] /. ings. Setola, [s'tl] f. hog's bristle; week. Sexagesima-sunday. Settimane, [se'ttim'n] adj. Sessagesimo, [sssj'sim]ac//. horse-hair brush; chap. Setolacela, [stl'tsh] /. long seventh. sexagesimal, sixtieth. Settimo, [se'tti'm] adj, the sevSessagono,[sss'gn]m. geom., hard bristle.

hexagon. Sessangolare,


containing six angles.

Sessangolo , [sssngl] bristle. hexagon. Sessanta, [se'ssn't] adj. sixty. Setolone, [se'tl'n] Sessantamila, [sssantmi'l] horse-tail.

enth. Setolare, [stl'r] v. a. to Settina, [se'tti'na] f. quantity brush, burnish. of seven, number of seven. Setoletta, [setl't] Setolina, m. [stli'n] f. smallhrush, small Settore, [se'tt'r] m. astr. sector, dissector.

Settotraverso, [se'tttrve'r's] m. anat., diaphragm, midriff. Setoloso, [se'tl's] Setoluto, Settuagenario, [settjnari] adj. sixty thousand. adj. septuagenarian, seventy Sessantaquattresimo, [se'ssan- [stl't] adj. bristly, hairy, adj. sixty Setone, [st'n] ni. seton, years old. tkuttr'sim]


adj. sixtieth.


Sessantesimo, [sssnt'sim] Setose,




Sessantina, [se'ssnti'na]
ty, threescore.

six- Setta,




plot, conspiracy.

Settuagesima, [se'ttaj'sima] f. Septuagesima-sunday. Settuplo, [st'tplj adj. seven faction, times as much. Seudoronuto, [se'drnu't] m.

Sessennio, [sss'ni] m. space Settaccia, [stt'tsh]

of six years.


a hypocriiical hermit.




[se'ssi'ne'] f. session,

Sessitura, [se'ssit'ra] border, floimco.


Settagono,[stt'gn6]m.3coni., adv. severely, harsiily. Severit, [severit'] Severit* heptagon. hem, Settajuolo, [se'tty'l] m. sec- de, Severitate,/'. severity, rigtariAU.
idity, rigor.



Sferone, fsfr'ne'] m. kind of

Bevero, fsv'r] adj. severe, Sfarzaccio, [sfrds'tsh] m. rigid, rigorous; sharp, harsh. great pomp. Sevizia, [se'vi'tsia] /. poes., Sfarzo, [sfr'ds] m.pomp, magcruelty, inhumanity. nificence. Sevo, [s'vj ad], barbarous, Sfarzosamente,[.sfrdssrae'n'cruel. t] adv. pompously, splendidSevo, [se"v] m. tallow, suet; candela di -, /. tallow-candle. Sfarzosit, [sfrdssit'] SfarSezione, [stsi'n] f. cutting, zositade , Sfarzositate , /. section. pompousness, ostentation. Sfaccendato,[sfatshnd't]arfj. Sfarzoso, [sfards's] adj. pomunoccupied, unemployed; use- pous, magnificent. less, vain. Sfasciare, [sfsh're'] v. a. to Sfacciamento, [sftshme'n't] unswathe; dismantle; - le m. see Sfacciatezza. mura d' una cilia, to pull down Sfacciataccio, [sftshat'tsh] the walls of a town; Sfasci.yradj. brazen-faced, very impusi, V. r. to fall to ruins. dent. Sfasciatura, [sfsht'r] f. Sfacciataggine, [sfatshtadji- sawing; sawings, pi.; sawdust. nj /. boldness, effrontery. Sfasciume, [sfsh'm] m. rub-

round fishing-net. Sferra, [sf'ra] /. old iron; old clo*hes, rags, pi. Sferrajuolare , [sfrryl'r] V. a. to uncloak. Sferrare, [sfrr're'] v. a. to take off the shackles or fetters;


unshoe (a horse); wrench Sferrarsi, v. r. to

shake off a horse-shoe. Sferratoja, [sfrrt'y] f.fort. barbacan, loop-hole. Sfervorato, [sfrvr't] adj.


cool; indifferent.



[sftshtboldly, impu-


bish, ruins, pi. [sftme'n't]

dently. contempt, disdain. Sfacciatello, [sftsht'll adj. Sfatare , [sft're'] v. a. rather bold, a little impudent. scorn, disdain. Sfossatura , [sfe'sst'r] f. Sfacciatezza, [sftshtt's] f. Sfatatamente, [sfttme'n'te'] Sfetteggiare , [sfttdj're] v. adv. scornfully, disdainfully. effrontery, impudence. a. to cut into slices; cut off. Sfacciato, [sftsha't] adj. bold, Sfatato , [sft't] adj. outra- Sfiaccolare, fsfirikkl're'] v. n. impudent; whitefaced (horse). goous,severe(said of a blow &c.). to give a bright light (said Sfacimento, [sftshirae'n't] m. Sfatatore, [sftt'rjm. scorn- of a torch or candle). er, despiser. decay, destruction. Sfiancamento, [sfinkme'n't] m. fracture of the ribs. Sfaldare, [sfld're'] v. a. to cut Sfavillamento, [sfvillme'n't] m. sparkling, brilliancy. in slices; Sfaldarsi, v. r. to Sfiancare, [sfinka'r] v. a. to fall in splinters, exfoliate. Sfavillante, [sfvilln'te'] adj. weaken; outflank; -, v. n. SfianSfaldatura, [sfldt'r] /. ex- sparkling, bright(said especial- carsi, V. r. to get weak in foliation. ly of wine). the flanks; give way on the Sfaldellare, [sflde'll're] v. a. Sfavillantemente, [sfavillante - sides. me'nt] adv. sparklingly. to pack up; enclose. Sfiancata, [sfink't] f. thrust Sfallare, [sfll'r] see Sfallire. Sfavillare, [sfvill're'] v. n. to in the flank; dash. sparkle, glitter. Sfallire, [sfalli'r] v. n. to Sfiancato, [sffnk't] adj. (said make a mistake, commit an Sfavorire, [sfvri're'] v. a. to of a narrow-flanked horse). disserve; disoblige; prejudice, Sfiaudronata, [sfindrna't] /. error, miss. Sfalsare, [sfls'r] v. a. & n. injure. rodomontade, boast. Sfederare, [sfe'de'r're'] v. a. to Sfiatamento, [sfitme'n't] t. to parry, ward off; elude. breathing, respiration. Sfamare, [sfra'r] v. a. to take off the pillow-case. satisfy (a person's hunger), sa- Sfegatatamente , [sfe'gtt- Sfiatare, [sfiata're'j v. n. to breathe, respire, puff; Sfiatiate; Sfamarsi, v. r. to sat- mn't] adv. passionately. Sfegatarsi, [sfgtr'si] v. n. tarsi, V. r. to work one's self isfy one's self, eat one's fill. Sfangare, [sfang're'j v. n. to & r. to be out of breath, pant. out of breath; be out of walk through the mud; Sfan- Sfelice, [sfli'tshe'] see Infelice. breath. garsi, V. r. to get out of the Sfendere, [sfn'de'r] v. a. irr. Sfiatatoio , [sfiatato 'y] and mire; extricate one's self from {see Fendere) to cleave , di- Sfiato, [sfi't] m. vent, venvide. tilator. a difficulty. Sfenditura , [sfe'nditu'r] Sfare, [sf'r] see Disfare. f. Sfibbiare, [sfibbi're'] v. a. to unbuckle, unclasp. Sfarfallare, [sfrfll'r] v. n. cleft, chink. to become a butterfly; tell Sfera, [sf'r] /. sphere, globe, Sfibramento, [sfibrme'n't] m.

Sferza, [sfr'ts] / whip, lash. Sferzare, [sfrts're'] v. a. to whip, lash instigate; chastise. Sferzata, [sfrtsa't] /. lash; chastisement. Sferzatore, [sfe'rtst're'] m. m. lasher, whippor. Sferzina, [sfertsi'na] /". mar., whip-cord. chink, fissure. to


unnerving, weakening.

Sfarfallatura , [sfrfllat'r] /. turning into a butterfly, becoming a butterfly. Sfarfallone , [sfrfll'ne'] in. large butterfly. Sfarinacciare, [sfarinatsha're'] Sfarinare, [sfrin're'J v. a. to reduce to powder, pulverize; Sfarinarsi , v. r. to get mealy. Sfarinacciolo, [sfrintsh'l] m. that reduces to powder. Sfarinamento, [sfrlnmn't] . xsdating to powd?r.

Sferale, [sfe'r'Ie'] adj. spheri- Sfibrare, [sfibr'r] v. a. to uncal, orbicular. nerve; weaken. Sferetrare, [sfe're'tr'rj u.o. to Sfidamento, [sfidme'n't] *a. spoil. challenge, defiance. Sferetta, [sfe're't't] f. small Sfidanza, [sfidn'ds] f. dissphere. trust, diffidence; suspicion. Sfericamente, [sfe'rikme'n'te'J Sfidare, [sfid'r] . a. to defy, adv. spherically. challenge; give over (a patient); Sfericit, [sfentshit'] f. sphe- Sfidarsi, v. r. to mistrust, ricity, roundness. suspect. Sferico, [sf'rik] adj. spheri- Sfidato, [sfida't] ad)'. mistrustcal, globular. ful, suspicious. Sferoide, [sfr'ide] f. ephe- Sfidatore, [sfidt're'] m. defier, rci-l. challenger; he who mistrusts.




inistriislful, suspicious.

adj. Sfoggiataraente, (sfijtdmn'te|f/. excessively, very much.

Sfienato , [sfiiitn] a'Ij. untnisscd (said of loose straw). Sflggere, [sfidj'r] v. o. to

II li

X. a. to

Sfigurare, [sfigiir'r] v. disligure, do form.

Sfilacciare, [sfiltsh'r] . a. to unravel, unweavo. Sfllaccico, (sfila'tsliikol m. dirty tlirciui, filament; cutting Sfilare, [sfild'r] v. a. & n. to

untwist; Sfilarsi,



to disband.

deforming, rendering deformed (said of a wound). Sfoggiatezza, [sfodjtt's] f. Sfornare, |sforn:i'r] v. a. to take out of the oven fla.sliiiiess, splendor. Sfoggiato, (sfodja't] a'Ij. pom- Sfornimsnto, [sfrnime'n't] m. unfurnishing; want. pous, splendid; excessive, immoderate; -, adv. excessively, Sfornire, [sfrni'rej v. a. to unfurnish; deprive, unrig. beyond measure. Sfoggio, Lsf'dj] m.porap, luxu Sfortuna, [sfort'na] /. misfortune: calamity. ry. Sfoglia, [sfT] /. spangle, foil Sfortunameato, [sfrtuname'n't) m. misfortune, reverse. laminae Sfogliame, fsfl'a'me'l m. exfo- Sfortunare, [sfortn're] v. a. to make unhiippy liation, dross of metals. Sfogliare, [sfol a strip Sfortunato, jsforttjna'tj Sfor;

Sfilatamente , [sfilatarae'n'te'] ott" leaves; scale; make thin, tune vole, [sfrtne'vole] adj. unfortunate, unhappy, miseradn in confusion. emaciate. able. Sfilato, [sfilato) adj. unstrung, Sfogliata, [sfl''taj f. puff, Sfortunio, [sfrtii'm] m. misdisbaii(ied; alia stilala, one light pasty.

Sfingardaggine, fsfingarda'dji-

fortune. Sfoglietta, [sfrt'ta] (. little [sfrtsamn't] leaf; thin plate, small spangle. Sfarzamento, ne| /. la/.injss, indolence. Sfognare, [sfn''rej v.n. to get m. force, violence; endeavour, attempt. Sfinge, [sfin'j] /. sphynx. out of a sink. Sa.iiinento, [sfinimen't] m. Sfogo,|sf'gojm exhaling, evap- Sforzare, [sfrtsa're'l v. a. to force, constrain; violate, comfainting tit. swoon. oration; issue, relief, ease. pel; weaken, debilitate; SkorSfinire, Isfini'r] v. a. to finish, Sfolgoramento, [sllgrmen't] z.Mtsi, t). r. to strive, try, enperfect. m. lightning; blasting. deavour, overstrain. Sfioccare, [sfil^ka're'j v. a. to Sfolgorare, [sflgora're'1 v. a. Sforzatamente, [sfortsatame'n'unravel, untwist. to blast; precipitate, histen t] u'/y. by force, compulsively. Sfiocinare, Isfiotshina're] v. a. destroy; -, v. n, to glitter; Sforzati ccio,[sfrt.satrtshoJa(yy. take off the husks of lighten, flash. to grape.s. Sfolgoratamente, [sflgrt- somewhat constrained. Sfiondare, fsfinnd're'] v. a. to men'te) ado. dazzlingly; ex- Sforzato,[sfortsa'tn]a'/j. forced, constrained, far-fetched; overfling, let off, dart. cessively. Sfiondatura, [sfindtii'r] f. Sfolgorato, [sfolgr't] adj. charged: immoderate, immense. great fib. Sforzatore, (sfortst'rej m. dazzling, brilliant; excessive. forcer, compelior, ravisher. Sfibrare, [sfinr're'l v. a, to Sfolgoreggiante,[sflgr(ljan'blow off the bloom: deflower. te) adj. dazzling, flashing, Sforzevole, [sforts'volj adj. strenuo'is. Sfloriraento, [sfinrimn'to] m. bright. withering of flowers. [sfrtse'vlSfolgoreggiare, [sflgrdja'r] Sforzevolmente, Sfiorire, [sfion'r] v. n. to lose men'tj 0(V. strenuously, by see Sfolgorare. flowers, fade. Sfolgorio, [sfolgorio] m. bound, force. Sfioritura, [sfiritii'r] /".losing skip, leap; glance. Sforzo, m. effort, fsfr'ts"] flowers. Sfollare , [sfll're'J . n. to strain, attempt, trial. Sfirena, [sfir'n] f. sea-pilce dissipate a crowd. Sfossato, [sfoss't] adj. full of (tish). Sfondamento, [sfndamn't] ditches. Slagellare, [sflje'lla'r] see m. sinking slaughter, Sfracassare, [sfrkssa're'] see in; Sfracellare. Fracassare. carnage. Sfocato, [sfk't] adj. cooled, Sfondare, [sfnda're'] v. a. to Sfr aceliare. [sfrat.she'lla're'JSfratempered. beat down, pull down; break gellare, [sfrajella'rj v. a. to Sfoderamento, [sfde'rame'n't] open; -uno squadrone, to break smash, shatter, bruise, destroy. unsheathing, m. unlining. through a squadron ; -, . n. to Sfrangiare, [sfrdnj're] v. a. to Sfoderare, [sfodr'rj v. a. to sink in. unravel, unweave. nnsheath. Sfondato, [sfnd't] adj. bot- Sfrangiatura, [ sfrati jatti'r] f. Sfocamento, [sfgmn't] m, tomless; excessive; destroyed. unraveling, unweaving. evaporation, vent: alleviation. Sfondato , [sfnd't] Sfondo, Sfrascare, [sfrska're'J e. o. Sfogare, [sfg'r] v. a. & n. [sfon'do] ni. hollow compart- to remove excrescences from to evaporate, vent, exhale: ment; (jainl.) back-ground of green boughs. hroathe out; discharge; ease, a painting. Sfratare, [sfrata're'l v. a. to lighten ; luogo sfogalo, m. open Sfondolare, [sfndl're'] see turn out of a convent; Sfraairy place: sfogar il dolore, to Sfondare. tarsi, V. r. to escape from a givo vent to one's grief; - la Sforacchiare, [sfrkki're'] v. monastery; break one's vow. vemlelta, to wreak vengeance. a. to make a hole; pierce. Sfrattare, [sfratta' r] v. a. to Sfondatamente, fsfogatmen't Sformare, [sfortn'r] v. a. to turn out; send away. adv. with alleviation, with disfigure. Sfratto, [sfrat't] m. flight, eaao. Sformatamente,fsfrmatme'n'- evasion; expulsion; dar lo -, to Sfo^atojo, [sfgat'y] m. air- te) ndv. ininioderately, exces- expel. hole, ventilation. sively, hugely. Sfreddare, [sfre'dda're'] v. a. to Sfoggiare, (sfodj're'] v. n. to Sformazione, |sfrmatsi'ne'] /. cool. be ostentatious in one's attire; deformity, ugliness. Sfregacciolare, [sfre'gtshl'dress sumptuously; excel. Sformevole, [sfrmv'l] aij. r] V. a. to rub gently.
after another.




Sfregaccfolata, fsfrgatshl'- Sfruttare, [sfrtt'r] v. e. to! n. to kick one's legs about; t| /. a slight rubbing. loiter, trifle. sterilize, exhaust. Bfregacciolo, [sfrgdtsh'l] m Sfucinata, [sfiUshin't] /'.great Sgambettata, [sgambe'tt'ta] f. a blot; badly written word; era- number {vulgarism). Sgambetto, |sgnibet't) m. sure. Sfuggevole, [stdj'vl] adj. sly trick; tripping up a person's heels; fig. stratagem. Sfregamento, [sfre'gmeVt] m. transitory; slippery. rubl)ing. Sfuggevolezza, [sfdje'vle't'sa] Sgambucciato, (sgmbtsh't] Sfregare, [sfre'ga're'] w. o. to rub. f. tieotness ; swiftness , slip- ail], without stockings. Sfregatojo, [sfrgat'y] m. periness, Sganasciare, [sgnash're'].a. rubber. Sfuggiascaraente, [sfdjfslca- to dislocate the jaws; - dalle risa, to burst with laughing. Sfregiare, [sfrjt'r] v. a. to men'te'l oe/v. rovingly, stealthdisadorn, deface; slash in the ily, furtively. Sganasciata, [sgnsha'taj /". face; afiront, defame; Sfue- Sfuggiasco, Isfdjs'kl a^/j. fuand Sganasciamento, [sgnagitive, vagabond, roving; alia oiAKSi, V. r. to get faded. shmn'toj m. great burst of Sfregio, [sfre'ji] m. gash, scar; sfuggiasca, by stealth, fur- laughter. blot, affront, dishonor. tively. Sgangasciare, fsgangsh're'] tJ. Sfrenamento, [sfrnmen't] m. Sfuggiraento, fsfudjime'n't] m. n. to burst with laughing. barefaced impudence , disso running off, flight. Sgangheramento, [sganghe'raInteness. Sfuggire, [sfdji're'] v. a. & n. men't] tn. going ofi" the hiuges; Sfrenare, fsfre'n're'l un- to avoid, escape from, elude. disorder, excess. bridle, lot loose; Sfue.varsi, v. Sfuggito, [sfdji't] adj. fugi- Sgangherare, [sgnghe'ra're' v, f to throw off all restraint; tive; alia sfuggita, by stealth, a. to unhinge; disorder; put ingrow too tree. by the way. to a passion. Sfrenataggine, [sfre'nta'djin] Sfulgore, (sfulg're'l m. gor- Sgangheratacciorsgangherdtd'geousness; pomp, ostentation. tsho) ailj. clumsy, awkward. see Sfrenatezza. Sfrenatamente, fsfre'ntamn'- Sfumamento, [sfmmen'tj m. Sgangherataggine, [sganghe'raexhaling: disappearance. te] lido dissolutely. ta'djinej /. awkwardness; conSfrenatezza, [sfrenate't'sa] f. Sfumante, [sfumn't] adj. ex- fusion. profligacy, dissoluteness, licenhaling, evaporating, melting Sgangheratamente, [sgdnghe'away, blending. tiousness. rtamen't] adv. awkwardly, Sfrenazione, [sfre'ntsf'ne'] f. Sfumare, (sfm're'] v. a. & n.' confusedly, excessively. licentiousness, looseness. to fume, evaporate; melt away, Sgangherato , [sganghe'ra't] Sfrenellare, Isfre'nllar] v.n. disappear; (paint.) to blend; aij off the hinges, out of joint; to remove the oars from the paint the background. awkward; confused. tongue-strings previous to Sfumatezza, [sfnmtt's] and Sgannare, [sgdnn're'] &c., see rowing. Sfumatura, [sfumt'r) f. Disingannare &c. Sfrettare, [sfre'tt'r] v. a. to (paint.) blending of the colors. Sgaraffare, [sgrfi'd'r] abate one's ardor in an uuder- Sfumino, [sfumino] m. (paint.) scratch, rob, carry off. t:(king. paper made into the form of a Sgarare, [sgara're] and Sgarire, Sf. ingoiare, [sfriggl're'] and cone to rub the chalk on the V. a. to brave; -, v. n. to carry Sfrigolare, (sfrigolare] m. paper, and make gradations the question. hissing noise made in frying. of shades. Sgarbataggine, [sgarbata' dj ine'] Sfringuellare, [sfringuell're'J Sfuriata, [sfun'a't] f. fit of see Sgarbatezza. V. fi. to chirp; backbite. pission (vulgarism). Sgarbatamente, [sgarbitme'n'Sfrizzare, [sfndsa'r] v. a. to Sgabbiare, [sgbbi're'j v. a. to te]a'/o unpolitely, awkwardly. smart; -, v. n. to be sharp. take out of the cage. Sgarbatezza , [sgrbatet's] f. Sfrombolare, (sfrmbla're'] v. Sgabellare, [sgablla're'] .a. to unpoliteness, awkwardness. a to fling, cast stones. pay the tax or duty; Sgabel- Sgarbato, [sgarb'tj aUj. unSfrondamento, [sfrondame'n't] la usi, V. r. to get rid of, free polito, awkward. m. stripping off the leaves. one's self. Sgarbo, [sgr'b] m. unpoliteSfrondare, [sfrnda're] v. n. to Sgabelletto, [sgbelle't't] Sga- ness; disagreeableuess. strip off the leaves. bellino, (sgbe'lli'no] m. small Sjargarizzare, [sgrgaridsa're'] Sfrondato, [sfmnda't] stool, foot-stool. adj. V. a. to gargle; gargarize. leafless. (puller of leaves. Sgabello, [sgab'l] m. stool, Sgargarizzo, [sgrgari'dsoj m. Sfrondatore, [sfrondtn'r] m. joint stool. gargling, gargarism. Sfro atarsi, [sfrontr'si] v. r. to S^abellone, [.tgdbe'llo'ne'] m. Sgarrare , [sgrr'r] v. n. to grow bold. high stool, great stool. mistake, be mistaken. Sfrontataggine, fsfrntt'dji- Sgabuzzino, [sgbtsi'n] ni. a Sgarrettare, [sgrrett're'J v. \] see Sfrontatezza. wretched little room. a. to hamstring; hough. Sfrontataraente[sfrnttme'n'- Sgaglia:dare, [sgl'rd're'] v. Sgarrone, [sgrr'ne] m. error, t ] see Sfacciatamente. a. to weaken, debilitate. mistalce. Sfrontatezza, (sfrntte't's] f. Sgalante, [sgaln't] ady.ungal- Sgatta jolare , [s^'r] effrontery, imputlence,temcrity. lant, ungracious. V. n. to get artfully out of a Sfrontato , (sfrnt'toj (sgalle'tt'reT v. n. Sgallettare, adj. difficulty. brazenfaced, impudent. to render one"s self amusing; Sgattigliare, fsgttil'a're'] v. a. Sfronzare , [sfrnts're'] see be the life of the compaiiy. to disburse, lay out money. Sfrondare. Sgambare, [sgamba' re] v. n. to Sgavazzare, [sgvtsa'rej v. n. Sfrottolare, fsfrttl're'] v. n. walk quickly; get tired. to leap for joy, merrimake; to relata fables. Sgambato,! sgmb't]a(/j.with- carouse, banquet. Sfrullare, [sfrU'r] v. a. to out legs; weary. Sghembo, [sgheni'b] ad}, crookmake turn round. Sgambettare, [sgmbe'tt're']. ed, tortuous; - m. tortuosity,

crookedness; a

428 --


awry, ob- Sgomberatura, [sgmbe'rt'r] Sgradevole, [sgrde''vl] ad]. disagreeable, unwelcome. /. the act of removing; act of Sgradire, [sgrdi'r] v. o. to Sgbermire, [sghrmi'r] v. a. changing habitation.
liquely. to lot go, let loose.




displease, disgust.

Sghermitore, [sghe'rmit're'] m. empty; -,m. removing; change; Sgradito, [sgradi't] ml], disexpulsion. agreeable. he that lets loose. Sgheronato, [sgheronato] adj. Sgombrare, [sgmbr're'] see Sgraffa, [sgrff] /. \nnt. bracket. Sgomberare. cut aslant, in bias. Sgherraccio, [sghrr'tsh] m. Sgombratore , [sgmbrt're'] Sgraffiare, [sgrffi're'] v a. to

scratch; etch. [sghe'rre'tta're'] Sgombro, [sgm'br] see Sgom- Sgraffiatore, [sgrffit'r] m. Sgherrettare, painter in fresco. bero. V. a. to hamstring, hough. [sgme'nt- Sgraffignare, [sgrffin''re'] . Sgherro, [sghr'r] m, bully, Sgomentamento , me'n't] m. discouragement o. to steal, take away ((cut-throat. garnm). Sghescia, [sgh'shi] f. exces- dismay, amazement. Sgomentare, [sgme'nt'r].o. Sgraffio, [sgrffio] m. scratch, sive hunger {vulgarism). tear; fresco. Sgiacciare, [sgiatshi'r] v. a. to discourage, dismay, deter -, V. n. Sgomentarsi, . r. to Sgraffione, [sgrffio 'ne'Jw. great to thaw. be discouraged, be dismayed, scratch. Sghignapappole, [sghin'pp' Sgraffito, [sgrffi't] m. fresco. pole] m. hearty laugher (vuiffa- be deterred. Sgomentevole, [sgme'nte"vle'] Sgrammaticare , [sgrmmtirism). k'r] V. a. to explain gramSghignare, [sghin''r] e. o. to ai], disheartening; frightful. laugh at, deride -, v. n. to Sgomento, [sgmn'tjm. fright, matically (said ironically); to amazement. speak nngramraatically. laugh contemptuously. Sghignata, [sghin''tj f. see Sgominamento, [sgrainme'n'- Sgrammaticatura, [sgrmmtikt'r] /. erroi: in grammar. to] m. disorder, confusion. Sghignazzamento. Sghignazzare, [sghin'ts're'] Sgominare, [sgmina'r] v. o Sgramuffare, [sgrmff're'] v. n. to speak grammatically(ironto disorder, put in confusion. V. 71. to burst into a loud Sgomino, [sgmini'] Scorni- ically). laughter. Sghignazzamento, [sghin'ts- no , [skmin] m. disorder, Sgranabile, [sgrn'bile'] ad]. that may be shelled. mn't] Sghignazzata, [sghi- confusion. n'ts't] f. Sghignazzio, [sghi- Sgomitolare, [sgmitl're] . Sgranare, [sgrn're'] v. a. to shell; husk (seeds); take out a. to unwind, untwist. n'tsi'] m. loud laughter. Sghigno, [sghi'n'] Sghignnz- Sgonfiamento, [sgnfime'n't] the grains. Sgranchiare , fsgrr'nki're'] n. lowering a swelling. zo, [sghin''ts]m. sneer, ironSgonfiare, [sgnfi'r] . a. & Sgranchire, [sgrnki're'] . a. ical smile. Sghimbescio, [sghimbsh] ad;. 71. to lower a swelling; Sgon- <fe n. to stretch one's limbs bandy-legged,crooked; a-, adv. FiAKSi, . r. to cease swelling. rouse, excite, stir up. Sgonfio, [sgn'fi] m. swelling Sgranellare, [sgrnll're'] .a. athwart, awry, aslant. Sgobbare, [sgbba'r] . n. to in bread &c. , produced by to pick grapes, stone raisins. Sgranocchiare, [sgrnkki're'l carry a great weight; be bent air. Sgonnellare, [sgnne'll're'] . . a. to scranch; eat voradouble with carrying. ciously any thing that crackSgobbo, [sgb'b] m. handicraft a. to take off the petticoats. Sgorbia, [sgr'bi] f. gouge. les. work, manual labor. Sgobbone, [sgbb'n] m. one Sgorbiare, [sgrbi'r] . a. to Sgrattare, [sgrtt're'] . a. to pick a bone clean. who by dint of perseverance daub with ink. succeeds in mastering a science. Sgorbio, [sgr'bi] wi. spot of Sgravamento , [sgrvme'u to] m. alleviation, comfort. Sgocciolaboccali , [sgtshl- ink; scrawl. bkk'li] m. a hard drinker, Sgorbiolina, [sgrbili'n] f. Sgravare, [sgrv're'] . a. to small gouge. discharge, unload; alleviate, tippler. Sgravarsi, v. r. to lie Sgocciolare, [sgtshl're'] v. a. Sgorgamento , [sgrgme'n't] ease in. drop, m. overflowing, disgorging. to drain out; distil, Sgorgantemente, [sgrgnte'- Sgravatore, [sgrvt're'] tn. empty. one who alleviates; a consoSgocciolatojo, [sgtshlt'y] mn't] adv. abundantly.
see Sgoraberatore.

ler. Sgorgare, [sgrga're'] . a. m. evesdropper, gutter. Sgravidanza, [sgrvidn'ds] \. Sgocciolatura, [sgtshlt'r] n. to disgorge, overflow. [sg'tshl] m. Sgorgata, [sgrg't] f. the accouchment, delivery, child/. Sgocciolo, space that remains void of air birth. draining, dropping. Sgolarsi, [sglr'si] . n. r. to in a pump at every raising of Sgravidare, [sgravida're'] . t. to be delivered, lie in. the piston. talk loud (as to a deaf person) Sgolato, [sgl't] ad'], throat- Sgorgo, [sgr'g] m. overflow- Sgravio,[sgr'vi]m. discharge ; ease, alleviation, relief. ing; profusion; a -, ad, abun less; bare-necked; tattling.

Sgraziataggine , [.sgrtsit'[sgmbe'r- dantly, profusely. , /. awkwardness, ill me'n't] m. removal, change of Sgovernato, [sgve'rni't] ad]. djin] grace. ill-governed, ill-managed. place. Sgomberare, [sgmbe'r're'] . Sgozzare, [sgts'r] . a. to Sgraziatamente , [sgrtsitacut one's throat; empty a crop mn't] od, awkwardly; una, to remove; carry off, drive away; clear, purify; -, . n, to (of poultry); pocket an af- luckily. Sgraziatello,[sgrtsit'l]ady. front. remove, go away, decamp.


Bgomberatore, [sgmbrt'r] Sgracimolare, [sgrtshiml'm, remoTer.

re] V. 0. to thin out grapes.

rather awkward. Sgraziato, [sgrt6i't]ad|/.awlc

clumsy , ungraceful , wretched; unfortunate.




awry, Sibillino, [sibilli'n] adj. sybll(perer.





[sgrdme'n't] m. look, aspect, glance. very awkward. Sgretolare, [sgre'tl're'] v. a. Sguardare, [sgwrda'r] v. a. to look at; regard. to shatter, bruise. Sgretolio, [sgrtli'] m shat- Sguardata, [sgurd't] /'.look, countenance; aspect. tering; fermentation. Sgricchiolaits, [sgrikliila're'] Sguardatore, [sgudrdt're'] m. looker on, beholder. see Scricchiolare. see Sguardatura, [sgurdt'r] /. [sgritsh'l] Sgricciolo , Scricciolo. look, air, mien. Sgridamento , [sgridme'n't] Sguardevole, [sgttrd6"vl] adj. remarkable; rare. TU. scolding; rehuke.


Sibillone, [sibill'ne'] m. whisSibilo, [si'bilo] see Sibilio. Sibiloso, [sibil's] adj. hissing,

cut-throat, Sicario, [sik'ri] hired assassin. Sicch, [sikk'] adu. thus ; therefore.

Sicciolo, [si'tshl] w. small bit (of juicoless meat). Siccit, [sitshit'] Siccitade, Siccitate, f. siccity, dryness,

Sgridare, [sgrid'r]

m. look, glance, regard; respect. m. f. scold- Sguardolino, [sgurdli'n] ing; reprimand. slight look. Sgridatore, [sgridato 're'] m. re- Sguarnito, [sgurni't] adj. unprover, rebuker. furnished; unprovided. Sgrido, [sgri'd] m. scolding Sguattero, [sgutt'r]m. sculreprimand. lion (vulgarism). Sgrigiato, [sgrija't] adj. of a Sguazzacoda, [sgutsak'd] f. greyish color. water-wagtail. Sgrigiolare, [sgrijl're'J v. n. Sguazzare, [sguts're'] v. a. & lavish, feast; to clank, clash, crack n. to ford; Sgrignare, [sgrinVr] . a. to waste.
a. to

Sguardo, [sgitr'd]


scold; reprove. Sgridata, [sgrid't]

Siccome, [sikk'm] adv. as soon as.

as, so;

Siclo, [si'cl] I. sheTcel. Sicofanta, [sikfn't] m. syc-

ophant, traducer.

Sicomoro, [sikm'r] m. sycamore. Sicumera, [sikum'r] f. pomp,

ostentation (vulgarism).



laugh at; mock. Sgrignato , [sgrin''t] hump-backed.

Sguazzatore, [sgutst're']

odt).certainly,surely,assuredly. Sicuranza, [sikrn'ds] f. seassurance ; courage, curity;

feaster; lavish er.



Sgrillettare, [sgrilltt're'] a. to cock a gun. Sgroppare, [sgrpp'r] v. to untie a knot; undo.

gng'l] m. ragout. Sguerciatura, [sgwrtsht'r] tate, see Sicurt. a. Sicuro, [sik'rj adj. safe, sure; glance. f. squint-eyed Sguernire, [sgue'rni're'J v. a. to assured; firm; clever; practised; andar sul -, to proceed Sgroppare, [sgrppa're'] v. a. unfurnish, divest. act without to break the crupper. Sgufare, [sguf'rj v. a. to ban- with confidence Sgrossamento, [sgrssme'n't] ter, mock, scoff. risk; adv. certainly. m. rough hewing, sketch. Sguiggiare, [sguidja're'] v. a. Sicurt, [sikrt'J Sicurtade, Sgrossare, [sgrss're'J v. a. to to buckle a strap. Sicurtate, f. security, safety; roughhew, sketch. Sguinzagliare, [sguintsl''re'] assurance, confidence; courage, Sgrufolare, [sgrfl're'] v. a. v. a. to uncouple, unleash. boldness; faith, trust; guaranto nozzle. Sguisciare, [sgishare'J w. n. tee, bail; (loc) valvola di -, f.

boldness. Sicurezza, [sikre't's]Sicurit, [sikrit'] Sicnritade, Sicuri-

Sgrugnare, [sgrn''re'] v. n. to swim; skip. Sgrugnarsi, [sgrn'r'si] v. r. Sguittire, [sguitti're'] to give one's self a blow in the yelp, howl.

v. n. to Sidere, [side"r] see Sedere. Siderio, [sid'ri] adj. starry.
v. n. to

Sguizzare, [sgwits're']

Sido, [si'd]m. chillness.

[si'dr] [si'f]

Sgrugnata, [sgrn''t] f. Sgrugno, [sgr'n'j Sgrugnone, [sgfn''n] m. blow in the

face (with one's fist). Sgruppare, [sgrpp'r]

away; frisk Sidro, bounce; run away; - in piede, Sieffo,


m. cider. m. eyo-salve.

Sgroppare. Sguainare, [sguin're'] v. a. to unsheath, draw out. Sguajataggine, [sgwyt'djin] f. awkwardness. Sguajatamente,[sguytmn't] adv.


Sguajato, [sgtty't] adj. disagreeable, mawkish, disgusting; slovenly; stupid.




Gualcire. Sgualdrina,[sgttldri'n]Sgual- hiss. drinella , [sguldrin'l] f. Sibilatore, [sibilt're'] m, whiswoman of the town; harlot. tler; scoffer. Sguancia, [sguan'tsha] /".check Sibilo, [sibili'] m. hissing, of the bridle. hiss. Sguanciare, [sguntsh're'] v. a. Sibilla, [sibiria] Sibillessa, to break the jaw-bones. [sibille's'saj /. sybil, prophe Sguancio, [sgun'tshj w. slope; tesa.

Siepaglia, [sie'p'^]^ quicksethedge, thicket. shell, husk; -, v. n. to slip Siepare, [sie'pa're'] v. a. to enclose with a hedge. away, escape. Sgustare, [sgst'r] v. a. to Siepe, [si'pe'] f. hedge enclosure; tenere uno a -, to keep disgust. one in awe. Si, [si'] adv. yes, truly; - bene, yes indeed; si ..., si ..., as well Siepone, [sie'p'n] m. thick hedge. ... as, both ... and; - veramente, provided, on condition. Siere, [si're'] Siero, [si'r] tu. whey, buttermilk. Si, [si] pron. one, people, they; - dice, it is said, they say. Sierosit, [sierosit'] &c., 3 Sibarita, [sibri'ta] m. syba- Serosit &c. rite. Siffatto, [sifft't] adj. such, Sibilare, [sibila're'] v. n. to just so, exactly such.
to start up.

Sgusciare, [sgush're']

v. a. to

Sifilide, [sifi'lide']



Sifoncino,[sifntshi'nJm.small syphon, small tube. Sifone, [sif'ne'] m. syphon, tube; conduit. Sigaro, [sig'r] i. cigar.
Sigillare, [sijill'r] seal; confirm; stop.






Sigillatamente, [sijilltaTnn'- Signorilmente, [sin'rilme'n't] Smbolo, [simTiolo] m. symbol, allegory; creed; adj. see Simo./. nobly, magnificently. t| ailv. oxactly, distinctly. m. Signorina, [siu'ori'nj /. young bolico. [sijiUt'rJ Big illatore , Simetria, [sime'tri'a] see Simlady, miss. scaler. metria. Sigillo, fsijiTl] i.seal; stamp, Signorino, [sin'ri'n])i. young Simia, [si'mia] see Scimia. gentleman. print; porre il -, to seal. Signorotto, [sin'rt'tlm.coun- Simiano, [simid'no] m. sort of Sigia, jsi'gla] /. cypher. plum-tree. Signatura, [sin"t'r]^.signa- try-sqnire, little lord. Signozzare, [sin'ts'r] see Simigliante, fsimil'n'te'] adj. tnre (tribunal at Rome). like, resembling: m. same Sigaifero, [sin'i'fe'r] tn. stand- Singliiozzare. nature, same thing, the like. Silente , [siln't] adj. silent anl-hoarer, ensign. Simigliante, Isimirn't] SiSignificamento, [sin'ifikmn'- calm. Diigliantemente, [similntto] m. siguitcation, acception, Silenzio, [siln'tsi] m. silence, men't] adv. likewise, equally, stillness; pause; lar -, to keep meaning.
, ;

also. Significantemente, [sin"ifil<n- silence. Silenzioso, fsile'ntsi's] adj. Simiglianza, [sfmirn'dsa] f. tmen'te) aitv. significantly. resemblance, comparison; sign. Significanza, [sinifikn'ds] f. silent, still, tranquil. sigiiiticalioa, meaning, sense; Silere, Isile're] v.n. to be silent. Simigliare, [simir'r] v. a. to make like, imitate; compare; Silfio, [sil'fij m. (boi.) m istorsign. -, t). n. to be like; appear (flintstono. StSignificare, [sinMfik're'] v. a. wort.

to signify, mean, denote; inti- Silice, [si'litshe'l m. pebble. malo, notify: inform. Siliceo, [sili'tsh] adj. flinty;

MiGtiAiisi, V.
self like.







hard as


tivinn'te) adv. expressively. Siligine, [sili'jfne'] f. Significa ti vo,( si n'i fi kati'vjat/j. fine white wheat. expressive, energetic. Silio, [si'li] m. spindle-tree. Significato, m. Siliqua, [si'liktt] /. husk, shell, [sinifik't] signification, meaning. pod (of uoase &c.). Significa. ore, (sin"ifikat're']m. Sillaba, {sil'lsib] f. syllableSillabare, (sillaba'r] and SilIle that signifies, explainer. Significazione,[sin"ifiktsi'ne'] labicarO; Isillubika'reJ v. a. to spell. /. signification; mark, sign. Signora, [sin''rj f. Madam, Sillabico, fsill'bik] adj. syllabical, of syllables. mistress, lady. Signoraggio, [sin'r'djT see Sillepsi, [sillpsi] f. {rh.) sylSignoria. ^ (Lord. lepsis. Sign orazzo",(sin'r'ts]m. great Sillogismo, [silljis'm] m. sylSiDore,[sin"o're)m.Sir, gentle- logism. [sillnjistijiian; il - Tale, Mr. Such a one, Sillogisticamente, kamn't) adv. syllogistically. Mr. So-and-So. Signoreggevole, fsin're'dj'v- Sillogistico, [silljisti'kj adj. syllogistic. le) ad), imperious, absolute. Signore^giamento, [sin'redj- Sillogizzare, [silljids're'] v. n. men'toj m. dominion, empire; to syllogize, reason.

Simiglievole, [sfmire''vl] adj. sort of resembling, like, equal.

Sim ilare, [simila'rejttt//. similar,



[si'mile'l "dj. like; -, adv. in like




like, fellow; fellow-crea-


Similmente, fsfmilme'n'te'] adv. in like manner.

Similiare, [similia're'] see Similare.

Similitndinariamente, [similitdmdrimu't] ae/v. comparatively.

Similitudinario,[s{militdin'rio) adj. ol similitude.

Similitudine, (similitu'dine'] f. similitude, resemblance, analogySimilmente, fsimilme'n't] adv.

likewise, also, too.

Similoro, [simil'r] m. pinchpower. Silo, (sil'i m. aloes. Signoreggiare, [si'n're'dj're'] Silogismo, [silji'sm] see sil- beck. Simita, [si'mit'J f. flatness of logismo. V. a. & n. to domineer, govern, command. Silvano, [silv'n] and Solvano, the nose. Islv'no) adj. sylvan: foreign. Simmetria, [simme'tri']/'. symBi^noreggiatore,[sfn're'djt'Silvestre, [silv'strj Silvestro, metry, proportion. re) m. doininator, ruler.
Signorello, [sin'r'l] m. petty [Silvestro] adj. woody; rural, Simo, [si'mj adj. flat-nosed. Simolacro, [simla'kr] see Silord, petty gentleman. wild. Signoresco, (sinrs'k] arf;. of Silvio, [sil'vf] tn, (stawp.) a mulacro. a lord, gentlemanlike, gentle- kind of printing smaller than Simoneggiare, [sfmne'dj'r] V. n. to be guilty of simony. manly. text. Bigno retto, [sin're't't] see Si- Silvoso, [silv's] adj. sylvan, Simonia, [simni'] /. simony. Simoniacamente, [simniakgr.orello. woody. men't] aav. by simony. Signorevole, [siVre"vle'] ailj. Simboleggiamento, [simble'Simoniaco, [simni'ak] Simoimperious, commanding; noble, djiimn'to) m. symbolization. genteel, gracious. Simboleggiare, [simbldj're'] niale, [simni'l] adj guilty of simony, obtained by simony. Signorevolmente, fsfn're'vl- V. a. to symbolize, represent. mente) adv. in a gentlemanlike Simboleita, [simblit'j see Simonizzare, [simnids'rejsee

Simoneggiare. manner. Simbolita. Signoria, [sin'ri'] f, lordship; Simbolicamente, [simblik- Simonizzatore, fsimnfdst re'J m. one guilty of simony. sovereignty; territory , juris- mn't] a(/w. symbolically. [simb'lik] adj. Si mpatialsimpati'al/'. sympathy diction; power, empire; au- Simbolico , Simpatico, (simpa'tikojat/y.sym thority. symbolical. Signorile, [sin'ri'le'] odj.noble, Simbolit, [simblit'] f. simili- pathetic congenial attractive prepossessing. tude, analogy; relation. illustrious. [simbolids'i] Simpatizzare, [sfmpatids'ic] 5ignoriliti,(sin'rilit']/.nobil- Simbolizzare, v.n. to sympathize. ity, stateliness. V. n. to symbolize.



Singozzare, [singts're'l iee Singhiozzare. Singulare, [singl're'] Ac, see Singolare Ac. Singultare, [singulta're'] v. n.
ipiies.) to sob.

SJmplice,[simpli'tsh] adj. sim- Sincopatura, (sinkpat'r] f. cutting off; contraction. pl.:. Simplisione, [simplitsli'u] see Sincope, (sink'pe) see Sincopa. Sincopizzare, [sinkpids're] Sulllpli<'il>ll0. V. n. to faint, become insenSiinpliciljlsimplitsiit'l Simsible. plicita(le,Siinplicitate, /. simSincronismo, [sinkrnis'm] m. plicity, ciimlor.

tn. (poet.) [simplifikr'si] synchronism. sob, sigh. Sincrono, [sin'krn] adj. syn- Siniscalcato, [sfniskik't] m. V. r. tn become simple. (simplifikchronous. senesch il's office. Simpliflcazione , tsioiie) f. siinpiiHcation. Sindacamento, fsfndakme'n't] Siaiscalchia, [siniskalki'a,] /. seneschal's jurisdiction. Sitnposiaco, [siiiiposi'k] adj. ni. account, explanation. Sindacare, [sindaka're] and Sin- Siniscalco, [si niskal'kol m.senent a b;tiii|Uut. Simposico , [simpsi'k] adj. dicare , [smdika'r] . o. to schal. steward; Lord high bi;iiih^;iiig to a feast. look over accounts; call one to steward. S mposio, [simpsio] m. great a strict account ; blame, criti- Sinistra, [sini'stral/.left hand; cize, censure. t'ojist. da -. on the left hand. Simulacro, fsimnl'kr] m. im- Sindacato, [sindak't] m, ac- Sinistramente, [sinistrme'n'te'] count, strict account; con- adv. sinistrously, ominously, age likuness; iUol. Simulamento, [simlme'n't] trollcrship: order; permission; hurtfuUy. tenere a -, stare a -, to call to Sinistrare, fsi'ni'str're'] v. n. to Vi. simuiation. feint; deceit. S'Uiulardo, [suuular'doj adj. de- an account. rage, fume: Sinistkaksi, w. r. Siadacatura, [sindkatti'r] f. to make a false step, slip. reitlul. Sinistro, fsini'str] adj. left, Simulare, (sirnl're'l v. a; io giving up of accounts. Sindaco, fsin'dko] m. con- left-handed; unlucky: - accisiiniilato, dissemble, feign. m latame'n'- troller, inspector, registrar; dente, m. misbap, mischance; ulatamen te, Si town-clerk, syndic, city-mag- -, m. sinister accident; inconte) adv. witli dissiitiulation. Simulative, [simlati'vo] adj. istrate. venience, misfortune. simulated, feigned. Sinderesi, [sfnd're'si] f. re- Sino, [si'uii] prp. till, until; Simulatore, js mlt're']m. dis- morse of conscience. even to, as far as; sin allesso, Sindicale, [sindika'le'l adj. of a till now, hitherto : - a che, till, sembler, liypocrite. until (that); - a qunnio? till Simulatorio, jsunulato'riolad;. controller, of a town-clerk. Sindicare, [sindik're] see Sin- when? how long? sin dove? how done with dissimulation. Simulazione, [simlatsi'n] f. dacare. far? sin qui, to this place, dissimulation, disguise. Sindicato, [sindik't] m. office hither. Simultaneit, [simultaneit']/. of a syndic. Sino, [si'n] tn. two sixes (at simultaneo US ness. Sindone, [sin'dne'] f. sindon; hackg immon); (walk.) sine. Simultaneo, [simlt'ne'] adj. fine linen. Sinodale, [sinnda'l] adj. synodsimultaneous. Sineddoche, [sn'dke'] f. (rh.) al, of the synod. Sinagoga, [sing'g] f. syna- synecdoche. Sinodalmente, [sindlme'n'te'] Sinedrio, fsin'dn'] and Sane- adv. synodically, by the synod. gogue. Sinalefa, [sinle"fci] f. synale- drio, [sane.'dri] w). sanhedrim. Sinodico, [sin'dikj adj. syuSineresi, [siii'rsi]/. (gr.) syn- odical, synodal. plia. Sinapismo, [sinapis'm]ni. mus- erosis. Sinodio, [siu'di] m. (mu.) Sinfonia, [sinfni'] /. syraplio- duet. tard-seed. Sinodo, [si'nd] m. synod. Sinattantoch, [sinttntk'] ny: concert. Singhiozzare, [singTiftsa'r] Sinonimizzare,fsiiinimidsa're'] con,], until, till. Sinceramente, [sintshe'rame'n'- Singhiozzire , [singhitsi're] V. a. to use synonimes. V. n. to sob, hiccup. Sinonimo, [sin'nimj ar/j. syntej adv. sincerely: honestly. Sincerare, [sintshr're'l v. a. Singhiozzo , [singhi'ts] and onymous; -, TO. synonyme. Singozzo, [sing'ts] m. sob, Sinopia, [sin'pij f. sinopor, to exculpate, excuse: Sincered ochre. BAUSi, V. r. to clear up; clear hiccough. Singolare, [si'ngl're'] adj. sin- Sinossi, [sin'sf] f. synopsis; one's self: ascertain. Sincerazione. [sintshe'rtsi'- gular, peculiar, particular; summary. m) /. oxcusation, justification, rare, excellent; -, m. singular Sinottico, [sfn'tik] adj. sum-

Singulto, [singrt]


mary, brief, compendious. number. defence. (gr.) [sintas'sij Sincerit, [sintshe'rit'] Since- Singolareggiare,[singlre'dj'- Sintassi, f. syntax. ritade, Siaceritate, f. sinceri- r] see Singolarizzare. Singolarit, [singolarit'] Sin- Sintesi, [sin'te'si] f. synthesis. ty, candor. Sincero , [sintsh'r] adj. sin- golaritade , Singolaritate, /. Sintetico, [sint'tiko] adj. syiy singularity, rarity. thetic; compounding. cere, downright. Sinch, [siake'] conj. & prep. -an- Singolarizzare, [singlarids'- Sintoma, [sin'tm] f. Sintomo, [sin'tmo] m. symptom, sign; r] V. a. to particularize, deti], t\\\. Sincipite, [sintshipi'te']m. sinci- tail SlNOOL.^KIZZAKSI, V. T. tO accident. affect singularity. Sintomatico, [sintm'tik] adj. put. Sincopa, [sin'kp] f. fainting- Singolarmente, [singlrme'n'- symptomatica!. tla(/v.particularly,singularly. Sinuosit, (sinuosit'] Sinuosi fit; (gr.) elision. Sincopare, [sinkp'r] v. a. to Singolo, [sin'gloj adj. each, tade, Sinuositate, /. sinuosity, every one in particular per -, winding. cut otf. elide. Sincopatamente, .[si'nkpt- singly, one by one; in particu- Sinuoso, [sia's] adj. sinaouSf lar. tortuous. muiej adv. by sincope.
: ;




[smkk't] adj. Sizza, [si'ts] f. strong cold Smaccato , Sio, [si'] m. water-parsley. insipid; rimanere -, to be iaSione, [si'n] m. whirlwind. north wind. Sipario, [sip'ri] m. {tht.) cur- Slacciare, [sltsh'r] v. a. to sulted, look silly. tain (on the stage). unlace, unloose, detach; Slac-j Smacchiare, [smakkia'r] v. a. Sire, [si're] m. sire. ciAESi, V. r. to unlace one's to abandon one's nest; leave Sirena, [sir'nj f. siren, mer- self. one's home. maid. Slagare, [slg'r] v. a. to over- Smacco , [smk'k] to. affront, Siringa, [sn'n'g] f. syringe. insult. flow tho hanks of a lake. Siringare, [sirirg'rj v. a. to Slamare, [slm're'] v.o. to roll Smacrare, [smkr're'] see Smai

Sirio, [si'rioj

or crumble down.



{astr.) Sirius, Slanciare, [slntsh're'J v. a. to

Smagare, [smg'r]

dog-star. hurl, fling, throw; Slanciarsi, Sirocchia, [sir'ki] f. sister V. r. to rush upon, fall upon, (little used). pitch into Sirocchievole, [sirkki'vl] Slargamento, [slrgamu't] m. adj. of a sister, sisterly widening, enlargement Sirocchievolmente, [sirkki- Slargare, [slrga'rj v. a. to vlme'n't] adv. like a sister. widen, enlarge; Slargarsi,!). Sirocco, [sir'k] m. south-east r. to expand, spread. wind. sirocco. Siaselo (A slascio), [sls'tsh] Siroppetto, [sirppe't't] ni. very adv. impetuously, furiously. thin syrup. Slatinare, [slatinare'] v. a. to Siroppo, [sir'p] i. syrup. smatter pedantically. Sirte, [sir't] m. syrtis, quick- Slattare, [slatta r] wean; sand, (same. break. Sisamo, [si'sm] wi. (bot.) se- Slazzerare, [sladse'ra're'] v. a. Sisaro, [si'sr] m. skirret; yel- to take out ; disburse (vulgalow parsnip. rism). Sisimhrio, [sisim'bri] Sisim- Sleale, [sle'a'le'] adj. disloyal, bro [sisim'bro] TO. (60 f.) water- perfidious. cresses. Slealt, [slealt'] f. disloyalty, Sissi f!io, [sissi'tsi] m. lot of perfidy frioiius eating together. Slegamento, [sle'gme'n't] to. Sistema, [sist'ma] m. system. untying, unlacing. Sistematicamente, [sistmti- Slegare, [sle'g're'j v. untie, kmn't] adv. systematically. unloose, undo; Slegarsi, r. r. Sistematico, [sistm'tikj adj. to disentangle one's self. systematical. Slentatura, [sle'ntatu'ra] f.

v. o. to mislay, squander, mislead. Smagio, [sma'jio] to. affectation. Smagliante, [sml'n't] adj. brilliant, bright.

Smagliare, [sml''re'] v. e. to break the meshes egg on, excite, spur on; -, v. n. to sparkle; get confounded; be


Smagr amento,

[smgrme'n't] and. Smagrimento, [smagirime'n'to] m. thinness, meager-

Smagrare, [smagra're'] v.n. to become thin, grow emaciated. Smagratura, [smgrt'r] f. see Smagramento. Smagrimento, [smgrime'n't]


Smagrire, [smgri're'] v.n. to

lose flesh, fall


[smdll're'] v. a, to divest of the rind, peel.



Sistematizzare, [siste'mtids'- loosening any thing that too tight. re'l v.a. to systematize, reduce to a system. Slitta, [slit't] f. sledge. Sisto, [si'st] m. circus, wrest- Slogamento , [slgme'n't]
ling place. Sistola, [sistola] f. vase for straining medicine used hy chemists. Sistole, [si'stl] f. contraction of the heart. Sistro, [si'stro] m. cithern. Sitare, [sita'rs] v. n. to emit an olfensive smell. Siterello, [sitr'l] to. slightly offensive smell. Sitibondo, (sitibn'd] adj. very thirsty; covetous. Sitire, [siti're] v. a. & n. to be thirsty; long for. Sito, [si't] TO. site, situation; house; stench. Situagione, [sitaj'n] f. Sidislocation.


[smltmn't] enameling; enamel. Smaltare, [smlt're'] v. a. to enamel incrust. Smaltatura, [smltt'r] f. see Smaltamento.


[smltime'n't] , concocting, digestion; rapid


Slogare, [slg're'] v. a. to dis- Smaltire, [smalti're'] v. a. to locate, put out of joint. digest sell off by retail, sell Slogatura, [slgt'ra] f. dis- fast; - uno, to get rid of one ; - un'inqiuria, to swallow down locating. Sloggiare, [sldj're'] v. a. to an affront; - il vino, to sleep dislodge, chase off; -, v. n. to one's self sober. dislodge, set off. Smaltista, [smlti'st]TO. enam;



v. a. to


hurt the loins, break the back; Smaltito, [smalti't]adj. digestweaken. ed; easy; clear. Slombato, [slmb't] adj. hip- Smaltitojo, [smaltit'y] to. shot; stile -, TO. slovenly style. drain, sewer. Slongamento, [slngme'n't] Smaltitore, [smltit're'] see Slontanamento , [slntmi- Smaltista. me'n't] to. distance, removal. Smalto , [smrt] to. cement, Slontanare, [slntna're'] v. a. mortar; enamel; basis, foundato remove, send away Slon- tion; floor; mosaic; cuore di -, tuamento,[sitmn't] m. sit- TANARSi, V. r. to depart from, TO. heart of stone; pingere in uation, state. withdraw. ismalto, to enamel. Situare, (sit're' situate, Slontan ator e, [slntnt'r e'] m Smammare, [smamm're'] v. n. place: set up. one who removes or departs. to laugh immoderately; SmamSituazione, [sittsi'ne'] /".sit- Slungare, [slng'r] v. a. to marsi, . r. to melt with tenuation, position, seat, posture. derness. lengthen , prolong stretch Siziente,[sitsin'te']arij. thirsty; remove, send off; Slungausi, Smanceria, [srantshe'ri'] f. afdesirous, longing for. V. r. to become lengthened. fectation , affected delicacy, Sizio, [si'tsio] TO. hard work(used Smaccare, [smakka're] v. a. to prudery. only in the phrases essere al -, shame, vilify; -,u, n. to become Smanceroso, [smantshe'r's] crushed. andare stare al -). adj. affected, over-delicate.
; ;

Smangiare, [smnja'r]
v. a. to




[sme'mbra're'] v.a. explain thoroughly ; search dismember; cut up; carve;' into Smtdoi-larsi, v. r. to rack one's brains. separate, divide. phrenzy, rage; burning wisli Smemorabile, [srae'mr'bil] Smilace, [smild'tshe'] wi. [hot.) extravagance. adj. unworthy of memory. bindweed. Bmaniamento, [smdnime'n't] Smemoraggine[sme'mra'djine'] Smillanta,[smillan't] Smillan-

consume gradually, eat away. Smania, [sm'ui] f. madness,


ni. troll

zy, fury, rage.

Smaniare, [smni'r] r.. to

rage, be in a fury; be



Smaniatura, [smnit'r] see Smania. Smaniglia, [smam'l'] f. Smaniglio, [smni'l] m. bracelet. Smanioso, [smni'sj adj. furious, rabid. Smannata, [smnna'ta]/". troop, band, brigade. Smantellamento, [smnte'llmn'to] i. dismantling; destruction.

tatore, (smillantat'rjm. braggart, boaster. pidity. Smilzo, [smil'ts] adj. thin, slenn. der; spare. Smemorare, [srae'rara're'] v. Smemorarsi, r.r. to lose ones Smimorato, [smimrd't] see memory, grow forgetful grow Smemorato. Sminchionare, fsminkina're'] stupid. Smemorataccio, [sme'mrdta'- V. a. to banter, jest. Sminuimento, [sminime'n't] tsh] atlj. very forgetful. Smemorataggine, [sme'mrdta'- WI. diminution; (wiws.) half-tone. djin] f. forgetfulness; stupid- Sminuire, [smini'rj &c., see Diminuire &c. ity.

Smemoramento, [sme'mordmn't] m. forgetfulness; stu-

Smantellare, [smante'll're']
a. lo


[smsmrti'n] Sminuzzamento , [smintsamn'to] Iti. cutting into small Smemorato, [smmrd't] adj. pieces; detail.


0(0. a little giddy.

dismantle; demolish. forgotten; forgetful heedless Sminuzzare, [smfntsa're'] v.a. to cut into small pieces, hash, Smanziere, [smantsie're] m.cox- stupid. comb, spark, dandy Smemorevole, [sme'mre'v'Ie'J mince. Sminazzatore, [smi'ntsdt'r] Smargiassare, [srarjss're'] adj. apt to forget. V. n. to bully, hector. Smenomare, [srae'nmd're'] v. a. m. that cuts into small pieces. Sminuzzolare, [smintsold're] Smargiassata, [smrjidss'td] to diminish, decrease. Smentare, [sme'nta're] v.a. to V. a. to mince; detail. f. rliodomontade. Smargiasseria, [smrjasse'ri'] chamfer. Sminuzzolatamente,[smintsSmenticanza, [sme'ntikan'dsd] Idtdmn't] adv. mincingly. f. bullying. Smiraglio, [smirdl'o] m. an Smargiasso, [smarjas's] m. f. forgetfulness. hector, bully. Smenticare, [srae'ntika're'J v. n. aperture in a wail to give light Smargiassone, [smrjss'ne'] to forget. to a room. m. cowardly bullying fellow. Smentire , fsme'nti're'l v. a. & Smiraldo, [srairdl'do] see SmeSmarginare, [smrjin'r] v.a. n. to give the lie; belie; con- raldo. to cut the margins (of books). tradict; Smentirsi, v. r. to Smisurabilo, [smisra'bil] adj. Smarrgione, [smrrij'n] f. contradict one's self. immeasurable, boundless, enorSmarrimento, [smarrimn't] Smentitore, [smntit're'] t. a mous. m. mislaying; error, fault; contradicter. Smisurare, [smisrd're'] v. n. fainting, swoon. Smeraldino, [sme'rdldi'n] adj. to e\ceed tho measure. Smarrire, (srarri're'] v. a. to of emerald ; of an emerald Smisuratamente, [smisratdmislay; miss, lose; bewilder; color. mi' t] adv. beyond measure, disorder; Smarrirsi, v. r. to Smeraldo, [sme'ral'do] m. eme- immensely.

lose one's way; lose one's self; stray: got bewildered.

Smerato, [sme'rt]

Smarritamente, [smarritdmeVte] adv. in a bewildered





nien'toj m. dislocation of the jaws; burst of l.iughtpr. Smascellare, (smdshlla're'] v. a. to dislocate one's jaws; dalle risa, to burst with laughter, laugh heartily. Smascellataraente, [smdshe'lldtdmn'te ] ar/u. rudely, coarsely

Smisuratezza, [smisrdte't'sd] (. immeusurability, immensity, illustrious, enormousness. Smeratezza,fsme'rdte"tsd] clear- Smisurato, [smisra't]arf; unmeasured, boundless, ness, limpidity. enorSmergo, [smr'g] m. diver, mous; inordinate. plungeon. Smoccare, [smokka're'] v. a. to
adj. clear,

Smerigliare, [sme'rird're'l v. a. snuff (a caudle). Smoccicamento , [smotsliikdto polish with emery. Smeriglio, [smri'l'ojm. emery; me'n'to] m. mucus.

Smoccicare, [smotshika're'] v.n.




to snivel.

Smoccolare, [smkkld're'l v.a.

[sme'rita're'] v. a. to


to snuff (a candle)


Smascherare, [smdskrd're] v. lose merit. a. to unmask, unveil ;Smasche- Smerlare, [sme'rld're'] v. a. to KAUsi, V. r. to throw off the embroider the borders of cloth, mask. linen, &c. Smascio, [smd'sho] m. redun- Smerlo, [smr'l] m. hobby, dancy of words, superfluity. embroidery of the borders of Smattonare, Isvndttnd'r] v.a. cloth &c. to take up tho tiles; unpave. Smettere, [sme't'te're'l v.a. irr. Smelare, [smld'r] v.o.totake (smesso) to throw off, lay aside; tho honey from the hives. abandon.
Smelia, [sm'lidj
cai female.

Smoccolatojo, [smkkoldto'yf)] Tn.Smoccolatoje, [smokkldt'y]

/. pi.

snuffers, pi.

Smoccolatore, [smkklat're'] m. candle-snuffer. Smoccolatura, [smkkldtii'rd]

snuffing (of a candle), pi.; wick. Smodato, [smda't] adj. immoderate, excessive. Smoderamento, [smde'rdme'n'to] wi. want of moderation; immensity, enormousness. Smoderatamente, [smoderata^

a sophisti



m. dividing, sharing; division. Bmembramento,rsme'mhrame'n'- Smidollare, [smidU'r] v. a. tj m.the act of dismembering to take out the pith or marrow;
Pit. Ital.-lna.

adv. exorbitantly.





Bmoderatezza, [smde'rte't's] and Smoderazione, [smdrtsi'n] excess.



Smoderato, [smde'r't] immoderate; excessive.

Bmogliato, [smr't] adj. unmarried; -, m. bachelor. who dismantles. Smontare, [smnt'r] . a. to Smussare, [smssa're'] v. a. to unhorse, dismount; -, v. n. to take off the angles; truncate. come down, descend; fade. Snamorare, [snamr'r] v a. Smorbare, [smrb'rj v. a. to to cure one of one's love; Snapurge; cleanse. MORARSi, V. r. to get cured of Smorfia, [smr'fi] f. grimace, one's love. (less. affectation affected manners, Snasato, [sns't] adj. nosepi. Snaturare, [sntr're'] v. a. to Smorflosetto , fsmrfise't't] change one's nature. rather affected. Snaturato, [sntr't] adj. unSmorfioso, [smrfi's] adj. af- natural. fected, prim; disagreeable. Snebbiare, [sne'bhi're'] v. a-, to Smorfire, [smrfi'r] v. a. & n. dispel the clouds; brighten. to make wry faces; be over- Snellamente , [snllme'n'te'] delicate. adv. nimbly, actively. Smorire, [smri're'] v. . to grow Snelletto, [sne'llt't] adj. nimpale, change color. ble, quick. Pjnorsare, [smrs're'] v. a. to Sneltezza, [snlle't's] Snellita, unbridle; take away the bit. [snellita'] Snellitade, SnelliSmortirOj [smorti're'] see Smo- tate, f. nimbleness, agility,

[smuni're'] v. a. to Soave , [s've'] Soavemente, reinstate; restore, re-establish. [sve'me'n'te'] adv. sweetly; Smuovere, [sm've're'] v. a. irr. agreeably ; softly, gently, (see Muovere) to move, shako; mildly; modestly. excite; persuade, dissuade; dig, Soavit, [soavit'] Soavitade, hoe. Soavitate, f. suavity, sweetSmurare, [smr'r] . o. to un- ness; gentleness, kindness. wall, dismantle. Soavizzamento, [svidsmn'Smuratore, [smrt'r] m. one to] m. seasoning.

Soavizzare, [sovids're'] v. a. to sweeten. Sobbalzare, [sbblts're'] v. n. to jump up; start up. Sobbarcolarsi, [sbbrklr'si] V. ft. & r. to tuck up ones clothes to the waist. Sobbissare, [sbbiss're'] v. a. to submerge.
[sbbllimn', t] m. gentle boiling. Sobbollire, [sbblli'r] v. n. to boil gently. Sobborgo, [sbbr'g] m. suburb.



[shbre'vit'] adv.

Sobillamento , [sbillme'n't] m. drawing aside; subornation.

Sobillare, [sbill'r] draw aside; suborn.
v. a. to


quickness, swiftness.

Sobissare, [sbiss're'] see Sob-

Smorto, [smr't] adj. pale as Snello, [snl] adj. nimble, agile, bissare. death wan, ash- colored bleak. alert, swift. Sobole, [s'ble'] f. poes., chilSmorzare, [smrtsa'r] . a. to Snerbare, [sne'rb'r] &c., see dren, pi. offspring. extinguish, quench; allay; calm; Snervare &c. Sobriamente , [sbrime'n'te'] - calcina, to slack lime; - la Snervamento, adv. soberly; calmly. [sne'rvme'n't] polvere, to lay the dust; la Sobriet, [sbrie't'] Sobrietam. enervation; debility. sete, to quench thirst. Snervare, [sne'rv'r] v. a. to de, Sobrietate, /. sobriety, Smorzatore, [smrtst're'] m. enervate; S.vervarsi.v. r. to get temporanee. (erate. extinguisher. (movement. unnerved; lose one's strength. Sobrio, [s'bri] adj. sober, modSmossa, [sm sa] f. motion, Snervatello, [snrvt'l] adj. Soccavato , [skkv't] adj. Smostacciata, [smstatsiiia'ta] a little enervated. hollowed out, thoroughly Snervatezza, [sne'rvtt's] f. worked (said of earth). f. a blow on the moustacues. Smottamento, [smttmn't] weakness, languor. Soccenericcio,[stshnri'tsh] falling in of earth. Sniccbiarsi, [snikkiar'si] v. r. adj. baked under the ashes. Smottare, [smtta'r] v. o. to to bundle out decamp. Socchiamare, [skkim'r] v. roll down; cave in. Snidare, [snida're'] Suidiare, a. to call in a low voice. Smovitura, [smvit'r] f. mo- [snidia're'] v. a. to unnestle Socchiudere, [skki'de're'] v. ving, movement. -, V. n. to quit one's nest; leave a. irr. {see Chiudere) to half Smozzare, [smts're'] v. a. to one's home. shut, leave ajar; shut.
; ;

shorten. [stshid're'] Snigbittirsi, [snighittir'si] v. Soccidere , see [smtst'r] f. r. to grow active. Succidere. lopping off, shortening. Snocciolare, [sntshl're'] v. a. Soccio, [s'tsh] m. Soccita, Smozzicare, [smtsik're] v a. to take out the kernels ; ex- [s'tshit] f. hiring out of to cut off, mutilate. cattle; farmer of cattle. plain; pay down, pay in cash; Smozzicatura, [smtsikt'r] clear up. Socco, [s'k] m. poes., buskin; /. cutting off. mutilating. Snocciolatamente, [sntshl- tragedy. Smucciare, [smtsh're'] tame'n't] adv. clearly, care- Soccodagnolo, [skkd'n'l] slip, glide fall down. fully. 7. girth. Smugghiare, [smgghi're'] see Snodamento, [sndme'n't] m. Soccombere, [skkmbe"re'] v. Mugghiare. untying, undoing. n. to succumb. Smugnere, [smVr] v. a. irr. Snodare, [snd're'] v. a. to Soccorrenza , [skkrrn'ds] (see Mugnere) to suck away, untie; loosen, disjoin; free. flux. f. looseness, dry up (the humors); exhaust, Snodatura, [sndt'ra] f. ar- Soccorrere, [skkr're'r] r. a. drain ; -, v. n. to grow dry ticulation of the joints. irr. (see Correre) to succour, Smugnersi, v. r. to get dry; Snudare, [snd'r] v. a. to un- assist; relieve; -, v. n. to reexhaust one's resources. sheath. member. Jmugnimento, [smn'imn't] Soave, [soave'] adj. sweet, plea- Soccorrevole, [skkrre"vl] m. squeezing out, extracting. sant, grateful gentle, delicate, adj. helping, auxiliary. Smugnitore, Ismun'it'r] m. delicious ; soft; tranquil, calm; Soccorrimento, [skkrrime'n'blood-sucker, tax-gatherer, kind. t] m. help, assistance.





Soffietto, [sff ie't't] m. bellows pair of bellows. Soffiggersi, [soffidje'r'si] v. a. & r. to hide one's self under. Soffio, [s'fi] m. blowing, puff; breath; in un -, in an instant; - di vento, gust of wind. Soffiola, [s'fil] f. hot., melilot.

Soccorritore, [skknit'r] firmness, compactness, steadho who assists; reliovor. fastness, sturdiness. Soccorso, [skkr's] m. suc- Sodisfare, [sdista're'] &c., see cour, assistance; relief. Soddisfare &c. Soccrescere, [skkre'sh're] i'. Sodo, [s'd] adj. firm, solid, n. to grow slowly. compact; massy, stout, sturdy, Sociabile, [stsha'bil] Sociarobust, steadfast; strong; star remain firm; -, adv. le, [stsh'lc] adj. sociable, -, to social; amiable, aft'able. firmly, solidly, fast; picchiar Socialit, [stshiilit'] f. so- -, to knock hard; -, m. baseciability, socialness, companment, foundation; security, ionablencss. bail; dire in sul -, favellare in Societ, (sotshie't'] Societade, sul -, to talk seriously, speak com- in earnest; porre iv, -, to settle, Societate society /. pany partnership establish; resolve, determine. club della strada ferrata, railway- Sodncimento, [sdtshimn't] company. m. Soduzione, [sdtsi'n^] f. Socio, iso'tsiio) m co'iipiuion; seduction. partner, subscriber. Sof, [sof'] m. sofa. Soda, [s'd] f. soda, kali. Sofferente , [sffrn't] adj.

Soffione, [sffi'ne'] m. blowing pipe, bellows. Soffioneria, [sffinri'a] /.presumption, vanity. Soffionetto, [soffint't] m. little puff; small bellows.

Soffismo, [sffis'ra] Sofisma &c.



Sodale, [sda'lj

m. comrade,

suffering, enduring; firm.

Soffitta, [sffit't] /. garret, attic, ceiling; entablement; entresole. Soffittare, [sffitt'r] v. a. to

Sofferenza, [sffrn'dsj f. suf- vault, ceil. Sodalizio, [ sodai i'tsi] m. com- ferance, patience, endurance. Soffocamento, [sffkame'n't] pany, society, fellowship, fra- Sofferibile, [sifri'bil] adj. m. suffocation, choking. Soffocare, [sffk're'] v. a. to ternity, union. bearable, endurable. Sodamente, [sdame'n'te'] adv. SofTeridore, [sffrid'r] see suffocate , choke , strangle cautiously; Sotferitore. overwhelm. solidly, surely; sturdily, stoutly. SoflTerimento, [sffe'rime'n'tj m. Soffocazione, [sffktsi'ne'] f. and Soffocamento , [sffokSodamente , [sdamen't] m. suffering, patience. mn't] m. suffocation. confirmation; bail, security. Sofiferire, [soffri'r] v. a. irr. Sodare, [sd'r] r. a. to con- {so/fro, soffrii; sofferto) to suf- Soffogare, [sffg'r] &c., see Soffocare &c. solidate; strengthen; promise; fer, bear, undergo; allow, perbail, guarantee. mit; -, r. . to forbear, abstain Soffoggiata, [sffdja't]/. bundle carried off slyly. Soddiaconata, [sddiakn't] from. m. subdoaconship , office of Sofiferltore , [sffrit'r] m. Soffornato, [sffrn't] adj. subdeacon. sufferer. vaulted. Soddiacono, [sddi'kn] m. Soffermare, [sffe'rm're] v. n. Soffraganeo, [sffrg'ne'] adj. subdeacon. Soffermarsi, v. r. to stop a suffragan. Soddisfacente, [sddisftshn'- little, make a short stop. Soffratta, [sffrt'ta] /".distress; [sffermd'ta] t] adj. satisfactory, satisfy- Soffermata, want, penury. /. ing. pause, stop; delay, sn.spension. Soffreddo, [sffrd'd] adj. raSoddisfacentemente, [sddis- Soffi, [sofifr] and Sofi, [sofi'] ther cold. ftshntmn't] adv. satis- m. title of the king of Persia. Soffregamento , [sffrgame'n'factorily. Soffiamento, [sffimn't] m. t] m. gentle rubbing. Soddisfacimento, [sddisftshi- breath, blowing; calumny. Soffregare, [sffrga're] v. a. to mn'tj m. satisfaction; a- Soffiare, [soffiare] v. a. & n. rub gently; offer repeatedly; mends. SOFFREGARSI, V. r. tO Solicit. to blow, puff; fume with rage; Soddisfare, [sddisf'r] v. a prompt; excite; urge on; fetch Soffribile, [soffri'bile'] adj. sufirr. (see Faro) to satisfy, give and carry; aprir la bocca a -, ferable, tolerable. satisfaction content; - al suo to speak inconsiderately. Soffrggere, [sffri'dje're'] v. a. obbligo, to acquit one's self of Soffiata, [sffi't] f. the act irr. {soffrissi; soffritto) to fry ono"s duty. of blowing. lightly. Soddisfattorio , [sddisftt'- Soffiatore, [sffiat're'J m. blow- Soffrire, [sffri're'J see Soffo-


ri] adj. satisfactory. er, prompter. rire. Soddisfattura, [sddisftt'ra] Soffiatura, [sffit'r] /'.blow- Soffritore, [sffrit're'] m. see Soddisfazione, [sddisftsi'- ing, breath, respiration. Sofferitore. ne] f. satisfaction, amends, Sofficcare, [sfl'ikk'r] v. a. to Soffritto, [sffrit't] m. frireparation; comfort, pleasure conceal Sofficcarsi, v. r. to cassee, ragout. Sodducere, [sdd'tshr] see lie hid, hide one's self, ab- Soffumicare, [sffiimik're'J v. Sedurre. scond. a. to fumigate, perfume. Sodducimento, [sddtshime'n'- Soffice, [srfitshe'] adj. soft, Sofisma, [sfis'm] f. Sofismo, t] m. seduction, corruption. downy; elastic. [sfis'm] m. sophism. Sodducitore , [sddtshit're] Sofficemente, [sffitshe'me'n't] Sofismare, [sfism'r] v. a. to m. seducer, corrupter. softly, adv. delicately. deal in sophisms, cavil. Soddurre, [sddr'r] see Se- Sofficente, [sffitshn't] &c., Sofista, [sfi'st] m. sophist.


see Sufficiente &c.


Sodduzione, [sddtsi'n] see Sofficenza, [ sffi tshn'ds] Sof- try. Sodducimento. flclenza, [sffitshiu'dsj &c., Sofistica, [sfistiTc] f. that Sedette, [sdt't] ad}, some- see Sufficienza. part of logic which teaches to what firm, rather hard. Sofficirs, [sffitshir'si] t?. o. sophisms froia distinguish Sodezza, [sde't's] f. solidity, r. to become soft. truth.




Sofisticamente, fsfisti'kamen'-ISog^golare, jsggla'r] v.a. to Soldata, [sld'tii] f. a son's wortii: ath -, adv. afte: the put on ;i tippct.. tt'l u(lv. sciiliistically. m;inner of soldiers. Sofisticare, [sofistikii're] . a. Sogg-olo, ls<>ggf'l] m. wimple, ti> sopliistirate, adultorate. Soldataccio, [soldat'tsh] m. tuckor: lhroat.-l);uiil. bad soldier; poltroon. Sofisticheria, [sfistikri a] /. So^grottare, |soggrtta're'] v. co|ilisiry. a. lo uork out doup furrows Soldataglia, [soldta'la] /. bad troops, pi Sofistico, sfi'stilc] adj. sofor planting vines. pliistical, captious, peovish ; Sogguardare [sogguarda'r] Soldatello, [sldat'l] m. com-, n siiphist; arguer mon soldier: bad soldier. V. a. to look askance, peep at Soggettabile,[sdjett'l)il]af/y. Soglia, [s'l'] /. Sogliare, Ls- Soldateria, isldutri'a] Soldatliat can bo subjected, tamable. tesca, [sldts'k] /. troops, la'rej m. tlireshold. Soggettamente, [sodjttinn'- Soglia, [s'l'] and Sogliola, soldiers, pi. tej ndv. in subjection. (sl"o'l| f. sole (fish.) Soldatescamente, [sldte'skSoggettameuto, [sdjettarae'n'- Soglio, [s'l"] m. throne; thresh- mn'te] adv. soldier-like. old. Soldatesco, [sMats'k] adj. tl m suljjoction. Soggettare, (sodjetta're'] v. a. Sognare, [sn''re'] v. n. So- soldierly, militar}*. to subject, subdue. on a usi, V. r. to dream, fancy, Soldatessa, v^soulaie's'sa] f. a female soldier, female warrior. Soggettatore, [sodjettat'r] m. imagine. subduer, comiueror. m. Soldatino, [soldati'no] m. young Sognatore , [sn'at're'] soltlior raw soldier. Soggetto, [sddj'toj m. subject; dreamer; visionary. ol>.jt'ct, matter. Sogno, [s'noj m. dream rev- Soldato, [solda'to] m. soldier. Soggezione, [sdjtsi'n] f. ory. Soldatuccio, [soidatu'tslio] Sol.siiKJi'cnon, constraint. datuzzo, (soldatii'tsoj m. poor Soja, [s'yal f. silk, Soggettitudine, sodjettit'di- Soja, [s'yaj /. flattery; dar -, common soldier. HSoldino, [soldi'n] m. little to Hatter, wheedle. /. suggesliou, liiut, iutiniation. Sojare, [sy'r] v.a. to flatter, penny. Sogghignare, f.snghin'are] v. cajole. Soldo, [sl'd] m. penny; pay, n. to smile, simper, laugh in 'Sol, [sol] wi. one of the notes soldier's pay, salary, wages, one's sleeve. in music. pL Sogghigno, [sghi'n'] m. smile,! Sola, (sia] ^.shallop; skifT". Soldoniere , [sldni're'J see simper. ISolajo, [sola'yo] m. floor, ceilSoldaniero. Soggiacere, [sdjatshe''re'l v. n.\ ing. entresole, attic, garret. Sole, [so'le] tn. sun; sunshine; trr. (see Giacere) to be sub- Solamente, [solamente] adv. (poes.) year; /"a-, the sun siiincs; ject to, lie under; depend. avere al -, to have an estate. only, merely, solely. Soggiaciniento, Isodjatsbiinen'- Solano, [sola'noj, nighl- Solecchio, [so!ek'kio]'and Soto) nt. snbmis^sion; dupendance.! sbade. lic hio, [solik'kioj m. parasol; Soggiogaja, (sodjoga'yaj /.dew- Solare, [sl're'l see Solajo shade. l.ip: swelling. Solecismo, [sle'tshis'm] m. Isolare, jsola're] w/j. solar. solecism. Soggiogamento, fsdjgamen'- Solata, [sola'ta] f. sun-stroke. to] VI subjugation. Solatio, [solatio, aiij. sunny, Solecizzare, [sle'tshidsa're] v. Soggiogare, [sodjg're'] v. a.\ exposed to the sun; -, m. a. to make use of solecisms. to subjugate, bring under; sunny spot; o -, to tho south. Soleggiamento, (sledjamen't] m. exposing to the sun. domineer. Solato, [sola to] a'/j. new-soled. Soggiogatore, [sdjgt'r] m.;Solatro, [sola'tro] t. but.,mo- Soleggiare, [sledja r] v. a. to subduer, concjueror. expose to tlie sun. -i, niglitsliado. Soggiogazione, [sodjgatsi'ne] Solcabile, [solka'bfle'] a r/;. that Solenne, [sole'ue] adj. solemn; may be furrowed (said of land). splendid, sumptuous; famous, f. subjugation, subduing. Soggiogo, [sodjo'goj m. dewlap; Solcamento, [solkilmen'to] m. e.xtremo; mangiatore -, enormous feeder. double chin. track, run (of a. ship). Soggiornamento , [sdjrn-! Solcare, [solk're] v. a. to fur- Solennemente, [sle'nne'me'n'te] mcu'to] m. sojourn. solemnly, pompously; adu. row, plough (tlie deep). Soggiornare, [sodjorna'r] v.n. Solcatura, [solkat'raj /. fur- famously, extremely. to sojourn, live; toil; look rowing. Solennit, [solennit'] Solenni after, watch; proservo. Solchetto, [slkt'tj tn. small tade, Solennitate, f. solemniSoggiorno, [sodjor'n] m. so- furrow. ty, celebration; pomp, spleujourn, abode; care. Soloio, [sl'tsh] m. conserve, dor,





Solennizzamento, [sle'nnids-

Soggiogare. men'to) vn. Solennizzazione, Solco, [sl'k] m. furrow, track: Soggiugnere, [sdjt'n'ere] v.a. wrinkle; andar per -, to go [solennidsdtsio'nej f. solemniirr. (see Giugnere) to subjoin, zation, celebration. roundly to work. add; reply. Soldana, [sld'iia] f. Sulta- Solennizzare, [sle'unidsa'r] v,


a. to solcmiiizo, celebrate. dig- Solere, [sle'r] v n. irr.iso'lio, tion: reply. stioti, suole, sofiUumo, solete, nil y of a Sultan. Soggiuntivo, [sdjinti'v] w. Soldania, [solda'niii] f. country soijliono; soleva, solito) to be yr., subjunctive accustomed, be wont use. mood; adj.\ ruled over by tl'.e Sultan. that may be subjoined. iSoldaniere, [soliliiii're] m.sti- Solerctta,! solere t'l li]/'. irou-solo. Soggiunzione, |sodjiiintsi'ne'] pemiiary, hireling. Solerte, [soUr'lej a/;, careful; wary, shrewd, clever. iSoldaao, [solda'no] it. Sultan. f. see Soggiugnimento. Seggo, [so'goj m. furrow ; Soldare, [solda're] v. o. to ro- Solerzia,[soler'tsi] f. diligence, cruit, enlist (soldiers). care, atteution; skill. Yrriakie ; path.



men'to) m. subjunction, addi-'Soldanato, [sldaiia't]



Soletta, fslt'ta]


ease, alleviation; comfort; del cuore , heaving of the broMSt. Sollevare, fsllv'r] v. a. to raise, heave up: excite, move; alleviate, ease; Soi.lkvausi, v. r. to riso, swell up; rise in arms; divert one's self, get

solo (for a Solitariamente, fslitrime'n'te] a'/. solitarily. Solettare, [sltta'r] v. a. to Solitarieta, [slitrit']secSosiilu slioes. litmlinu. Soettatura, [slttt'r] /. Solitario, [sol ita'rio] adj. solitary, retired, lonely: m. hermit. SdlllliJ of sliocs. Soletto, [solt't] ad}, alone, Solito, [s'lito] af/j. accustomed, habit uated,us';d a/ -,as usual; luito iilono. Solfa, (solfa'] /". (mus.) gamnt. il suo -, it is his way. Solfanara, [slf-.iua'r] Solfana- Solitudine, [slit'din] f solitude; retreat, retirement. ria, [sollunri'j /. sulphuriniiie. Solivago, (sliv'g] adj. wan3olfanello,fslfnn]ni. raatcli; dering alono, fond of solitary timtor-l)ox mutoli, vesta. walks. Solfare, |.sU'a'i and Zolfare, Sollalzare, [slalts'r] v. a. to v. a. to poifume lift up a little. Itsoit'a'rJ vith brimstone, dip in brim- Sollaslricare, [sllstrik'r] stone. see Lastricare. Sollazzameato, [sllatsme'n't] Solfare, l'slfa'r] w. sulphur. see Sollazzo. Solfato, [solfa'to] m. sulphate.

Sollevatezza, [slle'vate't's] f. sublimity, elevation. Sollevatore, [sllvat're'] m. ho that raises; faclionary,




Solfeggiare, |so]tedjii'r] v. a. (T)iui>). to sing the g;imut. Solfeggio, [soll'djo] m. {mus.) singing the gamut.
Solfo, Lsol'foJ m. sulpliur; brimstone. Solforato, [slfra't] adj. sulpluirnus. Solforatojo , fslfrt'y] m. placo where silks Ac. are exposed to the vapor of sulphur [slforedj're] Solforc/jgiare ,
V. a. to

emit sulphur; waft the odor of sulphur.

Solforico, [solfri'k] ad}, sul-

phureous. Solgo, (sl'g] see Solco. Solicchio, [sohk'kij ee



elevation: rebellion, revolt. Sollicitamente[snllitsliitmn'tj Ac, see Sollecitamento kc. Sollievo, [slli'vo] m. relief, ease, comfort. Sollazzare, (slltsa're'] v. a. toi Sollione, [sUi'n] m. dogamuse, divert, recreate; Soh-j days, jil. L.\zzAUSi, w. r. to amuse one's Sollo, [s'l] adj. soft, tender, flabby infirm. self, recreate one's self. [sllke'rSollazzatore, [soUtsit're'] m. Sollucheramento, mn'ioj m. tickling, titillation, amusing fellow, rejoicer. pruriency. Sollazzevole, [sll;its'vle")a'/j. Sollucherare, [sllkra're'] . agreeable, pleasant, amusing. Sollazzevolmente, [soUtsevl- a. to tickle, thrill: flatter. men'tj adv. agreeably, pleas Sollucherata , [sllukera'ta] (, external demonstration of inantly. Sollazzo, [slla'ts] m. amuse- ternal tenderness. ment, pastime, sport, recrea- Solo, [so'l] adj. only, alono; un sol Dio, one God, one only tion. Sollecitamente , [slle'tshit- God: una s-da vulta. only once; mn'te] adv. carefully, dili- -, adv. solely, only, but; - che, provided that gently. oollecitamento , [slle'tsbita- Solstiziale , [solstitsia'le'] adj,

Solidamente, [slidame'n'te']a'Zv.
solidly, firmly.

Solidamente, [slidarae'n't] m.

Solidare, [solida're'] v. a. to strengthen, consolidate. Solidario, [solidd'riojadj. bound for the whole sum. Solidezza, [solidet'sa] Solidit, [solidit'] Soliditade, Solidimassiveness, tate, (. solidity stnrdincss: durability. Solido, [s'lido] adj. solid, consistent, durable: -, m. solid, solidity, firmness in -, for the whole, each for all. Soliloquio, [slil'ktti] m. soliloquy. Solimato,[slim't]ar/j.(rAt/m.) sublimated -, m. sublimate.

Tuen'to] m. solicitation, instigation. Sollecitare, [slle'tshit're'] v.a. to solicit, urge; -, . n. to make haste. Sollecitativo, [slletshitati'v] //;. solici ting, pressing, urging. Sollecitatore, [ solle tshitato'rej m. solicitor: attorney. Soilecitatura,|snlletshitt'ra] f. solicitude, aii.Kiety. Sollecitazione, [sol letshittsi'ne] [. solicitation, entreaty. Sollecito, [sollt'tsliito] ailj. solicitous, anxious, careful: mindful, thoughtful diligent, quick. Sollecitudine, [sol ltshit 'di n] /. solicitude, anxiety ; quickness, haste; diligence, industry; commission, order. Solleone, [sUo'ne'] see Sol:


Solstizio, [slsti'tsi]m. {asir.)


Soltanto, [sltan't] adv. solely,

only, but.

Soltantoche, [sltiintk] adv.

provided, upon these terms. Solubile, [solii'bilejaf/j. soluble;


Solingamente, [slingame'n'te']
adv. solitarily. Soliago, [slin'g]
ai^/y. solitary, desert, lonely, retired. Solino, [sli'noj m. shirt-collar,




m. royal



Solipede, [sli'pe'de] ad}, solipede. BoIi3simo,[slis'sfm] adj. quite alone, by one's self.

Solubilit, [solubilit']/', solubility; separableness. Solutivo, [solti'vo] adj. solutive, aperient. Soluzione, [sltsi'ne'] f. solution: explanation. Solvere, [sol'vere] v.a.irr. (soluto) to untie, loose; melt; resolve; sever, disjoin; absolve, deliver; explain; - il desio, to gratify one's wish; - il ventre, to open the bowels; - un roto, lione. to pay a vow; Solversi, v. r. Solleticamento, [sUe'tikame'n'- to break loose; arise; show t] m. tickling, titillation; one's self. ticklishness. Solvimento, [slvime'n't] m. Solleticare, fslle'tika're'] v. a. untying; melting; solution; to tickle; tlatter. explanation. Solletico, i sol l'tik]m tickling: Solvitore , [slvit're'] m. one amusement , sport; [ur - , to who unties: explainer. tickle. Soma, (s'mri] [. bick-load, Sollevamento, [sllvame'n't] weight, burden; a some, in I. heaving up ; rising ; comloads, in lots; pareggiar it motion, insurrection, r-volt; som, to act impartially.

Somajo, [smd'y] den; burdensome.
adj. of bur-

Sommessa, [s6mme"s]
side (of stuffs).


right Sonabile, [sn'bil] adj. sounding.

Somara, [sm'r]



donkey, beast of burden.

Somaraccio, [smr'tsh] m.
sorry beast of burden.

[smme'ssa- Sonagliare, [snr're'] v. o. to mn't] adv. in a low voice, ring small bells, tinkle. Sonagliata, [snr'tj /. tinksoftly.
adj. submissive,

Sommessevole, [smme'sse"vle')

Somaro, [sm'r] m.
beast of burden.

ass, mulo,


[sme'dja're'J v. a.

Sonagliera, [snl''r] f. colhumble. Sommessione, [smmssi'nj lar of small bells. Sonaglino, [snl'i'n] m. vary f. submission, obedience.

to carry a burden.

Sommessivamente, [smme'ssi-

little bell.

Somella, [sm'l] f. small vmn't] adv. submissi^-oly. burden, small load. Sommessivo, [smmssi'v] adj. Someria, [smri'] f. carriage, submissive. luggage, goods, pi. Sommesso, [smme"s] adj. subSometta, [smt'ta] see So- dued, humbled; voce sommes mella. (burden. sa, f. low voice; m. span Somiere, [smi'r] m. beast of (measure), Somigliante, [smirn't] acj. Sommettere, [smme't'tre'] v. resembling, like. a. irr. (see Mettere) to submit, Somigliantemente, [smirant- subdue; Sommettebsi, v. r. to mn't] adv in the same man- yield, submit, ner, likewise. Somministramento, [smmini Somiglianza [cmirn'ds] f. stramn't] m. provision, sup likeness: imuge. plying. Somigliare, [somil''re'] v.a. to Somministrare, [somministra' compare; -, v. n. to resemble, r] V. a. to supply, afford. be like. Somministrativo , [smmini Somiglievole,|smire"vl] a'/j. strti'v] adj. apt to supply. resembling; conform. Somministratore , [smmini Somma, [sm'm] f. sum, quan- strat're'] wi. provider. tity: height; extremity; con- Somministrazione, [smmini,

Sonaglio, [sn'l] and Sonaglielo, [snTl] m. little


child's rattle; air-bubble;



[snme'n't] m. ringing, sounding. Sonante, [snn't] adj. sounding; sonorous. Sonare, [sn're'] v. a. & n. to sound; play upon; strike; - le campane, to ring the bells; -un corno, to blow a horn; - il piano-forte to play on the , piano; - a raccolta, to beat the general, sound a retreat. Sonata, [sna'ta] f. sonata, Sonatojo, [snt'y] m. a sort of copper vase which was placed in the theatres in order that the voice might resound. Sonatore, [snt'r] m. Sonaclusion* result; sum; in -, in stratsi'n] f. providing, pro trice, [sntri'tsh] f. player sliort, in fine; fare -, to mul(on any instrument). vision, administering, afford tiply. Sonatura, [snt'r] Sonazioing: support. Sommacofsmm'kjm, sumach- Sommissione, [smmissi'n] ne, [sntsi'n] f. ringing ; tree morocco-leather. see Sommessione, sound.
, ;



[smmmn'td] Sommista, [smmi'st] m. com


extremely. Sommare, [smm'r] v. a. to

: ;

Sonco, [sn'k] m. sow-thistle. of theological matters; Soneria, [sne'ri']/". the soundmoralist. ing-work of a clock.

sum u p enumerate amount to. Sommit, [sommit'] Sommit Sonettaccio, [sne'tt'tsh] m. Sommariamente [sommdri- de, Sommitate, /'.summit, top; miserable sonnet.

mn't)a(y. summarily, briefly.

height; sublimity.







Sommo, [sm'm]


sonnetteer, composer of son-

summary, brief; -,m summary, compendium.

So mm atamente, [smmtme'n'te] adv. summarily, shortly, Sommolo, [sm'ml] m. tip of Sonettatore, [snttt're'J see briefly. Sommommo, [smmm'm] m. Sonettante. Sommato, fsmm't] m. total, thump under the chin; kind of Sonettessa, [sntte''s] f. bad complete sum. rice fritter eaten in Lent, sonnet. Sommatore, [smmt're'] m. Sommormorare, [sommrrar'- Sonettiere, [sne'tti're'] Socompiler, author, editor.

chief; highest, greatest, first nets. rate; -,m. summit, top; supreme Sonettare, [sne'tt're'] v. a. to degree, extremity, compose sonnets. (the wing.

Sommergere, [smmr'jre]


irr. (see Mergere) to submerge, sink, drown; destroy; SoMMEiiGERSi, V. r. to sink, get

ruined, ruin one's self.

adj. liable to


nettista, [sne'tti'st] m. composer of sonnets, writer of (arch.) top of the shaft. sonnets. Sommosciare, [smmsh're'] v. Sonetto, [snt't] m. sonnet. n. to wither a little; grow soft. Sonettuccio, [sne'tt'tsh] SoSommoscio, [smm'sh] adj. nettuzzo,[sne'tt'tsJ u.poor rather withered. sonnet.

r] murmur indistinctly. Sommoscapo, [smmsk'pjm.


Sommossa, [smm'sa]

sounding; sonorous. Songia, [sn'ji] f. hog's-lard. Sommovimento, [smmvime'n- Sonnacchiare, [snnkki'r] v. Sommergitore, [smme' rjit'r] t] m. stimulating; trouble; n. to slumber, doze, Ml. he that submerges, he that commotion, revolt. Sounacchione, [snnkki'ne'] drowns. Sommovitore, [smmvit're'] adv. half asleep.
inn't] ing.



insti- Sonevole, [sne''vle']




m. submersion, drown-


in. instigator, exciter. Sonnacchiosamente, [snnakSommozione, [smmtsi'ne'] f. kismn't] adv. sleepily. Sommersare, [smme'rs're'] see see Sommovimento. Sonnacchioso, [snnakki's] Sommergere. Sommuovere, [somm've're'] v. adj. sleepy, drowsy; heavy. Sommersione, [smme'rsi'n] a. irr. (see Muovere) to move; Sonnambulo, [snnm'blj m.




submersion, sinking.

stir up, stimulate; induce.





Sonnecchiare , [snnkkia're'l Soperchievolmente, [spe'rkie'- Sopportevole , [spprt'vl] Sonneferare , [snnfr'r] vlmn't] adv. overbearingly; adj. supportable, tolerable. Sonueggare, [snndj'r] w. excessively. Sopportevolmente, [spprte'. to slumber, doze. Soperchio, [spr'ki] adj. su- vlmn'te'] adv. supportably, Sonnellino, [snnlli'n] Son- perfluous, excessive; -, adv. tolerably. nerello, [snnr'l] Sonne- excessively, overmuch; -, m Sopporto, [sppr't] m. tolerretto, [snne'rt't] m. nap, superabundance, excess; insult, ation. slumber, siesta; far mw -, to imposition, injury. Soppositorio, [sppsit'rx] m. take a nap. Sopire, [spi'r] v. a. to lull, suppository. Sonniferamento [snnife'raallay, still, calm. Soppottiere, [spptti're'] m. mnt] m. drowsiness, sleepi- Sopitore, [spit're'] m. calma- busybody, meddler. ness. (SoiineccMare. tive. Soppozzare, [sppts're'] v. a. Sonniferare, [snnife'r'r] see Sopore, [sp're'] m. drowsiness, to plunge, drown. Sonnifero , [snni'fer] adj. lethargy. Sopprendere, [spprn'de're'] see somniforous,soporific;m. sleep- Soporifero , [spri'fe'r] and Sorprendere. ing draught. [spr's] adj. Soporose, so- Soppressa, [sppr's] f. press; Sonniferoso, [snnifr's] adj. porific, (ceiling. mangle. causing sleep. [sppl'k] m. Soppalco, arch.. Soppressare, [sppre'ss're'] v. Sonno, [s'nn] m. sleep, slum- Soppannare, [sppnn're] v. a. to press, squeeze mangle,

ber; rest; ho -, I am sleepy. a. to line. Sonnolente, [snnln't] Son- Soppanno, [sppn'n] m. clothnolento , [snnln't] adj. lining; -, adv. under the sleepy, drowsy. clothes. Sonnolenza, [snnln'ds] /. Soppassare, [sppss're'] v. n. great drowsiness. to wither, fade, shrivel up. Sonnottare, [snntt're'J v. n. Soppasso, [spps's] adv. half to pass the night under cover. dried up partly withered. Sonoramente , [snrmn't] Soppelo, [spp'l] m. that part adv. sonorously, harmoniously. of the flesh which is attached Sonorit, [sonorit'] Sonorit- to the shoulder. de, Sonoritate, f. sonorous- Soppestare, [sppst're'] v. a. ness, harmony. to pound, grind, bruise. Sonoro, [sn'r] adj. sono- Soppiano, [sppi'n] adv. softrous; resounding. ly, in a low voice. Sontico, [sn'tik] adj. dull, Soppiantare, [spptnt'r] v. heavy (with illness). a. to supplant; cheat, overSontuosamente, [sntsme'n'- reach. t] adv. sumptuously, splen- Soppiantatore, [sppintt'didly. re] m. supplanter, overreacher. Sontuosit, [sontuosit'] Son- Soppiattare, [sppitt'r] v. tuositade, Sontuositate, f. to hide, conceal. Soppiatto , [sppit't] adj. sumptuousness, luxury. Sontuoso,[snt's] orfj. sump- hidden; di soppiatto, secretly, underhand. tuous, splendid. Soperchiamente , [spe'rki- Soppiattonaccio, [sppittn'mn't] adv. superabundantly, tsh] m. groat impostor. Soppiattone, [sppttt'ne'J m. profusely. dissembler, double-dealer. Soperchiamente , [spe'rkimn't] m. superfluity, pro- Soppidiano, [sppidi'n] and fusion. Soppediano, [sppe'di'n] m. Soperchiante , [sprkin't] bed-steps. adj. surpassing; contumelious; Soppiegare, [sppie'ga'r] v. a. to bend, curve. -, m. overbearing person. Soperchianza, [spe'rkin'ds] Sopporre, [sppr'r] v. a. irr. /.superabundance, excess; over- {see Porre) to put under bearing conduct, outrage. submit, subdue; - il parto, to Soperchiare, [sprkia r] v. a. substitute a child. & n. to surpass, outdo; over- Sopportabile , [spprt'bil] come, predominate; impose adj. supportable, tolerable. upon, overreach, overcharge. Sopportamento, [spprtme'n'Soperchiatore, [sprkito'r] t] m. forbearance, patience. m. Soperchiatrice, [sprki- Sopportare, [spprt'r] v. a. tri'tsh] /. overbearing per- to support; endure; bear; - la son; overreacher; extortioner. spesa, to cover the expense Soperchieria, [spe'rkie'ri'] /. be worth the trouble.
; ;

plait, iron, gloss; oppress, tor-

ment. Soppressala, [sppre'ss't] m. kind of large sausage; species of brawn. Soppressione, [sppre'ssi'ne']


oppression, suppression. [sppri'merj v. a. irr. (soppressi ; soppresso) to suppress, tread under foot; oppress.

Soppriore, [sppri're'] m. subprior.

Soppunto, [sppn't] m. basting-stitch.

Sopra, [s'pr] prep, on, upon, ahove, over, beyond, about, against, towards; - sera, to-~ wards evening andar - se, to walk upright; lavorare - di se, to work on one's own account morir - parto, to die

in child-bed.



V. n. to be

more than



Soprabbello, [sprbe''l] very handsome.

di'r] V. a. irr.

[sprbbe'ne'(see Dire) to

bless again.



V. n. to overboil.

Soprabbondante ,


dn't] adj. superabundant, superfluous, excessive.


[s, prbbndnte'me'n'te'] adv. su-

Soprabbondanza ,



Soprabbondare, [sprbbnd'r] V. n. to superabound, be




[sprbSoperchievole, [spe'rMe''vle'] Sopportazione, [spprtatsi'- bndvle'ts] f. suporabund-. nj f. forbearance; tolerance; ance. adj. overbearing, insulting, incon -, with permission. jurious; excessive. Soprabbondeyolmento , [sof.

injury, oppression; far soperchierie, to oppress.

cheat; Sopportatore , m. Sopportatrice,


Soprabbondevole, [sprbbn[spprtt're'j d'vl] adj. superabundant,


sufi"erer, bearer.


prljbnclevlmn't] adv. superfluously. Soprabbuono, [sprbb6'n]orf/. over-good. Soprabito, [sprbi't] m. a frock-coat. Sopraccalza, fsoprakkal'tsa] f. an over-stocking. Sopraccamicia, [sprkkmi'tsb] f. an over-shirt. Sopraccanto, [sprkkan't] m.




[sprdd'ta] /. clothes, parapt.; phernalia.


m. blow with an uplifted hand;



Sopraddotale , fspraddt'le'] lent; -, adv. with an uplifted adj. added to the dowry. hand; haughtily, arrogantly. Sopraddotare, [spraddt're'] Soprammattone, [sprmmtV. a. to give above the portion. to'u] m. single brick-wall. Sopraddote, [sprdd't] see Soprammentovato , [sprmSopraddota. meiitv't] adj. above-men-

Sopraesaltato, [spre'slt't] tioned. adj. highly praised. Soprammercato, [spramme'renchantment, charm. Sopraesaltazione, [sopre'sl- k't) m. surplus, overplus. Sopraccanzone, [sprkknts'- ttsi'n] f. high encomium. Soprammettere , [sprammtSopraffaccia, [sprff'tsh] /. t'r] V. a. to place over. n] f. epode. Eopraccapo, [sprkk'p] m. surface; outside; superficies. Soprammisura, [sprmmis'superintendent, inspector. Sopraffacimento, [sprfFtshi- r] adv. above measure, excesSopraccaricare, [sprkkrika'- mn't] m. superfluity, excess. sively. r] V. a. to overload, sur- Sopraffare, [sopraffare] v. a. Soprammodo , [sprdmm'd] irr. (see Fare) to overcharge; charge. adv. extremely, excessively. Sopraccarico , [sprakka'n'k] trample upon; overcome, sur- Soprammondano, [sprmmnda'n) adj. ultramundane. m. overburden, surcharge; ag- pass. gravation (war.) supercnrgo. Soprafflnamento , [sprffina- Scprammontare, [sprmmnSopraccarta, [sprakkr't] /. mn't] m. over-refineinent. ta're] v. n. to grow up. envelope; Sopraffine, [sprffrn) Sopraf- Soprana, [spr'na] /. a long cover, wrapper, fino, [sopraffino] adj. superrobe worn by priests. case. Sopraccassa, [sprkks's] f. fine, very fine. Sopranamente,[sprname'n'te'] doublo-caso of a watch. Sopraffiorire, [spraffiri're'] v. adv. excellently. Sopracceleste, [sprtshl'ste'] n. to flourish again. Sopranimo, [spr'm'm] adv Sopraggirare, [sprdjir're'] v. with animosity, with spite. adj. supercelestial. Sopraccennare , [spratshe'n- n. to turn round again. Sopranit, [sopranit'] /".supena'r) v. a. to mention above. Sopraggitto, [sprdjit't] m. riority. Sopraccennato, (spratshenua'- overcasting, whip-stitch. Soprannarrare, [sprannrra'Sopraggiudicare, [sprdjfudi- r] V. a. to toll before, relate to] atlj. above-mentioned.

Sopracchiaro , [sprkkia'r] adj. most clear, most evident. Sopracchiedere, [sprkki'dere] V. a. irr. (see Chiedere) to ask too much.

Sopracchiusa, [sprakki's]
co\er, lid.


Sopraccielo, fspratshil] m. tester, top, canopy (of a bed). Sopracciglio, [sprtshiTJ m. eye-brow. Sopraccingbia , [sprtshin'glii]

surcingle, girth.

Sopracci, [sprtsh'] m. suSapraggravare, [sprggrv'- Soprannomare, [sprnnra'perintendent, director. Sopraccitare , [sprtshita're'] r] .o. to overload, surcharge. r] v. a. to surname. Sopraggrave, [sprgr'v] adj. Soprannome, [sprnn'me'] m. V. a. to cite before. surname, family-name. Sopraccomito, [sprkk'rait] very heavy. Sopragguardia, [spraguar'dia] Soprannominare, [sprannmir>i chief officer of a galley. na'r) see Soprannomare. Bopraccomperare, [sprkkm- (. main guard. pera'r] v. o. to overpay, buy Sopraindorare, [sprindra're'] Soprannotare, [soprdnnt're'] V. a. to float above, be buoyV. a. to double-gild. dear. Sopraccoperta, [sprakkpr'- Sopraintendenza, [sprinte'n- ant. Soprannumerario, [sprnndn'tsd] f. superintendence. t] f. counterpane, coverlet; Sopraintendere, [sprintn'- mra'rio] adj. supernumerary. quilt. Soprano, [sopnl'no] m. counter[sprkkr're'dr] V. a. to superintend. Sopraccorrere tenor, soprano: superior. rj V. a. irr. (see Correre) to Soprallegato.[sprllega't]af/;. above-cited, above-mentioned. Sopransegna, [soprus'n'a] f. run against, run over. Sopraccuoco, [sprkk'k] m Soprallodare , [spralld'r] regimentals. p{ :uuiform:mark. head-cook. V. a. to praise excessively, Soprantendente , [soprante'n(cessive praise. den'te'] and Soprantenditore, Sopracuto , [sprak't] adj. extol. very [sprantndito're] n. superinacute. [sprall'de'] exSeprallode, very sharp; f. Sopraddente, (spraddn'te'] m Soprallunare , [sprllna're'] tendent, surveyor, inspector. Soprantondenza, protruding-tooth, gag-tooth. adj. above the moon. [soprante'nSopraddetto, [sopraddet't]a(/j. Sopralzare, [spralts're'] v. a. dn'tsa] /. suporintoudeuce
. ,

before. k'rj V. a. to rule, command V. n. to be predominant, be Soprannascere, fsprnn'she'higher. r] V. n. irr. (see Nascere) to Sopraggingnere , [sprdjiu'- grow upon. n ere] v. a. xrr. (see Giugnere) Soprannaturale, [sprnnatura'l) adj. supernatural. to surprise, take unawares ; -, V. n. to supervene, happen. Soprannaturalmente, [spranSopragglugnimento , [spr- natrlmn'te] adv. supernadjinimn'tj m. fortuitous tural ly. Soprannestare, [sprnne'sta'event. Sopraggiurare, fsprdjira're'] re] v.a. (3or<i.) to ingraft upon V. a. to swear again and again. the graft. Sopraggrande, [sprggrn'd] Sopranno, [sprn'n] adj. above a year old. adj. exceedingly great.



to raise, lift up.

inspection; direction.

Sopraddire, [spraddi're'3 v. a. Sopramabile,[spriaal>ileJad;. Sopran tendere [sprantn'de'roT most araiablo. V. a. irr. (see Tender) to surto add to what has been suid.

ia intend.




V. a. irr. {see Scrivere) to write Soprastantemente, [sprdstanteinn't]aav.erainently,chiefthe address. Sopraornato, [sprarna'tT m. Sopr ascrizione, [spraskn'tsi'- ly. (arch.) entablemeat, entablaSoprastare, [sprsta're'l w, a. n] /. superscription, title. ture. Soprasforzato, [sprdsfrts't] & n. {see Stare) to stand above, be higher, be superior; overSoprappagare , [sprppag'- adj. most vehement. come; domineer, have the masr] I), a. to overpay, pay too Sopraspargere, [sprspar'je're'] tery over; rule, govern; defer, much. V. a. irr. {see Spargere) to put off, delay; impend, be imSoprappeso, rsprppe"s] m. sprinkle. additional weight, overweight. Sopraspendere, [sprspn'de'- minent. Soprappetto, [sprappt't] m. re] V. o. irr. {see Spendere) to Soprastevole , [sprste"vle'] adj. stopping; superintending. armour anciently worn under spend too much. the cuirass. Soprasperanza, [sprspe'rn'- Soprastoria, [sprast'rii,] f, repetition of a narration. Soprappiacente , [spnippia- dsa] /. great hope. tshpii'te) a'lj. most pleasing. Soprasperare , [sprspe'ra're'] Soprastrato, [sprdstra't] adj. said of a road paved with Soprappiagnere,[spriippj n*e'- V. n. to be very sanguine. small stones. re'l Soprappiangere, [soprap- Soprassagliente,[sprassal'n'Sopratacco, [spratak'k] m. pian'je're) r. n. irr. (see Piat] m. pilot, steersman. gnerej to weep bitterly, dissolve Soprassalare, [soprassala're'] v. the sole of the shoe above the


in tears.

a. to over-salt.


S3prappieno,fsprppJ'n]ac/j. Soprassalire, [sprssali're'] v. over-full, running over. a. irr. ( Salire) to attack Saprappigliare, [sprppiV're'] unawares. V. a. to seize upon extort. Soprassalto, [sprassl't] m. Soprappi,[sprppi']m. over- relief; jutting out. plus; addition; di -, into the Soprassapere, [sprssape"r] bargain; -, adv. besides. V. n. irr. (see Sapere) to be too Soprappouimento, [sprpp- knowing. nimn't] m. placing above; Soprassedente, [sprasse'dn'apposition. te] adj. sitting above.
; ; ;

V. a. irr. {see


Tenere) to hold

back, detain; stop. Soprattetto, [spratte't't]0(/v. upon the roof. Sopratterra, [spritte'r'r] adv. above ground. Soprattieni, [spratti'ni] m. delay (of payment), respite; putting off. Soprapporre, [sprppr're'] v. Soprassedere, fsprdssde"re'] Soprattutto, [sprattt't] a'lv. above all, principally. a. irr. {see Porre) to put upon V. a. to supersede suspend. add, superadd; prefer to. Soprassegnale, [sprdsse'n'a'l] Sopravanzamento, [spravantsdmu'tj m. overplus, projecSoprapportare, [sprapprt'- m. signal, mark; label. re] V. a. to carry up, carry. Soprassegnare,[sprdssn''re'] tion. Soprapporto, [sprdppr't] m. V. a. to make a sign, mark So- Sopravanzare, [sprdvdntsa're'] ornament above the architrave PRASSEGNAasi, r. r. to wear a V. a. k n. to jut out, project of a door. (mark, sign. advance; exceed, surpass. mark. Soprapposizione, [sprppsi- Soprassegno, [sprdss'n'] m. Sopravanzo, [sprdvdn'ts] m. tsi n] f. placing over; ap- Soprassello,(sprdssri]m. adoverplus, surplus, remainder. position. Sopravvedere, [spravvdo're] charge , overplus ditional v.a. irr. {see Vedere) to spy, Soprapposta, [sprpp'sta] f. increase. any thing placed over another; Soprassemenza, f sprdsse'meV- observe carefully. Sopravvegghiare, (vet.) sore between hoof and [spravve'tsal f. second sowing.


Soprapprendere, fsprpprn'-

Soprasseminare, [sprssc'min'-rj v. a. to sow upon other

ghjd'r] V. a. to sit up nights.


drj V. a. irr. {see Prendere) seed. to take unawares. Soprassenno, [sprassn'n] m. Soprapprendimento, [sprp- plenty of good sense. pre'udimn'tj m. surprise ; Soprasservire, [sprasse'rvi're'] catching. V. a. to do more than is requir-



n'n't] adj. supervening happening unexpectedly follow;

ing, next.




n'n'dsd] f. happening, un[sprppr- ed. , fn'do] adj. very profound. Soprasservo, [sprdssr'v] m. foreseen arrival. slaves. Soprarragionamento, [sprr- worst of Sopravvendere, [spravve'n'de'rdjnamn't] m. epilogue. Soprassete, [sprsse"te'] f. ex- r] V. a. to sell too dear; exact.

Soprarragionare[soprarrjn'r] V. a. to superadd. Soprarrecato, [sprrre'k't] ad'}, aforenamed, said before. Soprarrivare, [sprrriv're] v. a. to supervene, com upon, happen. Soprasberga, [sprshr'ga] f.
soldier's coat, soldier's jacket.

treme thirst, burning thirst. Sopravvenente, [spravvnu'Soprassindaco, [spraasin'ddk] t] see Sopravvegnente. m. head syndic. Sopravvenimento, [spravve'niSoprassoma, [sprass'ma] f. mn'lo] m. unforeseen event. burden. additional Sopravvenire, (sprdwni're'] Soprassustanza[sprassstan'- V. n. irr. {see Venire) to come purified substance. dsd] unlooked for, happen unexpect/".

Soprastamento, [soprastdme'n'to]



edly. retard, Sopravvento, [spravvn't') m.

Sopraschiena, [spraski'n] back-band (of a harness).


Soprascritta, [sprdskrit'ta] /. Soprascritto, [sprskrit't] m. inscription, superscription; direction, address. Soprascrivere, [spraskri've're']

demurrer. fair wind; windward; unexSoprastante, [sprastan'te] ar?/. pected affront; venire -, to eminent, superior, high, lofty; surprise. overhanging, impending, im- Sopravvenuta, fsnpravve'n't] minent; undecided, wavering; f. unexpected arrival. imperious, mighty; -, m, sur- Sopravvesta, [spravv'st] Soveyor, chief. pravveste, [spravv'st] /.
delay; {jur.)

coat of mail, soldier's cloak; surtout veil, disguise. Sopravvestire, [sprvve'sti'r] V. a. to put on one coat over another. Sopravvincere,[sprvvin'tshe're'] V. a. irr. {see Vincere) to surpass, excel. Sopravviolentemente, [sprvvilnte'me'n'te'] adv. with ex;




to overthrow, turn topsy Sordizia, [srdi'tsi] see Sordidezza. turvy; ruin. Soqquadro, [skua'dr]ni. ruin; Sordo, [sr'd] adj. deaf; dull; confusion ^mettere a -, to throw lanterna sorda, /.isLrk lantern; fimo sorda into confusion. sly cunning f. Sorare, [sr'r] v. n. to soar, fellow; -, m. deaf man; Sordofly high. muto, a deaf and dumb person. Sorba, [sr'b] {. service sorb- Sorella, [srl'l] f. sister, nun; apple. companion. SorbeccMare, [srbe'kki're'j see Sorellevole, [sre'lle'v'le'] adj.

cessive violence.



Sopravvivenza, [sprvvivn'- Sorbettato,

ds] f. surviving, outliving survivorship.



Sopravvivere, [sprvvi've're'] V. n. zrr. (see Vivere) to survive,


[sprvvi'vl] Sopravvivolo, m. house-leek. Sopreccedente, [spre'tshe'dn't] adj. excessive, snperahundant.

a sisterly Sorbettiera, [srbe'tti'r] f. manner. sherbet-icing-bowl. Sorellina , [sreHi'n] f. little Sorbettiere, [srbe'tti're'] m. sister. sherbet-maker, sherbet-seller; Sorgente, [srjn'te'] f. source, lemonade-seller. origin. Sorbetto, [srbe't't]m. sherbet, Sorgere, [sr'je'r] v.n. irr. {sorice-cream, ice. si, sorto) to arise, rise, get up, Sorbino, [srbi'n] adj. sharp, ascend jssue.
iced, frozen.



tart, sour.

Sopreccedenza, [spre'tshe'dn'- Sorbire, [srbi're'] Sorgitore, [srjit're'] m. port; up, swallow. ds] /. excessive abundance. Sopr eccellente, [sprtshlln'- Sorbitore, [srbit're'] m. one mouth (of a river). Sorgiugnere, [srjfti'n'e're'] see who swallows. t] adj. most excellent. Sopredificare, [sprdifik're'] Sorbizione, [srbitsi'ne'] f. the Sopraggiugnere. act of swallowing. Sorgiva, [srji'v] /. source, V. a. to build over. Sopreminente, [spre'minn'te'] Sorbo, [sr'b] m. sorb-tree, spring. service-tree. Sorgoncello, [srgntsh'l] m. adj. supereminent, pre-eminent. Sopreminenza, [sprminn' Sorbondare, [srbnd're'] see small scion, small shoot. Soprabbondare. Sorgozzone, [srgts'ne'] m. ds] f. highest eminence. Sopresso, [spr'sjarftj.besides. Sorbona, [srb'ne'] who prop, stay; strut; blow. Sopreterno , [spre'tr'n] adj. minds nothing but his own Soriano, [sri'n] adj. tabby. Sorice, [s'ritsh] m. shreweverlasting. interest. Soprillnstre, [sprill'stre'J adj. Sorce, [sr'tshe'l m. mouse, rat. monse.

Sorgevole[srj'vle']a(/i.rising; v. a. to sip issuing.

most illustrious. Sorciaja, [srtsha'y] Soprimmenso, [sprimme'n's] mice.


nest of Soricigno, [sritshi'u'] mouse-colored.


Sorcio, [sr'tsh]m. mouse, rat. Sorite, [sri'te'] f. {log.) sorites. adj. very enormous. Soprintellettuale, [soprinte'lle't- Sorcione, [srtsh'ne'J m, great Sormontare, [srmnt'r] v. a.
t'le'] adj. super-intellectual,



surmount, overcome

-, v.


to grow, prosper,increase;rise. Sornacchiare, [srnkki'r] v. Soprintendente , [sprinte'n- scion. Sorcolo,[sr'kl]m. graft, scion. n. to spit, expectorate. dn't] m. superintendant. Soprintendenza , [sprinte'n- Sorcotto, [srk't] ni. ancient Sornacchio, [srnk'kijm.largo




dn'ds] /. superintendence. morning-gown. phlegm. [srdkki'ne'] Sornione, [srni'ne']wi.reserved Soprintendere, [sprintn'de're'] Sordacchione, V. a. irr. {see Tendere) to sum. very deaf person. man, sly man. perintend, direct. Sordaggine, [srda' djin] {. Soro, [s'r] adj. not moulted Sopromerale, [sprme'r'le'] m. deafness. sore; raw, stupid; -,tn. sorrel Sordamente, [srdme'n'te']adv. horse. ephod. Sorore, [sr're']/'.(poes.) sister. Sopronorato, [sprnr't] adj. without noise, secretly. highly honored. Sordamente, [srdmn't] m. Sorpassare, [srpss'r] v. a. Soprordinariamente, [sprr- see Sordaggine. to surpass; excel. dinarime'n't] adv. extraordi- Sordastro[srd'str]ac?;.rather Sorprendere, [srprn'de're'] v. narily. a.irr. {see Prendere) to surprise, deaf, dull of hearing. Soprordinario, [sptrdin'ri] Sordezza,[srde't's]/". deafness. astonish; deceive.

adj. extraordinary. Soprosso, [spr's] m.

Sordidezza, [srdide't'sa] (. fil- Serra, [s'r] f. pickled flank thiness ; meanness, niggard- of tunny; defile. Soprumano, [sprma'n] adj. linea, stinginess. Sorradere, [srrde"re'] v. a. to superhuman; celestial. Sordido, [sr'did] adj. sordid, shave lightly. Sorrecchiare, [srre'kkia'r] v. Soprusare, f sprs'r] v. a. to filthy, niggardly, stingy. abuse, use ill. Sordina, [srdi'n] f Sordino, n. to listen, hearken. Sopruso, [spr's] m. injury, [srdi'n] m. sordine; sonare Sorreggere, [srr'djre'] v. a. irr. {see Reggere) to bear up, abuse of authority; overbear- la -, to feign not to hear. ing act. Sordit , [sordit'] Sorditade, support; SoBEEQGERSi, V. r. to contain one's self, forbear. Soqquadrare, [skuadr'r] v. Sorditate, ( deafness.

tosis; spavin, splint; venience. Soprossuto, [sprssu't] spavined, full of splints.

Sordidamente, [srdidame'n't] Sorprendimento , [srpre'ndiran to] m. and Sorpresa, [srexos- adv. sordidly; meanly. incon- Sordidato, [srdid't] see Sor- pre"s] /. surprise, astonishdido.


deceit, trick.




[sspi'r] m. sigh; gittar un -, to fetch a sigh. (iug, plaintive. Sospiroso, [sspir's] adj. sighSospizione, [sspitsi'ne] see


Sorridente, [srridu'te'] adj. Sospendere, [sspn'de'r] v. a. irr. (sospesi; sospeso) to sussmiling, simpering. Sorridentemente, [srridnt- pend, hang up; keep in suspense, defer; hinder. men't] udv. smilingly. Sorridere, [srri'dr] v.n. irr. Sospendiniento, [sspe'ndime'n't] m. Sospensione, [sspe'n(tee Ridere) to smile, simper. Sorriso, [srri's] m. smile, si'n] f. suspending; suspension, cessation interruplook of pleasure. Sorsaltare, [srslt're'] . n. tion.


Sossopra, [sss'pr] adv. topsyturvy, upside down.

; ;

to leap over.

Sospendio, [sspn'di] m.peg

Sorsare, [srsii'r] v. a. to sip. Sorsata, [srs't] {. sip, mouthful; rest.

to sip.

[srse'dj're'] v- a.




setto, [srse't't] m. little sip. Sorso, [sr's] m. sip, gulp, draught; repose; in un -, at one gulp, in a breath.

Sorta, [sr't]




manner, way; fund.

Sortaccia, [srt'tsh] /'.hazard, chance. Sorte, [sr'te'] {. fate, destiny, fortune, luck; chance, hazard; condition, state; sorcery; a -, per-, by chance; per mala -, unluckily; aver -, to have a part, have a lot; gettar le sorti, to draw lots; metter alla. -, to venture, put to hazard pigliar -, to conjectiire surmise toccar in -, to fall to
; ;

Sosta, [s'sta] f, peace, repose, rest suspension of arms, truce burning wish; (mar.) sheet. to hang hats Ac. Sospenditore, [sspe'ndit're'J Sostantivo, [sstnti'vj m. gr. substantive. m. a suspender. Sospensione, [sspe'nsi'ne'] f. Sostanza, [sstn'ds] Sostanzia, [sstn'dsi] /. substance, hanging up. Sospensivamente, [sspe'nsiv- essence; body. Sostanziale, [sstntsi'le'] adj. ran't] adv. in suspense. Sospensivo, [sspnsi'v] adj. substantial, real. Sostanzialit, [sstntsilit'J doubtful. Sospensorio, [sspe'ns'ri] m. f. substantiality; existence. Sostanzialmente, [sstntsilsuspensory. Sospettamente, [sspttame'n'- mn't] adv. substantially, really. t] adv. in a suspicious manSostanziarsi, [sstntsir'si] v. ner. Sospettare, [sspe'tt'r] v. a. r. to assume substance; exist. to suspect, mistrust. Sostanzievole, [sstntsi'vl] Sospettevole , [ssptte''vle'] adj. substantial; real, solid; adj. that excites suspicion useful. doubtful. Sostanziosamente, [sstantsiSospetto, [sspt't] adj. sus- smn't] adv. substantially, picif^us, doubtful; -, m. susreally. picion, mistrust, doubt. Sostanzioso, [sstntsi's] see Sospettosamente, [sspe'tts- Sostanzievole. mn'te'] adv. suspiciously. Sostare, [sst're'] v. a. to stop;

[ssptt's] adj. suspend; Sostassi, v. r. to suspicious, mistrustful. rest one's self. to allot, share, distribute; -, Sospezione, [ssptsi'n] f. Sostare, [sst'r] m. mar. a V. n. to augur, consult the Scspicamento, [sspikmn'- sailor who has the care of oracle. t] m. suspicion, distrust. the sails and ropes. Sortiera, [srti'r] f. sorce- Sospicace, [sspikatsh] adj. Sostegno, [sst'n'] m. supress, suspicious, mistrustful. (corer port, prop; assistance. Sortiere , [srti'r] m. sor- Sospicacia , [sspika'tsh] f. Sostenenza, [sstnn'ds] f. Sortilegio, [srtilji] m. sormistrust. sufferance; support; food, alicery, witchcraft. Sospicare, [sspik're'] Sospic- ment. Sortilego, [srti'le'g] m. sor- Giare, [sepitsh're'] see So- Sostenere, [sste'ne"re'] v. a. irr. cerer. spettare. (see Tenere) to hold up, supSortimento, [srtime'n't] Sospiccioso, [sspitsh's] see port, suffer; sustain, maintain, sortment; suit. Sospettoso. nourish; grant; protect, defend; Sortire, [srti'r] v. a. to draw Sospignere, [sspiVe're'] v. a. prolong, delay; Sostenersi, v. by lots ; share, deal out; -, v. irr. (see Spignerej to push with r. to contain one's self, mainn. to sally; go out. force, thrust out; stimulate, tain one's dignity. Sortita, [srti't] f. choice, as- press on. force; induce. Sostenibile, [sste'ni'bil] udj sortment; sally. Sospignimento, [sspin'ime'n- sustainable, supportable.
one's lot.


Sorteggiare, [srte'dja'r]

v. a.

Sorvegnente, [srveVn't] adj. supervening, happening casually.





irr. (see Venire) to happen unexpectedly. Sorvivere, [srvi've're'] v. a. & n. irr. (see Vivere) to sur-

vive, outlive.

Sorvolare, [srvl'r] v. n. to soar, fly high; surpass. Soscrittore, [sskritt'r] m.

subscriber. Soscrivere, [soskri've're'] v. a irr. (see Scrivere) to subscribe,

Boscrizione, [sskritsi'n] subscription, signature.


m. push, dash; impulsion, Sostenimento, [sstnime'n't] m. endurance; prop, stay; rest; Sospingere, [sspin'jre'] see maintenance, food. Sospignere. Sostenitore, [sstnit're'] m. Sospinta, [sspin't] /. push, Sostenitrice, [sstnitri'tsh] impulsion; shock; dare una-, f. maintainer, supporter; preto give a push. server; sufferer. Sospinzione, [sspintsi'ne'] f. Sostentacelo, [sste'nta'kl] m. impulsion, shove; inducement. support, prop; assistance, help; Sospirare, [sspir'r] v. a. & defence. n. to sigh, sigh after, long Sostentamento, [sste'ntmeVfor. to] tn. prop, support; mainteSospiratore, [sspi'rat're'] m nance, food. one who often sighs. Sostentare, [sste'nt're'] v. a. Sospiretto, [sspirt to] m. soft to support, prop; defend; sigh, little sigh. maintain, nourish, keep; SoSospirevole, [sspire"vl] adj. stentarsi, V. r. to defend sighing deeply; plaintive. one's self, resist.





Snstentativo , [sstentati'v] Sottigliare, fsttira'rj v. a. V. a. irr. {see Dividero) to whet, subdivide. refine; subtilize, to adj. supporting; nutritious. Bostentatore, [sstntat'r] wj. sharpen; Sottigliausi, r. r. Sottogiacere, [st.tjidtshe"r] defender, pro- to become attenuated; be over- V. a. irr. {see Giacere) to lie iiiaiutaiuor


under, be subject. delicato. [sste'ntatsi'- SottigliatTO,tsttirati'v] aaj. Sottogola, [sottg'Ia] f. dewattenuating; sharpening; whet- lap (of an ox Ac). ne) f sec Sostentanieuto. Sottointeso, [sttinte"s] se9 Sostenutezza, [sstentt'sa] f.

statclincss, self-conceit, haughtiness. Sostituire, [sstitiii're'] v. a. to substitute, surrogate. Sostituto, [sstit't] m. suhstitute; surrogate. Sostitutore, [sstitt'r] m. one tliat substitutes.

Sottigliazione, [sottil'dtsio ne] Sottinteso. chivi., separation of the Sottomaestro, [sttm'str] f. m. under-niaster, usher. heav.ier from the lighter parts. Sottigliezza, [sttil t's) /. Sottomano, [sttmd'n] m. additional stipend; adv. undersubtilty, thinness; poverty. Sottigliume, [sttil'm] m. hand, secretly. Sottomare, [sottma're'] m. botthin food.

Sostituzione, [sostittsi'ne'] f. substitution; surrogation. Sottacqueo, [sotta'kue'] adj. nmler water; remaining under water.

tom of tlie sea. Sottile, [stti'l] adj. subtile, thin; fine, delicate; frugal; Sottomessiono, [sttmssi'light, poor; sharp, witty, inf. submission, subjection. genious; rino -, m. brisk thin Sottomettere, [sottmet'tere']
wine; mal -, m. phthisis; -, adv. subtilely; cunningly;-, m. distress, misery, extreme need guardarla nel -, to sub







submit, subdue;

Sottaffittare, [sttffitt'r] v a. to rent from a tenant; under-lease. tilize. Sottaffittatore , fsttffitlat'- Sottileraente , [sttilme'n'te'] adv. subtilely, slily, cunningr) m. under-tenant, under(der-lease. lessee, lyadj. fsttilt't] Dottaffitto, [sttaffit'to] m. un- Sottilette, Sottana, (sttd'naj /. petticoat; somewli;i.t thin. priesfs cassock. Sottilit, [sottilit'] SottilitSottanello, [sottn'l] m. short de, Sottilitate, (. subtility. petticoat; short cassock. thinness, finesse; acuteness, Sottangente, [sttnjen'te'J f. sagacity: judgment; profundigeum., sub-tangent. ty; perfection. Sottano, [sotta'nj m. under- Sottilizzare, [sttih'dsa'r] v. potticoat. a. to subtilize, reflect.

TOMK rTKiisi,


reduce; Sorr. to submit,

yield: aci|uiesce. Sottomordere, [sttmr'de're] V. a. irr. (see Mordere) to bite


Sottomurata, [sttmnra'ta]
foundation of a building.


(sttntn'de', re] xee Sottintendere.

Sottoponiraento , [sttpnimu'tol m. putting under,


Sottecchi, [sttlc'ki] Sottec- Sottilmente, [sttil nie'n't] co, (sottek'koj adv. by stealth; Sottilemente. askance. Sottintendere, [sttintn'de'r] [stte'ntrSottentramento , V. a. irr. {see Tendere) to unmn'to] m. slipping in, creep- derstand a word omitted. ing under; succession. Sottisottile, [sttisotti'l] adj. Sottentrare, [sttentra're'] v.n. very thin. to slip in, creep under; steal Sotto, [st't] prep, under, bein; succeed; come to pass, low, beneath ; - pena, under happen. pain, upon pain ; tenere - di Sottentrazione,[stte'ntratsi'- si. to have under one's comn) /. see Sottentramento. mand, depress; -, adv. down, Sotterfugio, [sttrt'ii jioj m. beneath, below; andar -, to go subterfuge, evasion. down; - it Natale, about Sotterra, [stt'raj adv. under Christmas. ground. Sottoarabasciadore, [sttam-

Sottoporre, [sttpr're'] v. a. irr. {see Porre) to put under; subject, subdue. see Sottoposito, [sttp'sitj te9
Sottoposto. Sottoposizione, fsttpstsi'ne'] /. see Sottoponiniento. Sottoposto, [sltpo'sto] adj. put under, subject ; supposititious.




Sottoprovveditore, [sttprvvdit're] m. under-purveyor.


subordinate, subaltern. Sottoridere, (sottori'dre'J v.



{see liidere) to smile, flou*



t] m. inlernient, burial, sepulture

Sotterraneo, [stte'rra'ne'] and Sotterrano, [sttrr'nj aUj subterraneous -, m. subterraneous place. Sotterrare, [stte'rr'ro'J v. a

to inter, bury; hide; depress. Sotterratore, [sttrrt're] m. grave-diggur; sexton. Sotterralorio, [sttrrt'ri] I. sepulture. Sottesso, |.sotts's] adv. below, under. Sjttigliamento, fsttirdme'n'toj rn. Soitiglianza, [sttirn'dsa] subti lization. /. refinement; whetting.

Sottoscala, [sttskd'ld] m. void spaco under a stair-case. sador. Sottocalza, [sttkl'ts] /. un- Sottoscritta, [sottsknt't] f. subscription, signature. der-stocking. Sottocalzoni , [sttklts'ni] Sottoscrivere, [sottskri've'r] o. irr. (sse Scrivere) to sub m. pi. drawers, pf. Sottocancelliere , [sttkant- scribe, sign. shlli'rj m. vice-chancellor. Sottoscrizione, [sttskritsi'Sottoccare, [sttkk'r] v. a. n] f. subscription, signature. Sottosedere, |sttsd'r] i>. to touch gently. Sottocoperta, (sttkpe'r'ta] f. a. to bo subject to, be placed under-coverlid. under. Sottocoppa, [sttkp'pa] f. Sottosegretario, [sttse'gre'ta'rio) m. undor-secretary. saucer, salver. Sottocuoco, [sttk'k] m. Sottosolano, [sttsl'n] ffl. umler-cook. east wind. Sottodiacono, [sttdiak'n] Sottosopra, [stts'prd] adv. m. subdeacon. upside-down, topsy-tnrvy ; in Sottodividere, [sttdivi'do're] confusion upon the whole, iif







plongliod in before earing to Sovvenzione, fswe'ntsi'nc] /. subsidy, aid, help. nianuro tho ground. Sovversione, (sowe'rsi'n] f. Sottospiegare, [sttspi'ga'r] Sovra, [s'vrii] see Sopra. [svrbbn- subversion, overthrow, ruin; to half-uufold, display Sovrabbondante V. a. rising in th^ stomach. dan't] ic, see Soprabbondanco\rrlly. Sovversore , [svvrs're] see Sottosquadro, [stts1<tti'dr] to iScc. Sovraccrescere, (svrakkr'she'- Sovvertitore. ni. covo, nivity. rej V. n. irr {see Crescere) to Sovvertere, [svvr'te'r] v. a. Sottostare, [sttsta're'] v. n. irr. {see Vertere) to subvert, grow over, grow out. to be .subject. overthrow, ruin. Sottotin;ere, [stttinjr] v. Sovradetto, [svra'de'tt] see Sovvertimento, [svve'rtime'n'Sopradetto. a. irr. (.see Tingere) to give to] m. subversion, overthrov. Sovragg:iugnere,[svrdji'n'e'the first tint. SottoTonto, [sltvn't] adv. r| kVc, see Sopraggiungere &c. Sovvertire, [svvrti'r] see mar leeward ; essere -, to bo Sovraillustre, (sovraill'strj Sovvertere. Sovvertitore, [svve'rtit'r] m. have the wind ad], most illustrious. to leeward, Sovranamente,! so vrname'n't e) subverter, destroyer. Rl(:lin.<t. Sottovesta, [sttve"stal and adv. sovereignly, in a kingly Sozio, [s'tsij m. companion, partner. Sottoveste, [sottv'stj f. un- manner. der- w ni stcoat. Sovraneggiare, [svrne'dja'r] Sozzamente, fsdsame'n'te] aiv. Sottovoce, [.<;ttv'tshe'] adv. V. a. & n. to domineer, rule, liltiiily, nastily; dishonestly, shamefully. sway. in a low voice. Sottrai mento, [snttraimn't] Sovranit, [sovranit'] Sovra- Sozzamento, [sodsame'n'to] m, m. subtraction, deduction. nitade, Sovranitate, f. sove- dirt, filtliiuess. Sozzare, (sds'r] v. a. to soil, Sottrarre, [sottrar're) v. a. irr. reignty. stain, dolile. (see Trarre) to subtract, take Sovrano, [svra'n] adj. soveaway, turn away; detract from: reign, chief; absolute; excel- Sozzezza, [sdst'sa] see Sozzura. deceive; Sottuausi, v. r. to lent; -, m. sovereign; (mus.) t;iko one's self off. soprano. Sozzo , [s'ds] adj. filthy, Sottratto, [sottrat't] m. al- Sovranzare, [svrntsa're'] v. nasty; profligate; deformed. lurement; artifice. Sozzume, [sds'm] m. Soza. to excel, surpass, exceed. Sottrattore, [sttratt'r] w. Sovrappossente , [svrpps- zura, (sds'r) f. filthiness, seducer. deceiver, sn'te) adj. most powerful. nastiness; profligacy; deformity. So trazione, Isttriitsi'ne'] f. Sovrappi, [svrappi'j see So .sub r i.ction, deduction. prappiu. Spaccamento, [spkkme'n't] (sovat'to) Sovatto, and Sovat- Sovrapporre,[svrappr're'] Ac, m. splittiug, cleaving. tolo, [siivatto'loj ni. leathersee .Soprapporro. Spaccamonte, [spakkmn'te'] striip; thong. Sovrastare, [svrsta're'J &c., ni. braggart. [sovn'te']a'/j. Sovente, frequent, see Sopiaslare &c. Spaccare, [spakk're'] v. a. to reiteriited usual; -, adv. of- Sovreccellente, [svrtshlln' split, cleave; Spaccarsi, v. r. ten, frenuently. te) adj. most excellent. to burst, crack, g;ipe. Soventemente, [sve'ntme'n't] Sovreggiare, [svrdj're'] v. n. Spaccatura, Ispkkat'ra] f, O'.'v. ofteu, frequently. to tarry, remain. split, cleave, crevice, chink. Soverchiamente , [svrki- Sovrempiere, (svrm'pie're'] v Spacciabile, [sptshd'bil] adj. mn'te) adv. excessively, too a. irr (see Empiere) to fill to salable, marketable. much. the brim. Spacciare, [sptsh're'] v. a. to Sovorchianza, [svrkian'ds] Sovresso, [svreVs] prep, on, sell ofl"; dispatch; hasten; superabundance, excess. {. upon. finish, make an end of; ruin, Soverchiare, (svrki'r] u. a. Sovroffesa, [svrffe"s] /". very. destroy; - un luogo, to clear surpass, to exceed; -, v. n. to great otfence. a place; - it terreno, to walk crumble, tumble down, sink Sovrumanit, [svrmanit'] /. fast; Spacciarsi, v. r. to exdown; bo overbearing. supernatural existence. plain one's self, give one's Soverchiatore, [sverkiat're'] Sovrumano, (sovrm'n] adj. self for; protend to be; get HI. overbearing person. superiiuman, supernatural. rid of. Soverchieria, [sve'rkio'ri] see Sovvalletto, [svvile't'tj m. Spacciatamente , [sptshatSopercliieria. little drink-money. me'n't </. quickly, promptly, Sove-chievole, [sve'rkie"vle'] Sovvallo, [svval'l] m. drink- immediately. ail), superfluous, useless. money, treat. Spacciativo, [sptsht'vj adj. Soverchievolmente, [svrki- Sovvenenza, [svve'nn'dsa] f. expeditious, speedy. voluieu'tl ado. superfluously, help, relief, aid. Spacciatore, (spdtshat're'] tJi. Uselessly. Sovvenevole,(svve'ne"vle']arf;. seller; dispatcher; hastener. Soverchiezza, [sve'rkie't'sal /. helpful, helping; beneficent. Spaccio, [sp'tsh] m. sale; Soverchio, [svr'ki] m. su- Sovvenimento, [svvnimn't] course; dispatch, expedition. per, .buudanco, excess, superm. assistance, succour. Spacco , [spk'k] m. slit, fluity. Suvvenire, (svveni'r] v. a. chink. Soverchio, [svpr'kil adj. su- irr. (see Venire) to succour, Spacconata, [spdkkna'ta] f. peraliuudaiit, superfluous, exaid, assist; relievo, supply; boasting, brug^ing. cessive; -,udv. excessively, too SuvvKNiitsi, V. r. to remem- Spaccone, [spakk'ne'] m. bragniucii. ber, recollect. gart, boaster. Severo, [s've'r] m. cork, cork- Sovvenitore, (svve'nit're'l m. Spacificare, [.patshifik're'] V. trL-e. Sovvenitrice,(svvnitri'tshJ a. to give spaco. Sovescio, [sve'sh] n. corn Spada , [sp'da] f. eword f. succourer, reliever.

mettere -, to


punishment uowarrior mettere a fil di -, to put to the sword; pesce spada, the sword fish. Spadaccia, [spd'tsh] f. long sword. Spadacciata, [spdtsh't] f. thrust with a sword. Spadaccino, [spdtshi'n] m. swordsman sword ; small swaggerer, bully. Spadacciuola, [spdtsh'l] f. sword-grass.


Spannocchiare, [spnnkkia're]
V. o. to



di -,

Spallacce, [spalla'tshe'] f. a disease in a horse's shoulder. Spallacela, [splla'tsh] f. large ugly shoulder. m. [spll'tsh] Spallaccio , shoulder-piece. Spallare, [spll're'] v. a. to dislocate the shoulder; SpalliAESi, V. r. to put one's shoulder-blade out of joint. Spallato, [spll't] adj. slipped in the shoulders, brokendown broken shouldered

cut or pull


the ears

of corn.

Spansione, [spnsi'ne'] f. expanding, expansion. Spantare, [spanta're'] v. n. to gape with wonder, be amazod.

Spantezza, [spnt'ts]



Spadajo, [spd'y]
cutler, furbisher.




Spanto, [spn't] ac/j. gorgeous, pompous, exceeding. Spappolarsi, [spappolarsi] w. r. to melt away, dissolve (vul-

Spalleggiare, [splle'dja'rj v. a. garism). to shoulder; back, assist; v. Sparabicco, [spArbik'k] adv. andare o -, to roam, rove. n. to walk nobly (of horses). dacciata. Spaderno [spadr'n] m .bottom- Spalletta, [splle't't] f. para- Sparaghella, [spragh'l] f.

Spadata, [spada'ta] see Spa,

fishing line.

pet, railings, pi.



Spadetta, [spade't'ta] Spadina, Spalliera, spallira] f. back [spdi'n] f. small sword, cut- (of a chair &c.); espalier. Spalliere, [splli'r] m. headlass. rower (in a galley). Spadiglia, [spadiTa] f. spadille Spallino, [splli'n] m. epau(at ombro). Spadone, [spid'ne'] m. very lette; scarf. Spalluccia, [spll'tsha] f. little large sword. Spadulare, [spdl'r] v. a. to shoulder; far spalluccie, to shrug up. drain (fens or marshes). Spaghero, [sp'ghe'r] m. aspa- Spalluto, [spll't] adj. broadshouldered. ragus, (used by peasants). Spaghetto, [spght'tj m.pack- Spalmare, [splmi'r] v. a. to tar, smear. thread, twine. Spagliare, [spl''re'] v. a. to Spalmata, [splm't] f. stroke (winnower. on the palm of one's hand. winnow. Spagliatore , [spart're'] m. Spalmatore, [splmt'r] ?. Spagnoleggiare, [spn'ldj'- calker, dauber. re] v.a. to eaact the Spaniard. Spalto, [sparto] m. pavement;

Sparagiaia, [sparjt'y]



or plot of asparagus. Sparagio, [sprjt] m. asparagus. Sparagnare, [sprn''r] w. a. to spare, save; forgive. Sparagno, [spr'n'] m. saving; frugality. Sparago, [spr'g] see Sparagio. Sparalembo, [sprlm'bj m. workman's apron. Sparamento, [sprame'n't] m. discharge of fire-arms. Sparapane, [sprp'n] m. lazy

Spagnolescamente, [spn'lslfmen'te'] adv. in the

glacis, slope.
a. to

drone (vulgarism). Sparare, [spar'r] v. a. to gut, embowel; draw; unlearn; discharge a cannon, fire; dart,

Spanish Spampanare, [spmpn'r]





prune, nip off; -, v. n. casa, to unfurnish a house. Sparata , [spr'ta] f. gre it to burst forth as buds. [spn'le't'ta] f. a Spampanata, [spampan't] f. promises, pi-, boasting, volley. sort of dance. Spagnolismo, [spn'li'sm] m. nippiug off (the buds); boast- Sparato, [syra'toj m. opeiiiag (in a shirt), bosom (of a shirt]. ing, ostentation. Spanish manner. [spampana- Sparatore, [spart're] w. ho Spago, [sp'gj m. packthread, Spampanazione , tsi'n] f. pruning, lopping off. who opens; shooter; boaster. cord, twine. Spajamento, [spayme'n'tj m. Spampinare, [spmpin'rj see Sparavicco, [sprvik'k] m. scarecrow. Spampanare. unmatching, separating. Spajare, [spaya're'] v. a. to un- Spanciata, [spntsh't] f. a Sparaviere, [sprvi'r] see belly. Sparviere. fall on the match, separate. Spalancare, [splnka'r] v. a. Spandere, [span'de'r] v. a. irr. Sparecchiare, [spre'kkia'r] v. pour to shed, a. to take away clear the {spansi; spanso) to open wide; speak openly. Spalancatamente, [splnkt- out; diffuse, divulge; scatter; table; devour. Spandersi, v. r. Sparecchiatore, [spare'kkiat'sow; display; me'n't] adv. openly, publicly. r] m. one who clears the taSpalancatore, [splnkt'r] to overflow; spread forth. m. one who opens who speaks Spandimento, [spndimn't] ble; enormous eater. Sparecchio , [sprk'ki] m. m. shedding, effusion. openly. Spalare, [spal're'] v. a. to take Spanditojo , [spndit'y] m. clearing (the table), taking away props, shovel off snow &c. drying-lines, pi.; drying-room. away (the dishes &c.). Spalata, [spl't] f. taking off Spanditore, [spandit'rj m. Spareggio, [spdr'dj] m. disparity, disproportion. spreader, pourer; divulger. with a shovel. Spalcare, [spalk'r] v. a. to Spandorare, [spndr'r] v.n. Sparere, [spr'rj see Spaflag) rire. to flutter (said of a take off a coiling, unfloor. Spaldo, [spl'd] m. overhanging Spaniate, [spni'r] v. a. to Spargere, [spr'je're'] v. a. irr. take off lime-twigs; disentan- (sparsi; sparso) to shed, pour gallery, balcony; bastion. Spaniaksi, v. out; sprinkle, scatter; divulge, gle, extricate Spalla, [sparla] f. shoulder publish; -, V. ft. to expand, back; alle spalle, at one's r. to get out of the bird-lime extend ; Spaegersi, v. r. to get free. heels, behind; dar le spalle, fare -, to lend Spanna, [spn'n] /. span, palm. disperse. to run away a hand, help, aid; volger le Spannare, [spnn'r] v. a. to Spargimento, [sprjime'n't] m. scattering, pouring out, effulet down the uet> elude, unfurl. tpalle, to turn away.

manner. Spagnoletta,




andar a -, to take a walk; dart Sion; distraction; - di sangue, Spartitamente,[sprtitme'n'te'] shedding of blood. adv. separately, one by one, in -, to divert, amuse. Spargitore , [sparjit'r] m. detail. Spastare, [spasta're'] v. a. to shedder, pourer; publisher, re- Spartitezza, [sprtite'ts] see unpasto, take off. porter. Spastoiare, [spsty're'] v. a. Spartizione. Spargogliare, [sprgl''re'J v. Spartitore, m. to take off fetters, unclog Spa[spartit're'] a. to scatter. STOjARSi, V. r. to break one's gold-rofinor. Sparimento, [sprime'n't] m. Spartizione, [sprtitsi'ne'] f. chains, free one's self. disappearing. Spato, [sp't] m. spathum. partition, sharing. Sparire, [spri're'] v. n. to dis- Sparto, [spr't] see Spartea. Spatola, [sp'tl] f. spatula, appear, vanish. Sparvierato, [sprvie'r't] adj. spattle. Sparizione , [spritsi'ne'j f. swift sailing; swift; dashing. Spatriare, [sptri'r] v. a. to disappearance, vanishing. Sparvieratore, [sprvie'rt're'] drive from one's country, banSparlamento, [sparlamn't] m. m. falconer. ish; SpatriaesIjV. r. to leave backbiting, slander, calumny. Sparviere, [sprvi're'] Spar- one's country. Sparlare, [spri'r] v. a. to viero, [sprvi'r] m. hawk, Spauracchiare, [sprkki'r] speak ili of, slander. V. o. to alarm, frighten. falcon. adj. Spauracchio, [spwrk'kil m. Sparlatore, [sprJt're'lm. Spar- Sparutello, [spriU'l] latrice,[sprltri'tshe']/'. backscare-crow phantom. spare, thin, lean; wan. biter, slanderer. Sparutezza, [sprtt's] /. Spaurare, [spttr're'] v. a. to terrify, scare. Sparmiare, [sprmi're'J see Ri- spareness, thinness; paleness. sparmiare. Sparuto, [spr't] adj. spare, Spaurevole, fspMre"vl] adj. frightful, fearful. Sparnazzamento, [sprnats- meager, wau. Spaurimento , [spurime'n't] mn't] m. wasting (of money Spasa, [spa's] f. flat baslcet. &c.). Spasima , [spa'sima] /. spasm, see Spaventamento. Sparnazzare, [sprnatsa're'] v. convulsion. Spaurire, [spwri'r] v. a. to frighten, terrify, alarm Spaua. to scatter, dissipate; waste. Spasimare, [spsim're'] v. a. Sparnazzatore, [sparntsat're] to long for, wish dissipate, rirsi, V. r. to take alarm. m. dissipator, lavishor, spend- waste; -,v. 71. to be subject to Spauroso, [spr'sj adj. fearthrift. convulsions; be agonized, bo in ful, timid. Sparnicciamento, [sparnitsh- great pain; be violently in love. Spavaldera, [spd,vlde'ri'] f. mn't] Sparniccio , [sparni'- Spasimatamente, [spasimata- effrontery, impudence. tsh] m. scattering, dispersion. me'n't] adv. convulsively, pas- Spavaldo, [spvl'd] adj. hold, impudent. Sparnicciare, [sprnitsha're] v. sionately. a. to disperse, scatter. Spasimato, [spasim't] adj. in Spaveuio, [spv'ni] m. (vet.) Sparo, [sparo] m. discharge, spasms agonized violently in spavin. Spaventacchio, [spve'ntk'ki] volley. love; longing for. Sparpagliamento, [sprpr- Spasimo, [sp'sim] Spasmo, m. scare-crow, bug-bear. mn'to] see Sparnicciamento. [sps'm] m. spasm, convulsion. Spaventaggine,[spvnt'djine[ Sparpagliare, [sprpr'r] v. Spasimoso, [spsim's] and f. Spaventamento, [spvnta. to scatter here and there, Spasmodico, [spsm'dik] adj. mn't] m. fright, dread, terror. disperse, sprinkle. spasmodic, convulsive. Sparpagliatamente, [sparpird- Spaso, [sp's] adj. extended, Spaventare, [spve'nt're'] v. a. to frighten, terrify tmn't] adv. dispersedly, in, flat (said of birds'wings). Spavenconfusion. Spassamentare, [spssme'nt'- tarsi, V. r. to be terrified. Spaventataggine, [spavntatSparsamente, [sparsme'n't] r] see Spassare. adv. in a scattered manner. Spassamento, [spssme'n't]m. dji'n] f. living in continual alarm. Sparsione,[sparsi'ne']/'.sprink- pastime, diversion. ling. Spassare, [spssa'r] v. ji.Spas- Spaventatamente, fspve'nttSparsione, [spdrsi'ne'] /. see SABSi, V. r. to amuse one's self, me'n't] adv. fearfully, alarmingly. Spargimento. divert one's self. [spave'ntati'Sparso, [spr's] adj. scattered, Spasseggiamento, [spsse'dj- Spaventaticcio, tsh] adj. fearful, aghast. dispersed; spotted, speckled; mn't] m. walk, turn. vanished. Spasseggiare, [spasse'dja're'] v. Spaventatore, [spvntt'r] m. he that terrifies. Spartamente , [sprtmn'te'] n. to take a walk. Spartatamente,[sprttme'n'- Spasseggiata, [spsse'dj'ta] /. Spaventazione, [spve'nttsi'n] f. see Spavento. walk, turn. t] adv. separately, apart, privately, diffusely. Spasseggio , [spsse'd'j] m Spaventevole, [spve'nte"vl] adj. dreadful, horrible. Spartarsi, [spartar'si] v. a. r. walking, promenade. to remove one's self, separate Spassevole, [spss'vl] adj. Spaventevolezza, [spve'ntvlts] f. horror, state of alarm. one's self. amusing, diverting. Spartea , [sprt'] f. broom Spassionarsi, [spssinr's] v. Spaventevolmente, [spave'nte'; ;
; ;

adv. dreadfully vlrae'n't] genista. r. to get rid of passion. Spartitone, [sprti'bil] adj. di- Spassionatamente, [spssin- hugely, extremely. visible, separable. tamn't] adv. dispassionately. Spavento, [spavn't] wi. fright,

Spartigione, [sprtij'ne'] f. Spassionatezza, [spssinatef- dread; alarm. Spaventosamente, [spave'ntsaSpartimento, s] f. apathy, indifference. [spartime'n't] m. partition, distributing, Spassionato, [spssiu't] adj. me'n't] adv. fearfully, alarmsharing; share, part, portion. dispassionate, indifferent. ingly. Spartire, [sparti're] v. a. to sep- Spasso, [sps's] m. amusement, Spaventosita, [spventosit'] f, arate, divide, allot. pastime; recreation, pleasure; horrort




[spvnt's] adj. Speciale, [sptsh'l] arfj. speci- Speculatore, [spe'klt'r] m. , al, particular. frightful, fearful. speculator. Spaziare, [spatsi'r] v. n. to Specialit , [spe'tshlit'] Spe- Speculazione, [spe'kltsi'ne'] cialitade,Specialitatej /.speci- /.speculation, meditation; theoAv:ui<ler, rovo, roam. Spazieg:giare, (sptsiclj'r] v. ality, peculiarity. ry. to leave proper Specializzare, [sptshlidsa're'] Speculo, [sp'kl] to. lookinga. ijrinl.) v.a. to specify. Fpacus. glass; cavern, den. Spazieggiatura, [sptsidjt'- Specialmente, [spe'tshlme'n'te'j Spedale, [spd'l] m. hospital. ra) f. [print.) proper disposi- adv. specially, particularly. Spedaleria, [spdale'ri] f. oftion of spaces. Specie, [sp'lshte'J f. species, fice of governor of an hospital. Spazientarsi, [spatsie'ntr'si] kind; image; far -, to make an Spedaletto, fspe'dle't't] to. V. r. to grow impatient. impression; surprise; adv. es- small hospital. Spazietto, [spdtsit't]m. small pecially, chiefly. Spedaliere, [spe'dh''re'] Spespaco, small interval. [spe'tsbifikSpecificamente, dalingo, [spdalin'g] to. govSpazievole, [ s pats i' vole'] adj. mn'te'] adv. specifically, ex- ernor of an hospital. spacious, extensive; roomy. pressly. Spedare, [spe'da're] v. a. to faSpazio, (sp'tsij m. space; in- Specificamento, [spetshifika- tigue, weary; -, v. n. to get terval of jmo. men't] to. specification, par- foot-sore. Spaziosamente,fsptsisame'n'- ticularization. Spedatura,rspe*dt'r]/".^weari te) f.r. spaciously, largely. Specificare, [sptshifik're'] v. ness, lassitude. Spaziosit, [sptsisit'] Spa- a. to specify, particularize. Spediente, [spe'din'te'] adj. exziositade, Spaziositate, f. Specificatamente, [spe'tshifik- pedient, means; resource. spaciousness, spacious extent. tamn't] adv. specifically, Spedire, [spdi'r] v. a. to ex Spazioso, [spatsi'sj adj. spa- distinctly, particularly. pedite, dispatch, send: - uno cious. Specificazione[sptshifiktsi'- lettera, to send a letter; SpeSpazzacammino, [spatsakam- n] /. specification, distinc- dirsi, V. r. to make haste; get nii'n] m. chimney-sweeper. tion. disentangled. Spazzacampagna, [spdtsakam- Specifico, rspe'tshi'fikojrtdj. spe- Speditamente, [spe'ditame'u'te'] pa'n a] f. blunderbuss. adv. expeditiously, quickly, cific, particular. Spa zzacontrade,[ sptstikntra- Speciosit, [spe'tshsit'] tee speedily; plainly. d) m. lazy lounger, loiterer. Speditezza,[spdite't'sa]/'.quickSpeziosit. Spazzaforno, [sptsafr'nj to. Specioso, [spe'tsh's] ad;, fair, ness, speed. oven-rake, malkiu, scovel. Speditivamente , [spe'ditivhandsome, beautiful, pretty. Spazzamento, [spatsme'n't] Speco, [sp'k] m. cave, cavern, ran te'] adv. expeditiously,

den, grot (poes.). Specola, [sp'kl] and Specula, [spk'l] /". observatory. Specolare, [spkl're'] &c. see Speculare &c. (glass. Specolo, [sp'kl] m. lookingSpecolo, (sp'kl] and Specillo, [sptshi'll] TO. name given to certain surgical instruments used for keeping the eyes windy place. open, &c. Spazzino, [sptsi'n] m. sweep- Specorare, [spkr're'] t. a. io er; polisher. bleat (vulgarism). Spazzo, lsp'ts];e Pavimento. Specula, [sp'ki] f. observaSpazzola, [sp'tsl] f. clothes- tory. brush; shoe-brush, scraper; Speculabile, [speTjul'bile'] adj. whisk. capable of speculation. Spazzolare, [spatsl're'] v. a. Speculamento, [spklme'n't] to brush (clothes &c,); whisk, m. speculation; meditation. brush off the dust. Speculanteraonte, (spekulante'Spazzoletta, [spatslt't] f. ran't] adv. speculatively. Spazzolino, [sptsli'nj to. Speculare, [spkl're'] .a. to smali brush. consider, look into, observe Specchiajo , [spkki'y] to. attentively ; -, v. n. to speculooking-glass maker. late, remark, think closely, 8pecchlare,[spekkia're'] v. a. to contemplate, meditate. look into, look at; examine; Speculare, [spkl're] arfj. speSpecchiarsi, v. r. to look at cular, transparent. one's self in a glass. Speculatamente , [spklatSpecchiato, [spekki't] adj. mn't] adv. designedly, inclear, evident; sound; cosa tentionally. specchiala, f. master-piece. Speculativa, [spklti'v] f. Specchietto, [spe'kkit't] to. reflective faculty. small looking-glass; abridg- Speculativamente, [spe'klatiment, compendium. vdmn'te) adv. speculatively.^ Specchio, (spk'kij m. looking- Speculativo, [spklti'v] adj. glass, mirror. Bpeculative, tUooreticaL

m. sweeping, moping. Spazzare, [sptsd're] v. a. to sweep, mop; empty. Spazzatojo, [spatst'y] see Spazzaforno. Spazzatura, [sptst'r] f. sweepings, pi.; dirt, refuse. Spazzaturajo, [spatstra'y] TO. dustman. pazzavento, [sptsvn't] m.

quickly. Speditivo, [spe'diti'v] adj. expeditious, quick.

Spedito, [spdi't] adj. free; expeditious, active -,adv. speedi;

ly, quickly.

Spedizione, [spe'ditsi''ne'] f. expedition, dispatch; campaign, inroad; haste, speed; - di mer.canzie, lot of goods. Spedizioniere, [spditsini're'] TO. commissioner; shipper. Spedone, [spd'n] set Spiedone. Speglio, [spT] TO. [poes.) looking-glass, mirror.



v. a. irr.

(spensi; spendo) to extinguish^ put out; extirpate, destroy;

kill; -/a sete, to quench thirst; Spegnersi, v. r. to go out (like a lamp); be extinguished; be



[spe'n'ime'n't] m.

extinction; extirpation. Spegnitojo, [spe'n'it'y] tinguisher.




m. ex-

Spelacchiato, fsplakki'tjai//. bald; peeled, bare. Spelagare, [spelaga're'] v. n. to get out of tho sea. Spelare, [spld'r] .a. to pluck out the hair; make bald; Spe*

LAUSl, V. r. to lose one's get bald



Spensierato, [sponsir't]odi.| Sperimentato, [sperimentato] adj. tried; practised, experienreckless, thoughtless. Spelazzare , [spliits'r] v. a.\ Spenzolare, [spntsl'r] v. a. ced. to suspend; -, v. n. to hang, be Sperimentatore, [spe'rime'ntto pick (wool &c.). t'r] m. experimenter, trier. Spelazzatura, [spe'ltst'ra] f. suspended, dangle. Spenzolone,[spiitsl'ne']Spen- Sperimento, [sprime'n't] m. \vool-picking. adv. experiment, trial; proof. [spe'ntsl'ni] Spelazzino , [spltsi'n] m. zoloni , Sperina, [sprl'n] /. a small hanging down, dangling. wool-pickor. Spelda , [sprda] and Spelta, Spera, [sp'r] /. (poes.) sphere, looking-glass. Sperma, [spr'm] f. sperm; globe; mirror, looking-glass. [spel'ta] f. spolt, small brown (excoriation. Sperabile, [spr'bile] adj. that seed spermaceti. wlioat. Spermatico, [sprm'tik] adj Spellamento, [spe'llamn't] m. may be hoped for. Spellare, [spll'r] v. a. to tear Sperale, [spe'r'l] adj. spherical, spermatic.


globular. tlio skin, excoriate. Spellicciarsi, [spllitshr'si] v. Speranza, [spe'rn'ts] f. confidence. r. to bite each other (as dogs); Speranzare, [sprnts're'] v. a. nare. wrangle. Sperone, [spe'r'ne'] m. spur. Spellicciata, [spe'llitsha'td] and to give hope.

Spernere,[spr'ne'r] v a. to dehope; spise, disdain, scorn. Speronare, [sprn're'] seeSpro-

Spellicciatura, [spe'llitshatu'r) f. wrangling, grappling;liiting rebuke. Spelonca, [spln'k] f. cave, cavern; retreat, shelter. Spelta, [spl't] see Spolda. Spelunca, [spln'k] see Spelonca.

Speranzatamente,[spe'rntst- Sperperamento,[sprprame'n'mn't] adv. with hope con- t] m. wasting, destruction;


riot, dissipation. (slight hope Speranzina, [spe'rantsi'na] f. Sperperare, [spe'rpe'r'r] v. a. to dissipate, ravage, desolate, Speranzoso, [sprnts's] adj destroy. hopeful; confident. Sperare, [spr'r] v. a. & n. to Sperperatore, [spe'rpe'rt'r]


hope, expect confidently think, Spemallettatore, [spe'mlle'tt- judge; look through; examine. t'r] m. a hopeful person, Sperdere, [spr'dr] v. a. irr. (see Perdere) to lose; dissipate, sanguine man. Speme, [sp'ra] /. (poes.) hope, destroy; Sperdersi , v. r. to fall away, faint. expectation. Spendente, [spe'ndn'te'] adj. Sperdimento, [spe'rdime'n't] m. abortion, miscarriage. prodigal, lavish. Spendere, [spn'de're'] v. a. irr. Sperditore, [spe'rdit're'j m. squanderer, prodigal. (spesi; speso) to spend, lay out; employ, consume. Speretta, [spe're't'ta] f. small Spendereccio, [spe'nde'r'tsh] sphere, small globe. adj. fit to be spent. Sporgere, [spr'jre'] v. a. irr. Spendibile, [spudi'bile'] adj. [spersi ; sperso) to scatter, that may be spent. sprinkle. Spendimento, [spe'ndirae'n't] Spergitore , [spe'rjit're"] m. wi. spending, expense. sprinkler, scatterer. Spenditore, [spendi t'r] m. Spergiuramento , [spe'rjirsteward; spendthrift. me'n't] m. perjury, false oath. Spennacchiare, [spnnkki'r] Spergiurare , [spe'rjir'r] v. V. a to pull feathers, pluck out n. to forswear one's self, swear feathers; shame. falsely. Spennacchieria , [spe'nnkki'- Spergiurato , [spe'rjiura't] m. ri] see Pennacchieria. perjured man, perjurer. Spennacchietto, [spnnkkie't'- Spergiuratore, [spe'rjirt'r] to] m. small plume, small tuft m. Spergiuratrice, [sprjtr;

m. ravager, destroyer; spendthrift.

Sperpero, [spr'pe'r] see Sperperamento. Sperpetua f. bad news, mis,

fortune (vulgarism).





Spersonito, [spe'rsni't] adj. said of a small and thin person.

Sperticato, [spe'rtik't] adj. extremely tall and thin; long-

winded. Sporto, [spr't] adj. expert, experienced. Spervertire, [spe'rve'rti're'] see



Sperula, [sp'rl] f. little Spesa, [spe"s] f. expense, sura quespent, cost, charges, pi. sto non porta la -, it is not worth while. Spesacela, [spe's'tsh] f. great expense, heavy charges, pL Spesare, [spe'sa'r] v. a. to doof feathers. tri'tsh] f. perjurer. fray, keep a person. Spennacchio, [spe'nnk'ki] m. Spergiurazione,[spe'rjirtsi'- Speserella, [spsr'l] Spesetplume, ostrich-feather. n] f. forswearing, perjury. ta, [spst't] /. trifling exSpennare, [spnn'r] v. a. to Spergiuro, [sprji'r] m. per- pense, little cost. pluck out the feathers; decry; jury; forswearor. [spe'ssme'n'te'] Spessamente, Spennarsi, v. r. to shod the Sporico, [sp'rikj aJj. spheri- adv. often, frequently. feathers, moult. cal, globular. Spessamente, fspssrae'n't] Spennatamente,[8pe'nntme'n' Spericolarsi, [speriklar'si] v. m. thickening. t] adv. without feathers. v. a. to r. to expose one's self to dan- Spossare, [spe'ssa're'] SpeDnazzare,[spe'nntsare'] see ger. thicken, condense; Spessa usi, Spennacchiare. Spericolato, [spe'rikl't] adj. V. r. to grow thick, coagulate. Spensierataggine[spe'nsie'rt' fearful, apprehensive. Spessazione, [spe'sstsi'n] /". djiii] /, recklessness, negli- Sperienza, [sprin'dsa] Spethickening, condensation; congence. rienzia, [spe'rin'dsi] f. expe- cretion.

Spensieratamente, [spnsirtamen'te)
a<i. recklessly, care

rience, practice; proof; trial.



Sperimentale, [sprime'nt'l] mn'tj m. reiteration, repetilessly, thoughtlessly. adj. experimental, by trial. tion. Spensieratezza, [spnsie'rte'f- Sperimentare, [sprimnt'r] Spesseggiare, [spsse'dj'r] v.
sa] f. recklessness, carelesaness, thoughtlessness.
V. a. to experience; try, test





reiterate, repeat;

put to the proof.


Diz. It-it.'H9.




Spessezza, [spsst's] tWck- Spezielta, [spe'tsie'lt'] see Spe- Spianare, [spin're'] v. a. to ness, density j crowd, throng level; raze; make plain, explain; zialit. (ecary's shop. multitude. Spezi era,[sptsie'ri'] f. apoth- - li pane, to roll out bread. Spessicare , [spe'ssik'r] see Spezierie, [spe'tsiri'] /. pi. Spianata, [sptn't] /. SpianaSpesseggiare. Spessire, [spe'ssi're']
spices, drugs, aromatics, pi.
v. a.

to, [spin't] *n. esplanade.

Speziosamente, [sptsisme'n'- Spianatoio, to thicken, grow thick; become te'] and Speciosamente, [sp- rolling pin.




more consistent. tshsme'n't] adv. speciously, Spessita, [spessita'] Spessitade, plausibly. Spessitale;/, thickness; crowd. Speziosit, [spe'tsisit'] SpeSpessitudine , [spssitdi'n] ziositade, Speziositate, /. exsee Spessezza. traordinary beauty. Spesso, [sp's] adj. thick, dense; Spezioso, [sptsi's] adj. speclose, compact; frequent; spescious; beautiful. si volte, many a time; -, adv. Spezzabile, [spe'tsa'bile'j adj. often.frequently; spesso spesso, frangible, easily broken. very often; -, m. thickness, Spezzacuori,[spe'tsk'ri] /. fasMgness; size. cinating woman, coquette. Spessora, [spss'r] adv. often. Spezzamento, [sptsme'u'tl Spetrare, [spe'tr'r] v. a. to m. breaking; fracturing, fracsoften; disentangle, disengage; ture.
Spetbarsi, v. r. to extricate Spezzantenne, [spe'tsnt'ne'] one's self. m. yard-splitter, hurriance. Spettabile, [spe'tt'bile'] adj. re^ Spezzare, [spe'ts're'] v. a. to markable, notable. dash to pieces, split; destroy; Spettacolo , [sptt'kl] m. Spezzarsi, v. r. to break to spectacle, public exhibition, pieces. show. (see Spettazione. Spezzatamente, [spe'tstamn'Spettamento, [spe'ttme'n't] m te'] adv. by bits, by fits and Spettante, [spttn't] adj. bestarts.

Spanatore,[8pinat're']in. leveler; pioneer. Spianatura, [spianat'r] Spia-

nazione, [spintsi'ne'] /. leveling, razing; smoothing. Spiano, [spi'n] m. esplanade;

far lo

to squander.

Spiantamento, [sptntme'n't]
m. uprooting; destruction. Spiantare, [spint'r] v. a. to uproot, root out; extirpate,

ruin, perdition.

Spiantazione, [sptnttsio'n] Spianto, [spjn't] m. ruin; dare lo -, to finish, consume. Spiare, [spi'r] v. a. to spy, dodge; ferret, seek out. Spiatore, [spit'r] wi. spy, emissary. Spiattellare, [sptttlla're'] v. n. to speak openly; speak the plain truth alia spiattellata,

openly, candidly.

longing to, concerning. Spezzatore, [spe'tst're'] m. he Spiattellatamente, [spiattellaSpettanza, [spttn'ts] /.prop- who breaks or smashes. tmn'te'] adv. plainly, freely,
erty; concern. Spettare, [spe'tt're'J v. n. to belong to, appertain to; concern. Spettativa, [spttti'v] /. expectation, expectance. Spettatore, [spe'ttt're']m. spec tator, beholder. Spettatrice, [spe'tttri'tsh] f. spectatress, beholder. Spettazione, [spe'tttsi'ne'] f expectation, hope; prospect. Spettegolare, [spttgla'r] v. a. to disclose secrets, gossip



breaking, rupture, fracture. Spia, [spi'] f. spy, emissary; informer. Spiaccia, [spia'tsha] /. mischievous spy; vile informer. Spiacente, [spttshn'te'] adj. disagreeable, unpleasant. Spiacenza, [spitshn'ds] /.
displeasure, disgust.

irr. {see




Spettevole, [spttvl] adj. remarkable. Spettorarsi, [spttrr'si] v. r. to open one's breast.

Spettoratamente, [spe'ttrtmn't] adv. with one's breast

open. Spettorezzarsi, [spe'ttrdsr'-

si] See Spettorarsi. Spettro, [sp'trj jn. spectre, apparition. Speziale, [spe'tsi'I] adj. special particular, peculiar; -, Spia^getta, [sptadje't'tii] /.little adv. especially, particularly. sea-coast. Speziale, [sptsi'l] m. apothe- Spiaggia, [spj'dj] /.sea-shore, cary; dispensary. coast; region. Spezialit, [sptsilit'] Spe- Spiaggiata, [sptdj'ta] /.length zialitade,Spezialitate,/".speci- of coasts ality, particularity. Spi anione, [spij'ne'] /. SpiaSpezialmente, [sptsilmeVt] mente, [spimn'tl m. spying. odi), especially, particularly. [spintsh'tj Spianacciata, Spezie, [sp'tsi] /. species, sort, alla -, adv. clearly, openly. kind; appearance, image; pre- Spianamento, [spianmn't]m. text, pretence -, /. pi. spices, razing, leveling, making even; J drugs, p/. exposition.

Piacere) to displease; trouble, hurt; mi spiace che, I am sorry that. Spiacevole, [spjatshe"vle'] adj. unpleasant, disagreeable. Spiacevolezza, [spitshe'vle'fs] /. disagreeableness; pain. Spiccatamente, [spikktameVSpiacevolmente, [spiatshvl- t]ttd.conspicuously;brilliantmn'te'] adv. disagreeably, un- ly, splendidly. pleasantly. Spiccatojo, [spikkt'j] adj. Spiacibile, [spfatshi'bile'] adj. said of peaches fee. that are unpleasant, disagreeable. easily divided iuto two parts. Spiacimento, [sptatshime'n't] Spiccatura[spikkt'rJ/.splenm. displeasure, discontent, an- dor, brilliancy. noyance. Spicchio, [spik'ki] m. clove (of
; ; ,

openly. Spica, [spi'k] /. ear (of corn). Spicaceltica, [spikatshlti'k] /. a species of valerian. Spicanardi , [spiknr'di] /. spikenard. Spiccamento, [spikkmn't] m. detaching, untying. Spiccante, [spikkn't] adj. shining, bright; conspicuous. Spiccare , [spikk'r] v. a. to detach, unhook ; take down cut off, lop off: - salti, to skip, - le parole leap to speak distinctly; -, v.n. to stand out, be prominent; Spiccarsi, v. r. to part from; shine.


quarter (of any fruitj;

Spicchiuto, [spikki't] adj. divided into cloves, shives &c. Spicciare, [spitshirj v. a. to utter; despatch; -, v. n. to spout, gush out, rush out; run away; Spicciarsi, . r. to make haste; be quick.
Spicciativo, [spitshati'v] adj. expeditious. Spiccicare, [spitshik're'] v. a. to loosen, detach.





Spiccinare, [spitshind'r] v. n. Spigatura, [spigt'r]/. shooting into ears. to become small. Spicciolare, [spitshla're'] v. a. Spighetta, [spighe't't] f. small ear (of corn <fec.). to pluck off the grapes one by one; take out (loaves, grain &c.); Spigionato, [spijn't] adj. unexchange large coin for small. tenanted; unoccupied. Spicciolatamente, [spitshlt- Spigliamento, [spil'me'n't] m. mn't] adv. separately, little expedition, despatch.



Spicciolato, [spitshla't] adj. without leaves; alia spicciolata, dispersedly, one by one. Spicciolo, [spitsh'il] m. small coin, small money. Spicco, [spik'k] m. splendor, eclat, appearance. Spicilegio, [spitshil'j] m. collection of literary scraps. Spiculatore, [spikltre'] m. archer, bowman. Spiculo, [spi'kl] m. point (of

an arrow &c.). Spida, [spi'da]


f. suspension of (childish expression). Spidocchiare, [spidkki're'J v. a. to free from lice. Spiede, [spi'd] Spiedo, [spi'do) m. .pit, boar-spear. Spiedoue, [spid'n] m. long s[jit, long boar-spear. Spiegabile, [spiga'bil] adj. explain ible, explicable. Spiegamento, [spigme'n't] m.


expLination: expansion.
Spie^^are, [spiega'r] v. a. to untold, display; expound, explain; clear up ; - /e vele, to spread the sails.


[spfe'gatame'n'tc] ado. openly, plainly.

Spiegativo, [spiegati'vo] adj.eX' plicative, explanatory. Spiegatore, [spiegt're'] m. an expounder, explainer. Spiegatura, [spie'gat'r] Spiegazione, [spie'gtsi'n] f. displaying, unfolding, explanation, explication.

Spilorcio, [spilr'tsh] adj. niggardly, stingy, sordid. Spiluccarsi, [spilkkar'si] v. a. r. to clean one's self by licking, as cats. Spilungone, [spilng'ne'] adj. tall, lank, slender. Spina, [spi'na] /. thorn: sting, goad; fish-bone, backbone; Spigliare, [spirare] v. a. to awl; - alba, white-thorn, hawdisentangle, disengage. Spignere, [spi'n'e're] v. a. irr. thorn; - cervina, buck-thorn, hria.r;- di fabbro, punch*, pun{spinsi; spinto) to push, thrust; cheon; - ^twt/atca, sloe-shrub; spur on; efface, deface. Spignimento, [spin'ime'n'tj m. - magna, wild plum-tree. Spinace, [spin'tsh] m. spinpush ; impulsion. age, spinach. Spignitore,[spin''it'r]m. stimSpinajo, [spin'y] see Spineto. ulator, exciter. Spinale, [spin'l] adj. spinal, Spigo, [spi'g] m. lavender. Spigolare, [spigl're'] v. a. to of the backbone. Spinapesce (a), [spi'nape'she'] glean, gather. Spigolatore, [spiglt'r] m, adv. in a meandering manner. Spinare, [spin're'] v. a. to gleaner, gatherer. Spigolatura, [spiglt'r] /. prick with thorns. Spinella, [spin'la] f. spinelgleaning, gathering. Spigolistra , [spigli'str] f. ruby; disease in a horse's pastern. gleaner, gatherer. Spigolistro, [spigli'str] m. Spinello, [spin'l] m. sea-dog (fish). hypocrite, dissembler. Spigolo, [spi'gl] m. massive Spineto, [spine''t] m. place full of thorns and briars, corner; angle; square end. Spigoso, [spig's] adj. full of jungle. Spinetta, [spine't't] f. small ears of corn. Spigrire, [spigri're'] v. n. to silk-lace: spinet. Spinettajo,[spintt'y] become industrious. lace manufacturer. Spilla, [spil'l] /". see Spillo. Spillaccherare, [spillkkr're'] Spingarda, [spingr'd] f. small piece of ordnance. . 0. to pick wool. Spingardella, [spingrd'l] f. Spillancola, [spilln'kl] f. wall-gun, arquebuse, handsmall prickly fish; thornback. gun. Spillare, [spilla're'] v. a. to pierce, tap (a barrel) spy; -, Spingare, [sping're'] v. a. to kick about, jog one's feet. V. n. to run out, drop, distil. Spingere, [spinjrj see SpiSpillatura , [spillt'r] f. gnere. tapping broaching ; (of a Spingimento, [spinjime'n't] m. barrel). Spillettajo, [spille'tta'y] m. push; impulsion.

Spilletto, [spille't'to] small pin.




a. to

[spie'gtsa're'] v

tumble; crumple, ruffle Spillettone, [splle'tt'ne'] wi. Bpieggiare, [spidj're'] v. a. to large pin. look out frequently at; watch Spillo, [spiri] m. pin; gimlet, spydrill; gimlet-hole; spigot; Spieghevole, [spie'ghe'v'le'Jarfj. stimulus, incentive. susceptible of explanation. Spilluzzicamento, [spillutsikdSpietatamente,[spittamn'te'] mn't] m. shiving off, tasting. adv. unfeelingly, inhumanly. Spilluzzicare, [spilltsik'r] Spietatezza, [spitte't's] f. r. o. to shive off, taste. unfeelingness, inhumanity. Spilluzzico (a), [spill'tsik]

pusher, impeller. Spino, [spi'n] m. thorn, hawthorn; hack-bone.





Spinosit, [spinosit'] Spinositade, Spinositate, f. thorniness; difficulty.

Spinoso, [spin so] adj. thorny;

difficult, intricate; -, wi.


hog. Spinta, [spi'n't] f. push, dash, Spietato, [spietato] adj. unfeel- adv. by degrees, little by little, thrust; gust, gale. ing, inhuman, cruel. Spintone, [spint'ne'] m. violent slowly. Spietrare, [spie'tra're'] see Spe- Spilonca, [spiln'k] see Spe- dash; powerful impulsion.
ir tre.


Spinuzza, [spinu'tsa]



Spi ferare, [spiffer're'] v. a. to Spilorceria, [spilrtshe'ri'] f. thorn. tell tilings over again; recount niggardliness, stinginess, sor- Spiombare, [spimb'r] v. a. what is known: compose readily. didness. to take off lead; loosen; deSpiga, [spi'ga] /. ear (of corn), Spilorcia, [spilr'tsh] f. and stroy; -, V. n. to weigh heavy, Spiganardi, [spiganar'di] /. Spilorcio, [spilr'tsh] m. a weigh down. spikenard. long thin rope kept floating by Spionaccio , [spin'tsh] m. Spigare, [spigi're'] v. n. to corks used to drag nets to rascally spy, vile informer. shoot into ears, ear. land. Spione, [spi'ne'] m. spy ; scout.

Spiovere, [spt've'r] v. n. irr. {see Piovere) to cease raining. Spiovimento, [sptvimn'tjm. ceasing of rain. Spippolare, [spippolale'] v. n. to sing out spontaneously; speak one's mind (vulgarism). Spira, [spi'ra] f. spiral line, twisted spire; curve line. Spirabile, [spir'bil] adj. that may be breathed. Spiracolo, [spir'kl] Spira glio, [spir'l'] m. breathing-




Spiritosit, [spiritosit'] /. spiritedness. Spiritossanto, [spiritssn't] m. and Spirito Santo, [spirit sn't] the Holy Ghost. Spiritoso, [spirit's]af/j. spirited lively, fiery; ingenious, witty; cavallo -, m.' spirited horse. Spirituale, [spirit'le'] adj. spiritual; pious. Spiritualit, [spiritualit'] Spiritualitade, Spiritualitate, /. hole, air-hole; opening; dunspirituality; piety. geon window; small light; in- Spiritualizzamento, [spirituasight, hint. lidsme'n't] m. spiritualizing, Spirale, [spir'le'] adj. spiral refinement of the intellect. twisted, wreathy; -, /. spiral Spiritualizzare, [spiritlids'; ;





[sple'n'tik] adj. splenetic, atrabiliary. Splenico, [spl'nikj adj. splenic, of the spleen. Spocchia, [spk'ki] f. pride,

Spodestarsi, [spde'str'si] v. r. to lay down one's power; give
up, resign.




powerless; impetuous. Spodio, [sp'di] m. spodium,


Spoetare, [spe't'r] v. a. to degrade from being a poet Spoetarsi, abandon



Spiralmente, [spirlme'n'te']adt!

in a spiral form. Spiramento, [spirme'n't] m. breathing, respiration. Spiritualizzazione, [spirit- fig. body. Spirare, [spir'r] v.a. to exhale, lidstsi'ne'J /. see Spiritualiz- Spogliagione, [spl'j'ne'] /. breathe; inspire; give a hint; zamento. Spogliamente, [spl'mn'tj -, V. n. to respire, breathe; Spiritualmente,[spiritlme'n'm. stripping off; spoiling, dihlow ; take a little respite vesting. t] adv. spiritually; piously breathe out, expire become Spiro, [spi'r] m. poes., breath, Spogliare, [spl''re'] v. a. to known. strip naked, divest; dispossess, respiration; spirit. Spiratore, [spirt're'] m. in- Spirto, [spir't] see Spirito. rob, plunder; Spogliarsi, v. r. spirer, suggester. to put off one'sclothes, undress; Spitamo, [spitm] m. a span. Spirazioncella,[spirtsintsh'- Spiumacciare, [spimtsh're' - le calze, to take off one's laj f. little respiration. stockings. V. a. to shake up a featherSpirazione, [spirtsi'n] f. bed. Spogliatoio , [spPt'y] wi.
; ;

poetry. r] V. a. to spiritualize, refine the intellect; Spiritua- Spoglia, [sp'P]/". cast off skin; lizzarsi, . r. to become spi- cast off clothes; spoil, booty; remains; hull, husk, shell; ritual.

breathing, respiration; inspi- Spiumacciata, [spimtsh't] dressing-room; cabinet. ration; light; hint. Spogliatore , [spl't're'] m. f. a soft blow given with the Spiritaccio, [spirit'tsh] m. open hand, Spogliatrice, [spl'tri'tsh] f. evil spirit. Spiumare, [sptm're'] v. a. to spoiler, plunderer. Spiritale, [spirit'le'j adj. vital; pick off; shake feathers; strip Spogliatura, [spl't'ra] Spospiritual; devout. gliazione, off feathers. [spl'tsi'ne] f. Spiritalmente, [spiritalme'n'te] Spizzeca, [spitse"k] f. a stingy stripping, divesting; robbing. adv. spiritually; devoutly. Spogliazza, [spl''ts] f. flogperson (vulgarism). Spiritamento , [spiritmn't] Spizzicare, [spitsika're'] v. a. ging on the bare shoulders; m. demoniacal frenzy. dar la - ad una casa, to plunto taste in small bits. Spiritare, [spirit'r] v. n. to Spizzicatura, [spitsikt'r] /. der a house. possessed by the be devil; Spi(print.) defect. Spogliazzato, [spPts't] adj, ritarsi, V. r. to bo terrified, Spizzico (a), [spi'tsiko] Spiz- half-undressed. seized with fear. be zicone (a), [spi'tsikone'] adv. Spoglio, [spT] I. spoil, boot}'; Spiritatamente, [spirittmeV- slowly, by degrees. furniture; chattels, goods, pi. like t] adv. a demoniac. Splebeire, [sple'bei're'] v. a. to Spogna, [sp'n'] f. spunge. Spiritaticelo , [spiritti'tsh] elevate, ennoble. Spola, [sp'l] A (treav.) shuttle. adj somewhat frenetic. Splendente, [sple'ndn'te'] adj. Spoletto, [splt'tj rn. spindle, Spiritato, [spirit't] adj. pos- shining; splendid, brilliant. bobbin (of the shuttle). sessed by the devil; terrified. Splendentemente, [splndnte'- Spollonare, [spUn're'] v. a. Spiritello, [spirit'l] m. little mn't] adv. splendidly, magto dress vines. spirit, little demon. nificently. SpoUonatura, [spllnt'r] /. Spiritessa,[spirit's]/'. female Splendenza, [sple'nde'n'tsa] vine-dressing. f. spirit (ironically). splendor. SpolpamentOjLspIpme'n't] m. Spiritetto, [spiritt't] see Spi- Splendere, [spln'de're'] v. making lean. ritello. i shine, sparkle. Spolpare, [splp'r] v. a. to Spirito, [spi'rit] m. spirit; Splendidamente [sple'ndidapick the flesh off the bone ; , ghost; sense, mind; judgment; mn'te'] adv. splendidly, nobly. fleece; make lean; deprive; wit; forte, freethinker; uo- Splendidezza, [splndidt's] Spolparsi, r. r. to divest one's mo di -, m. man of talent, man Splendidit, [splndidit'] /. self; become lean. of judgment; render lo -, to splendor; pomp, magnificence, Spolpato, [splpi't] a'lj. exgive up the ghost, expire; riliberality. hausted, wasted. conforlare gli spiriti, to recov- Splendido [spln'did] adj. Spolpo, [spol'po] adj. emacia, er one's self. splendid, brilliant, magnif- ted, very lean. Spiritosamente,[spiritsme'n'- icent. Spoltiglia, [splti'l'] f. goldt] adv. with spirit, in a witty Splendore , [sple'nd're'] m smith's dust, maaner. splendor, brightness; glory. Spoltrarsi, [spltrr'si] Spol*

trirsi, [spltrir'si] Spoltronirsi, [spltrnir'si] v. r. to eliiike off idleness.


[sprtitsh'la] ticciuola, /. small basket. Sporto, [spr't] m. projecture; balcony. Sportona, [sprt'n] /. large wicker-basket. [spr'tl] f. fees Sportula, (given to judges &c.). pi. Sposa, [sp'sa] (. spouse; bride; dare -, dar per isposa, to give in marriage. Sposalizia, [spsli'tsia] Spo.

nmn't] adv. spontaneously, voluntarily.

Spontaneit, [spntane' ita'] f. voluntariSpolveramura, [splve'ram'ra] spontaneousness ness. tu. low-born fellow, good for Spontaneo, [spnt'ne'] Sponnothing fellow.

Spolverare, [splve'r're'] v. a. to shake off the dust; dust,

[spnt'n] adj, spontaneous, voluntary. clean; -, r. n. to pulverize, Spontonata, [spntn't] /. a blow with a spontoon. reduce to powder. Spolveratura, [splve'rt'r] f. Spontone, [spnt'ne'] m. spontoon, half-pike. the act of dusting.


Spolverezzamento, [splve'r- Spopolare, [sppla're'] v. a. io salizio, [spsli'tsi] Sposamento, [spsme'n't] m espoudsran't] m. reducing to depopulate, unpeople. Spopolazione, [sppltsi'ne'] sals, nuptials, pL; marriage. powder. Sposare, [sps're] v. o. to marm. depopulation, unpeopling. Spolverezzare,[splve're'ds're'] ry, espouse. V. a. to pulverize; sprinltle Spoppamento, [spppmn't] (wean. Sposereccio, [spse're"tsh] Spowith salt trace with coaldnst. m. weaning. Spolverezzo, [splvr'ds] m. Spoppare, [sppp're'] v. a. to seresco, [spsrs'k] adj. maSporcamente, [sprkmn't] rital, conjugal. pounce, charcoal-bag. Sposina, [spsi'n] f. young Spolverina, [splvri'n] f. an adv. filthily, dirtily.

overcoat for traveling to prevent dust. Spolverizzare, [splve'rids're'] ee Spolverozzare. Spolverizzo, [splve'ri'ds] see Spolverezzo. Spolvero, fspl've'r] m.priclced out copy (of a drawing). Sponda, [spn'd] ^ edge; bank, strand; parapet; - di letto, bed-side; - d' un pozzo, curbstone.



v. a. to

soil, dirty, spot.

Sporcheria, [sprke'ri']
thiness, dirt.


wife, spouse. Spositivo, [spsiti'v] adj. expositive, explaining. Spositore, [sposit'r] m. explainer, interpreter.






Sposizione, [spsiisi'n]





position, explanation. [sp's] m. husband, cizia, [sprtshi'tsi] f. filthi- Sposo, ness, nastiness, dirtiness; ob- spouse; bridegroom. Spossare, [spossa'r] v. a. to scenity. weaken, enervate; Spossarsi, Sporcificare, [sprtshifik're'] V. r. to overwork one's self, V. a. to dirty, soil. m. Sporco , [spr'k] adj. filthy, ruin one's self.

Sporchezza, [sprke't's] Spor-

impure; obscene. [spndi'k] adj. Sporgente, [sprjn'te'] arf;. jutbelonging to a spondee. ting out, projecting. Spondeo, [spnd'] m. pros., Sporgere, [spr'jrj v. a. irr. spondee. (see Porgere) to put forward, Spondilo, [spn'dil] Spondu- hold out, stretch out; bring; lo, [spn'dl] m. joint of the declare, explain; -, r. n. to spine. stand out, project, come forth. Sponga, [spn'g] and Spougia, Sporgimento, [sprjime'n't] m. [spon'jja] /. spunge. projection. Spongata, [spng'ta] f. pie Sporre, [spr'r] v. a. irr. {see (made with honey, nuts &c.)Porre) to explain; lay down; Spongiforme , [spngi'frm] bring forth; hazard, risk; adj. made in the shape of Spoesi, r. T. to expose one's spungo. self. Spongio30,[spnj's] a(/j. spon- Sporta, [spr't]^basket,handfungous. basket. gy, Spongite, [sponji'te] f. generic Sportare, [sprt're'] v. n. to name given to porous stones. project shoot forward. Sponimento, [spnimn't] m. Sportella, [sprtela] f. small exposition; interpretation. basket. fiponitore, [spnit'r] m. ex- Sportellare, [sprtell're'] v. a. positor; interpreter. to open the postern-gate, open Sponsalato, [spnsl't] see the wicket. Sposalizio. Sportelletta, [sprte'lle't't] [. Sponsale, [spns^e] adj. spon- very small basket. sal sponsali, pi.; wedding Sportelletto, [sprtellt't] m. ceremony. small wicket. Sponsalizia, [spnsli'tsi] /. Sportellina, [sprte'lli'n] see Spousalizio, [spnsali'tsi] see Sportelletta. Sposalizio. Sportellino, [sprte'lli'n] see Sponsalizio, [spnsali'tsi] adj. Sportelletto. of marriage, spousal. Sportello,[sprtri] m. wicket; Sponso, [spn's] m. poes., see carriage-door , coach-door; Sposo. shop-door; panel; o -, halfBpontanainente,[spntnme'n'- open. te'] Spontaneamente, [spntSporticellajfsprtitsh'lJSpor-

Spossatamente, [spsstme'n'adv. without powerlessly.




Spossatezza, [spsste't'sa] /. weakness, debility. Spossato, [spss't] adj. languid, exhausted.

Spossedere, [spsse'de''re] and Spossessare, [spsse'ss're'] v.

a. to




m. misplacing. Spostarsi, [spstr'si]

r. to"

quit one's post. Spostatura , [spstt'r] misplacing.


Spotestare, [spte'sta're'j v. a. to deprive of power; Spotestarsi, V. r. to resign one's power.

Spranga, [spran'ga] /.bar,cros3piece, cross-bar; holdfast.

Sprangare, [sprng'r] v. a. to bar, cross-bar thump. Sprangatnra, [sprugt'r] /".



Spranghetta, [spranghe'tta]


small bar; head-ach. Spraticare, [spratik're'] v. a. to give up a business. Sprazza, [spra'tsa] see Sprazzo.

v. (i. to besprinkle, wet. Sprazzo, [spra'ts]fn.sprnkling,

Sprazzare, [sprats'r]


Sprecamento, [sprkame'n't] m. wasting, squandering.

Sprecare, [sprk're']
waste, squander.
v. a. to



Springare, [springa're'] v. a. to adj.absurd, unseasonable, ridiculous. kick about. Sprecatore , [spre'kt'r] m. Sprizzare, [sprits're'] v. n. to Sproposito , [sprp'tit] tn. awkward error, blunder; nonSprecatrice, [sprktri'tsh] spirt out in small drops sense, absurdity, silliness; o -, sprinkle. f. waster, squanderer. Sprecatra , [sprkt'r] f. Sproccatnra, [sprkkt'r] /. rashly, heedlessly. sore in a horse's foot, occasion- Spropositone, [sprpsit'ne'] waste, prodigality. m. great blunder. Spregevole, [sprje"vle'] adj. ed by a nail, stone &c. Sprocchetto, [sprkkt't] m. Spropriare, [sprpri'r] v. c. despicable, abject. dispossess, expropriate; to Spegevolmente, [sprje'vlme'n'- small scion, small sucker. m. scion, Spropriaksi, v. r. to divest te'Jadu. disdainfully, scornfully. Sprocco, [spr'k] one's self of one's property, reSpregiamento , [sprjmn't] sucker; fagot-band; log. Sprofondamento , [sprfnd- sign one's right. m. disdain, scorn. Spropriazione, [sprpritsi'Spregiare, [sprj're'] v. a. to mn't] adv. deeply. Sprofondamento, [sprfnd- n] f. Sproprio, [spr'pri] m disdain, despise, contemn. m. sinking under expropriation; resignation. Spregiatore, [spre'jt'r] m. mn't] Sprotetto, [sprtt't] adj. unSpregiatrice, [sprjtri'tslie'] ground; ruin. Sprofondare, [sprfnd're'] v. protected; friendless. f. despiser, contemner. Spregievole, [sprjte"vle'] see a. to sink, send to the bottom Sprovvedere, [sprvve'de"re'] v. -, sink, go to the bottom. a. irr. (see Vedere) to leave Spregevole. Spregio, [spr'ji]m. contempt, Sprolungare, [sprlng'rj v. unprovided.

Sprovvedutamente, [sprvve'a. to prolong, defer, delay. disdain, scorn. Spregiudicato, [spre'jidik't] Spromettere, [.sprmt'tr] v. dtmen'te] adv. unexpectedly, inconsiderately, rashly. a. irr. {see Mettere) to retract adj. unprejudiced; impartial. [sprvve'd't] Sprovveduto, Spregnare, [spre'n''r] v. a. to one's promise. (vet.) Sprovvisto, [sprvvi'st] adj. Spronaja, [sprn'y] f. bring forth. unprovided, unfurnished unand spur-galled sore. [spre'raereT Spremere, Spriemere, [sprim'r] v. a. Spronajo, [sprn'y] m. spur- prepared; bare of; alia sprovvista, unexpectedly, suddenly. to squeeze out, press, express. makei-, spurrier. Spremitura, [sprmit'r] f. Spronare, [sprn're'] v. a. to Sprovvistamente , [sprwistme'n't] adv. unexpectedly. squeezing out, extracting; juice spur; stimulate. Spronata, [sprn't] f. spur SprufFare,[sprff'r]se6 Spruzexpressed.



ring; instigation.


see Espressamente. Spressione , [sprssi'ne']



m. Sprunare, [sprna'r]

v. a. to

prune, lop off. spurrer: inciter, stimulator. [sprne"dj] ni. Sprone, [spr'n] m. spur; cock- Spruneggio, see Espressione &c. dwarf-holly. Spretarsi, [sprtr's] v. r. to spur; shoot, sprig (of a tree) depose the habit of a priest; ^g. incitement; a spron battuto, Spruzza, [spr'ts] see Spruzzo. with all speed; dar di -, to spur Spruzzaglia [sprts'rj/.small quit the clerical life.

Sprezzabile, [spre'ts'bil] adj. on. Spronella, [spronel'la] f. rowel contemptible, despicable. Sprezzamento, [spretsme'n't] (of a spur). Spropiamento, [sprpime'n't] m contempt, scorn. Sprezzare, [spre'ts'r] v. a. to m. see Spropriazione. Spropiare, [sprpiare'] &c., see despise, disdain, contemn. &prezzatameute , [sprtsta- Spropriare &c. mn't] adv. contemptuously. Sproporzionale, [sprprtsidisproportional , adj. Sprezzatore, [sprtst'r] m. n'l] unequal. despiser, contemner. Sprezzatura , [sprtst'r] /. Sproporzionalit, [sprprtsinlit'j f. disproportionateness. disdain, contempt. Sprezzevolmente, [sprtsvl- Sproporzionalmente, [spropormn't] adv. contemptuously, tsinalran't] adv. disproporscorufully.

rain, drizzle.

Spruzzamento, fsprtsme'n't]
m. sprinkling, aspersion. Spruzzare, [sprts'r] v. a. to sprinkle: powder. Spruzzatura, [sprtst'r] f.




light sprinkling, light asper-

Spruzzo, [spr'ts] m. sprinkling, aspersion.

Spruzzolare, [sprtsla're']

v. n.

Sprezzo, [spr'ts] m. contempt, Sproporzionare,


Sprigionamento [sprijiname'n't] m. release from prison.

Sprigionare, [sprijnrj
v. a.

to disincarcerate, release. Sprillare, [sprillare] v. a. to press out, express. Sprimacciare, [sprimtsha're'] V. a. to shake up (a feather-bed);

Sprimacciata, [spriratsha't] (. shaking of a feather-bed. Sprimanzia, [spriman'tsia] see


Sprimere, [spri'mere']seEspri mere.

[sprprtsina'r] v. a. to disproportion. [sprSproporzionatamente, prtsintmn't] adv. disproportionately, unsuitably. Sproporzionato, [sprprtsina't] adj. disproportionate. Sproporzione, [sprprtsi'n] Spugnone, [spun'o'ne'] m. gypinequality. seous stone, chalk. f, disproportion; [sprpsit'- Spugnosit, [spn'sit] SpuSpropositaccio , gnositade, Spugnositate, f. tsh] m. blunder. Spropositare, [sprpsit're'] v. sponginess. n. to say or do foolish things. Spugnoso, [spn''s] adj. sponSpropositatamente, [sprpsi- gy, porous. ttme'n't] adv. unseasonably, Spugnazza, [spn''ts] f. small (now, fan. foolishly. sponge. Spropositato , [sprpsit't] Spulare, [spla'r] v. o. to win-

to drizzle; sprinkle slightly; speckle. Spruzzolo, [spr'tsl] m. drizzling rain, thick mist. Spugna, [sp'n'] f. sponge. Spugnazione , [spn'ats'n] see Espugnazione. Spugnitoso, [spn'it's] adj. spongy, spongious.




Bpulcellare, [spltshll'r] v. Sputapepe, [8ptpe"pe'] f. blue- Squallore, [skwll're'] wi. deadly paleness. stocking. a. to deflower. Spnlcialetti, [spultshiale't'ti] m. Sputaperle, [sptpr'l] m. Squama, [skua'ma] /. scale (of fish); coat of mail. bedmaker, low servant. captious man fault-finding Squamigero, [skwmije''r] adj. Spulciare, [spltsh'r] v. a. to man. rid of fleas. Sputare, [sputa're'] v. o. to spit sealy.

Spuleggiare, [spule'^'a'rej Spulezzare, [splds'r]

v. n. to

run away. [skuam's] adj. Spulezzo, [sple'd's] m. pre- Sputasenno , [spts'n] m. scaly. cipitate flight. Squarcetto, [skwrtsht't] m. would-be wise man. Spulito, [spli'tl odj. tarnished, Sputasentenze, [sptase'ntn'- small tear, small cut. dull. tse'] m. a sententious speaker. Squarciacuori, [skurtshk'ri] Spuma, [sp'm] f. foam, froth Sputatondo, [spttn'd] m. f. coquette. dross. Squarciamento[skurtshme'n'self-assuming mj,n. Spumare, [spm're'] Spumeg Sputo, [sp't] m. spittle; spit- t] m. rent, cleft, tear. Squarciare, [skwrtsh'r] v.a. giare, [spme'dj'r] v. n. to ting. foam, spnrae, froth. Spuzzare, [spts're'] see Puz- to tear, rend. Squarciata, [skurtsha't] f. Spumeo, [sp'me'] adj. frothy. zare. Spumifero, [spmi'fr] adj. Squacchera , [skuk'ke'r] f. rending, stroke, cut. covered with foam. Squarciatamente, [skwartshalooseness, laxity. Spumigliene, [spumiP'ne'] m. Squaccherare, [skMklce'r'r] tmn't] adv. openly, excessively. cloth made of silt and wool. V. a. to do in haste; -, v. n. to Squarciatore, [skwrtsht're'j Spumosit, [spmsit'l/'.froth- squirt. iness; frothy substance. Squaccheratamente, [skwakke'- m. tearer, render. Spumoso, [spm's] adj. spu- rtme'n't] adv. ridere -, to Squarciatura, (skMartshat'rj mous, foamy, frothy. laugh immoderately. f. tearing, rending; rent. Spuntare, [spnt'r] v. a. to Squadernare, [skwde'rn're'] r. Squarcina, [skurtshi'n] f. blunt; break off the point; a. to open wide; shew openly, sabre, falchion. erase, cancel; turn aside; manifest; examine, consider; Squarcio, [skwr'tsh] m. great dissuade overcome -, v. n. to peruse. rent, great gash. point; sprout out; shoot; burst Squadernatore, [skwde'rnt'- Squarcione, [skurtsh'ne'] m. forth; alio spuntar del giorno, braggart, boaster. re'] wi. examiner; peruser. at break of day: Spuntarsi, v. Squadra, [sku'dr] f. square; Squarquoio, [skttarkw'y] adj. r. to lose the point; get blunt. squadron; dar la -, to make one filthy, disgusting. Spuntatura, [spntt'r] f. believe, quiz uscir di -, to go Squartamento, [skwrtme'n'tj blunting; loppings, pi. out of bounds; be beside the m. quartering. Spuntellare, [spuntll'r] v. a. question. Squartapiccioli , [skwartapi'to tctke away props. Squadrare, [skMadra're'] v. a. to tshlij m. split-penny; skinSpunto, [spn't]arfj. pale, wan, square; rule; bring to the touch- flint. ash-colored. stone; examine; quarter; level Squartare, [skurt're'] v. a. to Spuntonata, [spuntn't] /". (a cannon); measure one with quarter - lo zero, to split a blow with a spontoon. the eye, eye a person. hair in four. Spuntoncello, [spntntsh'l] Squadratore, [skwdrt're'j m. Squartata, [sqwrt't] f. quarSpuntoncino, [spntntshi'n] stone-cutter; observer. tering. I. small spontoon, small pike. Squadratura, [skudrt'r] f. Squartatojo, [squrtt'y] m. Spuntone, [spnt'ne'J m. spon- squaring, quadrature. butcher's cleaver. toon, halberd. Squadretta, [skuadre't't] and Squartatore, [skwrtt're'] m. Squadriglia, [skwdri'P] f. executioner; bully, Spunzeccliiare,[spntse'kkia're'] V. a. to stimulate, spur on, small squadron, small band. Squartatura, [skurtt'r] /. provoke. Squadro, [sku'dr] m. squaring; quartering. Spuola, [sp'l]/".(weai>).shuttle skate (sea-flsh). Squasilio, [skusi'li] w. great Spurare,[spur'r] v.o. to purge, Squadronare, [skudrn're'] v. wonder; affected manners, pi. purify. a. to form into squadrons Squasimodeo , [skttasimd'] Spurgamento, [spurgme'n't] Squadronarsi , v. r. to be TO. simpleton, numskull; -, int. m. purging, cleansing. formed into squadrons ; go in for example! indeed! Spurgare, [sprg'r] v.a, &n. battle-array. Squassaforche, [skwssfr'ke'] Squadroncello, [skuadrntsh'- TO. worthless fellow. to purge, cleanse; spit. Spurgazione, [sprgtsi'ne'J /. I] Squadroncino, [skuadron- Squassamento, [skwssme'n't] tshi'n] m. small squadron. purgation, cleansing. TO. shaking, toss. Spurgo, [spr'g] m. spitting, Squadrone, [skudr'ne'J m. Squassare, [skuss're'] v. a. squadron, troop, band. spittle, cleaning out. to shake, jog. Spurio, [sp'ri] adj. spurious, Squagliamento, [skuaPme'n't] Squasso, [skus's] to. hard bastard. wi. melting, liquefying. shake, shock. Sputacchiare, [sptkki're'] v. Squagliare, [skxtP're'] v. a. to Squilla, [skuil'la] f. squill; o. to spit continually; bespit, melt, liquefy. shrimp, prawn; little bell. Squallidezza, [skullide't's] f. Squillante, [skwilln'tj adj. spit in one's face. Sputacchiera, [sptkki'r] f, squalidness; paleness. shrill; clear. [skwl'lid] Squallido, adj. Squillantemente, [skulllnte'spitting-box, spitting-pan. Sputacchio , [sptk'ki] m. squalid; gloomy; wan, pale, me'n'te'] adv. loud and shrilly; bleak. Bpittle. spit. with a clear sound.
; ; ; ; ;

out, bespit; fling, cast; - bottoni, to ridicule, rail at; - senno, to affect the sage.

Squama. Squamoso,






Squillare, [skttill'r] v. n. to [Stabbiare, [stbbi'r] v. a. to Staffeggiare, [stffdj'r] v. n. sound loud and shrill, clang,] park, fold (sheep); manure. to lose one's stirrups. ring. Stabbio, [stb'bi] m. manure, Staffetta, [stfft't] f. small stirrup; courier, express, Squilletto, [skMillet't] m. shrill compost. piping sound; small gimlet. Stabbiuolo, [stbbil] m. little Staffiera, [stffi'r] /. womanservant, Squillevolmente, [skwillvl- compost. (lackey. mn'te] see Squillantemente. Stabile, [st'bile'] adj. stable, Staffiere, [staffi're] m. groom, Squillitico, [skuilli'tik] adj beni atabili, Staffilamento, [stftilmn't] durable, lasting m. whipping, lashing. of squills. w. pi houses and lands, pi. Squillo, [skttil'l] m. sound, Stabilimento , [stbilimn't] Staffilare, [stffil're] v. a. to clang; drill, gimlet. m. establishment, settlement, whip, flog, lash. Staffilata, [stffil't] f. blow Squillone, [skuill'n] m. large foundation; institution. hell. the stirrup-leather ; Stabilire, [stbili're'] v. a. to with Squnante,[skwinn'te']m.sweet establish; appoint, settle; place; whipping, flogging. smelling bulrush. Staffilatore, [stffilt're'] r. depute. Squinantico, [skuinnti'k] m. Stabilit, [stabilit'] Stabilita- whipper, scourger, one who has the quinzy. de, Stabilitate, f. stability, Staffllatura, [stffilt'r] f. Squinanzia, [skuinantsi'a] f. firmness. whipping, flogging. quinzy. Stabilitore, [stbilit're'] m. Staffile, [stffi'l] m. stirrupSquinternare, [skuinte'rn'r] establisher, founder. leather, stirrup-strap; whip, V. a. to discompose, disorder. birch. [stbilme'n't] Stabilmente , Squisitamente, [skuisitmn'- adv. firmly, constantly. Stafisagra, [stfis'grj f. bot, t] adv exquisitely, excellent. Stabulare, Istbl'r] v. n. to lousewort. Squisitezza, [skuisitt's] f. stable, remain in the stable. Staggia, [st'dj] see Staggio. exquisiteness, excellence. Stabulario , [stbl'ri] m. Staggimento, [stdjimn'to] m. Squisito, [skuisi't] adj. exqui- stable-boy, ostler. seizure, confiscation. site, excelliint. Stacca, [stk'k] f. iron-hook, Staggina, [stdjin] /. seizing, Squittinare, [skuittina're'] v. a. sequestration. cramp-iron. to vote, elect. Staccamento , [stakkme'n't] Staggio, [sta'dj] m. stake (foi Squittinatore, [skuittint'r] w. detaching; disjunction, sev- nets) bannisters, crotchet, hosm. voter, poller. tage. ering; {mil.) detachment. Squittino, [skuitti'n] m. vo- Staccare, [stkka'r] v. a. to Staggire, [stdji're'j v. a. to ting, secret voting, electiondetach, separate; unhook, pull seize, sequestrate. meeting, poll. Staggitore, [stdjit'r] m. seotf. Squittire, [skuitti're'] t'. n. to Staccatezza, [stakkate't'sa] f. questrator. yelp, squeak. detachment, disjunction, dis- Stagionacela, [stajn'tsh] f. Squotolare, [skutl're'J v. a. union. bad season. to boat (flax); cudgel. Staccatore , [stakkt'r] m. Stagionamento, [stjname'n'Sradicamento, [sradikme'ii't] one who disunites. t] m. seasoning, ripening. m. rooting out; extirpation. Staccetto,[sttsht't]m.bolter, Stagionare, [stjn're'] v. a. to Sradicare, [srdik'r] v. a. to fine sieve. season, ripen; preserve. root out; extirpate, destroy. Stacciajo, [statsha'y] m, sieve- Stagionatore, [stajnt're'J m. Sradicatore, [srdikat'rj m. maker. seasoner. extirpator, destroyer. Stacciare, [statsha're'] v. a. to Stagionatura, [stjnt'r] f. Sradire, [sradi're'] v. a. to thin bolt, sift, fan. seasoning. out. Stacciata, [sttsha't] /. sieve- Stagione, [staj'ne'] f. season, Sragionevole, [srajue"vl]a(/j. full, searce-full. fit time; time. unreasonable. Stacciatura, [statsht'r] f. Stagionevole,[stjne"vle']a(ij. Sregolamento, [sregolme'n't] bran, pollen; siftings, pi. seasonable, maturative. 77. irregularity, disorder Staccio, [st'tsh] m. bolter, Stagliare, [str'r] v. a. to Sregolare, [srgl'r] v. a. to sieve, searce. hack, chop; compute in the make unruly. Stacciuolo, [sttsh'l] m. small gross.





Stagliato,[str't]a(/v. shortly;

mn't] adv. in a disorderly Stacco, [stak'k] m. a cut of clearly, distinctly. manner. Stadera, [std'rj /. steel-yard, Staglio, [stT] m. rough calSregolatezza, [sre'gltt'sa] f. Roman balance culation; a -, by the whole, in irregularity; licentiousness, Staderajo, [stde'r'yjm. steel- the lump. debauchery. Stagnajo, [stn''y] m. tinker. yard maker. Sregolato, [sre'gla't] adj. ir Staderina, [stade'ri'naj f. small Stagnamento, [stn'me'n't] m.
regular, disorderly; excessive, steel-yard. licentious. Staderone, [stde'r'ne'] m. large





steel-yard stagnant, still. irreverent, disrespectful. Stadico, [st'dik] m. hostage, Stagnare, [stan'a're'] v. a. to Sreverentemente, [srvre'nte'- pledge. stanch, stop; pewter, tin over; mn'te] adv. irreverently. Stadio, fsta'di] m. stadium. -, V. n. to be stagnant, stagBreverenza, [srvrn'ds] Sre- Staffa, [staffa] f. stirrup; iron- nate; stagnare il sangue, to verenzia , [sre've'rn'dsij /. band; cymbal; calze a -, f. pi. stanch the blood. irreverence. stirrup-stockings, pi. tirare Stagnata, [stn''t] f. tin-cruot, Srugginire, [srdjini're'] v. a. alla -, to consent reluctantly. pewter-pot. to take off the rust. Staffare, [stif'r] v. n. to put Stagneo, [st'n'e'] adj. of tin, Sta, [sta'] for Questa. the foot in the stirrup. of pewter.






adv. & prep, since, afterwards; during;
since, in as

Stagno, [sta'n']7n. pool, marsh; Stampa, [stm'pa] f. press; impewter; pewter-vessel; stagni pression, printing; print.stamp; image; figuration, mould: kind, Malati, m. pi. saltwater-marshes, pi.





non molto


sort, species; libert della

-, f.

not long after;

m. instant,

Stagno, [st'n'] adj. stagnant;

moment, the present time; in questo -, at this moment, in stanched. Stagnone, [stn''n] m. large Stampabile, [stmp'bile] adj. the mean timo, meanwhile; in that may be printed, impres- uno -, instantly, in a trice. pool; large pewter-vosscl. Stantemente [stntmn'te'] Stagnuolo,[stn''lJm.pewter- sible. Stampanare, [stmpn'r] v. adv. instantly, earnestly. vessel; tin leaf.
liberty of the press; operare a -, to do a thing by routine.

8tajo,[st'y] m.hushel,l)ushel- a. to tear, lacerate. fuH. Stampare, [stmp'r] v. a. to Stajoro, [stay'r] nt. quantity stamp, print, imprint, impress; of ground necessary for a figure; - neiranimo, to impress bushel of seed. upon the mind. Stajuolo, [sty'l] m. small Stampatore, [stampt're'l m. - tn cotone, calicobushel. printer Stalattite, [staltti't] /".stalac- printer; - di zecca, coiner. tite. Stampella, [stmp'l] f. crutch. Stalentaggine, [sti nt'dj ine'] Stampellone, [stmpll'ne] m. great crutch. f. awkwardness. Stalla, [stl'l] /. stable; stall; Stamperia, [stmpe'ri'] /'.print- di pecore, sheepfold; - di ing-office, printing-house. porci, sty. Stampita, [stampi'ta] /. sonaStallacela, [stll'tsha] f. filthy ta; air, strain; tiresome disstable, bad stall. course. Stallaggio, [stlla'dj] m. sta- Stampo, fstm'p] m.piincheon, bling; stables, pi. punch; shred for hats; partStallare, [stall'r] v. a. to ing-paper.


[stnti'] adj. rancid,

stale; flat; useless; sp'biled, rotten. Stantuffo, [stantuffo] m. sucker (of a pump), piston. Stanza, [stn'tsj/.room, apartment ; habitation, abode, seat, home ; residence ; strophe, canticle ; instance, entreaty; (rail.) - de' passeggieri, passengers' room. Stanzaccia, [stnts'tsh] f. bad

room, ugly chamber. Stanzetta, [stntst't] /. small room, small chamber. Stanzia, [stn'tsi see Stanza. Stanziale, [ stantsia'l J oc/j. permanent, stationary.




dung; stable.

Stallatico, [stll'tik] (of horses &c.). Stalleggiare, [stlle'dj're']

n. to keep stables.

[sta'n're'] Stanare m. dung come out of the den.





Stancabile, [stnkbi'le']

easily wearied.


Stalletta, [stllt't]


stable. Stalliere, [stlli're'] tn. stabletire, fatigue; -, v. n. to faint boy, ostler. away; Stancarsi, v. r. to bo Stanzietta , [stantsfe't'ta] f. Stanzino, [stantsi'n] m. StanStallio, [starilo] adj. stableexhausted; tire one's self. fed; stalled. Stancheggiare, [stnkdj'r] zinola, [stntsi'l] f. small [stlli'v] adj. unroom, little room, cabinet. Stallivo, V. o. to tire, annoy. tamed, not broken in. Stanchetto, [stnkt't] adj. a Stanzone, [stnts'n] m. large room, great apartment. Stallo, [stiil'lo] m. dwelling, little tired, rather fatigued. habitation; stall ina cathedral; Stanchevole, [stnk'vl] adj. Stare, [sta're'] u. n. irr. (stava; stetti, stesti, stette, stemmo, stall-mate at chess. tiresome, teasing. steste, stettero ; star; stalo) Stallone, [stll'n] wi. stallion; Stanchezza , [stanke't's] f. to stand, stop, be, be placed ; ostler. weariness, fatigue, lassitude. Stamajuolo, [stmyl] m. Stanco, [stn'k] adj. tired, fa- reside, lodge, dwell; live, remain; last, hold out, continue; master-spinner. tigued; harassed. Stamane, [stm'ne'] Stamani, Stanga, [stn'g] /". bar, spar, cost; come state? how do you do? dove state di casa? where [stra'ni] and Stamattina, cross-bar; lever; - di carroz[stmatti'na] f. this morning. za, polo of a carriage; - di do you live se cos s ta, if it be so; sto per dire, I dare say; sta Stambecchino, [strabkki'mi] finestra, window-bar. m.bow-man, archer; Stambec- Stangare, [stng'r] v. a. to leggendo, he is reading; qui sta

[stankmen't] , m. weariness, fatigue. Stancare, [stnk're'l v. a. to

precept, commandment. Stanziare, [stntsid'r] v. a. to order, command; fix, establish; locate; judge; -,v. n. to dwell, stay, reside; Stanziarsi, v. r. to station one's self: reside. Stanziatore, [stntsito'r] m. dweller, inhabitant.

CHiNi, pi. bows, arrows, darts

bar, barricade.

Stangata, [stnga't] /". blow m. with a pole. [stmbe'k'k] wild goat, young wild goat. Stangheggiare, [stnghe'dj're'] Stamberga, [stmbr'ga] f. old V. n. to act with rigor. mansion. Stanghetta, [stnghe't't] / Stambugio, [stmb'ji] m. a small bar; bolt, spring (of a small dark room. lock) part of the bridle. Stamburare , [stmbr're'] v. Stangonata, [stngn'tj f. n. to beat the drum. blow with a large bar. Stame, [st'me] Stamento, [sta- Stangone, [stng'n] m. large mn't] m. yarn, thread, kuit bar, great pole; stirrer. worsted; woof, weft. Stanotte, [stnt't] /.to-night,

&c pi. Stambecco,

Stamigna, [stami'n'a]
basin; sieve.





ship's knee-timbers, pi.

this night, this evening. Stante, [stan't] adj. standing; being, remaining; - in piede, upright; bene -, at one's ease;

punto, here is the rub; lasciatemi -, let me alone; questo cappello vi sta bene, that hat becomes you well; - ammalato, to be sick; - attento^ to be attentive, mind; - bene, to ba well;- a bottega, to keep a shop; - a cuore, to have at heart; -a diporto, to take one's pleasure; - a disagio, to be uneasy; - a dubbio, to doubt, suspect - duro, to be obstinate - a filo, to be ready; - in guardia, to stand upon one's guard; - male, to be i\i;-mallevadore, to guarantee; - muto, to be silent - a ordine, to be ready ; - a orecchio, to




listen, hearken; - in peduli, to the city or guild; -, m free Stecco, [ste'k'k] m. prickle, tooth-pick; slip of straw. be barefooted; -a petio, to cope; man (of the city). - alia prova, to stand the trial Statuare , [stta're'] v a. to Stecconato, [stkkn't] m. en- a ripentaglio, to be in danger; closure made with strong make statues. - a sedere, to sit, be seated; - Statuaria, [stt'ri] f. statstakes, palisade. Steccone, [stkk'ne'] m. strong alia sentenza di uno, to leave uary, sculpture. pale, stake. it to a person's decision ; - o Statuario, [stt'ri] m. statSteccoso, [stkk's] adj. hard, studio, to be at a university; uary, sculptor. a vantaggio to have the ad- Statuetta, [stte't't] Statu- tough small statue, Steganografia, [ste'gngrafi'a] vantage, get the better of; - ve- na, [stati'n] stito, to be dressed; -, m. stay. small figure. / steganography. abode, dwelling ; delay, putting Statuire, [stati'r] v.a. to de- Stegolo, [ste"gl] m. axle-tree (of a mill); spindle, beam. off. cree, ordain. Starna , [str'na] f. gray par- Statuminare, [sttmin'r] v. Stella, [st'l] /. star; rowel (of a spur); constellation; destiny. tridge. a. to prop; strengthen. Starnare , [strn'rj v. a. to Statura , [stt'r] f. stature, Stelladia, [stll'di] /. nectar. Stellante, [stlln't] adj. starposture; size. gut partridges. adj. [sttt'l] ry, sparkling. Starnazzare, [strnts'r]v.n. Statutale, Stellare, [ste'll're'] adj. stellar, to lie fluttering on the ground. according to the Statutes. Statutario, [sttt'ri] m. leg- of a star. Starno, [star'n] see Starna. Stellarla , [stll'ri] /. (bot.) Starnonciuo, [strnntshi'n] islator, lawgiver. elecampane; kind of hard preciStarnotto, [strn't] m.ycung Statuto, [stt't] m. statute. Stavernare, [stve'rn'r] v. n. ous stone. partridge. Starnutamento, [starntme'n'- to come out of a tavern (vulga- Stellate, [stll't] adj. starry; (dard. with a white star in the forerism), t] i. sneezing, sternutation. .V Starnutare, [strnta'rj v. n. Staza, [sta'tsa] f. gauge; stan- head (of horses). Stazare, [stts'r] v. a. to Stelleggiare, [stlldj're'] v. a. to sneeze. to stud with spangles. Starnutatorio, [strntt'ri] gauge, measure. Stazatore, [sttst're'j m. gan- Stelletta, [stllt't] f. asterisk. ni. sternutatory. Stellifero, adj. full of stars. ger, measurer. Starnatazone,[starnttsi'ne'] Stazatura, [statst'r] f. gau- Stellionatario, [stllint'rij f. sneezing. I. defrauder, cheat. Starnutiglia, [strnti'l'] f. ging. Stazionario, [sttsin'ri] adj. Stellionato , [stllin't] m. sneezing powder. (jur.) stellionate. Starnutire, [starnti'r] see stationary. Stazione, [sttsi'ne'] /.station; Stellione, [steli i'ne'] m. taranStarnutare. tula, eft, newt. Starnuto, [strn't] m. see habitation; railway-station. Stazioniere, [sttsini're] m. Stenografo, [ste'llgr'f] wi. Starnutazione. astronomer. Starosta, [str'st] m. starost. shopkeeperStellone, [stll'ne'] m. dog-days. Starostia,fstrsti']/".starosty. Stazzo, [st'ts] Stasare, [stasa' r] v.a. to unstop, Stazzonalibri, [sttsnli'bri] Stelluzza, [stll'tsa] /. small star. n. a would-be literary man. open. Stasera, fsts'r] f. this even- Stazzonamento, [statsnmn'- Stele, [ste''l] m. stem, stalk: (arms. pivot. ing, to-night. t] m. handling. Stasi, [stasi] /. stagnation of Stazzonare, [sttsn'r] v. a. Stemma, [st'm] /. coat of Stemperamento[stmprmn'to handle, fumble. the blood. t] m. dilution; intemperance; Statare, [stt'r] v. a. {agr.) Steatite, [stti'te'] f. steatite. to have the necessary time Steatoma, [stat'm] m. a kind commotion; ferment. Stemperanza, [stmpe'rn'ds] between the first and second of fatty tumor. ploughing; pass the summer in Stecca, [stk'k] f. little stick, /, intemperance, excess. splinter; tooth-pick; paper- Stemperare, [stmpe'r're'] v. a. a cool place. knife; (bill.) cue; Stecchk, f. to dilute , dissolve ; soften; State, [st't] f. summer. stempeweaken adulterate Statica, [st'tik] f. statics, pi. pi. whalebones (of a bust) rarsi in lacrime, to melt into sticks (of a fan), pi. Statico, [stii'tik] m. hostage Steccadente, [stkkdn't] m. tears. pledge. Stemperatamente, [stempe'rStatinvernare, [sttinvrn're'] tooth-pick, tooth-picker. tmn'te'] adv. intemperately. V. n. to spend the whole year Steccaja,[stkk'y] /'.palisade, Stemperatezza, [stmprtffence; breakwater. in one place. Statista,[stti'st]m. statesman, Steccare, [stkk're'] v. a. to sa] /. see Stemperamento. Stemperato, [stmpe'r't] adj. politician. palisade, rail, fence. Statistica, [stti'stika] /. statis- Steccata, [stkk't] see Stec- dissolute. Stempiato, [ste'mpi't] adj. abtics, pi. caja.
; ,





adj. Steccato,[ste'kk't]m.palisado, palisade, barrier; lists, pi

surd, ridiculous disproportionately large.


Stato, [st't] m. state; rank, Stoccheggiare, [stkkdj're'] con lition; - ma(igiore,the staff; v.a. to beat with a little stick. strada ferrata dello -, /". state- Stecchetto, [ste'kkt't] m. little railway. stick slip of !*traw. Stecchire, [stkki'rj v. n. to Statua, [sta't] f. statue. Statuaccia, [stta'tsh] f. bad dry up; grow lean. Stecchito, [ste'kki't] adj. thin, statue. Statuale, [stata'l] adj. free of shriveled.




Stemperare. Stendale, [ste'nd'l] see Stendardo.

Stendardiere , [ste'ndrdi'r] m. standard-bearer.

Stendardo,[stndar'd]m.stancl' ard, ensign, colors.




[stnd'r] v. n. to Sterilire, [ste'rili're'] v. o. tolSterzo, [str'ts] m. cabriolet, make sterile; -, v. n. to become cab. Btrike tent, decamp.

Stendere, [stn'dre'] v. a. & n. sterile, grow barren. irr. {see Tendere) to extend, Sterilit, [ste'rilit'] Sterilitatretch out, spread enlarge, de, Sterilitate, f. sterility, barrenness. lengthen; divulge, publish; un arco, to unbend a bow; - le Sterilmente, [ste'rilmn'te'] adv. gambe, to stretch out one's unfruitfuUy, fruitlessly, barlegs; - un tappeto, to spread a renly. carpet; Stendersi, v. r. to Sterline, [ste'rli'n]arfj.sterling;




Stessamente, [ste'ssme'n't] see Medesimamente. Stessere, [sts'se'r] v. a. to unweave, unravel. Stesso, [ste's's] adj. self, same; egli ^, himself; noi stessi,

stretch one's self out; reach.

lira sterlina,




Stendimento, [ste'ndime'n'to] m.

m. sterling coin, standard Stetoscopio, [ste'tsk'pi]

{med.) stethoscope. rate (of coin). extension, enlarging. Stenditojo, [stndit'y] m. dry- Stermlnamento,[ste'rminme'n'- Stia, [sti'] f. hen-coop, mew, aviary. ing-place; bleaching-green. t] m. extermination. Stenditore, [ste'ndit'r] m. ex- Sterminare, [ste'rmin're'] v. a. Stiaccia, [sti'tsh] see Schiaccia. tender; spreader; divulger. to exterminate. Stenebrare, [ste'ne'br'r] v. a Sterminatamente, [ste'rmint- Stiacciare, [stitsh're'] v. a. to flatten. to illuminate. mn't] adv. excessively. Stenografia , [stenografi' a] f. Sterminatezza,[ste'rrainte't'sa] Stiacciata, [stitsh'ta] {. banbigness. nock, thin cake. stenography. f. immense size, huge Stenografico, [stngr'fik] Sterminato, [ste'rinin't] adj. Stiacciatina, [stitshti'n] f. small thin cake. immense, excessive. ad], stenographical. Stenografo, [ste'n'grf] m. Sterminatore, [strmint're'] Stiacciatona, [stitsht'n] f. stenograph. m. Sterminatrice, [strmin- large flat cake. Stiaffo, [stiaffo] see Schiaffo. Stensione, [ste'nsi'ne'] /". ex- tri'tsh] f. exterminator. tension, stretching. Sterminazione, [stermintsi'- Stiamazzare,[stimts'r] &c., Stensivo, [ste'nsi'v] adj. ex- n] /. Sterminio, [ste'rmi'ni] see Schiamazzare &c. tensive; extensible; large. m. extermination, total ruin Stiantagirandole,[stintjirnd'l] inventor of strange Stentamente , [stntame'n't] slaughter. see Stento. Sternere, [str'nre'] v. a. to stories. Stiantare, [stint're'] &c., see Stentare, [ste'nta're'] v. a. to stretch on the ground. Schiantare &c. toil hard, labor; delay, put off; Sterno , [str'n] m. {anat.) Stappa,[stip'pa] see Schiappa. vex; -, V n. to be stinted, want breastbone. be needy; suffer, be in pain; Sternuto[ste'rn't]m. sneezing. Stiare, [sti'r] v. a. to coop up, stento a crederlo, I can hardly Sterpagnolo, [ste'rp'n'l] adj. fatten, cram. believe it. of the nature of suckers ; full Stiatta, [stit't] &c, see SchiatStentatamente, [ste'ntatme'n'- of briers. ta &c. t] adv. with difficulty, with Sterpame,[ste'rp'm]tn quanti- Stiattare, [stiatta're'] . n. to much ado, slowly. die. ty of suckers, young shoots. pi. Stentato, [ste'nta'toladj.stinted, Sterpamento, [strpme'n't]i. Stiavo, [sti'v] &c., see Schiavo meager, thin; painful, wretch- extirpation. &c. ed; affected. Sterpare, [ste'rp're'] v. a. to ex- Stibiato , [stibi't] adj. antiStentatura, [ste'ntt'r] f. im tirpate, root out. monial. perfect work. Sterpe, [str'p] see Sterpo. Stibio, [sti'biol m. antimony. Stento, [stn't] m. toil, drudge- Sterpeto, [ste'rp't] and Ster- Stidionata, [stidin't] /". spitry; misery, suffering; a -, with piccio , [ste'rpi'tsh] m. place full. difficulty, with much ado. full of suckers. Stidione, [stidio'ne'] m. spit. Stentoreo, [ste'nt're] arfj.very Sterpo, [ste'r'p] m. sucker, Stidioniero, [stidini'r] n. stronig (said of the voice). young shoot. person armed with a spit. Stenuare, [ n're'] v. a. to Sterpone, [ste'rp'n] m. great Stiena, [stie'na] see Schiena. extenuate, emaciate, exhaust ; sucker; bastard. Stiettamente, [stittmn'te'] lessen; -, v. n. to get extenua- Sterposo, [ste'rp's] adj. full see Schiettamente &c ted; grow lean. suckers ; of tangled with Stigamento , [stigme'n't] m.
. ;

Stenuativo, [ste'niiti'v] adj. underwood. extenuating; weakening. Sterquilinio , [ste'rkMili'nl] Stenuazione, [ste'ntsi'ne'] Sterquilino , [ste'rkwili'n] m. extenuation, exhaustion lean- dung-hill. ness. Sterramento, [ste'rrme'n't] m. Stereo, [str'k] m. dung, or digging. dnre; -colombino, pigeon-dung. Sterrare, [ste'rra're'] v a. to dig Stercoraceo, [strkr'tshj up, level the ground. adj. stercoraceous. Sterrato, [strr't] m. place Stercorazione, [ste'rkrtsi'- dug out, ditch. n| /. storcoration; manuring. Sterro, [ste'rn] see Sterramento. Stereotipo, [ste're'ti'p] adj. Stertore, [ste'rt'r] m. wheez/",

and Stigazione,


instigation, inducement. Stige, [stid'je] m. {mit.) Styx. Stigio, [sti'ji] adj. Stygian, infernal.

Stigma, [stig'raa] f. mark, stamp;

print; brand. Stignet-e, [sti'n'ere'] v. a. irr. (see Tignere) to take off the color; efface, extinguish Stif? VERSI, v.r.tolose one's color,


ing; rattling in the throat.


fade. Stilare,



n. to





a. to

customary, be usual.

barren. Sterilezza, [strilt's] seeSte


divide into three parts. Stile, [sti'le'l m. style; gnomon; Sterzetto, [strtse't't] m. small fescue; manner; stile conciso, curricle, gig. concise style,




Stilettare, [stilfitt'r] v. a. to Stincatura, [stinkt'r]^. blow iStiratora, [stirt'r] f. laundress. stab with a stiletto. upon the shin-bone Stilettata, [stiltt't] f. stab Stinche, [stin'k] /". pi. debtor's Stiratura^ [stirt'r] f. ironing. with a stiletto. prison, jail (in Florence), pi. [stilt't] m. small Stinco, [stin'k] m. shin, shin- Stirparne, [stirp'me'] in. quanStiletto, (gnere. tity of roots. dagger; graver. bone, Stiliforme, [stilifr'mjarfj. sti- Stingere, [stin'je'r] see Sti- Stirpare, [stirp'r] v. a. to exStDguere,[stin'gwe're]seeEstin- tirpate, uproot; destroy. letto-shaped. Stirpatore , [stirpt're] m. guere. Stilete, [stil'te'] m. stylte. Stirpatrice, [stirpatri'tshe] /. Stio, [sti'o] adj. sown in March Stilla, [stil'l] f. drop. extirpator, destroyer. Stillamento, [stillarae'n't] m. (flax). Stioppo, [stip'p] see Schioppo. Stirpazione, [stirptsi'ne'] f, dropping, distillation. Stillare, [still'r] v.a. to distil, Stioro, [sti'rj m. quart-meas- extirpation, destruction. Stirpe, [stir'p] f. race, extracextract (spirit); instil; -, v. n. ure. drop , fall drop by drop, ooze Stipa, [sti'pa] f. brushwood, tion, lineage. out; drizzle; Stillarsi, v. r. small fire-wood, fagots, p/.,* Stiticaggine, stitik'djin] StiStiti[stitikri'] ticheria, to grow clear, clarify; - il cer- heap, collection, quantity. Stipamacchie, [stipmk'kie'] chezza, [stitikt's] Stiticit, vello, to rack one's brains. [stititshit'] /. costi veness, obm. hedger. Stillato, [still't] m. jellyclosefistedness , struction ; broth, jelly, (tiller. Stipare, [stip're'] t).a. to fence with fagots crowd, pile, heap peevishness. Stillatore, [stillt're'] m. disup; re-unite; (for.) to cut un- Stiticare, [stitik're'] v. a. to Stillazione,[stilltsi'n]/'. dis;

derwood. render costive. tillation, infusion. Stipendiare, [stipe'ndi're'] v.a. Stiticheria, [stitik'ri] f. cosStilo, [sti'l] see Stile. Stima, [sti'm] {. esteem; re- to hire, engage for a salary; tiveness. Stitichezza, [stitik'ts] /. cosgard; aver in slima, tenere in give wages. islima. to esteem, value, prize. Stipendiarlo, [stipe'ndi'ri] m. tiveness. Stitico, [sti'tik] adj. styptic, Stimabile, {stim'bilj adj. esti- stipendiary, pensioner. Stipendiato, [stipendiato] adj. costive; astringent; closefistmable, valuable. Stimabilit, [stimabilit'] f. hired, engaged for a salary; ed peevish, ill-humored; in;

pensioned; mercenary. sipid. estimableness, worth. Stimamento, [stimme'n't] m. Stipendio, [stipndio] m. sti- Stiticuzzo, [stitik'ts] adj. raestimation, appreciation, es- pend, s-.ilary. ther ill-tempered, somewhat Stipettajo, [stipe'tt'y] m. cab- cross. teem, value. Stiumare, [stim're'] &c., see Stimare, [stim're'] v. a. & n. inet-maker, ebonist. to esteem, value; think, con- Stipetto, [stipt't] m. chest of Schiumare &c. drawers, small bureau. Stiva, [sti'v] f. handle (of a sider, judge. Stimate, [sti'mte'] f. pL marks, Stipite, [stipite] and Stipite, plough), plough-tail; {mar.) [sti'pit] m. trunk of a tree bulk-head; ballast; fig. way, cicatrices, scars, p/. Stimativa, [stimati'va] f. esti- pole, stake door-post, jamb; means. Stivalaccio, [stivl'tsh] m. mation, judgment; discerning stock. Stipo, [sti'p] m. faculty. chest of large ugly boot; great idiot. Stivalarsi, [stvlr'si] v. r. to Stimatizzato , [stimtids't] drawers, bureau; press. Stiptico, [stip'tiko] m. med., put on one's boots. adj stigmatized. Stivalata, [stivl'ta] f. kick Stimatore, [stimt'r] m. Sti- styptic, astringent. matrice , [stimatri'tshej f. Stipula, [sti'pl] f. stubble, with one's boots on. stalk of corn thatch. Stivalato, [stivl't] adj. bootestimator, valuer, appraiser. Stimazione, [stimtsi'n] /. Stipulare, [stipl're'] v. ni to ed, in boots. stipulate, contract, agree. estimation, value. Stivale, [stiv'l] m. boot; simStimite, [sti'mite] see Stimate. Stipulazione , [stipltsi'ne'] pleton. Stimolare, [stiml're'] v. a. to f. stipulation, agreement; bar- Stivaletto, [stivlt't] m. halfgain. stimulate, urge on, provoke. boot, Wellington-boot, buskin. Stimolativo, [stimlti'v] adj. Stiracchiamento, [stfrkki- Stivalone, [stivl'n] m. large mn't] m. overstretching; heavy boot; clumsy fellow. exciting, provoking. Stivamento, [stivmn't] m. Stimolatore, [stimlt're'] m. haggling; sophistry. Stimolatrice, [stimltri'tsh] Stiracchiare, [stirkki're'] v. heap, pile; multitude. n. to pull; overstrain; cavil, Stivare, [stiv'r] v. a. to stow, f. exciter, urger on. Stimolatorio , [stimlt'ri] sophisticate; haggle, cheapen. crowd together Stivausi, v. r. adj. stimulating. Stiraccbiatamente, [stirkki- to crowd together, lie close. Stimolazione, [stimltsi'ne'] tmn't] adv. sophistically. Stiviere, [stivi'r] m. high Stiracchiatezza,[stirkkite't'- shoe. f. stimulation; instigation. Stimolo, [sti'ml] m. goad, s] f. cavillation, captiousness. Stizza, [sti'ts] f. anger, wrath, Stiracchiatura, [stirkkit'r] passion, fury; mange, itch. spur; stimulus, incitement. Stimoloso, [stiml's] arfj. ex- f. cavil, sophistry. Stizzare, [stits'r] v. n. SuzStiramento, [stirme'n't] m. zarsi, V. r. to get angry. citing, sharp. Stimulo , [stm'l] see Sti- Stiratura, [stirt ni] f. pull- Stizzire, [stitsi'r] v. a. to put ing out: stretching, straining, in a passion, irritate. molo, &c. Stincajuolo, [stinkayo'lo] m. overstraining; tugging; - delle Stizzo, [sti'ts] Stizzone, [stifuni, rack, torture. ts'ne'] m. firebrand. prisoner (for debt). Stincata, [stink't] f. stroke Stirare, [stirare] v. a. to pull Stizzosamente, [stitssame'n'te'J out, stretch, extend, strain. adv. angrily, waspishly. on the shin, kick.




Stizzoso, [stits's] adj. iras- Stomacazione, fstmktsi'n] cible, passionate. see Stomacaggine. Stoccata, [stokk'ta] f. thrust, Stomachevole, [stmke"vle'] pass (with a sword &c.); doep ari;, disgusting, sickening; regrief; stare alla -, to tako volting. care. Stomachevolmente, fstmakStoccheggiare , [stkkdja're'] vlmn't] adv. in a disgusting V. a. to give thrusts, wound. manner. Stecchetto, Jstkkt't] m.small Stomachico, [stmaTiik] adj. rapier. stomachical. [stmaki'n] m. Stocco, [st'k] m. rapier; pole, Stomachino stake; stock, race; avere -, to kind of sweetbread avere gli have good fame, have repu- stomachini, is said of a person tation^ of a weakly stomach who has Stoccofisso, [stkkfis's] m. little appetite. stock-fish. Stomaco, [st'rak] m. stomach; aversion, indignaStoffa, [st'fii] f. stuff. loathing StofFo, [st'f] m. quantity. tion contro -, against one's Stoggio, [st'dj] m. caresses, will. [stmk'ne'] affected manners, pL (little Stornacene, used). great stomach. Stogliere, [st'l'e're'] v. a. irr. Stomacosamente, [stmaksaadv. -with disgust, (see Togliere) to turn aside; dimn't] loathsomely. vert, avert. [stmk's] adj. Stoglimento, [strfme'n't] m. Stomacoso taking away; dissuasion. loathsome, disgustful, revolt,
; ;

t] adv. inconsiderately.

[strditt's] f. heedlessness, inattention, giddiness. Storditivo, [strditi'v] adj. stunning, amazing. Storia, [st'ri] history, /.
story, tale.

Storiajo, [stri'y] m. itinerant almanach vendor. Storiale, [stria'l] adj. historical.



adv. historically. Storiare, [stri're'] and Storieggiare, [storie'dja're'] v. a. to write a history; linger. Storicamente, [strikmn'te'] adv. historically. Storico, [st'rik] adj. historic-




adv. stoically.
[stitshis'm] m. , stoicism. Stoico, [st'ik] m. a stoic; adj.
stoical. Stoi'na, [sti'n] f. and Stoino, [stoi'n] m.small mat hassock. Stoja, [st'y] f. mat.






Stoico, [stl'k] pheasant.

m. mountain


[stlidme'n'te'] adv. stupidly, foolishly. Stolidetto, [stlidt't] adj. a

little stupid.

Stolidezza, [stlide't's] Stolidt, [stlidit'] stupidity. Stolido, [st'lid]




foolish. Stollo, [st'l] m. pole (of a tent or hay-stack) post; stolid



Stolone, [stl'ne'] m. ornament of gold, embroidery &c., in

front of priests' capes.



adv. foolishly. Stoltezza, [stlteVs]

zia, [stolti'tsij


folly, fool-

ishness. Stoltiloquio, [stltil'ktti] m. foolish talk. Stolto, [strto] adj. foolish, infatuated: m. fool. Stomacaggine, [stmk'djine'J f. loathing, disgust. Stomacale , [stmka'l] adj.

stomachic, cordial.

al; -, m. historian. Storiella, [stri'l] Storietta, [strie't't j /.little story, novel. Storiettina, [strie'tti'n] , f. small historical figure. ing. Storiografo, [stri'grf] m. Stomacuzzo, fstmku'ts] m. historiographer. weak stomach. Storioncello , [strintsh'l] Stonare, [ston're'] v. n. to he m. small sturgeon. out of tune. Storione, [stri'ne'] m. sturStoppa, [stp'p] f. tow. geon. Stoppaccio, [stpp'tsh] Stop- Stormeggiare, [strrae'dj're'] pacciolo, [stppa'tshl] m. V. a. & n. to assemble; ring wadding (for guns). the alarm-bell. Stoppare, [stpp're'] v. a. to Stormeggiata, [strme'dj't] /. stop with tow; stopple; degreat uproar, great tumult. (stubble-field. Stormire, [strmi'r] v. n. to spise, Stoppia, [stp'pi] f. stubble make a noise, rustle. Stoppiaro, [stppi'r] m. stub- Stormo, [str'm] m. flight of ble-field. birds; throng, troop, band; Stoppinare, [stppin're] v. a. bustle, noise; suonar a -, to to light with a taper; kindle. ring the tocsin. Stoppiniera , [stppinir] f. Stornare, [strn're'] v. a. to taper-holder. turn aside; deter, dissuade; -, Stoppino, [stppi'n] m. wick V. n. to swerve, fall back. small wax taper. Stornello, [strn'l] m. starl[stppi'ne'] m. ing; peg-top. Stoppione , stubble, thistle. Storno, [str'n] m. turning Stopposo, [stpp's] adj. tow- aside, pushing back; starling. like, flaxy, pulpy. Storpiamento, [strpimn't] Storace, [stra'tshe'] f. storax. m. maiming. Storcere, [str'tshr] v. a. i Storpiare, [.'trpi're'] v. a. to (see Torcere) to Avrest aside, maim, mutilate. wrest, twist, writhe, untwist Storpiatamente , [storpiata- la bocca, to make wry faces; rae'n'te] adv. in a mutilated Storcersi, v. r. to make con- manner. tortions, writhe ; be contrary Storpiato, [strpi't]arfi.mairato, resist; - un braccio, to ed, mutilated, lame;-, m. lame dislocate an arm. person, cripple. Storcileggi, [strtshil'dji] m. Storpiatore, [strpit're'] m. ignorant lawyer, bad inter- he that maims. preter. Storpiatura, [strpit'r] f. Storcimento , [strtshime'n't] maiming, mutilation. m. wresting aside, writhing, Storpio, [str'pi] w. hindrance, distortion, contortion. obstacle; lame person. Stordimento, [strdime'n't] wt. Sterrato, [strr't] adj. tower; ;

Stomacare, [stmka're']



stunning, astounding.


to disgust; loathe, make one's Stordire, [strdi'r] v. a. to Storre, [stor're'] v. a. irr. (see stomach rise; -, v. n. to feel stun, astound; Stordirsi, v. Torre) to take off, divert ; disone's stomach tarn. r. to be astounded, be amazed suade.

Storsione, [strsi'n] /. extortion; gripe, twinge. Storta, [str't] f. twisting scimitar; retort, Stortamente,[strtmn't]adv. askance. Stortetta, [strtt't] /. small



Stracantare, [strknt're'] v. a.' Stracotto, [strk't] m. stew. Stracuranza , [strkrn'ds] to sing delightfully. Stracarico , [strka'rik] adj. Stracurataggine , [strkrt'djin] f. carelessness, negoverloaded. Stracaro, [strk'r] adj. very ligence. Strada, [str'd] /. road, wiy; dear, most dear. Stracca, [strk'k] /".weariness, - battuta, beaten track, public road; - ferrata, railroad, railfatigue girth. scimitar. way;- ioiera/e, branch-railway, Stortigliato, [strtir't] m. Straccaggine, [strkk'djine'] /. branch-line; - maestra, main Stortigliatura, [strtirt'ra] languor, fatigue. road, highway; - vicinale, by[strtil't] wi. Straccale, [strkk'le'] m. band, f. Stortilato, way; andare alla -, to turn strap. sprain (in a horse's leg). Storto, [str't] adj. writhed, Straccamento, [strkkran't] highwayman; fare -, to make twisted; perverse; gambe stor- m. weariness, fatigue, lassitude. way. Straccare, [strkk'r] v. a. to Stradare, [strd're] v. a. to put te, f. pi. crooked shanks, pi. on the way, shew the way. Storigli, [stviTi] m. pi. and tire, weary; knock up; StracStoviglie, [stovi'l'ie'] f. pi. carsi, V. r. to get tired; get Stradella, [strd'l] Stradetta, [strade't'ta] Stradicciuola, pots and pans, kitchen-uten- knocked up. [strditsh'l] /. narrow road; Straccativo, [strakkti'v] adj. sils, pi. lane, alley. Stovigliajo, [stvir'y] vi. fatiguing, tiresome. potter. Stracchezza, [strkke''ts] f. Stradiere, [strdi're'] m.gabelman, exciseman. weariness, disgust. Stoviglie, [stviTe'] /". pi. see Sto vigli. Stracchicelo, [strkki'tsh] adj. Stradone, (strd'ne'l m. high road, large street; broad alley. Stra, [straT particule denoting somewhat fatigued. increase. Stracchino, (strdkki'n] m. a Stradoppio, [strdp'pi] adj. (hot.) very double (name given Strabalzamento , [strblts- delicious Milanese cheese. mn't] m. tossing up and Stracciabile, [strishbi'l] adj. especially to hyacinths). Straduzza, [strd'ts] f. little down. capable of being torn. street, lane. Strabalzare, [strbaltsa're'J v.\ Stracciafoglio, [strtshfT] m. waste-book , day-book Straere, str'r] see Estrarre. a. to toss up and down. Strabalzoui, [strblts'ni]a(f V Strafalciare, strafai tsha're] v. journal. [strtshy'l] o. to mow carelessly, half mow; here and there. Stracciajnolo, walk rapidly; act heedless'v; Strabattere, [strabat'te're'] v. m. carder of silk-cocoons. a. to bang about, harass. Stracciamento, [strtshame'n'- talk blunderingly. [strfltsh'n' Strafalcione Strabattere, [strbt'tre'] v. a. t] m. tearing; destruction. blunder; negligence, to work very hard. Stracciare, [strtsh're'] a. error, extravagance. Strabello, [strabrlo] adj. ex- to tear, rend, pull to pieces; tremely handsome. Strafare, [strf'r] v. a. irr. disunite; harass. Strabene, [strb'n] adv. ex- Stracciatamente, [strtsht- (see Fare) to do more than is cellently. necessary. me'n't] adv. in pieces, in mor Strabere, [strbe"re'] v. a. irr. sels. Strafatto, [strft't] adj. over{see Bere) to drink excessively. Stracciatora, [strtshtor] f. done, too ripe. Strabevizione, [strbvitsi'n] female rag-sorter. Strafelato, [strfe'l't] adj. out Stracciatore, [strtsht're'J m of breath; amazed. f. excessive drinking. Strabiliare, [strbili're'] Stra- tearer; destroyer. Strafine, [strafi'ne'] adj. superbilire, [strbili'r] v. n. to be Stracciatura, [strtsht'r] /. fine. astonished, wonder. Straflnefatto , [strfine'ft't] tearing, rent. Strabismo, [strbis'm] m. stra- Straccicalare, [strtshikl're'] adv. immediately. bism. V. n. to prate, prattle. Straforare, [strfra're'] v.o. to Straboccamento , [strbkka- Straccio, [stratsh] m. rag, bore through. mn't] m. overflowing; rush- tatter; rent, tear; Stracci, pi. Straformare, [strfrm're'] &c., ing down headlong; excess. tow of silk. see Trasformare &c. Straboccare, [strbkk're'] v. Straccione, [strtsh'ne'] m. Straforo, [strf'r] m. cut out n. to overflow, rush over; dash man in tatters iron comb for fancy-work; lavorar di -, to down, tumble headlong. carding wool. act or work underhand. Straboccatamente, [strbkk- Stracco, [strk'k] adj. weary, Strage , [str'je] f. carnage, tmn'te'] adv. excessively. fatigued; ruined; -, m. weari- butchery. Straboccato, [strbkka't] adj. ness, fatigue. Straggere, [strd'je"re'] v, o. to overflowed; headlong, hasty, Stracocere, [strk'tshe're'] v. distract. furious. a. irr. (see Cuocere) to overdo, Straglio, [strT] m. stay (of Strabocchevole , [stabkke"- cook too much. a ships mast); support. vl] adj. overflowing, exces- Stracollare, [strkll're'] v. a. Stragodere, [strgd'r] v. n. sive, precipitous dangerous. to enjoy exceedingly. to stagger, totter, fall headlong. Strabocchevolmente, [strbk- Straconsigliare, [strknsir'- Stragonflare, tstrgufi're'] v. kvlmn't] adv. overflowing- re] v.a. to advise strongly a. to over-swell. ly; rashly, precipitously. Stracontento, [strkntn't] Stragrande, [stragrn'd] adj. Strabocco, [strbk'k] adj. ex- adj. vory much delighted. uncommonly great, enormous. cessive; rash; m. precipice, Stracorrere, [strkr're're'] v. n. Stragrave,[strgr've'] adj. very

downfall. irr. (see Correre) to run fast. grave. Strabuzzare, [strbtsa're'] v. a. Stracorrevole, [strkrr'vlj Strainare, [strain're'] to look at steadfastly, stare. adj. swift, transient. unyoke, unharness.

v. a. to





Stralciare, [strltsha'r] Stranare, [strn're'] v. a. to Strapazzatamente, [strptsapmno lop off fg. to dis- alienate, use ill; - ,v. n Stra- tme'n't] od. carelessly, heedNARSi, V. r. to act oddly, be- lessly. entangle. Strapazzatore, [strptst're'l Stralcio, [stral'tsli] i. pruning; come estranged; go away. m. one who abuses, insulter. [strntr'r] Stranaturare, clearing up; issue. Strale, [str'l] m. arrow, dart. V. a. to chaoge the nature of. Strapazzo, [strp'ts] m.abuse, ill usage, insult, drudgery; Straletto, [strlt.'t] wi. small Straneggiare , [strnedj're'] abiti da -, m. pi. working dart. see Straniare. Stralignare, [strlin''re'] &c., Stranetto,[strne't't]ad'j.some- clothes, pi.; cavallo da -, tn. hack, horse of all work. what strange. see Tralignare &c. Stralucente, [strltshn't] Stranezza[strne't's]/'.strange- Strapazzosamente, [strpts-> same'n't] adv. heedlessly, adj. very brilliant. ness, oddity; whim; ill treatcarelessly. Stralunamento, [strlnme'n'- ment, hard treatment. t] n. rolling of one's eyes. Strangolare, [sfcrngl're'] v. Strapazzoso, [strpts's] adj. Stralunare, [strln'r] v. a. a. to strangle, suffocate; Stran- heedless, careless. to roll one's eyes wildly, look golarsi, V. r. to bawl out with Straperdere , [strpr'de're'] v. a. to lose a great deal. wild. all one's might. Stramalvagio, rstrmlv'ji] Strangolatojo, [strnglt'y] Strapiantare, [strpint'r] v. n. to transplant. adj. very wi.cked. adj. choking; dangerous. Stramaturo, [strmat'r] adj. Strangolatore, [strnglat'r] Strapi , [str'pie'] a strapi, adv. out of place. over-ripe, too ripe. m. strangler, choker. Stramazzare, [strmts're'l ^ Strangolo, [strn'gl]n. stran- Strapiovere, strpi've'r] v.n. irr. {see Piovere) to rain very a. to floor, strike down, knock gling, suffocation. down; -, v. n. to fall like a Strangosciare, [strngsh're'] heavily. Straportare, [strprt'r] v.a. corpse. V. a. to fatigue; grieve. Stramazzata, [strmts't] f. Stranguglione, [strngr'n] to transport ravish enrapfelling blow, slash, gash. m. Stranguglioni, [strng- ture. Stramazzo , [strm'ts] m. r'ni] m. pi. strangles, pi.; Strapotente, [strptn'te'] adj. stretching blow, slashing cut; quinsy. (strangury. very powerful. [strppbe'k'k] fall at full length ; kind of Stranguria, [strngri'j f. Strappabecco, mattress. Stranguriare, [strngri'r] a -, adv. heedlessly, inconsid-Stramazzone, [strmts'ne'] m. V. n to have the strangury. erately. striking down back-handed Straniare, fstrni'r] v. a. to Strappacchiare, [strappkki'blow at fencing. rs] . a. to tear off by little estrange, alienate. StramJja, [strm'b] /. broom- Straniere, [strni're'] Stranie- and little. rope. ro, [strani'rj adj. foreign, Strappamento, [strppme'n't] m. plucking up, rooting out. Strambasciare, [strmbsh're'] strange ; - , m. foreigner . n. to be mnch afflicted. Strappare, [strapp're] v. o. to stranger. Strambellare, [strmbll're'] v. Stranio, [str'ni] adj. alien, pluck off, tear off; wrest, a. to tear, snip; blame. wrench. foreign; unusual. Strambello, [strmb'l] m. Strano, [str'n] adj. strange, Strappata, [strppa't]/. plack, rag, shred; little bit. pulling out; strappado. foreign; odd, unusual; rude; Strambo, [stram'b]orfj. bandy- meager, pale - , adv. in an Strappatella, [strappatela] f. legged, crooked; -, m. see estranged manner, rudely. little pluck, little snatch. Stramba. Stranuccio, [strn'tsh] adj. Strappo, [strp'pj m. tearing Strambotto, [strmb't] and rather thin; rather pale. of clothes or flesh. Strambottolo, [strmbtt'l] Stranutare, [strnt'r] see Strapregare, [strpre'g're'] v. m. roundelay, erotic song. Starnutare. a. to entreat most earnestly. Strame, [str'm]m. straw, hay, Straordinariamente, [strrdi- Strapuntino, [strpnti'noj fli. fodder; litter, lair. narimn'te'] adv. extraordina- small mattress. Btrameggiare , [strame'dja're'] rily. Strapunto, [strapn't] m. matV. a. to eat straw, eat fodder. Straordinariet, [strrdinrie'- tress, hammock. Stramenare, [strme'n'r] see t'] /. extraordinariness. Straricco, [strrik'k] adj. very Straportare. Straordinario, [strrdiua'n'] wealthy, immensely rich. Stramezzamento, [stramedsa- adj. extraordinary, unusual; Straripare, [strnp're] v. n. mn't] m. interposition, stop. -, m. express. to overflow the bank of a river. Stramezzare, [strmds'r] v. Strapagare, [strpg're'] v. a. Strasapere, [strspe"r] v. n. a. & n. to interrupt. irr. (see Sapere) to be too to overpay, pay too dear. Stramoggiare, [strmdj're'] Strapanare, [strpn're'] v a. knowing, be too learned. V. n. to superabound. [strshikto tear, rend (said generally of Strascicamento , Stramortito, [strmrti't] adj. clothes). mn't] m. the act of dragging fainted away. Strapanato, [strpn't] m. along. Strampalateria, [strmplt- tearing, rending. Strascicare, [strshik're'] v. a. ri'] /. great blunder. Straparlare, [strprl're'] v.n. to drag along; -,v.n. to crawl. Strampalato, [strmpl't] adj. to talk too much. Strascico, [strshik]m.trailing, extravagant, strange, odd(vtt<- Strapazzare , [strpts'r] v. dragging along, train of a slight, abuse, garism). gown residue, remainder faa. to disdain Stranaccio , [strn'tsh] adj. insult; work coarsely; - un vellar collo -,to draw out one's exceedingly strange. cavallo, to harass a horse; words, speak drawlingly. Stranamente y [strnme'n't] Strapazzarsi, v. r. to fatigue Strasciconi, [strshik'ni] aiv, adv, strangely, extremely. in a drawling manner. one's self.



[8tre"n'e're'] see Stri

Strascinamento [strstinamn'- Stravizzo, [strvi'ts] m. t]m. dragging, drawing along. merry-making; debauch.

Strascinare, [strshina'r] v.a Stravolere , [strvl're] v. a. irr. {see Volere) to wish for too to drag along, draw. Strascinatura, [strshint'r] much, be too eager after. /. Strascinio, [strashini'] m. Stravolgere, [strvl'je're'] v. a. irr.(see Volgere)to wrest aside, dragging along. Strascino, [strashi'n] m. drag, twist round; dislocate; Stratrammel-net; hawking butcher. voLGEiisr, V. r. to upset, fall Strasentire, [strsnti're'] v. a. over.

Stregona, [stre'g'n]
ess, witch.



Stravolgimento , [strvljito feel deeply. Strasordinario,[strsrdin'ri] rae'n't] m. contortion; revolution. see Straordinario. [strvltStrasportare, [str3prt'r]see Stravoltamente , mn't] adv. in a wry manner. Straportare. Stratagemma, [strtj'ma] m. Stravoltare, [strvlta'r] v.a. to wrest; throw into confusion, stratagem, artifice, trick. a. to weaken; stunt. Stratagliare, [strtr'r] v.n. embroil. (tegy. Stravolto,[strvrt]adi.topsy- Stremezza, [strme'ds] f. narto cut like a razor. rowness, poverty. Strategia, [strt'ji] f. stra- turvy. Stratiflcare, [strtifik'r] v.a. Stravoltnra, [strvlt'ral f. Stremit, [strmit'] Stremitade, Stremitate, /".extremity; contortion, subversion. to dispose in layers. Stratiforme, [strtifr'me'] adj. Straziare, [strtsi'r] v. a. to distress, want. tear ; waste, squander ; abuse, Stremo, [str'm] adj. extreme, disposed in layers. utmost, greatest; miserable, Strato, [stra't] m. couch, hed; harass, outrage, torment. Straziatamente , [strtsit- destitute; wretched; stingy, pavement, floor. Stratta, [strt't] see Strappata. mn'te'J adv. in a harsh man- mean, niggardly; strema unzione, f. extreme unction. Stratto, [strt't] adj. strange; ner. sprung, extracted; separated; Straziatore, [strtsit're'] m. Strenna, [str'n] f. Christmas' prone; -, m. note-book, album. outrageous person, insulter, box. New year's gift. Strenuamente, [strnme'n'te'] Stravacato , [strvakt'] ad], tormentor. adv. strenuously, bravely. {stamp.) said of a page badly Strazieggiare, [strtsie'dj're'] Strenuit, [strnit'JStrenuiV. a. to laugh at, deride. hound. [strvgn't] Strazievole, [stratsie"vle'] adj. tade, Strenuitate, /. strenuStravagante , ousness, sturdiness courage. insulting, outrageous. adj. extravagant; whimsical , Strazio, [str'tsi] m. tearing Strenuo, [str'n] adj. strenustrange, odd. Stravagantemente, [strvgn- away (a limb); slaughter; out- ous, sturdy; courageous, bravo. Strepere, [str'pe'r] v. n. to tmn't] adv. extravagantly, rage, insult. Strebbiare, [stre'bbi're'] and make a noise. oddly. Stribbiare, [stribbi're'] v. a. Strepire, [stre'pi're'] v.a. & n. Stravagantetto, [strvgnteV to rnb, polish ; Strebbiabsi, to stun; resound; fill with tuto] adj. somewhat strange mult. V. r. to paint one's face. somewhat whimsical. Stravaganza, [strvgn'ds] Strebbiatezza, [strbbite"ts] Strepitamento, [stre'pitdm'* to] m. noise, tumult. fancy, eccen- /. excessive adornment. f. extravagance, [strbbi'tre'] Strepitare, [strpit're'] v. 6. tricity: far delle sti-avaganze, Strebbiatore , and Stribbiatore, [stribbit'- to make a noise; speak loudly. to do odd things. Strepiteggiare, [strepi tdja'rtij Stravalicare, [strvlik're'] v. re'] m. dandy, exquisite. V. n. to make some noise. a. to pass through in a hurry. Strecciare, [strtsh're'J . a. to Strepito, [str'pit) m. noise. Stravasamento, [strvsamn'- untwist; divide. Strefolare, [strfla're'] v. a. to Strepitosamente, [strpitsrfrt] m. {med.) extravasation. mn't] adv. with a gre;! Stravasarsi, [strvsr'si] v.r. untwist, untwine. become extravasated; be Strega, [str'gl f. sorceress, noise: loudly. to witch; darsi alle streghe, to be Strepitoso , [strpit's] C(^. diffused. Stravedere, [strve'de"rj v. n. out of patience, get impa- noisy; loud. (witch. Stretta, [str't] f. sqneei, tient, irr. (see Vedere) to see much, Stregacela, [stre'ga'tsha] f. old pressure; throng, crowd; qnassee too much. Stravenare, [strve'n'r] v. a. Stregare, [stre'g're'] v. a. to tity; distress; strait, defila { essere alle strette, to be in bewitch, fascinate. to issue from the veins. straitened circumstances. [strghe'ri a] Stravero, [strve"r] adj. very Stregheria , f. witchcraft, sorcery, witches' Strettamente, [strettrae'n't| true, most true. adv. closely, briefly; extrenaaStravestimento[strave'stirae'n'- haunt. Stregghia, [stre"ghi] f. curry- ly; earnestly, rigorously. t] m. disguise. Strettezza, [strettt's] ^Bfc?Stravestirsi, [strve'stir'si] v.r. comb. Stregghiare, [strghi're'] v. a. rowness, straitness scardi?? to disguise one's self. - di cuore, trouble of miadf, Stravincere, [strvin'tshe're'j v. to curry. anxiety, distress. [stre'ghiatr] a. irr. see (Vincere) to win too Stregghiatore, Strettire, [stre'tti're*] v. c. In m. horse-curriermuch. Straviziare , [strvitsi're'] v. Stregghiatura, [stre'ghit'r] diminish the space or site ot any thing. . to banquet, feast. f. currying; reprimand. Stravizzare, [strvits're'] tee Streglia, [strT] &c,,ecStreg- Strettivo, [stre'tti'v] n. adj. astringent. ghia &c. Straviziare.
; ;

Stregone, [stre'g'ne'J m. sorcerer, magician. Stregoneria, [stre'gne'ri'] f. witchcraft, sorcery, charm. Stregua, [str'gwa] f. share, scot; reckoning. Stremamente, [strmmn't] adv. extremely. Stremare, [stre'ma're'] see Scemare. Strementire, [stre'me'nti're'] v. a. to alarm, frighten. Stremenzire, [stre'me'ntsi're'] t>.


Stretto, [str't] adj. pressed;






intimate; secret; parente -, m. near relative; -, wlv. closely,

narrowly; meanly;




defile; difficulty: distress.

Strettoia, [strtt'y]


omicizia, to form a friendship; Strolagare, [strlg're'] v. a. sangue, to stanch the blood; to astrologize, presago; -, v. n. {mar.) - le vele, to brace the to reflect, meditate. yards; Stringersi, v. r. to Strolago, [str'lg] Strologo, come together; draw near; - la [str'lg] m. astrologer. wano, to shake hands; - nelle Strologia, [strl'ji] f. astrology. spaHe,to shrug up one's should-il

bandage, roller.


Strombare, [strmba're']



to widen, expand. Strettojo, [stre'tt'y] m. press Stringimento , [strinjime'n't] (for wine &c.); ligature, narm. binding together; joining; Strombatura, [strmbt'ra] f. row bandage. widening, expanding. costiveness. Strettura, [stre'tt'r] f. fast- Stringitura, [strinjit'r] A ty- Strombazzare, [strmbats."/r] V. a. to trumpet, proclaim. binding straitness. ing; joint; seam. Stria, [stri'a] /". chamfering, Strione, [stri'ne'] m. actor, Strombazzata, [strmbts't] fluting. comedian. f. sound of a trumpet. Striato, [stri't] adj. channel- Strippare, [stripp're'] v. n. to Strombettare, [strmbe'tt're'] ed, chamfered. eat immoderately of tripe {vul- V. a. to sound the trumpet, Striazzo, [stri'ts] m. witches' publish. garism). work. Strippata, [stripp't] f. over- Strombettata, [strmbetta'ta] Stribbiare , [stribbi'r] see eating (vulgarism). rumor. f. sound of a trumpet Strebbiare. Striscetta, [strishe't'ta] f. small Strombettere, [sti^mbtti're']
; ;

Stribuzione, [stribtsi'ne']



distribution. Striscia, [stri'sha] f. band Stridere, [stri'de're'] v. n. to streamer ; stream (of light) scream, shriek; crackle. serpent; scimitar; fucile a -, Stridevole , [strid'vlj wlj. m. rifled barrel, rifle. sharp, shrill, creaking. Strisciare, [strish'r] v. n. to Stridimento , [stridime'n't] go trailing along slide, crawl; Strido, [stridi'] Strido, [stri'- lay hold of the branches of a d] Stridore, [strid'r] m. tree to shake down fruit; graze shrill cry shriek excessive along the bank of a river as a cold; chattering (of the teeth). rapid stream. Stridulo, [stri'dl] arfj. shrill, Strisciata, [strish'ta] /". slisharp, piercing, acute. ding, slip, Strigare, [strig'r] v. a. to Strisciatamente , [strishatadisentangle, unravel, undo. mn'te'] adi', trailingly, in a Strigatore, [strigt're'] m.who crawling manner. one disentangles; explainer. Strisciolina , [strishli'n] f. Strige, [stri'j] f. screech-owl. small band, small streak. Strigio, [stri'ji] m. bot., night- Striscione, [strish'n] Strishade, banewort. scioni, [strish'ni] adv. camStriglia, [striT] see Stregminar -, to shamble along,
; ,

m. trumpeter. Strombettio, [strmbe'tti'] m. see Strombettata. Stromento, [strme'n't] m. instrument; engine; deed.

Stroncamento, [strnkme'n't] m. cutting oflf; retrenchment.

Stroncare, [strnka'r] v. a. to cut off, break off. Stronzare, [strnts're'] v.a. to


Stropicciamento, [strpitshmn'tj m. rubbing, friction.

Stropicciare, [strpitsh'r] w. a. to rub ; strike against ; fatigue.

ghia, &c.


Strignente, [strin'n'te'j adj. Striscinola, [strisb'l] f. astringent sharp, band, small strap. Strignere, [stri'n'e're'] fee, see Stritolabile, [stritla'bile'] adj. Stringere &c. friable, brittle. Strillare, [strill're'j v. n. to Stritolamento, [stritlme'n to] scream, screech. m. grinding , pounding, pulStrillo, [strin] m. shriek, shrill verization. cry. Stritolare, [stritl're'] v. a. to Strimpellamento, [strimpe'll- grind, pound, triturate; smash ran't] m. see Strimpellata. (a crystal); Stritolarsi, v. r. Strimpellare, [strimpll'rj v. to long for, languish. a, to strum, scrape (an instru- Stritolatura, [stritlt'r] see ment). Stritolamento. Strimpellata, [strimpll't] f. Strofa, [str'f] f. strophe, strumming, scraping. stanzaStrimpello , [strimpe'l'l] m. Strofaccia, [strf'tsh] /, bad strumming of an instrument. strophe. Strinato, [strin't] adj. ex- Strofe, [str'fe'] see Strofa.

Stropicciatella, [strpitshat'l] f. gentle rubbing. Stropicciatura, [strpitsht'r] f. Stropiccio, [strpi'tsh] Stropiccio, [strpitshi'] m. rubbing friction ; fatigue small trouble, anxiety.

Stropiccione , [strpitsh'ne'] m. hypocrite, dissembler. Stroppiare, [strppi'r] &c., see Storpiare &c. Stroscia, [str'sha] f. channel, furrow; stream. Strosciare, [strsh're'] v. a. to murmur, purl; clash down. Stroscio, [str'sh] m. murmur (of waters); rushing noise. Strozza, [str'ts] /. wind-pipe,

Strozzamento, [strtsme'n't] m. strangling, suffocation.

[strts're'] v. a. to

strangle, suffocate, choke. Strozzatoio, [strtst'yj adj.


cessively thin. [strin'ga] tag.



Stringajo, [string'y] m. lace-

maker, tag-maker.
Stringare, [string'r]
v. a. to
v. a. irr.

Stringere, [strin'je'r]

{strinsi ; stretto) to bind fast, close, press, urge, force; unite;

Stroflciaccio , [strfitsh'tsh] strangling ; narrow. Strozzatura, [strtsat'r] f. wt. dish-clout. Strofinamento, [strfinme'n't] strangling; straitness. Strozziere, [strtsi're'] m. falm. rubbing, polishing. Strofinare, [strofinare'] u. a. to coner. Struere , [stre"re'] v. a. to rub, polish. Strofinatina, [strfinti'n] /". build. gentle rubbing, little friction. Struffo , [strf'f] Struffolo , [strffl] m. shred, heap of Strofinio, [atrfini'] m. continuai rubbing. shreds.

Diz. Ital.-Ing,


Struggere, [str'djr]
v. a.



Stupido, [st'pid] adj. stupid,
dull: surprised. Stupire, [stpi're'l v. n. to be amazed, be surprised. Stupore, [stp'r] m. stupor,

[stdin'te'] see Stu-

n.irr. {strussi; strutlo) to melt dente. as snow; dissolve; pine away, Studiare, [stdia're'] v. a. & n. waste; Struggersi, v. r. to to study, attend to; cultivate; melt away; languish with de- Studiarsi, v. r. to endeavour; sire, long for. make haste. Struggimento, [strdjime'n't] Studiatore , [stdit're'] m. m. melting, dissolving; swoon; student. longing, intense desire ; de- Studievolmente , [studie'volstruction. mn't] adv. on purpose.

[stpr're'] v. a. to violate, deflower, ravish. Stupratore, [stprt're'] m. violator, ravisher.


Struggitore, [strdjit're'] m. Studio, [st'di] m. study, dildestroyer, waster. igence industry; school, Struire, [stri'r] see Istruire. school-room, classes, pL; modStruma, [stru'raa] /. scrofula, el, study; a bello -, designking's evil. edly, on purpose. Strumentaccio , [strme'nt'- Studiolino, [stdili'n] m. tsh] m. bad instrument. portable desk. Strumentajo , [strmnta'y] Studiolo, [studiolo] m. bureau, m. musical instrument maker. scrutoire, desk. Strumentale , [strmnt'l] Studiosamente, [stdisrae'n'adj. instrumental. te'] adv. studiously, carefully. Strumentalmente , [strmn- Studioso, [stdi's] adj. stutalmen'tjat/v.instrumentally. dious, diligent; quick, prompt. Strumentario, [strumenta rio] Stuello, [st'l] m. dossil, liut. see Strumentale. Stufa, [st'f] f. stove; hotStrumentino, [strme'nti'n] m. house, steam-bath. small instrument. Stufajolo, [stfy'l] m. maker Strumento, [strme'n't] m. in- of stoves; stove-keeper. strument, musical instrument; Stufare, [stf're'] v. a. to stew tool, machine; bond, deed. slQwly, stove; give steamStrupare, [strp'r] &c., see baths annoy, weary. Stuprare &c. Stufato, [stfa't] m. stewed Strutto, [strt't] m.lard, drip- meat, ragout.
; ;

Stupro, [st'pr] m. violation, ravishment. Stnra, [stu'ra] f. profusion, waste. Sturare, [str're'] v. a. to unstop, uncork.

Sturbamento, [strbme'n't] m. disturbance, trouble, perturbation, disorder.

Sturbare, [strb'r] v. a. to disturb, vex; disconcert. Sturbatore, [strbt'r] m. disturber.


Struttura, [strtt'r]
ture; disposition.



Struzioue, [strtsi'ne']

f. destruction. Struzzo, [str'ts] Struzzolo, m. ostrich ; fig. [str'tsl] great feeder. Stuccare, [stkka're'] v. a. io stop up with plaster ; surfeit ; disgust, annoy. Stuccatore , [stkkt'r] m. sonant. come on! plasterer. Stuonare, [stn're'] v. n. to be Suadere, [sttade''re'] see PersuaStucchente, [stkkn'te] Stuc- or sing out of tune. dere. chevole , [stkk'vl] adj. Stupefare, [stpf're'] v.a.irr. Suadevole, [sud'vle']ad;. pertroublesome, tiresome, tedious; {ee Fare) to stupefy, astonish ; suasible. offensive. STOPEFARSijV.r. to be astonish- Suasibile, [swasi'bile'] adj. perStucchevolare, [stkke'vl're'] ed. suading, persuasive. . a. to tire, disgust. Stupefattivo , [stpe'ftti'v] Suasione, [swsi'n] /. persuaStucchevolezza, [stkke'vle't stupefying, amazing. sion, counsel. sa] and Stucchevolaggine Stupefazione , [stpftsi'ne'] Suasivo, [swasi'v] adj. persua[stkkvldji'n] f. disgust; see Stupidezza. sive, persuasory.

Sturbazione, [strbtsi'ne'] f. m. disSturbo , [str'b] turbance, trouble, annoyance. Stuzio, [st'tsi] m. savoy, wild cabbage. Stuzzicadenti, [sttsikdn'ti] m. tooth-pick. Stuzzicamento, [stutsikame'n't] m. poking; provocation. Stuzzicare, [sttsik'r] v. a. Stufatura,[stft'r]/'.stewing, & n. to poke, stir up stimulate; steaming fomenting. tickle. Stufo, [st'f] adj. disgusted Stuzzicatolo, [sttsikt'y] m. weary, tired. poking stick; goad, spur. Stultizia, [stlti'tsi] see Stol- Stuzzieatore, [sttsikt're'] m. tizia. (Schiuma. stirrer; instigator. Stumia, Stummia, [st'mi] see Stuzzicorecchi, [sltsikrk'ki] Stuoja, [st'y] f. mat, matting. m. ear-picker. Stuolo, [st'l] m. troop, band; Su, [su'] adv. & prep, up, upon, quantity. above, over; near - e gi, up Stuonante, [stnan'te']adj dis- and down; su sul courage I



Stucchevolmente, [stkke'vlmn't] adv. disgustingly tiresomely. Stuccio,

[st'tsh] case, sheath.

Stupendamente, [stpe'ndme'n'- Suaso, [suas] adj. poes. persuaded, convinced. t] adv. stupendously, wonderfully.

Suasoria, [ss'ri]
suasive letter.


a per-

Stupendo, [stupn'd] adj. surm.


[stk'k] adj. cloyed; disgusted. fellow. Stucco, [stk'k] m. stucco, Stupidamente, [stvipidme'n't] fine plaster. adv. stupidly. Studente, [stdn't] m. stu- Stupidezza, [stpide't's] f. student. pidity, silliness. Studia1)ile , [stdi'bile] adj. Stupidire, [stpidi're'l v. n. to deserving to be studied. be amazed; grow stupid. Studiamento, [stdiamn't]m. Stupidit, [stupidit'] see Stustudy, diligence. pidezza.

prising, wonderful; exquisite. Suave , [sua've'] &c. see Soave Stupidaccio, [stpida 'tsho] adj. etc. sated, [sb'tshid] adj. very stupid; -, m. very stupid Subacido ,

subacid, sourish.

Subalternare, [sblte'rn're'] v.
a. to

make subordinate.

Subalternativo, [sbaltrnati'vladj. that

may be subordinato.

[sbaltrna't] Subalternato, Subalterno, [sbltr'n] adj.


subaltern, subordinato, subject. [sbppdlt're'J

V. a. to




mako subcontracts

Govornment monopolies.

bitne'meVte'] adv. suddenly, Succedenza, [stshe'dn'ts] succession. at once unawares.


[sbiipplti'n] Subitaneit,



v. a.

& n. to succeed, follow inherit subcontractor of Government suddenness. Subitaneo , [sbitii'ne] Subi- happen, befal. monopolies. [stshe'de"vle'] Subappaltare, [sbppalta're'l tane, [siibit'n] adj. sudden, Succedevole adj. successive, following. m. one who makes subcontracts uniooked for, unexpected. Subitezza, [sbitt's] /.quick- Succedevolmente , [stshe'dof Govornment monopolies. vlmn't] adv. successively. Subastare, [sbast'r] v. a. to ness, haste. Subito, [s'bit] adj. sudden, Succedimento,[stshdimn't] sell by auction. Subastazione, [sbstatsi'ne'] quick; hasty; -, adv. sudden- m. success; event, issue. Succeditore, [stshdit're'] m. ly, immediately, directly. /. sale by auction, open sale. Subavvisare, [sbavvisa're'] v. Subitosamente, [sbitsme'n'- succeeder; successor. Succenericcio,[stshnri'tsh] te'] adv. suddenly, unawares. a. to advise secretly. Subjugare, [sbyg're'] v. a. adj. baked under the ashes. Subbia, [sb'bi] /". chisel. Successione, [stshssi'ne'] f. Subbiare, [sbbia'rj v. a. to to subjugate, subdue. Subjuntivo, [sbynti'v] wi. success, event, issue, suite ; chisel, carve. succession, inheritance. Snbbiello, [sbbie'l'l] m. cylin- gr. subjunctive mood. der for rolling cloth as it is Sublimamento, [sblirame'n'- Successivamente, [stshe'ssivran't] adv. successively. t] m. sublimation, elevation. woven. Subbietta, [sbbie't't] /. small Sublimare, [sblima're'] v. a. to Successivo, [stshe'ssi'v] adj. successive, succedaneous, subsublimate; exalt. chisel. Subbiettare, [sbbie'tt're'] v. Sublimate, [sblim't] adj. sequent; -, adv. successively. Successo, [stsh's] m. success, sublimated. a. to subject. Subbietto, [shbit't] &c., see Sublimatorio, [sblimt'ri] event, issue, result. m. chim. recipient for collect- Successore, [stshe'ss're'] m. Suggetto &c. successor, inheritor. Subbillare, [sbbill're'] see So- ing volatile exhalations. Sublimazione, [sblimtsi'n] Successorio, [stshss'ri] adj, billare. successory. Subbilioso, [subbill's] adj. /. sublimation; elevation. somewhat bilious. Sublime, [sbli'm] arfj. sublime, Succhiamento, [skkime'n't] Subbio, [sb'bi] m. weaver's eminent, lofty; m. the sublime. m. sucking, suction. (chisel. Sublimemente, [sblime'mn't] Succhiare, [skki're'] v. a. & beam; rolle.. n. to suck, swallow. Subbiolo, [sbbi'l] wi. a small adii, sublimely, loftily. Subbissamento, [sbbissme'n'- Sublimit, [sub imit']Sublimi- Succhiellamento , [skkie'llt] TM. overthrow, destruction tade, Sublimitate, /. sublimi- mn't] m. boring, piercing. Subbissare, [sbbiss're'] and ty, loftiness, height. Succhiellare, [skkie'll'r] v. o. Subissare, [sbiss're] v. a. to Sublinguale, [sblingtt'le'] adj. to bore, pierce. overthrow, overturn, destroy; sublingual. Succhielletto, [skkie'lle't't] m. -, V. n. to crumble down; sink Sublunare, small gimlet, small auger. adj. [subln're'] down; perish. under the moon. Succhiellinajo, [skkillin'y] Subbisso, [sbbis's] and Su- Subodorare, [sbdr're'] v. a. m. gimlet-maker, auger-maker. bisso, [subis's] m. overthrow, te discover slily; smeli out. Succhiellinare, [skkillin're'] destruction; crowd. Subordinamento, [sbrdina- V. a. to bore, pierce. Subbollire, [sbblli're] v. a. to me'n't] m. subordination. Succhiello, [skki'l] m. small boil slowly, stew simmer. Subordinare, [sbrdin're'j v. wimble, small piercer. Subceleste, [subtshl'st] adj. a. to subordinate. Succhio , [sk'ki] i. auger, under heaven. Subordinatamente, [sbrdi- wimble; juice, sap. Subcutaneo, [siibkt'ne'] adj. ntame'n'te'Jod V subordinatel y Succiabeone, [stshbe''ne'] wi. subcutaneous. Subordinato, [sbrdin't]ad/. drunkard {vulgarism). Subdividere, [siibdivi'de're'] v. subordinate, inferior. Succiamalati, [stshml'ti] a. irr. {see Dividere) to subdi- Subordinazione [sbrdfntsi'm. quack {vulgarism). vide. nj/.subordinationjdependence. Succiamento, [stshme'n'tjm. Subdolo, [sbd'l] adj. deceit- Subornare , [sbrn'r] v. a. sucking, suction. ful, fraudulent. to suborn, bribe, induce. Succiare, [stsha'r] v. a. to Subentrare, [sbe'ntra'r] v. n Subornatore, [sbrnt're'J m. suck, draw in, imbibe; swallow. to come into the place of. suborner, briber. Succiasangue, [sutshsn'gu] Subero, [s'be'r] m. cork; cork- Subornazione, [subrnatsi'n] m. blood-sucker, leech. tree. f. subornation, suborning; cor- Succiata, [stsh't] /. the act Subietto, [sbie't't] &c., see ruption, (wind. of sucking. Suggetto. Subsolano, [sbsl'n] m.East Succiatore, [sutsht're'] tn.Suc

Subillamento, [sbillme'n't] Substanziale, [sbstantsi'l] ciatrice, [stshtri'tsh] f. m. drawing aside; subornation. adj. substantial. sucker. Subillare, [subii l'r] v. a. to Subuglio, [sbl'] m. tumult, Succidere [stshide"re'] and , draw- aside; suborn. confusion, uproar. Soccidere, [stshid'r] v. a. Subintendere, [sbintn'de'r] Suburbano, [sbrb'n] adj. to cut under; dress vines the see Sottintendere. suburban. first time. Subissare, [sbiss're] &c,, see Subventaneo [subve'nt'ne] Succignere, [sutshi'n'e're'] v. a, , Subbissare &c. adj. unfruitful, barren (said of irr. {see Cignere) to gird up, Subitamente, [sbitrae'n't] eggs). tuck in. Subitanamente , [sbitan- Succedaneo, [stshe'd'ne'jadj. Succintamente, [sutshintame'n'i mn't] Subitaneamente; [s- euccedaneonsj -, m. equivalent. t] adv. succinctly, briefly.

Succintezza, [stshintts]



Sufolattiento, [sflme'n't] m,

[sddivisibi'le'] f. Suddivisibile, succinctness (said of writing). adj. that may be subdivided. Succinto, [stshin'tjadj.tucked Suddivisione, [sddivisio'ne'j f. subdivision, subdividing. succinct, short, concise. Tip Succio, [s'tsh] wi. sucking, Sudduplo, [sudd'pl] adj. subgulp, draught; red spot (left duplicate. by a kiss); in un -, in a trice. Sudiceria, [sditshe'ri'] /". nasSucciola , [s'tshl] {. hoiled tiness, indecency. Sudiciamente , [suditshameVchestnut. [sthl'y] m. t] adv. nastily, filthily. Succiolajo , Sudicio, [sudi'tsh] adj. filthy, seller of boiled chesnuts. Succiole, [stsh'lj m.chesnut- nasty, greasy.


Sufolare, [sfl're'J v. a. to hiss, whisper. Sufolo, [sf'l] m. see Sufola-

mento. Sugare,

[sgi're'] v. a. to


up, imbibe, absorb; blot (of paper); carta sugante, f. blotting paper. Su gatto, [sgt't] m. thong, leather-strap lash.


Succo, [sk'k] m. juice, sap


[sditsh'ne'] Sudicione very filthy, very slovenly. Sudiciume, [sditsh'mj






Succoso, [skk's] adj. juicy,

filthiness, nastiness.

t] m. sealing, wafering. Suggellare, Lsdjll'r] v. a. to seal, wafer; stop; stamp,

imprint, Sudore , [sd're'] i. sweat full of sap. Suggellatore, [sdjellt're'] in. Succubo, [sk'kb] m. incubus, toil, labor; reward. Sndoretto, [sdre't't] m.slight sealer. nightmare. Suggellatura, [sdje'Ut'r] f. Succulento, [skkle'n't] adj. perspiration. Sudorifero, [sudri'fe'r] and sealing. succulent. Succumbere, [skkm'be're'] v. Sudorifico, [sudri'fik] adj. Suggello, [sdj'l] m. seal mark, sign; impression, print. sudorific. a. to succumb, sink under. Succursale, [s].kars'l] m. Sufficente, [sufFitshen'te'] Suffi- Suggere, [s'djre'] see Succiare. adj. [sfifitshin'te'] ciente district church ad], additional. Sucido, [sii'tshid] adj. filthy, sufficient, enough; qualified, Suggerimento, [sdje'rime'n't] m. suggesting, suggestion, inable. nasty, slovenly, foul.



filthiness, nastinoss. Suco, [s'k] &c., see

m. Sufficientemente, [sffitshte'n sufficiently te'me'n'te'] adv. Sugo &c. enough.




Sud, [sud] m. {mar.) south. Sudacchiare, [sdkki'r]

sufficiency, competence prompter. (little used). n. to perspire a little. Sudamini, [sd'mini] m. pi Sufficienza, [sffitshtn'ds] /. Suggestione, [sdjsti'ne'] f, suggestion, hint; prompting. sufficiency; capacity, ability heat-spots. Suggestivamente, [sdje'stlvSudare, [sd'r] sweat, plenty, abundance. Suffiziente, [sffitsin't] see mn'te'] adv. artfully , insidperspire. iously. Sudario, [siul'ri] m. winding- Sufficiente.

[sdje'ri're'] v. a. to suggest, hint; insinuate. Suggeritore, [sdje'rit're'] m. {tht.) that suggests; one

Sufflzientemente, [suffitsie'n- Suggestivo, [sdje'sti'v] adj. sheet; handkerchief. suggestive, artful. Sudaticcio, [sdat'itshi] adj. te'me'n'te'] adv. sufficiently. Sufflzienza, [sffitsin'ds] &c. Suggesto, [sdj'st] m. platsomewhat perspiring. form. Sudatorio, [sdt'ri] adj. su- see Sufficienza &c. [sdjtt'tshj dorifico; -, m. sudatory; stove, Suffocamento , [sffkme'n't] Suggettaccio , m. bad subject. m. suffocating, choking. stoving-room, sweating-room Suffocare, [sffk'r] v. a. to Suggettamente, [sdje'ttme'n'Turkish bath. tj adv. servilely. Suddecano, [sdde'ka'n] m. suffocate, choke. Suffocazione, [sffktsi'ne'] f. Suggettamento, [sdje'ttme'n'subdeacon, subdean. t] m. subjection, submission. Suddelegare, [sddlg'r] v. suffocation, choking. Suffolcere, [sffl'tshe're'] v. a. Suggettare, [sdje'tt'r] v. a. a. to subdelegate. Suddelegato, [sdde'le'g't] m. irr. (suffolsi; $uffolto) to put to subject, constrain. Suggettatore , [sdjttt're'] upon, set upon. subdelegate. Suddelegazione[sdde^e'g,ts^'- SuiFraganeo, [sffrg'ne'] Suf- m. subduer, conqueror. fragante, Lsffrgn't] adj. Suggettino, [sdjtti'n] m. litmi] f. subdelegation.

tle subject; libertine. Suddetto, [sdd't] adj. afore- suffragan. said, above-mentioned. Suffragare, [sffrg're*] . a. Suggetto,[sdj't] adj. subject, subjected; exposed; obliged, Suddiaconato, [sddikn't] to help, favor. m. dignity or office of sub- Suffragio, [sffr'ji] m. suf- bound;-, m. subject; object; matter; vassal, person. deacon. frage, vote; help. Suddiacono, [suddi'kn] Suffumicamento , [sffumik- Suggezione , [sdjtsi'ne'] f. consubjection; dependence subdeacon. me'n't] m. suffumigation. Suddistinguere, [sddistin'gue'- Suffumicare, [sffmik're'] . straint. Suggiugare, [sdjig're'] see r] V. a. irr. (see Estinguere) a. to fumigate, stove. to subdistinguish. Suffumicazione , [sffraikt- Soggiogare. Suddistinzione, [sddistintsi'- si'n] f. fumigation, perfu- Sughera, [s'ghr] f. cork, cork-tree. ne'] f. subdistinction. ming. Suddito, [sd'dit] adj. subject, Suffumigare, [sffmig're'] see Sughereto, [sughe'r't] m. corkdependant, liable ; - , m. sub- Suffumicare. tree wood. ject; vassal. Suffumigio , [sffmi'ji] m. Sughero, [s'ghe'r] m. see Sughera. Suddividere, [sviddivi'dre'] v. suffumigation; remedy.

a. irr.



Dividere) to sub- Suffusione, [sffsi'n] f. suf- Sugna, [s'n'] fusion; cataract (disease). grease.







Sngnacoia, [sn'a'tsh] /'.rancid Superatore, [spe'rt're'] m. Superlativamente, [supe'rltivme'n't] adv. superlatively. conqueror, vanquisher. hog's lard. Sugnaccio, [sun'a'tsho] see Su- Superazione, [s\ipe'rtsi'n]see Superlativo, [spe'rlti'v] adj,





Sugo, [s'g] m. juice, gravy; manure.


superlative, highest. Superamento. Superbaccio, [spe'rb'tsh]adi. Superlazione, [spe'rltsi'n] haughty, proud. /. exaggeration. Superbamente, [spe'rbme'n't] Supernale, [supe'rnale'] adj. suadv haughtily, arrogantly pernal; divine.

Sugosamente, [sgsme'n't] nobly. adv. in a juicy succulent man- Superbetto,


Supernalmente, [spe'rnlme'n'[spe'rbe't't]
te'] adv. supernally; divinely. con- Superno,[spr'n]od;.supreme,


rather proud, somewhat

Sugosit, [sugosit'] Sngosta- ceited. de, Sugositate, f. juiciness; Superbia, [spr'bi] /".haughtisap moisture. ness, pride, arrogance. Sugoso, [sg's] adj. juicy, Superbiente, [spe'rbin'te'] adj. succulent. proud, haughty, arrogant. Sugumera, [sug'me'r] /. pomp, Superbiflco, [spe'rbifi'k] see ostentation. Superbo, Suicida, [sitshi'd] m. self- Superbire, [spe'rbi'r] and Sumurderer. perbiare, [spe'rbi'r] Suicidio, [sitshi'di] m. sui- become proud, grow haughty. cide, self-murder. Superbiuzza, [spe'rbi'ts] /. Suino, [si'n] adj. said of vainglory. swine's flesli. Superbo, [spr'b] adj. proud, Sul, [sul'] for Su il. haughty, stately, magnificent, Sulfureo, [slf're'] adj. sul- glorious. phureous. Superbone, [spe'rb'ne'] adj. Sulla, [sl'l] for Su la. very proud, very arrogant. SuUevare, [sllv'r] see Sol- Superbuzzo, [sprb'ts] adj. levare. rather proud. Sullogare, [sllg'r] v. a. to Superchiare, [spe'rki'r] &c., underlet. see Soperchiare &c. Sullunare , [sllun'r] adj. Supercilio, [spe'rtshi'li] m sublunary, terrestrial. eye-brow. Sultana, [slt'n] f. Sultaness. Supereccelso, [spe'rtshl's] Sultano, [slt'n] vi. Sultan. arfj.sublime;grealty celebrated. Sumministrare, [smministra'- Superediflcare, [sprdifik're'] &c., see Somministrare &c. r] V. a. to build over.


Supero, [spe"r] adj. superior, higher (said also of the sea).

Superstite, [supr'stit]a(/i surviving, remaining. Superstizione, [spe'rstitsi'ne']


Superstiziosamente, [supe'rstitsismn'te'] ously.

adv. superstiti-

Superstiziosit, [spe'rstitsisit'] /. superstitiousness. Superstizioso, [sviprstitsi's] adj. superstitious; over-nice. Supervacaneo, [sprvk'ne']
adj. superfluous.


Supervano, [spe'rv'nj adj. Supinamente, [spinmn'te] adv. supinely, on one's back.

Supinarsi, [supinar'si] v. lie on one's back.


Supino, [spi'n] adj. supine, on one's back; lazy; -, a/< pinely; -, m. (gr.) supine. Suppa, [sp'p] /. soup, pottage.

Summomolo, [smm'ml]


Supereminente, [spe're'minn't] adj. pre-eminent.

somewhat pale. Suppedaneo, [sppe'd'ne'] m.

floor, flooring.

under the chin.



[smmrm- Supereminenza, [spre'mine'n'- Suppediano

[sppdi'n] see








buzz. Supererogazione, [spe're'rgaSunto, [sun't] m. epitome, ex- tsi'ne'] /. supererogation, sutract, abridgment. perabundance. Suntnoso, [snt's] &c., see Superficiale, [supe'rfitshf'le'] Sontuoso &c. adj. superficial; slight. Suo, [s'] proti, his, her, its Superflcialit[spe'rfitshilit'] -, m. his property; far delle /. superficiality, surface. sue, to act foolishly as usual. Superficialmente , [spe'rfiSuocera, [s'tshe'r] f. moi/her- tshilme'n'te'] adv. superficialin-law. ly; outwardly. Suocero, [s'tshe'r] m. fathcr- Superficie, [supe'rfi'tshie'] /. suin-1 aw. perficies, surface; outside. Suola, [s'l] f. pi. soles of a Superfluamente[sprflme'n';

chattels, moveables, pL: furniture; stores, pi. to


[sppe'st're'] v. a. slightly. Supplantare, [spplnt're'] v. a. to supplant, deceive, trick. Supplantatore, [spplntt're']


i. supplanter, deceiver. Supplantazione[spplnttsi'n] /. supplanting, deception.

m. supplement.



Suolo, [slo] m. ground, pavement; sole of a shoe; hoof. Suonare, [sna'r] &c., see Sonare. Suono, [s'n] m. sound, noise; tune; air; fame, report. Suora, [s'rd] f.{poes.) sister; nun. Superabile, [spe'r'bil] adj. superable, surmountable; conquerable.

te'] adv. superfluously. Supplica, [sp'plik] /.petition, Superfluit , [superfluit] Su- memorialperfluitade, Superfluitate, /. Supplicabile,[spplik'bile']a(fj, superfluity; excess. worthy of entreaty. Superfluo, [spr'flo] adj. su- Supplicante , [sppliknte'] m.


suppliant, petitioner.

Superi, [s'pe'ri] m. pi. (poes.) supernal gods, pi. Superiore, [spri're'] adj. su perior, higher, upper; - , m. superior, president, rector Superiorit, [superiorit'] SuSuperamento, [supe'rame'n't] perioritade, Superioritate, /. . overcoming, victory, superiority, pre-eminence. Superare, [spr'r] v o. to sur- Superiormente, [spe'rirme'n'mount, surpass; excel. te'] adv. in a superior man;Ber.
. '

Supplicantemente, [sppliknte'me'n't] adv. with entreaty.

Supplicare, [spplik're]
v. a.

to supplicate. Supplicatore, [spplikt're'Jm. suppliant, petitioner.

Supplicatrice[sppliktri'tsh] /. (female) suppliant. Supplicatorio, [spplikt'ri] adj. supplicatory .,

Supplicazione, [suppliktsi'ne] f. supplication. Supplice, [sp'plitshe'] adj. suppliant, submissive, humble. Supplicemente[spplitslime'n't] adi), humbly, submissively. Supplichevole, [spplik'vl]
ad}, suppliant, entreating.



Surale, [sr'le'l adj. sural. Sussequentemente,[susse'ktte'nSurcolo, [srkl] see Sorcolo. te'me'n'te'] adv. subsequently

Surerogazione, [sre'rgtsi'n]

in train.





[sr'jr] v. n. irr. f. subsequence, consequence. {sursi; surto) to rise; come Sussi, [sus'si] m. a childish game essere il sussi, to be the out; hegiu.


Supplichevolmente, [spplike'volmn't] adv.


a suppliant

Supplicio, [sppli'tshi] m. torture; punishment.

Supplimento, [spplimeVt]m. supplement, addition.

Supplire, [sppli'r] v. a. io supply; substitute. Supplizio, [sppli'tsi] see Supplicio.

butt of the company. resurrection; Easter, heedless- Sussidenza, [sssidn'ds] /, subsidence, sediment, dregs, pi. ness. Surrettiziamente, [surre'ttitsia- Sussidiare, [sssidi'r] r.a. to subsidise. me'n't] adv. subreptitiously. Surrettizio, [srrtti'tsi] adj. Sussidiariamente, [sssidirime'n't] adv. subsidiarily. subreptitious. Surrezione, [srrtsi'ne'] ee Sussidiario, [sssidi'ri] adj. subsidiary, auxiliary, Surressione. Surrisione, [surrisi'ne'] /. ma- Sussidiatore, [sssidit'r] ni.

licious grin.

helper, assistant.

Surrogamento,[srrgrae'n't] Sussidio, [sssi'dijm. subsidy, Supponibile, [sppni'bile'] ad). m. see Sarrogazione. help; suggestion. supposable, imaginable. Surrogare, [srrg're'] v. a. to Sussiego, [sssi'g] tn. gravity, Supporre, [sppr're'] v. a. irr. surrogate, substitute. imposing air. (see Porre) to suppose, sub- Surrogazione, [srrgtsi'ne'] Sussistenza, [sssistn'ts] f. stitute. subsistence, existence; essence; f, surrogation, substitution. Suppositivo, [sppsiti'v] adj. Suscettibile, [sshe'tti'bile'] adj. livelihood, food. supposed, supposititious. Sussistere [sssi'ste're'] v.n. irr. susceptible.

Suppositiziamente, [sppsiti- Suscettibilit, [sshttibiKt']

tsiamn't]a(/v. supposititiousf.

(see Assistere) to subsist; exist, be, susceptibility. (wind. ly. Suscettivo, [sshe'tti'v] adj Sussolano, [sssl'n j m. eastSusta, [su'sta] /. packing-cord ; Suppositizio , [sppsiti'tsi] susceptible. adj. supposititious. Suscezione, [sushe'tsi'n] f. spring; esser in -, to be up and doing. [spp'sit] m. susception, reception. Supposito ,

supposition, hypothesis. Suscitamento, [sshitran't] Sustantiflcamente, [sustantifikme'n't] adv. substantially. Suppositorio, [sppsit'ri] m. m. suscitation; resurrection suppository. Suscitare, [sshit're'] v. a. to nutriciously. Supposizione, [sppsitsi'ne'] raise up, rouse; revivify; Sustantiflco, [sstntif i'ko] adj. excite; Suscitarsi, v. r. to substantial, nutricious. f. supposition, hypothesis. Sustantivamente, [sstntivSupposta, [spp'st] f. (med.) resuscitate, revive. me'n'te'] adv. substantively. suppository. Suscitatore , [sshitt're'] m Sustantivo, [sstnti'v] adj. Supposto, [spp'st] m. sup- reviver instigator. substantive, substantial. position, supposal. Susina, [ssi'na] f. plum, Suppressione, [sppre'ssi'ne'] Susinetta, [ssine't't] f. small Sustanza, [siistn'ds] Sustanzia, [sstn'dsi] f. substance, plum. f. suppression. Supprimere, [sppri'me're'] v. a. Susino, [ssi'n] m. plum-tree. matter; body; in -, upon the whole; SuSTANZE, pi. property, irr. {suppressi ; suppresso) to Suso, [s's] for Su, Sopra. suppress; conceal. Susornione , [ssrni'ne'J and wealth. Suppurabile, [spprbi'le'^ adj Sornione, [srni'n] m. sullen Sustanziale, [sstntsi'le'] adj. substantial, essential, inclined to suppurate. reserved man. Suppuramento, [spprmeV- Suspensone, [sspe'nsi'ne'] f. Sustanzialit, [sstantsilit'] Sustanzialitade, Sustanziali* t] m. suppuration. suspension, interruption.


[sppr're'J v. n. Suspensivamente, [sspe'nsivto suppurate. me'n'te'] adv. in suspense, in Suppurativo, [spprti'vjadj doubt. suppurative, digestive. Suspensive, [sspe'nsiv] adj Suppurazione, [spprtsi'n] suspensive ; prohibiting. /. suppuration. Suspicare, [sspik'rj r. a. to Supputare, [sppt're'] v. a. to suspect, doubt. suppute, reckon. Suspingere, [susping're'] see Supputazione, [sppttsi'n] sospingere. Suspirare, [suspir're'] see Sof. supputation, calculation. Supremamente, [sprmmn'- spirare. t] adv. supremely, highly. Suspizione, [suspitsi'ne'] /. susSupremazia, [sprmtsi'] f, picion, distrust. supremacy.' Sussannare, [sssnn're'] v.a. Supremit, [spre'mit'] Supre- to deride, scoff at. mitade, Supremitate, f. su- Sussecivo, [ssse'tshi'v] adj. preme authority. tempo -, leisure time. Supremo , [spr'm] adj. su- Sussecutivo, [ssskuti'v] see preme, pre-eminent. Sussequente &c. Sur, [sur] for Sur, Sopra. Sussequente,[8sskMn'te']arf/. Sara^ [su'r] f. calf of the leg;. subsequent, consecutive.




Sustanzialmente, [sstntsialme'n't] adv. substantially, really.

V. r. to


assume substance.

Sustanzievole,[sstntsi'vle'] Sustanzioso , [sstantsi's] adj. substantial; advantageous. Sustentazione,[sste'uttsi'ne']

f. support; maintenance; food. Sustituire, [sstiti'r] v. a. to substitute, surrogate. Sustituto, [sstit't] 1. substitute; surrogate; proxy.


[sstittsi'ne'] see Sostituzione. Susurrare, [ssrra're'] v. n. to

murmur, whisper, Susurratore, [ssrrt'r]

murmurer, slanderer.





Busurrazione, [ssurrtsi'n] Svaporare, [svpr're']

Susurrio, [ssr'ri] Susui'ro , [ssr'r] m. murmur whisper; calumny. Busurrone,[ssrr'n] m. groat grumbler. Butterfugere, [sttrf'je're] v. n. to evade, avoid. Sutterfugio, [sttrf'ji] m. subterfuge, evasion. Suttrarre, [sttrar'r] see Sottrarre &c. Sutura, [st'r] f. suture (of the skull). Suverato, [siive'r't] adj. made of cork; soled witli cork. Suvero, [sii've'ro] m. cork; corkf.

v. a. to Svelto , [svrt] adj. easy, evaporate, exhale; vent; Sva- nimble quick active, lively porarsi, v. go off in vapor; ready; sharp. vanish. Svenamento, [sve'nmeVt] to. Svaporazione, [svprtsi'ne'] cutting of a vein. /. Svapore, [svp're'] m. evap- Svenare, [sve'n're'] v. a. to cut a vein; broach a cask. oration, vapor. Svariamento, [svariame'n't] w. Svenatura, [svnat'r] /". slight notching in hatchets, &c. variety; frenzy, fury.
; ; ;

Svariare , [svri're'] . n. to Svenenare , [sve'nn'r] e Svelenare. vary, change, differ. Svariatamente, [svritme'n'- Svenevolaggine , (^ve'ne'vla'-

djin] see Svenevolezza. t] adv. differently, separately. Svariato, [svri'tj adj. varie- Svenevole , [svn'vle'] adj. disagreeable, ungraceful, awkgated, different. Svario, [sv'ri] adj. various, ward, mawkish. different; variegated; -, m. Svenevolezza , [sve'ne'vle't'sa] disagrecabletree. variety, difference, diversity. f. ungainliness, Suvversione, [svve'rsi'ne'J see Svarione, [svri'n] m. great ness, clownishness. Sovversione. Svenevolmente, [sve'ne'vlme'n*absurdity, great fault. Suvvertire, [svvrti're'] v. a. Svecchiare, [sve'kki're'] v. a. te'] adv. ungracefully, awkto subvert, ruin. wardly. to renew, reform. Suzzacchera, [sdsk'ke'r] (. Svegghiamento, [sveghiame'n'- Svenevolone,[sve'ne'vl'ne']adj. oxycrate; trouble, anxiety. very disagreeable. to] &c., see Svegliamento &c. Suzzamento, [sdsamn't] nt. Sveglia , [svT] f. wooden Svenimento, [svnime'n't] m. drying up, withering wasting. horse (for torture) alarm- fainting-fit, swoon. Suzzare, [sds'r] v. a. Svenire, [svni'r] v. n. irr. watch, alarm-bell. to dry up, wither; waste. Svegliamento , [sveTme'n't] (see Venire) to faint away, Suzzatore, [sdsat're'] m. drier; m. awaking, rousing. swoon. waster. Svegliare, [sveT'r] v. a. to Sventare, [sve'nt're'] v. a. to Suzzo, fs'ds] adj. dry, dried awake, arouse; stimulate, ani- ventilate; winnow; - un diseup, withered; lean. mate; Svegliarsi, v. r. to gno, to discover a design Svagamento , una mina, to countermine; - la [svagme'n't] awake; get attentive. m. distraction, wandering Svegliatezza, [svrte't's] f. vena, to open a vein. thoughts, pL vivacity, liveliness. Sventato, f sve'nt't] adj. giddy. Svagare, [svg're'] v. a. to di- Svegliato , [sveT't] adj. Sventolamento, [svntolamn'vert from, distract; disturb, sprightly; clever. t] m. fanning flapping. interrupt; Svagarsi, v. r. to Svegliatojo , [sve'l't'y] m. Sventolare, [sve'ntl'r] w. a. unbend one's mind; be distract- alarm-watch, alarm-boll. to winnow, fan; flap -, v. n. to ed. Svegliatore , [sveTt're'] m. fly about, flutter SventolarSvago, [sv'g] m. recreation. to fan one's self; awaker; boots (at an inn). si, V. r. Svagolare, [svgl'r] v. a. to Svegliore, [svTr] see Svel- wave or flap in the air, flutter. distract. Sventrare, [sve'ntra're'] v. a. to lere. Svaligiare, [svalij're'] v. a. to Sveglierino , [sveTe'r'n] gut, disembowel eat immoderately; run through the belly. take outof one's valise, unpack; alarm-clock, alarum. rob a person of his all. Sveglievole, [svr'vle'] adj. Sventrata, [sventr't] f. a


[svrapa'r] v. n. to easily awaked. belly-full. Sveglimento, [sveTime'n't] see Sventura, [sve'nt'r] /. misgo out, be extinguished. fortune, disaster. Svanare, [svn're'] v. a. hat. Svenimento. to pluck off the hair. Svelamento, [sve'lame'n't] m. Sventuratamente, [sve'ntrdtSvanevole, [svnv'le'] adj. apt unveiling, discovery. me'n't] adv. unfortunately. to vanish. Svelare, [svla'r] v. a. to un- Sventurato, [sve'utr't] SvenSvanimento, [svnime'n't] m. veil, discover, disclose Sve- turoso, [sve'ntr's] adj. unfainting away ; swoon, faint- larsi, V. r. to open one's fortunate, fatal sad. mind to. Svenuto, [sve'n't] adj. exing-fit. Svanire, [svni'r] vanish, Svelatamente, [svlatme'n'te'] tenuated, faint; dejected, weak. disappear; fade away, fail; Sva- adv. openly without disguise. Sverdire, [sve'rdi'r] v. n. to lose green, become arid (said nirsi, w.r. to humble one's self. Svelenare, [sve'ln'r] v. a. to take away poison Svelenar- of trees &c.>. Svanizione, [svnitsi'ne'J f. vanishing, disappearing. si, V. r. to exhale one's veflom; Svergheggiare, fsvirghdj're'] V. a. to twig, switch, scourge. Svantaggio, [svant'djjm. dis- vent one's spite. Svelenire, [sve'lni're'J v. a. to Sverginamento, [svrjinmn'advantage, detriment. Svantaggiosamente, [svntdj- appease, mitigate. t] m. deflowering. smn't] adv. disadvantage- Svellere, [sv'le'r] v. a. irr. Sverginare, [svrjin're'] v. a.
; ;


{svelsi', svelto) to pull up, root


[svrjint're'] Svenimento, [sve'llimu't] m. Svergogna, [sve'rg'n'] /. afadj. disadvantageous. Svaporabile, [svpra'bile'] adj. Sveltezza, [svlte't's] f. agility, front, insult; contempt. nimbleness, swiftness. evaporable, exhalable. Svergognamento , [sve'rgn'Svaporamento, [svaprmn'- Sveltire, [svlti'r] v.n. to be rae'n'tj m. effrontery, imput] TO. evaporation, exhalation. lithe. dence, insolence.




to deflower. (uprooting. Sverginatore

(m. ravisher.




Svergognare, [svrgn''re] w. Svilire, [svili're'] v. a. to abase; Svivagnato, [svivn''t] adj. foolish, silly. a. to disgrace, shame; violate; undervalue. SVEEGOQNARSI, V. V. to be Svilitivamente, [avilitivameV- Sviziare, [svitsi're'] v. a. to cure of defects, correct faults. ashamed, blush. te'] adv. in a subdued manner. Svergognataggine, [sve'rgn'- Svillaneggiameuto, [svillane- Svogliare, [svr'r] v. a. to t'djine'] see Svergognatezza. djmn't] m. insulting, in- disgust, dishearten, render indifferent; deter; Svogliarsi, Svergognatamente, [svrgn'- vective. tmn't] adv. impudently Svillaneggiare, [svillne'dj're'] V. r. to become disgusted, grow boldly. indifferent get out of conceit V, a. to insult, abuse SvillaSvergognatezza, [sve'rgn'teT- neggiarsi, V. r. to abuse one with. s] f. effrontery, boldness, inSvogliataggine, [svl't'djine'] another. solence. Svillaneggiatore, [svillne'dj- f. disgust, weariness, ennui. Svergognato, [svrgn''tjadi. t'r] m. reviler, blackguard. Svogliatamente, [svrtmn'I

Svergognosamente, [sve'rgn'-

Svilleggiare, [svilldja'r] v. n. t] adv. fastidiously, carelessly. to return into the city. smn't] see Svergognata- Sviluppameuto, [svilppme'n'- Svogliatene , [svrt'l] adj. mente. m. unfolding, develop- rather disinclined. t] Svernamento , [svrnme'n't] ment. Svogliatezza, [svl'te't's] see m. wintering; warbling. Sviluppare, [svilpp're'] v. a. Svogliataggine. Svernare, [svrn"r] v. n. to to unfold develop explain Svogliato, [svl''t] adj. diswinter, pass the winter; warble. Svilupparsi, v. r. to extricate gusted, averse, loathing; weary. Sverre, [svr'r] see Svellere. Svogliatura , [svrt'r] /. one's self. Svertare, [sve'rtar] v. a. to Sviluppo, [svilp'p] m. de- unwillingness. empty (nets); blab out. Svolacchiare, [svlkki're'] see velopment; elucidation. Sverza, [svr'ts] /. chip, splin- Svinare, [svina're'] v. a. to Svolazzare. ter (of wood); cabbage; kind of draw off new wine. Svelamento, [svlame'n't] m. sweet white wine. m. flying, flight. [svint're'] (soar. Svinatore , Sverzare, [svrts're'] v. a. to drawer off of new wine. Svolare, [svl're'] v. n. to fly. stop with chips ;-v.n. to split. Svinatura, [svintu'r] f. draw- Svolazzamento, [svltsme'n'Svesciare, [svsha'r] v. a. to ing off new wine. t] m. fluttering. divulge secrets (vulgarism). Svincigliare, [svintshil'a're'] v. Svolazzare, [svlts're'] v. n. Svesciatore, [svesht'r] n to flutter, flap; fly about. a. to beat with a switch. a divulgar of secrets, tatler Svincolamento, [svinklmn'- Svolazzatojo,[svltst'y]'ij. Svestire, [sve'sti'r] v. a. to t] m. loosing, unshackling. cervello -, unsteady brain. take off one's clothes, undress; Svincolare, [svinkl're'] v. a. Svolazzatore, [svltst're'] m. SvESTiESi, V. r. to undress to detach, unshackle. he that flutters. one's self. Svisare, [svis'r] v. a. to Svolazzio, [svltsi'] SvolazSvettamento, [svttme'n't]m. scratch the face; disfigure. zo, [svl'ts] m. flying, fluttaking off the tops of trees. Svisceramento, [svishrme'n'- tering; undulation. Svettare, [svtt're'] v. a. to t] m. emboweling, gutting. Svolazzo , [svl'ts] m. flutlop off the tops of trees; Svet- Sviscerare, [svishe'r're'] v. a. tering; flourishing in writing. tarsi, V. r. to wave, undulate. to embowel, gut. Svolere, [svl'r] v. a. irr. {see Svezzare, [sve'ts're'] v. a. to Svisceratamente, [svishe'rt- Volere) to be unwilling, refuse. wean, disaccustom Svezzar- nin'te'] aciy. tenderly, pas- Svolgere,[svrjr] v. a. irr.{see si, V. r. to wean one's self sionately. Volgere) to unfold, develope ; from; abstain from. Svisceratezza, [svishe'rtt's] elucidate; dissuade. Sviamento, [svime'n't] m. de- f. fondness, affection. Svolta, [svl't] f. Svoltamenviation; error. Sviscerato , [svishe'ra't] adj. to, [svltme'n't] m. turn, turnSviare, [svi'r] v. a. to lead gutted, eviscerated ; tender, ing, winding; bending. astray;misguide; make an error; passionate, cordial, sincere; Svoltare, [svoltare'] v. a. to bend, - un colpo, to parry a thrust; crook unwrap amico -, m. bosom-friend. turn aside, - uno dallo studio, to turn one Svisceratore, [svishe'rt're'J m. dissuade. away from his studies; -, v. n. eventerator. Svoltatore, [svltt're'] m. he Sviarsi, v. r. to go astray, Svista, [svi'sta] (. oversight, that unfolds; that persuades. deviate; forsake. (screw, Svoltatura, [svltt'r] /'.windmistake. Sviatore, [svit're'] m. mis- Svitare, [svit're'] v. a. to un- ing, turn; pleat. leader , seducer , evil-coun- Svitiochiare, [svitikki'r] v. Svolticchiarsi, [svltikkir'si] eellor. (slip off, decamp. V. r. to twist, writhe. a. to disentwine, undo; tear Svignare, [svin''r] v. n. to off. S voltura, [svlt'r] /. winding, Svigorire, [svigri'r] v. o. to Svituperare, [svitpe'r're*] v. turn; fold, pleat. weaken. Svolvere, [svl've'r] . a. irr. a. to defame, blame. Svilimento , [svilimn't] m. Svivagnataccio, [svivn't'- {see Volvere) to unfold; disaiasemeut, contempt. tsh] adj. very foolish. suade.

disgraced; bold.

tlie same sound in Ital-j ler of tobacco and snuff, tosmelling of tobacco; t)esm earbacconist. ian as in English. ed with snuff. (snnff-boi I!a1>aocajo, [tbkka'y] m. sol- Tabaccato , [tbkk't] adj. Tabacchiera, [tabkki'iaj f,

T, has





m. Taccio, [ta'tsh] m. fare un -, Tagliacerchio, [tl'atshe'r'ki] m. the sharp leg of a pair of to end, make an end {see Tacompasses. rabacchista, [tabakki'sta] m. cere). Tacco, [tak'k] m. bit of leath- Taglialegna, [trl'n'] 4. snuff-taker (little used). wood-cutter, wood-cleaver. labacco, [tabk'k] m. tobacco; er, heel-piece. [trma r] i snuff; presa di -, pinch of Taccola, [tk'kla] /".jack-daw, Tagliamare mar. cut-water. magpie; chatterer; trick, snuff. Tagliamento, [tl'me'n't] m Taballo, [tbl'l] and Timbal- trifle. cutting, slaughter. lo, [timbal'l] m. kettle-drum; Taccolare, [tkkla're'] v. Tagliapietre, [trpi'tre'] m. chatter, prate. tymbal. and stone-cutter. [tkkl't] Tabano, [tba'n] adj. slander- Taccolata , Taccoleria, [tkkle"ria] f. Tagliare, [tl''re'] v. a. to ous, satirical. cut, cut off; carve, fell part, Tabarraccio, [tabrr'tsh] in. chat, prate, prattling. Taccolevole, [takkl'vle'] adj. divide; cheat; - le calze, to old patched cloak. slander; - le capriole, to cut Tabarrino, [tbrri'n] m. small chirping, (said of crickets). Taccolino,[tkkli'n] m. coarse capers. cloak. Tagliata, [tV't] /. cut; Tabarro, [tbar'r] m. cloak, cloth; chatterer. Taccole, [tk'kl] i. sport, slaughter; boast. great coat. embarrass- Tagliatelli, [trt'li] and TaTabarrone, [tbrr'n] m. very play, diversion [trti'ni] m. pi., gliatini ment, confusion. largo cloak. Tabe, [tabe] f. rottenness, pu- Tacconcino, [tkkntshi'n] m. ribbon- vermicelli, pi. Tagliatore, [tl't're'] m. cutbit of leather, heel-piece. trefaction. Tabefatto, [tbe'ft't] arfj. rot- Taccone, [tkk'ne'] m. {shoe.) ter. Tagliatura, [tl'tu'r] f. cutpiece of leather. ten; putrid. Tabella, [tb'l] /.small table, Taccuino, [tkkui'njm.pocket- ting; incision, slash. Taglieggiare, [tFe'dja're'] v. a. votive offering; rattle, clap- book, memorandum-book. Tacere, [ttsh're'] v. a. irr. to set a price on one's head per; fig. blab, chatterer. assess. Tabeliario, [tbll'ri] m. let- (taccio, taci, tace &c.; tacqui; taciuto) to conceal, pass over Tagliente, [tl'n'te'] o'/;. cutter-carrier; messenger.
retailer of tobacco


ting, sharp; keen; satirical. in silence; hide; -, v. n. irr. to be silent, keep silence be Taglientemente, [tal'nte'me'n'te'] adv. cuttingly; keenly. quiet ; -, m. silence; secret. Tacibile, [ttshi'bil] adj. to Tagliere, [tr'r] Tagliere, tary; scribe. [tl''r] m. trencher. Taberuacoletto, [tbrnkle'f- be kept secret. Tacimento, [ttshime'n't] m. Tagliettino , [trtti'nj m. t] m. small chapel. slight cut. Tabernacolo, [tbe'rn'kl] m. silence; secret. Tacitamente, [ttshitme'n'te'] Taglio, [t'l'] wi. edge; cut; tabernacle, chapel. wound; shape, size, ligure; arfu. tacitly, silently; secretly. Tabi, [tabi'] m. tabby (silk). Tabido, [t'bid] adj. tabid; Tacito, [ttshit] adj. tacit, opportunity; cadere in -, to suit one's purpose ; mettere al silent. consumptive. Tabifico, [tbi'fik] adj. putre- Taciturnamente, [ttshitrn- - della spada, to put to the me'n't] adv. silently , taci- sword; vendere a -, to sell by factive. the slice. Tabulario, [tbl'ri] vi. ar- turnly. [ttshitrnit'] Taglione, [tl''ne'] and TalloTaciturnit , chive. Taciturnitade , Taciturnit- ne, [tli'n] m. retaliation, Tacca, [tk'k] f. notch ; gap like for like. blemish, spot; size, stature, te, f. taciturnity, silence. Taciturno, [ttshitr'u] adj. Tagliuola, [tal''la] f. trap, cut. snare. Taccagneria, [tkkan'e'ri'] /". taciturn, silent; pensive. Tafano , [tf'n] m. ox-fly, Tagliuolo, [tal''l] m. small sordid avarice, stinginess. slice; chisel. Taccagno, [tkk'n'] adj. sor- gad-fly. Tafferia, [tffe'ri'] f. wooden Tagliuzzamento, [tal'tsme'n'did, covetous. t] m. mincing, hashing. Taccagnone, [tkkn''ne'] m. hand-bowl; kneading trough. Tafferugia, [tffe'r'ja] Taffe- Tagliuzzare, [tl'ts'r] v. a. great miser, pinch-penny. Tattamacca, [tttmk'k] /". ruglio, [tffe'rT] m. uproar, to mince, hash. a kind of yellowish semi-trans- quarrel. Talamo , [t'lm] m. (poes.) taffetas. parent resin. Taffett, [tffe'tt'] nuptial bed. Taccare, [tkk're'] v. a. to Taffiare , [tffi're'] v. a. to Talari, [tala'ri] m. pi., {myth.)
; ;

Tabellionato, [tbe'llin't] m notary's device. tabellione, [tbe'lli'ne'] m. no-



Taccate, [tkk't] odj. spotted, Taffio

gormandize. [taf 'fio] m.


winged sandals

of Mercury,



Taccherella , little notch



little spot, little

stain; little defect. Tacchina, [tkki'n]




Tacchino, [tkki'n] m. turkeycock.

Caccia, [t'tsh] f. stain, blot, spot; blemish, defect. tacciare, [ttsh're'] v. a. to tax; blame, accuse.

Talch, [tlk'l conj. so that. cutting Talco, [tal'kjm. talc, isinglassf. carnage; tax, slaughter, im- stone. post ransom alliance stat- Tale, [ta'le'] adj. such, like; form; condition di che, so that, insomuch that; il ure, size, mezza -, middle-sized. Signor -, Mr. such a one. Tagliabile, [tl''bile'] adj. scis- Talea, [tl'] f. stock, graft. sible. Talentacelo, [tle'nt'tshj in. Tagliaborse , [tl'br'se'] m. mischievous talent. cut-purse, pickpocket. Talentare, [tle'nt're'] v. n. to Tagliacantoni, [trdknt'ni] please, be to one's taste, be m. cut-throat, ruffian. agreeable.






talento, [tln't] m. inclina- Tanaceto, [tntsh't] m. bot. Tapinit,[tpinit'] ^wretchedtion, wish, desire fancy tal- tansy. ness, meanness. ent, gift, ability; a vostro mal Tanaglia, ftnT] f. pincers, Tapino, [tpi'n] adj. wretched, -, in spite of you uomo di -, tweezers, pi. miserable, mean. man of talent Tanagliare, [tnl'a'r] v. a. to Tappa, [tap pa] f. mart storeTalia, [ta'lia] f. Thalia. torment with pincers, pinch. house place of sale. Talismano, [tlism'n] m. tal- Tanaglietta [tnrt't] f. Tappare , [tappa're'J v. a. to isman. pliers; small pincers, pi. bar, shut. Tallero, [tne"r] m. thaler. Tanaglione,[tnr'n] m. large Tappata, [tapp't] m. drum,

Tallire, [talli'ie'] v. n. to run pincers, pi. (said sportively). to seed. Tan, [tan'] and Taneto, m. Tappeto, [tppe"t] m. carpet, Tallo, [tallo] m. stalk, sprout; tawny, tan color. cover, covering ; mettere sul -, graft; slip; rimettere ii -, to Tanfanare, [tnfn're'] v. a. to propose, introduce. hring forth again. to beat; harass, torment. Tappezzare, [tppts're'] v. a. Tallone,[tll'n] m. heel, heel- Tanfo, [tn'f] m. mouldy taste, to hang with tapestry, hang hone. mouldy smell. with paper.

Talmente, [tlmn'te'] adv. so, Tangente, [tnjn'te'] adj. tan- Tappezzeria, [tappe'tse'ri'a] f. so much, in such a manner. gent; touching. tapestry, hangings, pi. Talmudde [tlmd'd] and Tangenza, [tujn'ds] /'.touch; Tappezziere, [tpptsi're'] m. Talmude, [tlm'd] Talmud. touching. upholsterer, tapestry-makcr Talmudista, [tlmdi'st] m. Tangere, [tn'je're'] see Toc- paper-hanger. commentator on the Talmud. care. Tappo, [tp'p] m.bung; (mar.) Talc, [ta'l] m. a kind of die. shot-plug. Tangeroso , [tnje'r's] adj Talora, [tl'r] ac/r. sometimes, delicate, exquisite, sensitive. Tara, [t'r] /. tare, waste (of now and then. Tangherello, [tnghe'r'l] adj. goods). Talpa, [tl'p] Talpe, [trp] rather rude. Tarabuso, [tarab's] m. hitTanghero, [tn'ghe'r] m. a rude tern. f. mole. Taluno, [tl'n] pron. some- coarse person. Taradore, [tard're'] m. vine,

body, some. Tangibile, [tnji'bile'] adj. tan- fretter. Talvolta, [tlvrt] adv. some- gible, touchable. Tarando, [trn'd] m. reintimes, now and then. (tula. Tangoccio, [tang'tsh] m. stu- deer, Tamanto, [tmn't] adj. so pid fellow, idiot. Tarantella, [trntT] /. tarangroat, so large. Tantafera, [tntf'r] Tanta- Tarantello, [trnt'l] m overTamarindo , [trarin'd] m. ferata, [tntafe'r't] f. gali- measure, overweight. tamarind. matias, nonsense. Tarantola, [trn'tl] /'.taranTamarisco, [tmris'k] m. tam- Tantaleggiare, [tntale'dj're'] tula (spider). arisk, (pastime. V. a. to tantalize. Tarantolato, [tarntl't] adj. Taml)ascia,[tmb'sh] /".sport. Tantinetto, [tntinet't] Tan- bitten by a tarantula. Tambellone, [trahll'n] m. tino, [tanti'n] adj. very little, Tarapat, [tr'pt] f. a sound large brick; dolt. least; -, m. very little bit, imitative of the drum. Tamburaccio , [tmbr'tsh] drop &c.; ever so little; mo- Tarare, [tr'r] v. o. to deduct m. large old drum. ment. the tare, i^bate, discount. Tamburagione, [trahraj'ne'] Tanto, [tn't] adj. so mucli, as Taratore , [trat'r] m. ono much, so many, as many; un that deducts. f. accusation, impeachment. Tamburare, [tmbr'r] v. a. tanV uomo, so great a man; - o Tarchiato , [tarki't] adj. to accuse, impeach. quanta, ever so little; da -, so strong-limbed sturdy (vuiTamburello, [tmbr'l] m. capable; so clever; essere -, to garism). tabor, tabret. be sufficient; -, adv. so much, Tardamente, [trdmeVt] adv. Tamburetto, [tmbre't't] m. to that degree; only, but; a -, tardily, slowly. tambourine. di -, so, to such a degree di - Tardamente, [trdme'n't] m. Tamburiere, [tmbri'r] m. in -, from time to time in -, in delay, suspension. drum-maker. the meantime; non -, not only, Tardantemente,[trdnte'me'n'Tamburino , [tmbri'n] m. notwithstanding; per -, how- t] adv. with slowness, with small drum; drummer, drum- ever, nevertheless; a - per -, at delay. mer-boy. this rate; - per uno, so much Tardanza, [trdn'ds] /".delay, Tamburlano, [tmbrl'n] m. a piece. stay, dilatoriness, tardiness. (chym.) recipient. Tantoch, [tntk'] conj. as Tardare, [trd'r] v. a. to reTamburo, [tmb'r] nt. drum; long as, so that, insomuch, tard, put oif, delay ; arrest ; trunk; barrel (of a watch). hinder; -, v. n. to tarry, stay, until. Tambussare, [tmbss'r] v. Tantolino, [tntli'n] m. very loiter; grow late; il mio oriuolo a. to bang, thump, strike. tarda, my watch goes too slow. small piece, very little bit. Tamerice, [tmri'tshe'] m. Ta- Tantosto, [tnt'st] adv. im- Tardetto, [trdet't] arf;. rather merigia, [tmri'j] f. tam- mediately, presently. slow, a little slow; -, adv. a


r. a. to

v. n.

little late.

[tarde't's] f. slowness; dilatoriness. lead a dog's life; Tapin.vusi, Tardi, [tar'di] adv. late; slowly, more, not even, nor yet, nei- V. r. to grieve much, fret, re- sluggishly al piii -, at the ther. pine. latest; tosto o -, sooner or Tana, [t'n] /. den, cave; eye- Tapinello, [tpin'lj adj. poor, later; si fa -, it is getting hole; socket. miserable. lat.

Tamigiare, [tmiji're]

adv. miserably, wretchedly.





Tampoco, [tmp'k] adv. no-



probe; toccare il - buono, to_ strike into the quick, touch the

Tardit, [tardit'] Tardtade, Tartassare, [tartss're'] v. a. Tarditate, f. slowness, indo- to beat, thrash harass, abuse. Tartufo, [trt'f] i. truffle. lence. Tardivo, ftrdi'v] adj. late, Tasca, [tas'k] f. pocket, pouch, satchet, wallet. tardy; slow. [tsk't] f. pocketTardo, [tr'd] adj. slow, lazy Tascata full, pouch-full. lato, tardy; dull, heavy; ora tarda, f late hour. Taschetta, [taske't'ta] /. TaTarga, [tr'g] [. poes., target, schetto , [tske't't] m. small buckler. pocket, small satchel. Targata, [trg't] /. hlow with Tascone, [tsk'n] m. large pocket, large wallet. a target. Targhetta, [trghe't't] f. small Taso, [t's] m. tartar (salt). Tassa, [tas'sa] f. tax, duty, imtarget. Targone , [trg'ne'] m. large post; assessment, rate. target, Tassagione, [tssj'n] f. taxaTarififa, [tariffa] f. tariff, price, tion, impost, tax. Tassare, [tss'r] v. a. to tax, assessment, list of prices. Tarisca, [taris'ka] f. eating to- rate, assess ; charge with gether ; social repast, love- accuse; blame. Tassativamente[tsstivme'n'feast. Tarlare, [trl're'] . n. to get t] adv. precisely. Tassativo, [tssti'v] adj. tax worm-eaten. Tarlatura, [tarlt'ra] /".worm- able. Tassazione, [tsstsi'ne'] /, eating, worm-holes, pi. Tarlo, [tr'l] m. wood-worm, taxation; impost. Tassellare, [tssll'r] v. a. to moth. Tarma, [tr'm] f. wood-louse, tessellate, inlay. Tasselletto, [tsse'lle't't] Tasmilleped. Tarmato, [trma't] adj. worm- sellino, [tsse'lli'n] m. small

right cord.

Tastolina, [tstli'n] f.{surg.) small lint, small dossil. Tastone, [tst'n] Tastoni, [tast'ni] adv. groping; andar -, to grope along. Tata, [ta'taj /". sister (child's

Tato, [ta't]


brother (child's

Tattamella, [tttam'laj/.chat,

V. n. to prattle.



[tt'te'r] /. defect,


perfection, trifle.

Tattica, [tt'tik] f. tactics, pi. Tatto, [tt't] m. sense of feeling; touch, tact; finesse. Tatusa, [tt's] f. armadillo. Taumaturgo, [tamtr'g] m. worker of miracles. Taun,[twn'] /'.damaskeening. Tauricida, [tritshi'da] to. a slayer of bulls, matador. Taurino , [tauri'n] adj. of a

Tauro, [tu'r] m. bull; {astr.) Taurus. anvil. eaten. Taroccare, [trkk're'] v.n. to Tassello, [tass'l] m. collar; Tautologia, [twtlji'] f. tautology. bluster; fume, rage (u/ffar ism). square. Tarocchi, [tr'ki] m. pi. sort Tassetto [tsst't] m. small Tautologico, [ttttl jik] adj. tautological. anvil, graver. of chequered cards.

^larpauo, [trp'n] adj. rude, Tasseruolo[ti)sse'r'l] m.(mor.) Taverna , [tvr'n] /. public shortening of a sail. house, pot-house. rustic. Tarpare, [trp're'] v. a. to clip Tassia,[t'si]/'.bastard turbith. Tavernajo, [tvrna'y] m. landthe wings; paralize; deduct a Tasso, [ts's] m: yew-tree ; lord, innkeeper, tavern-keeper. badger. Taverniere, [tve'rni'r] m. potsum. Tarpigna, [tarpi'n'a] Tarpina, Tassobarbasso, [tssbrbs's] house-keeper drunkard. monk's TO. {bot.) mullein. Tavola, [t'vl]/". table, board; [tarpi'na] /. {hot.) Tasta, [ta'sta] f. {surg.) probe; counter ; roll, register, fare ; rhubarb. index ; chess-board; - danzanTarsia, [tarsi'a] f. inlaid worlc, lint; chagrin, ennui. chequered work: niggard {vul- Tastarne, [tst'me'] m. see Ta- te, turning-table; giuoco di postatura. che tavole, TO. slight affair; garism in the last meaning). Tarsiare, [trsia'r] see Intar- Tastamento, [tstme'n't] m. in -, dinner is on the table; leprobing , sounding ; touch , vare la -,to take away; levarsi siare. da -, to rise from table; metteTarso, [tr's] m. whiteTuscan feeling, taction. Tastare, [tst'r]v. a. to touch, re la -, to lay the cloth portamarble. Tartagliare, [trtra're] v. a. handle probe, sound try, taste. re in -, to serve up (dinner). Tastata, [tst't] f. see Tasta- Tavolacciajo, [tvltsh'y] m. & n. to stutter, stammer.

Tartaglione, [trtr'n] m. mento. Tastatina, [tstti'n] f. slight stutterer, stammerer. Tartana, [tart'na] f. tartane touch; little trial. Tastatore, [tstt're'] m. he (vessel). Tartanone, [trtn'n] m. net that touches or handles. Tastatura, [tastt'r] f. fingerfor catching small fish. Tartara, [tr'tr] /. sort of board, keys'(of an organ), pi. Tasteggiamento, [taste'djamen'egg-pudding. Tartareo, [tart're'] Tartare- t] TO. touching, feeling. sco, [trtrs'k] adj. hellish, Tasteggiare, [tstdj're'] v. a.

wooden target-maker. Tavolaccino, [tvltshi'n] m.


Tartarizzare, [trtrids're']
a. to tartarize.


Tartaro, [tr'tr] m. Tartarus,

hell; tartar.

Tartaroso, [trtar'sj adj. tartarous, of tartar. Tartaruga[trtr'g]/'.tortoiso, tortoise-shell.

beadle. [tvla'tsh] m. , wooden target. Tavolare, [tvl're'] v make a drawn game (at chess); floor. Tavolata , [tvl't] f. table of guests. Tavolato, [tvl't] adj. floorto touch, feel, handle. ed, wainscoted; -, m. wooden Tastetta, [tst't] /. small roll floor, wainscot; partition-wall. of lint, compress. Tavoleggiare, [tvledj'r] i'. Tastiera, [tsti'r] /". keys of place on the table; v. n. an instrument, pi. to remain long at table. Tasto, [t'st] TO. touch, feel- Tavolella, [tvl'l] f. small ing; tact; key (of an organ or draught-board, tablets, pi. piano-forte); toccare un -, to Tavolello, [tvl'l] m. offico, touch lightly upon a thing. counting-house.


Tavoletta, [tavole 't]


Temerario, [tmr'ri] adj. rash, imprudent, inconsiderate.

f. smalli Teglia, [tT] see Tegghia. Tegliata, [te'l''tj/'.baking pantable, toilet; (paint.) pallet Tavoliere, [tvli'i] Tavo- full. lieri,[tavli'ri]m.chess-l)oard, Teglione, [teTo'ue'] i. large piedish, large baking-pan. draught board , card- tabi e Tegnente, [tn'n't] adj. tenagamester's bank. Tavolina, [tvli'na] {. small cious, viscous; stingy, sordid,

Temere, [tm'r]

v. . to fear,

dread; hesitate. Temerit, [tmrit']Temeritade, Temeritate, f. temerity, rashness. mean. picture; little table. Tavolino , [tavli'n] m. little Tegnenza, [tn'n'ds] f. tenaci- Temibile, [tmibi'l]ad;.fearful, causing alarm. ty, viscosity. table. Tavolone, [tavl'ne'] m. thick Tegola, [t'gl] /. see Tegolo. Temo, [t'mj m. rudder, helm oak-plank; thick board; large Tegolaja, [te'gl'y] f. furnace (poes.) Temolo, [t'ml] m. kind of table. for making tiles. Tavolette, [tvl't] m. rather Tegolajo, [te'gl'y] m- work- river-trout. Temoniere, [tmni'r] see Tilarge table. man in a furnace. (weather. Tavolozza, [tvl'tsa]^(poin^) Tegoletta, [tgle'tt'] f. Tego- moniere, pallet, color-board. letto, [te'gkt't] Tegolino, Tempaccio, [tmp'tsh] ni. bad Tempaiuolo, [tmpyo'l] m. Tavoluccia , [tavl'tsh] f. [te'gli'n] m. small tile. small table; tablet. Tegolo, [te"gl] m. tile. and adj. sucking pig. Tempellata, [tmpll't] f. Tazza, [t'tsa] {. cup; cup-full; Teismo, [te'i'sm] m. deism. Tempello , flat tumbler; - da t, tea-cup. Teista, [te'i'st] m. deist. [tmpll'] m. Tazzetta , [ttst't] /. small Tela, [t 'l] f. cloth; linen; tinkling, noise. - d' oro canvass Tempellone, [tmpll'n] m. cup; (bot.) daiFodil, narcissus. picture Tazzone, [tats'n] m. large gold-tissue - di ragno, cobweb irresolute man. cup, broakfast-cup; bowl. spider's web. Tempera, [tm'pr] f. temper; Telaggio, [tladji] i. quality humor, disposition, character; Te, [t] pron. thee. kind, sort; accord, of cloth; manner in which it is way; T, [t] m. tea. Teatrale, [ttr'le] adj. theat- woven. harmony; dipingere a -, to rical, (theatre. Telajetto, [tljt't] m. {weav.) paint in water-colors. Teatrino, [te'tri'n] m. little small loom. Temperamento, [tmprmn'Teatro, [te'a'tr] m. theatre. Telajo, [tl'y] m. weaver's t] m. temperament, temper; Tecca, [t'ka] f. small spot loom painter's frame print- softening ; mixture way little defect. means. er's chase barber's block. Tecchire, [te'kki'r] v. n. to Telaretto, [tlrt't] m. (print.) Temperante, [tmprn't] adj. thrive, shoot up. small chase. tempering; sober. Teccola, [t'kl] f. very small Telaro, [tl'r] see Telajo. Temperanza, [tmprn'ds] f. spot. Telaruolo, [tlr'l] wi. weaver, temperance, moderation; soTcccolina, [te'kkli'n] f. slight linen-draper linen-merchant. briety, discretion. defect, slight fault Telegrafia, [tlgrfi'] /. teleg- Temperare, [tmpr'r] v. a. Tecnico, [tk'nikjac/j.technical. raphy. mix to temper moderate ; Teco, [t'k] pron. with thee. Telegrafico, [tlgr'fik] adj. prepare, regulate;- una penna, Tecomeco, [te'km'k] m. back- telegraphic, tclegraphical. to make a pen. biter, double-dealer; a-, tte- Telegrafizzare, [tlgrfids'- Temperatamente, [tmprt-tte. mn't] adv. temperately sor] V. a. to telegraphize. Teda, [t'd] f. nuptial torch Telegrafo, [tl'grf] m. tele- berly.
; ;


and Tedeo,



Temperatezza, [tmpe'rtt's]


telegraph. see Temperanza. [td'] m. Te-Deum (hymn). Teleria, [tlri'] /.linen-trade. Temperativo , [tmprti'v] Tediare, [te'di'r] v. a. to tire, Telescopico, [tlskpi'k] adj. adj. tempering allaying. tease, annoy. telescopic. Temperato , [tmpr'to] adj. Tedio, [t'di] m. tediousness, Telescopio, [tlsk'pi] m. tel- temperate, sober; -, adv. temweariness, ennui; stare a -, to escope, spy-glass. perately; moderately. be wearied tenere a -, to tire Teletta, [tlt't] f. thin light Temperatojo, [tmprt'y] m. out, fatigue. cloth; silver-tissue. pen-knife. Tediosamente, [te'disme'n't] Telo, [t'l] m. breadth of cloth; Temperatore, [temperato 're'] m. adv. tediously. extension. (arrow. moderator; regulator. Tediosit, [tediosit'] f. tedious- Telo, [t'l] m. (poes.) dart. Temperatura, [tmprat'r] f. ness. Telonio , [tl'ni] m. money- temperature, temper. Tedioso, [tdi's] adj. tedious changer's counter. Temperazione,[te'mprtsi'n} tiresome. temperance, moderation; Teluccia , [tl'tsh] f. bit of f Tegamata, [te'gma'taj /. stew- linen, piece of cloth. sobriety (little used). pan-full; blow with a pan. Tema, [t'm] f. fear, appre- Temperie, [tmp'ri] f. temTegame, [te'g'm] m. earthen hension; alarm. perateness; mildness. stew-pan. Tma, [t'm] m. theme, thesis. Temperinata, [tinprin'ta] f. Tegamino, [te'gami'n] m. small Temente, [tmn't] adj. fear- cut with a pen-knife. earthen stew-pan. ful, timid. Temperino, [te'mpri'n] w. Tegghia, [t'ghta] f. pie-dish; Temenza , [tmn'ds] /". fear, pen-knife. baking-pan. apprehension. Tempesta,[tmp'st]/.tempest, Segghina, [te'ghi'n] Tegghiuz- Temerariamente, [temeraria hail-storm. za, [te'ghttsaJ^small baking- mn't] adv. rashly impru- Tempestante, [te'mpstu't] pan. dently, adj. tempestuous.


-, v.



the moans; Tenersi, v. r. to think one's self, forbear; sulle gambe to hold one's

Tempestare, [tmpst'rj v.o. Tempra, [tm'pr]

to trouble, harass, annoy;
n. to storm, rage, tempestuous.


foam, be Temprare, [te'mpr're'] &c., see



adj. tena- Tenerello, [te'ne'r'l] Teneretpersevering, to, [tne'rt't] adj. very tenfirm close-fisted. der very young. Tempestivo, [tmpe'sti'v] adj. Tenacemente, [te'ntshe'me'n't] Tenerezza,[tnre't's]/.tenderaffectimely, opportune, seasonable; adv. tenaciously. youth ness, softness advantageous. Tenacit, [te'ntshit'] Tena- tion, love. Tempestosamente, [te'mpe'st- citade, Tenacitate, f. clammi- Tenero, [t'ne'r] adj. tender, ticksamn'te'] adv. tempestuously, ness; avarice. soft ; delicate, sensible furiously. Tenciouare, [te'ntshn'r] &c., lish, captious; zealous; m. natural inclination; weak point. Tempestoso, [te'rape'st's] adj. see Tenzonare &c. tempestuous, stormy. Tenda, [tn'd] /.-tent; curtain; Tenerone, [te'ne'r'n] adj. ver j tender. Tempetto,[te'mpe't't]m. a short bed-curtain, hangings, pi. ; time. Teneruccio, [te'ne'r'tsh] adj. (arch.) awning. Tempia, [tra'pia] f. temple, Tendale, [te'nd'l] m. large rather tender. Tenerume, [te'ne'r'me'] m. carupper-side of the forehead. awning. Tempiale, [te'mpi'l]m.temples Tendarola, [te'ndr'l] /".small tilages, tendrils shoots, pi. (of the forehead), pi. Tenernzzo, [te'nr'tsj see Tetent, small awning. Tempiere, [tmpi'r] m. Tem- Tendenza, [te'ndn'ds] /. tend- neruccio. Tenesmo, [te'ns'm] m. teplar. ency, propensity; direction. Tempierello, [te'mpie'r'l]Tem- Tendere, [tn'de'r] v. a. & n. nesmus. pietto , [tmpt't] m. small to extend, spread approach Tenia, [t'ni] m. tenia, tape- un arco, to benda bow;.- la worm. temple. Tempio, [tm'pi] m. temple mano, to hold out one's hand. Teniere, [te'ni're'] m. stock (of church. Tendetta, [tndt't] Tendina, a cross-bow). Tempione, [tmpi'n] m. blow [te'ndi'n] /. small tent, little Tenimento, [te'nime'n'to] m. on the temples. awning small window-cur- stay, prop, support; property, holding; obligation, duty. Templari, [te'mpla'ri] m. pi. the tain. Knights Templars. Tendine, [tn'dine'] /. tendon. Tenitojo, [te'nit'y] m. handle, Tempio, [tm'pi] see Tempio. Tendineo, [te'ndi'n] Tendi- hilt, haft. Tempo , [tmpo] m. time; noso, [te'ndin's] adj. ten- Tenitore, [te'nit'r] m. holder, weather; leisure, opportunity; dinous, sinewy. keeper; detainer. in. Tenitore, [te'nit'r] Tenitorio, season; a -, in good time, op- Tenditore , [te'ndit're'] [tnit'ri] m. possession, terportunely; col -, in time di spreader; setter of snares. in -, now and then; di notte -, Tendone, [te'nd'n] m. high ritory. Tenitura, [te'nit'r] /. prop, awning. in the night per early, , support. betimes gi -, long since, a Tenebra, [t'ne'br] /.darkness, long while ago a suo -, at the obscurity; ignorance. Tenore, [te'n're'] m. tenor, confitting moment tents true intent, substance non ho 1 Tenebrare, [tnbr're'] v. meaning; manner; have no time; accomodarsi al -, darken; grow gloomy. accord, to be a time-server avanzar Tenebrosit, [tenebrosit'] Te- harmony; (mus.) tenor, tenor-

Temperare &c. Tenace, [te'n'tshe']


self up.

vmn'tj adv. at the right time, opportunely.


Tenebrositate, singer. tenebrosity, darkness; gloom. Tensile, [tnsi'l] adj. tensile. Tempone , [te'mp'ne'] m. long Tenebroso, [tnbr's] adj. Tensione, [te'nsi'nj /. tensio-i, time; feasting, joy; far -, to dark; gloomy. stretching. feast, live merrily. Tenente, [te'nn'te'] adj. holding; Tenta, [tn't] /. probe; tri?j, Tempoperdi , [te'mppe'r'di] m. retentive; -, m. lieutenant. experiment. lazy fellow, idler. Teneramente, [te'ne'rme'n'te'] Tentabile, [te'nta'bile'] adj. atTemporalaccio , [te'mpral'- adv. tenderly, affectionately; temptable. tsh] trt. terrible storm. feebly. Tentagione, [te'ntji'n] /. and Temporale, [Le'mpr'le'] adj. Tenere, [te'ne"re'] v. a. irr. Tentamento, [tntme'n'tjwi, temporal, transitory ; perish {tengo, tieni, tiene <kc., tenni, trial; temptation. able -, m. foul weather, storm. terr, tenuto) to hold; keep; Tentare, [te'nt're'] v. a. to atTemporalit , [temporalit'] take; direct; shelter; judge, tempt, try; probe, touch lightTemporalitade, Temporalita- believe; -, v. n. to dwell, live; ly ; urge, instigate. te, f. transitoriness, worldlibe firm; set off; - a battesimo, Tentativamente , [te'ntativaness. me'n'te] adv. temptingly, sugto be sponsor for ; - libri, to Temporalmente , gestively. [te'mprl- keep books ; - compagnia, to mn't] adv. temporally. keep company; - a cuore, to Tentativo, [te'ntti'v] m. atTemporaneo , [tmpr'ne'] have at heart; - a dozzina, to tempt, effort ; trial, experiTemporario,[te'mpr'ri] adj take boarders; - duro, to hold ment. temporary, passing with time. out, resist; - fronte, to with- Tentatore, [te'ntt're'] m. TenTemporeggiamento , [te'mp- stand; - mano, to assist; - tatrice, [te'nttri'tshe] /. atrdjmn't] m. temporizing, mente, to be attentive; mind; tempter, tempter, trier. delay. - occhio, to look well; - del Tentazioneella , [tnttsintTemporeggiare, [te'mpre'dj' padre , to take after one's shl] /. slight temptation. r] V. a. & . to temporize; put father; in pie, to keep on Tentazione , [tnttsi'ne'] f, off, delay. foot; maintain; - via, to have trial, essay; temptation.
to anticipate; dar -, to defer, delay; darsi -, to live merrily.


Tentenna, [tnt'a]



stare in Teologicare, [te'lgit're'] v. Teriacale, [te'rik'le'J adj. coma. to wx-ite, speak, and dispute posed of treacle. Tentennamento , [tnte'nnaon theology. Terma, [tr'mii] f. bath. mn't] m. wavering, shake. Teologico , [te'l'jik] adj. Termale, [trm'le'J adj. therTentennare, [tntnu'r] v. a. theological, of theology. mal. & n. to shake, toss ; waver, Teologizzare, [te'lgids'r] v. Terme, [tr'me'] f. pi., thermos, vacillate; nod; knock at the a. to write or speak theologi- hot-baths, pi. door, rap. cally. Terminabile, [te'rmina'bile'j adj.
to totter; waver.






shaking, agitation; knock.

Tentennatore, [tntnnat're']

logian, divine divinity.

m. theo- limitable. professor of Terminale terminal.



m. shaker, stirrer. Teologone , [te'lg'ne'] m. Tentennella, [tntnneTl] f. learned theologian. that part of the mill-wheel Teorema, [tr'm] m. thewhich moves the stones. orem. Tentennino, [te'nte'nni'n] m. Teorematico , [te're'mti'k] restless man. adj. belonging to a theorem. Tentennio, [tnte'nni']m. shak- Teoretico, [tor'tik]a(/j. theoing wavering ; nodding retical; speculative. agitation. Teoria, [tri'] Teorica, [te''Tentenno , [tntn'n] m rik] /. theory; speculation. wavering, shake; andare a -, to Teoricamente, [trikme'n'te'J go out to catch larks with adv. theoretically. a fowling lantern. Teorico, [te''rikj adj. theoretTentennone, [tnte'nn'ne'] m. ical, speculative -, m. theo, ;



to] m. term, limit; completion.

Terminare, [trmin'r]


to limit; conclude, finish, close; -, v.n. to border on; end, bo finished, cease; die.



[te'rmintprecisely , ex-



boundary, limit, term.




irresolute person; sluggard. Tentone, [tnt'ne] Tentoni, [tnt'ni] adv. in groping andar -, to grope along. Tenue, [t'ne'] adj. slender, thin, slight; poor. Tenuemente,[tne'me'n'te'] adv. slenderly, poorly. Tenuit, [tenuit'] Tenuitade, Tenuitate, /. tenuity; thinness, smallness.


Tepefare, [te'pe'f're'] v. a. {see Fare) to warm make


terminating, bounding. Terminatore, [termint'r] m. Terminatrice , [trmintri'irr. tsh] /. that terminates, that

lukewarm. Tepore, [t'pe're] to be lukewarm.



n. poes.,



adv. coldly; indifferently. Tepidario, [te'pid'ri] m. warm-



bath room. Tepidetto, [te'pidt't] adj. ra/'.possession, ther tepid, somewhat luke-

estate; capacity.


Tenutario, [tnt'ri] m.{leg.) Tepidezza,


termination; end, term; {gr.) ending. Termine, [tr'min] m. term, limit; end; aim; state, condition; - tecnico, technical terra,pi., words, terms, termini expressions; (arch.) busts, pi.; uscir de' termini, to become unreasonable. Termino, [tr'min] m. poes.,

tenant, lessee. dit, [te'pidit'] Tepiditade, bound, limit. Tenutella, [te'nt'l] /". small Tepiditate, f. lukowarmness Termometro, [te'rm'mtr] m. possession, small estate. slowness; indifference. thermometer. Tenzonamento, [tntsnme'n'- Tepido, [t'pid] adj. lukewarm; Tornale, [trn'l] wi. rope for t] m. contest; fight. indifferent. sustaining the sail when in the Tenzonare, [tntsn're'] v. a. Tepiflcare, [te'pifika're'J v. a. act of being unfurled. to dispute, contest, quarrel to warm a little. Ternario, [te'rn'ri] Tornare, battle, combat. Tepore, [te'p'r] m. poes., luke- [trn'rj adj. triple, three;

warmness. fold. , m. disputant, combatant. Terapeutica, [te'rape'u'tika] /. Ternatura, [te'mt'r] f. small Tenzone, [tnts'n] f. dispute, therapeutics, pi. portion of ground. contest; fight, single combat. Terebinto, [te'rbin't] m. tere- Terno, [tr'n] m. treys (at Teocratico, [tkr'tik] adj. binth; turpentine-tree. dice); tern (in the lottery). theocratic. Teredine, [tev'din] f. wood- Terra, [tr'r] {. earth; land, Teocrazia; [te'krtsi'] f. theoc- louse, milleped. ground; world; country, provracy. Tergemino, [te'rj'min] adj. ince estate, landed properTeodia, [te'di'] f. canticle, threefold. ty, farm; vasellame di -, m. anthem. navigar terra Tergere, [tr'jre'] v. a. irr. earthen-ware Teogonia, [te'gni'] f. the- (tersi; terso) to clean, scour; terra, to coast along: dare in -, ogony. to run aground; pigliar -, to dry. Teologale, come ashore, cast anchor. [te'lga'l] adj. Tergiduttore, [te'rjidtt're'] m theological. Terraccia, [te'rra'tsha] f. bad captain of the rear guard. Teologante, [te'lgn't] m. Tergiversare, [trjivrs're'] v. land. theologian, divine. [te'rrkt't] Terracotta, n. to tergiversate, shuffle. f. Teologare, [tlg'r] v. a. to Tergiversazione , [te'rjive'rsa- baked clay; bricks, tiles, pi. thoologise. Terra[trr'n'] tsi'n] /. tergiversation; sub- Terragno , Teologastro, [te'lg'str] m. terfuge. gnolo, [trr'n'lj adj. creepignorant theologian. Tergiverso, [te'rjivr's] adj. ing; low. Teologia, [tlji'] ^ theology, shuffling. Terrajolo , [trry'l] m. a divinity. Tergo, [tr'g] m. back a -, small pigeon. Teologicamente , [te'lgikTerrame, [trr'me'j m. brickbehind. mn't] adv. theologically. Teriaca, [te'ri'k] /. treacle. layer's rubbish.
; ; ;




see Tessitore.

Terrapienare,[trrpin'r] v. Torsione, [trsi'n] f. cleansing, scouring, drying. a. to terrace, platform. adj. clean [ter so] Terrapieno, [te'rrpt'n] m. Terso , bright, neat, spruce; terse. platform, rampart; terrace. Terratico, [trr'tikj m. land- Terza, [tr'ts] /. tierce (one of the canonical hours). rent. Terrazzano, [te'rrats'njm. in- Terzamente,[te'rtsme'n'te']adv. habitant of a castle; counti-y- tliirdly. Terzana, [te'rts'n] f. tertian man, compatriot. Terrazzino, [trrtsi'u] m. fever. small terrace. Terzanella , [te'rtsne'l'l] f. Terrazzo, [trra'ts] m. ter- slight tertian ague; double silk; race; belvedere. a kind of flower. Terrazzone, [te'rrts'ne'] m. Terzare, [te'rtsa're'] v. a. agr., large terrace, large platform. to plough for a third crop. Terremoto , [trrm't] m. Terza vo, [trtsa'v] Terzavoearthquake. (earthlj'. lo, [trts'vl] m. great great Terrenale , [te'rre'n'l] grandfather. adj. Terrenamente, [te'rre'nme'n'tj Terzeria, [te'rtse'ri'] f. third, adv. in a worldly manner. third part. Terrenello,[te'rrn'l]m. small Terzeruola, [te'rtse'rla] f. see landed property. Terzino. Terreno, [trr'n] m. land, Terzeruolo , [trtse'r'l] w. ground; territory; district; holster-pistol (mar.) foresail. vestibule pian -, hasement- Terzetta, [trst't] /". pocket;

Tessere, [ts'se're']v. a. to weave, interweave; fig. plan, plot;


Tessimento, [te'ssime'n't] m. weaving; texture.

Tessitore, [tssit're'] m.weayer;

Tessitura, [te'ssit'r]



ing; web; texture; framework. Tessuto , [tss't] m. tissue , texture. Testa, [t'st] /". head; chief; person; mind, judgment top, front; extremity; - d'aglio, head of garlic; essere di -, to be obstinate; far -, to resist, oppose; ficcarsi in -, to take it into one's head, fancy. Testa, [t'st] /. earthen vase, veil, covering.

story, ground-floor. Terreno, [te'rr'n] Terreo, [tr'r] adj. terrestrial

stanza terrena, f. vestibule; room on the groundearthly;


Terrestre, [te'rr'str] and Terrestre , [trr'strj adj.

earthly. Terrestrit, [te'rrstrit'] f. earthly quality. Torretta, [trrt'ta] f. village; small castle. Terribile, [te'rri'hile'] adj. terrible, formidahle. Terribilezza , [te'rrihile"ts] Testata,[tst't]/'.end,extremiadj. thirteenth. Terribilit, [terribilit'] Ter- Terzogenito, [trtsge'ni't] m ty; top. ribilitade, Terribilitate , f. thirdborn. Testatico, [tst'tik] m.nnmeterribleness, dread. Terzone, [te'rts'ne']n. packing- ration by head, poll-tax. Terribilmente, [trribilme'n't] cloth. Testatore, [testt're'] m. testaadv. terribly, dreadfully. Terzopelo, [trtspe"l] m. very tor. Terriccio, [trri'tsh] m. de- fine felt made of hareskin, [te'statri'tshe'] Testatrice, /. cayed manure, compost gar- Terzuolo, [te'rts'l] wi. tarsel testatrix. den-mould. (hawk); (mar.) fore-sail. Teste, [te'st'J adv. just now, Terricciuola, [te'rritsh'I] f. Tesa, [t's] /. tension; brim (of lately. small village. a hat). Testereccio, [te'ste're"tsh] adj. Terrifico, [trri'fik] adj. ter- Tesaureggiare, [tsure'dja're'] headstrong, wrongheaded, obrific, terrible. see Tesorizzare &c. stinate. Terrigeno , [te'rri'je'n] adj. Teschio, [ts'ki] m. skull; head Testeso, [te'ste"8] see Teste. earth-born. (cut off. Testicciuola, [te'stitsh'l] /. Terrigno, [trriV] adj. of the Tesi, [t'si] f. thesis, position small head; lamb's head. earth, earthly. Teso, [te''s] adj. distended Testicolare, [te'stikl're'] adj. Territoriale, (te'rritri'le'lady. stretched; straight, intent [see a kind of grape called also territorial, of the territory. Tendere). galletta. Territorio, [te'rrit'ri] Terr- Tesoreggiare, [te'sre'dj're'] see Testicolo, [le'sti'kl]m. testi eie. toro, [te'rrit'r] m. territory, Tesorizzare. Testiera, [te'sti'rl f head-stall district; jurisdiction. Tesoreria, [te'sre'ri'] f. treasu- (of a bridle) female hoad-goar. Terrore, [trr'r] m. terror, ry, treasurership. Testiere, [testi'r] adj. headdread; alarm. Tesoriere, [tsri're'] m. treas- strong, obstinate. Terroso, [trr's] adj. full of urer. Testificare, [tstifik're'] v. a.

Testabile, [tst'bile'] adj. that may be left by will. Testacela, [te'st'tsh] f. great ugly head, numskull. pistol. Terzetto, [trtse't't] m. triplet Testaceo, [te'st'tshe'] adj. testaceous, crustaceous. (verse). Terziario, [te'rtsi'ri] m. monk Testamentare, [te'stme'nt're'J of the third order of Saint V. a. & n. to make one's will. Francis ; secular, subject to Testamentario [tstme'nt'ri] adj. testamentary. monastic rule. Terzina, [te'rtsi'n] f. see Ters- Testamento, [tstme'n't] m. (ure. testament, will ; Holy Scripzetto. Terzino, [te'rtsi'no] m pint-ihea- ture. Terzo, [tr'ts] adj. third; neu- Testardo, [te'str'd] adj. headstrong ter; -, m. third, third part; company of soldiers; adv. Testare, [te'sta're'] v. a. to bethirdly. queath, leave by will; -, v. n. Terzodecimo, [trtsd'tshim] to make one's will.


earth, terreous. Tesorizzare, [te'srids're'] v. a. to testify, attest. [trsme'n'te'] adv. to treasure up, amass, hoard. Testificativo , [te'stifikati'vo] tersely, neatly, sprucely; in Tesoro, [te's'r] wi. treasure, adj. testifying, giving evidence. an elegant manner. riches; stock. [tc'stifikt're'] Testiflcatore, Tersezza, [trst's]/. neatness, Tessera,[ts'se'r] /'.tally; mark, TO. Testiflcatrice, [te'stifika

epruceness, elegance.

sign; pledge.

tri'tshe'] f. testifier, witness,

Testificazione, [testifikatsi'n] see Testificanza. m. Testimone, [tstim'n] (poes.) witness. Testimoniale, [tstimni'l] adj. testifying, testimonial. Testimonianza, [tstimnin'ds) f. testimony, dep)sition; evidence, proof.



Trebbia- Timoneggiare,

[tibi're'] see

V. o. to steer; rule.


[te'stimni're] V. a. to testify, give evidence,

npon oath. [tstim'n] vi. witness, eye-witness: evidence. Testina, [te'sti'na] /".small head.
Testino, [tsti'n] m.smallhead;
(typ.) siall type.

Testo, [t'st] m. text; flowerpot; baking pan; earthen potlid;



to give authority;


moderate sized type.

Testolina, [te'stli'n] /. small head. (print.) small tympan. meat. Testore, [te'st're'] see Tessitore. Tigna, [ti'n'] /".scurf; trouble. Timpanetto , [timpane't'tj m. Testuale, [te'st'l]arfj.textual. Tignare, [ti'n're'] see Intigna- small kettle-drum. Testudine, [tst'dine'J /. tor- re. Timpanista, [timpni'st'] m. toise, turtle. Tigner, [ti'n'e're'] v. a. irr. player on the kettle-drum. Testudineo , [te'stdi'ne'l adj. (tinsi; tinto) to tinge, dye; Timpanite, [timpni't] f.(med.) tortoise-like; slow, sluggish. timpany, tirapanites. stain. Testuggine, [tst'djin] f. tor- Tignone, [tin'o'ne'] m. hind- Timpano, [tim'pn] m. tabor, toise; testudo (war-engine). tympanum; wheel. tresses (of a lady), pi. Testura, [te'st'r] f. weaving Tignoso, [tin''s] adj. scabby, Tina, [ti'n] /. tub, small vat. texture, tissue. Tinaja, [tina'y] /. stand for scurfy. Tetano, [t'tn] m. tetanus, Tignosuzzo, [tin's'ts] adj. casks. cramp: stiflFness. Tinea, [tin'ka] /. tench (fish). rather scabby. Tetracordo, [ttrkr'd] m. Tignuola, [tin''l] f. moth, Tinchetta, [tinke't't] /. small tetrachord. tench (fish). weevil. Tetraggine, [te'tra'djine'] f. ob- Tigra, [ti'gra] /. tigress. Tincone, [tink'ne'] m, (surg.) scurity; dreariness, horror. Tigrane, [tigr'ne'j adj. of a bubo. Tetragono, [ttr'gn] m. tet- tiger-color (said chiefly of a Tinella, [tin'l] /. small vat. ragon, square, cube. Tinello, [tin'l] m. small vat; kind of dove). Tetrametro, ttrme"tr] m. Tigrato, [tigr't] adj. brindled, servants' hall. verse of four feet; tetrameter. Tingere, [tin'je'r] see Tigner. speckled. Tetrarca, [te'trr'k]m.tetrarch. Tigre, [ti'gre'] tiger. Tino, [ti'n] m. large vat; wineTetrarcato, [tetrrk't] m. Te- Tigretto, Itigrt't] Tigrino, press; wine-cask; bathing-tub. trarchia, [ttrrki'] f. tetrar- [tigri'n] Tigrotto, [tigrt'tj Tinore, [tin'r] see Tenore. chate. Tinozza, [tin'ts] /, washingm. young tiger, small tiger. Tetricitk, [te'tritshit'] see Te- Tigro, [ti'gr] w, tiger (said tub; bathing-tub. traggine. Tinta, [tin't] /. tint, color ; dyeonly of the male). Tetro, [t'tr] adj. dark gloomy, Tignrio, [tig'ri] see Tugurio. honse. black; uomo -,m. dismal man. Timballo, [timbl'l] wi.tymbal, Tintilano,Tintillano,rtintilla,'Tetta, [t't] f. nipple, teat n] m. fine cloth dyed in grain. kettle-drum. breast. Timbra, [tim'br] f. Timbro, Tintin, [tintin'] m. tinkle, Tettare, [te'tt're'] v. a. to suck tinkling. [tim'br] m. savory. draw the breast. Timiama, [timia'm] m. per- Tintinnabulo, [tintinn'bl] Tetterello, [te'tte'r'l] Tettino m. small bell. fume sweet gum. [ttti'n] m. small roof. Timidamente, [timidran't] Tintinnamento, [tintinnme'n'Tetto,[t'tj m.roof; /ig'. house t] Tintinnio, [tintinni'] and adv. timidly, timorously. camera a -, stanza a -, f. gar- Timidetto, [timidt't] adj. ra- Tintinno, [tintin'n] m. tinkle, ret, attic. tinkling. ther timid. Tettoja, [te'tt'y] f. shed, pent- Timidezza , [timide't's] f. ti Tintinnare, [tintinna're'] and house cart-house, coach house Tintinnire, [tintinni'r] v. a. midity; bashfulness. Tettola, [te"tl] /.small breast Timidit, [timidit'] Timidi Se n. to tinkle, resound. Teurgia, [te'rji'] and Teur tade, Timiditate, /. timidity, Tintinto , [tintin't] m. sound gica, [te'iirjika] f. theurgy. expressing the ringing of bells. fearfulness. Ti, [ti'] (pron.) thee, to thee Tmido, [ti'mid] adj. timid, Tinto, [tin't] ni. tincture, dye,

Tibicine, [tibi'tshine'] m. flute- Timoniere, [tirani're'] m. Timonista, [timni'stj /. steersplayer, minstrel. Ticchio, [tik'ki] m. whim, ca- man, pilot. price; ridiculous habit (vulga- Timorato, [timr't] adj. Godfearing, pious. rism). Tientamente, [tie'ntarae'n'te'] m. Timorazione, [timrtsi'n] /. fear, alarm. nudge (vulgarism). Tiepidamente, [tie'pidrae'n't] Timore, [tim'reT m. fear apprehension, alarm. &c., see Tepidamente &c. Tifo, [ti'f] m. (med.) typhus. Timorosamente,[timrsmeVTifolo, [ti'fl] m. squeak, cry te'] adv. timorously, fearfully. Timorosit, [timrsit'] see (vulgarism). Tifone, [tif'ne'] ni. whirlwind, Timidezza. Timoroso, [timr's] odj. timhurricane. Tiglia, [tiT] Tigliata, [tir't] orous, fearful. Timoruccio, [timr-fi'tsh] m. f. boiled chestnut. Tiglio, [tiT] m. linden-tree; slight fear. fibre; vein (in stones). Timpaneggiare,[timpne'dja're'] V. a. to beat the drum. Tiglioso, [tir's] adj. tough fibrous; came tigliosa, f. hard Timpanello, [timpn'l] m.
; ;





Tiara, [ti'r] f. tiara, mitre. Tibia, [ti'bi] /. flute, flageolet shank, shin.
tibiale, [tibiale] adj. tibial.

Tintore, [tint're'] m. dyer. Timo, [ti'm] m. thyme. Timone, [tim'n] m. rudder, Tintoria, [tintri'a] /".dye-house. guide Tintoro[tint'ri]adj.belonging helm carriage-pole


hand-gearing, regulator.

to a dyer.

Tintura, [tint'ra]
tincture, extract. Tiorba, [tir'b]

dye, tint


kind of lute. Tipico, [ti'pik] symbolical. Tipo, [ti'p] m. type, model. Tipografia,[tipgrafi 'a] /.typography printing-house. Tipografico, [tipgra'fik] ad]. typographical. Tipografo, [tip'grf]m.typographer, printer. Tipore, [tip're'] m. quality, Bort lukewarmness {vulgarism). Tira, [ti'r] f. strife, dispute,

Tiratore, [tirt're'] m. drawer; Tlaspi, [tls'pi] /. wild mustard. press-man. theorlio, Tiratura, [tirat'ra] /.drawing, To, [to'] and Toh! [to'] int. exf. pression denoting wonder. pulling; printing off. adj. typical, Tirchieria,[tirkie'ri] /".avarice, Tocca, [to'ka] /. gauze, crape.

Tirchio, [tir'ki]




scramble. Tirabussone, [tirbuss'ne'] m. corkscrew. Tiraculo, [tirk'l] m. a short tight mean jacket. Tirafondi, [tirafn'di] m.instruraent for cleaning casks. Tiralinee, [tirli'ne'e'J m. ruler, drawing-pen. Tiramento, [tirme'n't] m.pulling, stretching. (man.

Tiranna, [tirn'na]


cruel wo-

Tirannaccio, [tiranna'tsh] m. very cruel tyrant. Tiranneggiare, [tirnndj'r] see Tirannizzare. Tirannello, [tirann'l]m. little

Tirannescamente, [tirnnskmn't] Tirannicamente, [ti-

touchable, tangible. (cloth. Toccalapis, [tkk'Iapis] m. a mean. Tirea, [ti're'a] /. a kind of fine kind of chalk pencil. Tirella, [tir'l] /. traces (of Toccamano, [tkkma'n] m. giving the hand of the brideharness &c.), pi. groom. Tiritera, [tirit'r] /. old woToccamente, [tkkamn't] m. man's tale (vulgarism). touching contact. Tiro, [ti'ro] m. throw, shot reach; draught; trick; viper; Toccapolsi, [tokkapl'si] m. inyoke (of quirer, pickpocket. malady in horses [tokk're'] v. a. to oxen) - a sei, a coach and six Toccare a - di moschetto, within the touch, feel; excite, drive on; reach of shot; a - di sasso, at strike, offend; receive; play upon;- danari, to touch money; a stone's throw. Tirocinio, [tirtshi'ni] m. no- - la mano, to shake hands; - ii polso, to feel the pulse; -,m. vitiate; education. Tirone, [tir'n] m. novice, touching, feeling; handling; moving. scholar, apprentice. Toccata, [tkk't] /. touch; Tirso, [tir's] m. thyrsus. (mus.) prelude. Tisana, [tis'n] /. ptisan. Tisia, [ti'sia] /. {mar.) tun, buoy. Toccatina,[tkkti'n] /.gentle touch, slight feeling, [ti'sike't'sa] Tisichezza , /. Toccativo , [tkkti'v] adj. phthisis, consumption. Tisico,[ti'sik]odj.consumptive; touching; affecting. emaciated;-, m. consumptive Toccato, [tkka't] mi. touch, feeling; test. person. Tisicuccio, [tisik'tsh] adj. Toccatore, [tkkt're'] m. he that touches; bailiff, tipstaff. meager, emaciated. Tisicume, [tisiku'me'] wi. con- Toccheggiamento , [tokke'djamn't] see Toccamente. sumption; lean body. Tisicuzzo, [tisik'ts] see Ti- Toccheggiare, [tkkdj re'] &c.,

rnnikmn't] adv. tyrannicsee Toccare &c. sicuccio. ally, inhumanly. Titillamento, [titillame'n't] m. Tocchetto,[tkke't't] m. ragout Tirannia, [tiranni']/'. tyranny, and Titillazione, [titilltsi'- of fish, meat &c. cruelty. Tocco, [tok'k] adj. touched, n] /. titillation, tickling. Tirannicida, [tirannitslii'd] m. Titillare, [titillare] v. a. to felt ; moved excited -, m. killer of a tyrant. touch; stroke. tickle; please. Tirannico, [tiran'nik] adj. ty- Titolaocio, [titl'tsh] m. bad Tocco , [t'k] m. skull-cap,
; ;

rannical, cruel, merciless.

[titl're'] adj. titular.

Tirannide, [tirn'nid] see Ti- Tttolare,


fescue; bit, morsel. Toe, [toe'] m. a species of swift


Titolare, [titl're] v. a. to give

Tirannizzare, [trnnids're'] v. a title, name, call. Toeletta, [te'le't'ta] /. toilet, a. to tyrannize over; oppress. dressing-table. Titolarlo, [titla'ri] wi. book Tiranno, [tirn'n] m. tyrant, of titles, peerage-book. Toga, [t'g] /. Roman toga; oppressor. Titolato, [titl't] m. titled robe, gown. Tirante, [tirn'te'] adj. drawing, personage, man of quality. Togale, [toga'le'] adj. belongpulling; hard, tough. Titoleggiare, [titole'dja're] v. ing to a gown. Tirare, [tira'r] v. a. to draw, a. to call another by his ap- Togato, [tga't] adj. gowned. pull, drag; extend; allure; Togliere, [t'l'erd] v. a. irr. propriate title. throw, shoot; aim at; v. n. to Titolo, [ti'tl] m. title; dignity, (tolgo, togli, toglie &c.; tolsi; advance towards, approach; condition; ronown; plea; title tolto) to take, take away; tira via, go off, be off; il vento page, title; inscription; dot. carry off; seize: deliver; distira, the wind blows; - da uno, Titolone, [titl'n] m. highsuade undertake try tolga to resemble a person; - in hmsounding title. ldiol God forbid! -a nolo, to [tithme'n'l] hire ; - ad interesse, to borrow (JO, to prolong, protract; - da Titubamento , parte, to take aside; - per sorm. see Titubazione. on interest; - Ui mira, to te, to draw lots. Titubare, [titb're'J v. n. to aim at. Tirastivali , [tirsti'vli] m. vacillate, waver, stagger Toglimento, [tri'mn't] m. boot-hooks. hesitate. taking away, carrying av/ay; Tirata, [tir't] f. drawing; Titubazione, [titubtsi'ne'] /. theft. driiught; way. titubation; hesitation. Toglitore,[trit're'] m. he that Tiratojajo , [tirtya'y] m. Tizzo, [ti'ts] Tizzone, [tits'- takes away; thief. worker in a fulling-mill. n] m. brand, firebrand. Toh toh, [toh' toh'!] int. deTiratoi 0, [tirt'y] m. fulling- Tizzonajo, [tits'uy] m. fur- noting surprise. (deck. laiU; drawer. nace. Tolda, [tl'dj/. deck,quarter;

Diz. Ital.-Ing,



[tollera' bile]




to Topolino,



[tpli'n] m. small

shear (sheep &c.), shave. Tollerabilmente , [tlle'rbil- Tondetto, [tudt't] adj.roundmn't] adj. tolerably. ish; -, m. small globe.
Tollerante,[tllrii'te'] at/j. tolerant, suffering, enduring. Tolleranza,[tllrn'ds] f. tolerance, toleration, patience. Tollerare, [tlle'r'r] v. a. to tolerate, support, endure. Tolleratore, [tllrt'r] wi.lie that tolerates. Tollero, [t'lre'] see Togliere. Tollero, [tU'r] m. dollar. Tolo, [t'l] DI. small cupola.


Tondezza, [tndt's]


[t'p] f. door-lock; key-hole; patch. round- Toppa! [t'p] int. agreed!


ness, rotundity. [tndi'n] m. small plate, breakfast-plate. Tonditura, [tndit'r] f. sheep shearing ; clipping, paring ; clippings, pi. Tondo , [tn'd] adj. round, circular; heavy, coarse; sputar -, to enact the great man; -, m. plate, sphere, globe; Tolommea, [tlnim'] f.poes. salver. (ton. traitors' place in hell. Tonellata, [tnll't] f. mar., Tolta, [trta] /. taking away; Tonfacchiotto , [tntakki't]

done! Toppajuolo,




[tppllk, ki'v] m. locksmith, blacksmith. Toppare, [tpp'r] v. a. to consent, agree. Toppetto, [tppt't] m. small log; stump of wood. Toppo, [tp'p] m. great log of

wood. Torace, [tr'tsh]




buona -, good bargain. adj. short and fat. Tolu, [t'l] wi. an American Tonfano, [tn'fn] m. gulf; plant from which is distilled large goblet. a gum used in making sticking- Tonfo, [tn'f] m. fall; noise, plaster. splash (made in falling). Toma, [t'm] m. south wall Tonfolare, [tnfl'rj v. a. to in a garden. make a noise in falling. Tomajo, [tm'y] mi. upper- Tonica, [t'nik] f. tunic; refleather; vamp. uge. Tomare , [tm'r] v. n. to Toni cella, [tnitsh'l] f. undertumble, fall headlong. tunic, surplice. Tomba, [tm'bj /. tomb; gra- Tonico, [t'nik] adj. mus., nary, barn. tonic; -, m. tonic note, keyTombacco , [tmbk'k] m. note. pinch-beck. Tonnara, [tnn'r] f. a place Tombola, [tmb'l] f. a kind for preserving tunny-fish. of lottery. Tonnarotto, [tnnrt't] m. Tombolare, [tmbl'r] v. a. tunny fisher. to destroy, ruin; -, v. n. to Tonneggiare, [tnne'dj're'] v. tumble, fall headlong. a, and n. to tow. Tombolata , [tmbla't] (. Tonnellata [tnnll't] f. , tumble, overthrow. tonnage. Tomboletto, [tmblt't] ni Tonnina, [tnni'n] f. pickled a kind of pincushion. tunny, Tombolo, [tm'bl] wi. tumble; Tonno, [tn'n] m. tunny (fish). cushion (to make lace). Tonsillare , [tnsill're'] adj. Tomo, [t'm] m. tumble, fall. belonging to the tonsils. [t'm] Tomo, m. volume, tome. Tonsille, [tnsiri] m. tonsil. Tonaca, [tn'k] see Tonica. Tonsura, [lns'r] f. tonsure. Tonacella, [tnatshe'l'l] f. a Tonsurare, [tnsr'r] v. a. kind of priests' robe. to give the tonsure.


[tr'tshi'k] , thoracic, of the breast.

Torba, [tr'b]


and Torbida, stream

(caused by rain); turf, fuel. Torbidamente, [trbidmn't] adv. turbidly, confusedly.

Torbidare, [trbid'r]

v. a. to

make muddy;
Torbidezza muddinoss

trouble. [trbidt's]


confusion. Torbidiccio, [trbidi'tsh] adj. rather muddy.

Torbido, [tr'bid] adj. muddy, troubled; turbulent: m. storm, tempest; torbidi, m. pi.; com-

mencement of

revolution; dis-


[tr'b] adj. thick, Avhirlwind. Torcere, [tr'tshre] v. a. irr. {torsi ; torto) to twist, writhe,

muddy; m.

turn, wring, v/rest; - la bocca, to make wry faces; - seta, to




v. r. to

twist one's self about.




bad torch.
Torchietto, [trkie't 'to] m. small torch; small press.




thundering; roaring. Tonare, [tn'r] v. a. & n. to thunder; roar. (derer. Tonatore, [tnt're'] m. thunTonchiare, [tnkia'r] be eaten by weevils. Tonchio, [tn'ki] m. weevil,

[tr'ki] m. torch, f. life-insu- Torchio , wax-candle;printing-press;oilrance-office, tontine. Tonto, [tn't] adj. stupid. press; - a vapore, steamToo, [too] m. lynx. press. Topaja, [tp'y] f. rat's nest Torcia , [tor'tsh] /". torch, garret. taper. TorcicoUare , [trtsliikll'r] Topazio, [tp'tsi] m. topaz. Topesco, [tpe's'k] adj. full of V. a. to go about with a twisted

Tontina, [tnti'n]

rats or mice neck. Topico, [t'pik] adj. topical, Torcicollo, [trtshik'l] m. of weevils; dirty. lapwing; bigot. local Tondamente, [tndame'n't] m.JTopinaja, [tpina'y] f. mole- Torciere, [trtshe"re']m. candle ..,-.,,.rounding; chippings, pi. torch. stick for holding a . hill garret. Tondare, [tnd'r] v. a. toJTopiuara, [tpin'ra] /. rat- TorcifeccJo , [trtshif'tsh] round; prune. Torcifeccioio, [trtshif'tshhole, mouse-hole; mole-hill. Tondatura,[tndt'r]/.round- Topino, [tpi'n] adj. mouse- l] m. straining bag, filter. ing; chipping. Torcigliare, [trtshil''r] v. colored Tondeggiamento , [tonde'dja- Topo, [t'p] m. rat; mouse. u. to twist, twine. ran't] m. embossment. Topografia, [tpgrfi'] f. to- Torcimanno , [trtshiman'n] Tondeggiare, [tnddj'r] v.! pography. see Turcimanno. a. to round, emboss; -, v. n. Topografico, [tpgrfi'k] at?;. Torcimento, [trtshime'n't] m. to be almost round. topographical. twisting, twining.

Tonchioso, [tnki's]

adj. full


Torcitojo, [trtsLit'y] m. siili twisting wheel. Torcitore, [trtskit'r] m. twister. Torcitara , [trtshit'r] /. twisting, twist; fold. Torcolare, [trkl'r] m. printing-press.



Torcoletto , [trkle't't] w. small presa. Torcoliere , m. [trkli're'] press-man, pressor. Torcolo, [tr'kl] m. printingpress.

Tordajo, [trd'y] w. place where thrushes are kept. Tordela, [trd'l] f. large



m. m.


simpleton. Torello , [tr'l]



bull {mar.) garhoard streak. Toriccia, [tri'tsh] f. young strong, stout. she-goat, kid. Torpedine , [trp'dine'] and Torlo, [tr'l] see Tuorlo. Torpiglia, [trpiT] f. torTorma, [tr'm] /. troop, multi- pedo (fish) ; laziness, slugtude. gishness. Tormentare, [trme'nt're'] v. Torpente, [trpn't] adj. bea. to torment; infest; Tornumbed, lazy. mentarsi, V. r. to torment Torpore, [tr'pe're'] v. n. to be one's self; bo afflicted. lethargic; be amazed. Tormentatore, [trmntt're'] Torpidezza, [trpid'ts] see m. tormentor, vexer. Torpore. Tormentilla, [trme'ntil'l] /. Torpido, [tr'pid] and Tor(bot.) tormentil , potentina piscente, [trpishe'n't] adj. reptans. torpid; motionless. Tormento, [trme'n't] m. tor- Torpore, [trp're'J m. torpor, ment, torture; grief. numbness; sluggishness. Tormentosamente , [trme'n- Torque, [tr'kweJY- necklace. tsme'n't] adv. painfully Torraccia, [trr'tsh] f. ruinous

Torrioncello , [trrintsh'l(?i m. (/'ori.) small tower. tournament, tilt; enclosure. Torrione, [trri'ne'J m. large Torniare, [trni'r] v. a. to tower. turn on a turner's lathe; fence. Torrito, [trri't] adj. fortified Torniello , [trnil'l] see with towers. Torneo. Torrone, [trr'n] m. almondTorniero, [trni'r] m. turner. cake. Tornio, [tr'ni] m. turner's Torsaocio, [trsa'tsh] m. bad wheel, lathe. stump. Tornire, [trni're] v. a. see Torsello, [trs'l] m. small bale of goods pin-cushion. Torniare. Tornitore, [trnit'r e'] m.turnor Torsione, [trsi'ne'] /. gripes, Tornitura, [trnit'r] f. the pi.; colic. Torso, [tr's] m. stalk; stump; operation of turning. Torno, [tr'n] m. turn; revo- core; bust, torso. Torsolata, [trsl'ta] f. blow lution; dyer's roller; lathe. Torno , [tr'n] adv. about, given with a stump. Torsolo, [tr'sl] see Torso. nearly. Toro, [t'r] m. bull; nuptial Torta, [tr't] ^.tart, pudding, crooked street; - di riso, ricebed; (astr.) Taurus. Toroso, [tr's] adj. nervous, pudding.

Tornajo, [trn'y] m. turner.

Torniamento, rtrnime'n't] m.

Tortamente, [trtame'n't] adv.

obliquely, crookedly ; in a sense. Tortella, [trt'l] see Tortel-




Tormentoso, [trme'nt's]
tormenting, painful.


[trry'l] , stock-dove, wood-pigeon.



Tormentuzzo ,




Tortellaio , [trte'll'y] m. pastry-cook, confectioner. Tortelletta , [trtellt'tj f. small tart, small pie. Tortello, [trt'l] m. little tart, little bun. Tortezza, [trtt'sa] f. obliquity, crookedness. Torticciare, [trtitsh'r] v. a, to walk in crooked paths. Tortiglione, [trtil'ne] :. crooked part of a tree. Tortiglione, [trtil''n] adv. in a winding manner. Tortiglioso, [trtil''s] adj. tortuous, winding. Tortino, [tortino] m. small

tart. Torraccia. Tortire, [trti're'] v. a. to twist; Tormini,[tr'miniJ?n.p;. gripes, Torre, [t're'] see Togliere. spasms, pi. Torre, [tr'r] f. tower, dun- wrap; deviate. Tortitudine , [trtit'dine'] /. Tornagusto, [trng'st] m. geon. provocative ; ragout. Torreggiare, [trre'dj'r] v. n. crookedness. Tornaletto, [trnalt't] m. val- to tower; soar aloft. Torto, [tr't] adj. twisted: ance; base (of a bed). Torrentaccio , [trrnta'tsh] bent; unjust; -, m. wrong, Tornamento, [trnarae'n't] m. m. very great torrent. injury, affront, insult; avete -, return, coming back. Torrente, [trrn't] m. tor- you are wrong. Tornare, [trna'r] v. a. & n. rent. Tortola, [tor 'tola] Tortora, to return, come back begin Torrentello, [trre'nt'l] wi. [trt'r] and Tortore, [tragain re-establish t're'] f. turtle-dove. small torrent. happen - bene, to fit, become, be prof- Torretta, [trre't't] f. turret. Tortolella, [trtl'laj Tortoitable; - a mono, to bo handy. Torriare, [trria'r] v. a. to letta, [trtlt't] /. small Tornasole, [trns'le] m. bot., fortify. turtle-dove. heliotrope. Torribolo, [trrib'l] see Tu- Tortone, [trt'ne'] m. large Tornata, [trn't] f. return, ribolo. tart, large pie. coming back ; last strophe Torriccuola, [trritsh'l] see Tortore, [trt're'] m. torturer, sitting, meeting. (tolella. tormentor. Torretta. Torneamento, [trne'ame'n't] Torricellaccia , [trritshe'lla'- Tortorella, [trtr'l] see Torm. tournament, tilt, joust. tsha] ^.bad turret; little tower. Tortoro, [tr'tr] m. wisp of Torneare, [trna'rj v. a. to Torrido, [tr'rid] adj. torrid, straw (to rub down a horse). enclose, fence; -, v. n. to joust, parched. Tortuosamente, [trtusmn'tilt. Terriere, [trri're'j m. keeper te'] adv. tortuously. Torneo, [trn'] m. tourney, of a tower, warden. Tortuosit , [tortuosit'] Tortournament, tilt; turn; revo- Torrigiano , [trriji'n] vi. tuositade, Tortuositate, f. torlution. watch of a tower. tuosity, winding.
; ;
; ; ;

m. slight torment.

Tortuoso, [trt's] adj. tortu-



diately ; [trbkche , as soon as ; Trabocchevolmente, ous, crooked. non s no sooner, scarcely. ke'vlmn't] and Traboccone, Tortura, [trt'ra] /. twisted- hardly. [trbkk'n] adv. hugely, exness; iniquity; torture, pain. Totale, [tt'l] adj. total, whole; cessively; rashly. Torturare, [trtr'r] v.a. to complete. Trabocco, [trabk'k]m. downtorture, torment. Totalit, [totalit'] {. totality, fal, precipice, pitfal; balister. Torvamente, [trvme'n'te'] adv. the whole; sum total. Tracannare, [traknna'r] v.a, sternly, severely. Totalmente, [ttlmn'te'] adv. to drink hard, tipple. TorTt[trvita]Torvitade,Tor totally, entirely, quite. Tracannatore, [trknnt're'] vitate, f. surliness; sternness, Totano, [t'tn] m. cuttle-fish. m. drunkard, swiller. severity, Totto, [t't] see Motto. Traccheggiare, [trkke'dj're']

Torvo, [tr'vjadfj. surly, grim, Tovaglia,





V. n. to delay, defer, procrasti-

cloth, large towel.


Torzione, [trtsi'n]

extor- Tovagliaccia,


tion, contortion. dirty old tahle-cloth. Torzone, [trts'n] m. serving Tovaglietta,[tvrt't] see Tolay-friar {vulgarism, used vagliuola

nate (vwiffarisni). Traccia, [tra'tsh] /".trace, track, footstep, vestige; mark, sign;

andar in






contemptuously). Tovagliolo, [tvar'l] m. napTosamento, [tsmn't] m. kin. see Tonditura. Tovaglione, [tvl''ne'] m. Tosare, [ts're'] . a. to shear, large table-cloth. shave; - la moneta, to clip Tovagliuola, [tvr'l] f. napmoney. kin small table-cloth. Tosatore, [tsat'rj T71. shearer; Tozzetto , [ttset't] m. small clipper. bit; thick short nail. Tosatura, [tsat'r]^ shearing; Tozzo, [t'ts] adj. squat; thick parings, clippings, pi. and short; - , m. bit, morsel Toscanamente, [tskanme'n'- slice; un - di pane, a bit of t] adv. in the Tuscan manner. bread. Toscaneggiare, [tskndj'r] Tozzolare, [ttsl'r] v. n. to andToscanizzare [tsknids'- go seeking bits of bread. rj V. n. to affect to write Tus- Tozzotto, [tts't] adj. thickcan. set, clums3^ Toscanese , [tskne"se'] adj. Tra, [tra] adv. & prep, between, Tuscan (used jokingly). betwixt, among, in the course Toscanesimo , [tskne'sim] of; besides, moreover; - pochi Toscanismo, [tsknis'm] m. giorni, in a few days; - via, on Tuscan phrase; Tuscan style. the way. Toscano, [tska'njarfj. Tuscan, Trabacca, [trbk'k] f. pavilTuscan order of architecture. ion; booth. Tosco, [ts'k] adj. poisoned Trabacchetta, [trbkkt't] f. malignant; -, m. poison, venom. small pavilion, small booth. Tosetto, [tst'tj m. a kind of Traballare, [trbdlla'r] v. n. fine wheat. to stagger, vacillate. Tosone , [ts'n] m. fleece, Traballo, [trballi'j m. reeling, golden fleece (order). vacillation. Tossa, [ts's] Tosse, [ts's] Trabalzare, [trbalts're'] v. a. cough; rheum. f. to toss up and down. Tosserella, [tssr'l] /. slight Trabalzo, [trabal'tso] (. illegal cough. profit, usury. Tossico, [t'sik] m. poison, Trabattere, [trbtte"re'] v. o.

Tracciamento, [trtshame'n't] m. tracing snare machination.

; ;

Tracciare, [trtsh'r] v. a. to trace, track contrive. Tracciatore, [trtsht're'] m. tracer, pursuer.






wind-pipe, weasand. Tracolla, [trk'l] f. shoulder-




m. tumble, overthrow.
[trkU'r] v. n.





stagger, threaten to fall impend nod. Tracollo , [trkl] m. downfal, tumble; shock; ruin. Tracolpire, [trklpi're'] v. a. to overshoot the mark.

Tracotaggine, [trkt'djine'] f. negligence (little used). Tracotante, [trktn't] adj. haughty, overbearing. Tracotanza, [trktn'dsa] f haughtiness, pride, presumption; temerity.

Tracotto, [trk't] adj. overdone, too much baked.


[trakr'djine'l see Trascuraggine.

venom. to strike two things together; Tossicare, [tssik're] v. a. to frequent. poison. Trabere, [trbe''re'] v. a. & n. irr. Tossicologia, [tssikl'ji] {see Bere) to drink excessively. f. treatise on poisons, Trabiccolo, [trbik'kl] m. Tossicoso , [tssik's] adi. clothes-horse. adj. very diabolical. poisonous, venomous. Traboccamento,[trbkkame'n'- Tradigione, [trdij'ne'] f. TraTossimento, [tssimen't] m. t] m. overthrow; destruction. dimento , [ti'dime'n't] m. coughing, cough. Traboccantemente, [trabkkn- treason, perfidy, infidelity. Tossire, [tssi'r] v. cough. tme'n't] adv. precipitately. Tradire, [trdi're'l v. a. to beTostamente, [tstamn'teja^yv. Traboccare, [trbkk're] v. a. tray, deceive. quickly, speedily, immediately. to inundate; throw, hurl pre- Traditevolmente, rtrdite'vlTostare, [tst'r] v.a. to toast, cipitato; -,.. to overflow, ran't] adv. treacherously. roast. superabound, be redundant; Traditora, [trdit'rl f. traiTostatura, ftstt'r] ^ toast- exceed. tress. ing, roasting. Trabocchello [trbkk'l] Traditoraccio, [trditra'tsh] Tostevolmente, {tste'vlmn'- Trabocchetto, [trbkke't't] m. infamous traitor. t] adv. immediately. m. snare, pitfal, man-trap. Traditore, [trad t'r] i. traiTosto, [t'st] arfj. quick; bold; Trabocchevole, [trbkke'vl] tor, (little traitor adv. quickly, imme~l -, arfj. huge, immense; fatai. soou, Traditorello, [traditr'l m

[trkt'djin] [trakutame'n'toj m. negligence. Tracutato,[trkt'tJa(/y.careloss, negligent. Tradere, [trd'r] v. a. to betray. Tradiabolico , [trdibli'k]



-- 485


Tragitto, [trjit't] wi. crossroad, cross-way ; passage, v. a. to journey. Traglorioso, [traglri's] adj.



[trdit- Trafoglioso, [IrfTs] abounding in trefoil.




[trdditre's'k] pierce through. adj. treacherous, perfidious. Traforazione , [trfrtsi'ne'] Traditrice , [trditri'tsh] f. f. piftrcing through. traitress. Traforelleria , [trfre'Ue'ri'] Tradizione, [trditsi'n] f. tra- &c., see Trafurelleria &c. dition. Traforo, [trf'r] m. openworkTraducitore, [trdtsbit're'] lace; hole; nook. see Traduttore. Trafugamento, [trfgame'n't] Tradurre, [tradr're'] v. a. irr. m. carrying away (by stealth]. Addurre) to translate ; Trafugare, [trafg're'] v. a. to (see translocate, transfer. run away with, carry away (by Traduttore, [trdtt're'] m. stealth); -, V. n. Tuafugaesi, translator. V. r. to run away, elope, Traduzione, [tradtsi'ne'] /. disappear. Trafuggitore, [trafdjit're'] m. translation, version. Traente, [trn'te'] adj. draw- fugitive, deserter. ing; attractive; - , m, drawer Trafurelleria, [trfre'llri'] f. roguery, deceit. (of a bill of exchange). Trafurellino,[trfure'lli'n]TraTraere, [tra'e're'] see Trarre. Trafallare , [trflla're'] and furello , [trfr'l] m. little

most glorious. Traguardare, [tragurd're']

a. to level; aim.


Traguardo,[trgar'd] tjx. level (instrument); gunner's level. Traimento , [trime'n't] m. drawing; attracting. Trainare, [trin'r] v. a. to drag along, haul, trail along. Traino, [trai'n] m. dray train, carriage; waggon-load; railway-train baggage, encumbrance; raft; amble. Traitore, [trit rj see Tragit; ;


Trajettare, [trye'tt're'J v. a. to pass over, cross over. Trajetto, [tryt't]m. crossing



[trafls're'J v. a.

to sin, transgress.

rogue, little knave. Trafusola, [trf'sl]





cessation, desisting.
v. a.

(bone. Trafare , [trfa'r] v. a. to (of silk). do moro than is proper; overdo. Trafusolo, [trf'sl] m. shinTrafelamento, [trflme'u't] Tragacanta, [trgkn'ta] f. m. great fatigue. gum tragacanth. Trafelare, [trafl're'] v. n. to Tragedia, [trj'dia] f. tragedy. Tragediante, [trjdin't] m. be out of breath be tired. Trafelone, [trafl'ne'] m. busy tragic poet. Tragediuccia, [trje'di'tsh] f. body, meddling person. Trafermo, [trfr'm] adj. very little tragedy. firm. Tragedizzare, [trajedidsd're'] Trafesso, [trfe's's] adj. cleft V. a. to compose tragedies. in two, split. Tragedo, [trj'd] arfj. tragical, Trafficante, [tffikn'te'] adj. mournful ; -, m. writer of

Tralasciare, [trlsh'r]

to desist, cease, quit, omit.

Tralazione, [trltsi'ne'] see Traslazione. Tralce, [tral'tshe'] see Tralcio.

trading, trafficking. tragedies tragedian. Trafficare, [trffik're'] v. a. & Tragettare, [trje'tt're'] Tragittare, [trjitt're'] v. a. n, to trade, traffic, negotiate manage. to toss up and down; -, v. n. to Trafficatore, [trffikat'r] m. pass over cross over. Tragettatore, [trjttt'r] and trader, merchant. Traffico, [trf'fik] m. traffic, Tragittatore, [trjittat're'] m. juggler. trade, commerce. Trafierersi, [trafie'reVsiJ v. a. Tragetto , [trj't] and Tragitto, [trjit't] m. cross-road, ree. to strike one another. Trafiggere,[trfi'dje're'] V. a.irr. cross-path; passage. (trafissi ; trafi^tto) to trans- Traghettare, [trghe'tt're'] v. pierce, run through. a. to transport, convoy, carry Trafiggimento, [trfidjime'n't] -, V. n. to pass over. Traghettatore, [trghe'ttt're'] m. wound, hurt. Trafiggitore, [trafidjit're'] m. m. one who passes over. Traghetto, [traghe't't]ni.crosshe that pierces through. Traflggitura, [trafidjit'r] f. road; passing over. Tragicamente, [trjikme'n't] see Trafiggimento.

Tralciato,[trltsh't] adj. full of vine-twigs. Tralcio, [trl'tsh] m. shoot, twig; umbilical cord. Tralciuzzo, [trltsh'ts] m. small twig, tendril. Traliccio, [trali'tsh]m. buckram; sackcloth. Tralice, [trli'tshe'] in -, adv. and obliquely.

Tralignamento, [trlin'me'n't] m. degeneracy, corruption. Tralignare, [tralin''r] v. n. to degenerate, fall off, become stunted. Tralordo, [trlr'd] adj. very

Traluoente, [traltshn't] adj. transparent, diaphanous. Tralucere, [tral'tshr] v. n. irr. (/ro/ussi) to shine through, bo transparent; be bright. Tralunare, [trln'r] see Stralunare.

Tralungo, [trln'g] tremely long.

adj. ex-

Trafila, [trfi'l] /". wire-draw- adv. tragically. ing plate. Tragico, [tra'jik] orfj.tragical; Urafilare, [trafila're'] v. o. to -, m. tragic poet. pass metals through a wire- Tragicomedia, [trajikm'di] drawing plate. f. tragi-comedy. Trafitta, [trfit't] f. wound; Tragicomico, [trjik'mik]a(/j. sting, puncture. tragi-comic; m. composer of [trfitti'v] Traflttivo, adj. tragi-comedy. piercing; grievous. Tragiovante, [trjivn'te'J adj. Trafittura , [trafitt'r] extremely useful. f.

f. woof, weft ; conspiracy. Tramaglio, [trma'l ']- and Tre-

Trama, [tr'm]

maglio, [trmaT] wi. dragnet, trammel. Tramandamento , [trmandme'n't] m. transmission.

Tramandare, [trmnd're'J
a. to


transmit, convey. Tramandatore, [trmandt'rej m. transmitter. puncture, wound. Tragittare, Ttrjitta'r] Tramare, [trm're'] v. a. to Trafluente , [trfle'n't] adj. toss, dart; -, v. n. to pass over. weave; machinate. flowing through. Tragittatore, [trjittat're'] m, Tramazzare, [trmts'r] v. frafoglio, [trfT] m. trefoil. archor, bowman; slinger. a. to strike down.

mult, trouble




Tramazzo, [trm'ts] m. tu- Tramontamento


Trambasciamentoj [trmbsbmeVt] m. distress, anguish. Trambasciare, [trmbsh're']

be torn with anguish, be oppressed with grief. Trambedue, [trmbe"d] see
. n. to

Ambedue. Trambusta, [trmb'st] f.see




throw into confusion. Trambustio, [trmb'sti] and Trambusto, [trmb'st] m.

a. to

[tramonta-! Tranquillamente, [trnkuillme'n't] m. delay, suspension. (of the sun). Tranquillare, [trankwill'r] v. Tramontana, [tramnt'n] f. a. to tranquillize, appease, north-wind; polar star; per- feed with vain hopes amuse der la -,to lose one's reckoning, Tranquillarsi, v. r. to take one's pleasure, rejoice. be at a loss. [trukuillit' Tramontanata, [trmntna'- Tranquillit , Tranquillitade, Tranquillitat] f. a stormy north wind. Tramontano, [trmnt'n] m. te, f. tranquillity, quiet. Tranquillo, [trnkwil'lj adj. north-wind, north. Tramontanato, [trmntan't] tranquil, quiet, calm; gentle; -, m. tranquillity, calm ; teneadj. beyond the mountains; an inhabitant living beyond the ri! in -, to sooth down, amuse with words. mountains.

m. setting

Tramontare, [trmnt're'] v. Transalpino, [trnslpi'n.l adj. confusion, disorder. transalpine. Tramelogedia, [trme'lje"di] n. to go down; set, disappear. [trans i-;[trmrti- Transanimazione , Tramortimento , f. tragedy with a chorus. Tramenare, [trme'n'r] v. a. me'n't] m. fainting fit, swoon, mtsi'n] f. transmigratio;i Tramortire, [trmrti're'] v. n. (of souls). to manage, conduct. Transatare, [trnst're'J v. o. Tramendue, [trme'nd'] ad'j to faint, swoon. and to make a transition; transact. [trampa'li] both, both together, one and Trampali , Trampoli, [trm'pli] m. pi.; Transazione, [trnstsi'n] f. the other (in transaction transition Tramescolamento, [trme'sk- stilts, pi. lmn't] m. mixing together. Trampolare, [trmpl'r] v. rhetoric). Transcendere, [trnshn'de'r] Tramescolare, [trme'skl'r] n. to walk on stilts. V. a. to mingle, jumble. Tramugghiare, [trmvighi're'] V. a. irr. {see Scendere) to transcend; surpass. Tramessa, [trrae'sa] and Tra- V. n. to roar, bellow. Transcrivere , [trnskriv'r] messione, [trme'ssi'ne'] /.! Tramuta, [trm't] /'.Tramn' interposition, mediation; de tamento, [trmtmn't] m.i v. a. to transcribe.

Tramesso, [trm's] m.

[trmtn'ds] Transferire, [trnsfe'ri're'] &c., change, alteration. see Trasferire &c. dishes, made-dishes, pi. Tramutare, [trmrit'r] v. a. Transflguramento, [transfiguTramestare, [trmst'r] v. a. to remove; change; exchange, rme'n't] m. and Transfigu to jumble together. Tramutatore, [trmtt're'] m. razione , [trnsfigrtsi'n^T Tramestio, [trme'sti'] m. dis- remover, changer; exchanger. f. transfiguration. erder, confusion. Tramutazione, [trmttsi'- Transfigurare, [trnsfigr're'] Tramettere, [tram e't 'ter ] v. a. ne'] f. change, alteration; vi- V. transfigure (little used). irr. {see Mettere) to interpose, Transfondere, [trnsfnd'r] cissitude. transmit; Tbamettersi, v. r. Tramutevolmente , [trmt- V. a. to pour liquid from one to interpose, meddle with. vessel ii;to another. vlme'n'te'] adv. interchangegression.




Tramezza, [trm'ds]
Tramezzo. Tramezzabile,
adv. that





[tr'n] int.

come on

Transformamento , [trnsfrmme'n't] see Trasformamento, &c.


make haste!


be interposed.


Tranare, [trn'r] v. a. to Transgressione, [trnsgre'ssi'[trmds- drag along, draw: walk slowly. n] f. transgression.

m. interposition, in- Tran oliare, [trne'U're'] v. a. Transire, [trnsi'r] v. a. & n. to pass; expire. to cheat, swindleTramezzare, [trame'dsa're'] v. a. Tranelleria , [trne'lle'ri'] f. Transitare, [transita're'] v. n. & n. to put between, inter- Tranello, [trn'l] m. cheat, to transmit, pass through. pose, insert; mingle. Transitivamente, [trnsitivfraud. Tramezzatore, [trme'dst're'] Tranghiottimento, [trnghit- mn'te'J adv. in a transitive tn. mediator. manner. timn't} m. swallowing up. Tramezzatrice, [trme'dstri'- Tranghiottire, [tranghiotti're'J Transitivo, [trnsiti'v] adj. tsh] f. mediatrix. transitive ; active (said of a V. a. to swallow up. Tramezzo, [trm'ds] m. par- Trangolare, [trngl'r] v. a. verb). tition, division; inner sole. Transito, [tran'sit] m. pasto swallow. Tramischiamento, [trmiski- Trangosciare , [trngsh're'] sage, passing; transit; decease me'n't] m. and Tramischian(rail.); cross-road, crossing; V. n. to be full of anguish, be za, [trmiskin'ds] /, mixing afflicted. mercanzie in - f. pi. goods in



Tramischiare , [trmiskf 'r] me'n't] m. swallowing up. Transitoriamente , [trnsitV. a. to mix together. Trangugiare, [trngj'r] v. rimn't] adv. transitorily, Tramiserabile, [trmisr'bil] a. to swallow up, devour. by the way. adj. very miserable. Trangugiatore, [trngjt'r] Transitorio, [trnsit'ri] adj. Tramite, [tr'mite'] m. poes., m. swallower, glutton. transitory, transient momentcross way, path. Tranne, [tran'n] prep, except. ary. Tramittere, [trmitte"r] see Tranquillaccio , [trankuilla'- Transizione, [trnsitsi'n] /.





Tramoggia, [trm'dj] f.

transition. tsh] adj. very quiet, mill- Tranquillamente, [trnkuill- Translatare, [trnslt'r] me'n'te] nr/v. quietly,peaceably. see Traslatare &c.


[trnslatsi'n] , see Traslazione. Translucido , [trnsl'tsliid] adj. translucent.



Traposto, [trapo'sto] adj put ds] f. transcendency ; excellence. between, inserted. Trascendere, [trashn'de're'] v. Trappetajo, [trappe't'y] a. irr. {see Scendere) to suroil-miller. Iransmarino , [trnsmri'n] Trappeto, [trppe''t] m. oil- pass, exceed, excel, go beyond, transcend soar above. mill. adj. across the sea. Cransmutare , [trnsmt'r] Trappola, [trp'pl] f. trap, Trascendimento , [trashe'ndimn't] m. surpassing. V. a. to cbange place. snare; ambush. Iransportare , [trnsprt'r] Trappolare, [trppl're'] v. a. Trascorre, [trashe"rj see Trascegliere. &c., see Trasportare &c. to insnare; cheat, dupe. Transuntare, [trnsnt'r] v. Trappolatore , [trapplt'r] Trascinare, [trshin're'] see Strascinare. m. insnarer ; cheat. a. (teg.) to make an extract from a contract &c. Trappoleria, [trpple'ri'] f. Trascolorare , [trsklr're'] V. n. to change color. Transuutivamente, [trnsnti- fraud, deceit, artifice. vdmn't] adv. compendiously. Trappoletta, [trpplt't] /. Trascorporazione , [trskrpratsi'n] f. transmigration. Transunto, [trnsn't] m. ex- little trap, little artifice. tract from a discourse &c. Trappoliere, [trppli're'] see Trascorrentemente, [trskrre'nte'mn'te'] adv. by the bye, Transustanziare, [trnsstn- Trappolatore. [trppli'n] ni. by the way. tsi'rj V. a. to change one Trappolino , Trascorrere, [trskr're're'] v. substance into another. harlequin, bnifoon. Transustanziazione, [trns- Trapporre, [trppr're'] see Tra- n. irr. {see Correre) to pass over; elapse; omit. stantsitsi'ne] /. transubstan- porre. tiation. {see Trasversale. Trapuntare, [trpnt're'] v. a. Trascorrevole, [trskrr'vl] Transversale , [trnsvrs'le'j to quilt, embroider; trans- adj. transient, transitory. Trascorrevolmeute, [traskrrTrapanare, [trapn'r] v. a. pierce. lo trepan, bore. Trapunto, [trpn't] adj. em- vlme'n'te'] adv. by the way. [trskrri[trpnt'y] broidered extenuated, lean Trascorrimento , Trapanatolo , Trapano, [tr'pn] ni. trepan; - m. quilting embroidery- me'n't] m. running over; passage; lapse. auger. work. Trapanazione, [trpantsi'ne'J Trareverendo, [trre've'rn'd] Trascorritore, [trskrrit're'] m. over-hasty person. adj. most reverend. f. (sur.) trepanning. Trapassabile , [trpss'bil] Trarre , [trar're'] v. a. irr. Trascorsivamente, [trdskrsitrae, [trai] vme'n't] adv. by the way. adj. transient, transitory. traggi {traggo, tn. [trskr's] Trapassamento, [trpssme'n'- tragghiamo, traete, traggono; Trascorso , trans- traeva: trassi; tratto) to draw, oversight, mistake, fault. t] m. passing over gression ; lapse of time de- pull; pluck; take out; reap. Trascotatamente, [trskttcease, death. Trarupato, [trrp't] adj. mn't] adv. haughtily, preTrapassare, [trpss'r] v. a. steep, rugged, precipitous. sumptuously. m. to surpass; transgress; omit; Trasamare, [trasm'r] i'. a. Trascritto , [trskrit't] -, V. n. to cross over, pass by; transcript. to love passionately. outrun; cease; pass away; de- Trasandamento, [trsndmeV- Trascrivere, [trskri've're'] v. a. cease, die. irr. (see Scrivere) to transcribe, t] m. passing over; negliTrapassatore , [trpssat're'] gence. copy. m. trespasser, transgressor. Trasandare, [trasanda're'] v. a. Trascuraggine, [trskradjine'] Trapasso, [trps'sjm. passing & n. irr. {see Andare) to pass and Trascuranza , Lti^sku; ;





amble fig. decease. Trapelare, [trpl'r]

leak, drop, slip out.

Trasandatura, [trsndt'ra]
v. n. to

Trapelo, [traplo] m. rope with hooks to drag weights; additional horse for going up mountains. Trapiantagione, [trpintj'n] f. transplanting.

mn't] m. the

[trpintact of transv.

Trapiantare, [trpint'r]
a. to

transplant. Trapiantatura , [trapfntat'r] f. transplanting; removing.

ran'tsa] /".negligence, carelessness. passing over; negligence, Trascurante, [trskrn'te'] ad;. f. negligent, careless, lazy. omission. Trasapere, [trsp're] v. a. Trascurare, [trskur'r] v. a. to be too knowing. to pass over; not to take care Trasattarsi, [trsttr'si] v. r. of, neglect, omit. to usurp. Trascurataggine, [trskiirta'Trasavio, [trs'vi] adj. very dji'n] see Trascuraggine. wise, very learned. Trascuratamente, [trskrtaTrascannare, Itrskanu're'] v. mn't] adv. negligently, carea. to wind upon another skein. lessly. Trasoegliere, [trashe'Te're] v. Trascuratezza , [trskrte"a. irr. {see Scegliere) to choose; ts] f. negligence, carelesspick. ness. Trasceglimento,[trshe'rime'n'- Trascurato, [trskr't] adj. t] m. Trascelta, [trshe'l't] neglected, negligent, careless, listless. f. choice.

over; neglect, omit.

Traporre, [trpr're] v. a. irr. Trascendentale, [trshe'nde'n- Trascuratore , [trskrt're'] {see Porre) to put between; t'l] adj. transcendental. m. neglecter. intermix, insert. Trascendentalmente, [trshe'n'- Trasecolare, [trse'kla'r] v. Traportamento, [traprtme'n'- de'ntlme'n't] adv. transcen- a. to confound; -, v. n. to be to] m. removal; cession of a dently. amazed, wonder. right. Trascendente, [trshe'ndn'te'j Trasentire, [trse'nti're'j v. a. Traportare, [trprt'r] &c., adj. transcendent; excellent. misunderto hear wrong, $ee Trasportare &c. Trascendenza , [trshe'ndn'- stand.

Trasentire, [trsnti'r] r. to be deceived in hearing.


, ;

Trasferibile, [trsfri'bil] adj. transferable.

irregular Trasmarino, [trsmri'n] adj. adj. disordinate strange. beyond sea. Trasmettere, ftrsme't'te're'] v. Trasordine , [trsr'din] adj.
disorder: excess. a. irr. {see MettoreJ to send over, Traspalare, [traspal'r] v. a. transmit, send. Trasmettitore, [trsmttit're'] to rush headlong. m. he vpho transmits, conveyer. Trasparente, [trsparn'te'] adj. Trasmigramento, [trsmigr- transparent , pellucid ; - m. window blind blind. mn't] see Trasmigrazione. [trsprn'ds] Trasmigrare, [trsmigr'r] v. Trasparenza, Trasparenzia , [trsprn'n. to transmigrate. Trasmigrazione, [trasmigr'- dsia] /'.transparency, clearness. Trasparere, [trspre'r] Tratsi'n] f. transmigration. Trasmissibile, [trsmissi'bile'] sparire, [traspari're'] v. n, to be transparent. adj. transferable, transmissive. Trasmissione, [trsmissi'n] Trasp9.ntamento, [traspiantame'n't] m. transplantation. f. transmission. [trsmd- Traspiantare, [trspinta're'j Trasmodamento, V. a. to transplant; remove. nien't] m. excess. Trasmodatamente, [trasmd- Traspicuo, [traspi'k] adj. tmn't] adv. immoderately, transparent.



t] m. transferring. Trasferire, [trsfri're']

to transfer, convey


repair to.

v. r.



Trasfiguramento, [trsfigrmen't] m. transfiguration.

Trasiigurare, [t.rsfigr'r] v. a. & n. to transfigure, transform.

Trasfigurazione , [trasfigrtransformation tsi'n] /. chango. Trasfondere, [trasfn'de're'] v. a. irr. (see Fondere) to transfuse, pour out. Traspirabile , [trspir'bile'] Trasfondibile, [trsfndibi'le'l excessively. adj. tliat may bo poured out. Trasmodatore, [trsndt're'] adj. transpirable. Traspirare, [traspir'r] v. n. Trasformabile, [trsfrmbi'- m. one who exceeds.
l] ailj.



be trans- Trasmontare
V. n. to


to transpire, exhale; leak out.

Traspirazione, [traspiratsi'ne'J overcome. Trasformaraento, [trasforma Trasmutabile, [trsrata'bile'] f. transpiration, perspiration. me 'to] m. transformation, adj. transmutable, changeable. Trasponere , [trsp'nre'] see metamorpliosis. Trasmutagione,[trsmtj'ne'] Trasporre. Trasfornaare, [trasfrma'r] v. f. Trasmutamento, [trsm- Trasponimento, [traspnimeVTrasfor- tmn't] m. Trasmutazione, t] m. transposition, removal. a. to transform marsi, V. r. to transform one's [trasmtdtsi'n] f. transmu- Trasporre, [trspr'r] v. a. irr. {see Porre) to transplace, self. tation, transformation change. Trasformazione , ftrsfrm- Trasmutare, [trasmt're'] v. transport, export transplant. transformation Trasportabile, [trsprta'bile'] tsi'n] a. to transmute, transform f. (Trafugare. change. adj. transportable. change. [trdsprtTrasfugare, [trsfg'r] see Trasmutatore, [trsmtt're'J Trasportamento , mn't] m. transport; transTrasfumare, [trsfm'r] v. m. one who transforms. position. n. to bo resolved into smoke. Trasmutatorio,[trsnitt'ri] Trasfusione , [trasfsi'ne'j /. adj. possessing the power of Trasportare, ftrdsprtd're] v. a. into to transport, transfer; convey; transfusion. changing one thing

carry. Trasgredimento , [trsgrdi- another. Trasnatnrare, [trsntr're'] Trasportatore, [trasprtat're'] mn't] m. transgression. m. transporter, conveyer. Trasgredire, [trsgrdi're'] v. V. n. to change one's nature. Trasogn amento, [trsn'mn'- Trasportazione,[trasprtats'a. to transgress, trespass.

Trasgreditore, [trsgrdit're'] t] m.dotage,raving, imbecility of mind. m. transgressor, trespasser. Trasgressione, [trsgrssi'ne'j Trasognare, [trasn'a're'] v. n. transgression; digression. to dote, ravo; be in a brown f.

n] /. Trasporto, [traspr't] n. transport, carriage; giving up; passion, emotion; {rail.) carro di trasporto, m. truck.




Trasposizione, [trdspsitsi'ne']

[trasn'a't] adj.\ f. transposition; change. Trasricchire, [trasrikki're] v. Traslatamente, [trsltame'n'- doting, dreaming; senseless. Trasone, [trs'n] m. braggart, n. to grow extremely rich. t] adv. metaphorically. Trassaltarsi, [trdssaitar'si] v. Traslatamento, [trasldtameV- hector. a. r. to assault reciprocally. t] m. and Traslatazione, [tra- Trasoneggiare, [trsne'dj're'] Trassinare, [trdssind're] v. a. translation slttsi'ne'] V. n. to boast, bully. /. translocation ; version. Trasoneria,[trsne'ri'] f. blus- to handle, touch; ill-nse. Trastullare, [trastlla're] v. a. Traslatare, [traslt're'] u. a. ter; vanity. [trsni'k] to divert, amuse; TrastullarTrasonico, adj. to translate; transfer. Traslatatore , [trsltt're'] si, V. r. to play, take one's blustering, bullying. m. translator. Trasordinare, [trsrdin'r] pleasure, divert one's self. Traslativamente, [trslativ- V. n. to lead an irregular TrastuUatore, [trastlldt're'J m. amuser; buffoon, wag. me'n't] ac/. figuratively. life. Traslativo, [trslti'v] adj. fig- Trasordinariamente, [trsr- Trastullevole, [trdstll'vle'] urative, allegorical. adv. in an adj. diverting, amusing, agreedinariamn'te'] able. Traslato, [trsl'tjm.metaphor, irregular manner. allegory. Trasordinario, [trsrdin'ri] Trastullo, [trdstl'l] m. amuseTraslatore , [trdslat're'] see adj. extraordinary. ment, diversion, pastime; comTraslatatore. Trasordinatamente, [trasrdi- pagno di -, I. playfellow. Traslazione , [trsltsi'ne'] /. natmn'te'] arfv. disordinately. Trasudamento, [trasdamn'Trasordinato, [trsrdin't] t] m. excessive perspiration. translation, translocation.

m. transgressor.


Trasudare, [trasuda' r]
ptrspiri' vory tnuch.
v. n. to
a. to



Trasudasi ono, [trsdtsi'n]


excessive perspiration.

Trasumanare, [trsmn'r] V n. to assume a divine nature.

ti^iav'sil f.



become tran-


Trasvasare, [trsvsa're'] v. a. to pour out, decant. Trasversale, [trsve'rsa'le'] adj.

transversal, oblique.

adv. crosswise.


m. Grosser; transgressor, trespasser. Travasamento, [travsme'n'tj pi. Tratteggiatura, [tratte'djat'r] m. decanting, transfusion; newpotting. /. and Tratteggio, [tratt'dj] m. etching. Travasare, [trvas're'j v. a. to Trattenere, [trtte'ne"re'] v. a. decant, transfuse. irr. {see Tenere) to entertain, Travasatore, [travast're'] m. amuse, keep waiting; tratte- he that decants or transfuses. nersi in un luogo, to stay at a Travata, [trva't] f. {fort.)6(:e place for a while. of bea'ns. Trattenimento, [trtte'nimeV- Travatura, [travt'ra]/".(arcA.) wood-work (of the ceiling). t] m. amusement, diversion, Trave, [tra'v] m. beam; roofpastime.

draw lines; etch; -, m. strokes (of the pen), flourishes,

Trattenitore, [trtte'nit're'] m. beam. [tratte'nitri'- Travecchiezza, [travkkit's] Trattenitrice , Trasverso [trasvr's]a(/j.trans- tshe] f. amusing companion. f. decrepitude. vcrse, crossing; oblique; wick- Trattevole, [tratt'vl] adj. Travedere , [trave'de"re'] v. a. irr.(see Vedere)to see indistincted. tractable, affable; gentle. Trasviare, [trsvi'r] v. a. to Tratto, [trt't] m. throw, pull; ly; see double. space, Travedimento, [trve'di'me'n't] put out of the right way, lead stroke (with a pen) astray; - v. n. to go astray, extent manner behaviour m. dimness of sight; error, hallucination. leave the right path. trick; bon mot, saying; ad un-, Trasvolare, [trsvl're'] v. n. at once; arfojfni-. every moment; Traveggole, [trve'g'gle'l and to fly rapidly over, rush soaring diprimo -, at first; /ra^o tratto, Travveggole , [trvve'g'gl] away; escape. from time to time; -di corda, gasp, f. pi. dimness of sight; Trasvolgere, [trsvl'je're'] v. a. strappado; dare i tratti, to be avere le -, to see double, be dazzled. irr. {see Volgere) to disorder, at the last gasp, expire ;p/gfhar Traversa, [trvr'saj f. crossconvulse, overturn, confuse. it -, to seize the opportunity. Tratta, [trdt'tj f. throw, shot; Trattone, [trtt'n] ac/, piece (of timber); iron-bar; dam; cross-road: traverse; space, distance; permit;, drawexcept. cross acciing of lots; crowd, concourse; Trattore, [trtt'r] m. eating- width, breadth (merch.) draft, bill. house keeper, master of an dent, untoward event; {rail.) Trattabile , [trtt'bile'] adj. ordinary. sleeper; alia -, across- crossly. tractable, flexible; soft; gentle, Trattoria, [trtt'ri] f. eating- Traversale, [trvrs'l] adj. affable. crossing, transverse, cross. house. [trattabilit' Trattoso , [trtt's] adj. af- Traversalmente[trvrslme'n'Trattabilit, Trattabilitade, Trattabilit t] adv. crosswise, transversefable, civil, gentlemanly. te,^.tractableness; gentleness; Trauccidere, [trautshid're'] .a ly, obliquely. docility. Traversamento, [trave'rsme'n'ree. to kill each other. balustrade, Trattabilmente, [trttbilme'n'- Traudire, [trdi're'] v. a. to t] m. crossing balisters, rails, pi. te'] adv. in a gentle manner. hear one thing for another. Trattagione, [trttji'ne'] f. Travagliamento, [trval'me'n'- Traversare, [trve'rsa're'] v. a. treatment. to traverse, cross, pass through t] m. toil, hardship, torment;



Trattamento , [trttrae'n't] affliction. m. treatise, treatment plot. Travagliante,


or over; Traversarsi, v. r, to



[trtt'r] v. a. to

cross; sit on horseback. [trvrn'te'J adj. Traversaria, [trve'rs'ri] laborious, painful.

negotiate, contract; Travagliare, [trvl''re'] v. a. drag-net, sweep-net. [trve'rs't] touch, handle: use; non si to toil, torment; distress, Traversata , f, short sea voyage. tratta di quello, that is not afflict; Travagliarsi, v. r. to si tratta della intermeddle; strive, endeavour, Traversia,[trvrsi']/'.tempest, the question storm; fig. cross-accident, misvita, his life is at stake. torment one's self. Trattatene , [trttt'l] mi. Travagliatamente, [trvrt- fortune. small treatise, pamphlet little me'n'te'j arft). hardly, painfully. Travprsiere , [trvrsi're'] m, draft. Travagliativo, [trvrati'v] m. sloop. Traversino, [trave'rsi'n] m. Trattatista, [trttti'st] m. meddler, busy-body. writer of treatises or paraph- Travagliatore , [trvrt're'] transverse beam (of a ship) lets. bolster. vexer juggler, cheat. Trattato, [trtt't] m. treatise, Travaglio, [trvT] m. trouble, Traverso, [trvr's] adj. cross, dissertation; contract; machi- affliction , distress ; labor crossing oblique untoward, nation, plot; - di pace, treaty hardship, pain. adverse rough a - . across - , of peace. through ; Travagliosamente, [trvrs- athwart ; m. Trattatore , [trttt're'] m. me'n't] adv. painfully. breadth, width; slope; bevil negotiator, agent, mediator Travaglioso , [travl''s] adj. back stroke ; {rail.) - di legno,

interpreter, commentator.

painful, afflictive.




treatment, management.

rau't] m. passage, transgres-

Tratteggiamento , [trtte'dja- sion me'n'to] m. drawing {lines); Travalicare,


sleeper. [trvlik- Traversone, [trve'rs'ne'] adv. across, crosswise. lapse (of time). Travertino , [trve'rti'n] m.

[trvlik're'] v. a.

white spungy marble.


to cross, pass over ; transgress. Travestimento, [trve'stime'n'[tratte'dja're'] . Travalicatore, [trvlikt'r] t] m. disguisa; hypocrisy.

Travestire, [trve'sti're]



knot, knot of ribbons (for the Tremolante,


disguise, mask ; Travestirsi, hair). tinsel. r. to disguise one's j>. self, Trecciuola, [tre'tshl] f. little Tremolare, [tre'ml're'] v. n. to dissernblo. tress, little ringlet. tremble, shake. Travetta, [trvt't] f. small Treccinolo, [tre'sh'l] m. small Tremolio, [tre'mli'] m. trembeam; joist. bling, shivering; tremor. twisted cord. Traviamento, [traviameVto] in. Treccola , [tre'kk'l] see Tremolo, [tr'mol] Tremoloso, deviation, digression. [trml's] adj. tremulous , Trecca. Traviare , [trvi're'j . a. to Treccolare, [tre'kkl'r] v. a. shaking. mislead, turn aside; -, v. n. to gossip, chatter. Tremore, [tre'm're'] m. tremor, Traviarsi, v. r. to go astray, Treccone, [tre'kk'ne'] m. green- trembling, fear. deviate, digress. Tremoroso, [tre'mr's] adj. grocer, fruiterer, huckster.
wi. Trecentesimo [trvit're'] trembling, fearful. [tre'tshe'nt'si, misleader. Tremoto, [trm't] and Trem] adj. three hundredth. Travicella,[trvitsb'l] f Tra- Trecentista, [trtshe'nti'st] m. muoto, [tre'm'tj m. earthvicello, [travitsh'l] m. small writer of the 14th century. quake. beam; joist, rafter. Trecento , [trtshn't] adj. Tremala, [tr'mlaj f. aspeii Travisamento, [trvisame'n't] three hundred. tree, asp.



m. disguise, counterfeit. Travisare, [trvis're'] v.

a. to





disguise, deceive; Travisarsi, V. r. to disguise one's self.





disguise; deceit.

Travolare, [trvl're'Jsee Trasvolare.

Travolgere, [trvl'jr] Trasvolgere.




t] m. overthrow. Travoltamente, [travltaran't] adv. in a wry manner. Travoltare, [travlt'r] v. a. to disorder, confuse.

Travolvere, [trvl've're'] see Trasvolgere. Travone, [trv'ne'] m. large



(of timber). [trvv'gle'] see ,


Traveggole. Trazione, [trtsi'ne']


ing, pulling. Tre, [trj adj. three; third.





superfine cloth (said ironical-

Tremolare. Tredici, [tre"ditshi] adj. thir- Treno, [tr'n] m. train, suite; equipage (raii.) rail way- train; teen; thirteenth. Trefoglio, [trfT] m. trefoil. - di persone, passenger-train; Trefolo, [tr'fl] m. twist; - di vagoni, - di vetture, goodstrain. (mar.) strand (of a rope). Tregenda, [trjn'd] f. phan- Trenta, [trn'ta] adj. thirty. Trentamila, [tre'ntrai'l] adj. tom, ghost. Treggea, [tre'dj'] f. sugar- thirty thousand. Trentavecchia , [tre'ntv'kia] plums, sweetmeats, pL Treggia , [tre"dj] f. sledge, f. sprite, fairy. Trentesimo, [tre'nt'sim] adj. dray. Treggiata, [tre'dja'ta] f. sledge- thirtieth. Trentina, [tre'nti'n] f. thirty, full, dray-full. Treggiatore, [tre'djat're'] m. about thirty. Trentuno , [trc'ntii'n] driver of a sledge, dray &c. adj. Treggione, [trdj/ne'] m. large thirty-one; thirty first. Trepestio, [trp'stijm. trampsledge, large dray. Treggiuolo, [tre'dj'l] m. ca- ling; confusion of sounds. Trepidare, [tre'pid're'] v. n. to lash. Tregua, [tr'gw] and Trie- tremble, shake with fear. gua, [trie''gM] f. truce, ar- Trepidazione, [trpidatsi'ne'] mistice; respite, rest. fear. f. trepidation, trembling Trem aglio, [tre'mT] see Tra- Trepidezza , [trpidt's] f. trembling; palpitation. maglio. Tr ornamento, [tre'mme'n't] m. Trepidita, [tre'pidit'] see Treadj. thirteenth.

trembling, tremor.

Trebbia, [tre'b'bi] f. flail. Trebbiana, [tre'bbi'u] f. sort of sweet white grape. Trebbiano, [tre'bbia'n] m. sort of sweet white wine. Trebbiare, [trbbi're'] v. a. to thrash (wheat &c.). Trebbiatura, [tre'bbiat'r] f.





tremble, shiver. Tremarella , [trmr'l] trembling; fear.

pidazione. to Trepido, [tr'pid] bling, timorous.




Treppie, [tre'ppi'J Treppiede, [trppi'de'] m. trivet, tripod.

Tremefatto, [tre'me'ft't] adj. Trereme , [tre'r'm] f. trialarmed, frightened. reme. Tremendamente , [tre'me'nd- Tresa, [tre"s] f. a kind of me'n't] adv. tremendously, worm that eats wood. thrashing. terribly. Tresca, [tre's'k] /".rustic dance, Trebbio, [treTilti] m. meeting Tremendo, [tre'mn'd] odj. tre- romping party, intrigue. of three streets pleasure, mendous, terrible. Trescare, [tre'sk'r] v. a. & sport, pastime. Trementina, [trme'nti'n] f. il. to romp; touch, handle;

Trecea,[trk'k] f. fruit- woman, turpentine (gum). fruiterer, huckster. Tremore, [tr'me're'] v. n. to Treccare, [trkk're'] v. a. to tremble. retail fruit &c.; cheat. Tremerella , [tre'me'r'la] see Treccheria , [trkkri'] Tremarella. f. fruit-selling; cheating, trick. Tremila, [tre'mi'l] and Tre TreccMero , ftrkki'r] adj. milia, [trmi'li] adj. three huckstering; tricking. thousand. Treccia, [tr'tsh] f. tress, lock Tremiscere, [trmishe''r] v.n. of hair; curl, knot. to tremble. (shivering. Trecciare, [trtsh're'] v. a. to Tremito,[tr'mlt]m. trembling. tress, braid. Tremola, [tr'mU] /".torpedo; Trecciera, [tre'tsh'r] f. top cramp-fish.






chat, prattle.

little rustic




Tre.scone, [tre'sk'ne'] m. rigadoon (dance).



and Tres-

sette, [trsse't'te'J m. a at cards.





[trs'pl] m. trestle, support, stay.




Trimestre, [trim'stre'] adj. of three months. Trimetro, [tri'me'tr] m. trime-

Trevere, [trvi'r] m. (mar.)! Tridentato,


armed with a

Tridente, Trezza, [tre"ts] see Treccia. tridont. ter verse. Triaca, [tri'k] f. treacle anTriduano, [trfda'n] adj. trid- Trimpellare, [trimpll're'] . tagonist. uan, of three days ; every Triade, [tri'de'] f. trinity. to loiter. Triale, [tria le] adj. number of third day. Trina, [tri'ni] f. galloon, lace, Triduo, [tri'd] m. space of fringe, netting. three unities. Triangolare, [triangla're'] and three days. Trinare, [trin're'] .a. to ornaTriangolato, [triangolato] adj. Triegua, [trie''gu] see Tregua. ment with lacetriangular. Triennale, [trie'nn'l] Trien- Trinca, [trin'ka] /. {mar.) gomeTriangolo,[trin'gl]m.(3eom.) ne, [trin'ne'] adj. triennial, na; tippler. of three years. triangle. Trincare, [trink're'] v. a. & n. Triare, [tri're'] v. a. to discern, Triennio, [tri'ni] m. space of to tope, tipple.
three years. choose. Tribaldare, [trihld're'] v. a. Trieteria, [trie't'ri] /".funeral dirge. to steal, carry away. Tribbiare, [tribbi're'] v. a. to Trifauce,[trif'tshe'] adj. havpound, bruise; thrash, beat. ing three jaws (said of CerTribbiatura, [tribbit'r] f. berus). or Trifora, [tri'fer] /. a kind of any material pounded
bruised. Tribbio, [trib'bi] m.

[tridnti't] trident. [tridn't] m.

Trincarello, [trinkr'l] small wooden conduit.

[trinkari'n] Trincarino, {mar.) water-way. Trincato, [trink't] adj. cunning. Trincatore , [trinkt're']



electuary, tippler, toper. flail. Trifldo, [tri'fid] adj. cleft into Trincea, [trintshe"ii] Trincera, Tribolare, [tribl'r] v. a. to three parts, trifid. [trintshe"r] and Trinciera, afflict, torment; Tribolarsi, Trifogliato , [trifl''t] adj [trintshie''r] f. trench, enV. r. to afflict one's self, tor three-leaved. trenchment; {rail.) cut, cutment one's self. Trifoglio, [trif'l'] m. trefoil; ting. [trintsberaTribolatore, [triblt'r] i. three-leaved clover. Trinceramento , entrenchment , tormentor, vexer. Triforcato , [trxfrk't] adj n. me'u't] Tribolazione, [tribltsi'ne'] /. three forked. cuttings, pi. tribulation, affliction. Triforme, [trifr'me'] adj. of Trincerare, [trintshe'r'r] v. a. Tribolio, [trib'li] m. tribu- three forms. to cut, carve; entrench, make
lation, affliction.






Tribolo, [tri'bl] m. bramble, three-horses. melilot ; thistle ; caltrop Trigante, [trigan'te'] m. mar., wing-transom. trouble, tribulation, sorrow. Triboloso, [tribl's] adj. sad, Trigesimo, [trij'sim] adj. vexatious, painful, harrasing. thirtieth. Trib, [trib'] f. tribe, clan, Triglia, [tri'l'] ^.mullet (fish). Triglifo, [tri'glif] m. {arch.) family. Tribuire, [tribui're'] to give, trigliph. attribute. Triglina, [triPfna] /. small Tribulazione , [tribltsi'n] mullet. Trigono, [tri'gn] m. triangle. f. tribulation, affliction. Tribuna, [trib'n] /". tribune, Trigonometria,[trignmtri'] gallery, hustings. f. trigonometry. Tribunale, [tribn'le'] m. tri- Trigonometricamente , [trigbunal, court of justice; adj. be- nme'trikmn'te'] adj, trigonometrically. longing to the tribunal. Tribunalmente, [tribnlme'n'- Trigonometrico, [trignm'trik] adj. trigonometrical. t] adv. in the tribunal. Tribunato, [tribn't] m. trib- Trilatero, [tril'te'r]ac/y. trilatune's office, tribune's dignity. eral. Tribunesco, [tribne's'k] Tri- Trilinearo, [triline''r] adj. enbunizio, [tribni'tsi] adj.trib- closed between three lines. Trilineo, [trilin'] adj. comunitial, of a tribune. Tribuno, [trib'n] m. tribuno. posed of three lines. Tributare, [tribt'r] v. a. to Trilngue , [trilin'ge'] adj.

entrenchments Trinceraesx, r. r. to entrench one's self. Trincerato , [trintshr't] m. entrenchment. Trincetto , [trntshe't't] m. shoemakers' knife.

Trinchetta, [trinke't't] f. {mar.)


Trinchettina, [trinke'tti'nj
(mar.) top-sail.


Trinchetto, [trinke't't] m. see


Trinciante , [trintshn'te'] adj. m. carver; cutting, sharp; ,


Trinciare, [trintsh're'] . a. to carve (at table) , pink ; cut

capers, leap.

Trinciata, [trintsh't] Trinciatura, [trintsht'r] f. violent check, saccade. Trinciato, [trintsh't] m. a species of tobacco. Trinciera,[trintsh'r]/.trench, entrenchment.




Trnceramento , [trintshe'rme'n't] m. entrenchment.


Trillare, [trill're'] v. a. & n. Trincierare , [trintshe'r'r'] v. to trill, quaver. a. to entrench fortify. Tributo, [trib't] m. tribute, Trillettino, [trille'tti'no] m. Trincio , [trin'tsh] m. open tax, duty; rendere il - alla little soft trill. work; cutting, pinking. Trillione, [trilh''n] m. tril- Trincone, [trink'n] m. great natura, to die. Triclinio, [trikli'ni] m. dining- lion. drunkard. Trillo, [tril'l] m. trill, shake, Trinipote, [trinip'te'] m. great room (of the ancients). Tricorde, [trikr'd] adj.three- quaver. great nephew. Trilustre, [tril'stre'] adj. tri- Trinit, [trinit'] Trnitade, stringed. Tricuspidale , [trikspida le'] lustral, of three lustres. Trinitate, f. Trinity. Tricuspide, [trikvi'spid] adj. Trimembre, [trime'm'br] adj. Trino, [tri'n] adj. trine, of three -pointed. tin'cs-inembered. three.


[tribt'ri] , tributary, dependent.

Trinuzia, [trin'dsi] /. thrice wedded (said of a woman). Trio, [tri'] m. trio; gleo. Triocca, [tri'k] f. Triocco, ftri'k] m. tumultuous assembly. Trionfale , [trinf'le] adj. triumphal. Trionfalmente, [trinfalme'n'l] adv. triumphantly. Trionfare, [trinf'r] v. a. & n. to triumph; sway; feast,



Tripudio, [trip'di] m. caper- Tritume, [trit'me'] m. crumbs, bits; trifles, pi. ing, dancing for joy. Triregno , [trire"n] wi. triple Tritura, [trit'ra] f. Trituramento , [tritrrae'u't] m. crown. Pope's crown. grinding, pounding; affliction. Trireme, [trir'me'] f. trireme Triturare, [tritr'r] v. a. to three-benched galley. Trisagio, [tris'ji] adj. most triturate, grind, pound, bruise. Triturazione, [tritratsi'n] holy. Trisavolo, [tris'vl] m. great /. trituration, pounding. Triumvirato, [trimvira't] m. great grand-father.

Trisillabo, [trisil'labo] adj. trisyllabical.

triumvirate. Triumviro,[trim'vir]m.triumvir.









spasmodic contraction of the Trivella, [triveTla] f. a large Trivellare, [trivll'r] v. a. to Trionfatore, [trinfct'r] in. masticatory muscles. Trionfatrice, [trioiifatri'tshe] Tristaccio,(trist'tsh]a( pierce with a largo auger; boro. ligato, infamous; -, m. great Trivellatura, [tnvllat'r] f. f. triuinphcr, conqueror. boring savi^dust. Trionfetti , ftrinft'ti] and scoundrel. Trionfini, [trionfi'ni] m. pi. a Tristaggine , [trista' djine] see Trivello, [triveTl] m. a large

subdue the passions.


at cards.

Trionfo, [trin'f] w. triumph; trump (at quadrille); trionfi da tavola, sugared ornaments on a dinner table. Trionfoccio, [trinf'tsh] m. a small sugared ornament. Trioni, [tri'nij, major and minor. Tripartito, [tripartito] adj. tri-

gimlet. Triviale, [trivi'lj adj. trivial, low, vulgar. [tristants'l] Trivialit, [trivialit'] TriviaTristanzuolo , litade, Trivialitate, f. trivialiadj. thin, slender; unhealthy,

Tristamente,[tristme'n'te']adr sadly, painfully.


ty, trivialness, futility.

Tristarello, [tristar'l] Tri starellino. [tristrlli'n] adj mischievous, unlucky; roguish. Tristarsi, [tristar si] v. r. to be partite. sad, grieve. Tripartizione, [triprtitsi'no] Triste, [tri ste'] see Tristo. Tristezza, [tr iste't'sa] Tristizia f. division by three. Tripetalo, [trip'tal] adj.{bot.) [tristi'tsi] f. sadness, melannaughtiness tripetalous. choly , grief Tripla, [tr i'pl] f. (mus.) musical wickedness. bar divided into three parts. Tristificare, [tristifika're'] v. a. Triplicare, [triphka'rtJ] v. a. & to render sad. ft. to triple, treble. Tristo, [tri'st] adj. sad, afilict; ,


[trivilmn't] adv. trivially, vulgarly. Trivio, [tri'vi] m. place where three streets meet. Trocarre, [trkar'r] m. (surg.)

Trocheo, [tr'ke'] wi. trochee. Trochisco, [trkis'k] Trocisco, [trtshis'k] m. medicinal


Troclea, [tr'kl] f. pulley (for drawing up weights). Trofeo, [trf'j m. trophy;

trophies, pi. Troferia, [trfe'ri] for a trophy.

Triplicatamente, [tripliktmn't] adv. triply.


ed; wretched; cunning; wick ed, depraved, perverse.


Tristuzzo, [trist'ts] adj. some

tripled. what sad. Triplice, [tri'plitsh] adj.triple, Trisulco, [trisl'k] adj. with threefold. three points. Triplicemente, [triplitshe'me'n'- Trita, [tri't] /. felucca; beaten t] adv. in a threefold manner. road. Triplicit, [triplitshit'j Tr- Tritamente, [tritme'n'te'] adv. plieitade, Triplicitate, f. trip- in small bits; distinctly. licity, trebleness. Tritamente, [tritmn't] m. Triplo, [tri'pl] arfj.triple.three- grinding, mincing. fold. Tritare, [trita'r]v. ft. to grind, Tripode, [tri'pde'J m. tripod, pound.

Trogiolatura, [trjiltu'r]

v. n. to

stammer, stutter. Troglio, [trT] adj. tonguetied, stammering.


[trit'v] Tritavolo [trit'vl] see Trisavolo. woman. Trippa, [trip'pa] f. tripe, belly. Tritello, [trit'lo] m. fine bran. Trojaccia, [try'tsh] /". large Trippaccia,[tripp'tsh] /".large Tritelloso , [tritll's] adj. ugly sow; nasty slut, dirty belly, large paunch (vulgar.). abounding in bran. strumpet.


Trogoletto , [trgle't't] m. small trough, small manger. Trogolo, [tr'glj m. trough. Troja, [tr'y] f. sow; dirty

Tripolo, [tripl] m. tripoly.

Trippajuola, [trippy'la] /. Tritico, [tri'tik] m.(poes.) corn Trojano, [try'n] adj. said of tripe-woman. wheat. a horse that has long ears. Trippone, [tripp'njnj. a large- Tritino, [triti'n] adj. (said of which he keeps continually bellied man (vulgar.), moving. a seedy dandy). Tripudiamento, [tripdimn'- Trito, [tri't] adj. pounded, Trojata, [try't] f. gang of t] m. jumping, skipping for minced; beaten, common, triv- highwaymen. joy. ial, trite. Tromba, [trm'b] f. trumpet; Tripudiare, [tripdi'r] v. n. Tritolare, [tritl'r] v. ft. to water-pump ; trunk (of an to dance and skip for joy, caper; tritulate, skip. elephant), proboscis shell Ciirouso. Trtolo, [tri'tl] m. morsel parlante, speaking trumpet; Tripudiatore, [tripdiato'r] fragment. vendere a suono di - , vendere m. Tripudiatrice , [tripudia'- Tritone, [trit'n] i. triton. alla -, to sell by auction. tritshd] /". carouser, caperer, Trittongo, [trittn'g]m. triph- Trombadore, [trmbad're'] s. dancer; roysterer. thong. trumpeter.
; ; ;

n. to


fatrice, [trffatri'tsh] /. cheat, sharper, swindler. Trufferia, [trufferia] f. cheat,

[trraba'r] v. a. & Trottare , [trtta're'J v. n. to trumpet, sound the trum- trot, walk fast. pet proclaim. Trottata, [trtt't] ^.trot,ride. Trombata, [tromba'ta] /. sound Trottatore, [trttat're'] m.troting of the trumpet. ting horse; ambler. Trombatore, [trrabat'r] see Trotto, [tr't] m. trot; length Trombadore. of way; running; andar di -, Trombeggiare, [trmbdj'r] to trot. . a. to sound the trumpet. Trottola, [tr'tl] f. peg-top Trombetta, [trombtta]/, small pike-top. trumpet; trumpeter. Trottolare, [trttl're'] v. n. Trombettare, [trmbe'tt're'] v. to whirl round like a top. o. to trumpet; proclaim, divulgo. Trottone, [trtt'n] adv. at a Trombettatore,[trmbttt'r] trot, in trotting; andare -, to

roguish trick. Trugiolare, [trjl're'] see Truciolare.

Trulla, [trl'l]


an ancient

wine-vase. Trulleria, [trlle"ri]


stupidv. a. to

Truncare, [trnk're']
truncate, cut.

Trombettiere, [trmbtti'r] trot along. m. trumpeter ; newsmonger, Trovabile, [trvT)ile'] adj. postell-tale.

Trunco, [trn'k] see Tronco. Truogo, [tr'g] m. trough. Truogoletto, [trgltt] m.

Trombettino Trombetto,

small trough, pig-trough. Truogolo, [truogolo] and Trogolo, [trgolo] see Truogo. [trmbe'tti'n] Trovamento, [trvme'n't] m.
sible to bo found.


finding, discovery, invention.

Truppa, [trp'pa]/. troop, band,


trumpeter, blab. Trovare, [trv'r] v. a. to find, Trombone , [trmb'n] m. meet with ; discover, invent trombone, sackbut. acknowledge, observe, remark; Troncamente, [trnkmn't] Trovarsi, v. r. to find one's adv. interruptedly. self, be, be present. Troncamento , [trnkme'n't] Trovatello , [trovatllo] m. m. cutting off; suppression. foundling. Troncare , [trnka'r] v. a. to Trovato, [trv't] m. device,
cut off; suppress.
discovery, invention.

crew, set. Trutilare, [trtila'r] v. n. to whistle (like the thrusli). Tu, [tu] pron. thou; dare del < ad alcuno, to thee and thou a person. Tuba, [t'b] f. (poes.) trumpet.

Troncatamente, [trnktmn Trovatore, [trvt're'] te'] adv. by snatches, fitfully. vatrice, [trvtri'tshe'] /. find- lar-tree; truffle. Troncativo , [trnkati'v] adj. er, inventor; Trovatori, pi. Tubercoletto, [tube'rkle't't] m.

Tubare, [tb'rj v. n. to blow the trumpet; complain. m. Tro- Tuber, [t'be'r] /. small med-

small tubercle. troubadours, pi. Trozze, [tr'ts] f. pi. (mar.) Tubercolo, [tbe'r'kl] m. tuoff; unfinished. bercle, pimple. parrels of the yards, pi. Troncatore, [trnkat're'] m. he Trozze, [tr'tsj m. mob, rabble. Tubero, [t'br]nt. see Tuber. that cuts off; suppressor. Truccare , [trkk're] Truc- Tuberosit, [tuberosit'] TubeTroncatura,[trnkt'r]/'. cut- chiare, [trkki'r] and Truc- rositade, Tuberositate, f. tuting off; suppression. ciare, [trtsh'r] v. a. {bill.) berosity, tumor. Tuberoso, [tbe'r's] adj. tuTronco, [trn'k] m. trunk; to hit tho ball. stem, race, lineage. Trucco, [trk'k] m. kind of berous, pustulous ; -, m. tube-

Troncato, [trnk't]

adj. cut

Tronco, [trn'k]

adj. cut off,

game somewhat



rose (flower).

docked; unfinished, imperfect. billiards. Tronconcello, [trnkntsh'l] Truce, [tru'tshe'] adj. ferocious, m. small trunk; small body. atrocious, fierce. Troncone, [trnk'n] m. large Trucidamento, [trtshidme'n'trunk. t] m. massacre, slaughter. Tronfiare, [trnfia're'] . n. to Trucidare, [trtshid'r] v. a. grow haughty (vulgarism). to murder, massacre, butcher, Tronfio, [trn'fi] adj. haughty; assassinate. angry, irritated. Trucidatore, [trtshidt're'] m. Tronfione, [trnfi'ne'] m. a murderer, cut-throat, assassin. sulky person. Truciolare, [trtshl're'] and Trono, [tr'n] m. throne. Trugiolare, [trjil'r] v. a. Tropei, [tr'pe'i] m. pt. winds to cut into pieces chip. that rise in the valleys. Truciolo, [tr'tshl] m. chip Tropico, [tr'pik] m. tropic. bit. Truculento, [trkln't] adj. Tropo, [tr'p] m. (rh.) trope. [trplji'a] Tropologia, cruel, barbarous. f. tropology, moral sense. Truffa , [truffa] /. knavery, Tropologico, [trpl'jik] adj. cheat, fraud, sharping; non; ;

Tubo, [t'b] m. tube, syphon;

socket; (gas) gas-pipe.

Tucano, [tk'n] m. toucan.

Tuello, [tl] m. (vet.) tenderbone. Tufa, [t'f] f. mass of volcanic earth amalgamated together, Tufato, [tf't] adj. musty. Tuffamento, [tffamen'tj m. immersion, plunging. Tuffare, [tff'r] v. a. to plunge into the water, steep; Tuffarsi, V. r. to plunge, rush into. Tuffatore, [tffto're']m.plunger,


sense, bagatelle.

Tuffete, [tf'ft] m. sudden blow. Tuffetto, [tffe't't] and Tuffatore, [tfft'r] m, a species of wild duck.

Troppo, [tr'p] adj. too much, Truffaldino, [trffldi'n] m. Tuffettone, [tfftt'ne'] m. a larger kind of wild duck. too many, superfluous; use- harlequin, buffoon. adv. too much, too, Truffare , [trff're'] v. a. to Tuffo, [tuffo] I. plunging; less; dupe ruin, loss. excessively; -, m. over-much, cheat, trick, defraud, Tuffolino, [tffli'n] and Tuexcess; plenty. mock, deride. m. [truffar 'i] folino, [tufli'n] a kind of Troscia, [tr'sha] /. furrow, Truffaruolo, water-fowl track; stripe. that cheat, impostor. excels in Trota, [tr't] f. trout. Truffativo , [trffati'v] adj. swimming and diving. Trotare, [trta'r] v. a. to cook fit to dupe. Tuffolo, [tiif fl] wi. plungeon,

fish like trout.


diver (birdj.





sandy Turaccioletto, [trtshlt't] Turco, [tr'k] m. Turk. Turacciolino, [trtshli'n] Turgenza, [trjn'ds] /.turgegm. m. small cork, small stopple. cence, swelling. Turacciolo, [tr'tshl] see Tu- Turgore, [tr'je're'j see Gonfiare.



small hut, cabin.


, [tug'ri] cottage, cabin.



[tr'rl see Turac-

[trjide't's] /".tur-

Tu raglio,

Tulipa, [t'lip] f. Tulipano, cio. [tlipa'n] m. tulip. Turamento, [tiu-ran't] m. swollen, bombastic. Turibile, [tri'bil] Turibolo, Tullur, [tll'rjm. simpleton, stopping up, corking. foolish person. Turare, [tr'r] stop up. [tri'bl] t. censer, perfuTumefatto , [tme'fat't] adj. Turata, [tr't] f. a kind of ming-pan. persons Turiferario, [trifra'ri] tr,. used by tumefied, puffed up. skreon Tumefazione, [tme'ftsi'n] painting &c. in public places. censer-bearer. Turba, [tr'bl f. crowd; pop- Turiflcare, [trifik're'] v. a. to f. tumefaction. perfume. Tumideggiare, [tmide'dj're'] ulace. V. n. to puff one's self up, Turl)al)ile,[trb'bile']ad;.6asily Turma, [tr'm] f. squadron, flock, crowd. swell with pride. disturbed. Tumidetto, [tmide'tt'] adj. a Turbagione, [trbji'n] f Turno, [tr'n] m. turn. Turpe, [tr'p] and Turpo, adj. little swollen. outrageous injury. Tumidezza, [tmidt's] f. tu- Turbamento, [trbme'n't] m nasty, villanous, infamous, mefaction; swelling, tumor. perturbation, confusion, dis- Turpemente, [trpe'mn't] adv basely, meanly, shamefully. Tumido, [t'mid] adj. tumid, order; insurrection. puffed up. Turbante, [trbn't] w.turban; Turpezza, [trpe't's] /. turpitude, infamy. Tumore, [tm're'] m. tumor, light muslin. swelling pride. Turbare, [trb'r] v. a. to Turpiloquio, [trpilqi'] m. interrupt obscene talk. trouble Tumoretto, [tmre't't] m.little disturb tumor. disorder, disconcert; Turbar- Turpissimamente, [trpissimTumoroso, [tmr's] adj. full si, V. r. to get disturbed, be me'n'te'] adv. most shamefully, disconcerted, grow angry; grow most basely. of tumors. Turpit, [trpit'] Turpitade, Tumulare, [tml're'] v. a. cloudy. (poes.) to bury, inter. Turbatamente, [trbtme'n'- Turpitate; Turpitudine, [trTumulo, [t'ml] m. (poes.) te'] adv. in a perturbed man- pit'dine'J /. turpitude, baseness, infamy. grave, tomb. ner. Tumulto, [tmrt]m. tumult, Turbativa, [trbti'va]/.(aw.) Turrito, [trri't] see Torrito. Turtumaglio, [trtm'r] sef complaint. uproar. Tumultuante , [tumltn't ] Turbato, [trb't] m. cloudy Titimaglio. Turtureo , [trt'reo] adj. beadj. tumultuous, seditious. weather. Tumultuare , [tmlt're'] v. Turbatore, [trbt're] m. Tur- longing to the turtle. n. to excite tumults, become batrice, [trbtri'tshj f. dis- Tusca, [t'sk] f. a kind of tumultuous. black grape. turber, perturber, disquieter Tumultuariamente, [tmltu- Turbazioncella , [trbatsin- Tusillaggine, [tusilla'djine'] f. rime'n'te'] adv. tiiraultuously. tsh'l] f. slight perturbation, (bot.) colt's foot. Tumultuario , [tmlt'ri] emotion. Tutela, [tt'l] f. tutelage adj. tumultuous; confused. Turbazione, [trbtsi'n] f. guardianship. Tumultuazione, [tmlttsi'- trouble, disorder. Tutelare, [tte'l'r] adj.tutelar, ne'] f. tumult; riot. Turbine, [tur'bine'] m. whirl- guardian; -, v. a. to guard, Tumultuosamente, [tmlt- wind, hurricane; screw-shell. protect. sme'n't] adv. tumultuously. Turbinoso, [trbin's] adj. Tuto, [t't] adj. safe, secure. Tumultuoso, [tmlt's] adj. whirling, tempestuous, stormy. Tutore, [tt'r] in. guardian, tumultuous, seditious. Turbo, [tr'b] adj. tiirbid, not trustee. Tunica, [t'nik] A tunic, jacket; clear, thick; -, m. turbidness Tutoreria, [tutor e"ria] f. tuteintegument, pellicle. storm. lage, guardianship. Tunicato , [tuni k'tjadi. clothed Turbolentemente, [trble'nte'- Tutrice, [ttri'tsh] f. female in a ..tunic ; bulbous guardian, female trustee. roots me'n'te'] adv. turbulently. invested with many coats, as Turbolento, [trbln't] adj. Tuttaddue , [tttd'd] adj. hyacinths &. turbulent; seditious. both. Tunichetta, [tnike't't] f. little Turbolenza, [trbln'dsa] Tur- Tuttafiata, [tttft't] adv. tunic. [trbln'dsi] f. bolenza, continually, always. Tunnello, [tnn'l] m. (rail.) turbulence, confusion. Tuttavia, [ttt'vi] Tuttavoltunnel. Turcasso, [trkas's] m. quiver, ta, [tttvrt] adv. & conj. Tuo, [t'] pron. thy, thine; il faretra. always, incessantly, as often -, thy property; i tuoi, thy Turchese, [trke"se'] see Tur- as ; whenever, however, never.

gidity, swelling. Turgido, [tr'jid] adj. turgid,




Tuono, [t'n] m. thunder; ru- Turchina, [trki'n] Turchese, Tutto, [tt't] adj. all, whole mor, fame; tone. [trk'se'] f. turquoise (gem). every; - ti mondo all the

Tuorlo,]tr'l]andTorlo, [trlo] Turchiniccio, [trkini'tsh]a(f/ world; tutti i giorni, every I. yolk (of an egg); middle. of a bluish colour. day; tutti quanti, every one; Tura, [t'ra] f. stoppage; dam, Turchino, [trki'n] m. azure, - d, tutti i tempi, continually; dike; causey. sky-blue. tutt' uomo, every man. Turaccio, [tr'tsh] m. cork, Turcimanno, [trtshimn'n] Tutto, [tt't] adv. wholly, enm. interpreter. stopple, bung. tirely, fully, quite al -, del




entirely ; per - , con - ci , for all that, never- Tutumaglio, [ttmT] w. in - e per - , theless, yet; tutt' uno, all one, milk-thistle. thoroughly, entirely, through- quite the same. Tututto, [ttt't] adv. quite, out; - che, almost, although; Tuttora, Tutt' ora, [tutt'r] entirely. - ad un tempo, all of a sudden adv. always, continually. Tuzia, [t'tsi] ^.tutty,spodium.



P, has always a hard sound: thus the word tu is pronounced precisely as the word to in English; the u in pure as poor ; in suo as Susan. Ubbia, [b'bi] /. bad presage. Ubbiaccia, [bbi'tsh] f. very bad presage.

Uccellame, [tshe'll'me'] m. Udimento, [dimn't] m. heargame, fowl killed. ing, listening. Uccellamento, [tshe'llme'n't] Udire, [di're] v. a. irr. (odo, m. railery, derision; scorn. odi, ode, udiamo, udite, odono ; Uccellante, [tshe'lln't] m. udito) to hear, listen to.
fowler, bird-catcher. Uccellare, [tshlla'r] m. see Uccellaja. Uccellare, [tshe'll're'] r. a. to fowl go fowling go hirdcatching; gull, banter; - ad alcuna cosa, to covet a thing. Uccellatojo, [tshllt'y] m. place for catching birds laughing-stock. Uccellatore, [tshe'llt're'] m. Uccellatrice, [tshe'lltri'tsh] banf. fowler, bird-catcher ;


and [bbide'n'te'] , Ubbidiente, [bbidin't] adj.

Udita, [di'ta] f. hearing; per -, by hearsay. Udito, [di't] and Udire, [di're] m. hearing, senso of hearing.

Uditorato, [ditr't] m. auditor's office, auditorship.

Ubbidenza, [bbide'n'ts] and [bbidin'ts] Ubbidienza ,


Uditore, [dit'r] m. auditor,

hearer. Uditorio, [dit'ri] m. auditory, audience; adj. having the power of hearing (said of the nerves of the ear). Uditrice, [uditri'tshe'] f. auditress; listener.


Ubbidire, [bbidi'r] v.a.

to obey,


comply with.

Ubbioso, [bbi's] adj. superstitious; ominous Ubbliare, [bbli'r] v. a. to

ter er, quiz.

forget; neglect. Uccellatura, [tshe'llt'r] /. Ubbriacaccio , [bbrik'tsh] shooting-season, fowling. m. great drunkard. Uccellettino, [tshlle'tti'n] m. Ubbriachello, [bbrik'l] m. very small bird. little drunkard. Uccelletto , [tshe'lle't't] m. Ubbriachezza, [bbrike't's] /. little bird. (aviary, dove-cot. drunkenness. Uccelliera , [tshlli'ra] f. adj. Uccellino, [tshe'Ui'n] m.pretty Ubbriaco , [bbri'k] drunk, tipsy. little bird; pigliar gli uccelUbbriacone, fbbrikn] m. lini, to play the fool. great drunkard. Uccellinuzzaccio, [litshe'llinuUbbrigare, [bbrig'r] see Ob- ts'tsh] m. ugly little bird.

Udizione, [ditsi'ne']
Ufficetto, [fi'itshe't't]

hearm. small

charge, small


Ufficiale, [fFitsh'l] m. officer. Ufficiale, [ffitsh'l] adj. officiating. Ufficiare, [ffitsha're'] v. n. to


Ufficiatore, [ffitsht'r] m. officiating priest. Ufficiatura, [ffitsht'r] (. ofbligare. Uccellinuzzo , [tshe'llin'ts] ficiating, church-service. Ufficio, [ffi'tsh] m. office, Uberifero, [bri'fe'r] adj. hav- m. very little bird. ing paps, mamillary; prolific. Uccello , [tsh'l] m. bird ; duty, function. Ufficioso, [ffitsh's] adj. ofUbero, l'be'r] m. breast, teat, simpleton, ninny. pap ; adj. peach-colored (said Uccellone , [tshll'n] m. ficious, obliging, complaisant. blockhead. Ufflciuolo, [ffitsh'l] m. small of a horse). Ubert , [be'rtV] Ubertade, Uccelluzzo , [tshe'll'ts] m. office. Uffizio, [uffi'tsi] &c., Uficio, Ubertate, f. fertility; abun- little bird; little ninny. Ucchiellaja , [kkill'y] f. [fi'tsh] Ufizio, [fi'tsi] &c., dance. see Ufficio &c. Ubertoso, [be'rt's] adj. fer- female button-hole maker. Ucchiello, [kki'l] ni. button- Ufo (a), ['f] adv. scot-free tile, prolific; abundant. (vulgarism). hole. Ubi, ['M] adv. where. Ubidienza , [bidie'n'ts] see Uccidere , [tshi'de're'] v. a. Uggia, ['dj] f. shade; omen, bad presage ; aversion; aver Ubbidienza, &c. irr. {uccisi ; ucciso) to kill, %n -, to have an aversion for, Ubino , [bi'n] m. Shetland murder; retrench. Uccidimento , [utshidime'n't] hate, detest; essere in -, tropony, nag. varsi in -, to be disliked, be Ubriaco, [bri'k] &c., see Ub- m. killing, murder. Ucciditore , [tshidit're'] m. hated. briaco &c. Uccella, [tshe'ri] f. the fe- Ucciditrice, [utshiditri'tshe'j Uggiolare, [udjl'r] v.a. to howl. male of birds. f. killer, slayer. [dj's] adj. shaded, [tshisi'ne'] Uccellabile, [tshe'll'bil] adj. Uccisione , f. Uggioso, killing, slaughter. silly, simple, foolish. shady; chilling, blighting; Uccellaccio, [tshell'tsh] m. Uccisore, [tshis're'] m. killer, damp, cloudy; tiresome; missimpleton ; murderer, slayer. trustful. voracious bird ; Udibile, [di'bile'] adj. audible. Ugioli e harugiolJ, ['jli gull. Uccellagione, [tshe'llj'ne'] f. Udienza, [din'ds] Udienzia, br'jli] adv. one with the shooting-season; fowling,game. [din'dsia] f. audience, hear- other. [tshll'y] ing; auditory; sala d' -, f. au- Ugna, ['n'] f. nail, claw. Dccellaja , /. aviary, place prepared for dience-chamber ; dare - , to Ugnare, [n''r] v a. to cat shooting birds, hird-catchBg. obliquely. give audience.

Ugrnatura, [n't'ra]



Umettamento, [mttme'n't]

cutting Ulivastro, [liva'str] m. wild

obliquely. Ugnella, [n'ria] f. a horny excrescence on a horse's foot. Ugnare, ['n'r] and Ungere, [nge"re'] v. a. irr. {unsi; unto) to grease, anoint; - le mani ad uno, to bribe a person. Ugnetto, [n't't] m. sort of graver, puncheon. Vgnimento , [n'ime'n't] m. anointing, unction ; moderation.

m. moistening, wetting. Ulivato, [ uliva' t] adj. abound- Umettare, [umettare] v. o. to moisten, wet; soak. ing in olives. Ulivella, [liv'l] /. iron-crow, Umettativo, [mttti'v] adj.





Ugnlo, [n''I]
a thin horse).

(said of





claw, great nail.

Ugola, ['gl] f. uvula. Ugonotto, [gn't] ?i. Huguenot, Calvinist.

Uguagliamento, [gurmn't] m. equalizing. Uguaglianza, [gurn'ds]


equality, conformity. Uguagliare, [gur're'] v. a. to equalize, make equal. Ultimatamente, [ltimtme'n'Uguagliatore, [gurdt're'] m. t] adv. lastly. he that equalizes. Ultimazione, [ltimtsi'n] f.

moistening; cooling. small Umettazione , [mtttsi'ne'] f. humectation. Uliveto, [Hve't] m. and Ulive- Umidetto,[mide't't]af?j.rather moist, somewhat Jiumid. ta, [liv't] /. olive-plantaUmidezza, [midt's] /. humidtion. Ulivigno, [livi'n'] see Uli- ity, damp. Umidiccio , [midi'tsh] see vastro. Ulivino, [livi'n] see Ulivello. Umidetto. Ulivo, [li'v] m. olive-tree, Umidire, [midi're'] v. a. to moisten, damp. olive-branch. Ulolare, [ll're'] see Ululare. Umidit, [umidit'] UmiditaUlteriore, [lte'ri're'] adj. ulte- de, Umiditate, see Umidezza. Umido, ['mid] a./j. humid, rior, further. Ulteriormente, [lte'rirme'n'- moist; -, m. humidity, mois(ity. ture, te'] adv. furthermore, besides, Umidore, [umid're] m.humidmoreover. Ultimamente, [ultimme'n't] Umidoso, [mid's] see Umido. Umile, ['mil] adj. humble, adv. lastly, latterly. Ultimare, [ltim're'] v. a. to submissive; vile, abject. bring to an end, finish, com- Umiliaca, [mili' ka] /. apricot. Umillaco,[milx'k] i.apricotplete.

[liv'l] olive-tree.





m. humiliation, submission. Umiliare, [mili'r] r. a. to Ugualare, [gul're'] see Ugua- ultimatum. gliare. Ultimo, [l'tfm] adj. last, ut- humiliate, humble; mortify; Uguale, [uguale'] adj. equal, most; greatest; ail' -, lastly, appease, calm; Umiliaksi, v.
like; oven.

at last.

a. to

humble one's


Ugualit, [ugualit'] Ugualit Ultore, [lt're'] m. Ultrice, de, Ugualitate, /. equality, [ultri'tshe'] /. avenger, reconformity. venger. Ugualmente, [gulme'n'te'] adv Ultra, [ul'tra] adv. be3'ond. equally, alike. Ultroneo, [ltr'n] ac//. sponUguanno, [gun'n] wi. this taneous. year (vulgarism, Utile used). Ulula, ['il] f. owl. Uh! ['j Uhei, [h'i] int. oh! Ululare, [ll're'] v. n. to howl, ahi screech, shriek. Ulcera, [l'tshe'r] f. ulcer, Ululato, [lla't] m. howling,

Umiliazione, [miliatsi'n]
humiliation; mortification.

Umilissimo, [milis'sim] most humble.


Umilit, [milit'] see Umilt. Umilmente, [milmn't] adv,

humbly, respectfully. Umilt, [umilt'] Umiltade, Umiltate, f. humility, humbleness, respect.





shrieking. Ululo, [l'l]





shriek, howl.

bad humor.

Ulceramento, [ltshrmn'- Umanamente [mnme'n't] Umore , [m're'] wi. humor, moisture; phlegui; temper; t] m. ulceration. adv. humanely, kindly. Ulcerare, [ltshe'r're'] v. a. & Umanare, [raan'r] v. a. to di buon -, iu a good humour, n. to ulcerate, fester. humanise; Umanarsi, w. r. to good-natured; di cattivo -, in Ulcerativo, [ltshrti'v] adj. become become a bad humour;- malinconico, incarnate melancholy temper. apt to fesier. man. Ulcerazioncella,rltshe*rtsin- Umanista, [mni'st] m. hu- Umoretto, [mrt't] m. little humor. tsh'l] f. slight ulcer. manist. Ulcerazione, Lltshrtsi'ne] Umanit, [umanit'] Umanita- Umorista, [mri'st] m. hude, Umanitate, f. humanity, morist; fanciful person. f. ulceration. Umorosit, [mrsit'] UmoUlcere, [l'tshe're'] and Ulcero, kindness, friendliness. Umorositate , /. [l'tshr] m. see Ulcera. rositade , Umano, [m'n] adj. human Ulceroso , adj. [ltshe'r's] humane, kind; lettere umane, fulness of humors. ulcerous, ulcerated. Umoroso, [mr's] adj. full f. pi. human learning. Ulente, [ln't] adj. sweet- Umazione, [mtsio'ne'] /. in- of humors. [mrtsha'Umorucciaccio scented, fragrant. huming, interment. Uligine, [li'jin] f. moistness, Umb, [mb'J adv. well now, tsho] m. bad humor. dampness, humidity. Un, [un] for Uno. well then. Uliginoso, [Hjin's]ad'j .moist; Umbellifero, [mbe'llife"r] adj. Una, [lina] adv. together; together with. damp, humid. umbel lated (said of plants). Uliva, [li'v] f. olive. Umbilico, [mbili'k] m. navel. Unanimamente, [nanimamen'Ulivaggine, [livadji'n] see Umbratile [umbratile] adj. t] and Unanimemente, [nniinmn't) adv. unanimously. Ulivastro. shadowy; typical, figurative. [liliv'l] Ulivare , Umero, ['mr] m. {poes,) Unanime, ni'nim] adj. unanDlivale


[liv'rj adj. olive-liko.



Unanimit, [unanimit']



/".unanoxion, concord; -ginnastica, Untatura, [iintt'r] f. the act of anointing. gymnastic union. nimity, conformity, accord. Unoicare, [ntshik'r] see Un- Uniparo, [ni'pr]adj. bringing Unticcio, [nti'tsh] adj. a little greasy. one at a birth cinare. Uncinare, [ntshina'r] v. a. to Unire, [ni're'] v. a. to unite, Unto, [n't] adj. anointed, fat, greasy; -, m. fat, grease; ointjoin, annex; smooth. hook; seize, snatch. w. Unisillabico, [nisillbi'k] adj. ment, unction. [ntshin'lj Uncinello , Untume, [nt'me'] m. grease, of one syllable. small hook, little clasp. Uncino, [ntshi'n] wi. hook, Unisillabo, [nisill'b] adj. fat; dirt. Untuosit, [untuosit'] Untuomonosyllable. clasp, grappling-iron. Uncinuto , [ntshin't] adj. Unisono, [ni'sn] ni. unison, sitade, Untuositate, f. unctuosity, greasiness. booked; r.apacious. concord. Undazione , [undtsi'n] /". Unit, [unit'] Unitade, Uni- Untuoso, [nt's] adj. unctuous, oily, greasy. inundation. tate, f. unity, union, concord. Undecimo, [und'tshim] Undi- Unitamente, [nitme'n'te'] adv. Unzioncella, [ntsintsh'l] /. cesimo, [nditsh'sim] adj. unitedly, jointly with, together light unction. Unzione, [ntsi'ne'] f. unction; eleventh. with. Undici, [n'ditshi] adj. eleven; Unitivo, [uniti'v] adj. uniting. ointment. eleventh. Unito, [ni't] adj. united, Uomaccino , [mtshi'n] &c., Ungere, [n'je're'] see Ugnere. unanimous; simple, see Omaccino &c. joined; Unghia, [n'ghi] f. nail; hoof; plain. Uometto, [mt't] m. little talon, claw; dor nelle unghie, Unitore, [nit'r] m. peace- man. to fall into one's clutches. Uomicciatto, [mitsht't] see maker, conciliator. Unghiato, [nghia't] adj. fur- Univalve, [univalve] and Uni- Omicciatto. nished with nails &c. valve, [univalve] adj. uni- Uominaccio , [min'tsh] m. Unghiella, [nghi'l] f. numb- valve. very wicked man. ness at the fingers' end. Universale, [nive'rs'l] adj. Uomo, ['m] m. (uomini, pi.) Unghione, [nghi'n] m. great universal, general, entire, to- man; husband; subject; vascrooked talon; great claw. tal; -, m. universal, universals; sal; - d'arme, soldier; - di Unghiato, [nghi't] see Un- bulk, mass. conto, man of distinction; - di ghiato. [universalit'] Universalit , corte, courtier;- di cuore, man Ungitore, [unjit're'] m. an- Universalitade, Universalita- of feeling; - fatto, grown up ointer. te, f. universality. man; - di ferro, vigorous man; Unguentare, [ngunt'r] v. Universalizzare , [nive'rsli- 'di garbo, worthy man; - di a. to anoint. ds'r] V. a. to generalize. guerra, warrior; soldier; - di Unguentiere, [ngunti're'] m. Universalmente , [nivrsl- mezzo, mediator; - di mondo, perfumer. me'n'te'] Universamente, [niworldling; - d'onore, man oi Unguentifero, [ungue'ntif'r] ve'rsamn'te'] adv. generally, honor; - di buona pasta, goodadj. producing ointment. universally, commonly. natured man; - di spaila, Unguento, [ngue'n't] m. oint- Universit, [nive'rsit'] Uni- swordsman; - di testa, obsti-

ment, salve. Unibile, [ni'bile'] adj. that may be united; compatible.




nate man;

- di



Unicamente, [ ni'kmn't] adv.

only, exclusively.

Unicit, [nitshit']
ity, peculiarity.



Unico,['nik]arfj. unique, sole, only; peculiar. {Jnicoruo, [nikr'n] m. unicorn. Unicornuto, [nikrn't] adj. having only one horn. Unificare, [nifik'r] v. a. to unite. Uniformare, [nifrm're*] v. n. to conform.

Uniforme, [nifr'me']
form, equal.

adj. uni-



men't] adv. uniformly; alike. Uniformit, [uniformit'] Uniformitade, Uniformitate, /. nniformity, conformity. Unigenito, [nij'nitj w. only
son; Christ.





linimento, [nime'n't] m. union, conjunction. Inione, [ni'ne'] f. union, conDiz. Ital.-Ing.

universality, generality; uni- man of talent, wise man; - di versity. toga, lawyer; far da -, to act Universo, [nivr's] adj. uni- like a man; far I' - addosso, to versal, general, all, whole; brag, hector. -, m. universe, whole world. Uopo, ['p] m. pro, utility, adUnivocamente , [nivkme'n'- vantage, profit; need, want; t] adv. univocally, in one essere - d' -, fare d' -, to bo nectenor. essary. Univocazione, [nivktsi'ne'] Uosa, ['s] /. spatterdashes, gaiters, pi. f. simple meaning. Univoco, [ni'vk] adj. uni- Uovarolo, [vrl'l] m. eggvocal, of one meaning. cup. Unizzare, [nidsa'r] v. a. to Uovicino, [vitshi'n]m. small to unity. reduce egg. Uno, ['n] art. & adj. a, an, Uovo, ['v] m. (uovo, /".pJ.) egg; in -, by one; one; -ad-, one megrim; uova di pesce, milt, together; ad un' ora, at the roe; cercar il pel nell' -, to same time;n tanto per -, so examine minutely rompere l'much a piece. in bocca, to baffle, thwart; PaUnoculo, [nk'l] adj. one- squa d' uovo, Easter day. eyed. Uovolo, ['vl] m. white oval Unqua , [un'lcu] Unquanche, mushroom sprig of olive. [nkuan'k] Unqnanco, [un- Upiglio, [pi'l'j m. {bot.) wild kun'k] Unque, [n'ku]a/o. garlic. never, at no time; in no degree. Upupa, [u'pup] f. lapwing, Unquemai, [unkue'ma'i] adv. pewet; tuft. never. Uracano, [rak'n] Uragano, Untare, [nt're'] v. a, to anoint; [rg'n] m. hurricane. perfume. Urania, [r'nij /. one of the Untata, [untata] /. anointing. Muses.
; ;


TTrano, [r'n] m. Uranns. Uranografia, [rngrfi']



commerce; o -, at usance; at aver per -, to bo
: , ;

ed; be familiar with, frequent,



Usatamente, [starae'n'te'] adv accustomed, use far -, to make nranography. adj. used, use of "Dranometria, [rnm'tria] /. commonly, generally. employ Usato, [usato] adj. worn out, accustomed. nranometry. Uranoscopio, [urns'k'pi] m. old;-, m. use, custom, habit; Usofrutto, [sfrt't] see Usu(band. ways, pi. frutto, telescope. Urbanamente , [nrbaname'ii'te'] Usatore, [sat're'] m. user fre- Usoliere, [usli're'] m. string. quenter. Ussaro, [s'sr] and Ussero, adv. politely, courteously. Urbanit, [urbanit'] Urbani- Usatti, [st'ti] m. pi. 'boots, pi. [sse"r] w. hussar. tade, Urbanitate, /. urbanity, Usattini, [stti'ni] m. pZ.balf- Usso, [s's] m. fortune-teller. politeness. boots, buskins, pi. Ussoricida, [ssritshi'd] m. Urbano, [rb'n] adj. polite, Usbergo, [sbr'g] m. cuirass, murderer of his one's wife. breastplate. civil, courteous. Usta, [u'sta] f. scent (of wild Urente, [rn'te] adj. burning Uscetto, [she't't] m. small beasts). Urgente, [rjn't] adj. urgent, door, small passage. Ustione, [sti'n] f. burning, pressing, instant Usciaja, [shi'y] f. door. combustion. i. screen, Ustolare , [stl're'] v. n. to Urgentemente, [rje'nte'mn'te'] Usciale, [slii'le'] threshold of the door. adv. urgently, instantly wish ardently (said especially Urgenza, [rjn'ds] f. urgency, Usciera,[ush'r]/'.door-keeper, of a hungry dog.)

portress. pressing necessity. Urina, [ri'n] &c., see Orina &c. Usciere, [shi're'] m. door keeper, porter, usher. Uriuolo, [ri'l] &c.,see Orino Uscimento,[shime'n't]m.going lo &c. Urlamento , [urlame'n't] m. out, issue, success. Uscio, ['sh] m. outside door, howling. Urlare, [rl're'] v. n. to howl, entrance passage tener ad alcuno r - , to forbid one the shriek. Urlatore, [rlt're'] m. he that house. Usoioletto, [shlt't] Usciohowls. lino, [shli'n] m. small door, Urlio, [urlio] m. hubbub. small passage. Urlo, [r'l] m. howl; moan. Urlone, [rl'n] m. a very loud Uscire, [ushi'r] v. n. irr. (esco, esci, esce, usciamo, uscite, escospeaker. Urna, [r'n] f. urn; perfume- no; uscii; uscito) to go out, come out: issue; open towards, pan; ballot-box. Umetta, [rnt't] f. a small open into; escape; hasten; /"ar - , to drive out, squeeze out nrn. Uro, [u'r] m. sort of buffalo, urge, press; - di se, to go beside one's self; get deranged; - di wild ox. Urta, [r't] f. avere in -, to be ban'lo,to'be recalled from exile; -di cervello, to become mad; angry with, dislike. Urtamento, [rtrae'n't] m. -alia luce, to be published; shock, knock, hurt. di mente, to forget; - al mondo, Urtare, [rt'r] v. a. & ti. to to come into the world; - di run against dash against passo, to walk faster; - a riva antagonize, to come ashore; - di strada, to shock fall out contradict. go out of one's way; - di vita, Urtata, [rt't] /".shock, knock, to expire, die. clash, hurt. Uscita, [shi't] f. going out, Urtatore, [rtt're'] m. he that issue; egress; door; evacuation, knocks, he that dashes against. diarrhea; end, terra; success; Urtatura, [rttu'r] /. dashing expences, pi. ; dare - to give against, running against. vent, give passage. m. Urto, [ur't] m. shock, clash, Usciticcio , [shiti'tsh] encounter; hit, knock, hurt. deserter (said of a soldier). Urtone, [rt'ne']m.greatshock; Uscito , [shi't] m. exile great knock. outlaw. Usabile, [s'bile'] adj. that may Uscitura, [usMt'r] /. going be used. out. Usamento, [sme'n't] m. use, Csoiuolo, [ush6'l] m. small custom; fashion; familiarity. door, small passage. Usanza, [usin'dsaj/'.use, custom, Usignuolo, [sin''l] m. nighthabit; manner, fashion; inter- ingale. course, intimacy aver - con Usitatamente, [sittrae'n'te'] no, to be familiar with one. adv. as usual, commonly. Usanzaccia,[sands'tsh]/.bad Usitato, [sit't] adj. used, emcustom, disagreeable habit. acusual; wont, ployed; Usare, [s'r] v. a. to use, make customed. use of; frequent, haunt; -, v. n. Uso,[vi'sl w. use, usage, custom, to be used be wont, be accus tom- habit; exercise; conversation,

Ustorio, [st'ri] arf;. burning, ardent (said especially of the

burning glass). Usuale, [s'le']



common, ordinary. Usucapione, [sukpi'n]


property by long pos-


Usucapire,[skpi're'] v.a.(jur.) to claim by long possession.

Usufruttare, [sfrtt're'] and Usnfruttuare, [lisfrtt'r] V have the usufruct, enjoy the temporary use of a thin^. Usufrutto, [sfrt't] m. use, profit, advantage. Usnfruttuare, [sufrutta're'] see Usufruttare. Usufruttuario, [sfrttu'ri] m. (jur.) usufructuary. Usura, [s'r] f. usury. Usurajo, [sr'y] m. usurer. Usurajo, [sr'y] Usurarlo,


[sr'ri] adj. usurious. [sre'dj,

[sre'dja're'] v.

me'n't] m. usury.
n. to practise usury.

Usuriere, [nsri'r] m. usurer. Usurpamento , [srpmn't] m. see Usurpazione.

Usurpare, [surp're'] v. a. to usurp, seize by force. Usurpativamente, [usurpati vmn't] adv. by usurpation. Usurpatore, [srpt'r] tn.

Usurpazione, [srpatsi'ne'] usurpation, encroachment.


Utello, [t'l] TO. oil-cruet, vinegar-cruet, phial.

Utensili,[tnsi'li]m.p/.kitchenutensils, pi. Uterino, [te'ri'n] adj. uterine. Utero, ['tr] m. (anat.) uterus,

Utile, [u'tile'] adj. useful, profitable ; -, m. utility, advantage,

Utilit, [tih'tT Utilitade, Utit litftte, f, utility, benefit.

[iitih't're] Tltilizza[tilidsa'r] v. a. & n. to

dorado. of Utre, ['tr]



utopia, el- Uveaceo,

Utopia, [t'pi]



['ve'] adj. of







leather-bot- Uvizzolo,



advantage. tle. Jtilmente,[tilmn't] adv. use- TJva, [u'va]






$ecca, raisin.

spina, Uzza, ['dsa] f. pungent air of early morning and late evening.

V, has the same sound in Ita- Vacuetto, [vke't't] m. little Vagheggiatore [vghe'djt', lian as in English. vacuity. r] m. Vagheggiatrice, [vVacante, [vkan't]odj. vacant, Vacuit, [vakit'] Vacutade, ghe'djtri'tsh] /". admirer, empty, void. Vacuitate, f. vacuity, empti- lover. Vacanteria, [vknte'ri'] f. su- ness. Vagheggino , [vdghedji'nj m. perfluity; vanity. Vacuo, [v'k] adj. void, emp- dandy, beau, gallant. Vacanza, [vkn'ds] Vacanzia, ty; free; lazy, careless; -, rra. Vaghetto, [vght't] adj. gen[vkn'dsi] f. vacancy, vaca- vacuity , void , emptiness teel, dainty, pretty. tion; school-holidays, pi. vacuum. Vaghezza, [vghe't's] /. loveliVacare, [vk're'J v. a. to want; Vada, [v'd] ness, desire, eagerness; pleasf. stake (at play); attend, apply to; -, v. n. to share. ure, delight. be vacant, be free; cease, end; Vadimonio, [vdim'ni] m. Vagillare, [vjill're'] v. n. to repose; want, not to have; oc- {laro.) promise to appear. vacillate, stagger; hesitate, cupy one's self with; {law.) to Vado, [v'd] in. ford, shallow (little used; see Vagellare). adjourn. passage. Vagimento, [vjime'u't] m. cry Vacazione, [vktsi'ne'] f. va- Vadoso, [vd's] adj. fordable. of a babe. cation, vacancy; failure, want; Vafro, [v'fr] adj. crafty, cun- Vagina, [vji'n] f. sheath, scabrepose, respite. ning. bard. Vacca, [vk'k] f. cow ; bad Vaga, [v'g] the v n. to cry (as woman Vagire, [vaji'rc] f. woman; Vacche, /)i. silkworms beloved. a babe). incapacitated from working by Vagabondare, [vgabnd're'] v. Vagito [vaji't] see Vagi, disease; red scorches. n. to ramble, stroll, wander. mento. Vaccara, [vkk'r] /.cow-herd, Vagabondita [vgbndit'] Vaglia, [vTa] valor, worth;





ability, cleverness.

rambling; distraction. Vagliajo, [vl''y] m. sieveyoung cow. Vagabondo, [vgbn'd] Va- maker. Vaccaro, [vkk'r] m. cow- gabnndo , [vgbu'd] adj. Vagliare, [vl''re'] v. a. to sift, keeper. vagabond, vagrant; unsettled. winnow; pick; choose, select. Vaccherella, [vkkr'hi] see Vagabundamento, [vgbnda- Vagliatore,[vrt'r] m. sifter, Vaccarella. mn't] m. truantship. winnower; picker. Vacchetta, [vklce't'ta] f. little Tagaloggia , [vgl'dj] /". Vagliatura , Lvl'at'rl f. cow; cow-hides, pl.-^ book of apricot of a much esteemed sifting, winnowing; picking, household expenses. quality. Vaglietto, [vl'e't't] m. cornVaccina, [vtshi'n] f. beef. Vagamente, [vgme'n't] adv. sieve, small sieve, riddle. Vaccinare, [vtshln'r] /". to handsomely, elegantly, pleas- Vaglio, [vT] m. corn-sieve,

Vaccinazione, [vtshintsi'ne'] Vagamento, [vgme'n't] m. Vago, [v'g] adj. vague, inf. vaccination. rambling about, wandering. determinate ; roving ramVaccino, [vtshi'n] adj. vac- Vagare, [vag're'] wan- bling unsteady, inconstant cine; m. material used in vacder, rove, ramble about di- engaging, prepossessing, at, ;

cination. gress. tractive; beautiful; fond, deVaccio, [v'tsh] adv. quickly, Vagatore,[vgt'r]m.rambl6r, sirous, greedy; varia donna, f, nimbly. rover. lovely woman; -(/i ricchezze, Vacillamento, [v.tshillame'n't] Vagazione, [vagatsi'ne'] /". ro- fond of money ; -, m. adm.Vacillanza, [vtshilln'ds] ving, wandering. mirer, lover, gallant, sweet/, vacillation, wavering; hes- Vagellajo, [vjll'y] m. dyer; heart. itation, irresolution. potter, delf-man. Vagolare, [vgl're'j see VaVacillare, [vtshilla're] v. n. Vagellamento, [vje'llame'n't] gare. to vacillate, waver, reel, stag- m. vacillation; inconstancy. Vagone, [vg'ne'] m. (rail.) ger; hesitate, be irresolute; be Vagellare, [vjll'r] v. n. to waggon - da persone, passen; inattentive. vacillate, hesitate. ger-carriage, coach ; - da traVacillazione, [vatshillatsi'ne] Vagheggiamento [vghdja- sportar mercanzie, luggage, Vacillit, [vtshillit'] Vacil- mn't] m. ogling (a young waggon, waggon. litade, Vacillitate, /.vacilla- lady), courting, wooing; loveVaguccio,[vg'tsh] ad/, handtion; uncertainty, irresolu- affair. some; nice, delicate. tion. Vagheggiare, [vghe'dj're'] v. Vainiglia, [vini'l'] f. vanilla. Vacuare, [vk're'] v. a. to a. to ogle (a young lady), Vajajo, [vy'y] m. furrier, evacuate, empty. court, woo; Vagheggiarsi, v. dealer in furs. Vacuazione, [vakatsi'ue] f. r. to regard one's self with a Vajano, [vy'n] ni. very swee} evacuation, emptying. look of self-satisfaction. black grape.

Vajare, fvy'r]
v. n. to

grow when they

passage, wheel.


spinning- Valutabile,
[vlt'bil] adj. valuable, estimable. Valutare, [valut'r] v. a. to value, estimate. Valutazione, [vlttsi'n] f. valuation; appraisement. Valvula, [vl'vl] see Valvola. Vampa, [vm'p]/.flamo, blaze; passion. Vampeggiare, [vmpe'dj'r] v. n. to blaze; be in flames.


black (said of olives



Vajato, [vy'tj adj. speckled;


adv. in a valid manner, firmly.





Validare, [vlid'r] render valid, confirm.

a. to

color (of fruits). Validit, [validit'] f. validity, Vajo, [v'y] adj. blackish, spot- strengtlx; certainty. ted; -, m. grey miniver; {her.) Valido, [v'lidl adj. valid, vigvair, vary. orous, powerful legal. Vajolato, [vyl'tT a?/j. black- Valigetta, [vlijt't] f. small ish, ot a purple-color. valise, small portmanteau. Vajuole, [vy'l] f. pi.; Vajuo- Valigia, [vli'ji] /. valise, portlo, [vy'lo] m. small pox. manteau, carpet-bag ; entrare Valanga , [vln'g] f. av- in -, to get angry. (maker. alanche. Valigiajo, [vlijt'y] m.trunkValcare, [vik're'] see Vali- Valigiotto, [vliji't] m. large care valise, traveling bag. Vale, [va'le'] m. poes., fare- Valitudine , [vlit'din] see well! Valetudine. Valeggio, [vle"djj m. power, Valiamo, [vll'me'] m. space force. (between valleys). Valente, [vln'te'] adj. able, Vallare, [valid' r] v. a. to surskilful; intelligent, prudent round with trenches. valiant, brave. Vallata, [vll't] f. valley; Valentemente, [vle'nte'me'n'te'] circumvallation, trench. adv. valiantly, bravely, stren- Valle, [vrie] /. valley, vale,

Vampiro, [vmpi'r] m. vampyre, blood-sucker.

Vampo, [vm'p] m. flame, flush;

lightning; ardor, passion; me-

put one's self in a -, to fury; rage; be proud of.



[vngl'ri] f. vainglory, empty pride. Vanagloriarsi, [vnglrir'si] V. r. to be vainglorious of, pride one's self. Vanagloriosamente, [vngladv. vainglorisrae'n't]



adj. vainglorious, proud, conuously. dale. ceited. Valenteria, [vle'nte'ri'] Va- Vallea, [vll'] see Vallata. Vanamente, [vnme'n'te'] adv. lentia, [vlnti'] f. ability ; Valletta, [valle't't] f. small vainly, uselessly. bravery, courage, prowess,bold- valley, small dale. Vaneggiamento, [vndjme'n'ness; exploit. Vallettina, [vlltti'n] /. little t] m. wild imaginings, pi.; Valentigia , [vale'nti'jta] see valley. nonsense, dotage, folly.





man of merit. Valere, [vl're'] v.a.& be worth, cost; be equal to; deserve, merit; suffice, be able; vale a dire, that is to say; ci non vai niente, that 's good for nothing; non vale la pena, t'is not worth the trouble; -di meglio, to turn to a better account; Valersi, . r. to provalgo di, I avail fit by; mi myself of;-, m. value, worth,
price; valor, force.

Valeriana, [vlria'n]



Valete, [vle"te] (poes.) farewell (said to two or more). Valetudinario, [vltdina'ri] ad}, valetudinarian, sickly.

health, ness.





Valevole, [vle'Vle'] adj. useful,

available, profitable.

Valevolmente, [vlvlme'n't]
adv. excellently, profitably. Valibile, [vlibi'l] adj. valuable. Valicabile , [vlik'bil] adj, fordable. Valicare, [vlik're] v. a. to pass over, cross; ford.

Valicatore, [vlikt'r] m. one who passes over; transgressor Valico, [v'lik] adj. passed over, crossed; -, m. opening,

Vallettino,[val]tti'n]m little Vaneggiare, [vane'dj'r] v. n. valet, young foot-boy. to imagine wildly, rave, dote Valletto, [vlle't't] m. valet, talk nonsense: be inane. page, gentleman's servant. Vaneggiatore, [vnedjat're'] m. Vallicella, [vllitsh'l] f. nar- raving dotard; foolish talker. row vale. Vanerello, [vnr'ljadj. rather Valligiano, [vllij'n] m. in- vain, somewhat conceited;-, tn. habitant of a valley. fop, would-be-dandy. Vallo, [vrio] m. entrenchment, Vanezza, [vut's] /. vanity, circumvallation, fence. inanity. Vallonaccio, [vlln'tsh] m. Vanga, [vn'g] f. mattock, deep gloomy valley. spado. Vallonata, [vlln't] /.valley, Vangaccia,[vng'tsh]/'. clumsy vale, dale. spade. Valloncello, [vllntsh'l] m Vangajuole, [vngy'le'1 f- pl\ little valley, narrow glen. small fishing-net, shrimp-net. Vallone, [vD'n] m.greatdeep Vangare, [vanga'r] v. a. to valley. dig up, turn up (with a spade). Vallonea, [vlln'] f. nutgall Vangata, [vnga'ta] f. ground Valmunica, [vlmni'k] /". a dug up; blow with a spade. kind of black grape. Vangatore, [vngt'r] m. digValore, [vl'r] m. value, worth, ger, delver. price; valor, bravery; might, Vangatura, [viigdt'ra] /.digforce. ging: digging-time. Valorosamente, [valrsmn'- Vangelico,[vnj'lik]ady.eva!it] adv. valiantly, bravely. gelical. Valoroso, [valorso] ad;, valiant, Vangelio, [vnj'li] see Vanbravo, bold; stout, sturdy. gelo. Valsente, [vlsn't] wi. value, Vangelista , [vnje'li'st] m. amount, worth. evangelist. Valvola, [vl'vla] f. (mech.) Vangelizzare, [vnje'lids're'] v, valve; (loc.) - di sicurt, a. to preach the Gospel. safety-valve;- a vapore, steam- Vangelo , [vnj'lo] m. the valve. Gospel. Valuta, [vl't]/. value, worth, Vangile, [vnji'l] m. shoulder, price; amount, stock; coin, foothold (of a spade). money power ; a -, according Vanguardia, [vngwr'di] /. to its value. vanguard.




Varicoso, [virik's] adj. varicose.

Vania, [vni'a] f. vanity. Vaporabile, [vpr'bile'] Vaniglia, [vni'l'] see Vaini- evaporable, exbalable.


[vnil'kui] discourse. Vaniologia , [vnil'ji] science of folly. thick vapor. Vanire, [vni'r] v. n. to dis- Vaporale, [vpr'le'] adj. vaporappear. ous, of vapor. Vanit, [vanit'] Vanitade, Va- Vaporare, [vapr're'] v. a. & nitale, /. vanity; futility. n. to evaporate, exhale; VaVanni, [vu'ni] m. pi. {poes.) porarsi, V. r. to steam, fume pinions, wings, pi. off. Vano, [v'n] adj. vain, empty; Vaporativo, [vprti'v] adj. evaporable. nseless; vainglorious, proud; -, m. void; emptiness, empty Vaporazione, [vprtsi'n] /. space; inanity, inutility ; in-, evaporation, exhalation. in vain, vainly; uselessly. Vapore, [vp're'] m. vapor, Vantaggetto, [vutdjt't] m. steam; fig. melancholy; batslight advantage. tello a - , m. steam-boat

[vaprbilit'] Varieggiare, [vrie'dj're'] see Vaporabilit m. Vaporabilitade, Vaporabilita- Variare. Variet, [vrie't'] Varietade, te, /. volatility. [vpr'tsh] m. Varietale, f. variety, diverf. Vaporacelo,

Variforme, [vrifr'me']

adj. of various forms. Vario, [v'ri] adj. various, different, unlike; changeable; m.


Varvassore, [vrvss're'] Varvassoro, [vrvss'r] m. man

of merit.

Vasajo, [vs'y] m. potter; china-ware maker. Vasca, [vs'k] f. basin, reservoir.

Vantaggiare, [vntdj're'] v. a. to have the advantage over;

surpass, exceed;
-, v.








Vantaggiatamente, [vantadjatanin't]

vase, vessel (for fluids). [vsklo's] adj. carriage; vapori, pi. vapors, pi. Vascoloso , mente. Vaporevole, [vpr'volj see vascular. Vantaggiato, [vantdj't] adj. Vase, [v'se'] m. vase. Vaporativo. excblleut, best. [vpri'r] [vsll'dj] see Vaporiera , /. Vasellaggio, Vasellame. Vantaggino, [vntdji'n] see steamer, steam-boat. Vantaggetto. Vaporosit, [vaporosit'] /".ex- Vasellajo, [vaslla'y] VasellaVantaggio, [vnt'dj] m. ad- halation. ro, (vasll'r] m. potter. vantage, prerogative profit; "Vaporoso, [vpr's] adj. full Vasellame, [vasellame] Vaselgood fortune lamento, [vsll imn't] m. da -, more, of vapors. moreover, besides; dar -, to Vapulazione, [vpltsi'ne'] f. dishes, plates &c. pi.; - di give the overweight ; prende- chastisement. stagno, pewter. re a - di, to take advantage Varano , [vr'n] m. sweet Vasellettiera, [vse'lle'tti'r] f. of: star a -, to be above. cup-board, side-board. black grape. Vantaggiosamente, [vntadj- Varare, [vr're'] v. a. to launch Vasellettino, [vslltti'n] m. sanin'te] a(iv.advant:igeously small vase. (a vessel); land. Vantaggioso, [vantadj'sj adj Varcabile, [vrkbi'le'] adj. that Vaselletto,[vse'lle't't]m. small advantageous, useful. vase, small pot. may be traversed. Vantaggiuzzo , [vntdj'ts] Varcare, [vrk'r] v. o. to pass Vaselliere , [vase'Ui'r] m. m. slight advantage, little over, traverse; go out. potter. profit. Varco , [vr'k] m. passage, Vasello, [vs'l] m. small vase,

a -, in. m. steamchimney; forza di -, f. steampower: macchina a -, f. steamengine; mudino a-,m. steammill; vettura a -, f. steam;


cammino a

Vascelletto, [vshe'llt't] m. small vessel (ship). Vascello, [vsh'l] wi. vessel; ship; - di guerra, man of war, ship of the line. Vascolo, [vs'kl] m. small


box; ship. va- Vaso, [v's] m. vase, vessel; toasting, vainglory. da fiori, flower-pot. riable, changeable. Vantare, [vnt' praise, Variabilit , [variabilit'] f. Vasetto , [vs't] m. large
[vn''bile'] adj.

Vantagione , [vntj'ne'] f. opening; Vantamento, [vntmn'tjm Variabile,

extol; -,v. n. Vantarsi, v. r. to boast; pretend to.

differently, variously.

vase, large pot.

Variamente, [vrime'n't] adv. Vassallaggio, [vssll'dj] m.

Vantatore, [vntt'r] m.Vantatrice , [vnttri'tshe'J boaster, braggart.


Variamento, [vrime'n't]
variation, alteration.


vassalage. Vassallo, [vssl'l] m. vassal,

servant, serf.

Vantazione, [vnttsi'ne'] Van- Variante, [vrin't]

teria, [vnte'ri'] /. boasting. Vantevole , [vnt'vle'] adj. vain, proud.

Vassello , [vss'l] &c., see Vascello &c. ing, different. Variantemente, [vrinte'me'n'- Vassojo, [vss'y] m. tray;
t] adv. differently.

adj. vary-


waste. Variatamente, [vritme'n't] Vastit, [vastit'] Vastitade, adw. variously, differently. Vastitate, f. vastness, great Variato, [vri't] adj. varied; extent. Vanume, [vn'm] m. (agr.) different. Vasto, [v'st] adj. vast, huge, that part of the grain which Variazione , [vritsi'n] f. immense; -, m, {poes.) main, dries up without coming to variation; difference. ocean, sea. maturity. Varice , [vri'tsh] /. awoln Vate, [v'te'] m. (poes.) bard, Vapolo, [vip'l] od;, liandy. vein. poet.

[viin't] m. boast, boasting; assurance; praise, glory; advantage, superiority ; dare il -, to give the preference; dorsi -, to boast, pretend. Vanvera (a), [vn'vr] adv. at random, heedlessly.

Varianza, [vrin'ds]
Variare, [vria're'] vary, alter; differ.


winnowing fan. Vastamente, [vstame'n't] adv.

vastly, amply. Vastazioue , [vstatsi'ne']

ty, diversity, difference. v. a. & n. to

Vaticinare, [vtitshina'rj v.a. to prophesy, foretel. Vaticinatore, [vtitshint'r] m. prophet. Vaticinazione, [vtitshintsi'n] /. Vaticinio, [vatitshi'ni] m. prophecy.
bello, to





do] adv. in the twinkling of an

Vatticondio, [vttikndi'] Vatti con Dio, adv. go in peace, get away, farewell. Ve, [ve'] pron. you, to yon; -, adv. there, where. Vecchia, [v'ki] f. old woman. Vecchiaccia, [vkkia'tsh] /.

tad old woman.

Vecchiaccio, [vkki'tsh] m. widowhood. bad old man. Vedovare, [ve'dv're'] v. a. to Vecchiaja, [ve'kki'y] f. old widow, deprive, bereave. agoVedovella, [ve'dv'l] f. young Vecchiardo, [ve'kkir'd] see widow, poor little widow. Veccliiaccio. Vedovelle, [vdvl] m. young Vecchiccio, [ve'kki'tsb] adj. widower. getting old, rather old. Vedovetta, [vdve't't] /.little Vecchi cciuolo, [vkkitshl] i. young widow. poor little old man. Vedovezza , [ve'dove'tsa] f. Vecchierello , [vkkir'I] m. widowhood. very old man. Vedovile, [ve'dvi'l] adj. of a Vecchietto , [vkkit't] m. widow, of a widower; -, m. little old man. jointure , allowance wife's Vecchiezza, [ve'kkie't'sa] f. old portion. age: antiquity. Vedovit, [ve'dvit'] see VeVecchino, [vkki'n] m. brisk dovanza.

look out for the op- Vegetevole, [ve'jt'vl] adj' portunity; dare a -, to make vegetative, vegetating. one believe show fare -, to Vegeto, [v'jt] adj. flourishinform - torto, to see wrong; ing; vigorous, stout, robust. mistake; judge wrong; - in Veggente, [vdjn't] adj. seeviso, to distinguish clearly ing a mio -, in my sight, - volontieri, before my eyes. to receive cordially; -, m. sight, appearance; Veggentemente, [ve'dje'nte'me'n'figure. t] adv. openly, before all. Vedetta, [ve'de't't] f. horse- Vegghia, [v'ghi] /".watching; sentry, outpost, sentinel; star want of sleep vigil watch, alle vedette, to beware, watch. sentinel. Veditore, [ve'dit'r] m. spec- Vegghiamento, [ve'ghimn't] tator, beholder; observer. m. watching vigil, watch. Vedova, [ve'dv] f. widow. Vegghiare, [vghi'rl v. n. to Vedovaggio , [vdv'dj] m. wake, sit up watch -, m. waking, watching. widowhood. Vedovanza , [ve'dvan'ds] f. Vegghiatore, [vght're] m.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

sitter up,


Vegghievole, [vghi vole] adj.




mn't] adv. vigilantly, care-

Veggia, [ve'dja]


cask; pipe,

barrel; cart-load.




Veggio , [v'dj] m. sort of warming-pan (see Vedere).

Veggiolo, [v'djol] vetch, black vetch.
m. bitter

Veggione, [vdj'n]

a largo





adj. old, aned, isolated; deprived, bereft; m. old man. -, m. widower. Vecchione, [vkki'ue'] m. ven- Vedovona, [vdv'n] old f. erable old man. widow. Vecchioni, [vkki'ni] m. pL; Veduit, [ve'dit'] Veduitade, chestnuts boiled in wine, pi. Veduitate, f. widowhood. Vecchiotto, [vkki't] ?n.strong 'Veduta, [ve'd't] f. sight, view; stout old man. prospect; testimonio </i -, eyeVecchiuccio, [ve'kki'tsb] m. witness ; far la -, to examine poor infirm old man. goods (at the custom-house). Vecchiume, [vkki'mj m. old Vedutamente , [ve'dtme'n't]

man. Vecchio, [v'ki]









rags, old clothes &c.





Veccia, [v'tsh]


vetcli; fitch


evening, oveuing-party midnight-taper. Vegliare, [vlVr] v. a. & n. to watch, sit up; be vigilant; (law.) to be in force. Vegliatore, [vrt're] m. Vegliatrice , [veTtri'tsh] /. watcher, sitter up. Veglievole, [vr'vle'] adj. vigilant, watchful. Veglio, [v'l'] adj. (poes.) old, ancient; -, m. old man. Vegliacela, [veT'tsha] /". short watch.
; ;


(wild pulse). Vecciato, [vetsh't] ttc/j. mixed with vetches (said of corn, bread, &c.).




[ve'n'n'te'j adj.


vehement, forcible.

ing, next; thriving;



next month. [viTcl] mn'te'] adv. vehemently, for- Veicolo , Veiculo Veccioso, [ve'tsh's] arfj.vetchy. cibly. [vi'kl] m. vehicle, chariot. Vece, [v'tsh] /. place, stead; Veemenza, [ve'e'mn'ds] Vee- Vel, [vr] conj. or. room substitute o -, in -, menzia, [ve'mn'dsi] /. vehe- Vela, [v'l] f. sail; a - e remo, instead of, in the place of. - maestra, mence, force; energy. with all speed Vececancelliere , [vtshku- Vegetabile, [vjt'bile'] adj. main-sail far -, to set sail tshlli'rel m. vice-chancelvegetable, vegetative. vele, pi. sails; vessels, ships, lor. Vegetale, [ve'jt'l] adj. vege- pi.; dare le - al vento, to sot Vececonte, [v'tsliknte] m. tal, vegetable; -, m. vegetable sail. viscount. creation; vegetali, pL; vege- Velabile, [vl'bile] adj. that Vecorde , [v'krde] adj. of tables, herbs, pi. can be veiled. little account. Vegetare, [vjta're'J v. n. to Velame, [vla'me'] Velamento, Vedente,' [vde'n't] m. soer, vegetate. [ve'lmn't] m. veil, covering; prophet. Vegetativa , pellicle, thin skin; lot [vjtti'v] of /. Vedere, [ve'de"re'] v. a. irr. power of vegetation. veils. (vedo [veqfio veggio], vedi, Vegetativo, [vejtti'v] adj. Velare, [ve'la're'] v. a. to veil,
; ;


vede &c. vidi, vedesti &c.; ve- vegetative. dr; veduto, visto) to see, per- Vegetazione, [ve'je'ttsi'uj ceive; objjorve, notice; - il vegetation; growth.


r. to




fall into a light




take iim






[vl't] f. professed Velloso, [vell's] adj. wooly, shaggy. sail ; tack. [vltme'ii't] Vellutato, [vellt't] adj. velvet, made like velvet. adv. secretly. Volatore, [vlt're'] m. Vela- Velluto, [vll't] TO. velvet; liscio, shorn velvet. trice, [vltri'tsh] /. he or Velo, [v'l] TO. veil, crape ; she that veils. Velatura, [vlt'r] f. (paint.) scum ; skin ; cover, pretext. Veloce, [vl'tsh] adj. swift, Ivind of light varnish. Velazione, [veltsi'n] /. veil- quick, nimble. ing; taking the veil; disguise. Velocecamminante, [ve'ltshe'm. a quick Veleggiamento, [vle'djme'n'- kmminn't] walker. t] TO. sailing. Veleggiare, [vle'dj're'] v. a. Velocemente , [vltshe'me'n't] adv. swiftly, quickly. & n. to set sail; sail. Veleggiatore, [veldjt'r] m. Velocipede, [ve'ltshi'pe'd] adj. swift-footed. sailer, sailing ship. Veleggio, [vl'dj] see Veleg- Velocit, [vltshit'] Velocigiamento. tade. Velocitate, /. velocity,


nnn sailing, Velatamente ,




[vn'dr] v. a. to - all'asta, to sell by auction; - a coiitanti, to sell for ready money ; - o credito, to sell on credit; - all'ingrosso, to sell by wholesale;


o minuto, to sell by retail; a misura, to sell by measure; - a peso, to sell by weight;

Velenare, [ve'le'na're'] v. a. to swiftness. poison, envenom. Velocitare, [ve'ltshita'r] v.a Velenifero , [vle'ni'fe'r] adj. to hasten, hurry. Velocitazione, [ve'ltshittsi'poisonous, venomous. Veleno, [vle"n] m. poison n] f. increase of velocity in dibile, [ve'ndi'bil] adj. salrunning water. venom; spite; risk. able. Velenosamente, [vle'nsme'n'- Velone, [vl'n] to. large sail. Vendicabilmente, [vndikbilt] adv. venomously; spite- Veltra, [vl'tr] /".Veltro, [vl' mn't] odw. through revenge. fully. tr] TO. greyhound. Vendicamento, [vndikmn'Veleuosetto, [ve'le'nse't't] adj. Veluzzo, [vl'ts] TO. little t] TO. revenge. rather venomous; spiteful. veil. Vendicare, [vndik'r] v. a. to Velenosit, [velenosit'] Vele- Vemenza, [vmn'ds] see Ve- revenge, vindicate; Vendicainostade , Velenositate , / emenza. si, v. r. to avenge one's self, poison, venom rage. Vena, [v'n] /. vein; fig. a be revenged retaliate. Velenoso, [vln's] adj. poi- bundance segare una -, io open Vendicativamente, [vndiktisonous, venomous. a vein, let blood; avere una - vmn't] adj. revengefully. Veletta, [ve'le't't] /". vedette, di pazzo, to be a little crack- Vendicativo, [vndikti'v] adj. sentry ; sentry-box, brained. watchvindictive, revengeful. tower. Venagione, [vnj'n] f. chase, Vendicatore, [vndikt'r] to. Velettajo, [ve'ltt'y] m. veil- hunting. Vendicatrice, [vndiktri'tsh] manufacturer. Venale, [vna'l] adj. venal, to f. revenger, avenger. Velettare, [ve'le'tta're] v. n. to be sold; mercenary; despi- Vendicazione, [vndiktsi'n] watch, spy. cable. /. revenge. Veletto , [ve'lt't] m. small Venalit, [venalit'] /".venality, Vendichevole , [ve'ndik'vl] veil. mercenariness. adj. vindictive, revengeful. Velia, [v'li] f. sea-gull, sea- Venardi , [vnrd'i'] see Ve- Vendifrottole, [vndifrtt'le'] mew. nerd. TO. mischief-maker. Veliere , [vlie''re'] adj. fast Venato, [ve'n't] adj. veined, Vendifumo, [vndif'm] m. a sailing (said of a ship). streaked. magniloquent promiser. Velifieare, [ve'lifik'r] v. a. to Venatore, [vnt'r] to. hunter. Vendita, [vn'dit] f. Vendiset sail. Venatorie, [vnt'ri] adj. of mento, [vndimn'to] m. sale, Veliere , [ve'li'r] m. sail the chase, of hunting. selling; vending; retail. maker. Venatrice,[vntri'tsh]/'.hunt- Venditore, [vudit'r] m. VenVelina, [vli'n] f. a kind of ress. ditrice, [vnditri'tshj /. seller, pond or marsh. Venatura, [vnt'r] /. veining, vender. Volitare, [ve'lit're'] adj. light vein; streaks, pi. Veneficio, [ve'nfi'tsh]m. witch;

- pei tempi, to sell on credit. Vendereccio, [vndr'tsh]adj. venal, mercenary. Vendetta, [vndt't] /. vengeance, revenge. Vendettaccia , [vendtt'tsh] horrid vengeance. Vendettuccia, [vndtt'tsh] /". slight vengeance, little revenge. Vendevole, [vnd'vl] Ven/".

(said of light-arrned troops) Velite, [vli't] m. light-armed





soldier. Vendaggio , [vnd'dj] Velie, [veTle'] to. will; desire. selling-price. Velleit, [ve'Ue'it'] f. velleity, Vendemmia, [vndm'mi] /. feeble wish. vintage; vintage-time. Veliere, [v'lore'] see Svellere. Vendemmiabile, [vndmmi'Vellicamento, [ve'llikrae'n't] bil] adj. ripe for gathering. to. pricking, titillation. Vendemmiale, [vendemmiale] Vellicare, [vllik'r] v. a. to adj. belonging to the vintage.

craft; poisoning. Veneflco,[vn'fik] m. sorcerer; m. poisoner.

Venenare, [ve'nna'r]

v. a. to

Venenifero, [vne'nif'r] poisonous.






prick, titillate. Vellicazione, [vlliktsi'n] f. tickling; stimulation. Velio, [v'l] TO. fleece; wool; tuft; handful; vello vello,

Vendemmiante, [vndmmian't] TO. vintager.

Venenoso, [ve'ne'n's] adj. poisonous, venomous. Venente, [vnn't] see Ycj-

Vendemmiare, [ve'ndmmi'r]
a. to

gnente. gather grapes; gather, Venerabile, [vne'r'bil] adj. hoard up; acquire money. venerable, reverend. Veademmiatore, [ve'admrai- Venerabilit , [ve'ne'rbilit']




Venerabilitade, Venerabilita- Ventagliaio , [vntl''y] m. Ventosit, [ventosit'] Ventote, {. venerableness. fan-maker. stade, Ventositate, /. venVenerando, [vnrn'd] adj. Ventaglio, [ve'ntT] m. fan; tosity, windiness. venerable. ventagli, pi. espaliers, p^ Ventoso, [vnt's] ad;, windy, Venerare, [ve'ne'r'r] v. a. to Ventare, [ve'nt'r] v. n. to be flatulent; conceited, vain. venerate, revere. windy; breathe, draw breath. Ventotto, [vnt't] adj. twenVeneratore, [vnrt'r] m. Ventamela , [vntr'l] ty-eight. f. Veneratrice, [vnrtri'tsh] weather-cock; fire-fan. Ventraccio, [ve'ntr'tsh] m. Ventavolo , [ve'nt'vl] v. large belly. {. reverer, worshipper. Venerazione, [venrtsi'ne'] /. north-wind. Ventraja, [ve'ntra'ya] f. paunch, veneration, esteem. Venteggiare, [ve'nte'dja're'] v.n. belly. Venerd, [venerd'] m. Friday; to be windy; blow softly. Ventrajuola, [ve'ntry'l] f. - santo, good Friday. Venterello, [vntr'l]m.gentle tripe-woman. Venere , [vn're] f. Venus breeze. Ventrata, [ve'ntr't] /".blow in beauty, sensuality. Ventesimo, [ve'nt'sim] adj. the belly; litter. Venerella , [venreTl] f. a twentieth; -, m. twentieth Ventre, [vn'tr] in. belly, small vein. part. paunch; stomach. Venereo, [vn'reo] arj. lascivi- Venti, fve'n'ti] adj. twenty. Ventresca[vntrs'k] /.paunch; ous; venerial. Venticello , [ve'ntitsh'l] m. stuffing. Venerevole, [ve'ne'rd'vle'] adj. pleasant wind, zephyr. Ventricchio, [ve'ntrik'ki] m. venerable. Ventcinque, [ventitshinTcMe'] gizzard; stomach (of a fowl). Venerevolmente , [ve'ne're'vl- adj. twenty-five. (ty-two. Ventricino, [ve'ntritshi'n] m. mn't] adv. humbly, respect- Ventidue,[ve'ntidu'e']afO'. twen- small belly; pluck. fully. Ventiduesimo, [vntid'sim] Ventricolo , [vntri'kl] m. Venerina, [ve'ne'ri'n] f. a small adj. twenty second. ventricle, stomach. (vein. Ventiera, [vnti'r] f. ventila- Ventricosa , statue of Venus. [vntrik's] /. Venetta , [ve'ne't'tj /. little tor, fan. snail found in marshes. /". remission, Ventilabro , [ve'ntil'br] m. Ventriglio, [vntriT] see VenVenia, [v'ni]


winnowing- fan.


Veniale, [vni'le'J adj. venial, Ventilamento, [ve'ntilrae'n't] pardonable. m. ventilation, fanning. Venialmente , [ve'nilme'n'te'] Ventilare, [vntil're] v. a. to adv. in a venial manner. ventilate, fan; discuss. Venimento , [vnime'n't] m. Ventilatore, [ve'ntilt're'] ni. arrivai; event, chance. ventilator. Venire , [vni'r] v. n. irr. Ventilazione, [ve'ntiltsi'ne'] {vengo, vieni, viene &c.; vieni; f. ventilation, fanning. Verr; venuto) to corno, arrive; Ventina, [vnti'n] f. score. happen; proceed, appear; be- Ventipiovolo, [vntipi'vl] m. long; cost; - appresso, to folsouth-wind; rainy wind. - bene, to thrive low be Vento, [vn't] m. wind fig. - a capo advantageous to vanity, pride hint, inkling bring about, finish; - a' conti, aver il - in poppa, to sail beto come to a settlement, settle fore the wind; prosper; dar accounts - desiderio, to have al -, to scatter about dar le a desire, have a mind; - a di- vele a' venti, to unfurl the re, to signify, denote; -fastisails; essere sotto il -, to be to dio, to loathe, be tired; -fatto, leeward; far -, to blow, be to succeed; - a grado, to please, windy; far una cosa al -, to do be to one's mind; have a fancy; a thing rashly; pascere di -, to -in istato, to be promoted, come amuse with idle promises, buoy to honor; -tti/a luce, -in luce, up with vain hopes; pigliar -, to appear, be published; - male, to vanish, disappear; dissolve to be disadvantageous fall into air; volgersi ad ogni -, to Bck;-o mano, to be handy be a weather-cock. - meno, to be wanf ing, want, Ventola [vn'tl] /. fan , fail; faint, swoon;- a niente, chandelier; shade, screen (of - a to be reduced to noihing a table-lamp); muro a -, partynoja, to disgust, loathe ; - a wall. parole, to come to high words, VentolaccMo, [ve'ntlk'ki] m. quarrel; - sotto, to fall into chestnut-husk dust. one's hands; - al di sotto, to Ventolare, [vntl'r] v. a. to be reduced, put under; - a ta- winnow; float in the wind. - tro glio, to come a-propos Ventolino,[vntli'n] m.agreevaio, to find, meet with; light able wind, zephyr. on - voglia, to have a mind Ventosa, [ve'nt'sj f. cupping; ; ; ;

Ventuccio, [vnt'tsh] m. light




adj. twenty-first.

VentunOj[ve'nt'n] adj. twentyone.















luck ; mala -, ill-luck, misfortune far la -, to tell fortunes ; trarre alla -, to draw




volunteer; adventurer. Venturina, [vntri'n] f. a kind of precious-stone resembling the jasper. Venturo, [vnt'r] adj. future, to come; l'anno -, next year.




t] adv. fortunately.



lucky; favorable. Venust, [venust'] Venustade, Venustate, f. comeliness, grace, beauty; charms, pi. Venusto, [vn'st] adj. comely, graceful , lovely, beautiful

handsome, fine. Venuta, [vn't] f. and Venuto, [ye'n't] m. arrival coming. Venuto, [ve'n't] adj. come; ben -, welcome. Venuzza, [ve'nt's] f. small


glass; vent-hole.
[ve'n's] adj.

veined; Ventosamente, [ve'ntsme'n'te'J Veprajo, [ve'pr'y] m. place adv. proudly, vainly. streaked. full of briers. Ventaglia, [ve'nt'l'] /. visor Ventosare, [ve'nts're*] v. a. to Vepre, [v'pr] /. {poes.) brier; apply a cupping-glass. (of a helmet). thorn.





Ver, fvr] prp. (poes.) towards, Verdemezzo, [vrde'me'd's] adj. V. a. to scourge, switch; dust against. half dry. (clothes). Verace, [vra'tsh] ad}, true, Verdeporro, [ve'rde'pr'r] m. Vergheggiatore, [vrghdjt'sincero; trusty; m. truth. smaragdine Qolor. r]m. wool-beater, wool-dresser. Veracemente, [vertshran'te] Verderame, [vrde'r'ra] m. Verghetta,[vrght't]/.switch, adv. truly, really. verdigris. little rod. Veracit, [vrtshit'] Veraci- Verderognolo, [ve'rde'r'n'l] Verginale, [vrjind'l] adj. virtade, Veracitate, /. veracity, adj. greenish. ginal, maidenly.


[ve'rde'sk'r] see

Verdebruno. truly, indeed. Verdesecco, fve'rde'sk'k] adj. Veranda, [vrn'd] f. veranda. half dry, rather withered. Veratro, [vr'tr] ni. (bot.) Verdetto, [ vrde't't] adj. greenwhite hellebore. ish sourish, tart -, m. (paint.) Verbaccio, [ve'rba'tsh] m. ob- green color, German green. solete verb. Verdezza, [ve'rdt's] /. greenVerbale, [vrb'le'] adj. verbal ness, verdure; tartness. literal. Verdicare, [ve'rdik'r] see Veradv.
; ; ;


Vergine, [vr'jin] maid; Virgin Mary.



Verginella, [vrjin'l] /. young virgin, young maid. Verginelle, [vrjin'l] m.young

man. Vergineo, [vrji'n] adj.virginal;

of a virgin.



deggiare. [ve'rhlmeVte'] by word of Verdiccio, [ve'rdi'tsh] Verdi- maidenhead. mouth. gno, [vrdi'n'] adj. greenish. Vergogna, [vrg'n'] f. shame, Verbasco, [ve'rbs'k] m. {bot.) Verdicente, [ve'rditshn'tj adj. bashfulness; modesty; ignomullein. true. miny, dishonor ; ho -, 1 am Verbena, [ve'rb'n] f. (bot.) Verdiga, [ve'rdi'g] f. a kind of ashamed. vervain. grape. Vergognacela, [vrgn''tsh] Verberare, [ve'rhe'ra're'] v. a. to Verdigno, [ve'rdi'n'] adj. gren- /. great outrage. heat. ish. Vergognare, [vrgn'a'r] v. a. Verbicansa, [ve'rbikau'sa] and Verdino , [ve'rdi'n] m. sort of & n. to shame; be ashamed. Verbigrazia , [ve'rbigra'tsia] fig-tree; sort of pear-tree. Vergognevolmente, [vrgn'adv. far instance, for example. Verdognolo , [vrd'n'l] adj. vlmen't] at/w. shamefully. m. greenish. Verbo, [vr'b] verb; word, Vergognosa, [vrgn''sj /. saying: - a -, word for word; Verdolina, [ve'rdli'n] f. a kind {bot.) sensitive plant. precisely. of grape. Vergognosamente, [vrgn'sVerbosit, fve'rbsit'] /".verbosi- Verdone, [vrd'n] adj. deep mn't] adv. shamefully; modgreen. ty, verbiage, prattle. estly. Verboso, [vrb's]arfj. verbose, Verdone, [vrd'n'] m. green- Vergognosetto, [vrgn'st't] talkative; prosy. finch. adj. somewhat bashful. Verdaccio, [vrd'tsh] m. ver- Verdore, [ve'rd'r] m. see Ver- Vergognoso, [vrgn''s] adj. diture (color). dezza. bashful, modest; shameful. Verdastro , [ve'rda'str] adj. Verduco, [ve'rd'k] m. rapier. Vergola , [vr'gl] f. small greenish. Verdume, [vrdu'm] m. green- switch; light smoke; small Verdazzurro, [ve'rddsr'r] m. ness. Venetian bark. sea-green. Verdura, [ve'rdfi'r] f. verdure, Vergolamento, [vrglmn't] Verde, [ ver'de'] adj. green; fresh, greenness; vegetables, pf. m. streaks, stripes, pt. young; tender; ardent, san- Verecondia, [vre'kn'di] f. Ver gelato , [vrgl't] adj. guine ; unripe, sour; esser al modesty, bashfulness. striped; variegated. [ve'rkn'd] adj. Vergono, [vrg'n] m. lime-, to be at one's last shifts, Verecondo, le at an end ; -, m. verdure, modest, bashful, chaste. twig. green ; vigor. Verecundia, [vrkn'dia] see Vericida, [vritshi'd] m. liar. Verdea, [ve'rd'] /". sort of Verecondia. Veridicamente, [vridikran'white grape. Verga, [vr'g] f. rod, switch, t] adv. truly, with truth. Verdebruno, [ve'rdbr'n] m. wand; sceptre; - d' oro, ingot, Veridicit, [vriditshit']/. vedark green, olive-green. gold bar. racity; honesty. [ve'rgd'r] Verdechiaro, [ve'rdki'r] Ver- Vergadoro , /. Veridico, [vri'dik] orf;. veriddegajo, [vrdg'y] i. light (myth.) caducous. ical, sincere, frank. green. Vergajo , [ve'rg'y] m. head Verificabile, [vrifik'bil] adj. Verdecla, [ve'rde"cl] f. a kind shepherd. that may be verified. of grape. Vergare,[ve'rg're']v.a,tostripe, Verificare, [vrifik'r] v. a. to Verdeggiamento , [ve'rddj- streak ; lace; trace, write. verify, confirm, justify, ascerme'n't] m. getting green; ver- Vergatamente, [ve'rgtme'n'te'] tain; examine. dure. adv. with stripes. Verificatore, [vrifikt'r] m. Verdeggiante, [ve'rdedjn'te'] Vergato, [vergato] i. striped Veriflcatrice,[vrifiktri'tsh] adj. verdant, greenish. cloth; medley. f. verifier; examiner. Verdeggiare, [ve'rde'dj'r] v.n. Vergella , [vrj'l] f. switch, Verificazione, [vrifiktsi'ne'] to be verdant; become green. rod. /. verification; examination. Verdegiallo, [vrddjtl'l] m. Vergelle , [ve'rj'l] tn. lime- Verigola, [vri'gl] f. small apple-green. twing; decoy; essere sul -, to wimble, small gimlet. Vordemarco, [ve'rde'mr'k] m. be in great danger. Veriloquio , [vril'kui] i, (bot.) wild rue. Vergenza,[vrjn'ds]^tenden- true account. Verdemare, [ve'rdm're'] m. cy, direction; affair. Verisimigliante, [vrisimirn'seagreen. [vrghe dj'r e'] t] adj. probable, likely. Vergheggiare,


[vrjint'ta] see Verginit, [vrjinita'J Verginitade, Verginitate, f. virginity,




Versare, [vrs'rj
v. a. to pour out, spill; diffuse; overturn; lacrime, to shed tears; -, . . to overflow, run over. Versatile, [vrs'til] adj. ver-

Verisimlglianza, [vrisimil'n'- Verminuzzo, [ve'rmin'ts] $ee Verminetto. dsa] f. probability, likelihood. Verisimiglievole, [vrisiini'l'- Vermivoro, [ve'rmi'vr] adj. vl] and Verisimile, [vrisi'- feeding on worms. mil] adj. probable, likely; -, Vermo, [vr'm] see Verme. Vermocane, [vrmk'n] /. a wi. probability, likelihood. Verisimilitudine, [ve'risimili- disease in horses. t'din] ^. verisimilitude,likeli- Vernaccia, [vrn'tsh] /".sort of white grape. hood. Verisimilinente[ve'risimilme'n'' Vernaccio,[vrna'tsh]m. severe winter. t] adv. probably, likely, ap Vernacolo, [ve'rn'kl] ad/.verparently. nacular. Verit, [verit'] Veritada, Ve ritate, /. truth, verity; di -,in Vernale, [vrn'l] adj. vernal. -, per -, in truth, truly, indeed, Vernare, [vrn'r] winter, pass the winter ; be in certainly. Veritabilmente, [ve'ritbilmn'- winter.






[ve'rs't] adj. versed;

Versatore , [vrst'r] m. he that pours out, spill er. Verseggiare, [vrsdj're'] v. a.

& n

to versify.

Verseggiatore, [vrsdjt'r] m. versifier. Versetto, [vrst't] m. short

stanza; staff. Versicciuolo, [vrsitsh'l] m. very short verse.

Vernata, [vrn't] /. Vernato, t] adv. truly, certainly. Veritevole, [vrite"vl] Veri- [vrn't] m. winter, winterseason. tiere, [vriti'r] Veritiero, [ve'riti'r] adj. truthful, true, Vernereccio, [vrnr'tsh] adj. winterly, of winter, brumal. sincere. Verme, [vr'me'] and Verme, Vernicare, [vernik'r] v. a, to varnish. [vr'm] m. worm. Vermena, [ve'rm'n] f. sprig, Vernice, [vrm'tsh]m. varnish, paint; sandarach. sucker. Vermenella, [ve'rme'n'l] f. Verniciare, [vrnitsh'r] v. a. small twig. to varnish. Vermetto, [ve'rrae't't] Vermic- Vernino, [vrni'n] adj. winterciuolo, [ve'nnitsh'l] see Ver- ly, of winter. micello. Vernio, [vr'ni] m. flax sown Vermicciuoluzzo , [ve'rmitsh- in winter. l'ts] m. very little worm. Verno, [vr'n] m. winter. Vermicellajo, [ve'rmitshll'y] Vero, [v'r] adj. true, sure, m. vermicelli-maker. certain: right; real, legitimate; Vermicelli, [vrmitshTijm.pi -, m. truth; verity; da -, in -, vermicelli (rolled paste). truly, really; in earnest; nel -, Vermicello, [vrmitsh'l] m indeed ben - che, however, small worm, maggot. yet, nevertheless. Vermicolare, [vermiklii're'] adj. Veroncello, [vrntsh'l] m. vermicular. small terrace gallery. Vermicolaria, [vrmikl'ria] f. Verone, [vr'n] m. terrace, knotgrass. open gallery. Vermicoloso, [vrmikl'sjadj. Veronica , [ve'r'nik] f. (but.) full of worms, maggoty. speedwell.
; ;




Verseggiare. Versificatore,




Versificatorello, [vrsifiktr'l] m. poetaster.

Versificatoriamente, [vrsifiktrimn't] adv. in a rhy-

ming manner.
Versificatorio, [vrsifikt'ri]
adj. belonging to versification. Versificatrice[vrsifiktri'tsh] f. poetess. Versificazione, [vrsifiktsi'n] f. versification. Versione, [vrsi'n] f. version, translation. Versipelle, [vrsip'l] adj. deceitful, crafty. Verso, [vr's] m. verse; tune; expedient, way; versi sciolti,

blank verse mutar change one's tune.





[ve'rmifr'me'] adj.

Vermifugo, [ve'rmif'g]


vermifuge. Vermglia, [ve'rmi'l'] /. sort of sharp dart. precious stone. Verrettata,[ve'rrtt't]/'. thrust Vermigliare, [ve'rmir're'] v. a. with a dart. to paint with vermillion. Verricello, [vrritsh'l] m. sort Vermigliezza, [ve'rmil'e't'sa] f. of capstan, jackscrew. vermillion-color. Verrina, [vrri'n] /. wimble, Vermiglio, [vrmiT] adj. of a borer. lively red; rosy. Verrinare, [ve'rrin're'] v. a. to Vermiglione, [ve'rmir'n] m. pierce, bore. vermillion. Verro, [vr'r] m. boar, boarVerminaca, [vrmina'k] see Pig. Verbena. (lizard. Verruca, [vrr'k] f. wart. Verminara, [ve'rrafn'r] f. grey Verrucana, [vrrk'n] f. hard Terminarla, [ve'rmin'rij f. stone used in crushing mills. heap of juicy plants for breed Verrucaria,[vrrk'ri]/'.(io^) ding worms. wartwort, heliotrope Vermine, [vr'mine'] m. worm, Versabilit,[vrsbilit'] /'.aptvermin, maggot. ness to be turned. Verrainetto, [ve'rmine't't] wi. Versacelo, [vrs'tsh] m. bad

[vr's] prep, towards, against; about; - la sera, toVerre, [vr'r] m. boar-pig. wards evening. Verretta, [vrrt't] /. short Versato, [versu to] adj. cunning,



see Verso,



Verta, [verta'] see Verit. Verta, [vr't] /. that part of a fishing-net in which fishes aro

Vertebra, [vr'teTra] /'.vertebre. Vertebrale, [vertebrale] adj.


Vertente, [vrtn't] adj. current, passing, present.

f. {law.) question, subject. Verticalit, [vrtikalit'] /".ver-

Vertenza, [vrtn'ds]


Verticale, [vrtikl] adj. vertical, perpendicular.

Verticalmente, [vrtikalme'n'tj
adv. vertically.
[vr'titsh] m, vortex, top, summit, height.

worm. Verminoso, [v^rmin's] full of worms, wormy.



Versamento, [vrsmn't] m. Vertice,

shedding; effusion.




Vetrajo, [vtr'y]

Vertigine, [vrti'jin] ^.vertigo, Vessamento, [ve'ssme'n't] see Vessazione. dizziness. Vertiginoso, [vrtijin's] adj. Vessare, [ve'ss're'] v. a. to vex, harass. giddy. m. Vessatore , [ve'sst're'] Vert, [vrt'] see Virt &c. Veruno, fvr'n] adj. nobody, vexer, tormentor. Vessazione, [vsstsi'ne] f. no one, not any. Verza, [vr'ts] f. cliip, splinter. vexation, trouble, harassing Verzicano, [vrtsi'kn] m. a annoyance. Vessica, [ve'ssi'ka] see Vescica. kind of grape. Verzicante, [ve'rdsikn'te'] adj. Vessicante, [ve'ssikan'te'] and verdant, flourishing. Vessicatorio , [vessikt'ri] Verzicare , [vrdsika're'] v. n. m. vesicatory. tobegreen,grow green,'flourish. Vessillario, [ve'ssill'ri] m. Verzcola , [vrdsi'kla] f. se- ensign; standard-bearer. Vessillifero, [vssilli'fr] m. quence (at cards). Verzino, [ve'rdsi'n] m. (bot.) standard-bearer. Vessillo, [ve'ssiri]m. standard, brasil-wood. Verzotto , [ve'rds't] m. cole- ensign. Vesta, [v'st] and Veste, [v'wort, cabbage. Verzume, [vrds'm] see Ver- st] f. coat, gown, robe; dress,




beads, rings &c.

Vetrario, [ve'tr'ri] adj. belonging to glass; arte vetraria, the art of working glass. Vetrata, [ve'tr't] Vetriata, [ve'tri'tj f. glazing, panes,



Vetrato, [vtri't] adj. glazed,

Vetrice, [ve'tri'tshe'] f. osier. [vtritsh'y] m. Vetriciajo, plantation of osiers. Vetriera, [vtri'r] /. glazing of windows, glass-work. Vetrificare, [vo'trifik're'] v. a. . to become to vitrify -, V


dume. Verzura, [ve'rds'r]


clothes, pi.

verdure, Vestacela, [vesta'tsha] /. ugly coat, dress &c. Veschio, [ve's'ki] m. bird-lime; Vestale, [ve'st'le'] f. vestal. window glass-case. mistletoe. Veste, [v'st] see Vesta. Vetrino, [ve'tri'n] adj. brittle, Vescia, [v'sh] f. toadstool, Vestetta, [vstt't] /. small wall-eyed. fungus, puff-ball; idle story. coat, gown &c. Vetriolo, [ve'tri'l] see VeVescica, [vshi'k] and Vessica, Vestiario, [vstfa'rijm.vestry; triuolo. [vssi'k] f. bladder; blister dressing-room (of a convent) Vetriuola, [ve'tri'l] /. {bot.) alembic. clothing. pellitory. Vescicante , [ve'sMkn't] and Vestibolo, [vstiTl] Vesti- Vetriuolo, [ve'tri'l] m. vitriol; Vescicatorio , [vshikt'ri] buio, [vsti'bl] I. vestibule, piece of glass; adj. having the hall. m. vesicatory. nature of glass. Vescichetta, [ve'shikt't] [ve'stitsh'l] /. Vetro, [ve''tr] m. glass, pane /. Vesticciuola, vesicle, small bladder. small dress, little gown. of glass; drinking-glass. Vescicone, [ve'sbiko'nej m. large Vestigia, [vesti'jia] /. Vestigio, Vetta, [vt't] f. summit, top, bladder. [ve'sti jt] m. vestige, trace. apex twig handle, crop (of Vescicoso, [vshik's] oofj.full Vestimento , [ve'stimn't] m. a flail). of blisters. dress, apparel, clothes, pl.\ Vetta, [ve't't] f. band, fillet, Vescicuzza , [ve'shiku'tsa] f. vestment, garments, pL; com veil. small bladder. plete suit. Vettajuolo, [vtty'l] adj. on Vesco, [vs'k] m. bird-lime. Vestire, [ve'sti'r] v a. to dress, the topmost bough. Vescovado , [vskv'd] m attire Vestirsi, v. r. to put Vettarella , [vttre'l'l] f. a bishopric, episcopacy. on one's clothes, dress one's small veil. Vescovale, [vskv'l] Vesco self. Vette, [vt'te'] m. lever, vile, [vskvi'le'] adj. episcopal, Vestitello, [ve'stit'l] i. little Vetticciuola, [vttitsh'I] f. of a bishop. coat, small garment. .topmost twig, tendril, Vescovilmente, [ve'skvilmn'- Vestito, [vsti't] m. clothes, Vettigale, [vttig'l] m. tribt] adv. episcopally. suit of clothes, clothing, dress; ute, tax, adj. tributary. - nuovo, new Vescovo, [v'skv] m. bishop. coat; altro -, Vettina,[vtti'n] f. water-pipe, Vespa, [vs'p] f. wasp. another coat. duct. Vespajo, [vsp'y] m. wasp's Vestituccio, [ve'stit'tsh] m. Vettone, [ve'tt'n] m. sucker, nest; spungy tumor;raised floor; plain dress, homely dress. sprig. filagree work. Vestitura, [ve'stit'r] /'.vesture, Vettoria, [vtt'ri] see VitVespajoso , [ve'spy's] adj dress. toria, spongy. Vestizione, [ve'stitsi'ne'] /. ta- Vettovaglia , [vttvT] f, Vespero, [vs'pe'r] m. (poes.) king the religious habit. victuals, provisions, pi. evening; vespers, pL Vestono, [vst'nej m. large Vettovagliare , [vttvl''re'] Vespertillo, [vespertino] m. stately robe. V. o. to victual, provide with bat. Veterano, [ve'te'r'n] adj. vet- victuals. Vespertino, [ve'spe'rti'n] adj. eran; soldato -, m. veteran. Vettuccia, [ve'tt'tsh] f. topvespertine. Veterinaria, rvte'rin'ria] f. twig, tendril. Vespistrello, [ve'spistr'l] m. veterinary art. Vettura, [vtt'r] f. chaiso, bat. Veterinario, [vete'rin'ri] adj. post-chaise , hackney-coach Vespone, [ve'spo'ne'] m. largo veterinary; -, m. veterinary carriage, vehicle; coach-hire; wasp. surgeon, horse-doctor. - a vapore, steam-carriage; Vespro, [vs'pr] m. evening, Veterino, [vtri'n] adj. be- dare a -, to let out; prendere twilight; vespers, pi.; cantare longing to horses &c. a -, to hire. il - ad uno, to reprimand a Vetraja, [vtr'ya-] f- glass- Vetturale,[ve'ttr'le']m. carrier, person. house, glass-manufactory. hackuey-coach man.
; ;

Vetrificazione, [vtrifiktsi'n] f. vitrifying. bad, Vetrina, [vtri'n] f. coarse glazing , glazed enamel ;




Vettureggiare, [vttrdj'r] Viale, [vi'l] adj. placed Vicerettore, [vitshre'tt'r] W. carry, convey, transport. the road vice-rector, under-rector. of the way; -, Vetturino, [vttn'n] m. car- avenue, alley. Vicesegretario , [vitshsgr^ rier, driver of a hackney- Viandante, [vindn'te'j m. trav- t'ri] m. under-secretary. coach. eler, wayfiirer. Viceversa, [vitshvr's] adv. Vetust, [ve'tst'] Vetustade, Viante [vidn'te'] used on the other hand. adj. Vetustate, f. {poes.) antiquity, substantively, traveler. Vicinale, ,vitshina'l]ai?j.neighancieatness. Viareccio, [vir'tshj adj. fit bouring, contiguous; strada -, Vetusto, [vt'st] adj. old, an- for traveling; traveling. f. by-way, parish- road. cient, of the olden times. Viatico, [vi'tik] w. viaticum. Vicinamente, [vitshinme'n'te'i Vezzatamente, [vtstme'n'te'] Viatore, [vit'r] ni.Viatrice, adv. near, nearly, close to. adv. flatteringly, gallantly, [viatri'tshej f. traveler, pas- Vicinanza, [vitshinn'ds] /. graciously, agreeably. senger. neighbourhood,nearness;neighVezzato, [vts't] ad], shrewd, Viatorio, [vit'ri] adj. of a bours, pi. cunning. journey ; transitory. Vicinare, [vitshina're'] v. n. to [ve'tse'dj- Vibici, [vihi'tshi] m. pi. violet Vezzeggiamento , border upon, be near. flattermen'toj m. caressing, colored spots on the skin in Vicinato, [vitshiua'tjm. neighing. certain grave maladies. bourhood; neighbours, pi. Vezzeggiare, [ve'tse'dja're] v. Vibrare, [vibr're] v. a. & n. Vicinatore, [vitshint're'] m. fondle; to vibrate, brandish. a. to caress, flatter, one who approaches. Vezzeogiausi, v. r. to pamper Vibratore , [vibrt'r] m. Vicinevole, Ivitshinev'l] adj. one's self. braiidisher. via -, cross road through Vezzeggiativo, fvtse'djti'v] Vibratezza, [vibrt'ts] and fields. adj. caressing, flattering. Vibrazione, [vibrtsi'n] /. Vicinit, [vitshinit'] ViciniVezzi, (v'tsi) m. pi.; caresses, vibration, brandishing. tade, Vicinitate, /. vicinity, attractions, pi.: far-,io caress, Viburno, [vibr'nj m. wild proximity. fondle, blandish. vine. Vicino, [vitshi'n] adj. near, Vezzo, [vet's] m. sport, di- Vicariate, [vikri't] m. vic- neighbouring, adjacent, conamusement; play; arsliip, vicarage. version, tiguous ; -, m. neighbour, citfair words; fondling; habit, Vicario, [vika'ri] m. vicar, izen. custom: necklace. curate substitute ; governor Vicino, [vitshi'n] prep, near, Vezzosamente, [vtssme'n'te'] chief. close to, just by; vicin -, adv. agreeably, gracefully, Vice, fvi'tshe] see Vece. very near da -, from a short pleasingly, charmingly, nicely. Viceammiraglio, [vitshe'mmi- distance. Vezzosetto, [vtsoset'i] adj. r'lo] wi. vice-admiral, rear Vicissitudine , [vitshissit'diagreeable, graceful, charming, admiral. n] f. vicissitude, change. nice. Vicecancellere , [vitshe'kn- Vico, [vi'k] m. narrow street, Vezzoso, [vts's] adj. charm- tshelli'r] m. vice-chancellor. narrow lane; borough. ing, pleasing, attractive; del- Viceconsolo , [vitshkn'solo] Vicoletto, [viklt't] m. very icate, nice, prim. m. vice-consul. narrow street. Vi, [vi'] adv. there, in that Vicegerente, [vitshejrn'te'] m. Vicolo, [vi'klj m. lane, alley, place; - suno stato, I have been vice-gerent; lieutenant. passage. there; -, pron. to you, you. Vicegerenza, [vitshejrn'ds] Vidente, [vidn'te'] m. seer, (hood. Via, [vi'aj f. way, road, street; f. vice-gerency; lieutenancy. prophet. course; manner, means; per Vicelegato, [vitshlg't] m. Viduita, [vidit'] f. widow- di, by way of; - di mezzo, deputy-legate. Vie, [vi'e'] adv. much, by far; middle way, golden mean; Vicemadre, [vitshe'm'dre'] f. pi, much more; - meno, far mettersi in -, to set out. mother's substitute. less. Via, Ivi'] adv. much, consider- Vicenda, [vitshn'd] f. vicissi- Viella, [viel'la] f. garden-walk, ably; away; come, come on, tude, change; intercourse; lane, bye-way. courage; fy, for shame; via requital, return afi'air, busi- Viera, [vi'r] f. ferrule. via, directly, immediately, at uess; place; a -, one after Vietabile, [vit'bil] adj. avoidonce; andate-, get away, be another, each in his turn; able. off; cacciar -, to chase away ognvtno a -, each in his turn. Vietamente, [vie'tme'n't] m. mandar-, to send away; por- Vicendevole, [vitshe'nd'vle'] prohibition, forbidding. tar -, to carry off. adj. reciprocal, alternate. Vietare, [vit'r] v. a.toavoic!; Viadentro, [vide'n'tr] prep. Vicendevolezza, [vitshnde'v- prohibit, forbid. farther in, more in. lt's] /. vicissitude, reciproc- Vietativo, [vietati'v] odj. proViadotto, [viddt't] i. {rail.) ity, alternation. hibitory, forbidding. viaduct. Vicendevolmente, [vitshe'nd- Vietatore, [viett'r] m. proViaggetto, [vidjp't't] m. short vlmnt] adv. alternately, hibiter, forbidder. journey, short voyage. reciprocally, by turns, each Vieto, [vi't] a^O". rancid, musViaggiante,[vidjn't] m, trav- after an other. (pronoun. ty, stale; obsolete. eler. m. Vietta, [viet'ta] f. lane, alley, Vicenome , [vitshe''nm Viaggiare, [vidj're'] v. n. to Vicennale, [vitshennl] adj. passage. travel, journey. of twenty years. Vietume, [vit'me'] m. musty Viaggiatore, [vidjat'r] m. Vicepatriarca, [vitshe'ptrir'- stuff, rancid stuff, old thing. Viaggiatrice, [vidjtri'tshe] kii) m. vice-patriarch. Vievia,[ vievi'd] adv. immediato* Vicer, [vitshr'j m. vice-roy. ly, instantly. f. traveler, passenger. [vijk'pl] Viaggio, [viadj] in. journey, Vicereggente, [vitshre'djn't] Vigecuplo, adj. voyage, travel. m. vico- regent. twenty times as much.
, ; ; ;





to be Vigorosit, [vigorosit'! Vigo- Villereccio, [ville're"tshi Vil rositade,Vigorositate,/.vigor- losco, [villes'k] O'lj. rural; abito -, m. country-clothes, pi. Vigesimo, [vij'sim] dj. twen- ousness, vigor, force. Vigoroso, [vigr's J adj. vigor- Villetta, [villt'tj /. little viltieth. lage, villa. Vigilante, [vijin't] odj, vigi- ous, strong. Vile, [vi'le] adj. vile, low, ab- Villicato,[villik't]ni. managelant, attentive. despicable ; ment of a farm. VigilantemGnte,[vijilnte'mn'- ject ; pitiful , i]adv. vigi lantly attentively. cowardly; a prezzo -, cheap; Villiciuola, [villitsbla] /.small Vigilanza, [vijiln'ds] and Vi- aver o - , to despise; - , adv. country-house, villa. Villico, (vil'lik] m. husbandgilanzia, [vijiln'] /. vig- vilely, basely. Vilipendere, [vilipn'de're'] v. a. man, farmer. ilance, altontion. Vigilare, [vijil're'] v. a. & n. to irr. (see Spendere) to despise, Villino , [villi'n] m. a small villa. watch, be vigilant, sit up. scorn. Vigilazione, [vijilatsi'n] see Vilipendio, [vilipn'di] m. Vi- Villoso, [vill's] adj. hairy, Yijfilanza. lipensione , [vilipnsi'ne'] f. woolly, shaggy. Villuccia, [villu'tsh] f. small Vigile, [vi'jil] see Vigilante. contempt. town. Vigilia, Iviji'li) /. watching, Vilipeso, [vilipe"s] adj. deVilmente, [vilmn' te'] odu. vilesitting up; watch, eve. spised, vile, low. Vigliaccamente, ( virkkme'n'- Vilire, [vili're] v. a. to despise, ly, meanly. Vilpistrello, [vilpistr'l] m. te| uUv. Ulto a coward. scorn. Vigliaccheria, [virkke'ri'] f. Villa, [villa] /. villa, country- bat. Vilt, [vilt'] Viltade, Viltate, cowunlii-o, poltroonery. seat : country-town. Vigliaccio, [vil''tsh] m. husks, Villaggetto, [villdje't't] m. f. cowardice, vilencss; pettiness; cheapness. ears ot corn, pi. small village. Vigliacco, [viPk'k] adj. cow- Villaggio, [vill'dj] m. village. Vilucchio, [vilk'ki] m. {bat.) ardly, dastardly. Villanaccio, [villn'tsh] adj. convolvulus. Vilume, [vil'm] m. confused Vigliaccone, [virkk'ne'] m. rustic; clownish; -, wi. clown. great coward. Villanamente, [villnamn'te'] heap, medley. Vigliamento , [vil'ame'n't] m. adv. rudely coarsely, shame Viluppatore, [vilppt're'] nt. busy-body, mischief-maker. sweeping of corn-husks. fully; cruelly. m. [vilppt't] Vigliare, [vil''r] sweep Villaneggiamento, [villane'dja- Viluppetto , small roll of lint; packet. off tlie ears of corn; pick: mfi l'tj I. outrage, insult. [villndja're'] Viluppo, [vilp'p] m. tuft; separate. Villa leggiare , confusion , Vigliatura, [virt'r] f. see r. a. to outrage, abuse, insult. packet , parcel ; "Vigliamento. Vi-lana ;giatore, [villne'djt'- disorder. Vigli etto, [vire't't] n. note, re m. 'tiuser, reviler. Vilupposo, [vilpp's] adj. inbillet. ViluJiella fviUn'l] f. pretty tricate. Viglinolo, [vil''l] 771. swept country-girl. Vime, [vi'rae'] Vimine, [vi 'mine'] off ears of corn, pi. Villanello, [villn'l] m. coun- m. green withe, small twig (of Vigna, [vi'na] f. vineyard, vine; try-lad. osier). piantar una -, to be inatten- Villanescamente, [villane'ska- Viminata, [virain'ta] /. wotk tive, be distracted. mn't] adv. in a rustic man- made of osiers. Vignajo, (vin''y] m. vine- ner. Vimineo , [vimi'ne'] adj. of dresser; vineyard. Villanesco, [villane's'k] adj. osier, made of osier. Vignaiuolo, [vi'njl] m.vine- rustic, coarse, clownish. Vinaccia, ( vin'tsh] f. dregs of dresser. Villania, [villni'] f. abuse, of- pressed grapes, pi. Vignare, fvin''r]v.a. toplant fence, insult, injury; filth. Vinaccio, [vin'tsh] m. bad vinos; cultivate vines. Villano, [vill'no] adj. rustic, wine. Vignaruolo, [vi'u'rul] see coarse, uncivil; cruel; -, m. Vinacciuolo, [vintsh'l] m. Vignajuolo. countryman, villager, peasant, raisin-stone, kernel (of graphs). Vignato, [vi'n't] aij. said of rustic. Vinajo, [vin'y] Vinajolo, [viland cultivated for vines; used Villanotto , [vi'lln't] m. nayo'lo) m. wine-inerchant. substantively, vineyard. strapping young peasant. Vinarello, [viuareTlJ m. thin Vignazzo, (vin''ts) Vigneto, Villanzone, [villnts'n] m. wine. [vi'n'to] m. vineyard, vines. pL clumsy countryman, Vinario, [vin'n'] adj. of wine. great Vignetta, [vin't'tlVignuola, great clown. Vinato, [vin't] adj. vinous, of [vin'la] /. small vineyard. Villareccio , [villre"tsh] adj. wine-color. Vignuolo, [vin''lo] m. tendril rural, of the country. Vinattiere , [vintti're'] m. of a vine. Villata, [villa'ta] f. village. vintner; wine-merchant. Vigogna, [vig'n'] /. Peruvian Villatico, [vill'tik] adj. rural, Vinattingitore, [viuattiujito'sheep. rustic. re] 1. collar-man. Vigorare, [vigra're'] v a. to Villeggiante, [ville'djan'te'] m. Vincaja, vinka'ya] f. plantation invigorate. and /. one actually in a country of osiers. Vigore, [vig're'] wi. vigor, villa. Vincapervinca,[vinkprvin'k] strength, energy. Villeggiare, [ville'dj're'l v. n. f. (but.) periwinkle. Vigoreggiare, vigrdja'r] v. to stay at one's country-seat, Vincastra, [ vink'str] /'.Vinca a to invigorate; encourage. enjoy the country. stro, [viuk'strj m. switch, Vigoria, [vigori'dj f. vigor, Villeggiatura, [villrijtu'r] f. rod. force. and Villeggio, [ville'djo] m. Vincere, [vin'tshe're'] v. a. irr. Vigorosamente, [vigrsame'n'- enjoyments of the country, pi.; {vinsi; vinto) to vanquish, t] adv. vigorously. country-season. conquer, overcome, outdo ; wiu
, , [

cards &c.); gain; chase, drive away; - se stesso to master one's passions; - di cortesia,io surpass in courtesy; - una lite, to carry the cause darla vinta, to cede, yield, agree to, submit. Vincevole, [vintshe"vle'] adj. conquerable. Vincheto, [vink't] m. planta(at



Violacea, [vil'tshe']/".an herb Virgolare, [virgl'r] v. a. to producing violet colored flow- punctuate. Virgulto, [virgl't] m. young ers. Violaceo, [vil'tshe'] adj. of a sprout, young shoot. Viridario, [virid'ri] m. (poes.) violet-color. Violajo, [vila'y] m. ground garden, park. Viride, [vi'ride'] (poes.) see Verde. planted with pinks &c. Violamento, [vilme'n't] m. Viridezza, [virid'ts] and Virdit, [viridit'] f. greenness, violation; rape. Violare, [ vil're'] v a. to violate, vigor. Virile, [viri'le'] adj. virile, manravish; break, infringe. tion of osiers, osier-plot. Vincibosco , [vintshibs'k] m. Violato, [vil't] adj. of a ly; brave. Virilit, [virilit']Virilitade,Viviolet-color. honey-suckle; woodbine. Vincido, [vin'tshid] adj. soft, Violatore, [vilt're'] m. vio- rilitate, f. virility; manhood. Virilmente, [virilmn't] adv. lator, infringer. flabby; limber. [viltsi'n] in a manly manner, like a man. 7inciglio, [vintshiTo] w. withe, Violazione , f. Viro, [vi'r] m. (poes.) man. violation, infringement. twig; band, ligature. [vintshfgue'r'ra] Violentamente, [vilntdme'n'- Virt, [virt'] Virtude, Virtute, Vinciguerra, Ser Vinciguerra, said of a t] m. violence. f. virtue; power, efficacy. person who always pretends to Violentare, [vile'nt're'] v. o. to Virtuale, [virt'I] adj. virtual, effectual. have the best of an argument. force, constrain. Vincimento, [vintshimn't] m Violentatore, [vile'ntt'rl m. Virtualit, [virtualit'] Virtualitade,Virtualitate, f. virtualicompeller, forcer, infringer. conquering, conquest. Vincipremi, [vintshipre"mi] m. Violente, [viln'te'] adj. violent, ty, efficacy. Virtualmente, [ virt lme'n't] impetuous. first prize-winner. adv. virtually. Vincita, [vin'tshit] f. gain, Violentemente, [vile'nte'me'n't] adw. violently, impetuously Virtuosamente, [virtsme'n'winnings; advantage. Vincitore, [vintshit're'j w. Vin- Violento, [viln't] adj. vio- t] adv. virtuously. Virtuoso, [virt'sj adj. virlent, forcible. citrice, Ivintshitri'tsh] f. vicViolenza, [viln'ds] f. vio- tuous, chaste; effective, eftor, conqueror. ficacious; -, m. virtuoso. Vinco, [vin'k] m. osier , tie, lence, compulsion. Violetta , [vil't] f. small Virulento, [virln'tjodj. virwithe. ulent; malignant. Vincolare, [vinkl're'] v. a. to pink &c. bind with a withe ; bind by a Violetto, [vile"t] adj. violet, Virulenza, [virln'ds] f. virulence. bond; fix. of a violet-color. Vincolo, [vin'kl] m. tie, band; Violina, [vili'na] f. wild pink. Visaccio, [vis'tsh] m. ugly face. Violinista, [vilini'stjm.violinbond; fetters, chains, pi. Visaggio, [vis'dj] m. visage, Vindice, [vin'ditsh] adj. aven- player. face. ging. Violino, [vili'n] m.. violin. Vinello, [vin'l] t. light wine. Violoncello, [vilntsh'lj m. Viscera, [vi'shr] /. Viscere, [vi'shr] f. pi. entrails,bowels, Vinetico, [vin'tlk] adj. of wine, violoncello. vinous. Violone, [vil'ne'] m. bass-viol. pL [visher'le'] adj. Vinetto, [vine't't] see Vinello. Viottola , [vi'tl] f. path Viscerale , Vinifero, [vinif'r] adj. produ- garden-walk, lane, by-way, appertaining to the bowels. cing wine. narrow way. Viscerare, [vishr're'j v. a. to Vino, [vi'n] m. wine; - rosso, Viottolo, [vi'tl] m. narrow disembowel. - nero, red wine; da famiglia, path, avenue. Viscere, [visho're'] m. bowels. light wine. Vischio, [vis'ki] TO. bird-lime, Vipera, [vi'pe'ra] f. viper. Vinolento , [vinln't] adj. Viperajo, [vipr'y] m. viper- snare; mistletoe. [viskisi't] given to wine. Vischiosit, catcher. /. Vinolenza , [vinln'ds] f. Viperato, [vipe'r't] and Vipe- stickiness. drunkenness. reo, [vip're'] adj. belonging Vischioso, [viski's] adj. visVinosit , [vinsi't] f. vinous to a viper. cous, glutinous. quality. Viperetta, [vipe'rt't] f. Vipe- Viscidit, [vishidit'] ViseidiVinoso, [vin's] adj. vinous rino , [vipe'ri'n] m. small tade, Visciditate, f. viscidity, glutinousness. jnicy. viper, young viper. Vinto, [vi'n't] adj. vanquished, Viperino, [vipe'ri'n] adj. of a Viscido, [vishi'd] adj. viscous, conquered, subdued; persuaded; viper. glutinous. [vishid'me'] m, exhausted;(/ar/a in^a, to agree Vipistrello, [vi'pistr'l] m. bat Viscidume , to;darle vinte, to humor, con- Viragine, [virjinj f. virago viscous matter. nive at. Viscida, [vi'shl] f. egriot. courageous woman. Vinuccio, [vin'tsh] m. thin Virare, [vira'r] v. a. &n. (mar.) Visciolato, [vishola't] m. cherpaltry wine. ry-wine. to veer, heave. Viola , [vi'l] f. stock-gilli- Virente, [virn'te'] adj. (poes.) Visciolina, [vishli'n] f. small

flower; viola, viol; riolet.




Virginale, [virjina'l]Virgineo, Visciolo, [vi'shil] m, morelloViolabile, [vil'bile'] adj. vio- [virji'n] see Verginale. cherry-tree. lable. Virginit, [virjinit'J see Ver- Visco, [vis'k] see Vischio. Violacciocca, [viltshi'kk] f. ginit. Viscontado, [visknt'do] m, andViolacciocoo, [viltshik'- Virgo, [vir'g] f. (poes.) virgin. viscountship. Visconte, [viskn'te']m.v8count. Virgola, [vir'gl] f. comma. k] w, stock (flower.)





Viscontea, [viskntd'] and Vi- Vistosamente, [vistsme'n'te'j sconteria, [viskntri] (. vis- adv. in a sightly manner, county. evidently; prettily. Viscontessa, [visknt's] f. Vistosetto, [vistst't] adj. viscountess. well-looking; rather pretty. Viscosetto , [vistse't't] adj. Vistosit, [vistosit'] f. comelirather viscous. ness, stateliness, elegance. Viscosit, [visksit'] Viscos- Vistoso, [vist's] adj. comely, tade, Viscositate, f. viscosity, handsome, pleasing. clamminess. Visuale, [visu'l] adj. visual, Viscoso, [visk's] and Vischio- visible. [viski's] adj. viscous, Visualm.ente , so, fvisalme'n'te'] glutinous. adv. visibly, sensibly. Visetto, [vise't't] m. pretty lit- Visuccio, [vis'tshi] m. poor tle face. little face; unhealthy-looking
Visibile, [visi'bil] adj. visible, face. perceptible. Vita, [vi'ta] f. life ; living ; Visibilio, [visibilio] m. andar food ; conduct ; bust, body in -, to disappear, vanish. donna di bella -, well made Visibilit, [visibilit'] (. visi- ligure; guadagnar la sua -, to bility, perceptibility. get one's livelihod regger la Visibilmente , [visibilme'n'te'] -, to support life, subsist adv- visibly, trar -,io live; uscir di -, to Visiera, [visi'r]/',vizor;raask. depart this life, die. Visionario, [visina'ri] adj. Vitaccia, [vit'tsh] f. bad life; visionary. bad conduct. Visione, [visi'ne'] f. vision, ap- Vitalba , [vitrb] f. {bot.) parition. bryony. Visire, [visi're] m. vizier. Vitalbajo, [vitlb'y] Visita, [vi'sit] [. Visitamento, place full of bryony. [visitme'n't] m. visit,visitiiig. Vitale , vital, adj. [vit'l] (life. Visitare, [visit'r] visit, living. pay a visit, go and see - una Vitalit, [vitalit'] f. vitality, piaga, to examine a sore. Vitalizio, [vitli'tsi] m. anVisitatore [visitt'rjm.visiter, nuity for life. examiner. Vitalmente, [vitalme'n't] adv.
; ; ; ;

a a


Vitone, screw. Vitreo,




adj. vitreous,

glassy. Vitriflcare, [vitrifika're'] v. . to vitrify, become glass. Vitrificazione , [vitrifiktsi'-




Vitriolico, [vitri'lik] adj. vitriolic.

Vitriuolo, [vitri'l] Vitrivuolo, [vitriv'I]

m. vitriol.



o. to

Vittimare, [vittim'r] .

up victims. Vitto, [vit't] m. food, victuals;


Vittore, [vitto 're] w. victor, conqueror. Vittoria, [vitt'ri] f. victory, "triumph.

Vittoriosamente , [vittrismn't] adv. victoriously.

adj. [vittri's] victorious, triumphant. /". vicVittovaglia, [vittova'l a] tuals, provisions, pi. Vittuaglia, [vittua r] Vittuaria, [vitt ria] f. victuals,

provisions, pi.








visitation. Visivamente,[visivme'n'te']adt). Vitare, [vita're'] v. a. to avoid, sible. Vituperare, [vitpe'r'r] v. a. in a visible manner. escape. Visivo, [visi'v] adj. visual, Vite, [vi't] f. vine ; screw, vice; to vituperate, revile. Vituperativo , [vitpe'rti'v] visible. a -, like a screw. Viso, [vi's] m. visage, face, Vitebianca, [vite'bin'k] see adj. reproachful, disgracing. Vituperatore , [vitprt'r] countenance; - a - , face to Vitalba. m. Vituperatrice, [vitprface; a - aperto, boldly; alzar Vitella, [vit'l] f. heifer. il -, to hold up ones head Vitelletta, [vitllt't]^ young tri'tsh] /. defamer, reviler, censurer. dare nel -, to look impudent- heifer. ly ; dir sul -, to toll to one's Vitelletto, [vitlle't't] m. suck- Vituperazione, [vitpe'rtsi'n] f. vituperation, blame, reface ; far buon - , to look ing calf. favorably; welcome; mostrar Vitellina, [vite'lli'n] see Vitel- viling. Vituperevole , [vitpe're"vle'] il -, to shew one's teeth, oppose letta. boldly; mutar - , to change Vitellino, [vite'lli'n] adj. of a adj. blame-worthy, shameful. (optic. color. calf; yellow; -, m. sucking Vituperevolmente , [vitupreblamably , adv. vlmn't] Visorio, [vis'ri] adj. visual calf. Vispezza, [vispe't'sj /. brisk- Vitello, [vit'l] w. calf; veal; shamefully. Vituperio, [vitup'ri] Vitupeness, agility, vivacity; sharp- - arrosto, roast veal. ro, [vitp'ro] m. disgrace, inness. Vitevole, [vitv'll adj. vital. Vispistrello, [vispistr'l] see Viticchio, [vitik'kio] m. {bot.) famy; shameful act. Vituperosamente, [vitpe'rsPipistrello. convolvulus. Vispo, [vis'p] adj. brisk, lively, Viticcio, [viti'tsh] m. vine- mn't] adv. shamofully. Vituperoso, [vitpe'r's] adj. nimble, sharp. sucker sconce. Vista, [vi'sta] f. sight, eye-sight; Viticella, [vititsh'l] f. young dishonorable ; defaming. Viuzze , [vi'tsa] Viuzza , view, prospect; appearance, vine. show; a -, at sight; within Vitichiomato , [vitikim't] [vi'ts] m. lane, alley. eight; di -, by sight; a prima adj. crowned with vine leaves. Viva, [vi'v] in(. vivati hurrah! - la regina l long live the -, at first sight; avere in -, to Vitifero, [vitif'r] adj. proQueen! have in view; esser di corta -, ducing vines. to be short-sighted ; perder di Vitigno, [viti'n'o] m. sort of Vivacchiare, [vivkki're'] v.n. -, to lose sight of; forget. to live stintedly. vine; wild vino. Visto, [vi'sto] adj. sprightly, Vitina, [viti'n] f. short bust, Vivace, [viv'tsh] adj. spright;

Vituperabile , [vitpe'r'bile'] and Vituperando, [vitprn'Vitame, [vit'me'] m. vineyard. d] adj. blamable, reprehenvitally.

lively, alert.

small body.

ly, lively,



Vivacemente, [vivtshe'mn't] Vivole,





vivos, pi. adv. with vivacity. Vivacit, (vivtsliit'] Vivaci- Vivuolo , [viv'l] m stocktade, Vivacitate, f. vivacity, gilliflower. liveliness, vigor, ardor. Viziare, [vitsia're] . a. to vitiVivagno, [viv'n'] ni. selvage ate, spoil; defile. (of cloth) bank (of a river); Viziatamente, [vitsitran'te'] margin (of books). adv. artfully, fraudulently, Vivajetto, [vivyt't] t. small maliciously. fish-pond. Viziatene, [vitsiteTl] adj. Vivajo, [viv'y] m. fish-pond, shrewd, malicious. reservoir. Viziato, [vitsi't]odi. vitiated, Vivamente, [vivmn'te'] adv vicious, malicious; cunning. briskly sharply , boldly Vizio, [vi'tsij in. vice, defect; energetically. blemish.

Vocina, [vtshi'n] f. Vocino, [votshi'n] m. soft pleasing

voice: lady-like voice.

[vtshili'na] Vociolina , f. small weak voice. Vocione, [vtsh'ne'] m. strong

manly voice. Voga, [v'g]



[vi van 'd]


food, victuals, eatables, dishes,

meat, Viziosamente, [vitsisme'n'te'] adv. viciously, wickedly.


Vivandare, [vivanda' re']


to fare daintily. [vivnde't't] f. , small ragout, savoury dish. wicked, faulty. Vivandiera, [vivndi'r] f. Vizzo, [vi'ts] adj. flaccid, with * ered, dry. female sutler. Vivandiere, [vivndi'r] m. Vocabolario, [vkbl'ri] m. sutler; caterer. vocabulary, dictionary. Vivanduzza, [vivnd'ts] see Vocabolarista, [vkblri'st] Vivandetta. and Vocabolistario, [vocaboli Vivente, [vivn't] adj. living, stari ] m. vocabulist, lexicogalive; - il padre, during the rapher. father's life; -, m. living man; Vocabolo, [vk'bl] m. word,


Viziosit, [vitsisit'l Viziositade, Viziositate, f. viciousness. Vizioso, [vitsi's] adj. vicious,

f. rowing, course; ardor, fugue; esaere in -, to be in fashion. Vogante, [vgn'te] m. rower. Vogare, [vg're'] i'. u. to row. Vogatore, [vgt'r] w. rower. Vogavanti, [ vgavn'ti] m.headrower (in a galley). Voglia, [vT] f. will, wish, desire; appetite; humor; mole, spot; di -, willingly; di mala-, unwillingly; dar la -, to excite, provoke. Voglietta, [vre't't] f. little wish, little fancy.

Voglievole , [v6re''vle'J wishing, desirous, eager. Vogliolina, [vrli'naj f.


wish, inclination. Vogliosamente, [vl'smeVte'] adv. willingly, with pleasure,



[vr's] rous, eager.





terra; expression.


[vlVts] see Vo-

Vivere, [vi'vre'] v. n. (vissi Vocabulario, [vkbl'ri] see vivr; vivuto, vissM^o) to live, Vocabolario. be alive; subsist; feed; - d per Vocale, [vka'l] adj. vocal -, d, to live from hand to mouth; f. vowel. - del suo, to live on one's Vocalizzare, [vklids're'] v. income; - tra due, to be in a. to employ many vowels. suspense, bo irresolute. Vocalmente, [vklmn'te'] adv Vivevole, [viv'vl] adj. lively; vocally. sharp. Vocare, [vk'r] w. a. to call, Vivetto, [vive't't] adj. brisk, name. lively. Vocativo, [vkti'v] m. (gr.) Vivezza, [vive't's] /. vivacity, vocative. liveliness, activity. Vocazione, [vktsi'n] f.\o Vivido, [vi'vid] adj. vivid, cation calling. active; vigorous. Voce, [v'tsh] f. voice; word, Vivificamento, [vivifikdme'n't] term; vote, sufl'rago; sentence; m. see Vivificazione. name, reputation; a -, a viva Vivificare, [vivifik're'] v. a. to -, by word of mouth; ad una -,
; ;

Voi, [v'i] pron. you, ye; dar del -, to address one in the second

person plural. Volagio, [vl'jt] adj. volable, changeable. Volamento , [vlmn't] tn.
flying; flight.

Volandolino, [vlndli'n] m. a light inconstant person. Volante, [vln't] adj. flying, fickle; light; foglio -, m. flysheet, little journal; -, Volante, and Volano, [vla'n] m,

Volare, [vl're'] v. n. to fly; pass swiftly; -, m. flight; rapid course.

vivify, give life.

Vivificativo, [vivifikati'v] adj. vivifying. Vivificatore, [vivifikt're'j m.

vivilier; animator.

Vivificazione, [vivifiktsi'n]
(. vivilication. Vivifico, [vivi'fik] adj. vivific. Viviparo, [vivi'prj adj. vivi-

unanimously; ad oito -, aloud; Volata, [vl't] /.flight; volley; sotto -, in a low voice, softly; di -, at random. corre -, it is reported; dar -, to Volatica, [vl'tik] f. tetter, circulate a report: spread ringworn. abroad; dar una - ad uno, to Volatile, [vl'tile'] adj. volagive one a call; dar la voce, to tile, flying. give one's vote; far-, to speak: Volatili, [vl'tili] m. pi. birds, tener la -, to be silent, keep fowls, pi.
silence. Volatilit, [volatilit'] VolatiVocerellina, [vtshe're'Ui'n] f. litade, Volatilitate, f. volapretty little voice. tility. Vociare, [vtsha're'] v. a. to Volatilizzare , [vltilids'r] divulge, publish. V. a. to volatilize. Vociatore, [vtsht'r] m. di- Volatilizzazione , [vcldtilidsavulgor, publisher. tsi'n] f. volatilization. Vociferante , [vtshife'ran'tej Volato, [vl'tj m. flight, rapid adj. noisy, bawling. course. Vociferare, [vtshife'ra're'] v.n. Volatore, [vlt're'J m. he that to vociferate, bawl; report. flies. Vociferazione, [vtshifrtsi'- Volcanico, [vlki'nik] od;, volne'] /. clamor; rumor, report. canic.

parous. Vivo, [vi'vci] adj. alive, livinglively, sprightly, brisk; argento -, m. quicksilver; carbone -,m. burning coal; di viva voce, by word of mouth; per viva forza, by main force; -, i. quick; living fiosh; sensible part; al -, to the quick; to the life; from nature. Vivola, [viv'la] /. pink, viol (instrument^.



andare in
-, to go rambling about, rove; dar -, to wheel

Volcano, [vlkii'n] m. volcano. Volgitore,[vljit'r] m. ho that Volegrgiare, [vle'dj'r] turns, changes &c. flutter. Volgo, [vl'g] m. vulgar, comVolente, [vln't] orfj. willing ; mon people, multitude. Volitare, [vlita're'] w. n. to flutready; non -, unwilling. Volenteroso, [vlntr's] adj. ter about. willing. Volitivo, [vliti'v] adj. voliVolentieri, [vle'nti'ri] Volen- tive, that wills, using one's will. tiermente, [vlntirmn't] Volizione, [vlitsi'ne'] /. voadv. willingly, gladly, clieer- lition. fully. Volo, [v'l] m. flight; di -, at [vle'ntir's] Volentieroso , once, in a trice, suddenly; by the bye; dare il -, to abandon; adj. willing; desirous. Volere, [vl'rj v. a. & n. irr. levarsi a -, to take one's flight; act rashly. (voglio [v], vuoi, vuole, vogliamo, volete, vogliono ; volli; Volont, [volont'] Volontade, vorr; voluto) to will; wish, Volontate, f. will, desire, desire; bid; consent; Iddio vo- wish; di -, willingly, spontaglia, may it please God; ci neously. vuol dire, that means, that sig- Volontariamente, [vlntrime'n'te'] adv. voluntarily. nifies; sia come si voglia, be [vlnt'ri] adj. it as it will; - bene, to wish Volontario, well; - male, to bear an ill will, voluntary, spontaneous ; -, m. volunteer. hate; volerla con alcuno, to have a design upon one ; -, Volontaroso, [vlntr's] see m. will, pleasure; di buon -, Volonteroso. willingly. Volonterosamente, [vlnte'rVolgare, [vlga're'] adj. vulgar, simn'te'] adv. willingly, eager-

round; run away; dare la -, to wane, go down; get sour; dare



come back.
[vltii'bile'] adj.



to turn; variable, changeable

[vltrae'n't] m. turning; change. Voltare, [vlt'r] v. a. to turn, turn round; change; dismiss; roll; translate; -, v. n. to wane; decrease; Voltarsi, . r. to change one's mind. Voltata, [vlt't] see Volta-


Voltatile,[vlt'tile']adj. change-

able, fickle.

Voltazione , [vlttsi'ne'] f. turning; changing. Volteggiamento, [vlte'djame'u't] m. whirling, fluttering about; tumbling. Volteggiare, [vlte'dj're'] v. n. to flutter about, fly about ; tumble slip away. Volteggiatore , [vlte'djt're']

wi. tumbler, rope-dancer; light common, trivial; -, m. vulgar ly. tongue; living speech; v. a. to Volonteroso, [vlnte'r's] adj. infantry-man. divulge. willing , Volto, [vl't] m. vault, arch. eager , desirous Volto, [vl't] m. face, visage ; Volgaresimo, [vlgrsi'm] m. greedy. vulgarism; idiotism. Volentieri, [vlnti'rij adv. gettare al-, to reproach; mostrare il -, to shew one's teeth. Volgarit, [volgarit'] Volga- willingly, readily. ritade, Volgaritate, f. vulgar- Volpaccia, [vlp'tshj f. nasty Voltojo, [vlt'y] m. snaffle


Volgarizzamento, [vlgridsa- Volpaja

mn't] m. translation, version. Volgarizzare , [vlgrids'r]
V. a, io translate.

Volgarizzatore, [vlgridst'r] m. translator; explainer. Volgarizzazione , [vlgridsatsi'ne']


translation, version. [vlgrme'n't] , adv. vulgarly, commonly.


Volgata, [vlg't]/.the Vulgate. Volgere, [vl'jr] v. a. irr.

(volsi; volto) to turn, revolve; cross; bend, incline turn aside, persuade;alter, change;address, direct; -, v. n. to roll, turn

round, twist; fall upon; - a turn to the right; -indietro, to turn backwards; like crafty, cunning. - le spalle, to turn one's back, Volpone, [vip'n] m. old wily run away; Volgersi, v. r. to fox. turn; change; get sour; - ad Volta, [vl't] f. turn, turning, uno, to side with one, revolving, whirl; vault; windway, road Volgevole, [vljv'l] adj. that ing, direction turns, turning. lapse; - del tempo, lapse of Volgiarrosti, [vljirr'sti] m. time; alia -, towards; alcune foolish imbecile person; one volte, alle volte, sometimes only adapted to turn a spit. na-,once; altre volte, formerVolgibile , [vljibi'le'] adj. ly; due volte, twice; dopo -, changeable, easily turned. dopo una -, too late; ogni -, Volgimento , [vljirae'n't] m. every time; per questa -, for turning; change; vicissitude. this time, now; pi volte, many tutte Volgitojo , [vljit'y] adj. times, frequently; le proper for turning; m. auger,! volte che, every time that; screwdriver. per -, by turns, alternately;
diritta, to

(of a bridle). fox- Voltolamento, [vltlme'n't] hole. m. rolling ; wallowing. Volpato, [vlp't] adj. of a Voltolare, [vltla'r] v. a. & fox; blasted, blighted (said of .to roll; wallow; Voltolarcorn). si, V. r. to roll one's self, Volpe, fvl'pe'] f. fox; cunning wallow, man; blight. Voltolone, [vltl'n] VoltoVolpeggiare, [vlpe'dj're'] v. n. loni, [vltl'nij adv. in rolling, tumbling down. to play the fox, be crafty. Volpetta, [vlpe't't] Volpicel- Voltone , [vlt'nj m. very lofty vault. la, [vlpitsh'l] f. young fox, little fox. Voltura, [vlt'ra] /. revolution, Volpicina,[vlpitshi'n] /'.young revolt. fox; fig. cunning woman. Volubile, [vl'bil] adj. volVolpicino , [vlpitshi'n] wi uble; variable; -, m. bindyoung fox; crafty fellow. weed. Volpigno, [vlpiV] Volpino, Volubilit, [volubilit'] Volu[vlpi'n] adj. of a fox, fox- bilitade, Volubilitate, /. volufox.



bility, fickleness.

Volubilmente, [vlbilmen't]
'adv. inconstantly.

Volume, [vl'm] m. volume,

book; mass.




small volume.

Voluminoso, [vlmin's]

voluminous, copious; bulky. Volunt, [vlnt'J &c., see Volont &c.

Voluta, [vl't]


(arch.) vo-

Volutt, [volutt'] Voluttade, Volattate, /. voluptuousness. Voluttuario, [vltt'ri] adj, voluptuous; -, m. voluptuary.



Voluttuosamente, [vlttts- Voraggine




djin] f. gulph, abyss; ruin. mn't] adv. voluptuously. Voluttuoso, [vltt's] adj. Voraginoso , [vrjin's] adj. voraginous. voluptuous, luxurious. Volva , [vi' va] f. calix of Vorare, [vr'rj v. a. (poes.) to (vourer. (gere &c. devour. muslirooms. Volvere , [vlve''r] see Vol- Voratore, [vrt're'] wi. deVomerale, [vmr'l] adj.\)6~ Voratura, [vrt'r] f. devouring. longijjg to a plough-sliare. Vomere, [v'mr] see Vomi- Vortice, [vr'titshe'] m. vortex; whirlpool ; gulph. tare. Vomere , [vo'me'r] Vomere , Vorticoso , [vrtik's] adj. [v'mr] m. coulter, plough- abounding in whirlpools.

[vr- Votatojo, [votato 'yo] m. barrel of a cask &c. Votatore, [vtt're'] m. emptier; dedicator. Votatura, [vtt'r] f. voiding, emptying; voting. Votazza, [vt'tsa] /. {mar.) scoop.





Votivo, [vti'v] adj. votive. Vote, [v't] adj. empty, void ; deprived, inane; a -, in vain,


Vossignoria,[vssin'ri']/'. Sir,

Veto, [v't] m. vow, vote, wish. Vomica, [v'mik] f. encysted you Sir. Vostro, [vS'str] m. yours; your Vulcano, [vlka'n] &c., see Volhumor; nux vomica. cano &c. Vomico, [v'mik] adj. vomi- estate, your wealth.
(m. vomiting. Vostro, [v'str] pron. your, [vmitmn't] yours. Vomitare, [vmit'r] v. a. to Votaborse, [v tabor 'se'] m. an expensive article. vomit, throw up. Vomitatorio, [vmitt'ri] m, Votacase, m. spendthrift. Votacesso , [vttsh's] m. an emetic. Vomitivo, [vmiti'v] adj. vom- nightman. Votamento, [vtme'n't] m. itive, causing vomits. Vomito, [v'mit] m. Vomzio- evacuation, emptying. m. [vtpt's] ne, [vmitsi'n] f. vomiting, Votapozzo , cleaner of wells or cesspools. vomit. Vorace , [vr'tshe'] adj. vora- Votante, [vtn't] m. voter. Votare, [vt're'] v. a. to empty, cious, ravenous. Voracit, [vrtshit'] Vorac- clear; vote, dedicate; -, v. n. tade, Voracitate, f. voracity, to give one's vote; Votaesi.v. r. to devote one's self. greediness.


Vulgare, [vlg'r] &c., see Volgare &c. Vulgo, [vl'g] m. vulgar, com-



Vulnerabile, [vlne'r'bil] adj. vulnerable. Vulnerare, [vlnr're'] r. o. to

wound, hurt.
Vulneraria, [vlne'r'ri]


Vulnerario, [vlne'r'ri] adj. vulnerary, good for wounds. Vulturno, [vltr'n] m. northeast wind. Vuoto, [v't]arf;.void, ojnpty;

m. an empty space.

Z, has three sounds, the rough, the soft, and what may be denominated the thin. The first is pronounced as if the were preceded by a t, as in zucca, zucchero, zitto, zoccolo: the second is pronounced as though it were preceded by a d, as in zanzara, gazza, azzurro : the third has a kind of medium pronunciation between the rough and the soft, and is assigned to the single z, Avhen followed by the dipthongs ia, grazia, azione, ie, io, as in (maker. precipizio, &c.



pouch, small bag (of a shep-

herd). Zaffare, [dsff'r] v. a. to shut Zaino, [dsi'n] m. pouch, bag (of a shepherd) adj. dark bay up, stop, bung. (goat. Zaffata, [dsff't] f. outburst horse.



on uncorking; bounce; quiz, Zambecco, [dsmbk'k] m.wild

satire. Zambra, [dsam'bra] f. waterZaffatacela, [dsffat'tsh] f. closet, close-stool. great bounce (of liquors &c.). Zambracca, [dsambrak'ka] f. Zaffatura, [drfft'r]/".s ee Zaf- strumpet.

Zaffer, [dsf'fe'r] /".blue color. Zafferanato, [dsffran't] adj. saffroned.

Zambuco, [tsmbu'k]



Zampa, [tsm'p] f. paw, talon. Zampare, [tsmp'r] v, a. to

Zafferano , [dsffe'r'n] and paw, scratch. Zampata, [tsmpd't] f. stroke Croco, [cr'k] m. saffron. Zabattiero,[tsbtti'r]m.sho6- Zaffetica, [dsaffe'ti'ka] and Zal- with the paw, clawing. Zacal, [ts'kl] i. jackal. f etica, [dslfti'k] f. assafoe- Zampeggiare, [tsarape'dja're'] v. n. to paw the ground. Zaccagna, [dsk'n'] f. skin of tida. Zaffiretto,[dsffire't't] m. small Zampetta, [tsmpe't't] f. small the forehead. paw. Zaocaro, [dsk'kr] m. Zacche- sapphire. ra, [dsk'kr] f. splash of mud, Zaffirino, [dsffiri'n] adj. sap- Zampettare, [tsmpe'tt're'] v. n. to begin to move the paws, dirt; fig. trouble, embarrass- phirine. Zaffiro, [dsffi'r] m. sapphire. begin to walk. ment; trifle, bagatelle. Zaccherella, [tskke'r'l] /".lit- Zaffo, [tsf'f] m.bung, stopper. Zampetto, [tsmpe't't] m. see Zampetta. Zaffo, [dsf'f] m. tipstaff. tle splash. Zaccheroso , [tskke'r's] adj. Zaffrone, [dsaffr'ne'Jm.bastard- Zampillamento[tsmpillame'n'saffron. t] m. gushing out, spouting splashed. Zaccheruzza , [tskke'r'tsa] Zagaglia, [dsagaTa] /. Moor's out. Zampillare, [tsampilla're'] v. n. javelin. see Zaccherella. Zaffamento , [dsffme'n't] m. Zagaglietta, [dsgl't'ta] f. to gush out, spout out. Zampilletto, [tsmpille't't] m. stopping (in the sense of cork- small javelin. Zainetto, [dsiiinet't] m, small little water-spout goblet, cup, ing uj?}.




Zenzeverata, [dse'ndse'vr't] f. medicinal compound. Zenzevero, [d8e'ndse''vr] Zen* zovero, [dse'nds've'r] see Zenzero.

Zampillio, [tsmpilli'] m.gush- Zappettare, [tspptt'r] v. to dig lightly; scrape. ing, spouting. Zampillo, [tsmpiri] m. water- Zappettina, [tsappe'tti'na] small mattock, pick-axe. spout, jet; fountain. Zampino, [tsmpi'nj m. little Zapponare, [tsppn'r] v. to dig, hoe. paw; wild pino-tree.




[tsmp'n']/'.reed; pipe, shepherd's pipe. Zampognare, [tsmpn''r] v. play upon the pipe. Zampo gnatore, [tsmpn't're'] m. piper. Zampognetta, [tsmpn'e't't] small pipe. f. small reed; Zampognino, [tsmpn'i'n] m. small bagpipe. Zana, [ts'n] /. basket, cradle; cheat, trick; pool.

/. wedge, coin Zappone, [tspp'ne']m.mattock. basil; mettere -, to sow discord. Zara , [dsa'ra] f. and Zaro, Zeppamente, [tsppme'n't] m. risk, tilling up entirely, cramming. hazard [ds'r] TO. Zeppare, [tspp're'] v. a. to fill danger. Zaroso, [dsr's] adj. hazard- up entirely, cram. (raft. Zappatore, [tse'ppt're'] m. one ous, dangerous.

Zeppa, [tse'pa]

Zatta, [dsat'ta] f. sort of melon; who fills up. Zattera, [dst'te'r] f. raft, float Zappatura, [tse'ppt'r]
(of timber).




man, porter. Zanata, [tsn't] /.hasket-full,


Zanca, [tsan'k]
claw; talk.




Zanco, [tsn'kjad/.left-handed,

Zeppamente. Zavardarsi, [dsvardr'si].r, Zeppo, [ts'p] adj. quite full, crammed, brimful crowded to daub one's self. with. ballast; Zavorra, [tsvr'r] Zerbineria, [dse'rbine'ri'] f. afsandy ground. Zavorrante , [tsvrrn'te'] m. fectation in dress, vanity; dandyism. (mar.) lighterman. Zavorrare, [tsvrr're'j v. a. to Zerbino, [dse'rbi'n] i. fop, dandy. ballast. Zazzeare, [tsadse'a're'] v. n. to Zerbinotto, [dsrbin't] m.lion, dandy, coxcomb. turn round giddily. Zazzera, [ts'tse'rj^long hang- Zero, [ds'r] m. zero; cypher,
; /".


[tsne'l'l] f. gutter.

Zangola, [tsn'gl] f. churn. Zanna, [tsn'n] f. tusk, tooth

fangs (of animals),

Zannare, [tsnn'r]

v. a.

polish (with a tooth). Zannata, [dsnn'tj/'.buifone- Zazzeruto , [tstse'r't] adj. ry, drollery. long haired. Zannesco , [dsnn'sk] adj. Zebro, [ds'br] m. zebra. appertaining to a buffoon. Zebu, [ds'b] m. African ox. Zannetto, [dsnnt't] m. little Zecca, [tsk'kj f. mint; tick; buffoon. nuovo di -, brand-new. Zanni, [dsn'ni] m. buifoon, Zecchiere, [tskki'r] Zeemerry-Andrew. chiero, [tskki'r] m. director Zannuto, [tsnn't] adj. with of the mint. crooked tusks. Zecchino, [tseTcWnolm. sequin. Zanzara, [dsnds'r] and Zen Zedoaria, [dsd'ri] /". wild zara, [dse'nds'r] /. gnat, ginger.

nothing. ing hair. Zazzeretta, [tstse'rt't] Zaz- Zetetico, [dse't'tik]ad;.zetetic. zerina, [tstsri'n] f. short Zettovario , [dse'ttv'ri] m. hair. wild ginger. to Zazzerone,rtstse'r'n]m.long- Zezzolo, [dse't'sl] m. nipple, haired fellow. teat.

Zia, [tsi']



Zibaldonaccio [dsibldn'tsh] m. bad mixture. Zibaldone, [dsibld'n] m. mixture,



midge. Zanzaretta, [dsndsre't't] /". small gnat, small midge. Zanzariere, [dsndsri'r] m. gauze bed-curtain, mosquitoguard.

Zanzaverata, [dsndsve'r't]


sauce, relish. [tsap'pa] tock; spade.


hoe, matsee



Zappare, [tspp're'] v. a. to hoe, dig stamp (with the foot) ;


destroy, ruin. Zappata, [tsppa'tj with a hoe.



book. Zibellino , [dsibe'lli'n] adj. of the sable; -,m. zibellino, sable; fur of the sable. Zibetto, [dsibe't't] m. civet-cat. Zibibbo, [dsibib'b] m. red-raisins, dried grapes, pi. Zefflro, [dsf'fir] Zefiro, [ds'- Zienda, [dsin'd] /.affair, busifir] m. zephyr. ness. Zelamna, [dse'lrai'na] f. znc. Zigolo, [tsi'gl] m. greenfinch. Zelante, [dsln'te'] arf;. zealous, Zigrino, [dsigri'n] m. shagreen. ardent. Zigzag, Ldsig'dsag] m. zigzag. Zelantemente, [dse'lnte'me'n'te'J Zimaro, [tsim'r] m. verdigris. adv. zealously. Zimarra, [dsimr'r] f. nightZelare, [dsl're'] v. n. to be gown; woman's robe. zealous; be fond. Zimarraccia, [dsimrr'tshi] f. Zelato, [dse'l't] adj. zealous, bad night-gown. ardent, fervent. Zimarrino [dsimrri'n] m. Zelatore, [dslt're'] m. Zela- little night-gown. trice, [dsltri'tshe'] f. zealous Zimarrone, [dsimrr'n] m. person, zealot, partisan. large night-gown. Zelo, [ds'l] m. zeal, fervency, Zimbellare, [tsimbe'lla're] v. a. ardor. to allure birds by a bird-call
, ;






adv. zealously, Zimbellata,[tsimbll't]/".birdZeloso, [dsl's] adj. zealous, call; blow with a satchel.
full of affection.

Zappatore, [tsppat'r] m. digger, del ver; laborer.

Zendado, [dse'ncl'd]m. taffeta.

Zappatorello, [tsapptr'ljm. Zenit, [dsenif] m. zenith.

Zimbellatore , [tsimbllt're'] m. bird-catcher. Zimbellatura, [tsimbe'llt'r]

young digger. Zappatura, [tsppt'r]

act of digging.


Zappetta, [tsppt't] boe, small mattock.


Zenzara, [dse'nds'r] &c., see f. calling of birds. Zanzara &c. Zimbelliera , [tsimbe'llie"r] f, Zenzero, [dsn'dse'r] Zenzeve- stick to which the call-bird ia small ro, [dsndse'vt'r] and Zenzoattached. vero, [dsadsv'r] w. ginger Zimbello, [tsimb'ij m. bir(





call; lure, bait; twisted ker- Zizzania, [dsidsa'ni] chief; essere il -, servir di -,to discord.

te a laughing stock. Zizzanioso, [dsidsni's] adj. Zimino, [dsimi'nj m. stewed sowing discord. banger, beater. TOoat, stewed fish. Zizziba, [dsi'dsiba] f. jujub. Zombatura, [dsmbt'r]/'. sea Zinale, [tsin'l] m. apron. Zizzibo, [dsi'dsib] m. jujub- Zombamento. Zinalino, [tsinli'n] m. small treo. Zombolamento,[dsmblame'n'apron. Zizzifo, [dsi'dsif] see Zizzibo. t] m. beating, thumping. Zinco, [dsinTc] m. zinc. Zizzolare, [dsidsl're'] v. n. Zombolare, [dsmbl'rj v. a. Zincoo, [dsink's] adj. apper- to tipple, quaff (vulgarism). to beat, bang, thump. taining to zinc. Zoccolajo,[tskkl'y]m. wood- Zombolatore, [dsmblt're'j Zinepro, [dsin'pr] see Gine- en shoe-maker. m. beater, thumper. pro. Zoccolante , [tskkln'te'] m. Zombolatura, [dsmblt'r] Zingana, [tsin'gna] f. song of Franciscan friar. see Zombolamento.
gipsies, Bohemian song. Zoccolare, [tskkl're'] v. n. Zona, [ds'n] /. girdle, cincZinganare, [tsingn'r] v. a. to go clattering along with ture; zone. to wander about as a gipsy. Zonzo, [dsn'ds] m. andare a -, wooden shoes. Zingano, [tsin'gn] m. gipsy, Zoccolata, [tskkl't] /. kick to ramble about. fortune-teller. Zoofito, [dsfi't] m. zoophyte. with a wooden shoe.

Zombare, [dsmb're'] v. a. to bang, thump, beat. Zombatore, [dsmbt're'] m.

Zingarello, [tsingarljm. little Zoccoletto,


Zingaresca, [tsingre's'ka] see Zingana. Zingaresco, ftsingreVk] adj. of a gipsy, Bohemian. Zingaro, [tsin'gr] m. gipsy,

Zinghinaja,[t,singhin'y]/'.hahitual ill-hoalth. Zinna, [tsin'nd]/. nipple, breast; neck (of a bottle).

[tsinn'le'] m. small apron, breast-cloth. Zin'nare, (tsinn'r]r.a. to suck. Zinzibo, [dsin'dsibj vi. ginger.


Zinzinare, Zinzinnare, [tsintsin'r] v. n. to sip; tipple.

Zinzinatore, [tsintsint're'] m.


[tsin'tsin] m. sip, , small draught. Zio, [tsi'] m. uncle. Zipolare, [tsipl're'].a. to put a peg into the faucet. Zipoletto, [tsiplt'tjm. small spigot; small pin. Zipolo, [tsi'plj m. spigot; peg, pin. (cawl. Zirbo, [dsir'b] m. omentum. Zirla, [dsir'la] /. large earthen Zolforino,[tslfe'ri'n]m.lucifer- Zoticamente, [dstikmn'te'] jar. adv. awkwardly, clownishly. Zolfettato, [tslftt't] adj. Zirlamento, [dsirlamn't] m, sulphured, sulphureous. Zotichetto, [dstikt't] adj. whistling (of a thrush). Zolfino, [tslfi'njarfj. sulphure- somewhat clownish, rather Zirlare, [dsirla'r]u.n. to whistle ous; -, wi. match. rustie. (like a thrush). Zolfo, [tsl'fj m. sulphur, brim- Zotichezza, [dstiket's] f. Zirletto,[dsirlt't]m.whistling clownishness , rusticity, awkstone. (of a thrush). Zolfonaria, [tslfn'ri] f. sul- wardness. Zirlo, [dsir'l] see Zirlamento. Zotico, [ds'tik] adj. clownish phur-mine. Zisica, [tsi'sika] Zisiga, [tsi'- Zolforato, [tslfr't] adj. sul- boorish, rude. siga] /. sort of vine. phured, sulphureous. Zoticonaccio, [dstikn'tsh] Zita, [dsi't] f. lass, young girl. Zolla, [ts'l] f. clod, glebe. adj. very clownish. Zitella, [tsit'la] f. girl, maid; Zollata, [tsUa't]/. blow given Zoticone, [dstik'ne'] m. very spinster. clownish fellow. with a clod. Zitello, [tsit'l] m. boy, lad. Zolletta, [tslle't't] Zollettina, Zucca, [tsk'ka] /. gourd, pumpZito, [tsi't] m. little boy, lad. [tsUtti'n] /". little clod. kin; noddle, pate, head; in -, Zittino, [tsitti'n] m. hush, ZoUone, [tsll'ne'j m. large bare-headed; avere poco sale peace. clod, big lump of earth. in -, to be a witless fellow, be Zittire, [tsitt'ire'] speak Zolloso, [tsllo'sj adj. full of stupid. (grape. low. clods, clodded. Zuccaja, [tskk'y] f. sort of Zitto, [tsit't] m. silence, hush, Zombamento, [dsmbme'n't] Zuccajo, [tskk'y] m. bed of peace; stare -, to keep silence m, banging, beating. gourds, pampkiu-field.

m. Zoolatria, [dsl'tria] f. the worship of animals. Zoccolo, [ts'kl] m. wooden Zoolito, [dsli't] m. zoolite. shoe, wooden sandal, slipper; Zoologia, [dslji']/'. zoology. [dsl'jik] adj. plinth; clod, turf; ninny; an- Zoologico , dare in zoccoli, to wear wood- zoological. en shoes; dire zoccoli, to say Zootomia, [dstmi'] f. zootomy. wonders. Zodiacale, [dsdik'le'] adj. zo- Zoppaccio, [tspp'tsh] adj. vory lame. diacal. Zodiaco, [dsdi'k] m. zodiac. Zoppeggiare, [tsppdja're'] v. Zoforo, [ds'fr] vi. (arch.) a. to walk lame; act dishonestly. Zoppettino, [tspptti'n] adj. frieze. Zolfa, [tslf] f. (mus.) gamut; hobbling, limping. nonsense; cantar la -, to rep- Zoppetto, [tsppt't] adj. a little lame, somewhat criprimand. Zolfajc, [tslf'y] m. sulphur pled. Zoppicamento, [tsppikme'n'refiner. Zolfanellajo, [tslfne'll'y] m. t] m. limping, lameness. Zoppicare, [tsppik'r] v. a. to match-seller. Zolfanello [tslfn'l]m.match, limp, go lame. vesta;-vo/cantco,lucifer-match. Zoppicone, [tsppik'ne'] ZopZolfante, [tslfn'te'] m. one piconi, [tsppik'ni] adv. in halting, in hobbling. who plays the gamut. Zolfatara, [tslfat'r] Zolfata, Zoppo, [ts'p] adj. lame; defective; slow, [tslfa't] f. sulphur-mine. Zolfato, [tslf't] acZy. of sul- Zoticaccio , [dstika'tsh] adj. awkward, clownish. phur. Zolfatnra, [tslft'r] f. brim- Zoticaggine, [dstika'djin] f. stone-smoke, (match. awkwardness, clownishness.

wooden shoe.




[tsu'fl] TO. whistle, flageolet; whizzing; ninny.

[tskky'l] f. Zucchettino, [tskke'tti'n] m. mole-cricket. kind of small vegetable marrow. Zuccajuolo, [tskky'l] adj. Zucchino, [tskki'n] adj. said said of a kind of early fig. of a species of intestinal worm. Zuccherajo, [tskkr'y] m. Zucconamento, [tskknamen'sugar-dealer, sugar-merchant; tj m. shaving of the head. grocer. Zucconare, [tskkn'r] v. a. Zuccherato, [tskke'r't] adj. to shave the head, cut the hair. sugared; honied. Zucconatore , [tskknt'r] Zuccheriera , [tskke'rie"r] f. m. shaver, hair-cutter. sugar-basin. Zucconatura, [tskkntu'r]/. Zaccherifluo , [tskke'ri'fl] shaving, cutting the hair. adj. distilling sugar. Zuccone, [tskk'n] m. large Zuccherino, [tskkri'no] m. pumpkin; bald head. sweet-meats , sort of sugared Zuccotto, [tskk't] m. helmet, pastry. head-piece. Zuccherino, [tskke'ri'n] adj. Zuffa, [tsrf] f. strife, fray ; saccharine, sweet. engagement, fight, battle. Zucchero, [tsk'kr]m. sugar; Zuffettaj [tsffet't] f. little - bianco, refined sugar; - canstrife, little fray, little fight. dito, sugar-candy; - d'orzo, Zuffettina, [tsfi'tti'n] f. very harloy-sugar; - in pani, loaf- little fray, slight quarrel. sugar; - rosato, conserve of Zufolamento, [tsflme'n't] roses; -rosso, raw sugar, coarse m. whistling, whizzing. sugar; un pane di -, a loaf of Zufolare, [tsfl'r] v. n. to sugar; avere il cuore nello -, whistle , flute ; whiz, hiss, to be overjoyed, ha very satis- whisper. fied. Zufolatore , [tsuflt'r] m. Zuccheroso , [tskke'r's] adj. Zufolatrice,[tsfltri'tsh] f. saccharine; sweet; agreeable. whistler, whisperer. Zucchetta, [tsvikkt't] f. small Zufoletto, [t3flt't] Zufoligourd small pumpkin ; helmet; no, [tsfli'n]m. little whistle, - di vetro, fiat bottle. small flageolet.

Zufolone, [tsfolo'nj m. largo


Zughetto, [tsghe't't] m. small

fritters, pi.

Zugo, [ts'g] m. kind of frittors; rimanere uno -, to bo


a fool of.

Zugolino, [tsgli'n] m.

simpleton. Zuppa, [tsp'p]/".soakedhread, sop; soup; mixture; confusion.





sop; steeped toast. Zuppiera, [tsppi'r] f. soup tureen. Zuppo, [tsp'p] adj. soaked, saturated; superfluous. Zuppone, [tspp'n] m. large

sop (in wine &c.).

Ztirlare, [dsrl'r] v. n. to sport, joke, jest. Zurlo, [dsr'l] m. great joy, mirth ; strong desire andare in -, to be merry; essere in -, to bo overjoyed; have a strong desire; mettere in -, to awake a desire; rejoice, divert. Zurro, [dsr'r] m. gaiety, good

humor, playfulness; immoderate desire.

Abbevilla ,


Ahhe- Algarvia, [lgr'vi] Algarve.

Algeri, [lj'ri] Algiers. Abissinia, [hissi'ni] Abys- Algerino, [aljri'no] Algerine. sinia. Alpi, [l'pi] Alps. Abissino, [hissi'n] Abyssi- Alsazia, [ls'tsi] f. Alsace. nian. Altena, [rtn] Altona, [l'tAbruzzi, [hr'tsi] Abruzzi. n] Altona. Alvernia, [lvr'nia] Auvergne. Abuchiro, [bki'r] Abukir. Acaja, [k'y] Achaia. Amberga, [mbr'ga] Arabergh. Acaico, [k'ik] Achaian. Amburghese , [amburghse] Hamburghese. (burgh. Adige, ['dij] Adige. Amburgo , [mbr'g] HamAdria, ['dri] Adria. Adrianopoli, [drin'pli] A- America, [me"rik] America. drianople. Americano, [mrika'n] AmerAfrica, ['frika] Africa. ican. Africano, [frik'n] African. Amsterdamo , [mste'rd'm Amsterdam. Aja, [a'y] the Hague. Albanese, [lbn's] Albanian. Anau, ['nu] Hanau.

Annovia, [ann'vi] Hanau. Antibo, [nti'b] Antibes.

Antille, [ntiri] Antilles, Caribee Islands.

Antiochia, [nti'kia] Antioch. Anversa, [nvr's] Antwerp. Appennini, [ppnni'ni] Apennines.

Apulia, [pu'li] Apulia.

Aquisgrana, [kttisgr'n] Aixla-Chapelle.

Arabia, [ar'bi] Arabia. Arabico, [r'bik] Arabo, [a'rb] Arabian. Aragona, [rg'n] Arragon. Aragonese, [rgne"s] Arragonese.

Albania, [lb'ni] Albany. Albione, [albio'n] Albion. lusia. Alburgo, [lbrg] Alborgh. Andalusiano Alemagna , [lm'n'] Ger- Andalusian.

Arcadia, [rk'di] Arcadia. Andalusia, [andlii'sia] Anda- Arcangelo, [rkn'je'l] Archangel.


[ndlsi'n] Arcipelago, [rtshipe"lg] Archipelago. many. Ande, [n'de'] Andes. Argentina, [rjnti'n] StrasAleppo, [le'p'p] Aleppo. Angi, [nji] Anjou. burgh. Ales3andria[ale'ssn'dri] Alex- Anglesia, [ngle'si'] Anglesea. Armenia, [rme"niaj Armenia, andria. Annonia, [nn'ni] Hainault. Armeno, [rm'n] Armenian.

Aigarvese, [lgrve''s] Algar




Hano- Arno,

[r'n] Arno. Asia, ['sil Asia.

Asiatico, [si'tik] Asiatic, Assia, ts'si] Hesse. Assiaco, [ssi'k] Hessian. Assiria, [ssi'ri] Assyria. Astracan, ['strakan] Astrachan. Asturia, [st'ri] Asturi a. Atene, [at'iie'] Athens. Atenese, [tn's] Ateniense, [te'nin's] Athenian. Atlante, [tln'te'] Atlas. Atlantico, [tln'tik] Atlantic. Attica, [t'tik] Attica.



Brabanzese,[brbnds's]Bra- Castiglia, [kstiTa] Castile. Castigliano, [kstil'a'n] Casbantine. Brandeburgo , [brndbr'g] tilian. Catalogna, [ktl'n'] CataBrandenburgh.

lonia. Brasile, [brsi'le'] Brazil. Brasilese, [brasile''s] Brazil- Catalognese,[ktln''se'] Catalonian. ian. Caucaso, [ku'ks] Caucasus. Brema, [br'ni] Bremen. Breslavia, [brsl'vi] Breslaw. Cefalonia, [tshfl'ni] CephaBretagna, [brta-'n'] Britany; lonia. Celibi, [tshlibi] Celebes. Great Britain. Cevenne, [tshv'n] Cevennes. Bretone, [brt'ne'] Briton. Chiaramente , [ktrmn't] Brisacco, [brisk'k] Brixen. Augusta, [ug'st] Augsburgb. Brunsvigo, [brnsvi'g] Bruns- Clermont. Chilonia, [kil'ni] Kiel. wick. Austria, [u'stri] Austria. Austriaco, [ustri'k] Aus- Brusselle, [brss'l] Brussels. China, [ki'na] China. Brussellese, [brsse'lle"s]Brus- Chinese, [kine"s] Chinese. ti-ian. Cicladi, [tshikl'di] Cyclades. selian. Avana, [va'n] Havannah. Avignone, [vin''n] Avignon. Bucarest, [bkr'st] Bucka- Cinquechiese, [tshinkwki'se'] Fifekirk. rest. Azzorre, [atsr're] Azores. Cipro, [tshi'pr] Cyprus. Babilonia, [bbil'ni] Babylon. Buda, [b'd] Buda. Bada, [ba'da] Badena, [bade' Bulgaria, [blg'ri] Bulgaria. Circassia, [tshirks'sia] CirBulgaro, [bl'gar] Bulgarian, cassia. n] Bade. Circasso, [tshirks's] CircasBui gar, Balcano, [blk'n] Balcan. Burgogna , [brg'n'] Bur- sian. Baleari, [bla'ri] Ealeares. Clives, [kli've's] Clivia, [kli'vi] Mare gundy. [bl'tik] Baltico , Burgognese, [brgn''se'] Bur- Cleves. Baltic. CobBaltimora, [bltim'r] Balti- gognone, [brgn''n] Bur- Coblenza, [kbln'ds]


Caffraria, [kaffr'ri] Cafraria. Caffro, [karfr] Caifre.


Barbada, [bar'bad] Barbadoes. Cadice, [ka'ditsh] Cadiz.

Batavia, [bata'vi] Batavia. Batavo, [ba'tv] Batavian.


[kl'n'a] Colonia, [kol'nia] Cologn. Conisberga, [kuisbe'r'g] Kon-

igsburgh. Caienna, [ky'n] Cayenna. Battria, [bt'tri] Bactria. Bavarese, [bvr'sej Bavaro, Calabrese, [klabr's] Cala- Copenaghen, [kpe'n'ghe'n] Copenhagen. brian. [bd'vro] Bavarian. Cordigliere, [krdil''r] CorCalabria, [kala'bvi] Calabria. Baviera, [bvi'r] Bavaria.
Belgico, [bl'jik] Belgio, [bl'- Calcutta, [klkt't] Calcutta. dilliers. Californese, [kalifrne"s] Cali- Corintiano, [krintia'n] Cojto] Belgian, Belge. rinthian. fornian. Belgio, [brjt] Belgium. Belgrado, [be'lgr'do] Belgrade. California, [klifr'ni] Cali- Corinto, [krin't] Corinth. Cornovaglia, [krnv'l a] Cornfornia. Bellisola, [blli'sl] Bellisle. Calmucco, [klmk'k] Calmuc. wall. Belluno, [bell'n] Bellunum. Cambrigge, [kambri'dj] Cam- Corsica, [kr'sika] Corsica. Bengala, [bnga'l] Bengal. Corsicano , [krsik'n] CorBoresina, [brsi'n] Berezina. bridge. Bergopsom, [brgpsm'] Ber- Campagna, [kmp'n'] Cam- sican. Cosacco, [ksk'k] Cossack. gen-op-Zoom. pania. Berlinese, [be'rlin's] Berli- Canarie (isole), [kn'rie'] Ca- Costantinopoli , [kstntin'pli] Constantinople. nary-Islands. nian. Costanza , [kstn'ds] ConBerlino, [be'rli'n] Berlin. Candia, [kn'di] Candia. Bermuda, [brm'd] Bermu- Candiotto, [kndi t] Candiot. stance. das. Cannibali, [knnibli] isole Cracovia, [krk'vi] Cracow. Creta, [kre''t] Crete. Berna, [br'n] Berne. de' -, Caribbee-Islands. Besanzone,[bsnts'n]Besan- Cantorber, [kntrbri'] Can Cretese, [krte's] Cretan. Crimea, [krim'] Crimea. terbury. fon. Bessarabia, [be'ssr'bi] Bes- Capo, [k'p] - di Buona Spe Croazia, [kr'tsi] Croatia. sarabia. rama. Cape of Good-Hope Cumberlandia, [kmbrln'di] Betlemme, [be'tl'me'] Bethle- del Nord, North-Cape ; - San Cumberland. bem. Vincenzo, Cape St. Vincent. Curassao, [kurss'] Cura^oa. Bisanzio,[bisn'tsi]Byzantium. Capua, [ka'p] Capua. Curlandia, [krlndi'] Curland. Biscaglia, [biskT] Biscaja, Cariddi, [krid'di] Charybdis. Curlandese, [krlnd's] Cur[bisk'y] Biscay. Carintia, [krin'ti] Carinthia, landian. Bitinia, [biti'ni] Bithynia. Carlina, [krlil'l] Carlisle. Dalmazia , [dalma'tsi] DalBitinio, [biti'ni] Bithynian. Carmelo, [krme'l] Carmel. matia. Boemia, [b'mi] Bohemia. Carpazi, [krp'tsi] Carpaths. Damasco, [dams'k] Damascus. Boemo, [b'mo] Bohemian. Cartagena, [krtj'n] Cartha- Danese, [dne'se] Dane. Bologna, [blV] Bologna. gena. Danimarca, [dnimr'ka] Den* Bolognese, [bln''s] Bolog- Cartagine, [krt'jin] Car- mark. nese. thage. Danubio, [dn'bi] Danube. Bord, [brdo'] Bordeaux. Cartaginese, [krtjine''s] Car- Danzica, [dn'tsik] Dantzick. thaginian. Bosforo, [bs'fr] Bosphorus. Dardanelli, [dardan'li] Da^Brabante, [brabac'tj Brabant, Cassella, [ksse'l'ij Casse!, danelle?,



Ionico, [i'nik] Ionian. Ipra, [i'pr] Ypres. Irlanda, [irln'd] Ireland. Irlandese , [irlnd'se'] Irish*

Delflnato, [dlfin't]DaupMny. Garonna, [gr'nal Garonne. Gascogna, [gsk'n'] Gascony. Digione, [dij'n] Dijon. Domingo, [dmin'g] Domingo. Gascone, [gsk'n] Gascon. Dresda, [drs'd] Dresden. Genisea, [jnis'a] Jeuisea. Genova, [je'n'v] Genoa. Dublino, [dbli'n] Dublin. Duina, [di'nal Dwina. Genovese, [je'nv'se'] Genoese. Due-Ponti, [de'pn'ti] Deux- Georgia, [jr'jil Georgia. Gergie, [jr'ji] Georgian. ponts, Zweibrucien. Duncherche, [dnkr'ke*] Dun- Gerico, [j'rik] Jericho. Germania , [je'rm'uia] Gerkirk.

Irocco, [irk'k] Iroquois. Ischia, [is'ki] Ischia. Iser, [i'se'rj Iser. Islanda, [isln'd] Iceland. Islandese, [islnd'se'] Icelander.

many. Dune, [d'ne'] Downs. Edimburgo, [dimbr'g] Edin- Germano,

burgh. Efesino, [e'fe'sin] Ephesian. Efeso, ['fs] Ephesus. Egra, ['gr] Eger. Egitto, [jit't] Egypt. Egizio, [ji'tsi] Egyptian. Eidelberga, [idelbr'g] Heidelbergb.



Ispaan, [is'pn] Ispahan.

Israelita, [isrli't] Israelite.




[je'rsle'm'me'] Istria, [is'tri] Istria.

Jerusalem. Istriaco, [istri'k] Istrian. Gheldria, [ghe'l'dri] Ghelder- Itaca, [i'tk] Ithaca.
Italia, [it'li] Italy.

Elba, [lb] Elba; Elbe. Ellesponto, [lle'sp n't] Helles- Giava, [j'v] Java.

Giamaica, [jm'ik] Jamaica. Italiano, [itli'n] Italian. Giappone, [jtpp'n] Japan. Jorca, [yr'k] York. Giapponese, jjippn's] Jap- Eiovia, [ki'vi] Kiow. anese. Labrador, [labr'dr] Labrador.



Lacedemonian. tar. Lacedemonia, [latshe'dm'nij Eno, ['n] Inn. Ginevra, [jin'vr] Geneva. Ereford, ['re'frd] Hereford. Lacedemonia. Ginevrino, [jine'vri'n] Geno- Lacedemouio, [ltshe'dra'ni] Erfordia, [e'rfr'di] Erfurt. vese, Genevan. Erivano, [ri'vn] Erivan. see Lacedemone. Esquimau, [.skima'li] Esqui- Giordano, [jrd'n] Jordan. Laconia, [lak'ni] Laconia. Giudea, [jd'] Judea. maux. Lancastro , [luk'str] LanGibilterra, [jibiltr'r] Gibral-

Estonia, [st'nii] Esthonia. Etiopia, [e'ti'pi] Ethiopia. Eufrate, [e'wfr't] Euphrates. Europa, [e'wr'p] Europe. Europeo, [wrp'] European. Exeter, [k'str] Exeter. Faenza, [fe'n'dsa] Fayance. Fencia, [fni'tshi] Phoenicia. Fiandra, [fiau'dr] Flanders.
Filadelfia, [fildrfia] Philadelphia.

Giulieri, [jli'ri] Juliers. Glasgovia, [glsg'vi] Glas-








Philippine Islands.




Finlandia, [finln'di] Finland. Fiorentino, [firnti'n] Fiorentine.

Firenze, [firn'dse'] Florence. Fontanabl, [fntnbl'J Fontainebleau.

Francese, [frntshe"se'] French. Francia, [fru'tsh] France. Prancoforte , [frnkfr't]


Franconia, [frnk'ni] Franconia.

Laplander. Gnesna, [gne's'n] Gnesna. Lapponia, [lpp'ni] Lapland. Gotlaudia, [gtln'di] Goth- Latino, [lti'n] Latin. land. Lazio, [l'tsi] Latium. Gottardo, [gttr'd] Monte San Lemano, [le'm'n] Lake Lem-, St. Gothard. an. Gozia, [g'tsi] Gothia. Lemno, [le'm'n] Lemnos. Granata, [gr'nt] Granada. Lesbo, [lsb] Lesbos. Grecia, [gr'tsh] Greece. Levarde, [le'vr'de'] Lewarden, Greco, [gre"k] Grecian, Greek. Libano, [li'bn] Lebanon. Grenoble, [grn'bl] Grenoble. Libia, [li'bi] Libya. Grenviko, [gre'nvi'k] Green- Liegi, [He' ji] Liege. wich. Limburgo , [limbr'g] Lim Grigioni, [grij'ni] Grisons. burgh. Groninga, [grnin'g] Gronin- Lintz, [lints] Lintz. gen. Lione, [li'n] Lyons. [grnlnd'se'] Lionese, [lin's] Lyonese. Gronlandese , Greenlander. Lipsia, [lip'si] Leipsic. Gronlandia,[grnln'di]Green- Lisbona, [lisb'n] Lisbon. land. Lisbonese, [lisbn'sj LisboGuenna, [gie'n'na] Guienne. nian. Gnzurate, [gtsr't] Guzurat. Lituania, [lit'ni] Lithuania, Iberia, [ib'ri] Iberia. Lituano, [lit'n] Lithuanian. Iberna, [ibr'ni] Hibernia. Livadia, [liv'di] Livadia. Ibero, [i'br] Iberian. Liverpula, [live'rp'l] Liverse, [lppn'se']



[frnkni'n] niiria,

Illirica, [illi'-


Franconian. rik] lUyricum. Friburgo, [fribur'g] Friburgh. Illirico, [illi'rik] Illyrian. Frigia, [fri'ji] Phrygia. India, [in'di] India, Indies. Frisia, [fri'sia] Friesland. Tediano, [indi'n] Indian. Frisio, [fri'si] Frieslander. Indo, [in'd] Indus. Fulda, [fl'd] Fulda. Indostan, [in'dstn] Indostan, Galazia, [gl'tsi] Galatia. Hindostan. Galilea, [glil'] Galileo. Inghilterra, [inghiltr'r] EngGalileo, [glile"] Galilean. Galizia, [gali'tsi] Galicia. Galizio, [gli'tsi] Galician. Galles, [gl'ls] Wales.

Livonia, [liv'm'] Livonia. Livorno, flivr'n] Leghorn. Lofodi, [lf'di] Lofods. Loira, [li'r] Loire.






Gand, [gnd] Ghent. Gange, [gn'j] Ganges.

land. Inglese, [ingle"se'] English; Englishman. Ingria,[in'gria] Inghermannia, [inghe'rma'ni] Ingria. Ionia, [i'ni] Ionia.

Londra, [ln'dr] London. Lorena, [lr'n] Lorrain. Losanna, [lsan'n] Lausanne. Lubecca, [lbk'k] f. Lubec.






Ohio, [lio] Oby.

[ltshr'n] Lucern. Montalbano, [mntlb'n] MonLucernese, [ltshrn's] Lu- tauban. cernian. Montbegliardo, [mntbeTr'd] Luigiana, [liji'n] Louisiana. Montbelliard. Lunda, [ln'd] Lund. Montereale,[mntre''le']MontLusato, [ls't] Lusatian. real. Lusazia, [is'tsi] Lusatia. Montgommeri, [mntgm'me'ri] Lusaziano, [lustsi'u] Lusa- Montgomery. tian. Morato, [mr't] Morat. Lussemburgo , [lssm'br'g] Moravia, [mr'via] Moravia. Luxemburgh. Morea, [mre'a] Morea. Macedone, [mtslie"dn] Mace- Moro, [m'r] Maur, Moor. donian. Mosa, [msa] Maese. Macedonia,[mtslid'ni]Mace- Mosca, [ms'k] Moscow.


Oceania, [tsh'ni] Oceania. Oder, ['drj Oder. Odessa, [d'sa] Odessa.

Oise, [i's] Oise.

Olanda, [ln'd] Holland. Olandese, [lnd'sj Hollander,

Dutchman. Oldemburgo, [lde'mbr'g] 01denburgh.

Olmuzza, [lm'tsa] Olmutz.

Olsazia, [ls'tsia] Holstein. Olsaziese, [lstsi's] Holstenian.
[n'l'] Onelia.





Mus- Oneglia,

[mddtr'g] , Magdeburgh, Maidenburgli. Madera, [md'r] Madeira. Madras, [m'drs] Madras. Madrid, [madrid'j Madridde, [mdrid'd] Madrid. Magonza, [mgn'ds] Mentz. Maldive, [mldi'v] Maldives. Malines, [mali'ne's] Mechlin.

Oporto, [pr't] Oporto. Moscovita, [raskvi't] Musco- Orange, [rn'je] Orange. Orania, [or'nij Orania. vite. Orcadi(isole),[rka'di] Orkneys. Mosella, [rasel'la] Moselle. Mozambico, [mtsmbi'k] Mo- Orebbe, [rb'b] Horeb. Orleano, [rl'n] Orleans. zambique. Osfordia, [sfrdi] Oxford. Munster, [mn'ste'r] Munster. Osimo, ['simj Osimum. Nanc, [nntshi'] Nancy. Osnabruga, [snbr'g] OsnaNapoli, [n'pli] Naples. Manica (la), [m'nik] British Napolitano, [nplit'n] Nea- burgh. Channel. Ostenda, [stn'd] Ostend. politan. Mantoa, [man't] Mantova, Nanchino, [nnki'n] Nankin. Otaiti, [ti'til Otahaiti. [mn'tv] Mantua. Narbona, [nrb'ua] Narbonne. Otentotti,[tnt'ti] Hottentots. Mantoano, [mnt'nl Manto- Nasse, [ns's] Naxus. Ottomana, [ottomana] La Porta vano, [mntv'n] Mantuan. Nassovia, [nss'vi] Nassau. -, tho Ottoman Port. Marca, [mr'k] Marchia, [mr'- Natlia, [nt'li] Natlia. Ottomani , [ttma'ni] Ottoki] March. mans. Nayarra, [navr'r] Navarre. Marna, [mr'na] Marne. Nazaret, [na'tsrt] Nazareth. Paderboma, [pde'rbr'n] PaMarratona, [mrrt'na] Mara- Negro, [n'gr] Negro. derborn. thon. Neuburgo , [ne'ubr'g] New- Padoa, [p'd] Padova, [p'Marsiglia, [mrsiT] Marseilles. borough. dv] Padua. Martinicca, [mrtinik'k] Mar- Nicopoli, [nik'pli] Nicopolis. Fadoano, [pada'n] Padovatinique. no, [pdv'n] Paduan. Nieper, [nie' pe'r] Dnieper. Maurizio (San), [muri'tsi] St. Niester, [ni'str] Dniester. Padua, [p'd] see Padoa. Maurice. Paesi Bassi, [p'si bas 'si] LowNiger, [ni'je'r] Niger. Mecca, [me'k'k] Mecca. Countries, Netherlands. Nigrizia, [nigri'tsi] Nigritia. Meclenbnrgo , [me'kle'nbr'g] Nilo, [nl] Nile. Palatinate, [palatina to] PalatMecklenburgh. inate. Nimega, [nim'g] Niraegen. Media, [me"di] Media. Palatino, [plti'n] PalatinNinive, [ni'niv] Nineveh. Medo, [m'd] Mede. ian. Nizza, [ni'ts] Nice. Menfi, [me'n'fi] Memphis. Norimberga, [nrimbe'r'g] Nu Paflagonia,[pflg'ni]PaphlaMessicano, [me'ssikan] Mexi- rembergh. gonia. can. Normandia, [nrmndi'"] Nor- Palermo, [plr'm] Palermo. Messico, [me's'sik] Mexico. Palestina, [palsti'n] Palesmandy. Messina, [rae'ssi'n] Messina. tine. Normano, [nrm'n] Norman Milano, [mil'n] Milan. Nortamtou, [nrtam'tn] North- Palmira, [plmi'r] Palmyra. Mileto, [mil't] Miletus. Pamplona, [pmpl'n] Pampeampton. Minden, [min'dn] Minden. Nortumbria , [nrtm'bri] luna. Misia, [mi'si] Mysia. Panama, [pn'm] Panama. Northumberland. Misnia, [mis'ni] Misnia. Norvegia, [nrv'ji] Norway. Panfilia, [panfi'liaj Pamphylia. Mississippi, [mississip'pi] Mis- Norvegie, [nrv'ji] Norwe- Pannonia, [pn'ni] Pannonia, sissippi. Parigi, [pri'ji] Paris. gian. Mtavia, [mit'vi] Mitau. Nottingamo,[ntting'm] Not- Parigino, [priji'n] Parisian. Modena, [m'de'n] Modena. Parma, [par ma] Parma. tingham. Modenese, [mdn'sj Mode- Nubia, [nu'bi] Nubia. Partia, [pr'ti] Parthia. nese. Partico, [pr'tik] Parthian. Nubio, [n'bi] Nubian. Moldavia , [mld'vi] Mol- Numantino, [nmnti'n] Nu- Passavia, [passd'via] Passau. davia. Passo di Cal, (ps's di kl'] mantian. Moldo, [ml'd] Moldau. Numanzia , [numan'tsi] Nu- the Straits of Dover. Molucche (isole), [mlk'k] Mo- mantia. Patmo, [pt'm] Patmos. lucca Islands. Numidia, fnmi'df] Numidia. Patrasso, [ptrs'so] Patras. Monaco, [m'nk] Munich. Numldio, [nmi'di] Numidian Pavia, [pavi'] Pavia. Monbianco, [mnbin'k] Mont- Nuova Francia, [n'va frn'tsh] Pechino, [pki n] Peking. blanc. New-France. Pelevie, [pl'vie'] Pelew-Isles, Monferrato, [mafrri'tjMont- Nuova Zembla, [n'va tsm'bl] Peloponneso , [pelpnne's] Peloponnesus. ferrat. 'Nova Zembla.



[snt'n'] Sainton-

Pembroche, [pmbr'k] Pem- Quebecco, [kwe'bk'k] Quebec. Santogna, Quedlimburgo, [kwdlimbr'g] ge. broke.

Saona, [sa'n] Saone. Quer- Sara, [sa'r] Sar. Saragozza, [srg'ts] SaraFensilvaniano, [pe'nsilvniii'n] furt. Pennsylvania!!. Radzivilla, [rdsivill] Radze- gossa. Saracino , [srtsbi'no] SaraPentapoli, [pnt'pli] Penta- vil. cen. polis. Ragusa, [rg's] Ragusa. Pergamo , [pr'gm] Porga- Ragusano , [rgs'u] Rag- Sardegna, [srde"n'] Sardigna, [srdi'ii'] Sardinia. mus. Sardo, [sr'd] Sardinian. Perpignano, [prpin''n] Per- Rascia, [r'sha] Rhetia. Sarmate, [srma't]Sarraatian. pignan. Rasciano, [rsh'n] Rhetian. Persia, [pr'si] Persia. Ratisbona, [rtisb'n] Rat- Sarmazia, [srm'tsij Sarmatia. Persiano , [prsi'n] Perso, isbon. Sassone, [ss'sne'] Saxon. [pr's] Persian. Ravenna, [rv'n] Ravenna. Sassonia, [sss'ni] Saxony. Per, [per'] Peru. Reims, [rims] Rheims. Perugia, [pr'jjj Perugia. Remiremonte , [re'mire'mn'te'] Sava, [s'v] Save. Saverna, [savr'n] Saverna; Perugino, [priiji'n] Perugian. Remiremont. Sabrina (river). Peruviano, fprvi'n] Peru- Reno, [r'n] Rhine. vian. Resciano, [re'sh'n] see Ra- Savoia, [sv'y] Savoy. Savoiardo, [svyr'd] SavoyPest, [p'st] Pesth. sciano. Piacenza, [piatshn'ds] Pla- Rezia, [r'tsi] Alpi ilegie, Rhe- ard.
Quodlinburgh. Querfurto, [kwe'rfr't]


tian Alps.

Piccardia, fpiklcrdi'] Picardy. Rezie, [r'tsie'l see Alpi. Piemonte, [pimn'te'] Piedm ont. Ribopiera, [ribpi r] RibauPiemontese, [pimnt's] Pied- piere. montese. Riboviliera,[ribvili'r]RibauPietroburgo, [pie'trbiir'g] Pe- villiers. tersburgh. Riga, [ri'ga] Riga. Pindo, [pin'd] Pyndus. Roano, [r'n] Rouen. Pirenei, [pirn'i] Pyrenees. Roccella, [rtsh'l] Rochelle. Pirmonte, [pirinn't]Pyrniont. Rodano, [r'dn] Rhone. Plimuto, [plim't] Plymouth. Rodi, [r'di] Rhodes. Podolia, [pd'li] Podolia. Rodiano, [rdi'n] Rhodian. Polacco, [plk'k] see Polo- Roma, [r'm] Rome.
nese. Polinesia, [plin'si] Polynesia.

Scaffusa, housen.







[skndin'v] , Scandinavian. Scania, [sk'nia] Scania, Schonon. Scarburgo, [skarbr'g] Scarborough. Scelda, [sheTd] Scheld. Schiavone, [skiv'n] Sciavo^
[sktv'ni] Sclavo-

Romagna, [rm'n'] Romagna. ScblaTonia, Romanesco, [rmans'k] Ro- nia.

man. Romania, [rmani'] Romania. Romano, [rm'n] Roman.

Pologna, [pl'n'] Poland. Polonese, [pln'se'] Polo. Polonia, (pl'ni] see Pologna. Pomerania, [pmrni] Pomerania.


Scilla, [shil'lal Scylla. Scoto, [sk't] see Scozzese. Scozia, [sk'tsi] Scotland. Scozzese, [sktse"s] Scotch,

Scotchman. see Segovia, [se'g'vi] Segovia. Remiremonte. Pomerano, [pme'r'n] Pome- Rosburgo,[rsbr'g]Roxburgh Selandia, [sln'di] Zealand. ranian. Rossiglione, [rs.sil''n] Rous- Selkirik, [sl'kirik] Selkirk. Sempione, [smpi'n]Simplon. Ponto, [pn't] Pontup. sillon. Porto, [pr't] see Oporto. Roterdamo, [rte'rd'm] Rot- Senegallo, [sngl'l] Senegal. Senna, [s'n] Seine. Portogallo , [prtgri] Por- terdam. tugal. Rubicone, [rbik'ne'] Rubicon. Servesta, [se'rv'st] Zerbst. Servia, [sr'vi] Servia. Portoghese, [prtgbe' s] Por- Rugen, [r'je'n] Rugen. Serviano, [se'rvi'nj Servian. tuguese, Rnssia, [rs'sia] Russia. Severna, [se'vr'n] Severn. Porto Reale, [pr't r'le'] Russo, [rus's] Russian. Port-Royal. Rutlandia,[rtln'di] Rutland. Siam, [si'm] Siam. Siamese, [sim's] Siamese. PortsmUto, [prtsm't] Ports- Sabino, [sbi'n] Sabine. mouth. Sagunto, [sgn't] Saguntum. Siberia, [sib'ria] Siberia. Posna, [ps'n] Posnana, [ps- Salamanca, [slmn'k] Sala- Siberiano , [sibri'n] Siberian. na'ni] Posna, Posen. manca. Postdamo, [ptsda'm]Potsdam. Salamina, [slmi'nTSalamis. Sicilia, [sitshi'lia] Sicily. Praga, [pr'g] Prague. Salisburgo, [slisbr'g] Saltz- Siciliano, [sitshilia n] Sicilian. Sidone, [sid'n] Sidon. Presburgo, [prsbr'g] Pres- burgh.

Roremonda, [rrmn'd]

burgh. Salisbur, [salisbr] Salisbury. Siena, [si'n] Sionna. Propontide, [prpn tide'] Pro- Salonichi, [salni'ki] Thessalo- Sinigallia, [sinigrii]



Pro- Samaria, [sma'n'] Samaria. Samaritano, [samrit'n] SaProvince Unite , [prvin't.sbe maritan. Samojade,[smy'de']Samoied. ni't] United Provinces. Samo, [s'm] Samos. Prussia, [prs'sia] Prussia. [sratr'tshfa] Prussiano, [prssi'n] Prus- Samotracia ,

Siracusa, [sirk's] Syracuse. Siracusano, [sirks'n] Syracusan.

Siria, [si'ri] Syria. Sirio, [si'ri] Syrian. Siviglia, [sivi'l'] Seville. Slesia, [sl'si] Silesia. Slesiano, [sle'si'n] Silesian,

Paglia, [pl'] Apulia.

Samothrace. Sannita, [sanni't] Samnite.

Slesvich, [sles'wik] Slesvick. Smirna, [smir'na] Smyrna. Smoleiigo,[smln'g]Smolens'k. Sodoma, [sd'm] Sodom. Solaro, [sl'r] Solura, [sl'r] Soloure. Spagna, [sp'n'a] Spain. Spagnuolo, [spn''l] Spaniard. Sparta, [spr't] Sparta. Spartano, [sprta'n] Spartan. Spira, [spi'r] Spire. Spitzbergo, [spitsbr'g]Spitzberghen. Staffordo, [stffr'd] Stafford.



Valesia, [vl'si] Valais.

[t've're'] Tiber. Tigri, [ti'gri] Tigris. Tina, [ti'n] Tina.

Valchiusa, [vlkf's]Vauclnsa, Vallano, [vll'n] Walloniau. Tipperari, [tippr'ri] Tippera- Vanesia, [vall'sia] Vaud. ryVandea, [ve'nd'] Vendee. Tiro, [ti'r] Tyre. Vandeo, [vnd'] Vendean. Tirolese, [tirl's] Tyrolese. Varsavia, [vars'vi] Varsovia,
Tirolo, [tir'l] Tyrol.


Tobol, [t'bl] Tobolsca, [tbls'k] Tobolsk. Tolone, [tl'ne'] Toulon. Tolosa, [tl'sa] Toulouse. Torino, [tri'n] Turin. Torgovia, [trg'via] Turgovia. StatiIIniti,[st'tini'ti] United Torno, [tr'n] Thorn. Toscana, [tsk'n] Tuscany. States. Toscano, [tsk'n] Tuscan. Stettino, [ste'tti'n] Stettin. Trebisonda,[tre'bisn'd] TrebStiria, [sti'ri] Styria.
Stiriano, [stiria'n] Stiro,[sti'ri] Styrian. Stocolma,[stkl'ma] Stockholm. Stralsunda, [strlsn'd] Stralsund. Strasburgo, [strsbr'gjStrasisond.

Vasgovia, [vasg'vi] Vasgovia. Veneto, [v'ne't] see Veneziano. Venezia, [vn'tsi] Venice. Veneziano, [ve'ntsi'n] Venetian.




Veracroce, [ve'rkr'tsh] Vera-

Verduno, [ve'rd'n] Verdun. Verona, [ve'r'n] Verona.

Versaglia, [ve'rsTl Versaillea. Vesalia, [vs'li] Wesel. Vesera, [ve 'sra] Weser.
Vestfalia, [ve'stfa'li] Westphalia.

Trace, [tra'tsh] Thracian. Tracia, [tr'tshi] Thrace. Translvania, [trnsilva'nia] Transylvania. Transilvano , [trnsilv'n] Transylvanian. bnrgh. Stutgardia, [sttgr'di] Stut- Trentino, [tre'nti'n] Trentine. Trento, [trn't] Trent. gart. Treviri, [tr'viri] Treves. Sudeti, [sd'ti] Sndetes. Trieste, [tri'ste'] Triest. Saevia, [su'via] Suabia. Tripoli, [tri'pli] Tripolis. Suevo, [sM'v] Suabian. Sumatra, [sma'trj Sumatra. Troja, [tr'y] Troy. Trojano, [trya'n] Trojan. Sund, [snd] The Sound. SundgOTa, [sndg'vi] Sund- Tubinga, [tbin'g] Tubingue. Tuncbino, [trinki'n] Tonguin. gaw. Tunisi, ftni'si] Tunis. Sarate, [sur'te'] Surat. Surinamo,[srina'm] Surinam. Tunisino, [tnisi'n] Tunisian. Suterlandia , [strln'di] Turchia, ftrki') Turkey. Turco, [tr'k] Turk. Southerland. Turcomania, [trkm'ni] TurSvedese, [sve'de"se'] Swede. comania. (man. Svezia, [sv'dsi] Sweden. Svizzera, [svit'se'r] Switzer- Turcomano,[trkm'n]TurcoTuringia, [trin'jt]Thurins:ia. land. Turingiano, [trinji'n] ThuSvizzero, [svit'se'r] Swiss. ringian. Tago, [ta'g] Tagus. Tusculo, [ts'kl] Tusculum. Tamigi, [tmi'ji] Thames. Tlcrania, [kr'ni] Ukraine. Tartaria, [trtri'] Tartary. Tartaro, [tr'tr] Tartar, Tar- Ulma, [ul'ma] Ulm. Umbria, [m'bri] Umbria. tarian. ^ Umbro, [m'br] Umbrian. Tebano, [te'b'n] Theban. Ungheria, [nghe'ri'] Hungary. Tebe, [t'b] Thebes. Torcer, [trtsh'r] Terceira. Unghero, [n'ghr] HungaTermopili, [te'rm'pili] Thermo- rian. Upsala, [p'sala] Upsal. pylae, Terra Nuova, [te'rrn'v] New- Utretto, [tre't't] Utrecht. Valachia, [vlki a] Walachia. Foundland. Tessaglia, [te'ssT] Thessaly. Vallacco, [vllk'k]Walachian. Tessaliano, [tssli'n] Thes- Valenza, [vln'ts] Valence,

Vestfalo, [ve'stfa'l] Westphalian.

Vestmorelandia, [ve'stmre'ln'di] Westmoreland. Vesuvio, [ve'su'vi] Vesuvius. Veteravia, [ve'te'r'vij Wetteravia.

Vicenza, [vitshn'dsa] Vicenza. Vienna, [vi'n] Vienna. Viennese, [vinne's] Viennese.

Villafranca, [villafrn'k] Villefranche. Vilna, [virn] Wilna. Virginia, [vrji'm'] Virginia. Virginiano,[virjini'n] Virginian.

Virtemberga , Wurtemburgh.


Visigoto, [visig't] Visigoth. Vistola, [vi'sll] Vistula. Viterbo, [vitr'b] Viterbura. Viverse, [vivr's] Viviers. Volga, [vl'g] Volga. Volinia, [vli'ni] Yolhynia. Vormazia, [vrmatsi'] Worms. Vosghi, [vs'ghi] Vosges, Vurtsburgo , [vrtsbr'g]

Wnrtzburgh. Zante, [tsn'te'] Zante. Zelanda, [tslan'da] Zealand. Zelandese, [tse'lnd's] Zealau-

dian. Zella, [tsl] Zeli. Zuiders, itsideVs'] ZuyderZee. Valenciasalonian. Tes8alonica,[tssl'niki]Thes- Valenzano, [vi e'nts'n] Valen- Zurigo, [tsri'g] Zurich. iZu'^^fania, [tstf'nia] Zutphea cian. salonica.




Abelardo, [belr'd] Abelard. Abele, Lb'le'] Abel.
Beatrice, Beatrix.

Dagoberto, [dagbr't] Dagobert.

[be'tri'tshe'] Beiatrice,

Abramo, [br'm] Abraham.

Achille, [kiri] Achilles.



Bene- Damiano, [dmi'n] Damian.

Daniele, [dni'l] Daniel.


Benedetto, [be'ne'd't] Bene- Davidde, [dvid'd] David. Debora, [d'br] Deborah. Adelaide, [de'i'ide'] Adelaide. dict, Bennet. Adelina, [de'li'n] Adelina. Beniamino, [be'nimi'n] Benja- Decio, [d'tshi] Decius. Desideria, [de'sid'ri] DesdeAdolfo, [adl'f] Adolphus. min, Ben. Bernarda, [be'rnr'd] Bernarda. ria. Adriano, [dri'n] Adrian. Agata, [ii'gat] Agatha. Bernardina, [be'rnrdi'n] Ber- Desiderio, [de'sid'ri] Desiderius. Agnese, [gn's] Agnes. nardina. Agostina, [gst'n] Austina. Bernardo, [be'rnr'd] Bernard. Diodato, [dida't] Deodatus. Dionigi, [dini ji] Dionysius. Agostino, [gsti'n] Austin. Berta, [br't] Bertha. Alarico, [l'rik] Alaric. Bertrando,[brtrn'd]Bertram. Dionisia, [dini'si] Dionysia. Dionisio, [dini'si] Dionysius. Albano, [lb'n] Alban. Bianca, [btan'k] Bianche. Diterico, [dite'ri'k] Derric, Alberto, [lbr't] Albert. Biasio, [bt'si] Biase. Albino, [lbi'a] Albin. Bonifazio, [bnif'tsij Beni- Domenica, [dm'nik] Dominica. Alessandro, [lssn'dr] Alex- face. ander, Brigida, [bri jida] Bri gita, [bri'- Domenico, [dme''nik] DomAlessio, [le's'si] Alexis. nio. jit] Bridget, Brigit, Biddy. Donato, [dna't] Donatus. Alfonso, [lfu's] Alphonsus. Brunone, [brn'n] Bruno. Dorotea , [drt'] Dorothy. Alvino, [lvi'n] Alwin. Camilla, [kamil'la] Camilla. Dolly. Amalia, [ama lia] Amalia. Ame- Camillo, [kmiri] Camillus.


Edemondo , [e'de'mn'd] EdCarlo, [kr'l] Charles. Ambrose. Carlotta, [krl't] Charlotte. mund. Anastasia, [nst^si] Anasta- Carolina, [krli'n] Caroline. Editta, [e'dit't] Edith. sia. Casimiro, [ksirai'r] Casimir. Edovino, [e'dvi'n] Edwin. Anastasio, [anst'si] Anasta- Caterina, [katri'n] Catharine, Eduardo, [dr'd] Edward, sius. Catherine, Katc. Ned. Andrea, [ndr'l Andrew. Cecilia, [tshtshi li] Cecilia. Eduige, [e'dui'j] Hedwige. Angelica, [nj'lika] Angelina, Celestina, [tshlsti'n] Celes- Elena, ['ina] Helen. [njli'n] Angelica. tina. Eleonora, [le'n'r] Eleanor. Anna, [n'na] Anna, Ann. Celestino, [tshe'le'sti'n] Celes- Elisa, [li's] Elisa.




[anni na]



Nancy. Celso, [tshl's] Celsus. Anselmo, [anse'l'mo] Anselm. Cesare, [tsh'sar] Caesar. Antonietta, [ntnit't] An- Chiara, [kt'r] Clare.

Elisabetta, [lisbe't't] Elisabeth, Bet, Betty, Bess. Elvira, [e'ivi'r] Elvira.




Cipriano, [tshipri'n] Cyprian. elio, [manril Immanuel. Emilia, [mi'li]Emilia,Emmy. Antonio, [nt'ni] Anthony, Cirino, [tshiril'l] Cyril. Tony. Claudia, [klu'di] Claudia. Emilio, [mi'li] Emelius, EmiArabella, [rbll Arabella. Claudio, [kltt'di] Claudius. lius. Armando, [rmn'd] Armand. Clemente, [kle'mn't] Clement. Emma, [m'ra] Emma. Arnoldo, [rnl'd] Arnold. Clementina, [klmnti'n]Clem- Enrichetta, [nrikt't] HenArrigo, [rri'g] Henry. Harry. ontina. rietta, Harriet. Atanasia, [tan'si] Athanasia. Clotilda, [kltild] Clothilda. Enrico, [e'nri'k] Henry, Harry. Atanasio, [tn'sl] thana- Cornelia, [krnlia] Cornelia. Erasmo, [e'rs'm] Erasmus. sius. Cornelio, [krn'li] Cornelius. Erico, [e'ri'k] Eric. Augusta, [ttg'st] Augusta. Corrado, [krr'd] Conrad. Ermenegilda , [rme'ne'djil'd] Augusto, [ug'st] Augustus. Cosimo, [k'sim] Cosmus. Hermenegilda. Aurelia, [awr'li] Aurelia. Costantino, [kstnti'n] Con- Erminio, [rmi'ni] Herminins. Aurelio, [aur'li] Aurelius. stantino. Ernestina, [rnsti'na] ErnesAurora, [ur'r] Aurora. Costanza[kstn'ds]CoDstance. tine. Balbino, [blbi'n] Balbinus. Crisostomo,[kris'stm]Chrys- Ernesto, [e'rn'st] Ernest. Baltassarre, [baltssr'r] Bal- ostora. Eufrasia, [e'ufr'si] Euphrasia, thasar. Crispino, [krispi'n] Crispin. Eugenia, [e'uj'ni] Eugenia. Barbara, [br'br] Barbara, Cristiana, [kristi'n] Christia- Eugenio, [e'wje"ni] Eugeuius, Bah. na. Eugene. Barnaba, [br'nab] Barnaby. Cristiano, [kristi'n] Christian. Eusebio, [e'tts'bil Eusebius. Bartolommeo , [brtlm'] Cristina, [kristi'n] Christina. Eustachio, [ust'ki] EustaBartholomew, Bat. Cristoforo, [kristo'fr] Christochius, Eustathius. Basilio, [bsi'li] Basii. pher. Everardo, [e've'rr'd] Everard. Batilde, [btil'd] Bathilda. Cunigonda, [knign'd] Cuni- Fabiano, [fbi'n] Fabian. Battista, [batti'staj Baptist. gunda, Fabrizio, [fbri'tsij Fabricius,





Giuseppina, [jtse'ppi'na] Jose- gherita, [mrghcri'ta] MarFausto, [f'st] Faustua. garet, Margery, Mag, Peg. Federico, [fdri'k] Frederick. phine. Maria, [mri'] Mary, Maria. Giustina, rjisti'n] Justina. Fred. Federica, [fe'de'ri'g] Frederica. Giustino, [jisti'n] Justinus. Marianna, [mnn'n] Marian. Marietta, [mrit't] Mariuc* Federigo, [fdri'g] see Fede- Giusto, [ji'st] Just. eia, [mri'tsh] Molly, Moll. Codardo, [gdr'd] Godard. rico. Marta, [mr't] Martha, Mat, Goffredo, [gffre"d] Jeffrey. Felice, [fe'li'tshe'] Felix. Graziano, [grtsi'n] Gratian. Patty. Felicia, [TU'tslii] Felicia. Felicita, Iflitshita'] Felicity. Gregorio, [gre'g'ri] Gregory. Martino, [mrti'n] Martin. Ferdinanda, [ferdinn'd] Fer- Gualtieri, [gulti'ri] Walter. Massimiliano, [massimilan] dinanda. Guglielmina, [gl'elmi'n]Wil- Maximilian. Massimo, [ms'sim] Maximus. Ferdinando, [fe'rdinn'd] Fer- helmina. dinand. Guglielmo, [grl'm] William. Matilda, [raatil'd] Mathilda, Filiberta , [filibr't] PMli- Willy, Will, Billy, Bill. Maud. Matty. berta. Guido, [gui'd] Guy. Matteo, [mtt'] Matthew. Mat. Filiberto, [filibr't] PMlibert. Guillibaldo, [guillibl'd] Wil- Mattia, [mtti'] Matthias. Filippina, [filippi'na] Philippa. libald. Maurizio, [mun'tsi] Maurice. Filippo, [filip'po] Philip. Guntero, [gnte"r] Gunther. Medardo, [mdr'd] Medar4. Fiorentina, [firnti'n] Fio- Gustavo, [gst'v] Gustavus. Melchiorre, [mlkir'r] Mel-


Ida, [i'd] Ida. [firnti'n] Fio- Ignazia, [in''tsi] Ignatia. rentine. Ignazio, [in''tsil Ignatius. Flora, fflr] Flora. Ilario, [il'ri] Hilary. Fortunata, [frtna't] Fortu- Innocenzo, [inntshn'ds] Innocent. nate. Fortunato, [frtn't] Fortu- Irene, [ire' ne'] Irene. Isabella,[isb'l]Isabella.Bell. natus. Francesca, [frantshe's'k] Fran- Isacco, [isak'k] Isaac. [frntshski'na] Isaia, [is'i] Isaiah. ceschina , Frances, Fannj'. Isidora, [isid'r] Isidora. Francesco, [frintshe'sTio] Fran- Isidoro, [isid'r] Isidorus.




[mike'l] Michele, [mi'kl] Michael, Mich. Modesto, [md'st] Modestus. Mois, [mis'J Mos, [ms'j
(leon. Moses. Napoleone, [nple''n] Napo-

Natale, [nta le] Noel. Natalia, [nt'li] Nathalia.

Neemia, [nmi'] Nehemiah. Nerone, [ne'r'n] Nero.

Nestore, [n'stre'] Nestor. [nikn'dr] Nicander. Nicodemo, [nikd'm] Nicode-




[lmbr t]

Lam- Nicandro,

bert. Gabriele, [gbri'le'] Gabriel. Gabriella, [gbriri] Gabriela. Lattanzio, [lttn'tsi] Lactan- mus, Gaetano, [gt'n] Cajetan. tius. Nicolao, [uikl'] Nicol, [niGaspare, [gs'pr] Gasparo, Laura, [lti'ra] Laura. kl'] Nicholas, Nicol. [gs'pr] Gasparre, [gspr'- Laurenzia, [lwrn'tsi] Lau- No, [n'] No, [no'] Noah. rentia. Nuccia, [n'tsh] Jenny. re] Gaspar. Gastone, [gst'ne'] Gaston. Lazzaro, [l'tsar] Lazarus. Nuccio, [n'tsh] Johnny. Gertruda , [grtr'd] Ger- Leandro, [ln'dr] Leander. Olimpia, [lim'pi] Olympia. Lelia, [le'li] Lelia. trude. Oliviero, [livi'r] Oliver. Onofrio, [n'fri] Onuphrius. Genevieflfa, [ge'ne'vie'ff] Gene- Lelio, [l'li] Lelius. Leonardo, [le'nr'd] Leonard, Orlando, [orlando] Rowland. vieve. Orsola, [r'sl] Ursula. Gerardo, [je'rr'd] Gerard. Leu. Geremia, [jrmi'] Jeremiab. Leone, [le''ne'] Leo. Ortensia, [rtn'tsi] Hortense. Germano, [je'rma'n] German. Leonora , [lon'r] Leonore, Ottavia, [tt'vi] Octavia. Geronimo, [je'r'nim] Jerome. Eleanor. Ottavio, [tt'vi] Octavius. Giacomina, fjtkmi'n] Jennet. Leopoldo, [le'pl'd] Leopold. Ottaviano, [ttvi'n] Octavianus. Giacomo, [jiak m] James. Jera. Lidia, [li'di] Lydia. Giannetta, [jinnt't] Gianni- Lisetta, [list't] Lisetta, Lizy. Ottone, [tt'ne'] Otho. Parafilo, [pm'fil] Pamphilus. Livio, [li'vi] Livy. na, [jtnni'n] Jennet. Gioacchino , [jtkki'n] Joa- Lodovico, [ldvi'k] see Lu- Paola, [pa'ol] Paolina, [poli'' chim. dovico. n] Paulina. Lorenzo, flrn'ds] Lawrence. Paolino, [pli'n] Paulinug. Giobbe, [jtb'be'l Job. Paolo, [p'l] Paul. Gioconda, [jikn'da] Jocunda. Luca, [l'k] Luke. Patrizio, [ptri'tsi] Patrick Giorgina, [jirji'n] Georgiana. Lucia, [l'tshtal Lucy. Giorgio, [jir'ji] George. Luciano, [ltshi no] Lucian. Pat. Gioseffo, [jisf'f] see Giu- Lucio, [l'tshi] Lucius. Pero, [p'r] see Pietro. seppe. Lucrezia, [lkre'tsia] Lucretia. Petronilla, [petronil'la] Petro* nella. Giosu, [jis'] Joshua. Ludolfo, [ldrf] Ludolphus. Giovanna, [jtvn'n] Jane. Ludovico,[ludvi'kJ Ludovvick, Petronio, [pdtr'ni] Petronius Giovanni , [jivn'ni] John, Lewis. Pietro, [pi'tr] Peter. Pio, [pi'] l'ius. Jack. Luigi, llui'jil Lewis. Giovannna,fjivnni'n] Jenny, Luigia, [lijia] Luisa, [li'sa] Placida, [pla'tshid] Placida. Girolamo, [jirl'm] Jerome. Policarpo, [plikr'po] PolyLouisa. Giuditta, [jidit't] Judith. Maddalena, [mddle"n] Mag- carp. Pompeo, [pmp'] Pompey. Giulia, [ji'li] Julia. dalen, Madeline. Giuliana, fjflia'n] Juliana. Marcello, [rartsbl] Marcel- Prisco, [pris ko] Priscus. Prospero, [prs'pr] Prosper. Giuliano, [jtlia'n] Julian. lus. Rachele, Rachelle, [rke'lj Marco, [mar'k] Marc, Mark. Giulio, [ji'li] Julius. Giuseppe, [jise'p'pe'] Joseph. Joe Margarita, [mrgri't] Mar- Rachel.



Susetta, [sse't'ta] Suzy. Tacito, [t'tshit] Tacitus.

Ra- Salome, [s'lme'] Salome. Salomone, [slm'n] Solomon. Raffaelle, [raffael'le] Raffaello, Samuele, [sme"l] Samuel. Sam. frftae'l'l] Raphael. Raimondo , [rimn'd] Ray- Sansone^ [sans'ne'] Samson. Sara, (s'rl Sarah, Sally. Sai. mund. Randolfo, [rndlTl Randolph. Saverio, [sv'ri] Xaverius. Rebecca, [rbe'k'k] Rebecca. Scipione, [shipi'n] Scipio.

Taddeo, [tdd'] Thaddeus.

Tancredi, [tnkr'dil Tancred. Tecla, [t'kl] Thecla. Teobaldo, [tbrd] Theobald. Teodora, [td'r] Theodora. Teodoro, [td'r] Theodore.

Sebastiano, [sbsti'nc] Sebas- Teodosio,

tian, Sib.



Regi- Semiramide, [se'mir'mid] Se- Teresa, [te're'ea] Theresa. miramis. Tiberio, [tibe"ri] Tiberius. Reinardo, [re'tnar'd] Reinhard. Sempronia, [se'mprni] Sem- Timoteo, [tim't] Timothy, pronia. Tim. Remigio, [rmi'jt] Remy. Sempronio, [se'mpr'ni] Sem- Tito, [ti't] Titus. Renato, [re'n't] Renatus. Tiziano, [titsi'n] Titian. Riccardo, [rikkr'dj Richard. pronius. Serafino, [se'rafi'n] Seraphi- Tobia, [tbi'] Tobias, Toby. Dick. nus. Tommaso, [tmma's] Thomas, Rimaldo, [rinal'do] Reynold. Roberto, [robr'tj Robert, Ro- Severino, [se've'ri'n] Severinus. Tommy, Tom. Severo, [se'v'r] Severus. Ubaldo, [bal'd] Hubaldus. bin, Rob. Roderico , [rdri'k] Rode- Sibilla, [sibil'l] Sibyl. Udalrica, [dlri'k] Ulrica.

[reji'nl Regina. Reg-inaido, [rjinl'd]

Sigefredo, [sije'fr'dj Siegfried. XJdalrico, [dlri'k] Ulric.


Rodolfo, Ralph.

Rudolphus, Sigismonda,[sijisran'd]Sigis- Ugo, ['g] Hugh.

Rolando, frlan'd] Rowland. Romano, [roni'nl Romanus.



munda. Urbano, [rb'n] Urban. Sigismondo, [si'jfsmn'djSigis- Ursina, [rsi'n] Ursina. mund. Ursinus, [rsi'ns] Ursinus. Rom- Silvano, [si'lv'nl Sylvanus. Valentina, [vlnti'nj Valen-

Silvestro, [sih 'str] Sylvester. tina. Silvia, [sil'vi] Sylvia. Valentino, [vle'nti'n] ValenSilvio, [sil'vi] Sylvius. tine. Rosalia, [rsa'lil Rosalia. Simeone, [sime''n] Simeon. Valeriane , [vle'ri'n] ValeRosamonda, [rsmn'dj Ros- Simone, [sim'n] Simon, Sim. rian. amund. Simplicio, [simpii'tshi] Sim- Valerio, [val'ri] Valerius. Rosetta, frst'tl Rose. plicius. Venceslao, [ve'ntshsl'j WenRufino, [rfi'n] Rufus. Sisto, [si'stl Sixtus. ceslaus. Rugiero, Ruggiero, [rnj'r] Sofia, [sphi'r] Sophia, Sophy. Vincenzo, [vintshn'ds] VinRoger. Sofronia,[sphrni] Sophronia. cent, Ruperto, Trpr't] Rupert, Ro- Stanislao , [stnisl'] Sta- Vitale, fvit'le'] Vitellius. bin. nislaus. Zaccaria, [tskkri'] Zachariaa Sabina, fsabi'nal Sabina. [ste"fn] Stefano, Stephen. Zachary, Zach. Sabino, [sbi'n] Sabinus. Susanna, [susn na] Susannah, Zaccheo, [tskk'] Zaccheus.

Rosa, [r's] Rosa, Rose. Rosalba, frsl'b] Rosalba.

Saffo, [saffo] Sappho.

Susan. Sue.

Zenobia, [tsn bla] Zenobia.


















As there is unfortunately no fixed standard for the orthography of certain words in English, and as it may be expected that
reasons for the mode I have, after much readvisable to adopt; I will here reiterate what I have before stated in another language, in the former part of this Dictionary. The mode of spelling chiefly in dispute is with reference to those words derived from the Latin, which in that

should assign




or, such as lionor, color, vigor, &c. Many authors of repute write these words as they are written in Latin, and in diplomacy this method is generally adopted; others admit the u subsequent to the o, and write the same words honour, colour, vigour, &c. alleging as a reason that such words are derived through the medium of the French, in which language the u is admitted. Without wishing to dogmatise on this point, I will simply say that, if such reason be admissible, it would seem that another letter, namely the e, should also be admitted, which has certainly never been attempted by any writer; and it might bo argued, even if the French origin be conceded, that the orthography of an infinity of other words, such as mortal, eternal, &c., should be changed, to meet a similar requisition. The arguments for the French derivation appear to me gratuitous, and I have therefore considered such words as purely Latin, and written them accordingly; while in those which have no such derivation, as Saviour, endeavour &c., I have adopted the ii, as having been omitted in them without sufficient consideration. A still stronger argument may be adduced for the omission of the u in words coming from the Latin; as in horror and terror, which have assuredly tb? same derivation, as honor &c., such letter is never employed. Another, and as /t seeiii- to me, far less defensible anomaly, exists in that class of words in which the final consonant is doubled in the terminations in ing, ed, er &c., as in travelling instead of traveling, higotted instead of bigoted, traveller instead of tra-

language terminate in




veler &c. This anomaly is unfortunately so much diffused that the authority of Horace, si volet usus, may be almost pleaded in its defence; but it seems so vicious in principle that, after mature reflection, I have determined to adopt the contrary system,

have for doing so the authority of several authors, and amongst others, of Dr. Webster in his modern Dictionary. Lindley Murray in his Grammar, which is in many respects good authority, gives the following rule for the orthography of words
especially, as I

of this kind: Words ending with a single consonant, preceded by a single vowel, and with the accent on the last syllable, upon assuming an additional syllable beginning with a consonant, double the con" sonant: as, to abet, an abettor; to begin, a beginner; a, fen, fenny; p ivit, witty; thin, thinnish, &c.

Webster in his Dictionary adopts the same rule, and amupon it as follows: Words in tvhich the final consonant is not doubled in adding such formatives as ing, ed, er &c. It is a rule extending to many hundreds of cases that, in adding to a word such formatives as ing, ed, er &c., a single consonant at the end of a word is doubled when the accent falls on the last syllable, as in forgeiTing, begivimng; but is not doubled when the accent falls on any

as in benefiTing, gardesur &c. This rule has been violated in the case of about fifty words ending in I, whose derivatives have had the I doubled, as traveller &c. These words are here restored to their analogous spelling, as recommended by Walker, Lowth, Perry, and others, as in traveling, cancelled, le veLer, counsellor, duehist, marvellous &c. On the same principle * woollen is spelt woolen. It does not interfere with this rule that

preceding syllable,


and the derivatives of metal and


crystal, as metalline,

metallurgy, crystallize &c., have the directly from the Latin cancellarius

doubled, since they come and metallwii, and the Greek y.pvqrakloq. The above rule is also applied to the derivatives of worship and bias, making them worshiping, worshiped, worshiper, biasing, biased. Bigoted has also taken its true spelling with but one *, and such should be the spelling of carbureted^ sulphureted &c.

Strengthened by such authorities (which are "wholly in accordance with my own preconceived opinions), I have, after much reflection, determined to adhere to this system, though I am aware it will have many opponents: it seems to me that the rule ia founded on a truly logical principle; and, whilst recognizing in its full force that based on established use, yet even this, wher clearly erroneous, should bend to reason. It may be added that u system should be consistent with itself, and, though every one writes preferring with the double r, as being derived from prefer, in which word the accent falls on the last syllable no one would,


I iiiink, venture to spell proffering, derived from proffer, in which the accent falls on the first syllable, in a similar manner, which it should be if traveler, traveling, &c. are rightly written with the



Unfortunatety there exist few rules for the orthography of the English language; and I would adduce it as an additional argument for the system I have adopted, that such rules, when given by authors of known credit, should be esteemed too precious to be laid aside without sufficient cause. With regard to the class of words, the derivatives of which being monosyllables, terminate with a double I, as fuhness, sMlI have also followed the rule laid down by Lindley Murray, fiiL &c. that is, to omit one I; as also in the compound words handfuL

dungliih, foretel, cliLblain &c.

Words ending in e mute, such as blame, cure &g., when incorporated with the adjuncts able and ible, seem to be written faultily by many in not omitting the e mute, as blameable, cureable &c. These words should be spelt blamable, curable. An exception to this naturally arises when the e mute is preceded by c, or by g, when

takes the soft pronunciation, as in peace, peaceable; change, chan-

geable, &c.

For a similar reason, when the adjuncts 7ig or ish, are united with words that terminate in e mute, this letter should be omitted

as place, placing; lodge, lodging; slave, slavish; prude, prudish, &c. These are the principal variations admitted by modern authors in the orthography of the English language

some others, men-

tioned by Lindley Murray, are


generally reduced to one standard and it were much to be desired that some competent authority could be discovered, not only for fixing the true orthography of every word in our language, but also the sound of many words, which are pronounced differently by persons of education such as either, neither, knowledge, patent, tabret, &c.



Of the
There are three and the partitive.


articles in ItaHaii: the definite, the indefinite,


The definite article, the, is expressed in Italian by il, lo^ and la, for the singular, which are changed for the plural into t, gli, and and lo are employed for the masculine gender, la for the U.


The different cases of the Latin nouns are supplied in Italian by prepositions, which are termed segnacasi. JDi for the genitive case, which before a vowel becomes d'.


for the dative. for the ablative.

II is used before a masculine noun beginning with any consonant, except an s followed by another consonant, which is called s impura: il sole, the sun; il libro, the book. Lo is prefixed to nouns of the masculine gender beginning with an s impura: lo spirito, the spirit; lo scoglio, the rock. Lo is also, for the most part, used before nouns of the masculine gender which commence with a. 2: lo zio^ the uncle; lo zucchero., the sugar. Lo is also used before nouns of the masculine gender beginning is elided : V uomo, the man; with a vowel, but in such case the V esercito^ the army. La is employed before nouns of the feminine gender beginning with a consonant: la casa, the house; la citt, the city. Like lo, it suffers an elision before nouns which commence with a vowel: V ora, the hour; Verba, the grass. In the plural gli is contracted only before an i: gl'idoli, the gli uomini, the men gli idols; in other cases the i is retained armies. the eserciti, Le is contracted only before an e: V epoche, the epochs; Velse, le amiche, the the handles in other instances the e is retained even in nouns retained, the hours. It also le ore, is friends; (female) beginning with an e, in which the singular and the plural are alike: le et, the ages.

Diz. Inal.-Hal.


It 13 a peculiarity of the Italian language that when the prepositions con, with; in, in; per, for; Sind su, upon, are followed hy the article, they become incorporated as follows. With the before the article before the article before the article before the article Tn the before the article before the article For the before the article before the article before the article On the before the article before the article before the article


translated by

col, coi,












by by translated by by by translated by by by translated by by by

or co' or con colla, colle, or con nel, nei, or ne'.

collo, cogli,



con con


nello, negli.

nella, nelle.

pel, pei, or

per lo, pei' per la, per le.

pello, pegli, or

pella, pelle,
sullo, sugli.

sul, sui, or su'.

sulla, sulle.

As the definite article in Italian is used to express the gender and number of the substantive to which it refers, it is necessarily
employed, even when the substantive which is not the case in English:


taken in a general sense,

It is also


estimable. mortal.

La virt stimabile, i'uomo mortale.

employed before the names of countries and proL'Inghilterra e la Francia rate dalla Manica.


-England and France are separated by

the Channel. -Normandy is a fine province.

sono sepa-

La Normandia

una bella provincia.


Also before substantives which indicate a such substantive is followed by a proper name:
-Queen Victoria. -King Victor Emmanuel.

even when


regina Vittoria.
re Vittorio


Also before substantives which refer to languages, sciences,

arts, etc.


brother studies -English, and -Mathematics. sister speaks -Italian well.

fratello studia T inglese e la matematica. Mia sorella parla bene T italiano.


Also before colors taken substantively in a general and indeterminate sense:

-Black and -white are contrary colors. -Red hurts the eyes more than -green.

nero ed


Il rosso fa pi

bianco sono colori diversi. male agli occhi che il

Also before the following nouns:

II paradiso.
Il cielo.


-HpH. -dature





Also before the names of the elements, even general sense.

The ancients recognized four elements
-air, -earth, -fro,

when taken

in a

and -water.

Gli antichi riconoscevano quattro elenienti: Tarla, la terra, il fuoco, e

r acqua.



when taken
in a

Also before the names of the seasons, even general sense:

more pleasant than

La primavera

pi piacevole deK' ini

The heats of -summer produce the

of autumn.


deW estato producono deW autunno.



in Italian,

There are two cases in which the definite when it is employed in English


before the ordinal numbers:

the first.

Charles the

Enrico primo. Carlo quinto.

2<''y before adjectives and adverbs in the comparative, in phrases in which the latter part of the proposition is the consequence of the former:

Tlie richer

he is, the more avaricious he becomes. The more amiable you are, the more you will be beloved.

-Pi ricco, -pi avaro.


amabile, -pi



The pronominal possessive adjective, which is employed in English before nouns which indicate any member of the body, or faculty of the mind, is translated in Italian with the definite

Peter has broken Ms leg. The master has cut his finger.

Pietro si rotta la gamba. maestro si tagliato il dito.


The indefinite article, a or an, is expressed in Italian by un or uno, for the masculine, and by una for the feminine. Un is placed before words beginning with any other consonant than an s impura: un libro^ a book; un regno, a kingdom. Also before words beginning with a vowel; un amico, a friend; un orinolo, a watch. Uno is used before words beginning with an s impura: uno specchio, a looking-glass; uno strepito, a noise. Also before words beginning with a s : uno zio, an uncle uno zoccolo, a hoof. Una is employed before feminine nouns beginning with a consonant una casa, a house una bottega, a shop. Before a vowel it is subject to the elision of the a, which is in such case substituted by an apostrophe un^ ora, an hour; un' anima, a soul. This article is suppressed in Italian when joined in English to a noun which expresses the country, profession, etc. of the subject of the verb Quest' uomo francese, quello inglese this man is a Frenchman, that an Englishman; ella madre, she is a mother. Also before a noun in apposition to another: Monte Rosa, altissima montagna della Svizzera, Mount Rosa, a very high mountain grandissimo fiume, The Amazon, in Switzerland; l'Amazzone,


Dizionario, a very large river. Also before the title of a work. italiano-inglese An Italian and English Dictionary. In transactions relative to buying and selling, the indefinite article used in English in such cases, is changed in Italian, into the definite article. 11 te si vende quattro scellini la libbra. Tea is sold at four shillings a pound.


The partitive article, v/hich is used to signify a part or portion of a thing, is expressed in Italian by del, dello, della, dei, degli, ho comprato delU delle : Datemi del pane, give me some bread arancie, I have bought some oranges.

Of Gender.

Nouns substantive have only two genders in Italian, the masand the feminine. Names of men, and of titles, professions, etc. belonging to the

male sex, are masculine. Giovanni, John; Enrico, Henry; imperatore, emperor; re, king; medico, physician; avvocato, barrister, etc. Names of women, and of titles, professions, etc. belonging to
the female sex, are feminine. Maria, Mary; Giulia, Julia; imperatrice, empress; re^^??a, qu.eQn', poetessa, poetess; levatrice, midwife, etc. Nouns ending in a, are for the most part feminine '.casa, house;
citt, city; strada, street.

The exceptions are nouns derived from the Greek: anagramma, anag-ram; clima, climate; sistema, system; tema, theme etc. Nouns ending in e are more difficult to determine, some being masculine, others feminine. Those terminating in me, nte, pe, re, and one, are for the most part masculine, except fame, hunger; speme, used poetically for hope; mente, mind; corrente, current; sorgente, source; gente, people; lente, lentil; ape, bee; volpe, fox; siepe, hedge; rupe, rock; stirpe, stock; febbre, fever; coltre, counterpane; polvere, dust; scure, ax; torre, tower; canzone, song; arbore, tree; aere, air; folgore, thunderbolt; cenere, ashes; lepre, hare; carcere, prison fronte, forehead fonte, fountain. Fine, end, and trave, beam, are of both genders. Words ending in ione are for the most part feminine. Nouns ending in i, are feminine. Napoli, Naples; Metropoli, Metropolis; ipotesi, hypothesis. The exceptions are abbici, alphabet; barbagianni, ow\; brindisi, a toast; stuzzicadenti, toothpick; cavastivali, boot ja(;k; Tamigi, Thames; d, day, and its compounds; eclissi,
; ;


and numerals ending in


as dieci, ten, etc. Genesi, Genesis,

tugurio, hut.

of both genders.
poetical ab-

Nouns ending in o are masculine: Palazzo, palace; The only exceptions are mano, hand, and some few

Nouns ending





u are feminine: Virt, virtue; gru, crane. masculine: Corfu, Corfu, of both genders.

Of Number,

are two




the singular,

and the


for the plural

of the masculine gender, change their final letter into cavallo, horse, cavalli, horses poeta, poet, poeti,

poets; leone, lion, leoni, lions. Nouns of the feminine gender, ending in a, change their final letter into e: donna, woman, donne, women. Nouns ending in e, change that vowel into i: padre, father, padri, fathers; madre, mother, madri, mothers. Nouns terminating in i, do not change in the plural: bar'bagianni, owl, or Owls hrindisi, a toast or toasts. Nouns ending in o change that letter into i: mano, a hand, mani hands. Nouns ending in u, are invariable as to number: virtix,, virtue or virtues; gru, crane or cranes. Nouns ending in ca or ga take an h in the plural before the final vowel, to preserve the hard sound mucca, cow, mucche, cows ; bottega, shop, botteghe, shops ; duca, duke, diichi^ dukes ; collega, colleague, coUeghi, colleagues. Nouns ending in co and go, of not more than two syllables, for a similar reason take an h in the plural before the final vowel, solco, furrow, solchi, furrows ; lago, lake, laghi, lakes except porco, pig, and Greco, a Greek, which make porci, and Greci. Words, however, of similar terminations, of more than two syllables, do not admit the h in the plural amico, a friend, amici, friends ; teologo, theologian, teologi, theologians though to this there are many exceptions. Nouns ending in io short, in which there is no accent on the i, form their plural in j principio, principle, principj, principles ; tempio, temple, tempj, temples. Attempts are making to exclude the j from the Italian alphabet, and to write these plurals with ii; but this appears liable to objections, which are shortly noticed under the letter J. Nouns ending in io long, in which there is an accent on the i, form their plural in ii : zio, uncle, zii, uncles ; ronzio, buzz, ronzii, buzzes. few nouns are irregular in the plural. Uo7no, man, uomini, men; moglie, wife, mogli, wdves ; hue, ox, buoi, oxen Dio, God, dei^ gods. There are some nouns ending in o in the singular, which form their plural in a changing their gender into the feminine others have two terminations in the plural, both in i, and a; but it would be beyond the limits of a ver/ concise grammar to enter into these at length.

qualificative Adjectives.

The usual terminations of qualificative adjectives in Italian in the singular are o and e : the former change the o into a for the feminine, the latter are of both genders. Adjectives form their plurals in the same manner as substantives. Buon uomo, a good man, buoni uomini^ good men; tuona donna, a good woman, buone regno felice, a happy kingdom, regni felici, donne, good women happy kingdoms ; moglie felice^ a happy wife, mogli felici^ happy wives. The place of adjectives either before or after the substantives, un forte regno, or un is, for the most part, indifferent in Italian regno forte, a strong kingdom ; una fiorente citt or una citt fiorente, a flourishing city. In some cases however the adjective must perforce be placed after the substantive, as adjectives of shape, color, nation, ec, una 'piazza bislunga, an oblong square ; un cappello bianco, a white hat; i patriotti italiani, the Italian patriots, etc. Also when the adjective is emphatic, it must be placed after the substantive. Ecco un uomo forte! that is a strong man.
; :

Of the degrees of comparison.

The comparative of adjectives is formed in Italian by prefixing pi {more) to the comparative, and il pi {the most) to the superlative, without any regard to the number of syllables comprised in the positive. Thus, grande, great; pi grande, greater; il pi grande, the greatest ; magnifico, magnificent pi magnifico, more magnificent; il pi magnifico, the most magnificent, and so for all


Of Pronominal demonstrative
The pronominal demonstrative
e quello,


adjectives this and that, questo change their terminations both for gender and number


after the


of qualificative adjectives
That country. Those countries. That city. Those cities.

This man.

Questi uomini. Questa donna. Queste donne.

These men. This woman. These women.

Quel paese. Quei paesi. Quella citt.

Quelle citt.

There are also other terms in Italian to express this and that, as cotesto, codesto, cotesta, codesta, that, cotesti, coleste, those; costui
or colui, this or that man, costoro or coloro, these or those men; costei or colei, this or that woman, costoro or coloro, these or those


Of Pronominal possessive
The Pronominal possessive


adjectives, mtj, mio; thy, tuo; his, suo; our, nostro; your, vostro; their, loro; also change their


terminations both for gender and number. They are for the most part preceded by the definite article il, i, la, le.

P' person, 2^ person,



II miof la



Il tuo, la tua.
Il suo. la sua.


masculine, feminine,



person, 2^ 2)crson, o'^ person.


Il nostro, la nostra.


Il vostro, la vostra. Il loro, la loro.


Possessive adjectives agree in Italian with the thing possessed, not, as in English, with the possessor

This This



her watch. 7m house.

Questo Questa

il suo oriuolo. la sua casa.


They may be placed

is his

either before or after the substantive



suo podere, or


podere suo.

relations, friends, etc. is expressed in Italian by i miei, the being understood : so also with the other persons, i tuoi, i suoi, etc.



parenti., amici, etc.

friend of



expressed by un mio amico, or uno



amici, etc.


These adjectives are repeated in Italian with every substantive, when the genders or numbers are different: my father^ mother, and brothers, mio padre, mia madre ed i miei fratelli.

Of indeterminate
The following



of the indeterminate adjectives

Altro, altra, altri, altro.
Altri, altrui.

Other, others. Any one, other people. Each other, one another. The one and the other, both. Either the one or the other.

L'un l'altro. L'uno e l'altro.


Of personal Pronouns.
Personal pronouns in Italian are either absolute or conjunctive. in English, they are divided into the first, second, and third persons. The conjunctive pronouns are those in oblique cases which are governed by verbs. Their proper use constitutes one of the great beauties of the language.

First person.


Norn. Gen.



mi. mi.

of us. to us.


Of me.
to me.


Ace. Ahi.

a me.

me. from


me. me. da me.

Gen. Bat. Ace.



a noi.

or ne. or ne.


from etc



Second person.
Norn. Gen. Dat. Aec.

of thee. to thee. thee.

di te.

ti. ti.

of you. to you. you.

di voi.



Gen. Bat. Ace.


a voi.

vi. vi.


etc. thee,




etc. you.



Third person masculine.

Gen. Bat. Ace.

of him. to him.

Egli,ei e. di lui.

gli. lo.

of them. to them.

di loro.




Gen. Bat. Ace.


a loro.



him da


loro. them. from etc.them. da loro.


Third person femmine.

Gen. Bat. Ace. Abl.
She. of her. to her.



of them. to them.

di loro.


Ace. Abl.

a loro.





etc. her.


frometc.tliem. da loro.

These pronouns, when in the nominative case, are usually understood as in Latin, except when used emphatically.
/ go
to London every spring.

We dine at five. I did it, and not

-Vado a Londra ogni primavera. -Pranziamo alle cinque. L' ho fatto io, e non voi.

conjunctive, they may either precede or follow the verb* Except in the cases after mentioned, they are now usually placed before the verb, especially in familiar conversation:


saw him yesterday.


vidi ieri.

She sees us every day.

I will see

Ci vede ogni giorno.

them to-morrow.

Li vedr domani.

They are placed


after the verb, and joined to it, when in the the imperative affirmative, the gerund, and the past


He came

to see us.

Venne a


me. On seeing him. Having spoken to him.

Datemelo. Vedendolo.
Varlsito gli.

These conjunctive pronouns are not used in emphatical phrases


to mc, not to him.

Datelo a me, non a



odio. Gli stimo.

Gli, as accusative plural, is used only before verbs beginning with a vowel or an s impura :

hate them. esteem them.

to the


pronouns are formed in Italian by adding

J, io etc.


personal pronouns
I myself.




herself. ourselves. yourselves.


Io stesso or Tu stesso or Egli stesso. Ella stessa. Noi stessi or Voi stessi or

stessa. stessa.

stesse. stesse.

They themselves.

Eglino stessi or elleno stesse.


relative Pronouns.

Who, which, that. The man whom or that I see. What, which. I do not know what sort of a man he Whose, whom.

che or


quale vedo.
egli sia.


so quale


My father,

whose passions were roused.

I received

Mio padre,

le cui passioni

furono al-

The man from lohom

That which, what. That is lohat I want. Which.


cui ho ricevuto quel favore. Ci che, quel che. Quello ci che voglio.

L'uomo da


His extravagance ruined him, loMch might have been expected.

La sua stravaganza

lo ruin, il che si

sarebbe potuto aspettare.

Che is invariable. Il quale varies both in gender and number. Cui is used for all cases except the nominative. II die is used for which when it refers to an antecedent sentence. The relative pronoun is always expressed in Italian.

Of interrogative Pronouns.
Who? Whom?
there? Wiovi do I see?

Chif Chi l? Chi vedo?

What are you doing? What? Which? What is your opinion? Which is your brother?

Che (cosa) fate? Quale, quali. QuaVh il vostro parere? QuaV vostro fratello?

Chi? is applied to persons only; che? to things; qiidle? to both persons and things.


Of indeterminate "Pronouna.
The following is a list of the indeterminate pronouns, so;i:g of which are used adjectively:
Other, others. Any one, other people. Each other, one another. The one and the other, both. Either the one or the other. Neither the one nor the other. Each, for each.
Altro, altra^ altri,
Altri, altrui.
ulti e.

U un

V altro.

L'uno e V altro. V uno o V altro.

Ne Vuno

ne V altro. Ciascuno, ciascheduno, per uno.

Some. Some, any.



some body, any body.

Nobody, no one, none.


Alquanto. Alcuno, qualche (invariabile ed impiegato solamente al singolare). Qualcheduno, qualcuno. Nessuno, nissuno, ninno, veruno, nullo.

N pur


Every one, every body. Some one, somebody.


Ognuno, ciascuno, ciascheduw.


As much as. As many as. So much. So many. As mnch. As many. Whatever, whatsoever.

Quanto. Quanti. Tanto.


Qualsiasi, qualsivoglia.

Such as. Such other.

Each, every. Whoever, whosoever. Whatever, whatsoever. Whatever. Whatsoever.

Ogni. Chiunque, chicchessia, chi che.

Checchessia, checche.

Qualunque. Quantunque.

There are three conjugations of verbs in Italian, which, like those in Latin, are distinguished by the termination of the infinitive


The first conjugation ends The second The third

in are: cantare, to sing.

in ere: credere, to believe. in ire: venire, to come.

Short conjugation of the verb cantare, root cant:

Indicative mood.









cantai, asti,


canter, erai, era.

(7oncZi<tona?,canterei, eresti, erebbc. I

cantiamo, ate, ano. sing etc. was singing etc. cantavamo, avate, avano. cantammo, aste, areno. sang etc. shall sing etc. canteremo, erete, eranno. should sing etc. canteremmo, ereste, crebbero.

Present Oi future, canta,

sinff etc.

cantiamo, ate, inc.

Subjunctive mood.




If I sing etc. If I


cantassi, assi, asse.



cantiamo, iate, ino. cantassimo, aste, assero.

Past part,

cantando. cantato.


credere^ root creel

Short conjugation of the verb

Indicative mood.


crediamo, ete, ono. credevamo, evate, evano. credei, esti, ette. I believed etc. credemmo, este, erono. Perfect, creder, erai, era. Future, I shall believe etc. crederemo, erete, eranno. Conditional, crederei, eresti, crebbe. I should believe etc. crederemmo, eresto, crebbero.
I believe etc.


credo, i, credeva,



was believing


Imperative mood.
Present or future, credi, a. believe ec.

crediamo, ete, ano.

Subjunctive mood.
Present, Imperfect,

Gerund, Past part,

creda, a, a. Credessi, essi, esse. credendo. creduto.

If I believe ec.

If I believed ec.

crediamo, iate, ano. credessimo, este, credessero.

Believing. Believed.

Short conjugation of the verb




feel or hear, root

Indicative mood.



sento, i, sentiva,

I feel etc. iva.




feeling etc.

sentiamo, ite, ono. sentivamo, ivate, ivano.

sentii, isti,

I felt etc.


iste, irono.


sentir, irai, ir.

I shall feel etc.

sentiremo, irete, iranno.

Conrfiiiona?, sentirei, iresti, irebbe. I should feel etc.

sentiremmo, ireste, irebbero.

Imperative mood.
Present or future, senti, a.

Feel etc.




Subjunctive mood.

senta, a, a.
sentissi, issi, esse,

If I feel etc. If I felt etc.


sentiamo, iate, ano. sentissimo, iste, isser.

Gerund, Past part



large class of verbs in ire is conjugated somewhat differently ; this difference is observable only in the present of the indicative, in the imperative, and in the present of the subjunctive.




The following short conjugation

of three tenses of the verb to finish, root fm, shews the difference above alluded to.
Indicative mood.

finisco, ci, ce.

I finish etc.

finiamo, ite, iscono.

Imperative mood.
Frese* or /fttre, finisci, isca.

Finish etc.

finiamo, ite, iscano.

finisca, isca, isca.

If I finish etc.

finiamo, late, iscano.

this grammar to of the irregular Italian verbs, the irregularities being far more complicated than those in English, and being given at length in the several grammars to which the student is generally referred it would be equally inconsistent to state the employment of the different moods and tenses in Italian, as contradistinguished from those employed in similar cases in English; especially as regards the subjunctive mood, which is far more generally adopted in the former than in the latter language I shall therefore terminate with briefly referring to an error very prevalent with the English, that namely of employing the imperfect instead of the perfect tense, in cases in which they would never think of doing so in their own language for instance, it is very common to hear an Englishman say io vedeva vostro padre ieri io pranzava ieri ad un tal posto instead of io vidi, io pranzai ; which is precisely the same as if they said. I was seeing your father yesterday; I teas dining yesterday at such a place. The student should consider whether this form could be correctly adopted in English, in which case he might safely use the imperfect as, for instance. I was dining yesterday, when your brother came in, io pranzava ieri quando vostro fratello entr; 1 was reading this book when I was interrupted, lo leggeva questo libro quando fui interrotto. If zoas with the present participle cannot' be used in English, the perfect should be adopted. The rule is a simple one, and a very slight attention to it would prevent the recurrence of what may be considered a common and somewhat grave error.

would be inconsistent with the brevity of


give a






















phil. poet.







noun feminine.
feminine plural.



reflective verb.


s. 8.








singular, plural.





V. a.



irregular verb.

verb active.

V. n.

verb neuter.

m. p.

noun masculine.
masculine plural.



[baft] adv. (mar.) a inglese, come pure delle poppa. pi delle altre lingue. Ha' que- Abal'ienate, [abelinete] v. a. {law.) alienare. sta quattro suoni in inglese [blienescieun] il primo lungo, come in fate, Abalienation, destino groce, grazia il se- s. r atto di alienare. condo largo, come in ball, bal- Aban'don, [bandeun] v. a. abbandonare; lasciare. lo; cali, chiamare; alquanto accorciato, come in squat, quat- Aban'doned, [abandeun'd] adj. scellerato, vizioso. to; what, che, quale: il terzo [bndeunng] aperto, che s'assomiglia molto Aban'doning , [bandeiinair a italiano, come in father, Aban'donment , padre; rather, piuttosto, ac- mnt] s abbandonamento, m. corciato come in China, China: A'bas, [bas] s. un peso Persiano. (deprimere. e r ultimo breve, come in hat, _ Abase', [abese] v. a. abbassare; cappello marry, maritarsi. A, serve come prefisso a molte Abase'ment, [bsemnt] s. abparole inglesi, com in asleep, bassamento, m.; umiliazione, f. addormentato ; awake, sveglia- Abash', [bsc] v. a. svergognare, fare arrossire; confonto: afoot, a piede; oground, in dere. terra, &c.

A, la prima lettera della lin- Abaft',


Abbrevia'tory , [abrivieteur] adj. che abbrevia. Abbreviature, [abrivietcieur]




Ab'by, [b] vedi Abbey. Ab'dicate , [abdichete] v.


abdicare, rifiutare, rinunziare. Abdica'tion, [bdichscieiin] s. abdicazione; rinunzia, /. Abdjura'tion,[bgiirsciein] s. abbiurazione, f.

Abdo'men, [abdomen] mine, m.



Abdom'inal, [abdominal] Abdom'inous, [bdmincus] adj. dell' abdomine. Abduce' [bdiise] v. a. ritirare, condur via; disgiugnere. Abduc'ent, [bdiusnt] adj. che
(detto di certi muscoli). Abduct, [bdeuct] v. a. condur via con forza. Abduction , [bdeScscieun] . l'atto di condur via con fraude con forza: specie di argomento impiegato nella logica. Abduc'tor,[bdeucteiir]s. (ana^) adduttore, m. Abear', [abre] r. a. irr. sopportare; condursi. Abear'ance, [abrnse] s. condotta,

tira in dietro

primo suono dell' a corrisponde all' chiusa in italiano, come nelle parole tema, fear ; cena, supper &c. Il secondo suono s' assomiglia al dittongo au, nella parola auro, fall, cadere. Il terzo suono come l' a in italiano, padre, father, fama, fame, &c. Il quarto suono molto simile air a italiano nelle parole abbracciare, to embrace, abbandonare, to abandon, &c.; quantunque sia un poco meno largo A, [e] art. uno, una; twice a day, duo volte il giorno so much a man, tanto per uomo. Abaca, [abac] s. (a kind of flax found in the Philippine


[abasement] s. , vergogna; confusione, f. Abatable, [abtabl] adj. che pu essere diminuito. Abate', [abete] v. a. abbassare,
diminuire; annullare; distruggere; -, V. n. diminuirsi. Abate'ment, [abtemnt] s. abbassamento, m. diminuzione, f. Abat'er, [abteiir] s. alleviatore; mitigatore, m. Abat/ing,[abting] vedi Abate-

Abece'darian, [abisderian] s, Ab'bacy, [bas] s. abbadia, uno che insegna 1' alfabeto. Abbatial, [abtil] and Abba- Abed', [abd] adv. a letto, in

tical, [abbticl] adj. apparte-


gnit d' abbate, f. rante. Abbre'viate, [aWvite] v. a. Aberunc'ate, [bereunchete] v. abbreviare; scorciare. adj. tolto a. sradicare, distruggere. Abbrevia'tion, [abrlviescieiin] Abet', [abt] v. a. incoraggiare, Ab'acus , [abacheus] s. ab- s. abbreviazione; f. abbrevia- proteggere, assistere, favorire. baco, m. mento, m. Abet'ment, [abetment] s. inco[Abaddon, [abadeun] s. l' an- Abbrevia'tor, [abrivieteur] s. raggiamento, stimolo, m. gelo distruggitore, il diavolo. abbreviaiore, m. Abet'ter, [abteur] Abet'tor,

islands) abaca-. [abasist] Aback, [abac] adv. vento, in panno. Abact'ed, [bcted] via per forza.



nente ad una badia. Abele, Abel-tree, [abile, abeltr] Ab'bess, [abs] s. badessa. s. nome dato al Pioppo bianco. Ab'bey, [ab] s. badia,/".; mo- Aber'rance, [abrnse] Abernastero, m. ra'tion, [berscioun] s. svia(te, m. mento, smarrimento, m. (tore Ab'bot, [beut] s. abbate precalcola- Ab'botship, [beutscp] s. di- Aberr'ing, [bring] part, er;

Diz. Ing -Ital.




Abor'tive, [bortiv] vedi Abor-

[ateteur] s. instigatore, m.; Ablegate, [ablighete] v. a. deinstigatrice, /. legare. Atoey'ance, [atanse] s. (law.) Ablega'tion, [blighscieun] s. lands in -, pi. terre giacenti, deputazione, f. A'bleness, [blnes] s. capaf. pi. Abgre'gate, [atgrighcte] v. a. cit, forza, f. separare dalla gregge^ Ablepsy' [blpse'] s. cecit. Abgre'gation, [bgrghcscieii] Ab'locate, [blchte] v. a. dare in affitto. s. separazione dalla gregge. Abhor', [bhr] v. a. abborrire; Abloca'tion, [blchescieun] s. detestare. affitto, m. Abhor'rence , [bhorense] A- Ablude, [bliude] v. n. essere bhor'rency, [bhorns] s. ab- dissimile.




Abor'tiveness, [bortivnes] aborto, m. sconciatura, f. Abort'ment , [brtmnt]




Abound' [abaund]

v. n.


About', [abaut] adv. & prep.

intorno, incirca, circolarmente, verso; ali -, da per tutto; round -, in giro; / have no
- me, non ho danari addosso; / am - writing, sto per scrivere; what are you -? che fate? to lie -, esser in disor-

borrimento; odio, m. Abluent', [bliient] Abhor'rent, [bhrnt] adj. ab- (med.) purificante.





borrente, contrario, nemico. Ablu'tion, [bliscieun] .abluAbhor'rer, [bhreur] s. ab- zione, purificazione, f. borritore, m.; abborritrice, f. A'bly, [bl] adv. a,bilm6nte. Abide', [abad] v. n. irr. (abode, Ab'negate, [bnighte] v.a. neabode) dimorare, aspettare; tol- gare, rinunziare. lerare, soffrire. Abnega'tion, [abnighescieun] s. Abi'der, [abideir] s. abitante, rinunzia, f.; rinunziaraento, m. abitatore, m. Abnegator, [bnigheteur] s. Abi'ding, [abading] s. abita- quello che nega, rinunzia, o si zione; tolleranza, persoveran' oppone a qualche cosa. Ab'nodate , [bnodete] v. a. la, A Abidin'gly, [abaidingl] adv (gard.) dibruscare, sbrancare. permanentemente. Ab'nodation, [bndcscieunj s Abiliment, [ablimnt] s. ve- r atto di sbrancare. stimento, m. Ab'normal , [abnormal] and Abil'ity, [abllite'] s. abilit, caAb'normous, [bnormus] adj. pacit, forza, possanza; ric- irregolare, difforme. chezza, f. Abnor'mity, [bnrrait] s. difAbintest'ate, [abintestte] adj. formit, /. senza aver fatto testamento. Aboard', [aborde] adv. (mar.) Ab'ject, [abdgct] adj. abietto, abbordo, a bordo; to go aboard, basso, vile; -, s. nomo dispe imbarcare. (tazione, f. rato, nomo da nulla, m. Abode, [abode] s. dimora, abiAbject', [bdgct] v. a. buttar AbDl'ish, [ablsc] v. a. abolire; via, scagliare. cassare, annullare. Abject'edness, [abdgectednes] Abol'ishable, [ablisciabl] adj. abolibile; rivocabile. s. bassezza, miseria; povert, A AbDl'isher, [abliscur] s. an ^ Abjec'tion, [abdgecscieun] s. nullatore, m. vilt, dappocaggine, f. Abol'ishment, [abolTscment] s. Abjectly, [bdgctl] adv. bas- abolizione,/'.; annullamento, w. samente , vilmente ; povera- Aboli'tion, [abolscieun] s. abomente. lizione, abrogazione, f. Ab'jectness, [abdgectness] s. Aboli'tionist, [abliscieunist] vilt, /.; avvilimento, m. s. annullatore. Abjure', [bdgiure] v. a. abbiu- Abom'inable, [abominabl] adj. rare, rinunziare. abbominevole (abbiura. abbominabile, Abjttrer, [bdgiurenr]s.unoche detestabile. Abjur'ing, [bdgiirng] vedi Abom'inableness , [abominaAbjuration. blns] 8. abbominevoiezza, /. Ablac'tate, [blactte] v. a. Abom'inably, [abominable] adv spoppare, slattare; (jard.) in- abbominevolmente. nestare. Abom'inate, [abminete] v. a. Ablacta'tion, [ablactscieun] s abborainare; detestare. spoppamento, m. Abomina'tion, [abminsciein] Abla'queate, [blaquite] v. a s. abbominio; detestamonto, m. (gard.) scalzare. Abori'ginal, [brdginl] adj. Al9la'tion, [blsciein] s. priprimitivo. vazione, f. (vo, m. Aborigines, [boridginize] s. Ab'lative, [blativ] s. ablati- pi. primi abitatori d'un paese, A'ble, [cbl] adj. abile, capace; m. pi. (sconciarsi. idoneo, comodo, ricco, opulen Abort', [abort] v. n. abortire; to, dotto, esperto, forte, rO' Abor'tion, [borscieun] s. aborbusto; to 6e -, potere. to, m.; sconciatura, f. Able-bod'ied, [ebl-bodi'd] adj Abor'tive, [brtiv] adj. abortivo, prematuro. yobusto, vigoroso.



[abeiiv] adv. & prep. su, sopra, sovra, oltre, in su, pi; from -, di su; over and -, soprappi, di pi; to be-, superare; - all, sopra tutto, principalmente; - board, a vista d' ognuno, senza artifizio, ve-

ramente. Above'-cited


adj. sopraccitato.

Above-ground, [abeuv-graund]
adj. vivente, vivo.

Above'-mentioned [abeiiv-menscieiin'd] ac/;._sopradetto.

Abrade', [abrede]
raschiare. Abraid', [abride]

v. a. radere,




Abra'sion, [abrgeun]



ra; cancellatura, f. Abreast', [abrst] adv. accanto, a lato; (mar.) a traverso, in faccia. Abreption, [abrepscieua] s. ra-

pimento. Abridge', [abrdg]


v. a.




compendiare. Abridged', [abrig'd]

breviato; sessato.
- o/,


privato, disposs.




breviatore, m.

Abridg'ment, [abridgment]

abbreviamentoj^ compendio, n. Abroach', [abrotsc] ado. spillato; to set



Abroad', [abrud] adv. fuora;

fuor di casa, fuor di paese: to go-, uscire; to set -, pubblicare, divolgare. Ab'rogate, [abroghete] v. a. abolire; annullare. Abroga'tion, [brghscieun] s. abrogazione, f. Abrood', [abriid] adv. io sit-, covare. Abrupt', [abreipt] adj. subitane, repentino, improvviso, scosceso.

Abrup'ton, [abreupscieun]
subita separazione,


Abruptly, [abreuptl] adv.
subito, ropeate.


Abstain', [bstne] v. n. aste- Absurd', [bseurd] adj. assurnersi, privarsi. (nenza, f. do, incongruo, stravagante. _ Abruptness, [abreuptnes] s. Abstain'ing, [abstening] s asti- Absur'dity, [absurdit] s. assubitezza; ruvidezza, scorte- Abste'mious, [bstimieus] adj. surdit, /. assurdo, m.; incongruit, stravaganza, f. astemio, temperato, sobrio. sia, f. Ab'scess , [abses] s. (surg.) Abste'miously , [bstlmieusle'] Absurd'ly, [bseurdl] adv. asadv. astemiamente, temperata- surdamente, scioccamente. abscesso, m.; postema, f. Abun'dance, [beiindnsc] s. Abscind', [absind] v. a. taglia- mente.

re, spartire.

Absciss'ion, [absscieun] s. tagliamento, m, Abscond', [abscond] v. n. nascondersi; celarsi. Abscon'der, [bscondnr] s. nascondente, nasconditore, fuggitore, m. Abscon'ding', [absconding] s. l'atto di nasoondersi; arj. absconding debtor, debitore che ei nasconde. Ab'sence, [bsnse] s. assenza, lontananza, f.',-of mind, distra-

Abste'miousness, [abstimieis- abbondanza; copia, f. [beiindnt] adj. ns] s. temperanza; sobriet, f. Abun'dant Absten'tion, [bstnscieiin] s. abbondante copioso. ritenzione; espulsione; [law.) Abun'dantly, [bendntle'jad. abbondantemente, in gran coopposizione, f. Absterge', [bsteurdg] v. a. pia. astergere, lavare, purgare, net- Abns', [abiuze] v. a. abusare; ingiuriare, maltrattare, ingantare.

Abster'gent, [absteiirdgent] adj.

astergente, astersivo. Abster'gents, [bsteSrdgents] s. pi. (med.) medicine astersivo,



fronto, ne, f.

[abiSsel s. abuso afni.; ingiuria; seduzio;






riatore, oltraggiatore, seduttore, m. tare, purificare. zione, f. Ab'sent, [absent] adj. assente, Abster'sion, [bsteurscieun] s. Abusive, [abiisTv] adj. ingiurioso, oltraggioso^ astersione, ^; nettamento, m. lontano, distratto.

Absterse', [bsteurse] v. a. net-

[ablusTvle'] adv. Absent', [absent] v. a. assen- Abster'sive, [absteursivl adj. Abu'sively , abusivamente, ingiuriosamente. (med.) astersivo, purgativo. tarsi, fuggir via, discostarsi. Absentee', [bsntl] s. assen- Ab'stinence, [bstinense] Ab'- Abu'siveness , [abiusvnes] $, stinency, [bstinense] s. asti- ingiuria, f. oltraggio, m. te, m. & f. Abut', [abut] v. n. confinare, Absenteeism', [absentism] s. nenza, temperanza, /". assenza continua dal proprio Ab'stinent, [abstinent] adj. asti- essere contiguo. Abut'ment, [abeutment] s. connente, sobrio. paese. Absentment, [bsentment] s. lo Ab'stinently, [bstinentl] adv. fine, limite, m. contiguit, f.', sostegno (di un arco &c.). sobriamente. stato di essere assente. Absin'thlum, [bsinth^ieum] s. Abstort'ed , [bstorted] adj. Abuttai, [abeutl] s. limite, confine. assenzio, m. preso con violenza. Ab'solute, [bsoliute] adj. as- Abstract', [abstract] v. a. Abysm', [abizm] Abyss' [abs] abisso; golfo, wi.; profons. soluto, illimitato, arbitrario. astraere, astrarre separare. Ab'solutely, [absoliutcl] adv. Ab'stract, [abstract] a'/j.astrat- dit, f. Abyssinian, [abismin] s. naassolutamente. to, assorto. Ab'soluteness, [absoliiitcnes] s. Ab'stract, [abstract] s. astrat- tivo d'Abissinia. Aca'cia, [achescia] s. acacia, f. potere assoluto, m.; indipen- to, sommario, m. denza, /. despotismo, rn. Abstrac'ted, [abstracted] adj. Acade'mian, [cadmin] .accademico, membro d' un' accaAbsolu'tion, [absoliuscieSn] s. astratto; separato. assoluzione, remissione, f. Abstrac'tedly , [bstrctedle'l demia, m. Absolu'tism, [absoliiitism] .lo adv. astrattamente, in astrat- Academ'ic, [academic] Academ'ical, [academical] adj. accastato di essere assoluto; i prin- to, separatamente. Abstrac'ter, [bstracteir] s. demico, d'accademia. cipe di governo assoluto.
; ;

Absolu'tist, [bsoliitist] s. uno ladro. che favorisce un governo di- Abstrac'tion, [bstrascieun] s. spotico. astrazione; separazione, f. Absorutory, [absoliuteure'J adj. Abstrac'tive, [bstractiv] adj. assolutorio. astrattivo, per astrazione. Absolve', [bzolv] v. a. assol- Abstract'ly, [bstrctl] adv. vere, dispensare, esentare, li- astrattamente, in astratto. berare, (che assolve. Abstract'ness, [bstractns] s. Absolver, [abzolveur] s. uno astrazione, f. Absol'ving, [bzolvng] s. as- Abstrude', [abstriiide] v. a. soluzione, f. scacciare. Ab'sonant, [absonant] Ab'so- Abstruse', [bstriise]arf;. astruA nous, [bsoneus] adj. assurdo; so, recondito. discordante, dissonante. Abstrusely, [bstriusele'] adv. bsorb', [absorb] v. a. assor- astrusamente,in modo astruso. bire; inghiottire; consumare; Abstruse'ness, [bstjiusens] rovinare. Abstrus'ity, [bstriusit] s. Absorba'ble , [bsorbablj adj. oscurit,/, avviluppamento; m. che pu essere inghiottito. difficolt, /. senso recondiAbsor'bent, [absorbent] s.(me^,) to, m. assorbente, m. Absume', [absiume] v. a. conAbsorp'tion, [bsorpscieuu] sumare poco a poco; dimiassorbimentOt m. nuire.

Academically , [cademicle'] adt). nella maniera accademica. Academi'cian, [cdemiscin] .membro d'un' universit, m.
Acad'emist, [cadimlstj cademista, m.



[acadime'] s. accademia, universit; adunanza di


letterati, f.; societ delle bella



Acanaceous, [acanscieiis] and Acanthaceous, [cnth-escieiis] ad], armato di spine.

Acan'thus, [acnth-eus] s. accanto, m.; brancorsina f. Acarus, [careus] m. acaro, Acatalep'sis, [actalpsis] .


Acatalep'tic, [acatalptc] adj. incomprensibile. Accede' [cside] v. n. accede re, concorrere.

Accel'erate, [acselerete] v.
n. accelerare; frettare.

& Ac'cidence,


[acsidense] s. rudi- Accom'panist, [acheumpanst] s. (mus.) uno che prende la sementi della grammatica, m. pL Ac'cident, [csidnt] s. acci- conda parte, m. Accelera'ton, [acselerescieunj dente, caso, avvenimento, w.; Accom'pany, [cheumpane'] v. a. accompagnare, scortare. disgrazia, f. infortunio, m. s. acceleramento, m.; fretta, f. Accererative, [cseleretiv] adj. Acciden'tal, [csidentl] adj. Accom'plice, [cmpls] s. complice, m. & f. accelerativo. accidentale, casuale, fortuito. Accend', [csnd] v. a. accen- Acciden'tally, [csidntl] adv. Accom'plish, [acomplTsc] v. a, dere, infiammare, muovere. compire, finire, perfezionare, per accidente, casualmente. Accen'dibility, [csndiblite'] Acciden'talness,[csidntlns] adempire. s. capacit d'essere acceso. s. accidentalit, /".; acciden- Accom'plished , [complsc'd] Accen'sion, [csnscieun] te, m. adj. compito, finito, perfetto. cendimento, m. ; accensione,/". Acclaim', [acleme] Acclama'- Accom'plisher, [cmpliscur] Ac'cent, [csent] s. accento, tion, [clmescieun] s. accla- s. adempitore, compiter, m. tuono, wi. mazione, /.; applauso, m. Accom'plishment , [compliscAccent', [acsnt] v. a. notare Acclamatory, [clmeteure'] adj. mnt] s. compimento, finimencon accento, accentare, pro- esprimente la gioja per mezzo to, i.; perfezione, f. nunziare. di acclamazione. Accord', [crd] s. accordo, m. Accen'tuate, [acsentiu,te] v. a. Acclimate, [claimete] v. a. abi- convenzione, unione, /".; with segnare con un accento. tuare la persona ad un clima. one -, unanimamente. Accentua'tion[csnti.scieiin] Acclimation, [claimsciun] s. Accord', [cord] r. a. accordaaccelerarsi, af;

s. accentuazione, f. il processo di abituare la perAccept', [csptj v. a. accetta- sona ad un clima, f. re, aggradire, comprendere. Acclimatise, [clamataize] v Acceptabil'ity, [acsptaMlite'] a. abituare le pianto ad un clis. accettevole qualit, ma diverso dal naturale. f. Accep'table , [csptabl] adj. Accli'vity, [clivite'] s. ascenaccettevole, accettabile. dimento, m.; ertezza, f. Accep'tableness, [acsptablnesl Accli'vous, [claiveus] adj. acs. accoglimento, m.; grazia, /. clive. favore, m. Accloy', [cloi] v. a. riempiere Accep'tably, [ceptable'] adv. soperchio. (dare. accettevolmente, aggradevol- Acco'il, [coil] V. n. circonmente, gratamente. Accolade', [coledt;] s. abbracAccep'tance, [csptanse] Ac- ciamento, m. cepta'tion, [csptsciun] s. Accom'modable, [comodabl] accettazione, /.; accettamento, adj. accomodabile. accetto, wi. Accom'modableness , [acomoAccep'ter, [cspteur] s. accet- dablns] s. la capacit di accotatore, wi.; accettatrice, /". modarsi. Acceptila'tion,[csptilsciein] Accom'modate, [acomodte] v. s. {law.) accettilaziono, a. accomodare, adattare, acconf. Accep'tion, [cspsciun] s. si- ciare. gnificato, m.; significazione, f. Accom'modate, [comodte] adj. Accep'tive, [csptiv] adj. ac- convenevole; proprio. cettevole. Accom'modately, tcomodtel] Access', [cses] s. accesso, adi- adv. convenevolmente, comodato; m. entrata, entratura; (med.) mente, bene. accessione, f. Accom'modateness , [accomoAc'cessariness , [acsesarines] detens] s. convenevolenza, f. s. complicit, partecipazione, (poco impiegato). f. Ac'cessary, [cssare'] adj. ac- Accom'mod ating, [comodtfng] cessorio. adj. compiacente, Ac'cessary, [cssare'] s. acces- Accommoda'tion , [acomodsorio complice, m. sciun] s. accomodamento, m. Accessib'lity, [cssiblite'J s. comodit, f.; accordo, m.
; ;

re, conciliare; -, v. darsi, convenire.



Accor'dable, [crdabl] adj. accordevole.

Accor'dance, [cordnse] Accor'dancy, [crdns] s. ac-

comodamento, m.\ unione, conformit,


Accor'dant, [cordnt]

adj. ac-



Accor'dantly, [acordntle'] adv. concordatamente. Accor'ding, [crding] prep. secondo, conforme; - os, secondo che, come. Accor'dingly, [cordingle'] adv. conformemente conseguentemente. Accor'dion, [acordiein] s. piccolo istrumento musicale, m. Accor'porate, [crporte] v. a.

incorporare. Accost', [cost] V. a. accostare, approdare, avvicinarsi. Accos'table, [cstabl] adj. accessibile, affabile, benigno. Accoucheur', [cuscieur] .raccoglitore del parto, m.

Account', [acoint]



calcolo, valore, pregio, m.; distinzione, stima, ragione, f.: on


a conto; on






a cagione per amor voof no -, nomo d

- of,



Accommoda'tion-ladder, fco-

modscieun-ldeur] s. (mar.) scala alla banda, f. Acces'sion, [csscieiin] s. ac- Accom'modative, facomodatv] cessione, addizione, f. avve- adj. che d accomodamento. nimento, *n. ; venuta, /. Accom'modator, [cmodetur] Accessional, [csscieunl] adj. s. uno che accomoda; m. addizionale. (sore, m. Accom'panable,[chumpanabl] Acces'sor, [cseseur] s. acces- aij. sociabile, compiacevole. Ac'cessorily, [csseurile'] adv. Accom'panier, [chumpaniur] accessoriamente, leggiermente. s. accompagnatore, compagno, Ac'cessory, [csseiire'] adj, ac- socio, m.
cessible, affabile.

Acces'sible, [acsesibl] adj. ac-

cessorio, avventizio.

niment] to, m.


niente; to call to an -, chiamare a ragione; to cast vp an -, fare nn calcolo; to give an-, render conto: to A'eep -, tenor conto; to make - of, far caso di, stimare. Account', [caoiint] v. a. contare, stimare, credere ; v. n. render conto, dare ragione. Acoountability,[aco5ntabnite'] s. responsabilit, f. Accoun'table, [acaountabl] adj. obbligato, tenuto.

Ac'cessory, [csseur] vedi Accessary.

accompagnamen- Accoun'tant



calcolatore, abbachista. m.



Acoonntant'sliip, [acaountant- Accu'ser, [achizeur] j.accusa- Aci'dify, [asidifai] v. a. acisatoro, accusante, m. accusa- dificare. scip] s. r uffizio od i doveri di Acid'ity,[asidite']andAcidness, trice, f. un calcolatore, m. Account-book, [icaont-buc] s. Accus'tom, [cbeusteum] v. a. [sdness] s. acidezza, agrezaccostumare, assuefare; -,v. n. za, /. libro de' conti, m. Acid'ulate, [asdiulte] v. a. Accou'ple, [choupl'] v. a. ac- assuefarsi, avvezzarsi. Accus'tomable, [cheusteumabl] fare acido, acidulare. ^ coppiare, congiugnere, unire. Acidulated, [asidiultd] adj. Accou'tre, [citour] v. a. ag- adj. abituale, consueto. giustare, parare, allestire,guar- Accus'tomably, [cheiisteuma- acidulate. nire (detto specialmente degli ble'] adv. abitualmente, per Acidu'lous , [acdiuleus] adj. abito {poco usato). acidetto. abbigliamenti militari). Accou'trement, [cutriment] s. Accus'tomarily, [acbeiisteSma- Acknow'Iedge, [acnoldg] v. a. rilo] adv. ordinariamente, coriconoscere, confessare; to guarnimento, vestimento, m. one's self guilty, confessarsi Accredit, [crdit] v. a. accre- munemente {poco usato).


Accredited, [acredif ed] od;, accreditato.

[chestemare'] adj. ordinario, usuale, comune.



Acknow'ledgment ,


[cbeustem''d] rant] s. riconoscimento, m. Ac'me, [acme'] s. colmo, m. Accres'cent, [acresent] adj. cre- adj. assuefatto, usuale. Accus'tomedness, [cbeusteum- Ac'olyte, [acolaite] s. accoscente. Accre'tion, [crscieun] s. ac- dnes] s. costume, familiari- lito, m. t, abito, m. Ac'onite, [conate] s. acconicrescimento; aumento, m. to, m. Accretive, [crtiv] adj. ere Ace, [ese] s. asso, m. Acerb', [aseiirbl adj. acerbo Aco'ntias, [aconscas] 8. aconscento. Accrimina'ton[acriminesciun] Acer'bate, [aseurbte] v. a. ren- zia, f. dere acerbo al sapore. A'corn, [corn] s. ghianda, /. s. accusa, rimprovero. Accroach', [crtsc] v. a. ap- Acer'bity, [aseurbite'] s. acer- Aco'rus, [coreiis] s. acoro, m. piccare, usurpare (poco usato). bit, acerbezza, durezza, seve Acou'stics, [custics] s. teoria de' suoni, f. Accrue', [cru] v. n. derivare, rit, /. Acer'vate, [aseurvete] v. a. ac- Acquaint', [acqunte] v. a. avprovenire. vertire, avvisare, informare. Accuba'tion, [cbubscieiin] s. cumulare, ammassare. Acerva'tion, [aseurvesciein] s. Acquain'tance, [cquntuse] s. accubito, m. familiarit, conoscenza, Accum'bent, [acheimbnt] see accumulazione, /". cumulo, m. f. Aces'cent, [assnt] adj. aci- amico, m.; (o make one's -, far recumbent.


Accu'mulate, [acbumlulete] a. accumulare, ammassare; -,

conoscenza con uno. Acquest', [acquest] s. acquisto, acquistamento, m. n. accumularsi. Accumula'tion , [acMumiile- Aceta'rious, [asiterieusj adj. Acquiesce', [cquis] v. n. conacetario. scieun] s. accumulazione, sentire, contentarsi, sottometAce'tate,[sitte] .acetato, m. cumulo, m. tersi. Acquies'cence, [acquiesense] s. Accu'mulative, [chumulativ] Aceti*, fastic] adj. acetico. assensioAcetiflcaton, [stificbescieun] consentimento, m. adj. accumulative. Accu'mulatively, [acblumula- s. acetificazione, f. ne, f. tvl] adv. in maniera accumu Acetify, [astifai] v. a. & n. Acquie'scent, [acquisent] adj. Acetire. sottomesso. lativa. Accu'mulator, [achumiulatur] Acetos'ity, [asitosite'] s. aceto- Acqui'rable, [cqaairabl] adj. sit, agrezza, f. acquistabile. 8. accumulatore, m. Ac'curacy, [churase'] s. accu- Ace'tous, [siteis] adj. acetoso, Acquire', [cquaire] v. a. acquiacerbo. stare, guadagnare, arrivare. ratezza, esattezza, f. Ac'curate, [chiurte] adj. ac- Ache, [che] $. male, dolore, m. Acquire'ment , [cquairemnt] Ache, [cbe] v. n. fare male, s. acquistamento, acquisto, m. curato, esatto. Acqui'rer, [cquireur] s. acquiAc'curately, [chiuretele'] adv. dolere. Achie'vable, [acivabl] adj. fat- statore, compratore, m. accuratamente, esattamente. Acquisi'tion, [cquizsciein] s. Ac'curateness, [cbiuretens] tibile. acquisizione, /. [cive] v. a. eses. accuratezza, esattezza, pre- Achieve', guire, effettuare, acquistare. Acquit', [qut] v. a. assobero, cisione. Accurse', [cbeurs] v. a. male- Achieve'ment, [civement] s. esentare, liberare; to - a de'it, adempimento, fatto, m.; pro- pagare un debito. dire, esecrare. Acquit'tal, [qutl] s. assoluAccur'sed, [cbeurs'ed] adj. ma- dezza, impresa, /. s. ese- zione, liberazione, f. ladetto, scomunicato; ripro- Achie'ver, [civeur] cutore, m.; esecutrice, /.; faci- Acquit'tance, [quitansej s. vato, (cusabile. quittanza, f. Accu'sable, [acbiusabl] adj. ac- tore, m. facitrice, f. Accu'sant, [chiiznt] s. accu- A'ching, [king] s. pena, f.; do- A'cre, [ecbeur] s. bifolca, bulore, m. bulca, f. jugero, m. satore, m. Accusa'tion, [cbiuzscein] s. Achromat'c, [acromtic] adj. Ac'redness, [crodnes] s. agrezacromatico. za, acidit, f. accusamento, m.; accusa, f. Accu'sative , [cbiuzatv] s. Ac'id, [sd] adj. acido, aceto- Ac'rid, [acrid] adj. acre, morv.

detto, acerbetto.


Aceta'bulum, [asitbiuleiim] acetabolo, m.



(gram.) accusativo.

so, agro; s. acido.


Accusa'tory, [chiuzateiir] adj. Acidi'ferous, [sidfereiis] adj. Acrimo'nious,[acrimonieus]fi(0'. che produce acido. acre, corrosivo. {law.) accusatorio. fliccuse', [cbiize] v. a. accusa- Acidifica'tion,[sdifichescieun] Acrimo'niously, [acrimnicusle'J adv. acremente. s. acidificazione, /". re ; incolpare.



acu- Adducer, [adisur]

Ac'rimony, [acrimeune] Ac'rity, Acute'ness, [achitenes]



acrimonia, agrez-

tezza, sagacit,

za, f. Ad'age , [dedg] s. proverAc'ritude, [acritiude] s. ama- bio, m. rezza al sapore. /. Ada'gio, [adagio] s. & adv. Acroama'tic, [acroamatic] and {mus ) adagio. Acroa'tic, [crotc] adj. acro- Adam', [dm] s. Adamo, wi. amatico. Adam's apple, [dms pi] s. Acrobate', [acrobete] s. 'balle- pomo d'Adamo. rino da corda, m. Ad'amant, [damant] s. diaAcross', [acros] adv. a scMan- mante, adamante, m. cio, a sghembo. Adamante'an, [damntin]adj. Acros'tic, [acrostic] s. acrosti- di diamante. co, m. Adaman'tine,[damantaine]ac?7. Act, [act] s. atto, m. azione,/" ; adamantino, diamantino; crufatto, decreto, m. dele, inumano. Act, [act] V. a. rappresentare, Adapt', [adapt] v. a. adattare, operare; -, v. n. fare, agire. accomodare, aggiustare. Act'ing, [acting] s. azione, re- Adap'tability, [dptabilit] s.

Adducible, [adiusibl] adj. adducibile.

Addu'ctor, [deucteur] s. adduttore, m. (detto di certi muscoli).




privazione, /". Adept', [adept] s. addetto, alchimista, m. Ad'equate, [diquete] adj. adequato, proporzionato, con-

forme. Ad'equately, [diqutele'] adv. adequatamente. Ad'equateness, [diqutenes] s. m. proporzioadequamento

, ;






Adhere', [adhire]
carsi, favorire.


n. attac-


[acscieun] s. azione, Adap'table , [adaptabl'] adj. operazione, lite, /".; processo, adattibile. w.; - s. pi. (merc/i.)fondi, 4.dapta'tion, Adap'tion, [adpAc'tionable, [csciunabl] adj. tscieSn, dpscieun] s. aggiuesposto a un'azione. stamento, accomodamento, m.; Ac'tionary , [acsciounar] s. conformit, f. azionario, m. Adays, [adze] adv. now -, al Activate, [activte] v. a. ren- giorno d'oggi (volgare). dere attivo. Add, [ad] v. a. aggiugnere, Active, [ctiv] adj. attivo; unire. agile, destro. Addec'imate, [adesmete] v. a. Ac'tively, [ctivle'] adv. attiva- decimare, pigliare la decima. mente, agilmente, prontamente. Ad'der, [deiir] s. aspe, aspide, Ac'tiveness, [activns] Actv'- m.; -'s grass, s (boi.) brionia ity, [ctvit] s. attivit, vi- vitalba, /. - 's tongue, s. (hot ) vacit, agilit, prontezza, f. viperina, f.; - 's wort, s. (boi.) Ac'tor, [cteir] s. attore, reci- echio, m. tante, commediante, m. Ad'dble, [adib'] adj. aggiungiActress, [ctrs] s. attrice, bile.

Adhe'rence, [dhirense] Adhe'rency, [dhirns] s. aderenappigliamento, favo/.; m. Adhe'rent, [dhirent] adj. atza,


taccato, unito. [adhlrnt] rente, fautore, m.



Adhe'rer, [dhireiir] s. partigiano, m. Adhe'sion, [adlilgiein] s. aderimento, favore, m. Adhe'sive , [dhisiv] adj. viscoso, tenace.

Adhesively, [dhisi vi e'] adv. tenacemente. Adhe'siveness, [adhlsivns] s.

viscosit, tenacit,

Addict', [adict] v. n. addarsi, Adiop'horous, [dioforeus] adj, Ac'tual, [ctciul] adj. attuale, applicarsi, abbandonarsi. indifferente, neutrale. effottivo. Addict'ed, [dictd] adj. dedi- Adhib'it, [dhibt] v. a. appliActuality, [ctciualit] s. at- to, inclinato. care, impiegare, servirsi. tualit, f. Addict'edness, [adictednes] Ad- Adhibi'ton , [dhibscieiin] s. Actuali'ze, [ctciualaize] v. a. dic'ton, [dcsciun] s. pro- impiego, uso, m. attuare. pensione, applicazione, f. Adieu', [adiu] adv. addio; s. un Ac'tually, [actciuale'] adv. at- Addi'tion, [disciein] s. addi- addio. tualmente, effettivamente, pre- zione, aggiunta, /.; raddoppia- Adip'ose, [adipze] adj. grasso. sentemente. ^ mento, m. Ad'it, [dit] s. adito, m. entraAc'tuary, [actciuare'] s. attua- Addi'tional, [adiscieunal] adj. ta, A rio, notaio, m. di soprappi. Adja'cency, [dgsense'] s.adjaAc'tuate, [ctciute] v. a. ef- Addi'tionally , cenza, contiguit, f. [adiscieunal] fettuare, incitare. adv. in modo che accresce. Adia'cent, [dgsnt] od;, adjaAc'uate, [chiute] v. a. affila- Ad'dle, [adi] adj. vuoto, vano, cente, contiguo. re, aguzzare. storile -egg, s. uovo sterile, wi.; Adject', [dgect] v. a. aggiunACuition , [acMuiscieun] s. -headed, adj. discervellato - gere, aumentare. aguzzamento, m. pa ted, adj. sciocco. Ad jective, [dgctiv] s.(gram.) Acu'leate, [achiuliote] adj. acu- Ad'dle, [adi] v. a. rendere ste- addjettivo, tn. to, acuminato. rile. Ad'jectively, [dgectvl] adv. Acn'men, [achiumen] s. acume, Address', [adres] s. indirizzo, addjettivamente. m.; acutezza, f. I.; sagacit, arte, rifugio, Adjoin', [dgioin] v. a. aggiuAcu'mnate, [achiuminete] v.a. m.; lettera dedicatoria, suppli- gnere, accrescere; -, v. n. esseaguzzare, appuntare, f. ca, f. re contiguo. Acupunc'ture , [achiupeunc- Address, [adres] v. a. indiriz- Adjoin'ing, [dgioning] adj tciurj s. (surg.) acupuntura, f. zare, presentare, [mandare, incontiguo, vicino, accosto. Acute', [achiute] adj. acuto, viare (una lettera). Adjourn', [dgeiru] v. a. diffeaguzzo, sagace, -, s. accento Adduce', [diuse] v. a. addur- rire, rimettere. acuto, m. re, aggiugnere. [adgeurning] Adjourn'ing , Acute'ly, [achiutele'] adw. acuta- Addu'cent, [diiisent] adj. ad- Adjourn'meut, [dgeiirnmnt] mente, sottilmente, sagace- duttore (detto di certi mu- s. dilazione, /. ; ritardameumente. scoli). to, m.


/". ;

Adjudge', [adgeudg]


Adop'tive, [dptv] adj. adotAdo'rable, [dorabl] adj. adorabile.

v. a. ag- Ad'mirably, [admirable'] adv. giudicare, decretare, condan- ammirabilmente. Ad'rairal, [admiral] s. ammirauaro. Adju'dicate, [adgiudicliete] v. glio, i.; Lord high -, grande ammiraglio, m. a. (/air.) aggiudicare.^ Adjutica'tion, [adgiudicliesci- Ad'miralship, [dmirlscip] s. almirante, m. (vascello). cuii] s. (/auj.) aggiudicazione ; Ad'miralship, [dmirlscip] s. condanna, f. Ad'junct, [adgeiinct] s. aggiun- carica di ammiraglio, f. Ad'miralty, [dmirlte'] s. amto, m. Ad'junct, [adgeiinct] adj. ag- miragliato, m. Admra'tion, [dmiresciein] s. giunto, adjacente.

Ado'rableness, [adrablnes]


Ado'rably, [adorable'] adv. adorabilmente. Adora'tion, [dorescieun] .adorazione, /. adoramento, m.


Adore, [dore] v.a. adorare.

Ado'rer, [doreur] s. adoratore, amante, m.; adoratrice, f. Adjunc'tion, [dgencsciein] s. ammirazione, maraviglia, f. aggiun- Admire', [dmir] v. a. ammi- Ado'ring, [adoring] s. adorazioaggiugnimento, m. ne, /. (abbellire. rare, maravigliarsi, amare. ta,/". Adjunc'tive, [adgeinctv] adv. Admi'rer, [dmaireiir] s. ammi- Adorn', [adorn] v. a. adornare, Adorn'ing, [adorning] Adorn'ratore, m. ; ammiratrice, f. aggiuntivo. Adjura'tion, [Edgiilresciewn] s. Admi'ringly, [dmairingljadv. ment, [adornment] s. adornamento, abbellimento, m. con maraviglia. aggiurazione,^. Adjure', [adgiure] v. a. scon- Ad'mssibility, [dmisiblite'] Adown' [daoiin] adv, & prep. gii, abbasso, abbasso di. s. la qualit di essere ammisgiurare. Adrift', [drift] adv. all'avvenAdjurer', [adgiiireur] s. scon- sibile, f. Admis'sible , [dmisibl] adj. tura, in balia; {mar.) in deriva. giuratore, m. Adroit', [adroit] adj. destro , Adjust', [adgeiist] v. a. aggiu- ammissibile, ricevibile.

stare, acconciare, regolare.




svelto, abile.

Adroit'ly, [adritle'] adv. deAdjus'ter, [dgeiister] s. ag- ammissione, entratura, f. giustatore, m. Admit', [admit] v. a. ammette- stramente. Adjust'ment, [adgeustment] s. re, introdurre, ricevere, accet- Adroit'ness, [droitnes] s. destrezza, /. aggiustamento, acconciamento; tare, permettere. Admit'table, [dmitabljadj. am- Adry', [drai] adj. & adv. che accordo, m. ha sete, sitibondo; all'asciutto Ad'jutancy, [adgiutanse'] $. uf- missibile, ricevibile. Admit'tance , [dmitnse] s. {volgare), fizio d'ajutante, m. Adsciti'tious, [dsitiscieus] adj. Adjutant, [dgiutnt] s. aiu- entrata, entratura, f. tante, m. Admix', [dmics] v. a. mischia- accessorio, completivo. Adscript, [adscript] s. uno teAdju'tor, [adgiuteur] s. aiu- re, mescolare. nuto al servizio, come appartatore, m. {poco usato). Admix'tion , [draicstcieun] Ad'juvate, [adgiuvete] v. a. aju- Admix'ture, [dmicstcieur] s. tenente a qualche posto, m. tare, assistere. mischiamento, m.; mistione, f. Adstriction, [dstrcsciun] , Admea'sure, [dmgiur] v. a. Admon'ish , [dmnisc] v. a. {med.) accostamento, m. misurare. ammonire, avvertire; ripren- Adula'tion., [diulsciun] s.

Admea'surement, [admegieiirinent]


adulazione, lusinga,


misuramento, m. Admon'isher, [dmonsceur] . Adulator, [adiulteur] . aduAdmensura'tion, [dmensiur- ammonitore, m. latore, lusinghiere, m. ; adulascieun] s. agguagliamento, m. Admon'ishment [dmonisc- trice, /. Adminic'ular, [adminichiular] mnt] Admoni'tion, [dmonls- Ad'ulatory, [adiulateur] adj.

adj. ajutativo. cieun] s. ammonizione,/.; avvi- lusinghiero. Admin'ister, [adraJnisteur] r.a. so; consiglio, m. Adula' tress, [diultres] s.aduamministrare, governare, aiu- Admoni'tive, [dmonitv] adj. latrice,/. tare; to - an oath, dare il giu- esortatorio. Adult' , [deult] adj. adulto, ramento. Admou'itory, [admoniteSr e] adj. cresciuto; -, s. adulto, m.; adoAdministrate, [admnistrcte] ammonitorio. lescenza, /. V. a. amministrare, dare {poco Admove', [dmiive] v. a. ap- Adul'terate, [deiilterte] v. a. usato). pressare, accostare(poco usato). adulterare; falsificare, corromAdministra'tion, [admnistre- Ado' [adii] s. strepito, romore, pere. Eciein] .amministrazione,/.; m. ; difficolt, fatica, /. Adul'terate, [deiilterte] adj. governo, m. Adoles'cence, [dolsnse] Ado- adulterato, falsificato. Admin'istrative[dministritiv] les'cency, [dolsense'] s. ado- Adultera'tion,[deiiltersciun] adj. amministrante. lescenza, giovent, /. s. adulterazione; corruzione,/. Administra'tor , [adminstre- Ado'nis , [adonis] s. Adone, Adul'terer , [deiiltereiir] s. ter] . amministratore, m. Adonide, m. specie di fiore. adultero, adulteratore, m. Administra'torship, [dmns- Ado'nize, [adonaize] v. a. ado- Adul'teress , [deilteros] s. trteirscip] s. amministrazionizzare. adultera, adulteratrice, /. ne, f. Adopt', [adopt] v. a. adottare, Adurterine,[dulterine]AdtirAdministratrix, [admnistr- ricevere. terous, [dcltereus]orfj, adultrics] s. amministratrice, /. Adop'tedly, [adoptedle'] adv. tero; d'adulterio. Admirabil'ity , [dmirablite'] per adottamento. Adulterous, [deultereiis] adj. s. ammirabilit, f. Adop'ter, [dptnr] s. adot- colpevole di adulterio. Ad'mirable, [dmirabl] adj. am- tatore, adottante, m. Adultery, [deiltere'] s. adulmirabile, maraviglioso. Adop'ting, [adopting] Adop'- terio, adultero, i. Ad'mirableness, [admirablnes] ton, [ddpsciun] s. adotta- Adult'ness, [deiiltiies] s. adul. ammiraljiUt, eccellenza, f. ziono, /. addottameuto, m. tezza, /,

Adum'brant, [adeumtrant]
v. a.

adj. ardito, coraggioso.


Adven'turous, [dventcieureus] Ad'vocate, [dvochte]


cato, intercessore, fautore, m.

Adum'brate, [adeumlrte]
re alla grossa.

adombrare, schizzare, disegna-

Adumbra'tion [deumbrescieun] 8. adombramento; schizzo, m.

Adun'cous, [adeuncheis]

uncinato. Adust',Adust'ed,[deust,deustd] adj. adusto, riarso. Adust'ible, [deustibljadj.adn(stione, /. stivo, consuntivo. Adus'tion, [deustcieun] s.aduAdvance', [dvanse] s. avanzo,






pagamento avanzato, m.
Advance', [dvanse] v. a. promuovere, anticipare; -, v. n. avanzare; andar innanzi. Advance-guard, [dvanse -gar d] s. vanguardia, f, Advance'ment, [advansement] s. avanzamento, aggrandimento, progresso,

Adven'turously, [dventcieur- Ad'vocate , [dvochte] . a, avvocare, patrocinare. usl] adv. arditamente. Adven'turousness[dvntciur- Ad'vocateship, [dvochtescpl usns] s. arditezza, temeri- s uffizio dell'avvocato, m. Advoca'tion, [dvochsciun] t, f. Ad'verb, [dveurb] s. avverbio, s. difesa, apologia, f. m. (avverbiale. Advow^ee', [dvaul] s. padroAdver'bial , [dveirbil] adj. ne; presentatore, ni. [dvauzeun] , Adver'bially, [dverbil] adv. Advow'son , padronaggio, m. ; presentazioavverbialmente. Ad'versary, [dveursar] s. av- ne (ad un benefizio), /. Adz, [dz] s. scure, f. versario, nemico, m. Adver'sative, [dveursatv] adj. ^di'le, [idile] s. edile, m. .E'gis, [dgis] s. egide, /.; scudo avversativo, avverso. Adverse , [dveurse] adj. av- di Minerva, m. .Eglogue, [glg] s. egloga, f. verso, contrario. Ad'versely, [dveursel] adv. JE'neid, [niidj s. Eneide, f. contrariamente, in modo con- Aerate, [irete] v. a. combinare con acido carbonico. trarioAdver'sity, [dveiirsite'] s. av- Ae'rial , [ril] adj, aereo, d' aria. versit, f. infortunio m. cala;


Advert', [dveurt]

Advan'cer, [dvanseir] s. promovitore, protettore, m. Advan'cing, [dvansng]s. avanzamento, m. Advan'tage, [dvantdge] s. vantaggio, soprappi, profitto, m.; utilit,/'.; to give one the -, dar la preferenza ad uno to


- of,

approfittarsi, prova-


Advan'tage, [dvantdge] v. a. acquistare, beneficare, promovere.



tdge-graoiind]s. posizione vantaggiosa, preeminenza f. Advantageous, [dvantdgeiis] adj. vantaggioso, profitt6vole_





Advanta'geousness, [dvantedjusns]

vantaggio, m.; uti-

m. Ad'vent, [advent] s. avvento, avvenimento, m.

lit, f.; profitto,


[dventscieus] auvibt', laavaizej ii. a. avverti- Affair', [fre] s. affare, fatto, adj. avveniticcio, casuale. Adventi'tiously, [dvntiscieus- re; consigliarle; -, v. n. consul- negozio, m. ; faccenda, f. Affect, [fct] v.a. muovere, aftare, deliberare, considerare. le'] adv. casualmente. Adven'ture, [advntcieure] s Advi'sed, [dviz'd] adj. avvi- fettare, pretendere. Affecta'tion , [fctescieun] s. sato, avvertito. avventura, f. ; accidente, peri affettazione, f. ; artifizio, m. colo, m.; by -, a caso; at all Advi'sedly , [dvizedl] adv. adventures, ad ogni evento, al- avvisatamente, cautamente, con Affec'ted, [affected] adj. affettato, inclinato, studiato. prudenza. la ventura. Adven'ture, [advntcieure] v. Advi'sedness, [dvaizedns] s. Affec'tedly, [fctdl]a(/v. con affettazione. considerazione, prudenza, f. a. avventurare, intraprendere Advise'ment, [dvaizemnt] s. Affec'tedness , [fectednes] . azzardare. Adven'turer, [dventcieureur] avvertimento, m. deliberazio- affettazione, f.; affettamento,
; ;

s. nido (di falconi &c.),m. (forra. derare, riflettere, menzionare. Ae'riform^ [iriform] adj. aeriAdver'tence, fdveiirtense] Ad- Ae'rify, [oirifi] v.a. erapire di ver'tency, [dveurtens] s av- aria. Ae'r olite, [lurolite] s. aereO' vertenza considerazione, f. Adver'tent , [advourtnt] adj. lito, aerolite, m. Aerol'ogy, [iurlodge'] s. aeroattento. Ad'vertse,[dverta"zelv.a.nn- logia, f. nunziare, avvertire, ammonire. Ae'romancy , [euromanse'] s. [dveiirtizeaerimanzia, aeromanzia, f. Adver'tisement, mut] s. annunzio, avviso, m. Aero'meter, [erdmeteur] s. aerometro, m. informazione, f. Adverti'ser, [dvcurtizeur] s. Aero'metry, [urometre'] s. aeromotria, /". avvisatore, wi. Adverti'sing, [dveurtaizng] s. Ae'ronaut, [eiironaut] s. aeronauta, m. informazione, f. Advice', [dvise] s. avviso, Ae'ther, [itheur] Aethe'real, [ithiril] &c.,vedi Ether, Etheconsiglio, m. ; - boat, s. nave real &c. di procaccio, f. Ad'vices, [dvases] s. pi. noti- Afar', [afr]arfv. lontano, lungi. Affability, [fabilit] s. affabizia, intelligenza, f. Advi'sable, [dvizabl]ady. con- lit, civilt, f. Affable, [fabl] adj. affabile, civenevole, prudente. Advi'sableness, [dvizablnes] vile, cortese. s. convenevolezza, utilit, pru- Affableness, [fablnes] s. affabilit, cortesia, benignit, f. denza, f. Advi'sably , [dvaizable'] adv. Affably, [fabl e'] adv. affabilmente, cortesemente. con consiglio, avvisatamente.



Ae'rie, [iri]


n. consi-

ne, f. . avventuriere, m. Adven'turesome, [dvntciur- Advi'ser, [dvaizeur]


avvisa- Affec'ting, [fecting] adj. pate-

tico. tore, consigliatore, m. Advi'sory, [dvaiser] arfj. che Affec'tingly, [afctngle'] adv. in modo patetico. Adven'turesomeness , [dven- contiene notizie. tcieursuiuusjs. arditezza, au- Advocacy, [dvocse'l s. difesa, Affec'tion, [fcscien] s. affeapologia, f. zione, f. amore, m. dacia, /.



ardito, temerario,




[afocscieuute] Aff'ran'chise, [frnciaize] t). a. Afternoon, [fteirniin] s. dopo pranzo, m. affrancare, far libero. [afecsciciin- Affray', [afre] s combattimento, After-pains, [ftur-penes] . AfFec'tionately , m.; scaramuccia,/'.; tumulto, m. etele] a(/v. affettuosamente. pi. dolori dopo il parto, m. pi. Affec'tionateness, [afcscieun- Affreight, [frete]seeFreight&c. After-reckoning, [fteiir-rcutcns] s. affetto, m.; tenerez- Affright', [frte] u. a. spaven- ing] .revisione d'un conto,/". tare, impaurare. Af'ter-taste, [fteur-tste] s. za, f. Affec'tioned, [fecscien'd] adj. Affright'ful , [frtefiil] adj. cattivo gusto ;_fastidio_, m. affettato, inclinato. spaventevole. Af'ter-times, [fteur-taimes] s. Affl'ance, [fainse] s. sponsa- Affront', [frint] s. affronto, pi. secoli futuri, m. pi.; avvelizio, m. ; confidenza, f. m. ; ingiuria, f. nire, m. Affi'ance, [fainse] v. a. spo- Affront', [friint] v. a. affron- Afterwards, [afteuroueurds] sare, fidanzare. adv. dopo, dipoi. tare, insultare, oltraggiare. Affidavit, [fidvt] s. [laiv.) de- Affron'ter, [fruntur] s. in- After- wit, [fter-ouit] s. senno posizione fatta con giuramen- sultatore, oltraggiatore, m. fuor di stagione, m. to, (. Affron'ting , [freunting] Af- Again', [aghn] adv. di nuovo, Affiliate, [filiete] v. a. adot- fron'tive, [freuntv] adj. olancora, un' altra volta; over -, tare (come figlio). un' altra volta; to come -, ritortraggioso, ingiurioso. Affilia'tion, [flliscieuu] s. fi- Affu'se, [fiilze] v. a. versare nare. Against, [aghenst] prp. contro, liazione, f. sopra, spargere. Af'finage, [finedge] s affina- Affusion , [fiugieun] s. affu- in faccia; - the grain, contra mento, raffinamento, m. pelo, contra voglia. sione, f. Affin'ity, [fnite'] s. affinit, Afield, [filde] ad. in campo, da Agape', [aghpe] adv. a bocca aperta, stupefatto. conformit, /. lunga. Affirm, [feurm] v. a. conferma- Aflat', [flt] adv. a livello. Agast', [agst] adj. spaventato, re, ratificare, approvare. Afloat', [flte] adv. a galla, stupefatto. Ag'ate, [ghete] s. agata, f. Affirm'able , [feurm abl] adj. flottante. che si pu affermare. Age, [dge] s. et,/".; secolo, m.; Afoot, [fut] adv. a piede. Affirmance , [feurmnse] s. Afore, [fore] adv. 6i prep. pri- old -, et avanzata, f.; full -, conferma, ratificazione. ma, avanti, innanzi; (mar.) a adolescenza, f. ; non -, minoriAffirmation , [frmsciun] prua; - going, adj. precedente, t, f.; to be of -, esser mag(tompato. s. affermazione, f. anteriore; - hand. adv. antici- giore, Affirm'ative, [feirraatv] adj. patamente; - mentioned, adj. A'ged, [odg'd] adj. vecchio, ataffermativo; -, s. affermativa,/". gi mentovato; - said, adj. sud- A'gedly, [edgedl] adv. come un Afflrm'atively, [furmatvle] detto, predetto; - ^/ioug/i(, pre vecchio. adv. affermativamente, positi- meditato; - time, adv. altre A'gency, [edgense'] s. azienda, vamente. azione, f. volte, tempo fu. Afflrm'er, [feirmeur] s. aff'er- Afraid', [frde] adj. spaventa- A'gent, [edgent] adj. agente; matore, confermatore, m. operante; -, s. agente, ministro, to, impaurito; to be -, temere; Affix, [fics] s affisso, m. presidente, m. to make -, far paura, spaven[glomeirete] Agglom'erate, Affix', [fics] 17. a. affissare, aftare. figgere, attaccare. Afresh', [fresc] adv di nuovo, V ti. aggomitolare, ammassare; adunare; -, v.n, aggomitolarsi, Affla'tion,[flsciun] s. afflate, da capo. spiraraento, wt. adunarsi. (zione, f. Afri'ca, [frica] s. Affrica Affla'tus, [fleteiis] s. inspira- African , [fricn] adj. Affr- Agglomeratio'n , [glmereAfflict', [flct] V. a. affliggere, scieun] s. lo stato di ossero cano. tormentare; to - one's self, af- Afront', [friint] adv. di fron- ammassato, fliggersi. Agglu'tinate, [gllutinte] t) a. te, in faccia. Afflictedness , [aflictednes] s. Aft, [ft] adv. (mar.) verso poppa. conglutinare, unire. afflizione, desolazione, f. After, [fteur]adt;. & prep. dopo, Ag'grandize, [grudalze] v.a. Afflic'ter, [flictur] s. che af- secondo, dietro, poi; (mar.) da aggrandire, accrescere, aumenadj. aiFezionato, affettuoso.

fligge, che tormenta. poppa; one - another, un dopo tare, [grndizAfflic'ting, [flctng] adj. af- l'altro ; - alt, in somma; to look Aggran'dizement, fliggente, doloroso. mnt] s. aggrandimento, m. -, cercare, aver cura, Afflic'tion, [aflicseieSn] s. af- Af'ter-ages,[fteiir-dge's] s. pi. Ag'grandizer, [grndizeur] s. flizione, f.; dolore, tormento, m. aggranditore, m. secoli futuri, m.pL; posterit, f. Afflic'tive, [flictiv] adj. afflit- After-hirth, [fteur-beirth-] Ag'gravate, [gravte] v. a. agtivo, doloroso. gravare, aumentare. _ Af'ter-burden, [fteir-beur-

Affluence, [fliuenselAf fluency dn] s. secondina, f. [fliuns] s. affluenza, abbon- Af ter-clap , [ftur-clp] s danza, f. evento inaspettato accidente, Affluent, [fliuent] odj. affluen- m. te, abbondante. After-cost, [fteiir-cost] s. Affluently, [fliuentl] adv. in spesa di soprappi, /. aft'Iuenza, abbondantemente. Af'ter-crop , [fteiir-crop] s. Afflux, [fleucs] Afflux'ion, seconda raccolta, f. [tleucscieun] f. afflusso, m. After-game, [fteir-gheme] s. Afford', [frd] u. a. dare, prov- nuovo spediente, m.; rivinci,

Aggrava'tion, [gravscieun] . aggravazione,/".; aggravamento, m. ; enormit, f. Ag'gregate, [grighete] adj. aggregato; -, s. aggregato, m.;

vedere, produrre. Affo'rest, [forst] v. a. far diTeair selva.

ta, f.

After-math, guaime, m.



Ag'gregate, [grighete] v. a. aggregare, unire. Aggrega'tion, [agrighescieiin] s. aggregazione, f. ; aggregare, m. Aggress', [gres] v. n. assalire,



Aim, [eme]

v. a.

Aggres'sion, [grsciein] .ag- Agree'ableness, [agrlablnes] s. gressione, /.;, m. convenevolezza, congruit, graAggres'sive, [grsiv] adj. che zia, f. attacca. Agree'ably, [agriable'] adv. conAggres'sor, [agresour] s. ag- venevolmente, piacevolmente, gressore, assalitore, m. vagamente. Aggriev'ance, [grvnse] s. in- Agree'ing,[agrnng]Agree'inent, giuria, /.; nocumento, m. [agrimnt] s. accordo, m.; conAggrieve', [agrive] u.o. afflig- formit, /. concento, m. gere, travagliare, danneggiare. Agrestic, [agrestic] adj. rurale, Aggroup', [grp] v. a. aggrop- rustico. pare, formare un groppo. Agricultural, [agricSultoural] Aghast', [gast] odj. spaventa- adj. appartenente all' agricolto, impaurito. tura. A'gile, [dgilj adj. agile, snello, Agricul'ture, [agriceultceur] s.

and n. mira.

re, aspirare, tendere.



aspirante, m.




mira. Air, [re] s. aria, apparenza, f. aspetto, 771.; cantata, /".; canto, m. lo build castles in the -, far castelli in aria; to take the -,
pigliar aria.




Air, [re] v. a. mettere all'aria, sventolare, seccare. Air-balloon, [re-bln] s. pallone aerostatico, m. Air'-biadder, [re-bladeir] s.

Agilely, agil- Agriculturist, [agriceultcelrist] [dgile'] adv. ' mente. s. agricoltore, m. A'gileness, [dglnes] Agil'ity, Aground', [agraund] adv. in [dgilit] s. agilit, destrezterra, sventuratamente. za, f. A'gue, [ghiu ] .febbre, /. ; fit Agist, [adgist] V. a. ingrassare of -, accesso di febbre, wi.; teril bestiame. tian -, febbre terzana, f. Agist'ment, [adgistment] s. in- A'gued, [eghiS'd] adj. febbrici grassamento di bestiame; ag- tante. giustamento, m. Ague-flt, [ghiu-fit] s. accesso Agis'tor, [dgisteur] s. ingras- di febbre, m._ satore di bestiame, m. A'guo-tree, [eghiu-tr] 5. sassaA'gitable, [dgitbl] adj. che si frasso, m. pu muovere. A'guish,[ghiuisc] adj. febbroso A'gitate, [dgitete] v. a. agi- A'guishness, [egbiuscns] s. tare, smuovere. qualit febbricosa, f. Agita'tion, [dgitescieiin] s. Ah! [al int. ah! ahim! ahil agitazione,/.; agitamento, m.; Aha! [h] in^. ben! bene! turbazione, f. Ahead', [ahd] adv. innanzi, daAgita'tor, [adgiteteur] s. ma- vanti; (mar.) a prua. neggiatore; agente, m. Ahoy, [ahi] int. termine mariAgnail, [gnle] s. {surg.) pa- no impiegato nel salutare. nereccio, m. Ahuir, [ahul] adv. (mar.) a Agnate', [g-nte] s. agnato, secco. parente, m. Aid, [de] s. ajuto, soccorso, Agnation, [ag-niscieun] i. ajutamento, m. agnazione; parentela, f. Aid, [de] v. a. aiutare, soccorAgni'tion, [ag-niscieiin] s. ri- rere. conoscimento, m. AJd'ance, [edanse] ajuto, sosteAgno'men, [g-nmen] s. so- gr'o, m.; assistenza, f.

Air-borne, [re-borne] adj. portato per aria, volante. Air'-built, [erc-bilt] adj. chimerico, vano.





che contengono aria, f. pi. Air'-drawn , [re-druu] adj.

finto, ideale.

Air'-gun, [ere-gheun]8.archibugio a vento, m. Air'-hole, [re-hle] s. sfogatojo, spiraglio, m. (reo. Airily, [eril] adv. in modo aeAir'iness, [rins] s. l'esporre all' aria, m.; leggerezza,/. Air'ing, [rolng] .passeggiata, r esporre ali aria, m. f.

Air'less, [reVs] adj. senz'aria. Air'ling, [erlng] s. vivace giovane, m.

Air'-pump, [cre-peump] ba pneumatica, f.

raglio, m.




Air-tight, [ere-taite] adj. impermeabile air aria. Air-vessel, [re-vsel] s. tubo respirante, m. Air'y, [re] adj. d' aria, aereo,

Ago', [ago] adv'. tempo fa, da; how long -? qua,nto tempo ? some years -, anni sono a short while -, poco fa. Agog', [agog] adv. to set -, far venir desiderio. Ago'ng, [agoing] adv. in movimento, in atto to be -, an; ;

giulivo._ Ad&Tit, [idnt] adj. ajutante. Aid-de-camp', [e-de-cong] s. Aisle, [alle] s. navata (d' una chiesa), f. ajutante di campo, m. Aid'er, [edeur] s. ajutante, al- Alt, [te] s. soletta (in un fiu-





Aid'less, [dles] adj. sprovveduto, impotente. Ai gret, [grt] and Aigrette, [grt] s. piccolo bianco airodare. ne; mazzo di penne, brillanAgo'nist, [agonist] s. competi- ti, &c. m. tore per un premio nei pubblici Ail, [eie] V. a. appenare, torgiuochi, m. mentare; what ails you? che Ag'onize, [gonaize] v. n. essere male avete? / - nothing,non ho in agonia, soffrire. niente. Ag'ony, [agone] s. agonia, an- Ail, Ail'ment, [le-leraent] s. goscia, ^ male, m.; indisposizione, f. Agra'rian, [agririan] adj. ap- Ail'ing, [leng] ad;, indisposto,

Ajar, [adgiar] adj. socchiuso. Ake, [oke] s. male, dolore, m. Ake, [kejv.n.far male, dolere. Akin', [akin] adj. apparentato, consanguineo. Al'abaster, [labasteur] s. alabastro, m. Al'abaster j [labasteur] adj.

Alack'! [alc] int. ohim! oimi Alack'aday! [alc-a-d]m^ ohim! misero me! Ala'crious, [alcrieus] adj. al-

partenente ai terreni. legro. incomodato. Agree', [agri] v.a. metter d'ac- Ailment, [element] s. malattia, Alac'rity, [lacrite'] s. vivacit, cordo, quietare -, v. n. accor- indisposizione, f. allegrezza, f. cordarsi, convenire. Aim, [me] .mira, f. bersaglio, Alamode, [lamode] adv. alla ft.gree'able, [agriabl] adj. condisegno, m.; to miss one's -, moda. venevole, piacevole, ameno, mancare il colpo; to lake one's Aland', [aland] adv. a terra, in terra. grato. -, prender la m,ira, mirare.




alarm', [alarmi s. allarme, spa- Alem'bic, [alembic] . limbicco, Alko'ran, [lcorn] .alcorano. lambiccio, m. vento, m.; to sound an -, suonaAll', [ani] aiij. tutto; - of a sudre all'arme; to ia/ce -, inquie- Alert', [aleurt] adj. vigilante; den, subitamente; - over, da lesto. tarsi; - bell, s. campana dello per tutto; not at -, no certo; stormo, tn.;- ciocfc, svegliatojo, Alert'ness, [leurtnes] s. vigi- - the better, tanto meglio; lanza, destrezza, leggierozza, f. nowhere at -, in nessun luogo; tn.; - post, s. luogo dell'appuntamento, .,- tfaicA, s. sveglia, f. le'-wife, [ele-ouailej s. ostes- 'tis - one, tutt'uno; (mar.) - hands ahoy a rival -, adv. in Alarm', [alarm] v. a. allarma- sa, /. Alexan'drine, [legzandraine] tutto, intieramente; -, tutto, re, spaventare. Alar'ming, alarming] adj. al- adj. alessandrino. totale, m. Alexiphar'mic, [alecsifrrafc] Allay, [alle] s. lega, misura, f. larmante, stupendo. Alar'mingly, [aJrmingle'] adv. adj. alessifarmaco. Allay', [alle] v. a. alleggiare, Alga', [alga] s. alga, f. spaventevol mente. mitigare. Alar'mist, [alarmist] s. profeta Argebra,[ldgibra] s. algebra,/". Allay'er, [alle'eir] s alleggiaAlgebra'ic, [ldgibrec] Alge- tore, mitigatore, n. di male, m. bra'ical, [ldgibreicl] adj. al- Allay'ment, [llmnt] s. allegAlas, [alas] int. ohim! oim! Alb, [alb] s. camice, vestiario gebraico, d' algebra. giamento, conforto, m. [ldgibrical] All-cheer'ing, [aul-cirlng] adj. Algebraically, ecclesiastico, m. Alba'tross, [albatros] s. uccello adv. in modo algebraico. rallegrante. smisurato, tn. Algebra'ist, [ldgibrst] s. al- AU-con'quering, [aul-concheirAlbesceut, [albosent] adj. bian- gebrista, m. ingl adj. invincibile. castro. Algi'dness, [ldgldnes] s. algo- Allega'tion, [lighesciein] s. Albumen, [albiumen] m. albu- re, m. allegazione, dichiarazione, f. Algous, [lgheis] adj. algoso. me, in. Allege', [ldge] i;. a. allegare, Albuminous, [albiiimineus] adj. Al ias, [lis] adv. alfcrimente. dichiarare. Al'ibi, [libai] s. (law) alibi, m. Alleg'er, [aledgeir] s. allegatoavendo le qualit di albume. straadj. alieno, specie A'iien, [lin] Al'caics, [lcbcs] s. pi. re, dichiaratore^ m. niero; -, s. forestiere, m. & f. di metro latino. Alle'giance,[lidginse] .lealt, Al'caid, [lcaid] s. governatore A'iienable, [clinabl] alienabile. fedelt, f. Alienate, [liente] v. a. alie- Allegor'ical, [ligorical] adj. spagnolo, m. Alcalde , [alcalde] s. giudice nare, trasferire, vendere. allegorico. spagnolo, m. A'iienate, [liente] A'iienated, AUegor'ically, [aligoricl] adv. Alche'mical, [lchimical] adj. [lienetd] adj. alienato, tra- allegoricamente. alchimico. sferito. Allegorist, [ligorist] s. allegoI

Alche'mically,[alclimcl]arfu. Aliena'tion,[lienscieun]s. alie- rista, m. nazione, /. ; - of mind, s. alie- Al'legorize , [aligoraize] v. a. a modo d" alchimista. Al'chemist, [lchimstjs. alchi- nazione di mente, f. allegorizzare. mista, m. Alienator, [elieneteiir] s. alle- Al'legory, [aligere] s allegoAl'chemy, [lchime'] s. alchi- natore, m. ria, f. mia, f. Alienee, [lieni] s. quello a cui Allegretto , [alegrto] adj. alArcohol, [alcohol] s. alcol, m. fatta r alienazione, m. quanto allegro. Alcoholization , [lchlize- Aliferous, [alilreiis] and Alige- Alle'gro, [legro] s. allegro, m, scien) s. alcolizzazione, f. rous,[alidgiereus]a(fj. aligero. AUe'luia, [leliia] s. Alleluia. Arcoholize, [lcoholize] v. n. Alight', [alalte] v. n. smontare, Alle'viate, [lvite] v. a. alleraffinare perfettamente, alco- mettere pie a terra. viare, mitigare. lizzare. Alike', [aliche] adv. simile, si- Allevia'tion , [allvlescieun] . Al'coran,[alcorn]s. alcorano, m. milmente, parimente. alleviamento, conforto, m. Alcove, [alcove] s. alcove, m. Al'iment, [aliment] s. alimento, Al'ley, [alle] s. viale di giarAl'der, [uldour] s. ontano, wi. cibo, m. dino, chiassolino, chiasso, m. Al'derman, [uldurmn]". ma- Alimen'tal , [alimentai] Ali- AU-hal'lowtide, [aul-hlotade] gistrato, priore, m. men'tary, [alimentare] adj. . primo di novembre, m. Al'dermanly, [uldeurmanle'] alimentoso, nutritivo. Alli'ance, [laiause]s. alleanza, adv. a modo di priore. Alimenta'tion, [limentesciein] affinit, f. Al'dern, [uldeirn] adj. d' on- .l'alimentare, nutricamento.m. Al'lied , [lai'd] adj. alleato, tano. Al'imony, [limun] s. pensio- confederato. Ale, [ile] s. cervogia, birra for- ne alimentaria, f. Al'lies, [laize] s. pi. alleati, te, f. Aliped, [aliped] adj. alipede. confederati, m. pi. s. Al'iquant Ale'-brewer , [ele-brueiir] [liq^unt] adj. ali- Al'ligate, [lighete] v a colle, che fa la birra o cervogia, m. quanto gare (gatore, m. Ale'-conner, [le-lidnur] s. uf- Al'iquot, [aliquot] arfj. aliquote. AUiga'tor, [ligbteir] s. allilciale che esamina la birra, Alive', [alaive] adj. vivente, vi- Allitera'tion, [litrscioin] s. Alee', [ali] adv. (mar.) sotto il vo, attivo. alliterazione, ripetizione, f. vento. Al'kali, [lcq,l] s. alcali, wi. Al'literatire, [alitrativ] adj Ale'hoof, [le-hiif] s. edera ter- Al'kaline, [alcalaine] adj. alca- che appartiene airalliterazioue. restre, f. lino. All-know'ing, [aul-ning] adj. Ale'-house, [le-haous] . oste- Alkal'izate, [alclaizote] v. a. onnisciente. ria, f. alcalizzare. Allocution, [alocliluscieun] s. Ale'-house-keeper, [elc-haos- Alkaliza'tion, [alklaizescieun] allocuzione,y. Allodial, [ldil] adj. allodiale. chipeir] .oste, m. s. alcalizzazione, f. Ale'-shot, [le-sht] s. conto da Alkermes, [lkeurmes] s, ai- AUo'dium, [ldieum] s.(jur.) chermes. allodio, m. pagarsi per la birra, m.

Allopathic, [alopath^ic]




[ameund- Al'terant, [lteiirnt] and Al'te* scp'd] adj. mandorlato, aven- rative, [olteiirctiv] adj. alteAllopathist, [alopath^ist] s. al- do la forma di mandorla. rante; s. che ha potere di altelopatico. Al'moner, [amoneir] s. elemo- rare, m. Allopathy, [lopath-] s. allopa- siniere, m. Alteration , [lteirscieun] s tia Al'monry , [amonr] s. ufficio alterazione, f. Allot' , [alot] V. a. assegnare , dell' elemosiniere, m. Alterca'tion, [olteirchescieun]


Al'most, [ulmst] adv. quasi,

pressoch. Alms, [ames] s. pMimosina, f.; - basket, s. paniere da limosino, m.; - deed, s. dono caritatevole, m.; - giver, s. limosiniere, m. - house, s. spedale, m. ; - man, s. limosinante, mendicante, m. Al'night, [aulnaite] s. candela di cera, lumicina, f. Al'oes, [ls] s. alo, m. Aloet'ical, [aloticlj adj. aloe;


altercazione, contesa,



[lotinent] s. assegnazione, distribuzione, /. Allow', [lao] V. a. dare, ac-

Alter'nacy, [lteiirnace']



cordare, concedere, permettere.

adj. ammissibile, permesso, giusto. AUow'ableness, [laoiablns] s. legittimit, propriet; giustezza,

AUow'able, [lauabl]





ternazione, f. Alter'nate, [alteurnete] adj. alternativo, reciproco. Alter'nate, [lteirnete] v. a. alternare; avvicendare^ Alter'nately, [lteirnetele'] adv. a vicenda. Alter'nateness, [lteurnitene'] 8. vicendevolezza, scambievolezza,



(wior.) razione, /


Allowance, [alaoianse] v, a. tico. restringere ad una certa quan- Aloft', [aloft]ad. & prep.

su, in


Al'loy [lol]




[ul-soles-de'] s.

Alone', [alone] adj. & adv. solo, solitario to let -, lasciare sta;

giorno commemorativo dei fe- re, abbandonare. deli defunti, m. Along', [along] adv. & prep, pur Allude', [liude] v. n. alludere, via, alla lunga, lungo; accosto; sottintendere. appresso; come -, vien pur via; Allure', [liiire] v. a. adescare, to lie -, coricarsi. allettare. Aloof,' [alif] adv. d lungi; da Allurement, [liilrement] .ade- lontano. scamento, allettamento, m. Aloud, [aloud'] adv, ad alta Allu'rer, [liureur] s. adescato- voce, forte. re, allettatore, m. Alp', [lp] s. alpe, qualunque alta

[alteurnescieiin] alternazione, f. Alter'native, [lteurnativ] adj. alternativo; -, s. alternativa, f. Alternatively, [lteurnatvl] adv. alternativamente. Although, [aulth'] conj. bench, ancorch.

Altim'etry, [ltimetre'] s. altimetria, f. Artitude,[ltitiude] s. altitudine, altezza,


[aultughth'eur] Altoge'ther, adv. affatto, interamente. Al'um, [leum] s. allume, m. Alu'minous, [liuminus] adj. AUu'ring, [liuiiig] adj. lusin- montagna, f. alluminoso. ghevole, fallace; -, s. alletta- Alps, [lps] pi. le Alpi. Alveary, [lviare'] s. alveario,m. mento, m. Al'paca' [alpaca] s. alpaca, pe- Al'ways, [uluze] adv. semAUu'ringly, [liiiringl] adv. cora di Per, f. pre, continuamente. lusinghevolmente. Al'pha, [alfa] s. (alfa primo ele- Am, [m] prima persona del Allu'ringness, [liringnes] s. mento deir alfabeto greco /".). singolare pres. del v. to Be. allettanza, lusingheria, f. Al'phabet, [lfabt] v. a. alfa- Amabil'ity, [mabilit] s. amaAllu'sion, [liiiscieiin] s. allu- betare. bilit, piacevolezza, f. sione, f. Al'phabet, [lfabt] s. alfabeto Amain', [amone] arfu. vigorosaAllu'sive, [lisiv] a'/j. allusivo. wi. (alfabetico. mente {mar.) a tutta forza. AUu'sively [aliiisivl] adv. Alphabet'cal, [lfabtieal] adj. Amal'gamate, [amalgamete] v, in modo allusivo. Alphabet'ically, [lfabticle] a. amalgamare. AUusiveness, [liasivnes] s. al- adv alfabeticamente. Amalgama'ton , [amai gam elusione, f. Alpine, [lpaine] adj. alpestre, scieun] s. amalgaraazioiie, f. Alluvial, [liivil] adj. che ap- alpestre. Amanuen'sis, [amniunss] s. partiene air alluvione. Alread'y, [aulrde'] adv. gi, di amanuense, copista, segretario, Alluvion, [liiiviun] s. alluvio- gi, innanzi. (ranto, m. m. ne, f. Al'so, [ulso] conj. anche, anco- Am'aranth, [amarntli'2] s amaAll'- wise, [aul-ouaise] adj. onra, oltre. Amaritude, [amar itiiide] s amanisciente. Al'tar, [ltr] s. altare, m. rezza, f. Ally',[lai]s.alleato,parente, m. Al'tarage, [ltardge] .profitti Amaryllis, [amarllis] s. amaAlly', [alai] v. a. associare, lede' preti, m. pi. rilli, f. gare. Al'tar-cloth, [ltr-clth^] s. Amass', [rnas] v. a. ammassaAlma'gest, [almadgest] s. al- panno da coprire V altare, m. re, accumulare magesto. Artar-piece,[ltr-pise] s pit- Amass'ment, [misment] s. amAl'manac, [uulmanc] s. alma- tura posta sopra V altare, l'in- massamento, m. nacco, m. tera decorazione d' un altare, f. Amateur', [mateiir] s. amatoAlmigh'tness, [aulmaitines] s. Al'ter, [lteur] v. a. alterare, re, dilettante, m. onnipotenza, f. cangiare, rifare; -, v. n. cam- Amativeness , [amativnes] s. Almigh'ty, [aulraaite'] adj. on- biare, variare, corrompersi. propensit all' amore, f. nipotente; the Almighty, s. Al'terable, [olteurabl] adj. al- Am'atory, [matour] adj. ama^ r Onnipotente, m. terable. torio. ^ Al'mond, [ameind] s. mandorla, Al'terableness, [olteurablnes] Amau'rosis, [amaiirosis] s. atree, s. mandorlo, m. attezza ad alterarsi, f. maurosi, f. f. ; Almond-oil, [ameiind-auil]s.olio Al'terably, [lteurabl] adv. in Amaze', [ameze] s. stupore, ni. di mandorle, m. modo alterabile. sorpresa, f.
, ; ,

Amaze', [ameze]
v. a.









munizione, f. ; - bread, s. pane ambulare. Ama'zedness,[amzodn9s]Araa- Ambula'tion, [ambiiilcsciein] s. di munizione, m. ze'ment, [amezemnt] s. sor- andamento, passeggio lento, m. Am'nesty,[mnste'] .amnistia, perdono generale, m. [mbiiileteiir] f. Am'bulatory , presa, /. stupore, m. Amo'mnm', [mmeum] s. amoAma'zing, [amazing] ailj. stu- adj. ambulatorio. mo, m. [mbeuscliode] Am'buscade , pendo, m aravi glioso. Ama'zingly, [amezngl] adv. Am'bush, [mbiisc] s. imbo- Among', [meung] Amongst', [meiingst] prp. fra, tra, infra. scata, f. agguato, inganno, wi.; maravigliosamente. Am'azon, [mazoun] s. amazzo- to lie in -, tender un agguato. Am'orist, [mrist] . amante, (roso. Am'busbment, [mbiiscmnt] s. innamorato, m. ne,/. Am'orous, [moreus] adj. amoAmazonian, [mazonin] adj. imboscata, f. Ame'liorate, [amiliorte] v. a. Am'orously, [moreusl] adv. amazoneo. amorosamente, con amore. Amba'ges, [mtdges] s. amba- migliorare. Ameliora'tion, [amliorescieun] Am'orousness, [moreusns] s. ge' f' ^ amorevolezza, affezione, f. Ambassador , [ambasadeur] s. s. miglioramento, wi. A'men, [emnj adv. amen, cos Amort', [mrt] adj. ammortito, ambasciadore, m. malinconico. Ambas'sadress, [mbsadres] s- sia. Ame'nable [mlnabl] adj. ri- Amortiza'tion,[mortizescieun] ambasciadrice, /. s. (law.) estinzione, /". sponsabile; tenuto. Am'ber, [mbeiir] s. ambra, /. Am'ber, [mbeiir] ad}, ambrato, Amend', [amend] v. a. ammen- Amor'tize,[mrtaizeJv.a.(/aio.) dare; -, V. n. ammendarsi, cor- estinguere. d' ambra. Amotion, [mosciein] s. rimoviAm'bergris, [ambeiirgries] s. reggersi, tornare in salute. Amendable, [mndabl] adj. mento, m. ambracane, m. Amount', [maount] s. montanAmbidex'ter, [ambidecsteur] s. capace d' essere corretto. Amendatory, [mndature']adj. te, m.; somma totale, f. ambidestro, furbo, m. Amount', [maount'] v.n. monAmbidexter'ity, [ambidcsteri- fiorrettivo. tare, arrivare, ascendere. te] s. dissimulazione, furbe- Amen'der , [mndeur] s. amAmour', [mr'] s. intrigo amomendatore, correttore, m. ria, f. Ambidex'trous[mbidecstrus] Amend'ment, [amendment] s. roso, m. ammendamento, m.; riforma, f. Amphi'bious, [mfibies] adj. adj. ambidestro, doppio. Ambidex'trousness, [mbidecs- Amends', [amends] .ammenda, anfibio. ricompensa, f. ; to make -, ri- Amphibo'logy, [mfibolodg] 8. trusns] vedi Ambidexterity. anfibologia, f. Am'bient, [mbint] adj. am- compensare, rimunerare. Amenity, [mnite'] s. amenit, Am'phisboena, [mfisbna] $. biente. specie di serpente, /. Ambigu'ty, [mbiguite'] s. am- piacevolezza, /. Amerce' , [mourse] v. a. im- Amphithe'atre, [rafith^iaturj biguit, dubbiezza, f. s. anfiteatro, m. Ambig'uous, [mblgueus] adj. porre una multa. ambiguo, equivoco. Amerce'able, [ameursabl] adj. Ampbithea'trical, [mfitb^itricl] adj. anfiteatrale. Ambig'uously , [ambfgucusl] soggetto all'ammenda. [meursment] Am'ple, [mpi] adj. ampio, largo. adv. ambiguamente, equivoca- Amerce'ment , [meirscia- Am'pleness , [mplns] s. ammente. Amer'ciament , piezza, grandezza, f. Ambig'uousness, [mbiguieis- rant] s. ammenda, multa, f. ns] s. ambiguit, f. Am'ethyst, [mith^ist] s. ama- Amplia'tion, [mpliscieun] s. ampliazione; (law.) prorogaziotista, f. Am'bit, [mbt] s. circuito, m. Amethyst'ine, [raifch-stiaine] ne, f. circonferenza, f. adj. dell' amatista. Amplificate, [amplifichete] v. Ambi'tion, [mbiscieun] s. am bizione, f. A'miable, [miabl] adj. affezio- a. amplificare. Ampliflca'tion , [mplifichAmbi'tious, [mbiscieiis] adj. nato, affabile, benigno. ambizioso. A'miableness, [miablns] s. af- scieun] s. amplificazione, f.

Ama'zedly, [amezdle'] adv.





Ammuni'tion, [miuniscien] t.

modo sorprendente.

Ambi'tionsly fabilit, grazia, benignit, f. [ambiscieusle'] adv. ambiziosamente. A'miably, [miabl] adv. amaAmbi'tiousness,[mbiscieusns] bilmente, benignamente. s. ambizione, f. Am'icable, [micabl] adj. amiAm'bitude, [mbitiide] s. cir- chevole, piacevole. conferenza, f. Am'icableness, [micablnes] s. Am'ble, [mbi] s. ambio, m. benevolenza, cordialit, /. Am'ble, [mbi] v. n. andar Am'icably, [amicable] adv. ami,

Am'plifier, [mplifrdeur]



plificatore, Tn.;amplificatrice,

Am'plify, [mplifi] v. a. amplificare, esagerare -,v.n. dif;

fondersi, distendersi. Am'plitude, [mplitiiide] plitudine, ampiezza, f.



mente, mente.

cavallo Am'ice, [amis] s. ammitto, m. Amid', [mld] Amidst', [amidst] Am'putate, [mpiutete] v. a. Am'blingly, [rablingl] av. prp. fra, nel mezzo. (surg.) amputare, troncare. col passo dell'ambio. Amid'ships, [midscips] {mar.) Amputa'tion, [mpiutscieun] Ambro'sia, [mbrgia] s. am- il mezzo del bastimento. s. {surg.) amputazione,/".; tronbrosia, f. Amiss', [amis] adv. male, amalo, camento, m. Ambro'sial , [mbrogil] adj. in mala parte ; to take -, pren- Am'ulet, [miulet] s. amuleto, d" ambrosia; celeste. dere in mala parte. m. Ambs'ace, [mbsse] . ambas- Am'ity, [mit] .amicizia, con- Amuse', [miiize] v. a. trattesi, m. pi. cordia, f. nere, tenere a bada.

r ambio. Am'bler [mbleur]

ambiante, m.


[mpie] adv. ampialargamente, copiosa-

Amuse'ment, [amiuzement]



s. scieun] . Tatto di notomizza- Angel'icalness, [andgeliclns] s. eccellenza angelica, /". trattenimento, passatempo, m. re. Amu'ser, [amiuzeur] s, trastul- Anat'omize, [natomaizc] v. a. Angelot, [ndgelt] . angelica, /. {strumento). notoraizzare. latore, m. Amu'sing, [amiazing] adj. di- Anat'omy, [natome'] s. anato- An'gel-shot, [endgel-sciot] . palla ramata, /. mia, notomia. vertente. Amusingly, [amiiizingle'] adv. An'cestor, [nsesteur] s. ante- An'ger, [nghur] s. collera, ira, stizza, /. nato, predecessore, i. in modo divertente. Amu'sive, [miuzv] adj. dilet- An'cestorial, [nsstoril] An'- An'ger, [ngheur] v. a. adirare, tevole, sollazzevole. cestral, [nsstrl] adj. " an- irritare, stizzare. Ang'erly, [ngheurle'] adv. (see tenati, ereditario. An' [n] art. uno, una, Anabap'tist, [anabaptist] s. An'cestry, [nsstre'] s. schiat- Angrily) adiratamente, .stizzosamente. ta, razza, f. anabattista, m. Ana'chronism, [anacronifsm] s. An'chor, [ancor] . ancora, /".; to An'gina, [andgana] s. angina. cast -, gittar V ancora; to lie, An'gle, [ugi] s. amo (da pigliar anacronismo, m. Anaconda, [anaconda] s. specie ride at -, essere air ancora; to pesci); (ffeom.) angolo, m.; -rod, s. canna da pescare, /. weigh -, scioglier 1' ancora. di serpente smisurato, f. An'agram, [anagram] s. ana- An'chor, [ancor] v.n. gittar l'an- An'gle, [ugi] v. a. pescare coll'amo, allettare. cora, ancorare. gramma, m. Anagrammatist [anagram atist] Anchorable , [ncorhl] adj. Ang'ler, [ngleur] s. pescatore coir amo, wi. adattato per aujiorare. s. anagrammatista, n. Anagram'matize , [nagrama- An'choret,[nc6ret] An'chorite, An'glicism, [anglisism] s. anglicismo, m. [ncorite] s, anacoreta, eretaize] V. n. anagrammatizzare. An'glicize, [nglisaize] v. a. An'alects, [analects] s. fl. ana- mita, m. Ancho'vy,[anciove'] .acciuga,/". render inglese. letti, m. pi. Analog'ical, [analodgical] adj. An'cient, [ncscint] adj. anti- An'gling , [angling] . pescare coir amo, m. analogico. co, vecchio; to grow -, invecAn'grily, [ngrile'] adv. con colAnalogically , [analodgicale'] chiare. adv. per analogia. An'cient, [nescient] s. bandie- lera, iratamente. Anal'Dgize, [analodgaize] v. a. ra,/.; pennoncello, m. ; - bearer, An'gry, [ngre'] adj. irato, collerico; to te-, essere in collera; s. portastendardo, m. spiegare per analogia. Anarogons, [nalgheus] adj. An'ciently , [nescintle'] adv. to make -, far adirare. An'guish, [ngusc] s. angoscia, anticamente, a' tempi andati. analogo, simile. Anal'ogy, [nlodge'] . analo- An'oientness, [nescientns] $. /. ; affanno, m. An'gular, [nghiular] and An'antichit, anzianit, /. gia, conformit, f. Ana'lysis, [nlisTs] .analisi,/'. An'ci entry, [enescintre'] s. an- gulous, [nghiuloiis] adj. angolare, angoloso. Analy'tical, [anliticl] ad]. zianit, /. Ancients, [ngcients] s. pi. gli An'gularly , [anghinlrle'] adv. analitico. con angoli. Analy'tically, [analticale] adv. antichi, antenati, m. pi. An'cile, [nsaile] . ancile, scu- An'gularness,[anghiularne3] s. per via d' analisi. forma angolare, /. An'alyze, [nalaize] v. a, ana- do di Marte, m. Ancillary, [nslare'] adj. ap An'galated, [anghiuletd] adj. lizzare. An'alyzer, [an'alaizeiir] s. ana- partenente ad una domestica, angolato. lista, notomista, m. od al servizio femminile; subor Anhela'tion, [anilsciein] s. anelito, m. An'anas, [nanas] s. ananasso, dinato, inferiore. Anights', [anaites]adtJ. di notte, And', [and] coni, e, ed. m. Anar'chic, [narcliTc] Anar'- An'dante, [andante] arf;. (mws.) in tempo di notte. andante, fra largo ed allegro. Anile'ness,[anallenes] Anil'ty, chical, [anarchical] adj. anarAnd'iron, [ndaieiirn] . alare, [anilite] s. vecchiezza (d' una chico, d' anarchia. donna), f. An'archist, [anarchist] s. uno m. An'drogyne , [androdgine] s Animadver'sion, [animadveiirche eccita alla rivolta. scieun] s. biasimo, censura. An'archy , [nrche'] s. anar- ermafrodito, m. An'ecdote, [anecdote] s. aned- Aiiimadver'sive[nimdveiarsiv] chia, f. adj. censurante, critico. Ana'thema, [nath-ima] .ana- doto, tn. Anemo'meter, [nimomiteur] s Animadvert', [nimdveirt] v. tema; scomunica, /. a. osservare, considerare, noAnathematical, [nath^imat- anemometro, m. Ane'mone , [anemone'] s. ane- tare, criticare. icl] adj. d' anatema. Animadver'ter, [animadveirAnathema'tically, [nath-imat- mone, tn. Aneu'rism, [niurism] s. aneu- teur] s. censore, critico, m. icl] adv. per via d'anatema. An'imal, [animal] s. animale, tn. Anath'ematize, [nath'-ima- risma, m. taize] V. a. anatemizzare, sco- Anew', [niii] adv. di nuovo, an- An'imal, [animai] adj. animale. Animal'cule, [nimlchiule] s. cora, m. municare. Anathematizer, [anath-ima An'gel, [ndgel] . angelo, an- animaletto, m. [animalgiolo, w.; moneta vecchia d' In- Animal-magnetism, taizeur] s. uno che scomunica m,. mgnitism] see Mesmerism. Anatom'ical, [anatomical] adj. ghilterra. An'gelica, [andgelica] . {hot.) An'imate, [nimte] v. a. anianatomico. mare, incoraggiare. angelica, /. [an atomica! e'] Anatom'ically, Angel'ic, [ndglc] Angel'ical, An'imate, [nimete] An'imated, adv. anatomicamente. [nimetd]adj. animato, brioso. Anat'omist, [anatomist] .ana- [ndglicl] adj. angelico. Angelically, [ndglicl) adv. Anima'tion, [animsceun] . tomista, notomista, m. ^nato'mizatioii; [ntomalz- come un angelo, con amabilit. animazione, vivacit, /.



An'techamber, [antitchombour]
$. anticamera, f. An'tedate, [ntidte]

^n'imative, [animetiv] adj. vi- Annu'merate, [aniilmirte] v.a, vificante. annoverare. An'tmator, [animeteur] s. ani- Annumeration , [anniiimirisciein] s. aggiunta. matore, m. Animos'ity, [animosite] s. ani- Annun'ciate, [neunsciete] v. a. annunziare. mosit, f. rancore, m. Annuncia'tion[aneunsciescein] An'lse, [anis] s. anice, m. [anounAnise-seed, [anis-side] s. seme Annuncia'tion-day , dell'anice, m. sciscieun-de'J s. annunziazioAn'kle,_ [and] An'kle-'bone, ne, f.

v. a.





adj. antediluviano.

An'telope, [antilope]





adj. antemeridiano.

[ancl-bone] s. (anat.); caviglia Annunciator , [aneutiscieteur] Antenuptial,[ntineupscial] ad;, antenuziale. s. annunziatore, m. del piede, f. ^ Anklet, [anclet] .piccolo orna- An'odyne, [nodaine] adj. (med.) An'tepenult , [antipineult] s. anodino. (unguentare. (gram.) antepenultima, f. mento per la caviglia, m. Annalist, [nalst] s. annali- Anoint', [anoint] v. a. ugnere, Antepilep'tic, [ntipileptic] adj. Anoint'er, [nointeur] s. che fa antiepilettico. sta, m. Ante'rior, [ntirier] adj. anAn'nals, [anals] s. pi. annali, r unzione, m. Anointing , [anointing] and teriore, precedente. m. pi.

An'nats, [anats] s. pi. annate, Anoint'ment, [anointment] s. frutti, m. pi. unzione, f. f. pi.; primi Anneal', [anile] v. a. temperare Anom'alous , [anomaleus] adj. (unire anomalo, irregolare, (il vetro). ^ Annex', [anecs] v. a. giuguere, Anom'alously , [anomaleusle'] Annexa'tion, [necsesciun] s. adv, irregolarjuente. aggiunzione, f.^ Anomaly, [anomale'] s. anomaAnnex'ion, [ncscieun] s. ag- lia, irregolarit, f. giugnimento, m. ;_aggiunta, f. Anon', [anon] adv. adesso adesAnni'hilable , [anaihilabl] adj. so, fra poco; subito; ever and-, ad ogni momento. che pu annichilarsi._ Anni'hilate, [anailiilete] v. a. Anon'ymous, [nonimeus] adj. annichilare. anonimo. Annihila'tion, [anaihilescieun] Anon'ymously, [anonmeusle'] adv. anonimamente, 8. annichilazione, distruzione, f. Annlver'sary, [aniveursare'] adj. Anoth'er, [neuth ur]arf/.altro, annuale; -, s. anniversario, m. differente; one -, V un V altro An'notate, [notte] v. a. anno- one after -, un dopo T altro. tare. An'swer, [nsur] s. risposta, Annota'tion, [notscieun] s. replica, /. annotazione osservazione, f. An'swer, [anseur] v. a. & n. Annota'tor, [anoteteur] s. an- rispondere, replicare, corrinotatore, m. spondere, essere mallevadore
' ;




anteriorit, priorit,

An'them, [nth-em] .antifona,/".

f. s.


Anthologycal, [anth^olodgical] adj. appartenente ad antologia. An'thony's firo, [antoQe's faire]




antropologia, f. An'tic, [ntic] adj. lepido, grottesco; -. g. buffone, m. Antichrist, [nticrist] s. anticristo.



adj. anticristiano.

[ntisipte] v. a. anticipare, prevenire. Anticipa'tion , [ntieipscieiin] s. anticipazione, prevenzione, f. An'ticly, [ntlcl] adu.inmodo faceto. (tedate. ; _ An'tidate, [ntidte] vedi AnAnnotatory , [anotteiir] adj. (merch.) soddisfare. che contiene annotazioni. An'swerable, [nseurabl] adj. An'tidote, [antidote] s. antidoto, m. Annoance', [naounse] u.c. an- risponsabile, conforme. nunziare; pubblicare^ An'sweral)leness[nseurablnes] An'tiministerial, [ntiminstiril] adj. che si oppone al miAnnouncement, [naounsement] s. convenienza, conformit, /. . noti/.ia, pubblicazione. Answerably, [nseurabl] adv. nistero. Antimonarchist, [antimonarAnnouncer, [naounseur] s. an- conformemente. nunziatore, m. An'swerer,[nseureur] .rispon- chstj s. uno che si oppone ad una monarchia, m. Annoy', [noi] v. a. annojare, ditore, m. molestare. Ant, [ant] s. formica, f.; - hill, An'timony, [ntimoune'] s. antimonio. Annoy'ance, [anolanse] s. an- s. forraicajo, m. noj amento, m. Antagonism, [antagonism] s. Antip'athy, [antipath^e] s. antiAnnoy'er , [anieur] s. impor- opposizione, contenzione, f. patia, avversione, f. tuno, wi. Antag'onist, [antagonist] s. an- Anti'podes, [ntpodize] s. anAn'nual, [aniul] adj. annuale, tagonista, rivale, m. tipodi, m. pi. annuario, s.; fiore che dura Antag'onize , [ntgonaize] v. Antipapal, [ntipepl] adj. che un anno solo. si oppone al papato. n. contendere. An'nually , [niuale'] adv. an- Antarc'tic, [antarctic] adj. an- Antipope, [ntippe] s. antipanualmente, d' anno in anno. tartico. pa, m. Annuitant, [niiiitnt] s. pen- Antecede', [antiside] v n. an- Antiquarian, [ntiqiorian] adj. sionarlo, m. dare innanzi. antiquario: s.un antiquario, m. Annu'ity , [niiiite'] . rendita Anteced'ence, [antisidense] s. An'tiquary, [ntiquarj s. anannuale, f. precedenza, priorit, f. tiquario, m. Annui', [neul'] v. a. annullare, Antece'dent, [ntisidnt] s. an- An'tiquate, [antiqute] v. a. estinguere. tecedente, m. invecchiare, abolire, annullare. An'nular, [anniular] and An- Antece'dently, [antisidentl] Antique', [antiche] adj. antico. nulary , [niulr] adj. annu- adv. antecedentemente , in- Antl'quity, [nticquite] s. antilare, annulario. nanzi. chit, f. Annul'ling, [nuling] s. annul- Anteces'sor, [antiseseiir] , an- Antiseptic, [antiseptic] adj. ca lazione, f. tecessore, m. resiste alla putrefaziono.


. (rA.)



Apit'pat, [apitpat] adv. con Appa'rent , [prnt] adj. ap'. frequente palpitazione. parente, evidente. Antitype, [antitaipc] s. figura, Apoc'alypse, [apcalps] s. a^: - Appa'rently, [prontle'] adv. simbolo, m. {. calisse, f. apparentemente, chiaramente. Ant'ler, [ntlur] s. pugnale Apo'criphal, [apocrifl] adj. apo- Appari'ton,[perscien] s. apdelle corna del cervo, m. parizione, visione, f. crifo, non autentico. An'tre, fnteur] .antro, m.; ca- Apodc'tic, [podictic] Apodic'- Appar'itor, [priteir] s. cur:

verna, spelonca, [. tical, [podctical] adj. apodit- sore, bidello, m. An'vil, [nvl] s. incude, incu- tico. Appeal', [pile] . appellazione, dine, f. Apo'gee, [apodg] s. apogeo, m. accusa, f. Anxi'ety, [ngzaiite'] s. ansiet, Apologet'ical, [polodgeticl] Appeal', [pile] v. n. appellare, /. ; aifanno, m. accusare. adj. apologetico. Anx'ious, [ncscieus] ad], an- Aporogist, [plodgst] s. apo- Appear', [pre] v. n. apparire, sioso. comparire, farsi vedere; it aplogista, difensore, m. Anx'iously , [ancsciousl] adv. Apol'Dgize, [plodgize] v. n. pears, pare, manifesto; to ansiosamente, con ansiet. make -, mostrare. fare un'' apologia. Anx'iousness, [ncsciusnes] s. Ap'ologue, [polog] s. apolo- Appear'ance, [pirnse] s. apansiet, sollecitudine, {. parenza, probabilit, f.; at first go, m. ; favola morale, f. A'ny,[ne']adj.&pron.ogni,ognu- Apology, [polodg] s. apologia, -, a prima vista; personal -, no, chiunque, qualunque; in comparsa personale, f. difesa, /. p/ace, ovunque si sia; -farther, Ap'ophthegm,[poth-em]s.apo- Appea'rer, [pireur] s. che compi oltre; - how, come si vo- tegma, m. parisce, m. (cabile. glia ;-iong'er, pi lungo tempo; Apoplectic [apoplectic] and Appea'sable, [pzabl] adj. pla, - one, ciascheduno, ognuno; Apoplec'tical, [poplcticl] Appea'sableness , [pzablns] more, pi; - where, in alcun adj. apopletico. s. placabilit, f. luogo - while, qualche tempo Ap'oplexy, [poplcse'] s. apo- Appease', [pize] v. a. placare, - whither, dovunque. plessia, f. quietare. Apace', [apese] at^v. presto, pre- Apos'tasy, [apostas] .aposta- Appease'ment [pizement] s. , stamente, forte. (canto. ni. placamento, m. sia, /. rinnegamento, Apart', [apart] Of/v. da parte, da Apos'tate, [apostte] .aposta- Appea'ser, [apxzeir] . pacificaApart'ment, [apartment] s. ap- ta, rinnegato, m. tore, intercessore, m.
: ;

partamento, m. Apos'tatize, [apstataize] v. n. Apathetic, [path'etTc]adj. fred- apostatare. do (di carattere), indifferente. Apos'temate, [apostimite] v. n. Ap'athy, [path-]s. apatia, in- impostemire. dolenza, f. Ap'osteme, [apostme] .(.surff.) Ape' , [pe] s. scimia, f. ; bab- apostema, postema, {. buino, m. Apos'tle, [apostl] s. apostolo, Ape, [pe] . a. contraffare, imi- apostolo, m. tare. Apos'tleship, [apostlscip] . Ape'rient, [apirient] Aper'itive, apostolato, m. [apritv] adj.(med.)aperiente, Apo'stolate, [apostolte] s. apoaperitivo.

Appel'lant, [pelnt] s. appellante, m. Appellate, [pelte] adj. appel'







(gram.) appellativo, m. Appel'latively, [p elativi e'] adv. a modo d'appellativo. Appellee', [pli] . {jur.) accusato, m. Append', [pend] dere, sospendere.
v. a.

Ap'erture, [peurctieur]


aper- Apostorical

(apostolico. [apostolical] adj. Apostorically , [pstlicl]



Appen'dage, [apendedge] Apadv. apostolicamente. Apos'trophe, [apostrofe] .apo- pen'dant, [apndnt] . access. colmo, m.; somstrofo, m.; {rh.) apostrofe, {. sorio, m. mit, cima, /. Apos'trophize, [apstrofaize] v. Ap'pendance, [pendnse] s. Aphelion, [filion] s. afelio, m. a. apostrofare indirizzare la appendice. Aphoeresis, [firisisjs. aferesi,/. parola ad altra persona. Appen'dix, [apendics] s. appenAph'orism, [forsm] s. afori- Ap'ostume,[pstiime]s.(sMrgf.) dice, dipendenza, f. smo, m. massima, f. apostema, f. Appertain', [peurtene] v. n. Aphorist, [forist] s. scrittore Apoth'ecary, [apoth^iclire'] s. appartenere, convenirsi. di aforismi, m. [peurtinespeziale, m. Appertain'ment Aphoristic, [forstic] Apho- Apotheosis, [poth-isis] mnt] s. privilegio, m. s. ris'tical, [foristcl] adj. afo[pitnse] Ap'peapoteosi, f. Ap'petence ristico. Ap'ozem , [apozem] s. (phar.) tency, [pitns] s. appetenza, Aphoristically [forsticl] aposema, m. brama, f. adv. aforisticamente. Appai', [pal] v. a. stupefare, Ap'petent, [pitent] adj. molto


A'pex, [pcs]

A'piary, [piare] s. arnia,/.; al- spaventare. veare, m. Appal'ment, [pailment] s. stuApiece', [apse] adv. a testa, a pore, spavento, m. ciascuno. Ap'panage, [pndge] s. appanA'pish, [psc] adj. di scimia, naggio, m. giullaresco; - trick, s. giulle- Appara'tus, [aparteus] s. apria, f. parato, apparecchio, m. A'pishly, [pscl] adv. da sd- Appar'el [prel] . addobba, raia, buffonescamente. mento, vestimento, vestito, wi. A'pishness, [pscns] t. buffo- Appar'el, [parl] v. a. addobneria, giuUeria, f. bare, vestire.


Ap'petible, [apetibl] adj. appetibile, desiderabile.

Ap'petite, [pitaite] .appetito,

m. avidit, f. Appeti'tion, [pitiscieiin]




Applaud', [plaiid] v. a. applaudire, approvare. Applau'der, [plaudeir] s. applauditore, acclamante, m.

Ipplause', [aplauze]




so, iicclamaziono, f. |.p'ple, [pi] s. pomo, m. ; mela, ; - seller, s. venditore di mef.

prendere, catturare, intendere, A'pricock, [eprcoc] A'pricot. [prict] s. albicocca, f. conoscere, temere. Apprehen'der, [prihendeur] s. A'pril, [eprl] s. aprile, m. A'pron, [preiin] s. grembiule, sergente; intenditore, m.

m.;- parings, s. pi. scor- Apprehen'sible, [prihensibl] m. ze di mela, /".p/.;- iree,s. melo, adj. apprensibile, comprensi- Apt, [apt] adj. atto, idoneo, acconcio. bile. tn.; - woman, s. donna che vende mele, f.; - yard, s. pometo, Apprehen'sion, [aprihensciein] Ap'titude, [ptitiiide] s. attezza, naturale disposizione, f, n. s. cattura; concezione, /". comApt'ly, [ptle'] adv. attamente, Appli'able, [aplaiabl] adj. con- prendimento, intelletto, m.

acconciamente. paura, /". timore, wi. adat- Apprehen'sive, [prihnsiv]adj. Apt'ness , [ptnes] s. attozza, convenienza, conformit, f. tamento, m. apprensivo, pauroso. [qua-fdrts] s. ILp'plicable, [plicaW] adj. ap- Appren'tice, [prntis] .ap- Aqua-for'tis, acquaforte, f. plicabile, convenevole. prendente, fattorino, m. [plicabllit] Appren'tice , [prntis] v. a. Aqua-vi'tae, s. [iqua-viti] &.p'pllcabilty, acquavite, f. and Ap'plicableness, [plica- prendere per fattorino. Apprea'ticeship, [prntiscip] Aquat'ic, [aquatic] adj. acquaMns] s. conformit, f. tico. p'plicably , [plicaW] adv. s. noviziato, tirocinio, m. convenevolmente. Apprize', [praize] v. a. infor- Aq'ueduct, [qudeict] s. acquidotto, canale, m. Applicant, [plicnt] and Apmare. ler, [aplaleiir] s. applicatore, m Approach', [prtsc] s. avvici- A'queous, [equeiis] adj. acquoso. Applica'tion, [plichescieiin] s. namento, accesso, m. applicazione,/'.; ricorso, rifu- Approach', [prtsc] v. a. av- A'qailine, [quilaine] adj. aquilino, d'aquila. gio, m. vicinare, approssimare; -, v.n. Arabie, [rabic] adj. arabico. Applicative, [apliclietiv] adj. avvicinarsi, accostajsi. applicabile. Approa'chable, [protscabljadj. Ara'besque, [rabsc] adj. arabesco. Apply', [pi ai] V. a. applicare, che pu essere avvicinatoadattare, ricorrere, rifuggire Approach'ment, [prtscment] Ar'able, [rabi] adj. arabile. (rati.) to - the brake, frenare s. avvicinamento, accostamen- Ara'tion, [rscieun] .aratura, -, V. n. applicarsi, impiegarsi. to, m. f.; aramento, m. Appoint', [pont] v. a. ordina- Approba'tion, [aprobscieun] s. Ar'balist, [rbalst] s. balestra, f. re, regolare, destinare, asse- approbazione, /". gnare. Appro'bative , [probatv] adj. Ar'balister, [rbalisteur] s. baAppoin'ter, [apointeur] s. ordi- approvativo. lestriere, m. natore, m. Approbatory, [probateure'] adj. Ar'biter, [rbiteiir] s. arbitro, Appoint'ment, [apolntment] s. che contiene approvazione. arbitratore, m. decreto, mandato, assegnamen- Appropriable, [propriabl] adj. Arbitrable, [rbitrabl] adj. arto, m. bitrario. che pu essere appropriato. Appor'tion , faporscieun] v. a Appro'priate, [proprite] v. a. Arbi'trament, [arbitrament] i. proporzionare. arbitrio, m. scelta, f. appropriare. Appor'tionment, [aprsciein- Appro'priate, [proprite] adj. Arbi'trament, [arbitrament] s. ment] .eguale distribuzione, f. appropriato, convenevole, ido- arbitrato, compromesso, m. Ap'posite, [pozite] adj. pro- neo. Ar'bitrarily, [rbitraril] adv. prio, congruo. Appropriately, [prpritel] arbitrariamente. Ap'positely, [pozaitele'] adv. adv. convenevolmente. Ar'bitrariness, [rbitrarins] s. propriamente, convenevolmen- Appro'priateness, [proprite- autorit assoluta, f. te. nes] .speciale convenienzi, f. Ar'bitrary, [arbitrare'] adj. arAp'positenes, [apo^aitenes] s. Appropria'tion[proprisciun] bitrario, assoluto; despotico. propriet, convenienza, f. Arbitrate, [rbitrte] . a. ars. appropriazione, f. Apposit'ion, [posscieun] s. ap- Appro'vable, [privabl] adj. bitrare, giudicare. posizione, f. Arbitra'tion, [rbitrscieun] s. approvabile, lodevole. Ap'positive, [positv] adj. ap- Appro'val , [privl] and Ap- arbitrato, m. plicabile. pro'vance, [privnse] s. ap- Ar'bitrator, [rbitreter] s. arAppraise' , [aprze] v. a. ap- provazione, f. bitratore, arbitro, m. _ prezzare, stimare. Approve', [pruve] v. a. appro- Ar'bitress , [rbitrs] s. arbiAppraise ment, [przemout] s. vare, avere per buono, accetta- tra, f. estimazione, f. Ar'boreous, [rbrieus] adj. arre, ricevere.
venevole, conforme. ppll'ance, [plainse]



boreo. [prezeiir] s. ap- Approve'ment, [aprHvement] s , prezzatore, estimatore, m. approbazione, /. ; miglioramen- Arborescent, [arborescent] adj. Apprai'sing, [przng] s. esti- to, m. (vatore, m. arborescente. mazione, /". Appro'ver, [pruveur] s. appro- Ar'boret, [rbort] s. arbusto, Appre'cation, [aprichscieun] s. Approx'imate, [prcsimte] v. arboscello, m, fervente preghiera, f. Ar'borist, [rborist] s. uno che n. approssimarsi, accostarsi. Appre'ciable , [prisciabl] adj. Approx'imate , [prcsimte] studia la natura degli alberi, m. apprezzabile, estimabile. Ar'bour, [rber] s. pergola, /.; adj. prossimo, vicino. Appre'ciate, [prisciete] v. a. Approxima'tion , [aprocsm- pergolato, m. stimare, valutare, pregiare. Ar'bute, [arbiute] s. arbuto. scien] . avvicinazione, f.

Apprecia'tion, [prisciescieun] Appulse', [peiils] . appulso, m. Are, [are] s. arco, segmento s. apprezzamento, wi. Appur'tenance, [apeurtinnse] (d' un cerchio), m. Apprehend', [prihond] v. a. s. appartenenza, attenenza, f. Arcade, [rchede] s. arcata.




Arca'nnm, [archeneum]


Aristocra'tically, [aristocrticl] adv. in modo aristocratico.

s. arca- Ar'dent, [ardent] adj. ardente, appassionato. no, segreto, m. Arch, [artch] s. volta, f. arco, Ar'dently, [rdenti e'] adv. arm.; capo, m.; triumphal -, arco dentemente, con passione. Ar'dor, [rdeur] s. ardore, desitrionfale, m. Arch, [artch] ad], astuto, ma- derio intenso, m. Ar'duous, [rdiueus]arfj. arduo, scagno, arci... Arch, [artch] v. a. archeggiare. difficile.


[arth*mitic] s. aritmetica, arimmetica, f. Arthme'tical, [arth^mtical]

adj. arimmetico, d' arimmetica. Arithme'tically, [arith^mticale'] adv. aritmeticamente.

Archangel, [rchndgl] s. ar- r'daousness, [ardiueusnes] s. arduit, difficolt, f. Arithmetician, [arth^mitiscicangelo, m. Archbish'op, [artchbisceup] s. Are, [r] pi. pres. del v. to Be. n] f. arimmetico, aritmetico m. A'rea, [ria] s. area, f.; spazio, Ark, [are] s. arca, f. arcivescovo, m.

Arm, [arm] s. braccio ramo, Archhish'opric, [artchbisceup- TO. Arefaction , [erifcsciein] s. potere, m.; arme, arma, f.; by ric] s. arcivescovado, m. lo stato di rendere Archdea'con, [rtchdichun] s V atto force of -s, a forza d'arme; to take up -s, prender l'armi; to secco, m. arcidiacono, m. Archdea'conry, [artchdichenn Arefy, [rifai] v. a. rendere lay doton -s, metter gi Tarmi. Arm, [rm] v. a. armare, musecco. r] s. arcidiaconato, m.




Arena, [arina] s. arena, f. Arena'ceous, [rinescieus]


Arch'dnchess, [artchdeutches]
arciduchessa, f. Archduke', [artchdiuc] duca, m.

sabbioso. Arma'da , [rmada] s. arraaAreom'etor,[ariometeur]s. areo- Ar'mament, [armament] s. armamento, m. metro, m. s. arciArgent', [rdgent]adj. argenteo. Ar'mature, [armatceur] s. arArchduke'dom[artchdiiicdcum] Ar'gll, [rdgl] s. argilla, argi- matura, armadura,/^. Arm'-chair, [rm-tcere] s. seand Archduchy, [artchdeutsce] glia, f. s. arciducato, m. (curvo, Argillaceous, [rdgilescieus]arfj. dia a bracciuoli, f. Ar'ched, [artch'd] adj. arcato, argilloso, della natura di argil- Arm'ful, [rmfiil] s. bracciaArch'er, [artceur] s. arciere, ti- la. ta, /. ratore d' arco, m. Argil'lous, [rdgileus] adj. ar Arm'-hole, [rmhle] s. ascelArch'ery, [rtcir] s. arte di giglioso. tirare V arco, m. Ar'gosy, [argose'] s. bastimento Ar'mistice, [armistis] s. armiArchety'pal, [rchitipl] adj. mercantilo. stizio, m. d' archetipo. Ar'gue, [rghiu] v. n. arguire, Armlet, [armlet] s. braccioliAr'chetype, [architaipe] s. ar- disputare, contestare, accusare. no, bracciale, m. chetipo, originale, m. Ar'guer , [arghueur] s. argo- Ar'morer, [rmorur] a. arArchiepis'copal, [archi ipisco- mentatore, disputatore, m. maiuolo, m. pal] adj. d'arcivescovo. Ar'gument, [arghi umnt] s. ar- Armo'rial, [armorial] adj. apAr'chitect, [architect] s. archi- gomento, indizio, m.; controver- partenente alle armi di una

nire, guernire; -, v. n, armarsi, munirsi. (ta, /. _




Architecto'nic, [architectonic] Argumental, [rghiimental]o(/j. adj. architettonico. che appartiene air argomento. Architec'tural, [architectiural] Argument a'ti on, [rghiiimnteadj. d' architettura. sciein] s. argomentazione, (. Ar'chitecture, [architectiure] s. Argumen'tative , [arghiiimnarchitettura, f. tativ] adj. demonstrative. Ar'chitrave , [architreve] s. Argumen'tatively, [rghiiimendimostrativa{arch.) architrave, m. adv. tativl] Ar' chives, [arcaives] s. pi. ar- mente. chivio, m. Argute', [rghiute] adj. arguto, Arch-like, [artch-laiche] adj. pronto, vivace. fabbricato come un arco. Arguteness, [rghiutenes] s. Arch'ly, [rtchle'] adv. giocosa- prontezza di spirito. mente. Ar'id, [arid] adj. arido, secco,

famiglia. [rmeure'] s. armeria, f. Ar'mour, [rniur] s. armatura, A; armi, f. pi^ Ar'mour-bearer [armeur-bcreSr] s. armiere, ni.



[rm- pit]



esercito, m.;

Ar'my, [arme]

Aro'ma, [arina] s. aroma, m. Aromat'ic, [ionitic] Aromat'ical, [rointicl] adj. aromatico, di

buon odore.


Aromat'ics, [romtics] s. pi. spezie, /. aromi, m. pi. Archoeology , [rchiolodge'] s. sterile. archeologia. Arid'ity, [ridite'] s. aridezza, Ar'omatize, [aromataize] v. a. aromatizzare, profumare. Archon, [arcon] s. il primo ma- aridit,/. gistrato degli antichi Atenie- A'ries, [eriize] s. {as Ir.) ariete, Around', [araund] adv. prep, intorno, all'intorno. si, m. m. Arch'priest, [artch-prist] s. ar- Aright', [araite] adv. diritta^ Arouse', [araouze] v. a. svogliare, stimolare. ciprete, m mente, precisamente, sanamen^ Arow', [aro] adv. in fila, in Arch' wise, orfj. [artchoiaise] in te; to set -, aggiustare.

forma d' arco. Arise', [araize] v. n.irr. (arose, Arc'tic, [arctic] adj. artico, set- arisen) levarsi, venire, derivatentrionale, re, procedere. Ar'cuate, [rchiute] adj. pie- Aristo'cracy, [aristocras] s. gato in arco. aristocrazia, f, Arcua'tion , [rchiuescieun] s. Ar'istocrat, [aristocrat] s. ariCTrvit, f. stocratico, Ar'dency, [ardens] s. ardore,! Aristocra'tical,[aristocraticalJ adj. aristocratico. fervore, m.; passione, ^


Ar'quehuse, [arquibeis] s. archibuso, arcobugio, m. _ Ar'quehnsier , [arquibiugieur]



archibusiere, to. [arac] s. uno spirito fatto nelle Indie orientali, to. Arraign', [arene] v. a. assettare, dinunziare.




[ariiementj s. Art'fully, [rtfiile'] adv. con ar- Ascen'dency, [sendns] .influenza, /.; potere, tn.; facolt, f. te, maestramente. processo, w. [asenscieun] . Arrange', [rendge] v. a. porro Art'fulness, [rt'fulnes] s. mae- Ascen'sion , ascensione, f.; ascendimento,m. stria, destrezza, astuzia, f. in ordine; assettare, aggiuArthrit'ic, [arth^ritc] Arthrit'- Ascension-day, [senscieun-de'] stare. Arrange'ment,[rendgemnt] s. ical, [arth^riticl] adj. arte- s. il giorno dell'Ascensione, m. Ascensive, [sensiv] adj. aventico. ordine, assettamento, m. Arran'ger, [arndgeur] . ag- Arthrit'is, [rth-ritis] .1. arte- do la tendenza di alzare. Ascent, [soat] s. salita, montica, f. giustatore, m. Ar'rant, [raiit] wlj. mero, ve- Ar'tichoke, [rttciche] s. car- tata, eminenza; (rati.) salita,


prima riga;




furbaccio, m.

Ar'rantly, re, patteggiare. versamente, corrottamente. Artc'ular, [rticliiulr] adj. arAr'ras, [ras] s. arazzo, m. Array', [are] s. vestito, abito, ticolare. Artic'ulate, [rtichiulte] adj. m.; scliiera,/. Array', [are] i'. a. vestire, ab- articolato, distinto. Artic'ulate, [rtichiulte] v. a. bigliare, schioiaro. Arrear', [arire] s. debito, w.; articolare, pronunziare distinretroguardia (d'un esercito), /".; tamente. Artic'ulately , [rtichiultel] to be in -s, restar debitore. Arrear'age, [arirdge] s. arre- adv. distintamente. Articula'tion,[rtchiulscieua] trato, m. Arrest', [arest] s. arresto, m.: s. articolazione, giuntura, f.

Ar'ticle, [rtici] [rantle'] adv. per- Ar'ticle, [rtici]


acclivit, f. articolo, m. Ascertain', [seurtne] v. a. acv. n. stipulacertare, fissare, stabilire.

Ascerta'inable, [seurteneabl] adj. che pu essere accertato. [suertneAscertain'ment , ment] s. accertamento, m. Ascet'ic, [setic] .eremita; m.
adj. austero. Ascribe', [scribe] v. a. ascri-

vere, attribuire, imputare. Ascribable , [scraibabl] adj. che pu essere ascritto. Ash, [sc] s. frassino, m.

Asha'med, [scm'd]

adj. ver-

Ar'tfice, [rtifs] s. artificio, gognoso. cattura, f. Ash'colored, [scheuleur'd] adj. Arrest', [rest] v. a. arrestare, astuzia, /. artefiArti'ficer, [rtifiseir] s. cenericcio. catturare. Arriere'-guard, [iriere-gard] s. ce, artista, artigiano, m. Ashen , [sc'nj adj. fatto di arretroguardia, /. Artifi'cial, [rtifiscil] adj. frassino. Arri'val, [araival] s. arrivo, m.; tificiale, artificioso. Ash'es, [scez] s. pi. cenere, /". ; e'] ade venuta, f. Artfi'cially, [rtifiscil ceneri, f. pi. Arrive', [arave] v. n. arrivare, artificialmente, con artificio. Ashore', [asci ore] adv. a terra, venire, accadere. Artil'lery, [rtlere'] s. artigliea riva.

Ar'rogance, [roganse] Arro- ria, f. gancy, [roganse] s. arrogan- Ar'tisan, [rtizn] s. artigiano, za, presunzione, /. artefice, m. Ar'rogant, [rogant] ad], arro- Art'lst, [artist] s. artista, argante, presuntuoso. tefice, m. Ar'rogantly , [rogntle'] adv. Art'less, [rtles] adj. senz'arte, arrogantemente semplice. orgogliosamente. Art'lessly,[rtlsl]adv. senz'arAr'rogate, [Eroghete] v. n. pre te, naturalmente. sumere, arrogarsi. Art'lessness,[rtlesnes] s. sem,

Ash'-wednesday, [sc-ouensd] s. mercoled delle ceneri, m,

[sce'] ocfj.

ceneroso, pal-

Arroga'ton, [rogliscieun] s. pretensione, /. Arroga'tive, [rogativ] adj. clie domanda ingiustamente.

Ar'row, [aro] /".; dardo, m. Arse, [rse]


saetta, freccia.

s. deretano, m. {vulgarism). Ar'senal, [arsenal] s. arsena-



Arsen'ic, [arsenic] s. arseni co, m. Arsen'ical, [arsenical] adj. d'arsenico.

Ar'son, [rseun] s. il delitto di mettere fuoco ad una casa &c.,w7 Art, [art] s. arte; professione,

Asiatic, [scitic] adj. nativo ed abitante dell'Asia. Aside', [aside] adv. a parte, da banda; to go -, andare in disparte; to take on -, prendere uno a parte. plicit, /. Asi'nine, [sinaine] adj, sciocAruspice, [ruspis] s. aruspi- co, imbecille. ce, m. Ask, [sche] v. a. domandare, As, [z] adv. & conj. mentre, co- chiedere; to - advice, domandar me, cos, quale, pressoch, per- consiglio, to - again, ridimanch, poich; as /'or, come per; dare; to - pardon, domandar in quanto a; as it were, per perdono. cosi dire; as often as, ogni Askance', [scnse] Askant', volta che; as much as, tan[scnt] adv. a traverso, biecato quanto; as many as, tanti mente. quanti, altrettanti; as much Ask'er, [scheir] s. dimandatoas, per quanto; as soon as, re, domandante, m. subito che, quanto prima; as Askew', [schiu]a'Zw. biecamenwell as, cosi, tanto bene che; te, stortamente. as though, bench, sebbene; as Ask'ing, [asching] s. domanyou love me, so m'amate. da,/". Asa'foetida, [safitida] s. asafe- Aslant', [aslant] adv. obliquatida,







Asleep', [asllpe] adj. addormito, sonnacchioso to fall -, addormentarsi. Aslope', [aslope] adv. a sghembo, a traverso. Asp, [asp] s. tremula, /".; aspi;

master o/-s, maestro Astoes'tine, [asbestaine] adj. ind' arti, m. combustibile. Art, [art] sinrj. pres. del v. to Asbes'tos, [sbst()s] s amianBe.^ to, m. Arte'rial, [rtiril] adj. arte- Ascend', [asend] v. a. & n. riale, arterioso. ascendere, montare. Ar'tery, [rtir] s. arteria, f. Ascen'dant, [sndnt] adj. suArt 'fui, [artful] adj. artificioso, periore , predominante -, s.

de, m. Aspar'agus,


ascendente, m.; superiorit,


[spraghens] asparago, sparagio, w.





As'pect, [aspect] s. aspetto, m.; Assay', [se'] v. a. provare, as- Assign'er, [salnur] s. costivista, f. aria, apparenza, presaggiare; -, V. n. tentare, pro- tutore, m. varsi. Assign'ment , [salnment] . senza, f. As'pen, [aspen] adj. di tremula; Assay'er, [seur] s. saggiato- consegnazione, cessione,/".; deposito, m. -, s. tremula, /. re, m. As'perate, [spirte] v. o. ren- Assay'ing, [sing] s. saggio, Assigns', [saines] s pi sostituti, m. pi. sperimento, m. der aspro. Asper'ity, [asperit'] s. asprez- Assem'blage, [semblidge] s. Assim'ilate, [smilete] v. o. assimigliare, comparare. adunamento, concorso, m. za, ruvidezza, severit, f. As'perous, [sperus] adj.aspro; Assem'ble, [smbl] v. a. adu- Assimila'tion , [simlescieun] difficile. nare, riunire;-, V. n. adunarsi, 8. assimigliamento , parago(natore. ne, m. Asperse', [aspeurse] v. a. asper- unirsi. gere fig. diffamare. Assem'bler, [sembleur] s. adu- Assimi'lative, [similatv] adj. Asper'sion, [spurscieun] s. Assem'bly, [semble'] s. assem- che ha il potere di assimigliare. aspersione; fig. calunnia, diffa- blea, adunanza, f. Assem'bly-room, [semble'-r um] Assist', [sst] V. a. assistere, mazione, /^. soccorrere, aiutare. Asphalt", [sflt] v. a. asfal- s. accademia, /. Assent', [snt] s. assenso, con- Assist'ance, [sstanse] s. astare. sistenza, /.; soccorso, aiuto, ni.; Asphal'tic, [sfltic] adj. d'as- senso, m. falto, bituminoso. Assent', [sent] v. n. assen- signal for -, s. segnale d' angustia, m. Asphal'tos, [sfltos] s. asfal- tire, consentire. to, m. Assenta'tion, [sentscieun] s. Assist'ant, [sistnt] s. assiAsphal'tic, [asfaltic] adj. asfal- compiacenza, adulazione, f. stente, aiutatore, m. tite. Assenter, [senteur] s. assen- Assize', [saze] s. sessione di giudici; assisa, tariffa, /. As'phodel, [asfodel] s. asfodil- tatore, adulatore, m. s. Assize', [saiztf] v. o. tassare, lo, m. (de, m. Assent'ment , [sntment] regolare. As'pic, [aspic] s. aspe, aspi- assentimento, m. As'pirant, [aspairant] s. aspi- Assert', [seurt] v. a. asserire, Assi'zer, [salzoar] s. un uffiziale che sorveglia pesi e mirante, candidato, m. mantenere, sostenere. As'pirate, [spirte] v. a. aspi- Asser'tion, [seursciun] s. as- sure, m. rare, pronunziare con aspiraAsso'ciate, [sscite] and Asserzione, f.

Asser'tive, [seurtv] adj. as- sociator, [soscietour] s. associato, compagno, m. sertivo, affermativo. aspirazione, brama, f. Asser'tively, [seiirtavl] adv. Asso'ciate, [sosciete] v. a. associare, accompagnare, pratiAspire', [spaire] v. n. aspira- affermativamente. re, bramare. Asser'tor, [seurteur] s. asser- care. Associa'tion, [soscisciun] s. Aspi'rer, [spalreur] s, aspi- tore, protettore, m. rante, candidato, m. Asser'tory , [seurteure'] adj. associazione, unione, societ, taglia, /. Asporta'tion, [sportscieun] s. assertorio. Assoil', [soli] V. a. assolvere, asportazione, /. Assess', [ses] v. a. tassare. Asquint', [sctuint] adv- bieca- Assessio'nary , [sesceunar] perdonare. mente, di traverso. adj. che appartiene agli asses- Assort', [sort] v. a. assortire, classare. Ass, [se] 8. asino, ciuco, min- sori. chione, m.; she -, asina, so- Assess'ment, [sesment] s. tas- Assort'mnt, [sortment] s. asmara, f.; -driver, $. asi- sare, m.; tassa, tassagione, f. sortimento, sortmento, m. Assess'or, [sseur] s. asses- Assuage', [souedge] v. a. alnaio, m. leviare, mitigare, placare, paAssail , [sole] v. a. assalire, sore, tassatore, m. attaccare. Assets', [sts] s. pi. (jur.) cificare; -, V. n. alleviarsi, mitigarsi. Assailable, [aslabl] adj. che beni sufflxjienti, m. pi. pu essere assalito. Asse'ver, [sveur] and Asse- Assuage'ment, [souedgement] Assail'ant, [aslnt] Assail'er, ve'rate, [sevirte] v. a. af- s. addolcimento, conforto, m. Assua'ger, [souedgeur] s. mi[sleur] s. assalitore, aggres- fermare solennemente. _ sore, m. Assevera'tion, [sevroscieun] tigatore, pacificatore, m. Assail' ment, [aselement] s. as- s. asseveranza, affermazione, /. Assua'sive, [soueslv] adj, misalimento, assaglimento, m. Assidu'ity, [sidiuit] s. assi- tigativo, lenitivo. Assnefac'tion, [souifcscieun] Assass'in, [ssin] s. assassi- duit, diligenza, f._ no, m. Assid'uous, [sidiueiis] adj. as- s. assuefazione , accostumanza, /. Assass'inate, [asasinete] v. a. siduo, diligente. assassinare. Assid'uously, [sidiiieusle'] adv. Assue'tude, [soultiude] s. costume, abitudine. Assassina'tion, [ssinscieun] assiduamente, continuamente. Assid'nousness, [sideueusns] Assume', [siurae] v a. assus. assassinamento, m. mere, prendere, presumere, arAssassina'tor, [ssinteur] s. s. assiduit, /. assassino, m. Assign', [saine] v. a. assegna- rogarsi. Assum'er, [siiiraeur] s. arroAssault', [sault] s. assalto, re, commettere, delegare. [sanabl] adj. gante, m. i.; ingiuria,/'. Assgn'able , Assum'ing, [siumng] adj. preAssault', [sault] v. a. assal- che pu assegnarsi. _ Assigna'tion, [asignescieun] s. suntuoso. tare, attaccare. appuntamen- Assump'sit, [seumpst] s.(jur.) Assault'er, [saulteur] . as- assegnazione, / promessa verbale, /. to, m. salitore, aggressore, m. Assay', [s] . prova,/.; spe- Assignee', [sgn] 9. deputato Assump'tion, [seumpscieun] t. sostituto, m. assunzione, arroganza, /. rimonto, m.








AsBump'tive, [aseumptiv] adj. Astron'omy astronomia che pu assumersi.


[atrscieiis] adj. , atroce, orribile, enorme. Astrut', [astreut] adv. con an- Atro'ciously, [troscieusle'] adv.


atrocemente, fieramente. datura gravo ed affettata. sicurezza, fidanza, costanza, f. Atro'ciousness, [trscieusnos] Assure', [asciare] v. a. assicu- Astute, [stiiite] adj. astuto. Asun'der, [aseundur] adv. se- Atroc'ity, [trosite'] s. atrocirare, asserire, affermare. Assur'd, [sciur'd] adj. sicuro, paratamente, in due parti; to t, enormit, scelleratezza, f. cut -, tagliar per mezzo; to At'rophy, [trof] s. atrofia, certo. consunzione, f. Assur'edly, [asciuredle'] adv. put -, dividere, separare. Asy'lum, [asaileum] s. asilo, ri- Attach', [ttsc] v. a. arrestasicuramente, certamente. re, catturare, guadagnare, guaAssu'rer, [sciureur] s. assi- fugio, m.

At, [t] prep. a, ad (quando non dagnarsi, sequestrare. curatore, mallevadore, m. As'terisk, [stirsc] s. asteri- e' movimento); da, in, per, al, Attach'ment, [ttscment] g. aderenza ; f. affetto ; sequealla, agli, alle; at first, alla sco, m. As'terism, [astirisml $. {astr.) prima; at hand, vicino, appres- stro, m. so; at last, in fine, finalmente; Attack', [atac] . attacco, ascostellazione, f. Astern', [asteurn] adv. (mar.) at leisure, a hell" agio; at once, salimento, m. per la poppa, in poppa. subito, alla prima; at odds, Attack', [tc] v. a. attaccare, Asth'ma, [straa] s. asma, asi- male insieme; at least, alme- assalire. no; at peace, in pace; at pres- Attack' er, [tacheir] s. assalima, f. and ent, per adesso; at sea, sul tore, assaltatore, m. [stmatic] Asthmat'ic , Asthmatical, [stmticl] adj. mare, per mare; at a word, in Attain', [tnc] v. a. ottenere, conseguire, acquistare; -, v. n. asmatico. una parola. Aston'ish, [astonisc] v. a- stu- Ate, [te] imperf. del v. to arrivare, pervenire. Attain'able , [tneabl] adj. pire, stordire.^ Eat. Asto'nishng', [astonscng] adj. Athana'sian,[ath-anescian]a(/i. acquistabile. maraviglioso. the athanasian creed, credo Attain'der, [atnedeur] s.{law.) convinzione, f. Asto'nisliingly, [astoniscngl] atanasio. (smo, m adv. maravigliosamente. A'theism, [eth^iizm] s. atei- Attain'ment , [atonement] s. Astonishment, [stonscment] A'theist, [eth^ist] s. ateista acquisto, acquistamento, m. Attaint', [ten't] v. a. macchias. stupore, m.; sorpresa, f. ateo, i. Astound', [staound] v. a. co- A'thestic,[th2iistic]andAthe- re, corrompere, disonorare; infettare; accusare. sternare, stordir. ist'ical, [th%ticl] adj. ateiAttaint'ed, [.atintd] adj. corAstrad'dle, [strdl] adv. a stico. (ga-lo. Athei'stically, cavalcioni. [th-iistcal] rotto, disonorato^ accusato. ^ Attaint'ure , [tntchieiir] s. Astra'gal, [astragal] s. astra- adv. in modo ateistico. As'tral, [astrai] adj. astrale, A'theous, [eth^iieus] adj. pro- imputazione, f. degli astri. Attem'per, [tempeur] v. a. fano. Astray, [stre'] adv. fuor di Athirst', [ath^eurst] adj. asse- temperare , calmare ; mescolare. via; to go -, smarrirsi; to lead tato, sitibondo; -, adv. sitibon-, sviare, deviare. Attempt', [atempf] s. tentatidamente. Astrict', [strict] v. a. con- Ath'lete, [ath^lte] s. atleta, wi. vo, /".; sperimento, m. intratrarre, ristrignere. Athlet'ic, [ath^lotc] adj. atleti- presa, f. Astric'tion , [astrcscieun] s. co, vigoroso. Attempt', [tempt] v. a. proastrignimento, m. Athwart', [th-ouairt] adv. & vare, esperimentare, tentare; adj. Astric'tive , [strictiv] intraprendere. prep, a traverso, a sghembo. astringente, costrettivo. Attempt'ahle, [temptabl] adj. Atilt', [atlt] adv. con botta. Astride', [straide J vedi Astrad- Atlan'tic, [tlntic] s. l'Atlan- che pu tentarsi. dle. tico, m. Attempt'er, [tmpteur] s. tenAstringe', [astrndge] v. a. At'las, [atlas] s. atlante, m. tatore, sperimentatore, m. astrignere, contrarre. At'mosphere , [tmosfirej s. Attend', [tend] v. a. accompaAstrin'gency, [strindgense] s. atmosfera, f. gnare; -, V. n. stare attento, astringenza. Atmo'spheric, [tmosferic] and attendere, osservare, badare Astrin'gent, [astrndgent] vedi Atmospher'ical, [atmosfrical] to -to a hVfSiness, dar opera ad Astrictive. adj. dell'atmosfera. un affare. Astrol'oger, [strolodgeur] s. At'om, [ateura] s. atomo, i. Attend'ance, [atndanse] .serastrologo, m. Atom'ioal, [tomical] adj. con- vizio, assiduit, cura, f.; corAstrolog'ical , [astrolodgical] sistente d'atomi. teggio, wi.; to dance -, fare adj. astrologico. Ato'mism, [atomism] s. la dot- spalliera. Astrolo'gically,[strolodgcal] trina degli atomi. Attend'ant, [atendnt] s. seradv. astrologicamente. Ato'mst, [tomist] s. uno che vidore, seguace, m. Astrol'ogy, [astrlodg]s astro- sostiene la dottrina degli Attend'er, [tendeur] s. comlogia, f. atomi. pagno, socio, m. Astron'omer, [astronomeur] s Atone', [atone] v. a. espiare, Attent' [atnt] adj. curato. astronomo, m. purgare. Atten'tion, [tnscieun] s. atAstro'nomc, [astronome] and Atone'ment , [atonement] s. tenzione, /. to give -, to pay, Astronom'ical, [astronomical] espiazione, f.; placamento, m. far attenzione. adj. astronomico. Atop', [atop] adv. in alto; sulla Atten'tive, [tntiv] adj. attenAstronom'ioally , [stronomi- sommit. to, ufficioso. cl] odv. in modo astronomi Atrabila'rian , [atrablirian] Atten'tively, [atentivl] adv. co, da astronomoadj. atrahiliare, malinconico, attentamente, con cura.


Atten'tiveness, [atentivnes] s. attendimento assiduo, ni. Atten'uate, [ateniute] v. a. attenuare, affiovolirOj diminuire. Atten'nate, [tniuete] adj. attenuato, affievolito. Attenua'ting, [teniueting] a'.lj. attenuante. Attenua'tion, [teniuisciein] s. attenuazione, diminuzione, f. Attest', [atst] v. a. attestare,



Auctionary, [acscieunr] adj. Aure'Iia, [aurilia] che appartiene ad un incanto crisalide, f._


Auctioneer', [aucsceunlre] venditore airin_canto, m.



[audescieus] adj. , audace, temerario, presuntuoso. Auda'ciously , [audsciusl] adv. audacemente, ardita-


[testescieun] s. attestazione, testimonianza, f. Attes'ter, [testeur] and Attes'tor, [testeur] s- un testimonio, m. At'tic, [tic] adj. elegante, delicato.

Atti'cise, [atisaise] v. n. atti-

cizzare. Auspi'cious, [auspiscieus] a<lj. At'ticsm, [atisism] s. attici conto, m. (conti. favorevole, fausto. smo, wj.; eleganza, /. Au'dit, [audit] v. a. esaminare Auspi'ciously , [auspiscieusle] Attire', [talre] s. aMiglia- Au'ditor, [auditeur] s. udito- adv. favorevolmente^ mento, m. re, m. Auspi'ciousness, [auspiscieusAttire', [talre] v. a. acconcia- Au'ditorshp, [aditeirscip] s. ns] s. prosperit; buona forre, abbellire, orujire. r uffizio di uditore, m. tuna, felicit, f. At'titude, [titiudej s. attitu- Au'ditory, [auditeur] adj. au- Austere', [aiistire] adj. austedine, f. ditorio; -, 8. uditorio, auditoro, rigido, severo. Attor'ney, [^teurne'] s. notaio, rio, m.; udienza, f. Austere'ly, [austlrele'] adv. auprocuratore, m. Aug'er, [augheur] s. succhielsteramente, severamente. Attor'neyship, [teiirne'scip] s. lo, m. Austere'ness , [austirenes] s. ufficio di procuratore, m. Aught, [aiit] pron. checchessia. asprezza, f. rigore; m. seveAttorn'ment, [teiirnment] s. Augment', [aiigmnt] v. a. au- rit, f. cessione, cedizione, f. mentare, accrescere; -, v. n. Auster'ity, [aiisterte'] s. auAttract', [trct] v. a. attrarre, aumentarsi. sterit, mortificazione, f. allettare. Aug'ment , [augment] Aug'- Aus'tin-friar , [aUstn-frieur] Attractabi'lity, [trctablite'] menta'tion, [augmentscioun] s. Agostiniano, frate, m. s. attrattivit, f. s. incremento accrescimen- Aus'tin-nnn, [austin-neun] s. Attrac'tion, [trcscieun] s. at- to, m. Agostiniana, monaca, suora, f. trazione, /.; allettamento, m. Aug'mentable , [augmeutbl] Aus'tral, [aistrl] adj. austraAttrac'tive, [trctiv] adj. at- adj. che pu essere aumentato. le, meridionale. trattivo. Augmen'tative, [augmentatv] Authentic, [aiith^entc] AuAttrac'tively, [trctvl] adv. adj. aumentativo. then'tical, [auth^nticl] adj. per attrazione. Augmen'ter, [aiig-raenteur] s. autentico, valido. Attrac'tlveness , [trctivnes] aumentatore, m. Authen'tically, [auth^onticl] . attraimento, m. Au'gnr, [augheur] s. augura- adv. autenticamente.^ Attrac'tor, [trcteir] s. agen- tore, i. Authen'ticate, [auth-ntichete] te, m. ; forza attrattiva, f. Au'gur, [aiigheur] Au'gurate, V. a. autenticare, convalidare. Attra'hent, [trhnt] adj. che [aughiurete] v. n. augurare, Authentic'ity, [auth^entsitt ] attrae. conghietturare. Authen'ticness , [auth-ntiAttrib'tttable, [trbiutabl] adj. Auguration, [aughiurscieun] s cns] s. autenticit, f. che pu essere imputato. [auth^onticle'j augurio, m.; conghiettura, f. Authen'ticly, At'tribute, [tribiute] s. attri- Augu'rial, [aughiuril] adj. au adv. autenticamente. buto, i.; propriet, f. gurale. Au'thor, [aith^ur] s. autore, Attrib'ute, [trbiute] v. a. at- Au'gurize, [aughiuraize] v. a inventore, wi. tribuire, imputare, ascriver. indovinare. Au'thoress, [auth^eures] s. auAttribu'tion , [tribiscieun] Au'gurous, [aghiureus] adj torossa, inventrice, f. s. attribuzione, f. auguroso, profetante. Author'itative, [uth-oritatlv] Attribu'tive, [tribiutiv] adj. Au'gury, [aughiure'J s. augurio, adj. autorevole, d' autorit. che esprime un attributo. presagio, m. Author'itatively, [auth-ritaAttri'tion, [trJscieun] s. attri- Au'gust, [aigheist] s. Agosto-, tivl] adv. in maniera autorezione, /.; tritamente, m. i. (mese). vole, con autorit. Attune, [tiune] v. a. render August', [agheust] adj. augu- Author'ity, [auth^orit] s. autoarmonioso, accordare. sto, nobile. rit, stima, /.; credito, m. Atween', [tuine] vedi Between. August'ness, [aglioustnes] s. Authoriza'tion, [auth^orizAtwixt', [tuTcst] vedi Betwixt. maest, dignit, sciun] s. autorizzazione, f. f. Au'burn, [aubeurn] adj. bruno Au'lic, [aulc] adj. aulico. Au'thorize, [auth^oraize] y. a. dorato. Aunt, [nt] s. zia, f. autorizzare, dare autorit. Auc'tion, raucscieuii] s. incanto Au'reate, [ariete] adj, dorato, Au'thorloss, [auth^urlos] adj, pubblico, m. d'oro. senza autore.

mente. Auda'cousness,[aidescieusnes] Audac'ity, [adsit] s. audacia, baldanza, arditezza, f. Au'dible, [udibl] adj, udibile, alto, sonoro. Au'dibly, [audible'] ocZv. ad alta voce. Au'dience, [audinse] s. udienza, /".; uditorio, m.; - chamber, s. camera d'udienza, f. Au'dit, [audit] s. esame d' un

Au'rcle, [aurici] s. auricola, orecchietta, A Auric'ula, [aurichiula] s. cortusa; orecchia d'orso,/". Auric'ular, [aurichiulr] adj, auricolare. Auric'ularly,[arTchiulrl]a(Itj. all'orecchio, segretamente. Auri'ferous, [urfirous] adj.

cho produce oro. Auro'ra, [aurora] s. aurora, f. - borealis, s. aurora boreale, f. Ausculta'tion, [auscboultescieun] s. azione d' ascolano, f. Au'spice, [aisps] s. au.ji'io.
m.; grazia,

Au'spicate, [auspichete]


An'thorship, [autli^eurscip]
qualitc d'esser autore,

23 Averse'ly,


An'tograph, [autogrf] s. Sion, [aveurscieun] s, avvergrafo, m. Au'tographical, [autografical] sione, repugnanza, antipatia, f. air auto- Avert', [veurt] v. a. averteappartenente adj.

[aveirsele'] adv. re- Awarder', [aoiardour] s. giupugnantemente, malvolentieri. dico, uno che aggiudica, m. auto- Averse'ness, [veiirsenes] Aver'- Aware', [aoiiere] adj. avveduto,

to be -





of one, guardarsi da uno; to be - of a thing, andar



re, allontanare.

Auto'graphy, [autgrafe! s. auAutom'aton, [automaton] s. automa, automato, m. Autumn, [auteum] s. autunno, m. Autum'nal, [auteumnal] adj. autunnale, d'autunno.
[augzliare'] adj. ausiliario.

Averter', [aveiirteiir]


uno die

cauto, essere conoscente di una cosa.






guargo-, fuggirto

A'viary, [viare] s. uccelliera, darsi, essere avveduto. Avid'ity, [avdite'] s. avidit, Away', [aoue'] adv. via;






Avoca'tion, [avocbesciein] s. sene. Awe, [au] . tema, riverenza, f. impiego, m.; faccenda, f. Auxiriar,[augz]ir]Auxirary, Avoid', [avoid] v. a. evitare, rispetto, m.; to stand in -, pascbivare, sfuggire.

ventare, rispettare.

Avail', [avole] s. profitto, taggio, m. Avail', [avle] v. a. & n. vare, valere, servire, esser fittevole; to - one's self, fittare dell'occasione. Avail'able, [aveleabl] ad], le, giovevole.

van- Avoid'able, [avidabl] adj. evi- Awe, [au] v. a. tenere in tiAvoid'ance, [avoidnse] s. evi- more, inspirare tema. giotazione, vacanza, /".; scam- A-wea'ther, [a-oieth'eiir] adv. (mar.) al vento. pro- po, m. (re, m. pro- Avoid'er, [avodeur] s. evitato- Awe-strack , [au-streuc] adj. Avoid'less, [avodls] adj. ine- impaurito, colpito di orrore. Aw'ful, [aufiil] adj. terribile vitabile. utiAvoir-du-pois', [aver-diu-pize] maestoso. Avail'ableness, [avleaWnes] s. s. peso di sedici once per lib- Aw'fuUy, [aufule'] adv. in modo terribile. vantaggio, m. bra, m. Ayail'ment, [avlement] s. uti- Avola'tion, [avolescein] s. vo- Aw'fulness, [aufulnes] s. terrilit, f. profitto, giovamento, m. bilit, grandezza, f. lata, /.; volo, m. Aval'anclie, [valaunsc] s. va- Avouch', [avaoutsc] v. a. affer- Awhile', [aoiiaile] adv. qualche langa, f. mare, mantenere,_ asseverare. tempo, alquanto; - ago, qualAvant'-guard, [avant-gard] s. Avouch'able, [avautscbl] adj. che tempo fu. che pu affermarsi. vanguardia, /. Awk'ward, [aucouerd] adj. gofAv'arice, [varis] s. avarizia, Avoucb'er, [avautsceur] s. af- fo, sgraziato. cupidit, /. fermatore, m. Awk'wardly, [aucouerdle'] adv. Avari'cious, [varisceus] adj. Avouch'ment,[avautscffient] s. goffamente, sgraziatamente.^

avaro, cupido.




goffaggine ne,^.

Avari'ciously , [avariscieusle'] Avow', [avaou] v. a. confesadv. avaramente, cupidamente. Avow'able, [avaouabl] adj. che Avari'ciousness , [varscieiis- pu confessarsi. nes] s. avarizia, spilorceria, ^ Avow'al, [avaual] s. confesAvast', [avast] int. basta! fer- sione, dichiarazione, giustificazione, f. mate! (da me! Avaunt', [avant] int. lungi Avow'edly , [avaouedl] adv. A've, [evi] s. una preghiera apertamente, schiettamente. Avowee', [avaoui] s. padroalla Madonna, f. Avenge', [avendge] v. a. ven- ne, m. dicare, (vendetta, f. Avow'er, [avaoueur] s. difendi-

[aicouerdnes] sgraziataggijf.





Aw'less, [auls] adj. sfrontato, senza rispetto. _ Awl'-maker, [aul-mecheur] . facitore di lesine, m. Awn'ing, [auning] s. tenda, f.; padiglione, m. Awoke', [aouoke] imperf.del v.


Avenge'ment, [avndgement]
Aven'ger, [avndgeur] s. dicatore, m. Aven'geress, [avendgeires]

Aven'ging, [avondgng]

detta, vendicanza, f. Av'enue, [vinu] s. passaggio, viale d' alberi, m. Aver', [veur] v, a. avverare,

adj. storto, sconvolto, distorto; -, adv. di tracazione; difesa, f. verso, obliquamente; to go -, camminare storto. s. Avul'sion, [avulscieiiu] s. lo sradicare, m. Axe, [cs] s. accetta, scure, f. ven- Await', [aoiiete] v. a. aspet- Axil'lary, [cslar] adj. deltare. l' ascella.

m. ven- Avow'ry, [avaour]



Awry', [arai]



Awake', [aoueche] v. a. irr. Ax'iom, [acscieum] (awoke; awaked) svogliare, rav- m. sentenza, f.
-, V. n. svegliarsi,



Av'erage, [aveurdge] s. quantit proporzione media, f.

Aver'ment, [veiirmnt]



veramento, certificamento, i. Averrunc'ate, [vereunchte] v.

a. sradicare, estirpare.


[avereuncb, sradicamento, m. Aversa'tion, [vrsscieiuj s avversione, f. Averse', [veurse] adj. repugnante, contrario to be -, ab;


de- Ax'is, [acss] s. asse, f. Ax'lepin, [cslpn] s. caviglia Awake', [aoeche] adj. sveglia- della ruota, f. Awak'en, [aoiiech'n] v. n. sve- Ax'letree, [cs'1-tri] s. asse, gliarsi, riscuotersi dalla lesala, f. targia. Ay, [ai] adv. s; -, inf. ohim! Awak'ener, [aoech'neSr] s. uno infelice me! che sveglia, m. Aye, [i] adv. sempre, per semAwak'ening, [aoech'ning] s. pre. r atto di svegliare, m. adj. che Az'imnth, [zimeuth^] s. azzisveglia, che commuove. rautto, m. Award', [aouard] . giudicio, Azote, [azote] s. aria mefitica./". m.; sentenza, f. A'zure, [zieir] s. azzurro, m.; Award', [aouard] v. a. aggiudi- -, adj. azzurro, turchino. care, sentenziare, determinare. Azyme, [zalme] s. azzimo, m.
(to, destato.



B, questa lettera ha il modesi- Back'biting, [bacbating] s. camo suono in inglese come in lunnia. Baboon, babbuino. Back'blow, [bcblo] s. rovescioitaliano Band, banda. ne, m. Baa, [ba] s. il belar della pe- Back'board, [bcbrde] s. doscora, m. siere d' una lancia, m. Baa, [ba] v. n. belare (come Back'bone, [bac-bne] s. spiuna pecora). na, f. Bab'ble, [bbl] s. ciarla, cca- Back'door, [bcdore] s. porta leria, f. cicalamento, m. di dietro, f.; siittorfiigio, m. Bab'ble, [bbl] v. n. ciarlare, Back 'friend, [bcfrnd] s. amicicalare, parlar troppo. co falso, m. amica falsa, f.


[badie'] adv.











m. inganno, m.

Baffler, [bfl^^r]

v. a. eluder,

aire, rovinare.





pa- Backirani'mon, [bacgameun] s. role vane, f. pi. tavola reale, f. Babbler, [bbleur] s. ciarlone, Back'ground , [bcgraound] s. cicalone, m.; cicaliera, berlin- la terra indietro (detto di un ghiera, f. paesaggio), f. ^ Bab'bling, [bblTng] s. ciarla, Back'piece, [bcpise] s. armatura per la scena,/". /. cicalamento, cicaleccio, m. Babe, [beb] s. bambino, bam- Back'hoQse, [bchaouse] s. parte passeggiere, /. (stufa, f. bolino, m. deretana d' una casa, f. Bag'nio [bagno] s. bagno, m. Ba'bisb, [bbTsc] adj. bambine- Back'room, [bcrm] s. camera Bag'nio-keeper,[bgno-chipur]

Bab'blement, [bblmnt]

furbo, TO. Bag, [bag] s. sacco, sacchetto, m.; borsa, /".; to truss up - and baggaqe, levar le tende. Bag, [bg] V. a. insaccare, mettere in sacco. Bagatelle' , [bgatel] s. bagattella, chiappola, f. Bag'gage, [bagedge] s bagaglio, m. bagascia, /.; (raii.) roba di

sco, di



adv. da Back'shop, [bcscop]

bambino. Baboon', [babun]

no, m.






bambino, fan-

tolino, fantoccio, m.; - things, s. pi. bambocceria, fantocceria,



Ba'bhood, [bbibiid]


lo stato

di infanzia^ Babyish, [bebisc] adj. bino.

da bam-

s. stufajuolo, m. bottega Bag'pipe, [bgpipe] s. cornadi dietro, f. musa, piva, f. Back'side, [bcsaide] s. dereta- Bag'piper, [bgpaipeur] s. suono; riverso, m. natore di cornamusa, m. Back'slde, [bcslide] v. n. ter- Bail, [ble] s. sicurt, /. mallegiversare. vadore, TO.; to give -, dar malBack'slider , [bacslideur] s. levadoria. apostata, wv. Bail, [ble] v. a. mallevare, daBack'sliding, [bcslaiding] s. re sicurt. tergiversazione, /._ Bail'able, [beleabl] adj. che si Back'stairs, [bcstres] s. scala pu mallevare.

di dietro, /.





Bac'cated, [bachoted] adj. bac- Back'sword, [bcsrde] cbifero, ornato di perle. bola, f.



[bcanlin] s. Back'ward,[bcourd]af/i.restio, briacone, bevono, m. tardivo, tardo, repugnante; -, Bac'chanals, [bcanls] s. pi. adv. in dietro, di dietro. baccanali, f. pi. Back'wardly, [baco nardi e'] adv. Bacci'ferous, [bcsfireus] adj. con repugnanza,malvolentiori. baccifero. Back'wardnes3 , [bcouardnes] Bach'elor, [baceleir] s. baccel- s. tardit tarditezza , repu,

liere, celibe, m. gnanza, f. Bach'elorsbip, [bacileSrscTp] s. Back' wards, [bcoiards] adv. di baccelleria, /".; celibato, m. dietro, in dietro. Back, [bc] adv. dietro, in die- Back'yard, [bcjrd] s. cortile tro, di nuovo; to go -, andare di dietro, _m. in dietro; to keep -.ritenere; Ba'con, [becbeun] s. carne secca to send -, rimandare. (di majale) f. to save one's-,

[blf] s. sbirro, sergente, fattore, m. ; -'s follower, s. ajutante (d'un messo), m. Bai'liwic, [bliouic] s. giuridizione d'un podest, f. Bail'ment, [blemont] 8. consegna di mercanzia &c. Bait, [bte] s. esca, f. ; inganno, allettamento, m. Bait, [boti;] v. a. adescare, allettare, lusingare; rinfrescarsi in un viaggio (detto specialmente dei cavalli.) Bait'ing , [btingj s. esca, f.] - piace, s. osteria, /.;albergo,m.; hull -, s. combattimento di tori,

Back, [bc]

dorso, dosso, m.; schiena, (.\ to break one's -, romper la schiena ad uno spiantar uno, to turn one's prender la fuga, fuggire; to turn one's - to one, volger lo epalle ad uno. Back, [bc] v. a. montare (a cavallo); secondare; (mar.) to the sails, metter le vele al vento. Back'bite, [bcbaite] v. a. calunniare, diffamare. Back'biter, [bcbaiteiir] s. calunuiatoro, malodicente, m.

uscire salvo d'un affare (vulga- Baize, [beze] s. bajetta, /". rism). Bake, [bche] v. a. cuocere al Bad, [bad] adj. cattivo, vizioso, forno, fare il pane.

dannoso. Bake'house, [bechehaous] t. Bade, [bdc] impf. del v. to Bid. bottega di fornajo, f. Badge, [bdg] s. sogno, indizio, Bak'er, [bcheiir] s. fornajo, pa-





[bdg] v. a. segnare marcare, mettere un segno.

nattiere, m. ; -'s trade, stiere del fornajo, m.



Bakery, [bchear] .bottega di


Badg'er, [bdgeiir]

s. tasso, infornajo, f. cettatore, rivenditore, m. Bak'ing, [bchng] Badger, [bdgeur] v, a. tor- fornata, f, ; - pan,



mentare, dar noja ad uno. Ba'dinage, [bdindge] s. scher zo, m.



Bake'meats, [bekemites]
ne cotta al forno,





Bal'ance, [balanse] s. bilancia, Balloting, [blotngl s. bal- Ban'isli, [bnsc] v. a. bandire, esiliare, discacciare. lottare, wi. ballottazione, /'. /. ; contrappeso, bilancio, m. Bal'ance, [balanse] v. a. bilan- Balm, [bam] s. balsamo, /g. ad- Banlsher, [bnisceur] s. che manda in esilio, m. dolcimento, i. ciare, contrappcsare, aggiusta[bniscment] s. re, esaminare; -, v. n. esitare, Balm, [bam] v. a. imbalsama- Ban'ishment,


Bal'ancer, [balanseur] s. quello che pesa. Balancing, [balansing] . equilibrio, m. Barcony, [balcone'] s. balcone, ni. ; (mar.) galleria, f. Bald, [bauldj adj. calvo, spelato, usato. Bal'dachin, [bauldachin] s. baldacchino, m.

esilio, sbandimento, m. re, fig. addolcire. Balm'tree, [bamtri] s. balsa- Bank, [banc] s. sponda, riva, f.; lido, scoglio, banco, m.; to keep (lenitivo. mino, m. Balm'y, [bame'] ad}, balsamico, the -, far banco. Bal'neary , [blniare'] s. luogo Bank, [banc] v. a. arginare, mettere danari nel banco. da bagnarsi, m.

Barderdash, [bauldeiirdasc]




[bauldle'] adv. nudamente, senz' ornamento. Bald'ness, [bauldns] s. calvez-


za, calvizie,



[bauld-pet'd] adj calvo. Bald'-rib, [bald-rab] s. costa di porco, f. Bardric, [bauldrc] s. cintura, /. pendaglio, zodiaco, m. Baie , [ble] $. balla, /. fascio, mazzo, m. ; to make up into a -, imballare. Bale, [bele] v. a. imballare, v. n. to bale out water from a boat, liberare una barca di acqua. Bale'ful, [bleful] adj. triste, lamentevole, infausto. Balefully , [bleful e'] adv. in modo lamentevole , infausta-

Balister, [blsteir]


m. Balk, [banc]




contrattempo, m.; mancanza, danno, pregiudizio, m.

Balk, [bauc]

v. a. tralasciare,

omettere, frustrare, mancare di parola. Ball, [baul] s. palla, /.; globo, m.;
(bill.) biglia,

Balnea'tion, [blniescieun] Bank'bill, [bnc-bl] s. biglietto di banco, m. gnaraento, bagnare, m. Bal'sam, [bulsra] s. balsamo, Bank'er, [bncheur] s. banchiere, banchiere, m. balsimo, m. Balsam'ic,[baulsmc]Balsaml- Bank'note , [bancnote] vedi Bankbill, cal, [baulsmcal] adj. balsamiBank'rupt, [bncreupt] s. merco, lenitivo. Bal'ustrade, [bleiistrede] s. ba- cante fallito, m.; to be a -, to become a -, fallire. laustrata, colonnata, f. Bamboo', [bamb] s. canna no- Bank'ruptcy, [bncreupts] . fallimento, m. dosa (d'India), f. Bamboo'zle, [bmbiizl] v. a. Bann, [bnn] vedi Ban. Ban'ner,[bneiirJ .bandiera,/".; minchionare, ingannare. Bamboo'zler, [bmbiizleur] s. stendardo, m. Bau'noret , [bneret] s. cavaingannatore, m. Ban, [bn] s. bando, proclama, liere banderese, m. Bannerol, [bnerol] Bandrol, m.; scomunica, f. Ban, [bn] v. a. maledire, sco- [bndr51e]s. piccola bandiera, f. Ban'uian, [bniu] s. veste da municare. Band, [band] s. vincolo, legame, camera, /". m.; banda, compagnia, truppa, Ban'nock, [bneuc] s. focaccia /".; by -s, in truppe. d' avena, schiacciata, f. Band, [band] v. a. legare, fa- Ban'quet, [banquet] s. banchetto, convito, m. sciare, radunare. Band'age, [bndedge] .vincolo, Ban'quet, [banquet] v. n. banchettare, fare banchetti. legame, legaccio, m. Band'box, [bndbcs] s. scatola Ban'queter, [bnquete'ur] s. cho banchetta, convitatore, m. per biancherie, f. Ban'delet, [bndlet] s. (arch.) Ban'quet-house , [bnquethause] listello, m. Ban'queting-house, Ban'dit, [bndt] Bandit'to, [bnqueting-haouse] s. casa da [bandito] .bandito, proscritto, banchettare, f. ladrone, m. Ban'quetng, [banqueting] . Ban'dog, [bandog] s. mastino, w. r atto di festeggiare, m. Bandoleer, [bndllre] s. ban- Ban'ter,[bnter]s. burla, beffa, scherno, m. doliera, f. cartoccio, m. /. Band'rol, [bndrole] s. bande- Ban'ter, [bnteur]. a. burlare,



beffare, sojare.

Bal'lad, [bldj zone, f.

/.;(danc.) ballo, i?i. s. ballata, can-

Ban'dy, [bande]



Bant'erer, [bnteureur]



bastone curvo, m. fatore, schernitore, m. Ban'dy, [bande] adj. torto, stor- Bantering, [bnturing] .l'atto

Ballad'maker, [baldmcheur] to, curvo. di burlare, m. s. compositore di canzoni. Ban'dy, [bande'] v. a. ballottare, Bantling, [bantling] . bambiBallad'-monger, [bld-meun- palleggiare,scuotere, discutere, no, bambolino, m. gheur] s. venditore di canzoni. trattare, cospirare. Bap'tism, [bptizm] . battesiBal'lad-singer, [bld-sngheur] Ban'dy-legged,[bnd-legd]ad;. mo, m. s. cantatore di canzoni, m. che ha le gambe torte. Baptis'mal, [bptizml] ad/.batBallad-writer, [bld-raiteur] Bane, [bene] s. veleno, m.; rovi- tesimale, di battesimo. 8. compositore di canzoni. na, /.; rat's-, arsenico, m. Bap'tist, [baptist] s. battezzaBallast, [blst] . (mar.) za- Bane, [bene] v. a. avvelenare, tore, battezziere, m. vorra, savorra, stiva, f. corrompere. Bap'tistery , [bptisteure'] s. Ballast , [blst] v. a. (mar.) Baneful, [bneful] adj. velenoso, battistero, fonte battesimale, zavorrare, stivare. pernizioso, destruttivo. m. Ballet, [bltj . balletto, m. Bang, [bang] s. colpo, m.; per- Bap'tize, [baptize] v. a. batBalloon, [blun] s. pallone, m. cossa, /". tezzare. Ballot, [blot] s. voto, suffra- Bang, [bang] v.a. battere, tara- Baptiz'er, [bptazeur] s. batgio, m. bussare. tezzatore, m. Ballot, [blot] r. n. ballottare, Ba'nian , [bnin] s. vesta da Bar, [bar] .barra, sbarra, standare la sua voce. camera, f.; - day, giorao di ga,/'.;ostacolo, impedimento, wi.; Ballota'tion, [balotisciexin] magro. linea musicale, /. stanza in

un' osteria






Barge, [bardgc]

v. a. sbarrare, stangare, escludere, interdire. Barb, [barb] s. barba, /.; cavallo barbero, corridore, m. Barb, [barb] v. a. fare la barba, intagliare.

Bar, [bar]

Bar'bacan, [barbacan] s. barbacane, canale, m. Barba'rian, [brbern] s. barbaro, villano, m. Barbar'ic, [barbarie] adj. barbaresco, strano.

barca, bar-j Bar'rier, [brieur] .barriera,/".; ostacolo, m. Barge'man, [bardgemn]s. bar- Bar'rister, [brstur] . avvocaruolo, nocchiere, m. cato patrocinante, m. Barge'master, [brdgemasteur] Bar'row, [baro] s. barella, f.; 8. proprietario di una barca, m. wheel-, 8. carriuola,/". - grease, Bark, [bare] s. scorza, cortec- s. grasso di porco, m.; - hog, s. cia, barca, f. porco castrato, k:. Bark, [bare] v. a. scorzare, scor- Bar'shot, [brscdl^ ; palle ratecciare; -,v. n. abbajare, sgrimate, f. pi. dare; fo-a< the wioon, abbajare Bar 'ter, [brte'Sr] C. baratto, alla luna. cambio, m. Bark'er, [bar cheur ] s. abbaiato- Bar'ter, [brte'ur] v. a. baratta;

re, wi. re, cambiare. bar- Bark'ing, [brchmg] s. abbaja- Bar'terer, [brteireur] .baratmento, scorzare, m. tatore, cambiatore, m. Barbar'ity, [brbarite'] 8. bar- Bark'y, [barche'] adj. di scorza. Bar'tering, [brteuring] s. baBar'ley, [brl] s. orzo, m. ; ratto, m. barie, inumanit, f. [brbareus] ad]. 6read,s. pane d'orzo, m.; - corn, Bar'ytone, [baritone] s. baritoBar'barous, s. grano d'orzo, m. ; - sugar, s. no, m. barbaro, inumano. Barbaronsly, [brbareusl]adv. zuccherino, m.; - water, s. acqua Basalt, [bisault] s. basaltite, m. d'orzo,/'. barbaramente, crudelmente.^ (vite, m. Basal'tic, [besaultic] adj. di baBar'barousness, [brbarusnes] Barm, [brm] s. fermento, lie- saltite. s. crudelt, rozzezza, ignoran- Bar'my, [brme'] adj. che con- Base, [bese] s. base, basa, f. pietiene del lievito. destallo, basso, m. za, f. Base', [bse] adj. vile basso Bar'becue, [barbicbiu] s. porco Barn, [barn] s. granajo.m. Bar'nacle , [brnacl] s. barna- abbietto. cotto intero, m. Base'born, [beseborn] adj. vilBarb'ed, [barb'd] adj. barbato, cla, oca di Scozia, f. Barnfloor, [brn-ilre] s. aja, /. mente nato, bastardo. pennuto. . Barb'el, [barbel] s. barbio, m. Barom'eter, [bromtur] s. ba- Base'-court, [bse-curte] rometro, m. bassa corte,/. (pesce). Bar 'ber, [barbour] s. barbicre.m. Baromet'rical, [barometrical] Baseless , [beseles] adj. senza fondamento. Barberry, [brbere'] s. berbero, adj, di barometro. Bar'on, [breun] s. barone, m. Base'ly, [besele'] adv. bassafrutto del berbero, m. Bard, [brd] s. poeta, vate, m. Bar'onage, [bareundge] baro- mente, abbiettamente, vilmente. Bare, [bere] adj. nudo, ignudo, nia, f. Bar'oness, [bareins] s. baro- Base'minded, [bsemaindd]adj. scoperto, puro, privo. Bare, [bere] v. a. nudare, sco- nessa, f. servile, sordido. Bar'onet , [brenet] s. baro- Basement, [besement] s. piedeprire, privare. stallo, m. Bare'bone, [berebne] s. magro, netto, m. scheletro, m. Baro'nial, [baronial] adj. che Base'ness, [bsenes] .bassezza, Bare'faced, [brefs'd] adj. sfac- appartiene ad una baronia. vilt, indegnit,pusillanimit,/. Bar'ony, [breune] ^baronia,/'. Base'vol, [bsevail] s. viola,/. ciato, aperto. Bare'facedly, [brefsed]e']adv. Ba'roscope, [baroscope] s. ba- Bashaw, [basciu] s. basci, sfacciatamente. roscopio, m. bassa, m. Bare'facedness, [berefsdnos] Bai^'racan, [baracn] s. barra- Bash'ful, [bscful] adj. timido, cane, m. s. sfacciatezza, impudenza, f. vergognoso. Bare'foot, [beretut]Bare'footed, Bar'rack, [barac] s baracca, ca- Bash'fuUy, [bscfiile'] adv. timi[brefutd] adj. a piedi nudi, serma, /. damente,vergognosamente, moscalzo. Bar'rack-master, [brc-mas- destamente. Bare'beaded , [brehdd] adj. teur] s. il soprantondeute di Bash'fulness, [bscfilnes] .ticolla testa scoperta. una caserma, m. midit, vergogna, modestia, /.

Bar'barism, [barbarism] barismo, m.


s. cavilla- Eas'il, [basii] s. (bot.) bassilico, m. tore, beccalite; brigante, m. Bare'ribbed , [brerib'd] adj. Bar'ratry, [bratro'] s. baratte- Bas'ilisk, [bslisc] s. basilisco, magro. (mente; appena. ria, truffa, f.; inganno, m. pezzo d' artiglieria, m. Bare'Iy , [bircie'] adv. povera- Bar'rel, [brl] s. barile, cilin- Ba'sin, [bs'n] .bacino, bacile, Bare'ness, [berenes] s. nudit, dro, m.; canna (d' un-archibu- m. ; catinella, /. povert, /. Ba'sis, [bsTs] .basa, /.; fondaso)A Bar'gain, [brghen] s. patto, Barrel, [brel] v. a. imbottare. mento, sostegno, n. accordo, mercato, m.; a - is a -, Bar'ren, [brn] adj. sterile, in- Bask , [basche] v. n. scaldarsi His a -, quel che fatto fatto; fruttuoso, arido, magro. al sole. to buy a - , comprare a buon Bar'renly, [brnle'] adv. ste- Bas'ket,[baschet] .canestra,/, mercato; lo stri/ce a -, patteg- rilmente, aridamente. canestro, m.; paniera, /.; hand -, giare. Bar'rennes, [brnns] .sterili- s. sporta, sportolla, /. ivickcr, -, Bar'gain, [brghen] v. n. pat- t, aridit, f. cestella, zana, /.; corbello, m_.




Barrator, [brateir]

gambe nude.

teggiare, pattuire. Bar'ricade, [brichde] s. bar- Bas'ket-maker , [baschot-meBar'gainer, [brghneir] s. pat- ricata, /".; ostacolo, ni. cher] . panierajo, cestajuolo, teggiatore, m. Barricade', [brichde] v. a. m. Bargaining, [barghonlng] s. il barricare, fortificare con bar- Bas'ket-woman, [baschet-ouou* pattuire, m. man] s. zanajuola, /. ricate, sbarrare.

Bass, [tse]



s. basso, contrab- Bat'terer, [bateireur] s. batti- Bea'dle , [bdl] s. bidello, sorgente, m. basso, m.; stoja, f. tore, m. Bas'set, [bst] s. bassotta, f. Bat'tering, [bteurng] s. bat- Beadleship, [bdlscip] s. l'uf(giuoco di carte). timento, m.; - ram, s. ariete, f. fizio di bidello, m. Bassoon', [basun] s. bassone, m. Battery, [bteir] s. batteria, /.; Bea'gle, [bigi] s. bracco, m. Beak, [biche] s. becco, rostro ; Bass'relief, [bsrilfe] .basso- battimento, m. rilievo, m. Battle, [batl] s. combattimento, sprone, m. Bas'tard, [bastard] s. bastardo, m.; battaglia, f.; - array, s. Beak'ed, [bich^d] adj. in forma m.; bastarda, f. schiera, ordinanza, f.; - axc, s. d becco. Bast'ard, [bastard] adj. bastar- azza, /". ; - door, s. racchetta, f. Beak'er, [bicheur] s. tazza, cioBat'tle, [bti] v. a. combattere, tola, f. do, illegittimo. Beai, [bile] s. bolla, pustula,bolBas'tardize, [bstardaize] v. a. pugnare. imbastardire, falsificare. Bat'tleinent,[btlraent] s.(fort.) licella, f. Bas'tardly, [bstirdle'] adv. in merlo, m. (merlato. Beam, [birae] s. trave, /".; timomodo di bastardo, bastarda- Battlemented,[bat'lmented]adj. ne, stilo, raggio, m. mente. Bat'ty, [bte'] adj. di pipistrello. Beam, [bime] v. n. raggiare. Bas'tardy, [bastarde'] s. bastar- Ba'vin, [bvin] s. stecco, fascet- Bea'mless, [bimels] adj. senza raggi. di gi, f. te, fastello, m. Baste', [beste] v. a. bastonare, Baw'ble, [baubl] s. bagattella, Beam'y, [bme'] adj. radiante, raggiante, fulgido. imbastire, spruzzare. cosa da nulla, f. Bastinade, [bstinede] Bastina'- Baw'bling, [baubling] adj. vile, Bean, [bine] s. fava, f.', kidney -s, french -s , pi. fagiuoli, m, do, [bastind] s_. bastonata, f. da nulla.

Bastinade'[bstinide]Bastina'- Bawd, [band] do, [bastined] v. a. bastonare. zana, f.





s. orso, m.; (astr.) orsa, /. -'s ear, s. canicola, /. - driver, s. menatore d'orso, m.; bastone, m. pi.; {cook.) pillot- no, ruffianare, sviare. tare. Bawd'ily, [baudile'] adv, osce- - hunt, s. caccia d'orsi, /". bating, combattimento di orsi. Bas'ton, [bastieiin] s. bastione, namente, sporcamente. riparo, m. Bawd'iness, [baiidins] s. osce- Bear, [bere] v. a. irr. (bore, bar".; borne) portare, produrre Bat, [bt]s. mazza,/".; pipistrel- nit, f.

Bear, [bere]




colpi di


[baiid] v. n. far




Ba'table, [botabl] adj. contestabile, disputabile.

Baw'dric glio, m. Baw'dry,




-, V.

n. irr. soff'erire,








ria, f.; ruffianesimo,


tarsi ; to - against, resistere, opporsi; ^0- company, accompagnare; to - down, abbattere, ab-

pane, /. Bate, [bete]

Baw'dy, [baud] adj. osceno, dicontesa, disputa, sonesto; - ^OMSe, s. bordello, m. querela,_/. (poco usato). Bawl, [baul] v. n. gridare, strilBate, [bete] v. a. sbattere, di- lare, proclamare ad alta voce. minuire (poco usato). Bawl'er, [bauleur] s. gridatore, Bate'ful, [beteful] adj. conten- m.
zioso, litigioso.

bassare; to- a grudge, \ol6v male, odiare ; to - witness, far te-




gridio, m.

Bate'ment, [btement]
so, m.; fa, f.


diminuzione, /. Bath, [bath'] s. bagno, m.

gridata, f.; schiamazzo, m. Bay, [b] s. baja, f.; golfo, alstu- loro, wi.; to keep at-, tener a

v. a.

bagnare, bagnarsi. Bath'ing,[bethUng] s. bagnare, m. - place, s. bagno, m. - tub, s. vaso da bagnarsi, m. Bath'keeper, [bth-cbpeiir] s stufajuolo, m.
v. n.
; ;

Bathe, [bath^e]

Bay, Bay,

bajo, castagnino. n. abbajare, belare. Bay'tree, [be'trl] s. alloro, m. Bay'salt, [be'sault] s. sale nero, sale marino, m.
[be'] adj.

[be'] v.

stimonianza, testificare, affermare to - off, portare via per forza; to - out, proteggere, difendere; to - through, condurre, maneggiare; to - up, appoggiare; to - with, sopportare, compatire. Beard, [birde] s. barba, f. Beard, [birde] v. a. strappare la barba, afi'rontare. Beard'ed, [birdd] adj. barbato, pennuto.

Beardless, [birdeles]
bato, imberbe. Bear'er , [bereur] m.; portatrice, f.

adj. sbar-

nestra tonda,





Ba'ting:, [btmg] prep. eccetto che, salvo. Bat'Let, [btlet] s. pilo, pestone, m.

[biard] s. cavallo Bear'ing, [bering] s. portamen, to, m.; patimento, affliziobajo, cavallo balzano, m. ; Ba'yonnet, [biont] s. bajonet- ne, /.; dolore, m. ta, /. Bea'rsh, [borisc] adj. rozzo, in-


bastone, w.; Bdel'lium, [delieum] s.bdellio,i. civile. Be, [bi] r. n. irr. (f am ; was Beast', [biste] s. bestia, /"., bruto; been) essere, esistere, trovarsi, m. licose. stare; / have been, sono stato; Beastliness, [bistelines] s. brutBattaglia, [batlia] s. ordine there he is, eccolo there are, tezza, brutalit, f. di battaglia, m.; battaglia, /". ve ne sono what's the matter ? Beast'ly, [bstelj adj. bestiale, Battariou, [btliein] s. batta- che c'? brutale. glione, m. Beach, [btsc] s. lido, lite, m.; Beat, [bite] s. colpo, n.; percosBat'ten, [bat'n] v. a. ingrassa- riva, sponda, f. sa, f. re; -, V. n. ingrassarsi, impin- Beach'y, [bitsc] arfj. marittimo, Beat, [bite] v. a. irr. {beat, beat, guarsi. littorale. beaten, Jea^) battere, percuoteBat'ter, [bateir] s. farinata; Bea'con, [bcheun] s. faro, fare; -, v. n. irr. palpitare, pulfrittella, f. nale, m.; lanterna, f. sare; to - against, dar contro, Bat'ter, [bateir] v. a. battere, Bead', [bide] s. pallottolina, /.; urtarsi; to - back, rispignere, demolire, rovinare. -s, pi. rosario, m. ributtare; lo - down, abbattes.

Batoon', [btun] mazza, f.

Bat'tailous, [bateleis] adj. bel




re, emolire, rincarare (il prez- Becom'ingly,[bIcheumngle']ad.} alveario.m.; arnia,/".; - master, s. che tiene pecchie. convenevolmente. zo); to -in, cacciare, ficcare con forza ; to - into, inculcare, B e com'ingne ss, [bicheurain gnes] Beech, [bitsc] s. faggio, m. imprimere; to - off, scacciare, s. convenevolezza, convenenza, Beech'en, [btsc'n] adj. di faggio. Beech'-tree, [bitsc-tri] s. faggio, propriet, f. to - out, cavare, trarre, espellem. Bed, [bd] s. letto, matrimonio re; to - upon, battere. adj. battuto, Beat'en, [bit'n] flower-qMa.diro,m.',togo to-, an- Beef, [bfe] s. vaccina, carne d trito, vinto {vedi to Beat). dare a letto; to be brought to -, bue, /.; boiled -, manzo lesso, Bea'ter, [bteur] .battitore, pe- partorire; - chamber, s. camera m.; salt -, manzo salato, m.; stello, m.; berta, f. da letto, /.; - clothes, s. pi ; co- - steak, s. carbonata di vacciBeatifi'c, [batific] Beatificai, perte del lotto, /'.pi.; -curiam, s. na, f. [biatificl] ad}, beatifico. cortina da letto, f ; - fellow, s. Beef-eater, [bfelteur] s. custoBeatifica'ton, [bitficliescieun] compagno di lotto, m.; - maker, de, guardia, m. s. beatificazione, f. s. servitore (nelle universit), Been, [bin] part, del v. to Be. Beat'ify, [bitifaij v. a. beati m.; -wiaie,?. compagno di letto, Beer, [hire] s. birra, f.; small -, ficare. m.; - post, s. colonna di letto, birra leggiera, f.: strong -, bir- presser, s. dormitore, ra forte, /".; - cask, s. botte da Bea'ting, [biting] s. battiraen f.; - room, vedi Bed-chamber ; birra, /. - cellar, s. canova da to, palpitamento, m.; correzio birra, /".; - glass, .bicchiere da no, f. side, s. sponda del letto, f.; birra, m.; - jug, s. brocca da Beat'itude, [batitiude] s. bea stead, s. legname del letto, m.; birra, /".; - house, s. taverna,/'.; titudino^ felicit, f. lettiera, ^; s^raw -, s. paglia- soup, s. zuppa di birra, - tick, s. fodera d'un Beau, [bo] s. zerbinotto, parigi riccio, f. no, m. guanciale,/'.;- time, s.ora d'an- Bee'stings, [bistugs] s. primo latte d' una vacca, m. Beaa'ish, [bsc] adj. di zerbi- dare a letto, f. no, di parigino. Bed, [bed] v. a. mettere in let- Beet, [bite] s. bietola, biota, /. Beau'teous, [biitieiis] adj. bello, to, stendere, colcai-e. Bee'tle, [bltl'] s. scarafaggio,

vago. Bedab'ble , [bidabl] v. a. & n. maglio, m.; - brotoed, adj. diBeau'teously, [biutieusle'] adv. umettare, spruzzare, bagnare. spettoso, arcigno - headed, adj. bellamente, Bedag'gle, [bdgl] . a. spor- sciocco, ottuso. Beau'teousness , [biiitieusnes] care, imbrattare. Beet'radish, [bitradisc] s. barbabietola f. s. bellezza, /. Bedash', [bidsc] v. a. spruz Beau'tifer, [biitifaieir] s. abBeeves, [bivcs] s. pi. buoi, m. pi. zare, imbrattare.

bellitore. Bedaub', [bidub] v. a. mac Beau'tifnl, [blutiful] adj. bello, chiare, bruttare, scarabocchia leggiadro, vago. re. Beau'tifuUy , [biutiful] adv. Bedaz'zle, [bidzl] v. a. abba bellamente, vezzosamente. gliare, abbacinare, appannar la Beau'tifulness, [biutifulnes] $. vista. bellezza, vaghezza, f. Bed'ding, [bedng] s. apparecBeau'tify, [biutifa] v. a. orna- chio compiuto del letto, i.; re, abbellire; -, . n. ornarsi, biancheria da letto, f. abbellirsi. Bedeck', [bidc] v. a. abbellire, Beautifying, [biutifaing] s. ab- addobbare. bellimento, m. Bedew', [bidiii] v.a. umettare, Beau'ty, [biute'] s. belt, va- innaffiare. ghezza, /".; - spot, s. mosca, f. Bedight', [bidaite] v. a. ornare, Bea'ver, [bvur] s. castoro, n. abbellire. Becafii'co, [bcafco] s. beccafi- Bedim', [bidm] v. a. oscurare,

Befal, [bifaul] v. n. irr. {befel, befallen) accadere, avvenire. Befit', [bift] V. a. convenire, essere convenevole. Befool', [biflj V. a. infatuare. Before' , [bfore] adv. & prp. avanti, prima, innanzi, primie-

ramente. Before'hand, [bfrehand] adv. avanti tratto, anticipatamente,

in avanzo. Before'time, [blfrctaime] adv. anticamente, altre volte, un tempo.
Befoul', [bifaulj v. a. sporcare,

m. offuscare. Becalm', [bicaam] v. a. calma- Bediz'en, [bdaizn] v. a. ornare, re, moderare; (mar.) togliere il decorare. vento. Bed'lam, [bedlam] s. ospidale Became', [bicherae] impf. del v. per i pazzi. to Become. Bedlamite, [bedlamaite] s. pazBecause', [bcauze] conj. per- zo, forsennato, m. ch, perciocch. Bedrag'gle, [bdrgl] r. a. imBechance', [biciansc] v. n. ac- brattare; -, V. n. infangarsi. cadere, avvenire. Bedreuch', [bidrnsc] v a. adaBocharm', [bicirm] v.a. incan- cquare, umettare, abbeverare. tare. Bed'rid, [bedrid] and Be'dridBeck, [bee] s. segno, cenno, m. den, [bdrdn] adj. obbligato Beck, [bc] Beck'on, [bec'n] v. a star in letto. n. fare cenno, accennare , as- Bedrop', [bidrop] v. a. goccioco,

imbrattare. Befriend', [bifrend] v. a. favorire, proteggere. Befring'e, [bifrndge] v. a. or nare di frange.

Beg, [bg] v.a. domandare. pregare ;-,v. n. mendicare, chiedere limosina. {Begin. Began', [bign] impf. del v. to Beget', [bight] v. a. irr. {begot;
begot, begotten) generare, produrre. Beget'ter, [bigheteir] s. genitore, generatore, m.


lare, aspergere.


[bichum] v. n. irr. Bedung', [bldeung] v. a. {became , become) convenire mare, sparger di letame. verire, spogliare. stare bene, divenire, diventare; Bedwarf, [biduaurf] v, o. ren- Beg'garliness, [begheurlines] what will -of me? che sar der piccolo, sminuire. s. mendicit, povert, mise,

Beg'gar, [bgheur] s. mendicante, pezzente, m.; -woman, s. mendica, f. leta- Beg'gar, [bgheir] v. a. impo-




Bee', [bi]


ape, pecchia,

/.; -




[bicheuming] convenevole, decente.


luogo da tenervi lo Beg'garly, [begheurle'] adj. popecchie, m. - hive, $. alveare, vero, miserabile.



Bel'luine, [boliuine] adj. i bestia, brutale. Bel'ly, fbl] s. ventre, wi. ; pancia, f.; - ache, s. mal di ventre, m.; - band, s. panciera,
/.; - bound, adj. stitico, costipato; - pinched, adj. afi'amato;
s. parasite, m.; - gody ghiottone, m. Bel'ly, [ble'] v. n. divenir panciuto, ingrassare. Bel'lyful, [blfil] s. corpac-

Beg'garly, [beghourle] adv. po- Behoove'fully, [bihuvefule'] adv. veramonte, mescliinamente. profittevolmente, utilmente. Beg'gary, [bgheur] s. mendi- Be'ing, [biing] s. essere, m. esicit, miseria, indigenza, /". stenza, f. Beg'ging, [bghing] s. mendi- Be'ing, [biiing] conj. posto che, care, m.; to go begging, andar poich, giacch. mendicando. Belabor, [bilebeir] v. a. bastoBeg'gingly, [teghingle'] adv. da nare, battere. mendicante. Belace', [bilese] v.a. attaccare, Begin', [bighin]v. a.irr. {began, guernire di merletti. begun; 6egttn)cominciare, prin- Bela'ted, [biltd] adj. sorpreso cipiare; to -again, afresh, ridalla notte. cominciare to - the world, en- Belay', [bile'] v. a. impedire, intrar nel mondo. sidiare (mar.) attaccare una Begin'ner, [bighineur] s. prin- corda. cipiante, novizio, m. Belch, [blsc] .rutto, m.; erut(tare. Begin'ning, [blghnng] s. prin- tazione, f. cipio, m.; origine, f. Belch, [belsc] v.n. ruttare, erutBegird', [bigheurd] v. a. irr. Belching, [blscing] s. 1' atto di (begirt; begirt) cignere, circoneruttare, m. dare. Bel'dam, [beldam] s. veccbiacBegnaw', [binau] v. a. andar ro- cia, f. dendo. Beleagu'er, [bllgheur] v. a. asBegone', [bIgon]^n^ vanne via! sediare, bloccare. vattene! Beleagu'erer , [biligheiireur] s. Begot'ten, [bigot'n] part, gene- assediatore, assediante, m. rato, nato (vedi to Beget). Bel'fry, [blfre'] s. campanile, m. Begrime', [bigraime] v. a. an- Belie', [bilai] v. a. calunniare. nerare. Belief, [bilife] s. fede, fidanza, Beguile', [bighaile] v. a. ingan- credenza, opinione, f. tight of nare, truffare. -, credulo. Begui'ler, [blghailur] s. ingan- Belie'vahle, [billvabl] adj. crenatore, truffatore, m. dibile, degno di fede. Beguiling, [bighailing] s. in- Believe', [bilive] v. a. credere, ganno, m.; truffa, /". prestar fede; -, v. n. pensare, Begun', [blgheun] impf. & part. imaginarsi; darsi a credere; to del V. to Begin. make one -, dare a credere. Behalf, fbbfe] s. favore, m.; Belie.'ver, [biliveiir] s. credente, causa, difesa, /. in your -, per fedele, cristiano, m. amor vostro._ Belie'vingly, [bilivingl] adv. Behave', [blhove] v. n. com- in modo credibile. portarsi, condui;si. Belike', [blaiche]adr.verisimilBeha'viour, [bihevieur] s. por- mente, probabilmente. tamento, condotto, m. Bell, [bel] s. campana, ^; little-, Behead', [blbedj v. .decapita- campanella, f.; to ring the -,

- friend,

ciata, saziet,


Belong', [bilng]

v. n.


tenere, aspettarsi. Belong'ing, [bilonging] appartiene; qualit, f.



Belov'ed, [bleiiv'd] adj. amato,

Below', [bilo] adv. & prep, sotto, gi, a basso, quaggi. Belt, [belt] s. budriere, pendaglio, m. shoulder -, s. ciar;

pa, f. Bely', [bilai] v. a. smentire, di-

mentiro, calunniare.

Bemire', [bimaire]

v. a. infangare, sporcare^ imbrattare.

Bemoan', [bimone]




piagnere, deplorare.

Bemoan'er, [bimonur] s. compiagnitore, m. Bemoan'ing, [blmning] s. compianto, lamento, m. s. scanno, banco, m.: corte, f. Bench'er, [bnsceur] s. assessore, giurisconsulto, m. Bend, [bnd] s. piegatura, curvit, /. costole (di nave),/", pi. Bend, [bend] v. a. irr. (bent; bent) tendere, curvare, piegare; (mar.) dar volta; to - one's

Bench, [bnsc]

mind, volger l'animo;


-, v.





re, decollare.

suonar la campana;

- (bot.)

Behead'ing, [biheding]



battaglio, m.; floiuer

campanaro, m.; - rope, corda da campana e campanella; Behind'hand,[bbaindhnd]adv. wether, s. montone che porta il Benedic'tion , [bnedcscioin] in dietro; in cattivo stato. carapanaccio, m. s. benedizione, grazia, f. Behold',[bihold]r. a. irr.(eAeW, Belle, [bel] s. vaga donna, f. Benefac'tion, [benet'csciein] s. beholden, beheld) riguardare, Belles-let'tres, [bl-lterz] s. benefizio; favore, m.
osservare, vedere.
pi. belle lettere,

pitazione, f. Beheld', [biheld] impf. del v. to Behold. Behest', [biheSt] s. comando, ordine, m. Behind', [blhaind] adv. & prp. dietro, in dietro, addietro, di dietro.

campanella; - founder, s. fonditordi campane, m.; - hanger, quello che sospende le campane e campanelle, m. - man, s. banditore, campanaro, m.; ;




wi.; - ringer,

mettersi; to - forwards, inchinare. Bend'-ible, [bendabl] adj. pieghevole, flessibile. Bend'er, [bnder] s. piegatore; strumento da piegare, m. Bend'ng, [bending] s. piegamento, m.; piegatura, curvit, f. Beneath', [binith^e]arfi;. & prep, sotto, di sotto, gi, a basso.


Benefac'tor, [bnefcteur] .benefattore, m. Beaefac'tress, [benofctrs]

benefattrice, /. Ben'efiee, [bnefis]
s. .

Behold'! [bihold] int. ecco! Bellig'erent, [bldgirnt] BelBehol'den, [bihold'n] adj. obbli- lig'erous , [blidgires] adj. gato, debitore. belligerante, guerreggiante. Behold'er, [bihldeur] s. spetta- Bellow, [blo] v. n. mugghiatore, m. re, muggire. Behoof, [bhf] s. profitto, co- Bellower, [bleur] s. uno che modo m. utilit, /. mugghia, m. Behoove' , [bihive] v. n. biso- Bellowing, [belo'ng] s. mug;


parrocchia, f. Ben'eflced, [bnefis'd] adj.




gnare, essere proprio. Behoove'ful , [bihveful]

profittevole, utile.



adj. Bel'lows, to, m.

[benefisense] . beneficenza, liberalit, /. pi. soffiet- Beneficent , [bnfisnt] afl(j, beneficente, liberalo.


[bneficentl] , a rfv. liberalmente. ^ adj. Benefl'cial , [benefiscial] profittevole, vantaggioso, utile. Benefl'cially, [benefiscil] adv. profittevolmente, utilmente. Benefl'calness, [benefiscilns]



ligenza; <oma/ce the -of a thing, trarre il maggior vantaggio da una cosa. Bestain', [bstne] v. a. macchiare, sozzare. Bestead', [bsted] v. a. irr. (bestead, bested; bested) profittare, rendere servizio. Bes'tial, [bestii] adj. bestiaio, brutale. Bestial'ity, [bestialit'] s. bestialit, brutalit, f. Bes'tially, [bestiale] adv. bestialmente, brutalmente. Bestick', [blstic] v. a. irr. (bes-


Ber'ry, [bere] bacche.


dormitorio in

un bastimento, m.
Ber'yl, [brl] s. berillo, m. Bescr'awl, [biscral] v. a. scarabocchiare. Bescreen', [biscrlne] v. a. velare, proteggere. Beseech', [bisitsc] v. a. irr. (beseeched, besought, besought) supplicare, scongiurare. Beseech'er, [bisitscur] s. pregatore, supplicante, m. Beseem', [bsme] v. n. conveni-

profitto, ni.; utilit,

f. s.

Benefi'ciary, [bnefsciare'] beneficiato, m.

Ben'efit, [benefit] s. benefizio, profitto, vantaggio, m. ; - of clergy, privilegio del clero, m. Ben'efit, [benefit] v. a. beneficare; -, V. n. profittare, avanzarsi.

tuck; bestuck) appiccare, punre, essere proprio. Benev'olence, [benevolense] s. Beseem'ing, [bislming] a^j. con- teggiare, incollare. venevole, dicevole; -, s. decen- Bestir', [blsteir] v. n. ingebenevolenza, liberalit, f. gnarsi, adoperarsi. Benev'olent, [benevolent] adj. za, leggiadria, f. Beset', [bist] v. a. irr. (beset, Bestow', [bist] w. a. dare, prebenevolo, beneficente. sentare, spendere, dare in maBenev'olently , [bnvolentle] beset) assediare, circondare. Beshrew', [biscri] t). w. maledi- trimonio; to - charity, fare la adv. in maniera benevola. carit. Benight', [binaite] v. a. oscn- re, pregare male. alla Beside', [bisade] Besides', [b- Best'owal, [bistl] s. V atto di rare, trattenere infino dare disposizione, m. saldes] prep. & adv. oltre, ecnotte. Benight'ed, [blnaited] ad], sor- cetto, piti innanzi, di pi; to be Bestow'er, [bistoeiir] s. dona- one's self, tore, datore, m. essere fuor del preso dalla notte. Bestraught' , [blstraut] adj. Benign', [bnaine] adj. benigno, senno. Besiege', [bisidge] v. a. asse- matto, pazzo. favorevole, liberale.

Bestrew' [bistrii] v.a. irr. spar[bingnant] adj. diare, bloccare. , Besieg'er, [bisidgur] s. asse- pagliare, dispergere. buono, grazioso, amabile. Bestride', [bistraide] v. a. irr. Benig'nity, [bingnite'] s. beni- diatore, assediante, m. Besieg'ing, [blsidging] s. asse- (bestrode, bestrid; bestridden, gnit, bont, affabilit, f. jestrid) accavalciare, attraverBenign'ly, [binainel] adv. be- di amento, m. Besmear', [bismire] Besmirch', sare, oltrepassare. nignamente, dolcemente. Ben'ison, [benizun] s. benedi- [bsmnrtsc] v. a. imbrattare, Bestud', [bisteiid] v.a. ornare,

sporcare, lordare.
v. a. inti-

Benumb', [bneiim]
rizzire, fare.

Besmoke', [bismoche]

v. a. affu-



guarnire. Bet, [bt] s. scommessa, f. Bet, [bt] v.a. scommettere, faa. irr. ri-

Besmut', [bismeut] v. a. anne- re una scommessa. Betake', [biteche] v. Benum'bedness, [bineumednes] rire con fumo. correre. s. ntirizzamento, m.; torpidez- Be'som, [bzeim] s. scopa, f.
f. s.

Benzoin', [benzoin] belgiv, m. Bepaint', [bipontej

di colore, colorire.


v. a. coprire

Bepraise', dare.




Bequeath', [biqnthie] u. a. legare, lasciare in testamento. Bequeath'er, [bqiiithieur] s testatore, m.

Bequeath'ment, [biqiiith'ment]
Bequest', [bquestj



Ber'herry, [berberi] s. coccola acre, f. (se Barberry), Bereave', [brve] v. a. irr. (bereaved, bereft, bereft) privare,

Bereave'ment, [birlvement]
privazione, perdita,


Ber'gamot, [beurgamot] s. pera bergamotta, f.; bergamotto, m. Berhyme', [blrame] v. a. celebrare in versi. Berlin', [beiirlin] s. berlina, f. (carrozza). Ser'ry, [bere'] bacca, coccola f

Besort', [bisort] v. a. assortire, Bethink', [bith''inc] v. a. irr. considerare, riflettere; -, v. n, adattare. Besot', [bsot] V. a. infatuare, ricordarsi. Bethump', [blth^eump] v. a. bastordire. Besot'tedly, [bisotedle'] adv. stonare, battere. stupidamente. Betide', [bitade] v. n. irr. (betid; betid) avvenire, accadere. Besot'tedness, [bisotednos] s Betime', [bitarae] Betimes', stupidezza, f. Bespan'gle, [bispangl] v. a. or [bitaimes] adv. di buon'ora, nare di pagliuole. per tempo. Bespat'ter, [bispteur] V. a. Betok'en, [btch'n] v. a. sispruzzare, bruttare di fango; gnificare, pronosticare. Bet'ony , [btone'] s. betlonicalunniare. Bespeak', [bspche] v. a. irr. ca, f. Betray', [bitre'] v. a. tradire; ordinare, ingaggiare. Bespeck'le, [bspech'l] v. a, divulgare. macchiare, brizzolave. Betray'er, [bitreur] s. traditoBespice', [bspaise] v. a. acconre, perfido, m. Betrim', [btrim] v. a. ornare, ciare con spezie. addobbare. Bespot', [bspot] V. a. macchiaBetroth', [bitroth^J v. a. fidanre, sozzare. Bespread', [bisprd] v. a. irr zare, impalmare. Betroth'ment, [btrlh^ment] stendere, distendere. Besprin'kle, [bisprinch'l] v. a s. fidanza, f. spruzzare, aspergere. B etrust', [bitreust] v. a. affidaBest, [best] adj. ottimo, migliore, confidare, dare in custodia. re; -, adv. nel miglior modo; - Bet'ter, [beteur] adj. & adv. mi8. il migliore; to do one's gliore, meglio, in miglior momettere ogni cura, far ogni di do ; so much the -, tanto me-




glio; / ^ad-, avrei fattoineglio;lBi'as, [baias] .sghembo, m.; in- Bi'form, [baiform] and Biformed, [baiform'd] adj biforme. clinazione, /". fo get the -, restar superiore; [baias] v. a. inclinare, Bifur'cated, [baiforcheted] adj. -, s. superiore, m. (usato per lo Bi'as, biforcato, biforcuto. preoccupare, persuadere pi in plurale). Big, [bighe] adj. grande, grosso, Bet'ter, [bturj v. o. migliora- 'Bib, [bib] s. bavaglio, m. gravido; to look -, guardare Biba'cioas, [baibescieiisj adj. re, emendare. con occhi torvi, pavoneggiarsi; Bettering, [beteuring] s mi- bibace. iBib'ber, [bibeiir] s bevitore. to talk -, parlari autorevolglioramento, m. mente. Bet'ting, [bting] s. l'atto di| beone,

Bi'ble, [baibl] s bibbia, /. fare scommessa, m. Bet'tor, [btur] s. scommetti- Bi'blical, [biblical] adj. appartenente alla bibbia. tore, m. Between', [betuine] prep, fra, Bibliog'rapher, [bibliografoir] in mezzo; - while, di tempo s. bibliografo, m (ween.JBiblio'graphy, [bibliografe'] s in tempo. Betwixt', [btuicst] vedi Bet-i bibliografia, ^ Bev'el, [bevel] and Bev'il, [be- Bibliomania, [bbliomnia] ardente desiderio di possedere VI] s. squadra, f. Bevel, [bevel] or Bevil, [be'vil] rari e curiosi libri, m. V. a. squadrare. Biblio'polist, [bbliopolTst] s. Bev'erage, [beveuredge] s. be- librajo. veraggio, tn.; bevanda, f, Biblio'thecal,[bblith2ecl]adj. Bev'y, [bve] s. stuolo, nuvo- di biblioteca. lo, m. Biblio'thecary, [biblioth^icare'] Bewail', [biouaile] v. a. deplo-j . bibliotecario, m. rare, piagnere. Bib'ulous, [bibiuleus] adj. spon Bewail'able , [biouailabl] adj. gioso, assorbente. Bicip'ital,_ [bisipitl] Bicip'deplorabile Bewail'er, [bloueleur] s. pian- itous, [baisipitus] adj. biciI

Bg'amist, [bigamist] mo, m.






Big'belled, [bigbli'd] adj. panciuto. Big'gin, [bigliin] s. scuffietta, f. Bight, [baite] s. curva, baja; (mar.) gomitolo di una fune. Big'ly, [bigie] ac/u. superbamen-

te, orgogliosamente. Bg'ness, [bignes] s. grossezza, grandezza, f. Big'ot, [bigheut] s. bacchettone, bigotto, m. Big'oted, [bgheutd] adj. dedito al bacchettonismo, preoccupato ciecamente. Big'otedly, [bighutcll] adv. da bacchettone, ostinatamente. Big'otism, [bgheiitism] Big'pite. gitore. Bewail'ing, [bloualing] s. la- Bick'er, [bcheur] v. .disputa- otry, [bigheutre'J s. bacchettoneria, f. re, contendere. mento, 1. Beware', [blouere] v. n. guar- Bick'erer, [bicheureir] s. conten- Big'swoln, [bigsuoln] adj. turgido, gonfiato. ditore, m. darsi, avere cura. lagri- Bick'ering, [bicheuring] s. con- Bil'ander, [blndeiir] s. balanBeweep', [biouipe] dra, f. testazione, disputa, /. mare, deplorare. Bewet', [biouet] v umetta- JBick'ern, [bcheurn] s. lieva Bil'berry, [bilbeire'] s. mirtillo, m. appuntata, f. re, irrorare. Bewild'er, [biouildeur] v. a Bi'corne, [baicorne] Bicor'nous, Birbo, [bilb]_s. spadaccia, f. Brboes, [blboze] s. pi. ceppi, sviare, imbrogliare, intrigare. [baicorneus] adj. bicorno. [biouldeur- Bicor'poral , [bicorporl] adj. Bewil'derment , Bile, [baile] s. bile, collera, f.; mnt] s. imbrogliamento, m. di due corpi. Bewitch', [biouitsc] v. a. am- Bid, [bid] V. a. irr. (bid, bade; ciccione, m. bid, bidden) dire, ordinare, co- Bilge, [bildge] s. piano della namaliare, affascinare. Bewitcher', [bioutsceur] s. am- mandare, commettere, invitare, ve, m.; -water, s. (mar.) acqua di fondo della nave, f. maliatore, affascinatore, m. offerire ; to - defiance, sfidare Bewitch'ery, [bouitscur] s. to - up, alzar il prezzo, inca- Bilge, [bildge] v. n. {mar.) fare acqua, trapelare. affascinamento, m. malia, f. rire. Bewitch'ing, [bioutschng] adj. Bid'der, [bdeur] s. offerente, m. Bil'iary, [biliare] adj biliario. incantevole. iBid'ding, [biding] s. comando, Biringsgate, [bilnghshte] s.



offerta, f



Bilin'guous, [bailingious] adj. Bide, [balde] veiii Abide. Bewitch'ment, [boutsem'nt] Biden'tal, [badntl] adj. clie che ha due lingue. Birons, [bilieis] adj. bilioso. malia, f. s. fascino, m. ha due denti. Bewray', [bire'] v. a. scoprire, Bi'ding, [biding] s. dimora, abi- Bilk,[blk] V. a. ingannare, truf-


palesare, tradire.



fare, beffare.


[bre'ar] s. palesa- Bien'nial, [bainal] adj. di


tore, traditore, m. anni. Bey, [b] s. bey, m. Bien'nially, [baieniale'] adv. di Beyond', [bjnd] prep. di l, ogni due anni. oltre, sopra; - measure, fuor di Bi'er, [bire] s. bara, /".; cataletmodo, oltremodo; -my reach, to, m. superiore alla mia capacit; to Bies'tings, [bistngs] s. primo go -, eccedere, sopravanzare. latte (d'una vacca), m.

Bill, [bil] s. becco, rostro, conto, biglietto, m.; cedola, lista, f.

catalogo, m.; - of exchange, v. lettera di cambio, f.;- of lading, 8. polizza di carico, f.; - in






Bill, [bil] v.a. avvisare,


Be'zel, Be'zil, [bz'l]




ro, tn.


castone Bifa'rious, [baiforius] adj. dop- ziare; -, V. n. baciarsi l'un r altro. pio, equivoco. bezzuar- Biferous, [bfereus] adj. frut- Bil'let, [blet] s. biglietto, cep-

tifero due volte (l' anno). po, n.;- doix, s. lettera amoBian'gnlated, [bainghiuletd] Bi'fld, [baifd] Bi'fldated, [ba- rosa, /. Bian'gnlons , [balnghuleus] fidetd] arfy.spaccato. Billet, [bilet] v. a. alloggia/t adj. di dne angoli. (soldati). Bi'fold, [baifold] adj. duplo.





Bir'ding-piece, [beurding-plse] Bit'ter-sweet, [biteur-site] s. specie di mela, /. 8 schioppo (da uccellare), in. Bil'liard-player, [bilieurd-ple- Bird'-lime, [beird-laime] s. vi- Bitts, [bits] s. pJ. {mar.) bitte, eur] 8. giuocatore di bigliar- schio, m. / pi. Bird'-man, [beurd-mn] s. uc- Bitu'men, [baitiumen] s. bitudo, m.

Diglia, pallottola,

Bil'liards, [Hlieiirds] s. bigliar- cellatore, m. do, trucco, m.: to play at -, Bird's'-nest , [beird's-nest] s. nido d'uccelli, m. giuocare al trucco. Biiriard-cue, [blieurd-cliiu] s. Birth, [beirth^] s. nascita, nativit, stirpe, origine, /.; parto, stecca, mazza, f. m. ; ventrata, /. [blingsghete] Bil'lingsgate , Birth'-day, [beiirth^d] s. giortedi Bilingsgate. Bill'ion, [bliein] s. bilione,/". no di nascita, natale, i.

me, m. Bitn'minate, [baitiuminte] v. impregnare di bitume. Bitu'minous,[baitiuminus] adj. bituminoso^

Bi'valve, [baivalv] Bval'vular,

to, wi.








[blo] adj. turgido, Bin, [bin] s. cofano, buffetto, m.; arca, f. Bi'nary, [bainar] adj. (r.) bi-


Bind, [balnd] w. a. irr. {bound; bound) legare, obbligare, contrarre; to - a book, legare un libro ; -, v. n. impegnarsi, obbligarsi; indurire. Bind'er, [biudeur] s. legatore, m. Bind'ing, [bainding] mento, m.; legatura, f,


Bind'weed, [baindouide] volvulo, m.

Bin'nacle, [bnach'l]
la, f.



Biog'rapher, biografo, m.


[baivl.iilar] adj. bivalve. Bi'vious, [bvieus] adj. bivio. Birth'-place, [beirth'^-plese] s. Bivouac, [bivouac] s. posto di riposo di un esercito durante luogo natale, m. Birth'-right, [berth^-raite] s. la notte, i.; v. n. prendere il posto detto di riposo. primogenitura, /. [beirth--ouort] Blab, [blab] s. ciarlatore, ciarBirth'- wort ^ lone, m. (bot.) 8. aristologia, /. Bis'cuit, [bischt] s. biscotto, Blab [blab] v. a. ciarlare, chiacchierare. biscottino, m. Bisect', [baisct] v. a. dividere Blab'ber, [blabeiir] s. ciarlatore, chiacchierone, m. in due parti. Bisec'tion, [baisocscieun] s. bis- Blab'ber-lpped, [blabeiir-lip'd] adj. che ha le labbra grosse, sezione, divisione in due, /. Bish'op , [bisceup] . vesco- labbruto. Black, [blc] adj. nero, funesto, vo, m. Bish'oprc, [bscuprfc] .vesco- triste, cattivo; - and blue, livido; - art, s. arte magica, /".; -, vado, m. Bis'muth,[bTsmeuth5] s. bismut- s. color nero ; negro, m. Black'amoor, [blacamir] s. neto, m. gro, m. Bison, [balseun] s. bisone, m. Bissex'tile , [bisecstaile] adj. Black'ball, [blacbaul] v.a. espellere per mezzo di una palla bisestile. Bis'toury, [bisteur] s. (surg.) nera.

Biograph'ical, [bograficl] adj.

bistor, in.

Black'berry, [blcbre']
di rovo,



Biog'raphy, [baiograf]
grafia, f.



Bip'arous, [bipareus] adj. producente due_in una volta.

Bip'artite, [baiprtite] adj. diviso in due parti. Biparti'tion, [bipartsceun] s. bissoziono, f. Bi'ped, [baipd] s. bipede, m. Bi'pedal, [bpidl] adj. bipedale.

ha gli occhi neri. Black faced , [blc-fs'd] adj. Bitch, [btsc] s. cagna, f. Bipen'nate, [baipente] Bipen'- Bite, [baite] s. morso, m.; mor- brunetto, negretto. Black'friar, [blc-fraieur] s. nated, [baipnatd] adj. che sura, /.

Bi'stre, [bsteiir] 8. colore fatto dalla fuligine, m, Bisurcoas, [bisulcheus] adj. bisulco. Bit, [bit] s. pozzo, boccone, freno, morso, m.; not a -, never a-, niente affatto; by-s, in pezzi; - of a key, buco della chiave, m. Bit, [bit] V. a. imboccare, imbrigliare (un cavallo).

m. Black'bird, [blacbeiird] s. merBlack'cattle, [blc-cti] s. bestiame vaccino, m. Black'cock, [blccc] s. franco(lo,



Black'en, [blach'n] v. a. annerare, far nero; -, v. n. divenir


Black'eyed, [blaoai'd] adj. che

frate Domenicano, m. Bite, [baite] v. a. irr. {bit; bit, bitten) mordere, morsicare, piz- Black'guard, [blacgrd] s. birbone, briccone, m. pa, /. zicare, ingannare, trappolare; Birch'en, [beurtsc'n] adj. di be- to - o(f, portar via il pezzo Black'ing, [blching] s. cera da scarpe, /. tula. mordendo. Bird, [beiird] s. uccello, augel- Bi'ter, [baiteur] s. morditore, Black'ish, [blachisc] adj. nericcio, neretto. lo, m.; to kill two birds with furbono, m. one stone, batter due chiodi ad Bl'ting, [baiting] adj. morden- Black'lead, [blac-ld] s. piombaggine, /. una calda. te, pungente. Bird, [beiird] v. n. prendere uc- Bitingly, [baitngle'] adv. mor- Black'-letter, [blc-leteur] s. lettera gotica, /. celli, uccellare. dacemente, aspramente. Bird-bolt, [berd-blt] s. frec- Bit'ter, [bteiir] adj. amaro, Black'ly, [blcl] adv. neramente, atrocemente. cia da uccidere uccelli,/. aspro, piccante, crudele. Bird'-cage, [beiird-chdge] s. Bit'terly, [bteurle'j adv. ama- Black'mail, [blacmle] s. trigabbia, /. ramente, acutamente, severa- buto dato ai masnadieri, m. Black'moor, [blcmur] s. moro, Bird'-call, [beurd-cal] s. richiamente. Bit'tern, [biteurn] s. tarabu- negro, m.; negra, /. mo; fistio, m. Black'ness, [blcncs] s. nerezza; Blrd'-catcher, [boird-catsceur] so, m. atrocit, f. Bit'terness, [biteurnes] s. ama. uccellatore, m, Bir'dlng, [beurding] s. uccella- rezza, /.; rancore, m.; afflizio- Black'pudding, [blc-puding] <. sanguinaccio, m. ne, /.; cordoglio, tn. toouto, m.

ha due


Birch, [beurtsc]


betula, sco-




Black'rod, [blac-rod] s. usciere Blaspheme', [blasfime] v. a. & Blem'ish, [blmisc] s. macchia, appartenente all' ordine della n. bestemmiare. f.; disonoro, m.; infamia, f. Blasphe'mer, [blsfimur] .be- Blem'ish, [blmsc] v. a. macgiarrettiera, m. chiare, annerire, diffamare. Black'smith, [blac-smltli^] j. stemmiatore, m. Blas'phemons, [blsfimeus] adj. Blem'ishless, [blmscls] adj. fabbro, m. senza macchia. Black'thorn, [blac-th'orn] s. esecrabile, empio. prugno salvatico, m.; susina Blas'phemously, [blasfimeusle'] Blench, [blnsc] v. n. tremare salvatica, f. adv. esecrabilmente, in modo di paura; rannicchiarsi. Blend, [blend] v. a. mescolare, Blad'der, [bladeiir] s. vescica, f. empio. Biade, [blde] t. lama, f.; fu- Blas'ph^my, [blasfime'] . be- mischiare. Bless, [bls] v.a. benedire, glostemmia, f. sto, stelo, bravaccio, m.; (mar.) palma del remo, f. Blast, [blast] . soffio di vento, rificare; God -you! Dio vi benedica! Blade'bone, [bld-bnc] s. osso m.; bruma, golpe, /. della spalla, vi. Blast, [blast] v. a. annebbiare, Bles'sed, [blesed] adj. felice, beato santo. Bla'ded, [blde'] adj. gambuto. ingiuriare. Blain, [blne] s. ciccione, tumo- Blaster, [blasteur] s. distrug- Bles'sedly, [blesedle'] adv. felicemente, beatamente. re, m. gitore, m. Bla'mable, [blemablj ad/, biasi- Blast'ing, [blasting] s. infezio- Bles'sedness, [blsednes] s. beatitudine, felicit, f. mevole, colpevole. ne ; contagione, f. Bla'mableness, [blmablnes] s. Bla'tant, [bltnt] adj. mug- Bles'ser, [blseur] s. che benedice, m. colpa, f.; mancamento, m. ghiante, ciarliero. Bla'mably, [blemabl] adv. bia- Blat'ter, [blteir] v. n. muggi- Bles'sing, [blesing] s. benedisimevolraente. zione grazia di Dio, f. re, far gran rumore. Blame, [bleme] s. biasimo, ob- Blaze, [bloz] s. fiamma, vam- Blight, [blaite] s. nebbia, gol/. m.; brobrio, colpa, f. pe, f. pa, Blame, [blme] v. a. biasimare, Blaze, [blze] v. a. allumare, Blight, [blaite] v. a. annebbiav. n. condannare. censurare, re, guastare. pubblicare, divolgare; -, Bligh'ted, [blited] Bligh'ty, Blame'fal, [blmeful] adj. bia- fiammeggiare, splendere. simevole; colpevole, colpabile. Bla'zer, [blezeur] s. divolgato- [blaite] adj. annebbiato, guasto, corrotto. Blame'less, [blmels] adj. in- re, w. colpabile, innocente. Bla'zon, [blz'n] v. a. blasona- Blind, [blaind] adj. cieco, naBlamelessly, [blmelesle'] adv. re; divisare; divolgare. scoso, oscuro; -, s. gelosia, /".; innocentemente. Bla'zoner, [blz'neiir] s. divol- sotterfugio, m. Blame'lessness, [blemelesncs] gatore, m. Blind, [blindj v. a. acciecare, s. innocenza, f. Bla'zonry, [blz'nre'] . blaso- ingannare. Bla'mer, [blemeur] s. biasima- ne, /. Blind'fold, fblalndflde] adj. tore, incolpatore. Bleach, [bltsc] v. a. imbianca- cogli occhi bendati. Blame'wortliiness,[blmeoueur- re al sole; -,v.n. bianchire. Blind'fold, [blaindflde] v. a. thins] s. biasimevolezza, f. Blea'cher, [blitcheur] s. im- bendare gli occhi. Blame'worthy, [blmeoueiirthe'] biancatere, m. Blindly, [blaindl] adv. ciecaadj. biasimevole. Bleach'ing, [bltscing] , bian- mente, alla cieca. Blanch, [blansc] v. a. bianchire, chire, bianchimento, m. Blind'man's buff, [blaindman's mondare, dissimulare. Bleak, [blche] adj. pallido, buf] s. giuoo della cieca, m. Blanch'er, [blansceur] s. im- smorto, aspro, freddo. Blind'ness, [blaindns] s. cecibiancatore, mondatore, m. Bleak, [bliche] . argentino, m. t, f.; accecamento, m. [bland] adj. Bland, Blind'side, [blaind-side] s. dedolce, blan(pesce). do, piacevole, placido. Bleakly, [blcbele'] adv. fredda- bolezza, /.; difetto, m. aspramente. Blandiroqaence , [blandlomente, Blind'worm, [blaind-oeurm] s. qunse] s. blandimento, m. Bleak'ness, [bllchenes] s. palli- cicigna, f. m. carezze, f. pi. freddura, freddo, dezza, Blink, [blTnc] s. occhiata, f. f.; Blan'dish, [blandisci *' blan- Blea'ky, [blich] adj. freddo, Blink, [blinc]v.n. ammiccare, dire, accarezzare. (sposo. accennar cogli occhi. smorto. Blandishing, [blandiscTng] s. Blear, [blre] adj. oscuro; ci- Blink'ard, [blnchurd] s. guerblandimento, m. Blear, [blrej v.a. offuscare in- cio, losco, m. Blandishment, [blndiscment] torbidare la vista. Blin'kers, [blinchurs] s. pi. 8. blandimento, w.; carezza, lu- Blea'redness, [blirednes] s. ciparaocchi, m. pi. singa, f. spa, f. Bliss, [blis] s. felicit, beatituBlank, [blnc] adj. bianco, pal- Blear'eyed, [bllre-ai'd] adj. ci- dine, /. lido, confuso, sciolto; -, s. spasposo, lippe. Bliss'ful, [blisful] adj. felice, zio vuoto, bianco, bersaglio, m,; Bleat, [blite] and Bleating, beato. blank verse, verso sciolto. [bliting] s. belamento, bela- Bliss'fnlly, [blTsful] adv. feliBlank'et, [blncbt] 8. coperta to, m. cemente, beatamente. da letto, /. Bleat, [blte] w. n. belare. Bliss'fulness, [bbsfulnes] s. feBlank'et, [blncbt] v. a. co- Bleb, [bleb] j. pustula, bolla, f. licit, beatitudine, f. prire con una coperta di lana; Bleed, [blide] v. a. irr. {bled; Bliss'less, [blisls] adj. infeto toss in o blanket, trabalzare bled) cavare sangue; -, v. n. lice. in una coperta. gettare sangue. Blis'ter, [blisteur] s. vescica; Blank'ly, [blande] adv. confu- Blee'der, [blideur] s. che cava bolla, f.; vescicante, m. samente. sangue. Blis'ter, [blisteur] v. a. appliBlank'ness, [blancnes] s. palli- Bleed'ing, [blding] . cavata di care un vescicante; -, v, n. for dezza, confusione, /. sangue, f. marsi in vesciche. Diz. Ing.-ltal. 2.

Blithe, [blaith^e] adj. giojoso, giocondo, lieto. Blithe'ly, [Waith^el] adv. giocondamente, lietamente. Blithe'ness,[blaith-ens] s. giocondit, allegrezza, f.^ Blithe'some, [blaith^seum] adj. giocoso, lieto. Brtthe'someness, [blaith-seumns] vedi Blitheness. Bloat, [bl.te]arfj. enfiato, gojifio. Bloat, [blte] v. a. enfiare, gonfiare;



Blood'shed, [bleud-scd] .spar- Blud'geon, [bleudgein] s. bastone, bastonaccio, m. gimento di sangue, m. Blood'shedder, Ibleiid-scdeur] Blue, [blu] adj. turchino, azzurro. s. assassino, micidiale, m. Blood'shot, [bleud-sceot] adj. Blue, [blu] V. a. tingere di turstravasato.

. n. gojifiarsi.

Bloa'tedness, [bltdns]
fiagione, gonfiezza,
f. s.

Blood'stained , [bleud-stn'd] Blue'bell, [blu-bel] s. narcisso campestre, m. adj. macchiato di sangue. Blood'stone, [bleud-stone] s. Blue'bottle, [bl-bot'l] s. baccaro, m. sanguigna, f. Blood'sucker, [bleud-seucheur] Blue'ly, [blule'] adj. di color turchino, azzurrino. adj. sanguisuga, f. Blood'tliirsty,[bleiid-th2eurste'] jBlne'ness, [blnes] s. la qualit di essere azzurro f. en- adj. sanguinolente. Blood'vessel , [bleud-vsel] s. Blne'-eyed, [bli-ard] adj. chi
I !

ha occhi azzurri. _ vena, f.; arteria,/". Blood'y, [blende'] adj. sanguino- Blue-veine'd,[bla-ven'd]arf/. chi Blob'ber-lp, [blobeiir-lp] s. lab- so, sanguinario, crudele;- flux, ha vene azzurre. - min- Bluff, [bleuf] adj. rustico, gross. flusso di sangue, m. bro troppo grosso, m. solano. Blob'ber-lipped, [blbeur-lp'd] ded, adj. crudele. Bluff'ness, [bleufnos] s. rustiBloom, [blme] . fiore, m. adj. labbruto. Block, [blc] s. ceppo, w.; for- Bloom, [blume] . n. fiorire, chezza, f. Blu'ish, [bliiisc] aij. azzurrino. ma, testa di moro, /.; ostacolo, germogliare. Bloo'ming, [bluming] adj. fio- Blun'der, [bleundeur] s. errore, intoppo, m. fallo, marrone, m. Block, [blc] V a. bloccare, as- rente. Bloom'y, [blme'] adj. fiorito, Blun'der, [bleundeur] . a. consediare. fondere, imbrogliare; -, . n. Blockade', [blochde] s. bloc- pieno di fiori. Blos'som, [bloseum] redtBloom. sbagliare, ingannarsi. catura, f. Blockade', [blocbde] v. a. bloc- Blos'somy, [blseiimy] adj. pie- Blun'derbuss, [bloindeirbeus] i. moschettone, m. no di fiori. care, assediare, Block'head, [blocbdj s.babbac-jBlot, [blot] s. macchia, cancel Blun'derer, [bleiindeareur] s. sciocco, balordo, m. latura; infamia, f, Clone, sciocco, m. Block'headed, [blochedcd] ai^. Blot, [blot] V. o. macchiare, Blun'der-head, [bleindeurhd] cassare, scancellare, disono- s. pecorone, babbaccione, m. stupido, balordo, gagliofi'o. Blun'deringly, [bleiindeuringl] Blockliouse, [blc-house] s. rare. [blotsc] s. pustula, adv. stupidamente. luogo fortificato, forte, m.; for- Blotch, macchia, f. Blunt, [bleunt] adj. ottuso, tezza, f. [blotng-p- grossolano, rozzo. Block'ish,[blocMsc]ec?i Block- Blot'ting-paper , per] i. carta sugante, strac- Blunt, [bleunt] v. a. spuntare, headed. reprimere. Block'ishly, [blochiscle'] adv. cia, /. Blow, [bl] s. colpo, m.; botta, Blunt'ish, [bleiinlsc] adj. alscioccamente, goff"amente. Block'ishness, [Wchscnes] s. /. ; disastro, m.; to come to - s, quanto spuntato. venire alle mani. Blunt'ly, [bleiintle'] adv. brU' sciocchezza, balordaggine, f. Block-tln, [bloc-tin] s. stagno Blow, [blo] V. a. irr. (blew; scamente, rozzamente. iown) soffiare, suonare; - v.n. Blunt'ness, [bleuntns] s. ottupuro, m. Blond-lace, [blond-lsc] s. mer- irr. alenare, ansare, aprirsi, sit, rozzezza, f. dilatarsi; to - away, dissipare; Blunt'wttted , letto di seta, m. [bleunt-outcdj Blood, [bleiid] s. sangue, w?.; to - down, rovinare, rovesciare, adj. stupido, ottuso. famiglia; stirpe; ira, collera, f.; mandare gi; to - in, fare en- Blur, [bleiir] s. macchia, f.; dite-are soffiando, penetrare; to to let -, cavar sangue. sonore, m. Blood, [bleud] . a. insanguina- - one'i nose, soffiarsi il naso; Blur, [bleiir] . o. macchiare, disonorare. re, esasperare. to - off, dissipare soffiando, diBlood'guiltness , [bleud-gll- spergere; to -out, estinguere, Blurt, [bleurt] . a. parlare intins] . omicidio, assassinasmorzare; to - up, far saltar consideratamente, strafalciare. mento, m. in aria, pubblicare, sgridare, Blush, [bleiisc] s. rossore, m.; Blood-hot, [bleud-hot] adj. cal- {vulgarism). vergogna, f. (re, m. do fuanto il sangue. Blow'er, [blour] s. soffiato- Blush, [bleusc] . . arrossire; JBlood'hound, [bleud-haond] s. Blow'ing, [bloing] s. soffia- essere confuso. limiero, n. mento, soffiare, m. Blushful, [bleuscful] adj. verBlood'ily, [bleudile'] adv. san- Blow'-pipe, [blpaipe] s. canna gognoso, (sore. guinosapiente; crudelmente. da soffiare, f. Blushing, [bleuscTng] s. rosBlood'iness, [bleiidins] s. cru- Blowze, [blaouwe] s. dondolona, Blushless, [bleuscles] adj. sendeit, inumanit, f. paffuta, f. za rossore, impudente. Blood'less, [bleudls] arfj. esau-JBlow'zy, [blaze'] adj. ab\)ron Blush'y, [bleiisc] adj. vermigue, morto. zato, rosso. glio; vergognoso. Blood'let, [bleudlet] . a. cavar Blub'ber, [bleubeur] s. polmo- Blus'ter, [bleiisteiir] s. fracassangue. ne marino, m.; untuosa parte so, m.; millanteria, f. ^ Blood'lettingf, [bleudletng] s.\ della balena,/. Blus'ter, [bleusteiir] . n. strecavata di sangue, f.^ 'Blub'ber, [bleubeur] . n. gon- pitare, tempestare. Blood'red, [bleiid-red] od;, ros- fiarsi le guance; piangere (vui- Blus'terer, . [bleisteureur] so quanto il sangue. garism). bravaccione, rodomonte, ,
Blob'ber, [blbeur]




Bol'sterer, [bolsteSreur] s. protettore, fautore, m. Bol'stering, [blsturing] s. sostegno, m.; protezione,/. Bolt, [bolt] s. freccia, f. dardo, catenaccio, m. Bolt, [bolt] V. a. incatenacciare, abburattare, crivellare; -, V. n. uscire subitaneamente. Bolt'er, [blteur] s. burattello, buratto, m.

Blns'tering, [bleusteuring] adj. Bod'Uy, [bodile'] adj. corporeo; -, adv. corporeamente. tempestoso, pomposo. Blusterous, [bleiisteureus] adj. Bod'iag, [boding] s. presagio, pronostico, m. tumultuoso, turbu'.cnto. Boar, [bore] s. verro, m.; icild -, Bodkin, [bodcbin] s. punteruolo, stiletto, m. cignale, cinghiale, m. Boar-pig, [bre pig] s. porchet- Bod'y, [bod] s. corpo, guscio (d' una carrozza); sostanza, soto di cignale, m. Boar'spear, [bore-spire] s. lan- ciet, /".; any -, every -, ognuno, chiunque. cia impiegata nella caccia dei

asso, tavola; consiglio, f.; bordo,



Bolt'ing-house, [bolting-haoiisc] per il corpo, m. Bod'y-guard , [bod-gard] s. s. buratteria, f. sala del Bolt'ing.hutch,[b51ting-heutsc] guardie del corpo, /. pi. m.; to put to -, mettere a dozBog, [bog] s. palude, panta- s. buratto, frullone, m. zina. Bolt'-rope, [blt-rpe] s. [mar.) Board, [brde] w. a. intavolare, no, m. abbordare; -, v. n. tenere a Bog'gle, [bogh'l] v. n. esitare, ralinga, cordella, /. Bolt'-sprit, [blt-sprit] s.{mar.) bilanciare. dozzina, stare a dozzina. Board'er, [brder] s. pensio- Bog'gler, [bogleir] s. uomo du- bompresso, m. Bo'lus, [boleus] s. bolo, m.; pilbitativo, uomo timido, m. narlo, dozzinante, m. Board'ing, [brding] s. abbor- Bog'gling, [boglng] s. esita- lola,/". Bomb, [beiimb] s. bomba, f. daggio, arrembaggio, m. zione, irresoluzione, f. Boarding'school, [brdingscul] Bog'gy, [boghe] adj. paludoso, Bombard', [beiimbrd] v. a. bombardare. s. pensione da fanciulli, /. pantanoso. Board-wages, [brde-ouedge's] Bog'house, [bog-haouse] s. pri- Bombardier', [beirabrdire] s. bombardiere, m. vato, agiaraento, m. s. fi- salario di vitto, m. Boar'ish, [bisc] adj. di cin- Bog'trotter, [bg-troteur] .abi- Bombard'ment,[beimbardment] gliiale: rozzo. tatore di paludi marosi; ma- s. bombardamento, m. Bombasin', [beumbazlne] .bamBoast, [bste] s. jattanza, mil- snadiere, m. lanteria, / bagino, m. to make a -, van- Bohea'tea, [bhl-ti] . t nero tarsi, gloriarsi. Bom'bast, [beumbast] s. amordinario. Boast, [boste] v. a. vantare, Boil, [beile] s. fignolo; ciccio- pollosit, /. anfanamento, m. esaltare; -, v. n. vantarsi, mil- ne; m. ulcera, f. Bombast' , [beumbast] Bomlantarsi. Boil, [boile] V. a. lessare, bolli- bas'tic, [beumbstc] adj. amBoast'er, [bsteur] s.inllanta- re, cuocere; -, v. n. bollire, polloso, gonfio. tore, vantatore. ondeggiare; boiled meat, s. les- Bombila'tion, [boumbilscieun] Boast'ful, [bstful] adj. vana- so, m. ; carne lessa, f. s. strepito, m. glorioso. Boil'er, [boileiir] s. caldaia, f.; Bomb'-ketch, [beumb-cbetsc] s. Boast'ing, [bstng] s, millan- (loc.) calderone a vapore, m. galeotta da bombe, /". teria, ostentazjone, f. Boil'ing, [boiling] s. bollimen- Bomby'ciuous, [beimbisineus] Boast'ingly, [bostngle'] adv. in to, m. adj. fatto di seta. modo vantdvole, da millanta- Bois'terous , [boistireis] adj. Bond, [bond] s. nodo, legame, tore. furioso, tempestoso, violento. ?.; obbligazione, promessa, /". Boat, [b5te]s. battello, .; bar- Bois'terously , [boistireusl] Bon'dage, [bdndge] s. schiaca, /. adv. furiosamente , violente- vit, servit,/. Boat'man, [bteman] s. bar- mente. Bond'maid , [bond-mde] s. caiuolo, barcaruolo, m. Bois'teronsness, [boistiresnes] schiava, f. Boat'swain, [btesuue] s. bo- s. impetuosit, turbolenza, vio- Eond'man, [bond-mn] Bond'sman, tn. lenza, /. servant, [bnd-seurvnt] s. Bob, [bob] s. ciondolo; colpo. Bold, [bold] adj. ardito, bravo, echiavo, m. Bob, [bob] V. a. battere; ingan- coraggioso, impudente; to make Bond-service, [bond'seurvis] i. nare; -, V. n. ciondolare, pen- -, prendersi la libert. schiavit, servit, f. dere. Borden, [bold"n] u.o. incorag- Bond'slave,[bnd-sleve] s. schiaBob'bin, [bobin] s. cannello, m. giare. vo, OT. Bob'cherry, [bb-cr] s. giuo- BoldTace, [bld-fse] s. sfac- Bonds'man, [bond'sman] s. malciatezza, impudenza, f. co della ciriegia, m. levadore, m. sicurt, f. Bob'tail, [bobtle] s. coda cor- Bold'faced , [bold-fes'd] adj. Bond'woman, [bonduumn] .'. ta; canaglia. sfacciato , sfrontato , impu- schiava, f. Bob'tailed, [bobtrd] adj. sco- dente. Bone, [bone] s. osso, i.; fo dato, senza coda. Bold'ly, [bldl] adv. ardita- make no bones, non farsi scruBob'wg, [bbouig] .parrucca mente, con bravura. pulo (volgare). corta,/'." Bold'uess, [boldus] s. arditez- Bone, [bone] y. a. disossare. Bode, [bde] v. a. presagire, za, intrepidit, /".; coraggio, m. Bone'lace, [bone-lese] s. merpronosticare. Bole, [bole] s. tronco, bolo, m.: letto, m. Bode'ment, [bdemnt] and Bo- sei moggi, m. pi. Boneless, [bneles] adj. senza ding, (boding] s. presagio, Boll, [bole] s. stelo, gambo, m.; ossa, disossato. pronostico, m. adj. gambuto. Bone'set, [bone-set] v, n. ri-Bod'ice, [bddis] s. busto, cor-; Bol'ster, [bolsteiir] s. capezza- mettere un sso dislogato. saletto, giubbettino, m. le, piumaccio, m. Bone'setter , [bone-seteur] t, Bod'iless, tbdiles] adj. incor- Bol'ster, [blsteir] v. a. ap- chirurgo che rimette le ossa poreo. poggiare; avvolgere con banda. dislogato, m.

Board, [brde]

pi. vestiario

Bon'flre, [bonfire] legrezza, wi. Bon'net , [bonet] cappellina, f.


Botan'ic, [botanic] Botan'ical,
[botanical] (^/.botanico.

fuoco d'al- Boor'ishly, [briscl] adv. rusticamente, rozzamente. torretta, Boot, [biite] s. stivale; profitto, s. guadagno, m.; to -, per soprapBon'nily, [bonile'] adv. grazio- pi. Boot, [bute] V. a. profittare, samente, aggradevolmente. Bon'niness, [tnins] s. leggia- arricchire; -, v. n. mettersi gli
leggiadro, Boot'ed, [buted] adj. stivalato. grazioso. Booth, [buth^e] s. capanna, f. Bon'y, [bone'] adj. ossuto, os- Boot'hose, [bute-hse] . calzetta grossa, f. soso. Bon'ze, [bonze] s. prete giappo- Boot'-last , [bite-last] vedi nese, m. Boot-tree. Boo'by, [biibe] s. balordo, scioc- Boot'less, [bte-los] adj. inutico, m. le, svantaggioso. Book, [bue] s. libro, tomo, m.\ Boots, [butes] s. uno impiegato without -, a mente to keep -s, negli alberghi per ripulire gli tenero i libri. stivali, m. Beck, [bue] V. a. allibrare, scri- Boot'-tree, [bute-tri] s. forma Tere nel libro. da stivali, f. Book'binder, [bic-bamdour] s. Boo'ty, [bite'] s. bottino, prelegatore di libri, m._ damento, m.; preda, f. Book'case, [bic-chese] s. li- Bopeep', [bpipe] v. n. to play-, breria, f. far capolino, guardar sott' ocBook'ful, [bc-ful] adj. pieno di chi. nozioni indigeste. Bor'age, [bor'dge] s. horaggBook'ish, [buchisc] adj. stune, borrana, f. dioso. Bo'rax, [brcs] s. borace, m. Book'ishness , [bucbTscnes] s. Bor'der, [border] s. orlo, lemamor eccessivo dello studio, m.\ bo, m.; estremit, f. bibliomania, f. Bor'der, [bordeir] v. a. orlare, Book'-keeper, [bc-chipeir] s. confinare; - v. n. essere congiovane di banco, m. tiguo. Book'-keeping, [biic-chiping] s. Bor'derer, [bordeureur] s. contenere i libri, m. finante, m. Book'-learned , [buc-leurned] Bor'dering , [bordeurng] adj. versato nei libri, erudito. contiguo, limitrofo. Book'-learning, [bc-leiirning] Bore, [bore] s. bocca (d'un ars. erudizione, f. me), f. ; calibro, succhiello, m.

Botan'ically, [botniclj adv, da botanico. Bot'anist, [botanist] . botanico, in.

Bon'ny, [bone]

dria, gentilezza,/". adj.


Bot'anize, [botanaize] v. n. studiare le piante.

Bot'any, [botane'] .botanica,/'. Botch, [btsc] 8, enfiato, m.; pustula,


Botch, [botsc] V. a. rappezzare, rattoppare ; ciarpare, acciarpare, (zatore, m. Botch'er, [botsceur] s. rappezBotch'ery, [botsceur] s. rappezzare, m. Botch'ingly, [botscTngl] adv. alla grossolana, malamente. Botch'y, [btsce'i adj. rappezzato, malfatto. Both, [both-] adj. ambo, ambe, l'uno e l'altro, ambidue; on sides, da tutto le parti. Both, [bth2] con^. egualmente

Bo'ther, [both*eur] v. razzare, confondere.



Bot'tle, [bt'l] s. bottiglia, /. ; fastello (di fieno), m. Bot'tle, [bt'l] V. a. infiascare,


Book'making, [buc-mcbing]
l'arte di scrivere


Bore, [bore]

v. a. forare,


libri, f.

Book'man, [bc-man]


_ Book'mate, [bue-mete] s. pagno in istudio, m. Book'seller, [buc-s6lcur| s. libraio, m. Book'selling , [bic-selTng] s. commercio di libri, m. Book'shop, [buc-scop] s. bottega del libraio, libreria, f. Book'trade, [buc-trde] vedi Bookselling. Book'worit, [blc-oneurm] s. tarlo, m.; tignola, f.; uomo troppo
studioso, m.

re, pertugiare. Bo'real, [boriai] settentrionale. com- Bo'reas, [boris]



borea, aqui-



Bo'rer, [boreur]


foratoio, suc-

nato, destinascere. [beureu] s. borgo,
v. a.

Born, [born]

to be -,


villaggio, m. Bor'row, [boro]

in prestito.


Bor'rower, [boroeir] s. prenditore in prestito, m. Bor'rowing, [boring] s. prestito,


Bot'tle-brush, [bot'l-breisc] s. spazzola, f. Bottle-nosed, [bot'l-ns'd] adj. nasuto. Bot'tle-screw , [bot'l-scr] . cavatappi, m. Bot'tom, [boteum] s. fondo, fondamento, m. valle, fine, /.; to stand ttpon a good -, esser bene in gamba; to go to the -, andare a fondo. Bot'tom, [boteSm] v. o. fondare, fare fondo. Bot'tomed, [boteum'd] adj. fondato; inaspato. Bot'tomless, [boteumles] adj. senza fondo, imperscrutabile. Bot'tomry, [bteumre] s. prestito alla grossa avventura; cambio marittimo, m. Bough, [baou] s. ramo, m. Bought, [baite] s. curvatura, f. Bounce, [baunse] s. strepito, fracasso, w.j bravata, f. Bounce, [baounse] v. n. strepi;

Boom, [bume]


(mar.) boma,




tare, scricchiolare, vantarsi.

Bos'cage,[bsch^geJ .boschet- Boun'cer, [baounseur] s. milv. n. sbalzare, to, m. (selvoso. lantatore, m. lanciarsi. Bos'ky, [bosche'] adj. boscoso, Boun'cingly, [baounsingle'] adv. Boon, [b5ne] s. dono, favore, m. Bo'som, [buzeiim] s. seno, grem- con strepito. grazia, /. bo, cuore, desiderio, golfo, m.; Bound, [baound] s. limite; salBoon, [bune] adj. buono, lieto, - of a shirt, s. sparato (d'una to, sbalzo, m. gioviale. camicia), m. Bound, [baond] v. o. limitare, Boor, [bure] $. rustico, villa- Bo'som, [buzeum] t). a. chiude- terminare, reprimere; -, v. n. m. no, re in seno, insenare. sbalzare. Boor'ish, [biiYsc] adj. rustico, Bo'som-friend, [buzem-frend] Boun'dary, [baoundare"] s. tervillano, rozzo. s. amico intimo, m. mine, confine, m. Boor'ishness, [buriscnes] s. ru- Boss, [bs] s. gobba; borchia; Boun'den, [baound'n] adj. oh"

(di vela),


Boom, [bume]

Btichezza, zotichezza,


figura (di rilievo),


bligato, tenuto.



Braid, [brd]

Boun'ding, [baouading] adj. bal- Bowse, [bauze] v. a. (mar.) tirare (una corda). zante: saltante. Boundless, [baoundlos] ac/j. im- Bow'sprit, [bo-sprt] s. (mar.) bompresso, m. menso, infinite. Bound'lessness, [baoundlesnes] Bow'string, [bo-string] s. corda dell' arco, f. t. immensit, infinit, f. fioond'-stone, [baound-stone] s. Bow'-window, [bo-oundo] s finestra ovale, f. termine, m. Boun'teous , [baountieus] adj. Bow'yer, [bojeur] s. arciere, wi Box, [bcs] s. scatola, cassetta, buono, bbnigno, liberale. Bounteously , [baouatieusle'] /".; bosso; palco (in teatro), m. adv. benignamente, liberal- - on the ear, schiaffo, m. mente. Box, [bocs] V. n. battersi a pu Boun'teousness,[bao5ntieusnes] gni; (mar.) to - a ship, mettere s. munificenza, liberalit, f. una nave in panna. Boun'tiful, [baoSntiful] adj. ge- Box'en, [bcs'n] adj. fatto di


intrecciamento, m. Braid, [brde] v. a. intrecciare Brain, [brne] s. cervello, gi dizio, senno, m.; to beat one' ss lambiccarsi il corvello, sotti

Brain, [brenc]

v. a.


discervellare._ Brainlsh, [brenisc] adj. impetuoso, furioso;^ Brainless, [brenels] a'Ij. scervellato, sciocco. Brain'pan, [brnpn] s. cranio, m. Brain'sick, [brencsic] adj. scioc-

neroso, liberale. co, frenetico. bosso. Bountifully, [baountifSl] adv. Box'er, [bocseur] s. che fa alle Brain'sickly, [breuescle'] adv, all'impazzata. benignamente, generosamente. pugna, pugillatore, m. Boun'tifulness, [baoiintifulns] Boxing, [bocsing] s. 1' atto d Bran'sickness, [brenescnes] j. frenetichezza, stolidezza, f. s. benignit, generosit, f. fare alle pugna, m. Boun'ty, [baount] s. bont, li- Boy, [bi] s. giovanetto, ra- Brake, [brche] s. maciulla, f.; beralit, /. gazzo, tn.; to be past a -, esser briglione, tn.; morsa, madia, /.; Bon'quet, [buche'] s. mazzo di uomo fatto. spine, f. pi. (rail.) freno, m. ; fiori, tn. Boy'hood, [boihud] . puerizia, to apply the -, frenare.


Bra'ken, [brcheiin] s. felce. limite, m. infanzia, f. Bouse, [buze] v. n. trincare, Boy'ish, [biisc] adj. puerile, Bra'ky, [brche'] adj. spinoso. sbevazzare. Bram'ble, [brmblj s. rovo; crefanciullesco. _ Bou'sy, [buz] adj. ubriaco, Boy'ishly, jboiiscle'] adv. fan- spino, tn.

ciullescamente. Boy'ishness,[boiiscnes]Boy'i3m, tratto, m.; /'or </u,'! -, per que [biism] $. puerilit, fanciulsta volta; drinking - s. be- laggine, f. vuta, f. Brace, [brese] s. coppia, f.; paio, Bovine, [bovinej ad], bovino. wi.; cintura, /.; cignone; (mar.) Bow, |.ba,ou] s. inchino, riveren- cordame, m. za. Brace, [brse] v. a. legare, benBow, [boj s. arco. dare, ristrignere; (mar.) brac Bow, [bo] V. a. curvare, pie- ciare. gare; V. n. inchinarsi; - lo Bracelet, [breselet] . brac


Bout, [baut]


volta, fiata,


Bran, [brn] s. crusca, Branch, [brnsc] s. ramo,



progenie, /. Branch, [bransc] v. a. dividere, separare; -, v. n. ramificare, spargersi in rami. Bran'cher, [bransceur] s. uccello
nidiace, m. Bran'chiness,



boto down, prostrarsi. cialetto, tn. Bow'bent, [b-bnt] adj. arca- Bra'cer, [brseur]
to, arcuato, curvo.

Branch'-line, [bransc-line] (rail.) strada laterale, f.










fascia, f. sven- Brach, [brtscj

pi. viscere,

senza rami, diramato. Branch'-railway, [brnsc-rles. bracco, m. ou] s. (rail.) strada (ferrata) [brachial] adj. del

Bow'els, [baouels]
budella, f. pi.; tenerezza, f.




[brachigraf] Bran'chy, [bransce'] adj. ramo. tachigrafia, stenografia, f. so, ramoruto. Bow'er, [baoueur] s. pergola; Brack, [brc] s. breccia, rottu- Brand, [brand] s. tizzone, branncora di posta, f. ra, /".; sale, m. do, fulmino, tn. Bow'er, [baoueur] v. n. allog- Brack'et, [brchet] j. beccatel- Brand, [brand] v. a. suggellare giare. lo, tn.; -s. pi. (mar.) candelieri, con ferro infocato; diifaraare, Bow'ery, [baoueSr] adj. pieno m. pi. (mastro. macchiare. di pergole, ombroso, frondoso. Brackish, [brchsc] adj. sal- Brand'goose, [brnd-gise]s.oca Bowge, [biize] v. a. {mar.) fo- Bracklshness, [brchiscns] s. salvatica, f. racchiare. salsezza, salsaggine, f. Brandish, [brndsc] v. a. branBowl, [ble] s. tazzone, bacino, Brad, [brd] s. chiodo senza te- dire, vibrare. m.; boccia, pallottola, f. sta, m. Brandling, [brandling] s. speBowl, [bole] V, a. giuocar alle Brag, [brg] s. vantamento, m.; cie di verme, f. boccio. millanteria, f. specie di giuoco Bran'dy, [brande'] s. acquavi,

compassione, Brachy'graphy



di carte,



Brag, [brg] v. n. vantarsi, mil- Bran'gle, [brnghl] s. querela, Bowl'er, [bleur] s. giuocatore lantarsi. rissa, /". di boccio, m. Braggado'cio , [brgadscio] Bran'gle, [branghl] v. n. conBow'line, [blainc] s. (mar.) bo- Brag'gart, [brgrt],Brag'ger tendere, disputare, rissare. lina, f. [brgheur] .bravaccio, vanta- Bran'gler, [brngleur] s. contore, millantatore, tn. tenditore, riottoso, tn. terreno coperto di erba finis- Brag'gardism, [brgrdsm] s. Bran'gling, [brnglng] s. conil giuoco di boccio, m. millanteria, f. tendiraento, tn. querela, rissa,/'. Bow'man, [bmn] s. arciere, Brag'gingly, [braghingl] adv. Branny, [bran] adj. cruscoso; arcalore; (mar.) brigadiere, m. con millanteria. simigliante alla crusca.

Bowling-green, [bolng-grine]
sima per

Brant'goose, [brant-guse] vedi Brandgoose.

fuor d'impiego;

get one's

Breast, [brst]


seno, petto,

J.; coscienza, /.; [mar.) fianguadagnare la sua vita. Bra'sier, [brezieiir] s. calderaio, Bread, [bred] v. a. tagliare del co, m. Breast'bone , [brstbne] s. m.; stufa, /. -'s ware, $. lavori pane per la zuppa. Bread'-basket, [brd-bascht] s. (anat.) sterno, m. del calderaio, m. pi.

Bra'zil, [brazile] Bra'zilwood, pancia, f. (uw/gfarism); canestro Breast'high, [brst-hai] adj. dell' altezza di parapetto. Ibrazile-ououd] s. legno_ del da pane, m. Bread'-chipper, [brd-cipeur] s. Breast'knot, [brst-not] s. fiocBrasile, m. co di nastri, ni. Brass, [bras] s. rame, m.; sfac- garzone del fornaio, m. Bread'-corn, [brd-crn] .fru- Breast piate , [brst-plte] s. ciatezza, A _ pettabotta, f. Bras'siness, [brasines] s. somi- mento, m.

Bread'-room,[brd-rum]s.(nior.) Breast'work, [brst-ouurc] e glianza di rame, f. parapetto, tn.; sp mda, f. Bras'sy, [bras] adj. di rame, pagliuolo, m. Breadth, [bredth^] s. larghez- Breath, [brth-]s. lena, f.\ fiato, impudente. respiro, soffio, w .; in a -,tutf ad Brat, [brt]s. bambino, ba'' buine, za, ampiezza, f. Break, [brche] . rompimento, un tratto, affatto; to the last -, m. (detto in disprezzo). Brava'do, [bravado] s. bravata, {rail.) freno, m.; - of day, s. fin all'ultimo sospiro; shortness of -, s. asma, ambascia, f.; spuntar del giorno, m. millanteria, f. Brave, [brve] adj. bravo, co- Break, [brcbe] v. a.irr. (broke; to draw -, to take -, respirare, raggioso, nobile; -, s. bravaccio, broken) rompere, spezzare, fra- alenare: to run one's self out cassare, rovinare, debilitare, of -, correre fin cho si perda millantatore, m. Brave, [breve] v. a. bravare, in- violare, vincere, sottomettere, il fiato. proporre, offerire; -, v. n. irr. Breath' able, [breth'abl] adj- resulta.-'i. rompersi, spezzarsi, spaccarsi, spirabile. Brave'ly, [brevel] adv. corag fallire; to - the back, slombare, Breathe, [brithi e] v. a. esalare; giosameute. dilombarsi to - ground, aprir'^ -, V. n. respirare, anelare, prenBra'vety, Ibreveur] s. bravu una trincea, zappare; lo - the der ristoro; to - after, aspirara, /".; coraggio, w.; magnificenheart, spezzare il cuore; to - a re, bramare; to - into, ispirare; za, /. Bra'vo , [bravo] s. assassino horse, scozzonare un cavallo; to- on, soffiare, spirare; to out one's last, spirare, moto -into laughter, sganasciarsi prezzolato, wi.


[brani] s. querela, riscontrasto, m. Brawl, [bral] v. n. rissare, contendere. Braw'ler, [brauleur] s. sgridatore, litigatore, m.

Brawn, [braun]
di verro,


polpa; forza;
j I


[braunins] s. parte carnosa, forza, /.; vigo-

[braune'] adj. carnos.

to, ni.

so, robusto, forte.


ragghio, strepi-

Bray, [bre'] v. a. pestare, macinare; -, V. n. ragliare, ragghiare.

Bray'er, [bre'eir] .macina, f.; Tino che raglia, tri. Bray'ing, [breing] s. pestamente, macinamento, remore, m. Braze, [breze] v. a. coprire di rame, saldare, bravare. Bra'zen, [brz'n] adj. di rame, impudente. Bra'zen, [brz'n] v. n. essere impudente. Bra'zenface, [brz'n-fcse] s. impudente, sfacciato, m. Bra'zenfaced, [brz'nfs'd] adj. sfrontato, impudente. Bra'zenness, [brz'nns] .sfacciatezza, impudenza, f. Bra'zier, [brzieir] .calderaio,
m.; stufa, /

BTeach, [britsc] s. brecp-ia, apertura, mancanza, violazione, /. Bread, [brd] s. pane, m.; sussistenza, /.; broivn -, pano bruno, m.;


out of-, essere

rire. dalle risa; to - the neck, rompersi il collo; to - into pieces, Brea'thing, [brlth'ingl s. ansasilence, rnonto, respiro, riposo, m. mettere in pezzi; to[brith'ingrompere il silenzio; to - one's Brea'thing-hole , pole] s. spiraglio, spiracelo, ni. word, mancare di parola; to il [brth'ngBrea'thing-time , off one's work, tralasciare lavoro; to - asunder, rompere taime) s. tempo di riposo, m. per met, to down, abbattere, Breath'less,lbrth-lesJodj. anedistruggere; to - forth, sorge- lante, trafelato. re, spuntare; to - from, sepa- Breathlessness, [breth-lsnes] rare, disunire; to - in, entrare s. mancanza di lena, f. impetuosamente; to -into, sfor- Bred, [brd] adj. allevato, nuzare; to - off, rompere, spozza- trito {vedi to Breed). re, lasciare; to - open, aprire Breech, [britsc] s. diretano, wj.; a forza: to - out, inondare, - of a gun, s. culatta di cannozampillare; to - over, spander- ne, f. si, traboccare; to - through, pas- Breech, [britsc] v. a. metter sare a traverso; to - up, sepa- calzoni ad un ragazzo. rare, sfondare; to -with, ces- Breech'es, [britscz] s. pi. calzoni; m. pi. brache, f. pi. sare d'esser amico. Breaker, [brcheiir] s. romp- Breed, [bride] s. razza, ventratore,m.; onda che si rompe con- ta, A Breed, [bride] v. a. irr. {bred; tro ad uno scoglio, f. Breakfast, [brecfst] s. colazio- bred) produrre, generare, allevare; -,v.n. generarsi, partone, /.; asciolvere, m. Break'fast, [brecfst] v. n. far rire; to - teeth, mettere i denti; to - youth, educare giovani. colazione, asciolvere. Break'ing, [brechng] s. rom- Breeder, [bridear] s. che propimento, m.; frattura, crepatu- duce. Bree'ding, [briding] s. educara, /".; - up, s. vacanze, f. pi. Breakneck, [brcnec] s. preci- zione, buona creanza; civilt, f. pizio, rompicollo, m. Breaks'man, [brcsmn] .(rati.) Breeze, [brize] s. aura, f.; venticello, tafano, m. frenaio, m. Break'water, [brcoiiauteur] s. Bree'zeless, [brizels] adj. senmolo fatto per rompere la for- za aura. Bree'zy, [brize'] adj. rinfrescanza dell'acqua, m. Bream, [brime] . reina, f. te, refrigerante. Breth'ren , [breth'rn] s. pi. (pesce). Bream, [brlme] v.a. (wior.) spal- fratelli in Cristo, ni. pi. mare, dar il fuoco. Breve, [bri ve] s. brove, f.



Brim, [brim]
v. a.

Bre'vet, [brevet] ^ commissio- Bride'-room, [braide-rum] .cano che d titolo ad un uffiziale mera nuziale,/. di prendere rango al di sopra Bride'well, [braideoiiel] s. casa di correzione (in Londra), /. della sua paga. Brev'iary, [briviare'] .brevia- Bridge, [bridge] . ponte; rialto (del naso), m.; - of boats, s. rio, m. Braviate, [brlvite] s. compen- pontone, wi.; - of a violin, s. ponte d'un violino, m.;v. a. fadio, estratto, i. Brev'iature, [brlvietciure] s. ab- re un ponte. Bri'dle, [brid'lj s. briglia, /". breviazione,/. Brev'ier, [brevieir] s. {typ.) freno, m. {mar.) -s of the bowline, pi. patte della bolina, testino, I. Brev'ity, [brevite'] s. brevit; Bri'dle, [brad'l] v. a. imbrigliaprecisione, /.

empiere fino

air orlo; -, v. n. esser pieno. Brim'ful, [brimful] adj. eolmo, pieno fino all'orlo.




Brew, [br] v mare; -, V.




mescolare, trafar la birra o


re, raffrenare, ristrignere; -,

n. gonfiarsi, ingalluzzarsi.

pienezza fino all'orlo, f. _ Brim'mer, [brimeur] s. bicchiere traboccante, tn- _ Brim'stone, [brimstone] s. solfo, zolfo, m.; -match, s. zolfanelle, ni.; - mine, . zolfatara, f. Brim'stony , [brimstone] adj. sulfureo, pieno di solfo. Brin'dle, [brindi] $. macchia, v. punzecchiatura, /. Brin'dled, [brindl'd] adj. pun-

Brew'age, [bridge]


Brew'er, [brieur]


s. birraio, m. [brre'J ^birreria,/.

Brew'liouse,Lbri-haous;] .luogo dove si fa l^a, birra, m. Brew'ing, [bring] s. faro la

birra, ni.

Brew'is, [bruis] s. fotta di pane intinta nel brodo, f. Briar, vedi Brier. Bribe, [bribe] s. donativo per corrompere, m. Bribe, [bribe] v. a. corrompere. Bri'ber, [braibeur] s. corruttore, subornatore, m. Bri'bery, [bribeure'] s. corrompiraento, subornamento, m.

. zecchiato. cui si tien la bri- Brine, [brsijne] s. salamoia, /.; fig. lagrime, f. pi. glia, f. Brief, [brlf] adj. breve, succin- Brine-pit, [braiue-pit] s. pozzo d' acqua salata, m.. to, conciso; -,s. breve, compenBring, [bring] v. a. irr. {brought, dio, brevetto, m. Briefly, [brifel] dv. breve- brounght) portare qui trasferire, menare, condurre, ridurre; mente, in poche parole. Briefness, [brifens] s. brevit, to - close, avvicinare, accostare ; to - low, umiliare, abbatteprecisione, /. re; to - into favor, mettere in Bri'er, [braieur] . rovo, pruno, grazia; to - to pass, effettuare, m.; spine, /. pi. Bri'ery, [brieure'] adj. pieno eseguire ',10 -to perfection, perfezionare; to - to do, indurre, di pruni, spinoso. Brigade', [brighede] s. briga- persuadere; to - to know, fare sapere; to - about, effettuare, ta, f. Brig, rtrig] s. bastimento a due riuscire ; to - away, portare via to - back, riportare, ricondurre; alberi. Brigadier', [brghadire] s. bri- to - down, abbassare, umiliare; to - forth, produrre, partorire; gadiere, m. ,

Bri'dle-haud^ [brid'1-hnd]

mano con

Brick, [brc]
no, m.



Brick'bat, [bricbat] . mattone, m. drocinio. Brick'clay, [bric-cl] . argilla Brig'andine J^brigndlne] Brig'da far mattoni. antine, [brigantine] s. brigan* Brick'dust, [bric-deusst] e. pol- tino, m. vere di mattoni. Bright, [brt] adj. lucido, brilBrick'kiln, [brc-chln] s. for- lante. nace da mattoni, f. Bright'en, [brait'n] v. a. luBrick'layer, [brc-le'eur] s. mu- strare, illustrare, pulire; -, v. ratore, m. . diventare lucido. Brick'maker, [bric-mclieiir] s. Bright'ish, [braitisc] adj. almattoniero; fornaciaio, m. quanto lucente. Briok'wall, [brc-ouaul]s.muro Bright'ly, [braitle'] adv. splendi mattoni, m. didamente, chiai amente. Brick' vpork , [bric-oueurc] s. Bright'ness, [braitnes] s. splenmattonato, m. dore, lustro, m.; chiarezza, acuBri'dal, [braidlj adj, nuziale, sposereccio; -, s. sposalizio, m. Bride, [braide] s. sposa, f. Bride'-bed, [braide-bed] s. letto sposereccio, m. Bride'-cake, [braide-chche] s. chicca, foccaccia di nozze, f^ Bride'chamber , [briiide-cemberl s. camera nuziale.
. briga, trama contesa, /. Bril'liancy, [brilinse'] s. lucidezza, /.; splendore, m. Bril'liant, [briliant] adj. brillante, risplendente; -, s. bril-

s. ladrone masnadiere, m. pezzo di Brigandage, [brigndedge] .la;

pani- Brig'and, [brigand]

to -

forward, avanzare;

to - in,

fare entrare, produrr; to - off, liberare ; to - on, impegnare, intrigare; to - out, far vedere,


to -

under, soggio-

gare, sottomettere; to - up, allevare, insegnare, costumare; to - upon , attrarre, meritare ; to -to, indurre, attrarre; lo together, mettere d'accordo. Bring'er, [bringheur] . portatore, m.; -up, s. insegnatore, allevatore, m. Bri'nish, [brainisc] adj. salmastro, salasso. Bri'nishness, [brainiscnes] s. salsezza, salamoja. f. Brink , [brine] s. orlo , lembo, (salso. m.; ripa, /.
[braine'] adj. salino, [brische] adj. vivace, lieto, giocoso, spiritoso. Bris'ket, [brischt] s. petto d'un

Brigne, [brighe]



animale, m.
Brisk'ly, [brischel] adv. vigorosamente; lietamente, giovial-


lante, diamante, m. [brliantl]


sposo, m.




mente. Brisk'ness, [brischenes]


Bril'liantness, [brlintnes] Bride'maid, [braidemede] .fan- lucidezza, chiarezza, f-

cita, allegria, /.; vigore, Brsk'up, [brischup] v. n.

viv^^ m.

ciulla che accompagna per ono- Brills, [brilsj . pi. peli sopra i zarsi, rallegrarsi. re la sposa, /. cigli del cavallo, m. pi. Bris'tle, [brisl] s. setola, /. Bride'man, [braideman] s. gio- Brim, [brim] s. orlo, m.; mar- Bris'tle, [brisl] v. n. arricciarsi. vanotto che accompagna per gine, estremit, /".; to the -, fino Bris'tly, [brisle'] adv. setoso, onore lo sposo, i. all'orlo. arricciato.

Britain, [brteun] s.Biirtanma,

adj. \)A-


Brow, [braou]

Broi'der, ["brideur] v. a. rica-

ciglio, m.; fron-,




8ommit,cima (d'un monte),



majesty, Sua Broidery, [brideur]


knit the

increspar la

Maest britannica.

mo, m.


British, [britisc] adj. "britanni-): Broiderer, [brideureur] s. rico; e British subject, suddito camatore, m.; ricamatrice, /". Broil, [brail] s. rissa; disputa, "britannico. Briton, [brTton] s. Britanno, m. f. rumore, m. Broil, [brail] v. a. arrostire; Brit'tle , [brit'l] adj. fragile -, V. n. ardere. frale, fievole. _ Brit'tleness, [brit'lnes] . fra- Bro'kage, [brchedge] vedi Brocage. gilit, fralezza, f. Brit'tly, [britle] adv. fragil- Broke, [brche] v. n. contrattar negozj per altri, negoziare. mente. Bro'ken, [brchn] adj. rotto, Brize, [braize] s. tafano, m. Broach', [brotsc] .spiedo, scM- spezzato {vedi to Break) hearted, adj. oppresso di dolodone, m. Broach, [trotsc] v. a. infilzare re; - language, s. lingua corrotnello stidione, spillare, divul- ta, /".; - meaf, .minuzzoli; bricioli (di carne) m. pi.; - sleep, gare, pubblicare. Broach'er, [brotscur] s. spiedo, s. sonno interrotto, m.; - voice, inventorOj^m. s. voce indebolita, /.; - winded, Broad, [brand] adj. largo, este- adj. bolso, asmatico. so, aperto; osceno; -daylight, Bro'kenly, [brch'nle'] ad, interrottamente. . gi^orno chiaro, m.; at- noon, in sul mozzo giorno; - awake, Bro'kenness, [brchn^ns] s. afflizione, contrizione, /. affatto desto; to grow -, allarBro'ker, [brochur] s. sensale, garsi, .slargarsi. Broad'cloth, [braudcluth-] s. rigattiere, m.; pawn -, s. prenditore di pegni, usurajo, m. panno largo, m. Broad'en, [brud'n] v. n. allar- Bro'kerage , [brochurdge] s. senseria, f. garsi. adj. Broad'-eyed , [braudai'd] adj. Bronch'ial , [bronchial] (anat.) bronchiale. Sigli occhi aporti. Broad'-faced, [braud-fs'd] adj. Bronze, [brondze] .bronzo, m.;
; , ;

Brow'beat,[braonbIte] v.a.guardare con cipiglio.

Browbeating, [braoublting]


prepotenza, f. Brown, [braoun] adj. bruno, nero, nereggiante; to make -, to grow -, imbrunire; to be in a - study, star pensoso, meditare di cose triste; - bread, s. pane scuro, m.; - man, s. bru- sugar, s. no, brunetto, ni. zucchero rosso, m.; - woman, bruna, brunetta, f. Brown'ish, [braounisce] adj. brunazzo, brunetto. Brown'ness, [braunnes] s. brunezza, f. Browse, [brauze] .messa, /".

pollone, m.

Browse, [braouze]

v. n.


giare foglie. Bro^v'sick, [braousc] adj.

linconico, triste.

Brow'sing, [brauzTng] s. pascolo, pascimento, m. Bruise, [bruze] s. ammaccamento, m.; schiacciatura, contusione,

Bruise, [bruze] v. a. ammaccare, schiacciare, rompere, pestare.

Bruiser, [bruizeur] .pestatore; Broadith, [braudisc] adj. al- Brooch, [brtsce] . giojello, or- combattitore, m. Bruit, [bruite] s. romore, m.; namento di giojelli,m. quanto largo. Brottd'-leaved, [braud-liv'd]at(/. Brooch, [brotsce] v. a. adornare fama, f. Brumai, [brumi] adj. brumale. di gioje. che ha le foglie larghe. Broadly, [brudle'] adv. larga- Brood, [brude] s. covata, razza, Brunette', [brunet] s. brunetta, /. schiatta, f. mente, ampiamente. Broad'ness , [braudnes] s. lar- Brood, [brudfl] v. a. & n. covare, Brunt, [breunt] . urto, impeto, disastro, m. ghezza, ampiezza, rozzezza, f. maturare._ Brush, [breusc] . spazzola, gra[brud- Brook, [bruch] s. ruscello, m. Broad'-shouldered, scioldeur'd] adj. che ha le Brook, [bruche] v. a. & n. sof- nata, f.; impeto, incontro, m. Brush, [breisc] v. a. spazzolaferire, tollerare. spalle larghe. Broad'-side, [braud-saidc] Brooky, [bruche'] adj. abondan- re, toccare leggermente :-,u.n. muoversi o passare in fretta; te di ruscelli. (mar.) sparo, wi.; bordata, /. Broad'sword , [IJraudsorde] s. Broom, [brume] s. ginestra, to - away, calcagnare, fuggire, to - off, spazzare via, fuggire. scopa di ginestra, /. spada tagliente, f. Broad'ways [braudouze]Broad'- Broom'staff,[brumestafJBroom'- Brush'maker, [breuscmcheur] wise, [braudouize] adv, se- stic, [brmestic] s. manico s. che fa le spazzole, nu Brush'wood, [breusc-ououd] s. della scopa, _wi. condo la larghezza. Brocade', [brochedc] s. brocca- Broo'my, [brume'] adj. pieno di bosco basso, m. Brush'y, [brusce'] adj. setoloso, ginestre. to, m. peloso. Broca'ded, [brochidd] adj. ve- Broth, [broth-] s. brodo, m. Brothel, [bruth'l] s. bordel- Brus'tle, [breustl] v. n. scopstito di broccato. piettare. Bro'cage, [brocdge] t. guada- lo, m. gno del sensale; mestier del ri- Broth'er, [breuth'eur] (pi. bro- Bru'tal , [briitl] adj. brutale, crudele. gattiere, m. thers, brethren), s. fratello, m.; Broc'coli, [brcoli] s. brocco- foster -, s. fratello di latte, m. Brutal'ity, [brutlite'] . brutalit, rustichezza, crudelt, f. li, m. pi. (see Brethren). Brock, [brocj s. tasso, m. Broth'erhood, [breuth'erhud] Bru'talize, [bratlaize] v. a. rendere brutale, rendere salBrock'et, [brocht] s. cerviatto, s. fratellanza, fraternit, f. Broth'er-in-law, [bruth eur-in- vatico; -, V. n. diventare brucervo gioviao, m. tal.e. Brog'gle, [broghl] v. a. pescare laiil . cognato, ni. Brotherless,[bruthieurls]adJ. Bru'tally, [briitl e'] adv. brutalper anguille. Brogue , [brghc] s. scarpa di senza fratello, privo di fratello. mente, crudelmente. legno, /.; cattivo dialetto, par- Broth'erly, [bruthlurle'] adj. Brate, [brute] adj. feroce, irrae adv. fraterno, fraternamente. gionevole. lar corrotto, m.

che ha una gran faccia.






Bull'-calf, [biil-cafe]

be- Bud'get, fbeiidgt] . valigia, provvisione, f. Bru'tify, [brutifai] v. a. rende- Buff, [beuf] . cuojo di bufalo, m. Buffalo, [beufalo] s. bufalo, bure brutale. Bru'tisb, [bratisc] adj. brutale, folo, m. bestiale; feroce. Buffer, [beufeur] Buffer-head, Bru'tishly, [brutscl] adv. be- [beufeur-hd] s. {loc. rail.) cuscino da urto, m. stialmente, ferocemente. Bru'tisbness , [briitscns] s. Buffet, [beuft] s schiafiFo, m.; brutalit, bestialit, salvatiguanciata, /. Buffet, [beuft] v. a. schiafi'egcbezza, f. Bry'ony, fbraione'] . brionia, /". giare; -, v. n. giuocare alle puBub'ble, [beubl] s. bubbola, bol- gna. la, bagattella,/.; sciocco, goffo, Buf feter, [beufteur] s. pugil-

Brnte, [trute]



maschio, minchione, m. Buir-dog, [bl-dg] 8. alano, m.

[bult] s. palla (di moschetto di cannone) f. Bulletin, [biilitlue] s. rapporto
officiale, m. Bullet-shot, [biilt-sciot] s cannonata, /. Bulf-fight, [bl-faite] s. combattimento di tori, m. Buirflnch, [bilfinsc] s. fringuello marino, m. Bull'fly, [balflai] s tafano, m. Bull'head , fbliied] s. ghiozzo

Buf let,




[beuf'l] s. bufalo, m.; headed, adj. stupido. Bub'bler, [bebleiir] s. ingan- Baffoon' , [beufun] s. buflFone, natore, truflFatore, m. zanni, fi.; to play the -, buffoBub'bling, [beubling] s. bolli- neggiare.

Bub'ble, [beiibl] v. a. lire, ingannare.


n. bol-


(pesce); goffo,


Buf lion



oro d' argento, f, Buf lock, [buleiic] s. torello, bue

giovine, m. Bul'ly, [bie]

mento, garrito, m. Bucanier' , [beucanlre] Buccaneer, [beucanlre] s. buccaniere, filibustiere, pirata, ladrone di mare, m. Buck, [beiic] s. daino maschio, bucato, m. Back, [ijeuc] v. a. fare il bucato far razza dei daini. Buck'basket, [beicbscbt] s. paniere da portar il bucato, m. Buck'et, [becht] s. secchia,/'.; (mar.) bugliolo, m. Buck'ing, [beiichng] s. fare il bucato, m. Buck'ing^-cloth , [beuchingclth^] s. ceneracciolo, m. Buck'ing-tub, [buchng-teiib] . tinozza da farvi il bucato, f. Buck'le, [buch'l] s. fibbia, /".; fermaglio, riccio, m.


[beiif unure']


bravo, sgherro,

buffoneria, zannata, f. Bug, [beiig] s. cimice, m. Bug'bear, [beiigbre] s. spaventacchio, m.

m. Bufly,

[buie'] v. n. fare il


Bug'bear, [beugbere]

v. a.


Buf rush, [bulreuscT * giunco, m. Buf wark, [blouaurc] s. baluardo, bastione, m. Bul'wark, [blouaurc]
v. a. for-

Bug'gy, [beughe']

adj. pieno di

bugola, f. Bum, [beum] s. diretano, tn. Bu'gle , [biugh'l] Bu'gle-horn, Bum'-bailiff, [beum-blf] s. [biugh'lhorn] s. corno da cacsbirro, sergente, m. cia, m. Bumble'-bee , [bembl-bi] or Build , [bild] V. a. irr. (built ; humble-bee, s. ape grossa, f. built) edificare, costruire; -, v. Bum'-boat, [beum-bte] . batn. fidarsi, confidarsi; to - castello da provvisioni, m. tles in the air, fare castelli in Bump, [beump] tumore, m.; aria. protuberanza,/.; colpo, m. Build'er, [bldeur] s edificato- Bump, [beump] v. a. strepitare. re, fabbricatore, m. Bum'per, [beumpur] s. bicchieBuild'ing, [bldng] . edificio, i*e traboccante, m. Buckle, [buch'll v. a. affibbia- m.; fabbrica, costruzione, f. Bump'kin, [beumpchin] . conre, chiudere, inannellare ; -, v Bulb, [beiilb] .bulbo, w.; cipoltadinaccio, m. .piegare, applicarsi; to -with, la, /-. Bump'kinly, [beimpchnle]adt). essere alle mani. Bulba'ceoas,[beTlbescieus]Bur- in modo contadinesco, rozzaBnck'ler , [bucler] s. scudo, bous, [beuibefis] adj. bulboso. mente. Bulge, [beuldge] v. n. protube- Bun', [beun] vedi Bunn. clipeo, m. Buck'ler, [beucleiir] v. a. fare rare. Bunch , [beunsc] s. gobba, f.; Bulk, [beulc] . ma^.sa, grossez- tumore, fascio, nodo, m.: - of scudo, proteggere. grosso, za, tronco, busto; Buck'mast, [beucmast] s. faggrapes, grappolo d'uva, i.; /.; (mar.) scafilo, wi.; in -, alla of keys, mazzo di chiavi, m. giuola, f. (ne, f. Buck'ram, [beucreiim] s.bugra- rinfusa; by the -, all'ingrosso. Bunch'-backed, [bonsc-bc'd] Bucks'horn, [beucshrn] s. gra- Bulk, [beiilc] v. n. piegare in- adj. gobbo. nanzi. migna, f. Bun'chy, [beunsce'] adj. crescenBuckskin, [beicschn] s. panno Bulk'head, [beulched] s.(n. arch.) te in grappoli, gobbo, gibboso. spartimento, m.; separazione, /. Ban'dle, [bendl] s. fardello, fatto dalla pelle del daino, m. Bul'kiness,[beulchins] s. gros- fagotto, m. Buck'thorn, [beiicth-orn] s spinamagna, f. sezza, larghezza, f. Bun'dle, [bendl] v. a. faro un Buck'-wheat, [beucouite] s. gra- Bul'ky , [beiilch] adj. grosso, fardello. massiccio. Saraceno miglio, no m. Bang, [beng] s. turacciolo, Bucoli'c, [blucolc] adj. bucco- Bull', [bill] .toro; an Irish bull, cocchiume, tji. pastorale. sbaglio, n.;assurdit,/".; lico, papai Bung, [beng] v.a. turare, stopBud, [bead] s. bottone, germo- bull, bolla papale. pare. m. Bul'lace, [buls]_ s. glio, prugnola, /. Bung'-hole, [beung-hlc] .buca v. Bul'lace-tree, [bead] a. innestare, [bulas-tri] Bud, indella botte, /. s, prugnolo, tn. serire; -, V. n. germinare, pulBun'gle, [boungl] s. sbaglio,
Bu'gle, [bugh'l]

lo, /.

Badge, [beudge]s. pelle d'agnelBudge, [beudge]

v. n.

BuU'-baiting , [bul-bting] s. marrone, m. combattimento di cani con tori Bun'gle, [beungl] v. a. acciarm. pare, acciabattare. muoversi, BuU'-beef, [bil-bfc] . carne di Bung'ler, [beungler] s. ciarpotoro, /. ne, ciarpiere, m.

Bunn, [beun]



-, s.


burlesco, m. bina, m. ^ Bung'lingly, [benglTngl] adv. Burlesque', [beurlesche]

discorso! Bu'ry, [bre] v. a. sotterrare, seppellire. v. a. Bur'ying, [brilng] s. seppellimento, m.; - ground, s. cimitescioccaiiiente,grossolanamente. burlare, beffare. Bunt, [beunt] .cavit, /.; gon- Bur'liness, [beiirlines] .s. gros- rio, m.; - place, s. sepolcro, i.; sepoltura f. sezza; prepotenza, /. fiamento, I. Bun'ter, [beiinteurjs.conciajuo- Bur'ly, [beiirle] adj. grosso; pre- Bush, [beusc] s. cespuglio, *n.; /". frasca; coda di volpe, /,; to go potente. la, Bun'ting, [beunting] e. calan- Burn, [beiirn] s. scottatura, /.; about the -, menar il can per


burlesco, faceto;


f. s.

abbruciamento, m.


(mar.) gavitello, Bum, [beiirn] v.a irr. (burnt; Bush'el, [beuscel] . stajo, n. burnt) abbruciare, bruciare; -, Bush'iness , [beuscins] s. folsegnale dell' ancora, ni. (glioso. Buoy, [baue] v. a. galleggiare, V. n. irr. ardere; to - away, tezza, /. bruciarsi, consumarsi to - tip, Bush'y, [beusc] adj. cespunuotare. Bus'iless, [bzils] adj. sfacBuoy'ancy, [bauianse'] s. legge- bruciare affatto Bur'ner, [beirneur] s. incendia- cendato, scioperato. rezza, /. Bus'ily, [bziljarfv. attivamenBuoy'ant, [bauiant] adj. galleg- rio; boccinolo, m. giante, leggiere. Bur'net, [beiirnt] s. pimpinel- te, diligentemente.arditamente. Bus'iness, [bizins] s. affare, Bur, [beur] s. lappola maggio- la, /. Burn'ing, [beurning] adj. ab- negozio, wi.; faccenda, /.; to do re, f. Burdelais', [beurdele'] s. sorta bruciante, caldo; -, s. fuoco, in- one's -, andar del corpo; to come into -, avere dogli affacendio, wi. d" uva, f. Bur'den, [beuid'n] s. soma, f. Bur'ning-glass, [beurmng-glas] ri; essere in voga; mind your own -, badate a' fatti vostri. carico; - of a song, ritornello, s. vetro ardente, m. m. beast of -, s. bestia da so- Bur'nish, [beiirnsc] v. a. bru- Busk, [beiisch] s. stecca da fascetta, f. nire, dare il lustro; -, v. n. dima, f. Bus'kn, [beuschin] s.borzacchiBur'den, [beurd'n] v. a. cari- ventare lucido. Bur'nsher,[beurnsceur] .bru- no stivaletto, m. care, imbarazzare. Bus'kined,[beiischm'd] adj. calBur'den er, [beurd^neur] s. cari- nitore, brunitojo, m. zato di stivaletti. Bur'nishing, [beurniscing] s catore, m. Buss, [beiis] s. bacio, m. barca Bnr'denous, [beiird'nus] Bur- brunitura, /. densome, [beurd'nseum] adj. Burnt, [beurnt] adj. abbruciato, da pescare, /. Buss, [beiis] v. a. baciare. grave, oppressivo, molesto. scottato (vedi to Burn). Bur'densonieness[beurd'nsum- Burr, [beur] s. oreglia, /".; tim Bust, [beust] s. busto, m. nes] s. peso, wi.; gravezza, /.; pano dell'orecchio, m.; rozzez- Bus'tard, [beusturd] s. gallo incomodo, ni. za nel pronunciare la lettera R, salvatico d'India, m. Bus'tle, [beus'l] s. tumulto, reBur'dock, [beurdc] s. lappola,/, /.; animelle. Bureau', [biuro] $. segreteria, Bur 'rei, [beurl] s. sorta di pe- more, m. /.; scrittojo, armario, m. Bus'tle, [beus'l] v. n. far strera, f. Bur'gamot, [beiirgamt] s. ber- Bur'rel-fly, [beuri-flai] s. ta pito, affrettarsi. gamotta, f. fano, m. Bust'ler, [beisleir] s. uomo atBur'ganet, [beurganet] s. bor- Bur'row, [beur] s. tana di co- tivo, affannone, m. gognotta, /. niglio, f. Bus'y, [bse'] adj. affaccendato, Bur'geois, [beurdges] Bur'gess, Bur'row, [beuro] v. n. nascon- occupato. [beiirdges] . borghese, cittadersi sotto terra Bus'y, [bise'] v.a. occupare; -, dino, m. Bur'sar, [beurseur] s. tesoriere V. n. occuparsi, intromettersi. Burgh, [beurg] . l)orgo, castel- di un collegio, m. Bu'sy-body, [bisbd] s. affanlo, m. Bursarship, [beurserscTp] s. none, m. Bur'gher, [beurgheur] s. bor- r uffizio di un tesoriere di un But, [beit] conj. ma, per, fuorghese, TO. collegio, m. ch, eccetto, solamente. Bur'ghership, [beurgherscip] s. Bursary , [beursare'] s. tesore- !But, [beiit] s. limite, confine, m. borghesia, cittadinanza, ria di un collegio f. But'cher, [butciur] s. macelBur'glar, [beiirglr] s. ladro Burse, [bourse] s. borsa, /. ban- lajo, beccajo, m.; -'s meat, s. domestico, rubatore per rottu- co, m. carne di beccheria, /. -'s shop, ra, m. Burst, fbeurst] s. crepatura, rot- n. beccheria, /. macello, m. Bur'glary, [beurglare'] s. ruhare tura, /".; fracasso, m. But'cher, [bitciur] v. a. maper rottura, m. Burst, [beurst] v. a. irr. (burst; cellare, assassinare, uccidere. Burg'mote, [beurgrate] . ha- burst) crepare, scoppiare; -, v. lEut'cherly, [btciurl] adj. liaggio, m. n. irr. creparsi, aprirsi; to crudele, sanguinario. Bur'gomaster, [bcurgomasteur] from, scappare, fuggire; to - Butchery , [biitciure'] s. bec8. burgomastro, m. into tears, pianger dirottamen- cheria, macello, ni. Burgundy, [beurgheunde'J {w^-.p,) te; <o - om(, spaccarsi, uscire; But'-end, [beutnd] s. punta a. vino di Borgogna, m. to-with laughing, morire dallo piatta; estremit,/. Burlai, [bril] s. sepoltura,/".; risa, smascellare dallerisa. Bnt'ler, [beutleiir] s. dispensiefunerali, m. pi. Burst'- wort, [beurstoueurt] s. re, canovajo, m. Bu'rial-place , [bril-plse] r.. erniaria, /. But'lership , [beutleurscTp] . cimiterio, m. Burt, [bert] . lima, /. (pesce). uffizio del dispensiere, m. Bur'ier, [bricir] s. beccamorto, Bur'then, [beurtheiin] vedi Bur- But'ment, [beutmnt] s. (arch.) bocchino, m. den. commesso, m. Bu'rine, [biiraine] . bulino, m. Bur'ton, [beurt'n] s. (mar.) pa- Bnt'shaft, [beitscraft] . frecBurlesque', [boiirlsche] adj. ranchino, m. cia, /.

Buoy, [baue]


scopo, m.; mira, m.; botte, /., Butt, (beut) V. a. cozzare, urtare; <o - one ono//ier, percuotersi colle corna. But'ter, [beiteur] s. burro, butirro, m.; slice of bread and -, fetta di piine unto con burro, f. But'ter, Ibeuteur] v. a. condire con burro, ungere con burro,









truffare (volgare).

But'ter-flower, [betur-flauur| Buttercup, [beitrcheup] s. iiori'tto giallo, m.


[beuteiirflai] s. far-

parpaglione, m. Bat'ternnilk, [beutefirmilc] s sero di latte, latte di burro, m. Butter'print, [beteiirprjnt] s. impronta per marcare il burro. But'tery, [beiitr] adj. burroso; s. dispensa, /. But'ter- wife [beiiteur-ouaife] But'ter-woman,[beuteiir-ououmn] s. donna che veude bur,







f.; -


of beef, s. coscia di -s of a horse s. pi.


year, d' anno in anno; - n^uch, [beuteiin-ouere] , di molto; hard -, qui vicino; assortimento di bottoni, m. But'tress, [beutrs] s. barbaca- chance, a caso; - degrees, gradatamente, poco a poco. ne, sostegno, m. But'tress, [beitrs] v. a. far un By'-blow, [bi-bl] s. colpo imbarbacane, sostenere, appog- provviso, m. By'-corner, [bai-corneur]s. canto giare. Butt'shaft , [beutsciaft] vedi segreto, m. By'-end, [bi-end] s. vantaggio Butshaft. Bu'tyrous, [biutireus] adj. bur- particolare, m. By'-gone, [bi-gn] adj. lungo roso. Bux'om, [beucseum] adj. alle- tempo passato. By'-larie, [bi-lne] s. vico, vigro, giocondo, lieto, lascivo. Bux'omly, [beicseimle'] adv. colo, m. amorosamente, lietamente, la- By'-law, [bi-lau] s. statuto, m. By'-name, [bai-neme] s. sopranscivamente. Bux'omness , [bcicseumns] s. nome, m. trattabilit.beniguit, allegria, By'-path, [bi-p'th] s. strada poco frequentata, f. ilarit, lascivia, /. Buy, [bai] . o. irr. (bought; By'-proflts, [profits] s. pi casuale, wi. bought) comperare, comprare to - and sell, trafficare, nego- By'-road, [bi-rode] s. sentiero discosto, wi. _ ziare; to - one off, corrompere By'-room, [bi-rum] s. gabinetalcuno. Buy'er,[baeur]s. compratore, m. to, spogliatojo, m. Buy'ing , [baing] s. compera- By'stander, [bi-stndeur] . spettatore, m. mento, m. compra, f. Buzz, [beuz] s. ronzo, susurro,m. By'-street, [bi-strite] s. strada

Buzz, [beuz]

v. n.

ronzare, sus.

groppa But'ton


un cavallo,

fuor di mano, f. By'-view [bi-viu]




[beiiteun] ni.; boccia, f.

bottone, Buz'zard, [beiizeurd]

go, m.


particolare,!. By'-walk, [bai-ouauche]s. viale,

But'ton, [beiiteun] v.

abbot- Buz'zing




occhiello, m.


mormorio, m. By, [bi] prep. per, da,

m. By'-way,

[bi-oue'] .traversa,/.



bottouajo, m.

liy'-word, [bai-oueiird] s. proverbio, m.; massima, f. no, appresso; - and -, adesso adesso; - the bye, a proposito; By'zaut, [biznt] s moneta d'oro, one - one, uno ad uno; year /.
al, vici.

C, si pronunzia

come in


no innanzi

alle consonanti, in

fine di parola o di sillaba, ed avanti le vocali a, o, u, ci-


clima, credit, credito, cabal, cabala, content, conten-

custom, costume. Avanti le vocali e, i, y, prende il suono

di s


celi, cella, civil, civi-

le, ci/press,

cipresso. C, quan-

da consonante, ha il suono di arte dolce: orcAduke, arciduca, arcAbishop, arcivescovo, &c. Cab, [cab] s. misura ebraica, vedi Cabriolet. Cabal', [cbl] s. cabala, trama, cospirazione, f. Cabal', [cbl] v. n. tramare, cospirare. Cab'alist, [cblstj s. cabali-

Ca'bin, [cabn]


camerino; ga-

binetto, m. Ca'bin , [cabin] v. a. chiudere in un luogo ristretto; -, v. n. vivere in un luogo ristretto.

[cabalistic] Caba, (come se fosse scritto acses- lis'tical, [cbalstcl] adj. caso), Cia, cea, eie, ci, suonano balistico. come scia, see, sci eu france- Cabal'ler, [cabaleSr] s. macchise, social, sociale, ocean, oceano, ancient, antico, spacious, spazioso. Ck, ha tre suoni: il primo come e in child, bambino, chair, sedia, church, chiesa, each, ciascuno: il secondo, dopo le liquide l, e n, come tee sci, dolce, fi/eh, rubare,

il suono sta, m. di cs italiano, access, accesso, Cabalis'tic

do vien raddoppiato ha



Ca'baret, [cabaret]


Ca'bin-boy, [cbn-baue] .mozzo, camerotto, m. Cab'inet, [cabinet] s. gabinetto; (chiudere. armadio, m. Cab'inet , [cabinet] v. a. rin[cbiuetCab'inet-council , caunsl] s. gabinetto della corte, m. Cab'inet-maker , [cabint-mcheiir] s. ebanista, m. Cable, [chbl] s. (mar ) gomena, /".; canapo, ni.; -'s length, s.







terzo, duro nello voci greco, monarcA,


monarca, archangel, arcangelo. Ma quando arch seguito

lunghezza di gomena, /".; lo bit Cab'bage, [cabdgejs. cavolo, wi. the -, abbittare la gomena; to Cab'bage, [cbedge] v. a. & n. splice a -, impiombare. rubare i ritagli, cestire (vol- Cab'let, [cb'lt] s. (mar.) gomenetta, /. Cab'bage-head, [cbdge-hod]*. Cab'riolet , [cabriol] s. biroccio, biroccino, m. cesto di cavolo, m. Cab'bage-lettuce[cbedge-lts] Caca'o, [cacao] s. cacao, m. Cachec'tic, [cachectic] Cacliec' 8. lattuga cappuccia, f. Cab'bage-tree, [cbcdgc-tr] s. tical , f caehctcl] adj. cachettico. spezie di palma, f.

Ca'chexy, [cachcsj



[clTdgineus-^ , caligine, oscurit, f. Calig'raphy, [cllgraf] s. calli-*
(s. calitfo,

caches- Calam'itous , [calmiteiis] adj. calamitoso. Cachinna'ton, [cacliiuscieun] Calam'itousness, [calmiteiisnes] Calam'ity , [calamite] s. 8. riso smoderato, m. Cac'kle, [cci] s. croccio, chioc- calamit; intortunio, m.; mise(m. ria, /. ciare (deir oca), m. Cac'kle, [cc'l] v. . crocciare, Cal'amus, [clameus] s. calamo. Calash', [clsc] s. calesse, m.; chiocciare. Cack'ler, [ccleur] s. chioccia, specie di cappuccio, f. chiacchierone, m. (re, m. Calca'rioas , [clcherieus] adj. f.



Ca'liph, [chlif] Ca'lif, [eh lf) Ca'liphate, [clifet] s. califato, m. (schioppo, m. Cal'iver , [cliveur] s. fucile, Ca'lx, [chelics] . [bot.) calice,



Cackling, [caplng] s. chioccia- calcareo, di calcina. Caco'chymy, [ccchime'] s. ca- Calce'dony, [clsideiin]
cochimia, f. Cacode'mon,[cacodIinone]s. ma(cografia, {. ligno spirito, m.

Cacography, [cacgrafe]
Caco'phony, [cacla]
fonia, discordanza,




Cacu'minate, [cachiuminte]

rendere acuto, appuntare. Cadav'erous, [cadvereiis] adj. cadaveroso.

Cad'dis,(cds]s.cadi,wi,(iDorm). Cad'dy, [cde'J .scatola da t,/",


[cd-spune] s. , cucchiajo da t, m. Cade, [diede] s. barile, m. Cade, [diede] adj. domestico, addimesticato [poco usato).

Ca'dence, [chderise] Cadency. [chedens] s- (mus.) cadenza, /. Ca'dent, [chdnt] adj. cadente,

(lontario, m.

portare una (m. soma. Cad'ger, [cdger] s.pollaiuolo, Ca'di, [chodi] s. cadi, m. Cadu'ceus, [chediuscius] s. ca(cita; fragilit, f. duceo, m. Cadu'city, [chdiusit] s. caduCaesura, [sisiura] s. (pros.) cea.

Cadet', [chadt] Cadge, [cdge] v.

cadetto, vo-





Cage, [chdge] s. gabbia; priCage, [chedge] v. n. chiudere in

gabbia: imprigionare.

Cai'man, [cheranjs. coccodrillo (sassi, m. Americano, m.

Cairn, [chrne]

monticello di

Cai'tiff, [chtfj s. furfante, ba-

rattiere, m. Cajole', [chedgiole] v. a. lusingare, vezzeggiare, adulare. Cajo'ler, [chdgioleur] .lusin- Carends,[clnds]s.calende,/'.pi. Callos'ity, [closit] s. callosi(insensibile. Cal'enture, [clntiiirc] s. feb- t, f. ghiere, adulatore, m. Cajo'lery, [chdgioleiire] . lu- bre maligna, febbre ardente, f. Carious , [caleus] adj. calloso, singheria, adulazione, carez- Calf, (cafe) [pi. calves) s. vitello, Callously, [clesle'] adv. inm.; vitella, f. polpa delle gam- sensibilmente, duramente. za, f. Cajoling, [chdgiling] .lusin- be, /.; -'s leather, s. pelle di vi- Callousness, [clusns] .callosit, insensibilit, durezza, f. tdlo, /". gamento, m. ; carezza, /. Cake, [chche] s. focaccia, sfo- Cal'iher, [caliheur] s. calibro, m. Cal'low, [calo] adj. spiumato, Carice, [clis] . calice, m.; cop- nudo; -, . ragazzo, m.; ragazgliata, stiacciata, f. za, f. (poco usato) (di cotone, f. Cake, [chche] v. n. rappigliar- pa, /. (to, rappreso. Cal'lco, [calico] s. sorta di tela Calm, [came] adj. calmo, transi, incrostarsi. Ca'kod, [chch'd] adj. rappiglia- Cal'id, [clid] odj. caldo, calido. quillo, quieto; -,. calma, tranCal'abash, [clabsc]s. zucca,/'. Calid'ity, [cldit] s. calidit, quillit, /". Calm,[came] v.o. calmare, abboCalaman'co, [calamanco] s. du- caldezza, f. Caliga'tion, [clighesciein] s. nacciare, quietare, placare. rante, m. (sorta di panno). Cal'amine, [clamine] s. gial- oscuramento, abbagliameuto.m. Calmer, [camer] . pacificatore,

Calk, [csi,uc]_v.a. calafatare, cas. cal- Calk'er, [caucheUr] s. calafao, cai fato, m. cedonia, /. [pietra). Carcinate , [clsinte] v. a. Calk'ing, [cauchng] s. calafatare riparo (d' una nave) m. (chym.) calcinare. Calcina'tion, [calsinesceun] s. Calking-iron, [cauckng-ieirn] [chym.) calcinazione calcina- s. ferro da calafatare. (calcinatorio. Cali, [caul] s. chiamata, f. chiatura, f. Calcin'atory, [clsneteur] adj. mamento,m.; vocazione, f.; inCalcine', [calsine] vedi Calci- vito; [mar.) fischio, m. (pu computarsi Cali, [caiil] V. a. chiamare, apnate, Calculable, [clchlulabl] adj. che pellare, convocare, radunare, Calculary, [calchiular] adj. ap- comandare; to - by name, chiamare per nome; to - names, inpartenente ai calcoli. Careniate, [clchiilte] v. a. giuriare, svillaneggiare; to ~ up spirits, scongiurare i democalcolare, computare. Calcula'ting , [clchiuleting] ni; to - in question, mettere in dubbio; to - after, chiamare ad Calcula'tion, [clchiulescieiin] computo, m. alta voce; /o - again, richiamas. calculazione, /". Calculative, [clchuletiv] adj. re, ritornare; to - aloud, grida- to - aside, appartenente alla calculazione. re ad alta voce Calcula'tor , [clchiuleteir] s. prendere da parte; to - at, andare a casa di: to - away, chiacalcuatore, computista. Carculatory, [clchiuleteur] mare fuori, dire d'uscire; to fcacfc, richiamare far ritornaadj. di calculazione. Calculose', [clchiulose'lCal'cu- re; to -down, chiamare gi, far lous, [clchiuleus] adj. calco- scendere; to - for, domandare, (colo, m. cercare; to - forth, chiamare loso, Calculus , [clchiileus] s. cal- fuori, far uscire; to - in. chiaCal'dron, [caiildreiin] .caldaia, mare dentro, dire d' entrare ; /. caldaio, paiuolo, m. to -off, dissuadere; to -on. esorCai e"faction, [clifacsciein] s. tare, incitare; to - out, chiamato - up, svegliare, re fuori calefazione, /. Calefac'tive, [clifactiv] adj. dire di salire; to - upon, invocare, ricorrere ad; to - upon calefattivo, riscaldativo. Cal'efy, [clifai] v. n. riscal- one, andare a vedere, visitare (darlo, almanacco, m. alcuno; to - together, convocadarsi, (sagacit, f. Cal'endar, [calendar] s. calen- re, adunare. Cal'ender, [clnder] s. man- Callid'ity, [calTdit] s. astuzia, (manganare. Call'ing, [caiilng] s. vocazione, gano, m. Cal'ender , [clendeiir] v. a. f. mestiere, uffizio, impiego, m. Cal'enderer, [clndeureur] s. Cal'lipers, [clipurs] s.pi. (mar.) seste da calibrare, f. pi. che mangana; lustratore, m.
; ,



(minta, nepitella, /. Cali'ginous, [clidgineis] adj. Calm'ly [clamnt] t. cala - caliginoso, oscuro.



adv. tran-



canfo- Can'dy

quinamonte, quietamente, pla- Cam'phre, [cmfairc]

cubilmonto. Calm'ness, [camenes]


adj. candito;



Cal'my, [came] mato.

adj. calmo, cals.

Caromel, [calomel]
mercurio dolce, m.


Calo'ric, [caloric] adj. calorico. Calori'flc, [calorific] adj. calorifico.






zucchero candito,. Cam'phorate , [camfrte] adj. Cane, [chne] . canna, f.; bastone, m.; sugar -, . cannacanforato. Cam'ping,[cmpTng]s. l'accam- mele, f. Cane, [chene] v. a. bastonare. pamento; campare, m. Can, [can] s, boccale, m.;pipa,/'. Canic'ular, [canichiulr] adj. Can, [can] v n. irr. (could) po- canicolare. tere; /cannot tell,non so; how - Canicule, [cnichile] . canicula, f. you tell? come lo sapete? Canaille', [cnle] . canaglia,^. Canine', [canaine] adj. canino; Canal', [canal] s. canale, con- - hunger, . fame canina, f.

-, .



Cal'trop, [caltrop] cardo, m.

dotto,!. tribolo, Cana'ry, [canre]


vino di Ca-

naria, m. Calumet, [caliiimet] s. pipa in- Cana'ry-bird, [canre'-beurd] s. ro, w. Cank'er, [canclieur] v. a. corcanarino, ni. diana da fumare, f. Calam'niate, [cleumnite] v. Can'cel, [cnsel] v. a. cancella- rompere, corrodere;-,!), n. cora.

Can'ister, [cnistur] . scatola da t, panierina, f. Cank'er, [cnchur] . canche-







[cnsleted] adj. Cank'er-bit, [cancheur-bit] adj. morso da dente avvelenato, m. cancellato, intraversato. seiun] s. diffamazione, f. Calumnia'tor , [cleimniateir] Can'celing, [cnsling] Cance- Cankerous, [cnchurus] adj. lation, [cnslesciun] s. can- corrosivo. s. calunniatore, m. Calumniatory, [ci eumniateire'J cellamento, m.; cancellazione, ^ Canker-worm [cancheir-uurm] Can'cer, [cnseiir] s. granchio; . bruco, m. adj falso, calunnioso.


[clnmnii- Can'celated,

Calum'nious, [cleumnieus]
calunnioso, diffamatorio.


Calumniously, [cleumnieiisle']





[cleiirane'] .


nia, diffamazione, f. Calve, [cave] v. n. fare

tello, figliare.



Cal'vinism, [calvinsm] . calvinismo, m. (sta, m.

Cal'vinist, [clvinist] s.calviniCalvinis'tic, [clvinistc] adj.


calvinistico. [clcs] , calcina, f.


{chym.) calce,

Cam'bric, [chmbrTc] s. camCam'el, [cml] . cammello, m. Camel'opard, [cmlpeuvdlj s. cammello pardalo, m. Came'lot, [cmlot] s. cambellotto,


Carneo, [camo]

cammeo, m.

Camera obscura [cmera bsclura] s. camera oscura, Cam'erated, [cmiretd]


arcato, incurvato.



(surg.) canchero, m. Can'nibal, [cnibl] . canniCan'cerate, [causerete] r.n. in- bale, m. cancherirsi, Can'nibally, [canibale] adv. a Cancera'tion, [canseresciun]. modo di cannibale. il divenir canchero, m. Cannibalism, [canibalsm] s il Can'cerous , [cnseireis] adj. mangiare della carne umana,m. cancheroso. Can'non, [cnein] . cannone, Can'dent , [candent] adj. can- m.; - ball, . palla di cannone,/. dente, infocato. Cannon-proof, [cneun-prfe] Can'did, [candid] adj. candido, adj. securo contro il cannone. ingenuo, sincero. Cannon-shot, [cnein-scot] s. Can'didate, [cndidte] s. can- palla da cannone, f., la distanza didato, competitore, m. cui il cannone getter una Can'didly, [cndidl] adv. can- palla,/". didamente, sinceramente. Cannonade', [caneunde] .canCan'didness, [cndidnes] .can- nonata, /. didezza, ingenuit, f. Cannonade', [caneunde] v. a. Can'died, [candid] adj. candito, cannoneggiare, cannonare. confetto. (re candido. Cannonading, [cneundng] s. Can'dify, [cndifai] v.a.rende- cannonata, /. Can'dle, [cand] s. candela, f Caniionier', [cneiinre] .cancandelliere, m.; mould -, candela noniere, bombardiere, m. gettata in forma, f.; rush -, Canoe' , [cn] . sciattp,, barcandela di sevo in cui mettesi chetta, /. un giunco invece del cotone, /".; Can'on, [cneun] canone, m.; wax -, candela di cera, f. regola, /.; - law, . legge canoCan'dle-light, [cndl-lite] s. nica, /. lume di candela, m.; by -, alla Can'oness, [caneunes] . cano;

nichessa, /. can- Canon'ical, [canonical] adj. cadelaia, /. nonicale, canonico; - hours, . Camisated [cmisetd] adj. Can'dl e'snuffer [candl-sneufeur ] pi. ore canoniche, / pi. colla camicia sopra V arme. s. smoccolatoio, m. Canon'ically, [canonicale] adv. Cam'omile, [cmomaile] s. ca- Can'dle-stick, [cndl-stic] s. canonicamente, regolarmente. momilla, f. candeliere, m.; rancAed-, can- Canonicals, [cannicJsJ s. pi. Camp, [camp] s. campo, m. delabro, m. vestiario di un ecclesiastico. Camp, [camp] v. a. accampare; Can'dle-stuff, [candl-steuf] s. Canonioate, [cannichte] . -, V. n. accamparsi, porsi a sevo, grasso, m. r uffizio di un canonico, m. campo. (gna, f. Can'dle-waster,[cndl-Tresteur] Can'onist , [cneunist] . dotCampaign, [campine] s.campa- . prodigo, dissipatore, spende- tore in legge canonica, m. Campan'iform, [cmpnifrm] reccio, m. Canoniza'tion[cnonaizscieiin] adj. (boi.) campaniforme. Can'dor, [cndefir] . candore, . canonizzazione, /. Campan'ulate, [cmpnilte] m.; ingenuit, sincerit, /. Can'onze, [cnonize] v. a. caadj. campanulato. Candy [cnd] v. a. candire, nonizzare, dichiarare santo. Campes'tral, [campestral] adj. confettare; -, v. n. diventare Can'onry, [cnnr] Can'onship, campestre, rurale. candito, congelare. [cnounscip] . canonicato, rn.

(arch.) arcatura,


Camisa'do, [cmisdo] assalto di notte, m.




Can'dlemas, [candl-mas]


Cano'pied , [cnopcle] adj. coperto con baldacchino. Can'opy, [cnop] s. baldacchino, m. Can'opy, [canope] v. a. coprire con baldacchino. Cano'rous, [canoreus] adj. canoro, armonioso. Cano'rousness, [canoreisnes] s. armonia, /. Can't, [cant] per Cannot. Cant, [cant] s. ger^o, m.; incanto pubblico, m. il parlare da ipocrita, m. Cant, [cant] v, a. gettare via,



rigettare; -, v. n. parlar in gergo, parlare da ipocrita, ?. Canta'ta, [cantata] s. (dims.) cantata, /.



[cnteiir] s. ipocrita, m.


Canthar'ides, [cant-havidlze]

canterelle, cantaridi, f. pi. Can'ticle, [cntici] s. cantica,

Can'ting, [canting]
Can'tie, [canti]

gergo, m. pezzo, tozzo,


Can'tie, [canti] v. a. tagliare in
pezzi, smembrare. [cntlt] ,



frammento, m.
Can'to, [canto] s. canto, m. Canton , [cnteun] s. cantone,

m. Can'toHj [cnteun] Can'tonize,

[canteunaize] v. a. dividere in cantoni-

Can'tonment, [cnteunment]
m. Can'vass, [cnvs] ci, m. Can'vass, [cnvs]

(mil.) alloggiamento militare,



v. e.

nare, consultare ; -, v. n. bri gare, sollecitare. Can'vasser, [cnvseur] s. sollecitatore, m,

Cap-a-pie' , [cp-a-pi] adv. da [cpsteurn] . (mar.) argano di vascello, m. capo a piedi. Capar'ison, [caprisein] s. co- Cap'sular, [capsiiilr] Cap'sulary, [cpsiiilrej adj. cassupertina, gualdrappa, /". Capar'ison, [capriseun] v. a. lare. porre la copertina (ad un ca- Cap'tain, [cptn] . capitano vallo). capo, m.: -of foot, capitam Cape, [chepe] s. capo, promon- d'infanteria, r.; - of home, capitano di cavalleria, m. torio, collare, m. Ca'per, [chpeiir] s. capriola, f.; Captaincy, [cptins] . 1' ufficappero, m.; fo cw^ -s, fare delle zio di un capitano, m. Cap'tainry, [cptinre] . capicapriuole, capriolare. Ca'per, [chpeiir] v. n. caprio- tananza, capitaneria, f. Cap'tainship icaptnscip] . lare. Ca'perer, [chpeureur] . che fa grado, ufficio di capitano, m. capriole, saltatore,ballerino,m. Capta'tion, [cptsciun]. corCa'per-sauce, [chper-suse] s. teggiamento, m. Cap'tion, [cpsciun] . cattura, capperottato, m. Ca'pillary, [cpilare'] adj. ca- /. arresto, m. Cap'tions, [cpscieiis] adj. capillare. Capil'lament, [caplament] s. villoso, insidioso, critico, soficapellamento, m. stico. Ca'pital, [capital] adj. capitale, Cap'tiously, [cpscieiisle'l adv. principale; -, s. fondo, m me- caviliosamente, criticamente. tropoli, /.; (arch.) capitello, vi. Cap'tiousness,[cpscieusne3] . Capitalist, [capitalist] s. capi- cavillazione, f. talista, m. Cap'tivate, [cptivte] . o. catCa'pitally, [capitale'] ad. capi- tivare, soggiogare. Captivation, [captivescieun] a. talmente, mortalmente Capita'tion, [cpitscieiin] s. il cattivare, m. capitazione, tassa per testa, f. Cap'tive, [cptiv] . cattivo, Ca'pitol , [cpitl] s. campido- schiavo, TO. glio, m. Captiv'ity, [cptivite'] s. cattiCapit'ular, [cpitiulr] adj. ca- vit, schiavit, f. pitolare, di capitolo;-,, mem- Cap'tor, [cpteir] . che fa una bro d* un capitolo, m. preda. Capitularly, [capitiulrl] adv. Cap'ture, [cptscenr] . cattunella forma di un capitolo ec- ra, presura, f. clesiastico. Cap'ture, [cptscur] v. a. catCapitu'lary, [capitiulr] adj. turare, cattivare. appartenente al capitolo di una Capucb, [capiitsc] . cappuccio, cattedrale. m. Capit'ulate, [captiulte] v. n Capuchin', [oa lincine] . capcapitolare, fare convenzioni. puccio (da donna), m.;una speCapitula'tion, [captiulscieiin] cie di piccione, /.; a capuchin . capitolazione, convenzione,/'. friar, frate cappuccino, m. Cap'maker, [cpraecheur] . ber- Car, [car] . carretta, /".; carro,

Can'vassing , [cnvsing] s. rettaio, m. TO. esame, sollecitamento, m. Ca'pon, [chpein]. cappone, m. Carabine', [crabinel Ca'ny, [chene'] adj. pien di can C^'pon, [chpein] . a. cappo- bina, f.
ne, fatto di canne.


pello, ni.


Cap, [cap]

Carabineer', [crabinire] s. ca nare. rabiniere, to. Capot', [capot] . cappotto, m. Capot', [capot] v. a. fare cap- Car'acb, [crac] . carracca, f. berretta, /.; cap- potto. Car'acole, [caracole] . caracols.


Cap, [cap] V. a. sberrettare. Capability, [chepablite'] s. ca

pacit, attezza,
atto, idoneo.

Capouch', [capiitsc] cio, m.






Ca pable, [chpabl]

adj. capace,

[chpablnes] s capacit, abilit, f. sapere, m Capa'cious, [chpscious] adj capace, ampio, spazioso. Capa'ciousness, [chepscieusnes] s. capacit, ampiezza, lar;

ghezza, /. Capa'citate, [capsitete] v. a. rendere capace. Capa'city, [capsite'] .capacit,

abilit, disposizione, f,

Car'acole, [cracle] v.n.(nior.) Caprice', [caprlse] . capriccio, caracollare, volteggiare. m. fantasia, f. Car'act, [crct] Car'at, [crt] Capri'cious , [caprTscieis] adj. . carato, m. capriccioso, fantastico. Caravan', [caravan] . carovaCapri'cionsly , [caprscieusle'] na, f. adv capricciosamente. Caravan'sary, [cravnsare'] . Capri'ciousness [ caprisciensnes] albergo delle carovane, to. Car'away, [cra] . (pharm.) . capricciosit, fantasia, f. Cap'ricorn, [cpricorn] s. (astr.) carvi, to. capricorno, m. Carbine', [crbine] vedi CaraCapriole', [capriole] .capriola, bine. Carbona'ceous, [crbnsciens] cavriuola, /. Capsize, [cpsaize] v. a. rove- adj. {chym.) carbonico._ sciare. Carbona'do, [crbndo] . car* Cap'stan, [cpstne] Cap'stern, bonatat f.

Carbona'do, fcarbndo]




v. a. Caress', [cares] v. o. accarezzagnaiuolo, falegname; (mar.) tagliare in fette. re, vezzeggiare. carpentiere, m. Carbonic, [carbonic] adj. carbo- Car'go, [cargo] s. (mar.) carico, Car'pentry, [crpntre'] s. arte m. nico. del legnaiuolo,/. ; legname, . Car'bonize , [carboniize] v. a. Caricature', [cricatire] . ca- Car'per, [crpeur] s. cavillatore, (chym.) carbonizzare. ricatura, f. biasimatore, censore, m. Car'bnncle, [ciirbeiincl] s. car- Caricature', [caricatiire] v. a. Car'pet, [carpet] .tappeto, m.; boncello, carbonchio, m. mettere in ridicolo. to be on (upon) the -, essere sul Car'buncled, [carbeuncl'd] adj. Caricaturist', [cricatiurlst] s. tappeto. fregiato di carbonchi. che fa caricature. Car'pet, [carpet] v. a. coprir Carbun'cular, [crbeunchular] Ca'ries, [chriize] s. carie, pu- d' un tappeto. adj. rosso come un carbonchio. trefazione, f. Car'ping', [carping] adj. critico, Car'canet, [crcant] s. colla- Cario'sity, [chriosite'] s. putre- litigioso. na, f. fazione, putridezza, f. Car'pingly , [carpingl] adv. Gar'cass , [carcas] s. carcame, Ca'rious, [chrieus] adj. carioso. criticamente. m.; carcassa, f. Cark, [crk] s. cura, ansiet, f. Car'riage, [crdge] s. porto; Card, [card] . carta, /".; cardo, Carle, [cari] s. rustico, contadi- carriaggio, m.; vettura, carreti.;pac&o/'-s,s. mazzo di carte, no, m. ta, /.; portamento, m.; beast wi(deggiare: Car'lishness, [carliscnes] s. ru- of -, s. bestia da soma, /. Card, [card] v. a. cardare, car- videzza, f. Car'riage-house , [crcdgeCar'damom, [cardamom] s. car- Car'man, [carman] s. carrettie- hause] s. (rail.) loggia da vadamomo, m. re, carrettaio, m. goni, sala da vagoni, /. Card'er, [cardeur] s. cardatore, Car'melite, [crmilaite] s. car- Car'rier, [crieurj s. vetturino; m. melitano, m. portatore, m. Car'diac, [cardiac] Cardi'acal, Car'minative, [carminatlv] s. Car'rion, [crieun] s. caro[crdaacl] adj. cardiaco, cor- carminativo. gna, /. diale. Carmine', [crmane] s. carmi- Carronade', [cronde] s. (mar.) Car'dialgy, [cardialdge'] s. mal nio, m. carronata, /. di cuore, m. Car'nage, [carndge] s. macello, Car'rot, [crut] s. carota, /. Car'dinal, [cardinal] adj. cardi- ni.; strage, f. Car'rotiness , [creStius] . nale, principale; -, s. cardina- Car'nal, [carnai] adj. carnale, pelo rosso, m. le, n. sensuale. Car'roty, [carente'] adj. rosso, Car'dinalate, [cardinalete]Car'- Carnarity, [carnalite'] s. sen- rossigno. dinalship, [crdinlscp] s. sualit, incontinenza, f. Car'ry, [care'] . a. portare, cardinalato, m. Car'nally, [carnale'] adv. car- condurre; -, V. n comportarsi, Card'maker, [crdracheur] s. nalmente, sensualmente. procedere; to - the day, ottenecartaio, cartaro, m. Carnal'minded, [crnlraaind- re la vittoria; to -it cunningly, Cardoon, [cardan] s. (bot.) car- d] adj. mondano. usare furberia: to - il high, proCarnal'mindedness , [crnal- cedere con alterigia; to - it done, m. _ Care, [chre] s. cura, sollecitu- mainddns] . mondanit, f. fair with, trattare bene ; to dine; to take -, to have a Carna'tion, [crnsciun] s. about, portare addosso ; to carnagione, /".; garofano, m. back, riportare, rimenare; to dare, prender guardia. Care, [chre] v. n. curare, aver Car'naval, [crnavl] vedi Car- down, portare gi, abbassare; to - forth, avanzare, mantenecura,apprezzaie, stimare; what nival. do I-? che importa a me? / rfo Carnel'lon, [carnllian] s. cor- re; to - from, trasportare; to niola, f. in, portare entro; to -off, pornot -, non me ne curo. Care'crazed, [chirecrez'd] adj. Car'nify , [crnifai] v. a. fare tare via; io - on, continuare, carne; -, v. n. incarnarsi. proseguire; to - out, portare caricato di cure, inquieto. Careen', [carine] $. {mar.) care- Car'nival, [carnival] s. carna- inori; to- over, trasferire, trassciale, carnovale, m. portare; to - up, portare su, na, f, (renare. Careen', [carine] v. a. (mar.) ca- Carni'vorou8,[crnvoreus] adj. esaltare, alzare, Car'rying, [creng] s. trasporCareer', [carire] .carriera,/.; carnivoro, vorace. Carno'sity, [crnosite'] s. car- to, trasportamento, m. corso, m. Car'ry-tale, [cre'-tle] . rapCareer', [carrc] v. n. correre nosit, f. con velocit, andar presta- Car'ol, [crol] s. carola, /.; canto portatore, ciarlone, m.; spia, /. divoto, canto d'allegrezza,. Cart, [cart] s. carretta, /. carmente. Care'ful, [chore fil] adj. solleci- Car'ol, [crl] v. a. carolare; ro, m.; dung -, s. carro da lecelebrare. tame, m. to, cauto, prudente. Care'fuUy, [chereful] adv. cau- Carou'sal, [caraozl] s. gozzo- Cart, [cart] v. a. & n. esporre viglia, crapula, f. sur un carro; condurre col tamente, prudentemente. Care'fulness, [chrefilnes] s. Carouse', [crauze] s. gozzovi- carro. Cartage, [crtedge] s. l'atto di cura, attenzione, cautela, pru- glia, ubbriachezza, f. Carouse', [crauze] v. a. & n. mettere sur un carro, m. denza, f. Carte'blanche, [crt-blainsce] Care'less, [chreles] adj. negli- gozzovigliare. Carous'er, [craoilzeur] s. trin- s. carta bianca, /. gente, trascurato. Car'tel, [cartel] s. cartello, st, Care'lessly, [chrelosl] adv. cone, beone, m. senza cura, negligentemente. Carp, [carp] s. carpiono, m.; disfida, /, Car'ter, [carteur] s. carreMia-? Gare'lessaess, [chrelsns] s. young -, carpioncino, m. Carp, [carp] v n. criticare, cen- re, carrettaio, m. negligenza, trascuranza, f. Carterly , [carteSrle'] aaj. da Caress', [cares] s. carezza, amo- surare. Car'penter, [carpnteiir] <. le- carrettiere, rozzo. revolezza, f.

Cartful, [cartful]



la quantit Cashier', [cascirc]



pu mettere in un ba-

v. a. cassa roccio; carrettata, ^ Cart'-horse, [crt-hrse] s. Cash'-keeper, [casc-clipeur] s vallo di carretta, m. cassiere, banchiere, m. Carthu'sian, [crth^Iugian] s Cashoo', [csciii] s. cassi, m. frate Certosino, m. Car'tilage, [crtilodge] s. car- (gomma). Ca'sing, [chsing] s astuccio, tilagine, f. Cartilagin'ous, [cartildgneus] fodero, m. adj. cartilagineo , cartilagi- Cask, [case] s. botte, f.; barile, m. noso. Cart'-load, [crt-Ide] s. car- Cas'ket, [caschet] s. casset

banchiere, i. Cashier', [cscire] re; congedare. ca-

voto che decide quando le opinioni sono egualmente divise. Cas'tle, [cs'l] . castello, m.;
fortezza, /",; to build -s in the air, fare castelli in aria. Cas'tle, [cas'l] v. . roccare, fare rocco.

Cas'tled, [casl'd]
di castelli.



Cas'tlet, [caslet]

piccolo ca.





rettata, carrata,


ta, f.

Cartoon' , [crtn] s. ne, m. Car'touch, [cartutsc]


carto- Casqae^ [case]


caschetto, els

Cas'tor, [casteur] cappello, m.

m.; - box, 8. tasca da cartocci, f. Car'trage[crtrdge]Car'trdge,

[cartridge] s. carica di munizione, /. ; cartoccio, m. Cart-rope, [crtrpe] . corda

car- Cas'sia, [cscia] giberna, sia, f.






Cart'-shed, messa, f.
carro, f



Cart'-way, [cart-oue']

via del

Cart'-wheel, [cart-oil] .ruota

di carro,

Cart'wright, [crtrite] s. carradore, carraio, m. Car'uncle, [creuncl] s. (surg.)


Carve, [crvc] r.


scolpire, trinciare; tagliare.

tagliare, . n. in-


Car'ving, [carving]

[carveur] s. scultore, intagliatore, trinciante, wi. s. scultura, /. scolpire; il trinciare,

[castramitoscieSn] . accampamento, m. Cas'trate, [cstrte] v. a. castrare, mutilare. Cas'sowary, [casoure'] s. ca suare, m. Castra'tion, [cstrescieun] . Cassock, [cseuc] s. sottana da il castrare, m. prete, f. Cas'ual, [casual] adj. casuale, Cast, [cast] . tiro, colpo, ni.; fortuito. tirata, f.; getto, aspetto, m.; Cas'aally, [casiile'] adv. caforma, estremit, maniera, f. sualmente, fortuitamente. - of the eyes, occhiata, f. Cas'ualness, [csiulns] . caCast, [cast] v. a. irr. (cast ; sualit, avventura, f. cast) gettare, lanciare, guada- Cas'ualty, [csiualt] s. caso gnare, condannare; -, v. n. irr. fortuito, caso, accidente, m. ruminare, pensare, considera- Cas'uist, [csiust] s. casuista, tre. re, piegarsi; to - an account, fare un conto; to - anchor, get- Casuis'tical, [csimsticl] adj. tar l'ancora, dar fondo; lo casuistico. forth beams, scintillare; to - Cas'uistry, [csluistre'] . scienlots, tirar le sorti; to -about, za del casuista, f. spargere per ogni parte to - Cat, [cat] s. gatto, m.; gatagainst rimproverare ta,/". to aside, rigettare, ributtare; to Catachre'sis, [ctacrss] . [rh.) - away, gettare via, abbandocatacresi, f. nare; to - down, deprimere, af- Catachres'tcal, [ctacrstical]
(med.) cas;
; ,

mo, m.


fliggere; to - forth, mandare fuora; esalare; to - off, gettare via, lasciare; lo - out, man
to -


troppo affettato.

Cafaclysm, [ctaclsm]
luvio, m.; ne, /.




dare fuora, scacciare; up, calcolare, computare; to -upon, Cat'acomhs, [catacombs] . pi* avere ricorso a. catacombe, f. pi. f. pi. Cas'cade, [cschde] s. cascata, Cas'tanet, [cstant] . casta- Cat'alepsy, [catalepse'] s cacateratta, f. gnetta, f. talessia, f. Case, [chse] s. caso, stato, m. Cast'away, [cstaoiie'] . repro- Cat'alogae, [catalog] . catalocondiziono, scatola, guaina, /". bo, malvagio; (mar.) naufra- go, registro, m. astuccio, m. ; to put the -, dare gato, m. Catamount aiu, [ctamauntn] il caso, supporre una cosa. jCas'tellan, [castlan] s. castel- . gatto salvatico, m. Case, [chse] v. a. incassare,! lano, m. Cat'aplasm, [ctaplzm] . camettere in una cassa, serrare, Cas'tellany, [cstelane'] s. ca- taplasma, m. Case'harden, [chse-hrdn] v.! stellania, castellaneria, /. Cat'apult, [ctapeult] . catao. indurare. Cast'er, [casteur] . gettatore, pulta, f. Case'-knife, [chse-naifc] .col- calcolatore, m. Cat'aract, [cataract] . catetello lungo da cucina, m. Cas'tigate, [castighete] v.a. ga- ratta, cascata, /. Case'mate, [chsemte] . ca- stigare, punire. Catarrh', [ctar] . catarro, m. samatta,/. Castiga'tion, [cstighescieiin] Catarr'hal, [ctrl] Catarr'Case'ment, [chsement] . fine-l . gastigamento, m. ; punizio- hons, [ctreusj adj. catarstra, f. ne, /, roso. Caseous, [chisieus] adj. che Castigator, [castigheteSr] .ga Catas'trophe, [catstrofe'] . casomiglia al formaggio. stigatore, m. tastrofe, f. Casprn, [caseurn] . caserma, /.! Cas'tigatory , [castghteure'] Cat'cal, [ctcaul] t. fischio; zuOase'-shot, [chse-scit] . mi-j arfj. gastigante. folo, m. traglia, f. Cast'ing-house[casling-ha5use] Catch, [ctsc] s. presa, cattuOasn, [csce] . danaro contan-i . fonderia, f. ra, /.; bottino, profitto, ritorta m..; to keep the-, tener lajCasfing-net, [casting-net] . nello, anello, m. ; to be upon **Ba. (sa, /^.i ritrecine, /. (rc(c). the -, tendere insidie. Cash'-hoz, [cascc-bocs] . cas-'Cast'ing-vote, [casting-v5te] . Catch, [ctsc] v. a. irr. {caught;
[critidize] s. pi. {arch.) cariatidi,





cat- Cau'stic,

chiappare, Cathe'dral, [cath^idrl]




pigliare, rapire;



[caii'sticlj adj. caustico, cor-

essere contagioso, comunicar- Cath'eter, [ca^thiteur] s. (surg.) catetere, m. si, arrivare; to - cold, infreddarsi, raffreddarsi to - fire, ac- Cath'olic, [cth^olc] adj. cattocendersi, infocarsi; to - hold of, lico; -, s. cattolico, m. impugnare, afferrare; to - at, Cathoricism, [cth-lissm] s. acchiappare; to - up, prendere, religione cattolica, f. impugnare. Cat'kin, [catchn] s. (bot.) fiocCat'chable, [ctscabl] adj. che chi, m. pi. pu essere chiappato. Cat'ling, [catling]. coltello di Catch'er, [ctsceur] s. pigliato- notomista, m. re, ingannatore, m. Cat-o'-nine'tails, [cat-o-naineCatch'ing, [ctscng] s. presa, teltfsj s. (mar.) frusta, sferza, f. cattura, f. Catch'ing, [ctscng] adj. con- Catop'trical, [ctoptrlcal] adj. tagioso. catottrico. Cat'chpenny, [catscpen] s. pub- Catop'trics, [catoptrics] s. pi. catottrica, f. blicazione senza valore, f. Catch'-poll, [ctscpole] s. sbir- Cat'pipe, [ctpape] s. fischio,

Cauterism, [cautersm],



plicazione del cantero, /. Cauteriza'tion[cautiraizcscieun] s. (surg.) cauterizzare, m. Cau'terize, [cautiraize] v. a. (surg.) cauterizzare. Cau'tery, [catir] s. (surg.) cauterio, m. Caa'tion, [caiscieun] s. prudenza, circospezione, sagacit,
f.; avvertimento, avviso, m. Gau'tion, [causcieiin] v. a. av-



Cau'tionary, [cascieiinere'] adj. d' ostaggio. Cau'tious, [causcieus] adj. prudente, accorto.

Cau'tiously, [caiiscieusle'] adv. m. zufolo, m. Catch'-word, [ctsc-oueurd] s. Cats'-eye, [cts'-ai] s. belloc- accortamente, sagacemente. Can'tiousness, [cascieusues] chio, m. (gemma). rimando, m. Cat'chup, [catsceip] Catsup, Cats'-foot, [cts'-fiit] s. edera s. prudenza, accortezza, circoro, zaffo,

liquore fatto dai terrestre, /. s. dalle noci, m. Cats'-tail, [cats'-tle] s. fiacCatechet'ical, [ctichtical] adj. co, m, catechstico. Cat'tle, [ctl] s. bestiame, m.; Catechet'ically, [ctichticle'] p3Core,/. pi.; facA-, bestie boadv. in forma catechistica. vine, /. pi. Cat'echise, [cticaize] v. a. ca- Cau'dal, [caudal] adj. appartetechizzare, interrogare. nente alla coda. (coda. Cat'echism, [ctichsm] s. ca- Cau'date, [caidte] adj. avente techismo, m. Cau'dle , [caidl] s. bevanda Cat'echist, [ctichst] . cate- composta d'orzo e di vino, f. chista, m. Cauf, [cauf] s. pescaia, /".; serCatecliistical,[ctichsticl]adj. batoio, m. catechistico. Caul, [caiil] .cuffia, /.; integu[catsup]




Cav'alcade, [cavlchede]
valcata, f. Cavalier', [cvalire]




m. Cavalier like,

[cavalire -laiche]

adv. cavallerescamente.

Cavalierly, [cvalirel] adv. da, cavaliere; orgogliosamente.

ria, f.




Catechistically, [catichisticle'] mento, m. adv. in maniera catechistica. Caul'dron, [caildreuu] Catechu^men, [ctichiumn] s. derone m. caldaia, f.


s. cava, spelouantro, m. Cave, [chve] v. n. dimorare in una spelonca, cavare. cal- Ca'veat, [chvit] s. avvertenza, ammonizione, /.; avviso, m,

Cave, [cheve]

catecumeno, m.
Categor'ical, categorico.
[ctigorical] adj.

Cauriflower, [califlaueiir] cavol fiore, m. Caulk, [cauc] vedi Calk.


Cav'ern, [cveurn]





Categorically , [catigoricale'] Cau'sal, [cazl] adv. categoricamente. causativo.

Cat'egory, [ctigheur]

adj. causale,

cavernoso, cavo. Cav'esson, [caveseiin]

zone, m. Caviare',


cate- Causal'ity, [cauzalite']

lit, /,




[ctinete] v. a. catenare, incatenare, legare, connettere. Catena'tion, [ctinescieun] s. concatenazione, connessione, /. Ca'ter, [chteur] v. n. provvedere, far le provvisioni, procacciare.

Caterer, [chteurcir]
veditore, m. Ca'teress, [chteres]
veditrice, f, Cat'erpillar, bruco, m.





Cat'erwaul, [cteuroiaul] v. n. miagolare, gnaulare. Cates, [chtes] s. pi. vivande squisite, pi.; cibo, m. Cat'gut, [ctgheut] s. corda di minugia, f. Cathar'tic, [cath -rtic] Cathar'tlcal, [cth^rticl J a^/j. purga- Cause'way,Cau'sey, [eaizeoue'] Ceaseless, [sisels] adj. nuo, incessante. tivo. s. nftrciapiede, m.

[chvire] s. caviaCau'sally, [cauzale'] adv. cau- Cavll, [cavl] s. cavillazione, /".; sofisma, m. salmente, con cagione. Cau'sative, [caizatv] adj. cau- Cav'il, [cvl] V. a. cavillare, criticare. sativo. Cau'satively, [cauzatvle'] adv. Cav'iler, [cavleir] s. cavillatore, m. sofista, m. in modo causativo. Causa'tor, [cauzeteir] s. causa- Cav'ilingly, [cvlingle'] adv. caviliosamente. tore, autore, m. Cause, [caze] s. causa, ragio- Cav'ilous, [cvlous] adj. cavilloso, sofistico. ne, /.; motivo, processo, m. ; to give -, dar luogo; to plead a -, Cav'illously, [cavleiisle'] adv. difendere una lite. in maniera cavillosa. Cause, [cauze] v. a. causare, Cav'ity, [cvit] s. cavit, /".; cagionare, eccitare; to - sorrow, buco, m. dar dispiacere. Caw, [caii] v, m. crocitare, gracCause'less, [cauzeles] adj. sen- chiare. Cay'man, [cheman] vedi Caiman. za causa, ingiusto. Cause'lessly, [caizelesle'] adv. Ca'zique, [caziche] s. un capo americano. senza causa. Cau'ser, [cailzeur] s. causatore, Cease, [sse] v. a. cessare, discontinuare; - V. n. desistere. autore, agente, w.


Diz. Ing.-Ital.




Centrirugal, [sentrfiugal] adj.
centrifugo. Centrip'etal, [sentripital] adj. centripeta. Cen'tuple, [sentipl] adj. centuplo. Centu'plicate, [sentiplichete] V. a. centuplicare. Centu'riate, [sntiuriete] v. a. dividere in centinaia. Centurion, [sntiurieuu] s. centurione, m.

Ceaselessly, [siselesle] adv. in- Cenobtlcal, [senobticl] adj. cessantemente, continuamente. cenobitico. Cea'sing, [slseng] .cessazione, Cen'otaph, [senotf] s. ceno/. without -, incessantemente. tafio, m. Cec'ity, [sesite'] s. cecit, /. Cense, [sense] s. censo, wi.; iraCecu'tiency, [sichiusciense'] s. posta, /.; tributo, m. ofFuscaziqne della vista, f. Cense, [sense] v. a. incensare, Ce'dar, [sidar] s. cedro, m. profumai-e. Ce'darn, [sidern] adj. apparte- Cen'ser, [snsur] s. incensienente al cedro. re, turribolo, m. Cede, [side] v. a. cedere, ab- Cen'sor, [sensor] s. censore, bandonare. critico, wi. Ce'drine, [sidraine] adj. cedri- Cen'sorial, [sensorial] adj. se;

vero. del colore Censo'rially, [sens'riale'] adv. del cedro. in modo severo. Ceil, [sile] V. a. soffittare. Censo'rious, [sensrleus] adj. Ceiring, [silmg] s. soffitta, /. censorio, severo. soffitto, m. [sensorieusl] Censo'riously , Celandine, [selandaine] s. celi- adv. da censore; in modo sedonia, /. vero. Cerature, [slatcur] s. inta- Censo'riousness , [snsorieusglio, m. ns] s. censura, severit, /. Cel'ebrate, [selibrtc] v. a. ce- Cen'sorlike, [snsorlaiche] adv. lebrare, esaltare. da censore. Cerebrated , [slibretd] adj. Cen'sorship, [sensorscip] s. dicelebrato, esaltato. gnit di censore, /". censoraCelebra'tion, [selibrscieun] s. to, m. celebramento, m.; lode, f. Cen'surable, [snsciurabl] adj. Celebra'tor, [slibrteur] s. locensurabile, biasimevole. datore, panegirista, m. Cen'surableness, [sensurablCele'brity, [silebrite'] s. cele- )is] s. riprensione. brit, fama, f. Cen'sure, [sensciure] s. censuCelerity, [silerite'] . celerit, ra, riprensione, f. prestezza, f. Cen'sure, [sensciure] v. a. cenCel'ery, [sleir] s. appio, in.; surare, criticare, biasimare. head of -, s. piede di seda- Cen'surer, [snsciureur] s. rino, m. prenditore, biasimatore, m. Celes'tial, [slstil] adj. cele- Cen'sus, [sonsus] s. censo, m. stiale, celeste; -, s. celestiale, Cent, [se'nt] s. cento, m.; five beato, m. per -, cinque per cento. Celes'tially , [silestiale'] adv. Centaur, [sntaur] s. {aslr.) celestialmente. centauro, m. Celiac, [siliac] adj. (med.) ce- Cen'taury, [sentaure'] s. cenliaco. taurea, f. Celibacy, [silbs] Celibate, Cen'tenary , [sentinr] adj. [selibete] Cellbateship, [sell centenario, di cent'anni; -, s. betescip] s. celibato, m. centinaio, m. Cell, [si] s. cella, cellula, f. Cen'tennial , [sentenil] adj. Cellar, [selar] s. cantina, ca- ogni cent'anni.

no, di cedro.




Cen'tury, [sentiure'] s. centuria, /. secolo, m. Ceph'alalgy, [sfallge']s. {med.)




Cephal'ic, [seflc] adj. (med.)

Ceras'tes, [serastize]
ste, f.


Ce'rate, [slrete]
rotto, m.


(phar.) ceadj.




Cere, [sire] v.

a. incorare, cos.

prire di cera. Cer'ebel, [serbl]




Cere'clotli,[sIre-cl5tli^] rato, m. ; tela incerata,

Ceremo'nial, [srimnil] adj. ceremoniale; -, s. ceremoniale, rito, m. Ceremo'nious, [serimonieus]odj ceremonioso. Ceremo'niously, [serimoniusle']odo. ceremoniosamente,con

[seriraoCeremo'niousness , nieusnes] s. vaghezza di ceremonie; maniera formale, Cer'emony, [srimeun] s. ce/".

rimonia, formalit,



mento, m.
Ce'reous, [slrieiis] adj. cereo. Cer'rus, [sreis] s. corro, m.
Cer'tain, [srten] adj. certo, sicuro, fisso, evidente; for -, di

certo, per certo. Cer'tainly, [srtenle'] adv. cernova, f. Centesimal, [sntsimal] adj. tamente, senza dubbio. Cellarage, [slardge] . can- centesimo. Cer'tainty, [sortente] s. certine, f. pi. Centifolious, [sentiflieus] adj. tezza, sicurezza, f. Cellarist, [selarist] s. celleraio, centifoglio. Cortes, [srtz] adv. certamencanovaio, m. Cen'tipede, [sentiplde] s. cen- te, in verit. Cellular, [seliular] adj. cellu- tipede, m. Certificate, [sertiflcliete] s. lare. certificato, m.; attestazione, f. Cen'to, [sento] s. centone, m. Cell'ule, [seliiilel s_. cellula, f. Cen'tral, [sntral] adj. centra- Certification, [srtfichscieun] Cel'situde, [selsitiude] s. celsi- le, centrico. s. r atto di certificare. tudine, altezza, f. Cen'trally, [sentrale'] adv. cen- Cer'tify, [sertifai] v. a. certiCe'ment, [smnt] s. cimento, tralmente, nel mezzo. ficare, render certo, confersmalto, m. Cen'tre , [snteur] s. centro, mare. Cement', [siraent] , a. asso- cuore, m. Cer'titude, [srtitiude] s. cerdare, saldare; -, v. n. affermar- Cen'tre, [senteiir] v, a. concen- tezza, sicurezza, f. si, unirsi. trare, centreggiare; -, v. n. Cerulean, [sirlin] Ceruleous, Cementa'tion, [simntscieun] concentrarsi. fsrilieus adj. ceruleo, turchino, (me, . cementazione, f. Cen'tric, [sntrc] Cen'trical, Cemete'rial, [smitril] adj. [sentricl] adj. centrico, cen- Ceru'men, fsiriilraen] s. ceruappartenente ad un cimiterio Ce'ruse, [siriuze] s. cerussa,/". trale. Ce'metery, [smitere'] s. cimi- Centrically, [sentrical] Cer'vical, [srvicl] adj. appar* modo centrico. tenente al collo. tero, cimiterio, m.





sareo. Cess, [sos]

Chalco'graphy, [clcograf] s. Chance, [cianse] s. azzardo, i.; ventura, /". caso, m.; sorte, /".; intagliare in ramo, m. to take one^s -, arrischiare. s. tassa, tassazio- Chal'dron,[cildreun]s. 36 mogChance, [cianse] v. n. accadegi di carbone, m. pi. ne,/'. Cess, [ses] v. a tassare, fare Charice, [cilis] s. calice, wi.; re, avvenire, occorrere. Chance'able, [ciansebl]a(/i. acceppa, /. la tassazione. Cessa'tlon, [scsescieiin] s. ces- Chalk, [ciane] s. creta, /".; ges- cidentale, casuale. Chance'-guest, [cianse-gliest] s. so, wi. marna, f. sazione, /.; cessaiTiento, tralasciamento, m.; - of arms, so- Chalk, [ciauc] v. a segnare col sopravv6gnento,inaspettato,7n. gesso, schizzare; to - out, se- Chan'cel, [cinsl] s. santuaspensione d'armi, f. rio, m. Cess'ible, [sosibl] adj. atto a gnare, mostrare.

Chalk'-cutter, [ciailc-cheiteur] Chan'cellor, [cianseleur] s. cancedersi. celliere, m.; lord high -, gran Ces'sion, [sescieiin] s. cessione; s. che scava la marna. Chalk'-pit, [ciaiic-pit] s. cava cancelliere (d'Inghilterra), m. rassegnazione,/". Chan'cellorship , [cianseleurCes'sionary, [sscieunare'] adj. di marna, f. Chalk'y , [cianche'] adj. cre- seip] s. carica di cancelliecessionario.


[sesment] s. tassa, toso. Chal'lenge, [cialendge] .?. disfiimposizione, f. da, pretensione, f.; rigettamenCes'tus, [sesteus] s. cesto, m. Cesu'ra, [siziura] s. [pros.) ce- to, rifiuto, m. sura, f. Chal'lenge, [cialendge] v. n Ceta'ceons, [sitescieus] adj. ce- sfidare, recusare. Chal'lenger, [cialendgeur] s. taceo. Chafe, [cfe] s. ardore, furore, sfidatore, m. m.; rabbia, f. Chalyb'eate , [clbite] adj. Chafe, [cfe] v a. scaldare, ir iphar.) calibeato. ritaro, stizzire, mettere in col- Chamade', [sciamede] s. chialera; - V. n. adirarsi, incolle- mata, battuta di tamburo, f. rirsi. Cham'ber, [cmbeur] s. camera, Chafer, [cfeur] s. scarafag- stanza, f. gio, m. Cham'ber, [cembeir] v. a. inChaff, [ciaff] s. lolla, loppa, f. trigarsi. Chaf'fery, [cifeiir] s. mercan- Cham'ber-conncil , [cmbeurzia, /. caounsiljs.consiglio segreto, m. Chaf'fer, [ciafeur] v. n. traffi- Cham'ber-counsellor, [cmbeiircare, stiracchiare, trattare. caoiinseleur] s. avvocato conChaf'ferer, [ciforeur] s. com- sultante, m. poratore, mercante, m. Cham'berer , [cembeureur] s. Chaffinch, [cifnsc] s. frin- faccendiere, m. guello, pincione, m. Cham'ber-fellow,[cmbeur-flo] ChafTless, [ciafls] adj. senza s. camerata, m. lolla. Cham'berlain, [cerabeurline] s. Chaffy, fciafe'] adj. paglioso. ciamborlano, m. Cha'fing-dish, [cefing-disc] s. Cham'berlainship [comberlnescaldavivande, m. scip] s. uffizio del ciamborChagrin', [scigrine] . affanno, lano. m.; stizza, f. Cham'ber-mald,[cembeur-mede] Chagrin', [sciagrlne] v. a. af- s. cameriera, f. fannare, adirare. Cham'ber-pot, [cmbeur-pot] s. Chain, [cine] s catena, serio, orinale, m. /.; -s, pi. catene, /. pL; schia- Chame'leon, [camlieun] s. cavit, f. maleonte, m. Chain, [cene] v. a. incatenare, Cham'fer, [cimfeur] s. scanamettere alla catena, legare con latura, f. (nalare. catena. Cham'fer, fciamfeur] v.a. scaChain'ing, [cnng] s. incate- Chamois', [sciame] s. camo-


Chance'-medley, [cianse-medl] s. omicidio casuale, m. Chan'cery, [cianseiir] s. cancelleria,


Chan'cre, [sciancheur] canchero, cancro, m.





cancheroso, ulceroso. Chandelier' , [scindilire] j. candelabro, m.j lumiera, f. Chan'dler, [ciandleur] s. candelaio, venditor a minuto, m. Chan'frin, [cinfri'n] s. frontale del cavallo, m. Change, [cenge] s. cambiamento, m.; mutazione, vicenda, variet, moneta, f. Change, [cenge]

v. a.


mutare, alterare; cangiarsi, mutarsi; to

v. n. one'3

opinion, mutare pensiero. Change'able, [cngeabl]


cambiabile, cangiabile, variabile, incostante. Change'ableness, [cngeablnes] 8. incostanza, mutabilit, f. Change ably, [cengeable'] adv. incostantemente.

Change'ful, [cngefil] adj. incostante, instabile.

Change'less, [cengels] adj. in

variabile, costante.

namcnto, m. Chain'-pump, [cene-peimp] tromba grande e doppia, f.

scio, wi.

Change'Iing, [cengelmg] .parto supposto; sciocco, m. Chan'ger, [cndgeur] s. cambiatore, banchiere, m. Chan'ging, [cndgng] s. cambiamento, m. Chan'nel, [cianci] s. canale, letto (d'un fiume), m.; scanalatura,

Cham'omile, [caraomile]



Chan'nel, [cinel] v.a. scana-

Chain'-shot,[cone-scot]s. palle Champ, [ciamp] v. a. & n. maincatenate, /. pi. sticare, rodere. Chair, [cere] s. sedia, sedia Cham'paign , [scirapne] s. portatile, f. campagna, /. paese aperto, wi. Chalr'man, [creman] s. presi- Cham'paign, [scimpne] s. vidente, m. no di Sciampagna, m. Chaise, [scese] s. calesso, bi- Champignon, [scimpinin] s roccio, m. fungo, m. Chalce'dony , [calsideune] s. Champion, [ciampieun] s. camcalcedonio, m. pione, eroe, m. Chalco'grapher, [calcografeur] Cham'pion, [ciampieun] v. a $. calcografo, m. sfidare a singoiar certame.

Chant, [ciant] Chant, [ciant]



canto, m. a cantare


Chan'ter, [cianteir] s. cantatore, cantore, m. Chan'ticleer, [shinticllre] t



Chan'tress, [ciautres]


Chan'try, [ciantr] del cantore, f.


Cha'os, [cheos]



Char'woman, [cirououmn]


caos, m.; conadj.

take -of something,



donna lavorante alla giornagliarsi r incombenza di qualta, /. con- che cosa. Charge, [ciardge] v. a. caricare, Cha'ry, [cere] adj. accorto, pruj

Chap, [ciap]

fessura, crepa-



[ciap] v. n. crepare, spacCharge'able, [ciardgeabl] carsi, fendersi. Chape, [cpe] s. puntale; ram- imputabile, dispendioso.


incolpare; to re alla cura.

comandare, imporre, accusare, dente. - with, commette- Chase, [cse]



caccia; forea.

Chase, [cse] v.




pone, fermaglio, vi. Chap'el, [cipl] s.


Charge'ahleness[cirdgeablnes] Cha'ser, [csiir]



spesa, costo. perseguitore, m. Charge'ably, [ciardgeable'] adv. Chasm, [csm] s. fessura; aperchiesetta, f tura, /. vacuo, m. Chap'elry, [ciap Ire'] s. cappel- con dispendio. Charg'er, [ciardgeur] s. cavallo Chaste, [cste] adj. casto, piidilania, f co;onesto; puro; to have - ears, Chap'eron, [sciaperon] s. cap- da guerra; gran piatto, wi. aver buon orecchio. puccio, m.; v.a. accompagnare Char'ily, [crile] adv. prudenChastely, [cstele] adv. castauna giovino damigella alla temente, frugalmente. Char'iness, [cerins] s. pruden- mente,puiicamente,puramonte. corte &c. Chas'ten, [cs'n] v. a. castigaChap'iter, [ciapiteur] s. {arch.) za, cautela, / Cha'riot, [ciriot] s. carro, m.; re, punire; correggere. capitello, m. Chaste'ness , [cstenes] s. caChap'lain, [ciaplne] s. cappel- carrozza, /. Charioteer', [ciariotlre] s. coc- stit, pudicizia modestia, /. lano, limosiniere, m. Chap'lainship, [ciplcnesclp] s. chiere, conduttor del carro, m. Chastise', [cistize] v. a. gaCha'riot-race, [cirit-rese] s. stigare, punire. carica di cappellano, /. Chastise'ment, [cistizmnt] 8. Chap'less, [cipls] ad.}, magro, corsa di carri, /. Cha'ritable, [ciaritabl] adj. ca- castigo, m.; punizione, /. smunto. Chasti'ser, [cistaizur] s. gaChap'let, [ciplt] s. corona, /.; ritatevole, benefacento. rosario, m, Cha'ritableuess, [ciritablns] stigatore, punitore, m. Chas'tity, [cistit] s. castit Chap'man, [cipman] s. com- s. beneficenza, /. Cha'rtably, [ciaritabl] adv. purit, /. pratore, mercante, m. Chat, [cit] s. ciarla, /.; cicalecChaps, [cips] s.bocca(d'un'ani- caritatevolmente.
; ; ;

male); imboccatura, f. Chap'ter, [ciptur] s. capitolo, capo, m. Char, [cir] s. giornata, f.; pesce di qualit squisita. Char, [ciar] v.a. ridurre in carbone; -, V, n. lavorare alla giornata. Char'acter, [caracteur] s. carattere, segno, m.; lettera, descrizione, dignit,/.

Charitative, [ciritatTv] adj. di- cio, m. sposto alla tenerezza. Chat, [cit] V. n. ciarlare; corCha'rity, [cirite'] s. carit, be- nacchiare. neficenza, limosina, /.; to be(j -, Cha'tellany, [citlane] s. cadomandar la limosina. stellania, castellaneria, /. Charlatan, [scirlatn] s. ciar- Chat'tel, [ciflj s. mobile, m. latano, cantambanco, m. Chat'ter, [citeur] s. ciarla, /.; Charlatan'ical, [scirlatnicl] cicalare, m. ad), ciarlatanesco. Chat'ter, [citeur] v. n, ciarlaChar'latanry, [scirlatnr] s. re cornacchiare ; battere i




v. a. in- Charles's wain, [cirlezez oaen] Chat'terer, [citureur] s. ciartagliare, inscrivere. s. {astr.) orsa maggiore, /. liero, ciarlatore, m. Char'acterism, [caractirsm] s. Char 'lock, [cirlc] .loglio, m. C>at'tering, [citevirmg] s. cidistinzione di carattere, f. zizzania, /. caieria, /.; battimento di denCharacteris'tic, [carctiristc] Charm, [cirm] s. incanto, al- ti, m. s. caratteristica,/. lettamento, m. Chat'tng, [citing] s. ciarla, /.

Char'acter, [caracteur]



Charm, [ciarm]

tical, [carctiristicl] adj. caratteristico.

v. a. incantacicalamento, m. ammaliare, allettare, ra- Chat'ty, [ciatj adj. loquace,



Characteris'tically , [caracti- Char'mer, [ciarmeur] s. incanrsticl] adv. in modo carattetatore, m.; incantatrice, f. ristico. Char'ming, [cirmng] adj. vezCharacteris'ticalness, [carcti- zoso, vago; -, s. incantamenristiclns] s. qualit propria, to, m. caratteristica, f. Charm'ingly, [ciarmingle'] adv. Char'acterze, [caractiraize] v. vagamente, piacevolmente. a. caratterizzare. Char'mingness , [cirmingnes]

Chat'wood, [citououd]



fuoco, m. fi.






Cheap, [cipe] adj. a buon merChea'pen, [cip'n] v. a. prezzolare, mercatare. Chea'pener, [cip'neir]



attrattiva; bellezza, /. zolatore, wi. adj. senza carattere. Char'nel-house, [crnl-hause] Chea'ply, [cipele'] adv. a buon Char 'coal, [circle] s. carbone s. carnajo, m. mercato, por poco. di legna, m. Chart, [cirt] s. carta da navi- Cheap'ness, [cipenes] s. buon Chard, [ciarde] s. cardo; cardo- gare, {. mercato, vii prezzo, m. ne, m. Char'ter, [carteiir] s. patente Cheat, [cite] s. frode, furberia, Charge, [ciardge] s. carico, m.; privilegio, m. /. inganno; furbo; barattiere; carica, /.; peso, m.\ cura, incom- Char'tered, [ciarteur'd] adj. giuntatore, m. benza, /.; uffizio, impiego, m.; privilegiato, immune, esente. Cheat, [cite] v. a. far fraudo, accuf-a, imputazione, /. ; depo- Char 'ter-party, [ cirteur-prt] ingannare, truffare; giuntare. sito, m. spesa, /. ; assalto, m. s. (mor.) contratto di noleggio, Chea'ter, [cteir] s. ingannato* to lay to one's -.incolpare alm. re, truffatore, m.



Chea'tingly, [cilngl] adv. in- Che'mise, gannevolmente, con frode. da donna



sa, f.





Check, [cec] s. scacco; ostacolo, impedimento; rimprovero, m.; riprensione, / ordine ad un banchiere per denaro.m to qive one a -, fare una riprensione ad uno to keep a - upon one, tenore uno in freno. Check, [cec] v. a. frenare, reprimere ; riprendere; -, v. n.



vedi Gbsv'ron, [scvron]

lo; (her.) caprone,

m. Cher'ish, [eerisc] v. a. amare Chew, [ciw] v.a. masticare, ruteneramente; mantenere alle- minare, considerare, meditare, Chew'ing, [ciumg] s. masticavare. Cher'isher, [cerisceur] s. ama- zione, f. tore; manteuitore, protetto- Chicane', [scichene] s. cavillo, inganno, rigiro, m. re, m. Cher'ishing, [ceriscing] .inco- Chicane', [scichne] v. n. cavillare, sofisticare. formarsi; opporsi; to - one's raggiamento, sostegno, m. anger, rattenere la collera. Cher'ry, [core'] s. ciriegia, /". Chica'ner, [scichneur] $. cavillatore, m. Check'er, [ccb jHr] v. a. fare a loild -, agriotta, f. scacchi; int?^-eiare; screziare. Cher'ry, [cere] adj. rosso, ver- Chica'nery, [scichneur] s. caCheck'erwpj, [cchurouaisc] miglio; - cheeks, s. pi. guance villo, m.; sofisticheria, f. Chick, [eie] Chick'en, [cich'n] adj. a scacchi. vermiglie, /. pi. Check'erwork, [cecheuroueurc] Cher'ry-orchard, [cere'-orciard] s. pollastro, m. Chick'en-hearted, [cich'u-hrts. tarsia, /. screzio, m. s. ciregeto, m. Check'less, [ccls] adj. irresi- Cher'ry-pit, [cere'-pit] s. fos- ed] adj. timido, pauroso. stibile. setta; buca, f. giuoco da bam- Chick'en-pox, [cch'n-pcs] a. morviglione, m. Check'-mate, [cecmte] s. scac- bini, m. comatto, m. Cher'ry-stone, [cere'- stone] s. Chick'peas, [ccpse] s. pi. ceco, m. Check'y, [ceche] adj. intarsiato; nocciolo di ciriegia, m. mischiato. Cher'ry-tree, [cr-tri] s. cirie- Chick'weed, [cicouide] s. centocchio, m. Cheek, [ciche] s. guancia; gota, gio, ciliegio, m. /.; - by Jole, tosta, a testa (vul- Cher'ub, [creib] s. cherubi- Chide, [cialde] v. a. irr. {chid; chid, chidden) biasimare, rigarism); - 8, pi. {mar.) galtelle, no, m. Cheru'bic, [ceriiilnc] Cheru'- prendere; -, V. n. disputare, f. pi. Eheek'-hone, [clche-hne] s. ma- bical, [ceriubicl] adj. cheru- querelare, schiamazzare.
; ;




Chi'der, [ciideur]



Cheek'-tooth, [cche-tuth^] s. Cheru'bin, [ceriibin] dente mascellare, m. gelo, m. Cheer, [cir] s. pasto; hanchet- Che'rup, [cereup] v. come gli uccellini. to, m.; allegrezza, s.; umore,
coraggio, m.

un angarrire

m. Chi'ding, [ciaiding]





Cheer, [cir] v animare; -, v.





incoraggiarsi, farsi animo Cheerer, [cireeur] s. animatore. Cheer'ful , [cireful] adj. gajo, allegro, lieto, giojoso. Cheer'fully, [creful] adv. allegramente, lietamente.


[cirefulnes] s. , allegrezza, f.; conten,



adv. alle-

Cheer'less, [circles] adj. tristo, malinconico. Cheer'ly, [circle] Cheery, [cir']
gajo, legro.




Cheese, [cse] cio, m.

formaggio, cas.



piccola torta di cacio,

Cheese'-curds, [cize-cheurds] s. pi. latte rappreso, m. Cheese'-monger , [cize-mounglier] s. formaggiaio, pizzica-

gnolo, m. passato l'infanzia; to be with-, Cheese-paring, [cze-pering] s. essere gravida. corteccia del formaggio, f. Child'bearing, [ciaild-bering] liere, m. Cheese'-press, [cizc-prs] e Chevaux-de-frise', [scev-deu8. gravidanza, f, Cheese'-vat, [cize-vt] s. gra- frize] s. [mil.) cavalli di Frisia, Child'bed, [ciaild'bed] s. letto ticcio, m. m. pi. della partoriente, tempo del Chee'sy, [cize] adj. cacioso. Chev'eril, [scveuril] s. capret- parto, m. Che'ly, [chil] s. forbici del to, m. Child'birth, [ciiild-beurth^] f granchio, f. pi. Chev'sance, [scevisanse] .mer- parto, partorire, m.

Cher'vil, [crvl] .cerfoglio, m. Chess, [cs] s. scacchi, m. pi.; to play at -, giuocare agli scacchi. Chess'-board , [ces-brde] s. scacchiere, tavoliere, m. Chess'-man, [cs-mn] s. pedina, f.; scacco, m. Ches'nut, [csneut] vedi Chestnut. Chess'-player , [ces-pleur] s. giuocatore di scacchi, m. Chest, [cst] s. cassa, f.; casso, cassero (del corpo); (mar.) forziere, m.; - of drawers, s. stipo, armadio, m. cassetta, f. Chest'-foundered, [cst-faoundeur'd] adj. bolso. Chest'-foundering, [cest-faundurng] s. bolsaggine, f. Chest'nut, [cstnut] s. castagna, f. Chest'nut-color[cestneut-chculeur] adj. castagnino. Chest'nut-plot, [cestneut-plot] s. castagneto, m. Chest'nut-tree, [cestneut-tri] s. castagno, m. Chevalier', [scevalire] s. cava-

Chi'dingly, [caidingle] adv. in modo di riprensione. Chief, [cife] adj. primo, principale; - command, generalato, m.; -,

capo, co-


mandante, ni.; the lord-justice, primo giudice (in Inghilterra), m.

Chief'dom, [cifedeum]


Chief'less, [cifeles] capo.



Chiefly, [cifele'j oc/o. principalmente. Chieftain, [cifetne] s. comandante, capitano, m. Chieftainry, [cifetner] Chieftainship, [cifetenscip] s. capitanato, m. Chev'ance, [civanse] s, traffico usurarlo, m.
Chil'blain, [cilblne] s. {med.) gelone, wi. Child, [ciaild] {pi. children), s. fanciullo, figlio, figliuolo, m.; from a -, dall'infanzia, dalla culla; to bring forth a -, partorire ; to be pant a -, aver




Choke, [cloche]
ni. s.

[cildeurmas- Chinse, [cintz]

v. a. (mar.) ca-|

fieno del car-

festa degl' innocenti, (. Child'hood, [ciaildhud] s. infanzia, fanciullezza, f. Child'ish, [ciaildisc] adj. bamtinesco, fanciullesco. Child'ishly, [ciildscle'j adv. a modo di fanciullo. Child'ishness, [ciildTscnes] s. bambinaggine, infanzia, pueri-

[cintz] s. indiana, /.! Choke, [cieche] v. a. sofi'ocaro, strangolare, turare, stoppare. (tela dipinta) Chip, [cip] s. scheggia, /.; bru- Choke'ful, [cicbeful] adj. piO' nissimo (vulgarism). ciolo, m.\ -s of bread, s. pi. croChok'ng, [ciochiug] s. soffocaste di pane, f. pi. Chip, [cip] V. a. truciolare, sbri- mento, m. Cho'ky, [cloche'] adj. soffocanciolare, sminuzzare. Chirag'rical, [chairgricai] adj. te, strozzatoio. Cho'ler, [cleur] . collera, bile, chiragrico, lit, f. [chairgraf] s. stizza, f. Childless, [ciaildles] adj. senza Chi'rograph, Cho'lera, [colera] s. colra, f. scrittura. figliuoli. Child'like , [claildlaichc] adj. Chirog'rapher, [chairografeur] Choleric, [coierie] adj. collerico, stizzoso. s. chirografario, m. fanciullesco, bambinesco.


[cldrn] pi. vedi Chiro'graphist, [chairografist] Cholericness, [colericns] s .im, peto di collera, umor bilios. quello che predice il destino Child. so, m. per la mano. Chil'iad, [chiliad] s. migliaio, m. CMlifaction, [chlifcscieun] s. Chi'romancer, [chairmansur] Choose, [ciuze] v. a. irr. (chose; chosen) scegliere, eleggere -, 8. chiromante, m. chilificazione, f. V. n. irr. potere scegliere; to Chili, [clj adj. freddo, freddo- Chi'romancy, [chairmanse'] s. rather, amare meglio, prefeloso; -, s. freddo; m. freddu- chiromanzia, f. Chirp, [ceurp] s. garrito, il pi- rire. ra, A Choos'er, [ciuzeur] s. sceglitogolare, m. Chili, [cl] V. a. freddare; geChirp, [ceurp] v. a. garrire, pi- re, elettore, m. lare. Choosing, [ciSzing] . elezioChiriiness, [clins] s. freddu- golare, piare. ne, f. Chirp'er, [ceiirpeur] s. grida ra, /.; brivido, m. Chop, [ciop] . fetta, crepatura, Chil'ly, [cJl] adj. freddoso, tore, m. Chirp'ng, [ceurping] s. garrito; braciuola, /.; -s. pi. mascelle, freddoloso. pi. (vukjarism) bocca, imChime, [ciiiime] s. scampanata, canto (d'uccelli), m. f. boccatura (d'un fiume), m. Chirur'geon, [chaireirdgeun] /.; accordo, m.; armonia, /. Chop, [ciop] i". a. tagliare, smivedi Surgeon. Chime, [ciaime] v. n. scampa nuzzare; -, V. n. cambiare, baChi'sel, [ciz'l] s. scalpello, m. nare, accordarsi, unirsi. Chime'ra, [chlmira] s. cbime-j Chi'sel, [ciz'l] u. a.scarpollare, rattare, disputare; to - about, cangiare, girare; to - at, atintagliare. ra, A taccarsi; to ' o,T, troncare, [ciz'l-ouerc] s. Chimer'ical, [chimerical] adj. Chi'sel-work mozzare, to-\i,\< divorare, inlavoro di scultura, m. chimerico. goiare to - upon, incontrare Chmer'ically,[cliimricle']a/v. Chit, [ct] s. bambino, stipi(vulgarism). te, m. chimericamente. Chim'ney, [cmne'] . cammino, Chit, [cit] V. n. germinare, ger- Chop'fallen, [ciop-faiirn] adj. abbassato, avvilito (vulgarism). mogliare. focolare, m. Chim'ney-corner , [cimne'-cor- Chit'chat, [cit-ciat] . ciarla, Chop'-house, [ciop-hause] . bettola, osteria, taverna, f. ciarleria, f. niir] . luogo de' ciarloni, wi.; Chit'terlings , [citeiirlings] s. Cho'pin, [cipin] . foglietta, f. canto del fuoco, m (misura). Chim'neyrpiece, [cirane'-pse] s. pi.; budella, minugia, f. pi. Chit'ty, [ct] adj. lentiggino- Chop'ping, [cioping] adj. grascornice del cammino, /. sotto, paffuto. Chm'ney-sweeper , [cimne'- so, bambinesco, fanciullesco. soipeur] s. spazzacammino, m. Chiv'lrous, [cvalreiis] adj. ca- Chop'ping-block, [cioping-blc] s. tagliere, ceppo, m. valleresco. Chin, [cin] s. mento, m. Chi'na, [ciaina] s. porcellana; Chi'valry, [civlre'j s. dignit Chop'ping-knife, [cioping-naife] s. coltello da beccaio, m. di cavaliere, cavalleria, f. maiolica, f. Chi'na-man, [ciaiman] s. mer- Chives, [ciaives] s. pi. costole Chop'py, [cop] adj. spaccata fesso. (coro. di fiori,/", pi.; cipolletta, f. canto di porcellana, m. _ Chi'na-orange, [ciina-orenge] Cho'colate, [cicolete] s. cioc- Cho'ral, [coral] adj. da coro, di Cho'rally, [corale] adv. coralcolata, f. . melarancia dolce, f mente. Chi'na-root, [ciaina-rut] . Ci- Cho'colate-pot, [cioclte-pot] Chord, [cord] . corda, f. . cioccolattiera, f. na, f. Chin'cloth, [cTnclth^] s. bava- Choice, [ciise] s. scelta, ele- Chord, [cord] v. a. mettere lo corde. to make -, zione, variet, f. glio, m.


Chorister, [coristeiir] . coriscegliere. Choice, [ciise] adj. scelto, squi- sta, cantore, m. violenta, /. Choro'grapher, [cor'grafeir] s. Chine, [ciaine] s. schiena; spi- sito, raro. d' un Choice'less, [ciiseles] adj. sen- corografo, descrittore na, /. za il potere di scegliere, indif- paese, m. Chine, [ciaine] v. a. sfilare. Chorographlcal, [corogrfica!] ferente. Chine'se, [ciinize] adj. Chinese Chink, [cine] s. fessura, crepa- Choice'ly, [cioisele'] adv. cara- adj. corografico. Chorograhlcally , [corografimente. tura, f. Chink, [riac] r. a. & n. tintin- Choice'ness, [cioisens] s. rari- cale] adv. in modo corografico. Coro'graphy, [corograte] s. cot, delicatezza, f. nare, spaccarsi. Chink'y, [cinch] adj. screpo- Choir, [quaire] s. coro (d' una rografia, descrizione d'un pae-


[cincaif] s. tosse

lato, fesso.

chiosa), m.

Cho'rus, [corens]



Chub'bed, [ceubd] ad], col capo Chuse, [ciilze] vedi Choose. s. coro, m. [ceufj .gracchia,/". grosso. Chylac'eous, [chilescius] adj. Chouse, [ciaouse] s. sciocco; in- Chub'ly,[ceube']Chub'y-cheeked, chiloso. ganno, m. trufl'a, [. {vulga- [cub-cich'd] ac/j. paffuto, pac- Chyle, [chaile] s. chilo, m. rism). cioso. Chylifac'tion, [chilifacscieun] s. Chouse, [ciaouse] v. a. inganna- Chuck, [couc] s. sorgozzone, m. chilificazione, f. re, truffare {vulgarism). Chuck, [ceuc] v. a. chiocciare, Chy'lous, [chaileus] adj. chiChou'ser, [caouseir] s. inganna- dare un sorgozzone. loso. tore, truifatore, m. {vulgarism). Chack'-farthing , [ceuc-far- Chy'mc, [chmc] Chy'mical, /". Chrism, [crism] s. cresima, cri- th''ng] s. fossetta, (giuoco). [chmicl] adj. chimico. sma, f. Chuc'kle, [ceuc'l] v. a. cliioccia- Chy'mist, [chimist] s. chimiChrsmal, [crisml] adj. appar- re, carreggiare; -, v. n. sgan- co, TO. tenente alla cresima. gasciaro. Chy'mistry, [chiraistre'] s. chi-


Christ, [crist] s. Cristo. ChufF, [ceufj Christ'en, [cris'n] v. a. battez- co, m.





Chuf flly, [ceufile'] adv. in modo [crfs'ndeum] s. rustico, zoticamente. cristianit, f. (tesimo, m. Chuf'finess, [cefifins] s. roz- trice, margine, f. Chris'tening, [crTs'ning] s. bat- zezza, rusticaggine, /". Cicatri'sive, [sicatraisv] adj. Christ'ian, [crstieun] adj. cri- Chuf fy, [cuf] adj.rustico, roz- cicatrizzante. stiano; name, s. nome di bat- zo, zotico. Cicatriza'tion[sicatraizscieun] tesimo, i.; -, s. cristiano, m.; Chum, [ceum] s. compagno di 8. cicatrizzazione, f. cristiana, f. camera, m. Cic'atrize , [sicatraze] v. a. Christ'ianism , [cristiansm] Chump, [ceump]s. pezzo, tronco {surg.) cicatrizzare. Christian'ity, [cristinite'] s. di legno, m. Ci'curate, [siciirtej v. a. addicristianesimo, m.; cristianit, f. Church, [ceurtsc] s. chiesa, /". mesticare. Christ'ianize, [cristinaize] v. Church, [ceiirtsc] v. a. andare Cicura'tion, [siciurscieun] s. fare a. cristiano. in chiesa; -, v. n. render grazie dimesticamonto, m. Christ'ian-like,[crstian-laiche] dopo il parto. Cid, [sd] s. uom valoroso; capiadj. da cristiano. Church'-ale, [ceurtsc-le] s. fe- tano, m. _ Christ'ianly, [cristinie] adv sta della consecrazione, f. Ci'der, [saideur] s. sidro, in. cristianamente. Church'-attire, [ceurtsc-atalre] Ci derist, [saidurist] s. che fa Christ'mas, [crismas] s. nata- s. abiti ecclesiastici, m. pi. del sidro. le, m. ; nativit (del Signo- Church'dom, [ceiirtsc-deim] s. Ci'derkin, [saiderchin] s. sidro re), {. fatto con la pasta de' pomi, m. r autorit della chiesa, f. Christ'mas-hox, [crismas-bocs] Church'ing, [ceiirtscing] s. ceri- Cig'ar, [sigr] s. sigaro. . ceppo. monia della purificazione, f. Cil'iary, [slir] adj. ciliare> Christ's'-thorn[craist's-tli-orn] Church'-law, [ceurtsc-lau] s. di- Cilic'ious, [slliscieus] adj. fatto s. branco spino, m. ritto canonico, m. di capelli. Chroma'tic, [cromtic] adj. cro- Churcb'man, [ceurtscman] s. ec- Cim'eter, [simiteir] s. scimimatico. tarra, sciabola corta, f. clesiastico, prete, m. Chron'ic, [cronc] Chron'ical, Church'music, [ceurtsc-miusic] Cinc'ture, [snctcheur] s. cintu[crnicl] adj. cronico. s. musica da chiesa, f. ra, fascia, f. Chron'icle, [cronici] s. cronica, Church'prefer'ment, [ceurtsc- Cin'der, [smdeur] s. cenere, f. cronaca, /. prifeurment] s. benefzio ec- Cin'der-wench, [sndeur-ouensc] Chron'icle, [cronic'l] v. a. scri- clesiastico, m. Cin'der-woman , [sindeiiurvere lo croniche, scrivere ri- Church'-reeve , [ceirtsc-rlve] ououmn] s. cenciaujola, f. cordi. vedi Church-vFarden. Cine'reous , [sinerieos] adj. Chron'icler, [croniclur] s. scrit- Church'-time, [ceurtsc-tame] somigliante alle ceneri, avente tore di croniche, m. il colore delle ceneri. s. tempo d' andare alla chieChron'ogram , [cronogrm] s. sa, m. Cineri'tious, [sniriscius] adj. cronogramma, [. _ Church'-warden, [ceurtsc-ouar- cenericcio. Chronoroger, [cronolodgeur] s. d'n] s. santese, m. Cin'nabar, [sTnabr] s. cinabro, cronologista, m. Church'-yard, [ceirtsc-iard] s. vermiglione, m. m. cimiterio, cimitero, Cin'namon, Chronolog'ic , [cronolodgc] [snamoun] s. cinChronolog'ical, [cronolodgicl] Churl, [ceurl] s. villano, rusti- namomo, m.; cannella, f. wi. cronologico. avaro, ad'], co, Cin'namon-tree, [snamein-tri] Chronologically, [cronoldgi- Chur'lish, [ceurlisc] adj. rusti- s. albero della cannella, m. Cinque, [snc] s. cinque, m. cle'] adv. in modo cronologico. co, zotico, taccagno. Chronorogy, [cronlodg] s. Chur'lishly, [ceurlscle'] adv. Cinque'-foil, [smc-fauil] s. cinrozzamente, zoticamente. cronologia, f, quefoglie, f. Chrcnom'eter, [crnometeir] s. Churlishness, [ceui-liscnes] s. Ci'on, [saleun] s. pollone, gerrustichezza, zotichezza, f. cronometro, m. moglio, m. Chrys'alis, [crisalis] s. crisa- Chur'ly, [ceirl] adj. rustico. Ci'pher, [saifeur] s. cifra, cifelide, m. Churme, [ceurm] s. strepito, re- ra, f. Chrys'olite, [crsolaite] s. crimore confuso, wi. Ci'pher, [saifeur] v. a. & n. calsolito, m. Churn, [ceurn] s. zangola, /". colare, computare. Chryso'prasus, [crisopraseus] s. Churn , [cern] v. a. fare il Ci'pherng,[sr.ifeiiring] s. calcoburro. crisopazio, m. lo, computo, m. Chub , [ceiib] s. ghiozzo, m. Churn'-stafiF, [ceurn-staf] s. ba- Cir'cinate, [seursinte] v. a. destoncello da fare il burro, m. (pesce). lineare un circolo.

mica, scienza chimica, f. Ciba'rious, [saiberieus] adj. nutritivo, nutriente. Cic'atrice, [sicatralse] s. cica-

Cir'cle, [seurc'l] s. circolo, cerchio, m.; societ, f. Cir'cle, [ceiirc'lj v. a. cerchiare, limitare, cignere; -, v. n. muovere in giro, girare. Cir'cled, [seiircrd] adj. circulate, tondo, circolare. Cir'clet, [seiirclot] s. cerchietto,



Circum'gyrate, [seir cheumdgai- Circumstan'tially, [seurcheirarte] V. n. aggirare, attorstnscil] adv. secondo le niare. circostanze, casualmente. Clrcumgyra'tion, [seurcheum- Circnmstan'tiate, [sefircheumgairscioun]s. aggiramento, m.; stnscite] v. a. circostanziarotazione,

re, specificare.

Circumja'cent, [seircheuradgo- Circumterra'neous,[seircheum-

snt] adj. contiguo, circonvi- trenieus] adj. intorno il moncino. do, che circonda il mondo. cerchiello, m. Oir'cling, [seurcling] adj. cir- Circumlocu'tion, [seiircheuml- Circumval'late, [serchumvlchiuscieun] s. circonlocuzio- te] V. a. circonvallare, forcolare, rotondo. tificare. Cir'cuit, [seurchit] s. circuito, ne, A Circumloc'utory, [seircheiim- Circumvalla'tion, [seurcheumcontorno, m. lochiuteur] adj. perifrastico. vlesciun] s. circonvallazioCir'cuit, [seiirchit] v. n. circuire, Circummur'ed[seurchuraraur'- ne, f. andare attorno. Circumvent' , [seurcheumvent] Circui'tion, [seiirchiiscieun] s. d] adj. murato intorno.

Circumnav'igahle, [seiircheiimcircuiraento, wi. Circu'itous, [seiirchiuiteiis] adj. nvigabl] adj. navigabile intorno. circolare. Circu'i^ously, [seirchuiteusle'] Circumnav'lgate , [seurcheumnavighete] v. n. navigare inadv. circolarmente. Cir'cular, [seurchlular] adj. cir- torno. Circumnavga'ton,[seurcheuracolare, rotondo. Circular'ity, [seurchularite'] s. nvighiscieun] s.circonnavigazione, f. circolarit, ritondezza, f. Cir'cularly, [seurchiulrle'] adv. Circumpo'Iar, [seurcheimplr] adj. circumpolare. circolarmente, in cerchio. Cir'culate, [seurchiulte] v. n. Circumvotation, [seurcheiravocircolare, girare attorno, vol- tescieunj s. votazione, f. Circumro'tatory , [seurche3mgersi intorno. Cir'culating, [seurchiuleting] rototeur] adj. che gira attorno. adj. circolante; - library, s. Circumscribe' , [seiircheumlibreria circolare, f. scraibc] v. a. circoscrivere Circula'tion, [seiirchulscieun] limitare. 8. circolazione, f. Cir'culatory, [seurchiulateure'] Cireumscrip'tion, [seurcheums. scripsciun] circoscrizioadj. circolatorio, circolare; -, s.

V. a.

circonvenire, ingannare,


[seirchum, vnsciun] s. circonvenzione, /.; inganno, m.; insidia, f. Circumven'tive [seiirchumvntiv] adj. ingannevole. Circumvolu'tion, [seurcheumvluscieun] s. avvolgimento, m. Circumvolve', [seiirchumvlv] V. a. avvolgere. Cir'cus, [serchus] s. circo, i, Cist, [sst] s. integumento, wi.;




Cis'tern, na, f.




Cit, [sit] s. cittadino, cittadinello, m. {vulgariam). Cit'adel, [stadl] s. cittadella, fortezza, (. Ci'tal, [saitl] Cita'tlon, [sai-

circolatojo, m. Circumam'hient,







[seircheum- Circumscrip'tve,




mhint] adj. circumambiente.


scrptv] adj. limitativo.

scriptivle] adv. in tativo.

Circumam'bulate, [seurchum- Circumscrip'tTely,[seurcheumn.




Circumambula'ton[seircheum- Cir'cumspect, [seurcheimspect] mbiulesciein] s. passeggiata adj. circospetto, considerato,

cauto, prudente. [aeurcheiimsaize] Circumspec'tion , [seurcheumspcsciun] s. circospezione, V. a. circoncidere. [seircheumsai- prudenza, /. Circumci'ser , zeur] s. che fa la circoncisio- Circumspec'tive , [seurcheimspctTv] adj. accorto, cauto, ne, circoncisore, m. Circumei'sion , [seiircheimsig- considerato. Circumspec'tively, [seurcheumieun] s. circoncisione, f. Cir'cumspectly , Circumduct', [seircheumdeuct] spctivl] [seurcheumspectle'] adv. acV. a. annullare, abrogare; concortamente, consideratamente, travvenire. [seircheum- prudentemente. Crcumduc'tion , deucscieun] s. abolizione, can- Circumspect'ness, [seurcheuraspectns] s. accortezza, prucellatura, f.




Ci'tatory, [saitateure'] adj. citatorie^ Cite, [saite] v. a. citare, assegnare, allogare. Cit'er, [sateirj s. citatore, accusatore, m. Cit'ess, [sites] cittadina, s. cittadinella, f. (vulgarism). Cith'ern , [sth-eurn] s. Bistro, m. Cit'izen, [sitiz'n] s. borghese, cittadino, wi.; fellow -, s. concittadino, ni. Cit'izenlike, [stiz'nlache] adv, da cittadino, cittadinesco. Cit'izenship, [sitiz'nscp] s. cit-

tadinanza, f. Cifrine, [sitrin] adj. citrino.

Cit'ron, [sitreiin] s. cedro, m. Cit'ron-tree, [sTtreun-tr] s. coderno, cedro, m.


[seurcheumfi , circonferenza, /".; cir




[seurcheum- Cit'ron-water



Circumferen'tial, [seiircheumfirnscil] adj. circolare.

Cir'cumflex, [seurchumflcs] s. accento circonflesso, m. Circum'fluent,[seurchoumflunt] Circum'fluous, [seurchoumflueus] adj. scorrente intorno. Circumfuse', [seirchumfiuze] V. a. cir confonder.

stanse] .circostanza, /.; evento, teir] s. acqua cedrata, f. Cit'y, [site] s. citt, f.; freedom m.; condizione, ^; stato, m. Cir'cumstance , [seurcheum- of a -, s. cittadinanza, f. porri, [saives] s. pi. stanse] v. a. circostanziare, Gives, m. pi. specificare. Cir'cumstant, [seurcheumstant] Civ'et, [sivet] s. zibetto, m. Civ'et-cat, [sivt-cat] s. zibetadj. circostante. Circumstan'tial , [seurcheura- to, m. (animale). stnscial] adj. accidentale, ca- Civ'ic, [sivic] adj. civico, da cittadino. suale.



Clat'ter, [cltour] s. strepito, fracasso, m. Clat'ter, [clteur] v. a. & . strepitare, cicalare. Clat'terer, [clateureur] s. ciarlone,

poli- Clang'ous, [clngheis] adj. strepitoso. civile, /.; - <war, s. guorra ci- Clank, [ciane] s. suono acuto, strepito, m. vile, f. Civirian , [sivTlian] Civ'ilist, Clank, [ciane] v. a. suonare, tintinnire, strepitare. [sivilist] s. giureconsulto, m. Civil'ity, [svlit] s. civilt; Clap, [clap] s. strepito, colpo, fracasso, m. urbanit, cortesia, f. Giviliza'tion, [svilzescieun] s. Clap, [clap] V. a. battere, apcivilt, /. stato civilizzato, m. plaudire, applicare to -hands, picchiar le mani, applaudiCv'ilize, [sivilaize] v. a. incivilire, coltivare, dirozzare. re; to - spurs to a horse, dar to di sprone ad un cavallo Civ'illy, [sTvQ] arfw, civilmen- in, ficcare (vulgarism). te, cortesemente. Glack, [ciac] s. strepito (vul- Clap'per, [clpeur] s. applau.garism), nottolino di moli- ditore, approvatore; (di camno, m. pana) ; martello (d'una porta); Clack, [ciac] v. n. strepitare, battente (di molino), m._


tico, cortese;







s. clausola, f.; articolo, tn.; stipulazione, condizione, f. Claus'tral, [claustrl] adj. claustrale.

strepito, m. Clause, [clauze]

Clau'sure, [clauzeure]
sura, te la



Clav'ated, [clvetd] adj. aven-





Olap'perclaw, [clapeurclau] v. scoppiare {vulgarism). Claok'ing, [clchng] s. strepi- a. rabbuffare, rampognare. to, remore, schiamazzo, m. (vul- Clap'ping, [clpng] s. battigarism). mento, plauso, m. Clad, [clad] adj. vestito, coperto Clare-obscure',[clere-obschiure] (vedi to Clothe). s. chiaroscuro, m. Claim, [clme] s. diritto, m. Clar'et, [clrt] s. claretto, wi. pretensione; to lay a - to a Clar'ichord, [claricord] s. clathing, pretendere, aver diritto vicembalo, m. a qualche cosa. Clariflca'tion, [clarifichscieun] Claim, [clme] v. a. richiama- s. chiarificazione, f. arrogarsi pretendere, re, to Clar'ify, [clrifi] v. a. chiarias one's own, appropriarsi. ficare, chiarire, conciare con adj. Claim'able, [clemeabl] che colla (il vino); -, v. n. chiapu richiamarsi. rirsi. Claim'ant, [clmant] s. pre- Clar'ion, [clareSn] s. clarino, tendente, m. tn. chiarina, f. Clam'ber, [clamheur] v. n. ram- Cla'rionet, [clrieinet] s. chia;

Clav'ichord, [clvicord]
vicordio. Clav'cle, [clvic'l] clavicola, f.





s. f.



branca, rampa,

[cla] v. a. graffiare, sgraffiare, adulare, lusingare.

Claw'back,[claa-bc] s. adulatore, lusingatore, m. (vulgarism). Clay, [cl] s. creta, argilla, arginila,

v. a. coprire d' ar-



Clay'-cold, [cle'-cld] adj. ina-

nimato, morto.
Clay'ey, [cl]Clay'ish, [clish]
adj. argilloso.


Clai'mer, [clemeur]

vedi Clai

rina, f. Clar'ity, [clarite']

Clay'-land, [cle'-lnd]





mant. Clam, [clam]




f. splendore, m. invescare, Cla'ry, [clero'] s.



Clam'miness, [claminos]
scosit, tenacit,


Clash, [clsc] contrasto, m.



Clayma're, [cle'mere] a due manichi. Clay'more, [clmre] urto, fracasso, due manichi.



spada a

diS'erenza, con- Clay'-pit, [cle'-pt]


cava d'ar-

Clam'my, [dame']

adj. viscoso,







v. n. urtarsi, Clean, [cline] adj. & adv. netto, dibattersi, dispu- puro, bianco; affatto, intiera-

strepitoso, tumultuoso. Clam'orously, [ci amoruslj a(/i)



Clam'or, [clmeur] strepito, grido, m. Clam'or, [clmnr]


Clash'ng, [clascing] s. urto; Clean, [cline] v. a. nettare, lavare, pulire. contrasto, _m.; opposizione,/'. clamore, Clasp , [clasp] s. fermaglio Clea'ner, [clineiir] s. (rati.) netganghero, abbracciamento, am- tatore della macchina (locomo,

plesso, m. v. n. strepitare, gridare; to - against Clasp, [clasp] v. a. affibbiare, richiamarsi contro. abbracciare. Clamp, [clmp] s. mezza pu- Clasp'-knife , [clasp-naife] s. leggia, /.; incastro, m. coltello da tasca, m. Clamp , [clrap] v. a. inca Clasp'-nail, [clasp-nle] s. chiostrare. (trib, f. do senza testa, m. ^ Clan, [clan] s. famiglia, razza, Class, [clas] s. classe, f.; ordiClan'cular, [clnchiulrj adj. ne, m. segreto, privato. Class, [clas] v. a. classificare, Clandes'tine, [clandestine] adj. ordinare. ((sico, m. clandestino. Clas'sic, [clasTc] s. autore clasClandes'tinely, [clandestinel] Clas'sic, [clsc] Class'ical, adv. in modo clandestino. [clsicl] adj, classico. Clang, [clang] s. suono acuto, Clas'sically , [clsicl e'] adv. remore, m. classical mente. Clang, [clang] v. n. strepitare, C]assifica'tion,[clsfichescieun] suonare. s. classificazione, f. Clang'or, [clngheur] s. strom- Clas'sify, [clsifai] v. a. clasl}ettata, f.




adv. net-

tamente, pulitamente.
Clean'liness, [clenlines] s. nettezza, pulitezza, purit, f. Clean'ly, [elnio] adj. & adv. puro, netto, pulito, elegante, pulitamente, elegantemente. Clean'ness, [clinens] s. nettezza, purit,/".

Cleanse, [clnze]

v. a.


Clean'ser, [clenzeur] s. purgatoro, m. Clean'sing, [clenzing] s. nettamento, pulimento, vi. Clear, [dire] adj. chiaro, puro, innocente, evidente: -, adv. affatto, intieramente; to get - of,
uscire di.




Clod, [clod] V. a. erpicare; -, Clear, [dire] v. a. chiarire, pur- Cli'ent, [claient] s. cliente, m. V. n. rappigliarsi, coagularsi. gare, giustificare, assolvere; -, Cli'ental, [claintl] adj. deClod'dy, [clod] adj. zolloso, pendente. V. n. divenire chiaro; to - accounts, liquidare conti; tu Cli'ented, [claiontd] adj. che grumoso. Clod'-pate, [clod-pte] s. goffo, one's debts, pagare i suoi de- ha de' clienti. m.; testacela, /. [clintscp] s. biti; (o - a (/t/"/5cuUi/, scioglie- Cli'entship , Clod'-pated, [clod-ptedj adj. re una difficolt; to - the table, clientela, f. sparecchiare la tavola; to - up, Cliff, [clf] Clift, [clft] s. rupe, sciocco, grosso. Clod'-poll, [cld-ple] s. uno m. chiarirsi, rasserenarsi. f. luogo scosceso, sciocco, un imbecille, m. Clear'ance, [clirnse] s, bul- Cliffy, [clif] Clif'ty, [dift] Clog, [clog] s. ostacolo; zoccoletta di passaporto, /.; certifi- adj. dirupato. lo, m. cato, m.; (mar.) spedizioni di Climacter'ic, [claimacteric] CUmacterical , [claimctrical] Clog, [dog] V. a. imbarazzare, dogana, /. pi. caricare; -, r. n. coagularsi; Clearing, [cliring] s. giustifi- adj. climaterico. Cli'mate, [claimete] Cli'matu- unirsi. cazione, vindicazione. Clear 'ly, [cllrel] adv. chiara- re, [claimtsciure] s. clima, Clogging, [cloging] Clog'giness, [clgins] s. imbarazzo, m.: m.; regione, f. mente, evidentemente. Clear'ness, [clirens] s. cliia- Cli'max, [claimacs] t. (rh.) gra- confusione, /". Clog'gy, [cldg] adj. imbarazrozza, f ; splendore, m.; nettez- dazione, [. za; purit; innocenza, f. Climb, [claime] v. a. irr. (clomb; zante, incomodo, pesante. rampicare montare, Clois'ter, [clauisteur]s. chiostro, [cHre-saited] clomb) Clear'-sighted , ad}, perspicace, giudizioso. scalare; -, v. n. irr. arrampi- monastero, wi.




perspicacit, intelligen- Climb'er, [claimeur] pica, salitore, m.

Clear'starch, [clre-strtsc] v. a. inamidare. Clear'starcher[clire-startsceur] s. uno che inamida. Cleave, [dive] v. a. irr (cleft clove ; cleft, cloven) fendere, dividersi, spaccarsi, attaccarsi Clea'ver, [cliveur] s, coltellaccio da beccaio, m. Clef, [clef] s. chiave, f. Cleft, [cleft] adj. fesso, spaccato (vedi to Cleave); -, s. fessura, apertura, f. Cle'mency, [clmense'] s. cle-

menza, benignit,


Cle'ment, [clement] adj. clemente, benigno. Cle'mently, [clmentle'] adv.'be

ni guarnente. Cler'gy, [cleiirdge']

clero, m.;

ecclesiastici, m. pi.



ecclesiastico, prete, m. Cler'ic, [cleric] Clerical, [cler icl] Clergical, [clrdgicl] adj. chericale. Clerk, [dare] s. cherico, chie rico; sagristano, scrivano, segretario, m. (cherico Clerk'like, [clarclaiche] adj. da

Cler'kly, [ciarde] adv.


Clerk'ship, [clarcscip] s. chericato, m.; carica di scrivano, dottrina, f.
Cle'ver, [cleveur] adj. abile, de stro, disposto. Clev'erly, [clveurl] adv abil-

mente, destramente. Clev'erness, [cleveurnes] abilit, destrezza, f. Clew, [cli] s. gomitolo, m.; guida, f. Click, [clic] s. saliscendo, m. Click, [clic] V. H. tintinnare;

Clois'ter, [clauisteiir] v. a. rinchiudere in un convento. Clois'teral, [claiisteurl] adj. Climb'ing, [claiming] s. il sa- claustrale. Clois'tered, [clauisteur'd] adj. lire, r atto di salire. rinchiuso in un chiostro. Cllme, [claime] vedi Climj,te. Clincli , [clnsc] s. bisticcio, Clois'teress, [clauisteuros] s. monaca, f. equivoco, m.; (mar.) maglia, f. Clinch, [clnsc] v. a. impugna- Cloke, [cloche] vedi Cloak. re, serrare, ribadire; (wior.) ma- Close, [close] adj. & adv. serrato, stretto, contiguo, vicino, gliettare. Clinch'er, [clnsceur] s. rampo- conciso; celato, segreto, riserbato, fosco, oscuro, appresso no, rampicene, m. Cling, [cling] V. n. irr. (clang, - by, molto vicino, di presso clung; clung) appiccarsi, ap- - to, rasente; to sit -, to stand-, stringersi insieme; to study -, passarsi; aggrapparsi. Cling'y, [clnghe'] adj. viscoso, applicarsi al'o studio; to write -, scrivere stratte; - fight, s. tenace. - room, s. zuffa rabbiosa, /. Clin'ic, [clinic] Clin'ical, [clincamerina non ventilata, f. ; ical] adj. clinico. Clink, [cline] s. tintinno, tin- weather, s. tempo fosco, m.;-, s. chiusura, f. ; tinnio, m. Clink, [cime] v. a. fare suona- Close, [cloze] conclusione, f. ; fine, wi. re; -, V. n. tintinnire, risuoClose, [clze] u.c. serrare, chiunare. Clip, [dip] V, a. tosare, ten- dere, terminare; -, . n. chiudersi, riunirsi; accordarsi; to dere. Clip'per, [clipeur] s. tosatore; - an account, saldare un concimatore, m. to; ^o - in, rinchiudere, rinserClippings, [clipings] s. pi. to- rare; to - up, consolidare, appiccare; fo - with, venire alle satura, tonditura, f. mani. Clis'ter, [clistur] vedi Clyster. Cloak, [cloche] s. mantello; pre- Close'-bo'died, [clse-bodid] adj. stretto nel corpo. _ testo, ni. [close-fisted] e Cloak, [cloche] v. a. mantella- Close'-fisted, Close'-handed, [close-hnded] re, palliare, coprire. Cloak'-bag, [cloche-bag] s. va- adj. spilorcio. ligia, f.; baule, Closely, [closel] adv. segreta; borsa, f. Clock, [clocj s. orologio, orino- mente, nascosamente. lo, m. what o' - is it? che Close'ness, [closenes] s, spesora ? sezza, densit, chiusura, riserClock'-maker, [cloc-mcheur] s. batezza, cautela, /. oriuolaio, orologiaio, m. Clo'ser, [clozeur] s. concludiClock'-making, [cloc-mchng] tore, finitore, m^ s. arte dell'orologiaio, f. Close'-stool, [close-stul] s. segClock'-work [cloc-ouurc] s. getta, f. struttura d'un orinolo, f. Clos'et, [clozet] s. gabinetto, Clod, [clod] *. zolla (di terra), camerino, m. /.; sciocco, babbuasso, wi. Clos'et, [clozet] v. a. chiudere
carsi, salire.

che ram-




Clut'ter, [cleuteur] v. n. far

noi gabinetto; discorrere in se- - gilli-flower, s. viola garofanata, f. greto. [clov'n-fiitd] Clos'eting:, [clozetng] s. con- Clo'ven-footed, adj. che ha il pie fesso. sulto segrete, f. fi. intrighi Clo'yer, [clveur J Clo'ver-grass, m. pi. Clo'sure, [clogiiire] s. chiusura, [clover-grasj s. cedrangola,/'.; trifoglio, m. conclusione, /. Clot, [clot] s. concrezione, eoa Clo'vered, [clveiir'd] adj. (poet.) coperto di trifoglio. gulazione, (. Clown, [claun] s. contadino, Clot, [clotjv. 71. coagularsi. Cloth, [clath-] s. tela, /.; pan- villano, rustico, m. no, m.; tovaglia, /.; to lay Clown'ery, [claouneiir] s. rustichezza, f. the -, apparecchiare la tavola. Cloth'-bag, [clauth-'-bg] s. va- Clown'ish, [claoinisc] adj. ru;


grande strepito.
s. fracasso, tumulto, m. Clys'ter, [clstur] s. clistere, serviziale, m. Clys'terize, [clisteuraize] v. a.

Clut'tering, [cleiteuring]

ligia, f.

Cloth'-beam, [clauth^-hime] {weav.) subbio, m.

Clothe, [cl5th'e]u.


a. irr. {clad; clad) vestire, coprire. Clothes, [cloze] s. pi. abito, ve-

stimento,m.; panni, m. pi.: biancherie, f. pi. suit of -, vestito,


applicar il clistere. Clys'ter-pipe , [clisteur-paipc] s. cannella del glistere, f. Coacer'vate, [coaseurvete] v.a. accumulare, ammassare. Coacerva'tion,[coaseiirvscieun] s. accumulazione, f.; ammucstico, zotico. chiamento, m. Clown'ishly, [claoinscle'] adv. Coach, [ctsc] s. carrozza, f.; a - and six, una carrozza a sei rusticamente, zoticamente. Clown'ishness , [claunscns] cavalli; {rail.) vagone da pers. rustichezza, zoticaggine, /. sone, m. Cloy, [claui] v. a. satollare, sa- Coach, [cotsc] v. a. & n. carrozziare, inchiodare, turare. zare, andar in carrozza. Cloy'less, [claiils] adj senza Coach'-box, [cotsc-bcs] s. sesaziet.
dile del cocchiere,

m.\ to put

on one's




pull off one' s -, spogliarsi. Cloy'ment, [clauTment] s. sazieCloth'ier, [clothUeiir] s. pan- t, ripienezza, /. Club, [cleub] s. mazza, clava naiuolo, panniere, m. Cloth'ing, [clothiing] s. vesti- societ, parte, f.; scotto, m. mento, vestito, m. Club, [cleub] v. a. contribuire, Cloth'-trade, [clauthMrede] s. pagare la sua parte; -, v. n. traffico de' panni e delle teandar di met. le, m. Club'ber, [cleubour] Club'bist, Cloth'-weaver, [clautli'oiveur] [cleiibist] s. membro d'una so;

s. tessitore di tele, m. Cloth'-worker, [chiuth^-oucrchur] s. lanaiuolo, m. Clot'poU, [clot-pole] s. sciocco, balordo, m. Clot'ter, [cloteSr] v. a. coagu-


Clot'ty, [dote'] adj. coagulato,

Cload, [cloud] $. nube, nuvola, macchia; avversit,/'. Cloud, [claoud] v. a. annuvolare, offuscare; -, v. n. volarsi, oscurarsi.


Cloud'-capt, [cloud-cpt] adj. (poet.) avente la cima coperta


nuvole (detto di una mon-

tagna). Cloud'ed, [claouded] adj. annuvolato, tristo, mesto. Cloud'ily, [claoudil] adv. oscu-

ramente. Cloud'iness,[claoudins] .oscurit, /.; offuscamento, m. Clond'less, [claoudls] adj. sen- consumato {vedi to Cling). Co-adven'turer, [codventcsiiza nubi; chiaro, luminoso. Clus'ter, [cleusteur] s. gruppo, reur] s. socio in una speculaCloud'y, [claoud] adj. nuvolo- grappolo, sciame, m.; to come zione, m. (stonte, m. _ so, malinconico, mesto. in a -, venir in folla. Co-agent, [co-edgent] s. assiClough , [cleuf] precipi- Clus'ter, [cleusteur] v. a. rac- Coad'juvancy , [codgiuvnse'] s. zio, m. cogliere insieme; -, v. n. cre- s. assistenza mutua, cooporaClout, [claout] . cencio, stracscere in grappoli. zione, f. cio, m. Clus'tery, [cleusture'] adj. in Coag'ulable, [coaghiula'bl] adj. Clout, [claout] V. a. rappezzagrappoli; in folla. coagulabile. re, rattoppare. Clutch, [cleiitsc] s. artiglio, m.; Coag'ulate, [coghiulte] v. a. Clout'ed, [claoutd] adj. rap- unghia, f. & . coagulare. pezzato, rattoppato. lutch, [cloutsc] V. a. impu- Coagula'tion, [cghmlscieun] Clou'terly , [clauteiirle'J a^lj. gnare, serrare. s. coagulazione, f. coagulo, m. grossolano, balordo. Clut'ter, [cleiteur] s. strepito, Coag'ulative, [coghulatv] adj. *?love, [clovej s. garofano, in. fracasso, w. coagulativo.

Coach'ful, [ctscful] s. una carrozzata. Coach'-hire, [ctschrdre] s. affitto di carrozza, m. Coach'-horse, [cotschorsej s. cavallo da carrozza, m. Coach'-house, [cotschaouse] s. rimessa di carrozza; {rail.) loggia da vagoni, f. Coach'-maker, [ctscmcheir] ciet, m. Club'-fisted, [cleb-fistd] adj. s. carrozzaio, m. Coach'-man, [cotscman] s. cocche ha le mani grosse chiere, carrozziere, m. Club'-footed, [cleub-futed] adj. Coachman'-ship, [ctscronscip] che ha i piedi storti. Club'-headed, [cleiib-hedd] adj. s. r abilit del cocchiere. Coach'-step, [ctscstp] s. monche ha il capo grosso, balordo Club'-law, [cleib-lau] s. la leg- tatojo, m. Coach'-window, [ctscouindo] ge della forza brutale. Club'-room, [cleub-rim] .stan- s. cristallo della carrozza, m. Coact', [cct] V. n. operare za della societ, f. d' accordo. Cluck, [cleiic] V. n. chiocciare Cluck'ing, [clechng] s. il chioc- Coac'tion, [cocsceun] s. coazione, /.; costrignimento, m. ciare, m._ Coac'tive, [coctiv] adj. coattiClue, [clu] vedi Clew. Clump, [cleiimp] s. pezzaccio vo, costringente. Coac'tively, [cctlvl] adv. fordi legno, m. Clum'sily, [cleumsile'] adv. roz- zatamente, Coad'jutant, [codgiutnt] adj. zamente. Clum'siness, [cleimsnes] s. roz- assistente, cooperante. zezza, rustichezza, f. Coadju'tor , [codgiuteur] $, Clum'sy, [cleumse'] adj. rozzo, coadiutore, m. rustico. Co-adjutrix, [codgiutrcs] s. Clung, [cleung] adj. disseccato, coadiutrice.

Coak, [coche] vedi Colte. Coal, [cole] s. carbone fossile,



famiglia, - of paint, mano di CockTiorse, [coc-hrse] adj. a cavallo; trionfante. tinta, /". - 0/ mail, s. giaco, m.: Cock'ish, [ccsc] adj. lascivo. to turn -, voltar casacca. m.\ small-coal, carbonella; live coals, bragia; to carry coals Coat, [cote] v. a. vestire, co- Coc'kle, [cc'l] s. chiocciola, f. (pesce); loglio, m. prii-e. to Newcastle, portare legna al Coating, [cting] . l'atto di Coc'kle, [cc'l] V. a. piegare, bosco, portar acqua al mare. rugare; -, v. ti. piegarsi, ragCoal, [cle] V. a. fare il car- coprire, m. Coax, [coese] v. a. lusingare, ac- grinzarsi. bone. Cock'led, [ccl'd] adj. turbiCoal'-basket, [cole-bascht] s. carezzare. Coax'er, [ccseur] s. lusingato- nato. paniera da carbone, f. Coc'kle-stairs, [coc'l-steres] $. Coar-black, [cle-blc] adj. ne- re, adulatore, m. Coax'ing, [ccsng] .lusinghe, pi. scala a chiocciola, f. ro come carbone. Cock'-loft, [cc-lft] s. solajo, Coal'-box, [cle-bocs] s. cesto carezze, f. pi.; vezzi, m. pi. Cob, [cob] s. cavallino forte, granajo, tn. del carbone, m. Cock'-match, [coc-mtsc] s. parm.; a rich -, ricco avaro, m. Coal'-cinders, [cole-sTndeurs] s. ceneri di carboni, f. j)l.; pez- Cob, [cb] V. a. {mar.) batter tita di galli, /. un marinaro. (to, m. Cock'ney, [ccne'] . goffo; uno zetti di carbone estinti, Coal'-dust, [cle-deust] s. car- Cob'alt , [cbaiilt] s. cobal- nato in Londra, m., Cob'ble, [cobi] v. a. rappezzare, Cock'-pit , [cc-pit] . arena bone polverizzato, m. dove si fanno combattere i galrattoppare. Coal'ery, [coleure'] s. minie Cob'bler, [cobleur] s. ciabatti- li, A di carbon fossile, f. Coalesce', [coals] v, n. colle- no, rappezzatore, imbrogliato- Cock's'-comb, [cc's-come] s. cresta di gallo; civettino, m. re, tn. garsi, unirsi. Coales'cence, [calesense] s, Cob'iron , [cobaieurn] s. ala- Cock's'-head, [coc's-hd] . cedrangola, /.; trifoglio, m. re, m. coalescenza, f. Coal'-heaver, [c51e-hiveurl s. Cobish'op, [cobTsceip] s. coa- Cock'sure, [cc-sciure] adj. sicuro, indubitato {vulgarism). facchino (che porta i cardiutore (d'un vescovo), m. boni), m. Cob'-nut, [cb-nut] s. giuoco Cock'swain, [ccsuene] . capiCoar-hole , [cle-hle] Coal'- fanciullesco nocciolo gros- tano d'urna scialuppa, tn. Co'coa, [cc] s. cacao, tn. house, [cole-haouse] s. carbo- so, m. naja, A Cob'web, [cob-oieb] s. tela del Coc'tion, [cocscieun] s. cozione, /.; cocimento, tn. Coali'tion, [coaliscieun] s. nnio- ragno; trappola, f. no, connessione, f Cob'webbed, [cb-oueb"d] adj. Cod, [cod] s. guscio, baccello, merluzzo (pesce) tn. Coal'man, [colemn] s. carbo- coperto di ragnotela. najo, m. Coch'ineal, [coscinlle] s. cocci- Code, [cde] s. codice, tn. Cod'-fish, [cod-fsc] s. merluzCoar-merchant , [cole-meurt- niglia, f. zo, tn. cint] .mercante di carboni, wi. Coch'leary, [coclir] adj. spiCod'ger, [codgeir] s. avaro, tn. Coal'-mine, [cole-maine] Coal'- rale, turbinato. pit, [cole-pt] s. miniera di Cock, [cc] s. gallo, m.; can- Cod'icil, [cdisl] . codicillo, tn. (aggiunta al testamento). carbone, f. nella (di condotti); forma d'un Coal'-scuttle, [cle-sceutl] s. cappello), ./.; ago della bilan- Codille', [codil] s. codiglio, m. secchia da carbon fossile, f. cia, gnomone, stilo, cane (d'uno Cod'le, [cd'l] V. a. bollire, cuoCoal'y, [cole] adj. pieno di car- schioppo), m.; - of hay, s. bica cere. Cod'ling, [codling] s. piccol bone. di fieno, /. Coapta'tion, [coaptescieiin] s. Cock, [ee] V. a. innalzare, mon- merluzzo, tn. ; mela da lessaaggiustamento, m. tare; -, V. n. fare il grande, re, f. Coef ficacy, [ceficase'] s. coopeCoarct', [carct] v. a. coartare, gonfiarsi. ristrignere. Cockade', [cchode] s. fiocco, m.; ramento, tn. Coeffl'ciency, [cefisciense'] s. Coarcta'tion , [coarctscieiin] coccarda, f. cooperazione, f s. coartazione, /". ristrigni- Cock'atoo, [cocatu] . specie di Coeffl'cient,[cefscient]s.(a?<;.) raento, m. pappagallo f. Coarse, [crse] adj. grosso, gros- Cock'atrice, [cocatraise] s. ba- coefficiente, m. Coemp'tion, [cempsciun] s. solano, sgarbato. silischio, m. Coarse'ly, [crsele'] adv. grosso- Cock'-boat, [ccbote] . bar- compra reciproca, f. Coe'qual, (cqual] adj. coelanamente, rozzamente. chetta, f. Coarse'ness, [corsens] s. ru- Cock'-brained, [coc-bren'd] adj. guale. videzza, rozzezza, f. Coequal'ity, [ciquolit] s.ectuavolatile, temerario. Coast, [coste] s. costa, f. ; li- Cock'-broth, [cc-brauth-] . lit, f. do, m. Coequal'ly, [ciquale'] adv. coebrodo di gallo, tn. Coast, [coste] v. n. costeggiare, Cock'-crowing, [cc-croing] . gualmente. andar lungo le coste. Coerce', [ceirse] v. a. restricanto del gallo, m. Coas'ter, [csteir] s. costeggia- Cock'er, [cocheur] s. chi ama i gnere, reprimere. tore, pilota costiere, m. Coer'cion, [ceurscieun] s. cocombattimenti dei galli. Coast'ing, [costing] s. cabot- Cock'er, [cocheiir] v. a. acca- striguimento , rafifrenamentaggio, m. to, tn. rezzare. Coast'ing-pilot , [csting-pai- Cock'erel, [ccheirl] . gallo Coer'cive, [ceursiv] ailj. coerleul] s._piloto costiere, m. giovine, m. citivo. Coat, [cote] s. vestito, abito, m.; Cockering, [cocheuring] s. ac- Coer'cively, [ceursivl] adj. in gonnella,/".; sajo; tosone, vel-l carezzamento, tn. modo coercitivo. lo, tn.; great -, s. soprabito, wi.; Cock'fight, [cc-fTiite] . batta- Coessen'tial, [cesenscal] adj, - Of arms, s. arme, insegna di' glia di galli, f. della medesima essenza.
; ;

Coeta'neous, [coitenieus] coetaneo. Coeter'nal , [coiteurnal]

adj. Co'gitatve,


Coin, [coin]
ta, coniare.
v. a.

[codgitativ] adj. pensieroso, meditativo. adj Cog'nate, [cgnte] adj. cognato. Cogna'tion, [cgnscieun] s. cocoeterno. gnazione, parentela, affinit, /. [citeurnite'] Ooeter'nity , s. Cogni'tion, [cgnisciein] s. cocoeternit,/". noscenza, /.; convincimento, m. Coe'val, [cval] Coevous, [coi Cognitive, [cognitiv] adj. conovus] adj. contemporaneo. Coexist', [cogzistj v. n. coesi- scitivo, che ha il potere di conoscere. stere. Coexis'tence, [coegzTstense] s. Cognizable, [conizabl] adj. che coesistenza, f. pu essere provato od esamiCoexis'tent , fcegzTstnt] adj. nato. Cog'nizance, [coniznse] s. cocoesistente. Coextend , [cecstnd] v. a. noscenza, notizia, marca, /". to coestendere. take - of a thing, prender coCoexten'sion, [ccstenscieuu] gnizione di qualche cosa. s. coostensione, /. Cognom'inal, [cognominai] adj. Coexten'sive, [ccstnsv] adj. cognominato. coestensivo. Cognomina'tion , [cognomineCoffee, [cofi] s. caif, m. scien] s. cognominazione /".; Cof'fee-berryj [cfi-bre'] s. caf- soprannome, m.

battere mone-

[coinedge] s. mone, taggio, wi. _ Coinci'de, [cinsaide] v.n. coincidere, concorrere. Coin'cidence , [coTnsidence] Coin'cidency, [coinsidens] s. coincidenza, /. rincontro, m. Coin'cident , [cinsidnt] adj. coincidente. Coin'cider, [cmnsaideur] s. uno che coincide, m. Coin'er, [coinur] s. monetiero, battinzecca, m. Coin'ing, [coining] s. monetag-






codardo, m.
Colt, [coit] s. morella; to play at -s, giuocare alle morelle. Coi'tion, [cisciun] s. coito,

f, m. Coffee-cup, [cofl-cheup] s. tazza da caff, f. Coffee-house , [coflhaouse] s. caff, m.; bottega da caff, f. Coffee-man, [cofi-man] s. caffettiere, m. Coffee-pot, [cofl-pcit] s. caffet-



Coffee-roaster , . tamburo da arrostire f, m. Coffee-room, [cofl-rum]

[cognosense] s. accoppiamento, m. Coke, [coche] s. carbone estinconoscenza, scienza, f. Cognos'cible , [cognsibl] adj. to, m. Col'ander, [cheulandeiir] s. coconoscibile. Cognos'citive, [cognositiv] adj. latojo, setaccio, m. conoscitivo - faculty, s. facolt Cola'ton, [clscieun] s. filtrazione, f. filtro, m. conoscitiva, f. Cohab'it, [chbit] v. n. coabi- Corature,[clatciure] s. colatura, filtrazione, f. tare, vivere insieme. [cofl-rosteur] Cohab'itant, [cohabitant] s. coa- Colbertine', [colbertalne] s. spe-




cie di nastro, m. bitatore, m. Cohabita'tion, [cohbitscieun] Cold, [cold] adj. freddo, indif-





un albergo.

Coffee-table, [cfi-tebl] s. za, /.; to be -, avere freddo; to vola da caff, /, compagna nelT eredit, f. grow -, raffreddarsi; -, s. fredCoffee-tree, [cof-tr] s. caf- Cohere', [chire] v. n. aderire; do, m.; freddezza, /".; to catch f, m. esser conforme, convenire, af- a -, infreddarsi. Coffer, [cofeir] s. cofano, vi. farsi. Cold'blooded, [cold bleuded] cassa, f. forziere, m. Cohe'rence, [cohirense] Cohe'- adj. freddo, disappassionato. Coffer , [cfeiir] v. a. incas- rency, [cohrns] s. coerenza, Cold'-hearted,[c51d-hrtedJa(//'. * sare. freddo, insensibile. connessione, /". Cofferer, [cfeiirur] s. teso- Cohe'rent, [cohirent] adj. coe- Cold'ish, [cldisc] adj. alquanto

s. coabitazione, f. Coheir', [corej s. coerede, m. ta- Cohei'ress, [coers] s. coerede,





sangue freddo, w.; indifferen-

rente, consistente. cata- Cohe'sion , [cohlgeun] s. coeletto, m. sione, f. Coffin, [cfln] V. a. porre nel Cohe'sive, [chisiv] adj. adecataletto. rente; glutinoso. Cof fin-maker, [cofin-mecheur] Cohe'siveness , [cohsivnes] s. $. facitore di cataletti, m. coerenza, unions, f. Cog, [cog] s. piccola barca, f.; Co'hobate[chobte]v.n.(c/i I/m.) dente (d'una ruota), m. distillare di nuovo, rimescolare. Cog, [cog] V. a. adulare, lusin- Cohoba'tion, [chbscieun] s. gare; to - the dice, impiombare rimescolamento, m. i dadi. Co'hort, [cohort] s. coorte, f.

riere de^lTerario.

Coffin, [cfin]



freddo, freddiccio. Cold'ly, [cldle'] adv.


Cold'ness, [cldnes]
za, indifferenza,

Cole, [cle]


cavolo, m. [coleopterous] , adj. coleottero. Coleop'tera, [cleoptera] s. cos.

leotteri, m. pi,

Cole'-seed, di cavolo.




Co'gency, [codgens]


forza, Cohorta'tion



[chortesciun] Cole'wort, [cle'ouert] stimolo, m. verzotto, m.




Cogent, [codgent]
resistibilmente. Cog'ger, [cogheiir] lusingatore, m.

adj. potente, Coif, [colf]


no, m.

berretti- Col'ic, [colie] s. colica, f. Collapse', [colpse] v. n. cadere

Co'gently, [cdgentl] adv. ir- Coifed, [coif'd] adj. coperto con




Cog'ging, [cogMng] s. adulazione, lusinga, inganno, m.

Co'gitate, [cdgitte] v. a. cogitare, pensare, ruminare. Cogita'tion, [codgtsciun] s. pensiero, m.; meditazione, /.

Col'lar, [coleur] s. collare, colCoiffure, [coifiire] s. acconcia- laretto, m.; -of brawn, pezzo tura di capo, f. di carne salata, f. ; capo fredCoigne, [coin] vedi Coin. do, m. Coil, [coil] s. strepito, remore, Col'lar, [coleir] v. a. prendere garbuglio, m. al collare. Coil, [coil] V. a. raggomitolare. Col'lar-bone, [coleur-bne] $. Coin, [coin] s. moneta, /.; dana- '{anat.) clavicola, f. ro, conio, angolo, m. Collate', [clete] v.a. conferir;




ficio ecclesiastico.-

[cheuleurabl] [coliquifac- Col'orable, comparare, conferire un 'bene- CoUiquefac'tion , spezioso, plausibile. sciein] s. colliquamento, m.

Collat'eral, [clterl] adj. col- Colli'sion, [cligeiin] s. collisione, f.; concorso, m. laterale. Collat'erally, [colterale'] adv. Coriocate, [colchetej . a. collocare, porre. in linea collaterale, Colla'tion, [colscioun] s. colla- CoUoca'tion, [colchcscieun] s. collocazione, /".; collocamento, zione, coleziono, f. CoUa'tor, [clteir] s. collato- collocare, m. (commendare. CoUoeu'tion, [colochusciein] s. re, m. Collaud', [claud] s. collaudare, conversazione, conferenza, /. Col'league, [clighe] s. collega, Col'lop , [coleiip] s. fetta di carne, /. compagno, m. Corieague, [clTghe] v. a. col- Colloquiai, [colquial] adj. appartenente al colloquio. legare, congiugnere. Corieagueship , [clIghescTp] Col'loquist, [coloquist] Collos. collegamento, m.; associa- cutor, [colcbiuteur] s. quello che parla in un djalogo. zione, f. Col'lect, [colect] s. colletta, f. Col'loquy, [clcoiie'] s. colloCollect', [clct] v.a. raccogliequio, m.; conferenza,/". re, fare una colletta, compilare; Collucta'tion, [coleuctesciein] to - one's self, raccogliersi. 8. combattimento, m.;disputa, /. Collecta'neous, [colctnieis] Collude', [cliMe] v. n. colluadj. raccolto insieme. dere, ingannare, f. Collec'tedly, [clectdle'] adv. Colluder, [clideir] . ingan-

Corora)ly, [chulurable'] adv. speziosamente, plausibilmente. Colora'tion, [clorsciun] $. colorazione, /".; il colorare, m. Colored, [cheiileiir'd] adj colorato, colorito, tinto.

Colorific, [colorific] adj colorante. Col'oring, [cheuleurng] s. colorito, coloramento, m. Col'orist, [cheuleurst] s. colorista,


Col'orless , [cheuleurles] ad}. senza colore; trasparente. Colesse', [close'] s colosso, m. Colosse'an, [colosan] adj. colossale, gigantesco. Colos'sus, [colseis] vedi Colesse.

natore, m. collettivamente. Collec'tedness, [colectednes] s. Colluding , [colluding] a. in- mere, m. Colt'ish, [coltsc] adj. dissoluto, raccolta, unione, f. ganno. CoUec'tion, [clcscieun] s. col- Collu'sion, [coliugeun] s. collu- stravagante._ Coltishly, [coltisele'] adv. dislezione, raccolta,/'.; estratto, m. sione, /.; inganiio, m. solutamente, stravagantemenCollecti'tious , [colctscieus] Collu'sive, [coliusv] adj. coladj. collettizio.

Colt, [clt] 8. puledro, poledro, pazzarello, m. Colt, [clt] V. n. scherzare, trescare. Col'ter, [clteur] s. coltro, vo-



CoUec'tive, [clectiv] adj. col- CoUu'sively, [coliusvle'] adv. Colt's'-foot, [colt's-fut] 8. {boi.) unghia cavallina, /. lettivo, aggregato. collusivamente. adj. Colt's'-tooth, [clfs-tth^] 8. [coliuseure'] Collec'tively , [clctivl] adv. CoUu'sory , dente di latto, m.; frascheria, f. collettivamente. collusivo. Col'ubrine, [coliubraine] adj. di Collec'tTeness, [colectvnes] s. Col'ly, [cole] s. fuliggine, f. serpe astuto. raccolta, f. nero, m. CoUec'tor, [colcteur] s. collet- CoUy'rium, [colrieiim] s. (med.) Col'umbary, [cleumhare'] s. colombaja, /.; colombajo, m-, tore, cassiere, m. collirio, m. Colleg'atary, [clgatr] s. col- Colocynth, [closlnth-] s. pomo Col'umbine , [cleiimb:tine] . colombina, f. legatario, wi. amaro. Col'lege, [cIedge] s. collegio, Co'lon, [colon] s. due punti, m. Corumn, [cleum] s. colonna, /. Colum'nar, [cleuranr] adj. di m.\ congregazione, f. pi. ; (anat.) colon, m. CoUe'gial, [clidgil] a(/j. colle- Col'onel, [cheurnl] s. colonnel- colonne. Colures', [coliires] s. pi. {asir.) giale. lo, m. CoUe'gian, [colidgin] s. mem- Colonel'cy, [cheirnelse'] Col'- coluri, m._ bro d' un collegio, m. onelship, [cheirnlscp] gra- Co'ma, [coma] 8. letargia, f.; stupore, m._ CoUe'giate, [clidgite] adj. col- do di colonnello, m. legiato, d'un collegio. Colo'nial, [colonial] adj. colo- Cornate', [comte] s. compagno,
; ;

Col'let, [clt] s. castone; collaniale. retto, m. Col'onist, [colonist] s^ colono^wi. Collide', [colaide] v.a. collidere, Colonization, [colnaizsciein]

associato, m.; adj. peli oso.

Comatose', [comatze]

adj. le-

percuotere insieme, schiacciare. 8. il formare colonie. Col'lier, [colieur] s. carbonajo, Colonize, [colnaize] v. a. form.; barca carbonaja, /".; vascello mare colonie, popolare di abida carbone, m. tanti. Col'liery, [colieiir] s. miniera Colonnade', [colonidc] . colondi carbone, f. nata, /. Col'liflower, [coliflaour] s. ca- Col'ony, [coln] s^ colonia, /". volo fiore, m. Coloph'ony, [colofone] s. coloCol'ligate, [clighete] v. a. le- fonia, /.

Comb, [come]

s. pettine, w.; favo, m. Comb, [cme] v. a. pettinare, scarstrigliare, stregghiare dassare, cardare; to - one's head, pettinarsi.

Com'bat, [cheumbat]




Combat, [cheumbat]

v. a.



gare insieme.

Coloquin'tida, [colquntida]

Colliga'tion, [colighsciein] s. {bot.) colloquintida, /. collegazione, concatenazione, f Col'orate, [clrte] adj Comb'-brush, [cme-breiscj s. Colliq'uable , [coliqtabl] adj. rato, tinto. colliquativo, liquefattivo. Col'or, [cheileur] s. colore, pre- scopetta, f. Col'liquate, [cliqote] v.a. dis- testo, m. apparenza, /.; -s. pi. Comb'-case, [come-cbse ] s. pettiniera, /. insegna, bandiera, /. solvere, liquefare. CoUiqua'tion, [cliquesciein] s. Color, [cheileur] r. a colorare; Com'ber, [cmour] s. pettinatoscusare -, v. n. divenire rosso. re, ecardassiere, cardatore, m colliquazione, liquefazione, f.

combattere, oppugnare. Com'batant , [cheuinbatnt] s. combattente, combattitore, m. colos.

Combi'nable, [comTjainal)]] che si pu cointinaro.






adj. avente la forza d




fjombina'tion, [cornbinescicun] Come'liness, [clieumlines] grazia, vaghezza, f. s. combinazione; trama, f.


[comandeur] comandante, capo, tn.

Combine', [comblLine]
binare, unire; si, unirsi.
-, v.

v. a.

com- Come'ly, [cheiimlej


n. associar-

Comman'dery, [cdmandeiire'] . commenda, /. graziosamente, decentemente, Command'ing, [comanding]a?j.

adj. grazio-,




[cmng- gentilmente. , mantellina, f. Com'er, [cheumeur] s. uno che Comb'less, [comeles] adj. senza viene; new -, s. forestiere, m. Comes'tible , [comestibl] adj. cresta. Comb'-maker, [come-nicheir] commestibile. Com'et, [comet] s. cometa, f. . petiinagnolo, m. Combur'gess, [combeurdges] s. Com'etary, [cometareJComet'ic, concittadino, m. [cometic] adj. cometario. Combus'tible, [combeiistibl] adj. Cometo'graphy, [comitografe] combustibile. . cometografia, f. Combustibility, [combeSstibili- Com'fit, [cheiimfit] s. confetto, t] Combus'tibleness, [com- m. conserva, f. beiistiblns] s. combustibilit,/. Com'fit, [cheiimfit] v. a. confetCombus'tion , [combeustcieHn] tare. [cheumfit-m s. combustione, abbruciamen- Com'fit-maker, cheur] s. confettiere, confetto, m. Combustive, [combustiv] adj. tatore, m. Com'fiture , [cheiimfitcieur] s. atto a prendere fuoco. Come, [clieum] v. n. irr. {came; confettura, conserva, f. come) venire, pervenire, avve- Com'fort, [cheiimfeiirt] s. connire, arrivare; to -, in futuro; forto, ajuto, m.; consolazione, time to -, tempo a venire, il fu- ricreazione, f. turo <o - to life, riprender vita; Com'fort , [cheumfeurt] v. a. to - to one's self, ricuperare gli confortare, ristorare. spiriti; to - to nothing, fallire; Com'fortable, [cheiimfeurtabl] to - to pass, arrivare, succedeadj. confortevole, confortativo, re; to - near, accostarsi; to grato.
; ;


comandante di guardia; -, t, comandamento, m. Comman'dingly, [comandingl] adv. in modo comandante.


Command'ment, [comandraentl
s. comandamento, m. Comman'dress, [comandres] donna sovrana, /.

Commate'rial, [comatlrial] adj.

della medesima materia. Commateriarity[cmatirilite']
s. medesima materialit, /. Commeasurable, [commgiure-




Commem'orate, [comomorte] V. a. commemorare, celebrare. Commemora'tion [cmmorscieun] s. commemoramento ,


m.; ricordanza; celebrazione,/.

Commem'orative, [commemorativ] Commemo'ratory, [commmorateur]af/j.


commemorav. a. Si

Commence', [comense]

.cominciare, entrare, avviare.


cominciamento, principio, m.

short, esser inferiore, mancare; Com'fortableness, [cheumfur-

Commend', [comnd']
re; approvare.

about, avvenire, cambiare; to - after, seguitare, succedere; to - again, ritornare, rivenire; to -along, venire, venire via; to - asunder, separarsi; to - at, pervenire, ottenere; to - away, venire via, partire; to - by, passare; to - down, venire gi, scendere; to - forth, provenire, procedere; to - forward, avanzare, profittare; to - from, venire da; to - in, entrare; to in to, unirsi, consentire; to -j into, entrare to - into the i<;or/(/, nascere; to - of, discendere, trarre origine; to - off, cascare, scappare, sviarsi, spacciarsi; to - off from, lasciare; to - on, avanzare, avanzarsi, prosperare, profittare; to - out, uscire, apparire, essere pubblicato, spuntare; to - out ivith, discoprire, rivelare; to - over, traversare; to - over one, per-! suadere; to - to, consentire; to\
to ;

tablnes] s. confortazione, f. ; conforto, ristoro, m. Com'fortably, [cheumfeiirtahle'] adv. in modo confortativo, lie-

v.a. commendare, raccomandare, loda-

Commend'able, [comendabl]a<fj.

tamente. Com'forter, [cheumfeurteur]


commendabile, lodevole. [comendas.




[comndaW] adv. commendabilmente. to, m. Commen'dam , [comndam] , Com'fortless, [cheumfeurtles] commenda, /. adj. senza conforto, senza con- Commen'datary, [comendatare'] solazione, desolato. s. commendatario, m. Com'ic, [comic] Com'ical, [com- Commenda'tion[cmndescieun] ical] adj. comico, faceto. 8. commendazione, m.; raccoCom'ically, [comicl] arfv. fa- mandazione, /.; -s, pi. baciacetamente. mani, complimenti, m. pi. Com'icalness , [comicalnes] s. Commendator , [comendeteur] facezia, piacevolezza, f. s. commendatore, m. Com'ing, [cheming] adj. ve- Commen'datory, [cmendatore'] gnente, futuro - forth, nascen- adj. commendatizie. te, futuro -, .venuta, /".; arri- Commen'der , [comeudeur] . vo, tn.; - in, s. entrata, rendicommendatore, lodatore, m. ta,/". Commen'sal, [comnsl] s. comCom'ity , [cernite'] s, cortesia, mensale, tn,
; ;

confortatore, consolatore, m.: the Comforter, lo Spirito San-


civilt, gentilezza,



- to
to -



andare qua

to - together, unirsi;

together again,

Comma, [coma] s. virgola, f. stare alla medesima tavola, m. maritarsi; Command', [comand] s. coman- Commensurabll'ity [comarigiugner-1 do, ordino, m.; I am at your -, siirablite] s. commensurabie l;|

si; /o - up,

montare, spuntare;

sono a sua disposizione.

lit, /.

to - up to, to - up with, acco-i stare, raggiugnere; to - upon,, assalire, sorprendere. Come, [cheiim] int. su! via! ani-

Come'dian, [comdin] mediante; attore, m.

v. a. co- Commen'surable[comensi5rabll mandare, ordinare; -,v. n. ave- adj. commensurabile. re il comando. Commen'surableness, [comenCommandant , [comandnt] s. surablnes] vedi Commensuracomandante, uffiziale coman- hility. Commen'snrate, [comensiiirte] com- dante, m. Comm'andatory[comandature'] adj. proporzionato, eguale.

Command', [comand]




Commen'surate, [comenslurete] Commis'sion, [comscieun] v. a. Com'monplace, [comeunplse] v.a. commensurare, proporzio- commettere, delegare, autoriz- s. soggetto ordinario, m. nare. zare. Com'monplace , [cmenplse] Commen'surately, [comensiu- Com'missionate, [comiscieiin- V. a. ridurre a metodo.



ete] V. a. autorizzare.



Commis'sioner, [cmscieuneur] adj. ordinario, triviale. s. commissario magistrato, ni. Com'monplace-book, [comeun rsciefin] s. proporzione, f. Commis'sure, [comiscieiir] s. plese-biic] s. album letteraCom'ment, [coment] s. cemento, commessura, f. rio, m. m. glossa, f. Commit', [comit] v. a. commet- Com'mons, [comeins] s. camera Comment', [coment] v. n. com- tere, affidare, dare in custodia; bassa, camera de'comuni; plementare, glosare. to - one's seljf to, v. n. rimetbe, /.; the commons, i membri Com'mentary, [cementare'] s. tersi. della camera dei comuni s. pi.; esposizione, annotazione, f. Commit'ment [comitment] doctors' commons, n. collegio di Commenta'tor, [comenteteiir] Com'mittal, [comtl] s. im- diritto romano; s.; commons, Commen'ter, [comenteur] co- prigionamento, arresto, m. mensa dei collegiati, tavola, mentatore, glossatore, m. Commit'tee, [corniti] s. dele- /. cibo, m.; pietanza, f. Commenti'tious[cmntiscieus] gazione, /".; commissarj, m. p/. Com'monweal, [comunoilile] adj. inventato, falso. [comunCommitteeship, [conutiscp] s. Com'monwealth Com'merce, [comurse] s. com- r uffizio di commissarj. ouelth^] s. repubblica, /.




mercio, negozio, m.

Commix', [comics]
schiare, mescolare.



mi- Com'morance



[cmeirse] v. n. aver commercio, trafficare. Commer'cial, [comeiirscil] adj.

Com'morancy, [cmornse]

commercio, commerciale. Commercially, [cmeurscil] adv. in modo commerciale.


Com'migrate, [comaigrte] migrare insieme.


Commigra'tion[cmaigrescein] s. migrazione, /.

Commina'tion, [cominesciein]

minacciamento, m.


cia, f.

(adj. minacciante.

Commix'ton, [comicstieun] s. abitazione, dimora, f. commistione f. mescolamen- Com'morant, [comorant] adj. to, m. commorante, dimorante. Commix'ture, [comTcstchur] s. Commo'tion , [cmoscieun] s. commischiamento, m. mesco- commovimento tumulto, m. lanza, mistura, f. (fia, f. Commo'tioner, [comosciuneir] Commode', [commode] s. cuf- s. commovitore, m. Commo'dious, [comodieus] adj. Commove', [cmuve] v. a. comcomodo, convenevole, agevole. muovere, disturbare, agitare. Commo'diously, [comdieusl] Commune', [comiiinej v.a,. conadv. comodamente. ferire, discorrere. Commo'diousness, [comdieis- Communicabinty, [comiunica,
; ;

Commin'atory [cminatur] Commin'gle, [comingl] v. a.

commischiare, mescolare
V. n.


commisciiiarsi, unirsi.
v. a.

comunicabilit, f. [comiunicabl] Commod'ity, [coraodite'] s. co- adj. comunicabile. modo, vantaggio, profitto, m. Commu'nicant , [comiunicant]

s. convenevolezza, dagno, agio, m.


bilite'] s.


Comminute', [cminite]





polverizzare, sminuzzare. Comminu'ible, [cdminiuibl] adj. polverizzabile. Comminu'tion, [cominiiscieun]


Commodore', [comodore] s. co- Commu'nicate, [comi uniche te] mandante d' una squadra, m. V. a. comunicare, far partecipe, Com'mon, [cmun] adj. comu- compartire; -, v. n. comunine, ordinario, volgare;- council,


polverizzamento, m.

consiglio della citt,



Communica'ton, [cmiuniche'''



adj. commiserabile piet.



Commis'erate, [comizeurete] a. commiserare, compatire.

Commis'erating[cmizeiiretng] adj. compassionevole, misericordioso.




commiserazione, pie-

Commiserative, [comizeuratv]
adj. compassionevole.

comune, *. scieun] s. comunicazione, conpopolazzo, m.; - ferenza, f. commercio, m. sewer, s. fogna, cloaca, /. - Commu'nicative,[comiiinicativ] price, s. prezzo corrente, m. adj. comunicativo, famigliare. soldier, . soldato semplice, m.; Commu'nicativeness, [cmiuni- talk s. voce comune, ^;-, s. catvns] s. natura comunicapascolo comune, m.; in -, in tiva franchezza, f Communicatory, [coraiunichecomunit. Com'monable, [comeinablj adj. teire'] adj. che da conoscenza. Com'munion, [comiunieun] g, tenuto in comune. Com'monage , [cmeiiudge] s. comunione, societ, corrispondiritto di pascere, m. denza, f.


polazzo, m.



Commu'non-cup, [comiunieunchup]



comunanza, comunit,






Commu'nion-cloth [comiunieun-


Commiserator, [comizeurateir]

Com'moner, [cmeineur] s. uno non nobile membro de' comu;

commiseratore, m.


cluth-] .tovaglia della sagra mensa, f. Commu'nion-table[comi5nieinni, m. Commoni'tion [comonscieun] tbl] s. tavola della comunione, f. s. avvertimento, m.

Com'missariship [comsariscp] Commouitive, [comonitfv] Com- Commu'nity, [comiunite'] s. cos. commissariato, m. monitory, [cmioniteiire'] adj. munit, societ, f. Com'missary [cmisare'] avvertente. Commutabirity, [comiiltabilite'J s. commissario, m. Com'monly, [comeunle'] adv. s. qualit commutativa, f. Comms'sion, [cmiscieiin] s. comunemente, usualmente. Commu'table, [cmiutabl] adj.

vetto, tn.








comunanza, frequenza,

Commuta'tion, [comiutscieunl




s. Compen'dinm, [corapendieum] comparazione, analogia, f. in s. compendio, sommario, tn. Commu'tative, [comiutativ] adj. - with, in paragone di; beyond Compen'sable, [cmpnsabl]ttd';, -, senza comparazione, senza compensabile. commutativo. Compen'sate, [compensate] v. Commu'tatively, [coraiutativle] paragone. adv. per via di comrautaziono. Compart', [compart] v. a. com- a. compensare; rimunerare. Compensa'tion[c6mpnsscieun] Commute', [comiiitc] v. a. & n. partire, dividere. commutare, mutare_, scambiare. Compart'ment, [compartment] s. compensazione, /.; compensamento, tn. Commu'tual, [comiutciual] adj. s. compartimento, m. Comparti'tion,[comprtiscieun] Compen'sative, [compensativ] mutuo, reciproco. [compnsaCompact', [compact] adj. com- s. scompartimento, tn.; divisio- Compen'satory , tour] arfj. compensabile, equine, f. patto, denso, connesso. Com'pact, [compact] s. patto, Com'pass, [cheumps] s. circui- valente. mariners' Compense',[compense] v.a. comm. convenzione, f. to, giro, spazio, m. Compact', [compact] v. a. col- compass, bussola, f.; compasso, pensare, rimunerare. legare, consolidare, unire inm.; to keep within -, contenersi, Com'petence[compitnse] Com'petency, [cmpitns] s. comsieme. regolarsi. Com'pactedly , [compactedle'] Com'pass, [cheumps] v. a. cir- petenza, sufficienza, f. adv. saldamente, fortemente. condare, cignere; -, V. n. veni- Com'petent , [compitnt] adj. Compact'edness[cmpctdns] re a capo, ottenere; riuscire. competente, sufficiente. s. sodezza, saldezza, connessio- Com'passes, [cheiimpss] Com'petently,[crapitntle']acl. competentemente. ne, f. compasso, m. Compact'ly, [compctl] adv. Compas'sion, [compasciein] s. Compet'ible, [cmpetibl] adj. saldamente, con precisione. convenevole, conforme. compassione, piet, f. Compac'ture, [cmpactcieir] s. Compas'sionable,[compascieun- Compet'ibleness,[cmpetiblnes] struttura, giuntura, f. s. convenevolezza, conformiabl] adj. compassionevole. Compages, [cmpags] s. com- Compas'sionate, [cmpascieun- t, f. page,/. te] V. a. commiserare, com- Competi'tion, [compitTsciein] Compaginate, [compadginte]i\ patire. s. competenza, concorrenza, f. a. compaginare. Compas'sionately[compascieun- Competitor , [comptiteiir] s. Compagnation, [compadgin- tel] adv. con compassione. competitore, concorrente, tn. scieun] s. compagine, f. Compassio'nateness, [compasc- Competitory,[cmptteire']arfj. Gom'panal)le, [cmpnabl] adj. ieuntens] s. compassiona- opponente, concorrente. sociabile. mento, T essere compassione- Compila'tion, [cmpailscieun] Com'panableness, [compana- vole, m. s. compilazione, collezione, f. blnes] s. sociabilit, f. Compatibil'ity, [compatibilite'] Compile', [compaile] v. a. comCompan'ion, [cmpnieun] s. s. compatibilit, convenienza, pilare, ordinare, comporre. compagno, sozio, m.; good -, s. attezza, f. Compile'ment, [cmpailemnt] uomo gioviale, m. Compat'ible, [compatibl'] adj. s. compilazione, /".; compilamen.

coramutamento, m

commuta- Compar'ison, [comparizeun]




Compan'ionable, [corapanieun- compatibile, convenevole. to, tn.; collezione, f. abl] adj. di buona compagnia, Compat'ibleness [comptiblnos] Compi'ler, [cmpileir]



bl] adv. in



Compan'ionship, [cmpnieiinscip] s. societ, compagnia, f.; seguito, m. Com pany, [cheumpane'] s. com-

[complsentle'] pagnia,societ,assemblea,trupadv. in modo compiacente, cipa,/.; - of a sAip,s. equipaggio, vilmente. m.; to keep -, tener coinpagnia, Complain, [compine] v. a. defrequentare. plorare; -, V. n. compiagnere, Com'pany, [cheumpane'] v. a. zato. lamentarsi. accompagnare, seguire;-, v. n. Compella'tion, [compelescieun] Complai'nant, [complnant] . associarsi. querelante, attore, m. s. nome, titolo, m. Comparatole, [comparaW] adj. Compellatory, [compelateur] Complai'ner, [cmplnnr] s. comparabile. compiagnitore, tn. adj. obbligatorio. Comparably, [comparable'] adv. Compel'ler, [compleiir] s. for- Com'plaining, [complenng] s. a comparazione a petto. lamento, tn.; lamentazione, f. zatore, m. Compar'ative, [cmpratv] adj. Com'pend, [compend] $. com- Complaint', [compiente] s. docomparativo; -, s. (gr.) compa- pendio, abbreviamento, m. glianza, querela, /".; lamento, rativo, m. Compendio'sity [compendiosite] affanno, tn. Compar'atively, [comparativi e] s. brevit, concisione, f. Complaisance', [complezanse] adv. a comparazione, rispetti- Compen'dious , [cmpendieus] s. compiacenza, cortesia, f. vamente. od;, compendioso, succinto, con- Complaisant', [complezantjarf)'. Compare', [compire] s. compa- ciso. cortese, civile. razione, /". agguaglio, tn.; somi- Compen'diously[compendieusle'] Complaisant'ly, [complesantlej glianza, f. adv. cortesemente, con civilt. adv. in compendio. Compare', [compere] v a. com- Compen'diousness, [compen- Complaisant'ness, [cmplesntparare, assomigliare, aggua- diusns] s. brevit, concisio- nes] s. afi'abilit, cWilt, f, gliare. Compla'nate, [complenete] Comne, cortezza, f.

convenienza, conformit, f. Compat'ibly, [compatible] adv. conformemente, attamente. Compa'triot , [compatriot] s. compatriota, m. Compeer', [compire] v.a. andar del pari, agguagliare, adeguare. Compel', [compel] v. a. cestrignere, forzare, obbligare. Compel'lable, [cmpelabl] adj. che pu essere costretto, fors.



Compla'cence , [complisense] Compla'cency, [cmplsns] s. compiacenza, piacevolezza,/'. Compla'cent, [cmplsent] adj.



Diz. Ing.-Ital.





plane', [compline] v. a. appia- Cemplimen'tally, [complimen- Componnd'able, [corapaoiindabll tale] adv. cortesemente. adj. che pu essere composto. nare, spianare.

[cmpaoundeur] complimentoso. s. mediatore, m. Complemen'tal,[coraplemental] Com'plimenter[complimenteiir] Comprehend', [comprihend] 9. adj. aggiunto. s. che fa complimenti, adulaa. comprendere, intendere, conComplete', [compllte] adj. com- tore, m. tenere. piuto, perfetto. Com'plot, [complot] s. cospira- Comprehensible, [comprihnComplete', [complite] v. a. com- zione, congiura, f. sibl] adj. comprensibile, intelpire, finire. Complot', [complot] v. a. cospi- ligibile. Complete'ly, [compiitele] adv. rare, congiurare. Comprehen'sibleness, [compricompiutamente, perfettamente. Complot'ter , [comploteir] s. hnsiblns] s. intelligibilit, f. Complete'ness, [complitens] s. cospiratore, congiuratore, w. Comprehen'sibly, [comprihncompimento, m. perfezione, Comply', [cmplai] v. n. condi- sibl] adv. in modo comprenComple'tion, [coinpliscieun] s. scendere, conformarsi, adat- sibile. adempimento, colmo, m. tarsi. Comprehension, [comprihenComple'tive , [complitiv] adj. Comply 'ing,[complaiing] s. con- scieun] s. comprensione, intelche compisce. ligenza, f. discendenza, /". Com'plex, [cmplecs] adj. com- Com'ponency, [compnense'] s. Comprehen'sive, [comprihensv] plesso, composto; -,s. comples- mistura, combinazione. adj. che comprende molto; succinto. so, tn.; complicazione, unione./". Compo'nent, [component] adj. Complex'edness, [cmplecsd- componente, costituente. Comprehen'sively, [comprihenns] s, complesso, adunamen- Com'port, [comport] s. porta- svl] adv. comprensivamente. to, m. Comprehen'siveness, [comprimento, modo, m._ Complex'ion, [complcsciunl s Comport', [comport] v. a. soffe- hnsivns] s. precisione, f. carn.igione, rire; -,v.n. convenire, compor- Com'press, [coraprs] s. {surg.) costituzione, f. stato del corpo, m. piumacciuolo, ni. tarsi, accomodarsi. Complex'ional, [complcsciun- Comport'able, [comportabl] adj. Compress', [cmprs] v.a. coml] adj. elle viene da costituprimere, ristrignere. convenevole. zione. Compor'tance , [comprtanse] Compressibil'ity, [cmpresibTlComplex'ionally[complescieun- Comport'ment, [comportment] it] . attitudine ad essere lj adv. da costituzione. compresso, /. s. portamento, m. Comple'xioned,[complcscen- Compose', [compose] v. a. com- Compres'sible, [compresibl] adj 'd] adj. complesso. porre, ordinare, regolare, ac- che pu essere compresso. Complex'ity, [cmplecsite'] s. comodare; to - one's self, met- Compres'sion , [comprsciun] complicazione, f. Compres'sure, [cmprscieur] tersi sul serio; to - a difference, .compressione,/'. Complex'ly, [complecsle'] adv. decidere una differenza. in modo complesso, unitamente. Compo'sed, [cmpoz'd] ad;, com- Compres'sive, [cmpresv] adj. compressivo. Complex'ness, [craplcsns] s. posto, quieto grave. complicazione, f. Compo'sedly, [cmpozedle'] adv. Comprint', [comprint] v.a. contraffare un libro. Complex'ure, [complecsciiire] s. compostamente, seriamente. involvimento, m.; congiunzio- Compo'sedness, [cmpzdnes] Compri'sal, [cmpraizal] s. comprendimento, m. ne, f. s. compostezza, tranquillit, f. Compli'able, [compliatl] adj. Compo'ser, [cmpzeur] s. com- Comprise', [cmpraize] v. a. compiacente. ponitore , compositore auto- comprendere, contenere_. Com'probate, [comprobete] v. Compli'ance, [complaianse] s, re, m. compiacenza, f. Compo'site , [compozaite] s. a. comprovare. [comprobComproba'tion , Compli'ant, [complaant] adj. composto. condiscendente. Composi'tion, [compziscieun] sciein] s. comprovazione, /. Com'plicate, [complichete] v.a. 8. composizione, f. composto, Com'promise, [cmpromaize] s. imbrogliare, intrecciare. aggiustamento, m. ijur.) compromesso, m. Com'plicate,[c()mplichete[Com'- Compos'itive, [cmpositiv] adj. Com'promise, [cmprmaize] v. a. compromettere. plicated, [complichetd] adj. componente. complicato, composto, imbro- Compo'sitor, [compositeur] s. Compromisso'rial, [compromisril] adj. di compromesso. gliato. compositore, stampatore, m. Com'plicateness, [complichete- Com'post, [compost] s. letame, Com'promit, [cmprmt] v a. compromettere. ns] s. involvimento, imbro- concime, m. glio, m. Com'post, [compost] v. o. leta- Compt, [corapt] s. conto, m. (poco usato). Complica'tion[complicliescieun] mare, concimare. [compzieiire] s Compt, [compt] v. a. contare, f. complicazione, unione, ag- Compo'sure, computare, (poco usato). gregazione, f. compostezza; quiete, tranquilCompt'ible, [cmptibl] adj. obCom'plice, [complis] s. compli- lit, f. {poco ce, confederato, m. Compota'tion, [compotscieun] bligato , risponsabile Compli'er, [cmplaieiir] s. che s. compotazione, gozzoviglia,/. usato). compiace facilmente. Com'pound , [compaund] adj. Comp troll', [controle] v. a. Com'pliment, [compliment] s. composto, mescolato; -, s. com- sindacare, criticare. ComptroH'er, [cntroleur] s. complimento, m. posto, componimento_, mCpmpliment', [compliment] v.a. Compound', [cmpaoind] v. a. intendente, inspettore, direttocomplimentare, far cerimonie. comporre, combinare; -, v. n. re, m. Complimen'tal, [complimentai} aggiustarsi; accordarsi, conve- Comptroll'ership, [cntroleurscip] s. soprintendenza, /". nire. <idj. cerimonioso.

Com'plement, [complement] compimento, m.


Complimentary, [complimenta- Compound'er,






Concerta'tion, [consertoscieun]
s. querela, contesa, f. Concer'tative,[consrtativ]aci'/. contenzioso, rissoso. Concession , [consesciein] i. concessione, f. ; concedimen-

[compeulsativ] Conceal'ment, [consTlement] s. colamento, nascondimento, m. Compul'satively , [compeulsa- Concede', [cnside] v. a. concedere, permettere, acconsentvl] adv. per forza. [compeulsa- tire. Compursatory , tcure] adj. coercitivo, coattivo. Conceit', [conslte] s. concetto, Compursion, [compeulscieun] s. pensiero, wi.; fantasa, voglia, f. costrignimento, m.; violenza, Conceit', [consite] v. n. immaginarsi-, pensare, credere. forza, /". Compul'sive, [compeulsiv] adj. Conceit'ed, [consitd] adj. affettato, vano. coercitivo. Compul'sively, [compeulsTvle'] Conceit'edly, [consltedle'] adv. in modo affettato, fantasticaadv. forzatamente, per forza. Compul'siveness, [compeiilsiv- mente, vanamente. nes] s. costrignimento, wi.; for- Conceit'edness, [constednes] s. affettazione, presunzione, vaza, f. Compul'sorily, [compeiilseiirile'J nagloria, f. Conceit'less, [conslteles] adj. adv. in modo coercitivo. Compul'sory , [cmpeulseire'] inconsiderato, stupido. Conceiv'able, [cnsivabl] adj. vedi Compulsative. Compunc'tion[cmpeincscieun] che pu concepirsi, intelligihile. s. compunzione,/".; rimorso, penConceiv'a'bleness , [conslvahltimento, m. Compunc'tions , [compeinc- ns] s. concepimento, m. scieus]arfi.penitente,attristato. Conceiv'ably, [conslvable'] adv. Compurga'tion , fcmpeurgh- in modo comprensibile. scieun] s. giustificazione, f. Conceive', [consive] v. a. conCompurga'tor [compeurghteir] cepire, comprendere; -, v. n . giustificatore, m. immagipensare , figurarsi Comput'able, [cmputabl] adj. narsi, (prenditore, m. Conceiv'er, [consveur] s. comche si pu computare. _ Compata'tion, [cmputescieun] Conceiv'ing, [cnsivng] s. cons. computo, calcolo, m. cepimento, m. Compute', [cmpiite] v. a. com- Concent', [consent] s. concenputare, calcolare, to, m. armonia, /. _ Comput'er, [cmpiitour] Com'- Concen'trate, [consntrete] v. putist, [cmpiiitst] s. com- a. concentrare. putista, m. Concentra'tion , [consentrComrade, [cheimrde] s. com- sciun] s. concentrazione, f. pagno, sozio, m. Concen'tre, [cnsntreiir] v. a. Con, [con] adv. contra; pro concentrare; -, v. n. concenand -, pro e contra. trarsi. Con, [con] v. a. studiare, sa- Concen'tric, [consentric] Conadj. costringente.
, ;

to, m. Conces'sionary,

[consescieunar] adj. conceduto. Conces'sive, [conssvjac//. concesso. Conces'sively, [consesvlj adv. per concessione. Conch, [cnc] s. conca,/".

Conchology,[c()nc15dg]s. concologia, /. (ciliare. Conci'liar, [consiliar] adj conConcil'late, [cnsilite] v. a. conciliare, unire, accordare. Concilia'tion , [consliscieiin] s. conciliazione, f. Concila'tor , [cnsiliateiir] . conciliatore, mediatore, m. Concll'iatory , [cnsiliateiire'] adj. conciliatorio , che concilia.

Concin'nity, [consinite'] s. concinnit, decenza, eleganza, f. Concin'nous,[cnsneis] ad/, decente, piacevole. Concise', [cnsaise] adj. conciso, succinto. Concise'ly , [consaisele'] adv. concisamente, con brevit. Concise'ness, [cnsaisens] s. brevit, precisione, f. Conci'slon, [cnsziein] s. concisione,

Concta'tion, [consaitscieun] s. concitamento, m.; agitazione,

commozione, /. Conclama'tion [conclamscieun]





[consntricl] adj. Con'clave, [conclve]



Concam'erate, [concamirete]



a. {arch.) fare a volta. Concen'tual, [consntiial] adj. Conclude', [conci ide] v.a. conConcat'enate, [cnctinite] v. armonioso. chiudere, terminare, risolvere, a. concatenare, collegare, uni- Concep 'tibie, [conseptibl] adj. decidere; to -, in conclusione,

comprensibile, intelligibile. per finirla. [concatin- Concep'tion, [cnspscieun] s. Conclu'dency, [conci udnse'] s. scioun] s. concatenazione, seconcezione, /. ; concepimento, conchiusione, conseguenza, f. quenza, serie, f. pensiero, m. Conclu'dent, [cnclidntj adj. (cavo. Con'cave, [cncheve] adj. con- Concep'tious , concludente, decisivo. [cnsepsceis] Concav'ity, [cncvit] s. con- Concep'tive, [cnsptv] adj. Conclu'dingly , [cnci Sdngle'] cavit, f. atto a concepire. adv. incontrovertibilmente.

re insieme.


Conca'vous, [concheveus] adj. Concern', [conseurn] s. affare, concavo, concavato. negozio, interesse, m. imporConca'TOUSly, tanza, conseguenza, f. [cncheveusl] adv. in forma concava. Concern', [conseurn] v.a. conConceal', [conslle] v. a. celare, cernere, appartenere, risguarnascondere. dare, importare; to - one's self, Conceal'able, [consileabl] adj. ingerirsi, impacciarsi, tormenche si pu celare. tarsi. Concearedly, [cnsiledle'] adv. Concer'uing:,[conse\irnng]prep. nascostamente. concernente, intorno. Conceal'edness, [conslednes] Concern'ment, [conseurnmnt] s. nascondimento, m. s'. affare, m.; importanza, f. Conceal'er, [cnsileur] s. na- Con'cert, [consrt] s. concerto, sconditore, occultatore, m, accordo, m.

Conclu'sion, [conci igieiin] . conchiusione, f.; fine, m.; decisione,


Conclu'slonal, [conci ugieunal] adj. che tende ad una conclusione.


[conci iisiv] adj. , conclusivo, decisivo. Conclu'sively, [conclusivl]a6?v.

Conceal'ing', [consilng] to di nascondersi, m.


conclusivamente. Conclu'siveness, [conci Ssivnes] conseguenza, f, s conclusione Concoag'ulate, [concghiulte] V. a. congelare insieme. l'at- Concert', [consert] v. a. concer- Concoct', [concoct] v. a. con* tare, deliberare. cuocere; digerire, digestire

Concoct'ed, [concocted] arf;, concotto, digesto.




Concoc'tion, [concocsciein] s. concozione, digestione, f. yonco'ctive, [concoctiv] adj. digestivo,

-, s. competito- Condi'tionary, [condiscieunare'] m. adj. stipulato. Concur'rently, [concheirntle'] Condi'tionate, [condiscieunote] adv. concorrentemente. adj. condizionato, stipulato. Concuss'ion, [concheiiscieiin] s. Condoratory,[c()ndlateur]ady.



Concom'itance, [concomitanse] Condemn', [condom] v. a. conConcom'itancy, [concomitan- dannare, disapprovare, biasimare. se] . concomitanza, compaCondem'nable,[condemnabl]af/j. gnia, f. [concomitant] condannabile, biasimevole. Concom'itant , [cndmnadj. concomitante; -, s. conco- Condemna'tion , gastimitante, compagTione, m. sciein] s. condanna, f. Concom'itantly,[cncmitantle'] go, w. Condem'natory , [condemnaadv. in compagnia. Concom'itate, [concomitete] v. tur] adj. condannatorio. Condem'ner , [condemneur] s. a. accompagnare. biasimatore, riprenditore, m. Con'oord, [concord] s. concorConden'sable, [condnsabl] adj. dia, armonia, f. Con'cord, [concord] v. n. es- condensabile. Conden'sate, [condensete] adj. sere d" accordo. condensato, spesso. Concor'dance, [concordansc] s m. Conden'sate, [condensete] v. a. concordanza, f.; accordo, adj. condensare, spessire; -, v. n. Concor'dant, [concordant] condensarsi, spessirsi. _ concordante, conforme. Concor'dantly , [concordntle'] Condensa'tion, [condensescieun] adv. conformemente. s. condensamento, m. Concor'dat, [concordat] s. con- Condense', [condnse] v. a. con;

di condoglianza. Condole', [condole]




mentare; -, V. n. condolersi. Condole'ment, [condlemnt]

afflizione, ^; dolore che si sento per le tristezze altrui, m.


[cndlnse] . , condoglianza, f. Condo'ling , [condoling] s. r espressione di condoglianza. Condona'ton, [condonscieiu] s. perdono, m. Conduce', [cndise] v. a. condurre, guidare; -, v. n. contribuire, aiutare.




Condu'cement, [condiiisement] s. tendenza f.

Condu'cent, [condiisent] adj. che contribuisce. Condu'cible, [condiSsibl] adj. che contribuisce, utile, favo-

revole. densare, spessire; -, v. n. con- Condu'cibleness,[condiusiblnes] cordato, m.; convenzione, f._ s. utilit, f. Concor'porate , [concorporete] densarsi. Conden'ser , [condenseur] s. Condu'cive, [condisv] adj. acV. a. incorporare. concio, conducevole, Concorpora'tion , [concorpore- condensatore, m. Conden'sity , [condensiti] s. Condu'civeness, [cndiisivnes] scieun] s. incorporamento, m. s. acconcezza, attitudine, f. Con'course, [concorse] s. con- densit, spessezza, f. Condescend', [condsnd] v. n. Con'duct, [condeuct] s. condotcorso, m.; moltitudine, f. ta; scorta; direzione, f. Con'crement, [cncrimnt] s. condiscendere, acconsentire. Condescen'denod , [cndsn- Conduct', [condeuct] v. a. conconcrezione, f. durre, guidare. Concrete', [concrite] adj. con- dnse] s. condiscendenza, f. [condeuctiscreto, spossato; -, s. concreto, Condescen'ding, [cdndsnding] Conducti'tious , cius] adj. affittato. adj. condescendente. attaccamento, m. [cndeiicteiir] s. Concrete', [cncrt] v. a. con- Condescen'dingly , [condsen- Conduc'tor, conduttore, direttore; (rail.) dingle'] adv. in modo condegelare, coagulare -, v. n. conconduttore, m. scendente, obbligantemente gelarsi, coagularsi. [cndsn- Conduc'tress, [condeictres] s. Concrete'ly, [cncrltel] adv. Condescen'sion , conduttrice, direttrice, /". scieiin] s.condescendimento,m. in modo concrete. Concrete'ness, [concritenes] s Condescen'sive , [cndsnsivj Con'duit, [cdndiut] $. condotadj. condescensivo, cort'se. to, acquidotto, m. coagulazione, f. Concre'tion, [concriscieun] /. Condign', [condaine] adj. con- Cone , [cone] s. (geom.) cono, m. degno, meritato. concrezione, coalescenza, f. [concritiv] adj. Condig'nity, [condignlte'] Concre'tive, s. Coney, [cne'] see Cony. Confab'ulate, [cnfbiulete] v. condegnit, /. coagulativo. Concu'binage, [conchubindge;] Condign'ly, [condanele'] adv. n. confabulare, discorrere in;

coTidegnamente , meritevol- sieme. s. concubinato, m. mente, (di Condignity. Confabula'tion , [confabiulCon'cubine, [cnchiabane] s Condign'ness, [condainenos] ve- scieun] s. confabulazione, f.; diconcubina, f. [condiment] s. scorso, m. Concurcate, [concheul chete] v. Con'diment , condimento, m.; salsa, f. Confa'bulatory , [confabiulaa. conculcare, calpestare, rinCondisci'ple, [cndisaipl] s. contuzzare. discepolo, m. Coiicu'piscence[concliinpisense] Condite', [coudaite] v. a. cons. concupiscenza, /. Concu'piscent, [cnchiipisnt] dire, marinare. Condi'tion, [condsciein] s. conadj. libidinoso. Concu'piscible, [conchiupsibl] diziono, /.; stato, grado, umore, m.; tempra, f. adj. concupiscibile. Concur', [cnchur] v. n. con- Condi'tion, [condiscieun] v. a. stipulare, fare contratto. correre, cooperare, convenire. [cndiscieunl] Concur'rence , [cncliurnsel Condi'tional , Concur'rency, [conchurnsj adj. condizionale. . concorrenza, unione, assi- Conditionarity, [condscieiinalite'] odv. condizionalmente, con stenza, f. Concur 'rent, [concheurent] adj. patto.

adj. confabulatorio.






Confect', [confect] v. a. confettare, far confezione. Confec'tion, [cnfcscieun] . confezione, confettura, f. Confec'tionary, [confcscieiinar] s. confezione; quantit
di confetti,


Confec'tioner, [confecscieunur]
confettiere, m.

Confec'tory, [cnfecteure'] adj, appartenente a confetti.




Confed'eracy, [cnfderas] s Confine'ment, [confainement] Conforma'tion [cnformesciein] s. conformazione, {. confederazione, lega, /._ s. costrignimonto, wi.; prigioConform'ist, [conformist] s conne, f. Confed'erate, [cnfederete] adj confoderato, in lega; -, s. con- Confl'ner, [confaineur] s. confi- formista, m. Conform'ity , [confrmte'] , nante, limitrofo, vicino, m. federato, m. Confed'erate, [confederete] v Confln'ity, [cnfinit] s. pros- conformit, simiglianza, /. Conforta'ton, [confrtscieun] simit, vicinanza, f. n. confederarsi, collegarsi. [confederi Confirm', [confeurm] v. a. con- s. confortamento, m. corroboConfedera'tion , razione, (. fermare, ratificare. scieun] s. confederazione, /. Confer', [confeur] v. a. compa- Conflrm'able, [cnfeirmahl] adj. Confound', [confaund] v. a. confondere, distruggere. che si pu confermare. rare; -, V. n. conferire, di Confirma'tion , scorrere. [cnfeurm- Confound'ed, [cnfaundd] adj, Con'ference, fconferense] s. con- scieun] s. confermazione, rati- confuso, cattivo, maledetto. Confound'edly, [cnfaonddle'] ferenza, f. ficazione, prova, f. adv. cattivamente, orribilConfer'rer, [confeureur] s. pre- Conflrma'tor, [cnfeiirraeteir] mente. sentatore, donatore, m. s. conformatore, m. Confer'ring , [confeuring] s Confir'matory, [cnfeiirmateu- Confound'er, [cnfaoundeiir] s. confonditore, m. comparazione, f. 11 conferire re'] adj. confermativo. insieme, m. Conflr'mer, [confeurmur] s. af- Confrater'nity, [confrateurnite'J s. confraternita, societ, f. Confess', [confes] v. a. confes- fermatore, m. sare, concedere; -, v. n. con Conflr'mingly, [confeurmingle'J Confrica'tion, [cnfrlchscieun] s. fregamento, m. adv. con confermazione. fessarsi. Confess'edly, [confasedle'] adv. Confls'cable, [cnfiscabl] adj. Confront', [cnfreunt] v. a. confrontare, comparare, paragoconfiscabile. indubitatamente, certamente. Confess'ion , [cnfscieiin] s. Confls'cate, [confischete] v. a. nare. Confronta'tion , [cnfreuntconfessione, affermazione, f.; confiscare. auricular -, confessione auri- Confls'cate, [confischete] Con- scieun] s. confrontazione, /. ;

riscontro, m. colare, f. fis'cated, [cnfischetdj adj. Confuse', [cnfiize] v. o. conConfess'ional , [confscieinl] confiscato. Confess'ionary, [cnfesciena- Conflsca'tlon, [confischescieun] fondere, disordinare. Confused', [cnfluz'd] adj. conr] adj. confessionale. s. confiscazione, f. Confess'ionlst, [cnfescieunst] Con'fiscator, [cnfischeteiir] s. fuso, imbrogliato, perplesso. Confu'sedly, [cnfiuzdl] adv. s. quello che fa professione di confiscatore, m. confusamente. fede, m. Con'fit, [cnft] s. confetto, m. Confess'or, [confeseir] s. con- Con'fitent, [cnfitent] s. con- Confu'sedness, [confiiizednesl fessore, m. Confu'sion, [cnfiugiun] s. fitente, confessante, m. Confest', [confst] adj. confes- Con'flture, [cnfitcieur] s. con- confusione, (.; perturbamento, sato; aperto, chiaro. m.; distruzione, f. fettura, f. Confest'ly, [confstl] adv. cor- Confix', [confics] v. a. confic- Confu'tablo , [cnfiitabl] adj. tamente, evidentemente. che pu confutarsi. care, attaccare. Confidant', [confidante] s con- Conflx'ure, [cnficsceiir] .con- Confata'tion , [confiitsciun] fidente; familiare, m. s. confulamento, m. ficcamento, m. confutaConfide', [cnfaide] v. n. con- Confla'grant, [confiegrant] adj. zione, f. fidare, confidarsi. Confute', [confiite] v. a. conardente, abbruciante. Con'lidence, icoufidnse] .fidu- Conflagra'tion [conflagrescieiin] futare, riprovare^ cia, confidenza, f. s. conflagrazione, f. Confu'ter, [confiiiteur] s. conCon'fldent, [confident] adj. si- Conflex'ure, [conflcsciurc] s. futatore. curo, sfacciato, temerario; -, s. curvatura, /. Confu'ting , [confiiting] vedi confidente, amico, m. Con'flict, [conflict] s. conflitto, Confutazione. Confiden'tial , combattimento, m. Cenge, [condge] s. saluto, con[cnfidenscil] adj. confidenziale, di confi- Conflict', [conflict] v. n. con- gedo, m,; permissione, licendenza. za, f. tendere; combattere. Con'fidently, [confidentle'] adv. Con'fluence, [confi Sense] s. con- Congo, [cndge] v. n. prender confidentemente, certamente. fluenza, /.; concorso, m. congedo, salutare. Con'fidentness, [confidntns] Con'fluent, [cnfliint] adj. con- Congeal', [condgile] v. a. con8. fiducia, fidanza, fluente, concorrente. gelare; rappigliare. f. Conflgura'tion , [confighiur- Conflux, [confleiics] s. concor- Congeal'able, [condglleablj adj. scieiin] s. configurazione; (as<r.) so, m.; calca, f. che pu congelarsi. costellazione, f. Confluxibi'lity, [conflucsibilit] Congeal'ment, [condgllement] Config'ure, [cnfigheir] v. a. s, concorrimento, m. Congela'tion, [cndgilesciun] configurare, conformare. Conform', [conform] adj. con- s. congelamento, m.; congelaCon'finable, [cnfinahl] adj. forme; simile. zione, f. (genere, m. che pu essere limitato. Conform', [conform] v. a. con- Conge'ner, [condgineiir] s.conCon'fine, [cdnfane] s. confine, formare, concordare; -, v. n. Conge'nerous , [condgenereus] limite, m. conformarsi. adj. congenere. Confine', [confane] v. a. limi- Conform'able, [conformabl] adj. Conge'nerousness , [condgenetare, imprigionare; -, v. n. conformevole, resns] Conge'neracy, [cdnconfinare, essere contiguo. Conform'ableness, [conforma- dgenerac] s. somiglianza di Confine'less, [confaineles] adj. blns] s. conformit, f. origine,/. senza confini, illimitato, im- Conform'ably , [conformable'] Conge'nial, [condgnial] aat/, adv. in conformit. menso. congenere, congruente.



Connect'ed, [conctd] adj. connesso, congiunto. Connect'ing-rod , [conctingrod] s. (loc.) sbarra di congiun(unisce. gimento, /". Connect'ive, [conctiv] adj. che Connec'tively, [conctvle'jodo. congiuntamente, insieme. adj. Connex'ion,(;it;uii|s connessione, relazione, parentela, T-

Congenial'ity , [condginilit] Con'gruously,[congrueusle']adv. Conge'nialness , [condgiaia,!- in modo congruo. Con'ic, [cnc] Conical, [cones] s. affinit, /. Con'genite, [condgenaite] Con'- nical] adj. conico. genital, [condgnitl] adj. con- Con'ically, [conicle'] adv. a maniera di cono. geneo. Cong'er, [congheur] s. gongro, Con'icalness , [conicalnes] s.

m. (pesce).

forma conica,


Congest', [condgest] v. a. am- Coni'ferous , [cnifereis] {bot.) conifero. massare, accumulare. Conges'tion, [condgstieunl s. Conjec'tor, [cndgecteur] s.conammasso, m.; (med.) congestio- ghietturatore, m. Conjec'tural, [cndgectceurl] no,/. Con'giary, [condgiare] s. con- adj. congbietturale. Conjec'turally,[condgectceuralgiario, ni. ] adv. per via di congettura. Congla'ciate, [conglesciite] v Conjec'ture, [condgctcieur] s. n. gelarsi, congelarsi. [congloscie- conghiettura, congettura, f. Conglacia'tion , Conjec'ture, [condgctcieur] v. scieun] s. congelani^ento. w, Conglo'bate, [conglobate] v. a. a. conghietturare, augurare. [cndgctcieurConjec'turer, aggomitolare, appallottolare. Congloba'tion, [conglbscieun] ur] redi Conjector. Conjoin', [cndgioine] v. a. conglobare, m. Conglobo', [cnglbe] v. n. ag- giugner, unire; -, v. n. unirsi. Conjoint', [cndgioint] at/y. congomitolarsi.

Connex'ity, [cncsite'] s. connessit, congiunzione, /. Conni'vance, [cnaivnse] s. connivenza, /. Connive', [cnaive] v. n. usar connivenza, tollerare. Connoisseur', [conesur] s. conoscitore, giudice, m. Con'notate, [cnotte] Connote',
[conte] V. a.

significare, ins.

Connota'tion, [conotescieun]


giunto, unito. Conjoint'ly, [condgiintle] adv. noide, /. Conquas'sate, [conquaste] v. Conglom'erate, [conglomerate] congiuntamente, insieme. [cndgiugl] adj. a. conquassare, scuotere. V. a. conglobare, aggomitolare, Con'jugal , Con'quer, [cncheir] v. a. conconiugale, maritale. ritondare. Conglo'meration, [conglomere- Con'jugally, [cndgiuglo] ac/v. quistare, vincere. Con'querable,[cncheirabl] adj. maritalmente. scieiin] . il conglobare. Conglu'tinate , [cngliutinte] Con'jugate, [condgiughote] v. vincibile, domabile. Con'queror, [cnchreur] s. cona. conjugare. V a. conglutinare, attaccare; -, [condgiugbe- quistatore, vincitore, m. Conjuga'tion , e. n. conglutinarsi. Con'quest, [conquest] s. con^ Conglutina'tion, [congliutin- scieun] s. coniugazione, /. scieun] s. conglutinazione, f.; Conjun'ct , [cndgeunct] adj. qusta; vittoria,/. Consanguin'eous, [consnguinunito. conglutinamento, m.


Connu'bial, [coniubil] adj. coniugale, matrimoniale. Co'noid, [conoid] s. (geom.) co-


ammassare in

[cngllutina- Conjunc'tion[condgeuncsciun] ius] adj. consanguineo. congiunzio- Consangun'ity, [consnguini-i (gr.) s. unione; te'] s. consanguinit, parenteCongrat'ulant, [congrtiulnt] ne, /. la, /. adj. congratulante, felicitante. Conjunc'tive,[condgeunctiv]adj. Con'science, [conscinse] s. coCongrat'ulate, [cngrtiulete] congiuntivo. Conjunc'tively, [cndgeunctiv- scienza, /.; scrupolo, m. V. a. congratulare, felicitare. Congratula'tion, [cngratiul- l] Conjunct'ly, [condgounctl] Conscien'tious, [consci nscius] adv. congiuntamente, unita- adj. coscienzioso, scrupoloso. scien] s. congratulazione, f. Conscien'tiously , [conscinCongratulatory, [cngrtiula- mente. adv. coscienziosaConjunc'ture,[condgeunctciur] sciusl] ture'] adj. congratulatorio. Con'gregate, [congrighete] v. a. s. congiuntura, occasione, /".; mente. Conscien'tiousness, [cnscincaso, wi. congregare, adunare, unire scieiisns] s. scrupolosit, /. [congrigli- Conjura'ton, [condgiurescieun] Congrega'tion , incanto, m.; cospirazione, Con'scionable,[cnscunabl]adji s. scieiin] s. congregazione; aduragionevole, giusto. congiura, /. nanza, f. Congrega'tional , [congrighe- Conjure', [condgiure] v. a. Con'scionableness, [consceunascieual] adj. che appartiene n. scongiurare, cospirare, con- blns] s. equit, giustizia, /. Con'scionably, [cdnscunaMJ ad una congregazione, pub- giurare, esorcizzare. Conjure'ment, [cndgiuremnt] adv. ragionevolmente. "blico. Con'scious,[cnscius]adj. conCon'gress, [congrs] .congres- . supplicazione, f. Con'jurer, [chundgiureiir] s. sapevole, persuaso; to be - of so, m.; conferenza, f. guilt, sentire il proprio delittOi Congres'sive, [cngresTv] adj. scongiuratore; mago, m. Con'juring, [cheundguring] s. Con'sciously, [cnscieusle'] adv. congregante; riscontrato. Con'gruence, [congrunse]Con'- amraaliamento, m.; stregone- sapevolraente. gruency, [cngruuse'] s. con- ria, /.; -book, s. libro di ma Con'sciousness, [consciusns] s. sentimento interno, m. gruenza, conformit, convenien- gi, m. Con'nate, [conote] adj. conna- Con'script, [conscript] adj. coza, f. scritto, conscritto. Con'gruent , [congruent] adj. to, nato insieme. Connat'ural, [conntciural] adj. Conscrip'tion, [conscripscTeun] congruente, convenevole. arrolamens. coscrizione, /. ; Congru'ity, fcngruit] s. con- connaturale. Connex, to, m. Connect' , [conct] gruenza; convenienza,/'. Con'gruous , [cngrueus] adj. [cncs] V. a. connettere, con- Con'secrate, [conscrete] v. a. consagrare, dedicare. giugnere, unire. congruo, conveniente.


tv] adj. conglutinativo.




Con'secrate, [consicrete] Con'- Conser'ver, [conseirveur] .consecrated , [cnsicrtd] adj. servatore, confettiere, m. Conses'sion , [consescievin] s. consacrato, dedicato. consesso, m.; sessione, f. Oonsecra'tioo, [consicrsciun] Consid'er , [consdeur] a. $. consacrazione, f. Con'secrator, [consicreteur] s. considerare, esaminare; -, v. n. pensare, riflettere, meditaconsacrante, m. Con'sectary, [consectare] aij. re, stimare. cousegueaConsid'erable , [consideiraW] conseguente; -, s. adj. considerabile. za, ^; corollario, m. _ [consichiiiscieian] Consid'erableness, [consideuraConsecu'tion, m.; /".; seguito, blns] s. importanza, f. s. consecuzione, Consid'erably, fconsideirable'] concatenazione, f. Consec'utive,[consecliiutv]at/j. adv. considerabilmente^ Consid'erate, [cnsdeurte] adj. consecutivo. pruConsec'utively, [consechiutvlj considerato , discreto dente. adv. consecutivamente.

consolatore, m.

Consol'atory, [consoletoure'J adj. consolatorio, consolante. Console', [consle] v. a consolare, confortare. Con'sole, [consle] s. (arch.) mensola, /. Conso'ler, [consleur] s. consolatore.

Consol'idant, [consolidanti adj. (med.) consolidante, consolidativo.

Consol'ldate, [consolidte] v. a. consolidare; saldare; riunire -, V. n. consolidarsi riu; ;


Consen'sion, [consnscien] s. Consid'erately,[consTd6iretele'] Consolida'tion[consolidscieixnl adv. con considerazione, pru- s. consolidazione, /. accordo, m. Con'sonance, [consonanse] Con'Consent', [consent] s. consen- dentemente. appro- Consid'erateness, [consTder- sonancy, [cnsunsj s. conso, consentimento, m. vazione, /. tenes] s. prudenza, discrezio- sonanza, f. Con'sonant , [consonant] adj. Consent', [consent] v. n. con- ne, f. Considera'tion , [consldeiriconsonante, conforme. sentire, approvare. Consenta'neous,[cnsentnieis] sciein] .considerazione, atten- Con'sonant, [consonant] s. (gr.) zione, riflessione, f. valore, consonante, f. adj convenevole. Con'sonantly , [consonantle'] Consenta'neously , [consente- pregio, m.; importanza, f. adv. convenevolmente, d'acnieiisl] adv. convenevolmente. Consid'erer, [cnsdeiirur] s. [consn- consideratore, m. Consenta'neousness cordo. [consldeurng] Con'sonantness, [consonantnes] tnieusas] s. convenevolezza, Consid'ering , that, atconformit corrispondenconformit, f. conj. atteso, stante; s. za, f. Consen'tient, [consenscint] adj. teso che, perch. consenziente. Consign', [cnsaine] v. a. con- Con'sonous , [consoneus] adj. consono, conforme. Con'sequence, [consiquense] s. segnare, dare in custodia. conseguenza, importanza, f. Consigna'tion, [cnsignscieiin] Con'sort, [consort] s. consorte, consegnazione, f.; deposi- compagno, m.; moglie, f. by -, in per conseguenza. s. Con'sequent, [consiquent] adj. to, m. Consort', [consort] v. a. unire conseguente; -, s. conseguenza, Consignee', [consan] s. com- insieme; -, v. n. associarsi, /.; conseguente, m. missionario, m. unirsi, vivere insieme; to Consequen'tial, [cnsiqunscil] Consign'ment , [consainment] with, frequentare. consegnazione, spedizio- Consor'table, [cnsortabl] adj. adj. conseguente, conclusivo; js. comparabile. vanitoso presumente, pom- ne, / Consim'ilar, [consmilar] adj. Con'sortship, [consortscip] s. poso. Consequen'tially, [consiqun- consimile, assomigliante. societ, compagnia, f. scil) 'irfu. conseguentemente. Consist', [consist] v. n. consi- Conspicu'ity, [conspichluite'] s. Consequen'tialness,[consiqun- stere, avere il fondamento, ac- cospicuit, evidenza, /". Conspic'uous , [conspichiueus] scilns] s. conseguenza giu- cordarsi. Consis'tence, [consistence] Con- adj. cospicuo, evidente. sta, /. Con'seqnently, [consiquntle'] sis'tency, [consistnse] s. con- Conspic'uously, [conspichiueiissistenza, densit, f. l] adv. notabilmente, splenadv. per conseguenza. Con'sequentness, [cdnsiquent- Consis'tent, [consistent] adj. didamente. consistente, coerente, confor- Conspic'uousness, [cdnspichiuns] s. conseguenza, serie reme, convenevole, proporzio- eisns*] s. eminenza, rinomangolare, f. nato. za, celebrit, f. Conser'tion, [conserscieiin] s Consis'tently , congiunzione. [consistntl] Consplr'acy, [cnspiras] s. cospirazione, f. Conser'vable, [conseurvaW] adj. adv. coerentemente. Consisto'rial, [cnsstril] adj. Conspi'rant, [conspairant] adj, conservabile, durabile. _ cospirante, congiurante. Conserva'tion[conseurYesciun] consistoriale.
; ; , ,

Con'sistory,[consisteire']s.con- Conspira'tion, [conspairiscieun] conservazione, f. sistorio, m. [cdnseurvativ] s. cospirazione, f. , Conso'ciate , [conssciote] s. Conspir'ator, [conspirateur] $. adj. conservativo. Conserva'tor , [cdnservteur] complice, confederato, socio, m. cospiratore, congiuratore, m. Conso'ciate, [consosciete] v. a. Conspire', [cnspaire] v. n. cos. conservatore, difensore, m. Conser'vatory,[c6ns6irvature'] associare; -, v. n. associarsi, spirare, congiurare, tramare. unirsi. adj. conservante; -, s. conserConspi'rer, [conspireur] s. coConsocia'ton, [consosciscieiin] spiratore, congiuratore, m. vatorio, m. Conserve', [conseirve] s. con- s. associazione, societ, f. Con'stable, [cheunstablj s. conConso'lable, [cnslabl] adj.con- nestabile, commissario, m. serva, confettura, /. Conserve', [cnseiirve] v. a. solabile. Con'stableship,[cheunstablscip] conservare, preservare, confet- Cousola'ton, [consolscieiin] s. s. carica di connestabile, f. tare. consolazione, f. conforto, m. Con'stable-wick , [cheuustabls.





ouic] s. giurisdizione di co- Constru'cter, [constreucteur] s. costruttore, m, nestabilo. Consta'bulary, [constabiular] Construc'tion, [constreiicscieun] adj. appartenente ai conestas. costruzione, costruttura,fahbricazione, interpretazione, f. bili. Con'stancy, [constanse'] s. co- Construc'tive , [cnstreuctiv] adj. costruttivo. stanza, perseveranza, f. Con'stant, [constant] adj. co- Construc'ture, [constreuctceur] stante, perseverante. s. costruttura; fabbrica,/". Con'stantly, [cnstantle'] adv. Con'strue, [constru] v. a. costruire, ordinare, interpretare. costantemente, stabilmente. Consteriate, [constlte] v. n. Constu'prate, [constiuprte] v. risplendere insieme. a. stuprare, sforzare. [constupreConstella'tion, [constelescieun] Constupra'ton , scinn] s. stupro, m. ; violens. costellazione, f. Consterna'tion , [consteiirne- za, /. scieun] s. costernazione, f. Con'subsist, [conseubsTst] v. n. Constipate, [constipete] v. a. esistere insieme. costipare, condensare, ristri- Consubstan'tial, [conseiibstanscial] adj. consustangnere. {th.) Constipa'tion, [constipescieun] ziale. Consubstantial'lty , [conseibs. costipamento, m. Constit'uent, [constitiuent] adj. stnscilite'] s. (th.) consustanzialit, /. costituente; -, s. che costiConsubstan'tate,[conseubstantuisce. Con'stitute, [constitiite] v. a. sciete] V. a. unire nella sostancostituire, stabilire, ordinare, za, incorporare. Consubstantia'tion, [conseibstatuire. Con'stituter, [constitiuteur] s. stansciesciein] s. (th.) consustanziazione, /. costitutore, costituente, m. Constitu'tion, [cnstitiuscieun] Consuetu'dinary, [consitiidinare'] adj. consuetudinario. s. costituzione,/".; statuto; staCon'sul, [conseul] s. consolo, to, temperamento, m. [constitiuconsole, m. Constitu'tional , scieinl] adj. costituzionale, Con'sular, [consiulr] adj. consolare. legale. Constitu'tionalist, [constitiii- Con'sulate, [consiulte] Con'sulship, [cnseulscip] s. consciuhlst] Constitu'tionist, solato, m,; dignit di conso[cnstitiuscieunist] s. uno che aderisco ad una costituzione,m. lo, /. Constitu'tionally , [cnstitii- Consult', [conseiilt] v. a. esaminare, mirare; -,v. n. consulsciunle'] adv. legalmente, secondo le forme di una costi- tare, deliberare. Con'sult, [cnseult] Consulta'tuzione. Con'stitutive, [constitiutiv] adj. tion, [conseultiscieun] s. consultazione, consulta, /.; consicostitutivo. Constrain', [constrne] v. a. co- glio, m. strignere, sforzare, arrestare. Con'sultatTe,[conseultativ]af/j. Constrai'nable, [constrneablj consultativo. Consul'ter, [conseilteur] s. conadj. che si pu costrignere. Constrai'nedly, [cnstrendle'j sultore, m. Consu'mable, [consiSmabl] adj. adv. per forza.


adj. consuntivo, etico.

Consump'tiveness, [conseimptivns] s. smagramento_, m.

Contab'ulate, [contabiulete] v a. intavolare, impalcare. [cntabiuleContabula'tion , scieun] 8. intavolatura, /. Con'tact, [contact] s. contatto, toccamente, m. Conta'gion , [contedgeSnJ . contagione, peste, /. Conta'gious, [cntdgieus] adj. contagioso, pestilenziale. Conta'giousness, [contidgieusnes] s. qualit contagiosa, /. Contain', [centone] v. a. contenere, comprendere, raffrenare, reprimere, temperare. Contain'able, [contneabl] adj. che pu contenersi.

Contam'inate, [c6ntarainte]arf'j. contaminato, corrotto. Contam'inate , [cntminte] V. a. contaminare, corrompere.

scieun] tura, /,

[contamine, contaminazione, brutv.


Contemn', [contm]


tenere, sdegnare, disprezzare.



disprezzatore, m.

Contem'per, [cntmpeur] Contem'perate [contmpeurte] v. a. moderare, temperare. Cj)ntempera'tion, [contmpeurscieun] s. contemperamento,


m.; proporzione, /. Con'template, [contemplte] v. o. contemplare, considerare. _ Contempla'tion , [cntmplesciun] s. contemplazione, /". Contem'plative, [contemplativi adj. contemplativo. Contem'platively, [contmplatvle'] adv. per contemplazione. Con'templator, [cntmpleteir] s. contemplatore, m. Contempora'neous, [contemporenieus] Contem'porary, [cntmporar] adj. contemporaneo.

Constrai'ner, [constreneur] s. consumabile. Consume', [consime] v.a. conche costrigne, sforzatore, m. Constraint', [cnstrente] s. co- sumare, spendere -, v. n. constrignimento, m.; forza, vio- sumarsi. lenza, f. Consu'mer, [consiumeur] s. conConstrict', [constrict] v. a. con- sumatore, guastatore, m. trarre; condensare. Consu'ming, [cnsimng] adj. Constric'tion, [cnstrcscieun] consumante. costrignimento, .condensa- Consum'mate, [conseiimte] adj. s. perfezionato, inito, perfetto. mento, m. Constric'tor , [constricteur] s. Consum'mate, [cnsoumte] v. a. perfezionare, terminare, ficostrittore, m. Constringe', [constrindge] v.a. nire. [conseumcostringer; comprimere; con- Consumma'tion, scieiin] s. compimento, m. perdensare. Constrin'gent, [constrindgent] fezione, /. Consump'tion[conseumpsciunJ adj. costringente. Construct', [cnstreuct] r. a. s. consunzione, f.; dissipamen;

Contem'porise, [contemporaize] V. a. faro contemporaneo. Contempt', [contempt] s. dispregio, scherno,

s. ni.; -

tf court,



Contemp 'tibie

[contemptibl] , disprezzevole, spregevole;





costruire, fabbricare.

to, m.; etica, /.

Contemp'tibleness, [contemptblns] s. disprezzamento, dispregio, m. Contemp'tibly, [contemptible'] adv. disprezzevolmente. Contemp'tuous, [cntmptciusdegnoso. eis] adj. sprezzante Contemp'tuously,[contmptciu" eusle'] adv. fieramente, sdegnosamente.




Contemp'tnonsness, [contomp- Contig'uonsness, [contighiueiis- Con'trabandist, [contrabandist] tciueusnes] s. insolenza, arro- ns] s. vicinit prossimi- s. contrabbandiere, m.
ganza, f. Contend', [contend]
v. a. con-

tendere, contestare; -, v. n contrastare, sforzarsi. nenza; castit, f. Conten'dent, [cntndnt] Con- Con'tinent, [continent] arfj. conten'der, [cntndeur] s. com- tinente casto; -, s. continenbatti tore, opponente, m. te, m.; terra ferma, /. Gontend'ing , [contending] a. Continen'tal, [continental] adj. contendimento, m. continentale. Content', [content] adj. conten- Con'tinently, [continentle'] av. to, soddisfatto; -, s. contento, continentemente. m.; soddisfazione, /".; - s. pt. Contin'gence , [cntndgense] contenuto, contenimento, m. Contin'gency , [contindgnso'l Content', [content] v. a. con- s. contingenza, f.; accidententare, soddisfare, piacere te, m. to -one's self, contentarsi. Contin'gent, [contmdgent] adj. Content'ed, [contented] adj.con- contingente, casuale; -, s. contentato, soddisfatto. tingente, m. parto, porzioContent'edly, [cntntdle'] adv. ne, f. contentamente; lietamente. Contin'gently, [contindgentl] Content'edness, [contntdns] adv. casualmente. s. contentezza soddisfazio- Contin'ual, [cntniual] adj. continuo, perpetuo. ne, f. Conten'tion, [contenscieun] s. Contin'nally, [continiuale'] adv. continuamente, i continuo, contenzione, disputa, f. Conten'tious, [cntnscius] adj. sempre. Ccntin'uance, [continiuanse] s. contenzioso, litigioso. Conten'tiously, [contnscieusle'] continuanza,durazione, permaadv. contenziosamente, litigio- nenza, f.
; ;

Con'tract, [contract] t, f. Con'tlnence, [continense] Con'- tratto, accordo, m. tinency, [continense] s. conti- Contract', [contract]



v. a.


trattare, contrarre, ritirare; -, V. n. contrarsi, ristrig:nersi. Contrac'ted, [contracted] adj.

stretto, vile.

Contrac'tedly, [contracfdle'] adj. strettamente. Contrac'tedness,[contrctednes] s. raggrinzamento, m.

Contractibil'ity, [cntrctibTlit] s. attitudine a contrarsi, f. Contrac'tible, [cntrctibl] adj. cbe pu contrarsi. Contrac'tile, [contractaile] adj.

Contrac'tion, [contrcscieun] s. contrazione, f. raccorciamento, wi.; abbreviatura, f. Contrac'tor,[cntrcteur] s. contrattante, contraente, m. Contradict', [contradict] v. a.


samente. Conten'tiousness[contenscieiisns] s. disposizione a disputare,


Content'less, scontento.

[contntles] adj.

Content'ment, [contentment] s. contentamento, m.; soddisfazione, ^; piacere, m.

Conter'minous, [contenrmineus]
adj. confinante, limitrofo.



Contradic'ter, [contradTcteir] s. contraddittore , opponente, m. Contradic'tion[contradcscieun] s. contraddizione, opposizione, Contin'uate, [contmiuete] adj, /. ostacolo, m. Contradic'tions , continuato. [contradTo Continua'tion [continiuesciein] scieus] adj. coutraddicente, inconsistente. s. continuazione serie, f Continua'tely , [cntmiutele'] Contradic'tiousness, [contradicscieusnes] s. contraddiziosee Continuedly. ne, insussistenza, f. Contin'uative , [continiuatv] s. durata, dur azione conti- Contradic'torily, [contradicteSril] adv. nua, /". contraddittoriamente. Contin'uator, [continiuateur] s Contradic'toriness , continuatore, m. [contraContin'ue, [cntniu] v. a. con- dicteirines] s. contraddizio;

tinuare, proseguire; -,v.n. per- ne, f. Con'test, [contest] s, contesa, severare, persistere, durare, di- Contradic'tory,[c6ntradicteure'] adj. contraddittorio. rissa, quistione, f. morare. Contest', [contest] v. a. conte- Contin'ued , [continiu'd] adj Contradistinet, cntradistmct] Contradistin'ctive, stare, quistionaro, disputare. continuo. [contrdistinctv] adj. di qualit opContest'able, [jntstabl] adj. Contin'uedly,[continiuedle']arfu
adj. dello stesso paese.

contestabile, disputabile.

continuamente, senza interruzione.


Contesta' tion, [contstscieun]

s. contesa, disputa, f. Contest'less, [contstls] adj. incontestabile, indisputabile. Con'text, [contecst] s. tessitura, /.; contesto, m. Context', [contecst] adj. contesto, unito insieme. Context', [contecst] v. a. con-

Continu'ity, [continluite']
tinuit, serie,



Contin'uous, [continiueus] adj

continuo, unito insieme. Contin'uously, [cntneueusl] see Continuedly. Contort', [contort] v. a. con-

Contradistinc'tion, [contradTstncscieun] s. proposizione opposta, /.; in -, in opposizi<one. Contradistin'guisb, [contradstinguisc] V. a. contraddistinguere; contrassegnare. Contrain'dicate , [cntraindcbete] V. a (med.) indicare il

torcere, attorcigliare. tessere, intrecciare. Contor'tion, [cutorscieun] s Contex'ture, [contcstcieur] s. contorsione, f. tessitura, f. ; tessuto, m. Contour', [cntiir] s. contorno, Conti gna'tion, [contignscieun] m.; circonferenza, /.; delineas. legname (d' un' edifizio), m. mento, m. Contigu'ity, [cntigliiiiit] s. Con'tra, [contra] prep contro, contiguit, vicinanza, /. contra. Contig'uous,[cntghiueis]arf;. Con'traband, [contraband] adj. contigno, vicino. di contrabbando ; proibito, ilContig'uously, [contighineSsle'] legale.

Contramnre', [contramiure]



di rinforzo, m.


[cntrapo, opposizione, f. Contrapun'tist, [contrapuntist] s. (mtts.) contrappuntista. Contraregnlar'ity, [coutrareghiulrit]




adv. vicinamente, mente.

prossima- Con'traband, [contraband] fare il contrabbando.


v. a.

Contra'riant, [cntrriant] adj, contrariante, contrario. Contrari'ety, [cntrariite'j t, contrariet, opposizione, f.

Con'trarily , [contrarile] adv. contrariamente. Contra'rious, [contrerieiis] adj. contrario, opposto. Contra' riously, [cdntrrieusl] adv. contrariamente. Con'trariwise, [contrariouaize] adv. in modo contrario, al contrario.



Con'trary, [centrare'] adj. contrario, opposto -, s. contra;


m; contrariet,

/.; Oft



al contrario.

Con'trast, [contrast]
sto, m.; opposizione,



Coutrast', [contrast] v. porre un contrasto



all' in-


s. {fort.)

[contravalfosso con pav. a.

rapetto, m. Contravene', [contra vine]

contravvenire, disubbidire. Contrave'ner, [contravineur] s. contravventore , disubbidiente, m. Contraven'ton

[contraven, conventuale; -, . conventuale, ostinatamente. contravvenzione, /. Contrecta'tion [contrctscieun] Contuma'ciousness, [contium- religioso, m. scieusns] s. ostinazione, ca- Converge', [conveiirdge] v. n. s. toccamente, tatto, m. igeom.) tendere al medesimo ContriVutary, [contribiutar] parbiet, f. Con'tumacy, [contiumase'] s. punto. adj tributario, contribuente. Conver'gency, [conveirdgns] Contrib'ute, [cdntrbiute] v. a. contumacia, ostinazione, f._ Contume'lious, [contiumilieus] s. {geom.) convergenza, f. contribuire. [conveurdgent] Conver'gent , Contribu'tion, [contribiuscieun] adj. contumelioso, ingiurioso. Contume'liously [conti umilieiis- Conver'ging , [cnveiirdgng] s. contribuzione, f. Contrib'utTe,[cntrbiutv] arfj. le'] adv. contumeliosamente, adj. (geom.) convergente. Conver'sable, [cnveursabl] adj, ingiuriosamente. che pu contribuire. Contrib'ntor, [cntribiuteur] s. Contume'liousness, [contium- conversabile, sociabile. Con'tumely , [cn- Conver'sableness, [cnveursalieisns] contribuente, m. Contrib'utory, [cntribiuteur] tiuraele'] s. contumelia, ingiu- blns] s. sociabilit, f. [conveursable'] (maccare. Conver'sably , ria, f. adj. contribuente. _ Contris'tate, [cdntrTstte] v.a. Contuse', [contiuze] v. a. am- adv. in modo conversabile. Contu'sion, [contiugiein] .con- Con'versant, [cnveirsnt] adj. contristare, affliggere. _ conversante; versato, pratico, Contrista'tion[contrstesceun] tusione, f. ammaccamento, m.

Controll'er, [contrler] s. re- Con'vent, [convent] s. convento, monastero, m. gistratore, controllore, m. Controirership,[contrleurscp] Convent', [convent] v. a. citare in giudizio, chiamare alla ras. uffizio del controllore, m. Controrment, [cntrlment] s. gione. soprintendenza; opposizione; Conven'ticle,[cnventicl] s. conventicelo, m. confutazione, f. Controver'sary, [cdntrveursa- Conven'ticler , [conventicleur] s. membro d' un conventicor] adj. di controversia. Controvev'sial,[controYeurscil] le, m. Conven'tion, [convensceun] . adj. di controversia. [controverse'] convenzione, /". ; patto, accorCon'troversy , controversia, contesa, di- do, m. s. Conven'tional, [convenscieSnal] sputa, f. Cou'trovert, [controveurt] v.a. adj. convenzionale. controvertere, contendere, di- Conven'tionally,[c6nvnscieunle] adv. convenzionalmente, sputare. Controver'tible , [controveur- per patto. tibl] adj. controvertibile, di- Conven'tionary, [convenscieunr] adj. convenzionale, stisputabile. Con'trovertist, [controveurtTst] pulato per patto. Conven'tioner, [convenscieuns. controversista, m. Contuma'cious [continmscieus] eir] s. membro d' un' assemblea, m. adj. contumace, ostinato, caConven'tionist , [convenscieiparbio. Contuma'ciously , [contiume- nist] s. contrattante, m. scieusle'] adv. contumacemente, Conven'tual, [cnvntciul] adj-

cordoglio, m. Con'trite, [cntraite] adj. cons.



Conun'drum, [cnundreum]
facezia plebea,





Con'tritely, [contraitele'] adv. con contrizione. [contraitens] Con'triteness , Contri'tion, [contrscieun] s. contrizione, f.; pentimento, m. Contri' vable, [cntraivabl] adj. cbe pu inventarsi. Oontri'vance, [cntraivanse] s. invenzione, /.; progetto, m.; pratiche segrete, f. pi. Contrive', [cntraive] v. a. inconcertare, ventare, trovare

tramare, macchinare. Contrive'ment, [contraivement]

8. invenzione, arte, /. Contri'ver, [contraiveiir] s. inventore, artefice, autore; macchinatore, m. Control', [control] s. registro, ristrignimento, m. autorit,/. Control', [control] v. a. raffrenare, restrignere, governare, confutare.

Conversa'tion[conveursescieun] Convales'cence, [cnvalesnse] s. conversazione, familiarit, f.; Convales'cency, [cnvalesnse] private -, colloquio fra due persone, m. s. convalescenza, /". Convales'cent,[convalesnt]adj. Conver'sative , [conveSrsatv] adj. sociabile; affabile, praconvalescente. Conve'nable, [convnabl] adj. tico. Con'verse, [conveurse] s. socieconvenevole, conveniente. Convene', [convine] v. a. con- t, familiarit, f.; commercio, vocare, adunare; -, v. n. adu- m.; pratica, f. Converse', [conveSrse] v. n. narsi, ragunarsi. Conve'ner, [cnvineur] s. con- conversare, praticare, bazzicare. vocatore, m. Conve'ning, [convning] $. l'adu- Converse'ly, [conveirsele'] adv. reciprocamente, a vicenda. narsi. Conve'nience, [convlniense] Con- Conver'sion, [conveurscieun] s. rivolgimenve'niency, [convlniense] s. con- conversione, f. venienza, comodit, proporzio- to, m. Conver'sive, [conveiirsv] adj. ne, f. sociabile. Conve'nient, [convnient] adj conveniente, convenevole, co- Con'vert, [conveSrt] s. convertito, m. modo, atto, ragionevole. Conve'niently , [convinintle'] Convert', [conveurt] i". a. convertire, trasmutare; -, v. n. adv. convenientemente, corno convertirsi. damente.





Converter, [conveurtour] s. con- Con'voy, [convani] s. convo- Coopera'tion, [cooperesceiin] j cooperazione, concorrenza, /. scorta, accompagnaglio, wi. vovtitoro, m.
Coop'erative, [codperativ] adj, Convoy', [convaul] v. a. convo- cooperativo, cooperante. Coop'erator , [codpereteur] g Conver'tiblyjconveurtbljaf/v. gliare, accompagnare. Convulse', [cnveuise] v. a. ca- cooperatore, m. reciprocamente. Coo'pery, [cipeire'] s. arte di Con'vex, [convcs] Convex'ed, gionare convulsione. Cenvul'sion, [conveulsciein] s. bottajo, m. [convcsM] adj. convesso. convulsione; commozione; tur- Coopta'tion, [coptscieiin] s. Convex'edly, [cnvocsdle] Conassunzione, /. Texly, [convcsl] adv. in for- bolenza, f. Convul'sive, [conveulsiv] adj. Coor'dinate, [cordinite] adj. ma convessa. del medesimo ordine. Convex'ity, [convecste'] Con- convulsivo. [coordinitele'] Tex'ness, [cnvcsns] s. con- Convul'sively , [conveulsivle'] Coor'dinately ,

Conver'tible, [conveurtibl] adj.






adv. in



adv. nel medesimo ordine.

Convex'o-concave, [convecs-o cnchve] adj. convesso-con


Convey', [conv]
rire, trasportare,


a. trasfe-


condurr, comunicare, mandavo to - away, portare via; to - in, introdurre. Convey'ance, [convanse] .trasporto, m.; vettura; cessione,/'.: - by water, trasporto per mare, T)i.; Oy private -, per occa;


Convey'ancer, [convenseur] s. nn legale che prepara contratti, ni.

[convansYng] di preparare (rino, m. _ Convey'er, [conveur] s. vettuCon'vict, [convict] s. bandito;



l'atto l'uso contratti, m.

Co'ny, [cone'] . coniglio, scioc- Coor'dinateness, [cordintenes] Coordina'tion [coordinscieiin] co, m. Co'ny-burrow, [cne'-beuro] s. s. coordinazione, egualit, f. Coot, [cute] s. smergo, m. conigliera, /. Co'ny-catch, [cne'-catsc] v. a. Cop, [cop] s. cima, sommit, /.; capo, wi. ingannare con furberia. Co'ny-catcher, [cn-catsceur] Co'pal, [copal] .coppale, f. Copar'cener, [coparsinur] s. furbo, furfante, m. coerede, compagno, m. Co'ny-warren , [cone'-oiaren] Copar'cenary, [cprsineure'] s. s. conigliera, f. Coo, [cu] V. n. susurrare, ge- porzione eguale dell'eredit, f. Copart'ment, [cprtment] s. mere come colombi. Coo'ing, [ciiing] s. mormorio compartimento, m. Copart'ner, [cprtnenr] s. sode' colombi, m. Cook, [cue] s. cuoco, cuciniere, cio, compagno, m. m.; cuoca, f. Copart'nership , [cprtneurCook, [cue] V. a. fare la cuci- scip] s._societ, compagnia, f. na, cucinare. Cope, [cope] s. pianeta da preCook'ery, [cuchere'] s. arte del te, f. cuoco, cucina, f. Cope, [cope] v. a. contraccamCook'-maid, [cuc-mede] s. cuo- biare; -, V. n. to -with, contendere, battersi._

fuoruscito, m. ca, cuciniera, f. Convict', [convict] adj. convin- Cook'-room, [cuc-riim] s. (mar.) to, delittuoso. cucina, /. Convict', [convict] v. a. con- Cook'shop, [cuc-sciop] s. tratvincere, provare reo. toria, f. Convic'ted, [convicted] adj. con- Cool, [cule] orfj. fresco; it is vinto. fa fresco; -, s. fresco, m. Convic'tion, [convicscieun] s. Cool, [cle] V. a. rinfrescare, convinzione; confutazione; con- raffreddare, moderare, sminuidannazione, /. re; -, V. n. rinfrescarsi, rafConvic'tive, [cnvictiv] adj. con- freddarsi. vincente. CoGl'er, [culeur] s. refrigeratiConvic'tvely, [con vietivi e'] adv. vo, refrigerante, m. in modo convincente. Cool'-headed, [cule-hedd] adj. Convin'cingly , [cnvinsTngl] senza passij)ne, indifferente. adv. in modo convincente, evi- Cool'ing^, [culing] adj. refrigedentemente, rativo; -, s. rinfrescamento, m. Convin'cingness, [convinsing- Cool'ish [ciilisc] adj. fre, nsj s. convinzione prova schetto. evidenza, f. Cool'ly, fcl] adv. freddamenConvi'val, [convaivl] adj. fe- te, indifferentemente.

Copes'mate, [copes'mite] .compagno, commensale, m.

Cop'ier, [copieSr] s. copista, copiatore, m._ Co'ping', [coping] s. comignolo, colmo, m.; c[ma di un muro f. Co'pious, [copieus] adj. copioso, abbondevole. Co'piously, [copieusle'] dv. copiosamente, abbondantemente, largamente. Co'piousness, [cpieusnes] . abbondanza, ricchezza, dovizia, f.

stivo, sociabile.

Convive', [convaive]
vitare, festeggiare.

v. a.

v. a.

Cool'ness, [clens] za, freddura, f.

tro moggia,


freschezdi quat-

Coomb,[cume] .misura
[ciipe] s. stia;

Conviv'ial Convivai.


Con'vocate, [convochete]

gabbia da




convocare, adunare, ragunare. Coop, [cupe] V. n. rinchiudere, Convoca'tion, [cnvochescieiin] ingabbiare. . convocazione, assemblea, Coopee', [cilpi] s. (dano.) fiof. Convoke', [convchej v.a. con-\ retto, m. vocare, adunare. Coo'per, [cupeur] s. bottajo, m. Convolu'tion, [convoliuscieiin] Coo'perage, [cuperdge] $. las. avvolgimento, viluppo, m. voro del bottajo, _m. me, f. Convolve', [convolve] v. a. av- Coop'erate, [cpirte] v, a. coo- Cop'per-smith, [copeur-smth-] volgere. perare. s. caldorajo,m.

Cop'land, [coplnd] s. pezzo di terreno con un angolo, m. Cop'ped, [cop'd] adj. crestnto, puntuto. Cop'per, [copeiir] f. rame, m. Cop'per, [cpeur] v. a. foderare di rame. Cop'peras, [copeurs] s.vitriuolo, m. Cop'perish, [copeirisc]arfy. contenente del rame; siraiglianto al rame. Cop'per-money, [copeur-meun] s. moneta di rame, f. Cop'per-nose, [copeiir-noze] s. naso rosso, m. Cop'per-plate, [copeur-plte] . stampa di rame, lastra di ra-

Cop'per-wire, [copeur-ouaire] s. fil di rame, m. Cop'per-work, [copeur-ouourc] s. manifattura di rame, fucina del rame, /". Cop'pery , [coper'] aaj. die contiene del rame. Cop'pice, [cps] s. macchia, /".; bosco ceduo, m. Cop'pled, [copPed] adj. conico. Copse, [copse] vedi Coppice. Copse, [copse] v. a. conservare i boschi tagliati bassi. Copsy, [c6pse']_ad;. boscoso. Cop'ula, [cpiiila] s. copula, f. Cop'ulate, [cpilte] v. a. copulare, unire; -, v. n. accoppiarsi, congiugnersi^ Copula'tion, [cpiulscieun] s. congiugniraento, m. Cop'ulative, [cpiulatv] adj.
(gr.) copulativo.



Cor'dage, [cordedge] s. corda- Cor'ner-house,[corneur-hause] me, sartiame, m. s. casa della cantonata, f. Cor'ded, [corded] odj. legato con Cor'ner-stone, [cornur-stone]
s. pietra angolare, f. corde, infunato. Cordelier', [cordelire] s. Fran- Cor'nerwise,[crneurouaise]odu. cescano, m. diagonalmente, ad angoli. Cor'dal, [cordial] s. cordiale, Cor'net , [cor net] s. cornetta, m. & f.; corno, m. m. (brodo e uovo). Cor'dial, [cordial] adj. cordiale; Cor'netcy, [cornts] s. grado affettuoso. di cornetta, m. Cordial'ity, [cordialit] s. cor- Cor'netter, [corneteur] s. suodialit, /.; affetto cordiale, m.; natore della cornetta, m. svisceratezza, /. Corn'-factor, [cdrn-fcteiir] s, Cor'dially, [cordiale'] adv cor- mercante di grano, wi, Corn'-fleld,[crn-filde] s. campo dialmente. Cord'-maker, [cord-mecheur] s. da grano, m. funajuolo, funajo, m. Corn'-floor, [corn-flre] s. graCor'don, [cordon] s. cordone naio, m,; aja, ^ Corn'-fiower , [corn-flaor] . ordine, m. Cor'dovan, [cordovan] Cord'- fioraliso, m.; battisegola, f. wain, [cordouene] s cordova- Cor'nice, [cornis] s. (arch.) cornice, f. no, m. (nice. Cor'dwainer, [cordouineur] s. Cor'nish, [crnisc] vedi CorCorn'-land, m. [crn-lnd] calzolaio s. terCore, [core] s. interiore; la parte reno fruraentario, m. Corn'-loft, centrale delle frutta come me[corn-loft] s. granajo, m. le &c.; malattia di pecora cagioCorn'-merchant , [corn-meurnata dai vermini, f. Core'gent, [cridgnt] s. coreg- cint] $, mercante di grano, w. gente, m. Coria'ceous, [criscieus] adj. Corn'-mill, [corn-mil] s. mulino da macinare le biade, m. di cuojo; duro. Coriander, [corindeur] s. co- Corn'-sallad, [corn-slad] s. valeriana domestica, f. riandro, m. Cork, [core] s. sughero, turac- Corn'-trade, [corn-trede] .traffico di biade, m. ciolo, m. Cornuco'pia, [corniucpia] s. Cork, [core] v. a. turare. Cork'ing-pin, [corching-pin] s. cornucopia; (A j/.)_abbondanza,/". Cornute', [corniute] adj. corago grande, m. Cork'-screw, [crc-scru] s. ram- nuto. Cor'ny, [come'] adj. corneo; propinetto, m. Cor'ky, [cerche'] adj. di su- ducente grano. Cor'ollary, [corolare'] s. corolghero. Cor'morant, [cormorant] s. cor- lario, m. morante (uccello acquatico) Coro'nal, [coronai] adj. (anal.) coronale;-, f. corona di fiori, ghiottone, m. Corn, [corn] s. frumento, gra- ghirlanda, /. no, m.; - of salt, granello di Cor'onary, [coronare'] adj. coronario. sale, m.; callo, m. Corn, [corn] v. a. insaleggia- Corona'tion, [cornscieun] s. coronamento, m. re, saleggiare; macinare in polCor'oner, [croneiir] s. officiale vere. Cor'nage, [cornedge] s. dazio che esamina un corpo mor; ;

Cop'y, [cope]

s. copia, /".; esemplare, originale, m. Cop'y, [cope] v. a. copiare, trascrivere, imitare. Cop'y-book, [cope'-buc] s. quaderno, quinterno, m. Cop'yer, [copieur] vedi Copyist. Cop'yhold, [copihold] s. podere d' un feudo, m.

Cop'yholder , [copiholdeur] s. censuario, m. Cop'ying-machine , [copiingmascine] s. pantografo, m. Cop'yist, [copiist]_s. copista, m.

Cop'yright, [cdpiraite] s. diritto di propriet letteraria; manoscritto,


Coquet', [cchet] v.a. trattare con fnta tenerezza; -, v. n. civettare.

Co'quetry, [cochetre']


Coquette', [cocliet] s. civetta, f Coquet'tish, [cochtsc] adj. da


Cor'acle, [coracl] da pescatori, f.



[corl] s. corallo, m.


[crl-daiveur] , Cor'al-fisher, [coral-fiscur] s. pescatore di coralli, m. Cor'al-fishery, [crl-fiscur]


pesca de' coralli,


Cor'allne, [crlaine] rallino, di corallo; -,


adj. cos.


Corant', [corant]


(danc.) cor-

[corbin] s. cassetta , della limosina, f. Cor'beil, [corble] s. [fort.) gabbione, m. Cor'bel, [corbel] . canestro m.; nicchia, f. Cord, [cord] s. corda, tendine, /.; - of wood, s. catasta, misu ra di legna, /. Cord, [cord] v. a. legare con corde.


sopra il grano, m. Corn'-chandler,[crn-ciandleur] s. venditore di grano, m. Corn'-cutter, [crn-cheuteur] s. tagliatore di calli, m. Corn'-dealer, [corn-dleir] s mercante di grano, m. Cor'nel, [cornei] s. corniola, /".; corniolo, cornio, m. Corne'lian, [crnilin] s. cor-

to, m. Cor'onet, [coronet] s. piccola corona, /. Cor'poral, [corporal] adj. corporale, materiale -, s caporale corporale, ni. Corporal'ity, [corporali te'] s. sustanza corporea, f. Cor'porally , [corporale'] adv. corporalmente. [corprcte] ad. Cor'porate , nalina, f. Come muse, [crne-miuze] s unito in un corpo; - body, s. comunit, /. cornamusa, piva, f. Cor'neous, [cornieus] adj. cor^ Cor'porately, [corportele'] adv, in corpo. neo, calloso. Cor'ner, [corneur] s. angolo Corpora'tion, [crprescieuu] s. canto, cantone, m. cantonata, corpo municipale, ni.; comuestremit, f. nit, f.
; ; ;

Corpo'real, [corporial] Corpo'reons, [corporieous] adj. corporeo, corporale, materiale. Corpo'really, [crpril] adv. corporalmente. Corpore'ity, [crprlite] s. corporeit; ma.terialit, f. Cor'porify, [corporifai] v.a. incorporare; -, V. n. acquistar



s. corridojo, Corse, [corse] vedi Corpse. m. galleria, f. Cors'let, [corslet] s. corsalet< Cor'rigible, [coridgibl] adj. cor- to, m. rigibile. Cor'tex, [cortecs] . corteccia,/'. Corri'val, [coraival] s. rivaio, Cor'tege, [cortege] s. cortegcompetitore, concorrente, m. gio, m.

Cor'ridor, [coridor]

Corri'valry, [coraival re'] s. ri- Cor'tical, [cortical] adj. di corvalit; concorrenza,/". teccia, di scorza. Corrob'orant, [coroborant] adj. Corns'cant , [coreuseant] adj. corroborante, corroborativo. brillante, risplendente. corpo. Corps, [core] s. corpo di for- Corrob'orate, [croborte] v. a. Coru'scate, [creiischte] v. n, corroborare, confermare, forti- brillare, risplendere. ze, reggimento, m.; - de-guard, Corusca'tion, [creuschescieun] ficare. s. corpo di guardia, m. s balenamento, lampeggiamenCorpse, [corpse] s. cadavere, Corrobora'tion, [coroborescieun] to, m. corpo morto, m. s. corroborazione. [coroboratv] Cor'vette, [corvet] sorta di naCor'pulence,[cnrpiulense] Cor'- Corrob'orative, viglio, f. pulency, [corpiulense'] s. cor- adj. corroborativo. pulenza, f. Corrode', [crde] Corro'diate, Corym'bus, [corimbeiis] s. (bot.) Cor'pulent , [corpiulont] adj. [crdiete] v. a. corrodere, con- corimbo, m. corpulento, corpacciuto, grasso. sumare a poco a poco. Cosmet'ic, [cozmetfc] adj. coCor'pus-Christi-Day, [corpeus- Corro'dent, [cordnt] adj. cor- smetico ; -, s. cosmetico, abbelrodente. limento, m. cristi-de'] s. Corpus Domni, Corro'dible, [cordibl] adj. cbe Cos'mical, [cozmical] adj.{astr.) f. (festa). cosmico. Cor'puscle, [corpeusc'l] s. cor- pu corrodersi. Corro'dibility, [cordiblite'] s. Cos'mically, [cozmicale'] adv. puscolo, atomo, m. Corpus'cular, [crpeuschiular] attitudine ad essere corrosi- (astr.) cosmicamente, col solo. adj. d' atomi. vo, f. Cosmog'ony , [czmogone'] s. Corradia'tion, [corediscieun] Corro'son, [corogeun] s. cor- cosmogonia, f. s. punto de' raggi, m. rosione, /".; corrodimento, in. Cosmog'rapher, [cozmografeur] Correct', [crct] adj. corretto, Corro'sive , [crosv] s. (med.) s. cosmografo, m. corrosivo, m. esatto. Cosmograph'ical , [cozmogrfiCorrect', [crect] v. a correg- Corro'sively, [crosivle'] adv. in cl] adj. cosmografico. gere, punire, castigare, tempemodo corrosivo. Cosmog'raphy, [czmografe'] s. rare, moderare. Corro'siveness, [corosivnes] s. cosmografia, f. Correc'tlon, [crcscieiin] s.cor- qualit corrosiva, f. Cosmoporitan, [cozmpolitan] rezione; emendazione, /".; casti- Cor'rugate, [corighte] v. a. abitante del s. cosmopolita , go, m.; riprensione, ^; under -, increspare, aggrinzare -, v. n. mondo, m, incresparsi, corrugarsi. con rispetto. Cos'set, [coset] s. agnello alleCorrec'tive, [corectv] adj. cor- Corruga'tion, [creughescieun] vato senza la madre, m. rettivo; -, s. correttivo, ni.; res. increspamento, m. Cost, [cost] s. spesa, /".; costo, strizione, /". Corrupt', [creupt] adj. corrot- prezzo, valore, ni.; to my -, a Correct'ly, [corectle'] adv. cor- to, guasto, depravato, cattivo. mie spese. rettamente, esattamente. Corrupt', [coreuptj v. a. cor- Cost, [cost] v.a. & n. irr. {cost; iCorrect'ness, [corctns] s. ac- rompere, guastare, depravare cost) costare, valere. curatezza, esattezza, f. -,v. n. corrompersi, guastarsi. Cos'tal, [costai] adj. costale. 'Correc'tor, [crecteur] s. cor- Corrup'ter, [creiipteur] s. cor- Cos'tard, [costard] s. testa; mela rompitore, corruttore, m. rettore, revisore, m.; - of the tonda e grossa, f. press, correttoredi stampa, m. Corruptibrity, [creuptiblite'] Cos'tive, [costv] adj. costipaCor'relate, [crilte] v. n. ave- s. corruttibilit, /. tivo. re correlazione. Corrup'tible, [creuptibl] adj. Cos'tiveness, [costvnes] s. coCorrel'ative , [corlatv] adj. corruttibile. stipamento, riserramonto, m. correlativo, reciproco. Corrup'tibleness[coreuptiblnes] Cost'liness, [costlins] s. sunCorrerativeness, [corlativnes] s. attitudine ad essere corrotto, tuosit, spesa grande, /". . relazione reciproca, f. corruttibilit corruzione, f. Cost'ly, [costl] adj. caro, sunCorrep'tion , [crepscieiin] s. Corrup'tibly, [coreuptibl] adv. tuoso, dispendioso, splendido. riprensione, f.; rimprovero, m. in maniera corruttibile. Cos'trel, [costrel] s. fiasco (da Correspond', [corspond] v. n. Corrup'tion, [corepscieun] f. vino), m.; boccetta, f. specie corrispondere, aver proporzio- corruzione; depravazione, /. di falco. (me, m. ne, confarsi far commercio. Corrup'tive, [creiiptiv] adj. Cos'tume, [costiume] s. costuCorrespon'dence, corruttivo. [cresponCot, [ct] s. capanna, /'.;sAeep -, dnse]Correspon'dency,[cres- Corrupt'less , [coreuptles] adj. s. ovile, m. pndnse'] s. corrispondenza; incorruttibile. Cotan'gent , [ctandgent] t intelligenza, /".; to keep a- with Corrupt'ly, [coreuptl] adv cor{geom.) cotangente, m. one, avere corrispondenza con rottamente. Cotem'porary, [c5tinporare'_

uno. Corrnpt'ness, [coreiiptnes] s. adj. contemporaneo, coetaneo. Correspon'dent, [corespondent] corruzione, corruttela; putre- Coterie, [coteri] s. societ, briadj. corrispondente; conforme, scenza, f. gata, f. proporzionato -, s. corrispon- Corrup'tress , [creuptres] s. Cotirion, [ctlieun] s. uuaspsdente, m. corrompitrice, /. eie di ballo, Correspon'sive , [corsponsv] Cor'sair, [corsere] s. corsale, Cot'quean , [cotqune] . facadj. congruente. corsaro, ladrone di mare, m. cendone, bietolone, m.


iJot'tage, [cotidge] s.



capanna, computare, calcolare, stimare; s. contraffattore, falsario, m.; - of coin, monetario falso, m. to - upon, fondarsi. tugurio, m.; villa, f. Cot'tager , [ctedgeuv] s. uno Count'able, [cauntabl] adj. che Coun'terfeiting, [caounturfiting] s. contraffacimento, m.; si pu contare. che abita in una capanna, m. imitazione, /. [coaint-buc] s. Cotter, [cteur] Cottier, [cotier] Count'-book, Coun'terfeitly, [caoiinteurfitle'] (merch.) libro di conti, m. s. uno cho abita in una caCoun'tenance, [caountennse] adv. fintamente, falsamente. panna, m. Cot'ton, [cotoun] s. cotone, wi.; s. aria, /. ; viso, aspetto, favo- Counterfoil', [caointurfoil] s. bambagia, f. explosivte -, s. co- re, wi.; protezione, /.; ajuto, m.; coitra-taglia, /. tone esplosivo, m.\ adj. fatto di to be in -, esser favorito ; to Counterforts', [caonteurforts] cotono. give -, favorire; to put out of -, s. pi. ifort.) contrafforti, m. pi. Counterguard',[caounteurgrd] Cot'ton-tree, [coteun-tri] s. al- confondere, sconcertare. s. contragguardia, /. bero cho produce il cotone, m. Coun'tenance, [caoiintenanse] Cot'tonous, [cteunes] adj. so- v.a. favorire, proteggere, di- Counterlath', [ cao unturlath^] . migliante al cotone, piumoso. fendere. panconcello, m. Coach , fcautsc] s. lettuccio, Coun'tenancer[caountenanseur] Counterlath' , [caounteurlath^] letticciuolo, m. s. fautore, pro_tettore, m. V. a. impalcare i panconcelli Couch, [caoutsc] v. a. coricare, Coun'ter, [caounteur] s. banco; Counterlight', [caointuraite] stendere; -, v. n. coricarsi, di- gettone, m. s. contrallume, m. stendersi; to couch the lance, Coun'ter, [caoiinteiir] adv. con- Countermand' [caointeurmind] mettere la lancia in resta - an tro, a rimpetto; to run -, op- s. contrammandato, m. eye, levar la cateratta da un'oc- porsi, contrariare. Countermand'[caointcurmand] (giacente. Counteract', [caointeurct].a. chio, V. a. contrammandare Couch'ant, [caoutscint] adj. attraversare, contrariare. Countermarch', [caointeurmarCouch'er, [caoutsceur] s. oculi- Counterac'tion , [caounteurac- tsc] .contrammarcia, / sta ohe leva la cateratta; re- scieun] s. opposizione, /. Countermarch', [caonteurmargistratore, in. Counterattract'ion, [caounter- tsc] V. n. far contrammarcia. Couch'fellow, [caoutsc-fl] s. atrcsciun] s. contrattazione Countermark', [caointeiirmrc] compagno di letto, m. Counterbarance, [cointurbl- contrammarca, /., contrasseCouch'grass , [caoiitsc-gras] s. nse] s. contrappeso, m. gno, m. gramigna,/. Counterbarance,[caoanteurbl- Countermark', [caointeurmarc] Cough, [caSfc] .tossa, tosse,/".; nse] V. a. contrappcsare, ade- V. a. mettere una seconda to have a -, aver la tosse; quare, aggiustare. , marca, contrassegnare. hooping -, tosse canina. Counterbat'tery,[caounteurbat- Countermine',[caoiinturmaine] Cough, [caufe] v. .tossire; ere'] s. controbatteria, /. s. contrammina, /. to - out, espettorare. Counterbuff, [caunteirbeuf] Countermine', [caounteurraainc] Cough'er, [caifeur] s. che ha la s. ripercotimento, ripicchio, m. V. a. contramminare. tosse. (re, m. Counterbuflf, [caounteurbeiif] Countermo'tion, [caounteirmCough'ing, [caufTng] s. il tossi- V. a. rispingere, ripercuotere. sciun] s. moto contrario, m. Coul'ter, [clteur] s. coltro, vo- Countercast'er, [caointercs Countermure'[cao5nturmire] mere, m. teiir] s. computista, m. s. muro di rinforzo, antimuCoun'cil, [caunsil] s. conclio, Counterchange' [caounteur- ro, m. , consiglio; avvocato, m.; com- ciendge"! s. contraccambio, Counteror'der , [caoilnteurormon -, consiglio della citt, m.; Counterchange', [caontur- deiir] s. contrordine, m. - o/u'or, consiglio di guorra,m. cindge] w. a. contraccambiare. Counterpace', [caontirpese) Coun'cil-board, [caonsl-brde] Countereharm', [caoiinteur- s. misura contraria, /. Council-table, [caonsil-tbl] ciarm] s. contramalia, f. Coun'terpane, [caounteurpine] s. tavola del consiglio, f. Countereharm', s. coltre, coperta da letto, /. [caounteur Coun'cil-chamber , [caunsl- ciarm] v. a. impedire Tin Coun'terpart, [caointurprt] cimbeur] s. camera del con canto. (mus.) parte oppos. copia; sigilo, /. Countercheck', [caointeurcec] sta, /. _ (replica, /. Co'unite, [cinaite] v. a. unire a. opposizione, resistenza; cen- Counterplea', [caqunturpli] s. Coun'sel, [caunsol] s. consi- sura reciproca, /. Counterplot', [caoanturplt] s. glio, avviso; avvocato, i. to Countercheck', artifizio, m. [caointeurcec] ask - of one, dimandar il con- V. a. opporre. Counterplot', [caeinteurplot] v, siglio d' alcuno; to give one -, Counterdistinc'tion[cao5nteura. opporre artifizio ad artifizio. consigliare uno; to keep -, es- distncsciun] s. contradistin Counterpoint'[caounturpuint] ser segreto. ziono; opposizione, /. s. contrappunto, m. Coun'sel, [caunsel] v. a. consi- Coanterev'idence[caounteurev- Counterpoise', [caounteurpize] gliare, dare consiglio. idnse] s. testimone contra- s. contrappeso, m. Coun'selable, [caounslabl] adj. rio, m. Counterpoise', [caoiinteurpize] che pu esser consigliato. Coun'terfeit, [caoiinteiirft] adj V. a contrappesare. Coun'selor , [caunsleur] s. contraffatto , imitato [caounterfalso Counterpoi'son , , consigliere; avvocato, m.; privy supposto; -, s. falsificazione,/'.; pizeun] s. contravveleno, m. -, consigliere di stato, m. impostore, ingannatore, m. Counterpres'sure, [caointurCoun'selorship, [caonsleiir- Coun'terfeit, [caonterft] v.a. prscieur] s. forza opposta, /. Bcpl s. dignit di consiglie- contraffare; imitare; falsifica- Counterproj'ect [caouuter, re, /. re; /o-^Ae coin, fare moneta prdgct] s. progetto contraCount, fcaount] s. numero; con- falsa; to - a will, falsare un rio, wi. teto, computo ; conte, m. stamento. Counterproof, [caonteurprufj Pount, [caountj v. a. contare, Coua'terfeiter[caonteurfteur] s. prova del contrario, /.
; ;



[cheirtscieusns] s. cortesia, pulitezza, benevolenza, /. Courtesan', [cortizan] s. cortigiana, f. Cour'tesy, [cbeurtise'] s. riverenza (di donna); civilt, pulitezza, f. Cour'tesy, [cheurtis] v. .fare la riverenza. Cour'tier, [crtscieur] s. cortigiano; uomo cortese, m. Conr'tin, [cirtine] s. [fort.) cortina,, f.

[caountre'CounteTrevolu'tion,[caounteur- Coun'try-woman , rvolscieun] s. rivoluzione ououmn] s. contadina, f. Coun'ty , [caount] s. contea, opposta, f. (retto, m. Counterscarp', [caounteurscarp] provincia, f. Coupee', [clieupe'] s. (danc.) fios. {fort.) contrascarpa,, f. Counterscarp', [caounteurscarp] Coup'le, [cheuplj s. coppia, f.; pajo, m. V. a. {(ort.) fare una contraCoup'le, [cTieupVl v. a. accopBcarpa. Counterseal', [caointeursle] . piare, maritare; -, v. n. accoppiarsi, copularsi, congiugnersi. a. contrasigillare. Countersecu'rity, [caounteur- Coup'lement, [chuprmnt] sunione. sichlurite] s. seconda mallevaCoup'let, [cheuplt] s. pajo doria, f. Countersign', [caounteursaine] (pros.) distico, m. Coup'ling, [chupling] s. accopV. a. contrassegnare. Countersig'nal, [caounteursig- piamento, congiugnimento, m. nalj s. (mar.) contrassegna- Cou'rage, [churdge] s. coraggio, animo, m.; bravura, f. le, m. Counterten'orfcaounteurteneur] Coura'geous, [churdgiSs] acf/. coraggioso, bravo. s. (ws.) contralto, m. Countertide', [caounteurtaide] Coura'geously, [cheuredgusle'] adv. coraggiosamente. s. marea di rovescio, f. Countertime', [caoiinteurtaime] Coura'geousness, [churedgeusns] s. coraggio; valore, m 8. contrattempo, m. opposizioCourant', [churnt] Couran'to, ne, {. Countertnrn', [caoiinteurteurn] [cheirnto] s. (danc.) corren; ;

Cour'ting, [crtfng] teggiare, m.




Court'-la'dy,[crt-ld] .dama della corte,/". Court'like,[cdrt-laicbe] adj. cortigianesco, civile, elegante. Court'liness, [crtlins] s. affabilit,

compiacenza; elegan-



Court'ly, [corti e'] adv. cortigianamente, civilmente, elegante-

Court'ly, [cortle'] adj. civile; grazioso. Court'-mar'tial, [cort-marscial] s. corte marziale, f.; consiglio di guerra, m. Courf-min'ion, [cort-minieun] s. mignone, favorito, m. Court'-prom'ises, [crt-promizes] s. pi.; belle parole senza





Countervail', [caoiinteurvelels. Cou'rier, [cirieur] s. corriere, equivalenza, equiponderanza, f. messaggiere, m. Countervail' , [caonteurvle] Course, [corse] s. corso, m.; carV. n. valere altrettante, equivalere.



ordine, viaggio,





Counterview', [caounteurvi] s. opposizione, f. contrasto.m. Countervote', [caounteurvote]



f.; rito, servizio (di tam.; by -, a vicenda, in giro; of -, necessariamente, co-

V. a. votare contro.



munemente, ordinariamente; fatti, /. pi. words of -, complimenti, m. pi.; Court'ship, [cortscTp] s. civiltake your -, fate quel che vo- t, compiacenza, pulitezza, gatake a ivise -, pigliar lanteria, f. lo follow the - Court'-vis'it, [cort-vst] .visita di corte; visita breve, ^ o( time, navigare secondo il Court'-yard, [cort-ird] s. anvento. Course, [corse] v. a. cacciare, ticorte, f. dare la caccia ; -, v, n. va- Cous'in, [clienz'u] s. cugino, m. cugina, gare. Cour'ser, [corseur] s. corsiere, Cove, [cve] s. cala piccola, /. destriero, m. rifugio, m. Cour'sing, [crsing] s. il cac- Cov'enant, [cheuvinant] s. pat ciare con levrieri. to, contratto, m. Court, fcrt] s. corte, f.\ corti- Cov'enant, [cheuvinant] v. n. pattuire, trattare. le; tribunale, m.; giudici, m. to -, andare alla Convenantee', [cheuvinantl] s. pi.; to go corte. contrattante, contraente, m. Court, [crt] v. a. corteggiare, Cov'enanter, [cheiivinnteiir] s. brigare, sollecitare. confederato, wi. Court'-bar'on, [crt-bareun] s. Cov'enons , [cheivineus] adj. corte del padrone del fondo, f. fraudolento, artifizioso. Court'-breed'ing, [cort-bridng] Cov'er , [chuveir] s. copereducazione di corte. s. chio, rifugio, pretesto, m.; scuCourt'-card, [crt-crd] s. carta sa, /. figurata, f. Cov'er, [cheuveur] v. a. coprire, Court-chap'lain, [cort-ciapline] celare, palliare. s. cappellano di corte, m. Cov'ering, [cheiiveuring] s. colete;

Counterwork'[caounteuroueurc] V. a. irr. contramminare. Coun'tess, [caoiintes] s. contessa,


buone misure;

Count'ing-house haouse] s. banco


(de' mercanti),

m.; fattoria, /". Count'less, [caountles] adj. innumerabile. Coun'try, [cheuntre'] s. regione, campagna, provincia, /.; paese, m. Coun'try , [clieuntre'] adj. rustico, campestre.








Coun'try-liouse[caoiantre'-tiouse] s. villa, casa di campagna, f. Coun'try-life, [caoiintr-laife] s. vita campestre, f.

Coun'try-man, [caountre'-man] s. contadino, villano, m. Coun'try-parson , [caointre'- Court'-day,


primento, vestimento, m. Cov'erlet, [cheuvurlt] s. cogio, m. Cour'teous, [cheurtscieis] adj. pertura, coperta, f. Coun'try-seat , [caountre'-slte] cortese, gentile, grazioso, be- Cov'ert, [cheiiveurt] adj. copervedi Countryhouse. nevolo. to, nascosto, segreto; -, s. luoCoun'try-squire , [caountre'- Cour'teously , [cheurtscieusl] go coperto, nascondiglio, rifusquair] s. gentiluomo di pro- adv. cortesemente, graziosagio, m. vincia, m. mente. Cov'ertly , [cheuveurtl] adv,


curato di villag-

curiale, m.

copertamente, segretamente,

so, timido.



[craghinesj & , asprezza; ertezza, /. Crag'gy, [cragh] vedi Craggcd. Cram, [cram] v. a. impinzare, ficcare -, v. n. impinzarsi di carne &c. Cram'bo, [cramb] s. giuoco di rima, m. Cramp, [cramp] adj. difficile, intrigato;-, s. granchio, ritiraraento di muscoli, ostacolo, m. Cramp, [cramp] v. a. uncina;

di Coy'ish, [caiiisc] adj.


nascosto. Cov'ertness, [cheiveurtnes] s. segretezza, ritiratezza, f. Cov'erture, [clieuveurtceur] s. copertura, protezione, condizione di donna maritata, f. Cov'ert-way, [cheuveurt-ou] s. {fort.) strada coperta, f. Cov'et, [claeivt] v. a. bramare, desiderare. CoT stable, [cheiivetabl] adj. de-


[caiile'] adv. contegnosamente. Coy'ness, [cauincs] s. contegno, m.; ritrosia, modestia, f. Coz, [cheuz] s. fam. cugino, m. Coz'en, [cheuz'n] . a. inganna-

re, truffare.

Coz'enage, [cheuz'ndge] .truffa, A; inganno, m. Coz'ener, [choiz'neur] s. ingan-

natore, giuntatore, m. siderabile, appetibile. Cov'eted, [cheiveted] arlj. bra- Crab, [crab] s. granchio, cancro, m.; mela salvatica, f. mato, desiderato, ambito. Cov'eting, [cheuvtng] s. ille- Crab'bed, [crbd] adj. aspro; arcigno. cito desiderio, m. [crabede'] adv. Cov'etous [clieuvetceus] adj. Crab'bedly , aspramente, arcignamente. avido, avaro, sordido. s. Cov'etously,[cbeuvtceus]e']adu. Crab'bedness, [crabdnes] asprezza, arcignezza, f. viso avaramente sordidamente Cov'etousness, [cheivtceusnes] arcigno, m.; difficolt, f. Crab'by , [crb] adj. ruvido, s. avarizia, cupidit, f. Cov'ey, [cbeuv] s. covata; ni- difficile. Cra'ber, [cribeur]. topo acquadiata, f.
, ; ;

re, costrignere.

Cramped, [crmp'd]

adj. affet-

(detto dello stile scrittori) intirizzato.


Cramp'-fish, [crmp-fsc] .torpedine, f. Cramp'-iron, [crarap-aieurn] s.

rampicene; graffio, m. Crampoon', [crmpiin] picene; fermaglio, m.



Cov'in, [cheivin]





Crab'-tree, [crab-trl] s. inganno, m. Cow, [caou] s. {cows, Itine, pi.) salvatico, m. milk -, vacca da lat- Crack, [crac] s. crepatura, fesvacca, sura, scoppiatura, f. ; fracasso, te, mucca^ f. Cow, [caou] V. o. intimorire, millantatore, m. Crack, [crac] v. a. crepare, fenspaventare. Cow'ard, [caoueurd] s. codardo, dere, schiacciare, rompere; -, ..fendersi, scoppiare; vanpoltrone, m. Cow'ardice, [caoiieurdTs] s. co- tarsi, millantarsi. Crack'-brained , [crc-bren'd] dardia, vigliaccheria, f. Cow'ardlike, [caoueurdlaiche] adj. scervellato. Crack'er, [crcheur] s. salteadj. da codardo. Cow'ardliness, [caoueurdlines] rello, millantatore, m.; specie di fuoco d'artifizio, f.; nut. -, 8. timidezza, f.

Cran' berry, [crnbre'] s. mora di prunaio, f. Crane, [crene] s. gru, f.; argamelo no, sifone, m.


rare su gano.

(up), [creneeup] v. a. tiper mezzo d' un ar-

Crane's'-bill, [crene's-bl] s. goranio, m. pinzette, f. pi. Craniol'ogy, [crnilodg]*. craniologia, f. Cra'nium, [crenieum] s. cra;

nio, m. Crank, [crane]

adj. robusto, vigoroso, allegro; -, s. lieva; sinuosit, f. Cran'kle, [crancV] v. n. serpeg-








codardo, vigliacco, pusillani- Crac'kle, [crc'l] v. n. scop- Cran'kles, [crancl's] s. pi. serpeggiamenti, m. pi. me; -, adv. poltronescamente, piettare, scricchiolare. Crack'ling, [crclng] s. scop- Crank'ness, [crancnes] s. savigliaccamente, vilmente. Cow'er, [caoueur] v. n. appiat- piettata, f.; - of pork, pelle di nit, /. vigore, m. maiale arrosto. Cran'nied, [cranid] adj. cratarsi, chinarsi^ Cow'-herd, [cau-heurd] s. vac- Crack'nel, [cracnel] . ciam- pato, crepolato. bella, f. Cran'ny, [crane'] . crepatura, caro, m. Cow'house , [caou-liaoise] s. Cra'dle, [credi] s. culla, cuna, fessura, f. stalla da vaccbe_, f. /.; letto per varare un vascel- Crape, [crepe] s. velo, m. Crap'ulence , [crapiiilense] s, Cow'-keeper, [caou-cMpeur] s. lo, m. Cra'dle, [credi] v. a. cullare. crapulosita, ubbriachezza, /. vaccaro,m. Craft, [craft] s. mestiere, m. Crap'ulous , [crapiuleus] adj. Cowl, [caoul] .cappuccio, m. /".; artifiubbriaco. Cow'-leech, [caou-litsc] s. me- professione; astuzia, cio, m. barca, /".; battello, m.; Crash, [erase] s. fracasso, stredico delle vacche, manescalchiatta, /. pito, m. co, m. Co'worker, [co-oueurcheur] s. Craftily, [craftile'] adv. astu- Crash, [erase] v. a. fracassare, tamente, con astuzia. rompere; -, v. n strepitare. cooperatore, collaboratore, m. Cow'slip, [caouslip] s. tassobar- Craftiness, [craftines] s. astu- Crash'ing, [erascing] s. conzia, stratagemnia, f. quassamento, m. basso, m.; primavera, f. Cox'comb, [ccscme] s. cresta Crafts'man, [craftsman] s. ar- Cra'sis, [crss] s. temperamen; ;

tigiano, artefice, m. to, m.; {pros.) crasi, /. Crafts'master, [craftsmistur] Crass, [eras] adj. crasso: grosso. Cras'situde, [crsitiude] .crasCox'combry, [cocscomere'] s. fa- s. artefice esperto, m. [craft] adj. astuto, sezza, grossezza, f. tuit, sciocchezza, babbuassag- Crafty, scaltro, volpino. Crastina'tion, [crstinscieun] gine, f. Coxcom'cal, [coescomi ci] adj. Crag, [crag] s. rupe, f.; sco- s. dilazione, f ritardo, m. glio, m. (bato. Cratch, [crtsc] s. rastrelliera, da sciocco, affettato. Coy, [caiii] adj. modesto, riser- Crag'ged, [craglied] adj. aspro, greppia, mangiatoia, f. Crate, [crte] s. specie di pa Coy, [casi] v. n. comportarsi erto, scosceso. Crag'geduess , [craghdus] uiera, /. con riserva, farsi pregare.




sciocco, farfalli-

no, m.





crate- ICre'dent, [cridnt] a^j. creden-ICrepus'cule, [cripeiischiule] , crepuscolo; bruzzolo, m. te; accreditato, s. Crepus'culous, [cripeischiuleus] v. a. schiac- Creden'tials , [crldonscials] adj. tra '1 di e la notte. pi. lettere credenziali, f. ciare in bocca, sgretolare. Cravat', [cravat] s. cravatta, /". Credibil'ity, [crdiblit] s. cre- Cres'cent, [crsnt] adj. crescente; -, s. luna crescente, f. Grave, [crve] v. a. pregare, im- dibilit, probabilit, f. Credible, [crdibP] adj. credi- Cress, [crs] s. crescione, m. plorare. Cres'set, [crstj s. fanale, faCra'ven, [crv'n] s. gallo scora- bile, degno di fede. ro, m. Cred'ibleness, [crdibrnes] s to, codardo, m. Cra'ven, [crev'n] v. a. intimi- probabilit, verisimilitudine ; Crest, [crest] s. cresta, /".; pennacchio; orgoglio; animo, m. credenza, f. diro; scoraggiare. Cra'yer, [crveur] s. domanda- Cred'ibly, [credible'] adv. credi- Crest'ed, [crested] adj. crestuto. Crest'fallen, [crst-faul'n] adj. bilmente. tore, m. Craving, [crving] adj. insazia- Cred'it, [credit] s. credito, m.; sgomentato, sbigottito. fede, riputazione, fama, stima, Crest'less, [crstis] adj. senza bile, avido. crosta, senza insegna. autorit, /".; letter of -, s. lette Cra'vingness, [crvTngnos] s ra di credito,/".; to give -, dar jCreta'ceous, [critscieis] adj. insaziabilit,/'. credito, prestar fede, fare ere- cretaceo, Craw, [crau] s. gozzo, m. Crev'ice, [crevTs] s. crepatura, denza, CravF'fish, [craufisc] Cray-fish, ^ fessura, ^ [crau-fisc] s. granchio, gam-jCred'it, [credit] v. a. credere, prestar fede; far onore; fidarsi. Crev'ice, [crevTs] v. a. spaccabero, m. Crawl, [craul] v. n strascina- Cred'itable , [credtabl'] adj. re, fendere Crew, [cru] .banda, torma, mare, rampicare; umiliarsi, onorevole, stimabile, Crawl'er, [craleur] s. retti- tCred'itableness, [credtabrnes] no, f. ; (mar.) equipaggio (d' un vascello), m. lo, wi. s. onorevolezza, riputazione, /. Cra'yon , [crieSn] s. pastel- ICred'itably, [creditable] adv. Crew'el, [criol] s. lana fila[crotour]

m. Crauncb, [crSunsc]

ta,/". lo, m. con credito, onorevolmente. Craze, [creze] v. a. fracassare, jCred'itor, [croditour] s. credi-jCrib, [crib] s. mangiatoia, ca panna, f. tore, wi. rompere; dimentare (trice, f. (baro. Cra'zedness, [crzdnes] s. de- Cred'itrix, [creditrics] s. credi- Crib, [crib] v. a. ingabbiare, rucrepitezza, vecchiezza estre- Credu'lity, [crdiulit] s. cre- Crib'bage, [cribdgej s. spezie di giuoco di carte (in Inghilma, /. dulit, f. Cra'ziness, [crzines] s. infer- Cred'ulous , [crediuleus] adj. terra), f. mit, imbecillit, f. credulo, agevole al credere. Crib'-biter, [crb-baiteur] s. caCra'zy, [crz] adj. decrepito, Cred'ulously, [crdiuleusl] adv. vallo che appoggia i denti alla debile, malsano. da credulo. mangiatoia, m. Creak, [eriche] v. n. scricchio- Cred'ulousness, [crediuleusnes] Crib'ble, [cribl'] s. crivello, crii

lare, cigolare.

s. .

facilit a credere,




Creed, [cride] s. credo, m. Cribra'tion, [craibrscieun] t. chiolata, /. Creek, [eriche] s. cala, calanca, cribrazione, /". Cream, [crime] s panna, /".; fiore /".; seno di mare, m. Crick, [cric] s. scricchiolata, f. di latto, m. Cree'ky, [eriche] adj. pieno di Crick'et, [cricht] s. grillo, sgtiCream, [crime] v. a. schiumare; cale bello; giuoco alla palla (in In-, V. n. rappigliarsi. Creep, [cripe] v. n. irr. {crept ;\ ghilterra),in Cream'-faced, [crimc-fs'd] adj. crep rampicare, strisciare, ab- ICri'er , [craieur] s. banditopallido, bassarsi, umiliarsi; to - in,into, re, m. Crea'my, [crime'] adj. pieno di ficcarsi, insinuarsi; to - iniol Crime, [craime] s. delitto, m.; panna. one's favor, insinuarsi nel-j colpa, ^. Crease, [crlse] s. piega, crespa, l'altrui favore; to - on, acco-jCrime'ful, [craimeful] arf;. scelriga, f. starsi insensibilmente; to -\ lerato, malvagio, colpevole. Crease, [crlse] v. a. piegare, out, andare via sottilmente; /ojCrime'less, [crimeles] adj. inscricI j

Creak'ing, [crching]

- up, arrampicarsi, colpevole, innocente, creare, {Creep'er, [cripeur] s, pianta jCrim'inal, [criminal] arfj.criraistrisciante, /, naie, colpevole; -,s. delinquente, malfattore, *. crea- Creep'hole, [crlphle] s. buco zione, A per scampare; pretesto, m. iCriminal'lty, [criminlite'] . _ Crea'tive, [crietiv] adj. creati- 'Creep'ing, [crlplng] adj. stri-j criminalit,/", vo, generativo, scianto, serpeggiante; -,s. bas-'Crim'inally, [criminale'] ad-o. Crea'tor, [criteiir] s. creato-] sozza, vilt, /. criminalmente,
I j

increspare. Crea'te, [crite] v. causare, suscitare Crea'tion, [criscieiin]

ro,m. jCreep'ingly, [cripingle'] arfv. aiCrim'inalness, [criminlnes] s. _ ^ Crea' ture, [critcieiir] s. creatu-j modo de' rettili, criminalit, /.; delitto, m, i-a, /.; animale, m. Crema'tion, [crlmscieun] s. ab- Crim'inate, [criminte] r a. inCrea'turely, [critcieurle'] adj.i bruciamento, m. colpare. da creatura, ^ (quenza, f. Cre'mor, [crlmeur] s. cremo- Crimina'tion, [criminscieun] s, Creb'ritude, [crbritiude] .fre-| re, m, incolpamento, m.; accusa, /. Cre'brous, [cribreiis] adj. fre-jCre'nated, [crinetod] adj. mer-jCrim'inatory [criminateire] , quente. lato. adj. incolpante, accusante, ^ Cre'dence, [crdense] . creden-ICrep'itate, [crepitite] v. n.jCrim'inous, [crimineusjarfj.criza, fede, fama, /. scoppiettare. minoso, colpevole, iniquo. Creden'da, [cridenda] s. arti- Crepita'tion, [crepitscieun] s.jCrim'inously,[criminesl]orfv, coli di fede, m. pi. scoppiettio, crepito, m. colpabilmente. Diz Ing.-Ital. 2. o



Cross'bite, [eros-bite] v.o. in-

Crim'inousness, [crimineusnes] Croak'er, [croacheur] s. horhot8. malvagit, f.\ crimine, m. tone, ni. Crimp, [crimp] adj. fragile. Cro'ceous, [croscieis] adj.croceo. Crimp, [crimp] v. a. arricciare Crock, [eroe] s. pignatta, f. i capelli. Crock'ery, [crcheur] s. stoviCrim'ple, [crimpV] v. a. incre glie, f. fi. maiolica, (. spare, grinzare; -, v. n. rag- Croc'odile, [crcdaile] s. coc;

gannare, garabuUare. Cross'bow, [cros-b]




Cross'bowman, [crs-bmn]
balestralo, m. Cross'breed, [crs-brde]


grinzarsi, ritirarsi.

Crim'son, [criraz'n] a<lj. misino; -, s. chermisi, m. Crim'son, [crimz"n] v. a. tingere in chermisi. Cringe , [crindge]

codrillo, m. cher- Cro'cus, [crocheiis] s. croco, ni. Croft, [croft] s. chiuso piccolo, in.

za bastarda,


Cross-examine, [crs-egzmin] V. a. esaminare artatamente.

Cross'grained, [crs-grn'djarfj.

Croisade',[crauisede]Crois.a'do, perverso, bisbetico. . ossequio [crauisdo] s. crociata,/'. Cros'sing , [crsing] Cross'servile, m. Crone, [crne] s. pecora vecchia, road,[cros-rode] s. (rati.) tranCringe, [crindge] v. a. contrar- vecchiaccia, f. sito, passaggio, m. re, increspare; -, v. n. adulare Cro'ny, [crn] s. amico vecchio, Cross'-legged, [crs-leg'd] adj. vilmente, far il hisinghiere. m.; conoscenza vecchia, f. avente le gambe incrociate; Crin'ging, [crindging] s. som Crook, [cruc] s. uncino crocco; sedente con le gambe in croce. messione bassa; adulazione, f. rocco, m.; by hook or by -, per Cross'ly, [crsl] adv. attraCrinig'erous, [crinidgireus] adj. ruffa e raffa. verso; in modo opposto; svenpieno di capelli, peloso, capel- Crook, [cric] v. a. incurvare ; turatamente. luto. piegare;-, v. n. piegarsi. Cross'ness, [crsnes] s. interCrinite, [crainaite] ad], somi Crook'-back, [cruc-bc] s. gob- secazione ; perversit, f.\ mal gliante ai capelli. bo; scrignuto, m. umore, m. Crin'kle, [crncr] s. piega, grin Crook'-backed, [cric-bac'd] adj. Cross'-question, [cros-questcieiin] see Cross-examine. za: sinuosit, /. gobbo, scrignuto. Crin'kle, [crincF] v. n. serpeg- Crook'ed, [crichd] adj. piega- Cross'-road, [cros-rode] s. crogiare, volteggiare. to, adunco; perverso. cevia strada traversa, /. Crinose', [crinse] ad}, crinu- Crook'edly , [criichdle'] adv. Cross'-row, [cros-ro] s. alfabe; ;


pieno di capelli.

Cross'-stafr, [crs-staf J s. {mar.) tilato. curvatura, piegatura, sinuosi balestriglia, /". _ Crip'ple, [cripV] v.a. storpiare, t, f. Cross'-way, [cros-oue'] s. crocemutilare; (mar.) disarmare, di Crook'-legged, [crc-leg'd] adj. via, strada traversa, f. sfare. che ha lo gambe storte. Cross'ways^ [cros-ous] Cross'Cri'sis, [crisTs] s. crisi,/.; pe- Crop, [crop] s. gozzo (d'uccello), wise, [cros-oaaize] adv. in riodo decisivo, m. m.; raccolta, f.; cavallo scodacroce. Crisp, [crisp] adj. crespo. to, m. Crotch, [crotsc] s. uncinetto; Crisp, [crisp] v. a. increspare, Crop, [crop] v. a. scortare, to- amo, m. inanellare, arricciare. sare; -, V. n. fare la raccolta; Crotch'es, [crotscs] s p L (mar.) Crispa'tion , [crispsciein] s. mietere. forcati, m, pi. raggrinzamento, arricciamen- Crop'ear, [cropire] s. cavallo Crotch'et, [crotscet] s. croma, to, m.; crespezza, f. che ha avuto gli orecchi moz- fantasia, /".; capriccio, m.; paCrisp'ing-iron, [crisping-aeirn] zati, m. rentesi, /. Crisp'ing-pin, [crispiug-pn] s. Crop'eared, [cropr'd] adj. aven- Crouch, [craoutsc] v.n. appiatcalamistro, wi. te gli orecchi mozzati. tarsi, umiliarsi. Crisp'ness, [crispns] s. incre- Crop'ful, [cropfil] adj. sazio, Croup, [crup] s. groppa, f. ; spatura, f. satollo. groppone, m.; malattia di gola,/. Cris'py, [crsp] ad'}, crespo, in- Crop'sick, [cropsic] adj. impin- Croupier', [empie"] s. sottocapo crespato, arricciato. zato. del banchetto, m. Crite'rion, [cratiriein] s. cri- Cro'sier, [crogieir] s. pastora- Crow, [ero] s. cornacchia, lieterio; indizio, m. le, bastone vescovile, m. va, stanga, /. ; canto del galCrit'ic, [critic] adj. critico; -, Cros'let, [croslt] s. frontale, lo, m. s. critico; censore, ni. ni.; crocetta, f. Crow, [ero] v. n irr. (crew; Crit'ical, [criticai] adj. critico, Cross, [eros] . croce ; afflizione, crowed) cantare, vantarsi, milesatto, accurato. pena, /. ; tormento, infortu- lantarsi, trionfare, insultare. Crit'ically, [criticale'] adv. cri- nio, m. Crowd, [craoud] s. folla, calca, ticamente, da critico; esatta- Cross, [eros] arfj. traverso, con- moltitudine, /".; to get through mente, trario, opposto, perverso the -, farsi strada tra la folla. -, Crit'icalness , [criticlnes] s. prep. & adv. alla traversa; at- Crowd, [craoud] v.a. affollare, esattezza, accuratezza, f. traverso, traversalmente. strignere; -, v. n. strignersi Crit'icise, [critisFiize] v.a. cri-j Cross, [eros] v a. attraversare, nella calca; m. to crowd sail, ticare, censurare. impedire; -, V. n. opporsi; to -\ far forza di vele (mar.). Crit'iciser, [critisaizeir] s.cri-l out, cancellare ; to - over, var- Crow'-foot, [cro-fut] s. ranontico, censore, m. care, passare. colo, m. Crit'icism, [critisism] s. criti-l Cross'-bar, [eros-bar] s. sbar- Crow'-keeper, [cr-chipeur] s. cismo, m.; critica, f. ra, f. spaventacchio, m. Croak, [croche] v. n. gracidare,] Cross'-bar-shot,[crs-bar-sciot] Crown, [craoun] s. corona, ghirciocitare^ s. palla di cannone ramata, f. landa; cima, sommit, /".; orna_ Croak, [croche] Croak'ng, [cro-i Cross'bite, [eros-bite] s. fur- mento; fine, ni.; (hat.) forching] s. il gracidare. beria; f rande, /. ma, /.

Crip'ple, [cripP]



tortamente, mal volentieri. Crook'edness, [crchodns]







Crown, [craun] w. a. coronare, Crnmp'-footed, [creimp-fted] Crys'tal, lo, m. ricompensare; damare (una pe- adj. che ha i piedi storti.


Crnm'ple, [creimpl]

v. a.

rag- Crys'tal, [crstal] Crys'tallino,

[crtstalaine] adj. cristallino.

[craun-glas] s grinzare; -, V. n. raggrinzarsi. vetro bianco, m. Crum'pling , [creumpling] j. Crown'-imperial, [craoun-impl- piccola mola bistorta, f. ril] s. [bot.) giglio paonaz- Crup'per, [creiipeiir] s. groppiera; groppa,/;. zo, w. Crowning, [crauning] s. coro- Cru'ral, [crurl] udj. (anat.) crurale namento, m. coronazione, {. Crown'-land, [craoun-lnd] s. Crusade', [criisde] Crusa'do, [crisedo] s. crociata, /". dominio della corona, m. Crown'scab , [craun-scab] s. Crusa'der, [crisdeir] s. soldato della crociata, m. scabbia farinacea, f. Crown'-wheel, [craoun-oile] s. Cru'set , [crist] s. crogiuolo, in. ruota di riscontro, f. Crown'works, [craun-oueurcbs] Crush, [creusc] .schiacciamen;

Crown 'glass



scieiin] s. cristallizzazione,

Crys'tallize, [cristalize] v. a. & n. cristallizzare. Cub, [cheub] s. giovane delle belve, m.

Cnb, [chub]

v. a.



Cuba'tion, [chiubescieun]
giacere, m. Cu'batory, [chiiibateure']






(geom.) cubatura, f. Cube, [chiube] s. (geom.) cu^ rughe sotto _gli occhi, f. pi. Crush, [creusc] v. a. schiaccia- bo, m. Cru'cial, [cruscil] adj. a forma re, ammaccare; premere, op- Cube'-root, [chiibe-riit] . ra(statura, f. dice quadra, f. primere, di croce, trasversale.
s. pi. (fort.)

coronamento, m.



m.; collisio-



Cru'ciate, [cruscite] v. a. cro- Crust, [creust] s. crosta, incrociare; tormentare. Crust, [creust] v. a. incrostaCru'cible, [crsibl'] s. crogiuo- re ; -, V. n. incrostarsi, formarsi in crosta. lo, correggiuolo,_tn. [creustscieus] Cruciferous, [crusiireus] adj. Crnsta'ceous , (so,w. adj. crostaceo, crostuto. crucifero. Cru'ciflx, [crsifics] s. cvocifis- Crusta'tion, [crestescieun] s. Crucifix'ion, [crsifcscieiin] s. incrostatura, f. crocifissione, f. Crust'ed, [creiistd] adj. crostuCru'cform, [crisiform] adj. in to, incrostato. forma di croce. _ Crus'tily, [creistile'] adv. di Cru'cify, [crusifai] v. a. croci- cattivo umore. figgere; tormentare. Crus'tiness, [creistines] s. croCrude, [cride] adj. crudo, aspro; sta, /.; cattivo umore, m. acerbo; immaturo: imperfetto. Crus'ty, [creust] adj. crostuto; Crude'ly, [criidel] adv. imma- bisbetico. turamente. Crutch, [creiitsc] s. gruccia, Crude'ness, [crudenes]Cru'dity, croccia, stampella, f. [erudite'] s. crudezza; immatu- Cry, [crai] s. grido, clamore; rit ; indigestione, f. pianto, m.; - of hounds, muta Cru'el, [crl] adj. crudele, inudi cani, f. mano. Cry, [crai] v. a. chiamare, proCru'elly, [crule'] adv. crudel- mulgare; -, v.n. gridare; stre-





Cu'bicalness, [chiiibicalnes]

forma cubica, f. Cu'biform , [chiubiform]

Cu'bit, [chiiibft]




m. Cutital, [chiubtl]
tale, di cubito.

adj. cubi-


bagno per






Cuck'old, [clieicold]



mente, inumanamente, barbaramente.

Cru'elness, [crlnes] Cru'elty, [crilt] s. crudelt, inumanit,

Cruentale, [cruentai] adj. sanguinoso. Cru'et, [cruet] s. ampollina (per

l'aceto), f. ^Cruise, [cruze] s. crociera,

corseggiare, w. Cruise, [criize] v. . corseggia- Crier, [craier] s. gridatore, gliarsi. banditore, m. Cud'dy, [cheide'] vedi Cuddle. re, andare in corso. _ Crui'ser, [cruzur] s. uno che Crying out, [craiing-aout] si Cud'gel, [cheudgl] s. bacchio, esclamazione, f. sta veleggiando qua e l, m. bastone, m. Crui'sing, [crizing] s. il veleg- |Crypt, [cript] s. (arch.) cap- Cud'gel, [cheudgl] v. a. bastogiare qua e l, m. pella sotterranea f. nare; to-one''s trains, beccarsi Cruna, [creum] Crumb, [creumb] Cryp'tic, [crptic] Cryp'tical, il cervello. [cripticl] adj. occulto s. midolla; mica, f. se- Cud'geling , [cheudgelng] . Crum'ble, [creumblj v. a. smi- greto. bastonata, f. nuzzare, tritare; -, v. n smi- Cryp'tically, [cripticle] adv Cue, [chi] s. coda; fine, /".; inoccultamente, segretamente. nuzzarsi, stritolarsi. dizio; avviso; umore, m. in Crum'my, [creum] adj. mi- Cryptog'raphy, [criptgraf] s. good -, in bell'umore. dolioso. crittografia, f. Cuff, [cheuf] . manichino, m.; Crump , [croump] adj. gobbo, Cryptorogy,[crptlodge']s. lin- guanciata, /.; to go to -s, venigibboso, storto. guaggio mistico, m. re alle mani, fare a' pugni.

Cuck'old, [cheucold] v. a. far le corna ad uno. Cuck'oldly, [cheucoldle'] adj. abbietto, povero. Cuck'oo, [ciicu] s. cuculo, m. Cuck'oo-flower, [cuca-flaur] s. cardamindo, crescione, m. Cu'cnllate, [chiicheulte] Cu,*pitare, piangere; to - to God, cullated, [chiuchuletd] adj. invocare Iddio; to - mercy, do- incappucciato. mandar misericordia; to -aloud, Ca'cumber, [chiucheumbeur] . gridar ad alta voce; to -dovn, cetriuolo, m. to - Cu'curbite, [chiicheurbaite] . diffamare, discreditare out, gridare ad alta voce; to cucurbita,^. out against, dolersi, lamen- Cud, [cheiid] s. cibo rugumato, to - out upon, svergom. ; to cheto the -, rugumara, tarsi to - unto gnare invocare, ruminare. to - up, esaltare, Cud'dle, [cheudl'] v. n. appiatimplorare tarsi, stare appiattato, covivantare.
; ; ;

Cuff, [cheuf] w. a. scliiaffeggiaro; -, w. n. fare alio pugne. Cairass', [quiras] s. corazza, ar-



CumTiersomeiiess, [cheumbeur- Cuva'tor, [clurteur] s. curatore, amministratore, m. seiiranes] Cum'brance, [cheumbranse] s. ingombro, impedi- Curb, [cheurb] s. freno, morso; ristrgnimonto, m. proibiziomento, ostacolo, m. madura del busto, f. Cuirassier', [quirasirc] s. sol- Cum'brous, [clieimbreus] vedi ne, f.. Curb, [clieurb] v. a. frenare, Cumbersome. dato armato di corazza, m. Cum'brously , [clieumbrensle'] tener a freno; rintuzzare, riCuish, [cuisc] s. cosciale, i. strignere. Cu'Inary, [chiulinave'] adj. di adv. incomodamente. Cum'n , [clieumn] s. comi- Curd, [cheurd] s. latte rapprecucina. so, wi.; to turn to -s, rappino, m. Culi, [cheul] r. a. scegliere, coCu'mulate, [cliiumlulte] v. a. gliarsi. gliere, capparo. Curd, [cheurd] v. a. coagulare, Cul'landar, [clieulandeur] s. co- cumulare, ammassare. Gnmula'tion, [chiiimiulscieiu] rappigliare. latoio, wi. Cur'dle, [cheurdV] v. a. coaguCul'ler, [clioulur] s. sceglito- s. cumulo, ammassamento, m. Cu'mulative, [cliiumluletiv]ac?j. lare, rappigliare; -,v.n. coagure, tn.

curabile. Cu'rer, [chireiir] s. medico, curatore, m. Cur'few, [cheurfiS] s. campana Cun'ning-man, [cheuning-man] di notte, f. {astr.) culminare. Curial'ity, [chirialite'] s. priCnlmina'tion,[cheulminscieunl s. divinatore, m. Cun'ningness, [cheuningnes] s. vilegi della curia, j. pi. s. {astr.) culminazione, f. Culpabil'ity, [cheulpablite'] s. astuzia, scaltrezza, sottigliez- Cu'ring, [chirng] s. il guariza, /. re, m. delitto, misfatto, m. Cul'pable, [cheiilpabr] adj. col- Cup, [cbeup] s. coppa, tazza, f.\ Curios'ity, [chiuriosit] s. cubicchiere, wi.; (6o<.) boccia, f.; riosit, rarit,/. pevole, criminale. Cul'pableness , [cheulpabVnes] parting -, mancia, buona ma- Cu'rious, [chirieus] adj. cuno, /.; in one's -s, amongst -s, rioso, squisito, raro, delicato ; . crimine, m.; colpa, f. esatto ; - piece of work, s. capo Cul'pably, [cheulpable'] adv. nella crapula. reamente, biasimevohnente. Cup, [chup] V. a. appiccare le d' opera, m. ventose. Cu'riously, [chiurieusle'] adv. Cul'prit, [chulprlt] s. accusato, reo, m. Cup'-bearer , [cheip-breir] s. curiosamente; con esattezza, con arte. Carter, [cheulteur] s. coltro. coppiere, coppiere, m. A'omero, m. Cup'board, [cheibeurd] s. cre- Cu'rionsness , [chirieiisnes] Cul'tivate, [clieiiltivte] v. a. denza, /.; buffetto, armario, m. vedi Curiosity. coltivare, migliorare, perfezio- Cup'board, [cheubeurd] v. a. ri- Curl, [cheirl] .riccio, ni.; sinare. servare, tesoreggiare. nuosit, /. Cultiva'tion , [cheultivesciun] Cupd'ity, [chiiipidite'] s. cupi- Curi, [cheurl] i'. o. arricciare, dit, cupidigia, f. i. coltivaraento, m.; coltura, /".; inanellare; -, . n. arricciarsi. miglioramento, m. Cu'pola, [chiupola] s. cupola, /. Cur'lew, [cheurliii] s. chiurCul'tivator, [clioultivateur] s. Cup'per, [chepeur] s. scarifica- lo, m. coltivatore, m. tore, m. Curl'ing, [cheirling] $. arricCal'ture, [cheul tscieur] s. col- Cup'ping, [cheupTng] s. vento- ciamento de' capelli, m. tura, f.; col ti vam ente, m. sare, m. Curring-iron,[ch6irlng-aIeurn] Cul'ture, [cheultscieir] v.a. col- Cup'ping-glass, [cheiping-glas] 8. calamistro, wi. tivare. s. ventosa, f. Curl'ing-paper, [chourlTng-pCul'ver, fclieulveur] s. colombo; Cn'preous , adj. [chiprieiis] peur] s. carta da ricci, f. piccione, m. cupreo. Cnrmud'geon, [cheurmeudgeun] Cul'verin, [cheulverin] 8. colu- Cur, [cheur] s. cane degenera- s. avaro, spilorcio, m. brina, f. to, m. Curmud'geonly, [cheurmudCul'vert, [cbeulveurt] s. cate- Cu'rable, [chiurabl] adj. cura- gunle'J adj. avaraccio. ratta, /.; condotto sotterraneo; bile, sanabile. Cur 'rant, [cheurnt] s. ribes, w. (rail ) ponte di sopra, m. Cu'rableuess, [<;hiurabrnes] s. Cur'rant*bush, [cheurnt-buscj Cum'ber, [cheumbeur] s. imba- curagione, cura, f. 8. arboscello del ribes, m. razzo, i. Cu'racy, [chiuras] s. carica di Cur'rency, [cheurns] s. corCum'ber, [clieumbeir] v. .im- curato, f. so, m.; circolazione, continuibarazzare, imbrogliare. Cu'rate, [chiurete] s curato, t,/. Cum'bersome, [cheumbeiirseum] parroco, m. Cur'rent, [cheiiront] adj. coradj. scomodo, molesto, affan- Curateship , [chiuretescip] s. rente, comune; -, s. corrennoso. uffizio di curato, m.; cura, f. te, f. Oum'bersomely , [cheimbeur- Cu'rative, [chirativ] adj. cu- Cur'rently, [cheurentl] adv. seiirale'] adv, incomodamente, rativo. correntemente; generalmente.

Cul'lion, [clieuliein] s. bricco- cumulativo. Cuncta'tion , [clieiuctscieun] ne, birbone, m. s. ritardo, m.; dimora, /. Cul'lionly , [cbeulieSnle'] ad] Cuncta'tor, [cheuuctoteur] s. abbietto, vile. Cul'lis , [cheiilis] s. consuma- ritardatore, m. Gune'iform, [chiniform] adj. to, m. Cnl'ly, [clioule'] s. goffo, scioc- (anat.) cuneiforme, basilare. Gun'ning, [cheiining] adj. astuco, m. Cul'ly, [clieule'] v a. ingannare, to, scaltrito, furbo, esperto -, s. astuzia, accortezza; sagabeffare. Culmif'erous , [cheulmifireus] cit, f. Cun'ningly, [cheiiningl] adv. adj. culmifcro. Cul'minate, [cheilminete] t. n. astutamente, destramente.

larsi, rappigliarsi.

Cur'dled, [cheurdrd] adj. quagliato, rappreso. Curds, [cheurds] vedi Curd. Cur'dy, [cheiird] vedi Curdled. Cure, [chiure] s. cura; parrocchia,

Cure, [chiure] v.

a. guarire. [chiureles] adj. in-



lo -

[chouieiitnos] s. Cur'vature, [chcurvetscieur] s. incurvatura, f. circolazione, facilit di pronunCurve, [choirve] adj. curvo, zia, volubilitl, f. Car'reiit-price,[chouront-prase] storto; -, s. linea curva, incurvatura, /. s. prezzo corrente, m. Cur'ricle, [chouricl] s. biroc- Curve, [cheurve] v. a. curvare, piegare. cio, m. Cur'rier, [cheuroiir] s. concia- Cur'vet, [cheurvot] s. (horse) corvetta, /".; salto, m. tore di polli, m. Cur'rish, [chourlsc] ad], cagno- Curvet', [cheurvet] v. a. (horse) faro lo corvette, corvettare ; sco, brusco, brutale. Cur'rishly , [cbouriscl] adv. saltare. brutalmente, bruscamente. Curvilin'eal, [cheiir vilnil] CurCur'ry, [cheur] v. a. conciare vilin'ear, [cheurvilnir] adj. curvilineo. il cuojo; stregghiaro, strigliare; to - favor with one, corteg- Cur'vity, [cheurvite'] s. curvit; giare, adulare alcuno. piegatura, /. Cur'rycomb, [cher'-cme] s. Cush'ion, [cuscieun] g. cuscino,

delle capriuole; sbrigarsi; to il

- to - off

grande ^0

capers, fare delays, a figure, fare <Ae grass un-

one's feet, soppiantare ; to - short, abbreviare, interrompere; formare; lo - small, sminuzzare ; lo - asunder, tagliare in due; to -away, troncare; togliere; to - down, abbattere; segare, troncare ; to mozzare, estirpare, sprooff, priare, precidere, prevenire, interrompere, anticipare, impedire; lo - out, formare, adattare, inventare, sorpassare; (volgare) to - up, trinciare,


cutaneo. s. maledizione, Cush'loned, [cuscicn'd] af/j. seCu'ticle, [chiuticl] s. cuticola, duto sur un cuscino. imprecazione, f. Curse, [cheurse] v. a. maledire, Cush'ionet, [csciunot] s. cu- pellicola, f. Cutic'ular, [chitchiwlar] vedi affliggere ; -,v. n. giurare, be- scinetto, m. Cusp, [cheusp] s. (astr.) corna Cutaneous. stemmiare. Cut'lass, [cheutlas] .scimitarCar'sed, [cheursed] adj. male- della mezzaluna, f. pi. ra, f. Cuspidal, [cheuspidall Cus'pa detto, esecrando. Cur'sedly, [cheursdle] adv.m- ted, [cheuspetd] Cus'pida- Cut'ler, [cheutler] s. coltellimiseramente, ted, [cheuspideted] adj. cuspi- najo, m. lissiraamente , Cut'lery, [cheutleur] s. arte dato, puntuto. odiosamente. Cur'sedness, [chelrsedns] s. Cus'tard, [cheustrd] s. cre- del coltellinajo, f. Cut'let, [choutlt] s. braciuo' cattivit, /.; carattere cattima, f. Cus'tody, [cheistd] s. custo- la, ^ vo, m. Cur'ser, [cheirseur] s. bestem- dia, prigione, /.; te take into -, Cut'purse, [cheitpeiirse] s. tagliaborse, borsaiuolo, m. miatore, m. imprigionare. Cur'sitor, [cheursiteiir] s. uffi- Cus'tom, [cheusteum] s. usanza, Cut'ter, [chuteiir] s. tagliato/.; uso, rito, costume, m. re; cottero, wi.; scialuppa, /.; ziale della cancelleria, m. Cur'sorly, [cheursorile'] adv. Cus'tomable , [cheusteimabl] stone -, tagliapietre, m. Cut'throat, [cheiitth^rtej adj. in fretta; alla leggiera. adj, comune abituale. Cur'soriness, [cheursorines] s. Cus'tomableness, [cheiistoiiraa- barbaro, crudele -, s. assasrapidit, leggerezza, f. blns] s. costumanza; assuefa- sino, taglia-cantone. Cur'sory, [chursore'] adj. leg- zione, f. Cut'tingr, [cheSting] adj. pungiero, frettoloso. Cus'tomably, [cTieusteumabl] gente, satirico;-,*, ritaglio. m.; tagliata, /".; open -, s. (rail.) Curst, [cheiirst] adj. maledetto, adv. secondo l'uso. esecrabile, perverso. Cus'tomarily, [cheusteSmaril] intaglio, m.; trincea, f. Garst'ness, [cheurstnes] s. per- adv, abitualmente, ordinaria- Cut'tle, [cheutl] . seppia, /".; mente. (pesce); maldicente, m. versit, cattivezza, malizia, f. Curt, [cheurt] adj. corto, scor- Cus'tomariness , [cheusteiima- Cut'-water, [cheiit-oiauteir] s, tato. rines] s. consuetudine, usan- (mar.) tagliamare, m.

stregghia, f. Curse, [cheursc]

guanciale, m._

notomizzare. Cuta'neous, [chitnieus] adj.

Curtail', [cheirtle] v. a. mozza, f. Cy'cle, [saicl] s. ciclo; corzare, troncare. Cus'toniary,{cheusteumare'] adj. so, m. Curta'iler, [cheiirtleur] s. quel- abituale, ordinaria, comune ; - Cy'cloid, [saclaiide] s (geom.) cicloide, f. lo che mozza, m. laws, s. pi. leggi municipali,

Curtail'ing, [cheurtling] s. ab- Cyclopse'dia , [saiclopdia] s. breviazione, accorciamento. Cus'tomed, [cheusteumM] adj. corso di tutte le scienze, m. ; Cnr'taln, [cbeurt'n] . corti- costumato, usuale. enciclopedia, /. na, /". ; cortinaggio di let- Cus'tomer, [cheistemeur] s. Cyg'net, [signet] s. cigno giovine, m. to, m. avventore, compratore, m. Cur'tain, [cheurt'n] v. a. in- Cus'tom-free , [cheusteum-fri] Cyl'inder, [slndeiir] s. cilindro, m. cortinare, chiudere con cor- adj. franco di dogana. tine. Cus'tom-liouse , [cheusteum- Cylin'dric, [slndric] Cylin'drical, [slindricl] adj. cilinCur'tain-lecture , [cheurt'n- hause] . dogana, f. drico. lctsciur] s. rabbuffo (fatto in Cus'tom-house-offlcer, [cheusletto), m. teiim-haouse-fiseur] s. doga- Cymar', [saimar] s. zimarra,/". Cur'tain-rod, [cheurt'n-rd] s. niere, m. verga di ferro, f. Cut, [cheut] s. taglio; pezzo, m.; Cym'bal, [simbl] s. cembaCurt'sy, [cheurtse'] vedi Cour- fetta; ferita; stampa, /.; (rail.) lo, m. tesy. intaglio, m.; trincea, f. Cyn'ic, [sinic] s. cinico, m. Cur'vated , [cheurveted] adj. Cut, [cheut] v. a. irr. (cut; cut) Cyn'ic, [sinic] Cyn'ical, [siniccurvato, piegato. tagliare, mozzare; ferire; divi- l] adj. cinico; brutale. Curva' tion, [cheirvscieun] s. dere, separare ; -, v. n. irr. ta- Cyn'osure, [snosciiirejs. (asfr.) curvit, curvezza, f. gliarsi, intersecarsi; penetraorsa minore, f.

Cy'press, [saipres] Cy'press-I tree,[saiprstn] s. cipresso, m. Cy'prus, [saiproiis] .specie d velo, m.

Cyst, [sist]



Czar, [zar] s. czar, imperadore s. tumore, m. della Russia, m. Cys'tCj[sistc]adi cstico,tiimo/". Czarina, [zarina] s. impera' roso. (zione della pietra, Cysto'tomy, [sstotom] s.estra- drice della Russia, /.


pronunzia, con

le sole ec-l

[der-haouse] cascina,



Damp, [damp]
presso, tristo;
flizione, f.

-, s.

cezioni sotto indicate, come in italiano: Day, giorno. Den, ta-l na. Nei preteriti e participj passati dei verbi elio terminano in e, f, k, p, s, X, eh, gh, e ft, il D prende il suono del t, lanced, lanciato &c. Dab , [db] s. pezzo, piccolo schiaflFo, rn.; - of dirt, zacchera, f.

m. pi. Dai'ry-maid, [dre'-mede]


umido, deumidit, afinumidire,



Damp, [damp]

v. a.

Dab, [db]

v. a.

percuotere legv. a.

germente. Dab'ble, [dbl] scbiccherare;

imbrattare, -, v. n. imbrattarsi, sporcarsi, impacciarsi. Dab'bler, [dbleir] s. guastamestiere, i.

Dai'ry- woman, [dre'-ououman] s. donna che vende latte, f. Dai'sied, [dzd] adj. pieno di margheritine. Dai'sy, [dez] s. margheritina, f. Dale, [dlc] s. valle, valletta, f. Dalliance, [dalinse] s. amorevolezza, /.; trastullo, wi.; ritardanza, f. Dal'lier, [dlieur] s. accarezzatore, burlatore, scherzatore, in Dai'ly, [dale'] v. n. scherzare, accarezzare, dimorare, indugiare.

sgomentare, discoraggiare. Damp'ish, [dmpisc] ad], umi-

Damp'ishness, [dampTscncsl
umidit leggera, nebbia


Damp'ness, [dmpnes]
dezza, umidit,



Damp'y, [damp] ot/j. tristo, maDam'sel, [dmzl]

zitella, /.


Dam'son, [damz'n] Damasco, /.

Dance, [dnse]




[db-cic] s. gallinella, /._ Dace, [dese] s. spezie di lasca, f. Dac'tyle, [dctl] s. (pros.) dattilo,



Dam, [dam]

madre (delle be- za, f. ^; molo, m. cateratta, f. Dance, [danse]


v. a. fare balla-

Dam, [dm]

v. a.

stoppare, tus.


rare, murare.




danzare, riddare; to -attendance, aspettar lungo tempo invano, fare


V. n.


Dad, [dd]

babbo, padre, m.
v. n.

detrimento, m.
v. a.


dan- Dan'cer, [danseir] s. ballerino, ballatore, m. neggiare; -, V. n. ingiuriarsi. re vacillando. Dam'ageable, [dmdgeabl] adj. Dan'cing, [dansng] s. il ballaDad'dy, [dde'] vedi Dad. re, danzare, ballo, m.; - master, Dasmon, [dimen] vedi Demon. dannoso, pernicioso. Daffodil, [dfodl] Daffodil'ly, Dam'ascene, [dmz'n] s. pruna s. maestro di ballo, m.: -room, g. sala da ballo, /".; -school, s. di Damasco, /. [dfdle'] s. asfodillo, m. Dag'ger, [dgheur] s. pugnale, Dam'ask, [dmsc] s. damma- scuola da ballo, f. Dandeli'on, [dndilaieun] s. masco, m. wi.; daga, f. Dag'gers-drawing, [dgbeur's- Dam'ask, [damsc] adj. damma- cerone, m. drang] . baruffa; lite,/".; lo schino, di damraasco - linen, Dan'dle, [dndV] w, a. dondoritardare, lare, accarezzare s. biancherie dammaschinate, be at -, venire a' coltelli.

Dad'dle, [dadi]

cammina- Dam'age, [dmedge]

Dag'gle, [dgl] v. a. imbratta- re, sporcare; -, u. n. imbrat- Dam'ask, [damasc] v. a. dammascare. tarsi, e Dag'gletall, [dagltle] adj. im- Dam'ask-rose, [dmsc-roze] s. rosa dammaschina, f. brattato, infangato. Daglierreotype'[dgheiirtaipe] Dame, [dme] s. dama, signora, /". V. a. daguerreotipare. Dagueroty'per, [dgheirotai- Damn, [dam] v. a. dannare, conpeur] Daguerreot'ypist, [d- dannare, fischiare. gbeurtaipst] daguerreo- Dam'nabe, [damnabl] adj, dan$. nabile. tipista, m. Daguerreot'ypy, [dagbeiirot al- Dam'nably , [damnable'] adv. dannabilmente, orribilmente. pe] s. daguerreotipia, f. Dai'ly, [dl] adj. quotidiano, Damna'tion, [damnscieun] s. diurno; -, adv. giornalmente, dannazione, f. Dam'natory, [damnateSre] adj. ogni giorno ._ Dain'tily, [denetil] adv. deli- dannante. catamente, deliziosamente, ele- Dam'ned, [dmn'd] adj. dannato, abbominevole. gantemente. Daiu'tlness, [denetines] s. doli- Damnific, [damnific] adj. dancatozza,

procrastinare. Dan'dler, [dndleur] rezzatore, m. Dan'dling, [dandling]





vezzeggiamento, m.

Dan'druff, [dndreuf] s. forfora, forforaggine, f. Dan'dy, [dande] s. dandy, damerino, m. Dane'wort, [dneouort] s. ebbio,
ebulo, m. Dan'ger, [dandgeur]
s. periglio, pericolo, rischio, m.; to be in -, pericolare; to run a -, correr pericolo. Dan'ger, [dandgeur] v. a. arri-


Dan'gerless, [dandgeiirlsj adj. senza pericolo, sicuro. Dan'gerous, [dandgureus] adj.

periglioso, rischioso.



noso, nocivo.

dan- Dan'geronsly, [dandgeureusle] Dain'ty, [denet]adj. delicato, neggiare, dannificare, nuocere. adv. perigliosamente. [dandgereiissquisito, elegante; -, s. delica- Dam'nngness, [damnngns] s. Dan'geronsness , tendenza alla dannazione, /. nos] s. pericolo; azzardo, m. tezza, /. Dan'gle, [dang'l] v. n, pendeDai'ry , [dor'] Dai'ry-honse, (poco usato).

Dam'nify, [dmnifai]

v. a.

re, dondolare, corteggiare vil-



gare; lo - one's hopes, frustra- Day, [de] s. giorno, d, lume, m.; giornata, f.; - by -, ogni re le speranze d' alcuno; to monto. - before yesterday, Dang'ler, [dangleur] s. galan- into pieces, mettere in pezzi, giorno; spezzare; to - doion, precipi- avantieri; every other -, ogni te, innamorato, m. secondo giorno; from day to -, Dank, [danc] adj. umido, mollo tare. Dank'ish, [danchisc] adj. umi- Dashing, [dscing] adj. preci- di giorno in giorno; in the -s of old, anticamente; next -, pitato, impetuoso, che fa figura. diccio, uraidetto. Dank'ishness, [danchiscnes] s Das'tard, [dastard] s. codardo, domani; this - sennight, oggi this many a -, molti a otto poltrone, m. umidit, f. to this -, fin al Dap'per, [dapeur] adj. lesto, Das'tard, [dastard] Das'tardl- giorni sono giorno d'oggi; this -, oggi, ogze, [dstrdaize] v. a, intimiattivo, vivace. gid; in his -s, nel suo tempo; dire, spaventare, render vi[dapourling] s Dap'perling
; ;

gliacco. nano, omiciattolo, vi. Dap'ple, [dap'l] adj. pezzato, Das'tardly, [dstardle'] adj. codardo, poltronesco. pomato. Dap'ple, [dap'l] v. a. variare le Das'tardy, [dstrde'] s. codardia, poltroneria, f. strisce, strisciare. Dare, [dre] v. a. reg. and irr. Date, [dote] s. data, conclusio{durst ; dared) sfidare, provo- ne, /.; dattero, m.; out of -, fuor care; -, V. n. ardire, osare, ar- d' uso, vecchio. Date, [dote] v. a. mettere la riscliiarsi. Da'ring, [dring] adj. ardito, data, datare, notare. Date'-book, [dte-bic] s. gioraudace. Da'ringly, [drngl] adv. ar- nale, m. Date'less, [dtels] adj. senza ditamente, coraggiosamente. Da'ringness, [dringns] s. ar- data. Date'-tree, [dte-tri] s. paldimento, m.; audacia, f. Dark, [dare] arf;. oscuro, fosco; ma, f. - lanthorn, s. lanterna sorda, Da'tive, [detiv] adj. dativo ^; - saying, s. detto oscuro, - case, s._dativo, m. m.; -, s. oscurit, /". bujo, ni.; Daub, [daub] s pitturacela, f. tenebre, f. pi. Daub, [daub] v. a. imbrattare, Dark, [dare] Dar'ken, [darch'n] scbiccherare, piaggiare. V. a. oscurare, intenebrare, of- Daub'er, [daiibeurj s. pittorac fuscare, imbarazzare; -, v. n. ci, m.
; ;

to get the -, guadagnar la battaglia; a fine day, una b'^lla

giornata; a glorious day jor Italy, un giorno glorioso per


Day'-bed, [de'-bed] s. lettuccio, seggiolone, m. Day'-book, [de'-buc] s. giornale, diario, m. Day'break, [de'-breche] s. spuntare del giorno, m.
Day'-fly, [de'-flai] fimera, f.



Day-la'bor, [de'-lebeir]


Day-la'borer, [de'-lbeureur] s. operajo alla giornata, m. Day'-light, [de'-laite] s. giorno chiaro, i.; luce, f.; in plain -, di giorno chiaro. Day'peep, [de- pipe] s. alba, /.; spuntare del sole, m.

s. Day'-scholar, [d-scolr] Daub'ery, [daubeiire'] s. artifi- scolare estorno, m. Day'sman, [dezman] s. arbitro, Dar'kening,[drch'nng] soscu- cio, m. ramento, m. Daub'ing, [daubing] s. stucco, mediatore, m. Day'-spring, [de'-spring] s. alDar'kish, [darcliisc] adj. oscu- mortajo, m. rotto, alquanto bujo. Daub'y, [daiibe'] adj. viscoso, ba, /.; spuntare del giorno, m.


Dark'ly, [darcl] adv. oscura- glutinoso. mente, ciecamente. Daugh'ter, [duteur] s. figlia, Dark'ness, [drcns] s. oscu- figliuola, /.; - in law, figliarit, /. tenebre, /. pi. stra, /.; grand -, nipote, f. Dark'some , [drcseiira] adj. Daugh'terly, [dateurl] adj. oscuro, fosco, nero. da figlia. Dar'ling, [darling] adj. favori- Daunt, [dant] v. a. intimidire, to, diletto, caro -, s. favorispaventare, sgomentare. to, m. Daunt'less, [dantls] adj. inDarn, [darn] s. cucitura, f. trepido, coraggioso. Darn, [darn] v. a. cucire, unire. Daunt'lessness, [dntlesnes] s. Dar'nel, [darnel] s. loglio, m. intrepidezza, /". zizzania, /". Dau'phin, [dufin] .delfino, m. Dar'ner, [darneur] s. raccon- Dau'phiness, [daufines] s. mociatore, rimendatore, m. glie del delfino, f. Dar'ning, [darning] s. cucitura Da'vit, [dvt] s. (mar.) arga;
; ;

Day '-star,

[de'-str] s. stella del mattino, f. Day '-time, [de'-taime] s. giorno, wi.; chiarezza del sole, f. Day'-work,[de'-oileurc] s. lavoro d' un giorno, m. Da'ze, [dze] v. a. (poct.) essere abbagliato. Da'zied, [dzid] adj. pieno di

margheritine. Daz'zle, [dz'l] v. a. abbagliare, offuscare; -, v. n. esser abbagliato. Daz'zling, [dzling] s. abbaglio, ofi'uscamento,


Daz'zlingly, [dzlingl] adj. abd due pezzi, /. nello, m. bagliante. Dart, [drt] s. dardo, m. Daw, [dau] s. gracchia, cornac- Dea'con, [dlc'n] s. diacono, m. Dart, [drt] v. a. dardeggiare, chia, f. Dea'coness, [dic'nes] s. diacolanciare; -, v. n, andar velo- Dav/dle, [daudl] v. n. indu- nessa, f. cemente. giare. Dea'conry, [dic'nre'] Dea'conDarter , [drteur] s. lancia- Davp'dler, [daudlur] s. indu- ship, [dic'nscip] s. diaconatore, m. giatore, m. to, m. Dash, [dsc] s. collisione, f. Dawh, [daiin] s. alba, /.; spun- Dead, [ded] adj. morto, stupetratto, colpo, m.; at one -, ad tare del giorno, cominciamen- fatto, vano, malinconico; half un tratto, subito; - of the pen, to, m. -, mezzo morto; - calm, s. {mar.) pennata, f. Dawn, [daun] v. n. spuntare, gran calma, bonaccia, /",; - coal, Dash, [dsc] v. a. colpire, ur- cominciare a nascere, appa- s. carbone estinto, m.; - place, tare, spruzzare percuotere, rire, s. luogo solitario, deserto, m.; fracassare, cancellare, confon- Daw'ning, [daunfng] s. albeg- - sleep, s. letargia, /".; - water, dere; -, V. n. lanciarsi; sgor- giamento, m. s. acqua stagnante; {mar.) stel; ,





in- Dear'ness, [dlrenes] s. amore, Debll'itate, [dblitcte] v. a. dem.; scarsit, carestia, f. bilitare, affievolire. Dead, [dd] s. silenzio profon- Dearth, [doiirth-] s. scarsezza, Debilita'tion, [diblitscieun] . carestia, /".; mancamento, m. do, m.; - of night, silenzio della debilitazione, f. Death, [dth-] s. morto, f.; tra- Debil'ity, [dibilit] s. debilit, notte, adj.; the -, i morti. Dead, [dd] adv. grandemente, passo, m.; upon pain of -, sotto debolezza, f. affatto. pena della vita; to put to -, far Deb'it, [dbt] s. debito, m. Dead'-drnnk, [dd-dreunc] adj. morire. Debonair', [dbnre] adj. cor-






Death' -bed, [deth^-bd]

a. rallenta-



tese, affabile, gentile, civile.

Dead'en, [ded'n] v. re; addormentare.


Debonair'ly, [dbnrel] adv. Death'ful, [dth^fiil] adj. mor- cortesemente, civilmente, affania,

tale, distruttivo. bilmente. Death'less, [dth^les] adj. im- Debonair'ness, [debnrenes] . cortesia, affabilit, f. Dead'ly, [dedle'] adj. mortale, mortale, eterno. periglioso, fatale, violento, ira- Death'like, [dth^laiclie] adj. Debt, [dt] s. debito, obblisfo, m.; to, be in -, essere indebiplacabile; -, adv. mortalmen- inanimato, letargico. Death's-door, [dth-'s-dre] s. tato; to run into -s, contrarre te, estremamente. Dead'ness, [ddns] s. addor- r avvicinamento doUa mor- debiti, indebitarsi. mentaraento, m.; scipitezza, f. Debt'less, [dtls] adj. senza te, m. Deaf, [dofj adj. sordo, insen- Death's'man, [deth^'sman] s. debito.

Deadliness, [ddlines]


carnefice, boja, m. Debt'or , [deteiir] s. debito[def'n] v. a. assorda- Death'-watch, [dth^-ouautsc] re, m. Deca' chord, [decacord] s. decare, produrre sordit. s. grillo, m. Deafish, [dfsc] adj. alquanto Death'-wound, [deth'-ouund] cordo, m.



s. piaga mortale, f. sorda- Debar', [dibr] v. a. escludere, proibire, prevenire. Deafness, [defns] s. sordit, Debase', [dlbese] v. a. avvilire, sordaggine, f. disprezzare, falsificare. Deal, [dile] s. quantit, abbon- Debase'ment, [dlbesement] s. danza, /.; abete, m.\ a great -, abbassamento, avvilimento, dia good -,molto, assai;- at cards, spregio, m. s. il fare lo carte, m.; ma- Deba'ser, [dlbeseur] s. dispreno, /. giatore, falsificatore, m. Deal, [dle] v. a. irr. (dealt ; Deba'table, [dibetabl] adj. condealt) distribuire, dare; -, v. testabile, disputabile. fi. negoziare, trafficare; to -at Debate', [dibte] s. contesa, dicards, fare lo carte; to - by, sputa, discussione, f. comportarsi, trattare; to - in, Debate', [dibte] v. a. discuavere da fare con; occuparsi; tere, esaminare; -, v. n. delito - with, combattere, contenberare, meditare, contendere, dere, trattare (bene, male). disputare. Deal'bate, [dlbte] v. a. im- Debate'ful, [dlbteful] ary. conbiancare (poco usato). tenzioso, litigioso. _ Dealba'tion , [diibisciounl s. Debate'ment, [dibetement] s. imbiancatura, /. (poco usato) contesa, disputa, controversia, Deal'er, [dleir] s. mercante, quistione, f. trafficatore, m.; colui cbe di- Deba'ter, [dbeteiir] s. dispustribuisce le carte; double -, tatore, tn. uomo di cattiva fede, furfan- Debauch', [dibaitsc] s. gozte, m.; piain -, uomo di buona zoviglia, crapula, dissolutez-


Dec'ade, [decad]


decade, de-

adv. mente, chetamente.


Decadence, [dcadense] Deca'dency, [dcadns]





Dec'agou, [decagon] s. (geom.) decagono, m. Dec'alogue, [dcalog] s. decalogo, m. Decamp', [dlcamp] v.n. levare

campo; fuggire.

Decamp'ment, [dicmpment] decampamento, tn.

Decant', [dicnt] v. a. (chym.) decantare, travasare. Decanta'tion, [dicntscieun] s. (chym.) decantazione, f. travasamento, m. Decan'ter, [dlcanteiir] s. guastada, caraffa. Decap'itate, [dicapitte] v. o. decapitare. Decapita'tion, [dcapitesciein] s. decapitazione, decollazione,





Decay', [diche'] s. decadenza, /. decadimento, declino, tn.; rovina, /.; to go to -, andare in ro-

Deal'ing, [diling] .traffico, ne- Debauch', [dibaitsc] v.a. cor- vina. gozio, commercio, m.; affari, rompere, sedurre, frastornare. Decay', [diche'] v. a. consumarn. pL; fair -, probit, f. Debauch'edly , [dibaitscdl] re, rovinare; -, v. n. consuDeam'bulate, [dimbiulte] . adv. in modo dissoluto. marsi, decadere, declinare, din. spasseggiare. Debauch'edness , [dbautsced- minuire, appassarsi. Deambula'tion , Decay'edness, [dche'odnes] . [dmbiul- ns] s. sfrenatezza, f. scieiin] s. passeggiata, /. Debanchee', [dbautscl] s. dis- stato di decadenza, tn. Dean, [dine] s. decano, m. Decay'ing, [dichng] s. decasoluto, discolo, m. Dean'ery, [diner] Dean'sMp, Debauch'er, [dlbautsceur] s*. dimento, tn. [dincscp] s. decanato; grado corrompitore, seduttore, m. Decease', [disisc] s. morte, f. del decano, m. Debauch'ery, [dibaixtscor] s. trapasso, tn. Dear, [dire] adj. diletto, caro, dissolutezza, sfrenatezza, f. Decease', [dislse] v. ti. morire, amato, favorito; -, adv. cara- Debauch'ment, [dibaitscment] trapassare. mente; caro; bought, com- s. corruzione, f. Deceit', [dislte] s. inganno, tn.; prato a gran prezzo. Deben'ture , [dibentcieur] fraudo, furberia, baratteria, f. s. Dear'ling, [direling] s. favori- obbligo; riconoscimento di un Deceitful, [dlsiteful] adj. into, cucco, t. debito, m. gannevole, fraudolento, falDear'ly, [direle'] adv. caramen- Deb'ile, [debl] adj. debile, de- lace. te, teneramente. bole, languido. Deceit'fnlly, [dBtefiil] adv.




ingannovolmente, fraudolente- Dec'imate, [desimcte] v. a. de- nare, evitare, scansare, eludere; -, V. n. decadere, calare, cimare, levare la decima. mente, falsamonto. Deceit'fulness, [disitefulnes] s. Decima'tion, [desimescieun] s. abbassarsi. Decli'ning, [dclainng] . scainganno, m.; furberia, f. decimazione, f. Deceit'less, [dsitels] adj. sen- Deci'pher, [disafer] v.a. de- dimento, m. Decliv'ity, [dcHvite'] 8. declicifrare. za inganno, sincero. Decei'vable, [dlsivabl] atj. fa- Deci'pherer, [disaifeirour] s. vit, /.; pendio, TU.; (rail.) discesa, f. cile ad essere ingannato. deciferatore, espositore, m. Decei'vableness, [dIsivaWnes] Deci'sion, [disiscieun] s. deci- Decli'vous, [diclaiveis] adj. declivo, a pendio, declinante. s. facilit ad esser ingannasione, determinazione, f.

Deceive', [disive] i'. a. ingannare, gabbare, trnflfare; to be deceived, ingannarsi. Decei'ver, [dislveiir] s. ingannatore, m. Decem'ber, [dlsembeur] s. Dicembre, m. Becem'pedal, [disempedal] adj.

Deci'sive, [dlsaisiv] adj. deci- Decoct', [dicoct] v. a. bollire, digerire. sivo, ultimo. Deci'sively , [dlsasvle'] adv. Decoc'tble, [dlcoctibl] adj. atto ad essere decotto. decisivamente, ultimamente. Deci'siveness, [disaisivnes] s. Decoc'tion, [dicocscieun] s. decozione, /. ; decotto, m. determinazione, f. Deci'sory, [disiseire'] vedi De- Decoriate, [diclte] v. a. decisive.


Deck, [dee]

bordo, ponte (di Decolla'tion,

lungo dieci piedi. nave), m.; gun -, s. batteria, f.] Decem'vir, [disomveur] s, de- quarter -, s. cassero, m. cemviro, m. Deck, [dee] v. a. coprire, adorDecem'virate, [dlseravirete] s. nare, addobbare, acconciare. decemvirato, m. Deck'er, [decheur] s. adornaDe'cency, [disense'] s. decenza; tore, m.; two -, s. vascello a modestia, f. due ponti, m. _ Decen'nial, [disenial] adj. de- Declaim', [dicleme] v. n. decennale, di dieci anni. clamare, arringare. De'cent, [disent] adj. decente, Declai'mer, [diclmour] s. dedecoroso, dicevole, convene- clamatore, arringatore, m. vole. Declaiming, [declmng] DeclaDe'cently, [dlsentle'] adv. de- ma'ton, [declaraesciein] s. centemente, con decenza. declamazione, arringheria, f. Deceptibirity, [dseptibilite'] s. Declama'tor, [declameteir] s. attezza ad esser ingannato, f. declamatore, arringatore, m. Decep'tible, [dlseptibl] adj. atto Declam'atory, [dlclmature'] adj. declamatorio. ad esser ingannato. [dispscieun] s. Decla'rable, [diclerabl] adj. diDecep'tion, fraudo, f.; inganno, m.; liable cMarabile. to -, soggetto ad esser ingan- Declara'tion, [declarescieun] s. nato. dichiarazione, f. ; dichiaramenDecep'tious, [dlsepscieus] De- to, m. cep'tive, [disptiv] adj. in- Declar'ative, [diclarativ] adj. dichiarativo. gannevole, falso, fallace. Decern', [dlseurn] v. a. giudi- Declar'atorily, [dlclarateiril] adv. in modo declaratorio. care. Decerpt', [disourpt] adj. mozzo. Deelar'atory, [diclarateSre] adj. Decerp'tion, [dseurpscieun] s. declaratorio. mozzamento,!.; diminuzione, f. Declare', [dclere] v. a. dichiaDecerta'tion , [diseiirtosciein] rare, mostrare, manifestare; V, n. dichiararsi, manifestarsi; s. contesa, /. Deces'sion, [dlsoscieun] s. par- to - war, intimar la guerra. Declare'ment, [dlclrement] s. tenza. Decharm', [diciarm] v.a. disfa- dichiarazione, f. Decla'rer, [diclereur] s. dichiare r incantesimo. Decide', [disaide] v. a. decide ratore, espositore, m. Decla'ring, [dlclrng] s. dire, determinare, risolvere. Decidable, [disaidabl] adj. che chiaramento, m. Declen'sion, [dlclensciein] s. pu essere deciso. Decided, [dsaidd] adj. deter- (gr.) declinazione, /. Decli'nable , [diclainahl] adj, minato, senza equivoco. Deci'dedly, [dsaidedl] adv. de- (gr.) declinabile. Declina'tion, [declinescieun] s. cisivamente. Dec'idence, [desidense] s. ca- declinazione, /".; declinamento, duta, f. cadimento, m. scemamente, m. Deci'der, [dsaideur] s. arbitra- Declin'atory, [declinateiire'] adj.

[dlcoliscicun] s. decollazione, decapitazione, f. Decolora' tion , [dlchuleurscieun] s. scoloramento, m.

Decompose', [dicompze]

v. a.

scomporre, analizzare. Decom'posite , [dic6mpzait] adj. decomposto. Decomposi'tion , [dlcompziacieiin] 8. discioglimento, m.;


[dicompaoilnd] , scomporre. Decompoun'dable[diconipaundabl] adj. atto ad essere scomposto.




Dec'orate, [decorete] v. a. deDecora'tion, [dcrscieun] s, decorazione, f.; ornamento, abbellimento, m. Dec'orator, [dcorateur] s. adornatore, m. Deco'rous, [dcreiis] adj. decente, decoroso. Deco'rously, [dlcresle'] adv. decorosamente , convenevol-

v. a. scorticare, sbucciare.

Decortica'tion[dIcrtich5scieun] s. scorticamento, m. Deco'rum, [dicreim] s. decoro, m. decenza, f. Decoy', [dcai] s. allettamento, zimbello, m.; seduzione, f.

Decoy', [dlcaui]


a. allettare,

zimbellare, sedurre.

Decoy'-duck, [dicaii-deuc] s. anitra che serva di zimbello, f. Decrease', [dlcrlse] s. decrescimento, scemamente, i. diminuzione, f. Decrease', [dcrise] v. a. diminuire; -, V. n. sminuire, scemare, calare, declinare. Decree', [dlcri] s. decreto; statuto, m.

tore, giudice, m. declinatorio. Deciduous, [disidiileus] adj. ca- Decline', [dlclaine] s. declinadente; caduco. zione, /".; scadimento, m.; deca

Dec'imal, [desiml] male.



denza, rovina, f. Decline', [diclaine] v. a. decli

Decree', [dlcri] v. a. decretare, statuire, ordinare. Dec'remont, [dcriment] s. decrescimento, scemamente, m. Decrep'it, [dlcrpit] adj. dacrepito.



Default'er, [difaiilteur] s. reo di peculato, concussionario, t??. Defea'sance, [dfiznse] s. annullamento, cancellamento, m. Defea'sible, [difisibl] adj. che si pu annullare. (rotta, f. Defeat', [difte] s. sconfitta, Defeat', [difite] v. a. sconfiggere, frustrare, deludere.

Decrepita'tion[dicrepitiscieun] Deed, [dide] s. fatto, atto, in.; in the very -, sul fatto. s. {chym.) decrepitazione, f. Decrep'itate, [dicrepitete] v. a. Deed'less, [didels] adj. scioperato, indolente. (cAym.) decrepitare. Decrep'itness, [d.icrpitnes]De- Deem, [dime] v. n. giudicare, crep'itude, [dcrpitiude] s. pensare. Deep, [dpe] adj. profondo, aldecrepit, f. [dlcrsnt] adj. to, sommo, grave, sagace, seDecres'cent , greto, nascosto, astuto, fino decrescente, in decadenza. Decre'tal, [dicrital] adj. decre- to be - in debt, esser pieno di debiti; - fetches, s. pi. pratiche tale. Decre'tion, [dicrlscieun] s. dimi- segrete, f. pi.; - mourning, s. gran bruno, wi.; - notion, s. nuzione, /. ; decrescimento, m, Decre'tist, [dicritist] s. decre- concetto oscuro, ni. - sleep, s. sonno profondo, m. talista, m. [dipe] adv. profondaDecre'tive, [dlcrltiv] adj. aven- Deep, mente. te il potere di decretare. Decreto'rial, [docritril] adj. Deep, [dpe] s. abisso, mare, silenzio oscuro, appartenente ad un decreto. Dec'retory, [dicrlteur] adj. de- Dee'pen, [dip'n] v. a. affondare, cavare, oscurare. cisivo, difinitivo. Decri'al, [dlcril] s. censura Dee'pening, [dlp'nng] s. pro;

Defecate, [dfichte]


adj. chia(detto dei

v. a.



[defchete] chiarificare, raffinare.

Defeca'tion, [dfichscieun] purgazione, f.; raffinamento,


Defecf, [difct] .difetto, mancamento, m. colpa, /. vizio,


Defectibil'ity, [difctiblite']




adv. s. btseriamente, grave- sogno, m.; mancanza, rivolta, rivoluzione, apostasia, f. Decum'bence , [dlcheumbense] mente, tristamente. Decum'bency, [dlclieumbns] Deep'musing , [dipe-miuzng] Defec'tive, [dfctv] adj. difetadj. contemplativo , medita- tivo, imperfetto. s. giacimento, m. Defee'tively, [difctivle'] ado. tivo. Decum'toent, [dcheimbnt] adj Deep'ness, [dipenes] s. profon- imperfettamente. giacente. Defec'tiveness, [difectvnes] s. Decouple, [dchpl] wij. de- dit, /.; profondo, m. Deep'read, [dipe-rd] adj. let- difettuosit, imperfezione, f. cuplo. terato. Defec'tuous, [difctiueis] adj. Decu'rion, [dichiurieun] s. de difettoso, Deer, [dire] s. cervo, daino, m. curione, caporale, m. De'cury, [dchiur] s. decuria,/". Deface', [difse] v. a. disfigu- Defec'tuousness , [difectiueusns] s. difettuosit, f. Decur'rent, [dicheiirnt] adj. rare, distruggere; guastare, roDefence', [difnse] s. difesa, vinare scancellare. decorrente. Decus'sate, [dicheuste] v. a. Deface'meut , [dfsement] s. protezione, /. disfiguramento guastamento, Defence'less, [difensles] adj. incrocicchiare. Decussa'tion, [dcheusesciein] m.; distruzione, rovina, ingiu- senza difesa, senza guardia, impotente. ria, f. (tore, m s. l'atto d'incrocicchiare, m. Dedenti'tion, [didntiscieun] s. Defa'cer, [difseur] s. rovina- Defence'lessness, [dlfenselsDefail'ance, [diflnse] s. man- ns] s. stato senza difesa, m.; perdita de' denti, f. debolezza, f. Dedicate, [dedichete] adj. dedi- camento, m.; mancanza, f. Defal'cate, [diflchte] v.a. di- Defend', [difnd] v. a. difendecato, consecrate. re, proteggere, conservare; to Ded'icate, [dedichete] v. a. de- falcare, sottrarre. Defalca'tion, [diflchescieun] s. - one's self, difendersi. dicare, consecrare. Dedica'tion, [ddichscieun] s. difalcazione,/".; diffalco, scema- Defen'dable , [difndabl] adj. difendevole. dedicazione, f.\ dedicameuto, m. mente, m. Dedca'tor, [ddichteur] s. che Defama'tion, [defamscieun] s. Defen'dant, [difendnt] adj. didiffamazione, calunnia, f. fensivo; -, s. che si difende. dedica (un libro &c.) m. Ded'icatory, [ddicheteur] adj. Defam'atory,[difmateure'] adj. Defen'der, [difndeiir] s. difensore, protettore, m. dedicatorie; - epistle, s. dedi- diffamatorio, caluanioso. Defame', [difrae] v. a. diffa- Defen'sative, [difnsativ] s. dica, f. Dedi'tion, [ddscieun] s. dedi- mare, calunniare. fesa; guardia, f.; legame, m. zione,/'.; arrendimento, m. Dofa'mer, [difomeur] s. diffa- Defen'sible, [dfnsibl] adj. che Deduce', [ddiuse] v. a. dedur- matore, calunniatore, m. pu essere difeso. Defa'ming, [difming] s. diffa- Defen'sive , [difenslv] adj. dire, inferire, couchiu_dero. Deduce'ment, [dldisement] s. mazione, f. fensivo; -, s. difesa, guardia, deduzione, conseguenza, f. Defat'igable, [diftigabl] adj. salvaguardia, /". to stand ov Dedu'cible, [didiusibl] adj. che fatichevole. the -, mettersi in atto di difesa. si pu inferire. Defat'igate, [diftighcte] v. a. Defen'sively, [dlfnsvl] adv. Deduct', [dideuct] v. a. dedur- faticare, straccare. sulla difesa. re, sottrarre. Defatiga'tion, [difatighscieun] Defer', [difeur] v. a. differire, Deduc'tion , [didcucsciein] s, s. stanchezza, lassezza, lassi- prolungare; -, v. n. indugiare; sottraimento, m. deduzione, tudine, /. deferire. conseguenza, f. Default', [difault] s. diffalta, Deference , [deferense] s. riDedu'ctive , [dideuctv] adj. mancanza, colpa; f. vizio, m. spetto, riguardo, ni.; consideconseguente. in - whereof, in diffalta di che. razione, f. Deduc'tively, [dldeuctivle'] adv. Default', [difault] v. a. diffal- Defer'ment, [difeurmnt] tare, scemare. conseguentemente. lung-amcnto. m.
Decry', [dcrai] re, biasimare.


fondamento, m. scredita- Deep'ly, [dipel]

Defec'tible, fettoso. profon- Defec'tion, [difecscieun]

difetto, m. [difctibl] adj. dif.;





Degrade', [digrde]
dare, avvilire.
v. a.

[diforsciunt] s. Dofer'ring, [dlfeunng] s. ritar- Deforciant, (law.) usurpatore, m. do, indugio, ni. Defl'ance, [difainse] s. disfida, Deform', [difrm] od;, deforme, chiamata, f. to bid -, faro una sfigurato. disfida. Deform', [diform] . a. sformaDefi'cience , [difiscense] Defi'- re, disfigurare. ciency, [difscns] s. dift"alta, Deforma'tion, [diformoscieun] s. deformazione, f. f.; mancamento, difetto, m. Defl cient, [difiscnt] adj. defi- Deformed, [defrm'd] adj. sforciente, difettivo, imperfetto; to mato, deforme, difforme. pefor'medly, [difrm'edle] adv. be -, mancare di.


Degradement, [digrdement]

privazione di grado, m. Degradingly, [digredingl] adv. in modo degradante. Degree', [digri] s. grado, ordino, TJi. condizione,/'.; by-s, a grado a grado, successivamen;


Deficit , [dfisit] insufficienza.





[dlgheiist] v. a. gu, stare. deformemente. Defor'medness, [difdrmodnes] Degusta'tion, [digheustiscieun] sfidatore, Defor'mity, [difrmite'] s. des. gustamento, m.
v. a. dissuadere, sconsigliare. Dehorta'tion, [dihortscioiin] s. dissuasione, /. Dehor'tatory,[dihortateure']ad/. deortatoriq, dissuasorio. De'icide, [diisaide] s.deicidio,ni. Deifica'ton, [difichsciein] s. deificazione, apoteosi, f. Deifier, [diifieur] $. quello che


sprezzatore, m. formit, difformit, bruttezza,/". Deflgura'tion[difrghiuriscieiin] Deformer, [difrmeur] .quello che disfigura, m. s. difformit, f. Defile' , [difile] s. passaggio Defraud', [difraud] v.a. defraustretto, m. dare, truffare. Defile', [dfailej v. a. maccMa- Defrauda'tion, [dfraudsciein] s. defraudazione, trufferia, f. re, contaminare; -, v. n. marciare alla sfilata. Defrau'der, [difraudur] s. deDeflle'ment,[dlfailemnt]s.mac- fraudatore, truffatore, m. chia, /.; imbrattamento, m. Defraud'ment, [difraudrant] Defilar, [difileur] s. imbratta- vedi Defraudation. Defray', [difre'] v. a. spesare, tore, corruttore, m. Defl'nable, [dlfinabl] adj. che dare la spesa. _ (le spese. si pu definire. Defray'er, [difreur] s. che paga Define', [difaine] v. a. definire, Defray'ment, [difrment]s. padiffinire, limitare; -, v. n. degamento delle spese, m. Deft, [dft] ady. vago, vezzoso, terminare, decidere. Definer, [difaineir] s. diffinito- destro, agile, pronto. re, m. Deft'ly, [dftle'] adv. pulitamenI

Dehort', [dihrt]


De'iform, [diafrm] adj. deifor-

[diifai] v. a. deificare,
v. a.


Deign, [dne]


-, v.

n. degnarsi.

De'ism, [dism]

deismo, m.

Definite, [defint] adj. diffinito, determinato, esatto, pre-

ciso, (finitamente. Definitely, [dfinti] adv. difDef'initeness, [dfintns]s. determinazione, limitazione, cer- Defunc'tion, [difeuncscieun] s. tristo. Deject', [didgect] v.a. abbattetezza, f. morte, /'.;_morire, m. Defini'ton, [definisciein]s.dif- Defy', [difai] s. sfidamento, m. ; re, sgomentare, affliggere. Dejec'tedly, [didgctdle] adv. finizione, /. disfida, /._ Defin'itive, [difinitiv] adj. dif- Defy', [difai] v. a. sfidare, sde- afflittamente, tristamente. Dejec'teduess, [dldgctcdnos] s. finitivo, positivo. gnare, bravare. Defin'itively, [dlfinitvl] adv. Defy'er, [difaiour] s. sfidatore, abbattimento, m.; dejezione, pusillanimit, /. diffinitamente, precisamente. provocatore, m. Defln'tiveness, [difinitvus] s. Degen'eracy, [didgeneras] s. Dejec'tion, [didgecscieiin] s. decisione, f. degenerazione , depravazione, afflizione, tristezza, malinconia, /". Deflagrabl'ity, [diflgrablit] bassezza, f. Degen'erate, [didgenerte] adj. Dejec'ture, [didgctcieur] s. s. combustibilit, f. Defla'grable, degenerato, abbietto. egestione, f.; (med.) escremen[dfligrabl] adj. combustibile. Degen'erate, [ddgnerte] v.n. ti, m. pi. Deflagra'tion , [diflgrscieua] degenerare, corrompersi, trali- Delacera'tion, [dilsirscieni s. abbruciamento, incendio, m. gnare. s. laceramento, m. Deflect', [diflct] v. n. deviare, Degen'erateness, [didgenerte- Delacta'tion, [dilctscieun] i. uscire della via. nes] Degenera'tion, [didgne- spoppamento, m. Deflec'tion, [dilcscieiin] s. de- roscieiin] s. depravazione, cor- Delapsed', [dilps'd] adj. rniviazione, f. deviamento, m. ruzione, f. noso. Deflora'tion , [diflorscieun] s. Degen'erous, [didgnereiis] adj. Delate', [dilete] v. a. trasportadisfioramento, m, degenerato, vile, basso, ab- re, accusare. Deflour', [diflaoiir] v. a. deflo- bietto. Dela'tlon, [dilesciein] . delarare. Degen'erously, [didgnereusle'] zione, accusa, /". Defluoas,[dflus]arfj. fluente. adv. in modo degenerato. Dela'tor, [dilteur] s. delatore, Deflux'ion, [difleucsciun] s, Deglu'tnate, [diglitinte] v. a. accusatore, m. flussione, f.\ flusso, m. scollare. Delay', [dil] s. ritardo, induDefoeda'tion, [dfidescieun] s. Deglut'tion, [diglitscieun] s. gio, m. contaminazione, corruzione, f. deglutizione, f. ; inghiottimen- Delay', [dile'] v.a. ritardare, inDeforce', [diforse] v. a. [law.) to, m. dugiare, differire; -, V. n. arreDegrada'tion, [dgradiscieun] starsi, tardare. usurpare. Defor'semeut, [dforscment] s. s. degradazione, f.; degrada- Delay'er, [dile'ur] i. indugia tore, n. (laio.) usurpazione, f. mento, m.

De'ist, [diist] s. deista, m. te, destramente, accortamente. Deis'tical, [diisticl] adj. del Deft'ness, [dftns] s. pulitez- deismo. De'ity, [diite'] s. deit, diviniza, destrezza, f. Defunct', [difeunct] odj. defunto, t,/". Deject', [didgect] adj. afflitto, morto; -, s. defunto, m.




Delay'ment, [diiement] s. tarda- Delight', [dlaite] s. diletto, Delu'der, [diliiideir] s. inganmento, indugiamento, m. piacere, m.; delizia,/'.; passanatore, truffatoj-e, m. Del'eble, [delibi] adj. che pu tempo, divertimento, m.;<o take Deluding, [dliSdng] s. collu- in, prender diletto, aver diessere cancellato. sione, falsit, f.
Delec'table, [dllctaW] adj. diletto in, dilettarsi. lettevole; grato. Delight', [dilaite] v. a. dilettaDelec'tableness, [dilectablnes] re, ricreare, contentare; -, v. s. dilettabilit,. /"., diletto, m. n. dilettarsi, avere diletto. Delec'tably, [dilctablj adv. Delight'ful, [dilaitefiil] adj. didilettevolmeate,piacevolmente. lettevole, delizioso. Delecta'tion, [dlectscieun] s Delight'fully, [dilaite fui e'] adv. dilettamento, piacere, m. dilettevolmente, deliziosamenDel'egacy, [deleghis] vedi De- te. legation. Delight'fulness, [dilaitefiilnes] Del'egate, [deleghete] adj. dele- . delizia, /". ; piacere, m. gato, deputato; -, s. delegato, Delight'some, [dilaiteseiim] adj. commissario, m. dilettevole, grato. _ Deregate, [deleghete] v. a. de- Delight'somely, [dilaiteseiiml] legare, deputare. adv. dilettevolmente dilettoDeega'tion, [deleghscieun] s samente. delegazione, commissione, f. Delight'someness,[dilaiteseum Delete', [dilite] v. a. cancellare, ns] s. dilettamento, m. ; deli radere. (distruttivo. zia, (. ; piacere, m. Delete'rions, [dlitmus] adj. Delin'eate, [dilniete] v. a. deliDele'tion, [dilscieun] s. cancel- neare, disegnare. latura, rasura, f. Delinea'tion, [dilTniescieun] s Deretory, [deliture'] che can- delineazione, f. ; delineamento, cella. schizzo, wi. Delf, [delf]Delfe, [delfo] s. mi- Delin'quency, [dilinquens] s /. niera, majolica, delitto, misfatto, m.; colpa, (. Delibate, [dlibte] v. a. assag- Delin'qaeut, [dilnqunt] s. de giare. linquente, malfattore, m. Deliba'tion, [dlibscieun] s Del'quate, [dliquete] v. n. li assaggiameuto, m. quefarsi, fondersi. Deliberate, [dilberte] adj. Deliqua'tlon, [dliquesceun] s. cauto, accorto. liquefazione, f. Delib'erate, [dlliberte'] v. a. Delir'ament, [dllrament] s. dedeliberare, ponderare, consilirio, tn. derare. De'lirate, [delairete] v. n. deli,

Del'uge,[dliiidge] .diluvio, wt. inondazione, f. Del'uge, [dliudge] v. a. diluviare, inondare._ Delu'sion, [diliijeun] s. delusione, /.; inganno, m.

Delu'sive, [dllisv] Delu'sory,

[diliusure'] adj.


fraudolento, fallace. Delusiveness, [diliusvnes]

tendenza ad ingannare, f. Delve, [delve] v. a. scavare, zappare. Del'ver, [delveir]s.zappatore,m.

Dem'agogue, [demagog] s. capo di fazione popolare, m. Domain' [dimene] s. dominio,


m.; giurisdizione,


Demand', [dimand] .domanda,

richiesta, quistione, of ali -s, in saldo.

in full

Demand, [dimand]

v. a.


dare; esigere; quistionare; fare istanza.

Demand'able, [dlmandabl]
esigibile, riscuotibil^e.



[dimandant] s. domandante, m. Demand'er, [dimandeur] s. domandatore, petitory, m. Demarcation, [dimarchscieun]


divisione, separazione di terf.


Demean', [dmnc]
re, umiliare, f,; to

v. a.

avvilione's self,

D elib'erately, [dilbertel ]adv.



deliberatamente, cautanaente. Delira'tion , [dolairscieiin] s. Delib'erateness, [dllibertens] delirio, delirare, m . circospezione, prudenza, f. Delir'ious, [dilirieSs] adj. deliDelibera'tion, [diliberescieiin] rante. . deliberazione, f. Delir'iousness, [dilrieusnos] s. Delib'erative, [dliberetv] adj. delirio, wi.; pazzia, f. deliberativo, deliberato; -, s. Delir'ium , [dilrieim] s. deliconsultazione, f. rio, m, Delib'eratively, [dllibertivl] Deliv'er, [diliver] . a. dare, adv. in modo deliberativo, de- commettere; presentare; libeliberatamente. rare; restituire; assistere nel Dericacy, [dlicase'] s. delica- parto, to - in trust, affidare; tezza, squisitezza, mollezza, f. fo-oer, trasmettere, rimettere; Del'icate, [dlichete] adj. delito - up, restituire, abbandonare. cato, squisito, ameno, grato, Deliv'erance , [diliveiirnse] s.

Demea'nonr, [dimneur]


tamento, m.; condotta, f. Demen'tate, [dimntte] v. a. dementare, far impazzire. Dementa'tion, [dimentscieun]



Demer'it, [dimerat]
to, fallo, wi.



Demersed', [dimeursd'] adj. deDemer'sion , [dimursciein] t.


effeminato, molle. liberazione, f. Del'lcately , [dolichtele'] adv. Deliv'er er, [diliveureur] s. libem. morte, f. delicatamente, amenamente, ratore, m. debolmente. Deliv'ery, [diliveure'] s. libera- Demise', [dimaize] v. a. lasciaDel'icateness, [delichtenes] s. mento, parto, m. re in testamento, legare, affittare. delicatezza, /. Dell, [del] s. cavo, fosso, m. Demiss, [dimis] Demissive, [diDericates, [dlichotes] s. pi. valle, f. ghiottornie, leccornie, f. pi. Delph, [delf] s. majolica, por- mssv] adj. umile. Demis'sion, [dimiscieun] s. deDelicious, [dlisciois] adj. de- cellana, f. missione, digradazione, f. lizioso, squisito. Delta, [delta] s^ delta, m. Delic'iously, [diliscieisle'] adv. Deltoid, [deltauid] s. and adj. Democ'racy, [dimcras] s. governo popolare, m.; democradeliziosamente , amenamente, deltoide, m gratamente. Delu'dable, [diliudabl] adj. atto zia, f. Dem'ocrat , [democrat] m. depelic'iousness, [diliscieusnes] ad essere deluso. mocratico, m. *. squisitezza, /. diletto, pia- Delude', [diliud] v. a. delude[democratic] D Demoora'tic, cere, m. re, ingannare, truffare, beffar e.

Demesne', [dimine] s. dominio, patrimonio, m. Dem'i, [dm] adj. mezzo. Dem'i-god, [dome'god] s. semideo, m. Demise', [dimizc] s. trapasso,



Deobstruot', [diobstreuct]
deostruere, aperire.
v. a.

mocrat'ical,[d6moertcal]adj. Deni'er, [dxnaieur] s. rifiutatore, m. democratico. Democra'tically , [democrati- Denigrate, [denigrt] tv a. cle] adv. in modo democra- annerare, diffamare. Denlgra'tion, [denigrescieSn] s tico. Demorish, [dmolsc] v. a. do- denigrazione, A _ molire, abbattere, distruggere. Denza'tion, [denizescieun] s. Demorisher, [dimoliscur] s. privilegio di franchigia, m. Den'izen, [dniz'n] s. forestiere distruttore, rovinatore, m. Demoli'tion, [deraoliscieun] s. matricolato, m. demolizione, distruzione, rovi- Den'izen, [deniz'n] v. a, francheggiare. De'mon, [dimeun] s. dimenio, m. Denom'inate, [dlnominete] v. Demo'uiac, [diraoniac] .demo- a. denominare, nominare.

Deob'struent, [diobstriiont] s. (med.) deostruente , apcriente, m. De'odand, [didnd] s. deodandum, m.


niaco, m. Demo'niac, [dimoniac] Demoni'acal, [demonaiacal] Demo'morire. nian,[dImonian] ad. diabolico. adj. denominativo. Demo'nolatry, [dimonolatre'J $. Denominator, [dnomineteur]s. Depar'ting, [dlparting] .Tatto di partire, m. (ar.) denominatore, m. culto di demoni, m._ Demo'nology, [dlmonolodge'] s. Deno'table, [dntabl] adj. no- Depart'ment, [dlpartment] .

[dlopilte] v. n. {med.) disturare. Deoppila'tion, [dlopilescieun] . scioglimento d' ostruzioni, m. Deop'pilative, [diopiltv] adj. (med.) deostruente. Deoscula' tion[dioschiulescieuii] Denomina'tion[din6minescieun] s. baciamente, il baciare, m. Depart', [diprt] v. a. separas. denominazione, f. Denominative, [dnominetTv] re, dividere; -, v. n. partir,

trattato sui demoni, m.


[dimnstrabl] adj. dimostrabile, ostensibile. Demou'strably, [dimonstrabl] adv. dimostrativamente, evidentemente. Demon'strate, [dimonstrte] v. a. dimostrare, provare. Demonstra'tiou , [dlmonstr,

dipartimento, spartimento, m. tabile. Denota'tion, [dlntscieun] s Depart'mental, [diprtmontal] adj. appartenente ai dipartidenotazione, nota,/. Denota'tive , [dnotativ] adj. menti.

v. a.



Denote', [dlntc]
re, indicare.


Denote'ment, [dintement]

denotazione, /. scieiin] .dimostrazione,/".; di- Denounce', [dnaounse] v. a. mostramento, m. dinunziare, notificare, dichiaDemon'strative, [dimonstratv] rare. adj. dimostrativo. Denounce'ment , [dlnaounseDemonstratively, [dlmonstra- mnt] s. dinunzia, accusa, /. tivl] adv. dimostrativamente, jDenouu'cer, [dinaoinseir] s. acvisibilmente. cusatore, m. Demonstra'tor, [draonstrateur] Dense, [dnse] adj. denso, con$. dimostratore, m. densato. Demoraliza'tion, [dmoralaiz- Dense'ness, [densenes] Den'scieiin] s. corruzione della mosity, [densit] s. densit, spesI

partenza, /.; abbandono, m. Depas'tnre, [dipastscieir] v. a. pasturare, pascere, pascolare. Depau'perate , [dipaupurte] V. a. impoverire. Depec'tible , [dlpectible] adj. tenace, vischioso. Depecula'tion[dipchiulsciein] s. peculato, m. Depend', [dipnd] v. n. dipendere, essere dipendente; /o - on, upon, confidarsi, aver confidenza. Depen'dance, [dpendanse] De-

rale, f.

Demor'alize, [dlraoralaize] v. a. distruggere la morale, demoralizzare.

[dlraeulsent] adj emolliente, mitigativo. Demur', [dimewr] s. dubitazione, incertezza, /. Demur', [dimur] v. a. sospettare, dubitare; -, V. n. differire, esitare.


Demure', [diraire] adj.



grave; decente.
; ;

Demure'ly, [diraiirel] adv. ritrosamente gravemente modestamente. Demure'ness, [dmiurenos] s.

contegno, m.; discrezione; gravit, seriet,/.

Demur'rer, [dimeureur]



dilazione, sospensione, /. Den, [den] s. caverna, spelonca,




laize] V. a. levar via


pen'dancy, [dip^ndanse'] s. dipendenza, fidanza, f. sozza, f. Dent, [dent] s. dente, m. ; tacca, /. Depen'dant , [dipndant] adj. dipendente, soggetto; -, s. diDent, [dent] v. a. dentare. pendente, m. Den'tal, [dentai] adj. dentale. Den'ticles , [dnticl's] s. pi. Dependence, [dlpendense] vedi Dependance. (arch.) modiglioni, /. pi. Dentic'ulated, [dntichiuletd] Depen'dent, [dpondent] vedi Dependant. adj. dentellato. [dentichiuli- Deperdit'ion, [depeurdscieun] Denticula'tion , s. deperdimento, m. ; perdita, f. scieun] s. dentello, m. Den'tifrice, [dntifrse] s. pol- Dephlegm', [diflem] Dephleg'mate, [diflgmte] v. a. (chim.) vere da nettare i denti, f. Den'tist, [dentist] s. dentista, m. deflemmare. Denti'tion, [dntsciein] s. den- Depict', [dipict] V. a. dipignetizione, /. re, descrivere. Denu'date, [dlniudte] v. a. de- Depct'ure, [dlpictcieur] v. a. nudare, spogliare. rappresentare in colori, dipinDenuda'tion, [diniudoscieiin] s. gere. spogliamento, m. Dep'ilate, [depilte] v. a. dipeDenude', [diniide] vedi Denu- lare, far cadere i peli. date. Depila'tion , [depilescieun] s. Dennn 'ciato, [dinunsciete] v. depila2one, /. a. denunziare. Depil'atory, [dlpilateure'] s. deDeuuncia'tion , [dineunsci- pilatorio, m. scieiin] s. denunziamento, m.; Dep'ilous, [depileis] adj. dipeminaccia,


senza capelli.


[dlnaiabl] adj. ne- Denun'ciator, [dneinscieteuc] Deple'tion, [dlpllscieun] .(mecf.) gabile, recusabile. s. denunziatore, accusatore, m. vuotamente, m. Deni'al, [dlnail] s. negamen- Deny', [dnai] v. a. negare, ri- Deplo'rable, [dlplorabl] adj. deto, rifiuto, m. fiutare, ricusare, rinunziare. plorabile, lamentabile.



Dep'uty, [depiute']

Depio'rableness, [dlplorablnes] Depra'vng, [dipreving] .l'atto mise- di corrompere. . stato deplorabile, m. Deprav'ity, [dpravite'] s. stato ria, A _ Deplo'rably, [dlplorable] adv. depravato, m.; depravazione, f. Dep'recate, [dprichte] v. a. ia modo lamentevole. Deplo'rate, [diplorete] adj. de- divertire pregando un male; plorabile, lamentevole, dispe- supplicare. Depreca'tion, [deprichsciein] rato. Deplora'tion, [diplorescieun] s. s. supplica, preghiera, f. lamentazione, f. compianto, m. Dep'recative,[deprichetiv]Dep'Deplore', [dipi re] v. a. com- recatory, [depricheteure'] ad]. deprecativo, supplichevole. piagnere, lamentar^. Deplo'redly, [diplredle'j adv. Depre'ciate, [diprscite] . a. dispregiare, abbassare il prezlamentevolmente. Deplo'rer, [dlploreur] s. quello zo, avvilire. Deprecia'tion, [dprlsciscicau] che lamenta, m. Deploy', [dipiaut] v, a. svilup- s. abbassamento di prezzo, m. Dapre'ciator, [diprlscieteur] s. pare. Depluma'tion, [dipllumescieun] dispregiatore. Dep'redate, [dpridte] v. cj. . lo spiumare, m. Deplume', [dipliurae] v a. spiu- depredare, saccheggiare, guastare. mare, spennare. Depone', [dipone] v. a. deporre, Depreda'tion , [deprideseieun]



delegato, commessariOjWi.; Lore/

vicer, m.

Derac'inate, [dirasinete] v. a. sradicare, sbarbare. Derange', [drendge] v. o. disordinare. Derange'ment, [drendgement] s. disordinanza, f.
Derelict', [drilict] adj. abban-

donato. Derelic'tion,



abbandonam^nto, abbandono, m.
Deride', [draide] v. a. deridere, beffare.

Deri'der, [draldeur]



s. depredam6nto,sacchegpo,m. impegnare. modo derisorio. Depo'nent, [dlpnent] s. testi- Dep'redator, [dprideteurj s Deri'vable, [diraivabl] adj. che monio, teste; (gr.) deponen- depredatore, rubatore, m. si Deprehend', [dprihndj r. a. pu derivare. te, m. Depop'ulate, [dpopiulte] v. a. sorprendere, chiappar sul fat- Deriva'tion, [derivescieun] g.

tore, beffatore, m_. Deri'dingly, [diraidingle'] adv. in modo derisorio. Deris'ion, [dlriscieiin] s. derisione, /.; scherno, m. Deri'sive, [draisiv] Deri'sory, [diraiseure'] adj^ derisorio. Deri'sively, [draisivle'] adv. in

spopolare, devastare. Depopula'tion,[dpopiulscieun] . spopolazone, /".; devastamento, desolamento, m. Depop'ulator, [dpopiuleteir] s. devastatore, distruttore, m. Deport, [diprt] s. portamento, m. condotta, /".

to, scoprire.

derivazione, etimologia,


Deprehen'sible, [deprihensibl] Deriv'ative, [dirivatv] adj. derivativo. ad], comprensibile. Deprehen'sion,[deprihenscieun] Deriv'atively, [dlrivativl] adv.
in modo derivativo. s. sorpresa, scoperta, f. Depress', [dlprs] v. a. depri- Derive', [diraive] v. a. & n. derivare, procedere, trarre ori-J mere, abbassare, avvilire.





avvilimen- Der'ogate, [deroghete] adj. dn rogato, dispregiato, avvilito. one's self, comportarsi, por- to, wi. Depres'sive, [dipresivj adj. che Der'ogate, [deroghete] v.a. detarsi. rogare, dispregiare, avvilire ; Deporta'tion, [dprtbscieun] s. ha tendenza di deprimere. IDepres'sor, [dlpresnr] s. de- -, V. n. disdirsi. 'deportazione, f. esilio, m. Deroga'tion, [derghscieun] i, Deport'ment , [dprtmnt] s. pressore, oppressore, m. Depriva'tion, [dprivscieun] s. derogazione, f.; dispregiamenportamento, m. condotta, f. Depo'sable, [dipozabl] adj. che! privazione; {law.) deposizio- to, m. Derog'ative, [dlrogat'iv] adj. dene, f. pu essere testificato. Depo'sal, [dpozal] s. deposizio-l Deprive', [dlpraive] v. a. pri- rogatorio, disprezzante. Derog'atorily , [dirgateriIj| vare, deporre. ne, f. Depose', [dlpoze] v. a. deporre, Deprive'ment , [dlpralvemat] adv. in modo diffamatorio. Derog'atoriness , [dlrogateuris. privazione, f. testificare, attestare, privare. Depos'it, [dlpozit] s. deposito, Depri'ver, [dlpraveur] s. pri- .nes] s. dispregio, diffamameuvatore. to, m. pegno, m. Depos'it, [dpozTt] v. a. depo- Depth, [depth-] s. profondit, Derog'atory, [dlrogateir] vedi /".; abisso, m.; oscurit, f.; mezDerogative. sitare, impegnare. Depositary, [dipozitare] s. de- zo, m.; in the - of winter, nel Der'vis , [deurvis] s. dervisse, m. cuor del verno. positario, m. Deposit'ion, [depozTscieun] s. Depu'celate, [dipiusilte] v. a. Des'cant , [descant] s. canto, lungo discorso, tn.; interpretadeflorare. deposizione, testimonianza, Depos'itory, [dipoziteire'] s. de- Depul'sion , [dipeulsciein] s. zione, f. ; cemento, m. Des'cant, [dscnt] v. n. arinespulsione,/'. posilo, w.; fldpositeria, /. Dep'ot, [dpo] s, magazzino, m. Depul'sory, [dpeulseure'] alj. gare, interpretare, cementare. iDescend', [dsnd] v.n. discenDeprava'tion, [dpravescien] espellente Dep'urate, [dpiurete] adj. de- dere, trarre origine, calare, . depravazione, corruzione, f. Descen'dant, [disendnt] s. diDeprave', [dlprve] v a. depra- purato, purgato. Dep'urate, [dopiurete] v. a de-i scendente, successore, n. vare, corrompere. Descen'dent, [disndent] adj. Depra'vedly, [diprevedle'] adv. purare, purgare. iDepura'tion, [dpiurscieun] s. discendente, nato. corrottamente. Depra'vedness , [dprvednes] depurazione, chiarificazione, /".jDescen'sion , [dsenscieun]. t. Deprave'ment, [dlprvement] JDeputa'tion, [dpiutscieun] s.\ discendimento, m.; scesa,/'. Descent', [dsent] s. scesa, indeputazione,/. s. depravazione, corruttela, /. Depra'ver, [dlpreveiir] s. de- Depute', [dipinte] v.a. deputa- vasione, nascita, posterit; (rail.) discesa, declivit, /. re, delegare. pravatore, corruttore, m.









Des'perate, [desprte] aij. disperato, temerario,_ furioso.

Descri'bable, [discraibabl] adj. Design'ing, [dlzaining] adj. indescrivibile. sidioso, ingannevole. Describe', [dlscraibe] v. a. de- Design'less , [dlzaineles] adj. senza intenzione. scriver, dipignero. Descri'ber, [discraibeiir] s. de- Design'lessly,[dizaindesl]rt^/v. scrittore, dipintore, m. inavvertentemente. Descri'er, [discraieur] s. sco- Design'ment, [dizainement] s. disegno, m.; intenzione,/', inpritore, m. Descrip'tion, [dlseripscieun] s. tento, in. descrizione, f. Des'inence, [desinense] s. desiDescrip'tive, [dlscrlptiv] adj. nenza, /. ; fine, m. descrittivo. Desi'rable, [dlzairabl] adj. deDescry', [diserai] v. a. scopri- siderabile, piacevole, dilettoso. re, discernere. Desi'rableness, [dlzairablnes] s. Des'ecrate, [desicrte] v. a. di- r essere desiderabile, in piasacrare. cevolezza, f. Desecra'tion, [desicrescieun] s. Desi'rably, [dizairable'] adv desacrilegio, m. siderabilmente. Des'ert, [dezeiirt] adj. diserto, Desire', [dIzaire] s. desiderio, solitario -, s. deserto, m. ; som.\ brama; cupidezza, doman;

Des'perately, [dosperetele'] uv. disperatamente, terribilmente,

alla cieca.

Des'perateness, [dsprtenes]
s. furia, temerit, f. Despera'tion, [dsprscieun] s. disperazione, f. Des'picable, [despicabl] adj. di-

sprezzabile, basso.

Des'picableness, [despicablnes]
s. bassezza, vilt, f. Des'picably, [despicable] adv. vilmente. Despic'iency, [despiciens] s. disprezzo. Despi'sable, [despizabl] adj. dispregevole, disprezzevole, ab-



Desert', [dizeurt] s. merito, m. Desert', [dizeurt] v. a. disertare, abbandonare, lasciare ; -, V. n. fuggire. Deser'ter, [dzeurteir] s. disertore, desertore, m. Deser'tion, [dizeiirscieun] s. ah-

[dlspalzal] s. di, fdizaire] v. a. desidesprezzo, m. Desi'redly, [dlzairdl] adv. a Despise', [despaize] v. a. dispreseconda. giare, sdegnare, vilificare.



bramare. Despi'sal


bandono, in. Desert'less [dizeiirtles] adj. senza merito, indegno. Deserve', [dzeSrve] v. a. meritare, essere degno; to - well of one, meritar del bene da uno. Deser'vedly, [dizeurvdl] adv. meritamente, degnamente. Deser'ver, [dizeirveur] s. uno che merita. Deser'ving , [dIzeurvTng] adj. meritevole, meritorio, degno. Deser'Tngly,[dizeurvmgl]arft; con merito. Desic'caut, [disTcant] s. rimedio disseccante, m. Desic'cate, [dsichte] v.a. disseccare, render secco.

Desicca'tiori, [disichesciein]




Desic'cative, [dscativ] disseccativo, disseccante.


Desi'rer, [dizaireir] s. desde- Despi'sedness, [dspaizdns] ratore, m. s. lo stato di essere dispreDesi'rous^ [diziireus] adj. desi- giato, m. deroso, avido. Despi'ser, [despaizeir] s. diDesi'rously, [dlzaireisle'] adv. spregiatore, m. desiderosamente, cupidamente. Despi'sing, [despaizng]s.sprezDesi'rousness, [dzaireusns] s. zaraento, dispregio, m. cupidit, /, Despite', [dspaite] s. dispetto, Desist', [disst] v. n. desistescherno, sdegno, m.; malizia, re, tralasciare. f.;in-of you, a dispetto voDesis'tance, [dlsistnse] s. tra- stro. lasciamento, cessamento, m. Despite', [dspaite] v.a. dispetDesk, [dsche] s. leggio, scrit- tare, vessare. tojo, m. Despite'ful, [despaitefil] adj. Des'olate, [desolte] adj. deso- dispettoso, malizioso. lato, solitario, tristo. Despite'fully,[dspaiteful] ad. Des'olate, [dsolete] v.a. desodispettosamente, con dispetto. lare, spopolare. Despite'fulness,[despaitefulns] Des'olately, [dsletel] s. malignit, /.; odio, m. modo desolato. Despoil', [dospauil] v. a. spoDes'olateness, [desoletenes] s. gliare, privare. luogo deserto, deserto, m. Despoil'er, [dspauileir] s spoDes'olater, [dsleteur] s. degliatore, m. solatore, m. Despolia'tion, [despliscieun] Desola'tion [deslescieuu] s. s. spogliamente , rubamendistruzione, rovina, /. to, m.

Desidera'tum, [dlsiderteim]


cosa desiderabile, /. Design', [dizaine] s. disegno, progetto, m.; intenzione, f. pensiero, m.; intrd.presa, through -, a disegno, a posta. Design', [dizaine] v. a. disegnare, premeditale, tramare; -> v. n. proporrsi, determi/".;

Despond'ently, [despondentle'] adv. senza speranza disperatamente. Despond'er, [dspondeur] s. nare. Despatch', [dsptsc] s. dispac- quello che ha perso la speDes'ignate, [dsTgnte] v. a cio, espresso, m. ranza, m. disegnare insegnare; distia Despatch', [dspatsc] v. a. di- Despond'ingly, [despondmgle'] guere. spacciare,' conchiudere un afadv. disperatamente. Designa'tion, [desTgnescieun] s. fare, ammazzare, uccidere. Despon'sate, [dsponsete] v. a, designazione, destinazione, /. Despat'cher, [dspatschur] s. fidanzare, promettere in maDesign'edly, [dizaindl] adv. quello che dispaccia, m. trimonio. con disegno, intenzionalmente, Despatch'ful, [dsptscful] adj. Desponsa'tion,[desponsescieun] a posta. frettoloso, affrettato. s. impalmamento, m. Design'er, [dizalneur] s. diso- Despera'do, [desperSdo] s. di- Des'pot, [despot] s. despoto,*n. gnatore, inventore, m. sperato, arrabbiato, m. Despot'ic, [despotic] Despot-

Des'olatory, [dsoletere'] adj. che cagiona desolazione. Despair', [dspere] s. disperamento, m. disperazione, /. Despair', [dspre] v. n. disperare, perdere la speranza. Despairer', [dspereiiry s. uno che dispera, m.

Despond', [despond]







Despond'ency, [despondens]

Despond'ent, [despondent] adj.


D espair'ingly, [dsprngl] adr .

ical, tico.


s. privazione del trono, f. Dethro'ner, [dith^ronerj s. uno che priva del trono^^nt. Dethro'nize, [dith-ronize] vedi Dethrone. Det'inue, [dtini] s. citazio-

dispo- Detain'der, [ditonedeur] s. cattura, detenzione, f. Oespot'ically, [despoticl] adv Detain'er, [ditneur] s. detendispoticamente. tore, m. Despot'icalness, [despoticalnes] Detain'ing, [dltning] s. ritegno, impedimento, m. s. autorit assoluta, f. Des'potism, [despotism] s. de- Detect', [ditct] v. a. scoprire, spotismo, m. svolare. Despu'mate, [dipiumete] v. n Detec'ter, [dltecteur] s. scopri(chym.) schiumare. tore, delatore, m. Dessert', [dzeurt] s. frutta, Detec'tion, [ditcscieun] s. scoperta, f. Des'tinate, [destinetc] v. a. de- Deten'tlon, [ditenscieun] s. destinare, assegnare. tenzione, ritenzione, f. carceDestina'tion, [dstinscieun] s ramento, i. destinazione, f. Deter', [dteur] v. a. atterrire, Des'tlne, [destin] vedi Desti- stornare, dissuadere distornate. nare, (gere. purgare. Destiny, [destine] s. destino Deterge', [dlteurdge] v. a. deterfato, m.; sorte, f. Deter'gent, [diteurdgent] adj. Des'titute, [destitiute] adj. de- detergente, astersivo._ stituto, abbandonato, derelitto, Dete'riorate, [ditiriorote] v. a. privo. deteriorare. Destitu'tion, [destitiiiscieun] s. Deterora'tion, [dltiriorescieun] mancamento, abbandonamento, s. deterioramento, m. m.; derelizione, f. Deter'ment, [diteirment] .disDestroy', [distroi] v. a. distrug- suasione, /".; ostacolo, i. gere, rovinare, uccidere. Deter'minable, [diteurminabl] Destroy'able, [dlstroiabl] adj. adj. che si pu determinare. che si pu distruggere. Deter'minate , [dlteurminte] Destroy'er, [distroieur] s. di- adj. determinato, preciso. struttore, desolatore, m. Deter'minate, [dlteurminte] v. Destructibil'ity, [distreuctibil- a. determinare; risolvereite'J s. distruggimento, m. Deter'minately, [diteurminteDestruc'tible, [dlstreuctibl] adj. le'] adv. determinatamente, prer che si pu distruggere. cisamente. Destruc'ton , [distreucscieun] Determna'tion, [dteiirmins. distruzione, rovina, f. scieun] s. determinazione, deciDestruc'tive, [dstreictiv] adj. sione, /. distruttivo, pernizioso. Deter'minative, [dlteurminatv] Destruc'tively, [distreuctvl] adj. determinativo, decisivo. adv. distruttivamente. Deterinina'tor,[dIteurmineteur] Destruc'tiveness, [distreuctiv- s. uno che determina, giudins] s. distruggimento, m.; di- ce, m. struzione, /. Deter'mine, [dlteurmin] v. a. Destruc'tor, [distreucteur] s determinare decidere, stabidistrnggitore, desolatore, m. lire -, V. n. conchiudere, fiDesada'tion, [dsiudscieun] s. nire.
, ;



Detona'tion, [detnscieun] . (chym.) detonazione, f. Det'onate, [detenete] Det'on* za, [dtnaize] v. a. (chym.) far detonare; -, v. n. infiammarsi con istrepito.
Detort', [ditort] v. a. torcere, stravolgere. De'tortion, [dltorscieun] .stravolgimento, m.


[ditiire] s. circuito.

Detract', [ditrct] v. a. detrarre; calunniare, infamare. Detrac'ter, [ditrcteur] s. detrattore, calunniatore, m. Detrac'tingly, [ditrctngl] adj. calunniosamente. Detrao'tion, [dtracscieun] . detrazione, maledicenza, /". Detrac'tive, [ditrctiv] adj. calunnioso. Detrac'tory, [dtracteure'] adj. diflFamatorio, calunnioso. Detrac'tress, [ditractrs] s. detrattrice,

Det'riment, [detriment] s. detrimento, danno, pregiudizio, m. Detrimen'tal, [detrimental] adj.

pregiudiziale, nocivo. [ditrude] v. a. cacciare in gi,

Detrun'cate, [dltreunchte] v. a. scapezzare, mozzare, troncare.

Detruuca'tion , [dtreunchescieun] s. mozzamento, m.

Detru'sion, [ditrugeun] s. atterramento, m. Detur'pate, [diteirpte] v, a.

sudore eccessivo, m. Deter'miner, [dlteurmineiir] Des'uetude, [dsitiude] s. di- uno che determina, m. suso, m.; dissuetudine, disusan- Deterra'tion, [diterscioun] za,/'. esumazione, f.


Deuce, [diuse]
co di carte).


due, m. (al giuo-

Dense, [diise] s. diavolo, m. Deutero'gamist,[diutergamist] Des'ultorily,[deseulteuril]arfw. Deter'sion, [dlteursciein] .de- s. uno che contrae un secondo leggiermente, senza metodo. tersione, /",; purgamento, m. matrimonio, m.

Des'ultoriness, [dseulturins] Deter'sive, [dlteursiv] adj. de- Deuterog'amy, [diuterogame'] . s. leggerezza, incostanza, tersivo, astersivo. matrimonio secondo, m. f. Des'ultory, [dseulteur] adj. Detest', [ditst] v. a. detestare, Deuteron'omy [diiternom] , leggiero, mutabile, incostante, abborrre. s. Deuteronomio, ni. senza metodo. Detest'able, [ditestabl] adj. de- Dev'astate, [devastete] v. a. deDetach', [dttsc] v. a. (mil.) testabile , abhominevole, ese- vastare, desolare.


Detach'ment, [dltatscment]


Detest'ableness, [ditestahlenes]



adv. Deverop, [dlveleSp] v. n. sviDetail', [dltile] s. dettaglio, m. detestabilmente. luppare. particolarit, /".; in -, a mi- Detesta'tion, [dltestescieiin] [diveleipment] s. Deveropment, nuto. detestazione, abbominazione, f. s. sviluppamento, tn. Detail', [ditele] v. a racconta- Detest'er, [dltsteur] v. a. privare, s. che de- Devest', [divest] re, circostanziare. testa, abborritore, m. spogliare. Detain, [ditene] v. o. ritenere, Dethrone', [dith^rone] v. a. pri- Devex'ity, [dvecsite'] s. decliimpedire, fermare. vare del trono. vit, f.

(mil.) distaccamento, m.; divis. r essere detestabile, m. sione, f. Detes'tably, [drtestabl]



De'viate, [divietc] v. n. deviare, sviarsi.

Dew, Dew,


Dialec'tically , [daialecticle' ] [d] 8. rugiada, f. [diu] V. a. innaffiare, adv. in maniera dialettica. Di'aling, [dialng] s. gnomoDovia'tion, [diviescieun] s. de- aspergere. Dew'-berry, [diubere] s. moro nica, f. viamento, m. Di'alist, [daialst] s. fabbricaDevice', [divaise] s. invenzione, di rovo, m. [diubesprent] tore d' orologi solari, m. spediente, mezzo, m. ; divisa, Dew-besprent', (poet.) adj. asperso di rugiada. Dialog'ical, [daialodgicl] adj. emblema, f. Dev'il, [dv'l] s. diavolo, de- Dew'-drop, [diudrop] s. goccia dialogico.

monio, m.

di rugiada,


Dev'ilish, [dov'Hsc] adj. diabo- Dew'-lap, [diulap] s. giogaja, pagliolaja, f. lico. Dev'ilisWy , [dev'liscle] adv. Dew'-lapt, [diulapt] adj. fornito di giogajo. diabolicamente. Dev'ilishness, [dev'lscns] s. Dew'y, [diu] adj. rugiadoso. Dex'ter, [dcsteur] adj. destro, natura diabolica, f. De'vious, [divleus] adj. deviato, a man destra. Dexter'ity, [dcsterit] s. deerrante. Devise', [divaize] s. legato, la- strezza, abilit, f. Dex'terous, [dcsteres] adj. sciato, espediente, disegno, m. Devise', [divaize] v. a. immagi- destro, accorto. [dcsterousle'] nare, formare; -, v. n. consul- Dex'terously , destramente , accortatare, legare, lasciare. adv. Devisee', [dvizi] s. legata- mente. rio, m. D ex'terousness, [decstereusnes] Devi'ser, [divaizeur] s. inven- vedi Dexterity. tore, autore, m. Dox'tral, [dcstral] adj. dritto, Devi'sor, [divaizeur] s. {law.) diritto. testatore, m. Dex'trous , [decstreus] vedi Devoid', [divoid] adj. voto, va- Dexterous. cuo, destitute. Diabe'tes, [daiabltize] s. {med.) Devoir', [devoir] s. dovere, os- diabete, f. sequio, m. Diaboric, [daiabolic] Diabol'Devolu'tion, [devoliuscieun] s. ical, [diablical] adj. diabolidevoluzione, f.; rivolgimento, co, infernale.

Dial'ogise, [daialodgaize] v. a. dialogizzare._ Dial'Dgist, [daildgiste] .dialogista,


Dialogis'tically, [daialodgisticl] adv. in modo dialogico. Di'alogue, [daialog] v. n. dialogizzare, discorrere. Di'al-plate, [diil-plete] s. mostra d'orologio, f. Dial'ysis, [dailisis] s. (gr.) sillaba divisa in due, f. Diam'eter, [daimiteur] s. dia-

metro, m. Diam'etral, [daiamitrl] Diamet'rical, [daiamtricl] adj.

diametrale. Diamet'rically, [daiamtricale'] adv. per diametro.

Di'amond, [diameund] 8. brillante, diamante, m. Di'amond-cutter, [daiameindcheuteir] .gioielliere, m.

Dapa'son, [daiapezone] s.(mus.)

scadimento, m.
Detrolve', [divolvc] v. a. devol vere, ricadere.

Diaborically,[daiabolical]ad diabolicamente. Diabol'icalness , [daiabolical-

Di'aper, [daiapeur] s. biancheria tessuta a figura, f. Di'aper, [daiapeur] v. a. damascare.

Devora'tion, [devorscieun] s. ns] s. diavoleria, f. divoramento, m. Diab'olism, [daiablism] s. le Devote', [divotc] v. a. votare, azioni del diavolo, f. pi. ; V esdedicare, consegnare. sere posseduto da un diavolo. Devo'ted, [divotd] adj. dedito, Diach'ylon , [daicMleun] s dedicato. (pharm.) diaquilonne, m. Devo'tedness, [divtednos] s Diaco'dium, [daiacdieim] s. divozione, f. (pharm.) diacodion, m. Devotee', [devoti] s. bacchetto- Diaco'nal, [daiconl] adj. appartenente ad_un diacono. ne, ipocrita, m. Devote'ment, [divotemeat] s Dlacou'stics, [daiacilstics] s pi l'atto di dedicazione, m. diacustica, f. Devo'ter, [dvotur] s. dedica- Di'adem, [daiadem] t. diadema, tore, m. m.; corona, f. Devo'tion, [divsciein] s. divo- Di'ademed , [daiadom'd] adj zione, disposizione, f. cinto d'un diadema. Devo'tional, [dvscieunal] adj. Diaer'esis, [daieriss] s. (gr.)
pio, divoto. dieresi, f. [daiagnostic] Devo'tionalist,[dIv_oscieunalist] Diagnos'tic , s. Devotionist, [divoscieunist] s (med.) indizio, sintomo, m. zelatore, ipocrita, m. Dag'onal, [daigonl] adj. diaDevour', [divaour] v. a. divora- gonale; -, . diagonale, /. re, ingMottire. Diag'onally, [digonl] adv Devour'er, [dlvaureiir] s. divo- diagonalmente. ratore, m. Di'agram, [daiagram] s. dia Devour'ngly , gramma, m.; descrizione, f. [divaourngle'] adv. ingordamente, avidamen- Di' al, [dail] s. orinolo a sole, te, golosamente^ m.; mostra d'orologio, f. Devout', [divait] adj. divoto, Di'alect, [daialct] s. dialetto,




diafanit, trasparenza,/". Diaphan'ic^ [diafnc] Diaph,'anous, [daifanus] adj. tra-

sparente. Diaphoret'ic, [daiaforetic] adj. (med.) diaforetico, sudorifico. Di'aphragm, [difrm] s.{anat.)

diaframma, m.



Diarrhoet'ic, [daiaretio] adj. purgativo. Di'ary, [daiar] s. diario, giornale, m.

Dias'tole, [daiastle]





(tnws.) diatesseron,


Daton'ic, [daiatonc] adj. (mtis.) diatonico. Dia'tribe, [daiatrabc] s. disputa. Dib'ble, [dbl] s. pinolo da piantare, m. Dicac'ty, [dicasite'] s. ciarleria, f.

Dice, [daise] s. pi. dadi, m. pi.; to cog the -, mettere dadi fal-

religioso, pio. stilo, r,i. si; to set the - upon, truffare, Devout'ly, [divaoutle'] adv. di- Dialec'tic, [daialectic] s. dia- ingannare. votamente. lettica, logica, f. Dice'-box, [daisc-bocs] s. bosDevout'ness, [dvaoutnes] s. di Dialec'tical, [dialecticl] adj solo, m.

Yozione, piet,


dialettico, logicale.

Dice'-player, [daise-pleur] Di'-




cer, [daiseurj dadi,


Digla'diate, [dSigldiate] v. n, litigare, combattere. Digladia'tion, [diglediisciein] . azzuffamento, m. Dignifica'tion,[dignifichsceun] s. esaltamento, m. Dig'nified, [dignifai'd] adj. elevato, esaltato. Dig'nify, [dignifai] v. a. elevare, esaltare.

giuocatore di [Difficulty, [dificheiilt] s. difficolt, /".; dubbio, ostacolo, m. Dichot'omize, [dlcotmaize] v. Diffide', [dfaide] v. n. diffidare. a. spartire in due. Dichot'omy, [dicotome'] . di- Diffidence, [dfidensc] s. diffidenza, /.; sospetto, m. cotomia, f. Di'cing, [daising] s. giuoco di Diffident, [dfidnt] arfj. diffidente, sospettoso. dadi, m. Dic'tate, [dictete] s. regola /.; Diffidently, [difidntl] adv. sospettosadiffidenza , con precetto, m. Dic'tate, [dictete] v. a. detta- mente. Dif'fluence , [dfliuensc] Dif re, prescrivere. Dicta'tion, [dxctescieiin] s. det- fluency, [difliuense'] . fluidit, fluidezza, f. tatura, f. Dicta'tor, [dicteteur] s. ditta- Diffluent, [difliuent] adj. fluido, diffuso. tore, m. Dictato'rial, [dictatorial] Dic- DifForm', [diform] adj. difforme, tatory, [dictateure'] adj. ditta- irregolare. DifForm'ity, [dformite'] s. diftorio, autorevole, assoluto. Dicta'torship , [dcteteirscip] formit, irregolarit, f. Dic'tature;[dicttceur] s. ditta- Diffuse', [difiuze] v. a. diffondere, spargere. tura, f. Diffu'sed , [difiise] Dic'tion, [dicsciein] s. dizione Diffuse', [dfiuz'd] adj. diffuso, sparso, /. stile, m. prolisso. Dic'tionary, [dicscienare'] s. diDiffu'sedly, [difiusedle'] adv. zionario, vocabolario, m. diffusamente; copiosamente. Didac'tic, [daidactic] Didac'tl cai, [didctical] adj. istrut- Diffu'sedness, [difiiisednes] Dif-

Dig'nitary, [dignitare']




Dig'nity, [dignite'] . dignit, /.; grado d'onore, m.; importanza, f. Digress', [digres] u. n. fare digressione. Digres'sion, [digrscieiin] s. digressione, /.; sviamento, m. Digressional, [digrsciunl] Digres'sive, [digrossiv] adj. digressivo. Dju'dicate, [daidgidichte] v. a. giudicare, decidere, distinguere. Dijudica'tion , [daidgiudicbscieun] s. distinzione giuridica, f.


Didac'tically,[daidactical]ad. sit, /". in modo istruttivo. Didap'per, [daidapeur] s. mer- Diffuse'ly, [dfiusele']
ge, m. Didascal'ic,

fu'sion, [dfiugeun] s. diffu- Dike, [dac] sione, spargimento, m.; copio- lo, i.

fosso, canale, val-

adv. co-

adj. Diffu'ser,[dfiuzeur]

Dilac'erate, [dailasirite] v. a. dilacerare, stracciare. Dilacera'tion, [dilsirscieun] diffondi. lacerazione, /".; stracciamen-,

tore, m. n. vacillare Diffu'sive, [difiusv] adj. diffusivo, prolisso. come un bambino, truifare. Diduc'tion, [daideucscieun] s. Diffu'sively, [dflasvl] adv

istruttivo. Did'dle, [didl] v.


Dila'niate, [daileniete] v. o. dilaniare, sbranare. Dilania'tion, [daileniescieun] s.

diffusamente. deduzione, separazione, /. Die, [dai] s. {dice, pi.) dado, m.; Diffu'siveness, [dfiusTvnes] s prolissi distesa, estensione -, s. (dies, jl.) conio, m. Die, [dai] v. n. {died; dead) mo- t, A Dig, [dig] V. a. {dug, digged; rire, sventare, svaporare. Die'sis, [daiisis] s. (mus.) die- dug, digged) zappare, vangare, scavare. si, A [didgerent] adj. DDi'et, [diot] s. nutrimento, m.; Di'gerent , {med.) digerente, digestivo. dieta, assemblea di principi o Di'gest, [daidgste] s. digesto, di Stati_, A m,, pandette, /. pi. Di'et, [daiot] v. a. dietare, nu trire; -, v. n. nutrirsi, fare die- Digest', [daidgste] v. a. digerire, ordinare; -, v. n. supputa, mangiare. Di'et-drink, [daiet-drinc] .ti- rare, venire a juppurazione. Digest'edly,[daidgestedl] adv. sana, f. in modo metodico. Detet'lc, [diittic] Dietet'ical, Diges'ter, [daidgsteur] s. di[ditticl] adj. dietetico. Differ, [difeur] v. n. differire, gestore, digestivo, m. Diges'tible, [daidgstibl] adj. esser dissimile, variare.

sbranamento, m. Dilap'idate, [dailpidtc] v. a. dilapidare. Dilapid'tion, [dailapidscieun] dilapidamento, m. rovi.




Dilap'idator, [dailpdeteur] . prodigo, dissipatore, m. Dilatabil'ity, [diltablite'] s. dilatabilit, estensione, f. Dila'table, [dailtabl] adj. dilatabile.






Dilata'ton, [dilatesciein] s. dilatazione,/. _ Dilate', [dailete] v. a. dilatare, stendere; -, V. n. dilatarsi, distendersi, diffondersi. Dila'tion, [dailesciein] . tardanza, f. Dila'tor, [dailteur] . (surg.)

ferenza, disputa, f. Diges'tion, [daidgestceiin] s. di- dilatatore, m. Difference, [dferense] v. a. gestione, f.; suppuramento, m. Dil'atoriness, [dilateurines] s. differenziare, distinguere. Diges'tive, [daidgstiv] adj. di- lentezza, infingardia, f. Different, [dferent] adj. diffe- gestivo, suppurativo; -, s. ri- Dil'atory, [dilateur] adj. dilatorio, tardo. rente, dissimile. medio digestivo, m. Differen'tial, [dferenscial] s. Dig'ger, [digbeur] s. zappato- Dilec'tion, [dailecscieun] s. dilezione, /.; amore, m. (alg.) differenziale. re, vangatore, m. Differently, [diferentl] adv. Dight, [daite] v. a. ornare, ad- Dilem'ma, [dilma] s. dilemma, f.; imbarazzo, wj. differentemente, variamente dobbare.

Difficult, [difichilt] adj. dif- Dig'it, [didgit] s. dito, digito, Dilettan'te, [diltnt] m. (misura). lettante, m. ficile, faticoso. Difficultly, [dficheiltle'] adv. Digitated, [didgiteted] adj. {bot.) Dil'igence, fdilidgnse] digitato. genza, prontezza, f. difficilmente, con difficolt.








Dil'igent, [dilidgont] adj. dili- Dim'ple , [dmplj s. pozzetta, Direct*, [dairect] arfj. retto, diretto, chiaro. piccola fossetta, /. gente, assiduo. Dil'igently, [dildgontl] adv Dim'ple, [dmplj v. n. formare Direct', [dairoct] v. a. dirigere, indirizzare, regolare, ordidelle pozzette. diligentemente. nare. Dim'pled, [dmpl'd] adj, Dill, [dil] s. aneto, m. Direc'ter, [dairecteiir] s. dirett ornato di pozzette. Dilu'cid, [dilisd] adj. lucido, Dim'ply, [dimple] adj. pieno di tore, m.; squadra, /". chiaro. Direc'tion, [daircscieiin] s. diDilu'cidate, [dailiusidte] v. a. pozzette. rezione, soprascritta, incomdilucidare, far chiaro, spie- Dim'-sighted, [dira-saited] adj. benza, /.; ordine, m. che ha la vista offuscata. gare. Dilucida'tioii,[dailiusidscieiin] Din, [din] s. strepito, fracas- Direc'tive, [dirctv] adj. direttivo. so, m. s. dilucidazione^ spiegazione, f. Dilu'cidly , [dailiusdl] adj. Din, [din] v. a. stordire, schia- Direct'ly, [directl] adv. direttamente, immediate; - amazzare_. chiararaente, evidentemente. Dil'uent, [dliunt] adj. diluen- Dine, [daine] v. a. invitare a gainst, diriinpetto. desinare; -, v. n. desinare, Direct'ness, [dairctnes] s. dite, dissolvente, m.; -, s. diluenrittura, rettitudine, f. pranzare. te, m. Dilute', [dalite] v. a. stem- Ding, [ding]v a. sbattere, spez- Direc'tor, [dircteiir] s. direttore, m. zare, infragnere; -, v. n. schiaperare, mescolare. Direc'tory, [dairecter] s. diDilu'ter, [dailiutur] s. dissolmazzare, vantarsi. Ding-dong, [ding-dong] s. tin- rettorio, wi. vente, m. Direc'tress, [dairectres] . diDilu'tion, [dailxuscieun] .stem- tinnio delle campane, m. Din'gle, [dingl] s. valle, val- rettrice, f. peramento, m. Dire'ful, [dairefiil] adj. diro, Dilu'vian, [dailiuvian] adj. di- letta, f. Din'gy, [dindge'] adj. oscuro, terribile. luviano, Dire'fulness,[dairefuliies]Dire'. Dilu'viate, [dailiuvitc] bruno. diluviare. Di'ning-room, [daining-rim] s. ness, [dairens] s. orrore, terrore, m.; enorrnit, f. Dim, [dim] adj. oscuro, fosco, sala da mangiare, f. stupido. Din'ner, [dineur] s. desinare, Diremp'tion, [dairmpsciein] s. separazione, f. Dim, [dim] i\ o. oscurare, of- pranzo, m. fuscare. Din'ner-time, [dineur-tame] s. Direp'tion, [direpsciein] s. rapina, /.; sacco, m. Dimen'sion, [daimensciein] s. ora di pranzo, f. dimensiono, estensione, f. Dint, [dint] s. impressione, /. Dirge, [deurdge] s. canzone fuDimen'sionless, [dimnscieun- vestigio, segno, colpo, forza, f. nebre, /'.

Dint, [dint] v. a. fare una bozza su. che designa i limiti. Dio'cesan, [daiosisn] s. dioceDimid'iate, [dmdite] v. a. di- sano, m. mezzare, ammezzare. Di'ocese, [daises] s. diocesi, f. Dimidia'tion, [dimdiscieun] s Diop'tric, [daiptric] Diop'triammezzamento, m. cal , [daidptricl] adj. diotDmin'ish, [dmnisc] v. a. di trica. minuire; -,v. n. diminuirsi, de- Diop'trics, [daioptrics] s. pi.
les] s. inlnito,


Dirk, [deiirc]


pugnale, m.; da-




Dirk, [deSrc] v. a. stilettare. Dirt, [deurt] s. fango, loto, m.; bassezza, f. Dirt, [deirt] v. a. sporcare, infangare. Dir'tily, [deurtil] adv. spor-







Dimin'ishing, [dimniscing] s. Diora'ma, [dairama] s. dioradiminuzione, m. ma, m. Dimin'ishingly, [diminiscngl] Dip, [dip] V. a. irr. (dipt; dipt) adv. diminutivamente; in mo- intigner, immollare; -, v. n. do vilipeso. irr. immergersi^ penetrare. Dimin'uent, [dimmiuent] adj. Dipet'alous, [daipetales] adj. decrescente. (bot ) bipetale, di due corolle. Diminu'tion, [dminiuscieiin] s Diph'thong, [dipth-'ong] s. ditdiminuzione, /.; discredito, m. tongo, m. Dimn'utive, [dimniutv] adj. Diplo'ma, [diploma] s. diplodiminutivo, piccolo; -, s. dimi- ma, m.; lettera patente, f nutivo, m. Diplo'macy, [diplmas] s. diDimin'utively, [dimniutivl] plomatica, f. adv. in modo diminutivo. Diplomatale, [diplomatic] adj. Dimin'utiveness, [diminiutiv- diplomatico.

Dir'tiness, [deurtines] s. sporcheria, bassezza, f. Dir'ty, [deiirt] adj. sporco, vile, infame. Dir'ty, [deiirt] v. a. sporcare, lordare, disonorare. Dirup'tion, [daireipsciein] .

dirupamento, m.
Disahil'ity, [disabilit] ^. incapacit, inabilit; impotenza,

Disa'ble, [disebi] v. a. rendere incapace; (mar.) mettere fuor di servizio, disarmare. Disa'blement, [disblment] a.

piccolezza, f. Diplomatics, [diplomatics] s. inabilit, impotenza, f. [dimise] adj. alquanto pi. arto diplomatica, /. Disabuse', [disabiize] v. a. dioscuro. Diplo'matist, [diplomatist] s. singannare, sgannare. Dimis'sion, [dimiscieun] s. con- uno versato nella diplomati- Disaccom'modate , [disacmogedo, m. ca, m. dete] V. a. incomodare. Dim'issory , [dimiseure'] adj. Dip'per, [dipeSr] s. che immer- Disaccommoda'tion, [disacomoijur.) dimissoriale. ge nell'acqua. descieiin] s. incomodezza, incoDim'ity, [dimit] s. diraito, m. Dip'ping, [diping] s. immer- modit, /. Dim'ly, [diml] adv. oscura- sione, [. Dlsaccus'tom, [disacheisteim]



)im'ness, [dmncs]

s. /.


tmento, m. stupidit,

Dip'ping-needle, [diping-nidl] . a. disusare, disvezzare. s. ago calamitato, i. Disacknowredge,[discnledge] Dire, [daire] adj. diro, orrendo. V. a. negare, disapprovare.

Dlsa'dorn, [disadorn] v. a. disadornare. Disadvan'tage, [disadvantedge] s. disavvantaggio, pregiudizio, danno, m. Disadrau'tage, [disadvantedge] V. a. disavvantaggiare, pregiudicare, nuocere. Dsadvauta'geous , [disadvantedgeus] adj. svantaggioso. Disadvanta'geously, [disdvantedgesl] adv. con is van-

-- 100

v. a.

spa- Disbud', [disbeud] v. a. spampanare. Disappear'ance, [disapiranse] Disburd'en, [disbeird'n] v. a. scaricare, sgravare. s. svanimento, m. Disappoint', [dispoint] v. a. Disburse', [disbeurse] v. a. sbormancar di parola, frustrare, de- sare, spendere. Disburse'ment, [disbeursement] ludere. Disappoint'ment , [dispint- s. sborsamento, pagamento, m. mnt] s. mancamento di paro- Disbur'ser, [dsbeursur] s. che la, m.; traversia, f. sborsa, pagatore, m. Disapproba'tion , [disclscietcd] [disaprb- DiscaVceated , adj. scalzo, scalzato. sciein] Disapprovai, [disaptaggio. ruval] s. censura, /".; biasimo, Discalcea'tion,[dsclsciscieun] Disadvanta'geousness, [disad- m. riprovazione, f. s. scalzamento, m. vantedgusns] s. svantag- Disappro'priate, [disaprprite] Dscan'dy, [discnde'] v. a. disgio, m. solvere, liquefare. V. a. spropriare; adj. non apDisadven'ture, [disdventceur] propriato. Discard', [discard] v. a. scars. disavventura, disgrazia, f. Disapprove', [dsapriive] v. a. tare, licenziare._ Discase', [dischese] v. a. sveDsadven'turous , [disdven- disapprovare, censurare. tceureus] adj. sfortunato. Disarm', [disarm] v. a. disar- stire, spogliare. Disaffect', [dsfct] v. a. alie- mare. Discepta'tion , [diseptescieun] nare scontentare odiare. Disarm'ing, [disarming] s. di- 8. disputa, contesa, f. Disaffect'ed , [dsfctd] adj. sarmamento, m. Discern', [dizeuru] v. a. discerdisaffezionato, malcontento. Disarrange', [disrindge] v. a. nere, differenziare, distinguere. Disaffect'edly,[disafctdle']ac^w. disordinare. Discer'ner, [dizeiirnur] s. diin modo scontentato. Disarrange'ment, [disarndg- scernitore, m. Disaffect'edness,[dsafctdnes] ment] . disordinanza, f. Discer'uible, [dizeurnibl] adj. s. scontentezza, f. Disarray', [dsr] s. disordine, discernevole, percettibile, apDisaffec'tion, [disafcscieiin] . m.; confusione, f. parente. malevolenza, f. Disarray', [disr] v. a. dive- Discer'nibleness , [dizeurniblDsaffec'tionate, [disafecsciein- stire, spogliare. ns] 8. visibilit, apparenza; te] ad}, disaffezionato, mal- Disasso'ciate, [dsassscite] v. percezione, f. contento. a. disgiungere, disunire. Discer'nibly, [dizeurnibl] adv. Disaffirm', [dtsafeurm] v. a. Disas'ter, [dizasteur] s. disastro, visibilmente. contraddire, negare. infortunio, m. Discer'ning, [dizeurning] adj. Disaffirm'ance, [disfeurmnse] Disas'ter, [dizasteur] v. a. af- giudizioso, perspicace; -, s. dis. contraddizione, f. scernimento, m. re. Disaffo 'rest, [disafrst] v. a. Disas'troas , [dizastreus] adj. Discer'ningly , [dizeurningl] liberare una foresta. disastroso, calamitoso, funesto. adv. giudiziosamente. Disagree', [disagri] v. n. di- Disas'trously , [dizstreusl] Discern'ment, [dizeiirnment] s. screpare, differire, discordare. adv. sventuratamente, funesta- discernimento, giudizio, m. Disagree'able, [disagrlabl] adj. mente. Discerp', [diseurp] v. a. laceracontrario, disdicevole. Disas'trousness, [dizastreisnes] re, dilaniare. Disagree'ableness, [disagrabl- s. infortunio, m. Discerptibil'ity, [diseurptibilins] .contrariet, spiacevolez- Disau'thorize , [disoth-raize] te'] 8. frangibilit, f. za, f.; disgusto, m. V. a. privare d'autorit. Discerp'tible, [dseurptibl] adj. Disagree"ably,[dsagrlabl]ad. Dsavouch', [dsavautsc] v. a. frangibile, separabile. spiacevolmente. disapprovare, negare. Discerp'tion, [disurpscieun] g. Disagree'ment , [disagrlmnt] Disavow', [dsavaou] v. a. ne- laceramento, strazio, m. s. differenza, discordanza, gare, disdire. Disces'sion, [disscieun] s. parf. Disallow', [dislaou] v. a. di- Disavow'al, [disavaouiil] Disa- tenza, f. sapprovare, biasimare; -, v. n. Tow'ment, [disavaoumnt] s. Discharge', [disciardge] s. spaaon permettere, rifiutare. disapprovazione, /".; negamen- ro, m.; licenza, libert, quiisallow'able,[dslouobl] adj. to, m. tanza, ricevuta, discolpa, assoinammissibile. Disband', [disband] v. a. sban- luzione, /". Disallow'ance, [dislaouanse] s. dare, congediare; -, v. n. slian- Discharge', [disciardge] v. a. proibizione, f.; divieto, m. darsi, disperdersi. scaricare, liberare, licenziare, Disally, [dslaij v. a. disgiun- Disbark', [disbark] v. a. sbar- sprigionare, assolvere, adempigere, (salpare V ancora. care. re; -, V. n. scaricarsi, dissiparSisaii'chor, [dlsancheur] v. a. Disbelier, [disblfe] s. incre- si; to - one's duty, faro il suo Disan'imate, [disnimite] v. a. dulit, f. debito; to -one's promise, tener disanimare, scoraggiare. Disbelieve', [disbilive] v. a. la promessa; to - a business, Disanima'tion, [dsanimsciein] scredere, miscredere, diffidare, spedire un affare; to - one's 8. privazione di vita, f. dubitare. debts, pagare i suoi debiti; to Disannul', [disnel] v. a. an- Disbeliev'er , [disbiliveur] s. - a soldier, cassare un soldato; nullare, cassare. scredente, incredulo, miscreto - an officer, dimettere un Disannul'ler, [disaneiilcur] s. dente, m. ufficiale. annullatore, m. Disbow'el, [disbaoul] v. a. svi- Dischar'ger, [disciardgeur] e. Disannuriing,[disaneulng] Di- scerare. uno che libera, che scarica. sannul'ment, [disneulmont] Disbranch', [disbransc] r. a. di- Discind', [dsind] v. a. discinramare, spiccare. dere, tagliare, spiccare. annullamento, m.

Disappear', [disapre]
rire, svanire.




Disci'ple, [disaipl] s. discepolo, Discommod'ity , [discomodit] Discor'dant, [discordant] adj, scolaro, m. s. incomodit, /".; disagio, m. discordante. Pisci'ple, [disaipl] v. a. istrui- {poco usato). Discor'dantly , [discordantle') Discompose', [discompze] m. a. adv. con discordanza. re, dar disciplina. Disci'pleship, [dsaiplscip] s. scomporre, disordinare, distur- Discoun'sel, [discaounsel] v. a, bare. discepolato, m. sconsigliare, dissuadere.

Dis'ciplinable, [disiplmaW] adj. Discompo'sedness, [discompdisciplinabile, docile. zdns] 8. disordine, confusioDis'ciplinableness , [disiplina- ne, f. blnes] s. docilit, /. Discompo'sure,[dscompogeure] Disciplina'rian, [disiplinerian] s. disordine, perturbamento, travaglio, m. adj. di disciplina; -, s. presbiDisconcert', [disconsurt] v. a teriano, puritano, m. Dis'ciplinary, [disiplinare'l adj. sconcertare, disordinare, confondere. di disciplina. Dis'cipline, [disipline] s. disci- Disconfor'mity, [disconformit]
/". ;

Dis'count, [discaunt]
to, m.; sottrazione, f.





educazione, sommissione, /. Dis'cipline, [disipline] v. a. disciplinare, insegnare, regolare.

Disclaim', [disclme] v. a. rifiutare, negare, rinunziare. Disclai'mer, [dsclmeur] s. rifiutatore, tn.

Disclai'ming, [disclemng] s.rinunziamento, m.; negazione, f.

Disclose', [disclze] v. a. scoprire, palesare. Disclo'ser, [disclzeur] s. scopritore, palesatore, m. Disclo'sure, [disclgeure] .scoperta, /.; rivelamento, m. Discolora'tion , [discliuleurscieun] s. discolorazione,/.; sco-

loramento, m.
Discol'or, [discheiileur] v.a. discolorare; -, V. n. perder il colore.

Discolored, [discheuleir'd] adj.

scolorato. Discom'fit, [discheumfit] v. a. disfare, sconfiggere, vincere. Discom'fit, [discheumft] Discontentment] s. scoutentamencern' ltur e, [discheumfltceur] s. to, scontento, m. sconfitta, strage, /". Discom'fort, [dscheumfezrt] s. Discontin'uance, [discontiniunse] Discontinua'tion, [dissconforto, m.; afflizione, /". Discom'fort, [discheumfeiirt] v. cntiniuesciein] s. discontinuazione, intermissione, intera. sconfortare, affliggere. Discommend', [dscomend] v. ruzione, cessazione, f. a. biasimare, censurare, con- Dscontin'ne, [dscontiniS] v. a. discontinuare , interrompere dannare {poco usato). Discom'mendable, [discomen- cessare. dabl] adj. biasimevole {poco Discontinu'ity, [discontniiit] usalo). s disunione, f. Discom'mendal)leness,[discom- Discontin'uGus, [discontinineSs] endablns] s. biasimo, m, {po- adj. esteso, aperto. Disconve'nience, [disconvinico usato). Discommenda'tion, [dscomen- nse] s. disconvenienza, f. {poco usato). desciein] .biasimo, m.; censuDisconve'nient, [disconvlnient] ra, vergogna, f. {poco usato). Discommen'der,[discomondeiir] arfj. disconveniente (poco lisa <o). s. biasimatore, censore, m. {po- Dis'cord, [discord] s. discordia, dissonanza, f. co usato). Discommode , [discomode] v. a. Discord', [discord] v. n. discorincomodare, importunare, disa- dare, disconvenire. Discor'dance, [discrdanse] Digiare {poco usato). Discommo'dious, [dscomdieus] scordancy, [discordns] s. diadj. incomodo, molesto {poco scordanza, discordia, dissen,

[discaunt] v. a. scontare, dedurre. Discount'er, [discaounteiir] s. uno che sconta, m. Discoun'tenance, [discaountinnse] s. freddezza, indifferenza, f. Discoun'tenance, [discauntDiscongru'ity, [dscongriiit] nnse] v. a. turbare, raffrenas. disconvenienza , incongruire, scoraggiare. t, /". Discoun'tenancer, [discauntiDisconnect', [disconect] v. a. nnseur] s. clie scoraggia. disunire. Discour'age, [discheiredge] v. Disconne'ction,[disconecscieun] a. scoraggiare, dissuadere. s. disunione, f. Discour'agement[dscheiiredgeDiscon'solate,[disconsolte]a6?j. mnt] s. sgomontamento, sgo inconsolabile. mento, m. Discon'solately,[disc6nsoltele'] Discour'ager, [discbieiredgeir] adv. sconsolatamente. s. clie scoraggia. Discon'solateness , [discon- Discour'aging, [discheurdging] soletens] Disconsolation , adj. sgomentevole. [disconsolscieiin] s. sconsola- Discourse', [discrse] s. discormento, m. sconsolazione, /". so, ragionamento, trattato, m. dolore, m. Discourse', [discrse] v. a. diDiscontent', [discontent] adj. scorrere, ragionare, discutere, scontento, dispiaciuto; -,s. scon- esaminare. tento, dolore, m. Discour'ser, [dscrseiir] s. raDiscontent', [discontent] v. a. gionatore, oratore, rn. scontentare. Discour'sing , [discorsmg] s. Discontent'ed, [discontented] V atto di discorrere, ni. adj. scontento, dispiaciuto. Discour'sive, [discrsv] adj. diDiscontent'edly, [discontent- scorsivo. dle'] adv. con iscontento , Discour'teoQS, [diselieurtscieusl nodosamente. adj. scortese, incivile. Discontent'edness, [dTscontent- Discour'teously [discheirtcieuS' dns] Discontent'moat, [dis- le'] adv. scortesemente.


Discour'tesy, [discheurtise']


scortesia, incivilt, f. Dis'cous, [discheiis] adj. largo, ampio, piatto (parlando dei

Discov'er, [discbeuveur]



scoprire, rivelare, manifestare, trovare.

Discov'erable, [discbeuveurabl] adj. che si pu scoprire. Discov'erer, [discheiiveureur] a

scopi-itore, esploratore,




scoperta, f. ; scoprimento, m. Discred'it, [discredit] s. discr* dito, disonore, m. Discred'it, [discredit] v. a. discreditare, disonorare. Discred'itable , [dscreditabl]

[discrite] adj. dicircospetto, prudente,

screto, savio.

Discreet'ly, [dscritele'] arfv.d-



cretamente, prudentemente, saviamente. Discreet'uess, [dscrteues] <i

discrezione, denza, f.



discretezza, pru- Disdain', [disdene] s. spregio, Disensla've, [disenslve] v. a. disdegno, m.; to hold one in -, liberare dalla schiavit. Disentan'gle, fdsntngl] v. a. sdegnare, disprezzare uno. Dis'crepance, [discripanse] Di screpancy, [dscripanse'] .dif- Disdain', [disdne] v.a. disde- sviluppare, disimpegnare, separare. gnare, disprezzare. ferenza, contrariet, f. Dis'crepant, [discripant] arfj. Disdain'ful, [dsdeneful] adj. Disentan'glement , [dTsentanglment] s. liberazione, sepadiscrepante, diifereute, con- sdegnoso. razione. trario, (stinto. Disdain fully, [disdneful] adv. Disenter', [dlsenteur] v. a. diDiscrete' , [discrite] ad), di- sdegnosamente. sotterrare. Disicre'tion , [discresciein] s. Dsdain'fulness, [disdenefulnes] discrezione, prudenza, volont, s. dispregiamento, disprezzo, Disenthral', [disenth-raul] v. a. liberare. sdegno, m. libert, (. Discret'ional , [discrescieunal] Disease', [disize] . malattia, /".; Disenthrone', [disenth-rne] v. a. detronizzare. morbo, m. adj. lasciato alla volont; Disease', [disize] v. a. cagiona- Disespouse', [dsespaouze] v. a. power, potere libero. annullare il matrimonio. re malattia; inquietare, infeDiscret'ionally, [discrescieiinDisesteem', [dsstrne] . distare. ale] flf/v. con libero potere, ad Diseas'edness, [diszedns] s. spregio, disprezzo, m. libitum. Disesteem', [disstime] v. a. Discret'ionary, [discrescieuna- indisposizione, malattia. Disease'ment, [dsizement] s. dispregiare, sprezzare, vilipenr] adj. illimitato. Discre'tive, [discritiv] adj. di- incomodo, m.; indisposizione, f. dere. Disedg'ed, [disdg'd] adj. spun- Disfa'vor, [disfveur] s. disfastinto, separato. vore, m. ; disgrazia, /.; disguPiscretively, [discrtivle'] adv. tato, ottuso. Disembark', [dsembarc] v. a. sto, m. in modo separato. Disfa'vor, [disfveur] v. a. diDiscrim'inable, [discrminabl] & n. sbarcare. [dlsembar- sfavorire. adj. distinguibile, caratteri- Disembarka'tion , choscieun] Disembark'ing[dTs- Disflgura'tion , [disfighirestico. Discrim'inate , [discriminte] mbrching] . sbarco, sbar- schieiin] . difformit, bruttezza, f. V. a. distinguere, separare. care, wi. Discrim'inately, [discriminte-j Disembar'rass, [disembras] v. Disfig'ure, [disfigher] v a. disfigurare, difformare. a. sbarazzare. le] adv. distintamente. [disfigheurDiscrim'inateness, [discrim- Disembar'rassment, [dsembar- Disfig'urement , netens] .differenza; specifica- asmnt] s. sgombramente, m. mnt] s. difformit, bruttezzione, f. Pisembit'ter, [dismbteurj v. za, f. Disfor'est, [disforest] vedi DiDiscrimina'tion , [discrimine- a. addolcire. safforest. scieiin] s. differenza, distinzio- Disembod'ied, [dTsembodid] adj. Disfran'chise, [disfrantciazc] liberato dal corpo. ne, facolt di distinguere, f. Discrim'inative, [discrminatv] Disembo'dy, [dsmbode'] v. a. V. a. privare della franchigia. Disfran'chisement , [disfrnadj. distintivo, caratteristico. liberare dal corpo. Discrim'inatively, [discrmina- Disembogue', [dismboghe] v.n. tciaismnt] .privazione della tlvle'] adv. con distinzione. franchigia, /. sboccare. (a. eviscerare. Discui'pate, [dscheiilpte] v. a. Disembow'el, [disembaoul] v. Disfur'nish, [dsfeurnisc] v. a. scusare. Disembroil', [disembroil] v. a. sfornire; spogliare. Dlsgar'nish, [disgrnisc] v. a. Discum'bency, [discheumbense'] sbrogliare, sviluppare. s. lo star appoggiato a tavo- Disena'ble, [disnbl] v.a. rensguernire. la, m. Disgar'rison, [disgariseSn] v. dere incapace Discum'ber, [dsclieiimbeur] v. Disenchant', [disonciant] v.a.\ a. privare di guernigione. a. sgombrare, disimpegnare ; levare r incanto. iDisglo'rify, [disglrifai] v.a. spacciare. Disenchan'ter, [disencinteur]i privare di gloria (poco usato). Discur'sive, [disclieirsiv] adj. . quello che leva V incanto Disgorge', [disgrdge] v. vagante, discorsivo. Disenchant'ment, [disncint- mitare, recere. Dscur'sively , [discheursivle'] mnt] . il levare r incanto, m. Disgorge'ment,[disgordgement] adv. in modo discorsivo, m. Disencum'ber, [disncheum- s. il vomitare, m. Discur'siveness, [discheiirsiv- bcur] v.a. sbrogliare, sbarazza- Disgrace', [disgresej s. disonons] s. modo discorsivo. re, sgombrare. re, onta, disfavore, m.\ igno-

norevolmente. Disgrace'fulness, [disgrcsefulmento, m. dgdns]Disengage'ment, [dis- nes] s. disonore, m.; infamia, Discus'sion, [ii^sclieiscieun] s. enghdgemnt] s. disimpegno, ignominia, /. discussione, disquisizione, f. TO.; disoccupazione, Hbert, f. Disgra'cer, [disgrsour] . che Discus'sive , [dlschesv] adj. Disenno'ble, [disnobl] v. a. disonora. (med,) risolutivo, risolvente. privare di nobilt. Disgra'cious, [disgriscieus] adj. Dlscu'tient, [dischi Sscint] s. Disen'rol, [disnrole] v. a. can- spiacevole, scortese, disfavorimedio risolutivo, m. cellare da una lista. revole.

Discur'sory, [disclieiirseire'] adj. Disencum'brance, [disencheumdiscorsivo. brnse] . sgombramento; lo Dis'cus, [discheus] s. disco, m. sbarazzare, m. Discuss', [discheus] v. a. discu- Disengage', [disenghedge] v. n. tere, esaminare. liberare; -, v. n. liberarsi, sbriDiscus'ser, [dsclieiseir] .esa- garsi. minatore, m. Disengaged',[disenghdg''d] ac/j. Discus'sing:, [discheusing] s. disoccupato. Tatto d discutere; dibatti- Disengagod'ness , [disenghe-

minia, /. Disgrace', [dlsgrese] v. a. disonorare, disgraziare._ Disgrace'ful, [dsgresefl] adj. disonorevole, ignominioso.

Disgrace'fuUy , [disgresefiil] adv. ignominiosamente, diso-




[disghaize] s. tra- Disimprove'ment, [disimpruve- Dislike', [dislache] s. disgusto, ni.; avversione, f. mnt] s. peggioramento, Tn._ vestimento, m. Disguise', [disghaize] v. a. tra- Disincar'cerate, [disincrsirete] Dislike', [disliche] v. a. diV. a. scarcerare. sapprovare, dispiacere disavestire, fingere, dissimulare; [disnclin- mare. to -one's self, mascherarsi, tra- Disinclina'tion , scieun] .indifferenza,/.; disgu- Disli'ken, [dislaich'n] v. vestirsi. a. sto, disprezzo, m. differenziare {poco usato). Disgui'sedly, [disghaizdl] adv v. [disinclane] Disincline', a. Dislike'ness, [dislachns] segretamente. s, dissomiglianza, differenza, f. Disguise'ment, [disghaizement] produrre disgusto, disgustare. mascheDisincor'porate[disinc6rp5rete] in.; (poco usato). s. travestimento, . a. separare; privare dei po- Disli'ker, [dislalcheir] s. dira, ^ sapprovatore, m. Disgui'ser, [disghaizeur] che teri un corpo municipale. [disincorpoDisli'king, Disincor'poration, [dislaiching] s. dis' immaschera. Disgui'sing , [disghaizing] s. rsciun] s. scioglimento di un sgusto, m.; ripugnanza, f. iDislimb', [dslim] v. a. smemnascondiglio. corpo municipale. Disgust', [disgheust] . disgu- Disinfect', [disinfect] v. a. tor- brare. Dslimn', [dislim] v. a. cancelsto, fastidio, m. re l'infezione. lare (una pittura). Disgust', [disgheust] v. a. di- Disingenu'ity, [disindginiuite'l sgustare, prender disgusto, di- s. dissimulazione, doppiezza, f. |Dis'locate, [dislochete] v. a. (disgustoso. Disingen'uous,[disindgniueus] slogare, dislogare. _ spiacere, DisgustTul, [dsgheustfiil] adj. aclj. simulato, finto, artificioso. Disloca'tion , [dislochescieun] Disgust'ing, [dsghustng] adj, Disingen'uously, [disindgniu- s. slogamento, m.; scommettidisgustevole, offensivo. eusl] adv. simulatamente, ar- tura, f. Dislodge', [dislodge] v. a. diDisgustingly, [disgheustingle'] tificiosamente. adv. in modo disgustevole. Disingen'uousness, [disindgen- sloggiare, scacciare; -, v. n, Dish, [disc] s. piatto, m.; vi- iueusns] s. dissimulazione, /.; mutar casa. Disloy'al, [dislil] adj. disleavanda, f. artificio, m. Dish, [disc] . a. mettere nel Disinhab'ited , [disnhabited] le, infedele, perfido. piatto; minestrare. iDisloy'ally, [dislole'] adv. diadj. inabitato. Dishabille', [disahxle'J s. abito Disinher'ison, [disinhrizun] slealmente, infidamente. di camera, m. Disloy'alness, [disloilnes] Dis. diseredazione, f. Dish'-clout,[disc-claut]s. stro- Disinher't, [disinherit] v. a. sloy'alty, [disloilt] s. dis,

finaccio, m. Disheart'en,

lealt, infedelt, perfidia, /'. diseredare, discreditare. Disinter' [disintcr] v. a. disep- Dis'mal, [dizmal] adj. tristo, scoraggiare, sgomentare, inti- pellire. misero, funesto, orribile. morire. Disin'terest, [disinterest] s. di- Dis'mally, [dizml] adv. triDisherison, [dishriz'n] s. di- sinteresse, i. stamente, orribilmente. seredazione, f. Disin'terested, [disinterested] Dis'malness, [dizmiilnos] s. afDisher'it, [disherit] v. a. dise- adj. disinteressato. fanno, cordoglio, m. redare. Disin'terestedly,[disinterestd- Disman'tle, [dismntl] v. a. Disher'itance, [disheritanse] s. l] adv. disinteressatamente. smantellare, spogliare. l'essere diseredato. Disin'terestedness [disintrst- Dismask' , [dismasche] v. a. Dishev'el, [discvl] v. a. sca- dnes] s. disinteressatezza, f. smascherare. pigliare. Disinter'ment, [disinteurmnt] Dismast', [dismast] v. a. (mar.) Dishon'est, [disonest] adj. di- s. disotterrameuto, m. disalberare. sonesto, ignominioso, infame. Disnure', [disiniure] r. a. svez- Dismay' , [disme'] s. smarriDishon'estly, [disnstl] adv. zare. mento d' animo, terrore, m. disonestamente , impudica- Disinvite', [disinvaitc] v. a. di- Dismay', [disme'] v. a. spamente. sinvitare, rivocar l'invito. ventare, scoraggiare, stupeDishou'esty, [disoneste'] s. di- Disin'volve, [disinvlve] v. a. fare. sonest, impudicizia, f. separare. Dismay'edness, [dismidnes] 8. Dishon'or, [disonur] s. diso- Disjoin', [disdgioine] v. a. di- spaventamento, m. noro, m.; infamia, f. sgiugnere. Disme, [dism] s. decima, f. Dishon'or, [disonur] v. a. di- Disjoint', [disdgiint] v. a. slo- Dismem'ber, [dismmbeur] . sonorare, svergognare. gare, smembrare; -,v. n. disgiu- a. smembrare, sbranare, dilaDishon'orahle, [disneurabl] gnersi. iKiare. adj. disonorevole. Disjoint'ly, [disdgiointl] adv. Dismem'berment,[dismembeurDishon'orably , [disoneurahl] separatamente. mnt] s. smembramento, m. adv. disonorevolmente. Disjunot', [disdgeunct] adj. di- Dismiss', [dismis] v. a. congeDishon'orer, [dsneureur] s. sgiunto, separato. dare, licenziare, ripudiare. insultatore, rapitore, sedutto- Disjuno'tion, [disdgeuncscieiin] Dismissal, [dismisl] Dismis're, m. s. disgiunzione, /".; separamension, [dismiscieun] s. licenDishorn', [dishorn] v. a. pri- to, m. ziamento, congedo, m. vare di corna. Disjunc'tive, [disdgeunctiv] adj. Dismort'gage, [dsmorghedge] Dishu'mour, [disiumeur] s. cat- (gr.) disgiuntivo. V. a. redimere un pegno, ritivo umore, m. Disjunc'tively, [disdgeunctivi] comprare. Dish'-wash, [dsc-ouausc]Dsh'- adv. disgiuntivamente. Dismount', [dismaount] v. a. water, [dsc-ouautur] s. lava- Disk, [dische] s. disco, m. scavalcare, smontare, imboctura di scodelle, f. Diskind'ness, [dischaiudnes] s. care ; n. dismontare , t), Disimprove, fdisimpruvc] v. o. mancanza d' affetto, /".; pregiu- scendere. peggiorare. dizio, m. (poco usato). Disnat'uralze , [disntceura-








laize] V. a. privare del privile- Dispark', [disparc] v. a. rom- Display', [disple'] . esposizione, mostra. /". pere le palizzate d'un parco. gio di naturalit. Disna'tured, [disnetcieur'd] adj. Dispart', [dispart] v. a. spar- Display', [disple'] v. a. esporro, spiegare, far mostra. disnaturato. tire ; rompere.

Disobe'dience, [disoHdiense]





Display'er, [disploir]



disubbidienza, f. Disobe'dient, [disobldient] adj. disubbidiente. Disobe'diently, [disobidientle'] adv. disubbidientemente, con disubbidienza^ Disobey', [disobe'] v. a. disubbidire, trasgredire. Disobliga*tion[disobligliescieun] s. disobbligazione, f.; dispia;

tranquillit di mente, insensi-

[displznt] adj. bilit, f. Dispas'sionate,[dspascieunte] spiacevole, molesto, offensivo (poco usato). adj. spassionato, quieto. Dispas'sionately, [dspasciein- Displease', [displze] v. a. dispiacere, offendere. tele'] adv. con sangue fredDispleased'ness, [displlzedns] do, calmamente. Dispatch', [dspatsc] vedi De- Displeas'ingness, [dsplzngns] /. dispiacere, m. spatch. Dispel', [dispel] r. a. espelle- Displea'snre, [displgeur] s. dicere, m. oifesa, f. spiacere, disgusto, scontento, re, scacciare. ni.;noja, ^ Disob'ligatory, [disobligliteu- Dispend', [dispend] v. a. spen re'] adj. che scioglie da un obDisplode', [displde] v. a. scopdor. bligo. Dspen'sable, [dispensabl] adj. piare, spaccarsi. Disoblige', [disoblaidge] v. a. dispensabile. Displo'sion, [displgeun] 8. scopdisobbligare, dispiacere, offen- Dispen'sary , s. piettata, /. [dispensare'] dere. fondaco di medicinali, m. ; spe- Disport', [disport] s. diporto, Disobli'ging,[disoblaidging]adj. zieria, /. passatempo, m.; ricreazione, /. scortese, incivile. Dispensa'ton, [dispensescieun] Disport', [disport] v.a. divertiDisobli'gingly, [disobladging- s. dispensa, distribuzione, /. re, ricreare, dar sollazzo;-, v. adv. scortesemente, inci- Dispen'sative, [dspnsativ] adj. n. diportarsi, divertirsi, rile'] vilmente. crearsi, (sponibile. dispensativo. [disblai- Dispensa'tor, [dispenseteir] s. Dispo'sable, [dispozabl] adj. diDisobli'gingness , dgngns] s. scortesia, incivil- dispensatore, m. Dispo'sal, [dispozl] s. disposit, /. Dispen'satory, [dispensateire'] zione, bala, f. potere, m. Disorbed', [dlsorb'd] adj. fuor s. ricettario, ni.; farmacopea, /. Dispose', [dispoze] v. a. dispordella propria orbita. Dispense', [dispnse] v. a. di- re, preparare, dare, assettare; Disorder, [dizordeur] s. disor- spensare, distribuire, esentare. -, V. n. prevalersi, disfarsi, contrattare; to - of another man's dine, m.; irregolarit, /".; turba- Dispen'ser, [dispnseur] s. dimento, m.; confusione, commo- spensatore, distributore, m. money, servirsi dell' altrui dazione, indisposizione, f. Dispeo'ple, [dispipl] r. a. spo- naro. Disor'der, [dizordeur] v. a. di- polare, distruggere, desolare. Disposed', [dispoz'd] adj. disposordinare, perturbare, sconcer- Dispeo'pler, [dsplpleir] s. de- sto, inclinato. _ tare. Dspo'ser, [dispozeSr] s. disponsolatore, m. Disor'dered, [dizordeur'd] adj. Disperge', [dispeirdge] v. a. in- satore, m. disordinato, scompigliato. naffiare, spruzzare. Dispo'sing, [dispozing] . regoDisor'derly, [dzrdeurl] adj. Disperse', [dspeurse] v. a. di- lamento, direzione^^m. Disposi'tion, [dispoziscieun] s. confuso, tumultuoso; -, adv. spergere, sparpagliare. senza ordine, confusamente, vi- Disper'sedly,[dspeirsdle']ad. disposizione, inclinazione, /.; sparsamente. ordine, talento, carattere, m. ziosamente. Dsor'dinate, [disordinte] adj. Disper'sedness, [dispoursdnes] Dispos'itive, [dispozitiv] adj. disordinato, sregolato. dispositivo, preparativo, pres. dispersione, /. Dsor'dinately, [dsrdinetele'] Disper'ser,[dispeurseur] .spar- paratorio. Dispos'itively , adv. disordinatamente. gitore, m. [dispozitivle'] adv. dispositivamente. Disorganiza'tion, [dsorganize- Disper'sion, [dispeurscieiin] s scieun] s. disorganizzazione,/'. dispersione, /.; dispergimen- Dispossess', [disposes] v. a, dispossessare, spogliare. Disor'ganize, [disorgnaize] v. to, m. a. disorganizzare. Disper'sive, [dispeursiv] adj Dispossess'ion, [disposscieun] Disown', [dsne] .a. non con- che possiede il potere di di- V. a. dispossessare, spogliare; fessare, negare, rinunziare. s. spoglio, ni. spergere. Dispand', [dispnd] v. a. span- Dispir'it, [dispirit] v. a. sco- Dispo'sure,[dispgeur] s. dispodere, dilatare. raggiare, sgomentare. sizione, /.; maneggio, m.; voDispan'sion, [dspanscieun] s. Dspir'itedness, [dspiritednos] lont, f. spandimento, m.; dilatazione,/". s. avvilimento d' animo, m. Dispraise', [dispreze] s. biasiDspar'age, [dsprdge] v. a. Displace', [displse] v. a. di- mo, rimprovero, m. sprezzare, avvilire. slogaro; disordinare; scaval- Dispraise', [dispreze] v. a. biaDispar'agement , [dsparedge- lare. simare, criticare, censurare. mnt] s. sprezzamento, scher- Displa'cency, [displesense'] s. Disprai'ser, [disprzeur] s. biano, disonore, m. incivilt, dispiacenza, simatore, critico, censore, m. /. Dispar'ager, [dispardgeur] s Displa'cing, [displesing] s. ri- Disprai'sible, [disprzibl] adj. dispregiatore, m. m. movimento, biasimevole, disprezzabile. Dis'parate, [disparite] adj. dis- Displant', [displant] v. a. spian- Disprai'singly , [disprzingl] simile, separato. tare, sradicare. adv. biasimevolmente. Disparity, [disparite] s. dispa- Displanta'tion[displantescieun] Dispread', [disprd] v. a. spanrit, disuguaglianza; differens. spiantamento , sbarbica- dere, sparpagliare; -, v n. span;

m. Displea'sant,


mento, m.


Bisprize', [dispraize] v. a. dispregiare. Disprorit, [disprofit] s. svantaggio, pregiudizio, detrimento, danno, m. [poco usato.) Disprofit, [disproft] v.n. pregiudicare, nuocere (poco usato) Disproof, [dispriif] s. confutazione, f. Dispropor'tion[disproporsciein] inegualit, , disproporzione, disparit, f. Dspropor'tion[dsproporsciein]
V. a. sproporzionare Dispropor'tionable , [dsprpr-



Disqaal'ify, [disquolifai] v. a

Dissatsfac'tory, [dsatisfactcure'] adj. spiacevole, molesto. Disqai'et, [dsquiet] s. inquie- Dissat'isfled, [dstsfai'd] adj. malcontento, scontento, disgutudine, tribolazione, /".; trava

rendere inetto.




prprscieiinablnes] porzionalit, f.

scieinabl] adj. sproporzionato. [ds,





porscieSnabljadv. sproporzio-

Dissen'sion, [disenscieun] .discancellare (poco usato). sensione, discordia, f. Disrep'utal)le,[dsrepiiitabl]ac?;. Dispunishable, [dspeuniscabl] vergognoso. Dissen'sious, [disnscieus] adj. adj. che non pu essere pu- Disreputa'tion , litigioso, contenzioso. [disrepiixtnito. sciein] s. disonore, discredito, Dissent', [disnt] . sentimento Dis'putable, [dspiutabl] adj. disgrazia, f. contrario, m.; opinione contradisputabile. Disrepute', [dsripiite] s. cat- ria, f. Dis'putant, [dspiutnt] adj. di- tiva riputazione, f. Dissent', [dsent] v. n. dissensputante; -, $. disputatore, con- Disrespect', [disrespect] .man- tire, differire, discordare. troversista, m. canza di rispetto, irriveren- Dissenta'neous, [dsntnieiis] Disputa'ton, [dispiutesciun] s. za, /. adj. discordante,differente, condisputazione, controversia, /.; Disrespect'ful, [disrespectfiil] trario. to hold a -, mantenere una diadj. irriverente, incivile. Dissen'ter, [dsenteur] s. non sputa. Disrespect'fully , [dsrspct- conformista; discordante, m. Disputa'tions, fdisputscieus] fiil] adv. senza rispetto. Dissen'tient, [disnscint] adj. Dispu'tative, [dispitativ] adj. Disrespect'fulness, [dsrespect- discordante. disputativo, contenzioso. filns] . mancanza di rispet- Disserta'tion, [diseurtsciin] Dispute', [dispiiite] s. disputa, to, A . dissertazione,/". discorso, m. contesa, controversia, f. Disrobe', [disrbc] v, a. svesti- Disserve', [dseirve] w. a. disDispute', [dispiiite] v. a. & n. re; spogliare. servire, pregiudicare, nuocere. disputare , dibattere, contra- Disrup'tion, [dsreupscieun] s. Disser'vice, [diseirvs] . disstare. dirompimento, m.; rottura, cre- servigio; torto, danno, m. Dispnte'less, [dispiuteles] adj patura, f. Disser'viceable, [diseirvisabl] incontestabile. Dissalt', [disault] v. a. toglie- adj, pregiudiziale, nocevole. Dispu'ter, [dispiuteir] s dispu- re il sale. Disser'viceahleness, [diseurvistatore, controversista, 7n. Dissatisfac'tion , [disatisfac- ablnes] . pregiudizio, nociDispu'ting, [dspivitng] s. con- scieun] . scontento, disgusto, mento, danno, m. troversia, lite f. dispiacere, m Disser'viceably, [dseiirvisable'J Disqualiflca'tion , [dsqulfi- Dissatisfac'toriness, [dlsats- adj. ingiuriosamente. chsciein] .inettitudine, inafcteurineB] . inabilit di dar Dissov'er, [dsveur] v. a. seebilit, A contento. Terare, separare.

natamente. Dispropor'tional , [disprpor- muovere. scieinl] Dispropor'tionate , Disregard', [dsrgard] s. tra[disprprscieunete] acj. spro- scuraggne, indifferenza, negliporzionale, sproporzionato, ine- genza, f. Disregard', [disrigard] v. a. guale, dissimile. Dispropor'tionately , [dspro- trascurare, disprezzare, vilifiprscinetel] adv. fuori di care. proporzione. Disregar'der, [disrigardeur] s. Dispropor'tionateness, [dispro- trascuratore, m. prsciuntens] s. dispropor- Disregard'ful , [disrigardfiil] zione, f. adj. trascurante, negligente, Dispropor'tioned , [disprpor- disprezzante. scieiin'd] vedi Disproportional. Disregard'fully, [dTsrigardfiile'] Disprove', [disprive] v. a. di- adv. dispregevolmente. sapprovare, riprovare, confu- Disrel'ish, [disrlisc] s. cattivo tare, eonvincere. gusto, disgusto, m. Disprov'er, [dspriiveur] s. con- Disrel'ish, [dfsrlsc] v. a. difutatore, contradittore, m. sapprovare.non approvare, guaDispun'ge, [dspeindge] v. a. stare.

Disqui'et, [disquaiet] v. a. in- Dissat'sfy, [dsatisfai] v. a. quietare, tribolare, travagliare. scontentare, dispiacere. Disqui'eter , [disquieteir] s. Dissect', [dsct] v. a. notomizperturbatore, disturbatore, tor- zare. Dissect'ible , [disectibl] adj. mentatore, w. Disqui'etly, [disquaietle'] adv. (med.) che pu essere diviso. Dissection, [discsciein] s. disinquietamente, senza riposo. Disqui'etness , [disquitnes] sezione, analisi, notomia, f. Disqui'etude, [dsquaietiude] Dissec'tor, [discteir] .disset$. inquietudine, tribolazione, tore; anatomista, notomista, m. Disseize', [dsize] v. a. (jur.) ansiet, / Disqui'etous, [dsquaieteus] adj. dispossessare. Disseiz'in, [dsizTn] s. (jMr.) spoche cagiona inquietudine. glio de'beni, m. Disquisi'tion , [dsquisiscieun] Dissem'blance, [dsemblanse] s. s. disquisizione, /".; esame, m. v. dissomiglianza, f. Disrani', [dsrnc] a. disordinare, metter in disordine, ri- Dissem'ble, [dismbl] v. a. sicoipocrita. Dissem'bler, [dsmbleiir] .dissimulatore, ipocrita, m.


fingere, palliare,


V. n. fare

Dissem'bling, [dsmbling] adj.

dissimulato, fnto, artificioso dissimulazione, finzione, f. Dissem'blingly, [dsmblngl] adv. dissimulatamente, artificiosamente. Dissem'inato, [diseminete] v. a. disseminare, spargere, propagare. Dissemina'tion , [dlseminscieiin] . disseminazione, f. Dissem'inator, [diseminteiir] s. disseminatore, propagato;

-, .






Dissev'erance , [disveuranse] Dis'tance, [distnse] s. distan- Distinc'tTely,[distinctivle']arftJ. Dissevering, [dssveuring] s. za, f. intervallo, decoro, rispet- in modo distintivo, per distinto, m.; at a -, in lontananza; zione. separazione, /. Dis'sidence, [disidense] s. dis- out of -, a perdita di vista; to Distinct'ly, [distinctle'] adv. dikeep one's -, portar rispetto stintamente, chiaramente. sensione, discordia, f. Dis'sident, [disident] s. dissi- to keep one at a -, guardar il Distinct'ness, [distinctns] s. chiarezza, lucidezza, f. suo decoro. dente, m. Dissim'ilar, [disTmilar] adj. dis- Dis'tance, [distnse] v. a. di- Distin'gaish, [distinguisc] v. o.

simile, diverso.


[disTtnilarit] Dis'tant, [distant]

Dissimiritude, [dsmlitiude]
dissimiglianza, differenza, 8. disparit, f. Dissiniula'tion[dsmTilscieun]
. dissimulazione, finzione, f. Dis'sipable, [dsipabl] ad], dissipabile, consumabile. Dis'sipate, [disipte] v. a. dissipare, distruggere, consumare. Dis'spated, [disipotd] adj.dissipato, distrutto, consumato, disattento. Disspa'tion , [disipscieun] s. dissipamento, Tn.;_distruzione,/. Dissclciate, [dissosciete] v. a. disunire, separare. Dissocia'tion, [dissciiscieun] 8. disunione, f. Dissolubi'lity, [disoliuHlite'] s. attitudine ad essere dissolto, A Dis'soluble, [dsoliiibl] adj. dis-


Dis'solute, [disoliute] adj. dissoluto, scapestrato, licenzioso. Dis'solutely, [dsoliiitdl] adv. dissolutamente. Dis'soluteness, [dsoliutenes] s. dissolutezza, licenza, sfrenatezza, (. Dissolu'tion, [dlsoliuscieun] s. dissoluzione, liquefazione ; licenza, {. Dissol'vaMe, [dzolvabl] adj.

distinguere, separare, notare. scostare, lasciare indietro. adj. distan- Distn'guishable , [distnte, discosto. guisciabl] adj. che si pu diDis'tantly, [distantle'] adv. alla stinguere. lontananza, freddamente. Distiu'gushableness, [distinDistaste', [distste] s. disgusto, guisciablns] , differenza, f. Distin'guished, [distinguisc'd] dispiacere, tedio, m. Distaste', [disteste] v. a. dispia- adj. distinto, eminente. cere, fastidire, avere in fa Distin'gusher, [distinguisceur] distinguitore, osservatore stidio. 8. Distaste'fal, [distestefal] adj. giudizioso, m. fastidioso, tedioso, ingrato, of- Bistin'guishingly , [distinguiscingl] adv. con distinfensivo. Distaste'fnlness, [distestcfil- zione, onorevolmente. nes] s. disgusto, wi.; avversio- Distin'guishment, [distingiiiscne, f. mnt] 8. distinzione, osservaDistem'per, [distempeur]s. ma- zione, /.; giudizio, m. lattia, /.; morbo, disordine, im- Distort', [distort] v. a. conbroglio, m. torcere, rivolgere, stralunare. Distem'per, [distempeur] v. a. Distor'tion, [distorscieiinj s. disordinare, disturbare. contorsione, f.\ storcimento, m. Distem'perate, [distmpeirete] Distract', [distract] v. a. irr. adj. immoderate, eccessivo. {distracted;distraught)distr arDistem'perature, [dstmpeur- re, separare, impazzire, moleatciur] s. indisposizione, f. stare. Distem'pered , [distmpur'd] Distrac'ted, [distracted] adj. adj. indisposto, ammalato. distratto, diviso, forsennato, Distend', [distend] v. a. sten- pazzo ; to run -, smaniare, indere, allargare. furiare. Disten'sion, [dstensceiin] s. Distrac'tedly,[distractedle']afit). distendimento, ni.: estensione, f. forsennatamente , smaniosaDistent', [distent] s. distesa, mente, (s. smania, f. estensione, ampiezza, f. Distrac'tedness, [distrctdnes] Dister'minate, [disteurminte] Distrac'tion, [distrcscieun] s. adj. separato da termini. distrazione, confusione, sma-

Distermina'tion, [dsteurmine- nia, f. dissolubile. Dissolve', [dizolvc] v. a. dissol- scieun] s. separazione, divi- Distrac'tve, [distractiv] adj. distrattivo. vere, disunire; -, v. n. di- sione, f. Bciogliersi; dissiparsi, sepa- Dis'tich, [distic] s. (pros.) disti- Distrain', [distrine] v. a. stagco, m. gire, sequestrare, confiscare. rarsi. Dissol'vent, [dizolvcnt] adj. dis- Distil', [distil] V. a. & n. stilla- Distra'inable, [distrnabl] adj. confiscabile. re, distillare, gocciolare. solvente, dissolutivo. Dis'sonance, [disonnse] s. dis- Distiriable, [distlabl] adj. che Distrain'er, [distrineur] s. stagsi pu distillare. gitore, m. sonanza, discordanza, f. Dis'sonant, [disnnt] adj. dis- Distilla'tion, [distiliscieun] s. Distraint', [distrinte] s. stagdistillazione, f. gimento, sequestramento, sesonante, dissimile, differente. Dissuade', [dsouede] v. a. dis- Distil'latory, [distilature] adj. questro, m. distillatorio. Distress', [distres] s. staggisuadere, sconsigliare. Dissua'der, [dsoudeiir] .quel- Distil'ler, [distileur] s. distilla- na, calamit, miseria, estretore, m. mit, f. lo che dissuade. Dissua'sion, [disonegeun] s. Dstil'lery, [distileur e'] s. luogo Distress', [distres] v. a. stagove si distilla, wi. gire, angustiare, tribolare, vesdissuasione, f. Dissua'sive, [disouesTv] adj. dis- Distil'ling, [distling] adj. di- sare. suasivo, dissuadente; -, s. ar- stillante; -, 8. distillamento, Distressed', [distres'd] adj. mim. distillazione, f. sero, affannato, tribolato. gomento deortatorio, m. Dissyllab'ic, [dsilbic] arf;. dis- Distinct', [distinct] adj. distin- Distressed'ness, [distrsdnes] 8. calamit, miseria, f. to, chiaro, separato, dissimile, sillabo. Distress'fnl, [distrsfil] adj. Dissyl'lable, [dislabl] s. voce differente. Distinc'tlon, [distincscieiin] s. affannoso, misero. di due sillabe, f. Dis'taff, [dlstaf] s canocchia, distinzione; differenza, diver- Distress'fully, [distresful] adv. sit, f. miseramente. rocca, /. Distain', [distene] v. a. mac- Distinc'tive, [distinctxv] aj. Distres'sing, [distresing] adj. distintivo. penoso, affliggente. ckiare, lordare.



Divide', [divaide] v. a. divide" re, disunire; -, v. n. dividersi' disunirsi, separarsi. Divi'dedly , [divaiddl] adv.

[distribiute] v. a. Dit'tied, [diti'd] adj. accoppiato con musica. distribuire, dividere. Distrib'uter, [dstribiuteur] s. Dit'to, [dito] s. medesimo, sopradetto, m. distributore, m. Distribu'ting regxilator, [dis- Dit'ty, [dite] s. canzone, f. tribiuting reghiuleteur] s. {toe.) Diuret'ic, [daiurtic] adj. {med.) timone, regolatore, m. diuretico, aperitivo. Distribu'tion, [distribluscieun] Diur'nal, [dieiirnal] adj. diurno, giornale; -, s. giornale, m. . distribuzione, f. Distrib'utive, [dstrlbiutv] adj. Diur'nally, [daieurnile'] adv. distributivo. ogni giorno, giornalmente. Distrib'ntively, [distributivl] Diutur'nity, [daiiteurnit] s.

separatamente. Div'idend, [dividend] dividendo, m.

Dvi'der, [divaideur]
tore, distributore,




adv. distributivamente.



distret- Divan', [daivan] . divano, m. natore, m. to, wi.; regione, giurisdizio- Divar'icate, [daivrichete] v.a. ne, f. dividere in due; -, v. n. divi- Divin'atory, [divnteure'] adj. divinatorio. Distrust', [distreiist] s. sfidu- dersi in due parti. cia, f.; sospetto, m. Divarica'tion[daivrchscieun] Divine', [divaine] adj. divino, eccellente; -, . ecclesiastico, Distrust', [distreiist] v. a. dif- . divisione in due parti, f. fidare, non fidarsi. Dive, [daive] v. a. tuffare, im- teologo, m. Distrust' fui, [dstroustfiil] adj. mergere, esplorare ; -, v n. tuf- Divine', [divaine] v. a. indovinare, presagire -, v. n. congetdiffidente, sospettoso. farsi; penetrare. Distrust' fully , [dstreiistfiil] Di 'ver, [daiveiir] s. tuffatore, turare, presentire. Divine'ly, [divainele'] adv. diadv. sospettosamente. investigatore, m. Distrust'fulness, [distreistful- Diverge', [daiveiir dge] v. w. di- vinamente, eccellentemente. Divine'ness, [divainenes] . dins] s. diffidenza, /".; sospet- vergere, essere divergente. to, m. Diver'gence , [daiveiirdgense] vinit, /.
. ;

Div'ding, [divaiding] . l'atto di separazione, m. Dvina'tion, [dvinescieiin] .divinazione,/.; indovinamente, m. Divina'tor, [dvinteur] s. divi-

Distrust'less, [distreustles] adj.

senza diffidenza.
Disturb', [disteurb] v. a. disturbare, inquietare, impedire, molestare, dispiacere. Distur'bance, [dsteurbanse] s. disturbanza, confusione, alterazione, /. tumulto, m. Distur'ber, [disteiirbeur] .perturbatore, sturbatore, m. Disu'nion, [disiinieiin] s. disunione, dissensione, controver;

[daiveiirdgnsej (geom.) divergenza, f. Diver'gent, [daivurdgent] adj. divergente. (parecchi. Di'vers, [dai^veiirz] adj. diversi. Diverse', [daiveiirse] adj. diverso, differente, vario. Diverse'ly, [daiveursde'] adv. differentemente, variamente. Diversifica'tion,[daiveivsifichisciun] s. diversificazione, vas.


Divi'ner, [divineur] s. divinatore, indovino, m. Div'.ne'ress, [divaineros] . divinatrice, indovina, m. Div'ing, [daivng] . immersione, Z'. Div'ing-bell,






Divin'ity, [divinitj







. divisibilit, f. [daiveursifai] v. a. Divis'ible, [divTzibl] adj. divi-

Divisibil'ity, [divzibilite']

Disunite', [disiunaite] v. a. disunire, disgiugnere, separare -, V. n. disunirsi, disgiugnersi, separarsi. Disu'nity, [dsiunite'] s. disunione, separazione, m. Disu'sage, [disiizdge] Disuse', [disiuse] s. disuso, m. disusanza, /". Disuse', [disiilze] v. n. disusar; ;

sibile, partibile. diversificare, differenziare, variare. Divis'ibleness,[divTziblnes]ecft Diver'sion, [daivourscieun] s. Divisibility.

diversione, /". passatempo, m. ricreazione, f._ Diver'sity, [daiveursite'] . diversit, differenza, f. Divert', [daiveurt] v. a. distornare, divertire, ricreare. Diver'ter, [daiveurteir] . al; ;

Divi'sion, [divTgiein] ne, disunione; f. Divisor, [divaizeSr]





leggerimento, m. si, lasciar l'uso. Disvalua'tion, [disvaliuescieun] Divert'ing, [daiveurting] divorzio, ripudio, m. sollazzevole, ricreativo, grato. s. dispregiamento, dispregio, disonore, m. Divert'ingness, [daiveurtng- Divor'cer, [divrseirl . che fa divorzio. Disval'ue, [disvaliu] v. a. di- ns] . divertimento, tratteniDivor'cing, [divrsing] . divorsprezzare, avvilire. mento, m. Disvouch', [dsvaoitsc] v. a. di- Diver'tise, [daiveiirtaze] v. a. zio, ripudio, m. screditare, contraddire, op- ricreare, sollazzare, ralle- Divulga'tion, [diveulghesciein]
grare. porsi. [daiveurtizDiswoiit',[disouent] v.a. disav- Diver'tisement , ment] . divertimento; piacevezzare. Ditch, [ditsc] s. fosso, m.; fos- re, m. Dver'tve, [daivoirtiv] adj. risa, /". Ditch, [dtsc] V. a. fare un fos- creativo, piacevole. Divest', [daivst] v. a. divestiso, affossare. Ditch'er, [dtsceir] s. che af- re, spogliare, privare. Dves'ture, [divestcieur] s.spofossa, zappatore, m. Dithyram'bic,[dIth-irambic]odj. gliamento m.; rinunzia, cessioditirambico -, s. ditirambo, m. ne, /". Dit'tany, [dtane'] s. ditta- Divi'dable, [divaidabl] adj. di;

Divorce', [diverse] . divorzio, wi.; separazione, f. Divorce', [divrse] w. a. far divorzio; ripudiare; separare. adj. Divorce'ment, [divorsemnt] .

. il pubblicare, m. Divulgate, [diveiilghte] Divulge', [diveuldge] v. a. divulga-

re, pubblicare. Divul'ger, [diveildgeir] s. che divulga, divulgatore, m. Divul'sion, [diveilscieun] s. divellimento.staccamento, ni.; separazione^ ^ Di'zen, [diz'n] v. a. adornare,





Diz'zard, [dizeurd] balordo, m.






Diz'ziness, [dizines] s. vertigi- jDoc'uineiit, [dochiumnt] Doc'- Dogmat'icalness, [dogmaticlumentize, [dchiumntaize] v, ns] s. stile dogmatico, m. ne, /".; capogiro, m. Diz'zy, [dize] adj. vertiginoso, a. provare con documenti, in- Dogmatist, [dogmatist] Dog'matizer, [dogmataizeiir] s. che segnare, istruire. sventato. [dochiumental] dogmatizza. Diz'zy, [dz] v. a. cagionare Doc'umental , adj. che appartiene all'istru- Dog'matize, [dogmataze] v.a. vertigini. dogmatizzare, insegnare. Do, [du] V. a. irr. {did; done) fa- zione. re; effettuare, finire, cuocere, iDoc'umentary, [dochiumentare'] jDog'-sleep, [dog-slipe] s. sonno cucinare; -, v. n. irr. stare, adj. che appartiene ai docu-j finto, m. portarsi; pray, do, ve no pre- menti. JDogs'-meat, [dog's-mitc] s. cibo go; hoio - you -? come state? iDod'der, [dodeur] s. {bot.) epi-| da cani, m.; cosa vile, /". (decagono, tn.jDog'-star, [dog-star] s. (astr.) come sta? that won't -, questo timo, m. ton basta; to- a business, spe- jDodec'agon, [dodecagon] s. do-j canicola, /".; sirio, m. dire, fare un negozio; to - good, 'Dodge, [dodge] s. usar furberia, iDogs'-tooth, [dog's-tiith^Js. gra' raigna, f. beneficare, assistere; to - like operare con astuzia. for like, render la pariglia; to jDod'ger, [dodgeiir] s. intrigan-jDog'-trick, [dog-trfc] s. furberia, f. have to - with one, aver da fare te, m. con uno; / have nothing to - jDod'gery, [dodgeure'] s. cavil- JDog'-trot, [dog-trot] s. trotto di cane, m. with it, questo non mi riguar- lazione, f. da; to - a jain, rifare; to -amiss, |Doe, [do] s. damma, daina, f. Dog'-weary, [dog-oure'] a/lj, far malo; to - away, levare; [Do'er, [diieiir] s. facitore, fat- stracco come un cane, stanchissimo. to - off, disfare, levare via to tore, on, porre; mettere; to - over, jDoff, [dof] V. o. svestire, spo- Doi'ly, [dile'] s. tovaglietta piccola,^. coprire; to - up, piegare, im- gliare; differire, ritardare. ballare. |Dog, [dog] s. cane; (astr.) si-|Do'ings, [diiings] s. pl.\ fatti, eventi, m pi. Doo'ible, [dosbl] adj. docile, rio, m. trattabile. Dog, [dog] u. a. codiare, spiare. jDoit, [dit] s. bozzo, quattriDoc'ibleness, [dosiblnes] s. do- jDog'-berry, [dog-bre] s. cor- no, m. cilit, trattabilit, f. niuola, /. jDole, [dole] s. distribuzione, Doc'ile, [dosil] adj. decile, di- Dog'-brer, [dog-braieur] s. roporzione, elemosina, /".; affansciplinalaile. no, m. sa canina, rosa salvatica, f. Docil'ity, [doslit] s. docili- iDog'-cheap, [dg-cipe] adj. a Dole, [dole] V. a. distribuire; t,/'. dare. buon mercato, a vii prezzo. Dock, [doc] s. darsena, f.; baci- JDog'-days, [dg-deze] s. pi. ca- Dole'ful, [dolefil] adj. tristo, no, cantiere, m.; coda tronca- nicola, f. doloroso, mesto, lugubre. giorni canicolari, ta, f.; lapazio, m. m. pi. Dole'fully, [dolefiil] adv. triDock, [doc] V. a. scodare, scor- Doge, [doge] s. doge, m. stamente, lamentevolmente, dotare, racconciare; rimpalmare jDog'-fish, [dog-fsc] s. cane di lentemente (un vascello). mare, m. (pesce). Dole'fulness, [dlefilns] .triDock'et, [dcht] s. direzione, Dog'-fly , [dog-flai] s. stezza, doglia, afflizione, /.
j I I |







dolore, m.

iDog'ged, [doghd] adj. cagne- jDole'some, [dleseum] adj. doDock'et, [dchet] v. a. notare, SCO, arcigno, burbero, aspro. glioso, affannoso. segnare. jDog'gedly, a^v.lDole'someness, [dleseumnos] [dghsdl] Dock'yard,[doch-iard] s. cantie- con aria arcigna. s. malinconia, tristezza, tristire, m. JDog'gedness, [doghednes] s. zia, f. ^ Doc'tor, [docteur] s. dottore, umore arcigno, ghiribizzo, ca- Doli, [dol] s. bambola, f.; fanmedico, m.; - of divinity, dot- priccio, in. toccio, bamboccio, m. tore di teologia; to take the jDog'ger, [dogheur]s. bastimento jDol'lar, [dleir] s. tallero, m. degree of -, prender la laurea. olandese, m. Do'Ior, [doleir] s. dolore, m.; Doc'tor, [dctur] v. a. medi- Dog'gerel, [dogrel] s. cattiva afflizione, f, care, dare medicane. poesia, /.; cattivi versi, m. pi. Dolorifc, [dolrfic] DolorifDoc'toral, [doctoral] adj. dot- Dog'gish, [dgisc] ed], cagne- erous, [dlorifereus] adj. dotorale, di dottore. lorifico, che reca dolore. sco, brutale. Doc'torally, [doctcral] adv. in Dog'grass, [dogras] s. grami- Dol'orons, [dolor eus] adj. dolomodo dottorale, da dottore. gna, f. roso, tristo, lugubre. Doc'torate , [dctorte] v. a. jDog'grel, [dogrel] vedi Dog-jDol'orousness, [dloreusnes] t.


gerel. dolore, m.; doglia, f. dotto- jDog'-hearted, [dog-harted] ar//. JDol'phin^ [dolfn] s. delfino, m. ressa, f. crudele, inumano. JDolt, [dolt] s. minchione, baDoc'torship , [docteurscp] s. Dog' -kennel, [dog-chonl] s. ca-| lordo, m. dottorato, m.; dignit del dotnile, Dolt'ish, [dltisc] adj. sciocco, tore, f. jDog'-leech, [dog-litsce] medico stupido. Doc'trinal, [doctrinal] adj. dot- dei cani. Dolt'ishly, [doltiscle'] arfw. scioctrinalo, istruttivo. jDog'ma, [dogma] .dogma,dom- camente, stupidamente. Doc'trinally, [doctrinale'] adv. ma, m. Dolt'ishness , [doltlscnes] i. dottrinalmente, positivamente. Dogmat'ic, [dogmatic]Dogmat'- scempiataggine, stupidit, f. Doc'trine, [doctrine] s. dottri- ical, [dogmatical] adj. dogma- Domain', [dmne] s. dominio, na, scienza; istruzione, f. tico. m.; sovranit, possessione, f. Poc'ument, [dochiumnt] s. do- Dogmat'ioally , [dogmatical e']! Dome, [dome] i. cupola, volta, cumento, precotto, m. /.; edifizio, m. adv. in maniera dogmatica.

dottorare. Doc'toress, [doctrs]


Domes'tic, [domestic] s. domestico; servo, m. Domes'tic^ [domestic] Domes'tical, [domestical] ailj. domestico, dimestico, familiare. Domes'tically,[dmsticlJadj.



domesticamente. Domes'ticate, [domesticlicte] v. a, domesticare, dimesticare. Dom'icile, [dmisl] s. domicilio; albergo, m. Domieiriary, [domisiliar]



Dom'inant, [dominant]

adj. do-

minante. Dom'inate, [domintc] v. a. dominare, prevalere. Dor'mant, [dormant] Dor'mar, Domina'tion, [domnsciein] s. [ddrmr] s. trave, m. dominio, imperio, m.; signo- Dor'mer-window[drmeiar-ouinria, f. do] s. spiraglio, abbaino, m. Dominative, [dominetv] adj. Dor'mtive, [drmitv] s. mediimperioso. cina soporifica, f. Dom'inator,[domineteiir] s. do- Dor'mitory, [drmiteure'] Dor'minatore, m. ture, [drtsciure] s. dormitoDomineer', [dominlre] v. a, do- rio, m. minare, signoreggiare. Dor'mouse, [dormaouse] s. ghiDomineer'ing, [dminiring] adj. ro, m. imperioso, insolente, altiero. Dorp, [dorp] s. villaggio, m. Domin'ical, [dominical] adj. do- Dorr, [dor] s. pecchione, calaminicale, del Signore. brone, m. Domin'ican, [dmnicn] s. do- Dor'sal, [dorsal] adj. dorsale. menicano, m. _ Dor'sel, [dorselj Dor'ser, [dorDominion, [dominieSn] s. do- seur] s. cesta, paniera, f. minio, territorio, m.; giurisdi- Dor'toir, [dortuir] s. dormitozione, /. rio, m. Don, [don] s. don, signore, m. Dose, [dose] s. dosa, dose; preDon, [don] v. a. metter su. sa, f. Do'nary, [donare] s. offerta, Dose, [dose] v. a. (med.) doobblazione,

uscir di casa; to keep within\ Donble-bnttoned, [doubl-beitadj. a due ordini di -s, non uscire; to knock at the' ein'd] bottoni. -, picchiare alla porta; to turn out of -s, scacciar fuor di Doub'le-chln, [deubl-cin]s. doppio mento, m, Door'-bar, [dore-bar] s. sbarra Doub'le-dealer , [deubl-diieiir] di porta, /. s. furfante, furbo, m. Door'-case, [dre-chcse] s. im- Doub'le-dealing, [dubl-dlling] s. furberia, trufferia, f.; inganpostatura di porta, f. Door'-keeper, [dore-chipeur] s. no, m. Doub'le-dye, [deubl-dai] v. a. portinaio, carceriere, m. Door'-post, [dre-pst] s. im- tingere in grana. Doub'le-edgedj[deubl-edg'd]a(/i. posta della porta, f. a due tagli. Dor'ic, [doric] adj. dorico. Dor'mant, [dormant] adj. dor- Doub'le-faced, [deubl-fs'd] adj. ingannoso, ipocrite. miente, segreto.

Doub'le-lock, [deibl-loc] v. e. serrare a doppia chiave. Doub'le-meaning , [deubl-mlning] s. ambiguit, f. Doub'le-minded, [deiibl-maindd] adj. falso, furbo.

Doub'leness, [deiblnes] s. doppiezza, /.; raddoppiamento, m. Doub'ler, [deiblur] s. che raddoppia, filatore, m. Doub'let, [deiblt] s. giubbone pajo, m. Doub'le-tongued[deubl-teung'd] arfj. furbo, ingannoso, insidioso. Doub'ling, [deiibling] s. raddoppiamento, artificio, m. Doubloon", [deSblun] s. do- blone, doppione, m. (moneta). Doub'ly, [deble'] adv. doppiamente, a doppio. Doubt, [daout] s. dubbio, w. ;

Dona'tion, [dnescieun] s. nazione, /. dono, donamen;




[donativ] s. punti. presente, m. Done, [deun] int. va! vada! ten- Do'tage, [dtdge] s. perdita d' intelletto, imbecillit, f.\ vago! sia! Donee', [doni] s. (jMr.) donata- neggiamento, m. Do'tal, [dotai] adj. dotale, di rio, m. Do'nor, [dneur] s. donato- dote. Do'tard, [dtard] .vecchio rimre, m. Don'jon, [deundgeun] s. torre bambito, m. Do'tardly, [dtardle'] adv. in forte, f. Doo'dle, [dudl] s. scioperone, modo imbecille. Dota'tion, [dtscieun] s. dotaozioso, s^ccendato, m. Boom, [dum] . sentenza, con- zione, f. Dote, [dote] v. n. vaneggiare, dannazione, f. Doom, [dim] v. a. sentenziare, bamboleggiare, amare sover-

s. (surg.) piumacciuolo, m. Doubt'er, [dauteur] s. che duDot, [dot] s. punto, m. bita. dono, Dot, [dot] V. n. puntare; porre i Doubt'ful, [daoutfiil] adj. dub-

sare. do- Dos'sil, [dosil]

Doubt, [daut]

incertezza, difficolt, /". v. a. sospettare, esitare; -, v. n. dubitare.

bioso, incerto.

Doubt'fully , [dautful] adv. dubbiosamente. Doubt'fulness, [dautfilnes] t. dubbio, Trt,; incertezza, ambiguit,

Doubt'ing, [daouting]



polo, m.; perplessit, /. Doubt'ingly, [daoutingle'] udv.

dubbiosamente, in modo dubbioso.



Doubt'less, [daoutles] adj. indubitabile -, sicuro, certo adv. indubitabilmente, senza dubbio certasicuramente
, ; , ,

s. che ama somente. verchiamente. Doubt'lessly, [daoutlesle'] adv. Dooms'day-Tjook, [diim'sde'-bic] Do'tingly, [dotingl] adv. con certamente, _senza dubbio. soverchio amore, appassionata- Dou'ceur, [diisear] s. gratificas. catastro (fatto fare da Guglielmo il conquistatore per re- mente. zione, /.; donativo por corromgistrare le propriet in Inghil- Dot'tard, [dotard] s. albero na- pere, m.

Dooms'day, [dum'sde'] dizio universale, wk

giu- Do'ter, [dteir]

terra), m. Doom'ful ,

Dough, [do] s. pasta, /. Dough'-baked, [do-bech'd] adj, mulato; -, s. doppiezza, artif- mezzo cotto. nesto. Door, [dor] s. porta, entrata, cio, inganno, m. Dough'tiness, [daoutines] .co/.; folding -, porta battente, /".; Doub'le, [deubl] v. a. doppiare, raggio, valore, m. out of -s, raddoppiare, dissimulare, pie- Dough'ty, [daut] adj. valore within -s, in casa

no, wi. fu- Doub'le, [deubl] adj. doppio, si-

fuor d casa;


go out of -s,

gare; {mar.) trapassare.



Dough'y, [do] adj. pastoso. Douse, [daouse] v. a. immerge-



Down'wards, [daoiinoueurds] Drai'nahle, [drnabl] adj. che si pu seccare. adv. gi, abbasso. re air improvviso ;-, V. n. ca- Dow'ny, [daun] adj. lanugi- Drai'ner, [dreneur] s. sgocciolatojo, m. ecaro nell'acqua improvvisa- noso, molle._ Dow'ry, [daoure'] s. dote, do- Drake, [drche] s. anitra mamente. schia, f. ta, f. Dout, [daut] V. a. estinguere. Dou'ter, [daouter] s. spegni- Dowse, [daousel s. schiaffo, m. Dram, [dram] s. dramma, f. Dowse, [daouse] i\ a. schiaffeg- sorso (di qualche liquore), m. tojo, m. Dram, [dram] v. n. bere liquori giare. Dove, [deiiT] s.^colomLa, f. distillati. [docslodgical] Dove'-cot, [deiv-ct] Dove'- Doxolo'gical , Dra'ma, [drama] s. dramma, m. house, [deuv-haousej s. co- adj. che d lode a Dio. Doxo'logy, [docsolodge'] s. una Dramat'ic, [dramatic] Draraat'lombaja, f. ical, [dramatical] adj. dramDove'like, [deuv-laicTie] adj. si- forma di dar gloria a Dio. Dox'y, [docse'] s. donna di mala matico. mile ad una colomba. Dramat'ically , [dramaticale'J Dove'-tail, [deuv-tele] s. (join.) vita, donna amata, f. Doze, [dze] v. a. addormenta- adv. a modo di dramma. coda di rondine, /. Dove'-tail , [deuv-tle] v. a. re, rendere stupido; -, v. n. es- Dram'atist, [dramatist] . autore drammatico, m. sere sonnoglioso. (join.) ornare a modo di coda Doz'en, [deuz'n] s. dozzina, f. Dram'-drinker[drm-drincheur] di rondine, addentellare. Dovp'ager, [daouadgur] s. ve- Do'ziness, [dzines] s. sonno- 8. bevitore di liquori distil\


lenza, /.; addormentamento, m. lati, rt. donnac- Do'zing, [dozing] s. V atto di Dra'pe, [drpe] v. a. far panni. Dra'per, [drpeur] s. mercante dormire leggiermente. cia, f. Dovf 'er, [daueiir] s. dote, dota, Do'zy, [doz] adj. sonnoglioso, di panni; pannajuolo, in.; linen -, mercante i tele, m. addormentato. pensione, f. Dow'ered, [daueur'd] adj. do- Dral),[drb] s. donnaccia, /.; spe- Dra'pery, [drpeur] s. drapperia, manifattura di panni, f. cie di panno grosso, f.; adj. di tato. Dras'tic', [drastic] adj. (mad.) Dow'erless, [daueurles] adj. color nocello. vigoroso. senza dote, non dotato, p- Drachm, [dram] s. dramma, /. Draff, [draf] s. feccia, /.; beve- Draught, [drauft] s. pi. sorvero. so, piano, disegno, tn.; copia, Dow'ery, [daeueure'] vedi Do- rone, m. Draffy, [draf] adj. feccioso, tratta, /. ; tiro (d'acqua); biwer. glietto, sommario, m.: at one -, Dow'las, [daoulas] s. sorta di sudicio. Draft, [draft] s. disegno, i.; ad un sorso; - of horses, tireltela grossolana, f. Down, [daoiin] s. penna matta, copia, tratta,/", {vedi Draught). la, /.; tiramento, m.; - of solDrag, [drag] s. uncino, gancio, diers, distaccamento, m. lanugine, /._ Draught'-hoard, [draft-borde] Down, [daoun] prep. & adv. tramaglio, m. s. tavoliere, scacchiere, '"^gi, a basso, abbasso, a secon- Drag, [drag] v. a. n. tirare Draught'-horse, [drft-hrse] . do; - the stream, a seconda la per forza, strascinare. corrente; up and -, qua e l; Drag'-chain, [drg-cne] s. ca- cavallo da tiro, m. Draught'-house , [drft-haouse] vpside -, sossopra; to bring -, tena da fermare, f. s. cloaca, f. to fall -, Drag'gle, [drg'l] v. a. infanportar gi, Calabre cascare; to pay money -, pa- gare, imbrattare; -, v. n. in- Dranght'-ox, [draft-ocs] s. bove da tiro, m. gar danari contanti; to sit-, fangarsi, imbrattarsi. Drag'gle-tail , [drgl-tele] s. Draughts, [drafts] s. pi. giuosedersi. co dello tavole, o delle dame; Down'cast, [dauncast] adj. ab- zitella sporca, f. Drag'-net, [drag-net] s. trama- io play at -, giuocare alle tabattuto; dimesso; modesto. alle dame. vole, Down'fal, [daunfail] s. tra- glio, m. Dra'goman, [dragoman] s. dra- Draughts'-man, [draftsman] s. boccamento, wi.; rovina, f. disegnatore, copista, m. Down' fallen, [daoiinfarn] adj. gomanno, m. Drag'on, [dragheun] s. drago- Draw, [dru] v. a. irr. (drew; rovinato. drawn) tirare, trainare; attrarDown'hearted , [daonliarted] ne, m. Drag'onet, [dragonet] e. dra- re, allettare, disegnare, straadj. abbattuto, scoraggiato. scinare; -,. n. trr. accorciarDown' -hill, [daonhl] g. disce- goncello, m. Drag'on-fly, [dragheun-flai] s. si, ritirarsi; to - blood, salassasa, /.; declivio, m.





Down'-look^d,[dau-lucli''d]adj. tulipida, f. Drag'onsh, [dragheunisc] adj. tristo, malinconico. Down'rght, [daounraite] adj. dragoniforrae. evidente, franco; -,adv. gi a Drag'onlike , [dragheunl alche]

piombo. Down'riglitly , [daounraitel] assolutamente, rozzaadv. mente. Down'rightness , [daounritens] s. franchigia^ sincerit, f. Downsit'ting, [daunstng] s. riposo, m.; quiete, /\ Down'ward, [daounoueurd] arfj. declive ; abbattuto, dimesso

adj. furioso, feroce.

[dragheSn'sDrag'ons-blood , bleud] s. sangue di dragone, m. Dragoon', [dragun] s. dragone, m. Dragoon', [dragin] v. a. sac-

re; to - breath, respirare; to to a head, far capo; to -lots, tirar la sorte; to - nigh, avvicinarsi, avanzare; to -out a party, fare un distaccamento; to - a picture, fare un ritratto; to - a pond, pescare un vivajo; to - out a tooth, cavar un

cheggiare^ sottomettere. Drain, [drone] s. fogna, f.; condotto sotterraneo,

v. a. seccare, fo!


Drain, [drone] [daoanouoiird] gnare.

again, disegnare di to -along, strascinare; to - aside, menar a banda; to - asunder, separare, dividere; to - away, portare via, stornare; to - back, tirarsi indietro; to - forth, cavare fuodente; to

nuovo, ritirare;

ri; io

-forward, avanzare; to

in, allettare,

to - off,




Dream'er, [drmeiir]

stornare, estrarre; tj - on, strignersi, avvicinarsi ; to - out, slungare, stendere, sviluppare ; to - over, stillare, indurre; to - together, raunarsi; to- up, tirare su, ordinare. Draw'-back, [drau-bac] s. sconto, m.; ritirata, f. Draw'-bar, [drau-bar] s. (rail.)

tore, pensieroso, infingardo, m. Drea'ming, [drimng] adi. sognante, lento.

Drea'mingly, [drimngle'] adv. con lentezza. Dream'less, [drmles] adj. sen- Drift,
za sogni.

maneggio, m.; - of quantit di ghiaccio ammucchiata insieme, m.; - 0/ sand, alzamento di rena mobile, m.; - of snow, quantit di neve ammucchiata insieme, f.
so, obbietto,

[drift] v. a. spignere, cac-

adj. terribile ; tri-

accumulare;-,, n. ac-

Drear, [drre]


sbarra di congiunzione, f. Draw'-beam, [drau-bime] .argano, m. Draw'-bridge, [drau-bridge] s. ponte lovatojo, m. Draw'er, [draer] s. tiratore, disegnatore, tiratojo, m. Draw'ers, [draueurs] s. pi. sottocalzoni, m. pi.; mutande,


Draw'ing, [drauing] s. delineamento, disegno, vi. Draw'ing-board , [draiiingborde] s tavola da disegnare, f.


Draw'ing-master , [drauingmasteurj s. maestro di disegno, m.


[drauing-picarta da disegnare, f. re, bevimento, m. Draw'ing-roam, [drailing-rum] sedimento, m. s. anticamera, assemblea, /". Drench, [drensc] s. beveraggio Drink'ing -bout , [drnchingbaout] s. beveria, f. Drawl, [draul] v. n. strascina- (medicina d'animale), m. re (le parole). Drench, [drensc] v. a. abbeve- Drink'ing-companion, [drlnch-

Drill, [drl] s. succhiello, spilsto, deserto. Drea'rily, [drlrile'] adv. orri- lo, babbuino, m. Drill, [drl] v. a. forare, discibilmente, tristamente. Drea'riness, [drrinos] s. orro- plinare. Drink, [drinc] s, bevanda, /.; bere, terrore, m. Drea'ry, [drre'J adj. orribile; veraggio, m.; give me some-, datemi a bore. tristo, penoso. Dredge , [dredge] s. trama- Drink, [drinc] v. a. irr. {drank; drunk) bore, bevere; assorbire, glio, m. Dredge, [dredge] v. a. racco- tracannare; -,v. n. irr. imbriacarsi, innebriarsi; to - to, far gliere con un tramaglio, insabrindisi; to -in, imbevere, sucleggiare. Dred'ger, [dredgeur] s. pesca- ciare; to - out, vuotare (a forza di bere); to - up, bevere toro con un tramaglio, m. Dreg'giness, [drghins] s. fec- tutto. Drink'able, [drncabl] adj. pocia, f.; sedimento, m. tabile. Dreg'gsh, [dregblsc] Dreg'gy, [dregbe'] adj. feccioso, pieno di Drink'er, [drncheur] s. bevitore, beone, m. feccia, impuro. Dregs, [dregs] s. pi. feccia, [.; Drink'ing, [drinching] s. il be-

Draw'-latch, [draii-latsc]

rare, bagnare; innaffiare, umet- ng-cheimpnieun] s. compagno in beveria, m. tare. Drawn , [draun] adj. tirato, Dress, [dres] s. abito, vesti- Drink'ing-cup , [drnchingtratto, cavato - battle, s. batmento, addobbamento, orna- cheup] s. tazza, coppa, f. Drink'ing-glass , taglia indecisa, /".; - sword, s. mento, m.; head -, cuffia, /". [drnchingspada nuda, f. {vedi to Draw). Dress, [dres] v. a. vestire, ad- glas] s. bicchiere, m.


Draw'-well, [drau-ouolj s. pozzo profondo, m. Dray, [dr] Dray'-cart, [drcrt] s. carro, ?n.; slitta, treggia, A Dray'-horse, [dr-horse] s. cavallo da traino, m.

Dray'inan, [drmn] s. carrettiere, m. Dread, [dred] adj. terribile, formidabile, orribile; -,s. spavento; terrore, m.; paura,

Dread, [drd] v. mere, paventare,





Dread'er, [drdeur] s. Dread'ful, [drdfiil] adj. terribile, spaventevole.

(teme. uno che

dobbare, adornare, acconciare, cucinare, cuocere;-, v. n. aggiustarsi, acconciarsi; to - flax, scotolare il lino; to - the hair, acconciare i capelli; <o leather, conciare della pelle to - a ship, pavesare una nave; to - a tree, dibruscare, rimondare; to - a vine, potare una vigna; to - a wound, medicare una ferita. Dres'ser, [di-seur] s. acconciatore; tavola di cucina,/. Dres'sing, [drosing] s. il vestire, vestimento, addobbamento, apparato, medicamento, m.; fa;

Drink'ing-house , [drnchinghause] s. bettola, f. Drink'ing-song , [drnchngsng] s. canzone gioviale, f. Drink'money, [drnc-meun] a, mancia, /".; paraguanto, m.
Drip, [drip]


goccia, goccio-

Drip, [drip]

v. a.



re, gocciolare.

Drip'ping, [driping] s. unto, m. Drip'ping-pan, [drpng-pn] s.

ghiotta, leccarda,

scia, /.





adv. Dres'sing-clothfdresTng-clotb-J spaventevol- $. mantellina, toeletta, f.

[dredfulnes] s. s. camera da vestirsi, f. orrore, terrore, spavento, m. Drib, [drib] s. goccia, stilla, f. Dread'less, [drdis] adj. in- Drib, [drib] v. a. tagliare via, ; trepido, forte. scemare. ; Dread'lessness, [drdlosnes] s. Drb'ble, [dribl] v. a. stillare; ; into, fare entrare, cacciare ; intrepidezza, f. -, V. n. cascare gi, gocciolato - off, scacciare ; to - on, imDream, [drime] s. sogno, m.; re ; fare bava. stravaganza, f. Drib'let, [driblet] s. piccola pellere, spignere, andare avanDream, [drime] v.a.irr. {dreamt; quantit o somma, m. ti, avanzare; to - out, scacciadreamt) vedere in sogno;-, v. Dri'er, [draiur] s. {med.) dis- re, fare uscire. n. irr. sognare, immaginare, seccativo, m. Driv'el, [driv'l] s. bava, saliva, immaginarsi. Drift, [drift] s. impulso, cor- /.; pazzo, scioccone, m.

mente. Dread'fulness,

Dres'sing-room, [drsng-rum]

Drive, [draive] v. a. irr. {drove, drave; driven) condurre, guidare, menare, cacciare, impellere, forzare; -, v. n. irr. aver in mira, tendere, avanzare; to - a carriage, guidare una carrozza; to - a nail, ficcare un chiodo to - off time, procrastinare, indugiare; to -along, to proseguire, continuare away, scacciare to - back, rispignere, ributtare to - in,



Drum'ble, [dreumbl]
v. n. pol-

Drum-ma'jor,[dreum-medgieur] s. tamburino maggiore, m. re, m.; zeppa, f. Drop'-wort,[drop-oeurt]s.(6o^) Drum'-maker, [dreum-mecheur] Dri'ving, [draiving] s. condot- filipendula, f. s. fabbricante di tamburi, m. ta, /.; carriaggio^ m. Dross, [dros] s. scoria, feccia, Drum'mer, [dreiimeur] s. tamDriv'ing-box, [drivng-bocs] s. /.; rifiuto, m. burino, wi. sedile del cocchiere, m. Dros'siness, [drosines] s. spu- Drum'ming, [dreumng] s. batDrizzle, [driz'l] v.a.Ln. spruz- ma, sporcizia, f. timento del tamburo, m.
zolare, gocciolare; drizzling Dros'sy, [dros] adj. pieno di Drum'-stick, [dreim-stc] .bacrain, s. spruzzaglia, f. chetta di tamburo, f. scoria, feccioso; sucido, sporco. Drizzling, [drzlng] s.lo spruz- Drought, [draut] s. secchezza, Drunk, [dreunc] adj. ebrio, ubzolare. briaco; to ma&e -, imbriacare siccit, sete, f. Driz'zly, [drizle'] adj. pioviggi- Drough'tiness, [draoutines] . {vedi to Drink). noso, umido. Drunk' ard, [dreuncheurd] s.imai'idit, siccit,/". Droll, [drole] adj. comico, bur- Drongh'ty, [draute'] adj. secco, briacone, trincone, m. levole; -, s. buffone, schernito- arido, assetato, sitibondo. Drunk'en, [dreiinch'n] adj. imre, m. briaco, inebbriato. (re, beffare. Drove, [drove] s. branco, m.; Droll, [drole] v. n. buffoueggia- gregge, folla, f.^ Drunk'enly, [dreunch'nle] adv. Drol'lery, [drleur] Drol'ling, Dro'ver, [droveiir] s. bifolco, tn. da imbriaco. [drling] s. buffoneria, facezia, Drown, [draun] v. a. annega- Drunk'enness , [dreunch'nnes] farsa, f. 8. imbriachezza, ubbriachezre, immergere; -, v. n. anneDroningly, [drlingljadv. buf- garsi, immergersi, affogarsi. za, f. fonescamente. Drowse', [draouze] v. a. addor- Dry, [drai] adj. secco, arido, siDrol'lish, [drlisc] adj. buffo- mentare, render sonnacchioso; tibondo, assetato; insipido, menesco. - V. n. dormire. schino; - land, s. terra ferma, Drom'edary, [dromidar] s. dro- Drow'sily, [drauzile'] adv. son- /.; continente, m. medario, m. Dry, [drai] v. a. seccare, inarinacchioni, lentamente. Drone, [drone] s. pecchione, in- Drow'siness , [draouzines] s. dire, asciugare; -, v. n. seccarfngardaccio, m. sonnolenza, indolenza, pigri- si, inaridirsi. Drone, [drone] v. n. ronzare, zia, f. Dry'ad, [drid] s. driada, /. tentennare, cincischiare. Drow'sy, [drause'] adj. sonno- Dry'-eyed, [drai-ai'dj adj. senza Dro'nish, [dronisc] adj. lento, lento, sonnacchioso; stupido; to lagrima. ozioso, inerte. Dry'-goods, [dra-gds] s. pi. grow -, addormentarsi. Dro'nishness, [drniscnes] s Drow'sy-headed[draouse'-heded] stoffe di cotone, di seta, di poltroneria, f. lino, &c. adj. lento, stupido. Droop, [drup] v. n. languire, Drub, [drub] s. colpo, tn.; bot- Dry'ly, [draile'] adv. senza umiinfebolire; affliggersi, esser dit, aridamente, freddamente, ta, /. tristo. Drub, [dreub] v. o. battere, ba- seccamente. Droop'lng, [dripng] adj. lan Dry'ness, [draines] s. siccit, stonare, percuotere. guido, afflitto, tristo; -, s. ab- Drudge, [drudge] s. facchi- freddezza, insipidezza, /. battimento, languore, m. Dry'nurse, [draineurse] s. nuno, m. Drcop'ingly, [dripingl] adv. Drudge, [dreudge] v. n. affati- trice non lattante, f, languidamente, debolmente. Dry'nurse, [draineurse] v. a. carsi, stentare. Drop, [drop] *. goccia, /.; goc- Drudg'er, [dreidgeur] s. facchi- allevare senza lattare. ciolo, orecchino, i.; by -s, a Dry'-salter, [drai-sulteur] s. no, bossoletto, m. goccia a goccia. Drudg'ery, [dreudgeur] s. ser- negoziante di salume &c. Drop, [drop] v. a. lasciare ca- vigio vile, m. Dry'-shod, [drai-scid] adj. a scare, abbandonare, cessare, Drudg'ing-box [dreudging- secco; a pie secco. , metter da banda; -, v. n. goc- bocs] s. bossoletto da infarina- Du'al, [diul] adj. duale, da ciolare, cascare, svenire, spadue. re, polverino, m. rire, morire; to - anchor, an- Drudg'ingly, [dreudgngle'] adv. D.uarity,[ di Salite'] s. dualit, f. chorarsi; to - a design, desi- con pena, con molto affatica- Dub, [deiib] s. colpo, m.\ perstere da un disegno; to - a word, mento, cossa, /. (to, m. lasciar scappare una parola Drug, [dreug] s. droga, /".; rifiu- Dub, [deub] v. a. fare, creare, to - with sweat, gocciolare di Drug, [dreug] v. a. mescolare armare fun_cavaliere). sudore; to - in, introdurre, en- con ingredienti medicinali. Dubi^ety',[dinbaiet]Dubos'ity, trare, venire improvviso; to - Drug'get, [dreught] s. droghet[diubisite'] s. dubbiezza, f. off, scadere, venire in decata, m. Du'bious, [diubieus] adj. dubdenza; to out. sparire, dissi- Drug'gist, [dreughist] s. dro- bioso, incerto, indeciso. parsi. ghiere, droghiere, m. Du'biously, [diubieus] e] adv. Drop'let, [droplet] s. piccola Dru'id, [drud] s. druido, m. dubbiosamente, con dubbio. goccia, gocciolina, f. Dru'idical, [dridicl] adj. ap- Du'biousness, [diubieusnes] . Drop'ping, [droping] s. goccia, partenente ai Druidi. dubbiezza, f.] dubbio, wi.; ingocciola, f. Drum, [drum] s. tamburo, tim- certezza, f. Drop'pingly, [dropingle'] adv. a pano, tamburino, m.; to beat Du'bitable, | diubitabl] adj. dugoccia a goccia. the -, battere il tamburo. bitevole, dubbioso, incerto. Drop-serene', [drop-sirne] s. Drum, [dreum] v. n. battere il Du'bitably, [diubitablj adv. ia gotta serena, f. tamburo. modo dubbioso.

Driv'el, [dnv'l] v. n. bavare ; Drop'scal, [dropsical] adj.iio esser bavoso. pico. Driv'eller, [driv^leur] s. goffo- Drop'-stone,[drop-stne]s.marne, idiota, mincliione, m. cassita, f. Dri'ver, [draiveur] s. condutto- Drop'sy, [dropse'] .idropisia,/'.






Du'bitancy, [diuMtanse] Dubi- Dulciflca'tion[deiilsfichsciein] Dun'cical, [deunsical] <xdj. sciocco, balordo. s. {chym.) il dolcificare, n. ta'tion, [diubitescieun] s. duDurcify, [deulsifi] v. a. dolci- Dung, [deung] s. concime, lebitazione, dubitanza, (. tame, sterco, m. Du'cal, [diiicl] adj. ducale, di ficare, raddolcire, mitigare. Durcimer, [deulsimur] s. sal- Dung, [deung] i". a. concimare, duca, da duca. letamare. Duc'at, [deucht] s. ducato, m. terio, saltero, m. Durcorate, [deilcorte] v. a. Dung'-cart, [deing-cart] s. car(moneta). retta da trasporre il letame, f. Duch ess, [doutscs] s. duches- addolcire, rendere dolce. Dulcora'tion, [devilcorscieun] Dun'geon, [deundgeun] s. prisa, f. gione sotterranea, f. *. addolcimento, m.; dolcificaDuch'y, [deutsce'] s. ducato, m. Dung'-fork, [deung-frc] s. forDuck, [deic] s. anitra; inchino, zione, /". cone da rimuovere il letame, m. riverenza, f. {volgare); tuffo, Du'lia, [diiilia] s. dulia, f. m. my-! mio caro! mia cara! Dull, [deli]] adj. stupido, goffo; Dung'hill, [deung-hl] ad], nato nel letame; vile, abbietto; -, s. ottuso, tristo, mesto, tedioso; f3issta duck, tela di Russia. concime, letamajo, m. Baak, [defic] v. a. tuffare, im- - of hearing, duro d' orecchio - color, s. colore smorto, m. Dung'y> [deung] adj. pieno di mergere: - r. n. tuffarsi. letame, abbietto. Duck'er^ [deiicheiir] s. marango- hearing, s. udito duro, m. noise, s. mormorio, bisbiglio, Dung'-yard, [deung-iard] s. luone, parasite, m. Duck'ing-, [deuching] s. {mar.) m.; - sight, s. vista fosca, /". - go da riporvi il letame, cortile, m. wit, s. ingegno ottuso, m. cala, f. tuffo, battesimo del Dull, [deiil] V. a. stupidire, ren- Dun'nage, [deundgc] s. {mar.) tropico, m. Duck'ing-stool, [deuching-stil] der ottuso, offuscare; -, v. n. pagliuolo, m. Dun'ner, [deuneur] s. riscuotiintormentirsi. s. {mar.) sedia da dare il tuffo, A Dul'lard, [deileurd] . babbuas- tore, esattore, m. Dun'nish, [deunsc] adj. bruDuck'legged, [deiic-leg'd] adj. so, m. Dull'-brained, [deSl-bren'd] adj. netto. che ha gambe corte. Dun'ny, Jdeun] adj. sordo. Duckling, [deicling] s. anitri- stupido, ottuso. na, f. Dull'head, [delhed] s. minchio- Duo, [diuo] s. (ntts.) duetto, m. Duode'cimo, [diiodesirao] s. in Duck'-meat, [deic-mlte] s. lente ne, balocco. palustre, f. Dull'-pated , [deulpeted] adj. dodici, libro in duodecimo, m. Dupe, [diupe] s. merlotto, gonDucks'foot, [deuc'sfut] s. ser- stupido, insensato. pentaria, f. DuU'-witted, [deul-outed] adj. zo, ingannato, m. Dupe, [diupe] v. a. ingannare, Duck'-weed, [deuc-oid] vedi stordito, balordo.

Duct, [deuct]









saggio, canale, m. Duc'tile, [deictl] adj. duttile, flessibile, trattevole. Duc'tileness, [deictlnes] Ductil'ity, [deuctlite'] s. duttilit, flessibilit, docilit, f.

Dud'geon, [deidgeun]



piccola; mala parte,/.; to take in -, sdegnarsi, dar nel cencio. tura, f. tire. Due, [diu] debito, dovuto; in - Dumb'found, [deumfaund] v. Duplic'ity, [diiplisite'] s. duplitime, opportunamente; -, s. decit, doppiezza, f. a. render muto, confondere. bito, tributo, m.; imposta, f. Dumb'ly, [douml] adv. in si- Durabil'ity, [diiirabilit] s. duDue, [diuj adv. debitamente; lenzio, senza parlare. rabilit, f. esattamente. Dumb'ness, [deumnsl s, mu- Du'rable, [diilrabl] adj. durabiDu'el, [diuel] s. duello, m. le, solido. tezza, /".; silenzio, m. Du'el, [diil] V. n. duellare, Dump, [deump] s. cordoglio, m. Du'rableness, [diarablns] vedi fare duello. Durability. tristezza, malinconia, f. Du'eller, [diSleiir] s. duellan- Dump'ish, [deumpisc] adj. tri- Du'rably, [dirable'] adv. durate, m. bilmente, durevolmente. sto, mesto. Du'elling, [diiielng] s. il duel- Dump'ishly, [deumpscle'] adv. Du'rance, [diarnse] s. incarcelare, duello, m. razione, prigionia, f. tristamente. Du'ellist, [diulist] s. duellista, Dump'shness , [deumplscnes] Dura'tion, [diiirscieun] s. duduellante, m. razione, durata, f. s. tristezza, malinconia, /. Due'ness, [diSnes] s. convene- Dump'ling, [deumplng] s. bo- Dure, [dire] v. n. durare, pervolezza, f. dno tondo fatto di pasta e severare. Duen'na, [diena] s. donna at- mele. (grosso. Du'resse, [diures] s. incarceratempata, governante, f. Dump'y, [deumpe'] adj. corto e zione, prigionia, /". Du'et, [diit] s. {mus.) duetto, Dun, [dein] adj. bruno, fosco, Du'ring, [diring] prep. & conj. duo, m. tan; -, s. creditore importu- per, durante. Dug, [deiig] s. tetta, mammel- no, m. Dtt'rity, [di urite] s. durezza, la, /".; capezzolo, m. Dun, [deun] v. a. importunare, fermezza, solidezza, f. Duke, fdic] s. duca, m. molestare. Dusk, [deusche] adj. oscuro, fo-

mente, lentamente. Dul'ness, [deilns] s. stupidezza, balordaggine, pigrizia, lentezza, sonnolenza, f. Duly, [diiil] adv. debitamente, convenevolmente, esattamente, precisamente. Dumb, [deum] adj. muto, taciturno; to strike -, far ammu-

Du'plicate, [diiplichte] s. duplicato, m.; copia, f._ Du'plicate, [diaplichete] v. a. raddoppiare, piegare. Duplica'tion, [diuplichscieun] s. duplicazione, f.; raddoppia-

mento, m. Du'plicature, [diiiplichetcieur] s. {anat.) duplicatura, piega-

Duke'dom, [diucdeum]


duca- Dunce,






sco, bruno, bujo; -, s. crepuscolo, bruzzo, bruzzolo, m.; in

Dul'cet, [deulst] adj. dolce (al Dun'cery, [deinsere'] s. goffaggusto), dolcigno, armonioso. gine, balordaggine, /.

the - of the evening, in sul far


Diz. Ing.-Ital.


Dusk, [deusche]



duches- Dwell, [duel]
v. n. irr. {dwelt; dwelt) abitare, dimorare, stare,


v. a. oscurare; Dutch'ess, [deutsces] oscurarsi; imbrunire, sa, f.

Dutch'y, [deitsc] s. ducato, m. divenire bruno. Dusk'ily, [deuschile'] adv. oscu- Du'teous, [diutieus] Du'tiful, [ditifiil] adj. ubbidiente, osramente, foscamente. Dusk'ness,[deiiscliines]s. oscu- sequioso, rispettoso. Du'tifuUy, [diutifil] adv. osrit, f. Dusk'ish, [deuschisc] adj. al- sequiosamente, sommessamente. Du'tifulness, [diutifulns] .ubquanto oscuro, oscuretto. Dusk'ishly, [deuschscl] adv. bidienza, sommessone, f. Du'ty, [diiit] s. dovere, debito, oscuramente, foscamente. Dusk'lshness , [deuschiscnes] m.; funzione, f.; uffizio, m.; Dusk'ness, [deiiscns] s. oscu- tassa; dogana, gabella, f. on -,upon -, di servizio, in funrit, /.; bujo, m. Dusk'y, [deische'] ediDustisli. zione to pay one's -, render Dust, [deust] s. polvere; /!<e -, rispetto; fo present one's -, rilimatura, f.; saw -, segatura,/". verire, salutare. Dust, [delist] V. a. coprire di Duum'virate, [diieimvirete] s. polvere; to- off, nettare da pol- duumvirato, m. Dwarf, [durfj s. nano; caravere, spazzare. Dust'-box, [deust-bocs] s. pol- mogio, m. verino, m. Dwarf, [duorf] v. a. impedire Dust'er, [deusteur] s. strofinac- di crescere. Dwarf-elder, [duorf-ldeur] s. cio, m. Dus'tiness, [deustines] s. pol- ebbio, m.

dilatarsi, allargarsi.

Dweller, [duleur] abitante, m.



Dwel'ling, [dueling] s. abitazione, dimora, f. Dwel'ling-house , [duelnghaouse] s. casa; abitazione, f. Dwin'dle, [dundl] v. n. impiccolire, diminuire, consumarsi, peggiorare.
[dai] v. a. tingere, macchiare. Dy'er, [daieur] s. tintore, m. Dye'ing, [daling] s. tintura, f. Dy'ing, [diing] adj. morente,



Dynamics, [dainamics]
dinamica, /. Dyn'asty, [dnaste']




Dys'cracy, [dlscrse'] s. (med.) stemperamento d'umori, m. Dys'entery, [dis6nteure'js.(mecl.)


verio, m. Dust'man, [deustman] dino, m.

Dus'ty, [deuste'] adj. so, coperto di polvere. Dutch', [deitsc] s. pi.; gli Olandesi, linguaggio di Olanda adj. di Olanda.

adj. piccoletto, piccino. Dwarf ishly, [duorfiscle'j adv. polvero- in modo piccino.

Dwarfish, [duorfsc]


Dwarf ishness

s. (wed.) digestione laboriosa, f. Dys'phony, [disfon] s. diffi[durfiscnes] colt di parlare o di respira-

Dyspep'sy, [dspepse']

Dwarf -tree,

picciolezza, f. i[duorf-trI]




ria, f.




bero nano, m.



alla fine


parola, Ea'gerly, [Igheiirl]








eccettuato nelle monosillabe, nelle parole greche e latine


ventemente, ardentemente, vee-

Ea'gerness, [gheurnes]

he, egli; she, ella, etc.


Ear'less, [Irels] adj. orecchi; senza spighe.


fervore, ardore, m. Earliness, [eirlins] s. pronveemenza, violen- tezza, fretta, diligenza, f. Ear'ly, [eiirle'] adj. mattutino, za, f. di parola, allunga la vocale che pronto. la precede: fat, grasso, fate, Ea'gle, [gl] s. aquila, f. destino, etc. E, pure muta nei Ea'gle-eyed, [igj-ai"d] Eagle- Ear'ly, [eiirle'] adv. di buon'ora, tempi passati dei verbi: loved, sighted, [gl-saited] adj. di a buon'ora, per tempo; - in the morning, al far del gioramato etc.: eccettuato quando vista acuta. viene preceduta da d, o ( : ad- Ea'gle-stone, [Igl-stne] s. pie- no; -in the spring, al principio della primavera. ded, aggiunto ; permitted, per- tra aquilina, etite, /. messo. puro muta quando Ea'glet, [Iglt] s. aquila pic- Earn, [eurn] v. a. guadagnare, ' meritare, lucrare, acquistare. seguita da w ; ed allora il cola, /. prende od il suono deir ita- Ea'gre, [igbeur] s. {mar.) ma- Ear'nest, [eurnst] adj. ardente, zeloso, fervido;- Justness, liano, rea di rovesci, f. dell' iM. Seguita da i, r prende il suono del e ita- Ear, [ire] s. orecchio, m.: orec- .negozio d'importanza, m.; entreaty, s. istanza, domanda liana in meno. In fine di una chia, /.;-o/" corn, spiga, /.;6oa; on sillaba non accentata, o quanforte, /. ; -, s. serio, m.; caparthe -, s. schiaffo, m.; to sing do fa sillaba da s, senza by -, cantare a orecchio; to be ra, /".; pegno, m.; in -, in good -, l'accento, ha molto del suono in debt over head and -, esser sul serio, seriamente, da vero. dell'i italiano breve nella papieno di debiti; <o give -, pre- Ear'nestly, [eiirnstle'] adv. rola Italia. E raddoppiata suo- stare orecchio, ascoltare atten- strettamente, premurosamente, seriamente, istantemente, zelona come i lungo italiano in tamente. trina. Ear, [ire] v. a. lavorar la ter- samente, fissamente. [eurnstEach, [itche] pron. ciaschedu- ra; -, . n. spigare, fare la Ear'nest-money , mun] s. caparra, /. no, ciascuno; on - side, dalle spiga. due bande; - other, l'un l'al- Ear'-drops, [Ire-drops] s. pi. Ear'nestness, [eiirnstnes] s. ardore, m.; premura, veemenza; orecchini, wi. pi. tro. Ea'ger, [Ighiir] adj. desidero- Ear'ed, [r'd] adj. che ha orec- diligenza, f. _ Ear'-picker, [ire-picheur]s.stTi chi ; spigato. so, bramoso, fervente, ardente, zicorecchi, n. Earl, [euri] s, conte, m. f^emen^e.

apostrophe, apostrofe, etc.




quantunque muta in



Ear '-ring,



orecchi- Eas'ter-eve, [isteur-ive] $. vi- Ecclesias'tically[eclizsticl] adv. ecclesiasticamente gilia di pasqua, f. Ear'-shot, [ire-sciot] s. lonta- Eas'terly, [istoirl] Eas'tern, Echi'nus, [ichinus] . echino, m. [isteiirn] adj. di levante, oriennanza deir udito, /". Ec'ho, [eco] s. eco, m. Earth, (eurth-] s. terra, f.; tale, deir oriente. suolo, mondo, m.; potter's -, East' ward, [istoueurd] adj. ver- Ec'ho, [co] V. a. echeggiare, risuoaare per eco , rimbomso l'oriente, all'oriente. argilla, f. Earth, [eirth^] v. a. coprire di East'-wind, [ist-ouind] .vento bare. Eclair'cissement , [ecleresizterra; -, v. n, nascondersi d'oriente, m. Ea'sy, [ize'] adj. agevole, faci- mnt] s. schiarimento, m. sotto terra. Earth'born, [eurth^born] adj. le, quieto, libero, trattabile, so- Eclat', [cl] s. splendore, m.; gloria, pompa, f. ciabile, benigno, piacevole terrestre, di vii nascita. Earth'bound , [eiirth-baound] style, s. stile chiaro, stile na- Eclec'tic, [eclectic] adj. ecletturale, m.; - o/' e/te/" credulo; tico. adj. attaccato dalla terra.
no, ciondolino, m.

Ear'then, [eiirt-h'n] adj. di ter- - of manners, cortese, affabile to make -, calmare, tranra, argilloso; - pan, s. piattelterrina, f.; - quillare. lo di terra, m. Eat, [ite] V. a. irr. (eat, afe; ware, s. vasellame, m, Earth'-flax, [ourth--flcs] s. eaten) mangiare, consumare, rodere; -, v. n. irr. fare un asbesto, m. Earth'iness,[eurth-ines]Earth'- pasto, pascolare; <o-teif, aveliness, [eurth-lins] s. qua- re buon gusto; far buona tavola; to - a good meal, far un lit terrestre, natura terrehnon pasto; to - one's words, na, f. Earth'Iing, [euth^ling] . abita- disdirsi ; to - up, divorare, rovinare. tore di questo mondo, m. Earth'ly, [eurth-l] adj. terre- Ea'table, [itahl] adj. da mangiare stre, del mondo, corporale Earthly-minded , [eiirth-le'-iEa'tables, [itabl's] s. pi.; vivan minded] adj. dedito alle cosei de, f. pi ; viveri, m. pi del mondo. Ea'ter, [iteur] s. mangiatore, Earth'-quake, [eirth^-queche] corrosivo, m. s. torremuoto, tremoto, wi. Ea'ting, [itng] s. il mangiare; Earth'worm , [eurth^-ouurm] il vivere bene, m.; - house, s.
; ;
I !

eclissi, /.




Eclipse', [Iclpse] v. a. eclissare, oscurare: fig. sormontare, disgraziare; -, v. n. oscurarsi.





Ec'logue, [clog]
sia pastorale,


egloga, poe-

Econom'ic, [conomc] Econom'ical, [condmicl]

adj. econo-

mico, frugale.

s. lombrico, m. Earth'y, [erth^] adj. terrestre, terreno; grossolano. mia, frugalit, f. daia, /. Ear'-wax, [ire-oucs] s. ceru- Eaves'drop, [ivcsdrop] v. n. Ecs'tasied, [cstasd] adj. estame, m. tico, in estasi. ascoltare presso la finestra. Ear'wig, [ire-oSig] . formicola Eares'dropper, [ivesdropeur] s. Ecs'tasy, [cstase'] s. estasi, [.; pinzajuola, f. rapimento, m. ascoltatore, m. Ear'-witness, [ire-ouitnes] s. Ebb, [b] s. riflusso, m.; bassa Ecstat'ic, [ecstatic] Ecstat'ical, testimone auricolare, m. [cstticl] adj. estatico, in marea, f.; scemamente, m. Ease, [Ize] s. agio, comodo, al- Ebb, [b] V. n. rifluire, calare, estasi. loggiamento, conforto, riposo, decrescere, scemare. Ec'typal, [octaipal] adj. preso m.; tranquillit, facilit, f.; Eb'bing, [bing] $. riflusso, m. dall'originale, copiato, imiat your -, a bell' agio; to live Eb'onist, [bonst] s. ebani- tato. at -, vivere comodamente: to sta, m. Ec'type, [ctaipc] . copia, imilove one's -, amare gli agi. Eb'ony, [bone] s. ebano, m. tazione, f. Ease, [Ize] v. o. alleviare, miti- Ebri'ety, [ibraiit] s. ebbrezza, Ecumenical, [chiumenical]arfj. gare, addolcire; (mar.) alleg- ubbriachezza, f. ecumenico. gerir; - the helm! poggia! Ebrios'ity, [ibriosite'] s. ebbrie- Eda'cious, [dsceus] adj. edavele piene! t, ubbriachezza abituale, f. ce, vorace, ghiotto, goloso. Eate'ful, [izeful] adj. tranquil- Ebul'lieney, [Ibeulins] s. ebul- Edac'ity, [Idsite'] s. edacit,

Econom'lcally , [conomicle'] adv. ecoromicamente. Econom'ics, [iconmics] s. pi.; scienza economica f. Econ'omist, [icnomist] s. economo, m. Econ'omize, [iconmaize] w. a. vivere parcamente. trattoria, taverna, f. di terra, Eaves, [ives] s. gronda, gron- Econ'omy, [cnme'] s. econo-

lizione, /. voracit, ghiottornia, f. (liente. te- Ebul'lient, [Ibeiilint] adj. ebul- Ed'dy, [de'] s. gorgo, riflusso EbuUit'ion, impetuoso, m.; (mar.) - wind, s. [beiliscieun] s. Ease'ment, [izement] s. sollie- ebollimento, m.; effervescen- vento di rimando, turbine, m. vo, ajuto, conforto, ristoro, m.; za, f. Ed'dy, [de'j v. n. girare, aggieasements, pi. cesso, m. Eccen'tric, [ecsntric] Eccen'- rarsi. Easily, [izil] adv. agevolmen- trical, [csntricl] adj. ec- Edematose', [dmatoze] adj, te, facilmente. centrico. edematoso. Ea'siness, [izins] s. agevolez- Eccentric'ity, [csntrisit] s. E'den, [id'n] .paradiso. za, facilit, condescendenza, /.; eccentricit, f. jEden'tated, [idntetd] adj, riposo, m.; - of belief, credu- Ecclesias'tes, [clzlastlze] s. sdentato.

lo, quieto.

Ea'sel, lajo, m.







Edge, [edge] .taglio,




East, [Iste] s. levante, orien- Ecclesias'tic, [clizlastic] adj. te, m. ecclesiastico; -, s. ecclesiastiEas'ter, [steur] s. pasqua, f. co, chierico, m. Eas'ter-day, [isteur-dj s. gior- Ecclesias'tical [eclizistlcl] , no di pasqua, m. adj. ecclesiastico.

m.; sponda, spiaggia; fig^ - of a book, taglio d' un libro, m.; - of the sword, filo della spada, m.; - of a foot, filo, tarlio


uno strumento, m.


set n -, affilare, set the teeth on






Edulcora'tion,[deilcorscieun] Efflca'cious, [efichscieis] adj. efficace, efficiente. {chym.) edulcorazione, f. s.'ciously

addolcimento, vi. to take off the -, rindenti Eek, [ike] v. a. slargare, amtuzzare. Edge, [edge] va. affilare, aguz- pliare. zare; orlare; eccitare, irritare; Eel, [ile] s. anguilla, f. [ile-pi] s. pasticcio -, V. n. opporsi ; to - away, al- Eel'-pie, lontanarsi; to- forwards, avan- d" anguilla, m. zare, promuovere: to - towards, Eel'-spear, [ile-spire] s. fiocina, /. avvicinarsi, venir addosso ; to E'en, [ine] per Even. in. fare entrare. Ed'ged, [edg'd] adj. aguzzato, E'er, [re] per Ever. Ef'fable, [efabl] adj. che pu tagliente. Edge'less, [odgels] adj. sfilato, esprimersi con parole. Efface', [fse] v. a. scancellaottuso. Edge'-tool, [edge-til] s. stru- re cassare. Effas'cinate, [efasnte] v. a. mento tagliente, m. Edge'wise, [dgeouaize] odi), col ammaliare. Eflfascina'tion, [fsinsciein] taglio volto; da canto. Ed'ging, [edging] s. orlo, m.; s. ammaliamento, m. Effect', [fect] s. effetto sucfrangia, f. Ed'ible, [edibl] adj. da man- cesso, m.; realit, /".; to take -, aver effetto, riuscire; -s, pi giare. E'dict, [idict] s. editto, ban- eflfetti; beni, m. pl.;-s of passengers, s. pi.; roba dei pas do, TU. seggieri, f. Ediflca'tion, [edifichescein] s. edificazione, f.; edificamen- Effect', [fct] V. a. effettuare, eseguire. to, m. Ed'ificatory, [edificateire'] adj. Effec'tible, [fectibl] adj. fattibile, fattevole; eseguibile, posedificatorio. sibile. Ed'ifice, [edifis] s. edilzio, m.; fabbrica, f. Effec'tive, [fectiv] adj. offet Ed'ifier, [odifuieiir] s. istruttotivo; attivo. Efifec'tively, [fectivle] adv. efre, precettore, m. Ed'ify, [difiii] v. a. edificare, fettivamente, con effetto. fabbricare ; istruire. Effect'less, [fectles] adj. inef Ed'ifying, [difaing] adj. edi- ficace; impotente. ficante, edificatorio; -, s. edifi- Eflfec'tor, [fcteur] s. facitore, camonto, m. autore, m. Ed'ifyingly, [edifaiingl] adv. Effec'tual, [efctiual] adj. efiFet:


adv. efficacemente.

Efficacy, [eficas]


forza; virt, f. Effic'ience, [efisciense] Effic'iency, [efisciense] s. virt;



Efflc'ient, [fiscient] adj. efficiente, efficace Efflc'iently, [efiscientle'] adv.

Efflg'iate, [fidgite] w. a. formar l'effigie; rappresentare. Effig'ies, [fidgiize] Ef'figy , [fidg] s. effigie; immagine, /.; ritratto, m. Effla'te, [flte] v. n. gonfiare. Effla'tion, [eflscieun] s. soffio leggiero, m. Efflores'cence, [efloresnse] Efflores'cency, [flresens] s. il




pi.; eru-






forma di fiori: vescicoso. Effluence, [efliuense] s. effusione, f


effondimento, m.




effonde. Efflu'via, [fliuvia] m.: evaporazione, f.








Efflux'ion,[fleicscieun] .ema-



s. edile,

tuale, effettivo.

E'dile, [idile]

m. EflFec'tually, [fctiule'] Ed'it , [dt] V. a. preparare effettualmente, con effetto. un'edizione, pubblicare; com- Effec'tualness, [fctiulns]

nazione, /.: effondimento, m. Efforce', [frse] v. a. sforzare Efform', [efrm] v. a. formare. EflForma'tion, [formscien] s. adv. formazione, f.

Effort, [fert]









Edit'ion, [IdTscieun] s. edi- EfiFec'tuate, [fectiute] zione; pubblicazione; stam- effettuare, eseguire.


vamento, m.

s. editore, pubblicatore, m. Ed'itorial, [editorial] adj. appartenente ad un editore. Ed'itorship, [diteiirscp] s. ufficio di un editore, */<. Ed'ucate, [diuchte] v. a. educare; istruire. Educa'tion, [ediuchscieun] s. effeminatamente. educazione; istruzione, f. Effem'inateness, [feminetenes] Educa'tional, [diuchscieinal] s. effeminatezza, f. aUj. appartenente all' educa- Effemina'tion, [fminsciein] zione. s. eflfeminamento, m.; mollezEd'ucator, [ediuchteiir] s. edu- za, f. catore, m. Effervesce', [efeSrves] v. n. Educe', [idiuse] v. a. estrarre, essere in efiTervescenza, bolcavare. lire.



EfFray', [fre'] v. a. spaventare. EfFron'tery , [frenterj s. feminatezza; mollezza, f. sfacciatezza, impudonza, f. EEfem'inate, [fminete] adj. EflTul'gence , [feuldgnse] s. effeminato, morbido, delicato. splendore, m.: lucidezza, f. Effem'inate, [fminote] v. a. Efful'gent, [feildgnt] adj. rieffeminare; ammollare; -, v. n. fulgente, splendente. effeminarsi, divenire effemi- Effu'me, [fiumej v. a. evaponato. rare. Effem'inately,[efemnetel]adu. Effuse', [efiiize] v. a. diffonde[efminase']


re; spandere.

Effu'sion, [fiigeun] s. effusione, /".; versamento, spargi-

mento, m.







certa). Eft, [eft] adv. presto, in fretta.

Educ'tion, [idecscieiin] s. estra- EflFerves'oence, [efeiirvesense] zione; esposizione^ f.-, produci- s. effervescenza, /.; fervore, m. mente, m. Efferves'cent, [feurvsnt] adj. Edul'corate, [ideulcorte] v. a. effervescente. (chym.) dolcificare; raddol- Effe'te, [flte] adj. sterile, im-j

Eftsoon', [eftsunj adu. poco dopo, fra poco. [idgest] v. a. evacuare; mandare fuori. Eges'tion, [dgestcieiin] s. ege-




stione, evacuazione, /.











-s. pi.;

uova affogate,




incitare, sti- Elab'orate, [ilaborete] adj. ela- Elec'tive, [ilectiv] adj. elettivo, che si pu eleggere. borato, perfetto. Eg'ging, [eghing] s incitamen- Elab'orate , [ilaborete] v. a. Elec'tively, [ilectvle'] a'7j. eletelaborare; limare, perfeziona- tivamente , per elezione , a to, m. stimolazione,/". scelta. Eg'lantine, [glantaine] s. rosa re, finire. Elab'orately, [ilboretele'] adv. Elec'tor, [ilecteir] s. elettosalvatica, f. laboriosamente, con diligen- re, m. Eg'logue, [eglog] s. egloga, f. Eg'otism, [egotism] s. egoismo, za, accuratamente, con esat- Elec'toral, [ilectoral] adj. elet("egotista. tezza, torale, di elettore. egotism.o, m. Eg'otist, [egotist] s. egoista, Elab'orateness , [ilaboretenes] Elec'torate, [ilctorte] s. elettorato, m. Egotis'tical, [egotistical] adj. s. elaboratezza, f. Elaboration, [ilaborscieun] s. Elec'toress, [ilctores] s. eletda egoista. Eg'otize, [gtaze] v. n. par- squisita diligenza, /".; perfezio- trice, f.

&b, [eg]

lar sempre di s. Egre'gious , [Igridgieus]

namento, m.
adj. Elance', [ilnse] v. a. lanciare,

Elec'torship , [lecteurscYp] s. dignit d' elettore,/. elettora;

to, m. gettare. egregio, eccellente, insigne. EgrG'giously,[igridgieusl]adv. Elapse', [ilpse] v. n. scorrer Elec'tric, [ilectrc] Elec'trcal, [ilctricl] adj. elettrico. egregiamente, eccellentemente. via, svanire, passare. E'gress , [igrs] Egres'sion, Elas'tic, [ilstic] Elas'tical, Electric'ity, [ilctrisit] .elet[ilsticl] adj. elastico. tricit, f. [igrescieun] s. esito, m.; usci-

Elastic'ity, [ilstisite'] a. ela- Electriflca'tion , [Ilctrificheta, sortita, f scien] $. elettrizzazione, /. E'gret, [igrt] s. garza bianca sticit; molla, f. Elate', [ilte] adj. elato, innal- Elec'trify, [lectrifai] v. a. elet(aghirone), f.: piumino, m. trizzare. E'griot, [igritj s. amarasca, zato, orgoglioso, altiero. Elate', [lite] v. a. insuperbire; Elec'tro-magnet'ic , [ilectrof. (ciriegia)^ Ei'der,[eideur]s.oca d'Islanda,/. esaltare, innalzare. mgntc] adj. elettro-magnelEi'der-down, [eideur-daoun] s. Ela'tedly, [iltdl] adv. orgo- tico. lanugine delle oche d'Islanda, /. gliosamente. Electrom'eter, [ilectromiteur] Ela'tion, [ilscieun] s. dazione, s. elettrometro, m. Eight, [ote] adj. otto. /.; orgoglio, m.; superbia, Eigh'teen, [etine] adj. diciotto. Elec'tuary, [ilctiuare'] s. eletf. Eigh'teenth, [etinth^] adj. di- El'bow, [lbo] s. gomito, cubito; tuario, m. angolo, m.\ to be out at the el- Eleemos'ynary , [olimozinare'] ciottesimo. Eight'fold, [etefld] adj. otto bows, essere vicino. che vive d' eles. elemosiniere volte. El'bow, [elbo] v. a. dare gomimosina, m. tate; spignere col gomito; -, v Eregance,[liganse] El'egancy, Eighth, [teth-] adj. ottavo. Eighth'ly, [teth-l] adv. in ot- n. fare un angolo. [lignse'] s. eleganza; graErbow-chair,[lbo-cre] .sedia zia, f. tavo luogo. Eigh'tieth, [itieth^] adj. ot- d'appoggio,/. El'egant , [elgant] adj. eletantesimo. El'bow-room, [lbo-rum]s. agio, gante, grazioso, bello, vezzoso. Eight'score, [tescre] adj. otto spazio, rn.; libert, f. El'egantly, [eligntl] ac/t). eleEld, [eld] s. decrepitezza, vec- gantemente; con grazia. ventine, cento sessanta chiezza, /.; of -, altre volte. Eigh'ty, [et] adj. ottanta. Ele'giac, [ilidgicj adj. elegiaEither, [ith'eur] pron. l'uno o El'der, [eldeur] adj. maggiore, co, lugubre. maggiornato. l'altro, ciascuno, qualunque; Ele'giast, [ldgist] s, scrittoon- side, dalle due bande; -, El'der-berry, [oldeur-bere'] s. re di elegie, m. sia coccola di sambuco, sia che ovvero conj. El'egy, [elidg]. s, elegia, poesia f. El'der-flower, [ldeur-flaoiieur] che 0. flebile, poesia lugubre, f. v. Ejac'ulate, [idgichiulete] a. s. fiore di sambuco, m. El'ement , [liment] s. elelanciare, gettare. El'derly, [eldeurlj adj. attem- mento, principio, fondamenEjacula'tion [idgiachiulescieun] pato. to, m. s. corta e fervente preghiera, El'ders, [ldeurs] s. pi. maggio Elemen'tal , [elimentl] Elem. ejaculazione, /.; sbalzo, m. ri, anziani, pi. men'tary , [limntar] adj. Ejac'ulatory, [idgichiulateur] El'dership, [ldeirscTp] s. pri elementale, elementare, elemogenitura; anzianit, f. adj. ejaculatorio, subito. mentario. /. Eject', [idgct] v. a. gettare El'der-tree, [ldeur-trij s. sam Eremy, [olirne'] s. elemi, mandare fuora. buco, m. (gomma), Ejec'tiou, [idgcscieun] s. espul- El'der-vinegar , [eldeir-vTne- Elench', [olenc] s. sofisma, m. gheur] s. aceto sambuchino.m El'ephant, [lifnt] s. elefansione; {med.) evacuazione; egestiono, f. El'dest, [eldest] adj. primogete, m. Eject'ment , [dgectment] s. nito, maggiornato. Elephanti'asis, [lifutaasis] (jur.) spogliamento del pos- Elecampane', [lecampne] s. s. (med.) elefantiasi, f. sesso, m.; espropriazione, /. (bot.) enula campana, f. Elephan'tine, [lifntalne] adj. Ejula'tion, [dgiulscieun] s. Elect', [ilct] adj. eletto, scelto elefantino, d' elefante. lamento, compianto, m. {poco Elect', [ilct] V. a. eleggere, El'evate, [livete] adj. elevato, usato). scegliere. esaltato; sublime. Eke, [iche] adv. anche, ancora, Elec'tion, [lcscieun] s. elezio El'evate, [livte] v. a. elevaparimente. ne, scelta, f. re; esaltare, innalzare; ralleEke, [iche] s. aumentazione, f. Electioneer'ing , [lcscieuni- grare. Eke, [iche] v, o. slargare, al- ring] s. intrighi nell' elezione Eleva'tion, [elivescieinl . eie; , ; ; ;




m esaltazione ; su- Eroquence, [loquonse] s elo- Em'anative, [manatv] Eman' atory, [imnateure'] adj. proquenza, facondia, /. tlimita, f. El'evator, [elivoteur] s. (anal.) El'oquent, [eloquent] adj. elo- veniente. Eman'cipate, [imansipte] v.a. quente, facondo. elevatore, m. EreTatory,[liveteure']s.(swrg.) El'oquently, [loquentle'] adv. emancipare; affrancare.
Elev'en, [ilev'n] adj. undici.

eloquentemente, facondamente. Emancipa'tion[imansipisciein] s. emancipazione, f. pron. altro; altre; Elev'enth, [Ilv'nth-] adj. un- nobody -, nessun altro; some- Eman'oipator, [imnsipeteur] l. where -, altrove; -, adv. altri- colui che emancipa. decimo, undicesimo. Emar'ginate, [imrdginete] v. mente, altramente. _ Elf, [elf] . spirito folletto, m. [lseouere] adv. a. togliere via il margine. El'fin, [elfin] El'flsli, [lfsc] Else'where , Emas'culate, [miischiulte] o. altrove, in altro luogo. El'visli, [elvisc] adj. apparteElu'cidate, [iliusidte] v.a. di- a. castrare; snervare; efferarainente agli spiriti folletti. manife- nare, debilitare. Elf'Ioek, [lf-lc] s. riccio in- lucidare, dichiarare [imaschiulEmascula'tion , trecciato da folletti, in.; plica stare. Elucida'tion, [liusidescieun] s. sciori] s. castrazione, f. polonica, f. dichiarazione,esposizione, spie- Embale', [mble] v. a. imbalElicit , [ilist] ad}, elicito lare, inviluppare. gazione,/'. estratto. Elic'it, [ilist] v.a. elicere; ca- Elu'cidative, [iliusidatv] adj. Embal'ing, [embling] s. imballare, m.; involtura, f. esplicativo. vare, estrarre. Elicita'tion, [Tlsitscieun] s. Elu'cidator, [liusidateur] s. ce- Embalm', [mbame] v. a. im(imbalsama. balsamare, mentatore, espositore, m. estrazione.produzione, /. Elide', [ilaide] v. a. elidere, Elucta'tion, [ileuctescieiin] s. Embalm'er, [embameur] s. che Embalm'ing, [mbaming] s. l'imsfuggimento, m. spezzare, troncare. [iliuchiubre- balsamare, m. Eligibil'ity, [ldgiblit] s. eli- Elucubra'tion , Embank'ment, [embancment] scieun] s. elucubrazione, f. gibilit, capacit d'essere elotElude', [iliide] v. a. eludere, s. (rail.) terrapieno, m. to, ^ Embar', [mbr] v.a. sbarrare, Eligible, [lidgiW] adj. eligibi- schifare; scansare, sfuggire. Elu'dible, [Iliudibl] adj. che si fermare; impedire. le; preferibile. Embarca'tion,[mbrchscieiin] Eligibleness, [elidgiblnes] vedi pu eludere. Elum'bated, [ileimbeted] adj. s. imbarco, m. Eligibility. Embar'go, [embargo] s. serradilombato. filim'inate, [ilminte] v. a. riElu'sion, [iliiigeunl elusio- mento del porto, embargo, m.; legare, esilire. to lay an -, metter l'embargo. artifizio, inganno, w.; Elimina'tion, [lTminescieun] s. ne, /. Embark', [rabrc] v. a. imbarfraude, f. rifiuto, m.; ripulsa, f. care; -, V. n. imbarcarsi. illis'ion, [ilgeun] s. elisione, Elu'sive, [iliusTv] adj. artifiEmbarka'tion,[rabrchscieun] /.; troncamento, w. cioso, ingannevole. Elixa'tion, [licsosciein] s. les- Elu'soriness, [iliuseurines] s. Embark'ment, [mbrcment] inganno, m. fraude, impostu- s. imbarcamento, imbarco, m. satura ; elissazione, f. Embar'rass, [mbi s] v. a. imElix'ir, [ilcseur] s. elissire, ra, /. Elu'sory, [Iliuseure'] adj. elu- barazzare, imbrogliare; intrim.; quintessenza, /. gare, nojare. sorio, fraudolente; fallace. Elk, [eie] s. alce, m. [embarasElute', [iliute] v. a. lavare (po- Embar'rassment , Eli, [el] J. auna, canna, f. mnt] s. imbarazzo, imbroglio; EUip'sis, [lpss] s. {geom. rh.) co usato). Elu'triate, [iliutriete] v. a. de- intrigo, m. elisse, ellissi, f. Embase', [mbse] v. a. corcantare, travasare. _ Ellip'tically, [lipticale'] adv. avvilir Elutria'tion, [iliutriescieun] s. rompere , depravare in modo di ellisse. filtrazione , travasamen- (poco usato). Ellip'tic, [liptic] Ellip'tical, /. Embase'ment, [mbsement] t. [ellpticl] odj. elittico,d'elisse. to, m. corruzione depravazione Elm, [lm] Elm-tree, [elm-tri] Elves, [elves] pi di Elf. f. Elys'ian, [ilgieun] adj. Eliseo; (poco usato). s. olmo,m. [ombsadeur] Embas'sador, s. abbonda clie campi elisi, adj. s. pi., fields, Elmy, [lra] ambasciadore, ambasciatore, vi. m. pi. (seo, m. di olmi. Elo'cution , [lchiuscieun] s. Elys'ium , [ilTgeiim] s. Eli- Embas'sadress , [mbsadres] Emac'erate, [imserete] v. a. s. ambasciadrice, ambasciatrielocuzione ; facondia, f. adj. ce, f. [lchiutiv] smagrare, smagrire. Eloc'utive , che ha un' espressione elo- Ema'ciate, [imsciete] v. a. ste- Em'bassage, [mbsedge] Em'quente. nuare; indebolire; -, v. n. ema- bassy, [mbs] *. ambasceria, ambasciata, legazione, f. El'ogy, [lodg] s. elogio, pa- ciare, dimagrare._ negirico, m. Emaciaftion, [imescisciein] s. Embat'tle, [mbt'l] v. a. metelovatorio, m.

Else, (else]


[ilonghte] v. a. smagrimento, wi. , slungare, prolungare; stende- Emac'ulate, [imchiulete] v. a. re; -, r. n. slungarsi, allonta- purgare, lavare. Emacula'tion,[imachiulscieun] narsi; stendersi. Elonga'tion, [ilongbescieun] s. s. purgazione, lavazione, f. elongazione, /.; allontanamen- Em'anant, [mannt] adj. emanante, proveniente, nascente. to, m. Elope', [ilpe] v. n. scappare, Em'anate, [mante] v. n. emanare, provenire. fuggire; salvarsi. Elope'ment, [ilpement] s. scap- Emana'ton, [manescieun] s. emanazione; origine,/. pata, /".; fuggimento, m.

ter in battaglia, schierare; or(merlato. dinare, Embat'tled , [embatTd) adj.

Embay', [emb]

v. a. bagnare, chiudere o fermare in un golfo. Embay'ed, [mb'd] adj. {mar.) serrato alla spiaggia. Emberilsta, [embelsc] v.a. abbellire, addobbare.

Emberiisliment,[mbeliscment] t. abbellimento, ornamento, m.

Em'ber-days, [embeur-deze]



che Emis'sion, [imsceiin]

Embra'cer, [embreseur]
di abbracciare,



quattro tempora,,


Em'bers, [embeurs]
neri calde,


ce- Embrac'ing,[embrsing]s.ratto Emit',








settimana delle quattro tem^

Embez'zle, [embz'l] v. a. dissipare, guastare, corrompere;


Emtiez'zlement, [mbez'lmentl

fuora; rilasciare; scaricare", Embra'sure, [rabrgieure] s. svaporare. {fort.) cannoniera, apertura, f. Em'met, [met] s. formica, f. Em'brocate, [ombrochte] v. a. Emmew', [mi] v. a. ingabbiare, imprigionare. (med.) embroccare, fomentare. Embroca'tion,[mbrochscie2n] Emol'lient, [imolint] adj. emolliente, lenitivo; -, s. medicina s. (med.) embroccazione, /". foemolliente, f. mento, m.


Embroi'der, [embroideur] v. a. Emol'lition , [mlisciein] s. s. appropriazione, ruberia, f. V atto di emollire. Emblaze', [mblzc]Embla'zon, ricamare. [mblez'n] v. a. blasonare, im- Embroi'derer, [embroideureir] Emorument , [imoliument] s. emolumento, profitto, vantags. ricamatore, m. bellire, ornare. Embla'zoner, [erablez'neur] s. Erabroi'dery, [mbroideure'] s. gio, m. Emolument'al, [imoliumentalj ricamo, m.; ricamatura, f. araldo, m. Embla'zonry , [mblz'nre'] s. Embroil', [embroil] v. a. im- adj. vantaggioso, profittevole. Emo'tion, [imscioin] s. emobrogliare, confondere. blasone, m. Em'blem', [emblem] s. emble- Embroil'ing, [embroiling] Em- zione, agitazione, /. broil'ment, [embroilment] s. Empale', [mplej v. a. impama, simbolo, m. lare, siepare. Em'blem, [emblem] v. a. alle- imbroglio, m.; confusione, f. Em'bryo, [mbrio] s. embrione; Empale'ment, [empilement] s. gorizzare, figurare. impalazione, f. Emblemat'ic, [mblimatic]Em- abbozzo, m. blemat'ical,[mblimticl]a(/j. Emend', [imend] v. a. emen- Empan'nel, [empanel] s. citazione de' giurati, f. dare. emblematico, figurativo. Emblemat'ically , [mblirati- Emend'able , [mendabl] adj. Empan'nel, [empanel] v. a. citare chiamare i giurati. cl] adv. in modo emblema- emendabile, correggibile. Emenda'ton , [Imendscicun] Empark', [mprc] v. a. assietico. emenda, pare, rinchiudere. Emblem'atist, [embleraatist] s. s. emendamento, m. Empar'lance, [emparlanse] . pittore d'emblemi, allegori- correzione, f. Emenda'tor , [imendteur] s. (jur.) interlocutoria, /. sta, m. Emblem'at2e, [emblemataTze] emendatore; correttore, revi- Empas'sion, [empscieun] v. a. appassionare, commuovere. sore, m. V. a. rappresentare con emEm'erald, [emirld] s. smeral- Empeo'ple, [empipP] v. a. poblemi. polare; fare una colonia. Em'blements, [embliments] s. do, m. pi. entrate d' una terra semi- Emerge', [Imeurdge] v. n. emer- Em'peror, [mpereir] s. imperatore, m. gere; levarsi. nata, {. pi. [imerdgense] Em'pery , [mpere'] s. impeEmbod'y, [mbod] v. a. incor- Emer'gence , Emer'gency, [meurdgnse] s. rio, m. porare; condensare. Embol'den, [mbld'n] v. a. emergenza, /.; accidente, wi.; Em'phasis, [emfasisj s. enfasi, energia, f. occorrenza, /._ incoraggiare, animare. Em'bolism, [embolism] s. [astr.) Emergent, [imeurdgent] adj. Emphat'ic, [emftic] Emphat'ical, [mftical] adj. enfatico, emergente; casuale; urgente. intercalazione, A embolismo,m. Em'bolus, [mboleus] s. embo- Em'erods, [merdz]Em'erods, energico. [meroidz] s. emorroide, f. pi. Emphat'ically, [emftical] adv. lo, stantuffo, tn. Embos'om, [mbuzeum] v. a. Emer'sion , [imerscieunj s. con enfasi. Emphyse'ma,[mfisima]s.(swr^.) tenere in petto, coprire, cir- emersione, f.
; ;


r. a. fare di



smeriglio, w.



Emet'ic, [Imtic] s. emetico, Em'pire, [mpaire] s. imperio, dominio, m.; signoria; autorivomitivo, m. rilievo, intagliare. Emboss'ed, [mbs'd] adj. in Emet'ic, Emet'ical, [Imticl] t,

Emboss', [embos]


rilievo, intagliato.

Emboss'ing, [mbosTng]
lievo, intagliamento,



m. Emboss'ment, [mbsmut] s. rilievo, m. Embot'tle, [mboVl] v. a. mettere nel fiasco, infiascare. v. a. voltare, incurvare. Embow'el, [ombaoul] v. a. cavare le viscere, sviscerare.

Embow', [mb]

Embrace', [mbrse]

s. abbracabbracciamento, amplesso, m. Embrace', [embrese] v. a. abbracciare, comprendere; -, t).n.

strignersi colle braccia.

Embrace'ment, [mbrserant]

abbracciamento, m.

Empir'ic, [empirie] $. empiriEm'igrant, [emigrant] s. emi- co; ciarlatano, m. Empir'ical, [empirical] adj. eragrato, m. Em'igrate, [emigrete] v. n. emi- pirico; ciarlatanesco. Empir'ically, [mpiricl] adv. grare. Emigra'tion, [emigrescieiin] s. in modo empirico, Empir'icism, [mpirisism] s. emigrazione, f. Em'inence , [eminense] Em'- empirismo, m. inency, [minns] s. eminen- Emplas'ter, [mplasteur] s. empiastro, cataplasma, ni. za, altezza; eccellenza, celeEmplas'ter, [mplasteur] v. a. brit, fama, f. Em'inent, [eminent] adj. emi- impiastrare. Emplas'tic, [mplastic] adj. vinente; alto, celebre, famoso. Em'inently, [miantl] adv. scoso, glutinoso. eminentemente, grandemente. Emplead', [mplide] v. a. deE'mir, [imur] s. titolo di di- nunciare in giudizio. gnit fra i Turchi, m. Employ', [mpli] s. impiego, Em'issary, [emsar] s. emis- uffizio, m.; occupazione, f. Employ' , [mploi] v. a. imsario, m. spia, /.
adj. emetico, vomitivo.

piegare, mettere in uso; occuparo.



emulazione, gara; rivalit, con- Enchafe', [ncTfe] v. a. irritare; provocare. f. Employ'able, [emploial)!] adj. Em'ulative , [emiulatv] adj. Enchain', [ncine] v. a. incaemulante, gareggiante. tenare; legare. che pu essere impiegato. Employ'er, [mplieurj s. che Em'ulator, [miulateur] .emu- Enchant', [encint] v. a. incanlatore; concorrente, m. tare; dilettare in sommo grado. impiega. mpIoy'ment, [emploimnt] s. Em'ulatress , [miulatres] s. Enchan'ter, [ncinteur] s. incantatore, m. impiego, uffizio, m.; funzione; emulatrice, /. Emulge', [imeildge] v. a. emul- Enchan'tingly , [enciantingl] occupazione, f. adv. in modo incantevole. Empoi'son, [mpoiz'n] r. a. av- gere, smugnere. Emul'gent , [imeiildgent] adj. Enchant'ment , [nciantment] velenare. s. incanto, m. Empoi'soner, [empoiz'neur] s. emulgente. Em'ulous, [emiuleiis] adj. emu- Enchan'tress , [enciantres] . avvelenatore, m. Empoi'soning , incantatrice, ammaliatrice, f. [empoiz'ning] lo, rivale; ambizioso. Empoi'sonment , [empiz'n- Em'nlously, [miuleisle'] adv. Encharge', [ncirdge] v. a. ment] . avvelenamento, m. a gara. incaricare, commettere; confiEmporet'ic, [mportic] adj. Em'ulousness, [emiuleusnes] s. dare. Enchase', [encse] v. a. incacommerciale, mercantile. emulazione, rivalit, /". Empo'rium, [mporieum] s. em- Emursion,[imelscieun]s.(merf.) strare, incassare. Encha'sing, [ncsing] s. incaporio; mercato grande, m.; piazemulsione,/". Emunc'tory, [Imeincteure'] s. stratura, f. za mercantile, f. Encir'cle, [nseurcl'] v. a. inEmpov'erish, [empoverTsc] v. emuntorio, m. Ena'ble, [nehl] v. a. abilitare, cerchiare, circondare, cingere. a. impoverire; deteriorare. Encir'clet, [nseurclt] s. cerEmpor'erisher, [mpversceir] rendere abile. Ena'blement , [eneblment] s. chio; anello, m. . che impoverisce. Enclit'ic, [enclitic] s. (gr.) enEmpov'erishment, [mpoversc- abilitazione, /". mnt] s, impoverimento, ridu- Enact'j [nct] v. n. decretare; clitica, /. cimento a povert, m. stabilire. Enclois'ter, [encloisteur] v. a. Empow'er, [mpaueur] v. a. Enact 'ment,[enactment]Enact'- chiudere in un_ chiostro. ing, [enacting] s. decreto, m.; Enclose', [nclze] v. a. chiuautorizzare, dar potere. Em'press, [mpres] s. impera- ordinanza, /". dere, inchiudere; comprendetrice, f. Enactor, [ncteur] s. ordina- re, circondare. Enclo'sure, [nclogeur] s. ricinEmprise', [empraize] s. impre- tore, m. sa, intrapresa, f.; intraprendi- Enal'lage, [enaldge] s. enalto; circuito; chiuso, m. lage, /. mento, m. Enco'miast, [encomiast] s. enEmpris'on, [empriz'n] vedi Im- Enam'bush, [enarabeiisc] v. a. comiaste, panegirista, m. prison. fare un' imboscata, mettere in Encomias'tic, [ncmjastic] Encomias'tical , [ncomisticl] Emp'tier, [mptieur] s. votato- aguato. re, m. Enam'el, [enamel] s. smalto, m.; adj. lodativo. Enco'miam, [encomieun] s. enEmp'tiness, [emptines] s. vo- smaltatura, /". tezza, f.; vacuo, m.; incapaci- Enam'el, [enamel] v. a. smal- comio, elogio, i. t; ignoranza, f. Encom'pass, [ncheimpas] v. tare. Emp'tion, [mpscieun] $. com- Enam'eler, [enameleur] s. smal- a. circondare; attorniare. pra, f.; acquisto, m. titore. Encom'passment, [ncheumpsEmp'ty, [inpt] adj. voto, va- Enam'oling, [enameling] s.smal- mnt] s. circonlocuzione, f. cuo; vano, leggiero; imperfet- tamento, smaltare, m.; smalta- Encore', [angore] adv. ancora, di nuovo. to; ignorante. tura, /. Emp'ty, [mpte'] v. a. votare, Enam'our, [enameur] r. a. in Encoun'ter , [ncaounteur] s. evacuare; esaurire. incontro, conflitto, duello, ni.; naraorare; accender d'amore. Emp'tyings, [mptiings] s. pi. Enam'oured, [nmeur'd] adj. scaramuccia, f. Encoun'ter, f ncaounteur] v. a. sedimento, m.; feccia, /". innamorato. Empur'ple, [mpeurpl] v. a. ti- Enarra'tion , [nirscieun] s. incontrare; assaltare; -, v. n. gner di porpora. incontrarsi, azzuffarsi; comnarrazione; spiegazione, f. Empuz'zle, [mpenz'l] v. a. im- Enarthro'sis, [nrth^rss] s. battere. barazzare; inquietare. Encoun'terer, [ncaountereiir] (anat.) enartrosi, f. Empye'ma, [mpaiima] s. (med.) Enate', [nte] adj. crescente s. antagonista, avversario, m. empiema, m. Encour'age, [ncheuredge] v.a. fuori. Empyr'eal, [empTril] adj. em- Encage', [enchdge] v. a. in- incoraggiare, animare. pireo. gabbiare rinchiudere impri- Encour'agement,[ncheurdge Empyr'ean, [emprian] s. cielo, gionare, (camparsi. mnt] s. incoraggiamento, m. empireo, m, Encamp', [encamp] v. n. ac- Encour'ager, [ncheurdgur] s, Empyreu'ma, [empiriuma] s. Encamp'ment, [encampment] s. protettore, fautore, m. (ckym.) empireuma, m. Encour'agingly[ncheurdgingaccampamento, campo, m. Empyreumat'ic, [mpirimaticl Encase', [nchsej v. a. incas- l] adv. in modo incoraggiante. Empyreumat'ical , [mpiriu- sare. Encroach', [ncrtsc] v. n. immtcl] adj. {chym.) empireu- Encaas'tic, [encscstic] adj. en- padronirsi a poco a poco, usurmatico. pare a poco a poco. caustico. Em'ulate, [emiilte] v.a. emu- Encave', [encheve] v. a. met- Encroach'er,[ncr5tsceur]s. che lare, gareggiare imitare, cons'impadronisce poco a poco. tere in cantina, incavernare. correre. Enceinte', [enceinte] adj. gra- Encroach'ingly, [ncrotscnglej Emala'tion, [miulescienl s. vida. adv. usurpativamente.




infeudamento, m.; infeudazioEnfet'ter, [enfteur] v. a. incatenare. Enfilade', [enfSilcde] s. {mil.) passaggio stretto, m. Enfilade', [nfilede] v. a. {mil.)
infilare, traversare.

Jlncroacli'ment, [enciotscmbnt] En'dive, [ndvl * maivia, endivia, f. s. usurpavo a poco a poco, m. Encrust', [oncreust] v. a. in- End'less, [ndls] adj. infinito, perpetuo. crostare. Encumber, [encheumbeur] v. a. End'lessly, ['^ndlesle'] adv. senimbarazzare, impedir; cari- za fine, perpetuamente. End'lessness , [ndlesns] s. caro. Encum'brance, [cncbeumbranse] perpetuit, infinit, f. [endlong] adv. in s. imbarazzo; impedimento, in- End'long, linea retta, drittamente. trigo, ?.; ipoteca, f. Encyc'lical, [ensclical] adj. en- End'most, [ndmst] adj. remociclico, circolare. tissimo, lontanissimo. Encyclope'dia , [nsaiclopldia] Endorse', [endorse] v.a.{comm.) . enciclopedia, f. far la girata ad una cambiale. Eqcyclope'dian , [ensaiclop- Endorse'ment , [endorsement] din] adj. enciclopedico. (di una cams. girata, /. Encyclope'dist, [ensiclopldst] biale). s. enciclopedista, m. Endors'er, [endrseiir] s. giranEncyclope'dy , [nsaiclopid] te (di una cambiale), m. velli Encyclopedia. Endow', [ndau] v. a. dotare, End, [end] s. fine, m. arricchire. estremit, /.; disegno; avvenimen- Endow'er, [endaueur] s. dotato, evento; termine, m.; to no tore, fondatore, m. s. -, invano, inutilmente; to the Endow'ment, [ndaoument] - that, affinch, perch, acciocdote /. ; dono, m.; fondazioch to make an - of one, spac- ne, f. ciare, spedire uno; to be at Endue', [endiS] v. a. dotare, rione's rviVs end, non saper che vestire, adornare. fare, stillarsi il corvello. Endurable , [ndiSrabl] adj. End, [end] v. a. finire, termi- sopportevolo, soff'ribile. nare; -, V. n. venire a fine; ces- Endu'rance, [endiurnse] s. dusare. razione, pazienza, sofferen;

Enforce', [nfrse] v. a. assodare; fortificare; invigorire, forzare -, v. n. provare. Enfor'cedly, [nforsdl] adv. sforzevolmente, per forza. Enforce'ment, [nforsement] s. costrignimento, m.; violenza; approvazione, sanzione, f. Enfor'cer, [nfrseur] s. uno che costrigne, sforzatore, m. Enfran'chise, [nfrntcfz] v. a. porre in libert, affrancare, na;


Enfran'chisement, [nfrantczmnt] s. privilegio di naturalit


liberamento, m.

Engage', [nghedge]

v. a. impegnare, obbligare, attaccare, indurre; -, v. n. impegnarsi; combattere.


Engage'ment, [nghdgement]
impegno, obbligo, m.; occu/.;


conflitto, combattiadj.

mento, m.

Endam'age, [endamedge]
danneggiare, guastare.

v. a.



Enga'ging, [enghdgng]





attrattivo, gtato.

Endam'agement, [ndamdgemnt]s. danno, detrimento,??!.;


n. du-




[endndgeiir] v. a pericolo, arri-



mcnt] s. azzardo, pericolo, m. Endear', [ndire] v. a. rendere



[ndrement] s tenerezza, aifezione, /".; amo-

re, m. Endeav'our, [endeveiir] s. sforzo, sforzamento, m. Endeav'our, [endeveur] v. a.



v. n. sforzarsi, affa-

(che si sforza.

Endeav'ourer, [endeveurer] s. Endec'agon, [ndcagon] s. endecagono, m. Ende'niial,[ndTmial]Endem io, ^endeme] Endem'ical, [endmica]] adj. endemio. Enden'izen, [endniz'n] dar la cittadinanza.
v. a.

Endict', [nditej v. a. accusare, denunziare. Endict'ment, [ndaitement] s. accusa, denunziazione, f. End'ing, [ending] s. fine, conclusione; decisione,

Endite', [ndaite] vedi Endict.

adv. in modo attrattivo. Endu'rer, [ndiureir] s. tolle- Engaol', [ndghlc] v. a. imprigionare, incarcerare, ratore, m. Endu'ring, [endiiiring] adj. du- Engar'land, [ngrlnd] v. a. circondare con ghirlanda. rabile, tollerante, paziente. End'wise, [ndoaize] adv. a Engar'rison, [ngrsn] v. a. presidiare. perpendicolo. En'emy, [nime] s. nemico, ini- Engen'der, [endgendeur] v. a. generare, formare, produrre ; mico, avversario, m. Energet'ic, [neurdgetic] adj. -, V. n. prodursi, formarsi. Engen'derer , [eudgndereiir] energico, vigoroso, efficace. s. generatore, m. Energet'ically,[neurdgeticale'J Engild,[ngbld]u a. illuminare. adv. energicamente. Energ'ic, [neurdgc] Energ'- En'gine, [endgin] s. ingegno, m.; macchina,/.; artificio, straical, [neiirdgicl] adj. enertagemma, m.; steam-engine, gico, attivo. En'ergize, [eneiirdgaize] v. a. macchina a vapore, locomotiva, dare energia. fire engine, tromba da estinf. guere il fuoco,/".; high pressure En'ergy, [neurdge'] s. energia engine, macchina ad alta presefficacia, f. Ener'vate , [neurvete] v. a. sione, /. snervare, spossare, debilitare. En'gine-cleaner , [endgm-clEnerva'tion, [ineurvscieun] s. ner] s. {rail.) nettatore della snervamento, indebolimento, m. macchina (locomotiva), m. Enervo', [meurve] vedi Ener- En'gine-drivcr, [endgin-draivate. veiir] En'gine-man, [endgiuEnfam'ish, [nfmsc] v. a. af- ma.n]s.{rait.) conduttore di lofamare. comotiva, macchinista, m. Enfee'ble, [nfibl] v. a. inde- Engineer', [endginir] s. ingebolire, debilitare. gnere; {rail.) macchinista, m, Enfee'blement , [enflbrmnt] En'ginery, [ndginir] s. artis. debilitamento, m.; debolezglieria, f.
; ;

Endite'ment, [ndaitemntjrerfj za, f. Endictment. EnfeofT,

Endi'ter, [ndaiteir] satore, scrittore, m.

Engird', [ngheurd]
v. a. infeudas.

v. a. irr,



dare in feudo.


cingere, circondare. England, [nglnd] terra, f.





Eng'lish, [JnglTsc] adj. inglese. Enjoya'ble, [ndgiiahl] adj. go- Enquire', [onquaire] v. a. domandare; -, V. n. informarsi. Eng'lishman, [Dglscmn] s. devole, piacevole. Enjoy'er, [ndgioieur] s. che si Enrage', [enrdge] v. a. faro nn inglese, wi. arrabbiare; irritare. Englut', [engleut] ..inghiot- rallegra; goditore; possesso re, m. Enrange', [nrndge] v.a. orditire, trangugiare, satollare. Engorge', [ngrdge] v. n. in- Enjoy'ing, [endgiiing] s. pia- nare, disporre. cere, tn.; felicit, f. Enrank', [nrnc] v. a. collocagorgare, inghiottire, divorare. Engrar, [ngraf] Engraft', Enjoy'ment , [ndgiiraent] s re in ordine, schierare. godimento, m.; gioja, /".; pos- Enrap'ture, [nrptcieur] En[engraft] v. a. innestare^ rav'ish, [nrvsc] v. a. rapiEngraft'ment, [ngraftmont] s. sesso, m. Enkin'dle, [enchindl] v. a. acre, incantare. innestamento, m. Engrain, [engrne] v. a. tigne- cendere, infiammare; -, v. n Enrav'ishing, [enravTscing]o(/;. accendersi; infiammarsi. incantevole, dilettevole. re in grana. Engrasp', [ngrasp] v. a. affer- Enlarge', [nlardge] v. a. di- Enrav'ishment, [nrviscment] stendere, dilatare, aggrandire; s. ratto, rapimento, m. estrare. Engrave', [engrev*] v. a. irr. liberare; -, v. n. distendersi, si,/. Enrich', [enritsc] v. a. arric(engraved; engraven) intaglia- dilatarsi. Enlarged'ly, [nlardgdl] adv chire, ornare, abbellire, fertire, scolpire; seppellire. lizzare. Engra'ver, [ngreveur] s. inta- in modo dilatato. Enlar'ging,[nlardgng] .Tatto Enrich'ment , [enritscment] s. gliatore, scultore.m. arricchimento, abbellimento,m. Engra'ving, [ngrving] s. in- di aggrandire, m. taglio, intagliamento.m.; inta- Enlarge'ment, [nlardgment] s Enridge', [nrdge] v. a. solcaampliazione, aumentazione, f.; re, fare delle cime. gliatura, f. Engrieve', [ngrive] v. a. af- aumento; aggrandimento, libe Enring', [nring] v. a. accerramento, m. chiare; circondare. fannare. Engross', [engross] v. a. in- Enlight', [nlaite] v. a. illumi Enrobe', [enrobe] v. a. mettere il vestimento, vestire. grassare, spossare; incettare; nare. scrivere (un contratto) in per- Enlight'en,[enlait'nl V. a. schia- EnroT,[nrol] v. a. arrolare, rerire; istruire, insegnare, illumigistrare. gamena.

EnroTler, [nrloiir] .registraEngros'ser, [engrseur] s. in- nare. tore, m. cettatore, monopolista, copista, Enlight'ener, [enlait'neur] s. illuminatore insegnatore, m. EnroTment, [enrolment] s. arscrivano, m. Engross'ment, [engrosmnt] s. Enlink', [nlnc] v. a. incate- rolamento, registramento, m. nare, attaccare. Enroot', [nrt] v. a. radicare, incetta, f.; monopolio, m.; Tatto

del copiare o scrivere tratto, m.

un con- Enlist',

Enguard', [engard]
teggere, difendere. Enguir, [ngheulf]
ghiottire, assorbire.


[enlist] v. a. arrolare; V. n. arrolarsi per soldato. a. pro- Enlist'ing, [enlisting] Enlist'-


Ensam'ple, [nsampl]

s. modelesemplare, esempio, m. mo;

meut, [enlistment]



stra, f.


Enhance', [nhanse]

a. al-

prezzo, incarare;


tare, aggravare; encomiare, lodare. Enhan'cer, [nhanseur] s. esal-

tatore, laudatore, m.

mento, m. Enli'ven, [nlaiv'n] r. o. animare, avvivare, esilarare. Enli'vener, [nlaiv'nur] s. uno che anima, che invigorisce m. Enlu'mine, [nlimn] v. a. illuminare. Enmesh', [enmsc] v. a. intral[nmite']

Ensan'gnine, [ensanguine] v.a.


Ensconce', [nsconse]

v. a. di-

fendere, proteggere; assicurare. Enseal', [ensile] v. a. sigillare. Enseam', [ensime] v. a. cucire,


Ensear', [enslre]

v. a. cauteriz-

inimicizia, Enshield', [ensclld] v. a. coprire, difendere, proteggere. a. annobi- Enshrine', [nscrine] v. a. inEnhar'den, [nhrd'n] v a. lire, nobilitare. cassare, preservare. valorare incoraggiare. Enharmon'c, [enharmonic] adj. Enno'hlement , [noblrant] s. Enshrond', [nscraond] v. a. coil nobilitare, m. prire, proteggere. inarmonico. [nigma] s. enim- En'nui, [nui] s. noja, /. ; fasti- En'sign, [ nsine] s. insegna, Enig'ma

Enhance'ment, [enhansement] ciare. 8. aumento in valore, w.; au- En'mity,



odio,m. av- Enno'ble, [nbl] v


bandiera,/".; stendardo, segno,m. [endscieun] s. En'sign-bearer[nsaine-breur] scioglimento, solvimento, m. s. alfiere, vessillifero, m. Enor'mity, [Inrmite'J s. enor- En'signcy, [nsines] s. carica mit, atrocit, /. d' alfiere, /. Enor'mous , [normeus] adj. Enslave', [nsleve] v. a. render enorme, eccessivo, atroce. schiavo, fare servo, sottometEnor'mously, [inrmeusljadt;. tere. enormemente, eccessivamente. Enslave'ment, [enslvemnt] s. Enor'mousness, [normeusns] schiavit, servit,/. Ensla'vor , [nslveur] s. che s. enormit, f. Enough', [neuf] ndv. assai, a suggetta; oppressore, m. gnere, ordinare, prescrivere. Ensnare', [nsnre] v. a. prenEnjoin'ment, [ndgionmnt] s. sufficienza, abbastanza. Enough', [ineifj s. sufficienza, dere in una trappola, allacciaordine; comando, m. re, ingannare. Enjoy', [ndgioi] v. a. godere, bastevolezza, /. sentir piacere; possedere; -, v, Enounce', [naounse] v. a. pro- Ensna'rer,[cnsnoreir]. ingannunziare, dichiarare. natore, tn. . gioire, rallegrarsi.

ma, m.

Enigmat'lcal, [nigmatical] adj. euimmatico; allegorico. Enigmat'ically, [inigmticle'] adv. enimmaticamente, in modo enimmatico. Enig'matist, [imgmatist] s. che enimmatichizza, m. Enig'matize, [inigmataize] v. n. enimmatichizzare. Enjoin', [ndgion] V. a. ingiu-

dio, m. Enoda'tion,

usue', [ensmj
re, provenire,
v. a.



&n. segui- Enthrone', [nth-ronel v. a. En'tremets, [ongtrime'] s. pi. nascere, proce- mettere sul trono, introniz- tramesso, m. En'trepot, [ngtrepo] s. mazare. der. Ensu'rance , [ensciiiranse] see Enthro'ning, [enth^rmng] s. gazzino, m. Entrust', [ntrust] vedi In-intronizzazione, /". Insurance. Ensure', [ensciure] v. a. assicu- Enthu'siasm, [nth-iiisiazm] s. trust. entusiasmo, m.; immaginazio- En'try,[ntre'] s. entrata,/.; inrare, obbligarsi. gresso; passaggio; introito, acEntab'lature , [ntblatcieur] ne, stravaganza, f. Enthu'siast, [nth-iusist] s. cesso (al possesso), i.; regi(arch.) cornicione, m. stratura, /". Entail', [ntele] s. (laiv.) sosti- entusiaste, fanatico, m. tuzione, /.; regola stabilita per Enthusias'tic, [nth^iusistic] Entune', [enti une] v. a. intola trasmissione dinne stabile,/". Enthusias'tical, [ntli-iusas- nare. Entwine', [entuaine] Entwist', Entail', [ntle] v. a. (law.) so- ticl] adj. entusiastico. _ [entiiist] V. a. intrecciare, avstituire ; rendere inalienabile Enthusias'tically, [nth'-iusiasviluppare. uno stabile senza certe forma- ticl] adv. con entusiasmo.

Entan'gle, [entangl]
dere, avviluppare.

En'thymeme , [nth^imime] s. Enu'bilate , [iniubilte] v. a. disnebbiare. im- (log.) entimema m. barazzare, intralciare, confon- Entice', [ntise] v. a. alletta- Enu'cleate, [niiiclite] v a.
. a.

spiegare, dichiarare. [ntaisement] s. Enuclea'tion, [Iniucliscieun] dichiaraallettamento, adescamento, in- s. spiegamento, m. s. imbarazzo, wi.; confusione,/'. zione, /. Entan'gler, [entngleur] citamento, istigamento, m. brogliatore, avviluppatoro, m. Enti'cer, [ntaiseur] s. alletta- Enumerate, [Inimirte] v. a. enumerare, annoverare. En'ter, [nteur] v. a. iniziare, tore, istigatore, m. ammettere, registrare -, v. n. Enti'cing, [ntaisngjorfj. allet- Enumera'tion, [iniirairescieun] andar dentro entrare, impe- tativo, attrattivo. /. annovero, m. gnarsi, cominciare, intrapren- Enti'cingly, [ e nt ai sin g e'] adv. Enu'meratve, [Iniiimirativ] adj. dere, intentare to - an action, allettevolraente, in modo at- annoverante. Enun'ciate, [ineunscite] v. a. intentare un' azione trattivo. to - into orders, prender ^Vi ordini; to - Entire' , [ntaire] adj. intero, enunciare, dichiarare. one's self a soldier, farsi sol- compiuto, perfetto, fermo, so- Enuncia'tion [ineunsciscleun] s. enunciazione, /. dato, arrolarsi; to - upon, co- lido. [inensciatv] minciare, intraprendere, pren- Entire'ly, [ntairel] adv. in- Enun'ciative , dere possesso. teramente, compiutamente, af- adj. enunciativo, espressivo. En'tering, [nteurmg] s. entra- fatto. Enun'ciatively, [neinsciativl] ta, f. ingresso, adito, m. Entre'ness, [entairens] s. in- adv. in modo declaratorio, diEnterorogy,[ntirolodg] s. en- terezza, integrit, totalit, f. chiaratamente. terologia, /. trattato su i vi- Entire'ty, [entairete'] s. intero, Envelope', [ngvilope] s. insceri, m. totale, m. volto, m. coperta, Enterpar'lance[nteiirprlnse] Enti'tle, [ntaitl] v. a. intito- Envel'op, [nvleupj v. a. Invis. mutuo discorso, m.; confelare, dare diritto. luppare, involgere. renza, f. En'tity, [ntit] s. entit, esi Envel'opment, [nvleSpment] En'terprise, [ntcurpi*aize] s. stenza, f. inviluppamento avvolgis. impresa, /. intraprendimen- Entoir, [ntoil] v a. illacciare, mento, m. to, m. trappolare; ingannare. Enven'om, [nveneum] v.a. avEn'terprise , [nteurpraize] v. Entomb', [ntum] v. a. mette- velenare, intossicare. a. intraprendere, tentare, sagre nel sepolcro, seppellire. En'viable, [enviabl] adj. invire, adescare, indurre.

Entan'glement, [ntnglmnt] Entice'ment



Entomb'ment, [ntummnt]



En'terprser, [enteurpraizeiir] sepoltura, f. s. intraprenditore, m. Entomorogy, [entomlodg] s. En'terprising, [nteurpraizing] entomologia, /. adj. intraprendente, coraggio- En'trails, [ntrlz] s. pi. inteso; -, s. intraprendiraento, m. stini, m. pi.; viscere, /. pi. impresa, /. En'trance, [ntranse] s. entraEntertain', [nteurtne] v. a. ta, /.; ingresso, m.; ammissiotrattenere , intrattenere, rice- ne, ^; accesso, cominciamento, vere, regalare. inizio, m. Entertain'er, [enteurtneur] s. Entrance', [ntranse] V. a. manmantenitore, trattenitore, m. dare in estasi. Entertain'ing, [nteiirtmng] En'trance-money , [entranseadj. piacevole, dilettevole.

En'vied, [nvid] adj. invidiato. En'vier, [nviur] s. invidiatore, m. En'vious, [nvieus] adj. invidioso, astioso.

En'vously, [envieusle'J adv. con









Entertainingly, [nteiirtning- Entrap', [entrap]

adv. in

v. a.

Envi'ron, [envaireun] v. a. circondare assediare. Envi'rons , [nvaireunz] s. pi. contorni, m. pi. vicinanze, /. pi. allaccia- En'voice, [nvoise] s. {merch.)



ingannare, truffare.



Entertain'ment, [nteiirtne- Entreat', [ntrite] v. a mnt] s. il conversare, m.; con- plicare, scongiurare; ; ;

sup- En'voy, [envoi] .inviato, delov. n. gato, m. versazione, /. trattamento, trattare, discorrere, parlare. En'voyship, [envoiscip] s. l'uf"banchetto, tn.; festa, /". di- Entrea'ter, [entrteurj s. sollefizio di un inviato, m. vertimento, passatempo, m.; citatore, supplicante, m. En'vy, [nv] s. invidia, rivali-



Enthral', [nth-rl] v. dere schiavo.



Entrea'ty, [entrit] .sollecita- t, f. mento, m. preghiera, supplica, En'vy, [nve'] . a. & n. invidia* istanza, /". f, portar invidia.




guagliare , far uguale, aggiu[encuaid'ii] v. a. al- Episcopa'lians, [ipiscoplins] stare. s. pi. episcopali, m. pL Enwomb', [enououm] v. a. in- Epis'copally, [piscopl] adv. E'qually, [iqule'] adv. ugualmente, a un pari; senza parziagravidare, nascondere, celare. per autorit episcopale. Enwrap, [nrp] v. a. involge- Epis'copate, [ipiscopete] s. epi- lit. E'qualness, [iqualnes] s. equascopato, vescovado, m. re, avvolgere. Epis'copy, [Ipiscope] s. inspe- lit, uniformit, /. Eo'lian, [ilin] adj. eolico. Equan'gular , [iqunghiulr] zione, intendenza, /. E'pact, [Ipct] s. epatta, f. Ep'aulet,[eplet] s. spalletta, f. Ep'isode , [episode] s. episo- adj. equiangolo.


Equanimity, [iquanimit] s. [epalmentjs. (/"ort.) dio, m. Episod'ic,[pisodic]Episod'ical, equanimit, tranquillit di gabbionata, fascinata, f. E'pha, [ifa]$. misura ebraica,/'. [episodical] adj. episodico, di- mente, moderazione, /. Equan'imous, [iqunimeus] adj. Ephem'era, [femiraj s. effime- gressivo. Episod'ically, [pisodicle'] adv. equanime moderato. ro, m. Equa'tion, [iquscieiin] s. agEphem'eral,[efemiral] Ephem'- episodicamente. giustamento, pareggiamento, [Ipist'l] s. epistola, eric, [femirc] adj. effimero, Epis'tle, {astr.) 111.; equazione, /. lettera, f. d' un giorno. Ephem'eris, [ofemiris] s. effe- Epis'tler, [ipisleur] s. cattivo Equa'tor , [iqueteiir] s. {astr.) m. meride, /.; calendario, m. scrittore di lettere, scrittoruc- equatore, Equato'rial, [iquatorial] adj. $. Ephem'erist , [fmirist] cio, m. astrologo, m. Epis'tolar, [Tpistolr] Epis'to- dell' equatore. [iquere] E'querry, E'phod, [ifod] s. efod, m. tary, [ipistolre'] adj. episto- E'query, [iqur] s. scudiere d'un prinEp'ic, [epic] adj. epico, eroico. l.are. Epice'dium, [episidium] s. epi- Epis'tolize, [epistolaize] v. a. cipe, m. Eques'trian, [Tquestrian] adj. cedio, m. scrivere delle lettere. Ep'icene, [epislne] adj. epiceno. Epistyle', [pistale] s. (arch.) equestre, di cavaliere. Equibal'ance , [iquiblnse] Ep'ics, [epics] s. pL poesia epi- architrave, m. ca, /. Ep'itaph, [epitf] s. epitaffio,. equilibrio, m. [epith-ale- Equicru'ral, [quicrurl] adj. Ep'icure , [epichiure] s. epicu- Epithala'mium , equicrure, di duo lati uguali. reo, m. mieSm] s. epitalamio, m. Epicure'an , [epichiurian] adj. Ep'ithem, [pith-m] s.(pharm.) Equidis'tance, [TquidistiiseJ s. equidistanza, /. epittema, /. epicureo, lussurioso. Epicurism, [piclii Si ism] s. epi- Ep'ithet, [pith-et] s.epiteto,m. Equidis'tant, [Iquidistnt] adj, (geom.) equidistante. cureismo, m. ; sensualit, lus- Epit'ome, [iptom] s. epitome Equidis'tantly, [iquidistantle'] suria, f. sommario, m. Ep'icurize, [picMuraize] v. n. Epit'omist , [ipitomst] s. ab- adv. in modo equidistante. Equifor'mity, [iquiformit] s. breviatore, m. vivere da epicureo. Ep'icycle, [pisaicl] s. epiciclo, Epit'omize, [ipitomaize] v. a. equalit uniforme. epitomare, abbreviare, som- Equilat'eral, [quiliiteral] adj. m. {geom.) equilatero._ Epidem'ic, [epidemic] Epidem'- maro. ical , [epidemical] adj. epide- Epit'omizer, [ipitomaizeur] s. Equili'brate, [iquilaibrtc] v.a. equilibrare, pesare ugualmenabbreviatore, m. mico. te, contrappesare. Epider'mis, [epideurmis] s. E'poch, [ipc]Ep'ocha,[epocha] [iquilaibriEquilibra'tion , (anat.) epidermide, f. s. epoca, era, /. Ep'igram, [epigram] .epigram- Ep'ode, [pode] s. (poes ) epo- scieiin] s. equilibrio, contrap;

ma, m. do, m. Epigrammat'ic, [pigrmtic] Ep'opee,

Epig:rammat'ical, [epigrmtical adj. epigrammatico. Epigram'matist,[epigrmatst] s. epigrammatista, m. Ep'igraph, [epigraf] .epigrafe,



Ep'ilepsy , [epilepsc] sia, /.; malcaduco, m.



Epilep'tic, [epileptic] Epilep'tical, [pilepticl] adj.



EpH'ogism, [epilodgisra]s. computazione, enumerazione,/". Ep'ilogue, [epilog] s. epilogo, m.





epifisi, /.




epifonema, m. Epis'copacy , [ipiscopas] s. episcopato, vescovado, m. Epis'copal, [Ipiscopal] adj. episcopale.

pesamento, m. Equilib'rium, [quilibrieim] t. equilibrio, m. peja, /". Ep'ulary, [epiulare'] ad;, epulo- Equinoc'tial, [iquinocseil] adj. equinoziale, di equinozio; -, s, nesco, festevole, lieto. Epula'tion, [piulsciein] s. equinoziale, equatore, m. E'quinox, [iquinocs] s. equinobanchetto, festino, m. Epulot'ic, [piulotic] adj. epu- zio, m. Equinu'merant [quiniSmerant] lotico; cicatrizzante. E'quabil'ity, [iquabilite'] s. equa- adj. di numero uguale. Equip', [iqup] v. a. fornire, albilit, uniformit, f. E'quable, [iquabl] adj. equabi- lestire, preparare, apparecchiare; (mar.) equipaggiare. le, uguale,_ uniforme. E'quably, [iquabl] adv. equa- Eq'uipage, [ecquipjdge] .forcon nimento, apparecchio: equipagugualmente, bilmente gio; arnese, vassojo, m. equalit, uniformemente. E'qual, [iqial] adj. uguale, Equipen'dency, [iquipndnse'] s. equilibrio, m. pari, uniforme, simile, simigliante, imparziale: -, s. ugua- Equip'ment, [Iquipment] s. armamento, acconciamento, equile, siraigliante, compagno, m. E'qual, [iqul] v.a. agguaglia- paggiamento, m. re, compensare, pareggiare, Equipoise, [iquipoize] s. equilibrio, contrappesamento, m. corrispondere. Equal'ity, [iquolite'] s. equali- E'quipoise, [iquipoize] v. a. equilibrare, contrappesare. t, parit, uniformit, /. [iquipolense] E'qaalize, [Iqulaize] v. a. ag- Equiporience ,

{poes.) epo-




Erra'tum, [ereteiim]

[iquiplons] struggimento, i.; distruzioequipollenza, equivalenza,/. ne, f. _ Equipol'lent, [iquipolnt] adj. Ere, [ere] a'v. prima, prima equipollente, equivalente. che, pi tosto, anzich. Equipon'derance, [Tquiponder- Erect', [irct] adj. eretto, inan^e] Equipon'derancy, [iqui- nalzato; dritto. ponderns] s. equiponderan- Erect', [rct] v. a ergere, inza, f. nalzare, rizzare, incoraggiare; Equipon'derant, [Iquiponder- -, V. n. levarsi, alzarsi, rizadj. equiponderante nt] zarsi. d" uguale peso. Erec'tion, [irecscieun] s. staEquipon'derate, [quiponderte] bilimento, w. struttura, /". V. n. equiponderare, contrap- Erect'ness, [rctns] s. diritpesaro. tezza, f. stare ritto in pieEquipon'dious, [iquipondius] di, m. adj. in equilibrio. Ere-long', [ere-long] adv. frapEq'uitable,[cquitabl]ad'j.equo, poco, ben presto. ragionevole. Er'emite, [rimaite] s. eremita, Eq'uitableness, [ecquitablnes] romito, m. s. equit, imparzialit, /". Er'emitage, [rimitedge] s. ereEq'uitably, [cquitabl] adv. mitaggio, m. con equit, giustamente. Eremit'ical, [rimitcal] adj Equitation, [cquitsciein] s. eremitico, di romito. Erenow', [renaou] adv. innans. equitazione, f. Eq'uity, [ecquite'J s. equit, im- zi, avanti. parzialit, giustizia, f. Erep'tion, [Irepscieun] s. rapi Equiv'alence , [quvalense] mento, m. [Iquvalns] Erewhile', [ereouaile] adv qual Equiv'alency , equivalenza, /".; r equivale- che tempo fa, poco fa, non ha s. (rone, m re, m. guari. Equiv'alent , fiquivalent] adj. Er'got, [rgot] s. sprone, spe equivalente, di valore uguale; Erin'go, [iringo] s. eringio, m.; to be -, equivalere; -, s. equieringe, f. (erba). valente, m. Er'mine , [urmin] s. ermelli Equiv'alently , [iqui valnti e'] no, m. equivalentemente. Er'mined, [urmm'd] adj. foEquiv'ocal , [iquivocall adj. derato d' ermellino. equivoco, ambiguo, dubbio. Erne', [erne] s. aja, /. Equiv'ocally, [quvocl] adv. Erode', [irde] v. a. rodere, cor equivocamente, dubbiamente rodere, distruggere. Equiv'ocalness, [iquivoclns] Er'ogate, [eroghete] v- a. ero8. equivocamento, m.; ambiguigare, distribuire. t, f. Eroga'tion, [rghescieun] s. Equiv'ocate, [quvoclietc] v.a. erogazione, distribuzione, /. equivocare. Ero'sion, [irgun] s. erosione, Equivocation [iquivocliescien] f. corrodimento, m. Eroti'cal , Erot'ic , [rtc] s. equivocazione, f.


errore (di stampa), m. Er'ring, [ringj s. traviamento, m. Erro'neous, [ernieus] ad}, er-

roneo, falso.

Erro'neusly, [rni3sle'] adv. erroneamente, con errore. Erro'neousness, [rniSsnes]


errore, wi.; falsit,


Er'ror, [ereur] s. errore, traviamento, sbaglio, mancamento,m. Erst, [eirst]Erst'while, [eurstouile] adv. altre volte, anti-

camente, un tempo. [eriubesense] Erubes'cence, Erubes'ceney , [eriubesense] s. rossore, pudore, m. Erubes'oent [riubesnt] adj.

rossiccio. Eruc'tate,[Ireiictte] v. n. eruttare, ruttare. Eructa'tion, [Ireuctesciein] s. eruttazione, /. Er'udite, [eriudaite] adj. erudito, istrutto. . Erudit'ion, [oriudiscien] erudizione, f.; ammaestramento, w. dottrina, f.

[rudgineus] adj. rugginoso. Erup'tion, [ireSpscieun] s. eruzione, sortita impetuosa, impetuosit,



Erup'tive, [reuptiv] adj. prorompente con isforzo. Erysip'elas, [rispils] s. (wied.)


Escalade', [eschlide]

s. [fort.)

Escal'Dp, [scalop] s.petoncMo,

m. (conchiglia). Escape', [eschpe] s. fuga, /".; scampo, errore, sbaglio, m.; to make an -, fuggire, prender la



equivocante, m._ Equivoke', [iquivche] EquiToqua', [iquivche] s. arguzia


E'ra, [ira]


era, epoca,



v. a. ir-


radiare, irraggiare. [irdiscieun] s. irradiazione, f.; splendore, m.; lucentezza, f. Erad'icate , [iradicbete] v. a. eradicare, estirpare, sbarbare.

Escape', [eschpe], v. a. evita[ereticai] adj. erotico, amoroso. re; schivare; v. n. scampare, Err, [re] v. n. errare, sbaglia- fuggire. (na, f re, traviare,, ingannarsi. Es'chalot, [escilot] s. cipolliEr'rable, [rablj adj. soggetto Es'char, [scr] s. escara, f. ad errare. Escharot'ic , [escarotici adj Er'rableness, [erablnes] s. at- escarotico. titudine ad ingannarsi, f. Escheat', [sclte] s. legato caEr'rand, [rand] s. messaggio, duco, m. an m.; ambasciata, f. to go to Escheat', [scite] v. n. scadere -, fare un messaggio. in diritto. Er'rand-boy, [rnd-bi] s.ser- Eschea'tor, [esciteiir] s. esattom. vitorino, servitorello, re di beni confiscati, m.








Erad'icative, [irdicatv] adj.

(med.) eradicativo.

Erase', [irse] v. a. raschiare, scancellare, distruggere, devastare.

[rnd-mn] s. messaggiere, messo, m. Er'rant , [rant] adj. errante, vagabondo. Er'rantry, [rantre'] s. vagamento, il vagare, m. Erra'ta, [rta] s. pi. errori (di stampa), m. /-i.


Erase'ment, [irisemnt] Era'-

Errat'ic, [rtic] adj. errante; irregolare. sion, [irescieun]Era'sure, [ire- Errat'ically, [rticl] rire] s. scancellatura, /.; di- in modo errato.

i;. a. evitare, sfuggire. Es'cort, [escort] s. scorta, guida, f.; convoglio, m. Escort', [escort] v. a. scortare, accompagnare, convojare. Escout',[escoiit) s. spia,/.; spiatore, esploratore, m. errato, Escritoir', [escrituor] s. scrit-

Eschew', [stciu]

tojo, m. adv . Es'culent, [eschiulent]odj. esculento, edulo ; - , s. alimento, m.




Escat'cheon, [scheutciein] s. [Esteem'er, [stmeur] s. stima- Eth'ic, [ethnic] Eth'ical, [eth^tore, apprezzatore, to. icl] adj. etico, morale. scudo, wi. arme, insegne, Esoforie, [esoteric] ad/, segreto. lEs'timable, [stimabl] adj.s- Eth'ically, [th-icdle'] adv. etiEsot'erically, [stericl] adv. mabile, apprezzabile. camente, moralmente. segretamente. jEs'timableness, [stimablnes] Eth'ics, [ethnics] s. pi. etica, Esot'ery, [esotere'] .mistero, m. s. qualit estimabile, f. morale, /.




spal- iEs'timate, [stimte]



estima- Eth'nic, [th-nic] adj. etnico,

pagano, gentile. Eth'nicism, [th^nisism] s. pa[especial J adj. speciale, singolare, particolare. lEs'tmate , [estimite] v. a. sti- ganismo, TO. Espec'ially , [spcil] adv. mare, apprezzare; valutare. Eth'ncs, [oth-nics] s. pi. pagaEspec'ial

zione, {.\ prezzo; to, conto, m.


specialmente; principalmente. Estima'tion, [stimscieun] s. ni, gentili, TO. pi Espec'ialness, [spcilnes] s. estimazione, stima, opinione,/".; Etholog'ical,[th251dgicl]arfj. particolarit, singolarit, f. conto, TO. morale. Espi'al, [spail] s. spione es- Es'timative , [estimativ] adj. Ethorogy,[eth2lodg]. etoloploratore, TU. estimativo. gia, A Espi'onage, [spainclge] , Es'timator, [estimeteur] s. sti- Etiol'ogy, [tiolodge'] s. etiolospiare, m. matore, apprezzatore, to. Esplanade', [esplande] s.(forl.) Es'tival, [estivai] adj estiva- Etiquette', [etichet] . etichetspianata, /. spianato, m. le, estivo. ta, /". Espou'sal, [spuzl] adj. d Estop'pel , [estopel] . {}ur.) Etwee', [eti] . astuccio, m. ; matrimonio, nuziale. ostacolo, TO.; opposizione, f. guaina, /. Espoa'sals, [spazls] s. pi. Esto'vers, [stveurs] s. (jur.) Etymolog'ical, [etimoldgical] sposalizia, /". sposamento, m. cose necessarie, permesse dalla adj. etimologico. Espouse', [spaouze] v. a. spo- legge,/", pi. Etymolog'ically , [etimlodgsare, difendere ;fo- one's cause, Estrade', [strde] s. palco, /.; icl] adv. etimologicamente. pigliare la difesa d'uno. palchetto a rigoglio, m. Etymol'ogy, [timolodg] s. etiEspou'ser,[spa55zeur]8. difen- Estrange', [strendge] v. a. mologa, f. sore, m. (servare, scoprire. alienare, allontanare, separare; Etymol'ogist, [etimolodgift] s. Espy', [spai] v. a. spiare, os- rimuovere. etimologista, to. Esquire', [squair] s. scudie- Estrange'ment , [estrndge- Etymol'ogize, [timodgiaize] v, re, m. mnt] s. alienazione, separazio- a. etimologizzare. Es'say, [es] s. sperimento, ne, distanza, /. Et'ymon, [timon] s. parola saggio, m,\ prova, f. Estrapade',[strapede]s. (Aorse.) primitiva, origine, /. Essay', [s] . a. tentare, as- strappata, /. lEu'charist, [eucarst] s. eucarisaggiare, sforzarsi. Estray', [stre'] v. n. sviarsi, stia, comunione, /. Essay'er, [sseieur] Essay'ist, smarrirsi; s. una bestia persa lEucharis'tc, [eucaristie] Eu[esist] s. saggiatore, speriod errante, /. charis'tical, [eucarsticl] adj. mentatore, m. Estreat', [strlte] s. copia, /". eucaristico. Es'sence, [snse] s. essenza, /.; V. a. copiare, estrarre. lEuchol'ogy, [ucolodge'] s. euprofumo, TO. jEs'tuance, [ostiuanse] s. calo- cologio, TO._ Es'sence, [sense] v.a. profu- re, m. JEu'crasy, [eucrase'] . (med.) mare, odorare. jEs'tuary, [stiuar] . braccio eucrasia, /. Essen'tial, [senscial] adj. es- (di mare), to.; bocca, /. JEudiom'eter, [udiomiteur] s. senziale, principale; -, . es- |Es'tuate,[stiute] . .bollire, eudiometro, to. senziale, m. fervere. Eu'logist, [uldgst] s. paneEssential'ity, [senscialit] s. Estua'tion, [estiuscieun] s. girista, TO. essenzialit, essenza, /. estuazione, /".; bollimento, m. JEu'logize, [iulodgialze] v. a. Essen'tially, [snscile'] adv. Esu'rient, [ziiirint] adj. affa- lodare, encomiare. essenzialmente. mato, vorace. JEu'logy, [uldg] s. elogio, to.; Essoin', [soin] s. {law.) esen- Etch, [etc] V. a. scolpire con lode, /. zione, scusa legale, f. acqua forte; intagliare. lEu'nuch, [uneuo] s. eunuco, m. Essoin', [sin] v. a. [laio ) scu- Etch'ing, [tcng] s. intaglio lEuphon'ic, [eufonie] Euphonsare una persona che non com- (con acqua_ forte) , m. ical, [ufo'niclj adj. eufonico, parisce in giustizia. Eter'nal, [iteurnl] adj. eter- armonioso. Estab'lish, [stblsc] v.a. sta- no, perpetuo. iEu'phony, [ufone'] s. eufonia,/". bilire, firmare, fissare; fondare. Eter'nalize, [teurnalaize] v. a. lEu'rope, [eirpe] s. Europa,/. Estab'lisher, [stbliscir] s. eternare, immortalare. European, [uropian] adj. eufondatore, m. Eter'nally , [iteurnl e'] adv. ropeo. Estab'lishment [stabliscment] eternamente, in eterno. jEuryth'my, [tirth-rae'] s eus. stabilimento, fondamento, Eter'nity, [iteurnit] s. eterni- ritmia, /. istituto, m.; approvazione, /.; Euthana'sia,[uth-anescia] Eut, perpetuit, f. modello, m. Eter'nize, [iteurnaize] v. a. than'asy,[euth'anasjs. morto Estafet',[6stafet] s. staffetta,^. eternare. placida, /. Estate' , [estete] s. stato, m. E'ther,[ith^enr] . aria,/.; cielo, Evac'uant, [IvchiSict] adj. condizione, fortuna, (.: boni, m. etere, to. {med.) evacuante. pi,; man's -, et virile, /. Ethe'real, [Ith-iril] Ethe'- lEvac'uate, [ivchiute] v. a. Esteem', [ostime] .stima, con- reous, [ith-rieis] adj. etereo, evacuare, mandare fuori. siderazione, /.; conto, m. dell'etere, celeste. Evacua'tion, [ivchiuscieun] Esteem', [stirae] v. a. stimare, Ethe'realize,[ith-rilaize] v. a. . evacuazione, /" ; evacuamenconvertire in aria. apprezzare; pensare. to, m.
; ;
j i




Evac'uative, [vchuetv] adj. lEventla'tion, [Iventilscieun] Evigila'tion, [ividgilescieun] t. . vontilaziono, discussione, /. vigilanza, f. (med.) evacuativo. Evade', [Ivde] v. a. scanpare, ETen'tual,[Ivntciul ]adj. even- E'vil, [v'l] adj. cattivo, malo, perverso; -, s. male, m. malvascappare, scappolare -, v n. tuale, casuale, fortuito. Eventual'ity, [ivntciulit] s. vigit, calamit, /". evadere, fuggire. E'vil, [iv'l] adv. male, maleEvaga'tion, [vagliescieun] s. eventualit, f. evagazione, /".; svagamento, m. Even'tually, [iventciuale'] adv. mente. Evanes'cence, [vansnse] s. eventualmente, a caso, fortui- Evil-affect'ed, [iv'1-afectd] adj. tamente. malvagio, malevolo. svanire, tn.; svanizione, f. Evanes'cent, [vansnt] adj. Even'tuate, [iventciute] . n. E'vil-doer, [iv'1-duur] s. malfattore, furfante, m. terminare (poco usato) che svanisce, fuggitivo Evangerical,[vndglical]af//.lEv'er , [veur] adv. sempre E'vil-eyed, [v'1-i'd] adj. chi sempremai, tuttavia; far -,lor ha occhio maligno. evangelico. [iv'1-feveur'd] Evangel'ically, [evandgelicale'] - and -, per sempre, eterna- E'vl-favoured, mente; -and anon, di quando adj. brutto, deforme. adv. evangelicamente. [iv'lETan'gelism , [ivndgillsm] s. in quando - before, da ogni tem- E'yil-favouredness , po; as much as -, quanto mai; feveur'-dns] s. bruttezza, laiil promulgare del Vangelo, m. [vandgilist] s.l as soon as -, quanto prima dezza, deformit, f. Evan'gelist , evangelista, m. since, da quel tempo in qua, E'villy, [iv'l] adw. male, malamente. Evan'gelize, [Ivandgilaize] v.a.\ dipoi, dopo. [Iv'1-mainded] evangelizzare, predicare il Van- Ever-burn'ing,[eveur-'beurnTng] Evil-minded , adj. maldisposto , malizioso , gelo. adj. sempre ardente. Evan'id, [vanid] adj. che sva-|Everdu'ring , [veur-diiiring] maligno. adj. eterno, perpetuo. E'vilness, [iv'lnes] s. malvaginisce, dehole; fuggitivo. Evan'ish, [ivnisc] v. n. svani-lEv'ergreen, [veurgrine] adj. t, malizia; perversit, /". re, evadere, fuggire, sempre verde; -, s. semprevi ;E'vil-speaking, [iv'1-spiching] Evap'orable , [ivaporabl] adj. va, barba di Gove,_f. s. maldicenza, calunnia, f. [v'1-ouiscing] evaporabile, evaporante. Everlast'ing,[veurlastng] adj. |E'vil-v?ishing, Evap'orate, [ivporte] v. a. eterno, perpetuo;-,, eternit, adj'. malevolo, maligno. svaporare, dissipare; -, v. n. perpetuit, f. E'vil-worker, [iv'1-ouurcheur] evaporare, dissiparsi. Everlast'ingly, [veurlastingle'] s. malfattore, wi. Evapora'tion, [vporesciein] adv. eternamente perpetua- Evince', [vnse] . a. evincere; evaporazione, f. evaporamen- mente, senza fine. convincere; provare, dimostrare. to, m Everlast'ingness,[eveiirlasting- Evin'cible , [ivinsibl] adj. diEva'sion, [ivegeun] s. scappata, ns] s. eternit, perpetuit, f. mostrabile, provabile. /.; sotterfugio, pretesto, m. lEverliv'ing, [veiirliving] adj. Evin'cibly, [ivinsibl] adti. diEva'sive, [ivsiv] adj. evasivo,; semprevivo, immortale. mostrativamente, chiaramente. sofistico. (sticamente.' Evermore', [veurmore] adv. Evis'cerate , [ivisirte] v. o. Eva'sively, [ivsivle'] adv. sofi-l sempremai; eternamente. sviscerare, sventrare. Eve', [ve] .vigilia, f. iEver'sion, [iveurscieun] f. sov- Ev'itable, [vitablj adj. evitaE've, [ive] E'ven, [iven] s. sera, vertimento , sconvolgimento bile. /.; at -, sulla sera. Ev'itate,[vitete] Evite', [vite] rovinamento, m. E'ven, [iv'n] adj. uguale, pari, Evert', [iveurt]v.a. sconvolge- V. a. evitare, scampare, sfugsimile, uniforme; to make -, re, rovinare, distruggere. gire. spianare JEv'ery, [veur] adj. ogni, cia- Evita'tion, [evitesciein] s. eviE'ven, [ivn] odi), anche, anzi, scheduno; - body, ognuno, cia- tazione, scappata, fuga, f. ancora, quasi, fino, infino; - as, scuno; - day, ogni giorno, di Ev'ocate, [evochete] Ut a. evocome, come se; - now, or ora; giorno in giorno;- other day, care. - so, appunto cosi, giusto cosi. un giorno si un giorno no - Evoca'tion , [evochescieiin] s. E'ven, [iv'n] v. a. appianare, one, ciascuno, ognuno; - thing, evocazione, scongiuro, m. agguagliare. ogni cosa; - way, da ogni ban- Evoke', [ivoche] v. a. evocare. Even-hand'ed,[ivn-hndod] adj. da; - where, da per tutto; - Evola'tion, [volscieun] s. volo, imparziale; equo. whit, ogni cosa, tutto; afi^atto. m.; volata, /. E'vening, [iv'ning] s. sera, se-jEves'dropper, [ivesdrpeiir] s. Evolu'tion , [evliuscieun] f. rata, /.; - tide, s. sera, /". ascoltatore, spione, m. sviluppo, rivolgimento,Tn.;(mi7./ E'venly, [iv'nl] adv. ugual- JEves'tigate, [ivestighte] v. a. evoluzione, f. mente, uniformemente. investigare, ricercare. Evolve', [ivolvc] v. a. svilupE'venness, [v'ns] s. ugualit, 'Evict', [evict] v. a. (law.) evin- pare, stendere; -, . n. svilupuniformit; imparzialit, f.;\ cere, convincere, provare. parsi, stendersi. livello, m. JEvic'tion, [ivicsciein] s. evizio- Evomit'ion , [vomiscieun] s. Event', [ivnt] s. evento, avve- ne, evidenza, f. vomito, m. _ nimento, esito, m. Ev'idence, [vidense] s. eviden- Evulga'tion, [iveiilghescieun] $. Even'terate, [vntirte] . a. za, prova, /. testimonio, m. pubblicazione, f. sventrare, viscerare. Ev'idence, [vidcnstf] v. a. pro- lEvul'sion, [iveulscieiin] s. diEvent'ful, [ventful] adj. pieno vare, mostrare. vellitnento, m. Ev'ident,[vidnt] ad}, evidente, Evfe', [lu] s. pecora, f. d' avvenimenti. E'ventide, [iv'ntaide] s. sera, apparente, manifesto, chiaro. iEwe'-lamb, [i-lm] s. manneserata, f. E v'idently, [vidntl] adt). evi- rino, m.^ pecorella, /". Even'tilate , [iventilte] v. a. dentemente, chiaramente jEw'er, [ueiir] s. inesciroba, /. ventilare, discutere, esami-! Ev'identness, [vidntns] s. iEw'ry, Lur] .uffizio del vaevidenza; prova, f. sellarne reale, m. nare.
; ;
j j



Exacer'bate, [ecsaseurbete]
esacerbare, inasprire.
v. a.
s. il

della vita,



disaminare, m.; privazione Except', [ecsept] tuare, escludere f.



v. n.



biettare, ricusare, opporsi ; to - against, allegare. esanime, morto. scieun] s. esacerbaziene, f.\ esasperamento, provocamento, Exan'thema, [csanth-ima] s. Except', [ecsept] conj. a meno (Exanthe'inata,pf.)[csntli-- che, eccettoch. irritamento, m. Exact', [gzct] adj. esatto, mateus] (med.), eruzione, efflo- Except', [ecsept] Excep'ting, rescenza, f. puntuale, diligente, giusto. [csptng] prep. eccetto, fuorExact', [gzct] v. a. esigere, Exanthem'atous,[ecsanth5ema- ch, a meno che. domandare; strappare. teis] adj. {med.) pieno di bolli- Excep'tion , [csepscieun] s. Exac'ter, [gzcteiir] s. esatto- celle. eccezione, eccettuazione, escluExant'Iate, [ecsantlte] v. a. sione, /. ; to take - at, oii'enre, m. Exac'tion, [egzacscioun] . esa- cavare, esaurire. dersi. zione, estorsione, /. Exarticula'tion, [ecsarticbiu- Excep'tionable [cscpscieiinabl]


Exan'imous, [ecsaniraeus]








adj. che si

pu obbiettare,





Exact'ly, [gzactle'J adv. esat- Exas'perate, [egzaspirte] v. a. tamente, accuratamente, dili- esasperare, inacerbare, irritagentemente. re, provocare. Exact'ness, [egzactnes] s. esat- Exaspera'tion[ogzaspiresciein] tezza, puntualit, f. s. esasperamento; irritamenExac'ter, [gzcter] vediExa- to, m. cter. Exas'perator, [egzispiretoiir] Exag'gerate, [gzadgirete]v. a. s. irritatore, provocatore, m. esagerare, amplificare. [csctorete] Exauc'torate , Exaggera'tion[gzdgirscieiin] Exau'thorate, Lecsth^orete] . esagerazione, amplificazioV. a. congedare, deporre. " ne, f. Exauctora'tion , [ecsctorExaggeratory [egzadgirateure'] scieun] Exau'thoration, [ecsoadj. che contiene esagerazione. th-orsciein] deponimen. Exag'itate, [csdgitte] v. a to, m esagitare, agitare, tormentare. Exau'thorze, [ecsoth^oraize] Exagita'tion, [ecsdgitscieiin] a. privare di autorit agitazione, /. ; scuotimen- Excandes'cence[cscndsnse] s. to, m. Excandes''cency[scndesns] Exalt', [egzlt] v. a. esaltare; s. escandescenza, f. alzare: lodare, vantare. Excandes'cent, [cscandesent] Exalta'tion, [gzltscieun] s. adj. escandescente. esaltazione, ^; esaltamento, Excar'nate, [cscrnite] v. a. elevamento, m divestire della carne, scarnare

Excep'tious, [ecsepscieus] adj.

stizzoso, uggioso, delicato. Excep'tive, [csptv] adj. ec-


Excep'tor, [ecsepteur]


che fa

delle obbiezioni; censore, wi. Excern', [cseiirn] v. a. rigettare, ributtare, separare, purgare, nettare. Excerp', [cseirp] v. a. scegliere, spigolare, estrarre. Excerp'tion, [cseirpscieun] s. scelta, spigolamento, estratto, m,.




raccoglitore, m. Excess', [css] s. eccesso, trapassamento, disordine, m.; in-

temperanza, f. Exces'sive, [csesiv] adj. eccessivo, soverchio.

Exces'sively, [csesivle'] adv. eccessivamente, fuor di modo. Exces'siveness, [eossvns] s. Exalfed, [gzlted] adj. alzato, Excarniflca'tion,[ecscrniiche- eccesso, m.; soprabbondanza, f. elevato, sublime; lodato. scieun] 8. divestimento della Exchange', [cscndge] s. camExalt'edness, [gzltednss] s. carne, m. bio, baratto, m.; borsa,/".; bill stato di dignit o grandezza, m. Ex'cavate , [ecscavte] v. a. of -, s. lettera di cambio, f. Exa'men, [gzmin] Examina'- scavare, cavare. Exchange', [cscndge] v. a. permution, [egzminscien] s. esa- Excava'tion, [cscavescieun] s. cambiare, barattare me, esaminamento, m. scavamento, m.; cavit, f.; tare. Exam'inant, [gzminant] s. {rail.) intaglio, wi.; trincea, f. Exchan'geable, [ecscindgiabl] quello che sta per essere esa- Ex'cavator, [cscaveteir] s. adj. che si pu cambiare. Exchange'-broker, [cscndgeminato, m. scavatore, m. Exam'inator, [egzamineteur]s. Exceca'tion , [ecsicbescieun] s. brcheir] s. sensale di camesaminatore; inquisitore, m. bio, m. accecamento, m. Exam'ine, [gzmin] v.a. esa- Exceed', [cside] v. a. eccede- Exchan'ger, [ecscndgeir] s. minare, interrogare, pesare, re, trapassare, superare; -,v.n. cambiatore, m. considerare; discutere. passare oltre , oltrepassare, Excheq'uer, [csccheSr] $. eraExaminer , [gzamineir] m. uscir del convenevole. rio, tesoro regio, m. esaminatore, interrogatore, in- Bxceed'ing, [csidng] adj. ec Exci'sable, [ecsaizabl] adj. che vestigatore, m. paga la tassa. cedente, eccessivo. Exam plary, [gzamplare'] adj. Exceed'ingly, [csidingle'] adv. Excise' , [csaze] . assisa esemplare. eccessivamente, perfettamente. tassa; imposizione, imposta, /". Exam'ple, [egzampl] s. esem- Excel' , [csel] v. a. eccellere, Excise', [csize] v. a. levare pio, esemplare, modello, m. sorpassare; -, v. n. essere emi- un' imposta, tassare. nente. Excise'man, [csalzeman] s. for -, per esempio; <o give an -, [ecselense] Ex'to set an-, dar esempio; to make Ex'cellence , uffiziale dell' assisa, gabellieone an -, punir alcuno esem- cellency, [cselns] s. eccel- re, m. plarmente. lenza, eccellenzia, preeminen- Excise'-offlce, [ecsaize-fis] < Exan'guious,[csanguieus] adj. za, superiorit, /". uffizio dell'assisa, m.; gabella, esangue, senza sangue. Ex'cellent, [cslent] adj. ec- dogana, f. Exan'imate, [csnimte] adj. cellente, eminente. Excis'ion, [ecsTscieun] (. estiresanimato, scorato.scoraggiato. Excellently, [cselentle'] adv. pamento, m. distruzione, f. Exaiiima'tion,[csaaim6cieau] eccellentemeate. Exotabirity, [csaitablite'J t.




capacit d'esser eccitato, irri- Excres'cenco


Exci'tabie, [ocsaitatl] adj. fa-

ad esser eccitato,


Exci'tant, [ecsaitnt] adj. che eccita, che anima. Ex'citate, [ocsitte] v. a. eccitare, irritare.

[csitscieun] s. , eccitainonto,m.; provocazione,/'. Exci'tative, [ecsaitatv] adj. che ha potere di eccitare. Excite', [ecsaite] v. a. eccitare, stimolare, incoraggiare.


Excite'ment, [ecsaitemnt] s. eccitamento, aizzamento, stimolo, m.

Exci'ter, [csaiteSr] s. eccitatore, istigatore, provocatore, m.

traviamento, m. adj. esclamativo. Excu'sable, [cschiisabl] Exclude', [csclide] v. a. esclu- scusabile, perdonabile.

Exciting, [ecsaitng] .Tatto di eccitare, m. Exclaim', [csclme] v. n. sclamare, gridare ad alta voce. Exclama'tion, [csclamsciein] s. esclamazione, /.; sclamare, m. Exclai'mor, [ecsclmur] s esclamatore, gridatore, m. Exclam'atory, [csclmateure']

[ecscresense] Exeou'tion, [ecsichiuscieun] . esecuzione, /. ; eseguimento, s. compimento, m. sequestrazione, /.; staggimento, m.;p/ace of Excre'tion, [cscrlscieiin] s. (med.) separazione d'umori, f. -, luogo del supplicio,m.; writ Ex'cretive, [cscritiv] Ex'cre- of -, mandato, m. [csichiiscieutory, [cscritur] adj. (med.) Execu'tioner, nur] s. boja, carnefice, m. escretorio. Excru'ciable, [ecscrusciabl] adj. Exec'utive, [egzechiutiv] adj. esecutivo. atto a tormentare. Excru'ciate, [cscriiscite] v. Exec'utor, [egzchiuteiir] s. testamentaijur.) esecutore a. tormentare. Excrucia'tion[cscrisciescieun] rio, m. /". Exec'utorslip, [egzechiuteurs. tormento, m.; afflizione, Excul'pate, [cscheiilpete] v. a. scp] s. uffizio d' un esecutoscolpare, scusare, giustillcare. re, m. Exculpa'tion[cscheilpsciein] Exec'utory, [egzechiuteire'] adj. esecutorio. s. scolpamento, m.; giustificaExec'utrix, [egzechiutrics] s. zione, f. Excul'patory, [ecscheulpater] (jur.) esecutrice testamentaria, f. adj. scusante, giustificante. Excur'sion, [cschurscieun] s. Exege'sis , [ecsidgisTs] s. esesviamento, wi. ; digressione, es- gesi, f. Exeget'ical, [ecsedgeticl] adj.. cursione, girata, { ^ ^ Excur'sive , [cscheursiv] adj. esegetico. [ecsedgeticle'] digressivo errante, deviante. Exeget'ically, Bxcur'sively, [cschursvel] adv. in modo esegetico. Exem'plar , [gzmplr] . adv. in modo digressivo. coExcur'siveness[ecscheiirsaYnes] esemplare, modello, m.

Excres'cency, [ecscrsns] escrescenza, /.; tumore, m.



dere, eccettuare.


Ex'emplarily , [egzemplaril] adj. esemplarmente. [gzmplari[cschiusabl- Ex'emplariness,

ns] .esemplarit,/.



esclusione, esclusiva, ne, f. Exclu'sre, [ecscliusiv] esclusivo, escludente.

scusa, scusazione, f. eccezio- Excusa'tion, [ecschiuzscieiin] s. discolpa, scusa, f. ns]


Ex'emplary, [egzmplare'j





adj. apologetico,_giustificativo.

Exclu'sively, [cscliusivle] adv. Excuse', [ecschiuse] s. scusa, esclusivamente. discolpa , giustificazione, apo Exclu'sory, [ecscliuseure] adj. logia, {. esclusivo. Excuse', [ecschiize] v, a. scuExcoct', [ecscoct] v. a. far sare giustificare ; Exempt', [gzrapt] adj. esente, scolpare bollire, lessare. privilegiato. esentare, perdonare. Excoc'tion, [cscocscieunj s. Excuse'Iess, [cschiuseles] adj. Exempt, [gzempt] v. a. esen, ,

esemplare. Exemplifica'tion, [gzempliflchscieun] s. esemplificazione; prova; copia, f. Exem'plify, [gzmplifai] v. a. esemplificare , provare con esempli, copiare.

atto di bollire, m.


tare, privilegiare.

quiale, d'esequie. [gsquiiz] s. pi, , esequie, f. pi. funerale, m. Exer'cent, [gzeiirsnt] adj. esercitante, che esercita. Ex'ercise, [cseursize] s. esercitamento, esercizio, travaglio, lavoro, tema, m. scieun] s. dibuccio, m. Execra'tion, [csicrsceun] s. Ex'ercise, [cseursaize] v. a. Ex'create, [cscriete] r. a. esecrazione, detestazione, im- esercitare, addestrare, praticasputare. precazione, maledizione, f. re; -, v. n. esercitarsi, appliExcrea'tion, [ecscriscieun] s. Ex'ecratory, [csicrateur] adj. carsi. escreato, m. Ex'erciser, [cszeSrsaizeur] s. esecratorio. Ex'crement , [ecscriment] s. Ex'ecute, [csichiutc] v. a. ese- esercitatore, m. escremento, ni. guire, effettuare; esercitare; Exercita'tion[gzeirsTtscieun] Excremen'tal , [ecscrmentalj giustiziare (un malfattore). s. esercizio, m.; pratica, /. Excrementit'ious, [cscrlraen- Exe'cuter, [cschiuteur] s. Exert' [gzeurt] v. a. adoprare, tscieiis] adj. escrementoso. impiegare, mettere in uso, comesecutore, ministro, m.

Excog'itate, [cscodgitte] v. Excu'ser, [ecschiuzeiir] s. scua. pensare, inventare, immagisatore, perdonatore, wi. nare. Excuss', [cscheus] v. a. stagExcogita'tion , [ecscodgit- gire, sequestrare. scieii] s. invenzione, f. Excus'sion, [cscheuscieun] s. Excommu'nicate , [cscomiu- s. staggimento, sequestro, m. nichte] v. a. scomunicare. Ex'ecrable, adj. [csicrabl] eseExcommunica'tion, [cscomiu- crabile, detestabile. nichcscieiin] s. scomunicazio- Ex'ecrableness, [cscrablnes] ne, f. s. azione esecrabile, {.; orroExco'riate, [ecscoriete] v. a. re, m. scorticare, trre viala pelle. Ex'ecrably, [ecslcrable'] adv. Excoria'tion, [cscriscieiin] esecrabilmente. s. scorticamento, m. Ex'ecrate, [csicret] v. a. eseExcortica'ton , [cscortichcrare, detestare.

Exemp'tion, [gzempscieun]


privilegio, in.

Exen'terate, [gznterote] v. a. sviscerare, sventrare Exentera'tion [egzntrssciein] svisceramento, sviscerare, m. Exe'quial, [gsquial] adj. eso-







s. necessit urgente, f. ; bisopire, mostrare, dimostrare; to gno, m. - one's self, adoprarsi, sforExigu'ity, [ecsighiiiite'] s. mizarsi. Exer'tion, [egzeurscieun] .ado- nutezza, piccolezza, sottigliezza, f. peramento, sforzo, potere, m. Exestua'tion, [csstisciein] Exig'uous, [egzigliTuus] adj.

esordio, prologo, m. Exorna'tion, [ecsrnscieiin]

ornamento, abbellimento, m. Exos'sate, [gzsetel v. a. ca-

bollimento, m. Exfo'liate , [ecsfoliete]





Exfolia'tion, [ecsfoliscieun] sfaldatura, f.


[ecsfoliativ] adj. atto a sfaldarsi. Exha'lable , [gshlabl] adj. esalabile, vaporabile. Exhala'tion, [gzhalscieun] s . esalazione, /".; evaporamento,

vapore, m. Exhale', [gzhle] w. a. esalare, sione, f. svaporare. Exhale'ment, [egzhlement] s Exil'ity, [ecslit] s. piccolezza, sottigliezza, f. esalazione, evaporazione, /. Exhaust', [gzhost] v. a. esau Exim'ious, [gzimius] adj. esimio, eccellente, illustre. rire, rasciugare. Exhaust'ible, [egzhostibl] adj. Exinanit'ion, [csmanisceiin] esauribile. s. privazione; perdita,/'. Exhaus'tion, [egzbostcieiin] s. Exist', [gzst] V. H. esistere, essere. disseccamento, m. Exhaust'less, [egzhostles] adj. Exis'tence, [egzTstense] Exis'tency, [egzstens] s. esisteninesauribile, inesausto^ (stente. Exher'edate, [gzhridte] v. a. za, f. Exis'tent, [e'gzistont] adj. esidiseredare. Exhereda'tion[egzheridscieun] Exis'tible, [gzstibl] adj. che pu esistere. s. diseredazione, /". ; diseredaExistima'tion[egzistimscieun] re, m. Exhib'it, [egzbibit] s. esibizio- s. opinione, stima, f. Ex'it, [cst] s. esito, m. uscita, ne, f.; documento, m.

vare le ossa, disossare. esiguo, piccolo, sottile, minuto. Exos'sated, [egzostd] Exos'Exig'uousness,[gzghiusns] seous, [gzosiusj adj- disossato. s. piccolezza, minutezza, f. Exile', [gzaile] adj esile, te- Exosto'sis, [sostoss] s.{surg.) esostosi, f. nue, sottile; magro. Ex'ile, [csale] s. esilio, sban- Exot'ic , [gzotc] Exot'ical, [gzticl] adj. esotico, stradeggiamento, m. Exile', [csaile] v. a. esiliare, niero; -, . pianta esotica, /. mandare in esilio, sbandeg- Expand', [cspnd] v. a. spandere, dilatare; -, v. n. spandergiare. Exilement, [eczailement] s. si, dilatarsi palesarsi. esilio, bando, sbandimento, m, Exspanse', [cspnse] s. espansione, estensione, /. Exilit'ion,[csilscieun]s. esplo;

Expansibil'ity, [cspansibilite']
facolt di dilatarsi, /. [cspnsibl] adj. espansivo. Expan'sion, [ecspanscieiin] /". espansione, dilatazione,/.; dilas.


tamento, m. Expan'sive ,


v. n.

Expa'tiate, [ecspscite]

Expa'tiator, [ecspiscieteur] s. uno che parla o scrive distesamente, m. Expa'triate, [csptrite] v. a.

spatriare. Expatria'tioii,[ecspetriesciein]
s. esilio.

Exhibit, [egzhlbit] v. a. esibire, partita,/".; to make one's -, Expect', [cspct] v. a aspettare, attendere, sperare. uscir di vita, morire. mostrare, produrre. Exhib'iter, [gzhlbiteur] s. esi- Exit'ial, [gziscl] Exit'ious, Expec'tance, [cspctnsc] Ex[ecspctns] [gzscius] adj. esiziale, fata- pec'tancy , bitore, m. aspettazione, speranza, Exhibition, [egzhibiscieun] s. le, funesto, pernicioso. esposizione, presentazione, bor- Ex'odus, [csodeis1_s. esodo,. Expec'tant, [cspctnt] ad]. sa, f. -, . aspettante, Exolu'tion , [csoliuscieun] s. aspettante aspettatore, m. Exhibit'ioner, [gzhibiscieun- (med.) rilassazione(dei nervi),/" Exon'erate, [gznerte] v. a. Expecta'tion, [ecspectescien] er] s. borsajo, m. Exhib'itive, [gzhbitfv]Exhib'- sgravare, discaricare, allegge- . aspettazione, aspettativa, speranza, to be in -, esser itory, [gzhibiturj adj. rap- rire, alleviare; liberare. Exoneration, [gzonerscieSn] neir aspettazione. presentativo. Expec'ter, [cspcteur]. aspetExhil'arate, [egzhlerte'J v. a. s. liberamente, m. rallegrare, divertire. Ex'orable, [csorabl] adj. esora- tante, m. Expec'torant, [ecspectorant] s. Exhilara'tion, [gzhileriscieun] bile, compassionevole. s. gioja, allegrezza, giocondit, Exor'bitance , [gzorbtan?e] (med.) medicina espettorante,/". Exor'bitancy , [gzvbitns] Expec'torate, [cspctorte] v. f.; piacere, m. a. espettorare, espurgare. Exhort', [gzhort] v. a. esortare, . esorbitanza, enormit, f. [cspctoriincitare, animare, incoraggiare. Exor'bitant, [egzorbitnt] adj. Expectora'tion , scieiin] s. espettorazione, /". Exhorta'tion, [egzbrtscieun] esorbitante, eccessivo. . esortazione, f. Exor'bitantly, [gzrbitantle'] Expec'torative, [cspctorotiv] adj. (med.) espettorante. Exhor'tative , [egzbortativ] adv. esorbitantemente. [cspidinse] Exhor'tatory, [egzhrtateur] Exor'bitate, [gzrbitte] v. n. Expe'dience , adj. esortatorio, esortativoExpe diency, [cspidinse] s. uscire dall'orbita, deviare. Exhor'ter, [gzhrteir] s. esor- Ex'orcise, [csrsaizej v.a. esor- convenevolezza, convenienza, tatore, m. utilit, propriet; spedizione,/". cizzare, scongiurare. Exic'cate, [ecsTchete] vedi Ex- Ex'orciser, [csorsaizeur] see Expe'dient, [cspidint] adj. siccate. convenevole, utile ; -, . espeExorcist. Ex'igence , [ecsidgense] Ex'- Ex'orcism, [ecsorsTsm] s. esor- diente, mezzo, m. [cspTdientle'] igency , [csidgns] s. esi- cismo, scongiuramento, m. Expe'diently , genza, necessit<, f.; bisogno, Ex'orcist, [csorsst] s. esorci- adv. convenevolmente. affanno, m.; afflizione, f. Exped'itate, [cspedittc] v. a. sta, m. Ex'igent, [csidgnt] adj. esi- Exor'dial, (egzSrdial] adj. che tagliare le unghie di un cane. Expedita'tion,[cspditscieuul gente, urgente, premuroso; -, esordisco, m.

/". ;




mntilazione delle unghie di Expert'ness,


nn cane.
Bx'pedite, [ecspidaite]
dito, pronto, agile.

[ecsplrateiir] , adj. esplorante. spe- Expet'ible, [cspetibl] adj.espe- Explore', [csplore] w.o. esploabilit, destrezza,


v. a. Ex'piable, [ecspiabl] adj. che [ecspidaite] si pu espiare. spedire, dispacciare, accelerare. Ex'peditely, [cspidaitele] adv. Ex'piate, [ecspitc] v. a. espiaspoditameute , prontamente , re, riparare. Expa'tion, [ecspisciein] s. agilmente. Expedition, [ecspidsciein] s. espiazione, riparazione, f. spedizione, prestezza, celerit, Ex'piatory, [cspiateure'] adj. espiatorio. fretta, f. Expedit'ious , [ecspidisceus] Ex'pilate, [ecspilto] (jur.) v. a. espilare; rubare con inganno. aUj. speditivo, pronto. Expedit'iously[cspidisciesle'] Expila'tion, [cspilescieiin] s. adv. affrettatamente, pronta- (jur.) espilazione, /. Expira'tion, [cspirosceun] s. mente. Expedit'ive, [ecspeditiv] adj. espirazione, esalazione, respirazione, morte, f. che agisce con celerit. Expel', [cspl] v. a. espellere, Expire', [ecspairc] v. a. spirare, esalare, finire, terminascacciare. Expel'ler, [ecspeleur] s. espul- re; -, . n. morire. Explain', [ecsplne] v. a. esplisore, scacciatore, m. Expel'ling, [csplng] .espul- care, spiegare, interpretare. Explaln'able, [ecsplnabl] adj sione, f. Expend', [ecspend] v. a. spen- esplicabile, spiegabile. Fxplan'er,[csplneiir] s.esplidere, sborsare. Exspen'diture, [ecspenditcieir] catore, dichiaratore, interprete, m. s. spesa, /".; costo, m. Expense', [cspnse] s. spesa, Explana'ton, [csplnescieun] s. esplicazione, interpretaziof.; storso, sborsamento, m. Expense'ful, [cspnsefiil] adj. ne, f.; spiegamento, m. Explan'atory , [csplnateure'] dispendioso. Expense'less, [ecspenseles] adj. adj. esplicativo, espositivo. senza spesa, senza costo. Ex'pletive, [ecsplitv] adj. espleExpen'sive, [cspnsv] adj. di- tivo, riempitivo. spendioso, spendereccio; pro- Ex'plicable , [ecsplicabl] adj. digo. esplicabile, spiegabile. Expen'sively, [ecsponsivle'] adv. Ex'plicate, [csplichte] v. a. dispendiosamente, con grande spiegare , dichiarare , dilucispesa. dare. Expen'siveness, [ecapensivnes] Explica'ton, [ecsplichiscieun] . dispendio, m.; stravaganza, . esplicazione, spiegazione, fprodigalit, /. Ex'plicative, [ecsplichetiv] adj. Expe'rience , [ecspriense] s. esplicativo, espositivo. sperienza, cognizione, pratica, Ex'plicator, [csplicheteur] s nsanza, f. espositore; cementatore, interExpe'rience, [ecsplriense] v. a. prete, ni. sperimentare, provare. Ex'plicatory, [ecsplicheteure'] Expe'rienced, [ecspiriens'd] adj. adj. che ha tendenza ad espor abile per pratica. spiegare. re Expe'rencer, [cspirienseur] s. Explc'it, [csplisit] adj. espressperimentatore, m. so, distinto, chiaro, manifesto. Exper'iment, [csperiment] s. Explic'itly, [csplistle'] adv sperimento, m.; prova, f. espressamente, direttamente,


investigare, ricercare; esaminare. Explore'ment , [csplorement] s. in vestigamento, m. ricerca, f.


Explo'sion,[csplgein]s. esplosione, ^; scoppiamento, m. Explo'sive , [csplsiv] ad}. esplodente, che scoppia; - coU ton, s. cottone esplosivo, m.

Expo'nent, [cspnnt] s. (aig.) esponente, m. Exponen'tal , [csponenscial]

Export', [csprt]
adj. (alg.) esponenziale. v. a. esportare, trasportare.


[csprt] Exporta', tion, [csportescieun] s. trasporto, trasportamento, wi. Expor'ter, [csprteur] .esportatore, m. Expose', [cspse] v. a. esporre; mostrare, scoprire, abbandonare. Exposit'ion, [ecsposiscieun] s. esposizione, /.; spiegamento, i.f interpretazione, f. Expos'itve , [cspositiv] adj. espositivo, esplicativo. Expos'itor , [ocspsiteur] s. espositore; cementatore, interprete, wi. Expos'itory, [ecspositeire'] adj. espositivo, esplicativo. Expos'tnlate, [cspostinltc] v,
a. questionare,




contendere, din. lamentarsi,



[ecspostiul, discussione, dispu-



Expos'tulator,[ecspostuleteur] s. rimostrante, m.



adj. rimostrante.

Expo'sure, [cspogeur]
sizione; situazione,



[cspaoiind] v. a. spianare, interpres.

Expoun'der, [ecspaoiindeurl
cementatore, interprete, m.

Expoun'ding, [ecspaounding]
esposizione, interpretazione,


Exper'iment, [csperiment]
a. sperimentare, provare.


formalmente. Explic'itness, [ecsplisitns]


Experimen'tal, [csprimntal]
adj. sperimentalo.

Experimen'talist, [ecsperimntlTst] s. sperimentatore, m. Experimen'tally, [csprimntle'] adv. esperimontalmente. Exper'imenter , [csprimnteir] s. sperimentatore, provatore, m. Expert', [cspeiirt] adj. esperto, sperimentato, versato, pratico.





schiarimento, m. chiarezza, evidenza, f. Express', [csprs] adj, espresExplode', [ecsplode] v. a. riget- so, preciso, distinto, simile, tare, disapprovare, condanna apparente ; -, s. espresso, corre, fischiare. (tore, m. riere mandato, m. Explo'der,[cspl5deur]s.fischia- Express', [csprs] v. a. espriExploit', [csplit] s. fatto d"ar mere ; spiegare, manifestare, me, fatto illustre, m._ mostrare, rappresentare. Explo'rate, [csplrete] v. a. Expres'sible, [csprsibl] adj. esplorare, esaminare, investi che pu esprimersi ; effabile. gare. Expres'sion, [csprescioun] s. Explora'tion, [csplrescieiin] espressione, locuzione, rappres. investigazione; ricerca, f. sentazione, f. Explora'tor, [csplorteiir] s Expres'sive, [ecspresiv] adj. espressivo. esploratore, investigatore, m.



V. a.

Expres'sively,[ecspresivl] adw. Exsic'cative , [ecscatv] adj. disseccativo. con modo espressivo. JExpres'siTeness, [cspresTvns] Exspolla'tion, [ecspliscieiin] s. guastamento, m. $. forza d'espressione, enerExspuit'ion, [cspiuscieSn] s. gia, f. Express'ly , [ecspresle] adv. sputo, sputacchi", m. Exsuc'cous, [cseucheus] adj. espressamente, direttamente. Expres'sure, [csprscieur] s. secco, senza sugo. Exsuc'tion, [csoiicscieun] s. espressione; impressione, /". Ex'probrate, [csprbrte] v. a. succhiamento, m. Exsuda'tion, [csidscieun] s. "biasimare, rimproverare. Exprobra'tion[ecspr5brsciein] traspirazione, /".; sudore, m. . rimprovero, biasimo, rinfac- Ex'tacy, [cstase'] vedi Ecstasy. Ex'tancy, [cstanse'] s. projetciamento, m. Expro'brative, [ecsprbrativ] to, tn.; projettura, f. adj. rimproverante, che bia- Ex'tant, [ecstnt] adj. esistente, sussistente. sima. Expro'priate, [ecsprprite] v. Extem'poral, [cstemporal] a/j. improvviso, subito. a. espropriare. Expropria'tion , [ecsprprie- Extem'porally, [cstemporal] adv. improvvisamente. scien] s. espropriazione^ /. Expugn', [cspiune] v. a. espu- Extempora'neous , [cstempornieus] adj. estemporaneo. gnare, vincere per forza. [cspeughn- Extem'porary, [cstmporare'] Expugna'tion , adj. estemporale improvviso. scieiin] . espugnazione, /. Expulse', [cspeulse] v. a. espel- Extem'pore, [cstmpore'J adv. air improvviso. lere, scacciare. Expul'sicn, [cspelscieun] s. Extem'poriness , [ecstemporiespulsione, f.; scacciamento, m. ns] s. improvvisazione, /. Expul'sive, [cspeiilsv] adj. Extem'porize, [ecstmporaize] espulsivo. V. n. improvvisare. Expunc'tion, [ecspeuncscien] Extend', [cstnd] v. a. stendere, dilatare, allargare; (laxv.) s. cancellazione, cancellatura, f. Expunge', [ecspeundge] v. a. valutare; -, v. n. stendersi, distendersi. espungere, cancellare. Expung'ing, [cspeundging] s. Exten'der, [ecstendeiir] s. sten;


sterminare, stirpare, distruggere, rovinare.

Extermina'tion, [csteurrains. esterminazione, f.; distruggimento, m.; rovina, f. Exter'minator , fcsteurmineteur] s. sterminatore, m. Extern', [csteiirn] Exter'nal,


[csteurnl] adj. esterno, esteriore; visibile.

Exter'nally, [csteurnl e'] adv. esternamente, nell' esterno.


[cstlj V. n. stillare, distillare, gocciare, gocciolare.



[cstllscieun] stillazione, distillazione, f.




a. stimolare, eccitare.



[cstimiul, stimolazione, f.

Extinct', [cstinct] adj. estinabolito; morto. to Extinc'tion, fcstincscieiin] s.

abolizione, f.\

struggimento, m. Extin'guish, [cstinguisc] v. a. estinguere; spegnere, smorzare.



abl] adj. estinguibile.

Tatto di cancellare, m. Expnr'gate, [ocspeiirghte]


ditore, m. Exten'dible,

Extin'guisher, [cstinguisceur] s. spegnitojo, m. Extin'guishment, [ecstinguTscmnt] s. ostinguimento, spegnimento, m. Extir'pate, fecsteurpte] v. a.

estirpare, distruggere, care, svellere.








[ecspeiirgb- Extensibil'ity , [ecstensibilite'] s. facolt di stendersi, capacit f. Expur'gatory, [cspeurgateure'] d' essere esteso, f. Exten'sible, [cstensibl] adj. adj. espurgatorio, purgativo. Expur'gator, [cspeurgateSr] s. estensibile, estendibile j dilatabile. espurgatore, m. Expurge' , [csperdge] vedi Exten'sion , [ecstenscieun] s. estensione, f.; distendimento, Expurgate. Ex'quisite, fcsquisTtl adj. squi- allungamento, m. Exten'sive , [cstensiv] adj. sito, eccellente, perfetto. Ex'quisitely, [csquistle'] adv. estensivo, largo.


Extirpa'tion, [ecsteurpscieun] estirpamen8. estirpazione, /".

to, m.; distruzione,


[csteurpeteir] s. estirpatore, distruttore, m.

Extol', [cstl]

V. a. estollere, esaltare, lodare. Extol'Ier, [cstleir] . esaltatore, lodatore, m. Extor'sive, [cstrsv] adj. forzante, violento; iniquo.

esquisitamente, ottimamente. Exten'sively, [ecstensivle'] adv. Extor'sively, [cstrsvle'j adv. Ex'quisiteness, [csquistnes] estensivamente , largamente per esaziono iniqua, violenteampiamente. 8. squisitezza; perfezione, f. mente. Exsan'guious,[ecsnguieiis]adj. Exten'siveness, [ecstensivnes] Extort', [f'stort] v. a. estoresangue. quere, pigliar per violenza, s. estensione, larghezza, f. Exscind', [ecsind] v. a. scin- Exten'sor, [cstnsr] s. (anat.) torre per forza; -, v. n. usare dere. estensore, m. violenza, fare angherie. Exscrbe', [ecscriibe] v. a. co- Extent', [cstent] s. estensione, Extor'ter, [cstrteir] s. esatpiare. ampiezza, larghezza, /".; allar- tore, oppressore, tn. Ex'script, [ecscript] s. copia, f. gamento, m.; comunicazione, Extor'tion , [cstrscieun] s. Exsect', [csct] v. a. tagliar staggina, f.; sequestro, m. esazione violenestorsione via. Exten'uate, [cstniuote] v. a. ^^> f^ Exsec'tion , stenuare, sminuire, scemare ; Extor'tioner, [ecstorscieuneur] fecsecscieun] s. mitigare. V atto di tagliar via. s. esattore, oppressore, m. Exsic'cant, [csTcnt] adj. es- Extenua'tion, [ecsteniuescleun] Extor'tious, [cstrscieus] adj. sicante, disseccativo. oppressivo, ingiusto. s. estenuazione, mitigazione ; Exsic'cate , [ecschte] v. a. magrezza, f. Ex'tract, [cstrctj s. estratto, dissHCcare, seccare. Exte'rior, [cstlrieur] adj. este- sommario, tn. Exsiccation, [cschscein] s. riore, esterno. Extract', [cstract] v. a. estraressiccazione, /.; disseccamen- Exte'riorly, [cstirieurle'] adv. re, cavare, scegliere, separare. to, m. esteriormente. Extrac'tion, [cstrcscieun] s.
, ;




estrazione; nascita, descenden- mit, estrema parte; punta; Exu'vjb, [egziuvii] s. spoglia; scoglia,/'. fine, miseria, calamit, f. za; schiatta, {. Extrac'tive , [ecstractiv] adj. Ex'tricable , [cstricabl] adj. Ey'as, [ais] s. falcone giovine, falconetto, wi. che si pu sviluppare. estrattivo. Extrac'tor, [ecstracteur] s. che Ex'tricate, [cstrichtc] v. a. Eye', [i] s. occhio ; rampollo, m. ; gemma, / ; bottone; viso, distrigare, sviluppare. estrao, estrattore, tn. Extrajudic'ial, [cstragiuds- Extrica'tion, [cstrichscieiin] aspetto, m.; - of a needle, cruna dell' ago, ni. cast of the -, s. scioglimento, viluppamencial] atlj. estragiudiziale. occhiata,/'.; to cast aheep's -s, Extrajudicially, [cstragidis- to, m. guardare sott' occhio, guardaciale] adv. estragiudicialmente. Extrin'sic, [ecstrinsc] Extrin'Extrami3'sion,[ecstramiscieun] sical, [cstrnsicl] ad}, estrin- re colla coda dell'occhio, fare occhiolino; to have an - upon seco, esterno. s. emissione, /. Extramun'dane, [ecstrameun- Extrin'sically , [ecstrlnsicale'] one. osservare alcuno; to keep adv. estrinsecamente, esterior- a strict - %ipon one, aver l'ocdne] adj. oltramondano. chio sopra alcuno; to shut Extra'neous, [cstrnieis] adj. mente. one's -s, chiudere gli occhi. a. Extrude", [ecstride] estraneo, forestiero. v. Extraor'dinarily, [cstraordi- estrudere, cacciare con vio- Eye', [ai] v. a. considerare, guardare, osservare; -, v. n. straordinaria- lenza. nril] adv. Extru'sion, [ecstrSgeun] s. e- parere, mostrarsi. mente. scacciamen- Eye'-ball, [ai-boi] s. pupilla Extraor'dinariness, [ecstraor- spulsione , f. ; dell'occhio, f. dinrins] s. occasione straor- to, tn. Extu berance , [ecstiiibiranse] Eye'bright, [i-braite] s. eufradinaria, singolarit, f. gia, f. Extraor'dinary, [cstraordina- s. tumore, m.; gonfiezza, f. ExtuTierant, [cstiubirnt] adj. Eye'-brow, [ai-brau] s. cir] adj. straordinario, raro. glio, m. Extraparo'chial, [cstrapar- che gonfia. chil] adj. fuor di parrocchia. Extnmes'cence, [ecstiumesnse] Eye'-drop, [ai-drop] .lagrima; Extraprovin'cial , [ecstrapr- s. enfiagione, tumore, m. {poco stilla, /. Eye'-glance, [ai-glanse] s. ocvncil] aij. fuor di pro- usato). Exu'berance, [egziiibiranse] s. chiata, /.; sguardo, m. vincia. Extrareg'nlar, [ecstrareghilr] esuberanza, soprabbondanza, f. Eye'-glass, [ai-glsj s. occhiaaaj. tuori delle regole. Exu'befant, [gzibirnt] adj. le, oculare, m. Extrav'agance, [cstrvagiinse] esuberante, soprabbondante. Eye'-lash, [i-lsc] s. lappola, Extrav'agancy, [ecstrvagn- Exu'berantly , [egziubirantle'] /. peli delle palpebre, m. pi. s] !, stravaganza, pazzia, /. adv. esuberantemente, soprab- Eye'less, [iles] adj. senz' ocExtrav'agant , [cstravagnt] bondevolmente. chi, cieco. adj. stravagante, eccessivo, Exu'berate , [gziiihirte] v. Eye'-let, [ai-let] s. occhielesorbitante, prodigo, fantasti- n. soprabbondare,_ridondare. lo, m. co, bizzarro; -, s. spendereccio, Exuda'tion, [gziidscieun] s. Eye'-lid, [ai-lid] _s. palpebra, f. prodigo, m. traspirazione, f. Eye'-salve, [ai-save] s. colliExtrav'agantly, [ecstravagant- Exu'date, [egziudete] Exude', rio, m. l] adv. stravagantemente. [gziude] V. n. sudare, traspi- Eye'-servant, [ai-seurvnt] s. Extrav'agantness , [cstrava- rare. servente cattivo, m. gntns] s. stravaganza, f.; Exul'cerate, [egzelsirete] v Eye'-shot, [ai-scit] s. occhiaeccesso, m. ta, /". a. esulcerare, ulcerare. Extrav'agate, [ecstravaghite] Exulcera'tion[egzeulsirescieun] Eye'-sight, [ai-saite] s. vista, V. . vaneggiare, bamboleggias. esulceramento, m.; ulcera/.; occhi, m. pi. re, farneticare, delirare. Eye'-sore , [ai-sore] s. fastizione, f. Extravaga'tion, [cstravagh- Exurceratory,[ogzeilsirateure'] dio, m. scieun] s. stravaganza, f. Eye'-string, [ai-string] s. neradj. esulcerativo. Extrav'asated, [ecstrvaseted] Exult', [gzeult] V. n. esultare. vo dell'occhio, m. adj. stravasato. Exul'tance, [gzeiiltnse] Exul- Eye'-tooth, [i-tth^] s. dente Extravasa'tion , [ecstravas- ta'tion, occhiale, m. [gzeltscieun] s. scien] s. estravasazione, /. ; esultazione, allegrezza, gioja,/". Eye'-water, [ai-ouoteur] s. acqua
; ;

stravasamento, m. Exult'ant, [gzeiiltnt] adj. al- buona per gli occhi, /. Extreme', [cstrme] adj. estre- legro, trionfante. Eye'-witness , [ai-ouitns] mo, ultimo, grandissimo; -, s. Exuuda'tion, [gzeiindscieun] testimonio oculare, m.







Eyot', [te]


isoletta, f.

Extreme'ly, [cstrimel] adv. Exu'perance, [csiuperanse] s. Eyre', [re] s. corte de' giudici estremamente, in estremo, som- esuperanza, f. ambulanti, f. mamente. Exus'tion , [gzeustcien] s. Ey'ry, [ere] s. nido d'uccello di Extrem'ity , [cstrmite'l .estre- ustione, /.; abbruciamento, m. rapina, m.

si pronunzia come in italia- Pa'ble, [fe'bl] v. a. favoleggiare, Fa'bler, re, m. no, eccetto nella parola of, di, raccontare favole ; -, v. n. dire




(edifizio, w.



pronunzia come

Pa'ble, [fblj ne,/.

bugie. v. favola; finzio- Pa'bled, [fhl'd] nelle favole.


Pab'ric, [fabric] s. fabbrica, /.; celebre Fab'ric, [fabric] v. a. fabbricare, costruire, formare.

a^'ricate , [fabrichete] v. a. fabbricare; edificare; immaginare, inventare. Pabrica'tion, [fbrichescieun] s. fabbricazione, f.; fabbricamento; facimento, m. Fab'ricator, [fbricheteur] s. fabbricatore, m. Fab'ulist, [fbiulst] s. scrittore di favole, m. Fab'ulous, [fbiuleus] adj. favoloso, inventato. Fab'ulously, [fbiuleusl] adv.





Fag'ot, [fagheut]
lare, affasciare.

v. a. affastel-

agevolezza, destrezza;


favolosamente. Facade', [fasade] s. facciata, f. mancanza, /".; fallimento, m. Face', [fese] s. faccia, /".; viso, ne, discordia, f. cera; aria, f.; fronte; Fac'tionary[fcscieunar] Fac'- Fain',[fene] adj. obbligato, sforvolto, m. prospetto, aspetto, m.; faccia- tioner, [facscieuneiir] s. fa- zato, costretto. Fain', [fne] adu.beu volentiezioso, m. ta, superficie, apparenza, f. confiden- Fac'tious, [fcscieus] adj. fa- ri; pure. esteriore; stato, m. Faint',[fnte] adj. languido, deza; assicuranza, f.\- to -, fac- zioso, ribelle, sedizioso. cia a faccia; belore my -, in Fac'tiously, [fcscieusle'] adv. bole, fiacco; timido. Faint', [fnte] v. a. deprimere, presenza mia; before the - of in modo sedizioso. God, in faccia a Dio; in the - Fac'tiousness, [facscieusnes] s. abbattere, indebolire -, v. n. divenir languido, svenire, traspirito di fazione, m. of heaven, in faccia al cielo; [fctscieus] adj. mortire. to look one in the -, guardare Factit'ious, Faint'hearted , [fnte-harted] alcuno nel viso; to make -s, far fattizio, artifiziale. [factiscieus- adj. timido, pusillanime, codelle smorfie; to put on a new -, Factit'iousness , cangiar viso; to have a - of ns] s. artifizio, m.; accortez- dardo. Faint heartedly, [fnte-hartedza, f. religion, aver qualclie appale'] adv. timidamente, pusillarenza di religione to carry Fac'tive, [fctiv] adj. fattivo. nimemente. two -s, avere due visi, essere Fac'tor, [fcteur] s. fattore Faint'heartedness, [fij.te-hragente, m. doppio. _ Pace', [fese] v. a. guardare nel Pac'torship, [^cteurscp] .uf- tdns] s. timidezza, pusillanimit, f. viso; voltare (una carta); -, v. fizio di fattore, m. . fare faccia, fare fronte; far Fac'tory, [fcteiir] s. fattoria, Faint'ing, [fcnting] Faint'ingflt, [fenting-fit] s. deliquio, societ (di mercajiti), f. delle smorfie; afi'rontare, bravare; to - the enemy, far faccia Facto'tum, [fctoteum] s. fac- svenimento, m. Faint'ish, [fentisc] adj. languicendiere, faccendone, m. al nemico; to - out a lie, mantenere una bugia; to - sleeves, Fac'ture, [factcieur] s. fattura, detto, debole, fiacco. Fainfisbness, [fntscnes] s. mettere le mostre; to - about, /.; facimento, m. fare fronte, voltarsi: to - out, Fac'ulty, [fcheult] s. facolt, languidezza, debolezza, fiacmantenere, opporsi; to - with, potenza; podest, /.; privile- chezza, f. Faint'ling, [fntling] adj. tigio, m. coprire. moroso. Face'less, [fseles] adj. senza Fac'und, [facheund] adj. facon Faint'ly, [fntl] adv. deboldo, eloquente. faccia. Face'-palnter, [fsepenteur] s. Facun'dity, [fcheundit] s. fa- mente, languidamente. Faint'ness, [fentns] s. debocondia, eloquenza, f. pittore di ritratti, m. Face'-painting, [fsepntng] s. Fad'dle, [fad'l] v. n. badaluc- lezza, fievolezza, fiacchezza, /.; languore, m. care, vezzeggiare (volgare). arte del fare ritratti, /. Fade', [fede] v. a. appassare, Faint'y, [fonte'] adj. debole.lanFac'et, [fst] . faccetta, f. Face'tious, [fasscius] adj. fa- seccare; -, v. n. sfiorire; lan- guido, fiacco. Fair', [fere] adj. bello, vezzoso, piace- guire. ceto, giocoso, burlesco Fade'less, [fdeles] adj. che non buono; chiaro, sereno; sincero, vole. candido, franco ; onesto favoFace'tiously, [fasiscieusle'] adv. pu appassirsi. facetamente,giocosamente,bur- Fadge', [fdge] v. n. convenire, revole; biondo; -sex, bel sesso, wi.; - proposoi, proposizione accordarsi (volgare). lescamente, piacevolmente. Face'tiousness, [fasiscieusnes] Fa'ding, [fding] adj. langui- ragionevole, f.; - woman, donna bionda, f.; to be in a - way, do -, s. debolezza, f. s. facezia, piacevolezza, f. Fa'cial, [fscil] adj. apparte- Fa'dy, [fde'] adj. languente, de- esser bene incamminato; to play inganno; nente alla faccia. cadente. V^'^y^ giuocar senza Facile, [fsil] adj. facile, age- Fae'ces, [flslze] s. feccia, f.; se- to use - means, trattar con piacevolezza. dimento, m. vole, pieghevole, trattabile. Fac'ilely, [fasilele'] adv. facil- Fag', [fg] s. galuppo, schiavo; Fair', [fere] adv. pian piano; civilmente; - and softly, adagio; mente, pieghevolmente. groppo (di panno), m. Fac'ileness, [faslns] s. faci- Fag', [fg] V. n. affaticarsi; di- - and square, con sincerit; onest, probit, f. menarsi, lit a persuadersi, f. Facil'itate, [fsilitete] v. a. fa- Fag'-end, [fug-end] s. punta; Fair', [fere] s. fiera, f.', mercaestremit, f. to pubblico, m.; to come a cilitare, rendere facile. Facilita'tion, [fslitescieun] s Fag'ot, [fgheit] s. fagotto, fa- day after the -, venire troppo stello, fascio, m. tardi. il facilitare, m.
; ;

Fag'ot-band, [fgheut-bnd] s. lit, f. Fa'cing, [fesTng] s. fronte, m.; ritorta, f.; vinciglio, m. facciata; mostra; guernitura, f. Fair,[felei . fallo, errore, manFacin'orous, [fasinoreus] adj. camento, m.; omissione, /,; without -, senza fallo. facinoroso, scellerato. Pacin'orousness , [fasnoreus- Fair, [fole] V. a. abbandonare, cessare; omettere, negligere; ns]s.scelleratezza,iniquit, f manPacsim'ile, [facsmile] s. copia -, V. n. fallare, errare care; perire, morire. esatta, f.; facsimile, m. Fact', [fact] s. fatto; atto, m.; Fai'lance, [f lnse] s. fallo, m. in -, effettivamente in fatto Fai'ling, [flng] . fallo, errore, m. colpa, mancanza, f. matter of -, s. cosa di fatto, f. Fac'tion, [fcscieun] s. fazio- Fai'lure, [flire] s. deficienza,
; ;



False'-hearted, [flse-hartd] adj. ingannevole, perfido. Palse'-heartedness , [flsc* hrtednes] s. perfidja, f. Palse'hood, [folsehud] s. falsit, perfidia, f.


chuomplcscieun'd] adj. biondo. Pair'-dealing, [fre-diling] s.


fede; probit,


Pair'-faced, [fre-fs'd] adj. di bel viso, bello, vago. Fair'ing, [ferng] $. donativo
di fiera, m.; fiera, f, assai adj. [frisc] , bello. Fairly, [frel] adv. vagamente; beno, di buona fede, since-


ramente, piacevolmente. Fair'ness, [frens] s. belt, prO' bit, onest, /.; candore, m. Fair'-spoken,[fre-spcli'n] adj affabile, elegante ;_cortese. Fair'-time, [fre-taime] s. tempo di fiera, m. Fai'ry, [fere'] s. fata, maga, f. Fai'ry, [fere'] adj. di fate, incantevole. Faith', [fth-e] s. fede, credenza;



t, f.

Faith'ful,[ftb^eful] adj. fedele; onesto, candido; -, s. fedele; cristiano, m. Faitli'fully,[ftli5eful] adv. f delmente, sinceramente ; esat

Faith'fulness, [fth-efulnes]


Palse'ly, [folsde'] adv. falsaamma- mente, perfidamente. fine, mancare; cominFalse'ness , vedi larsi; to [flsenes] into a sweat, ciare a sudare; to - in to a swoon, Falsehood. svenire, tramortire; to - again, Palset'to, [folsto] s. (niMS.) ricadere, ricascare; to - away, falsetto, m. smagrire, apostatare; to - back, Pal'sifiable, [folsifaiabl] adj. che si pu falsificare. rinculare, ritrattarsi; to - back ward, cadere disteso; to -down, Palsifica'tion, [flsfichesciciin] falsificacascare, prostrarsi; smottare; s. falsificazione, /". mento, m, to - forward, cadere boccone Pal'sifier, [flsifaieur] s. falsito - from, abbandonare, rinun ficatore, falsatore, m. ziare; to - in, coincidere, con correre, cedere; to -into, ca- Fal'sify, [folsifai] v. a. falsificare, contrafi'ar e; -,v. .menscare, entrare, mettersi in; to - off, cascare da; disdirsi, sepatire, dire menzogne, dire bugie. rarsi; apostatare; to-out,c Pal'sity, [fdlsitj s. falsit, f.; errore, m. cadere; avvenire, succedere; venire alle mani; to - over, ri- Pal'ter, [flteur] v. n. balbetvoltarsi; to - to, cominciare; to tare, esitare; mancare, fal- under, cadere sotto; presenlire. tarsi; to - upon, avventarsi Pal'tering, [folteuring] s. balbuzie, esitazione, f. lanciarsi, attaccare; to - upon Pal'teringly, [flteuringle'] adv. one's knees, inginocchiarsi. Palla'cious , [flscieus] adj. con esitazione, con difficolt. fallace, falso. Fame', [feme] s. fama, rinomanto - sick,

la parte d'uno, associarsi; to in with the enemy, incontrare il nimico; to - into a passion mettersi in collera, stizzarsi; to - to pieces, cascare a pezzi; to - poor, divenir povero, impoverire; to - short, non venire a


fede; lealt, one




rumore, m.

Pame',[fmc]r. a. render famoso. fallacemente, falsamente. Faith'less, [fth'eles] adj. per- Falla'ciousness, [flescieiisnes] Famed', [fem'd] adj. rinomato, fido, infido; incredulo. frode, falsi- famoso, celebre. s. inganno, m. Faith'lessness, [fth-elesnes] s. t, A Fame'less, [femdes] adj. senza perfidia, incredulit, f. Pal'lacy, [flase'] s. fallacia, f.; fama, ignobile. Falcade', [flchde] s. {horse.) sofisma, m.; falsit, f. Famil'iar, [familiar] adj. facurvetta, f. Pallibirity, [fliblit] . falli- migliare, domestico, ordinario, Farcated, [flclieted] adj. fal- bilit, attitudine ad errare, f. comune; -, s famigliare, inticato, curvato. Pal'lible, [flibl] adj. fallibile. mo amico, m. Falca'tion , [falchescieun] s. Fal'ling, [folng] adj. caden- P amili ar'ity , [famlirite'] s. curvatura, f. famigliarit, dimestichezza, f. te, cascante; -, s. cadimento, Farchion, [flscieun] .falcio- m.; caduta; decadenza, /".; (mar.) Pamil'iarize, [familiaraize] v. - off', s. abbrivio, ni.; - away, s. ne, m.; scimitarra, f. a. render famigliare, dimestiParcon, [fc'n] s. falcone, m. smagrimento, scemamento, wi.; care; abituare. Falconer, [fc'neur] s. falco- - in, s. incontro, m. ; rottura, Pamil'iarly, [famUiarle'] adv. - out, 8. dissensione, dispuniere, m. famigliarmente. f. ; Farconet, [foc'nt] s. falco- ta, f. Pam'ily, [fmile' s. famiglia; netto, m, Pal'ling-sickness, [flng-sTc- schiatta; spezie, f. Fal'conry, [foc'nre'] s. falco- ns] s. malcaduco, m.; epiles- Pam'ine, [fmin] s. carestia, neria; caccia del falcone, f. sia, f. penuria di viveri; fame, f. Fald'stool, [fldstul] .sgabello Faliow, [fal] adj. rossigno; Pam'ish, [fmisc] v. a. affamadel coronamento, m. incolto, negletto; -deer, s. cer- re; -, V. n. essere affamato, Fair, [fol] s. caduta, decaden- vo, m. aver fame. za, cascata; (rail.) discesa, f.; Pal'low, [fal] V. a. dare la pri- Pam'ished, [fmisc'dj adj. affato get a -, cadere, cascare; to ma aratura, rompere il terre- mato, famelico. give a -, far cascare. no, dissodare. Fam'ishment, [fmiscement] s. Fair, [fol] V. a. irr. (fell, fal- Pal'low-ground, [fl-graound] fame; penuria, carestia, f. len) abbassare, abbattere, sces. terreno incolto, m. Pa'mous, [fmeus] adj. famoso, mare; -, V. n. irr. cadere, ca- Pariowing, [flong] s. V atto rinomato. scare, perire; to all along, di dare la prima aratura, m. Pa'mously, [fmeisl] adv. facadere tutto disteso: to -asleep, Fal'lowness, [flons] s. (agr.) mosamente, celebremente. to - into a sleep, addormentarmaggese, campo sodo, m.; ste- Pa'mousness, [femeusns] S; risi; to - a-crying, mettersi a rilit, f. nomanza, celebrit. piangere, darsi a piangere; to - False', [folsc] adj. falso, con- Pan', [fan] s. ventaglio vaa-fighting. cominciare a battertraffatto, perfido; , adv. falsaglio, m. si; to-headlong, cadere col capo mente. Pan', [fan] v. a. ventilare, vaairingi: to -in love, innamo- Palse'-faoed, [flse-fs'd] adj. gliare. rarsi; to - in with one, prender ipocritieo, ingannevole. Fanat'iC; [fntc] adj. faii%<




nes]^ Pantas'ticness, [fantas- Par'row, [faro] v. a. fare i ticns] s. fantasticaggine, f. porcelli. panat'ically, [fanaticale] adv. Fan'tasy, [fntas] s. fantasia, Far'-shooting,[far-shutTng]adj. immaginazione, f. disteso, esteso. da fanatico. Far'ther, [frth'er] adj. ultePanat'icism, [fanatisism] .fa- Pa'quir, [fcheiir] see Falr. Far', [far] adj. lontano, remoto, riore, pi lontano. natismo, entusiasmo, m. Pan'ciful, [fansiful] adj. fanta- distante; it is - in the day, Far'ther,[frthior]adu. avanti, innanzi, oltre. tardi. stico, bizzarro, capriccioso. Pan'cifuUy, [fansiful e] adv. Far', [far] adv. lontano, lungo; Far'ther, [frth'er] v. a. avanfantasticamente , capricciosa- by -, di molto; - from, lungi zare, aiutare, facilitare. da, lontano da; - otherwise, Far'therance,[frth'euinse] . mente. Pan'cifulness, [fansifulnes] s. tutto '1 contrario - and near, aiuto, m.; assistenza, f. - and wide, per ogni lato; dap- Far'thermore, [frthieiirmre] fantasticaggine, fantasia, f. Pan'cy, [fns] s. fantasia, im- pertutto; - better, molto mi- adv. di pi, inoltre. Far'thest, [frth'est] adj. remaginazione, visione, f. ; ca- gliore, nel miglior modo; as priccio, m.; voglia, /.; it is as I see, per quanto posso ve- motissimo, lontanissimo. my -, cos mi piace; / had. a -, dere ; be it from me, Dio me Far'thest, [frth'est] adv. al mi venne voglia ; to take a - ne guardi; how - it is thither? pi distante: al pi tardi. quanto lontano di qui? Par'thing, [farth'ng] s. quatto a thing, pigliar amore ad Farce', [farse] s. farsa, f.; ri- trino, m. una cosa. Far'thingale, [farth'ingghele] pan'cy, [fnse'] v. a. & n. ama- pieno, m. s. piccola faldiglia, f. re; figurarsi, immaginarsi; pen- Farce', [farse] v. a. (cook.) empire di condimento, far un ri- Far'thingsworth, [frth'ing'ssare, credere. Pan'cy-free, [fans-fri] adj. non pieno. oiieurth^J s. valsente d' un innamorato. Far'cical, [farsical] adj. comi quattrino, m. Pan'ey-monger , [fanse'-moun- co, burlesco. Fas'ces, [fsize] s. pi. fasci, ghur] s. visionario, m. Far'cically, [frsicale'] adv. co- m. pi. Pan'cy-sck, [fnse'-sic] adj micamente. Fas'cia, [fascia] s. fascia, banipocondri co. Far'cing , [farsing] s. ripie da, A Pane', [fnc] s. tempio, m.; chie- no, m. Fas'clated, [fscieted] adj. fasa, f. Far'cy, [farse'] s. scabbia ro- sciato. Pan'fare, [fanfare] s. gran so- gna de' cavalli, f. Fascia'ton, [fsciescieiin] s. nare di trombo, m. Fard', [fard] v. a. imbellettare. fasciatura, f. Panfaron', [fnfron] s. mil- Far'del, [frdl] s. fardello, fa- Fas'cicle, [fasicle]. fardello, wi. lantatore, vantatore, m. scio; mazzo, m. Fas'cinate, [fsinte] v. a. amPanfaronade', [fnfiironde] s. Fare', [fere] s. cera, f.; il man- maliare, abbagliare. bravata, millanteria, burbau- giare, m.; viveri, m. pi.; nolo, Fascina'tion, [fsinscieun] s. za, f passaggio; prezzo, m.; bill of fascinOi ammaliamento, m. Pang', [fang] s. zanna, branca, -, s. lista ; nota della spesa, f. Fascine', [fsine] s. fascina, f.] /.; artiglio, dente, m. Fare', [fere] v. n. andare, sta- fagotto, m. Pang', [fng] v. a. afferrare re, mangiare; vivere ; - you Fas'cinous, [fasineus] adj. incolle ugne, abbrancare, aggrapwell, conservatovi, addio. cantevole. pare. Fare'well, and Farewell', [f- Fash'ion, [fascieun] s. maniePang'ed, [fang'dj adj. fornito reouel] adj. addio, vale; con- ra, forma; usanza, moda; condi zanne. servatevi; -, s. addio, congedo, dizione; guisa, sorte; aria, apPan'gle, [fangl] s. invenzione, m. to bid -, dire addio, partire. parenza, /".; people of -, s. gen/".; capriccio, m. Far'fetched, [fr-ftsc'd] adj. te distinta, nobilt, /". ; after Pan'gled, [fngl'd] adj. sfar- affettato, studiato. the -, alla moda; out of -, fuor zoso. Farina'ceous, [frinscieus] adj. di moda. Pang'less, [fangles] adj. senza farinaceo. Fash'ion, [fsciein] v. n. affanatico,




sden- Farm', [frm] s. affitto, allo- fazzonare; formare. Fash'ionable, [fscieinbl] adj. gamento, in.; villa, f. Pan'nel, [fanel] s. manipolo, Farm', [frm] v. a. affittare, alla moda; elegante. m. (ciarpa). Fash'ionableness [fscieunprendere a fitto, cultivare. Pan'ner, [fneur] s. vagliato- Far'mer, [frmer] s. affitta- blus] s. eleganza; moda; usanre, m. za, f. juolo, appaltatore, castaido, m. Pan[ning, [fanfng] s. ventila- Farming, [farming], affitto, m. Fash'iona'bly,[fascieunble']a(i. lazione. /.;Vatto di farsi vento. Far'most, [frmost] adj. pi alla moda; elegantemente.

zanne, senza branche


remoto, lontanissimo. Fash'ionist, [fascieunTst] s. seguitatore delle mode ; modicapric- Far'ness, [frns] s. allontanacioso. mento, wi.; distanza, f. sta, TO. Pan'tasm, [fntasra] s. fanta- Farrag'inous, [frdgineus]ad;. Fast', [fast] adj. fermo, saldo, sima; chimera, f. farragginoso. strotto; stabile, fisso: - s/ee^, s. Pantas'tic, [fantastic] Fantas'- Farra'go, [frg] s. farraggi- sonno profondo, m.; to make -, tical, [fantasticai] adj. fantaserrare. ne, f. stico, chimerico, bizzarro, bi- Far'rier, [farieur] s. maniscal- Fast', [fast] adv. fermamente, sbetico. fermo, stretto, saldamente: suco, maliscalco, w. [fantasticale'] Far'riery, [friere] s. il mePantas'tically , bitamente, subito; to be adv. fantasticamente, capric- stiere del maniscalco. asleep, dormire profondamenciosamente. Par'row, [frj . porcello, por- te; to go -, andare a gran pasFantas'ticalness, [fantasticai- chetto, m. si; to stand -, star saldo, star

Pan'tasied, [fntasid] adj. ghibizzarro


fermo; tener d\;ro; to stick appiccarsi tenacemente.







nenza da cibi, /. to break one's -, rompere il digiuno; far colazione; to keep a -, osservare
il digiuno. Fast', [fast] v. n. digiunare. Fast'-day, [fast- de] Fas'tingday, [fastng-d] s. giorno ma-

gro, m. Fas'ten,

Fate', [fte] s. fato, destino, m.; -s. pi. parche, f. pi. Fa'ted, [ftd] adj. fatato, decretato. Fate'ful, [fctefiil] adj. che possiede potere fatale. Fa'ther, [fath'eur] s. padre, genitore, m. _ Fa'ther, [fatila eur] v. a. adottare; <o - ujjon, attribuire, imputare.




Faugh', [f] Faurchion,


eh via!

s. falcione, m.; scimitarra, f. Faul'con, [foch'n] vedi Falcon. Fault', [folt] s. fallo, difetto, errore, m.; colpa, offesa, f.; of the printer, errore di stampa, m.; to find -with, trovar da


[fas'n] v. a. legare; attaccare, fissare, serrare, fer-,





dire, riprendere, vituperare. Fault', [folt] V. a. riprendere, criticare; -, v. n. errare {poco


V. n. appiccarsi; attac-




eyes upon a gli occhi sopra qualche cosa; to upon a thing, afferrare una cosa; to - a crime upon one, imputare un delitto ad uno. Fas'tener, [fas'neur] s. che lega, legatore; serratore, m. Fas'tening, [fas'ning] s. serratura, f.
carsi; thing, fissare
to - one's

Fault'er, [folteiir] vedi Falter. Fa'therless, [fath'eirles] adj. Fault'finder, [fdlt-falndeurj s. censore, critico, m. senza padre, orfano. Fa'therliness , [fath'eiirlines] Fault'ful, [fdltful] adj. colpevole. s. amor paterno, m.; cura paFaul'tily, [fltile'] adv. imterna, f.
suocero, m.

Fast'er, [fas'ter]


m. Fast'handed,[fast-handed]

propriamente. Faul'tiness, [fltines] s. diFa'therly, [fath'eiirle'] adv. da fetto, delitto, m. Fault'less, [foltles] adj. senza padre; a modo di padre. digiunato- Fath'om, [fth^eum] s. misura errori; perfetto, eccellente. Fault'lessness, [foltlesnes] s. di sei piedi, /.

Fa'therly, [fath'eurle'] adj. paternale, paterno.

adj. Fath'om, [fth'eiim] v. a. scandagliare, affondare; penetrare avaro, spilorcio. Fastidios'ity, [fistidiosite'] s. Fath'omable, [fth eiimabl] adj. fastidiosit, /.; sdegno, disprezche pu essere misurato. zo, m.; noja, f. Fath'omless, [fth'eumls] adj Fastid'ious, [fsttdieus] acJj. non misurabile, immenso; imfastidioso, sdegnoso. penetrabile. Fastid'iously,[fastdieiisle']a(Zv. Fatid'ical, [fatidical] adj. fatifastidiosaineiite. dico, indovino. Fastid'ionsness, [fastidieusnes] Fatif'erous , [fatfereus] adj. vedi Fastidiosity. fatale, mortale, esiziale. Fast'ing, [fasting] adv. a di- Fat'igable, [ftigabl] adj. fagiuno, senza aver mangiato. ticabile penoso. Fast'ing, [fasting] s. il digiu- Pat'igate, [ftighte] v. a. fa nare, ni.; - day, s. giorno di di- tigare, travagliare, affannare; giuno, giorno magro, m. straccare. Fast'ness, [fastnes] s. fermez- Fatiga'tion, [ftighesciein] s za, /.; forte, luogo forte, m. stanchezza, f. Fas'tuous, [fastiueus] adj. fa- Fatigue', [fatghe] s. fatica, stoso, vanaglorioso, superbo. pena, /. affanno, m. Fas'tuously, [fastiueiisle'] adv. Fatigue', [fatighe] v. a. affati fastosamente. care, travagliare, stancare. Fas'tuousness, [fastiueusnes] s. Fat'ling, [ftling] s. bestia orgoglio, m. grassa, /. Fat', [fat] adj. grasso, carnoso, Fat'ness, [fatnes] s. grassezza; pingue; to groio-, divenir gras- untuosit, f. so, ingrassare; to make -, in- Fat'ted, [ftd] adj. ingrassagrassare; -, s. grasso, w.; su- to, grasso. gna, /-.^ Fat'ten, [fat'n] v. a. ingrassaFat', [ft] V. a. ingrassare, im- re; -, V. n. divenire grasso, in pinguare; -, V. n. divenire gras- grassare. so, ingrassare. Fat'tenng, [fat'nmg] .ingrasFa'tal, [fetal] adj. fatale, fu- samento, m. nesto. (smo,TO. Fat'tiness, [fatinos] s. untuo_ Fa'talisin, [fetalismj s. fatalisit, f. Fa'talist, [fothst] s. fatali- Fat'tish , [fatisc] adj. gras'







difettoso. Faun, [fon] no, m.


Fau'tor, [foteiir] favoreggiatore, m. Fau'tress, [fotrs]


s. fautrice, favoreggiatrice, f. Fav'illous, [fvileiis] adj. cho consiste di ceneri; che somiglia alle ceneri. Fa'vor, [fveiir] s. favore, protezione, grazia, cortesia, f. ;

credito, wi.; cera, aria, co di nastri, m. ; under




with your


con vostra licen-

za; to be in -, esser in grazia; curry -, corteggiare, ingraziarsi; to do one a -, fare nn favore adiino, servire alcuno. Fa'vor, [fveiir] v. a. favorire, esser favorevole, proteggere, approvare, ajutare, somigliare, esser simile. Fa'vorable, [feveurabl] adj. favorevole; propizio. Fa'vorableness, [fveiirablnes] s. favore, wi.; bont, benignit, grazia, f.

sta, m. Fatarity,




predestinazione, f. Pa'tally, [fetale] adv. fatalmente, funestamente. Pa'talness, [ftlns] s. fatalit, /.; destino inevitabile, m. Fat'-brained, [ft-bren'dj adj. ottuso, stupido.

Fa'vorably, [feveirable'] adv. favorevolmente. Fa'vored, [fveiir'd] adj. favorito, appoggiato; iU -, malfatto, brutto, deforme; well -, ben fatto, vago. setto. Fa'vor edly, [fveur'dle'] adv. faFat'ty, [fate'] adj. grasso, un- vorevolmente. tuoso, oleoso. Fa'voredness, [fveir'dnes] $. Fatu'ity, [ftiiite] s. fatuit, apparenza, f. stupidezza, /". Fa'vorer, [fveureur] s. fautore, Fat'uous, [ftiueis] adj. fatuo, protettore, m^ stolto, stupido. Fa'vorlte, [feveurit] s. favo(parzialit, f. Fat'witted,[ft-ouit'd] adj. stu- rito, m. pido, sciocco. Fa'voritism , [fveiiritism] ,

Fa'vorless, [fovurls] adj. senza protezione, sfavorevole, infausto.

un gallo;


[fi] V. a.

nare; -,v.n. camminare come Pee',


pagare, remuue

one's nest, ar-


corvetto, daino Feath'er-bed, [fth'ur-bed] s. letto di piume, m.; coltrice, f. giovine, m. [fth'eur- Fee'ble-minded, [fibl-mainded] Fawn', (foni . a. figliare; cor- Feath'er-broom , adj. di spirito debole, imbeteggiare servilmente; lusinga- brum] s. mazzo di piume, m. cille. [fth'eur'd] adj. Feath'ered, re, adulare. Fee'bleness, [flblnes] . deboFaw'ner, [foneur] s. adulato- guernito di piume. Peath'er-footed, [foth'eiir-fut- lezza, infermit, f. re, lusinghiero, wi. Faw'ning, [foning] s. adula- ed] adj. co' piedi alati, piu- Fee'bly, ffbl] adv. debolmente, fievolmente. mato. zione, /.; carezzine, f. pi. Faw'ningly , [foningle'] adv. Feath'erless, [fth'eurles] adj. Peed', [fide] adj. pagato, remunerato; corrotto. lusinghevolmente, servilmente. senza piume, spiumato. Fay', [f] s. fata, maga, incan- Feath'er-seller, [fth'eir-sl- Peed', [fide] s. nutrimento, m.; pastura, f. tatrice; fede, /.; by my -, al- eur] s. mercante di piume, m. Featb'ery, [feth'eur] adj. co- Feed', [fide] v. a. irr. (fed, fed) la f. Fe'alty, [filte'] s. fedelt, leal- perto di piume, vestito di nutrire, pascere , alimentare, conservare, dilettare; -, v. n. piume. t, /. Fear',[fire] s. timore, m.; paura, Feat'ly, [ftele'] adv. agilmente, nutrirsi, pascersi; divenir grasso, ingrassare; to - the fire, tema, /".; for -, per tema, per destramente, gentilmente. timore; (o be in -, to stand in Feat'ness, [fitenes] s. agilit, conservare il fuoco. destrezza; pulitezza, gentilez- Peed'er, [fdeiir] . nutritore, -, temere; to put in -.atterrimangiatore, ghiottone; fautoza, f. re, spaventare.

rare, corrompere. Fee'ble, [fbl] adj. debole, infermo, fiacco; to grow -, divo*nir debole, affievolirsi.

Fear', [fire] v. a. temere, pa- Fea'ture, [fitcieur] s.lineamenventare;-, v. n. avere paura; to, m.; faccia, f. Fea'ture, [fitcieur] v. n. immadubitare, esitare. Fear'ful, [freful] adj. timido, ginare. Pebric'itate, [fibrisitete] v. n. timoroso; orribile. Fearfully, [freful] adv. timi- febbricitare. Febriric, [fibrfic] adj. febbridamente; terribilmente. (brifugo, m. Fear'fulness, [firefulnes] s. ti- fico, Peb'rifuge, [febrifiudge] s. febmidit, paura, f.; timore, m. Fear'less, [firels] adj. intre- Feb'rile, [febrile] adj. febbrile, pido, ardito, hravo, corag- di febbre.

re, wi.

Feed'ing, [fiding] s. nutrimento; pascolo, m.; high -, buona


buona tavola,


Fee'-farm, [fl-frm] enfiteutico, m.



Peel', [file] s. tatto, tocco, Peel', [file] v. a. irr. {felt; felt) palpare, toccare, tastare, palpeggiare, sentire; -, v. n. essere sensibile, essere sensitito vo; <o - cold, aver freddo one's pulse, toccare il polso;

Feb'ruary, [fbrware']



Fear'lessly, [firelesle'] adv. sen- brajo, wi. Fe'ces, [fsize] s. pi. Fec'ulenza timore, intrepidamente. Fear'lessness, [fxrelsns] s. in- ce, [fchiulnse] Fec'ulency, trepidezza, f. ardimento, m.; [fechiulns] s. feccia; posatura, f. baldanza, f. Fec'ulent, [fchiulnt] adj. fecFearn', [feurn] s. felce, f. Feasibil'ity, [fisiblite] s. age- cioso. Fec'und, [fcheund] adj. feconvolezza a farsi, possibilit, do, fertile. Fea'sible, [fisibl] adj. fattevoFecunda'tion, [fechendescieun] le, fattibile, agevole a farsi Fea'sbleness, [fisiblnos] vedi s. fecondazione, /.; il feconda;

to - soft, esser


al tatto.

Peel'er, [fileur] s. toccatore, tastatore, ni. (ent.) antenna,/'.



[filing] adj. sensibile, sensitivo; -, s. tatto, sentimento, w.; sensibilit, f. Peel'ingly, [filingl] adv. sen-

sibilmente, vivamente. Pee'-simple, [fi-simpl] assoluto, m.



re, m. Feasibility. Fea'sibly, [fisibleT adv. pra- Fecun'dify, [flcheundifai] v. a. ticabilmente, in modo possi- fecondare, fertilizzare. Fecun'dity, [ficheundite'] s. febile. Feast', [flste] s. festino, ban- condit, fertilit, copia, f. Fed'ary, [fdar] s. associato, chetto, m.; festa, festivit, f. Feast', [fste] v.a. regalare; -, confederato, compagno, m. V. n festeggiare, banchettare. Fed'eral, [federai] adj. alleato, Feast'er, [fisteur] s. uno che federativo. Fed'eralism, [federalism] .febanchetta, festeggiante, m. Feast'ful, [flstfiil] adj. festoso, deralismo, m. delizioso, grato. Fed'eralist, [federalist] s. fedeFeast'ing, [fisting] s. festini, ralista, m. m. pi. Fed'erary, [federare'] s. conFeast'-rite, [flst-raite] s. cere- federato, alleato; complice, m. monie di festini, f. pt. Fed'erate, [fderte] adj. conFeat', [fte] s. fatto, atto, m.; federato, collegato._ azione, f. Pedera'tion, [federescieun] s. Peat', [flte] adj. destro, svelto. confederazione, f. Feath'er, [feth'eir] s. piuma, Fed'erative, [federatv] adj. fopenna, [.; ornamento, m.; ba- derativo; confederato. gattella, f. Fee', [fi] s. feudo, m.; mercede, Feath'er, [fth^eur] v. a. co- paga, f.; onorario, salario, m.;

Feet', [fite] pi. di Foot. Peet'less, [fitels] adj.



Feign', [fine] v. a. fingere, simulare, inventare; -, V. n. infingersi, immaginarsi, rappresentarsi, esitare, dubitare.

Peign'ed, [fn'd] adj. finto, simulato, dissimulato, inventato; - story,


s. s.

- treble,

finzione, favola, {mus.) falsetto;

soprano, wi. Peign'edly, [fenedl] adv. fintamente, falsamente. Fegn'edness, [fndns] s. finzione, falsezza, f.; inganno, m. Feign'er, [feneur] . simulatore, inventore, m.

Feiga'ing, [fning] s. mento, travestimento, m. Peign'ingly , [fonngl]

fintamente. Feint', [fentcj
fnta, f.



finzione; (^enc.)

prire di piume;

abbellire, or-





Pelic'itate, [flHsitte] v. a. felicitare; congratularsi.



[fnsibl] adj. difeas.



[fl-scleur] Pen'cible, , di studio, to. devole.

Felicita'tion, [fllisitescieiin] s. Fel'low-servant, [felo-servnt] s, compagno nel servire, m. congratulazione, f. Felio'itous, [flsiteus] adj. fe- Fel'lowship, [feloscip] s. compagnia, societ, f. lice, fortunato. Felic'itously, [fllsiteusl] adv. Fel'low-soldier, [flo-sldgeur] s. compagno in guerra comfelicemente, prosperamente. pagno d' armi, m. Felic'ity, [filisit] s. felicit, Fel'low-student, [flo-stiudnt] prosperit, f. Fe'line, [flaine] adj. felino, di . condiscepolo, m. Feriow-subject[flo-seubdgect] gatto. Feir, [fl] adj. barbaro, inuma- s. compatriotto, to. Feriow-suflFerer, [felo-seufeurno, fiero. eur] s. compagno di miseria, to. Fell', [fel] s. pelle, f. Feir, [fel] V. a. atterrare; ab- Fel'low-traveler, [felo-trvleir] s. battere; tagliare. compagno di viaggio, TO. Fel'lable, [felabl] adj. buono a tagliare (alberi). Feriow-worker[flo-ouercbur] 8. compagno di lavoro, m. Fel'ler, [feleur] s. falegname Fel'low-wort, [flo-oeiiert] s. taglialegna, m. Fallir luous , [fliflueus] adj. (bot.) genziana, f. pieno di fiele. Fel'ly, [fel] s. razzo di ruoFel'ling, [flmg] s. taglio, ta- ta, TO. gliamento, atterramento, m. Fel'ly, [fle'] adv. crudelmente, Fel'y [fle'] adv. crudelmente, barbaramente. Pe'lo-de-se', [fllo-di-s] s. ucinumanamente. cisore di s stesso, to. Fell'monger, [flmeungbeur] s Fel'on, [fleun] s. fellone, malcuojajo, pellicciajo, m. Fell'ness, [felns] s. crudelt, fattore; (med.) panereccio, in. inumanit; rabbia, /. Fel'on, [fleun] Felo'nious, [flonieus] adj. fellonesco, cruFel'loe, [flo] s. quarto, m.; circonferenza (d'una ruota), f. dele, inumano. Fel'low, [fl] .compagno, ca- Felo'niously, [filonieusl] adv. merata, collega; membro (d"un fellonescamente, da fellone. collegio), m.; base -, s. furfan- Ferony, [flon] s. fellonia, scelleratezza, f. te, scellerato, m.; bed -, s. compagno di letto, m. old -, s. Pelt', [flt] s. feltro, to.; borra, vegliardo, vecchiaccio, m.; tosatura, /. young -, . giovane, giovanac- Pelt', [flt] V. a. feltrare.
; ; ;

Pen'cing', [fnsTng] arte della scherma,


Pen'cing-master,[fnsing-masteur] s. maestro di scherma, m. Fen'cing-school [fnsng-schul] s. scuola di scherma, f.

[fn-crs] s. crescione di paludi, TO. Fen'-cricket, [fn-cricht] .

Fend', [fend]

v. a. parare, schivare, scansare, sfuggire; -, v. n. difendersi, disputare, ragionare, altercare. Pen'der, [fndeur] s- parafuoco, TO.; fenders, s., fi. {mar.) pagliette, f. pi. Pen'-duck, [fn-deuc] s. anitra salvatica, f. Pen'erate, [fneurete] v. .usureggiare. Penera'tion, [feneiiriscieun] s. usura,/'. Pen'-fowl, [fen-faul] s, pollo di paludi, TO. Pen'-land, [fn-lnd] s. terreno paludoso, TO.

Pen'nel, [fnl] s. finocchio, to. [fnsc] Fen'ny , Pen'uish , [fne'] arf;'. paludoso, pantanoso Feod', [fiude] s. feudo, to. Peo'dal, [fiudl] adj. feudale,
di feudo.



[fiudature'l s. feudatario, Feoff', [fef] V. a. infeudare.

Feo'datary, m.

Peof'fee, [ffi]


donatario, m.

re, to.





Pelt'ing', [felting]




Fel'low, [flo] V. a. appajare, re, TO. PeoflF'ment, [fofment] s. infeuassortire; accoppiare. Pelt'-maker, [flt-mcheir] s. dazione, f.; -in trust, fedecomFel'low-citizen, [fl-stiz'n] s. feltrajuolo, to. niesso, TO. concittadino, m. Feluc'ca, [fileica] s. felucca, f. Fera'cious, [firscieus] at/j, ferFeriow-commoner, [flo-com- Pe'male, [fimle] adj. femmi- tile. euneur] s. compagno di ta- neo, femminino, di femmina; -, Perac'ity, [firasit] s. fertilit, vola, TO. s. femmina, f. fecondit, f. Feriow-creature[flo-crtcieur] Peme'-covert , [fm-cheuvrt] Fe'ral, [firl] adj. tristo, fus. simile, m. s. ijur.) donna maritata, f. nebre. Fel'low-feeling, [fl-filing] s. Feme'-sole, [fm-s51e] s. {jur.) Pe'rial, [flril] adj. feriale. simpatia, f. donna libera, f. Pe'rine, [fraine] adj. salvatiFel'low-heir, [fel-ere] s. coe- Feminarity,[fminlite'] .fem- co; feroce. minilit, f. rede, m. Ferine'ness, [frainenes] Fer'Fel'low-helper , [fl-hlpeur] Fein'inine,[feminaine] arfj. fem- ity, [ferite] s. ferocia, cruminino, femminesco. s. coadjutore, m. delt, f. Feriow-lal)orer,[fel-lbeureur] Pem'oral, [femoral] adj. femo- Per'ment, [feSrment] . fers. collaboratore, cooperatore, m. rale. mento, lievito, TO. Fel'lowlike, [fel-laiche] adj. Fen',[fen]s. palude, pantano, to.; Ferment', [feurnient] v. a. & n. da socio. maremma, f. fermentare, lievitare. Feriow-member[flo-membeur] Fence', [fnse] s. siepe, chiusu- Perment'able , [feurmentabl] ra; difesa, f.; riparo; schermo, adj. disposto a fermentare. s. membro della medesima societ, m. m.; - of pales, palificata, paliz- Perment'al, [feurmntl] adj. Fel'low-minister, [flo-mnis zata, f. fermentativo. teur] s. uno che serve nel me- Pence', [fnse] v. a. chiudere; Fermenta'tion , [feirmente-' desimo uffizio, TO. palificare, difendere, protegscieun] s. fermentazione, f. Feriow-peer,[{lo-pire] .com- gere; -, V. n. schermire. Permen'tative, [feurmntatv] Pence'less, [fnsels] adj. sen- adj. fermentativo. pagno nobile, to. za chiusura, aperto. Feriow-prisoner, [fl-priz'n Fern', [feurn] s. felce, f. eur] s. compagno di prigio Fen'cer, [fonseur] s. schermi- Fern'y, [fourn] adj. pieno di
tore, to.



Pe'verishness, [flveuriscnes]

fintamente. Fictit'iousness, [fictsciusnes] Fet'ters, [feteiirs] s. pi.; ferri, s. finzione, invenzione, f. vore; zelo, affetto, m. Fic'tive, [fictv] adj. finto, fitFer'vent, [feurvnt] adj. fer- ceppi, m. pi. Fettle, [ft'l] V. a. badaluc- tizio, inventato. vente, fervido, ardente. Fid'dle, [fid'l] s. violino, w. Per'vently , [feurvntle'] adv. care. Pe'tus, [fiteus] s. feto, embrio- Fid'dle, [fid'l] v. a. suonare il con fervore, ardentemente. violino. Fer'vid, [feurvidj adj. fervido, ne, m. Feud, [fiude] s. feudo, m.; con- Pid'dle-bridge, [fid'l-brdge] . ardente. ponticello di violino, m. Fervid'ity, [fervdite'] Per'- tesa, altercazione, rissa, f. Tidness, [feurvdns] s. fervo- Peu'dal, [fiudl] adj. feudale, Fid'dle-faddle, [fidl-fd'l] t. baloccheria, bagatella, /. re, calore; zelo, m. di feudo -, s. feudo, m. Per'vour, [feurvur] s. fervore, Feu'dalism, [fiudlsm] s. il si- Fid'dler, [fidler] s. suonatore ardore; affretto, m. di violino, violinista, m. stema feudale, m. Fes'cue, [fezchuj s. tocco; fu- Feudal'ity, [fiudlite'] s. costi- Pid'dle-stick, [fidl-stic] s. archetto di violino, m. scello, m. tuzione feudale, f. Fesse', [fes] s. (her.) fascia, f. Feurlary, [fidare'] Feu'datory, Fid'dle-string, [fid'l-strng] s. Pes'tal, [fstl] adj. festevole; [fidateure'] s. feudatario, m. corda da violino, f. allegro. Feu'dist , [fiudist] s. fondi- Pid'dling, [fdling] adj. frivolo, vano - business, s. faccenda Fes'ter, [fsteur] v. n. suppu- sta, m. rare, impostemire. Pe'ver, [fiveur] s. febbre, f.; to di poca importanza, f. Pes'tering, [festeuring] s. sup- be in a -, to haxie a -, aver la Pidel'lty, [fid!it] s, fedelt, lealt, onest, f. puramento, m. febbre, febbricitare. Pes'tinate, [festinte] adj. fret- Pe'ver, [ffvur] v. a. dar la Pidge', [fdge] Fidg'et, [fidget] febbre, cagionare la febbre. V. n. agitarsi, dimenarsi. toloso, spedito. Pes'tinately, [festintel] adv. Fe'verish, [fiveurisc] adj. feb- Fidg'et, [fdgt] s. agitazione, bricoso, febbroso. inquietezza, impazienza, /. iu fnetta, speditamente.
; ;

Pero'cioBs", [frscieus] adj. fe- Festina'ton, [festiniscien] s. festinazioue, fretta; sollecituroce, fiero, crudele. Fero'ciously, [frscieusle'J adj. dine, f. Fes'tival, [festival] adj. festiferocemente. Pero'ciousness, [frscieisnes] vo, festevole; -. s. giorno feFeroc'ity, [frsitdj s. feroci- stivo, m.; festa, /".; anniversario, m. t, fierezza, ferocia, f. Fer'reous, [frieus] adj. ferreo, Fes'tive, [festiv] adj. festivo, festevole ; lieto, allegro. di ferro. Per'ret, [frt] s. furetto; fio Festiv'ity, [fstivit] s. allegrezza, /". ; giubilo, giorno feretto, m. Fer'ret, [feret] v. a. cacciare stivo, m. col furetto, ricercare, investi- Fes'tivous, [festiveus] adj. festivo, festoso; giocoso, lieto. Fer'reter, [fereteur] s. caccia- Festoon', [fstun] s. festotore col furetto; investigato- ne, m. Fes'tucine, [festiusine] adj. del re, m. Fer'riage, [feridge] s. passag- colore della paglia. Festu'cous, [fsticheSs] adj. gio, m. Ferru'ginens, [frudgineus] fatto di paglia; pagliaresco. Ferru'ginons [frdgineusjadj. Fetch', [ftsc] s. artificio, m.; astuzia, /.; pretesto, rigiro, m. ferruginoso, ferrigno. Fer'rule, [frl] s. ghiera, vie- Fetch', [ftsc] v. a. andare a cercare; portare; produrre; to ra, f. 3'er'ry, ffeie'] s. chiatta, f.; pas- - a blow, colpire; to - one's breath, prender respiro, respisaggio, m. Per'ry, [fere'] v. a. passare col rare; to - a sigh, trar un sospiro, sospirare; to - away, harchetto. Fer'ry-boat, [fere'-hte] s. chiat- portare via; straportare to down, portare gi; affievolita, f. Per'ryman, [fere'tnan] s. bar- re: abbattere; to - in, portare dentro, introdurre; to -off, lecajuolo, navicellujo, m. Per'tile, [feurtaik] adj. ferti- vare via, torre; to - out, portare fuora; to - up, portare su; le, fecondo, fruttuoso. Per'tileness, [ feurtalenes] Fer- condurre. til'ity, [feiirtlite'j s. fertilit, Fotch'er, [fetscieur] s. quello che va a cercare, m. fecondit, f. Pertiritate, [feurtilitete] Fer'- Fet'id, [ftid] adj. fetido, puzzolente, rancido, nauseante. tilize, [feurtilize]v. o. fertiFet'idness, [ftdns] s. fetore, lizzare; fecondare. Per'tilely,[feurtailde'] adv. fer- puzzo, m. Fet'or, [feteiir] s. fetore. tilmente. Fer'ule,[fereills.ferza, sferza,/'. Pet'lock, [ftloc] s. barbetta Per'ule, [freul] v. a. sferzare. (della pastoja), f. Fer'vency, [feurvns] Per'- Fet'ter, [fteur] v. a. mettere ventness, [feurvntnss]s. fer- in catena.

Pe'verous, [flveureiis] adj. febbroso, febbricoso, febbri fero.

Pe'verously, [fiveureusl] adv.

in maniera Few', [flu]
febbrile. adj. pi. pochi,


molti; in -, in a - words, in poche parole, in una parola, in breve.

Few'el, [flul]

materiale da



fuoco, m.; prov-

visiono di legna ec,

[fiuir] adj.

meno, non

Few'ness, [flunes] s. pochezza, /.; poco numero, m. Fey', [fe'l v. a. purgare un fosso.
Fi'ance,[fainse] v.a. fidanzare. Pi'at, [fait] s. decreto, ordine, m. Fib',[fib] s. bugia, menzogna, ^. Fib', [fib] V. n. dire bugie, mentire.





mentitore, m. Pi'bre, [falbeur]

s. fibra,


mento, m.
Fi'bril, [fabrl] s. fibretta;, fibrilla, /.

Fi'brons, [faibreis] adj. fibroso. Fib'ule, [fibiulej s. {anal.) fibula, f. (costante. Fic'kle, [fic'l] adj. mutabile, in-

Fic'kleness, [fic'lns] s. mutabilit, incostanza, f. Fic'kly, [fcle'J adv. incostantemente.

Fic'tile, [fictil] adj. fittile. Fic'tion, [ficscieun] s. finzione;

invenzione, /. Fic'tious,[ficscieus]Fictit'ions, [fictlscius] adj. fittizio, finto. Fictitiously,[fictisciiisl]fldv.




Fil'hert-tree, [fllburt-tri] 8. Fidg'ety, [fidget] adj. inquieto, Fifty, [fifte'j adj. cinquanta. nocciuolo, wt. impaziente. Pig', [fig] s. fico, m.; bagattella, Fidu'cial, [fidiuscial] adj. fidu- f.; I care not a - for him, mi Filch', [flsc] V. a. truffare, iagannare, fraudare. rido di lui. ciale, affidato. Pidu'cially, [fldiusciale'] adv. Fight', [fite] s. combattimento, Filch'er, [filceur] s. truffatore, m. battaglia, /.; conflitto, m. giuntatore, furbo, m. fiducialmente. Fidu'ciary , [fidi asciare'] adj. zuffa, mischia, /. cock -, com- Filch'ing, [flscng] s. truffa, battimento di galli, m. sea -, furberia, f. fiduciario, fiduciale; -, s. fiduFile',[file] .filo, w.tfila, lista, ciario depositario fedecom- combattimento navale, m. linea, f.; ordine, m. lima, /", missario, m. Fight',[fiteiir]v.a.trr.(/'OMg'ft<; Pier, [fife] s. feudo, m. fought) pugnare, contrastare; of papers, fascette, mazzo (di Field', [filde] s. campo, m.; cam- V. n. irr. combattere, far bat- scritti), wi.; - of pearls, filo di pagna, /". spazio, ni.; to take taglia; to - a duet, duellare, perle, vezzo, m. - a/ter -, alla fare duello; to - hand to hand, sfilata. the -, uscire in campagna. Field'-bed, [filde-bed] s. letto battersi corpo a corpo; to - it File', [faile] v.a. infilare, limaout, decidere colle armi; to re, pulire; to - off, sfilare, marda campo; lettuccio, m. ciare alla sfilata. Field'-day, [filde-de'] s. rasse- one's way, farsi strada. gna, f.; giorno di rivista, wi.; Figh'ter, [faiteur] s. combatti- File'-cutter, [fale-cheuteir] . fabbro di lime, m. mostra, f. tore; duellante, m. ^iel'ded, [fjldod] adj. schierato, Figh'ting, [faitingj adj. com- File'dust, [faile-deist] Filings, [falngs] s. limatura, f. in ordinanza. battente, guerriero, bellico; -, Fil'emot, [flmt] s. colore di Field'fare, [fildfere] s. tordo, w. s. combattimento, m. foglia morta, m, Field'-marshal, [filde-marscial] Figh'ting-field, f aiting-filde] s. maresciallo di campo, m, Fi'ler, [faileur] s. limatore, m. s. campo di battaglia, m. Field'-mouse, [maouse] .sorcio Figh'ting-man, [faitng-man] Fil'ial, (filiali adj. filiale, di fidi campo, tn, gliuolo. s. combattente, m. Field'-officer, [filde-ofiseur] s. Fig'-leaf, [fig-life] s. foglia di Fil'ially, [filiale'] adv. in modo



stato maggio-

fico, f.



Fig'ment, [fTgment] .finzione; Flia'tion, [flliscieunj



Field'-piece, [filde-pise] s. pezzo

Fig'pecker, [figpecheur] s. d" artiglieria, m. Field'-preacher[fIlde-prItciour] cafico, m. (fligr] s. filigrana,/". s. predicatore airariaaperta,m. Fig'-tree, [fg-tri] s. fico (albe- Fili', [fl] s. sufficienza, abbonField'-preaching, [filde-prt- ro), m. danza, /. to eat one's -, mancing] s. predica all'aria aperta. Figurahil'ity, [fighi urahlit] giare a crepapelle, satollarsi. Field'-sports, [filde-sprtsj s. s. qualit figurabile, f. Fili', [fl] V. a. empiere, empire; Fig'urable, [fighlurabl] adj. saziare, versare; -, v. n. empi. diporti di campagna. Fiend', [flnde] s. nemico, demo- figurabile. piersi, riempirsi; to - tip, comnio, spirito maligno, m. Fig'ural, [fighiurl] adj. figu- pire, colmare, surrogare. Fiend'ful, [findefl] Fiendish, rale. Fil'ler, [fleiirl . ingombro, ca[findiscej adj. maligno, diabo- Fig'urate,[fighiurete] Fig'uraricatore, m. lico. ted, [fghiurtd] ad;. figurato. Fil'let, [flet] s. banda, striscia, Fien'dishness, [findiscenes] s. Figura'tion, [fighiurscieiin] s. f .', - of veal, coscia di vitello,/". malignit, qualit di spirito figuramento, il figurare, m. Pil'let, [flt] V. a. bendare; ormaligno, /. immaginazione, /. nare d" un tondino. Fiend'like, [findelaiche] adj. Fig'urative, [fighiurativ] adj. Fil'liheg, [filibeg] s. spezie di diavolesco; -, adv. da nemico. figurativo, allegorico. gonnella, portata nella ScoFierce', Lfirse] adj. fiero, furio- Fig'uratively , [fighiurativl] zia, f. so, feroce, crudele, impetuoso, adv, figurativamente, figura- Fil'lng, [filing] adj. che sazia, terribile. tamente. che satolla, sazievole; -, s. emFierce'ly, [flrsele'j adv. fiera- Pig'ure,[fighiure] s. fignra, for- piere, m. mente, furiosamente, crudel- ma, immagine, f.; aspetto, m.; Fil'lip, [flltp] s. buffetto, biscot; ;

zione, discendenza, f. bec- Fil'igrane, [fligrne] Fil'igree,

mente. Fierce'ness, [frsenes] s. fierezza, ferocit, violenza, crudel-







in the world, far Fil'lip, [filip] . a. dare un bifigura nel mondo. scottino. Fig'ure,[fghiiire] v.a. figurare, Fil'Iy, [file'] s. cavalla giovane, t, (. to - one's self, Fi'eriness, [fairines] s. ardore, rappresentare cavallina, /. puledro, m. fervore, impeto, m. figurarsi, immaginarsi. Film', [fllra] s. membrana, pelFi'ery, [faiie'] adj. igneo, colle- Fig'uring, [fighiurng] s. 1' atto licina, pellicola, buccia, f. (laria, f. Film', [film] V. a. coprire d'una rico, impetuoso, furioso, focoso. di far figure. Fife', [fife] s. piffero, m. Fig'wort, [figoueurt] s. scrofo- pellicola.
; ;

make some

Fife', [faife] v. n fischiare, suonare il piffero. Fifteen, [fiftne] adj. quindici.








filamentoso, fibroso. Fil'ament , [filament]


noso. fila- Fil'ter, [filteiir]


filtro, cola,




Fifth', [ffth^^] adj. quinto.

mento, m.; fibra, f. Filamen'tous, [filamentous]


adj. Fil'ter,



filamentoso. filtrare, purificare. Fiftieth, [fiftieth^] adj. cin- Fil'anders, [fTlandeurs] s. pi. Filth', [filth-] . sporczia, schiquantesimo. filandre (del falcone), f. pi. fezza, spazzatura, corruzione,/. Fifth'ly, [fifth ne] adv. in Fil'bert, [fllheurt] s.nocciuola, Pilth'ily,[filth2il] adv. sporcaquinto luogo, avellana, f. mente, schifameQte,rozzamente.

Pilth'iness, [filtliSines] .sporcheria, schifezza, bruttura, lordura, f. Pilth'y, [flth^] adi sporco, sucido, sordido^ Pil'trate, [filtrate] v. a. filtrare, colare. s. [filtrescieuu] Piltra'tion ,





[fimbrit] v. a. orlare, fregiare. Fin', [fin] 8. ala; pinna (de' pe-




Fi'nable , [fainabl] adj. (jur.) soggetto ad ammenda, degno (timo, estremo. di multa^
Fi'nal, [f ainai] adj. finale; ulFi'nally, [fainl] adv. final-

Fi'nery, [faineir] s. ornamen- Pire'-brand, [fairc-brnd] s. to, aggiustamento, m. tizzone, m. Pine'-spoken , [faine-spcli'n] Pire'-brush, [falre-breusc] s. adj. affettatamente civile. piccola scopa da fuoco, f. Finesse', [fines] s. artificio, tn.; Pire'-bucket, [falre-beuchet] s. stratagemma, f. secchio impiegato ad estingueFin'ger, [fingheur] s. dito, m. re gV incendj, f. to have a thing at one's -'s end, Pire'-company , [falre-cheumsaper una cosa perfettamente. pane'] s. societ per estinguere Fin'ger, [fingheur] v. a. ma- g' incendj, m. neggiare, toccare. Pire'-damp, [falre-damp] s. gas Fin'ger-board, [fingheur-borde] idrogene esplosivo in miniere di carbon fossile^ m. . {instr.) tastatura, f. Pin'gering , [fingheuring] s. Pire'-drake, [faire-drechc] . maneggiamento, toccamente ,wi. dragone volante, m. Pin'ger-stall, [finghur-stl] s. Pire'-engine, [faire-endgin] s. macchina da estinguere il fuofasciatura d' un dito, m. Fin'gle-fangle, [fingl-fangl] s. co, f.

mente, ultimamente. Finance', [finnse] s. finanza,

rendita, entrata,

Finan'cial, [finanscil] adj. relativo alle finanze. Finan'cier,[finnsciur] .finanziere, uffiziale delle finanze, m. Finch', [finse] s. fringuello, m. Find', [find] v. a. irr. {found;

found) trovare, scoprire, fornire, provvedere; - v. n. avvedersi,


bagattella, chiappoleria, f. {volgare). Pin'ical, [finical] adj. affettato, ritroso, schifo, studiato. Fin'ically, [finical e'] adv. con affettazione. Fin'icalness, [ftnicalnes] . affettazione^ schifilt; ritrosia, f. Fi'ning, [fining] s. clarificare, m.; purificazione, f. Fin'ish, [finisc] s. fine, compi-

Pire'fly, [falre-fii]



Pire'-guard, [faire-grd] s. parafuoco, m. Fire'-irons , [faire-aiurns] s. pi. gli utensili che apparten-

gono ad un camminetto (attizzatojo, molle, paletta) m. pi. Pire'-kiln, [faire-chiln] $. for-



to -

trovai'si, sentirsi

one's faul t

biasimare, , one's way, introdursi; to - out, trovare, inventare, spiegare, scoprire. Fin'der, [faindur] s. trovatore, grande, m. finire, m. scopritore, m. Find'fault, [fandflt] s. cen- Pi'nite, [fanaitc] adj, limitato, Pire'-place, [fare-plse]


to -

nello,!!.; fornace (da fondere),/". Pre'-lock, [faire-lc] s. archibuso, schioppo, m. Pire'-man, [faire-mn] s. estinmento, m. Fin'ish, [finisc] v. a. finire, guitore d' incendj; (rail.) fuochista, m. terminare, compire. Fin'isher, [finiscieir] s. finito- Pire'-offlce, ["aire-ofis] .uffire, compiter ; giustiziere, zio di assicurazione contro Tincendio, tn. boja, m. Pin'ishing, [finiching] s. il Fire'-pan, [falre-pan] . caldajo



sore, critico, m.

Fin'ding, [fainding]


determinato. scoperta; Fi'niteless , [fanaitels]

colare, m,
adj. Pire'-proof, [falrc-pruf] adj. in-

immenso, illimitato. dichiarazione dei giurati, f. Fine', [faine] adj. fino, sottile; Pi'nitely, [finitel] ad. finitamente, con limitazione. pulito, bello, vezzoso elegante puro; lucido, chiaro, traspa- Fi'niteness, [finaitens] Pin'rente; acuto, affilato; squisito, itude, [finitide] .limitazione, f.; limiti, f. pi. eccellente; pomposo, grazioso; destro, abile, svelto, scaltrito Pin'less , [finls] adj. senza pinne. arti l ci oso. Fine', [faine] s. multa, ammen- Pin'like, [finlaiche] adj. fatto da; conclusione, f.; in -, final- a modo di pinna.

combustibile. Pir'er, [fireur] .incendiario,!. Fire'-ship, [faire'scip] s. brulotto, TO.

Pire'-shovel, [faire-sceuv'l] s. paletta da fuoco, /. Pire'-side, [fare-saide] . foco-

lare; cammino, m. Fire'-stick, [faire-stic] s. tizzone, tizzo, TO, Pinned', [fin'd] Pin'ny, [fine] Pire'stone, [fare-stne] s. fomente, in somma. colare, ri.; pirite, f. Fine', [faine] v.a. affinare, chia- adj. fornito di pinne. rare, purgare, condannare al- Pin'-toed, [fint'd] Pin'-footed, Fire'-tongs, [faIr-tongs] s. pi. [finfut'd] adj. di pie mem- mollette, /. pi. l' ammendaPire'-wood, [faire-ououd] .leFine'draw, [fainedrau] w. a. branoso, palmipede. gna, /. pi. cucire, risarcire. Fir', [feur] s. abete, i. Fine'drawer, [fainedrauur] . Pire', [fare] s. fuoco, incendio, Fire'-work, [faire-oueirc] s. cucitore, risarcitore, racconabbruciamento, m.; St. Anth- fuoco artifiziale, m. ciatore, m\ ony's-, risipola,/".; to make a -, Pire'-worker,[faire-oueurcheur] Fine'drawing, [fainedrauing] s. far fuoco ; to take -, pigliar s. facitore di fuochi artifiziali, ingegnere, to. cucitura, f.; risarcimento, rac- fuoco, cominciare ad ardere. conciamento, m. Pire', [fire] v. a. mettere il Pi'ring, [fairing] .legna, ^. pi. Pine'-fingered[faine-fingheir'd] fuoco, infiammare; -, v. n. ti- Pir'kn, [feurchn]s.quarteruola,/. (misura). adj. abile, dstro. rare; dar fuoco. Fine'ly, [fainel] adv. finemen- Pire'-arms, [falre-arms] s. pi. Firm', [feurm] adj. fermo, fisso, stabile, costante; the - land, il te, pulitamente, elegantemenarme da fuoco, f. pi. te, vagamente. Pire'-ball, [faire-bol] s. gra- continente. Firm', [feurm] s. associazione Fine'ness, [fainens] s. finez- nata, bomba, meteora, f. Pire'-board,[faIre-b5rde] .asse (di mercanti), ditta, f. za, delicatezza, bellezza, f. Fi'ner, [faineur] . affinatore, da chiudere il camminetto, im- Firm', [feurm] v. a. fermare, piegato neir estato, m. fissare; confermare; stabilire. raffinatore, m.




Fix'ed', [fics'd] adj. fisso, affissato destinato , determinato. Pix'edly, [ficsedle'] adv. fissa-



firm am onto, ciolo,


Fist', [fist] s. pugno, m. Fis'ticufFs, [fisticheufs] s.

Firmamen'tal, [feurmamental]
adj del firmamoiito, coleste.

percosse col pugno, pugna,

pi.; to


to -,

Firmly, [feurmle] adv. ferma- Fis'tinut,

chio, m. mente; con istabilit. Firm'ness, [feurmnes] s. fer- Fis'tula, la, f. mezza, costanza, f. Fir'man, [feurman] s. decreto Fis'tular, lare. turco, m.

fare allo pugna. [fistinut] s. pistaadj.


mente; cortamente. Fix'edness, [ficsdns]




s. staapplicazio-



[fistiular] adj. fisto- Fix'ity za, /.



First', [feurst] adj. primo, prin- Fis'tulous, [fistiuleiis] adj. fi- Pix'ture, [ficstceur] s. mobile, m. stoloso. cipale; in the - place, in primo luogo, primioraniente;a<- sight, Fit', [fit] adj. idoneo, atto, ca- Fiz'gig, [fizghig] s. rampone, a prima vista, subito; -, adv. pace; convenevole, giusto, pro- m.; fiocina, f. primieramente; - or last, pre- porzionato;apparecchiato,pron- Fizz', [fiz] Fizz'le, [fiz'l] v. n.

make one's self - for, prepararsi; to be - to, esser in i stato di. First'-cou'sin, [feiirst-cheuz'n] Pit', [fit] s. accesso, attacco, parosismo; capriccio, m. ; fans. cugino germano, m. - of tasia, /.; ghiribizzo, m. First'fruits, [feurst-frutes] s. love, trasporto d' amore, m.; pi. frutti primaticci, m. pi. ; primizie, f. pi. of madness, pazzia; frenesia, First'ling, [feurstlTng] s. pri- /".; by -s, a scosse; qualche volta, di tempo in tempo; by -s mo nato, m. and starts, a stento, a spilluzFir'-tree, feur-tri] s. abete, m. zico. Fise', [fsche] s. fisco, m. Fis'cal, [fiscal] adj. fiscale. Fit', [fit] V. a. aggiustare, adatFish', [fise] s. pesce, m.; {mar.) tare, accomodare; preparare; lapazza, f. assortire; -, v. n. accomodarsi; Fish', [fise] .a. pescare; (mar.) convenire; to -out, provvedetraversare, capponare (1' anco- re, fornire; armare; to - up, ra); to - a mast, lapazzare un addobbare, guarnire. pennone. (di pesce,/'. Pitch', [ftsce] s. veccia, /".; wild Fish'-bone, [fisce-bne] s. spina -, veccia salvatica, f. Fish'-day, [fsce-de'] s. giorno Pitch'at, [fitscit] Fit'chew, magro, m. (fitsci] s. puzzola, f. Fish'er, [fiscenr] Fsh'erman, Pit'ful, [fitful] adj. variabile; [fisceurmn] s. pescatore, m. irregolare; incerto. Fish'ery, [fiscur] s. pesca, /.; Fit'ly, [ftl] adv. convenevolil pescare, m. giustamente , attamente , Pish'ful, [fisceful] adj. pieno di mente. pesci. Pit'ness , [fitnes] $. conveFish'-gig, [fisce-gbig] s. (mar.) nienza ; attitudine, proporziotardi at -, alia prima. sto First'-born , [feurst-born] primogenito, m.

to; to


fischiare, fischiante.


un suono



adj. floscio, viz-

zo, moscio.

Plac'cid, [flcsid] adj. flaccido, moscio. Placcid'ity, [flacsidite'] Flac'cidness, [flcsdns] s. morbidezza ; fiacchezza, rilassazione,

Flag', [flag] s. bandiera, f.; ghiaggiuolo, m. (pianta). Flag', [flag] V. a. lastricare; -, V. n. sgomentarsi, avvilirsi, languidire. Flag'-broom, [flag-brum] .scopa di giunchi, f. Flag'elet, [fldgelet] s. zufolo,





[flldgelscieun] flagellazione, /. Plag'eolet , [fldgelete] vedi


Plag'giness, [flaghines] .allentamento; rilassamento, m.; debolezza,










Pish'-hook,[fisce-liuc] s.amo,m. Pish'ing, [fiscing] s. pesca, pescagione, f. Fish'ing-boat, [fiscing-bte] s. barca di pescatore, f. Fish'ing-line, [fiscing-lalne] s. lenza, f. Fish'ing-rod, [fiscing-rod] s. canna da pescare, /. Fish'-kettle,[fsce-chet'l] s. navicella da pesce, f.

ta, (.

[fteir] s.


molle; insipido. adat- Plagit'ious, [fldgisceis]

flagizioso, scellerato.


Pit'ting, [fiting] adj. nevole: giusto, idoneo.

Pitz', [fitz]


s. figlio di, m.; roy, figlio del re, m. vagit, f. Pive', [faive]_ adj._ cinque. Five'fold, [faive-fold] adj. quin Plag'-officer , [flag-ofiseiir] s. caposquadra, m. tuplo. Pive'-leaved, [falve-lv'd] adj. Flag'on, [flgheun] s. fiasco, tn.; boccetta, f. cinquefoglie. Fish'-market,[fisce-mrcht] s. Fives', [faves] s. pi. vivole, Pla'grance , [fiigranse] Fla'pescheria, f. grancy, [flgrns] s. ardore, f. pi.; giuoco di palla, m. Fish'-inonger[fiscc-meungheSr] Fix, [fics] V. a. fissare, affis- fervore, fuoco, m. 8. pescivendolo, m. sare, piantare; stabilire; -, V. n. Fla'grant, [flgrnt] adj. arPish'-pond, [fisce-pond] s. vi- fissarsi; coagularsi; determi- dente, fervente, focoso fame vajo, m.; peschiera, f. narsi, risolvere so, notorio. stabilire la Pish'-vFfe,[fisce-ouafe] Fish'sua dimora; to - a business, Pla'grantly, [flgrantle'] adv.

Flagit'iously , [fldgisceSsle'] adv scelleratamente. Flagit'iousness,[fldgisceusnes] s. scelleratezza, ribalderia,mal-





sciveadola, f. Fish'y, [fsc] adj. abbondante

di pesci. Pis'sile, [fisil] adj. fissile; che

terminare un negozio to - a ardentemente, notoriamente. day, appuntare un giorno, con- Plagra'tion , [flgrscieiin] s. venire del giorno; to - upon, incendio, m. scegliere, eleggere; to - the eyes Plag'-ship, [flag-scip] s. ammiupon one, fissare gli occhi in raglio, m. (nave).

pu spaccarsi. alcuno. Flag'-staflf, [flg-staf] .bastoPiss'ure, [fiscieur] s. fessura, Fixa'tion, [ficsescieiin] s. fis- ne della_ bandiera, m. Bpacoatura, crepatura, /. sazione, /".; stabilimento, wi. Plail', [fiele] . coreggiate,,




subita di lume, f. ; splendore, Plaunt'ing, [flonting] adj. at[fleche] s. fiocco, m.; tillato , acconcio albagioso scintilla; lamina, f.; - of ice,\ spruzzo (d' acqua), m. diacciuolo, m.; - of ivool, fiocco Flash'y, [flasc] adj. frivolo, in- pomposo. sipido, pomposo. Fla'vorous , [flveureiis] adj. di lana, m. Flake', (fleclieT v. n. rompersi Flask, [fische] s. fiasco, m.; saporoso, gustoso. fiaschetta, f. Fla'vor, [flveur] s. sapore guin lamine, spelarsi. Fla'ky, [fleche] adj. fioccoso, Flask'et, [flschet] s. paniera, stoso, gusto gradevole, odorc.m. cesta, /.; canestro, m. Flaw', [flo] s. fessura, crepatulaminoso. Flam', [flm] s. menzogna, tu- Fiat', [fiat] adj. piatto, spiana- ra, f. difetto, errore, m. invalidit; commozione,/".; tumulto, to, insipido, franco - and plain, gia, favola, ciarla, f. Flam', [flam] v. a. ingannare francamente, sinceramente: - m.; - of icind, soffio, ni.; folata discourse, s. discorso insipido, di vento, /.; sbuff'o di vento, m. con una bugia, deludere. Flam'beau, [flambo] s. face, m.; - drink, s. bevanda sven- Flaw', [flo] V. a. rompere, cretata,/".; - He, s. bugia manifepare , spezzare , danneggiare, fiaccola, /.; torchio, m. sta, /.;- nose, s. naso schiacviolare. Flame', [flme] s. fiamma, f. fervore; amore, tn.; to set all ciato, m. ,-side, s. piatto(d'una Flavp'less, [flles] adj. senza in -, metter tutto a fuoco e spada), wi.; - voice, s. voce di fessure, senza difetto, perfetto.
, , ; ; ; ;

fiamma. Flame', [flme]

giare, ardere.






lur'dj adj. di color di fiamma. Fla'm'en, [flemn] s. (myth.)

flamine, m, Fla'ming, [flcming] adj. fiammeggiante, ardente.


[flmablite'] s.

to give a - denial, ri/. cusare nettamente: to groiv -, indebolirsi; to lay -, appianare, demolire to He - upon the ground, stendersi per terra; -, s. pianura, f paese piano; (mar.) basso fondo, m.; secca, /".; (mus.) bimmolle, m. Fiat', [flt] V. a. spianare, appianare, sventare -,.. ap-


Plawn, Flaw'y

[fln] s. focaccia,


crepato, fesso; difettoso: imperfetto. Flax', [flcs] s. lino, m.; to dresi -, scotolare il lino. Plax'-comb, [flcs-cme] s. sco[flo]




Flax'-dresser, [flcs-dreseur] s. uno che scotola il lino ec, m. Flax'en, [flcs'n] adj. di lino,


pianarsi, insipidire. biondo. f. [flamabl] adj. in- Flat'-bottomed, [flt-boteim"d] Plax'-flnch, [flcsfinsc] s. fafiammabile, accendibile. adj. {mar.) col fondo piano. nello, m. Flam'meous , [flamius] adj. Fla'tive, [fltiv] adj. fiatuoso, Plax'-seed, [flcsside] s. liuse-

Flammiv'omous, [flmivomeus]
adj. (poet.)

ventoso. me, m. Flat'ly, [fitle'] adv. in piano, Flax'y, [flcse'] vedi Flaxen. vomitante fiamme. sulla terra, schiettamente. Play', [flj V.a. scorticare. Fla'my, [flcm] adj. fiammante; Flat'ness, [fltns] s. pianezza, Play'er, [fleeSr] s. scorticatoardente. insipidezza, debolezza, /. re, m. Flank', [flanc] s. fianco, lato, Flat'-nosed, [flt-nz'd] adj. ca- Flay'ing, [fling] s. scorticam.; in the -, nel fianco. muso, rincagnato. mento, lo scorticare, m. Flank', [flnc] r. a. fiancheggia- Flat'ted, [fltd] adj. spianato, Flea', [fl| s. pulce, /. re, fiancare. appianato. (si; insipidire Flea'bane, [flibne] s. pulicaFlan'ker, [flnchuir] s. (fort.) Flat;t'en,[flat'n] v.a. appianar- ria, fianco, m. Flat'tening, [flt'ning] s. stiac- Plea'bite, [flibite] Plea'biting, Flan'nel, [flnl] s. flanella, f. ciatura, f. [flibiting] s. morsicatura di

fiammesco, di fiamma.

Flap', [flap]

s. lembo, m.; botta, Plat'ter [fiteur] s. martello, pulce, /. , percossa,/".; colpo, m.;-o/ a coat, martellino, m. Plea'bitten, [fiibifn] adj. falda d' un vestito, f.\ - of the Flat'ter, [fiteur] v. a. adulare, sicato da pulci.


(xion. pezzare. r ale; to - down, abbassarsi. Plat'teringly,[flteiiringl]ad. Plec'tion, [flecscieun] vedi FleFlare', [fiere] v. n. splendere piacevolmente, dolcemente. Fledge', [fledge] adj. piumato, con luce transitoria ; consu- Flat'tery, [flteure'] s. adulazio- coperto di piume. marsi, struggersi. ne, lusinga,/".; lusingamento, m. Fledge', [fiedge] v. a. coprire di Pla'ringr , [flering] adj. abba- Plat'tish,[fltsce] adj. alquanto piume, dar delle ale; -, v. n. gliante, splendente. piatto, insipido. cominciare a metter le piume. Flash', [flsc] s. fiamma subita; Flatulence, [flatiulense] Fiat'- Flee', [fl] V. n. irr. {fled; fled) vampa, f.; baleno, lampo, m.; - ulency, [flatiulense] s. {med.) fuggire, voltare le calcagna. of the fj/e, occhiata, /".; sguardo, flatuosit, /". Fleece', [flise]s. tosone, vello, m. tn.; - of fire, vampa, /. ; -of Flat'ulent, [fltiulent] adj. fia- Fleece', [flise] v. a. tosare, pemirth, effusione di gioja, f. ; - tuoso, ventoso, frivolo. lare, scorticare. of wit, arguzia, f.; concetto Platuos'ity,[fltisit]s.(TOe(i.) Flee'cer, [fliseir] s. tosatore; spiritoso, m. fiatuosit, ventosit, f. scorticatore, m. Flash', [flsc] v. a. schizzare, Plat'uous, [fitieus] adj. fia- Plee'cy, [flis] adj. lanuto, lazaccherare; spruzzare; -, v. n. tuoso, ventoso. noso. risplendere, lampeggiare, scin- Plat'wise, [fltoiiaize] adv. in Pleer',[flre] s. derisione,beff'a,^ tillare. piano, di piatto, sulla terra. Fleer', [Aire] v. n. deridere, Flash'ily, [flascile'] adv. di poca Flaunt', [flont] s. pompa, schernire, beffeggiare, befl"are, f. cognizione. Flaunt', [flnt] v. n. pompeg- Fleer'er, [flireur] s. derisore, Plash'ing, [flascTng] s. vivezza giare, pavoneggiarsi. beffatore, tn.

car, oreglia, /".; orecchio estelusingare. riore, n.; - 0/ a shoe, orecchio Plat'terer, [flteureur] s. d' una scarpa, m. latore, lusingatore, m. Flap', [flap] V a. battere, per- Plat'tering , [flteiiring] cuotere; io - the ungs, battere lusinghevole; piacevole.







Fleam', [Alme]
adj. Fleck', [flee]



v. a.


[fllnng] adj. sfac, ciato; -, s. viso arcigno, m. Fleet', [Aite] adj. presto, veloce, spedito, leggiero. Fleet', [Aite] s. flotta, armata di mare, /.; golfo, tu.; baja, f. Fleet', [Aite] v. a. irr. {(Iceted flet) passare leggiermente, toccare ; -, V. n. scorrere, svanire, to - milk, levar il fior del latto. Pleet'-foot, [flitc-f St] adj. colore di piedi, attivo. Fleet'ing, [fliting] adj. transi;


Flirt', [flurt] v.a. lanciare, gettare, far muovere ; -, v. n. muoversi; beffeggiare: civettare. Flirta'tion, [flourtscioun] . ci-

Flick'or, [flicheur] v. n. svolazzare, dimenarsi. Fli'er, [flieur] s. bilanciere; fuggitore, fuggitivo, m. Flight', [flaite] s. fuga, volata, - o{ arrows, tif.\ stormo, m.; rata di frecce, f.; - of folly, stravaganza, sciocchezza, f.; of genius, concetto spiritoso, m.; - of steps, terrazzo, m.; loggia,



Flit', [Alt] V. n. svolazzare,


gire; esser instabile. Flitoh', [flitsc] s. lardone ; costereccio di majale, m. Flit'ter,[fltour] s. cencio ; straccio; brandello, m.

Fligh'tiness, [flatines] s. leg- Flit'termouse, fflteurmaouse] s. pipistrello, vipistrello, m.; gerezza; irregolarit, f. nottola, f. [Aate-sciot] . torio, passeggiero. Flight'-shot , Flit'tiness, [fltines] s. leggefrecciata, f. Pleet'ly, [flitel] ailv. con velorezza, instabilit, f. cit, agilmente, leggiermente. Fligh'ty, [flaite'] adj. fuggitiFlit'tng, [fltng] s. fuggiFleet'nes, [Aitenes] s. celerit, vo, veloce; fantastico. velocit, prestezza, f. Flim'flam, [AimAm] s. baloc- ta, f. bagattel- Flit'ty, [Aite'] adj. instabile, Flegm', [Am] vedi Phlegm. cheria , frascheria variabile._ Flesh', [Asc] s. carne, polpa; la, f. fig. carnalit, /".; to gather -, Flm'siness, [flimzines] s. fiac- Float', [flote] s. traino, fodero ingrassare ;<o go theiouy of ali chezza; leggerezza; trivialit, f. di legname, m. ; zatta, /.; su-, morire; to take -, incarnarsi. Flim'sy, [flimze'] adj. fiacco, ghero dapescaro, m. Flesh', [flesc] v.a. indurire, ani- moscio, floscio; triviale. Float', [flote] v. a. immergere, maro, incoraggiare, saziare Flinch', [flnsc] v. n. sbigottir- inondare; -, r. n. fiottare, galFlesh'-hroth , flsc-trth^] s si, ritirarsi; tralasciare, desileggiare, ondeggiare; star sobrodo di carne, m. stere, abbandonare. speso. Flesh'-color, [flosc-cheuleur] s Plinch'er, [flincheir] s, codar- Float'-hoat, [flte-bte] s. zatcolore di carne, m. carnagiodo, pusillanime, i. ta, zattera, chiatta, f. ne, f. (grasso, m. Flin'der, [Aindeur] s. scheggia, Float'ing-bridge , [fltingFlesh'-day, [Aesc-d] s. giorno /.; frammento, m. bridge] s. ponte di barche, ponFlesh'-diet, [Asc-dait] s. cibo Flin'der-mouse , [Aindeur- tone, m. di carne, m. muse] . pipistrello, m. Floa'ty, [flote'] adj. galleggianFlesh'ful, [Ascful] adj. carno- Fling', [Ang] s. colpo, tn.; bot- te, a galla. so, carnuto. ta; beffa, burla, /. Flock', [flc] s. banda, truppa; Flesh'-hook, [flsc-huc] s. for- Fling', [fling] v. a. irr. {flung turba; gregge, mandra,/.; fioccina, forchetta, f. flung) gettare, buttare; vibra- co, t. ; - of wool, bioccolo d Flesh'lness, [flscines] s. car- re, lanciare, spandere -, v. n. lana, tn. nosit, f. irr. calcitrare; to - at, lancia Flock', [floc] V. n. affollarsi, Flesh'less, [Aescls] adj. ma- re, avventarsi; to - away, ri- adunarsi attorno. macilento, smunto. gro, buttare, dissipare, involarsi Flock'-bed, [flc-bd] s. letto Flesh'liness, [Aesclines] s. car- to -down, buttar gi, atterra- di borra, m. nalit; sensualit, f. re ; rovinare, disfaro to - off, Flock'ng, [flochng] s. folla di Flesh'ly, [Ascel] adj. carnale, schivare, cacciare; to - out, popolo, concorso, m. sensuale, animale. buttar fuori; to - up, abban- Flog', [flog] V. a. frustare, sferPlesh'-meat,[Asce-mite]s, car- donare, ritirarsi. zare. ne (da mangiare), /. Fling'er, [flingheiir] s. gittato- Flood', ffleSd] s. inondazione, f. Flesh'-pot, [Asce-pot] s, rami- re; beffatore, m. diluvio, flusso, m.; - of tears, no, m. Flint', [flint] s. pietra focaja, torrente di lagrime, m. Plesh'y, [flsce'] adj. carnoso, selce, f.; ciottolo, wi. Flood', [fleud] v. a. inondare; polposo. Flint'-glass, [flnt-glas] s. ve- sommergere. Flezau'imons , [Aecsanimeus] tro di rocca, m. Flood'-gate, [fleud-ghte] s. caadj. persuasivo. Flint'-hearted , [flmt-hrted] teratta, imposta, f. Flexibirity, [Acsibilite] s. fles- adj. spietato, crudele. Flook', [fliche] s uncino, raffio sibilit, arrendevolezza; com- Flint'-stone [flnt-stne] s. dell'ancora, m.; patta, f. , piacenza, f. selce, f. Floor', [flore] s. palco; paviFlex'ible, [flcsibl] adj. flessi- Flin'ty, [flnt] adj. selcioso, mento, suolo; piano, appartabile, pieghevole, arrendevole spietato, inesorabile. mento; (mar.) fondo, taglio, m.; cortese. Flip', [flip] s. bevanda cordia071 a -, di fuga. Flex'ibleness, [flecsiblnes] vedi le, /. Floor', [flore] v. a. intavolare, Flexibility. Flip'pancy, [flpanse'J s. ciarla, coprir di tavole, impalcare con Flex'ile, [flcsil] adj. piegheciarleria, /. (mento, m. tavole. vole, ossequioso. Flip'pant, [flipant] adj. vivace, Ploo'ring, [flring] s. impalcaFlex'lon, [flcscieun] s. flessio- allegro; svegliato, ciarliero; - Flop', [flop] V. o. battere l'alo, ne; piegatura, /. discourse, s. discorso vano, m.; scoppiare. Flex'or, [flcsr] s. (onaf.) fles- - tongue, s. lingua sciolta, Flo'ral, [floral] adj. florale. f. sore, m. Flip'pantly, [flpantl] adv. in Flo'ret, [Aret] s. Aoretto, m. Plex'uous,[flecscueus]adj. fles- modo vago. Flo'riage, [floridge] s. fiori di suoso, pieghevole; variabile. Flirt', [fleurt] s. moto celere ed piante. Flex'ure, [flcsciure] s. flessura, elastico, m.; civetta, sfaccia- Flor'id, [florid] adj. florido, vacurvatura, f. tella, f. go, adornato. Diz. Ing-llal 3, 10




coraggiare, alzare; -, v. n. ar[firditl Plor'id- Flow'er-garden, [flaoueiir-garrossire; scorrere con impeto. ness, [fldndnes] s. floridezza, d"n] s. giardino da fiori, m. freschezza di colore, /".; colo- Flow'eriness, [flaoueurinos] s Plush'er, [fleiisceur] s. lanieabbondanza di fiori; ftg. flori- re, m. rito delle guance, m. Flush'lng, [fleiscing] . rossoFloriferous, [florfireis] acj. dezza, /. Flow'erless, [flaueirles] adj. re, m.; rossezza (nel viso), f. pieno di fiori. senza fiori. Flush'ness, [fleuscnes] s. freFlor'in, [florin] s. fiorino, m. schezza, /.; vigore, m. Flo'rist, [florist] s. fiorista, di- Flow'er-pot , [flaoueurpot] s. Flus'ter, [fleiisteir] s. fretta, testo por i fiori, m. lettante di fiori, m. Flos'culous, [flscliiuleis] adj. Flow'er-work[flaoueuroueurche] agitazione, /. Flus'ter, [fleiistoiir] v. a. ines. ricamo, m. (bot.) flosculoso. Flot'sam, [flotsam] Flot'son, Flow'ery, [flaueure'] adj. pieno briare, turbare. Flute', [fliiite] s. flauto, m.; to di fiori, in fiori. [fltseun] s. ci che il mare Flow'ing, [flaing] adj. scorren- play upon </ie-, suonar il flauto. getta sulla spiaggia, f. Flounce', [flaounse] s. guarni- te, sorgente, volubile -, s. co- Flute', [flite] v. a. scanalare, lamento; flusso, m.; ebbing and accanalare. zione, balzana, f. riflusso. Flute'-player, [fliute-pleir] 8. Flounce', [flaoiinse] v. a guar- -, flusso nire di balzane; -, v. n. tuffar- Flow'ingly, [flingle'] adv. lin- suonatore di flauto, m. Flu'ting, [flitng] s. scanaladamente, con facilit. si, dimenarsi, dibattersi; to Flow'ingness, [fliugnes] .vo- tura, f. about, sbuffare di sdegno. Flut'ter, [fleuteir] s. ondulaFloun'der, [flaoundeiir] s. pesce lubilit (della lingua), f. Flown', [flne] adj. altiero, su- zione, /.; dimenamento, m.; conpassera, lima, f. fusione, f. Floun'der, [flaoiiudeur] v. n. di- perbo. Fluc'tuancy, [fleuctiuanse'] s. Flut'ter, [fleiteir] v. a. sconbattersi; agitarsi, dimenarsi. Flour', [flaour] s. farina, /".; fluttuazione, f.', vacillamento,- certare ; disordinare, turbare -, V. n. m.; irresoluzione, f. svolazzare; agitarsi, fiore del grano, m. Flour'ish, [fleurisc] s. orna- Fluc'tuant , [fleiictiuant] adj. dimenarsi. mento, tratto di penna, ghiri- fluttuante, irresoluto, incerto. Flut'tering, [fleiteurng] .agigoro, m.; (arch.) fiorone, roso- Fluc'tuate, [fleuctiute] v. n. tazione di sphto, f. Flu'vial, [fliuvial] Fluviat'io (mus.) preludio, m.; - fluttuare, bilanciare, esitare. ne, m. [fleSctiuetng] [fliuvitic] adj. fluviale. in discourse, fiore di parlare, Fluc'tnating , m.; - of a trumpet, trombata, adj. fluttuante, ondeggiante Flux', [fleucs] s. flusso; concorso, m.; dissenteria, f. irresoluto. /.; - of words, spampanata, milFluctua'tion, [fleuctiuesciein] Flux', [fleucs] V. a. dissolvere. lanteria, burbanza, f. Flour'ish, [fleiirsc] v. a. or- s. fluttuamento, ondeggiamen- Fluxibil'ity, [fieiicsiblite] s. nare, adornare, abbellire; -, v. to, m.; irresoluzione, incertez- flussibilit, /. Flux'ible, [fleicsibl] adj. flusza, f. n. essere in fiore, fiorire; prosperare; gloriarsi, vantarsi; Flue', [fliu] 8. tubo, m.; calugi- sibile. Fluxil'ity, [fleicslite'] s. fusi(mus.) preludiare, suonare un no, f. preludio; to - tvith a pen, in- Fluellen, [flluel'n] s. veronica, bilit, f. Flux'ion, [fleucscieiin] s. flustrecciare linee; to - a trumpet, /". abrotano,_nt. suonare di trombe; to -a sword, Flu'ency, [fliunse'] s. fluidit, sione, /.; flusso, m. volubilit, abbondanza, f, Fly', [fli] s. mosca; ala, vobrandire la spada. Flour'ishing, [fleiiriscing] adj. Flu'ent, [fliiint] adj. fluente; lante; (watch.) bilanciere, m.; Spanish -, cantaride, cantarelcopioso, abbondante, volubile, fiorente, florido, prospero, pomeloquente; -, s. corrente, ca- la, f. poso. Fly', [flai] V. a. irr. (flew Flour'ishingly, [fleiiriscingle'] nale d'acqua, m. Flu'ently, [fliuntle'] adv. lin- floivn) schivare, scansare, sfug adii, pomposamente. damente, con facilit, con gra- gire; -, v. n. irr. volare, scapFlout', [flaut] s. scherzo, m,; pare, svanire; passare; to let zia. beff'a, burla, f. Flout', [flaut] V. n. schernire, Flu'id, [fliilid] adj. fluido, liqui- -, tirare; sparare; to -into a

beffare, burlare. Flou'ter, [flaouteiir] re, burlone, m.

do, corrente;

-, s.

fluido, liquo-




Flud'ity, [fliidit] Flu'idness, Flow', [fio] s. flusso, m.; abbon- [fliSidns] s. fluidezza, liquidit, f. danza, copia, f. Flow', [fio] V. a. inondare, dilu- Fluke', [fluche] s. marra, f.; rafviare ;-,v. n. colare provenire. fio dell' ancora, m. Flow'er, [flaueiir] s. fiore, or- Flunam'ery, [fleumeure'] s. coanamento, m.; in the - of age, gulamento d'avena cotta, m.

nel fiore dell'et; -s, pi. me- Flu'or,





m. pi. Flow'er, [flaueur] v. a. ornare di fiori, ricamare; -, v. n. fiorire; spumare, fermentare. Flow'ered, [flaoueiir'd] adj. fiorito, guernito di fiori. Flow'er-de-luce , [flaoueir-dilise] s. fiordaliso, m. Plow'eret, [fl^oueiirt] . fioretto, fiorellino, m.



Flur'ry, [fleure'] s. colpo di vento, burrasca; agitazione, fretta,/.

passion, montare in collera; to - in pieces, saltare in pezzi; scoppiare to - about, spandersi, dilatarsi; to - at, lanciarsi; avventarsi; to - away, scappare via, fuggire; to back, rinculare, arretrarsi; to - from, sottrarsi; ffl - off, sollevarsi, ribellarsi; to - open, aprirsi; <o- ouf, rompersi; fuggire prestamente; incollerirsi; migrare to - to, andare via

to - upon, salire, montare. Fly'-blow, [flai-bl] s. cacatuFlur'ry, [fleure] v. a. agitare; ra di mosche^/". spaventare. Fly'-blow, [flai-blo] . a. guaFlush', [fleusc] adj. fresco, vi stare (con cacchioni); corrom-



elato; -, s. flusso, m.


pere. Fly'-boat, [flai-bte]

tino, ni.



Flush', [iieusc] v.

animare, in-



Pond,' [fond] Fon'dle, [fnd'l] V. a. accarezzare, vezzeggiare. Fond'ler, [fondleur] s. che carezza, accarezzatore, m.

Ply'-catcher, [flai-catceilr] s. Foi'son, [foiz'n] . abbondanza, copia, f. cacciatore di mosche, m. Fly'er, [flaleur] s. fuggitore; Poist', [foTst] V. a. inserire; albilanciere; volante, m. terare; falsificare, falsare. Fly'-fish, [flai-fisc] v. a. pesca- Fois'ter , [foisteir] s. falsario, m. re a lonza. Fly'-flap, [flai-flap] s. caccia- Fois'tiness, [foistines] s. feto-

mosche, paramosche, m.
Fly'ing, [flaiing] adj. volante; -camp,s. campo volante, m.; - colors, $. pi. bandiere spiegate, /. pi.; alato, m.




Pond'ling, [fondling] s. mignone, favorito, m. Pond'ly, [fondle'] adv. tenerare, m. mente, appassionatamente. Pois'ty, [fiste'] adj. mucido Pond'ness, [fndnes] $. teneFold', [fold] s. ovile, m. ; greg- rezza, indulgenza; debolezza, f. ge; piega, crespa, /".; limite, m.; affetto, amore, m. complica^zione, f. Font', [font] . fonte battesima.

Fly'-trap, [flai-irap]


mosche, m.
Poal', [fole] s. puledro, i.; cavallina, /.; - 0/ an ass, puledro asinino, m. Foal', [fole] v. a. fare un puledro, figliare. Foam', [fome] s. spuma, schiu-

ma, f. Foam', [fme]






[fme'] adj.


Fob*, [fob] s. borsellino, m.; borsa, /.; gonzo, ni. Fob', [fob] V. a. ingannare, truffare to - o(f, giuntare, beffare;

Fold', [fold] V. a. reg. & irr. le, wi. (folded; folden) chiudere nel- Pon'tanel, [fontanel] s. fonta-, v. n. piel' ovile, piegare; nella, f.; caxxtcrio, m. garsi. Food', [fSd] s. cibo, pasto, nuPold'ing, [folding] e. piegatu- trimento, m.j esca, f. ra, /.; piegamento, m.; doppia- Food'ful, [fudful] adj. nutrititura, f. vo; fertile. Pold'ing-cliair , [folding-cere] Pood'less, [fdls] adj. stes. ciscranna, f. rile. Fold'ing-door, [folding-dre] s. Food'y, [fude'] adj. nutritivo. porta a due imposte, f. Pool', [fui] s. sciocco, pazzo, Pold'ing-screen,[f51dDg-scrIae] matto; buffone, m.; to play the s. paravento, m._ -, fare il pazzo; burlare, scherFold'ing-stick, [folding-stic] s. zare. stecca da piegare, f. Pool', [fui] V. a. frustrare; inPolia'ceous, [fliscieus] adj. gannare; -, v.n. fare il pazzo, fogliaceo. pazzeggiare scherzare, ruzFo'liage, [fliedge] s. fogliame, zare.

m.; frondi,/". pi. Poor-born, [fil-born] ady. pazzo del fuoco, Po'liate, [flite] v.a. ridurre nato. in lamine. Fool'ery, [fleure'] s. pazzia, s. {anat.) foci- Folia'tion, [foliesciein] s. fo- follia; impertinenza; bagattelgliame, ni. le, m. la, /". Fo'cus, [fcheis] s. fuoco; cen- Fo'lio, [folio] s. libro in fo- Pool'liardiness , [fulhar dines] glio, in. tro, m. s. arditezza, temerit, f. Fod'der, [fder] s. foraggio, Po'lious, [flieus] adj. foglio- Pool'hardy, [fiilhard] adj. arm.\ vettovaglia, /. so, sottile, non sostanziale. dito, temerario. Fod'der, [fdeur] v. a. pastura- Folk', [foche] s. gente, popolo, Pool'ish, [fulsc] adj. pazzo, m.; re con cibo secco, vettovathe -s say, si dice. stolto, sciocco; indiscreto, imgliare. Fenicie, [folicr] s.^bot.) folli- pertinente. foragcola, Fod'derer, [fodeiireur] s. Pool'ishly, [f alisei e] adv. Me-. /.; guscio, m. Fol'low, [flo] V. a. seguire, ac- mente, stoltamente; imprudengiere, m. Foe', [fo] s. nemico, avversa- compagnare, imitare; -, v. n. temente. rio, m. seguire, provenire, proceder Pool'ishness, [fuliscns] s. pazFoe like, [flaiche] ad), da ne- to - one's books, applicarsi allo zia; imprudenza, f. mico. studio; to - one's business, ba- Pool'-trap, [fuletrap] s. trapFoe'man, [fmn] s. nemico in dare ai fatti suoi; to - one's pola, f. guerra, m. example, seguire l'altrui esem- Pools'cap, [ful'scap] s. specie Foe'tus, [flteis] s. foto, embrio- pio; to - the law, studiare la di carta inglese. ne, m. legge; to - a trade, attendere Foot*, [ft] s. (feet; pi.) piede; Fog', [fog] 8. nebbia, nebu- a qualche mestiere. passo, m.; base; fanteria, f.; la,/". Fol'lower, [foloeur] s. segua- by -, poco a poco; to go on -, Fog'gily, [foghile'] adv. oscura- ce; aderente; imitatore; setta- andare a piedi; to set on -, metmente. tore, m, tere in piedi, cominciare. Fog'giness, [foghiues] s. aria Fol'lowing, [folng] adj. se- Foot', [flit] V. a. calcitrare; calnebulosa, f. guente; seguace. pestare; -, V. n. andar a piedi; Fog'gy, [foghe] adj. nebuloso, Fol'ly, [fole] s. pazzia; strava- camminare ; ballare , saltelnebbioso. ganza, f. lare. Foh'I [f] inf. oib! Foment', [foment] v. a. fomen- Poot'-ball, [fut-bol] s. palloFoi'ble, [fibl] s. debolezza, f. tare, incoraggiare. ne, m. Poli', [foil] s. fioretto, m. ; di- Pomenta'tion, [fmntescieun] Poot'-board, [fut-brde] s. presfatta; foglia; ripxilsa, f. to give (med.) fomentazione, f. ; fo- della, /. ; sgabello, m. s a -, ripulsare. mento, m. Foot'-boy, [fut-bi] s. lacch, m. Foil', [foil] v.a. superare; vin- Fomen'ter, [fomonteir] s fo- Poot'-bridge , [fut-bridge] . cere. mentatore; fautore, m. piccol ponte di legno, pontiFoin, [fin] s. botta, {.; col- Pond', [fond] adj. appassionato, cello, m. po, m. [poco usato). indulgente, benigno; frivolo; to Poot'-company, [fit-cheumpaPoin',[f()in] T!. n. dare una botbe - of, essere appassionato, ne'] . compagnia d'infanteta, dare un colpo {poco usato). amare con passione, impazzare. ria, f.


disfarsi. [focal] centrico. Foc'ile, [fosl]




Pore', [fore] adj. anteriore, antecedente, precedente. Pore', [fore] adv. anteriormente, innanzi; (mar.) - and aft, per poppa e prua. Pore-admon'sh,[fre-admonsc] V. a. consigliare innanzi. Poreadvse', [fore-advaize] v. a. prevenire, avvisare. Foreappoint', [fore-point] v. a. determinare innanzi. Fore'-arm, [fre-rm] s. cubito, m. Forearm', [forearm] v. a. ar-

Poot'-fall, [fut-fol] s. inciam- Por'ager, [foredgeur] s. foraggiere, m. po, passo falso. Poot'-flght, [fut-faite] s. com- Por'aging, [fordglng] s. il foraggiare, m. battimento d' infanteria, m. Poot'-gnards, [fut-gards] s. pi. Poram'nous, [framineus] adj. foramnoso, pieno di buchi. guardie d' infanteria. Poot'hold, [fut-liold] s, peda- Forbear', [frbere] v. a. irr. (forbore ; forborne) evitare; inta, A


[futing] s. pedata, terrompere; risparmiare; sopportare, tollerare; -,v.n. cespasso; sentiero; balsare; astenersi, raffrenarsi; tralo, m.; base, f.; fondamento; cominciamento, principio; sta- lasciare; fuggire. to, m.; condizione, f.; to get a Forbear'ance , [forbereanse] s. - in a place, fermare il piede intermissione; pazienza, indulmare avanti, premunire. in un luogo; stabilirsi in un genza, f. luogo; to be on the same - with Forbid', [forbid] v. o. irr. proi- Forebode', [forebode] v. a. preanother, essere del pari con bire; impedire; difendere; vie- sagire, pronosticare. tare, divietare; God -, Iddio Porebode'ment, [frebdement] 2i\<fnno. s. presagio, indovinamento, m. Poot-licker,[fut-licheur] 5. adu- non voglia. Porbid'dance, [forbidnse] s. Porebo'der, [frcbdeur] s. inlatore, m. dovinatore, m. Foot'man, [futman] s. staffie- proibizione, f.; divieto, w. Forbid'denly, [forbidnl] adv. Pore'by, [frebai] prep. presso, re; fantaccino, m. appresso. Poot'-pace, [fut-pese] s. passo in modo illecito. Forbid'der, [frbideur] s. proi- Pore'cast, [forecast] s. prevelento; pianerottolo, m. dimento, m.; preconoscenza, f. Poot'-pad, [fut-pad] s, ladro a bitore, vietatore, m. Porbid'ding , [frbiding] adj. Forecast', [forecast] v. n. irr. piedi, wi. spiacevole, austero; -, . proi- prevedere, considerare innanzi, Poot'-path, [fut-path^] s. sen bizione, /". ; vieto, vietamen- concertare. tiero; marciapiede, m. Porecast'er, [frecasteiir] s. che Poot'-post, [fut-post] s. corrie- to, m. Force', [forse] s. forza; violen- prevede. re a pjedi, m. Poot'-soldier, [fut-sldgeur] . za, f.; potere, m.; necessit, f.; Pore'castle, [frecas'l] . (mar.) castello di prua,jn. -s. pi. forze, truppe, f. pi.; misoldato d'infanteria. Pore' chosen, [forecis'n] adj. Poot'-stall, [fut-stl] s. base, lizia, f. Force', [frse] v. o, forzare, sfor- preeletto, predestinato. f.; piedestallo, m. Poot'-step, [fut-step] s. vesti- zare; violentare, obbligare; co- Poreci'ted , [foresaitd] adj. strignere; superare, vincere; suddetto, soprammentovato. gio, m.; traccia, f. Poot'-stool, [fut-stul] s. pre- violare, stuprare; -, v. n. sfor- Foreclose', [freclzc] v. a. zarsi ; insistere ; chiedere in- (jur.) escludere. della, /.; sgabello^ m. Poot'-way, [fut-oue'] s. sentie- stantemente; to - back, rispi- Fore'deck, [frcdec] s. {mar.) gnere; to in, conficcare, fare prua, f. ro, tti. Pop', [fop] s. zerbino, damerino, entrare; to - out, fare uscire Poredeem', [fredime] v. a. inper forza; to - out from, svel- dovinare, con ghi otturar e. parisino, sciocco, m. Poredesign', [foredizaine] w.a. Pop'-doodle, [fop-diidl] s. min- lere; rapire. Por'cedly, [frsedle'] adv. per progettare, delineare anticipachione, sciocco, m. tamente, concertare. Pop'ling, [fopling] s. zerbinet- forza, violentemente. Porce'ful, [forseful] adj. vio Poredeter'mine,[f5rediteurmin] to, sciocco giovane, m. V. a. determinare innanzi. Pop'pery, [fopere'] s. imperti- lento, impetuoso, vigoroso. Porce'fully , [frseffile] adv Foredoom', [foredume] v. a. nenza; affettazione, f. Pop'pish, [fopisc] adj. attillato, forzatamente , violentemente , predestinare. Pore'door, [fredore] s. porta impetuosamente. affettato, sciocco. Pop'pishly, [fpiscle'] adv. in Forceless, [frseles] adj. senza d' avanti, f. Pore'-end, [fore-end] s. parte modo affettato, con vanit, bo- forza, impotente, debole. Por'ceps, [frsps] s. forcipe, d' avanti, f. riosamente. Porefa'thers, [frefathleurs] s. Pop'pishness, [fopscnes] . af- m.; tanaglia, f. pi. antenati predecessori, m.p/. fettazione, ostentazione; vani- Por'cible, [frsibl] adj. forte; potente, vigoroso, efficace, pre- Forefend', [forefend] v. a. proit, /. bire, impedire, avertere; difenPor', [for] prep. & conj. per, in valente. luogo di, perch, perciocch; a For'cibleness, [frsibl'nes] s. dere. Fore'flnger, [frefingheur] s. causa, a cagione che; - what? forza; violenza, f. perch? as - me, per me, in Por'cibly, [frsible'] adv. per indice, dito indice, m. quanto a me; - example, per forza , fortemente , efficace- Pore'foot , [frefut] . piqde d' avanti, m. esempio; - my safe, per l'amor mente. mio; - huw much, per quanto; Por'cing, [forsTng] s. compul- Pore'front, [forefreunt] . la parte in avanti,/. -my part, in quanto a me; - sione, f. ever and ever, per sempre; - Ford', [frd] s. guado, vado, Porego' , [forego] v. a. irr. precedere; cadere; abbandoas much as, perciocch, avve- guazzo, m. Ford', [ford] v. a. guadare; nare. gnach, a cagione che. For'age, [fredge] s. foraggio, passare a cavallo, passare a Porego'er, [frcgoeur] s. antecessore, m. piedi. i.; vettovaglia, f. Por'age, [frdge] .a. forag- Ford'able, [frdabl'] adj. che si Porego'ing, [foregoing] adj.T^Xi^ cedente, antecedente. pub guadare, guadoso. giare, sacchegginrc.




For'ester, [foresteur] . guardaboschi, uffizialede'boscbi, m. Fore'taste, [foreteste] s. saggio,

Pore'ground, [foregraound] s. Forerec'ted, [frerisaited] adj. parte inferiore d' una pittu- sopramraentovato. Forerun', [frereun] r. a. irr. ra, f. Fore'hand, [foreliand] wij. an- precorrere; precedere. ticipato, prematuro; -, s. parte Forerun'ner, [freroiineur] s. anteriore, f. precursore; foriere, m. Pore'handed, [forelianded] adj. Fore'said, [fresed] adj. sopradfatto a tempo, opportuno. detto. PoreTiead, [forhed] . fronte: Fore'sail, [foresle] s. mezzaimpudenza, sfacciatezza, f. na, f. Forebold'ing, [frelilding] s. Foresay', [forese] v. a. irr. predire, profetizzare. predicimento, m.
[forehorse] s. cavallo che va avanti, m. For'eign, [forine] adj. forestiere, straniero. Por'eigner, [forneeur] s. forestiere, straniero, m.

assaggiamento, m.
v. a.

Foretaste', [fretste] gustare, assajfgiare.



Por'eignness, [fornenes] s. allontanamento, m. Fore-imag'ine, [fre-madgm] r.o. immaginare innanzi, conghietturare.

Forejudge', [fredgeudge] v. a. giudicare innanzi, prevedere.

Fore-judg'ment, [fredgoiidgmnt] s. giudicio formato prima di udire leprove, m.

Foreknow', [fren]
preconoscere; prevedere.


a. irr.



Foreknow'able, [frenoabl] ad]. che si pu preconoscere. Foreknowl'edge, [frenledge]

t. preconoscenza, prescienza f. Fore'land, [foreland] s. capo, promontorio, m. Forelay', [frele'] v. a. irr. tendere insidie, mettere in aguato. Fore'lock, [freloc] . capelli d'avanti, m. pi.; ciuffo, m.; {mar.) chiavetta, f. Fore'man, [foreman] s. capo, condottiero; capo de' giurati; (print.) proto, m. Fore'mast, [foremast] s. {mar.) albero di trinchetto, m. Foremen'tioned , [fremenBceiin'd] adj.soprammentovato, predetto. Fore'most, [foremost] adj, pri-


in ordine.




prenominato. Fore'noon, [frcnun]

s. mattina, f. Fore'notice, [frentis] . avviso anticipato, m. Poren'sic, [forensic] adj. fo-


Foreordain', [freordene] v. a. ordinare avanti, preordinare,

predestinare.^ Fore'part, [forepart] s. parte d'avanti, parte anteriore, {. Forepast', [forepast] arfj. passato avanti, precedente. Forepossessed', [frepozst] adj. preoccupato. Fore'rank, [frernc] . primo
ordine, m.; fronte,

Foretell', [foretl] v. a. irr. predire; presagire ; profetizzare. Foretel'ler, [foretleur] s. pronosticatore, profeta, tn. Foretel'ling, [fretling] s. preForesee', [foresi] v. a. irr. pre- dizione, /.; pronosticamento, m. vedere, antivedere, presentire. Forethink', [freth^inc] v. a. premeditare , pensare Foresee'ng, [fresiing] s. pre- irr. avanti. conoscenza, f. Foreseen', [fresine] adj. pre- Forethought', [foreth-tj s. premeditazione, f. veduto, antivisto. Fore-seer', [foresre] s. uno che Foreto'ken, [fretch'n] s. pronostico, augurio, presagio, m. prevede, m. Fore-shad'ow, [fre-scTado] v. Foreto'ken, [foretoch'n] v. a. presagire, pronosticare. a. sgnificare_avanti, presagire. Fore'ship, [forescip] s. (mar.) Foretold', [foretold] adj. predetto, pronosticato. prua, f. Foreshor'ten, [frcscort'n] v. Fore'tooth, [fretuth^] s. dente d' avanti, incisore, m. a. raccorciare. Foreshor'tening, [fresciort'n- Fore'top, [foretop] s. cufio, m.; (mar.) coffa di parrocchetto, /".; ng] s. raccorciamento, m. Foreshow', [frescio] v. a. irr. - mast, albero di parrocchetto, premostrare; predire, prono- i. ; - sail, vela di parrocchetto,/. sticare. [frevautc'd] Fore'sight, [fresate] s. pro- Forevouch'ed , adj. affermato anticipatamente. vedimento, m.; prescienza, f. Foresight'ful, [for esalte fui] adj. Fore'ward, [forouaurd] s. avanguardia; fronte, f. provvido, presciente. v. a. Foresig'nify, [foreslgnifai] v. Fore' warn, [foreouorn] avvertire avanti, dar avvisi. a. presagire, augurare. Fore'skin, [foreschin] s. pre- Forewarn'ing, [freournng] s. avvertimento, wi. puzio, m. Fore-skirt, [frescheurt] s. la Fore'wheel, [foreeuile] s. ruota falda in avanti di un abito, tn. d' avanti, f. Fore'slack, [freslc] v. a. ral- Fore'wind, [frcouind] s vento in poppa, m. _ lentare, debilitare, snervare. Foreslow', [feresio] v. a. ritar- Forewish', [foreouisc] v. a. de* dare, indugiare, impedire; ne- siderareavanti, bramare avanti. Foreworn' , [freouorne] adj. gligere, omettere. Forespeak', [frespiche] v. a. usato, guastato dal tempo, logorato. irr. predire; proibire. Forespeech', [frespltsc] s. pro- For'feit, [forftt] adj. confiscalogo, m. to, sequestrato; -, s. ammenForespent', [forcspent] adj. gua- da; trasgressione, /".; misfatstato, stanco, lasso. to, delitto, m. Forespur'rer, [forespeureiir] s. For'feit, [frfit] v. a. perdere postiglione; corriere, corrie- per sequestrazione; to - one's re, m. word, mancare di parola; to For'est, [forest] s. foresta, sel- one's life, perder la vita. va, f. For'feitable , [frftabl] adj^ Fore'staff, [forestaf] s. {mar.) confiscabile. balestra, f.; astrolabio, m. For'feiture, [forfitcciar] s. conForestali', [frestl] v. a. an- fiscazione; multa, pena, f. ticipare , preoccupare , incet- Forfend', [forfnd] v. a. prevetare. nire, preservare. Forestall'er, [forestoleiir] s. Forge', [frdge'] s. fucina, ferincettatore, monopolista, m. riera; fabbrica, f. Forestall'ing, [forestling] s. Forge', [fordge] v. a. fabbricaincetta, preferenza nella com- re; contraffare; macchinare, inpra, /.; monopolio, m. ventare; to - a will, falsificare For'esthorn , [forstborn] adj. un testamento. nato in una foresta. Por'ger, [frdgeur] s. fabbro; For'ested, [forested] adj. che inventore, macchinatore ; fal.


d alberi.





Forthwith', [forth^ouith^] adv.
incontinente, subito. For'tieth, [fortieth-] adj. quarantesimo. For'tifiable, [frtifaiabl] adj.

For'gery, [frdgcur] .lavoro For'mative, [formatv] a Jj. formativo, plastico. di fabbro; falsificamento, m. For'mer, [frmeiir] adj. primiefalsit, /. Forget', [forght] v. a. irr. ro, passato. (forgot; forgot, forgotten) di- For'mer, [frmelr] . formatomenticare, obbliare; disimpa- re, inventore, wi. Por'merly , [formeurle'] adv. rare; negligere. Forget'ful, [frglietfil] adj. di- tempo fa, altre volte, nel temraentichevolo, obblioso; negli- po passato. Pormica'tion, [formichoscieun] Forget'fulness, [forghetfulnes] s. formicolio, m. [formdabl] adj. s. dimenticamento, obblio, tn.; For'midable, formidabile, terribile. negligenza, f. Porget'ter, [forgbeter] .quel- For'midal)leness,[frmidablnes] obbliato- s. qualit formidabile, f.; orrolo che dimentica, re, terrore, m. re, m. Forgive', [forgbv] v. a. irr. For'midably, [formidable] adv. orribilspaventevolmente perdonare; rimettere. Forgive'ness , [forghivnes] s. mente. Form'less, [formles] adj. inforperdono, m.; remissione, f. Forgiv'er, [frghiveur] s. per- me, sformato. For'mula, [frmiula] . formudonatore, m. Forgiv'ing, [forghivng] .per- la, /. For'mulary, [formiulare'] .fordono, wi.; remissione, f. Forin'secal , [frinsical] adj. raolario, wi. estraneo, forestiero. Por'mule, [frmiule] s. formuFork', [frc] s. forca, forchet- la, formola, f. (spartirsi. For'nicate, [fornichete] v. n. ta, f. Fork', [fore] v. n. biforcarsi; fornicare, adulterare. For'ked, [frc'd] adj. forcuto. Fornica'tion , [frnichescieiin] For'kedly, [forchedle'] adv. in . fornicazione, /.; adulterio, m. forma di forca. Por'nicator , [frnicheteur] s.





Fortiflca'tion, [frtifichescieun]
. fortifica2one; cittadella, ,'. Por'tifler, [frtifieir] . for-



For'tify, [fortifEi] v.a. fortificare;


Fort'in, [frtin]



Por'titude, [frtitide] tezza, /".; coraggio, m.


Port'let, [frtlt] s. fortino, m. Fort'night, [frtnaite] s. (iuiudici giorni, m. pi. Por'tress, [fortres] s, forte. za; bastila, f.


[fortiuiteus] adj. fortuito, casuale, inaspettato.

Portu'itonsly , [fortiiiteusl] adv. fortuitamente, accidentalmente, per caso. Portu'itousness, [forti uiteusnes], Portu'ity, [frtiite'] . caso, accidente, evento, m. For'tunate, [frtceunte] adj. fortunato, avventuroso. Por'tunately , [frtceiintel] adv. fortunatamente.





For'nicatress, [frnichetres]


Fork'head, [forched]
di freccia, /.


fornicatrice, /

Por'tunateness [frtceuntenos] . buona fortuna, /".; sucm. prosperit, f. cesso,

, ;













depredazio- For'tune, [frtcune] s. fortuna, /.; sorte; caso, avvenimena. depredare. to, evento; stato, m.; condiziof.

Forlorn', [forlorn] adj abban- Forsake', [frsche] v. a. irr. donato, derelitto; - hope, s. (forsook; forsaken) lasciare, absoldati esposti in un assalto, bandonare. wi. pi. Forsa'ker, [forscheur] s. abForlorn'ness, [forlornnes] .ab- bandonatore, m. bandono, m.; solitudine, mise- Forsa'king, [frsechmg] ab-i
ria, /.

ne, /".; beni, m. pi.; ricchezze, pi.; ricco partito, m.; ili-, disgrazia, miseria, /".; to make one's -, far fortuna, ingrandirsi; to

marry o


sposare una



Form', [form]

forma, figura; foggia, maniera, moda, formalit, cerimonia; panca,/'.; banco; covo, wi.; in due -, nello forme, in forma; for - sake, per formalit; (print.) to take offa-, levare una forma. Form', [form] v.a. formare, concertare; ordinare, comporre; istruire, informare. For'mal, [formai] adj. formale;

Forsooth', [frsuth^]
verit, ironia).


ricca; to risk one's -,rimettersi alla fortuna. in For'tune, [fortceune] v. n. acI j


veramente (detto

coni cadere, avvenire.


Forswear', [fdrsuire]


[fortceiine-buc] libro di magia, m. con For'tuned, [frtceun'd] odj. for, <o - one's tunato.
v. a. irr.l



dorsi spergiuro, spergiurare.


Forswear 'er, [frsereur]s.sper-

giuro, spergiuratore, m. Forswear'ing, [frsuring] s. For'tune-tell, [frtceune-tel] spergiuro, spergiurameuto, m. a. fare la ventura.

che va di donne ricche, m.

[frtceunea caccia

affettato. Fort', [frt] . forte, m. For'malist, [formalist] . che Fort'ed, [fortd] adj. fortificasta troppo sulle formalit; uo- to, munito. mo preciso, m. Forth', [frt'h'^]adj.& adv avanForinal'lty, [formalit] . for- ti; fuor fuori; affatto and so -, malit, forma; cerimonia,/".; eccetera; e cesi di mano in maformalities, s. pi. veste solenno; to go -, uscire; to set -, ni, f pi. partire, derivare; presentare.
. ;

Por'tune-teller, [fo'rtceine-tleur] s. dicitore di fortuna, mi. Por'ty, [forte] adj. quaranta.

Fo'rum, [foreum] . foro, m. For'ward, [frourd] adj. anticipato, avanzato, presto; attivo; ardito; presuntuoso, pronto, disposto; - frMit, s. frutto

For'malize, [formlaize] v. a. Porthcom'ing,[frth-cheuming] primaticcio, m. modellare, modificare; trattare adj. sul punto d' apparire; -, s. For'ward, [foreuard] arf. avancon troppa affettazione. comparizione, f. ti, innanzi; to move -, to set -, For'mally, [formale] adv. for- Forths'suing, [frth-isiung] avanzare, avanzarsi. malmente. adj. uscente. For'ward, [frouard] v. a. avanForma'tion , [formoscieun] . Forthright', [forth^raitc] adv. zare, promuovere, accelerare,
diritto, dirittamente.

affrettare; favorire.

re, tn.



v. a.


Pound', [faond]

fondare; Pox'-glove, [fdcs-gleuve]




affrettatore, promotore, fauto-

stabilire, edificare, gettare.


[faoundcscieun] Fox'-hound,




bracco, m. [forouardle] adv. s. fondamento, m.; base, f. Foun'der, [faondeiir] s. fonda- Fox'-hunter, [fdcs-heSntour] s. frettolosamente, in fretta. cacciatore delle volpi, in. For'wardness, [forouardnes] s. tore; fonditore, m. prontezza; premura, f.; ardo- Foun'der, [faoindeiir] v. a. Fox'-hunting, [fdcs-boiinting] s. strapazzare, affaticare, strop- caccia delle volpi, m. re; progresso, m.; sollecitudipiare ; -, V. n. affondare, andar Fox'ish, [fdcsiscj Fox'like, ne, /". [fdcslaiche] adj. astuto, acFor'wards , [frouards] adv. a fondo. Foun'dery, [faondeiir] . fon- corto. avanti (verfi Forward). Pox'ship, [fdcsscip] s. astuzia; Forwea'ry, [frouir] v. a. fa- deria, f. Found'ling,[fao5ndling] .bam- malizia, f. ticare, stancare. Pox'-tail, [focstle] s. coda di Foss', [fs] s. fosso, m.; gran bino, fanciullo esposto, m.; Aouse, hospital, s. spedale dei volpe, f. fossa, /". (ta, f. Fox'-trap, [focstrap] .trappola Foss'-way, [fos-oue'] s. ghiaja- fanciulli esposti, m. da volpi, f. Pos'sil, [fdsil] adj. fossile; -, s. Foun'dress, [faoundrs] s. fonPract', [frct] v. a. rompere datrice, /. fossile, i. vedi violare. Fos'silist, [foslTst] s. uno co- Foun'dry , [faoundre'J Frac'tion, [fracsceun] s. franFoundery. noscente di fossili, m. Fos'ter, [fosteiir] v. a. nutrire, Fount', [faunt] Foun'tain , gimento, rompimento, m.; frazione, f. allevare, governare, educare. [fauntn] s. fonte, ; fontaFrac'tional, [fracsceunal] adj. Pos'terage, [fosterdge] .cu- na, f. ra di nutrire, f. Poun'tain-head, [faoiintin-liod] (ar.) frazionario; - parts, s. pi. frazioni, f. pi. Pos'ter-brother , s. origine, m. [fdsteiirtreuth'eiir] s. fratello di lat- Fonn'tainless,[faoiintinles]ad/. Prac'tions, [fracsceus] adj. per;



Pos'ter-child , s. allievo, m.


senza fonti. verso ; litigioso, stizzoso, rissoso. [foster-ciaild] Fount'ful, [faountful] adj. pieno di sorgenti d'acqua. Frac'tiously, [fracsceiisle] adv. stizzosamente;fastidiosamente. [fsteur-dam] s. Four', [forej adj. quattro.

nutrice, lattatrice,

Fos'ter-earth, [fosteur-eirtli^]
terra nutritiva,




tricatore, m. [fdsteures]


Four'-cornered, [fre-corneur'd] adj. quadrangolare. Four'fold, [f orefold ndj. quatnu- tro volte tanto, quadruplo. Fonr'-footed, [forefutd] adj. nu- quadrupede. Four'score, [frescore] adj. ot]




d' altercare, f.

Prac'ture, [frctceir] s. frattura. /.; rompimento, m. Prac'ture, [frctceur] v. a. rompere con violenza, frangere.

eir] s. balio,

[fdsteur-futh's. al-



Pour'square, [foresqiere]

Pos'terling, [fdsteurlng]

m. Pos'ter-mother

quartodecirao , quattordicesinutrice, balia, f. mo, m. Pos'ter-sister, [ f osteur-sisteur] Fourth', [forth^] adj. quarto. Pourtb'ly, [forth^l] adv. in s. sorella di latte, f. Pos'ter-son, [fdsteur-seun] s. quarto luogo. allievo, m. Four'-wheeled, [fre-oiiird] adj. Poth'er, [fdthleur] v. a. (mar.) con quattjo ruote. stagnare. Fowl', [faoul] s. uccello; polla Pou', [faul] adj. sporco, impume, m. cattivo, ro, indegno, vergogno- Fowl', [faul] V. n. uccellare, so; - copy, s. quadernaccio, andare a caccia d'uccelli. stracciafoglio, m. ; -dealing, s. Fowl'er, [fauleur] s. uccellafraudo,/.; inganno, m.;- weath- tore, m. er, s. tempo burrascoso, wi.; Fowl'ing, [faoilTng] s. la cactempesta, f.;-worJc, .fracasso, cia degli uccelli, /". remore, m.; to play -, truffare Fowring-piece, [fti.ulng-pse] nel giuoco. s. scoppietto da uccellare, m. Pour,[faoul] V. a. sporcare, lor- Fox', [fdcs] .volpe, f.; fg. uodare, imbrattare, intorbidare. mo astuto, volpone, wi.; -' cub, Poul-faced , [faul-fes'd] adj. s. volpicino, m.; -' kennel, s. tana delle volpi, f. bruto.

meiith'eur] s. Pos'ter-nurse, [fdsteur-neirse]

quadrato. Four'teen, [foretlne] adj. quat- Frag'ment, [fragment] s. framtordici. mento, m.; -s of meat, s. pi. ri[fosteiir, balia; nutrice,/'. Pour'teenth , masugli di carne, m. pi. [foretnth-] s

Frag'ile, [frdgl] adj. fragile, frale: caduco, debole. adj. Pragll'ity, [fradglite'] s. fragilit, fralezza, debolezza, f.^



composto di frammenti. Fra'grance, [frgranse] Fra'grancy, [frgrnse] .fragranza, /.; odor soave, m. Pra'grant, [frgrnt] adj. odoroso, odorifero.

Pra'grantly, [frgrantle'] adv. odorosamente, soavemente.

Prail', [frle] adj. frale, fragile

Foul'ly, [faoule']

adv. brutta- Fox', [fdcs] 1). a. ingannare, mente, bassamente, vergogno- Fox'-brush,[fdcs-breusce] . co- Frame', [freme] v. a. formare; samente, da di volpe, f. adattare, comporre, costruire,

Prail', [frle] s. paniera; sporta, f.; cesto, m. Prail'ness, [frlenes] Prail'ty, [frelet] s. fragilit, fralezza, debolezza; instabilit; incostanza, f. Frame', [freme] s. forma, figura; struttura; fabbrica, cornice, /".; impannata, cassa, disposizione, /.; to be out of -, essere indisposto.

Foul'-moutlied,[faoul-mautli'- Fox'-case, [fdcs-chse] Vl] adj. maledico, indecente. di volpe, f. Pourness, [faoiilns] s, spor- Fox'-chase, [focs-cse] cizia, bruttezza, deformit, f. cia delle volpi, f.



fabbricare; inventare; inquadrare in una cornice. cac- Pra'mer, [frmeSr] s. forma^ tore, facitore; inventore, m.

Pran'chise, [franciaize]

fran- Freak',



[friche] s. ghiribizzo, Free'will, [friouil] . libero ar^ capriccio, m.; fantasia, f. bitrio, tn. v. a. Freak', [friche] v. a. picchiet- Pree'woman, [friououman] . donna libera, /. fran- tare, divisare a pi colori. Freak'ish, [frchsc] adj. fan- Freeze', [frize] v. n. irr. (froze; care. frozen) gelare, congelare; geFran'chisement , [franciaize- tastico, capriccioso. Freak'ishly , [frichscle'] adv. larsi. mnt] s. liberazione, f. Prancis'can , [fransiscan] s. capricciosamente, a capriccio; Freight', [frte] .nolo, noleggio, m.; carica, f. di fantasia. Francescano, m. Prangibil'lty, [frandgibilite'] s. Freak'ishness, [frchscns] s. Freight', [frte] v. a. reg. (mar.) bizzarria, f. noleggiare. (Fraught, anche fragilit, {. Fran'gible, [frndgiblj udj. fra- Frec'kle, [frec'l] s. lentiggine; part. pass, di freight, ma almacchia rossa, f. lora non vien impiegato per gile.

ct/gia, (.\ privilegio, ni. Pfan'cliise, [franciaize] esentare; fare franco,

Prank', [franc] adj. franco,

bero; sincero,


Frec'kled, [frcTd]




solamente per

[frode'] adj. lentigginoso. caricare.) - /'raufif/f with cold, Free', [fri] adj. libero, franco; caricato di freddo. rale. Prank', [franc] s. franco, por- liberale, immune, ingenuo, sin- Freighfer, [freteur] . noleggiatore, m. cero, naturale; - of postage, cile, m. Prank', [franc] v. a. francare, franco di porto; to be - from Preight'ing,[frting] s. nolo, m. business, esser disoccupato; to French', [frnsc] adj. francese; privilegiare (lettere)._ Prank'-chase, [franc-cese] s. li- be too -, arrogarsi troppa li- lingua francese, the french lan-



bert da cacciare, f. Frank'-fee, [franc-fi]

libero, m. Prank'incense s. incenso, m.




Prank'lin, [francliin] s. livellare, m. Prank'ly, [francle'] adv. francamente; schiettamente.

Frankness, [frucns]

s. franchezza; sincerit, ingenuit, f, Pran'tic, [frantic] adj. frene-

tico, furioso.

Pran'ticly, [frntcl] adv. da





Prater'nally, [frateurnl] adv fraternamente, da fratello. Frater'nity , [frateurnite'] s

fraternit, fratellanza; compa gnia, /. Fraterniza'tlon , [frateirniziscieun] s. fratellanza,/'.

Pra'ternize, [frateirnaize] v, a.
istituire una fratellanza. Prat'ricide, [frtrisaide] s. fratricidio; fratricida, m. Fraud', [frd] . fraudo, frode trufferia, /.; inganno, m. Praud'ful, [frdful] adj. frau-

navigare guage. francare, French'-bean, [frensc-bine] . fagiuolo, fagiolo, m. affrancare. Free', [fri] v. a. liberare, esen- French'ify, [frnscifai] v. a. dare le maniere francesi, far tare, francare. Free'booter, [fributeur] s. ru- divenir francese. Prench'like, [frnsclaichc] adj. batore, scorridore, m. Free'booting, [fribitng] s. bot- che imita i francesi. Prenet'ic, [frenetic] adj. fretino, predamento, m. Free'born, [friborn] adj. nato netico, insano, furioso. Fren'zy, [frnze'] s. frenesia, libero. Free'chapel, [friciap'l] s. cap- pazzia,^.; furore, tn. Fre'quence, [friqunse] Fre'pella pubblica, f. Pree'cost, [fri-cst] adj gra- quency, [friqunse] . frequenza ; moltitudine, f. ; contuito, senza spesa. Freed', [fridc]adj.liberato, fran- corso, m. Fre'quent, [friquent] adj. frecato. Freed'man, [frideman] s. schia- quente; frequentato. Frequent', [friquent] v.o. frevo fatto libero, liberto, m. Free'dom, [frideum] s. libert; quentare; spesseggiare. franchigia, f.; privilegio, m. ; Frequent'able, [fnquntabl] adj. accessibile, conversabile. immunit, facilit, f. Pree'hearted, [frihrted] adj. Frequent'ative , [friquntativ] adj. frequentativo. liberale, generoso. Free'heartedness , [friharted- Frequent 'er , [friqunteiir] . ns] s. liberalit, generosit, f. frequentatore, m. Free'hold, [frihldj s. feudo, m. Frequent'ing, [friquenting] s. Free'holder, [frihldeiir] s. li- frequentazione, f. vellare, w. (te, volentieri. Fre'quently, [frquentle'] adv. Pree'ly, [frl] adv. liberamen- frequentemente, spesso. Free'man, [frimn] s. uomo li- Fre'quentness, [friquntns] . frequenza, f. bero, borghese, m. Free'mason,[frimesean] .fram- Fres'co, [frsco] . pittura a
cenza; (mar.) contro vento;



to sef-,

fresco, f. massone, m. devole, ingannevole. Fraud'fully, [frdfile'] aiv. con Free'masonry, [frimeseunre'] . Fresh', [fresce] adj. fresco, nuovo, recente; - water, . acqua ordine de' frammassoni, m. fraudo. dolce, /.; -, . (mar.) corrente Prau'dulence , [frodi ulense] Free'mnded, [frimainddj adj. d'acqua dolce, m. Prau'dulency, [frddiilonse'] s. libero, ingenuo. fraudolenza; frode, (. Free'ness, [frines] s. libert, Fresh-blown', [frscc-blone] adj.

Prau'dulent, [frodiiilnt]


liberalit, sincerit,




scuola Fresh'en, [frsc'en] v. a. rinfrescare, dissalare; -, v. n. rinPrau'dulently , [frodiulntle'] pubblica, f. adv. fraudolentomente. Pree'spoken, [frispchen] adj. frescarsi. Fresh'et, [frescet] . laghetto Praught'age, [frtdge] s. ca- franco, candido, ingenuo. Free'stone, [fristone] s. pietra d'acqua dolce, m. rico (d'un vascello), m. Fresh'ly, [frsccl] adv. frescaPray', [fr] s. rissa, contesa; viva, f. Pree'thinker, [frith^incheur] s. mente; recentemente, novellazuffa, f. monte. spirito forte, libertino, m. FxsLj', [fre'] t>. a. fregare, usa re; spaventare, intimorire; -, Free'thinking, [frith^inchlng] Fresh'man, [fresccmn] s. no vizio. . n, usarsi I. libertinaggio, m.

Free'sohool, [friscule]

Fre&h'ness, [frescenes]



s. fre- Fright', [fralte] s. timore, m. ; paura, f.: spavento, terrore, 7n.; fresco, m. to put in -, intimorire, spa[fi'sceouotenr] Fresh'-water, ventare. adj. a freshicater sailor, mariPrigh'ten , [fraite] Fright', naro inesperto, m. [frait'n] v. a. intimorir, imFret', [fret] s. fermentazione; agitazione, cruccio,tasto: stret- paurire, spaventare, sbigottire to, tn.; to be in a -, crucciarsi, Pright'ful, [fraitful] adj. spaventevole, terribije. corrucciarsi, stizzirsi. adv. Fret', [fret) v. a. fregare, ves- Pright'fuUy , fraitful]

Privol'ity, [frivolite'] . frivolezza, /. Priv'olous, [frivolous] adj. frivolo, vano. Priv'olously, [frivoleusle'] adv. frivolmente; di poca importanza. Friv'olousness , [frivoleusnes] s. frivolezza,/. Friz', [friz] Priz'zle, [friz'l] v. a. arricciare, inanellare. sare, irritare, stizzire, cruc- spaventevolmente. ciare; -, V. n. agitarsi, inquie- Pright'fulness, [fraitfulnes] s. Friz'zler, [frzlour] s. acconciatore de' capelli, m. orrore, terrore, m. tarsi, alterarsi, adirarsi. Fret'ful, [fretful] adj. stizzoso, Frig'id, [frdgid] s. frigido, Pro', [fr] adv. qua e l; indietro; io go to and -, andare qua freddo, m. cruccioso. Fret'fully, [frtfale'] adv. in Prigid'ity, [fridgfdite'] .frigi- e l, andare e venire. Prock',[frdc] . abito, vestimendit, freddezza; impotenza, f. modo stizzoso. to, m. Fret'fulness , [frtfulnes] s. Prig'idly, [frdgdl]ac/v. fredFrog', [frog] . ranocchia, raumore stizzoso, m.; iracon- damente. na, f.; (vet.) fettone, m.; spacdia, fantasticaggine, /.; capric- Prig'idness, [fridgdnes] s. fricatura, /".; specie di bottone da gidit, f. cio, m. Fret'ting, [fretng] s. agita- Frigorif ic, [frgorfic] adj, fri- mantello, f. Prone, [frolic] adj. ghiribizzogorifico, frigorifero. zione, f. Fret'ty, [frete'] adj. intagliato. Friir, [MI] V. n. tremare di so, fantastico, gajo, lieto -, s. ghiribizzo, m.; fantasia, f. Fret'work, [frtoueurc] s. inta- freddo. Priir, [fril] s. merletto che si Prol'lc, [frolic] v. n. ghiribizglio; lavoro di rilievo, m. Friabil'ity, [fraiabilite'] .fria- mette per ornamento allo spa- zare, burlare, beffare. Prol'lcly, [frlicl] adv. gajarato delle camicie &c. bilit, /. Pri'able, [fraiabl'] adj. friabi- Fringe', [frndge] s. frangia, f.; mente, allegramente. le, polverizzabile. corro, m. ; . merletto che si Proricsome, [frlicseum] adj. scherzoso, gajo. Fri'ar, [fraieur] s. monaco, re- mette per ornamento alle ca Proricsomely , [frolicseumle'T ligioso, frate, m. micie. Pri'arlikOj [fraieurl alche] Pri'- Fringe', [frindgc] t?. a. guarnire adv. scherzosamente. arly, [fraieurl] adj. da frate, di frangio. Froricsomeness , [frolicseumfratesco. IPringe'-maker , [frmdge-m- nes] s. scherzo, m. ; beffe, /. pi. Pri'ary, [fraieire] s. monaste- chefir] s. facitore di frangio, m. From', [from] prep, da, dal, di; rio, convento, m. [Prin'gy, [frindge'] adj. guar- - abroad, di fuori; - henceforth, Prib'ble, [frbl*] v. n. baloc- nito di frange. da qui innanzi; whence? di care. Prip'per, [fripeur] Prp'perer, dove? donde? - my youth, -my Prib'bler, [frbleur] s. babbac- [frpeureur] . rigattiere, m. childhood, dalla mia fanciulco ; damerino, m. Frip'pery, [frpeur] s. strada lezza; - top to toe, da capo a Fricassee', [fricasl] s. (cook.) de' rigattieri, /". ; ciarpe; /. pL piedi. fricassea, f. Fri'seur, [frizeur] . acconcia- Frond', [frond] s. ramo fronPrica'tion, [frichscieun] Pric'- tore dei capelli, parrucchie- doso, /. tion, [frcscieiin] s. fregamen- re, m. Frondif erous,[frondifireus] ad}. to, m. Frisk', [friso] adj. giojoso, al- frondifero. Fri'day, [fraide'] s. venerd, m.; legro; -, s. salto, m.; gajezza, Front', [freunt] s. fronte, f.; good -, venerd santo, m. allegria, f. frontispizio, m.; vanguardia; Friend', [frend] s. amico, wi.; Frisk', [friso] v. n. salterella- impudenza, f. amica, f.; confidente, compa- re; scambiettare. Front', [freunt] v. a. fronteggno, m.; -s, s. pi. parenti, con- Frisk'er, [frscheur] s. saltato- giare; -, V. n. stare a fronte. giunti, m. pi. re, m. Fron'tal, [frontal] . frontale, Friend', [frnd] v. a. favorire, Frisk'et, [frischet] s. (tip.) fra- m. ; benda, striscia, f. proteggere. schetta, /.;telajetto di ferro con Pront'-box , [freunt-bocs] *. Friend'less, [frndles] adj. sen- varj spartimenti che mettasi (tht.) mezzo palchetto, m. za amici. sul foglio da stampare, affin- Fron'tier, [frontlre] adj. limFriend'like, [frndlache] adj. che ci che deve rimaner biau- trofo, confinante; -, frontiera, da amico, benevolente. co non sia macchiato, m. limite, f. Friend'liness, [frndl'ns] s. IPrisk'ful, [frscful] adj. pieno Fron'tispiece, [frontispse] . amicizia, benevolenza, f. di gajezza. (arch.) frontispizio, m.; facFriendly, [frendl] adj. ami- Frisk'iness, [frischines] s. al- ciata, f. chevole, benevolo; -, adv. ami- legrezza, vivacit, gajezza, f. Front'less, [freuntls] adj. sfacchevolmente, da amico. Prisk'y, [frische'] a(/j. gajo, al- ciato, impudente. Friend'ship, [frndscp] s. ami- legro, vivace, svelto. Front'let, [frontlet] s. frontacizia, f. Frith', [frith^] . stretto, brac- le, wi.; benda, f. Frieze', [frlzc] s. fregio, m. cio di mare, m. Fronton', [fronton] s. (arch.) Prig'ate, [frlghte] s. frega- jPrit'illary, [fritilare'] s. (bot.) frontone, frontispizio, m. ta, /. fritillaria, f. iPront'-room, [freunt-rura] . Frigofac'tion, [fridgifacscieun] Frit'ter, [friteiir] s. frittella, f. camera di dinanzi, /". . raffreddamento m. (poco Frit'ter, [frteur] v. a. tritare, Frop'pish, [fropisc] adj. stizutato). eminuzzare; consumare. zosOi malinconico.
I : ! 1

[fr<5r] adj.


Fry', [frai] v. a. friggere. Fry'ing-pan , [fraing-pn] . padella, f. Pub', [feiib] V. a. diflFerire, mandare in lungOj^ingannare.

agghiaccia- Fruit', [frite] s. frutto; profitto, n.; rendita, entrata, f.; -s, (ci, m. Frost', [frost] s. gelata, f. ghiac- s. pi. primizie^/", pi. Frost'bitten, [frst-tlt'ii] adj. Fruit'age, [frutdge] s. frutta, attaccato dal ghiaccio, gelato. Frost'ed , [frostdj adj. ag- Pruit'-bearer, [frute-bcreur] s. albero fruttifero, m. ghiacciato, diacciato. Fros'tily, [frstile'] adv. con Fruit'bearing , [frte-brng] adj. fruttifero. freddo eccessivo. Fros'tiness, [frstines] s. fred- Fruit'erer, [frutereSr] s. fruttajolo, fruttajuolo, m. do acuto, m. Frost'-nail, [frst-nle] s. chio- Fruit'ery, [friter] s. dispensa delle frutta, /.; frutta, f. pi. do a ghiaccio, m. Fros'ty, [frste'] adj. ghiaccia- Pruit'ful, [frutefil] adj. fertile, fecondo, profittabile, utile. to, gelato. Frost-work, [frst-oueurc] s. Fruit'fully, [frutefSle'] adv. ferspecie di lavoro che somiglia tilmente. Fruit'fulness, [friltefalnes] s. alla trinata, f. schiuma, fertilit, fecondit; abbondanFroth', [frth2] s.
to, gelato.



adj. fu-

cato, orpellato.

Pu'cus, [fiiicheis] liscio, m.


Pud' die,

[feiid'l] v. a.
-, u.



n. imbria-


Fud'dled, [feudTd] adj. briaco,

imbriaco. Pud'dler, [feudleur] s. imbriaco, m. Fud'dling, [feudling] s.imbria-





Froth', [froth-] v.

spumare. Froth'iness, [frth-ines]

schiuma- Pruit'-house, [frite-hause] dispensa delle frutta, f.



camento, m. Fudge', [feudge] int. minchioneria! son frottole! Pu'el, [fiel] s. combustibili,
provvisione carboni, ecc. f.
i. pi.;




Fruit'ion, [fruisceun]



ne, /".; godimento, tn. volit, f. Froth'y, [froth-e'] adj. spu- Fruit'less, [frteles] adj. infruttuoso, sterile; inutile. moso; frivolo, vano. Frounce', [fraounse] v.a. arric- Pruit'lessly, [frutelsle'] adv. inutilmente, vanamente. ciare i capelli. Prou'zy, [fraouze'] adj. nebbio- Fruit'lessness, [frtelsnes] s. sterilit; inutilit, f. so, fosco; mucido, fetido.

Puga'cious, [fighscieis] adj.

fugace, transitorio.

Fuga'ciousness, [fiughcscieus-

Fro'ward, [froouard]

adj. stiz- Pruit'-loft, [frute-lft] s. spensa delle frutta, f. zoso, arcigno, bizzarro, fantaFruit'-seller, [frite-sleur] stico; ostinato, perverso. Fro'wardly, [frourdle'] adv. fruttajuolo, m.

nes] Fugac'ity, [fiugasit] s. fugacit; fuga, f. Fugh', [fiu] int. oib! Fu'gitive, [fiudgtv] adj. fuggitivo; volatile; -, . fuggitivo, difuggitore, m.

Pu'gitiveness, [fidgtivnes]


ostinatamente, perversamente. Pruit'-time , [frte-taime] s. Fro'wardness, [frourdns] s. stagione de' frutti, f. cattivo umore, m.; ostinazione, Fruit'-tree, [frite-tri] s. albe- ga, f. Furciment, [feulsiment] Pul'ro fruttifero, m. perversit, f. Prown', [fraoun] s. raggrinza- Frumenta'ceous , [friument- crum, [fulcreum] s. sostegno, m. mento (della fronte); sdegno, scieus] adj. frumentaceo. Pru'menty, [friumnte'J s. fari- Fulfil', [fulfil] r. a. adempire, disprezzo, m. compire, satisfare, effettuare. Frown', [fraoun] v. n. ringhia- nata fatta con latte, f. Frump', [freimp] s. burla, bef- Fulfil'ler, [fulfleiir] s. ademre; increspare le ciglia. pitore, m. Frown'ing, [frauning] adj. ar- fa, A Prump', [freump] v. a. burlare, Fulfil'ling, [filfiling] Fulfil'cigno, burbero, torvo. ment, [fulfilment] . adempiPrown'ingly, [fraounngle'] adv. befi'are; schernire. con viso arcigno, stortamente. Frush', [freusc] s. (vet.) cal- mento, compimento, m. Fulfraught', [fulfrt] adj. ben Fro'zen, [froz'nj adj. gelato, lo, m.

incerinstabilit, volatilit tezza, f. Fugue', [fighc] s. (mws.) fu-


Frush', [freusc] v. a. rompere, provvisto. Ful'gency, [feildgense'] s. fulspezzare. splendore, fulgoFrustra'neous, [freistrenieis] gidezza, /. adj. fruttifero, fruttuoso. adj. frustraneo, vano. re, wi. Fructifica'tion , [freictfichFrustra'neously,[freustrnieus- Ful'gent, [feuldgent] adj. fulKcieun] s. fruttificazione, f. adv. vanamente, inutil gente. [freuctifai] v. a. le'J Fruc'tify , Ful'gid, [feuldgid] adj. fulgirendere fertile, fertilizzare, fe- mentecondare; -, V. n, fruttare, fare Frus'trate, [freistrete] adj. va- do, lucido. Pulgid'ity, [feuldgidite'] Fui'no, inutile, inefficace. frutto. Pructuos'ity, [freictiuosite'] s. Prua'trate, [freustrte] v. a. gor, [felgheiir] .fulgidezza, /.; fulgore, wj. frustrare, annullare, deludere. fertilit, f. Fruc'tuous, [freuctiueus] adj. Frustra'tion , [freustrscioin] Ful'gurate, [feulghi urite] v. n. delusione, /.; disfacimen- folgorare. s. fruttuoso, fruttifero, fecondo Fulgura'tion,[fe51ghiuriscieiin] to, m. utile. Fru'gal, [friugal] adj. fruga- Frus'trative[freistratv]Prus'- s. folgorare, folgore, baleno, m. moderato, tratory, [freiistratour] adj. Fulg'inons, [fiulidgineus] adj. lo parco, economo fuligginoso, fumoso. frustraneo, vano. sobrio. Prugal'ity, [friugalite'] s. fru- Frus'tum, [freusteum] s. fru- Full', [fui] adj. pieno, compito; intero, totale; - face, . viso sto, pezzuole, frammento, tn. galit; moderanza, f. Pru'gally, [friugl] adv. fru- Fru'ticant, [friuticnt] ad;. fru- pienotto, m. - noon, s. plenilunio, m.; - power, s. pieno poticoso. galmente; parcamente. tere, m.; - sea, . alto mare, wi.; Prngif'erous,[friudgfireiis]arfj. Fry', [frai] s. fregola, /.; pesciolini, m. pi.; frittura, f. of - age, adulto; -, . compifrugifero, fruttifero.

agghiacciato (vedi to Freeze).





Pun'gu.s, [founghes] s. fungo, TO.; escrescenza di carne, f. Fu'nicle, [fiunicl'] s. funicella,

mento; tutto, totale, TO.; to the-, nausea, f.; fastidio, disgusto, interamente, affatto; the moon TO.; oscenit, f. Pul'vid , [feulvid] Purvous, is in the -, la luna piena. [feilveus] af/;. fulvo. Pull', [fui] adv. pienamente, interamente esatta- Fumade', [fiumede] s. pesce afaffatto fumicato, TO. mente. Full', [fui] V. a. sodare; calpe- Pu'mage,[fiimedge] vediFuage. stare (detto d_ei panni). Pum'ble, [feumbl] v. n. manegPul'lage, [fuldge] s. pagamen- giare con mala grazia, malmeto dell'opera di sodare i pannare; balbettare. ni, ni. Fum'bler, [feumbleur] s. bietoFull'-blown, [ful-blne] adj. in- lone, scempiato; sciocco, m. tieramente sbocciato. Pum'blingly, [feumblingl] adv. Pull'-bodied , [ful-bodid] adj. goffamente, in modo malac,






funicolare. Punk', [feunc]

fo, to.

fetore; tans.

Fun'nel, [feunel]

imbuto, m.;


[feune'] sco, giocoso.





grosso, corpacciuto, forte (detto

di vino).


Pur', [feiir] v. a. foderare; ims.

Fum', [fiume]

Pull'-bottomed, [ful-botem'd] adj. avente il fondo pieno (detto di una parrucca). Full'-butt, [ful-beut] adv. con violenza {vulgare); he ran full' butt against me, corse contro di me con violenza. Puir-charged,[fil-cirdg'd]adj. intieramente caricato. Full'-dressed, [ful-drst] adj. vestito in gala. Full'-eared, [ful-ir'd] adj. pieno di spighe.

fumo, vapore, pellicciare. esalazione; vanit, chime- Pura'cious ,

[fiilme] .

ra, f.

[fiuriscieus] adj. furace, inclinato a rubare.


fumo, affumicare; esalare; -, svaporarsi; adiV, n. fumare


seccare al Pura'ciousness, [fiiirscieusnes] Pnrac'ity, [firasite'] s. inclinazione a rubare, f.


Pur'below, [feurbil]








(della carne),

Pur'below, [feurbil]
adj. fumoso.

v. a.


Pu'mid, [fiumid]

nire di falbal.
v. a. forbi-


fumo- Fur'bish, [feurbisc]

re, pulire.

Fu'migate, [fiumighete]



Fur'bisher, [feirbisceur]



suffumicare, fumigare. _ bitore, spadajo. m. Puller, [fuleur] s. follone; pur- Fumiga'tion , [fiumighesciein] Purca'tion, [feurchsciein] s. gatore, m.; -s earth, s. creta s. fumigazione, f.; suffumica- forcatura, forcata, f. da sodare i panni, /.; -'s weed, mento, m. Fur'fur, [feurfeur] s. forfora, s. oggetto da cardare i panni, m. Fu'mingly, [flumingle'] adv. aditigna, scabbia, f. Ful'lery, [faleir] s. gualchie- ratamente, collericamente. Purfura'ceous, [fourfiurescieus] ra, f. Pu'mish, [fiiimisc] adj. fumo- adj. forforaceo. Puir-oyed, [ful-ai'd] adj. che so; collerico. Pu'rious, [fiuriois] adj. furioso, ha occhi grandi. Pu'mous, [fiumeus] Fa'my, [fa- frenetico. FuU'face, [fiil-fse] . viso pie- m] adj. fumoso, vaporoso. Fu'riously, [firieusle'] adv. funotto, TO. Fun',[feun] s. divertimento, pas- riosamente, con furia. Fuir-faced, [fil-fes'd] adj. pie- satempo, TO.; baja, burla, [^ Pu'riousness, [fiurieusnes] s. notto, paffuto. Funam'bulist, [fanmbiulst] furia, frenesia, pazzia, f. FuU'-fed, [ful-fed] adj. grosso, s. funambolo, to. Furi', [feirl] v. a. {mar.) amcorpulento. Punc'tion, [feuncscieun] s. fun- mainare, serrare (le vele); piePuirgrown, [ful-grne] ar/j. in- zione, f. ; impiego, to. ; facol- gare. tieramente cresciuto, adulto. t, f. Purling-line , [feurling-lains] Puriing-mill, [fulng-mil] s. mu- Punc'tonary, [feiucsceunare'] s. (mar.) matafione, to. lino da sodare i panni, to.; gual- s. impiegato, to. Fur'long, [feurlong] s. ottava chiera, f. Fund', [feund] s. fondo, capita- parte d' un miglio, f. ; staFuU-la'den, [fil-ld'n] adj. af- le; banco, to. dio, to. fatto caricato, pieno. Fund', [found] v. a. collocare i Pur'lough, [feurl] s. permisPuU-summed' , [fil-seura'd] denari. sione d' assenza; licenza, /. adj. compiuto, compito, per- Fun'dament, [feundament] s. Fur'lough, [feurl] v. a. licenfetto. fondamento, to. ziare, congedare. Pul'ly, [fui e'] adv. interamente, Fundamen'tal, [feundamontal] Pur'menty, [feurmente'] s. faripienamente, ampiamente. adj. fondamentale, principale; nata, f. Furminant, [foulminnt] adj. -, s. fondamento, m.; base, f. Pur'nace, [feurnse] s. fornaco, fulminante. Fundamen'tally , [feundamen- /.; forno grande, to. Ful'minate, [foulminte] v. a. tale'] adv. fondamentalmente. Fur'nish, [feiirnscl v. a. forni& n. fulminare. Fu'neral, [finrl] adj. fune- re, provvedere, addobbare (una Fulmina'tion, [foulminsciun] rale, funebre; -, s. funerale; casa). s. fulminazione, f. mortorio, to.; esequie, f. pi. Fur'nislier, [feurnisceur] s. che Pul'minatory, [feulmineteure'] Fu'nerary, [fiunerar] adj. fu- fornisce, provveditore, to, adj. fulminoso, fulminante. nereo, funebre; lugubre. Fur'niture , [feurnitceur] s. Pul'ness, [fulns] s. ripienezza; Punera'tion, [fiineroscieun] s. guarnitura, f.\ fornimento, to.; abbondanza, /. esequie, f. pl._ addobbi, mobili, to. pi. Pul'some, [flseum] adj. dispia- Fune'real, [fiunlrial] vedi Fu- Purr', [feur] v. a. (war.) docevole, nauseoso, nerary. fastidioso blare. osceno. Fun gos'ity,[feungosite'] .escre- Fur'rier, [feurieur] s. pellicFursomely, [fulseumle'] adv. scenza carnosa, f. ciajo, pellicciere, to. fastidiosamente. Pun'gous, [feungheus] adj. fun- Pur'riery, [feurieir] s. pellicPul'someness, [ful.seumnes] . goso, spugnoso. ceria.




Fur'row, [fouro] s. solco; fosso, Fu'rylike, [fiure'laiche] adj. co- stagno; anfanamento, m.; ampollosit, f. me una furia, arrabbiato. fossatello, m. Fur'row, [feuio] v. a. solcare, Furze', [ferze] s. (bot.) ginestro- Fus'tigate, [feustighetc] v. a. frustare, sferzare. ne, m. assolcare; rugare.
coperto di Fur'zy, [feirz] adj. pieno di Fustiga'tion, [feustighesceun] s. sferzata, bastonatura, f. ginestroni. Fur'ther, [feurth^eur] adj. & Fusca'tion, [feiischescieunl s. Fustila'rian , [feusti lorin] s. briccone, furfante, m. adv. ulteriore d l di pi, oscurit, /".; oscuramento, m. pi avanti, pi innanzi, pi ol- Fus'cous, [feisches] adj. fo- Fns'tiness, [feiistins] s. rancidezza, muffa, /.; tanfo, m. sco, oscuro. tre, ancora. Fur'ther, [fourthieur] v. a. Fuse', [fiuzc] V. a. fondere; -, Fus'ty , [feste'i adj. mucido, avanzare, assistere, ajutare; V. n. liquefarsi, struggersi; di- muffato.
[feiir] adj.


latarsi. promuover. Fur'therance, [fourth' eurnse] Fusee', [fiuz] s. fuso; scops.ajuto.m.; assistenza,/^.; avan- pietto, m ; (watch.) piramide, f. zamento, progresso, m. Fur'therer, [feurth'eureur] s. Fusibll'ity, [fiuzihlit] s. fusihilit, f. promotore; protettore, m. Furthermore, [fourth* ermre] Fa'sible, [fiuziW] Fu'sile, [fiu-

adv. di pi, oltre; oltre a ci.

zile] adj. fusibile, fusile.

[fizl] s. fucilo, focile;

Fu'tile, [fitl] adj. futile, frivolo. Futil'ity, [fiutlite'] . leggerezza, vanit, garrulit, f. Fut'tocks, [feuteiics] s. pi. (mar.) bracciuoli, m. pi. Fu'ture, [fiutcur] adj. futuro, che verr; -, s. futuro, avvenire,

Pur'thermost, [feurthieurmst] Fusil',


Fu'turely, [fiutceirle'] ad9. in Pur'thest, [feurth'st] adj. il schioppo, m. pi lontano, lontanissimo, ri- Fusilier', [fizilire] s. archibn- futuro, per T avvenire [fitciuriscein] siero, schioppettiere, fucilie- iFuturit'ion , motissimo; at -, al pi tardi. Futur'ity, [fitiurite'] s. temFur'tive, [feiirtv] adj. furtivo, re, m. Fu'son, [figeunc] s. fusione, p futuro, avvenire, m. di furto; segreto. IFuzz', [feiiz] V. n. scoppiettare, Fur'tively, [feurtvl] adv. fur- liquefazione, f. tivamente; segretamente. Fuss', [fus] s. fracasso, stre- scoppiarsi; sfilarsi. JFuzz'ball, [feuzbl] s. veccia, Fu'runcle, [firencl] s. furun- pito, m. ', (fungo). (briare. Fust', [feust] s. fusto, m.; odore colo, ciccione, m, IFuzz'Io, [feiiz^l] V. a. inebFu'ry, [fir] s. furia, frene- muffato, m. sia; ira, stizza, /.; impeto, fu- Fus'tian, [feustian] adj. di fru- jFy', [fai] int. oib! - foi' shame! stagno; ampolloso; -, s. fru- deh vergognatovi! rore, ni.

Q, seguito dalle vocali a, o, u, e dallo consonanti / e r, si pronunzia in inglese come in gate, porta, ec. Seitaliano guito da e, i, y, in tutte le parole derivate dal latino ha il suono di dg dolce gem, gemma, ec; mentre che in quelle derivate dalle lingue celtiche suona duro, come ghe ghi in italiano : get, ottenere ; give, dare, ec. In fine di parola o di sillaba ha il suono duro: negligent, negligente, ec. Seguito da n muto gnat, zanzara, ec. Gh in principio di sillaba duro, come gh italiano: ghost,

Gab'bler, [gablur]
ciarliero, wi.



pagno; vecchio uomo rustico; compadre, m.

Gab'bling, [gbling] s. cicala- Gaf'fles, [gfl'sj s. pi. sproni d' acciajo per i galli, m. pi.; mento, cicalio; susurro, m, Ga'bel, [ghebl] s. gabella; tas- chiave da tendere la balesa, imposizione, f. Ga'beler, [ghbleiir]



gabel- Gag', [gag]




m. Ga'bion, [ghbieun]

mento, m.




Gabionade', fghebieunede] s. (mil.) gabbionata, f. Ga'ble, [ghbl'] Ga'ble-end, [glbl'-end] s. gronda, f.; tetto,


Gad', [gad]

don- Gai'ly, [ghle'] adv. giojosamente, gaiamente; allegrade il suono di f. GaV, [gb] s. muso, ceffo; ci- Gad'der, [gadeur] s. vagabon- mente. Gain', ]ghine] s. guadagno, lucalio, m. do, perdigiorno, m. Oab', [gb] V. n. cicalare. Gad'ding, [gading] s. vagare, cro, profitto, m. Gain', [ghnc]v. a. guadagnare; Gab'ardine, [gabardine] s. pa- vagamento, m. landrane, gabbano, m. Gad'dingly, [gadingle'] ad, in acquistare, far acquisto, meritare; ottenere; -, v. n. avanGab'ble, [gabl'] s. chiacchieria, modo vagabondo. Gad'fly, [gdflai] s. tafano, m.. zarsi; impadronirsi; aggranciarla, f.; garrimento, m. Gab'ble, [gbl'] v. n. cicalare, Gaff, [gf] s. uncino, graffio, m. dirsi; to - the day, guadagnar Gaffer, [gafeur] i. buon com- la battaglia; to - one's end, otbarbugliare.

muto: thought, pensiero; high, alto ec. Nelle parole iawgft, riso, cougA, tosse, rough, ruvido, tough, tiglioso, e enough, abbastanza, gh pren-

spirito; ec. In fine di sillaba

mezzo, ed alla

s. pezzo d'acciajo; bulino, wi. Gad', [gd] v. n. andare qua e to l; girare; to - abroad, about, vagabondare, vagare; to - up and down, andar ra-

Gag', [gag] V. a. porre in bocca una sbarra. Gage', [ghdgc] s. pegno, m.; sicurt; staza, /. Gage', [ghdge] v. a. impegnare; dare in pegno, stazare. Ga'ger, [ghdgeir] s. misuratore, m. Gag'gle, [ggV] v. n. gridare (come fa un'oca). Gag'gling, [ggling] s. grido d'oca, m. Gai'ety, [ghoite'] . gioja, gaiezza, letizia,


Gadabout, [gdabaut] na che va vagando, f.



Gam'bol, [gambol] s. salto, scambietto, m. Ga'mbol, [gambol] v. n. saltarellare.


tenore Tintento, riuscir voni- teria, /.; coraggio, m.; bravura, re a capo to - ground, avere f.; valore, f. il vantaggio; to - over, per- Gall'-bladder, [gol-bladeiir] s. suadere, convertire. vescica del fiele, f. Oain'able, [ghneiibl] adj. otte- Gal'leon, [galiein] s.galeone,i. nibile, impetrabile. Gal'lery, [gleur] s. galleria, Gaia'er, [gheneiirj s. guadagna- loggia, /.; andito, wi. wi. tore, Gal'ley, [gale'] s. galea, galeGaiu'ful, [ghincfil] adj. lucra- ra, /". tivo, vantaggioso, profittevole, Gal'ley-slave , [gale'-slve] s. fruttuoso; utile. galeotto, forzato, m, Gain'fuUy , [ghneful] adv Gariic, gallican,[glic,glican] profittevolmente, vantaggiosa- adj. gallico, francese. mente; utilmente._ Gariicism, [glisism] a. galliGain'fulness , fghenefiilnes] s. cismo, m. guadagno, profitto, lucro, van- Galligas'kins, [gligaschns] s. taggio, m. pi. calzoni grandi, m. pi. Sain'giving, fgliencgvTng] s. Gallima'tia, [glimcscia] s. anfanamento,discorso confuso, m. presentimento, m. Gainless, [ghnels] adj. dis- Gallimau'fry, [glimfr] cibreo, manicaretto di pi vivanvantaggioso, inutile. Gainlessness, [gbnelesnes] s. de riscaldate, m. {poco usato.)

Gam'brel, [gmbrl] s. gamba deretana (d'un cavallo), f. Game', [gheme] s. giuoco; scherzo, passatempo, m.; caccia, selvaggina, f.] to make - of, beffare.

Game', [ghemc]

v. n. giuocare; biscazzare; scherzare. Game'-cock,[ghme-coc] s. gallo

di combattimento,


Game'-keeper [ghme-chpeur]
guardiano di caccia,

Game'-som, [ghmeseum]
giocoso, allegro, giocondo.




adv. giocosamente, scherzevol-

mente. Game'-soc2eness, [ghmesemns]




Gain'ly, [ghnele']

[glieut] vedi Galiot. adv. destra- Gal'lipot, [galipot] s. alberelGal'liot,


scherzo, trastullo,


baja,^ /.

Game'-ster, [ghmesteur] s. gioGall'-nut, [gol-neut] s. noce di catore, biscazziere, m. galla; galluzza, Ga'-mng, [ghming] s. giuoa. con/. traddire; opporsi, contrariare, Gal'lon, [glleiin] s. misura di co; il giuocare, il biscazzaquattro boccali, re, m. contrastare. f. Gain'sayer, [gheneseeur]s. con- Galloon', [glun] s. gallone, tn.; Ga'ming-house , [ghemingguarnizione traddittore; oppositore, m. /. haose] . biscazza, bisca, f. Gal'lop, [gleiip] s. galoppo, il Ga'ming-table, [ghmng-tble] Gain'saying, [ghnesing] s. galoppare, m.; to (jo a -, galop . tavola da giuoco, /. contraddizione, f. pare; to go a full -, correre a Gam'mer, [gmeiir] . vecchia Gai'rish, [ghrisc] adj. fastobriglia sciolta. donna rustica, f. so, pomposo, splendido, sfogGal'lop, [gleiip] s. galoppare, Gam'mon, [gmeun] s.prescutgiato. correre. to, sbaraglino, m. Gai'rishness , [ghirscnes] s. fasto, sfoggio, m.; stravagan- Gal'loper, [gleupeiir] s. galop Gam'nt, [gmeut] s.(mus.) solfa, patere, wi. zolfa, f, za, f. Gait',[ghte] s. andamento, por Gal'loping, [gleuptng] s. ga Gan'der, [gandeur] . maschio /". loppare, ni.; galoppata, dell'oca, m. taraento, m.; aria, /. Gai'ters, [gbeteiirs] s. pi. ghet Gal'loveay, [gloue] s. piccolo Gang', [gang] , truppa, banda, cavallo inglese, ronzino, m. societ, f. te, uose, Ga'la, [ghola] s. gala, f.; ban- Gariows, [glze] s. pi. forca, Gang' -board, [gng-brde] . /".; patibolo, m. {mar.) tavola da sbarco, f. chetto, m. Gal'lowses, [gloses] s. pi. bre- Gn'glion [gnglieiin] . {anat.) Ga'laxy, [ghlacse'] (astr.) ga tella, cinghia, f. ganglio, m. lassia, via lattea f. Gal'lows-tree, [glzetr] vedi Gan'grenate, [gngrinte] v. a. Gal'banum, [glbaneura] s. gal Gallows. cancrenare. bano, m. Gale', [ghele] (mar.) s. vento Galoche', [galosc] s. galoscia, Gan'grene, [gangrine] . {med.) soprascarpa, cancrena, /. fresco, m. f. Gal'eas, [galis] s. galeazza, f. Galvan'ic, [galvanic] adj. gal- Gang'rene, [gngrlnc] v. n. invanico. galeotta, cancherire incangrenarsi. Gariot, [glieut] s. f. Gali', [gal] fiele ;^g'. odio, ran- Garvanism, [galvanism] s. gal- Gang'renous, [gngrineus] adj.

mente, prontamente, mente. Gain'say, [ghnese'] v.



vanismo, m. core, m. Gali', [gol] V, a. scorticare, tor Gal'vanize, [galvanaize] v. a. montare, molestare, infastidi- galvanizzare. re, oflFendere ; - v. n. tormen- Gamasli'es, [gmasces] s. specie di ghette corte rustiche, f. tarsi, affliggersi. Gallant', [gallant] s. zerbino, Gambade', Gamba'do [gmbde,


Gang'-way, [gang-oue'] s. {mar,) passavanti d'una nave da guerra, corridore, m. Gang'-week, [gng-ouic] s, settimana delle Rogazioni, /,

gmbdo] s. uosa, f.; stivalet- Gant'let, gant'lope, [gntlt, innamorato, amante, m. to, m. Gal'Iant, [gallant] adj. galante, gnt'leip] . punizione miliattillato, elegante, gentile, o- Gam'ble, [gambi'] v.n. giuocare, tare in cui il colpevole riceve un colpo di sferza da ciascun nesto, bravo, vigoroso; - man, barare, mariolare. Gam'bler, [gmbleur] s. giuoca- soldato della fila, m, s. galantuomo, m. Gant'lope, [gntleiip] . bacBal'lantly, [gllntle'] adv. ga- torone; scroccone, m. [grabling- chette, /. pi. (punizione); to lantemente, cortesemente, ga- Gam^bling-house, haouse] s. casino da giocare, run the-, passar per le bacgliardamente, bravamente, chetto, Qal'lantness, [gallntns] s. m.; bisca, biscazza, f. Gamboge^ [gmbuge] . gom- Gan'za, [ganza] t. oca selvagalanteria, garbatezza, f. tica, f. 3ariantry, [gllntre'] .galan- magutte, f.



Gasp', [gasp] v. n. anelare, respirare con affanno to - after, desiderare, bramare; <o- /"or life, essere al punto di morte, es;

Gaol', [dgele] prigione,/".; car- Gar'lic-sauce, [grlc-sose] s. agliata, f. cere, m. Gaol'er, [dgbleur] s. guardiano Gar'ment, [garment] s. abito, vestito, vestimento, m. dello prigioni, carceriere, m. Gap', [gap] s. apertura, crepa- Gar'ner, [girneur] s. granajo, tura; lacuna; breccia: deficien- magazzino del grano, m. Gar'ner, [garneur] v. a. accuza, f. Gape', [ghpe] v. n. sbadigliare, mulare, ammassare. creparsi, spaccarsi, aprirsi; to Gar'net, [grnt] s. granato, -after, desiderare, aspirare; tn.; (mar.) carrucola, f. to -at, guardare colla bocca a- Gar'nish, [grnsc] s. ornamenperta, desiderare to - for, deto, m.; fig. catene, f. pi. siderare con avidit, bramare Gar'nish, [garnsc] v. a. guarnire, ornare, abbellire; catenar e con ansiet^. Ga'per, [ghepcur] s. che sba- Gar'nishment, [grniscmnt] s. diglia; che brama con ansiet. ornamento, abbellimento, m.; Ga'ping, [ghpTng] s. sbadiglia- (law.) citazione, f. mento, m.; fessura, crepatura, Gar'niture, [grnitcour] s. guar/.; to stand -, baloccare, franitura, /.; fornimento, rn.; adscheggiare. dobbi, m. pi. Gap'-toothed, [gap-tilth^d] adj. Gar'ran, [garn] garron,[gron] sdentato. s. cavallo raontagnuolo, cavalliGarb', [garb] s. vestimento, a- no, m. bito, m.; aria, maniera, /".; por- Gar'ret, [garrt] s. solajo, m.;

sere agli estremi.

Gasp'ing, [gasping] s. respiro con aflFanno, m.; respirazione, / Gas'pipe, [gs-paipe] s. tubo, m.
Gas'trc, [gastric] adj. gastrico, -juice, s. (med.) sugo gastrico,


Gastril'oquist, [gastrloquist] s. ventriloquo, m. Gastrot'omy, [gstrotome'] s. (surg.) gastrotomia, f. Gate, [ghete] s. porta, /. portone, m.

Gate'-keeper, [ghete-chpeir] . s. guardaportone, portinaio, m.

Gate'-vein,[ghete-vne]s.(ana(.) vena porta, /. Gate'way, [ght-'-oue'] . portone, passaggio, m. Gath'er, [gtfiieur] s. crespa; riga, piega, f. Gath'er, [gthleir] v. a. cogliere, raccogliere; rincrespare, piegare; conchiudere, inferire; V. n. accumularsi, assembrarsi, to adunarsi; condensarsi; breath, respirare; to - in the corn, mietere il grano; to - dust, impolverarsi; <o-/Zesft, ingrassare, impinguarsi; to- the grapes, vendemmiare; to -riches, accumulare dovizie; to-rust, irrugginirsi; fo-s(reng.7i, rinvigorirsi; to-wealth, accumulare ricchezze; to - up, ammassare,

trippe, Gar'reted, [gareted] adj. protetto da torri. f. pi.; rifiuto, m.; spazzatura, /. Gar'bl, [garbi'] v. a. scegliere, Garetteer', [grotre] s. abitascernere, separare. tore d'una soffitta, m. Gar'bler, [grbloiir] . scegli- Gar'rison, [griseun] s. guarnigione, /.; soldati, wi. pi. tore, m. Gar'bles, [grbVs] s. pi. mondi- Gar'rison, [griseun] v.a. metglie, vagliature (di droghe ecc.), tere guarnigione, presidiare

tamento, m. Gar'bage, [garbdge]



munire. f. pi. Gar'den,[gard'nl s. giardino, wi. Garrn'lity, [grriulite'] s. garGar'den, [grd'n] v. n. colti- rulit, loquacit, ciarleria, f. Gar'rulous, [griileis] adj. vare [un giardino]. Gar'dener, [grd'neur] s. giar- garrulo, loquace, ciarliero. Gar'rulousness, [griuleusns] diniere, m.; giardiniera f. Gardening, [grd'nng] s. col- vedi Garrulity. Gar'ter, [grteur] s. legaccio, m.; tivazione di un giardino, f. Gar'den-mould, [gard'n-mld] giarettiera, /". ; knight of the-, .cavaliere della giarettiera, m. s. terra vegetabile f. Gar'den-plot, [gr'dn-plot] s. Gar'ter, [grteur] v. a. legare spartimento d'un giardino,),. con un legaccio, legarsi i leGar'den-stuff, [gr'dn-steufj s. gaccioli. erbaggio, n. Gas', [gas] s. gas, gaz, m. Gare', [gare] s. lana piena di Gas'con, [gscheiin] . guascozacchere, f. ne, m. Ga'rgarism, [gargarism] s. gar- Gasconade', [gscheunede] s. guasconata, f. vanto, m. garismo, m. Gar'garize, [gargaraize] v. a. Gasconade' [gscheunede] v. n. millantarsi^ vantarsi. gargarizzare. Gar'get, [garguet] s. malattia Ga'seus, [ghsciiis] adj. gassoso, gazoso. nelle tettole di vacca. Gar'gle, [gargl'] s. garga- Gash', [gsc] s. sfregio, taglio, rismo, m. m.; cicatrice, /. (rizzare. Gar'gle, [gargP] v. a. garga- Gas'kins, [gschins] s. pi. calGar'gol, [grgol] s. lebbra dei zoni grandi, brache gran;


Gath'erer, [gth'eureur]

s. raccoglitore ricoglitoro, m.; - of corn, mietitore, mi.; -of grapes, vendemmiatore, m.\ - of tuxes, collettore di tasse, m. Gatb'ering,[gth^eirng] . collezione, f. coglimento, i.; to make a-, fare una colleziono. Gaud', [god] s. ornamento, abbigliamento, m. Gaud', [gd] V. a. rallegrarsi,

s. vestiGaud'ery, [godeure'] re pomposo; fasto, m.

Gau'dily, [godile] adv. fastosamente, sfoggiatamente. Gau'diness, [gdins] s. sfog-

Gau'dy, [gode]

porci, do,



di, f. pi.

gio, tasto, m.; ostentazione, f. adj. pomposo, fastoso.


Ga'rish, [gbrsc] adj. splendi- Gas'-lamp, [gs-lamp]



di gas,


lam- Gauge', [godge] Gauge', [gdge]



misura, f. a. misus.

Ga'rishly,[ghcrscl e'] ar/t). splen- Gas'-lanthern, [gs-lnteirn]s. didamente, pomposamente. lanterna di gas, l. [gs-laiting] s. Ga'rishness, [gheriscenes] s. Gas'-lighting, pomposit, f. illuminazione di gas, f. Gar'land, [garland] s. ghirlan- Gasom'eter, [gsmiteir] s. gazometro ,m. da, f. Gasp', [gasp] s. anelito, respiro, Gar'lic, [garlic] s. aglio, m. Gar'lic-eater, [grlc-itour] s. ansamento, m. to the last -, fin all'ultimo respiro. guidone, uomo basso, r.

Gau'ger, [gaudgeir] tore di liquidi, m. Gau'ging, [godgng]





Gauut', [gante] ad. magro, affilato, smunto. Gaunt'Iet, [gntelt] s. guanto di ferro, manopola, f.




Ganntly, [ganti e] adv. magra- Gemina'tion, [dgeminscieiin] s. Gen'esis, [dgenesis] s. genesi f. geminazione, f.; raddoppiamen- Gen'et, [dgnt] s. ginnetto, m. monto, sottilmonte. Gannt'iiess, [gantnes] s. ma- to, m. Genethli'acal, [dgnth^lalcal]
Gem'ini, [dgeminl] s. (astr.) ge- adj. genetliaco, di nativit. mini, m. pi. Geneth'liacs, [dgnth^lics] . Gem'inous, [dgemineus] adj. pi. oroscopo, m. ca, f. gemino. Gav'el,[gavifl] s.dogana.tassa, A Gene'va, [dgniva] s. liquore Gav'elkind, [gvlcaind]s.spar- Gem'iny, [dgomine'] s. gemelli, estratto dal ginepro, m. timento uguale di terreno fra m. pi. pajo, m. coppia, f. Ge'nial, [dglnil] adj. geniale, tutti i figli per consuetudine Gem'meus, Gem'my, [dgmeus, naturale, giocondo, allegro, speciale della contea di Kont,m. dgem] adj. gemmeo. Ge'nially,[dginile']adu. genialGave'lok, [ghvelc] s. stanga Gen'der, [dgndeurj s. genero, m. mente, in modo geniale, naturaldi ferro, f. Gen'der, [dgendeur] v. a. gene- mente. Gav'ot,[gvot]s. sorta di ballo/. rare; -,.n. ingenerarsi, accop- Genic'ulated , [dgnichiuleted] Gawk', [gc] s. cucco, sciocco, piarsi. adj. genicolato, nodoso. mincliione, m. Genealog'ical , [dgnlalogcalj Gen'ital, [dgnitl ] adj. genitale; adj. genealogico. Gaw'ky, [gdch] adj. sciocco, naturale.

Gauze', [goze]


velo, m.; toc-

nerabile. nitivo, m. Gen'eral, [dgenerl] adj. gene- Gen'itor, [dgenitor] s. genitore, gioja, f. rale, universale, comune; - s. padre, m. Gay'some, [ghseiim] adj. gajo, maggior parte, /".; tutto, m.; in Gen'iture, [dgenitceur] s. gene- in generale. giojoso, allegro. razione, nascita, f. Gaze',[gheze] .sguardo fisso, m. Gen'eral, [dgenerl] s. genera- Ge'nins, [dgnius] s. genio, spGaze',|ghezeJ v. n. guardare fis- le, m. rito, talento, carattere, m. samente, Generalis'smo, [dgeneralisimo] Genteel', [dgntile] adj. gentile, Gaze'ful, [ghzeful] adj. riguar- generalissimo, tn. grazioso, elegante, cortese. dante fissamente. General'ity, [dgenerlite'] s. ge- Genteel'ly, [dgntilel] adv, Gaze'hound, [ghezehaound] s. neralit, maggior parte, /. gentilmente, graziosamente, olevriere, m_. Generaliza'tiou , [dgenerliz- legantemente, cortesemente. Gazel', [gliezel] $. gazzella, f. scleiin] riducimento ad un ge- Genteel'ness, [dgontilens] s. Gaze'ment,[ghzerant]s. sguar- nere, m. gentilezza, bella maniera, corfisso, m. [dgeneralaize] do Gen'eralize, v. a. tesia, /. Ga'zer, [ghzeur] s. spettatore, generalizzare. Gen'tian, [dgenscin] s. (bot.) Gen'erally, [dgenrle] acfv. contemplatore, m. ge- genziana, f. Gazette', [gzt] s. gazetta, f. neralmente, universalmente. Gen'tile, [dgentaile] s. gentile; Gen'eralness, [dgnerlns] Gazetteer', [gztire] . gazzets. pagano, ni. (gano. tiere; scrittore di uovelle, m. generalit. Gen'tilish, [dgentilisc| adj.-pn,Ga'zing-stock, [ghzing-stc] >-. Gen'eralfihip, [dgenerlscp] s. Gen'tilism, [dgntilism] s. genobbietto di sprezzo; spettageneralato, m. tilesimo, paganesimo, m. Gen'eralty. [dgeneralte] s. ge- Gentilit'ious , colo m. [dgntilisciiis] totalit [glilre] neralit, Gear', s. vestimenti, moadj. gentilizio. f. [dgnrnt] prinbili, m. pL; roba /. Gen'erant, s. head -, Gentll'ity, [dgntilte'l s. gencuffia, f. cipio generativo, m. tilit, gentilezza, nobilt, f. v. [dgnrte] a. pi. di Gen'erate, geGeese', [ghise] Gen'tilize, [dgontilaize] v. n. vGoose. nerare, produrre, cagionare. Gel'atine, Gelat'inoas, [dgelavere da pagano. taine, dgltineiis] dj. gelati- Genera'tion, [dgnrescieun] s. Gen'tle, [dgntr] adj. dolce, piagenerazione, razproduzione, noso. s. cevole, benigno, domestico, manza, f. Geld', [gheld] v. a. reg. & irr. sueto. Gen'erative, adj. (geli, geli) castrare [dgeneratv] Gen'tlefolk, [dgentrfocbe] . scemare; generativo, generante. troncare. gente nobile, nobilt, f. Gene'rator, [dgenrateur] s. Gen'tleman,[dgntrmn] s. genGeld er, [gheldeur] s. castraporgeneratore, creatore; princicelli, castraporci, m. tiluomo, tn. Gen'tlemanlike , [dgentl'manGeld'ing [ghelding] s. cavallo ca- pio, m. Gener'ical, Gener'ic, [dgeneri- laiche] Gen'tlemanly, [dgntl*strato, m. mnl] adj. da gentiluomo Gel'id, [dgold] adj. gelido, ge- cl, dgnrc] adv. generico. Gener'ically, [dgnericl] adv. Gen'tleness,[dgentrnes] s. genlato, freddo. modo in generico. tilezza, cortesia, dolcezza, amoGelid'ity, [dgoldite'] s. freddo Generos'ity, [dgonerosit] s. ge- revolezza, bont. eccessivo, gelo, m. nerosit, liberalit, Gen'tlesliip,[dgontl'scip] s. graGel'ly, [dgl] vedi Jelly. f, Gen'erous, [dgnrous] adj. ge- zia, affabilit, /. Gem', [dgem] s. gemma, f. Gem', [dgm] v. a. adornare di neroso, magnanimo, liberale. Gen'tlewoman , [dgentl'ououGen'erously, [dgnreisle] adv. mn] s. gentildonna, damigelgemme; v. n. germogliare. Gemellip'arous,[dgmelipareus] generosamente, nobilmente, li- la, /. beralmente. adj. partoriente gemelli. Gen'tly, [dgentle'] adv. dolceGem'inate, [dgminete] v. a. Gen'erousness, [dgnreusnes] mente, gentilmente, benigna$. generosit, f. mente. geminare raddoppiare.
; ;

balocco. (lieto. Gay', [ghe'] adj. gaio, giojoso, Gay'ety, [ghit] s. gioja, gaiezza, allegrezza, f. Gay'ly, [ghelj adv. gajamente, giojosaniente, allegramente. Gay'ness, [ghus] s. giocondit,

Geneal'ogist, [dglnlalodgst] s. Gen'itals, [dgenitls] s. p?. parti genealogista, m. genitali, f. pi. Geneal'ogy, [dgnlldg] s. ge- Gen'iting, [dgenitng] s. pomo nealogia, /. primaticcio, m. Gen'erable, [dgenerabl] adj. ge- Gen'itv, [dgnitv] s. (gr.) ge-



distrigarsi; to - to shore, sbarcare; to - a thing done, far fare una cosa; to the victory, guadagnar la vittoria; to - welt again, ristabidisfarsi,
to -

persone Germ', [dgeurm] s. germe, germoglio, m. Ger'man, [dgeurman] s. cugino TO. pi. germano, m.; cugina germana,/'. Geiiuflec'ion, [dginiufleescieun]
qualificate, /.;pL gentiluomiai,


German'der, [dgurmndur]


Gen'aine, [dgeniuin] adj. vero, (bot.) camedrio, m.; querciuola, A naturale, proprio. Gen'uinely, [dgeniSTnle'] adv. Ger'manism, [dgermanism] s. germanismo, m. veramente, naturalmente. Genuineness, [dgniunnes] s. Ger'min, [dgeurmn] . germogliamento, nt. purit, realit, autenticit, /. Geocen'tric, [dgiosntric] adj. Ger'minate, [dgeurminete] v. n. germogliare. geocentrico. Geode', [dglode] s. (min.) geo- Germina'tion [dgeurminesciun] germinazione, f. de, f. Geodet'iCjGeodet'ical, [dglodt- Gerund, [dgreund] . (gr.) gerundio, TO. ic, dgiodeticl] adj. geodetico. Ge'ognost, [dgidgnost] s. geo- Gest', [dgst] s. gesto, fatto glorioso, m.; pompa,_A gnosta, m. Geognos'tic, [dgognostc] adj. Gesta'tion, [dgstescieinl s. gestazione, gravidanza, preguezgeognostico. Geog'rapher, [dgigrafeur] s. za, f. Ges'tatory, [dgestateur] adj. geografo, m. che si pu portare. Geograpli'ical,[dgiografical]a(0'.

awife, prender mo

sposarsi; to - above, superare, vincere; to - abroad, pubblicare, divulgare, promulgare ; to- away, andare via, ritirarsi; to - before, prevenire, precedere; to - down, scendere,

trangugiare; to - from, andare via, cavare da <o - in, entrare, fare entrare ; to - into, entrare, insinuarsi, seguire; to -off, scappare, fuggire; to - off from, smontare da; <o - on, montare, met;

tere; to - out, uscire, far uscire, cavare; to- over, sormontare, superare, passare avanti, avanzare, vincere; to - through, tra.versare, investigare ; to - together, mettere insieme, adunare,

Ges'tic, [dgstc] adj. storico.

Geograph'ically, [dgografical] Gestic'ulate, [dgsticMulte] v. troppi n. gesteggiare, far adv. in modo geografico. Geog'raphy, [dgiograf] s. geo- gesti. Gesticula'ton , [dgestichiulegrafia, f.

radunare, accozzare, radunarsi, unirsi; to- up, levare, alzare, levarsi; to - up again, rifarsi,
ripigliar le forze; to -


avanzare; to - upon, montare. [ghter] s. guadascieiin] gesticulazione, /".; gesti- Get'ter, Geolog'ical, [dgoldgical] adj. gnatore, acquistatore, m. culare, m. geologico. Georogist, [dglolodgist] s. uno Gestic'ulator,[dgesticliiulateur] Get'ting, [ghtng] s. acquista* mento; lucro, m. s. quello che gestisce, m. versato in geologia, m. [dgstcbiula- Gew'gaw, [ghiugo] . bubbola, Geol'ogy, [dgoldge'] s. geolo- Gestic'ulatory, adj. rappresentato da teire'] /. ; cose da nulla, /. pi. gia- A ^ Ghast'ful, [gastfulj adj. tristo, Ge'omancer, [dgiomanseur] s. gesti. Ges'ture, [dgstceur] $. gesto, malinconico, spaventevole, orgeomante, m.

Ge'omancy, [dgomanse']



atto delle

membra, m.; posi-


tura /". manzia, /". Geoman'tic, [dgiomante] adj. Get', [ghet] v. o. irr. {got, got) guadagnare, ottenere, acquistageomantico. Geom'eter, [dgomiteur] . geo- re, impetrare, ricevere, meriimpadronirsi, prendere, tare, metro, geometra, m. Geom'etral, [dgimitral] adj. pigliare, impegnare; -, v. n irr. venire, arrivare, aver rigeometrico. Geomet'rical,[dgiometrical] adj. corso; to - the better, aver la superiorit, aver vantaggio; to geometrico, di geometria. Geomet'rically, [dgomtricale'] children, generar figliuoli; to clear, sbrigarsi, liberarsi, to adv. geometricamente. Geometric'ian, [dglmitriscian] cold, pigliare un'' infreddatura; to - a fall, cascare, cadere; to s. geometra, m. Geom'etrize, [dglcmtralze] v. footing, stabilirsi; to -friends, n. geometrizzare, fare da geo- farsi amici; to - a habit, prendere un'usanza; to - an ill metra. Geom'etry, [dgomitr] . geo- habit, prendere un cattivo abito; io - by heart, imparare a metria. Geopon'ical, [dgoponical] adj. memoria to home, arrivare a casa ;fo- one's lesson, imparare geoponico, d'agricoltura. Geopon'ics, [dgiopnicsj s. pi. la sua lezione to - to be made, far fare, comandare, ordinascienza doU'agricoltura, /. George', [dgeorge] s. brown -, re; to - money, guadagnar danari; to - money of one; ripane bigio, m. Geor'gic, [dgeorgic] adj. georgi- cevere danari da uno to - a name, acquistar fama, mettersi co, agricolo. Geor'gicnm sidus, [dgeordgi- in credito; to -one's pardon, cheum saideis] s. Urano (pia- ottenere la grazia d' alcuno; to - a place, trovare un impieneta), ni. Oera'niam, [dgIrenieiim]s.(io<). go; to- ready, apparecchiare, preparare ;fo- one's self ready, geranio, m.
; ; ;

adv. [gastfile'] Ghast'fally , squallidamente, oi-rendamente. Ghast'liness, [gastlines] . viso spaventevole, m.; squallidezza, vista orrenda, /. Ghast'ly, fgstle'] adj. squallido, orrendo. Gherlcin, [gheurchin] s. cetriuolino, m. Ghost', [gste] s. spirito m.; anima de' morti, ombra, /.; to give up the -, render l'anima.
Gho'stlike, [gostclaichej adj. pallido, smorto. Ghost'liness, [gostclines] s. ten-

denza spirituale, /. Gostly, [gostel] adj. spirituale. Gi'ant, [dgaint] s. gigante, m.

Gi'antoss, [dgaiantcsj


Gi'antlike, Gi'antly,
lalche, dgaiantle'] tesco, giganteo.




Uerfal'con, [dgcrfauc'n]



s foreccessiva, f. Gib', gibbe', [ghib] . animalo vecchio, m.; rozza, f. Gib'ber, [ghibeur] v. n. parlare confusamente, barbogliare, borbottare. Gib'berish, [ghiberiscl s. gergo, apparecchiarsi ; to - riches, ac- m.; gramuffa, f.; to talk - par quistare ricchezze; to -rid of ^ re in gergo.

Gi'antship, [dgaiantscTp]


Oib'bet, [dgitet] s. forca, /. Oib'bet, [dgibet] v. a. impiccavo, appiccavo, appondovo. Gib'ble-gab'ble, [gliibl-gabl] s. cicalamento, ni. Gibbos'ity, [ghbost] s. scvigno, tn.; gobba, curvit, (. Gib'bous, [gliibeus] adj. gibboboso, gibbuto; scrignuto, cuvvo




Gib'bousness, [glilbeusnes] s. convessit; pvominonza, gobba, f. Gib'cat, [ghib-cat] s. vcccmo gatto, wi.; vecchia gatta, f, Gibe'Jdgaibe] s. beifa, buvla, /.; scherno, disprezzo, m. Gibe', [dgaibe] v. a. & n. beffavo, huvlave, schernivo. Gi'ber, [dgaibeuv] s. beffatove, burlatove, schovnitovo, m. adv. [dgaibingle'] Gi'bingly, spvozzovolmento,con dispvezzo,

re, circondare, rinchiudere; ats. doratutorniare. indoramento, m. Giir, [ghil] s. edera; bevanda Gir'dle-belt, [ghcirdr-blt] . cinturino, cintolo, tn. -s. pi. di birra e d'edera, /. Gir'dler, [gheurdleur] s. facitobranchie (di pesci), f. pi. re di cinture; venditore di cins. [dgiliflaour] Gil'lyflower , ture, tn. leucojo, m. Gilt', [ghlt] s. doratura, f.] in- Girl', [gherlc] s. ragazza, zittella, donzella, f. doramento, ni. Gilt', [ghilt] adj. dorato, indo- Girlish, [ghrlisc] adv. di ra-

Girding, [ghilding]

gazza, donzellesco, fanciullerato {vedi to Gild). sco, vivace. Gilt'head, [ghilt-hd] s. dora Gir'lisMy, [ghrlTscel]odv. da do, wi.; orata, f. (pesce). Gim', [dgm] adj. galante; puli- ragazza, donzellescamente, a
to, bello.


di zittella.

Gim'blet, [ghimlet] s. succhio, Girt', [gheirt] Girth, [gheSrthl] s. cinghia, cintura, f. succhiello, punteruolo, m. Gim'crack, [dgimcrc] s. mec- Girt', [gheurt] Girth, [gheurth^] V. a. cinghiare, cignore; lecanismo volgare, m. chiappo

Gib'blets, [dgiblets] s. pi. fvattaglie (dell'oche ecc.), /. piGid'dily, [ghdil] adv. incon-

sideratamonto, negligentementrascuvatamento. Gid'diness, [gludinesj s. capogivo, m.; vevtigino, incostante,



Gid'dy, fghid] adj. vertiginoso, incostante.

Gid'dy-brained, Gid'dy-headed,
[gd-brn'd, ghde'-hdd] adj. scervellato; leggiero, incostante.

Gid'dy-paced, [ghde'-pes'd] adj. inconsiderato, imprudente. Gid'dy-pate, [ghid-pte] s. minchiono, sciocco, m.

Gier'eagle, [dgire'igle] s. specie di aquila, f. 6ift',[ghft]s. dono, talento, m.; facolt, f.; neiv year's -, strenna, /.; capo d'anno, m. Gift'ed, [ghftdj adj. donato, dotato. Big'? [ghg] s. ruzzola, tvottola, /".; paleo; bivoccio, m. Gigant'ean, 6igan'tic,[dgaigntin, dgaigntc] adj. gigantesco, di gigante. Gig'gle, [ghgl] V. n. ghignare, Gin'net, [dgint] s.bidetto, ronsghignazzare. zino, tn. Gig'gler, [ghigleur] s. ghigna- Gip'sy, [dgpse']s. zingara; voltore, m. paccia, /. Gig'gling, [ghigltng] s. ghi- Gir'asol, [dglrasol] s. girasole; gnetto, sghignazzamento, ghi- opale, tu. gno, m. Gird', [gheird] s. beffa, burla, Gig'-mill, [ghig-ml] s. gual- /".; scherno, m. chiera, f. Gird', [gheuvd] v. a. reg. & irr. Gig'let, gg'lot, [ghiglet, ghg{girt; girt) cignere, circondalot] s. donna lasciva, ^; -, adj. re beffare, burlare. lascivo, incostante. Gir'der, [gheiirdeurj s. trave Gig'ot, [dgghutj s. coscia; maestra, f, gamba, f. Gir'ding, [gheurding] s. coGild', [ghild] V. a. reg. & irr. perta, /". {gilt, gilt) dorare, indorare. Gir'dle, [gheurdl'] . cintura, Gil'der, [ghldeurj s. indoi-atochiusura; zona, f. re, tn, Gir'dle, [ghoiirdr] v. a. cigne1

gare. ^vedi Gim- Girth'-leather, [ gh e ir th^-l eth eur] s. sopraccinghia, sopracblet. Gimmal , [ghml] . lavoro cigna, f. unito le cui parti si muovono Give', [ghiv] V. 0. irr. {gave; r una dentro 1' altra, come given) dare, donare, conferire, vendere; -, t'. ti. irr. liquefaranelli uniti &c., m. si; ammollirsi, rilasciare, conGim'mal, [ghiml] adj. che con sentire; to - alms, fare limosisiste di anelli uniti. Gimp' , [ghimp] s. merlot- no; to - battle, dare la battaglia; to - a cali, chiamare, into, m. Gin', [dgin] s. trappola; stiac- vitare, visitare; to - in charge, incaricare, commettere, ordicia, f.', ginepro, liquore, m. Gin'ger, [dgindgeur] s. zenze- nare; to - content, contentare; satisfare; to - credit, prestar ro, zenzevero, gengiovo, m. Gin'gerbread, [dgindgeurbrd] fede, fare credito, credere to - a description, descrivere, dis. bericuocolo, confortino, m. Gin'gerbreadbaker, [dgindgeur- pignere; to - ear, dare ovecchio, Gin'gerbread- ascoltavo; to - evidence, vendov brd-becheur] maker , [dgndgeiirbred-me- testimonianza; to - a fall, faro cheur] s. bericuocolajo, con- cascare, abbattere; to - fire, tirare, sparare to - a guess, infortinajo, m. Gin'gerly, [dgindgeurle'] dv. dovinare, conghietturare; to ground, retrocedere, ritirarsi, dolcemente; pian piano. Gin'gerness, [dgndgurns] s. fuggire; to - hearing, dare udienza; to - heed, badare, stadelicatezza; tenerezza, f. Gin'gival , [dgndgaivl] adj. re attento; to - hopes, promettere; to - joy, felicitare, conappartenente alle gengie. Gin'gle, [dgingl'] . tintinno, gratularsi; to -judgment, pronunziare la sentenza; to - leave, tintinno, m. Gin'gle, [dgingV] v. n. tintin- dare licenza, permettere; to - like for like, render la panire, tintinnavo; visonavo. Gin'gling, [dginglng] s. tin- riglia; to -a look, dare un'occhiata; osservare, mirare, esatinno, tintinno, m.

bazzecola, f. Gimlet, [ghimlet]



-iti one'^^

name, dare

proprio nome;

-one's mind,

applicarsi, affezionarsi; to - notice, avvertivo, fave sapove; to - oath, pvopovve il giuramento; to - place, dave luogo, ce-



a push,



spinta, spignere; to - the slip, scappare, salvarsi; to - suck, allattare; to - thanks, render grazio, ringraziare; risalutare; to- frouiie, impacciare, incomodare, molestare; to - in
one's verdict, dar la propria voce, dar il suffragio ; to - warning, avvertire, far sapere; to - way, cedere, abbandonarsi; to - again, rendere, restitu-





re; to -


Gla'zen, [glz'n] miglia al vetro.

away, rimettere, cede- Glan'cingly,

to -

back, rendere, restituire; to - forth, pubblicare, promulgare, divolgare; to - one's &e( for, passarsi, riputarsi; to - in, cedere, ridursi; to - into, entrare, consentire, adottare; to - off, discontinuare, desistere; to - out, distribuire, dare; pubblicare, divolgare; to - over, tralasciare, lasciare, desistere, finire ; self to, applicarsi, to -one's attaccarsi; to - up, cedere, abbandonare, rendere. Giv'er, [ghver] s. donatore, distributore, m. GiT'ing, [gbiving] s. donazione, f.; dono, m. Giz'zard, [ghizeurd] s. ventrire, concedere;

[glansingle'] adv. leggiermente, alla sfuggita. Gland', [gland] s. gianduia, ghiandola, {. Glan'ders, [glandeirs] s. pi. (do' cavalli) , stranguglioni

che 80-

Gla'zier, [glgeur] .vetrajo, m. Gla'zing, [^lzng] . invetrias.



mento, m. Gleam', [glime] mine, m. [glandifireus] Gleam', fglme]


raggio; ful-

v. n. risplende-

adj. ghiandifero.

Glan'dule, [glandi ule]



re, scintillare, sfavillare. Glea'my, [glira] ad}, scintil-

lante, sfavillante. [glandiulosite] Glean', [gline] s. spigolatura, raccolta laboriosa, f. s. collezione di glandule, f. Glan'dulous, [glandiuleiis] adj. Glean', [gllne] v. a. spigolare, raccogliere; (vine.) raspollare. glanduloso. Glare', [glire] s. luce sover- Glea'ner, [gllnour] s. spigolachia, occhiata che penetra, octore, raccoglitore, m. Glea'ning [glinng] s. spigolachiata feroce, /. Giare', [glre] v n. splendere, tura, /.; spigolare, m. scintillare, fiammeggiare; ab- Glebe', [glbe] s. zolla, gleba, f.] glio, m. bagliare; occhiare ferocemente. terreno, suolo, m. Glabrous , [glbreus] adj. li- Gla'reous, [glorious] adj. visci- Gle'by, [glib] adj. zolloso. scio, do, mucilaginoso. Glede', [glide] s. nibbio, tn. Gla'cial, [glescial] adj. glacia- Gla'ring, [glring] adj. manife- Glee, [gli] s. gioja, gajezza, /".; le; gelato, diacciato. sto, evidente. giubilo, wi. Gla'ciate, [glesciete] v. n. ag- Gla'ringly, [glrngle'] adv. evi- Glee'ful, [gliful] adj. giojoso, ghiacciare, congelare. dentemente. gajo, allegro. Glacia'tion, [glesciesciean] s. Gla'sier, [glgeur] vedi Glazier. Glee'fulness, [glifulnes] s. alagghiacciamento, m.; congela- Glass', [glas] s. vetro; bicchie- legrezza, gioja, f. zione, f. re ; specchio, m. Gleek', [gllche] s. musica, f.; Gla'cier, [glscieir] s. campo di Glass', [glas] v. a. invetriare, musico, nt.; burla, beffa, f. ghiaccio, m.; massa di ghiac- incassare in vetro, inverni- Gleek', [glichej v. a. beffare, cio, f. ciare. burlare. Ola'cious, [glscieiis] adj. gla- Glass'-blower, [glas-bloeSr] s. Glee'man, [glmSn] s. musiciale, somigliante al ghiaccio. vetrajo, m. co, tn. Gla'cis, [glsis] s. spalto; (/"orf.) Glass'-bottle , [glas-bot'l'] s. Glee'some, [glseim] adj. giojopendo, m. fiasco di vetro m. ; botti- so, allegro, lieto. Glad', [glad] adj. contento, lie- glia, f. Gleet',[glite] s. puzzo, tn.; marto make -, ralle- Glass' -furnace, [glas-feurnise] to, allegro ciume, m. grare. . fornace da vetraja, f. Gleet', [glite] v.n. docciare, coGlad', [glad] Glad'den, [glad'n] Glass'-grinder, [glas-graindeur] lare; suppurare. V. a. rallegrare. s. lisciatore di vetri, m. Glee'ty, [glit] adj. icoroso, sieGlad'der, [gldeir] s. rallegra- Glass'-house, [glas-hause] s. roso. tore, m. vetraja, fabbrica de' vetri, f. Glen', [glen] s. valle, vallaGiade', [glide] . viale d'alberi, Glas'siness, [glasins] s. levi- ta, f. entrata, f. gatezza, f. GliV, [glb] adj. liscio, luGla'diator, [gldieter] s. gla- Glass'-maker [glas-mcheir] brico. , diatore, m. . vetrajo, bicchierajo, m. Glib', [glb] V. a. castrare, liGlad'ly, [gladle'] adv. di buon Glass'-man, [glas-mn] s. ven- sciare. grado, con piacere, volen- ditore di vetrame, m. Glibly, [glible'] adv. corrente-



Gladness, [gldnes]




giojoso, giocondo, alleg'ro.

Giad'somely, [gldseuml] adv.


Glad'someness ,

piacere, m.; als.



legrezza, f. Glair', [glire]

albume, m,;




Glair', [glre] v. a. impiastricciare con l'albume d'uovo. tellaccio, m. balenamento, m. Glance', [glanse] s. occhiata, /".; Gla'ver, [glveiir] v. a. adula- Glin', [glin] s. lanterna cieraggio di luce, baleno, m.; at re, accarezzare; lusingare. ca, f. the first -, a prima vista. Gla'verer, [glveurer] s. adu- Glis'ten, [gls'n] Glis'ter, [glisGlance', [glanse] . n. raggia- latore, tn. teur] V. n. splendere, scintil_ re; dar un'occhiata, occhiare; Glaze', [gleze] v. a. invetriare ; lare, brillare. to - upon, scorrere; to - an eye verniciare, inverniciare; smal- Glit'ter, [gliteur] i. splendore} upon, dare un' occhiata. tare; lisciare. lustro, tn.

[gls-metal] s. mente, con facilit. , vetro in fusione, m. Glib'ness, [glbnes] s. volubiGlass'-shop, [glaa-sciop] s. bot- lit, facilit, prestezza, f. tega di vetrajo, f. Glide', [glaide] v. n. scorrere, Glass'-work, [glas-oierc] s. ve- passare leggiermente. traja; fabbrica di vetro, f. Glm'mer, [glimer] *. luce deGlas'sy, [glase'] adj. vitreo, in- bole, /.; splendore debole, tn.; vetriato; fragile. (tntn.) mica, f. Glanco'ma, [glaucoma] s. (med.) Glim'mer, [glimeur] v. n. traglaucoma, m,; cateratta, f. lucere, trasparire. Glau'cons, [glaucheus] adj. di Glim'mering, [glimeSring] s. color verde di mare. luce debole. Glave', [give] s. spada, /.; col- Glimpse', [glimpse] s. barlume,





Glit'ter, [gliteur] v. n. riluce- Glos'sary, [glosare'] . glossa- Glut'ton, [gleitcun] s. ghiotto, rio, m. goloso, mangione, m. re, brillare. Gilt taring , [glteurng] adj. Glos'siness, fglosines] s. puli- Glut'tonize, [gleuteiinaize] v. a. mangiare assai. lucente, risplendente, scintil- mento, m.; pulitura, f.

Glossog'rapher, [glsografeur] Glut'tonous, [glouteineus] adj. lante. ghiotto, ingordo, goloso. Glit'teringly,[glteuringl]arfv. s. glossografo, glosatore, m. splendidamente , con splen- Glossog'raphy, [glosograf] s. Glut'tonously, [gleiiteuneusl] glossografia, f. adv. ghiottamente, golosamendore. Gloat', [glte] V. n. guardar Glos'sy, [glse'] adj. liscio, pu- te, avidamente. lito, lucido. Glut'tony, [gleuteune'] s. ghiotsottecchi. Glo'bated, [globeted] adj. glo- Glot'tis, [glotis] s. (anat.) gioi- tornia , ingordezza , ingordita, A boso, sferico, rotondo. Globe', [globe] s. globo, m.: sfo- Giove', [gleuve]




Globose', [globse] adj. globoso, sferico.

be hand and re amicissimi.

guanto, m.; to Glyn', [glTn] s. valle, vallata, f. with one, esse- Glyptograph'ic, [gliptogrfic]
adj. glittografico.

Globos'ity, Jglbosit] s bosit, sfericit, f. Glo'bous, [glbeus] adj. globo-

Glove', [gleuve] v. a gloguanti, Gljv'er, [gleuveiir]


Glyptog'raphy, [glTptograf]



glittografia, f. Gnarl', [nari] v. n. borbottare,

mormoreggiare. taio, wi. Glow', [glo] s. ardore, splendo- Gnar'led, [nrTd] adj. nodoso. so, sferico, rotondo. Gnash', [nsc] v. a. & n. digriGlob'ular, [glbiular] vedi Glo- re, m.; vivezza, f. Glow', [glo] V. n. rosseggiare; gnare i denti, stridere, rinbulous.

Glob'ule, [globiiile] s. globetto, esser infocato, esser infiammato, piccol globo, m. Glob ulcus, [globiuleiis] adj. glo- Glow'ing, [gling] adj. rosseggiante, ardente, infocato; -, s. buloso. Glora'erate, [glomerte] v. n. roventezza, f.; ardore, fuoco, T. aggomitolare, accumulare Glomera'tion, [glmeresciein] Glow'ingly, [glingl] adv. ardentemente, splendida^mente. s. r aggomitolare, m.; accumuGlow'-worm, [gl-oueirm] s. lazione, f. Glom'erous , [glomereis] adj. verme lucente, m. Gloze', [gloze] s. adulazione, luaggomitolato, conglomerato. Gloom', [glum] s. oscurit, tri- singa, f. Gloze', [gloze] v. a. adulare, stezza, /. Gloom', [g Cm] v. n. divenir carezzare; lusingare. Glo'zer, [glozeir] s. adulatooscuro; essere tristo. Gloom'ily, [glumil] adv. oscu- re, m. Glo'zing, [glozing] s, adulazioramente; tristamente, s. [glumines] ne, f.; lusingheria, f. Gloom'iness , oscurit, tristezza, malinco- Glue', [gluj s. colla, /".; cemen_

Gnash'ing, [nascing]
re de' denti, Gnat', [nt]



moscerino, m.

Gnat'-snapper, [nt-snpeiir] monachino, m. (uccello).


[n] v. a. rosicchiare.




Gnaw'er, [noeur]
che rosicchia, m. Gnaw'ing, [nng] to, m.; roditiira, f.



Gnome', [i-ome] s. gnome, m. Gno'mon, [nomon] s. gnomone, m. Gnomon'ics, [nmoncs] s. pi.

arte di fare orinoli a sole, f. Go', [go] V. n. irr.^went gone) passare, andare, camminare partirsi; to - a-foot, andare o camminare a piedi; to ashore, approdare, sbarcare; to - about andar per ambathe bush, to - with child, essere ge gravida; to halves with one, andare di met con uno, spartire con uno; to'- a journey, fare un viaggio; to -near, av; , ;





Gloom'y, [glume']

oscuro, Glue', [gi] V. a. incollare, appiccare con colla ; unire, nuvoloso, tristo, malinconico. Gloria'tion , [gloriscieun] s. Glue'-boler , [gl-boileur] s. fabbricatore di colla, m. vanto, trionfo, m. Glorifica'tion,[glorfchescieun] Glu'er, [glueiir] s. uomo che inadj.






mento, m.

Glo'rify, [glorifa] v. a. care, celebrare; io - one's self, glorificarsi, vantarsi. Glo'rious, [glorieiis] adj. glo-

Glu'ey, [glii] Glu'ish, [gliiisc] glorifiadj. tenace, viscoso, glutinoso.

Glum', [gleum] adj. arcigno, troso, cagnesco; grave.


Glum'my, [gleume'] adj. torbirioso, nobile, famoso, illustre. Glo'riously, [glrieusle'] adv. do, brusco, oscuro. gloriosamente, nobilmente, il- Glut', [gleut] s, satollezza; abbondanza, f. lustremente. Glo'ry, [glor] s. gloria; fama, Glut', [gleut] V. a. inghiottire, to - one's rinomanza; celebrit; aureo- satollare, saziare la,/". self with, satollarsi; impinGlo'ry, [glre'] . n. gloriarsi, zarsi. vantarsi, lodarsi. Glu'tinate, [gliiitinete] v. a. inGlose',[gloze] v. a. adulare, ca- collare. Glutina'tion, [gliatinesceSn] s. rezzare. Gloss', [glos] s. glosa, f.; com- incollamento, m. mento; lustro, liscio, w. Glutinos'ity, [gliutinosite'] s. glutinosit, viscosit, f. Gloss', [gls] w. a. glosare, far glose; lustrare, pulire. Glu'tinous , [gliutineus] adj. Glo8'sarist,[glosarist] Glos'ser, glutinoso, viscoso; tenace. [gloseur] . glosatore; inter- Glu'tinousness, [glitineusns]

vicinarsi; to - to service, mettersi a servire ; to - shares, spartire, dividere; to - about a thing, mettersi a fare qualche cosa; to - upon tick, pigliare a to - according to the credito times, accomodarsi al tempo, temporeggiare; to - about, fare il giro di mettersi a fare, intraprendere, tentare, intrigarsi; to - abroad, uscire, divenir
; ;

pubblico; to -against, opporsi; to - along, andare via; to aside, andare a parte; ritirarsi: to - astray, uscire di via, sviarsi; to - asunder, separarsi,


lo -

away, andare

via, partirsi; to - away v)ith, portare via, togliere; to - backward, andare a ritroso; to - be'

prete, m.




andare avanti, precedere,'

to - behind, andare dietro, seguitare; to - between, interporre, accomodare, conciliare; to beyond, trapassare, sorpassare; to - by, passare vicino, scorrere, regolarsi; to -down, scendere; piacere, approvare; to for, andare a cercare, passare per; to - forth, uscire; mostrarsi; fo - foruard, avanzare; fare progressi; to- frora, lasciare, disdirsi; to -in, entrare; to in and ou/, aver l'entrata; to off, lasciare, scoppiare, vendersi, uscire di vita, morire; toon, avanzare, continuare, attaccare; to - out, uscire, spegnersi; to - over, traversare, attraversare; to - round, andare in ronda, circolare; to - to, arrivare, montare; impegnarsi; p to! animo! coraggio! to through, passare per; lo - toge-

God', [god] God'-child,




cellente; - rule,

Dio, Iddio, m. [gd-ciaild] s.


regola del

glioccio, m.; figlioccia,

figlioccia, f.

God'-daughter, [gd-doteur]


God'dess, [godes] s. dea, f. God'desslike, [godslaiche] adj.

come una


God'-father, [gd-fath'eur] s. patrino, compare, nt. God'head, [gdhd] s. divinit, /".; Dio, m. God'less , [godles] acj. ateo, empio. God'lessness , [godlesnes] s. empiet, f. God'like, [godlalche] adj. divino, celeste; eccellente. God'lily, [gdlil] adv. religio-

samente, piamente. God'liness, [gdlines]

zione, piet,



Gold'-finch, [gld-finsc] s. calderine, cardellino, wi. Gold'-flner , [gold-fainoir] s, affinatore d'oro, m. Gold'-fish, [gld-fisc] Goldenfish, [glden-fisc] s. pesce piccolo di color arancio. Gold'-hammer, [gold-hmmeir] s. rigogolo, rn. Gold'-lace, [gold-lse] s. trina lavorata d'oro, f. Gold'-leaf, [gld-lfej s. oro battuto in foglie,_m. Gold'-mine, [gld-miine] s. miniera d'oro, /. Gold'-paper, [gold-ppeir] s. carta indorata, f. Gold'-sand, [gld-sand] s. sabbia d'oro, f. Gold'smith, [goldsmith*] s. ore-

andare in compagnia; -under, sopportare, perire;


to to

- up, scendere, alzarsi ; to vp and doivn, andare qua e l; to - upon, fondare, stabilire, in-

traprendere; pagnare; to

to - with,


without, soddi-

sfarsi, contentarsi.

Goad',[g5de]s. pungiglione, stimolo, m. Goad', [gode] v. a. punzecchiare,





Goal', [gole] . termine, m.; meta, /.; segno, intento, wi. Goar', [gore] vedi Gore. Goat', [gte] s. capra, /".; he -, s tecco, m. young -, s. capretto, cavretto, m. Goat'-herd, [gote-heurd] s. capra] o, m.

Goat'isli, [gotisc] adj. di becco lascivo. Goat'-akin, [gote-scHn] s. pelle





[gote's-mllc] s. , latte di capra, m. Goats'-rue, [gote's-r] s. ca-

praria; capraggine, f. Gob', [gob] Gob'bet, [gobet] s. boccone, pezzo, m, Gob'bet, [gbt] v. a. inghiottire a grossi bocconi. Gob'ble, [gbrj v. a. ingozzare, ingorgiare. Gob'bler, [gobleir] s. ghiottone,

mangione, m. Go'-between , [go-bituine] s. mediatore, mezzano, conciliatore, m.

Gob'let, [goblet] s. ciotola, tazza, /.; bicchiere, m. Gob'lin, [goblTn] s. larva, ombra, /.; spirito, fantasma, m. Go-by', [g-bai] s. sotterfugio, artifizio, m.; astuzia, f. Go'-cart, [g-crt] s. carruccio,


God'ling, [gdling] s. divinit fice, m. piccola; innamorata, f. Gold'-weght, [gldoiete] s. poGodly, [gdl] adj. divoto, pio, so d'oro, m. religioso. Gold'-wire, [goldouaire] s. fll God'ly, [gotlle'] af/w.divotamen- d' oro, m^ te, piamente, religiosamente. Gome',[gome] s. grasso, untume God'-mother, [god-raeth'eur] (delle ruote), m. gondos. matrina, santola, /".; to be-, Gon'dola, [gndola] s. tenere un fanciullo a batte la, f. Simo. Gondolier', [gondollre] s. gonGod'ship, [godscip] s. essenza doliere, barcaiuolo, m. di Dio divinit, f. Gone', [gu] part, {del v. to Go); God'son, [godseiin] s. figlioc- far - in years, avanzato in et, cio, m. attempato / mus t be -, bisogna God'ward , [godouiurd] adv. che me ne vada; get you -, anverso Iddio. datevene. God' wit, [godoiit] s. francoli- Gon'falon , [gonfalon] Gon'fano, m. (uccello.) non, [gnfann] $. gonfalone, Go'er, [geurj s. ambulante, m.; bandiera, /. camminatore, m. -s and co- Gonorrhoe'a, [gonorla] s. gomers, quelli che vanno e ven- norrea, f. gono. Good', [gd] adj. buono, beniGog', [gog] s. fretta, /".; to be a - gno, virtuoso, favorabile, congog for^ aver gran voglia di, de- venevole; - by, - bye, addio; all siderare ardentemente, (vol- in time, ogni cosa a suo temgare.) po; in - earnest, in sul serio; Gog-'gle, [gogT] V. n. guardare a - deal, molto; a - tvhile, un di traverso, guardare biecapezzo, tempo lungo; a - 'Ai /e mente. ago, gi da gran tempo; as Gog'gle-eyed, [g'g'l'-ai'd] adj. as, tanto quanto, come; - breed guercio, bieco, stralunato. ing, s. civilt, educazione, f.; Go'ing, [going] s. andare, t.; luck, s. prosperit, buona venandatura, f.; passo, m. tura, f ; - ivill, s. buona volonGold', [gold] ts. oro, m.; mone- t, benevolenza, f.; -, s. bene, ta, f. vantaggio, profitto, m.; -s, pi. Gold-beaten, [gold-blt'n] adj. beni, effetti, m. pi.; mercanzie, coperto d'oro, dorato. f. pi. Gold'-beater, [gld-biteiir] s. Good', [gud] adv. bene, giustabattiloro, m. mente; to make -, compensare, Gold'-bound, [gld-haund] adj. rimunerare, provaro, giustififregiato d'oro. care; to think -, approvare, acGold-coast, [g51d-coste]s. parte consentire. della costa d'Affrica ove si tro- Good-condit'ioned , [gSd-conva dell'oro, f. dTsceun'd] adj. ben condizioGold'-coin, [gld-coin] s. mo- nato. neta d'oro, /. Good-fri'day, [giid-fraide'] . Gold'-dust, [gld-deist] s. pol- Venerd santo, m. vere d'oro, /. Good-hu'mor, [gud-hiiimeiir] t, Gol'den, [gold'n] adj. d'oro, eo- buonumore, m.; allegria,
; ;





Oood-hu'moredfgud-hiumeur'd] Gor'geously, [gordgeusle'] adv. Gov'ern, [geuveirn] v. a. & n. fastosamente, suntuosamente. governare, regolare, reggere. adj. giojoso, allegro, lieto. Good-hu'moredly g iid-lii um eur- Gor'geousness [grdgcisns] Gov'ernable, [geiiveiirnabl] adj.



giojosaraonto, alle-

s.magnificenza,pompa,/.;splendore, fasto, m.

docile, trattabile.


fgucl-laiching] s. Gor'get, [grdget] s. gorgiorina, /". approvazione,/'.; assenso, m. Good'liness, [gdlms] s. bel- Gor'gon, [grgon] s.(mj/<A.) gor- governatrice, tutrice, f. gone, f. Gov'erness, [geuveurnes] s. dilezza, eleganza, f. Good'ly, [giidle] adj. bello, va- Gorgo'nian , [gorgnin] adj. rettrice, insegnatrice, f. Gov'ernment, [gheiveiirnment] simile al gorgone. go; splendido._ Good'man, [giidman] s. buon Gor'mand, [gormand] s. ghiot- s. governo, reggimento, m. ; uomo, padrone, m. tone, mangione, m. amministrazione, /". Good-na'ture, [giid-nitceur] s. Gor'mandize, [grmandaize] v. Gov'ernor, [gUeuveurneur]s, gon. mangiare avidamente; esser vernatore, direttore, m. bont; umanit,/". Good-na'tured, [gud-netceir'd] dedito alla gola. Gown', [gaoiin] s. veste, roba, adj. di buon cuore, benigno. Gor'mandizer, [gormandaizeur] gonna; toga, /.; morning -, veGood-na'turedly[gud-ntceur'd- s. ghiotto, ghiottone, mangio- sto da camera, zimarra, guare'j adv. benignamente. ne, m. nacca, f. Good'ness, [gdns] s. bont, Gor'mandizing , [grmandai- Gowned', [gaun'd] adj. vestito benignit, affabilit, f. zing] s. ghiottoneria, ghiottor- di toga, togato. Good'-turn, [gud-teurn] s. ser- nia, golosit, /". Gown'man, [gaounman] s. novizio; favore, m. Gorse', [grse] s. ginestrone, wi. mo togato, m.; persona di toGood'-wife, [gud-oiiaife] Good'- Go'ry, [gore] adj. coperto di ga, f.

Gov'ernance, [gciivernanse] s. gorgiera, governamento, m.; condotta, /. Gov'ernante, [geiveurnaut] s.

woman, [gudooumn]
di casa,




Gos'hawk, [gshc] ,Good'-will, [gad-ouil] . bene- tojo, m. volenza, bont, f. Gosling , [gosling] 'jfood'y, [g5d] .buona donna, ro, m. madonna, f. Gos'pel, [gospel] .


Grab'blo, [grabl'] v. a. palpare, palpeggiare; -, v. n. giacere disteso.

s. grazia, bont; favore; perdono, m.; leggiadria, f.; - at meals, ringraziamento, m.; days of -, giorni di grazia, m. pi.; say to -, benedire la tavola. Grace', [grese] v. a. abbellire, ornare, favorire. Graced', [grs'd] adj. bello, vago; virtuoso. Grace'ful, [groseful] adj. grazioso, leggiadro, elegante, ama-


pape- Grace', [grse]


vangelo, Goose', [guse] s. (gecse, pi.) oca, evangelo, m. /.; {tail.) quadrello, m.; green -, Gos'pel ,_ [gospel] Gos'pelize, [gsplaize] v. a. evangelizzas. papero, m. Goose'berry, [guzbeure'] s. uva re, predicare il vangelo. spina, f. Gos'pellare , [gspelare] adj.




pianta dell' uva spi- Gos'peller, [gspeleur] s. uno che predica il vangelo. ra, /. Goose'-cap, [guse-cap] .balor- Gos'samer, [gsameur] s. filamenti di S. Maria, m. pi. do, mincbione, m. Goose'-foot, [gise-fut] s. bella- Gos'samery, [gsameiir] adj. leggiero, sottile, donna, f. Goose'-giblets, [giise-dgblets] Gos'sip, [gslp] s. compare, m.; comare, f. s. pi. regali d'oca, m. pi. Goose'-grass, [guse-grs] s. me- Gos'sip, [gsp] V. n. ciarlare, cicalare, tracannare. liloto, tribola, _m. Goose'-pen, [guse-pen] s. stalla Gos'siping, [gsiping] s. cicadell'oche, f. lamento, m.; ciarleria, f. Goose'-qaill, [giise-qiil] s. can- Gossoon', [gsun] s, ragazzo m. servo, ni. na della penna, [gorbeld] Gorbel'lied , adj. Goth'ic , [gth-ic] adj. Go(volgare.) grasso, panciuto, tico. [gorbl] s. Gorbelly, grossa Gouge', [giidge] s. scarpello a pancia, f. {volgare.) doccia, m. s. Gor'cock, [gorcc] gallo di Gourd', [gurd] s._zucca, f. montagna, m. Gour'diness, [goirdins] s. enGor'crow, [gorcr] . cornac- fiato nelle gambe de' caval;


Grace'fully , [gresefule'] adv, con grazia, elegantemente. Grace'fulness, [grsefulnes] s. gentilezza; leggiadria, venust, eleganza, /. Grace'less, [gresels] adj. sgraziato, sfacciato; empio, scellorato.

Grace'lessly, [greselesle] adv. sfacciatamente , scellerata-

mente. Grace'lessness, [grselesnes] , empiet; scelleratezza,/'. Gra'ces, [grsez] s. pi. grazie,

m. Gore', [gre] s. sangue, sangue Gour'dy, [grd] quagliato, m.; punta di cami- grosso.


cia, f.

v. a.



Gore', [gore]



- iv,

the Grac'ile, [grasl] adj. gracile, sottile debole. Grao'ilent, [grsilent] adj. maadj. enfiato, gro, macilente, smunto. Grapil'ity, [gr;isilit] s. gragotta, poda- cilit, sottigliezza; debolezhips, sciati- za, f.

stilettare, trafiggere. Gorge', [grdgel s. gola, /".; goz zo, sorso, m.; lo cast the -, vo

Gout', [gii] s. gusto. Gou'ty, [gaout] adj. gottoso,

mitare. podagroso. Gorge', [gordge] v. o. satollare, Gove', [gve] s. mucctio (di fieimpinzare, saziare; to - one^s no), m. bica, /. self, empirsi la pancia. Gove' , [gove] v. a. ammuc- Gra'ciousness [grscieisnes] , Gor'geous, [gordgus] adj. fa- chiare, ammassare, ammonti .amorevolezza, affabilit, cor;

Gra'cous, [grscieus] adj. grazioso, benevolo; favorabile, favorevole. Gra'ciously, [grscieusle'] adv. graziosamente, benevolmente, favorevolmente.




tesiaj benignit,




Gran'ulate, [graniulte] granulare, granire, fare

[gradescieun] s. Gram'matist, [grraatst] s. , grammatista, m. gradazione, /". Gra'datory, [grdateur] adj. Gram'ple, [grampi'] .granchio, gambero, m. passo a passo, per gradi. Gra'dients , [gridients] s. pi.; Gram'pus, [grampis] s. balena, /.; ceto, m. (rail.) salita, salita e disceGran'ary, [granare'] s. granajo, sa, f. granare, m. irrad'ual, [gradual] adj. graduale, progressivo,; -, s. gra- Gran'ate, [granite] s. granato, m.; - marble, s. granito, ni. duale, m. Sradual'ity, [gradiualite'j s. Grand', [grand] adj. grande nogradazione,/.; progresso rego- bile, illustre. Gran'dam, [grndam] s. ava, lare, m. Brad'ually, [gradinale'] adv. avola, /. Grand'-child, [grand-cald] s. gradualmente, per gradi. nipote, nipotino, i.; nipotiBrad'uate, [grdiute] s. gra na, /. duato, m. [grand-doGrad'uate, [grdiute] v. a. Grand'-daughter, conferire un grado, addottora- teir] s. figlia della figlia, nipotina, /".; great -, pronipote, f. re, innalzare. Grad'uateship, [gradiutescp] Grandee', [grandi] s. grande, nobile di Spagna, m. s. lo stato di graduato, m. Gradua'tion, [grdiuscioun] s. Grandee'ship, [grndiseip] s. grandezza, f. graduazione, f. Graff, [grfj s. fosso, m.; fos- Gran'deur, [grandgeur] s. grandezza, magnificenza, f. sa, f. s. [grndvite'] Grafft', Graft', [graft] s. inne- Grandev'ity, longevit, f. sto, m. Grafft', Graft', [graft] v. a. in- Grand'-father, [grand-fath'eur] great -, bis. avolo, avo, m. nestaxe, annestare. Grafter, [graftur] s. innesta- savo, m. [grandlGrandiroquence , tore, m. Grafting, [grafting] s. innesta- oqunse] s.grandiloquenza.vanteria, /. tora, f.; innestamento, ni. Graft'ing'kDfe,[grafting-naife] Grandil'oqnoas, [grandloqueus] adj. grandiloquo, pomposo. s.{gard.) coltello da innesti, m. Grain', [grne] s. grano, seme, Gran'dinous, [grndiueus] adj. grandinoso. m.; semenza, f.; fromento umo[grandi e] adv. mare, m.; disposizione, f.; - of al- Grand'ly, lowance indulgenza; against gnificamente, altamente. the -, a crepacuore, malvolen- Grand'-mother, [grand-meSth'eur] s. ava, avola, f.; great -, tieri; dyed in -, tinto in grana rogue in -, s. furbo in bisava, f. Grand'sire, [grandsaire] s. avo, chermisi, gran furfante, m. Grained', [grn'd] adj. granato, avolo, m. Grand'son, [grandsein] s. figlio granoso, granito. della figlia, nipoGrain'ing, [grning] s. il di- del figlio pingere sul legno in guisa da tino, m.; great-, pronipote, w. imitare le vene del legno, m. Grange', [grndge] s. masseria, Grai'ny, [grne'J adj. pieno di casa del massajo, f. Gran'ite, [grnt] s. granito, m. granelli. Gram'ercy, [grameurse'] int. vi Granit'ic, [granitic] adj. appartenente al granito. ringrazio. Gramin'ious, [graminius] adj. Graniv'orous, [grnivoreus] adj. granivoro. erboso, coperto di erba, ftraminiT'orous, [grminvireus] Gran'nam, [granam] s. ava, avo;



Granula'tion, [grniulsciein] s. (chym.) granulazione, f. Gran'ule, [grniile] s. granello, m. Gran'ulons,

adj. [graniuleus] pieno di granelli. Grape', [grpe] .uva,/.; bunch of - s, s. grappolo d'uva, n?.; to glean - s, raspollare; to gather
- s,


Grape'-gath'ering,[grpe-gthleiring] s.

vendemmia, m.

Grape'-glean'er, [grpe-gllneir]
raspollatore, vendemmiatore, ni.

Grape'-shot, [grepesciotj . (nii^)


Grape'-stone, [grepestne) s. granello d'uva, m. Graph'ic, Graph'ical, [grafie,

grfcl] adj. grafico, delineato, esatto, perfetto.




grafico. Graphom'eter, [grafomiteiir]


(math.) grafometro, m. Grap'nel, [grapnel] s. ancora di galea, ancoretta, /".; grappino, m. Grap'ple, [grapl'] s. (mar.) grappino, m. Grap'ple, [grapl'] v. a. arraf-, fare, afferrare, aggrappare V. n. aggrapparsi, azzuffarsi,



with, venire

alle prese con.


[grapl'mont] s. venire alle, prese, m.; conte-

Grap'pling-ron, [grapling-aiurn] s. grappino, m. Gra'sier, [grgeir] s. ingrassatore di bestiame, m. Grasp', [grasp] s. impugnatura, manata, brancata, f. Grasp', [grasp] v. a. impugnare, aggrappare, abbrancare, abbracciare, accaffare; -, v. a. sforzarsi di prendere, tentare. Gras'per, [graspeur] s. quello che abbranca, uomo avido, m. Grass', [gras] s. erba, pastura, the second crop, guai/.; - of

la, f. {volgare). adj. elle mangia l'erba, che si pasce d'erba. Grant', [grant] s. dono, m.; perSrrao'mar, [gramar] s. gram- missione, concessione, /".; privimatica, f. legio, m. firamma'rian, [grmrian] s. Grant', [grant] v. a. concedere, grammatico, ni. permettere, accordare, dare. Grammat'ic, Grammat'cal, Grant'able, [grantabl] adj. con[grmtic, graraticl] cedibile, accordevole. adj. grammaticale. Grantee', [granti] s. donata,

me, m.
Grass', [gras]



Grass-green, [gras-grlne] adj. verde d'erba, verdeggiante. Grass'growil, [grsgrne] adj.

Grass'hopper, grillo, m.

coperto di erbe. [grashopeiir]


Grammat'ically [gramtical] rio, m. Gras'siness, [grasines] s. abGrant'or, [grantor] s. donatore, bondanza di erba, f.; verdume, m. adv. grammaticalmente. Grammaticas'ter, [gramtlcas- m.; che fa una concessione, m. Grass'-plot, [gras-pltj s. terra



Qrammat'icise , [grmtisalze] V. a. rendere grammatico.

Gran'ular, Gran'ulary, [grniu- coperta d'erba, f. lr, grniiilare'] adj. granulare, Gras'sy, [grsj adj. sodo, massiccio. coperto d'erba.





dezza, dignit, /".; potere, m.; maOrate', [grete] s. graticola, gra- Gra'ven, [grv'n] adj. intagliagnificenza, eccellenza, f. to, scolpito {vedi to Grave). tella, ferrata, gelosia, f. Grate', [grte] v. a. grattugia- Grave'ness, [grvenes] seriet, Greaves', [grves] s. pi. gamberuoli, m. pi.; gambiere, /. pi. gravit, solennit, f. re, fregare, offendere; to - the [grvelent] adj. Gre'cism, [grissm] s. elleniteeth, digrignare i denti; to - Grave'olent,

mettere una grata; upon, urtare.

di graticola.

to -

adj. fornito (riconoscente. Grate'ful, [grteful] adj. grato, Grate'fuUy, [greteful] adv. gratamente, con gratitudine. Grate'fulness, [grtefulnes] s. gratitudine^ riconoscenza, f. Gra'ter, [greteuv] s. grattugia, raspa, f. Gratifica'ton,[grtfchoscieun] spilorcio. bulino, ni. s. gratificazione, f.; riconosciGrav'itate, [gravitate] v. n. gra- Gree'dy-gut [gride gheut] ghiotmento, piacere, m. tone, mangione, m. {volgare) Grat'ify, [grtifi] v. a. grati- vitare, pesare, aggravare. ficare, compensare, compiacere, Gravita'tion, [grvitscieiin] s. Greek', [griche] s. lingua greca, /.; greco, m. gravitazione, /.; peso, m. piacere, contentare. Gra'ting, [gretng] adj. aspro, Grav'ity, [gravite] s. gravit, Green', [grine] arfj. verde, fresco, immaturo, nuovo, giovane; -, s. seriet; importanza, f. offensivo, molesto ; -, s. canGra'vy, [grve'] s. sugo, succo color verde, verdume, i.; vercello, wi.; ferrata, /. (verde. dura, f. Gra'tingly, [grotingl] adv. in (della carne) m. Gray', [gre] adj. bigio, grigio, Green', [grne] v a. tingere in modo offensivo. Gra'tis, [grts] adv. gratis, gra- cenerino, canuto ; - horse, s. ca- Green'-eloth, [grine-cloth-] s. vallo leardo, m. consiglio regio, m. tuitamente, per nulla. [grine-cheulGrat'itude, [grtitiude] s. gra- Gray'-beard, [gre'-birde] s. bar- Green'-colored, titudine, /.; riconoscimento, m. babianca, vecchio, vecchione, m. eir'd] adj. pallido, smorto. Grata'itous, [grati uiteus] adj. Gray'-eyed, [gr-ai'd] adj. che Green'-corn, [grine corn] s. gragratuito, volontario. ha gli occhi grigi. no in erba, m. GratQ^ously, [gre her'd] adj. Green'-flnch, [grine -finsch] s. [ grati uiteusl] Gray'-haired, vrfu. gratuitamente, per grazia. canuto, incanutito. verdone, m. Gratu'ity, [gratiuit] s. dono, Gray'ish, [grisc] adj. alquanto Green-gage', [grine-ghdge] s, presente gratuito, m,; libera- bigio, bigiccio. susina Claudia, f. lit, f. Gray'Iing, [greling] s. ombrina Green-goose', [grine-guse] s'. paGrat'ulate, [gratini ete] v. a. f. (pesce) pero, tti. congratularsi, rallegrarsi. Gray'ness, [grnes] s. color bi- Green'-grocer, [grine grser] Gratula'tion, [gratiulscieiin] s. gio, grigio, m. s.fruttajuolo, m. congratulazione, /".; congratu- Graze', [grze] v. a. & n. pasce- Green'-house, [grne-hause] s. larsi, m. re, pascolare, rasentare. stufa (per le piante),/". Grat'ulatory, [grtiulateure'] Gra'zier, [grgeur] s. ingrassa- Green'ish, [grinisc] adj. verdicadj. di congratulazione. tore di bestiame, m. cio, glauco. Grave', [grve] adj. grave, serio, Grease', [grlse] s. grasso ; un- Green'ly [grinele'] adv. frescacomposto, solenne -, s. sepol tume, sucidume, m. mente, maturamente; timorosaero, m.; fossa, tomba, f. Grease, [grize] v. a. ugnere, mente. Grave',[grve] v. a.irr. {graved, ungere, macchiare; subornare. Green'ness, [grinens] s. verdugraven) intagliare, scolpire; Grea'sily, [grizil] adv. sucidara, f.; verdume, w.; immaturit, (mar.) spalmare. mente, sporcamente. /".; vigore, m. Grave'-clothes, [grve-clze] s Grea'siness, [grlzins] s. gras- Greens', [grnes] . pi. erbaggio, pi. vestimento de' morti, m. sume, untume, sudiciume, m. m.; legumi, tn. pi. Grave'-digger, [grve-dgheur] Grea'sy, [griz] adj. grasso, un- Green'sickness, [grinescnes] s. s. beccamorti, m, tuoso; sudicio, sporcato, mac- malore donzelitsco,m.;clorosi,/'. Grav'el, [gravel] s. gliiaja, rena; chiato. Green'sward, [grlnesuord] s. er(med.) renella, f. Great', [grte] adj. grande, illu- buccia, pianura verde, /". Grav'el, [gravel] v. a. coprire stre, nobile, generoso a - deal, Green'wood, [grineouoiid] di gliiaja, imbarazzare. molto, gran quantit /".; o -ma- SCO Grave'less, [grivels] adj. sen ny, molti, tn. pi.; molto persone, Greet', [grite] v.a. &n. salutare, za sepoltura, insepolto. /. pi.', a - while, lungo tempo; -, felicitare. Grav'ely, [grvel] adj. sabbio- s. grosso, maggior numero, m. Greet'er, [grteur] s. colui che noso, ghiajoso, renoso. Great'-bellied [grete bld] adj. saluta, m. Grav'el-pit, [gravl-pt] renajo, panciuto. Greet'ing, [grting] s. saluto, m.; cava di sabbione, /. Great'-hearted, [grte-hrtedj complimento, ni. Grav'el-vpalk, [gravi-ouoche] s. adj. magnanimo, generoso, no- Grega'rious, [grgherius] adj. viale giiiajato, m. bile. gregario, di gregge. Grave'ly, [grvele'] adv. grave- Great'ly, [grtel] adv. molto, Grenade', Gnena'do, [grinde, mente, con gravit, seriamente. grandemente, estremamente, no- grinedo] s. {mil.) granata, /. Brave'-maker, [greve-racheur] bilmente. Grenadier' [grnadire] s. grana. beccamorti, . Great'ness, [grtenes] s. gran- tiere, i.
; ;

smo, m. fetido, puzzolente. Gra'ver, [grveiir] s. intagliatore, Gre'cize, [grsaize] v. n. grecizzare, grechizzare. scultore, bulino, rn. Grave'-stone, [greve-stne] s. Greece', [grise] s. la Grecia, f. Gree'dily, [gridile'] adv. golosalapida, tomba, f.; tumulo, m. Grav'id, [grvd] adj. gravido. mente, avidamente. Gravida'tion, Gravid'ity, [gr- Gree'diness, [grldines] s. ghiottoneria, golosit, avidit, f. vde'scieun, gravidit] s. graviGreedy',[grld] adj. goloso, ghiotdanza, pregnezza, f. Gra'ving, [grevng] s. intaglio, to, vorace, avido, desideroso, bramoso; - o/Aonors, ambizioso, intagliamento, m._ Gra'vlng-tool, [grevng-tale] s. vago d'onori; - o/tnonei/, avaro,

Grey', [gre]



digrignare i denti; to - a ra- Groan'ful, [groneful] adj. tristo, zor, arruotare un rasojo. mesto, dolente (poco usato). Grind'er, [graindeiir] s. arroti- Groan'ing, [grnng] s. gomiGrey', [gre'] vedi Gray, Grey'houndj [gre'haound] s. le- no, mulino, i.; grinders, s. pi. to, m. denti mascellari, m. pi. Groat', [grot] s. quattro soldi, vriere, m. Grice', [graise] s. porchette, m. Grind'ing, [gralndng] s. maci- m. pi. namento, m.; estorsione, f. Groats', [grots] s. farina d'ave(poco usato). Grind'ing-mill, [graindng-ml] na, f. Grid'dle, [grid'l] s. tegghia, f. Gro'cer, [groseur] s. droghiere, s. mulino da grano, m. Grid'elin, [grldelin] s. gridelliGrin'dlestone,Grind'stone[grin- wi.; - 's shop, s. bottega di drono, m. Grid'iron, tgndaieurn] s.{cook.) dl'stne, graindstne] s. mola, /. ghiere, A _ ^ Grin'ner, [grineur] s. ghigna- Gro'cery, [grseure"] s. droghegraticola, /". ria, /.; droghe, /. pi. Grief, [grife] s. cordoglio, ram- tore; smorfioso, m. [griningle'] adv. Grog', [grog] s. una mistura di marico,)!.; afflizione, f.; afl'anno, Grin'ningly, spirito e di acqua, f. m.; angoscia, f. ghignantemente. Grie'vable, [grivabl] adj. lamen- Grip', [grip] s. fossa piccola, f. Grog'gy, [grogh] adj. ebbro Gripe', [graipe] s. pugnello, m.; ubbriaco; instabile. tevole. Grie'vauce, [grlvanse] s. gra- manata, presa, oppressione, af- Grog'ram, grog'ran, [grogram. grgrn] s. grossa grana, f. flizione, /. vame, m.; querela, /.; torto, m. Grieve', [grive] v. a. attrista- Gripe', [graipe] v. a. impugna- Groin', [groin] (anat.) anguire, aggrappare, abbrancare, naia, /. re, aflfannare, affliggere; v. n. attristarsi, aifannarsi, affligpremere; -, v. n. causare dolo- Groom', [grim] s. palafreniere, mozzo di stalla, fante, servo; gersi. ri colici. Grie'vingly, [grvingl] adv. Gri'per, [graipeir] s. avaro, spi- sposo; - of the cAamer, cameriere, m. cordogliosamente, con doglia, lorcio, taccagno, m. aflFannosamente. Gripes', [grapes] s. pi. colica, f. Groove', [grave] s. antro profondo, m.; scanalatura, f. dolori colici, /. pi. Grie'vous, [griveus] adj. cordoglioso, aifannoso, grave, enor- Gri'ping, [grapng] s. aggrap- Groove', [grve] v. a. scaname, orribile. pare, m.; presa colica, f.; do- lare. Grope', [grope] v. a. palpare, Grie'vonsly, [griveiisl] adv. lori colici, m. pi. gravemente, dolorosamente, ri- Gri'pingly, [graipugle'] adv. palpeggiare, tastare; toccare ; cercare. gorosamente, atrocemente, cru- con dolori colici. delmente. Grip'ple, [gipP] s. avaro, spi- Gro'per, [grpeur] s. toccato' re, ni. Grie'vousness, [griveusnes] s. lorcio, m. cordoglio, wi.; calamit, enor- Grip'pleness, [grpl'nes] s. ava- Gro'ping, [groping] adv. tastomit, f. ne, tentone. rizia, f. Griffin, Griffon, [grifin, grif- Grisam'ber, [grismbeur] s. am- Gross', [grse] adj. grosso, speo ein]- s. griifo, griffone, m. so; rozzo, basso; stolto; ignobracane, f. Grig', [grig] s. anguilla piccola, Grisette', [grizt] griset- rante; s. grosso, m.; parte mags. /".; buon compagno, m. ta (stoffa di lana); donniccio- giore, f. Grill', [grl] V. a. arrostire sulGross'ly, [grsel] dv. in grosla, A la gratella, bruciare. Gris'kin, [grischin] s. braciuo- so, rozzamente, zoticamente, di Grillade', [grlde] s. carbonata, la di majale f. molto. braciuola arrostita, f. Gris'Iness, [grzlines] s. orro- Gross'ness, [grsenes] s. grosGrim', [grim] adj. orrido, auste- re, bruttezza, f. sezza, rozzezza, f. ro, rigido, arcigno. Gris'ly, [grlzl] adj. orribile, Grot', [grot] s. grotta, caverGrimace', [grimese] s. smorfia, terribile. na, f. (tesco. contorsione (di bocca), dissimu- Grist', [grist] s. macinamento, Grotesque', [grtesche] adj. grotlazione, affettazione, f. m.; farina,/".; provvedimento, m. Grotesque'ly, [grotschel] adv. Grimal'kin, [grimlchin] s. gat- Gris'tle, [grs'l] s. cartilagi- in modo fantastico.
bigio, color bi-


Grot'to, [grt]_ s. grotta, f. ne, f. sporcizia, Grist'ly, [grisl] adj. cartilagi- Ground', [graoind] s. terra, f.; sporchezza, sporcheria, /.; su- neo, cartilaginoso. terreno, paese, campo; fondacidume, m. mento ; soggetto m.; ragione, /.; Grit', [grit] s. crusca, sabbia Grim'-faced, [graimc-fs'd] adj. limatura (di metallo) f.; fossi- grounds, s. pi. feccia., f.; residuo, arcigno, austero. ni.; priacipj, t. pi.; to be above le, m. Grim'ly, [grml] adv. orrida- Grit'tiness, [giitines] s. qua- -, essere in vita; to gain -,

to vecchio, m. Grime', [graime]

mente, austeramente, arcigna- lit sabbionosa, f. mente. Grit'ty, [grite] adj. calcoloso, Grim'ness, [grimnes] s. orrore, arenoso, sabbionoso.
severit, auste- Griz'elin, [grzlin] adj. grigio. Griz'zle, [grizlj s. color grigio, Gri'my, [graime'] adj. sporco, m.; canutezza, f. sudicio. Griz'zle,Griz'2]ed,[grizl,grizrd] Grin', [grin] s. smorfia, /.; stri- adj. di color bigio, canuto. dore dei denti, m. Griz'zly, [grzl] adj. alquanto Grin', [grin] v. n. fare smorfie; bigio, bigiccio. digrignare i denti, Groan', [grne] s. gemito, sospiGrind',[graind]r.a.jrr. (ground, ro, m.; doglia, f. grounri) macinare; tritare.masli- Groan, [grne] v. n. gemere, care, opprimere; to - the teeth sospirare, piangere, dolersi.

give -, dar luogo, keep one 's -, stare fermo, tener duro; to lose -,



viso torvo,


rinculare, tirarsi indietro; to quit one 's -, ritirarsi, partirsi. Ground', [graoind] v. a. stabilire, fondare; (mar.) mettere a secco.




(mar.) ancoraggio, m. Ground'-bait, [graound-bote] s. esca fatta d'orzo, f. Ground'edly, [graounddl] adv.



Ground'floor, [graound-flre] quartiere a terreno, m.
3round'-ivy, [graound-alve'] edera terrestre, /.




[graoundles] adj. malfondato, senza ragiono. Ground'lessness, [graoundlesns] s. mancanza di fondamento, f. Groundling, [graoSndlng] s. gobbione, m. (pesce). [graoundle'] adv. Ground'ly, fondatamente, solidjimente. Ground'-plot, [graound-plt] s. base, /.; fondamento, princi}round'less,


Ground'-rent, [graoundrent] s. terratico, m. Ground'-room, [graouud-rume]


camera terrena,


Grouud'sel, [graoiindsel] s. soglia, f.; crescione, m. Ground'-tackle, [graound-tac'l] s. {mar.) guarnitura delle ancore,

Ground'-work. [graound-ouelrc] 8. fondo, fondamento, m, Group', [grup] s. gruppo, groppo, m.; foUa, f. Group', [grup] v. a. aggroppare, formare in gruppo. Grouse', [graouse] s. francolino, m. Grout', [graoit] s. crusca, farina d'avena, /.; sedimento, m. Grove', [grove] s. boschetto; viale d'alberi, m. Grov'el, [grv'l] v.n. rampicare, abbassare, avvilirsi. Srov'eler, [grveleur] s. perso-

denso, spossare; to - ugly, dive- Grunt', [greunt] v. n. grugnire, grugnare. nir brutto, imbruttire; to - out of use, divenir fuor d'uso; pas- Grun'ter, [greinteir] s. borbotsare; to- weary, faticarsi, infa- tone, sgridatore, m. stidire, tediarsi; to - well, rista- Grunt'ing, [greunting] s. grugnito, borbottamento, m. bilirsi, riaversi; to -worse, divenir peggiore; to - young, ringio- Grun'tle, [greuntl'] vedi Gruntvanire, rinnuovarsi; to - qgain, Grunt'ling, [grentling] s. por i'igermogliare; to - into, passa- cello, porchette, m. re in; to - near, avvicinarsi; to - Grutch', [greutsc] v. a. invidiaon, avanzarsi; to - out, allar- re; -, V. n. lamentarsi, dolersi. garsi, distendersi; to - together, Gua'no, [guano] s. guano, m. crescere insieme, unirsi; to - Guarantee', [garanti] s. sicurt, up, crescere, alzarsi, sorgere; /.; mallevadore, m. to - up agfam,rinascere, rivenire. Gua'ranty, [garante] v. a. malGrow'er, fgreiir] s. aumenta- levare, guarentire. Guard', [grd] s. guardia, custotatore, coltivatore, m. Grow'ing, [grong] adj. crescen- dia, difesa, f.; {fenc.) elsa, /".; {rail.) conduttore, m.; to come te nascente. Growl', [graoul] s. borbottamen- off from - smontar la guardia: to stand -, stare in sentinella, to, m. Growl', [graul] v. n. grugnare, fare la guardia. Guard', V. a. guardare, custodire, borbottare. Grow'ler, [graouler] s. bronto- difendere, proteggere; -, v.n. stare in guardia, preservarsi. lone, m. Growth', [grth^] s.crescimonto, Guard'age, [grddge] s. carica aggrandimento, m.; this wine is del curatore, f. of my own -, questo vino del Guard'-chamber, Guard'-room, [grd-cembeur, grd-rume] s. mio proprio terreno. Grub', [greub] s. lombrico; nano; stanza per il comodo delle guar; ,

caramogio, m. Grub', [greub] v.

die, f.

sradicare, Guard'ed, [grded] adj. cauto, prudente. svellere, dissodare, sarchiare. Grub'ble, [greubl'J v. n. andar Guardedly, [guardedle'] adv. cautamente. tentone. Grudge', [greudge] odio, rancore, Guard'edness, [garddnes] s. cauzione, precauzione, pruwi.;ira, ^

Grudge', [greudge] v. a, portare denza, f. invidia, invidiare, rimproverare, Guard'er, [grdeur]

confutare; mentarsi.



v. n. dolersi, la-

protettore, m.


IGrow', [gr] v. a. irr. {grew, grown) coltivare; -, v. n. irr. crescere, divenir grande, divenire, farsi, pervenire, arrivare to- Je<ier,migliorarsi, emendarsi, correggersi; to - big, divenir grosso, ingrossare; to - out of credit, perdere il credito; to ^ear, divenir caro, incariro; to fat, divenir grasso, impinguarsi; to -AandsowK;, divenir bello; to heavy, divenir pesante, aggravarsi; to -into fashion, divenir alla moda; to - into favor, essere favorito; to - out of kind, degenerare; to - late, farsi tardi; tolean, divenir magro, smagi-ire; to - less, decrescere, diminuire; to - light, divenir chiaro, schiarire; to- little, impiccolirsi, diminuire; to - old, invecchiare, farsi vecchio; to - poor, divenir povero, impoverire; to - pro'sd, divenir superbo, insuperbirsi; to - rich, divenir ricco, arricchirsi; to - sleepy, addormentarsi; to- strong, divenir forte, in;

Guard'ful, [grdfil] adj. cauto, Grudg'ing,[greudgng]s. invidia, prudente. Guaraian, [grdian] a'j. cugelosia, /.; rancore, m. Grudg'ingly, [greiidgngl] adv. stode, tutelare; -, s. guardiano ; tutore, protettore, m. a contracuore. Gru'el , [grul] s. cibo fatto Guar'dianship, [gardinship] s. con farina d'orzo bollito nel- carica del guardiano, f. Guard'less, [grdls] ac/j. senza r acqua, tn. Gruff, [greif] adj. arcigno, bur- guardia, senza protezione. Guard'shp, [grdscp] s. cura, bero, aspro, rozzo. protezione; (mar.) guardacoGruffl'y, [greufl] adv. arcignaste, m. mente, aspramente. fghiubeurneGruff'ness, [greiifnes] s. arci- Guberna'tion , scien] s. governazione, /".; gognezza, asprezza, f. Grum', [greum] adj. stizzoso, di- vernamento, m. Guber'native, [ghiubeurnativ] spettoso, ritroso. Grum'ble, [greimbl'] v. n. bor- adj. reggente. bottare, brontolare, mormorare. Gud'geon, [gheudgein] s. ghiozGrum'bler, [greumbleir] s. bor- zo (pesco); m.; sciocco; pernio dferro su cui volge una ruota, m bottatore, brontolone, m. Grum'bling, [greumblng] s. bor- Guer'don, [gheirdeun] s. guibottamento,_mormoramento, m. derdone, tn.; ricompensa, f.; preGrume', [griume] s. grumo; qua- mio, m. gliamento, m. Guess', [ghes] s. conghiettura Grum'ly, [greiiml] adv. con vi- supposizione, f. Guess',[ghs] v.a. n. conghiet so arcigno. Gru'mous, [griumeiis] adj. gru- turare, inferire; indovinare. moso, quagliato. Gues'ser, [ghseur] s. conghiet turator; indovinatore, m. vigorirsi; to - stubborn, osti- Gru'monsness, [griumeusnes] s. narsi; to - tame, addimesticarsi, coagulamento, m.; coagulazio- Guessing, [ghesng] adj. convile, f._
to -


thick, divenir



ghietturale, congetturala.




[ghsngl] adv. Guin'ea-pepper, [gline-ppeur] Gun'nel, [gheunel] s. {mar.) parapetto, orlo, m. congetturale. $. pepe d'India, m. Guest', [glist] s. convitato, fo- Guin'ea'pig, [gliine'-pg] .por- Gun'ner, [gheuneur] s. cannoniere, artigliere, m. restiere, m. cello d'India, m. Guest'-chamber , [ghest-cm- Guise', [gbalze] s. guisa, foggia, Gun'nery, [gheuneiire] s. arte di maniera, (.; modo, costumo; ta- sparare il cannone, arte del ber] s. stanza de'forestieri,/". cannoniere, f. Gug'gle, [gheugr] v. n. gorgo- lento, m. gliare, rumoreggiare, mormo- Guitar', [ghtarl s. chitarra, /.; Gun'-port, [gheun-prt] s.{mar.) cannoniera, f. rare. to flay upon the -, suonar la [gheun-pauGug'gling, [gheugling] s. gorgo- chitarra. Gun'-powder , gliamento, m. _ Gules', [ghiules] s. (her.) ros- deiir] s. polvere da cannone, f. Gun'-room,[gheun-rum] . {mar.) Gui'dage, [ghaiddge] s. salario so, m. del conduttore,, [poco usato) Gulf, [gbeSlfJ s. golfo, seno di Santa Barbera, /". Gun'-sbot, [gheun-sciot] s. tiro Gui'dance, [ghaidause] s. guida, mare, abisso, m. scorta, condotta, /. Gul'fy, [gheulf] adj. pieno di di moschetto, tiro di cannone, m.; portata, f. Guide', [ghaidej s. guida, scorta, golfi. GuU', [gheil] s. gabbiano, fur- Gun'-smith, [gheun-smith^] . f.\ conduttore, m. Guide',[ghade] v. a. guidare, dibo, balordo. armaiuolo, fabbricatore d'arrigere, accompagnare. Guir, [gheul] V. o. ingannare, mi, m. Gun'-stick, [ghen-stic] s. bacGuideless, [gkaidls] adj. senza truffare. GuU'-catclier, Guller, [gheul- chetta dello schioppo, f. guida. ingan- Gun'-stock, [gheun-stc] s. casGuide'-post, fghaide-pst] s. coctceur, gheuleur] s. sa d' uno schioppo, f. lonna migliaria, /. natore, furbo, wi. Gui'der, [ghaideur] s. guida, di- Gul'lery, [gheuleure'] s. ingan- Gun'wale, [gheun-oule]s. (ma?-.) (do, m parapetto, orlo, m. rettore, m. no, m.; furberia, beffa, f. Gui'don, [ghadeun] s. stendar- Gul'let, [gheiilt] s. gola, stroz- Gurge',[gheiirdge] s. golfo, abisGuild', [glild] s. societ, fraterza, /".; collo, m. so, m. nit, compagnia, f. GuUibirity, [gheuliblite'] s. Gur'gle, [gheurgV] v. n. gorgogliare. Guirdable,[glildabl] adj. tassa- credulit, f. bile. Gul'lish, [gheulisc] adj. imbe- Gur'nard, Gur'net, [gheiirnard, gheurnt] s. specie di pesce,/. Guild'er, fghldeur] .fiorino, m. cille, stupido. Guildhall', [ghldlil] s. casa Gul'lisbiness, [gheuliscens] s. Gusb', [gheusc] s. sgorgamento, municipale di Londra, f. trabocco, m. imbecillit, stupidezza, f. Guile', [galle] s. inganno, wi.; fur- Gully, [gheulj v. n. corre- Gusb', [gkeisc] v. n. sboccare, beria, f. re rumorosamente, mormoreg- sgorgare. Gus'set, [gheuset] s. gherone, m. Guile'ful, [ghaileful] adj. ingan- giare. [gheul-hle] noso, furbo. Gul'ly-liole, s. Gust', [gheust) gusto, desiderio; colpo di vento, m. Guile'fuUy, [galefile'] adv. in- chiavica, /.; smaltitojo, m. gannevolmente, da traditore. Guloslty, fghiulsit] s. golo- Gust', [gheist] r. a. gustare, assaggiare. Guile'fulness, [gailefihies] s. sit, ghiottoneria, f. frode, furberia, impostura, /".; Gulp', [gheilp] s. gorgo; sorso, Gust'able, [gheustabl] adj. guinganno, m. tratto, m. stevole, gustoso. Guile'less, [galleles] adj. senza Gulp', [gheulp] V. a. ingozza- Gusta'tion, [gheustescieun] . frode, senza inganno. inghiottire, trangugiare; gustamento, il gustare, wi. re; Guile'lessness, [gailelsns] s. palpitare. Gust'ful, [gheustful] gustevole; sincerit, innocenza, /. Gum', [gheum] s. gomma, gen- piacevole al gusto. Gui'l'er, [gaileur] s. truffatore, giva, /.; -, of the eyes, cispa, f. Gust'fulness, [gheiistfiilnes] s. giuntatore, m. Gum', [gheim] v. a. ingommare, piacevolezza al gusto, f. Guillotine', [gblotine] s. ghi- impiastrare con gomma. Gust'less, [gheustls] adj. senGummos'ity gliottina, f. Gum'mines , za gusto, insipido. [gheuminos, ghezmositj s. vi- Gus'to, [ghesto] s. gusto, diGuillotine', [ghilotinej v. a. gliigliottinare. scosit, f. scernimento, piacere, m. Guilt', [gbiltj delitto, misfatto, Gum'mous, [gheumeus] adj. Gns'ty, [gheust] adj. tempem.; colpa, /". gommoso, gommifero. stoso, procelloso. Guilt'ily,[gliiltile'] adv. criminal- Gum'my, [gheume'J adj. pieno Gut', [gheiit] s. budello, intestimente. no, m.; ghiottornia, /.; greedy -, di gomma; gommoso, viscoso. Guilt'ines, [ghiltines] s. delitto; Gump'tion, [gheumpsciein] s. s. ghiottone, leccone, m. {vol" m.; colpa, scelleratezza, f. gare). destert, intelligenza, /. {volGuiltless, [gbltls] adj. netto gare) Gut', [gheiit] V. a. sviscerare, di colpa, innocente. Gum'-tree, [gheim-tri] s. albe- sventrare, sbudellare. Guiltlessly, [ghltlesle'] adv. ro gommifero, ni. Gut'-string, [gheut-string] s. innocentemente. Gun', [ghein] s. schioppo, mo- corda di minugia, minugia, f. Guiltlessness, [gbiltlesnes] s. schetto, fucile, archibuso, ni.; Gut'ter, [gheiteur] s. gronda, innocenza, f. great -, cannone, m.; air -, ar- grondaja, /. ^ Guil'ty, [ghlte'] adj. colpevole;] chibugio a vento, m. Gut'ter, [gheuteur] v. a. scana-


scellerato. s. lare; -, V. n. scolare. Gun'-barrel, [gheiin-brl] Guin'ea, [ghin] s. ghinea, f. canna da schioppo, f. Gut'ter-stone, [gheiiteur-stneJ Guin'ea-dropper[ghne'dropeuvj!Gun'-boat, [gheun-bte] s scia- s. pietra della gronda, /". luppa cannoniera, f, . mariuolo, borsaiuolo, m. Gut'ter-tile, [gheiteiir-tanc] <. Guin'ea-hen, [ghln-hn] s. gal- Gun'-carriage, [gheun-caridge] s. tegola, f. lina di faraone, /. Gut'tle, fgheitr] t'. a. trangu* s. {art.) affusto, m.
| I

giare; v. n. crapulare, gozzovigliare {volgare).
[glieutloir] s.




Gym'nic, Gym'nical, [dgimnic,

tone, mangione, crapulone,


crapu- Gybe', [dgaihe]

lone, ghiottone, leccone, mangione, in. {voli/are). Gut'tulous, [glietiuleus] adj. (turale. gocciolante. Gut'tural, [gheutiural] adj. gut-

Gut'turalness, [ghetiurlns] s. pronunzia gutturale, /. Guz'zle, [gheuz'l] v. n. gozzovigliare, crapulare, si (volgare).

dgimniclj adj. ginnastico. Gyp'seous, Gyp'sine, [dgipsieiis, dgipsaine] adj. gessoso (hoifarsi. burla, f. Gybe', [dgaibe] v. n. burlarsi, Gyp'sum, [dgipseum] s. gesGymna'sium, [dgimncsciem] s. so m. Gyre', [dgare] s. giro, cerchio, ginnasio, m. Gymnas'tic, [dgmnastc] adj. rivolgimento, m. Gyra'tion, [dgarsceun] s. giginnastico. Gymnas'tically, [dgimnasticale'] ramento, m. adv. in modo ginnastico, da Gyve', [dgave] v. a. incatenare,





Gymnas'tics, [dgimnastics]
ghiotpi. ginnastica, f.


porre in ceppi. Gyves', [dgalvesjs.






pi.; ceppi, ferri, in. pi.

lettera con poche Hab'tude,[hbitiiide] abitudine, racchia il prezzo; irresoluto m. eccezioni, aspirata in incostume, /".; uso, wi.; disposizio- Hah' [ha] int. ah Hail', [hle] s. grandine, graglese. La lingua italiana non ne, f. ammette aspirazione, ma la si Hab'nab, [habnab] adv. a caso, gnuola, f. trova in Firenze pronunziata alla ventura, inconsiderata- Hair, [hle] v. a. salutare, implorare; - V. imp. grandinare. dal popolo invece del e innanzi mente. allo vocali o ed o, horse, caval- Hack', [hac] s. tacca, /".; piccolo Hai!'! [hle] int. Iddio vi salave ! vi lo (/iavallo). taglio; cavallo d'affitto, m. Ha'! [ha] ini. ah ! ahi! Hack', [hac] v. a. sminuzzare, Hail'shot, [hle-sciot] s. migliaHa'beas cor'pus, [hbis cor- tritare; stroppiare (una lin- rola, /".; pallino, m. Hail'stone, [hle-stone] s. grano peus] s. mandato esecutivo con gua).

H, questa

comandalo Hack'but, [hcbeut] s. piccolo condurre innanzi al magi- fucilo. strato un prigioniere, m. Hac'kle, [hacl] s. seta cruda f.; Hab'erdasher, [hiibeurdsceur] pettine por preparare il lis. morciajo, mcrciajuolo, m. no, m. Hab'erdashery, [hbeurdsce li- Hac'kle, [hacl] v. a. tagliuzzare] s. merceria, f. re, sminuzzare; preparare il Hab'erdine, [haberdne] s. mer- lino. luzzo salato, m. Hack'ney , [hacne'] s. cavallo Hab'ergeon, [liabeurdgeun] 3. d'affitto, m.; rozza, carogna,/'. piastrone, giaco, corsaletto, m. Hack'ney, [hacne'] adj. d'affitHabil'iment , [habiliment] s. to, mercenario. abbigliamento, abito, vestito, 7?!. Hack'ney, [hacne'] v. a. eserciHab'it, [hb)t] s. abitudine, [.; tare, accostumare, avvezzare. costume, uso; abito; vestimento, Hack'ney-coach, [hcne-ctsc]s. vestito; m., complessione, dicarrozza d'affitto, carrozza da sposizione, (del corpo) /. by -, nolo, f. por abito to get into a - pren- Had'doc, [hadeuc] s. merluzzo dere costume, abituarsi. (pesce), m. Hab'it, [hbit] v. a. provvedere Haft', [haft] s. manico, m, d'abiti, vestire; v.n. vestirsi. Haft', [haft] v. a. mettere il Hab'itable, [hbitablj adj. abi- manico.

cui al carceriere


gragnuola, m.

Hai'ly, [hl] adj. grandinoso. Hair',[hre] s. capello, pelo, crino (d'un cavallo), wi.; cosa minuta, /".; against the - a contrappelo, malvolentieri; to a -

per rappunto,_ esattamente. Hair'-bell, [hre-bl] s. giacinto, m. Hair'brained^ [hre-bren'd] adj.


Hair'breadth, [here-bredth^] s. fig. poca distanza, f_, Hair'broom, [hre-brume]s. sco-

pa di setole di porco, f. [hre-breiisce] Hair-brush spazzola da capelli, f.



tabile, abitevole. Hag', [hag] s. strega, maga; vecHab'itableness, [habitablnes] s. chiaccia, f. stato di una casa .abitabile, m. Hag', [hg] V. a. tormentare, Hab'itance, [hbitnse] s. abi- vessare. tazione, dimora, /. Hag'gard, [hagard] s. fienile, m. Hab'itant, [habitant] s. abitan- Hag'gard, [hgrd] adj. macite, abitatore, m. lente, pallido; selvaggio, ruviHabita'tiou, [habitescieiin] s. do, fiero, intrattabile. abitazione; casa, f. Hag'gardly, [hgardl] ac/v. palHab'itator, [hbitateiir] abita- lidamente ruvidamente. tore, m. Hag'gis, [hghsj s. salsiccia Habit'ual, [habitiual] adj. abi- di fegato, f. tualo, consueto, ordinario Hag'gish, [hagliTsc] adj. di streHabit'ually, [habitiul] adv. ga; deformo; orrido. abitualmente, per abito. Hag'gle, [hgl] v. a. tagliuzBabit'uate, [habtiute] v. a. zare, mutilare; -, v. n. stiracabituare, accostumare; to -one's chiare nel prezzo; indugiare; self, abituarsi, accostumarsi, badare. assuefarsi; solerHa^'gler, [hagleur] s. che sti;

Hair'-button, [here-beiiteun] s. bottone di pelo, m. Hair'cloth, [here-clth-] s. cilicio, m. Hair'dresser, [here-dreseur] s. parrucchiere, acconciatore, m. Hair'ed, [her'd] adj. capelluto. Hai'riness' [hrins] s. capellamento, m. quantit di capelli, /.; peli, m. pi. Hair'lace, [hre-lese] intrecciatojo,


Hair'less, [hereles] adj. senza capelli, calvo. Hair'needle, [hre-nidl] s. forcella,


Hair'pencil, [here-pensl]
nello, m.


Hair'powder, [hre-paudeur] polvere da capelli, f.

Hair'sieve, [hre-siv]




[hr] adj. peloso, crinuto.



da una parte; on the other -, dall'altra parte; under -, sotto mano, segretamente; out of-,
presto, speditamente; - over head, inconsideratamente, temerariamente; /feep off your -s. non lo toccate! to be in - with one, negoziare con uno: to bring up by -, allevare colla pappa (un bambino); to fight - to -, venire alle prese; to go - in -, tenersi per la mano; to have a - in a business, aver parte in

Hal'berd,[boll)eurd]s. alabarda,/". Ha'llowmas, see halimas. Hal'berdier , [holbeurdire] s. Hallu'cinate, [baliusinete] v. n. ingannarsi, sbagliare. alabardiere, lanzo, m. Harcyon, [halscieun] . alcio- Hallucina'tion[hliusinescieun] allucinazione, f.; abbaglio, s. (tranquillo. ne, m. Hal'cyon, [halsieiin] adj. quieto. errore, ?".
(delle Hale', [blej a^/j. sano, vigoroso; Halm', [hame] s. fusto biade) tti.: stoppia, paglia, f. forte; gagliardo. Hale', [hle] tirare, strascinare, Ha'lo, [heloj s. aureola, f. Hal'zer, [hoser] s. (mar.) al(war.) rimurcbiare, zaja, f. Ha'ler, [bleirl s. alzajo; che tira a braccia; {mar.) clie ri- Halt', [holt] adj. zoppo, azzoppato; - s. posa, fermata, f. {mil.) murcbia.

alto,m. Half, [bafe] aj. mezzo. Half, [bafe] adv. a met, per Halt', [holt]

un negozio


V. n. fare alto, fer-

mouth, vivere

live from - to alla giornata; to

marsi, zoppiccare; fig. stare in take in -, intraprendere. met, di pari, in parte. Hand', [hand] v. a. dar mano, daHalf, [bfe] (balves pf.) s. me- dubbio, dubitare. re di mano in mano, menare. cat, /.; in halves, per met; ne- Hal'ter, [heteur] s. zoppo pestro, wi.; cavezza, corda, fu- Hand'-barow, [hnd-bro] s. bagligentemente.

rella, f. Half blood, [bafebleud] s. fra- ne, f. Hand'basket, [hand-baschet] s. tello da un lato, m.; sorella da Hal'ter, [holteur] v. a. incapesporta, /.;paniere col manico, m. strare, legare con una corda. nn lato, f. [bafe-bleudod] Hai t'ing, [bolting] s. lo zoppic- Hand'-bellj [hnd-bl] s. campaHalf -blooded,

Half brother, [hafe-breuth'eur]


Halt'ingly, [holtingl] adv. in Hand'-breadth, [hand-bredtb-] s. larghezza della mano, f.; palfratello da Tin lato, fratello modo zoppicante. Halve', [bave] v. a. dividere in mo, m.; spanna, f. uterino, m. Handcuff, [hndcheuf]s. manetHalf-moon, [hafe-munel s. mez- due, dimezzare. te, f. pi. Halves', [bves] pi. di Half. zaluna, f. Half -penny, [h-peun] s. mez- Ham', [ham] s. garretto pro- Hand'cufF, [hndcheufj v. a. mettere le manette. sciutto, presciutto, m. zo soldo, J. Half -pike, [hafe-p alche] s. mez Ham'adryad, [hmadraid] s. a- Han'ded, [handed] adj. dato di mano in mano. madriada, f. za picca, f. Half -pint, [hafe-painte] s. mez Ham'let, [hmlet] s. borghetto, Han'der, [hndeur] s. trasmetti tore, m. casale, m. za foglietta, /. Half -read, [hafe-red] adj. su- Ham'mer, [hameiir] s. martello, Hand'fast, [handfast] s. presa, cattura, /".; arresto, m,; prigiom.; shoeing -, martello da ferperficialmente informato. ne, f. Half-sister, [bfe-ssteur] s. so- rare, m. rella da un lato, sorella ute- Ham'mer, [hameur] v. a. mar- Hand'fetters, [handfteiirs] 8. pi. manette, /". pi tellare, inventare, immaginare; rina, f. s. pugno, to Hand'ful, [hndfiil] -, V. n. occuparsi; to bring [hafe-sizeHalf-seas-over , m.; manata, f. the hammer, vendere all'incanveur] adj. cotticelo. Hand'gallop, [handgleup] s. Half -strained , [hafe-stren'd] to, mettere air asta. Ham'mercloth, [hmeurcloth^] piccolo galloppo,m. adj. imperfetto. Half-way, [bfe-oue'] adj. nel s. drappo che cuopre il sedile Hand'gearing, [hndghlring] s. {loc.) governo, regolatore, wt.. mezzo della strada, a mezza del cocchiere, m

adj. degenerato.

care, m.

nello, m.

Ham'merer, [hmeiirer] s. che strada. Half-wit, [bafe-ouit] s. sciocco, lavora col martello. Ham'mering, [hmeurmg] s. il balordo, m. Half-witted, [hafe-ouit'd] adj. martellare, m. Ham'mock, [hameuc] s. {mar.) sciocco, stolto. Hal'-but, [bllbeut] s. specie amaca, branda, /".; letticciuolo sospeso, m. di pesce, f. Haridom, [blidme] s. invoca Ham'per, [hampeur] s. paniere, cesto grande, m. zione, f.; by my halidom, per Ham'per, [hmpeir] v. a. imbafede mia, m. Hal'imas, [blims] s. ognis- barazzare, imbrogliare, confon-

Hand'-gearing-rod, [hnd-ghlring-rd] s. {loc.) sbarra di governo,


Hand'-grenade, [hand-grende]s. granata empita di polvere da



[band-ghein] s. schioppo, fucile, m. Han'dicraft, [handicraft] s. me

stiere, wi.: professione,

dere. santi, m. Halit'uous, [haltuus] adj. va- Ham'string, [hamstring] s. ten- Han'dily, [hndile'] adv. destramente, con destrezza, con abidine del garretto, m. poroso, fumoso. Ham' string, [hamstring] v.a. lit. Hall', [hl] s. sala, /.; palazzo tagliare i tendini del garretto. Han'diness, [handines] s. devestibulo,m. Hallelu'jah, [haliluia] s. alle- Han'aper, [hnapeur] s. tesore- strezza, abilit, f,

Han'dicraftsman, [handicraftsman] s. artigiano, artefice, m.

luja, wi.



erario, tesoro,





Hal'liards, hal'yards,[blirds] Hand', [hand] s. mano, palma, opera manuale, manifattura, f. scrittura, soscriziono, f.; lato, Hand'kerchief, [hnkeurtcfe] s. s. pi. (mar.) corde da alzare od ago (d'un orinolo); (mar.) mari- fazzoletto, moccichino, m. abbassare le vele, /'. pi. Halloo' [hlu] v.a. incoraggiare naio, m.; in -, fra le mani in a- Han'dle, [bandi'] .mnico; orec;


cani); cliiamare.

Hal'low;, [bio] v. a. santificare,


vanzo; at first -, di prima ma- chio, m.; impugnatura, f. Han'dle, [hndl'] v. a manegno; near at - qui vicino; - in giare, trattare. insieme, di concerto on the one

Handless, [handles] manco.



monco, Hank'er, [hancheur] v, n. desi- the tvind blows -,fa gran vento; derare ardentemente. to drink -, bere eccessivamente; Hand'ling, [handlingl s.maneg- Hank'ering , [hancheiirifng] s. to follow one -, seguitare alcuinclinazione, /".; desiderio, m. giamento, toccamente, m. no d'appresso. Hand'maid, [hiid-mde] hand'- Hanseat'ic, [hansitc] adj. an- Hard'bound, [hrdbaoind] adj. stitico, costipato. maiden,[hndmdeii]s. serva, f. seatico. Hand'-mill, [hnd-mlj mulinel- Han'sol, [hansel] verfi Handsel. Hard'-drinking[hrd-drTnching] Hanse'-town, [hanse-taoun] s. s. grand' eccesso di bere, m. lo, molinello, m. Har'den, [hrd'n] v. a. induHand'-sails, [hand-sles] s. pi. citt anseatica, f. (mar.) vele maneggiate colle Hap', [hp] s. caso, accidente, rare, indurire; v. n. divenir m.; sorte, f. duro. mani, f. pi. Hand'saw, [handso] s. seghetta, Hap', [hp] V. n. accadere, avve- Har'dening, [hardening] s. induramento, m. nire, succedere. sega piccola, f. Hand'sel, [handsel] s. primo uso, Hap'-hazard, [hp-hzeurd] s. Hard'-favored, [hrd-foveur'd] adj. laido, deforme. wi.; prima vendita, {. {poco usaaccidente, avvenimento, evento Hard'-favoredness to). casuale, m. [hrdHand'sel, [handsel] v.a.faruso Hap'less, [hpls] adj. sfortuna- fevur'dness] s. laidura, bruttezza, /". per la prima volta; fare per la to, sventurato, disgraziato. prima volta (poco usato). Hap'ly, [hple'] adv. forse; per Hard'-fisted, [hrd-fisted] adj. avaro. Hand'some, [hnseum] adj. hel- accidente, a caso. lo, vago, elegante; grazioso; no- Hap'pen, [hp'n] v. n. avve- Hard'-handed , [hrd-hnded] hile. adj. ruvido. nire, accadere; as it happens, Hard'-hearted Hand'somely, [hanseumle'] adv. ad ogni modo. [hrd-hrted] elegantemente, bellamente, pia- Hap'pily, [hpile'] adv. fortuna- adj. crudele, inumano. cevolmente. tamente. Hard'-heartedness, [hard-hrtHandsomeness [hiinseumnes] Hap'piness, [hpines] s. felicit; dns] .crudelt, inumanit, f. buona ventura,fortuna, sorte, m. Har'dihood, [hrdihiid] s. intres. bellezza, grazia, eleganza, f. Hand'-spike, [haud-spaiche] s. Hap'py, [hp] adj. felice, fortu- pidit, bravura, f. (mar.) manovella, f. nato, prospero; to make -, ren- Har'dily, [bardile'] adv. coraggiosamente, animosamente, arHand'-vice, [haud-vaise] s mor- der felice, felicitare. sa, f. Harangue', [hrng] s. arrin- ditamente. Hand-writing, [hand-rating] s. ga, f. Har'dness, [hrdines] s. ardimanoscritto, 7n.; scrittura, ma- Harangue, [harng] v. a. arin- tezza, /.; coraggio, m. Hard'ly, [hardl] adv. appena, gare, perorare. no, f. difficilmente, severamente, riHan'dy, [bande'] adj. destro, abi- Harangu'er, [hrngheir] s. a ringatore, oratore, m. gorosamente. le, convenevole. Han'dy'blow, [hnde'-blo] s. col- Har'ass, [hars] s. guasto, diser- Hard'-mouthed, [hrd-moauth'tamente, m. adj. duro di bocca po di mano, m. 'd] reHan'dy-dan'dy, [hnde'-dande'] Har'ass, [hars] v. a. stancare, stio, caparbio (detto di un casulle mabattersi da vallo). giuoco allassare, faticare; distruggere, s. rovinare. Hard'ness, [hrdn's] s. durezni, m. Hang'[bng]v a.r.ed irr. {hanged, Har'asser, [hrseiir] s. guasta za, difficolt, asprezza, f.; - of hung, hung) appendere, appic- tore, rovinatore, m. the winter, severit del vercare, piegare; u. n. irr. pende- Har'binger, [hrbndgeur] s. fono, f. dere, stare sospeso, contrappe- riere, precursore, m, Hard'-nibbed, [hrd-nb'd] adj. sare; to - loose, staro pendolo- Har'bour, [harbour] s. alleg- di punta dura (detto di una n; <o -a ma/e/'acfor, impiccare gio; rifugio, ricovero, riparo; penna). un delinquente; to-a room, tap- porto, m. Hards', [hards] s. stoppa f. pezzare una camera; {mar.) to Har'bour, [harbeir] v. a. allog- Hard'ship, [hardsclp] ..durezza, -the rudder, montare il timone; giare, albergare; v. n. soggiordifficolt, fatica,/".; travaglio, m. nare, dimorare. to - about, stare pendente, penHard'-ware [hrd-oure] . zolare fo - 6ac/c, eludere, schi- Har'bourage, [hrbeiredge] s. chincaglia, vare; to - by, appendere, appic- accoglimento, ricovero; rifugio, Hard'-wareman, [hrd-ourecare; to- down, pendere, abbas- asilo, m. mn] s. chincagliere, m. sare, chinare; (o-on,"appendere, Har'bourer,[hrbeureiir] s. ospi- Hard'-witted, [hrd-outd] adj. attaccarsi, aggrapparsi; (mar.) te; protettore, m. gofi"o, stupido. io - ouf, inalberare; to - togeth^- Har'bourless, [hrbeirles] adj. Har'dy, [barde] adj. ardito, coti/), sospenporto; senza ?osenza rifugio. accordarsi; er, raggioso, bravo, robusto, forte. Har'bour-master,[hrbeiir-ms- Hare',[hr] s. lepre /".; young -, dere, appendere. teir] s. capitano del porto, m. Hang'er, [hngheur] s. scimitarleprotto, m. Hard', [hard] adj. duro, fermo, Hare', [here] v. a. spaventare. ra,/".; coltellaccio, m. sodo, severo, aspro, rigoroso; Hare'bell, [here-bl] s. campaHang'er-on, [hngheur-on] s faticoso, molesto; difficile; oneparassito, scroccone, m. nella, /". Hang'ing, [hanging] atO'-pendeU' roso; - of belief, incredulo; - Hare'-brained [hre-brn'd] to get, indurare;- of hearing, te; degno di forca. adj. scervellato, pazzesco. - lo Hare'-foot, [hre-fut] s. pie di sordastro, quasi sordo Hang'ings, [hnghngs] s. pi tappezzeria, /. be understood, inintelligibile. lepre, m. {erba). Hang'man, [hangman] s. carne- Hard', [hard] adv. presso a po- Hare'-hearted,[hire-hrted]adj. fice, boja, giustiziere, m. co, forte, fortemente difficiltimoroso, timido, pauroso. Hank', [hnc] .matassa,/".; gomente; - by, qui vicino, pres- Hare'-hunting, [hre-heiiutng] mitolo, m. so; it freezes -, gela forte; s. caccia di lepri,/".
, , ,


fesso, m.




puneiir, barpunire]

m. Hare'-ragoo, [here-ragu] s, frat- Harp'sicbord

taglie delle lepri,

fiocinie- Has'tiness, [bstines] s. fretta, prestezza, stizza, collera, /.




harem, m.

Har'icot, [hric] s.fagiuolo, m. Hark', [barche] int. odi! sta attento! Hark', [barche] v. a. ascoltare, stare attento. Harl', [hrl] s. fibre della canapa, /.pi. Harlequin, [hrliqun] s. arlec- Har'row, [baro] v. a. erpicare. ne di cappello, m. Har'rower, [brour] s. che er- Hat-box, Hat-case, [hat-bocs, chino, m. bt-chese] s. cappelliera, f. Harlequinade', [harliqiunede] s. pica; specie di falcone, f. Har'rowing, [hroing] .erpica- Hatch', [btsce] s. covata, scoarlecchineria, /". perta, f. (mar.); boccaporto, m. Har'lot, [hrleit] s. cortigia- re, m. Har'ry, [bare'] . a. tormentare, Hatch', [btsce] v.a. covare. trana, f. mare, far pratiche, trattegHar'lotry, [harleutr] s. lasci- rubare. Harsh', [harsce] adj. aspro, au- giare, via, f. Hatch'el, [hatc'l] .pettine, scarHarm', [harm] s. male; danno, stero, rigido, duro, severo. Harsh'ly,[harscele'] adv. aspra- dasso, m. pregiudizio; delitto, m. rigidamente, severa- Hatch'el, [batc'l] v. n. pettinare, Harm', [harm] v. a. nuocere; mente scardassare. mente, rigoro_samente. far torlo, pregiudiziare Harm'ful, [harmful] adj. noce- Harsh'ness,[barscens]s. asprez- Hatch'eler, [batc'leir] . pettinatore (di lino, ecc.), m. za, rigidezza, durezza, severivole, dannoso. Hatch'eig, [htscz] s. pi. (mar.) Harm'fully, [harmfule'] adj. no- t, A Harslet, [harslet] s. frattaglie boccaporto, m. cevolmento. Hatch'et, [htscet] s. azza, scuHarm'fulness , [harmfulnes] s. di porco, f. pi. re, /.; segolo, m. Hart', [hrt] s. cervo; daino, m. nocimento, male, wi. Harm'les, [harmls] adj. inno- Harts'-horn,[harts'-horn]s. cor- Hatch'et-face, [hatscet-fse] s. no di cervo, m.; {bot.) aristolo- viso sfregiato, m. cente. Hatch'ment, [hatscment] s. scuHarm'lessly , [hrmlesle'J adv. Harts'-tongue, [harts-teung] s. do, m.; arme della famiglia, f. innocentemente. Hatch'way, [btsc-oue] i. (nsur.) Harm'lessness, [harmlesnes] s. scrolopendria, f. (erba). Har'vest , [harvest] s. messe, boccaporto, m. innocenza, f. Harmon'ic, Harmon'ical, [har- raccolta, mietitura, f.\ to make Hate', [bete] s. odio, rancore, m. Hate', [bte] v. a. odiare, aver monic, hrranicl] adj. armo- -, far la raccolta, mietere. Har'vest, [harvest] v. a. miete- odio, detestare. nico, melodioso.^ Hate'ful, [hteful] adj. odioso, Harmo'nious, [harmoneus] adj. re, raccogliere. Har'vest-home, [barvest-home] odievole; nojoso. Hate'fully, [htefSl] adv. odioHarmo'niously, [hrmniusle'] s. festino della mietitura, m. adv. con armonia, dolcemente. Har'vest-lord, [brvst-lord] s. samente. Hate'fulness, [htefilnes] .quaHarmo'niousness, [harmoniiis- capo de'mietitori, m. ns] s. armonia, consonanza, Har'vester, Har'vest-man, [har- lit odiosa, odiosit, malavoglienza, f. vsteiir, harvst-mn] s. mietiproporzione, f. Ha'ter, [beteiir] s. odiatore; neHar'monist, [harmonist] s. mu- tore, segatore, m. Har'vest-time [brvest-talme] mico, m. sico, "* . ^ Har'monize, [harmonaize] v. a. s. tempo di mietere,m mietitu- Ha'tred, [hetred] s. odio; abborrimento, m. (sellato, ni. aggiustare, proporzionare: v. n. ra, /". Hash', [hasce] (coofc.) s. ammor- Hat'ter,[hteir] .cappellaio, m. esser d'accordo. Har'mony, [hrmon] s. armo- Hash', [hsce] v. a. sminuzzare, Hat'ter, [bteur] v.a stancare, nojare; tormentare (poco usuto). tritare. nia, melodia, f. Har'ness,[hrnes]arnese,m ar- Has'let, [haslet] vedi Harslet. Hau'berk, [hobeurc] s. usberHasp', [hasp] s. aspo, fermaglio, go, m. matura compita, f. Haugh'tily, [botile'] adv. fieraHar'ness, [hrns] v. a. mette- fibbiagli_o, m. Hasp', [hasp] v. a. affibbiare con mente, orgogliosamente. re in arnese; arredare. Haugh'tiness, [botins] s. su[harnes-m- fermaglio, annaspare. Har'ness-maker perbia, alterigia, f. orgoglio, -^i. Has'sock, [hseuc]s. inginocchia cheiir] s. valigiaio, sellajo, m. Haugh'ty, [bote] adj. orgoglioHarp', [harp] s. arpa; to play tojo, cuscino, m. Haste', [hste] s. fretta, prestez- so, superbo. upon the -, suonare l'arpa. Harp', [hirp] v. n. arpeggiare, za, /.; impeto, m.'fin -, in fretta, Haul', [bi] s. tiramento, stra'

[harpsicord] s. Has'tings, [hstngs] s. pi. piglavicembalo, buonaccordo, m. selli primaticci, f. pi. Has'ty, [hst] adj. presto, pronHar'py, [barp] s. arpia, /. Har'quebuss, [harquibeis] s. ar- to, stizzoso, prematuro. Has'ty-pudding,[bst-peiiding] chibuso, archibugio, m. Harquebu'sier, [hrquibeuslre] s. specie di pappa, /". Hat',[ht] s. cappello ni.; - s off s. archibusere,m. Har'ridan, (hiridn] .rozza, f. gi i cappelli! abbasso i cappelli! Har'riei', [brieur] s. levriere, m. Hat'-band, [bt-band] s.cordoHar'row, [baro] s- erpice, f.

in furia; to make -, aifrettarsi. suonare l'arpa. [harpeur Haste', Has'ten,[hste,hs'n] v. Har'per, har'pist, harpist] s. suonatore d'arpa, m. a. affrettare, sollecitare; v. n. 'Har'ping, [harping] s. V atto di aifrettarsi, spacciarsi. suonare 1' arpa; il continuo ri- Has'tener, [bes'ueur] affrettatore, m. correre ad un soggetto, m. Harpoon', [harpuue] s. fiocina Has'tily, [hstil] adv. in fretta, frettolosamente; iratamenda punta, /".; arpone, m. ^arpoon'er, harpooneer', [har- te, stizzosamente.

scinamento, m.
Haul', [boi] V. a. tirare a braccia, strascinare. Haul'ing, [holing] s. tiramento, stascinamento, ni. Haum', [him] . stoppia; paglia, scia,

Haunch', [honsc]


anca, co-

Haunt', [hont]
Haunt', (hont]





covile, ricove

Haz'ard, [hazeird]

ro, tn.; pratica,


v. a. frequentare, bazzicare, molestare, nojaro.

accidente, sorte, m. fortuna, /.; to run a -, arrischiare.





Haan'ting, [houting] s. rischioso, pericoloso. tazione, usanza, f. Haz'arder, [hzeurdeSr] s. che Haut'boy, [hb] s.obo,w. Hauteur' [hter] s. orgoglio, arrischia. ni. arroganza, f. Haz'ardons , [hazeurdeus] adj. Have',[hav] v. a. irr. (had, had) arrischievole, pericoloso; dubavere, possedere, tenere, sapere; bioso. to - by heart, sapere a mento; Haz'ardously , [hazeiirdeiisle'] adv. pericolosamente. to - rather, voler piuttosto. Ba'ven, [hev'n] s. porto, ricove Haz'ardousness, [hzeSrdeiisro. asilo, in. ns] s. azzardo. Ha'vener, [hevn'neur] s. ispet Haze', [hze] . nebbia, /.; vapore tore d'un porto i mare, m. denso, m. Hav'er, [liveiir] s. che possie Ha'zel, [hez'l] s. noccluolo, rtt. do, m. Ha'zel, Hazelly, [hez'l, hzl] Haversack, [haveursac] s. bi adj. del colore_ delle nocciuolo. saccia, f. Ha'zel-nut, [hezl-neut] s. nocHav'ing, [having] .possesso, i.; ciuola, /. beni, m. pi.; ricchezze,/', pi. for- Ha'zel-tree, [hez'1-tri] s. noc-

Haz'ard, [hazeiird] v.a. arrischiavo, avventurare. frequen- Haz'ardable, [hzeurdabl] adj.

merario, inconsiderato; - adv. all'impazzata, inconsideratamente, temerariamente. Head'-money, [hd-meune'] . capitazione, /. testatico, m. Head'-piece, [hd-plse] s. caschetto, intelletto, m. Head'-quarters, [hd-qurteirs] s. pi. quartier del generale, m. Head'ship, [hdscp] s. prinid luogo, primato, m.; autorit, /. Heads'man, [hds'mn] s. boia,



[hod-stl] stiera (d'una briglia), /. Head'-stone, [hd-stne]




cantone, m. Head'strong, [hdstrng] adj. ostinato, caparbio, protervo. Head'strongness, [hdstrong ns] s. ostinazione, caparbie-

tra angolare,




Head'-workman, [hed-oueirchmn] s. primo operajo, m.

Hea'dy, [hd] adj. ostinato, temerario; violento. m. fiav'oc, [haveic] s. rovina, f. Ha'ziness, [hezines] . tempo Hear, [bile] v.a & n. guarire, sanare, rimarginare; fg. riconguasto, desolamento, saccheg- nebbioso, m. ciliare, (bile, sanabile. giamento, m to make - fare Ha'zy, [hlz]adj. nebbioso, fotuna,


strage, distruggere, dissipare. sco, osci;ro. Hav'oc, [haveic] v. a. devastare, He', [hi] pron. egli, esso, colui. distruggere. Head', [hd] s. testa, /.; capo, teHaw', [ho] s. movo d spinalba, schio (d'un cinghiale), m.; cima, m.\ siepe, maglia (negli occhi),/. sommit, /.; titolo, frontispizio, Haw', [ho] V. n. parlare con esi- "m.i-of a cane, s. pomo d'una tazione, star dubbioso. canna, m.; - of a cask, s. fondo Haw'-finch, [ho-flnsc] s. friso di un barile, m.; -of a door, s. ne, m. listello d'una porta, m.; - of a Haw-haw, [ho-ho] s. siepe, /".; river, s. sorgente d'un fiume, /.; rialto, m. - of a ship, s. prua d'un naviHawk', [hoche] s. falcono, tn. glio,/.; - anrf ears, interamente, Hawk', [hoche] v.a. falconavo; estremamente; so much a - tan-

Heal'able, [hileabl] adj. guariHeal'ing, [hilng] adj. consoli-

dativo;- guarimento, m.
Health', [hlth-] s. salute, sa-nit, prosperit, /.; bill of -, di sanit, m.; to s. patente drink to one's - bere alla salute di qualcheduno. Health'ful, [hlth^ffil] adj. sano; salutifero, salubre. Health'fully, [hlth^ful] adu. in buona salute; salutevolmente,


rivendere. Hawked', [hoch'd] <idj. curvato aquilino. g^w'ker, [hocheur] s. mercia-

to per






Health'fulness, [helth^fulnes]





- against,

salute; salubrit, /. Health'ily, [halth-ile'] adv. vi-

gorosamente. resistere, opporsi; to put a thing into one's -, mettersi una Health'iness,[helth^ines] s. staJuolo, m. to di salute, m. Haw'king, [hochng] s. caccia cosa in testa. col falcone, falconeria, /. Head', [hed] v. a. guidare, co- Health'less, [hlth-les] adj. maHawk'-nosed, [hcns'd] adj. mandare, condurre, decapitare, laticcio, ammalato; debole, inavente il naso aquilino. decimare, levar la cima, spun- fermo. Health'some, [heltb-seiim] adj. Hawse', [hse] s, (mar.) cubia,/. tare. Haw'ser, [hserj s. (mar.) Head'-ach, Head'-ake, [hed- salubre; salutifero. Health'y, [hlth^] adj. sano; vigherlino, m. che] s. mal di capo,m. Haw'thorn,-[hoth2rn] s. spinal- Head'-band, [hd-bnd] .ben- goroso. Heam', [hime] s. secondina (delba,/. da; striscia, /. Hay', [he] . fieno, m. Head'borough, [hedbeurei] s. le bestie) /. Heap',[hipe] s. mucchio, cumulo, Hay-ccck, [h-cc] s. bica di guardia civica od urbana, /. fieno, /. Head'-dress, Head'-gear^ Head- m. bica, massa, /. by - s, in Hay'-harvest, [he'-harvest] s. tire,[hd-drs, hd-ghiar, hd- folla, in abbondanza, in copia.

taire] s. acconciatura (da caraccolta di fieno, /. Hay'-loft, [h-15ft] f. fienile, m. PO). A Hay'-maker, [he'-mccher] s. Headily, [hedile'] adv. inconsideratamente, follemente. segatore di fieno, m Hay'-rck, [h-ricj ?. mucchio di Head'iness, [hdins] s. pertinacia, temerit, /. fieno, m. ^ay'-seed, [he'-side] s. seme di Head'-land, [hed-land] s. promontorio, m.; punta di terra, /. (rick. fieno, m. Hay'-stack, [he'-stc] vedi hay- Head'-less, [hdls] adj. senza pay'-time, [he'-taime] vedi hay- capo, scervellato. Head-long, [hdlong] adj. teJiarvest.

Heap', [hipe]




ammontare, ammassare; to - on, to - up, ammucchiare. Hea'per, [hipeur] s. accumulatore, ammassatore, /.

Hea'py, [hipe'] adj. accumulato, ammassato. Hear', [hire] v. a. irr. {heard, heard) intendere, stare atten-?
to, ascoltare
re: essere

-, v.

n. irr.


informato, imparare,





mancanza di cuore, codardia, [liireur] s. uditore, apoltroneria, f. scoltatore, m. [hrts-ize] Hear'ing, [hiring] s. udito, udi- Hearfs'-ease, viola tricolore, f. re, w.; udienza, /". to be hard Heart'-sick, heart-sore, heartof -, essere quasi soi'do. Hear'ken, [harch'n] v. n. ascol- sorrowing, [hrt-sc, lirt-src, tare, dare orecchio, stare ad lirt-srrong] adj. pieno d' afflizione. udire. s. Heart'-struck, [hrt-streuc] adj Hear'kener , [harch'neur] ascoltatore, uditore, m. impresso nella mente^ Hear 'say, [hirese] s. fama, f.; Heart'-whole, [hrt-hole] adj.


Heavily, [bevile] adu. pesantemente gravemente grandemente; affannosamente. Heav'iness, [hvins] s. gravez,

za; sonnolenza; depressione,/". Hea'ving, [hiving] s. alzamento, m.; palpitazione, /". Heav'y, [beve] adj. grave; pesante; tristo, afflittivo; balocco,

insensato. spassionato. rumore, m. Hearse', [heurse] s. carro fune- Heart'-wounded[hart-ouounded] Heb'domad, [hebdomad] s. settimana, f. bre; catafalco, m. adj. pieno di amore o di triHebdom'adal , hebdom'adary, Hearse', [heiirse] v. a. mettere stezza. in sulla bara. Hear'ty, [harte'j adj. sincero; [hebdomadal, hbdomadar] adj. d''una settimana._ Hearse-cloth, [heirse-cloth^] s. sano, vigoroso. panno funebre, m. Heat', [hitej s. calore, caldo, m.\ Heb'etate, [hbitete] v. a. stuHeart', [hrt] s. cuore corag- vivacit, animosit, /.; ardore, pefare, rendere stupido. gio, vigore; centro, amore; m.; [hbitescieiin] s. zelo, fervore; cosso, w.; corsa, Hebeta'tion, by -, a mente, a memoria; with f.\ - of youth, bollori della gio stupefazione, stupidezza, f. alt my -, di tutto cuore; to vent,m. pi.; to be in a great -, Heb'ete, [hebite] adj. stupido. give -, incoraggiare; to put out esser molto adirato. Heb' etude, [hbitlnde] s. stupi;

Heat', [hte] v. a. scaldare, ri- dit, /. Hebraism, [hibrism] s. ebraiscaldare, inflammare. s. cor- Heat'er, [hiteiir] $. ferro da dismo, m. doglio, affanno, dolore, m. He'braist, hebric'ian, [hibrst, stendere i panni, m. Heart'-blood , [hrt-bleud] s. Heat'ful, [hitful] adj. pieno di hibriscieun] s. dotto nell' esangue del cuore, m.; vita, f. braico, m. calore. Heart'-break, Heart'-break-ing, Heath', [hth^e] s. landa, scopa, He'brew, [hbru] adj. ebreo, eb[hart-brechc, hrt-brchng] s. macchia, erica, f. raico; s, ebreo, giudeo, m. crepacuore, m. Heath'-cock, [hith-e-coc] s. fran- He'brewess, [hibrs] s. ebrea, Heart'-breaklng,[hart-breching] colino, m. giudea, f. adj. afflittivo, desolante. Hea'then, [hith^'n] adj. pagano, Hec'atomb, [hcatome] s. ecaHeart'-broken , [hart-brch'n] idolatro; - s. pagano, tn.; idola- tombe, f. adj. fortemente afflitto. Hec'tic, [hectic] s, febbre etica,/". tra, f. Peart'-burn, [hrt-beirn] s. Hea'thenish, [hithl'nisc] adj. Hec'tic, hc'tici, adj. etico, tifpecie di indigestione, f. sico. pagano, selvaggio. fleart'-burning,[hrt-beiirning] Haa'thenisbly, [hlt.'h'nscele'] Hec'tor, [hecteur] s. ammazzas. crudezze, f. pi.; odio segreadv. paganamente, da pagano. sette, bravo, m. to, m.; afflizione,/". Hea'thenism, [hith^'nism] .pa- Hec'tor, [hecteur] v. a. bravegHeart' -dear, [hrt-dlre] adj. ganesimo, m. giare, millantarsi, bravare. dilettissimo. Heath'er, [heth^eiir] s. erica, f. Hedera'ceous , [hderscieiis] Heart'-ease, [hart-ize] s. quie- Hea'thy, [hith^e'] adj. coperto di adj. ederaceo. te, tranquillit d' animo, coneriche, pieno di scope. Hedge', [hedge] s. siepe, siepasolazione, /.; conforto, m. Heat'less, [htelos] adj. senza glia, /. Heart'-easing, [hrt-izng] adj. calore, freddo. Hedge', [hedge] w. a. siepare, consolatorio, confortativo. Heave', [hive] s. alzata con for- cigner di siepe. Hear'ten, [hrt'n] v. a. inco- za, /".; sforzo, sollevamento, m. Hedge'-alehouse, [hedge-leraggiare, animare, eccitare, for- Heave', [hive] v. a. reg. & irr. haouse] s. bettola, /". tificare. {hove, fioven) alzare, sollevare, Hedge'-bird [hdge-beurd] s. Hear'tening, [harfning.] adj. elevare; (mar.) virare; -, v. n. perdigiorno, wi. incoraggiante, nutritivo. sollevarsi, enfiarsi, palpitare, Hedge'-born, [hedge-born] adj. Heart'-felt, [hrt-flt] adj. sen- respirare, nauseare. vilmente nato, vile. sitivo, sensibile. Heav'en, [hv^n] s. cielo, firma- Hedge'-creeper, [hdge-crlpeur] Hearth', [hrth^] s. focolare, mento, ni, s. vagabondo, to.

of-, scoraggiare;

take to

prendere a cuore. Heart'-ache, [hart-oche]

Heart'hardened, [hart-hrd'n'd]
adj. duro, impenitente.

Heav'en-born, [hev'n-born] adj. Hedge'-hog, [hedge-hog]

divino, celestiale.



cio; spinoso (animale), m.


Heav'enly, [hv'nle'J adj. celeste, Hedge'-marriage


Hear'tily, [hrtil] adv. cor- divino. dialmente, sinceramente; dili- Heav'enly, [hev'nle'j

adv. divistino, i.

matrimonio clande-

namente. Hedge'-pig, [hedge-pig] s. riccor- Heav'enly-minded, [hev'ule'cio giovane, m. dialit, sincerit; diligenza,/". maindd] adj. santo, di spirito Hedg'er, [hdgeur] s. facitore Heart'Iess, [hrtls] adj. sco- celeste. di siepi, m. raggiato, timido, insensibile, Heav'enly-mindedness] [hev'n- Hedge'-row, [hedge-ro] s. filare crudele. le'-mainddns] s. santit, f. d'alberi, m. Heart'lessly, [hartlesl] adv. Heav'enward, [hv'nouard] adv. Hedge'sparrow, [hedge-sparo] senza coraggio, timidamente, verso il cielo, in alto. s. verdino, wi, insensibilmente, crudelmente. Heave'-oflFering, [hve-ofeiiring] Hedg'ing-bill, [hdging-bilj . Heart'lessness, Lhrtlsns] sJ . primizie, /"."pf.' roncone, m.

gentemente. Hear'tiness, [hrtines]

Heed', [hide]



Hem-ispher'ical, [hemisferical] s. cura, guardia, Heir, [hel] s. inferno, m. adj. emisferico. os.servaziono, attenzione,/".; to Hel'lehore, [hlibre] s. {phar.) Hem'istichs, [hmists] s. (poes.) gire -, attendere; to take -,aver elleboro Herienism, [hlinism] s. elle- emistichio, m. cura di.

nismo, m. v. a. attendere, baHel'lenist, [holinist] s. elioni dare, osservare, notare. Heed'ful, [hideful] adj. attento, sta, m. Hel'lish, [helisc] adj. d'infercircospetto, prudente. Heed'fuUy, [hidefil] adv. cau- no; infernale, diabolico. Hel'lishly, [hlscel] adi;, in tamente, prudentemente. Heed'fulness, [hidefilns] .at- maniera infernale, diabolica/". mente. tenzione, prudenza, Heed'less, [hidels] adj. disat- Herishness, [hlscenes] s. infernalit, nequizia infernale, /. tento, trascurato. Heedlessly, [hidlsl] arfv. sen- Hell'ward, [hloueurd] arfv. verso l'inferno; a basso. za cura, trascuratamente. Heedlessness, [hidelesnes] s. Helm', [helm] s. elmo, timone,

Heed, [hide]

Hem'Iock, [hemloc] s. cicuta, Hem'horrage, [hmrdge] profluvio di sangue, m.




Hemorrhoidal, [hemridal] ar/j.




emorroidi, morici, f. pi. Hemp', [hemp] s. canapa, f. canape, m. Hem'pen, [hemp'n] adj. di canapa. Hemp'-seed, [hemp-side] s. canapuccia, f.

trascuraggine, negligenza,




governo, m.

Heel', [hile] s. calcagno, tallone, Helm, [helm] v. a. condurre, m.; to take to one's -s, to be- dirigere; governare. take one's self to one's-, fug- Hel'met, [hlmt] s. elmo, cagire.

Hemp'stalk, [hempstoc] s. fusto della canapa, m. Hem'py, [hmp] adj. che somiglia alla canapa.
Hen', [hn]


gallina; femmi-

Heer,[hile] v.n. ballare; pende- Hel'meted, [helmeted] porta un elmo, m. re; {shoe.) rattacconare.


[hil-meheir] s. Helms'man, [helmsman] s. timoniere, m. facitore di calcagni di legno, m. Heel'-piece, [hile-plse] s. tacco- Help', [help] s. ajuto, soccorso, appoggio, rimedio, m.; to bring ne da scarpa, ni. Heel'-piece, [hlle-pse] r. a. met- -, to call for -, gridar accor'uotere un taccone, rattacconare. mo. Heft', [hft] s. peso, sforzo, ma- Help', [help] v. a. ajutare, nico, m. assistere, sovvenire, servire, Hegi'ra, [hidgiaira] .egira,/". (a tavola) ; / cannot - it, non Heif'er, [hfeur] s. giovenca, f. mia colpa; to - one another, Heig'-ho, [hai-h] int. oim ajutarsi Tun V altro; to - down, ol! ajutare a scendere; to - forHeight',[haite] s. altezza, eleva- ivard, avanzare, promuovere; zione, sommit, grandezza, emito- in, far entrare; to - out, nenza, /". ajutare ad uscire, far uscire; Heigh'ten, [haigfn] v. a. alza- to - up, ajutare a salire. re, accrescere, aumentare, mi- Help'er, [helpeur] s. ajutatogliorare. re, m. (lutevole. Heigh'tening, [hait'nng] s. au- Help'ful, [helpful] adj. utile, samento, m. Help'fulness, [hlpfulns] s. Hei'nous, [hneus] adj. odioso, ajuto, soccorso, m. atroce, abbominevole, Help'less, [hlpls] adj. inutile, Hei'nously, [hneusle'] acJv. odio- impotente. samente, atrocemente. adv. Help'lessly, [hlplesl] Hei'nousness, [heneusnes] s. senza ajuto. atrocit, enormit, f. Help'Iessness, [helplessness] s. Heir', [re] s. erede, m. mancanza di soccorso, f. Heir'ess, [eresj s. eredo, ereda/. Help'mate, [hlpmete] s. comHeirless, [erels] adj. senza pagno, collega, m. erede. Hel'ter-skel'ter, [hlteiir-schlHeir'loom, [erelume] s. (jur.) teur] adv. in gran fretta, scom-


(degli uccelli), /.; - sparrow, s. passera, /".; Tur/rei/,- tacchina, f.


Hen'hane, squiamo,




Hence', [hnse] adv. da qui, perci, dunque. HeDce'forth, Hencefor'ward, [hnsefrth^, hnseforonaurd] adv. di qui innanzi, per innanzi, all'avvenire, in appresso. Hench'man, [hnsceran] s. staffiere, paggio, m. Hendec'agon, [hendecagon] s. endecagono, m. Hen'-hearted, [hen-harted] adj. pusillanime. Hen'-house, [hen'-hause] s. gallinajo, pollajo, m. Hen'-pecked, [hn-pch'd] adj. governato dalla moglie. Hen'-roost, [hu-ruste] vedi

Hep', [hep] s. frutto della spinalba, m. Hepat'ic, Hepat'ical, [hlptic, hipticl] adj. epatico, del fegato. Hep'tachord, [heptacord] s. (mus.) ettacordo, m.

Hep'tagon, [heptagon] gono, m.



Heptag'onal,' [heptagonl] adj. mobili non alienabili, m. pi. pigliatamente. d sette angoli. Heir'ship, [rescp] s. diritto Helve', [helve] s. manico (di col- Hep'tarchy, [hptarch] s. god'erede, wi. tello, ec.) m. verno condotto da sette duSeli'acal, [hilaiacl] adj. {astr.)
orlare, fre- Hep'-tree, [hep-trl] s. spinalgiare; to - in, circondare, cin- Her', [heir] pron. lei, la, le, di gere; - V. n. spurgarsi. lei; il suo, la sua, i suoi, lo Hem'! [hm] int. ehi! vedi/ sue.
v. a.

eliaco. Hel'ical, [helical] adj. spirale. Heliocen'tric, [hliosentrc] adj. (astr.) eliocentrico.

Hem', [hem] Hem', [hem]








Heliom'eter, [hlimiteiir] s. Hem'icrany, [hmicrne'] s. emieliometro, m. crania,/. Herioscope, [helioscope] s. (ast.) Hem'icycl, [hemisicl] s. semielioscopio, m. ciclo, m. Heriotrope, [heliotrope] s. eli- Hem'iplegy, [hemipldg] s.
tropia, /.; girasole.eliotropio,m. He'lix, [hilcs] s. linea spirale,

Hers', [hours] pron. di lei. Her'ald, [herald] s. araldo, m. Her'ald, [hrldj v. n. nunziare, introdurre. Heraldic, [heraldic] adj. araldico.


(med.) emiplegia, f. [hmsfre] emisfero, m.



[hrldre'] araldica,

blasone, m.

Diz. Ing.-Ital.






[heiirself] pron. s Her'aldship, [hrldscp] s. uf- Heret'ically, [hirticl] adv. Herself, stessa, essa stessa. ereticamente. ficio d'araldo, m. Hereto', [hiretu] adv. a ci, a Herse'like, [heiirselalche] adj. Herb', [rb] s. erba, /. funereo, funebre. Herba'ceous, [eurbescieus] adj. questo. adv. Hes'itancy, [hzitance'] .incerHere'tofore, [hiretofore] erbaceo, erboso. Her'bage, [eurbedge] s. erbag- altre volte, un tempo; a' tempi tezza, dubbiezza, irresoluzione, andati, per lo passato. gio, m.; erba da pascolo, paf.; dubbio, m. Hereunto', [hireeuntu] adv. a Hes'itant, [hzitant] adj. titustura, f. bante, vacillante. Her'bal, [eurbal] s. erbolajo, questo, a ci. Hereupon', [Mreipon] adv. in Hes'itate, [hzitte] v. n. esierbario, m. tare, star dubbioso, essere inHerbalist, Her'barist, [eurba- questo mezzo. certo list, eurbarist] s. raccoglitore Herewith', [hireouith-] adv. con Hesita'tion, [hezitscieun] s. ci, per questo mezzo. d' erbe, botanico, m. Her'belet, [eurbelet] s. erbetta, f. Her'itable, [hritabl'] adj. che esitazione, incertezza, dubitazione, f. Herbiv'orous, [eiirbivireus] adj. si pu ereditare. [heteroclaite] s. Her'itage, [hritdgc] s. eredi- Het'eroclite, erbivoro. (gr.) eteroclito, m. Her'bous, [eiirbeus] adj. erbo- t, successione, /. [heurraafro- Heteroclit'ical, [hotrclitical] Hermaph'rodite, so, coperto d'erba. adj. (gr.) irregolare. Herb -woman, [eirb-uoouinan] s. daite] s. ermafrodito, m. rivendugliolad'erbe,erbolaja,/. Hermet'ic, Hermet'ical, [heur- Het'erodox, [htrdocs] adj. eterodosso. mtc, heurmticl] adj. ermeHer'by, [eiirbe'] adj. erboso. Het'erodoxy, [heterodocse'] . Hercu'lean, [hrchiulin] adj. tico. Hermet'cally, [heurmticle'] eterodossia, f. erculeo. Heteroge'neal, [hterodginial] Cerd', [heiird] s. branco, armen- adv. ermeticamente. [heirminutc] adj. eterogeneo, di genere dito, m.; maniira, gregge, trup- Hermeneu'tic, adj. che interpreta. verso. pa, f. Herd', v. n. andare in truppa, Her'mit, [hourmt] s. eremita, Heterogene'ity, Heterodge'niromito, solitario, m. ousness, [hetrodginiit, htassociarsi. Herd'man, Herds'man, [berd- Her'mitage,[heirmtdge]s. ere- rdginieusnes] s. eterogenit, diversit di genere, f. mn, heurdsmn] s. pastore, m. mitaggio, eremo, w. Here', [hire] adv. qui, questo Her'mitary, [heurmiter] s. cella Heteroge'neous,[htrdgnius] vedi Heterogeneal. luogo; - is, - are, ecco qui, ec- annessa ad una badia, f. Her'mitess, [heirmits] s. don- Hew', [hi] V. a. irr. {hewed, co; -and there, qua e l. hewn) sminuzzare, tagliare, forHereabouts', [hireabaouts] adv. na solitaria, f. Hern', [heiirn] s. aghirone, ai- mare; to - down, abbattere. qui vicino, qui all'intorno. Hew'er, [hiiiur] s. tagliatore Hereafter, [hireafteur] adv. da rone, m. qui innanzi, da qui avanti, al- Her'nia, [heurnia] s. ernia, rot- di legno, abbattitore, m. tura, f. Hex'achord, [hcsacrd] s. (mus.) l' avvenire. esacordo, m. Hereat', [hircat] adv. a questo, He'ro, [hiro] s. eroe, m. Hejo'ic, Hero'ical, [hiroic, h- Hex'agon, [hcsagon] s. esagoa ci; in questo mentre. no, m,. nerebelow', [hirebilo] adv. qua ricl] adj. eroico, illustre. Hero'ically,Hero'icly,[hiricle, Hexag'onal, [hecsagonal] adj. di sotto; in questo mondo. per hiricle'] adv. eroicamente, da sei lati. adv. [hirebai] Hereby', Hexag'ony, [hcsagone'] s. una questo mezzo, per questo, col eroe. Heroicom'ical , figura che ha sei angoli, f. Heroicom'ic , presente, cos'i. [hericomc, hericmicl] adj. Hexam'eter, [hgzmiteur] s. Hered'itable, [hiredtabr] adj. esametro, m. eroicomico. che si pu avere per eredit. [hegzamitric] Heredit'ament, [hereditament] Her'oine, [heroine] s. eroina, f. Hexam'etric , eroi- Hexam'etrical, [hegzamtrcl] s. Her'oism, [heroism] s. eredit, successione, f. adj. esametrico. Hered'itarily, [hirditarile'] adv. smo, m. Her'on, [hereun] s. aghirone, Hey', [he] int. ah ol! a modo d'eredit. Hey'day, [hde'] int. ohi! airone, m. adj. Hered'itary, [hir editare'] Her'onry, [hereunre'] s. uccel- Hey'day, [he'd] s. allegrezza, ereditario, d'eredit. gajezza, f. Herefrom', [hirefrom] adv. da liera d'aironi. He'rosMp, [hirscp] s. natura Hia'tus, [haiteus] s. apertura, qui. lacuna, /. Herein', Herento',[hirein, hlre- eroica, eroicit, f. s. (med.) Hiber'nal, [haibeurnl] adj. ientii] adv. in questo mentre, Her'pes, [heirpze] male, invernale. erpete, m. in ci. Heremit'ical, [heremiticl] adj. Herpet'ic,[heirpetic] adj. (med.) Hiber'nate, [haibeurnete] v. n. passare l'inverno. erpetico. eremitico, solitario. Hereof, [hirev] adv. di questo, Her'ring, [hering] s. aringa, /.; Hberna'tion, [haibeurnescieun] red -, aringa affumicata, /.; salt s. l'atto di passare l'inverno, m. di quello. Hiber'nian, [haibeurnin] s. IrHereon', [hireon]arfv. su questo. -, aringa salata, f. Hereout', [hireaut] adv. fuori Her'ring-time, [hring-taime] s. landese; m.; adj. appartenente all'Irlanda. pesca dell' aringhe. di qui. Heresiarch, [hirsiarc] s. ere- Her'ring-woman, [hering-ouou- Hic'cough, [hicof] s. singhioz!

pescivenclola, f. zo, singulto, wi. [hicf J Hick'up , [heurz] pron. suo, sua, Hic'cough , [hicheip] V. n. singhiozzare. suoi, sue. Her'etic, [heretic] s. eretico, m. Her'etic, Heret'ical, [hritc, hi- Herse', [heirse] . carro fune- Hi'dalgo, [haidalgj s. nobile spagnuolo, m. bre, m.; bara, f. ^ rticl] adj. eretico,






s. eresia, f.



-179 -

Hind'-part, [haind-part] s- parte deretana, f. Hind'-quarter, [hind-quorteur] s. quarto di dietro, m. Hinge', [hindge] s arpione, cardine, rare.

Hid'denly, [hdn'l] adv. nasco- High'-land, [hal-lnd] s. paese montagnoso, m. stamente. [hailandeur] s. Hide', [haide] s. pelle, /".; cnojo, High'-lander, montanaro, m. m.: - of land, jugoro, m.; - and High'ly, [hile'] adv. in alto, seek, capo a nascondere, m. HidG',[haide] v. a. irr. (hid, hid, molto, grandemente, altiorahidden) nasconder, colare; -. mente. High'-mettled, [hal-metl'd] adj. V. n. irr. nascondersi. Hid'eous, [hdus] adj. orrido, focoso, ardente. High'-minded,[hai-mainded]af/y. orribile, spaventevole. Hid'eously, [hdiusl] adv. or- ambizioso, fiero, arrogante, magnanimo. ridamente, orribilmente. [hidiusns] s. High'ness, [haines] s. altezza, Hid'eousness, grandezza, f. orrore, m.; terribilit, f. Hi'der, [hai leur] s. nascondito- High'-priest, [hal-prist] s. sommo sacerdote, m. re, occultatoro, m. [haiding-plse] High'-red, [ha-rod] adj. di coHi'ding-place, s. nascondimento, nascondi- lore rosso scuro. High-sea'soned, [hal-slzeiin''d] glio, m. adj. di savore piccante. Hie', (hai] v. n. affrettarsi. [hai-spirited] Hi'erarch, [hiirrc] s. gerar- Higli-spir'ited ca, m. adj. ardito, animoso, orgoglioHierar'chcal , [hairarchical] so, fiero, insolente, feroce, cru,




punto principale, m. [lindgfc] v. a. ganghe'

Hint', [hint] s. indizio, avviso, sentore, cenno, barlume, m.; to give one a -, dare conno ad uno. Hint', [hint] v. a. intimare, insinuare, dare un indizio, accennare, suggerire, alludere. Hip', [hip] s. anca, to have on the -, avere vantaggio sopra. Hip, [hip] v.a. guastare Tanca. Hip'-gout, [hp-gaut] s. scia/".



adj. gerarchico.


[hiirarche'] . ge-

Hi'eroglyph, [haiirglf] s. geroglifico, m. Hieroglyph'ic, Hieroglopli'ical,

[hiirglific, hiirglficl] adj. geroglifico, mistico. Hieroglyph'ically, [haiirglifi-

Hip'halt, [hipholt] adj. zopHigh-stom'ached, [hai-steum- picante. ec'd] adj. ostinato, superbo. Hip'pish, [hTpTsc] adj. ipoconHigh-water, [hai-ouoteur] s. driaco, fantastico. marea alta, /.; acque piene,/', pi. Hip'pocrass, [bipocras] s. ipHigh'way, [haioii] s. strada pocrasso, m. maestra, f. Hip'podrome, [hpodrme] s. ipHigh'wayman, [haioSe'raan] s podromo, m. malandrino, ladro, m. Hip'pogrif, [hipogrf] s. ippodele.
grifo, m. Hippopot'amus, [hipopotaineus]


geroglifico. High'-wrought, [hai-rote] adj. [haiirografj s. ben lavorato, ben finito. scrittura sacra, f. Hilar'ity, [hlrite'] s. allegria, Hig'gle, [hg'lj V. n. rivendere; allegrezza,giocondit,gajezza,/'. gatteggiare. Hil'ding, [hldng] s. uomo vile, , Hig'gledy-pig'gledy, [hg'ldecodardo, m. pig'ld] adv. confusamente, alla Hill', [hil] s. colle, n.; collina, f. rinfusa (voUjare). Hil'lock, [hleiicl s. collinetta, Hig'gler, [hgleur] s. rivendito- /.; monticello, m.

calel ndv. in


ippopotamo, m.

Hip'shot, [hpscot] adj. sciancato, zoppo.

Hire', [haire] s. affitto, m.; pigione, f.; nolo, salario, stipendio, wi.



High', [hai] adj. alto, elevato, sublime, eccessivo, esorbitrn te, altiero, arrogante, nobile, illustro, tempestoso, violento; at - noon, di mezzo di; "tis time, gi tempo; - dak, s. gran festa, f.; - mass, s. mes-

Hil'ly, [bile] adj. montagnoso. Hilt', [hlt] s. guardia, elsa, f.;


(della spada), [hlltedj adj.



Hire', [hare] v. a. affittare, appigionare, pigliare a fitto, allogare. Hireling, [hareling] adj. venale;




spada). Him', [him] pron. lui, lo. Himself, [himself] pron.

un manico

najo, wi. Hir'er, [haireiir] s allogatore, m.


stesso, egli stesso, si. sa cantata,/".; - treason, s. de- Hin', [hn] s. misura ebraica, f. litto di lesa maest, m. Hind', [haind] s. cerva, daina, High', [hai] adv. alto; to play -, /".; rustico, m. giuocare gran giuoco. Hind', Hin'der, [haind, hainHigh'-aimed, [hai-m'd] adj. deiir] odj. posteriore, deretano. ambizioso, altiero. Hin'der, [hndeur] v. a. imHigh'-altar, [hai-lteiir] s. ai- pedire, interrompere, imbaraztar maggiore, m. zare, guastare, ostruire, storHigh'-arched, [ha-arc'd] adj. nare. avente archi alti. Hin'derance, [hindeiiranse] s High'-blovpn, [hai-blne] adj. impedimento,ostacolo,m.; ostru molto gonfiato. zione, f. High'-born, [hai-born] adj. d'al- Hin'der-castl, [haindeur-cs'l] ta nascita, bennato. s. (mar.) castello di poppa, f.

Hirsute', [heiirsiiite] adj. irsuto, ruvido. Hirsute'ness, [heursiiitenes] s.

irsuzia, /. His', [hz] pron. suo, sua, suoi, sue. His'pid, [hispid) adj. ispido. Hiss', [his] fischio, sibilo, m. Hiss', [his] V. a. fischiare; -, v. a. sibilare, scoppiare.

Hiss'ing, [hisTng]




il fischiare, m. Hist', [hist] int. silenzio! zitto! Histo'rian, [historian] s. isterico, storico, scrittore di sto-


[hai-cheuleir'd] Hin'derer,

[hndeiireir] s.




adj. di colore vivido.

peditore, m.

nigh'-flier, [hai-flaiir] s. uo- Hind'erling, [haindeurling] s. mo fantastico, m. animale degenerato, m. co, istoriale. High'-fiown, [hai-flne] adj. or- Hind'ermost, [handeurmst] Histor'ically, [historicle'] adv, goglioso, fiero, superbo. adj. ultimo. istericamente, storicamonto.

Histor'ic, Histor'ical, [historic, historical] adj, isterico, stori-

High-'hearted, [hai-hrtod] adj. Hind'-leg, [halnd-leg] coraggioso. di dietro, m.


piede Histor'ify,

[histrifa] v. a. istoriare, narrare; far storiai




[liistoriogra- Hoarse'ness, [horsenes] fiocag- Hold', [hold] . presa, cattura; gine, fiochezza di voce, /. istoriografo, storico,!. prigione; fortezza, Z'. ; influsso, H'toriog'raphy, [historiografe] Hoa'ry, [hr] ari;, bianco, bigio, m.: influenza, f. {mar.) stiva, /. canuto; to grow -, incanutire. fondo, m.; to lay - on, to take 6. arte di fare storia, f. storia, Hoax', [hcs] s. inganno, m. fros. His'tory, [histore] of, prendere, pigliare. de,/. Hold'! [hold] int. ol! fermate! istoria, /". His'tory-panter, [histore'-pn- Hoax', [hocs] v. a. ingannare. Hold', [hold] V. a. irr. {held, held, Hob',[hb] s. villano, rustico, m. hotden) tenere, pigliare; prenteur] s. pittore d'istorie, m. His tory-piece, [histor-pise] s. Hob'ble, [hb"l]5. zoppicameuto, dere, contenere, ritenere, posandar zoppiconi, m. sedere, fruire; convocare; celepittura storica, /. Histrion'ic, Histrion'ical [his- Hob'ble, [hb'l] v.n. zoppicare; brare; V. n. irr. continuare, dumancare. rare, credere, pensare, attaccartrionic, hstrionicl] adj. d' i[hoblingle'] adv. si, rappigliarsi, fermarsi; to strione, di commediante, tea- Hob'blingly, in modo zoppo, con mala gra- one's breath, ritenere il fiato, trale. to - a consultation, tener conEistrion'ically, [histrionical] zia, rozzamente. Hob'by, [bobe] s. cavallino, scioc riulta; to - in contempi, dispreadv. da commediante. co, m.; passione dominante, /.; giare; to - one's eyes open, star Hit', [hit] s. colpo, m. ; percossa, cogli occhi aperti; lo - in handy botta, f.; azzardo, m.;- or miss, lato debole, m. Hob'by-horse, [hob-horse] s tenere a bada, trattenere; to - a a tutto rischio. ghiribizzo, m.; pazzia, follia, f. senate, adunare il senato; to Hit', [hit] V. a. irr. {hit, hit) hat-, Hobgob'lin, [hobgoblin] s- folone's tongue, tacersi; to- true, tere, bastonare, percuotere letto fantasma, wi. trovarsi vero -,10-0 wager, iure V. n. irr. pervenire, incontrare, urtarsi; to - Aome, ributtare; to Hob'nail, [hbnle] s. chiodo da una scommessa; lo forth, offerire, proporre, aringare, pre-against, dar contro, urtarsi; ferrare un cavallo; villano, ru stico, m. dicare <o - in, ristringere, goto - oif, riuscire; accadere felicemente; to - together, incontrar- Hock', [hoc] s. garetto; vino del vernare, restringersi; to - off, Reno, m. scostare, ributtare, ritardare, si, abbattersi; to - upon, abbat(groppo, m. Hock', [hc] V. a. guastare i ten- differire; to - on, continuare, tersi, protrarre, procedere; to - out, Kitch', [hitsc] s. (mar.) nodo, dini delle gambe. Hitch', [hitsc] V. n. dimenarsi, Hoc'kle, [hoc'l] v. a. tagliarci stendere, offerire, sussistere; to - together; stare unito; lo - up, muoversi, agitarsi; {mar.) an- tendini delle gambe. Ho'cus-po'cus[h5cheus-pcheus] alzare, levare, appoggiare, sonodare. stenersi to - with one, abbracHithe', [haith'e] .piccolo porto, s. gherminella, inganno,/'. ciare il partito d' alcuno, tener Hod',[hd], truogolo, m. w.; spiaggia, f. Hith'er, [hth'eur] adj. citerio- Ho'ddy-dod'dy, [hod-dd] s. per uno. _ Hol'der [holdeir] s. tenitore, vaspersona goffa, /. re, di qua. Hith'er, [hithleur]a6?u. qui, qua, Hodge'-podge', [hodge-podge] s. sallo, m.; - for Ih, s. arringatore, manicaretto, ammorsellato, m. predicatore, wi. a questo fine. [hth'eirmst] Hod'man, [hdman] .manovale, Hold'-fast, [hld-fast] . ramHith'ermost , pone, anello; meschino, spiloradj. il pi vicino. operajo, m. adj. [hodieirnal] cio, m. Hith'erto, [hithieurt] adv. fino Hodier'nal, Hold'ing, [holding] .feudo; afadesso, fin qui, fino a quest'ora. odierno^ d'oggi. Hith'erwards , Hoe', [ho] s. zappa, marra, f. fitto, m. Hith'erward , [ith'eurouard, hth'eirouards] Hoe', [ho] V. a. zappare; sca- Hole', [hole] s. buco, pertugio; foadv. da questa banda. rame, m.; caverna, f. vare. Hole', [hole] v. a. bucare. Hive', [halve] s. arnia, f.; alvea- Hog', [hog] .porco, m. re, m. Hog'-cote, [hog-cte] . porci- Hol'iday, [bolide] vedi holyday. Hive', [halve] v. a fare entrare le, m. Ho'lily, [holil] adv. santamente, neir arnia, dar ricetto ; -, v. n. Hog'gereljHog'get, [hogril,hog- inviolabilmente. raccogliersi ; rifugiarsi. het] s. pecora di due anni, f. Ho'iiuess, [holins] s. santit; Hi'ver, [haiveiir] s. colui che ha Hog'gish, [hoghisc] adj. porcino, piet, /. cura delle pecchie, m. di porco, ingordo. Holla'! [boia] int. ol! ehi! oh! Ho'lHo'a! [ho, boa!] int. ohi ahi! Hog'gishly, [hghiscle'], adv. da Horiand,[holnd] s. 01anda;speHoar', [bre] arf;. bianco, canuto. porco; ingordamente. cie di tela fina,/. Hoard', [horde] .mucchio segre- Hog'gishness, [hghiscnes] . Hol'low, [blo] adj. cavo, vuoto, to ; tesoro, m. porcheria, sudiceria, golosit, f. finto, doppio._ Hoard', [hrde] v. a. ammassare, Hog'-herd, [hg-herd] s. por- Hol'low, [bolo] . cavo.m.; caaccumulare; to up money, ac- caio, m. vit, fossa, tana; /".; canale, m. cumular denari. Hogs'-head, [hog's-hed] s. botte, Hol'low, [blo] v.a. cavare, scaHoard'er, [hoi-deur] s. accumu- /.; barile (di vino, ecc.)m. vare, vuotare; - v. n. gridare, latore (di danari), m. Hog'-sty, [hog-stai] . porcile, m. acclamare. Hoared', [hor'd] adj. muffato. Hog'-wash, [hg-ousce] s. la- Hol'low-hear'ted, [holoharted] Hoar'-frost, [hore-frst] s. brina, vatura ,f. adj. non sincero, doppio. pruina, f. Hoi'den, [boid'n] .ragazza gros- Hol'lowly, [holol] adv. con delHoa'riness, [hrines] s. bian- solana, f. le cavit, senza sincerit, disocliezza, canutezza, f. Hoi'den, [hid'n] v. n. saltare nestamente. Hoarse',[hrse] adj. rauco, affio- grossolanamente. Horiowness, [holones] s. cavit;



affiocare. BLoarse'ly,

divenir rauco, Hoist', [hoist] V. a. alzare, inal- dissimulazione, / berare; {mar.) issare, spiegare Hol'ly, [hole] s. agrifoglio, m. adv. con (le vele). [brsele'] (diamine! Hol'ly-hock, [hl-hc] {ot.) voce rauca. Hoi'ty-toi'ty ! thoit-tit] intJ alcea, bismalva, f.

cato; to grow

Holme', [holme]




adv, [oneirabl] omi- Hon'orably, onorevolmente, nobilmente. [neirar] adj. onoHol'ocaust, [holocost] s. olo- Homilet'ic, Homilet'ical, [hmi- Hon'orary, rario, d'onore, per onore; -, ltic, hmilticl] adj. omilecausto, m. s. onorario, salario, m. Hol'ster, [holsteur] s. fodera tico; conversevole. Hom'ilist, [hmilst] s. autore Hon'orer, [oneureiir] s. onoradella pistola, f. tore, veneratore, m. di omilie, m. Holt', [holt] s. boschetto, wi.; Hon'orless, [oneirls] adj. senHom'ily, [hmil] s. omilia, /. collina, /. za onore, disonorato. Hol'y, [hole] ad/, santo, sacrato, Homoge'neal, [hmdglnil] adj. omogeneo , della stessa na- Hood', [hud] s. cappuccio, capreligioso, casto; to malte, elee,


Hom'icide, [homisaide]
cidio; omicida,


pio, santificare.


perone, m.; cuffia,



Ho'ly-day, [hlide]



Homoge'nealness, Homogene'- Hood', [hd] .o. incappucciare,


festa, anniversario, m.


Hood'nrink, [hudouinc] v. a. omogeneit^^ f. Homoge'neous, [hmodginieiis] bendare gli occhi, acciecare, truffarOj^ ingannare. Ho'ly-one, (the) [h'le'oene] s. vedi Homogeneal. l'Essere Supremo, Ges Cristo, Homoge'neosness , Homog'eny, Hoof, [hiife] s. unghia (di ani(incastellato. Ho'ly-Thurs'daythle'-th^eursd] [hmiginieiisns, homdgin] male), f. Hoof -bound [hife-baoind] adj. vedi Homogenealness. s. giorno delPAscensione, m. Ho'ly-water, [hl-ouoteiir] s. Homorogate, [homologhete] v. Hoofed', [hf d] adj. fornito di unghie (detto di animali). acqua benedetta, acquasanta, f. a. omologare, ratificare. Ho'ly-week, [hole'-ouiche] s. set- Homol'ogous, [homologheus] adj Hook', [hiic] s. uncino, fermaglio, amo, m.; by - or by crook, omologo; corrispondente. timana santa,


[hl-Gost] Spirito Santo, m.




Hom'age, [hmdge']


gio, rispetto, m.; riverenza, f tributo, m.

omag- Homon'ymeus,[hora6mmeiis]adi di ruffa o di raffa. Hook', [hue] V. n. uncinare, aromonimo, equivoco. Homon'ymy, [hmnim] s. omo- rampinare, aggraffare, adescare.

Hom'age, [homdge']

Hooked', [hiic'd] adj. curvo, curnimia; ambiguit, f. vato, storto. der omaggio, rispettare, rive- Hone', [hone] s. cote, f. Hone', [hone] v a. affilare, aguz- Hook'edness, [huchednes] .currire. vatura, curvit, f. Hom'ager, [homedgeur] s. va;?- zare. Hon'est, [onest] adj. onesto, Hok'-nosed, [hic-ndz'd] adj. che sallo, m. ha il naso aquilino. Home', [home] s. casa, dimora, giusto, sincero; casto. Hon'estly, [nstl] adv. one- Hoop', [hiip] s. cerchio, guardinstanza, patria, f. fante, m.; upupa, f. Home', [home] adv. in casa, in stamente, giustamente. patria sua; to speak -, parlare Hon'esty, [onste] s. onest; Hoop', [hip] V. a. & n. cerchiare, circondare; gridare. sincerit, verit; virt, f. a proposito. Home'-born, [hrae-born] adj. Hon'ey, [heun] s. miele, mel,e, Hoo'per [hpeur] s.Tiottajo, m. [hiipuig-cof] nativo, naturale, domestico. m.; dolcezza, /". my -, amor Hoo'ping-cough , convulsiva, tosse cas. tosse Home'-bred, [hme-brd] adj. mio, anima mia.
v. a.


Hon'ey [hefine'] v. a. addolcire; -, V. n. adulare, careggiare. solano, grosso. Home'-felt, [hme-flt] adj. in- Hon'ey-bag, [heiin-bngj s. stomaco della pecchia, m. terno, interiore; segreto. Homeless, [hmels] adj. senza Hon'ey-comb, [heiin-cme] s. casa, abbandonato. favo, fiale, m. Home'lily, [hmelil] af/v. gros- Hon'ey-dew, [heine'-diu] s. mansolanamente, rozzamente. na; rugiada dolce, /. Home'liness, [hmelins] s. ru- Hon'eyed, [heind] adj. melato, stichezza, rozzezza, grossezza, /. condito di mle; dolce. Home'ly, [horael] adj. grosso, Hon'ey-moon, [heun-mune] s. primo mese del matrimonio, m. grossolano, incojto. Home'-made, [home-mede] adj. Hon'ey-suckle, [heun-seicl] s. fatto in casa. caprifoglio, m. Homeopath'c, [homiopth-c] Hon'ey-wort, [heune'-oueurt] s. adj. omeopatico. cerinta, f. Homeop'athist, [homiopath-jst] Hon'ied, [hened] vedi Honeyed. Hon'or, [ner] s. onore, rispets. medico omeopatico, m.
del paese, nostrale, nativo; gros-



Hoo'poo, [hupii] s. upupa, f. Hoot', [hte] s. schiamazzo, gri^0, m.

Hoot', [hute] V. a. & n. schiamazzare, gridare. Hop',[hp] 8. luppolo; salto; luo-

go da ballo, m.
Hop', [hop] V. a. birra co' luppoli;
tellare, balzellare.




la sal-

Homeop'athy, [homiopath-]


omeopatia, f. Home'-sck'ness, [homc-sxcnes]


m.; fama, figura, testa, f.; my -, sul mio onore, parola d'onore; point of -, s.




punto d'onore,


word of

- s.

Home'<span, [hme-speun]

parola d'onore,

(merch.) to

casereccio, casalingo. pay - to a bill of exchange, Home'stall, Home'sted, [home- fare onoro ad una lettera di stl, hmestedj s. il sito di cambio. una casa, m. Hon'or, [oneur] v. a. onorare,

Home'ward,Homewards,[h5meso casa.

riverire, rispettare.

ouard,hmeouaiirds] adv. ver- Hon'orable, [neirabl] adj. onorevole, illustre.


speranza; speno -, non c" pi speranza, non c' pi rimedio; to be in gr^at - s, aver buona speranza. Hope', [hope] V. n. sperare; aspettare, promettersi. Hope'ful, [hopeful] adj. di granda aspettazione. Hope'fuUy, [hpefil] adv. con speranza, con aspettaziono. Hope'fulness, [hpeflnes] s. buona speranza, /. Hope'less, [hpelcs] adj. senza speranza, disperato. Hopc'lessly, [hopelesl] adv. senza speranza. Hope'lessness, [hpelesnes] s.
Hope', [hope]



Homici'dal ,

[homisadl] micidiale; cruento.

adj. Hon'orableness,'

disperazione, f. [oneur abl'nes Ho'per, [hpeur] generosit; magnificenza, f.\ aspettatore, r.x.

che spora,

Hop'-garden,Hop'-ground, [hopgarden, hop-graound] s. terreno pieno di luppoli, m. Ho'pingly, [hopngle'] adv. con
speranza. Hop'per,[h6peur]s. saltatore,m.; mill -, s. tramoggia, f. Hop'plejhop'l] D. a. legare i piedi (d'un cavallo). _ Hop'-pole, [hop-plel s. palo da sostenere i luppoli, m. Hop'-yard, [hop-irdj vedi Hopgarden. Ho'ral, Ho'rary, [hral.horar]




adj. orario, d" un' ora. Horde', [horde] s. orda, moltitudine vagante, f. Hori'zon, [hraizeun] s. orizonto. ni.

Horizon'tal, [horizontal] adj. orizontale.

Horizon'tally, [horzontl] adv. orizzontalmente. Horn', [horn] s. corno, i.; cornetta,

f. s.

Horn'-heak, [horn-hiche]



/".; cavalletto, m.: on - Horse'-shoe, [horse-scii] $. fera cavallo; light-, cavalli leg- ro da cavallo, m. gieri, m. pi.; sea -, cavallo ma- Horse'-stealer, [horse-stileiir] . rubatore di cavalli, m. rino, ni.;- of state, cavallo di parata, cavallo a mano, m.; to Horse-tail, [hrse-tele] . coda get on-, to get upon a -, (0 take di cavallo, /. to ride a-, Horse'-trappinga, -, montare a cavallo [horse-trpngs] s. pi. arnesi da cavallo, cavalcare un cavallo. Horse', v. a. montare una caval- m. pi. la; - v. n. andare a cavallo, ca- Horse'-way, [horse- oue'] s. strada maestra, /. valcare Horse'back, [horsebac] adv. a ca- Horse'-whip, [horse oSip] .bacchetta, frusta, /. vallo to be on -, to go on -, anHorta'tion, [hortsciein] .esordare a cavallo, cavalcare. Horse'-bean, [horse-bine] s. fava tazione, /. Hor'tative, Hor'tatory, [hortagrossa, f. Horse'-block, [horse-bloc] s. ca- tiv, hrtateire'] adj. esortativo incoraggiante. valcatojo, montatojo, m. Horse'-boy, [hrse-boj s. mozzo, Horticul'tural, [horticheiltciourl] adj. appartenente alla colgarzon di stalla, m. Horse'-breaker,[horse-brcheiir] tura dei giardini. Horticul'ture, [horticheultceur] s. scozzone; cavallerizzo, m. Horse'-chesnut, [horse-cesneut] s. coltura dei giardini,/. Horticul'turist , [horticheiils. marrone d'India, m. Horse'-cloth, [horse-cloth''] s. tcierst] s. giardiniere, m. Hor'tus-sic'cus,[h6rteiis scheSs] gualdrappa, f. Horse'-colt, [horse-colte] s. pu- s. collezione di piante assec;

Horn'-book, [hrn-huc]


ledro, cavallino,






Hosan'na, [hzana]
Hose', [hze]



Horned', [horn'd] adj. cornuto. Eor'ner, [horneur] s. che lavora in corno, tornitore in corno, m. Hor'net, [hornet] s. calabrone, m. (mosca pungente). Horn'-owl, [horn-aoiil] s. allocco, m. Horn'-pipe, [horn-palpe] s. cor-

stregghia, striglia,/. Horse'-courser, [horse-corseur] s. cozzone, fantino, m. Horse'-drench, [horse-drensce] s. medicina per i cavalli, f. Horse'-dung, [horse-deiing] s. stereo di cavallo, m. Horse'-fly, [horse-flai] s. tafano,

.calzetta, /







Ho'sier, [hgeiirj s. calzettajo, calzaiuolo, m. Hos'pitable,[hspitabl]arfy. ospitale, che usa ospitalit. Hos'pitableness, [hospitablnes]



m. Born'-scrapings, [horn-screp- Horse'-guard, [horse-gard] s. guardia a cavallo, f. ngs) s. raschiatura delle corHorse'-hair, [horse-hire] s. crine na di cervo, f. Horn'-work, [horn-oueirc] s. di cavallo, m. Horse'-keeper, [horse-chlpeir] opera a corno, f. uno che tiene dei cavalli, m. Hor'ny, [hrn] adj. calloso, indi ballo,

namusa; sorta

Hos'ptably, [hospitable'] adv. con ospitalit, o.'^pitalmente.

Hos'pital, [ospitai] ospedale, m.


Hospital'ity [hospitlite'] .ospi-

Hos'pitaller, [hospitleur] s. Horse'-laugh, [hrse-lafe] s. ca- spedaliere, m. durito. Host', [host] s. oste, albergatore, Horog'raphy, [hrografe'] s. oro- chinno; riso smoderato, m. [hrsc-litsc] s. esercito, m.; ostia, /. Horse'-leech, grafia, gnomonica, /. Hor' doge, [hrolodgc] s. orolo- mignatta grossa, /.; maniscal- Hos'tage, [hstdge] s. ostaggio,
gio, oriuolo,








Horom'etry, [hromitre']s. oro- Horse'-litter, [horse-lter] s. Hos'tel, Hos'telry, [hostel, hsHorse'-load, [hrse-lde] s. tanto telr] s. osteria, /.; alloggiametria, m, peso quanto ne pu portare un mento, m. Hor'oscope, [horoscope] s. oroHos'tess, [hostes] . ostessa, cavallo, m. scopo, m.

Hor rent,

[horent] adj. ispido. Horse'-lock, [hrse-loc] Hor'rihle, [horibl'] adj. orribile, stoja di cavallo, f.




Hos'tesship, [hstesscTp] .pro-

Hor'ribleness, [horiWnes]

Horse'man, [horseman] s. cava- fessione di ostessa, ostessa, /. Hos'tile, [hostaile] adj. ostile, liere, cavalcante, m. nemico; opposite. ribilit, terribilit,/'.: orrore, m. Herse'manship, [hrsemanscp] Hostil'ity, [hostilite'J . ostilit, Eor'ibly, [horibl] adv. orribil- s. maneggio, m. Horse'-meat, [horsc-mite] s. fo- nimist, /. mente, terribilmente.

raggio, m. Host'ler, [sleir] s. mozzo, garHorse-play, [horse-ple'] s. tra- zon di stalla, stallone, m. Hos'try, [hstr] . stalla d" 0Hor'ridly, [hordle'] adv. terribil- stullo rozzo, m. Horse'-pond, [horse-pond] s. ab- steria, /. mente. Hor'rdness, [horidnes] s. orri- beveratojo stagno, m. Hot', [hot] adj. caldo, fervido, Horse'power, [horse-paueur] s. veemente, violento, impetuoso; dezza, enornrit'i, f. to be -, aver caldo; lo grow -, Horrific, [horxlic] adj. spaven- forza di cavallo, f. Horse'-race, [hrse-rise] s. cor- scaldarsi. tevole. Hot'-bed, [hot-hed] . lotto di Horr'or, [horeSr] s. orrore, terro- sa di cavalli,/. Horse'-radish, [horse-radsc] s. terra e pacciame, lotto di conre, spavento, m. cime, tn. Horse', [horse] s. cavallo, w. ca- barba forte, /.

Hor'rid, [hrd] adj. orrido, orrbile.




con tutto ci, nuUadimeno, co[haoiisehldeir] [liot-bren'd] adj. House'holder, munque. s. padrone di casa, m. violento, furioso. Hotch'-potch, [htsc-potsc] s House'hold -goods, [haouse-hld- Hoy', [boi] s. chiatta, /. (nave). gids] s. p.. mobili, arnesi di Hoy , [boi] int. ol manicarot aiiiinorsellameuto, Hub'ble-bub'ble, [heub'l-beub'l] casa, m, ;)(. to, VI.

Hot'-coc'kles, [hot'cockVs] giuoco (li mano calda, f. Hotel', llitcjl] s. locanda,




Hot'-headed, [hot-hded] adj. focoso, impetuoso. Hot''house, [hot-haouse] s. stufa,


Hot'ly, flitl] ar/t). scaldamente, con caldezza, vivamente.



adj. ostinato, caparbio.

Hot'ness, [litns]

s. caldezza, violenza, passione, furia, f. Hot'spur, [hotspeurl s. uomo caparbio, uomo violento, m.

Hot'spurred, [htspeir'd] adj. veemente, impetuoso. Hough', [hf] s. garretto, m. Hough', [hofj V. a. tagliare i

Hound', [haoind] s. bracco, cane da cacci;;, m.; -s. pi. {mar.) maschoiti, m. pi. Hound, [haound] v. a. cacciare House'-warming,[haoiise-ouaiir- Hud'dle, [heudl'] v. a. imbacuccare, rimescolare, inviluppare; con bracchi perseguire, prose- ming] s. festino gioviale, m. House'wife, [heizf] s. massaja, -, V. n. venire in folla. guire. Hud'dler, [heidleir] s. guastaHounds'tongue, [haound'steiing] economa, f. mestieri, m. [heizfl] adj. House'wifely, s. cinoglossa, f.

House'hold-stuflF, [haosehld- s. guazzabuglio, imbroglio, m. stef] s. masserizie di casa, Hub'bub, [heiibcub) s. tumulto, fracasso; rumore, m.; confusioHouse'-keeper, [haose-chipeur] ne, /. padrone di casa, casiere, uomo Huck-aback, [heucabc] s. sorta sedentario, vi.; massaja, eco- di tela grossolana, /. Huc'kle, [heucrj s, anca, conoma, f. scia, /. [haoiise-clnHouse'-keeping, [heuc'l-bac'd] pngl adj. economo; -, s. go- Huc'kle-backed, verno domestico, m.; economia, adj. gobbo, scrignuto. [heiicr-bne] s. /.; viveri, m. pi.; tavola, /.; to Huc'kle-bone, osso dell'anca, wi.; anca, f. go to -, aprire casa. House'-ieek, [haouse-liche] s. Huk'ster, [heiicsteur] v. n. rivendere, fare il merciajuolo. sempreviva, f. ad]. Huck'ster, Huck'sterer, [heuc[haouseles] House'less, s. rivensteiir, heucsteiireiir] senza ricovero, House'-maid, [haouse-mede] s. dugliolo, rivenditore, m. Huck'steress, [heucsteiirs] s. riserva di casa, f. _ vondugliola, f. [hao use-rent] s. House'-rent, Hud'dle, [heiidr] pressa, fretta, pigione della casa, f. House'-room, [haoiise-rume] s. confusione, /".; tumulto, strepito, m.; in a -, confusamente, spazio, alloggiamento, -"'.; to in disordine. give one -, alloggiare alcuno.

Hour', [aor] s. ora, /.; momento, m. Hour'-glass, [aour-glas] s. orologio a polvere, m. Hour'-hand, [aour-hand] s. lancetta corta d'orologio. Hour'ly [aourl] adv. d'ora in ora, ad ogni momento. Hour'-plate, [aour-plt] s. mostra d'orinolo, f. Hou'ri,[lirij s. ninfa del paradiso maomettano, /. House', [haoiise] s. casa, abitazione, /.; alloggiamento, m.; fa-

economico. House'wifely, con economia.




colore, grido,




and cry, grido pubblico,


do di molte persone, m.; to maHouse'wifery, [heuzTfre'j s. eco- ke a - and cry after one, persenomia, /.; governo domestico, m. guitar alcuno con grida. Hou'sing, [haouzng] s. gual- Hued', [hiud] adj. colorito; madrappa, coperta, Hov'el, [hvol] s.

miglia, /.; - of commons, camera dei comuni - of lords, camera dei Pari, /.; tu keep-, tener casa; lo keep a good -, tener buona tavola; to keep open -, tener corte bandita. House', [haouse] v. a. ricevere in casa, alloggiare, raccogliere; -, V. n. abitare, dimorare; to ca<//e, tenere bestiame in stalla. [haouse-breHouse'-hreaker, cheur] s. uomo che ruba nelle case con rottura, m. House'-hreaking, [haouse-brechng] s. frattura d'una casa,/'. House'-dog, [haose-dog] s. cane di casa, mastino, m. House'-eaves, [haose-ives] s. pi. gronde, grondaje,/". pi. House'hold, [haoiisehold] .famiglia, /.; governo domesti;



House'hold-'bread, [haoiiseholdbrdj 8. pane casalingo, m,

nk hued, di molti colori. capanna, ca- Huff', [hef] s. impeto di collera, m.; to be in a -, essere in colsuccia, /. Hov'el, [hovel] v. a. dar rico- lera, incollerirsi. HufT, [heif] v.a. soffiare, insulvero in una capanna. Hov'er, [hovr] v. n. svolaz- tare, bravare v. n. strepitare. Huffer, [heufeur] s. millantazare. Hov'erer, [hoveiireiir] s. svolaz- tore, bravo, m. Huffing, [heiifing] s. bravazatore, m. How', [haoii] adv. come, quanto, ta,/. in che maniera? - far, quanto Huffish, [heufisc] adj. insolente, lontano - much, per quanto - arrogante; petulante. many times, quante volte; - do Huffishly, [heufiscl] adv. inyou do ? come state? come sta? solentemente, imperiosamente, alteramente. carne va la salute ? Howbe'it, [haobiit] adv. nul- Huf fishness, [heufiscnes] s. insolenza, arroganza; petulanza, f. ladimeno. Howev'er, [haoieveur] adv. con Hug', [heig] s. abbracciata, f.; abbracciamento, m. tutto ci, pure, bench. Ho'wita, Ho'witzer, [haoiitz, Hug', [heiig] V. a. abbracciare; haouitzeur] s. specie di can- carreggiare; (mar.) to - the wind, none, /, serrare il vento. How'ker, [haoucheiir] s. (mar.) Huge', [hiudge] adj. vasto, smisuorca, f. surato, enorme. Howl', [haoTl] s. urlo, urlamen- Huge'ly, [hiidgele'] adv. vasta to; schiamazzo, m. mente, smisuratamente. Howl', [haoil] V. n. urlare, mu- Huge'ness, [hiudgenes] s. vastigolare. t, smisuratezza, grandezza, /. How'let, [haolet] s. gufo, m. Hug'ger-mug'ger , [heiigheurHowl'ing, [haouling] s. urla- meugheiir] s. nascondiglio, m. mento, m. Hug'ging, [heughing] s. abbracHowsoev'er, [haoisoeveur] adv. ciata, /.; abbracciamento, m.
; ;




Hu'guonot, [hiugonot] s. ugo- Humd'ity, Hn'midness, [hiu- Hun'gerly, [heinghearle'] adj. mdit, hiiimidns] s. umidit, affamato. notto, m. Hun'gerly, [heungheurl] adv. Hulk', [heulc] s. carena (d'una umidezza, f. Humil'iate, [hivimilite] v. a. con appetito grande, avidamennave), massa, f, te, ingordamente. Hulk',[helc] v. a. sviscerare (po- umiliare, mortificare. Humilia'tion, [hiiralisceun] s. Hun'ger-starved, [heungheirco usato). Huir, |hel] s. baccello, guscio, umiliazione, sommessione, mor- starv'd] adj. morente di fame. Hun'gered, [heiingheur'dj vedi m.; pelle, f.; corpo di un basti- tificazione, Humil'ity, [hiimilit] s. umil- Hungry. mento, m. Hun'grily, [heingril] adv. con Huir,[hel] V. a. sgranare (fave); t, sommessione, f. Hum'mer, [heumeur] s. che ron- gran fame, con appetito grande. V. n. galleggiare. Hun'gry, [heungr] adj. affamaHul'ly, [helj aclj. pieno di bac- za; applauditore, m. Hnm'ming, [heuming] s. rombo, to, magro, sterile (detto di tercelli. Hum", [heim] . rombo, ronza- ronzo, ronzamento, mormorio, ra); to be-, avere fame, avere appetito. mento, mormorio; applauso, wi. sussurro, bisbiglio, m. Bum', [heum] v. n. rombare, Hu'mor, [hiumeur] s. umore, m.; Hunks', [heuncs] s. avaro, spilordisposizione dell'animo, fanta- cio, misero, m. (cani, f. mormoreggiare, borbogliare. Hu'man, [hiimn] adj. umano, sia, /.; capriccio, m.; in good-, Hunt',[h6unt] s. caccia; muta di di buon umore, allegro, faceto, Hunt',[heunt] v. a. cacciare, permortale.

seguitare; V. n. proseguire, segioviale; in ili -, out of-, di cattivo umore, capriccioso, biz- guire; (o - after, andare in traccia,cercare premurosamente; to zarro. Hu'mor, [hiimeur] v. a. grati- - out, scoprire, trovare; to - up benignamente, ficare, contentare, compiacere, and doion, cercare dappertutto. umanamente , Hun'ter, [heunteur] s. cacciatopiacere. cortesemente. Hu'manist, [biumanst] s. uma- Hu'moral, [hiilmeural] adj. umo- re; cavallo da caccia, m.

Humane', [hiuraene]



no, affabile, cortese, benigno learning, s. belle lettere, f. pi. Humane'ly, [hiumenel] adv.

Hun'ting, [heunting] s. caccia, f.; to go out -, andare alla caccia. Hun'ting-bag, [heintng bg] s. carniere, m. Hun'ting'coat, [heunting-cote] s. vestito da caccia, m. Hun'tng-dog, [heintng dog] s. cane da caccia, m. Hun'ting-horn, [heiintinghorn] s. corno da caccia, m. Hun'ting-nag, [hounting nag] s. cavallo da caccia, m. Hun'ting-piece, [heiinting-pise] Hum'ble,[eumble] V. a. umiliare, adj. fantastico, bisbetico. abbassare, mortificare; to-one^s Hu'morsomely, [hiumeurseum- s. archibugio da caccia, m.
na- Hu'morist, [hiilmeurst] s. uomo tura dell'uomo, umanit, beni- fantastico, m. Hu'morous, [hiilmeures] adj. gnit, cortesia, tenerezza, f. Hu'manize, [hiumanaze] v. a. fantastico, capriccioso, faceto. [hmeiireusle'] render umano, render affabile. Hu'morously , Hn'mankind, [hiiiinncaind] s. adv. fantasticamente, capricciosamente. genere umano, m. fhiumeiireusHu'manly, [hiiimnle'] adv. uma- Hu'morousness, ns] s. capriccio, m.; leggereznamamente, da uomini. Hum'ble, [eumbF] adj. umile, za, incostanza, /. [hiiimeurseum] Hu'morsome, modesto: vile.


nista, filologo, m. [hiiimanite']



self, umiliarsi.

l] adv.


Hum'ble-bee, [oiimbr-bl] s. peccione, calabrone, m. [eurabl'nes] s Hum'bleness, umilt, sommessione; modestia/". Hum'bler, [eumbleur] s. che umilia, che mortifica, m. Hum'bles, [heumbl's] s. interiora del cavriuolo, m. pi. Humb'ling, [eumbling] s. umiliazione,


Hun'tress, [heuntrs] s. caccia(datore, m. trice, f.



Hunts'man, [heuntsmn]



Hump',[heiimp] gno, m.
scrignuto, m.


arte di cacciare, venagione,

Hump'back, [heurapbac] s. gobbo, Hur'dle, [heurdl

Hump'backed, [heiimpbac'd]





canniccio, m. Hur'dle, [heurdl'] v. o. circondare di graticci. gobbo, scrignuto. Hunch', [heuntsc] s. gomitata; Hurds', [heiirds] s. pi. stoppa, f. Hur'dy-gur'dy, [heiird gheurgobba, f. adv. umil- Hunch', [heuntsc] v. a. dare go- de] s. viola da orbo, f,


Hur',[herl] . a. lanciare; scagliare.

Hum'bug, [heumbeug]
taneria, corbelleria,

ciarla- Hunch'backed,[heiintscbac"d]arf/.


Hum'bug, [heumbeug]
polare; corbellare.

v. a.

Hur'ly,Hur'ly-bur'ly, [heiirle', trap- Hun'dred, [heiindred] adj. cento; heurle'-beiirle'] s. tumulto, gargobbo, scrignuto.

Hum' drum, [heumdreuml

stolto, sciocco; infingardo.


Huraect', Humec'tate, [hiiimoct,

himctete] v. a. umettare, mollare, bagnare._ Humecta'tion, [hiumectscieun] umettazione, /. ; immollas.

[hiumectv] adj. umettativo. Hu'meral, [hiumerl] adj. (anat.) omerale, delle spalle. Hu'mid, [hiamidj adj. umido, inumidito.

mento, m. Humec'tive,

buglio, m.; caldea, f. centinaio; cantone, m._ [heindrdflde] Hurrah', [hura] int. urr evviva adj. centuplo. Hun'dredth, [heundredth-] adj. Hur'ricane, [heurichene] s. uragano, m. burrasca, f. centesimo. Hun'dred-weight, [heundred- Hur'ry, [heiir] .precipitazione, fretta,/.; tumulto, m.; confusiooute] s. cantaro, quintale, m. Hun'ger, [hengher] s. fame, ne, f.; in a -, in fretta. /.; appetito,, m.; fig. desiderio Hur'ry, [heur] v. a. affrettare, precipitare; -, v.n. aft'rettarsi, grande, m. Hun'ger, [heungheiir] v. a. avere correre quanto si pu, fare difame; fig. bramare. ligenza; to- away, strascinare, Hun'ger-bit , Hun'ger-bitten , stascicare, condurre seco to [heungheirbt, heungherbt'nj on, affrettare, sollecitare, spronare; lo - out, scacciare. adj. debole per fame.




haimimn] adj. nuziale, maritale; -, epitalamio, m. Hymn', [hlm] s. inno, cantico, w. Hymn', [him] v. a. adorare con inni, laudare. Hymnorogy, [himnoldge'] . collezione di inni, f. Hyp', [hip] V.' n. essere abbassato di spirito, essere malinconico. s. [hapeurble] Hyper'bole, {math, rh.) iperbole, esageranil,

Hnr'ry-scur'ry, [heur-scheur] Hut', [heSt] ca, f. adv. confusamente, con fra-

capanna, barac-

Hut', [heiit] V. a baraccare. casso. Hurst', [hcui'st] s. boschetto, m. Hutch', [heiitsce] s. madia, cassa, arca, /. Hurt', [heuvt] s. ferita, f.; detrimento, danno, pregiudizio, scon- Huzza', [heuzE] inf. viva, evviva. Huzza', [hez] v. a. ricevere con cio, m. Hurt', [heirt] v. a. irr. {hurt, acclamazioni; -, v. n. gridare evhurt) ferire, fare male, dan- viva, acclamare, applaudire. Hy'acinth, [haisnth^] .giacinneggiare. Hurt'ful, [heurtful] adj. noci- to, m. Hy'ades, Hy'adas, [hadlze,hai- zione, /. vo, dannoso, pernicioso. Hurt'fuUy, [heurtfiil] adv. in ds] s. (a<r.)jadi, plejadi, f-Vl- Hyperbol'ic, Hperborical, [haimodo nocivo, perniziosamente. Hy'aline, [haialane] adj. cristal- peurblic, haipeurbolical] adj. iperbolico. Hurt'fulness, [heurtfulns] s. lino, trasparente. [haipeurbliHyperborically, Hy'brid, [haibrd] adj. ibrido. nocimento, detrimento, m. cl] adv. iperbolicamente. Hur'tle, [heurtr] v. a. urtare, Hy'dra, [haidra] s. idra, f. giostrare; -, v. n. scaramuc- Hydrau'lic, Hydrau'lical, [hai- Hyper'bolize, [haiperbolaize] v. a. iperboleggiare, aggrandire ciare, incontrarsi. drolc, haidrlicl] adj. idrau(con parole). Hur'tle-berry, [heirtr-'ber] s. lico. Hydrau'lics, [haldrlics] s. fi. Hyperbo'rean, [haipeurbrin] uva orsina, f. adj. iperboreo; settentrionale. Hurt'less , [heirtle's] adj. che idraulica, f. Hy'drocele, [haldrsile] s. tu- Hypercrit'ic, [haipeurcrtc] . non fa male; innocente. critico severo. Hurt'lessly, [heurtlsl] adv. more acquoso, m. Hydroceph'alus, [hadrosefaleis] Hypercrit'ical, [hapcircritical] senza fare niun male. adj. troppo critico. Hus'band, [heuzband] s. marito, s. idrocefalo, m. sposo, massajo; agricola, m. Hy'drogen, [haidrodgen] s. idro- Hyperdu'lia, [hapeurdiSlia] s. iperdulia, quelTadorazione s. Hus'band, [heizhnd] v. a. ma- gene, m. ritare; coltivare. Hydrog'rapher, [haidrografeir] che si fa alla Vergine Maria nella chiesa cattolica romana. [heuzhandls] s. idrografo, m. Hus'bandless, adj. senza marito. Hydrograph'ical, [haldrografi- Hyperphys'ical, [haipeiirfsical] adj. sopranaturale. Hus'bandly, [heisbandle'] adj. cl] adj. idrografico. frugale, economico, parco; mo- Hydrog'raphy, [haidrograf] s. Hy'phen, [haifn] s. divisione, /".; tratto d'unione, m. derato. idrografia, f. Hus'bandman, [heusbandman] Hydrol'ogy, [haldrolodge'j s. idro- Hypnot'ic, [hipntic] s. medicina sonnifera, /", s. agricoltore, bifolco, m. logia, f. Hus'bandry, [heusbndre'] s. Hy'dromancy, [hadromanse'] s. Hypochon'dres, [hipocondros] s. agricoltura, economia; coltura, idromanzia, {.., indovinamenfi. ipocondria, f. /.; risparmio, m. Hypochon'driac, [hipocondraic] to, m. Hnsh'!, [heiisce] int. silenzio! Hy'dromel, [hadromel] s. idro- adj. ipocondrico -, s. iponconzitto driaco, ipocondro, m. mele, m. Hush', [heiisce] v. a. imporre si- Hydrom'eter, [haidromiteiir] s. Hypoc'risy, [hipcris] s. ipocrisia, /. lenzio, calmare, placare; -, v. n. idrometro, m. star zitto, tacere. Hydrom'etry, [haldromitre'] s. Hyp'ocrite,[hipocrit] s. ipocrite, ipocrita, m. Hush'-money, [heiisce-meinj s. idrometria, /. subornamento, guadagno ille- Hydrop'athy, [haidropath-e'] s. Hypocrt'ic^Hypocrit'ical, [hipocrtic, hpocrtical] adj. ipocricito, m. idropatia, {. Husk', fheische] s. baccello, gu- Hydropho'ba, [haldrofobia] s. to, finto. Hypocrit'ically, [hpocrticle'] scio, wi.; loppa, pelle, f. idrofobia, f. Husk', [heusche] v. a. sgusciare. Hydrop'ic, Hydrop'ical, [hai- adv. da ipocrito. Husked', [heusch'dj adj. coperto drpc,haIdrpical]a(/;'.idropico. Hypogas'tric, [hpogastric] adj. d'un guscio. Hydrostat'ical, ipogastrico, dell'ipogastrio.^ Hydrostat'ic, Hus'kiness, [heuschins] .rau- [hadrosttc, haidrdstticlj Hypogas'trium, [hpogstrieum] cedine, /. adj. idrostatico. s. (ana(.) ipogastrio, m. . Hus'ky, [heusche] adj. rauco; Hydrostat'ically, [haldrostati- Hypos'tasis, jhaipostasis] pieno di loppe. ipostasi, personalit, A ^ cl] adv. secondo Tidrostatica. [haipostatical] Hussar', [hezr] s. ussaro, m. Hydrostat'ics, [haldrsttics] s. Hypostat'ical, Hus'site, [heiizaite] s. ussita, m. adj. ipostatico; di personalit. fi. idrostatica, f. Hus'sy, [heuz] .donnaccia, [. Eydrot'ic, [hadrtic] s. medici- Hypot'enuse, [haipotiniuze] . Hus'tings, [hestngs] luo- na purgativa, f. {geom.) ipotenusa, (. go da eleggere; consiglio, m. Hy'emal, [hahmal] adj. jemale, Hypoth'eca, [haipot-hica] .ipoHus'tle, [hos'le] v. a. agitare invernale, vernale, del verno. teca, (. insieme; -, v. n. stringere le Hye'na, [haTna] s. Jena, f. Hypoth'ecate, [halpoth^Tchete] spalle. Hygei'an, [hadgn] adj. che ha V. o. ipotecare. Hus'wife, [heuzf] s. massaja, relazione coli' igiene. Hypoth'esis,[haip6th^esis]. ipo;

economa, m. Hygrom'eter, Hy'groscope,[ha- tesi, f. Hus'wife, [heuzf] v. a. maneg- gromiteir, halgrscop] s. igro- Hypothet'ic,Hypothet'ical, [hagiare gli affari domestici usare metro, m. pth-tc, haipotheticl] adj. con economia. Hy'men, [halmen] s. imeneo, ma- ipotetico, suppositivo. [haipoth^t* Hus'wifery, [heuzTfre'] s. econo- trimonio, m. Hypothet'ically, mia, /.; governo domestico, m. Hymen'eal, Hymen'ean, [halmi- ical] adv. per ipotesi.

Hys'sop, [luscup] po, m.

isopo, issohistorical] rino.




ute-l (merf.) isteralgia,
rici, wi. pi.


dolori iste*

Hister'ic, Hister'ical,

[histenc, Hysterics



(molo, m. jHythe', [halth'ejs. piccolo porto,


suono di questa lettera,! Ide'alize,[aidialalze]. a. ideare. Ido'neous, [aldnieus] adj. idoadv. ideal- neo, atto, proprio, convenevole. l'dyl, [aidil] s. idillio, m. ceve il suo suono lungo natu- Identic, Iden'tical, [aidentc, If, [if] conj. se; purch, bench. rale come in tome, vino, dine, aidnticlj adj. identico, mede- Ig'neous, [igniis] adj. igneo. Ig'nis-fat'uus, [ignis-ftiaiis] pranzare, &c. non ha suono as- simo. [aidntifichs. fuoco fatuo, m. solutamente corrispondente in Identiflca'tion , Ignite', [gnaite] v. o. accendeitaliano ma somiglia assai alle sceiin] s. prova d'identit, f. re, infiammare. lettere ai pronunziate come Iden'tify, [aidntifij v. a. idenIgnit'ion, [gniscieun] s. (poet.) dittongo con molta lestezza. tificare. Thon hast, hai: pel vero suono Iden'tity, [aldentite'] .identit, infocamento, accendimento, m. Igniv'omous, [ignvomeisj adj. medesimezza, f. di questa lettera sar d'uopo (poet.) ignivomo. Tajuto di un maestro, i hreve Ides', [aides] s. pi. idi, m. pi. ha il suono dell'i italiano nella Id'iocy, [dise'] s. imbecillit, Igno'ble, [ignbl'J adj. ignobile; basso. parola in, in. The Indies, le debolezza di inente, f. Indie. /, innanzi, ad un r (quan- Id'iom, [idieiim] s. idioma, m. Igno'bleness, Ignobirty, [igndo non seguito dalTe finale), Idiomat'ic, Idiomat'ical, [idio- brns, ignblit] s. ignobiliha il suono dell' eu francese. matic, idiomticl] adj. idioma- t, vilt, f. Ignc'bly, [ignoble'] adv. ignotico. Sir, signore, fir, abete. Idiop'athy, [idiopath^] s. (med.) bilmente; bassamente. I , [al] pron. io. Ignomin'ious, [gndminius] lam'bic, [aimhc] adj. jamhico. idiopatia, f. lam'bus, [aimbeiis] s.jambo,m. Id'iot, [dieut] s. idiota, igno- adj. ignominioso, infamante. Ignomin'iously, [ignomnicusl] rante, sciocco, m. l'bis, [aibs] s. ibi, m. adv. ignominiosamente. ghiaccio, diac- Id'iotism, [idieitism] s. idios. Ice', [aise] tismo, m.; ignoranza, imbecil- Ig'nominy, [ignmin] s. igno(gelare. cio, m.

quando vien pronunziata sola, Ide'ally, [aidial] come / io; e pure quando ri- mente.

lit; specialit d'espressione,/'. minia, infamia, /. s. [ignremeiis] l'dle, [aidr] adj. pigro, ozioso, Ignora'mus, inutile, frivolo, vano; io be -, ignorante, sciocco, m. gna di ghiaccio._ Ig'norance, [igarnse] s. ignoXce'bound, [aisebaound] adj. ser- star ozioso. l'dle, [aldi'] v. n. poltroneggiaranza, f. rato di ghiaccio. Ig'norant, [ignorant] adj. ignoIce'-house, [aIsehaouse]s.ghiac- re, perdere il tempo invano. l'dle-headed, [aidl hded] adj. rante; illetterato. ciaja, diacciaja, f. Ichneu'mon, [icniiimeun] s. ic- stolto, stupido, irragionevole. Ig'norantly, [ignrantl] adv.

Ice', [alse] v. a. ghiacciare; con-

Ice'berg, [aiscbeurg]



l'dleness, [aidPnes] s. ozio, m.; ignorantemente, per ignoranza, neumone, m. Ichneu'mon-fiy, [Tcniumeun-flai] infingardaggine, dappocaggine, rozzaraente._ negligenza, f. Ignore', [ignore] v. a. ignorare, 8. specie di mosca, /. [aldl'ptd] non sapere. adj. Ichnograph'ical, [icnogrficl] l'dle-pated,
sciocco, imbecille. l'dler, [aidleur] s. poltrone, inrchorous, [aicoreiis] adj. icoro- fingardo, scioperato, sfaccendato. so, sieroso. Ichthyol'ogy, [icth-iolodge'] s. l'dly, [adle'] adv. oziosamente, in ozio, vanamente; to talk -, ictiologia, /".
adj. icnografico. icore, m. l'chor, [aicor]

Ignos'cible, [ignosibl] adj. perdonabile, scusabile. Ile', [aile] s. navata (d'una chiesa), f.

riex, [alecs]


elee, f.

vaneggiare. l'cicle, [aisicl'] s. diacciuolo, m. Tcing, [asng] s. coperta di zuc- l'dol, [adeil]
chero addensato,

H'iac, [ilic] adj. illiaco; - pasion, s. passione iliaca, f.


Icnog'raphy, [cngrafe']



Icnorogy, [icnolodg]



l'con, falcon] s. immagine, pittura, f.; ritratto, m. Icon'oclast, [aiconoclst] .iconoclasta, distruttore d'immagini, m. Icter'iCjIcter'ical, [icteric, ctrical] atlj. itterico.

[lid] s. Iliade, f. Iir, [il] adj. malo, cattivo, amIdGl'ater, [adolateur] s. idola- malato - luck, s. infortunio, ni.; disgrazia, f.; - neivs, s. pi. cattra, idolatro, m. Idol'atress, [aidolatres] s. don- tive novelle, f. pi. na idolatra, /. Ili', [il] adv. male, malamente; Idd'atrize, [aidolatraize] v. a. to fall-, cadere ammalato, amgli idoli. idolatrare, adorare malare; to take -, prendere in Idoratrous, faidolatreusj adj. mala parte, avere a male to idolatrico, idolatro. think - of one, avere cattiva Idol'atrously, opinione di qualcheduno. [aidolatreiisl] adv. da idolatra. Iir, [il] s. male, infortunio, m.; Idol'atry, [aidolatre'] s. idoladisgrazia, miseria, f.: dolore, ni. '

idolo, m.;

im- Il'iad,



(gl'idoli, ni. jlllac" erable, [ilserabl] a(/j. che l'cy, [as] adj. agghiacciato ,! tria, f. I'dolism, [aldolizm] s. culto de-i non si pu lacerare, freddo. Ide'a, [aldia] s. idea, immagina l'dolist, [aidolist] s. idolatra, Illach'rymable, [lcrimahl] ac/j.

adoratore d' idoli, m. illagrimevole. zione, f. Ide'al, [aldial] adj. ideale; ntel -jl'dolize, [aidolaze] v. a. Idola- Illapse', [lpse] bitanco, m. trare, amare pazzamente. lettuale.


attacco su-

lUaq'ueate, [ilacquiote]





laqueare, illacciare. Illaquea'tion, [ilaquiescioun]

[Tmdginnt] adj. che forma delle idee; s. quegli che forma idee strane, m. s. ignoranza, f. laccio, tranello, inganno, m. lU-mind'ed, [il-raainded] adj. Imag'inary, [imdginare] adj. immaginario, chimerico. Illa'tion, [lscieun] s. illazione, male intenzionato. inferenza, conclusione, conse- Ill-na'ture, [il-netcieiir] s. cat- Imagina'tion, [imdginscieiin] guenza, f. s. immaginazione, idea, /. tivo umore, m.; malevolenza, /. lUa'tive, [ilativ] adj. illativo. lU-na'tured, [!l-ntcieiir'd] adj. Imag'inative, [mdginativ] adj. immaginativo, visionario; - falUa'tively, [IlatvlJ adv. per di cattivo umore, maligno, mav. a. il- Illit'erateness,

Illit'erature, Ima'ginant,


lUaudablo, filodal)!] degno di lode.

culty, s. immaginativa, f. lizioso. [il-ntceur'dle'] Imag'ine, [imdgin] v. a. imin- Ill-na'turedly, maginare, inventare, disegnare. adv. in modo malevolo. lUau'dably, [ildabl] ado. in- Ill-na'turedness, [l-ntcieur"d- Imag'iner, [imdgineiir] s. imdegnamente. ns] $, malignit, malevolen- maginatore, inventore, m. Imag'ining, [mdginng] s. imlU-bo'ding, [il-bding] aiij. si- za, f. nistro, funesto. IH'ness, [lines] s. malattia; in- maginazione, /". Imbank', [imbnc] v. a. cingere Iir-bred, [l-brd] adj. grosso- disposizione, f. d'argini. lano, rustico. Illog'ical, [ldgicl] adj. senza [l-condis- ragionamento. Imbank'ment, [imbancmnt] s. Ill-conditioned, adv. argine, diga, f. [ilodgicale'] ceiined] adj. mal condizionato. Illog'ically, ; Imbarn', [imbrn] v. a. porre llle'gal, [ligl] adj. non legale, senza raziocinio. _ illecito. Ill-sha'ped, [l-scep*d] adj. mal nel granajo. Imbase', [nibse] v. a. falsiIllegal'ity, [iligalit] s. cosa fatto, deforme. ficare (l'oro, l'argento). non legale; ingiustizia, f. Ill-starred', [l-star'd] adj. sforIm'becile, [rabisl] adj. imbelUo'gally, [lgl] adv. illeci- tunato. cille, sciocco. tamente; ingiustamente. Illude', [iliiide] v. a. illudere; [iledgibl] adj. che ingannare. Imbecil'itate, [imbislitte] v. Illeg'ible, non si pu leggere. Illume', Illu'minate,[!li urne, iliii- a. indebolire. Illegit'imacy, [ilidgtimase'] niinetej v. a. illuminare. Imbecil'ity, [Tmbisilite'] s. imillegittimit, f. Illumina'tion, [liminsciein] becillit, debolezza, f. /".; lUegit'imate, [lidgitimete] adj. s. illuminazione, illumina- Imbibe', [imbaibe] w. a. imbeillegittimo, bastardo. mento; splendore, rn. vere succhiare. Xllegit'imately, [lidgtimetele'] Illu'minative, [liiiminatv] adj. Imbi'ber, [imhaiibeur] s. uno



illegittimamente. illuminativo. [ilidgitim- Illu'minator, [TliuminateirJ s. lUeg-itima'tion , illuminatore, m. scieanl s. illegittimit, bastardigia, m. vedi ilIllu'mine, [liiimin] lU-fa'ted, [il-ftd] adj. sfortu- lume. nato, sventurato. Illu'sion, [iliigeun] s. illusioadj. Ill-fa'vored, [Il-fveird] ne, /.; errore, inganno, m. sgraziato, deforme, Illusive, Iliu'sory, [liusiv, liu[l-feveur'dle'] Ill-fa'voredly, seur] adj. illusorio, adv. sgraziatamente. Il'lustrate, [ileiistrte] v. a. ilIli-fa' voredness,[il-feveiV'dnes] lustrare, dilucidare, schiarire. Illustra'tion, [ileiistrscieun] s. s. bruttezza, deformit, f. lU-ground'ed, [il-graondd] illustramonto, m.; dichiarazioadj. mal fondato. ne, /.; spiegamento, m. Illib'eral, [lbirl] adj. illibe- Illustrative, [leustrativ] adj.
rale; sordido.

che imbeve, succiatore. Imbibit'ion, [tmbibscieun] s. succiamento, rn.. Imbit'ter, [mbiteilr] v. a. amareggiare, addolorare; inasprire, provocare. Imbod'y, [imbde'] v. a. incorporare, condensare; v. n. incorporarsi, unirsi.

Imbol'den, [mbld'n] v. a. incoraggiare, animare, inanimare.






ritenere in cuore, abbracciare. Imbound', [iinbaoind] v. a. circondare, chiudere.


[ilTbirlite'] s. spi- Il'lustratively,

Imbow', [imbj

lorceria, sordidezza, f. adv. in un modo espositivo. Illib'erally, [lbirl] adv. in Illustra'tor, [liiistreteur] s. modo illiberale; sordidamente, lustratore, interprete, m.

IlUc'it, [lisTt]
arf/. illecito,


lUus'trions, [Ileustriiis] adj.

lustre, celebre; nobile.



V. o. archeggiacurvare. Imbow'er, [mbaouir] v. n. coprire con un pergolato. Im'bricate, Im'bricated, [imbrichte, mbrichet'd] adj. posto

Illic'itly, [lsitlj adv. illecita- Illus'triously,





adj. illustremente, nobilmente. ille- Illus'triousness,[Ieiistrieiasns] s. celebrit; nobilt,/".

l'uno sotto l'altro golo.


le tea.

Imbrown', [Imbraoun]


[lTmtabl'] Illimitable, adv. Ill-wiir, [loul] s. malevolenche non pu essere limitato za, f. (statua, f. Illim'ited, liliintd] adj. illimi- Im'age, [imedge] s. immagine; tato, senza limiti. Im'age, [imedge] v. a. immagiIllim'itedness, [ilimitedns] s nare, raffigurare, rappresenillimitazione, immensit, f. tarsi. avvilirsi. lUit'eracy, [lterase] s. igno- Im'agery, [imYdgiar] s. imma- Imbue', [imbi] v. a. imbevere, ranza, f. gini, idee chimeriche, f. pi infondere, ispirare. Illit'eral, [ilteral] adj. non let- Im'age-wor'ship,[imedge-ouei]r- Imbarse', [mbeurse] v. a. imterale. scp] .culto delle immagini, m. borsaro, mettere nella borsa. Illlt'erate, [ltirte] ad;, illet- Imag'inable, [imdginabl] adj. Imitabil'ity, [mitabilit] $, terato, ignorante. immaginabile, concepibile. qualit imitativa. (.

brunire; oscurare. Imbrue', [imbruj v. a. immollare, inzuppare. Imbrute', [mbrSte] v. a. rendere stupido, avvilire; -, v. n. istupidire, divenir insensato,




Im'itable, [imitaW] adj. imita- Immem'orable,


[immorabr] Immomen'tous, [mome'nteiis] immemorabile. adj. di poca importanza. Xm'itate, [mitete] v. a. imitare, Immemo'rial, [mimril] adj. Immor'al, [imrl] adj. immoraimmemorabile. copiare, contraffare. le: disonesto. Imita'tion, [Tmitescieun] s. imi- Immense', [imnsc] adj. immen- Immoral'ity, [morlit] s. imadj.

tazione, copia,


so, vasto.

moriilit: disonest,


Imitative, [Imitativ]
tativo, imitante.

adj. imis.

Im'itator, [mitateur]
tore, I.

Immense'ly, [mensel] aiu. im- Immor'tal. [mrtl] adj. immormensamente. tale, eterno. imita- Immense'ness, Immen'sity, Immortarity, [mortlit] s. imimi-

[imnsens, mensit] s. im- mortalit, eternit, f. mensit, infinit, f. Immor'talize, fmmrtalaize] v. [mnsciu- a. immortalare; eternare. Immac'ulate, [imacliiulete] adj. Immensurabirity, immacolato, puro. rablite'] . smisuratezza, im- Immor'tally, [mrtal] acft>. Immac'ulateness, [imchiulete- mensit, f. immortalmente. ns] s. purit, f. Immen'surable, [iraensciurabr] Immov'able, [muvbr] adj. imImmal'led, [imel'd] aij. che adj. immensurabile: infinito. mobile fermo. porta armatura, Immerge', Immerse', [imeirdge, Immov'ables, [Imuvabl's] s. pi. Immal'leable, [imaliabl] alj. che meurse] v. a. immergere, tuf- beni immobili, m. pi. non malleabile. fare. Immov'ably, [muvable'] adv.

Im'itatrix, [imitatrics]

[mnacV] v. a. Immer'sion, [imeirscieiin] s. im- immobilmente, fermamente. porre le manette, incatenare, mersione, f.; attuff'amento, m. Immundic'ity, [mendsite] s. Immethod'ical, [mith^odicl] impurit, f. inceppare. Immane', [imene] adj. vasto, senza metodo, confuso, irrego- Immu'nity, f imiunite'] s. immu-


prodigioso, feroce.


nit, esenzione,


Immane'ly, [imnel] adv. pro- Immetliod'ically,[imith-6dcl] Immure', [miure]

digiosamente, ferocemente. Im'manent, [mannt] U'Ij. intrinseco, interno. Imman'ity, [imnite'] delt, ferocit, f.

v. a.


adv. confusamente, disordinata-

circondare con muro.

mente, (grare. Immutabil'ity, [imiutabflite'] s. Im'migrate, [migrtel v. n. mi- immutabilit, stabilit, f. cru- Immigra'tion, [migrscieun] s. Immu'table, [miiitablj at/j. ims. immigrazione, mutabile. Immarces'sible, [mmarssibl] Im'minence, [minense] s. immi- Immu'tableness, [imiutablnes] nenza,/'. adj. incorruttibile. vedi Immutability. Immask', [msc] v. a. masche- Im'minent, [iminent] adj. im- Immu'tably, mitabl] adv. imminente, soprastante. rare; coprire; velare. mutabilmente; per sempre. Immatch'able, [mtsciabr] adj. Immin'gle, [mingll v. a. mesco- Immuta'tion, [imitseieun] s. impareggiabile. lare, mischiare insieme. mutazione, f.; cangiamento, w. adj Imminu'tion, [iminscieiin] s. Immute', [miute] v. a. mutare, [imatlrill Immate'rial, diminuzione, /. immateriale; incorporale. cangiare. Immate'rialism, [imatirialism] Immis'cible,Iramix'able, [imis- Imp', [imp] s. innesto; folletto, ibr, micsebl'J adj. che non pu diavoletto, m. s. esistenza spirituale. mischiarsi. [matlrialist] Immate'rialist, Imp', [imp] V. a. innestare, ags. uno che crede neiresistenza Immis'sion, [iraisceiiD] s. ingiungere, stendere. jezione, /. spirituale, m. Impair', [impere] v.a. sminuire, Immaterial'ity, [imatrialite'] s. Immit', [mt] v. a. fare entrare, peggiorare; -, v. n. diminuirsi, gettare. immaterialit, f. consumarsi. Immate'rally, [imatiriale'] adv. Immit'igable, [mitgabr] adj. Impair'er, [mpreur] s. ingiuimmitigabile. immaterialmente. riatoro, m Immature', [imatiure] adj. im- Immix', [imcs] v. a. mischiare, Impair'ment, [imperemnt] s. mescere. maturo, prematuro. sminuimento, scemaraento; danImmature'ly, [matiurel] adv. Immobil'ity, [mblite'] s. im- no, m. prematura- mobilit, /. immaturamente, [mpalpabl] adj. Impal'pable, Immod'erate, [imoderte] adj. impalpabile, intangibile. mente. Immatur'ity, immoderato, eccessivo. Immature'ness, Impal'pably, [impalpable'] adv. [imdortele'] matiiirens, matiiirit] s. im- Immod'erately, impalpabilmente. maturit, f. adv. smoderatamente, eccessi- Impan'nel, [impanel] v. a. (jur.) [Tmgeirabr] vamente. Immeas'urable, formare una lista dei giurati. adj. immensurabile, immenso. Immod'erateness, Immodera'- Impar'adise, irapradaize] v. a. Immeas'urably, [raegeirable'j tion, [mdertens, moder- imparadisare: beatificare. adv. immensamente, smisura- scieun] s. immoderanza, f.\ ec- Imparity, [mprite'] . imparitamente. cesso, m. t, disparit, f. immeas'ured, [imegeur'd] adj. Immod'est, [imodst] adj. immo- Impark', [mprc] t'. o. attorniache eccede la misura ordinaria. desto, impudico. re di mura: palificare, assiepare. Imme'diate, [imidite] adj. im- Immod'estly, [iradstl] adv. Impart', [impart] v. a. far parmediato. immodestamente. tecipe, dare; comunicare. Imme'diately, [mdietel] adv. Immod'estness, Immod'esty, Impar'tial, [imprscil] adj". imimmediatamente, immediate, in- (imdstnes, modste] .immo- parziale disinteressato. stantaneamente, subitamente. destia; indecenza, /. Impartial'ity, [imprscialite'] s Imme diateness, [imiditens] Im'molate, [imolte] v. a. immo- imparzialit, /. lare, sacrificare. $. momento presente, m. Impar'tially, [imparscile'] adv. Immedicable, [mdicabr] adj. Immola'tion, [imolscieiiii] s. imparzialmente, senza parziaimmolazione, f. immedicabile, incurabile. lit




[mpeurmiabl] [irapartibr] arlj. Impen'dent, Impen'ding^, [im- Imper'meable, Impart'ible, pendent, impending] adj. im- adj. impenetrabile. comunicabile. Imper'sonal, [impoursonal] ad}, Impart'ment, [Tmpartraent] s. minente, soprastante. Impenetrabirity,[impmtrabl- impersonale. comunicazione,/'. Imper'sonally, [impcursonle'] Impas'sable,[impasabl] adj. clie t] s. impenetrabilit, f. adv. impersonalmente. [mpenitrabl'] Impen'etrable, non pu passarsi. Imper'sonate, [mpeirsonte] Impassibi)'ity,[iinpassibllit]s. adj. impenetrabile. V. n. personificare. [impnitrabl] Impen'etrably impassibilit, f. Impersua'sible, [impeiirsuesibl] Impas'sible, [mpasibl] adj. im- adv. impenetrabilmente. Impen'itency, adj. impersuasibile. Impenitence, passibile, insensibile. Impas'sibleness, [mpasiblns] [impnitnse, impnitns] s. Imper'tinence, Imper'tinency, [impeurtinnse, impertinns] impenitenza, /. vedi Impassibility. Impas'sionate, [mpascionute] Impen'itent, [impenitent] adj. s. impertinenza, f. [mpeurtinnt] Imper'tinent, impenitente. adj. senza passione; -, v n. comImpen'itently, [impenitentl] ailj. impertinente; incongruo; muovere fortemente. adv. senza pentimento, senza importuno; sciocco. [mpascein'd] Impas'sionod, Impertinently, [impeirtinntpenitenza. adj. passionato, appassionato. l] impertinentemente, sciocImpas'sive, [mpsiv] adj. in- Impen'nous, [imponeus] adj camente. adj. privo di ale. sensibile. [impeurteurImpas'siveness, [impasTvnes] s. Impe'ople, [impipi] v. a. for- Imperturbable, babl] adj. imperturbabile. mare una comunit. impassibilit, f. Impas'tate,[impastete] v. a. im- Imper'ative, [imprativ] adj. Imperturbat'ion, [mpeurteurimperativo, comandativo; -, s. bscieiin] s. calma, tranquilpastare. lit, f. Impasta'tion, [impastscieun] s. (gr.) modo imperativo, m [impeurvieiis] [mperatvl] Imper'vious, Imper'atively, impastamento, m. adj. impenotraMle, inaccessiImpa'tience, [Tmpescense] s. im- adv. imperativamente. bile. [impratrial] Imperatoria!, pazienza, f. Imper'viousness, [impeirvieusImpa'tient, [mpscntj adj. ira- ad}, imperatorio. Impercep'tible, [impeiirseptibl] ns] s. impenetrabilit, /. paziente bramoso. Im'petrable, [impitrabl'] adj. Impa'tiently, [mpscentl] a(iv, adj. impercettibile. fimpeir- im.petrabile. impazientemente. Impercep'tibleness, Impawn', [Tmpn] v. a. impe- sptiblns] .impercettibilit,/". Im'petrate, [impitrete] v. a. imgnare. Impercep'tibly, [impeirsepti- petrare, ottenere, conseguire. Impeach', [ImpTlsce] s impedi- bl] adv. impercettibilmente. Impetra'tion, [impiti-sciein] s. mento; ostacolo, m. Imperfect, [mpeurfect] adj. impetragione, /. Impeach', [mpltsce] v. a. impe- imperfetto, difettoso; -, s. (gr.) Impetuos'ity, [imptiuosit] s. impetuosit, violenza, /. dire; accusare. imperfetto, m. Impeach'able, [impitscabl] adj Imperfec'tion[mpeurfcscieun] Irapet'uous, [impetiuus] adj. impetuoso, violento. che pu essere denunziato. imperfezione, /.; difetto, m. [mpetiuusle'] Impeach'er, [mptsceir] s. ac- Imper'fectly, [impeurfctl] Impet'uously, adv. impetuosamente, con imcusatore, dinunciatore, delato- adv. imperfettamente. re, m. [impeurforabl] peto, con violenza. Imper'forable, Impeach'meiit, fimpitscment] s. adj. che non pu perforarsi. Impet'uousness, [imptiiisnes] impedimento, m.; accusa, denun- Impe'rial, [mpiril] adj. impe- vedi Impetuosity. Im'petus, [impiteis] s. impeto, zia, /. riale. Impearl', [impourl] u. a. adorna- Impe'rialists, [implrilistsl s. sforzo violento. Impierce', [iu-^iirse] v. a. penere con perle. pi. imperiali (soldati), m. pi. Impeccabil'ity, Impec'cancy, Impe'rially, [mpirile'] adv. trare. Impierce'able, [imprseabl] adj. [mpcablit, mpcnse] s. imperialmente. impenetrabile. impeccabilit, purit, /. Iraperial'lty, [implrilit] s. Impi'ety, [impaiite] s. empiet, Impec'cable, [Impecabl'] adj.m- potere imperiale, m. peccabile. Imper'il, [imperil] v. a. portare irreligiosit, /. Impig'norate, [impignorte] v. Impede', Im'pedite, [impede, in pericolo. mpidite] v, a. impedire; im- Impe'rious, [impirieus] adj. im- a. impegnare. Impignora'tion, pacciare, proibire. timpignorperioso, altiero, arrogante. Imped'lment, [impediment] s. Impe'riously, [imprieisl] adv. scieiin] s. impegnatore, m. impedimento, ostacolo, m. imperiosamente, arrogante- Impinge', [mpndgej v. n. imImpedimen'tal, [impedimental] mente. pignere. adj. impediente, impeditivo. Impe'riousness, [impirieusnes] Impinguate, [impinguete] v. a. Imped'itive, impinguare, ingrassare. [mpdilv] adj. s. imperiosit, autorit, arroimpeditivo. ganza, /". Im'pious, [impius] adj. empio, Impel', [impel] v. a. impellere, Imper'ishable, [imprisceabr] irreligioso. incitare, spignere; costringere; adj. incorruttibile, immarce- Impiously, [impiusle'] adv. obbligare. scibile. empiamente; profanamente. Impel'lent, [Tmpelent] s. forza Imper'manence, Imper'manen- Im'pioQsness, [impieisns] s. obbligatoria, f. cy, [mpeurmannse, impeir- empiet, f. Imperiar, [mpleiir] s. impul- manns] s. instabilit, f. Iraplacabil'ity, [implcabilite'] satore, 5. (dere. Imper'manent, [mpeiirmannt] s, odio implacabile, w.; duImpen', [Impn] v. a. chiu- adj. mutabile, incostante. rezza, f. Impend', [Impend] v. ?i. impen- Impermeabil'ity, [impeiirmia- Impla'cable, [mplecabrj adj. dere, soprastare. bilit] s. impenetrabilit, f. implacabile.
. i



Impound', [impaoud] v. a. chiudere in un ovile; rinchiuder.
Impov'erish, [impversc] v. a. impoverire, render povero; -,
V. n.

nes] vedi Implacability. Impla'cably, [implecabl] adv.

[implccabr- Impor'tance, importanza,

implacabilmente. Implant', [implant] v. a. plantare; imprimere. Implanta'tion, [implantescieiin] piantamento, innestamens. to, m. Implau'sible, [implosibr] adj.

non plausibile. Implead', [Tmplide]


v. a.


ver lite accusare. Implea'der, [mplideir]

cusatore, m.


[importanse] s. conseguenza, /.; momento, peso, m. Impor'tant, [important] adj. importante, di conseguenza. Impor'tantly, [mportntl] adv. con importanza. Importa'ton, [imprtcscieiin] s. importazione; entrata, f. Import'er, [mporteiir] s. che introduce (le mercj straniere). Import'less, [mprtles] adj. di niun momento. [importiunase'] Impor'tunacy, s. importunit, f.
[importi unite] Impor'tunate, adj. importuno, incomodo, nojoso.

divenir povero.

Impov'erisher, [impdverisce3r]
s. quello che impoverisce, m. Impov'erishment, [impoverisc-



impoveriineuto, m.
v. a.

Impow'er, [inpaurj


Impledge', [mpldge] v. a. impegnare. Im'plement, [impliment] s. ordigno, strumento, m.; - s. pi. masserizie, /. pL; mobili (di casa) m. pi. Imple'tion, [impliscieun] .compimento, m.; riempitura, f. Im'plex, [mplcsj adj. imbro-

Impor'tunately, [importiunetel] adv. importunamente. Impor'tunateness , [importi



importunit, no-

Impracticabil'ity, [imprcticablit] vedi Impracticablness. Imprac'ticable, [mprcticabrj adj. impraticabile, impossibile. Imprac'ticableness, [mprcticabrns] s. qualit di ci che impraticabile; impossibilit,/. Im'precate, [imprichte] v. a. imprecare, maledire. Impreca'tion, [imprichscieun] s. imprecazione, maledizione, f.

Im'precatory, [impricateir] Importune', [importiine] adj. adj. imprecativo. Impregn', [Imprine] v. a. imimportuno, incomodo^ gliato, confuso. Im'plicate; [implichete] v. a. Importune', [importiine] v. a. pregnare: riempire Impreg'nable, [mprgnabrjorfj. implicare, avviluppare, imbro- importunare, nojare, [importinnel] inespugnabile. Importune'ly, gliare, confondere. Impreg'nate, [Imprognte] adj. adv. importunamente. [implichesciein] Implica'tion, impregnato. s. implicazione, f.; imbroglio, ni. Importu'nity, [mprtinit] s. Impreg'nate, [impregnte] v. a. Implic'it, [implislt] adj. impli- importunit, f. impregnare, satollare; -, v. n. [Tmpzabl] adj. Impo'sable, cito, complicato, assoluto. impregnarsi, imbevere, riemImplic'itly, [implistlj adv. soggetto al catasto. Impose', [impze] v. a. imporre, pirsi. implicitamente. prescrivere,commettere;fprm<.) Impregna'tion [imprcgnscicfin] [mplaidle'] adv. Impli'edly, imprcgnamento, m. ; pres. to - a form, imporre una forper implicazione. ma; to - taxes, mettere im- gnezza, f. [implorsciein] Implora'tion, [impriscripposte, mettere imposizioni; to Imprescrip'tible, 8. supplicazione, f. Implore', [implore] v. a. implo- - upon, ingannare, infinoc- tibl'] adj. {law.) imprescrittija, f.

rare, richiedere,




Implo'rer, [implreir] s. che Impo'ser, [impozeur] s. mpositore, ordinatore, m. implora, richieditore, petite Imposit'ion, [impzYscieuu] s. re, m. Imply', [impiai] . a. implicare, imposizione, f.; ordino, m.; imcontenere, comprendere, rin- posta, f. Impossibirity, [imposibilite'] s. chiudere. Impoi'son, [mpoizeun] v. a. impossibilit, f. [imposibl] adj. Impos'sible, avvelenare, attossicare. [impoizeun- impossibile, impraticabile. Impoi'sonment, Impos'sibleness, [imposiblnes] ment] s. avvelenamento, m. Imporicy, [mplis] s. impru- vedi Impossibility. Impos'sibly, [imposible'j adv. denza, indiscrezione, f.
in modo impossibile. adj. Im'post, [Impost] s. imposta, rozzo, incivile. Impolite', [implaite] adj. inci- imposizione, gravezza, /"._ Impos'thumate, [impostiumete] vile, scortese; villano. V. o. impostemire. Impolite'ness, [implaitenes] s. Impos'thume, [impostiime] s. scortesia, rozzezza, f. postema, f. Impol'itic, [impolitic] adj. imImpos'tor, [imposter] s. impolitico: imprudente. Impol'iticly, [impoliticl] adv. postore, ingannatore,_ w. imprudentemente, senza arte. Impos'ture, [impstceire] s. im[mprosit] s. postura, /.; inganno, m. Imporos'ity, Impotence, Im'potency, [imspessezza, f. impo'rous, [imporeus] adj. sen- ptnse, imptens] s. impotenza, incapacit, /". za pori; solido.


sione, impronta,

[impres] s. impressentenza, f.;

motto, m. Impress', [impres] v. a. imprimere, improntare, levar gente per forza. Impres'sible, [impresibl'] adj. che pu essere impresso, atto a
ricevereun'impressione, suscettivo d'impressione.

Impressibility, [mpresibilite'] s. suscettibilit di ricevere impressioni,

Imporished, [Tmpolisc'd]




impressione, stampa, edizione,/. Impres'sive, [impresivj a(/j. imprimente; espressivo, energico. Impres'sively, [imprsivljarfu. energicamente. Impres'sure, [improscieur] .impressione impronta, /. Impri'mery, [mpraimer] s. stamperia, /. Imprimis, [impraimis] adv. pri:


Imprint', [imprint] v. a. impriIm'port, [import] s. importa- Im'potent, [impotent] adj. im- mere, stampare. zione, /.; peso, conto, senso, m.; potente, incapace; infermo, de- Impris'on, [impriz'n] v. a. imprigionare. bole. significazionoj^ conseguenza, f. Import', [import] v. a. impor- Im'potently, [impotentle'] adv. Impris'onment, [impriz'nraont]
tare, significare, portare.



imprigionamento, m,




Improbabil'ity, [Tmprbabilit] Im'pudent, [Tmpiudnt] adj. im- Inab'stinence, [inbstinonse] s. intemperanza, immoderanza, /. pudente, sfacciato, sfrontato. s. iinprobiibilita, (. Improbable, [impvobabr] adj. Im'pudently,[impiudntl] adv. Inaccessibinty, [inacsesibilite'] impudentemente, sfrontata- s. inaccessibilit, impossibiliimprobabile. t d'avvicinarsi, /, Improb'ably, [improbable] adv. mente. Impudic'ity, [impludisite'] s. im- Inaces'sible, [ncssibl'] adj. iiupiobabilinento. inaccessibile. Improb'ity, [mprbit] s. im- pudicizia, f. probit, disonest, malignit, {. Impugn', [impiline] v. a. impu- Inacces'sibleness, [inacsesibl'Impromp'tu, [mprmptiu] s. gnare, oppugnare, assaltare, as- nsj vedi Inaccessibility. Inacces'sibly, [incssibl] adv, salire. improvvisata,/. Improp'er, [Impropeur] arfj. im- Impugn'er, [TmpTuneur] s. im- con inaccessibilit. Inac'curacy, [nchiuras] t. pugnatore, assaltatore, m. proprio, disadatto, indecente. Improp'erly, [ImpropeirlJ adv. Impuis'sance, [Tmpiiisnse] s. inesattezza, trascuranza, negligenza, /. impotenza; debolezza, f. impropriamente. Impropor'tionable, Impropor'- Impuis'sant, [Tmpilisnt] adj. luac'curate, [Tnachitnrete] adj. poco esatto, trascurato, neglitionate, [mproprscienabl, debole, impotente. imprprscieiinete] adj. irapro- Im' pulse, Impul'sion, [impeulse, gente. [fnacbiurtele'] mpelsciein] s. impulso, in- Inac'curately, porzionale {poco usato). adv. senza esattezza, scorretImpro'priate, [imprprite] v. citamento, m. Impul'sive, [Tmpeiilsiv] adj. im- tamente. a. appropriarsi, arrogarsi. Inac'tion, [inacscieun] s. inazioImpropria'tion , [Iinprpri- pulsivo, incitativo. ne, disoccupazione, /. scieun]s. l'atto di presentare be- Impul'sively, [mpeilsivle'] arfv. Inac'tive, [nctv] adj. non atni ecclesiastici ad un laico, m. con impulso. Impro'priator, [imprpriateur] Impu'nity, [impiunit] s. im- tivo, ozioso, pigro. Inac'ti^ely, [inactvle'] adv. senpunit, f. t. quegli cbe presenta beni ecImpure', [impiiire] ad], impuro, za attivit, pigramente. clesiastici ad un laico, m. Impropri'ety, [niprpraital s. immondo, disonesto, impudico. Inactiv'ity, [Inctvit] s. inerimpropriet, sconvenevolezza,/'. Impure'ly, [impirel] adv. im- zia, trascuraggine, /. Inad'equate, [Indiqute] adj. Impros'perous, [mprspre3s] puramente. sproporzionato, difettoso, imaUj. sfortunato, sventurato, in- Impure'ness,Impu'rity[impiiJrefelice (poco usato). nes, fmpi urite] s. impurit, perfetto, incompleto. Inad'equately, Impros'perously [improspireus- immondizia oscenit, f. [nadiqutele'] le] adv. sfortunatamente, infe- Impur'ple, [impeirpr] v.a. tinadv. imperfettamente. licemente (poco usato). gere di color di porpora, impor- Inad'equateness, Inad'equacy, Improvabirity, [mpruvabilitj porare. [ndiqujtenes, nadiques] s. vedi Improvabieness. Impur'pled, [impeurpl'd] adj. sproporzione; insufficienza,/. Impro'vable, [mpruvabl] adj. porporato, purpureo. Inadmissible, [ndmsibl'] che si pu migliorare. Impu'table, [mpiitabr] adj. adj. inammissibile. Inadver'tence, Inadver'tency, Impro'vabeness, [impreuvabV- imputabile. ncs] s. capacit di migliora- Impu'tableness, [TmpiStabrnes] [indveiirtnse, ndvedrtnse] mento, f. s. qualit d'esser imputabile,/.; s. inavvertenza, trascuraggiImprove', [Tmprve] v. a. miglio- imputamento, m, ne, /. rare; perfezionare; -, V. n. pro- Imputa'tion, [impiutsciein] s. Inadver'tent, [ndveurtent] fittare, far progressi, ammenimputazione, /. adj. disattento, trascurato. Impu'tative, [impiStativ] adj. Inadver'tently, [indveurtntdarsi. Improve'ment, [Tmprivement] imputativo, incolpante. adv. inavvertentemente, l] s. miglioramento, avvanzamen- Impute', [impiiite] v. a. imputrascuratamente. to, progresso, m. tare, attribuire la colpa. Inaflfabil'ity, [nfabTlit] s. inImpro'ver, [Tmpruveur] s. quel- Impu'ter, [impiuteiir] s. impu- compatibilit, scortesia, /. tatore, accusatore, m. lo che migliora, cbe profitta, che Inaf't'able, [nfabl'] adj. incomavanza. Imputrescibil'ity, [impiutrsi- patibile, scortese. Improv'idence, [improvidense] blite'] s. incorruttibilit,/'. Inaffecta'tion, [infctscieSn] 8. improvvidenza , impruden- Imputres'cible, [impiutrsibl'] s. sincerit, /. adj. immarcescibile, incorrutti- Inalienable, [nlienabl'] adj. za, f. Improv'ident, [Improvident] bile. inalienabile. adj. improvvido, inconsiderato. In', [in] prep. {impiegato quan- Ina'lienableness,[inlienabrnes] Improv'idently, [imprvidentl] do non e' movimento) in, nel, s. inalienabilit, /. adv. improvvidamente. entro, dentro; - as much as, Inal'imental, [nlimentl] adj. Improvisa'tor, [imprvizteiir] perch, a causa che; - the city,] che non fornisce alimento s. improvvisatore, improvvi- nella citt; - comparison, ajlnal'terable, [nlteiirbrj adj. paragone - contempt, per di- inalterabile. sante, m. Improvis'ion, [Tmprovigeiin] s. sprezzo - the day-time, di gior- Inamis'sible, [namisibl'] adj. improvvidenza, f. no;- wj/ opinion, a mio parere; inamissibile. Impru'dence, [imprudense] s. - order, per ordine; - respect Inane', [nene] adj. voto, vano; imprudenza; indiscrezione, f. to, per rispetto a; - short, ininefficace. Impru'dent, [mpriidnt] adj. somma, finalmente; - times Inanimate, Inan'imated, [inimprudente, indiscreto. past, per lo passato; (o be -, nmete, nnimetedj adj. inaImprudently, essere impegnato; to qo -, en- nimato. [impriidentl] adv. imprudentemente. trare. Inant'ion, [inaniscieun] s. ineIm'pudence, [impiudnsc] s. im- Inabil'ity, [inabilite'] t. inabi- dia, mancanza di forza, debopudenza, sfacciataggine,/, lit, incapacit, /. lezza, /.

Inan'ity, [uaiit] vacuit, inutilit, f.



inanit, Incanta'tion, [incntscieun]

Incep'tion, [nspscieun]



Inap'petence,Inap'petency, [inapitense, npitons] s. inappetenza, /.; disgusto, m. Inapplicabirity, [inplicabilit]

s. inettezza, f. Inap'plicable, [inaplicabl'] adj.

applicabile. Incer'tainly, [nseurtenle'] adv. Inapplica'tion, [inaplichscieSn] incapacit, f. con incertezza, dubbiosamente. trascurataggine, negligenza, in- Inca'pable, [ncbpabr] adj. in- Incer'tainty, Incer'titude, [incuria, f. capace; inabile. seiirtnte', nseirtitiude] s. in[naprihen- Inca'pableness, [mchepabl'nes] certezza, dubbiezza, f. Inapprehen'sible, sibl'] adj. non intelligibile. vedi Incapability._ Inces'sant, [inssnt] adj. inInapprehen'sion , [nprihen Incapa'cious,[ncbepscieus]arfj. cessante, continuo. scieiin] s. mancanza d'intendiincapace, stretto, angusto. Inces'santly, [Inssntl] adv.


incantamento, incantesimo, m. Incanta'tor, [ncnteteur] s. incantevole, magico. Incan'tatory, [incntateur] adj. incantatore, m. Incan'ton, [ncanteiin] v. a. unire ad un cantone. Incapabirity, [nchpablite'] s.

minciamento, principio, m.
Incep'tive, [insptiv] adj. co* minciante, elementare. Incep'tor, [inspteur] s. cominciante, principiante, m. Incer'tain, [nseurtu] adj. incerto.'

Incapa'ciousness,[inchpcies- incessantemente, continua[nprihen- nes] s. strettezza, f. mente, sempre. siv] aclj. trascurante. Incapac'itate, [incapsitete] v. In'cest, [nsst] s. incesto, m. Inap'titude, [nptitiude] s. di- a. rendere incapace. Inces'tuous, [insstiuiis] adj, sadataggine; inabilit, f. Incapac'ity, [ncapsite'] s. in- incestuoso. Inar'able, [inrabrj adj. inetto capacit, inabilit, f. Incest'uously, [insestiuusle'] ad essere arato. Incar'cerate, [incrsirtel v. a. adv. in modo incestuoso. Inarch', [nrc] v. a. (gard.) inincarcerare, imprigionare. Inch',[insc] s. dito, pollice (duonestare. Incarcera'tion, [ncrsirscieun] decima parte d' un piede), m.; Inartic'ulate, [inrtichiulte] s. incarcerazione, f. by - es, poco per volta, a picadj. inarticolato, indistinto. [incrnadalne] Incar'nadine, coli gradi. Inartic'ulately, [InrticMulte- adj. incarnatino, incarnato. Inch', [insc] v. a. misurare a l] adv. indistintamente. Incar'nate, [ncrnetc] adj. in- dita; -, V. n. avanzarsi a picInartic'ulateness, Inarticula- carnato. cioli gradi. tion, [inrtichiultens, nr- Incar'nate, [incarnte] v. a. in- Inchar'itable , [intciaritabP] tchiulescieiin] s. pronunzia incarnare. adj. non caritatevole (poco articolata, f. Incarna'tion, [incrnescieun] s. usato). Inartific'ial, [inrtifscil] adj. incarnazione, /". Inchas'tity, [ncistit] s. imsenza arte, naturale, puro. Incarna'tive, [incarnativ] adj. purit, f. Inartific'ially, [nrtifscil] {mcd.) incarnativo. Inchest', [incest] v. a. incas^adv. naturalmente. Incase', [incbse] v. a. incassa- sare. Inatten'tion, [intenscieiin] s. re; serrare, rinchiudere; co- Inch'meal, [inscmle] s. pezzo inattenzione, trascuranza, f prire. lungo d'un dito, m. Inatten'tive, [ntntv] adj. Incask', [incase] v. a. imbot- In'choate, [Incte] v. a. prindisattento, trascurato. tare. cipiare, cominciare. Inatten'tively,[intntvlla(Zv. Incau'tious, [incosciis] adj. Inchoa'tion, [incsciei'n] s. trascuratamente. incauto, trascurato. principio, cominciamento, m. Inau'dible, [indibr] adj. in- Incau'tiously , [incosciusl] Inco'ative, [incativ] adj. inaudibile. adv. incautamente, impruden- coativo. Inau'gurate, [inogbiurte] temente. v. Incide', [insaide] v. a. incidere, a. inaugurare, investire. Incau'tion, mozzare. Incau'tiousness, luaugura'tion, [inghiurscieun] [Incsciusns, mcusciein] s. In'cidence, In'cdency, [insis. inaugurazione, investitura, f. mancanza di cautela, impruden- dnse, insidonse'] s. (geom.) inciInauspic'ious, [nspisceus] adj. za, f. denza, f-^ifig- caso, accidente, m. malauguroso, infausto. Incen'diary, [insendiare'] s. in- In'cident, [insidnt] adj. inciInauspic'iously, [nspicieusl] cendiario, sedizioso, capo di dente, casuale, fortuito -, s. udv. infaustamente, infelice- parti, m. (dizioso. accidente, caso, m. mente. Incen'dious, [insendius] adj. se- Inciden'tal , [insidentl] adj. Inbe'iug, [nbiing] s. ineren- In'cense, [nsnse] s. incenso, m. accidentale, fortuito. za, /. Incense', [nsense] v. a. ina- Inciden'tally, In'cidently, [inInborn', [inborn] adj. innato sprire, irritare, provocare. sidntl, nsidoutl] adv. innaturale. (spirato. Inceuse'ment, [insenserant] cidentemente. Inbreathed, [inbrithl'd] adj. in- s. collera, furia, f.; furore, m. Incin'erate, [insinirte] v. a. rilabred', [nbrd] adj. prodotto Incen'sion, [nsnscieun] s. ab- durre in cenere. dentro; del paese. bruciamento, m. Incinera'tion, [nsinirscieun] s. Incage', [inchedge] v. a. ingab- Incen'sive, [nsnsiv] adj. in- (chym.) incinerazione, /. biare; imprigionare. Incip'iency, [Insipinse] s. cocensivo, infiammante. Incal'culable, [inclchiulabr] Incen'sor, [insnseiirj s. aizza- minciamento, m.

mento, m. Inapprehen'sive,


[inseurIncircumspec'tion , cheumspecscieiin] s. mancanza [insenseure'] s. in/". Incales'cency, censiere, turibile, di cautela, negligenza, Incales'cence, s. Incen'tive, [insntiv] adj. inci- Incise', [insaise] v. a. incidere, [ncalsense, incalesnsj tativo, impulsivo; -, s. incentagliare. incalescenza, f. Incales'cent, [ncalesent] adj. tivo, motivo; incoraggiaraen- Incs'ion, [insigeun] s. iucsiO' to, m. ne, f.; taglio, m. crescente in calore.
adj. fuori di calcolo,


tore, m. In'censory,




Inci'sive, [insaisTv] adj. inci- Incog'nito, [incognito] adj. in- Incompas'sionately, [ncompscientel] adv. in modo crucognito, sconosciuto. sivo.
Inci'sor, [insaiseur]

dente incisivo, m. Incita'tion, [nsaitscioun] incitamento, m.; istigazione,

incisore; Incohe'rence,Incohe'rency, [incohrnse, ncohirnse'] s. incoes.




pscieunetenes] s. mancanza di renza, discrepanza, f. A Incohe'rent, [incohirent] adj. piet, durezza, f. Incompatibll'ity, [incompatibilincoerente, discrepante. Incite', [insaite] v. a. incitare, ite] .incompatibilit,/". [ncohirentle'] Incohe'rently, eccitare, sollecitare, indurre. [ncmptibr] Incompat'ible, Inci'ter, [insaiteur] s. incitato- adv. in modo incoerente. adj. incompatibile; contrario, s. [incolimite'] Incplu'mity, re, m. opposto. Incite'ment, [insaitement] s. in- sUvezza, f. (poco usato) [incompatible'] [ncmbaining] Incompat'ibly, Incom'bining, citamento, stimolo, m. adv. in modo incompatibile. adj. non combinante, discorde. Inci'ting, [insaiting]adj.incita-

incitamento, eccita- Incoml)ustibirity,[incmbeiistiblite'] s. incombustibilit, f. Inciv'il, [inslvl] adj. incivile, Incombus'tible, [ncmbeiistrbr] adj. incombustibile. scortese; grossolano. Incivil'lty , [incivilite] s. inci- Incoinbus'tibleness,[inc6mbeusvilt, scortesia; rustichezza, tibl'ns] vedi Incombustibility. In'come, [nchera] s. rendita, rozzezza, f. entrata, f. Inciv'illy, [insTvil] adv. inciIncommensurabirity, [ncomcivilmente, rusticamente. Inclasp', [inclsp] v. a. tener usieurablite'] 8. incommensurabilit, f. fermo.

-, s.

mento, m.

Incom'petence, Incom'petency, ncompitens] [incompetnse, s. incompetenza, incapacit, f. [ncdmpitnt] Incom'petent, adj. incompetente, incapace. Incom'petently, [incmpitontle'] adv. incompetentemente.

adj. Incomplete', [ncmplite] incompiuto, imperfetto. [ncomplteIncomplete'ness, ns] s. imperfezione, /". Inclem'ency, [nclmense'] .in- Inconimen'surable,Incommen'- Incompli'ance, [ncmplaince] clemenza, severit,/".; rigore, m. surate, [ncomensiurabl', nc- s. poca compiacenza, ritrosia, f, [ncmplaint] Inclem'ent, [inclement] adj. in- mnsiurete] adj. incommensu- Incompli'ant, adj. ritroso, mancante di comrabile. clemente, rigoroso, severo. Incommode', piacenza, /. Incli'nable, [inclainabr] adj. in- Incom'modate, [ncmodte, incomode] v.a. in- Incomposed', [ncompz'd] adj. clinabile, inclinevole, prono. incomposto, disordinato. comodare, scomodare. Inclina'tion, [nclainescieun] s. [incomode- Incomposed'ness,Incompo'sure, inclinazione, propensione; ten- Incommoda'tion, [ncmpsdns, ncmpgeur] scieiin] s. incomodo, m. denza, f. s. disordine, m. [inclanateure'j Incommo'dious, [ncmodiis] Incli'natory , [incomadj. incomodo, inconveniente, Incomprehensibil'ity, adj. che inclina da una parte. prihnsibilit] s. incomprensiIncline', [nclane] v. a. & n. importuno. bilit, f. inclinare, inchinare, incurvare, Incommo'diously, [incomdiusIncomprelien'sible, [incomprile'] adv. incomodamente. tendere. Incom- hnsibl] adj. incomprensibile. Incli'ning, [nclaiurig] adj. in- Incommo'diousness, -, inclinamento, mod'ity, [ncomodieusns, inc- Incomprehen'sibly, [ncompris. clinante mdit] s. incomodit, /.; inco- hnsibl] adv. incomprensibilm.; propensione, /. mente. modo, m. Inclip', [inclp] V. a. abbrac[incompriIncommunicabirity, [Incomiu- Incomprehen'sion, ciare, circondare, cingere. hnscieun] s. mancanza d'innicabilit] .incomunicabilit, f. Inclois'ter, [ncloisteir] v. a. tendimento, f. [incmiiiaiIncommu'nicable, rinchiudere in un monastero. [incompriIncomprehen'sive, Inclose', [inelze] v. a.rinchiu-l cabrj adj. incomunicabile. Incommu'nicably, [incmiini- hnsiv] adj. non estensivo. dere, includere ]una lettera). Inclo'sure, [nclger] s. recin- cabl] adv. in modo incomuni- Incompressibil'ity, [iticmpresiblit] s. incapacit d' esser cabile. to; orto assiepato, m. Incloud', [inclad] v. a. annu- Incommn'nicating, [incomiuni- compresso, /". catng] adj. senza comunica- Incompres'sible, [incomprsibl] volare, offuscare. adj. che non pu esser compresso. Include', [ncliiie] v. a. inchiu- zione. [ncnsileabl] dere, comprendere, contenere. Inccmmu'nicative, [ncomiuni- Inconceal'able, adj. che non si pu celare. catv] adj. non comunicativo. Inclu'sion, [incliiigeiin] s. TatIneommutabirity, [ncomita- Inconcei'vable, Inconcep'table, to d'inchiudere. [ncnsivabl, incnseptabl] a'Ij. Inclu'sive, [ncliusiv] adj. inclu- blit] s. incommutabilit, f. Incommu'table, [incomiutabl'] inconcepibile, incomprensibile. sivo, che comprende. [ncnsivabl] Inconcei'vably, Inclusively, [ncliiisivle'] adv. adj. incommutabile. inclusivamente. Incompact', Imcompact'ed, [in- adv. in modo inconcepibile. Incog', [ncg] adj. &adv. inco- compact, ncmpctd] adj. di- Inconcin'nity , [ncnsinit] l. gnito, incognitamente. sgiunto, disunito, incoerente, disproporzione, f. [inc6ncli5siv] Inconclu'sive, Incog'itahle, [ncdgitabr] adj. vago. Incom'parable, [incomparabr] adj. inconcludente. incogitabile. Incog'itancy, [incodgitans] s. adj. incomparabile, eccellente. Inconclu'sively, [inconcliusivl] inconsiderazione, inconsidera- Incom'parableness, [ncmpar- adv, senza evidenza. ablns] s. eccellenza, f. Inconclu'siveness,[Inconcliusivtezza, f. Incog'itant, Incog'itative, [in- Incom'parably, [incomparable'] ns] s. mancanza di evidencodgitnt, ncodgitatv] adj. adv. incomparabilmente. za, f. Incompas'sionate, sconsiderato, imprudente. [incompas- Inconcoct', Inconcoct'ed, [in[incodgitantl] cieunete] adj. senza compastncog'itantly, cncct, jncncocted] adj. inadv. senza considerazione. sione, duro, crudele. digesto.

Diz. Ing.-Ital.





Incorpore'ity, [incorprite'] . immaterialit, /. Incorpse', [incorpse] v.a. incorporare, unire insieme. Incorrect', [incorect] adj. incorretto, scorretto,

zione, f. adj. insociabile. Increase', [incrse] v. a. aumencnsderescieun] s. inconside- Inconver'tible, [inconvertibr] tare;-, v.n. crescere, aumenrazione, negligenza, incuria, /. adj. che non si pu convertire, tarsi, aggrandirsi. Inconsis'tence, Inconsis'tency, inalterabile. Increa'ser, [incrlseir] s. au[ncnsstnse, nconsistnse] Inconvin'cible, mentatore, m. [inconvinsibl'] s.incompatibilit,incongruit,/'. adj. inconvincibile. Increate , Increa'ted, [incritc, Inconsis'tent, [inconsistent] Incor'poral, incritd] adj. increato, eterno. [incorporai] 'adj. adj. inconsistente, assurdo. incorporale, immateriale. Incredibil'ity, [ncrdiblitej s. Inconsis'tently,[incnsstntl] Incorporarity, [incorporante'] s. incredibilit, f. adv. incongruentemente, assur- incorporalit, immaterialit, Incred'ible, [incredibr] adj. inf. damente. Incor'porally, credibile. [incorporale] Inconsis'ting, [Tnconsisting] adv. incorporalmente. Incred'ibleness, [incredibrnes] ad], incompatibile, contrario. Incor'porate, [incdrporte] adj. vedi Incredibility. Inconso'lable, [incnsolabl] adj. incorporato. Incred'ibly, [incredible'] adv. ininconsolabile. Incor'porate, [incdrporte] v. credibilmente. Incon'sonancy, [inconsnans] a. incorporare, unire, associare; Incredu'lity, [incrldilite'] s. s. dissonanza, f. -, V. n incorporarsi, associarsi. incredulit, miscredenza, f. Incon'sonant, [inconsonant] Incorpora'tion,[incdrporscie5n] Incred'ulous, [incrediuleusj adj. adj. discordo. s. incorporazione, incredulo, miscredente. f.; incorporaInconspicuous [Tnconspichiuus] mento, m. Incred'ulousness, [incrediuleisadj. impercettibile. Incorpo'real, [Tncorporil] adj. ns] vedi Incredibility. Incon'stancy, [nconstanse'] s. incorporeo; spirituale. Incre'mable, [ncrimbl'] adj. incostanza, leggerezza, f. Incorpo'really, incombustibile. [incdrporile']

Inconcoc'tion, [inconcocscieuii] Incon'stantly, [nconstantl] s. indigestione, crudit, /. adv. incostantemente, instabilInconden'sable, [ncndnsabr] mente. a'lj. non condensabile. Inconsu'mable, Inconsump'In'condite, [Tncondaite] adj. tible, [Inconsiiimabr, ncnconfuso, irregolare. seiimptibr] adj. inconsumabile. Incondit'ional, Incondit'ionate, Inconsum'mate, [ncnseumte] [ncondisceunl, ncondscen- adj. non finito. te] adj. senza condizione, as- Incontam'inate, [Tncontamnte] soluto. adj. incontaminato. Inconfor'mable, [inconfdrmabV] Incontes'table, [incontstabf] adj. non conforme. adj. incontestabile. Inconfor'mity, [nconfdrinite'] s. Incontes'tably, [incontestable] mancanza di conformit, f. adv incontestabilmente. Incongearable, [ncondgileabl'] Incontig'uous, [ncntighiuus] adj. che non pu essere gelato. adj. non contiguo. Incon'gruence, Incongru'ity, Incon'tinence, Incon'tinency, [ncongriunse, ncngnuit] s. [ncontinnse, incntinnse'] s. incongruenza, incongruit; in- incontinenza, f. consistenza, assurdit,/". Incon'tlnent, [incontinent] adj. Incon'gruent.,Incon'gruous, [Tn- incontinente, sfrenato, impucngriunt, ncongriuus] adj. dico. incongruo, improprio. Incon'tinently, [Tncontinentle'] Incongruously, [Incongrieusl] adv. incontinentemente, subitaadv. incongruentemente.impro- mente, prestamente, impudicapriamente. mente. Inconnex'edly, [inconecsedl] Incontroriable, [incontrlabV] adv. senza connessione. adj. che non pu essere raifreIncon'scionable, [ncnscieunnato. abl"] adj. senza coscienza, ir- Incontronably, [incontrlabl] ragionevole. adv. senza frenoIncon'sequence, [inconsiquense] Incontrover'tible, [incontrs. inconseguenza, f. veurtibl"] adj. incontrovertibile, Incon'sequent, [inconsiqnent] indisputabile. adj. irregolare, mal fondato, Incontro ver'tibly, [incontrofalso. veurtible' adv. certamente. Inconsid'erable, [inconsideir- Inconve'nience, Inconve'nienabl'l adj. inconsiderabile. cy, [incnvinionse, ncnviInconsid'erableness, [ncnsd- ninse'] s. inconvenienza, f. erablns] s. poca importan- Inconve'nience, [inconvininse] za, /. V. a. dare disturbo. Inconsid'erate, [Inconsiderte] Inconvenient, [incnvnient] ailj. inconsiderato. adj. inconveniente, incomodo. Iconsid'erately, [inconsideur- Inconve'niently, [incnvininttel] adv. inconsideratamente. l] adv. inconvenientemente. Inconsid'erateness, Inconside- Inconver'sablo, [incnveursabr]
ra'tion, [nconsdeiirtens, n-

Incorrec'tion, [incorcsciein]



di correzione,



[ncorctl] adv. scorrettamente. Incorrect'ness, [incorectnes] s. scorrezione, mancanza d'esattezza, f. Incor'rigible, [incdridgibl'] adj. incorrigibile, inemendabile. Incorrigibi'lity, Incor'rgibleness,[incdridgibilite,ncoridgi' brnes] s. incorreggibilit, f. Incor'rigibly, (ncordgible']

adv. incorreggibilmente. Incorrupt', Incorrupt'ed,[inc6reupt, increiiptfcdj adj. incorrotto.

Incorruptibirity, [incdreuptibilit] s. incorruttibilit,



[ncdreiiptibr) adj. incorruttibile, durabile.

Incorrup'tibleness, [incdreuptibrnes] vedi Incorruptibility. Incorrup'tibly, [Incdreuptible'J adv. incorruttibilmente. Incorrup'tion, [incdreiipscieun] s. incorruzione, durabilit, f. Incorrup'tive, [incoreiiptv] adj. libero di corruzione. Incorrupt'ness, [incdreuptnes]
s. purit, integrit, f. Incras'sate, [ncrste] v. a. ingrossare; spessare, condensare. Incrassa'tion, [incrsescieiin]

s. ingrossamento, condensa(incrassante. mento, m.

Incras'sative, [incrsatv] adj. In'crease, [incrise] s. accresci-

mento, aumento, m.; aumenta-


[inconstant] incostante, instabile.


adv. incorporalmente, immate- In'crement, [incriment] s. increrialmente. mento, accrescimento, m.

Increpa'tion, [Tncrpescieun] s. riprensione, {.\ increpazione biasimo, m. Incrim'inate, [Tncrifrainite] v. a. incolpare, accusare. Incrust', Incrus'tate, [Tncreust, increustete] v. a. incrostare, intonacare. Incrusta'tion, [ncreustescieun] s. incrostatura. /". In'cnbate, [inchibte] v. n, covare. Incubat'ion, [Inchiutiscieun] s. covatura, (.; covare, m. Incubus, [inchiubeus] s. incu,





curvatura ; flessione, f. Indaga'tion, [ndagbsceun]



Incul'cate, [incheulchte] v. a. inculcare, imprimere. Inculca'tion, [incheulchcscieiiu] s. inculcazione, (. Inculpable, [Tncheiilpabr] adj. incolpabile, incolpevole, non biasimevole; innocente. Incul'pableness, [ncheSlpabrns] s. innocenza, (. Incul'pably, [incheulpable'] adv. innocenteincolpabilmente,



adj. incolto. [ncheiltivetd]



[incheultiveIncultiva'tion, scieun] s. mancanza di coltivazione, {. s. [incheultceur] Incul'ture,

trascuranza di coltivazione,


[incheutnbns] possesso d'un beneficio, m. Incum'bent, [incheiimbnt] adj.


appoggiato -, s. beneficiato, m. Incum'ber, [incbeiimbeir] v. a. ingombrare, impedire. Incum'brance, [incheimbrnse] s. ingombro, m.


[indilbirte, indilibireted] adj, indeliberato, inconsiderato. s. Indelib'erately, [indilibiretele'] indagazione, investigazione, adv. inconsideratamente. ricerca, /". (poco usalo). Indelib'erateness, [indilbirteIndaga'tor, [indagheteiir] s. in- ns] s. mancanza di considedagatore, investigatore, esami- razione, f. natore, m. (poco usato). Indelibil'ity, [indeliblite'] . Indart', [Tndrt] v. a. lanciar qualit di essere indelebile. dentro, dardeggiare. Indel'ible, [ndUbrj adj. indeIndebt', [indtj v. a. indebita- lebile. re, obbligare. Indel'ibly, [indelible'] adv. in Indebt'ed, [indeted] adj. inde- delebilmente. bitato, obbligato. Indel'icacy, [indelicase'] s. manInde'cency, [Indisense'] s. inde- canza di dilicatezza,grossezza,/, cenza, sconvenevolezza, f. Indel'icate , [Indelichte] adj. Inde'cent, [indisnt] adj. indegrossolano, indecente, Indel'icately, cente, sconvenevole, [indelichetele'] Inde'cently, [indlsentle'] adv. adv. indecentemente. indecentemente. Indemnifca'tion, [indemnifiIndecid'uous, [indsidiuus] adj. chscieun] s. indennizzazione, /.; risarcimento di danno, m. durabile, stabile. Indecis'ion, [Tndisigeun] s. ir- Indem'nify, [indmnifai] v. a. resoluzione, incertezza, f. indennizzare, rimunerare. Indeci'sive, [Indisaisv] adj. in- Indem'nity, [ndemnite'j s. indeciso, irresoluto; incerto. dennit, /, Indeci'sively, [indisalsivle'] Indemon'strabl, [indimonadv. senza decisione. strabl'] adj. che non si pu diIndecli'nable, [indiclamabl] mostrare. adj. indeclinabile. Indent', [indent] s. incisione,/, Indeco'rous, [ndicreus] adj. taglio, m. indecoroso, indecente. Indent', [indent] v. n. intaIndeco'rously, gliare, intaccare; -, v. n. con[Tndicreusl] adv. indecentemente, sconve- trattare, fare contratto. nevolmente. Indenta'tion , [ndutescieun] Indeco'rum , [indicoreim] s. s. intagliamento, m.; intaccasconvenevolezza, indecenza, f. tura, /. Indeed', [ndde] adv. in verit, Inden'ture, [Tndentceur] s. conin vero, da vero, tratto, accordo, m. Indefat'igable, [indifatigabl'] Indepen'dence, Indepen'dency, adj. indefaticabile, indefesso. [ndipndnse, indipendens] Indefat'igability, Indefat'ga- s. indipendenza, /,


Incur', [incheiir] v. n. incorrere, esporsi, attirarsi. [inchiurablite'l Incurabil'ity, s. stato incurabile, m. Incu'rable, [nchiurabr] ad}. incurabile, irremediabile. Incu'rableness, [nchiurabrns] vedi Incurability. Incu'rably, [nchiirable'] adv. da non potersi curare. iQcurios'ity, [inchiurisite'] s. trascuraggine, negligenza, disavvertenza, /. Incu'rious, [inchiSrius] adj. negligente, trascurato; disatdifendere, tento. Incu'riously,(Tnchiuriusl]acZD. Indeflc'iency, [Tndiffsciense'] s. indeficienza, perfezione, f. negligentemente. Incu'riousness, [incbiuriusnes] Indefic'ient, [Indifscint] adj. indeficiente, inalterabile. vedi Incuriosity. Incur'sion, [incheiirscioan] s. Indefi'nable, [ndifainabr] adj. indefinibile. incursione, invasione, f. Incur'vate, Incurve', [incheur- Indefinite, [indefinit] adj. indefinito, indeterminato. vte, incheurve] v. o. incurvaIndefinitely, [indfintl] adv. re, piegare. Incurva'tion, [incbeirvscieun] indefinitamente, Indelib'erate, Indelib'erated, I. incurvazione, piegatura, f.

bleness, [indiftigabilite', n- Indepen'dent, [indipendent] diftigabrns] s. indefaticabi- adj. indipendente, libero; -, . lit, f. indipendente, m, Indefat'igably, [indifatigabl e] Indepen'dently,[indipendntle'] adv. indefaticabilmente, inde- a iv. indipendentemente. fessamente. Indep'recable, [indpricabl'] Indefea'sible, [indiflsibl'] adj. adj. inesorabile. irrevocabile; insolubile. Indepri'vable, [Tndipralvabr] aij. che non pu essere tolto. Indefectibirity,[indifctiblit] s. indefettibilit, f. Indescri'bable, [indescraibabP] Indefec'tble, [ndifectibl'] adj. adj. inesprimibile, indicibile, indefettibile. Indesert', [ndizeirtj s. manIndefen'sible, Indefen'sive, canza di merito, f. [ndifnsibr, indifensiv] adj. Indes'inently, [indesinentle'j da non potersi difendere. adv. incessantemente, senza Indefen'sibly, [indifnsible'] intermissione. adv. in modo da non potersi Indestruc'tible,[indestreuctibr]
adj. da non distruggersi. ladeter'minable, [ludeteurminabl'] adj. da non determinarsi. Indeter'minate, [indeteilrminete] adj. indeterminato, indeciso.

Indeter'minately, [Tnditeurmindeterminatanetele'j adv. mente. Indetermina'tion, [inditeirmiirresoluzione, nscieum] s.

dubbiezza, perplessit,




Indeter'mined, [inditeurmin'd] Indig'nity, [Tndgnite'] s. indi- adj. incontestabile, incontravedi Indeterminate gnit, f.; oltraggio, affronto, m. stabile, certo. Indevo'tion, [indivoscieiin] s. In'digo, [indigo] s. indaco, m. Indis'putableness, [indTspiutaIndevout,' [mdivaout]
Indil'igence, [ndlidgense] s. blns] s. incontestabilit, certezza, evidenza, f. inditrascuratezza, negligenza, f. voto, m. (tavola, /. Indll'igent, [ndilidgent] adj. Indis'putably, [indispiutabl] adv. indisputabilmente. In'dex, (indecs] s. ndice, m.\ trascurato, negligente. Indexter'ity, [ndecsterit] s. Indi'ligently, [ndlidgentl] Indispu'ted, [indspiutd] adj. mancanza di desterit, gof- adv. trascuratamente. certo, sicuro. faggine, f. Indimin'ishable,[indminscibl] Indissolubil'ity, [indisolubiliIn'dian, [ndian] adj. indiano; adj. che non pu essere dimi- t] s. indissolubilit, stabilit, - ink, s. inchiostro della China; fermezza, f. nuito. [indisoliubr] -corn, .granturco, m.; -rubber, Indirect', [indirect] adj. indi- Indis'soluble , s. gomma elastica, /. retto, curvo; disleale; diso- adj. indissolubile. Indis'solubleness, [indisoliubrIn'dicant, [indicant] adj. indi- nesto. cante. Indirec'tion, [indirecsciein] s. ns] s. indissolubilit, costanf.

indevozione, irreligione,


In'dicate, [indichete] v. a. in- mezzo indiretto, m. dicare, mostrare accusare. Indirect'ly, [indirctle'] adv. [ndica'tion, [indichscieun] s. indirettamente. indicazione, /.; segno, sinto- Indirect'ness, [ndirectnes] s. mo, m. obliquit, dislealt, disoneIndic'ative, [indicatTv] adj. in- st, /. dicativo; - mood, s. igra.) in- Indscer'nble, [ndiseurnibr] dicativo, m. adj. impercettibile. In'dicator, [indichteur] s. in- Indiscer'nibleness, [Tndiseurdicatore, m. niblens] s. impercettibilit, f. In'dicatory, [indicheteur] adj. Indiscer'nbly, [ndiseurnible'] indicativo. adv. impercettibilmente. Indict', [ndalte] v. a. denun- Indiscerptibil'ity, [ndiseurptiziare, accusare. blite'] s. indivisibilit, f. Indic'tion, [indicscieun] s. di- Indscerp'tible, [indiseurptibl'] chiarazione, indizione, f. adj. indivisibile, inseparabile. ludict'ment, [ndaitemnt] s. Indis'ciplinable,[ndisiplinabr] (jur.) accusa, f. adj. indisciplinabile, intrattaIndifference, Indif'erency, [in- bile. dfernse, indiferns] s. indif- Indiscreet', [indscrite] adj. ferenza, imparzialit, f. indiscreto, imprudente, scon[ndfernt] adj. siderato. indifferente,imparziale,triviale. Indiscreet'ly, [ndiscrtel] Indifferently, [indferntl] adv. indiscretamente. aiv. indifferentemente. Indiscret'ion, [indscrescieun] In'digence, In'digency, [indi- s. indiscrezione, f. dgnse, inddgons] s. indigen- Indiscrim'inate, [indiscrimiza, povert, f. nte] adj. indistinto. Indig'enous, [inddgineus] adj. Indiscriminately, [TndTscrimiindigeno, nativo d' un paese, m. ntel] adv. senza distinzione. In'digent, [Tndidgnt] arfj. indi- Indiscrimina'tion, [mdiscrimgente, povero. inscieun] s. mancanza di diIndigest', Indiges'ted, [indi- stinzione, f. dgest, ndidgestd] adj. indi- Indiscus'sed, [indischeiis'd] gesto. adj. non esaminato. Indiges'tiblo , [indidgestibF] Indispen'sable, [indspensabl'] adj. indigestibile. adj. indispensabile.



[indisoliubl] Indis'solubly, adv. indissolubilmente. Indissol'vable, [indizolvabl']

adj. indissolubile. Indistinct', [indistinct] adj. indistinto, disordinato, confuso. Indistinc'tion, Indistinctness, [indistincscieun,ndstinctnes] s. confusione,/'. Indistinct'ly, [indistinctle'] adv.

indistintamente. [ndistinIndistn'guishable, guisciabr] adj. che non pu essere separato.

Indistur'bance, [indisteirbanse]
se] s. tranquillit, quiete, f. Indite', [indate] ved Indict.

Indite'ment, [indaitemnt] vedi Indictement. Indivi'dable, [ndivadabr] adj.









[individuai] adj. individuale, individuo; -, s. individuo, m. Individual'ity, [ndividualite'] s . individualit, f. [inndividule'] Indivi d'ually,

adv. individualmente. Individ'uate [individiute]


singolarizzare, distinguer. Indivisibil'ity, Indi vi'siblness , [ndivisibilit, ndivsiblnes]



indivisibilit,/. [indivsibl']


Indiges'tibleness, [indidges- Indispensabirity, Indispen'satibrns] s. indigestibilit, in- bleness, [ndspnsablite', indigestione, f. dspnsab'ns] s. indispensaIndiges'tion , [indidgestcieun] bilit, necessit, f.\ bisogno, m. s. indigestione, crudit, f. Indispen'sably, [indispensable] Indig'itate, [nddgittej v. a. adv. indispensabilmente, nefar toccare col dito, mostrare cessariamente. chiaramente. [indispoze] v. a. Indispose', Indigita'tion, [mddgitscieun] rendere incapace, rendere avdimostrazione, f verso. Indign', [indaine] adj. indegno, Indispo'sed, [indispoz'd] adj immeritevole. indisposto, ammalato Indig'nant , [indignant] adj Indispo'sedness, [indlspozed indegnato, sdegnato. avverns] s, ripugnanza, Indg'nantly, [ndignntl] adv. sione, f. Indisposit'ion, [indspozscieun] con sdegno. [indignescieun] Indigna'tion, s. indisposizione, f, [indispiutabrj s. indegnazione, /.; sdegno, m. Indis'putable ,

Indivis'ibly , [indivisible'] adv. indivisibilmente. Indoc'ile, [indsil] adj.indocile, caparbio, restio. Indocil'ity, [indosilite'] s. indocilit, caparbiet, f. Indoc'trinate , [ndoctrinete] v. addottrinare, insegnare, a.



[indctrinistruzione, f. In'dolence, In'dolency, [indo-

ndolnsj s. indolenza, trascuraggine, pigrizia, f. In'dolent, [indolent] adj. indoI

lente, infingardo, pigro. In'dolently, [indolntl] adv. in-




abi- Ines'tmable, [inestimabV] adj,

dolentemonte,nogligentomente, In'dweller, [indueleur] tante, m. senza cura. Indom'itable, [indomita'br] adj. Ineb'riate, [inbrite] v. briare, ubbriacare. indomabile.


inestimabile, imprezzabilo. ineb- Ines'timabiy, [inestimable] adv

Indorse', [indorse] v a.{merch.) Inebria'ton, [inebriscieun] s. inebbriazione, ubbriachezza, /. indossare, girare. Indorse'ment, [indorsement] s. Ined'ited, [inditd] adj. non incertezza,/". Inev'ident, [inevidnt] adj. non pubblicato. {merch.) indossamento, m, evidente, oscuro. s. [infabilit] s. Ineffabil'ity, [indorseiir] Indor'ser, Inevitabil'ity, [inevitabilite'] s. ineifabilit, {. (nerch.) indossante, m. Indraught, [indraft] s. golfo, Ineffable, [infbl'] adj. ineffa- impossibilit di evitare, certezza, f. bile, indicibile. braccio di mare, m. [infabrnes] Inev'itable, [inevitabP] adj. inIndrench', [indronsc] v. a. am- Ineffableness,

inestimabilmente. [nvidense] Inev'idence, . mancanza di evidenza, oscurit,


inzuppare, sommer-

vedi InefFability.


da non evitarsi.

adv. inef- Inev'itably, [inevitable] adv. inevitabilmente, infallibilfabilmente. adj. Indu'blous, [indiibius] mente. Ineffec'tive, Ineffec'tual, [infsenza dubbio, certo. Indu'bitable, [indiubitaW] adj. ctiv, infctiul] adj. inefl- Inexact', [inegzct] adj. nou



indubitabile, certo.

caco, inutile.

esatto, scorretto, difettoso.

[infectiuale'] Inexact'ness, [ingzctns] s. Indu'bitably, [ndiubitable'] Ineffec'tually, adv. senza effetto, inutilmente, mancanza di esattezza, f. adv. indubitabilmente. Inexcu'sable, [iacschiuzabr] Indu'bitate , [indiubitte] adj. in vano.

Ineffec'tualnesSjflnfctiulns] adj. inescusabile. indubitato. Inexcu'sableness, [inecschiiiInduce', [indise] v. a. indurre, s. inefficacia, /". zaWns] s. mancanza di scu[inefichscieus] Ineffica'cious, persuadere. sa, f. Induce'ment, [indiisement] s. adj. inefficace. Inefflca'ciousness, Inefficacy, Inexcu'sably, [inecschiuzable'] inducimento, motivo, m. adv. inescusabilmente. inficase] Indu'cer, [indiuseir] s. induci- [infichescieusns, Inexecu'tion, [incsichiuscieun] tore, istigatore, m. i. inefficacia, f. Indu'cing, [indiusng] adj. in- Ineffic'iency, [inefiscinse'] s. mancanza di esecuzione, f. Inexha'lable, [inogshelabr] adj. duttivo, (durre. inefficacia, debolezza, f. Induct', [indeiict] v. a. intro- Inefficient , [infiscint] adj. non esalabile. Inexhaus'ted, [inegsostd] adj. Tnduc'tion , [indeucscieunj inefficace, debole. s. introduzione, induzione, en- Inel'egance, [inliganse] .man- inesausto, indeficiente. Inexhaus'tible, Inexhaus'tive, trata, f. canza di grazia, incivilt, f. Induc'tive, [indeuctiv] adj. in- Inel'egant, [inlignt] adj. ine- [ingsstibr, nghsstiv] adj. inesauribile. duttivo, persuasivo. legante, incolto. Induc'tively, [indeSctivl] adv. Inel'egantly, [inligntle'] adv. Inexis'tence, [inegsistense] s. insussistenza, non-esistenza, f. per conseguenza. incoltamente. Induc'tor, [indecteur] s. bene- Inel'Dquent , [ineloqunt] adj. Inexs'tent, [ngsstnt] adj. che non esiste. ficiario, m. senza eloquenza. Indue', [indi] v. a. investire, Inept', [inpt] adj. inetto, disa- Inexorabirity, Inex'orablness, [incsorablit, incsorabrnsj provvedere. datto, goffo. Indulge, [indeuldge] v.a. favo- Inept'ly, [ineptle'J adv. inetta- s. inesorabilit, f. careggiare, Inex'orable, [inecsorabV] adj. rire, concedere, mente, disadattamente. dare; to - in, abbandonarsi, ap- Inept'ness, Inep'titude, [inept- inesorabile, implacabile. plicarsi. ns, inptitiude] s. inettitudi- Inex'orably, [incsorabl] adv. Indul'gence, Indul'gency, [in- ne, incapacit, f. inesorabilmente. deldgnse ndeuldgnse'] s. Inequal'ity, [nquolite'] s. ine- Inexpe'dience, Inexpediency, indulgenza, f. gualit, differenza, {. [incspidiense, inecspidiensj Indul'gent, [indeuldgent] adj. Ineq'uitable, [nequitabl'] adj. s. sconvenevolezza,/'. indulgente. ingiusto. Inexpe'dient, [Incspidint] adj. Indul'gently, sconvenevole. [indeuldgntl] Inerrabrity, [inerablite'] s. incdj. con indulgenza. fallibilit, f. (libile. Inexpe'rience, [incsplrinse] a. Indult', Indul'to, [indeult, in- Iner'rable, [inerabl'] adj. infal- inesperienza, imperizia, /. delt] ..indulto, privilegio, m.; Iner'rableness,[inerbrns]vedi Inexpe'rienced, Inexpert', esenzione papale, (. Inerrability. [incsprint, inecspeurt] adj. Indu'rable, [indiiivabl'] adj. in- Iner'rably, [inerable'] adv. in- inesperto; senza pratica, poco durabile, sopportabile, tollera- fallibilmente, senza errore. pratico. bile. Iner'ringly, [inrngl] adv. Inex'piable, [inecspiabP] adj. Indu'rate, [indiurete] v. a. in- senza errore, certamente. inespiabile, inappurabile. durare, divenir duro. Inert', [neirt] adj. inerte, infin- Inex'piably, [inecspiable'] adv Indura'tion, [ndiurescieun] s. gardo, pigro. in modo inespiabile, da nou induramento, m. Inert'ly, [ineurtle'] adv. con potersi espiare. Indus'trious, [indeustrius] adj. inerzia, pigramente. Inex'plicable, [inecsplicabl'] industrioso, laborioso, dili- Inert'ness, [inertnes] s. ineradj. inesplicabile. gente. zia, infingardaggine, f. Inex'plicably, [inecsplicable'] Indus'triously, [ndoiistriiisl] Ines'cate, [ineschete] v. a. at- adv. inesplicabilmente. adv. industriosamente. trarre, allettare. Inexplo'rable , [incsplrabl'] In'dnstry, [ndeiistrj s. indu- Inesca'tion, [inschoscieiin] s. adj. che non si pu esplorare. stria, diligenza, assiduit, /. inescamento, m. Inexpres'sible, [inecsprsibrj

adj. inesprimibile indicibile.



ineffabile, Infec'tions, [fnfecsciiis] adj. in- Infir'mity, [infeirmit] fetto, contagioso. fermit, fralezza, f.


Inflame', [inflme] v. a. infiammare, accendere; -, v, n. infiammarsi, accendersi. Infla'mer, [infimur] s. accenditore, istigatore, m. Inflammabil'ity, [nflamablite'] Infelic'ity, [nfilisit] s. infes. infiammabilit, f. adj. inestricabile, insolubile. [incstricabl] licit, miseria, celamit, f. Infiam'mable, [inflmabr] adj. Inex'tricably, Infeor, [nff] vedi Enfeoif. infiammabile, accendibile. adv. in modo inestricabile. Ineye', [inai] v. a. inoculare, Infer', [infeur] v. a. inferire; Inflam'mableness, [inflmabrconchiudere. ns] vedi Inflammability. innestare. Infallibil'ity, [inflibilit] s. Infer'able, [Tnfeirabr] adj. che Inflamma'tion, [inflmsciein] si pu inferire. s. infiammazione, f. infallibilit, / Infariible, [inflibl'] adj. in- In'ference, [nferense] s. in- Inflam'matory, [nflamateiir] duzione, conseguenza, conclu- adj. infiammatorio. fallibile, certo. Inflate', [inflt] v. et/, enfiare, sione, /". [inflibrnes] Infal'libleness, Infe'rior, [Tnflriur] adj. infe- gonfiare, ispirare. vedi Infallibility. Infal'libly, [nflible] adv. in- riore, subordinato; - officer, Infla'tion, [inflescieun] s. enfiatura, f.; gonfiamento, m. s. uffiziale subalterno, m. fallibilmente. Infame', [nfme] v. a. infa- Inferior'ity, [inflririte'l s. in- Inflect', [inflect] v. a. inflettere, piegare; conjugare. feriorit, /.; grado inferiore m. mare, diff"amare. In'famous, [infameis] adj. in- Infer'nal, [infeurnl] adj. in- Inflec'tion, [nflcscieiin] s. infornale, inferno stane, pie- flessione, variazione; {mus.) mofame. dulazione di voce, f. In'famously, [infemeusle'] odi, tra infernale, /. Infer'nally, [nfeirnle'] adv. Inflec'tive, [inflctiv] adj. flesinfamemente, con infamia. sibile, pieghevole. In'famousness, la'famy, [infa- in modo infernale. meiisns, infame] s. infamia, f. Infer'tile, [Infeurtalle] adj. in- Inflexibil'ity, [inflecsibilite'] s. inflessibilit, pertinacia, ostinaIn'fancy, [infns] s. infanzia, fertile, infecondo.

[infecsciusle'] Inexpres'sibleness, [incspres- Infec'tiously , adv. in modo contagioso. ibrns] s. ineffabilit, f. Inexpres'sibly, [incsprsibl] Infec'tiousness,[infecsciusnes] s. qualit contagiosa, contaC'/v. ineffabilmente. Inexpugnable, [necspeugnabV] gione, infezione, f. aij. inespugnabile, invincibile. Infec'tive, [nfectv] adj. infet[Incstintivo, contagioso. Inextin'gnisbable , gusciabl] adj. inestinguibile. Infec'und, [nfecheund] adj. inInextir'pable, [ncsteiirpabrj fecondo, sterile. Infecun'dity, [infcheundite'] s. adj. inestirpabile. [inecstricabr] infecondit, sterilit, f. Inex'tricable,

Infirm'ness , [nfeirmnos] debolezza; fiacchezza, f.






dentro, scolpire nella




infantilit, /". [infant] ,



bambino, m. Infan'ta, [infanta] .infanta,/'. [Infante] s. infanInfan'te , te, principe del sangue reale

Spagna, m.





tarle, nfntaine] adj. infantile,

d'infanto, puerile. In'fantlike, In'fantly, [nfant]aiche, infntl] adv. da bambino. In'fantry, [mfantre'] s. fanteria,
f. s. Infarc'tion, [Tnfrcsciein] costipazione, /. {poco usato). Infat'igable, [nftigabr] adj.

v. a. [inftinte] Infat'uate, infatuare, ammaliare. Infatua'tion , [inftiiiscieun]

zione, f. Infertil'ity, [nfeirtilite'] s. inInflex'ible , [inflcsibl"] wij. infecondit, sterilit, /. flessibile, inalterabile, ostinato. Infest', [infest] v. a. infestare, importunare , nojare ; mole- Inflex'ibleness, [inflcsibl'ns] vedi Inflexibility. stare. Infesta'tion, [infestscieiin] s. Inflex'ibly, [inflecsible']arft). inflessibilmente, ostinatamente. infestazione, f. Infes'tive, [intestv] adj. pri- Inflex'ion, [nflcscieiin] ve(/i Inflection. vo di gioja, tristo. Infestiv'ity, [infcstvit] s. Inflict', [inflict] V. a. infliggere, mancanza d'allegria, tristez- condannare. Inflic'ter, [infllicteSr] s. puniza, f. Infeuda'tion, [nfiidscieiin] s. tore, condannatore, m. Inflc'tion, [infllcsciein] s. pninfeudazione, f. nimento, m.; condannagione, f. In'fidel, [nfidl] s. infedele, Inflic'tive, [infllictv] adj. stamiscredente. [Tnfdelit] s. inbilito in pena, condannatorio. Infidel'ity, fedelt, perfidia, /.; inganno, m. In'fluence, [infliunse]s. influenza, /.; ascendente, m.; autorit, f. In'finite, [nfint] adj. infinito, In'fluence, [infliuense] v. a. inillimitato, immenso. In'flnitely, [infintle'] adv. in- fluire, causare. Influent, [nfliuent] adj. infinitamente. fluente, In'finiteness , [infintnes] s. infinit, illimitazione, immen- Influen'tal, [infliienscil] adj.
sit, /.



che influisce.

[infliunscilj [infinitesimal] Influen'tially , adv. con autorit. Infeasibil'ity, [Tnflzibilite'] s. adj. infinitesimale. influsso, s. impraticabilit, impossibilit,/'. Infin'itive, [nfnitiv] s. {gr.) In'flux, [nfleucs] sboccamento (d' un fiume), m.; Infea'sible, [infizibrj adj. che infinitivo, m. Infln'itude, Infin'ity, [infini- infusione, f. non si pu fare. Infea'sibleness, [inflzibln.s] s. tiude, infinite] s. infinit, /".; Influx'ion, [infleucscieiin] s. infusione, f. gran numero, m. vedi Infeasibility. Infect', [infect] v. a. infettare, Infirm', [infeiirm] adj. infermo, Infold', [infold] v. a. involvere, inviluppare. debole. corrompere. Infec'tion, [infcsciiin] s. in- Infir'mary, [infeiirmar] . in- Info 'Hate, [infoliete] v. a. copri' fermeria, /. re di foglie. fezione, contagione, f.

mento, m.




In'gress, Ingres'sion, [ingres, ngrscieonj s. ingresso, m.; entrata,

Inform', [inform] v. .informa- Infu'sive, [nfisiv] adj. atto ad essere infuso. re, dar notizia, insegnare, no[ingath.' curing] tificare to - against one, accu- Ingath'ering, s. raccolta, f. sare alcuno. Infor'mal, [informal] adj. irre- Ingem'inate, [ndgeminte] adj. geminato, raddoppiato. golare. Informarity, [informalite'] s. Ingem'inate, [ngeminte] v. a. irregolarit, f. geminare, raddoppiare. [TndgemineInfor'mant, [informant] s. clie Ingem'ination, informa, denunziatoro, accusa- scieun] s. geminazione, [.; rad;

In'guinal, [inguinal] adj. inguinale.

Ingulf, [ingheulf] v. a. inghiottire; ingojare avidamente; divorare.



V. n. ingurgitare, divorare.

tore, m. doppiamento, m.; ripetizione,/'. Informa'tion, [Tnfrmescieun]s. Ingen'erable, [ndgenerabrj adj. informazione; istruzione, f. ingenerabile. Infor'mative, [infrmativ] adj. Ingen'erate, Ingen'erated, [ninformativo. ndgeneretd] adj. dgenerte Infor'mer, [informeur] s. accu- ingenito, innato. satore, delatore, m. Inge'nious, [ndglniis] adj. inInfor'midable finfrmidabl'] gegnoso, inventivo. [indginiusle'] adj. non formidabile. Inge'niously, Infor'mity, [nforrait] s. infor- adv. ingegnosamente, con inmit, difformit, bruttezza, f. Infor'mous, [informeus] adj. in- Inge'niousness, [ndginiusnes] forme, sformato. s. ingegno, genio, m.; acutezza,/. Infor'tunate, [infrtiunte] adj. In'genite, [indgente] adj. ininfortunato, infelice. genito, naturale. Infract', [infract] v. a. infran- Ingnu'ity , [indginiuite'] s. inger, rompere. genuit, franchezza, sincerit, Infrac'tion, [nfracscieun] s. in- destrezza, abilit,/.; genio, m. trasgredimen- Ingen'uous, [ndgniuiis] adj. frangimento, to, m. ingenuo, sincero, franco.
, ,


scieun] s. ingorgamento, ghiottoneria, voracit, /.

Ingus'table, [ngheustabr] adj. impercettibile al gusto, insipido. Inhab'ile, [inhabile] adj. inabile, disadatto, incapace (poco usato).


[nhablit] s. inabilit {poco usato). Inhab'it, [inhabit] v. a. & n. abitare, dimorare, vivere.


[inhbtabr] adj.

inabitabile, abitabile.

Inhab'itance,|nhbitnse] s dimora, /.; domicilio, m.; residenza,


Inhab'itant, [inhabitant] s. abitante, abitatore, m. Inhabita'tion, [inhbitscieiin] [dgniuisle'] s, abitazione, dimora, /. Infrac'tor, [nfracter] s. tras- Ingen'uously , gressore, wi. franca- Inhab'iter, [i'nhbiteur] s. abiingenuamente adv. tante, abitatore, m. Infran'chise, [Tnfranciaize] redi mente. Enfranchise. [Tngeniuus- Inhale', [mhle] v. a. spirare, Ingen'uousness, Infran'gible, [nfrangibl'] adj. nes] s. ingenuit, sincerit, /.; respirare. Inharmon'ical, infrangibile. Inharmon'ic , candore, m. adj. Infre'quency, Inglo'rlous, Inharmo'nious, [inharmonic, Infre'quence, [nglrius] [infnquense, nfrquense'J s. inglorioso, disonorevole, diso- nhrmonicl , inhnnniiis] infrequenza, rarit, /. adj. senza armonia, discornorato. Infre'quent, [mfriquent] adj. Inglo'riously, [ingloriisl] dante. infrequente, raro. Inhere', [inhre]v.n. essere ineadv- disonorevolmente. Infrig'idate, [infrdgidte] v. a. Inglo'riousness, [nglriisnes] rente. infrigidare, raffreddare, rinfreInhe'rence, Inhe'rency, [inhls. poca gloria; disonest, f. scare. In'got, [ingheut] s. verga (d'oro rense, inhirns] s. inerenza,/". jTnfridgidInfrigida'tion, Inhe'rent, [inhirnt] adj. ined' argento) /. rente, inseparabile. scioun] s. raffreddamento, m.; Ingrafif, Ingraft', [ingraf, ininfreddatura, /. graft] V. a. innestare, inocu- Inhe'rently, [nhirntl] adv. Infringe', [infrindge] v. .tras- lare. in modo inerente. gredire, violare. Ingraft'ment, [ingraftment] s. Inher'it, [inherit] v. a. erediInfringe'ment, [mfrindgeraent] innestamento, m. tare.

infrazione, Ingrain', [ingrne] o. a. colorire; Inher'itable, [inheritabl'] adj. trasgressione, violazione, /". figgere profondamente ; impreche si pu ereditare, ereditario. Infring'er, [infrindgeur] s. trasgnare. Inher'i canoe, [inhritnse] s. gressore, violatore, m. Ingrate', Ingrate'ful, [tngretc, eredit, /.; ereditaggio, m. Infru'gal, [nfrgl] adj. stra- ingrtefil] adj. ingrato nau- Inher'itor, [uheriteiir] s. erede, vagante. m.; ereda, f. seoso vile. Infrugif'erous, [nfrudgfireus] Ingrate'fully, Ingrate'ly, [in- Inher'itress, Inher'itrix, [infrutto adv. u'Ij. che non porta stegrtefile',ingretele'J ingra- hritres, inhritrcs] s. ereda, rile. tamente, vilmente. ereditiera, /. [nfiurite] adj. ar- Ingrate'fulness, [ingretefulnes] Inherse', [inheurse] v. a. sepInfuriate, rabbiato, furioso. s. ingratitudine, /. pellire. Infu'riate, [nfiurite] v. a. ren- Ingra'tiate, [ngriscite] v. a. Inhe'sion, [inhigeun] ines. der furioso. entrare in grazia, ingraziarsi. renza, /.; attaccamento, m. Infus'cate, [infeuscbete] v. a. Ingrat'itude, [ingrtitiudej s. Inhib'it, [inhibit] v. a. inibire; annerare, oscurare. ingratitudine, /. proibire, vietare. Infuse', [nfiuze] v. a. infondere; Ingrave', [ngrve] vedi En- Inhibit'ion , s. [nhibisciein] ispirare. grave. inibizione, proibizione, /". Infu'sible, [nfiizbr] adj. infu- Ingrav'idate, [ingrvidte] v.a. Inhold', [inhld] v. a. irr. consibile. ingravidare. tenere in s, avere in s. Infa'sion, [infugeun] s. infu- Ingre'dient, [ingrldi^nt] s. in- Inhos'ptable , [inhosptabl'] sione, /.; infondimento, m, grediente, m. adj. inospitale, duro.
; ; ,




[nosnt] adj. innoInhos'pitableness, Inhospital- Inju'riousness , [indgiirius- Innocent, nes] s. qualit ingiuriosa, pron- cente; puro; -, s. innocente; ity, [nhsptablns, nlispiidiota, m. tezza ad ingiuriare. tlit] s. inospitalit, f. [nhsptatl] In'jury, [ndgiur] s. ingiuria; Innocently, [inosentle'] a(/. inInhos'pitaWy , nocentemente. offesa, f.\ oltraggio ;^danno,Tn. adv. in modo inospitale. Innoc'uous , [inochiuus] adj. Inhu'iuan, [nhiumn] adj. in- Injus'tice, [ndgeiists] s. innon nocevole, innocente. giustizia; iniquit, f.; torto, wi. umano, barbaro, crudele. Innoc'uously, [nchiisl] adv. Inhuman'ity, [nhiimnit] s Ink', [ine] s. inchiostro, m. Ink', [ine] v. a. imbrattare con innocentemente. inumanit, crudelt, f. (bio, m. Innoc'uousness, [inochiusnes] Inliu'manly, [inhiumanle'] adv. inchiostro. sgor- . qualit non nociva innos. [incblot] Ink'-blot, inumanamente, crudelmente. Inhu'mate, [inhimete] v. a. Ink'horn, Ink'stand, [nchorn, cenza, /. Innom'inable, [inominabl'] adj. interrare, sotterrare, seppel- incstnd] s. calamajo, i. [incV] s. passamano innominabile. In'kle, lire. Innom'inate, [inominete] adj. Inhuma'tion, [inhiumscieun] stretto; nastro di filo, m. (mate. Ink'ling, [incling] s. avviso, innominato. s. sepoltura, f. In'novate, [inovte] v. a. innoInhume', [inhiume] vedi Inhu- indizio, m. Inimaginablo [immadginabl'] Ink'maker, [ncmecheir] s. fa- vare, innovellare._ Innova'tion, [inovescieun] s. incitore d'inchiostro, i. adj. inconcepibile. novazione, novit,/'. Inimi'cal, [nlmaicl] adj. ini- Ink'y, [inch] adj. d'inchiostro, In'novator, [inoveteur] s. innonero come inchiostro. michevole, ostile. vatore, m. [Tnimitablite'] In'laid, [inlede] adj. intarsiato; Inimitabil'ity , adj. [inocsciiis] Innox'ious -, work, s. tarsia, f. s. incapacit d'imitazione, /. che non nuoce, non nocivo, inadj. In'land, [inland] adj. interiore, Inim'itable , [inimtabl] interno; - -, s. interno d'un nocente. inimitabile. Innox'iously, [inocsciusl] adv. Inim'itably, [Tnimitable'] adv. paese, m. In'lander, [inlndeiir] s. abi- non nocivamente. inimitabilmente. Innox'iousness, [inoesciisnes] Iniq'uitous, [Tnlquiteus] iniqui- tante dell'interno, m. s. qualit innocente. toso, iniquo, ingiusto; cattivo. Inlap'idate, [nlpidte] v. a. Innuen'do, [iniund] s. (laiv.) petrificare. [TnquiteuslJ Iniq'uitously , m. adv. iniquamente, ingiusta- Inlay', [inle'] s. intarsiatura, f.; avviso indiretto; sentore, In'nuent, [niunt] adj. che silavoro a tarsia, m.
, , ,


Inlq'uitousness,Iniq'uity,[TnYq- Inlay',


v. a. irr. (inlaid,


inlaid) intarsiare, varieggiare. uiteiisns, nquitj s. iniquiInlay'er, [inlur] s. lavorante t, ingiustizia, f. a tarsia, m. Init'ial, [iniscil] adj. iniziale, cominciante; - letter, s. let- In'let, [Inlt] s. passaggio, wi.; entrata, /.; braccio del mare, rn. tera majuscola, /".

Innu'merahle, [iniumirabl'] adj. innumerabile.



leness, [iniimerabilt,iniuinirabl'ns] s. quantit innumerabile, infinita, f.

Init'iate, [niscite] v. a. inizia- Inlist', [Inlist] V. a. mettere in lista. re, dare le prime lezioni; -, Inlock', [inloc] v. a. rinchiuV. n. iniziarsi. dere, serrare. Initia'tion,[nTsciscieun]s.ini ziazione, f.; cominciamento, m. In'ly, [inle] adj. interiore, in-

[iniiimirable'] Innu'merably, adv. innumerabilmente. Innu'merous, [iniraireus] vedi Innumerable.

terno; -, adv. interiormente, Inobe'dience, [inobldinse] s. inobbedienza, /. internamente. [inobidint] adj. Init'ion, [inscieun] s. inizio, m. In'mate, [inmte] s. pigiona- Inobe'dient, inobbediente. Inject', [ndgcct] v. a. fare le, m. In'most, [inmost] adj. interio- Inobser'vable , [inobzeurvabr) un'injezione, schizzettare.


iniziale, iniziativo.

Injec'tion, [indgcscieiin] .infezione, f. Injoin', [ndgToTn] vedi Enjoin.

re; profondissimo; recondito, adj. inosservabile ; impercettibile. segreto. Inn', [in] s. osteria, f.; alber- Inobser'vance, [inobzeSrvanse] s. mancanza d'obbedienza, neInjudic'ious, [indgidscis] go, m, gligenza, f. Inn',[n] v. a. alloggiare, alberadj. poco giudizioso. [inbzeiirvant] Inobser'vant , Injudc'iously,lTngTudTsciusl] gare in un' osteria. Innate', Inna'ted, [inte, ine- adj. che manca d'osservazione. adv. senza giudizio Inoc'ulate, [inchiulte] v. a. td] adj. innato, naturale. Injudic'iousness[ingiiIdscius innestare. ns] s. mancanza di giudizio, jinnate'ness, [netens] s qua- inocchiare, inoculare, Inocula'tion, [inochiulscieun] mancanza di considerazione, /.! lit innata, rn. Injunc'tion, {indgeiincsciein] s.jinnav'igable, [inavigabl'] adj. s. inoculazione, f.; innesto, m. Inoc'ulator, [nchiuleteur] s. non navigabile. comando, ordino, m. m. In'jure, [indgere] v. a. ingi- jin'ner, [ineir] arf;. interiore, in- inoculatore,innestatore, Inodo'rous, [indreus] adj. interno ; secreto. riaro, fare ingiuria; offendere, nuocere (detto solamente di In'nerly, [incrie] adv. interior- odorabile, senza odore. Inoffen'sive, [nofensv] adj. non mente. persone). In'jurer, [ndgeureiir] s. ingiu- In'nermost, [ineurmst] vedi nocivo, innocente. [inofensivl] Inoffen'sively , Inmost. riatoro, offeuditoro, m.

Inju'rious, [indgiuriiis] adj. Inn'holder, Inn'keeper, [inhl- adv. innocentemente.^ ingiurioso, ingiusto, oltrag- deir, nchipeur] s .osto, alber- Inoffen'siveness, [inofensivnes] s. innocenza, f. gatore, locandiere, m. gioso. adj, Jnju'riously,[indgiiriusl]a.rfu. In'nocence, In'noconcy, [ino- Inoffic'ious, [inofiscius] incivile, scortese. sense, inosns] s. iuiioccnza, f. iugiariosameute.




Inofflc'ionsness, [nfiscius- Insane', [insene] adj. insano, Insep'arably, [inseparable] adv. pazzo, stolto. inseparabilmente. ns] s. scortesia, f. Inopportune', [noportiune] arlj. Insane'ly, [insnele'] adv. insa- Insert', [inseurt] v. a. inserire, namente, pazzamente. intercalare; aggiungere. inopportuno, intempestivo. Inopportune'ly, [inprtinele'] Insan'ity, [insanite] s. insania, Inser'tion, [nseurscieun] s. inpazzia, f. adv. inopportunamente. serzione, intercalazione, f. [nsi- Inser'vient, [inseiirvient] adj. Inor'dinacy, s. Insa'tiable, Insa'tiate, [inordinase'] sciabr, insesciete] arfj. insazia- inserviente, utile, buono. sregolatezza, A; eccesso, m. Inset', [inset] v. a. irr. pianInor'dinate, [inrdinte] adj. bile, smoderato. Insa'tiableness, [insesciaWnes] tare, impiantare. inordinato, irregolare. Inor'dinately , s. insaziabilit, {. Insha'ded, [inscdd] adj. mar[inrdintele'j adv. inordinatamente. Insa'tiably, [inssciable'] adv. cato di ombre diverse.

[nrdintens, inrdinscieiin] s. inordinatezza, f. Inorgan'ic, Inorgan'ical, [inorganic, inrgnicl] adj. senza organi. Inos'culate, [noschiulte] v.n. {anat.) combaciarsi; esser congiunto. In'quest, [inquest] .inchiesta, ricerca,/".; ricercamento, m.; investigazione, f_. (bare. Inqui'et, [nquait] v. a. distur-




inquietudine, agitazione, f. In'quinate, [inquainete] v. a. imbrattare, contaminare, macchiare, lordare.

Inquina'tion,[mquainescieun] s. imbrattamento, contaminamento, m.\ macchia, f.

Inqui'rable, [inquairabl'] adj. che pu essere ricercato. Inquire', [nquaire] v. a. ricercare; esaminare; -, u. n. informarsi. Inqui'rer, [inquaireur] s. inquisitore, ricercatore,


Inqui'ry, [inquair] s. inchiesta, ricerca; esaminazione, /. Inquisit'ion, [nquiziscieiin] s. inquisizione; ricerca, f. Inquis'itive, [nquzitv] adj. curioso, bramoso di sapere. adj. che si pasce d'insetti. tiv] adj. non significativo. Inquis'itively , [nquizitivl] Insecure', [insichiiire] adj. non Insincere', [insinsre] aij. non adv. con curiosit, curiosa- sicuro, rischioso, pericoloso; in- sincero, falso, perfido guasto,

insaziabilmente. Insheir, [inscl ]v.n. nascondere Insa'tiately, [insscitele'] adv. in una conchiglia. avidamente. Inship', [inscip] v. a. imbarInsati'ety, [insataiit] s. insacare. ziet, insaziabilit, f. Inshrine', [inscraine] v. a. inInsatisfac'tion , [insatisfaccastrare, preservare. scieiin] s. mancanza di soddi- Inside', [nsade] s. intcriore, sfazione, f. interno, m.; parte interna,/'.; Insat'urable, [instiurabl'] adj. fondo, m. insaturabile. Insid'iator, [insidieteir] s. uno che insidia, insidiatore, tn. Insconce', [nsconse] vedi Insid'ious, [insidius] adj. insiEnsconse. Inscribe', [inscraibe] v. .iscri- dioso. vere, porre iscrizione, indiriz- Insid'iously, [insTdieusl] adv. zare; {geom.) disegnare. insidiosamente, con insidia. Inscrip'tion, [inscrpscieun] s. Insid'iousness , [insidiiisnes] iscrizione, soprascritta, /. s. insidia, /. Inscrip'tive, [inscriptiv] adj. Insid'iously, [insidieiisle'] adv. inscrittivo. insidiosamente, con insidia. Inscrutabirity,[nscritabilite'] In'sight, [insate] s. ispezione; s. inscrutabilit, /". conoscenza intima, notizia, /.; Inscru'table, [inscrutabl'] adj. indizio, m. (gn.e, f. pi. inscrutabile, investigabile. Insig'nia, [insignia] inseInscru'tably, [inscrutable] adv. Insigniricance, Insignificanin modo imperscrutabile. cy, [msignificnse insgnifiInsculp', [inscheilp] v.a. scol- cns] s. cosa vana, cosa inupire, intagliare. tile, f. Insculp'ture, [inscheulptciiire] Insignificant, [insignificant] s. scolpitura, f.; intaglio, m. adj. insignificante, inutile. Inseam', [nsime] v. a. cicatriz- Insignificantly, [Tnsignificantzare. l] adv. in modo insignificante; In'sect, [insect] s. insetto, m. inutilmente, invano. Insectiv'orous, [insctivoreiis] Insignif icative, [insignifiche,



Inquis]itiveness,[inquizitivnes] Insecure'Iy,[insichiiirele']af/f. rischiosamente, pericolosamente. s. curiosit, ricerca, f. Inquisitor, [nquTziteur] s. in- Insecu'rity, [insichirit] s. riquisitore, ricercatore, giudice schio, pericolo, m.; incertezza,/'. del cosi detto santo ufficio, ni. Insen'sate, [insnste] adj. insensato, stupido. Inquisito'rial,[inquiztrial]a(/j Appartenente all'inquisizione; Insensibil'ity, [insensi bilit] s. insensibilit, stupidezza. /. appartenente al cos detto san Insen'sible, [insnsibr] adj. into ufficio. Inrair, (inrle] a. chiudere sensibile; impercettibile. Insen'sibleness, [insnsibrnes] con cancelli o balustri. In'road, [inrde] s. incursione, vedi Insensibility. Insen'sibly, [insensible'] adv. invasione, f. insensibilmente. Inrol', [nrle] v. a. arrolare. [insenscient] adj. Inrol'ment, [inrSlemnt] s. ar- Insen'tient che non ha percezione. rolamento, registramento, m [insaliubriiis] Inseparabil'ity, [insparablite'] Insalu'brious, s. indivisibilit, {. adj. insalubre, malsano. [insaliibrite'] Insalu'brity, $ Insep'arable, [inseparabV] adj. inseparabile, indivisibile. insalubrit,/'. Insan'able, [insinabr] adj. in- Insep'arableness, [insparabrns] vedi Inseparability. sanabile, iucnrabile.

corrotto. Insincere'ly, [insinsre! e']

adv. dissimulatamente, falsamente.

Insincer'ity, [insinsrit] s dissimulazione, falsit, infedelt,/'.


[insniii] v. a. fortifi-

care, corroborare.

Insin'uant, [inslnunt] adj. insinuante. Insin'uate, [insiniute] v. a. insinuare, intimare; introdurre; -, v.n. insinuarsi; introdursi. Insinua'tion, [insiniuescieiin] s, insinuazione, f.; introducimento,


Insin'uative, [insiniuativ] adj. insinuante. Insip'id, [insipid] adj. insipido

scipito, sciocco. Insipid'ity, [insipidite'] s. insi pidezza, /'. Insip'idly, [insipidi e'] adv. insi-

pidamente, scipitamente.



[instilscieun] . instillazione, infusione, /. Instil'ler, [instleir] s. quello

*iisip'idness, [insipxdns] s. in- Inspira'tion, [insparscieiin] sipidezza, f. s. inspirazione, spirazione, f. Insip'ience, finsTpiense] s. insi- Inspire', [nspaire] v. a. inspirare, spirare, infondere. pienza, sciocchezza, (. Insist', [insist] v. n. insistere, Inspi'rer, [nspaireiir] s. inspipersistere. ratore, m. lasis'tent, [insistent] adj. osti- Inspir'it, [inspirit] v. a. aninato. mare, incoraggiare. Insit'ion, [nsgeun] s. innesta- Inspissate , [nspisete] v. a.








mento, m. spessare, condensare. Insnare', [Tnsnere] v. a. inlac- Inspissa'tion, [inspisscieun] s. ciare, accalappiare; to - one's condensamento; spessare, m. sell, cadere nel laccio, inlac- Instabil'ity, [nstablit] s. inciarsi intrigarsi. stabilit, incostanza, mutabiInsna'rer, [nsnreSr] s. insidia- lit, /. tore, ingannatore, m. Insta'ble, [instebV] adj. instaInsobri'ety, [nsbrait] s. ut- bile; incostante; mutabile. briachezza, intemperanza, f. Insta'blenes, [nstebl'ns] vedi Inso'cial)le,[inssciabr] adj. in- Instability. sociabile, non compagnevole; Install', [nstl] v. a. instalfastidioso. lare, stabilire, mettere in posInso'ciableness, [insosciabl'sesso. iis]s. umore poco sociabile, m.; Installa'ton, [nstolescieun] s. disposizione insociabile, f, stabilimento in possesso, ni.; Inso'late, [inslte] v. a. soleg- promozione,/'. giare, esporre al sole. Instal'ment , [instolment] s.

Instinc'tive, [instnctiv] adj. fatto per istinto; naturale. Instinc'tively,(inst]nctvle]ad, per istinto, naturalmente. In'stitute, [instititej s. instituto precetto, ni.

In'stitute, [institiite] v. a. instituire, stabilire; ordinare;

formare, educare. Institu'tion, [insttusceun] s. instituzione, /.; stabilimento, tn.: istruzione, /. Institu'tionary,[institiiiscieinare] adj. eleinentario. In'stitutist , [institiiitist] $. scrittore d'instituti, m. [institiiiteur] In'stitutor, s. istitutore; insegnatore; fondatore,



[insolscein] esposizione al sole, /".


promozione pagamento fisso, m.



Instop', [instop] v. a. stoppare; serrare. Instruct', [instreuct]




In'solence, In'solency, [ns- In'stance, [instnse] s. istanza, lense, nsolens] s. insolenza, istanzia sollecitudine; prova, arroganza, /. /.; esompio, m.; for -, per esemIn'solent, [insolent] adj. inso- pio. solente, arrogante; orgoglioso. In'stance, [instnse] v. n. ciIn'solently , [nslentle] adv. tare, addurre esempi, produrinsolentemente, arrogantemen- re l'autorit. te, :;ltieramente. In'stancy, [instnse'] vedi InInsslitt'I+y, [insldite'l s. manstance. canza di bvMidit; debolezza, f. Instant, [instant] adj. presInsol'uble, insoliubl'] adj. in- sante, urgente, premuroso; -, solubile, indissolubile. momento; presens. istante,



gnare, informare. [instreicteiir] Instruc'ter, s. istruttore, insegnatore, m. [nstreucsciein] Instruc'tion , s. insegnamento, m.; dottrina, /.


[iustreuctv] adj.

Istruc'tiveness, [istreictivnes]



Insorubleness, [insoliublnes]
lo stato di essere insolubile,

s. te, m. m. Instanta'neous, [instntniis]

Instruc'tor, [instreucteir] vedi Instructer. Instruc'tress, [instreictrs] s.


qualit di essere insolubile,/ adj. istantaneo, momentaneo^ Insol'vable, [nsolvabl'] adj. che Instantaneously, [nstntenon pu pagare. niusle] adu. istantaneamente. Insol'vency, [insolvense'] s. in- In'stantly, adv. [instanti e] capacit di pagare,/". istantemente, in un istante, Insol'vent, [insolvent] adj. che adesso. non pu pagare. Instate', [instete] v. a. stabiInsomuch', [nsomeutsc] con}. lire; investire, mettere in posin modo che, talmente che. sesso. Inspect', [inspect] t). a. aver Ti- Instaura'tion, [instorscieun] spezione; vegliare; osservare, s. ristorazione; rinnovazione, /. esaminare. Instaura'tor, [instorteir] s. Inspec'tion, [inspecscieiin] s. ristoratore, ni. ispezione; cura, /".; visitamen- Instead, [instcd] prep. in luoto, m. go di, in vece di. Inspec'tor, [inspecteiir] s. ispet- Insteep', [nstipe] v. a. infon-


[instrument] s. ordiistrumento, stromeiito gno; ijur.) contratto, m. [instrumental] Instrumen'tal adj. instrumentale; organico. Instrumental'ity, [instrumeatlite] s. agenzia subordina;

ta, /.

Instrumen'tally , [instrumntl] adv. strumentalmente. Instrumen'talness, [instrurantlnsj s. mezzo, espediente, m. Insubordina'tion, [nseubordinscieun] s. stato di disordine, m.; disubbidienza, /. [inseiibstnInsubstan'tial , scil] adj. non sostanziale.

tore, soprintendente; visitatodere, macerare. [nseiifeiirabr] re, m.; (rail.) - of the railway- In'step, [instep] collo del Insufferable, s. station, s. ispettore dell'atrio, adj. insopportabile, intollerapiede, m. ispettore della stazione, m. In'stigate, [instighete] v. a. bile. [inseufeSrabl] Inspec'torship, [inspecteSr- instigare, stimolare, incitare, Insufferably , /". scip] s. sopraintendenza, adv. insopportabilmente. eccitare. Insuffic'iency, Insper'sion, [inspeurscieun] s. Instiga'tion, [instighscieun] s. Insuffic'ience, aspersione, annafiiamento, m. [iusefiscense, inseufiscense] s. instigazione, /.; incitamento, Insphere', [insfire] v. a. collo- provocamento, m. insufficienza; incapacita,/. care in una sfera. In'stigator, [nstigheteiir] s. in- Insuffic'ient, [inseufscentj adj.

Inspi table,


adj. insufficiente; incapace. stigatore, incitatore, m. respi- Instil', [instil] V. a. instillare, Insaffic'iently, [inseufiscntl] adv. insufficientemente. infondere.




In'sular, In'sulary, [insiular, grale, intero, compiuto ; -, s. Intenera'tion, [intneroscieun] s. tenerezza, compassione, f. nsiulr] adj. isolano, d'isola. integrale, m. In'sulate, [asiulte] v. a. iso- In'tegraly, [intigrale'] adv. in- Intense', [Intense] adj. intenteramente, compiutamente. so; veemente, eccessivo. lare. In'sulated, [Tnsiulted] adj. iso- In'tegrant, [intigrant] adj. in- Intense'ly, [Intnsele] adv. integrante, integrale. tensamente; veementemente. lato, solitario, In'sult', [inseult] s. insulto, m.; In'tegrate, [ntigrte] v. a. in- Intense'ness, Inten'sion, [Integrare. tensens, ntnscieun] s. inteningiuria, f ; oltraggio, m. Insult', [nseilt] v. a. insulta- Integ'rity, [integrite'] s. inte- sione; energia; violenza, f. grit, totalit; probit, one- Inten'sity, [Intensit] s. ecre; oltraggiare, bravare, befst, /. cesso, ardore, m. feggiare. [ntnsiv] adj. inInsulta'tion, [inseiltsciein] s. Integ'ument, [Tntegbiument] s. Inten'sive, tensivo, intento eccessivo. integumento, m. insulto, m. jaryv. inInsult'er, [inseulteur] s. insul- Intellect, [Intelct] s. intel- Inten'sively, [Intensivi tensivamente; eccessivamente. letto, m.; intelligenza, f. tatore, m. Insult'ingly, [inseltingle'l adv. Intellec'tion, [ntelecscieun] s. Intent', [intent] adj. intento, in una maniera insultante, in intelligenza,/'.; intendimento, m. attento, assiduo. adj. Intent', Inten'tion, [intent, nIntellec'tive, [intelctiv] modo oltraggioso. tnscieun] s. intento; disegno; Insuperabirity, [nsiuprabil- intellettivo. Intellec'tuar [Tntelectiual] adj. proponimento, m. ite'l s. insuperabilit, f. Inten'tional, [Intensciunal] Insu'perable, [insiiiperabr] adj. intellettuale, ingegnoso. Intellectuarity , [ntlctiul- adj. intenzionale. insuperabile, invincibile.

Insu'perableness, [insiiiprabrns]

forza insuperabile,



[insiiiprabi] in maniera insuperabile, invincibilmente. Insuppor'table, [nseuportabl'] adj. insopportabile.

Insuppor'tableness, [inseiportabrnes] s. lo stato di essere insopportabile, m. lusuppor'tably, finseuportable'] adv. insopportabilmente. Insu'rable, [Insci rabl'] adj. che

pu esser assicurato.
Insu'rance, [insci iirnse] s. assicurazione, assicuranza, / Insure', [Insciure] v. a. assicurare, guarentire. Insu'rer, [nscireiir] s. assicuratore, m. [TnseSrdgent] s. Insur'gent, insorgente, ribelle, m. [nseurInsurmount'able ,





maountable'] adv. insuperabil-

mente. Insurrec'tion, [nseurecsciounl

sedizione, sollevazione, ris. volta, f.

Insurrec'tional, Insurrec'tion-

n[nseircscieuul, , seiircscieunr] adj. sedizioso; ribellante. peratcieiir] intemperanza; s. Insuscep'tible, [inseiisoptibr] intemperatura; intemperie, f.; adj. non suscettibile. eccesso, m. Intact', [intact] adj. intatto. Intaa'tible, [ntctibl] adj. in- Intend', [intend] v. a. intendere, avere in pensiero, proporsi; ditangibile, intoccabile. Intag'lio, [Tntlio] s. intaglio, segnare. Inten'dancy, [intndnse'] s. w.; scultura, /. podesteria, f. sovrintendenza Intan'gible, [intangibl'] adj. Inten'dant, [ntndnt] s. inintangibile. Intas'table , [intestabl'] adj. tendente; governatore, m. Intend'ment, [intendment] s. senza gusto, insipido. Integer, [intidgeur] s. integri- intento, disegno, m. Inten'erate, [intenerite] v. a. t, totalit, f. In'tegral, [ntigrl] adj. inte- intenerire; ammollire.


Inten'tionally, [Intnscinl e'] it] s. intellettualit, f. adv. intenzionalmente, con inIntellec'tually, fintelectiul] tenzione, a posta. adv. intellettualmente. Intel'ligence, [ntlidgense] s. Inten'tive, [Intentiv] adj. inintelligenza; novella, /.; to give tentivo, attento. Asso. Inten'tively, Intent'ly, [inten-, avvertire, avvisare, Intel'ligenoer, [ntlidgen- tvl, Intentle'J adv. intentivanovellista, gazzet- mente; con attenzione. scur] s. Intent'nesa, [Intntnes] s. aptiere, m. Intel'ligent, [intelidgent] adj. plicazione, attenzione; preoccupazione, f. intelligente, penetrativo. Intoriigently , [ntelidgntle'] Inter', [Inteiir] v. a. sotterrare, adv. in modo intelligente. seppellire. Intelligen'tial, [ntelidgen- Inter'calar, Inter'calary, [inteurcalr,inteircalr] ot/j. inscilj adj. intellettuale, spiritercalare. tuale; perspicace. Intelligibil'ity, [ntlidgiblite'] Inter'calate, [inteircalte] v. a. intercalare, inserire. s. intelligibilit, prespicacit, f. [intercalIntel'ligible, [ntelidgibl'] adj. Intercala'tion, sciein] s. intercalazione, f. intelligibile, concepibile,cliiaro. [inteiirside] v. n. Intel'ligibleness, [Tntelidgibl- Intercede', intercedere; essere mediatore. nes] vedi Intelligibility. Intel'ligibly, [ntelidgible'] adv. Interce'der, [nteiirsideiirj s. iuterceditqre, intercessore, m. intelligibilmente. Intem'perament, [intmpera- Interce'd'ing, [Inteursidng] s. mnt] s. complessione cattiva, f. intercessione, /". latem'perauce, [intmpernse] Intercept', [Inteirsept] v. o. inintemperanza, /.; disordine, ec- tercettare arrestare. Intercep'tion, [inteiirspscien] cesso, m. Intem'perate , [intemperete] s. intercezione, /.; ostacolo, impedimento, m.; ostruzione, f. adj. intemperato, smoderato. Intem'perately, [ntemperctel] Interces'sion, [Inteirsescieiin] adv. intemperatamente. s. intercessione, f. Intem'perateness, Intem'pera- Interces'sor, [inteurseseiir] t. ture, [intmpertens, ntem- intercessore, mediatore, m.



adj. supplicatorio.

Interchain', [Inteurcene] v. a. unire insieme, concatenare. Interchange', [inteiircendge] s. cambio, barattamento, m. Interchange', [inteurcndge] v. a. cangi;ire, cambiare, permutare.

[Inteurcndgiabr]a(/j.scambievole; mutuo. Interchange'ableness, [Inteurcndgiabl'ns] s. scambievolezza; permutazione, m.




Inter'minableness, [intoirminablns]

Interchange'ably, [Tnteurcen- Interjoin', [inteurdgioin] v. n. dgiable] of/v. scamLievolraente, aggiugnersi, unirsi. vicendevolmente. Interknowl'edge, [TnteurnolInterchangeinent[inteurcndge- dge] s. conoscenza mutua, /. mnt] s. cambio, barattamen- Interlace', [inteurlse] v. a. into, m. trecciare, intralciare, avvolgeIntercip'ient, [inteursipient] re, frammettere. adj. intercettante; -, s. inter- Interlapse', [inteiirlapse] s. in-



[inteurminminaccia, /. Intermin'gle, [nteurmingl'] . a. & n. frammischiare, mescolare.

Intermis'sion, [inteurmscieiin] cezione, f. tervallo, interstizio, m. s. intermissione, /.; interromIntercis'ion, finteursgeun] Interlard', [inteurlrd] r.a. lar- pimento; riposo, m. dellare, lardare. Intermis'sive , intercisione, f.; interrompimen[inteirmisiv] to, m. Interleave' , [inteurlive] v. a. adj. intermittente. Interclude', [intourcliude] v.a. mettere della carta fra i fogli Intermit', [inteiirrat] v. a. diinterchiudere; impedire. scontinuare, tralasciare, cesd'un libro.
Interclu'sion, [nteiircliugeun] Interline', [inteiirlaine] v. a. in.ostruzione; interruzione,/.; terlineare, scrivere tra linea e impedimento, ostacolo, m. linea. Intercom'mon, [nteircmeun] Interlin'ear, [inteurliniar] adj. V. n. mangiare alla medesima interlineare. tavola, pascere nella medesi- Interlinia'tion, Interli'ning, ma pastura. [nteurlinisceun, inteurlaiIntercommu'nity, [inteurcora- ning] s. scritto interlineare, m. iunit] s. comunicazione mu- Interlink', [inteurlnc] v.a. contua, f. catenare, collegare. Intercos'tal, [Inteurcostl] adj. Interloca'tion, [nteiirlcheintercostale. sciein] s. interposizione,/. In'tercourse, Interlocu'tion, [nteurcrse] s. [inteurlchiucomunicazione, corrisponden- scieun] s. interlocuzione, /.; za, f. dialogo, m. Intercur'rence, [Tnteircheur- Interlo'cutor , [Tnteurlchiunse]s. passaggio por mezzo, m. teur] s. interlocutore; dialoIntercur'rent, [inteurclieureutj gista,/. adj. corrente per mezzo. Interloc'utory, [nteurlochiuIn'terdict, [nteurdict] s. inter- tere'] adj. interlocutorio. detto, m.; proibizione, f. Interlope', [nteurlope] v. a. inInterdict', [inteurdlctj v. e. in- tromettersi, ingerirsi; fare conterdire, proibire, vietare. trabbandi. Interdic'tion, [nteiirdcscieun] iHterlo'per, [inteurlpeur]s. che .interdizione; proibizione,/. s'intromette; contrabbandie In'terest, [interest] .interesse; re, m. vantaggio; potere, credito, m.; In'terlude, [inteurlude] s. inpretendenza, /.; diritto, m.\ to termezzo, intermedio, m.; far- with one, guadagnare alcuno. In'terest, [interest] v. a. interessare; impacciare to - one's self in something, mescolarsi in qualche cosa. In'terested, [interested] at/j. intercssoso. In'teresting, [interesting] adj. interessante, importante. Interfere', [nterfire] v. n. interporsi; tramettersi; ripugnare, esser opposto.


Intermit'tent, [nteurmitnt] adj. intermittente. Intermit'tingly, [inteurmtngle]

adw. ad intervalli.

Intermix', [nteurmics] s. a. frammischiare, mescolare; -, .

n. mischiarsi.

[inteirmcstcieur] s. miscuglio, m.; mescolanza, /. Inter'nal, [inteiirnl] adj. interno; interiore, intrinseco; in-


make an

sa, /.

Interlu'nar, Interlu'nary, [inteiirliunr, inteurliunarj adj. [astr.) interlunare. Intermar'riage, [inteurmaridge] s. intermatrimonio, m. Intermar'ry, [inteurmr] v. n. intermaritarsi.

timo. Inter'nally, [inteirnle']adw. internamente, di dentro. International, [inteurnsceun^ al] adj. internazionale; inter' national exhibition, esposizione internazionale, /. tnternun'cio, [inteiirniinsci5]s. internunzio, m. Interpella'tion, [nteurplscieun] s. interpellazione, /. Interplead', [nteirplide] v. n. discutere. Interpledge', [nteirpledge] v. a. impegnarsi reciprocamente. Interpoint', [inteiirpint] v. a. distinguere a forza di punti, punteggiare. Inter'polate, [Tnteurpolte] v. interpolare, inserire aggiungere; falsificare. Interpola'tion , [nterplscieun] . inserzione; altera;

V. a.


zione, falsificazione,


intramettersi, ingerirsi. Inter'polator , [inteurplteur] Inter med'dler, [ntermdleur] . uno che altera una scrittus. interpositore; mezzano, m. ra; falsificatore, m. Interme'dlacy, [nteurmdiase'] Interpo'sal, [nteurpozal] s. inInterfe'rence, [inteurfirense] s. s. interponimento ; intorveni- terponimento, m.; intervenziointerponimento ; intervenimen- mento, intervento, m. ne, /.; intervento, m^ to, m. Interme'dial, Interme'diate, Interpose', [inteurpze] v. a. Inter'fluent, [mteurfliSentJ adj. [nteurmdil, intermdite] interporre; intromettere; -, v. scorrente in mezzo. adj. intermedio. n. interporsi; tramettersi; inIn'terim, [interim] s. interim; Interme'diately,[mteurmidite- trigarsi. intervallo; interstizio, m.; in l] adv. in modo intermedio. Interpo'ser, [nteiirpzeur] s. the -, in questo mentre. Intermediation, [inteurmidi- interpositore, mediatore, m. Inte'rior, [ntlrieur] adj. inte- scieun] s. intervenimento, wi. Interposit'ion , [Iiiteurpozi'sriore, interno, intimo. Interme'dium, [inteurmidieum] cieun] s. interposizione,/. Interja'cent, [nteirdgsnt] s. intervallo, m.\ distanza, /. Inter'pret, [nteurpret] v. a ad], giacente nel mezzo, inter- Inter'ment, [inteurmnt] s. sotinterpretare; spiegare, esporre, posto, (inserire. terramento, seppellimento, m, Inter'pretable' [nteiirpretabr] Interject', [nteiirdgct] v. o. Inter'minable , Inter'minate adj. che si pu spiegare. , Interjec'tion,[nteiirdgcscien] [inturminabr, inteurminte] Interpreta'tion, [inteiirprit . intorjezione, f. adj. interminabile, immenso. scieun] 8. interpretazione, /.




[intolrabr* ns] s. intollerabilit, f. Intol'erably, [intolerable] adv. intollerabilmente. Intorerance, [ntleranse] s. in* tolleranza, impazienza, /. Intolerant, [intolerant] adj. inintollerante, impaziente.



interponimen- Intol'erableness,

to m. tiv] adj. interpretativo. Inter 'pretatively, [iuteiirprita- Intervert',



stravolgere, sconvolgere; ditvl] adv. per interpretazione, per maniera d' interpreta- sordinare. In'terview, [nteiirviu] s. conzione.

versazione, conferenza, /.; congresso, m. Interpunc'tion, [nteiirpeinc- Intervolve', [inteurvolve] v. a. Intomb', [intm] v. a. metteinvolgere, ravvolgere, invilup- re in una tomba, sotterrare, scien] s. interpunzione, f. seppellire. Interreg'num, Interreign', [Tn- pare. (nare. teurgnem, inteiirrne] s. in- Interweave', [Tnteirouive] v. a. In'tonate, [Tntonte] v. a. suoIntona'tion, [ntonescieun] s. terregno, m. irr. intrecciare, intessere. Inter'rogate, [interogtetc] v. Interwea'ving, [nteirouivng] intonazione, /. Intone', [intone] v. n. dare il s. intessimento, m. a. interrogare, ricercare, esaInterwreathed', [nteur'ritlii d] tuono, intuonaro. minare. [introgh- adj. tessuto in una ghirlanda. Intort', [ntrt] v. a. torcere, Interroga'tion , attorcigliare, avvolgere; intrecscieiin] s. interrogazione, di- Intes'table, [ntstabl'] adj. in-

Inter'preter, [inteiirpritciir] interprete, espositore, m.






Interrog'ative, [ntrogatv] Intes'tacy, [mtestase] s. con- Intox'icate , [intocsichete] v. ad}, interrogativo; -. s. (gr.) dizione di chi muore senza te- a. ubbriaccaro, innebbriare. Intoxica'tion,[ntocsichscien] pronome interrogativo, m. stare, /, Interrog'atively, [introgativ- Intes'tate, [intestte] adi. in- s. ubbriachezza.ebbrezza, f. testato, senza testamento. Intractabil'ity, [intrctabilite'] l] adv. interrogativamente. Interrogator , [mtrghteur] Intes'tinal , [ntstainl] adj. 8. qualit intrattabile, ostinazione, /. 8. interrogatore, dimandato- intestinale, degl'intestini. Intes'tine, [intestine] adj. in- Intrac'table, [intractabF] adj. re, m. Interrog'atory, [ntrogateur] testino, interno. intrattabile; ostinato. ad), interrogatorio. Intes'tines, fntestinfls] s. in- Intrac tableness, [intractabl"] Interrupt', [ntlreipt] v. a. in- testini, m. pi.; interiora, f. pi. us] s. umore intrattabile, m.; terrompere; cessare. Inthral', [nthrl] v. a. sotto- cstinazione, caparbiet; perInterrup'tedly, [intreiptdle'] mettere, render schiavo, sog- versit, /. gettare. adv. interrottamente. Intrac tably, [intractable'] adv. Interrup'ter, [ntreiipteur] s. Inthral'ment, [nthrolment] s. in modo intrattabile. interruttore, m. servit, schiavit; soggezione, /. Intranquil'lity, [intrnquilite'] Interrup'tion, [ntreupsciein] Inthrone', [inth'^ronej v. a. in- s. inquietudine, ansiet, pertronizzare. turbazione, f. s. interruzione, /.; interrompimento, m cessazione, /. Inthrone ment, [nth^rnementj Intran'sient, [intrnscient],ad/. Interscribe', [ntearscribe] v. s. assunzione al trono, f. permanente. In'timacy, [mtimase'] s. intima Intran'sitive, [intransitiv] adj. a. interlineare. Intersect', [nteursect] v. a. in- unione, intrinsechezza, f.; affra- (gr.) intransitivo. tersacare; incrocicchiare; -, v. tellamento, m. Intransmu'table, [intrnsmiuIn'timate, [ntimete] adj. inti- tabl'] adj. che non pu trasmun. intersecarsi. Intersec'tion, [inteursecscieun] mo, intrinseco, famigliare; - tarsi, immutabile. friend, s. amico intimo, m. s. intersezione, intersecazione; Intreas'ure, [ntrgeir] v. a. In'timate, [ntimete] v. a. in- accumulare tesoro, ammassare. divisione, f. Intersert', [inteiirseirt] v. a. timare; fare intendere, far sa- Intrench', [intrnsc] v. a. triupere. inserire. cierare; usurpare. Interser'tion,[nteirseursc6un] Intimately, [intimetel] adv. Intrench'ment, [intrnscment] intimamente. (mil.) trincieramento, m.; s. s. intersezione, f. Interspace', [nteurspese] s. in- Intima'tion, [ntimscien] s. trincea, /. intimazione; notizia, /.; sento- Intrep'id, [intrepid] adj. intretervallo, m. Intersperse', [nteSrspeurse] v. re, m. pido, bravo, coraggioso. Intm'idate, [intmidcte] v. a. Intrepid'ity, [ntripidite'] s. ina. spargere qua e l. [inteirspeurintimorire, spaventare, impau- trepidezza, /".; coraggio, m. Intersper'sion, rire. scien] s. spargimento, m. Intrep'idly,[ntrepidlJ adv. inInter'stice, [inteursts] s. in- Intmida'tion, [intimidscicn] trepidamente con intrepis. spaventamento; timore, ni. terstizio; spazio, m.; distanza, f. dezza. Intertex'ture,[nteurtcstcieur] Intire', [intaire] adj. intero, In'tricacy, [intricase'] s. intricompiuto, perfetto; puro, sin- go s. intrecciatura, f.; intrecciaimbarazzo, m.; difficolt,
i j

cero. perplessit, /. Intertvfine', Intertwist', [in- Intire'ly, [intalrel] adv. inte- In'tricate, [intrichete] adj. inramente, totalmente; sincera- trigato; imbarazzato, perplesso. Ijertuine, nteurtulst] v. a. intrecciare. mente. In'tricate, [intrichete] v. a. inIn'terval, [nteurvl] s. inter- Intire'ness, [intairenes] s. intetricare; imbrogliare. grit, totalit; perfezione, f. vallo; interstizio, m. In'tricately, [intrichetel] adv. Intervene', [nteurvine] v. n. Into, [intu] prep. in; nel, nello, intrigatamente , perplessaintervenire; avvenire, accadere. nella, tra (quando c' movimente.

mento, m.

Interve'nient, [nteurvnint] mento). ad], intercedente, occorrente. Intd'erable, [ntolerabl'] Interven'tion, [inteurvnscieun] intollerabile, insoffribile.







Intrigue', [intrlghe] s. intrigo; Inun'date, intreccio , maneggio, wi.; pra- inondare.




Inven'ter, [invnteir] s. inventore; autore; macchinatore, m. Inunda'tion, [ineindescieun] s. Inven'tion, [invnscieun] s. intica, f. Intrigue', [Tntrlglie] v. n. fare s. inondazione, /.; diluvio, m. venzione; finzione; furberia, /.; intrighi, intrigarsi. Inurban'ity, [ineiirbnit] inganno, ni. s. Intri'guer, [intrigheiir] s. in- scortesia, f. Inven'tive, [inventiv] s. adj. trigante, imbroglione, m. Inure', [iniire] v. a. accostu- inventivo, ingegnoso. Intri'guing, [intrlghing] adj. mare, assuefare, avvezzare. Inven'ter, [invnteur] vedi Inintrigante, impacciante. Inure'ment, (ventarlo, m. [inirerant] s. venter. [intrighingle'] Intri'guingly, abitudine, /",; abito uso, co- In'ventory, [inventeiire'l s. inadv. intrigatamente, con im- stume, m. Inven'tress , [nventresj *. inpaccio. Inurn', [ineurn] v. a. metter ventrice; autrice, f. Intrin'sic, Intrin'sical, [intrin- nell'urna, seppellire. Inverse', [inveiirse] adj. inversic, intrnsclj adj. intrinseco, Inus'tion, [ineiisteiin] s. abso, trasposto. interno. bruciamento, m. [inveurscieun] s. Inver'sion, Intrin'sically, [intinsicl] adv. Inutile, [niiitil] adj. inutile, inversione, trasposizione, f. intrinsecamente, interiormente. vano. (lit, f. Invert', [inveiirt] v. a. inverIntroduce', [ntrodiue] v. a. Inutil'ity, [ini5tilite'] s. inuti- tere, trasporre; rivoltare, arointrodurre; mettere iu uso. Inut'terable, [ineuteurbl'] adj. vesciare. Introdu'cer, Introduc'tor, [in- inesprimibile, indicibile. Inver'tedly, [inveurtedle'] adv. trodiuseiir, ntrodeiictiir] s. Invade', [invede] v. a. invadeinversamente, in modo inverso. introduttore, m. re, assaltare; usurpare; vio- Invest', [invest] v. a. investiIntroduc'tion, [introdeucscieiin] lentare. re ; conferire. s. introduzione, f. Inva'der, [invedeir] s. invaso- Inves'tigable , [invstigabl'] Introduc'tivo Intoduc'tory, re, assalitore usurpatore, m. adj. investigabile, che pu es[Introdectv, ntrodeucteir] Inval'd, [invalid] adj. invalisere scoperto. adj. introduttivo, introduttorio. do, informo, debole; -, s. in- Inves'tigate, [investighete] . Introit', [ntrit] s, introito, m. valido, m. a. investigare; diligentemente Intromis'sion, [intromiscieun] Inval'idate, [invlidete] v. a. cercare; esaminare. s. intromessione, f. invalidare, fare invalido. [investigheInvestiga'tion, Intromit', [Tntromiti v. a. in- Invalida'tion, [invlidsciein] scieiin] s. investigazione; ricertromettere, introdurre, ammet- s. invalidamento, m. ca, f. tere. Invalid'ity, [invalidit] s. inva- Inves'tigative, [investighetiv] Introspect', [introspect] v. a. lidit, debolezza, f. adj. curioso, inquisitivo. esaminare addentro, esplorare, Inval'uable, [invliuabT] adj. Inves'tigator, [investigheteur] penetrare. inestimabile, imprezzabile. s. investigatore, m. Introspec'ton,[introspcscieun] Inva'luably, [invliuabl] adv Inves'titure, [nvestitceiir] s. a. esame interno, m. inestimabilmente.^ investitura, f. Introvert', [Introveurt] v. o. in- Inva'riable, [invriabr] adj Inves'tive, [investiv] adj. che trovertere. invariabile, immutabile. rinchiude, che circonda. Introver'sion, [introveursciein] Inva'riableness, [invriablnes] Invest'ment, [investment]?. cols. introversione, /. invariabilit, immutazione, locamento del denaro nei fondi Intrude', [intrude] w. n. intru- permanenza, f. pubblici; vestimento, abito, m. dere, intromettersi, introdursi. Inva'riably, [invriable'] adv. Invet'eracy, [inveterace'l s. conIntru'der, [ntrdeiir] s. irapac- invariabilmente. tinuazione inveterata, f. ciatore intruso usurpatore, ni. Inva'ried, [invrid] adj. non Inveterate, [invterte] adj, inIntru Sion, [intriigeunj s. in- cangiato. veterato, invecchiato. trusione; usurpazione, f. Invasion, [invgeun] s. inva- Invet'erate, [inveterte] .a. inIntru'sive, [intrSsiv] adj. che sione, incursione; usurpazio- veterare, invecchiare; v. n. ins'intrude, importuno. ne, f. durarsi. Intrust', [ntreist] v. a. fidare, Inva'sive, [invsiv] adj. d'in- Invet'erateness, [inveteretens] affidare; depositare, commetvasione, d'usurpazione. s. abitudine inveterata, f. tere. Invec'tive, [invctiv] adj. in- Invidious, [invdius] adj. invIntuit'ion, [intiisciein] s. in- vettivo, abusivo; satirico; -, s. do, invidioso. tuizione, f. invettiva; bravata f. Invid'iously, [invidisl] adv. Intuitive, [intiuitiv] adj. in- Invec'tively, [invctivle'] adv. invidiosamente, con invidia; tuitivo. invettivamente; satiricamente. malignamente. Intu'itively, [intiutivl] adv. Inveigh', [inve'] v. n. censura- Invid'iousness , [invidiiisnes] intuitivamente. .invidia; malignit,/". re, rimproverare, biasimare; Intumescence, Intumes'cency, ingiuriare, calunniare. Invig'orate, [invigorte] v. a [intiumesnse, ntiumsnsj s. Invegh'er, [nvur] s. biasi- invigorire: inanimire. intumescenza, f.; gonfiamen- matore, i. Invigora'tion, [invigorescieun] to, m. m.; vigore, Invei'gle, [invigF] v. a. attrarrinvigorimento; Inturges'cence,[inteirdgesnse] re, allettare; indurre; inganforza, f. s. turgenza, /.; gonfiamento, m. nare. Invincibil'ity, [invinsibilite'l s Intwine', [Tntuant] v. a. intrec- Invei'glement , [inviglment] qualit invincibile, invincibiciare, attorcigliare, intessere. s. seduzione, f. lit, f. Innm'brate, [neiirabrete] v. a. Invei'gler, [invigleiir] s. allet- Invin'cible, [invnsibl'] adj. inadombrare, ombreggiare. tatore, ingannatore, m. vincibile insuperabile. Xnunc'tion , [ineuncscieun] s. Invent', [invent] v. a. inven- Invin'cibleness, [invinsiblnes] ungimento, m.; unzione, A tare; immaginare; macchinare. vedi Invincibility.
; ,
; : ;



rron-tool, [aeirn-tule]

Invin'cibly, [invinsiW] advAn- inouardle'] adv. interiormente, internamente. vincibilmente. [Tnouardns] s. Inviolabil'ity, [Tnvaolabilit] s. In'wardness intima unione, intrinsichezza, inviolabilit, /. familiarit, f. Invi'olable, [iavalolabr] oc/j. inIn'wards, [inouards] adv. inteviolabile. riormente, al dj dentro. Invi'olableness, [Tnvalolabrnes] In'vpards, [inouards] s. pi. intevelli Inviolability. Invi'olably , [lavalolable] adv. riora, viscere, f. pi. Inweave', [nouive] v. a. irr. inviolabilmente. Invi'olate, Invi'olated, [Tnvai- intrccciarf, intessere. olete, invaioletod] adj. inviola- Inwrap', [inrp] v.a. involgere, inviluppare, imbrogliare. to, non corrotto. In'vioas, [nvis] adj. non pas- Invpreathe', [nrith'e] v. a. irr. cingere, circondare; inghirlansabile, impraticabile, impene(con lavori. dare, trabile. Invis'cate, [invischte] v. a. in- Invrrought', finrot] adj. ornato vescliiaro, (poco lon'ic, [ainc] adj. ionico (che impaniare denota uno degli ordini dell'arusalo). chitettura). Invisibil'ity, [invisibilite'] .in,


di ferro, wi. l'ron-ware, [aieirn-onere] s. pi. mercanziuole di ferro, / pi.


ferro filato,



l'ron'wood, [aieirn-ououd] s. legno duro come il ferro, m. Tron-WTork , [aieuin-ouurc] s. ferri, m. pl.\ ferratura, /.; -s.
pi. ferriera, /. l'ron-wrort, [aieum-oueurt] s. siderite, /. l'rony, fareune'] $. ironia, dorisione, /. l'rony, [aeurn] adj. ferrigno,



lo'ta, [aita]




Irradia'tion, [rediscieiin] s. irradiazione, /. Invisibility. irascibilit, f. Invis'ibly, [invisible] adv. invi- Iras'cible, [airasibl"] Of/j.irasci- Irrat'ional,[irscieunal] adj. irrazionale, irragionevole. sibilmente. bile, collerico, stizzoso. Invita'tion, [nvitscieun] s. in- Ire', [are] $. ira, collera, stizza, f. Irrational'ity, [rscieunalite'] s. irrazionalit, /. vito, invitamento, m. Ire'ful, [aireful] adj. irato, adiIrrat'ionally, [ratieiinale'] adv. Invi'tatory, [Tnvaitateure'] adj. rato, stizzoso. irragionevolmente. invitante. Ire'fully, faireful] ratamente, [riclemabl"] Irreclaim'able, Invite', [nvaite] v. a. invitare; con ira, collericamente. adj. che non pu riformarsi, irincitare. l'ris, [aris] s. iri, iride, /".; arreparabile, incorreggibile. Invi'ter, [invaiteur] s. invitato- cobaleno, m. [riclemable'] re, m. Ire'land, [alrelnd] .Irlanda,/'. Irreelaim'ably , Invi'ting, [nvalting] adj. invi- l'rish, arisc] ai^/j. Irlandese, m.; adv. irreparabilmente. Irreconci'lable, [Trcnsallabr] tante; attrattivo;-, s. invitathe Irish, gli Irlandesi. ziono, f. l'rishism, [airiscsm] s. un idio- adj. irreconciliabile, implacabile. Invi'tingly, [Tnvaltingl] adv. ma irlandese, m. in modo allettativo, con occhio Irk', [eiirc] v.a. dispiacere; rin- Irreconcilably, [reconsailable'] adv. irreconciliabilmente. attrattivo. crescere. In'vocate, [invochete] v. a. in- Irk'some, [eurcseum] adj. tedio- Irreconcile'ment, Irreconcil'iavocare, supplicare. tion, [rconsailemnt, Irconso, nojoso, rincrescevole, affansliscieun]s. incompatibilit,/.; Invoca'tion, [Tnvochsciein] s. noso. invocazione, /. Irk'somely, [eurcsoiimle'] adv. rancoro, m. In'voce, [Involse] s, (merch.) increscevolmnte, con tedio. Irreco v'erable,[rricheiveirabr] polizza di carico, fattura, f. Irk'someness, [eircseiimns] s. irricuperabile, irreparabile. Invoke', [Invche] v. a. invocare. rincrescimento; tedio, m.;noja,/'. Irrecov'erably, [richeveiraInvoruntarily, [involeiiataril] l'ron, [aleurn] s. ferro, m.; -, s. ble] adv. irreparabilmente. adv. involontariamente. Irredeem'able, [ridimabl'] adj. pi. catene, f. pi.; ceppi, m. pi. Invol'untariness , [invleiinta- l'ron, [aieurn] adj. di ferro; fig. che non si pu redimere. rines] s. mancanza di voglia o severo, rigido. Irredeem'ably [ridmable'] di scelta, /. Tron, [aieurn] v. a. ripassare adv. irredimibilmente. Invoruntary , [involeintare'] con ferro caldo, appianare, li- Irredu'cible, [iridiusibrj adv. adj. involontario, sforzato. irriducibile. sciare; catenare. Involu'tion, [involiscieiin] s. Iron'ical, [airnical] adj. iro- Irrefragabil'ity, [rifragabilite'] involuzione,/.; involvimento,m. nico. s. irrefragabilit, /. Involve', [involve] ina. involgere, Iron'ically, [alronicale'] adv. Irrefragable, [refragabl'] ad/. inviluppare, avviluppare; im ironicamente, con ironia. irrefragabile.

Invis'ible, [TnvTsibr] adj. invi- Ipecacuan'ha, [pecchiuana] {phar.) ipecacuana, f. sibilo; impercettibile. Invis'iblenes, [nvsibl'nes] vedi Irascibirity, [airasibilit]

ferruginoso. Irra'diance, Irra'diancy, [irdinse, rdins] s. irradiazione, /.; splendore lustro, m. Irra'diate, [irediete] v. a. irradiare, scintillare, raggiare,


p;icciare, intrigare.

l'ronist, [airnist]




Irrefragableness, [irefragabl'nes] vedi Irrefragability. Irref'ragably, [refragable']arfv.


Invulnerabirity,[nveulnerabil- l'ron-mill, [aieirn-mn]






[luveulnerabr] l'ron-mine




miniera di ferro, /. Irrefu'table, [rifiutabr]arf/. inInvul'nerableness, [inveulnera- l'ron-monger, [aeiirnmeun contestabile. bl'nesl vf'di Invulnerabily. gheur] s. ferrajo, fabbro fer Irreg'ular, [ireghiulr] adj. irInwair, [Inouol] v. a. cingere rajo, m. regolare, sregolato. con muro. Tron-mould, [aieurn-rald] s Irregular'ity, [irghiularite'] s. In'ward, [inouard] adj. interno, macchia ferruginosa, f. irregolarit, sregolatezza, /. interiore; intimo. l'rou-rail-road, [aieurn-rle- Irreg'ularly, [rghiularl] adt, Oi'ward, In'wardly, [inourdj rode] s. strada ferrata,/'. irregolarmente.

adj. invulnerabile.

Irteg'tilate, [iregMulete]

._ 208

adj. Is'chnry, [scbiure']



Irrel'ative, Irresis'tibly, [rizistibl] adv. nito, disgiunto, non connesso. Irreratvely, [rlatvl] adv. irresistibilmente. Irre'soluble, [rzliubr] adj. disgiuntamente. Irrel'eTancy, [rlevns] s ir- indissolubile, insolubile. (rilevante. Irres'olute, [Trzoliute] adj. irrilevanza, f. Irrel'evant, [Trlvant] aiJj. non resoluto, dubbioso, incerto. Irrel'evantly, [TrelevntlJ adv. Irres'olutely, [rzioliutel] adv.

dissuria, f. render irregolare, disordinare, irresistibile. Irresis'tibleness, [rizstiblnes] l'sicle, [aisicV] s. ghiaccinolo, confondere. m.; goccia di ghiaccio, f. {vedi vedi Irresistibility. [irelativ] adj. disuIcicle).

l'singlass, [azinglas] s. colla di pesce, f. Is'land, [ailnd] s. isola, f. Is'lander, [ailndeiir] s. abitatore d'isola, isolano, wi.
Isle', [ale] s. isola,

Is'let, [ailt] s. piccola isodubbiosamente, dubbiamente. proposito. la, f. [irzoliascieiin] Irrelie'vable, Lrilivabl'] adj. ir- Irresola'tion , Isochro'nal, Isochro'nous, [ais. irresoluzione; incertezza, /. rimediabile. socronl, aisocrneus] adj. isoIrrelig'ion, [irildgeun] s. irre- Irresol'vedly, [irzolvedle'] adv. crono. senza determinazione. ligione, empiet, /". l'sclated, [aisoletd] adj. isoIrrelig'ious, [irilidgeis] adj. ir- Irrespec'tive, [rspoctv] adj. lato, separato. assoluto. religioso, empio. [rispectvle'] Isos'celes, [asosilze] s. (mat.) Irrelig'iously,[rildgeisle']at/v. Irrespec'tvely , adv. assolutamente, senza ri- isoscele (aggiunto di quel triirreligiosamente. angolo che ha due lati uguaIrrelig'iousness, [irildgeisns] guardo alle circostanze. li), m. [Irspnsibl'] Irrespon'sible, vedi Irreligion. jls'sue, [isiu] s. uscita, f.\ esiadj.' adj. non responsabile. Irre'meable , [irimiabl'] to ; evento; termine, line; sucadj. [ritntiv] Irreten'tive , senza ritorno. cesso, m.; progenie, prole, f.; Irreme'diable, [Trimidiabl'] adj. non retentivo. cauterio, m.; fontanella, f. Irretrie'vable, [iritrivabr] adj. irremediabile, incurabile. Is'sue, [si] V. a. promulgare, [rimsibl'- irreparabile. Irremis'sibleness, Irretrie'vably, [irtrlvable'] adv. pubblicare; mandare, comannes] s. atto irreraessibile. dare; -, V. n. uscire; proveIrremis'sibly, [rimsibl] adv. irreparabilmente. Irrev'erence, [rverense] s. ir- nire, emanare^ discendere. irremissibilmente. Is'suing , [siuing] .l'atto di reverenza, irriverenza, adj.



f. Irremo'vable, [irimuvabP] Irrev'erent, [irvernt] adj ir- uscire, m. immutabile; costante. Is'sueless, [siSles] adj. senza Irremo'vably, [irimivable'] adv. riverente, senza riverenza. Irrev'erently, [rverntl] ade. prole. immutabilmente. Isth'mus, [ismous] s. istmo, m. Irremu'nerable, [rimiunirabV] irreverentemente. Irrever'sible, [iriversibr] adj. If, [it] pron. il, lo, la; egli,

adj. irremunerabile. _

Irrenowned', [irinaoun'd]
senza onore.


s. lingua itada non ritrattarsi; immutabil- liana, /. [ireparabl'] adj. Italie, [itali] s. {typ.) caratmente. irreparabile, senza riparo. tere corsivo, m. Irrep'arably, [irprabl] adv. Irrevocabirity, [rvocablite'] It'aly, [tale] s. Italia, f. s. irrevocabilit, f. irreparabilmente. Itch', [tsc] .s. rogna, scabbia, /.; Irrepearable,[iripilabr] adj. ir- Irrev'ocable, [irvocabl'] ad]. prurito, wi. prurigine, /.; pizirrevocabile, immutabile. revocabile. zicore, m. Irrepeal'ably, [riplabl] adv. Irrev'ocableness,frvocabrns] Itch', [itsc] V. n. pizzicare; avevedi Irrevocability.

esso. irretrattabile irrevocabile. IrroTer'sibly, [riveiirsible'] adv. Ital'lan, [Italian]


irrevocabilmente. re voglia di. Irrepen'tance, [iripntanse] s. Irrev'ocably, [rvocabl] adv. Itch'ing , [tscing] s. prurito, irrevocabilmente. impenitenza, f. m. [Trepribn- Ir'rigate, [[irighete] v. a. ir- pizzicore, Irreprehen'sible , rognoso, adj. [itsce'] Itch'y, rigare, innaffiare, bagnare. sibr] adj. irreprensibile.

scabbioso, pruriginoso. Irrepreben'sibly, [irpribensi- Irriga'tion, [righscien] s. irItem, [aitm] adv. di pi, inolbagnamento, m. rigamento, irreprensibilmente. adv. bl] tre, parimente. Irrepres'sible, [iripresibrj adj. Irrig'uous, [Irighiuis] ailj. irrtem, [aitem] s. articolo; avriguo, irrigato, innaffiato. che non si pu reprimere. viso; cenno, m. Irreproach'able, [riprotciabl'] Irris'ion, [rigein] s. irrisione,
derisione, f. adj. irriprovevole; integro, inIrritability, [iritablite'] nocente.
s. ir-







Irreproacb'ably, [riprtciable'] adv. irreprobabilmente. Irrepro'vable, [ripruvabr] adj.

irreprensibileIrreptit'ious, [ireptiscius] adj. introdotto furtivamente. [irizistnse] s. Irresis'tance, sottomissione passiva, f.
[irizistibilit] Irresistibil'ity, 4. irresistibilit, potenza irresistibile, /.

It'erate, [tirete] v. a. iterare, ripetere. Itera'tion, [tirescieun] s. iteritabilit, f, Ir'ritable, [iritabl'] adj. irrita- razione ; ripetizione, f. It'eratiye, [tiratv] adj. itebile, irascibile, iracondo. [iritabl] adv. in rante. Ir'ritably, Itin'erant, [atnirant] adj. ammodo irritabile. bulante; errante. Ir'ritate, [iritete] v. a. irritare, Itin'erary, [aitinirare'] s. itineaizzare, provocare. Irrita'tion, [ritsciein] s. ir- rario, m. Itself, [itself] pron. se stesso. ritazione, f.; irritamento, ni. Ir'ritative, Ir'ritatory, [irite- l'vory, [aiveure] s. avorio, m. edera, oliera, f. tv, riteteur] adj. irritativo, l'vy, [av] s. l'vyed, l'vied, Ivy-man'tled, irritante. [aivid, iv-mutrdj adj. coIrrup'tlon, [ireupscien] $. ir-

ruzione, incursione,


perto di ellera.





me dg

[dgicMulateiir] scordare contendisputare snona per la pi parto co- Jac'ulatory, dere. ad'}, jaculatorio. italiano seguito da e od i. Jam, conserva. Jennet, Jade', [dgde] s. rozza, carogna; Jar', [dgiar] s.vaso di terra, m, Jar'gon, [dgirgheiin] 8. gersgualdrina, donnaccia, cavallo spagnolo, Jilt, civetta. Jade', [dgnel v. a. allassare, go, m. John, Giovanni.


affaticare, straccare, stancare; Jar'goneile, [dgiargheunl] s. [dgiabeir] s. ciarla, infastidire, annojare; v n. stan- pera estiva, /. ciarleria, f.; cicalamento. m. Jar'ring, [dgiring] odj. dissocarsi; tediarsi. Jab'ber, [dgibeur] v. n. cicaJa'dish, [dgdisc] adj. vizioso, nante; discordante; -, s. dissolaro, borbottare. nanza, contesa, disputa, /". Jabberer, (dgibeureirl s. bor- cattivo; licenzioso, impudico. Jag', [dgiac] s. dentello, m.; tac- Jas'hawk, [dgiashoc] s. falcone bottone, cicalone, m. (mino, m. soro, tn. Iab'bering,[dgibeurng] s. ciar- ca, intaccatura, f.


Jag', [dgig] V. a. intaccare. la, ciancia, f. la'cent, [dgsent] adj. giacente, Jag'gedness, [dgighdns] s. dentello ; intagliamento, m. disteso. Ja'cinth, [dgsinth-] .giacin- Jag'gy,[dgighjadj. dentellato, intaccato. to, m. Jack',[dgiac] s. (nome familiare Jail', [dgle] s. prigione,/".; carcere, m. di John) Giannino; girarrosto; maschio di alcuni animali; Jail'-bird, [dgle-beurd] s. che il stato in prigione, prigionieluccio giovine; giaco; grillo ro, tn. (di cembalo); cavalletto (di segatore); lecco (al giuoco delle Jai'ler, Jai'lor, [dgleur] s. carceriere, m. pallottole); {mar.) bandiera di prua; /.; to be - of all sides, vol- Jakes', [dgcbes] s. cesso, m. Ja'Iap, [dgleupj s.jalapa, /. tarsi ad ogni bandiera; <o 6e 0/ all trades, fare ogni me- Jam', [dgira] s. conserva, confettura, /. stiere. Jack'al, [dgicl] s. lupo do- Jam', [dgim] v. o. serrare insieme; (mar.) legare, puntelrato, m. Jack'-a-lent, [dgic-a-lnt] s. lare. Jamb', [dgiam] s. imposta,/.; stisempliciotto, m. Jack'-an-apes , [dgiac-an-epes] pite, m. Jan'gle, [dgiangV] v. n. contens. scimmia, f.: sciocco, m. dere, disputare, contrastare; Jack'-asp, [dgic-s] s. asino rissare. goffone, m.

Jas'mine, [dgismin] s. gelsoJas'per, [dgispeur] . diaspro,

jaspide, m.

Jaun'dice, [dgiandis]



Jaun'dced, [dgiandis'd]

adj. it-

Jaunt', [dgint]


scorsa; gira-

Jaunt', [dgiant] v.n. andare qua

e l, andare vagando, scorrere. Jaun'tiness, [dgiantines] .vi-

Jack'-boots, [dgiac-biltes] stivali grossi, m. pi. s. Jack'-catch, [dgiac-catsc] boja, carnefice, giustiziere, m. Jack'-dandy, [dgic-dandj s. ciondolone, balordo, m. Jack'-daw, (dgiac-do] s. cornacchia, gracchia, f. Jack'-et, [dgiachet] s. sajone,m.;

Jan'gler, [dgiangleur]
ditore, garritore, m.



Jan'gling, [dgingling] s. contesa, disputa, /. Jan'itor, [dginiteur] s. portinajo, m. Janizary, [dginizare'] s. giannizzero, m. Jan'nock, [dgianoc] s. pane di


vena. m. [dgiac-puding] Jan'senism , [dginsimsm] s. Giansenismo, m. s. buffone, zanni, m. Jack'-sprat s. Jan'senist, [dginsinst] s. Gian[dgiac-sprat] senista, m. scioccherello, m. Jack'-sauce, [dgiac-sose] Jant', (dgiant] vedi Jaunt. Jan'tiness, [dgiautins] s. legsfacciato, wi. Jac'obin, [dgiacobin] s. domeni- gierezza, /. _ Jan'ty, [dgiante'] adj. acconcio, cano, wi. belloccio, leggiadro. Jac'obites, [dgiacobaltes] s. pi Jan'uary, [dginiuare'] s. Gengiacobiti, m. pi. najo, m. Ja'cob's-staff, [dgiacob's-staf] s. Japan', [dgipan] s. lavoro verastrolabio, m. Jac'tancy, [dgiactanse'] s. jat- niciato, m. Japan' , [dgepan] v. a. vernitanza, ostentazione, f. niare. Jactation, Jactita'tion, [dgiacJapan'ner, [dgpaneur] s. invertescieun, dgiactitescieun) s niciatore; forbitore di scarpe, m. agitazione, inquietudine, impazienza,/. Jac'ulate, [dgiachiulete] scagliare.
Diz. Inn.-Ual.

vacit; bellezza, /. Jav'elin, [dgivilin] s. giavellotto, m.; chiaverina, / Jaw', [dgi] s. mascella, ganascia; bocca, /. Jaw'-teeth, [dgio-tith-e] s. pi. mascellari, m. pi. Jay',[dg] s. ghiandaja, gazza, /. JeaKous, [dgeleii*] adj. geloso, sospettoso: to grow -, divenir geloso, ingelosire. Jeal'ously, Idgcleusl] adu. golosamente, con gelosia. Jeal'Dusness, Jeal'ousy, [dgeleiisns, dgeleiis] s. gelosia, invidia, sospezione; vigilanza, /. ; timore, m. Jeer',[dgire] s. burla, beffa, baja, /.; scherzo, m. Jeer', [dgire] v. a. & n. burlare, beffare, dar la baja, buffonare. Jeer'er, [dgirer] s. burlatore, beffatore, bajonc, m. Jeer'ing, [dgirng] s. burla, beffa, /.; scherzo, m. Jeer'ingly , [dgrmgle'] adv.

scherzevolmente. Jeho'vah, [dgehva] di Dio, m. Jejune', [dgdgiiinel


un nome


arido; incolto, sterile. Jejune'ly , [dgklgiunele'] adv. aridamente, sterilmente. Jejune'ness, [dgidgiiinenes] s. scarsezza; sterilit; povert, /. Jel'lied, [dgeldj adj. glutinoso, viscoso. Jel'ly, [dgl] gelatina, /.; sugo

premuto, m.

Jar',[dgir] s. discordia, discre- Jel'ly-bag, [dgole'-bg] j. sacpanza, contosa; giara,/. v. a. chetto per far passare la gelaJar', [dgir] v, n. dissonare ditina, m.


Jeriy-broth , [dgele-broth-] consumato, tn.
Jen'net, [dgnt]




giojel- Join', [dgioin] v. a. congiungere, unire; -,v. n. unirsi, giuntraffico gersi, associarsi, accompagnarsi; to - battle y venire a gior-

Jew'eler, [dgiiileur]


giannetto, Jew'elry,
di gioje,

(cavallo) m. Jen'netingr, [dgeneting]


s. porno Jew'ess, [dgies] s. Giudea, primaticcio, m. Ebrea, /. Jeop'ard, [dgepeurd] v. a. arri- Jew'ish, [dgisc] adj. giudaico, schiare, avventurare, sperimenebraico. (ebreo. tare. Jew'ishly, [dgiiscle'] adv. da Jeop'ardous, [dgepeurdois] adj. Jew'ry, [dgiire'] s^ ghetto, m. rischioso, pericoloso. Jew's-harp, [dgiii's-hrp] s. Jeop'ardy,[dgpurd] s. azzar- tromba, /. do, rischio; pericolo, in. Jib', [dgb] s. (mar.) flocco, m. Jerk', [dgeirc] s. sferzata, fru- Jig', [dgig] s. giga, f. (ballo). stata, sbrigliata; spinta, scossa; Jig', [dgg] V. n. ballare, batbalzo, urto, m.\ to give a -, baltere la giga. zare. Jiir, [dgl] vedi Gill. Jerk', [dgeurc] v. a. sferzare, Jilt', [dglt] s. civetta, cvetfrustare; v. n. calcitrare. tina, f. Jer'kin, [dgeiirclun] s. giaco, ).; Jilt', [dglt] V. a. civettare. casacca, /.; falcone, m. Jingle, [dglngl'] s. tintinno, Jer_^sey, [dgeiirz] s. fina lana tintinnio, m. filata, f. Jin'gle, [dgingl'] v. n. tintinniJess', [dges] s. (/aie.) goto, m. re, risonare. Jes'samine, [dgesamn] s. gel- Job', [dgiob] .lavoro; colpo di

nata. Join'der, [dgioindeur] s. congiunzione, unione, associazione, f. Join'er, [dgioneur]



falegname, m.


[dgionere'] s. lavorc di falegname, m. Joint', [dgioint] aJj. unito, congiunto ; -, heir, s. coerede, m. Joint', [dgioint] s. giuntura,

congiuntura; commessura; incastratura, /".; out of -, dislogato to put one's arm out of -, dislogarsi un braccio. Joint', [dgioint] V. a. congiungere; tagliare per le giunture;

disgiugnere. Join'ted, [dgiointd] adj. nodoso, pieno di giunture. Joint'ly, [dgioiiitl] adv. con-

somino, m.
Jesse', [dgse] s. lustro, candelabro, m. Jest', [dgest] s. burla, beffa, f.\ scherzo, m.; in -, da burla, per ischerzo; to make a -, burlare, motteggiare, scherzare. Jest', [dgst] V. n. burlare, bef-

pugnale, m. giuntamente, unitamente, inJob', [dgib] V. a. trafiggere susieme. bitamente; -, V. n. fare il sen- Join'tress, [dgiointres] s. vesale, fare un traffico usurarlo. dova dotata, f. Job'ber, [dgiobeur] s. sensale, m. Joint'stool,[dgiointstule]s. sga~ Job'bernowl, [dgibeirnaoul] s. bello, m.
Join'ture, [dgontceur]

goffo, sciocco, m. (volgare). Jock'ey, [dgioch] s. fantino fare, motteggiare. che corre il palio, tn. Je.s'ter, [dgesteur] s. beffatore, Jock'ey, [dgiche'] v. a. inganbeffardo, burlone, m. nare, truffare. Jes'ting, [dgstng] at/j. burle- Jocose', [dgicse] adj. giocoso, vole, scherzevole, scherzoso. faceto, allegro, gioviale, piaJes'ting, [dgstng] s. beffa, cevole. burla, /.; scherno. Jocose'ly, [dgiocsele'] adv.


renv. a.

assegnamento, m.

Join'ture, [dgiontceur] dotare la moglie.

Joke', [dgioche]

Joist', [dgioist] s. travicello, ni.




burla, beffa, in -, por

Jes'tingly, [dgstingle'] adv. giocosamente. scherzosamente, in modo scher- Jocose'ness, Jocos'ity,


ischerzo. Joko', [dgioche] v. n. scherzare, burlare. [dgio- Jo'ker, [dgiocheir] s. beffatore,

cosenes, dgiocosit] s. giocon- motteggiatore, m. dit, allegria, ^; scherzo; tra- Jo'kingly, [dgichngle'] adv. stullo, m. in ischerzo. re, m. Joc'ular, [dgioehiular] adj. gio- Jole', [dgile] s. guancia, ganaJes'uit, [dgziuit] s. gesuita, w. coso, scherzoso, faceto, lieto, scia; testa, /. cieek fri/,-, teJesuit'ic, Jesuit'ial, [dgziuit- burlesco. sta a testa. c, dgeziuiticl] adj. gesuitico. Jocular'ity, [dgiochularite'] s. Jol'Iily, [dgiolil] adv. giojoJesuit'ically , [dgziuitical] allegria, /.; scherzo, trastulsamente, lietamente, allegra-

Jes'ting-stock, [dgesting-stoc] s. bersaglio delle minchionatu-

lo, m. mente. Jo'cund, [dgiocheund] adj. gio- Jolliness, Joriity, [dgilincs, Jes'uitism, [dgeziuitism] s. ge- condo, allegro, lieto. dgilit] s. gajezza, allegrezsuitismo, m. Jocnn'dity,Jo'cundness, [dgi- za, f. Jes'uit-bark, [dgeziuit-barc] s. cheindite', dgiocheiindns] s. Jol'ly, [dgiole'] adj. giojoso,

adv. astutamente, furbamente,

da gesuita.

china, f. giocondit, vivacit, f. allegro, gajo. Je'sus, [dgzeus] s. Ges, m. Jo'cundly, [dgicheundle'] adv. Jolt', [dgiolt] s. crollo, scotiJet', [dgt] s. lustrino; zampilgiocondamente , allegramente, mento, tn.; scossa, f.




Jolt', [dgiolt] V. a. crollare; scuo-

sporgere; in- Jog', [dgig] s. scossa, f.; scotrudere. timento ; ostacolo, m. Jet's am, Jet'som, [dgetseim] s. Jog [dgiog] V. a. spingere, sco(mar.) gettito, m. tere, crollare; urtare; -, v.n. Jet'ty, [dgte'] adj. fatto d lu- avanzare pesantemente ; trestrino: nero. mare. Jew', [dgiii] s. Ebreo, Giu- Jog'ger, [dgiogheur] s. che si deo, m. muove pesantemente, ?n. Jew'el, [dgiuel] s. gioja, pietra Jog'gle, [dgiogP] V. a. vacilla-preziosa, f. re; -, V. n. agitarsi, dimenarsi. Jew'el-box, [dgiul-bocs] . scri- Jog'gling, [dgiogling] s. agigno, m. tazione, f.

Jet', [dgt] V. n.


Jelt'head, [dgilt'hd]
do, scioccone,



Jon-quil', Jonquille', [dgionJquil] s. giunchiglia, f. or'den, [dgird'n] .orinale, in. Jos'sing-block, [dgiosing-blc] s. cavalcatojo, tn. Jos'tle, [dgio'sl'] V. n. urtarsi contro, lottare. Jos'tling, [dgi'sling] s. Tatto
di urtarsi, m.

Jot', [dgot]



s. jota, punto, m.; Ju'daize, [dgiudize] v. n. giudaizzare. nulla, mica, every -, tutto af(notare. Judge', [dgeudge] s. giudico, m. fatto,

Jum'blement, and Jum'blng, [dgeumbrmnt, dgeiimbling] s.

mescolamento, m.

[dgeudge] v. a. & n. Jonr'nal, [dgeurnal] s. gior- giudicare, decider, risolvere; pensare. nale, diario, ni. [dgournalist] s. Judge'ship, [dgieudscp] s. ufJour'nalist, fizio di giudice, m.; dignit di giornalista, m. Jour'ney, [dgeirn] s. viaggio, giudice, f.




to - (ioton,


Jum'Mer, [dgeumbleir]
broglione, m. Jump', [dgeiimp]




Jump', [dgeump] v. n. Jnm'per, [dgeumpeur] tore, m.

Jun'cate, [dgeunchte]

saltare. s. saltas.




v. n.




Jour'ney, [dgeurn]
giare, fare viaggio.


Jour'neyman, [dgourne'man]

lavorante (a giornata) m. dgeurnourc] Judg'ment-seat, [dgeidgmentJour'neywork slte] s. tribunale, giudizio, m. s. lavoro d^ua giornata, m. [dgidicateure'] Ju'dicatory, Joust', [dgiust] s. giostra, f adj. giudicatorio; -, s. giuditorneamento, m. catoria, f. Joust, [dgiust] s. n. giostrare. Jo'vial, [dgiovilj adj. gioviale, Ju'dicature, [dgidicatceure] s. giudicatura, f. giojoso, allegro, gajo, lieto. Jo'vially, [dgivile'J a/v. gio- Judic'ial, [dgiudiscil] adj. giujosamente, giocondamente, al- diziale, giudiziai'io. Judic'ially, [dgiildiscil] adv. legramente. giudizialmente. Jo'vialness, Jo'vialty, [dgivilcs, dgiovialte'J s. giocon- Judc'iary, [dgiudsciar] adj. dit, allegrezza, gajezza, /. giudiziario, di giudice. Judic'ioQS, [dgiiidscius] adj. Jowl', [dgile] vedi Jole. Jow'ler, [dgaoleur] s. bracco giudizioso, savio, saggio, pruda seguito, m. dente. [dgiudisceisle'j Joy', [dgii] s. gioja, allegrez- Judic'iously , za, giocondit, f. adv. giudiziosamente, saviagiubilo, m.; to give -, to wish -, congratumente, discretamente.

cata, f. giudizio, sentimento, m.; opinione. /.; in my -, a mio giu- Jun'cous, [dgeuncheus] adj. dizio; day of -, s. giorno del pieno di giunchi, giuncoso. Junc'tion , [dgeuncscieun] . giudizio universale, m.

congiunzione, unione, f. Junc'ture, [dgeunctceur] s. congiuntura, giuntura; circostanza, f.; stato,


June', [dgine] s. Giugno, m. Jun'gle, [dgeungl"] s. macchia, /.; boschetto folto, wi. Ju'nior, [dgiunitir] adj. pii giovine (d'un altro). Ju'niper, [dgiunfpeiir] .ginepro, m. Ju'niper-berry
bere'] s.

lare, rallegrarsi.


[dgii] V. a. rallegrare; ricreare; v. n. godere, esultare; congratularsi. Joy'ful, [dgiiful] adj. giojoso, giocondo, gajo, allegro. Joy'fully, [dgioiful] adv. gio-

josamente, giocondamente, allegramente. Joy'fulness , [dgoifulns] s.

gioja, allegrezza, allegria, giulivit, f.

Joy'less, [dgioiles] adj. tristo,

mesto, malinconico. Joy'lessly , [dgiilesle'] adv. tristamente, mestamente. Joy'lessness , [dgioilesns] s. tristezza, mestizia, /. Joy'ous, [dgioius] adj. giojoso, giocondo, gaio, contento. Joy'ousness, [dgiiusus] s.
giulivit, allegrezza, f. Ju'bilant, [dgibilnt] adj. giubilante, trionfante. Jubila'tion, [dgiibilescieun] s. gubbilazione, festa, f. Ju'Mlee, [dgiubilij s. giubbileo,

m.; festa,





giocondit, giocondezza, ame-

Juda'ic, Juda'ical, [dgiidec dgiiideical] adj. Giudaico, Ebraico. Juda'ically, [dgiiidoicale'] adv

da Ebreo. Ju'daism, [dgiudeism]

daismo, m.



[dgeurnipeurcoccola del ginepro, f. Ju'niper-tree, [dginipeurtrl] s. ginepro, gineprajo, m. Junk', [dgeunc] s. giunca, f. Jun'kot, [dgeuncht] s. festino di nascosto, m.; confettura, f. Jun'ket, [dgeuncht] v. a. goz- i [dgiudisceisJudic'iousness , zovigliare, banchettare. \^ ns] s. acutezza d'ingegno, pru- Jun'ketings , [dgeunchtings] denza, f. s. pi. gozzoviglia, f. Jug', [dgeig] s. mezzina, broc- Jun'ta, Jun'to, [dgeunta, dgeunca, /".; boccale di terra; usit] s. assemblea, radunanza, cabala, f. gnuolo, m. Jug'gle, [dgeig"]] s, gherminel- Ju'piter, [dgiupteSr] s. Giove, by Jupiter per Giove! la, /.; colpo di mano; inganJu'rat [diiirt] s. giurato, m. no, m. Jug'gle, [dgoiig'l] V. n. gioco- Ju'ratory, [dgiiirateurj adj. giuratorio. lare; ingannare. Jug'gler, [dgeugleur] giocola- Jurid'ical , [dgiurdical] adj. giuridico. tore, ciarlatano, ingannatore m. Jug'glingly, [dgeiglingle] adv. Jurid'ically, [dgiiirdicle'] adv. per gherminella, con inganno. giuridicamente. Ju'gular, [dgighiulr] adj. giu- Juris'consult, [dgiirsconseilt] gulare, jugulare. s. giureconsulto, legista, m. Ju'gulate, [dgiighiulete] v. a. Jurisdic'tion, [dgiurisdiscieun] strozzare. s. giurisdizione, f. Juice', [dgiiise] s.sugo, succo,. Jurisdic'tional, [dgiirTsdcJuice'less,[dgiusels] adj. senza scieiinl] adj. giurisdizionale; sugo. legale. Ju'ciness, [dgiusins] s. abbon- [jurispru'dence, [dgiurlspriidanza di sngo, f. dnse] s. giurisprudenza, f. adj. sugoso, Ju'rist, [dgiurst] s. giurista, Jui'cy, [dgiis] giureconsulto, m. pieno di sugo. Ju'jubG, [dgiudgiube] s. giug- Ju'ror, [dgiureur] s. giurato, m. (lebbo, m. Ju'ry, [dgiure'] s. giurati, wi. pL giola, /. _ Ju'lep,[dgiulep]s. giulebbe, giu- Ju'ryman, [dgiure'mn] s. giuJuly', [dgiulai] s. Luglio, m. rato, m. Ju'mart, [dgiimrt] s. animale Ja'rymast, [dgliire'mast] . nato di toro e cavalla, m. {mar.) albero temporale, albeJam'ble, [dgeumbr] s. mescu- ro di ricambio, m. glio confuso, m. Just', [dgeiist] adj. giusto, oneJum'ble, [dge arabi'] v. a. con- sto, probo esatto. fondere ; mescolare; -, v. n. Just', [dgoust] adv. giustamenmescolarsi, esser agitato, sol- te, esattamente, precisamente,


appunto; -as



se; - so,

appunto cosi;



now, or ora, Justic'iary,

in questo punto, test. Just', [dgeust] s. torneamento, m.; giostra, f. Just', [dgeust] V. n. giostrare. Jus'tice, [dgeusts] s. giustizia, - of the peace, f.; giudice, m.; giudice di pace, m. ; to do render giustizia, amministrar giustizia. Jus'tice, [dgeusts] v. a. render giustizia. Jns'ticeable, [dgeustisabl'J adj. soggetto alla giustizia. Jus'ticer, [dgeustseur] s. giustiziere,

[dgeistsciare'] s. Just'ly, [dgeistl] adv. giustagiustiziere, carnefice, m. mente, esattamente. Jus'tiflable, [dgeiistifalabr] Just'ness, [dgeustns] . giuad), giustificabile. stizia, equit; giustezza, esatJus'tiflableness, [dgeustifaia- tezza, f. bl'nes] s. rettitudine; difesa, /". Jut', Jut'ty, [dgeiit, dgeite'] i. [dgeiistifaiabl] Jus'tiflably , risalto, sporto, m. adv. giustificatamente. Jut', Jut'ty, [dgeut, dgeit] v. [dgeustifiche- n. sporgere; uscire di linea. Justifica'tion , scieun] .giustificazione, scusa, Jut'-window, [dgeit-oiand] f. (giustificativo. finestra che sporge in fuora, difesa, m.
/.; sporto, balcone, m. Jus'tiflcator, Jus'tifler, [dgeis- Juvenile, [divinaile] adj. giovanile. tcateir, dgeistifair] s. giu-

Javenil'ity, [dgiuvinilite'] s. giovanezza, giovent, f. stificare; provare, aggiustare. Juxtaposit'ion, [dgeucstaposTss. Jus'ticeship, [dgeistscip] cieiin] s. apposizione, /".; - of Jus'tle, [dgeis"l] v. a urtare; uffizio di giudice, m. incontrare; - v. n. urtarsi; parts contiguit delle par[dgeistisciabr] Justic'iable ,



Jus'tify, [dgeSstifa] v. a. giu-

vedi Justiceable.



K, prende il suono del e italia-j tezza; veemenza'; sottigliezza; no quando viene seguito da a, prespicacia, f. [chne-saited] 0, u ; e di eh, quando segui- Keen'-sghted, to da e od t. Kind, buono, ama- aUj. perspicace. bile. iiT, segiiito da un'n muto. Keep', [chipe] s. guardia; custodia, tutela, protezione, f. Kale', [cble] s. cavolo riccio, m. Kalei'doscope, [calaidscpe] s. Keep', [chipe] v. a. irr. (kept, kepi) tenere; mantenere; ritekaleidoscopio, m. Kal'endar, [calendar] s. calen- nore; servare, conservare, guardare, proteggere; osservare, dario, m. celebrare; -, v. n. irr. asteKal, fchlai] s. cali, m. Kaw', [co] s. crocidare del cor- nersi; fermarsi, fissarsi; restare; dimorare; durare; to - at vo, wi. Kayle', [chle] s, sbrigli, biril- bay, tenere a bada, gabbare; to - one's bed, stare in letto; li, m. pi. (giuoco)
Xecli', [chc] v. n. sforzarzi di vomitare (volgare). lec'kle, [choc'l] v. a. (mar.) vestire una gomena di cordo.
to -

guardia; to - one's word, mantenere la parola to - asunder, separare; separarsi; to - away,


allontanare;assentarsi;<o -ftacft, tenere indietro; to - t/oion,abbassare; deprimere; to - from, impedire; astenersi; to - in, reprimere; contenero: moderare; stare; ^o-o/T, impedire; respingere; ributtare; stare indietro; to on, continuare; andare avanti;
to - ott(,

impedire d'entrare; star

di fuori; to - to, tenersi; fermarsi; to- under, tenere corto, re-



up, conservare,

ledr'ling, [chcling] s. {mar.) fasciame, m. Keek'sy, [chcs] s. cicuta, f. Kec'ky, [cheche'J adj. frascato, ramoso. Kedge', [chedge] adj. allegro,

mantenere; sostenersi, conserbooks, tenere i libri (di convarsi. ti); to - one's chamber, tenersi in camera; to - a child, alle- Keep'er, [chipeur] . guardiano, vare un ragazzo ; to - compa- custode conservatoi-e, m.; - of ny with, aver pratica, conser- a prison, carceriere, m. vare; frequentare, visitare; to - Keep'ersMp, [chpeiirscp] s. ufcounsel, tenere il segreto, es- ficio del custode, carica del cuser segreto; to - one's counte- stode, m.

nance, non sconcertarsi; to - Keep'ing, [chping] s. guardia, custodia, f. fair with, usare con prudenza; s. rito -fair (ogef/ier, vivere in buo- Keep'sake , [chTpseche] vivace. Kedge', [chedge] v. a. {mar.)\ na intelligenza; to - a family, membranza, /".; dono, m. mantenere una famiglia; to -a Keeve', [chive] s.tino,m. ammainare. ledge', Ked'ger, [chedge, ched- feast, celebrare una festa; to - Keg', [chg] s. piccolo barile; going, andar avanti, avanzare; caratello, ni. geir] s. ancoretta, piccola anilo - in one's cora, f. grief, celare il suo Kelp', [chlp] s. soda, f. KeeV, [chlc] s. (mar.) carena, f. dolore to - at home, starsene a Kel'ter, [chlteur] s. to be in KeeVage, [chldge] s. (mar.) casa; to- ^ouse, tener casa; to - - esser in punto star bene. diritto di porto, m. ief, far quai'esima; to -one's Ken', [chn] s. vista, /".; prospetKeel'hale, leel'haul, [chilehole, promise, mantenere la promesto, m. chilchol] V. a. (mar.) dar ca- sa, tener patto; to - school, far Ken', [chen] v. a. vedere da lon* rena, dare la cala. scuola, tener scuola; to - shop, tane ; scoprire. Keel'son, [chileseSn] s. para- tener bottega; to - one short of Ken 'nel, [chnl] s. canaletto; mezzale, m. money, tener uno corto di dana- canile, m.; muta (di cani); taKeen', [chine] adj. acuto, affi- ri; to - silence, osservare il si- na, f. lato; sottile; veemente, severo; lenzio; to - in suspense tener Ken'nel, [chenel] v. n. abitare, mordente, penetrante. sospeso; to -good table, far buo- dimorare; dormire (volgare). Keen'ly, [chincle'] adv, acuta- na tavola, tener buona tavola; Ker'chief, [cheurtcfj a. fazzomente; veementemente, aspra- to- one's temper, ritenersi, mo- letto da capo, m. derarsi; to - time, tenere tempo, Ker'chiefed, [cheurtcf'd] adj mente, severamente. ]Leon'ness, [chinens] i. acu- accordarsi; to - watch^ far la coperto d'un fazzoletto.
; ;





Ker'mes,[cheurmize]s. cheriines, Eid'nap, [chidnap] v. a. trafu- King'ly, [chingle] adj. da re realmente, regalmente. gare (figliuoli, ecc.). chermisi, m. [ching's-iv'l] $. Kern', [cheurn] s. fantaccino Ir- Kid'napper, [chdnpeur] s. uno Kings'-evil, scrofola, /. landese; villano, contadino; va- che trafuga (figliuoli, ecc.) ni. Kid'ney, [chdn] s. arnione, m.; King'-flsher, [ching-fischeur] . gabondo, m. Kern', [cheurn] v.o. granire, fare razza, progenie,/, (in senso lu- alcione, m. King'shp, [chingscip] .dignidicro). il granello. er'nel, [cheirnl] s. noce, man- Kid'ney-bean, [chidne'-bine] s. t reale, monarchia, sovranit, /. fagiuolo, fagiolo, m. dorla, ghianda, /".; nocciuolo; granello; seme (della pina) m. Kid'ney-wort, [chidne-oueirt] Kink', [chine] s. (mar.) cocca, /. Kings'folk, [chinsfche] s. paEer'nel, [cheurnl] v. n. grana- s. (bot.) sassifraga, /. Kirderkin,[chldurchin] .mez- renti, m. pt.; parentado, m. re, granire. Ker'nelly, [cheurnele'] adw.glan- zo barile, barilotto, barlotto, m. Kins'man, [chinsmn] s. parenKiir, [chil] V. a. ammazzare, uc- te, consanguineo, congiunto, m, duloso, pieno di granelli. Kins'woman, [chinsououmn] . Ker'sey, [cheurz] s. drappo cidere; sterminare, estirpare. parente , consanguinea conKil'ler, [chileur] s. ammazzatogrossolano; canevaccio, m. giunta, /. Kes'trel, chstrl s. gheppio,m. re, uccisore, ucciditore, m. Ketch', [chtsc] s. tartana, /. Kil'Iing, [chilng] adj. mortale. Kip'per, [chipeur] s. salmone, salamene, m. Kiln', [chiln] s. fornace, /.; brick, (piccola nave). - fornace da mattoni; /.; lime, Kirk', [cheirc] s. chiesa, /. Ket'tle, [cht'l] s. cuccuma, f. Kir'tle, [cheurtr] s veste, roramino, m.i small -, calderi- - fornace da calcina, /. Kim'bo, [chimbo] adj. curvo, ba, /. no, m. Kiss', [chis] s. bacio, baciamenKet'tle-drum, [chetl-dreiim] s. incurvato, piegato, arcato. timballo, timpano, taballo, m.; Kin'j [chin] s. parentado, paren- te, m. te, m.; consanguinit, affinit, Kiss', [chis] V. a baciare; to nacchera,/. Ket'tle-drummer, [cht'ldreum- /.; next of-, parente stretto, wi.; one another, baciarsi. eur] s. tamburino, naccherihe is no - to me, egli non mio Kis'ser, [chiseur] s che d baci, no, m. parente. baciatore, m. Ket'tle-pins, [chefl-pins] s. pi. Kind', [caind] adj. benevolo, be- Kis'sing, [chising] .baciamenbirilli, m. pi.; giuoco de' birilnigno; afi"abile, grazioso, corte- te, baciare, m. li m. se, civile; be so -os, favoritemi Kis'sing-crust, [chising-creiist] Eev'els, [chvels] s. pi. (mar.) di, compiacetevi di. s. orliccio (di pane) m.
, (

bitte, f. pi. Kind', [caind] s. genere, tn.; speKex', [checs] s. cicuta, f. zie, sorta, maniera, /.; modo, tn.; Key', [chi] s. chiave, tastiera,/'.; natura, /.; female -, sesso femtasto; stretto, porto; molo,TO. minino, m.; to grow out of -, deKey'age, [chidge] s. dazio che generare. si riscuote sulle ripe, m. Kin'dle, [chindl'] v. a. accendeKey'-bit, [chi-bit] ingegno della re; infiammare, eccitare; v. n. chiave, m.; mulinella, /. accendersi, infiammarsi; fiKey'-hole, [chi-hle] s. foro, gliare. buco della chiave, m. Kind'ler, [chindleur] .incenKey'-ring, [chi-ring] s. cerchio diario istigatore, m. da mazzo di chiavi, m, Kind'ly, [caindl] adj. blando, Key'-stono, [ch-stne] serraglio, lenitivo, afl'abile, benigno. m. (mezza pietra d'un arco). Kindliness, [caindlins] s. faElbe', [chaibe] s. pedignone,i. vore, m.; affezione, /. Kibed', [chaib'd] Kiby, (chab) Kind'ly, [caindl] adv. af'abiladj. pieno di petignoni. mente, cortesemente; benevolKick', [chic] s. calcio, m.; per- mente. cossa (di cavallo) /. Kind'ness, [candnes] s. bont, Kick',[chc] V. a. calcitrare, dar benignit, aS'abilit; grazia, /.; de'calci; sprangare calci;<o - ou t, favore, piacere, m. scacciare a calci to - up one's Kin'dred, [chindred] adj. conheels, dare de' calci; saltare. giunto , consanguineo; simile, Kick'er, [chicheiir] s. scacciato- somigliante. re a calci, m. Kin'dred, [chindred] s. parenKick'ing, [chiching] s. scaccia- taggio, wi.: parenti, m. pi. mento a calci, calcio, m. Kine', [chaine] pi. di Cow. Kick'shaw, [chicsco] s. {cook.) King', [ching] . re, rege; princimanicaretto alla Francese, in- pe; capo, m.; - at draughts, da; ;

Kit', [chit]


fiasco, m.; secchia,

tazzone; piccol violino, m. Kitcb'en, [chtcn] s. cucina, /. [chitcenKitch'en-garden, grd'n] s. orto, m. Kitch'en-maid, [chitcn-mde] s. serva di cucina, /.
Kitch'en-stufF, [chitcn-steuf] s. grascia di cucina, /. [chitcenKitch'en-wench, ounsc] . guattera di cucina, /.

Kitch'en-work, [chitcen-oueiirc] s. lavori di cucina, m. pi.; cucinare, far la cucina, m. Kite', [chaite] s. nibbio; cervo volante; aquilone, m.; cometa,/.




gattino, gat-

Kit'ten, [chit'n]

Kit'ten, [chit'n] v. n. figliare (d'una gatta). Kit'tlish, [chtlisc] adj. che teme
il solletico; delicato. Klck', [clic] V. n. scricchiolare;


Knab', [nab] r


mordere; pa-

tingolo, m.;


pi. bagattelle,



scer l'erba; pigliare. Knack', [nc]s.bagattella; piccola macchina; destrezza, abilit;

King',[chlng] v. a. fare re, coro- arte, /. Kid', [chid] V. n. far capretti, finare; damare (una pedina). Knack', [nac] t'. a. rompere; gliare. King'craft, [chiugcrft] s. arte scricchiolare. Kld'der, [chdeur] s. monopoli- di governare, politica, /. Knack'er, [ncheur] . che fa sta, incettatore, m. King'dom, [chingdeum] s. re- lavori minuti; schiaccianoci; Eid'dle, [chd'l] s. nassa per pegno, reame, m. funajuolo, m. scare, /. King'like, Kingly, [chinglache, Knack'ish, [nchisc] adj. astuto, lid'-leather, [chid-leth'eur] . chngl] od;', reale, di re; libe(astuzia, /. sagace. pelle di capretto, /. rale. Knack'ishaess, [nachiscnes] .


Knac- Enight',





[nate] v. a. creare ca- Enock'er,


lo (di porta)


Knag', [nag] s. nocchio, nodo Knight-er'rant, [nate-erant] s. Enock'ng, [nching] t. picchio; strepito, fracasso, rumocavaliere errante, m. (d'albero) m. Knag'gy, [nagh] adj. nodoso, Knight-er'rantry, [naite-eran- re, m. Enoir, [noie] v. a. & n. suonatr] s. cavalleria antica, f. nocchiuto. Snap', [nap] s. cima, f.; tumo- Knight'hood, [naite-hud] s. di- re la campana dei morti. gonfiamento, m. gnit di cavaliere, f. ordine Enoir, [noi] s. piccola collina re, enfiato tonda, f. Snap', [nap] v. a. morder; ac- cavalleresco, m. chiappare; -, V. n. scoppiare, Enight'ly, [naltelc]' adj. caval- Enot', [not] s. nodo; nocchio;


gruppo, wi.; banda, brigata, f. [nate-mar- stormo; intrigo, imbroglio, m., difficolt, f. scil] s. maresciallodi corte, m. carsi, fendersi, rompersi. Enap'sack, [napsic] s. bisac- Knght'-servce, [naito-seurvis] Enot', [not] v. a. annodare; imbrogliare, intrigare; -, v. n. cia, tasca (di soldato) m. s. servizio di cavaliere, wi. [nate-tem- nodarsi; germogliare; spunEuar', [nar] nodo, nocchio (d'al- Knight'-templar , plr] s. templario, tempiere, m. tare. bero) m. Enot'-grass, [no't-gras] s. {b^i.) Knar'ry, [narj adj. nodoso, no- Enit', [nt] s. lendine, f. Ent', [nit] s. lavoro a ma- sanguinaria, f. deroso. Enot'ted, [noted] adj. annodaKnave', [neve] s. furfante, fur- glie, m. bo; ribaldo; fante (al giuoco Enit', [nit] V. a. reg. & irr. to; nodoso, nocchioso. di carte), m.; to play the -, {knit, knit) legare, annodare; Enot'tiness, [notins] s. nodounire; - v. n. irr. lavorare sit; difficolt, /.; imbroglio, far dello furfanterie. Kna'very, [neveur] s. furfante- all'ago to - the brows, incre- intrigo, m. [note'] adj. Enot'ty, nodoso, truff'a, f. spar la fronte. ria, furberia Kna'vish, [nvsc] adj. furbo, Knit'ter, [nteur] s. lavoratore nocchiuto^ difficile. ingannoso. a maglie, lavoratore all'ago, m. Knovr', [no] v. a. irr. {knew, Kna'vishly, [nvTscl] adv. da Knit'ting-needle, [nting-nidl'] known) sapere, conoscere; v. n. irr. essere informato; safurfante, con furberia. $. gucchia, f.; ago da lavorare pere; to- one'self, conoscersi; Kna'vishness , [neviscnes] s. maglia, m. [ntingto let - far sapere, dar avviso, furberia, furfanteria,, malvagi- Knit'ting-sheath , avvisare; to - by sight, conoscith^e] s. cannello per le guct, {. scere di vista. Enead', [nide] v. a. impastare, chie, m. Knit'ting-yarn, [nting-iarn] s. Enow'able , [noabl'] adj. conointridere. [nlding- filo da faro calzette, m. scibile, che si pu sapere. Knead'ing-trough , Enit'tle, [nt'l] s. cordicella, /.; Enow'er, [noeur] s. conoscitotrof] s. madia, {. re, sapiente, m. Enee', [ni] s. ginocchio, m.; fo cordoncino (di borsa) m. bow the -, inginocchiarsi, ge- Ent'-work,[mt-ou6urc] s. lavo- Enow'ing, [ning] adj. sapevonuflettersi. le, saputo, intelligente. ro a maglie, m. Knee', [ni] r. a. supplicare, pre- Enives', [naives] pi. di Knive. Enow'ing, [nong] .sapere, m.; gare in ginocchio. Enob', [nb] s. tumore nodo, notizia, scienza, f. Enow'ngly, [ningle'] adv. saEnee'-deep,Knee'-high,[nI-dIpe, m.; bozza, /. ni-ha] ad}, afrondato fino a'gi- Enob'bed, [nbd] adj. nodoso, pevolmente, a bello studio. nocchioso. Enowl'edge, [nldge] s. cononocchi. Enee!', [mie] v. n. irr. {knelt, Knob'bness, [nobmes] s. no- scenza; scienza; studio; abilit, f.; without my -, senza la knelt) inginocchiarsi, genuflet- dosit, callosit, f. Enob'by, [nobe] adj. nodoso, mia saputa; to get - of, infortersi. marsi. Enee'-pan, [nl-pan] s. patella nocchioso; calloso. Enock', [noe] s. colpo, m.; per- Enuc'kle, [neucl'] s. congiuntudel ginocchio, f. Enee'-tribute, [n-trbiute] s. cossa, botta, /".; picchio (alla ra, /.; garretto di vitella, m. Enuc'kle, [neuel'] v. a. batter; porta), m. genuflessione, f. Kneir, [nel] s. campana a mor- Enock',[noc] v. a. battere, col- -, V. n. arrendersi, sottometpire; picchiare; urtare, bussatersi. torio, f. Enife', [naife] s. coltello, m.; re; -, V. n. urtarsi; to - down, Enuc'kled, [neuc'l'd] adj. noccoltello atterrare; lo - in, ficcare den- chiuto, nocchierute. paring -, s. trinco trinciante, m.; pen -, s. tem- tro per forza; to - off, rom- Enur', Enurr,[neir, nearl'] vedi perino, mi.; pruning -, $. ron- pere; far saltare; cessare di Kuar. cone, falcetto, m. lavorare; to - under, arren- Enur'ry, [neure'] adj. nodoso. Enight', [nate] s. cavaliere, m. dersi, sottomettersi; cedere. Eo'ran, [corn] s. alcorano, m
leresco, di cavaliere.




spac- Knight'-marshal



strare ;M)aZ ft, camminare; could, La'bel, [lt^^l] s. cartello, .; inscrizione, otichetta, f. vorrei. La'bel, [lblj v. a. notare, seguenti: calf, vitello; half, me- La', [la] int. l! ecco! vedi! gnare. t; folk, gente, yolk, torlo guarda ! La'bial, [lebial] adj. labiale di d'uovo; Cfl/m, calma; ia/m, bal- Labefac'tion, [lbifcscieiin] s. viva voce. (labbiato. samo; talk, discorso; balk, fru- debilitamento, m. La'bated, [lbieted] adj. bot.)


medesimo suono quanto

in italiano: labor, lavoro. L, non si pronunzia nelle parole se-

poteva; should, dovrei; would,

s. lavoro, travaglio, VI.; fatica, pona, opera, f.; to be in -, aver le doglio. La'bor, [lbeur] r. a. lavoraafre; affaticare, tormentaro fliggere; battere; -, v. n. affaticarsi, impiegarsi; esercitarsi; to with child, aver le doglie; to - for an office, cercare una carica; to - under a mistake, sbagliarsi.



Lack'brain, [lcbrue] s. scioc- La'dyship, [lde'scip] s. qualicone, minchione. t di donna; signoria, eccelLack'er, [lcheir] s. vernice lenza f. della China, lacca, f. Lag', [lag] adj. ultimo; tardo; piLack'er, [lcheiir] v. a. verni- gro; negligente. care, verniciare, inverniciare. Lag', [lag] V. n. restare dietro; Lack'ey, [lch] s. lacch, staf- muoversi pigramente; tentenfiere, m. nare. Lack'ey, [lache'] v. a. servire Lag', [lag] s. ultimo, m.; ultima vilmente. classe, /".; rifiuto, m. Lack' -linen, [lac-lnen] adj. che Lag'gard, Lag'ger, [lgheSrd, Lab'oratory, [laborateure] s. non ha camicia addosso. lgheir] s. infingardo, pigro; Lack'-lustre, [lac-leiisteiir] adj. tentennone; indugiatore, m. laboratorio, m.; fonderia, f. Labo'rious, [lborius] adj. la- senza splendore. Lagoon', Lagune', [lgin, lagborioso, faticoso, difficile; as- Lacon'ic, Lacon'ical , [lconic, hiin] .lacuna, palude, /.
la'bor, [lebeur]


leeoni ci]


Labo'riously, [lbriisle'] adv. Lacon'ically, [lcuicl] adv. laboriosamente, con fatica. laconicamente, strettamente, Labo'riousness, [lbriiisns] brevemente. 8. fatica; difficolt; diligenza; La'consm, Lacon'cism, [15assiduit, f. conism, lconisxsm] s. laconiLa'bourer, [lebeureur] s, lavo- smo, m. rante, operajo, m. Lac'tage, [lactdge] s. il proLa'bourless , [lbeurle's] dotto degli animali cho danno adj senza fatica. latte. La'boursome, [lbeurseiim] adj. Lac'tary, [lctare'j adj. latteo,

laconico, conciso. La'ic, La'ical, [lic, licl] adj. laico, secolare. Lair', [lere] .ricettacolo; covile tana,/. Laird', [lrde] feudo, m. La'ity, [lite']


signoro d'un
laici secolari,


TO. pi.

Lake', [leche] s.lago, to.; lacca,/". Lamb', [lm] s. agnello, to. Lamb', [lm] v. n. fare un laborioso, faticoso, dificile, lattifero. agnello. arduo. Lac'tary, [lactare'] s. cascina, /".; Lam'bative, [lmbativ] s.{med.} Labur'num,[labeurnum]s. mag- latticini, TO. pi. lambitivo. giondolo, m. Lacta'ton, [lctscioun] s. al- Lam'bent, [lambent] adj. lamLab'yrnth, [lbirntli2] s.labe- lattamento, m. bente, leccante leggiero. rinto, m. Lac'teal, [lcti'al] adj. latteo, Lamb 'kin, [lmchin] s. agnelliLac', [lac] s. lacca, f. lattifero, latticinoso; - veins, no, agnelletto, m. Lace', [lse] s. stringa, /".; mer- pi. vene lattee, f. pi. Lamb'like, [lamlaiche] adj. dolletto; nastro, m. Lac'teous, [lctieus] adj. latteo, ce, innocente. Lace', [lse] v. a. allacciare; chiloso. Lamb's'-wool, [lra's-ouul] s. gallonare, guarnire di merlet- Lactes'oence , [lctesense] s. lana d'agnello; sorta di birra, /. to, bastonare. formazione del latte, f. Lame', [Teme] adj. zoppo, storLace'-maker, [lse-mcbeir] s. Lactes'cent, flctsnt] adj. lat- piato, imperfetto; - 0/" one leg, facitore di merletto, m. teggiante, chilificante. storpiato d'una gamba to go -, Lace'-man, [lsemn] s. che fa Lactiferous, [lctillreis] adj. zoppiccare. passamani fabbricatore di (anat.) lattifero, latteo. i Lame', [leme] v. a. storpiare, merletti, m, Lad', [lad] s. giovanetto, adole- stroppiare troncare, guastare. Lace'-merchant , Lam'ellated, [lamletd] adj. [lse-meur- scente; garzone. cint] $. mercanto di merlet- Lad'der, [lder] s. scala a lamellato. _ ti, m. piuoli; gradazione, f.; digra- Lame'ly, [lemel] adv. storta(bolo, m. _ Lace'-pillow, [lese-pilo] s. tom- damento, m. mente; imperfettamente; conLac'erable, [laser abl] adj. la- Lad'der-rope , [ldeur-rope] s. tro voglia. cerabile, che pu lacerarsi. Lame'ness, [lemens] s. stor{mar.) guardamano, m. Lac'erate, [lasrte] v. a. lace- Lad'der-step , [ldeiir-step] s. piatura ; imperfezione, /. rare, stracciare. Lament', [lame'nt]s. lamento, w.; pinolo, m. Lacera'tion, [laserscieSn] s. Lade',[lde] v. a. reg. & irr. {la- lamentazione, /.; compianto; gelacerazione, laceramento, strac- ded; laden) caricare; colmare. mito, m. ciamento, m. La'ding, [lding] s. caricamen- Lament', [lament] v. a. deploLac'erative, [laseratv] adj. la- to, caricare; noleggio, m.; bill rare, compiangere; -,v. .lamentarsi, dolersi. cerante. of -, s. polizza di carico, m. Lace'-woman, [lese-ouoiraan] Lad'kln, [ldchin] s. piccolo ra- Lam'entable, flmentabl] adj. lamentevole, lamentabile, comgazzo, m. s. donna che fa merletti con piombini, /". La'dle, [ldi'] s. cucchiaja, me- passionevole, deplorabile. Lach'rymal, [lacrimai] adj. la- stola, /".; roraajuolo, m. Lam'entably, [lamentable'] adv. grimale, lacrimale. La'dleful, [ledl'fil] s. cucchiaja- lamentevolmente. Lamenta'tion, [lmntscieun] Lacryma'tion, [lcrimscieun] ta, f. s. lagriraazione, f. La'dy, [lde] s. dama, signora /.; s. lamentazione, f.; lamento, Lac'rymatory , [lcrimateire'] our -, la Madonna. pianto, m. La'dy-bird, La'dy-cow, [ld- Lamen'ter, [lmntoiir] s. uno s. lacrimatojo, m. Lack', [lac] s. mancanza, /".; bi- beurd, ld-cau] s. coccinella che si lamenta, che deplora, lamentatore. (insetto),/'. sogno, wi. Lack', [lac] v. a. & n. mancare, La'dy-day, [ld-de'] s. Annun Lam'entine, [lamentarne] .vacziazione, f. aver bisogno. ca marina, /". Lack'-a-day, [lac a-de'] int. ca- La'dylike, [lde'laiche] adj. don- Lameu'ting, [lamenting] s. la spita capperi mento, m. nesco; gentile, elegante.
; ;
, ;

Lam'ina, [laminai

lamina, la- Land'-forces,



ma: piastra

di metallo, f.

pi. forze terrestri, f. pi.

Lan'guishing, [lnguiscTngl adj. languente, languido, debo-

Lam'inated, [lminetd] adj.

dotto in lamine, laminoso. La'mish, [lmiscj adj. alquanto zoppo. Lam'mas, [lams] s. primo giorno d" agosto, m. Lamp', [lamp] s. lampada, lampana, lucerna, f. Lam'padary, [lampadar] s.portacandela, m.

Land'grave, [lndgrve] s. lan- le, addolorato. gravio, m. Lan'gushingly, [languiscngle] Landgra'viate, [landgrvite] s. adv. con languidezza. langraviato, m. Lan'guishment, Lan gnor, [lanLand'-holder, [land-lildeur] s. guiscment, langheur] s. languidezza, f.\ languore; debilitapadrone del fondo, m. Land'ing, Land'ing-place, [lan- mento, m. ding, lndng-plse] s. sbarca- Lan'iard , [laniard] s. (mar.)



drizza, scotta,


Land'-jobber, [lnd-dgiobour] La'nate, [lnite] v. a. laniare, lacerare (poco usato). Lam'pass,[lmpasls.(^5e^)lam- .9. sensale, mezzano, m. pasco, m. Land'lady, [lndled] s. padro- La'niflce, [lnifls] s. lanificio, m, s. Lanig'erous, [lndgireiisj adj. [lamp-blac] na di terre ostessa, f. Lamp'-black, nero di fumo, m. Landless, [lndles] adj. senza lanifero, lanuginoso. Lank', [lane] adj. magro, esteLam'pern, [himpeurn] s. lam- terre, senza poderi. Land'locked, [lndloc'd] adj. nuato, gracile, debile, fiacco, preda, /.; lampredotto, m.





circondato di terra. Land'-loper , [land lopeur]



Lampoon', llampin] s. satira, /".; uomo scioperato; perdigiorno, vagabondo poltrone, m. libello satirico, m. Lampoon', [lampan] v. a. fare Land'lord, [landlord] s. padrouna satira, satireggiare, diffa- ne di poderi; oste.m.


[lnd-leubeir] Land'-lubber, vedi Land-loper. scrittore di satire, m. Land-mark, [lnd-mrc] s. liLamprey, [lmprj s. lampre- mite, m. Land'-measurer, [land-megeurda, f. Lamp'-wick, [lamp-ouic] s. lu- er] s. agrimensore, misuratocignolo, m. re, m. [land-megLa'nary, [lenare'] s. magazzino Land'-measuring, della lana, in. euringl s. agrimensura, f. La'nate, La'nated, [lnete, l- Lan'dress, [lndrs] s. lavanntd] ru/j. lanuto, lanoso. daja, /. Lance', [lnse] s. lancia, asta, / Land'scape, [landschope] s. paeLance', (lunsej v. a. tagliare con saggio, paese, m. lancetta; aprire. Land'-tax, [lnd-tacs] s. taglia, Lan'yards, [laniards] s. pi. Lan'ceolate,Lan'ceolated,[lan- gravezza sopra le terre, f. {mar ) piccole corde,/. [lnd-trde] siolete, lnsioletd] adj. {but.) Land'-trade, Lap', [lap] s. grembo, m.; falda, lanceolato. piega, /.; - of the ear, punta deltraffico di terra, m. Lance'pesade, [lanse-pesde] s Land'-waiter, [lnd-oueteiir] s. l' orecchio, f. doganiere, m. (mi/.) lancia spezzata,/ Lap', [lap] t;. a. inviluppare, inLan'cer, [lnsearj s. lanconie- Land'ward, Land'wards, [land- volgere; leccare, lambire. re, m. oueurd, lndoueiirds] adv. ver- Lap'-dog, [lp-dg] s. cagnoliLan'cet, [lanset] . {surg.) lan- so terra. no, m. cetta, lauciuola,/, Lane', [lune] s. vico, vicolo, pas- Lap'-eared, [lap-Tr*d] adj. cho ha gli orecchi pendenti. Lanch', [lansce] s. scialuppa, f.; saggio, m.; strada stretta, f. schifo, m. Lan'grel, [lngrel] s. palla in- Lap'ful, [lpfiil] s. grembiata, Lanch', [lansce] v. a. lanciai'e, catenata, f. grembialata, /.; grembiale piegettare; vibrare; (mar.) vara- Lan'guage, [lnguedge] s. lin- no, m. re - v. n lanciarsi, scagliarsi. gua, /.; linguaggio, idioma, m.; Lap'idary, [lapidare] s. lapidaLan'cinate , [lansinete] u. a. to give one good -, dar buone rio, giojelliere, m.; adj. monustracciare, lacerare. parole ad uno; to give one ill -, mentale. Lancina'tion, [liisinsciein] s. ingiuriare uno. Lapida'tion, [lapidscieun] s. stracciamente, laceramento, m. Lan'guaged, [lnguedg'd] adj. lapidazione, / Land',llaJ] s. terra; regione, /.; dotto in diverse lingue, che sa Lapid'eous, [lapidiiis] adj. lapaese, m.\ by -, per terra; to diverse lingue. pideo, di lapide. make the -, approdare, prender Lan'guage-master, [lngudge- Lapides'cence, [lpido'sense] s. terra. msteiirj s. maestro di lin- impietramento, tn.; lapidificaLand',[lnd] r. a. & n. sbarcare, gua, m. zione, f. prender terra. Lan'guid, [languid] adj. langui- Lapidine, [lpidific] adj. lapiLandau', [land] s. carrozza, f. descente. do, debole, fiacco. Laud'-chain, [lnd-ciene] s. ca- Lan'guidly, [lnguTdle'] adv, Lapidiflca'tion, [lpdifichotena del misuratore, f. languidamente, debolmente, sciein] s lapidificazione, A Lan'ded, [landed] adj. ricco in fiaccamente. Lap'idist, [lpidist] s. venditopossessione. Lan'guideness, [languidnes] g. re di lapide, lapidirio, m.



languido; molle. Lank'ly, [lncl] adv. magramente, debolmente. Lank'ness, [lncns] s. magrezza, macilenza, fiacchezza, (. Lan'nefjLan'neret, [lneiir,lanort] s. laniere, m. Lans'quenet,[lnschinet] .lanzichenecco, m. Lan'tern, [lnteiirn] s. lanterna. /.; faro, fanale, m.\ dark -, lanterna sorda,/. Lan'tern-jaws, [lanteiirn-dgios] viso magro, viso asciuts. pi. to, m. Lan'tern-maker, [lnteurn-mcheiirl $. lanternajo, m. Lanu'ginous,[lniidgineus] adj. lanuginoso, lanoso.

Land'-fall, [land-fl] s. eredit languidezza, fiacchezza, f. Lapis-laz'uli, [leps-lziuli] inaspettata, f. Lan'guish, [lngusc] v. n. lan- lapislazzuli, m. guire, affievolire; svanire, sve- Lap'pet, [lpt] s. falda, /. Land-flood, [lnd-fleud] nire. Tiondazione, /. Lapse', [laps] i. cascata,





Lath'er, [lth'eir] v. a. insaponare; - V. n. schiumare, spu-

scorrimento; errore, m.; man- stare; cinghiare; (ig. censurare aspramente. canza, piccola colpa, (. Lapse', [lapse] v. . cascare; Lash'er, [lasceur] s. sferzatore, frustatore, m. scorrere; mancare, errare. adj. Lash'ing, [lscxng] s. {mar.) [lap-saided] Lap'-sided, aghetto, m. (mar.) abboccato. Lap'wingj [lpouing] s. pavon- Lass', [las] s. zitella, fanciulla, ragazza, f. cella, f. Lar', (p/. Lares), [lr, lerize'l s. Las'situde, [lasitiide] s. lassezza, stanchezza; fatica, /. divinit domesticlie, /".; lari, Lass'-lorn, [las-lrn] atj. abm. pi. Lar'board, [lrbrde] s. (mar.) bandonato dalla sua ragazza. babordo, lato sinistro d'una na- Last', [last] adj. ultimo; passato; - night, iersera; - i<;eefe, nave, m. Lar'ceny, parsine'] s, furto, la- la settimana passata; at-, in droneccio, rubamento, latroci- fine; finalmente; io the -, sino alla fine; -, arfv. ultima volta, nio, m. Larch', Larch'-tree, [larsce-tri] finalmente. Last', [last] s. fine, estremit; s. larice, m. Lard', [lard] s. lardo, grasso di [shoe.) forma, /.; {mar.) lasto, porco, ni. m. (peso di lana, &c.). Lard, [lard] v. a. lardare, lardel- Last', [last] v. n. durare, conlare, ingrassare. tinuare; sussistere. Lar'der, [lrdeur] s. dispensa; Last'ng, [lasting] adj. durabiguardavivande, f. le, durevole, permanente. Lar'ding-pln, [lrdmg-pin] s. Last'ingly, [lstingl] adv. du(cook.) lardatojo, m. revolmente, perpetuamente. Lar'don, [lrdeiin] s. lardello, Last'ingness , [lstingns] s. lardellino, m. durevolezza; continuazione, f. Large', [lrdge] ad], largo, am- Last'ly, [lstl] adv. in fine, lipio, spazioso, vasto, grande; alla fine, finalmente; in somma. berale; at -, ampiamente; to set Latch', [ltsc] s. saliscendo, m. at, liberare. Latch', [ltsc] v. a. chiudere Large'ly, [lrdgel] adv. larga- con saliscendo. mente copiosamente, abbon- Latch'et, [ltsct] s. correggia;

Lat'in, [latin] s. lingua latina, ^. Lat'inism, [ltinsni] s. latini-

smo, m.





Latin'ity, [ltinte'] .latinit' lingua latina, f. Lat'inize, [ltinaize] v. a. & .


dire in latino.

Latiros'trons, [ltirstreiis] adj. di becco largo {poco usato). La'tish, [ltisce] adj. alquanto
tardo, tardivo, tardetto. Lat'itant, [latitnt] adj.


scosto, celato. Lat'itude, [ltitiSde] s. latitudine, larghezza, /.; spazij), m.



rin] adj. latitudinario non limitato; -, s. libertino, m. La'trla, [ltria] s. latria, f.

Latrocina'tion, Latroc'iny, [letrsinscieun, letrsiuj s. latrocinio; furto, m. Lat'ten, [ltn] s. ottone , m.;

Lat'ten, [lln] adj. d'ottone; wire, s. fil d' ottone, m. Lat'ter, [lteur] adj. ultimo; recente; moderno. Lat'terly, [lteurl] adv. ultimamente, finalmente, poco fa,

dantemente; profusamente. cintura, f. Large'ness, [lrdgens] s. lar- Late', [lete]


gran tempo.


ghezza, grandezza, ampiezza, f. lento, tardo, ultimo; tardi; of Lar'gess, [lrdges] s. largita, -, ultimamente, non ha guari; liberalit, larghezza, f. the - king, il re defunto. iLarge'-hearted, [lrdge-hrted] La'ted, [ltod] adj. sorpreso adj. liberale, generoso. dalla notte. Large'-heartedness , [lardgtf- Lateen', [latin] adj. {mar.) lahrtdns] s. generosit, f. tino; - s. sail, vela latina, f. Largit'ion, [lrgscieunjs.dono, Late'iy, [ltele'] adv. ultimadonativo, m. mente, da ultimo, non gran Lark', [lare] s. allodola, lodo- tempo, poco stante. la, f. La'tency, [ltnse'] s. oscurit, Lark'er, [larcheir] s. uccella- /.; nascondimento, m, tore d'allodole, m. Late'ness, [ltcns] s. tempo Lark'spur, [lrcspeir] s. (bot.) pi tardo, wi.; tardezza, f.; inconsolida reale, f. dugio, m. Lar'um, [lreira] s. allarme, La'tent, [ltent] adj. latente, tri.; campana a stormo, segreto, occulto. f.

adv. Lat'tice, [ltTs] s. graticciata, /.; graticcio, m. Lat'tice, [lts] v a. ingraticciare, ingraticolare, cancellare. Lat'tice-windowr, [ltis-ouind] s. inferriata, gelosia, f. Lat'tice-work, [ltis-oueurc] s.

Laud', [lode] s. lode, laude; commendazione, f. Land', [lode] v. a. lodare; com* mondare; celebrare. Lau'dahle, [lodabl'] adj. loybile, lodevole.



[lodabl'ns, ldabilite'] s. laudabilit, laudevolezza, f. Lau'dably, [ldabl] adv. lo-

susseguente; adv. pi tardi, Lar'vated, [larvetd] adj. lar dopo. vato, mascherato. Lat'eral, [lateral] adj. laterale, Lar'ynx, [larincs] s. (anat.) la- da' fianchi. ringe, f. Lat 'erally, [laterale'] adv. lateLasciv'ious, [lasvieiis] adj. la- ralmente, da'fianchi. scivo, lussurioso, impudico La'test, [ltstj adj. ultimo, Lasciv'iously, [lsjviisl] adv. pi tardo. lascivamente, impudicamente. Lath', [lth-e] s. panconcello,
[lsiviisns] m.; assicella, /. 8. lascivia, lascivit, impudi- Lath', [lth^e] v. a. inchiodare cit, f. i panconcelli; coprire di assiLash', [lasce] s. sferzata, fru- celle.

Lar va, [larva] tro, m.




spet- La'ter, [lteur] adj. posteriore,

devolmente, lodabilmente, con

s. laudano, n. Lau'dative, Lau'datory, [lodativ, ldateure'] adj. lodante, laudante. Laudes', Lands', [lodes, lods]
s. pi. laudi, m. pi. Laugh', [lfe] s. riso, m. Laugh', [lfe] v. a, a. beffare,

Lau'dannm, [lodaneSm]


- v. n. ridere; to - at, ridersi, burlarsi, schernire; to

stata^ cinghia,



motto Lathe', [lith'c]

tornio, m.

pungente, m.
tash',[lsce] v. a. sferzare, fru-

Lath'er, [lth'er] s. saponata, schiuma di sapone, /,

-out, ghigna,zz3i,re: to -outright, dalle risa; to - in one's sleeves, tqi sotto i baffi, rider di nascosto.


bile, ridicolo


litigare; pros.

ter e il caldo; to -hold of, afferrare, prendere, pigliare; io

[lafabl] adj. risifaceto. ;


formar processo,

laugh'er, [lafeur]

uno che Law'-day, [lode] udienza, m.


giorno di

Laugh'ing, [lafng]



Law'ful, [loful] adj. legittimo,

legale, lecito ; giusto. adv. Law'fully, [loful] adv. secon[lafingl] Laugh'ingly, con riso, in modo ridente, al- do la leggo, legalmente; giu-

legramente. Laugh'ing-stock,



[lafing-stoc] Law'fulness, [lfulnes] s. legalit; equit; giustizia, /. trastullo, scher-

Law'giver, [loghveur] s. leLaugh'ter, [lafteur] s. riso, ri- gislatore, legista, m. dere, m.; to break out into -, Law'giving, [logbvng] adj. legislativo. scoppiar dalle risa. [lles] adj. senza Launch', [lansce] vedi Lanch. Law'less, Laun'der, [landeur] s. truogo legge, contrario alle leggi; ilno, m.

out money, sborsare, pagare denaro; to - open, scoprire, spiegare, dichiarare, mostrare to - in order, mettere in ordine, ordinare; to - a punishment on one, punire alcuno; to - a plot, fare una congiura, tramare, macchinare; to - siege to, metter l'assedio a; to snares, tendere insidie, insidiare; to- a tax, imporre una tassa; to - a loager, fare una scommessa; to - wait for, insi;

d'acqua, seccbia, /". Laun'der, [landor] vare.


a. la-







diare; to-vaste, desolare, distruggere, rovinare to - toine, mettere in cantina il vino; lo - about, battere, bastonare; to -against, incolpare, accusare;

Laun'derer, [landeiireur] s. lavatore, lavandajo, m. Laun'dress, [landrs] s. lavandaja, lavandara, f. Laun'dry, [landre] s. lavatojo, luogo da lavare, m. Lau'reate, [lriete] adj. lau reato, coronato di laurea.

Law'-maker, [lomeclieur] gislatore, m.

to - before,

rappresentare, mo-

strare; to- by, chiudere; serm.;

Lawn', [ln] s. pratollo, rensa (tela d'Olanda), f.



down, deporre; po-

Law'ny, bonda

adj. che ab[Ione] di pratelli; fatto di







so, m.; lite, causa,

Law'yer, [loior] s. giurista; lauro, m. Lau'reled, [lorel'd] adj. coro- avvocato, giureconsulto, legista, m. nato di lauro. Laurusti'nus Law'yerly, [loiurl] adj. da Laurustine',

sare; riposare; to -forth, distendersi; diffondere; to - in, ammassare; to- on, applicare; sopraporro; operar con vigore; to - out, sborsare; spendere; disegnare; to - over, coprire; incrostare; to - to, imputare, accusare; to - together, ammassare comparare, confrontare
; ;

[l'reustaine, lreustalneusj
{boi.) alloro selvatico,


curiale; giudiciario.

Lax', [lacs] adj. molle, rilassato, debole, fiacco; vago. La'va, [lava] s. lava, f. Lava'tion, [lavscieun] s. lava- Lax', [lcs] s. flusso di corpo, m.; soccorrenze, f. zione, f. Lav'atory, [lvateur] s. lava- Lax'ative, [lcsatv] adj. lassativo; -, s. {med.) lassativo, m. tura, f. Lave', [leve] v. a. lavare; v. n. Lax'ativeness, [lcsativns] s. Lay '-land, [Je-land] s. (agr.) maggese, maggiatica, f. allentamento, flusso, m. lavarsi, bagnarsi. Laveer', [levire] v. n. (mar.) Lax'ity, Lax'ness, [lcsite', lacs- Lay'-man, [le-mn] s. laico, secolare; modello, m. ns] s. lassit, lassitudine, ribordeggiare. Lav'ender, [lavendeur] s. spigo, lassatezza ; stanchezza, len- Lay'-priest, [le-prist] s. prete secolare, m. tezza, f. nardo, tti.;_ lavanda, f. letas. La'ver, [leveur] s. lavatojo, Lax'ly, [lacsle'] adv. rilassata- Lay'-stall, [le-stol] majo, m. _ mente. tino, m. La'zar, [lezar] s. leproso, lebLav'ish, [lavsce] adj. prodigo, Lay', [le] adj. laico, secolare. Lay', [le] s. scommessa; canzo- broso, m. profuso, eccessivo. Lavish, [lvisce] v. a. prodiga- ne, f.; canto, m.; terra erbo- Lazaret'to, La'zerhouse, [lazarto, lzrhause] s. lazzeretsa, f. lizzare, spendere profusamente, Lay', [le] v. a. irr. {laid, laid) to, m. dissipare. Lav'isher, [lvsceur] s. spen- mettere, porre; posare; ab- La'zar-wort, [lzar-oueurt] s. bonacciare, calmare; disporre; {bot.) belzoino, bolgiovino, m. dereccio, prodigo, m. scommettere; v. n. irr. fare La'zily, [lzile'i adv. lentamenLav'ishing, [lviscng] s.scia una scommessa; fare le uova; te, tardamente, pigramente. lacquamento. lav'ishly, [lvscel] adv. pro- to - apart, mettere da banda; La'ziness, [lezins] s. tardanza, rigettare; to - aside, mettere lentezza, pigrizia, f. digalmente, profusamente. Lavlshment, Lav'ishness, [l- da parte, mettere da banda; de- La'zing, [lzng] adj. lento, piinfingardo, negligente viscemnt, lvscens] s. prodi- porre; omettere; lasciare; ri- gro, nunziare, abbandonare; to - as- (volgare). galit, /. Law', [16] s. logge, /".; statuto; leep, addormentare, insonnare; Laz'uli, [laziuli] s. lapislazzuto- out one's cards, scartare; li, m. editto, ni.; giurisprudenza, /".; processo; diritto, m.; canon -, to -a charge against one, incol- La'zy, [lez] adj. lento, tardo; legge canonica /.; civil -, leg- pare alcuno, accusare alcuno; infingardo, neghittoso, pigro. ge civile /.; statute-, atti del to - claim to, pretendere; to Lea', [l] s. prato chiuso all'inparlamento, m. pi.; doctor in -, the dust, abbattere la polvere; torno, m. to - eggs, fare dell'uova; to - Leach', [litsce] s. ceneraccio, tn. s. dottore in legge, m.; to follow the -, studiar la legge; to in heaps, ammucchiare, am- Leach', [litsce] v. a. imbucare. give -s, dar leggi; to go to -, massare; to - the heat, abbat Lead', [led] s. piombo, /.; biack.


under, sottomettere; to up, ammucchiare, accumulare; riserbare; lo - upon, sopraporre, imporre. Lay'-hr other, [l-breuth^eur] frate, m. Lay'er, jleir] s. letto; strato; germoglio, m.; chioccia, f.
to -





Lea'kage, [llchedge] s. colatura, Leather-bot'tle,[lethieur-b6t'l] s. otre, otro, m. /".; scolo, m. [lth'eiirLead', [lide]s. direzione; condot- Lea'ky, [lich] ad;", fesso, squar- Leat'her-dresser , droseur] s. conciatore di polciato. ta, /.; cominciamento (del giuoli, TO. co), m.; fig. precedenza, supe- Leam', [lime] s. {hunt.) s. guinLeath'ern, [lthieurn] adj. di riorit, presidenza, /".; to take zaglio, TO.
miniera di piomljo,



the -, presiedere. Lea'mer , [lmeir] s. specie di cuojo, di pelle. Leat'her-seller,[lth'eur-sleir] Lead', [led] v. a. impiombare. bracco, m. Lead', [llde] v. a. irr. {led, led) Lean',[line] adj. magro, smunto, pelliciajo, pelliciere, to. guidare, menare, condurre; co- affilato, macilente to groiv -, Leath'ery, [lth'eure] ar/j. della mandare; -, V. n. irr. essere smagrire; to make -, dima- qualit del cuojo; tiglioso, duro. Leave', [live] s. permissione, ligrare. il capo to - a dance, guidare un ballo to - by the hand, Lean', [line] v. n. reg. & irr. cenza, libert, /".; congedo, m.; menare per la mano; to - a {leant, lent; leant, lent) appog- by your -, with your -, con vogood life, menare buona vita; giarsi; inclinare; pendere; to - stra licenza; to take - of one, to - by the nose, menare per il ouer, sporgere; to -upon, ripo- prender congedo da uno. Leave',[live] v. a. irr. {left, left) naso to - out of the way, svia- sarsi sopra, fidarsi. finire re; <o - along, condurre, ac- Lean'ing-staflf, [lining-staf] s. lasciare, abbandonare -, V. n. irr. cessare; disconticompagnare; to away, menar bastone per appoggiarsi, m. nuare to off, abbandonare; to via, trarre seco; to - hack, ri- Lean'ly, [llnelj adv. magra-, off crying, cessar di piangere; menare, ricondurre; to - in, mente. introdurre; to - out, menar Lean'ness, [llnens] s. magrez- lo - off writing, tralasciar di scrivere; to - out, omettere, za; estenuazione, /. fuora. Lead'en, [led'n] adj. di piombo, Leap', [llpe] s. salto, balzo, m.; escludere. Leaved', [liv'd] adj. fogliato, piombino; pesante, goffo. to take a -, fare un salto. Lea'den-harted, [led'n-harted] Leap, [lipe] u. a. reg. & irr. frondoso, frondifero. adj, insensibile, stupido. {leapt, leapt)coT^Ye; montare; v. Leav'en, [lvn] s. lievito, ferLea'der, [lideurj s. conduttore; n. saltare; lanciarsi; palpitare. mento, TO. capo, capitano; articolo di fon- Leap'er, [lipeur] s. saltatore, Leav'en, [lven] v. a. lievitare, m.; (mar.) marinaro di balzatore, m. fermentare; guastare. do prua, m. Leap'-frog, [lipe-frog] s. giuoco Leav'enons, [leveneus] adj. lievitato, fermentato. Lead'ing, [llding] adj. primo, fanciullesco, m. principale;- article, s, artico- Leap'-year, [llpe-iirej s. anno Leaves', [lives] pi. di Leaf. Lea'vings, [livings] s. pi. rimalo di fondo, m.; - horse, s. cabisestile, m. vallo da sella, m.; - man, s. Leam', [leiirn] v. a. & n. reg. & sugli, TO. pi. capo, principale, m.; - strings, irr. {learned, learnt) insegnare; Lea'vy, [live] adj. frondoso, fos. pi. stringhe, f. pi.; laccio, imparare, apprendere; to -with, glioso. menajuolo.m.; - wind, s. (mar.) scozzonarsi. Lech'er, [ltceir] s. dissoluto, vento largo, m. Lear'ned, [leurned] adj. istrut- libertino, m. Lead'man, [lideman] s. diret- to, dotto, letterato, saputo, in Lech'erous, [letcireus] adj. latore di ballo, m. (poco usato). telligente. scivo, dissoluto, voluttuoso, imLead'-ore, [ld-ore] s. miniera Lear'nedly, [leiirndle'] adv. pudico. di piombo, f. dottamente, eruditamente. Lech'erously, [letcireiisle'} adv. Lead'y, [lde] adj. color di Lear'ner, [leurneurj s. scolare; lascivamente, impudicamente. piombo. principiante, m. Lech'erousness, Lech'ery, [ltleaf , [life] s, foglia, /".; foglio; Lear'ning, [leurning] s. erudi- cireusns, ltceiire'j s.lascivit, battente, m. zione; scienza, dottrina, /. impudicizia, f. Leaf, [life] v. n. coprirsi di fo- Lease', [lise] s. affito, m to ta- Lec'tion, [lcscien] s. lezione, glie, produr foglie, frondire. ke a -, to take on -, pigliare in lettura, f. Lea'fage, [lifdge] s. abbondan- affitto. Lec'ture, [lctcer] s. lettura; za di foglie, f. Lease', [lise] v. a. dare in affit- bravata, sgridata, /".; rimproveLeaf -gold, [life-gld] s. oro in to, affittare; -, v. n. spigolare; ro, TO. foglia, m. ristoppare. (to, m. Lec'ture, [lctceiir] v.a. addot_ Leafless, [life-les] adj. sfron- Lease'hold, [llseholdj s. affit- trinare, riprendere. dato, senza frondi. Lease'holder , [liseholdeiir] s. Lec'turer,[lctceureur] s. lettoLea'fy, [life] ad/. frondoso, fron- fittajuolo, m. re; professore; predicatore; vidifero, fogliato. Lea'ser, [liseiir] s. spigolato- cario, TO. League', [ligbe] s. lega; unione; re, TO. Lec'tureship, [lctcerscip] s. fazione, /".; to enter into a -, far Leash', [lsce] s. guinzaglio, m.; uffizio di lettore, to. lega, legarsi. lassa, /.; legame, legaccio, m. Ledge', [ledge] s. orlo; letto, straLeague', [llgbe] v. n. legarsi; Leash', [lisce] v. a. legare, av- to; risalto, TO. confederarsi. vinghiare. Ledg'er, [ldgeiir] s. libro maeLea'gued, [ligh'd] adj. legato; Lea'sing, [lizng] s. spigola- stro (di conti) TO. confederato. mento, m.; menzogna, bugia, Led'-horse, [ld-horse]s. cavalLea'guer, [lgheur] s. confede- falsit, f. lo a mano, to. rato; assedio; blocco, m. Least', [liste] adj. & adv. mini- Lee', [li] s. {mar.) parte opLeak',[liciie] .fessura, crepatumo, pi piccolo; meno, in mini- posta al vento, /".; to lay a ra; (mar.) falla, /".; lo stop a -, mo modo; at -, almeno; not ship by the -, metter la nave stagnare una falla. in the, - in niun modo. alla cappa. Leak, [liche] v. n. fare acqua, Leath'er,[lth'eurJ s. cuojo, to,; Lee'-hoard, [li-borde] . (mar.) trapolaro, colare. pelle, /.; to lose -, scorticarsi. deriva, f.
; ;




leech', [llfsc] s. sanguisnga. Leg'erdeman, [le'dgurdimne] jLem'on-peel, [lemeun-ple] <. mignatta, [.; medico, tn. s. gherminella, f. scorza di limone, f. Leech', [Htsc] v. a. medicare. Leg'-harness, [lgharns] s. Lem'on-sqaeezers [lemeun, Leech'-craft, s. [lltsc-craft] cosciale, m. sqaizearsj s. pi. strittojo di medicina, f. Legibil'ity, [ledgibilite'] s. legcedri, tn. Lee'-gage, [ll-ghedge] s. (mar.) gibilit, f. Lem'on-tree, [liraeiin-tr] s. sottovento, m. Leg'ible, [ledgibl'] adj. leggi- cederne, cedro, tn. Leek', [liche] s. porro, ni. bile. Lend', [lend] v. a. irr. (lent, Leek'-pottage, [llche-ptdge] Leg'ibly, [ldgible'] adv. in ma- lent) prestare, dare in prestis. (cook.) zuppa con porri, f. niera leggibile, in modo leg- to; dare, accomodare; - me Leer', [lire] s. occhiata obliciua, gibile. your hand, datemi la mano; Le'gion, [ITdgeun] s. legione, to - out, prestare. f.; .sguardo bieco, m. Leer', [lire] v. a. guardare sot- /.. gran numero, m. Lend'er, [lndeur] s. prestatotocchio, occliieggiare, occhiare. Le'gionary, [lldgeinare'] adj. re, m. Lees', [lize] s. pi. feccia, /.; se- legionario. Len'ding, [lending] s. l'atto di dimento; rimasuglio, 7)i. Leg'islate, [leJgisltc] prestare, m. v. a. Leet', [lite] s. giorno curiale, m. fare delle leggi, decretare Length', [length-] s. lunghezLee'-shore, [liscire] s. (mar.) leggi. za; distanza; durata, conti^ costa di sottovento, spiaggia Legisla'tion, [ledgslescieun] nuazione, f.: at -, alla fine, fiesposta al vento, f. nalmente; in- of time, in pro8. legislazione, f.; ordinamenLee'-side, [li-sade] s. (mar.) to di leggi, ni. cesso di tempo; picture in full banda di sottovento, f. Leg'islative, [ldgisletiv] adj. -, s. ritratto in grande, tn., Lee'ward, [lueird] adj. op legislativo; - pouter, s. potere to lie at one's -, giacere tutto posto al vento. legislativo, n. disteso. Lee'way, [lioue'] s. (mar.) de- Leg'islator, [ldgsleteir] s. le- Lengh'then, [lenghth-'n] v. a. riva, f. gislatore, m. allungare, stendere; -, v. n. Left', [left] adj. sinistro, manco. Leg'islature, [ledgisletiilre] s. allungarsi, distendersi. Left'-handed, [lft-hndd] adj. legislatura, legislazione, f. Lengh'thening, [length-ning] mancino. Le'gist, [lidgst] s. giurecon- s. allungamento, tn. Left'handedness, [left-handd- sulto, tn. Length'wise , [lngth^onize] ns] s. uso della man sini- Legit'imacy, [lidgtimase'] . adv. in lungo. stra, m,: disadattaggine, /. legittimit, f. Leng'thy, [length -e'] adj.lrmgo. Leg', [leg] t. gumba, /.: - of beef, Legit'imate, [lldgitimete] [linint] adj. Icnieuv. Le'nient, coscia di bue, f.: - of a foicl. a. legittimare, far legittimo. te, lenificativo; -, . medicina coscia d"nn uccello, /.;- of mvt- Legit'imate, [lidgitimete] adj. lenificativa, f. ton, coscia di castrato, /.; - for legittimo, secondo la legge. Len'ify, [lenifai] v. a. lenifistockings, forma per le cal- Legit'imately , care, addolcire. [lidgtimetele'] zette, /.; ' of a table, piede adv. legittimamente. Len'itve, [lnitiv] adj. lenitid'una tavola, m.\ to make a-, Legitima'tion, [lldgtimscieun] vo, mitigante, molcente; -, . far la riverenza (volgare). lenificamento. s. legittimazione,/'. Leg'acy, legas] a. legato, la- Leg'ume, Leg'unien, [leghiume, Len'ity, [lenite'] s. lenit, dolscito, ffi. leghimn] s. legume, m.; cezza, affabilit, umanit, f. Le'gal, [llgal] adj. legale, le- civaja, /. Lens', [lnz] s. lente, tn. (vetro) gittimo, lecito. Legu'minous, [leghiiimineis] Lent', [lent] s. quaresima, /. Legal'ity, [ligalit] s, legalit, adj. leguminoso, di legume. Len'ten, [lntn] adj. quaresiconformit alle leggi, f. Lei'snrable, [lgearabl'] male, di quaresima. adj. Le'galize, [liglaze] v. a. le- fatto ad agio. Lentic'ular, [lntichiulr] adj. galizzare, render legale, auto- Lei'surably, [legeurable'] adv. lenticolare. rizzare. Lentig'inous, a suo bell'agio. [lentdgineus] Le'gally, [ligale"] adv. legal- Lei'snre, [legeur] s. agio, ozio; lentigginoso. mente, secondo la legge. comodo, tn.; opportunit, co- Len'til, [lentil] s. lente, tn.; lenLeg'atary, [lgatar] s. legata- modit, f.; at,- a bell'agio; to ticchia, lentiggine, f. rio, m. be at -, aver agio, aver il Len'tisk, [lntsche] s. lentiLeg'ate, [legete] s, legato, am- tempo. schio, tn. basciatore, tn. Lei'surely, [lege2rle'] adj. Len'tor,[lenteur] *. tenacit; viLeg'atee, [legati] . legatario; adv. a bell'agio, a bello studio, scosit lentezza, f. quegli in cui favore fatto il convenevolmente; adagio, poco Len'tons, [lnteus] adj. tenace, legato, m. a poco. viscoso. Leg'atice, [legatalne] adj. del Lem'man, [leman] *. amante, Le'o, [Ilo] s. (asfr.) leone, tn. legato. innamorato, tn. Le'onine, [lionainej adj. leoniLega'tion, [lghscieun] s. le- Lem'ma, [lma] s. {ar. geom.) no, di leone. gazione, ambasceria, f. lemma, tn. Leop'ard, [lpeurd] s. leoparLeg'ator, [lgeteur] s. che fa Lem'on, [lomeun] s. limone, tn. do, tn. testamento, testatore, t?i. {poco Lemonade', [lmefinde] s. li- Lep'er, [lpeur] . lebbroso, leusato). monata, acqua di limone, /. proso, tn, Leg'end, [ledgend] s. leggenda, Lem'on-color, [lemeun-cheiil- Lep'erous, [lpeureus] cedi Lefavola; inscrizione, /. eur] s. color di limone, tn. prous. Leg'endary, [ldgndare'] adj. Lem'on-colored, [lmeun-cheiil- Lep'id, [lepid] adj. gajo, scher^ ;


Leg'er, [ldgeur]

eur'd] adj. citrino. zevole, allegro. libro mae- Lem'on-juice, [lmeun-dgiise] Lepid'ity, [lepldite'] stro, giornale, libro de'conti, m. $. sugo di limone, m. za, gaiezza, f.




Lep 'orine, [lporaine]
rino, di lepre.




adj. lepo- Let'ter-founder,

[leteur-faun- Lex'icon, [lecsicon] fonditore di caratte- dizionario, m.


Lep'rosy, [leprose]


lepra, leb-

ri, ni.

Liabil'ity, [laiblite']


Let'ter-foundery, [leteur-faun- gazione, responsabilit, f. Lep'rous, [lepreus] adj. leproso, deur] s. fonderia di caratte- Li'able, [laiabl'J adj. soggetto, ri, f. esposto; responsabile. lebbroso. [lteir-ppeur] Li'ableness, [laiablns] cedi LiLess', [ls] adj. minore, inferio- Let'ter-paper, ability. re; -, adv. meno, non tanto; carta da lettere, f. more or -, pi o meno. Lefter-press, [lteur-pres] s. Li'ar, [laiar] s. mentitore, buLessee', flsij s. pigionale, af- torchio, m.; stampa, /". giardo, ni. (zone, f. fittuale, m. Let'tice,Let'tuce, [ltls.ltiiise] Liba'tion, [laibescieun] s. libaLes'sen, [ls'n] v. o. render pi s. lattuga, /.; cabbage -, s. lat- Li'bel, [lalbl] s. libello infamapiccolo, impicciolire, diminuire; tuga cappuccia, f. torio, tn.: satira, f. scemare; v. n. divenir pi pic- Levant' , [livnt] s. levante, Litel, [laibl] v. a. & n. diffacolo. oriente, m mare, screditare iu iscritto, caLes'ses, [lesez] s. pi. sterco (di Levan'ter, [livanteur] s. vento lunniare. animali rapaci) m. Li'beler, [lableiir] s. scrittore forte orientale, m. Les'son, [les'n] s. lezione, f.; in-!Levan'tine, [lvantane] adj. le- di libelli infami, diffamatore, segnamento, precetto; rimpro-l vantino, dell" Oriente, calunniatore, m. vero, m. Li'belons, [laibeleus] adj. diffaJLev'ee, [levi] s. levata,/. Les'son, [les'n] v. a. istruire, Lev'el, [level] adj. a livello, li- matorio, infamatorio. ammaestrare, addottrinare. veliate, piano; to make -, livel Lib'eral, [liberal] adj. liberale, Les sor, [lsr] s. affittatore, m. lare; -, s. livello, piano, m.; li- generoso, magnanimo, munifiLest', [lst] conj. per tema, per vella, /. cente; - arts, s. pi. arti liberapaura, per timore di. Lev'el, [level] t. o. livellare, ap- li,/.?/. pianare V. n. mirare; compa- Lib'eralism, [liberalism] s. liLet', [let] J. ostacolo, impedimento, m. rare, conghietturare; tentare. beralismo, m.

Let', [let] V. a. irr. (let, let) la- Lev'eler, [lvleur] s. livellatosciare; permettere; ritenere, re, m. impedire; affittare, appigiona- Lev'elness, [levelnes] s. livello, spianamento, m.; uguaglianza, ^ re; -, V. n. irr. lasciare stare; soffrire; ritenersi, astenersi; ^J Lev'en, [lev'n] vedi Leaven. - alone, lasciare in pace;fo- Le'ver, [liveiir] s. lieva, stanga blood, cavar sangue; to - loose, (da sollevare) f. sciogliere; mettere in libert; Lev'eret, [lvert] . leprettino, to -see, far vedere; to -rfoicn,| leprottino, lepratto, m. abbassare, calare, discendere Lev'iable, [lviabl'] a(/;. che si to - in (into) introdurre, am-| pu levare, mettere; to - off, sparare, tira- Levi'athan, [llvaiath-n] s. balena, f. re; to - out, far uscire, affittare, Le'thal, [lith-i] adj. letale, iLev'igate, [levighete] v. a. levigare; polverizzare, stritolare. mortale, funesto. Lethal'ity, [lith-lit] s. morta- ;Lev'igate, [levighete] arfj. levi

Lib'erality, [lberalite'] s. liberalit, generosit, magnanimit, /.



v. a.

render liberale.
Lib'erally, [liberale'] adv. libe-

ralmente, generosamente, nobilmente.

Lib'erate, [liberete] v. a. liberare; dare libert. Libera'tion, [lberscieun] s. liberazione, /.; liberamente, m.

Lib'erator, [lbereteir]
ratore, m.



Lib'ertinage, [ITbeirtinedge]

gato; polverizzato liti, f. Lethar'gic, [lith^rgic] adj. le- iLeviga'tion, [lvighscieun] s. levigazione, [.; polverizzamen- tino, m. targico. Lethar'gically, [lith-ardgical] to, m. Lib'ertinism, [lbeurtinism] s. jLe'vite, [llvaite] s. levita, ni. adv. in modo letargico. irreligione, incredulit, empiet, f. Leth'argy, [lth-rdg] s. le- Lev'ity, [lvitj s. levit, leg gerezza; volubilit, incostan- Lib'erty, [ITbeurte'] s. libert; targo, immunit; esenzione,/".; priviLe'the, [lith-e] $. oblio, m.; mor- za, f. Lev'y, [leve'] s. colletta; leva legio, m.; - of the press, s. lite, f. bert della stampa, /.; - of trade, Lethiferous, [lth-ifireus] adj. (di soldati) tassa, f. Lev'y, [lve] v. a. levare; guer- s. libert del commercio, /.; - of letale, mortale. tri i/, . libero arbitrio, m.; voLet'ter, [lteur] s. lettera, epi- reggiare. lont, /. stola, /.; carattere, m.; - of at- Lewd',[liude] adj. dissoluto, laLibid'inous, [lbidineus] adj. litorney, procura, /.; - of mark, scivo, libidinoso, impudico. lettera di marco, f.; - s. pi. let- Lewd'ly, [lidel] adv. dissolu- bidinoso, lascivo, voluttuoso. tamente, licenziosamente, im- Libid'inously,[lbidineusl]arftj. tere, f. pi.; letteratura, scienza, libidinosamente, lascivamente. patent, s. patente, f.; - s pudicamente. f.; -s of respite, s. pi. concessione di Lewd'ness, [liudenes] s. disso- Libid'inousness, [lbdineusns] /.; lutezza, libertinaggio, m libidine, volutt, /. rispitto, m. Li'bral, [laibrl] adj. del peso Let'ter, [lteur] v. a. soprascri- oscenit, f. Lewd'ster, [lidesteur] s. volut- d'una libbra. vere. Let'ter-bearer, Let'ter-carrier, tuoso, m. Libra'rian, [bibrrian] s. b[lteiir-breur, lteir-cariir] Lewis-d'or', [lui-d're] s. luigi >>1iote''irio. t". m. d'oro, Li'brary, [lalbrar] s. libreria, s. portalettere, m. [lecslcogra- biblioteca, /.; circulating -, gaLet'ter-case, [lteur-chse] s. Lexicog'rapher , lessicografo, m. feur] s. binetto di lettura, m, portafogli, m. Let'tered, [lteur'd] adj. lette- Lexicog'rafy, [lcsicografe'] s. Li'brary-keeper, [laibrare'- chi- lessicografia, f. pefir] . bibliotecario, m. rato, dotto.

vita licenziosa, sfrenatezza, f. Lib'ertine, [llbertne] adj. licenzioso, irreligioso ; - $. liber-

Xi'brate, [laibrete] v. a. librare, equilibrare, pesare. Libra'tion, [laibrscieun] s. lito; to -



to- by, riposarsi, starsene quie- Liga'ton, [laighesciein] .l'atdown, coricarsi, addor- to di legare, m. mentarsi; riposarsi; to - in, Lig'ature, [ligatceir] s. legatupartorire; to - out, dormire ra; benda, f. bramento, m. Li'bratory, [laibrateiire'] adj. fuori di casa to - under, essere Light, [laite] adj. leggero, agile; soggetto ; to - upon, riposare; attivo, veloce; frivolo; incostanbilanciante, oscillatorio. dipendere da. te; chiaro; (mar.) scaricato, alLice', [laise] pi. di Louse^ ' iggerito; - of belief, credulo; Li'cence, Li'cense, [laisense] s. Liege', [lidge] adj. ligio, suddihair, s. capelli biondi, m. pi. to; -, ligio, suddito, vassallo; licenza, permissione,/'. Light', [laite] .lume; splendoLi'cense, [laisense] v. a. licen- livellare, m. Lie'ger, [lidgeir] s. ambasciato- re; faro, m.; chiarezza; intelliziare, dar licenza, autorizzare. genza, conoscenza, f.; it begins Li'censer, [laisnseiir] s. quello re residente, m. cbe d permissione ; censore, wi. Lien'teric, [lainterxc] adj. di to be -, comincia a farsi giorno; to bring to -, metter in chiaro; Lcen'tiate, [laisnsciete] s. li- lienteria. to stand in one's -, impedire il iLi'entery, [laentere'] s. lientecenziato, graduato, m^ lume ad uno far torto ad Lieen'tiate, [laisnsciete] v.a. ria, ^ uno. of, licenziare, permettere; autoriz- Lieu', [lieu] s. luogo, m.; in Light', [laite] v. a. reg. & irr. in vece di. zare. Licen'tious, [laTsenscieus] adj. Lieuten'ancy, [lftenans] s. {Ut, Ut) accendere; dichiaraluogotenenza,/. re; scaricare. licenzioso, dissoluto, sfrenato. [laisnsciusl] Lieuten'ant, [lftenant] .luo- Light', [laite] v. n. reg. & trr. Licen'tiously, {light, lit) venire per accidente adv. licenziosamente, sfrenata- gotenente, tenente, m.; - co Ione l .tenente colonnello; - of a coun- incontrare; arrivare; succedere;' mente. Licen'tiousness, [lasenscieus- ty, s. governatore d'una pro- scendere, montar da cavallo; ns] .licenziosit, sregolatez- vincia, m.; - general, s. tenente posarsi, poggiarsi. Light'armed, [laite-arm'd] adj. generale, m. za, dissolutezza, f. armato alla leggiera. Li'clien, [lalchn] s. (6o<.) liche- Lieuten'antship, [leftonantscp] LigM'-hrained , [laite-bren'd] s. luogotenenza, f. ne, m. adj. scervellato. Life', [lafe] s. vita, esistenza, Lic'it, [lst] adj. lecito. vivacit; condotta, f.; for -, a Light'-colored, [laite-cheuleurLic'itly , [listle'] adv. lecita'd] adj. chiaro. vita; to the -, al naturale; to mente. Lic'itness,[lsTtnes] s. lecitezza, give-, animare; to lose one's -, Ligh'ten, [lat'n] v. a. illuminare; alleggerire;-, v. n. baleperder la vita, morire. legalit, /. Lick', [lc] s. colpo, m.; botta, Life'-blood, [lafe-bled] s. san- nare, lampeggiare. Ligh'tening, [laitning] s. algue,m. percossa; leccatura, f. leggerimento, m. Lick, [lie] V. a. leccare, lambi- Life'-giving, [lalfe-ghviug] s. Ligh'ter , [laiteir] s. alleggio; adj. vivificante re; to - up, leccare; ingojare. Lick'er, [lcheir] . leccatore, m Life'-guard, [laife-gard]s. guar- battello, m.; scafa, f Liglit'erman, [laiteurman] s. Lick'erish, [licheursc] adj. de- dia del corpo, f. navalestro, m. Life'less , [laifeles] adj. senza licato, leccarde; goloso. [laite-finLight'-flng'ered , vita; inanimato. Lck'erishness, [licheuriscnes] gheur'd] adj. l&ggiero alla maLife'lessly, [laifelesle'] ad". sen8. gbiottoruia, golosit, /". no, inclinato a rubare. za vigore. vedi Lick'erous, [licbeureus] [laifelesns] s. Light'-footed, [lait-flted] adj. Life'lessness, Lickerish. leggiero alla corsa, veloce. [licheureusl] mancanza di vita. Lick'erously , [lait^-hdd] delicatamente , golosa- Life'-rent, [laiferent] s. pensio- Lght'-headed , adv. adj. delirante, stordito. ne a vita, f. mente. Lick'erousness, [licheureusns] Life'-time, [laife-talmc] s. tem- Light'-headedness, [lalte-hdpo della vita; vita, f.; in his -, dns] .delirio, m. vedi Lickerisbness.
; ;

Lic'orice, [lcheiris]
zia, f.



Lic'tor, [ITcteur] s. littore, birre, bidello, m. Lid', [lid] s. coperchio, corerchio, m.; palpebra, f.
Lie', [lai] s. bugia, menzogna, falsit, /.; <o give the -, smen tiro;


dire delle

menzogne, mentire
Lie', [lai]



Lie', [lai] V. n. irr. [lay, lain)

giacere; esser situato; dimora-

nella sua vita. Life'-weary, [lalfe-ouire'] adj. stanco di vivere, miserabile, misero. Lift', [lift] 8. sforzo (per levar su una cosa): alzamento; ajuto, m.; to give one a - assistere alcuno, ajutare alcuno. Lift', [lift] v. a.reg. &irr. (lift, lift) levare, alzare; innalzare, sollevare; -, v n. sforzarsi di sollevare; !o- aita j/, portar via; depredare. Lifter, [lfteir] s. uno che al.

Light'-horse, [laite-horse]



vallera leggiera, f. Light' -house, [late-hause]

faro, fanale, m. Ligh'ting, [laiting] . illumina-



Light'-legged, [laite-leg'd] adj. veloce; leggiero.

za, TO. re, restare; stare, essere; here lies, qui giace; to - close, te- Lft'ing, [lifting]


[lalteles] adj. oscuro, tenebroso, fosco. Light'ly, [latel] adv. leggermente; un poco. Light'-minded, [lalte-maindd] adj. incostante, instabile. Light'ness, [laitens] s. leggeelevazione, rezza, agilit, prestezza, f.


Lght'ning, [lait'ning] . balenersi chiuso; to - lurking, te- alzata, f. no, lampo; bagliore, m. nersi nascosto to - under a mi- Lig'ament , [ligament] s. ligaLights', [laites] . pi. polmoni mento, vincolo, m. stake, sbagliare; to - open; esLigamen'tous, (d'un animale) i. p{. sere aperto; to - sick in bed, Ligamen'tal , [lateseiim] adj [ligamntl, ligamentous] adj. Light'some , stare malato in letto; lo - about, chiaro; allegro, gajo, giojoso. essere sparso in qua e in l; lig amentoso.

Light'someness, [laiteseumnes] Limbed',
chiarezza; gajezza, /. Lign'aloes, [laine-aloze]






mem- Limp'ing, [limping]

modo zoppicante.






Lim'ber, [lmbeir] adj. flessibile, pieghevole, arrendevole


mento, zoppicare, m. Limp'ingly, [limpingl] adv. in

[laime'] adj. viscoso, glu-

Lg'neous, Lig'nous, [laniis, ligneus] adj. ligneo, di legno. Lig'num-vi'tse, [laneum-vaitl] s. legno santo, guajaco, m. Like', [laiche] adj. simile, somigliante; pari; medesimo; probabile; verisimile; to be -essere sul punto, essere in procinto; in - manner, parimente; he





tinoso; calcareo.





Lim'ber-board, [ITmbeur-brde] cello, chiodo (di ruota), m.^ s. {mar.) apertura della trom- Linc'ture, Linc'tus, [lnctcer, lincteis] s. elettuario, m. ba, f. Lim'ber-hole, [limbeur-hle] s. Lin'den, Lin'den-tree, [linden, lndn-tri] s. tiglio, m. {mar.) anguilla, f. Lim'berness, [lmbeirnes] s. Line', [laine] s. linea; corda; strada ferrata, f.; lignaggio, m.; was - to be drotoned, -poco man- flessibilit, f. c che non si annegasse {vol- Lim'bo, [limbo] s. limbo, m.; discendenza; fattezza, /".; tratto, m.\ ship of the -, s. vascelgare); I had - lo have forgotten prigione, /. lo di linea vascello di rango, it, V avevo quasi dimenticato Lime', [laime] s. calcina; calce, m.; (rail.) projected -, strada (volgare); adv. come, da, alla /".; lemone; tiglio, m.; ^ick -, ferrata progettata, f. maniera; -an honest man, da s. calcina viva, f. galantuomo; - master, - man, Lime', [laime] v. a. invischiare; Line', [laine] v. a. foderare, soppannare; guarnire, incrostare; tal padrone, tal servo. cimentare incalcinare. to - with fur, soppannare con Like', [laiche] s. pariglia; so- Lime'-burner, [laime-bevirneur] pelliccia. miglianza, cosa simile, f.; to s. fornaciajo, m. give - for -, render la pariglia, Lime'-hound, [laime-haond] s. Lin'eage, [liniedge] s. legnaggio, m.; schiatta, stirpe,/'. render pane per focaccia. bracco da sangue, m. Like', [laiche] v. a. amare; ap Lime'-kiln, [lame-chln] s. for- Lin'eal, [linil] adj. lineare, di linea. provare; aggradire; -, v. n nace (da calcinare) f. aver gusto, essere a grado, Lime'-pit, [laime-pt] s. buca Lin'eally, [liniale'] adv. linealmente, per linea. compiacersi; how do you- iti della calcina, f. come vi piace ? Lime'-stone, [laime-stne] s. Lin'eament, [liniament] s. lineamento, m.\ fattezza, f. Lke'lihofdjLike'liness, [laiche pietra da calcina, alberese, /. lihu, lalchelinsj s. probabi Lime'-twig, [laime-tug] s. fu- Lin'ear, [lnir] adj. lineare, lit; apparenza, f. per linea. scello impaniato, m. Like'ly, [laicbele] adj. proba Lime'-water, [lame-ou'teur] s. Linea'tion, [liniscieiin] s. 11bile, verisimile, credibile, apneazione, f. acqua impregnata di calce, f. parento; -, of/v. probabilmente, Lim'it, [limit] s. limite, termi- Line'-keeper, [lane-chipeir] s. vevisimilraente. {rail.) guardiano (della strada ne, confine, m.; to set a -, li, ;

[laich'n] v. a. compamitare. rare, paragonare, rassomigliare. Lim'it, [limit] V. a. limitare; Like'ness, [laichens] s. sem- restringere; determinare, asse


ferrata), m.; -' house, s. {rail.) casarella (della strada ferrata), /


bianza,somig]ianza, apparenza, gnare. Lin'en, [linen] s. tela, f.; tesconformit; immagine, /.; ri- Lim'itary, [limitare'] adj. limi- suto (di lino, ecc.), m.: pannitratto, m. lini, m. pi.; biancherie, f. pi. tativo ; restrittivo. Like'wise, [laicheouaize] adv. Limita'tion, [lmitescieun] s Lin'en, [linn] adj. fatto di lino, parimente, simifmente, anche; limitazione; restrizione; riser fatto di tela. pure; d'altrove, altres. Lin'en-cloth, [linen-cloth^] g. va, f. Li'king, [laiching] adj. well Lim'ited, [limited] adj. limita- tela, f. liking, paffuto, grassetto. Lin'en-draper, [linen-drpeir] to, ristretto. Li'king, [laiching] genio, Lim'tedly, [lmitedl] adv. in s. mercante di tela, m. s. gusto; consenso, ).; to take a modo limitato, Lin'en-drapery, Lin'en-trade, - to a thing, prendere diletto, Lim'itless, [limtles] adj. illi [linn-drpeure', linn-trede] . dilettarsi di qualche cosa. teleria, /". mitato. Li'lach, [lailc] s. ghianda, un- Limn', [lim] v. a. disegnare; Lin'en-weaver, [linen-ouiveur] guentaria, f. s. tessitore, m. (gigliminiare; dipingere con acqua Lil'ied, [lilid] adj. ornato di Ling', [ling] s. erica; baccal, rolli. /".; Lil'y, [lile'] s. giglio; fiordaliso, Lim'ner, [limneiir] s. miniato merluzzo (pesce), m. m.; - of the vallek, s. mughetLin'ger, [lngher] v. a. tardare; pittore, m. to, m. Lim'ning, [limning] s. l'arto di re, differire, tirare in lungo; Li'ly-livered , [lil-lveur'd] -, V. n. languire; esitare. dipingere, f. adj. codardo, pauroso. Li'mous, [laimeis] adj. limoso, Lin'gerer, [lingheureir] s. inLima'tion, [lamscieun] s. li- fangoso, melmoso dugiatore, tentennone, uomo

mare, wi. Limp',[lmp] adj. debole, fiacco. tardo, m. Li'mature, [laimatcerj s. li- Limp',[lmp] s.zoppicamento, m. Lin'gering , [lingheurng] adj. matura, /. Limp', [limp] V. n. zoppicare, indugevole; languido, tardo, Limb', [lm] s. membro, m.; andar zoppicante, esser zoppo. lungo; -, $. indugio, m.; dilaestremit; parte, f. Lim'per, [lmpeur] s. zoppo, m zione, f. Limb', [lm] v. a. dare o sommi- Lim'pd, [limpid] adj. limpido, Lin'geringly [lingheiringle'] nistrare membra; smembrare, chiaro, lucido adv. tardamente, lentamente, sbranare. Limpid'ity, Lim'pidness, [lim- pigramente. Lim'beck, [limbec] s. limbicco, pidite', lmpidns] . limpidez Lin'get , [linghet] $. verga lambicco, m. za, chiarezza, lucidezza, /. (d'oro, d'argento) /.




Lin'go, [lingo] s. linguaggio Liq'ueflable, [liquifaiabl] adj. Lith'arge, [lith-ardge] s. litar' girio, m. liquefattivo barbaro, gergo, m. Lin'guist, [linghuist] s. uno Liq'uefy, [llquifa] v. a. lique- Lithe', [laitb^e] adj. pieghevole, che versato nelle lingue, lin- fare; liquidare;- v. n. fondere. flessibile; arrendevole. Liques'cency, [laiqusns] s. Lithe'ness, [lalth-ns] s. flessiguista, m. bilit, arrendevolezza, f. Ling'wort, [lingoueurt] s. an- attezza a liquefarsi, f. Liques'cent, [laiqusnt] adj. Li'ther, [laith-eur] adj. molle; gelica, f. lento; s. lentezza, tardezza, f. Lin'iment, [liniment] s. lini- liquido. Liq'uid, [liquid] adj. liquido, Llthe'some, [laith-e-seira] adj. mento, unguento, m. pieghevole, arrendevole. Li'ning, [laining] s. fodera, /".; fiuido; - liquore, fluido, m.; (gr.) Lithog'rapher, [laith-grafeurl soppanno, wi.; - of a hat, s. lettera liquida, f. Liq'uidate, [liquidate] v. a. li- s. litografo, m. cuffia d'un cappello, f. [lalth-ografic] Link', [line] s. anello [di cate- quefare; liquidare, pagare un Lithograph'ic, adj. litografico. na) m.; catena; torcia, fiac- debito. Liquida'tion, [liquidscieun] s. Lithog'rafy, [lalth-ografe'] s. licola, f. tografia ,/". Link', [line] v. a. concatenare, liquidazione, f. Liquid'ity,Liq'uidness,[lquid- Lithol'ogy, [lath-lodge'] s. liincatenare; giungere, unire. Link'-boy, [ITnc-bo] s. ragaz- ite', liequidns] s. liquidit, tologia, f. Lithot'omlst, [laitb-tomist] s. fluidit, f. zo che porta una torcia, m. Lin'net, [llnt] s. fanello, w. Liq'uor, [licheur] s. liquore, m.; litotomista, litotomo, m. Lithot'omy, [laith-tome'] s. liLin-seed, [lnsde] s. sementa bevanda, f. Liq'uor, [licheur] v. a. umettare, totomia, f. di lino, f. Li'thy, [laith^e'] adj. piogbevole, Lin'seed-oiI, [llnside-il] s. olio ugnere, immollare. arrendevole. Liq'uorice, [lcheurisc] s. liquodi lino, m. Lit'igant, [litigant] adj. litiganLin-sey-wool'sey, [lnz-ououl- rizia, f. te; -, s. litigante, litigatore, m. z] ailj. grossolano; vile, ab- Lisp', [lisp] s. barbugliamento Lit'igate, [litighete] v. a. & n. balbettare, m. hietto; -, niezzalana, f. Lin'stock, [linslc] s. canna, f.\ Lisp', [lisp] V. . scilinguare, litigare; contendere, contrastare. bastone (da dar fuoco al can- balbuziare, balbettare [litighescieun] s. (la, f. Lis'per, [lispeir] s. scilingua- Litiga'tion, none), m. litigamento, m.; lite, contesa,/. to, m Lint', [lint] s. lino, m.; faldelLin'tel, [lintel] s. {arch.) li- Lis'pingly, [lispingl] adv. in Litig'ious, [laitidgeis] adj. liti;

gioso, rissoso, brigoso. modo balbettante. m. lione, leone, List', [list] s. lista, catalogo, m.; Litig'iously, [latdgeisle'] adv. litigiosamente. m.; young -, leoncello, lion- lizza; corda; voglia, volont; Litig'iousness, [laltidgeiisns] {mar.) falsa banda, f. cello, m, Li'oness, [laiunes] s. leones- List', [list] V. a. arrolare; regi- s. umore litigioso, wi. strare; V. n. volere, piacere; Lit'mus, [litmes] s. oricello, m. sa, lionessa, f. alj. when l -, quando mi piacer; Lit'ter, [liteur] s. lettiga, f.; [laiunlache] lii'onlike, Ut him do what he lists, faccia letto portatile, m.; paglia; vensimile al leone; feroce.
stello, architrave,


trata, /.; to make a -, mettere Li'on-hearted, [laiin-liartd] quel che vuole. Lis'ten, [lis'n] v. n. ascoltare, in disordine. adj. coraggioso, ardito. Lip', [lip] s. labbro; bordo, orlo, udire, attendere, porgere orec- Lit'ter, [lteilr] v. a. figliare; scompigliare, disordinare. margine, m.; to make a - cion- chio. Lis'tener, [lis'neiir] s. ascolta- Lit'tle, [lti'] adj. piccolo, poco; dolar il labbro. -, s. poco, w.; poca cosa, f.\ a -, tore, m. Lip', [lpl V. a. baciare. un poco; a - one, un fanciullo. Lip'-labor, [ITp-lbeiir] s. paro- List'ful, [listful] adj. attento. List'less, [listls] ar/j. trascura- Lit'tle, [liti'] adv. poco, non Io vane, f. pi.; ciarleria, f. molto, quasi nulla: iy -ani -, Lipoth'ymous, [lalpoth-iraeus] to, svogliato, indifferente. List'lessly, [listlsl] a/i). traa poco a poco; never so -, un ailj. sincopizzante. pochettino; too -, troppo po.'o. Lipoth'ymy,[laipth-ime'] s. li- scuratamente, senza cura. List'lessness, [listlsnes] s. tra- Lit'tleness, [litrns] i. piccolezpotimia, /. svo- za; poca importanza; bassezza, Lip'pitude, [Itpitiude] s. lip- scutaggine, negligenza

gliatezza, f. pitudine, cisposit, f. Lip'-salve, [Ilp-save] s. pomata Lit'any, [ltane'] s. letane, letanie, /. pi. da ungere le labbra, f. Lip'-wisdom, [ITp-ouisdeum] s Lit'eral, [literal] adj. litterale, letterale; - fault, s. errore di saviezza in parole, f. stampa, m. Liquabil'ity, [licquablite] s Literalism, [literalism] s. senfusibilit, f, Lqu'able , [licquabl'] a'j. clie so letterale, i. Lit'erally, [ltrle'] adv. lettepu fondersi, dissolubile. Liqu'ableness, [liquablns] vedi ralmente. Lit'erary , [literare'J adj. che Liquability. Li'quate, [lalquete] v. n. lique- appartiene alla letteratura. Lit'erate, [literete] adj, letterafarsi; disciorsi. Liquation, [laiquesciein] s. li- to, scienziato, dotto.


Lit'toral, [ltoral] adj. littorale,

del mare. Liturgie, Litur'gcal,
[liteuralj. litur-

dgic, lteiirdgicl]


[liteurdg] s. liturgia, /. Live', [laive] adj. vivo, attivo. Li've, [lv'] V. n. vivere; sussistere; dimorare; as long as I -, tanto che vivr; tr/jere do you - ? dove state di casa? dove di-

quamento, m.




pi. lette-

Liquefac'tion,[liquifcscieun] s. rati, uomini dotti, m. pi. liquefazione, /.; liquefare, fon- Lit'erature, [ltratceurj teratura, /. dere.



morate? to - from hand to mouth, vivere d per di; to upon good terms with one, essere d'accordo con uno;fo-o>
{upon), nutrirsi, cibarsi.




liive'lihood, [laivelihud] s. vita, Load'stone, [ldestone] s. cala- Loca'tion,[15chscieun] s. locazione, positura, /.; sito, ni.; almita, f. /.; vitto; mostiero, m.; arte, /.; logazione, f. to get one's -, guadagnarsi il Loaf, [lfe] (loaves pi.) s. pane, cibo, m.; - of sugar, pane di zuc- Loch', [loc] s. lago, m. vitto. Lock', [loc] s serratura, toppa, chero, m._ Iiive'lily, [lavelil] adv. vivaLoam', [Ionie] s, terra grassa, /".; serrarne, m.; - of hair, s. monto, in modo vivace. ciocca di capelli, /".; - of hay s. creta; marna, f. Iiive'liness, [laivelines] .vivaLoam', [lome] v. a. concimare fastello di fieno, m.; - of a piscit, /".; vigore, m. Live'long, [livlong] adj. lungo, colla marna; imbrattare di tol, s. piastra di pistola, f.; - of

a pond, s. cateratta; chiusa, /.; creta. tedioso; durevole, eterno. live'ly, [laivel] adj. vivace, Loa'my, [lome'] adj. argilloso, di -of ivool, s. fiocco di lana, ^.; to be under - and key, esser sormarna. vivo, spiritoso, gajo. rato a chiave; - s. pi. pastoje, Liv'er, [liveur] s. vivente; fega- Loan', [lone] s. prestito, presto, m.; prestanza, /".; to put out to to, m. f. pi. Lock', [loc] V. a. serrare a chia[lveur-cheuleur] -, dar in prestito, prostare. Liv'er-color, Loan', [lone] v. a. prestare. ve; - V. n. chludei'si; fermarsi; adj. di color di fegato, bruno. Liv'er-wort, [lveur-ouurt] s. Loan'office, [lone-ofis] s. monte to - in, rinchiudere; serbare; to - out, escludere: impedire; to di piet, m. (hot.) epatica, f. Liv'ery, [lveure'] s. livrea, /".; Loath', [lth-e] adj. maldispo- one ow(, serrare la porta ad uno; lo - up, rinchiudere, serrare. vestimento; possesso, i.; to sto, ripugnante. keep horses at -, tener cavalli Loathe', [loth 'e] v. a. odiare; de- Lock'age, [lchedge] s. dazio di cateratta, m. testare; stomacare, nauseare ; d'afftto; to receive -, esser v.n. nausearsi, recare disgusto. Lock'chain, [loc-cne] s. catena messo in possesso; to ivear Loath'fal, [lth-ful] adj. dispia- da fermare, f. portar la livrea. Lock'er, [locheir] s. armario, cevole, nauseoso. Liv'ery-horse, [llveure'-horse] Loath'ing,[loth'ing] s. disgusto, armadio, m.; credenza, /. s. cavallo d'afftto, m. Liv'ery-man, [lveure'-man] s. fastidio; odio,abborrimento, m.; Lock'et, [lcht] s. fbbiaglio, fermaglio; giojello, m. avversione, f. membro del corpo municipale adv. Lock'ram, [lcrm] s. tela gros[lthingle'] m.; liverymen, s. pi. gente di Loath'ingly, livrea, f. pi. in modo dispiacevole, schifo- solana, f. Lock'smith, [locsmth^] s. masamente. Lives', [laives] pi. di Life. Live'stock, [lavestocl s. (agr.) Loath'ly, [lth-le'] adj. odioso; gnano; fabbro di toppe, m. copia di bestiame, /".; bestia- adv. a contraggenio, svogliata- Locomo'tion, [lcomosciein] s. cambiamento di luogo, m. mente, a mala pena. me, m. adj. Jiiv'id, [livd] adj. livido, neric- Loath'ness, [lth^nes] s. ripu- Locomo'tive , [locomotv] gnanza, avversione, stucchevo- che si muove di luogo in luogo; cio; nericante.

Iiivid'ity, Liv'idness, [livdite', lividns] s. lividezza, f.; livido-





macchina locomo-


pore, /.; - . locomotiva, /. re, i.; discolorazione, f. Lo'cust, [lcheustj s. locusta, f. Lv'ing, [living] adj. vivente, nauseoso. [lth-seum- Locu'tion, [lchiusciein] s. lovvo; -, s. vita, /.; vivere vitto, Loath'someness, nutrimento; beneficio, m. cu- ns] s. schifezza, stomachezza, cuzione, espressione, /. /".; nauseamento, fastidio, m. Lode'stone, [ldestone] s. calara, f. mita, magnete, m. Liv'ingly, [Imngle'] adv. duran- Loaves', [loves] pi. di Loaf. Lob', [lob] s. balordo, villano, Lodge', [lodge] s.loggia,_ capante la vita. Li'vre, [laiveur] s. lira, f. (mo- minchione; verme da pesca- na; cameretta, /".; tugurio, m.; re, m. neta). of a stag, . covo di un cervo, m. Lxiv'ial, [licsivil] adj. {chym.) Lolt)',[lob] v.a. crollare, scuote- Lodge', [lodge] v. a. alloggiare; fissare;-, v. n. dimorare, abitalissiviale, rannoso. re; -, V. n. lasciar cadere neglire; dormire. Lixiv'ium, [lcsivium] s. lisci- gentemente. Lob'by, [lobe'] s. vestibulo, por- Lodge'ment, [lodgement] s. alvia, /.; ranno, m. loggiamento, m.; abitazione, /. Liz'ard, [lzerdj s. lucertola, tico, m.; galleria, /.; passag Lodg'er, [ldgeiir] s. pigionagio, m. Incerta, f. le, m. Lobe', [lobe] s. (anat.) lobo, m. Lo'! [15] int. ecco! ecco qui [lobspaound] s. Lodg'ing, [lodging] s. alloggiaLoach', [ltsce] s. ghiozzo, in. Lobs'pound, mento, alloggio, m.; camera, loprigione, /". (pesce). Load', [lode] s. carica, soma, f.; Lob'ster, [lbsteur] s. gambero canda; nottata, f.; to give one a nighVs -, alloggiare uno per peso, fardello, m.; mina, minie- (di maro) m. [lob-oucurm] s. una notte. ra,/'.; cari -,s. carrettata,/".; - of Lob'-worm, Loft', [loft] .soffitto, solajo, w.; wood, s^ misura di legnami, /. lombrico, m. Load', [lode] v a.reg.k irr. {loa- Lob'ule, [lbile] s. lobetto, m. soffitta, /.; corn -, s. granajo m. ded, loaden, laden) caricare; im- Lo'cal, [locai] adj. locale, di luo- Loftily [lftil] orfu. altamente, go; particolare; (med.) esterno. maestosamente, alla grande. barazzare. Load'er, [ldeur] s. caricato- Locai' ity, [lclite'] s. localit; Loftiness, [lftines] s. altezza, esistenza locale, presenza; par- elevazione; sublimit; grandozre, m. superba, /.; his - sua Altezza Load'ing, [loding] s. carica, /.; ticolarit, f. Lo'cally, [locale] adv. localmen(titolo). fardello, m. Loft'-rent, [lft-rent] s. fitto di Loads'man, [ldes'man] s. pi- te, in luogo. m. a. Locate', [lochete] v. locare; granajo,_m. lota, piloto; conduttore, Load'star, [lodestar] s. (osfr.) metter gi, deporre; to - one^s Lofty, [loft] adj. grande; subii me; alto; superbo. cinosura, orsa minore, f. self, stabilirsi.
; ;

[lth-seura] adj schifo, stomachevole,fastidioso,

tiva, locomotiva; vettura a va-






ago, -



Log', [log]

ceppo, toppo, pezzo m. Log'arithm, [logarth^m] s. logaritmo, m. Logaritli'mic, Logarth'mical,


(di leguo),

ere as,

lungo tempo fa; Loof, [leuf] s. (mar.) sopravnon molto prima; vento, m. -, in breve, fra poco: as - Loof, [leiif j V. a. (mar.) serrare tanto che, tanto quanto; il vento, andare all'orza.
- before^

lgarth^mical] aclj. logaritmico. Log'-'book, [lgbc] s. (mar.) litro di registro del corso di una nave; orario, m. [lgteurhed] s. Log'gerhead, minchiono, balordo, sciocco, m.; to fall to - s, venire allo prese. Log'gerheaded, [logbeurhedd] ad], balordo, stupido. Log'ic, [lodgc] s. logica, loi[lgarith^ralc

Look', [lue] 8. guardo; aspetto, as - as I live, finch vivere. Long', [long] v. n. desiderare, m.; occhiata, /. Look'I [lue] int. ecco! vedi! appetire, avere una voglia. Longanm'ity, [longanmit] s. Look', [liic] V. a. vedere, guardare; cercare; -, v. n. mirare, longanimit, sofferenza, f. Long'-boat, [long-bote] s. scia- considoraro; parere, sembrare; aver cura; to - back, riflettere luppa, /.; schifo, m. Loii'ger,[16ngheur] a(/j. pi lun- sopra, ruminare; to - big, braveggiare, pavoneggiare; to go adv. pi lungo tempo. Longev'ity, [londgvit] s. lon- like, aver la cera, rassomigliare; to - well, avere buon gevit, lunga vita, f. Long'-headed,[long hded] adj. viso, avere buona cera; to -out che ha la testa appuntata; of the toinriow, affacciarsi alla,

astuto. ca, /. Log'ical, [lodgical] ad], logica- Longim'anons, [londgimaneis] adj. che ha le mani lunghe. le, loicalo, di logica. Log'ically, [lo'dgicle'] adv. loi- Longim'etry, [lndgimitr] s. longimetria, f. calmente, con loica. Logic'ian, [ldgscicin] s. lo- Long'ing, [longing] s. desiderio intenso; m.; impazienza, f. gico, dialettico, wi. adv. [longingl] [lodgstic] s. logi- Long'ingly, Logis'tic, stica, /. con desiderio intenso, bramoLog'man, [lgran] s portato- samente.

finestra; to

rinabout, invigilare, badare; to - alter, aver cura di; aver rocchio a; to - at,

young again,


to -





guardare con isdegno, avere a sdegno; to - for, cer-

Longin'quity, [londgnquite'] s. re di toppi, m. Log'ogriphe, [lgogrf] s. logo- lontananza, distanza, f. grifo, m. Long'ish, [lnghisc] adj. alLogom'achy, [logomach] s. quanto lungo, lunghetto. Lon'gitude, [lndgitiude] s. loncontesa di parole, /. Log'-reel, [log-rle] s. (mar.) gitudine; lunghezza, f. _ Longitu'dinal, [lndgitiudinl] bacchetta, passar etta, f Log'wood, [logouud] s. cara- adj. longitudinale. [londgitiidiLongltu'dinally, peggio, m. Lo'hock, [lhoc] s. (med.) lam- nle'] adv. in lungo. iLong'-legged, [long-legh'd] adj. bitivo, m. che ha le gambe lunghe. Iioin', [lin] s. lombo, m.: - o mutton, s. lombata di castrato, Long'-lived,[lng-lv'd]adi.lon /.; - of veal, s. lombata di vigevo. tello, /".; - s. pi. reni, lombi, |Long'-slianked, [long-scianc'd] M Vii C/VlPT vedi Longlegged. m. j)l.; schiena, f, [long-saited] Iioi'ter, [loteur] v. n. spender Long'-sighted, adj. che vede di lontano, che il tempo neghittosamente; tarha la vista lunga. dare, trattenersi. [long-saiLoi'terer, [loteiireur] s. ten- Long'-sightedness , tdns] s. vista lontana, f. tennone; infingardo, m. adj. [longseum] [loteuring] adj. Long'some , Xoi'tering , scioperato, neghittoso; -, s. lungo; tedioso, nojoso. Long'someness, [longseumnes] infiugardia, pigrizia, f.

1 .

care; aspettare; to - into, considerare, esaminare; to - on, mirare ; pregiare to - out, cercare, ricercare; scoprire; (mar.) tener vedetta ; to - over, esa;

minare; to der guardia;

in alto; to

badare, prenup, guardare upon, mirare; stito,

to -

mare. Look'er, Look'er-on,


lcheur-n] s. spettatore riguardante, m. Look'ing-glass, [lichng-glas] s. specchio, m.


Look'ing-glass-maker, s. ng-glas-mcher] chiajo, m.


Look'-out, [lac-ant] s. veletta, vedetta; sentinella; to be on the -, Bpiare , osservare; to keep a good -, stare all'erta. Loom', [lame] s. telajo da tessitore, m^ Loom', [lume]
v. n. (mar.) apparire in lontananza, parere. Loom'gale, [lme-ghele] s.(mar.) venticello fresco, m. Loo'ming, [liiming] s. (mar.) apparenza d'un vascello, f. Loon', [liine] s. furfante, birbone, m. Loop',Llup<'l s. cappio, cappietto, alamaro; nodo scorsojo, affib-


Loir,[ll] v.a. to - one's tongue, s. nojosit, f. stendere la lingua; -, v. n. Longsuf'ferance, [longseSfernse] .longanimit, pazienza,/. appoggiarsi : reggersi.

Lom'bard, [lembrd]
di piet,


monte Longsnrfering,


Lone', [lone] adj. solitario, solo. Lone'liness, [lonelinsj s. solitudine, /.;_ritiro, m. Lone'ly, pnel] adj. solitario, remoto, solo. Lono'ness, [lnenes] vedi Lonelines.





solitario, senza


compagnia. [lonesemns]




iLong', [long] adj. lungo, lento, tardo; bramoso, tedioso. I Long', [long] adv. lungo tempo; - after, lungo tempo dopo; -

[lngsefeurng] adj. sofferente; paziente. Long'-tongued, [long-tongh'd] biaglio, m. loquace, linguacciuto. Long'ways, [longoioze] dv. pel Looped', [lup'd] adj. bucato, pieno di buchi, foracchiato. lungo. [longoundd] Loop'-hole, [lpe-hole] s. buco, Long'winded , spiraglio; rigiro, sotterfugio; adj. lungo, tedioso, nojoso. Long'wise, [lngouaize] vedi (art.) cannoniera, balestriera, /. Loop'-holed , [lupe-hol'd] adj. Longways. Long'wort, [longoueSrt] s. an- pieno di spiragli. Loop'-maker, [lupe-mcheiir] . gelica,/'. nastrajo, m. Loo', [lu] s. bestia (af cards). Loo'Mly, [labile'] adj. scimu- Loose', [lusc] adj. sciolto, slegato; lento; dissoluto, licennito, scio_cco. Loo'by, [lub] s. balordo, ecioc- zioso, sviato to be -, essere sciolto, essere Ubero; to be in co, goffo.



Lov'age, [leuvidge] s.(bot.)\vistico, sedano montano, m. Love', [leiive] s. amore, affetto, m.; for the - of God, per l'amor di Dio; to be in - wilh one, essere inn imorato d'una persona; to die [or -, morir d'amore; to fall in -, innamorarsi;

a - condition, esser libero, vi- Lorn', [lorn] adj. derelitto, abvere a suo modo; to qet -, sca- bandonato, perduto. tenarsi; to get - froi one, li- Lo'sable, [lzabl'] adj. soggetto berarsi da uno; to hang -, stra- a perdita. scinare per terra to grow -, Lose', [liize] v. n. irr. (lost, lost) rovinare, slegarsi, allontanarsi; to let-, perdere, far perdita scatenare. dissipare; -, v. n. irr. perdersi, boose', [liise] essere perduto; mancare; smars. libert, /.: stato d,i libert, m; emancipa- rire; scordarsi; to - ground, rinzione, /. culare, dare indietro; to - sight Loose', [luse] v. a. slegare, slac- of, perder la vista; to - one's ciare, rilasciare; sprigionarti, way, smarrire la strada. liberare; -, v. n. spiegare le Lo'ser, [ISzefir] s. perditore, vele, levar l'ancora; partire perdente, m. Loose'ly, [lsele'] adv. senza Lo'sing, [ISzing] arfj. perdente; fermezza, dissolutamente, li -, s. perdita, f. cenziosamente. Loss', [ls] s. perdita, rovina, /".; Loo'sen, [lus'n] v. a. slegare, danno, pregiudizio, m.; to be at sciogliere, distaccare; rilassa a -, essere indeciso; to su-f.-r re, rallentare; -, v. n. distaca great -,fare una gran perdita. carsi, separarsi. Lost', [lost] adj. perduto, rovinaufragato Loose'ness, [lsenes] s. allen- nato; smarrito; tamento, flusso di corpo, m. {vedi to Lose). Loos'ening, [lils'ning] adj. las- Lot', [lot] s. sorte, /".; destino, sativo, moUificativo fato, TM.; fortuna; porzione, f.i -, s. allentamento, m. by -s, a sorte, per sorte: to cast
; ;



v. a.


zeggiare. Love', [leiive]


tarsi ; rispettare. Love'-affair, [leuve-fre] trigo amoroso, m.



Love'-apple, [leive-apl]
d'oro, m.



Love'-broker, [leiivebrcheir] s mozzano, m. Love'-knot' [love-nt] s laccii) amoroso, m.

Love'-letter, [leuve-lefr]
glietto amoroso, m. Love'lily, [leiivelil] adv.
s. bi-


bilmente, con amore. Love'liness, [levelines] .s.araobilit, amorevolezza, dolcezza;

Lop', [lop] s. taglio; ramo ta-s, to draw -s, trarre a sorte. bellezza, f. gliato, m. Lote'-tree, [15te-tn] s. loto.m. Love'lock, [leiiveloc] s. riccio di Lop', [lop V. a. diramare, sca- Loth', [15t_h-e] vedi Loathe. capelli, m. pezzare, troncare. Lo'tion, [lscieiinj s. lozior" la- Love'-lorn, [levc-lorn] adj. deLop'per, [lpeir] s. che dirama, vatura, /. relitto dall'oggetto amato. potatore, m. Lot'tery, [lotere'] s. lotto in.: Love'ly, [leiivel] adj. amabile, Lop'ping, [lopTng] .potagio- to put in the -, mettere al lotto. grazioso, bello. ne, /.; potamento, m. Lot'tery-ticket, [loteire'-tchet] Love'-potion, [leive-posciein] Loqaa'cious, [loquescieiis] adj. s. polizza del lotto, /. s. filtro, m. loquace, ciarliero. Loud', [laoud] adj. alto, forte, Lov'ev, [leiveurj s. amatore, inLoquac'ity, [lqusit] s. lo- strepitoso; -, adv. ad alta voce, namorato, m. quacit, ciarleria, ciancia, f. forte. Love'secret, [laiive-slcrfet] s. seLord', [lord] s. signore, nobile; Loud'ly, [laoidle'] ad'j. ad alta greto d'amanti, m, Iddio, w.; house of - s, s. ca- voce. Love'-sick, [leuve-sic] s. ammamera de'signori, /.; - chancel- Loud'ness, [laoidnes] s. suono lato d'amore, m. lor, s. gran cancelliere, m.; forte; strepito, m. Love'-song, [leive-song] s. canchamberlain s. gran ciambel- Lough', [loc] S.Iago, m zone amorosa, f. lano, chief justice, s. Louis-d'or', [lui-d'orej s. luigi Love'-suit, [leuve-siiite] s. rigran giudice w.; - mayor, s. d'oro, m. corca amorosa, f.

podest d Londra, m. Lounge', [laoundgej v. n. infinLord', [lord] v. n. signoreggia- gardirsi. re, fare il signoro, dominare. Loun'ger, [laoiindgeur] s. infinLor'ding, [lording] s. signorel- gardo, perdigiorno. m. lo, piccolo signore, m. Louse', [laouse] s. (lice, pi.) piLordliness, [lordlines] s. al- docchio, m. tezza: superbia, alterigia, /" Louse', [lause] v. a. spidocLord'like, [lordlache] adj. da chiare. signore, da gran signoro al- Louse'-wort, [laouse-oueiirt] s.

Love'-tale, [leiive-tle]
line amorose,




Love -thought,





pensiero amoroso, m. Love'-token, [leive-toch'n] . pegno d'affetto, m. Love'toys, [louve-toTz] .piccoli presenti d'amoro. w. pi. Love'-trick, [leuve-trTc] s. giuoco amoroso, amoroggiamcato,

Lord'ling, [lrdling] vedi Lor- Lou'siness, [lauzines] s stato ding. pidocchioso, m.; miseria, f. Lord'ly, [lordle'] aij. signorile, Lou'sy,[lao5zja(//. pidoccliioso; nobile; altiero, arrogante; -, abbietto. adv. imperiosumente, altera- Lout',[la5iit] s. rustico, villano, mente, arrogantemente. villanaccio, zoticone, m. Lord'ship, [lordscip] s. signo- Lout'ish, [laoutsc] adj. alquanria, podest, f.\ dominio, m. to rustico. Lore', [lore] s. lozione, dottrina; Lout'ishly, [lautiscle'] adv. ruistruzione, f. sticamente, in modo sgraziato. Lo'ricate, [lrichte] . a. copri- Lout'ishness, [lautscnes] s. re d'una foglia di metallo. rusticit, villania, f. Lorica'tion, [lorichescieun] s. Lou'ver, [liveur] s. buco pel Tatto di coprire d'una foglia di fumo, m metallo, m. Lov'ablo, [leuvabr] adj. amaLo'riot, [lrit]


Lov'ing, [leaving] adj. amoroso, affezionato amabile. Lov'ingly, [leiivngl] adv. affezionatamente, affettuosamente, con amore Lov'ingness, [leuvingnes] s. affetto, amoro, m.; cortesia, benevolenza, f. Low', [lo] adj. basso, profondo, piccolo; umile; abbietto, vile; voice,s. voce bassa,/.; - water, s. marea bassa, /.; at a - rate, a vii prezzo; to be -, esser abbattuto, esser in cattivo stato


rigogolo, m.




abbassare, umiliare.




[liudicreusl] adv. adv. alitasse; vilmen- Lub'berly, [loubcurl] adv. in Lu'dicrously, comicamente. burlesco, modo in grossan^ente. villano, modo basso. te; to speak-, parlar [liudicreusnes] Low, [lo] v.o. mugghiare, mug- Lu'bric, Lu'brical, [liubrc, liu- Lu'dicrousness,/.^scherzo, m. s. ridicolosit, bricl] adj. lubrico; leggiero, gire. Ludiflca'tion, [liudifichescieun] Low'bell, [lobel] s. frugnuolo lascivo. Lu'bricate, Lubric'itate, [liu- s. ludificazione, burla, /. con campanello, m. Lu'dificatory, [liudifichteur] Low'-born, [lo-born] ndj. di bas- brichte, liubrisitete] v. a. luadj. burlesco, piacevole. bricare. sa condiziono. [leaf] s. (mar.) sopravLow'-bred, [lo-bred] adj. volga- Lubric'ity, [liubrTsite'l s. lubri- Luff', vento, m. cit, volubilit, leggerezza inre, basso. _ LuJBT, [louf] V. n. tenersi col venLow'er, [loir] adj. pi basso, certezza; lascivit, /. Lu'bricous, [liubricbeus] lubri- to, orzare. inferiore. Luff'-tackle, [leuf-tac'l] s {mar.) Low'er, [loueur] s. oscurit, f.\ co; incerto. paranco portatile, m. offuscamento; viso arcigno, m. Lubrifica'tion , Lubrifac'tion, liubrifac- Lug', [leugl s. punta dell'orecLow'er, [lur] v. a. abbassare, [liubrificliescieun , pertica, /. (misura). diminuire, scemare; umiliare; scieun] s. Tatto di lubricare, m. chio ; [leug] V. a. tirare, strasci(mar.) ammainare, calare; v. Luce', [iuse] s. luccio, m. (pe- Lug', nare. sce); flower of -, fiordaliso, m. n. abbassarsi, umiliarsi; dimilucente, Lug'gage, [leughdge] s. baganuirsi; coprirsi; oscurarsi; to Lu'cent, [liSsent] adj. glio arredo, m.; salmeria, /. luminoso, splendido. - the price, abbassare il prezzo. Lug'gage-room, [leughedgerum] Low'ering , [laouurng] adj. Lucerne', [liuseurn] s. trifos. (rati.) loggia da mercanzie, /. oscuro; arcigno, tristo; - weath- glio, m. [luglidge-trene] Lu'cid, [liusd] adj.lnco, lumi- Lug'gage-train er, s. tempo fosco, m. convoglio delle mers. {rail.) Low'eringly, [laourngle'] adv. noso; lucente, risplendente.^ m. _ ^ fescamente; con viso rorcigno. Lucid'ity, Lu'cidness, [liusdi- canzie, Lug'gage-waggon, [leighedgete', lisdns] s. lucidezza, chiaLow'ermost, [lurmost] adj ouagheun] s. {rail.) carro da rezza, /. il pi basso^ mercanzie, m. Low'ery, [laouur] adj. ombro- Lu'cifer, [liusifeir] s. {astr.) trasportar Lug'ger, [leugheiir] s. {mar.) Lucifero, m. so, ombreggiato. trabaccolo, m. Low'ing,tloIng]s. muggliiamen- Lnciferous, Lucif'ic, [liusfi{mar.) adj. lucifero, lu- Lug'-sal, [leug-sle] s.

rous, liusfic] to, muggito^ 7n. vela al vento, /. _ Low'land, [lolandjs. pianura,/.; minoso. [liughiibrius] Lu'ciform, [liusifrm] adj. che Lugu'brious terreno basso, m. adj. lugubre, tristo, mesto. Low'lily, [llile'] adv. umilmen- ha la natura della luce. adj. Luck', [leuc] s. caso, accidente, Lukewarm, [liucheourm] mente, bassamente.

Low'liness, [llins]



m.; fortuna, ventura,

/.; fifood -,



buona ventura,

Low'ly, [Iole'] adj. umile, sommesso. Low'ly, [Iole] adv. umilmente, Luck'ily, natamente, avventurosamente. ns]. tiepidezza; indifferenza,/. bassamente. V. a cullare; quotaLown', [liin] s. furfante, birbo- Luck'iness, [leuchins] s. buo- Lull', [leul] re; to - asleep, addormentare. na ventura, fortuna, /. ne, m. [leulabai] s. ninneLow'ness, [lones] s. piccolezza; Luck'less, [leucls] adj. sfortu- Lul'laby, rella, /. bassezza vilt; sommessione, nato, sventurato, infelice. .reumaLuc'ky, [leuchj adj. fortunato, Lumbago, [leumbeg] depressione^/'. tismo lombare, ni. Low'ry, [laour] s. {rail.) carro benavventurato. lomLucrative, [liucrativ] adj. lu- Lum'bar, [leumbr] adj. da trasporto, wi.
bare. Low-spir'ited, [l-spTrited] adj. crativo, profittevole. [leumbeur] s. arnesi malinconico, depresso, abbat- La'cre, [liacher] s. lucro, gua- Lum'ber, inutili, m. pi. dagno, profitto, m. tuto. [leumbeur] v. a. amLow-spir'tedness, [lo-spiritd- Lucriferous, Lucrif'ic, [liucrf- Lum'ber senza ordine; -, v. ns] 8. melanconia, tristezza, /. ireus, liucrifc] adj. lucroso, mucchiare n. muoversi lentamente. profittevole, utile. [lo-th^td] Low-thought'ed , [liuminar] s. las. Lu'minary, [leuctisciin] Lucta'tion, adj. di pensieri vili. minare, lume, m. sforzo, m.; contesa^/. Loy'al, [lil] adj. leale; fedele; adj. [liumineus] onesto; - party, partito della Lu'cubrate, [liucliiubrete] v. n. Lu'minous , luminoso, fulgente_. vegliare studiamlo; elaborare. corto, m. [liuminousnes] Loy'alist, [lialist] s. aderente Lucubra'tion,[liuchiubrscieuii] Lu'minousness, splendore, m. s. lucid.ezza, /.; s. elucubrazione, /.; studio notal re, m. Lump', [leump] s. massa, /.; Loy'ally, [lil] adv. lealmen- turno, ni.; elaboratezza, /. vi.; Lu'cubratory, [liuchiubratcure'] pezzo; grosso, mucchio, te, fedelmente. </ie -, all'ingrosso; Loy'alty, [lilte'] s. lealt, fe- adj. composto a lume di can- by the-, in Lump', [leump] v. a. prender dela. delt, aderenza, /.
il tutto senza- ^^adaro. s. rombo, Lu'culent, [liuchiilent] adj. luLum'per, [leiuiyeur] s. {mar.) culento, evidentG, certo. m.; pastiglia,/. Ludib'rous, [liidibrius] adj. navalestro, m. Ln', [lu] s. (gam.) bestia, /. Lump'ing, [Icimping] adj. grosLub'bard,[leibourd] s.infngar- giocoso, scherze/yole. so, massiccio. adj. [liudicrous] Lu'dicrous, daccio, poltrone, m. [leumpisc] pesante, Lub'ber, [leubeur] s. infingardo, burlesco, comico; piacevole, di- Lump'ish, grosso; stupido; rozzo. vertente, risibilo. rusticone ; poltrone, i.

HI -,mala Lnke'warmly, [liucheouourml] indifferenfortuna, sventura, /.; by good -, adv. tiepidamente; temente. per buona ventura. [liucheouorm[leuchil] adv. fortu- Luke'warmness,

Loz'enge, [lozndge]




[leurching- Lute'-maker, [liute-raecheSr] Lamp'ishly, [leumpiscle] adv.l Lurk'ing-place plese] s. nascondiglio, riposti-' facitore di liuti, m. pesantemente, scioccamente, Lute'-player, [litc-plir] Lump'ishness, [lourapiscnes] s. glio, m. Lus'cious, [leuscieus] adj. me- suonatore di liuto, m. sciocchezza, stupidit, f.

lato, dolce; piacevole. Lump'-sug''ar,[leump-sciugh6ur] Lus'ciously, [leuscieusle'j adv. s. zucchero in pezzi, m. Lump'y, [leumpe'j adj. pieno di in modo sdolcinato, dolcemente. gnocchi, granoso. [leiscieusnes] Lu'nacy, [linas] s. follia, paz- Las'ciousness, zia, frenesia, /". s. dolcezza smoderata, /. Lu'nar, Lu'nary, [liunar, li5- Lu'sern, [liuseiirn] s. lince^rn. [liusonar] adj. lunare, della luna. Luso'rious, Lu'sory, ju'nated, [liuuated] adj. luna- riis, liseurj adj. giocoso, scherzevole. to; di forma curva. Lu'natic, [liunatc] adj. luna- Lust', [lest] s. concupiscenza, /.; senso, m.; sensualit; intico. Luna'tion, [liunescieiin] s. lu- continenza, f. nazione, f.; lunare, ni. Lust', [leust] V. a. concupiscoLunch', Lun'cheon, [leunsce, re, desiderare. leunscieun] s. merenda, /". Lust'ful, [leustful] adj. sensuaLune', [liune] s. mezza luna; le, libidinoso, lascivo. pazzia, frenesia, f. Lust'fuUy, [leustful] adv. senLunette', [lint] s. mezza luna sualmente, libidinosamente. s. piccola; (fort.) lunetta, f. Lust'fulness, [leistflns] Lungs', [leungs] s. pi. polmo- concupiscenza, sensualit; libi.

Lute'-string, [liite-strng] s. corda di liuto, /. Lu'theran, [liiith^eran] s. luterano, m.

Lu'theransm, [liilth-eranisml

luteranismo, m.

Lu'tist, player.



Lu'tulent, [liitiulntl adj. lutulento, lotoso, fangoso. Lux', Lux'ate, [leiics, leucste] V. a. {surg.) lussare dislogare.







Luxu 'riance,





s. [leungoueurt] {boi.) polmonaria, f. Lunt', [leuny s. miccia, f. Lu'pine, [lalupainej s. {bot.] lupino, m. Lurch', [lourtsc] s. stato derelitto, m,; {gam.) posta doppia, /.; {mar.) guinata, f.; to leave one in the -, lasciare uno in Lus'tral, [leustral] adj. lustra- ziuriusas, leiicziure] s. lusasso, abbandonare alcuno; to suria; esuberanza; volutt, f. le; purificativo. lie upon the -, insidiare, ten- Lastra'tion, [leustrescieun] s. Ly'canthrope,[laicnth2rope s. dere insidie. licantropo, m. lustrazione; purificazione, f. Lurch', [leurtsc] v a. deludere, Lus'trate, [leustrte] v. a. lu- Lycan'thropy, [laicantli^rp] s.
j I I i i


s. abbondanza; copia, f. Luxu'riant, [leuczirint] adj. soprabbondante, superfluo. [leucziurntle'] Luxu'riantly, adv. abbondantemente. dine, volutt; lascivia, Lus'tihead, Lus'tihood, [leus- Laxu'riate, [leucziuril^te] v. a. s. vigo- esser troppo abbondante creleistihd] tihd , scere con esuberanza. re, m. Lus'tily, [leustile'] adv. vigo- ;Luxu'rions, [leiczirius] adj rosamente, con forza. lussurioso, voluttuoso. Lus'tiness, [leistins] s. vigo- :Lnxu'riously, [leiicziuriisle'] adv. voluttuosamente. re, i.; forza di corpo, robuLuxu'riousness, Lux'ury, [Iciicstezza, /.







strare; purificare.



dagnare doppia posta.




[laisiem] s. liceo, m.;


Lurch'er, [lertsceir] s. truffa- splendore, m. tore, insidiatore; bassetto, m. ILus'tring, [leustring] s. lustriLurch'ing, [leurtscngl s. guano, m. (drappo). dagnar il marcio agguato, m.; Lus'trcus, [leuslreiis] adj. luciinsidia, f. do; luminoso. Lure', [li5re] .logoro; alletta- ILus'trum, [leustreura] s. cinmento, m. que anni, m. pi. Lure', [liure] v. a.- allettare, Lus'ty, [leist] adj. forte, vij




ranno, bucato,



Ly'ing, bugia,







Lymphat'ic, [limftcj

adj. lin-

goroso, gagliardo. squallido, Lu'tanist, fliiitanst] s. suona- Lyre', [laire] s. lira, /. (strulivido; tristo. mento musicale). tore di liuto, m. Lurk , flerc] v. n. appattar- Lute', [liite] s. lento, liuto; Lyr'ic, Lyr'ical, [lirTc, lirical] tarsi nascondersi. loto, m. adj. Urico. Lur'ker, [leurcheir] s. che si Lute', [liiite] v. n. lutare, im- Ly'rist, [lairist] s. suonatore di nasconde, che sta in agguato. piastrar di luto. lira, in.


fatico, di linfa. Lynx', [lines] s. lince, wi.




si pronunzia come in italia- Macaro'ni, [macaroni] s. mac- Mace', [mise] . massa, mazza; no: Milan, Milano. cheroni, m. pi. mace, f. Mah [mb] s. regina delle fate; Macaron'ic, [racronic] adj. Maee'-hearer, [mesc-bereur] s. donna sudicia, f. maccheronico. s. mazziere, bidello, m. Mac', [mc] s. figlio, m.; Mac- Macaroon', [macarin] s. mac- Mac'erate, [maser ete] v. a. maCuUoch, (M'Culloch) s. figlio cherone, biscottino; villano, m. cerare, inzuppare affievolire, di Culloch, m. Macaw', [mc] s. specie di mortificare.
, ;

Macad'amize, [macdamaze]

pappagallo d'India, m. selciare le strado secondo Macaw'-tree, [mco-trIJ metodo di Macadam. ta di palma, f.


Macera'tion, [maserescieun] s. sor- macerazione, /".; il macerare,

m.; mortificazione,




Machiafel'ian, [machiavlinl Mad'man, [madman] s. pazzo. Mag'netism, [magnetism] s. magnetismo, m. matto, m s. uno che segue i principj di furbo, Mad'ness, [mdnes] s. pazzia, Mag'netizG, [magnetaize] v. a. adj. Machiavelli, m. foUezza, furia, stravaganza, /. magnetizzare. astuto. Mach'inal, [machinal] adj. mac- Mad'repore, [madrepore] s. una.Magnif'ic, Magnificai, [magnfic, magnificai] adj. magnifico, sostanza somigliante al coral chinale, di macchina. illustre. Mach'inate, [mchinete] v. a. lo, f. macchinare, apparecchiare, or- Mad'rigal, [madrigal] s. ma- Magnificence, [ magni fisnse] s. magnificenza, f.\ splendore, m. drigale, m. dinare, tramare. Machina'tion, [machinscieiin] Mad'-woman, [mad-ououman] s. Magnificent, [mgnifisnt] adj. magnificente, pomposo, splenpazza, matta, f. s. niacchinamento ; artifizio, wi.; Magazine', [magazine] .magaz- dido, superbo. trama, f. Mach'inator, [raachineteur] s. zino; giornale; (mar.) Santa Magnificently, [magnfisntle] adv. con magnificenza, con Barbara, f. macchinatore, inventore, m. baco, pompa. s. Machine', [mascine] s. macclii- Mag'got, [mgheut] bruco; capriccio, ghiribizzo, m. Magnifico, [magnifico] s. granna, /".; strumento, m. Machin'ery, Imaf.cineiire'] s. or- Mag'gotiness, [mgheiitines] s. de di Venezia, m. dinanza, disposizione,/.; mec- stato verminoso; capriccio, m. Mag'nifier, [mgnifaiir] s. paMag'goty, [mgheit] adj. ba- negirista, encomiatore microcanismo m. arte, /. scopio, m. Mach'inist, [mchiast] s. mac- cato; capriccioso, bisbetico. Ma'gi, [mdgeai] s. Magi, m. pi. Mag'nify, [magnifai] v. a. machinista, m. Mac'ilency , [masilns] s. ma- Ma'gian, [mudgian] s. mago, m. gnificare; esagerare, esaltare. Mag'ic, [mdgic] s. magia, stre- iMag'nlfying-glass[nignifaiinggrezza, f. ls] s. microscopio, f?i. goneria, f. Mac'ilent, fmasilSnt] adj. maciMag'ic, Mag'ical, [mdgic, raad- |Magniroquence[mgnloquence] lente, magro. adj. magico; magic .magniloquenza, f. Mack'erel, [mchorel] 8. sgom- gicl] [mgnitiide] . lanthern. s. lanterna magica, /. Mag'nitude, bro, m. (pesce) Mack'erel boat,[macherel-b5te] Mag'ically, [mdgicl] adv. magnitudine; grandezza, /. Magno'Iia, [magnlia] s. maniagicamente,_per magia. s. battello da pesca, m. [macrocosm] s. Magic'ian, [madgiscin] s. ma- gnolia, f. Mac'rocosm, Mag'pie, [magpa] s. gazza, pica, go, stregone, m. universo, mondo, w. [mdgistirial] f. (uccello). Mac'ula, [mchiula] s. macchia, Magiste'rial, Mahog'any, [mhgane'] s. leadj. magistrale, imperioso. macula, f. e'] gno d" acaj, mogano, m. Mac'ulate, [machiulete] v. a. Magiste'rially, [mdgistirial macchiare, macolare, imbrat- adv. magistralmente, imperio- Mahom'etan, [mhometn] s. Maomettano, m. samente. tare, bruttare. [machiulesciein] Magiste'rialness, [madgstiril- Mahom'etanism, Mahom'etism, Macula'tion, [mahometanism, mahometsin] macchiare, m.; macchia, nes] s. imperiosit, /. s. religione di Maometto, /.; s. Mag'istery, [mdgstere'] s. ma sporcizia, f. maomettismo, m. Mac'ule, [mchiuk] s. macola, gisterio, m. Mag'istracy, [mdgistrase'] s Maid', [mde] s. squadro, m. macchia, f. (poco usato). Mad', [md] adj. pazzo, matto, magistratura, /".; magistrato, m. (pesce). [mdgstrte] s. Maid', Mai'den, [md'n] s. verlovsciiiia'.o, arrabbiato, appas- Mag'istrate, gine, zitella, donzella, f. sionato; - fit, s. capriccio, m.; magistrato, m. Magistrat'ic,[mdgistratc] adj. Mai'den, [mad'n] adj. di verfantasia, f. Mad', [mad] v. a, far arrabbia- avente il potere di un magi- gine; fg. fresco. Mai'denhair, [md'nhre] s. castrato. re, far smaniare; -, v. n. imMag'na-cliarta, [magna-carta] pelvenere, wi. pazzire. Mai'denhood, Mad'am, [madam] s. madama, s. magna carta (deglinglesi), / Mai'denhead , Magnanim'ity, [inagnanimit] [md'nhd, med'nhd] s. versignora, f. apurit^ ginit; Mad'-hrained, s. magnanimit, grandezza d' f, Mad'-brain , Mai'denly, [nxed'nle'] adj. ver[mad-brene, mad-bren'd] adj. nimo, f. Magnan'imous, [mgnanimeus] ginale, pudico; modesto, delimatto, insensato. Mad'-cap, [md-cp] s. pazzo, adj. magnanimo, generoso, no- cato. Mad'hood, [midehud] vedi Maibile, liberale. scervellato, m. [magnni- denhood. Mad'den, [md'n] v. a. fare ar- Magnan'imously, meiisle'] adv. con magnanimit, Maid'-servant, [mde-seurvnt] rabbiare, impazzare.
; :

Mad'der, [mdoiir]




Magne'sia, [magnisela]
f. s.


Mad'ding, [mding]

adj. arrabbiato, furioso, forsennato. Mad'dish, [mdisc] adj. pazze-

Mag'net, [mgnet]



s. serva, fante, f. Mail', [mele] s. maglia; posta delle lettere, f. Mail', [mele] v a. armare; pro-


rello; scherzevole.

f. Madefac'tion, [mdifcscieun] s. Mail'-horse, [mle-hrse] s. catico, di magnete immollamento, m. m. vallo di posta, [magneticle'] Mad'efy, [mdifai] v. a. im- Magnet'ically, mollare, bagnare (poco usato). adv. per mezzo del magne- Maim', imeme] s. mutilamento, Mad'-house, [md haouse] s. tismo, per il potere d'attra- storpiamento; difetto, m.; offesa, f. zione. spedalo pe' matti. Mad'ly, [mdie] adv. pazza- Mag'netiser, [mgnetazeiir] s. Maim', [mime] v. a. mutilare, storpiare. mente, follemente, stoltamente. magnetizzatore, m.

Magnet'ic, Magnet'ical, [mag- Mail-coach, [mle-cotsce] netic, magneticl] adj. magne- carrozza di posta, diligenza,

Maimed', [mm'd]


self, darsi la morte, uccidersi; to - for, incamminarsi verso;

giorit, pluralit; dignit di adj. mutilamaggiore, /. mozzo. _ Mai'ming:, [memng] s. mutila- Make', [mche] s. fattura, struttura; forma, f.] compagno, somento, troncamento, m. Hain', [mene] adj. principale, ci, m. Make', [miche] v a. irr. (made, capitale,_essenziale; forte Main', [mene] s. grosso, totale; made) fare; formare; fabbricaoceano, alto mare, m.; forza, f.; re; creare; produrre; costringein the-, upon the -, in somma, re, forzare; to - account, far conto, proporsi; to - afraid, spasopra tutto. Main'-guard, [meue-grd) s. ventare, fare paura; to -amends, compensare, indennizzare; to gran guardia, Main'-land' [mene-land] s. ter- angry, stizzire, irritare; to answer,rispondere; to - ashamed, ra ferma, f.; continente, m. Mainly, [mnel] adv. princi- fare arrossire; to - as if, fin gere; to - an assignation, fare palmente, sopratutto. un appuntamento; to - better, [mne-mast] s. Main'-mast, (mar.) albero maestro, gran- migliorare to - blind, acciecare; to - clean, nettare, pulire; d' albero, m. Mainper'nable, [mnepeurnabl'] to -a doubt, stare in dubbio, dubitare; to - an end, finire, to adj. che si pu mallevare. Mainper'nor, [menepeiirneur] s. one's escape, scappare, fuggire; to - an excuse, scusarsi, to mallevadore, w.^ cauzione, /. Main'prise, [menepraize] fast, dar volta; to - a fool of s. one, beffare uno, burlare uno; malleveria, assicurazione, f.

fare per; to - off, andar via, salvarsi; to - out, far vedere; provare; to - over, trasferire; ab-

bandonare; to - towards, incamminarsi verso; to - up, finire; riparare; compensare; to - up an account, preparare un conto; to - up a letter, T^egaro o sigillare una lettera; to - up to, avvicinarsi, accostarsi. Make 'bate, [mchcbte] s. seminatore di discordie, m.

Make'peace, [mchepse]
ciliatore, mediatore, m.



Ma'ker, [mcheir] s. facitore, fattore, creatore, m. Make'weight, [mcheouete] s. aggiunta, f. _ Ma'king, [michfng] s. foggia;
fattura, opera,

Ma'king'iron, [mching-aieirnj
s. {mar.) ferro di calafato, m. Maladministra'tion, [mladmin-

Main'-sail, [mene-sle] s. [mar.) vela di maestra, grande vela, f. Main'-sea, [mene-s] s. alto mare, oceano, m. _ Main'-sheets, [menescltes] s. pi. (mar.) scotte di maestra,

to - free, liberare; to - free with, trattare senza cerimonie; to -

strscieiin] gio, m.




friends, pacificare, appaciare

to -

Malady, [mlade]


fun, divertirsi; to


re, burlare;

to - game of, to - good, provaro,

morbo, m. beffa- Mal'aga, [mlaga]







giustificare; to

Main'-stay, [mne-ste'] s. (mar.) straglio di maestra, m. Maintain', [mnetene] v. a. mantenere, dare il vitto; difendeV. n. sostenere; aiferprovare. Maintaiu'able, [mneteneabr] ad), sostenibile, provabile.

- good a siege, so- Mal'anders, [mlndeurs] stenere un assedio; to - happy, malandr, /. pi. rendere felice; to - haste, af- Mal'apert, [malapeurt] adj. in-

frettarsi; sbrigarsi, spedirsi; to solente, impudente, sfacciato. head against, opporsi far te- Mal'apertly, [mlapertle] adv. sta; to - hot, scaldare, riscaldare; to- fcnototi. pubblicare;




tire, notificai'e; to

insolentemente impudentemente. land, pi- Mal'apertness, [mlapeirtnes]



Maintain'er, [mneteneur] mantenitore difensore, in. Main'tenance, [menetinnse]



gliare terra; to -a laiv, fare una s. insolenza, sfacciatezza, f. logge; to - lean, render magro ; Mal'-apropos, [ml-prop] adv.
to less,

diminuire, scemare;



sostegno, protezione, difesa, f.


to - liable, soggettare; esporre: to - a iztfer, disordinare, spar-

pagliare; to
gliarsi; to-

Main'-topmast, [mne topmast] s. (mar.) grand'albero di gabbia, m. Main'-yard, [mne-iard] s.{mar.) antenna grande, f.
Maize', [meze] s. miglio Indiano; gran turco, m. Majes'tic, Majes'tical, [madgstc, mdgsticl] adj. maestoso, grande. Majes'tically , [madgesticale'] adv. maestosamente, con maest.

a mistake, abbaof, accarezzare, trattar bene; to- a noise, far rumore, strepitare; to - nothing of one, far poca stima di uno, tento. dispregiare alcuno; to - an offer, Malconten'tedness, [mlcontnfare un'offerta; to - a pass at tedns] s. scontentezza,/".; sconone, tirare una botta ad uno; tentamento, m. to - a pen, temperare una pen- Male', [mele] adj. maschio, ma-


inconvenientemente, malavvedutamente. Malcontent', Malconten'ted, [malcontent, mlcontentdj adj. malcontento. Malconten'tedly , [mlcontontdl] adv. in modo malcon-

na; to


a place, incammi-


Majes'tlcalness, [mdgesticlns] s. lo stato o la maniera di essere maestoso, m. Maj'esty, [mdgste] s. maest dignit grandezza, f. Ma'jor, [medgeur] adj. maggiore, superiore. Ma'jor, [medgeur] s. {mil.) mag; ;




[mdgeur-dm] s. maggiordomo, maestro di casa, m.


Major'ity, [madgiorit]


narsi verso un luogo; to -ready, apparecchiare, preparare; to - a request, pregare, supplicare; to -a sport of one, beffare uno, burlare uno; to - a stand, fermarsi; fare resistenza; to - sure of, assicurare; esser sicuro di; to - a trial, sperimentare, provare; to - use of, fare uso, servirsi; to -war, far guerra, guerreggiare; to - ivaste, desolare, rovinare; to - water, fare acqua; to - wonder, maravigliarsi; to - after, correre dietro, seguitare; to - again, fare di nuovo; to - away, ammazzare; fuggire; salvarsi; to - aicay with one's

Maledi'cent, [mlidaisent] adj. maldicente. Maledic'tion, [mlidicscieun] . maledizione; esecrazione, f. Malefac'tion, [mlifcsciein] s.
misfatto, delitto, m. Malefac'tor, [mlifcteiir] s. malfattore, m. Malefic, [malefic] adj. malefico, nocivo. (delitto, ni. Mal'efice, [mlifis] .maleficio.

Maleficence, [mlfsnse] .malignit,


Maleficent, [maleficent] adj. malefico, maligno. Malev'olence, [mlavolense] s.

malevolenza, malignit,





Malt'-house, [mlt-hause] s. Man'agery, [mandgeure'] s. luogo da preparare l'orzo, m. maneggio, m.; condotta; econoMalt'-kiln, [mlt-clln] s. for- mia; frugalit, f. ligno. Dlalev'olently, [malevolentle'] no da seccare 1' orzo, m. Mana'tion, [mnscieun] s. emaadv. malignamente, con mal Malt'-lquor, [mlt-licheir] s. nazione; derivazione, /". animo. birra, f. Man'cipate, [mnsipete] v. a. Malev'olous, [malevoleus] adj. Malt'man, [moltmn] s. mer- porre in schiavit; sottomettere. malevolo. cante d' orzo preparato, m. Malprac'tice , [malpractTs] s. Malt'-mlll, [molt-mil] s. muli- Mancipa'tion, [mansipscieun] cattiva condotta, furberia, f. no da macinare l'orzo, m. s. schiavitii; soggezione, f. BIalforma'tion,[malfrmescieun] Maltreat', [mltrite] v. a. mal- Man'ciple, [mnsipP] s. dispensiere, provveditore, m. trattare. s. deformit, f. Malice, [mails] s. malizia, cat- Malt'ster, [moltsteir] vedi Mal- Manda'mus , [mndmeus] s. tivezza, malignit, f. tman. mandamento mandato, ordi[mlveurs- ne, m. Malicious, [maliscieus] adj. ma- Malversa'ton, lizioso, maligno. scieiin] s. trasgressione, catti- Mandarin', [mandarine] s. mandarino, m. Maliciously, [mliscieusl] adv. va condotta, f. maliziosamente, con malizia. Mani', Mamma', [mm, mama] s. Man'datary,Man'datory, [mandateure'] s, mandatario; depuMaliciousness, [mliscieisnes] mamma, /. (voce fanciullesca). Mam'mer, [mmeiir] ..balbet- tato, m. s. malizia, malignit, f. Malign', [mlaine] adj. maligno, tare, (balbettare, m. Man'date, [mandte] s. manda[malevolent] malevogliente, malevolo,



Mam'mering, [mmeurng]

s. il

to, tn.;



Malign', [mlaine] v. a. mali- Mam'met, [mmt] bamboccino, m. gnare, invidiare; nuocere.

fantoccio, Man'dator, [mndateur] datore, wi.



Malig'nancy, [mlignnse'] s. Mammiferous, [mamifireus] malignit, naturamaligna; con- adj. mammifero. tagiono, /. Mam'miform, [mmiform] adj. Malig'nant , [malignant] adj. a guisa di mammella. Mam'millary, [mmlar] adj. maligno, nocivo. Malig'nantly, [mlignntlc] mammillare. Mam'mock, [mameuc] s. framadv. malignamente. Malign'er, [mlameur] s. invi- mento, pezzo grosso, m. Mam'mock, [mameuc] v. a. spezdiatcre, m. Malignity, [mlTgnite'] s. mali- zare, rompere, stracciare.

Man'datory, fmndateure'] adj. comandativo, imperativo. Mandible, [mndibV] s. mascella, mandibula, f. Mandib'ular, [mndbiular] adj.
della mascella. Mandil'ion, [mndlieun] s. casacca (di lacch) f. Mandolin', [mandoline] .mandolino (strumento), m. Man'drake, [mndrche] s.{bot.)

nocimento, m.

Mam'mon, [mameuu]
mone, m.



Malignly, [ralainel] vedi Malignantly. Marison, [mlizeun] zione, f.




[mndiucabl'] Mam'monist, [mameunist] s. una Man'ducable, maledi- persona mondana, f. adj. buono a mangiare, commeMam'moth, [mmeuth^] s. ma- stibile.

Man'ducate, [mndiilchete] v. Mal'kin, [mlchin] s. specie di stodonte, m. spazzatojo por lavare i mattoni, Man', [man] s. uomo individuo; a. manducare, masticare. [mndichei pavimenti, m.; donna sporca, servo, domestico, m.; pedina Manduca'tion , bagascia, f. (agli scacchi); dama (alle ta- scieun] s^ manducazione, f. vole), /.; every, - ciascheduno; Mane', [mene] s. criniera, giubMail', [mal] s. colpo; maglio, m. (giuoco). no -, nessuno like a -, da uo- ba, chioma, f. ^ Mair, [mal] v. a. battere col mo; - of war, bastimento da Man'-eater, [mn-iteiir] s. an(vatica, f. guerra, m.; to be one's oion -, tropofago, m. maglio. ^ ^ Maned', [mn'd] adj. crinuto, Mallard, [mlrd] s. anitra sel- non dipender da nessuno. Malleabil'ity , [mliablit] s. Man', [man] v. a. fornire d'uomi- chiomato. qualitmalleabile; flessibilit, f. ni, armare, presidiare. Manege', [mandge] s. manegMal'leable , [mliabl'] adj. mal- Man'acle, [mnacV] v.a. mette- gio, m. Ma'nes, [mnize] s. pi. anime leabile; flessibile, trattabile. re le manette, catenare. Mal'leableness, [wliabrnes] Man'acles, [mnacl's] s. pi. ma- de'morti, f. pi. Man'ful, [manful] adj. valoroso, vedi Malleability. nette, /. pi. Malleate, [mliete] v.a. sten- Man'age, [manedge] s. maneg- bravo, coraggioso. dere col martello. gio,.; condotta, /".; governo, m. Man'fully, [mnfl] adv. valo[raliescieun] rosamente, bravamente. Mallea'tiou, s. Man'age, [mnedge] v. a. mal'atto di stendere col martel- neggiare; condurre; governare; Man'fulness, [mnfulns] s. va- V. n. invigilare. lo, m. lore, m.; bravura, /".; corag_ Mal'let, [malet] s. maglio; mar- Man'ageable, [mnedgeabl'] adj. gio, m. [manganze] a. tello di legno ,_m. maneggiabile, agevole, tratta- Man'ganese, manganese, m. Mallows, [mloze] s. malva, f. bile. s. stizza; roMalm'sey, [mmz] s. malvagia, Man'ageableness, [mnedgeabl'- Mange, [mendge] ns] s. agevolezza; trattabilit, gna, scabbia (di cane) f. f. (vino). /. [mndgeir] mans. Man'ger, Malt', [molt] s. orzo macinato docilit, Man'agement, [mandgement] giatoia, /.; to live at rack and -, per fare la birra, m. prodigalmente. Malt', [molt] V. a. macerare o s. maneggiamento, maneggio, vivere Man'giness,(mndgins] s. stizpreparare Terzo per far la m.; condotta; direzione, m, Man'ager, [mndgeir] s. ma- za; rogna, /. birra. Malt'-floor, [molt-flre] s. suolo neggiatore, direttore, ammini- Man'gle, [mangi'] t. mangano, m. stratore; economo. da seccare l'orzo, wi.
' ;




Han'glo, [mangr] v. a. lacera- Man'nerly, [maneirl] adj. mare, stroppiare manganeggiare, nieroso, civile; -, adv. civilmanganare. mente, con politezza. Man'gler, [mangleur] s. muti Man'nikiu, (mnichn] s. piccolo latore, troncatore, m.; che man- uomo, nano, m. ganegga. Man'nng, [mning] s. arma Man'gy, [randge] adj. scab- mento (d'un vascello), m. bioso, rognoso. Man'nisli,[mnsce] adj. d'uomo, Man'-hater, [man-heteur] s. mi- virile; bravo, coraggioso; impu santropo, m. dente. Man'-hood, [manbud] $. virili- Manoen'vre, [manveur] s. mat, /".; valore, m.; fermezza, /".; neggio, m. coraggio, wi. Manoeu'vre, [manveur] v. a. Ma'na, [mnia] s. mania, paz- maneggiare esercitarsi milizia, f. tarmente. Ma'niac, [miniac] s. pazzo, m. Manom'eter, [manomiteur] s. Ma'niac , Mani'acal, [mnic, manometro, m. ranaiacl] adj. maniaco, furioso, Man'or, [manor] s. castello, m.;
; ;

manifattura, fabbrica, f. Manufac'ture, [mniufctciure] s.opei-a di manifattore,/. Manufac'ture, [mniufctciurc]

V. a. fabbricare.

Manufac'turer, [mnu^ctcieureur] s. manifattore, lavoratore, fabbricatore, m.

Manufac'turing, [maniufctciuring]



Manumis'sion, [mnurasceun] .liberazione da schiavit, f. Manumit', [mniurait] v. .metter in libert, affrancare.




arabile, coltivabile.




Manifest, [manifest]



Manure', [maniur] s. letamo, concime, m. [manor-hause] Manure'ment, [maniuriment] s.


dente, manifesto. castello s. casa del signore, f. Man'ifest, [manifest] v. a. ma del signore, m. nifestare, mostrare. Mano'rial, [manorial] adj. i Man'ifest, Manifes'to, [manifest, feudo; manorial rights, s. dimanifsto] s. manifesto, m. ritti appartenenti ad un caManifestation, [ranifst- stello feudale, m. pi. scieun] s. manifestazione, /".; Man'pleaser , [mnplizeur] s. manifestamento, m. adulatore, m. Man'ifestly, [manifestle'] adv. Manse', [mnse] s. abitazione manifestamente. di un parroco, f. Man'ifestness, [manifstnes] s. Man'siou, [mnscieiin] s. abitaevidenza, chiarezza, f. zione, dimora; stanza, f. Mau'ifold, [manifold] adj. pa- Man'son, [mnscieiin] v. n. direcchi, diversi. morare, abitare. Man'ifoldly, [mnifldl] adv. Man'sion-hoase , [mnscieindi maniere diverse. hause] s. villa del padrone, Man'ifoldness, [mnifldnes] s. casa, f. moltiplicit, f. Man'slaughter, [mansloteir] s. Man'ikin, [manichm] s. piccolo omicidio, m.

letaminaraento, m.; agricoltura, coltura, f. (poco usato). Manu'rer, [maniilreur] s. agricoltore, lavoratore, m. Man'uscript, [mniuscrpt] . manoscritto, m.

Ma'ny, [mene']

adj. molti,


numero di; - times, molte volte: - a man, molti uomini, m. pi.; molte volte, f. pi.; due volte pi. Ma'ny-colored,[mn-chelourd]


twice as


adj. di molti colori.


[mene'cor, ner'd] adj. di pi angoli, poligono.



[mene'-lnsa molte

adj. di molti capi.


uomo, nano, m. Man'iple, [mnipl']

lo, wi.;

Man'slayer, [mansleur]





manata; piccola



cida, omicidiale, m. trup- Man'suete, [ransuite] adj. mansueto; agevole, affabile,_dolco.


[mene'-tames] adv. spesse volte, sovente.

Manip'ular, [manipiular] adj. manipolare. Manipula'tion, [manipiulescieun] s. manipolazione, f. ManlLiller, [mnchleur] s. omicida, w. Man'kind, [mancand] s. genere umano, m. (uomini. Manless [mnles] adj. senza Man'like, [mnlache] adj. degno d'un uomo, umano; va,

Man'suetude, [mnsmtiude] s. Map', [map] s. carta geografica, mansuetudine; dolcezza, /. /.; - of the world, mappamoriMan'tel,[mntr]s. cappa di cam- do, m. (scrivere. mino, Map', [map] v. a. delinearo, deMantelet', [mntilet] s. mantel- Ma'ple, Ma'ple-tree, [mepl', letta, f.; mantelletto, m. mepl'-trl] s. acero, m.; acera, f,


Man'liness, [manlnes] s. aspetto maschile, m.; maschiezza, f.; coraggio, m. Manly, [manie] adj. maschio; nobile; grande.


[manmidoiialfe] raccoglitore (del parto), m.

Man'na, [mna] s. manna, f. Man'ner, [mnefir] s. maniera;


Man'tiger, [mntigheur] s. manticora, f.; babbuino, m. Man'tle, [manti'] s. mantello, manto, m. Man'tle, [manti'] v. a. mantellare, coprire; -, v. n. schiumare; stendere l'ali. Man'tua, [mntia] s. veste, roba da donna, f. Man'tua-maker, [mntiua-mcheur] s. sarta (da donne), /, Man'ual, [mniul] adj. manuale; -, s. manuale, libretto, m. Man'nalist, [mniualst] s. artigiano, operajo,m.


Map'pery, [mpeure']


arte to-

Mar', [mar] v. a rompere.

guastare, cors.

Maras'mus, [marzmeus]


rasmo, m.; magrezza, consun-

Marau'der, [marodeur]



datore, saccheggiatore, m.

Marau'ding, [marding] s. scorreria, /.; saccheggiamento, m.

Mar'ble, [mrblej
-, s.



marmo, m.; di marmo,

v. a.



like, -

Man'uary, [maniuare']


ma- Mar'ble, [mrbl]

rare, marezzare.


mode, m.; in

Mar'ble-cutter, [mrbl'-cheitscieun] s. guida, scorta, /".; soc- eur] s. marmorario , statuam. corso, rio, m. f. Man'nerliness , [mneurlines] Mannduc'tor, [mniudeiicteur] Mar'ble-hearted, [marbl-har. civilt, politezza, f. s. conduttore, guida, m. td] adj. duro, crudele.

parimente, similmente; s. costumi,; costumanza;



Manuduc'tion ,


buona creanza,


mar- Mark', [mare] mar-



ma- Marmo'rean, [mrmorin] marmoreo, di marmo.
Mar'moset, [marmoset]
tuccione, m.; scherone, m.

[marW-quore] Mar'joram, [mirgioram]

f. s.


cava di marmo,

jorana, persa,


Mar'casite, [marcasaite]

March', [martscl Marzo, m.;


begin one's



camminare. March', [martsc]


s. segno; indizio, m.; nota, f.; vestigio, m.; traccia, f.; attestato, testimonio, m.; to miss one's -, mancare il colpo; to shoot above the -, ti-




v. n. marciare, andare; avanzare; to - in the rear, andare dietro, seguire; to- Mark', [marc] V. a, segnare; inin, entrare; to - off, andare via; dicare; contrassegnare; v. n. levare campo; to - on, cammi- osservare, considerare; stare nare, avanzare; to out, andar attento; esaminare; to - out, fuora, uscire. mostrare, far vedere. Marcb'er, [martsceur] s. coman Mark'er, [marcheur] s. segnadante delle frontiere, m. tore; osservatore, m. March'es, [mrtscs] s. pi. fron- Mar'ket, [mrcht] s. mercato, tiere (d' un paese), limite, /. pi. m.; piazza del mercato, f.; fish Mar'ching, [mrtscing] s. passo -, pescheria, /".; hay -, mercato militare, m. di fieno, m. Mar'ohioness, [martcieunes] s Mar'ket, [marchet] v. a. commarchesa, marchesana, f. prare; vendere; -, v. n. merMarch'pane, s. [mrtscpne] canteggiare. marzapane, m. Mar'ketahle, [marchetahl'] adj. Mar'cid, [mrsd] adj. marcio, vendibile; hen condizionato. fracido; magro. Market-cross, [mrcht-cros] s. Mar'cour, [marcheur] s. ma- croce alzata in un mercato, f. grezza; estenuazione, f. Mar-ket-day, [marchet-d] s. Mare', [mere] s. cavalla, giu- giorno di mercato, m. menta, f. (Marshal. Mar'ket-folks, [mrchet-foches] Mare'schal, [marscil] vedi 8. gente che bazzica continuaMar'garite, [margarite] .mar- mente in mercato, f. garita, f. Mar'ket-house,[marchet-haouseJ Mar'gin, fmardgin] s. margine, s. casa della piazza, f.

Mar'mot, Marmot'to, [marmot, marmotte] s. marmotta,/".; marrare troppo alto; to shoot below motte, m. Maroo'n, [mrin] adj. color the -, tirare troppo tasso.
rosso bruno. Maroo'n, [mar un] v. a. esporre alcuno in qualche terra deserta.





tarsia, intarsiatura,

Mar'quls, [mrqus]
se, TO.



Mar'qnisate, [mrquizete] marchesato, m.

Mar'rer, [mreir] .guastatore, danneggiatore, m. Marriage, [mrdge] s. matrimonio, conjugio, m.; nozze, f. pi. Mar'riageahle , [mrdgeabl'] adj. nubile, da marito. Mar'rigeableness, [mridgeablns]

et nubile, et da


orlo: confine, m.; estremit,


Mar'ket-man, [marcht-man]


Mar'ginal, adj. [mrdginl] che frequenta il mercato, venmarginale. ditore; compratore, m. Mar'ginate, [raardginete] v. a. Mar'ket-place, [marcht-plse] orlare. s. piazza, ^; mercato, m. Mar'ginated, [mardgineted] Mar'ket-price, Mark'et-rate, adj. provveduto d'un margine. [rarcht-pralse, mrcht-rete] Mar'grave, [mrgrve] s. mar- s. prezzo corrente, m. gravio, m. Mar'ket'town, [mrchet-taoun] Margr'aviate, [margrviete] s. s. borgo, m.; terra, f. stato del margravio, margra- Mar'ket-woman, [marcht-ououviato, m. ran] s. venditrice nel merMar'iets, [raarits] s. pi. (bot.) cato, mercatina, f. spezie di violetta, f. Mark'ing, [marching] s. seMar'igold, [marigold] s. fior- gno, m. rancio, m. [marching-aiMark'ing-iron, Mar'inate, [marinte] v. a. ma- eirn] s. marchio, m. rinare. Mark'man, Marks'man, [mareMarine', [marine] s. marina, man, rarcs-mn] s. tiratore; nautica, /".; soldato di maricacciatore, m. na, m. Mari', [mari] s. marga, marna, Marine', [marine] adj. marino, terra grassa, f. di mare. Mari', [mari] v. a. concimare Marine'-officer, [marlne-ofiseur] colla marga, letamare con terra ufflziale di marina, m. grassa; (mar.) ralingare. Mar'iner, [mriner] s. mari- Mar'ler, [mrleir] s. scavatore navigatore: naio, marinaro; di marga o di marna, m. soldato di marina, wi. Mar'line, [marlalne] s. merliMar'ish, [mrsce] s. pantano, no, m. palude, m. Marl'-pt, [marl-pt] s. cava di Mar'ish, [mrsc] adj. panta- marna o di marga, f. noso, paludoso, palustre. Mar'ly, [marie] adj. pieno di Mari'tal, [maratl] adj. mari- marga, pieno di marna. tale, conjugale. Mar'malade, [marmalde] s. conMarit'mal, Mar'itime, [mart serva, confettura, f. iml, maritaime] adj. raarit Marmora'tion, [raarraoriscieun] timo, marino. s. incrostatura di marmo, f.

Mar'riage-bed, [mirdge-bed] s. talamo, m, Mar'riage-chamber, [mridgecimbeur] . camera nuziale, f. Mar'riage-dress, [mridge-drs] s. abito da sposa, wi. Mar'riage-song, [mrdgc-song] s. epitalamio, m. Mar'riage-supper, [mardgeseupeiir] festino nuziale, m. Mar'ried, [mrd] adj. maritato,

ammogliato; conjugale. Mar'row, [maro] s. midolla,

midollo, m.; grassezza,





osso midolioso; ginocchio, m. Mar'rovrless, [marols] adj. senza midollo.

Mar'rowy, [maree]

adj. midol-


Mar'ry, [mare']

v. n. maritare, sposare; - v. n. maritarsi, spoagain, rimaritarsi. sarsi; to

Mar'ry, [mare] int. veramente! Mars', [mars] . Marte, m, Marsh, [mrsc] . palude, pantano,





sciallo, m.; field -, maresciallo di campo, i. Mar'shal, [marscial] . a. rego-


schierare, ordinare.

Mar'shaler, [mrscileur] s. regolatore, ordinatore, m. Mar'shalsea, [mrscialsi] . nome di una prigione in Londra,

Mar'shalship, [marscialscp] . uffizio di maresciallo, m. Marsh'mallow, [mrscmal]

{bot.) bisraalva, /.



235 -


Marsh'y, [mrsc] adj. paludo- -, maestro muratore, architet' Mas'tership, [masteiirscTp] . to, m. so, pantanoso. maestria; eccellenza, /. Mart', [mart] s. fiera, /.; traf- Ma'sonry, [mseunre'] . fabbri Mas'ter-spring,[masteur-sprTng] ca; struttura, /. lico, wi. s. molla maestra, f. Mart', [mart] v. a. trafficare, Masqnerade' , [mischeride] s Mas'ter-string,[masteir-strTng] s. corda maestra, /. mercare, mercatantare. mascherata, /.; travestimeli Mar 'ten, [marten] s. martora,/', to, m. Mas'ter-stroke , [masteir(animalo). Masquerade', [mascherde] v. n stroche] s. colpo da maestro, m. Mar'tial, [marscial] adj. mar- andare in maschera. Mas'ter-teeth, [msteir-tith-e] ziale; guerresco, bravo;- laiv, Masquera'der, [mschcredeiir] s. pi. mascellari, m. pi. codice marziale, m. s. che va in maschera, ma- Mas'tery , [masteiir] s. autos rit, superiorit, /. Mar'tialism, [mrscilisra] s. schera, /. bravura, f. Mass', [mas] s. massa, gran Mast'ful, [raistful] adj. pieno s. Mar'tialist, di ghiande. [marscialist] quantit, /.; pezzo; tutto, m.; guerriero, m. messa, fr, to say -, diro la Mastica'tion, [mastichesciein] [marten, Mar'tin, Mar'tinet, messa. s. masticamento, il masticamartinet] s. rondone, m. Mas'sacre, [masacheur] s. ma- re, m. Mar'tinet, [martinet] s. disci- cello, m.; strage, uccisione, /. Mas'ticatory, [masticheteir] . plinario, m. Mas'sacre, [msacheirj v. a. ma- adj. masticatorio. Mar'tingal, [martingal] s. stri- cellare, fare strage^, trucidare. Mas'tich, [mstsce] s. mastice, scia di cuojo; pastoja, f. Mass'-bock, [mas-bc] s. mes- masti ice, m. s. Mar'tinmas, [mirtnms] sale, m. Mas'trich'tree, [mastrisce-tri] festa di San Martino, f. Mas'siness, [masins] s. gra- s. lentischio, m. Mar'tyr, [mrteiir] s. martire, m. vezza, /".; peso, w. Mas'tiff, [mastf] s. mastino, Mar'tyr, [marteurj v. a. mar- Has'sive, [msiv] adj. massic- cane da pastore, m. tirizzare, martirare. cio, solido. Mast'less, [mastls] adj. senza Martyrdom, [mrteirdeum] s. Mas'siveness, [masivnes] vedi albero (di nave); senza ghiande. martirio, martirizzamento, w. Massiness. Mat',[mt] s.stuoja.stoja; mateMartyrolog'ical, [mrtirolodgi- Mas'sy, [mase'] vedi Massive. rassa, f. cl] oc/;, appartenente ai mar- Mast', [mast] s. albero (di nave), Mat', [mat] v. a. coprire di tiri. m.; ghianda; faggiuola, /.; stoje; intrecciare. Martyrol'ogist, [martirolodgist] (mar.) [ore -, albero di trin- Matadore', [mtadre] s. mattas. martirologista, m. chetto, m.; main -, albero maedor, m. Martyrol'ogy, [mrtirolodge'] s. stro, wi.; mizen -, albero di Match', [mtsce] .miccia, f.; zolmartirologio, m. mezzana, m.; m.izen-top -, al- fanello partito; matrimonio, Mar'vel, [marvel] s. maraviglia, bero di contramezzana, m. m.; partita, /.; to make a -, ma/".; prodigio, m. Mas'ter, [masteiir] s. padrone ritare. Mar'vel, [marvel] v. n. mara- maestro; signore; (mar.) capi- Match', [mtsc] i'. a. assortire; vigliare, istupidirsi, essere attano, comandante, m.; - at pareggiare; uguagli ire; maritonito. arms, capitano di armi, m.; tare -, V. n. unirsi esser conadj. - of arts, maestro delle arti, Mar'velous, [marvleus] forme. ni travigli oso. dottore, m.; - of the horse, ca- Match'able, [matscabl'] adj. che [marveleusle] Mar'velously, vallerizzo, m.; - of the mint, si pu agguagliare; conveneadv. maravigliosamente. intendente delle monete, m.; - vole; conforme. [mrveleus- of the ordnance, gran mastro Match'less, [mdtscels] adj. imMar'velousness, dell'artiglieria, m.; - of the pareggiabile, senza pari. nes] s. maravigliamento, m maraviglia, f. rolls, sotto cancelliere, m.; Match'lessly, [mtscelsl] adv. Mas'culine, [mascliiulalne] adj. t/ancing' - ballerino, wi.; school- in modo impareggiabile, incommascolino; virile; (grani.) ge- -, maestro di scuola, wi.; to be - parabilmente. nere mascolino. Match'lessness, [matscelesnes] o/, possedere; essere perfetto. Mas'culinely, [maschiulainel] Mas'ter, [masteur] v. a. supe- s. esser impareggiabile, stato adv. da uomo, virilmente, corare, dominare, governare, rinincomparabile. raggiosamente. tuzzare, raffrenare. Match'maker, [matscemicheiir] Mas'culiaeness, [mschiulalns- [Mas'ter-builder, f masteiir -bls. mezzano di matrimonii, m. ns] s. mascliiezza, virilit, /.; deiir] s. architetto, m. Mate', [mte] s. consorte, comaspetto nobile, m. JMas'terdom, [masteurdeim] s. pagno, i.; compagna, /.; assiMasb', [msc] s. miscuglio, m.; dominio, m.; sovranit, /. stente; sottopadrone (d'un vamescolanza, mistura, f. Mas'ter-liand, [masteirhnd] s. scello), piloto, m. Mash', [msc] mescolare, v. a. mano di maestro, /. Mate', [mete] v. a. pareggiare, mischiare; pestare. Mas'ter-key, [masteiir-ch] s. uguagliare, aggiustare sposaMask', [masc] s. maschera, ma- chiave maestra,/. re; dare lo scacco matto. scherata,/'.; colore, pretesto, m.; Mas'ter'less, [masteurles] adj. Mate'less, [mtels] adj, senza to take off the -, cavarsi la masenza maestro intrattabile. compagno, solitario. schera. [masteur-laiche] Mate'rial, [matiril] adj. mateMas'ter-like, Mask', [masc] v. a. mascherare; adv. da maestro, magistral- riale; essenziale, importante. velare; -, v. n. mascherarsi. mente. Mate'rialism, [matirilism] .v. Mas'ker, [mascheur] s. che por- Mas'terly, [masteirle'] adj. da materialismo, m. ta la maschera, maschera, /. maestro; fatto con arte; 0(/v. Mate'rialist, [matirilist] s. maMason, [mseiin] s. murato- da maestro. terialista, m. re, fabbricatore; m.; journey- Mas'ter-piece , [masteiir-pse] Material'ity, [matirialite'J* man -, manovale, m.; master s. capo d' opera, m. terialit, corporeit, /.




Mate'rialize, [matlrilaize] v. Mat'ter, [mateur] s. matoria; so- Maw'kishness, [mochiscnes] $. stanza; cosa, cagione, f.; aifare, stomacaggine, nausea, f. a. rendere materiale. Mate'rially,[matlrile'] adv. ma- negozio; soggetto, m.; impor- Maw'mish, [mmsce] adj. insiterialmente, essenzialmente; di tanza, /".;-, if is no-, non impor- pido, goffo. ta; no sueh -, non c' tal cosa: Maw'-worm, [mooeurm] s. lem* momento. Mate'rialness, [raatrialnes] s. ivhat is the -? che c'? ic/iaf is brico, m. the - toifh you? elio avete? to Max'illar, Max'illary, [macsls. essenziale, m.; importanza, f. Mate'riais, [matrils] s. pi. ma- enter upon the -. entrar in ma- r, mcslare'] adj. mascellare, masillare. teria. teriali, m. pi. Mate'riate, Mate'riated, [mat- Mat'ter, [mateur] v. a. cnrare; Max'im, [macsim] s. massima, aver cura; stimare: -, v. n. im- /.; assioma, m. rite, matlrietd] adj. materiaportare; it matters not, non im- Max'imum, [niacsraeum] s. il le, composto di materia. pi gran numero, la pi grande Mater'nal, [mateurnl] adj. ma- porta. Mat'terless , [mateirles] ad}. quantit, f. ternale, materno. Mater'nity, [mateurnite'] s. ma- senza importanza, insignifi- May', [me] s. Maggio, m. May', [me] v. n irr. (might) pocante. ternit, f. essere di madre, m. Math', [math'- J vedi After-math. Mat'tery, [mateur] adj. mar- tere; -6e, per sorte, forse; uf little as - be, un tantino; - it Mathematical, cioso, putrido. Mathemat'ic, [mth^imtc, mth-iraticl] Mat'tock, [mateic] s. zappa, please, volesse, piacesse; if I - say so, se mi lice dirlo. marra, ^; beccastrino, m, adj. matematico. Mathemat'ically, [math'^irati- Mat'tress, [matrs] s. materas- May'-hug, [m-beug] s. bruco (insetto), m._ sa, /.; materasso, vi. cal] adv. matematicamente. Mathematic'ian, [mth^imts- Mat'tress-maker, [matres-me- May'-day, [me-d] s. primo giorno di maggio, m. cheur] s. materassajo, m. cieun] s. matematico, m. Mathemat'ics, [mth-imtics] s. Mat'urate, [mtiurete] v.a & May'fly, [mflai] s. specie di mosca, f. n. maturare, divenir maturo. pi. matematica, f. pi. Mathe'sis, [math^Isis] s. scienza Matura'tion, [mtiurscievia] s. May '-game, [me-ghme] s. giuoco del primo di di maggio; dimaturazione suppurazione, f. della matematica, f. Mat'in, [mtin] adj. mattinale, Mat'urative, [mtiuretv] adj. vertimento, m.; burla, f. May'lady, [mld] s. la regina maturativo. mattutino. Mat'ins, [matins] s. mattina, f.\ Mature' , [matiire] adj. maturo, di maggio, f. May'-lily, [melile] s. mughetto, digesto; to groiv -, matxirare. orazioni del mattutino, f. pi. Mat'-maker, [mt-mecheur] s. Mature', [matire] v. a. matu- fioraliso, m. May'or, [meeiir j s. supremo mamaterassajo, fabbricante di rare, ridurre a maturit. Mature'ly, [matiirel] ad. ma- gistrato municipale, podest, m. stuoje, m. May'oralty, [meeiiralt] s. diMat'rass, [matras] s. materas- turamente per tempo. Mature'ness, Matu'rity, [ma- gnit di podest, f. so, m. Mat'rice, [matrise] s. matrice, tirens,mati urite'] .maturit, May'oress, [meurs] s. moglie del podest, f. /.; compimento, m. forma (da lettera); stampa, f. Mat'ricide, [mtrisaide] s. ma- Mat'-weed, [mt-oide] s. sala,/". May'-pole, [me-p5le] s. majo, m. Maud'lin, [modln] adj. briaco, May'-weed, [m-ouide] s. camatricidio; matricida, m. milla, f. [matrichiu- inebbriato; stupidito. Matric'ular-hook Mau'gre, [mogbeiir] adv. a di- Maz'ard, [mazeird] s. mascella, lr-bc] s. matricola, f. /.; muso, m. Matric'ulate, [matrichiulete] s. spetto, a contracuore. Maul', [ml] s. martello pesan- Maze', [meze] s. laberinto, m.; matricolato, m. perplessit, confusione, /. Matric'ulate, [matrichiulete] v. te; (mar.) maglio, m. a. matricolare, registrare alla Maul', [ml] V. a. tartassare; Maze', [meze] v. a. imbrogliare, imbarazzare. malmenare; battere. matricola. [matrlchul- Maul'-stick, [mlstic] 8. (paint.) Ma'zedness , [mezednes] s. perMatricula'tion, plessit, f. scien] s. matricolare, regi- bacchetta, f. Maund, [mdnd] s. paniera, /".; ca- Ma'zy, [meze'] adj. confuso, perstrare. plesso, imbrogliato. [matrimoniai] nestro, cestello, m. Matrimo'nial, adj. matrimoniale, di matri- Maun'der, [mondeur] v. .bor- Me', [mi] pron. me, mi. Mea'cock, [micoc] adj. timoroso, bottare, mormorare. monio. codardo. Matrimo'nially, [matrimoniale'] iMaun'derer, [mondeureur] Mead', [mlde] s. idromele, m. adv. matrimonialmente, peri borbottatore, m. Maun'dering, [mondeurTng] s. Mead', Mead'ow, [med] s. pravia di matrimonio. to, wi. Mat'rimony, [mtrimeiine'] s.\ borbottamento, m. iMaun'dy Thurs'day, [monde Mead'ow-saffiroii,[med-sfrexn] matrimonio, conjugio, wr. s. (bot.) colchico. Ma'trix, [metrics] vedi Matrice.] Th'-eursde'] s. Gioved santo, m Ma'tron, [raetreun] s. matrona; Mausole'an, [mosolin] adj. mo Mead'ow-sweet, [medo-sute] s. ulmaria, f. numentale. levatrice, f. Ma'tronal, Ma'tronlike, [met- Mausole'um, [mosolium] s. mau- Mea'ger, [migheur] adj. magro, macilento, estenuato, smunto. soleo, m. rnl, metreiinlaiche] adj. maMea'ger, [migheur] v. a. render Ma'vis, [mvs] s. tordo, m. tronale, di matrona. Ma'tronly , [metrenle'] adj. di Maw', [mo] s. stomaco, gozzo magro, ammagrire. Mea'gerly, [migheirle'] adv. madegli uccelli, m. matrona; autorevole per et. gramente. Ma'tross, [metres] s. soldato Maw'kish, [mchsc] adj. nauMea'gerness, rg^eurns] s. soso, stomachevole. d' artiglieria, artigliere, m. Mat'ted , [mated] adj. coperto Maw'kishly, [mchlscle'] adv. magrezza, macilenza, f. Meal'j [mile] s. pasto, m.j farina, stomachevolmente. di stuoja; scompigliato.




Media'ton , [mdiscieiin] s mediazione, intercessione, interposizione,

[mgeire] v. a. misurare; aggiustare; -, v. n. avere una misura. Heal', [mile] v. a aspergere di farina; spruzzare; mischiare. Meas'ureless [mgeureles] adj. Meal'man, [mileman] s. vendi- smisurato, immenso. Meas'urement, [megeiiremnt] tore di farina, m. Meal'-sieve, [mile-siv] s frullo- s. misuramento, il misurare, m. (sipido. Meas'urer, [mgeireur] s. mina, m. Mea'ly, [mile'] adj. farinoso; in- suratore, m.; - of land, agriMea'ly-mouthed,[mil-ma5uth-- mensore, m. 'd] adj. vergognoso, timido. Meas'uring, [megeuring] vedi Mean', [mine] adj. basso, vile. Measurement, disprezzevole; povero; mezzo; Meat, [mite] s. carne, f.; numediocre; in the - time, in the trimento, alimento, cibo,wi.: - while, frattanto, in questo dish of -, piatto di carne, m.: mentre. boiled -, lesso, m.; vivanda lesMean', [mine] s. mezzo, m.\ ma- sata, /".; minced-, manicaretto, niera, /.;$. p/. mezzi, m.p/.; potem.; roast -, vivanda arrostita,

make a good

faro un Meas'ure,

buon pasto.

Me'diator, [mdieteiir] s. mediatore, intercessore, m. Mediato'rial, [midiatoril] adj. di mediatore. Me'diatorship, [mdieterscip] s. uffizio di mediatore, m. Me'diatory, [raidiateir] veii Mediatorial. Me'diatress, Me'diatrx, [midietrs,




Med'icable, [medicabl] adj. medicabile,

re, wr.; ricchezze,/". pl.\ fortuna,




lohite -s, s. pi.

modo, senza dubbio, assolutamente; by fair -s, por bont; by foul -s, per inganno; per forza; hy no -s, in conto nessuno; by some -s,or other, in una maniera o nell'altra; by that -s, by this -s, con questo mozzo. Mean', [mine] v. a. irr (meant, meant) intendere; proporsi; di/".;


all -s, in ogni

latticini, ni. pi.

Med'ical, [medici] adj. medico, medicinale. Med'ically, [medicale'] adv. per via di medicina.

Meath', [mith-e]

s. bevanda, /".; beveraggio, m,. Mea'ty, [mite] adj. carnoso, carneo; polposo. Mechan'ic, [micnic] s. meccanico; manifattore, m. Mechan'ic, Mechan'ical, [micnic, micnicl] adj. meccanico;

Medicament'al, [medicamental]
adj. medicinale, di medicina.

Medicamen'tally, [medicamntle'] adv. medicinalmente. Medicas'ter, [mdicsteur] s.

medicastro, medicuccio, m. Med'icate, [medichete] v. a. medicare. Medica'tion, [medichsciein] s. medicazione , {.; il medicare, m. Medic'inable, [medisinabl] adj. medichevole, medicabile. Medic'inal, [modsinl] adj. medicinale, da medicina. Medic'inally, [medsinle'] adv. medicinalmente. Med'icine , [medisTne] s. medi-


segnare; significare; far conto; Mechan'ically, [mcanicale'] adv. V. n. irr. voler dire; alludere; in modo meccanico. to - otie ili, voler del male ad Mechan'icalness, [micaniclne's] uno. s. qualit meccanica, f. Mean'der, [miandeur] .labirin- Mechanic'ian , [mcnscieun] to; giro, rigiro, m. meccanico, professore di s. F(Iean'dering,Mean'drian,Mean'- meccanica, m. drous, [mindurng, mian- Mechan'ics, [mcanics] s. pi. drin, miandreus] adj. sinuoso, meccanica, f. flessuoso; avviluppato. Mech'anism, [mecanism] s. cina, f.; medicamento, m. Mean'ing, [mining] s. disegno, mecanismo, m.; struttura, f. Med'icine, [medisTne] v. a. mem.; intenzione, f.; intento", m.; Mech'anist, [mecanst] s. macdicinare, medicare. significazione,/.; sentimento, w. chinista, m. Medi'ety, [midaiet] s. mediet, Mean'ly, [minele'] adv. medio- Meco'nium, /.; mezzo, m. {poco usato). [mconieim] s. cremente, cattivamente, pove- (pharm.) meconio, m. Medioc'rity, [midiocrit] .meramente; - born, bassa na- Med'al, [mdl] s. medaglia; diocrit, mezzanit; modella-





zione, f.


fmlnenes] s, medio- Medal'lion, [midlieun] s. me- Med'itate, [mditete] v. a. concrit, bassezza, povert, f. daglione, medaglia grande, f. certare; -, V. n. meditare, conMease',[mlze] .cinquecento arin- Med'alist, [medalist] s. meda- siderare. ghe, f. pi. glista, m. Medita'tion, [mditscieun] s. Mea'sled, [mizl'd] adj. infetto Med'dle, [med'l] v. n. mesco- meditazione; contemplazione, f. da rosolia. intromet- Med'ltatlve, [mditetv] adj. larsi, impacciarsi, Mea'sles, [mizrz] s. rosolia, f.; tersi; to - with, maneggiare, meditativo, meditante. - of Storne, malore de' porci, m toccare. Mediterra'nean , Mediterra'- of trees, rogna degli alberi, /. Med'dler, [mdleir] s. mezzano, neous, [mditeiirnin, mediMeas'ly, [mizele] adj. rognoso, affannone; impacciatore, m. teiirnieiis] adj. mediterraneo;

mediterranean sea mare s. Meas'urable, [megeurabl'] adj. affaccendato; intrigante; im- mediterraneo, m. misurabile; moderato. portuno. iMe'dium, [midieim] s. mezzo, Meas'urableness, [mgeirabr- Med'dlesomeness, [md'lseum- spediente, m.; mezzanit, mcns] s. misurabilit, f. ns] s. importunit, /. diocrit, f. Meas'urably, [mgeurable'J adv. Med'dling, [mdlng] s. mesco- jMed'lar, [mediar] s. nespola,/". moderatamente. lamento, m. (frutto). Meas'ure, [mgeire] s. misura, Medias'tine, [midistalne] s. Med'lar-tree, [mdlar-trl] s. dimensione; mediocrit; mode- mediastino, _m._ nespolo, m. (albero), razione; (mus.) misura, /".; tem- Me'diate, [midiete] v. a. inter- JMed'ley, [medie] s. mistura, po, m.; battuta; cadenza, f.; be- porre, limitare; -, v. n. stra- mescolanza,/".; miscuglio, m. yond -, oltre misura, eccessiva- mezzare. iMedul'lar, Medul'lary, [mideulmente; in a great -, grande- Me'diately, [midiotele'] arfv. me- r, raideiler] adj. midolioso. mente, molto; in some -, in diatamente, per mezzo d'al- Meed', [mide] s. ricompensa, /".; qualche maniera. tri. premio; dono, rogalo, m.
I I i
I ! I

Med'dlesome, [mdl'seiim]



Men'aclng, [mnsing]
nacciante, minaccevole.
adj. mi-

Bleek', [miche] adj. dolce, piace- Melo'diously, [mildiusle'] adv. melodiosamente. vole: placido, affabile, benigno;




v. a.



Meek'ly, [michele'] adv. piacevolmente, benignamente, affabilmente, umilmente. Meek'ness, [michens] s. dolce za; piacevolezza; modestia: umilt, f. Meer', [mire] adj. mero, puro,
solo; franco.

Melo'diousness, [mlodiusncs] s. melodia, armonia,y. Mel'odrame, [mlodrme] .melodramma, m. Mel'odiso, [mlodaize] v. a. fare (monia, f. il melodioso. BlGl'ody, [melode'] s. melodia, arMel'on, [mlein] s. popone, w. Mel'on-bed, [mleun-bed] s. mellonajo, poponajo, m
Melt', [melt] v. a. irr. {melted,

Men'acing, [mnsing] . il minacciare, minacciamento, m. Me'nacingly, [mensngl] adv. in modo minacciante. Men'age, Menag'ery, [mnge,
mngeiire'] mali, /.

collezione d'ani-

Mend', [mnd] v. a. racconciare, rappezzare, rimendare, emendare, migliorare; correggere;

Meer', [mire] confine, m.

ristaurare , riparare; -, v. n. riformarsi, emendarsi; to -one's fortune, migliorare la propria tenerire; fig. placare; -, v. n. Meer'ly, [mirele'] adv. meramen- irr. fondersi; liquefarsi; intene- condizione. Men'dable, [mendabl] adj. che rirsi. te, solamente; semplicemente Meet', [mite] adj. convenevole, !Melt'er,[melteir]s. fonditore, w. si pu riparare, correggibile. proprio, acconcio, atto, idoneo. iMelt'ing, [melting] s. liqaefa- Menda'cious, [mndescieusj adj. mendace. Meet', [mite] v.o. i7T. (met, meOl zione, ^. incontrare, adunare, trovare Melt'ing-liotise[moltng-haouse] Mendac'ity, [mndsite'] s. menzogna, bugia. /. s. fonderia, f. i'. n. irr. incontrarsi, adunarsi,] trovarsi; to -with, incontrare, IMelt'ingly, [meltingle'] adv. in Mend'er, [mndeir] s. acconciatore, racconciatore, rappezmodo liquefattivo affrontare; lo go to - one,anda zatore, m. Melt'ingness, [mltingnes] . re air incontro d' uno. Men'dicancy, [mendicns] . Meet'ing, [mitng] s. incontro, disposizione a liquefarsi,/. mendicit, /. m.; assemblea, conferenza, adu- Melt'well, [mltuel] . merluzMen'dicant, [mendicant] adj. zo, m. (pesce). nanza, f. Meet'ing-house,[miting-ha5use] Mem'ber, [mmbeur] . membro, mendico, povero; mendicante. Men'dicant, s. [mendicant] m.; parte, /". s. convonticolo, m. Meet'ly, [raitel] a /v. convene- Mem'bered, [membeurd] adj. c"he mendicante, w. Mendic'ity, [mendisite] $. menha membra, volmente, propriamente.

lago; limite,

molten) fondere; liquefare; in-


[mitenes] nevolezza, propriet,



conve- Mem'brane,[membrne]s. (anot.)




Me'grim, [mlgrm] s. emici'ania, magrana. Merancholic, [melancolic] adj.

melanconico, malinconoso, stizzoso.

Men'ding, [mbiidug] s. racconmembrana; tunica, f. Membrana'ceous, Membra'ne- ciamento, racconciare, m.: t> ouSjMem'branous, [mmbreno- be -, andar migliorando, e.iser convalescente. scus, mmbrenius, mmbraMe'nial, [miniai] adj. domestineus] adj. membranoso. Memen'to, [mimnto] s. rimem- co, servilo.
branza, ricordanza,/'.


Menin'ges,[mlnndges]s. {anal.) meninge, /. do (di fatti storici), m.; annota- Menol'ogy , [mlnolodge'] s. meMerancholst, [melanclst] nologio, calendario, m. zione, /. s. malinconico; visionario, rtj. Merancholy, [mlncl] adv. Mem'orable, [memoraW] adj. Men'sal, [mensl] adj. mensale, della mensa. melanconico, tristo, afflitto - memorabile, memorevole. Mem'orably, [memorable] adv. Men'ses, [mnss] s. il mes. malinconia, tristezza, f. struo, wi.; le regole, /. pi. Blelas'ses, [mlses] s. melas- memorabilmente, degno di meMens'trual, Mens'truous, [ranmoria. sa, f. (loto, m. strul, menstruus) adj. meMel'ilot, [melilt] s. (bot.) meli- Memoran'dum, [memorandoum] struale, mestruo, mensuale. Me'liorate, [miliorete] v. a. mi- s. annotazione, /.; ricordo, m. Mem'orative, [mmorativ] adj. Men'struum, [mnstrueini s. gliorare, emendare. (cAj/m.) mestruo, dissolvente,'. Meliora'tion, [miliorscieun] s. memorativo. Memo'rial, [mimrial] adj. me- Mensurabirity,[mensiurabilite] miglioramento, m. s. attitudine ad esser misuraMelliferous, [melifireus] adj. morativo: della memoria. mellifero. Memo'rial, [mimrial] s. memo- to, /. Mellifica'tion, [melifichescieun] riale, m.; memoria, supplica, /. Men'surable, [mnsiurabl*] a!j. .Tatto di fare il mle,m. Memo'rialist, [mmorilst] s. misurabile, atto a Men'surate, [mnsiurt] v. a. Mellifluence, [mlifliuense] s. autore di memorie, m. abbondanza di mlo. f. Mem'orize, [mmraize] v. a. ri- misurare; regolare. Mellifluent, Mellifluous, [mel- cordare, memorare, ridurre a Mensura'tion, [mensiurscieuu] s. misuramento, misurare, m. ifliuent, melifliuus] adj. melmemoria. lifluo, dolce. Mem'ory, [memore'] .memoria, Men'tal, [mental] adj. mentale, di mente, intellettuale. ricordanza, /.; ricordo, m lo Mel'low, [melo] adj. maturo: teMen'tally, [mentale] adj. mennero, molle: (paint.) pastoso. cali to -, ricordarsi. Mel'low, [melo] v. a. maturare: 'Men', [mn] s. pi. uomini, in. pi. talmente, colla mente. -, . ft. maturarsi, divenir mi- Men'ace, [mnse] s. minaccia, Men'tion, [mnscieun] . me^nzione, commemorazione, meturo. /.; minacciamento, m. Mel'lowness, [mlonos]. matu- JMen'ace, [mense] v.a. minac- moria, /.; to make - of one, far menzione d'alcuno. ciare; far temere rit, maturezza, f v. a Melo'dious, [mildieiis] adj. rao-jMen'acer, [mnseur] s. rainac- Men'tion, [mnsciein] menzionare, rammemorare. datore, minacciante, m. lodioso, armonioso.

modo malinconico.









mere- Mes'lin, [mezln] s. grano mescolato, m. mor- Mes'merism, [raezmirzm] s. mesmerismo, m.








aiephit'ic, Mephit'ical, [mifit- Merge', [meurdge] v. a. gere. C, mifitical] adj. mefitico. Bler'cantile, [meurcantaile] adj. Merid'an, [mmdi^n] adj. me- Mess', [ras] s. vivanda, /".; piatmercantile; - town, s. citt mer- ridiano, di mezt->giorno; -, s. to, wi.; pietanza; compagnia, /.; cantile, f. meridiano; mezz)^!, m. (mar.) gamella, f. Mer'cenariness, [raeursinari- Meridional, [mividionlj adj. Mess', [ms] v. n. mangiare, vimeridionale. nes] s. venalit, f. vere insieme. [mridionle'] Mes'sage, [msdge] s. messagMer'cenary, [meursinare'l adj. Merid'ionally, s. mer- adv. meridionalmente; in fac- gio, m.; ambasciata, f. mercenario, venale; -, cenario, interessato, m. cia al mezzod. Mes'senger, [msndgeir] s.

Mer'cer, [meurseur] s. merciajo; Meri'no, [mirino] s. merino, m. setajuolo, m. Mer'it, [merit] v. a. meritare, Mor'cery, [meurseure'] s. mer- esser degno di. ceria, mercanzia da taglio, f. Mer'it, [merit] s. merito; preMer'chandise, [meircindaize] gio, valore; guiderdone; diritto, . mercanzia, /".; traffico, nem.; ricompensa, f. gozio, m. Merito'rious, [meritorius] adj. Mer'chandize , [meurciandalze] meritorio, meritevole. [mrtriusle'] V. n. trafficare, negoziare, far Merlto'riously, commercio. adv. meritevolmente, in modo

messaggiere: messaggio, m. Messi'ah, [msai] s. Messia, i, Messi'ahship, [mosaiscip] s. r uffizio di Messia, m. Mes'sieurs, |msieurs] s. pi.






mensale; (mar.) compagno di gamella, f. Mes'suage, [mesiuedge] s. po-

Mer'chandry, [meilrciandre'] s. meritorio. dere affittato, m.; villa, ftraffico, m. Merito'riousness, [meritorius- Met'achronism, [mtacrnism] Mer'chant, [meurciant] s. mer- ns] s. merito, meritare, m. s. metacronismo, m. canto, mercatante, m. Mer'lin, [meirlin] s. smeriglio, Me'tage, [mitedge] s. misuraMer'chantable, [meurciutabr] m.; (uccello). mento (del carbone), m. adj. ten condizionato. Mer'maid, [meSrmaide] Met'al, [metal] .metallo; (/g.)
Mer'chantly, rena, f. Mer'chantlike, spirito, I. [meurcintlaiche, meiircintle'] Mer'man, [meirmn] s Metariic, Metal'lical, [metal Schio della sirena, m. adj. mercatantesco. metallico, c, mtlicl] adj. [meurciant- Mer'rily, [mrile'] adv. gajaMer'chant-man , di metallo. mn] 8. vascello mercantile, m. mente, allegramente, lieta- Metalliferous, [mtlifireus] Mer'ciful, [meursiful] adj. com- monte. adj. metallifero. passionevole, pietoso, clemente. Mer'rimake, [merimeche] v Met'aline, [mtlaine] adj. meijler'cifully,



festeggiare, gozzovigliare.

misericordiosamente, sionevolmente.

compas- Mer'rimake,


talline, di metallo. Met'alist, [mtlist]


festa, gozzoviglia,

[meursifiilnes] Mer'riment,



compassione, misericordia, piet; clemenza; benignit, f.


vertimento, festeggiamento, m.;



spietato, inumano. Mer'cilessly, [meursilosle'] adv. Mer'ry, [mrj adj. allegro, giospietatamente, duramente, cru- condo, giojoso, gajo, lieto; pia cevole, grato, ameno; to make delmente. Mer'cilessness, [meursilsnes] divertirsi; beffarsi; to live a . spietatezza, inumanit, crulife, passar la vita in alle delt, /, gra Mercu'rial, [meurcMril] of/J.| Mer'ry -Andrew, [inere'-andru] buffone, zanni, _m. mercuriale; vivace. Mer'cury, [meurchiure'] $. raer- Mer'ry-grig, [mere'-grg] s. uomo gioviale, burlone, m. curio, argento vivo, m.; vivacit, f.

adj. Mer'riness,. [merins] gria, gajezza, f.


metals. m. Metalog'rafy, [metal ogr afe'] s. scienza de' metalli, m. Metalur'gist, [raetleurdgist] s. metaniere, w. Metalur'gy, [metaleiirdge'] s. metallurgia, f. Metamor'phose, [metamorfose] V. a. trasformare. [metamorfMetamorphosis, 8is] s. metamorfosi, trasformazione, f. Met'aphor, [metafdr] s. (rh.) metafora, f.; tropo, m. Metaphor'ical , Metaphor'ic ,
[metaforic, mtaforicl] adj. metaforico. Metaphor'ically, [metafiriclo] adv. metaforicamente. Metaph'orist , [metfrist] s. facitore di metafore, m. Met'aphrase , [metafrze] s. versione, traduzione, /. [mtafrst] Met'aphrast, s. traduttore letterale, m. [mtafiastic] Metaphras'tic, adj. di traduzione letterale.

Mer'ry-meeting:, [mr-mltmg]

Mer'cy, [meiirse'] s. misericor- s. una societ allegra, f. dia, compassione; piet; grazia, Mer'ry-thought,-[mr-tli^ot] s. to cry - domandar per- forchetta nel petto, f. f.; Mer'sion, [meurscieun] s. imdono. Mer'cy-seat, [raeurs-site] s. mersione, f. propiziatorio, m Meseems', [mislmes] v. imp. Mere', [mire] adj. mero, puro, mi pare, pare a me, io penso. Mesenter'ic, [mesenteric] adj. pretto, franco. Mere', [mire] s. lago, pantano; {anat.) mesenterico. limite, m. Mes'entery, [msnteure'] s. meMere'ly, [mlrel] adv. solamen- senterio, m. Metaphys'ical, Metaphys'ic, te, semplicemente. Mesh', [msce] s. maglia, f.; [mtafzic, mtafziclj adj. Meretric'ious, [meritriscius] buco (di rete, ecc.) m. metafisico. adj. di meretrice. Mesh', [msce] v. a. prendere Metaphys'ically, [mtafisicale'J Meretric'iously[meritrfsciusle] nella rete; accalappiare. adv. metafsicamente. adv. a foggia di meretrice. Mesh'y, [mesc] adj. intrec- Metaphysic'ian, [mtafiziscian^ Meretric'ionsness', [mritrls- ciato. s. metafisico, m.





pi. inotafisica, /.

Metathe'sis, [inetath^isis] metatesi, mutazione, f. Mete', [mite] v. a. misurare.


m. (uccello); mews, pi. Mid'riff, [midrif] s. {anat.) diaframma, m. stalle di cavalli, f. pi. Mew', [min] a. rinchiudere; -, Mid'sea, [midsl] s. maro mediV. . mudare, vniagolare. terraneo, m. Mewl', [miul^ v. n. gridare Mid'ship, [midscip] s. (mar.)

Metempsych'osis, [metempsictrasmigrazione, f. Me'teor, [mitieur] s. meteora,


(come un bamh'Uo). Meze'reon, [mi7( vieSn]

lea, laureola,



came- Mid'shipman, [midscipman]


guardiamarina,/.; sotto-luogoMeteoric, [mtrcj adj. meteo- Mi'asm, [maismj s. (merf.) mia- tenente di nave. m. rico. Midst', [midst] adj. mezzo, mezsma, m. Meteorolog'ical, [mltioroldgi- Miasmat'ic, [maiasmatic] adj. zano; -, s. mezzo, centro; cuocl] lidj. meteorologico. (med.) miasmatico. re, m. Meteorol'ogist, [niitioroldtlgst] Mi'ca, [maica] s. spezie di tal- Mid'summer, [midseumeur] a. s. meteorologico, m. mezzo della state, m.; festa di co, /. Meteororogy, [mitiorolodge'] s. Mica'ceous, [niaichescieiis] adj. San Giovanni, /\ meteorologia, f. avente lanatura della mica. Mid'way, [midoue] adj. & adv. Meteor'oscope, [mitioroscope] s. Mice', [maise] pi. di Mouse. nel mezzo cammino. meteoroscopo, m. (strumento). Mich'aelmas, [raicheulmas] s. Mid'way, [midoue] s. mezza Mete'orous, adj [mitioreus] festa di san Michele, f. strada, /.; mezzo cammino, m. meteorico. Miche', [mtche] v. n. appiattar- Mid'wife, [midoaife] s. levatriMe'ter, [miteiir] s. misurato- si, nascondersi. ce, raccoglitrice, mammana, f. re, I. Mich'er, [mtcheur] s. infingar- Mid'wifery, [midouaifeir] . Mete'-wand, Mete'-yard, [mite- do, furfante, perdigiorno, f. mestiere di levatrice, m. oiiond, mite-iard] s. misura, /".; Mich'ery, [mitcheur] s. furbe- Mid'winter, [midounteir] s. braccio, m.; canna, f. ria, inganno, m. mezzo del verno, cuore del Metheg'lin, [mlth^gln] s. 'be- Mic'kle, [miclj adj. molto, verno, m. vanda d'acqua e di mele, f. grande, assai. Mien', [mine] s. aria, cera, f.; Methinks', [mith^incs] v. imp. Mi'crocosm, [macrocosm] s. mi- aspetto, portamento, m. mi paro, io penso. crocosmo, m. Might', [malte] s. potere, wi.; poMeth'od, [meth-ed] s. metodo, Microm'eter, [mcrometeiir] s. tenza, possanza, forza, f.; with ordine, m.; maniera, f. - and main, con ogni forza, vimicrometro, m. Method'ical, [mitli-dicl] adj. Mi'croscope, [raaicroscpe] s. gorosamente. metodico. microscopio, m. Migh'tily, [maitil] adv con forMethodically, [mith-dicale'] Microscop'ic, Microscop'ical, za; molto. adv. metodicamente, con me- [mcroscopc,micrscopicl]ac//. Migh'tiuess, [maitines] s. potodo. microscopico. tenza, possanza. /".; potere, m. Meth'odise, [mth-dalze] v. a. Mid', [mid] adj. mezzo; ugual- Migh'ty, [malte'] adj. potente, metodizzare. mente distante. grande, forte; - adv. molto, esMeth'odist, [mth-odst] s. me- Mid'age, [mddge] s. mezza tremamente. todista, m. et, f. Mignonette', [miniont] s. amoMethought', [mth-ot] v. imp. Mid'course, [mdcrse] s. mezza rino, m. (grare. mi pareva, mi parve, credevo. via, mezza strada, f. Migrate, [magrete] . n. miMetonym'ic , Metonym'ical Mid'day, [midd] s. mezzod, Migra'tion, [maTgrscieun] s. [metonimie, mtonimiclj adj. mezzo giorno, m. migrazione, /.; dipartimento, m. metonimico. Mid'dle, [middP] adj. mezzo, Mi'gratory, [maigrateire'] adj. Metonym'ically, [metonimical] mezzano; mediocre. che cangia residenza, errante. adv. metonimicamente. Mid'dle, [middl'] s. mezzo, cen- Milch',[milsce] adj. lattante; lat.

Meton'omy, [mtnom]

s. {rh.)

tro; cuore,
adj. di



metonimia, f. Metopos'copy, [metoposcope']

fisonomia, /". Me'tre, [miteur]


[midl'-dg'd] Milch'-cow,




mucca, vacca che d



(di versi),

Mid'dlemost, Mid'most, [mid'l- Mild', [maild] adj. dolco; piacemetro, m.; mst, mid'most] adj. posto nel vole; moderato; indulgente. mezzo; del mezzo. Mil'dew, [mildii] s. nebbia;
v. a.


me- Mid'dle-sized , [mid''l-saiz''d] golpe, /. adj. di mezzana statura. Mil'dew, [mildii] Metrop'olis, [metropolis] .me- Mid'dling, [midling] adj. me- biare, involpare.




Mild'ly, [maldl]

Metropol'itan, [metropolitan] adj. metropolitano; - church, s. chiesa metropolitana, /.; -, s. metropolitano, m. Met'tle, [mfl] s. vivacit, foga, /.; spirito, coraggio, m. Met'tled, Met'tlesome, [metl'd, mtrseiim] adj. vivace, spiritoso.





mente, mente.


adv. dolceplacida-

Mid'heaven, [midhev'n] s. cen- Mild'ness, [raalldnes] s. dolceztro de' cieli, m. za, clemenza, indulgenza, f. Mid'land, [midland] adj. medi- Mile', [malie] s. mjglio, m.
terraneo. Mid'leg, [midleg]


mezza gam-

[maile-stne] Mile'-stone, s. pietra migliare,/". Mil'foil, [milfolj s. (bot.) millo-

Mid'lent, [midlent] s. met del- foglie, /. [met'lseumle] la quaresima, f. Miliary, [miliare'] adj. piccolo; adv. spiritosamente, con foga. Mid'most, [midmost] a/j. posto simile al miglio; - fever, s. febMet'tlesomeness, [met'lseiim- nel mezzo, del mozzo. bre miliare, /. ns] s. vivacit, foga, f. Mid'night, [midnaite] s. mezza Mil'itancy, [militanse') . stato Mew', [miuj s. gabbia, f.; gabbia- notte, f. di guerra, il guerreggiare, m.





Mirijiant, [militant] adj. mili- Millen'nium,[milenium]s. mille lare con affettazione ; fare il anni, m. pi. (lo spazio dei mille contegnoso. tante. Mil'itary, [militare] adj. mili- anni di felicit di cui si parla Mince'-pie, [minse-pa] s. sorta nella Bibbia). di pasticcio all'Inglese, m. tare, da soldato. Hilit'ia, [miliscia] s. milizia,/".; Mil'leped, [mliped] s. millepie- Min'eing, [mnsing] s. minuzzadi (insetto), m. re, to. soldati nazionali, m. pi. Milk', [mile] s. latte, m.; thick -, Mirer, [mleur] s. mugnajo, Min'cingly, [rainsingle'] adv. in molinaro, wi.; - 's wife, s. mu- piccole parti; contegnosamente, latte quagliato, m. gnaja, /".; - ' thumb, s. ghiozzo affettatamente. Milk', [mlc] V. a. mungere, ca(pe.sce), m. (il latte, m. vare il latte. Mind',[mand] s. intelletto, aniMilk'er, [mlchour] s. che munge Milles'imal, [milesimal] arfj. mil- mo; pensiero, to.; mente; voglia, brama, f.; affetto, to.; of one -, Milk'-fever, [mlc-fiveur] s. feb- lesimo, di mille. Mil'let, [milt] s. miglio, m. bre da parto, f. with one -, unanimemente, Mlik'-food, [mlc-fude] s. latti- Mill'-handle, [mil-hndl'] s. ste- d'accordo; to call to -, richiagolo di mulino da vento, m. cinio, m.; vivanda di latte, /. mare alla memoria; to have a Milk'iness, [mlchins] s. qua- Mill' -horse, [milhorse] s. caval- -, volere, desiderare; to put in lo da mulino, m. lit latticinosa, f. -, rammentare, far ricordare; [mlc-llveiir'd] Mil'liner, [milineiir] s. merciaja, Milk'-livered , to speak one's -, dire il proprio modista, crestaja, /. adj. poltrone, codardo. sentimento. Milk'-maid, [milc-mode] s. lat- Miriion, [miliun] s. milione, m. Mind',[maind] v. a. notare; conMil'lionary, [miliunare'] s. mi- siderare, osservare, riflettere; taia, donna che vende latte, /". Milk'man, [mlcmn] s. uomo lionario, m. -, V. n. disegnare, applicarsi, Mil'llonth, [mliunth^] adj. proporsi; to - one's health, aver che vende latte, m. Milk'-pail, [mlc-ple] s. secchia, milionesimo. cura della sua salute. Mill'pond, [milpondl s. stagno Mind'ed, [maindd] adj. inclinada latte. Milk'-pan, [mlc-pan] .terrina, d'acqua fatto per far girare la to, di-'iposto; ili - male affetto; ruota del mulino, m. well -, ben dispo.sto; to be-, f.; piatto (da latte), m. [mlc-poridge] MiU'race, [milrse] s. la colo- proporre; essere risoluto. Miik-porrdge, Milk-pot'tage,[mlc-ptdgc] s. rente d' acqua che fa girare la Mind'ful, [maindful] adj. attenzuppa di latte,/'.; latteruolo, m. ruota del mulino, /. to, diligente. Milk'-score, [mlc-scre] s. tac- Mill'-stone, [ml-stne] s. maci- Mind'fuUy, [maindfule'] adv atca; taglia (da latte), f. na, macine, /. tentamente; diligentemente. Milk'-sop, [mlc-sp] s. effemi- Mill'wright, [milrate] s. fabbri- Mind'fulness, [mandfulnes] s. nato, codardo, m. catore di mulini, m. attenzione, diligenza, f. Milk'-thistle, [mlc-th^is'l] s. Milt',[milt] s. latte di pesce, m.; Mind'less, [mandles] adj. di(bot.) titiraalo, euforbie, m. milza, f. sattento, trascurato,negligente. Milk'-tooth, [mlc-tath2] s. den- Milt'er, [ralteur] s. maschio dei Mind'lessness, [maindlesns] s. te lattajuolo, m. pesci, m. disavvertenza, negligenza, f. Milk'-weed, [mllc-ouide] s. {ot.) Mime', [maime] s. mimo, buffone, Mine', [mane] pron. mio, mia, titimalo, m. TO.; mima, ^ miei &c. Milk'-white, [mlc-ouaitc] adj. Mime', [maime] v. a. fare il buf- Mine', [mane] s. mina,miniera,^. del color di latte. contraffare. fone, Mine', [mane] v.a. scavare, miMilk'-woman, [ralc-ououraan] s. Mi'mer, [malmeur] s. mimo, buf- nare, far mine. lattaja, f. TO.; mima, fone, Mi'ner, [maneiir] s. minatore; f.

Milk'y, [milche'] adj. lattifero, Mimet'c, [maimtic] adj. imitalatteo; (astr.)

Mill', [mil]



via lat-


Mim'ic, [mimic] s. mimo, buffone; /. s. mulino, m.; coffee -, istrione, m. mulinello da caff m.; hand -, Mim'ic, [mimic] v. a. imitare, m.; oil mulinello, -, macinatojo, contraffare. m.; paper -, cartiera, /".; water Mim'ical, [mimical] adj. mimico, -, mulino ad acqua, m.; wind -, a modo di buffone. mulino a vento, m. dv. Mm'ically, [mimical e'] V. Miir,[mil] a. macinare; stamda mimo. pare. Mim'icry, [mimicre'] s. imitazio- talli, f. Mill'-clack, MiU'-clapper, [mil- ne burlesca, buffoneria, f. Min'gle,[mingris. miscuglio, to.; clc,mil-cipeur] .battaglinolo Mim'ics, [mimics] s. pi. arte mi- mescolanza, /". m. (da mulino), mica, f. Min'gle, [mingi'] v., Miir-cog, [ml-cg] s. dente Mimog'rapher, [maimografer] mischiare; confondere; -, v. n. m. d'una ruota, mimografo, to. mescolarsi; congiungersi. MiU'-dam, [ml-dm] s. caterat- Mina'cious, [malnescieus] adj. Mingle-man'gle, [mingl'mangr] ta, chiusa d'un mulino, m. minaccioso, minaccevole. .miscuglio, TO. Mili'-dnst, [ral-deust] s. friscel- Mnac'ity, [mainsite'] s. minac- Min'gler, [mingleur] s, che milo, fuscello, m. ciamento, to. schia. [railinrian] MUena'rian, s. Min'aret, [minret] s. specie di Min'gling, [mingling] s. mescoguglia dell'architettura millenario, m. dei lamento, TO. (in rosso. Mil'lenary, [mlinare'] adj. mil- Saraceni, to. Miu'iate, [minite] v. a. tingere Mi'natory, [mainateure'] vedi Min'iature, [minietceur] s. milenario, m. Millen'ial, [mlnial] adj. appar- Minacious. niatura, pittura miniata, f. tenente al periodo di mille an- Mince', [minse] v. a. tritare, mi- Min iature-painter, [minietceur* ni di cui si parla nella Bibbia. nuzzare, palliare; -, v. n. par- pneter] s. miniatore, to.
Diz. Ing.-Ital.

minerario, m. Min'eral, [minerai] adj. minerale; fossile; -, s. minerale, to. Mineralog'ical, [mineralodgicl] adj. mineralogico, Mineral'Dgist, Min'eralist, [minrldgist, minerlist] s. mineralista, m. Mineral'ogy, [minerlodge'] s. mineralogia, scienza dei me-





Min'ikin, [mini chin] or/;. piccolo, Minute', [miniate] adj. minuto, piccolo, piccolissimo, tenue. diminutivo. Min'ikin, [rainichin] s. spilletto; Min'ute, [miniate] s. minuto, momento, istante, m. favorito, m. Min'im, [minim] s. nano, w.; na- Min'ute, [miniate] r. a, abbozzare; disegnare. na, f ; (mus.) minima, f. Min'ion, [minieiin] s. mignone, Min'ute-book, [miniute-buc] s. giornale, registro, w. favorito, m.; favorita, f. Min'imum, [rainimoiim] s. mi- Min'ute-glass, [miniute-glas] s. orinolo, m. nimo, m. Miu'ish, [minisc] v. a. diminui- Min'ute-hand, [miniute-hand] s. ago di minuti, m.; lancetta re, sminuire. (d'orologio), f. Blin'ister, [ministeiir] s. miniadv. [miniatele] Minute'ly, stro; delegato, m.



nio, m.



adj. sventurato, infe-



v. a.

mal avvisare.
Misaffec'ted, [misafectd] mal disposto

Misaimed', [mism'd]



Min'ister, [ministeiir] v. a. ministrare; somministrare; servire; contribuire. Ministe'rial, [ministlral] adj. ministeriale, sacerdotale.
BIiniste'rially,[ministirile']adv. in modo ministeriale. Min'istrant, [ministrant] adj.

ministrante, subordinato. Ministra'tion, [mlnistrscieinl vettola, sfacciatella, f. rainistrazione, f ministero, m. Mir'acle, [miracP] s. miracolo, Min'istry, [ministre'] s. ministe- m.; maraviglia, f. rio, m.; ministri di stato, m. pi Mir'acle'-monger, [mircrmeunMinlam, [mniim] s. minio; gheir] $. impostor3 che pretende di operare miracoli, m. vermiglione, m. [mairchiuleus] Min'iver, [miniveur] s. pelle di Mirac'ulous, adj. miracoloso, maraviglioso, vajo, f. Min'nekin, [minichin] s. bambi- stupendo. Mirac'ulously,[mairchiuleusl] na, ragazza; spilletta, f. Min'now, [mino] s. pesciolino adv. miracolosamente, per mi;

preso di mira. Misalli'ance [mislanse] . inadattata alleanza, /. Mis'anthrope, Misan'thropst, [misnth^rpe, misnth-rpst] esattamente, precisamente. Minute'ness , [miniutens] s. s. misantropo, m. Misanthrop'iminutezza, minuzia, esiguit, f. Misanthrop'ic, [misnth-ropic, misnMin'ute-watch,[miniute-oaotscJ cal, th-rpicl] adj. misantropico. s. orinolo che mostra i minuMisan'thropy,[msnth'2rop] s. ti, m. Minu'tie, [mi)iiusci] s. pi. mi-j misantropia, f. jMisapplica'tion, [misapplichnuzia; cosa da nulla, /. Minx', [mines] s. vanarella, ci- scieun] s. cattiva applicazione,

Misapply', [misspla] v. a. applicare male. Misapprehend', [misaprihend] r. a. intendere male, non intendere.

Misapprehen'sion, [misaprihnscieiin] s. errore, sbaglio, m. Misarrange'ment, [msrndgemnt] s. mal ordinamento, m.

Misascribe', [misscraibe] v. a. ascrivere falsamente, attri-

piccolissimo, m.


[mairachia- buire. Mi'nor, [maineur] adj. minoro; Mirac'ulousness, leusns] s. qualit miracolosa, Misassign', [misasane] v.a. aspiccolo. segnare erroneamente. Ml'nor, [maTneir]s. minore, m. /.; mirabile, m. Min'orate, [minerete] v. a. mi- M'rage, [maredge] s. illusione Misbecome', [misbicheum] v.a. ottica che presenta rimmaginc irr. sconvenire, disdirsi. norare, diminuire. Mi'norte, [malnoraite] s. frate dell'acqua nei desorti sabbiosi; Misto ecom'ing, [misbicheiming] adj. disdicevole, indecente. fata morgana, f. francescano, m. Blinor'ity, [manorite'] . mino- Mire', [maire] s. fango, limo, m.\ Misbecom'ingly, [misbicheiimingle'] adv. indecentemente. melma,/'. rit, /.; stato di pubert, m. [misbiMn'otaur, [mnotr] s. mino- Mire', [maire] v. a. coprire di Misbecom'ingness, chemingns] s. sconvenevofango; imbrattare. tauro, m. Min'ster, [minsteur] s. monaste- Mi'riness, [mairines] s. fanghi- lezza, indecenza, /. Misbegot', Misbegot'ten, [misglia, sporcizia, /. ro, m.; chiesa cattedrale, /. ille[meiirc, bigt, misbigt'n] adj. Mirk'some , Min'strel, [minstrel] s. suona- Mirk', tor di violino o d' altro stru- meurcseum] adj. bujo, tene- gittimo. Misbehave', [misbihve] v. n. broso. mento, m. Min'strelsy, [minstrelse'] s. mu- Mirk'someness, [meircseumnes] irr. condursi male. Misbeha'vour, [misbihviar] sica istrumentalo; truppa di s. oscurit, /. s. cattiva condotta, /. Mir'ror, [mireir] s. specchio; musici, f. Misbelief, [misbilfe] s. miscreMint', [mint] . menta (erba); ftg. esemplare, modello, m. Mirth', [meurth^] s. gioja, alle- denza, mala credenza, /. zecca, f. Misbelieve', [misbelive] v. n. miMint', [mint] .a. monetare, bat- gria, /.; contento, m.

tere la moneta. Mint'age, [mintdge] s. monetaggio; conio, m. Mint'er , Mint'man, [minteur, mintman] s. monettiere, zecchiere, m. Mint'-julep, [mint-dgiulep] s. bevanda americana composta di cognac, di zucchero, di ghiaccio tritato con sapore di menta,/", Mint'-master,[mint-ma,steur] s. direttore della zecca, m. llin'uet, [miniut] 8. minuet

Mirth'ful, [meurth^fil] adj. gio- scredere, discredere, esser incredulo. joso, gajo, giocondo, allegro. [misbillveiir] s. Mirth' fuUy, [meurth^fil] adj. Misbelie'ver, miscredente; infedele, m. giojosamente, allegramente. [mlsbiliving] Mirth'fulness, [meurth^filnes] Misbeliev'ing ,
adj. miscredente, eretico._ s. gioja, allegria, /. Mirth'Iess,[meiirth*^les]at/j, me- Miscarculate, [misclchiulete] V. a. calcolare male, computare sto, tristo. Mi'ry, [maire] adj. fangoso, mel- male. Miscalcula'tion, [miscalchiilmoso, lotoso. [misacsepte- scievin] s. cattivo calcolo, m. Misaccepta'tion, sciein] s. mala intelligenza, /.; Miscall', [miscl] v. a. chiamare impropriamente. errore, equivoco, m. Misadven'ture, [msdventceur] Miscar'riage, [miscriilge] |

cattiva condotta, successo, aborto, m.



[misghadnse] cattivo Misdate', [misdete] v. a. segna- Misgui'dance, guidamente, m.; cattivo re con falsa data. s. mala direzione, [.; errore, m. (ffiscar'ry, [mscr] v. n. falli- Misdeed', [msdlde] s. misfatto, Misguide', [msghaide] v. a. delitto, crimine, m. abortire; smarrirsi, perr;
v. guidar male, menar male. n. Misdeem', [msdime] dersi. Mishap', [mishap] s. contratMiscast', [miscast] v, a. i-r. giudicar male, sbagliare. Misdemean', [misdimne] v. n. tempo; accidente sinistro, m.; contar male; far errore. fatalit, f. [mslnius] condursi male. Miscella'neous, Misdemea'nor, [msdimlneiir] s. Mishap'pen, [raishap'n] v. n. adj. miscellaneo. [mTsel- cattiva condotta, /".; misfat- misavvenire, succedere male. Miscella'neousnes , Mishear', [mishire] v. a. irr. to, m. niisns] s. raccolta; variet, f. mal intendere, frantondere. Mis'cellany, [mslan] s. mi- Misdevo'tion, [misdivsciein] Mish'mash, [mscmsc] s. miscellanea, /".; opere diverse, f. pi. s. falsa piet, f. Mischance', [miscianse] s. sven- Misdirect', [msdairect] v. a. scuglio, guazzabuglio, wi. Misimprove', [mismprive] v.a. disastro , infortudirigere male, fare sviare. ^ tura f. ; [msdairec- abusare. Misdirec'tion, nio, m. Misinfer', [misTnfeiir] v. a. infescieiin] s. falsa direzione, f. Mis'chief, [miscif] v. a. ingiuriare; offendere, nuocere. Misdo', [misdii] v. a. irr. far rire male; dedurre falsamente. [miscfme- male, misfare, commettei-e un Misinform', [misinform] v. a. Mis'chiefmaker, dare avviso erroneo. cheur] s. facimale, m. fallo, danneggiare. Mis'chievous, [misciveus] adj. Misdo'er, [msdaur] s. malfat- Misinforma'tion, [misinformescieun] s. falsa informazione, A nocivo, pericoloso, maligno, tore, delinquente. malizioso. Misdo'ing, [msdiing] s. errore, Misinstruct', [misnstreiict] v. o. istruir male. Mis'chievously, [miscieveisle'] m.; offesa, f. adv. maliziosamente, maligna- Misdoubt', [misdaut] . so- Misinstruc'tion, [misTnstreicscieiin] s. falsa istruzione, f. mente. spetto, dubbio, m._ [misintelidMis'chievousness, [miscveus- Misdoubt', [msdaout] v. a. so- Misintel'ligence, gnse] s. discordia, /". ns] s. malignit, malizia, ri spettare, diffidare. baldoria, f. Mise', [maize] s. spesa, tassa, f. Misinter'pret, [misnteurprete] V. a. interpretare malo. Mis'cible, [msibr] adj. mesci- Misemploy', [misemplo] v. a. Misinterpreta'tion, [misinteirbile. impiegare male. [msemploi- pritsciein] s. falsa interpreMiseita'tion, [missatscierin] s. Misemploy'ment, ci (azione falsa, f. tazione,/'.; storcimento del senmnt] s. cattivo impiego, m. misero; Miscite',[mssaite] r. a. fare fal- Mi'ser, [maizeiir] s. so, m. sa citazione. Misjoin', [misdgioin] v. a. giuavaro, spilorcio, m. adj. Uisclaim', [misclome] s. doman- Mis'erable, [mzeurabl] gnere male. da erronea, domanda mal fon- miserabile, mescbino; infelice; Misjudge', [mtsdgeidg] v.a. giudata, f. dicare male, giudicare falsaavaro. Miscomputa'tion, [mscompiu- Mis'erableness, [mizeurablnes] mente. toscien] s. calcolo falso, in. s. miserabilit; infelicit; spi- Misjudg'ment, [misdgedgment] Miscompute', [mscompiite] v. lorceria, avarizia, f. s. giudizio temerario, m a. mal calcolare. Mis'erably, [mizeurable'] adv. Mislay', [msl] v. a. irr. smarMisconcep'tion, miseramente, meschinamente; rire; rimuovere. Misconceit', [misconsite, miscnspsceun] avaramente. Mis'le, [mzl'] v. n. pioviggis. concepimento erroneo, m. Mis'ery, [mizeur] s. miseria, nare. Misconduct, [mscondeiict] s. indigenza; calamit; infelicit/. Mislead', [misllde] v. a. irr. cattiva condotta, /. Misesteem', [msstime] s. di- fare sviare, traviare, sedurre. Misconduct', [mscondeiict] v. sprezzo, m. Mislead'er, [mslldeur] s. sea. mal condurre. Misfair, [misfol] v. n. irr. duttore, m. Misconjec'ture, [raiscondgec- accadere sfortunatamente. Mislike', [mislache] s. disaptceur] s. congettura falsa; v.a. Misfare', [msfre] s. infortu- provazione, dispiacevolezza, f.; congetturare falsamente. disgusto, m.. nio, m. Misconstruc'tion[misconstreSc- Misfasb'ion, [misfUscieiin] v. a. Mislike', [mislache] v. a. discieiin] s. falsa costruzione, formar male, sfigurare. sapprovare, biasimare. cattiva interpretazione, f. Misform', [misfrm] v.a. dif- Misli'ker, [mslaicheir] disapMiscon'strue, [msconstri] v. formare; sfigurare. provatore, bia.simatore, m. a. interpretar male. Misfor'tune, [misfortceun] s. Mislive', [mislv] v. n. vivere Miscoun'sel, [miscaoinsel] v. infortunio, m. malamente, menare una vita a. dare un cattivo consiglio. Misgive', [msgbiv] v. a. irr. cattiva, condursi male. Miscount', [mscaoSnt] v. a. mal presagire, presentire; te- Misman'age, [mismndge] macalcolare male, contar male. mere. neggiare male, governare male. Mis'creance,Mis'creancy, [mis- Misgiv'ing, [misgbving] s. so- Misman'agement, [mismndcrinse, mscrinsj s. mi- spetto, presentimento, m. mnt] s. cattivo maneggio, wi. scredenza, f. Misgot'ten, [msgt'n] adj. mal Mismatch', [msmatsc] v. a. asMis'creant, [miscriant] s. mi- ottenuto. sortire male; disgiungere. credente, infedele, m. Misgov'ern, [misglieuvourn] v. a. Misname', [misnme] v. a. noMiscreate*, Miscrea'ted, [ms- governare male, reggere male. minare impropi'iamente. crite mlscritd] adj. mal MisgoT'ernance, Misgov'ern- Misno'mer, [misnmeiir] s. acformato. ment, [raisghcuveSrnanse, mis- cusa fatta sotto falso nome, /. Misdate', [misdte] falsa gheuveirnmnt] s. cattivo go- Misobserve', [misbzerv] v, s. data, /. verno, disordine, m. a. osservare male.
, ,




Misog'amst, [misogamist] s. Misrule', [misrule] . tumulto, Mis'tletoe, [mizlto] .vischio, m. m.; confusione, /".; fracasso, m.; Mist'llke, [mistlaiche] arij. folto misogamo, i. Hisog'amy, [misogamo] s. odio Miss', [mis] s. damigella, signo- come nebbia, oscuro, fosco. Mistranslate', [mistrnslte] v. rina, f. al matrimonio, tn.
[misoglunst] Misog'ynist, clie odia le donne, m.

Miss', [mis]


staglio, errore,


a. tradurre male. Mstransla'tion,


Misog'yny, [misgliine'] s. odio Miss', [mis] V. a. mancare, omet- scieun] s. falsa traduzione, f. tere, perdere; -, v. n. errare, ab- Mis'tress, [mistres] s. signora, del sesso femminino, m. Misopin'ion, [misopiniun] s. bagliarsi; to - one's aim, manca- padrona; innamorata, f. re il colpo, non riescire;-(o /ire, Mistrust', [mistreust] v. a. diferronea opinione, f. fidare, sospettare, dubitare. Misor'der, [misordeiir] v. a. mancare. Mistrust'ful, [mstreustful] adj, Mis'sal, [misil] s. messale, m. condur male; disordinare.
Misor'der, [misordeur]
diffidente; sospettoso, dubbioso. s. disor- Missay', [raisse'] w. a. irr. raisdiMistrust'fully, [mistreustfal] re, dire male. dine, m.\ irregolarit, f. Misor'derly, [misordeurle'] adj. Misseem', [misslme] v.n. scon- adv. sospettosamente. Mistrust'fulness, [mistreustfilvenire. disordinato, irregolare. Mispeir, [mispl] v. a. compi- Misserve*, [misseurve] v. a. ser- ns] s. diffidenza, f.; sospetto, m. vir male, disservire. tare male, ortografare male. [mistreustles] Mispend', [mispend] v. a. spen- Misshape', [mssciepe] v. diifor Mistrust'less , adj. non sospettoso. mare, disfigurare dere male, consumare il suo. Mispend'er, [mispendeur] s. dis- Missliap6'ment,[missciperaent] Mistune', [mistiune] v. n. ac-

sipatore, prodigo,





[misscip'n] adj. [raispeursuc- Missha'pen, Mispersua'sion, geun] falsa idea, f.; errore, m. disfigurato, deforme. Misplace', [misplse] v. a. slo- JMis'sile, [misil] adj. dardeggiato. gare, rimuovere; scansare. Misprint', [misprint] s. errore jMis'sing, [mising] adj. smarrito, perduto. di stampa, m. Misprint', [misprint] v. a. fare jMis'sion, [miscieun]s. missione; ambasciata, f. errori di stampa. Misprise', [mispraize] v. a. di- Mis'sionary, Mis'sioner, [misspregiare, vilipendere, sprez-l ciounare', miscieneur] s. mis|

cordare male. Mis'ty, [miste] oscuro.





stnd] V. a. irr. intendere male.

Hisunderstand'ing, [miseundeurstanding] s. malinteso, n,

discordia, f errorp. m. Misu'sage, [misiuzedge]




Mispris'ion, [misprigein]



tivo uso, abus^, m.; villania, f. Misuse', [raisiuse] s. abuso, cattivo trattamento, m. sionario, m. di-lMis'sive, [misiv] adj. missive; - Misuse', [misiuze] v. a. abusare; maltrattare; svillaneggiare. m.:\ s. lettera, epistola, /.

JMisspeak', [misplcbe] v.a.irr. Mite', [malte] s. tonchio, gorgoglione, m.; ventesima parte di Mispronounce', [misprnaunse]i parlar male, diffamare. Tin grano, /. Misspell', &c. [mspl] vedilisV. a. pronunciare male. _ Mith'ridate,[mith2ridete] s. mi[mispropor-j peli Mispropor'tion, tridato, m. V. a. proporzionare Mist', [mist] i?. nebbia, /".; f>cotch scieun] -, gran pioggia,/".; to be in a -, Mit'igant, [mitignt] adj. mitimale. Misquota'tion,[misquotescieun] essere al bujo, non sapere che gante, lenitivo. Mit'igate, [mitighete] v. a. misi fare. s. citazione falsa^


Misquote', [misquote] v, a. ci- Mistake', [mistche] s. errore, tigare, raddolcire, placare, quietare. fallo, sbaglio; senso erroneo, m. tare falsamente. Misrecite', [misrisaite] . a. Mistake', [mistche] v. a. irr. Mitiga'tion, [mitighscieun] s. non intendere, non comprende- mitigazione, /.; mitigamento, recitare male. Misreck'on, [misroch'n] v. a. re; - V. n. irr. sbagliare, ingan- raddolcimento, m. contare male, ingannarsi nel; narsi; to be mistaken, errare, Mit'igator, [mitigheteiir] s. mitigatore, m. ingannarsi. conto. Misreck'omng,[misrch'ning]s.iMista'king, [misteching] s. er- Mi'tre, [malteur] .mitra (orna1

mento pontificale), m. rore, sbaglio, m. errore nel conto, m. [mistechingl] Mi'tred, [maiteur'd] adj. che . a.lMista'kingly , Misrelate', [misrilte] porta la mitra. raccontare malamente, narrar! arfv. erroneamente, falsamente Misteach', [misttsce] v. a. in Mit'tens, [mitns] s. pi. guanti male. senza dita, m. Misrela'tion, [misrilsciein] s. insegnar male; fare sviare. falsa relazione, inesatta infor- Mistem'per, [mistmpeir] v. a. Mittimus, [mitimeus] . U^^-) temperar male, mischiar malo. mandato di cattura, ordine per mazione, /. Misremem'ber, [misrimembeur] Misterm', [misteurm] v. a. no- imprigionare, m. pi. minare erroneamente, appellar Mix', [mcs] V. a. mischiare, me. o. ricordarsi male. scolare; -,v.n. mischiarsi, meMsreport', [misriport] s. falsa male. Mist'ful, [mistful] adj. nebu- scolarsi. relazione, f. Mix'en, [mics'n] s. letamajo. m Misreport', [misriport] v. a. fare loso. Msthink', [misth-inc] v. a. irr. Mix'ing, [micsing] s. mischiaun falso rapporto. mento, mescolamento, m. Misrepresent', [misreprizent] pensar male V. a. rappresentare male, fare Mistime', [mistaime] v. a. fare Mix'tion', [mcstcien] s. mescolanza, mistura, f. a contrattempo falsa relazione. Mi.srepresenta'tion, [misrepri-lMis'tiness, [mistines] s. nuvo- Mixt'ly, [micstl] adv. mischiamente; confusamente. losit, f.; offuscamento, m. zntescieun]s. falsa relazione, A Misrepu'ted, [misrpiitd] arf;. Mis'tion, [mistien] .mistione, Mix'ture, [mlcstceur] vedi Mixtion. mescolanza, f. stimato falsamente.

Uiz'maze, [mlzmeze]


Moist', [moist] adj. umido, ba-

imbroglio, (gergo) m. Miz'zen, [miz''n] s. (mar.) mezzana, f. Miz'zle, [miz'l] s. poca pioggia, spruzzaglia, f. Miz'zle, [miz'l] v. n. piovigginare, spruzzolare. Mnemon'ics, [nimonics] s. pi. arte di assistere la memoria, f. Moan', [mne] s. pianto, lamento, gemito, m. Moan', [mone] v a. piangere, ge.

Mod'erately, [moderetel] adv. moderatamente, temperatamente. Mod'erateness [moderetenes] $. moderatezza, mediocrit, Modera'ton, [mderoscieun] s. moderazione, temperanza, f. s. Mod'erator, [modoreteur] moderatore; governatore, pre/".

gnato, sugoso. Moist', Moist'en, [moist, mois'n] V. o. umettare, inumidire. Most'ful, [mistful] adj. umido. Moist'ness, Mois'ture, [moistnes, mistceur] s. umidezza, umidit, /".; succo (delle piante),



Mois'ty, [moiste] adj. nebuloso;

Mo'lar, [mlarj adj. mascellare. Mod'ern, [radeurn] adj. mo- Molas'ses, [molsz] s. sciropmere; -, V. n. dolersi, rammari- derno, recente. po che viene dallo zucchero, m. carsi. Mod'ernism, [modeiirnism] s. Mole', [mole] s. mola; talpa, /".; molo, m. Moan'ful, [mone-ful] adj. la- s. gusto moderno, m. mentevole, dolente. Mod'ernize, [mdeurnaize] . Mole'-catcher, [mole-catcieur] s. cacciatore di talpe, m. Moan'fuUy, [mnefule'] adv. la o. rimodernare. mentevolmente, con gomiti. Mod'ernness, [modeurnnes] s. Mol'ecule, [mlichiule] . molecula, /". Moat', [mote] s. canale d'acq^ua novit, f. per difesa, m, Mod'erns, [modeirns] s. pi. Mole'cast, Mole'hill, [mlecst, Moat', [mote] v. a. fare un ca moderni; scrittori moderni, m. mole-hl] s. topinaja, /. naie d'acqua per difesa. Mod'est, [modest] a^//. modesto, Molest', [molest] v. a. molestare, tormentare. Mob',[ml)] s, folla, turba, cana- moderato, vergognoso. glia; cuffia da notte, /". Mod'estly, [modestie] adv. mo- Molesta'tion, [mlestscieun] s. molestamento, fastidio, m. Mot)', [mob] V. a. tumultuare, indestamente; timidamente. sorgere. Mod'esty, [modeste] s. mode- Moles'ter, [inolsteur] s. molestatore, importuno, m. Mob'bish, [mobfsc] adj. del po- stia; decenza, onest, f. polazzo; tumultuoso. Mod'icnm, [modicheum] s. poco- Mole'-track, [mole-trac] s. via fatta dalle talpe sotto terra, /. Mobile', [mobile] s. popolazzo, lino, pezzetto, m. m.; plebe, plebaglia, marma- Mod'ifiable, Mod'ificable,[md- Mole'-trap, [mole-trp] s. ordiglia, f. (plebaglia, f. ifaiabr, mdficabr] adj. mogno por prendere le talpe, m. Mobil'ity, [mbilit] .mobilit; dificativo. Mole'-warp, [mle-oorp] s. Mock', [moc] adj. falso, contraf- Modiflca'ton, [modifichscieun] talpa, f. fatto, burlesco. Mol'lient, [molient] adj. emolmodificazione, f. Mock', [mc] s. derisione, beffa, Mod'ify, [mdifal] v. a. modifi- liente, lenitivo. /.; ludibrio, m.; to make a - of Mol'lifiable, [mlifaiabl] adj. care; variare; temperare. one, burlarsi di alcuno. Modillon, [modilieun] s. {arch.) che si pu mollificare. _ Molliflca'tion, [molifichsciein] Mock', [mc] V. a. & n. burlare, modiglione, wi. beffare, deridere. Mo'dish, [radisce] adj. secondo s. mellificazione, /. Mock' able, [mocabl'] adj. espo- la moda, alla moda. Mol'lifier, [molifaiur] s. mitisto alla derisione. Mo'dishly, [modiscele'] adv. se- gatore, m. Mock'er, [mcheur] s. beffatore, condo la moda. Mol'lify, [mlifal] v. a. mollifischernitore, m. Mo'dishness, [mdiscenes] s. af- care, addolcire, alleviare. Mock'ery, [mocbeire'] . scher- fettazione di seguire la moda,/. Molt', [mlte] vedi Moult. no, m.; burla, f. Mod'ulate , [modiulete] v. a. Meme', [mme] s. minchione, baMock'ing, [moching] .scherno, modulare, regolare il canto. lordo, sciocco, m. uccellamento, m. Modnla'tion, [mdiulscieun] s. Mo'ment, [moment] s. momento, Mock'ingly, [mochingle'] adv. (mus.) modulazione, /. istante; 7npulso,m.; conseguenper ischerno. Mod'ulator,[mdiuleteur] .mo- za, importanza, f. Mock'ing-stock, [mochmgstoc] dulatore; accordatore. Momen'tal, [mmntal] vedi Mos. trastullo, m.; baja, f. Mod'ule, [mdile] . modulo, mentaneous. Mo'dal, [m5dl] adj. modale, modello, m. Momen'tally, [mmentale] adv. condizionale. Mod'ule, [modiule] , a. model- per un momento, d'un momento. Modal'ity, [mdalite'] s. modali- lare. Momenta'neous, Mo'mentary, Mod'wall, [modoul] . picchio [momntnius, t, /.; modo condizionale, m. mmentar] Mode', [mode] s. modo; grado; (uccello), m. adj. momentaneo. costume m.; moda, foggia, for- Mogul', [mogheul] s. titolo an- Momenta'rily, [momentarile'] ticamente dato all'imperatore adv. ad ogni momento. ma, maniera,/'. Mod'el, [model] s. modello, dell' Indostan, m. Momen'tous, [mraenteus] adj. esemplare, m. Mo'hair,[m5hre] s. panno fatto importante, di conseguenza. Mod'el, [model v. a. modellare; di peli di camello, moerro, m. Momen'tousness, [mmenteusMoham'edan, [mohmideuu] s. ns] s. importanza, conseguenformare, imitare. Mod'eler, [modeleur] s. modella- maomettano, m. za, /. Moi'dore, [moidore] s. moneta Momen'tum, [momenteum] s. tore; inventore, m. Mod'erate, [mederete] ad], mo- portoghese di 27 scellini, /. la forza d'un corpo che si moderato, temperato, ritenuto; Moi'ety, [moiite'] s. met, /.; ve, /.; impeto, m. mezzo, m. mediocre. Mom'mery, [meumeire'] vedi Mod'erate, [mederete] v. a. mo- Moil', [rail] V. a. imbrattare, Mummery. derare, temperare, modificare, sporcare, lordare; v. n, affa- Mon'achal, [monacai] adj mocalmare. ticarsi, sudare, stentare. nacale.

Mod'eratrix, [moderetrics] moderatrice, /".





s. Mon'itory, [moniteire'] s. moni- Month'ly, [meunth-l] adv. una HEon'achism, [monachism] volta il mese di mese in mese, monachisrno, monacato, m. torio, m.; ammonizione, /". Mon'ad, Mon'ade, [monad, mon- Mon'itress, [monitrs] s. moni- ogni mese. Month's'-mind, trice, /. ad; monede] s. monad, f [meunth^'smand] s. ardente desiderio, m. Uon'arch, [monarc] s. monarca, Monk', [meunc] s. monaco, m. Monk'ery, [meuucheir] s. mo- Mon'ument, [moniumnt] .mosovrano, m. numento; memoriale; sepolMouar'chal, [monarcal] adj. mo- nacato, m. narcale. Monk'ey, [meunche'j s. scimmia, cro, m. Monumen'tal , Monar'chiCjMonar'chical, [mon- /.; babbuino, m. [moniumentl] archic, monarchical] adj. mo- Monk'hood, [meunchud] s. vita adj. di monumento. monastica, /.; monachismo, m. Mood', [mude] s. capriccio, umonarchico, di monarchia. Bon'archist, [monarchist] s. mo- Monk'ish, [meunchsc] adj. mo- re, temperamento, wi.; [gram.) modo, m. nastico, monacale. narchista, m. Uon'archize, [monarchalze] v. Monk's-hood, [meunc's-hud] s Moody, [miide'] adj. capriccioso. (bot.) acconito, m. n. comandare imperiosamente. Kon'archy, [mnarch] s. mo- Mon'ochord, [mnocord] s. mo Moon', [nmne] s. luna, /.; mese, m.; full -, luna piena, /.; pleninocordo, m. narchia,/ lunio, m.; half -, mezza luna, /.; llonaste'rial, [monastrii] adj. Monco 'ular, Monoc'ulous, [mcrescente, m.; new -, luna nuonochiulr, mondchiules] adj. monastico. va, /. monocolo, losco. tt[on'astery,[raonasteure'] .moMon'ody, [monode']^ s. monodia, /. Moon'-beam, [mane-bme] s. ragnastero, convento, m. gio di luna, in. Blonas'tic, Monas'tical, [monas- Monog'amist, [monogamist] s. Moon'-calf, [raune-cafe] s. mola, tic, mnsticl] adj. monastis. monogamo, m. Monog'amy, [monogame] .mo- /.; mostro; minchione, balorco, da monaco. do, m. [mnastical] nogamia, /. Monas'tically , adv. da recluso, in modo mo- Mon'ogram, [monogram] s. mo- Mooned', [mn'd] adj. che comiglia alla luna. nogramma, m. nastico. Mon'day, [meiinde'] s. luned, f. Monog'raphy, [monograf] s. Moon'-eyed, [m5ne-ard] adj. di corta vista. Jlon'ey, [mein] s. moneta,/.; monografia,/. denaro, m.; earnest - arra, ca- Mon'ologue, [monolog] s. mono Moo'nish, [milnisce] adj. simile alla luna, variabile. logo, soliloquio, m. parra, /.; ready -, denari conMonom'achy, [monomach] s. Moon'less, [munels] adj. senza tanti, m. p/. chiaro di luna. Mon'ey-bag,[meune'-hagl s. sac- monomachia, /.; duello, m. Mon'ome, [mdnme] s. mono- Moon'-light, [mune-laite] s. sacchetto da denari, m. co chiaro di luna, m. Mon'ey-chan- mio, m. Mon'ey-broker, ger, [meun-brcheir, meun- Monopet'alous, [monopetaleus] Moon'-light, [miine-laite] adj. illuminato dalla luna. adj. (bot.) monopetalo, m. cndgeur] s. cambia-monete.m s. Moon'-shine, [mine-sciaine] s. Mon'eyed, [moiind] adj. pecu Monop'olist, [monopolist] chiarezza della luna, /. monopolista, incettatore, m. nioso, ricco di contanti. Mon'ey-lender, [meun-lnder] Monop'olize, [mnpolaize] v. Moon'-struck, [mune-streic]adj. lunatico, pazzo. a. far monopolio, incettare. s. prestatore di denaro, usuMonop'olizer, [mnopolaizeir] Moor', [mure] s. palude, /.; panrajo, m. tano; moro, m. [meine'ls] adj. s. quegli che fa monopolio, m. Mon'eyless, Monop'oly, [monpol] s. mono- Moor', [mure] v. a. (mar.) getsenza denari, povero. tare l'ancora; dare fondo. polio, m. [meune'-matMon'ey-matter, eur] s. conto (fra creditore e Monosyllab'ical, [monoslabicl] Moor'-cock, [mr-cc] s. gallo di palude, m. adj. monosillabo. debitore), m. Mon'ey-scrivener,[raeun-scriv- Monosyl'lable, [monosilabr] s. Moor'-hen, [miir-hen] s. folaga monosillabo, m.; monosillaba, /. (uccello), /. neir] . sensale di danaro, m. [meiin's Mon'otone, [monotone] . uni- Moor'ing, [miiring] s. il gettare Mon'ey's-worth l'ancora, m. formit di suono, /. oueurth^J s. valore; oquivalen Monot'onous, [mntoneis] adj. Moor'ish, [murisce] adj. paludote, m. so, pantanoso, melmoso; moMon'ger, [meiingheur] s. mer- monotono.
, ,

cante, venditore, m.; cheese -, Monot'ony, formaggiaio, m,; fish -, pesci- notonia, /.


Mon'soon, [monsiine] vendolo, m. Mon'grel, [meungrl] adj. gene- Mon'ster, [monstour] s. mostro, m.; singolarit, /. rato fra due spezie. Mon'sh, [mnsc] v. a. ammoni- Monstros'ity, [mnstroste'] s. mostruosit, /. re, avvertire. Uonlsher, [mnisceurjs. ammo- Mon'strous, fmonstreus] adj. mostruoso, prodigioso. nitore, esortatore, m. [mnstr elisie'] Monit'ion, [monscieun] s. am Mon'strously, adv. mostruosamente. monizione,/.; avvertimento, m.; Mon'strousness, [mnstreisnes] esortazione, /. Mon'itive, [mnitiv] adj. ammo- s. mostruosit, deformit, /. Monte'ro, [monter] s. moutiora nitorio. Mon'itor, [moniteur] s. monito- (berretta), /.

resco. s. mo(sono, m. Moor'-land, [miire-land] s. mon- lude, /.; pantano, wi.



Moor'y, [mure] pantanoso^ Moose', [miise]




daiuo ameridisputa di qual-

che materia legale, /. Moot', [mute] v. u. disputare d qualche materia legale. Moot'-case, [miitc-chse] s. questione legale,

Moot'ed, [miitdj adj. sradicato,

Moot'-court, [mute-c5rte] s. sala dove si disputa di legge, /. Moot'er, [miiteur] s. disputante in leggo, m.

ammonitore, m.

Uonito'rial, monitorio.

Month', [meunth-] s. mese, m. Month'ly, [meunth-l] adj. men sile, d'ogni mese,




Mop', [mop] s.spazzatojo per la- conj. di pi, oltre a ci, oltre a Mor'tise, [mortis] v. a. intacvarci mattoni, pavimenti, ec.,m. questo. care; incastrare. Mop', [ mop] V. a. spazzare, nettare Mo'ril, [morii] s. spugnola, f. Mort'maiu, [mrtmne] s. (jur.) (fungo). il solajo; to - and mow, fare 11 mano morta, /".; beni inalienaMo'rion, [morieun] s.morione,m, bili, m. pi. grugno. Mope', [mope] v. a. rendere stu- Moris'co, [morisco] s. moresca, Mort'pay, [mortpe'] . (jur.) pasorta di ballo, f. pido;-!', n. stupidire, divenire ga morta, f. stupido. Mor'ling, [mrling] s. lana di Mor'tuary, [mortiuare'] s. {jur.) Mop'-eyed, [mop-ai'd] adj. cieco una pecora morta, f. donazione fatta alla chiesa, /. Morn', [morn] s. mattina, alba, /. Mosa'ic, [mozic] s. mosaico, m. d'un occhio, losco. Mo'pish, [mpsce] adj. abbattu- Mor'ning, [morning] s. mattina, Mosque', [mosche] s. moschea, /. to, tristo. /.; good -, buon giorno, buon d, Moschi'to, [mschito] s. zan[mdrning- zara, f. Mo'pishness, [mpTscenes] .ab- Mor^ning-gown , battimento, m.; tristizia, f. gaoun] s. vesta da camera, /. Moss', [mos] s. muschio, muMop'pet, Mop'sey, [mpt, mop- Mor'ning-star, [morning-str] sco, wi. s] s. fantoccio di cenci, m. stella mattutina, /".; lucifero, m. Moss', [mos] t'. a. coprire di Mo'pus, [mpeus] s. infingardo, Moroc'co, [mrco] s. specie di musco. pigro, m. pelle, m. Moss'grown, [mosgrne] adj. Mor'al, [moral] adj. morale. Morose', [morose] adj. stizzoso, coperto di musco. Mor'al, [moral] s. dottrina mo- fastidioso, bisbetico, sdegnoso. Mos'siness, [msincs] s. qualirale, /.; costume buono, in. Morose'ly, [mrosele'] adv. sde- t muscosa; lanugine, /". Mor'alist, [moralist] s. mora- gnosamente, in modo ritroso. Mos'sy, [mos] adj. muscoso, lista, m. Morose'ness,Moros'ity,[mrose- muschioso; - ground, s. terra Moral'ity, [morlit] s. morali- ns, morsite'] s. fantasticag- coperta di musco, f. t, /.; senso morale, m._ gine, /.; capriccio, cattivo umo- Most', [most] adj. pi, (serpigine, f. la pi, i pi, le pi; molto; Moraliza'tion, [mrlaizescieun] re, m. Mor'phew, [morfix] s. morfea; part, la maggior parte, /".; il s. moralizzazione, f. Mor'alize, [murlaize] v. a. & n. Mor'ris-dance, [moris-dnse] s. maggior numero, m.: - of all, moralizzare. moresca (ballo),/". principalmente; - often, comuMor'alizer, [moralaizciir] s. mo- Mor'row, [mro] s. domane, di- nemente, ordinariamente; at ralista, predicatore, m. mane, m.; good -, buon giorno; the -, alpi. Mor'ally, [morale] adv. moral- to morrow, il giorno seguente. Most', [most] .maggior parte,/. mente, Morse', [mrse] s. cavallo mari- Mos'tic, [mstic] . (paint.) Mor'als, [morals] s. pi. buoni co- no (pesce), m. bacchetta, mazza, f. stumi, m. pi. Mor'sel, [morsel] s. pezzo, boc- Most'ly, [mstle'] adv. comuneMorass', [moras] .palude, pan- cone, tozzo, m. mente, ordinariamente, genetano, m. Mor'sure, [mrscieiir] s. morso, ralmente, per lo pi. Moras'sy, [morase'] adj. paludo- m.; morsura, f. Mote', [mote] . atomo, m.; parso, pantanoso. Mor'tal, [morti] adj. mortale; ticella, /". Uor'bid, ]m()rbdj adj. morbido, pericoloso, distruttivo. Mo'tet, [motet] .inno sacro, m. malaticcio. Mor'tal, [morti] .mortale, uo- Moth', [mth-j , tignuola, /".; Morbid'ity, Mor'bidness, [mr- mo, m. tarlo, m. bdite', morbidns] s. morbidez- Mortal'ity, [mortlite'] s. mor- Moth'-eaten, [motli-it'n] adj. za; infermit, f. talit; natura umana; morte,/ mangiato dalle tignuole. Morbific, Mortoif ical, [morbif- Mor'tally, [mortale] adv. mor- Moth'er, [meuthleur] s. madre; talmente, gravemente, estre- matrice; feccia; - of pearl, maic, mrbificl] adj. morbifico, morbifero. mamente. dreperla, f. Morda'cious, [mordescius] adj. Mor'tar, [mrtr] s. mortajo; Moth'er, [meithieir] v. n. mufmordace, pungente. smalto, m.; calcina, f. fare. Mordac'ity, [mrdasite'] s. mor- Mor'tar-piece, [mrtar-pise] s. Moth'er-country, [meuth'eurdacit, acutezza, f. (art.) mortajo, m. cheiintr] . paese natio, m.; Mor'dicancy, [mordicause'] s. Mort'gage, [mrghedge] s. ipo- patria, f. mordacit; maldicenza, f. teca (di beni immobili), /. Moth'er-in-law, [meuth'eir-in[mrdicnt] adj, Mort'gage, [mrghedge] v. a. l] . suocera, f. Mor'dicant, mordente, pungente. ipotecare; impegnare. Moth'erhood, [meiith'eirh5d] Mordica'tion, [mrdichsciun] Mortgagee', [morghedgi] s. che s. maternit, f. 8. mordicamento, m.; acrit, f. ha un'ipoteca, m. Moth'erless, [meuth'eurles] adj. More',[mre]arf;.&ad. pi, mag- Mortgager', [mrghedgeiir] s. senza madre, che non ha madre. giore, in maggior numero che ipoteca i suoi poderi, m. Moth'erlike, [meuth'eiirlaiche] and -, di pi in pi; grado a Mortif erous, [mrtifreus] adj. adj. da madre, corno una grado; much -, molto pi; once mortifero, mortale; distrut- madre. un'altra volta, ancora una tivo. -, Moth'erly, [meuth'eurle'] adj. volta; - Ihan enough, pi cbe Mortifica'tion, [mortifiche- materno, di madre. non bisogna. scieun] s. mortificazione; can- Moth'erwort, [meuth'euroueirt] Moreen', [mrine] s. damasco di crena, f. . caraamilla; matricale, /. lana, m. Mor'tify, [mortifal] v. a. morti- Moth'ery, [meiithieur] adj. Mo'rel, [morl] s. morella, /. ficare, deprimere, umiliare. concreto; feccioso. (pianta). Mortify'ing, [mrtifaiiug] s. Mo'thy, [mthj adj. pieno di [mrelnd] More'land, vedi mortificamento, m. tignuole, intarlato, tarlato. Moorland. Mor'tise, [mortisj s. mortisa, f.; Mo'tion, [mosciein] . moviMoreo'ver, [mreoveur] adv. & intagrlio, m, mento, moto, wi.; disposiziona.




voglia; proposizione, sollecita- Moun'tebank, [maountibnc] v Mo'vably, [mivable'] adv. in zione, istanza, preghiera, /".; a. ciurmare; barare. modo movevolo. to make a -, far una proposi- Moun'tebankery, [maountibn Move', [move] s. mossa, ^ zione, proporre. Move', [muve] v. a. muovere, che'r] s. ciarlataneria, /. Slo'tion, [msciein] v. a. pro- Mourn', [mrne] v. a. piangere, commuovere, eccitare, solleporre, fare una proposizione, deplorare; -, v. n. portare bru- citare; indurre, persuadere; mettere in campo. disturbare, stizzire, provocano, affliggersi. Uo'tionless, [moscieunls] adj. Mourn'er, [morneur] s. piangi- re; intenerire, toccare; prosenza moto, immobile. porre; raccomandare; v. n. tore, piagnone, m. Mo'tive , [mliv] adj. motivo Mourn'ful, [mrneful] adj. pia- muoversi, darsi moto; dimeefficiente; -, s. motivo, impulso, gnevole, lugubre, tristo, do- narsi; agitarsi; to - laughter, m.; ragione, causa, cagione, /. muover le risa; to - off, fuggire, lente. Motiv'ity, [mtvit] s. facolt Mourn'fully, [mornfule'] adv. dar delle calcj,gna.

motrice, f. piagnevolmente; tristamente. Mot'ley, [motle'] adj. variato, Mourn'fulness, [mornefulns] s. di pi colori. cordoglio, dolore, m.; tristezMo'tor, [mteur] s. motore; au- za, f. tore, m. Moum'ing, [morning] s. bruno; Mo'tory, [moteur] adj. mo- abito da bruno; lamento; cordovente, impellente, impulsivo. glio, m.; M)Aoie-,gran bruno, tn.; Mot'to, [nioto] s. motto, m. half -, piccol bruno, m.; to wear Mould', [mlde] s. forma,/".; mo- -, s. portar bruno. dello, i.; terra; muffa,/".; - can Mourn'ingly, [morningl] adv. non, cannone di getto, m. tristamente. Mould', [moldc] v. n. formare, Mour'ning-suit, [mrning-sute] modellare; gettare In un mo s. gramaglia, /".; bruno, m. dello; - V. . muffare, divenir Mourn'ing-weeds, [morningmuffato. ouds] s. pi. abito da lutto, i. Moul'dable, [mldabl] adj. che Mouse', [maoiise] s. (mice, pi.) pu essere formato. sorcio, topo, m.; field -, sorcio Mould'er, [mlder] s. gettato- campestre, m.; young -, topolire (in forme), fonditore, m. no, m. Moui'er, [moldeiir] v. a. ridur- Mouse', [mause] v. .prendere

Move'less, [muvels] adj. immobile.

Move'ment, [muvemnt] s. moto, movimento, m.; mozione, Mo'vent , [mvut] adj. mo/".


Mo'ver, [mveiir] s. motore, movitore, m. Mo'ving, [miiving] adj.movitivo, toccante; -, s. movimento, m. Mo'vingly, [mvngl] adv. in



Mow', [m]

mucchio, cumulo,

Mow', [mo]

V. a. & n. irr. {mowed, mown) segare con falce, falciare, mietere; fare il gru-

v. n. abbruciarsi nella bica. Mow'er,[mur] .falciatore, segatore (di fieno), mietitore, m.

Mow'burn, [mobeirn]

re in polvere; -, v. n. ridursi in sorci. polvere, consumarsi. Mouse'-ear, [mause-ire] s. Moul'diness, [mldines] s. muf- orecchia di topo, /\ (pianta). Mow'ing, [moing] s. segamento, fa, /. Mouse'-hole, [raaouse-hlej s. tagliamento (di fieno); gruMoul'ding, [molding] s. moda- buco di topo, m. gno, m. natura, /.; membretto, m.; Mous'er, [maouseur] s. pigliato- Mow'ing-tme, [moing-talme] s. (arch.) imposta, f. re d sorci, m. stagione del falciare; segatura, Moul'dy, [mld] adj. muffato. Mouse'-trap, [maose-trap] s. mietitura; ricolta, /". Moult', [molte] v.n. mudare. trappola (da sorci), /". Much', [meutsc] adj. & adv. molMoul'ter, [mltour] s. anitrino, Mouth', [maouth^] s. bocca, im- to, assai, grandemente; as che in muda, m. boccatura, entrata, /".; by word tanto, altrettanto; as - as, tanMound', [maound] s. baluardo, of-, a viva voce; to live from to quanto; as - again, una volta argine, terrapieno, m. hand to -, vivere alla giornata; pi, doppio; by -, di molto, vie Mound', [maound] t). a. fortifica- to make a -, to make -, s. fare pi; how -, quanto: too -, di sore, terrapienare. smorfie; to stop one's - chiuder verchio, troppo; thus -, tanto; Mount', [maoiint] s. monto, m.; la bocca ad uno. very -, in gran quantit; with montagna, /". Mouth', [maoith-] v. a. masti- - ado, a grande stento; to make Mount', [maoiint] v. a. alzare, care; t>. n. parlare, gridare ad - of, fare mille carezze, accacaricare; -, v. n. salire; alzarsi; alta voce. rezzare; to make - of one, far montare; to - a cannon, monta- Mouthed', [maoth^'d] adj. for- grande stima d'alcuno; to mare un cannone; to - guard, mon- nito di bocca. ke - 0/ one's sei/, trattarsi bene; tare la guardia; to - on horse Mouth'-friend, [maouth^-frnd] to make - of one's time, impiebach, montare a cavallo. s. amico falso, m.: amica falsa, /. gare bene il suo tempo. Moun'tain, [maountne] s. mon- Mouth'ful, [maoth^fiil] $. boc- Much', [meiitsc] s. molto, m.; tagna, /.; monte, m.: to make -s cone, m.; boccata, /". gran copia, /. of mole hills, fare d'una mosca Moutli'-honor,[maouth--honeur] Mu'cid, [miusid] arfj. mucido, viun elefante. s. buone parole, /". pi.; compliscoso, tenace. Moun'tain, [maointne] adj. di menti, m. pi. Mu'cidness, [misidnes] s. vimontagna. Mouth'less , [maouth^les] adj. scosit, /".; tanfo, m. Mountaineer', [maointenire] s. senza bocca. Mu'cilage, [miusldge] s. mucimontanaro, m. Mouth'-piece, [maouth^-pse] s. laggine, f. Moun'tainous, [maounteneus] boccinolo, m. Mucilag'inous, [miisiladgineus] adj. montagnoso. Mo'vable, [m vabl'] ad;, mobile, adj. mucilagginoso, viscoso. Moun'tainousness , [maoun- movibile Muck',[meucJ s. letamo, concimo, teniisns] s. stato montagnoso, Mo'vableness, [mivabrns] s. fimo, w.; to run a -, correre alm.; abbondanza, f. mobilit, f. l'impazzata. Uoun'tebank, [raauntibanc] s |Mo'vables, [mvabl's] s. p/.jMuck', [meic] v. a. letamare, ciarlatano, saltimbanco, m. beni mobili; suppellettili, m. pi. concimare, ingrassare.




s. s.

Uuck'-heap, Muck'-hill, [mcuc- Mulct', [meilct] v. a. punire; sottoporre a multa, condannahipe, mouc-lul] s. lotamajo, m. (la, /. Muck'iness, [meuchines] s. spor- re all'ammenda, Mule', [miile] s. mulo, m.\ mucizia, lordura, Muck'-sweat,[meucsuet]s. sudo- Mule'-driver, Muleteer', [mialere irnmoderato, m. {molto vol- draveiir, miiiltlre] s. mulatgare). tiere, m. Muck'-worm, [meuc-oueiirm] s. Mulieb'rity, [miiliebrite'] s. navorme di letamajo. m. tura di femmina, (. Muck'y [mochj adj. sporco, Ma'lish, [miulisc] adj. ostinato,

[mcultiocchiale a fac[meultislabP]



moltisillabo, m. Mul'ttude, [ meil titiide]


moltitudine /.; gran numero; volgo, m. [meil titiiidiMultitu'dinous,

nes] adj.


Mul'ture, [meiltcire] s. molencaparbio. Mn'cous, [miucheus] aJj. muco- Muli', [meil] V. a. riscaldare da, {. so, niucilagginoso. (detto del vino); abbrucciare. Mum'! [meum] int. zitto! siMa'coasness, [miucheusnes] s. Mul'ler, [meuleur] s. macinello, lenzio! Mum', [meim] s. spezie di birra, f. mucosit, mucilaggine, f, macinatore, m. Mu'cro, [miucro] _s. punta, f. Murien,Muriein,[meulen,meul- Mum'ble, [meiimbr] v. a. proMu'crouated, [miucroneted] adj. in] s. {bot.) verbena, (.:, tasso- nunziare indistintamente; - . .mormorare, borbottare. mucronato. barbasso, m. Mu'culent, [miucliiulent] adj. vi- Mul'let, [meSlet] s. triglia, f. Mum'bler, [meirableur] s. borscoso, mucido. bottone, tartaglione, m. (pesce). [meimblngl] Mu'cus, [miucheus] s. moccio, Mul'ligrubs, [meiiligreubs] Mum'blingly, umore viscoso, m. adv. in modo mormorante. colica,/'.; cattivo umore, m.(vo/Mud', [meud] s. fango, limaccio, Qare). Mum'chance, [meumcinse] . m.; melma, f. Mulse', [meulse] s. mulsa, /".; vino specie di giuoco, f. Mud', [meud] v. a. coprir di fan- cotto con miele, m. Mumm', [meum] v n. maschego, intorbidare. Multan'gular, [meiiltanghiular] rarsi; dissimulare, fngere {poMud-cart, [meud-cart] s. carro adj. moltilatero, poligono. co usato). da letamo, m. Multicap'sular, [meulticapsii- Mum'mer, [meimeir] s. maMud'dily, [meudile'] adv. fango- lr] adj. di molte cassule. schera, persona mascherata, f. samente, torbidamente. Multifarious, [meultifrius] Mum'mery, [meimeur] s. ma^ Mud'diuess, [raeidins] s. tor- adj. vario, differente; frequento, scherata, /. bidezza, fangosit; feccia, /.; se- comune. Mum'my, [meume'] .mummia,/.; dimento, m. to beat to a -, bastonare ben Multifa'riously, [meiiltifriusMud'dle, [meid'l] v. a. intorbi- le'] adv. moltiplicatamente, in bene. dare, innebbriare. Mump', [meimp] v. a. mangiucmodo variato. Mud'dy, [mede'] adj. limoso. Multifa'riousness, [meltifri- chiare; acchiappare; ingannare; melmoso, fangoso, torbido. usns] s. variet, diversit, mendicare. Mud'dy, [meid] v. a. intorbi-! variet, moltiplicit, f. Mum'per, [meimpeir] s. scrocdare; disturbare. Mul'tiform, [meultifrm] adj.\ cone; mendicante; pezzente, m. Mud'dy-headed, [meiide'-heded] multiforme. IMum'pish, [meimpisce] adj. di adj. stupido. Multifor'mity, [meiiltiformite] cattivo umore. Mud'wall, [meudouol] s. muro s. diversit di forma, f. [Mum'plshness, [meumpiscenes] costrutto di fango e paglia, m. Multilat'eral.[mealtiltiral]a'-/;. s. cattivo umore, m. Mud'walled, [meiidouard] adj. moltilatero, di pi angoli. Mumps', [meimps] s. cattivo cinto d'un muro di fango e Multil'oquous, [meultiloqueus] umore, m. paglia. adj. moltiloquace. Munch',[meinsce]. a. &n. manMue', [miu] v. n. mudare. Multinom'inal, [meultinominlj giare ingordamente. MuflT, [mef J $. manicotto, mani- adj. che ha molti nomi. Munch'er, [meinsceir] s. manchino, m. Multip'arous, [meultipareus] giatore, mangione, m. Muffin, [meifin] s. specie di fo- adj. moltiparo. Munch'ing, [meunscng] s. macaccia spungosa all'inglese,/'. Mul'tiped, [meultiped] s. porcel- sticatura, f. Muffle, [meufl] v. a. camuffare, lino terrestre, m. (insetto). Mun'dane, [meindene] adj. monincapperucciare, imbacuccare. Mul'tiple, [meultipP] adj. mol- dano, di mondo. Muffler, [mefleir] s. cappuc- teplice, moltiplicato. Mun'datory, [meindateire'] adj. cio, wi.; benda, /. Mul'tipliable, Mul'tiplicable, mondifcante (poco usato). Mafti, [mefti] s, mufti, m. [meultiplaibP, meultiplicabTJ Mundiflca'tion, [meindifchMug',[meiig] .cintola, brocca,/". adj. moltiplicabile. sciein] s. mondifcazione, f. Mug'gish, Mug'gy, [meghsc, Multiplicand', [meultiplicand] Mun'dificative, [meindificativ] megh] adj. muifato, bagnato, s. {ar.) moltiplicando, m. adj. mondifcativo. umido, acquoso. Mul'tiplcate, [meiltiplichte] JMun'dify, [meindifai] v. a. moMug'-wort, [meug-oueirtj adj. moltiplicato. s. difcare; purgare. {boi.) artemisia, f. Multiplica'tion, fmeiiltiplich- Mundung'us, [meindeinghous] Mulat'to, [miulto] s. mulat- scieiin] s. moltiplicazione, f. s. tabacco che puzza. to, m. Multiplica'tor, [meultipliche- Mu'nerary, [minerare'] adj. Mul'berry, [meilbere'] .mora, f. teur] s. moltiplicatore, m. rimunerativo {poco usato). Mul'berry-tree, [meiilbr-tri] Multiplic'ity, [meiiltiplisite'] s. Mun'grel vedi [meingrel] , . moro, gelso, m. moltiplicit, {. Mongrel. Mulch', [miilscj s. paglia mozzo Mul'tiplier, [moiltiplaiir] s. Munic'ipal, adj. [miinsipl] marcita, f. {ar.) moltiplicatore, m municipale. Mulct', [meilct] s. multa, am-|Mul'tiply,[meultiplai] v. a Municipal'lty, [miunsipalite'] , menda, f. moltiDlicaro: crescere. municipalit, f.
sucido, lordo.



Munificence, [miunifiseasc]
munificenza, liberalit, / Munificent, [miunfisnt] munificente, liberale.



Muse', [miuze] v. a. meditare; Mus'tard-pot, [melsterd-pot] s. mostardiera, /. ruminare; pensare. adj. Muse'ful, [miuzefiil] adj. penso- Mus'tard-seed, [meisteird-side] s. some di senapa, m. so, pensieroso, meditativo. [miunlfisntle'] Mu'ser, [miuzeur] s. meditan- Mus'ter, [meusteir] s. mostra, Munificently, rivista, rassegna; to pass -, far adv. munificentemente, libe- te, m. Mu'set, [miizet] s. buco in una la mostra. ralmente. Mus'ter, [meusteir] v. a. moMu'niment, [miuniment] s. for- siepe, m. strare; rassegnare; adunare tificazione, f.; riparo, m.; (jur.) Muse'um, [miuzium] s. mu ragunare. seo, m. titolo, m. Munit'ion, [miuniscieun] s. mu- Musli'room,[meuscerura] s. fun- Muster'-master,[meuste3r-masteur] s. rassegnatore, m. go; fg. uomo da nulla arricchinizione; fortificazione; provviMus'ter-roU, [meisteir-rle] . to, m. sione, /. lista de' soldati, f. Munit'ion-bread, [miuniscieun- Mu'sic, [miuzc] s. musica, me Mus'tiness, [meistines] s. mufbrd] s. pane di munizione, m. lodia, f. Mu'rage, [miuridge] s. dazio Mu'sicai, [minzcal] adj. musi- fa; rancidezza, f. Mus'ty, [meiste' adj. muffato, cale; armonioso per mantenere le mura, vi. Mu ral, [mirl] adj. murale, di Mu'sically, [miuzTcale'] adv. in rancido; insipido; di cattivo muro; - crown, s. corona mu- modo musicale, secondo lo re- umore. Mutabil'ity, [miitabilite'] s. mugole della musica^ rale, /. Mnr'der, [meurdeir] s. omici- Mu'sicalness, [miuziclns] s. tabilit, incostanza, f. Mu'table, [miitabr] adj. mutaarmonia, m. dio: assassinio, m. Mur'der, [meurdeir] v. a. as- Music'ian, [miiiziscian] s. mu- bile, incostante. Mu'tableness, [miiitabrnes] s. sico, m. sassinare, ammazzare. [mizic-mas- mutabilit, incostanza, incerMur'derer, [meurdeureur] s. mi- Mu'sic-master, tezza, f. teur] s. maestro di musica, m. cidiale, omicida, m. s. medita- Mttta'tion, [miiitscieuu] s. muMur'deress, [meurdcures] s. Mu'sing, [miizng] tazione, /".; mutamento, m. zione, /. micidiale, omicida, f. Mur'dering', [meurdeurmg] s. Musk', [meusche] s. muschio, Mute', [minte] adj. muto, mutolo. musco, m assassinamento, omicidio, m. Mur'derous, [meurdeureus] adj.jMusk'-apple, [meusche-apl'] s. Mute', [minte] v. n. stallare (come uccelli). mela muschiata, /. micidiale, crudele. Mur'derously, [mourdeureusle] jMusk'-ball, [meusche-bol] Mute'ly, [raiutele'] adv. silenziosamente, in silenzio, senza stiglia, f. adv. crudelmente. (tozza, f. Mure', [miurelr. a. murare. jMusk'-cat, [meische-cat] s. zi- parlare. Mute'ness, [miutenes] s. muMuriat'ic, [miuritic] adj. mu-j bette, m. iMus'ket, [meuschet] s. moschet- Mu'tilate, [miiitilete] v. a. muriatico. tilare, mozzare, troncare. Mur'ky, [raeurch] arfj. oscuro, to, schioppo, m. Mns'ket-proof, [meiischet-prafj Mutila'tion, [mitilesciein] s. tenebroso, bujo. mutilamento, troncamento, m. Mur'mur, [meurmeir] s. mor-i adj. a prova di moschetto. Mu'tilator, [miutileteir] s. muMusketeer', [meuschetire] morie, bisbiglio, susurro, m. tilatore, m. Mur'mur, [meurmeir] v. a. moschettiere, m mormorare, borbottare, bron- Musketoon', [meischetin] s, Mutineer', [miitinlre] s. sedizioso, ribelle. moschettone, m. tolare. Mur'murer, [meurmeurer] s. Mus'kiness, [meuschines] s. odo- Mu'ting, [miting] s. sterco di re di muschio, wi.; fragranza, /. uccelli, m. mormoratore, m Mur'muring, [meurmeirng] s. Musk'-melon, [meisc-mlein] Mu'tlnous, [miutineSs] adj. sedizioso. mormoramento, mormorio, bi- s. mellone muschiato, m. Musk'-pear , [meisc-pre] s. Mu'tinously, [miutineisle'] adry, sbiglio, m. sediziosamente. Mur'muringly, [meurmerngle'] pero moscadello, m. JMusk'-rose, [meisc-rze] s. ro- Mu'tnousnesz, [mitineusnes] adv. con mormorio. s. spirito di sedizione, /.; amMur'rain, [meirene] s. morta- sa mosciata, f. Mus'ky, [meusch] adj. mosca- mutinamento, m. lit nel bestiame, m Mu'tiny, [miutine'] s. sedizione, Mur'rey, [meir] adj. di color to, muschiato. Mus'lin, [raeizlin] adj. musso- ribellione, f. rosso oscuro. Mu'tiny, [raiitine'] v. n. rivolMur'rion, [meurieiin] s. morio- lina, f. Mussita'tion , [meusitesciein] tarsi, ribellarsi, sollevarsi. ne, m. Mut'ter, [meuteir] s. borbottaMus'cadel, Mus'cadine, [meis- 8. mormorio, m. mento, mormorio, m. cadl, raeiscadaine] s. mosca- Mus'sulman, [meuseilman] s. Mussulmano, Maomettano, m. Mut'ter, [meuteir] w. a. & n. dello, m. borbottare, brontolare, mormoMus'cie, [meis'l] s. muscolo, m. Must', [meist] s. mosto, m. Muscos'ity, [meiscsit] s. es- Must', [meust] v. def. bisogna; rare. I - do it, bisogna che lo faccia; Mut'terer, [meuteSreir] s. borsere muscoso, m. Mus'cular, [meusch51ar] adj. it - be so, bisogna che sia cosi. bottatore, brontolone, ni. [meiteuringle'] Must', [meist] v. n. muffare; Mut'teringly , muscolare, di muscolo. adv. con brontolio. Mus'culous, [mcischiulois] adj. guastarsi. Musta'ches, [meistacs] m. ipL] Mut'ton, [meiteun] s. castrato, musculoso, pieno di muscoli. Muse', [miuze] s. contemplazio- Mustacliio,[meustschio] s. mu- m.; carne di castrato,/". breast stacchi, m. jl.; basette, /. p/. of -, petto di castrato, ni.; leg ne, meditazione profonda, f.; (myth.) Musa, f.; to be in a -,^ Mus'tard, [meusteurd] s. se- of -, coscia di castrato, /. neck napa, mostarda, (. of -, collo di castrato, w. star nensieroso.
I i | I



Mut'ton-flst, [meuteun-fist] s. mano grande, grossa e rossa, f. (volgare). Mu'tual, [miutciulj arlj. mutuo, reciproco. Mutual'ity, [miutiualit] s. mutuazione, reciprocazione, f. Mu'tually, [miiitcile'] adv.



[moirmideun] s. Mys'terize, [mstiralze] v. a. , petulante sgherano, m. esplicare i misteri. Myrob'alan, [mirbaln] s. mi- Mys'tery,[misteire'] s. misterio, rabolano, m. mistero, segreto m. Myrrh', [meSr] s. mirra, f. Mys'tic,[mistic] Mys'tcal, [mis,



mutuamente, reciprocamente. Mutua'tion, [miutcitiescieun] s. il prendere in prestito, m. (poco

usalo). lluz'zle, [muzl] s. muso, ceffo (d'animale), m.; musoliera, /.

- of

a gun, bocca, imboccatuf.



V. a.

mettere la musomio, mia, mie,

My', [mai]


Myog'raphy^ [maiografe'J Myol'ogy , [malodg] s. miolo^ia,


Mys'tically, [rasticale'] adv. misticamente, in senso mistico. (mortella, f. Mys'ticalness, [msticlnsj . mirtiforme. misticit, f.; misterio, m. Myr'tle, [meurtl] s. mirto, m. Myr'tle-berry , [meirtl-br] Mys'ticism, [mistiszra] s. misticismo, m.; mistica, f. s. mirtillo, m. Myr'tle-grove, [meurtl-grve] s. Mystfica'tion,[mistifichsciein] s. mistificazione, f. mirteto, m. Myr'tle-tree, [meirtl-trIJ [mith-c] . Myth'ic, Myth'lcal, [mth-icl] adj. mitico, favoloso. mirto, m. (albero). Myself ,[maislf] pron. io mede- Mythog'rapher, [mith-grfeiir] simo, io stesso. s. scrittore di favole. Mys'tagogue, [mistagog] s. mi- Mytholog'ical, [mth-olodgical] adj. mitologico. stagogo, m. Myste'rial, [mistTrial] Myste'- Mytholog'ically, [mitb^olodgirious, [mistiriiisj adj. miste- cl] aiiv. in modo mitologico.

[meiiralne] , mirra, come mirra.

adj. di

tical] adj. mistico.

Myr'tiform, [meartifdrm]


My'ope, [maiope] s. miope, che ha la vista corta. My'opy, [maip] s. miopia,

sta corta,

Myr'iadj [mirid]


mitologista, mitologo, m. Mythorogize, [mth'^oiodgiaize] adv. misteriosamente. [mistiriusV. n. spiegare lo favolo. vi- Myste'riousness, ns] s. carattere misterioso, Mythol'ogy, [mith-oldg] s. miriade, /. m.; oscurit sagra, /. mitologia, f.

rioso, segreto. m.; Myste'riously,

Mythorogst, [mith-olodgistjs.

pronunzia come in italia- Na'kedly, [nechedle'] adv. nu- Nap'less, [naplos] adj. spelato, raso, logoro. m nella mede- damente; semplicemente. muta - hymn, Na'kedness, [nchednsj s. nu- Nap'per, [npeir] s. cardatoinno; condemn, condannare. re, m. dit, chiarezza, f. Jlab', [nb] v. a. aggrappare, Na'ker, vedi Nacker. Nap'piness, [npines] s. quaN,

no. Posta dopo sima sillaba

accaflfare (volgare).

Nam'by-pamby, [nambe'-parabe']

lit pelosa,



adj. vanerello, insipido (detto Nap'ping, [nping] s. cardatura, f. (fumoso. di persona). Nac'ker, [nclieur] s. madreper- Name', [nome] s. nome, m.; fa- Nap'py , [npe'] adj. spumoso, la, A ma, riputazione, /.; credito, m.; Narcis'sus, [nrsses] (bot.) Na'dir, [ndeiirl s. (astr.) nadir, christian -, nome di battesimo, narcisso, m.; tazzetta, f. m. m.; proper -, nome proprio, m.; Narcot'ic, [narcotic] adj. narNag', [nag] . bidetto, cavalli- in God's -, in nome di Dio; cotico, sonnifero. no, m. what's your -? come vi chia- Narcot'ic, [narcotic] s. medicina

[nbob] s. nabab, m. (principe Indiano).


Nai'ad, [naid] s. najade, f. mate? to call -s, ingiuriare. Nar, [nle] .unghia, branca,/".; Name', [neme] v. a. nomare, apchiodo, ottavo, m. (misura) on pellare, chiamare, mentovare. the -, upon the -, danari con- Name'Iess, [nemels] adj. senza tanti ; tooth and -, con ogni nome, anonimo. forza (volgare); to hit the - on Name'ly, [nmele'] adv. specialthe head, dar nel segno (vol- mente, particolarmente, cio a gare). _ dire. (re, m. _ Nail,[nle] v.o. inchiodare, con- Na'mer, [nemeur] s. nominatoficcare con chiodi; to up a Name'sake, [nemeseche] s. che cannon, inchiodare un canno- ha il medesimo nome, omonine; to a horse, chiovare un mo, m.



Nard', [nrd] s. nardo, m. Narrate', [nrete] v. a. narrare,


Narra'tion, [nirscieiin] s. narrazione, racconto, m. Nar'rative, [nrativ] s. narrativa, narrazione storia, f. Nar'rative, [nratvj adj. nar;

cavallo. Nai'ler, [nlur]








Nairsmith,[nle-smith2]s. chio(deria, f. daio, m.

Nail'-trade, [nle-trede] s. chioNaive'ty, [nvet] s. semplicit, ingenuit, f.

Na'ked ignudo

, j

[nched ]



rativo, narratorio. Nar'ratively, [nrativle'J adv. in modo narrativo. Nankeen', [nanchine] s. specie Narra'tor, [nrteiir] s. narradi panno di cotono, /. tore, raccontatore, in. Nap', [napl s. sonnellino, m.; Nar'ratory,[nrature'] adj. narlanugine, f. rativo. Nap',[np]v. a. cardare -, v. n. Nar'rify,[narifaijv. a. narrare, sonnecchiare, dormigliare. raccontare (poco usato). Nape', [nepe] s. nuca, coppa, f. Nar'row, [nr] arfj. stretto, anNa'pery,[npeir] s. biancheria gusto, scarso, avaro, vile, basso, da tavola, f. esatto, attento; to bring into a Naph'tha, [nafth-a] s. nafta, f. - compass, ristrignere. Nap'kin, [napchn] s.tovaglino, Nar'row, [nr] v. a. strignere,

m.i salvietta.






Nar'row-breasted[aar5-'brestd] propriet, essenza, spezie, f. Neap', [npe] adj. decrescente, umore genio, temperamento, basso; tide, s. niaroa bassa, f. adj. che ha il petto stretto. Nar'row-heeled, [nr-hird] adj. m. by -, secondo natura; good Near', [nlre] prep. adj. & adv. -, umanit, f. presso, appresso, vicino, prosche ha il calcagno stretto. Nar'rowly, [nrle'] adv. stret- Naught', [note] adj. cattivo, simo, intimo, stretto, pressoch, tamente, angustamente, minu- malvagio, depravato, disonesto. poco meno, quasi - at hand, a Naught', [nte] s. niente, m.; mano, in pronto; to draw -, aptamente. prossimare, accostare. Nar'rowness, [narnes] s. stret- nessuna cosa, f. tezza, angustia, incapacit, po- Naugh'tily, [notile] adv. cat- Near'ly, [nlrele'] adv. da vicino, presso, meschinamente, avaravert, stitichezza,/.; -of heart, tivamente; malamente.
, ;



Naugh'tiuess, [ntinos]



Na'sal, [nsl] adj. nasale, del tivezza, tristizia, f. Naugh'ty, [note] adj. cattivo, naso. Nas'cent, [nasnt] adj. na- malvagio, corrotto; tristo. Nau'lage, [noldge] s. nolo, m. scente. (machia, f. Nas'tily, [nastile'] adv. sporca- (poco usato). Nau'machy, [nomache'] s. naumente, bruttamente. Nas'tiness, [nastins] s. spor- Nau'sea, [nscia] .nausea, ^ [nscite] v. a. cizia, sporchezza, bruttezza, Nau'seate , nauseare, disgustare; recere; oscenit, vilt, f. Nas'ty, [nast] adj. sporco, sor- odiare. Nau'seous, [noscius] adj. naudido, osceno. Na'tal, [notai] adj. natale, na- seoso, disgustoso. Nau'seously, [nsciusl] adv. tivo. Nata'tion , [netescieun] s. il in modo nauseoso. [nosciusnes] Nau'seousness , nuotare, nuoto, m. Na'tion, [nscieun] s. nazione, s. nauseamento, il nauseare, m.; abbominazione, /. gente, f.\ popolo, m. National, [nascieunl] adj. na- Nau'tic, [notic] Nau'tical, [notical] adj. nautico, di nave. zionale, generalo. Nationality, [nscieunalite'] s. Nau'tilus, [notileus] s. nautilio, m. (pesce). carattere nazionale, m. Nationalize, [nscieunalaze] Na'val, [nevi] adj. navale, di V. a. distinguere secondo la marina; - officier, s. uflziale della marina, m. nazione. Nationally, [nasceunalj adv. Nave', [neve] s. mozzo (d'una ruota), m.; navata (d'una chiedi tutta la nazione. Natlonalness, [nsciunalnes] sa), f. Na'vel, [nevi] s. bellico, ombicarattere nazionale, m. Na'tive, [ntv] adj. nativo, na- lico mezzo, m. tio, naturale;- land, - country, Na'vel-string, [nev'l-string] s.

mente. Near'ness, [nirenes]

s. prossimit, propinquit, vicinit, affinit, parentela, avarizia, f. Neat',[mte] adj. netto, puro, pulito; vago, elegante; astuto. Neat', [nte] s. bue, m.; vacca, (.; -'s leather, s. cuojo di bue, m. Neat'-handed, [nite-hndd] adj.

destro, abile.



dedns]s. destrezza, abilit; sa-

Neat'herd, [nite-heurd] s. boaro, vaccajo, bifolco, m. Neat'-house , [nte-haouse] . stalla da buoi, f.





mente, elegantemente. Neat'ness, [ntens] s. pulitezza, nettezza, eleganza, f. Neb',[nb] s. hocco, m. punta, /. Neb'ula , [nbiula] s. macchia sulla luce dell' occhio, f.



nuvolosit, {. Neb'ulous, [nbiuleus] adj. nebuloso, nuvoloso, nebbioso. Nec'essaries, [nssariz] s. pi. cose necessarie f, pi. Nec'essarily, [nesesarile'] adv.

tralcio, m. s. patria, f. Na'tive, [ntiv] s. nativo, ori- Na'vel-wort, [nv'l-oueurt] s. (bot.) bellico di venere, m. ginario, m.; -s, s. pi. aborigeni, Navigable, [nvigabl'] adj. naprimi abitatori, m. pi. Na'tively, [netivl] adv. nativa- vigabile. Navigate, [navighete] v. a. & mente. Na'tiveness, [ntivnes] s. na- n. navigare, veleggiare. Naviga'tion, [nvighsciun] s. turalezza, f^ Nativity, [netvte'] s. nativit, navigazione, /".; navigare, m.; nautica, f. nascita, f. Nat'ural, [natciural] adj. na- Navigator, [nvigheteur] s. naillevigatore, marinaro,marinajo,m. turale, semplice, facile Na'vy, [nve'] s. armata navale, gittimo. Nat'ural, [natciural] s. sciocco, flotta, f. Na'vy-board , [neve'-borde] s. idiota, m. Nat'uralism, [natciuralism] s. consiglio della mai-ina, m. Na'vy-offlce, [neve'-ofis] s. uffistato naturale. [ntciuralst] s. Nat'uralist, zio della marina, m. naturalista, fisico, m. Nay', [ne'] adv. no, non solo, di Naturaliza'tion, [ntciuralalz- pi, inoltre, anzi. scieun] .diritto di naturalit./". Nay', [ne] s. negativa, f.; rifiuto, Nat'uralize, [ntciuralalze] v. m. ripulsa, f. Naz'arite,[nzaraxte]s. un Ebreo a. naturalizzare; adottare. Nat'urally, [natciurl] adv. che pretendeva alla gran purinaturalmente, semplicemente, t di vita, m. spontaneamente, agevolmente. Naze', [nze] s. scoglio, proNat'uralness, [ntciurlns] s. montorio. stato naturale, m.; naturalit, Near, [nile] v. a. ricuocere, temperare (detto de' metalli) (poco naturalezza, semplicit, /. Na'ture, [ntciear] s. natura, usato).

necessariamente. Nec'essariness, [nesesarines]


esser necessario, m.; necessit,/".

Nec'essary, [nese.=ar] adj. ne-


cessario; indispensabile. [usesare'haoiise] s. necessario, cesso, m. Neces'sitate, [nisesitete] v. a. necessitare, costringere ; violentare, sforzare. Necessita'tion, [nisesitescieun] s. urgenza, forza, /".; costrigni-



necessitoso, gente.


[nsesiteus] adj. indi;

Neces'sitousness [nisesiteusnes] Neces'situde, [nlsesitiude] s.

necessit, indigenza, f. Neces'sity, [nissit] s. necessit; forza, violenza; povert, f.; of -, necessariamente. Neck',[nc] s. collo,".; -of land, braccio di terra fra due mari, m.; - of mutton, collo di castrato, m.; - of a violin, manico d' un violino, m.; to taUe one about the -, abbracciare alcuno. Neck'-band, [nec-bnd] s. collare (d'una camicia), wi.

Neck'-beef, [nec-bife]


Neigh'bouring, [nbeurng] adj. vicino, contiguo, prossimo. Neigh'bourly, [nbeirle'] adj.
sociabile, amichevole.

grossa Nee'dle-work, [nldl'-oueurc] s. lavoro d' ago, m. Neck'-cloth, [nc-cloth-] s. cra- Needs', [nides] adv. necessariavatta, /"., fazzoletto da collo, m. mente; assolutamente. Neck'erchief, [nclieurcife] s. Nee'dy, [nide'] adj. necessitoso, fazzoletto da collo, m. povero, indigente. Neck'-lace, [nclse] s. collana, Neer', [nre] adv. mai, unque mai. {.; vezzo, m. Neck'-piece, [nc-pse] s. gor- Nefan'dous, [nfandeus] adj. /". giera, empio, scellerato. fleck'-weed, [nec-oiiide] s. ca- Nefa'rious, [nifrius] adj. nenapa, f. (detto in burla). fario, scellerato, abbominevole. Kecrorogy, [ncrldg] s. ne- Nefa'riously, [nifriusle'] adv. crologia, /. scelleratamente. Nec'romancer, [necromanseur] Nega'tion, [nghsciein] s. nes. negromante, m.; negromangazione, f. tessa, f. Neg'ative, [negatv] adj. negaNec'romancy, [necromanse'] s. tivo, rifiutante; -, s. negativa, negromanzia, (. negazione, f. Nec'romantic , [necromantic] Neg'atively, [negativle'] adv. Necroman'tical, [necromnti- negativamente. cal] ad], necromantico. Neg'atory, [ngateiire'] adj. neNec'tar, [nctir] s. nettare, m. gativo {poco usato). Nec'tared, [nctr'd] adj. misto Neglect', [neglect] s. negligencon nettare. za, trascuranza, f. Necta'reous, [necteriis] Nec'- Neglect', [neglect] v. a. neglitarine, [nctaralne] adj. net- gere, trascurare, mancare. tareo, dolce. Neglec'ter, [nglcteur] s. neNec'tarine, [nectarin] s. sorta gligente; trascurato, m. di psca dolce, f. Neglect'ful, [neglectful] adj. Need', [nlde] s. bisogno, m. ne- negligente.

carne di manzo,


Neigh'bourly, [nbeurle'] adv. amichevolmente, da amico. Neigh'ing, [neing] s. nitrito, m. Nei'ther, [nlth'eiir] conj. ne; n pi; - more nor less, n pi n meno. Nei'ther, [nith'eir] pron. n r uno n V altro, n V una n





Nen'ufar, Nen'uphar, [nniufr, nniufr] s. nenufar, m.

Neog'rapher neografo, m.


Neolog'ic, Neolog'ical, [nllodgc, nolodgicl] adj. neologico.

Ned'ogism, [niolodgsm]
logismo, m. Neol'ogist, [nilodgst] logista, m.









Ne'ophyte, [niofaite] convertito, m.


Neoter'ic, Neoter'ical, [nlotercessit; esigenza,/'.; t[ - be, se Neglec'tfully, [neglctfule'] adv. c, niotricl] adj. moderno ; sar necessario, ai bisogno: to negligentemente. recente. stand in - of a thing, avere bi- Neglect ingly,[ncglectTngl e']ar/v Nep', [np] s. nepitella, f. sogno di qualche cosa. negligentemente, trascurata- Nepen'the, [npenth-] s. neNeed',[nide] u. a. avere bisogno; mente, (negligente. pente, m. (panacea). mancare; - v. n. esser neces- Neglec'tive , [neglectiv] adj. Neph'ew, [neviu] s. nipote, m. sario; you - but tell him, dite- Negligee', [neglidgi]s. specie di Nephrit'ic, Nephri'tical, [nfritgli solamente; it needs not, non abito sciolto. Tc, nifrticl] adj. nefritico. necessario. Neg'ligence, [nglidgense] s. Nephri'tis, [nifrits] s. nefriUeed'er, [nideur] s. clie ha biso- negligenza, trascuraggine, tra- tide, f.

gno: che manca. scuranza, /, Need'ful, [nidefiil] ad}, necessa- Negligent, adj. [neglidgent] rio; requisito. negligente, trascurato. Need'fully, [nidefile'] adv. ne Negligently, [nglidgntle']arfv. cessariaraente. con negligenza. Needfulness , [nldefSlnes] s. Nego'tiable, [nigsciabl'] adj. necessit, f.; bisogno, m. che si pu negoziare. Need'ily, [nidil] adv. in indi- Nego'tiate, [mgosciete] v. a. genza; poveramente. negoziare, trafficare; trattavo. Need'iness, [nidines] s. indi- Negotia'tion, [nigsciscieuii genza, povert; miseria, f. s. negoziazione, /.; traffico, afNee'dle, [nidi"] s. ago, m.; agu- fare, m. glia, /.; sewing -, ago da cuci- Nego'tiator, [ngscieteir] s. re, m.; packing -, ago per cucinegoziatore, negoziante; mere sacchi, m. diatore, m. lIee'dle-book,[nidr-buc]Nee'dle- Nego'tiatrix, [nigoscietrics] s. case, [nidl'-chse] s. agorajo negoziatrice; mediatrice, f. da tenere gli aghi, m. Ne'gro, [nigro] s. negro, moNee'dle-fish, [mdr-fisc] s. agu- ro, m. glia, f. (pesce). (ta, f. Ne'gus, [ngheis] s. mistura di Nee'dleful, [ndlful] s. aguglia- vino, d'acqua e di zucchero, f. Nee'dlemaker , [mdlmcheiir] Neigh', [n] s. nitrito, il nitriNeed'ler , [ndlur] s. ago- re, m. rajo, wi. Neigh', [ne] v. n. nitrire. Need'less, [nldeles] adj. inutile; Neigh'bour, [nebeur] s. vicino, m.; vicina, /. superfluo. Need'lessly , [nidelesl] adv. Neigh'bour, [nebeir] v. a. con senza necessit, inutilmente. finare, conterminare. Need'lessnoss, [nidelsns] s. Neigh'bourhood, [nbeurhud] s inutilit; superfluit, /". vicinanza, f.

Ne'potism, [niptsm] s. nepotismo, favore mostrato ai parenti, m. Ne'reid , [nlriid] s. Nereide, f.

Nerve', [nervej s. nervo, nerbo; tendine, m. Nerve'less, [neirvels] adj. snervato, fiacco. Ner'vous , [neiirveus] adj. nervoso, nerboso robusto. Ner'vousness, [nurvoiisnes] s. nervosit, f. Ner'vy , [nurv] adj. nervoso, vigoroso, robusto. Nes'cience, [nscinse] s. ignoranza, f. Nest',[nst] s. nido, m.; nidiata, f.; ricettacolo, rifugio, ricove;

ro, asilo,


Nest',[nstJ v. .nidificare, fare nido. Nest'-egg, [nest-eg] s. guardanidio, endice, m. Nes'tle, [ns'l] v. a. accarezzare; -, u. n. annidarsi; fermare sua stanza. Nest'lng, [nes'lTng] . nccello nidiace, m. Net', [net] s. rete, m.; reticela
la, /.




[nethleur] adj. basso Next', [necst] adj. prossimo alquanto taccagno alquanto contiguo; the - day, il giorao avaro. Netli'ennost,[nethl ourmost] adj. seguente. Nig'gardliness, [nigheurdlines] infimo, estremo. Next', [ncst] adv. dopo; in se- s. spilorceria, avarizia, sordiNet'ting, [ntng] s. {mar.) fi- condo luogo; - to, dopo ci, dezza, f,



Net'tle, [net" 1] Net'tle, [net'I]






Net'wise, [netouaize] adj. reNet'-work, [nt-ouurc] s. reticella; tessitura,


Neurorogy, [niurlodg]



Neurot'omy, [ni5rotom]. neurotomia, f. Neu'ter, [niuteiir] adj. neutro indiiferente; neutrale. Neu'tral, [niiitrl] adj. neutrale; indifferente.

Neutral'ity, [niiitralit]
tralit; indifferenza,



Neu'trally, [niutrl] adv. neutralmente; in senso neutro. Nev'er, [nveiir] adv. mai, giara mai, unquo mai; - a one, ne meno uno [volgare); - a luhit, niente affatto (volgare). Nev'er-ceasing, [neveur-ssTng] adj. incessante, continuo. Nev'er-ending, [nevir-nding] adj. eterno, perpetuo. Nev'er-faling, [nveur-fling]
adj. infallibile.

Nevertheless', [neverth'eles] conj. nulladimeno, non pertanto, tuttavia.


[ni] adj.

no, m.; na, f.

nuovo, fresco; year. s. nuovo anyear's gift, s. stren-


[niu] a^/v, nuovamente, no-


New'-comer, [niu-cheimeur] s. forestiero, m. Newfan'gle, [niifangr] v. a. formare di nuovo; inventare

di fresco.

Nig'gardly, [nigheirdl] adj. dopo di che. Nib', [nib] s. becco, bocca spilorcio, avaro, sordido; -, adv. avaramente, sordidamen(degli uccelli); punta, f. Nib'bed, [nb'd] adj. che ha un te, grettamente. becco. Nig'gardness, [ngheurdnes] s. Nib'ble, [nb'l] v. a. mordere; avarizia; parsimonia, f. riprendere ; -, v. n. morsec- Nig'gle, [ng'l] V. n. befi'are. chiare. Nig'gler, [nigleur] s. giullare, Nib'bler , [nibleur] s. mordito- buffone, zanni, m. re; riprensore, m. Nigh', [naij prep. &adv. vicino, Nib'blings, [niblngs] s. pi. mov- allato, accosto; prossimo, consecchiature, f. pi. tiguo; qui vicino, qui accanto ; all' incirca. Nice', [naise] adj. raffinato, delicato, delizioso; esatto, accu- Nigh'ly, [naile'] adv. presso a rato, studiato; diffcile, scrupoco. poloso; scimunito, sciocco. Nigh'ness, [nanes] s. vicinit; Nice'ly, [naisele'j adv. delica- prossimit,_ contiguit, f. tamente; esattamente; difficil- Night', [naite] s. notte ; sera, serata, f. ; at -, b>/ -, notte mente. Nice'ness, [naisenes] s. delica- tempo, di notte tempo; lust -, tezza, delizia; esattezza, ac- jersera. curatezza; finezza, f. Night'-brawler, [naite-brleiir] Niceties, [nasitlz] s. pi. deli- s. perturbatore della quiete, m. zie, delicatezze, f. pi. Night'-cap, [naite-cpj s. berNi'cety, [naisite'] s. accuratez- retta da notte, f. za; finezza, f. Night'-dew, [naite-di] s. sereNiche', [nltsc] s. ncchia; alco- no, m.; rugiada, f. Night'-dress , [uaite-dres] s. va, f. Nick', [nic] s. tempo comodo, cuffia da notte, f ; vestimenti m. ; opportunit; intaccatura, da notte, m. pi. /.; taglio, m. ; old -, diavolo, Night'ed , [naitd] adj. fosco, m.; in the very - of time, op- nuvoloso, bruno. portunamente, appunto. Night'-fall, [nait-fol] s. sera, Nick', [nc] V. a. toccare leg- 1' avvicinarsi della notte. germente; intaccare; incontra- Night'-faring, [nait-fering] adj. viaggiante di notte tempo. re; to - the time, incontrare il tempo. Night '-fire, [nat-fairej s. fuoNick'el, [nichel] s. specie di me- co fatuo, m. tallo che somiglia ad argento, f. Nigh'-fly, [nait-flai] s. farfalla Nick'name, [nic-nme] s. so- notturna, /". prannome, m. Night-foun'dered, [nait-faoiinNick'name, [nic-neme] v. a. dare deur'dj adj. sviato di notte

un soprannome.

[niilfangrd- Nic'tate, [nictete] v.a. ammicns] s. mania di novit, f. care.. Kew'-fash'ioned[nii-fscieun'd] Nicta'tion, [nictscieun] s. amadj. moderno, alla moda. miccare, cenno cogli occhi, wi. New'ish, [niuisc] adj. alquanto Nidificate, [nidifichete] v. a. nuovo. nidificare, fare nido New'ly, [niiil] adv. nuovamen- Nidiflca'tion, [ndfichescieun] te, di fresco. s. il nidificare, il fare nido, m. New'ness, [niines] s. cosa nuo- Ni'ding, [niding] adj. basso, va; novit, /". vile, abbietto. News', [niize] s. novella, nuova; Nidor, [naideiir] s. nidore, m. notizia, /.; avviso, m.; what -" Ni'dorous, [nadeireiis] adj. niche si dice di nuovo? doroso.


tempo. Night'-gown, [nat-gao5n] s. veste da camera, zimarra, f. Night'-hag, [uait-hg] s. maga notturna, f. Night'-hawk, [nait-hoc] s. allocco, m. (uccello). Night'ingale, [naitinghle] s
rusignuolo, usignuolo, m.; filomela, f. Night'ly, [naltcl e'] ad;, notturno, di notte; -, adv. di nottetempo, ogni netto. Night'-man, [nait-man] s. vota-

[niize-meun- Nidula'tion, [nidiulscieiin] s. cesso, m. , ghor] s. propagatore di nuo- tempo di rimaner nel nido, m. Night'-mare, [nait-mre] s. invo, m. Niece', [nise] s. nipote, f. cubo, fantasima, m. News'-paper, [niilze-ppeur] s. Nig'gard, [nigheirdj s. tacca- Night'-piece, [nat-plse] s.




gno, spilorcio,

(paint.) pittura di notte,


News'-writer, [nize-rateur] s. Nig'gard, [nigheurd] adj. tac- Night'-rail, [nat-rle] s. capnovellista, gazzettiere, m. cagno, sordido, avaro. puccio, m.; mantellina, /. Newt, [ni ute] s. ramarro, m. Nig'gard, [ngherd] v. a. ri- Night'-raven , [nait-rv'n] s. New'-year's-day, [niu-iirs-dej strignere; limitare. gufaccio, m. (uccello). . capo d' anno. 'Nig'gardish, [nigheiirdlsc] adj. Night'-revelings, [uait-revi-

s. pi. stravizzi notturni, divertimenti notturni, m. pi. Night'-robber, [nait-rbeur] s. ladrone di notte, m. Night'-rule, [nait-riile] s. tumulto notturno, m.



Nip'ple, [nipl'] s. capezzolo, m. Nod', [nod] s. cenno, segno, m.; lo give a -, fare cenno. Nit', [nit] s. lendine, /. Ni'tency, [naitens] s. nito- Ned', [nod] v n. accennare ; dormicchiare; tentennare. re, tn. Ni'thing, [naTth'ing]s. poltrone, Noda'tion, [ndscieun] s.; annodamento, m. (poco usato). codardo, m. Nght'-shade, [nait-scede] s. Nit'id, [nitd] adj. nitido; lu- Nod'ding, [noding] s. accennamonto, m. cente. (bot.) solano, m. Might -shining, [nait-sciainng] Ni'tre, [nateur] s. (cAym.) nitro, Nod'dIe,[nod'l] .testa ;zncca,/'. Nod'dy, [node'] s. sciocco, minadj. lucente di notte. salnitro, m. chione, tn. Night'-studies , [nait-steudiz] Ni'tric, [naitric] adj. nitrico. Nitriflca'tion, [nitrfichescieun] Node', [node] s. nodo; tumore, pi. veglie, /. pi. callo, m. Night'-walker, [nalt-ouocheur] s. nitrificazione, f. . nottivago, nottolone, m. Ni'trogen,[naitr5dgen] s. nitro- Nodos'ity, [ndosite'] s. nodosit, /". ; nodo, w. Night'-wanderer , [nat-ouon- gene, m. dreur] s. viandante di notte. Ni'trous, Ni'try, [naitreus, nai- No'dous, [ndeiis] adj. nodoso, nocchioso. Night'-watch, [nait-ouotsc] s. tre'] adj. nitroso. Nit'ty, [nit] adj. lendinoso, No'dule , [ndiille] s. nodetto, guarda notturna, f. piccol nodo, m. Nigres'cent , [nalgresent] adj. pieno di lendini. nereggiante, bruno. Niv'eous, [nivius] adj. nevoso, Nog'gin, [noghn] s. ciotola, /.; boccaletto, m. Nihirity, [nailiilite'] s. nulla, m. pieno di_ neve. Nili', [nil] s. scintille (di ra- Ni'zy, [naize'] s. sciocco, scimu- Noise', [noize] s. strepito, remosusurro , ronzo ; me &c.) f. pi. nito, balordo, m. [volgare). re, fracasso fschiamento, wi. ; lo make a -, Nili', [nil] V. n. non volere ;wj7 No', [no] adj. nessuno, ninno, he - he, per amoro o per forza. veruno; - such mailer, niente far strepito, far romore. Nim', [nini] v. a. rubare, furare. affatto \-,adv. no, non; -mailer, Noise', [nize] v. a. divulgare, Nim'ble, [nimbi'] adj. agile; le- non importa; - more, non pi: pubblicare. - where, in nessun luogo; lo Noise'ful, [noizefil] adj. roraosto, leggiero. Nim'bleness, [nimbrnes] s. agi- - purpose, invano. roso, strepitoso. lit; leggierezza; sveltezza,/'. Nobiritate,[nbilitete] v.n. no- Noise'less, [nizers] adj. senza Nim'ble-witted, [nimbr-outed] bilitare, faro nobile. strepito; silenzioso. adj. pronto d' ingegno. [nobilitscieun] Noise'-maker, [noize-micheir] Nobilita'tion, Nim'bly, [nimble] arfv. agilmen- s. il nobilitare, m. s. schiamazzatore, m. te; leggiermente, prestamente. Nobirity, [nbilit] s. nobilt, Noi'siness , [noizins] s. gran Nim'mer, [nmmeur] s. truffa- /. ; nobili, in. pi. strepito, tumulto. tore, m. No'ble, [nbrj adj. nobile, illu- Noi'some, [noiseum] adj. nauNin'compoop, [nncheiimpupe] stre ; liberale ; -, s, nobile, m. seoso, disgustoso. s. sciocco, balordo, m. No'bleman, [nbl'mn] s. nobi- Noi'somely, [niseumle'] adv. in Nine', [naine] adj. nove. le, m. modo nauseante; sporcamente. Nine'fold, [nainefold] adj. nove No'bleness, [nbrnes] .nobilt, Noi'someness, [noiseumns] s. volte pi. grandezza; sublimit, /. nauseare, m.; sporchezza, /. Nine'holes, [naineh51es]s. giuo- Noblesse', [nobles] s. nobili, m. Noi'sy, [nize'] adj. turbolento, co fatto con pallo.ttolino, m. tumultuoso. pi. ; ordine de' nobili, rn._ Nine'pins , [nanepins] s. pi. No'blewoman, [nobrououmn] Nolit'ion, [nlisciein] s. rip?aangs]

birilli, sbrigli,




donna nobile,




adj. No'bly, [noble] adv. nobilmente; No'mad, Nomad'ic, [nmd, centottanta. liberalmente. nmdic] adj. selvatico, pastoNine'teen, [nainetine] adj. die- No'body, [nbod] $. nessuno, rale. cinove. niuno, veruno, m. Nomencla'tor, [nmencliteir] . Nineteenth, [nalnetnth^j adj. No'cent, [nosnt] adj. nocente nomenclatore, m._ decimo nono. colpevole, criminale. Nomencla'ture,[nomcncltci ure] Nine'tieth,[nalnetith2] adj. no- No'cive, [nsv] adj. nocivo, no- s. nomenclatura, /". vantesimo. cevole. Nom'inal, [nominai] adj. .nomiNine'ty, [nainete'] adj. novanta. Noctam'bulist, [noctmbilist] nale, titolare. Nin'ny , Ninny-hammer, [nin, s. nottambulo, sonnambulo, m. Nom'inally, [nominale'] adv. nonin-hmeir] s. sciocco, gonzo, Noctif'erous, [ndctifreis] adj. minatamente; spezialmente. merendone, m. che induce la notte. Nom'inate, [nminete] v. a. noNinth', [nainth-] s. adj. nono, Noctirucous,[n6ctliicheis]af/y. minare, nomare; intitolare. [nainth-lj Ninth'ly, adi), in che splende nella notte. Nom'inately, [nominotele] adv. nono luogo. Noctlv'agant, [noctvagnt] adj. nominatamente, spezialmente. Nip', [nip] s. pizzico, pizzicotto, nottivago. Nomina'tion, [nominscieun] s. tagliuzzo, m.; burla, f. Noc'tuary, [noctiuare'] s. ricor- nomina; presentazione, /. V. Nip', [nip] a. pizzicare; motdanze notturne, /. pi. Nom'inative, [nminativ] s.{gr.) teggiare; annebbiare; to - off, Noc'turn, [ncteru] s. nottur- nominativo, m. tagliare; guastare. no, m. Nom'inator, [nomnateur] s. noNip 'pars , [nipeirs] s. pi. pin- Noctur'nal , [nocteurnl] adj. minatore, m. zette; {mar.) salmastre,/". ;;;. notturno, di notte. Nominee', [nomini] s. uno che Nip'ping, [nTping] adj. pungen- Noctur'nal, [nocteurnl] s. not- nominato a qualche uffite, mordace; acerbo. turlabio, m. (strumento). cio &c., m. Rlp'pingly, [nipingl] arfv. mor- Noc'uous, [nchiuus] adj. no- Non-abil'ity, [non-ablite'] s. inadacemente satirescamente. civo. bilit, f.



Non'-age, [nonedge]




[nining] s. merig- No'tary, [notare'] s. notajo, notaro, m. di mezzod,/". [non-aten- Noon'tide, [nntaide] vedi Noon- Nota'tion, [ntescieun] s. il noNon-atten'dance , tare, m.; significazione, f. day. danse] s. incuria, f. Nonce', [nonse] s. intento, di- Noose', [nuse] . nodo scorsojo; Notch', [ntsce] s. tacca; intaclegame; laccio; inganno, wi.; - catura, f. segno, m. Non-compli'ance, [non-complai- of matrimony, nodo matrimo- Notch', [ntsce] v. a. intaccare, fare tacca. niale, m. anse] s. rifiuto, m. Non-confor'mist, [non-confor- Noose',[nuse] v. a. legare, allac- Notch'ing, [notscing] s. tac-

minori- Noon'ing,

giana, f.;


ciare. mist] s. nonconformista, m. Non-confor'mity, [non-cnfr- Nor', [nor] conj. n, ne pi. mite'] s. nonconformit, discor- Normal, [normal] adj. normale. Nor'man, [normn] s. abitante danza, f. Noa-'descript , [non-dscrpt] della Normandia, m. North', [north^] s. settentrione, adj. non descritto. Hone', [neun] adj. ninno, nessu- m. tramontana, f. no, veruno; / will have - of it, North', [north^] adj. settentrionale. io non ne voglio; it is - of my North-east' , [nrth^-ate] s. fault, non mia colpa. greco volturno, m. (vento). Non-exis'tence Non-en'tity, [nor [non-ntite', non-gzstnse] s. Nor'thernly, Nor'thern, thieurnl, nor-thiern] adj. nichilit,/".



Note', [note]

s. nota, annotazioosservazione; distinzione, f.; merito, m.; importanza, f.; biglietto, m.; - of interrogation, s. punto interrogativo,. Note', [note] v. a. notare; osservare, considerare; attendere. Note'-book, [note-bc] s. libretto d' annotazioni, m. No'ted, [noted] adj. notato ri-


nomato, eminente, illustre. No'tedness, [notdns] s. co-

spicuit, f. lIones',[nones] s. pi. none, settentrionale. [north--pole] s. No'ter, [nteur] s. annotatore, lfon-ja'ror,[nn-dgiureur]s.clie North'-pole, polo artico, polo settentrio- osservatore, m. non giura, Noth'ing, [neuth-ing] s. niente, Non'pareil, [non-parl] s. mela, nale, m. nulla, w. ; nullit, f.; to mak North'-star, [north--star] s. /.-, {print.) nompariglia, /.; adj. - of one, disprezzare alcuno. stella polare, f. imparagonabile.

Non-pay'ment, [non-pement] mancanza di pagamento, f.




Noth'ingness, [neuth-ngns]


nichilit, f. ; nulla, m. ; bassez[nrth-oueird, north -oueurds] za, f, Non-perfor'mance[non-purfr'- adv. verso settentrione. manse] s. mancanza di paro- North-west', [nrth^ouest] s. No'tice, [notisi s. notizia, r.

quarta di maestro, f. _ la, A Non'plns, [nonpleus] v. a. con- North-vrind', [nrth^ouind] s. fondere, imbarazzare; to be at aquilone, vento di tramontaa -, non saper pi che dire, na, m.


avvertimento, w.


tenzione, f. ; to give -, dar notizia, avvisare; to take - of a thing, far attenzione a qualche

Non-residence, [nS^rezidense]

s. Norvsre'gan, [noroiiidgian] al)itante_della Norvegia, m. s. naso; sentore, s. assenza dalla residenza, f. Nose', [noze] Non-res'ident, [non-rzidnt] s. m.; io lead one by the -, menar altrui pel naso; to speak through assente dalla residenza, m. Non-resis'tance,[nn-rizistanse] ffte-, parlar col naso. Nose', [nze] v. a. sentire, fius. ubbidienza pronta, f. Non'sense, [nonsense] s. assur- tare ; pavoneggiarsi bravare. dit, /.; spropositi, m. pi.; an- Nose'-hand, [noze-bnd] s. mu-

restar confuso.

fanamento, m.
Nonsen'sical, [non-sensicl] adj. assurdo, ridicoloso, spropositato.

Nonsen'sically, [non-sensicale'] adv. in modo assurdo, spropositatamente. Nonsen'scalness, [nonsensi calns] s. assurdit, sciocchezza, stupidezza, f. Non-sol'vent, [non-solvent] adj. insolvente. Non' suit, [non-siute] s. (jur.) perdita di lite, wi. Non'suit, [nn-siute] v. a. (jur.) condannare per perdita di lite. fatto. Noo'dle, [nudi'] s. sciocco, gon- No'table, [notable] adj. notabile, considerabile, insigne. zo, m. Nook', [nuc] s. angolo, cantone; Not'able, [ntabl] adj. indu(giorno, m. strioso, faccendevole. ridotto, _m. [ntaWnes] s. Noon', [nn] s. mezzod, mezzo No'tableness , Noon'day, [nund] s. mezzod, notabilit, singolarit, f. mezzo giorno, m.; at -, sul No'tably, [notably] adv. notabilmente. mezzod. Noon'day, [nund] adj. di mez- Nota'rial, [notorial] adj. notariale, autenticato da un notaio. zod; meridionale.

cosa. Notiflca'tion, [ntifichscieun] s. notificamento, notificare, m. No'tify, [ntifai] v. a. notificare, significare. No'tion, [nscieun] s. nozione; idea,/.; pensiero, m. opinione,/". No'tional, [noscienl] adj. immaginario, ideale. Notionarity, [noscieunlit] s. soliera, f. Nose'gay, [nzegh] s. mazzo- opinione chimerica, f. No'tonally, [noscieanale'] adv. lino di fiori,_m. Nose'less, [nozeles] adj. senza per idea, mentalmente. Notori'ety , [ntraiit] s. nonaso. toriet; pubblicit, f. Nos'le, [nozV] . capezzolo, m. Noto'rious, [notorious] adj nopunta, f. Nosol'ogy, [nosolodge'] s. noso- torio, pubblico._ Noto'riously, [notrieusl] adv. logia, f. s. narice, notoriamente, pubblicamente, Nos'tril, [nostril] evidentemente. nare, /. Nos'trum, [nostrem] s. medici- Noto'riousness, [ntoriiisnes] s. fama pubblica; evidenza,/". na di ciarlatano, /. Not', [not] adv. non, no; - at Notwithstand'ing, [ntouith'stndng] conj. non ostante, all, in niun modo, niente af;


Nought', [note] s. niente, nulla, m. ; to set at -, disprezzare, non far conto, sdegnare. Noun', [naoun] s. (gr.) uome.nt. Nour'ish, [neuisc] v. a. nutrire, alimentare; incoraggiare. Nour'ishable, [neurlscabr] adj,

Nour'isher, [neuriscur]

s. xva-









Numismat'ics, [niumismatics] s. pi. numismatica, scienza delle

Nour'ishment, [neirscemont] nutrimento, wi.; nutritura,






volezza, bagattella, beffa,

Num'mary Num'mul ary


[n e am-

alimento, m. Nour'iture, [neuritcure] s. alimento, m.; educazione, f. NoTa'tion, [nvscieiin] s. innovazione; novit, f. Nova'tor, [noveteur] s. innovatore, novatore, ni. Nov'el , [novel] adj. novello nuovo. Nov'el, [novel] s. novella, narrazione favolosa, f.; to tell -s, novellare. Nov'elist, [novelist] s. innovatore, novellatore; novelli,

passatempo, m. Nu'gatory, [niugateur] adj. nugatorio, frivolo.

neumiiilar] adj. di moneta, danaroso. Num'skull, [neiimscheul] . miucliione, goffo, m. Num'skulled, [neumscheurd]adj.

Nui'sance, [niiisansc] mento; incomodo, m.





nullo; inva-

stupido, goffo, balocco.

Nun', [neinl

monaca; religio-

annullare; sa regolare; monacella, f. invalidare; cassare (poco usa- Nun'ciature, [neunsciatieur] s. nunziatura, /. to). Nul'lify, [neulifai] v.a. cancel- Nun'cio, [neunscio] s. nunzio; ambasciadore del papa, m. lare, cassare.

Nul'lity, [neiilite'] .nullit,/'.; Nun'cupate, [neincliiupete] .a. niente, nulla , m. ; invalidi- nunziare, annunziare.



adj. torpido, in-


Nov'elize, [novlalze] v. o. in-


novit; Numb', [neim] v. a. intirizzire; stupefare. Novem'ber, [novemteur] s. No- Numb'edness , [neimednes] s. vembre, m. intirizzimento; stupore, m. Nov'enary, [novenare'] s. no- Num'ter, [neimbeur] s. numero, ve, m. m. ; quantit, f. Noven'nial, [novenial] adj. di Num'ber, [neimbeur] v. a. nunovennio. merare; contare. Nover'cal, [noveircal] adj. di Num'berer, [neimbeureur] .nunoverca. meratore; calcolatore, m. Nov'ice, [novis] s. novizio, m.; Num'berless, [neumbeiirls] adj. novizia, f. innumerabile. Nov'iceship, Novic'iate, [nov- Num'bers, [neumbeurs] s. il lisscp noviscite] s. novizia- bro dei Numeri, m. to, m. Num'bles, [neumbl's] s. jI. inNov'ity, [novite'] s. novit, cosa teriora (d'un cervo, ecc.) f. pi. nuova, /. Numb'ness, [neiimns] s. torNow', [naou] adv. al presente, pore stupore ; intirizzamenadesso, ora; till -, fin adesso; to, m. before -, prima d'ora; and Nu'merable , [niumrabl'] adj.
, ;

novare. Nov'elty, [novelte'] cosa nuova, f._


[neunchiupativ, neiincliiupateire'] adj. nuncupativo, verbale; - will, s. testamento verbale, m. Nun'dinal, Nun'dnary, [nendinl, neundinar] adj. di nun-



Nun'nery, [neiineure'] to (di monache), m.


Nup'tial, [neupscil] adj. nuziale; coniugale; - song, s. epitalamio, m. Nup'tials , [neSpscials] s. pi, nozze, f. ; matrimonio, m. Nurse', [nerse] s. nutrice ba;

lia, f.

Nurse', [neurse] v. a. nutrire, nutricare, allevare, fomentare; incoraggiare; to- a sick person, aver cura d'un ammalato.

Nurse'-cMId, [neurse-ciaild] bambino lattante, allievo, m.


then, di quando in quando. numerabile. Now', [naou] s. tempo presente, Nu'meral, [nimeral]
tti.; ora, f. {pocousato). Now'-a-days, [naou-a-ds]



Nur'ser, [nurseir] s. nutritore, nutricatore; promotore, fauto-

re, m. merale, di numer_o. Nu'merally , [niumerale'] adv. Nur'sery, [neirseiire'] s. camera oggid, al presente. della balia,/.; - o/ learning, numeralmente. No'where, [no-ouere] adi), in Nu'merary, [niSmrare'] adj. nu- seminario, m.', - of plants, seniun luogo, in nessuna parte. merario, numerico. menzajo, m.; - of trees, semenNo'wise, [noouaize] adv. in niun Nu'merate, [niimrete] e. a. zajo, m. ; nestajuola, /. modo, per niente, in conto al- numerare. Nur'sery-man, [nerseire'-man] cuno. Numera'tion, [nimeroscieun] s. giardiniere elio fa semenNox'ions , [nocsciis] adj. no- s. numerazione, f. za, m. civo, pernizioso. Nu'merator, [niumerateiir] s. Nur'sing, [neursmg] s. nutriNox'iously, [nocsciiisl] adv. (ar.) numeratore, m. zione, /.

nocovolmonte. Nox'iousness, [nocsciusnes]


Nuraer'CjNumer'ical, [nimerc, numricl] adj. numerico nuqualit nociva, /. nocumen- merale. to, m. Numer'ically, [niumericle']ad. Noz'le, [noz'l] s. capezzolo, naso, in modo numerico. m. ; punta, f. Nu'merist, [niumerst] s. calcoNubile, [niuble] adj. nubile latore, computista, m. maritale, da marito. Nu'mero, [niimro] .numero; Nu'bilous, [niibleus] adj. nu- marca,/. biloso, nuvoloso. Numeros'ity, [niumerosite] s. Nu'cleus, [niicliiis] s. nocciuo- numerosit; armonia, /. lo, m. Nu'merous, [nmreus] adj. nuNudate, [niidete] v. a. nu- meroso; armoniosoj^/. dare. Nu'merousness, [niumereusnes] Nuda'tion, [niiidscieun] s. de- s. moltitudine; ajmonia, f, nudamento; spogliameuto, m. Numismat'c, [niumsmtcjarf;. numismatico. Nude', [niude] adj. nudo.
; ;

Nurs'ling, [neurslng] s. bambino di latte favorito, m. Nur'ture, [nurtcieur] s. nutricamento, m.; educazione, /. Nur'ture, [nurtcieur] v. a. nutricare, allevare, educare. Nus'tle, [nus'l] v. a. vezzeggiare, lusingare. Nut', [neut] s. noce, noccuola, f.; (mar.) orecchio {deir anco;

ra), m. Nut'-brown, [neut-braoun]


castagnino. Nut'-crackers, [neit-crcheurs]

s. pi. schiaccianoci. Nut'-gall, [neut-gl]


noce di

galla, galla,









Rut'-liatch, Nut'-pecker, [neut- Nutrit'iop, [niutriscieun] s. nu- Nuz'zle, [neuz'l] v. a. allattare, hatsc , neut-pecheur] s. sorta trizione, f. ; nutrimento, m. allevare; -, v. .annasare; nadi merlo, f. Nutrit'ious,Nu'tritive,[nitris- scondersi. Nut'-book, [neut-huc] s. unci- cieus, niutritiv] adj. nutritivo. Nye', [nai] s. stormo di fagianotto fda pigliare le noci), m. Nut'-shell, [neut-scel] s. scorza ni, m. Nut'-meg , [neut-meg] s. noce di noce, /.; guscio, m. Nymph', [nmf] s. ninfa; giomoscada, [. Nut'ting, [neitng] part, to go vinetta, f. Nu'triment, [niutriment] s. nu- -, andar a cogliere delle noc- Nym'phish, [nimfsc] adj. di trimento ; cibo, m. ciuole. ninfa. Nutrimen'tal,[nitrimentl]adj. Nut'-tree, [neut-tri] s. albero Nymph'like, [nmflaiche] adj. Qutrimentale. di noce, nocciuolo, noce, m. snella da ninfa.

0, ha due snoni, il suono lun- Obduce', [obdinse] v. a. copri- Ob'ject -glass, [obdgect-glas] s. go, ed il suono breve. Il suono re, velare {poco usato). quel cristallo di uno strumenlungo il suono naturale della Obduc'ton, [bdeucscieun] s. to ottico che il pi vicino lettera, questo pu chiamarsi copertura,/".; velamento, m. (poall' oggetto, m. il suono chiuso italiano: foco usato). Objec'tion, [obdgecsciun] <. rcai, boreale. L'altro il suo- Ob'duracy, [obdiurase'] s. duobbiezione; opposizione, f. ; no aperto italiano; bottle, bot- rezza di cuore, /".; induramen- rimprovero, m.; accusa, f. tiglia. Il doppio (oo) suona to, m. Objec'tionable, [bdgcsciinaper la pi parte come Tu italia- Ob'durate, [obdiurete] adj. in- hV] ad/, soggetto ad obbiezione. no proof, prova; look, sguardo. durito, duro impenitente. Objec'tive, [obdgctiv] adj. obunito ad altre lettere, pren- Ob'durate, [bdiirete] v. a. in- biettivo. de diversi suoni, che sono mar- durire, rendere duro. Objec'tively, [obdgectvl] adv. cati nella pronunzia di detta Ob'durately, [bdiuretele'] adv. in modo obbiettivo. lettera data nel corso di que- duramente, inflessibilmente. Objec'tiveness, [obdgectvnes]s. sto dizionario. Ob'durateness , Obdura'tion , obbiettivit, f.; T obbiettare, m. 0'! [o] int,Ol bravo! viva! [bdiuretens, bdiurescieun] Objec'tor, [bdgcteur] s. opOaf, [ofe] 8. merendone, baccel- induramento, m.; ostinazione, f. positore, m. lone, m. Obdur'ed, [bdiur'd] adj. indu- Objurga'tion , [bdgeurghiOafish , [fsc] adj. sciocco, rito, inflessibile. scieiin] 8. riprensione, ripasbalordo, goffo. Obdu'redness, [obdiurednes] s. sata; bravata, f. {poco usato). Oafishness, [fTscnes] s. stu- induramento, m. Objur'gatory, [bdgeurgateur] pidezza; imbecillit, f. Obe'dience, [bidiense] s. ub- adj. riprensivo , riprensorio Oak', [oche] s, quercia, querce, bidienza, f. (poco usato). Obe'dient, [bdint] adj. ubbi- Oblate', [oblte] adj. piatto dal f.; young -, querciuola, /. Oak'-apple, [oche-p'l] s. gal- diente, sommesso. canto de' poli. la, /. Obe'diently, [bldientle'] adv. Obla'tion, [oblsciein] s. obOa'ken, [ch'n] adj. i quercia; ubbidientemente. blazione, offerta, f. ; sacrififatto di quercia. Obe'sance, [besanse] s. rive- zio, m. Oak'-grove, [oche-grve] .quer- renza, f.; saluto, m. Oblecta'tion, [blectscieun] s. ceto, m, Ob'elisk, [bilsche] s. obelisco, diletto, m.; giocondit, /. Oa'kum , [5cheiim] s. (rrar.) m.; aguglia, f. Ob'ligate, [oblighete] v. a. obstoppa, f. corde sfilate, f. pi Ob'eliscal, [biliscl] adj. in bligare, costrignere. Oar', [ore] s. remo, m. forma di obelisco. Obliga'tion, [blighscieiin] s.

Oar', [ore] v. a. remare; vogare; Obese', [bise] adj. grasso, paf-, V. n. andare a remi. futo.



obbligo; con-

tratto, m. Oar'-handle, [re-hndl] s. ma- Obese'ness, Obe'sty, [bisenes, Ob'ligatory, [obligateiire'] adj. nico di remo, m. obsite'] s. grassezza estre- obbligatorio. Oa'ry, [ore] adj. fatto a foggia ma, f. Oblige', [oblaidge] v. a. obblidi remo._ Obey', [ohe'] v. a. obbedire, ub- gare, costrignere, sforzare be O'asis, [asTs] s. luogo fertile bidire; he must be obeyed, bi- neficare.

sogna ubbidirlo. focac- Obfus'cate, [obf e lische te] v. a. offuscare. Oa'ten, Jot'n] adj. di vena. Obfusca'tion, [obfeischiscieun] Oath', [otli-] s. giuramento, il 8. r offuscare, m. giurare, m. ; false -, spergiuro, Ob'it, [bt] 8. funerale, m.; esem.; to take one's-, pigliare giu- quie, f. pi. ramento. Obt'uary, [obtiuare'] s. libro Oath'-breaking, [the-briching] de' morti, m. 8. pergiuro, spergiuro, m. Ob'ject, [obdgect] s. obbietto, Oat'-meal, [ote-mile] s, farina oggetto; soggetto, m.; materia,

deserto, oasi, /. Oat'-cake, [5te-cheche] cia di vena, f.



Obliged', [blaidg'd] adj. obbligato; ricordevole. Oblige'ment, [oblaidgement] s. obbliganza, obbligazione, f. ; {poco usato). Obli'ger, [oblaidgeiirj s. obbligatore; mallevadore, m. Obli'ging, [oblaidging] adj. obbligante; gentile, cortese. Obli'gingly, [blidgngl] adv.

di vena; nico, m._

avena mondata,

Oats', [otes] na, f.


obbligantemente. motivo, m. Obli'gingness, [blaidgingnes] Object', [obdgect] v. a. obbiet- s. cortesia; compiacenza, /. avena, ve- tare; opporre rimproverare, Obliqua'tion, [bliquescieun] j,









. [obsiquiusle'] Obstric'tion, [obstrscieun] [oblique] adj. obbli- Obse'quiously , adv. ossequiosamente, cortese- obbligamento, legame, vincoquo; indiretto. _ lo, m. Obliquely, [Wiquel] aclv. ob- mente. Obse'quionsness, [bslquius- Obstruct', [obstrect] v. a. bliquamente; tortamente. Obliq'uity , ns] s. ossequio, m.; osservan- ostruire, stoppare; impedire, Oblique'ness , Obstruct'er, [bstreuctoiir] s. [bliquens, blquite'] s. ob- za, ubbidienza, f. Obser'vable , [obzeurvabl] adj. impeditore, m. bliquit, f. Oblit'erate, [obliteircte] v. a. osservabile; notabile, conside- Obstruc'tion,[6bstreucscieun] s. ostruzione, oppilazione,/". ; imrabile. obliterare; scancellare^ Oblitera'tion, [oblteurescieun] Obser'vably, [obzeurvabl e'] adj. pedimento, m. Obstruc'tive, Ob'struent, [obcancellagione; estinzione, osservabilmente. s. Obser'vance, [obzeiirvanse] s. streuctv, obstraent]adj. ostrutdimenticanza, f. Obliv'on, [blviun] s. obbli- osservanza ; riverenza; som- tivo, oppilativo; impeditivo. Obstupefac'tion, [bstiupifcvione, dimenticanza, /".; act of messione, f. -, s. perdono generale, amni Obser'vancy, [obzeurvanse'] s. scieiin] s. ostupefazione, f. Obtain', [btne] v. a. ottenere, attenzione. stia, f. Oblv'ious, [oblivius] adj. sme- Obser'vant, [obzeurvant] adj. acquistare, guadagnare -, w n. morato, dimentico. osservante, obbediente; rispet- prevalere stabilirsi. Obtaln'able, [obteneabl] adj. otOblong, [blng] adj. bislungo. toso; sommesso; attento. Oblongness, [blngns] s. for- Observa'tion, [obzeurvesciein] tenible; conseguibile. cura, f. Obtai'ner, [bteneurj s. che otma bislunga, f. s. osservazione Obloquy, [blqu] s. maldi- Observa'tor , [obzeurveteur] s. tiene, che procura. Obtaining, Obtain'ment, [btcenza, /.; biasimo, m. osservatore, m. Obmutes'cence, [bmiatsense] Obser'vatory, [obzeurvateur] ning btnement] s. ottenis. perdita della voce, f. mento, conseguimento, i. s. osservatorio, m. Obnox'ious., [bnocscius] adj. Observe', [obzeurve] v. a. os- Obtend', [btnd] v. a. addurre

soggetto; colpevole.

servare, servare; considerare;

incontro, opporre.

Obten'ebrate, [btnibrte] v. a. [obnocsciusle'] V. n. essere attento. adv. in modo colpevole. Obser'ver, [obzeurveur] s. os- oscurare, offuscare. Obnox'iousness, [bnocscieus- servatore, osservante, m. ; os- Obtenebra'tion , [obtenibrnes] s. soggezione, f. scieun] s. ottenebraziono, oscuservatrice, f. Obnu'bilate, [bniiibilete] v. a. Obser'ving, [obzeurving] s. os- razione, f. annebbiare, annuvolare, oscu- servamento, m. Obten'tion, [obtensciein] s. oprare. Obser'vingly,[bzeiirvingl e'JacZv. posizione, contraddizione , f. ; Obnubila'tion,[obniubilsceun] attentamente. ostacolo, m. s. oscuramento, m. Obsess', [bss] v. a. assediare. Obtest', [obtest] v. a. supplicaOb'ole, [bole] s. obolo, wi. (mo- Obses'sion, [bsescieun] s. as- re, scongiurare. neta). sedio, m. Obtesta'tion, [obtestescieun] s. Obrep'tion, [obrpscieun] s. in- Obsid'lonal, [obsdieinal] adj. supplica, preghiera, istanza, f. sinuazione, f. ossidionale, d' assedio. Obtrecta'tion, [btrctoscieun] Obscene', [bsine] adj. osceno, Obsig'nate, [bsignete] v. a. s. maldicenza.detrazione, f. impudico; offensivo. sigillare, ratificare. Obtrude',[obtrude]v. a. intrudeObscene'ly, [bsinele'] arfv. osce- Obsigna'tion, [bsTgnscieun] re; imporre; to - one's self, innamente, impudicamente, im- s. ratificazione, f. tromettersi. modestamente. Obsolete', [bsolte] adj. disu- Obtru'der, [btrudeur] s. intruObscene'ness, Obscen'ity, [ob- sato, vecchio. so, importuno, m. snens, bsnit] s. oscenit, Obsolete'ness , [obsolltenes] s. Obtrun'cate, [btreunchte] v.a, impudicizia, f. disusanza, f.; disuso, m. troncare. Obscura'tion, [bschiurescieunl Ob'stacle, [bstacl] s. ostacolo, Obtrunca'tion , [obtreunchis. oscuramento, m.; oscurazioimpedimento, m. ; difficolt, f. scieiin] s. troncamento, wi. ne, f. Obste't'ric, [obstetric] adj. ob- Obtru'sion, [obtrilgun] s. inObscure', [obscbiure] adj. oscu- stetricio. trusione; importunit, /. ro, tenebroso, bujo; difficile. Obstet'rics, [obstetrics] s. pi. Obtru'sive, [btrsv] adj. inOscure', [bschire] v. a. oscu- obstetricia, f. truso, importuno. rare, offuscare ; denigrare, in- Ob'stinacy, [obstinase'] s. osti- Obtund', [obteund] v. a. rintrigare. nazione, caparbiet, f, tuzzare ; spuntare. Obscure'ly , [bschiurele'] adv. Ob'stinate,[obstinte] adj. osti- Obtura'tion, [btiurescieun] s. oscuramente. nato, caparbio, ritroso. turamento, m. Obscure^ness , Obscu'rity, Ob'stinately, [obstinitele'] adv. Obtuse', [obtise] adj. ottuso, [bschiurens, obschiurit] s. ostinatamente, pertinacemente. spuntato; stupido. oscurit, f.\ oscuramento, m. Ob'stinateness , [bstintens] Obtuse'ly, [btisele'] adv. otOb'secrate, [bsicrete] v. a. pre- s. ostinazione, pertinacia, ca- tusamente; stupidamente. gare, supplicare, scongiurare. parbiet, f. Obtuse'ness, [btiusenes] s. otObsecra'tion, [bsicrscieun] s. Obstrep'erous, [bstrepeureis] tusit; stupidezza, f. preghiera, f.; scongiuro, m. adj. strepitoso, turbolento. Obtu'son, [btiugeun] s. ottuOb'secratory, [bsicrateure'] adj. Obstrep'erously[bstrepeureus- sit, /".
supplichevole. Obse'quies, [bsiquiize]


adv. strepitosamente, in Obum'brate, [obeiimbrete] v a. turbolento. adombrare, oscurare. esequie, /. pi. Obstrep'erousness , [bstrep- Obumbra'tion, [beumbrcsciein] Obse'quious, [bslquius] adj. eureusns] s. strepito, remore, s. adombramento, m.; oscuri^' ossequioso; cortese, civile. fracasso, m. zione, f.




Obvert', [obveurt]
v. o.

volgere O'cean, [scean]


s. oceano, alto Oeconom'c, [conomc] adj. economico. mare, m. ovviate, [obvte] v. a. ovvia- O'cean , Ocean'ic , [scean Oeconom'ics, [icnomics] s. pi. economia, f. scinc] adj. oceanico. re; prevenire; impedire; to - a danger, scampare un pericolo. O'chre, [ocheur] s. ocra, ocria,/". Oecon'omy, [iconom] s. ecoOb'vious, [bvius] adj. aperto, O'chreous, [chrius] adj. ocra- nomia; frugalit, f. Oecumen'ical , [ichiumenical] esposto evidente. ceo, d'ocra. [bviusl] adv. Oc'tagon, [octagon] s. (geom.) adj. ecumenico, universale. Ob'viously, Oede'ma, [Idma] s. (surg.) edechiaramente, evidentemente. ottangolo, m. Ob'viousness, [obviusns] s. Octag'onaljOctan'gular^ [octag- ma, wi. chiarezza, evidenza; dimostra- onal, octnghiulr] adj. ottan- Oedemat'ic, Oedem'atous, [idmtic, Idmateus] adj. edemagolare. zione, f. Occa'sion, [ochgeun] s. occa- Octahe'dron, [octahidron] s. ot- tico. O'er, [re] per: Over. sione, occorrenza, opportunit; taedro, m. causa, cagione, ^; motivo, m.; Oo'tave, [cteve] s. ottava, f. Oesoph'agus, [sofagheus] s. necessit, f. bisogno, m. Octa'vo, [octevo] s. libro in ot- (anat.) esofago, m. or, [v] prep. di, del, dello, della, Occa'sion, [ochSgeun] v. a. ca- tavo ; ottavo, m. gionare, causare; eccitare. Octen'nial , [ctenial] adj. di dei, delle.
, ;

Occa'sional, [chegeunl] adj. oc- otto anni. casionale, accidentale, casuale. Octo'ber, [oclbeSr]

Occa'sionally , [chgeiinle'] adv. occasionalmente, accidentalmente. Occa'sioner, [ochgeuner] s.cagionatore, m. Occeca'tion, [ocsichscieun] s. acciecamento, m. (poco usato). Oc'cident, [ocsidnt] s. occidente, occaso, ponente, m. Occiden'tal, Occid'uous, [csidntl dcsdiuiis] adj. occi,

dentale, d' occidente. Occip'ital, [cspitl] adj. occipitale, della collottola. Oc'ciput, [csipeit] s. occipizio, m.; collottola, f. Occlu'sion, [cliugeun] s. chi

dimento, m.
Occult', [ocheult] adj. occulto, celato, nascoso, nascosto. Occnlta'ton, [ocheultcscieun] 8. (astr.) occultazione, f. Occult'ness, [ocheiltnos] s. occultezza, /.; occultamento; co-

Off, [f] adv. lontano, lunge, lungi; via; - hand, immediatamente; be -! va via far -, lonbre, m. Octog'enary , tano, lungi; -with your hat I Octogena'rian , gi col cappello l to be- and on, [octodginrian , octodginere'] esser in bilancia; to go -, andar adj. ottuagenario. Oc'tonary, [detonare] adj. otto- via. Off'! [of] int. via via! andate nario, d' otto. Octosyl'lable, [octslabr] adj. via! Offal, [ofal] s. rimasuglio; di otto sillabe. Oc'tuple, [octiupr] adj. ottuplo. avanzo, tn. Oc'ular, [ochiulr] adj. oculare, Offence', [fense] .offesa; colpa, f.; affronto, oltraggio, delitdi veduta. Oc'ularly, [ochiulrle'] adv. ocu- to, m.; to give -, offendere; to take -, tenersi offeso. larmente, di veduta. Oc'ulist , [ochiulst] s. oculi- Offence'ful, [fnseful] adj. ingiurioso, offensivo. sta, m. Odd', [od] adj. impari, dispari Offence'less, [ofnsels] adj. inbizzarro, fantastico; cattivo; nocente. v. a. offendeto play at even and -, giuocare Offend', [ofend] re: dispiacere; nuocere; - v.n. a pari. Od'dty, [odite'l s. singolarit,/. fallire, peccare; to be offended Odd'ly, [odle'] adv. in modo at, esser in collera contro. straordinario, fantasticamente. Offen'der, [ofndeur] s. offondiOdd'ness, [dns] s. inegualit; tore delinguente, criminale, m. singolarit, stranezza; fanta- Offen'ding, [fndng] s, offen.


di mento, m. stichezza, f. oc- Odds', [ods] s. disparit; diffe- Offen'dress, [ofndres] s. offen cupazione, /. renza, /.; vantaggio, m. ; supe- ditrice; malfattrice, f. Oc'cnpant, [ochiupant] s. occu- riorit, /.; to be at - with one, Offen'sive, [fnsiv] adj. offensicontendere con uno; to have vo, ingiurioso. patore; possessore, m. Oc'cupate, [chiupete] v. a. oc- the - of one , aver il vantaggio Offen'sively, [fensvle'] aiv. ofcupare; possedere. sopranno; to lay - with one, fensivamente. Occupa'tion, [chipescieun] s. fare una scommessa ineguale Offen'siveness, [ofensivnes] s. occupazione, /".; impiego, nego- con uno; to set at -, mettere in offesa, ingiuria, f. ; dispiacere, male, tn. discordia. zio, affare, tn.; - of land, possesOffer, [ofeur] s. offerta; profsione, f.', possesso, m. Ode', [ode] s. oda, ode, f. Oc'cuper , [ochivpaiur] s. oc- O'dious , [dius] adj. odioso , ferta, /".; tentativo, m. Offer, [feur] v. a. offerire, precupatore, posseditore, posses- detestabile._ sore, m. O'diously, [odiusl] adv. odio- sentare; tentare; -, r. n. offerirsi, presentarsi ; obbligarsi ; Oc'cupy, [ochiupal] v. a. occu- samente. pare; tenere luogo, possedere ; O'diousness, [odieusnes] s. odio- to - one's se//', esporsi; to- vioimpiegare; -, v. n. negoziare, sit; atrocit, enormit, f. lence, far violenza. trafficare; to -one's self, oc- O'dinm, [dieum] s. odio, m.; Offerer, [feureur] s. offeritore, m. cuparsi. colpa, f. Occur', [ocheur] v. n. occorrere, O'dor, [odeur] .odore; profumo, Offering, [ofeuring] t. offerta, profferta; obblazione, f. m. fragranza, f. accadere; farsi incontro. Occur'rence, [cheurnse] s. oc- O'dorate, [odorate] adj. odoran- Offertory , [feurteur] s. offertorio, tn. te ; odorato. correnza, f.; evento, m. Occur'rent, [ocheurnt] adj. oc- Odorirerous, [drfireus] adj. Offerture, [feirtciure] s. offerta, profferta, f. odorifero, odoroso. _ corrente, accidentale. Occur'sion, [ocheurscieiin] s in- Odorif'erousness, [dorfireis- Office, [fis] s. officio; impiego, carico, servizio, m.; houte ns] s. odorameuto, odore, m. contro, m.

lamento, m. Oc'cupancy, [ochipans]


-, s.

-, s.



oliando- Olym'pus,

cesso, m.; post

po- Oll'-man, [oilman]






Oil'-mill , [oilml] 8. [ofiseur] . officiale, Oil'-miller, [il-mileur] s. spremitore d'olio, m. ufficiale; capo; sergente, m. Offloered , [ofiseur'd] adj. ca- Oil'-palnting, [oil-pnting] s. pittura a olio, /".; quadro dipinpitanato. to a olio, m. Offio'ial, [ofTscial] adj. nffiziaOil'-shop, [oil-sciop] 8. bottega le; conducevole; idoneo. d'oliandolo, A Offic'ial, [fscil] s. officiale, Oil'y, [olle'] adj. olioso, oleaceo; uffiziale, m. untuoso. Offic'ially, [ofisciale'] adv. ofOint',[int] V. a. ugnere, ungere. ficialmente, d'uffizio. Offlc'ialty, [ofscilte'] s. cari- Oint'ment, [ointment] s. untuf.

sta, ria,







m. p, m. macina- Om'bre, [mbeur]


ombre, m.
ultimo, m.

Omeg'a, [omega]
Om'elet, [omlet]
f. .

s. l' s.

(cook.) frit-

O'men, [men]
sagio, m.

angurie, preadj.

O'mened, [omen'd]
roso, di pronostico.


Omen'tum,[omenteum]s.omento. O'mer, [omeur] s. misura ebraica,


me, unguento, m. ca, f.; grado d' un uffiziale, m. Offlc'iate , [ofisciete] v. a. di- O'ker, [ocheur] s. ocra, ocria, f. (terra di color giallo). Btribuire; -, . n. nffiziare. Offlci'nal, [fsainal] adj. offi- 01d',[ld] adj. vecchio, attempato; antico; of-, altro volte, an cinale, llfflc'ious, [ofiscis] adj. imticamente;- age, s. vecchiaja,
paccioso; obbligante;

Om'inate, [ominete] v.
nosticare, presagire.




adv. officiosamente, cortesemente. Offlc'iousness, [fiscivisnes] s. prontezza; cortesia; afl^abilit,/. Offing, [fing] s. largo, alto

mare, m.

[ofscaourng] s. lavatura, f.; fecce, /. pi. s. pi. tempi passati. germoglio, Old-fash'oned, [ld-fscieun'd] tralasciare. Offset, [ofst] s. Omt'tance, [raitnse] s. omisadj. antico, all' antica. rampollo, m. Offspring, [fspring] . pro- Old'ness, [ldns] .antichit; sione, f.; tralasciamento, m. astinenza, f. vecchiezza, vetust, f. genie, /.; discendenti, wi. pi. Offus'cate, [feuschete] v. a. Oleag'inous, [lidgneus] adj. Omnifa'rious, [omniferius] adj. di tntte le spezie. olioso, oleaceo. offuscare, adombrare^ OfTusca'tion, [feuschoscieun] s. Oleag'inonsness, [lidgneus- Omnf erous, Omnf io, [omnifirus, omnific] (idj. che prooffuscazione,oscurazione,adomns] s. oleosit, f. Olean'der, [lindeur] s. {bot.) duce tutte le cose. brazione, /. Om'niform, [omnifrm] adj. di Off, Often, [oft, ofen] adv. oleandro, m. spesso, sovente; how -, quante Oleas'ter, [liasteur] s.oleastro, tutte le forme. Omnip'otence, Omnip'otency, ulivo salvatico, wi. volte. [mnipotnse, omnTpotns] s. Oft'times, [o- O'ieose, O'ious, [liose, lius] Oftentimes, onnipotenza, f. adj. oleoso. fntairaes, fttames] adv. spesOlera'ceous, [olirescieus] adj. Omnip'otent, [omnipotent] ad]. se volte. onnipotente, onnipossente. O'gee, [og] s. {arch.) festo- appartenente alle erbe. Olfac'tory, [olfcteur] adj. ol- Omnpres'ence, [mniprznse] ne, m. s. onnipresenza, f. O'gle, [gV] s. occhiata, f.; sguar- fattorio. [omniprezent] Ol'id, Ol'idous, [lid, olideus] Omnpres'ent , do, m. adj. presente dappertutto. O'gle, [gV] V. a. occhieggiare; adj. fetido, puzzolente. Omnis'ciency , Olgar'chical, [oligarchical] adj. Omnis'cience , vagheggiare. [mniscinse, omniscinse'J s. O'gler, [ogleur] s. vagheggia- oligarchico. Origarchy, [oligarche'] s. oli- onniscienza, f. tore, m. Omnis'cious , Omnis'cient , garchia, f. O'gling, [ogling] s. il vagheg[omniscient, omniscius] adj. Ol'io, [lio] s. mistura, mescogiare, m. che sa tutto. O'gre, O'gress, [ogheur, ogres] lanza, f. Ol'itory [liteure'] adj. olitorio. Omniv'orous, [omnivoreus] adj. s. mostro ideale dell' oriente. che mangia di tutto. Olivas'ter, folivsteur] adj. oliOh'! [6] int. Ohi 01 Om'oplate, [moplete] s. spalla, vastro, di color d'oliva. Oli', [oil] s. olio, m.; - of roses, /.; omero, m. olio rosato, m.; to paint in -, Ol'ive, [lv] s. oliva, uliva, f. Ol'ive-hranch, [lv-bransc] s. On', [on] prep. & adv. sopra, su; dipignere a olio.

vecchiezza, f.; - man, s. vecchio, vecchione, m.; - oak, s. quercia annosa, f.; m. pi. ; woman, s. vecchia, f.; hoiu - are you? quanti anni avete? to grow - diventar vecchio, invecchiare. Ol'den, [ld'n] adj. olden Jimes,

[minscieun] s. , augurio, pronostico, m. Om'inous, [mineus] adj. malauguroso; sinistro. Om'inously, [omineusle'] adv. iti modo auguroso; sinistramente. Om'inousness, [omineiisns] s. presagio, pronostico, m. Omis'sion, [omisciein] s. omissione, f.; tralasciamento, m. Omis'sive, [misv] adj. ommettente. Omit', [omit] V. a. ommettero,

Oil, [oil] V. a. ugnere Oil'-bottle, [oil-botl'] ra, f.


olio. ramo d'ulivo, wi. olie- Ol'ive-grove, [oliv-grove] s. oli-




alla; successivamente; so -, e cosi del resto ;

veto, m.

Oil'-cake, [oil-chche] s. raccolta dell' olive, f. di seme di lino compresso da Orive-tree, [llv-tr] s. olivo, cui r olio stato estratto, f. ulivo, m. Oil'-color, [oilcheulour] s. colore

massa Orive-harvest, [liv-hrvest]

contrary, al contrario; foot, a piedi; - high, in su, in aito ; - horseback, a cavallo; alla part, dal canto mio;- pain of death, sotto pena di morte; - purpose, a bello studio; - the right, alla man dritta; - a sudden, in un battei the left, alla

man manca,



olio, (colore

Oil'-gas, [il-gs] dotto dall' olio.

Olym'piad, [limpid] s. olimmisto con olio. piade, f. s. gas pro01ym'pian,01ym'pic, [lmpian,

s. oleosit,/'.

Oifiuess, [ilins]

olimpie] adj. olimpico.





d'occhio; <o 6e- one's way, es- the - air, a cielo scoperto; ser in cammino; to go -, pas- weather, s. tempo sereno, tempo moderato, m. ; to keep - table, sare avanti. Once', [ouinse] adv. una volta, tener corte bandita; to la'j -, un tempo; at -, alla prima, in esporre^ palesare. un colpo ali at -, in un subito, O'pen, [op'n] v. a. aprire, scoa un tratto - for all, una volta prire; -,v. n. aprirsi; fendersi; per sempre; - more, un' altra to - a letter, dissuggellare; lo - a vein, cavare sangue. volta. One',[ouun] adj. uno, una, un;- O'pener, [p'ner] s. apritore; by -, uno ad uno any -, chiun- espositore, m.. que, chi si sia,;every -, ciasche- Open-eyed', [pn'-ai'd] adj. viduno, ognuno; -another, Tun gilante, attento. l'altro; -'s self, s stesso, s Open-hand'ed, [op'n-handed] adj. stessa; such a -, un tale, una generoso, liberale. tale; it is all - to me, tut- Open-heart'ed,[p'n-harted]ac/j. t'uno, non fa caso. franco, sincero generoso. One', [oueiin] pron. si. Open-heart'edness, [op'n-hrtOne'-eyed, [oneun-ai'd] adj. mo- dnsj s. franchezza, liberalit; nocolo, cieco d' un occhio. generosit, f. One-taand'ed, [oueun-hndd] O'pening, [p'ning] adj. aperiadj. monco, moncherino. tivo; lassativo; -, s. apertura,

ostinazione, caparbie-


Opinia'tre, [piniatre] adj. ostinato, pertinace. Opin'ion, [opinieun] .opinione, /.; pensiero, sentimento, m.; sti-

ma, f. Opini'onate, _ Opin'ionated, Opin'ioned, [pnieinete, opnieunetd, opnieun'd] adj. ostinato, pertinace. Opin'ionately, [opnieinetelc] adv. ostinatamente. Opin'ionist, [pinieunist] s. caparbio, protervo, m. O'piam, [pieum] s. oppio, m. Op'pidan, [pidn] s. borghese,
cittadino, m. Op'pilate, [pilete] v. a. oppilare, costipare, ostruire. Oppila'tion, [pilscieun] s. oppilazione,/".;

turamento, m.

[nairocrtc] s. f.; principio, m. interpretatore di sogni, m. O'penly , [p'nle'] adv. apertaOnei'romancy, [nairomnse'] s. mente; evidentemente; liberadivinazione per mezzo dei so- mente, francamente. gni. Open-mouth'edlp'n-maot'h'd] One'ness, [oneunnes] .unit,/", adj. vorace, goloso. On'erary, [onerare'] adj. onera- O'penness, [p'nnes] s. chiarezrio, di peso. za; franchezza, sincerit, f. Onera'tion, [onersciein] s. ca- Op'era, [pera] s. opera, f. ricamento, carico; poso, m. Op'erable, [perabl] adj. operaOn'erous, [onereis] adj. onero- bile, praticabile. so; incomodo. Op'era-glass, [pera-glas] s. ocOn'ion, [eunieun] s. cipolla, /.; chialino, piccolo occhiale, m. young -, cipolletta, f. Op'erate, [oprete] v. n. operaOneirocrit'ic,

Op'pilative, [pilativ] adj. oppilativo, costipativo, ostruttivo.

Oppo'nent,[p5nnt] adj. opponente; contrario; -, s. opponente, avversario, m. Opportune', [prtiSne] adj. opportuno, conveniente. Opportune'ly, [prtiunele']ac/v. opportunamente, a tenipo. Opportu'nity, [prtiinite'] . opportunit; occasione; comodit,

a. opporre; re; produrre. Opera'tion, [perescieun] s. ope- resistere, contrariare; -, v. n. Only, [nlo'] adv. solamente; razione, /.; effetto, m. opporsi; contraddire. semplicemente; not -, non solo, Op'erative, [operativ] adj. ope- Oppose'less, [pozels] adj. irnon solamente. rativo, efficiente. resistibile. Onomatope'ia, [nomatopiia] s. Op'erator, [perateir] s. opera- Oppo'ser, [opzeur] s. opposito(rh.) onomatopeja, f. tore; agente, fattore; cerreta- re, avversario, m. On'set, [onset] s. assalto, attac- no, ni. Op'posite, [opozaite] adj. oppoco, m. Operose', [operose] adj. operoso, site, contrario, avverso; s. avOn'slaught, [onslote] s. attac- laborioso, faticoso. versario, antagonista, m. co, m. Operose'ness, [perosenes] s. Op'positely, [pozaitel] adv. Ontol'ogist, [ntoldgist] s. me- operosit. faccia a faccia, dirimpetto, di tafisico, m. Ophthal'mic, [oft^halmTc] adj. rincontro. Ontol'ogy, [ontoldge'] s. onto- oftalmico, ottalmico. Op'posteness, [opozatenes] *. logia, metafisica, f. Ophthal'my, [ft^hlme'] s. of- opposto, m.; contrariet, f. On'ward, [nouurd] adv. avan- talmia, f. Opposit'ion, [opozscieun] . ti to go -, avanzarsi. resistenza, conO'pate, [piete] s. (phar.) op- opposizione On'yx, 6ncs] s. onice, m. piato,medicamento narcotico,m. trariet, f. Ooze', [uze] s. malta melma, /.; Opiricer, [opfiseur] s. lavora- Oppos'itive, [opozitiv] adj. cafango, m. tore, m. pace di opporre. Ooze', [ze] v. n. trapelare, goc- Opine', [paine] v. n. opinare, Oppress', [prs] v.a. opprimeciolare. pensare; immaginarsi. re, soggiogare. Oo'zy, [iiz] adj. melmoso, fan- Opin'iated, Opin'ionated, [5- Oppres'sion, [prscieun] s. opgoso. pnietd, opnieunetd] pressione; severit, f. adj. Opao'ity, [pasite'] s. opacit; ostinatamente attaccato alla Oppres'sive, [oprsv] adj. opspessezza, f._ propria opinione. pressivo, crudele. Opa'cons, [pcheus] adj. opaco, Opin'iative,Opin'ionative,[pm- Oppres'sively [preslvle'] adv. oscuro denso. iativ, opnieunativ] adj. immain modo oppressivo. Opa'cousness , [pcheiasnes] ginato. Oppres'sor, [presur] s. opvedi Opacity. Opin'iatively, Opin'ionatively, pressore; perseguitatore, m. O'pal, [opl] s. opale, m. [opniatvl opinieunativl] Oppro'brious, [prbrius] adj. Ope', [ope] vedi Open. adv. ostinatamente, pertinace- obbrobrioso, vituperoso; ignoD'pen, [op'n] adj. aperto, sco- mente, minioso. perto; evidente, chiaro; since- Opin'iativeness, Opin'ionative- Oppro'briously, [oprbriusle'J ro; a little -, mezzo aperto in nes,[opmiatTviis,pnieunat;v- adv. obbrobriosamente.


adj. solo, unico

Oppo'sal , [opzl] mento, m. Oppose', [opzc] V.


opponi -




[ordinanse] s. ordinanza,/.; mandato, statuto, m, Or'dinant, [rdinnt] adj. che decreta. Or'dinarily, [ordinaril] adv.

Oppro'- Orato'rial, Orator'ical, [orato, [probriusnes, opio- ril, oratorical] adj. oratorio, brieum] s. obbrobrio, m.; iguo- d' oratore. Oratc'rio , [oratorio] s. oratominia, infamia, f. Oppugn', [opiuue] v. a. oppu- rio, m. Or'atory, [orateur] s. eloquengnare, resistere; assalire. Oppug'nancy, [peugnuse'] s. za, /. ; oratorio, m. (luogo sagro). oppugnainento;_contrasto, m.


ordinariamente, per



Oppugn'er, [piiiner] s. oppu- Or'atress ce, f. gnatore; opponente, m.




comunemente. Or'dinary , [ordinare'] adj. ordinario, usuale; comune; -, s.

giudice ordinario ordinario, m.; trattoria, osteria, /.; physician in -, s. medico di casa, m. Or'dinarily,[rdinaril] adv. ordinariamente, comunemente. Or'diuate, [rdinete] dj. regolare, regolato; metodico. Or'dinate, [rdinete] v. a. ordinare; stabilire. Or'dinately, [rdinetel] adv.

Op'tative, [optativ] adj. ottati- Orb', [orb] s. orbe, globo; sfera, vo; -, s. {gr.) ottativo modo, m. spera, f. Op'tlc, Op'tical, [optic, optical] Orba'tion, [orbscieun] s. orbezza; privazione, f. a(ij. ottico, visuale. [orb'd] Orbic'ular, Optician, [optscin] s. ottico, Orbed.', [rbichiulr] adj. orbicolare, n.; che sa V ottica. Op'tics, [optics] s. pi. ottica, f. sferico, ritondo. [orbichiularlo'] Op'timacy, [optimase] s. otti- Orbic'ularly , adv. sfericamente, in cerchio. mate, m.; nobilt, f. Op'timism, [optimism] s. otti- Orbic'ularness, [rbchiulrns] mismo, m. s. sfericit, rotondit, f. Op'timist, [optimist] s. ottimi- Orbic'ulated , [rbchiuletd] sta, m. adj. orbiculato. Op'tion, [opscieun] s. scelta; Or'bit, [rbit] s. (astr.) orbita,/". volont, /.; arbitrio, m. Or'bity, [orbite'] s. orbezza, /". Op'tlonal, [opscieinl] adj. li- Or'by, [rbe'] adj. somigliante bero a scegliersi. ad un' orbe. Op'ulence, [piulnse] s. opu- Ore', [re] s. orca, /. (mostro lenza, ricchezza, f. marino). Op'ulent, [piulnt] adj. opu- Or'chanet, [orcanet] s. (phar.) lento, ricco. ancusa, /". Op'ulently , [opiulentlj adv. Or'chard, [rciard] s. verziere, opuleutemente, riccamente. poraeto, m. Opus'cule, [opeilschiile] s. opu- Orches'tra, Orches'tre, [orchsscolo, m.; operetta,/". tra, orchstre] s. orchestra, /. Or', [r] conj. o, od; - e/se, altri- Ordain', [rdne] v. a. ordinare; menti, senza di che; - ever, comandare; commettere; staprima che, avanti. bilire. Or'acle, [oraci'] s. oracolo, m. Ordain'er, [rdeneir] s. ordinaOrac'ular, Orac'ulous, [orach- tore, m.; ordinatrice, /. iulr, orchiuleiis] adj. d' ora- Ordain'ing, [rdning] s. ordicolo; di predizione. namento, m. Orac'ularly , Orac'ulously Or'deal , [rdil] s. prova,/.; [orchiulrle' , orchiuleiisle'] esperimento; cimento, m. adv. a modo d'oracolo. Or'der, [rdeur] s. ordine, coO'ral, [orai] adj. vocale, di mando; grado, m. ; congregavoce. zione di religiosi, /.; in - to, ad O'rally, [orale] adv. vocalmen- effetto, per cagione; to be out of te, a viva voce da tradizione. -, essere indisposto; to conjer Or'ange,. [rendge] s. arancia, -s, ordinare; to keep one in -, melarancia, f. tenere uno a segno; to put out Or'ange-chips, [orndge-cips] s. of -, disordinare, scomporre; to pi. aranciata, f. set in -, mettere in ordine, orOr'ange-house,[rndge-haouse] dinare. s. stanzone degli agrumi, f. Or'der, [rdeir] v. a. ordinare, Or'ange-peel, [orendge-pile] s. regolare; commettere, imporre; scorza d' arancia, f. prescrivere, comandare. Or'angery, [rndgoiire] s. ne- Or'derer, [rdeurur] s. ordinastajuola d'aranci, /.; stanzone tore, regolatore, m. degli agrumi, m._ Order'ing, [rdeurng] s. dispoOr'ange-tree, [rendge-tri] s. sizione, distribuzione. arancio, melarancio, m. Or'derless, [rdeurls] s. irreOr'ange-water, [rendge-ouau- golare; confuso, m. tur] s. acqua nanfa, f. Or'derliness , [rdeirlines] s. Or'ange-woman, [rendge-ouou- regolarit, /.; ordine, m. mn] s. venditrice d'aran- Or'derly, [rdeurl] adj. regoce, f. lare, regolato, metodico; - adv. Ora'tion, [oresciein] s. orazio- regolarmente; in ordine. ne, f. Or'dinal, [ordinai] adj. ordinale, Or'ator , [orater] s. oratore, secondo l'ordine; -, s. rituale, aringatore; predicatore, m. cerimoniale, w.

regolarmente. Ordina'tion, [rdinscieun] s. ordinazione, /. Ord'nance, [rdnanse] s. artiglieria, /.; cannoni, m. pi. Or'donnance, [rdnnse] s. disposizione; regolarit, /. Or'dure, [ordire] s. sporcizia, immondizia, lordura, /. Ore', [ore] $. minerale, fossile, m. O'read, [orid] s. oreade, /. Or'gan, [organ] s. organo, m. (strumento); organ-hand, s. organetto, organino, m. Or'gan-builder, [rgn-bldeir] s. fabbricatore d'organi, m. Organ'ic, Organ'ical, [organic, rgncl] adj. organico orga;


Organ'ically, [organicle'] adv. organicamente. Organ'icalness, [rgnicalns] s. organizzazione, /.

s. struttura organica, /. O'rganist, [organist] s. organista, suonatore d" organo, m. Organiza'tion, [rgnizscieun] .organizzazione, /. Or'ganize, [rganaize] v. a. organizzare; ordinare. Or'gan-loft, [rgn-loft] .luogo nella chiesa dove posto 1' organo, m. Or'gan-pipe, [organ-paipe] s. canna d' organo, /. Or'gasm, [rgsm] s. orga-

Or'ganism, [organism]

s. pi. orgie , baccanali, m. pi. Or'ichalch,[riclc]s.oricalco,m. O'riel, [oril] s. specie di finestra sporgente, /. O'rient, [orient] adj. d'oriente, levante; -, s. oriente, levan-

smo, nt. Or'gies , [ordges]



Orien'tal, [orientai] adj. orientale, d'oriente. Orien'tals, [orientals] s. pi. po-

j^ orientali, m. pi. Orien'talism , [orientalism] idioma orientalo, w.


Orien'talist , [orientalist] orientalista, m.



[stentOrtho'epy, [orth^oipe'] . ortoe- Ostenta'tonsness , pia, retta pronunziazione, f. sciusnes] s. pomposit, vanit, f. Or'iflce, [orifisj s. oriiicio, m.; Orthog'onal, [rth-ogonl] adj. apertura, f. (ma,, f. rettangolo. Osteorogy, [ostiolodg] .osteologia, /. Or'iflame, [riflme] s. orifiam- Orthog'rapher, [ortb^ografeur] Os'tiary , [ostiare'] s. ostiario, Or'igan, [origan] .origano, m.; s. versato neir ortografia, wi.

majorana salvatica, f. Or'igin, [ridgn] s. origine, principio, corainciamento, wi. Orig'inal, [oridginal] adj. originale ; primitivo ; -, s. originale, m. s. Original'lty, [oridgiulit] originalit, f._ Originally, [ordginl] adv. originalmente. Orig'inary , [ridginar] adj. originario, principale. Orig'inate, [rdginete] v. a. & n. originare; derivare. Origina'tion , [rTdginescieun] s. generazione,/'.; principio, m. Or'on, [rain] s. orione, m. Or'ison, [orizeiia] s. preghiera; orazione, f. Or'lop, [rlop] s. ponte inferiore di nn bastimento da guerra, wi.

portinajo, i. Ortliograph'ical,[rth'-5grficl] Os'tler , [stleur] s. stalliere, adj. ortografico, d' ortografia. Orthograph'ically,[ortli-'grfi- stabulario, m. cle'] adv. in modo ortografico. Os'traoism, [strasism] s. ostra-

V. a. ortografizzare.

cismo, m. Os'tracize,[ostrasaIzel v. a. daOrthog'raphy, [rthografe'] s. re r ostracismo, bandire. Os'trich , [strtsc] s. struzzo, ortografia, f. Ortliorogy,[6rth.-olodge'] s. or- struzzolo, m. Otacous'tic, [otacstxc] s. otatologia, /. Or'tve, [ortiv] adj. (astr.) ortivo. custico, m. Or'tolau , [ortolan] s. ortola- Oth'er, [euth'eur] pron. altro; every - day, un giorno sa, un no, m. giorno no; on the - side, dalOrts', [orts] s. rimasuglio, m.; frammenti, m. pi ; rifiuto; re- l'altra parte; others, pi. gli



Oth'erguise , Or'val, [orval] s.{bot.) clarea,/". Oth'erguess , Oryctog'nosy, [rctgnos] s. [euth eurghs,euth' eirghize] arfj.d'un'altra sorta(pocc usjito). oritonosia, f. [eutiieuroueve] Os'cillate, [slete] v. n. oscil- Oth'erwhere, adv. in un altro luogo, altrove. lare. [eith-eurouaile] Oscilla'tion , [osilescieSn] s. Oth'erwhile , adv. in un altro tempo. Or'nameat, [ornament] s. orna- oscillazione, vibrazione, /. [etbieirouaTse] mento, m. Os'cillatory, [silateur] adj. Oth'erwise , adv. altrimente. Or'nament, [ornament] v. a. oscillatorio, vibrativo. ornare, adornare. Os'citancy, Oscita'tion, [os- Ot'ter, [teur] s. lontra, f. (aniOrnamen'tal, [ornamental] adj. itnse', sitescieiin] s. sbavi- male anfibio e rapace). ornamentale, d' ornamento. glio, m.; negligenza, incuria, /. Ought', [t] vedi Aught, Ornamen 'tally, [ornamentale'] Os'citant, [ositant] adj. sbavi- Ought', [t] V. def. it - to be so, dovrebbe esser cosi I - to go adv. ornatamente. gilante, infingardo. Or'namented, Or'nate, [orna- Os'citantly, [sitntle'] adv. ne- thither, dovrei andarvi. Ounce', [aounse] s. oncia, /. mented, rnte] adj. ornato, gligentemente. abbellito. O'sier, [gieur] s. vinco, vmi- Ounce', [aounse] s. lince, wi.; pantera, f. (aereo, m. Ornate'ness, [orntenes] s. or- ne, m. natezza, ornatura, f. Os'pray, [ospre'] s. frosone, os Ouphe', [iife] s. folletto, spirito Ou'phen, [ufn] adj. di folletto, Ornitliolog'ical, [rnitlilodgisifrago, m. di spirito aereo. cl] adj. appartenente air or- Os'seous, [osciiis] adj. osseo. nitologia. Os'scle, [sicr] s. osserello, os Our',[aour] pron. nostro, nostra, nostri, nostre. Orhithorogist, [ornithlodgst] setto, m. Ossific, [osifTc] adj. clie trasfor- Ours', [aoirs] pron. il nostro, s. ornitologo, m. la nostra, i nostri. Ornthorogy, [rnitholodge'] s. ma in osso, Ossiflca'tion, [osTficliescioun] s. Ourselves', [aourslves] pron. ornitologia, f. pi. noi, noi stessi, noi stesso. Or'phan, [rfn] ad;, orfano; -, ossificazione, f. Os'sifrage, [sifredge] s. ossi- Ou'sel, [uz'l] s. merlo, m. (ucs. orfano, m.; orfana, f. cello). Or'phanage, [orfnedge] s. orfa- frago, m. nit, f. Os'sify, [osifSi] V. a. fare dive- Oust', [aoust] V. a. portare via; privare ;_spignere. Orphanot'ropliy, [orfunotrofe'] nir osso; -, V. n. ossificarsi s. orfanotrofio, m. Ossiv'orous, [osvoreis] adj. os- Out', [aout] adv. & prep, fuori, fuora, fuor di; fuor di casa; Or'piment, [rpimnt] s. orpi- sivoro. mento, m. Os'suary, [osiuar] s. carnajo,m. 0/ danger, fuor di pericolo; Or'pine, [orpaine] s. (bot.) fa- Osten'sible , [stnsibr] adj of favor, disgraziato; - of hand, - of hatred per odio; su'bito vagello, wi. ostensibile, apparente. Or'rery, [orre'] s. {astr.) pla- Osten'sibly , [ostensible'] adv. - of hope, senza speranza; - of humor, d cattivo umore; - of netario, m. apparentemente. order, in disordine; indisposto, Or'ris,[6rs] . specie di iride,/', Osten'sive, [stnsiv] adj. estenammalato - of place, senza imsivo. Ort', [rt] s. frammento, rimasuglio, m. (poco usato). Ostent', [ostent] s. aspetto; pro- piego;- of sight, a perdita di vista; - of tune, discordante; Or'thodox, [rth'-odcs] adj. or- digio, portento, m. Ostenta'tion, [ostntescieun] s. - of use, inusitato; to be - , todosso. sbagliare, errare; esser finito; Or'thodoxly, [orth^odocsle'] adv. ostentazione, /.; fasto, m. [stntescius] esser spento , esser estinto ; Ostenta'tous, in modo ortodosso. esser voto. Or'thodoxy, [rth-odocse'] s. or- adj. pomposo, fastoso. [ostento Out'![aut] int. uscite di quii Ostenta'tionsly , todossia, /. Or'thoepst, [rth^oipist] s. or- scieusle'] adv. pomposamente, Out', [aout] V. a. spogliare, pri'

toepista, m.

fastosamente, vanamente.


Ontact', [aoutact] r. a. & n. oltrepassare, eccedere, andare air eccesso. Outbarance, [aoutbalanse] v. a. sbilanciare; preponderare. Outbid', [aoutbfd] r. a. irr. alzar il prezzo (airincanto), iiicarire.





Out'gate, [aoutghte]

uscita, Outprze', [aoutpraize] v. a. eccedere in valore. Outgen'eral, [aoiitdgeneral] v. Out'rage, [aotrdgc] s. oltraggio, m.; offesa, ingiuria ; vioa. eccedere in destrezza. Outgive', [aotghiv] v. a. irr. lenza, f. Out'rage, [aoitredge] v. a. olsuperare in liberalit.


Outbid'der,[aotbdeur] .maggior offerente, ni. Outblush', [aoutbleusce] v a. arrossire pi di un aUro.


Outbound', [aoutbaound] caricato, destmato fuori.


Outbrave', [aoutbrve] v.a. bra-


veggiare, affrontare^ [aoStbrez'n] v. a. bravare, affrontare, minacciare altieramente. Out'break, [aoutbreclie] s. eru- straniero, forestiero. zione; uscita, f. Outlast', [oatlast] v. a. durare Outbreathe', [aoStbrlth^e] v.a. pi lungamente. spirare; faticare. Out'law, [oaut'l] s. proscritto, Out-cast, [aoutcast] adj. esilia- bandito, wi. _ to, sbandito; di rifiuto ;-,s. esi- Out'law, [aoutl] v. a. proscriliato, sbandito, m. vere, bandire. Outclimb', [aoutclame] v. a. Out'lawry, [aoStlore'] s. pro arrampicare pi che un altro. scrizione, /.;_bando, m. Outcraft', [aoiitcraft] v. a. su- Out'lay , [aoutl] s. dispendio, perare in astuzia. m.; spesa, f. Out'cry, [aoutcrai] s. remore; Outleap', [aoitllpe] v. a. straschiamazzo, m. balzare. Outdare', [aotdre] v. a. irr. Out'let, [aoutlot] s. uscita, f. sfidare, braveggiare. esito passaggio, m. Outdate', [aotdte] v. a. anti- Out-lie', [aotlai] v. a. sorpas datare; invecchiare; disusare. sare nel mentire. Outdo', [aotd] v. a. irr. su- Out'line, [aoitlaine] .contorno; perare; soprastare. schizzo, m. Outdo'er, [aoutdueur] s. supe- Outlive', [aoutliv] v. a. soprav;

Outgo', [aotgoj V. a. irr. oltrapassare, andar pi presto; (spesa, f. precedere. Outgo'ing, [aoutgong] s. uscita. Outgrow', [aotgr] ;. a. irr. diventar troppo grande. Outguard', [aotgrd] s. guardia avanzata, f. Out'house, [aouthause] s. rimessa; casipola,/. Outknave', [aoutneve] v.a. sorpassare in furberia. Outland'ish, [aoutlandsc] adj.

traggiare, maltrattare.

Outra'geous, [aoutrdgeus] adj.

oltraggioso, ingiurioso; atroce.

Outra'geously, [aoutrdgeusle'] adv. oltraggiosamente, atrocemente, fieramente. Outra'geonsness, [aoutrdgeusnes]


oltraggio, m.; violenza;



Outreach', [aoutrtsc] v. a.reg. & irr, oltrepassare ingannare.


Outride', [aotralde] v. a. irr. precorrere a cavallo. Outri'der, [aotraider] s. battistrada, m.

Out'right, [aoutrite] adv. subitamente, incontanente. Outri'val, [aoutraivl] v. a. superare in eccellenza. Outroar', [aoStrore] v. a. eccedere in rugghiamenti. Outroot', [aoutrute] v. a. sradicare, estirpare.

Outrun' , [aoutreun] v. a. irr. avanzare nel correre, proceder

nel correre ;_eccedere. Outsail', [aoutsele] v. a. avanzare alla vela, navigare pi presto.

Outscorn', [aouscorn] v. veggiare, dispregiare.



Outsell', [aoutsl] v. a. irr. so-

ratore, m.


pravvendere. Out'set, [aoutset]

Outdo'ing, [autduing] s. supe- Outliv'er , [aoutlveur] s. soramento, m. pravvivente; siiperstite, w. Outdone', [aoutdeun] adj. su- Outliv'ing , [aoutlvngj s. soperato, vinto. pravvivere, m. Outdrink', [aotdrmc] v. a. irr. Outlook', [aofitluc] s. vigilaneccedere nel bere. za, /. Outdweir, [aoitduel] v. a. re- Outlook', [oaiitluc] v. a. guarstare indietro. dare con cipiglio. Out'er, [aoteur] adj. esteriore, Outly'ing, [aoutlaing] adj. conesterno.

s. cominciamento, principio, m. Outshine', [aoStsciaini?] v. a,

irr. sorpassare in splendore. Outshoot', [aoutscite] v. a. irr. tirare di l_del segno. Outside', [aoutsadej s. superficie, /.; esteriore, m.; apparen-



Outsit', [aotsit] V. a. irr. difinante; ulteriore. morare di l del tempo. Out'erly, [aouterl] adv. este- Outmarch', [oatmartsc] v. n. Out'skirt, [aotschert] s. sobriormente, esternamente. precedere nella marcia. borgo, m.

Out'ermost, [aoiiteirmost] adj. Outmeas'ure, [aotmgiureju

estremo, ultimo. eccedere in misura. Outface', [aoutfse] v. a. man- Out'most, [oatmost] a^/j. estretenere in faccia. mo, ulteriore, rimotissimo. Outfawn', [aotfon] v. a. lo- Outnum'ber , [aotneiimbeur] dare air eccesso. V. a. sorpassare in numero. Out'fit, [aoutft] s. approvvi- Outpace', [aoutpse] v. a. pregionamento, m. cedere. Outflank', [oatflanc] v. a. Out'parish, [aoutparsc] s. parestendere il fianco di un eser- rocchia fuor della citt, f. cito pi oltre di quello di Out'part , [oatprtj s. parte nn altro. esterna, /. Outfly', [oaitflai] v.a. irr. vo- Out'port, [aoutprt] s. porto a lare pi velocemente, sorpas- qualche distanza da una citsare nel volo. t, m. Outfool', [aoStfle] v. a. sor- Out'post, [aotposte] s. guardia passare in follia. avanzata, /. Out'form, [aotform] s, este- Outpour', [aoitpre] v. n. verriore, wi.; apparenza, f. sare fuori in abbondanza.

Outsleep', [aoiitsllpe] v. a. irr. dormire troppo. Outspeak', [aoutspiche] v.a. irr. parlare troppo. Outspread', [aoutspred] v. a. irr. spandere, diffondere. Outstand',[aoutstand] V. n. irr. mantenere , far fronte resi,


Outstar', [aoutstore] v.a. guardare con cipiglio; sconcertare. Outstretch', [aotstrtsc] v. a. distendere, spandere. Outstrip' , [aoutstrip] v. a. avanzare, superare; prevenire. Outswear',[aoutsure] v. a. irr. giurare pi di. Outtalk', [aoiittoche] v. a. ec cedere nel parlare.



Overdry', [veurdrai]
v. a. as

Outval'ue, [aoutvaliu] .a. sor- Overact', [oveuract] v. a. eccedere. passare in pregio. Outven'om, [aoutveneSm] v. a. Overarch' , [oveurartsc] v. o. voltare; fabbricare a volta. essere pi velenoso. Outvie', [aoutvai] v. a. sorpas- Overawe', [overo] v. a. tenero in timore, tenere in rispetto. sare, superare; eccedere. Outvil'lain, [aoutvilu] v. a. ec- Overharance, [oveurbalnse] s. sovrappi; eccesso, m. cedere in scelleratezza. Outvote', [aoutvote] v. a. avere Overbal'ance, [veirblanse] v.
la pluralit de' voti.

Outwalk', [aoutouoc] minare pi presto.


v. a.

Out'wall, [aoutouol] s. cere, (prepotente. ro muro estejriore, wi. Out'vpard, [aotouard]arfj. este- Overbear'iiig,[oveurbriig] adj. riore, esterno; - f. pi.; - show, Overbend', [veurbnd] v.a. tendere troppOj s. ostentazione, /".; -, s. esterioOverbid', [veurbd] r. a. irr. re, m. ; forma esterna, f. Out'ward, Out'wardly, [aout- offerire all'incanto; incarire. ouard, aoutouardle'] adv. este- O'verboard , [oveiirbrde] adv. riormente, esternamente; in ap- fuor della nave. Overboil', lverboil] v. a. bolparenza. Out'wards, [aotouards] adv. al lire troppo. Overbold', [oveurbold] ad], tropdi fuori, fuor dol_paese. Outwear', [aoutouere] v. a. irr. po temerario. Overbuild' , [everbld] v. a. durare pi; annojare. Outweed', [aoutoiiide] v.a. svel- fabbricare troppo, eccedere nel
lere, sradicare.

a. sbilanciare, tracollare, preponderare. _ Overbear', [oveurbre] v.a. irr. antimn- sormontare; reprimere; vin-


seccare troppo. Over-ea'ger, [oveir-Igheur] adj. troppo ardente. Over-ea'gerly, [oveur-igheurl] adv. troppo ardentemente. Over-ea'gerness, [ver-igheurnes] .troppo grande ardore, m. Over-eat', [ver-te] v. n. irr. to - one^s self, mangiar troppo. Overeye', [veurai] v. a. invigilare, osservare. Overfall', [veiirfl] s. cateratta, cascata d' acqua, f. Overfill', [overfl] w. a. empiere troppo. _ (fino. Overfine', [oveurfane] adj. straOverfioat',[oveurflte] v. n. fiottare; galleggiare. _ Overflow', [verflo] s. inondazione, f. Overflow', [veurfl] v. a. & n.
irr. inondare, traboccare. Overflow'ing, [veurfloing] s. soprabbondanza, f.; eccesso, m. Overflow'ingly, [veurflingle] adv. soprabbondantemente.

Outweigh', [aoiito]

Overfly', [verflai] v. n. irr. fabbricare. pe- Overbulk', [veurbeiilc] v. a. sopravvolare. Overfond' , [oveirfdnd] sopraccaricare, aggravare. sare pi, sbilanciare. adj. Outwit', [aoutouit] V. a. ingan- Overbur'den, [verbourd'n] v. troppo affezionato. Overfor'ward, [oveirfdrouord] nare, truffare. a. sopraggravare; opprimere. Out'work, [aoitouerc] .edificio Overbuy', [oveurbaij v. a. irr. adj. troppo sollecito troppo
v. a.

frettoloso. comprare troppo caro. esteriore, m. Out'worn', [aotouoiirne] adj. Overcar'ry, [veurcr] v. a. Overfor'wardness , [oveurforourdns] . troppa premura, f. portare troppo injianzi. usato, logoro. Outworth', [aoutoueurtli^] v.a. Overcast', [oveiircast] v.a. irr. Overfreight', [oveurfrte] v. a. caricare troppo, sopraccaricare. offuscare, oscurare, aidombrare; eccedere in valore. Outwrought, [aotrote] adj. su- -, V. n. offuscarsi^, adombrarsi. Overfruit'ful , [oveirfrteful] Overcau'tous, [oveurcscies] adj. troppo fruttifero , troppo perato.

abbondante. Ouze', [uzei s. terra melmosa, f. adj. troppo cauto. Ou'zy, [uz] adj. umido, panta- Overcharge', [oveurciardge] s. Overget', [veurghetj v. a. irr. sopraccarico rincarimento, w. sopraggiugnere; arrivare. noso. O'val, [ovai] ai'/j. ovale, di forma Overcharge', [veiir ciar dge ] v a. Overglance', [overglanse] v.a, percorrer^ coir occhio. d'uovo, ellittico; - window, s. caricare troppo opprimere Overgo', [oveurgoj v. a. irr. sorrincarire. finestra tonda, /. ; occhio, m. ; Overcloud', [veirclaud] v. a. passare. -, s. ovale, m. Overgorge', [oveurgordge] v. a. Ova'rious, [vrius] adj. fatto annuvolare, oscurare. Overcloy', [oveurcli] v. a. sa- satollare; impinzare. d' uova. Overgreat' , [veurgrte] adj. O'vary, [var] s. (anat.) ovaja,/". tollare. Ova'tion, [ovscieun] s. ovazio- Overcome', [oveurchem] v.a. troppo grande, eccessivo. irr. superare, sormontare; Overgrow', [oveirgro] v.n.irr, ne, /.; piccol trionfo, m. divenir troppo grande. vincere. Ov'en, [euv'n] s. forno, m. Ov'en-fork , [euv'nforc] s. for- Overcom'er, [oveiircheuiTeir] s. Overgrowth', [oveurgrth-e] s. accrescimento eccessivo, w. chetto (da forno), m. superatore; vincitore, m Ov'en-peel, [ev'npile] s. pala Overcon'fldent,[oveurconfidnt]jOverhale', [oveurhele] v. (da forno), /. adj. troppo ardito, presuntuoso.' {mar.) esaminare di nuovo. Ov'en-tender, [euv'ntendeur] s. Overcount', [oveurcaoint] t>. a. (Overhang', [oveirhng] v. a & n. irr. pendere in fuori, aggetfornajo, m. domandare troppo. 0'ver,[oveur]prcp. & adv. sopra, Overcu'rious, [oveurchiurius] tare. Overhap'py, [oveurhape'] adj. su, sopra di; troppo, oltre; adj. troppo curioso. and -, molte volte; - and above, Overdo',[veurdu] v. a. irr. fare troppo felice. oltre; - again, di nuovo, da troppo, eccedere; faticar trop- Overhar'den,[5vourhard''n] v.a. capo; - against, in faccia, di- po; opprimere; to - one's self, iadurire troppo. Overhas'ten, [veurhs'n] i'. a. rimpetto - night, la notte pas- faticarsi troppo. affrettar troppo. Bata; io he -, esser finito ces- Overdress', [veflrdres] v. a. vesare; restare; to give -, tra- stire con troppa pompa; -, v. n. Overhas'tiness, [veurhestines] s. fretta soverchia, f. lasciare; finire; to turn-, vol- adornarsi troppo. Overdrive', [oveirdraive] v. a. Overhas'ty, [veurhst] adj. tare. Overabound', [veurahaound] v. irr. fare andare troppo presto, troppo affrettato, frettoloso, precipitosOi stimolare troppo. . soprabbondare.




vedi Overply', [veurplai] v. a. so- Oversold', [veursld] adj. so* praggravare, sopraccaricare. pravvenduto, stravenduto. Overhead', [overhed] adv. in Overpoise', [veurpoize] s. pre- Oversoon' , [veursune] adv. alto, sopra, in su. ponderanza, f.j peso, m. troppo presto. _ Overhear', [veurlure] v.a. irr. Overpoise' , [veurpize] v, a. Oversor'row, [oveiirsoro] v. n. affliggersi ad eccesso. udire senza essere osservato. contrabilanciare. Overheat' , [oveurhite] v. a. Overpow'er, [5veurpaouur].a. Overspent', [veurspent] adj. scaldare soverchio, infiammare. predominare, prevalere. affaticato, esausto. Overjoy', [veiirdgioi] s. estasi, Overpress', [oveurprs] v. a. Overspread'[verspred] v.a. irr. m.; v. n. /.; eccesso di gioja, spandere; allargare, dilatare. opprimere; ammaccare. essere eccessivamente allegro. Overprize', [veurpraize] v. a. Overstand', [oveurstnd] v. a. Overla'bor,[veurlbeur]r.o. fa- stimare troppo. irr. stare troppo sulle conditicare troppo -, V .n. affaticarsi. Overrate', [veurrite] v. a. stizioni. Overlade', [ovoirlde] v. a. irr. mare troppo; domandare troppo. Overstock', [veurstoc] v.a. emsopraccaricare; aggravare. Overreach', [veurritche] v. a. piere troppo; calcare. _ Overlarge', [oveurlardge] adj. reg. & irr. prevenire; inganna- Overstrain', [veirstrene] v. a. sforzare, raffinare troppo troppo largo, troppo ampio. re, eludere -, v. n. irr. tagliarV. n. sforzarsi. Overlay', [oveurlj v. a. irr. af- si; ammaccarsi. fogare, soffolcare, incrostare. Overreach'er, [oveurritscieur] Overstretch', [veiirstretsc]v.a. stendere troppo, stiracchiare. Overlaying, [veurllng] s. co s. ingannatore, truifatore, m. primento superficiale. Overread', [veurride] v. a. irr. Overstrew', [veurstru] v. a. Overleap', [veurlipe] v. a. irr. leggere; esaminare. irr. spargere. saltare di l; trapassare. Overreck'on, [veurrecheiin] v. Oversway', [oveursue'] v.a. preOverleath'er, [oveiirlth'eiir] s. a. contare troppo, computare dominare, prevalere. tomajo, wi. troppo. Oversweir,[veursul] v. a. irr. Overlive', [veirnv] v. a. & Override', [veurrade] v.a.irr. rigcnfiarej traboccare. strapazzare (un ca- O'vert , [oveiirt] adj. aperto, n. sopravvivere, vivere pi di. faticare pubblico. Overliv'er, [veiirliveur] s. so- vallo). pravvivente, m. Overripe', lveurrape] ad;", trop- Overtake', [oveurtiche] v. a. Overload', [overlde] v. a. so- po maturo. giugnere irr. acchiappare ; praccaricare aggravare. Overri'pen, [oveurrap'n] v. a. sorprendere. adj. Overlong', [oveurlng] far troppo maturo. Overtalk', [veurtoche] v. n. troppo lungo. Overroast', [oveurrste] v. a. parlare troppo. Overlook', [oveurliic] v. a. aver arrostire troppo. _ Overtask', [oveurtasche] v. a. l'ispeziono; soprastare, domi- Overrule', [oveiirrule] v. a. do- imporre un lavoro troppo grave. nare; invigilare; esaminare; minare, governare. Overtax', [veurtcs] v. a. taschiudere gli occhi; trascurare; Overru'ler, [veirruleiir] s. go- sare troppo, _esigere troppo. tenere a sdegno, disprezzare vernatore, O'verthrow, [oveiirth^rl s. sovrivedere. Overrun', [oveiirreun] v. a. irr. vertimento, m.; sconfitta, roviOverlook'er, [oveurliichur] s. stracorrere; coprire; inondare; na, rotta, f. soprantendente;soprastante,ni.) predare; -, v. n. irr. essere Overthrow', [oveurth'ro] v.a. irr. Overmas'ter, [vearmasteur] v.l troppo pieno. rovesciare, rovinare, disfare. a. governare da padrone Overscru'pulous , [veurscru- Overthrow'er,Loveurth-roeur] s. Overmatch', [veurmatsc] s. piuleiis] adj. troppo scrupo- sovvertitore, rovinatore; vin(mare. citore, m. partita ineguale, f. loso, Overmatch', [oveiirmtsc] v. a. Oversea', [veiirsi] a^/v. d'oltre Overthwart', [veurth^ouort] sormontare; vincere. Oversee', [oveursi] v. a. irr. so- a(/i. opposite, avverso; ostinato Overmeas'ure, [veurmegiure] prantendere; omettere. (poco usato). s. soverchio, soprappi, m. Overseer', [oveursirej s. sopran- OverthvFarfly, [verth^ouortOvermod'est,[veurmdst] adj. tendente, m. l] adv. a traverso, obliquamodesto ad eccesso, troppo ti- Oversell', [oveursel] . a. irr. mente; tortamente; pertinacemido. sopravvendere, stravendere. mente {poco usato). Overmuch', [veurmeutsc] adj. Overset', [oveurset] v. a. irr. Overthwart'ness , [oveSrth-superfluo, eccessivo; -, adv. rovesciare, rovinare - , v. n. ouaurtns] s. pertinacia, casoprammisura^ troppo. parbieria, f. {poco usato). irr. abbattersi, demolirsi. Overname', [oveurnme] v. a. Overshade' , Overshad'ow , Overtire', [veirtaire] v. a. fanominare un dopo V altro. [5veurscde, veurscido] v. a. ticare troppo. (tamente. Overnice' , [oveurnase] adj. adombrare, ombreggiare pro- O'vertly, [oveurtle'] adv. apertroppo delicato, troppo diff- teggere. Overtop' , [veurtp] v. a. socile. Overshoot', [oveursciute] v. a. prastare, sorpassare. Overnight', [oveurnaite] s. notte irr. tirare di l del segno; to Overtrip', [veurtrTp] v. a. cam- one^s self, innoltrarsi troppo passata, f. minare sopra pian piano. Overoffic'ious, [veurfscus] O'versight, [veursaite] s. ispe- O'verture, [5veurtciour]s. aperadj. troppo_ officioso. zione, cura^.; errore, sbaglio,m. tura, scoperta proposizione, Overpass', [oveiirpase] v. a. tra- Overskip', [oveirschp] v. a. ol- offerta; {mus/) sinfonia, f. passare; preterire, omettere; trepassare trascurare omet- Overturn', [oveurteiirn] v.a. sdegnare. tere. sovvertere, rovinare. Overpay', [veurpe'] v. a. stra- Oversleep', [veurslpe] v. n. Overturn'er, [veurteiirneur] s. pagare, soprappagare irr. dormire troppo sovvertitore, distruttore, m. O'verplus , [veurpleiis] s. so- Overslip', [oveurslp] v.a.omet- Overturn'ing, [oveiirteiiruingl prappi, soperchio, w, tere; trascurare, lasciare. S. sovvertimento, m.; rovina, f.





v. o.




stimare troppo. Overveil', [veurvele] v. a. veiare, coprire con un velo. [oveiirvaiolnt] Overvi'olent , adj. troppo violento^ Overvote', [oveurvote] v. a. avere la pluralit delle voci. Overwatch', [veurouotsc] v. a. affaticare con eccessive veglie.

Overwise', [veurouaize] adj. Ox'-eye, [ocsai] s. {bot. mar.) troppo savio.troppo accorto. occhio di bue, m. Overworn' , [verouorne] adj. Ox'-fly, [ocs-flai] s. tafano, m.



[oveuroulcliel adj.

troppo debole. Overwea'ry, [veurouir] v. a. faticare troppo, stancare all'eccesso.



v. .

pensare troppo bene di s. Overween'ing, [veuroining] adj. presuntuoso; -, s. presunzione, arroganza, f. Overween'ingly , [veuroinngl] adv. arrogantemente. Overweigh', [oveuroue'] v. a. pesare pi, essere pi pesante.

pi, m.

s. [veroute] soprapf. ;

Overwhelm', [oveurouelm] v. a. sommergere; opprimere; aggravare.

Ox'like, [ocs-lache] adj. come un bue. troppo lavorato, troppo stu- Ox'-lip, [ocslp] s. (bot.) tassodiato. barbasso, m. Overzeal'ous, [veurzeleus] adj. Ox'-stall, [ocsstol] s. stalla troppo zeloso. da buoi, f. O'viform, [oviform] adj. ovale, Ox'-tongue, [ocs-teung] s. (bot.) di forma d'uovo. buglossa, f. Owe', [] v.a. reg. dovere; esse- Ox'ycrate, [ocsicrte] s. ossire obbligato; I - my life to you, crato, m. vi son tenuto della vita; to pay Ox'ydate, [ocsidte] v.n.{chym.) what is owing, pagare quel ossidarsi. che dobbiamo. Ox'yde, [ocsalde] s. {chym.) osOwl', [aoul] s. civetta, nottola, f. sidato, m. Ow'ler, [aoileir] s. contrab- Ox'ygen, [ocsidgen] s. (chym.) bandiere, m. (le, ri. ossigeno, m. Ow'let, [aoulct] s. civetta, f. Ox'ymel , [csimel] s. ossimeOw'ling , [aouling] s. contrab O'yer, [iur] s. corte di giubando, m. stizia decisiva, f. Own', [one] adj. proprio; my - O'yes ! [o'is] int. ascoltate! il mio, la mia, i miei; my udite Oys'ter, [oisteur] . ostrica, f. self, io medesimo. Own', [one] v. a. confessare, Oys'ter-man, [osteur-mu] s. concedere; riconoscere; posse- venditore d' ostriche, m. dere. Oys'ter-shell, [osteiirscl] s. Ow'ner, [neiir] s. proprietario, conchiglia d' ostrica, /.

oppresso, affaticato, usato.

[veiirrote] adj.

padrone, m.


Ow'nership, [neurscTp]


s. venditriced' ostriche, /. Ozen'a, [ozena] s. (surg.) ozena, /.

Overwhelm 'ingly, [veiiroulmingle'j adv. in modo oppressivo.

priet; signoria, f. Ox', [ocs] s. {oxen, pi.)




pronunzia come in ita- Pacflca'ton, [pasfichscieun] Pack'-horse, [pac-horse] s. cavallo da basto, m. s. pacificamento, faro pace, m. il p si tace: Vsalm, inno sacro; psAato, ci- Pacificator, [psificheteur] s. Pack'ing, [pchiag] . l'imbalb; -ptarmigan; specie di gallo pacificatore, m. lare, wi.; to send -.mandare via; di montagna, Ph nella mede- Pacificatory, [pasfichoteure'] congedare. Pac'king-needle,[pching-nldr] sima sillaba si pronunzia co- adj. pacifico. me / in italiano: phj/stcs, la Pac'ifler, [psifaieur] s. pacifica- s. ago per cucire sacchi, m. fisica: ma in nephew, nipote; Pack'-saddle, [pc-sd'l] s. batore, mediatore, m. Stephen, Stefano prende il suo- Pac'ify, [psifai] r. o. pacifi- sto, m. no del V. care; placare. Pack'-thread, [pac-th^red] s. Pab'ular, [pabiular] adj. che d Pack',[pc] s. balla, balletta, /".; spago, .; cordicina, f.

liano. In Ps e Pt

pascolo, erboso, nutritivo.

fardello, m.;


(di cani), f.; Pact',



Pabula'tion, [pabiulscieun] s. - of cards, msi7.zo di carte, m.; - of knaves, mano di ladri, m. pascimento, pascolo, m. Pab'ulous, [pbiuleus] vedi Pa- Pack', [pc] V. a. imballare; afbular. fardellare; imbastare; to - the Pab'ulum, [pabiuleum] s. pa- cards, accozzare le carte; to scolo, nutrimento, m. awiaiy, fare fagotto; to - off, anPace',[pse] s. passo; andamen- dare via; tirar le calze; fig. to; ambio, m.; to keep - with morire. one, camminare del pari con Pack'age, [pchodge] s. balla, f. uno to mend one's -, raddop- Pack'-cloth, [pac-cloth-] s. tela piare i passi. (tore, m. di sacco, f. Pace', [pese] v. a. misurare co' Pack'er , [pacheiir] s. imballapassi; -, V. n. andare passo a Pack'et, [pcht] s. fascio, farpiego (di letpasso; andar 1' ambio. dello, fastello

Pa'cer, [pseiir] . cavallo am- tere); ballotto, m.; s team -, s. Pad'dle, [pad'l] v. n. remigare; nave a vapore, m. biante, m. Pack'et, [pcht] v. a. imballa- maneggiare; guazzare. Pacha', [pasciao] s. pasci. Pad'dler, [pdler] s. rematoPa'chalic,[pscialc] .giurisdi- re, fare un piego. (parco, ni. Pack'et-boat, [pcht-bote] s. re, ni. zione di un pasci, f. Pad'dock, [padeuc] s. botta, /.,* Pacific, [psifc] adj. pacifico. nave da procaccio, /".

patto, m.; convenzione, f. Pac'tional, [pcscieunl] adj. patteggiato, convenuto. Pad', [pad] s. strada battuta, f.; sentiero; cavallo portante; ladro; guancialetto; cercine, m.; - of straw, pagliaccio, m. Pad', [pad] v. n. rubare le strade; riempiere di borra. Pa'dar, [pdeur] s. farina ordinaria, f. Pad'der, [padeur] s. ladro di strada, m. Pad'dle, [pd'l] s. remo corto e largo, m.

Pad'lock, [padloc] .catenaccio, Pair',[pere]
lucchetto, m. Pad'lock, [padloc] v. a. chiudere con lucchetto. Paduasoy', [paduasoi] s. specie (na, /. di seta. Pae'an, [plan] s. pean, tn.; peaPa'gan, [pegan] adj. pagano, infedele; -, 8. pagano, m. Pa'ganish, [pegnsc] adj. ap-


Pallia'tion, [pliesciein] s. palliamento, m. Pal'liative, [pliativ] adj. palliativo, estenuativo; -, . palliativo,

s. pajo, nt.; coppia, f. Pair', [pere] v. a. appajare accoppiare, accompagnare; -,v.n. accoppiarsi. Pal'ace, [pls] s. palazzo, m. Pala'cious, [plscieiis] adj. maestoso, magnifico. Paradin,[pladn] .paladino,.


Pal'lid, [pld] adj. pallido, squallido, smorto. Pallid'ity, Pal'lidness, [plidite',

. paplidns] s. pallidezza, pallidit, /. lanchino, m. partenente ai pagani. Paratal)le,[pltabr] adj. grato Pallmair, [plmel] s. maglio, giuoco di maglio, m. Fa'ganlsm, [pgnism] s. paga- al gusto, saporito. Pal'atableness , [pltabrnes] Pal'lor, [pleur] s. pallore, m.; nesimo, n.; idolatria, f. pallidezza, f. Pa'ganize, [pgnalze] v.a. pa- . buon sapore, m. Pal'ate, [plt] s. palato; gu- Palm', [pme] s. palma; vittoganizzare. ria, f.; palmo, m. Page',[pedge] .pagina; facciata sto, m. Paratine [plataine] adj. pa- Palm', [pme] v. a. toccare ; (di carta), f. Page', [pedge] s. paggio, servi- latino, di principe -, . palati- giuocar di mano. Palm'-Sunday, [pme-seunde'] dore, m._ no, m. {titolo). Page', [pedge] v. enumerare le Palat'inate, [pltainte] s. pa- . domenica delle palme, f. Pal'mary, [palmare] adj. prinfacciate (d'un libro). latinato, m. Pag'eant, [padgint] adj. pom- Pal'aver , [plveiir] . ciarla, cipale, capitalo. ciarleria, /. Pal'mated, [plmated] adj. avenposo, splendido. Pag'eant, [pdgiant] s. spetta- Pale', [pele] adj. pallido, smor- te i piedi larghi. Palm'er, [pamur] s. palmiere; colo, m.; pompa, s. to to grow -, impallidire. Pag'eant, [pdgiant] v. a. dare Pale', [pele] s. palo, m.; palata, pellegrino, m. uno spettacolo; rappresentare. palafitta, /.; riparo; grembo Palm'er-worm, [pmuroueiirm] s. centogambe, m. (verme). Pag'eantry, [pdgintrj s. fa- {della chiesa), m. sto, wi.; pompa, f. Pale',[ple] v.a. palificare; stec- Palmet'to, [palmeto] . specie Pag'inal, [pdginal] adj. che conare; -, ..fare impallidire. di palma, m. consiste di pagine. Pale'-eyed , [ple-i'd] adj. di Pal'miped, [palmiped] adj. palmipede. Pa'god,Pago'da,[pegod, pegoda] vieta fosca. .pagoda,/'.; tempio indiano, m. Pale'-faced,[pele-fs'd] adj. pal- Pal'mister, [plmisteir] . chiPair, [ple] s. secchia, f. romante, indovinatore, m. lido, smorto, Pail'ful , [peleful] s. secchiata, Pale'ly, [pelele'] adv. pallida- Pal'mistry, [plmistr] s. chisecchia piena, f. romanzia, f. mente; languidamente. Pain', [pne] .pena, punizione, Pale'ness, [pelens] s. pallidez- Pal'my, [pme'] adj. pieno di dolore, m.; affli za; bianchezza livida, f. palme. /. ; supplizio zione, f.; to take - s, affaticarsi; Paleog'raphy, [pligrafe'] s. Palpability , [plpabilit] s. - , pi. doglie nel parto, f. pi. paleografia, f. evidenza, chiarezza, /. pain', [pene] v. a. dolere, dar Pa'leous, [pelieus] adj. paglioso. Pal'pable , [plpabl'] adj. palpena. Parette, [plt] . {paint.) ta- pabile; evidente, chiaro. Painful, [pneful] adj. doloro- volozza, assicella, /. Pal'pableness,[plpabrns] vedi so, penoso, faticoso. Pal'frey, [polfre'] s. palafreno, m. Palpability. Pain'fully, [pneful] adv. do- Palifica'tion, [plifichscieun] Pal'pably, [palpable'] adv. in lorosamente, con pena, penosas. palificata, /. modo palpabile^ chiaramente. mente. PaVindrome, [palindrome] s. Palpa'tion, [plpscieun] s. pal[pnefilnes] Pain'fulness, . palindromo, m. pamento, toccamente, m. pena, afflizione difficolt, f. Pal'inode, Pal'inody, [palinode, Pal'pitate, [plpitete] v. n. palPai'nm, [penm] adj. pagano, palinode'] . palinodia, f. pitare, pulsare. infedele; -, _. pagano, m. Palisade', [plisde] s. palizza- Palpita'tion, [plpitscieun] s. Pain'less, [penels] adj. senza ta, palificata, f. palpitazione, f. pena, senza afflizione. Palisade', [plisde] v. a. pali- Pal'sied, [polzd] adj. paraliPains'taker, [pnestcheir] s. ficare, ficcare pali, tico. uno che affatica molto, persona Palisa'do, [plisdo] vedi Pali- Pal'sy, [plze'] s. paralisia, /. sade. laboriosa, f. Pal'ter, [polteur] v. a. dissiPains'taking,[penestching]af/i. Pa'lish, [pelisc] adj. pallidet- pare; -, V. n. tergiversare; laborioso, industrioso; -, s. in- to, alquanto smorto. eludere. dustria, f. Pair, [poi] s. palio, panno da Pal'terer, [polteureur] s. uomo Paint', [pente] s. colore liscio, morto, m. doppio, truffatore, furbo, tn. belletto, m. Pair, [poi] V. a. mantellare Partrin'-=!s, [pltrins] s. basPaint', [pente] v. a. dipignere, -, V. n. mettersi il palio; di- sezza, vilt, meschinit /. ventare mucido. rappresentare; -, v. n. imbelPal'try, [poltre] adj. vile, abPalla'dinm, [pldium] s. pal- bietto , meschino lettarsi. infame; Pain'ter , [penteur] . pittore, ladio, m. house, s. casaccia, f. dipintore, m.^(nior.) gomenetta. Palled', [pol'd] adj. mucido; Pa'ly, [ple'] adj.pallido, smorto. Pain'ting, [pentng] s. pintura; insipido, fastidioso. Pam', [pam] . fante di fiori, dipintura, f. lisCiO,belletto,m.; Pal'let, [plt] . piccol letto m. (giuoco di carte). - in oil, pittura in olio, f. misero, pagliaccio, m. Pam'per, [pmpeur] v. a. tratPain'ture , [pntere] s. pittu- Parliate, [pliete] v. a. pallia- tare delicatamente; satollare, ra,/. re; scusare. ingrassare ; raffazzonare (an

Palanquin', [palanchine]





cavallo); to - one's felf, trat- Pannade', [pandc] tarsi bene. capriuola, corbetta,

Pa'per-maker, [ppeurmclieur]

cartajo, cartaro, m.

Pan'nage, [pnidge] s. pascolo Pa'per-mill , fppeir-mil] s. trattare delicatamente. di gbiaade, m. cartiera (da fabbricare la carPam'phlet, [pamflt] s. libret- Pan'nel, [panel] s. basto, m.; ta),/-.

Pam'pering, [parapeuring]


m.; operetta, f. [pmfltire] s. scrittore di libretti scrittore d' operette, m. Pan', [pan] s. padella, casserola; terrina, f.; focone d'un'arma, m. baking -, tegghia, f.; dripping -, ghiotta; leccarda, /"., frying -, padella (da friggere), /. ; warming -, scaldato, libello,
; ;

bardella, /. Pa'per-seller, [ppeirseleir] . Pan'nier, [paneur] s. paniere, cartajo, m. m. cesta, f. Pa'per-staining, [pipeiir-stPan'oply, [panople'] s. pano- ning] s. marezzo, m.
plia, f.

Panora'ma, [panorama] norama, m.



Paj)er-windows, [ppeur-oiindoze] s. pi. impannate, /. pi.

Papil'io, [papilio]



letto, m. Pana'cea, [panasa] s. panacea, f.; rimedio nniversale, m. Pana'da , Panando , [pnada, pnado] s. panata, /. (vivanda). Pan'cake, [pncbche] s. frittella,

Pan'creas, [pancrisj s. {anat.) pancreas, m. Pancreat'ic, [pancriatc] adj.


Pan'sy, [pnze'] s. viola, f. papiglione, m. Pant', [pant] s. anelito, m.; pal- Papiliona'ceous , [papTlionipitazione, f. scieus] adj. papilonaceo. Pant', [pant] v. n. anelare, an- Pap'illary, Pap'illous, [papilare', ppileus] adj. papillare. sare; palpitare. Pantaloon', [pntalun] s. abito Pa'psm, [ppism] s. papismo, m. da pantalone m. ; pantaloni Pa'pst, [pepist] s. papista, m. m. pi.; buffone, m. Papis'tic, Papis'tical, [ppstic, Pan'tlieism,[pntli2iism]s. pan- pepisticl] adj. papistico, de' papisti. teismo, m. Pan'theist, [panth^iist] s. pan- Pa'pistry, [pepstre'] s. papismo, m.; religione Romana, f. teista, m. Panthe'on, [panth^ieun] s. pan- Pap 'pons , [ppeus] adj. pap,

teon, m.




Pan'cy, [pnz] vedi Pansy. Pan'ther, [panth^eur] s. pan- Pap'py, [pape'] adj. mollo, morPan'darism, [pndarizm] s. ruf- Pan'tile, [pantaile] s. tegola, /.; bido, sugoso. fianeria, /". Pap'ulous, [papiuleus] adj. pietegolino, m. Pan'dects , [pandects] s. pi. Pan'ting, [panting] s. anelito, no di pustule. pandette, f. pi. Par', [par] adj. pari, ugnale; -. ansamento, m. Pandem'ic, [pandemie] adj. epi- Pan'tingly , [pntingle'] adv. .pari, m.; ugualit, f.; equivademico. lente, m., to be at -, esser con palpito di cuore. Pander, [pandeur] s. ruffia- Pant'ler, [pntleiir] s. panet- uguale. no, m. tiere, m. Parable, [parabl'] s. parabola, Pan'der, [pandeur] v. a. ruf- Pantof'le, [pantofl'] s. panto- allegoria, similitudine, /". fianare, arruffianare. fola, pianella, f. Parab'ola, [prb'ola] s. {geom.) Pan'derism, [pnderism] vedi Pan'tograph, [pntogrf] s. pan- parabola, /.

[pantomaime] s. bolic, parabolical] adj. parabofiano. lico, di parabola. pantomimo, istrione, m. Pandjcula'tion , [pandicul- Pantomim'ic, Pantomim'ical, ParabDl'ically , [parabolicl] scieun] s. lo sbadigliare, m. adv. in maniera di parabola. [pantomimic pntomiraicl] Pandore', [pandre] s. pando- adj. di pantomimo. Paracen'tesis, [prasntiss] s. ra, Pan'try,[pntr] s. dispensa, ^; paracentesi, f. Pane', [pne] s, vetro di fine- guardavivande, m. Par'achronism, [paracronism] stra; quadrello, m. Pap', [pp] s. papilla; poppa, /. s. paracronismo, m. Paned', [pn'd] adj, composto pan cotto, m. Par'aclete, [praclite] .Spirito di quadrelli. Papa', [papa] s. babbo, m. (voce Santo, m. Panegyric, [panidgmc] s. pa- fanciullesca). Parade' [paride] s. parata negirico, m, Pa'pacy, [ppase'J . papato, ostentazione, mostra; piazza Panegyr'ical, [panidgrical] adj. pontificato, m. d'arme, f.; v. a. adunarsi in panegirico. Pa'pal, [pepai] adj. papale, pon- ordine militare andare in proPanegyrist, [pamdgmst] s. pa- tificale. cessione. negirista, lodatore, m. Papav'eros, [ppvereus] adj.\ Par'adigm, [paradme] s. moPaneg'yrize,[pndgiraze] v. a. di papavero sonnifero. dello, esempio, m.

Pandarism. tografo, m. Pan'derly, [pandeiirle'] adj. ruf- Pan'tomime,

Parabol'lc, Parabol'lcal, [para-



panegi- Pa'per, [ppoiir] s. carta, f.;\[Par'adise, [paradaise] s. pararico. blotting -, carta sugante, (.; diso, m. Pan'el, [panel] s. quadrello, nj.; letter -, carta da lettere, f.; Paradisi'acal , Paradi'sian , lista de' giurati, /".; v.a. formapacking -,ca,Yta, da involto,/'.; [paradisaiacl, pradaizan] adj. re in quadrelli. printing -, carta da stampa, /. di paradiso. Pane'less, [peneles] adj. senza fioretto, wi.; writing -, carta Par'adox, [pradocs] s. para,




vetri alle finestre. da scrivere,/".; -s, pi. scritture, dosso, m. s. angoscia, Paradoxical, [paradocsical]arff. f. pi.; giornali, m. pi. f.; - s, pi. angosce, f. pi; dolori Pa'per, [pepeur] v. a. coprire paradosso, strano. estremi, m. pi. Paradoxically, [pradocsicle'] di carta. Pang', [pang] v. a. tormentare, Pa'per-credit , Paper-money, adv. in modo paradossale. affannare. [pepeiir-crdt,ppeur-men]s. Paradox'ology,[pradocsldg] Pan'ic, [pnie] adj. panico, su- carta di credito, carta mone- s. r uso dei paradossi, m. bito; - [ear, s. terrore panitata, f.; carta in cui si pro- Par'agon, [pragbeun] s. capo co, m. mette il pagamento de' denari. lavoro; modello perfetto, m.

Pang', [pang]



Pa'rer, [preur] . incastro, m. Par'get, [prdgt] . intonacato,

Par'agon, [paragheun] . a. pa Parasol', [parasle] s. parasole, ragonare, comparare. ombrellino, m. i^r'agraph, [paragraf] . para Par'boil, [parboil] v. a. sobbollire, mezzobollire. jfrafo, m. Paragraph'ically , [paragrafi- Par'cel, [prsel] s. particella, picciola porzione, f.; by -s, a clj adv. in paragrafi, a para minuto; - of rogues, Ijrigata di grafi.
s. giuoco di parole, m. Parallac'tical , Parallac'tic , [prlctic, prlcticl] adj. parallatico. Par'allax, [paralacs] s. paralas-

v. a.

Par'get, [prdgt]


Par'agram, [paragrara]

se, f.

Par'allel, [paralel] adj. parallelo, equidistante; -line, s. linea ciato, (adusto. trinciante di calzolaio, m. parallela, f. Par'allel, [paralel] s. linea pa- Parched", [prtsc'd] ad}, secco, Par'ish, [prisce] s. parrocchia, Parch'edness, [prtscdns] s. /".; - church, s. chiesa parrocrallela; comparazione,/". chiale, f.; - priest, s. parrosecchezza, adustione, f. Par'allel, [paralel] v. a. para-

Par'geter, [prdgteir] s. intonacatore, m. furfanti, f. Par'geting, [prdgeting] s. l'inPar'cel, [prsel] v. a. dividere; tonacare, m. spartire, sminuzzare. Parhe'Iion, [prhilien] s. pareglio, m. Par'celing, [prsling] s. spartimento, m. Pari'etal, [paraetl] adj. muPar'cener, [prseneur] s. (jur.) rale. Pa'ring, [pering] s. ritaglio, coerede, m. Parch', [prtscej v.a. abbruciare, m.; scorza, /". seccare ; -, v, n. essere abbru- Pa'ring-knife, [pering- naife] s.

gonare, assomigliare. Par'allelism , [prllsm] s. parallelismo, m. Parallerogram, [paralelogram] s. parallelogrammo, m. Pararogism , [prldgism] s. paralogismo, m. Paral'Dgize, [paraldgaze] v. a.
lisia, f.

Parching, [prtscng] s. secca- co, m. Par'ish, [parTsce] adj. parrocmente, m.; adustione, {. Parch'ment, [prtscement] s. chiale, di parrocchia. Parishioner, [priscieunour] t. pergamena, carta pecora, f. parrocchiano, m. Parch'ment-maker , [partsc-

sottilizzare, sofisticare. [prliss] s.


mnt-rachur] s. chi fa le Parisyl'lable, Parisyllah'ical, pergamene, m. [prislabr, prislbicl] adj. Pard', [prd] s. leopardo, lio- d' uguale numero di sillabe. Par'itor, [priteur] s. cursore, pardo, m. para- Par'don, [prd'n] .perdono, m.; bidello, m.
grazia,/".; g^eneral

amnistia,/". Par'ity, [prite']


parali- Par'don, [prd'n] v. a. perdonare; far grazia. tico, m. Paralyt'ic, Paralyt'ical, [para- Par'donable, [prd'nabl] adj. perdonabile, scusabile. litic, pralticl] adj. paralitico. Par'alyze, fparalalze] v. a. pa- Par'donableness,[prd'nablnes] s. che pu essere perdonato. ralizzare, privare di moto. Par'amount, [pramaount] adj. Par'donably, [prd'nablj adv. in modo scusabile. superiore; sovrano, primo. Par'amount, [pramaount] s. Par'doner , [prd'neur] s. perdonatore, scusatore, m. capo, padrone, m. Par'amour, [praniurels. aman- Pare', [pere] v. a. pareggiare, te, innamorato, m. scortecciare, scrostare (pane) Par'anymph, [pranimf] s. pa- affilare; to - the nails, tagliare raninfo, m. le unghie. Par'apet, [parapet] s. parapet- Paregor'ic, Paregor'ical, [prigric, prigoricl] adj. paregoto, m.; sponda, /. Parapherna'lia, [parafeurnlia] rico, lenitivo. s. (jur.) beni parafernali, stra- Parenchy'ma , [prencraa] s.

Paralyt'ic, [paralitic]

s. parit, uguasimilitudine, simiglian-



Park', [pare] s. parco, serraglio d' animali, m. Park', [pare] v. a. mettere in un parco, rinchiudere. Par'ker , Park'-keeper, [prcheur, prc-chipeiir] s. custode di parco, m. Parlance, [prinse] s. conversazione, conferenza, f. Par'ley, [parie] s. conferenza, /.; parlamento, m.; to beata -, to sound a -, suonare la chiamata. Par'ley, [parie'] v. n. parlamentare; conferire.

dotali, m. pi. Par'aphraso, [prafrize]

parenchima, m.

pa- Parene'sis, [preniss]



rafrasi, interpretazione,

Par'liament, [prliment] .parlamento; senato, m. pare- Parliamen'tary, [prlimentare'] adj. parlamentario.

Par'aphrase, [prafrze] v. a. Parenet'ic, Parenet'ical, [precommentare. netic, prenticl] adj. parenePar'aphrast, [parafrasti s. pa- tico.Pa'rent, [prent] s padre, gerafraste, commentatore, wi. Paraphras'tiCjParaphras'tical, nitore, tn.; madre, f. [prafrstc, prafrsticl] orfj. Pa'rentage, [prntdge] s. parentado, m.; stirpe, f. parafrastico. Paraphras'tically , [parafrs- Paren'tal , [parental] adj. paticl] adv. parafrastica- terno, di parenti materno. Paren'tally, [parentale] adv. da mente. Par'asang, [parasang] s. para- parente. sanga, /. (misura di 50 stadj). Parenta'tion, [parente scieun] s.







sala, f.;


[prleur] , parlatorio, m.

s. parmigiano, m. (cacio). Paro'chial,_Paro'chian, [parochial, prochin] adj. parrocchiale, della parrocchia. Par'ody, [prd] s. parodia, f. Par'ody, [prod] u. a. parodia-

Parmesan', [prmizn]

par'asite, [prasaite] s. parasi- parentazione, f. re, travestire. Paren'thesis, [prenth^sis] s. Par'ol, [parle] adj. orale. te; ghiottone, m. /". Parasit'ic, Parasit'ical, [para- parentesi, Par'ole, [parle] s. parola; prositic, parasitical] adj. parasiti- Paren'ticide , [parentisaide] s. messa, f. parricida, m. 00, di parasite. Paronomas'ia, Parono'masy, Parasit'ically,[parasticale']arfr. Pa'rentless, [prentles] adj. sen[paronomsia, pronmasj t, za padre e madre. paranomasia, /. in modo parasitico.

Par'oquet, [parochite] pagallo, m.
Paro'tis, [prots]



adj. parti-

Par'ty-jury, [partdgiure'] .giu-

pap- Par'tible, [partibl']

bile, divisibile.

rati spartiti, m. pi. (ana(.) pa- Partic'ipable, [partsipabr] adj. Par'ty-man, [prt-man] s. fazioso; sedizioso, m. che pu esser participate. rotide, f. . [prte'-oul] Par'oxysm, [parocsism] .pa- Partic'ipant, [prtsipnt] adj. Par'ty-wall, muro divisorio, m. (cida, m. partecipante. rossismo, m. Par'ricide, [parisaTde] s. parri- Partic'lpate, [partisipete] v. a. Pas', [pa] s. passo, m.; precedenza, /. partecipare, aver parte. Parricid'ious Parrici'dal , [pascal] adj. pa[prisaidl, parisdius] adj. Participa'tion,[prtisipsc6un] Pas'chal , squale. s. participazione, f.; participadi parricida. Pashaw', [pascio] s. pasci, m. Par'rot , [preiit] s. parroc- mento, m. Particip'ial, [partisipil] adj. Pasig'raphy, [pasigraf] s. pachetto, pappagallo, m. sigrafia, f. Par'ry, [pare] v. a. parare; evi- di participio. Particip'ally,[partispil]adv. Pasque'-flower, [pasc-flaur] . tare. anemone, f. Parse', [parse] v. a. spiegare le a modo di participio. Par'ticiple, [partisipl'] s. (gr-) Pas'quin, Pas'quinade, [pasparti dell' orazione. quin, psquinde] s. pasquiParsimo'nious, [prsimonius] participio, m. Par'ticle, [partici'] s. particola; nata, f. _ adj. parco, economo.

Pass', [pase] s. passo; passag[parsimo- particella, /. Parsimo'niously, niusl] adv. con parsimonia. Partic'ular, [partichiular] adj. gio; grado, stato, i.; situazioParsimo'nousness, Par'simo- particolare, singolare, speziale; ne, /.; stretto; colpo, m.\ botta, pr- individuale; -, s. particolare, /".; passaporto, m.; to come to ny , [prsimonieusns simeSn] s. parsimonia, f. ; m.; particolarit, f. ; -s s. pi. -, accadere, avvenire. circostanze, particolarit, /".pL: Pass', [pase] v. a & n. passare, economia, f. risparmio, wi. Pars'ley, [prsl] s. prezzemolo, - of an estate, inventario, m. trapassare; trasferire; fuggire; Particular'ity, [prtchiulrit] morire; to - a compliment upon petrosemolo, m. Pars'nip, [parsnip] s. pastina- s. particolarit, singolarit, f. one, fare un complimento ad uno; to - a judgment, to - a ca, /.; wild -, sisaro, i.; yellow Partic'ularize,[partichiulraize]






particolareggiare, distin-

sentence, sentenziare, giudica-

Par 'son, [prsenn]

re; to - the time, consumare il guere particolarmente. Partic'ularly , [prtichiularl] tempo; to - on'es word, dar sua curato, m. Par'sonage, [prseundge] s. adv. particolarmente, distinta- parola, impegnarsi; to - along, passare per; to - away, andare beneficio (d' una parrocchia), m. mente. Part', [part] s. parte, porzione, Part'ing, [parting] . parti- via; consumare; to - by, paspar- sare sotto silenzio; perdonare; - 6y-,parraento, spartimento, m. /.; personaggio, m.; titamente; for my - per me, in tita, partenza, /. - cup, s. buo- negligere to - for, essere supposto; to -on, trapassare; sfugquanto a me for the most -, la na mano, mancia, f. maggior parte del tempo, ordi- Par'tisan, [partizan] s. parti- girsi; to - over, omettere, trascurare. nariamente in some -, in qual- giana, /.; partigiano, m. on all -s da per Partit'ion, [prtiscieun] s. par- Pass'able, [pascabl'] adj. pasche parte sabile; tollerabile. tutto; man of -s, s. uomo gar- tizione, /.; spartimento, m. ; Pass'ably, [paseable'] adv. tolto wall, s. muro di mezzo, m. bato, uomo di talento, m. do the - of one, tenere la vece Partit'ion, [prtiscieun] v. a. lerabilmente, moderatamente. Passa'do, [psado] s. botta, /".; d'uno; to take one's-, pigliar le dividere in parti distinte. parti d'uno; to take in good -, Par'titive, [parti tv] adj. par- colpo, m. Pas'sage, [psedge] s. passagtitive. pigliare in buona parte. Part', [part] a. v. disunire, se- Part'let, [partlet] s. goletta, gio, trapasso evento, caso, accidente; affare, wi. gorgiera; gallina, f. parare, dividere; -, V. n. sepato ~ a fray, Part'ly, [prtl] adv. in parte, Pas'senger, [pasndgeur] s. pasrarsi ; partirsi seggiere, viandante, m. ejfects in qualche modo. spartire una contesa. s. pi. roba di passogPart'age, [prtedge] s. sparti- Part'ner, [prtneur] s. associa- of -8 {rail.) -s' room, s. giere, /. to, socio, compagno, m. mento, m.; divisione, f. Partake', [prteche] v. a. & n. Part'ner, [prtneur] v. a. & . stanza de' passeggieri, f. [pasenPas'senger-carriage , associare; associarsi. irr. participare, avere parte. Parta'ker, [prtcheur] s. par- Part'nership, [partneurscp] . dgur-crdge] s. {rail.) vagone da persone, m. societ; associazione, f. ticipatore, m. Part'er, [prteur] s. partito- Par'tridge, [partridge] s. per- Pas'senger-train, [pasendgeurtrne] s. tjeno di persone, m, nice, f.; young -, porniciotre, m. Pas'ser, [paseur] s. passatorOi Parterre' , [partere] s. giardi- to, m. Partu'rient , [partiurint] adj. viandante, m. _ no da fiori a ajuole, m. Passibirity, [pasibilite'] s. pasPar'tial, [prscil] adj. parzia- partoriente.


le; favorevole. Partial'ity, [prscialit]




Par'tiaiize, [prscialaize] v. a parzialeggiare, favorire; -, v n. esser parziale. Par'tially, [prscil] adv. parzialmente, con parzialit. Partibil'ity, [prtiblit] s. di
visibilit, separabilit, /.

Parturit'ion, [partiuriscieuu] s. sibilit, f. Pas'sible, [pasibl] adj. passibile. parto, m. Par'ty, [parte'] s. parte; fa- Pas'sibloness, [pasibl'nes] vedi zione; persona, f.; {mil.) distac- Passibility. camento, m.; to be a - to a Pas'sing, [pasing] adj. suprething, to make one's self in mo, eminente, eccellente. a thing, prender parte in qual- Pas'sing, [pasing] adv. estreche cosa, interessarsi. mamente.

Par'ty-colored[prte'cheuleu'rd] Pas'sing-bell , [pasing-bl] campana a mortorio, f. adj. di pi colori.


273 pas
rare, pascolare; -, v. scere.


sione, /.; afl'etto; amore, ni.; to be in a -, essere in collera; to vent one's-, sfogare la^ collera.

Pas'sionate, [pascieunote] a'lj appassionato, collerico. Pas'sionate, [pscieinte] v a passionare. Pas'sionately, [pascieunetele] adv. irataniente, ardentemente Pas'sionateness , [pscientens] $. disposizione alla col lera, /.; ardore, m. impazien;





[pascieundella pas-



Pas'sionless, [pascieinlos] adj. senza passione, tranquillo. Pas'sion-week,[pscieiinouiche] . settimana della passione, f. Pas'sive, [pasv] adj. passivo. Pas'sively, [psvl] adv. passivamente. Pas'siveness, Passiv'ity, [pasIvns, psvit]
de' Giudei,




Pass'over, [pasoveiir]
Pass'port, [pasport]



porto, m. Past', [past] adj. passato, scor- dichiarazione , manifestazioso, andato ; in times - , altro ne, f. volte ',10 be - shame, esser sfac- Pat'en, [paten] s. patena, /. ciato. (vaso sacro); piatto, m. Past', [past] prep, al di l, so- Pat'ent, [patent] adj. patente; pra, fuori. privilegiato; -, s. patente, letPaste', [pste] s. pasta, colla, f. tera patente, f. Paste', [pste] v. a. impastare, Pat'ent-cap [ptont-cp] s. , incollare; appiccare. capsula, f. Paste'board, [pste-brde] s. Patentee', [patenti] s. che ha cartono, m. una patente del re. Paste'board, [pste-borde] adj. Pater'nal, [pateiirnl] adj. pafatto di cartone. ternale, paterno.

be out of -, rinnegar la pazienza: to take -, prender pazienza. Pas'ture-ground , [pastiiire- Pa'tient, [pscint] wj. paziengraund] s. pastura, f.; pa- to; sofferente; -, . paziente, ammalato, m. scolo, m. Pas'ty, [pste] s. pasticcio, m. Pa'tiently,[pscientle'] adv. paPat', [pat] adj. convenevole, zientemente, con pazienza. Pat'in, [ptn] s. patena, /.; coproprio, opportuno. Pat', [pat] s. piccolo colpo, m.; perchio del calice, m. Pat'ly, [ptl] adv. convenebotta leggiera, f. Pat, [ptj V. a. dare una per- volmente, comodamente, a procossa leggiera to - at the door, posito. picchiare leggiermente alla Pat'ness, [patnes] s. adattaporta. mento, ni.; comodit, /. Patacoon', [patacin] . patac- Pa'triarch, [ptrire] s. paco, m. (moneta). triarca, tn.. Patch', [ptsce] s. pezza; toppa, Patriar'chal, [ptriarcal] adj patriarcale, di patriarca. /.; pezzo, pezzetto (sul viso), m. Patch', [ptsc] V. a. rappezzare, Patriar'chate, Patriar'chship, rattoppare; fo one's face, met[petrirchte, ptrircscipj s. tere nei sul viso to - p, stuc- patriarcato, m. care (un muro); racconciare. Patriar'chy, [ptrirche'] s. la Patch'er, [ptscheir] s.raccon- giurisdizione di un patriarca,/". ciatore, rappezzatore, m. Patric'ian, [patrTscieun] adj. Patch'work, [patscoueurc] s. patrizio, senatorio; -, s. parappezzatura,/" ; rappezzamen- trizio, uomo nobile, m. to ; racconciamento, m. Patrimo'nial, [patrimonial] adj. Pat', [pte] s. testa; zucca,/.; patrimoniale, di patrimonio. capo ; goffo, m Patrimo'nially, [ptriranil] Patefac'tion, [ptifcscieun] s. adv. di patrimonio.
; ;



patrimonio, m. Pa'triot, [pStrieut] to paesano, m.


patriotadj. pa-



Patriot'ically, [ptrioticle'] adv. in modo patriottico. Pa'triotism, [ptriotism] s. patriottismo, amor di patria, m. Patrol', [ptrle] s. pattuglia, ronda, f. (ronda. _ Patrol', [ptrle] v. a. fare la

Paste'board-maker[pstet)rde- Pater'nity, [pateurnite'] s. pameclier] s. cartolajo, m. ternit, /. Pas'tern, [pastefirn] s. pastoja, Path', [path^] s. sentiero, calle, f.; garretto (del cavallo), m. m.; via, strada, /". Pastil', [pastilej s. pastiglia, f. Pathet'ic,Pathet'ical,[path-ctPas'time, [pastame] s. passa- ic, path -eti ci] adj patetico, tempo; diporto, divertimento, m. energico. Pas'tor, [Pasteur] s. pastore, Pathet'ically [path^ticl] , rettore, curato, m. adv. in modo patetico, energiPas'toral, [pastoral] adj. pasto- camente. rale; di pastore -, s. pastora- Pathet'icalness[path5ticlnes]


[ptreun] s. padrone, , protettore, difensore, m.

Pat'ronage, [ptrcundge] $. padronaggio; padronato, m. Pat'ronal , [ptronlj adj. di padrone. Pat'roness, [ptreunes] s. patronessa, protettrice, /. Pat'ronize, [ptrounaize] v. a. patrocinare favorire difen,


egloga, f. Pas'torate, [psteurte] s. pastorate, uf.lzio di pastore, m. Pas'torlike, [pasteurl alche] adj. pastorale, di pastore. Pas'torship, [psterscp] vedi Pastorate. Pas'try, [pstre'] s. pasticcele,

energia; sensibilit, /. Path'less, [path-les] adj. senza sentiero, impraticabile. Patholog'ical, [peth-olodgicl ] adj. patologico. Pathol'ogy, [pth-loclg] s. patologia, /. Pathol'ogist, [pth-olodgist] s.

Pat'ronizer, [patreanaizeSr] s. patrocinatore, m. Pat'ronless, [ptreunlos] adj. senza protettore. Patronym'ic, [patronimie] adj. patronimico. Pat'ten, [pt'n] s. pattino; zoccolo;



colonna), m.

unochescrivesullapatologia,m. Pat'ten-maker, [pt'nmecheur] Pas'try-cook, [pstre'-cuc] s. Pa'thos , [pth'-os] $. energia s. zoccolajo, m. pasticciere, m. movente le passioni, /. Pat'ter, [pter] v. n. scalpi Pas'turable, [pastiurabr] adj. Path'way , [path-ue] $. sen- tare, strepitare. proprio a pasturare. tiero, VI.; via, strada, /. Pat'tern, [ptern] s. modello, Pas'turage, Pas'ture, [pastiu- Patib'ulary [patbiulare'] adj. esempio, m.


rJge, pasti urej s. pastura, /. ; di patibolo, di forca. Pat'ty, [pt'] s. pasticciotto, n. pasto, pascolo, m. Pa'tience, [pesciense] $. pazien Pau'city, [posile] s. pochezPas'ture, [pastire] v.a. pastu-J za, sofferenza, tolleranza, za, /.; piccolo numero, m, f.; fo Diz Ing.-Ilal. 2. IH

paunch', [pansce] Paunch', [pansce]


Peas'antlike, [pesantlalche] adj.
rustico, rozzo.

pancia, f. Peace', [pse] s. pace tranquilsventra- lit, quiete; riconciliazione, f.; accordo, m.; hold your -! tacere, shudellare. Paunch-bellied, [pansce-belid] te! zitto! Peace', [pse] int. silenzio! taadj. panciuto [volfjare). Pau'per, [popeur] s. povero, cete! (verta, f. Peace'able, [plseabl] adj. paciindigente, m. Pau'perism, [popeurism] s. po- fico, tranquillo. Pause', [pozej s. pausa, fer- Peace'ableness, [plseablns] s. umore pacifico, m.; tranquillimata, f. Pause', [po7.e] v. n. pnupare; t, f. Peace'ably,[piseable'] adv. tranfermarsi, pensare, rillettere. Pau'ser, [pozeur] s. che pau- quillamente.
t\ a.

Peas'antry , [pesantre'] 5. contadini, campagnuoli, m. pi.

Peas'-cod, [pize-cd]
lo di piselli, MI.


Pease', [pize] pi. di Pea. Pease'-porridge, [pTze-poridge]



di piselli,


Pea'-shell, [pi-scel] vedi Peascod.

sa, m. Pau'sfng,

[pozing] s. pausa; meditazione, considerazione, f. Pausingly, [poziugl] adv. dopo una pausa. Pave', [pve] v. a. lastricare; appianare; to - with brich's,

ammattonare. Pave'ment, [pvcraent]



vimento, lastricato, m. Pa'ver, Pa'vier, [peveur, povieiir] s. lastricatore, m. PavJl'ion, [pavTlieiiii] s. padiglione, ni.; tenda, /. (mar.) stendardo, m. Pavil'ion, [pavTlinn] v. a. fornire di tende: alloggi;ire. Paving, [pving] s. il lastricare, m. Pa'ving-beetle, fpving-bTtl'] s.

battipalo, m.; mazzeranga, /. Paw', [p] s. zampa, f. Paw', [p] V. a. k n. zampetta- tore, w. re, zampare; stazzonare, ma- Pea'chick,

Peat', [plte] s. terra di torba, torba, f. (ra, /. Peace'-breaker, [pise-brcheir] Peat'-bog, [pltebog] 8. torbePeb'ble,[pb"l] s. selce, selice,/". s. che turba la pace. Peace'ful, [piseflj adj. pacifi- Pebbled, [pbTd] adj. pieno di selci. co, tranquillo. Peace'fully, [pisefiile'] adv. pa- Peb'ble-stone,[peb'l-stne] vedi Pebble. cificamente, in pace. Peace'fulness, [pisefiilnes] s. Peb'bly, [pHe] vedi Pebbled. pace; tranquillit, /. riposo, m. Peccabil'ity, [pecabilit] s. pecPeace'-maker, [pisemecheiir] s. cabilit, f. pacificatore, riconciliatore; me- Pec'cable, [pecabV] adj. peccabile. diatore, m. Peace-offering', [p:se-6feurng] Peccadil'lo , [pecadlo] s. peo cadiglio, peccatuzzo, m. s. oflFerta per ottenere perdono, f.\ sacrifizio per ottener Pec'cancy, [pecns] s. cattiva qualit, /. ; difetto, m. perdono, m.. Peach', [pitsce] s. pesca, f.; per- Pec'cant, [pecnt] adj. peccante; colpevole; (wed.) nocivo. sico, m. Peach', [pitsce] v. a. accusare, Peck', [pc] s. profenda, /.; quarto di stajo, m. dinunziare. Pcach'-colored, [pitsce -cheiil- Peck', [pec] v. a. beccare; percuotere; biasimare, riprendere. eiir'd] adj. di color di pesca. Pea'cher, [ptsceur] s. accusa- Pecker, [pcheur] s. picco ver;



celle, m. neggiare; carezzare. Pawn', [pn] s. pegno, gaggio, Peach'-tree, [pitscetrl] , sico, pesco, m. w. pedona, pedina, to lend Pea'-cock, [pi-c6c] s. pavone, Pec'toral, [pcteirl] adj. petupon -, prestar con pegno. torale; stomacale. Pawn', [pon] r. a. impegnare, paone, w. Pea'-hen , [pihn] s. pavones- Pec'toral, [pectcirl] s. pettodare in pegno. rale, rimedio pettorale, m. Pawn'-broker, [pon-brcheir] sa, f. s. che impresta col pegno, pre- Peak', [piche] s. sommit, cima; Pec'ulate, [pechiulete] v. n. rubare il danaro pubblico. estremit, f. statore, m. Pay', [p] s. paga, /".; pagamen- Peak', [piche] v. n. avere l'aria Pecula'tion, [pechiulesciein] s. peculato, m. d' esser ammalato esser malato, soldo, salario, ni. Pec'ulator, [pchiuleteir] s. ruPay'j [p] a pagare; rimu- ticcio. nerarj; soddisfare: te - one's Peak'ing, [pchng] adj. mala- batole del danaro pubblico, concussionario, m. ticcio (volgare). debts, pagare i suoi debiti; to Pecu'liar, [pichiuliar] adj. pe- one's respects, salutare, ri- Peal', [pile] s. scampanata, /. culiare, particolare, singolare; verire; to - a ro/e, impeciare schiamazzo, m. una fune; fo - a visit, rendere Peal', [pile] i;. a. assalire con proprio. una visita; to - iac/c, restituire strepito; -, v. n. scampanare. Peculiar'ity, [plebi uliarite'] s. particolarit, singolarit, f. il pagato pagare Pear', [pre] s. pera, f. to - down contanti; to - off, bastonare; Pearl', [peiirl] s. porla; maglia Pecu'liarize, pichiiiliaraize] v.a. neir occhio; [print) parigina, render peculiare, appropriare. punire. Pay'able, fpiabl] adj. pagabile, f.; tnother of -,s. madreperla./'. Peculiarly, [pichiulirle] adv. Pearl', [porl] v. a. perlare, or- peculiarmente, particolarmenda pagarsi. te, singolarmente. Pay'-day, [pd] s. giorno di na,re di perle. Pearl'-eyed , [peiirl-i'd] adj. Pecu'Iiarness, [plchilirns] s. pagamento, m. che ha una maglia nelT oc- appropriazione, f. Pay'er,(peiaiir] s. pagatore, m.

/". ;

de, m. (uccello). [pectina!] adj. che pavon- Pec'tinal somiglia ad un pettine. [pectineted] adj. s. per- Pec'tinated avente la forma di un pottiuo.

Pecuniary, [pichuniare'] adj. Pay'ing, [ping] vedi Payment. chio. pay'-master pc-msteiir] s. pa- Pearl'y , [peurle'] adj. pieno di pecuniario. Ped',[ped] .paniere, canestro,m. perle; periato. gatore; tesoriere, m. Payment, [pement] s. paga- Pear'main, [pereraene] s. specie Pedagogie, Pedagogical, (pedagodgic, pedagoJgiclJ adj. da di mela. mento, salario, w. Pear'-tree, [peretri] s. pero, m. pedagogo. Paynim, [penim] s. pagano. Pea', [pi] s. (pease, pi.) pisel- Peas'ant , [pesntj s. contadi- Pedagogue, [pdagog] . pedagogo, pedante, m. no, m.; contadina,/". lo, m.

Ped'agog-y, [pdagdg] dagogia; istruzione, f.

pe- Peer'ess, [pres]



moglie d'un Pen'cil, [pnsil]



Pedal, [pedal]
col piede.


di piede,

Ped'als, [pedals]
ni. pi.




pedaneo, pedestre. Ped'ant, [pedant] s. pedante pedagogo, m. Pedan'tic, Pedan'tical, [pedantic, pdntcl] adj. pedantesco, di pedante. Pedan'tically,[pedanticl] adv. in modo pedantesco. Ped'antlike, [pdntlaiche] adj. pedantescamente, da pedante. Ped'antry, [pdntrj s. pedan,



Ped'dle, [pd'l] v.n. fare



Pen'cil, [ponsl] v. a. pennellaPeer'less, [prels] adj. senza re, delinearo colla matita; abpari, incomparabile. bozzare. Peer'lessly, [prelsl] aciv. in- Pen'cil-case, [pensl-chse] $. comparabilmente. matitatojo, m. Peer'lessness, [pirelsnes] s. Pen'dant, [pendant] s. pendente; orecchino, ciondolo; (mar.) incomparabilit, f. Pee'vish, [pIvTsc] adj-hisbetico, pennone, m. ritroso, capriccioso, dispettoso. Pen'dence , [pndnse] s. penPee'vishly, [pvscele'J adv. ri- denza, declivit, inclinazione,/". trosamente; con umore. Pen'dency, [pndnse] .sospenPee'vishness, [pivTscens] ira- sione, /.; indugio, m. scibilit, f. ; umor strano , ca- Pen'dent, Pen'ding, [pendent, priccio, m. pending] adj. pendente, indePes' [peg] cavicchia, cavi- ciso. glia, /.; pivolo ; brocco bische- Pendulos'ity , [pndiilosite'] s. sospensione, f. ro, m. Pe&'> [peg] V. a. incavigliare, Pen'dulous, [pndileus] adj. attaccare con caviglie. pendolo, pendente: irresoluto.


ciajnoio; baloccare. Ped'estal, [pedestal] s. piedestallo, m.; base, f. Pedes'trial, [pidstril] adj. appartenente al piede. Pedes'trian, fpulestrin] camminatore a piede. Pedes'trious, [pidstriiis] adj.

Peg'asus [pgaseus] s. pega- Pen'dulousness, [pudiileiisnesj (gruzzolo, m. vedi Pendulosity. so, m. Pelf [plf] s. ricchezze, /. pi.: Pen'dulum Pen'dule [ponPorican, [pelican] s. pellicano, diuleiim, pendiule] .pendolo;
, ,

pedestre. Ped'icle, [pdici]



m. Pedic'ular

[pidchiular] adj. , pediculare, pidocchioso. Pedigree, [pedigri] s. genealogia; stirpe, y.

Ped'iment, [pediment] s.{arch.) frontone, m. Ped'lar, Ped'ler, [pdliir, pdleiir] s. mcrciajuolo mercan- trasparenza, f. tu7,zo ambulante, m. Pelt', [plt] s. pelle, Ped'lery, [pdleur]s. mercan- m.; targa, f.

oriuolo a tavola, m. Pelisse', [pilise] s. pelliccia, /. Pen'dulum-clock, [pndiuleimclche] s. oriuolo a pendolo , Peli', [pel] s. pelle, f. Pel'let, [plt] s. pallottola, picoriuolo a tavola, m. ciola palla, f. PenetraWl'ity, [pnitrablite] Pel'licle, [pelici'] s. pellicella, f. s. penetrabilit, f. Pel'litory, [pliteiir] s. {bot.) Pen'etrable, [pnitrabr]adj. peparietaria, f. netrabile. Pelimeli', [pl-mi] adv. con- Pen'etrancy, [pnitrns] s. pefusamente, alla rinfusa. netramento, m. Pellu'cid, [pliusd] adj. lucido, Pen'etrant , [pnitrnt] adj. trasparente. penetrante acuto. Pellucid'ity , Pellu'cidness, Pen'etrate, [puitrete] v. a. Se [pliilsdite', pliisdns] s. n. penetrare, passare alle parti

m. (uccello).

interiori; muovere. cuojo, Penetra'tion, [pnitrsciein] s. penetrazione; acutezza, sottiziuole bagattelle, /. pi. Pelt',[pelt] V. a. lanciare sopra, gliezza (d' ingegno), /. Pedobap'tism, [pidobaptsm] s tirare; to - with stones, lapi- Pen'etrative, [pnitrativ] adj. battesimo de'bambini, m. dare. penetrativo, penetrante. Pedun'cle, fpedeuncl'] s. {boi.) Pelt'ing, [pelting] adj. povero, Pen'etrativeness, [ponitrativpedoncolo, m. misero, vile. ns] s. penetrabilit,/ Peel', [plle]s. scorza, pelle, /". Pelt'-monger, [plt-meungheir] Pen'ful, [pnfil] s. pennata, /". Peel', [pile] v. a. scortecciare, s. pellicciajo, pellicciere, m. Penin'sula, [pmiusiula] s. pemondare, sbucciare; rubare; tv Pel'try, [poltre] s. pellicceria,/". nisola, f. - ar/ey, mondare dell'orzo; to Pelvis', [pelvis] s. la parte infe- Penin'sulated, [pinnsiulted] - hemp^ maciullare della canariore dell' addoraine, /. adj. penisolare. pa; to- o/J^, scorticarsi, scortec- Pen', [pen] s. penna; stia, f. to Pen'itence , Pen'itency, [pnciarsi. cit a -, to make a -, temperare itnse, pnitens] s. penitenza, Peel'er, [pileur] . scorticatore; una penna; to set - to paper, /.; pentimento, m. rubatore, m. metter mano alla penna, scri- Pen'itont, [penitent] adj. peniPeep', [pipe] s. spuntare del gior- vere. tente, contrito; -, s. penitenno, m.; occhiata, f. Pen', [pen] t). a. scrivere; rin- te, m. Peep', [pipe] v. n. spuntar chiudere, ingobbi are. Peniten'tal, [pnitnscil] ad]. guardare di segreto; pigolare; Pe'nal , [pinl] adj. penale, di penitenziale; -, s. penitenziato - in, guardare dentro; far pena. le, m. (libro). capolino; to - out, spuntare. Penal'ity, Pen'alty, [pinlt, Peniten'tiary, [ponitnsciare] s. Peep'er, [plpeir] .pulcino; va pnlt] s. penalit; punizio- penitenziere, confessore, m. gheggiatore, m. ne, f. Pen'itently, [pcnitntl] adv. Peep'-liole,Peep'ing-hole,[ppe Pen'ance, [pnnse] .peniten- con penitenza, con contrizione. hole pTping-hole] s. buco da za, contrizione, f. Pen'-knife, [pn-naifej s. temPen'ates , [pntize] s. pi. dei perino, m. spiare, m. Peer', [plrel s. pari; ottimate; penati, m. pi. Pen'man, [pn-mn] s. maestra eguale, compagno, m. Pen'-case, [pn-chise] s, pendi scrittura; autore, m. Peer',[pTre] v. n. apparire; spiare. naiuolo, m. Pen'manship, [pnmnscip] s. Peerage, [pirdge] s. dignit Pence', [pnse] pi. di Penny; scrittura, /. di pari, f. three half -, un soldo e mezzo. Pen'nant, [pnant]s.pennono,m.




Pen'nated, [peneted] adj. pen- Pennm'bra, [pneurabra] s. pe- Perceptiv'ity, [peursptivite'] . facolt da comprendere, percenato, pennuto. nombra, /". Pen'ner, [pneur] s. scrittore,m. Penu'rious , [piniurius] adj. zione, f. Perch', [peurtsc] s. pertica, f.\ Pen'niless, [pnils] adj. senza avaro, sordido, spilorcio. danari, povero. Penu'riously,[pIniiriusle']adv. pesce persico, m. Perch', j^peiirtsc] v.n. alberare; Pen'noii, [peneun] s.pennoncel- avaramente, sordidamente. lo, wi.; banderuola, f. Penn'riousness, [piniuriiisns] appollajare. Perchance' , [peiircianse] adv. Pen'ny , [pene'] s. (pence, pi.) s. avarizia, spilorceria, f. soldo, m. (moneta). Pen'ury, [pniure] s. penuria, forse, per avventura, a caso. Pen'nyless, [pnlss] vedi Pen- indigenza, f. Percip'ient , [peiirsipint] adj. niless. Pe'on, [plon] s. soldato india- percipiente. Pen'ny-post, [pene'post] s. posta no, m. Per'colate, [peSrcoletc] v.a. fild'un soldo {in Inghilterra), /. Pe'ony, [pione'] s.('Jof.) peonia,/. trare, colare. Pennyroyal, [pnerial]s. (bot.) Peo'ple,[pipr] s. popolo, m.; na- Percola'tion, [peutcolscieun] . puleggio, m. zione, gente, /.; common-, volgo, filtrazione, f.', colamento, i. Pen'ny-weight, [pen-oute] s. popolaccio, rn.; plebe, /".; throng Percuss', [peiircheiis] v. a. perdanajo; screpolo, m. cuotere; bussare. of -, calca di gente, f.; ~ say, si Pen'ny-wise, [pnouaize] adj. dice. Percus'sion, [peircheuscieiin] s. avaro, sordido. Peo'ple, [pipi'] V a. popolare, percussione, percossa,/.; - gun, Pen'ny-wort[pn-ourt] s.(6of.) mettere popolo -, v. n. popo- .fucile a percussione, schioppo menta salvatica, /. larsi. a percussione, schioppo a capPenny-worth, [pn-oueurth^] Pep'per, [ppeur] s. pepe, m. sula, m. s. prezzo per un soldo, m. Pep'per, [ppeur] u. a. impepa- Percu'tient , [peurchiiiscint] Pen'sile, [pensile] adj. pensile, re, condire con pepe. adj. percussive. sospeso. Pep'per-box, [ppeurbocs] s. pe- Perdif ion, [peurdiscieun] s. perPen'sileness, fpnsflenes] pajuola, f. dizione, rovina,/". s. pendenza, sospensione, f. Pep'per-corn , [ppeur-corn] s. Perdu', [peurdii] s. sentinella Pen'sion, [pnsciun] s. pensio- seme di pepe, m. fig. bagattel- avanzata, f. ne, /.; stipendio, m. la, A Perdu', Perdue', [peurdiS, peurPen'sion, [pnsciun] v. a. as- Pep'per-mint, [ppeur-mint] s. diue] adv. in aguato occultasegnare una pensione, stipen- {bot.) monta piperina, f. mente. diare. Pep'tic, [peptic] adj. {med.) di- Per'durable, [peurdiSrabl'] adj. Pen'sionary5[pnsciunare'] orfj. gestivo. perdurabile, permanente. che possiede una pensione: -, s. Per',[pur] prep. per; - force, ^er Per'durably,[peiirdiarabl]ocIi. stipendiarlo, stipendiato, m. forza. perdurabilmente; sempre, Pen'sioner,[pnsciuneur]s.cho Peracute', [peurachiite] adj. Perdura'tion, [peurdiurscieun] gode pensione, stipendiato; di- acutissimo. s.durazione, lunga durata, conpendente, m. PeradTen'ture,[peuradvntceur] tinuazione, f. Pen'sive, [pnsiv] adj. pensoso, adv. per avventura, a caso. Per'egrinate, [prgrinte] v. n. pensieroso. Per'agrate, [prigrte] v. a. pe- peregrinare, viaggiare._ Pensively, [pensivi e'] adv. pen- regrinare (poco ttsa<o). Peregrina'tion[perigrinescieun] sierosamente, in modo pensie- Peragra'tion, [prigrscieun] s. s. peregrinazione, /".; viaggio, ni. roso. peregrinazione, /. {poco usato). Per'egrinator, [prigrineteur] Pen'siveness,[pnsTvns] .pen- Peram'bulate, [peurmbiulte] s. peregrinatore, viaggiatore,!. siero, pensamento, m. V. a. andare attorno, girare. Per'egrine, [prigraine] adj. pePent', [pent] arfj, rinchiuso, rin- Perambula'tion, [peurmbiul- regrino, straniero {poco usato). serrato. scieun] .andare attorno,giro,m. Per'emptorily, [prmpteuril] Pen'tachord , [pntacord] s. Peram'bulator , [pourambiule- adt). perentoriamente, decisivapentacordo, m. teur] s. edometro, wi. (stru- mente. Pen'tagon, [pentagon] s. (geom.) mento). Per'emptoriness, [prmpteiripentagono, m. Percase',[peirch5se] adv. forse. ns] s. decisione, determinaPentag'onal, [pentagonal] oi/j. Percei'vable, [peurslvabl'] adj. zione, /. pentagono. percettibile; sensibile. Per'emptory, [prempteur] adj.




Percei'vably, [peiirslvable'] adv.

perentorio, decisivo,

{pros.) pentametro, m. percettibilmente, visibilmente. Peren'nial, [prnil] adj. pePen'tastyle , [pntiistale] adj. Perceive', [peurslve] v. a. con- renne, perpetuo. {nrch.) portico di cinque ordini cepire, comprendere; osserva Peren'nity, [prnite'] . perpedi colonne, m. re; scoprire, accorgersi; to tuit continuanza, /. Pen'tateuch, [pntatiichc] s. beforehand, presentire. Per'fect, [peirfct] adj. perfetpentateuco, m. Perceptibirity,[peursptibilite'] puro; -, s {gr.) to, compiuto Pen'tecost, [pnticost] s. festa s. qualit percettibile, perce- perfetto, m.

dello Spirito santo,




Pent'house, Pen'tice, [pnt- Percep'tible, [peursptibl'] haouse pnts] s. tettoja, ri- percettibile; sensibile.


Per'fect, [peiirfct] v. a. perfezionare; compire, terminare,


messa, /. Percep'tibly, [peursp tibie'] adv. Per'fecter, [peurfcteur] s, perPen'tile, [pntaile] .tegola,/".; in modo percettibile. fezionatore, m. tegolino, m. Percep'tion, [peurspscieun] s. Porfec'tible , [peiirfctibl] adj. Penul'tima, [plnultima] s. pe- percezione, comprensione; ca- perfettibile. nultima sillaba, f. pacit; intelligenza, f. Per'fecting , [peurfcting] . Penurtimate,[plneiiltirate]a</j. Percep'tive, [peursptiv] adj.\ compimento, tn. penultimo. percettibile, intelligente. Perfec'tion, [peurfcscieua] .





gere, tigner, imbevere ; asper- Peristal'tic, perfezione, /.; compimento, m.; [peristaltic] adj. gere. eccellenza, (. (med.) peristaltico. Perfec'tonate, [peurfecscieuu- Per'gola , [peSrgola] s. pergo- Per'istyle, [poristaile] s. perila, A te] w. a. perfezionare finire. stilio, m. ; colonnata, f. Perfec'tionist, [peiirfcscieun- Perhaps', [peurhaps'] adv. for- Perito'neum, [pritonium] s. se, per avventura. (anat.) peritoneo, m. ist] s. puritano, m. [peurfectiv] adj. Pericar'dium, [pricardium] s. Per'iwig, [prioiig] s. parrucPerfec'tive, (anat.) pericardio, m. perfettivo, perfezionativo. ca, f. Perfec'tiyely,[peiirfctivle']adv. Per'icarp , [pericarp] s. (bot.) Periwig, [peroiig] v. a. copericarpo, m. prire di parrucca. in modo perfetto. Per'fectly, [peirfctle'] adv. per- Pericra'nium, [pericrnium] s. Per'iwinkle,[periouincrjs.(6of.) (anat) pericraneo, m. fettamente; esattamente. pervinca; lumaca, f. (pesce). Per'fectness, [peurfctns] s. Peric'ulous, [perichiuleiis] adj. Per'jure, [peurdgeir] v.n. sperpericoloso, rischioso. compimento, m.; bont, f. giurare. Perfid'ions, [peurfdius] adj. Per' igea , Perge'um, [peridgi, Per'jnrer, fpeirdgeireur] s. pridgiim] s. {astr.) perigeo,TO. spergiuro, m. perfido, disleale. Jpergiuro. Perfid'iously , [peiirfidiisle'] Perihe'lon , [perihilieiin] s. Perju'rous, [peSrdgiurieiis] adj. (astr.) perielio, m. adv. perfidamente. Per'jury, [peirdgiur] s. sperPerfid'iousness,Per'fidy, [peir- Per'il, [perii] s. periglio, peri- giuro, spergiuramento, m. fidiusns , peirfide'] s. perfi- colo, rischio, m. Perk', [peurcj v. a. ornare: agPer'il, [perii] v. .pericolare. dia, f. giustare; -, V. n. alzare la tePerflate', [peiirfltel v. a. sof- Per'ilous, [prleiis] adj. peri- sta, ingalluzzarsi. coloso, periglioso, rischioso. fiare per mezzo, soffiare a traPerlustra'tion , [peurleustrPev'ilously, [prlolsl] adv. scieiin] s. lustrazione, f. verso. Perfla'tion, [peurfliscieun] s. pericolosamente, con pericolo. Per'manence , Permanency , Per'ilousness, [perleiisns] s. [peirmannse, peirmanns] soffiamento a traverso, m. Per'forate ,. fpeirfrote] v. a. pericolo, perglio, rischio, wi. s. permanenza, f. perforare; trafiggere^ Perim'eter,[perimiteur]s.(jfe;om.) Per'manent, [peurmanent] adj, erfora'tion, [peirforescieun] s. perimetro, m.; circonferenza, f. permanente; stabile, durabile.

perforamento, ni. Per'forator, [peurforeteir]

foratojo, succhiello, m. Perforce', [peiirfrse] adv. per forza, forzatamente; di viva


Perform', [performe]

v. a.





compire; to - one's devotion, dire le sue divozioni; to - one's promise, effettuare la promessa. Perfor'mable, [peiirformabl]a(ij.

[pirieid] s. periodo; , spazio di tempo; punto; colmo, i.; conclusione, fine, /".; termino, rn.; (astr.) rivoluzione, f.; in the last -, nell'ultimo punto. Period'ic, Period'ical, [pridic, piriodicl] adj. periodico di periodo. Poriod'ically, [piridicle'] adv. periodicamente. Perioe'ci, [periisial] s. pi. pe,


Per'manently , [peirmanntl] adv. permanentemente. Permeable, [peiirmiabr] adj.

permeabile, trapassevole.




trapassante; penetrativo. Per'meate, [peurmite] v. trapassare ; penetrare ;


m. pi. Permis'cible, [peirmscibr] adj. eseguibile, praticabile,fattibile. Perios'teum, [peristeumj miscibile. s. Performance, [peurfrmnse] (ana ^) periostio, in. Permis'sible, [peurmisibl] adj. che pu essere permesso, pers. compimento, m.; opera, azio- Peripatet'ic, [peripatetic] adj.

Permea'tion, [peurmisceun] trapasso, m. filtrazione, f.







Periph'ery, [prifire'] s. perife- Permis'sion, [peiirmlsciefin] . m. ria, circonferenza, f. permissione, licenza, f. Perfor'ming, [peurfrmnig] s. Per'iphrase , [prifrze] v. a. Permis'sive , [peirmsv] adj. compimento, effetto, m. usare perifrasi, fare perfrasi. permessivo. Perfu'matory, [peiirfiumateire] Periph'rasis, [prifrsis] s. pe- Permis'sively[peiirmlsivl]acfv. rifrasi, f. adj. che profuma. permessivamente. Per'fume, [peiirfiume] s. profu- Per phr as'tical, [perifrsticl ] Permis'tion, [peirmTstieiin] . adj. perifrastico. mo, odore soave, m. permschiamento, mescolamenPerfume', [peiirfiime] va. pro- Perphras'tically, [perfrasto, m. ticl] adv. con perfrasi. fumare. Permit , [peiirmit] s. licenza; Perfu'mer , [peirfiraeir] s. Per'iplus, [prpleiis] s. viaggio polizza di tratta, /. intorno ad un mare &c., w. profumiere; unguentario, m. Permit', [peiirmit] v. a. permetPerfu'ming , [peivfiumng] s. Peripneu'mony, [periniumune] tere, concedere, soffrire. profumare, m. s. peripneumonia, infiammazio- Permit'tance, [peirmitnsc] . Perfu'ming-pan, [peiirfiraing- ne de' polmoni, f. permissione; indulgenza, f. pn] s. profumiera, f.; turibi- Per'ish, [perisce] v. a. perire; Permix'tion , [peiirmicstiein] morire; naufragare; to - with vedi Permistion. le, m. [peurfeiinc- .^hunger, morir di fame. Perfunc'torily , Per'mutable, [peurmiiitabrjad'y. teurile'] adv. negligentemente, Per'isliable,[p6risciabl] adj. capermutabile. leggiermente. duco, transitorio. Permuta'tion,[peurmiitesciein] Perfunc'toriness , [peurfeiinc- Per'ishal)leness,[perscablns] .permutamento, m.; permuta, f. teurins] s. negligenza, tras. caducit, attezza a distrug- Pernc'ious, [peurnscius] adj. scuranza, f. gersi, f. pernizioso, dannoso. Perfunc'tory, [peurfeuncteure'J Per'ishing, [priscTng] adj. ca- Pernic'iously, [peirniacensle'] adj. trascurante, negligente. duco, transitorio; -, s. il peri- adv. perniziosameate dannoPerfuse', [peurfiaze] v. a. tin- re, m.; decadenza, A samente,
[pefirfrmeiir] esecutore, compitore, attore,





[peurspirabl'] Pernic'iousness, [peurmscieus- Per'secutor, [peirsicbiuteur] s. Per.spi'rable , perseguitatore, persecutore, ni. adj. perspirabile, traspirabile, nes] s. qualit perniziosa, f. Pernic'ity , [pernsit] s. ce- Perseve'rance, [peursivirnse] Porspira'tion[peiirspirscieun] s. perseveranza, costanza, f. lerit; prestezza, prontezza, f. s. perspirazione, traspirazioPernocta'tion,[peiirnctscieunJ Perseve'rant, [peursivlrntjacij. ne, /. perseverante, costante. Perspi'rative, [peirspairativ] s. pernottameuto, m. Perora'tion, [prorsciean] s. Perseve'rantly, [pe Tirsi viranti e'] adj. traspirante, sudatorio. Perspire' , [peurspire] v. n. adv. perseverantemente. perorazione, /. Perpend', [peurpend] v. a. pe- Persevere', [peirsivire] v. n. traspirare, sudare. Perstringe', [peurstrlndge] v.a. perseverare; persistere. sare bilanciare riflettere, esaPerseve'ringiy, [peiirsivirfngle'] discorrere brevemente. minare, considerare. Persua'dable, [peiirsuedabrjaa/. Perpen'dicle [peurpendic?] s. adv. perseverantemente. perpendicolo, piombino, m. Per'sian, [peirscin] s. persia- persuasibile, suadevole. Persuade', [peirsude] v. a. Perpendic'ular , [peurpudich- na, f. persuadere; convincere; (o iulr] adj. perpendicolare, a Persist', [peursst] . a. persistere, perseverare. one's self, persuadersi piombo. Persua'der, [peirsude,: ] s. Perpendicular'! tyrpeurpendich - Porsis'tence , Persis'tency [peiirsistnse, peursistnsj s. persuadente, m. iulrite] s. perpendicolo, appersistenza, perseveranza, fer- Persua'sible, [peiirsusibrj adj. piombo, m. persuasibile, suadevole. Perpendic'ularly,[p6urpendich- mezza, f. adv. iularl] perpendicolar- Perss'tive , [peursstiv] adj. Persua'sion, [poursugeiin] s. persistente, fermo, costante. persuasione; istigazione, f. mente. Perpen'sion, fpeurpensciein] s. Per'son, [peurseun] s. persona; Persua'sive, [persubsv] adj. considerazione, f. figura, /.; esteriore, m. in -, in persuasivo. Persua'sively , [peiirsusvle'] Perpetrate, [peurpitrete] v. a. persona, personalmente. perpetrare, commettere. Per'sonable, [peurseunabr] adj. adv. in modo persuasivo. Persua'siveness , Perpetra'tion,[peirpitrscieun] ben fatto, grazioso. [peursueeseguimento commettere Per'sonage, [peurseunedge] s. svns] s. facolt di persuas. personaggio; esteriore; carat- dere, f. (d' un' azione), m. Per'petrator, [peurpitreteir] s. tere, in. Persua'sory,[poiirsueseure']arfi. persuasorio, persuasivo. Per'sonal , [peurseunl] adj perpetratore, m. particoPert', [peurtj adj. lesto, agile; Perpet'ual, [peirpetiul] adj. personale; peculiare, impertinente, impronto. goods, s. pi. lare, proprio; perpetuo, continuo. Pertain' [polirtene] v. n. apPerpet'ually,[peurptiule']arfv. boni mobili, m. pi. perpetuamente. Personarity, [peiarseSnalite] s. partenere, concernere, spettare. individuo, m. Perterebra'tion [peiirteribrPerpet'uate, [peiirpetuete] v.a. personalit, perpetuare; eternare. Per'sonally, [peurseinl] adv. scien] s. perforamento, m. Pertina'cious, [peurtinscieus] personalmente, in persona. [peiirpetiuePerpetua'tion , Per'sonalty, [peurseunlte] vedi adj. pertinace, ostinato. sciein] s. perpetuazione, f. Portina'clously , [pertinePerpetu'ity, [peiirpitiuitj 8. Personality. Per'sonate, [peurseunete] v. a. sciesl] adv. pertinacemente. perpetuit, eternit, f. Pertina'ciousness.Pertinac'ity, Perplex', [peurplecs] v. a. im- rappresentare, imitare._ [peiirtinescieusns, peirtinsibrogliare, scompigliare, con- Persona'ton, [pevirseunesciein] fonder; travagliare, inquie- s. rappresentazione, /.; carat- t] 8. pertinacia , caparbiet

/". ;

tar e.


rpeurplecs'd] arj. , perplesso, imbrogliato, confuso, turbato. [peurplecsedl] Perplex'edly, adv. in modo confuso, ambi-

guamente. Perplex'edness

Perplex'ity, , [pcurplecsdnes, pelirplcsit] s. perplessit, f.\ imbroglio, m.;

difficolt, ansiet,

Per'quisite, [peirquizt] .pro-



soprappi, m. Perquisit'ion,[pourquizTscieun] s. perquisizione, ricerca, /". Perquis'itor, [peurquiziteur] s. inquisitore, m. Per'ron, [prun] s. {rail.) perrone, m. scala, f. Per'ry, [pere] s. bevanda di



Per'secute, [peiirsichiute] v. a. perseguitare; tormentare, importunare. Persecu'tion, [peursichiusciein] s. persecuzione; importunit,/'.

ostinazione, /. [peursonifi- Per'tinacy, [peurtinase'] s. ostiPersoniflca'tion, nazione, caparbieria, /. choscieSn] s. prosopopea, f. Person'ify , [peursonfai] v. a. Pertinence, Per'tinency, [peurtinonse, peiirtinnse] s. pertidare un corpo (ad una cosa). Perspec'tive, [peirspctv] adj. nenza, appartenenza; convenevolezza, f. prospettivo, ottico. [peirtinent] adj. Perspec'tive, [peurspectv] s. Pertinent, pertinente, proporzionato, conprospettiva, vista, f.; paesagvenevole. gio, m. [peurspiche- Per'tinently, [peirtinntle']arf. Perspea'cious , intelconvenevolmente, convenientescius] adj. perspicace mente. ligente. Perspi- Per'tinentness, [peurtinntnes] Perspica'cousness , cac'ity, [peurspicbesciusues, s. convenevolezza, f. peurspicsitj s. perspicacia, Pertin'gent, [peirtindgnt] adj. perspicacit,penotrazione(d'in- tangente, toccante. Pert'ly, [peurtl] adv. con legegno), acutezza, f. Perspicu'ity, [peurspichiii't] s. stezza, vivacemente; insolenperspicuit, trasparenza; chia- temente, impertinentemente. Pert'ness, [peirtns] s. vivacirezza, evidenza, f. Perspic'uous, [pcrspcLiuiis] t, attivit; insolenza, impertinenza, f. adj. chiaro, evidente. [peurspc- Perturb' , Pertur'bate, [peurPerspic'uously , teurb, peurteirbte] v a. perhiuiisl] adv. chiaramente. [peurspic- turbare. Perspic'uousness , [perteurbe hiueiisns] chiarezza,evideuza,/'. Perturba'tion ,






[ptifgherir] s. seccatore, tormenta- Pet'tifogger, beccante, mozzorecchi; procuPes'terous, [pesteureus] adj. in- ratorello, m. ne, f. Pet'tifoggery , Pet'tifogging , Perturba'tor, Pertur'ber, [peiir- comodo, nojoso {poco xi^sato). [ptifogheure, potifogng] s. [pest-haouse] s. s. Pest'-house , toilrbetur, peirtcurbeur] lite, controversia, f. lazzaretto, spedalo, m. perturbatore, m. Pet'tiness, [petins] s. piccolez. Pestiferous, [pestifireis] adj Pertu'sion, [peiirtiugeun] perforazione, f. pestifero, contagioso. Per'uke, peri iiche] s. parrucca, Pes'tilence, [pstilnse] s. pe- Pet'tish, [petisc] adj. stizzoso, fantastico. stilenza, peste, contagione, f. f.; capelli posticci, in. p Per'uke-maker , [priufhein- Pes'tilent, Pestilen'tial, [pest- Pet'tishly, [petiscle'] adv. fantasticamente. chcr] s. p;).rrnccbiore, m. ilent, pestilnscil] adj. pestiPot'tishiiess,[ptjscnes] s. fanPeru'sal, [piriuzal] .lettura,/".; lenziale. Pes'tilently, [pestilentl] adv. tasticaggine, /.; cattivo umoil leggere, m. Peruse', [priuze] v. a. leggere; in modo contagioso. esaminare. Pestilla'ton, [pstlescieun] s. Pet'titoes, [ptitoze] s. piedi di Peruser, [piriuzeuij s. lettore, pestamente , polverizzamen- porcello, m. pi. Pet'ty , [pet] adj. piccolo; di leggitore, m. to, m. poco pregio; inferiore ;-patties, Peru'vian-bark,[plriuvian-barc] Pes'tle, [pes'l] s. pestello, ni. iphar.) cbiiia, f. Pet', [pet] s.collera,/".; dispetto, s. pi. pasticcetti, m. pi. s Pervade' [peurvde] v. a. pas- sdegno; favorito, m.; to be in a Pet'ulance, Pet'ulancy, [ptiulnse, ptiulansj s. petusare oltre, penetrare. -, essere in collera; to take -, Perva'son, [peurvegeiin] s. tra- at a thing, offendersi di qual- lanza, protervia, f. Petulant, [petiulnt] adj. pepasso; penLtrainento. m. che cosa. Perva'sive, [pervcsiv] adj. tra- Pet', [pt] V. a. vezzeggiare so- tulante, protervo. Petulantly, [petiulntle] adv. passante; penetrante. verchiamente. Perverse', [peurverse] a'j. per- Pet' al, [petal] s.(6o^)petalo,m. protervamente, con petulanza. A-erso: ostinato, caparbio. Pet'ar, Petard', [petr, petard] Pew', [piij s. banco di chiesa, chiuso, m. Perverse'ly, [pourveiirsl] adj. s. petardo, ni. perversamente, con perversit. Petec'hiae , [piticliii] s. (med.) Pew'et, [piuet] s. bubbola, upupa, (. Perverse'ness, [peurverse ues] petecchie, f. pi. [piuteir] s. stagno, s. perversit, /.; cattivo umo- Petec'hial , [pitichial] adj. pe- Pew'ter,



commovimonto, m.



re, m. Perver'sion,


[peurveurscieun] Peters'-pence , [piteurs-pense] tassa anticamente pas. perversione, f.; pervertimens. una to, m. gabile al papa, /". Perver'sity, [peurveursit] vedi Pe'ter-VFort [plteiir-oueiart] s. Perverseiiess. {bot.) tassobarlasso, m. Perver'sive, [peirveursiv] adj. Petit'lon, [pitsceiinj s. supplipervertente. ca, f.\ memoriale, m. Pervert', [peurveurt] v. a. per- Petit'ion, [pitsceiin] v. a. supvertire, sconvolgere; corromplicare, pregare domandare. pere. Petit'ionary, [pitscieiinare']adi. Pervert'er, [peirveurter] s. per- petitorio, supplicante. vertitore, corruttore, m. Petit'ioner , [pitsceuneir] s. Pervert'ible,[perveurtibrj adj. supplicante, m. cbe pu esser pervertito. Petit'ioning [pitisccning] s. Pervica'cious, [peurvicbcsciciis] il supplicare, il pregare, m. ac/J. pervicace; pertinace, pro- Pet'itory, [petiteur] adj. peti,

peltro, m. Pew'terer, [piSteurer] s. stagnajo, m. Pha'eton, [fit'n] s. carrozzino, m. Pha'lanx, [flnncs] s. falange./".

Phan'tasm, Phantas'ma, [tantsm, fantasma] s. fantasima,/". Phantas'tic, Phautas'tical,

[fantastic, fantastical] adj. fantastico, chimerico. Phan'tasy , [lutas] s. fantasia,





sma, m.; apparizione, f. Pliare', Pha'ro , [fere, fero] faro, m.

torio, suppicatorio. [peurviclie- Pe'tre, [piteur] s. nitro, salniBciesl] adv. ostinatamente, tro, m. (petrifcante. protervamente. Petres'cent , [petresnt] adj Pervicaciousness, Pervicac'i- Petrifac'tion, [petrifacscieun] ty, [peurvichescieusns, peurs. petrificazione, /.; impietravicasit] s. ostinazione, proter- mento, m. via, f. Petrifac'tive,Petrif'ic,[ptrifac^er'vious, [peurvius] adj. per- tv, petrflch] adj. petnfco. vio, passabile. Petriflca'tion, petrfichscieiin] Per'viousness, fpeurviusus] .f. petrificazione, f. s. penetrabilit, /". Pet'rfy, [petrifi] v. a. impiePesade', [pisade] s. (horsc) po- trare, convertire in pietra -, V. n. divenir pietra, impietrire sata, / Pes'sary, [pesare] s. (med.) pes- Pe'trol, Petro'leum , [pitrl, sario, m. pitrolieum] s. petrolio, m. Pest, [pst] s. peste, pestilenza; Pet'ronel, [ptronl] s. piccolo contagione, f. archibuso, m.; pistola, f. Pes'ter, [pesteur] v. a. nojare, Pet'ticoat, [peticote] s. sottana, affannare, affliggere, inquieta- gonnella, gonnellina, f. re, disturbare. Pet'ti/og, [petifog] V. a. fare il Pes'terer , [pesteureir] s. im- beccalito.


Pharisa'ic, Pharisa'ieal, [f arisele, friseicl] adj. farisaico.


Phar'isee, [frisi]


fariseo, ni.



[frmachi atCjfrmachiii-

ticl] adj. farmaceutico.

Pharmacorogy, [frmac^odg]
s. farmacologia, scienza della farmacia, f. Pharmacopoe'ia, [farmacopiia] s. farmacopea, /". Pharmacop'olist , [frmacopolst] s. speziale, m. Phar'macy, [frmas] s. farma-



Pha'ros, [fros] s. faro, m. Pha'sels, [fesels] s. pi. fagiuoli,, m. pi. Pha'sis, [fsTs] s. {astr.) fase, f. Phastn', Phas'ma, [fasm, f asma] s. fantasma, apparizione, /". Ipheas'ant, [fsant] s fagiano,



Physiol'ogy, [fiziolodgj
logia, metafisica,





fagianotto, m.

Phleme', ma, /.


(vet.) fiam-



[fldgistic] adj Phytiv'orous, [ftivoreus] adj. (chym.) infiammatorio. erbivoro. s. Phytog'raphy, [flodgstn] Pheese', [fize] v. a. pettinare; Phlogis'ton, [faitografe] . {chym.) flogisto, m. descrizione delle piante, /. stregghiaro. Phonet'ics, Phon'ics, [fnetics, Phytol'ogy, [faitolodg] s. botaPhe'nix, [finics] s. fenice, f. Pbenom'enon, [finomindn] s. fonics] s. la dottrina dei suo- nica, /. ni, (. Piac'ular, Piac'ulous, fpaiachfonotiieno, m. Phi'al, (faiall s. fiala, car aflfa./". Phos'phor, [fosfeir] '.fosfovo.m. iulr, paiachiuleiis] adj. espiatorio fosfeiretd] Philanthrop'ic, Philanthrop'- Phos'phorated, purgativo {poco usato). ical,[niatli-ropc,fIlntli-rp- adj. imprognato di fosforo. Pia-ma'ter, [pai-meteurj . (unat.) piamadro, /. cl adj. tilantropico, umano, Phosphor'ic, [fsforic] adj. foPian'ist, sforico, di fosforo. benigno. [pianisi] s. pianiPhilan thropist,[fnanth.2ropTst] Phos'phorus, [fsfeureus] vedi sta, m. Pian'o , [plano] s. piano-forte, Phosphor. s. filantropo, m. Philan'thropy, [filanth-rope] s. Pho'tograph, [fotograf] s. foto- piano, m.


fa- Phlogis'tic,

Pias'ter, [piastear]s. piastra,/. filantropia, umanit ; amore- grafo, in. volezza, f. Photog'raphy, [ftografe'] s. fo- {moneta). Piaz'za, [pitza] s. colonnato, Philip'pic, [filTpTc] s. filippica,/'. tografia, /. Philologer, [{"ilolodgciirj s. filo- Photom'eter , [fotomitour] s. portico, m. Pi'ca, [pica] <. gazza, voglia di logo, grammatico, m. fotometro, ni. donna gravida, /.; {print.) ciPhilolog'ic, Philolog'ical, [filo- Phrase', [frz] .frase; esprescerone, m. loJgic, filolodgical] adj. filolo- sione, /. stilo, m.

gico, grammaticale. Philol'ogist, [fillodgist]

Phrase', [frzej
s. filo-

v. a.

esprimere; Picaroon'





toro, ladro,


logo, grammatico, m. Phraseorogist,[frziolodgfst] s. Pic'cage , [pichedge] s. dazio Philol'ogy, [flulodge'] S. filolo- uno versato in fraseologia, ni. che pagasi nei mercati, m. gia. /.; studio di belle lettere, Phraseol'ogy, [fruziolodg] s. Pick', [pie] s. mazzuolo, m.; Phll'omel, Philome la, [filomel, fraseologia colleziono di fra- scelta, /.; ear -, s. stuzzicorecchi, m. ; tooth -, s. stuzzicadenniomla] s. filomela, /. si, / Fhiromot, [flloratj s. foglia Phrenet'ic, [frintic] adj. frene- ti, m. Pick', [pie] V. a. cogliere, scemorta, f. tico, pazzo. Fhilos'ophate, [filosoftc] v. a. Phreni'tis, [frinaits] s. frene- glier; nettare, mondare: -, v. n. mangiare delicatamente; to filosofare. sia, /. a bird, spennare un uccello; Philos'opher,[filosofeiir] s. filo- Phrenolog'ical, [frenoldgical] to - a 6one, rosicchiare un osso: sofo, filosofante, m.; naturai -, adj. frenologico. to - a lock, aprire una serratuiSsiciano fisico, m.; -s stone, s. PhrenoTogist, [frnolodgst] s. ra col grimaldello; to - pockets, pietra filosofale, /. frenologista, m. Philosoph'ic , Philosoph'cal, Phrenol'ogy, [frenolodg] s. truffare, giuntare ;/o- a quarrel (tis. with one, attaccarla con uno; frenologia, /. [filosofie, filosficl] adj. filosofico. Phren'zy, [frenze'] vedi Phreni- to - a salad, nettare un'insalata; to - up straws, infilare perPhilosoph'ically, [filosoficale'] Phthis'ic, [tizie] s. tisichezza,/. le; to - thanks, adulare, piago<iu. filosoficamente, da filosofo. Phthis'ical, [tlzicl] adj. tisico, giare; to -one's teeth, nettarsi i Philos'ophist, [flsfist] s. fi- magro, scarnato; debole Phylac'tery, [filctur]s. filat- denti; to - wool, cardare, spillosofetto. laccherare; to - out, svellere; PhiIos'ophize,[filosofaize] v. n. teria, /. Phys'ic, [fizic] s. medicina, /.; togliere stentare; to - up, racfilosofare; ragionare. Philos'ophy, [filosofe] s. filoso- medicamento, m.; scienza della cogliere, trovare. Pick'-a-pack, [pic-a-pac] adv. a naturai -, fisica, /. medicina, f. fia, /. Phil'ter, [filtnr] s. filtro, m.; Phys'ic, [fzic] V. a. medicare, modo di balla addosso. Pick'-axo,[pic-cse] s. zappa,/.; sanare. bevanda amorosa, /. piccone, m. Phil'ter, [flteur] v. a. amma- Phys'ical , [fizical] adj. fisico; (sato. sanativo, medicinale; naturale. Pick'-back, [pTc-bc] adj. addosliare con un filtro. Phiz', [fiz] s. viso, visaccio, m. Phys'ically, [fizcl] ado. fisi- Picked', [plc'd] adj. puntuto;
, ; ; ;

Phlebot'omist, [flbotmist] flebotomista; chirurgo, m.


scelto {vedi lo Pick). camente; naturalmente. Physic'ian, [fzscin] s. medi- Pick'edness,[pchedns] .affettazioni, /. pi. co, m. Physicotheol'ogy, [fzicoth^iol- Pickeer', [pichire]



V. a. flebotomare. Phlebot omy, [flibotome'] s. fle-


f. s.

Phlegm", [flm]



v. a. corseggiare, predare. odge'] s. teologia fisica,/". Phys'ics , [fzcs] s pi. fisica, |Pick'er, [plcheur] s. coglitore, sceglitore, m.; ear -, stuzzicopifilosofia naturale, /. Physiog'- recchi, m.; <oo<A-, stuzzicadenPhysiog'nomer , adj. nomist, [fizionomcur, fizion- ti, m.; - of quarrels, accatta-

omst] s. fisionomo, m. brighe, m. flemmatico, pituitoso. Phlegmat'ically, [flgmaticale'] Physiog'nomy, [flzionme'j s. Pickerel, [picheurl] .luccetto, m. (pesce). fisionomia, /. adv. flemmaticamente. Phleg'mon, [flgran] s. flem- Physiolog'ical, [fziolodgicl] Pick'et, [pichct] J. picchetto, adj. fisiologico. Pickle, [plc'lj . salamoja, /. mone, ffi. Phleg'monous,[flegmoneiis] adj. Physiorogist , [fiziolodgist] . stato, m.; to be in a -, esser fisiologico, m. mal acconciato. flemmonoso, infiammatorio.

V. a.

marinare, iPier'cer



salare; confettare.

Pickle-her'ring, [picVhering] s. buffone, zanni, m. Picklock, [picloc] s. grimaldello; ladro, m. Pick'pocket, Pick'purse, [ficlo,

pcliet.pcpcrse] s. borsajuotagliaborse, m. Pick'tiianks, [picth-ancs] s. afstare. fannone; adulatore, m. t, /. [paitism] s. pieti- Pil'eated, [pilieted] adj. fatto a Pick'tooth, [plctuth^] s. stuzzi- Pi'etism foggia di cappello. cadenti, m. smo, m. Pi'co,[ palco] s. punto, m.; cima,A Pi'etist, [paiitst] pieti Pi'ier, [pailer] s. amraassatore, g. accumulatore, m. Plot', [pict] s. persona imbelletsta, m. tata, f. Pi'ety, fpaiit] s. piet; reli- Piles', [pailes] s. pi. emorroidi, Picto'rial , [pictorial] adj. die morici, f. pi. gione, divozione, f. si roforisco alia pittura. Piff'Jpig] s. porcello, porcastro, Pile'-work, [paie-ouerc] s. paPic'ture, [pictceur] s. pittura, porchctto, vf.;- of lead, lastra lafitta, f. ritratto, quadro, m.; to sit di piombo, /.; boar -, verro, Pile'wort, [paleouurt] s. {bot.) /. for one's -, farsi ritrarre. scrofularia, f. ?.; guinea -, porcellino d'India, Pic'ture, fpictceur] v. a. dipi- m.; sucking -, porcello lattan- Pil'fer, [pilfeur] v. a. rubare, gnere, rappresentare. furare. te, m. Pic'ture-drawer , [pTctceur- Pig', [pTg] V. n. fare i porcelli, Pil'ferer, [pilfeireir] s. involadrur] .pittore, dipintore, i. figliare. tore, ladro, m. Pic'ture-drawing , [pictcur- Pig'-badger , fpTgbadgeur] s. Pil'fering, [pilfeurng] s. rubadroing] s. arte del dipigne- tasso porco, m. mento, ladroneccio, m. re; pittura, f. Pig'eon, [pidgeun] s. colombo, Pl'feringly, [plfoiringle'] adv. Picturesque' , [pifctceur esche] piccione, m.; wood -, colombo in modo ladronesco, da scrocadj. pittoresco. cone. salvatico, m.; young -, piccionPicturesque'ly, fpictcouresche- cino, piccioncollo, m. Pil'fery, [pTlfeure'] s. ruberia, l] ad'}, in modo pittoresco. Pig'eon-house, [pidgeinhause] truffa, frode, f. Pid'dle, fpd'l] V. n. spilluzzicas. colombajo, m.; colombaja, f. Pirgrim, [pilgrim] s. pellegrire; baloccare. Pig'eon-hole, [pidgeunhle] s. no, pellegrinante, m. Pid'dler, [pd'leur] s. che spilcestino, m. Pirgrimage, [pilgrimdge] a. luzzica. Pig'eon-pie, fpdgeunpai] .pa- pellegrinaggio; viaggio, m. Pid'dling, fpid'ling] s. bagat- sticcio di piccioni, wi. Pili', [pil] s. pillola, f. tella, cosa fiivola, f. Pig'eon-livered , [pldgein- Pili', [pl] V. a. rubare, predare; Pie', [pai] s. pasticcio, m.; pica, liveiir'd] adj. mite; affabile. -, V. n. scorticarsi, pelarsi. gazza, /. Pig'gin, [pighin] s. orciuolo, wi.; Pil'lage, [pildge] s. predaPie'bald, [paibld] adj. pezza- secchia, f. mento, m.; ruberia, f. to, nero e bianco. Pg-headed , [pig-hodd] adj. Pil'lage, [pildge] v.a. sacchegPiece', Ipise] s. pezzo; frammenstupido, ostinato. giare, predare, rubare. to, m.; pai'te, /. moccolo, moc- Pig'mean, [pigman] adj. pic- Pil'lager [pldger] s. sac, colino; cannone, m.; a -, ciacolo, da nano. cheggiatore, predatore, m. scuno; chimney -, cornice del Pig'ment, [pigment] s. belletto, Pil'laging, [pildging] s. saccammino,/.; foivling liscio; colore, m. cheggiamento, predamento, m. buso da caccia, schioppetto, m.; Pig'my , [pigm] s. pigmeo, Pil'lar, [pleiir] s. colonna, /. - of wit, dotto arguto, m. nano, m. appoggio, m. Piece', [pise] v. a. rappezzare, Pignora'tion, [pignorescieun] Pil'lared, [pleur'd] adj. sosteracconciare; metter un pezzo, s. pegnorazione, /.; pignoramen- nuto da pilastri. giugnere; -, v. n. giugnersi, to, m. Piriion, [piliein] s. guancialetunirsi. Pig'nut , [pTgneut] s. tartufo to, m. ; sella da donna, f. Piece'less, [plseles] adj. intero, nero, m. Piriory, [pleur] s. berlina, senza pezzo. Pigs'ney, [pTgsne'] s. mia cara gogna, /. Piece'meal, [pisemle] adj. & bambolina (poco usato). Piriory, [pleure'] v. a. metadv. solo, distinto, separato Pig'-sty, [pg-stai]s. porcile,tn. tere alla berlina. pezzo a pezzo, poco a poco. Pig'tail, [pigtle] s. coda di ca- Piriow, [pilo] s. guanciale, m. Pie'cer, [piseiir] s. rappezzato- pelli legata indietro con un na- Pil'low, [pilo] v.a. posare sur re, racconciatore, m. stro; specie di tabacco, f. un guanciale. Pied', fpai'd] adj. pezzato, di Pike', [paiche] s. luccio m. Pil'low-case, [plo-chse] . fovarj colori. (pesce); picca, /.; young -, luc- dera di guanciale, f. Pied'ness, [pai'dns] s. variet cetto, m. Pilose', [pallose] adj. peloso. di colori, f. Piked', [paich'd] adj. acuto Pilos'ity, [pailsit] s. pelosiPie'powder-court,[parpaudeur- puntato, puntaguto. t,/. crt] s. corte tenuta nelle fio- Pike'-man, [paichemn] s. pic- Pi'lot, [paileut] s. piloto, m. re, f. chiere, m. Pi'lot, [paileit] V. a. guidare; Pier', [pire] .pilastro da ponti; Pike'-staff, [pachestf] s. asta governare, reggere. molo, m. di picca, f. Pilotage, [paileutdge] . uffiPierce', [pirse] v. a. forare, por- Pilas'ter, [pilsteiir] a. {arch.) zio del piloto; salario del piloiare penetrare tujf muovere, pilastro, m.| colonna, f. ; to, wj.
; ;

[plrseur] s. foratojo, Pirchard, [plcird] *. saracca , (pesce). succhio, m. Pier'cing , [plrsTng] adj. pun- Pil'cher, [plcheur] $. pelliccia; gente; penetrante; acuto; sot- saracca, ( (pesce). Pile', [palle] s. palo; mucchio; tile. Pier'cingly, [plrsingle'] adv. in fascio; edificio pelo, m.; lanugine, /". funeral -, rogo, m.; modo pungente, acutamente pira, f. sottilmente. Pier'cingness , [prsngnes] . Pile', [palle] v. a. ammassare, acutezza; sottigliezza; vivaci- ammucchiare; lo - up, accata.

Pi'lous, [paileus] atij. piloso.




Pi'ning, [paining] adj. languen- Piqne', [piche] v.a. piccare: irritare, offendere; -, v. n. pic[paimenta] s. pepe te, languido. Pin'ion, [pnieun] s. rocchetto carsi. d' India, m. (d'oriuolo), m.; ala; estremit Piqueer' , [pTchre] v. n. sacPimp', [pimp] s. ruffiano, mez dell'ala, f. cheggiare, predare, rubare. zano, m. Pimp', fpimp"! V. a. fare 11 ruf- Pin'ion, [piniein] v.a. legare le Piqueer'er, [pichireir] s. saccheggiatore, predatore, m. fiano, arruffianare. braccia, incatenare; inchiodare. Pim'pernel , [pmpeurnel] s. Pink', [pine] s. garofano, m. Piquet', [pcliet] s. picchetto, n.




Pim'ping, [pimping]

adj. picco- Pink', [pine] v. a. distagliare, Pi'racy,


lo, meschino, vile; povero. Pim'ping, [pimping] s. ruffia-

(giuoco di carte). [pairas] s. pirateria, ruberia, /. tagliuzzare, frastagliare V. n. ammiccare; battere gli Pi'rate, [pairte] s. pirato, corbarca,






Pim'ple, [pimpV] s.pustula.pu- Pink'er, [pncheurj s. tagliuz stulotta, bolla, /. cosso, m. zatore, m. Pim'pled, [pimpl'd] adj. pieno Pink'-eye, [pincai] s. occhio piodi pustulette, bernoccoluto. colo, m. Pin', [pin] s. spilla; punta, f.; Pink'-eyed, [pfncai'd] adj. che chiavistello, m.; caviglia, caha gli occhi piccoli. vicchia, f. ago, stile (d" oriuolo Pink'ing, [pinching] s. taglio, a sole); sbriglio; birillo, w.; frastaglio, m. crisping-, calamistro, w.; lar- Pink'ing , [pinching] adj. clie ding -, lardaruola, [.; rolling -, batte gli occhi, che ammicca matterollo (di pasticciere), m.; Pin'-maker, [pin-raecheiir] s. 1 care not a -, non me ne curo spillettajo, m. niente: it is nat worth a -, non Pin'-money, [pn-meune'] s. spil
; ;

Pi'rate, [pairte] v.a & n. corseggiare, rubare. Pirat'ical,[pairticl] adj. piratico.

Pirat'ically, da pirata.

[pairaticl] udv.

Pis'cary; [pscare'] s. privilegio della pesca, m. Pisca'tion, [pischscievin] s. pescagione, /.; pescare, m. Pis'catory, [pscateiir] adj. pescatorio. Pis'ces, [pisize]
s. pi. {astr.)


vale un frullo.




Pin', [pin] V. a. appuntare (con Pin'nace, [pnese] s. scappavia, Pis'cine, [pisne] s. pescna, /.; una spilla); serrare; to - catUe, f. (barca). serbatojo, m. rinchiudereil bestiame; to -xip, Pin'nacle, [pinacV] s. pinnaco Pisciv'orous, [pisiveureus] adj. succignere. che si pasce di pesce. lo; colmo, m. Pin'-case, [pinchese] s. scatola Pin'nated, [pineted] adj. {hot. Pish', [pisc] int. via! da spille, /. Pish', [pisc] V. n. braveggiare, pennuto. Pin'cer, fpinseur] s. cavadenti, Pin'ner, [pineur] s. spillettajo, esprimere disprezzo. wi. cane, (strumento). Pis'mire, [pzraaire] s. formica, m.; barba di cuffia, f. Pin'cers, [pinseurs] s. pi. tana- Pini', [paint] s. mezza botti- formicola, f. glie, /". pi. Piss', [pis] s. orina, f. glia,/.^ Pinch', [piasc] s. pizzico, m Pioneer' , [pa^^Snire] s. mar Piss', [pisj V. n. orinare, fare /". strettezza, difficolt, acqua. of rajuolo; guastatore, m. ; snuff, presa di tabacco, ^; to be Pi'ony, [pain] s. {bot.) peo- Pista'cho, [pstacio] s. pistacat a -, essere in pena. nia, f. chio, i. Pinch', [pinsc] v. a. pizzicare Pi'ous, [paius] adj. pio, reli- Pista'chio-tree, [pstacitri] s. strignere; sparagnare, rispargioso, divoto. pistacchio, m. miare; strappare; svellere; -, Pi'ousiy, [pasle'] adv. pia- Piste', [piste] s. pesta, traccia,/.; V. n. ridurre in istrettezza vestigio, m. mente, religiosamente. pinched with hunger, affamato. Pip', [pip] s. pipita, f. Pis'tl, [pistil] s. {bot.) pistilPinch'beck,[piiscebc] s. orpel- Pip', [pip] V. n. pigolare; gar- lo, m, lo, tombacco, m. rire. Pistilla'tion, [pistilescieun] $, Pinch'-fist , Pinch'-penny Pipe', [paipe] s. tubo; condotto, pestamente, m. [pinscefst,pinsce-pen] .ava- m. ;pippa; zampogna,/".; zufo- Pis'tol, [pis'teiil] .pistola,/. ro, taccagno, ni. lo, m.; fg. voce; cautatrice, f.: Pis'tol, [pstei] V. a. tirar piPn'-cushion,[pin-cheuscien]s. xvind -, esofago, w.; - of teine, stolettate, ammazzare con picuscinetto;' torsello, m. botte di vino, f. t^tolettate. Pin'-dust, [pin-dest] s. lima- Pipe', [paipe] v.a. & n. zampo- Pis'tol-bag, Pis'tol-case, [pistura, f. gnare; aver la voce acuta. telbg, pisteulchese] s. fonda Pine', [pane] . pino, m. (albero). Pi'per, [paipeir] s. zampognadi pistola, /. Pine', [paine] v. a. deplorare; tore, suonator di flauto, m. Pistole', [pistole] s. doppia, /. affliggere; -, v. n. languire, Pi'ping, [pajping] adj. fiacco, (moneta). struggersi; to - one's self to malaticcio fervido. Pis'tolet, [pistolt] s. piccola death, morire d'at'anno. Pip'kin, [pipchn] . pignatta; pistola, /. Pine'-apple, [painepl'] s. ana- pentola, f. Pis'tol-sbot, [pisteSl-sciot] s. nasso, m.; pina, f. Pip'pin, [pipn] s. mela appiuopistolettata, /.; colpo di pistoPin'eal, [plnil] arfj. pineale. la,/". la, m. Pin'-f eathered, [pin-fetfii eur'd] Pi'quancy, [pcnse'] s. acutez- Pist'on, [pisteSn] s. stantuffo ; adj. non ancor pennuto. za, asprezza, sottigliezza, f. pistone, m. Pin'fold , [pin-fld] s. parco; Pi'quant, [picnt] adj. pungen- Pit', [pit] s. fossa,/.; fosso; aovile; pecorile, m, te, acuto. bisso; sepolcro; {tht.) pianterPin'guid, [pinguid] adj. pingue, Pi'quantly, [picantle'] adv. in reno, ni.; platea,/.;arm-, ascella, grasso. modo pungente. coal -, miniera di carbone, /. Pin'-hole, [pin-hle] . buco di Pique', [piche] s. briga; offesa, /. gravel -, cava di renella, spilla, m. /.; puntiglio, m. ghi.aja, /. sand -, renajo, m.

Pit', [pit] r. a.


chiaramente, distintamente; -, adv, chiaramente , distintamente. Plain', [piene] s. pianura; campagna rasa, /. piano, m. Plaivi', [pine] v. a. appianare, uguagliare -., u n. compiagnere, lamentarsi. Plaindeal'er, [plendileur] s. uomo dabbene, uomo franco, m. Plaindeal'ing, [plndilng] adj
: ; .

scavare, incava- Pit'ted, [pted] adj. butterato. Pitu'itary,[pitiuitar]adi, pituiPit'apat , [pitapat] s. palpita- tario, della pituita. mento del cuore; r. my heart Pt'uite, [ptiute] s. pituita; flemma, /.; umor pituitoso, m. goes -, il cuore mi palpita. Pitch', [ptsce] s. pece; altezza; Pitu'itous, [ptiiiiteis] adj. pituitoso. cima, /. grado, m. Pitch', [ptsce] V. a. impeciare; Pit'y, [pite'] s. piet, compassione, /.; 'tis a -, un danno, un lanciare ficcare piantare {mar.) spalmare; -, r. n. arre- peccato. starsi, fermarsi; to - a camp, Pit'y, [pte'] V. a. k n. compatire, compiagnere. porsi a campo; to - upon one's Aead, ciombottolare; to - a net, Piv'ot, [piveiit] s. perno, cardine, m. spiegare una rete. Pitch'er, [pitscoir] .brocca,/. Pix', [pcs] s. pisside, /. Pitch'farthing, [pitscfartli'ing] Placability, [plecablit] .clemenza, /. s. specie di giuoco, f. Pitch'-fork, [pitscforc] s. forca, Pla'cable, [plcabl'] adj. placa/".; forcone, m. bile; clemente. Pitch'iness, [ptscines] s. oscu- Pla'cal)leness,[plcal>rnes]ve(fj Placability. rit, f. Pitch'pipe, rpitscepaipe]s. (nms.) Placard', [plecard] s. editto;

v. n. cavarsi.

onesto, franco, sincero; -, s

buona fede




[plneharted] adj. sincero, franco. Plain'-heart'edness, [plnehartdns] s. sincerit, /. Plain'ly, [plnele'] adv. semplicemente; schiettamente; fran-



bando, m.

Pitch'y, [ptsce] adj. impeciato; Placate', [plchete] i*. a. re, pacificare. oscuro, fosco. Pit'-coal, [pt-cle] s. carbone Place', [plse] s. luogo posto, uffizio; grado, tn.; in another-, di miniera, m. Pit'eous, [ptieiis] adj. dolente, altrove; trading -, .piazza di tristo, misero. negozio,/.; to give -, dar luoPit'eously, [ptieisle'] adv. tri- go, cedere. Place', [plese] v. a. mettere, colstamente, miseramente. Pit'eousness, [ptieusns] s. mi- locare; allocare, assegnare. seria; compassione, tristezza,/". Pla'cer, [plseur] s. che mette, che assegna il luogo. Pit'fall, [ptfdl] s. trabocchetPlac'id, [plsd] adj. placido, to, m. Pith', [pth^] s. midollo, m.: miquieto, mite. dolla; energia, f.;- of a quill, Placid'ity, [plasdite'] s. placianima della penna, /. dezza, f. Pith'ily, [pith^ilej adv. vigoro- Plac'idly, fplsdl] adv. placisamente, con energia. damente; piacevolmente. Pith'iness, [pith'-ins] s. vigo- Plac'idness , [piasi ns] vedi Placidity. re, m.\ energia, /. Pith'less, [pth'-les] adj. senza Plac't, [plst] s. placito, demidolla; senza energia. creto, giudizio ordine, w. Pith'y, [pth"] fldj. midolioso; Plack'et, [plcht] s. gonna, energico, spiritoso. gonnella, /. Pit'iable [ptiabr] adj. degno Pla'giarism, [pldgiarsm] s. di compassione, misero. plagio, furto letterario,. Pit'iableness, [ptiabrnes] s. Pla'giarist Pla'giary [plstato degno di compassione, dgiarst, pldgiar] s. plagiaPit'iably, [pitiable'] adv. in mo- rio, m. do da cagionare piet Plague', [pieghe] s peste; conPit'ier,[ptieir] che sente tagiono; pena, /. piet, m. Plague', [pighe] v. a. infettare,

Plain'ness, [plnenos] s livello, m. ugualit; semplicit: chiarezza; tesciturci (di paglia) /. placa- Plaint', [piente] .lamento, m.; querela, bruttura, /.

adj. la-

mentoso, querulo.
Plain'tiff, [plntifj tore, m.


Plain'tive, [plntv] adj. dolente, querulo. Plain'tively, [plntivle'] adv. do-

lentemente. Plain'tiveness, [plntvnos] s. doglianza, /. Plain'-virork, [plne-oueurc] lavoro d'ago, TO. Plait',[plete] s. piega, /.; doppio,
m.; treccia,



[plte] V. a. piegare; intrecciare. _ Plai'ter, [plteir] s. piegatore, m. Plai'ting





mento V intrecciare,


Pian', [pian] s. piano, disegno,m. Pian', [pian] v. a. disegnare; progettare; formare un disegno. Planch',[p]ansce]v.o. intavolare. Planch'ing, [planscng] .intavolatura, /. Piane', [pine] s. pianura; pialla, /. (strumento). Pit'iful, [ptifal] adj. compas appestare tormentare, afflig- Piane', [pine] v. a. piallare; sionevole, miserabile. appianare. Pit'ifully, [pitifl] adv. com Plague'-sore, [pleghe-sre] s. Plan'et, [planet] s. pianeta, i. passionevolraente. gavocciolo, m._ Planeta'rium, [plneterieum] s. Pit'ifulness, [ptifulnes] s. com- Pla'guily, [pieghile'] adv. af- planetario, r\ passione; piet, misericordia,/ fannosamente. Plan'etary , [planetare'] adj. Pit'iless, [ptils] a'Lj. spietato, Pla'guing, [plghng] adj. faplanetario, di pianeta. fiero, crudele. stidioso, nojoso. Plane'-tree, [plenetr] s. plataPit'ilessly, [pitilesl] adv. spie- Pla'guy, [pieghe] adj. affannono, m. tatamente, crudelmente. so, molesto pericoloso. Plan'et-struck, [plant-streiic] [ptilsnes] Pit'ilessness , s. Plaice', [plse] s. passere, m. adj. golpato, attonito. spietatezza, crudelt, /. (pesce). Planm'etry, [planimetre'J a. Pit'man, [pitman] s. lavorante Plaid', [plad] s. ciarpa de'Scoz- planimetria, /. di miniera, m. (de, /. zesi, /. Plan'ish, [plisoe] v.a. adeguaPit'-saw, [pt-s] s. sega gran- Plain', [pine] adj. piano; chia- re, lisciare. Pit'tance, [ptnse] s. pietanza, ro, evidente; franco, sincoro, Plan'isphere, [plansfire]s.pla porzioncella, (. piuttosto brutto; in - terms, nisferio, m.
, , ,
; ;




vole [plozibTlite'] s. affabile, cortese; grato; Plank', [plane] s. tavola, asse/.; Plausibil'ity, gajo. plausibilit; apparenza, f. pancone, m. Plank', [plane] v. a. tavolare Plau'sible, [plozibP] adj. plau- Pleas'antly , [plzntle'] adv. piacevolmente; cortesemente; sibile; apparente. impalcare con tavole. Plan'ner, [plneir] s. disegna- Plau'sibleness, [plozibl'ns] ve- gaj amente. Pleas'antness, di Plausibility. [plzntnes] tore, m. [plezntr] s. Plant', [plant] s. pianta, /.; ra- Plau'sibly, [plzbVe'] adv. in Pleas'antry , modo plausibile, con applauso. piacevolezza; affabilit, cortemicello, m. Plant', [plant] v. a. piantare Plau'sve, [plosiv] adj. plau- sia; facezia, gajezza, f.
, ;



v. n. piantarsi.







Plan'tain, [piantene]

piantag- Play',

Plan'tal, [piantai] adj. vegetabile, vegetativo. Planta'tion, [plantcscieun] s.

piantagione; colonia, f. Plan'ter,[planteur] s. piantatore; colono, m._

Plant'ing, [planting]



mento, piantare, m.
Plash', [plasce] s. guazzo; pantano, palude, m. Plash', [plasce] v. e. spruzzare; piegare; rimescolare. Plash'y, [plsce'J adj. pantanoso, melmoso. Plasm', [plasm]

plasma, for-

ma; matrice, f. Plasmat'ical, [plasraatcl] adj. commedie, m. plastico, formativo. Plas'ter, [plster] s. impiastro; Piay'-day, [pl-de'] s. giorno di calcistruzzo, m. festa, giorno di vacanza, m. Plas'ter, [plasteur] v. a. impia- Play'-debt , [pldt] s. debito strare ingessare porre un im- d' onoro, m. piastro medicinale. Play'er, [ple'eir] s. giocatore, Plas'terer, [plasteiireur] s. mu- attore, m. ratore che intonica; statuario Play'-fellow, [ple'fl] s. compagno di giuoco, m. in gesso, m. Plas'tering, [plasteuring] s. in- Play'ful, [plfiil] adj. giocoso, scherzevole. tonicatura, f. Plas'tic, [plastic] adj. plastico; Play-fully, [plfule'] adv. giocosamente, in modo scherzevole. -, s. plastica, f. Plas'tron, [plastron] s. piastro- Play'fulness, [plfulns] s. fa;

giuoco, divertimento; spettacolo, m.; commedia, f. ; foul -, frode, truffa, f.; to (JO to the -, andare alla commedia; to keep one in -, tenere uno a bada. Play', [pie] v.a. & n. giuocare; scherzare; rappresentare ; beffare ;burlare, burlarsi to - fair, giuocare onestamente; to - the fool, fare il pazzo; (o - foul, truffare, ingannare; to - the knave, fare delle furfanterie; to - pranks, fare dello sue ; to sure, giuocare a giuoco sicuro, to - one a trick, fare una burla; to - the truant, fuggir la scuola ; to - the icanton, trastullare. Play'-book, [plbc] s. libro di

contentare, soddisfare; to one's self, compiacersi dilettarsi as you -, come vi piacer if you -, se v' grato. Plea'sing, [plzng] adj. grato, gustoso, accetto. Plea'singly, [plIzTngl] adv. con piacere, piacevolmente. Plea'singness, [pllzingns]
; ;



Pleas'urable , [plegeirabl] adj.


piacevole, delizioso, ameno. [plge3rablns] s. piacevolezza, f. Pleas'urably, [plgeirabl] adv.

piacevolmente. Pleas'ure, [plegeirj s. piacere, divertimento, diletto, m.-, voglia,


your-? che doman-


Pleas'ure, [plgeir] v. o. piacere; contentare, soddisfare. Pleas'ure-boat , [plgeiir-btel s. battello di piacere, m. Pleas'ure-ground , [plgeurgraund] s. giardino inglese, m. Plebe'ian, [pllbn] adj. plebeo, volgare; -, s. nomo plebeo, m. Pledge', [pledge] s. pegno; mallevadore, m.; sicurt; testimonianza, f. ostaggio, m. Pledge',[pldge] v. a. impegnare, dare in pegno; to - in drinking, fare ragione. cezia, burla, f. ne; pettorale, m.. Plat', [plat] s. campicello, cam- Play'-honse, [ple'-hause] .tea- Pled'ger, [pldgeiir] s. uno cho

(tessere perello, m. Plat', [plat] V. a. intrecciare, Plat'ane, [piatene]*. platano, m. Piate', [plte] $. piastra; argenteria ; lamina.lama,/'. tondo, m. Piate', [plte] v. a. inargentare, indorare; ridurre in lamina. Plate'-can'dlestck, [plte-candl'stic] s. candeliere con manico inargentato, m. Plat'en, [pltn] s. pirrone, m.; (print.) piastretta, f. Plat'form, [platform] s. piattaforma; terrazza, f. Plat'ina, [pltina] s. platina, /. {metallo). Platon'ic, [pltonc] adj. platonico. Pla'tonsm, [pltonsm] s. pla;

d in pegno, m. tro, m. Play'mate, [ple'mete] . compa- Pled'get , [pledget] . (surg.) piumacciuolo, m. gno di giuoco, m. Play'some, [ple'seiim] adj. scher- Plei'ads , Plei'ades, [plids,

allegro, gajo.


s. pi. {astr.)


Play'someness, [plseimnes] s. Ple'narily, [pllnaril] adv. piescherzo, giuoco; trastullo, m. Play'thing, [ple'th-ing] s. tra- namente, totalmente.
stullo, m.; bagattella, /. Play'-wright, [pl-raite] citore di commedie, m.



Plea', [pH] s. difesa; scusa, /". Pleniln'nary, [pleniliunare'] adj. pretesto, colore, m. di plenilunio. Pleach', [plitsce] v. a. piegare. Plead', [plide] v. a. difondere; Plen'ilune, [plniliunc] s. pleniallegare ; -, . n, litigare, pia- lunio, m. Plenip'otence, [pleniptnsc] s. tire. Plea'dahle, [plldeabl] adj. detto plenipotenza, f. delle cose su cui pu litigarsi Plenip'otent, [plnptent] adj. tonismo, m. Plea'der, [pldeur] s. litigante, che ha piena potenza. Plenipoten'tiary , [plnipotenPla'tonist, [pletonist] s. plato- avvocato; piatitore, m. Plea'ding, [phding] s. litigare, scire'] s. plenipotenziario, m. nico, m. Plen'ish, [plnsce] v. a. riemPlatoon', [platun] s.(wir) squa- piatire, m. Pleas'ance, [plznse] s. gaiez- pire. drone, m.; schiera; banda, f. Plen'ist, [plenst] . partigiano Plau'dit, [pldt] .applauso, za; piacevolezza; baja, f. Pleas'ant, [plznt] adj. piace- del ripieno, m,; acclamazione, f.

[plinarines] s. , ripienezza; plenitudine, f. Ple'nary, [pllnard] adj. plenario, intero.


285 ;


Plen'itude, Iplenitiutle] s plo- Plot', [plot] .complotto, m.; co- Plum'-cake, [pleiimchche] s. pasticcetto di uva di Corinto, spirazione, trama, /. pezzo (di uitiulinc, pienezza, /. Plen'lcoHS, [plcnlicus] ailj. ab- terra), m.; io make a -, fare od uve secche, m. Piume', [plurae] s. penna, /. ; una congiura. boiuianto, copioso; fertile, Pleu'tcoiisly, Iplcntiusl] adv. Plot', [plot] V. a. concertare; -, pennacchio; orgoglio, m. Piume', [pliume] v. a. spennare, V. n. cospirare, tramaro. abl>o:iiiaiitcinouto, in copia. Plon'lcousness, plcnliusncs] Plot'ter, [plteir] s. cospirato- spiumare; ornare d'un pennacchio; to - one's self, prere, m. s,al)boiidau/.a, copia; fertilit,/. Plotitiful, [plentiful] adj. ab- Plough', [plau] s. aratro, ara- giarsi. Plume'less , [pliumels] aj. tolo, m. ponilovolo. Plon t.ffiilly, fplntifule' Plough', [plau] V. a. arare, sol- spiumato. Plumig'erous, [plimidgereu?] caro ; coltivare. abbondanza, copiosamente. Plou'tifulness, iplnlifulncs] s. Plough'-boy, [plaubi] s. lavo- adj. coperto di piume, pennut'>. abboiulanza, copia; fertilit,/. ratore; villanelle ignorante, m. Plum'met, [pleumt] s. piombiPlenty, piente] s. abbondanza, Plough'er, [plauer] s. arato- no, scandaglio, m. Plumos'ity, [pliumosit] s. penre, bifolco, lavoratore, wi. copia, quantit, /. Ple'onasTn, [pliinazm] s. pleo- Plough'-handle, [plaubandl'] ne, piume, /. pi. Plu'mous, [pliumeiis] adj. piunasmo, m. vedi Ploughtail. Pleonas'tic , [plionastc] adj. Plough'ing, [plauing] s. ara- moso, piumato. pleonastico. mento, wi.; bifolcheria; coltu- Plump', [pleump] adj. paffuto, grassotto, tondo -, adv. di suPleonas'tically, [plinasticale] ra, /. Plough'-land , [plaulnd] s. bito. adj. in modo pleonastico. Plump', [pleimp] s. massa, /.; rieth'ora, [plth-ra] s. pleto- terra arabile, /. ra, abbondanza di sangue, /. Plougb'-man , [plauran] vedi gruppo, mucchio, m. Plump', [pleump] v. a. ingrasPlethoret'ic,Pletb'oric,[pl6th-- Plougher. rtlc, plcth-rlc] adj. pie Plough'-share, [plau-scere] s. sare; ~,v. n. gonfiare; cascai'o
[ | ;

torico. voit-ero, coltro, m. gi. Pleth'ory, [ploth-orj vedi Ple- Plough'-staff, [plaoustaf ] s ba- Plump'ness , [pleimpnes] . thora. grassezza, corpulenza, /. stone da nettare V aratro, n,,. Pleu'risy, [pliiirise'] s. (med.) Plough'-tail, [plautele] s. ma- Plum-por'ridge , [pleim-porpleurisia, /. nico dell'aratro, m. idge] s. broda con passe, /.

Pleurit'ic,Pleurit'ical,[pliurit- Plough'-wright, [plau-raite] Plum-pud'ding, [plefim-piiding] Ic, pliiriticl] adj. pleuritico s. facitore d' aratri, m. s. budino inglese, m. Plev'in , [plcvin] s. (jur.) pei- Piov'er, fpleuveur] s. piviere, Plump 'y , [pleiirap] adj. grasTiissione di vendere i beni, /. m. (uccello). sotto, pienotto. Pliabil'ity, [plaablit] s. pie Pluck', [pluc] s. tirata, strap- Plum'-tree, [pleum-tr] s. prughevolozza, flessibilit, /. pata, /.; sforzo, m.; coratella,/. gno, susino, m. Pli'able, [plaibl] adj. pieghe- Pluck', [pleuc] V. a svellere, Plu'my , Ipliume'] adj. coperto
volo, flessibile. strappare; spennare, spiumare; Pli'ableness, Pli'ancy, [plal- lo - up one's spirit, farsi animo. blns, plainse] s. flessibilit; Pluck'er , [pleicheur] s. che docilit, /. svelle; ch<i spenna. Pli'ant , [plaant] adj. pieghe- Plug', [pleug] s. turacelo, cavole, flessibile; arrendevole. vicchio, pinolo staDtuffo(d'una Pliantly, [plaintl] adv. pie- tromba), m. ghevolmente, flessibilmente. Plug'jfpleiig] V. a. turale, stopPli'antness, [plaintnos] s.pie- pare; incavigliare. gliovolezza, flessibilit, /. Pluni',[pleum] s. susina, prugna, Pli'ca, [plaicaj s. [med.) plica /. ; somma di cento mila lire polonica,/. sterline,/. Plication, Plic'ature, [plaich- Plu'mage, [plimdge] s. piume, scioun, plicatciurc] s. piega, penne, /. pL riga, /". Plumb', [pleira] s. piombino, m. Pli'ers, [plaiurs] s. pi. piccole (strumento). tanaglie, /. pi. Plumb', [pleSm] adv. a piombo, Plight', [plaite] s. stato, m.; con- a dirittura perpendicolardizione; piega, piegatura, /.; nente. pegno, m. Plumb', [pleum] v. a. piombinaPlight', [plaife]v. a. impegnare; re, scandagliare. dare; promettere. Plumba'go,[pleiimbcgo]s. piomPligh'ter, [plaiteur] s. malleva- baggine, m.

di piume, piumoso. Plnn'der, [pleiindeur] s. predamento, saccheggio, m. Plnn'der, [plendeurl v. a. prodare, saccheggiare, rubare. Plun'derer, [pleiindereur] . predatore, rubatore, m. Plunge', [pleiindge] s. immersione; difficolt, angustia, /. Plunge', [pleSndge] v. a. immergere , sommergere, tuffare; -, V. n. immergersi, tuffarsi. Plun'geon, [pleindgein] s. merge, m. (uccello).

Plun'ger, [plefindgeur] rangone, palombaro, m.



Plu'ral, [pliurl] adj. plurale, m. Plu'ralist , [pliiirlist] s. uno che ha pluralit di benefcj, m. Plural'ity, [pliurlit] s. pluralit,

maggior numero, m.


[plirld] adv. pluralmente, al numero plurale.

dore, VI. Plum'beous , fpleimbius] adj. Plinth', [plinth^] s.{arch.) plin- plumbeo, di piombo. to, zoccolo, ?. Plumb'er, [pleiimeir] s. piomPlod*, (plod] V. n. affaticarsi; bajo, m. lavorare ; lo - at one's books, Plumb'ery, [pleimeiir] s. fabstudiare notte e giorno. brica da lavorare il piombo, /.; Plod'der, [pldcrj s. uomo la- lavori di piombo, rn. pi. borioso, ni. Plurab'-line , Plumb^-rule , Plod'ding, [ploding] adj. affati- [pleim-laine, pleiim-riile] . cante, laborioso ; pensieroso. piombino, m.

Plush', [pleiisce] s. felpa, /.; peluzzo, m. Plu'vial, Plu'vious, [pliiivial,

pliviis] adj. pluviale, piovoso. Ply', [piai] s. piega; forma; maniera, modo, m. Ply', [piai] V. a piegare; lavorare; sollecitare; -, v. n. aflfaticarsi ; sforzarsi ; applicarsi,




attendere; io - one hard, far Poig'nancy, [pinanse'] s. acu- Po'ker , [pcheur] s. ferro (da attizzare il fuoco), forcone, m. lavorare uno incessantemente: tezza, mordacit, /. (mar.) to - off and on, bordeg- Poignant, [pinant] adj. acu- Poi', [pi] s. pappagallo, wi. giare; to - one's oars, remare to, pungente mordace, satirico. (nome famigliare). Poig'nantly, [poinntl] adv. Po'lar, [poler] adj. polare. di forza. Pol'archy, [p51rche] s. poliarPneumat'ical, acutamente pungentemente, Pneumat'ic , [niumtc , niuratcl] af/j.j Point', [point] s. punta,/.; ca- chia, /. po; promontorio; punto, passo; Polar'ity , [plarit] s. polaripneumatico. _ Pneumatics, [niumtics] s. pi.' stato {rail.) ago,m.; at all -s, t, /. totalmente; in - of, in caso di; Pole', [pole] s polo, w.; pertica, scienza dell' aria, f_. Pneumatorogy, [niumatolodg] - 0/ honor, punto d' onore, m.; /. palo; timone (d'una carrozza) - of time, momento, m. to be on 1.: barber's -, s. insegna di s. pneumatologia, f. barbiere, /. Poach', [ptche] v. a. bollire (upon) the -, stare sul punto Pole', [pole] V. a. ficcare pali in to hit the -, dar nel punto. (uova); rubare. (azza, /. Poach'er, [ptceur] s. che cac- Point', [point] V. a. appuntare; terra. _ aguzzare; puntare; -,!;.. pun- Pole'-axe, [polecs] s. scure, cia furtivamente, m. Pole'-cat, [polecat] .puzzola,/. Poach'iness, [potchins] s. umi- teggiare; mostrare col dito; to - a cannon, voltare il cannone; Polem'ic, Polemical, [polemic, dit,/. polemical] adj. polemico. (mar.) to a sail, mettere le Poach'y, [ptc] adj. umido rizzo ad una vela; to - at, indi- Polem'ic, [polemic] s. polemipantanoso. controversista, co, m. Pock', [pc] s. bolla del vajuo- care, mostrare. Point'blank, [pointblnc] adv. Polem'ics, [polemics] s. pi. conlo, ^ Pock'et, [pochet] s. tasca, bor- di punto in bianco direttamen- troversie, dispute, /. pi. te to shoot -, tirare nel punto. Polem'oscope, [plemscpe] s. sa; scarsella, f. Pock'et, [pcbt] v. a. imborsa- Point'ed, [pointed] adj. appun- polemoscopio, m. Pole'-star, [pole-star] . stella mettere nella tato, acuto, puntuto. re, intascare adv. polare, /. [pintdl] borsa; to - an affront, sof- Point'edly, Police', [polise] s. polizia, poespressamente; chiaramente. frire un afifronto, bere un' inPoint'edness , [pointdns] s. lizza,/.; governo civile, rn.: amgiuria. ministrazione (d' una citt), /. Pock'et-book, [poclietbuc] s. acutezza; arguzia, /. Point'er, [pnteir] s. appun- Policed', [polise'dj adj. regolibretto di tasca, m. lato. Pock'et-daggerjpchtdgheur] tatore; cane da fermo, m. s. Point'ing, [pointing] s. pun- Police'-man , [poliseman] s. stiletto, m. sergente della polizia, m. Pock'et-glass, [pochet-glas] s. tuazione, /. punteggiare, i [pointng-|Pol icy, [polise] .politica; acspecchio da portare in ta- Point'ing-stock , cortezza, astuzia, f.:-of insurstc] s. trastullo, scherzo, m sca, m. Pock 'et -handkerchief, [pochet- Point'less, [pointles] adj. spun- ance, polizza di sicurt, /. Pol'ish, [polisce] s. pulimento, hncheurcif] s. fazzoletto, m.\ tato, ottuso. m.; pulitura, /. s. [point'smu] Points'man, pezzuola, f. Pol'ish, [polisce] V. o. pulire, liPock'et-knife, [pochetnaife] s. (rail.) guardiano, m. sciare; limare; -, V. n. divenire equilibrio; s. Poise', [poize] coltello di tasca, m. Pock'et-money, [pocht-meine'] peso, m.; gravezza bilancia, /.; pulito. Pol'ishable, [poliscibl] adj. che bilanciere, m. s. danaro di riserva, m. Pock'-mark, [poc- Poise, [poize] v. a. pesare, si pilo pulire. Pock'-hole contrappcsare; bilanciare; to - Pol'ishedness, [pliscdns] s. hle, poc-mirc] s. buttero di pulitura; eleganza. /. down, opprimere, aggravare. vajuolo, m. Poc'ulent, [pochiulnt] adj. po- Poi'son, [puiz'n] s. veleno, tos- Pol'isher, [polisceur] s. pulitore,
; ;



v. a.



Pod',[pd] s. guscio, m.; scorza,/". Podag'rical, [pdgricl] adj. podagrico, podagroso. Podes'ta, [podest] s. podest, m. (magistrato). Podge', [podgej s. lagume; pantano, palude, T)i. Po'em, [pem] s. poema, m. Po'esy, [pis] s. poesia,/. Po'et, [poet] s. poeta; verseggiatore, m. Poetaster, [potsteur] tastro, poetacelo, w.


avvele- Pol'ishing, [poliscing]


attossicare infettare, mento, m. nare Polite', [plaite] adj. pulito, contaminare. Poi'soner, [piz'neiir] s. avve- garbato civile, cortese. Polite'ly, [plaitel] adv. pulilenatore; corrompitore, m Poi'soning, [poiz'nng] s. at- tamente, cortesemente, civilmente. tossicamento, m. Poi'sonous, [poiz'neus] adj. ve- Polite'ness, [plaitenes] s. pulitezza; garbatezza; cortesia, lenoso, nocivo. Poi'sonously, [poiz'neiisl] ndv. civilt, /. velenosamente,iu modo distrut- Pontic, Polit'ical, [politic, poi


Po'etess, [pets] s. poetessa, /. Poetic, Poet'ical, [poetic, poetical] adj. poetico, di poesia.

Poet'ically , [petcal] adv. poeticamente. Poet'ics, [poetics] s. jil. poetica,


Po'etize, [ptalze] v. a. comporre poesie. Po'etry, [petr] s. poesia, f.

qualit velenosa. /. [poiznusncs] Poi'trel, [poitrl] s. pettorale, m.; bulino, m. Poke', [poche] s. tasca, borsa, /.; sacchetto, wi.; to buy a pig in a -, comprare gatta in sacco (volgare). Poke', [poche] v.' a. cercare al tasto; frugare, frugacchiare; mettere in sacco; to - the fire, attizzare il fuoco.

litical] adj. politico, civile, cir-


cospetto, prudente. Polit'ically, [politicale']


politicamente; con


Politicas'ter, [pliticsteur] s politicastro, m. Politic'ian, [politisciein] s. p litico; uomo astuto, i. Politicly, [politcl] adv. asta-

tamente, accortamente.
Pol'itics, [politics] politica,/.

Pol'iture, [politiure] s. pulitura, f.: pulinienio, m. Pol'ity, [polite] s. governo civile; ordine, m. Poir, [pole] s. testa; lista; f.; suffragio, T?i.; to demand a -, domandare uno squittinio. Poir, [pole] r. a. scapezzare; tosare; votare, squittinare.



Pomegran'ate, [pomegranate] s. Pool', [pule] s. stagno, lagume; melagrana, /. piccol lago, 171. Pomif'eruos [pmfireis] adj. Poop', [pupe] s. poppa (della

pomifero, fruttifero.



Pol'lard, [polrd] pezzato, m.


del- Poor',[pire] arfj. povero, misero, la spada, f. indigente, necessitoso; sterile; Pom'mel, [peumel] v. a. batte- the -, i poveri, pi. ;poveraglia,/, re ; stregghiare. Poor'john, [piredgeon] s. merPomp', [pomp] s. pompa,/".; splen- luzzo, m. (pesce). albero sca- dore, m, Poor'ly, [pirel] adv. povera-





Pompat'ic, [pompatic] ad;', pomcruschello, m.;








farina; stacttiatura, f. Pom'pion, [pompicin] s. s, povert, Pollicita'tion, [plsitscieun] Pompos'ity, [pompsite'] s.aria indigenza,/". *. promessa, f. pomposa, ostentazione, f. Poorspir'ited, [purespirted] acZj. Pollinc'tor, [plincteir] s. im- Pom'pous, [pompoiisj adj. pom- codardo, vile. balsamatore de' morti, m. poso, fastoso. Poorspir'itedness, [pirespirPoll-tax, [ple-tcs] s. capita- Pompously , [pompeusle'] adv. ritdnes] s. dappocaggine, copomposamente, con pompa. zione, f. dardia, vilt, /". Pollute', [pollute] V. a. sporca- Pom'pousness, [pompeiisns] s. Pop', [pop] s. piccolo romore pompa, ostentazione, /.; splen- acuto, piccolo strepito subitare; corrompere. Pollu'tedness, [pliit'cdns] s. dore, TU. neo, m. macchia; contaminazione, f. Pond', [pond] s. stagno, vivajo, Pop', [pop] V. a. porre destraPollu'ter, [poliuteir] s. imbrat- pescajOjWi. mente; -, V. n. sopravvenire tatore, corruttore, m. Pon'der , [pondeur] v. a. & n air improvviso; to - in, entrare PoUu'tion, [poliscieun] s. pol- ponderare, pesare considerare. all'improvviso; to - off, lancialuzione, f.; contaminamento.m. Pon'derable, [pondeurabl'] adj. re; sparare; scappare; fuggiPoltroon', [poltrun] s. poltrone, che pu essere posato. re; to - out, andar via, uscire. adj. Pope', [ppe] s. papa, m. codardo, m. Pon'deral , [pondeiirl] Poltroon'ery, [poltrunere] s. co- stimato dal peso. Pope'dom, [ppedeum] s. pontidardia, f. Pondera'tion, [pondeiresciean] ficato, ni. Polyed'ron , [pliedreun] s. s. il pesare; peso, m. ~ Po'pery, [ppeire'] s. papismo,m. (geom.) poliedro, vi. Pon'derer, [pondoureiir] .pesa- Pope's'eye, [ppe's-i] s. tocco Polyg'amist, [poligamist] s. po- tore; pensatore, m. grasso, m. (gamia, f. Pon'dering, [pondeiring] s. pon- Pop'-gun, [pop-gheun] s.buifo; ligamo, m. Polyg'amy, [poligame] s, poli- derare, m. cannello, m. Pol'yglot, [puliglot] adj. poli- Pon'deringly , [pondeuringl] Pop'injay, [popindge] s. papglotte; - biOle, s. bibbia poli- adv. ponderatamente. pagallo; minchiouccllo, parigiglotta, /. Ponderos'ity, [pondeirsit] s. no, m. Pol'ygon, [p'iligon] s. poligono, ponderosit, {. peso, m. Po'pish, [ppisce] adj. del papa; m. (figura di pi lati). Pon'derous , [pondeireiis] adj. Cattolico Romano. Polyg'onal, [pllgonl] adj. po- pouduroso, pesante; grave. Po'pishly, [ppscele'] adv. a ligono. Pon'derously , [pondeureiisle'] modo di papa, da papista. Pol'ygrapli, [poligrfj s. poli- a(/. pesantemente; gravemente. Po'pishness, [ppscenes] s. pagrafo, m. Pon'derousnesslpondereusnes] pismo, m. Polyg'raphy, [polTgrafe'] s. po- s. gravezza, gravita, \.\ pondo, Pop'lar, [poplar] s. pioppo, opligrafia, f. peso, m. pio, m. Pol'ypous , [plipeiis] ailj. di Po'nent, [ponnt] adj. occiden- Pop'lin, [poplin] s. panno irlanpiedi; del molti polipo. tale. dese fatto di seta e lana, m. Pol'ypus, [plipeiis] s. polpo, po- Pon'iard, [pniardl s. pugnale, Pop'py, [pope] s._ papavero, m. m. lipo, stiletto, m. &tab wiUi a -, s. Pop'ulace, [popiiilse] s. volgo, Polysyllab'ic, Polysyllab'ical, pugnalata, f. m.; plebaglia, /. [polislabic, polislbcl] adj. Pon'iard, [pniard] v. a. pu- Pop'ular, [popiiilar] adj. popopolisillabo. gnalare, stilettare. lare, popolano; comune. Polysyllable, [polislaW] s. po- Pon'tage , [pontedge] s. dazio Popular'ity, [ppiilritl s. polisillalo. VI. (per passare un ponte), m. polarit, /. ; favore pubblico, m. Polyth'eism , [plth-iizm] .. Pon'tiff , [pontf] s. pontefice, Pop'ularize, [popiiilrizej v. a. politeismo, m. papa, m. popolarizzare. Polyth'eist, [plith-iist] s. poli- Pontificai , [pontificai] adj. Pop'ularly [popiiilrle'] adv. , teista, m. pontificale , di pontefice; -, s. popolarmente comunemente. Polytheis'tic , Polytheis'tical, pontificale, in. (libro). Pop'ulate, [popiiilete] v. a. po[plitli-iistic, polth^iisticl] Pontif ically, [pontificale'] adv. polare. adj. politeistico. pontificalmente a maniera di Popula'tion, [popiulesciein] a. Poma'ceous , [pmscieus] adj. pontefice. popolazione, /. popolo, m. pieno di pomi. _ Pontificate, [pontifichete] s. Pop'ulous, [ppiiileusj adj.-poPomade', [pomade] s. pomata, pontificato, papato, m. poloso, popolato. manteca, f, Pontific'ial , [pontif scil] adj. Por'celain , [prselne] s. porPoman'der, [pmandeur] s. sa- pontificio. cellana, /",; vasi di porcellana, ponette profumato, m. Pontoon', [pontijn] s. pontone.m. m. pi. Poma'tum, [pmteiira] .poma- Po'ny, [pone] . bidetto, ronzi- Porch', [prtscc] s. portico, ta. /". no, m. piazza, /",
; ; ; ; , ;

mente. zuc- Poor'ness, [piirenes]


Por'cupine, [porchiupaine] s. porco spinoso, m. Pore', [pore] s. poro, m. Pore', [pore] v. n. riguardare fissamente, fissare; esaminare; to - over a book, avere gli occhi fissi sopra un libro. Pore'blind , [poreblaind] aclj. corto di vista, miope. Pore'blindness, [poreblaindnes] s. vista corta, miopia, f.
Po'riness,[prins]s. porosit,/^. Pork', [prc]s.majale,m. carne del porco, f. Pork'-eater, [prchiteur] s. che mangia carne di porco. Pork'er, [prcheur] s. porcello, porchette, m. Pork'et , [prcht] $. porcello, porcellino, m._ Pork'ling , [porclng] s. porco



Por'ter, [prteir] s. portinajo; Posses'sor, [pozseur] m. posseditore, possessore, m. facchino, m. birra forte, f.
s Posses'sory, [pozseire] adj. Por'terage , [prteirdge] possessorio. prezzo del portare, m. Portfolio, [portfolio] s. porta- Pos'set, [pst] 8. bevanda di latto, cervogia ecc., f. fogli, portaletj;ere,_m. Port'-hole, [port-hole] s. can Possibil'ity, [psibllit] s. possibilit, /.; possibile, m. noniera (di vascello), /. Por'tico , [portico] s. portico, Pos'sible , [psibl'] adj. possibile. luogo coperto, m.; piazza, f Por'tion, [porsciein] s. porzio- Pos'sibly, [posibl]adv.inraodo ne; parte; fortuna, /.; (jur.) possibile, forse.

Post', [pste] s. corriere; posto, woman's -, dote, f. luogo, uffizio, impiego, m. poPor'tion, [porsciein] v. a. di videro, spartire; (jttr.) dotare. sta, f. Por'tioner, [porsciexneur]s. che Post', [pste] V. a. porre, metdivide. tere; (mercA.) trascrivere -, v. Port'liness, [prtlines] s. aria n. andare in posta, correre la posta. maestosa, dignit, f. Port'ly, [prtl] arfj. maestoso, Post'age, [pstdge] s. porto,
; ;

di latte,


grande; nobile. Portman'teau, [prtemanto]

danaro (delle



portamantello, m.; valigia, f. Por'trait , Por'traiture, [pr- Post'-boy, [postebi] s. postiPo'rous, [poreus] adj. poroso, trtc prtretceur] s. ritratto, glione, m. pieno di pori. Post'chase, [pstescize] s. carm.; pittura,_ f. Po'rousness, [porusns] vedi Portray', [portre'] v.a. dipigne- rozza di posta, f. Porosity. re, far ritratti, rappresentare. Post'date, [pstedte] s. data Por'phyre, Por'phyry, [porfire, Por'tress, [prtrs] s.portinaja, posteriore; data falsa,/. prfir] s. porfido, wi. Post'date, [pstedte] v. a. metguardiana, /. Por'poise, Por'pus, [porpoize, Port'reve , [prtrlvc] s. magi- tere una data posteriore. prpes] s. porco marino, m. strato d' U)i porto, m. Postdilu'van, [pstedlliuvin] fpesco). Port'-wine, [pertugine] s. vino adj. diluviano. Porra'ceous , [porscieus] adj. di Porto Porto. Pos'ter, [pstcir] . che corre porraceo, prassino. Po'ry, [pr] adj. poroso. la posta, corriere, m. Por'ret, [port] s. cipollina, f. Pose', [poze] v. a. imbarazzare, Poste'rior, [pstirieir] adj. pocipollino, i. steriore; deretano. confondere, imbrogliare. Por'ridge, [pordgc] .minestra, Po'ser, [pzour] s. uno che con Posterior'ity, [pdstriorit] s. zuppa, /. fonde, che imbarazza. posteriorit, /".; esser posterioPor'ridge-plate, [pordge-plete] Pos'ited, [pztd] adj. posato, re, ni. 8. piattello da zuppa, m. disposto, ordinato. Poster'ity, [posterite'j s. postePor'ringer, [prindgeiir] s. sco- Posit'ion, [poziscieiin] s. posi- rit, /.; discendenti, w?. pi, della; iicconciatura, f. zione situazione ; proposta Pos'tern, [pstourn] s. porticPor'ringerful , [prndgeirful] tesi, /. ciuola, porticella, f. s. scodella piena, f. Pos'itive, [pozitiv] adj. positi- Post-exs'tence[pstegzistence] Port', porte] s. porto, m. (mar.) vo, assoluto; vero, certo; ostis. esistenza futura, f. cannoniera, f. Posthaste', [psthste] s. gran nato. Por'table, [prtahrj adj. porta Pos'itvely, [poztivle'] adv. po- fretta posta, /".; lo make -, corbile, portatile; sopportabile. sitivamente rere a briglia sciolta, far ogni assolutamente Por'tableness , [portabrns] s diligenza possibile. certamente. attezzaad essere portato; por Pos'itiveness, [pozitvnes] s Post'-horse, [psthorse] s. catatura, /". vallo di posta, m. certezza; determinazione, f. Por'tage, [prtdge] s. porto; Pos'iture, [psitire] s. positu- Post'-hoase, [p.sthaouse] s poportamento, m. ra, situazione, f. sta, /.; uffizio della posta, m. Por'tal, [portai] s. portone, m. Pos'net, [pznt] s. bacinella,/'. Post'hume, Post'humous, postPor'tative, [prtativj adj. por- Pos'se, [pose] s. adunanza del hiume psthimeus] adj. po/.

Poros'ty, [prosite']


Post'age-label, [pstdg-lebl] 8. marca da francare, f.


popolo armato,



child, s.

postumo, m.

Port'-crayon, [prtc-creun] matitatoio, m.

Portcul'lis, [portc-cheulis] s. (fort.) saracinesca, f. Porte', [prte] s. porta Ottomana, /. Portend', [portend] v. a. presagire, augurare. Porten'sion, [portenscieun] s. presagio, augurio, ni. Pcr'tent, [portent] . portento; mostro, ni. Porten'tous, [portentous] adj. portentoso, prodigioso.

Possess', [pzs] V. a. possedere; ottenere; godere; to - one's self of a thing, impossessarsi di qualche cosa; to - one with an opinion, preoccupare alcuno d' una opinione. Possessed', [pozes^] adj. preoccupato. Posses'sion , [pozescieun] s. possessione, /.; possesso, possedimento; godimento, m.; -s, pi. possessioni, f. pi.; poderi, m. pi. (possessivo. Posses'sive. fpozesTvl adi. (or.)

Pos'til, [pstTl] s. postilla, f. Pos'til, [pesti] V. a postillare, (glione, m. fare postille._ Postil'ion, [pstilieun] s. postiPos'tiller, [postlleur] s. postillatore, cementatore, m.



[pstlTminr, pstllmiueus]a(/; fatto dopo.

Post'man, [postman]



portatore di lettere, m. Post'-master, [pst-master]

maestro della posta,



neral. cane della posta,




Fostmerd'an fpostmiviclian] Potential, fpotenscil] adj. po- Pound', [paound] s. libbra, /.; tenziale; virtuale, efficace. parco, m.; prigione per lo beadj. del dopo mozzogiorno.
Post'-office, [postofisj della posta, ni.

uffizio Potential'ity, [potenscilite'] possibilit; efficacia, f.


stie; /.

sterling, lira sterli-



Postpone', [postpone] r. a. po- Poten'tially, [ptnscile'] adv. con virt potenziale. sporre; differire: disprezzare. Postpone'ment, [postponement] Po'tently, [potntle'] adv. potentemente, potenzialmente; con s. posposizione, f. Post'script, [pscrpt] s. po- molto vigore. Po'tentness, [ptentnes] s. poscritto, m.; poscritta, f. Post'town, [posttaoiin] s. paese tere, forza, /". vigore, m.; efficacia, f. {poco usato). in cui si trova uffizio di poPot'ful, [ptful] s. pentola piesta, m. Pos'tulate , fpostiilete] s. po- na, pignatta piena, f. stulato, m.; domanda, f. Pot'-hanger, [pt-hnglieur] s. Pos'tulate, [postiulete] v. a. docatena del cammino, f. mandare; supporre; avanzare. Poth'er, [pth'etir] s. tumulto, Postula'tion, fpostiulscieun] s. strepito, remore, m. Poth'er, [pth'eur] v. n. schiadomanda, richiesta, /". Pos'tulatory,[pstiiileteur]adj. mazzare senza effetto, far molsupposto. to strepito. Postula'tum, [postiuleteum] s. Pot'-berb, [pot-erb] s. erbaggio, postulato, supposto, m. m.; erba da mangiare, f. Pos'ture, [pstire] s. postura, Pot'-hook, [pt-huc] s. catena da positura; situazione, /.; stato, fuoco, / manico d" un vaso, m. tn.; condizione, /".; ordine, m. Po'tion, [psciein] s. pozione, Pos'ture, [pstire] v. a. mette- bevanda,/.; beveraggio, m. re in positura, ordinare; asset- Pot'-)id, [pot-lid] s. copercliio tare. d' un vaso, m. Pos'ture-master , [postire- Pots'herd, [pot's-lieird]s. pezzo msteiir] s. ciurmadore gio- di vaso rotto, coccio, in. colare, m. Pot'tage, [ptdge] s. minestra, Po'sy, [pz] .mazzetto d fio- zuppa, /. ri; motto, m. Pot'ter , [poteir] s. pentolajo, Pot', [pot] s. vaso, toccale, or- vasellajo, m.; -'s day, s. argilla, /.;-'$ toare, s. vasellame ciuolo ramino, m. pentola, f.; flower-, s. testo, m. -^luatering -, di terra, m s. annaffiatojo, m.; to go to -, Pot'tery, [pt-eiire'] .stoviglie, andare in rovina(fnoi/o volgare). /. pi.; vasellame di terra; maPot', [ptj V. a. mettere in un gazzino di pentole, m. vaso: insalare. Pot'tle , [pot'l] s. quattro foPo'table, [ptabrj adj. potabile, glietto, /. pi. (misura); piccola bevibile. paniera da tener frutta, /. Po'tableneas , [potabl'nes] s. Potval'iant, [potvlint] adj. vaqualit potabile, f. loroso dopo d' aver bevuto. Pot'ager, [potadgur] s. pento- Pouch', [paotsce]s. tasca, scarla, /. romajjaolo, m. sella, borsa, /.; zaino, m.: fig. Potar'go, [ptarg] s. buttagra, pancia, /. bottarica, f. Pouch', [paoStsce] v. a intascaPot'ash, [potsce] s. potassa, f.; re; ingojare. sale alcalino, m. Poule', [pule] s. pugla, /. Pota'tion, [ptscieun] s. beve- Poult',[plt] s. pollastrino, polria, f.; sbevazzamento, n. lastrelle, m. Pota'to, [ptet] s. patata,/. Poul'terer, [pltureur] s. polPot'-bellied , [pt-belid] lajuolo, poUinaro, m. adj. panciuto {volgare). Poul'tLce, [pltis] s. cataplasma, Pot'-belly, [pot-bl] s. grossa impiastro, m. pancia, f. (volgare). Poul'tice, [] V. a. applicaPot'-butter, [pt-beuteur] re un cataplasma. s. Poul'try, [pltre] s. pollame, m.; butirro salato, m. Potch', [potsce] V. a. bollire leg- polli, m. pi. Poul'try-yard, [pltre'-ird] s. giermente; spingere. Pot'-companon, [pot-compan- bassa cote, polleria, /. ieiin] s. scialacquatore beo- Pounce', [paoinse] s. artiglio, m.; unghia polvere di pumice, /. ne, m. Po'tency, [potense'] s. potenza, Pounce', [paounse] v. a. spolverizzare; artigliare;sforacchiare. possanza; forza; efficacia, f. Po'tent, [potent] adj. potente, Pounced', [paunsed] adj. artigliato. possente efficace. Po'tentate, [ptntte] .poten- Poun'cet-box, [paoinset-bocs] 8. polverino, m.; scatoletta, /. tato, monarca, m,

Pound', [paoSnd] v.a. pestare;

rinchiudere; staggire; imprigionare. Pound'age, [paoinddge] s. un tanto per lira, scellino per
lira, m. Pound'er, [paondeur]


m.; sorta di grossa pera, /. twelve -, cannone di dodici libbre di portata, tn.

[paonding] s. postamento, tritamente, m. Pour',[rre] v.a. versare; span,


dere, eftbndere; -, v. n. scorrere <o - down, piovere straboc;

chevolmente, diluviare; lo out, trasvasare; diffondere. Pour'er, [poreiir] s. versatore;

diffonditore, m. (tray, Pour'tray, [pretre'] vedi PorPouf, [paute] s. merluzzo (pesci); francolino, m. (uccello). Pout, [paoutc] V. n. fare il grugno, fare un mal viso. Pout'ing, [paouting] s. stizza, /.; cattivo umore, m. Pout'ingly, [pautingle'] ad\3. burberamente; tronfiamente. Pov'erty, [pveirt] s. povert, indigenza; miseria, /. Pow'der, [paudeur] s. polvere; polvere da cannone,/.; Jesuit's -, chinachina, /. Pow'der, [paudeur] v. a pol-

verizzare; salare.

Pow'der-box, [paodourbocs]
polverino, m.


Pow'der-cart, [paoudeurcart] s. cassone della polvere, m. Pow'der-chests,[paoudeurcests] s. pi. cassoni di poppa, m. pi. Pow'der-flask , Pow'der-horn, [paoudorflasc, paoudeurhorn] s. borsa da polvere, /. Pow'dering-tub, [paoiideringteub] s. vaso da salarvi la carue, m. Pow'der-magazine, [paodeSvmagazine] s. magazzino da polvere, m. Pow'der-m!l, [paodermil] . mulino da polvere, m.

Pow'der-room, [paoudeuriim] j. (war.) Santa P>arbara, /. Pow'dery, [paoudeiroj adj. polveroso.

Pow'er, [paueur] s. potere, w?.; forza, possanza; armata; autorit, influenza, /.;

locomotive forza locomotiva, /.


Pow'erful, [paoeirfil] adj. potente; efficace. Pow'erfully, [paoeurfule'] adv. potentemente, con forza. Pow'erfulness, [paoueiirfulnes]

vigore, TO.;

efficacia; ener-









[pransingPow'erless , [paoueurles] adj. Pranc'lng-horse , horsc] s. cavallo che s' impensenza potere, impotente. Pow'erlessness, [paoueurlsns] na, m. Prank', [pranc] s. beffa; scaps. impotenza, debolezza, f. pox' , [pcs] s. morbo gallico, pata; f.; tiro, m. n. chicken -, vajuolo benigno, Prank', [prnc] v. a. ornare, adornare. bolle, i.; small -, vajuolo, m. Prank'ing, [prnching] s. decorazione pomposa, f. Poy', [poi] s. contrappeso (de Prate', [prte] s. ciarla, cianballerini di corda), m.

prebendario, benefiziato, m. Preb'endaryship, [prbndarescip] s. canonicato, m.

Preca'rious, [prichiriis]
precario, incerto.


Preca'riously, [prchriusl] adv. precariamente, in modo

Poze', [pze]

V. a.


cia, f.


(ctical. Prate", [prte]


Prac'tic, [prctic] vedi Pra- ciarlare. Practicabil'ity, [practicablit] Pra'ter , [prteuv] s. Precau'tion, [prlcosciein] chiacchierone, m. s. vedi Practlcableness. Prac'ticable, [prctcabr] udj. Pra'ting, [prting] s. ciarla, lo- precauzione; cautela, f. Precau'tion, [pricoscieun] v. a quacit, f. praticabile, fattevole. Prac'ticableness , [practcabl'- Pra'tingly, [prtingl] adv. da dare avviso, avvertire. (ca, f. Precau'tionary , [pricoscic3nns] s. possibilit d' essere pra- ciarlone. Prat'ique, [prtiche] s. prati- ar] a(/;. di precauzione di cauti Ciito. f. Prac'ticably, [practicable] adv Prat'tle, [prt'l] s. ciarleria, tela. Preceda'neons , [prisidniis] ciancia, f. in modo praticabile. Prac'tical, [practical] adj pra- Prat'tle, [prt'l] v. n. ciarlare, adj. antecedente, precedente. Precede', [priside] v. a. precechiacchierare. tico. Prac'tically , [practicle] adv. Prat'tler, [prt'leur] s. ciarlone, dere, andare avanti, sopravanzaro. chiacchierone, m. praticamente; realmente.^ Prece'dency , Practicalness, [practclnes] s. Prat'tlng, [prfling] . ciar- Prece'dence , [prisidnse, prsidns] s. preleria, ciancia, /. effettivit; esperienza, f. Prac'tice , [prcts] s. pratica, Prav'ity, [prvit] s. pravit, cedenza, f. Prece'dent, [prsident] arf;. precorruzione; malizia, f. /.; nso, costume; metodo, m.; pracfices, pi. pratiche segrete, f. Prawn', [prn] s. granchioli- cedente; anteriore. Prec'edent, [president] s. esemno, m. pi.; to put in -, mettere in praPrax'is, [prcsTs] s. forma da pio; uso stabilito, m.; scrittura tica. Prac'tise , [prctis] v. a. f^ n. insegnare la pratica, f.; esem- originale, f. praticare ; esercitare, professa- pio da seguirsi in pratica, m. Prec'edent-book, [prisedntbc] te; to - physic esercitare la Pray', [pre] v. a. & n. pregare, s. protocollo, formulario, t. Prec'edently, [prisidntl] adv. supplicare. medicina. Prac'tiser, [prctiseur] s. pra- Pray'er , [prre] s. preghiera, precedentemente, da prima. domanda, richiesta; orazione, Precen'tor, [prisnteiir] s. preticante; medico, m. Lord's -, orazione Domeni- centore, m. ^. Practit'ioner, [prctiscieuneur] Pre'cept, [prspt] .precetto; cale, f. 8. artista; pratico; medico, m. Pragmat'ical , Pray'er-book, [prorebuc] s. li- comandamento, m.; regola, /".; Pragmat'ic , ordine, m. [pragmatic, pragmatical] adj. bro di preghiere, m. Pra'yerless, [prcrelds] ad}, che Precep'tial, [prispscil] adj. prammatico; affaccendato. istruttivo. (cettivo. Pragmat'ically, [prigmtical] non fa preghiere, indevoto. adv. in modo protervo, arro- Pray'ingly, [pringl] adv. sup- Precep'tive, [prlsptiv]arfj. prePrecep'tor, [prisepteur] s. preplichevolmente. gantemente. Pragmat'icalness, [pragmti'- Preach', [pritsce] v. a. & n. pre- cettore, maestro, m. clnos] s. protervia, arroganza, dicaro; evangelizzare; to - up, Precep'tory, [prisptoure'] adi. precettivo, istruttivo ; -, s. seesaltare; vantare. impertinenza, f. Praise', [prze] s-lode,/.; elogio, Preach'er, [pritsceir] . predi- minario, m. Precep'tress, [prsptrs] . catore, wi. tn.: glorificazione, f. precettrice, /. Praise', [prze] v. a. lodare, Preach'ership, [prtsce3rscip] Preces'sion, [prlsescieun] . s. uffizio d'un predicatore, m. commondare; celebrare. Prai'ser, [przeur] s. lodatore, Preach'ing, [prtscing] s. il pre- precessione, precedenza, f. Pre'cinct, [prisinct] .procinto, dicare, m. commendatore, m. Praise-worthily, [przeoueur- Preach'ment, [prltscment]s,pre- circuito, m. dica, ^.; predicamento, m. (im- Precios'ity, [prsciosite'] s. preth'il] adv. laudevolmente. ziosit, f.: gran valore, m. [prze- piegato disprezzevolmeiite)._ Praise'worthiness , Preacquaint'ance, [priaquen- Prec'ions, [prescieiis] adj. preouurth'ins] s. lodabiln, /. zioso, di gran valore. Praise'woxthy,[prezeoueurth'e'] tnsej s. preconoscenza, /. adj. laudevole, lodevole, lauda- Pream'blo, [prambl'] s. pream- Prec'iously, [prscieusle'J adv. preziosamente. bolo, m.; prefazione, f. bile. [primbiuleus] Prec'iousness, [prescieusnes] s Prai'siag, fprezing] s. elogio; Pream'bulous, preziosit, f.; gran pregio, ni. adj. previo. commendamento, m. Prame', [prme] s. barca olan- Preapprehen'son, [priprihn- Prec'ipice, [prsipis] .precipi, ;
, '

precario. Preca'rioiisness[prTchriiisnsl s. incertezza; dipendenza,/". cicalare, Prec'ative, Precatory, [precativ, prcateire'] adj. supplichevole. ciarlone,

zio, m. scieiin] s. preconoscenza, f. dese con fondo piiitto, f. Precip'itancy, Prance', [pranse] v. n. impen- Preb'end, [prbnd] s. preben Precipitance, [prlsipitnse, prisipitnse'] s. da, f. narsi; cavalcare con brio. Pranc'er, [pranseur] s. cavallo Prehen'dal, [prbndl] adj. di precipitamento, m.\ fretta temeraria, f, prebenda. a mano, cavallo di parata, m.




Pre-emp'tion, [primpscieiin]

[pridcscius] adj. Precip'itant, [prispitnt] adj. Preda'cioTis preci pit ante, frettoloso. predace. Precip'itantly, [prispitantl] Pre'datory , [pridateure'] adj. ailv con precipitazione, con predatorio, rapace. gran fretta. Predeceased', [pridisise'd] adj. Precip'itate, [prisTpitete] adj. morto innanzi. precipitato, frettoloso; -, s. Predeces'sor, [pridisseiir] s. precipitato, w. predecessore, antecessore, m.: Precip'itate, [prisTpitote] v. a. progenitori -s. pi. antenati

anticipata,/".; riqht of diritto di comprare avanti, m.

Pre-engage', [pringdge] v. a. impegnare anteriormente^ Pre-engage'ment, [prengdgemntj s. obbligo anteriore, m.

Pre-estab'lish, [pristblsc] a. stabilire avanti.

precipitare, affrettare, accele- m. pi. rare ; -, V. n. precipitarsi affret- Predestina'rian , [prdstinrin] s. che crede alla predetarsi. Precip'itately , [prsipitetele'] stinazione. adv. precipitatamente, con Predes'tinate, [prldestinetc] r. fretta. a. predestinare. [prldestinoPrecipita'ton, [prlsipitsciein] Predestina'tion , sciefin] s. predestinazione, f. s. precipitazione; inconsiderazione, temerit, /. Predes'tnator, [prldestineleiir] Precp'itator, (prsipitetouvl s. vedi Predestinarian. prccipitatore, m. Predes'tine , [prIdstTn] v. a. Precip'itous, fprispiteus] a/lj. & n. predestinare; decretare. precipitoso, temerario. Predetermina'tion, [prldltourPrecip'itously , [prlspiteusle] minsciun] s. predeterminaadv. precipitosamente. zione, f. Precip'itousness, [prispiteus- Predeter'mine, fprditeurmn] ncs] vedi Precipitation. V. a. predeterminare. Precise', [prisaise] adj. preciso, Pre'dial, [pridil] ar//. prediale. esatto. Pred'icable, [predicabrj s. (log.) Precise'ly, [prisaisele'] ar/u. pre- predicabile, m.

Pre-estab'lishment, [prlstbliscmnt] s. stabilimento anteriore, m. Pre-examina'tion, [pr-egzminscien] s. previo esame, m. Pre-exam'ine, [prgzmn]v.a. esaminare avanti.
Pre-exist', [pri-egzist] v. n. preesistere, esistere avanti. Pre-exis'tence [pri-egzistnse] s. preesistenza, f. Pre-exis'tent, [pr-gzistont] adj. preesistente. Pre-existima'tion, [prl-egzistimscien] s. previa stima, /. Preface, [profs] s. prefazione,

/.; preambolo: proemio, m. Preface, [prefs] v. a. n.dire

avanti, inti'odurre.

cisamente, esattamente. Precise'ness, [prlsaisenes]


Prefacer, [prefseir] .scrittoPredic'ament, [predicament] s. re d' una prefazione, m. (foj.) predicamento, w.; catego- Prefatory, [prfateure'] c/j. introduttivo, preliminare. Pre'fect , [prifect] s. prefetto, preposto, m. Prefec'ture, Pre'fectship,[prifectceiir, prifectship] s. prefettura,

precisione, esattezza, f. ria, /. Precis'ian, [prisigein] s. rigo- Pred'icant, [predichant] s. prerista, m. dicante, predicatore, m. Precis'ianism, [prlsigeinTsm] Pred'icate, [predichete] s. pres. rigorismo, m. dicato, predicamento, m. Precis'ion, [prlsigcun] s. pre- Pred'icate, [predichete] v. a. cisione, esattezza, /'.;iimite,nt. affermare; dichiarare, manifePreci'sive, Iprisaisiv] adj. pre- stare, pubblicare. cisivo; positivo. Predica'tion, [prdichescieun] Preclude , [priclide] v. a. pre- s. affermazione, /". cludere impedire Pred'icatory,[prdicateure'] af/j. Preclu'sion, [pricliilgeun] s. affermativo. impedimento, m. Predict', [pridTct] v.a. prediPreclu'sive , [priclisiv] adj. re ; profetizzare.

Prefer, [prlfeur] v.a. preferire, preporre; promuovere, avanzare; to - a law, proporre una


[prefeurabl'J adj. , preferibile; desiderabile.

Pref erableness[prfeurabrnes]
s. preferimento, m. Preferably, [prfurable'] adv,

impeditivo. Predic'tion, [prdicscieiin] s. Preco'cious , [prlcscii?] adj. predizione, f. predicimento, w. precoce, prematuro. Predic'tive, [pridictv] adj. proPreco'cjousness , Precoc'ity fetico. [pricsciisns, pricsite'] s. Predic'tor, [prldTcteir] s. promaturit prima del tempo, f. nosticatore, profeta, m. Precog'itate, [pricdgitet'?! v.a. Predilec'tion, [pridilcscieun] premeditare. s. prodilezione, f. Precognit'ion. (priccfni'.c.cun] Predispose',[prclspze ] t) a. dis. jvecoiioscerza, f. sporre avanti, ordinare avanti. Precorapose', (pricmpsel tv a. Predisposit'ion, [prdspziscomporre anticipatamente. cieun] s. disposizione anturioPreconceit', [pricnsite] s. p>'t re, f. giudizio, m. prevenzione. /. Predom'inance,Predom'inancy, Preconceive', [priconsive] t;. a. [pridominnse, pridominnsej prevedere indovinare s. superiorit, f. Preconcep'tion, [pricnj^p- Predom'inant, [pridomnant] scien] s. pregiudizio, m. adj. predominante, uperiore. Preconcevt', [priconseurt] v.a. Predom'inate , [prdorainot] deliberare anticipatamente. V. n. predominare, prevalere. Preconiza'tion[priconizsciein] Pre-elect', [pnelct] v. a. elegs. preconizzazione, f. gere avanti. Precur'sor, [pricheSrseSr] s. Pre-em'inence, [prleminense] s. precursore; annunzio, w.. proemi nenza; superiorit, f. Precur'sory, [pricheiirsure'] s. Pre-em'inent, [prminnt] adj. introduzione, /. preominente; superiore.

per preferenza. [prefourense] s. preferenza, prelazioni^, f. Prefer'ment, [prfeurment] s. avanzamento, w. promozione, /". impiego, uffizio, m..; to come to -, avanzarsi, aggrandirsi. Prefer'rer, [prifeureSr] s. pre-





accusatore, m. Preflgura'tion ,


prefiguramento, m. Prefigurative, [prifighiurtv]

adj. prefigurativo. Prefig'ure, [prffghiure] v. a. significare avanti. Prefine', [prfane] v. a. prefi(so, V. nire, Prefix', [prfics] s. (gr.) prefisPreflx', [prifcs] v. a. prefigge-

re; stabilire.

Prefix'ion, [prficsiceiin]



figgimento; tempo fissato, m. Preform', [prifrm] v. a. forma

re avanti, figurarsi.





[priopiniein] . Premature'ly, [prmatciurel] iPreopin'ion pregiudizio, m. prevenzione. / adv. prematuramente Preg'nancy, [pregnans] s. pre- Premature'ness, Prematu^-ity, Preop'tion,[propsciuiils.(7ur.) [prematcirenes.prematci urite] diritto della prima scelta, m. gaozza: inventiva, f. Preg'nant, [pregnant] adj. pre- s. maturit avanti il tempo, f. Preordain', [prordene] v, a. Premed'itate, (prnnditete]i). a. preordinare, predestinare. gnante; fertile. Preg'nantly, fpregnantle'] adv. &n. premeditare, pensare avan- Preor'dinance, Preordina'tion, [prirdinnsc, prirdinescit;un] fertilmente; pienamente, gran- ti, appcnsare. [primedit- s. decreto antecedente, m. Premedita'tion , demente. Pre'gravate, [prlgrvte] v. a. scieiinj . premeditazione, f. Prepara'tion, [prparsciein] s. Premed'itately, [primediteteie'] preparazione, f.; preparativo; deprimere. apparecchio, m. adv. con premeditazione. [prTglieustPregusta'tion , scien] s. assaggiamento an- Premer'it, [prnnert] v. a. me- Prepar'ative, [preparativi adj. preparativo -, s. preparamenritare innanzi. terinro, m. Pre'instrtct, fprunstreiict] v. a. Prem'ices, [prmpos] s. pi. pri- to, apparato, nt. mizie./', p/:; primi frutti, m. pi. Prepar'atively, [ preparativi ] istruire anteriormente. Pieju'dicate, [prl- Prem'ier, [prcmiiir] adj. pri- adv. in modo preparativo, prePrejudgV dgouilgc, priilgiudicliete] adj. miero, principale; -, s. primo cedentemente. Prepar'atory,[prTparatoure']a'/J. ministro, m. giiidii-are innanzi. [prTdgeudge- Prem'iership, [prmiirscip] s. preparatorio, preparante. Prejudgment' dignit d" un primo ministro, /. Prepare', [pripere] v. a. prepanientj s. giudizio anticipato. apparecchiare: -, v. n. Preju'dicate, {pridgidicliete] Premise', fprimaize] v. a. spie- rare prepararsi apparecchiarsi, gare in primo luogo. adj. giudicato innanzi. _ Prejudica'tion, [pridgiudiclie- Prem'ises, [premises] s. pi. {log.) Prepa'redly, [pripercdle] adv. scienn] s- giudizio anticipato, m. premesse; O'ur.) case, /. pi.; con dovuta deliberazione. Prepa'redness, [priprcdns] s. Preju'dicative,lpridgiridichetiv) beni terreni, ni. pi. preparazione,disposizioue conadj. die forma un giudizio an- Prem'iss, [prmis] s. (log.) pro-



venevolezza, /. Prej'udice, [prdgidTs] s. pre- Pre'mium , [primiem] s. pre- Prepa'rer, [priprcfir] . preparatore: apparecchiatore, m. mio, m. ricompensa, f. giudizio, m.; prevenzione, /.; Premon'sta, [primnisc] v. a. Prepay', [prip] v. a. pagare detrimento, danno, m. prej'udice, [predgiudis] v. a. avvertire avanti , ammonire anticipatamente. Prepay'ment, [prpe'ment] s. il avanti. pregiudicare; nuocere. Prejudic'ial,[prdgiudscil]oc/j. Premon'islimentjPremont'ion] pagare anticipatamente, m. primnis- Prepense', [pripense] v. n. pro[primonlscemnt , pregiudizioso, nocivo. meditare. Prejudic'ialness, [prdgiudis- cien] s. premonizione, f. [primoniture'] Prepense',Prepensed' [prpnse, cialnes] s. pregiudizio, nocu- Premon'itory, pripns d] adj. premeditato. adj. che ammonisce anticipatamento; torto, m. Prepol'lency, [pripolcns] s. mente, Prel'acy,lprlase'] s. prelatura,/'. Prel'ate, [prelate] s. preiato, wi. Premon'strate, [prlmonstrete] prevalenza, prepotenza, f. Prepon'der, [pripondcr] . o. Prel'ateship, [prltescp] . V. a. premostrare. Premonstration, [primonstr- preponderare, prevalere. prelatura. /. Preponderance , Prepon'derscieiin] s. premostrazione, f. Prelat'ic, Prelat'ical, [prTltic,

posizione antecedente,



prelatixio, di


Prela'tion, [prlscieun] s. s. premonizione; anticipazione lazione, preferenza, f. Prel'atureship , (d' obbiezioni), /. Prel'ature , [prlatccur, prlatcurscpj s. Prenom'inate, [prlnominete] v. nominare avanti. digrit di prelato, /. [prinominePrelect', [prlctj v. a. preleg- Preaomina'tion , <!cienn] s. prima nominazione,/. gero. Prelec'tionjprilocsciein] s. pre- Preno'tion, [prinscieun] s. presciuuza, /. via lettura, f.; discorso, m. Prelec'tor [prilecteiirj s. pre- Pren'tice, [prents] s. novizio, principiante, m. lettore, m. Preliba'tion, [prilaibscieun] s. Pren'tceship, [prentTsescTp] s prelibazione, f.; previo gu- tempo d' imparare un' arte,

ancy, [pripndern.e, prip.inderns].s. preponderanza. /. pre- Premunit'ion, [ primi niscien] Prepon'derant, [priponderiit]




{jur.) confi scazione di beni,


adj. preponderante. prlponderete] Prepon'derate, supeV. a. n. preponderare



Prepondera'tion, [prlpondeiircscin) S. preponderanza, f. Prepose', [pripoze] v. a. preporre, mettere avanti.

Preposit'ion, [prepozlscieun] . preposizione, /. Prepos'itive, [pripnzitiv] adj. prepositivo; prcponento.

sto, m. Prelim'inary, [prllmnar ] atZj. preliminare. Prel'ude, [prlide] . preludio; proemio, m. Prelude', [prliude] v. a. suonare un preludio introdurre. Prelu'dious, Prelu'sive, Prelu' sory, Iprelidis, prelisv,

Prepos'itor , [prlpoziteiir] s. garzonaggio, m. Preoc'cupancy, [prlochiupanse'j preposto, proposto; osservatore, wt. s. previa possessione, /. Preoc'cupate, [pricliiupete] v. Prepossess', [pripozes] v. a. preoccupare; prevenire. a. preoccupare, anticipare. Preoccupa'tion , [priochiup- Preposses'sion, [pripozscieun] prevenzioscieun] s. preoccupazione, pre- s. preoccupazione





Preoc'cupy, [prichiuprdj v. a. Preposses'sor, [pripozeseiii] . preoccupatore, m. preoccupare, prevenire. Preom'inate, [priuminete] r. a. Prepos terous , [prlpostereis] troduttivo. Premature', [prematciire] adj. presagire, dar presagio; pro- ad], prepostero; assurdo, lPrepos'terously[prrpstoreiisle'l vedere {poco V'Sato). prematuro, primaticcio.
preliiisor] adj.

prelusivo, in-



re, aflfrottare;

adx>. in modo prepostoro, a ro- Present', [prTzcntl v. a. presentare, far un presente, ofiFerire ; vescio, assurdauiento.

V. n. affrettarsi;

conf<!rire. de Present'able fprTzcntabl] adj. ffrapss, pigiar l'uve; to - solche pu presentarsi. diers, levar soldati per ferza; Prepotency, s. Presenta'neous, [przntnius] to - upon, presentarsi, esporsi. pvo])otenza, f. Press'-bed, [prs-bd] s. letto iu Prepo'tent, [priptent]ady. pro- adj. prcsontaneo. potiMilo, superiore. Presenta tion, [przontsciein] forma di guardaroba, ni. Press'-gang , [prs-gang] Prepuce', [pripiiise] s. prepu- s. presentazione, f. s. Presentee', [prznt] s. chi milizia per eseguire la leva forzio, m. v. a. m. presentato a un benefcio, zata dei marinari, Prerequire', [prlrequaire] f. Presen'ter, [preznteur] s. pre- Pres'sing, [presing] adj. urgenesigere innanzi. Prereq'uisite, [prIrequisTt] adj. sentatore, presentante, m. te; importuno; -, s. pressione; istanza, f. richiesto avanti; s. cosa pre- Presen'tial, [prezuscial] adj. viamente necessaria, f. presenziale; presente. Pres'singly, adv. [presingle'] Prerog'ative, [prrdgatTv] s. Presential'ity, [prznscalit] istantemente, violentemente. prerogativa, ^; privilegio, s. presenza reale, f. Pres'sion, [prcscieun] s. presvautiiggio, m. Presen'tially,[przenscial]adu. sione, impressione, compressione, f. Pres'age, [prsdge] s. presagio, presenzialmente. augurio, m. Presen'timent, [prizentiment] Press'man, [presman] s. stampatore (di libri), torcoliere, m. Presage', [prisedgc] v. a. pre- s. presentimento, m. sagire, augurare. _ Pres'ently , [przntle'] adv. Press'-money , [prsmun] s. adj. presentemente, al presente. Presage'ful, [prsdgefil] premio d'arruolamento, m. pronosticante. Present'ment, [prizentmnt] s. Pres'sure, [pr'^ciure] s. presPresage'ment, [prsdgement] rappresentamento, m.; accusa, sura; oppressione,/". denuncia, f. s. presentimento, pronostico, m. Prest', fprestj adj. presto, pronPresa'ger, [prlsedgurj s. indo- Pres'entness, (prezentnes] s. ao, destro. acutezza d" ingegno, prontezza Presta'tion, vino, m. fprestsciein] s. Pres'ljyter, fpresbiteiir] s. minidi spirito, f. prestaziono, f. stro presbiteriano, prete, m. Preserva'tion,[prezeiirvscieun] Prestigia'tion , fprostYdgiPresbyte'rian,[prcsbitirin]a(/y. s. preservazione, f. scieiin] s. prestigio, inganno, ?)i. presbiteriano; s. presbiteriano. Preser'vative, [przeurvativ] s. Prestig'iator, [prstdgieter] (prisbiPresbyte'rianism , preservativo, antidoto, wi. s. prestigiatore, ingannatore.m. tirinisinls.presbiterianisino,n. Preserve' , [prizerve] s. con- Prestig'ious, [prestdgiusla^/j. Presbytery, [prsbitur] . fettura, conserva, f.; confetti, prestigioso, ingannevole. presbiterio, m. tn. pi. Pres'to, [pr-stoj adv. presto, Pre'science, [prlsciense] . pre- Preserve', fprzeurve] v. a. pre- prontamente. scienza, preconoscenza, f. servare, conservare ;confett ire. Presu'mable, [prlziumabl'] adj. Pre'scient, [priscient] adj. pre- Preser'vatory, ( prizeiirvateiirj presumibile.



importunare; -, mettere piericercare con premura to ;

assurdit, /. [pripotus]

sciente profetico. adj. conservativo. Presu'mably, f prlzimable'larft). Prescind', [prisind] v. a. pre- Preser'ver , [prizeurveur] s. in modo presumibile, senza scindere astrarre. conservatore, protettore, m. esaminare. Pre'scious, [prscieus] rerfi Pre- Preser'ving, [prizeurvngl s.i Presume', [prlziume] v. a. prescient. preservaniento; il preservare; sumere; presupporre. Prescribe', [priscraibe] v.a. & n. confettare, m. Presu'mer, [pnziiimeiir] s. proprescrivere; dirigere, ordinare. Preside', [prizalde] . n. presesuntuoso, m. Pre3cri'ber,(priscra,ibeur] 8. uno dere; aver la direzione; sopran- Presump'tion, fprTzeumpsciein] che proscrivo, _m. tendere. s. probabilit forte; presunzioPrescript, [priscript] adj. pre- Pres'idency, f prezidense'] s. pre- ne, arroganza, f. scritto -, s. proscrizione, /.; cosidenza, soprantendenza, f. Presump'tive , [prlzeimptiv] mando, m. Pres'ident, [przidnt] .presi- adj. presuntivo, presupposto. Prescrip'tion , [prlscripscein] dente; capo, m. - of a college, Presump'tuous , (pnzeumprettore d' un collegio, m. s. prescrizione; ordinazione, rituus] udj. presuntuoso, arcetta di un medico, f. Presiden'tial , [prezidnscial] rogante. Prescrip'tive, [priscriptv] adj. adj. che ha relaziono ad un Presump'tuously [prizeump, prescrittivo. presidente. tuuslja'/i;. presuntuosamente. Pres'ence, [prezcnse] s. presen- Pres'identship, [prezidentscip] Presump'tuousness, [prlzeiiinpza; aria, /.; aspetto, m.; - of s. uffzio di presidente, m. tuisncsl s. presuntuosit, f. mind, prontezza di spirito, f. Presid'ial , [pnsdial] adj. di Presuppose', [priseupoze] v. a. Pres'ence-chamber, Pres'ence- presidio, di guernigione. presupporre, supporre. [przense-cember Presigniflca'tion, [pnsignifch- Presupposit'ion, [pnsepzisroom , przense-riim] s. camera di prescien] s. previa significaziocieiin] s. presupposizione, /. senza, f. ne, f. Presurmise', [prizeirmaize] s. Presensa'tion , Presen'sion Presig'nify, [prTsTgnifai] v. a. previo sospetto, m. [presensesceiin, prsnscieiin] dimostrare previamente. Pretence', [prituse] s. argo Press", [pres] s. torchio, torcolo; s. presentimento, m. mento falso; protesto, m. apPresent, (prezont] adj. presen- strettojo, m. calca, folla; mol- parenza, f. attento;- tcnse, s. tempo titudine, f.; - for clothes, guar- Pretend', [pritnd] w. a. & n. te presento, m. daroba, f. protendere; imaginarsi, pie. Pres'ent, [przent] 8, presente, Press, [prs] v. a. premere, carsi; lo - business, far 1' af' dono, rogalo, tn. spremere, strigneraj sollecita- facceadato.



Prck'le, [prc'l] s. punta; spina, f. Prick'liness, [prclins] s. spinosit, f.

Preteii'ded,[pritndd]adj.fa]so, Prevarica'tion, [prlvarclie finto. scieun] s. prevaricazione; colPreten'der, [pritndeur] s. pre- lusione, f. tensore, pretendente, m. Prevar'icator, [privriclieteiir] Preten'dingly, [prltndngle'] s. prevaricatore, m. adv. presuntuosamente. Prevene', [privine] v. a prevePreten'sion, [pritenscieun] s. nire; impedire. pretensione, f.; pretesto, m. Preve'nient, [prvinlentj adj. Preterimper'fect, [prlteurimpreveniente. peurfect] adj. (gr.) imperfetto. Prevent', [privent] v. a. preve Pre'terite, [prlteuraltc] adj. prenire, anticipare; ovviare, im terito, passato; - tense, s. {gr.) pedire. preterito, vu Preven'ter, [prlventenr] s. che Pre'teritness , Preterit'ion , previene, impeditore, m. [priteritns, pritersceiin] Preven'tingly , [privutingl] s. omissione, f. adv. preventivamente. Preterlapsed', [prlteurlaps'd] Preven'tion, [prvnsciein] s. adj. passato, scorso. prevenzione , anticipazione Pretermis'sion , [prlteirmis- preoccupazione, /".; impedimen;

Prick'ly, [pricl] adj. pieno di spine, spinoso. *. Prick'wood, [prchouud] fusaggino, /". Pride', [pralde] s. orgoglio, n?,.; superbia, alterigia, /. to takein, vanagloriarsi, vantarsi. Pride', [praide] v. n. vantarsi,

cieiin] s.

pretermissione, omis-



[prlteurmt] v. a. , pretermettere, lasciare, tralasciare, omettere. Preternat'ural , [priteurnatcinrl] adj. soprannaturale. Preternat'urally, [priteurnatciural] adv. in modo soprannaturale. die delle coste. Preternat'uralness,[priteiirnat- Preven'tively,[prvntvle]arfi>. governato da preti. ciurlns] s. modo soprannatu- preventivamente, in modo pre- Prig', [prig] s. presuntuoso, wi. rale, m. ventivo. Prig', [prig] V. a. mariolare, Preterper'fect,[prlteurpeirfct] Pre'vious, [prlvi3s] adj. pre- truffare. s. (gr.) perfetto. vio, precedente. Prig'gish, [prigliTsh] adj. imPreterplu'perfect , [prteur- Pre'viously, [prviusl] adv. pertinente, arrogante. pliperfect] s. (gr.) pi che precedentemente, da prima. Priir, [pril] .rombo, m. (pesce). perfetto. Pre'viousness, [prlviisns] s. Prim', [prim] adj. afi'ettato, ripretext', [pritcst] s. pretesto, precedenza, antecedenza, ante- cercato, studiato.
, ,


to, m. Preven'tional, Preven'tive, [pnvnscieunal, privntiv] adj. preveniente; preservativo. Preven'tive, [privntiv] s. preservativo antidolo impedimento, m. Preven'tive-service, [priventTvseurvisl .servizio delle guar-

glorificarsi; preginrsi. Pride'fu), [praideful] adj. orgoglioso, altiero, vanaglorioso. Pri'er, [prieiir]s. spione, spia, nt. Priest', [priste] s. prete, sacerdote, ministro, m. Priest'craft , [pristecraft] s. fraudo ecclesiastica, /. Pries'tess, [pristes] .sacerdotessa, f. Priest'hood, [pristehiid] s. sacerdozio, m. Priestliness , [prlstelins] s. aria di prete, /. Priest'ly, [prstele'] adj. di prete, sacerdotale. Priest-rid'den, [prist- rid'n]orfy.

colore, m. riorit, f. Pri'macy, [primase'] s. primaPre'tor, [prlteur] s. pretore, w. Previs'ioa, [privigeun] s. anti-j to, m Preto'rial , Preto'rian, [pvit- vedimento, m. Pri'marily, [praimaril] adv, rial, prtorin] af/j. pretorio, di jPrewarn', [priouorn] tv a. avprimieramente, da prima, pretore. (toria, / vcrtire avanti. Pri'mariness , [praimarius] s. ^ Pre'torship,[prteurscip] x. pre- Prey', [pre] s. preda, rapina,/".; primato; primo luogo, m. Pret'tily, [prtil] adv. in una! lottino, m.; bird of -, s. uccello Pri'mary, [praimar] adj. primaniera piacevole, acconcia- di rapina, m. marie, primo, principale. iT^ente. Prey'> fpr] v. n. predare, ru-!Pri'mate, [prEimete] s. primate; Pret'tiness, [pretines] s. bel-i bare. capo, m. lezza, leggiadria, f. Prey'er, [pre'eir] s. predatore ,|Pri'mateslxip, [prairaetescp] s, Pret'ty, [prete] adj. leggiadro, rubatore, m. primazia , dignit di primavago, grazioso. Price', [praise] s. prezzo, valo-i te, f. Pret'ty, [prte] adv. assai, cos re, ?n.: valuta; ricompensa, /".; Prime', [pralme] adj. primo, cos; quasi. market -, s. prozio corrente,! principale, originale; precoce; Prevail', [privile] v. n. preva- m. ; what's your -? quantoj -, s. principio; fiore, m.; prilere; avere la superiorit; ecvale? mavera, /. ; - o/" age, fioro del_ cedere; to - againat, resistere; Price', [praise] v.a. dar il gi- V otk,n.; - of the moon, noviopporsi; to on {upon, with), sto prezzo. lunio, vi. persuadere; to over, superare, iPrice'less, [praisels] adj. ine- Prime', [praime] v. a. mettere vincere. stimabile, il polverino; preparare. Prevail'ing , [privlfng] af/j. jPrick', [pricbe] s. puntura, fe- [Prime'ly, [praraele'] adv. da predominante, potente. rita, f.; bersaglio; rimorso, m. prima: eccellentemente. Prevail'ment, Prev'alence, Prick', [prlche] v. a. pugner, Prime'ness, [pramenes] s. priPrev'alency , ^ [privemnt, pungere; stimolare, spronare; mato, m.; eccellenza, /. {poco prvalnse, prvalens] s. pre- to - a cask, spillare una botte; usato). valenza, po-tenza; efficacia, f. to - up one's ears, stare cogli Pri'mer, [pralmeur] s. piccolo Prcv'alent, [prevalent] adj. po- occhi tesi; to - music, notare libretto ; breviario, ni. tente; efficace. (un'aria): (mar.) to - the sails, Prime'val, Prime'vous, [prai^*rev'alently, [prevalntle'] adv. ricucire le vele. mlvl, pralmiveus] adj primorpotentemente efficacemente. Prick'et, [prcht] s.cerbiatto.m. diale, primitivo. prevaricate, [privrichete] v.n. Prick'ing, [priclng] s. pugni- Pri'ming, [pralming] s. il metprevaricare ; colludere. mento; pizzicore, m. terc la polvere sul focone, m.
j |

Pri'ming-iron,[praImiiigaieurn] .spillo da nettare il focone, m. [praimscil] adj. Primit'ial, delle primizie. Prim'itive, [prmitiv] adj. primitivo, originale. Prim'itively, [primitivi e'] adv. primitivamente, in principio. Prim'itiveness, [prmitvns]




s, pri-


[printingp- Prv'ilege, [privildgc]

da stampa,

vilegio, w.; prerogativa,/'.;





originalit; antichit,


Print'ing-press, [printing-pres] s. torchio (da stampare), m. Printless, [printlsj adj. senza impressione. Pri'or, [praiir] adj. primo, anteriore, precedente. Pri'or, [praiir] s. priore su;

Prim'ly, [prml] adj. con affettazione.



Pri'orate, [praiurte]


Prim'ness, [primns]



Pr'oress, [praiiirs] Primoge'nial, [praimodginil] superiora, f. adj. primogenito. Prior'ity, [praiorit]



Primogen'iture, [praimodgeni- t; precedenza, /". tcer] s. primogenitura, f. Pri'orship, [praiorscip] s. digniPrimer 'dial , Primor'diate, t di priore, /".; priorato, m.
praimordite] Pri'ory, [praiore'] s. priorato,tn. Prism', [prism] s. prisma, m. Prim'rose, [primrze] s. primu- Prismat'ic, Prismat ical, [prizla, /". mtc, prizmticl] adj. pri(vrano, m. Prince', [prinse] s. principe; sosmatico. Prince'dom, [prnsedeum] s. Prismat'ieally, [prizmatcale'] principato, m. adv. in modo prismatico. Prince'like, [prinselaiche] adj. Pris'on, [prizeSn]- s. prigione, di principe, da principe, nobile. f. carcere, m.; keeper of a -, s. Prince'liness, [prinselins] s. carceriere, m. dignit di principe, f. Pris'on, [prizeiin] v. a. impriPriuce'ly, [prnsele'J adj. princigionare, incarcerare. pesco; nobile; -, adv. da prin- Pris'onbase, [prizenbse] s. cipe, principesco; nobilmente. barriera, f. (giuoco). Prin'cess , [pruses] s. princi- Pris'oner , [prizeiinefir] s. pripessa, /. gioniere, prigionero; prigione, Prin'cipal, [prnsipl] adj. prin- m.;-at (Ae ar, accusato, reo, m. cipale, essenziale; -,s. princi- Pris'on-house, [przcunhause] pale; capitale, m. s. prigione, f.: carcere, m. Principai'ity , [prinsipalite'] 6. Pris'onment, [prizeunmnt] s. principato, m.; sovranit, f. prigionia, incarc*erazione, f. Prin'cipally , [prnsipl] adv. Pris'tine, [prstn] adj. pristino, prisco; originale. principalmente; soprattutto. Prin'cipalness , [prnsiplns] Prith'ee, [prith'e'] ti prego, di grazia, principale essenziale, ni. Prin'cipate, [prnsipote] s. prin- Prit'tle-prat'tle, [prit'l-prt'l]

adj. primordiale.

Prv'ilege , [privldge] v. a. privilegiare esentare, esimere. Priv'ly, [privile] adv. privatamente; in segreto. Prv'ity, [prvit] s. partecipazione; confidenza; notizia, f. Priv'y , [prive] adj. privato, particolare famigliare segreto, nascosto;- councit, s. consiglio privato, ?n.; - purse, s. borsa privata, f. Priv'y, [prive'] s. privato, cesso, destro, m. Prize', [praize] s. prezzo; premio, m.; presa, f. Prize', [praize] v. a. apprezzare, stimare, valutare. Prize'-flghter, [praze-faiteiir] s. combattitore pubblico, m. Pri'zer, [praizeur] s. prezzatore, stimatore, m. Pri'zing , [praizing] s. stimazione, stima; valuta, f. Pro', [pr] prep. per; - & con, pro e contra.




probabilit, verisimilitudine,

Prob'able, [probabP] adj. probabile, verisimile. Prob'ably, [probable'] adv. pro-

babilmente, verisimilmeate. Pro'bate, [probte] s. W^^"-) verificazione (d'




Proba'tion, [probsciuii] s. prova, /. esperimento, m. Proba'tional , Proba'tionary, [pr5bsciunl,prbesciunrj adj. per prova. Proba'tioner, [probesciunoiir] s. scolare che fa la sua prova



Proba'tionership, [prbesciuns.

cipato, m.




noviziato, m.

Principa'tion, [prnsipesciein] Pri'vacy, [praivase'] s. segretezza ritiratezza, solitudine, /. s, analisi, f. Prin'eiple, [prinsipl'] s. princi- Pri'vate, [praivte] adj. privapio fondamento motivo, ih. to, particolare segreto, nascocausa, f. sto; in-, privatamente; - stairs, Prin'eiple, [prinsipPJ v. a. dare s. pi. scala segreta, f. Privateer', [pralvatre] s. coristruire. i principj Prink', [princ] v. a. ornare; ab- sale, m. bellire;-, V. n. ornarsi, ador- Privateer', [praivatlre] v. n. corseggiare. narsi. [pravtele] adv. Print', [print] s. impressione Pri'vately, stampa, /".; carattere, m.; let- privatamente, particolarmente; segretamente. tera, /".; out of -, che non si trova pi a comprare; to come Pri'vateness, [praivtens] riout in -, venire alla luce (de' tiratezza, oscurit, f. Priva'tion , [pravescieun] s. libri). privazione; mancanza,/'. Print', [print] v. a. imprimere; Pri'vative, [pralvatv] adj. pristampare. Print'er, [printeur] s. stampa- vativo, esclusivo; negativo. Pri'vatively, [praivativl] adv. tore, tipografo, m. Print'ing, [printing] s. impres- privativamente. Pri'vativeness, [pravativnes] sione; stampa, f. Print'ng- s. mancanza; privazione, f. Print'ing-house , office, [printing-hause, prnt- Priv'et, [privet] s. rovistico, m. (arbore). ingfis] s. stamperia, f.

Pro'bative, Pro'batory,
bativ, prbateure']



tivo, per prova. Probe', [probe] s. (surg.) tenta,/". Probe', [prbe] v. a. {surg.) toccare colla tonta. Probe'-scissars, [prbesizeirs]

pi. forbici di cerusico, f. pi.

Prob'ity, [prbit] s. probit, sincerit integrit, f. Prob'Iem, [problem] s. problema, ni.; proposta, proposizio;




Problemat'ical, [problimtic problimticl] adj. problematico, incerto. Problemat'ically, [problimticle'] adv. in modo problema,


Probos'cis, [prbosis] s. proboscide tromba (dell'elefante),/'. Proca'cious, [prchescius] adj. procace; insolente, protervo. Procac'ity, [prcsit] s. insolenza; petulanza; arroganza,/.



s. produttivit; fertilit, f. Pro'era, [prem] s. proemio, m.; prefazione, f. Pro'em, [prem] v.a. proemiare. Proe'mJal, [proimil] adj. proemiale, introduttivo. Profana'tion, [profanscieun] s.
/".; profanamenm. Profane, [prfne] aij. profano, secolare; impuro, pollute.

procatar'tic, [prcatrctc] adj. Procu'rable, [prochiurabl'] adj. che si pu procurare. prociit;irtico. Proce dure, [prosTdgcur] Procura'tion, [prochiurescieun] s. procurazione, procura, f. ocdinionto; progresso, ni. Pro'ceed, [preside] s. prodotto; Procura'tor, [prchiurteir] s. procuratore; agente, m. guadagno, m. [prochiurProceed', [proslcle] .n. proce- Procura'torship , teurscTp] s. uffizio del procudere, derivare; provenire; com(procede. ratore, m. portarsi, Proceed'er, [prosldeur] $. che Procu'ratory, [prchiurteure'] Proced'ing, [prosding) s. pro- adi. di procurazione. cediueuto, il procedere; com- Procure', [prochive] v. a. procurare; ottenere fare il mezpovtiimeuto, w. zano. Pro'cess, [proses] s. processo; progresso, TU.; - of time, pro- Procur'ement, [prochiremcnt] verbal, s. procurazione, /._ cesso di tempo, w.; Procu'rer, [prochiureur] s. propi-ocesso informativo, ii. [prscsciun] s. curatore; mezzano, mediatoProces'sion, re, m. processiono, f. Proces'sional, Proces'sionary, Procu'ress, [prchiures] s. pro;


v. a. profanare, violare, abusare. Profane'ly, [prfnel] adv. profanamente, con profanit. Profane'ness, [prFenenes] . profanit; irrevereuza a cose sacre, /. Profa'ner, [profneur] s. profanatore, violatore, m. curatrice, mezzana, f. [pr5sscieunil,prsscieiinar] Prodigai, [prodigai] adj. pro- Profan'ity, [prfnit] vccJtProadj. di processione. Pro'chronism, [prcrnsm] s. digo, spendereccio; -, s. prodi- faneness. Profec'tion, [prfcscieiin] go, m. s. procronismo, m. [prodigante] s. avanzamento; progresso, tn.; Pro'cidence, [prsidense] s. pro- Prodigal'lty, prodigalit, /. progressione, f. cidenza, f. Proclaim', [prclme] v. a. pro Prod'igally,, [prodigale] adv. Profess', [prfs] v.a. n. proprodigamente, profusamente. fessare; esercitare, mantenere, claniiire; pubblicare; bandire. [prclmeur] s Prod'igalness, [prodiglns] s. seguitare; professed monk, s. Proclai'mer, prodigalit, /. frate professo, m. proclamatore; banditore, mProclama'tion,[procleniescieun] Prodig'ious, [prddgieus] adj. Profes'sedly, [prfesedle'] adv prodigioso, mostruoso, stupen- pubblicamente, apertamente. s. proclama, f.\ bando, in. [prfescieun] Profes'sion, s. Proclive', [prclalvej vedi Pro- do : straordinario. Prodig'iously, [prdidgiousl] professione,/^.; mestiere, arte; clivous. protesto, m. ProcliT'ity, [proclivite'] s. pro- adv. prodigiosamente. [prodid- Profes'sional , [profescieinal] Prodig'iousness , clivit, propensioiie, f. Procli'vous, [procli'veus] adj. gieisns] s. mostruosit; ma- adj. di professione. raviglia, f. Profes'sionally,[prfscieunal] proclive: inclinato. Procon'sul, [prcnseul] s. pro- Prodigy , [prodidge'] s. prodi- adv. in modo di professione. gio, portento, m. Profes'sor, [prfeseiir] s. proconsolo, m. fessore; lettore pubblico, m. Procon'sular, [prconsiular]adj. Prodit'ioii, [prrliscieun] s. pro dizione, f.; tradimento, m. Professo'rial , Profes'sory , proconsolare. Procon'sulate, Procon'sulsliip, Prod'itor, [prditeixr] s. tradi- [prfesril, prfeseir] adj. professoriale. tore; perfido, m. [prcnsiulete, prcnseul scp] Prod'itory , Profes'sorship, [prfsurscTp] Prodito'rious , s. proconsolato, m. Procras'tlnate, [prScrstinete] [proditrieus, proditur] adj. s. impiego di professore, m. proditorio, da traditore. Proffer, [prfeur] s. profferenza, V, a. procrastinare; indugiare Procrastina'tion, [procristine- Pro'dromo, [prodrome] .pro-'erta/'.; tentativo, m. Proffer, [profeiir] v. a. proflFescieun] s. procrastinazione, f- dromo, m. [procrs- Prod'uce, [prodise] s. prodot- rire, offerire ; proporre. Procras'tinator , to ; profitto, guadagno, m. Prof ferer, [profeireur] s. proftineteur] s. indugiatore, m. Pro'creant, [prcrintj adj. pro- Produce', [prdiuse] v. a. pro- feritore, offerente, m. durre; causare. Profic'ienco , Profi'ciency , crearte, produttivo. Tro'create, [prcriete] v.a pro- Produce'ment, [prodi iisemnt]s. [prfscinse, prfsciens] s. producimento,n.; produzione, f. avanzamento; progresso, m. creare; produrre. Procrea'tion, [prcrscieun] s. Produ'cer, [prdiiiseur] s. pro- Profic'ient , [prfiscient] adj. proficiente; avanzato. duttore, generatore, m. procreamento, procreare, m. Pro'creative, [prcrietv] adj. Produ'cible, [prdisibl'] adj. Profic'uous, [prfichiuiis] adj. producibile, producente. profittevole, utile (poco usato). generativo, produttivo.

Profane', [prfne]

Pro'creativeness[pr5enetvnes] Produ'ciblenesSjProdu'cibility Pro'file, [profile] s. profilo, m. [prdi usibl'nes, prdiiisibiltj Profit, [profit] s. profitto, guas. potere di procreare, m.; faprodu- dagno; vantaggio; frutto m. s. facolt producibile colt generativa, f. Pro'creator , [procrieteur] s. zione, f. Profit, [profit] V. a. avvantagprocreatore; generatore, m. Produ'cing, [prodisTngl s. pro- giare; essere utile; -, v. n. profittare; far progressi. Proc'tor, [procter] s. procura- ducimento, produrre, m. tore; fattore, m.; -s, pi. mode- Prod'uct, [prodeuct] s. prodot- Profitable, [proftabi"] a/;, proto; eff'etto, m. opera, f. fittabile, profittevole, vantagratori, 1. pi. Proc'torship , [procteurscip] s. Production, [prdecscieuu] s. gioso, utile. produzione, /.; prodotto, wi. Profitableness, fprofitabl'nes] uffizio di procuratore, m. Procum'bent, [prcheumbnt] Produc'tive, [prdcctiv] adj. . profitto, guadagno giovaproduttivo, producente. mento; utile, m. adj. disteso, prono, inclinato.
; ,




[prgresivl] Pro'logue, [prolog] . prologo, [profitable] adv. Progres'sively , prolago, proemio, preambolo,. profittevolmente: con profitto. adv. progressivamente. Profiting , [profiting] s. pro- Progres'siveness, [prgresiv- Prolong', [prolong] v. a. prolunnes] s. progresso, avanzamen- gare; differire. fitto; progresso, avanzamen-

Prolonga'tion , Prolong'ing , to, m. to, t)T. Profitless , [profitls] adj. di Prohib'it, [prohibit] v. n. proi- [pr51onghesciein,prlonghng] s. prolungamento; indugio,. bire, impedire, vietare. niun profitto, inutile. Profligacy, [profligase'] s. scel- Prohib iter , [prohibiteur] s. Prolu'sion, [proliigeiin] s. proleratezza, di.ssolutezza,

proibitore, vietatore,




preludio, m.



adj. Prohibit'ion, fprhbiscieun]




scellerato, malvagio.

difes.a, f.

f.; il

proibire, m.;


Promenade', [prominade]

v. n.

passeggiare. adv. scelleratamente; con dis- Prohibitive , _ Prohib'itory, Prom'inency , [prlilbitiv, prohibiteir] adj. Prominence , solutezza. [prominens, prmiiiens] s. Prof ligateness[profllighetenes] proibitivo, proibente. prominenza, /.; risalto, m. Proj'eci:,[prdgct] s. disegno; s. scelleratezza, malvagit, f. Prom'inent, [prominent] adj. Prof luence, [profliensej s. pro- soggetto, m. fluvio progresso; corso, m. Project', [prodgect] v. a. dise- prominente; sporgente. [proininntl] Profluent, [profliunt] adj. gnare ; progettare; macchina- Prom'inently, adv. in modo prominente. scorrente, fluido. re; -, V. n. proporsi; (rail.) Profound' , [prfaund] projected line, s. strada ferrata Promis'cuous, [prmschiuus] adj. adj. promiscuo, confuso. profondo, alto; insigne, emi- progettata, f. [prodgectil] s. Promis'cuously nente. Projec'tile , [prmis, adv. (inventivo. chiuusle'] Profound', [prfaund] s. abis- projetto, m. promiscuaso; alto mare, m. Projec'ting, [prdgecting] adj. mente, confusamente. Project'ment Promis'cuousnos , Profoundly, [prfaundle'] adv. Projection , [prmis[pr5dgctsciein,pr6dgctnint] chiuusnes] s. profondamente, profondo. promiscuit ; confusione, f. Profoundness , Profundity , . proiezione , projettura, /. Prom'ise, [prmis] s. promessa; [prfaoundnes, prfeundit] s. disegno, m. profondit; penetrazione, /. Projec'tor, [prdgecteur] s. di- speranza, f. ; to keep one a tener la promessa. Profuse', [prfiuse] ad;, profu- segnatore, inventore, m,_ so; esuberante, eccessivo; pro- Projec'ture , [prdgctiure] s. Prom'ise, [promis] v.a. promettere, far sperare; affermare. digo. projettura, f_.; sporto, m. Profuse'ly , [prfiusele'] adv. Prolate', [prlte] v.a. pronun- Prom'ise-breach , [promisbritscej .mancanza di promesprofusamente; prodigamente. ziare, profferire. sa, Profuse'ness, Profu'sion, [pr- Prola'tion, [prlscieiin] s. pref. Prom'ise-breaker , fi usenes, prfiugeunj s. profulazione, proiferenza, f. [promisbrocheiir] s. mancatore, violasione; prodigalit; esuberan- Prolegom'ena, [proligdmina] s. della tore promessa, m. za. /. prolegomeni, w. pi. Prog', [prog] $. vettovaglia, f. ; Prolep'sis, [prolepsis] s. prole- Prom'iser, [proniseirl s. proprovvisioni, f. pi. mettitore, promettente, m. psi, /. Prog', [prog] V. n. ingegnarsi, Prolep'tic,Prolep'tical,[pr51ep- Prom'ising , (promising] adj. afl'aticarsi; rubare, involare. di buona indole; buono, bello; tc,prlpticl]o(/j. precedente, Progenitor , [prdgniter] s. antecedente. -, s. promessa, f. progenitore, m. Proleta'rian, [prltirian] adj. Prom'issorily, [promisourile'] adv. per via di promessa, in Prog'eny, [prodgin] s. proge proletario, plebeo; abbietto. /". nie, stirpe, schiatta, modo promissorio. Prolifl'c, Prolificai, [prolific] Prognos'tic, [prognostic] adj. adj. prolifico, fecondo. Prom'issory, [promiseure'] adj. che pronostica. Prolif ically, [prolificale'] adv. promissorio, di promessa. Prognos'tic, [prognostic] s. pro- fecondamente. Prom'ontory, [prmonter] s. nostico, presagio, m. Proliflca'tion, [prlifichscieun] promontorio, m. Prognos'ticate, [prognostichete] s. generazione, f. Promote', [promote] v. a. proV. a. pronosticare, predire. Prolificness, [prlifichens] s. muovere; stendere; far fiorire; Prognostica'tion.[progndstch- fecondit, f. conferire un grado. sciein] s. pronosticamento, Prolix', [prlics] adj. prolisso, Promo'ter, [promoteur] $. propronostico, m. diffuso ; tedioso. motore; protettore, m. Prognosticator , [prognos- Prolix'ity, [prlicsite'] s. pro- Promo'tion, [prmscein] s. ticheter] s. pronosticatore, in- lissit; lunghezza, f. promovimento; avanzamento, dovino, m. Prolix'ly, [prolicsl] adv. pro- aggrandiraento, m. esaltazioPro'gram, Program'ma, [pro- lissamente, lungamente, diste- ne, /.
; ; , ;


prgrmaj ma, avviso, m.




samente. Prolix'ness

[prlicsnes] vedi

progres- Prolixity. so, processo; viaggio, m. Prolocu'tor, [prlchiteur] s. Progress', [prgres] v. n, pro- presidente (d'un' assemblea), m, gredire, andar innanzi. Prolocu'torship , [prlchiiProgres'sion, [prgrscieun] s. teirscip] s. uffizio di presiprogressione, /. processo, m. dente, m. Progres'sional, Progres'sive, Pro'logizo , Pro'logue , [pro[progrscienl, progrsiv] adj. lodgaze, prolog] v. a. & n. proprogressivo, logaro, prologizzure.

Prog'ress, [progres]

Promove', [prmuve] v. a promuovere, avanzare favorire. Prompt', [prompt] adj. pronto,


Prompt', [prompt]

lesto; apparecchiato; contante. v. a. suggerire, insinuare; eccitare.

Promp'ter, [prmpterj s. suggeritore, ammonitore, m. Promp'ting, [prompting] s. suggestione,






Propo'nent, [proponent] s. proponente, tn. Propor'tion , [prprscieun] . proporzione, simmetria; conformit; porzione, f. Propor'tion, [prprscieun] v.a. proporzionare, aggiustare. Propor'tiouable [prprscionabl] adj. proporzionale, proporzionato. Propor'tionableness, [prprscienablnesj s. proporziona,

[prmptitiud, promptns] s. Propense' , [propnse] adj. inprontezza, lestezza, speditez- clinato, prono dedito. Propense'ness, [prpnsens] s. za, f. adv. tendenza naturale, f. [promptle'] Prompt'ly, prontamente, lestamente, pre- Propen'sioiijPropen'sity, [prpnscieun, propnsit] s. prostamente. [prSmeulghete] pensione tendenza, f. Promul'gate , Prop'er, [propeur] arij. proprio, V. a. promulgare, pubblicare^ convenevole, compePromulga'tion , [prmeulgh- propio tente; esatto; - owner, s. proscien] s. promulgazione, (. Promulga'tor, [promelgheteur] prietario, padrone, m. Prop'erly, [prpeurl] adv. pro. promulgatore, m. Promulge', [prmeuldge] vedi priamente; giustamente.
; ;



Prop'erness, [propeirns] s. Propor'tionably, [prprscieinabl] adv. proporzionalmente. Promurger , [prmeuldgeur] convenevolezza; attezza. /. Prop'erty, [prpeurt] s. pro- Propor'tional, [prprscieiinlj vedi Promulgator. adj. proporzionale proporzioProne', [prne] adj. prono, in- priet; qualit, f. Prop'erty, [prpeiirt] v. a. ap- nato. clinato, dedito; disposto. V. -, n. appro- Proportonal'ity,[prprscie5nProne'ness, [prnens] s. pro- propriare;


priarsi. pensione; inclinazione, f. Prong', [prng] s. forchetta, for- Proph'ecy, [profisai] s. profezia, predizione, f. ca, (. Pronom'inal, [pronominal] adj. Proph'esier , [profisaieur] s. profeta, m. pronominale, di pronome. Pro'noun, [prnaun] s. prono- Proph', [profisai] v. a pvofotuggiare, prodire; -, v. n. me, ni. Pronounce', [pronaonsc] v. a. predire il futuro; predicare. Proph'et, [profit] s. profeta, m. pronunziare dichiarare. Pronounce'able,[pr5nao5nseahlJ Proph'etess, [profits] s. proad'}, che pu esser pronun- fetessa, {. Prophet'ic, Prophet'ical, [prziato. Pronoun'cer, [prnaoinseur] s. ftic, proftica!] adj. profetico, di profeta. pronunziatoru, ni. Pronouncing, Pronunca'tion, Prophet'ically , [profticlle'] [prnaounsng prneunsi- adv. profticamente. sciein] s. pronunzia, (.-., pro- Proph'etize, [profetaize] r. a. profetizzare , profeteggiare nunziare, m. predire. Pronun'ciative,[prneinsciativ] Proph'et-like, [proftlaic] adj. adj. pronunziativo; positivo. Proof, [prfe] ad], a tutta pro- da profeta. Prophylac'tic, [profalacticlarfj. va; superiore. Proof, [prfe] s. prova, /.; espe- {med.) preservativo. rimento, tn.; testimonianza, /.; Propine', [prpaine] v. a. propinare. segno, ni. Proofless, [prfels] adj. senza Propin'quity , [prpnquit] s. propinquit, vicinit; affiniprova, senza segno. Prop', [prop] s. sostegno, pun- t, (. Propit'iable, [propisciablj adj. tello; appoggio, ajuto, m. Prop', [prop] V. a. sostenere, ap- conciliabile. Propit'iate, [prpisciete] v. a puntellare; ajutare; favorire. Propagable, [propagabl'J ad). rendere propizio. Propitia'tion, [prpisciscieun] che si pu propagare. Propaganda, [propaganda] s. s. propiziazione, f. Propit'iator, [propisciteir] s. piopaganda, /. Prop'agate, [propaghete] v. a. propiziatore; mediatore, wi. propagare; multiplicare; di- Propitiatory , [prpisciature] volgare; -, V. n. propagarsi; udj. propiziatorio.
; ,





Propor'tionally, [prprscierml] adv. proporzionalmente, con proporzione. Propor'tionate, [prporscieiiaete] adj. proporzionato. Propor'tionate, [prprscieunete] V. a. proporzionare, aggiustare, adattare. Propor'tonately,[prporscieiinetel] arzv. proporzionatamente. Propor'tionateness, [prprscienetensj s. proporzionalit,

Propor'tionless, [prporscieunls] adj. sproporzionato. Propo'sal, [prpozl] s. proposizione; proposta, offerta, f. Propose' , [propz] v. a. proporre, offerire; intendere; statuire.


[prpzeur] s. proche propone, wi. Proposit'ion, [propziscieun] s." proposizione; offerta, /.


Proposit'ional[propziscieiinal] a(ij. proposto di proposizione.


[prpaond] v. a. , proporre; mettere in campo. Propound'er, [propaonder] s. proponente; incettatore, tn. Propri'etary , Propri'etor





multiplicarsi. tion, [prpaghsciein] propagazione ; multiplicas. zione, /.


Prop'agator, [propagheteur] propagatore, m.


Propel', [propel] v. a. cacciare imavanti, spignere avanti


Propend', [propend] v. n. propendere; inclinare. Propen'dency, [prpndnse'] s. propensione; tendenza, inclinazione.


proprietario, padrone, tn. Propri'etress, [prpraiitrs] s. proprietaria, padrona, f. Propri'ety, [prpraiitej s. propriet; convenevolezza, f. Propitious , [prpscieiis] adj. Propugn', [prpiune] v. a. propugnare; difendere. propizio, favorevole. [prpeiignPropit'iously , [propiscieusle'] Propugna'tion, adv. propiziamente, favorevol- scieiin] s. propugnazione; difesa, (fenditore, tn. mente. /. Propit'iousness[prpisciesns] Propugn'er, [propiner] s. difavo- Propul'sion, [prpeiilscieln] s, s. benignit, bont, (.; espulsione,/. re, m. [prplsm] s. for- Prore', [prre] s. prora, prua, f. Pro'plasm , ma, f.\ modello, m.; matrice, [. Proroga'tion, [prroghescieiin] s. proroga,/.; allungamento di [prplstise] s. Proplas'tice, tempo, tn. arte di far modelli, f. s. propo- Prorogue', [proroghe] v.a. prePro'polis, [propolis] rogare, prolungare, differire. li, f.



lo, TU.

Pro'totype, [prtotaipe]

[prosteSmoProrup'tion, [proreupsciouu] s. Prosterna'tion , sciein] . prosternazione, f. prorompimento, m. [prestiti lite] adj. Prosaic, [prozeic] adj. prosaico, Pros'titute, prostituito, mercenario; -, s. di prosa, in prosa. prostituta, f. Prosa'ist, [prozcst] s. prosaiPros'titute, [prostitite] v. a. sta, prosatore, m. Prosai [przl] adj. clie ap- prostituire Prostitu'tion, [prostituscieun] partiene alla prosa. Proscribe', [prscraibe] v. a. s. prostituzione, /". Pros'titutor, [prestiti iiteur] s. proscrivere, esiliare. Proscri ber, [prscraibeur] s. che prostituisce. uno che esilia, condaiinatore,m. Pros'trate, [prostrte] adj. pro,




primo model-

Protract', [protract] v. a. protrarre, prolungare. Protrac'ter, [prtracteiir] s. che protrae; (jeorn.) quadrante, i. Protrac'tion, [prtrcsciein] s. protrazione, /".; il protrarre, m. Protrac'tive , [prtrctiv] adj. protraente, dilatorio, indugovole.

Pro'script, [prescript] s. esiliato, bandito, m. Proscrip'tion, [prscrpsceun] s. proscrizione, /. Prose', [prze] s. prosa, f. Prose', (prze] . a. prosare, scrivere in prosa. Pros'ecute, [prsicliiute] v. a. proseguire, proseguitare to one at law, perseguitare alcu;

Protrep'tical, [prtrepticl] adj. esortativo, persuasivo. v. a. prostrare, distendere a terra; Protrude', [prtriude] v. a. & n sporgere, spignere; uscire to - one's self, prostrarsi. Prostra'tion, [prostrscieiin] s. di linea. Protru'sion, [prtrlugun] . prostrazione, f. Pro'tasis, [protasis] s. protasi; projetto, sporto; impeto, m. [prtrusv] adj. proposizione,/".; argomento, m. Protru'sive, Protect', [protect] v. a, pro- spingente. Protu'berance, [prtiiiberanse] teggere, difendere. Protec'tlon, [prtcscieun] s. s. protuberanza, /".; gonfiamenno in giustizia. Prosecu'tion, [prosicliiuscievln] protezione, difesa, f.; to take to, tumore, m. [proti uberant] one into -, avere alcuno in pro- Protu'berant , s. proseguimento, m. continuatezione. adj. prominente; tumido. zione, f. Pros'ecutor, [p rosichi uteur] s. Protec'tive, [prtectiv] adj. di- Protu'berate, [prtiberete] v. attore: postulante,,. fensivo. n. gonfiare, gonfiarsi. [prtiuberPros'elyte, [prosilate] s. pro- Protec'tor, [protecteur] s. pro- Protubera'tion , scin] s. gonfiamento, in. selito, convertito, m. tettore, difensore amministi^avedi tore (d' uno Stato), m. Protu'berous , _ [pr5tiiaberesj Pros'elyte , [prosilaite] Proselytize. Protec'torate, Protec'torship, vedi Protuberant. [prtcterete, prtecteurscpj Proud', [praiul] adj. orgoglioso, Pi-os'elytism, [prosili tsm] s. desiderio di far proseliti, ni. superbo, altiero arrogante; s. protettorato, m.\ reggenza,/'. - (lesh , s. carne morta, f. s. Pros'elytize, [prsiltize] v. a. Protec'tress, [protectrs] far proseliti, convertire protettrice, /"._ horse, s. cavallo fiero, m. Pro'ser, [przeir] s prosato-] Protend', [protend] v. a. pro- Proud'ly, [praudl] adv. sutendere, porgere. perbamente, altieramente, arre, m. Proso'dian, [prsdin] s. clie Proter'vity , [prteurvit] s. rogantemente. versato nella prosodia. protervia, protervit, petulan- Provable, [pruvabl] adj. provaProsod'ical, [prosodicl] an'j. di za, f. {poco ujato). bile, probabile^ prosodia. Pro'test, [protest] s. protesto, Pro'vably, [pruvable'] adv. proproso[prosod] s. protestazione, Pros'ody , rn.; vabilmente. /. dia, /. Protest', [protest] v.a. confes- Prove', [priive] v. a. provare, Prosopopoe'ia, [prospopiia] s. sare; provare; pubblicare; -, esperimentare; cimentare; -, (rh.) prosopopea, f. t'. n. protestare ; attestare V. n. divenire; accadere; to Pros'pect, [prospect] s. prospet- certificare, assicurare. true, verificare. tiva; vista, /.; disegno, inten- Prot'estant, [protstnt] adj. Proved'itor, [prvditeur] s. to, m. protestante; -, .Protestante, provveditore, munizioniere, m. Prospec'tve , [prospoctTv] adj. m. & f. Prov'ender, [provonder] s. foprospettivo, provvido. Prot'ostantism,[ protestantism] raggio, m. ; vettovaglia, /. Prospec'tive-glass, [prspctiv- s. religione Protestante, f. Pro'ver , [prver] s. provaloglas] s. cannocchiale, m. Protesta'tion, [prtstescieun] re, m. [pruspeeteus] s. Prospec'tus, s. protestazione, /. ; giuramen- Prov'erb, fproveurb] s. proverprospetto, programma, m. to, m. bio, detto, motto, m. a. [prosper] v. renProtest'er, Pros'per, [protesteir] s. uno Prover'bial , [prveiirbil] adj. v.n. prosperare; felice; -, dere che protesta, che solennemen- proverbiale, di proverbio. riuscire. te dichiara, m. Prover'bially , [prveiirbil] Prosper'ity, [prosperit] s. pro- Prothon'otary, [prth^onotar] adv. proverbialmente per sperit: buona fortuna, /. s. protonotario, m. motto. Pros'perous, [prospeureus] a//. Prothon'otariship, [proth-ono- Provide', [prvade] v. a. & n. prospero, felice, secondo. tariscip] s. ufficio di protono provvedere; fornire; munire; Pros'perously, [prospeiireiisl] tarlo, m. to - against, cautelarsi; to succon prosperamente, Pro'tocol adv. [protocol] s. proto for, fare provvedimento. , collo, m. cesso. Provid'ed, [provaldedj adj. provPros'perousness, [prospeireiis- Protomar'tyr, [protomarteiir] veduto, preparato ; - that, conj. nes] s. prosperit, /.; buon s. protomartire, m. purch, a condizione che. Pro'toplast, [protoplast] s. pri' Prov'idence , [providense] s. successo, m. Prospic'ience, [prospsciense] mo formato protoplasto, m. previdenza, f. ; prevedimento, s. prevedenza, f.; antivodimen- Protoplas'tic, [pr5toplstc]ad; m.; circospezione, cautela; to,m. protoplastico. economia, /.
strato, disteso a terra. [prstrte] Pros'trate,



modie, salmdical] adj. appartenente alla salmodia. Psal'mody, [shude] s. salmodia,

Prov'ident , [provident] adj. Prowl'er, [praouleur] s. vaprovvidente; prudente, cauto; gabondo, rubatore; truffatore, m. economo. [prvidnscial] Prox'imate, [prcsimte] adj. Providen'tial, prossimo, vicino; immediato. ailj. della providenza. Providen'tially [providnsciale'] Prox'imately , [procsimtel] aUv. per cura della providenza. adv. prossimamente; immediaProv'idently, [prvidntle'] adv. tamente. Proxim'ity , [procsTmit] s. prudentemente, cautamente. Pr^vi'der, [prvaideur] s. prov- prossimit, vicinanza, f. Prox'y , [prcse'J s. deputato veditore, m. Prov'ince, [provmse] s. provin- procuratore, m.; procura, f. cia, regione; incombenza, cura, Proxyship, [prcsesclp] s. uffzio d' un procuratore, m. /.; affare, n..; that is not icithn n>y -, non della mia incom- Pruce', [priuse] s.cuojo di Prussia, m. beaza, non mi tocca. Provin'cial, (prvinscial] adj. Prude', [pride] s. che fa la modesta, affettatuzza, f. provinciale, di provincia; -, s. Pru'dence, [prudnse] s. pruprovinciale; superiore, m. Provin'cialism [provnscialsm] denza, saviezza, f. .provincialismo, dialetto della Pru'dent , [prudent] adj. prudente, savio, 'accorto, circoprovincia, m. Provin'ciate, [prvinscite] v. spetto. Prudential , [prudenscil] adj. a. formare in una provincia. Provine', [provarne] v.o. {rvine.) prudenziale. Pru'dently Pruden'tially , propagginare. Provis'ion, [prvigein] s. prov- [prudnscil, priidntl] ailv. prudentemente, con prudenza. visione, /. viveri, ra. pi. a.iPru'dery, fpriideure'] s. raodeProvis'ion, Iprvigeun] v
; ,


[slteur] libro di salmi, m.



Psal'tery, [solteur] s. salter, salterio, i. (strumento). Pseu'do, [siudo] adj. falso, supposto.

Pseudog'rapher, [siudografeiir]

pseudografo, m.

Pseudog'raphy, [siSdografe'] s. psoudografia, /.; scritto supposto, m. Pseudol'ogy, falsit,







via via!

Pso'ra, [sora] Psycholog'ic,

rogna, Psycholog'ical,

[saicolodgc, sEiclodgclj adj. psicologico. Psychol'ogy , [saicolodg] s. psicologi, f.; trattato sopra

anima, m.

Pti'san, [tizeSn]

tisana, bes.



provvisionaro. Provis'ional, [provigeunl] a'/j. provvisionale Provisionally, [provTgeunal] adv. provvisionalmente. Provi'so, (provaiz) s. condizione; stipulazione, /.; patto, m. Provi'sor, [provaizciir] s. provveditore; rettore (d'un collegio).

stia affettata, affettazione, Pru'disb, [prudisc] adj. di dostia affettata, affettato


Pty'alism, [tialism] ptialismo, m. mo- Pu'berty, [piubcirte']

t, adolescenza,





Pru'dishly, [prudscl] adv. in Pubes'cence, [piiibsense] s. et pubescente, /. modo affettato. Prune', [prune] s. susina sec- Puhes'cent, [piubesnt] adj. pubescente, di pubert. ca, /. Prune', [prune] v. a. dibru- Pub'lic, [poublc] adj. pubblico, scare , diramare; rimondare, manifesto, comune, generale; potare; to- up, abbellirsi, ador- - house, s. osteria, bettola, f.

Provi'sory, [prvaizeure'] adj. narsi. provvisorio; condizionale. Prunai' , Prunel'lo , [prinel priinolo] 8. prugnola, f. Provoca'tion, [provchscieun] appella- Pru'ner, [prner] s. che scas. .p revocamento, w?. pezza, potatore, m. zione, f. Provo'cative, [prvocatv] adj. Prunif'erous, [prunireiis] adj. provocativo -, s. rimedio pro- producenle prugne. Pruning, [pruning] s. potamenvocativo, m. Provo'cativeness, [provcativ- to, scapezzare, m. nes| . qualit provocativa, /.; Pru'nng-hook,Prun'ing-knife, [pr5nlng-huche,prunmg-naife] eccitamento, m. Provo'catory, [provocateur e'] s. s. falcetto, wi. Pru'rience ,_ Pru'riency, [praprovocazione, f. Provoke', (prvche] v. a. pro- riense, prurinse'] s. prudore, pizzicore, m. vocare, appellare. Provo'ker, [provocheur] s. pro- Pru'rient, [prurient] adj. pizzicante. vocatore, promotore, w. Provo'king, [prvoching] adj. Prurig'inons , [priiridgineis] adj. pruriginoso, pizzicante. provocante, istigante. [prvcliTngle'] Pruri'go, [priiraig] s. prurito, Provo'kingly , tn.; prurigine, /. adv. in modo provocativo. Prov'ost, [provost] s. proposto, Pry',[pr'ai] v. n. spiare, investiprevosto, m. gare, cercare diligentemente. Prov'ostship, [provstscTp] . Pry'ing, [praing] (into), s. inpropostato, m.; propositura, f. vestigamento, spiamento, m. Prow', [praou] s. prora, prua, Pryingly, [praingle'j wlv. improda, f. pertinentemente curioso. Prowess, [proes] s. prodezza, Psalm', [same] s. salmo, m.; canm.; azioni valorose, zone sacra, f. f.: viilore, Psal'mist, [samest] s. Prowl', [praoul] v. a. cercare di sta, wi. Psal'modic, Psalmod'lcal, [salrubare; rubare, saccheggiare


comune, m.



blicano, gabelliere, di. Publica'tion, [peublchcscieun] s. pubblicazione, edizione, f. Publicist, [peublisst] s. pubblicista, ni.

Public'ity, [peublTsite*] s. pubblicit, notoriet, f. Pub'licly, [peSblicle'] adv. pub-

blicamente, manifestamente, apertamente. Pub'licness, [peublicnes] vedi



[peublTc, patriottico, diil

sposto a promuovere pubblico. Pub'lish, [peiblsc] v.

blicare, manifestare




re, bandire. Pub'lisher, [peublisceir] . pubblicatore; editore, m. Pub'lishng,[peibllscing] s. pubblicazione, /.; pubblicare, tu. Puce', [piise] adj. del color di


Pu'celage, [piusildge] s. pulcellaggio, m.; virginit, f.

Puck', [peuc] lotto, m.

folletto, diavo*

Puck'-ball, [pciicbl] f. (fungo). Puck'er, [pouchcur]


s. il pulimpulsione,/. po- Pul'verable, [peulverabl] adj.


vescia, Puis'ne , [piin] adj. cadetto, piccolo, inferiore; vano.

sare, m.


piega, Puis'sance, Ipuisnce] s. tenza, possanza, f. Puck'er, [peficheur] v. a. piega- Puis'sant, [puisnt] adj. potente, possente. re, raggrinzare. Pack'-fist, [peicfist] vediPucTi- Puis'santly, [puisantl] adv. potentemente, con forza. ball. Pud'der, [peudeiir] s. romoro, Puke', [piiiche] \\ n. vomitare. strepito, schiamazzo, m. Puke', Pu'ker, [piuche,piilclieurj Pud'der, [peiideiiv] r. a. & n. s. emetico, vomitivo, m. srhiamazzare; disturbare. Purchritude , [peiilcritiude] s. Pud'ding, (piidiiigi s. vivanda, bellezza, venust,/". Pule', Ipiulel V. n. pigolare, piaf. saiiguinaccio, m. Pud'ding-sleeve, [pudTng-slIve] re: rammaricarsi. Pu'ling, [piilngj ac/j. malatics. iiKiiiica di un vescovo, /. Pud'ding-time, [pdngtaiuie] cio. in -, a Puir, [pul] s. tirata; scossa, f.; s. ora di pranzo, /. tempo. tiramento, m.
s. /.


PulTerisa'tion, [peiilveiraizscieiin] polverizzamento s.


polverizzare, wi. Pul'verize, [peiilveiraize] v. a. polverizzare. Pulver'ulence, [peulveriulense] s. qualit di polvere; abbondanza di polvere, /. Pulver'ulent,[pelveriu]nt]ad;. polveroso. Pul'vl, [peilvl] s. profumo,!. Pul'vil , [peulvij . 0. profu-




guazzo; Pull', [plj

lo ;

fango, limo, m.

V. a. tirare, ciare, svellere; remare, vogare;

mare. Pum'ice,Pum'ice-stone, [peirais, pemis stne] s. pomice, /. strac- Pump', (peump] s. tromba (da
tirar acqua); scarpetta,


die, Ipeiidl] v. a. sguazza-

re: iiiibrattaro.

Pud'dle- water, [peiidle-ouoteur]


acqua fangosa.


pud 'di j',

[peiidlj adj. fangoso,


pantanoso. Pu'dency, [piidns] zia, /.: pudore, m. Pudic'ity, Ipiudsite']

zia, castit,



Pu'erile, [piuTralle] adj. puerile, fanciullesco. Pueririty, IpiirTlit] s. pueri- sradicare. Pum'pion, [peiimpieun] s. zuczia, fanciullezza, f. Pull'-back, fpulbac] x. impedi- ca, /. Puer'peral , IpierperlJ adj. mento, ostacolo, m. Pump'-water, [peumpouteur] (wed.) di puerperio. Pul'len, [pulen] s. pollame, m. s. acqua di tromba, /. Pu'et, [pit] s. upupa, bubbo- Pul'ler, [piileir] s. che tira, che Pun', [ponj s. bisticcio, equivola, f. (co, m. spigne con forza. PufTjfpeufJs. soffio; fungo ;fioc- Pul'let, [pulet] s. gallinella, f. PufT, [pef) v.a. soffiare, gon- pollastro, TO. fiare; esaltare; -, v. n gon- Pul'ley, [pill .girella; carrufiarsi, sbuff"are; anelare, ansacola, f. re; to - up, gonfiare; lodare Pul'lulate, [peialiulte] r. a. straboccatamente; to up xvith pullulare, germogliare. prill e, faro insuperbire. Pullula'tion, [peiliulscieun] s. Puffer, [pcfeiir] s. soffiatore, pullulare, m. vantatore, m. Pul'monary , fpeilmeinar] s. Puffin, [peifin] s. smergo ma- {boi.) polmonaria, f. rino, m. Pul'monary, Pulmon'ie, [peSlPuffiness, [peufines] . gon- meunar, peiilmouc] adj. polfiezza, tumidezza, f. monario. Pufflngly, [peufingl] adv. tu- Pulp', [peulp] s. polpa, f. mida mento, in modo gonfio. Pul'pit, [pulptj s. pulpito, perPufiT-paste, [peif-pste] s. pa- gamo, m. sta a foglie, f. Pulp'ous, fpeulpeiis] adj. polpo-

spiumare un uccel- Pump, [peump] . a. cavare l'acqua colla tromba; lavare; lo fo - off one's hair, strapparsi i capelli; to - up a guod heart, scalzare. farsi animo; to- in pieces, mot- Pump'-brake , Pump'-break , ter in pezzi, sbranare (peumpbreche, pempbrechej s. to svellere; to auay, sconficcare; manovella di tromba, /. - back, tirare in dietro; to - Pump'-dale, [peiimpdele] .madown, abbattere, atterrare tu niche di tromba, /. pi. - in, tirare a se; rintuzzare; to Pump'er [peumper] s. pom, - off, cavare levare to - out, piere, m. stracciare, tirare; to /o, tirare Pump-gear, [peump-ghire] . a s; strignere; lo - up, alzare; apparato di una pompa, m.

co, m. Pun', [peiin]

v. n.


equivocare. Punch', [pe3nsc]







vanda fatta con limone, zucchero e liquori,

Punch', [peunsce]

v. a. forare,

Punch'-bowl, [peinsceble] s. piatto per le bevande forti, m. Punch'eon, [peiinscen] s. punteruolo, stampo, m. Pun'cher ; [peunsceur] s. succhio, TO.



[peiifj adj. gonfiato, ens.

so, polputo.

Punch'-ladle , cucchiajo per

ti, TO.

[peunscinelj . arlecchino, m. [pensc-led'l] s.


bevande fors.

Pulp'ousness, [peulpeiisnes]
scimiotto; cuor


Pug', [pciig] mio, m.

qualit polposa,/. Pul'py, [peiilp] vedi Pulpous.

Functirio, [peunctilio]


esattezza aspettata,

[pi] int. cib! Pul'sate, [peilste] v. n. pul- I*unctirious, [peiinctlieus] adj. Pu'gil, [piudgl] s. pugillo; piz- sare, palpitare. puntiglioso , troppo esatto , zicotto, wi. Pulsa'tion , [peulsescieun] s. scrupoloso.


Pu'gilism , [pidglism] s. pu- pulsazione, f.; battimento, m. Punctil'iousness, [peunctilgillato, m. Pufsatory, [pelsatur] adj. ieusns] s. stare sul puntiPugilist, [pidgilst] s. pugil- pulsatorio. glio, TO.; puntualit esatta, latore, m. Pulse', [peilse] s. polso; legume, scrupolosit, /. Pagna'cious, [peugnsciusj ad; m.; to feel one's -, toccare il Punc'tion, [peiincscien] s. punpugnace. polso ad uno. tura, /. Pugnac'ity, [peugnasit] s. pu- Pulse', fpciilse] v. n. battere, Pun'to, [peiinct] . ceremoniagnuzione, (. pulsare. le, m.




ad/. [Pup'py, fpeupe'] v. n. fare i ca- Puri', [peurl] s. smerlatura; cerPuno'tual, [peunctiual] puntuale, esatto. tellini, figliare. vogia con assenzio, f. Punctual'ity, [peunctiulite] s. Pup'pylsm, [peupeTsm] s. estre- Puri', [peirl] v. a. ornare di puntualit, esattezza, f. ma affettazione, f. frange; -, v. n. gorgogliare, Punc'tually, [peuiictiual] adv. Pur'blind, [peiirblalnd] adj. d mormorare. Pur'lieu , puntualmente, esattamente. corta vista. [peirlii] s. terrePunc'tualness, [pounctiudlns] Pur'blindness, [peurblandnes] no confinante con una forem. vedi Punctuality. [peiirblaindns] s. corta vista, sta, Pur'ling, [peSriyng] s. gorgoPunc'tuate, [penctiuete] v. a. miopia, /". glio, mormorio, m. punteggiare, puntare. [pourceseabV] Pur'chasable , Purloin', [peiirloin] v. a. invoPunctua'tion, [penctiusciein] adj. che si pu comprare. lare, rubare. [peircse] s. acquis. interpunzione; punteggiatu- Pur'chase, Purloin'er, [peurlineur] $. inra, f. sto, m.; compra, f.; bottino, w. Puncture, [peunctcoiir] . pun- Pur'chase , [peurcse] v. a. volatore, rubatore, m. Purloining, [peiirloining] s. latura, m. comprare, acquistare, drocinio. Puncture, [peunctceur] v. a. Pur'chaser, [peircseur] s. Pur'ple, [poiarpT] .porpora,/".; pungere. compratore, acquistatore, m. Pun'gency, fpeiindgense] s. qua- Pure', [piiire] adj. puro mero, color di porpora, m. chiaro; casto; squisito, eccel- Pur'ple, [peiirpP] adj. porpolit pugnente; punta; acutez,





Pun'gent, [poundgnt] adj. pu- Pure'ly , [piirel] adv. pura- Pur'ple, [peurpP] v. a. imporgnente: acuto. mente; solamente, semplice- porare, tignere colla porpora, invermigliare. Pu'nic, [pinic] adj. punico; in- mente. gannevole. Pure'ness, [piurencs] .purit; Pur'ple-dye, [peirprdai] s. colore porporino, m. Punic'eous , [piunTscieiis] adj. innocenza, /.
purpureo, porporino. Pur_[fle, Pur'flew, [peirfl', peur- Pur'ples, [poirpl's] s. pi. febbre petecchiale, /. Pu'niness, [piiinins] s. picco- fliii] s. ricamatura, /\ Purga'tion , [peirghescieun] s. Pur'pllsh, [peiirpliscl adj. porlezza; magrezza, /. Pun'ish, [peunsc] v. a. punire, purgazione, purga giustifica- poreggiante, porporino. Pur'port, [peurport] s. obbietto: gcistigare. zione, f. Pua'ishable, [peinisciabr] adj. Pur'gative,[peurgatv] adj. pur- tenore, contenuto (d'una scrittura); senso, m.; significaziopunibile; degno di punizione. gativo, evacuativo; -, s. mePun'isher, [penlscei] s. puni- dicamento purgativo, w.; pur- ne, f. Pur'port , [peiirport] v. n. intore, gastigatore, w. ga, /. Punishing ,' Pun ishment, Pu- Pur'gatory, [peurgateir] s. tendere; significare. Pur'pose, IpeiirpeiJs] s. propopurgatorio, m. nit'ion , [peunTscing, ppnscsito: intento, wi.; intenzione, f. mfcint, piuniscien] s, punimen- Purge', [peiirdge] s. purga; medisegno; soggetto: effetto, m.; dicina, /. to, m. ; punizione, f.; gasticonseguenza; utilit, /. on-, Purge', [peiirdge] v. a. purgare; go, i. Pu'nitive, Pu'nitory, fpinitiv, giustificare -, v. n. evacuare; a bello studio, a bella posta; to no -, in vano, inutilmente; pinitur] adj. punitivo. mandare fuori. Punk', [poiane] s. prostituita, f. Pur'ger, [perdger] s. purga- for what -? a che fine? [nr that - , a questo effetto; to Pun'ster, (peiinsteur] s.bistic- tore, purgante, m. ciero; motteggiatore, m. Pur'ging, [peurdging] adj. pur- change one's -, cangiar consiglio; lo speak to the -, parlar a Punt', [peunt] s. barca piatta, /. gativo ; -, s. purgare, m. Punt', [peiintj v. n. giuocare a Puriflca'tion, [piinfichescioun] proposito. Pur'pose, [peurpeiis] v.a Sen cassetta. s. purificazione, f. Pun'ter, [peunteur] s. guocato- Purificative , Purificatory , intendere; proporre; delibera pirficature'] re; disegnare. [piirficatv re a bassotta, m. Pur'poseless, [peurpeusclcs] Pu'ny, [piun] adj. piccolo; gio- adj. purificante. vane; inferiore; malsano, ma- Pu'rifier , [piurfaieiir] . che adj. inutile. Pur'posely, [peiirpeusel] adv. purifica, affinatore, m. laticcio. Pnp',lpeiip] V. n. fare catellini, Pu'rifying, [pirfaing] . il a bella posta, deliberatamente. Purr', [peur] v. n. mormorare figliare. nettare, m. (come fa il gatto). Pu'pa, [piupal s. crisalide, f Pu'rify, [piSrifai] v. a. purifiPu'pil, [piiipl] s. scolaro, m. care; nettare; raffinare; cor- Pur'ring, [pevingj s. mormoramento (del gatto), m. Pupilage, [piipledge] s. mino- reggere; -, V. n. purificarsi. puri- Purse', [perse] s. borsa, /. rit; tutela, /. [piiirsm] Pu'rism, s. Purse', [peirse] v. a. imborsare, Pu'pillary, [piipilar] adj. pu- smo, m. mettere nella borsa. pillare, di pupillo. Pu'rist, [piiirst] s purista, m. Pup'pet, [pcpct] s. burattino, Pu'ritan, [piiiritn] s. puritano; Purse'-cutter, [persecheutur] bamboccino, in. s. tagliaborse, m. Calvinista, m. Pup'pet-man, Pup'pet-player, Puritan'ical, [piUritncl] adj. Purse'-maker, [peursemecbeur] [peiipt-mn, peipet-plcur] s. presbiteriano. s. borsajo, m. ciarlatano, cantambanco, m. Puritan'ically, [piiiritncle] Purse'-net, [peiirscnet] s. tagliuola, f. Puppetry, [pepetr] s. affetta adv. da puritano^ zione, /.; smancerie, /. jil. Pu'ritanism , [piiiritnTsm] s. Purse'proud,!'peurseprao5d]affj Pup'pet-show, [peiipetsclo] s. Calvinismo, m.; credenza pre- fiero delle sue ricchezze. Pur'ser, [peiirseiir] s. provvedicommedia di burattini, f. sbiteriana, f. Pup'py, [peip] s. cagnolino Pu'rity, [piurite'] s. purit; in- tore d'un vascello; coramissario dei viveri, m. nocenza, /. ^ciocco, m.



Pu'tative, [piStativ] adj. putativo; riputato. Pu'tid, [piutid] adj. puzzolente; basso, abbietto, cattivo. Pu'tidness, [piitdnsl s. putidore; bassezza, cattivezza, /. Put-ofif', [put-f] .indugio, ritardo, m.

Pur'siness,Pur'siveness,[peur- Pus'tule, [peustiile] s. pustula, bolla, /. sins, poursivns] s. bolsaggiPus'tulous , [poustileiis] adj. ne, f. pieno di pustule. Purs'lain, [peurselene] s. porPuf, [put] v.a. irr. (put; put) cellana, /. Pursu'able, [poursiuabl"] a<ij. mettere, porre, collocare; aggiugnere; to - in an answer, dare la che si pu perseguitare. Pursu'ance , [peursiunse] s. sua risposta in iscritto; io - in bai l, dare mallevadoria, dare siconseguenza, A; processo, m.
Pursu'ant,[peiirsiunt] adj. conforme; secondo, in conseguenza di. Pursue', [poursiu] v. a. seguitare, perseguitare; -, v. n. continuare. Pursu'er, [peursiuour] s. seguitatoro, persecutore, m. Pursuit', [peursiut] s. persecuzione caccia sollecitazione, istanza; diligenza,/".
; ;



Pursui'vant, [peursiiiivnt] messaggiere, araldo, m. Pur'sy, [po;ars] adj. bolso. Pur'tenance, [peiirtinnse]




Pu'rulency, [piSpuru lenza, f.: marciduine, m. Pu'rulent, [piuriuleut] adj. puriilcnse, piriulnse'] s.

rulento, marcioso.

blush, fare arputredinoso, corrotto. rossire; the case, fare una Putrefac'tion, [pitrifcscieiin] supposizione, supporre; to up s. putrefazione, putredine; cora c/oim, formare una pretensio- ruzione, /. ne ; to - to death, mettere a Putrefao'tive,[piiitrifctv] adj. morto , uccidere ; to - out of putrefattvo. doo7's, mettere fuor di casa ; to Pu'trefy , [piutrifai] v. a. pu- in fear, impaurire, intimiditrefare, corrompere; -, v. n. re; to - in a fright, atterrire; corrompersi. to - up a hare, levare una le- Putres'cence, [piutresense] s. pre; to - into a harbour, entra- putridezza, putredine, /. re in un porto ; to - in heart, Putres'cent , [piutrsnt] adj. incoraggiare; to - out of heart, putrido, putrefatto. scoraggiale; to - in mind, faro Pu'trid, [piutrd] adj. putrido, ricordare, avvertire; to - up a corrotto. motion, proporre, metter, in Pu'tridness, [piiitrdnes] s. pucampo; to - out of order, disor- tridit, f. dinare; to - in a passion, met- Putriflca'tion[piutrfichscieun] to - one's self tere in collera vedi Putrefaction. in a passion, andare in collera, Pu'trify, [piutrifai] vedi Puarrabbiarsi; to - up a petition, trefy.


to - to the to -

Purvey', [peurve] v. a. & n. provvedere, procacciare, procurare.




provvisiono,/".; viveri, m. pi.

Purvey'or, [peurveur]


veditore, provvisoro, m. Pus', [peus] s. marcia, materia,


marciume, m.

Push', [pusce]

spinta, /.; urto, colpo; assalto; sforzo, m.; bollicola, pustula, /. ; termine, fine, m.; to bring to the last -, condurre a fine to give one a -, dare una spinta ad uno. Push',[pusce]f .a. spignere, urtare, cacciare; eccitare; -,v.n. portare una botta; sforzarsi to at, assalire; to - back, rispignere; to - on seguitare ; continuare; urgere; spronare. Push'er, [pisceur] s. spignito;

presentare una supplica to in print, stampare; pubblicare; fare una dito - a question manda; proporre un dubbio; to - to sea, far vela; to - one to shame, svergognare alcuno; to -a stop to, impedire, opporsi: to - to the sword, mettere a fil di spada to - a trick upon one, acchiappare alcuno; fare una burla ad uno; to - upon trial, accusare, far un processo; to to the ven/MTt', avventurare. ar: ,

Pu'try, [piutre'] adj. putrido. Put'ter, [puteur] s. raettitore; proponente, m.; - on, istigatore, promotore, w. Put'tock, [putcj s. nibbio palustre, m. (uccello). Put'ty, [peut] s. stagno calciirato; cimento, m. Puzzle, [peuzM] s. imbarazzo, garbuglio confusione difficolto put to a -, imbarazzat, re, metter in garbuglio.
: ;

/". ;

re, m, Pnsh'ing, [pscing] adj. corag-

gioso, animoso intrapi-endente.


Push'-pin, [puscepin] s. spignoro le spillo, m. (giuoco). Pusillanim'ity, [piUsTlanimit]


Puz'zle-headed, [peiiz'l-hdd] rischiare; to - in writing, scriadj. balordo. vere; to - in a ivord, parlare in Puz'zle, [peuz'l] v. a. imbarazfavore d'alcuno; to - about, zare; confondere ; -, v. n. stare fare andare in giro to - again, in dubbio, essere irresoluto. riporre, rimettere; to - away, Pnz'zler, [peuzleur] s. imbrolevare; mandar via, scacciare; glione; avventato, m. to - back, rinculare; tirare in- Puz'zliiig,[peiizirng] adj. impacdietro; to -by, schivare, evitaciativo;-, s. imbarazzo; intrire; to - down, sopprimere, umigo, m. liare; to - forth, proporre, pro- Py'garg, [pagrg] s. specie d durre; stendere; germinare; to aquila, /. - forward, fare avanzare; af- Pygme'an [pYgmIn] adj. di , frettare to - one's self forward. pigmeo, nano. avanzarsi; to - in, interporre; Pyg'my, [pgme'] .pigmeo, m. entrare, approdare; to - in for, Pylo'rus, [pallreus] s. (anat.)
; ;

pusillanimit, timidit,


Pusillan'imous, [piislnimeus] adj. pusillanime, timido. Pusillan'imousness, [piisilnimeusns]^ vedi Pusillanimity, Puss', [pusj s. gatto, w?.; gatta,
/. s.

Pus'sines, [peusins]


t di respiro,/".; asma, m. Pus'sy , [peiis] adj. asmatico, bolso.

Pns'tnlate, [peiistiulte] formarsi in pustule.



brigare to - off, differire, pro- piloro, m. lungare; vendere; spacciare; Pyr'amid, [piramd] s. piramito - on, imputare; accusare; ecde,/. citare, stimolare; promuovere, Pyram'idal , Pyramid'ical avanzare; to - out, scacciare; [pirmidl, pirmdiclj adj. dislogare; estinguere; stendepiramidale. re; to - over, rimandare; diffe- Pyramid'ically [piramidicl] , rire; navigare a traverso; to adv. piramidalmente. to, aggiugnere; lasciare; to - Pyre', [parej .pira, /.; rogo, m. together, ammassare, accumu- Py'rites, [pairites] s. pirite, /. lare; to - p ivith, contentar- Pyrd'atry, [pirolatre'] s. pisi; lo - upon, eccitare, urgere, rolatria, adorazione del fuoingannare. co,/".
; ,

Pyr'omancy, [piromanse]



Pyr'otechny ,!Pyrronist, fpTronlst] s. scettico, . in- Pyrotcch'nics , [pairtcnics, pairtecn] s. Pythagore'an, [paith'gori'n] tl(uin;iinentoperviadi fuoco, m. i- j: e e.. --[,: i.:c:..i: -.1; du.. Pyrometer, [prometer] s. pi- arte di far fuoclii artifiziali ; adj. Pittagoreo. Pyth'oness, [pith'oncs] . sapirotecnia, f. rometro, m. cerdotessa di Apollo, strega,/. ?yrotech'nical, [pairteenical] Pyr'rhon.ism,[pTromsm]s.pirro nismo,m.;filosofla di Pirrone,/". !Pyx', [pcsj .pisside,/ auj. pirotecuico.


pronnnzia u inglese co- Quad'ruped , [quodriupedj adj. Qnarifled, [quolifalde] adj. caquadrupede; -, s. quadrupede, pace; idoneo, propio. Qual'ifier , vedi [quolifaieur] quadrnpodo, m. Qualj', [qub] . gobbione, m. Quad'ruple, [qudriupl'] s. qux- Qualificator. (pesce). Qual'ify, [quolifal] v. a. qualifiQuack', [quae] .ciarlatano; fur- druplo. [quodriu- care, adattare temperare, moQuadru 'plicate , bo, m.


in italiano.

ijuack', [quae] v. n. gracchiare; vantarsi.

derare, quietare ;<o - one's self, plichte] V. a. quadruplicare, rendersi capace, capacitarsi. moltiplicare per quadruplo. Quackery, [quacheiire'l s. ciar- Quadruplca'tion , [qudriupli- Qual'ity, [quelite] s. qualit; condizione; natura; nobilt,/.; cbscieiia] $. quadruplicaziolataneria; furberia, /. man of -, . gentiluomo, m. Quack'ish, [quchisc] adj. ciar- ne, /. Quad'ruply, [quodriupl] adv. Qualm', [quome] s. svenimento, latanesco. mal di cuore, m. Quacl'ism,fquachisin] . ciarla- per quattro volte pi. QuafT, [quaf] v. a. & n. sbevaz- Qual'mish, [quomisce] adj. che tanesimo, m, ha il mal di cuore. Qnack'salver, [quacsaveur] s. zare, trincare. Quaffer, [quafeir] s. bevitore, Quanda'ry, [qundre'] s. dubmedicastro, ciarlatano, m. bio, m.; esitazione, /.; lo be in Quad'ragene, [quadradglne] s. beone, flt. indulgenza papale per quaran- Quaffing, [quafing] s. beveria, a -, non sapere cbe fare.

ta giorni.



[quontitatv, quantitativo.


Qttadrages'ima[quadradgeslma] Quag', [quag] vedi Quagmire. .digiuno di quaranta giorni, 7n. Quag'gy, [quagh] adj. melmo-


Quadragesimal, [qudradgsiml] adj. quaresimale, di quaresima Qadran'gle [qudrangV] s. quadrangolo, m. Quadran'gular, [qudrnguilr] adj. quadrangolare. Quad'rant, [quadrant] s. quadrante, m.; quarta parte, /. Quad'rate, [qudrcte] adj. quadrato, quadro; convenevole; -, . quadrato, m. Qaad'rate, [quadrte] v. n. qua,

[quontite'] s. quangran numero, ni. Quan'tnm, [quonteiim] s. quantit, /. totale, m. Quail', [qule] s. quaglia, /. (ucQuarantine' , cello); water -.gallina regina,/. Quarantain' ,
so, fangoso.


Quag'mire, [qnagmaire] tano, maroso, w.



Quair, [qule]

v. n.



; ,

quarantina, /. to jiaas to languire, svenire. Quail'ing, [quling] .languore, perform - , far la quarantina. Quar'rel , [qurcl] s. disputa, debilitamento, m. Quail'-pipe, [quelepaipe] s. ri- contesa, lite, /. lo breed -s, chiamo da tentar le quaglie, w. eccitare lite; to pick up a- ivilh one, appiccar lite con alcuno. Quaint', [qunte] adj. estremamente pulito, attillato, bizzar- Quar'rel, [qurel] v. n. contendere, litigare, rabbuffare; ro, affettato scrupoloso esatto. drare: accomodarsi. Quadratic, [quadratic] adj. qua- Quaint'ly, [quntele] adv. pu- to - nnth, trovare a ridire. litamente, attillatamente, biz- Quar'reler, [qureleiir] s. condratico, di quattro lati. tenditore, beccalite, m. Quad'rature, [qudratcieure] s. zarramente. Quaint'ness, [quntens] .leg- Quar'reling,[quorclIng] .lite,/. quadratura, /. Quar'relous, Quarrelsome, Quadren'nial, [quadrnial] adj. giadria; bizzarria. Quake', [queche] s. tremito, tre- [quorleiis, qurelseiim] adj. quadriennio. riottoso, rissoso. Quad'rible, [quadribl] adj. che more, m. Quake', [quche] v. n. tremare; Quar'relsomely, [quorelseimle'] pu essere quadrato. adv. riottosamente. (ro, m. Quadrif id,[qudrifd] adj. (bot.) scuotersi. _ Qua'ker, [quecheur] s. quacche- Quar'relsomeness, [quorlsolmquadrifido. ns] s. umore rissoso, m. Quadrilat'oral , [quadriltiral] Qua'kerism , [quecheurism] s. Quar'ry, [quor] s. petraja: proadj. quadrilatero. dottrina de' quaccheri, /. Quadrille' , [cadrll] s. quadri- Qua'kerly, [quechurle'] adv. da da degli uccelli di rapina, /. Quarry, [quor] v. a. scavare lo quacchero. glie, ni. (giuoco). Qaadrip'artite, [qudripartaite] Qua'king, [quchchngj s. tre- pietre ;(/ttnf.) vivere di rapina. Quar'ryman, [quore'mn] s. laadj. quadripartito. mito, tremore, ni. Quadrpartitlon , [quadripar- Qua'king, [quching] adj. tre- voratore nelle petraje, m. Quart', [quort] s. boccale, tn. tiscien] s. quadripartizione,/ mante; tremoloso. Quad'rireme, [qudrirme] adj. Quariflable, [quolifaiabl] adj. (misura); quarta, /. Quar'tan, [qurtn] s. febbre che pu essere qualificato. con quattro ordini di remi._ Quadrisyllable, [qudrislabl] Qualiflca'tion,[ queliti chesciein] quartana, /. s. qualificazione, qualit, /.; ta- Quar'ter, [quorteir] s. quarto, s. parola di quattro sillabe, /. quartiere, ni.; quarta parto, / Quadriv'ial, [qudrivil] adj. lento, m, m. dimora; grazia, /. - 0/ an dotto di luogo ove terminano Quarificator, [quolifcheteir] hour, quarto d'ora, m.;- of a Qualificatore, m. quattro vie.



questcieunist] .interrogatore, inquisitore, m. Ques'tionless, [qustcieunlis] adv. senza dubbio, certamente.

pound, quarto di libbra, m.; to Queir, [quel] v. a. ammaccare, cry -, domandar la vita to give raffrenare, domare; soggiogare. -, dar quartiere; to take -, pi- Queller, [quleur] s. oppressogliar quartiere to have free -s, re, soggiogatore, m. esser alloggiato a discrezione. Quench', fquonsce] v. a. estinQuar'ter, [qurteir] v. .squar- guere; spegnere; -, v. n. raftare; alloggiare; -, v. n. esser freddare; rallentare. Quench'able, [qunsceabl'] adj. alloggiato. Quar'terage, [quorteuredg] s. estinguibile, spegnibile. salario d'ogni quarto d'anno, 7n. Quench'er, [qunsceur] s. estinQuar'ter-day , [quorteur-de] s. guitore; spegnitojo, m.^ ultimo giorno del quartiere, m. Quench'less, [qunscels] adj. Quar'ter-deck, [qurtur-dcjs. inestinguibile. Que'rele, [qulrile] . querela, f. cassero d' un vascello, m. Quar'terly, [qurturl] adv. Que'rent, [quirnt] s. querente; domandante, m. per quartiere; ogni tre mesi. [qurteiir- Querimo'nous, [querimonieus] Quar'ter-master , arfj.queruloso, lamentevole, domsteur] s. quartiermastro, m. Quar'tern, [qurteurn] s. mezza lente. [querimQuerimo'niously , foglietta, f. (misura). Quar'ter-sessions , [quorteur- nieusl] adv. lamentevolmenssscieuns] .tribunale tenuto te, in modo dolente. Querimo'niousness, [querimoogni tre mesi, m. nieusns] s. querimonia, quereQuar'ter-staff, [quorteur-staf] la, lamentazione, /. s. bastone lungo da battersi, m. Quar'tile, fquortaile] adj. {astr.) Que'rist, [quirist] s. interrogatore, dimaudatore, m. della quadratura. Quartet', [qurtt] s. (mus.) Quern',[qurn] s. mulinello, molinello, m. quartetto, m. Quar'to , [quorto] s, libro in Quer'po, [querpo] s. giustacuoquarto, m. re; busto, m. Quartz', [qurtz] s. quarzo, m. Quer'ry, [qure'j*. scudiero (d'un Quash', [qusc] v. a. conquassa- principe), m, [queriuleus] adj. re, fracassare, rovinare annul- Quer'ulous , lare disfare. querulo, dolente, lamentevole. Quassa'tion, [quosscieiin] s. Quer'ulously,[que'riuleusl]t)e(/i scossa, f. Querimoniously. Quas'sia, [quoscia] s. (phar.) Quer'ulousness, [queriuleusnes]
; ;



[questman, qustmeungheur] . beccante, accattabriga, m. Ques'tor, [questeiir] s. questore,


Ques'torship , [questeSrscip]
uffizio di questore,


Qnes'trist, [qustrist] tore, investigatore, m.


Ques'tuary, [qustiuare'] mercenario.

Quib'ble, [quibr]s. bisticcio, m.;

paranomasia, /. Quib'ble, [quibl'] v.

Quib'bler, [quifbleiir]



n. bi-

sticciare, fare bisticci.


che fa

Quick', [quic] adj.vYo; vivace, lesto, allegro, pronto, presto ; acnto, astuto, sagace; - apprehension, s. vivezza d'ingegno, sagacit, f. - ear, . orecchio fino m. ; - fire, s. fuoco vivo.m.; - sale, . vendita pronta, /.; svegliato, m.; tvit, . ingegno to have a - eye, aver la vista acuta; -, adv. presto; presta;

mente, tosto, subito.

Quick', [quc] . vivo, m.; carne viva, /". to cut to the -, tagliare fino alla carne viva. Quick'-beam, [quicbime] s. sor;


v. a. vivifica-

Quick'en, [quTc'n]

quassia, f. Quat', [qut]





-, v.

n. vivificarsi;

pustula, f._ querela, /. [cbeteur- Que'ry, [quire'] s. domanda, /".; Qua'ter-cousins , chouz'ns] s. pi. parenti, m. pi. quesito, m. Quaternion Que'ry, [qure'] v. a. domandare, Quater'nary , [quteurnare', quteurniein] s. quistionare, interrogare. quaternit, f. Quest', [quest] s. ricerca, inQuat'rain, [quatrnc] s.{poe8.) chiesta; perquisizione, /.; to go quadernario, m. in - of one, to be in - of one, anQua'ver, [quveur] s. [mus.) cro- dare in traccia d' alcuno. trillo, tremore, m. ma, Quest', [quest] v. n. tracciare, Qua'ver, [quveur] v. n. gor- cercare. gheggiare, trillare. Ques'tion , [questcieun] s. quiQua'vering, [quvnring] s. tril- stione, domanda inchiesta; tortura, corda, /. to call in -, far lo, gorgheggio, m. Quay', [chi] s. spiaggia,/".; argi- dubbio, dubitare; to call one in ne per scaricare le merci dai -, chiamar alcuno a' conti. bastimenti. Ques'tion, [qustciein] v. a. quiQuean',[quine]s. cattiva donna,/". stionare, interrogare dubitare; Quea'siness,[quizins]s. nausea, -, V. n. far quistioni ; inforturbamento di stomaco, m. marsi. f Quea'sy, [quize'] adj. nauseoso, Ques'tionable, [questcieiinabr] disgustoso. adj. disputabile, dubbioso, inQueen', [quinel s. regina; dama certo. (al giuoco delle carte),/. Ques'tionahleness, [qnestcieSnQueen'ly, [quinl] adv. da re abl'ns] s. dubbio, m.; incertezgina. za, /. Queer', [quire] adj. strano, ridi- Que'stionably, [questcieunable'] colo. adv. dubbiosamente, incertaQueer'ly, fqnrle'] adv. in modo mente. strano, ridicolosamente. Ques'tionary, [questcieunare'] Queer'ness, [qulrns] s. stra- adj. interrogante. nezza; singolarit, /. Ques'tioner,Ques'tioiiist, [ques, /". ;
; :

ingravidare, esser gravida. Quick'ener, [quc'neur] .vivificatore; principio vivifico, m. Quick'ening, [quc'nng] adj. vi-

vista acuta.

vificante, vivificativo. [qui cai' d]

adj. di

Quick'grass, [quTcgras] s. gramigna, f. Quick'-lime, [quiclaime] . calcina, calce,


Quick'ly, [quTcle'] adv. presta-

mente, subito. Quick'ness , [quTcnes]


pres. stezza attivit; sottigliezza, sagacit, /. (ca, /. Quick'-sand,[qnTncsand] .secQuick'set, [qucst] s.siepaglia,/'. Quick'set, [quicst] v. a. siepare; piantare rampolli^

Quick-sight'ed, [qulcsaited]a(/j. di vista acuta; scaltrito, perspicace.


[quTc, vista acuta; sottigliezza, sagacit, /. Quick'silver , [qulcsilvur] . argento vivo, mercurio, wi. Quick'silvered, [qucslveur'd] ad], coperto d' argento vivo. Quick'- witted, [quc-ouitedl acfj,
di acuto ingegno, scaltrito,





Quid', [quid] vedi Cud.





Quinquages'ima, [quinqudgs- Quint'rent, [quintrnt] s. censo,


Quid'dany, gnate, m.


ima) pentecoste,


[qiinquan- Quits'! [quits] int. pace ! pagati del tutto ghiulr] adj. di cinque angoli. Quid'dit , [qudt] s, acutezza Quinquen'nial , [qunqunil] Quit'tal, Qut'tance , [quitl, finezza, /". Quid'dity, [quTdite'] s. quiddit; adj. quinquennale, di cinque quitnse] g. qnittanza, ricevuta; ricompensa, f. anni. essenza; sottigliezza, f. Quies'cence , [quaisense] s. Quinqui'na, [quinquina] s.(pftar.) Quit'ter, [quiteur] s. scoria di latta, f. china, f. quiete, tranquillit, /. ; ripoQun'sy, [quTnze']s.squinanzia,/". Quiv'er, [quiveur] s. faretra, f.\ so, m. [quaiesent] adj. Quint', [quint] s. quinta, /". (al turcasso, m. Quies'cent , Quiv'er, [quiveur] v. n. tremagiuoco di picchetto). quiescente, tranquillo. (trato. Qui'et , [quait] adj. quieto , Quin'tain, [quintene] s. quinta- re; trillare. Quiv'ered, [quiveur'd] adj. farena, f. (giuoco).^ tranquillo to be -, tacere -, s. quiete; tranquillit; calma, f. Quin'tal, [quintal] s.quintale,Tn. Quiv'erng, [qiveuring] s. treQui'et, [quait] v. a. quietare Quin'tessence, [quintsnse] s. mamento, m. Quixot'ic, [quicsotic] adj. assurquintessenza, f.; estratto, m. placare, calmare. do, stravagante. Qui'eter, [quaieteur] s. placato- Quintet' , [quintet] s. (mus.) (tain. Quiz', [quiz] s. mistificazione, quintetto, m. re, consolatore; pacificatore, m. Qui'etism, [quaitsm] s. quie- Qun'tin, [quintin] vedi Quin- Quiz', [quiz] v.a. mistificare, f. [quintipr] adj. Quod'libet, [qudlibt] s. motto, tismo, m.; tranquillit di men- Quin'tuple , m.; sottigliezza, f. quintuplo. (sta, m. te, f. Qui'etist, [quietist] s. quieti- Quip', [quip] s. hurla, f.; motteg- Quoif , [quifj s. cuffia; acconciatura, f. Qui'etly , [quaitle'] adv. tran- gio, m.; botta, /".; bottone, m. quillamente, pian piano, cheta- Quip', [quip] V. n. burlare; es- Quoif, [quoif] V. a. coprire con cuffia ; acconciare. ser sarcastico. mente. Qui'etness, [quaietnes] s. quie- Quire', [quare] $. coro (di chie- Quoif fure, [quoifiure] s. acconciatura, f. sa); quinterno (di carta), m. te, tranquillit, pace, /. Qni'etsome, [quaitseum] adj. Quire', [quaire] v. n. cantare in Quoin', [quoin] s. cuneo, m. Quoif, [coit] s. disco, m.; piacoro. tranquillo, senza disturbo. Pul'etude, [quaietide] . quie- Quir'ister, [coristeur] s. cori- strella, f. Quoif, [coit] v.a. & n. giuocare sta ; cantatore, m. te, /".; riposo, m. Qnie'tns, [quaiteus] s. chetanza; Quirk', [queurc] s. cavillo; ac- alle morelle. Quon'dam, [quondam] arfj. altr cesso; bottone, morte, / volte, anticamente. Quill', [quii] s. penna; cannella, Quir'kish, [queurchisce] adj. ca


f.; tubo, m Quiir, [quii] V. a. piegare.

villoso, sottile

Quil'let, [quilt] s. sottigliezza;

cavillazione, /. Qult', [quilt] s. coltre, coperta (da letto), f. Quilt', [qult] V. a. imbottire,

trapuntare. Quilt'-maker, [quilt-mecheur] s. materassaio, m.

Quit', [quit] adj. libero, liberato; to go -, esser fuor d' impaccio. Quit', [quit] V. a. abbandonare, lasciare; rinunziare, desistere, cessare, far quitanza; liberare; giustificare ; to - one's ground, andare via; to - one's self of, liberarsi, sbrigarsi di; to - a siege, levare V assedio.

Quo'rum, [quoreum] s. uno de' (i.; parte, f, giudici, m.

Quo'ta , [quota] .contingente, Quota'tion, [quotescieun] s. citazione, allegazione, /. Quote', [quote] v. a. citare, allegare; addurre. Quo'ter, [quoteur] s. che allega,
citatore, m.

Quoth', [quth^] v. imp.



Qul'nary, [quinare']

adj. qui- Quitch'grass,



dissi io; -

he, dice

dico egli;



disse egli.

Quince', [quinse] s. mela coto- Quit'clalm, [qutcleme] s. rinun- Quotid'ian, [quotidian] ad/, quotidiano, cotidiano; -, s. febbre ziazione, /. gna, f. Quince'-tree, [qunse-tri] s. co- Quit'claim, [quitcleme] v. .ri- quotidiana, /. Quo'tient, [quscent] s. (ar.) nunziare, desistere. togno, m. (ne, f. Quinquagen'ary, [quinquadgen- Quite', [quite] adv. affatto, in- quoziente, m._ Quo'ting , [quoting] s. citaziotieramente. ar] adj. quinquagenario.

E, questa lettera forse la pi Rabate', [rabte]

per la pronunzia, es- ricovrare (il falcone). sendo che in italiano suona Rab'bet, [rabt] s. scanalatura,
erre, mentre in inglese suona ar. Perci per gli Italiani il suono del r inglese appena distinguibile; la parola barber,

barbiere, per esempio essendo da loro pronunziata come se fosse baber. Un buon maestro
essenzialmente necessario per facilitare V orecchio dello stu-

-, coniglietto, m.; Welch fetta di pane con cacio arrostito, /.; -'J burrow, s. tana de' conigli, f. incastratura, f. Rab'bet, [rabt] v. a. scanalare, Rab'ble, [raVl] s. plebe, f.; popolaccio, m. incastrare. Rah'bi', Rab'bn, [rbai, rbin] Rab'blement,[rb'lmnt] s. folla di popolaccio, /.; popolaccio tus. rabbi, rabbino, m. Rabbin'ical , [rbinical] adj. multuante, m. Rab'id , [rbid] adj. rabbioso, rabbinico, di rabbino. Rab'binist, [rbinist] s. rabbi- stizzoso. Rab'idness, [rbidnes] s. rabnista, m.


a. (falc.)



dente a questo suono.




coniglio, m.;



Race, [rse!



dicare, appigliarsi colle radici, Rail'ingly, [rlngl] adv. ironicamente. appiccarsi. Radica'tion, [rdichescieun] . Rail'lery, [rleiire'] s. motteggio, m.; beffa, baja,/. Race', [rese] v. n. contendoi'e al radicazione, f. Rad'icle, [radici'] s. radicetta, Rairroad, Rail'way, [rlerde, corso. rlol] s. strada ferrata, f. Race'-horse, [rsehorse] s. cor- barbicella, /. Rali'way-share , Rad'ish, [rdTsc] s. rapa, /".; ra- Rail'way , siere, corridore; barbero, m. Racema'tion, [rsiinscieun] s, vanello, m. horse -, barba for- [rleoiie',rleouscre] .azione della strada ferrata, /. grappolo, racemo, racimolo, m. te, /.; ramolaccio, m.
corsa, /.; palio, a piedi,/.

razza, stirpe; foot -, corsa

Racemif erous

[rsimlireus] Ra'dlus


adj. racemifero,

corsiere, cor-



s. (math.) osso del brac-



Rac'er, [rseur]


cheiimpane'] s. societ strada ferrata, f.


[rleoue'RaflT, [rf] s. mescuglio confu- Rail'way-station , ridore, wi. stescieun] s. (rail.) stazione, f. Rach',[rac] s.cane da caccia,. so, m. Rail'way-yard, [rleoiiird] s. Ra'ciness, [rsines] s. gusto Raflf, [rf] v. a. scopare. {rail.) atrio (della strada ferpiccante (specialmente del vi- Raffle, [rf 1] s. zara, /. (giuorata), m. co). no), mRack',[rac] s. tortura, corda ra- Raffle, [rfl] v. n. giuocare a Rai'ment, [rement] .vestimento, abito, m. zara. strelliera, f.; rastrello (di cucina), m. rocca, f. stanghe (d"un Raft', [rft] s. zatta, zattera, f. Rain', [rne] . pioggia, /". carro), f. pi.; - of mutton, collo Rafter, [rfteiir] s. trave, f. Rain', [rene] v. n. piovere; versare, di castrato, m.; to put to the -, travicello, puntone, puntello, Rain'-bow, [renebo] . arcobacollare, dare la corda. m. trave d' un cavalletto, f. Rack', [rc] v. a. dar la corda, Raftered, [rftur'd] adj. im- leno, arco celeste, m. Rain'deer, [rendirej s. specie di tormentare; travasare; tramu- palcato. tare (il vino ecc.). Raf ty , [rafte'] adj. muffato cervo del Nord, f. Ran'-water, [rneouoteur] . Rack'er, [rclieur] s. tormenta- umido. acqua piovana, /. tore, m. Rag', [rag] s. cencio, straccio Rai'ny, [rne'] adj. piovoso, di Rack'et, [racht] s. racchetta, brandello, m. /.; remore, m. Ragamuffin, [rgameufin] s. pioggia._ R,ack'et-maker[racbet-meclieiir] Raise', [reze] v.a.levare, alzare; cencioso, birbone, m. .facitore di raccliette, m. Rage', [rdge] s. rabbia, f.] furo- sollevare, innalzare, eccitare to Rack'ing, [rcliing] .tortura, f. re, m. -a bank, fare un argine; to Rackoon',[rcliun] .tasso (della Rage', [rdge] . n. arrabbiare, a cry, mettersi a gridare; to nuova Inghilterra), m. stizzirsi, incollerirsi; tempethe devil, scongiurare il diavo; ; ; ; ; ;

Rack'rent [rcrnt] s. affitto stare. molto gravoso, m. Rage'ful, [rdgeful] adj. furioso, Rack'renter, [rcrnteiir] s. af- impetuoso. fittuario sopraggravato, m. Rag'ged , [raghed] adj. stracRa'cy, [rse] adj, piccante, sa- ciato, cencioso. s. poroso, gustoso (specialmente Rag'gedness, [rghedns]

della polvere; to - /"orces, levare milizie; to - the price, crescere di prezzo; to - quarrels, far nascere brighe; to - a report, spargere

to - the dust, far


to -

war, muover guerra;

stracci, cenci,\ povert, f. to - up, suscitare, ergere, Rad'dle, [rd'l] v a. intrecciare. Ra'ging, [rdgng] adj. furioso, Rai'ser, [rzeur] s. levatore; agRad'dock, [rd'euc] s. pettiros- furibondo, iracondo, corruccia- granditore, tn. so, m. (uccello). to ; tempestoso ; -, . rabbia, fu- Rai'sin, [rzin] s. uva passa, /. Ra'dial, [rdial] adj. pieno di ria, /.; corruccio, furore, m. Rai'sin-wine , [rznoualne] s. raggi. Ra'gingly, [rdgingl] adv. fu- vino d'uve passe, Ra'diance,Ra'diancy,[rdinse, riosamente, con rabbia. Rake', [rche] s. rastro, rastrel-

del vino).

redinc] . splendore, m. Ra'gingness, [rdgngnes] Ra'diant, [rdiant] adj. radian- furia, /.; furore, m.
te, brillante.


Rag'man, [rgmn] s

cenci aiuo-

Ea'diate, [rdiete] v. n. radiare, lo, m. raggiare, risplendere. Ragout', [rag] s. intingolo; Ka'diated, [redietd] adj. rag guazzetto, m. gioso, lucido. Rag'stone, [rgstne] . pietra _ Badia'tion, [rediescieSn] s. ra- da affilare, m. diazione,/".; splendore, m. Rag'-wort, [rgoueurt] s. {bot.) Rad'ical, [radicai] adj. radicale; giacobea, f. originale; -, s. radicale, m. Rail', [rel] s. cancello, steccato, Rad'icalism, [radicalism] s. ra- m.; sponda (d'un ponte),/.; dicalismo, m. balaustro, m. {rail.) rotaja, /. Rake'shame , [rchescme] . Radical'ity, [rdiclite'] .stato Rail', [rel] v. a. cancellare, furfante, m. radicale, m.; origine, f.; princichiudere con balaustri; dispor- Ra'kish, [rechisc] adj. dissolu;

spazzaforno; sarchio; scapestrato, m.; - of a ship, becco di naviglio, m. Rake', [rche] v. a. rastrellare, raschiare, sarchiellare; raccogliere; frugolare; -, v. n. menare una vita sregolata; to - up, ricercare; investigare. Rake'-hell, [rechl] . furfantone, briccone, m. Rake'-helly, [rchle'] adj. scapestrato, dissoluto.

Rad'ically, [radicale'] adv. radicalmente; originalmente. Rad'icalness, [rdiclns] vedi

to, sregolato, lascivo. ingiuriare; ol- Ra'kishness, [rchiscens] s, to - in, chiudere con dissolutezza, f. cancelli, chiudere con balaustri. Ral'ly, [rle'J v. a. raccogliere; Kadicality. Rail'er, [rleur] s. ingiuriatore, beffare; - , v. n. raccogliersi; Rad'icate, [radichete] adj. radi- oltraggiatore, m. burlarsi. cato; inveterato. Rairing, [rling] s. cancelli, Ram', [ram] s. montone; arie* Rad'icate, [radichete] v. n. ra- balaustri, m. pi,; oltraggio, m. to, m.



re in fila

-, v.

n. dire delle in-

giurie; to traggiare;

- at,

Earn', [ram] v. a. cacciare dentro con forza; battere (la pol-




picchiare, battere; to - at the door, picchiare alla porta. consideratamente; to speak at Rapa'cious, [rpscieus] adj. vere). rapace: predace. Ram'age, [ramclge] s. rami -, parlare alla cieca. Ran'dom, [rndeum] adj. fatto Rapa'ciously , [rpescieusle'] (cV un albero), m. pi. adv. con rapacit. Ram'ble, [rmbl'] s, scorsa, /".; a caso, inconsiderato.

[randeim] s. caso, , accidente, m.; at -, a caso; in-

(repscieusncs, rpasit] .racolpo tirato a caso, m. Ran'dy, [rande] ad;'. tumultuoso. pacit, ingordigia, avidit, /". attorno to - about, scorrere Range', [rndge] s. ordine, clas- Rape', [repej s. rapimento, ratto, vagabondare. Ram'bler, [riimbleur] s. vaga- se, /".; giro, m.; corsa, scorsa; m. raspa rapa salvatica, /". graticola (per la cucina); - of Rap'id, [rapid] adj. rapido, vebondo, perdigiorno, m. Ram'bling, [rambling] adj. va- mountains, catena di monta- loce, presto. Rapid'ity, [rpTdite']8. rapidit, gne, f. -, s. gabondo, vago, errante impetuosit, velocit, /. scorsa, /".; andar errando; gi- Range', [rendge] v. a. ordinare; schierare; -, v.n. vagabondare, Rap'idly, [rpidl] adv. rapidaro, m. mente, velocemente. Rambooze', [rambize] s. bevan- vagare. da di vino, cervogia o zucche Ran'ger, [rendgeur] s. maestro Rap'idness , [rpidnes] vedi Rapidity. di caccia, m. Ram'ekn, [ramechin] s. fetta Ran'ger , [rendgeur] s. bracco, Ra'pier, [rpieir] s. stocco m. Rapine, [rpn] s. rapina; viocane che bracca, m. di pano e cacio, f. lenza, forza, /. Ramiflca'tion,[ra.miflchescieiin] Rank', [rane] odj. rifff^^'lidsd -t'luiid f-irtilt; rancido, Rap'ine, [rpin] v. a. rapinare, s. ramificazione, f. Ram'ify, [rmifai] v. n. ramifi- Rak', [rane] s. ordine, grado; predare. posto, m.; dignit, /.;- o/"soi- Rap 'per [rapeir] s. che piccare; -, V. n. diramarsi. chia; bussatore, m. Ram'mer , [rmeur] s. mazze- diers, fila di soldati, f. ranga bacchetta da schioppo./". Rank', [rane] t. a. mettere in Rap'sody, [rpsode] s. rapsodia; raccolta, /. Rammish, [rmsce] adj. che ordine, mettere nel numero. Ran'kish , [rnclusc] adj. al- Rapt',[rpt] adj. rapito, estatico. sento del becco. Rap'ture, [rptceur] s. rapimenRam'mishness, [ramiscenes] s. quanto rancido. Ran'kle, [rnci] v. n. putrefar- to, ratto, i.; estasi, /.; furor odoro del becco, m. poetico, m. Ra'moDs, [rmeus] adj. ramoso, si, corrompersi. Rank'ly, [rncie'] adv. in modo Rap'tured, [raptceur'd] adj. rafrondoso. pito, trasportato, estatico. Ramp', [ramp] s. salto, m.; scos- grossolano, rozzamente. Rank'ness, [rncns] s. esube- Rap'turous , [rptceureils] adj. sa, /^. Ramp', [ramp] v. n, rampicaro, ranza (di crescimento) ranci- estatico. Rare', [rre] adj. raro, straordimontare ; saltare con gran dezza, puzza, f. Ran'ny, [rn]. specie di topo. nario, eccellente, prezioso; non forza. Rampanian , [rmpalian] s. Ran'sack, [rnsc] v. a sac- denso, rado. cheggiare, predare. Ra'ree-show, [rori-scio] s. picfurfantone, briccone, m. Ram'pancy, [rmpns] s. esu- Ran'sacker, [rnscheur] s. pre- colo spettacolo, m. Rarefac'tiou, [rerifacscieun] s. beranza; prevalenza, superio- datore, guastatore, m. Ran'sacking, [rnsching] s. rarefazione, /. rit, f. Ram 'pant, [rampant] adj. esu- saccheggio, m. Rarefi'able , [rerifaiabl'] adj, Ran'som, [rnseiim] s. riscatto, che si pu rarefare. berante, soprabbondanto. taglia, /. Ram'part'jRam'pire, [rampart, Ra'refy, [rrifT] v. o. rarefare; ranipalre] $. baluardo, riparo ,m. Ran'som, [rnseum] v. a. riscat- diradare; -, v. n. divenir raro, Rara'part, Ram'pire, [rampart, tare, ricomperare. rarificarsi. rampairej v. a. fortificare con Ran'somer, rnseimeiir] s. ri- Rar'ely, [rrel]adw. raramente, scattatore, m, bastioni. non sovente; di rado. Ram'pion, [rampieun] s. rape- Ran'somless, [rnseumls] adj. Rare'ness, [rrens] s. rarezza, ronzolo, m. senza riscatto. singolarit; eccellenza, /". Ram'-rod, [ramrod] s. bacchetta Rant', [rnt] s. parlare troppo Ra'rity, [rrite'] s. rarit, cosa (da schioppo), /. ampolloso, m. rara, curiosit; scarsezza, raRanch', [ransce] v. o. storcere; Rant', [rant] v. n. parlare trop- rezza, radezza; qualit raren.

il vagabondare, m. Ram'ble, [rmbl'] r.


Ran'dom-shot, [rndeum-sciot] Rapa'cioasness






[ransid] adj. rancido,

stantio, putrido.

Rancid'ity, Ran'cidness, [ransdit, rnsdns] s. rancidezza,


Rascal'lion, [rasclieun] s. bir[rneunchiSloiis] bone, briccone, m. Ran 'cor, [rancheur] s. rancore, $. ranuncolo, ni. Ras'cally, [rascl] af/j. furfansdegno, m.; malignit animo- Rap', [rap] s. scapezzone; colpo tesco, bricconesco. sit, f. forte, m.; - on the nose, buffet- Rase', [reztf] vedi Razo. Rand', [rand] s. cucitura delle to sul naso, m. Rash', [rsce] adj. temerario, scarpo, /. Rap', [rap] v. a. & n. bussare, precipitoso.

Ran'corons, [rancheireusj adj. maligno, malizioso. Ran'corously, [rancheireiisle'] adv. con rancore , malignamente. Rannn'culus,

po ampollosamente. Ran'ter, [rnter] s. smaniatore, m. Ran'ting, [ranting] adj. smaniante parlando. Ran'tpole , [rntiple] adj. stordito scapestrato stravagante. Ran'ula, [rniula] s. ranella,/".; tumore sotto la lingua, m.



Ras'berry, [rsbre'] vedi Raspberry.


[rascal] s. furfante, , briccone, m,; - deer, s. cervo magro, cervo castrato, m. Rascal'ity, [rsclit] s. furfanteria ; canaglia, feccia del popolo,

Rash', [rsce]


Ravine', [ravine] s. borro, m. Ra'ving, [rvng] adj. delirante, frenetico; -, s. delirio, m.;

eruzione; usci- Rat'ional, [rscieunl] adj. razionale, ragionevole. Rash', [rasce] ti. a. tagliare in Rat'ionalism, [ rsce unalsm] s. razionalismo, m. pcxzi. Rash'erjrasceuv] s. sottile fot- Rat'ionalist, [rsceiinlist] s. razionalista, filosofo, w. ta di presciutto, f. Rash'ly, [rscel] ar/w. temera- Rat'ional'Ity , [rsceSnlit] s. ragionevolezza razionalit riamente. Rash'ness, [rascenes] s. teme- giustezza, /. Ra'tionally, [rsceunle'] adv. rit imprudenza, f. Rasp', rasp] s. raspa, lima gros- ragionevolmente, con ragione.
, ;
; 1

Ra'vingly, [rovTngl] adv. freneticamente, mattamente. Rav'ish, [rvsce] v. e. rapire;,


sa, scuflina,


Rasp', [rasp] v. a. raspare, rascrostare schiare ; limare



Rasp'atory, [raspateure'] s. rastiatojo, m. Rasp'berry, [i-asbere'] s. mora di rovo. /.; lampone, m.

Rav'isher, [rvsceir] s. rapitore; stupratore, m. Rav'ishing, [rvTscing] adj. raRat'ionalness , [rsceinlns] pace; incantevole; estatico. Rav'ishlngly, [rviscingl]a(/w. vedi Rationality. Rats'bane, [rts'-bne] . arse- in modo incantevole. Rav'ishment, [rviscemnt] . nico, m. Rat'-trap, [rt-trp] . trappola ratto, rapimento; stupro, m.; estasi, f. da prender topi, f. Ratteen', [ratine] s. rovescio, m. Raw', [r] adj. crudo, fresco;

Rasp'berry-bush buscel s. rovo, m.


[rasbre'- Rat'tle, [rt'l] .sonaglio; stres.

indigesto, novizio - leather, cruda, f.; - weather,




pito, fracasso. raschia- Rat'tle, [rt'l] v. a. fare stretura, rastiatura, /. pito, romoreggiare riprendere; Ra'sure, [rgeure) s. rasura, ra- -, V. n. parlare presto; strepischiatura, cancellatura, f. tare; to - in the throat, gorgoRat', [rat] s. topo, sorcio; ratto, gliare. [ratl'-heded] m.; little -, topolino ; to smell Rat'tle-headed , adj. pazzaccio, scervellato. a -, suspicare, dubitare. Ra'table, [rotabl] ar/j. soggetto Rat'tle-snake, [rtr-snche] s. ad essere tassato. serpente a sonagli, f. Ra'tably, [rotable'] adv. per Rat'tling, [rtlng] s. strepito, rata; proporzionalmente. fracasso, romoje, m. Ratafl'a, [rtafi] s. amarasco, Rattoon', [rtun] s. volpe delle m. (bevanda). Indie occidentali, /". Ratan', [rtn] s. sorta di can Rau'city, [rsite'] s. raucedine, na (dell' Indie), f. fiocaggine, f. Rate', [rte] s. prezzo, valore, Rau'cous, [rcheis] adj. rauco. m. tassa, assisa, imposizione Rav'age, [rvdge] s. strage, romaniera: sfera, f.; grado, m.- vina, /.; guasto, m. of the prst -, di prima sfera; di Rav'ago , [rvdge] v. a. guaprimo ordine: al a low -, a vii stare, rovinare, saccheggiare prezzo, a buon mercato; at this Rav'ager, [rvdgeur] s. gua-, in questa maniera; at the statore, saccheggiatore, preda old -, al solito, all'ordinario tore, m._ Rate', [rete] v. a. tassare, ap- Rave', [reve] v. n. delirare; esprezzare, stimare, valutare; ser fuor di s. biasimare, rabbuffare. RaT'el,[rvel] v.a. imbrogliare, Ra'ter, [rteur] s. stimatore, m avviluppare, confondere; -, v. Rather, [rath'eiir] adv. piutto n. sfilacciarsi , lambiccarsi il sto, anzi; meglio; innanzi; to cervello; to - out, sfilare. have -, amare meglio, preferire. Rav'elin, [rvHne] s. [fort.) riRatifica'tion, [rtifchscieun] vellino, m^ s. ratificazione, f. Ra'ven, [rev"n] s. corvo, corbe, Rat'ifier, [rtifaiiir] s. conferm. ; sea - , corvo marino, m. matore, approvatore, m. young -, corbicino, m. Rat'ify, [vatifaj] v.a. ratificare; Raven, [rv'n] v. a. & n. diconfermare, approvare. vorare, mangiare con avidit Ra'ting, [rtng] s. estimazione, rapacemente predare. /.; apprezzamento, m.; ripren- Rav'ening, [rv'nng] adj. vo-

Rasp'ing, [rasping]

umido, m. [r-bn'dj adj. magro, macilento. Raw'-head, [rohd] s. bilior-

tempo freddo Raw'-boned





[rle'] adv. crudamensconciamente. Raw'ness, [rns] s. crudit ; inesperienza; semplicit, f, Ray', [r] s- raggio; splendore, m. razza, f. (pusce). Ray', [re] v. n raggiare, radiare splendere. Ray'less, [rls] arfj. senza rag; ;

gio, oscuro.

Raze', [reze] v.a. scalfir; rovinare, distruggere; to - out,


Ra'zor, [rzeir] s. rasojo, m. Ra'zor-pouch, [rzeur-pautsce] s. fastello di barbiere, m. [reziure] s. rasura; Ra'zure cancellatura, f.

Reabsorb', [ribsorb]

v. a. rias-

Reaccess', [ricses] s. riaccesso, riaccozzamento, m.; rivisita,


Reach', [ritsc] .tiro, m.; tirata; estensione; capacit; possa, autorit; penetrazione; perspicacit, sagacit; sottigliezza,^ ; inganno, m ; that is not in my -, it is oxtt of my -, nonposso arrivarvi, non in poter



Ra'tio, [rselo] .razione; proporzione, f. Ratioc'inate, [rsciosinete] v. n. raziocinare. Ratiocination, [rsciosinscieun] s. raziocinio, ragiona-

mento, m. Ratioc'inative


adj. discorsivo.

Ba'tion, [rsciein] proporzione, f.


[ritsc] v. a. porgere; giugnere;-, v. .arrivare; stendersi; penetrare; spettare. racit, f.; predamento, m. React', [rict] v.n. repellere. Rav'enous, [rv'nus] adj. vo- Reac'tion, [rcscieun] s. rearace, goloso, ingordo. zione; azione reciproca, /". Rav'enously, [rv'neusle'] adv. Read', [ride] adj. letto, letteracon voracit , ingordamente to, saputo; -, s. sentenza, f. avidamente. Read', [ride] v. a. irr. {read; Rav'enousness, [rav'neSsns] read) leggere; studiare; conto fare letture getturare s. voracit furiosa; ingordigia, again, leggere di nuovo; to avidit, /. Ra'ver, [rveiir] s. farnetico, m. on, continuare a leggere; to Rav'in, [rvin] s. rapina, pre- out, leggere ad alta voce to da, f. over, leggere tutto; scorrere.
; ,

mio. Reach',



v. a.

Bebaptiza'tion[ribptizscieun] s. ribattezzamento, il ribattezzare,

trideaTsl'] adj. leggi-

Bean'imate, [rnimcte]
rianimare, rincorare.

Reap'er,[rTpeur] .mietitore, m. ribattozzatoro, m. Reap'ing,[ripTng] .mietitura,/". Rebate', [rbte] s. scanalatura,/. Reap'ing-hook, [riping-huc] s. Rebate', [ribute] v.a. scanalare; spuntare; ribattere, abbattere. falcinola, /.; falcetto, m. Reap'ing-time , [ripng-taime] Rebate'ment, [ribtement] s. s. tempo del mietere, wi. deduzione; diminuzione,/. tezza; diligenza; acutezza, f.; Reappear', [ripire] v. n. riap- Re'bec, [ribc] s. ribeca, /. - of speech, facondia; eloquenReb'el, [rebel] s. ribello, rubelparire. za, f.; - of ti'it, prontezza di Reappear'ance, [ripiranse] s. lo, m. (sollevarsi. spirito, /. Rebel', [rbol] v. n. ribellarsi; r apparire di nuovo. Bead'ing, [riding] $. lettura,/".; Rear', [rire] s. retroguardia; ul- Rebel'ler, [ribleir] s. ribellandiscorso, m. tima classe, /". te, che si ribellato, m. Boad'ing-desk, [ridngdosche] Rear', [rire] ad], crudo, mezzo Reberiion, [ribliunj s. ribel. leggio, m. lione, /.; ribellamento, m. cotto. Bead'ing-lamp, [rldinglamp] s. Rear', [rire] v. a. levare; innal Rebel'lious, [ribliusj adj. rilampada da studiare, f. belle, ribellante. zare, ergere. Bead'ing-room, [ridlngrume] s. Rear'-admiral, [rirdmirl] . Rebel'liously, [ribliusl] adv. studio, scrittojo, m. in modo ribellante. contr' ammiraglio, m. Beadjourn', [ridgeurn] r, a. Rear'-guard, [rre-grd] s. re- Rebel'liousness, [rbliusnes] prorogare di nuovo; differire. troguardia, f. s. ribellione, /. Beadjourn'ing, [ridgeurnng] Rear'mouse, [rlremause] s. Rebel'low, [riblo] v. a. rimugs. allungamento di tempo, m. pipistrello, m.; nottola, /. ghiare, remuggire. Beadjast', [ridgeust] v. a. ag- Rear'ward, [rlrouaurd] s. ulti- Reboir, [riboilj v. n. ribollire. giustare di nuovo. ma schiera, /". Rebound', [ribaond] s. rimbalBeadmis'sion, (ridmiscieun] s. Reascend', [risend] v.a. & n. zo, balzo, m. nuova ammissione, m. rimontare; risalire. Rebound', [ribaoiind] v. a. & n. Beadmit' , [ridmit] v. a. am- Rea'son , [rJzeiin] s. ragione; rimbalzare. metter di nuovo, ricevere di causa, f. motivo, m. by - of, Rebreathe', [rbrith'e] v. n. renuovo. a cagione di;by - that, perch, spirare di nuovo. Beadorn', [rladrn] v. a. ador- a causa che; what is the - that, RebufT, [ribeSf] s. ripercussionare di nuovo. per che ragione ? to bring one ne, f. Bead'y, [red] adj. pronto, pre- to -, mettere alcuno alla ragio- Rebuff, [ribeuf] v. a. ripercuoparato, appareccliiato, accon- ne to have -, avere ragione to tere; rifiutare. cio; inclinato; - at hand, in orspeak -, parlar sensatamente Rebuild', [riblld] v a. irr. fabdino, appareccliiato - money, to yield to -, sottomettersi alla bricare di nuovo, rifabbricare. .danari contanti, m. pi.; -wit, ragione. Rebu'kable, [nbicabl] adj. rii. acutezza d' ingegno, /.; spiri- Rea'son, [rizeun] v. a. & n. prensibile, biasimevole. rato vivace, m.; to get - metter gionare; disputare, discorrere. Rebuke', [ribiiche] s. rimproin ordine, apparecchiare; to get Rea'sonable, [rlzeunabl'] adj. vero, m.; bravata, /. one's se//^ -, prepararsi; vestirragionevole, giusto; convene- Rebuke', [ribiuche] .a. riprensi; -, . danari contanti, m. pi. vole. dere, ripigliare, sgridare. Bead'y, [rd] adv. gi, di gi; Rea'sonableness [rizeinabrns] Rebuke'ful, [nbiicheful] adj adesso. s. ragione; giustezza, f. agro, severo. Beafflrm', [riafeiirm] v. a. con- Rea'sonably, [rizeunabl] adv. Rebuke'fuUy, [rIbiiichefiil]adB. fermare di nuovo. ragionevolmente, con ragione, agramente, severamente. Beaffir'mance , [rlafeirmanse;] giustamente. Rebu'ker , [ribieheur] s. ris. seconda confermazione, Rea'soner, [rizeineir] s. ragio- prenditore, rimproveratore, m. f. Be al, [rilj adj. reale vero, natore, m. Rebullit'ion , [ribeuliscicnj s. effettivo; - es/a/e, s. beni im- Rea'soning, [rlzeining] s. raribollimento, m. mobili, m. pi. gionamento, ragionare, m. Re'bus , [ribeiis] s. equivoco; Beal'ity, [rilite'] s. realt, ve- Rea'sonless [rizeunls] adj. enimraa, m. , rit, /.: effetto, m. senza ragione, irragionevole. Rebut', [ribeit] v. a. ributtare, Bealiza'tion, [rlllzescieun] s. Reassem'blage, [riasmbldge] rispignere. reffettuare,_effetto, m. s. riadunanza, f. Rebut'ter, [ribeuteur] s. repliBe'alize, [rialaize] v. a. effet- Reassem'ble, [rasorabl'] v. a. ca, risposta, tuare, mandare ad effetto. riadunare , adunare nuova- Recai', [ricol] s- richiamo, m. Beallege', [rldgcj v. a. alle- mente. Recai', [ricol] v. a. richiamagare di nuovo. Reassert', [riseurt] v. a. affer- re, fare ritornare. Be'ally, [nie] adv. realmente, mare di nuovo. Recant' , [ricntj v. a. riti-at;

Eeadep'tion, [riadepscieun] s ricoverameato ricuperamelito, m. (gitoro, m Read'er, [rideiir] s. lettore, logBead'ership, [rideurscip] s. uffizio di lettore, m. Bead'ily, [redil] adv. prontamente, prestamente; volentieri; a memoria, a mento. Bead'iness, [rdins] s. pron,

Reannex', [rincs]
di nuovo.

v. a.



v. a.




Reap', [ripe]

mietere; rico-

battezzare di nuovo. Rebapti'zer, [ribptalzeiir]








Reassume', [risiime] sumere di nuovo.

v. a. as-


tare, disdire; disdirsi.


v. n. ritrattar-

Bealin',[relm]s. regno, reame.m. Reassure', [rascire] v. a. as- Recanta'tion [ricntesciein] , Be'alty, [riltj s. lealt, f. sicurare di nuove. s. ritrattazione, disdetta, f. Beam', [rime] s. risma di carta, Reave', [rive] v.a. irr.{reaved; Recan'ter, [ricnter] s che si /.; venti quaderni, m. pi. reft) portar via per forza. ritratta.




Becapac'itate, [ricapasitete] v. Bec'ipe, [rsip] s. recipe, m.; Recluse', [ricliuse] v. a. rinricetta, prescrizione medica, /. chiudere. a. qualificare di nuovo. Becapit'ulate , [ricapitiulete] Recip'ient, [rispint] s. reci- Recluse'ly, [rcliusl] aiv. ripiente, m. tiratamente. V. a. ricapitolare. Becapitula'tion , [ricapitiuli- Recip'rocal , [rsiprcl] adj. Recluse'ness , Reclu'sion, [rireciproco, vicendevole. cliusns, ricliugeun] s. ritirascieun] s. ricapitolazione, f. Becap'ture, [ricaptceur] s. pre- Recip'rocally, [risprocl] adv. tezza, /. reciprocamente , vicendevol- Reclu'sive, [riclusiv] adj. ritida ricuperata, f. rato, solitario privato, segreto. Becap'ture, [ricaptceur] v. a. mente, mutualmente. Recip'rocalness, [rlsiprclnes] Recog'nisance, [ricniznse] s. ricuperare una preda. Becar'ry, [ricr] v. a. riporta- .vicendevolezza,/.; cambio, m. scrittura d'obbligazione, /. Recip'rocate, [rslprochete] v. Rec'ognise, [rcgnaize] v. a. re, portare indietro. Becast', [ricast] v. a. irr. rigit- a. & n. operare a vicenda, ren- riconoscere; confessare. der la pariglia, alternare._ Ricognisee', [ricnizi] s. quello tare. [risiprche- a cui un' obbligazione fatta. Becede', [riside] v. n. recedere, Reciproca'tion , scieun] s. reciprocazione; vi- Rec'ognser, [rcognaizeur] s. tornare indietro, ritirarsi. riconoscitore, m. Beceipt', [risite] s. ricevuta; ri- cenda, /. cetta,/.; ricevimento, m.;riscos- Reciproc'ity , [resiprosite'] s. Recognlt'ion, [ricogniscieun] s. scambievolezza, /.; contraccam- ricognizione; confessione, /. sione, riscossa, f. Recoir, [ricil] s. rinculamento, Becei'vable, [risivaW] adj. ac- bio, cambio, m. Recis'ion, [risisgeuu] s. taglia- m. ritirata, /. cettabile, amjnssibile. Beceve', [risive] v. a. ricevere, mento, mozzamento, tn.;mutila- Recoir, [ricil] v. n. rinculare; accettare, ammettere, pigliare; zione, /. venir meno. to - a loss, fare una perdita; to Recintai, [risaltai] s. repetizio- Recoil'ing, [riciling] s. V atto - an opinion, abbracciare un'one; narrazione, relazione, /. di rinculare. pinione; to - taxes, riscuotere Recita'tion, [rsitsciein] s. re- Recoin', [ricin] v. a. coniare citazione; narrazione, /. di nuovo la moneta. le tasse. Becei'vedness, [risivedns] s. Recitative', Recitati'vo, [resi- Recoin'age, [ricoindge] s. rintativc, rsitativo] s. {mus.) reammissione generale, /". novamento della moneta, m. Becei'ver, [risiveur] s. ricevi- citativo, m. Recollect', [rcolct] v. a. riRecite', frsaite] v. a. recitatore, ricettatore, m. cordarsi, sovvenirsi; riflettere, Becel'etrate, [rlslibrete] v. o. re; raccontare, narrare. pensare; radunare. Reci'ter, [risaiteur] s. recitatore Recollec'tion, [rcolecscieun] s. celebrare di nuovo. Be'cency, [risns] s. novit; narratore, m. ricordanza reminiscenza riReck' , [re] v. a. curare pi- flessione, /. freschezza, /". Becense', [rlsense] u. o. rive- gliar cura; -, v. n. curarsi; in- Rocombine', [ricombaine] v. a. quietarsi. dere, esaminare. combinare di nuovo. Becen'sion, [risnscieun] . ri- Reck'less, [rc'less] adj. negli- Recom'fort, [richeumfrt] v. a. gente, trascurato, indifferente. riconfortare, rincorare. vista; enumerazione,/". Be'cent [risnt] adj. recente, Recklessness, [rc'lssns] $ Recommence', [ricmnse] v. a. negligenza, trascuraggine, /. nuovo, fresco. ricominciare. Be'cently, [risentl] adv. recen- Rec'kon, [rc'n] v. a. contare; Recommend', [recomond] v. a. poco stimare; riputare -, v. n. pen temente ; frescamente raccomandare; lodare.



Be'centness, [risntnes]
vit; freschezza,

sare calcolare, computare di no- pendere. Rec'koner, [rec'neur] s. calco;


Recommen'dable, [rcomendabl'] adj. commendabile lode,

vole, stimabile.

latore, computista, m. Recommenda'tion, [recmndRec'koning, [rc'ning] s. conto, sciun] s. raccomandazione, /. computo, m.', scotto; giudi- Recommen'datory , [rcmns. ricezio, m.; o/f-, disconto, m.; de datur] adj. raccomandatorio, Eeceptibirity, [rsptiblite'] s. duzione, /. di raccomandazione. Reclaim', [ricleme] v.a. richia- Recommen'der, [rcmndeur] possibilit di ricevere, /. Recep'tion, [rispscieun] s. ri- mare; riformare; correggere; . raccomandatore, m.

Becep'tacle, [risptacrj
cettacolo; ricovero, m. Becep'tary, [risptar] vuta, /.



-, V. n. riformarsi; correggersi. Recommit', [ricmit] v.a. comReclai'mable , [riclmebl] adj. mettere di nuovo. (ammesso, ricevuto. che si pu ricuperare. tivo, Recompensa'tion, [recompnse[riclmant] s. scien] s. ricompensazione, riBecep'tory , [ricptur] adj. Reclai'mant , Becess', [rises] s. recesso, riti- contraddicente, m. compensa, /. [rclamscieun] Rec'ompense, [recompense] s. ro luogo ritirato, m.; solitudi- Reclama'tion, 8. richiamo; ricuperaniento, m. ne, /. ricompensa, rimunerazione, /. Beces'sion,[risescieun] s. rece- Recline', [riclame] adj. recli- Rec'ompense, [recompense] v.a. nante; chinato. dimento, ritiramento, m. ricompensare, rimunerare. Bechange', [ricendge] v. a. can- Recline', [riclaine] v. a. incli- Recompile'ment [ricmpailenare; riposare. giare di nuovo. mnt] s. compilamento nuovo, Recharge', [ricirdge] v.a. riac- Reclose', [ricloze] v. a. rinchiu- m.; nuova compilazione, /.

cevuta; accoglienza,/.


[risptiv] adj. ricet-

dere; saldare. Reeompose', [ricompse] v. a. Reclade', [ricliude] v.a. aprire, ricomporre; rimettere insieme. Becheat',[ricite] i. {hv,nt.) chia- scoprire. Recomposit'ion , [ricmposisRecluse', [ricliuse] adj. ritira- cieun] s. nuova composizione,/. mata, /. Becidiva'tion , [risdivscieun] to, richiuso, solitario; -, . so- Reconci'lable , [rcnsailabl'] litario, m. adj. che si pu riconciliare. i. recidiva, ricaduta, /.

cusare; ricominciare l'attacco,


Reconci'lableness , [reconsailabl'ness] . aggiustamento, m.




re, ritornare



rifuggire; accadere; aver ricorso.


Recur'rency , Kec'oncile, [reconsaile] v. a. ri- Rec'reative, [recrlativ] ad), ri- Recur'rence , [richernse , richeurns] 8. creativo, dilettevole, piacevole. conciliare; raccordare, metter Rec'reatively, [rcriatvle] adv. ritorno, ricorrimento, m. pace. Eeconcile'ment, [reconsailment] in modo ricreativo , piacevol- Recur'rent, [richernt] adj. ricorrente; periodico. mente. . riconciliaraento, m.; riconciRec'reativeness, [recrlatvnes] Recur'sion, [richeiirscieuu] s. liazione, f. Beconci'ler, [reconsaileur] $. f. sollievo; passatempo, spas- ricorso, ritorno, m. Recur'vate, [rlcheurvete] v. a. so, m. riconciliatore, mediatore, m. curvare, incurvare. [rcnsili- Bec'rement, [recrmnt] s. reEeconcilia'tion, cremento, m. feccia, spuma, f. Recurva'tion, [richeurvescieun] scieun) s. riconciliazione, f. curvit; curvatura, f. Recrementi't[rconsila- Recremen'tal, Reconciriatory , ious, [rcrmntl, rcrimn- Recur'vous, [richeiirveus] adj. ter] adj. riconciliante. Becondense', [ricnduse] v. a. tsciefis] adj. feccioso, spumoso. ricurvo, incurvato. ricondensare. Recrim'inate , [ricrminete] v. Rec'usant, [ rechi uznt] s. ricuBe'coadite, [ricondalte] adj. ri- a. incolpare (l'accusante), rim- sante; non-conformista, m. Recnsa'tion, [rechi uzescieun] s. condito, profondo. proverare, recriminare. [ricrimine- ricusazione, f.; rifiuto, m. Becondact', [ricondeuct] v. a. Recrimina'tion , scieun] s. accusa reciproca, f. Recuse', [richiiize!] v. a. ricusaricondurre, riraenare. Beconfirm' , [ricoufeurm] v. a. Recrim'inator, [rlcrmineteur] re; rifiutare. confermare di nuovo. s. che recrimina o accusa V ac- Red', [rd] adj. rosso, vermiglio; - face, s. viso bernoccoluto, m.; Beconnoi'tre, [reconitour] v. a. cusante. (mil.) riconoscere. Recrim'inatory[rIcrmineteure'] - herring, s. aringa salsata, /".; - lips, s. pi. labbra vermiglie, Becon'quer, [riconcheur] v. a. adj. recriminatorio. Recruit', [ricrite] s. rinforzo; f.pi. riconquistare ricuperare. Red', [red] s. rosso, color rosso; Becon'secrate, [riconsicrte] v. soldato reclutato, m. Recruit, [ricrte] v. a. recluta- belletto, m. a. cousocrare di nuovo. Red'-breast', [redbrest] s, petBeconsid'er, [ricnsideur] v. a. re; rinforzare; supplire; to tirosso, m. (uccello). one's self, rimettersi in piedi, riconsiderare. Red'-coat, [rd-cte] s. soldato, Becon'solate, [riconsolte] v. a. ristorarsi. Rectan'gle, [rectangl'] s. (geom.) m. (ironicamente). riconsolare. Red'-deer, [rd-dire] s. salvagBeconvene', [riconvine] v. a. rettangolo, m. Rectan'gular frectnghiSlar] gina, /. adunare di nuovo. Beconvey', [ricnv] v. a. ri- adj. rettangolo, di quattro an- Red'den, [red'n] v.a. & n. arrossire, divenire rosso. goli retti. condurre, riportare. Bec'ord , [record] s. registro, Rec'tifiable, [rectfaiabl'] adj. Red'dish, [rdiscej adj. rossiccio, testimonio autentico, m. -s. pi. rettificabile , che pu rettifi- alquanto rosso. Red'dishness,[rediscenes] s. cocarsi. archivi, annali, m. pi.; to bear lor rossiccio, m. Rectiflca'ton, [rctfchscieun] -, far testimonianza. Reddit'ion, [redTscieun] s. renBecera', [ricrd] v. a. registra- s. rettificamento, ni. re, arrolare. Rec'tify, [rctifai] v. a. rettifi- dimento, m.; restituzione, /. Red'ditive, [rditiv] adj. risponBecorda'tion, [ricordescieun] care, aggiustare, correggere. Rectilin'eous, sivo. Rectilin'ear, s. ricordamento, ricordo, m. Becor'der, [ricrder] s. attua- [rctiliniar, rectilinieiis] adj. Red'dle, [red'l] s. sanguigna, f.

rio, m. Beconnt', [ricaount]

v. a.


rac- Rec'titude, [rectitiide] s. rettitudine; dirittura; bont, f. contare; riferire. Becoant'ment, [ricaiintmentjs. Rec'tor, [rctr] .rettore; parraccontamento, wi.; narrazione, roco, curato; piovano (d'una parrocchia), m. relazione, /. Becourse', [ricorse] s. ricorso, Recto'rial , [rectorial] adj. di ricovero; rifugio; concorso; ac- piovano (d' uua parrocchia). Rec'torship, [rctorscip] s. dicesso (di febbre), m. gnit di rettore, f.; uffizio di Becov'er,[riclieuveir] v. a. ricuperare; riacquistare ;-,v. n. ri- rettore, m. coverarsi; io - a loss, riparare Rec'tory, [rector] s. rettoria una perdita to - from s ickness, parrocchia, f. ricuperar la salute riaversi; Recuba'tion, [richubscieiin] s. to - one's self ricuperare gli inclinazione,/'.; riposamento,7n.

redimericomprare. Redeem'able, [ridimabr] adj. che si pu redimere. Redeem'ableness,[rldlmabl'nes] s. possibilit di redimere, f.

[ridirne] v. a.
re, riscattare,


[ridimeurj s. re, dentore; salvatore, m. Redelib'erate, [rdilbirete] v.a. deliberare di nuovo. Redeliv'er, [rldilveur] v. a. liberare di nuovo; restituire. Redeliv'ery, [ridiliveur] s. lirestituberazione di nuovo




Recum'bency , Redemand', [rldlmand] v. a. ri[rcheumbnse, richeumbns] domandare; richiedere. Redemp'tion, [ridempscieun] s. s. giacimento, m. adj. ricuperabile. Becov'ery, [ricoveir] s. rico- Recum'bent, [richeumbent] adj. redenzione, /.; riscatto, m. Redemp'tory, [ndempteure'J s. giacente, riposante. veramento, m. [rlchiupere- redentorio, m. Bec'reant, [rcrint] s, poltro- Recupera'tion , sciun] s. ricuperazione, /.; ri- Redescend', [rdesnd] v. n. dine, codardo; miscredente, aposcendere di nuovo. covero, m. stata, f. Bec'reate, [recriete] v. a. ri Recuperative, [richiiiperativ] Red'hot, [rdht] adj. infocato. Redin'tegrate , [ridintigretc] adj. ricuperante. creare: dilettare, divertire. Becrea'tion, [rcriiscieun] s Recur', [rlcheur] . n. ricorre- V. a. reintegrare, rinnovare.



[ridintigreIledintegra'tion , scieuri) s. reintegrazione, f.; ristauro, m, Ked-lead', [red-led] . minio, m Red'ness,[rd'usJ s. rossore, m.; rossezza, f. Red'olence, Red'olency, [rdlnse, redlens] s. profumo, buon odore, m. Red olent, [redolent] adj. profumato, odoroso.





[ridiplich- Re-estab'lish, [ri-estblfsce] v. a. ristabilire, ristaurare. ; aumento, m. Re-estab'lisher , [ri-estbRedu'plicative, [rldiiplicativ] liscer] V. a. riparatore, ristoadj. reduplicativo. ratore, m.


tordo Re-estab'lishment, [rstbliscmentj s. ristabilimento, m. Re-ech'o, [ri-eco] v. n. echeg- Reeve', [rive] s. fattore; guargiare. diano (d' un feudo) m. Reed', [rde] s. canna saetta, /. Reeve', [rive] v. a {mar.) tirare Reeded', [rided] see Reedy. una corda. Redoab'le, [rideubl'] v.a.&n. Reed'en, [rd'nj adj. composto Re-examina'tion [r-ezminraddoppiare; reiterare; aumen- di canne. scienj s. seconda esaminazios.

Red'-wing, [red-ouing] rosso, m. (uccello).

Re-edifica'tion, [ri-odifichne, f. Redoub'ling , [rldeiblng] s. scien] s- riedificazione, /". Re-exam'ine, [rigzamin] v. a. raddoppiamento; aumento, m. Re-ed'ify, [ri-edifai] v. a. riedi- esaminare di nuovo. Eedoubt', [ridautj s. ridotto, ficare, rifabbricare. Re-exchange', [necscndge] . fortino, m. Reed'less, [ridels] adj. senza (merch.) ricambio, contraccamtare.




bio, TO.

cannem. formidabile, terribile. Redound', [ridaound] v. n. ri- Ree'dy, [ride'] adj. cannoso, piedondare; ribalzare; risultare. no di canne. Redress', [rdrs] s. riforma, Reef, [rife] v. a. (mar.) ammaicorrezione, emendazione, /.; ri- nare le vele. medio, m.; riparazione del dan- Reek', [riche] s. fumo, vapore mucchio (di fienoj, m. no, f. Redress', [rdrs] v. a. riforma- Reek',[riche] v. n. fumare; svaporare. re; correggere; rimediare; aggiustare; to - one's self, farsi Ree'king, [richng] adj. fumante; fumoso. giustizia di sua mano to Ree'ky, [riche'] adj. fumoso grievances, rimediare abusi. Redres'ser, [ridreseur] s. rifor- nero. Reel', [rle]s. aspo, naspo; guinmatore; correttore, tn. Redres'sive, [ridresv] adj. ri- dolo, tn. formante; che conforta. Reel', [rile] v. a. innaspare, agRedress'less , [ridrsls] ad}. gomitolare; -, V. n. traballare,
adj. Reed'-plot, [rldeplt] .
; ; ;

Refect', [rifct] v. n. rifarsi; restaurarsi. Refec'tion, [rifcscieun] s. refezione,


ristoro, m.

Refec'tory, [nfctere']
torio, TO.



[rfl] v. a. confutare, riprovare (poco usato). Refer', [rifeir] v. a. riferire; rimettere, rimandare; -, v. n. riferirsi, rapportarsi. Referable, [refeiirabr] adj. che



Referee', [rfeur] compromissario, m.

zione, TO.; in


Reference, [refeurense]


rapporto; arbitrato,

- to that, in quanto a ci. irremediabile. barcollare. Referen'dary, [rferndr] s. Red streak, [rdstriche] s spe- Ree 'ling, [riling] s. barcolla- referendario, to. cie di mela, f. mento vacillamento, m. Refer'ment, [nfeurmnt] v. a. Red'-tail, [rd-tile] s. codiros- Reelect', [ri-ilect] v. a. eleggere fermentare di nuovo. di nuovo. so, TO (uccello). Refer'rible, [riferibl] adj. riReduce', [ridiiise] v. a. ridurre; Re-elec'tion, [ri-ilecscieiin] s. feribile. ristorare; costrignere, domare; rielezione, f. Rofer'ring, [rifeurng] s. riferiabbassare; to - to ashes, ridur- Re-embark' , [ri-embarc] v. a. mento, rapporto, to. & n. imbarcare ; imbarcarsi di Reflnd', [rifaind] v. a. irr. rire in polvere. Reduce'ment, [rldiusement] s. nuovo. trovare. riducimento, m. Re-enact', [rl-nact] v. a. ordi- Refine', [rfaine] v. a. raffinare, Redu'cer, [ridiuseur] s. riduci- nare di nuovo. purificare; -, v. n. raffinarsi, Re-enforce' , [rinfrse] v. a. purificarsi. tore, riduttore, m. Redu'cible, [ridiusibl'] adj. ri- rinforzare, fortificare. Refined', [rifain'd] adj. raffina;


Re-enforce'ment , [ri-enforse- to; puro. [ridiSsibl'nes] mnt] 8. rinforzamento rinfor- Refl'nedly , [rifainedl] adv. zata, f. . possibilit di ridurre, f. raffinatamente ; con eleganza Reduct', [rldeuct] vedi Reduce. Re-engage', [ri-enghdge] v. a. troppo studiata. Reduc'tion , [rideicscieiin] s. impegnare di nuovo ; attaccar Refl'nedness , Reflne'ment, s. riduzione, f.; riducimento, m. di nuovo (la battaglia). [rifindns , rifainmnt] s.

Reduc'tJve, [rideiictiv] adj.

duttivo, riducente.


Re-engage'ment, [r-nghdge- raffinamento, to. eleganza, f. mnt] 8. obbligo nuovo, m. Refi'ner, [rifineir] s. raffina;

Reduc'tively, [rideictvle'] adv. Re-enjoy', [ri-ndgioi] v. a. rigodere; possedere di nuovo. per riduzione. Redan'dance , Redun'dancy , Re-enkin'dle, [r-nchlndr] v. [rideundnse rideundnsj s. a. riaccendere. Re-en'ter, [ri-nteiir] V. a. rienridondanza, superfluit, f. Redun'dant , [rideiindnt] adj. trare, entrare di nuovo. Re-enthrone', [ri-enth-rne] v. ridondante, superfluo. RedUH'dantly , [rideiindntl] a. rimettere in trono. Re-en'trance, [ri-ntrnse] s. adv. soprabbondantemente. Reduplicate, [ridiuplichete] v. rientramento, m. Reer'mouse, [riremaouse] .nota. raddoppiare ; aumentare
, ;


Refi'nery, [rifeuneur]





Refit', [rifit] V. a. riparare; racconciare. Refit'ting, [rif iting] s. raccon-

ciamento, ammannamento, m.
Reflect', [riflct] v. a. ripercuotere; rimandare; -, v. n. riflettere, meditare; cascare. Reflec'tent, [rflctntj adj. riflettente; ripercussivo.







Rega'lia, [righelia]

Eeflec'ting, Reflec'tion, [rifiec- Refrena'tion, [refrinescieun] s. riflesraffrenamento, m. ting, riflecscieun] s. sione ; meditazione, /.; riverbe- Refresh', [rifrsce] v. a. rinfrescare ; ristorare ; rifocillare ro, m. Eefiec'tive , frlflctiv] adj. ri- to - one's self, rinfrescarsi; riflessivo, meditativo. crearsi, ristorarsi. Eeflec'tor, [riflcteir] s. medi- Refresh'er, [rifrsceiir] s. ritante, considoratore ; riverbe- frigerante; ricreatore, m. ratore, m. Refreshing, [rifrscing] s. rinEe'flex, [riflcs] odj. riflesso; ri- frescamento ; conforto, m. verberato; -, s. riflessione; ri- Refresh'ing , [rifrscing] adj. verberazione, f. rinfrescativo. Reflexibil'ity, [riflcsiblit] s. Refresh'ment, [rifrescement] s.



pi.; regalia,

Regal'ity, [riglit] s. dignit reale, sovranit, f. Regally , [rigale'] adv. regal-

mente, da re. Regard' , [rlgard]


s. riguardo considerazione; stima, /. per riguardo, per rispetto; in - of, in quanto a, per rispetto di; in - to, in

m.; in

v. a. riguardare, rispettare, aver riguardo. Regar'dable , [rigrdabr] adj. Eeflex'ible, [riflecsibr] adj. ri- ro, Trt. riguardevole; osservabile. flessibile. Refrig'erant, [rfrdgerant]o(/j Regar'der, [rigrdeur] s. riguarEeflex'ion, [riflcsieun] vedi refrigerante, refrigerativo. Refrig'erate, [rifrdgeuretej v. datore; osservatore, m. Reflection. Regard'ful, [rigrdful] adj. atEeflex'ive, [riflecsTv] adj. rifles- a. refrigerare, rinfrescare. Refrigera'tion , frifridgeure- tento, accurato, diligente. sivo; ripercnssivo. Eeflex'ively , [riflcsvl] adv. sciein] s. refrigerazione, f. Regard'fully, [rigrdful] adv. attentamente; con rispetto. per riflessione. rinfresco, m. adj. Eefloat, [riflte] s. riflusso, m Refrig'erative, Refrig'eratory, Regard'less, [rigrdls] senza riguardo, negligente, Eeflour'ish, [rifleursce] v. n. [rfridgeiiratv, rifrdgeurateiitrascurato. rifiorire, fiorire di nuovo. re'] adj. refrigerativo, refrigeRogar d'lessly,[rigardlesle']adtj. rante. Eeflow', [riflo] v. n. irr. riflu Refrig'eratory, [rifridgeiirateii- disattentamente. re; ritornare. Regard'lessness, [rigrdlesnes] Eef'luent , [rfliuent] adj. re- rl . refrigeratorio, m. s. negligenza, trascurataggine; fluo; che fluisce di nuovo. Refuge , [rfiidge] s. rifugio inattenzione, /. Ee'fiux, [rifleucs] s. riflusso, m asilo; sostegno, m. Eefoc'iilate, [rifsilete] v. a. ri- Refuge, [rfiudge] v. a. dare Regat'ta, [rigata] s. regata, corsa di barche, f. rifugio, dare asilo, proteggere. focillare. Eefocilla'tion , [rifsilesciein] Refugee', [rfiudgi] s. rifuggito, Re'gency, [ridgnsj s. reggenza, /.; governo, m. rifuggente, m. . rifocillamento, m. Refurgency Regen'eracy, [ridgnerase'] s. Eeform', frifrm] v.a. riforma- Refurgence , [rifeuldgnse , nfeuldgns] rigenerazione, f. re; sbandare;-,), .riformarsi. Regen'erate, [rdgnerete] adj. Eeform'jReforma'tion, [rifrm, s. splendore, lustro, m. rfrmscieun] s. riforma, ri- Reful'gent , [rifeuldgnt] ailj. rigenerato. Regen'erate, [rdgnerete] v.a. rifulgente, lucido. formazione, f. _ Eefor'mer, [rifrmeiir] s. rifor- Refund', [rlfeind] v.a. rifonde- rigenerare, riprodurre._ Regenera'tion [ridgneresciein] matore, m. re: restituire; rendere. s. rigenerazione, f. Eefor'inist, [rifrmist] s. rifor- Refa'sable, [rifiuzabl] adj. riRe'gent, [ridgnt] adj. reggenfiutabile. mato, Protestante, m. Eefor'tify, [rifrtifai] v. a. for- Refa'sal, [rlfiuzl] s. rifiuto, m.; te; -, s. reggente, m. ripulsa; scelta; preferenza, /.; Re'gentship , [ridgntscip] s. tificare di nuovo. Refos'sion, [rifscioun] s. sca- to meet with a -, esser rifiutato, dignit di reggente,/". Reger'mlnate, [ridgurminete] vamento, m. (fondere. esser ributtato. _ Eefound' , [rfaound] v. a. ri- Refuse, [rfiuse] s. rifiuto; re- V. n. rigermogliare.

paragone di. Regard', [rigrd]

rinfrescamento; riposo, risto-

Regermina'tion, [ridgeurminoRefract' , [rifrct] v. a. rifra- sto, m. feccia, /. Refase', [rifiiize] v. a. rifiuta- scieiin] s. il rigermogliare, m. gnere, riflettere. Eefrac'tion, [nfrcscieun] s. ri- re; rigettare, ributtare; ricu- Regest', [rdgst] s. registro, wi. Reg'icide, [rdgisaide] s. regifrangimento, m.; rifrazione, f. sare. Eefrac'tive, [rifrctv] adj. ri- Refu'ser, [rifiuzeur] s. rifiutato- cida, regicidio, m. Reg'imen, [rdgimn] s. dieta, frattivo. re, rifiutante, rn. modo di vivere, m. /. Eefrac'torily , [rfrcteiril] Refa'sing, [rfiizing] s. rifiu(fiutabile. Reg'iment, [rdgiment] s. regadv. ostinatamente. to, rn. Eefrac'toriness,[rfrcteurins] Refutable, [rifitabl'] adj. ri- gimento, governo, m.; condotRefu'tal, Refuta'tion, [rifiitl, ta, /. . caparbieria, ostinazione, f. Eefrac'tory, [rifrcteire] adj. rlfiutscieun]^ s. confutazione,/. Regimen'tal, [r dgimntl] odj. di reggimento. rifrattario, caparbio, ostinato. Refute', [rifite] . o. confutaRegimen'tals, [rdgimentls] Eef ragable , [rfragabl'] adj. re; riprovare. refragabile. Refu'ter, [rifiSteur] .confuta- s. pi. abito, uniforme, m. Re'gion , [ridgeiin] s. regione; Eefrain', [rfrne] s. (mus.) ri- tore, m. Regain', [righine] v. a. rigua- provincia, /.; paese, m.\-of the tornello, m. heart, sede del cuore, /. Eefrain', [rifrene] v.a. raifre- dagnare; ricuperare. nare, reprimere; -, v. n. raf- Re'gal, [rigai] adj. regale, rea- Reg'ister, [rdgisteur] s. registro; cancelliere, m. le; regio. frenarsi, astenersi, contenersi. Refran gibinty [rifrndgibilit ] Regale', [righile] v. a. regalare, Reg'ister, [rdgisteur] v. a. registrare; notare nel registro. far festa. s. rifrangibilit, f. Refran'gible, [rifrndgibrj adj. Regale'ment , [righelement] s. Reg'istering, [rdgisteurng] banchetto, festino, convito, m. registratura, [, rifrangibile.
; ;



Reject', [ridgect] . a. rigottare, ributtare. Rejec'ter, [rldgcteir] s. rigettatore, m.

Reg'istrar, [redgistrar] s. regi- Rehear', [rihire] v. a. irr. riU' dire, udire di nuovo. stratore; secretarlo, m Registra' tion, [rdgstrescieun] Rehear'sal, [rheirsl] s. ripetizione; relazione, narrazione; s. registratura, f. Keg'istry, [redgTsIre] s. regi- prova, f. Rehearse', [riheurse] v. a. ristratura; cancelleria, f. Reg'let, [rglt] s. (print.) ri- petere, recitare; provare. Rehear'ser, [riheurseur] s. reKeg'nant, [regnant] adj. re- citatore, ripetitore, m. Rei'gle, [rgl'] s. scanalatura,/". gnante, predominante. Regorge', [rigordgej v. a. rin- Reign', [rnejs. regno, governo, dominio, m. gorgare, vomitare. Regrade' , [rigrde] v. n. riti- Reign', [rne] v. a. regnare, dominare; prevalere. rarsi. Regraft' , [rigraft] v. a. inne- Reig'ning , [rning] adj. regnante, dominante. stare di nuovo. Regrant', [rgrant] v. a. conce- Reimbod'y, [r-mbod] v.a. incorporare di nuovo. dere di nuovo. Regrate', [rigrte] v. a. incet- Reimburse', [rlmbeirse] v. a.
tare; offendere.

Rejec'tion, [ridgecscieun]






Rejoice', [ridgioise] v. a. rallegrare divertire -, v. n. ralle;

grarsi; divertirsi. Rejoi'cer, [ridgioiseir] s. rallegratore, m. Rejoi'cing, [ridgiisingl s. rallegramento, m. allegrezza, /. [ridgioisngle] Rejoi'cingly ,

adv. allegramente. Rejoin', [ridgion] v. a. rigiugnere;-,v. n. rispondere, replicare.

Regra'ter, [rlgrteir] s. monopolitiere, incettatore (ziono, f. sta, m. _ Regreet', [rgrite] s. risalutaRegreet', [ngrite] v. a. risalutare, saiutare di nuovo. Re'gress , [rgrs] s. regresso, ritorno, m.; uscita, f. Regress', [rgres] v. n. tornare

restituire. rigat- Reimburse'ment, [riimbeirse- Rejolt', [ridgilt]



Rejoin'der, [ridgioindeur] replica, seconda rispcsta, /.






mnt] s. rimborsazione, f. Reimportune', [riimprtiune] v. a. importunare di nuovo. Reimpreg'nate, [riimprgnete] v.a. rimpregnare,ringravidaro. Reimpres'sion, [rlmprsciein] s. ristampa; edizione nuova, f. Reimprint', [riimprnt] u. a. ristampare.

Rejudge', [ridgeudge] v. a. giudicare di nuovo, esaminare di nuovo. Rekin'dle, [rchindl'] v. n. raccendere, rallumare.
Relapse', [rilpse] s. ricadiraento, m.; recidiva, ricascata, f. Relapse', [rilpse] v. n. ricadere, ricascare.

Rein', [rne] s. redina, redine, Relate', [rilete] v. a. recitare, /".; gressione, /. raccontare; dire; -, v. n. rapto give the -s, to let loose portarsi; rassomigliarsi; apRegret', [rigrt] s. rammarico; the -s, sciorre la briglia. dolore, m.; toi</i -, mal volen- Rein', [rene] v. a. raffrenare, re- partenere. tieri. Rela'ter, [rileteiir] s. relatore, strignere; governare. Regret', [rigrct] v.a. rincresce- Rein'deer, [renedire] ve'/i Rain- narratore, m. re, compiagnere; dolersi. deer, (forzare. Re'lation, [rilscienj s. relaRegret'ful, [rgrtfil] adj. rin- Reinforce', [rlnforse] V. a. rin- zione; parente, affinit, f.: in crescevole. Reinforce'ment, [rlinforsement] - to, in riguardo, in auanto a. Regret'fully , [rigrtfil] adv. s. rinforzamento, m. Rela'tionship , [rilscieunscp] rincrescevolmente. Reingage', [runghdge]verfi Re- s. affinit, parentela, /. Reg'ular, [rghiulr] adj. rego- engage. Rel'ative, [relativ] adj. relatilare; ordinato, esatto; in a - Reingra'tiate , [rlngrsciete] vo; -, s. parente; consanguiway, secondo le regole, rego- V. 71. rimettersi nella buona neo, m. larmente. grazia. Rel'atively, [relatvle'] adv reEeg'ular, [rghiulr] s. regola- Rein'less, [rneles] adj. senza lativamente. re, religioso, m. redine, sfrenato. Rel'ativeness, [rlatvnes] s. Kegular'ity , [rghiiilarit] s. Reins', [rnes] s.reni, lombi, m. relazione^ f. regolarit, f.; ordine, m.; esat- pi.; schiena, /. Relax', [rilcs] v. a. rilassare; tezza. /. Reinsert', [riinseurt] v. a. in- sbattere; moderare, mitigare; Reg'ularly, [rghilrle'] adv. serire di nuovo. divertire; -, v. n. rilassarsi; regolarmente , secondo le re- Reinspire', [riinspaire] v. a. in- moderarsi divertirsi. gole. spirare di nuovo. Relaxa'tion,[rilc&scieun]s.riReg'ulate, [rghiiilete] v. a. re- Reinstar, [riinstol] v. a. ri- lassamento, m. remissione, /.; golare, ordinare; dirigere, go- mettere in possesso. debilitamento, m.; ricreazione, vernare. Reinstate', [riinstte] v. a. ri- /".; divertimento, riposo, m. Regula'tion, [reghiulscieiin] s. stabilire. Relax' ative, [rilcsatv] ad], regolamento, ordinamento, m. Reinstat'ing, [riinstiting] s. ri- rilassante. Reg'ulator, [rghiuleteiir] s. stabilimento, m. Relay', [ril] .posta, /".; -s,pl. regolatore; bilanciere, m. Rein'tegrate, [riintigrte] v.a. cavalli freschi; cavalli di riReg'ulus, [rghiules] s (chym.) rintegrare, ristabilire. cambio, m. pi. metallo purificato, m. Reinthrone', [riinth'rne] vedi Relea'sable, [rlllsabl] adj. che Regur'gitate, [righeurdgitete] Re-enthrone pu essere liberato. V. a. & n. regurgitare, ringor- Reinvest' , [riinvest] v. a. ri- Release', [rilise] s. liberazione gare. mettere in possesso, ristabilire. libert, /. scarico, m. _ Regurgita'tion , [righeurdgiti- Reinvite', [riinvatej v. a. in- Release', [rillse] v. a. mettere scion] s. regurgitamento, m. vitare di nuovo. in libert; dispensare, esentare. Rehabil'itate,[rihablitete]r.a. jReit'erate, [riiteiirete] v. a. rei- Relea'ser, [rliseiir] s. liberato-

Regres'sion, [rigrscun]




terare; rifare.



Reiteration, [rliteurescieiin]


re, m. Release'ment,




[rilisemnt] scarico, m.





Rel'egate, frelighetc] v. o. rele- Reluct', [rlleuct] v. n. resistere, Remem'brance-book, [rlmembrnsebuc] s. libro di memocontrastare, ripugnare. gare, esiliare. Reluc'tancy , rie, wi. Relega'tion, [rlighscieun] s. Reluc'tance , s. Remem'brancer , [rimembran[rileuctnse , rleuctns] relegazione, f.; esilio, m. seur] s. ammonitore: attuaripugnanza; avversione, f. Relent', (rilent] v. a. allentare; Reluc'tant, [riletctntj adj. ri- rio, m. mollitcare; mitigare. Remem'orate, [rmemorete] v. Belen'ting , [rilntingl s. ral- - pugnante; avverso. lentamento, m.; conipassione,/". Reluc'tantly, [rileictantle'] adv. a. recare a memoria. [rmemoreRelent'less, [rilentles] adj. in- con ripugnanza, a contragge- Rememora'tion , scieun] s. rimembranza, /. nio, contro cuore. flessibile; duro, crudele. Rei evance , Rel'evancy, [rli- Reluc'tate, [rileiictetc] vedi Re- Rem'igrate , [remigrete] v. n. migrare di nuovo; ritornare. vnse, rlivns] s. rilevamen- luct.


[rmigrescieun] Relucta'tion, [rileictscieunls. Remigra'tion resistenza opposizione ripu- s. ritorno, wi. Remind', [rimalnd] v. a. ridurgnanza, /". re a memoria, ricordare, ram[rlivescieinl s. Relume', Reln'mine, [riliume, Releva'tion rlimn] v. a. ralluminare; memorare. alzamento, rilevamento, m. Reminis'cence, [reminisense] s. ravvivare. [rilainse] s. confiRel'ance Rely', [rilai] v. n. fidarsi; far reminiscenza, rimembranza, f, denza, fiducia, /". Reminiscen'tial [remiiilsencapitale, rimettersi in. Bel'ic, [relic] s. reliquia; rimembranza, /.; -s. pi. reliquie, Remain', [rimne] v. n. rimane- scial] adj. appartenente alla reminiscenza. re, restare; avanzare, conticeneri, f. pi. Remiss', [rirais] adj. rimosso, nuare. Rel'ict, rllct] s. vedova, donna Remain'der, [rimonedeur] s. lento; pigro. vedovata, f. Relief, [rilifel s. sollievo, alle- resto, residuo, restante, rima- Remis'sible, [rimisibl] adj. remissibile, perdonabile. viamento; conforto; rilievo, m. suglio; avanzo, m. Relie'vable, [rilivabr] adj. atto Remains', [rimnes] s. pi. reli- Remis'sion, [rmiscieun] s. remissione,/.; allentamento; perquie, f. pi.: avanzi, m. pi. ad essore ajutato. Relieve', [rilive] v. a. alleviare; Remake', [rimeche] v. a. irr. dono, m. Remiss'ly, [rimisle'] adv. negliconfortare; mitigare; soccorre- rifare, fare di nuovo. gentemente; lentamente; pire, ajutare to - guard, rilevare Remand', [rmnd] v. a. rimangramente. dare; richiamare. la guardia. Relie'ver, [riliveur] s. allevia- Rem'anent, [remanent] s. rima- Remiss'ness, [rimsnes] s. negligenza, trascuraggine infinnente resto, m. tore, confortatore, m. Remark', [rimare] s. nota, os- gardia, pigrizia, /. Relie'vo, [riliv] s. rilievo, m. Relight', [rilaite] v. n. riaccen- servazione, notizia,/".; conto, wi. Remit', [rimt] v. a. rimef^ere, Remark', [rimare] v. a. notare, rimandare; sminuire; perdonadere, raccendere. re; riferire;-, V. n. diminuirsi; Relig'ion, [rildgeiin] s. religio- osservare; distinguere.
to, m.;



[rlivnt] adj. soccorrevole, ajutativo.


ne: fede; piet,



Remark'able, [riniarcabV]



Relig'ionary, [nlidgeunar]ad/.
(fanatico, [rilldgeunist]

notevole; osservabile; considerabile.


s. Remark'ableness, [rlmrcabrRelig'ionist, Relig'ious, [rildgeiis] adj. reli- ns] s. cosa notabile; singola- Remit'tance, [rimtnse] s. rimessa (di danari), f. rit, importanza, f. gioso, pio, divoto; esatto. Relig'iously, [rilidgeusl] adv. Remark'ably, [rimrcable'] adv. Remit'ter, [rimitoiir] s. che rimette danari, rimettitore, m. religiosamente; piamente; esat- in modo notevole. Remar'ker, [rimrcheiir] s. os- Rem'nant , [rrannt] ad), ritamente. manente ; - , s. restante, resiEelig'iousness, [rildgevsnes] servatore, m. Remar'ry, [rimare'] v. a. rima- duo; avanzo, m. s. religiosit, f. Remodel, [rmodl] v. a. moEelin'quish, [rilTnquisce] v. a. ritare. dellare di nuovo. Reme'diable, [rlmidiabr] adj abbandonare, lasciare. Remol'ten, [rimlt'n] adj. riRelin'quisher, [rlnquisceur] s. rimediabile, curabile. Reme'dial, [rimidil] adj. che fuso. abbandonatore, m. Remcn'strance, [rimonstranse] Relin'quishment , [rilnquTsc- da rimedio. Rem'ediless, [rmidils] adj. s. rimostranza, dichiarazione, mnt] s. abbandono, m. ammonizione, f. Rel'iquary, [reliquar] s. astuc- irremediabile, incurabile. Rem'edilessne8S,[rmidilsnes] Remon'strate, [rmonstretc] v. cio da reliquie, m. Rerish, [relsce] s. buon gusto, s. stato incurabile, m.; incura- a. rimostrare; rappre.sentare. Remon'strator, [rimonstreteur] bilit, f. sapore; diletto, m. .quegli che fa rimostranze, m. Rel'ish, [rllsce] . a. gustare, Rem'edy, [rmide'] s. rimedio Rem'ora, [remra] s. remora, /. dar gusto; -, v. n. avere buon riparo, ricorso, mezzo, m. Rem'edy, [rmide'j v. a. rime- (pesce); /ig. impedimento, ostagusto; piacere. colo, m. Rerishable,[rlTsciabr] adj. gu- diare; riparare. Remem'ber , [rimembeur] v. a. Remor'dency , Remorse' , [rstoso, saporoso. Rel'ishing , [rlscing] adj. di ricordarsi, sovvenire; - me to mordns, rimorse] s. rimorso, rimordimento, wi. buon gusto; -, s. approvazio- him, salutatelo da mia parte. Remem'berer , [rlmembeureur] Remorse'ful, [rimorseful] adj, ne, f. pieno di rimorsi, pentito. . ricordatoro, m. Relive', [riliv] _. n. rivivere. Relu'cent, [riliusnt] adj. rilu- Remem'b ranca , [rimembrnse] Remorse'less, [rimrsels] adj, cente; trasparente; chiaro, lu- s. rimembranza, ricordanza, f.; senza rimorso, insensibile, crudele. to put in -, ridurre a memoria. cido.

nuova carcerazione, no, m.

[rlmitmnt] s. /.; perdo-


317 -

Reordain', [riordne] v. a. ordinare di nuovo. Reordina'tion, [riordinescieun] s. riordinamento, m. Reorganiza'tion , [riorgnizscieun]

Eemorse'lessly, frimorsclesl] per focaccia; to - thanks, renadv. crudelmente. der grazie, ringraziare. Bemorse'lessness, [rimorseles- Ren'derer,[rndeiireur] s. quello nes] s. crudelt, ferocia. che rende, m. Remote', [riinte] adj. rimoto, Rendezvous', [rendivu] s. apposta, asselontano. puntamento, ni Remote 'ly, [rmtele'] adv. ri- gnazione; piazza d'arme,/". motamente, lontanamente. Rendit'ion, [rndisceun] s. arRemote'ness, [rimtens] .lon- rendimento, m.; resa, f. tananza; distanza, /. Ren'egade , Renega'do, [rniRemo'tion, [rimscieun] s. ri- ghede, rnighdo] s. rinnegato, mozione, /. apostata, m. _ Remount', [rimaont] v. a. & n. Renew', [riniu] v. a. rinnovare, rimontare, montare di nuovo. rinnovellare; ricominciare. Remo'vable, [rlrnvabl'] adj. Renew' able, [riniuabl'] adj. che rimovibile, amovibile. si pu rinnovare. Remo'val, [rimuval] s. rimozio- Renew'al, [riniual] s. rinnovellamento, m. ne, /".; rimoviraento; cambiamento, m. Renew'er, [riniueiir] s. rinnoRemove' , [nmive] s. cambia- vatore, m. mento; trasporto, m.; parten- Ren'itence , Ren'itency, [renitnse, rnitns] s. renitenza za: poca distanza, f.



Reor'ganize, [riorgnaize] v.a.

riorganizzare. Repac'ify, [ripasifal] v. a. rappacificare.

Repair', [ripcrc] s. riparo , rstauro ricovero, rifugio miniar.) racconciamento, m.; to keep a house in -, tenere in riparo







re domicilio; to

rimuovere; sgomberare; muta- a difficult'/,

levare una difficolt; to - one out of the way, disfarsi d' alcuno. Remo'vedness, [rimiivednes] s. rimovimento, m.; distanza, f. Remo'ver, [rimuveur] s. riraovitore,

Remo'ving, [rImiivTng] s.rimovimento, m. rimozione, sporto, m.




Remu'nerable, [rTmiuneurabl'] adj. degno di ricompensa.


[rimiuneiirete] v.

rimunerare, ricompensare. Remunera'tion , [rimiunurescietn] s. rimunerazione ri,

compensa, /. Remu'nerative,


adj. rimunerativo.



rimuneratore, m.


[rimiiinere, ter] vedi Remunerative. Remur'mur, [nmeiirmeir] v. n. famosamente. Repeal', jrlplle] s. rivocazione, rimormorare; risonare. Renown'less, [rinaoilnles] adj. /.; annullamento, m. Renai, [nnl] ad], renale. senza rinomanza. Repeal', [rlpile] i. a. rivocaRenard, [renard] s. volpe,/'. Rent', [rent] s. stracciatura, f.; re annullare, cassare, abolire. Renas'cency, [rinsns] s. ri- squarcio, m.; rendita, entrata; Repeal'able, [ripilabl"] adj. rinascenza, f. pigione (di casa ecc.), f. vocabile. Renas'cent, [rnsnt] adj. ri- Rent', [rent] v. a. appigionare, Repea'ler , [ripileur] s. quegli nascente. torre a pigione che abolisco, che annulla, m. Renas'cible, [rnscibl] adj. che Ren'table, [rentabV] adj. che si Repea'ling, [npFling] s. rivocasi pu rigenerare. pu torre a pigione. mento, m.: abolizione, /. Renav'igate, [rnvighete] v. a. Ren'tal, [rental] s. conto di ren- Repeat', [ripite] v. a. ripetere; riiiavigaro; rimbarcarsi. dite, m. replicare Rencoun'ter, [rencaoQntear] s. Ren'ter, f renteir] s. affittuale.m. Repeat'edly, [rlpitedle'] adv. riscontro, incontro;conflitto,m. Rent'-roU , [rentrle] s. ruolo spesso, spesse volte. Rencoun'ter, [rncaonteur] v. delle rendite, m. Repea'ter , [ripiteur] s. ripetin. scontrare; abbattersi; raf- Rent'-service, [rntseirvs] m. tore, recitatore; orinolo a rifrontarsi. rendita feudale, f. petizione, m. Rend', [rend] v. a. irr. (rent; Renuncia'tion[rineinsiscieun] IRepea'ting, [rlptlng] s. riperenlj stracciare, lacerare, mets. rinunzia, /.;rinunziamento,m.| tizione, f. tere in pezzi. Renverse', [rnveiirse] v. a. ro- Repeek', [rpiche] s. (jam.) riRender, rendeur] v. a. rendere vesciare. picco, m. _ restituire; liberare ;traslatare; Reobtain', [ribtene] v. a. ot-'Repeek', [riplche] v. a. {gam.\ to - like for like, render pan tenore di nuovo. far ripicco.

resistenza, f. Ren'itent, [renitent] adj. reni- modo riparabile. Repara'tJon, [rparscieun] s. tente ; resistente. Ren'net, [renet] s. caglio, m.; riparazione , /. ; riparo, ristauappiuola, f. (mela.) ro, m. Ren'neting , [rnetng] s. ap- Rep'arative, [repratv] adj. ripiuola, f. (mela.) staurante. Renounce', [rinaounse] v. a. ri- .Repartee', [repart] s. risposta nunziare; rigettare; abbando-j pronta e acuta, /. Repartee', [reparti] v. a. dar nare. Renounce'ment , [rinaoinsepronta risposta, ripiccare. mnt] s. rinunziamento, m.; Repartit'ion, [reprtiscieun] s. rinunzia, f.; rifiuto, n. spartizione, divisione, f. Renoun'cer, [rinaounseiir] s. ri- Repass', [ripas] . n. ripassare, nunziatoro, m. passare di nuovo. Renoun'cing, [rnaoinsfng] s. Repast', [ripast] s. pasto, cibo, m.; viveri, m. pi. r atto di rinunziare, m. Ren'ovate, [renovete] v. a. rin- Repast', [ripast] v. n. banchetnovare, rinnovellare. tare. Rerova'tion , [rnvscien] s. Repas'ture, [rpastciure] s. ferinnovazione, f. stino, banchetto, pasto, m. Renown', [rinaon] s. fama, ri- Repay' , [ripe] v. a. pagar? nomanza, celebrit, f. un' altra volta , rimborsare , Renowned', [rinaouii'd] adj. ri- rendere. nomato, celebre, illustre. Repay'ment, [rlpmeiit] $. il Renowned'ly, [rinaoiinedle'] ac/v. ripagare, m.

una casa. Repair', [ripre] v. a. riparare, ristaurare (mar.) racconciare; -, V. n. andare; rendersi. Repair'er, [rpererj s. riparatore, che ripara, m. Rep'arable, [rparabl'] adj. riparabile; rimediabile. iRep'arably, [reparable'] ad. iu





[reprihensiv] Repel' , [rlpel] v. a. repellere, Replev'in, Replev'y, [rlplvin, Reprehen'sive , adj. riprensivo. riplve'] s. (jwr.) reintegrazioscacciare; rispingere; coufuRepresent' , [reprizent] v. a. ne, f. tare. Bepellent, [rlpelent] . repul- Replev'in, Replev'y, [riplevin, rappresentare , figurare , far conoscere, descrivere. riplev] v. a. ricoverare, riotsivo, ripercussivo, m. Represen'tance, [rprizntanse] Repeller, [rpleur] s. scaccia- tenere. Replica'tion, [replichscieun]s. vedi Representation. tore, m. Repent', [ripent] v. n. pentirsi, rimbalzo, m.; replica, risposta, f. Represen'tant, [rprizntant] s. Repli'er, [riplaiur] s. che re- rappresentante, m. affliggersi. Representa'tion , [reprizentRepen'tance , [ripentanse] s. plica. sciein] s. rappresentazione, f. pentimento,)!.; compunzione,^. Reply', [rpl al] s. replica, rspoRepresen'tative,[rprizentativ] Repen'tant , [rpntnt] adj. sta, f. Reply', [rplai] . a. & n. repli- adj. rappresentativo -, s. rappenitente; dolente. Repen'ted, [ripntd] adj. pen- care, rispondere;^ soggiugnero. presentante, m. Reply'ing, [riplaiing] s. repli- Represen'tatively, [reprizentatito, compunto. tivl] adv. rappresentativaRepen'ter, [ripnteir] s. ripeu- ca, f. Repol'ish, [rlpolisce] v. a. puli- mente. titore. tn. Represen'ter, [repriznteur] . Repen'ting , [rlpentng] s. ri- re di nuovo. Report', [riprt] s. voce; fama, rappresentatore, m. pentimento, m. [rprizentRepen'tingly, [ripntingljadv. f.; remore, strepito; bisbiglio, Represent'ment , m. relazione, /". to make a -, mnt] s. rappresentamento, i. con ripeutimento. Repress', [ripres] v. a. repriRepeo'ple, [ripipl'] .a. popo- riferire, narrare. Report', [riport] v. a. rapporta- mere; raffrenare; moderare. lare di nuovo. Repeopling' , [rlpiplngl s. il re, raccontare; dichiarare; dar Repres'sion, [rprsciein] s. conto; scoppiare, far remore; repressione, f. popolare di nuovo, m. Repres'sive, [rlpresv] adj. reRepercuss', [ripeirclieus] v. a. it is reported, corre voce. Repor'ter, [riporteir] s. relato- primente. ripercuotere; riflettere. Reprieve' , [riprve] s. sospen[ripeurcheus- re, raccontatore, m. Bepercus'sion , sione, f. differimento, m. procieiinl s. ripercussione; rifles- Repor'tingly, [rprtngle'] adv. secondo la fama comune, per lungazione, f. sione, f. Reprieve', [riprve] s. sospenRepercus'sive, [ripeurcheusv] avere inteso dire. Repo'sal, [ripozl] s. confiden- sione, /.; differimento, m.; proadj. ripercussivo; riflessivo. lungazione, f. Reper'tory, [riperteur] s. re- za, /".; deposito, m. Repose', [ripze] s. riposo, m.; Reprimand', [reprimand] s. ripertorio, indice, m. prensione; ripassata, f. Repetit'ion, [rpitiscieun] s. ri- tranquillit,/'. Repose', [rpoze] v. a. riposare; Reprimand', [reprimand] v. a. petizione, reiterazione, f. v. n. riposar riprendere, biasimare. Repine', [ripaine] v. n. rincre- depositare Reprint', [nprnt] s. ristampa,/'. sopra; fidarsi; dormire. scere, dolersi: rimbrottare. Repi'ner , [rpaner] s. rim- Repo'sedly, [ripozdle'] adv. ri- Reprint', [riprnt] v. a. ristamposatamente; quietamente. pare. brottatore, mormoratore, m. Repi'ning, [ripaining] s. il mor- Repo'sedness , [ripozdns] s. Reprin'ting, [rprnting] s. rimorare; travaglio, m.; noja, /. essere in riposo essere quie- stampa; edizione nuova, f. Repri'sal, [ripraizl] s. rappreto, m. fastidio, tn. Eepi'ningly, [ripaningl] adv. Repos'it, [ripozt] u.c. riporre, saglia, /.; to make -s, to make use of -s.usar rappresaglie. mettere in deposito. in modo rimbrottevole. Replace', [riplse] v. a. collocare Reposit'ion, [rpozisceun] s. Reprise', [ripraizej s. ripresa; ristabilimento, cqllocamento,tn. rappresaglia, /. di nuovo, rilegare, surrogare. Replacing , Repos'itory, [ripzteur] s. Reprise, [ripraize] v.a. riprenEeplace'ment , dere. [riplsemnt, rlplsing] s. col- ripostiglio, ripositorio, m. locamento; surrogamento, m. Repossess', [ripozs] v. a. rien- Reproach' , [rlprotsce] s. rimprovero, obbrobrio, vituperio,. Replait', [riplte] v. a. ripiega- trare in possesso.

Repossess'ion, [ripozescieiin] s.l Reproach' , [riprtsce] v. n. re, rincrespare_. Replant', [rplant] v. o. ripian- r atto di rientrare in posses- rimproverare; rinfacciare; accusare. tare, piantare di nuovo. so, m. Replanta'ton, [riplantscieun] Repour', [ripore] v. a. riversare. Reproach'ahle, [riprotsciabl'] adj. biasimevole, vituperevole. s. ripiantaraento, m.; pianta- Reprehend', [reprihnd] v. a. Reproach'ful, [rlprtscefiil] adj. gione nuova, f. riprendere, rimproverare. Replead', [ripiide] v. .litigare Reprehen'der, [rprihndeiir] s. ingiurioso, oltraggioso. riprenditore, riprensore, m. Reproach'fully, [rprtscfile'] di nuovo. Replen'ish, [riplnisce] v. a. Reprehen'ding, Irprihnding] adv. ingiuriosamente , oltragriempiere, empiere di nuovo. giosamente. s. riprensione, /.;rimprovero,m Replete', [riplite] adj. pieno, Reprehen'sible, [reprihnsibl*] Rep'robate, [rcprobetc] s. reriempito. ad}, riprensibile, biasimevole. probo, malvagio, m. Repletion, [ripliscieun] s. ripie- Reprehen'sibleness, [reprihn- Rep'robate , [reprobete] v. a. nezza, /. sibrns] 8. biasimo, rimprove- riprovare, rifiutare. Reple'tive, [rplitiv] adj. riem- ro, m. Reproba'tion, [reprobsciein] pitivo. Reprehep'sibly, [reprihensibl] s. riprovazione; dannazione, /. Reple'tively , [ripltivle'] adv. adv. in modo riprendevole. Reproduce' , [riprodiise] v. a. Reprehen'sion, [rprihnscieiin] riprodurre, produrre di nuovo. in modo riempitivo. p,eplev'iable , [riplviabl'] adj. s. riprensione, f.; biasimo, m.; Reprodu'cer , [riprdiSseur] < ammonizione, /. riproduttore, m. i^jur.) che pu ricuperarsi.




riproduzione, rigenerazione,/'.



adj. riproduttivo.




vero, m.; riprensione,




riprensibile, biasinievole.




Reprove', [rprive]v. a. riprendere, rimproverare. Repro'ver, [ripriveiir]s. riprenditore, m. Reprune' [riprune] v. a. potare per la seconda volta. Rep'tile, [rptaile] s. rettile, w. Repub'lic, [ripeiiblicj s. repubblica,






repubblichista, m.

Repub'lic nism[ripoibIicnism] s. sistema repubblicano, repub- Requi'rable

scieun, ripiiite] s. riputazione, Re'script, [riscript] s, rescritto, fama, /. to be in good -, esser editto, m. Res'cuable, [rschiuabr] adj. in buon concetto. Repute', [ripiiite] t;. a. riputa- che pu essere liberato. Res'cue, [rschiiie] s. liberare; stimare, credere. Repute'less, [ripiitels] adj. mente, scampo; soccorso, m. senza riputazione; infame; ab- Res'cue, [rschiiie] v. a. liberare, scampare venir in soccorso. bietto. Request', [riqust] s. richiesta, Res'cuer, [rschiur] s. libedomanda; supplica, f. ; credito, ratore, soccorritore, m. m.; at your -, a vostra richie- Research', [rlseiirtsce] s. ricerca, inchiesta, f. sta; io make a - of one, fare una domanda ad uno to be in Research', [riseurtsce] v. a. ricercare, inchiedere; esaminare. -, esser in voga, essere ricerResear'cher, [rlseurtscur] s. cato. Request', [riquest] v. a. richie- ricercatore, inchieditore, m. Reseat' , [riste] v. a. posare, dere, pregare. Reques'ter, [rquesteiir] s. ri- rimettere; -, v. n. riporsi a sedere. chieditore, supplicante, m. Requick'en , [rquichn] v. a. Reseize' , [rlslze] v. a. .sequestrare di nuovo. rianimare, ravvivare. Re'quiem, [rquaim] s. orazio- Resei'zure, [risigeir] s. nuova sequestrazione, f. ne pe' morti ; pace, f.
; ;

[riquairahr] adj. Resem'blance, [rlzemhlanse] s. , licanismo, m. somiglianza, f. atto ad esser ricercato. Repub'licanize[rlpeiiblicanaize] Require', [riqualre] v. a. chie- Resam'ble, [rizembl'] v. n. ras9. a. render repubblicano. somigliare, essere simile. dere; domandare; ricercare. Republica'tion , [ripeiblicli- Require'ment , [rlquairemnt] Resem'bling, [rizembling] adj. scieun] 8. seconda pubblica- s. una cosa domandata; do- somigliante, simile.



Resend', [risnd]

v. a. irr. ri-

Repub'lish, [ripeublTsce] v. a. Requi'rer, [riquaireur] s. ri- mandare, mandare indietro. pubblicare di nuovo. chieditore, m. Resent', [riznt] v. a. pigliare Repa'diable, [ripiiidiabr] adj. Req'uisite , [requisii] adj. re- in mala parte; risentirsi; of-


quisito, necessario. Req'uisite, [requisii] s. requisito, tn.; cosa necessaria, /. Repudiation , [rpiiidiescieun] Req'usitely , [rquistl] adv. ripudio , ripudiare s. divor- necessariamente. zio, m. Req'uisiteness, [requisitns] s. Repugn', [rlpiune] v. a. ripu- necessit; esigenza, f. gnare, contrariare. Requisit'ion, [rquisiscieSn] s. Repug'nance , Repug'nancy , requisizione; domanda, /". [ripeug'nanse, ripeug'nans] s. Requis'itive, Requis'itory, ripugnanza, avversione con [riquizitiv, riquziteur] adj. troversia, f. requisitorie. Repug'nant, [rpeg'nant] adj. Requi'tal, [riquaitl] s. ricomripugnante; contrario. pensa, f. ; contraccambio, m. Repug'nantly, [rpeug'nantlj Requite', [riqualte] v. a. ricomadv. con ripugnanza, di mala pensare, rimunerare. voglia. Requi'ter, [riquaiteiir] s. comRepul'lulate, [ripeuliilete] v.n. pensatore, rimuneratore, m. ripullulare, germogliare. Requi'ting , [riquaitng] s. riRepulse', [ripeilse] s. ripulsa, compensa, /. contraccambio,m. negativa, f. Rere'mouse, [riremaoise] s. Repulse', [ripeilse] v. a. ripul- pipistrello, m.; nottola, f. sare, repellere, rigettare. Rere'ward , [rireoaurd] s. reRepul'sion, [rlpelscieun] s. ri- troguardia, rietroguardia, f. pulsione, ripulsa, f. Resail', [rsele] v. n. rinavigaRepul'sive , [rpeiilsiv] adj. ri- re, navigare indietro. _ pulsivo. Resaluta'tion, [rlsliutscieun]


essere ripudiato.


[ripiidiete] ripudiare, rifiutare.

v. a.

Resen'ter, [rzenteir]

s. chi risente d' un' ingiuria, m.

Resent'ful, [rzntful] adj. pieno di risentimento. Resent'ingly, [rizntingle'] adv. risentitamente , con risenti-

mento, (ritahile. Resen'tive, [rzentiv] adj. ir-


[rizntrant] s. risentimento, il risentirsi, m. Reserva'tion, [rzeurvscieiin]


riserva, zione, f.


riserbo, m.; restri-

Reser'vative, [rizeirvativ] adj.


Reser'vatory, [rizeurvateur] s. riserbatojo, serhatojo, m.; conserva,


Reserve', [rizeurve] s. riserva ; limitazione, eccezione; modestia,



[ripeiilseure'] adj.

s. il



saluto. compra, f. Rescind', [rsindj v. a. rescin- screzione, f. Repur'chase, [rlpeurcese] v. a. dere; cassare. Reser'ver , [rzeurveur] s. riricomprare, comprare di nuovo. Rescis'sion, [risisciiin] s. re- serbatore, servatore, m. Reputable , [rpiutabP] adj. scissione, /.; abolimento, m. Reser'ving-lever, [rizeurvTngs.

ripulsante, ripulsivo. Repur'chase, [rlpeurcse]





salutare, rendere

Reserve', [rizeurve] v. a. riservare; conservare. Reserved', [rizeurv'd] adj. riservato; modesto, discreto. Reserved'ly, [rizeiirvdle'] adv. con riserva, con riguardo. Reserved'ness, [rizeurvedues] s. riserva; circospezione, di-

onorevole, onorato. Rescissory, [rsiseir] adj. re- liver] s. {loc.) sbarra di goRep'utably, [rpiutable'] adv. scissorio. verno, /". onorevolmente. Rescribe', [rscrahe] v. o. ri- Reservoir', [rezeurvuoir] s. serBeputa'tion, Repute', [rpiut- scrivere; risponder. hatojo, wt.





of - to you, per rispetto vostro; -s, s. pi. complimenti, baciamenti, m. pi.; to pay one's
-s to one, salutare alcuno, ri-

deset'tle, [riset'l] . o. ristalai- Resist'lessness,



Eeset'tlement, [rlst'lment] s. Res'oluble, [rzoliubl] adj. dissolubile, solubile, resolubile. ristabilimento, m. Reship', [riscip] v. a. imbarca- Res'olute, [rzoliute] adj. risoluto, determinato. re di nuovo. Reside', [nzaide] v. n. risedere, Res'olutely , [rzoliutel] adv. determinatamente, intrepidadimorare. Residence, Res'idency, [rez- mente. idense , rzidense] s. residen- Res'oluteness, [rzoliutenosl s. determinazione; arditezza, f. za; dimora, f. Ees'ident, [rzidnt] adj. resi- Resoln'tion , [rzoliascieiin] s risoluzione; fermezza, intrepidente, dimorante. Res'ident, [rzident] s. residen- dezza; analisi, f. Resolu'tive , [rzoliStiv] adj. te, m. Residen'tiary, [rezidensciar] {med.) risolutivo, solutivo. Sesol'Table, [rizlvabl'] vedi adj. residente. Resid'ual , Resid'uary, [rizid- Resoluble. iual, rizdiuar] adj. del resi- Resolve', [rizlve] s. risoluzione; determinazione, /. duo, restante. Res'idne, [rsidiS] s. residuo, Resolve' , [rizlve] v. a. risolvere, solvere; determinare; lirestante, resto, m. Residuum , [rizldiuum] s. quefare ; -, V. n. risolversi determinarsi. (chym.) residuo, m. Resign', [rizaine] v. a. & n. Reservedly , [rlzolvedle] adv. rassegnare; cedere; deporre; risolutamente; fermamente. Resol'vedness, [rizolvedns] s. disfarsi; sottomettersi. risoluzione,/'.; fermo proposiResigna'tion,[rzTg"nsciein] s rassegnazione; cessione; de- to, m.; fermezza, /. Resol'vent , [rizolvnt] s. dismissione, f. solvente, solutivo, m. Resign'edly , [rizanedle'] adv Resol'ver, [rzolveur] s. risolcon rassegnazione. vente, m. Resign'er, [rizaineur] s. rasso Reserving, [rlzolving] s. solu gnante, che rassegna, m. Resign'ment zione, /.; scioglimento, m.; di Resign'ing , chiarazione, f. [rizainng, rizainnment] .rassegnazione; demissione, /. Res'onance, [rezonanse] s. ri Resil'ience, Resil'iency, [rizl- sonanza, f.

verire uno.

Respect', [respect] v. a. rispettare, riguardare; onorare, riverire.

Respec'table, [rspectabr] adj.


Respectabirity,[rspectablite'] s. buona condotta, onorevolezza. Respec'tably, [respectable] adv.

con rispetto, riguardevolmente. Respec'ter, [rspcter] s. che


Respect'ful, [respectfiil] adj. rispettoso; sommesso, umile. Respect'fully,[rspctfull]a(Zw. rispettosamente. Respect'fulness,[resp"ctfulnes] s. rispetto, riguardo, m.; deferenza, f. Respec'tive, [respectv] adj. rispettivo, relativo.

Respec'tively, [rspctivle'] adv. rispettivamente, in rispetto. Respect'less, [rspcctles] adj. senza rispetto, irreverente. Respect'lessness, [respectlsns] s. irreverenza, f. Resperse', [rspeiirse] v. a. rispergere. (respirabile. Respi'rable, [respairabP] adj. Respiration, [respirescieunj s. respirazione, f; fiato, m.

Respi'ratory, [respairature'] adj. avente il potere di respi-

rare. iense, riziliensj s. resilienza, Res'onant , [rezonant] adj. ri/.; ribalzo, m. Respire', [respaire] v. n. respisonante, rimbombante. rare; ricrearsi. Resil'ient , [rizTlient] adj. che Resorb', [risorb] v. a. assorbire risalta zampillante. Resor'bent, [nsrbnt] adj. as- Res'pite, [vppit] s. rispetto, indugio, rescritto di dilazioResilit'ion,[rziliscieun] s. zam- sorbente. pillo, ribalzo, m. Resort', [rizort] s. concorso, m.; no, ni. folla, calca, f.; ricorso, rifu- Res'pite, [respTt] v. a. sospenRes'in, [rzin] s. resina, gom dere, differire. ma, f. gio, m. ; forza elastica, f.

Res'inous , Resort' , [rzorf] v. n. avere , [rezinescies, rzneus] ad] ricorso; frequentare, capitare, resinoso, ragioso, gommifero. bazzicare. Res'inousness, [rezlneiisns] s Resor'ter , [rizrter] s. fre qualit resinosa, f. quentatore (d'un luogo), m. Resipis'cence , [rsipTsnse] s Resound' , [rizaoundj v. a. ririsipiscenza , pentimenpetere; celebrare; -, v. n. rif. ; to, m. sonare, rimbombare. Resist', [rzist] v. a. resistere; Resoand'ing, [rizaounding] adj. opporsi. risonante, rimbombante; - , s. Resis'tance, [rizTstnse] s. re risonanza, /".; rimbombo, m. sistenza, opposizione, /.; osta Resource', [risrse] s. mezzo, colo, m. espediente, m. Resis'tant , [rzTstnt] s. che Resource'less, [rsrseles] adj.
resiste, opponente, m. Resistibility, [rizlstibilit]
forza, repulsiva,

Resplen'dence, Resplen'dency,
[rsplndense, resploudense] s. risplendenza, f.; splendore, lustro, m. Resplen'dent, [resplendent] adj,

risplendente, brillante.

Resplen'dently, [rsplendentle'] adv. con grande splendore. Respond', [respond] v. n. rispondere; corrispondere; convenire.

[respondent] . rispondente; difendente, m. Response', [response] s. risponso, m.; risposta.


senza rimedio, abbandonato.


Resis'tible, [rlzstibl'] adj. che

si pu resistere. risponsabile; obbligato, Resis'tive, [rzlstiv] adj. che ha Respect' , [rispct] s. rispetto, Respon'sibleness, [respnsibl'potere di resistere. riguardo; m.otivo m.; stima, ns] . mallevadoria, cauzione, Resist'less , [rizistles] adj. ir ^; in some -, in qualche modo: sicurt, f. resistibile, insuperabile. with -, con rispetto, con rive- Respon'sive , _ Respon'sory , Resist'lessly, [rizstlsl] adv renza; in - of in rispetto, al [rsponsiv, rspnsr) adj, vresistibilniente. rispetto, in comparazione; owfl responsivo, corrispondente.
, ,

[riso] v. a. irr. riseminare, seminare di nuovo. Respeak' , [risplche] v. n. irr. parlare di nuovo; far risposta.




risponsabilil; sicurt,

Respon'sible, [risponsibl"] adj.

Rest', [rest]



s. riposo, sonno ;|Restrai'nable, [rlstrnabl'] adj. Retake', [riteche] v. a. irr. ripigliare. resto, residuo, ?.; pausa, fer-| atto ad essere ristretto. to Restrai'nedly , [nstrndl] Retaliate, [ritliete] v. a. renmata; resta (di lancia), f.; be at -, esser in pace; to take adv. con ristrigniraento, con ri- dere la paricrlia. tegno. Retalia'tion, [ntliescien] s. -, prender riposo. rappresaglia, pariglia, f. Best', [rest] v. a. riposare; ap- Restrai'ner , [rstreneur] s.

poggiare; posare; dar pace; -, V. n. riposarsi; appoggiarsi stare; dormire; morire: to on, appoggiarsi; far capitale. Bestag nant , [ristgnntj adj. stagnante. Beslag'nate, [ristagnete] v. n. ristagnare fermarsi. Bestagna'tion, [ristgnesciein] s. ristagnamento, m. Bestaura'tion , [rstrisciein] s. ristorazione, /".; ristoro, m.
; ;

quello che ristrigne, raffrena- Retard', [ritardi v. a. & n. ritore, m. tardare; differire. Restraint' , [rlstrnte] s. co- Retarda'tion, [ritrdscieiin] s.

strignimento, raifrenamento, ritardamento, m. m.; violenza, forza, f. Retar'der, [ntrdeur] s ritarRestrict', [rstrct] v. a. ristri- datore, indugiatore, m. gnere, limitare. Retar'ding , Retard'ment , Restric'tion , [ristricscieln] s. [ntrdng ritardment] s. limitazione, f, ritardamento, m. Restric'tive, [ristrctv] odj. Retch', [retsce] v. .aver voglia restrittivo, limitativo. di recere, vomitare, recere. Restric'tively,[ristrictvle']adu. Reten'tion, [ritenscien] s. riRestem', [ristm] v. a. andare rislrettamcnte in modo retenzione; custodia, f. contro la corrente. strittivo. Reten'tive [ritontvj adj. riBest'ful, [restful] adj. quieto; Restringe , [rstrndge] v. a. tentivo, ritenitivo. placido. ristrignercaffrenare; limitare, Reten'tiveness, [rtntTvns] s. Best'fuUy, [rstfiil] adv. que- confinare. facolt ritentiva, memoria, f. tanionte, riposatamente Restrin'gency, [rstrndgns] Ret'icence, [retisense] $. retiBes'tifif, [restfj adi. restio, ri-i s. ristrignimento, m cenza, /.
, ,

troso, ostinato, caparbio. Restringent [rstrndgnt] Res'tiffness, [rstfnes] .osti- orij. ristringente: astringente; -, s. (med.) astringente, m. nazione, caponeria, /. Bes'tily, [restile] adv. ostinata- Res'ty, [reste'] vedi Restiff. mente. Result', [nzeult] s. risultato, Eestinc'tion, [rstncscieun] s. esito, fline, m. estinzione, /.; ammortamen- Result', [nzeult] v. n. risultare; seguire, provenire. to, m. Res'tiness, [restines] s. restio Resul'tance, [rizeultnsc] s. riostinazione, caponeria, perti- sultamento, m. nacia, /. Resul'ting, [rizeulting] adj. risultante, proveniente. Res'ting , [resting] s. riposo sollievo, TM.; quiete, f. Resu'mable, [rizimabl'] adj. Res'ting-place, [restng-plse] che si pu ripigliare. Resume', [riziUme] v. a. riassus. luogo di riposo, m. Res'titute, [restitiute] v. a. remere, ripigliare; rifare; rinnostituire. vellare. Eestitn'tion, [restiti Ssciein] s. Resump'tion, [rizeimpscieiin]s.
; ;


icle, [retici'] s. rete piccola, /.: sacchetto, m.

avente la







reticolare, reticolato.

Retic ulated, [ritchiuleted] adj.


Ret'iform, [rtifrm] adj. retiforme.

Rbt'ina, [rtina]


retina (dels.



Ret'inue, [retini]


accompagnamento, m.
Retire, [ritaire]
ritiro, rifugio,



Retire', [ntairej v. a. ritirare;

V. n. ritirarsi.

Retired', [ritair'd] adj. ritirato, solitario.

restituzione,/'.; ristabilire, m.

ripigliamento; ricominciamen-




restitutore, m.

m. Resump'tive, [rizeumptiv]

Res'tive, [rstiv]

vedi Restiff.


[restles] adj. senza

dormire; inquieto. Restlessly, [restlcsle'] adv. senza riposo; inquietamente.

/. s.


di riposo; inquietu-

dine, agitazione,

Retired'ly, [rtalredl] adv. soadj. litariamente; privatamente. ripigliante. Retired'ness, [ritairednes] s. Resurrec'tion, [rezeurecscieun] ritiratezza, vita privata; solis. risurrezione, f. tudine, /. Resurvey', [riseurve'] v. a ri- Retire ment, [rtairement] s. vedere, esaminare di nuovo. ritiratezza; solitudine, f. Resus'oitate, [nseiisitete!] v. a. Retort', [rtrtj s. storta; ririsuscitare, ravvivare. sposta, f. Resuscita'tion,[rIseiisitsciein] Retort', [rtrt] v. a. ritorcere; replicare.

Resto'rable, [restraW] ailj. 8. risuscitazione, /. che pu ricoverarsi. Resus'citative , [riseisitetiv] Restora'tion, [restrsciein] s. adj. risuscitante. ristorazione,^;ristoramento,m. Re'tail, [ritele] s. ritaglio, miResto' rative , [restratv] adj. nuto, m.; to sell by -, vendere ristorativo, corroborativo; -, a minuto. s. ristorativo, m. (rimedio). Retail', [ritle] v. a. vendere Restore', [rlstre] v. a. risto- a minuto, rivendere. rare, ristabilire, rinnovare; to Retai'ler, [rltcleur] s. vendito- to favor, rimettere in grazia. re a minuto, m. Resto'rer, [ristoreur] s. risto- Retain', [ritne] v.a. & n. riratore, m. tenere; tenere a mente. Resto'ring, [rstrng] s. risto- Retai'ner, [ritneur] s. aderenramento, m.; restituzione,/". te, ni.; persona salariata, /.; Restrain', [nstrene] v. a. ri- stipendiato, m. strignere, reprimere raffrena- Retai'ning , [ritnng] . ritere, ritenere. nimento, ritegno, m.

Retor'ter, [rtrteur]


che ri-

Retor'ting, Retor'tion, [ritrting, ntorscieun] s.ritorcimonto, m.; confutazione, f. Retoss', [ritos] v. a. far balzare indietro; rigettare, rispignere. Retouch', [riteutsc] v. a. ritoccare; ripulire.

Retrace' , [ritrese] v. a. delineare di nuovo. Retract', [ritrct] .a. ritrattare; sdirsi.


V. n.

ritrattarsi, di-


Diz. Ing.-Ital,



[ritractscieun, ritrcscieun] ritrattazione, f.; il ritrattare, wi.

to -


thanks, ren-

adj. riverberante; ,

an ansioer, rispondere, rento -



der risposta; der grazie.

beratorio, m.

Revere', [rvire]

v. a. riverire,

Retrac'tive, [ritractiv] adj. ri- Retur'nable, [riteurnahl'] adj.

trattivo. di rimando. Reverence , [rvernse] s. riRetrax'it , [ritracsit] s. (jur.) Retur'ner , [rterneur] s. che verenza, venerazione, /. rinunzia, f. rimette danaro. Rev'erence , [reverense] v. a. Retreat', [ritrite] s. ritirata; Reu'nion, [rliunioun] s. riunio- riverire, rispettare, venerare, solitudine, f.; to sound the -, ne, riconciliazione, /. onorare. suonare la ritirata. Reunite', [riinate] v. a. riu- Rev'erencer, [revernseur] s. Retreat', [ritrite] v. n. ritirar- nire, riconciliare; -, v. n. riu- uomo che riverisce, m. si; andare via. nirsi, ricongiugnersi riconci- Rev'erend, [reverend] adj. reRetrench', [ritrnscs] v. a. le- liarsi. verendo, venerando. vare; tagliare, scemare, dimi- Reuni'ting, [riiunaitng] s. riu- Rev'erent, Reveren'tial, [revnuire; sopprimere; (fort.) trin- nimento, tn.; riconciliazione, f. erent, rvrnscil] adj. rivecierare; - , v. n. ristrignersi Reve', [rive] s. guardiano d' un rente. trincerarsi. feudo, m. Reveren'tially , Rev'erently , Retrench'ment, [ritrenscement] Reveal', [rivlle] v. a. rivelare, [revernscial, rverentl]a(iu. 8. scemamente; sminuimento con riverenza, con rispetto. scoprire, manifestare. m.; economia; (fort.) trincea,/". Revea'ler, [rivileur] s. rivela- Reve'rer, [rlvireur] vedi ReveRetrib'ute, [ritrbiute] v. a. re- tore, scopritore, m. rencer. tribuire; ricompensare. Revea'ling, [rivlng] s. rivela- Reverie', [reveri] vedi Revery. Retrib'uter, [ritrbiuteur] s. mento, svelamento, m. Rever'sal , [riveursl] s. camretributore, m. Reveille', [rivele] s. (mil.) il biamento di sentenza, m.; rivoRetribu'tion, [rltribiuscieun] battere la diana, m. cazione, f. s. retribuzione; ricompensa,/. Rev'el , [rvel] s. gozzoviglia Reverse', [rlveursc] s. rovescio; Retrib'utive , Retrib'utory , festa romorosa, f. riverso, m. [rtrtiutiv, rtrbiutur] adj. Rev'el, [rvl] v. a. ritrattare Reverse', [rlveirse] v. a. roretribuente; rimunerativo. (poco usato); v.n. gozzoviglia- vesciare; rivocare annullare, Retrie'vable [ritrivabr] adj. re, festeggiare. abolire. che si pu ricovrare. Revela'tion , [rvlesciein] s. Rever'sedly, [rlveirsdle'] adv. Retrieve' , [rtrive] v. a. rico- rivelazione, f.; palesamento, m. in modo inverso. vrare ricuperare to - one's Rev'eler, [rvleur] s. gozzovi- Reverse'less, [riveSrseles] adv. Aonor, ricovrare il proprio ono- gliante, festeggiante, m. irrevocabile. re; to - a loss, riparare una Rev'eling, [reveling] s. gozzo- Rever'sible, [riveirsibr] adj.
; , ,



viglia; allegrezza, [ritroacsciein] Rev'elry, [rvlr]






[ritroactv] adj.

Retroces'slon, [rtrosesciein] s. retrocedimento; ritirarsi, m. Retrograda'tion, [rtrogradscieiin] s. retrogradazione,/. Ret'rograde, [rtrogrde] adj. retrogrado. Ret'rograde, [rtrogrde] v. n.

Ret'rograding, Retrogres'sion,
[rtrogrcding, rtrogrscieun] s. il retrocedere, m.



[retrospect, retrospcscieun] s. il guardare indietro, il mirar indietro, m.

Retrospec'tive [retrospectv] adj. che guarda indietro; pas,

gozzovi- Rever'sion, [rlveurscieun] s. glia, festa romorosa, f. reversione; sopravvivenza, /. Rev'el-rout, [rvel-raote] s. Rever'sionary riveurscieunar] assemblea illegale, f. adj. da godersi in successione. Revenge', [rivendge] s. vendet- Rever'sioner, [rlveurscieuner] ta; rivincita (alle carte), f. quegli che ha titolo alla s. Revenge', [rivendge] v. a. & n. successione, m. vendicare; vendicarsi. Revert', [riveirt] s. (miis.) riRevenge'ful, [rivndgefulj adj. torno, wi.; ripetizione, f. vendicativo. Revert', [riveirtj v. a. & n. riRevenge'fully, [rivendgefule] vertere, ritornare; rivenire. adv, in una maniera vendica- Rever'tible , [riveurtibrj adj. tiva, con animo vendicativo. riversibile. Revenge'fulness, [rivendge- Rev'ery, [revri] s. meditaziofilns] s. animo vendicativo, ne, /.; pensiero, m. m.; vendetta, f. Revest', [rivst] v. a. rivestiRevenge'less, [rivendgels] adj. re, ristabilire. senza vendetta. Rves'tiary, [rivstiare] s. veRevenge'ment, [rlvendgement] stiario, m.; sagrestia, sacris. vendicamento,Tn.; vendetta,/". stia, f. Reven'ger, [rivndger] s. ven- Revic'tion, [rivlcscieun] s. ravs.

sato. dicatore, m. vivamento, m. Retrude', [rtriude] v. n. spi- Reven'gingly , [rlvendgingl] Revic'tual, [rivt'l] r. a. vettognere indietro. adv. vendicabilmente. vagliare di nuovo, provvedere Retund', [riteiind] v. a. rintuz- Revenue, [rvniu] s. rendita, di vettovaglia. zare; attutire. entrata, profitto, m. Revc'tualing, [rvflng] s. Return', [rteiirn] s. ritorno.m.; Rever'berant , [riveirberant] provvisione di viveri, ricaduta; ricompensa; rispo-l adj. risuonante Review', [riviu] s. rivista, resta, /.j - of money, rimessa diJRever'berate, [riveiirberote] v visione, /. esame, m.; mostra, danari, /". to make a -, render a. & n. riverberare, ripercuo/".; to pass in -, far la mostra. la pariglia. tere. Review', [riviu] v. a. rivedere, Return, [rteiirn] v. a. rende- Reverbera'tion , esaminare di [riveiirberriconsiderare re; rimettere, restituire: riscieun] 8. riverberamento, ri- nuovo. compensare; contraccambiare; verbero, m. Review'er, [riviueur] .rivendi -, V. n. ritornare, rimettersi; Rever'beratory, [rlveiirbateure'J toro, giornalista, tn.


Review'ing, [riviuing]
sta, revisione,





Revolve', [rivolve] v. a. rivol- Rhy'mer,Rhyme'ster, [raimeiir. gere; meditare; -, v. n. muo- raimesteur] s. rimatore, poetastro, tn.

versi in giro. Revile', [rivalle] v. a. rimproRevom'it, [rivomit] v. a. rivoverare; ingiuriare-

Rhythm', [rth^m]


ritmo, m.;

[rivalement] s. mitare. Revul'sion, [rlveulscieun] s. rioltraggio, m.; ingiuria, /. Eevi'ler , [rivailer] s. oltrag- vulsione, f. ReTursve,[riveilsiv] orfj.(med.) giatore, ingiuriatore, m. Reviling, [rivalling] s. oltrag- rivulsivo; -,s. rivulsivo, m. Reward' , [nouard] s. ricomgio, m.; ingiuria, /. Revi'lingly, [nvailingl] adv. pensa, rimunerazione, f.; conoltraggiosamente, con ingiuria. traccambio, m. Revin'dicate, [rivindichete] v. Reward', [riouaSrd] . a. ricompensare, rimunerare. a. rivendicare. Revi'sal , [rivaizal] . rivista Rewar'dable, [riouaiirdabr]0(ij. degno di ricompensa. revisione, /. Revise', [rivaize] s. revisione, Rewar'der, [riouairdeiir] s. ri-


misura; armonia, f. Rhyth'mical, [rith^mical] adj. ritmico, armonioso.

Rhyth'mus Rhythm.
Rib', [rib]




s. costola, f. [ribeSld] s. ribaldo, libertino, m.; to play the -, ri,

baldeggiare. Rib'aldry, [ribeiildre'] s. ribalderia; oscenit, disonest, f.

muneratore, m. f.; rivedimento, m. Revise', [rivaize] v. a. rivedere, Reword', [rouurd] v. a. tere colle stesse parole. esaminare di nuovo. Revi'ser, [rivazer] s. rivedi- Rh ab ar 'barate, [rabrbaretc] s. (phar.) infuso nel rabarbaro.m. tore, revisore, esaminatore, m. Revis'ion, [rivgeun] $. revisio- Rhab'domancy, [rbdomns] s. rabdomanzia, /. ne, rivista, /".; rivedimento, m. Revis'it, [rivzt] v. a. rivisita- Rhapsod'ical, [rpsodicl] adj. rapsodico, sconnesso. re, rendere la visita, Revisita'tion , [rivzitsciein] Rhap'sodist, [rpsdist] . rapsodo, m. j. rivisita, f. Revi'val, [rvaivl] s. ravviva- Rhap'sody, [rpsod] s. rapso-

Rb'and, [ribeun] s. nastro, m. Rib'and-trade, [ribeuntrde] $. traffico di nastri, m. ripe- Rib'and-weaver[ribeun-ouiveur]




Ribbed', [rb'd] adj. fornito di


mento; ristoraraento, m. Revive', [rivaive] v. a. ravvivare ristabilire -, V. n. rivivere , ravvivarsi riprendere

; ; ,



[rivaiveur] s. ravvi, vatore; ristoratore, m. Reviv'ificate, [rivivifichete] v.a. ravvivare;ricreare {poco usato). Revivifica'tion , [rvvffclisciein] s. ravvivamento, m. Reviv'ify, [rivvfai] vedi llevivificate.

Rib'ble-rab'ble , [ribr-rW] s. canaglia, /.; popolaccio, tn. Rib'bon, [ribein] s. nastro, m. Rib'bon-weaver , [ribeunoiiivur] s. nastrajo, tn. Rib'-wort, [rb-oueurt] s. piantaggine, petacciuola, /. dia, f. Rice', [raise] s. riso, m. Rhen'ish, [rnisce] . vino Re- Rich', [rtsc] adj. ricco, opulennano, m. to; copioso,abbondante;-)tne, Rhet'oric, [rtoric] s. rettori. vino gagliardo, tn. ca, /. Rich'es, [rtscsj s. pi. ricchezRhetor'ical, [rtoricl] adj. ret- ze, dovizie, f. pi. torie, oratorio. Rich'ly, [ritsccle'] adv. riccaRhetor'ically, [ritorical] adv. mente; copiosamente. rettoricamente. Rich'ness, [ritsccns] s. ricchezRhetor'icate, [ritrichete] v. n. za, opulenza abbondanza, cofare il retore. pia; magnificenza, f. Rhetoric'an , [rtoriscin] s. Rick', [rie] s. cumulo, muc;

rettorico; retore, m. chio, m. (di fieno &c.] Rerivis'cency, Rhet'orize , [rtoraize] vedi Rick'ets, [richts] s. pi. rachirivaivisns] s. Rhetoricate. [rivaivsense tide, f. reviviscenza, rinascenza, /. Rheum', [rume] s. reuma , ca- Rlck'ety, [richt] adj. rachitico. Rev'ocable, [rvocabl'] adj. ri- tarro, m. Rid', [rid] adj. liberato, sbroRhenmat'ic, [rumtc] adj. reu- gliato, sbrigato; to get - of ^ vocabile. Rev'ocableness, [revocabl'nes] matico, pituitoso. liberarsi, disfarsi. [rumtism] s. Rid', [rid] V. a. irr. {rid; rid) s. rivocabilit, /.; il rivocare,m. Rbeu'matism, m. [revochete] v. reumatismo, Rev'ocate, a. riliberare, sbrogliare; disimpeRheu'my , [rine] adj. pieno gnare; to - one of his money, vocare, richiamare. s. acri, [revochscieun] d'umori Revoca'tion, reumatico. scroccare ad uno il suo danaro. rivocazicne, / 1' annullare, m. Rhi'no, [raino] .denaro (gergo). Rid'dance, [ridnse] s. lo sba[rivcbe] v Rhinoe'eros, a. rivoca[rainsirs] s. ri- razzare; scioglimento, tn. Revoke', re; annullare, abolire; rinun- noceronte, /. Rid'dle, [rid'l] s. enimma; stacrifiutare. Rhododen'dron, [rododndron] cio, tn. ziare; [rvochement] rododendro (fiore). Revoke'ment, s. s. Rid'dle , [rid'l] v. a. spiegare rivocamento, richiamo, m. Rhomb, [rmb] s. {geom.) rombo, (un enimma); stacciare; - v.n. [rivolt] tn.; lozanga, /. Revolt', s. rivolta, solparlare oscuramente. levazione, /._ Rhom'bic, [rombic] adj. rombi- Rid'dler, [ridleur] s. chi parla [rivolt] v.n. guisa di rombo. Revolt', rivoltarsi, co, a oscuramente, m. ribellarsi, sollevarsi. Rhom'boid, [rmbod] s. (geom.) Rid'dlingly, [ridlingl] adv. in romboide, parallelogrammo, m Revol'ter, [rivlteur] s. ribelle, modo enimmatico. sedizioso, m. (tante. Rhu'barb, [ribrb] s.{phar.) ri- Ride', [raide] s. corsa a cavallo, _ Revol'ting:, [revolting] adj. ur- barbaro, reobarbaro, m. cavalcata, f. Revolu'tion [revolisciein] s. Rhyme', [raime] s. rima; poe- Ride', [raide] r. a. & n. irr. {rode; /. sia, /. rivoluzione; mutazione, rode, ridden) andare a cavallo; Revolu'tionary , [rvoliii- Rhyme', [raime] v. n. rimare ; andare in carrozza; maneggiaaccordarsi. scieiuar] adj. rivoluzionario. re; governare; (tnar.) esser alRevolu'tion8t[rvoliascieunst] Rhyme'less, [raimcls] adj. sen- l' ncora; to - hard, andare in . rivoluzionario, ra. za rima. posta to - a horse, montare a




Rig'idness, [rdgidns]
s. rigidit, severit, austerit, /. Rig'let, [rglt]\6t.

cavallo; to learn to -, imparare care; (mar.) ammainare; -, v. a montare a cavallo to -about, n. fendersi, spaccarsi. fare una girata a cavallo; to - Rig', [rig] s. cima, sommit; away, scampare a cavallo; to - burla, baja, /. back, ritornare a cavallo. Rig', [rigi V. a. addobbare, orRi'der, [raideur] s, cavalcatore; nare; (mar.) arredare, allestire. cavaliere, m.; carta supplemen- Rigadoon', [rigadun] s, rigodotare, /". ne, m. (ballo). Ridge', [ridge] s.cima, sommit, Riga'tion, [raighscieun] s. innaffiamento, adacquamento, m. /.; solco, m.; (arcA.) scanalatura, /". Rig'ger , [rgheur] (mar.) apRidge', [ridgc] tJ. o. solcare parecchiatore, m, {arch.) scanalare. Rig'ging, [righing] s. {mar ) Ridge'-bone , [ridge-tonc] s. attrezzi, arredi, m. pi. spina del dosso,/. Rig'gish, [righisce] adj. dissoluRidge'-tile, [rldgetaile] s. tego- to, lascivo. la, /.; tegolino, m. Rig'gle, [rig'l] V. n. dimenarsi, Bid'gy, [ridge] adj. clie ha gio- agitarsi. ghi (di monti). Right', [raite] adj. dritto, diritRidicale, [ridichiiile] .ridico- to, destro; retto, giusto; franlo, m cosa ridicola, (. co; mero, puro; opportuno; Rid'icule, [rdiciiile] v. a. renhand,s. mano destra,/.; - line, dere ridicolo, beffare. s. linea retta, /.: - tcay, s. straRid'iculer, [rdichiiileiir] .bef- da dritta, /. vero mezzo, m. to feggiato re, m. set -, rettificare to be in one^s Ridic'uloas, [ridichiuleus] ad}. - senses, essere in buon senno. ridicolo. ben Right', [raite] int. bella
; ;
; ;

Rig'marole, [rigmarole]


Ri'gol, [ragol] . cerchio, diadema, m. Rig'or,[righeiir]s. rigore, m.; severit, austerit, durezza, /. Rig'orist, [righurst] s. rigorista; giansenista, m. Rig'orous, [righreis] adj. rigoroso, severo, duro. Rig'orously, [righeureiisl] adv.

rigorosamente, con severit.

Rig orousness, [rgliureusnes]

. rigore, m. severit, /. Riir, [ril] s. ruscello, ruscelletto, m. Riir, [ril] V. n. scorrere come

un picciolo ruscello. Ril'let, [rlt] s. ruscelletto, m. Rim', [rim] s. orlo; margine,




Rim', [rimi v. a. orlare. Rime', [raime] s. brina, brinata; rima,





adv. ridicolosamente. Right', [rate] piega, /. Ridic'ulousness, [ridichiuleus- mente; - or wronq,'hene o ma rines) s. ridicolosaggiue,; /. le; a dritto o torto: very, -, Rim'ple, [rimpl'] v.a. spiegazdicolo, m. molto bene; - learned molto zare, piegare. Ei'ding, [raiding] cdj. viaggian- dotto; - over against, dirim- Rim'pling, [rimplng] s. ondulazione /. te a cavallo. petto, in faccia; to be -, avere Ri'my, [raime'] adj.brinoso, nebRi'ding, [raiding] s. l'andare a ragione. bioso. cavallo, 7n.; - /or pleasure, pas- Right', [rate] s. diritto, w.; giuseggiata a cavallo, /. stizia; ragione, /. privilegio, Rind', [rand] s. scorza, cortecs. cia; buccia,/. Ki'ding-cap , [raiding-cap] m.; prerogativa, /.; to be in the berretta per la campagna, /. -, avere ragione; to do one -, Rind', [raind] v.a. scortecciare. Ki'ding-coat, [raidngcte] s. rendere giustizia ad alcuno; to Ring, [ring! . anello; cerchio; abito da cavalcare, m. maintain one's -, mantenere il suono (di campane), m.; ghieKi'ding-habit, [raidinghbTt]s. suo diritto; lo set one <o-s, trar- ra, gorbia,/.; cordoncino (d una (mar.) occhio, abito femminile da cavai care, m. re alcuno d'errore; to set lo -s, moneta) , m. Ri'ding-hood [raiding-hiid] s. aggiustare, metter in ordine, anello (d* ancora), m. fig. cermantello femminile da caval- in'^.irizzare; riconciliare. chio, m.; circonferenza; assemcare, m. Right', [raite) v. a. rendere giu- blea, /. small -, anelletto, m.; Ri'ding-rod, [raiding-rod] s. stizia, giustificare; to - one's ved'Iing -, anello matrimoniabacchetta, verga, /. to run the -, correre le, m. self, farsi giustizia, vendicarsi. Ri'ding-school, [raidngscule] Righ'teous, [raitcieiis] adj. di- r anello. scuola di cavallerizza, /. Ring', [ring] v. a. irr. (rang, s ritto, giusto; virtuoso. Ridot'to , [ridot] s. ridotto, Righ'teously, [ratcieusle'] adv rung; rung) suonare; porre un ballo; concerto, m. anello; -, v. n. irr. suonare a giustamente, virtuosamente. Rife', [raifej adj. frequente, co- Righ'teousness,[ra,itcieusnes] s. doppio ;rimbombare; to - again, mune. risuonare, rimbombare; to - the giustizia; equit; probit, /. Rifely, [ralfele'] adv. comune- Right'ful, [raitefiil] adj. legit- bells, scampanare. mente, abbondantemente. Ring'-hox, [rng-bcs] s. scritimo, giusto. Rife'ness , [raifenes] s. preva- Right'fuUy, [raitefil] ar/v. le- gno, cofanetto, m.; cassetta, /. lenza, abbondanza, /. Ring'-dove, [ring-deivl s. picgittimamente, con diritto. Riff'raff, [rf'rfj s. robaccia, /.; Right'fulness cione torrajuolo, m.; young -, raitefiil ns] s. [ cattive cose, /. pi. palombo giovane, m. rettitudine; giustizia, /. Ri'fle, [rifl"] v. a. rubare, sac- Right'ly, [raitl] adv. giusta- Ring'er, [ringheiir] s. suonatocheggiare: scanalare; rigare. mente, rettamente, bene. re (di campane), m. Ri'fle, Ri'fle-gun, [raifl', rifl'- Right'ness, [raitens] .retti- Ring'-leader, [ringlideiir] s. ghenl s. schioppo rigato, m. tudine; equit; conformit, /. capo (di fazione), in. Rifle-man, [rifl man] s. bersa- Rig'id, [rdgd] adj. rigido, se- Ring'let, [ringlet] s. riccio, m. gliere, m. vero, duro. Ring'-tail , [ringtlej s. ghepRi'fler, [rifleiir] s. predatore, Rigid'ity, jridgidit] s. rigidezpio, m. (nibbio) rubatore. m. za, severit, durezza, /. Ring'-worm, [ringoiieiirm] . Rift', [rift] s. crepatura, aper- Rig'idly, [rdgdl] adv. rigidaempitiggine, volatica, /. tura,/. mente severamente; inflessi- Riuso', [rinse] v. a. sciacquare, Rift', [rift] V. a. fendere, spacbilmente. lavare.

Rime', [raime] v. n. gelare. [rimpl] s. grinza a'/v.bene, giusta- Rim'ple ,

Ri'ot, fraut] s. stravizzo, bac cano, m.; sommossa; gozzovt






rischio, peri- Roa'ry, [rre'] adj.



[roste] v. a. arrostire,

Risk', [rise] V a. arrischiare; gr'ia; riotta, f. cimentare. Bi'ot, (riueutj v.n. gozzovigliaRis'ker, [rischeiir] s. chi arrire, tumultuare; riottare. Ei'oter , [raiateur] s. scape- schia, m.
strato; sedizioso, m.


Roast'-meat, [rstemite] s. arrosto, m.; vivanda arrostita, f.;

to rule the -, comandare a bacRite', [raite] .rito, m.; cerimochetta. Ri'otous, [raiuteis] adj. tur- nia sacra, /". ; funeral -s, pi. Roto', [rb] V. a. rubare, furare; esequie, f. pi. bolento, sedizioso, sfrenato. privare di. Ri'otously, [raititeisl] adv. Rit'ual , [rtiul] adj. rituale , Rob'ber , [rbear] s. rubatore, con remore, disordinatamente, delle cerimonie sacre; -, s. ri- ladro, pirata, m. dissolutamente , licenziosa- tuale, m. (libro). Rob'bery, [robeiire'] s. ruberia, mente. Rit'ualist, [ritiulist] . ritua/".; ladroneccio, wi. Ri'otousness, [raluteisnesl s. lista, m. Rob'bing, [robing] s. rubamendisse! utezza,sregolatozza, sfre- Ri'vag-e, [raivdge] .riva, ripa, to, ladroneccio, ni. costa, /.; lido, m. natezza, f. Robe', [rbe] s. roba, vesta, veRip', [rip] s. lacerazione; fes- Ri'ial, [raivl] adj. emulo; -, s. ste, /. gentlemen of the -, s. rivale, concorrente, competitosura, apertura, /. pi. persone togate, /. pi. Rip', [rip] V. a. stracciare, la- re, wi. Robe', [robe] v. a. vestire pomRi'val, f raivl] v. a. emulare; reriire: scucire. posamente; investire. Ripe', Iralpe] orfj. maturo, com- concorrere. Rob'in,Robin-red'breast,[robin, Rival'ity, Ri'valry, R'valship, piuto, fatto. robin-redbrest] s. pettirosso.m. [raivlite', raivlr, raivlscp] Ripe'ly, [raipel] adv. matura(uccello). s. rivalit, emulazione, concor- Rob'ingood-fellow, mente in tempo. [robingiidRi'pen, [rip'n) maturare; v, n. renza, gara, f. fel] s. spirito folletto, m. Rive', [rave] v. a. irr. (rove ; Robora'tion , [robrescien] s. divenir maturo, maturarsi. Ripe'ness, [rap'nes] .maturi- riven) fendere, spaccare; -, v. rinforzamento, m. n. irr. fendersi, spaccarsi. t, maturezza: perfezione, f. Robust', Robustious, [rbeust, Ri'pening, [raip'ning] adj. ma- Riv'er, [riveur] s. riviera, /".; robestis] adj. robusto, gaturativo, maturante; -, s. ma- fiume, m.; up the -, ins del gliardo, forte. fiume. turamente, il maturare, m. Robus'tiously , [rbeustiusle'] Rip'per', [rper] s. stracciato- Riv'er-boat, [riveurbte] s. bar- ailv. robustamente, gagliardaca, /.; battello, m. re, laceratore, m. mente. Rip'ple , [rTp'l] v. n. scorrere Riv'eret, [riveiiret] s. rivoletto, Robust'ness, [rbeiistnes] . roruscello, m. con moto romoroso, spumare. bustezza, /.; vigore, m. Rip'pling , [rlplng] s. ondeg- Riv'er-god, [riveSrgd] s. deit Roc'ambole, [rocambole] s. aglio giamento, m. tutelare d' un fiume, f. salvatico, m. Rise', [raize] s. il levare, m.; ele- Riv'er-horsG , [rveiir-hrsej s. Roche'-alum, [roc-aleim] s. alvazione; origine; scaturigine; cavallo marino, m. lume di rocca, m. causa./.; cominciamento; avan- Riv'er-water, [rlveiir-onteur] Roch'et, [ rchet J s. rocchetto, m. zamento; elevamento, w.; ele- s. acqua di fiume, f. Rock', [roc] s. roccia, rocca, vatezza, eminenza; (rail.) sa- Riv'et, [rivt] s. ribaditura, f. rupe, balza, f. lita, f.; - in price, aumento del Riv'et, [rivet] v. a. ribadire; Rock', [roc] V a. cullare; diprezzo, ni.: - of the sun, il le- fissare imprimere. menare la culla; -, v. .barRiv'ulet, [rviulot] s. ruscellet vare del sole, m. collare. te, rivoletto, m. Riso', jraizfj t'. n. irr. (rose; Rock-crys'tal , [roc-cristl] . risen) scaturire; sorgere; le Rix'doUar, [rcsdlar] s. risdal- cristallo di rocca, m. lero, m. varai; uscire; gonfiarsi; alzar Rock'et, [rochet] s. razzo artisi, ascendere; sollevarsi, rivol- Roach', [rtsce] s. lasca, fiziale, m. f. (pe see). tarsi; fermentare, lievitare; to Roc- ing, [rching] s. il cullare - from lite dead, risuscitar da' Road', [rde] s. strada, via, (un bambino) :barco 11 amento, m, f.: morti; to - in price, crescere cammino largo; viaggio per Rock'less , [rcles] adj. senza terra, m.; high -, strada mae di prezzo; to - from, table, lerocche, senza scogli. varsi di tavola; to - again, ri- stra, /. Rock'-rose , [rc-rze] s. (bot.] suscitare, rivivere. Road'stead, [rdestd] . ra cistio, m. Ri'ser, [raizeiir] s. early -, elio da, /. Rock'-salt, [roc-solt] s. sale Road'-way, (rodeoue'] s. strada minerale, m. si leva di buon' ora, m. maestra, /. Risibil'ity, [riziblitj s. risibi Rock'-work, [r'coueurc] s. sassi
; ; ;




[rzibr] adj. risibile,

Roam', [rme] v. a. & n. vagare. fitti nella calce, Roa'mer, [rmeur] s. vagabon Roc'ky, [roche]
do, vagante, m.

ni. pi.

Ri'sing, [raizing] ar/j. levante; Roa'ming , [rming] s. il va gare, m. nascente; crescente; - man, s uomo che s'avanza, m.; - sun, Roan', [rene] adj. sagginato canna da pescare, f. curtain -, (d' un cavallo). s. sol nascente, m. verga di ferro, f. Ri'sing^, [raizing] . il levare, Roar', [rre] s. rugghio; gran Rodomontade', [rodmntde] remore, m. wi.; sollevazione, rivolta; asces. iattanza, millanteria, f. sa (d'una collina), /.; tumore, Roar', [rre] v. n. ruggire, rug- Rodomontade' , [rdmontde] - of the ghiare. m.; gonfiagione, /. [rodmntde] v. n. millantarstomach, sollevamento di cuo Roaring, [rring] s. ruggito, si, vantarsi. muggito, rimbombo, wi. re, m. Rodomonta'dist, Bodomouta''*

adj. pieno di scogli, sassoso; duro. Rod', [rod] s. verga, bacchetta, frusta, sferza, f.; angling -,




dor,[rodmntadist,rodm6nta- Boman'tic, Roman'tical, [ro- ce; grufolare; to - up, to - out, deur] s. millantatore, m. mantic rmnticl] adj. ro- sbarbicare, sradicare. Roo'ted, [rtd] adj. abbarbiRoe', [r] .cavriuolo, capriuo- manzesco, favoloso; falso. cato, radicato; inveterato; - up, lo, m.; capriuola, {.\ uova di Roman'tically , [rmntcl] - out, sbarbicato, sradicato. pesce, (. pi.; so[t - [of a fish), adv. in modo romanzesco. latte di pesce, m. Ro'mish, [rmsce] ad;. Romano, Roo'tedly , [rutdl] adv. proBoe'buck , [rbeiic] s. caprio, Papistico. _ fondamente; fortemente. cavrlolo, m. Ro'mist, [romist] s. Papista, m. Roo'ting, [rutng] (up. out) s. sradicamenBoga'tion, [rghscieun] s. li- Romp' , [romp] s. ragazzaccia diradicamento , tania; preghiera, /"._ grossolana, f. to, m. Boga'tion-week , [roghescieun- Romp', [romp] v. n. trescare; Roofless, [rtls] adj. senza ouiclie] s. rogazioni, f. pi. [dici. radice. scherzare grossolanamente. _ Rogue', [vghe] s. furfante, fur- Rom'pishness, [rmpsceiis] s. Roo'ty, [rute] adj. pieno di raho, ladro, m. Rope', [rope] s. corda, fune, /.; rustichezza, f. Rogue', [rghe] v. n. vagare; Rondeau' , [rondo] s. poesia laccio, m.; - of onions, rosta scherzare, biirlare {poco usalo). francese col ritornello, f. di cipolle, /.; - of pearls, filo Bo'guery, [rgheur] s. furfan- Ron'ion, [rheiniun] s. donna di perle, m.

Ront', [rnt] s. animale bistor- filo. Rogue'ship, [rghescipl s. azio- to, animale sformato, m. Rope'-dancer, [ropednseur] ni da furfante, f. pl.\ burla, f. Rood', [rude] s. quarta parte ballerino da corda, m. Ro'guish, [roghisc] adj. furbe- d' una bifolca; croce, f. Rope'-ladder, [rpeldeur]
sco, furbo ; - eyes, s. pi. occhi assassini, m. pi. - Iricks, s. pi. bricconerie, furfanterie,/. )'l. Ro'gushly, [rghscel] ailv.

teria, furberia; burla, zo, m.



gro.ssa e grassa,



[rope] v. a. filare








scala di corde,


colmo, m. coperta, /.; - of a Rope'-maker , Ro'per, [rpecoach, cielo d'una carrozza, m.; mcheur; ropeur] s. funajo, fu- of the mouth, palato, m. najuolo, m. furbescamente, da briccone, da Roof, [rfe] v. a. coprire con Rope'-trick, Ro'pery, [rpetrc, burlone. ropur] s. bricconeria, /. un tetto. Ro'gushness, [rghlscens] s Roofless , [rufels] adj. senza Ro'piness, [rpins] .viscosifurfanteria, bricconeria; burla, tetto; scoperto. t, tenacit, f. Roof -tile , [riifetaile] s. tego- Ropy f [rop] adj. viscoso, tef. scherzo^ tn. nace. Ro'guy, [rogh] arfj.furbo, scal- la, /. tro, svelto. Roo'fy, [ruf] adj. coperto d'un Roquelaure',[rchelore] .manBoist', Rois'ter, [roTst, roisteur] tetto. tello, pastrano, m. V. n. fare il bravaccio. Rook' , [rue] s. cornacchia, f. Ro'ral, Ro'rid , [rrl , rord] Rois'ter, [rosteur] s. smargias- barattiere, furfante; rocco, m. adj. pieno di rugiada.

(giasseria, f. so, Rorif erous , [rrfireiis] adj. (agli scacchi). Rois'ting, [rosting] $. smar- Rook', [rue] V. a. truffare, in rugiadoso. [role] vilupRoU', s. invoglio, Ro'sary, [rzare'] . rosario, rogannare. po; ruolo; carello; panicciuolo; Rook'ery , [rucheur] s. luogo sajo, m. catalogo, m.; lista, f.; - of to- pieno di cornacchie, m. Ros'cid, [rsd] adj. rugiadoso. bacco, ruolo di tabacco m.; Rook'ing, [ruchingjs.mariuole- Rose', [roze] . rosa, /". oil of master of the -s, s. gran guar- ria, /".; inganno, m. -s, . olio rosato, m.; under daroba (nella Corte di Cancel- Rook'y, [riich] adj. pieno di the -, privatamente, in segreto. leria), m. Ro'seal, Ro'seate, [rzil , rocornacchie. Roir, [rle] V. a. inviluppare, Room', [rime] s. spazio, luogo, ziete] adj. ro.sato, roseo. involgere; v. n, rotolare; m.; camera, stanza; occasione, Rose'-bud, [roze-beud] . bot, voltolarsi; girare ;fo - the eyes, tone di rosa, m. cagione, ragione, f. dining -, girar gli occhi; to /oj'TI, volsala da mangiare, /. ; drawing Rose'-bush, [rze-biisce] . rotolarsi, camera d' assemblea, f.; sajo, m. (lo, m. , Rol'ler, [rleur] .cilindro; rulthere is no - to doubt of it, Rose'mary , [rzemar] s. roRcl'ling, [rlng] s. rotolamen- non v' luogo a dubitarne. smarino, ramerino, m. to, rivolgimento giro, m. Room'age, [rumdge] s. spazio, Ro'set, [rztj s. creta rossa, f.
, ; ; ;


Bol'ling-pin , [rolng-pin] spianatojo, tn. Bol'lng-press, [roling-prs] strettojo, m.; soppressa,/".


luogo, tn.; larghezza,




Room'ful, [rmefiil] adj. abbon- Rose'-water, [rze-ouoteur] acqua rosata, acqua rosa, f. dante di camere._ vedi Rosicru'ciau, [rzicrscin] Room'iuess , [ruminos]


Bom'age, [reumdge]




frate della croce rossa, crocifero,

Bo'man, [rmn]

pito, remore, m.; ricerca, f. adj. Romano; Catholic, s. Papista, m.; .



naso aquilino, m.

Bomance', [rmnse]
zo, m.; finzione,


Bomance', [romnse]

v. n. fa-

voleggiare; inventare.

Boman'cer ,_ Roman'cist


mnscur, romnsst] s. romanziere, m. Bo'manze , [rmanaze] v. a.


[rme'] aOj. spazioso, , vasto, ampio. Roop' , [rupe] s. raucedine, /. (poco usalo). Roost', [rustej s. posatojo, m. Roost', [rSste] v. n. appollajarsi; albergare (ironicamente). Root', [rute] s. radice; origine, /. principio, m.; cagione, f.; ; cube - , . radice cuba, f.; to take -, radicarsi. Root', [rite] v. a. & n. abbarbicare, fare radice, pigliar radi-


Ro'ser, [rogeiir] s. roseto, tn. Ros'in, [rzin] . resina, ragia,







Ros'in, [rozin] v. a. stropicciare con ragia. Ros'iny, [rozn] adj. resinoso gommifero, m. Ros'sel, [rosei] . terreno sterile,


Ros'tral, [rostrl]s. rostrale, m. Ros'trated, [rstretd] adj. rostrato.




[rstreuin] s. rostro; Rou'leau, [rulo] . piccolo ro- Row'el, [raolil] v. a. applicare un setone; bucare. tolo (di denaro). becco, m.\ prua, /. Eo'sy, [roz] ad] roseo, vermi- Rounce', [raounse] s. (print.) Row'er, [rHr] s. rematore, vo(remigare, m. gatore, m. manovella, f. (zione, /". glio, Eot' , [rot] s. mora; putrefa- Round' , [raound] adj. tondo, Row'ing, [roing] s, il remare, il candido; - Roy'al, [ril] adj. reale, regaEot', frt] V. a. infracidare; rotondo ; franco putrefare; -,v.n. infracidarsi; - sum, s. buona somma (di da- le, regio; nobile, magnifico. Roy'alist, [rialist] s. regalinari), f. putrefarsi. (dere reale. Round', [raoind] adv. da ogni sta, m. Bo'ta, [rota] s. rota, f. _ Ro'tary, f rotare] afi;.rotant6,clie banda, all' intorno, al giro; ali Roy'alize, [roialalze] v. a. reureala^f"(rotante. mota; girante. the year - , tutto l'anno; to Roy'ally, (roial] Ro'tated, [rotated] adj. rotato, drink -, bere a vicenda in giro; mente, da re. Rota'tion, [rtuscioun] s, rota- to look -, guardare attorno to Roy'alty, [roialt] s. dignit reale, m.; regalia, f. zione, /.; rotamonto, m. turn -, voltarsi in giro. Rota'tor, [rtateur] s. rotato- Round', [raound] s. giro cer- Roy'nish , [roinisc] adj. ab(tante. chio; corso, m.; ronda, /".; to bietto, misero. re, m. Ro'tatory, [rtateure'] adj. ro- take a -, fare un giro. Roy'tish, [rotisc] arfj. selvatico. Rote', [rote] s. uso, m.; pratica, Round', [raond] v. a. ritonda- Rub', [rheub] s.fregamento: intoppo, ostacolo, impedimento; to learn 6y - imparare per re, fare tondo; -, v. n. divenire /. pratica. _ (pratica. tondo. bottone, m. Rote', [rote] v. a. imparare per Round'about, [raoundabaout] Rub', [rheb] v. a. fregare, Rot'gut, [rtgheut] s. birra cat- adj. ampio; vago; indiretto. strofinare , stropicciare, grattiva, /. (moifo volgare). Roun'del, Roun'delay, [raoun- tare; to - off, levare il fango; Rotlier'-beasts[rth'eir-bistes] dl, raoundil] .strambotto, m. ripulire; to - out, spungere, s. pi. bestiame grosso, i. Round'-head, [raoundhed] s. cancellare; to - over, ritoccaRot'ten, [l'ot'n] arfj. infracidato, testa tonda, puritano, ^. re; ripulire; to - up, rinfrescaputrefatto; - apple, s.mela fra- Round'-house, [raoundhaouse] re; eccitare to - one up, dare cida, /.; - ej7(;,s.novoimputridis. carcere, m.; prigione, f. ad uno un bottone. to,m ;- woorf, .legno fracido,m. Roun'dish, [rao5ndTsce] adj. ri- Rub'ber , [rheubeir] s. strofiRot'tenness, [rtn"ns] s. fraci- tondetto. (colo cerchio, m. naccio, m. lima grossa, f.\ - of dezza, putrefazione, A Round'let, [raoundlt] s. pic- whist &c.; pulcinella, m.; Indian Rotund', [rteundj at/j. ritondo, Round'ly, [raoundl] adv. ri- -, s. gomma elastica, f. circolare. tondamente ; schiettamente Rub'bing, [rheiibingj s. frega,

Rotun'dity, [rteundite']
tondit, sfericit,

. ri-

apertamente, francamente.

Round'ness, [raoindns]

s. ri-

mento, m. Rub'bng-cloth


Rotun'do, [rteundo] s. roton- tondit, ritondezza, /. clth?] s. "trofinaccio, strofida, /.; ritondo, m. (edilzio). Round'-robn, [raond-rbin] s. naccolo, m. Rouge', [rge]s.liscio,belletto,m. petizione sottoscritta da varie Rubbish, [rhevibsc] s. stracci, Rouge', [riige] v. a. imbelletta- persone inun cerchio, f. m. pi.; robe vecchie; rovine,/'. re; -, V. n. imbellettarsi. Rouse', [raouze] v. a. svegliare, pi.; marame, m. Rough', [rouf] adj. ruvido, destare; eccitare, far uscire -, Ru'bicund, [rubichend] adj. aspro, rozzo; scabro;- diamond, V. n. svegliarsi, destarsi; ecci- rubicondo. (del rubino. 8. diamante greggio, diamante tarsi, (tore; istigatore, m. Ru'bied, [ribid] adj. del colore grezzo (uomo buono erozzo), m.; Rou'ser, [raouzeiir] s. sveglia- Rubif io , [rubifc] adj. rubifi- sea, $. mar tempestoso, m.; - Rout', [raoute] s. folla, pressa, cativo, rubificante. style, s. stile rozzo, m. rotta, f.; fracasso, strepito, m.; Ru'bify, [rbifi] v.a. rubificaRough'cast, [reufcast] s. into- (Aun<.) traccia, f. re;-, r. n. rubificarsi, diveninaco, modello abbozzato, m. Rout', [raoute] v. a. mettere in re rosso. Rough'cast, [reufcast] v. a. in- rotta; sconfiggere; imbarazzare, Ru'bious, [rSbiis] adj, rosso. tonacare; arricciare. imbrogliare. (sentiero, m. Ru'bric, [riibrc] s. rubrica, /. Rough'draught , [reufdraft] s. Route', [riite] s. via, strada, /.; Rubricated, [rubrlchetd] adj. schizzo, abbozzo, m.; - of a Routine', [rutlne] s. pratica, /.; macchiato di rosso; rosso. deed, primo abbozzo, m. costume, uso, m. Rub'-stone, [rheub-stne] .pieRough'draw , [reufdro] v. a. Rove', [rve] v. n. andare at- tra per ripulire, f. irr. schizzare, abbozzare. torno, girare, vagare. Ru'by, [rib] s. rubino (pietra); Rough'en, [reufn] v. a. rende- Ro'ver, [rveur] s. vagabondo; carbonchio, m. (miglio. re ruvido, render aspro -, v. n. corsale, m. at -s, a caso, in- Ru'by, [ribe'] ad/, rubinoso.verdivenir ruvido. consideratamente Ruck', [rheuc] v. n. appiattarsi. Roughhew', [reufhiu] v.a. irr. Ro'ving , [roving] $. l' atto di Ructa'tion, [rheuctesciein] s. abbozzare, schizzare. vagare, m. (vagabondo. rutto, il ruttare, m. _ Rough'ly, [reufle'] adv. rozza- Ro'vingly, [rovngl] adv. da Rud'der, [reudeiir] s. timone,m. mente, aspramente; incivil- Rovp', [ro] s. fila, filata, /".; fila- Rud'diness, [reiidins] s. fremente, zoticamente. re; ordine, m.; - of houses, filaschezza di carnagione, f. Rough'ness, [reiifnes] s. ruvi-| re di case m.; to set in a -, Rud'dle, [reid'l] s. sinopia, f. dezza, rozzezza, asprezza; zo-j mettere in fila. Rud'dock, [reudeuc] s. pettirostichezza; violenza, Row',[ro] v.w. remigare, remare; so, m. (uccello). Rough'rider , [reufraldeur] s.\ to - together, andar d' accordo. Rud'dy, [reud] adj. rosso, rosscozzone, cavallerizzo, m. Row', [raou] s. strepito, fracasso seggiante, rubicondo; - compleRough'work, [reifoueurc] v. a.\ (volgare). xion, s. viso fresco, m. irr. lavorare grossolanamente; Row'el, [raouel] s. stella (dello Rude', [rude] ad;'. rozzo, grossolaacci rpare, acciabattare. sprone), /". setono, m. no,scortese,incivilej turbolento.
; ; ;


Rude'ly, [rudele] adv. grossolanamente, incivilmente; insolentemente. Rude'ness, [rudenes"] s. rozzez,


in semenza, semenzire; to - out of one's toils, impazzire, perder il senno; lo - about, andare attorno; to - after, correre dietro; ambire; to - against, incontrarsi; lo - away, scappare; fuggire; passare; lo - away with, portare via; to - back, ritornare in dietro; to - counter, ripugnare; to - down, scorrere; colare, stillare; vilipendere, disprezzare; lo - for il, darla a


insolenza, /. [riidentceur] (arch.) cannellatnra, f.

za, incivilt






regolare ordinare ; guidare; soggiogare, domare; umiliare; to - paper, rigare la carta; to - over, governare, dominare. Ru'ler, [rileur] s. regolo; regolatore, governatore, m. Rum', [reum] s. rum, m. (acquaadj. strano , bizzarro vite)
; ,

fondare, stabilire (poco usato). {volgare). Budimen'tal, [rudimentl] adj. Rum'ble, [reumbl'] v. a. rombare; strepitare; mormorare. rudimentale. Ru'diments, [rudiments] S- pf- Rum'bler , [reumbleur] s. borrudimenti, elementi, principj, bottatore, bisbigliatore, m. Rum'bling, [reumblTngJ s. borm. pi. boglio, mormorio, m. Bue', [ru] s. (bot.) ruta, f. Rae', [ruj v. a. dolersi, pentirsi. Ru'minant, [rminnt] adj. ruminante. Rue'ful,[rQfil]ac/j. lamentevole, com passione vole, dolente;tr iste. Ru'minate, [riminete] v. a. Rue'fully, [rfl] a(i>;. lamen- n. ruiuinare, rugumare, riconsiderare. tevolmente; tristamente. Rue'fulness, [rufuliies)s. affan- Rumina'tion, [ruminscieun] s. rugumazione, meditazione, /. no, cordoglio, m. tristezza, f. Ruff ,[ret']s. gala,/.; collare, m. Ru'minator, [riimineter] s. Ruffian, [refn] a^/J. brutale; ruminatore, rugumatore, m. crudele; -, $. malandrino, as- Rum'mage , [reumdge] v. a. scompigliar cercando, cercare sassino di strada, m. (re grande, m. Ruf flanliln, [reufinlaiche]Of/i. predare. Rum'mer, [reimeur] s. bicchiebrutale, crudele. Ruffle, [reufl] s. manichino; Ru'mor, [rumeir] s. remore, m.; fama, voce, /. disturbo, tumulto, m. Ruffle, [refl] v. a. increspa- Ru'mor, [rumeur] v. a. faro ropiegare disordinare , di- more; divolgare. re sturbare; -, r. n. divenire tur- Ro'morer, [rumeureur] s. divolgatore, promulgatore, m. bolento, agitarsi. Ruffler, [relleiir] s. sgherro, m. Rump', [remp] s. groppone, m.; (za, riga,/. Ruf fling, [reflingls.tumu2to,m. groppa,/.
; ;


to - in {into), gettarsi,

precipitarsi; concorrere; to in with, accordarsi, convenire; continuare seguitato - on re; to - out, finire; stendersi; to ODer, traboccare, trascorrere; lo - through, passare da

banda a banda;
accorrere; presto; lo
lo -

iiifilare; lo

- lo,

montare up and down, an,


dare qua

e l;


upon, lan-

ciarsi sopra.

Run'agate, [reunaghte] .rinnegato; vagabondo, m. Run'away, [reunau] s. disertore, fuggitivo, m. Run'dle, [reundr] .pinolo di scala, m. Run'dlet, [reiindlet] s. bariletto,


barlette; pinolo di scala,m. [reiineiir] s. corridore, corritore; sensale, /. germo-

m.; - of a mill, mola di sopra d'un mulino,/.




ifalc.) cappello,


Rug', [reugi .tappetino (che si mette davanti la caminetto &c.). Rug'ged, [reugbed] a'/j. ruvido,

Ruggedly, [reghedl] adv.


rozzo, rigido; brutale, brusco. ru-

vidamente, rozzamente, aspramente.

[reiighdnes] s. , ruvidezza, rozzezza, asprezza,/.


[r;dg>ne] s. (surg.) _ (grinze, grinzoso.


Rugose', [rugse] adj. rugoso Rugos'ity, [rgsit] s. rugosit,


Ru'in, [rdn] s. rovina, ruina; decadenza,/.; to come to -, rovinarsi. Ru'in, [rTn] v. a. rovinare; distruggere; -, V. n. rovinarsi, decadere; to - one's self rovinarsi, distruggersi. Ru'injus, [ruinous] adj. ruinoso, distruttivo; pericoloso. Ru'inously, [rlneusl] adv. ro,

vinosamente. Ru'inousness,

[rinneusnes] s. stato rovinoso, m.; rovina, /. Rule', [rile] s. regolo, m.; regola, /.; ordine, pre'^etto; go-

verno: modello, esempio, m.; usanza, /.; costume, m.; to bear -, comandare, governare. Rule', [rule] v. a. & n. rigare;

Rum'ple,[reump'l]s.piega,grin- Run'net, [reunt] s. gaglio, Rum'ple, [reump'l] v. a. incre- coagulo; presame, m. Run'ning, [reiinng] s. corrspare, raggrinzare; rugare. Run', [ren] s. corsa, carriera, mento, corso, m. - footman, s. lacch, m.; - knot, s. cappio, /.; corso, m.; fuga, /.; at the long -, a lungo andare; to have m.; - of the nose, cimurro, m.; a long -, avere lungo succes- - place, s. carriera, /. ; corso, m.; - sore, s. piaga che cola, /.; so; to put to the -, metter in fuga, far fuggire; to take a -, - water, s. acqua corrente, /. prender una corsa. Run'nion , [reunin] s. donna Run', [reun] r. a. irr. {ran ; grassa e grossa, /. run) spignoro; -, v. n. irr. Runt', [reut] s. animale imbozzacchito, piccol animale, m. correre; passare; fuggire, goc ciolare, colare; to - aground, Rupee' , [rilpi] s. moneta in(tura, fessura,/. dare in secco, arrenare; to - diana, /. apace, correre velocemente; to Rup'tion , [reupscien] s. rot- through a book, scorrere, leg- Rup'ture, [reuptcer] s. rottugere di volo un libro lo - one's ra, crepatura; ernia, /. self out of breath , correre Rup'ture, [reuptcer] v. a. romfino a perder il fiato; to - pere, fracassare. in debt, indebitarsi; lo - out Rup'ture-wort[reuptceuroueirt] ". {boi.) erniaria, /. into expenses,f3L,re troppo grandi spese lo -a full gallop, cor- Ru'ral, [rirl] adj. rurale, rurere a briglia sciolta, galoppa- stico; campestre. re; to - the gauntlet, passare Ru'ralist, [rrlst] s. uno che lo - goods, fa la vita campestre, ni. per le bacchette fare il contrabbando; to - a Rurally, [rirl] adv. secondo (ria. /. hazard, correr riscliio; to all r uso campestre. esporsi ad ogni ri- Ruse', [rze] s. astuzia, furbehazards length, out in sten- Rush', [roiisce] s. giunco; niente, schio; to m.:poca cosa,/.; j^s not icorth dersi in lunghezza; to - mud, impazzire; to post, correrla a -, non vale un fico. correre il Rush', [rousce] v. n. gettarsi, a race posta; to
; ;

palio; to - at the ring, corier l'anello; to - to seed, andare




forward, avventarsi;

to - in,




villanamente. Ruth'fnl , friith^ffil] adj. comlanciare improvvisamente; to - rusticamente passionevole, misericordioso; in upun, sorprendere; to - on, Rus'ticalness, [reistkalnesl s. deplorabile, miserabile. bruandare presto; to - ow<, zam- rustichezza , rusticit schezza, /. Ruth'fully, [riith-ful] adv. mipillare, scaturire; to - through, Rus'ticate , [reistichetfl] v. a. serabilmente; tristamente. precipitarsi nel mezzo. rendere rustico; -, v. n. star- Ruth'fulness , [rth-fliis] . Rush-ligM Rush-candle sene in villa. compassione, misericordia, /". [reiisce-cndl, resce-laite] s. candela di veglia, lumicina, f. Rustica'ton, [reustichescieun] Ruth'less, [rth-lesj a</j. spietato, duro, inumano. Rush'iike, [rescelaiche] adj. s. vivere alla campagna, m. Rustic'ity, [reustsitj .rusti- Ruth'lessly , [riith-lsl] adv. giiincoso. m. cit; semplicit, f. senza piet , inumanamente, 'Rusk', [reische] s. biscotto, crudelmente. Rus'set, [rest] adj. rossetto, Rus'tiness, [reustins] s. rug(ruggine, f. gine; rancidezza, f. Ruth'lessness, frilth^lsns] 8. rossiccio. Rus'seting, [reastngl s. mela Rus'tle, [res'l] v. n. cigolare; spietatezza, crudelt, /. Ru'tilant, [riitilnt] adj. riluRus'sety, [reset] l'edi Russet. ronzare; romoreggiare. Rus'tling [reusl'ing] s. strecente, lampeggiante. Rust', [restl s. ruggine, f. Rut'ter, [reiiter] s. soldato di Rust', [reust] v. a. & n. arrug- pito, mormorio, m. Rus'ty, [rtste] adj. rugginoso, cavalleria, m. ginire, inrugginirsi. (lussurioso. Rus'tlc, [reastc] adj. rustico, rancido: <o grow -, irrugginire. Rut'tish, [retisce] adj. lascivo, rozzo, villano; zotico; -, .ru- jRut', [reutj s. frega; ruotaja, |Rye', raij s. segala, /. (spezie di ruotola, [. biada). stico, contadino, m. (segala, m. Rus tical, [reiisticl] adj. rusti- jRut, [reiit[t'.n. andare in frega. [Rye'-bread, [raibred] s. pane di Ruth', [ruth-] s. compassione, jRye'-grass, [rigrasj s. farricale; villanesco. misericordia, piet, /. cello, m. spelda, f. tlus'tically, [reiisticl] adv.
; ,


ha due suoni, duro o gagliardo, e dolce; il suono dolce come l's francese nella parola pouse. In principio di parola sempre gagliardo: son, figlio; ir, signoro. In fino di parola dolce; as, come; peas, piselli; is, ; (oes, nemici, ec. eccettuato nelle terminazioni derivate dal latino as, is, os, us : atlas, atlante; gratis, gratis; chaos, caos; Bacchus, Bacco.
Nelle parole che terminano in Sion preceduto da vocale, prende il suono di ; francese nella parola j une : occasion, occasione; main quelle precedute da

consonante ha il suono di sci duro: supervision, ispezione; extension, estensione. Nelle adj, clie produce zucchero, t, /. parole sugar, zucchero; sure.iSac'charine [sacharaine] adj. Sacrif'ic, Sacrificai, [sacrflc, certo; censure, censura, ed in zuccherino, di zucchero, sacrificai'] adj. di sacrificio. qualche altra, s prendo il suono Sacerdo'tal , [sseirdtl] adj. Sacrif'icable, [sacrificabl] adj. di .sci duro. In measxire, misura; sacerdotale che pu esser sacrificato. pleasure, piacere; treasure, te- Sach'el, [stcl] s. sacchetto, Sacrif icant , Sacrif'icator, soro e ttswa^ usuale, s ha il suo- sacchino, m. [scrificnt, scrficheter s. no dell'i francese nella parola Sack', [sac] s. sacco, m.; misura sacrificatore, sacrificante, m. jeune. N muta in island e di tre staja; gonna da donna,! Sacrif'ica'Lory,[scrIfichBteure] isle, isola; rti.sie, navata di chieadj. sacrilcante. f.; vino doice, ni. sa; Viscount, Visconte; corps, Sack', [sac] v. a. saccheggiare; Sacrifice, [scrifaze] s. sacrificorpo di armata. Se quando mettere in un sacco. cio, sagrificio, wi. vien seguito da e o e prende il Sac'kage, [sacdge] s. saccheg- Sac'rifice, [scrifaze] v. a. sasuono di s dura: .scenf, odore; giamento, m. crificare consagrare - v. n. scintitar, scimitarra. Sch suona Sack'-but, [sc-beut] s. sambuofferire un sacrificio. come in italiano: sc/iooi, scuola. ca, f (strumento musicalo). Sac'riflcer, [scrifaizeiirj s. saSh si pronuncia see. sci, duro: Sack'-cloth, [sc-cl5th-] s. tela crificante, sacrificatore, m. shame, vergogna; ship, nave. grossolana, /.; cilicio, m. Sacrific'ial, [scrifscilj adj. Sabbata'rian, [sbatrin] s. Sacker', [scheiir] s saccheggia- di sacrificio: espiatorio. rigido osservatore del saba- tore, predatore,. (no,m. Sac'rilege [sacri ledge] s. sa(sabato, m. Sack'ful, [scffil] s. sacco pieto, rn. crilegio, m.; profanazione, f. Sab'bath, [sabath-] s. sabato, Sack'ing, [schng] s. saccheg- Sacrile'gious,[scrildgies]ac/y, [sbth^- giamento, m.; tela da sacco, f. sacrilego; -, s. sacrilego, m. Sab'bath-breaker ,

sa- Sackpos'set , [sacposet] s. bo Vanda di vino, zucchero, ecc. f. Sabbat'ic, Sabbat'ical, [sabatc, Sac'rament, [sacrament] s. sasbticll ar//. del sabato. cramento, sagramento, m. Sab'ine, [sabine] s.(6o<.)sabina,/". Sacraiiieii'tal,[scramen tal ]at/j. Sa'ble, [sebr] s. zibellino, m. ; sacramentale, sagramentale. pelle del zibellino, f. Sacramen'tally, [sacramentale'] Sa'ble, [sbrj adj. bruno, nero,' adv. sacramentalmente. oscuro. (mitarra, f. Sacramenta'rian, [scramentSa'bre, [sbeiir] s. sciabola, sci- rin ] s. sacramentario. CalviniSa'bre, [sbeur] v. a. percuotesta, m. re colla sciabola. Sacrameli 'tary, [sacramentare'] Sabnlos'ity, fsbiilosite'] s. are- s. sacramentario, m. nosit; qualit di sabbione, f. Sacrate, [scrte] r. a. sacrare. Sab'ulous, [sabiQlous] a;/j. sab Sa'cred, [secrd adj. sacro, sabionoso, arenoso. gro santo; inviolabile. Saccade' , fschde] s. scossa, Sa'credly, [scredll adv. relitrinciata (di briglia), /. giosamente, inviolabilmente. ISacchariferous, [scharifireis] Sa'credness,[secrednsjs. santi-

bricheur] bato, m.






Sake', [seche] s. causa, cagione; fine, /.; amore, m.;for God's -, per l'amor di Dio; for your -, per amor vostro. Sa'ker, [secheur] s. sagro, m.

v. adv. sacrilegamente. n. esser pesante, pesare. Saerile'giousness , [sacrilld- Saga'cious [sghscieiis] adj. , giesnsj vedi Sacrilege. sagace; astuto. Sacrll'egist, [scrlidgiste] s. Saga'clously [sghscieusl] , sacrilego, m, aafv.sagacemente; astutamente. Sa'crist, Sac'ristan, [secrist, Saga'ciousness, [sghscieussacristan] s. sagrestano, m. ns] s. acutezza d' ingegno, f. SacVisty , [scristj s. sagreSagac'ity, [sgasit] s. sagaci-

Sacrile'giously,fsacrilidgIeusl] Sag', [sag] V. a. caricare;

Sak'eret, [saeheret]
del falcone, m.



stia, sacristia, f.





adj. Sag' amare,



Sad,_ [sad] adj. mesto, tristo; Sag'athy, [sagath] cattivo meschino - color, s. saja,

colore bruno, m.; - neivs, s. pi. novelle rie, f. pi.; - thoughts, pensieri tristi, m. pi.; .
s. tempo molto brutm. Sad'den, [sad'n] v.a. attristare,



affliggere; -, v. n. avere una cera mesta. l'insalata, m. Sad'dle, [sad'l] s. sella, f. ; of Sagit'tal, [sdgtlj adj. [anat.) Sal'ad-oil mutton, sella di [sldil]

falcone, m. sorta di Sal', [sal] s. (phar.) sale, m. f. Sala'cious, [slscieis] adj. saSage', [sedge] s. {bot.) salvia, /. lace; lascivo, lussurioso. Sage',[s5dge] adj. savio, saggio; Sala'piously, [slscieiislej adv. circospetto; s. savio, uomo lascivamente, lussuriosiimeiite. savio, wi. Salac'ity, [slsitj s. lascivia, Sage'ly , [sdgel] adv. savia- lussuria, /. mente, prudentemente. Sal'ad, [salad] s. insalata, f. Sage'ness, [sdgens] s. sa- Sal'ad-dish, [saladisce]s. piatto viezza, prudenza, f. per


Sa'ker-gun, [secheur-gheiin] falconetto, m. capo Sa'ker-hawk, fsoheSrhoc]


f. ;

(chym.) salificazione, f. Saline', Sali'nous te; senza pericolo. [slaine, , Sail'-yard, [sileiardj s, antensalaineus] adj. Safe'ness, [sfenes] s. sicurezsalino, di sale. na, /. Sali'va, [slalva] s. saliva, sciaza, sicurt, f. Sain'foin, [sanfoin] s. (bot.) ceiiva, f. Safe'ty, [sefet] .salvezza; sidrangola, /.; trifoglio, m. Sal'ival, curezza; salute; custodia, Sal'ivary, [salalval, Saint', [sente] adj. santo f. -, s. salivare] adj. salivale. Safe'ty-valve, [sfet-vlve] s. santo, m.; santa, /. Salivate, (st. eng.) valvola di [siivete] v. a. rendesicurt,/'. Saint', [sente] v. a. far il santo; re saliva. Saffron, [sfreun] s. zaiferano, >V' * canonizzare. .. , 'i Saliva'tion, [salivscieiin] . salivazione, /".; salivare, ni. Sali'vous , [slaiveusj adj. di saliva; pituitoso. Sal'low, [sal] adj. pallido.
, ; .

(viglio, m. dispensa, f. o^^-M* r -, Sai ler, [seleur] s. vascello, naSafeguard, [sfegard] s. salvaSai'ling, [seling] $. navigazioguardia; protezione, /. ne, f. ; veleggiamento, m. Safe-guard, [sfegrd] v. a. conSail'-maker , [slemcheur] s. servare sano e salvo, guardarefattore di vele, in. proteggere (poco usato). Sai'lor , [sleurj s. marinaro Safe'ly, [sfel] adv. salvamenmarinajo, i,

-, far vela; to strike ammainare le vele. tristezza, Sail', [sie] v.a. & n. veleggia/.; affanno, dolore, ni. re, fare vela, navigare; imbarSad'ducee, [sdiusl] .sadduceo carsi; to - along the coast, coSafe', [sefe] adj. salvo, sicuro steggiare; to - back, approdafelice; - conduct, s. salvocon re, pigliare terra; to - in the cotto, m. ; Gud keep you Id' main, veleggiare in alto mare. dio vi conservi. Sa,il'able, [seleabFj adj. navigaSafe', [sfe] s. guardavivande,

mente. Sad'ness, [sadnes]

s. Sa'go-tree, [sgotri] s. di palmizio, f. Salaman'drine,fsalamaiKlraine] s. arcio- Sa'gy, [sedgj adj. pieno di adj. di salamandra. salvia. Sal a.iji .-.,..... cj Sad'dle-clotli, [sad'I-cloth?] .stipendio, w.; s Sa'ik, [sic] s. saica, mercede, f. f. (bastigualdrappa, covertina, mento). f. Sale', [sole] s. vendita, Sad'dle-aiaker,Sad'dler, [sad'l- Sali', f.i in[sie] s. vela; nave; ala, pubblico, m.; to make an mecheir, sdleiir] s. sellaio m (.; main -, vela maestra; /".; canto open -, vendere all'incanto. Sad'dle-tree , [sd'1-tri] s. armizzen -, terzeruolo, ?n. ; tup Salable, cione di sella, m. [selabl'] adj. vendibile, - vela di gabbia, /".; to be under da vendersi. Sad'Iy, [sd'l] adv. tristamen-, esser alla vela; to hoist up -, Salableness te [slabl'us] miserabilmente , cattiva- to set s. , -,'

pack -, s. basto, m. Sag'ittary, [sadgitar] s. Sad'dle , [sad'l] v. a. sellare, sagittario.arciore, m.. mettere il basto, imbastare Sajgo, [sego] s. sago. m. Sad'dle-backed, [sd'l-bacb'dl
adj. sellato.




d' uliva,





Salaman'der, [salamandeur] spezie salamandra, f.

Sad'dle-bow, [sad'1-bj ne di sella, m.


r essere vendibile, m. Sa'lably, [selable] adv. in modo vendibile; in buona condizione.




Sal'ebrous, [salibreus] adj. scabro, scabroso; aspro. Sales'man, [slesmn] s. barattatore, rigattiere, m. Sale'work, [sleouurc] s. abiti fatti per vendere, ni. pi.
Sal'io, [slc]
adj. (jur.) salico.


Sa'lient, [selientj adj. sagliente; palpitante. Saliflca'tion, [salifichscieun] .

Sal'low, [salo] s. salce, salcio m. Sal'lowness, [sloncsj s. vMidezza, /.; pallore, w.

Sal'low-tree, [sal-tri]
salcio, n.

331 -

San'able, [sanabl'] arfj. sanabile. Saua'tion, [sanescieun] s. sanazione, f. guarigione, f. San'ative, [snativ] adj. sanativo.

sake, Salt'-plt, [solt-pit] s. salina, f. ; pozzo d' acqua salsa, m. Sariy, [sale] s. sortita, scappa- Salt'-spring , [solt-spring] s. sorgente d' acqua salmastra, f. ta; escursione, scorsa; stravaSalt'-tub , [slt-teub] s. vaso ganza, f. da salarvi dentro la carne, m.; Sal'ly, [sale'] v. n. fare una sortita; uscire; (mil.) uscir de' ri-



/. s.

[sanatTvnes] s. virt di sanare, virt di gua-


Salt'-water, [slt-cuauteir]

Sanctif'icate, [snctifichete] v. Salmagun'di, [salmagheundi] s. acqua salsa, f. Salt'-work, [slt-oueiirc] s. sa- a. santificare. manicaretto, m. Sarmon, [samoun] s. sermone, lina, /.; luogo ove si fa il sa- Sanctifica'tion , [sanctfichiscieiin] s. santificazione, f. salmone, m. {pesce); yonng -, le, m.
piccolo sermone, ni. Sal'mon-trout, [smoun-traout] s. pesce che partecipa del sermone e della trota, m. Saloon', [salun] s. salone, m.; sala grande, f. Salsapariria, [salsaparila] s. (phar.) salsapariglia, f. [salsiudgineus] , adj. salsugginoso, salmastro. Salt', [slt] s. sale; fig. senno, genio, m. ; minerai -, salgemSal'ty, [slt] adj. salso. Sanc'tifler, [snctfaieur] t. Salu'brious , [salibrius] adj. santificatore, m. salubre, salutifero. Sanc'tify, [snctifai] v.a. sanSalu'briously , [saliiibriusle'] tificare, fare santo. adv. salubremente. Sanc'tifying , [suctifaing] s. Salu'brity, [salibrit] s. salu- santificamento,il santificare,!??. brit, sanit, /. Sanctimo'niou3[snctimonieus] adj. da santo; santo, ipocrite. Sal'utariness, [sliiitarines] s salubrit; sanit, f. Sanctimo'niously , [snctimoSal'utary, [sliutare'] adj. salu nieiisle'] adv. con santimonia. tevole, salutare. Sanctimo'niousness,_ Sanc'tiSaluta'tion , [sliutiscieun] s. mony , [sanctimonieiisns , salutazione, /.; il salutare, sa snctimeune'J s. santimonia ; luto, m. santit, ^ Salute', [sliute] s. saluto, sa- Sanc'tion, [sanescieun] s. sanlutare, m.; riverenza, /.; ba zione, f.: decreto, m.; legge, /".;




Salt', [solt] adj. salato. Salt', [slt] V. a. salare. Salta'tion, [sltscieun] s. saltazione, /.; il saltare, m. ci, m. pragmatical - , prammatica Salt'-beef , [slt-bife] s. bue Salute', [saliute] v. a. salutare, sanzione, f. salato, m. chinare la testa, baciare. Sanc'tion, [sncscieiin] v. a. dar Salt'box , [soltbocs] s. cassa Salu'ter, [sliteir] s. saluta- sanzione. (santit, f. da conservare il salo, /. tore; baciatore, m. Sanc'titude, [sanctitiude] s. Salt'-cat , [slt-cat] s. pezzo Salutif'erous, [sliutifreus]orfj. Sanc'tity, [snctit] s. santit ; di salo, m. salutifero, salubre. vita religiosa, f. Salt'-cellar, [slt-seleir] s. sa- Salvabil'ity , [slvablit] s. Sanc'tnarize , [sanctiiaralze] liera, /. possibilit di salvarsi, f. V. a. dar santuario , dare un Sal'ter, [solteur] s. venditore Sal'vable, [slvabl'] adj. che pu asilo. di sale, m. essere salvato. Sanc'tuary, [sanctiuare'] .san-

Sal'tern, Salt'house, [solteurni Sal'vage, [slvdge] s. premio tuario; asilo, m. slthaouse] s. salina, fabbrica per salvar da un naufragio, m. Sand', [sand] s. arena, rena, di salo, /. Salva'tion, [slvscieun] s. sal- sabbia, f.; sabbione, m. Saltinban'co, [sltTnbanco] s. vamentOj m. ; eterna salute, f. Sand' , [sand] v. a. coprire di saltimbanco, cerretano, m. Sal'vatory, [slvateur] s. ri- rena, coprire di sabbia. Sal'tish, [soltisce] adj. salset- cettacolo; conservatorio, m. ; San'dal [sndl] s. sandalo, , to, salaticcio. guardaroba, f. zoccolo, m ; - wood, sandalo, m. Salt'less , [sltlosj adj. senza Salve', [save] s. unguento, im- San'darack, [sndarc] s. sansale; insipido. piastro; rimedio, m. daraca, f. (gomma). Salt'ly, [soltl] adv. con sale. Salve', [save] v.a. salvare; me- Sand'-bank, [snd-bnc] s. banSalt'-maker, [soltmcheur] s. dicare; ajutare. co di rena, m.; secca, f. chi lavora al sale, m. Sal'ver, [sveur] s. vassojo, m.; Sand'blind , [sndblande] adj. Salt'-marsh, [sltmrsce] sottocoppa, /\ s. vede fosco. salina, /. Sal'vo, [salvo] s. riserhazione; Sand'-box, [sand-hocs] s. polSalt'-meat, [sltmte] s. carne scusa, f. verino, m. salata secca, /. Samar'itan, [samaritan] s. abi- Sand'-cart, [snd-cart] s. carro Salt'-maine, [sltmane] s. sa tante di Samaria, m. da sabbia, m. lina, f. Same' , [sme] adj. medesimo San'ded, [sanded] adj. coperto Salt'ness, [soltnes] s. salsez- stesso; simile; it is the very -, di sabbia, sabbioso. za, salsuggine, f. questo desso. Sand'-hill , [snd-hl] s. mucSalt'-pan, [slt-pan] vedi Salt- Same'ness, [semenes] s. medesi- chio di sabbia, m.; monticello pit. mezza, cosa medesima, f. di rena, m. Saltpe'tre, [soltpitour] s. sal- Sam'let, [smlt] s. picco! sal- San'dness, [sandines] s. stato nitro, nitro, wi. mone, m. (pesce). sabbioso, m.; arenosit, f. Saltpe'tre-house, [sltpltour- Sam'phire, [smfaire] s. {hot.) San'dsh, [sndisce] adj. alquanhaouse] s. fabbrica del salni- finocchio marino, m. to sabbioso. tro, /. Sam'ple, [smpP] s. esemplare, Sand'-pit, [sandpit] s. cava di Saltpe'tre-maker, [soltplteur- modello ; e_sompio, m, sabbione, f. mchour] s. chi lavora al sal- Sam'ple, [sampl'] v.a. mostrare Sand'-stone [snd-stonej . , nitro, VI. r esempio {poco usato). pietra arenaria, f. Salt'-pillar, [solt-pileur] s. Sam'pler, [sampleur] s. saggio, San'dy, [sndj adj. sabbioso, statua di salo, f. w.; mostra, f.\ modello, m. arenoso.

Bane', [sene] adj. sano, in buona




senc, sarasnical] adj. appar- Sat'ire, [sataire] s. satira, f. tenente ai Saraceni. Satir'ic, Satirical, [satiric, satirical] adj. satirico; mor[sanguifireus] Sar'casm, [sarcasm] s. sarca-

sanguifero. Sanguifica'tlon, fsanguificliescinan] s. sanguificazione, /. [sugutaieiir] s. San'guifler, sanguificante, m. San'guify, [snguTfai] v. n. generare sangue. San'guinary, [sanguinare'] adj. sanguinario; crudele. San'guine, [sanguine] adj. sanguigno, sanguineo. San'guinely, [snguincl] adv.

dace. smo, m. Sarcas'tic, Sarcas'tical, [sar- Satir'ically, [satiricl] satiricamente. castic, srcsticl] udj. sarcastico, satirico,







sjrutoro di satire, m. Sarcas'tically , [srcasticil] adv. satiricamente, di satira. Sat'irize, [stiraize] v. a. satiSarce'net, [srseii] s. taJ'eta,/. reggiare, fa.- satire. Sarco'ma , [sarcma] s. sarco Sati fac'tion, [stisfcscieun] ma, scirro, in s. soddisfazione; lagionj, /.

ardentemente. San'guineness,

Sarcoph'agous, [sarcofaglieus] piacere, w. Satisfac'tive, [stisfictiv] adj. s. sarcofago, m. Sarcoph'agy, [sarcofadge'] s. soddisfaci-nte. il pascersi di carne, m. Satisfac torily, [satisfa "".teuril] [sanguuenes] Sarcot le, [srctTc] s- sarcoti- 0(;v. iti nna maniera soddisfa-


cente co, incarnativo, wi. [sangniniis] Sar'del, Sar'dine, [sarde!, sar- Satisfac'toriness, [satisfcteSdine! s. sardina, sardella, /. rinO] s. soddisfacimento, m. adj. sanguineo, sanguigno. Sanguin'olent , [sngulnolent] Sardon'ic, [sardnie] adj. sar- Satisfai tory,[stsfcteiirJa(^i. donico ; - laughter, s. riso sar- soddisfacente. ad], sanguinolento, crudele. Sat'isfy , [satisfai] v. a. & n. San'hedrim, [snhidrlm] s. si- doriico, m. Sar'donyx, [sardonics] s. sardo- soddisfare, dar soddisfazione; nedrio, m. contentare; pagare; saziare. San'icle, [snicr] s. (hot.) sani- nico, m. Sarsaparil'la, [sarsaparila] s Sat'isfying, [stifiing] adj. cula, f. soddisfacente. Sanies, [sniize] s. sanie, mar- (phar.) salsapariglia, /. Sarse', [srse] s. staccio, in. Sa'ti?e, [setv] adj. satiro. cia, f. Sa'trap, [strp] s. satrapo, m. Sa'n-oos, [snus] adj.sanioso, {poco usato). Sarse', [srse]. v. a. stacciare. Sa'trapy, [sctrap] s. satrapia, ma,rti:>so. (poco usato). San''.t.5-, ['finite'] s. sanit, /. ; /. governo; satrapico, m. Sarto rious, [sartrieus] adj. Sat'urable, [stirabrj adj. che slato port'otto di mento, m. si pu saturare. sartorio. Sar.'s3rit,[suncrtjji .sanscrito. Sao'ton, [ sntuj s santone tur- Sash', [ssce] s. cinto di seta, Sat'urate, [stiiirete] v. a. sam.; cintura, f. turare, satollare, saziare. co, VI. Sai', [sap] suceMo, sugo; Sash-window, [sasce-oiiindo]. Satura'tion , (stiurscieun] s. saturazione, /. finet'tra f. umore, i. Sap, [sap] a. zappare; di- Sas'safras, [ssafr's] s. (pfiar.) Sat'urday, [steurde'] s. sabato, sabbato, m. sassafvasso, m. struga^ero. Sapid, [sapid] adj. saporito, Sa'tan, [stn] s. Satan, diavo- Satu'rity, [stiurite'] s.satollezlo, m. za, sazievolezza,/.; to feed to -, Sapid 'ity,Sap'idnes3, [sapTdite, Satau'ic, Satan'ical, [satnic, saziarsi, satollarsi. spdnsls. sapore, suvord; gu- stniclj adj. satanico, dia- Sat'urn, [satern] s. (astr.) Saturno, m. bolico. sto, m. Sapience, [sepieuse] s. sapien- Satan'ically, [satniele'] adv. Saturnalia, [steurnelia] s. pi. s;ilurnali, m. pi. diabolicamente, da diavolo. za, saviezza,/'.,conoscimento, m. Sa'pient, [sepient] adj. sapien- Sat'anism, [stnsm] .natura SaturnaliaO; [steiirnlian] adj. saturnale. (Saturnalia. te, savio. diabolica, /. Sap'less , [saplea] adj. senza Sat'anist, [satnst] s. persona Saturnais, [sateurnls] vedi Satur'nian, [steurnin] adj. diabolica, /. succhio, secco. Sap'ling, [sapling] s. arbuscel- Satch'el, [stcel] s. saccbetto, saturnino; felice, beato. Sat'urnine, [steurnane] adj. Bacchettino, m. lo, piantone, m. Sapona'ceous , Sap'onary , Sate', [sete] v. a. saziare, sa- saturnino; malinconico, tristo. Sat'urnist, [steurnist] s. per[sponscius, saponare'] adj. tollare. Sa'ted, [setd] adj. satollo, sa- sona di natura saturnina, /. saponaceo. Sat'yr, [steiir] s.{myth.) satiSa'por, [supor] sapore, savore, zio, saziato. m. ; saporosit, f. Sate'less, [stels] adj. insazia- ro, m. Sauce' , [sose] s. condimento, Saporif'ic, [saporific] adj. sa- bile. m.; salsa, f.; butler -, sal.-?a porifico, savoroso. Sat'ellite, [satlaite] .satellibianca,/.; - with vinegar, iaSap'per,[speur] s. zappatore, m. te, m. Sap'phic, [safic] adj. saffico. Sa'tate, [sscite] v. a. saziare, ti ngolo con aceto, m. Sauce', [sose] v. a. condire; Sap'phire, Isafaire] s. zaffiro.m. satollare; soddisfar. Sap'phirine , [safiraine] adj. Sa'tiate, Tsscite] adj. satollo, acconciare con salsa. zaffirino. Sauce'-box, [sosebocs] s. sfacsazia'.o. Sap'piness, [sapines] s. abbon- Satia'tion , Sati'ety , [.ssci- ciato, sfrontato, m. danza di sugo,/". scieii, satdt.el s. saziet, sa- Sauce'-pan , [sose-pu] s. padeliino, Sap'py , [sape] adj. pieno di tolleziia, sa,zievolezza, /. m. Saucer, [sseiir] s. piattello; succhio, vigoroso. Sat'in , [satin] s. raso scodellino, m.; sottocoppa, /. Sar'aband, [srabiind] s. sara- (drappo). banda, f. (ballo Spagnuolo). Sat'in-ribbon , [stinriben] s. Sau'cily, [ssil] adv. sfacciatamente, impertinentemente. Saracen'iC; Saraceu'ical; [sara- nastro lustro come raso, m.



guscio, m.; (mus.) solfa, zolfa, f ; sagginolo, m.; pair of -s, s. bilancia, f.; - of a map. scala d' una carta geografica f.; -a of hot iron, s. pi. scaglie di fer,

Sau'ciness, [sosines] s. sfac- Saw'-dust, [sodoust] s. segatura, /. ciataggine, impudenza, f, Sau'cy , [sos] adj. sfacciato, Saw'er, [soeur] vedi Sawyer. Saw'-fish, [sofisce] s. sega mainsolente, presuntuoso.

Saunter, [snteur]

v. n.





vagabondare, Saw'ing, [Sdng] s. il segare, ro, f. pi. segamento m. Scale', [schle] v. a. scalare, Saun'terer, [sonteireur] s. ozio- Saw'-mill, [soml] s. mulino da scagliare; pesare; -, v. n. scasegare, m. gliarsi; scorticarsi. so, vagabondo, m. Sau'sage, [sosdge] s. salsic- Saw'-plt, [sopt] s. fossa de'se- Scaled', [schl'd] adj. scaglioso gatori, /. squamoso. cia, f.; salame, m. Sav'age, [savedge] adj. salvati- Saw'yer , [soiir] s. segato- Scale'less, [schleles] a</j. senza re, m. scaglie. co, fiero; crudele; -, s. selvagSax'ifrage, [scsifredge] s. (bot.) Scalene', [schline] s. scaleno.m. gio, m. iSca'llng, [schling] s. scalata, Sav'agely, [svdgel] adv. alla sassifraga, f. [sacsifragheus] /.; - ladders, s. pi. scale da scasalvatica; fieramente, crudel- Saxif'ragous, ailj. litantritico. lare, f. pi. mente. Sav'ageness, Sav'agery, [sv- Sax'on, [scseun] s. Sassone, m. iSca'liness, [schlines] s. l'essedgenes, svedgeurj s. salva- Say', [so] s. saga (panno); mo- re scaglioso, m.; squamosit, /'.

andar ramingo.

Scali', [scli s. lebbra, lepra, n. irr. (said; tigna, f. Savan'na, [savana] s. prate- said) dire ; that is to -, cio a Scalled', [scol'd] adj. tignoso. dire, cio; to - by Aearf, recita- Scall'ion, [scliein] s. scalogno, ria, f. Save', [seve] prep. adv. salvo, re a munte; to - over again, in.; cipollina, f. eccettuato; eccetto che, tolto dire di nuovo. Scal'lop, [scoleup] s. petonchio, Say'ing, [sing] s. diciraento che, fuorch. m. (conchiglia).








[se] v. a.


Save', [seve]

salvare; risparmiare, conservare; God the tinfi. Dio salvi il re; to time, per non perder tempo. Save'all, [seveoj] s. cannello, m. Sa'ver, [scveiir] s. salvatore, liboratorq; risparmiatore, ?,. Sav'in, [svn] s. {bot.) savina, sabina, /. Sa'ving, [svTng] adj. economo, parco frugale; -, s. salvamento; risparmio, m. economia, (,. Sa'ving, [svng] prp. salvo, eccetto, fuorch, se non. Sa'vingly [svngle] adv. con risparmio, parcamente; frugai mente. Sa'vingness, [svngnes] s. frugalit; economia, f. Sa'vings-bank, [svings'-banc] s. cassa di risparmio, f. Sa'viour, [sviiir] s. salvatore, redentore, m.
v. a.

Scal'lop, [scoleiip] v. a. tagliare a festone. Scalp' , [scalp] s. pericranio, osso del capo, m. Scalp', [scalp] v. a. levare via il pericranio. jScal'pel, Scalp'ing-iron, [scalScab'bedness, Scab'bness, pel , sclpTng-aieurn] s. scal[scabednes, scabines] s. ro- pollo, m. gna, /. ISca'ly, [schle] adj. scaglioso, Scab by, [scabe'] vedi Scabbed. squamoso. Sca'bious, [schebieus] adj. scab- Scam'ble, [scambi'] v. a. & n. ; bioso, rognoso; -, s. scabbiosa, tumultuare; arraffare; guastagallinella, f. re; rapire. Sca'brous, [schbreiis] adj. sca- Scam'bler, [scmbleiir] s. sfacbroso; rozzo; senza armonia. ciato leccapiatti, parasite, m. , Sca'brousness, [scbbreusnes] jScam'bling, [scmbling] adj. s. scabrosit, f. turbolento, tumultuante. Scab'wort, [scaboueurt] s.{bot.) jScam'blingly,[scmblingle']ac?w. scabbiosa, f. con remore; sfacciatamente. Scaffold, [scfld] s. palco, ca- iScammo'niate, [scmmniete] tafalco, m. adj. di scamonea. Scaffold, [scfold] v. a. impal- |Scam'mony, [scmeun] s.{bot.) care {poco Msato). scamonea, /. Sa'vorous, Savory, [seveireus, Scaf foldage , Scaffolding ;Scam'per , [scampeir] v. n. sver] adj. saporoso. s. [scfldedge , scafldng] scampare, fuggire via. Sa'vory, [seveir] s. (bot.) san- struttura di palchi; galleria, f. iScam'perer, [scmpeureir] s. toreggia, satureja, /. Scalade', Scala'do , [scalede, fuggitivo, m. Sa'vour, [s'eveiir) s. sapore, sa- scaledo] . scalata, /.; scala- jScan', [scan] v. a. scandero, mivore; gusto: odore, m. mento, m. surare un verso; esaminare, Savour, [sveur] v. a. sapora- Sca'lary, [schlare'] adj. proce- ponderare.
I !

proverbio, motto, m. Scab', [scab] s. scabbia, rogna, f.; birbone, m. Scab'bard, [seaboard] s. fodero, m.; guaina, f. Scabbed, [seabed] adj. .scabbioso, rognoso, lebbroso.

re, assaporare; sentire. dendo a gradi. Sa'vourily, [sveiirile'] adr. sa- Scald', [scold] adj. misero, catporitamente, con gusto. tivo, spregievole. Sa'vouriness, [seveiirines] s. Scald', [scold s. tigna, f. sapore, buon gusto; odore, m. Scald', [scold] v. a. scottare; Sa'vourless , [sveirlesj adj. sciacquare con acqua calda. senza sapore. Scald'-head, (scld-hd] s. tiSa'voury, [sveiire'] adj. sapori- gna, forfora, f. to, saporoso, di buon sapore. Scal'ding-hot , [scolding-hot] Sav'oy,[svuoi] s. cavolo capuc- adj. bollente, fervente. cio, m. Scal'ding-house , [scldingSaw', [so] s. sega, f.; prover- hause] s. luogo ove si d la bio, motto, wi. scottatura, m. Saw', [so] V. a. segare. Scale', [schle] s. bilancia, f,;

Scan'dal, [scandal] s. scandalo, scandolo, m.; ignominia, infamia, f.; to lie under a -, aver cattivo nome, essere in cattiva riputazione. Scan'dal, [scandal] v. a. difTamare, accusare falsamente. Scan'dalize, [scndlaze] v. a. scandalizzare, dare scandalo.

scandaloso fame.

[scndleiis] adj.




[scandaleusl] adv. scandalosamente.





Bcan'dalousness[scandleusTies] Scarf, [scarf] v. a. ornare di Scent'ful, [sentfil] adj. odociarpa; incastrare, congegnare. roso. s. scandalo pubblico, m. Scanned', [scn'd] adj. scandi- Scarf-skin, [scrf-schn] s. epi- Scentless, [sentles] adj. inodorifero; senza odore. dermide, cuticola, f. to, misurato. Scan'ning, [scan'ing] s. scando- Scarifica'tion, [scrficbescieiin] Scep'tic, Scep'tical, [schptic, schptcl] adj. scettico. s. scarilcazione, f. re, misurare (i versi), m. Scan'sion, [scanscieun] s. scan- Scarificator, Scar'ifier, [scar- Scep'tically, [schptcl] adv. ficbteur, scrfaieur] s. sca- in modo scettico. sione, misura (di versi), /. Scep'ticalness, [schepticalnes] rificatore, wi. Scant', [scant] acf;'. parco, strets. infedelt. Scar'ify, [scarifai] v. a. scarifito; mescliino; -, adv. appena. s. Scep'ticism, [scheptisism] Scant', [scant] v. a. limitare, care, scarnare. ristrignere; -, v. n. (mar.) man- Scar'ifying, [scrif aiing] s. sca- scetticismo, m. Scep'tre, [spteur] s. scettro, m. rificazione, f. care. Scan'tily, [scantile'] adv. parca- Scarlattina, [scarlatina] s feb- Scep'tre-bearer[sptur-breur] s. che porta lo scettro, mazziebre scarlattina,/". mente; meschinamente. Scan'tiuess, [scntines]s. scar- Scar'let, [scarlet] adj scarlat- re, /". sezza strettezza; insufficien- tine, scarlatto; -, . scarlatto, Scep'tred, [septeur'd] adj. scetm.; - fever, s. febbre scarlatti- trato. za,/". Scan'tle, [scantl'] v. o. divi- na, /.; -oak, s. elee, f.; leccio, Sched'ule, [scedi 51e] s. cedola; dere in piccoli pezzi; -, v. n. m.; - robe, s. veste di scarlatto, cartuccia; polizza, /. [schimatsm] . /.; - runner{bean), fagiuolo,m. Sche'matism, mancare. Scant'let, [scantlt] s. pezzet- Scarp', [scarp] s. (/"orf.) scarpa,/. figura, forma, f. Scarred', Scar'ry, [scr'd, scare] Scheme', [schime] s. piano, dito, m.; quantit piccola, f. segno; modello; sistema, m. Scant'ling, [scantling] s. pez- adj. cicatrizzato. Scatch', [sctsce] .morso di ca- Scheme', [schime] . a. progetzetta; misura, grandezza, f. tare, disegnare. vallo, m. Scant'ly , [scntle'] adv. strettamente, parcamente; meschi Scatch'es, [sctscez] tram- Sche'mer , [schimeir] s. disegnatore, inventore, m. pani, m. pi. _ namente. Scant'ness, [scantns] s. stret- Scate', [schote] s. patino (da Schism', [sism] s. scisma; divisione, separazione,/". sdrucciolare), m. tezza; scarsezza, parcit, /. Scan'ty , [scant] adj. stretto, Scate', [schete] v. n. patinare, Schismat'ic , [szmtTc] 8. scismatico, m. (sul ghiaccio). parco sordido. Scape', [schepe] s. scappata, fu- Scath', [scath^] s. perdita, /".; Schismat'ical, [sizmticl] adj. scismatico, di scisma. danno, m. ga, f. Scape', [sell epe] v. a. scappare, Scath', [scth^] v. n. danneggia- Schsmat'ically, [szm'aticale'] adv. in modo scismatico. re, guastare, rovinare. fuggire; evitare. Scape'goat, [schpegte] s. ca- Scath'ful, [scath"- fui] adj. danno- Schis'matize, [sizmataize] v. a. fare uno scisma. pro che mettevasi in libert so, distruttivo. solenne espia- Scath'less,[scath2ls] adj. senza Schd'ar , [scleir] s. scolare ; il giorno della dotto, erudito, letterato, m. danno zione fra gli Ebrei, m. Scap'ula, [scpiula] s. omero, m.; Scat'ter, [scteur] v. a. spande- Schd'arlike, [scleurlaiche]af/j". da erudito. re, sparpagliare, dissipare. paletta della spalla, f. Scap'ular, Scap'ulary, [scpiu- Scat'teredly, [scteiirdl] vedi Schol'arshp, [scoleirscip] s. dottrina, scienza, f. lr.scpiulr] ad;, delle spalle. Scatteringly. Scholas'tical. s. Scholas'tic , Scap'ulary, [scpiularj s. sca- Scat'tering , [scateurng] [sclstCjSclstcl] adj. sco spargimento, m. polare, m. Scat'teringly , [scatenrngl] lastico, di scuola. Scar', [scar] s. cicatrice, /. [scolastcal] sparsamente; confusa- Scholas'tically, Scar', [scar] v. a. cicatrizzare, adv. adv. in modo scolastico. far una cicatrice; -, v. n. for- mente. Scat'torling, [scteurling] s. Scho'liast, [sclist] s. scoliamarsi in cicatrice. ste, chiosatore, m. Scar'ab, Scar'abee , [scarab, vagabondo, m. [scvendgeur] s. Scho'lion, Scho'lium, [sclieun, scrbi] s. scarafaggio, scara- Scav'enger, sclieum] s. scolio, breve compaladino, m. beo, m. Scar'amonch, [scramaoutsc] s Scene', [sine] s. scena, f. ; tea- mentario, m._ School', [scule] . scuola, /". ; tro, m. zanni, buffone, i. charitj -, (ree -, scuola libera, Scarce' , [schrse] adj. scarso Sce'nery , [slneure'] s. vista di scherrappresentazione; scena, /. raro. f. ; fencing -, scuola ma, /". ; to go to -, andare alla [snTc Scarce', Scarce'ly , [scherse, Scen'ic, Scen'ical , schersel] adv. scarsamente, snicl] a(/J. scenico; teatrale. scuola; to keep -, tenere scuola. Scenograph'ic,Scenograph'ical, School', [scule] v. a. istruire appena; a fatica, a stento. insegnare; riprendere. [snogrffc, snogrfcal] adj. Scarce'ness, Scar'city,[schrse School'-boy, [scleboi] . scolans, schersite'] s. scarsezza, scenografico. Scenograph'ically , [senogrfl- re; studente, wi. scarsit, /". [scil-dme] s. Scare', [schre] v. a. atterrire, cl] adv. in modo scenografi- School'-dame, maestra di scuoJa,y. co; in prospettiva. spaventare, far paura. Scare'crow, [schrecro] s. spa- Scenog'raphy, [senografd] s. School'-day, [sculde] . giorno di scuola. scenografia; prospettiva, /. ventacchio, spauracchio, m. Scared', [schr'd] adj. atterri- Scent', [sent] s. odore, sentore; Schoor-dTn'ity[scile-divinite] . teologia scolastica, f. odorato; fiuto, m. to, spaventato. Scarf, [scarfj s. ciarpa, banda Scent', [sent] v. a. odorare; fiu- School'-fellow, [scule-flo) s. condiscepolo; compagno, m. tare, annasare; profumare. cintura, f.
. .




ragazza di scuola, f. jchoor-house, [scule-haouse]



[scolde] s. garritrice, Scotch', [sctsce] s. picciol ta* riottosa, f. glio, tagliuzzo, m. Scold', [scolde] v.a.&n. rabbuf- Scotch', [scotsce] v.a.farun picfare borbottare, contendere. ciol taglio, tagliare la super;




Scol'ding, [scolding]




scolastico, m.

Bchool'-master, [scule-raustour]


contendimento; sgridamen- Scotch-col'lops,[scotscecoleups] m. s. pi. (cook.) braciuola di carne

Seol'lcp, [scleup] s. petonchio, fritta, f. maestro di scuola, m. Schoor-mistress[scule-mistres] m. (conchiglia). Scotch-hop'pers, [scotsce-hopSconce', [acnse] s. forte ba- eurs] s. pi. tavoletta,/', (giuoco). s. maestra di scuola, f. Scotfree', [sctfri] adj. franco, Schoor-room, [scule-rume] s. luardo candelabro, m. classe, scuola, f. Sconce, [scense] v. a. fare am- immune. Scot'omy , [scotome'] s. scotoSchoo'ner, [scuneur] s. basti- menda, sottoporre a multa. mia, f. mento a due alberi, wi. Scoop', [scupe] s. paletta, f.

[saiatic Sciat'ic , Sciat'ica , Scoop', [scape] v. a. votare, scasaitic] s. sciatica, /.; aspro vare. dolore, reumatico, m. Scope', [scope] s. scopo; segno; Sciat'ic , Sciat'ical , [saiatic, disegno; fine, m.; libert, /.; salatical] adj. sciatico. campo, m. Sci'ence , [saiense] s. scienza Scop'ulous , [scopiuleiis] adj. dottrina; letteratura, {. pieno di scogli. tScien'tial , Scientific , Scien- Scorbuto', [scorbiite] s. scortif'ical, [saiuscilv sainttc] buto, m. scientifico, Scorbu'tic, Scorbu'tical, [scorsalntficlj adj. dotto. biutic, scrbiuticl] adj. scorScientifically, [saiontificale'] butico. adv. scientificamente. Scorce', [scorse] vedi Scorse. Scim'itar, [smiteur] s. scimi- Scorch', [scortsce] v. a. & n. tarra, storta, /". riardere; abbruciare. Scintil'lant , [sintlant] adj. Scorch'ing, [scrtscing] adj. arscintillante. dente; - fire, s. gran fuoco, m.; Scintl'late , [sntlete] v. n. -, s. riardimento, wi.; adustioscintillare, sfavillare. _ ne, f. Scintilla'tion, [smtlsciein] Scor'dum, [scordieiini] s. {bot.) 8. scintillazione, /". scordio, m. Sci'olism, [saolsm] s. fare da Score', [score] s. conto; scotto, dottorello, m. m.; taglia ventina, /.; risguarSci'olist, [saolist] s. saccentodo rispetto , m.; ragione, /".; ne, semidotto, m. upon a new -, da capo, di nuoSci'olous, [saioleis] adj. seoo, vo; upon the -, in risguardo; saputello. upon what -? per qual ragione?
, ;

Scoun'drel, [scaoiindrel]s. briccone, gaglioffo, m. Scour', [scaur] v. a. & n. forbire; nettare; fregare; to - the country, battere la strada; to - about, vagare, vagabondare; to - away, fuggire via, svignare.

Scou'rer , [scaoureir] s. cavamacchie, m.; guattera,/".; perdigiorno, m. Scoarge', [scheurdge] s. sferza,

frusta, f.; flagello, gastigo, tn. Scourge', [scheurdge] v. a. sforzare, frustare; punire. Scour'ger, [scheurdgeur] s.

sferzatore, flagellatore, gastigatore, m. Scour'ging, [scheiirdging] .fla-

gellamento, m.^gastigazione,f. Scour'ing, [scauring] s. il forbire, m.; uscita; soccorrenza, ^, Scout', [scaut] s. corridore ; battistrada, m. ; vedetta, veletta, f.

Sci'on, [saieinjs. rimessiticcio, to quit -s, saldare il conto. ramicello, m. Score', [score] v. a. segnare, noScir'rhous, [screus] adj. scir- tare mettere in conto to - out, roso, indurato. cassare, cancellare ;<o a wriScir'rhus, [scireus] s scirro, ting, rigare una scrittura. induramento, w. Sco'ria, [scoria] s. scoria, f.; roScs'sible , Scis'sile , [sisibl sticci, m. pi. sisilej ddj. scissile. Sco'rious, [scrieus] adj. pieno Scis'sion, [slsscen] s. scissiodi rosticci; schiumoso. ne; separazione, f. Scorn', [scorn] s. sdegno, diScis'sors, [szeurs] s. pi. forbi- sprezzo scorno. ci; cesoje, f. pi. Scorn', [scorn] v. a. & n. sdeScs'sure,[sissceur] s. scissura; gnare, dispregiare, vilipender e, fessura, f. sprezzare. Sclerot'ic, [sclirtTc] s. (oc.)iScor'ner, [scorneur] s. disprepannicolo duro, giatore, beffatore, m. Scobs', [scobs] s. pi. liinatura Scorn'ful, [scornful] adj. sded' avorio, /. gnoso, sprezzante; altiero. Scoff', [scf J . scherno, ;befl'.i, Scorn'fuUy, [scornfiil] adu.diburla, /. sprezzevolmente sdegnosaScoff, [scf] V. a. sclierniro, mente. beffare, burlare. Scor'ning, [scorning] s. dispreScoffer, [scofeur] s. schernito- giamento, disprezzo, m. re, beflTatore, beffardo, m. Scor'pion , [scorpieiin] s. scorScoffing, [scofing] adj. scher- pione, m. zevole; contumelioso. Scorse', [scorse] s. cambio, baScoffing, [scfing] s. scherno, ratto, m. m.; burla, baja, /. Scot', [scot] s. scotto, in.; parScofflngly, [scfingle'] adv. in te, porzione, /.; - and lot, s. dimodo burlevole, burlescamente. ritti della parrocchia, m. pi.
; ;

Scout', [scaout] V. n. battere le strade; fare la scoperta. Scowl', [scaoilj s. cipiglio, guardo arcigno, m. Scowl', [scaoiil] V. n. increspare le ciglia ; mostrar un viso arcigno. Scow'ling, [scaoling] s. increspamento; guardo arcigno, m. Scow'lingly, [scaoiilingl] adv. con viso arcigno, ritrosamente. Scrab'ble, [scrb'l] v.a. palpeggiare, tastare graffiare -, w. n. andar tastone, brancolare. Scrag', [scrag] s. collo mozzato;

scheletro, m. Scrag'ged, [scraghd]

adj. ru-

vido, scabroso; rozzo; ineguale.


Scrag'giness, [scrghedns, scraghinesj s. macilenza, magrezza ruvidezza, f.


Scrag'gy, [scraghe'] adj. molto magro, scarno. Scram'ble, [scrmbl'] s. aggrappamento; il rampicare, m. Scram'ble, [scrmbl'] v. n. aggrappare, rampicare. Scram'bler, [scrmbreiir] s.cho aggrappa, che rampica. Scranch', [scransce] v. a. sgratolare, rompere co' dentit



Scru'tiny, [scrutine'] s. scrutinio; ricercamento; esame, m. Scrutoire', [.scrutiloirej s. scrittojo, studiolo,

Scrap', [scrap] s. pezzo, fram- Screw'-tap, [scrii-tap] s. mamento; rimasuglio, m. ; - of schio della madrevite, m. Scrib'hle, [scrib'l] s. scarabocpaper, pezzetto di carta, m. Scrape' , [scrpe] s. difficol- chio, m.; cattiva scritta, f. Scrib'hle , [scrib'l] v. a. & n. ta, f. Scrape', [screpe] v. a. raschiare, scarabocchiare, scrivere male. v. n. Scrib'bler, [scrb'leir] s. scritgrattare, rastiare; strimpellare, raspare, razzola- toraccio, m. scriba; s. re fo - al the door, raschiare Scribe', [scraibe] dottore (della legge); scrivaalla porta; to - out, radere, cancellare; to -tip, accumula- no; scrittore, m. Scrine', [scraine] s. scrigno,. re, ammassare. Scrape'penny , [screpepen] s. Scrip', [scrip] s. bisaccia, /.; sacchetto, m. cedola, f. spilorcio, avaro, m. Scra'per , [scrper] s. rastia- Scrip'page, [scripedge] s. contenuto d' un sacchetto, m. tojo; cattivo suonatoro, m. Scra'ping, [scraping] s. rastia- Scrip'tory , [scripteir] adj. piccol dello scritto. tura raschiatura, f. Scrip'tural, [scrTptceural] adj. profitto, m. Scratch', [scratsce] s. graffiatu- scritturale, della scrittura sara, f.; graffio, m. cra. Scratch', [scriitsce] v. a. gratta- Scrip'ture, [scrptceur] .scrittura sacra, f. re, graffiare; cancellare; to Scrip'turist, [scriptceirst] s. one's self, grattarsi. Scratch'er,[scrtsceur] s. sgraf- uno versato nelle Scritture Sacre. fiato re, m. Scratch'es , [scratsces] s. pi Scriv'ener, [scrivneur] s. scrivano; notajo; sensale, m. (vet.) reste, /. pi. Scratch'ingly,(scrtscingle']a(/v. Scrofula, [scrofiula] s. scrofo, ; ; , ;


Scruze', [scruze] v. a. incalzare; serrare (volgare). Scud', [sched] s. rovescio, m.; subita pioggia, f. Scud', [scheud] v. a. svignare; fuggire via; to - along, affrettarsi.

Scud'dle, [scheiid'l]u. n. correre con promura affottata(vo/f7are). Scuffle, [scheufl] s. barulTa; contosa, rissa, f. Scuffle , [scheiiri] v. n. abbaruffarsi; azzuffarsi, riottare.

Sculk', [scheulche] v.n. nascondersi; codiare. Scul'ker, [scheulcheur] s. chi si nasconde per codardia, m. Seuil', [schelj s. cranio; piccol remo, m.; barchetta, f. Scull'-cap, [scheul-cp] s. morione, m.; celata; cuffia di
tela, /

Scul'ler, [schuleiir]



con un barcaiuolo solo, m. Scul'lery, [scheuleiirj s. lava-




la, f.


scarahoc- Scrofulous, cattivo carattere di scrit- scrofoloso.

v. a.


tojo, m. adj. Scul'lion,

tura, ni.



[schulieun] s. guattero,n.;guattera fdi cucina), ^ (di Sculp'tile,[scheulptane] a(/j. in-

Scrawl', [scroi]

tagliato, scolpito. carta); cartello, m. chiare, scrivere male. Scrub', [screib] s. gaglioffo, m.; Sculp'tor, [scheulpteir] s. scultore, m. Scraw'ler, [scroleur] s. catti- scopa, /. vo scrittore, m. Scrub', [screSb] r. a. strofinare; Sculp'ture , [scheiilptceir] . scultura, /.; intaglio, m. Scray', [scr| s. rondine di mafregare ben bene. Scrub'bed,Scrub'by, [screibed, Sculp'ture, [scheulptceiir] v. a. re, /. (uccello). Screak', [seriche] s. cigolio, ci- screb] adj. cattivo, abbietto, scolpire, intagliare.


golamento, m. Screak', [seriche]

v. n. cigola-

Scum',[scheiim] .schiuma, spu-

[screvibeur] s. fregare; stridere. toro, strofinatore, m. Screaking, [scriching] s. cigo- Sci'u'ple, [scrpl"] s. scrupolo (dor, m. lamento, m. dubbio, peso di venti grani, m. Scream', [scrime] s. strido, stri- Scru'ple, [scrupl'] v. n. fare Scream', [scrimej v. n. gridare, scrupolo; dubbiare. stridere, strillare. Scru'pler,_ Scru'pulist, [scri;





full of



moso, spumoso. Scum', [scheum] v. a. schiumare; tor via la schiuma. Scum'ber, [scheiimbeur] s. sterco di volpe, m.

Scum'mer, [scheimour]



Screa'ming, [scriming]



pler, scriipLlist]



do, stridore, m. Scup'per-holes[scheupeur-holes so, dubbioso, m. [scritsce] s. grido, Scrupulos'ity, [scriipiilosite'] s. s. pi. buchi sul ponte d'una , strido, stridore, m. scrupolosit, [.; scrupolo, dub- nave, m. pi. Screech', [scritsce] v. n. squit- bio, m. Scurf, [scheiirf] s. tigna, forfotire, gridar con voce acuta. Scru'pulous, [scriipi51eus] adj. ra; scabbia, crosta (di piaga); Screech'-owl, [scritsciaoul] s. scrupoloso, dubbioso. rogna, f. civetta, /. Scru'pulously, [scrupi51esl] Scur'finess, [scheurfines] .tiScreen' , [serine] s. ricovero gna, eruzione cutanea, /. adv. scrupolosamente.

paravento, parafuoco; crivello Scru'pulousness, [scrSpiiileisda sabbia, i. nes] vedi Scrupulosity. Screen', [scrine] u. a. coprire; Scru'table, [scrtabl'Jarfj.scrunascondere vagliare difen- tabile. dere, proteggere. [scriitscieiin] s. Scruta'tion, Screw', [scr s. vite, /". cork -, scrutinio, mi.; ricerca, f.; esas. cavasughero, m. me, m. Screw', [scru] v. a fissare con Scruta'tor, Scrutineer', [scrutuna vite, faro entrare girando teiir, scrutinire] .scrutatore; to - uj) one's /ace, contorcere il ricercatore; esaminatore, m. viso: to - in, fare entrare, in Scru'tinize, [scrtinaize] v. a. trodurre; to - out, cavare fuo- scrutinare cercare esaminare. ri; disfare; to - up, serrare a Scru'tinous, [scrutineusj adj. vite, strignere; opprimere. che scrutina.
; ;

Scur'fy, [scheurf] adj. tignoso, scabbioso. Scur'rile, [scheurl] vedi Scurrilous.

Scurril'ity, [scheurlite'] .scurrilit, buffoneria; ingiuria, villania, f. Scur'rilous , [scheiirneus] adj. ingiurioso; vile, basso.
[scheSrlcisle'] Scur'rilously , adv. in modo abusivo ingiuriosamente. Scur'rilousness[scheiirileusnes] vedi Scurrility.




Scur'vily, [scheurvile] adv. bn;t- Sea'-fowl, [s-faule]

s. uccello visitare; esaminare; frugare, tamente, vilmente, grossolana- marino, m. frugacchiare; provare; to - a Sea'-green, [s-grlne] adj. del U'ound, tentare una ferita; to mente. Scur'viness , [scheurvines] s. colore del mare. after, ricercare, cercare, incattivezza, malignit, vilt, /. Sea'-gall, [s-ghoul] s.mugnajo, chiedere; to - into, inchiedere wi. (uccello). Scnr'vy , [scheurve'] s. scorbu- gabbiano, esaminare; penetrare; to - out, to, m, Sea'-hog , [si-hog] s. porcello faro una ricerca esatta. Scur'vy, [scheurve] adj. cattivo, marino, m. Search'able, [seurtsciabr] adj. ribaldo, vile; tristo; - trick, s. Sea'-horse, [sl-horse] s. cavallo che si pu cercare. tiro da briccone, m. marino, m. Search'er, [seurtsceir] s. ricerScur'vy-grass, [scheurvigrs] s. Seal', [sile] s. sigillo, suggello; catore; visitatore, m. gramigna, f. vitello marino, m.; under hand Search'ing , [seirtscTng] adj. Scut', [schtit] s. coda (d' una and -,segnato e sigillato under penetrativo; pronto; -, s. cer; ;

the - of secrecy, sotto sigillo ca, ricerca, /. di confessione. s. scuSearch'less,[seurtsceles] ad;, inscrutabile. Seal', [sile] v. a. sigillare, sugScu'tiform, [schitiform] adj. a gellare; confermare. Sear'-cloth, [sTre-clth-] s. immodo di scudo. Sealer, [sleir] s. sigillato- piastro, cerotto, m. Scuttle, [scheut'l] s. graticola, re, m. Sear'edness, [slre-dnes] s. secchezza, aridit; sterilit; in/.; gran paniere, m.; tramoggia Sea'ling-wax, [sileng-ouacs] s. di mulino, /.; -s. pi. {mar.) bocceralacca, cera di Spagna, f. sensibilit, /". caporto, m. Seal'-ring, [silrng] s. anello Sea'-robber, [si-robeur] s. piraScut'tle, [scheiafl] v. n. andare da sigillare, m. ta, m. qua e l. Seam', [sime] s. cucitura; con- Sea'-room , [si-rme] s. alta Scythe', [saitli^e] s. falce, f. giuntura; cicatrice, f. mare, largo, m. Sea' , [s] s. mare, oceano, m.; Seam', [sime] v. a. cucire; giu- Sea'-rover, [si-r5veur] s. corsaby - and larid, per mare e por gnere; cicatrizzare. le, pirata, m. terra; main -, alto mare; to go Sea'-maid , [s-mde] s. sire- Sea'-serpent, [si-seurpent] s. to - , andar sul mare; to put na, f. serpe di mare, f. out to -, far vela. Sea'-man, [si-man] s. marina- Sea'-servicG, [si-seurvs] s. serSea'-bar, [si-bar] s. rondine di vizio navale, m.
coniglio), f. Scutch'eon, fscheiitceun] do, m.; {lock.) toppa, f,
lepre, d'


mare, f. Sea'manshp, [sl-mnscip] s. Sea'-shark, [si-scirc] s. pesce Sea'-beat, Sea'-beaten, [si-bite, abilit neir arte della navigacane, m. si-bit'n] adj. agitato dal mare. zione, f. Sea'-shell, [si-scl] 5. guscio di Sea'-boat, [si-bote] s. nave, /".; Sea'-mark, [si-mare] . {mar.) pesce marino, m. naviglio, legno, m. segnale, m. Sea'-shore, [si-scire] s. spiag Sea'-born , [si-born] adj. nato Sea'-mew, [si-mii] s. gabbiano, gi, costa del mare, f. dal mare. mugnajo, m. (uccello). Sea'>sick , [si-sic] adj. maregSea'-bound, Sea'-circled, Sea'- Seam'less, [smels] adj. senza giato; to be -, mareggiarsi. girt, [si baoiind, si-seurcl'd, si- sutura. Sea'-sickness, [si-scns] s. mal gbcrtja^/j.circondato dal mare. Sea'monster , [simonsteur] s. di mare, m. Sea'-boy , [si-boi] s. mozzo di mostro marino, m. Sea'-side, [si-sade] s. lido del nave, m. Seam'stress, [smstrs] s. cuci- maro, m.; spiaggia, /". Sea'-breach, [sl-britsce] s. rot- trice, sartora,/". Sea'son, [siz'n] s. stagione, f.; tura del mare, f. Sea'my, [sm] dj. pieno di cu- tempo opportuno condimenSea'-breeze, [si-brize] s. vento citure, cucito. to, m.


mare, m.

Sea'-calf, [s-cif ] rino, m. (pesce).



Sean', [sine] pescare, f.

Sea'-captain,[si-captene] s. capitano di naviglio, m. Sea'- chart, [si-cirt] s. carta da navigare, f.

Sea'-coal , [s-cle] s. carbon fossile trasportato dal maro,m. Sea'-coast, [s-cste] s. costa del mare, /. (bussola, /".

Sea'-com'pass, [sl-cheumps] s. Sea'-cow, [si-chaou] s. vacca marina, /. (pesce). Sea'-dog, [si-dg] s. pesce cane, m. Sea'-farer, [s-frear] s. marinaro, m. Sea'-faring, [sl-fring] adj. che va per mare; - man, s. marinaro, m.
Sea'-fennel, [s-fnl] chio marino, m.
Sea'-flght, [s-faite]
s. s.


sagena, rete da Sea'son, [sz'n] v. a. condire: accostumare; -, v. n. essere Sea'-nymph, [si-nimf] s. ninfa opportuno. del mare, f. Sea'sonable, [siz'nabl] adj. di Sea'-onion,[s-eiiniein]s. squil- stagione; opportuno. la, f. Sea'sonableness, [sz'nablns] Sea'-oozO; [s-uze] s. melma del s opportunit, occasione,/' mare, f. Sea'sonably, [siz'nable) adv. Sea'-piece, [s-pse] s. marina; opportunamente; acconciamenveduta di mare, f. te; a proposito. Sea'-pool , [si-ple] lago Sea'soner, [siz'neir] s. stagio$. d' acquo salse, m. natore; che infonde, m. Sea'-port, [si-prt] s. porto di Sea'soning, [sz'nng] s. stagiomare, m. namento condimento, m. Sear', [sire] adj. secco, arido Sea'-surgeon, [si-seiirdgeun] . morto. cerusico di nave, m. Sear', [sire] v. a. arrossare con Seat', [site] s. sedia,/".; seggio; ferro rovente. banco, m.; scena; tribuna; siSearce', [sirse] s. staccio fine tuazione, f.; bishop's -, seggio crivello, m. vescovile, m.; country -, villa, Searce', [sirse] v. a. stacciare; casa di campagna, /.; - of jucrivellare. stice, tribunale, m. Search', [seurtsce] s. inchiesta, Seat', [site] v. a. situare; coUo^


timento navale, m.

ricerca; inquisizione, f. care stabilire. Search', [seurtsce] v.a. cercare, Sea'-torm, [si-teurm]










ne marinaresco, termine di ma- Se'cretly, [slcrtle'] adv. segre- Sed'iment, [sediment] s. sedimento, m.; posatura, feccia, /. tamente, con segretezza. rina, m. [sidscieun] s. sediSea'-Toyage,[si-vodge] s. viag- Se'cretness, [scrtns] s. se- Sedit'ion gretezza, /.; mistorio, m. zione, sollevazione, /.; scompigio per mare,_m.

Sea'ward , [siouourd] adv. in Secre'tory, [scriteure'] adj. se- glio, w.; fazione, /. Sedit'ionary , [sidiscieunare'] cretorio, di secrezione. alto mare, verso il mare. s. Sect', [sect] s. setta, f. adj. sedizioso. [siouteiir] Sea'-water , sal- Secta'rian , [sctrin] adj. di Sedit'ious, [sldiscieis] adj. seacqua acqua marina, dizioso, fazioso. setta: -, s. settario, m. sa, /. Sea'-weed , [sloulde] s. (hot.) Sec'tarism, [sctarsmj s. spiri- Sedit'iously, [sidiscieiisl] adu. sediziosamente, tumultuariato di fare setta, m. aliga, f. Sea'-worthy, [s-oueurth'] arlj. Sec'tary, [sctare] s.settario,m. mente. adattato per faro un viaggio Secta'tor, [scttair] s. setta- Sedit'iousness, [sidTscieisnes] V. tendenza alla sedizione, /. tore; discepolo, m. di mare (detto di un bastiSec'tion,(scscieiin] s. sezione, Seduce', [sidise] v. a. sedurre; mento). corrompere. Sebaceous, [sbescieis] adj. se- divisione, f. baceo. Sec'tor, [scteiir] s. settore; Seduce'ment , [sdiusemnt] s. seducimento, w.; seduzione, /. Se'cant, [sicnt] s. (geom.) se- compasso di proporzione, rn. Sec'ular, [schiulr] adj. seco- Sedu'cer, [sidiiser] s. seduttocante, f. mondano; re, corruttore, m. temporale, Secede', [ssTde] v. ft. ritirarsi; lare; Sedu'cible, [sidiusibl'] adj. sesepararsi, dividersi. laico. Sece'der, [ssider] s. che si ri- Secular'ty, [sechiularit] s. se- ducibile. tira; discordante, colarit, /.; cose mondane,/, pi. Sedu'cing, [sidiusng] s. il seSecern', [siseiru) v. a. separa- Secnlariza'tion, [schiulrize- durre, ni.; seduzione, /. Seduc'tion, [sldoucscieun] s. sescien] s. secolarizzazione, f. re: mettere da banda ; -, v. n. Sec'ularize, [sechi ulraize] v.a. duzione, /.; seducimento, m. separarsi. Seduc'tive, [sideictv] adj. seSeces'sion, [sisesciein] s. sepa- secolarizzare. razione, f. Sec'ularly, [schiularl] adv. in ducente. Seclude', [sTclide] v. a. e.'Jclu- modo secolaresco , mondana- Sedu'lity, [sidiulito'] s. sedulit, diligenza; esattezza, /. dore: eccettuare. mente. Seclu'sion, [sicliiigeiin] s. esclu- Sec'ularness, [schiulrnes] s. Sedulous, [sdiileiis] adj. assiduo, diligente; esatto, accurato. sione, f. vanit mondana, f. Sec'ond. fscheund] adj. secon- Sec'undary, [schendare'] adj. Sedulously, [sdiiilesl] adv. assiduamente, con diligenza. do: - hand, usato; di riscontro; secondario. - rate, s. secondo grado, secon- Sec'undine, [sechoiindaine] s. Sed'ulousness, [sdiiilesns] s. assiduit, diligenza. /. do ordii\e, m.; - sif/ht, s. pre- secondina, /. conoscenza del futuro, f. Secure', [sichiure] adj. sicuro, See', [si] sede, sedia; dignit episcopale,/.; bishop's -, seggio Seu'ond, [schend] s. secondo; salvo; assicurato. episcopale, m.; holy -, sede apodifensore, protettore, m.; ses- Secure', [sichiiire] v a. salvare; santesima parte fd' un minuto, preservare assicurare ; proteg- stolica, /. gere; arrestare, imprigionare ; See', [si] V. a. irr. (saw; seen) d' un grado), f. vedere; comprendere, conosceSec'ond, [seclieund] v. a. se- to - one's self, salvarsi. condare ajutare, proteggere, Secure'ly, [sicbiirel] adv. si- re ; osservare; scoprire; -,v.n. curamente. irr. aver l'occhio: informarsi ; favorire. Sec'ondarily , [secheundaril] Secure'ment, [sichiiremnt] s. esser attento; / will-you home, assicuramento, m.; pi-otezione, vi condurr a casa; - what he adv. nei secondo ordine. u-ants, domandategli quel che Sec'ondary, [scheiindare] adj. difesa, f. ^ secondario, accessorio - cause, Secure'ness, [sichiiirenes] s. vuole; to - one another, vedersi; visitarsi; <6 let -, far vedesicurezza; fiducia, fidanza,/. s. causa accessoria, f. Sec'ondary, [schendare'] s. Secu'rity, [sichiurite'] s. sicur- re, mostrare to go to -, andare a vedere, visitare: to - for, rideputato, delegato, m. t, sicurezza; malleveria; dicercare, cercare; to - into, peSec'ondly , [scheiindle'] adv. fesa, /. secondamente, in secondo luogo. Sedan', [sidn] s. seggiola, se- netrare, investigare; to - to, investigare. Se'crecy, [slcris] .segretezza; dia portatile, /. solitudine, f. Sedate', [sidte] adj. sedato, See'! [si] int. ecco! ecco qui! Seed', [side] s. seme, semente, m.; Se'cret , [sicret] adj. segreto, quieto, tranquillo. sementa, semenza; fig. cagiono, occulto; privato: in -, in se- Sedate'ly, [sidetel] ad. trangreto, segretamente. quillamente. /. ; to run to -, fare il tallo, talSe'cret, [sicrt] s. segreto, mi- Sedate'ness, [sidtens]s. tran- lire. steri, m. quillit; moderazione, /.; san- Seed', [sidtf] v. n. granare, far il granello, tallire. Sec'retary, fsecritare'] s. segre- gue freddo, m. tario, secretario; -"s office, s. Sed'ative, [sdativ] adj. sedati- Seed'-cake, [side-chche] s. focaccia di semi aromatici, /. segreteria,^. vo, calmante. Sec'retaryship, fsecritare'scip] Sed'entariness, [sedntarins] Seed'-corn, [sfde-crn] . grano da seminare, m. s. vita sedentaria, /. s. uffzio di segretario, m. Secrete', [sicrltc] v. a. nascon- Sed'entary, [sedntare'] adj. se- Seed'lng, [sideling] s. pianticella, /. (semenzajo, m. dere, celare; separare. dentario; life, s. vita sedenSeed'Ung-bed, [sdellng-bed] s. Secre'tion, Isicrsciein] s. se- taria, /. Seed'-lip, Seed'-lop, [side-llp, crezione, separazione, /. Sedge', [sedge] s. giunco, m. Sec'retist, [scritist] s. ciarla- Sed'gy , [sedgj adj. pieno di side-lp] s. sacco da porvi il erano, m. giunchi. tano, tn.

Seed'-pearl, [sTdo-peurlJ


Self-conceit'edness,[slf-consitdns] s. presunzione, arroganza, ostentazione, f. Self-defence' , [self-difnse] s. difesa propria, f. Self-deni'al , [slf-dinail] , astinenza; mortificazione, f. Self-destruc'tion[slf-dTstreucscieiin] s. distruzione propria,/". Self'ends, [self-nds] s. interesse proprio, m. Self-ev'ident, [self-evident] adj. chiaro, manifesto. Self-ex'cellence,[slf-cslnsel s. eccellenza naturalo, /". Self-heal, [slf-hile] s.{phar.) sanicula, /". Self-in'terest, fslf-interest] g. interesse proprio, m. Sel'fish, [slfisce] adj. interessato proprio - man, s. taccagno, m. Sel'fishly, [selfscel] adv. in modo interessato. Sel'flshness, [self iscnes] s. proprio interesse; amor proprio,^.

se- See'ther, [sith'ur]


di perla,


Seed-plot, [sideplot] zajo, m.






cante di semi, m. Seed'-time, [side-taime] s. tempo del seminare, m,; sementa,/". Seed'-vessel, [side-vesel] s. pericarpio che contiene i semi,m. Seg'ment , [segment] s. seraSeed'y, [side] rfj. granoso, pie- mento, m. no di granelli, logoro, misera- Seg'regate, [segrighete] v. a. segregare, spartire. bile. See'ng, [siTng] s. il vedere, w.; Segrega'tion, [sgreghscieiin] vista, jf. s. separazione, f. See'ng, See'ing-that, [sing, Seigneu'rial, [siniril] wj. sisiing-th't] con'}, poich, men- gnoresco, di signore.
tre che. Seek', [siche] r. a irr. {sought; sought) cercare, ricercare; domandare; -, V. n. irr. informarsi; sforzarsi; to - one's ruin, tramare T altrui rovina; io - after, cercare, chiedere ar-

. pentola, pignatta, f. See'thing , [sith'Tng] adj. bogliente, bollente cocente. See'thing, [sitii'ng] s. bollimento, wi.; lessatura, f. See'thing-pot, [sith'ing-pt] s. pentola, pignatta, /". Segar', [sigr] s. sigaro, w.

Seign'ior, [smiiir] s. signore,TO. Seign'iory, [siniire'] s. signoria, /.; diritto feodale, m. Seign'orage, [siniurdge] s. si-

gnoraggio, w. Seign'orize, [siniuraze] signoreggiare; dominare.

v. a.

Self-love', [self-] e live] s. amor Seize', [size] v. a. prendere, piaver ricorso. proprio, amor di s stesso, m. cercatore, gliare, See'ker, [sicheur] s. acchiappare; usurpare; Self-lov'ing, [slf-leivng] adj. staggire, ricercatore, m. sequestrare; assalire. che ama s stesso. See'king , [slchng] s. cerca; Sei'zin, [sizn] .Tatto di pi- Self-moved', [slf-miiv'd] adj. gliar perquisizione, (. possessione, m.; posses- volontario, spontaneo. Seek'-sorrow , [sichesoro] s. sione, f. Self-mur'der, [slf-meurdeiir] s. Sei'zure, [sigeure] s. staggina, omicidio di s stesso, m.. tormentatore di s stesso, w. /.; sequestro, m. Seel', [sile] v. a. accigliare (un Self-mur'derer , [slf-meirSejunc'tion, [sldgeuncsciein] s. deureur] s. omicida di s stesfalcone); (m^jf.) barcollare. disgugnimento, m.; separazio- so, m. Seel', Seel'ing, [sile, slng] s. ne, f. (poco usato). {mar.) barcollamento, m. Self-preserva'tion , [slf-prSee'ly , [sle'l adj. fortunato; Sel'dom , [seldeiim] adv. rara- zeurvescieun] s. conservazione mente, di rado. mentecatto, follo. propria, f. Seem', [sime] v. n. parere, sem- Serdomness, [soldeimues] s. Self-same' , [self-sme] pro, rarezza, rarit, singolarit, f. desso, quello stesso. brare, apparire; it seems to me, Select', [silct] adj. scelto ec- Self-suffic'iency, mi pare. [slf-seiifisSeem'er, [slmeir] s. dissimula- cellente. ciens] s. presuntuosit, arSelect', [silect] v. a. scegliere, tore, ipocrita, m. roganza, /. Seem'ing, [simng] adj. appa- eleggere. Self-suffic'ient[slf-seufiscint] rente; - s. sembianza, appa- Selec'tion, Select'ness, [silc- adj. presuntuoso, arrogante. scieun, silctns] s. scelta, /".; Self-wiir, [slf-ouil] s. ostinarenza, f. Seem'ingly, [simingl] adv. in sceglimento, m. zione, caparbiet, f. Selec'tor, [silcteir] s. scegli- Self-willed', [slf-ouird] adj, apparenza, verisimilmente. Seem'ingness , [simngns] s. tore, m. ostinato, caparbio. apparenza; plausibilit, verisi- Sel'enitd, [selinaite] s. seleni- Self-wise' , [slfouaize] adj.

dentemente; to - (or, adope- Seine', [sine] s. scorticarla, /. rarsi per ottenere; to - OMt, an- Sei'zable, [sizabP] adj. che dar cercando; to - to, ricorrere, pu staggire.


miglianza, f. Seem'liness, [simelines] s. decenza; grazia,/". Seem'ly, [simel] adj. decente; convenevole; -, adv. decente mente, convenevolmente pro priamente. Seer', [sire] s. profeta, indovi no, m. Seer'wood, [sreound] s. legno secco, m. See'saw, [siso] s. altalena, /".; barcollamento reciproco, w. See'saw, [siso] v. n. altalenare; tracollare.


presuntuoso, vanaglorioso. Seleaograph'- Seir, [si] V. a. irr. {sold: sold) ical, [selinogrfic, slinogrfivendere; spacciare; trafficare; cl] adj. selenografico. to - too dear sopravvendere. Selenog'raphy, [selinograf] s. Sel'lander , [slndeiir] s. maselenografia, descrizione della landra, giarda, /".; giardone, m.









Seir, [self] pron. {selves, pi.) mercante, m. medesimo, stesso, proprio one' s Sel'ling, [sling] s. vendita, -, s stesso ourselves, noi mespaccio, ^ vendimento, m.

Sel'vage, Sel'vedge, [slvdge, slvdge] s. orlo, lembo, m.: beiistieun ] s. combustione corda (del panno), f. spontanea, f. Selves', [selves] pi. di Self. Self-conceit' , [self-cnsite] s. Sem'blable , [smblable] adj. presunzione, vanagloria, /. Beeth', [sith'e] v. a. & n. irr simile, simigliante. {seethed, sod sodden) fare bol- Self-conceit'ed, [self-consitd] Sem'blably, [smblable'] adv. siadj. presuntuoso, arrogante; to lire; bollire; to - over, bollire milmente simigliantemente, be -, aver gran presunzione. fuori; fervere. parimente.






no, m.


Sem'blance, [semWiinse] s. si- Semp'stress , [sempstrs] vedi miglianza, apparenza; confor- Seamstress. Sen'ary, [sonare'] adj. senario. rait, (. Sem'blant, [semblant] adj. si- Sen'ate, [sente] s. senato parlamento, m, mile, simiglievole; pari. Sem'blative , [semblativ] adj. Sen'ate-house, [seneteliause]s. assemblea de' primati, f. simigliaate; pari. Sem'ble, [sembl'] v. a. rassomi- Sen'ator, [snateur] s. senatore, m. gliare, rappresentare. Sem'i, [smi] adj. semi, mezzo. Senato'rial , [senatorial] adj. senatorio, di senatore. Semian'nular, [sraniilr]

giudizio, sen-

adj. semicircolare.

Sem'ibreve,[smibrive]s.(mus.) semibreve, /. (raicircolo, in.

Semicir'cle, [semiseurcl]


Semicir'clod , Semicir'cular [semiseurcrd, semiseiircMulr]

adj. semicircolare.

sSemico'lon , [smicleQ] punto e virgola, m. Semidiam'eter[smidaiamiteur] s. semidiametro, m. Semidiapli'anous, [smidaif-

Sen'sibly, [sensible'] adv. sensibilmente, col senso. Sen'sitive, [snsitivj adj. sensitivo, che ha senso, di senso; plant, s. sensitiva, /. Sen'sitively, [snsitvle'] adv. in modo sensitivo. Senso'rium, Sen'sory, [sensrieum, sensore] s. organo del Senato'rially, [senatoriale'] adv. senso, m, da senatore. Sen'sual , [sonsciil] adj. senSenato'rian, [senatorin] vedi suale; voluttuoso, lascivo. Senatorial. Sen'sualst, s. [snsciulst] Seu'atorship, [senateurscip] s. uomo voluttuoso, m. uffizio di senatore, m. Sensual'ity , [sensciualite'] s. Send', [send] v. a. irr. (sent sensualit; volutt, f. sent) mandare; inviare; spedi- Sen'sualize,[snsciiialaize] v.a. re; to - away a letter, spedire rendere sensualo. una lettera; to - toord, avvisa- Sen'sually, [sensciuale'] adv. re, far sapere; to - away, lisensualmente, secondo il senso; cenziare; spedire; to - hack, con volutt.

rimandare; to - for, mandare Sen'suous, [sensciiius] adj. tea cercare: to - in, far entrare, nero, appassionato. introdurre. Sen'tence, [sontnse] s. sentensemidoppio. adj. Sen'der, [sendeur] s. mandatoza; decisione giudizio; Semiflu'id, [smifliTd] f. ; re, inviatore, m. motto, m. mezzo fluido. Semilu'nar , Semilu'nary Sen'ding, [sending] s. il man- Sen'tence, [sentnse] v. a. sendare inviamento, m. tenziare giudicare, condan[semiliiinar, semiliunr] adj. Senes'cence, [sinsnse] s. vec- nare. semilunare. Semimet'al, [semimetall .mez- chiezza, vecchiaja, decrepitez- Senten'tial, [sntenscil] adj. za, /. sentenzioso. zo metallo, m. Sem'inal, [seminal] adj. semi- Sen'eschal, [senscial] s. sini- Sententios'ity, [sentensciosite'] scalco, m. s. motto breve, laconismo, m. nale, di seme.
aneus] adj. semitrasparente.

Semidou'ble, [smidubr]



s. Se'nile , [sinale] adj. senile, [sminlit] , vecchio. virt produttrice, {. Sem'narist, [seminarist] s. se- Senirity,[snilit]s. vecchiaia,/'. Se'nior, [sinieur] s. seniore, m. m.inarista, m. Sem'inary, [seminare'] s. semi- Senior'ity, [sinirit] s. priorit, anzianit, f. nario, semenzaio, m. Sem'inate, [sminet] v. a. se- Sen'na, [sona] s. (phar.) sena, senna, f. minare, propagare. Semina'tion, [sminescieiu] s. Sen'nigit, [senit] s. settimana, seminazone, {.; il seminare, m. /.; sette giorni e sette notti, pi.; Seminiric, Seminif'ical, [srai- this day -, oggi a otto. nific, sminficl] adj. che pro- Sensa'tiou, [sensescieun] s. sensazione, percezione, /".; senso,wi. duce seme. Sominiflca'tion , [seminifich- Sense', [sense] s. senso sentimento ; intelletto, giudizio scieun] s. produzione del seme senno, il sapere, m.; prudenza, propagazione, f. Semiopa'cous, [semiopcheus] sapienza, f.; man of great -, s. to uomo di gran senno, m. adj. mezzo opaco. Semip'edal , [smipdl] adj. speak good - parlar con giu; ; ; ;

Senten'tious, [sntnscias]ai/j. sentenzioso, energico. Senten'tiously, [sntnsciusle'] adv. sentenziosamente, giudiziosamente. [sntenSenten'tiousness , sciusns] s. acuta sentenza, f. Sen'tient, [snscint] adj. sensibile, sensitivo.

Sen'timent, [sentiment] s. sentimento, pensiero, m.; opinione,


Sentimen'tal, [sentirantl]ady. di sentimento. Sentimen'tally, [sentimentale] adv. con sentimento. Sentimental'ity [sentimentality] s. afl'ettazione di sentimento, f. Sen'tinel, Sen'try , [sentinel,
sntre']s. sentinella, guardia./.;

d'un mezzo piede.


[smipliilsd] Sense'fnl, [senseful] adj. sensaSemipellu'cid , to, giudizioso, ragionevole. arfj. mezzo trasparente, alquanSense'less , [sensels] adj. into trasparente. Semiqtia'ver, [somqueveur] s. sensato, forsennato. (mws.) semicroma, /.; mezzo Senselessly , [snselesle] adv senza giudizio; scioccamente, trillo, m. Semispber'ical, [semsfricl] pazzamente. adj. semisferico, mezzo sferico. Sense'lessness, [senselsnes] s Sem'itone, [semitone] s. (mus.) stupidezza, sciocchezza, follia, pazzia, f. semituono, mezzo tuono, m. s. [snsiblit] Semivow'el, [smivaoul] s. se- Sensibirity sensibilit, /. mivocale, mezza vocale, f. [smpiteurnal] Sen'sible, [snsibl'] adj. sensiSempiter'nal, bile; giudizioso convinto, peradj. sempiterno, eterno. Sempiter'nity, [sempiteirnite] suaso. [sensibrus] s. Sen'sibleness, . sempiternit, eternit, /.
, ;

keep sentry,


sland sen-

try, fare la guardia. Sen'try-box , [sntre'-bocs] s. casotto di sentinella, m.; veletta,


Separabil'ity, [separabilite] s. divisibilit; disunione, divisione,

Sep'arable, [s'parabl'] adj. se-


parabile, divisibile. [sparabl'ns] , vedi Separability.

Sep'arate, [spavett;] adj. separato, disunito; distinto; parti'


Sep'arate, [sparote]

v. a.





parare, disgiugnero, disunire, Se'quence, [siquoiise] s.seguen-lSer'mountain, [seurmauntene] s. (hot.) silio, m.; fusaggine, f. za, serio, /".; ordine, m spartire; -, v. n. separarsi, diSe'quent, [siqunt] adj. seguen- Seros'ity, [sirsite'] s. scrosit, sunirsi, spartirsi. sierosit, f. Sep'arately , [sparetele'] adv. te, successivo. Seques'ter, [siquesteur] v. a. Se'rous , [sireus] adj. sieroso, separatamente, a parte. stag- acqueo. Sep'arateness, [separetenes] s. sequestrare , separare Ser'pent, [seurpent] s. serpe,/".; gire. separazione; distinzione, f. Separa'tion , [spariscioun] s. Seques'tra'ble,[slquestrabr]arfj, serpente, m. Ser'pentary Sorpenta'ria separazione, disunione, /. che pu essere staggito. [seurpnteria, seirpentary] s. s. Seques'trate, [squstrete] v. a. Sep'aratist, [separatist] sequestrare, separare -, v. n. (bot.) serpentaria, f. scismatico, m. Ser'pentine, [seurpntaine] adj. Sep'arator, [separeteiirl s. se- allontanarsi dal mondo. paratore, divisore, dividito- Sequestra'ticn[siqustresceun] di serpe; serpeggiante; - stone, s. serpentino, m. re, m. s. sequestrazione, f. ; staggiSer'pentine, Ser'pentize, [seurSep'aratory, [sparateur] adj. mento, m. Sequestra'tor, [slquestreteir] pntaine, seurpentazej v. a. separatorio, dividente. chi staggi- serpeggiare. Se'pia, [sipia] s. seppia, /. s. chi sequestra;
; , , ;

Serpig'inous , [seirpfdgineus] Se'poy, fsipoi] s. soldato india- sce, m. no, indigeno, m. Seragl'io , [srlio] s. serra- adj. infetto di serpigine. Serpi'go, [seurpaig] s. serpiSept', [sept] s. schiatta, razza; glio, m. gine, impetigine, f. famiglia, f. Ser'aph, [seraf] s. serafino, m. Septan'gle, [septangr]s.(ffe07n.) Seraph'ic, Seraph'ical, [srf ic, Ser'rate , Ser'rated , [serte, settangolo, m. srfcl] adj. serafico, di se- srtd] adj. dentato, fatto a foggia di sega. Septangular, [septnghiilar] rafino. adj. settangolare. Ser'apMm, [srfim] s. serafini, Sor'rature, [sratceur] s. den-




ni. pi.


Sere', [sire] adj. secco, morto. adj. Serenade', [srincde] s. serena

settenario, di sette. ta, f. Septen'nial, [sptnial]orfj. set- Serenade', [srinede] v. a. fare tennale, dell'eia di sette anni. una serenata. Septen'trion, [sptentvieun] s Serene' , [sirine] adj. sereno settentrione, norie, m. chiaro; lieto; - drop, s. gotta Septen'trional , [ sptentrieunal] serena, f. adj. settentrionale. Serene' , [slrlne] v. a. render Septen'trionally,[septntrieun- sereno. ale'] adv. verso il settentrione. Serene'ly , [sirlnele'] adv. con Septen'trionate, [sptntriein- serenit; tranquillamente. V. n. navigare verso il Serene'ness, Seren'ity, [sirineetc] settentrione. ns, sirnitj s. serenit, chiaBep'tic, Sep'tical, [septic, seprezza; tranquillit, f. tc] adj. putrefattivo. Serf, [seiirf] s. schiavo, m Septilat'eral, [septilateral] adj Serge', [serdge] s. rascia, saja, settagono. f. (panno) Septuag'enary, [septiiidginare'] Ser'geant , [sardgint] s. seradj. settuagenario. gente, birre; ministro, rn.; - ut Soptuage3'ima[septiiiadgesima orms, sergente d' armi, m.; -at s. sottuagesima, f. law , avvocato (del pi alto Septuages'imal, [septiuadges- grado sotto il giudice), m. iml] adj. di settuagesima. Ser'geantry , Ser'geantship Sep'tuagint, [sptiadgnt] s [srdgintr, srdgintscp] s. Torsione de' settanta rabbini, f. uffizio di sergente, m. Septuple, [sptiupl'] adj. set- Serge'-makerfseurdgtf-mcheur] tuplo. s. fabbricante di saja, m. Sepul'chral, [speulcral] adj. so Serge'-making , [seurdge polcrale. mching] s. fabbrica di saja, f. Sep'ulchre, [sepeilcher] s. se- Se'ries, [siriize] s. serie, se polcro, TO.; sepoltura, f. guenza, f.; ordine, m. Sep'ulchre, [speilcheur] v. a. Se'rions, [sirius] adj. serio seppellire, sotterrare. serioso, grave; to be -, essere Sep ulture, [speiltciire] s. se in sul serio. poltura, f.; seppellimento, m. Se'riously, [sirlusle'] adv. se-

tatura, f.; dentello, m. Se'rum, [sireiim] s. siero, m. Ser'vant, [seiirvant] s. servente, servo, servidore, m.

Serve', [seiirve] v. a. servire ; assistere; -, v. n. essere in servizio




esser propizio; to - meat up to the table, portare le vivande in tavola;/- one's <urn, bastare, essere bastante; to - out one's finte, finire il suo tempo; to - a tvarrant , catturare, arrestare.


[seiirvis] s. servizio, servigio, beneficio; vantaggio,


comodo; impiego,
uffizio divino, m.;






do a


hard -, fatirendere servi-

zio, ajutare, assistere; to go to

-, mettersi a servire. Ser'vieeable, [seirvTsabrj adj.




Ser'viceableness, [seurvisabrns] s. officiosit; utilit; cortesia,


Ser'viceahly, [seurvTsable'] adv. officiosamente cortesemente. Ser'vice-berry, [seurvsbre'] s. (sorbo, m. sorba, f. Ser'vice-tree , [seurvstri] s.

Ser'vile, [seiirvailejadj. servile; basso, abbietto. Ser'vilely, [seiirvailele'] adv.



Bequa'cions , [squscieiis] adi. seguace, seguente; duttile, fles






Ser'ving-man, [seurving-mn] sermo- s. servitore; servo, m. ne, m.; predica, /.; funeral -, Ser'vitor, [seiirviteur] s. serviBe'quel, [squl] s. sequela con- orazione funebre, f. tore; povero studente, m. seguenza, f. ; successo, even- Ser'monize, [sermeinalze] v. Servitude, [seiirvitiudc] s. sor" to, m. a. sermoneggiare, predicare. vit, schiavit, f.

Ser'vileness, Servil'ity, [seurvailenes, seiirvlite'js. servilit; da bassezza, /". Ser'ving-maid, [seurving-mede] s. s. serva, A ^

aria seria; gravit,


siqusite'] duttilit, flessibilit, /.


Ser'mon, [seurmeun]


8es'ame, [sesami]
sarao, I.







mettere airincanto, espor-


Sesqnipe'dal, [ssquipidl] adj.

sosquipedalo. Sess', [ses] s. tassa, imposizio-

ne; imposta, f. Ses'sion, [sescieun]



assemblea do'




keep the -s, tenere V assise. Ses'sion-hall, [sescieunholj


corte di giustizia, f. Bes'terce, [sstrse] s. sesterzio, m. Set', [set] adj. posto, messo,
fisso (vedi to

- one's mind, quietare la prore in vendita; to - out to sea, mettersi in mare, far vela; to pria mente; to - one's spirits, - on shore, mettere a terra, acchetarsi ;to - upon, assegnasbarcare; to - a snare, tendere re; costituire. insidie; to - a step, fare un Set'tledness, [st'ldns] s. stapasso ; to - up a tavern, aprir bilit, stabilezza, permanentaverna ; to - a time, stabilire za, /. il tempo , determinare to - Set'tlement, [seflmnt] y. statools , affilare ordigni; to - a bilimento, m.; abitazione,/.; dotree, piantare un albero ; to micilio, m.; colonia, /.; patto, one at (to) work, dar da lavo- accordo, m.; feccia, /.; to mal:e rare ad uno; to - one's self to a - upon one , assegnare ad

Set); - battle,


battaglia campale,/.; - hour, s. ora fissa, /. ; - meal, s. pasto regolato, m.; -price, s. prezzo fisso, prezzo stabilito, rn.; on purpose, a bella posta, a bello studio; - resolution, s. ferma risoluzione,/.; - speech, s. discorso studiato, m.; - visit, s. visita formalo, /. Set', [set] s. assortimento, m.; pollone; ornamento, abbellimento, m.; - 0/ buttons, guarnizione di bottoni, /.; - of china, servigio di porcellana, wi.; - 0/ diamonds, guarnimento di diamanti, i. ; - of a tog, ferma, /". ; - of horses, tiro di cavalli, m.; muta di cavalli, /.; - of men, banda di persone,/.; - of plate, apparato d'argenteria, /.; - of the sun, occaso del sole, m.; - of teeth, dentatura, f.
Set', [set] V. a. & n. irr. {set ; set) mettere, collocare, porre; fissare, stabilire; affermare;

Set'tler, [stleur] s. colono, m. abroad, pubblicare, divolgare Sot'tling, [stlng] s. fon. i; li noto - again, rimettere ; to - lo, m.; posatura, feccia, /. against, incitare contro ; op- Sev'en, [sv'n] adj. sette. porsi ; to - aside , mettere da Sev'enfold , [sev'nfld] adj. :-i banda; to - away, mettere da adv. doppio sette volte ; a sette parte ; rimuovere to - by, met- doppi. tere da parte; io-doion, fissare, Sev'en-night, [sennit] s. settistabilire;scrivere;urailiare; to mana, /.; sette giorni, m. pi. forth, esporre, far vedere; io -jSev'enscore, [sev'n-scre] adj. forward, avanzare, promuove- sette volte venti, cenquaranta. re; andare via, partire; to - in, iSev'enteen, [sv'ntlne] adj. diepiantare; stabilire; to - off ,\ cisette, diciassette, partire, abbellire, adornare; iolSev'enteenth, [sv'ntntb-] od;. - on, incitare, animare ; assai decimosettimo, diciasettesimo. tare; cominciare; to - out, Sev'enth, [sv'nth'-] adj. settimo. esporre, mostrare; mettere a Sev'enthly, [sv'nth^l] adv. in
; ; ;

work, mettersi a lavorare; about mettersi a fare

to to -

uno un* entrata



coagulare, rappi-

gliarsi; applicarsi; to - a bone,

rimettere un osso slogato; to up a cry, mettersi a gridare to - at defiance, sfidare; bravare ;fo - a (log ai, aizzare un cane contro: to - a good example, dare buon esempio: to - a fine, sottoporre a multa; to - on, dar fuoco a; incendiare: to up the flag, inalberare la bandiera; to - out a fleet, allestire una squadra; to - free, mettere in

libert; to - on foot, mettere in piedi, stabilire; to - going, -porre in moto, far andare; to ine's hand to, sottoscrivere; to


a loud laugh, sganasciare


dalle risa; to - to music, mettere in musica to - nets, tender

reti; to - at

nought, non far

conto,dispregiare; /o - in order, mettere in ordine, ordinare ; to - 0- pc^ge, comporre una pagina; to - pen to paper, dare di mano alla penna; to - apart, porre da parte , riserbare ; to - a razor, affilare un rasojo ; to to ri^A^s, raddirizzare; io -sail, lar vele, spiegar le vele; to - to

assegnare ; indicare ; settimo luogo. , partire; ornare, abbellire; dar Sev'entieth , [sev'ntieth^] adj. alla luce ; to - up, ergere ; edisottantesimo. ficare ; stabilire ; mostrare adi- Sev'enty , [sv'nte'] adj. setrare; lodare, vantare; to - up tanta. again, rimettere; to - up for, Sev'er, [seveur] v. a. sceverare, darsi per; to - up for one's self, separare, partire, dividere; -, stabilirsi, aprire bottega. V. n. fare una separazione. Seta'ceous, [sitesciis] adj. se- Sev'eral, [svurlj adj. molti, toloso, ispido. diversi, parecchi ; - times, molte Set'-foil, [set-foil] s. (bot.) torvolte, spesse volte; -, adv. in mentilla, /. particolare. Set'-ofF, [set-of] s. guernizio- Sev'eral, [seveural] s. indivine, /.; ornamento, m. duo; ricinto, m.; particolariSe'ton, [sifn] s. setone, m. t,/. [stil Settee', s. canap, m. Sev'eralize, [seveurlalze] v.a. Set'ter, [steir] s. cane da fer- particolarizzare. ma, m. Sev'erally, [svurale'] adv. se< Set'ter-on, [seteiir-6n] s. isti- paratamente, a parte. gatore, m. Sev'eralty, [svurlt] s. sparSet'ting, [seting] s. collocazio- timento, m. ; particolarit, /. ne, /.; of the sun, occaso del Sev'erance, [sevurnse] s. sesole, tramonto, ni. parazione, partizione, divisioSet'ting-dog, [seting-dog] s. ne,/. cane da ferma, m. Severe', [sivire] adj. severo, riSet'ting-out, [seting -aut] s. gido, duro, austero; grave. partire; cominciamento, m. Severe'ly, [svirele'] adv. seveSet'ting-stck, [sting-stiche] ramente , rigidamente, duras. pinolo; (print.) compositomente. Sever'ity, [slvrite'] s. severit; io, m. Set'tle, [seti] seggio ; banco, austerit, /.; rigore, m. letticciuolo, m. Sew', [so] V. a. cucire. Set'tle, [st'l] v. a. stabilire ; Sew'er, [soeiir] s. scalco; trinfermare, fissare; ordinare, ag- ciante, m._ giustare; calmare; -, v. n. po- Sew'er, [soeiir] s. cucitore, m.; sarsi, rassettarsi; accasarsi, cucitrice, sartora, /. stanziarsi; andare a fondo Sew'er, [seir] s. condotto sotfissarsi, determinarsi; calmarterraneo, m.; fogna,/. si; to - an account, saldare Sex', [sees] s. sesso, m.; mascuun conto; to - one's concerns. line -, sesso mascolino, m.




:Jexag'enary,[secsdginar]ac/j. Shag'ged, Shag'gy, [sciaghed, Shame'facedly, [scemefsedl] scighe'] adj. velloso, peloso; adv. con vergogna, con rossore. sessagenario. ispido, irsuto; - dog, $. cane Shame'facedness, [sceme fescdSexages'ima, [sejsadgesima] s barbone, m. ns] s. vergogna, modestia, tisessagesima, /. tJdxages'imal, [secsadgesimal] Shag'gednes, [sciagdnes] .pe- midit, f. losit, f. Shame'ful, [scemefiil] adj. veradj. sessagesimale , sessanteShagreen', [scagrne] s. zigri- gognoso; infame, ignominioso. simo. Shame'fuUy, [scmefule] adv. Sexan'gle, [secsangl'] s. (geom.) no, m. Shagreen', [scagrne] adj. di vergognosamente ; con infasessagono, m. mia. Sexen'nial, [secsenial] adj. di cattivo umore, maninconico. Shake' , [scche] s. scossa, ^; Shame'fulness, [scmefulnes] s. sei anni, durante sei anni. vergogna; infamia, /.; disonoSex'tain, [scstne] s. sostina, crollo: trillo, m. Shake', [scche] u. a. trr. (shook ; re, nt. f. (canzone). [scmels] adj. Sex'tant, [scstnt] s. (astr.) se- shaken) scuotere, agitare crol- Shame'less , lare; -, V. n. jrr. tremare; trilsfacciato, sfrontato. stante, m. Sex'tile, [secstaile] adj. sestile. lare to - hands, darsi la mano; Shame'lessly, [scmelsle'] adv. Sex'ton , [secsteun] s. becca- to - one's head, scuotere la te- sfacciatamente,sfrontatamente. sta; to-fo pieces, far cascare in Shame'lessness, [scmelesnes] morti; sagrestano, m. Sex'tonship , [scsteiinscp] s. pezzi to - off, levarsi d' addos- s. sfacciataggine, impudenza, f. uffizio di beccamorti; uffizio di so; crollare; to - one off, stri- Sham'mer, [scimeir] s. ingangarsi d' uno; to - to and fro, natore, truffatore, m, sagrestano, m. Sex'tuple, [secstiiipV] adj. se- dondolare. Sham'ming, [sciming] s. baja, stuplo, di sei volte. Sha'ker, [sccheur] s. scuotito- f.; inganno, m. Sham'my-leather , Shab'bily, [scibil| adv. men- re, m. [scime'dicamente poveramente, vil- Sha'king, [seeching] s. scossa,/'.; lth-er] s. pelle di camozza,
; ; ;

/.; camoscio, m. mente. crollo, m Shab'biness, [sciabines] s. men- Shale', [scle] . scorza, /.; bac- Sham'ois, [sciamois] s. camozdicaggiue, mendicit; bassoz-j cello, m. za, capra salvatica, /. za, f. iShair, [sciai] v.awa;. irr.{shalt; Sham'rock, [scimrc] s. trifoShab'by, [sciabe'] adj. sciaman-| should) I - do it, lo far; / - go, glio, wi. nato, stracciato basso, vile -I andr. Shank', [sciane] s. gamba, f.; fellow, s. stracciato, mendico, Shalloon', [scialiln] s. ermisino, stinco; fusto, 7.; verga (d"una m.; - clothes, s. pi. abito strac- m. (drappo). ancora), /.; - of a pipe, tubo di ciato, m. Shal'lop, [scialeup] s. schifo, m.; pipa, nt. Shackle, [sciac'l] v. a. incep- barchetta, f. Shanked', [scinch'd] adj. gamShallot', [scilt] s. scalogno, buto, che ha gambe. pare, mettere in ceppi. Shac'kles, [scicTs] s. pi. cep- m. (cipolla). Shape', [scpe] s. forma, figura, pi, ferri, m. pi.; catene, f. pL; Shal'low , [scialo] adj. basso,] /.; modello, m.; fine - easy - ^ hand -, manette, /". pi. poco profondo; frivolo statura leggiadra, f. Shad', [sciad] .laccia,/. (pesce). Shal'low, [scialo] s. secca, Shape' , [scpe] v. a. formare , Shade', [scde] s. ombra; oscu- banco; guado, m. regolare ;concepire ili shaped, rit, /.; ricovero, m.; curtain -, Shal'low-brained , [scilmal fatto di corpo ;well shaped, bre'nd] adj, scervellato. stuoja, f. ben fatto di corpo. Shade', [scde] v. a. ombrare; Shal'lowly, [scilol] adv. poco Shape'less, [scepeles] adj. sforprofondamente; da scemo, scem- mato, mal fatto, di brutta foxfig. proteggere. Sha'diness, [scedines] s. ombra, piatamente. ma. /.; ombramento, m. Shal'lowness, [scilons] s. poco Shape'liness, s. [scpelines] Shad'ow, [sciado] s. ombra., fondo, m.; sciocchezza, f. proporzione di forma, bellezprotezione, difesa, f. ; segno; Shalm', [scim] .chiarina, cen- za, f. namella, f. emblema, m. Shape'ly, [scpele'] adj. di bella Shad'ow, [sciado] r. a. ombreg- Shalot', [scialot] s. scalogno, forma. cipollino, m. (agrume) giare proteggere, difendere Shard', [sciard] s. pezzo di vaso Sham', [scim] adj. supposto,,' rotto, coccio, m. rappresentare sotto figura. Sliad'ow-grass, [scido-gras] s. falso, finto; - s7eeve, pi. mezze [Share', [scere] .parte, porziomaniche, f. pi gramigna, f. ne; azione, f.; sorte; coltro, voShad'owing, [sciading] s. gra- Sham', [scim] . baja, burla; mere, m.; bank -, azione di bandazione de' colori, f.\ chiaroscu- frode, /.; inganno, m. co, f. (so, oscuro. Sham', [scim] v. a. gabbare; Share', [scre] r. a. dividere, ro, m. _ ingannare. [sciadoe'] adj. ombrospartire Shad'owy, -, v. n. aver parte. Shady, [sced] adj. ombroso Sham'bles , [scimbrs] s. pi. Share'-holder, [scre-hldeur] beccheria, f.; macello, m. ombrato, folto. s. azionario, m. Shaft', [scaft] .freccia, saet- Sham'bling, [scimbling] adj. Sha'rer, [screur] s. partitore, che cammina m.;chimnek, sconciamente dardo, a participatore, m. ta. /.; of , - of a che si muove goffamente. rocca del cammino, f. Sha'ring , [scring] s. spartiShame', [sceme] (in miniere), s. rotondo vergogna buco mine, mento, m.; divisione; parte, infamia, ignominia, f. m.; - of a pillar, l'usto d'una porzione, f. [sceme] Shame', v. a. svergom. colonna, Shark', [sciare] s. pesce cane,m. gnare, disonorare; -, v. n. ver- Shark', [sciare] v.a. scroccare; s. Shaft'-horse, [sclafthorse] gognarsi, arrossire. cavallo delle stanghe, m. sgraffignare. Shag', [scig]s. felpa, f.; peluz- Shame'faced, [scmefs'd] adj. Shar'ker, [scircheur] s. scrocconfuso. vergOQ;no.'?o, cone, trudutore, inganuatoni. 10, m.

Shar'king, [sciiirchiug]




scroc- Sha'ver, [scveur] s. barbiere ; tosatore, m. _ Sha'ving, [scoving] s. tonditufatore, ni. Sharp', [scirp] adj. acuto, affi- ra, f.; il tosare, m.; -s. fi. copponi,ni.pi.; spiallacciature,/. ipl. lato mordace, pugnente aspro, severo, rigoroso; violento; fie- Sha'ving-basin, [scovng-bes'n] s. bacino da barbiere, m. ro, crudele; pronto, attivo, vivace; fervido; astuto, accorto; Sha'ving-case, [sccving-chese] ingegnoso; - fight, s. combatti- s. fastello di barbiere, m. mento sanguinoso, m. ; - reproof, Shavsrl', [scil] s. manto, m. s. riprensione austera, f. ; - sto- Shawm', [scim] s. chiarina, /".; (quella. mach, s. grande appetito, m. ; - oboe, m. winter, s. inverno aspro, m.; to She' , [sci] pron. ella, essa, took -, star cogli occhi aperti, Shear, [scfe] s. {sheaves, pi.) covone (di grano) fascio, m. stare attento. Sharp', [scirp] s. strido ; stoc- Sheaf, [sclfej v. a. accovonare il grano. co (TOUS.) bisquadro, m. Sharp', [scirp] v. a. trufi'are, Shear, [scile] v. a. sgusciare, cavare il guscio. ingannare. Sharpen, [scirp'n] v.a. aguz- Shear', [scire] v. a. irr. {shore; shorn) tendere, tosare; cimare. zare, affilare; to - the stomach, Sheard', [sceurdj s. pezzo di aguzzare V appetito. Bhar'pener, [scirp'neur] s. che vaso rotto, coccio, m. Shea'rer, [scireiir] s. tosatore; arrota, arrotino, m. Shar'pening , [scirpn'ing] s. cimatore, m. Shea'ring, [sciring] s. tondituaguzzamento, m. Shar'per, [scirpeur] s. scroc- ra, tosatura; cimatura, /. cone, furbone; cavaliere d'in- Shea'ring-cloth,[scIrng-cl5th-] s. cimatura (di panni), f. dustria, m. Sharp'ly, [sciarp'le'] adv. acu- Shea'ring-time, [sciring-taime] tamente, severamente; agra- s. tempo di tosatura (delle peco, ni.; -/'i/ow, scroccone, truf; ; ;




commettere ladroncellerie.
[scipebaiteur] .. , ladroncello, mariuolo, w. Sheep'-cot, [scipe-ct] s. ovile, m.; stalla di pecore, f. Sheep'-fold, [scipe-fold] s. ovile,


Sheep'-hook, [scipe-hiic]



di pastore,


Shee'pish, [scipsce] adj. timido; modesto, innocente. Shee'pishly, [scpscele'] adj. ti-

midamente semplicemente


nocentemente. Shee'pishness, [scipiscenes]


timidit; semplicit, sciocchez-

Sheep'-master, [scipe-masteir] s. padrone di pecore; pastore, m. Sheep'-shearer , [scipe-scireur] s. tosatore di pecore, m. Sheep'-shearing, [scipe-scirng]
s. tosatura delle pecore, f. Sheep'skin, [scipeschn] *. pelle

di pecora,


Sheep'-walk, [scipe-ouoche] parco di pecore, m.

mente; ingegnosamente. Sharp'ness, [scirpns] s. filo, m.; punta; acutezza; perspicacit, (.; - of cold, rigidezza del freddo, f.; - of humors, acrimonia degli umori, /.; - of sight, acutezza di vista; perspicacit,
/.; -

of stomach,

tito, m.; - of

verno, m.; - of loit, perie del tempo, /. sottigliezza d' ingegno, f. Sharp'-set, [scirp-st] adj. affamato ;bramoso, avido, desioso.

grande appewinter, rigor del of weather, intem-

Sharp'-sighted, [scirp-saitd]
ad), di buona vista; perspicace. [scirpSharp'-visaged ,

vzdg'dj adj. d'aspetto intelligente. Sharp'-witted, [scirp-outd] afij. d'ingegno acuto,perspicace.

Sheer', [scire] adj. puro, chiaro; naturale, semplice: -, adv. affatto, del tutto alla prima; core), m. Shear'man, [sclrman] s. cima- through, da banda a banda. Sheer', [scire] v. n. {mar.) antore (di panni), m. Shears', [scirs] s. pi. forbici dare alla banda; lo - off, involarsi, fuggire via di nascosto. grosse, cesoje, f. pi. Shath',[scith-] s. guaina, /.;fo- Sheer'-hook, [scire-huc] s. grappino a mano, m. dero (di spada), m. Sheathe' , [scith^, Shee'ring, [sciring] s. (mar.) Sheath , scith'ejtJ. a. mettere nel fodero. tempellamento, m. Sheath'less, [scith^ls] adj. sen- Sheer'ly, [scirl] adv. affatto, subito. za fodero. Sheath'-maker, [scith -mcheur] Sheers', [scirs] vedi Shears. Sheet', [scite] s. lenzuolo; foglio s. facitore di guaine, m. Shea'thy, [scith-] adj. formato (di carta), m.; book in -s, libro non legato, libro sciolto, m. come un fodero. Sheave', [scive] v. a. raccoglie- Sheet', [sclte] v.a. porre le lenzuola, involgere in un lenzuore, radunare. Sheaves', [scives] pi. di Sheaf. lo; coprire leggermente. Shed', [seed] ad;, versato, effuso Sheet'-anchor, [scite-ncheur] s. (mar.) ncora maestra, gran{vedi to Shed). Shed', [scdj s. rimessa, tettoja, de ncora, f.





capanna. Shed', [seed] v.

a. irr.

[sciting] s. lino da

Shat'ter, [sciteurj v.


conquassare; dissipare; -, V. n. spezzarsi, rompersi. Shat'terShat'ter-brained, pated, [sciteur-brn'd, sciteur-ptd]



lenzuola, panno lino, m. {shed [scite-aieirn] sAed) versare: spargere, span- Sheet'-iron, s. dere; -, V. n. irr. mutare can- piastra di ferro, f. m. giare; to tears, versare la- Shek'el , [scchl] s. sclo (moneta). grime. Shed'der, [scedeur] s. versato- Sheld', [scld] adj. maculato. Sheld'-rake , [scld-reche] s. re, spargitore, m. Shed'ding, [seeding] s. spargi- fringuello, scannapesce, m.

Shelf, [sclf] s. {shelves, pi.) mento. Sheen', [scine] adj. risplenden- scaffale, w.; scansia; secca (in gile; disunito, fiacco. mare), /. Shave', [scve] v.a.irr. {shaved; te, lucido. shaven) radere; tendere; far Sheen', [scine] s. lustro, splen- Shel'fy , [sclfe'] adj. pieno di scogli, pieno di secche pericodore, m. la barba; toccare a malapena; lose. Shee'ny, [scine'] adj. lucido. saccheggiare, spogliare. _ Shave'-grass , [scve-gras] s. Sheep', [scipe] s. pecora, f.; pe- Shell', [scel] t. scaglia; conShat'tery, [sciteir] adj. fra{hot.)

coda di cavallo, m.

Bhave'ling, [scveling] toaduto; frate, wi.


corone, m.; -'s eye, s. sguardo timido, wv.; to cast a -s eye at

one, guardare

chiglia, conca,

cia, /.;


sott' occhio.

/.; nicchio (di scorza, cortecegg -,. guscio d'uovo,





m.; tortoise -, s. guscio di te- Shifting, [scftng] s. cambia- Ship'wreck, [scpreche] v. a. stuggine, m.; oyster -, conchi- mento, m. naufragare, far naufragio. glia d'ostrica, f.; to throw -s, Shif'ting-fellow, [scftng- fl] Shipwright, [scpraite] s. falegittar bombe. s. ingannatore, mariuolo, m. gname di vascello, m. Bheir, [seel] v. a. sgusciare, Shif'tingly, [scftngl] adv. Shire', [sciaire] s. contea, proscorzare sgranare -, v n. sgu- artatamente, con astuzia. vincia, f. sciarsi, scagliarsi. Shift'less, [scftls] adj. pove- Shire'-mote , [sciaire-motc] s. ro di mezzi. Shell'-flsh , [scl-fiscc] s. nicassemblea della contea, f. chio di pesci, m. Shii'ling, [selling] s. scellino, Shirk', [sceurche] v. a. truffare, BheU'-work, [sceloueurc] s. la- wi. (moneta). ingannare. Shill r, shall I, [scla, scialai] Shirt', [sceirt] s. camicia (da voro in conchiglie, ni. Shel'ly, [scl] adj. coperto di adv. in modo irresoluto, dub- uomo), f. scaglie, squamoso. biosamente; to stand -, stare Shirt', [sceurt] v. a. mettere la Shel'ter, [sclteir] s. coperto; in dubbio. camicia indosso. rifugio, asilo, m.; sicurt, f. Shi'ly, [scialle'] adv. con ritro- Shirt'less, [sceurtles] adj. senza Shorter, [scteur] v. a. dare sia timidamente freddamente. camicia; misero. asilo, ricevere in propria casa; Shin', [scn] s. stinco, m.; - o( Shi'tle-cock, [sct'1-coc] s. voproteggere; -, v. n. mettersi a beef, garretto di bue, m. lante, m. (giuocoj. Shine', [sciaine] s. splendore, Shive', [sciaive] s. fetta di pacoperto. Bhel'terless, [sclteiirls] adj. lustro, m.; chiarezza,/".; moon -, ne; scheggia; lamina, f. chiaro della luna, m.; sun -, Shiv'er, [sciveir] s. scheggia,/.; senza asilo, derelitto. Shelves', [sclves] pi. di Shelf. chiarezza del sole, /.; splendore frammento, m. Shel'ving, [sclvng] adj. pen- del sole, m. Shiv'er, [scveur] r. a. sminuzShine', [sciaine] v.n.irr. {shone; dente; declive. zare, spezzare; -, v. n. tremare Shel'vy, [sclv] adj. poco pro- shone) rilucere, risplendere di freddo. brillare. fondo, pieno di scogli. Shiv'ering, [scveirng] s. treShep'herd, [scperd] s. pa- Shin'gle, [scngle] s. assicella,/". more; brivido, in. Shn'gle, [scngle] v. a. coprire Shiv'ery, [scver] adj. fragile. store, peeorajo, m. Bhep'herdess, [scepeurdes] s. con assicelle. Shoal', [sciole] s. folla, moltiShin'gler, [scngleir] s. facitor tudine; secca (in mare), f. pastorella, pecoraja, /". Qhep'herdlsh, [scpeurdisc] adj. d' assicelle, m. Shoal', [sciole] adj. poco propastoreccio, pastorale rustico. Shin'gles, [scngl's] s. pi. (med.) fondo; pieno di secche. Sherbet', [scerbt] s. sorbet- fuoco salvatico, w. Shoal', [sciole] v. n. affollarsi, Shi'ning, [sciainng] adj. lumi- andar in folla; esser poco proto, m. Sciard' , [sciard] s. pezzo (di noso, risplendente; -, s. luce, fondo. vaso rotto) , coccio, frammen- /. ; splendore, m. Shoa'liness, [scilines] s. pieShi'riingness, [sciainngnes] s. nezz adi secche, f. to, m. lucentezza, /. Sher'ifF, Tscerf] s. sceriffo, m. Shoa'ly, [sciole] adv. pieno di Sher'iflfalty, Sher'ifdom, [scer- Shi'ny, [sciaine'] adj. lucente, secche, poco profondo. lucido; brillante. falte', scerfdeum] s. uffizio di Shock', [sciche] s. urto, assalShip', [scpl s.uave, /.; naviglio, sceriffo, m. conflitto, combattimento, to Sher'ris, Sher'ry, [scer?, scere'J vascello, bastimento, m.; - of ni.; bica, f. vascello m. the line, di linea, m.; bianco (di Xeres), s. vino Shock', [scicche] v.a. & n. ur- of war, nave da guerra, f. -'s Shew', [scio] vedi Show. tare; esser offensivo; dispiace.*. in.; lantern, fanale, [sco-brod] vedi to take -, Shew'-hread , re; far i covoni. imbarcarsi. Show-broad. Shock'ing, [scioching] adj. urShip', [scpl V. a. imbarcare. Shield', [scilde] s. scudo, m. tante. protezione, [scpborde] Ship'-board, s. bor- Shock'ingly, [sciochngl] adv. difesa; /. a. vascello, m.; to go to -, in modo offensivo. difendere, do di Shield', [scilde] v. imbarcarsi. proteggere. Shoe', [scili] .scarpa,/.; horsa Shield'-bearer , [scilde-breir] Ship'-boat, [scp-bote] s. schi- -, ferro di cavallo, in.; tvooden -, m. m. fo, (zo, m. s. scudiere, zoccolo, m. Shift', [scft] s. camicia (da'Ship'-boy , [scp-bi] s. moz- Shoe', [sci] V. a. irr. (shod; donna),/".; spediente, mezzo, m.; Ship'-building, [scp-bildng] s. shod) calzare; ferrare (un cascusa, /.,' pretesto, m.; astuzia, architettura navale, f. vallo). pv/t one to his -s, imba-iShip'-car'penter, [sclp-carpen- Shoe'blackjShoe'boy, [sciblac, f.; to razzare alcuno, confondere al-i ter] s. legnaiuolo navale, w. scibi] .ragazzo che netta le cuno; to be put to one's -s, es-lship'man, [scpmn] s. marina- scarpe, m. ser imbrogliato, esser ridotto! jo, m. Shoe'-brush, [sciu-breusce] s. allo strette, non saper che fare. Ship'-master, [scp-masteiir] s. scopetta, f. Shift', [scft] V. a. mutare;! padrone di bastimento, m. Shoeing, [sciiing] s, ferrare, ni. cambiare ; trasportare ;-,v.n.\ Ship'ment, [scpmnt] s. imbar- Shoe'ing-hammer , [scingandare da un luogo ad un altro; camento, wi. hmeiir] s. martello da ferramutar di casa; usare astuzie; jShip'-owner, [scp-oneur] s. pa- re, m. drone d' una nave, vi. to - for one's self, ingegnarsi Shoe'ing-horn, [sciung-horn] fuggirsene; to - one o^,strigar-|Ship'ping, [scpng] s. imbarca- s. calzatojo, m.
; ;

one's clothes,] mento, wi.; flotta, /". si d'uno; to Shoe'maker, [scimocheur] $. cambiar d'abiti; to- the scene, ;Ship'-pitch,[scp-ptsc].catra- calzolaio, m. me, m. cambiiir la scena. Shoe'-sole, [sciu-sle] s. suola Shifter, [scfteur] . mariuolo, jShip'wreck, [scprchc] s. nan- di scarpa, /. fragio, m. truffatore, m, Shoe'-string:, Shoe'-tie, [scii '

string, scia- tai]
di scarpe,


sommario, Shoul'der-shotten,

[scildeursht'n] adj. spallato. Shoot', [sciutc] s. rampollo, ger-l Shor'ten, [scivt'n] v. a. accor- Shoul'der-slip, [scildeur-slip] s. dislocamento di spalla, m. moglio, pollone; colpo, tiro, t).| ciare, contrarre; abbreviare. Shoot', [sciate] v.a. irr. (sftoi; Short'hand, [sciorthnJ] s. ta- Shout', [sciaout] s. clamore, grido, m.; - for joy, grido d'alchigrafia, stenografia, /^. sAo<) lanciare, sparare, tirare; scaricare, vuotare; -, v. n. ir\lshort'hand-writer,[sciortliand- legrezza, m. Shout', [sciaout] v. n. gridare; gommare; spor-| raiteur] s. stenografo, m. germogliare gere, uscire; battere; to - o Short'-lived , [scidrtliv'd] adj. far applauso. Shou'ter, [sciaouteur] s. gridadi corta vita. bridge, passare sotto un ponte; tore, applauditore, m. to - (/ar(s, tirare dardi, dardeg-Short'ly, [sciortle'j adv. quanto giare; to - to death, a,rchhn-\ prima, in poco tempo; - a/<er, Shouting, [sciauting] s. acclamazione, /. giare, moschettare; to - forth, non molto dopo lanciarsi; avanzarsi; to - off, Short'ness, ^scirtnes] s. brevi- Shove, [soeiive] s. colpo, urto, i.; spinta, /. trapassare con velocit ; to t; cortezza, /.; - of breath, through, trafiggere da banda difficolt di respirare, f.\- of Shove', [sceuve] v. a. & n. spignoro, spingere, urtare; assaup crescere memory, memoria labile, /. a banda ; to pullulare. Short'ribs, [sciortrbs] s. pi. co- lire; to - a/onr;, spignoro avanti; <o - backward, spignere inShoo'ter, [scutourl s. tiratore; stoline, coste false, f. pi. arciere, m. Short'-sighted, [sciort-saitedj dietro. Shov'el, [sceuv'l] s. pala, paShoo'ting, [sciutTng] s. cacciai adj. di corta vista, miope. letta, f. [scirt(con schioppo),/".; il germoglia- Short'-sightedness , saitdns] s. corta vista, mio- Shov'el, [sceiv'l] v. a. gettare re, m.; to go out -, andar a caccoUa'pala, ammucchiare. cia (d uccelli). pia,/". Shoo'ting-star, [sciStingstarJs. Short'-waisted, [sciort-oestd] Shov'el-board, [sceiiy'lborde] stastella volante, /. adj. basso , di piccola s. morella, f. (giuoco). Shoo'tiag-sticlr,[sciutng-stich] Shov'eler, [sceuvleiir] s. specie tura. s. bietta (di stampatore), f. Short'-winded, [sciort-oiiindd] di anitra che ha il becco lunghissimo, f. Shop', [scip] s. bottega, ^; la- adj. bolso, asmatico. Short -winged, [scirt-oiing'd] Shov'elful, [scouv'lful] s. palavoratolo, m. Shop'-board, [scip-brde] s. adj. di corte ale. ta,/". banco (da lavorare), m. Short'-witted, [sciort-oiiitd] jShow', [scio] s. mostra; appaShop'-book, [scipbuc] s. gior- adj. semplice, scimunito. renza, f.; spettacolo; pretesto, nale (di bottegajo), m. Shot', [sciot] s. palla (di schiop- m.; - of friendship, s. serabianShop'-keeper, [sciopclupeiir] s. po), /.; pallini, m. pi.; tiro; za d' amicizia, f. ; to make a bottegajo, m. scotto, pagamento, m.; bar -, fine -, fare buona figura. Shop'-lifter , [scioplifteur] s. chain -, palla ramata, f. bou) -, Show', [scio] V. a. irr. {showed; mariuolo, m. tratto d'arco, m.; cannon -, shown) mostrare, far vedere; Shop'like , [scioplalche] adj. tiro di cannono, m.; within manifestare ; scoprire provare; volgare, ordinario. cannon -, a tiro di cannone -, V. n. trr. parere, sembrare, Shop'man, [sciopmn] s. bot- within ams/cef-, a tiro di mo- aver l'aria di; to - one's self, tegajo, garzone (li bottega, m. schetto; great-, palla di can- mostrarsi; to - a pair of heels, Sho'rage, [scioredge] n. diritto none, f. pL; small -, pallini, m. to - one's heels, voltare le caldi naufragio, m. cagna, fuggire; to - tricks, furs pi.; migliaruola, f.; at a -, a un Shore', [scire] s. costa, spiag- tratto, in una volta; to pay giuochi di mano; to - forth, gia, /".; lido, m.; fogna, /.; soone's -, pagare lo scotto. pubblicare, annunziare. stegno; puntello, m.; to go on Shot'-free, [scit-frij adj. fran- :Show'bread, [scibred] s. pane -, andare a terra, metter piede co, senza pagare nulla, a bardi proposizione, m. a terra, sbarcare. dotto. Show'er, [scaouiir] .rovescio, Shore', [scire] v.a. puntellare, Shot'ten, [scit'n] aij. andato in nembo, m.; great -, acquazzorincalzare; sostentare. frega; grumoso. ne, m. Shore'less, [sciorelcs] adj. senza Should', [sciiid] (vedi Shall); Show'er, [sciaouur] v. n. piocosta, senza lido; illimitabile. / - do it, dovrei farlo. vere a rovescio, strapiovere. Shore'ling, [scioreling] s. pelle Shoul'der, [scioldeur] s. spalla, Show'ery, [sciaouure'] adj. piodi pecora tosata, f. /.; omero, m. voso. Short', [scirt] adj. corto, stret- Shoul'der, fscildeur] v. a. met- Show'ily, [scioil] adv. con to; succinto, breve; - adv. su- tere sopra le spalle ; to - one pompa. bito, ad un tratto: - breath, s. up, spalleggiare alcuno. Show'iness, [scioines] s. pompa, difficolt di respirare, f.\ a - Shoul'der-belt, /".; fasto, m. [scildeurblt] jfti/e,s.poco tempo: in a- time, s. ciarpa, f.; budriere, m. Show'ish, [scioisce] adj. splendiben presto; in -, lo be -, per Shoul'der-hlade , [scildeiirdo, fastoso, pomposo, vano (poco dire in breve, por finirla, in blde] s. scapula, f. usato). conclusione; to be - of money, Shoul'der-hone, [scildeirbone] Show'y, [sci] vedi Showish essere sprovvisto di danari ; to s. osso della spalla, m. (molto pi usato che Showish) he - with one, parlare chiaro; Shoul'der-clappers, fscildeur- Shred', [scrd] s. ritaglio ; pezto come - of one's aim, mancare clpeurs] s. sbirro, m. zo, ni. il colpo; to keep -.tenere corto Shoul'der-knot, [scioldeur-nt] Shred', [scred] v.a. sminuzzare a danari; to speak -, mangiare s. spallaccio, m. tagliare minuto. _ le parole; to stop -, arrestarsi, Shourder-piece[ scioldeur- pise] Shred'ding, [scrding] .piccofermarsi; to turn -, voltarsi; s. armadura della spalla, f.; lo pezzo, frammento, m. mutare pensiero. spallaccio, m. Shrew', [scrii] s. sgridatricc, f.

coreggiuoloj Short',


compendio, m.

I '



Sick', [sic] adj. ammalato, indisposto; infermo; fastidito. Sick'-bed, [scbdj s. letto dell' infermo, m. Sick'en, [sic'n] v. a. render ammalato, render debole; -, v. .

Shrewd', [scrude] adj. astuto, no innanzi le ceneri, marted grasso, m. arguto, fine; maligno, geloso. Shrewd'ly, [scridl] adv. astu- Shrub', [screub] s. arbuscello, tamente, argutamente, sagace- arbusto ; liquore composto di spirito, di acido e di zucchemente; maliziosamente. Shrewd'ness, [scrdens] s. ro, m. astuzia; sottigliezza, sagaci- Shruh'bery, [screubeur] s. luogo piantato d'arbusti, m. t,/. Shrew'ish, [scruisc] adj. ritro- Shrub'by, [screiib] adj. pieno


[sicisce] adj.

un poco


d' arbuscelli. Sic'kle, [sic'l] s. falce, falcinoso; petulante. Slirew'ishly, [scruiscel] adv. Shrug', [screughe] s. ristringi- la, /.; falcetto, m. Sic'kleman, Sio'kler, [sic'lmn, in modo garrulo; petulante- mento delle spalle, in. Shrug', [screghe] v. a. stri- scler] s. falciatore, mietitomente. re, m. Shrew'ishness, [scruiscenos] s. gnere; -, v. n. risti-ignersi. cattivo umore, m.; petulanza,/. Shud'der, [sceiideur] v. n. tre- Sick'lness, [siclines] s. stato malaticcio, m. Shrew'mouse, [scrumause] s. mare di paura, rabbrividire. Shud'der, Shud'dering, [scei Sickly, [side] adj. malaticcio, topo campestre, tn. Shriek', [seriche] s. strillo, gri- deur, sceudeiirng] s. tremore, infermiccio; - weather, s. tempo malsano, m. tremito, m. do acuto, i. Shriek', [seriche] v. n. strillare, Shuffle, [sceufl] s. scompiglio, Sick'ness, [scnes] s. malattia, m. truffa, furberia, (. sotter- infermit, f.: falling -, mal castridere. duco, m.; epilessia, f.; great -, Shrie'Talty, [scrvlte'] s. uffizio fugio, m. Shuffle, [sceuf'l] v. a. mescola- pesto, contagione, /".; green -, di sceriffo, m. re confondere ingannare, truf- itterizia, f. Shrieve', [scrive] s. sceriffo, m. Shrift', [scrift] s. confessione fare; usare di sotterfugi; -, v. Side', [salde] s. lato, canto; fianco, n. sforzarsi; to - cards, mesco(fatta al confessore), /. m.; pagina, facciata Shriir, [scri] adj. squillante, lare le carte; to - one off, di- (d'un libro); parte; fazione, ^; sfarsi d' alcuno. on all -s, per ogni lato on that risonante; sottile; acuto. Shrill', [scri] v. n. squillare, Shuffler, [sceiif leur] s. furbo, -, da quella banda; on the other truffatore, ingannatore, m. strillare; risonare. -, dall'altra banda, dall'altra Shril'ly, [scril] adj. squillante, Shuffling, [scuflng] s. sotter- parte; on this - of, di qua di; acuto; -, arfu. squillantemente. fugio, m.; furberia, /".; artifizio, on both -s, dalle due bando; right -, dritto (d'un panno), m.; Shrill'nesp, [scrlnes] s. acu- m. astuzia, f. Shufflingly, [sceuf'lingl] adv. wrong -, verso, rovescio (d'un tezza di voce; sottigiiezza, f. Shrimp', [scrimp] s. squilla, /. sconciamente, con astuzia. panno), m.',-of a hill, pendio (gamberetto marino); nano, m Shun', [scen] v. a. evitare; d'un collo, wi.; - of a river, reliquia- scampare, fuggire. Shrine', [scrane] sponda d' un fiume, f.\ to speak Shun'less, [sceunls] adj. ine- on one'$ -, parlare in favore rio, m. Shrink', [serine] s. strignimen- vitabile. d'alcuno; to take one's -, piShut', [scout] V. a. irr. (shut; to, m.; contrazione, f. gliar le parti d' uno. v. a. irr. shut) chiudere, rinchiudere, ri- Side', [salde] adj. laterale obShrink', [serine] {shrunck, shrank; shrunken) serrare -, V. n. irr, chiudersi; bliquo. scorciare, scortare, diminuire; to - out, escludere; chiudere la Side', [salde] v. n. pigliare la -, V. M.trr. scorciarsi, ritirarsi; porta aduno; to - up, conchiu- parte. rinculare ; succumhere ; io - dere rinchiudere. Side'blow, [sadebl] s. rovewith cold, tremar di freddo. Shut'ter, [sccuteir] s. cosa che scione, m. Shrin'ker, [scrncheur] s. co- chiude, /.; imposta, /. Side'board, [saldebrde] s. bufShut'tle, [sceit'l] s. (tveuv.) fetto, m.; credenza, /. dardo; infingardo, m. Shrin'king, [scrinching] s. stri- spola, spuola, /. Side'-box, [saidebcs] s. palgnimento; scorciamento, m. Shut'tlecock, [scutrcoc] s. vo- chetto (m.) loggia da canto [scraive] v. a. irr. Shrive, lante, m. (giuoco). del teatro, f. (shrove ; shriven, shrift) stare Shy', [sciai] adj. ritroso, schifo, Side'-face, [saide-fse] s. testa contegnoso. a udire in confessione. del profilo, f. Shriv'el, [scrv'l] v. n. aggrin- Shy'ly, [sciail] adv. con ritro- Side'-glance, [salde-glinse] s. zare; v. n. raggrinzarsi. sia, vergognosamente. occhiata obbliqua, f. Shri'ver, [scriveiir] s. confes- Shy'ness, [sciains] s. ritrosia Side'long, [saiddng] adj. lateperitanza, /. sore, m. rale, da canto; -, adv. a traShri'ving,[scraiving] vedi Shrift. Sib'ilant, [sibilant] adj. sibilan- verso, obbliquamente. Shroud', [scraoud] s. coperto; te, sibiloso. Sde'-motion, [saidemoscieun] panno funebre, m. Sibila'tion, [sibilsciein] s. si- s. movimento obbliquo, vi. Shroud', [scraud] v. a. coprire; bilo, fischio, m. Si'der, [saideur] s. partigiano,w. difendere, proteg- Sib'yl, [sibil] s. sibilla; indovi- Sid'eral, seppellire Sidereal, [siderl gere; -,.. mettersi al co- natrice, /". sidiral] adj. siderale, astrale. perto; rifugiarsi. Sib'ylline, [sibilaine] adj. sibil- Sidera'tion, [sldeurscieiin] s. 8hrouds',[scraouds]s.pJ. corde lino. il calamitare, m. del bastimento che s'estendono Sic'auLore , [sicamre] s. sico- Siderite, [sideuraite] s. caladagli alberi fino ai lati del ba- moro, m. mita, /. stimento stesso, /".pi Sic'city, [sicsite'] s. siccit, sec- Side'-saddle, [sade-sad'l] s. Shroye'tide, Shrove-Tues^-day, chezza, aridit, f. sella da donna, f. [scrve-taide, scrove-Tiused] Sice', [saize] s. due sei (al giuo- Sides'man, [saides'man] s. as. carnasciale, carnovale; giorco de' dadi). sistente del sacristano, m.
; ; ; ; ;

Side'ways, Side'wise,



[salde- Significant, [significant] adj. Sil'lily , [silile'] adv. scioccamente, goffamente. adv. a significante; espressivo. oueze, saide-ouaize] [significantld] Sil'liness, [slins] s. scioccheztraverso, a sghembo ; da canto, Significantly, za, goffaggine, /. adv. in modo espressivo. lateralmente. Side-wind , [saide-ouindl s. Signiflca'tion,[sgnfichesciein] Sil'ly, [sl] arfy. sciocco, goffo; semplice; - thing, s. sciocchezs. significazione, /".; senso, m. (mar.) vento in fianco, m.
Si'die,' [said'l] v. n.

pendere da Significative, [signficatv]adi.


za, f.

Siege', [sidge]

assedio; seg- Signif icatively, [sgnificatvl] melma, f. Sil'van, [silvan] adj. silvano. adv- significantemente. gio, m. [slveur] s. argento, w.; Sieve', [siv] s. staccio, crivello, Signif icator, [sgnficheteur] s. Sil'ver, moneta d' argento, /.; quick -, significatore, m. vaglio, m. Sieve -maker, [siv-mecheiir] s. Significatory, [significheteir] s. mercurio, m. Sil'ver,^ [slveir] adj. d'argento, ad], emblematico. stacciajo, m. signiargentino. Sift', [sift] V. a. stacciare, cri- Sig'nify, [signifal] v. a. avvisare; esprimere; Sil'ver, [slveur] v. a. argentaficare; vellare, vagliare; investigare; re, inargentare. esaminare; scovare; to - out, V. n. essere energico. Sig'nior , [sinieur] s. signo- Sil'ver-toeater, [slveir-biteuv] procurare di scoprire. s. battitore d' argento, m. Bifter, [sifteur] .vagliatore; re, m. Sig'niorize, [signieuraize] v. n. Sil'ver'coin , [slveurcoin] s. esaminatore, m. moneta d' argento, f. signoreggiare, dominare. Sif"ting, [sifting] s, stacciatura, [silveur-lsc] s. Sign'iory, [sinieir] s. signoria, Sil'ver-lace, vagliatura; inchiesta, f. gallone d' argento, m. f.; dominio, wi. Sigh', [sai] s. sospiro, m. Sign'post, [saine-pst] s. palo Sil'verly, [slveurle'] adj. argenSigh', [sai] V. n. sospirare. tino, d' argento. Sigh'er , [saieur] s. sospirato- d'insegna, m. Si'lence, [sailnse] s. silenzio; Sil'ver-mine, [silveur-maine] s. re, m. Sighing, [saing] adj. sospiran- segreto, m.; <o pw< one ^0 miniera d' argento, f. Sil'ver-plate , [silveurplte] s. porre silenzio ad uno. te, sospiroso; -, s. sospiro, m Sight', [saite] s. vista; prospet- Si'lenoe, [sailnse] int. silenzio! vasellame d' argento, m. Sil'ver-smith, [slveur-smith"] zitto! tiva; mira, /.; occhi, m. pl.\ at v. a. impors. argentiere, orefice, orafo, m. -, a vista; at first -, a prima Si'lence, [sailnse] inter- Sil'ver-spoon, [slveur- spune] s. in the of in re silenzio, far tacere vista subito cucchiajo d' argento, m. presenza di; to come in.-, ap- dire.



[silt] s.

fango, limo, m.;

parire; to know one by -, cono- Si'lent , [sailent] adj. silente , Sil'ver-thistle, [silveiir-th-is'l] s. (bot.) brancorsina, f. taciturno, cheto. scer alcuno di vista to lose Si'lently, [sailntl] adv. taci- Sil'ver-weed, [slveur-oiiide] s, of, perder di vista; to vanish tamente, senza parlare, pian (bot.) argentina, f. out of -, svanire. Sil'ver-wire, [sveur-ouaire] s. Sight'fulness, [saitefulnes] s. piano. argento filato, wi. Silic'ious, [siliscius] adj. sasacutezza di vista, f. Sil'very, [slveure'] adj. argensoso. Sight'less, [saiteles] adj. cieco. /".; teo, argentino. Bight'liness, [saitelines] s. bel- Sil'iqna, [sliqua] s. siliqua, Simar', [saimr] s. zimarra, f. baccello, m r aspetto, m. [similar] arfj. similare, Sight'ly, [satel] adj. vistoso, |Sil'iquose,Sil'iqnous,[siliquose,Sim'ilar, -:-;~i.-...,*. simigliante; omogeneo. siliquens] adj. silignoso. di bella presenza. Similar'ity, [smilrite'] s. simiSign', [saine] s. segno; indizio, Silk', [slche] s. seta, f. m.; insegna, /.; vestigio, m.;'Sirken, [slch'n] adj. setoso, glianza, similitudine, f. Sim'ilarly, [smilrl] adv. sidi seta. traccia, f. s. mormilmente, parimente. Sig^j', [saine] V. a. segnare, fari Sii 'kiness, [slchines] Sim'ile, [slmile] s. simile, m.: sibidezza, /". Begno; accennare; significare,! ' rappresentare;fo - o ?e<(er, sot- Silk'-mercer, [silchemeurseur] militudine, /.; esempio, paragone, m. s. mercante di seteria, m. toscrivere una lettera. [slche-stoch- Simil'itude, [similitiude] s. siSig'nal, [signal] adj. segnalato, Silk'-stockings, ngs] s. pi. calzette di seta, militudine; conformit,/. egregio, eccellente, illustre. Sim'itar, [simitar] s. scimitarSig'nal, [signal] s. segnale, se- A pis. [slche-steuf] ra, /. Silk'-stufif , gno; contrassegno, m. Sim'mer, [simeur]t). n. grillare, Sig'nalze, [signlaize] v. a. se- drappo di seta, m. gnalare; rendere famoso ; to - Silk'-throwster, [silche-th^ro- bollire dolcemente , bollire a fuoco lento. steur] s. torcitore di seta, m. one's self, segnalarsi. Sig'nal-lamp, [sTgnllamp] s. Silk'-wares, [slche-oures] s.jsim'mering, [smeiiring] s. bollire a fuoco lento, m. pi. mercanzie di seta, (rail.) lampada di segnale, /. [slche-ouivur] Simne'l, [simnl] s. stiacciata Sig'nally, [signl] adv. segna- Silk'-weaver, (niaco, m. dolco, A s. tessitore di drappi, m. latamente; illustr emente. Sig'nature, [sgnatciire] s. so- Silk'-worm, [silche-oueurm] s. Simo'niac, [simonaic] s. simobaco filugello, bigatto, baco da Simoni'acal, [simonaiacl] adj. scrizione; firm a, prova; (print.)
i \ '

simoniaco. seta, m. segnatura, f. s. simo[simeiine'] Sign' er,[saineur]s. sognatore, m. Sil'ky, [slche] adj. fatto di Sim'ony, nia, f. Sig'net, [signet] .suggello (del seta; setoso, morbido. [sii] s. soglio, limita- Sim'per, [simpeur] s. sorriso, Sili', re), m. sorridere degli sciocchi,?. re, m. Significance , Signif icancy [simpeur] v. n. sorri[significnse, signficns] s. Siriabnb, [silabeub] . limonea Sim'per, dere scioccamente. vinosa, /. capo di latte, tn. significazione, importanza, f.

Bim'perer, [simpeurour] s. clii fa costume di sorridere scioccamente, m. Sim'peringly , [simpeurngl] adv. con sorriso sciocco. Sim'ple, [simpl] adj. semplice; puro, ingenuo; inesperto,

Sin'ew, [sTniu] tendine, m.

nervo, nerbo;

andare a fondo; abbassarsi, abbattersi; soccombere; cadere, decrescere; penetrare; to - a ship, mandare a fondo un vascello.


[siniu'd] adj. , voso, nerboso; vigoroso.



Sin'ewless, [sniules]


nervi, debole. Sin'king, [sinching] s. l'affonSin'ewy, [sniu] adj. nervoso, dare, abbassamento, m. nerboso; vigoroso, forte. Sin'less, [sinls] adj. senza pecgoffo. Sim'ple, [simpl]s. semplice, hi.; Sin'ful, [sinful] adj. criminoso, cato; immacolato. vizioso, corrotto. Sin'lessuess, [sinlsns] s. esendroga, erba medicinale, f. Sim'ple, [smpl'] v. n. erborare, Sinfully, [sinfule'] adv. crimi- zione da peccato, impeccabilinosamente, viziosamente. t, f. cogliere semplici. Sim'ple-minded , [sTmpl-main- Sin'fulness, [sinful ns] s. cor- Sin'ner , [sineir] s. peccatore, offenditore; peccatrice, /". ruzione; trasgressione, f. ddj adj. di animo semplice. Sim'pleness, [simpTnes] s. sem- Sing', [sing] V. a. irr. (sang ; Sin'ning , [suing] s. Il peccaplicit ; sciocchezza, /. sung) cantare ; lodare, celebra- re, m. Sim'pler, [simpleur] s. sempli- re; -, . n. irr. cantare; gar- Sin'-offering, [sn-ofeuring] s. offerta espiatoria, /. cista, botanico, m. rire. Sim'pleton, [simpl'teun] s. sem- Singe', [sindge] v. a. abbruciac- Sin'oper, Sin'ople, [sinopeur, plicione, sciocco, m. chiare, abbrustiare. sinopl'] s. sinopia, senopia, f. Simplic'ity, [siraplisit] s. sem- Sing'er, [singheur] s. cantante, Sin'uate, [siniuete] v. a. renplicit ; purit , ingenuit cantatore, wi. dere sinuoso; -, v. n. serpere. sciocchezza, f. Sing'ing, [singhing] s. canto, il Sinaa'ton, Sinuos'ity, [siniuSimplifica'tion , [simplfiche- cantare; il garrire, m. scieun, siniuosit] s. sinuosit; scieun] s. simplificazione, f. Sing'ing-book, [singhing-bic] circuito; seno, tn. Sim'plify, [simplifai] v. a. sira- s. libro di canti, m. Sin'nous, [siniuus] adj. sinuoplificare, rendere men com- Sing'ing-boy , [snghingboi] s. so, torto. plesso. ragazzo che canta in coro, m. Sip', [sip] s. sorso, centellino, w. Sim'plist, [smplist] vedi Sim- Sing'ing-man, [singhingmn] Sip', [sip] V. a. & n. sorsare , pler. s. cantore, corista, tn. bere a sorsi; gocciare. [singhing- Si'phon , [saifn] s. sifone , Sim'ply, [simple] adv. sempli- Sing'ing-master , cemente, solamente. _ msteiir] s. maestro di canto. tubo, m. Sim'ulacre, [simiilecheur] s. Sin'gle, Isingl] ddj. solo, unico Sip'per, [sipeir] s. uno che simulacro, m. semplice; - combat, s. duello, sorseggia, che beve a piccoli Sim'ular, [sTmiulr] s. simula- m.; - game, s. semplice partita, sorsi. - man, Sip'pet, [spet] s. fettolina, fet/".; - life. s. celibato, j. tore; ipocrita, wi. Sim'alate, [smiulete] v. n. si- s, scapolo, celibe, wi.; - woman, ticella (di pane), f. mulare. s. zitella; donna nubile, f. Sir', [seur] s. signore, w. (titolo Simnla'tion, [sTmiulscieiin] s. Sin'gle, [singl] v. a. separare, dato ad un baronetto o cavasimulazione, f. scegliere; segnare. liere). Simulta'neous,[saimeiiltenius] Sin'gle-hearted, [singl-hrtSd] Sire', [sare] s. sire (parola di adj. simultaneo. adj. sincero, franco, schietto. risi tto detta al re), m.; (poes.) Simulta'neously , [salmeiilt- Sin'gleness, [sngl'us] s. sem- padre, m. niuslj adv. unitamente, tutti plicit; sincerit, schiettezza, f. Si'ren, [sairen] s. sirena, ninfa insieme. Sin'gly, [single'] adv. separata- del mare, f. Simulta'neousness, [salmeult- mente; onestamente. Si'renize, [salrenaze] v. a. far niisns] s. simultaneit, [.; Sin'gular, [singhiulr] adj. sinda sirena, incantare. sincronismo, m. golare, particolare ; raro; biz- Siri'asis, [sii*aiass] s. infiamzarro ; - number, s. numero sin- mazione del cervello, /. Sin', [sin] s. peccato, fallo, m.; golare, m. colpa, f. Sir'ius, [sirius] s. [astr.) sirio, Sin', [sin] V. n. peccare com- Singular'ity, [singhiulrite'] s. m.; canicola, f. mettere peccato, fallire. singolarit, particolarit; ra- Sir'loin , [seiirloin] s. lonza,
; ; ;

Sin'apism, [sinapism] senapismo, m.

rit, /. lombata, /. Sin'gularly, [singhiulrl] acfv. Sir'name, [seurnme] vedi Surparticolar- name. Since', [sinse] prp. & adv. di singolarmente mente. poi, dopo; poich; long -, molto Sroc'co, [salroc] s. tempo fa; not long -, non Sin'ister, [sinisteur] adj. sini- Sir'op, [sirep] s. siroppo, scimany fa; poco cattivo, tempo, stro; ingiusto; lungo mali- roppo, m. years -, molti anni sono; a zioso infelice, funesto. Sir-rah, [sira] s. briccone, mafa. ha poco -, guari, non Sin'istrous, [sinstreiis] while adj. siriuolo, wi. [snsire] adj. sincero, assurdo, nistro; perverso. Sincero', Sir'up, [sireup] vedi Sirop. schietto, onesto. Sin'istrously, franco; [sinistreusl]adu. Sir'uped , [sroupd] adj. dolca Sincere'ly, [snsirel] adv. sin- sinistramente ; assurdamente, come lo sciroppo. schiettamente. perversamente. ceramente; Sir'upy, [sireupe'] adj. assomiSincere'ness, Sincerity, [sin- Sink', [sinch] s. sentina, cloa- gliante allo sciroppo. /.; lavatojo, sincerit m. sirens, sinsrite'] s. ca, Sis'kin, [sischin] s. lucherino, Sink', [sinch] v.a. irr. {sank schiettezza, f. m. (uccello). sino, sunk) sommergere, affondare Sis'ter, [slsteir] s. sorella, /. Sine' , [salne] s. (geom.) opprimere; scavare; seno, m. disfare, Sis'terhood, [sisterhud]*. quaSi'necure, [salnichiure] *. be- distruggere, rovinare; avven- lit di sorella; affinit di so-, V. n. turare; irr. attuffarsi. neficio senza cure, m. rella, /".; sorelle, /. pi.






Sis'ter-in-law, [sisteiir-in-lo] s. Skate', [schte] s. pattino, w.; cognata, /, razza, /. (pesce). Sis'terly, [sisteurle] adj. di so- Skate', [schete] v. n. ballare sorella. pra il ghiaccio. Sit', [sit] V. n. irr. (sat, sate Skeg', [schg] s. susina salvasat) posare, collocare; sedetica, f. re; stare; esser situato; es- Skeg'ger, [schegheir] s. piccol sere; riposarsi: adunarsi; to salamone, m. - close to one's icork, lavo- Skein', [schene] s. matassa, f. rare assiduamente; to - at Skel'eton', [schlitein] .schework, lavorare; to - for one's letro, carcame, m. j)!C<wre, farsi dipignere; to - in Skep', [schp] s. corbello roz (/le sun, stare al sole; to- still. zo, m. stare fermo ; non muoversi; to Skep'tic, [skep'tic] s. scetti- at table, sedersi a tavola; to co, m. - waiting for, aspettare; to - Skep'tical, adj. [schptical] well, andare bene: to down, scettico. sedersi; restare; to up, star Skep'ticism, [scheptisism] s. fuor di letto; to - up in bed, scetticismo, i. tenersi assiso sul letto. Sketch', [schtsce] s. schizzo, Site', [sate]s. sito, m ; situaabbozzo ; primo pensiero, w. zione, positura, f. Sketch', [schtsce] r. a. schizzaSi'ted, [saitd] a^/;. situato. re, abbozzare; far il primo diSithe', [saith^e] s. falce, f. segno. Sithe', [saithig] v. a- falciare. Skew', [schiu] adj. obbliquo, Sithe'-man, [satli'e-mn] s. storto; -, adv. obbliquamente.



superficiale, leggiero. Skin'flint, [schintiint] s. spilorcio,


Skin'less, [schinles] adj. senza


Skinned', [schin'd]
cato, cicatrizzato.

adj. scortis.

Skin'ner, [schineur] ciaio, pellicciere, m.



-'s trade,

pellame, m. Skin'niness, [schinins] $. magrezza, macilenza, f. Skin'ny, [schn] aj. magro, macilento. Skip', [schip] s. salto, balzo,.; saltazione, /. by -s a salti,

saltellone. Skip', [schip] V. a. trascorrere; omettere; -, v. n. saltare, saltellare. Skip 'jack, [schipdgic] s. uomo da niente arricchito, m.

Skip'kennel, [schipchnel] garzone, fante, m.

Skip'per, [schipeiir]



falciatore, m. Skew', [schii] v. n. guardare Sifter, [siteur] s. uno che sta obbliquamente; camminare oba sedere, i.; chioccia, f. bliquamente. Sifting, [siting] s. sedere, m.; Skew'er, [schiueiir] s. brocco, sessione, assemblea, f. stecco, wi. Sif uate, [sitiute] adj. situato,! Skew'er, [schiueur] v a. appiccollocato, posto care con stecchi; infilzare. Situa'tion, [sitiuscieunj s. si- Skid', [schid] s. catena da fertuazione; condizione,/". mare, forcina da arrestare le Six', [sics] adj. sei, m.; at sixes ruote, f. ami sevens, in confusione. Skiff',[schif] .schifo, palischelSix'fold,[sicsfold] arfj. sestuplo. mo, ni.

padrone; mozzo di vascello, m. Skip'ping, [schiping] s. il saltare, salto, m. Skippingly, [schipingl] adv. a

Skip'ping-rope, [schiping-rope] s. corda da saltare,/".

Skirl', [scheiirl] strillare.
v. n. gridare,

Sx'pence,Six'penny,[scspense,iSkirful, [schilfiil] adj. saccente; slcspne] s. sei soldi, m. pl.;\ sperimentato, versato, pratico. mezzo scellino, m. Skil'fully, [schilful] adu.esperSix'score, [sicscre] adj. cento; tamente; destramente, saviaventi. mente. Six'teen, [sicstine] ar/y. sedici. Skil'fulness, [schilfilnes] s.j Six'teenth, [scstinth-] adj. se- abilit, destrezza; arte, /". dicesimo. Skill', [schl] s. capacit, deSixth', [sicsth2] adj. sesto. strozza; arte, scienza, /. (radice). Sixth'ly, [sicsth-l] adv. in. se-iSkill', [schil] v. n. essere ver-ISkirf, [scheart] s. fimbria, f.\ sto luogo sato, essere intelligente, in-i fregio, orlo, m. Six'tieth, [sicstith^] adj. ses tendersi di. jSkirf, [scheiirt] v. a. fregiare, santesimo. Skilled', [schil'd] adj. versato.) orlare; circondare. Six'ty, [sieste'] adj. sessanta. sperimentato, esperto. |Skiftish, [schitisce] ad/, schifo. Siz'able, [saizabl'] adj. di gi ISkil'Iess, [schillsj adj. senzaj ombroso; restio; bizzarro; vosta proporzione; di buona sta capacit, ignorante. lubile, incostante. tura. jSkil'let, [schilt] s. padellino, jSkiftishly, [schitiscele] adv. Size', [saize] . grandezza, gres m.; casserola, f. schifamente, timorosamente. sezza; misura: dimensione, /. ;|Skim', [schim] s. schiuma. A iSkiftishness, [schtiscens] s. calibro, m.; statura; condizio-iSkim', [schim] v a. schiumare; schifilt; fantasia, incostanne, /.; stato, m.; (sAoe.) colla,/".;; -, v. n. trattare leggiermente,,! za,/". (6oo/c6.) mordente, m. scorrere leggiermente. |Skiftle, [schifi] s. birillo, m.\ Size', [saize] v. a. aggiustare; ^Skim'mer, [schimeir] s. schiu- -s, pi. birilli, m. pi.; giuoco di misurare;_ (.sAoe.) incerare. maruola, /. birilli, m. Sized', [saize'd] adj. proporzio- Skim'-milk , [schim-mlche] s. ISkreen, [schrine] s. crivello; nato, proporzionevole. latte schiumato. paravento, parafuoco, m. Si'zer, [saizeur] s. studente di Skin', [schin] s. pelle, cute, /".jis'kreen, [schrine] . o.'crivellaun collegio del pi basso ordi-: cuojo, i. ; buccia, f.; to come\ re; coprire; proteggere. ne,m. off" with a whole -, sortire il--Skue', [schiu] adj. obbliquo, Si'ziness, [saizins] s. qualit leso. scancio, torto. glutinosa, viscosit, /. jSkin', [schn] t;. a. torre via laj Skulk', [scheiilche] . n. celarsi, Si'zy, [saize'] adj. glutinoso, vi-: pelle, scorticare; to - over, am-j nascondersi furtivamente. scoso. marginarsi, chiudersi. Skull', [scheul] s. cranio, m.

Skir'mish, [scheirmisc] s. scaramuccia, /".; badalucco, m. Skir'mish, [scheirmisc] r. n. scaramucciare, badaluccare. Skir'misher, [scheirmsceir] s. che scaramuccia, badaluccatore, m. Skir'mishing, [scheirmiscing] s. scaramuccia, /. Skir'ret, [schirt] s. sisaro, m.



Sknir-cap, [scheul-cap]


Slangh'terons, [slteirous] ad}.
micidiale. Slave', [slve] s. schiavo, m. Slave', [slve] i'. n. affaticarsi, stentare. Sla'ver, [sleveur] s. bava, f. Sla'ver, [slveiir] v. a. faro bava, sporcare di bava. Sla'verer, [slveireiir] s. bavoso; minchione, tri. Sla'veringly,[slveurngl]orf. con bava. Sla'very, [slveir] s. schiavit, servit, f. _ Slave'-trade, [sleve-trede] s. tratta dei negri, f. Sla'vish', [slvsce] adj. schiavesco, servile. Sla'vishly, [slvscel] adv. da schiavo, servilmente. Sla'vishness, [slviscenes] s. servilit; bassezza, f.

s. ca- nia, maldicenza, diffamazione, f. schetto, m.; cuffia, f. Sky', [scai] s. cielo, firmamen- Slan'der, [slandeur] v.a. calunniare, diffamare. to, m.; aria, f. Sky-color, [scai-cheuleur] s. Slan'derer, [slndeureiir] s. calunniatore , maldicente , diffaazzurro, turchino^^m.

Sky'-colored, [scai-clieuleur'd] matore, m. Slan'dering, [slandeiiring] adj. adj. azzurrigno. Sky'-dyed, [scai-dai'd] affj. tin- calunnioso; -, s. calunnia, maldicenza, f. to d" azzurro. Skyed', [scai'd] adj. celeste, nel Slan'derous, [slandeureis] adj. calunnioso, maldicente. cielo. Slan'derously, [slandeSreusl] Sky'ey, [scaie'] adj. etereo. Sky'ish, [scaiisc] adj. azzurric- adv. calunniosamente.
cio, turchiniccio.





Slan'derousness, [slandeiireusns] s. calunnia, maldicenza, f.

Sky'-light, baino, m.

Slank', [siane] s. alga marina,/'. ab- Slant', [slant] v. a. volgere ob-


Slant', Slan'ting, [slant, slanting] adv. traverso, obbliquo. (firew.) razzo, m. Slab', [slab] s. fango, limo, m. Slant'ingly, Slant 'ly, Slant'melma; belletta, /.; - of marble, wise , [slantngl , slantl , Slay','[sl] v. a. irr. {slew, slain) slantoSaize] adv. di scancio, uccidere, ammazzare, trucitavola di marmo, f. dare. Slab'ber, [slbeiir] . a. S: n. ba- obbliquamente. vare; sporcare, imbrattare; ef- Slap', [slap] adv. con un colpo Slay'er, [sleur] s. ammazzatore, trucidatore, m. fonder. subito e violento (volgare). Slab'ber-cliops, (mnlto volgare) Slap', [slap] s. colpo, schiaffo,ni.; Sleave', [slive] v. a. separare [slber-ciops Slab'berer , guanciata, f. in fila; sleaved silk, s. seta non lavorata, f. slbeireur] s. bavoso, m. Slap', [slap] V. a. schiaffeggiaSlab'bering , [slabeurng] aij. re, battere percuotere to - up, Siea'zy, [sliz] adj. rado, tenue, bavoso, sporco; - s. lo sporca- inghiottire, ingojare (volgare). sottile. re, m. Slap'dash,[slpdsce]odv.inun|Sled', [sld] vedi Sledge. Slab'biness, [slbins] s. stato colpo, in un subito, a un tratto Sled'ded,, [slded] adj. montato melmoso, m. (volgare). sur una slitta. Slab'by,[slb]adi. fangoso, vi- Slash',[slsce]s. ferita, staffila-] Sledge', [sledge] s. slitta, tregscoso, umido [poco usato). ta, /.; sguarcio, sfregio, taglio,! gi, /.: traino, m. [sldgeSlack', [slc] adj. sciolto, lento; m.; - of a whip, sferzata ben Sledge'-hammer , negligente, infingardo; - in applicata, /. hmeiir] s. martello (di fabpayment, lento nel pagare. Slash', [slsce] v. a. staffilare, bro), m. tagliare, sfregiare. Slack , [slc] s. bracia, brace Sleek', [sllche] adj. liscio, pulivalletta,/. Slatch', [sltsce]s. (mar.) cordai to; morbido. Slack', SlacTcen, [slc, slach'nl sciolta,/'. ; vento momentaneo,!. Sleek', [sliche] v. a. lisciare, V. a. slegare, allentare; ritar- Slate', [slte] s. lavagna, f, pulire, lustrare, dare; negligere; stemperare; Slate', [slte] v. a coprire dijSleek'ly, [sllchele'] arii). pulitaestinguere; -, v. .allentarsi, lavagne. mente, lisciamente. rallentarsi; diminuire to - one's Slate'-quarry, [slcte-quor] s Sleek'ness, [slchenes] s. lisciahand, prendere riposo, ricrear- cava della lavagna, f. mento, m. si; <o - one's speed, rallentare Sla'ter , [siteur] s. conciatet- |sieek'-stone, [sllche-stne] . 1 passi. ti, m. lisciatojo, brunitojo, m. adv. lenta- Slat'ter , [slter] v. n. esseri Sleep', [sllpe] s. sonno; riposo, Slack'ly, [slacle'] mente; trascuratamente, pi- neghittoso; perdere per negli- m.; quiete, f. gramente. genza. |sieep', [sllpe] v. n. irr. (slept; Slack'ness, [slcnes] s. rilassa- Slat'tern , [slteiirn] s. donna siepO dormire; riposarsi; to mento, m. ; tardezza, negligen- neghittosa, donna sudicia, again, raddormentarsi ; io za, f. Slat'ternly, [slateiirnl] adj. away, fare passare (per sonno); Slag', [slag] s. scoria, /".; rosticci neghittoso, sudicio; -, ad, neto - upon, non darsi briga di. (de' metalli), m. pi. ghittosamente. Slee'per, [slpeur] s. dormitore; Slaie', [sle] s. {weuv.) spola, Sla'ty , [slte'] adj. lavagnoso, tentennone, m.; (rail.) traver[scai-rochetj
, ; ;



spuoi a, f. di lavagna. sa,/". Slake', [sleche] v. a. estingue- Slaugh'ter, [sloter] s. strage, jSleep'ful, [slpefl] ad;, opprosre; stemperare liquefare: /o - /.; macello, m. so dal sonno, one's (Airs<, smorzarsi la sete, Slaugh'ter, [sloteur] v. a. am- Sleep'fulness, [slipefulnes] . Slak'ing, [slechng] .stempera- mazzare, macellare, trucidare.; sopore, m. (poco usato). mento, m Slaugh'terer, [sloteireir] s.uc-jsiee'pily, [slipil] adv. dormenSlam', [slam] s. cappotto, m. cisore, assassino, m. do; in modo stupido; fredda;

(al giuoco delle carte). Slangh'ter-house , [sloteur- mente. Slam', [slam] v. a. macellare haouse] s. macello, m.; becche- Slee'piness, [sllpines] s. sopochiudere con forza; fare tutte ria, f. re, addormentamento, m. le bazze. Slaugh'terman , [slteurman] Slee'ping, [sliping] adj. dorSlan'der , [slandeur] s. calun- s. beccajo, macelliijo, m. mendo; - chamber, $. camera

da dormire, /".; dormitorio, ro.; - cup, s. bevanda sonnifera, /.;
place, s. albergo, letto, m. room, \e sleeping-chamber -, s. 11 dormire, sonno, m.; quie; ; ;


Slip'shod, [slipscid] adj. coll scarpe scalcagnate. Slip'slop , [slipslop] s. cattivo liquore, cattivo vino, m. Slit', [slit] .fessura, fenditura, spaccatura, crepatura, f.
Slit', [slit]


Bleep'less, [sllpeless] adj. senza

dormire. Bleep'lessness, [sHpelesnes] s. mancanza di sonno, f. Slee'py, [slp] adj. addormentato, sonnolento. Sleet', [slite] s. pioggia con neve, /. Sleet', [slitc]. n. nevicare mi- Sligh'ty, [slaite] adj. leggiero, superficiale; negligente. nutamente. Slee'ty, [sllt] adj. piovoso e Sli'ly, [slail] adv. astutamente destramente. nevoso. Sleeve', [slive] s. manica, f.: to Slim', [slim] adj. smilzo,magro, laugh in one's -s, sogghignare. sottile. Sleeved', [sliv'd] adj. fornito di Slime', [slaime] s. belletta, f. limo; vischio, m. maniche. Sleeve'less, [sliveles] adj. senza Sli'miness, [slaimines] s. viscosit, f. maniche. Sleight', [slaite] s. astuzia, fur- Slim'ness, [slimnes] .minutezberia, /. tiro, m.; - of hand, za, gracilit, f. Sl'my , [slaime] adj. viscoso gherminella, /. Sleight'ful, Sleighty, [slaiteful, glutinoso.
, ;

a vile to - ot'er, fare con tra-' scuraggine. Sligh'ter, [slaiteur] s. sprezzatore, dispregiatore, m. Sligh'ting, [slaltng] s. dispregio, disprezzo, sdegno, ni. Sligh'tingly , [slatngl] adv. dispregevolmente. Slight'ly, [slaitel] adv. leggiermente , superficialmente negligentemente, con poca cura. Slight'ness , [slaitens] s. ra dezza; delicatezza ; trascurag gine, negligenza, f.

v.a. irr.{slil:slitted] fendere, spaccare; -, v. n. irr. spaccarsi. Slit'ter, [sliteur] s. fenditore.w.

Slive', Sli'ver, [slaTve, slalvorj V. a. tagliare in fette, afTctt-ire; fendere. Sli'ver, [slaiveur] . ramo spaccato, m.; fetta, f. SloVber, [slbeur] . bava, f. Slob'ber, [slbeur] v. n. fare

bava; imbrattare. Slob'berer, [slobeureur] s. bavoso, m. Slob'bery, [slbeire'] adj. bavoso; paludoso. Sloe', [slo] s. prugnuola, susina
salvatica, f. Sloe'-tree, [sl-tri]




[sliipe] s.


schifo, m. astuto, scaltro, Sli'nesS) [slanes] . astuzia, f. Slop', [slop] s. cattivo liquore^ slaite] adj. Sling', [sling] s. fromba, from- m.; cattiv_a bevanda, f. furbo. Sleight'ly, [slaitle] adv. astu- bola; scaglia; botta, percossa, Slope', [slope] ac/j. traverso, obtamente, scaltramente, con fi- f.;- of a crane, ulivella d' un bliquo; -, adv. obbliquamente, argano, /. in pendio, scancio. nezza. Slen'der, [slendeur] adj. sottile, Sling', [sling] V. a. irr. (slung; Slope', [slope] s. pendio, m.\

smunto, magro;



mediocremente; liere, frombatore,m. ser proclive. poveramente. Slen'derness, [slendeurnes] s. Slink', [siine] a^/j. abortivo, m. Slope'wse, [slpeoiaize] piccolezza; magrezza; parci- Slink', [siine] r. a. irr. (siun/c; Slopingly.

slung) lanciare scagliare declivit, f. penzolare Slope', [slope] v. a. tagliare a parcamente .jSling'er, [slingheur] s. frombo- sghembo; piegare; -, v. n. es; ;

parco adv


slunk) abortire; sconciarsi;-, t, f. Sley', [sii] V. n. dividersi in V. n. irr. scappare; svignare. fila, attorcersi in fila; s. petti- Slip', [slip] .passo falso; fallo, errore, sbaglio; rampollo (di ne da tessitore. pianta), m.; - of paper, pezzo Slice', [slase] s. fetta; spatola, di carta, m.; ' of thyme, polpaletta, f. Slice', [slaise] v.a tagliare in lone di timo, m.; to give one the -, piantare uno ; involarsi, fette, affettare. Slick', [sllche] adj. liscio, pulito. salvarsi. Slick'en, [slich'n] v. a. lisciare, Slip', [slip] V. a. mettere di nascosto; omettere; -,v.n. sdrucpulire. Slide', [slaide] s. sdrucciolo; ciolare; scappare, fuggire; to a fair opportunity, lasciarsi sentiero liscio, m. uscir di mano una bella occaSlide', [slalde] v. n. irr. {slid; slidden) sdrucciolare; scorrere; sione; to - into a place, entrar pian piano in un luogo; to to - in, introdurre destramenaway, fuggire, scorrere; to te; to - into, insinuarsi; to upon the ice, sdrucciolare (sul down, sdrucciolando cascare; to - in {into), insinuarsi; to ghiaccio). Sli'der, [sladeir] s che sdrucoff, cavarsi; scorrere; to - out, uscire di nascosto. ciola. [slipnt] s. nodo Sli'ding, [slaiding] adj. sdruc Slip'knot , doloso; -,s. sdrucciolare, sdruc- scorsojo, m. jSlip'per, [slipeiir] s. pianella, f. ciolo, m. Slight', [slaite] adj. sottile, ra- Slip'pered, [slipeiir'dj adj. che do; piccolo, leggiero; to make porta pianelle



adj. obbli-

quo pendente, declive.


[slopingl] adv. a

sghembo, in pendio. Slop'py, [slope] adj. fangoso, melmoso.

Slops', [slops] s. pi. calzoni (di marinari), m. pi. Slop'seller, [slpsleur] s. rigattiere, m. Slop'shop, [slopscip] s. botte-

ga da rigattiere,


Slot', [sltj s. traccia (d'un cervo), f. Sloth' , [slth^] s. infingardia, pigrizia, /".; ozio, m. Sloth'ful, [slth^fl] adj. infingardo, ozioso. adv. [slth^ful] Sloth'fully, pigramente, oziosamente; len-

Sloth'fulness, [slth'fulns]
pigrizia, infingardia,
f. s.

Slouch', [slaoutsce] s. sguardi dimesso; zotico, villanaccio.m. Slouch', [slautsc] v. a. abbas-

- of, far poco conto di. Slip'periness, [slipeiirines] s. sare la testa; -, v. n. andare cogli occhi dimessi. Slight', [slaite] s. sdegno, dis- qualit sdrucciolevole; incerSlouch'ing-hat , [slautscngpregio, disprezzo; artifizio, n*. tezza; delicatezza, f. ht] s. cappello con larga teSlight', Sligh'ten, [slaite, slai- Slip'pery, [slipeLre'j adj. sdruc ciolcvole; incerto; delicato. sa, ni. te'n] V. a. dispregiare, tenere




Slough', [slaou] s. pozza, lacu- Slush', [sleusce] s. melma, f.; mento , vivacemente; acutafango, wi. mente. na, /.; fango, wi.;scoglia; pelle; escara; crosta,/". Slush'y,'[sleusce'] adj. melmoso, Smart'ness, [smrtnes] s. vivaSlough'y, [slaou] adj. fangoso, fangoso. cit, /".; vigore, m.; energia, f. melmoso. Slut', [sleut] s. sporca, schifa, Smash', [smsce] v. a. rompere, Slov'en, [sleuv'n] s. sporco, bro- donna sudicia, spezzare. Slut'tery, [sleiiteire'] s. sporci- Smatch', [smatsce]s. gusto ; suodoloso, schifo, m. SlOT'enliness , [sleuv'nlins] s. zia, schifezza, lordezza, /. no acuto, m.; tintura, /. sporcizia, schifezza, f. Slut'tish, [sleitsce] adj. spor- Smat'ter, [smteur] s. leggiera Slov'enly, [sleuv''nl] adj. sporco, schifo, sudicio. tintura di sapere, /. co, schifo; -, adv. sporcamente, Slut'tishly, [sleutiscele'] arfu.i Smat'ter, [smteur] v. n. avere schifamento; in modo grosso- sporcamente, schifamente. una poca tintura di. lano, (tardo; ottuso. Slut'tishness, [sleutiscens] s.'Smat'terer, [smteurer] s. seSlow', [slo] adj. lento, pigro, sporcizia, schifezza, porche- midotto, letteratuccio, m. Slow'ly, [slole'] adv. lentamen- ria, f. Smat'tering, [smteurng] s. te, pigramente. Sly , [slai] adj. astuto, scaltri- leggiera tintura, mediocre coSlow'ness, [slnes] s. lentezza, to, accorto. gnizione, f. tardit; pigrizia, f. Sly'ly, [slale'] adv. astutamen- Smear', [smire] v. a. sporcare, Slow'worm , [sloueurm] s. ofi- te, scaltritamente. imbrattare. diano, m. (serpe). Sly'ness , [slains] s. astuzia Smea'ry , [smir] adj. viscoso, Slubber, [sleiibear] v. a. ac- scaltrezza, accortezza, f. gaglioso; sporco, lordo. ciarpare, acciabattare; imbrat Smack', [smc] s. gusto, sape Smeg'matic, [smgmtic] adj, tare, sporcare, macchiare {poco re; bacio forte, m. tintura, /".; saponaceo. usato, volgare). palischelmo, m Smeli', [sml] s. odore, sentore, [sleubeur- Smack', [smc] v. a. assaggia Slubberdegul'lion, fiuto, m.; - of meat, odore della digheulien] s. briccone bir- re; baciare facendo scoppio; carne, /. bante, m. V. n. avere sapore. Smeli', [sml] v. a. & n. reg. & [sleiibeuringl] Slub'beringly, Smack'er, [smcheur] s. assag' irr. (smetled; smeli) sentire; adv. trascuratamente, negli- giatore, m. odorare, fiutare; lo - a rat, difgentemente. Small', [sml] adj. piccolo, mi- fidarsi, sospettare; to - out. Sludge', [sleudge] s. fango, loto, nuto; - supper, s. cena leggio- odorare, presentire, scoprire, limo, m. ra, f. Smel'ler, [smleiir] s. uno che Slnd'gy, [sleiidge'] adj. fangoso, Small', [smol] s. parte sottile, fiuta, scroccone, m. /".; lotoso, limoso. of the back, congiuntura Smell'feast, [smlfiste] s. scrocSlug', [sleug]_s. infingardo, m.; delle coste, f.\ - of a sword, decone, parassito, m. /". lumaca palla da schioppo, bole d'una spada, m. jsmel'ling, [smlng] s. odorato, Slug', [sleiig] V. n. esser infin- Small'-beer, [sml-bire] s. birra sentore, fiuto, m. gardo, muoversi lentamente. lunga (di poca forza) /. Smel'ling-bottle , [smelingSlug'gard, [sleugheurd] s. in- Small'-cards, [smol-crds] s. bot'l] s. boccetta, /. fingardo, pigro, m. pi. carte basse, f. pi. Smelt', [smelt] s. perlano, m. Slug'gardize, [sleugheurdaize] Small'-coal, [sml-cle] s. car(pesce). V. a. render poltrone, fare diboni minuti m. pi. bra- Smelt', [smelt] v. a. fonder venire infingardo. gia, f. (metallo). Slug'gish, [sleughisc] adj. len- Small'-craft, [smol-crft] . ba- Smel'ter, [smlteiir] s. fonditoto, dormiglioso; pigro, infinstimento di poco volume, m. re, m. gardo. Smallish , [smolisc] adj. al- Smel'ting-house , Smel'tery , Slug'gshly, [sleughscel] adv. quanto piccolo. [smlting-haouse smlteur] lentamente; pigramente. Small'ness, [smlnes] s. pic- s. fonderia, f. Slug'gishness, [sleughiscenes] colezza, poca quantit; tenui- Smerk', [smelare] s. sorriso afs. lentezza; infingardia, f. t,/". fettato, m. Sluice', [slSse] s. cateratta, f. Small'-pox, [sml-pocs] a. va- Smerk', [smeurc] v. n. sorridere, Sluice', [slise] v. a. alzare la juole, f. pi.', vajuolo, m. aver una cera allegra to cateratta, romper le sponde; Smal'ly, [sml] adv. in poca upon, guardare con viso risboccare, inondare. quantit. dente. Slui'cy, [si use] adj. inondante. Smalt', [sraolt] s. smalto, m. Smer'king, [smeiirchTng] s. viso Slum'ber, [sleumbeur] s. sonno Sma'ragd', [smargd] s. smeral- ridente, m.; cera ridente, /". leggiero, m. do, m. Smer'ky, [smeiirch] adj. gentiSlum'ber, [sleumbeur] r. a. ad- Smarag'dine, [smaragdine] adj. le vago, gajo. dormentare; stordire; -, v. n. smeraldino, di smeraldo. Smic'ker, [smicheurjw. n. guarsonnacchiare; riposarsi. Smart', [smart] adj. pungente, dare con compiacenza, occhiegSlum'berer, [sleumbeureur] s. acuto; arguto; doloroso; spiri- giare. sonnacchioso, sonnolento, m. toso, lesto, vestito sfarzosa- Smic'kering, [smcheuring] s. Slum'bering, [sleumbeurng] s. mente. sguardo amoroso, m. il sonnacchiare, il dormire, m. Smart', [smart] s. cociore, dolo- Smile', [smaile] s. sorriso, viso Slum berons,Slum'bery,[sleum- re acuto, m.; frasca, f. lieto, m. beures, sleumbeur] adj. son- Smart', [smart] v. n. cuocere; Smile', [smaile] v. n. sorrider, nifero, sonnacchioso. frizzare, pizzicare fare male; arridere. Slur', [sler] s. tiro, m.; burla; soffrire. Smi'ling, [smailTng] adj. sorrimacchia, ^; disonore, m. Smar'ten, [smrVn] y. a. render dente; lieto; -, s. sorriso, m. Slar', [sleur] v. a. macchiare, vivace; ornare. Smi'lingly, [smailingl] adv. sporcare; disgraziare. Smart'ly, [smrtle'] adv. viva- sorridentemente con sorriso.
1 !








Smirch', [smeurtsce] V. a. oscu-|Smug' , [sraeug] adj. gentile; asprezza, f.; umor arcigno incivilt, f. lesto, attillato. rave; sporcare, macchiare Smug'gle, [sraeug'l] v. a. fare Snap'sack , [snapsac] s. bisacSmirk', [smeurc] vedi Smerk. cia; tasca (di soldato), f. Smite', [smaitejtj.o. irr. (smote; contrabbando. smit, smitten) percuotere; hat- Smug'gler, [smeugleSr] s. con- Snare' , [snre] s. laccio, t.; trappola,^.; agguato, m.; insitrabbandiere, m. ter e, ferire. Smi'ter, [smaiteir] s. percoti- Smug'gling, [smeiiglng] s. de- dia, /.; (o lay -s, tender insidie. litto di contrabbando, m. Snare', [snre] v. a. inlacciare; tore, feritore, m. accalappiare. Smitl^', [smith-] s. fahhro, fer- Smut', [smeiit] s. nerezza; sporchezza; disonest, oscenit, f. Sna'rer, [snreur] s. insidiatorajo, m.; -'s shop, s. fucina, Smut', [smeut] v. a. sporcare, re, m. hottega di fabbro, /. Smithcraft, [smith-craft] s. imbrattare; annebbiare; muf- Snarl', [snarl] v. a. raggruppafare. re, avviluppare; -, v. n. grumestiere del fabbro, m. Smith'ery, Smith'y, [smith^- Smutch', [smeitsce] v. .anne- gnare, ringhiare, brontolare. er, smith! ] s. bottega di rare col fumo, sporcare col fu- Snar'ler, [snrleir] s. sgridatomo. re, rampognatore, m. fabbro, f. Smock', [smoc] s. camicia ("da Smut'tily, [smeutil] adv. ne- Snar'ling, [snarling] adj. rinramente; disonestamente, osce- ghioso, stizzoso. donna), /. Sna'ry, [snre] adj. insidioso. Smock'-faced, [smoc-fes'd] adj. namente. Smut'tiness, [sraeiitines] s. ne- Snatch', [sntsce] .pezzo; acpallido, timido. Smock'less, [smocles] adj. sen- rezza di fumo, fuligine osce- cessQ, m.; scappata, f. nit, f. Snatch'j[sntscc] v.a. afferrare. za camicia (di donna). Smoke', [smoche] s fumo, fum- Smut'ty, [smeut]adi. nero, an- arraffare, acchiappare; portar nebbiato osceno, impudico di- via. mo; vapore, m. Snatch'er, [snatsceur] s. arSmoke', [smoch] v. a. & n. fu- sonesto. mare, affumare, seccare la car- Snac', [snac] s. parte, porzione; raffatore, arrappatore, m. ne; odorare; presentire (vol- to go -s with one, spartire con Snatch'ingly, [sntscingl] ar/v. gare): to - tobacco, filmare ta- uno. con moto subito, in frotta. Snaffle, [snafl] s. cavezzone, Snat'tock,[snteucl s. scheggia, bacco. ritaglio, wi. (poco usatn) Smoke'-dry, [smchc-drai] v. a. filetto a morso di cavallo, m. f.', Snaffle, [snfl] v. a. tenere Sneak', [sniche] v. n. rampicaseccare al fumo, aifumicare. Smoke'-jack, [smoche-dgic] s. in briglia. re, andare alle belle to - along, girarrosto, m. Snag', [sng] s. bozzolo, nodo; to - away, andare colla testa


[smchds] adj. enfiato, m. , Snag'ged, Snag'gy, [s.nghed, senza fumo._ Smo'ker, [smocheur] s.che secca sngh] adj. dentato, dentellato; - tooth, s. sopraddente, m. al fumo; fumatore, m Smok'ing, [smching] s. il fu- Snail', [snle] s. chiocciola, y. mare; to be fond of -, amare il Snail'ike', [snle-laiche] adj. da chiocciola, lento. fumare. Smo'ky, [smoche'] adj. fuman- Snake', [snche] s. serpo, colubro, m. biscia, f.; rattle -, serte fumoso Smooth', [smithie] adj. piano; pente a sonagli, m.

liscio; dolceiaffabilo, soave, pia

Snake'weed ,


cevole; - language, s. il parlar (bot.) bistorta, f. dolce, m.; adulazione,/'.;- style, Sna'ky, [snech] adj. di serpe, serpentino, di biscia. s. stile corrente, stile facile, w. Smooth', [smuth^e] v. a. spia- Snap', [snap] s. strepito, remore nare; lisciare; jidulare subito; boccone, pezzo, morso; Smoo'then, [smuth^en] t). a. ren- aggrappamento , furto ; ghiotdere liscio tone, wi. Smooth'-faced, [smuthe-fs'd] Snap', [snap] v. a. rompere, adj. d' aspetto mite. frangere; fendere; acchiappare,
pigliare,aflFerrare;-, v. n. romSmooth'ly,rsmiithM]orfr.egual mente; dolcemente, soavemen persi, frangersi; to - with the te; adagio. fingers, scoppiettare colle dita; Smooth'ness , [smiith'enes] s. to - at, riprendere, ributtare; pianezza; dolcezza, morbidez to - avoay, strappar via. za, /.; pulimento, m. Snap'per, [snper] s. acchiapSmoth'er, [smet'her] s. fumo, patore; rimbrottatore, sgrida-

bassa; s. uomo vile, tn. Snea'ker, [snichur] s. piccol bacino, *n. Snea'king, [snichng] adj. servile, basso, abbietto, meschino, povero. Snea'kingly, [snlchingle] adv. servilmente bassamente^ meschinamente, poveramente. Snea'kingness, [snchingns] a. bassezza; miseria; spilorceria,/". Sneer', [snire] s. ghigno, m.; ghignata, /".; riso di dispregio scherno, m. Sneer', [snirc] v. n. sogghignare ; burlare. Snee'rer, [snireur] s. ghignatore ; burlatore, m. Snee'ring, [sniring] s. ghigna,


Snee'ringly, [sniringle'] adv. con disprezzo. Sneeze, [snze] .starnuto, starnutamento, m. Sneeze', [snze] v. n. starnutare, starnutire.

castagnette, f. pi. [smeutU'eurliig] Snap'pish, [snpscc] adj. bisbes. affogamento, w.; soppressiotico ritroso, stizzoso - ansiver, ne, f. s. rabbuffo, rimproccio, m.; Smoul'der , [sraldeur] vedi dog, s. cane ringhioso, m. Smother. Snap'pishly, [snpTscel] adv. grifo. Smourdering,Smonrdry,[sm51- bruscamente, conistizza, aspra- Snig'gle, [sng'l] v. a. pescare deiring smoldre'] adj. sofFo mente. per anguille. gante. Snap'pishnesS; [snpiscans] s. Snip', [snip] s. taglio; scampov,

densa polvere, /". Smoth'er, [smethieiir]



tore, m, Snap'pers, [snpeurs]

s. pi.

soffogare, affogare sopprimere.


[snzeoueurt] s. starnutatoria, f. Snick'er, [snclieur] v. n. ghignare, sorridere. SniflT, [snf] s respirazione pel naso, f. SnifT, [smf] t). n. respirare pel naso, tirare il fiato; torcere il





avanzo , m.\ to go - s with Snub', [snub] v. a. riprendere, Soar', [sre] s. alzamento, m.; ; elevazione, f. one, fai- a met con uno (vol- rabbuffare. Snub'-nosed, [sneub-nz'd] ad. Soar' , [sore] v. n. sorare algare). camoscio. zarsi; volare; aspirare (a coso Snip', [snip] V. a. troncare con Snuff, [sneif] s. tabacco (in grandi). forbici, mozzare. Snipe' , [snaipe] s. beccaccino polvere); lucignolo (d' una can- Soar'-hawk, [sre-hoche] s. faldela); collera, /.; rancore, w.; lo cone soro, m. (nccello); minchiono, m. take -, pigliare tabacco. Soa'ring, [soring] arZ;. sublime, Snip'per, [snipeur] s. chi mozSnuflT, [sneuf] ti. a. prendere taeccelso. (gulto, m. za, m.

bacco, pigliare tabacco - v. n. to respirare, tirare il fiato - the candle, smoccolare la candela; to - at one, andare in collera contro alcuno to - up, reSnipt-ofiF, [sn:pt-f] an'j. mozzaspirare; sentire. to, troncato. Sniv'el, [siiiv'l] s. moccio, w.; Snuflf'-box , [sneuf-bocs] s. tabacchiera, scatola da tabacgocciola (del naso),/'. Sniv'el, [sniv'l] v. n. moccicare. co, /". Sniv'eler, [snTv'leur] s. mocci- Snuf'fer, [sneifeiir] s. smoccolatore, m. cone: gridatore, m. Sniv'eling, [snv'lTng] adj. moc- Snuffers , [sneifers] s. pi. smoccolatojo, /. pi. cicoso;-, s. grido; schiamaz Snuffers-pan, [snoiifeurs-pan] zo, m. Sniv'ely, [snv'l] aclj. moccico- y. piattello da smoccolatoje,w. Snuffle, [sneiri] v. a. parlare so, moccioso. Snob', [snob] s. persona volgare col naso. Snuf'fler, [sneiifleur] s. chi parche pretende essere gentile, f Snob bish, [snobisce] adj. vol- la col naso, m. SnuflT- taker , [sneuftcheir] s. gare. chi prende tabacco, prenditore Snod', [snd] s. benda, fe1 tue(so, m di tabacco, m. eia,/. Snore', [sn5re] russare, rus- Snuffy, [sneuf] adj. sucido di tabacco. Snore', [snore] i". n. russare. Sno'rer, [snreur] s. che russa Snus'', [sneug]a(/j. serrato, compatto, ben fatto, comodo (doriTioudo). naSno'ring, [snoring] s. il russa- scosto. Snug', [sneig] v. n. strignersi; re; russo, m. Snort', [snort] v. a. S: n. sbuffa- accostarsi. Snug'gle , [sneiig"l] i'. n. strire, soffiare forte, russare. Snor'ter, [snorteur] s. chi sbuf- gnersi nel letto avvicinarsi. Snug'Iy, [sneiigl] adv. urdtafa, m. Snor'ting, [snortiug] s. lo sbuf- mente; comodamente. Snug'ness, [sneugns] s. comofare, russare, m. Snot',[snot] .moccio m.\ goc- dit, /.; agio, m. ciola, f. (volgare). So', [so] adv. cos, in questa Snot'ty, [snot] adj. moccioso maniera; - forth, e cos del r(volgare). sto; - niuc/i, tanto, tanti; - that, Snout', [snaut] s. grugno, mu- di maniera che, talmente che. so, grifo, tn.; tromba (d'un ele- So! [so] int. ben! ora! fante), f.; - of bellows, cannello Soak', [soche] v. a. ammollare, d" un soffietto, m. inzuppare;-, v. n. imbeversi: Snout 'ed, [snautedj adj. che ha inzupparsi; to - in, imbevere, il grugno in fuora. succiare; to - through, peneSnow', [sno] s. neve, f. trare, insinuarsi. Snow', [suo] V. n. nevicare, no- Soa'ker, [scheir] s. beone, bevare, fioccare: lo - vei-y fast, vitore, m. fioccare foltamente. Soa'king, [soching] s. inzuppaSnow'-ball, [sn-bol] s. palla mento, rn.; infusione, /. di nuve, /. Soap', [spe] s. sapone, m. Snow'-drop. [sn5-drop] s. pian- Soap', [sope] v. a. insaponare; terella primaticcia, f. nettare col sapone. Snow'-man, [sno-ran] s. figura Soap'-ball, [spe-bol] s. sapod* uomo fatta di neve,/. nette, m. Snow'-water, [sn-outeur] s. Soap'-boiler, [spe-boileiir] $. acqua di neve, f. saponajo, m. Snow white, [snouaite] adj. Soap'-house, [s5pc-hao5se] s. bianco come la neve. saponeria, ^ Snow'y, [sn] adj. nevoso, ne- Soapwort, [speoueiirt] s. (bot.) vicoso. saponaria, /. Snnb', [snub] s. bozzolo, no- Soa'py, [sp] adj. saponaceo, do, m. di sapone.

Snip'pet, [snipet] s. piccola parto, /.; pezzetto, m. Snip'snap, [snipsnp] s. contesa, disputa, f.

Sob', [sob] s. singhiozzo, sinSob', [sob] V. n. singhiozzare; sospirare e piangere. Sob'bing, [sobng] s. singhiozzo,


So'ber, [sbeir] adj. sobrio, astinente, moderato; serio. So'ber, [sbeur] v. a. render sobrio. So'berly , [sbeirl] adv. sobriamente: a sangue freddo. So'ber-min'ded, [sbeur-raalnded] adj. sobrio, tranquillo.






So'berness, [sobeiirnes] s. temperan-ca; moderazione; /?/.aria composta, /.

Sobri'ety, [sobraiite'] s. sobriet gravit, f. Soc', [soc] .giurisdizione; esen;

zione, immunit, /. Sc^'ttre, [schedge]



sogf^ta ad un canone


Soc'ager, [sochdger] s. Attuale, uomo soggetto ad un ca-

none incerto. Sociabil'ity, [ssclablite']


So'ciable, [ssciabl'] adj. socia-



amichevole. So'ciableness, [sosclabrnes]

socialit, f


;umore socievole, m.

[ssciabl e] adv. in , socievole, amichevole. So'cial , [soscil] adj. sociale,



So'cially, [sscile'] ailv. in


do sociale, socialmente. So'cialness, [sscilns]

cialit, familiarit,






compagnia, associazione; conversazione,/. Socin'ian, [ssinin]




Sock', [soc] s. socco (calzare) scappino, tn. Sock'et, [sochet] s. boccinolo, m.; cassa (deirocchio),occlnaja, /.; alveolo (d'un dente), m.; - oj,
the lamp, beccuccio di lampada, m, So'cle, [soci"] s. (arch.) zoccolo,

plinto; dado, wi. Sod', [sod] s. gleba, zolla di terra, /.

So'da, [soda] . (chym.) soda, /, Sodal'ity, [sodlite] s. conipaenia, fraternit, /.




del SoVid, [solid] od;, solido, compatto, massiccio; durabile; vero, reale. So'lar, [solar] s. soffitta, f. Sod'er, [sodeur] s. saldatura,, f. Sol'id, [solid] 8. solido, corpo Sod'er, [sdeur] v. a. saldare So'lary, [sjr] vedi Solar. Sol'dan, [soldn] s. soldano, ni. solido, m. congiugnere. Sofi'ering, [sodeuring] s. il sal- Sol'der, [soldeurj s. saldatura, Sol'idate, [solidete] v. a. solidare. /.; saldamente, m. dare, m.; saldatura, f. Sodomy, [sdome] s. sodomia,/. Sol'der, [sldeur] v.a. saldare; Solid'ity, [sldite'] s. solidit; fermezza, durezza; verit, /. Soever, [sveiir] pron. che che congiugnere. Sol'derer , [sldeureiir] s. chi Sol'dly, [solTdl] adv. solidasia, qualunque cosa. mente, fermamente. salda, wi. So'fa, [sofa] s. sof, m. Soft, [soft] aj. molle, dolce; de- Sol'dier, [sldgeir] s. soldato, Sol'idness, [soldns] vedi Soliguerriero, tn.; foot -, pedone, w. dity. licato; tenero, morbido; benigno, mite, piacevole: effemina- Sol'dierlike, Sol'dierly, [s51- Solil'oqnize, [solTloquaze] v. n. dgeurlaiche, sldgeiirl] adj. fare un soliloquio. to; -, adv. mollemente, dolcemente; morbidamente; piace- soldatesco, da soldato, militare. Solil'oquy, [sliloque'] s. soliloSol'diership , [sldgeurscp] s. quio, monologo, m. volmente. carattere militare, m.; bravu- SoTiped, [solipd] . animale Soft', [soft] int. pian piano ! i cui piedi non sono divisi, m. ra,/. adagio! Soft , [soft] 8. parte molle, /. ; Sol'diery, [sldgeure'] s. solda- Solitaire', Solita'rian, [solitere, solitrin] s. solitario, eremita. prtsto, m. tesca, /.; soldati, mi. pi. Soften, [sf'n] v.a. ammollire, Sole', [sle] adj. solo, unico; Sol'itarily, [solitril] adv. solitariamente. ammorbidare, addolcire; alle- semplice. s. [solitrins] nire, mitigare; -, v. n. ammor- Sole', [sle] s. pianta(del piede), Sol'itariness, solitudine, vita ritirata, ritisuola; soglia, /. (pesce). bidirsi, ammollirsi, raddolcirsi. Softener, [sfneiir] s. mitiga- Sole , [sole] v. a. {shoe.) mettere ratezza, /. le suole. Sol'itary, [solitre'] ad], solitatore,conciliatore;emollientc,Tn, Softening, [sof'ning] adj. mol- Sorecism, [solisism] s. solecis- rio, ritirato, deserto; -, s. soli(cizzare. tario, eremita, m. mo, m. lificativo, emolliente. Soft'-bearted, [soft-hartd]adj. Sol'ecze, [slisaize] v. n. solo- Sol'ltude, [slitiiide] s. solitudine, /.; luogo deserto, m.; vita Sole'ly, [slel] adv. solamente, mansueto.

pieno di Solar, [solar] adj. solare


solitaria, f. Sof'tish, [sftTsce] adj. alquanto unicamente. Sol'emn, [slm] adj. solenne, Solmiza'tion, [solmiziscieun] s. molle, molliccio. (nju8.) solfeggio, m. Soft'ling, [softling] s. uomo ef- pomposo, eccellente; anniver sario. So'lo, [soloj 8. sonata a solo, /. feminato, m. Soft'ly, [softl] adv. dolcemente, Solem'nity, [sleranite'] s. so Sorstce,[solsts] s. solstizio, m. adj. [slstiscil] lennit, pompa; gravit, /. Solstit'ial , mollt^monte, pian piano. [slmnaize- solstiziale, solstiziario. [softns] s. morbi- Solemniza'tion , Soft'ness dezza; mollezza; delicatezza; sciein] s. solennizzaraento, m. Solubil'ty, [sliblite] s. soluSol'emnlze, [solmnaize] v. a. bilit, f. effeminatezza, f. Sol'uble, [soliiibr] adj. solubile. solennizzare, celebrare. Sog'gy, (sgh] arfj. umido. Soho'![sho] int. ol! oh! venite Sol'eiunizer, [solomnaizeur] s. Sola'tion, [soliuscieiin] s. soluzione, risoluzione, /".; sciogliquegli che solennizza, m. qua!

a'iv. somento, m. s. suolo, terreno; Sol'emnly, [slmle'] Sol'utive, [soliitiv] adj. soluticontrada, /.; letame, lennemente, con pompa. concime, m.; macchia, bruttura, Sole'ness, [slens] s. solitu- vo; lassativo. dine, /. Sol'vable, [slvabl] adj. solvibisporcizia, f. Soir, [soil] v.o. letamare; spor- Sol'fa, [solfa] v. n. (nius.) sol- le, solvente. feggiare. Solve', [solve] v. a. solvere; dicaro, macchiare.





s. facolt pregare. Soj'ourn, [sodgeirn] s. soggior- Solicita'tion, Solic'iting, [so- Sol'vent, [solvent] adj. solvenlsTtscieun, solistng] s. sol- te, che pu pagare. no, m.; dimora, f. Soj'ourn, [sdgeurn] v. n. sog- lecitazione, /.; sollecitamento, Sol'ver, [slveir] s.solvitore,n. Sol'vible , [solvibl'] adj. soluil sollecitare, m. giornare, dimorare.

Soil'ure, bruttura,

[soilines, Solic'it, [sHst] V. a. sollecita-








Sol'vency, [solvnse'] di pagare, /.




forestiero, straniero, m.

Soj'ourning, [sdgeurning] s. il soggiornare; soggiorno, m.; dimora, /.

Sol', [sd] . (tnus.) sol; (poes.) sole, wi. Sol'ace, [solas] s. sollazzo, m.



conforto; alle-

viamento, m. Sd'ace, [solas]

v. a. consolare; cheduno, qualcuno, m. confortare; to - one's self, sol- locitatrice,/. Solic'itude, [slstiude] s. sol- Some'how, [seumhaod] adv. in lazzarsi; ricrearsi. Sola'cioas, [slscieus] adj. sol- lecitudine, ansia; diligenza, qualche maniera. Som'ersault, Som'erset, [seum* cura, /. lazzevole, sollazzante.

bile. Solic'itor, [slsTteir] s. solle|Somatorogy, [sraatlodge'] s. citatore procuratore, m. Solic'itous,[s51steus] ad], sol- somatologia, f. Som'bre, Som'brous, [smbeur, lecito, attento, diligente. sombres] adj. oscuro. Solic'itously, [solsteusl] adv. sollecitamente, con diligenza, Some', [seum] art. del, dello, della: dei, degli, delle. con cura. Solc'itousnes, [slisiteisnes] Some', [seum] pron. qualche; qualchoduni, alcnni, certi, pi.; s. inquietudine, turbolenza, an- say, alcuni dicono. siet, /. Solic'itress, [solistres] s. sol- Some'body, [seiimbde'] s.qual:

cuTSlt, seumovst] s. soprassalto, salto del carpione, m.



dele; piacevole, dilettevole; Sor'bonist, [srbonistl s. dottograto. re della Sorbona (in Parigi), m. Bome'tbD^, [seumth'ng] s. Sooth', [suth- j s. verit; realt, Sor'cerer, [sorsereiir] s. stregone, mago, m. qualche cosa, f. ; -, adv. un po- /.; in -, in realt. Soothe', [suth'e] v. a. adulare, Sor'ceress, [srseiires] s. streco, alquanto. Some'time, [sftumtalnie] adv. un lusingare; addolcire, calmare. ga, maga, /. tempo, altre volto; -or other, un Soo'ther, [suth'eur] s. adulato- Sor'cerous, [sorsereus] adj. cha re, lusinghiere, m. contiene ammaliamenti. giorno l'altro. Some'times, [seurataimes] adv. Soo'thing, [suth'ing] s. adula- Sor'cery, [sorser] s. stregozione, lusinga, /.; carezze, /". pi. qualchevolta, talvolta. neria, f.', ammaliamento, m.; Some' what, [seumoiiot] s. qual- Soo'thingly , [sutblngl] adv. fattura, /. che cosa, f. ; -, adv. un poco, al- lusinghevolmente. Sordes', [sords] s, sporcizia, f. Sooth'ly , [sth-l] adv. real- Sor'det, [sordt] s. sordina, f. quanto. Some'where, [seimouere] adv. mente, veramente. Sor'did , [sordid] adj. sordido, in qualche luogo; - else, altro- Sooth'say, [sth-se'] v. a. & n. sporco; spilorcio, avaro. predire , pronosticare {poco Sor'didly, [sordidl] adv, sordive; from - else, altronde. Some'while , [seumoiiaile] adv. usato). damente, schifamente, miseraSooth'sayer, [sitb^sir] s. in- mente. qualche tempo.

Somnara'bulism, [somnam- dovinatore, indovino, m. Sar'didness, [sordidnes] s. sor[sth-seing] s. didezza; spilorceria, avarizia,/". biulsm) s. sonnambulismo, m. Sooth'saying Somnam'bulist[smuambiulst] indovinazione, predizione, /. Sor'dine, [sordine] s. sordina, /.; s. sonnambulo, nottambulo, m. Soot'iness, [sutines] s. qualit sordino, m. fuligginosa, fuliggine, f. Somniferous , Somnific Sore', [sre] adj. doloroso, che fsomnifres, somnific] adj. son- Soo'ty, [sut] adj. fuligginoso, fa male: grande; duro, crudele,
, ,




Som'nolency, Soo'ty, [sute'J v. a. tingere di [somnolnse, somuolens] s. fuliggine. sonnolenza, f.; letargo, m. Sop', [sp] s. zuppa, /.; pane unto, m. Son', [seunj s. figlio, figliuolo; discendente, m.; grand -, nipo- Sop', [sop] V. a. inzuppare, in

atroce; - bout,s. duro conflitto, m.; - breast, s. mule al petto, m.; - ears, s. pi male alle orecchie, m.; e?/e.s,



occhi, m.;
flitta, /.; -



nepote,m.; son-in-iaw.figlia- tigner (pane). stro, genero, m. Sope', [spe] vedi Soap. Sona'ta, [sonata] . sonata, f. Soph', [sof] s. sofistico; stu Song', [song] s. canzona, can- dente di due anni all' universizone, aria, f. old -, cosa di po- t, m. co, bagattella,/' So'phi, [sfi] s. sofi, m. Song'ish, [snghisce] adj. pieno jSoph'ism, [sfizm] s. sofisma, f. di canzoni. sofismo, m. (sofo, m. Song'ster, [sngsteur] s. canta- jSoph'ist, [sofist] s. sofista; filotore. canterino, m. Soph'ister, [sfstearj s. sofistiSong'stress, [sngstres] s. can-j co, sofista, m. tatrice, canterina, /". jSophis'tic, Sophistical, [sofisSonif'erous, [snfireus]. vedi' tic, sofisticai] adj. sofistico, Sonorific. capzioso. Son'net, [snot] s. sonetto, m.jSophis'tically, [sofisticale] a^r. Sonnetteer', Son'not-writer, sofisticamente in modo sofi[sonetIre,snt-raiter] s. poe-j stico. tastro; poetuzzo, m. jSophis'tcate, [sfistichetcjaf/j, _ _ Sonorific, Sonorous, [sonorific, sofisticato, falsificato. snreiis] aty. sonoro, canoro. jSophis'ticate, [sofistichete] v. Sono'rously, [snoreiisl] atiu.j a. sofisticare, falsificare, adulsonoramente, con sonorit. terare. Sono'rousness, [snoreusns] s.jSophistica'tion , [sofistichesonorit; risonanza, /. scieiin] s. sofisticheria, f.; il Son'sbip, [seunscip] s. figlino- fatturare, m. lanza, /". Sophis'ticator, [sfisticheteur] Soon', [sn] adv. tosto, quanto s. chi sofistica, chi falsifica. prima,subito;-a/<er,non molto Soph'istry, [sofstr] $. sofistidopo; as - as, subito che, tosto cheria, f. che; too -, troppo tosto, troppo :Soporif'erous,[sprifireus]af/;. presto. soporifero, sonnifero. Sooner, [sneur] adv. pi tosto ;jSoporif'erousness , [soprifimeg\\o. reusnos] s. qualit soporifeSoon'est, fsunest] adj. il pifii ra,^ tosto; at the -, al pi tosto, al, Soporif'ic,Sopo'rous, [soporific, pi presto. soporeus] vedi Soporiferous. Soof, [st] J. fuliggine, caligi-i Sorb', [sorb] s. sorba, A ne, A ISorb'-apple, [sorb-p'l] s. sorSoot'ed, [std] adj. imbrattato: ba, f. di fuliggine. Sorb'-apple-tree, [sorb-ap'1-tri] Booth', [dth'] adj. verace, f- ..sorbo, m.

j |

throat, s. gola, m. Sore', [sore] adv. molto, granSore', [sore]

male di mente afmale alla

demente, fieramente. ulcera, s. male, m.




Sor'el, [srl] s. daino di tro anni,ni. Sore'ly, [srele'] adv. grande-

mente, gravernente. Sore'ness , [srenes]



(te, /". dolore, w?._ Sori'tes, [soraitiz] s. (loo-) soriSoror'icide, [srorisaide] s. uccisore della sorella, m. Sor'rel, [sr'l] s.(6o(. )acetosa,/. Sor'rel, [sr'l] adj. sauro, ca-




cavallo sau-

ro, wi. Sor'rily, [sorile'] adv.



meschinamente, cattivamente, poveramente. Sor'riness, [serines] s. meschinezza, bassezza, vilt,



Sor row, [sr] s. cordoglio, affanno, m. tristezza, afflizione.


disgusto, m.; disgrazia,/".

Sor'row, [soro] v.n. atfannarsi,


Sor'rowful, [sorfil] adj. afflitto, affannato, tristo; misero,


Sor'rowfully, [sorfixle'] adv. cordogliosamente, con doloro.

Sor'rowfulness, [sorofulnes)
afi^anno, cordoglio, zia, tristezza, f,



Sor'rowless, [sr51es]a(fy. senza affanno, senza cordoglio. Sor'ry, [sr] adj. tristo, mesto, affannato; afflittivo; meschino,
cattivo, vilo, misero.




spezie,!Soan'ding-lead,Sound'ing-line, Sov'ereignty, [soveurente] s sovranit^ superiorit, / sao'unding[saoundiug-led lainc] s. scandaglio, piombi- Sow', [saou] s. troja, f.: grosse afler this, -, in pezzo di ferro, m- - of lead, no, m. in questa maniera. [saound-les] adj. massa di piombo, f. fg. to take Sort', [sort] v. a. assortire; Sound'less, a wrong - by the ear, ingansenza suono. scerre: distinguere; -, v. n. Sound'ly, [saoilndle] adv. vigo- narsi a proprio danno. convenire: accordarsi. V. a. irr. {sowed; Sor'table, [sortabl'] adj. conve- rosamente; fortemente; pro- Sow', [so] sown) seminare sementare ; fondamente. nevole: conforme. Sor'tably, [sortable'] adv. con- Sound'ness, [saoundns] s. sa- spargere; to - one's wild oats, essere stravagante. lute perfetta, sanit; solidit; venevolmente.



modo, m.; questo modo,

Sor'tilege, [sortiledge]





Sow'-bread, [saoii-brd]





zuppa, mine-

porcino, m.

Sortit'ion, [sortTsciun] sione per sorte, f.




Sour', [sair] adj. acido, acerSort'ment, [sortment] s. sorti- bo; arcigno; aspro; malconmenlo, assortimento, m.;distri- tento. Sour', [saour] v. a. rendere acituzione, f. do; inasprire; render malconSot', [sot] s. minchione, babtento; -, V. 71. divenir acido, buasso, r)!. divenir agro. Sot', [sot] V. a. stupefare; -, v. Source', [srse] s. sorgente, /.; n. iinbriacarsi; stupidirsi. Sot'tish, [sotisce] adj. sciocco, fonte, w).; origine, causa, f. Sour'crout, [saoiircraoutj s. cascimunito, gotto. Sot'tishly,|sotis(ele]afiu. scioc- volo fermentato, m. Sour'ish, [saoiriscf] adj. adcamente, goffamente. detto, alquanto agro. [soti'scenes] s. Sot'tishness, Sour'ly , [saoiirl] adv. stupidit, f.% mente; con acerbit Sou', Isii) .soldo (diFranci;i),m Sous'h', isedf] s. cloaca setter- jSour'ness, [saournes] .acidit, agrezza; asprezza; acerbit, /. raiiea, /. Soul, [so e] ,9. anima, /.; spiri- Souse', [saoiise] s. salamoja,
TO.; upon my -, sull" anima! acqua insahUa, mia; nilh ali wy -, di tutto Souse', [saouse] adv. con improvvisa violenza, a un tratto. ciiore.

[seir] seminatos. m. Sow'-gelder, [saoi-ghldur] s.



Sow'ing-time, [soing-taime] t. tempo del sementare, to. Sow'ins, [solns] s. pasta di vena

Sow'-pig, [saoi-pg]




-thistle, [saou-tH-is'l] s. cicerbita, f. (erba latticinosa).

Soy', [soi] s. specie di salsa cho viene dalla Lapponia. Spa', [spo] s. acqua minerale (di Spa), /. Space', [spse] s. spazio; interTO.: - between, s. tramezzo, spartimento. to. Spa'cious, [spscieiis] adj. spazioso, ampio, vasto. Spa'ciously [spescieiisl] adv. spaziosamente, ampiamente. Spa'ciousness, [spescieiisnes] s. ampiezza: estensione,/'. Spad'dle, [spadlj s. piccola van-




[saose] v. a. & n. cadere addosso; battere ben b'^ne. Soul'less,lslls]arfj.senzaan- Sonse', [saouse] v. a. mettere in aceto. ma; abbietto. ga, /. Soul'-saving, [sle-sving] a'/j. ;S3u'terrain, [sutrene] s. sot Spade', fspde] s. vanga, zappa, terraneo, to.; grotta, /. salutare. Soul'-sick , [sole-sic] adj. in- South', [sauth -] s. mezzogiorno, /.; castrato, m.; picca, f. (alle carte). mezzod, meriggio, w. quieto ueir aniiiM. Sound', [saoiind] ad], sano, in- South', [saoiith^] adj. meridio- Spadic'eous, [spedisceus] adj rossi gno. tiero; solido, retto; vigoroso, nale, di mezzod; - countries, s. Spadille', [spadil] s. spadiglia forte; - tnind, s. giudizio soli- pi. paesi meridionali, to. pi. /. (asso di picche). do, m.; - sleep, s. sonno pro- South', [saouth-] adv. verso il
Soul'-bell, [slebol] della morte, f.

campana Souse

mezzod, al mezzogiorno. fondo, m. Sound', [saiind] s. suono; rim- South'-east , [saoth--ste] s. bombo, remore :pombino, scan- scirocco, scilocco, to. stretto, South'erly,South'ern, [seuthidaglio, m.; tenta, braccio di mare, m.; seppia, f. erle', seth'eurn] adj. meridionale, di mezzod. (pesce). [seuth'eurnSound', [saovind] v. a. scanda- South'ernwood , ououd] s. abruotino, m. gliare, tentare, tastare esaminare: -,v. n. suonare: risonare; South'ing, [saouth 'ngl adj. anrimbombare; to - a chnce, bat- dante versoil mezzod ;-, s. tendenza verso mezzogiorno, /. tere la cassa; to- to home, suo nare per montar a cavallo; to -jsouth'most, [saoiith-nist] adj.
; ;

Spagyr'ic, Spagyr'ical, [spadgspadgircl] ad), chirc mico. Spa'gyrist, [spdgirst] s. chi mi co, m. Spa'hi, [spahi] s. cavaliere turco, m. Spalt, [splt] s. marcassita, f. Span', [span] s. spanna, f. Span', [span] v. a. misurare a spanne. Span'counter, Span'far thing, [spancaonteur,spnfrth!ng] f/ie retrcaf, batter la ritirata;! il pi meridionale. _ trumpet, suonare lajSouth'ward , [saouth-oSaurd] s. buca, /. (giuoco). to - the Span'gle, [spngl'] s. foglia, paadv. verso il mouzogiorno. tromba. Soundboard, Sounding'board,!south'-west, [saoSth -ouest] s. gliuola, f. Span'gle, [spangl'] v. a, sparlibeccio, garbino, m._ [saoundbrde, saoundingbrdc] Sov'ereign , [soveurene] s. so-^ -ere naglinole. s. cassone (degli organi), TO. Soun'der [saounderj s. por- vrano, principe assoluto, m.;Span'iel, [spaniol] s. barbono, sovrana (moneta),/". can di Soaena. m. _ chetto di cignale, TO. Sound'-hole, [saound-h51<?l s. Sov'ereign, [soveurene] a^/j. so- jSpan'ish, [spnsce] adj. Spagnuolo; - /iy, s. cantaride, canvrano, supremo, principale. aninta (d'uno strumento), (. Soun'ding, [saoiinding] at/j. ri-, Sov'ereignly, [sveurnel] adr. terella, /.; - iicorice, s. regolisovranamente, stipremamcnto.' zio, m.: - rerf, s. cinabro, m. sonante, sonoro.
, ,
j '

Spank', [spancj
r. o. schiaffeg-



Spar'ry, [spare'] at/j. abbondante Spear'-stafF, [splrc-staf] s. asta di marcassita. d'una lancia, f. Span'king, [spnchng] adj. le- Sparse' , [sprse] adj. sparso Spec'ial, [spscial] adj. speziasto, attillato. radamente. le, particolare distinto, squisiSpanlong', [spani ong] adj. lungo Spar'sedly , [sparsedle'] adv. to, eccellente. quanto una spanna.breve, corto. spartamento. Speciarity, [spescilite'] s. speSpan'ner, [spneiir] s. cane Spasm', [spasm] .spasimo, spa- zialit, particolarit, f. (d'uno schioppo), m. smo, m. Spec'ialize, [spscilaTze] v. a. Spannew', [spnni] adj. af- Spasmod'io, [spasmodic] adj. specificare, particolarizzare. fatto nuovo. spasmodico, convulsivo. Spec'ially, [spescile'] adv. speSpar', [spar] s. marcassita; Spat', [spat] s. fregola d' ostri- zialmente, particolarmente, sosbarra, /. che, f. prattutto. Spar', [spar] v. a. & n. sbarrare; Spa'tiate, [spsciete] v . va- Spec'ialty , [spescilte'] vedi battere con i pugni. gare, andare qua e l. Speciality. Spar'able, [sprabl'] s. {shoe.) Spat'ter, [spteiir] v.a. sporca- Spe'ce, [spscii] s. danaro conchiodo piccolissimo, ni. re, lordare; diifamaro. tante, m.; in -, in contanti. Spare', [spre] adj. modico, Spat'terdashes, [spteurdsces] Spe'cies , [spsciize] s. spezie, parco, magro; - diet, s. vita s. pi. uosa, sopraccalze, /. pi. sorta; classe, f. genere, m. parca e frugale, dieta, f. Spat'ula, [sptiula] .spatola,/". Specific, Specificai, [spisfic, Spare', [spre] v. a. risparmia- Spav'in, [spavin] s. (vet.) spa- splsificl] s. specifico adj. spevenio, m. re, riserbare; perdonare; -, v. cifico, appropriato. n. vivere frugalmente; aste- Spav'ined, [spavin'd] adj.cheha Specifically, [spiscifcl] ar/v. nersi. la malattia dello spavenio. specificamente. Spare'-deck,[spre-dc] s.{mar.) Spawl', [spol] V. a. & n. spu- Specificate, [spiscifichete] V. a. sornacponte terzo, m. tare sputacchiare specificare, particolarizzare. chiare. Spare'ly, [sperele'] adv. parca Specifica'tion , [spisicifchemente, frugalmente. Spawl', Spaw'ling, [spl, spo- scieun] s. specificazione, /".; Spare'-money, [spire-meune] s. ling] s. lo sputare, sputo, m specificare, ni. danaro d'avanzo, m. Spawn', [spn] s. fregolo, m.; Spec'ify, [spesifai] v. a. specifiSpare'ness , [sprens] s. ma- uova di pesce, f. pi.; seme, ni. care; notare; dichiarare. grezza f. 'Spawn', [spn] v. a. & n. an- Spec'imen,[spesi]r.en] .mostra, Spa'rer, [spreir] s. risparmiadare in fregola. prova, /.; esempio, m. tore, economo, m. Spaw'ner, [sponeiir] s. fem- Spe'cious, [spiscis] adj. speSpare'-rib, [sprerib] s. costola mina di pesce, f. cioso, plausibile, apparente. di porco, /. (ozio, m. Spaw'ning, [spnng] s. frego- Spe'ciously, [spsciisle] adv. Spare'time,[spretaTme] s. agio, la, frega, /.; fregolo, m. speciosamente plausibilmente, Spargefac'tion , [sprdgitc-'Spaw'ning-time , [sponing- apparentemente. scien] $. spargimento, m.;| taime] s. tempo d'andare in Spe'ciousness, [spscusnes] s. aspersione, f. fregola, m. plausibilit, apparenza, f. Spa'ring, [sperng] adj. scarso, |Spay', [sp] v. a. castrare Speck', [spec] s. macchia; chiazfrugale, economico -, s. rispar- femmine degli animali za, /". mio, tu.; economia, f. Speak', [spiche] v. a. & n. irr Speck', Spec'kle, [spec, spec'l] Spa'ringly,[sprijigl] adu. par- {spoke,spake,T^oet.; spoken) dire, V. a. macchiare; chiazzare. camente; frugalmente; cauta- parlare, pronunciare; conver- Spec'kle, [spec'l] .piccola macmente. sare, disputare mostrare to chia, f. Spa'ringness, [springnes] s. fair, adulare, allettare con pa- Speck'ledness , [spec'ldnes] s. parsimonia, economia, fruga- roline; to one's mind, dire il qualit d' esser macchiato, f. lit. proprio sentimento; to - softly, Spec'tacle', [spctacP] s. spetSpark', [spare] s. scintilla, fa- parlare sottovoce; to - the truth, tacolo, oggetto di vista, wi.; -s. villa, /. damerino, m. dire la verit; to - out, parlare pi. occhiali, m. pi. Spark'ful, Spar'kish, [sparcful, ad alta voce. Spec'tacled,[spectacrd] adj forsprchisce] adj. gajo; attillato, Speak'able, [spcabl'] adj. che nito d' occhiali. elegante. si pu proferire. Spec'tacle-maker , [spectacl'Spar'kle, [sparc'l] s. scintilla; Spea'ker, jspcheur] s. oratore mecheiir] s. occbialajo, m. pagliuola, f. parlatore, m. Specta'tor, [spctter] s. spetn. Spar'kle, [sparc'l] v. scintil- Spea'king, [spching] s. parlatatore, riguardante, m. lare, sfavillare; raggiare. ta, f.; discorso, m. Specta'torship, [spcteteirscip] Spark'let, [sprcltj s. piccola Spea'king-trnmpet, [spichng- s. qualit di spettatore; osserscintilla, f. treiimpet] s. tromba parlante, vazione, f. Spark'liness, [sparclincsj s vi- tromba marina, f. Specta'tress,Specta'trix,[spcvacit, f. Spear', [spire] s. lancia, asta, f. ttrs, specttrics] s. spetta[sparclng] adj. Spark'ling, scin- Spear', [spire] v. a. trafggere trice, f. tillante, brillante. con lancia; -, v. n. germoglia- Spec'tre, [specteiir] s. spettro, [sprclingle'] adv. Spark'lingly, re, pullulare. fantasma, m.; ombra, f. con splendore, vivido. Spear'grass, [spregras] s. spe Spec'trum , [spctreum] s. imSpark'lingness, [sprclngnes] eie di erba, f. magine; apparenza, f. s. lustro, splendore vivido, m. Spear'man, [splreman] s. lan Spec'ular, [spchiulr] adj. spe [spar] s. passero, Spar'row , eia, /.; cavaliere ai-mato di lanculare. passere, wi,; hen -, passera, f. cia, m. Spec'ulate, [spchiuletc] v, n, Bpar'row-hawk, [spro-hc] s. Spear'-mint,[spiremint]s. [bot.) speculare; considerare. sparviero, m. menta acuta, f. Specula'tion, [spchiulescieinl
; ;




Spin', [spin]

speculazione; contemplazio- Spermace'ti, [speirmasiti] s. spermaceti, bianco di balena, ni. f. Spermat'ical Bpec'ulative, [spechiuletv] ad]. Spermat'ic , [sprmtc, speurmticl] adj. speculativo , contemplativo spermatico. teoretico. Spec'ulatively, [specliiuletTvl] Spew', [spili] V. n. vomitare, read, speculativamente, contem- cere. Spew'ing, [spiuTng] s. il vomiplativamente. Spec'ulator , [spechiuleteir ] s. tare, vomito, m. speculatore, contemplatore, os- Sphac'elate, [sfasilete] v. a. attaccare da sfacelo; -, r. n. inservatore, m.
, ,


irr. (span;

prolungare; girare; to - out, mandare in lungo; fare durare. Spin'age , [spnedge] s. spinace, m.



adj. speculante.

Spec'ulum, [spechiuleura] .speculo, specchio, m.

Speech', [spitsce] s. facolt di parlare; parola; favella; lindiscorso, gua, f. linguaggio ragionamento, m. (gr.) orazione, /. vulgar -, lingua volga; ; ; ;






muto. Speechlessness, [sptscelsnes] . mutezza, mutolezza, f.

Speed', [spide] s. fretta, prestezza, /.; successo, evento, m.\ to make -, affrettarsi; to gallop full - , galoppare a briglia

Speed', [spide]

v. a. irr. {sped ; sped) affrettare; ajutare; uccidere; -, V. n. irr. affrettarsi;


Spee'dily, [spldil] adv. spedi-

tamente, prontamente. Spee'diness, fspidins] .fretta, prontezza; diligenza, f. Speed'well, [spideouel] s. {bot.) veronica, /.; abrotano, w. Spee'dy, [spid] adj. spedito, pronto, snello; diligente.
Speli', [spl]

incanto, m.;




Speli', [spel] V. a. irr. (spelt; spelt)

n. reg.

compitare, ortografizzare; incantare. Spel'ler, [spleur] s. che coni' pita, che orto grafi zza.
Spel'iing, [spling] s. il compi tare, V ortografare, m. Speriing-book, [splng-hiic] s. libretto da compitare, m. Spelt', [spelt] s. spelda, f. Spel'ter , [spolteiir] s. zelamina, f. (metallo). Spend', [spend] v. a.irr.{spent; spent) spendere; consumare passare; -, v. n. irr. spendersi; consumarsi: to - one's self, affaticarsi, sforzarsi; to - one's time, passare il suo tempo spent with cares, oppresso da' pensieri.

Spi'nal, [spanal] adj. spinale, di spina. Spin'dle, [spindl] s. fuso; pistillo (d'un fiore) albero (d'una ruota, d'un torchio), m. Spin'dle-legged, [spiudl-leg'dj cancherirsi. Spliac'elus, [sfasileiis] s.(med.) vedi Spindle-shanked. Spin'dle-legs, [spndl-lgs] ferii sfacelo, cancrena, f. Sphere', [sfire] s. sfera, /".; glo- Spindle-shanks. Spin'dle-maker [spndl-mebo, m.; portata, f. Sphere', [sfire] v. a. porre in cheur] s. fusajo, m. Spin'dle-shanked , [spindl una sfera. Spher'ic, Spher'ical, [sferic, scinc'd] adj. che ha gambe sfrcl] adj. sferico, globoso. di fuso. Spher'ically, [sfricl] adv. Spin'dle-shanks[spndl-scincs] s. pi. gambe di fuso, f. pi. sfericamente; in cerchio. Spheric'ity, Spin'dle-tree, [spTudltri] s. fuSpher'icalness, saggine, f.; silio, wi. [sfrclns, sferisite'] s. sferiSpine', [spaine] s. (anat.) spicit, f. Sphe'roid , [sflrod] s. (geom.) na, f. Spine!', [spanel] s. spinella, ^ sferoide, f. Spheroid'ical, Spinet', [spinet] $. spinetta, f. Spheroi'dal, (strumento musicale). [sfirodl , sflrodicl] adj. in Spink', [spine] s. fringuello, '. forma di sferoide. Spher'ule, [sfriule] s. sferetta, Spin'ner, [spneur] s. filatore; ragno, m. sfera piccola, f. Sphe'ry, [sfir] adj. sferico, ro- Spin'ning', [spining] s. filato; il filare, m. tondo. Spin'ning-wheel[spining-oiile] Sphinx', [sfincs] s. sfinge, f. s.filatojo, m. Spi'al, [spaiai] s. spia, f. Spice', [spaise] s. spezie; spe- Spinos'ity, [spanosit] s. spinosit, perplessit,/". :intrigo,m. zierie, f. pl.\ aromati, m. p Spi'nous', [spaines] adj. spifig.tintnra,,f. Spice', [spaise] v. a. condire con noso. Spin'ster, [spinsteur] s. filaispezierie. Spi'cer, [spaseur] s. speziale, trice zittella, donzella, f. Spin'stry, [spinstr] s. filato, droghiere, m. il filare, m. Spi'cery, [spalseur] s. spezie ria, /.; spezie, f.pL; aromati, m Spi'ny, [spaine] adj. spinoso, scabroso, difficile. pi. Spick and span', [spie and span] Spi'racle, [sparacl'] s. spiracofessura, f. lo, spiraglio, m. adj. nuovo di zecca. Spic'ulate , [spchilete] v a. Spi'ral, [spairl] adj. spirale. Spi'rally , [sparl] adv. spirender puntato.

ralmente, a guisa di spira. Spi'cy, [spaise'J adj. aromatico [spairscieun] . Spi'der, [spadeiir] s. ragno ra- Spira'tion, respirazione, f. gnatele, m.; -s'-veb, s. ragnaSpire', [spaire] s. guglia; piratelo, ni. mide, /. campanile, m. Spig'ot, [spigheut] s. zipolo, caSpire', [spaire] v. n. spigare, vicchio; piuolo, w. far la spiga; alzarsi a piraSpike', [spaiche] s. spiga, /. chiodo grosso; {bot.) spigo, m. mide. lavanda,lavendola,/'.;-o/" a bar, Spir'it, [spirit] $. spirito; animo, coraggio, ardore, fuoco, m.; punta di stanga, f. Spike', [spaiche] v. a. conficca- voglia,/".; desiderio; umore, m.; disposizione, natura, /.; genio, re con chiodi; inchiodare (un cannone) appuntare, aguzzare. ingegno, intelletto; fantasma,.
; ;

Spike'nard[spalchenrdj s.(6o^) Spir'it, [spirit] v. a. ammaro, inanimire , incoraggiare, ecciSpen'der, [spendeur] s. spendi- spiganardo, m. tore, che spende assai, m. Spi'ky, [spaiche'] adj. puntato, tare; to - away, menare via. Spir'ited, [spirited] adj. animaSpen'dng, [spending] s. l'atto aguzzo. to, spiritoso; vivace; high -, di spendere. Spili', [splj V. a. versare, spanSpend'thrift, [spendth^rft] s. dere, spargere; -, v. n. dimi- magnanimo; low -, abbietto. Spiritedly, [spiritdl] adv. spendereccio, m. nuire; stillare. spiritosamente, vivacemente. Bperuj'. fsnourm] s. sperma, m. Spil'ler, [") s. che versa.

Bpir'itednesg, [spritdnes] disposizione d' animo, /.



dispettosamente mente.

dersi; to

due parti;

asunder, fendere in to - with laughter,

spugnosit, f. [splendent] adj. Sponging'house, [speundgi'ngsplendente, lucente. s. haouse] s. casa tenuta da un Splen'did, [splendid] adj. splen- birroin cui sono portati i deSjpis'situde , Spis'sity [spTs- dido, magnifico, pomposo. bitori prima di essere messi in itiudc, splssitj s. spessezza, Splen'didly , [splndidl] adv. carcere, f.

Spir'itful, [sprtfl] adj. spiri- Spite'fulness, [spaitefilnes] s. dispetto, n.; malizia, /".; maltoso. talento, m. Spir'itfully, [spintfule'l adv. spiritosamente. Spit'ted, [spited] adj. messo nello spiedo. Spir'itfulness, [spTritfulnes] s. Spit'ter, [spiteur] s. chi mette spirito, m. vivacit, f. Spir'itless, [spirtls] adj. sco- nello spiedo; chi sputa spesso; rato, depresso, vile, abbietto. cerviatto, m.; -s. pi. prime corSpir'itlessly, [spTrtlslj adv. na d'un cervo, f. pi. senza spirito. Spit'tDg-box, [spiting-bocs] s. Spir'itlessness, [spritlsnesjs. sputacchiera, /. abbiettezza, vilt, f. Spit'tle, [spt'l] s. sputo, m.; scialiva, /". spedale, m. Spir'itous, [spMteus] adj. spiritoso; operoso. Spittoon' , [spitun] s. sputacSpir'itousness, [spirlteusns] s. chiera, /. qualit spiritosa, f. Spit'-venom, [spitveneum] s. Spiritual, [spirtiul] adj. spi- veleno uscito dalla bocca, m. rituale, intellettualft. Splash', [splsce] s. zacchera,/". Spiritual'lty , [spritiult] s. Splash', [splsce] v. a. zacchespiritualit, immaterialit, f. rare. Spiritualiza'tion, [spitiulai- Splash'y, [splsce] adj. zacchezscien] s. (c/tym.) spiritua- roso, melmoso. lizzamento, m. Splay', [spie] v. a. sviluppare, Spiritualize, [spirtiualaze] v. distendere ; spallare (un caa.{chym.) spiritualizzare. vallo). Spiritually, [sprltiul] av. Splay'foot, Splay'footed, [splspiritualmente. fut, splefuted] adj. sbilenco. Spirituoslty, [spiritiusit] s. Splay'-mouth, [spl-mauth-] vivacit, attivit, /.; ardore, m. s. bocca distesa a posta, f. Spirituous, [splritiuus] adj. Spleen', [spline] s. milza, f.\f(ispiritoso, vivace volatile. cattivo umore odio, rancore,m. Spirltuousness,[spmtiuusnes] Spleened', [splin'd] adj. senza vedi Spirituosity. milza. Spirt', [speirt] s. zampillo, m. Spleen'ful, [spllneful] adj. maSpirt', [speurt] v. n. zampilla- linconico, stizzoso. re; scaturire; s. sforzo subita- Splee'nish, [splimscc] adj. di neo, ma non sostenuto, m. cattivo umore. Spir'tle, [speurt'l] v. n. dissi- Spleen'less, [splneles] adj. dolpare. ce, benigno. Spi'ry, [spaire'l adj. spirale, pi- Splee'ny , [spline'] v edi Spleenful ramidale. Spleen'wort , [splIneo5urt] s. Spiss', [sps] adj. sodo, spesso, {bot.) scolopendria, f.
; ; ; ;

scoppiar dallo risa. Split'ter, [spliteur] s. fonditore, m. Splutter, [spleuteiir] s. remore; borbottamento, m.(vo/,9rtre.)

Splut'ter, [spleuteur] v. n. parlare presto e confusamento {volgare).

Spoil', [spoil]

spoglia, preda;

corruzione, rovina,

Spoil', [spoil] V. a. rubare, predare ; guastare, desolare, rovinare; -, v. n. corrompersi, guastarsi. Spoil'er, [spoleur] s. rubatore,

guastatore, m.
Spoil'ful, [spoilful] adj. rapace; rovinoso, distruttivo. Spoiling-, [spoiling] s. guastamente, m.; desolazione, /". Spoke', [spoche] s. razzo, n.; razza (di ruota), f.




chi parla in favore

d'altrui, avvocato, m. Spo'liate, [spliete] v. a spogliare, rubare, privare. Spolia'tion, [spliscieun] s. spogliazione, privazione, f.

Spondaic, Sponda'ical, [spondeic, spndecl] adj. spondaico.





spondeo, m. Spon'dyle, [spondaile]



spondilo, nodo della spina, m.

Sponge', [speundge] s. spugna,/". Sponge', [speundge] v. a. nettare con una spugna scroccare. Spon'ger, [speiindger] s. parassito, scroccone. m. Spon'giness, [spendgins] s.

compatto. Bpissa'tion , [spsescieun] condensazione, f.



f. s.

spiedo, schidio- Splen'dor, [splendour] s. splendore, lustro, m. magnificenza,

Spit', [spit]

ne; sputo, m. Spit', [spit] V. a. reg.





Spon'gious, Spon'gy, [speundgiiis, speundge] adj. spugnoso; inzuppato. Sponk', [speunche] s. zolfanello,
m.; esca,

{spit; spit) mettere nello spie- Splenet'ic, Splenetlcal, [splendo, porre nello spiedo; -, t'. n. etic, splnticl] adj. splenetisputare. co, stizzoso. Spit'full, [spt-fil] s. pieno Splen'ic, [splenic] adj. splonico. spiedo, schidione, m. Splen'ish, [splnsce] adj. stizSpitch'cock, [spitsccc] s. an- zoso, malinconico,di mal umore. guilla messa sulla gratella, /. Splice', [splalse] v. a. intrecciaSpitch'cock, [sptscecc] v. a. re (un cavo). (ca, f. {cock.) cuocere un'anguilla sul- Splint', [splint] s. (surg.) stecla gratella. SpUn'ter, [spliuteir] s. sverza; Spite', [spaite] s, dispetto, odio, stecca, /. ; pezzo (di legno), m.; rancore, m. in - of, a dispetto, scheggia (di pietra), f.; - of a

Spon'sal, [sponsl] adj. sponsalizio, matrimoniale. Spon'sion, [spnscieun]s. sicurt, malleveria; promessa, obbligazione,

Spon'sor, [sponser] vadore, m.; cauzione,




Spontane'ity, [spontente'] , spontaneit, propria volont,/".



bone, schegginola d'osso, f. adj. spontaneo, volontario. Spite', [spaite] v. a. dispettare, Splin'ter,[splinteiar]t).a.(snr9f.) Spenta'neonsly, [spntniisle] fare dispetto. assicurare con isteccho; -, v. n. adv. spontaneamente, di proSpite'ful, [spateful] adj. dispetspaccarsi, fendersi. pria volont. toso, malizioso. Split' , [split] V. a. spaccare, Sponta'neousnes, [spontniisBpite'fully , [spalteful] adv. fendere; -, v. n. spaccarsi, fen- n'cs] vedi Spontaneity.


Spontoon', [spontun] ne, m.


ward, lanciarsi; avventarsi;

sponto- Spou'sal, [spauzl] s. sposalizio, sposamento, wi. Spool', [spille] s. cannello, roc- Spouse', [spauze] s. sposo, marito, m.; sposa, moglie, /. chetto, m. Spoo'ling-wheeljspuling-oaile] Sponse'less, [spauzels] ndj. senza marito; senza moglie. s. arcolajo, guindolo, m. Spoom', [spume] v. a. scorrere; Spout', [spaute] s. grondaja, /".; zampillo, m.; rain -.acquaznavigare velocemente. Spoon , [spine] s. cucchiajo.m.; zone, m. to be past the -, esser fuor del- Spont', [spaute] v. a. sgorgare, sboccare; gettare, versare; l'infanzia. Spoon'-bill, [spilne-l)il] s. palet- -, V. n. zampillare, docciare. adj. [spaoiting] Spou'ting, tone. m. (uccello). Spoon'ful , [spunefiil] s. cuc- zampillante, sgorgante. Spou'ting^, [spaouting] s. sgorchiajata, /. Spoon-meat, [spunc-mite] s. gamento, sgorgo, m. Sprain', [sprene] s. storcimenzuppa, minestra, f.

out, zampillare, sgorgare. Spring'al, [springal] s. giovanotto, giovinetto, m. Spring'-box, [spring-bocs] s. (watch.) bariletto, tamburo, m. Springe', [sprndge] s. lacciuolo, galappio, m. Springe', [sprndge] v. a. tendere lacciuoli. Spring'er, [springher] s. batti-

Sporadical, [sporadical]
sporadico. Sport', [sport]

[springhlt] , granchio, m. Spring'head , [sprnghd] sorgente, fonte, f. Spring'iness , [springhines] elasticit, forza elastica, /. to, m.; stortilatura, f. adj. Sprain', [sprene] v. a. storcere, Spring'-tide , [sprng-taide]

tore, m. Spring'halt



diporto, tra-

Spring'y, [sprTngh]adj. elastico; pieno di sorgenti. Sprin'kle, [sprncP] s. asperSport', [sport] v. a. divertire, frasca; spuma (del mare), f. ricreare: -, v. n. diportarsi,: Spread', [spred] odj. steso; di- sorio, m. Sprin'kle, [sprincV] v. a. & n. Bpassarsi,trastullarsi;io-ioi(A, volgato (vedi to Spread). ISpread', [spred] s. estensione, aspergere, spazzare; spargere, burlarsi, ridersi. Sport'ful, [sprtfiil] adj. gajo,| espansione. A; spandimento, m. dispergere ;<o-toitA sa/(, asper(gitore, m. 'Spread', [sprd] v. a. & n. irr. gere di sale. lieto, scherzevole. Sport 'fully, [sprtful] adv.\ (spread; spread) stendere, span Sprin'kler, [sprincleur] s.aspers. scherzevolmente, per ischerzo, dere, sparpagliare spargere Sprin'kling , [sprinclng] aspersione, A; spruzzolo, spruzstendersi spargersi aprirsi per passatempo, per diporto. Sport'fulness (sprtflnes) s. to - the cloth, metter la tova- zo, WJ. passatempo, divertimento, tra- glia; to - a carpet, stendere un Sprit', [sprit] s. rampollo, gertappeto; to - sail spiegare le moglio; brocco, DI. stullo, spasso, m. to - abroad, divolgare, Sprit', [sprit] v.a. cacciar fuoSpor'ting, [sporting] .diporto, vele pubblicare; to - over, coprire. ri, espurgare; -, v. n. germotrastullo, wi. Bpor'tingly, [sprtingle'] adv. Spread'er, [sprdeir] s. spargi- gliare. Sprite' , [spraite] s. fantasma, allegramente, scherzosamente. tore; divolgatore, Spor'tive, [sprtv] adj. leggia-'Spread'ing, Isprding] s. Tatto m.; visione, f. Sprite'ful, [spraiteful] adj.gajo, di spandere, m. dro, scherzoso _ Sportively, [sportivl] adv leg- Sprig', [sprig] s. ramuscello, m. allegro, vivace. giadramente, scherzosamente. Sprig'gy, [sprgh] adj. pieno Sprite'fully, [spraiteful] adv. vivacemente; vigorosamente Spor'tiveness, [sprtvns] s. di ramuscelli. leggiadria, scherzo; giuoco, m, Spright', [spraite] fantasma, wi.; con ardore.

stullo, passatempo; sclierzo; ludibrio, m.; caccia: pesca, f.; Tuccellare, m.: for -'s sake, per diporto; to make -, divertire, burlarsi ; to make - of one, farsi

alta marea, f. dislogare, sconciare. Sprat', [sprat] s. specie di pic- Spring'-water, [spring-outeur] s. acqua sorgente, f. cola aringa (pesce), f. Sprawl', [sprol] v. n. stender- Spring'- wheat, [spring-ouitc] s. fromento estivo, m. si (per terra), dimenarsi, agi-

beffe d" uno.

Spray', [spr]

ramicello, m.;

Sport'less, [sprtls] adj. mesto



Spright 'fui,

Sports'man , [sprts'mn] s. amatore della caccia, pesca ecc Spright'fuUy,

Spot', [spot] i. macchia,/".: pez' zo; luogo; sfregio: segno, m.

Sprite'liness , [spraitelines] s. [spraiteful] a'j. allegria, vivacit, f. gajo, allegro, vivace, spiritoso. Sprite'ly, [spraitele'] vedi Spri/.

[spraitefil] adv.







Spot, [spot]

macchiare, punzec sporcare, imbrattare chiare; spotted fever, s. febbre


petecchiale, f. Spot'less, [spotls]

adj. senza macchia, immacolato; intero. Spot'lessness, [spotlesnes] s. incontaminatezza, purit, f.

Spot'tiness, [spotins]




Spou sage, [spaoSzedge]


Spot'ty, [spt] adj. macchiato, s. spo-


Spou'sal, [spaoiizl] adj. nuziale, matrimoniale.

Sprit'-sail, [sprit-slc] s. [mar.) Spright'fulness,Spright'liness, trinchetto, m. [spraitefiilnes, spraitelins] s. Sprout', fspraout] s. cavolino; germoglio, broccolo, m. vivacit, allegria, f. Spright'ly, [spraitel] affj. leg- Sprout', [sprautj v. n. cestire, germogliare. giadro, lieto, gajo, spiritoso. Spring', [spring] s. salto, lancio, Sprou'ting, [spraouting] adj. m. ; sorgente, fonte; fessura, germoglianto. apertura; molla; primavera; Spruce', [spriiise] adj. attillato, pulito, lindo, vago. origine, causa, f.; principio, ni. v. irr. Spruce', [spriiise] v. n. attillara. Spring', [spring] {sprang; sprung) fare levare: si, pararsi. scoprire [to - a leak, fare acqua; Spruce'-beer, [spriuse-blre] s birra d' abete, f. to - a mine, fare scoppiare una [spriusemina; to - a well, cavare un Spruce'-leather , pozzo; -, V. n. irr. sorgere, sca- lth'eiir] s.cuojodi Prussia, m. turire, sboccare ;lanciarsi; sal- Spruce'ly, [spriusel] adv. attillatamente, pulitamente, lindatare; spuntare, germogliare; procedere, derivare; to - for- mente, vagamento.

gajamente, con ardore.

Spruce'ness, fspriusenes]
tillatura, lindura,




zampillare; to - up, scaturire s. scialacquamento, scialacquo, tn.; prodigalit, f. con impeto. Spud', [speud] s. coltello corto, Sput'ter, [speuteur] s. strepito, Square' , [squre] adj. quadro, onesto, sincero; robusto, for to; coltellaccio, m. vomere, fracasso, m Spume', [spi5me] s. spiuma, spu- Sput'ter, [speuteiir] v. n. spu- esatto. ma, scliiuma, [. tacchiare; borbottare; barbu- Square', [squere] s. quadro, m.; piazza; squadra (strumento); Spume', [spime] v. n. spiuma- gliare. re, schiumare. Sput'terer, [speiiteiireur] s. che regolarit; regola, /". livello, francamente, m.; upon the Spu'mous, Spu'my, [spiumeus, sputacchia; borbottone, m. spiunij fl'/j. spumoso. Spy', [spai] s. spia, (.; spione, sinceramente; egualmente, del Spunge', [speiindge]s. spugna,/'. esploratore, m. pari. Spunge', [spendge] v. n. net- Spy', [spai] V. a. spiare, inve- Square', [squere] w. a. quadratare con una spugna scroc- stigare, osservare; vedere, di- re; regolare, aggiustare; -, v. care. scernere; to - into, ricercare; n. accordarsi; convenire. Spun'ger , [speundgeur] s. pa- to - out, scoprire; trovare Square'-mile, [squere-maile] <. rassito, scroccone, m. Spy'-boat, [spi-bte] s. corvet- miglio quadro, m. [squerens] Square'ness, s. Spun'giness , [spendgiues] s. ta, f. (piccol naviglio veloce). spugnosit, /. Spy' -glass, Spy 'ing-glass,[spa- quadratezza, f.; quadro, m. Spun'sing [speindging] glas, spng-glas] .telescopio, Square'-number, [squere-nciins. scrocco, lo scroccare, m. beur] s. numero quadro, m. occhiale, m. Spun'ging-house, [speundging- Squab', [squob] adj. paffuto, Square'-root, [squere-rte] s. hause) s. casa d'un birro; grosso e forte; senza penne, radice quadra,/. striglia, /. appena nato; -, adv. stramaz- Squa'ring, [squering] s. quadro, m.; quadratura, /. Spun'gious, Spun'gy, [speiind- zatamente. gieiis, speundgj udj. spugnoso, Squab', [squb] s. sof, lettic- Squash', [squsce]. cosa verde; umido. grosso e caduta subitanea, /. urto di ciuolo; omicciatto Spunk', (spoiinc] s. esca, mic- tondo, m.: donnicina paffuta, f. corpi molli, m. cia, /.; legno inzolfato, t. [sqnbsc] adj. Squash', [squosce] v. a. schiacSquab 'bish, Spur', (sperj s. sprone; incen- grassetto, carnacciuto. ciare, affrangere. tivo, stimolo, ni.; to be upun Squab'ble, [squob'l] s. disputa. Squat', [squot] arfj quatto: pafthe -, esser in gran fretta. futo to lie -, to sit -, star quatcontesa, rissa, f. Spur'', [sper] V. a. spronare; Squab'ble, [squb'l] v. a. disputo, star quattone. eccitare, incitare, affrettare, tare, rissare, litigare, contra- Squat', [squot] s. caduta subi-, animare; v. n. affrettarsi. tanea, /. stare. Spur'gall, [spergul] s. piaga Siiuab'bler, [squbleur] s. uomo Squat', [squt] v. n. appiattarfatta cogli sproni, f. si, accoccolarsi, accosciarsi. rissoso, sgridatore, m. Spur'galled, [speiirgrd] a'Ij. Squab'pie, [squobpai] s. pastic- Squeak' , [squche] s. strillo piagato cogli sproni. sgrido, grido, m.; tn give a -, cio di molti ingredienti, m. Spurge', [speurdgej s. (bot.) ca- Squad', [squod] s. truppa di sol- gettare un grido. tapuzza, f. dati, f. Squeak', [squiche] v. n. strilSpurge'-laurel, Spurge'-olive, Squad'ron, [squodreun] s. squa- lare, gridare, stridere. [spoiirdge-lovol, speirdge-olv] dra, schiera, f. squadrono, m. Squea'king, [squichng] s. sgribot.) tiiiitlea, f. Squad'roned, [squodron'dj adj. do, strillo, grido, m. s. Spu'rious, [spirius] adj. spu- squadronato, schierato. Squeal', [squile] v. n. gridare rio, fulso, falsificato. Squal'id, [squld] adj. sporco, acutamente, strillare. Spu'riously, [spiiriuslj adv. imbrattato. Squea'mish, [squimsce] adj. falsamente. Squal'idness , svogliato fastidioso, troppo Squalid'ity , Spu'riousness, [spiuriiisnes] s Squa'lor[squulidite,squldns, delicato. falsificamento, m.; falsit, f. squlor] s. squallore, sucidu- Squea'misMY,[squImxscele']adv. Spur'-leather, [speiir-leth'L'ur] me. ni. fastidiosamente. s. cuojo dello sprone, m. Squali', [squol] s. burrasca, Squea'mishness, [squmscens] Spurn', [speiirn] s. calcio; di- tempesta, /".; turbine di ven- s. svogliataggine, stomacaggispregio, vilipendio, m. (Qiieasiness--. to, m. ne, f. Spurn', [speurn] v. a. calcitra- Squali' , [squol] v. n. gridare Squea'siuess, [squizines] ve-'i re; sprezzare, sdegnare; to Squeeze', [squizej s. compres(come uno spaventato). aicay. scacciare a calci. Squal'ler , [squoleur] s. grida- sione; stretta, /. Spurred', [spour'd] adj. sprona- tore, schiamazzatore, m. Squeeze', [squize] v. a. premere, to: eccitato, istigato. Squal'lid , [squold] &c. vedi spremere; strignere; - v. n. Spur'rer, [speiireiir] s. sprona- Squalid ecc. serrarsi; lo - out, spremere, tore; eccitatore, m. Squal'ling, [squoling] s. gridio, estrarre. Spur'rier, [sperieir] s. spro- schiamazzo, m. Squelch', [squlsce] s. caduta, niijo, m. Squal'ly , [squle'j adj. burra- cascata, /.; strammazzone, m. Spur 'ring, [speurng] s. lo spro- scoso, tempestoso. Squib', [squb] s (fireiv.) scopnare; incitamento, eccitamen- Squa'mous, [squmeus] adj. pietto, razzo; briccone, m.; sato, m. squamoso, scaglioso. tira, pasquinata, /. Spur'-rowel, [speiirroil] s. spro- Squan'der, [squndeiir] v. a. Squill', [squi] s. squilla, /. nella, f. scialacquare, buttare via, sciu- piccol gambero, m. Spurt' , [speurt] s. capriccio pare. Squi 'nancy, [squainn.s]s.squi ghiribizzo, m.; fantasia, f.; of Squan'derer, [squndeiireiar] s. nanzia, f. ivind, soffio di vento, buffo, m. scialacquatore, wi. Squint' , [squint] adj. guercio, Sq'uan'dering , [squondeurng] bieco. 5i>i:rt', [speurt] v. n. schizzare
at: ,



Stake', [stche] s. steccone, palo, m.; palanca; posta; scom-

Squint', fsqmnt] v. a. guardare StafT, [staf] s. bastone; bordospiedo (da caccia), m.; con occhio bieco; -, v. n. esse- ne asta, f. sostegno, appoggio re guercio, guardar di traverso. Squint'-eyed, [squint-ai'd] adj. versetto, m. stanza, f.; stato maggiore, wi.; autorit, possanbieco, guercio. Sqnin'tin^, [squtntng] . guar- za, f.; bishop's -, pastorale, m.: - (if command, bastone di codar di traverso, m. Squin'tingly, [squntngljarfv. mando, m. StaflF'-offlcer , [staf-ofiseur] s. da guercio, biecamente. Squin'y, [squn] v. n. guardare uffizialo dello stato maggioro, m. bieco {gergo). Squire', [squaire] s. scudiero, Startree, [staftri] s. (6o(.) ligustro, m. tti. (titolo); V. a. fare il cicerone. Squire'hood Squire'ship , Stag', [stag] s. cervo, m. [squairehud, squarescTpJ s. Stag'-beetle, [stg-bitr] s. aquilone, m. rango di scudiero, m. Squire'ly , [squairelj adv. da Stage', [stdge] s. teatro, m.; scena; osteria; posta, f.; to coscudiero. (lo, m. Squir'rel, [squirel] s. scojatto- me to the -, arrivar alla posta. Sqnirt', [sqnert] s. sciringa,/.; Stage'-coach, [stdge-ctsce] s. carrozza di viaggio, f. schizzatojo, m. Squirt', [squeiirt] v. a. scirin- Stage'-horse, [stdge-horse] s. cavallo di posta, m. gare, schizzettare; -,v. n. ciarStage'-play, [stdge-pl] s. opelare; sboccare. Squir'ter, [squeurteirl s. che ra di teatro, commedia, f. sciringa, che schizzetta. Stage'-player, [stdge-pleeur] Stab', [stab] s. stoccata, pugna- s. commediante, attore, m. lata, ferita, f. Sta'ger, [stdgeiir] s. attore; Stab', [stab] v. a. stilettare, pu- praticone, m. Stage'-writer, [stdgg-ralteur] gnalare, ferire. Stab'ber, [stbeur] s. uccisore, s. che scrive commedie. assassino, m. Stag'gard, [stgard] s. corvo di quattro anni, rn. [stabHment] s Stabiriiuent, sostegno , appoggio m. fer- Stag'ger, [stgheir] v. a. scuotere; allarmare; -, v.n. barcol mezza, f. Stabil'ity, [stabilite'] s. stabili- lare, traballare; titubare, star dubbioso. t; solidit, fermezza, f. Sta'ble, [stbl] adj. stabile; fer- Stag gering, [stgheirng] s. il barcollare, rn. mo, durabile; costante. Sta'ble, [stbl J s. stalla, f. - for Stag'geringly, [stagheuringle'J - for $heep, adv. barcoUone. pigs, porcile m Stag'gers, [stagheurs] s. pi. ovile, m. Sta'ble , [stebl] v. a. mettere vertigine (di cavallo), m. Stag'nancy, [stagnns] s. stanella stalla; stabilire. gnamento, ristagno, m. Sta'ble-boy, Sta'ble-man, [stebl-boi, stebl-mn] s. stalliere, Stag'nant, [stagnant] adj. stagnante. stabulario, m. Sta'bleness, [stblns] s. stabi- Stag'nate, [stagnate] v. a. stagnare. lit, fermezza, f. [stgniscieun] Sta'bling, [stebling] s. stallag- Stagna'tion, vedi Stagnancy. gio, m. Stab'lish,[stab'.isce] v.n. stabi- Staid', [stede] adj. sobrio; gralire, statuire confermare; or- ve; regolare. Staid'ness, [stadnes] s. sobriedinare. adv. stabil- t; gravit; regolarit, f. Sta'bly, [stbl] Stain', [stene] s. macchia; inmente, fermamente. Stacca'do, [stcad] s. stecca- famia, /. Stain', [stene] v. a. macchiare; to, m. Stack', [stac] s mucchio, cumu- diffamare. lo, m.; - 0/ siratw, pica di pa- Stai'ner, [steneiir] s. che macchia. glia, f.', - of wood, catasta di Stain'less, [stneles] adj. senza legna, f. Stack', [stac] v. a. ammucchia- macchia; immacolato, incontaminato. re, ammassare, cumulare. Stacte', [stcte] s. gomma della Stair', [stre] s. grado scalino, one pair of -s, scaglione, m. mirra, f. primo piano, m.; -s. pi. scala, Stade', [stde] s. stadio, in. Stad'dle , [std'l] s. sostegno, /. to go up -s, andar su, montare su. i.; gruccia,/. Btad'holder, [stdholdeur] s Stair'case, [strechese] s. scala, [. eovernatore olandese, m.
; ;

messa, /.; pericolo, tn.; to he at-, esser in pericolo; to lay all at -, mettere il tutto a ripentaglio; to sweep -s, tirar la posta. Stake', [stche] v. a. steccare, guarnire di pali; scommettere, venturare. Stal'actites, [stlactates] s. pi.

Stal'agmites, [stlgmaitcs] $. pi. stalagmite, f. Stale', [stele] adj. vieto, stantio, vecchio, attempato - bver,

birra vecchia, f. - bread, s. pane duro, m. - wine, s. vino vecchio, m.\ to grow -, divenire stantio; invecchiare. Stale', [stlc] s. allettamento; zimbello. Stale', [stle] v.a.& n. invecchiare; consumarsi. Stale'ly , [stlcl] adv. gi da

gran tempo, anticamente. Stale'ness, [stlencs] s. vecchiezza; lunghezza di tempo,/".

Stalk', [stocj s. stelo, gambo, m.; stoppia (di grano ecc.), f.;

andata pomposa,


Stalk', [stoc] V. n. re pomposamente.




mezzo, pre(duro.


Stal'ky, [stoche']
Stali', [stl]

s. stalla; mangiatoja; botteghetta; mostra di bottega,/".; sedile (nel coro),m.; butcher's-tiesco di beccajo,.; cnbbler'8 -, desco di ciabattino, m. Stair, [stl] V. a. mettere nella stalla, stabilire. Stal'lage, [stoldge] s. stallaggio ; diritto di poter aprir bottega, m. Stall'fed, [stolfd] adj. allevato nella stalla. Stal'lion , [stlieun] s. stallone, m. Stal'wart, Stal'virorth, [stlouurt, stlouurth"^] adj. for-



Sta'men, [stemen] s. {bot.) stame, m.; fig. origine, f. Sta'mened, Stami'nate, [stmn'd, stmnete] adj. fornito
di stami.

Stam'ina, [stamina] s. pi. stami (de'fiorij; primi principj, m. pi. Stamn'eons, [stamnis] adj. composto di stami.

Staminif ereus, [stminfireus] adj. che ha stami. Stam'mel, [stmel] s. specie di

color rosso; adj. i color rossi-

Stam'mer, [stmur]

r. n. tartagliare, balbettare; esitavo.









tartagliare, m.\ balbuzie,

Stam'meringly, [stmeiirngl]
at/r. tartagliando,

con balbuzie.

Stamp', [stamp]
bollo, m. Stamp', stamp]

stampa, irapronta; impressione, /.; segno,


v. a.


improntare, battere


niono; to - sentry, stare in sen- Starch', [strtsce] . amido, m. tinella to - the shock, sostenere Starch', [strtsce] v. a. inaminn assalto; to - still, fermarsi; dare, saldare con amido. stagnare; far niente; to - in the Star'-chamber, [str-cmbeir] s. corte criminale d'equit (ora ivay, impedire; to - to one's word, mantenere la promessa; in disuso) /. to - about, attorniare assedia- Starched', [strtsced] adj. inamidato; affettato. re; to - against, resistere, far [strtscedns] testa a; to - 6j/, tenere per, se- Starched'ness, dere su; ?o - /'or, sforzarsi d'ot- vedi Starchness. tenere, mantenere, difendere; Star'cher, [strtsceir] . chi

bollare; to - under foot, calpestare; to - with one's foot, battere col piede in terra. Stam'per, [stmpeiir] s. pestello, pestatojo, m. Stamp'-fee, [stmpfi] s. diritto
di bollo, m. Stam'ping, [stamping]

inamida. significare; to - forth, avanzare; presentarsi; to -in, costare, Star'ching, [strtscng] .l'inavalere ;<o - off, stare alla larga; midare. lo Starch'ly, [strtscel] adv. con to - off and on, bordeggiare - out, resistere; persistere; lo affettazione, affettatamente. - fo, persistere; affermare; to - Starch'ness, [strtscens] s. affettazione, /".; maniere afl'ettawndt;r, soffrire, sostenere; to ;


pitamento, il calpestare, m. Stamp'-office, (stn^p-fisj

uffizio di bollo, m.

Stamp' -paper, [stampepeSr]

carta bollata, f. Stanch', standee]




onesto, sincero, fran: co; - commo'titi/, i. mercanzia

ben condizionata, /.; - knave, s. vero briccone, m. Stanch', [stnsce] v.a. &n. stagnare, ristagnare: stagnarsi. re, m. Stan'chion, [stanscieun] s. so- Stan'del, Stan'der, [standl, stegno; puntello, m. stndeur] s. arboscello vecStaiich'less, [stanscels] adj. chio, m. che non si pu stagnare. Stan'der, [stndeiir] s. che sta Btanch'ness, [stiinscens] s. in piede; spettatore, m. buona qualit, bont (d' una Stan'der-by, [stnderbai] s. mercanzia); fermezza, ^ spettatore, riguardante, m. Stand', [stand] s. stazione, po- Stan'ding, [standing] adj, stasta; piazza, /. stato, grado, bilito, fisso; stagnante; permam. pausa, fermata, f. difficol- nente;- army, .esercito stant, /. to be at a -, stare irresoziale, m.; - dish, s. vivanda orluto, esser imbarazzato to make dinaria, /. - place, s. luogo da a -, far alto, fermarsi; opporsi, stare, m.; posta, f.; - rule, s. far testa; to put to a -, imba- regola fissa, f,; - wages, s. pi. razzare; intrigare; metter in salario fisso, m. pensiero. Stan'ding, [standing] s. durata; Stand', [stand] v.a. irr. (stood; posta. /.;luogo,posto,t.; /ne Jirfs flood) sostenere, mantenere; 0/ an old -, amici vecchi, m. pi. difendere; v. n. irr. stare, fer- Stan'dish, [stndiscej s. calamarsi; tenersi sussistere, di- majo, m. morare; esser situato; opporsi, Stang', [stang] s. stanga, perfar resistenza; to - in owe, ave- tica, f. re paura di, temere to - n Stan'nary, [stanare] ad)', di sta{upon) one's </e/'ence, difender- gno. si <o - in doubt, essere in dub- Stan'za [stanza] s. stanza, ,

up, stare in piedi, levarsi; to up against, opporsi, resistere; to - up for, difendere to - upon, insistere, star fermo; to - with, convenire accordarsi, conformarsi. Stan'dard, [standard] s. stendardo, m. insegna misura, /. modello, wi.; regola, norma, /".; grado; prezzo, valore, m. Stan'dard-hearer , [stndrdbrur] s. gonfaloniere, alfie;

te, /. pi.', durezza, /. Stare', [stere] s. guardo fisso

stornello, m.

Stare', [stre] fissamente; to




in the face, da-

re negli occhi. Sta'rer, [streir] . chi guarda fissamente. Star'-fish, [star-fisce] s. scolo-

pendria, /. Star'-gazer, [star-ghzeur] . astrologo, astronomo, . Star'hawk, [strhche] s. falcone laniere, tn. Sta'ring, [storing] s. sguardo fisso, m. sorpresa, f. Sta'ringly, [stringl] adv, con occhi fissi, fissamente. Stark', [stare] adj. rigido, severo, austero; vero, puro; -/"oo^ s. matto spacciato, m.; - with

cold, intirizzito di freddo. Stark', [stare] adv. tutto, affatto, interamente; - naked, tutto

Stark'ly, [strcle] adv. rigidamente, fortemente. Star'less, [strls] adj. senza stelle; oscuro.

Star '-light, [starlate] s. lume delle stelle, splendore delle stelle, m.

Star'light, [starliite] adj. stellato; rilucente. Star'like, [strlaiche] adj. simile ad una stella, a foggia di

fair, essere in strofa, f. riga; to - /"asf, dimorare fermo; Sta'ple, [stipi] adj. ben condifear of one, aver paura zionato; di mercato. d'alcuno, temere alcuno; to - Sta'ple, [stpl] s. mercato; emgapin I. stare a bada, badaluc- porio (di mercanzie), m.; - of a care; to - god-father, to - god- r/oor, bocchetta di toppn, /. mother {ti a child), levare un Sta'pler, [stpleur] s. mercanbambino dal sacro fonte to - te, m. one's ground, mantenersi sal- Star', [star] s. stella,/".; astro: do, tener duro to - upon one's asterisco; fig. fato, destino, m.; guard, stare in guardia; stare blazing -,comeiii, f.; flying -, sulle sue; to - in one's light, shouting -, stella volante, /.; fare ombra; to in need of, ave- uandering -, pianeta, /. re bisogno di; to to an opi-, Star'board, [strbrde] s. lato nion appigliarsi ad una opi-' destro della nave,
to - in
; ;

bio, esitare; to

Star'Iiag, [starling] s. stornello, storno, m. (uccello); pigna

(di ponte),/".

Star'-paved, [star-pv'd] pieno di stelle {poet.).


Star'-proof, [str-pruf] adj. impervio al lume delle stelle. Starred', [str'd] adj. pieno di

Star'ry, [stare'] adj. stellato. Star'-shoot, [strshtej . stella volante, meteora, /. Start', [start] s. salto, risalto, ghiribizzo, capriccio, wi.; by -s, capricciosamente; to give a -^ fare un salto.




Start', [start] v a. intimorire, State'meut, [sttemnt] s. rac- Stayed'ness, [ste'dnes] s. solidit; prudenza; moderazione, f. turbare; scoprire ; -, v. n sal- conto particolareggiato, w. (poco usato). levarsi, State'-railway, [stetercleou] s. tare, dare un salto Stay'er, [steur] s. uno che ferpartire; to - for fear, tremare strada ferrata dello stato, f. ma, che appoggia, m. di paura; to - a ^arc, levare la State'-room, [stte-rume] s. caStay'-lace, [ste-lese] s. stringa, lepre; to - an opportunity, far mera di riceviniento, f. nascere un'opportunit; to - a States'man, [stetes'mn] s. po- /.; lacciuolo, m.

Stay'-maker , [st-mcheur] s. juesiion, proporre una questio- litico; ministro di stato, m. ne; <o -a /rw<, scoprire una ve- States'woman, [stetesououmn] fabbricante di busti, m. Stays', [stze] s. pi. busto (da s. donna di stato, /. rit ; to - al, strabiliare; to back, saltare indietro; to - Stat'ic, Stat'ical, [static, stat- donna), m. Stead', [std] s. luogo, m.; vefrom, uscire di; to - up, levar- ical] adj. statico. Stat'ics , [statics] s. pi. stati- ce, /.; to stand in good -, renlor si; spuntare. servizio; to be in -, esser utile, Star'ting, [starting] adj. pau- ca, f. roso, timoroso; - horse, s. ca- Sta'tion , [stscieun] s. posto ; servire. staggio, i. stazione; abitazio- Stead', [std] v. a. render servallo ombroso, m. vizio, ajutare; sostenere. Star'ting, [starting] s. il salta- ne, /.; grado, m.; condizione; {rail.) stazione, f.; atrio (della Stead'fast, [stdfst] o'/j. formo, re, m. : scossa,/". sodo, fisso; risoluto. Star'ting-hole, [starting-hlc] .s. strada ferrata), m. Sta'tion, [stscieiin] v. a. porre Stead'fastly , [stdfstle] adv. scusa, /.: sotterfugio, w.

Star'tingly , [strtingle] adv a scosse, interrottamente. Star'ting'place,[strtng-plse] 8. mosse, f. pi. Star 'tish,[strtTsc(?la''i. alquanto ombroso, un poco pauroso Star'tle , [strt'l] s. salto improvviso, ni.; subita impressione di paura, f. Star'tle, [strt'l] v. a. spaven-

costantemente in un posto; dar un impiego. fermamente Sta'tionary, [stscieiinar] adj. risolutamente. Stead'fastness, [stdfstns] s. stazionario; fermo. Sta'tioner, [stscieiineiir] s. car- fermezza; solidit; costanza./. tolajo; chi vende carta; li- Stead'ily, [stdil] adv. con fermezza, costantemente, saldabraio, m. [stscieiinmente. Sta'tion-house , haouse] s. (rail.) casa di sta- Stead'iness, [stdins] s. solidit; fermezza, /. zione (per prendere acqua),/". Sta'tism, [sttTsm] s. politica,/. Stead'y, [sted] adj. ferino, s lido; sicuro, discreto, cauto. tare, fare paura; -, v. n. tre- Statis'tic, Statis'tica), [sLtstic, sttsticl] adj. statistico Stead'y, [std] v. a. render fermar di paura, strabiliare. Start'np, [strteiip] s. uomo da Statis'tics, [sttstics] s. pi. mo; render sicuro. Steak', [stche] s. braciuola, statistica, f. nulla arricchito, m. Starva'tion , [strvscieun] s. Stat'uary, [sttiuare'] s. statua- fetta sottile di carne, /. Steal', [stile] v. a. & n irr. morte cagionata dalla fame, f. rio, scultore, ni. (stole; stolen) rubare, involare; Starve', [starve] v. a. far mori Stat'ue, [sttiu] s. statua, /". ilo - a marriage, maritarsi clanre di fame, affamare; -, v. n. Stat'ure, [sttceur] s. statura,/ destinamente; to - anny, invoavere fame; morire di fame; lo Stat'utai)le , [stati utabl] adj larsi; svignare; to - auay from, conforme agli statuti. - with cold, morire di freddo. Starve'ling, [starveling] s. ani- Stat'utably, [ stati titable] adv. distornare, distrarre to - into, insinuarsi; to -on, cattivarsi; secondo lo statuto. male afFamaticcio, m. inganto - upon, sorprendere Sta'tary, [sttare'] adj. fisso, Stat'utary,[sttiutar] adj. de nare, (batoro, m. cretato per statuto. fermo, stabilito. State', [stte] s. stato; grado, Stat'ute , [statuite] s. statuto, Stea'ler, [stleur] s. ladro, ruStea'ling, [stiling] s. rubamonm.; legge, f.^ ordine, wi.; condizione; situato, m.; ruberia, /. zione, /.; governo, dominio, m.; Staunch', [stnsce] vedi Stanch grandezza, magnificenza, pom- Stave', [stve] v. a. & n. fende Stea'lingly , [stilngl] adv. pa; dignit, ^; orgoglio, w.; re, spaccare; sfondare (un ba- astutamente, clandestinamente, segretamente. alterigia,/.: the United States, rile). Stealth', [stolth-] .furto, m.; pi. gli Stati Uniti, rn.pL; bed Staves', [stvcs] pi. di Staff. of -, s. letto di giustizia, m.: Staves', [stevcs] s. pi. doghe ruberia; pratica segreta, /".; by -, di soppiatto, di nascosto council of-, s. consiglio di sta- (d'una botte) f. pi. to, wi.; to live in great -, vivere Stay', [st] s. soggiorno; indu- Steal'thy, [stelth-] adj. clandestino, segreto, occulto. gio, tn.; dimora, f.; appoggio, splendidamente. State', [stete] i>. a. stabilire; re- sostegno; legaccio, cordoncino, Steam', [stime] s. vapore, fumo, m make -, fermarsi, tardare. golare, ordinare, determinare: Stay', [st] v. a. irr. (stayed; Steam', [stime] v. n. vaporare, raccontare: esporre. fumare; esalare. State'craft', [stetecrft] s. po- staid) ritenere, fermare indugiare; appoggiare, appuntella- Steam'-hath, [stimc-bath-] s. litica, f.: maneggio, m. bagno a vapore, m. Sta'ted, [stetd] adj. fissato, re; placare, calmare; -, v. n. [stime-bte] *. (larmente. irr. stare fermarsi; soggior- Steam'-boat, stabilito. battello a vapore vascello a Sta'tedly, [stetedle'] adv. rego- nare; indugiare, aspettare; to State'liness, [sttelines] s. pom- away, assentarsi, scostarsi; to vapore, n. pa, grandezza; maest; alteri- - on (upon), fare capitale, ri- Steam'-boiler, [stmc-biltir]s. (toc.) caldaja a vapore, m. posarsi. gia, f. State'ly, [stetcleT adj. grande; Stayed', [sti'd] ac/j. fisso, fermo; Steam'-carriageistime-cndgei 8. vettura a vapore; locomotimagnifico, pomposo superbo, discreto, cauto. va, f. Stayed'ly, [st'dle'] adv. se altiero. Btate'ly, [sttel] adv. pompo- riamente; discretamente, pru- Steam'-chimney, [stime-cimne'! . (toc.) cammino a vapore, t. dentemente {poco usato). gamente superbamente.
; ;




Ster'eotype, [stritaipe]

Steam'-coach, [stlmc-cotsce] s. Stellate, [stelete] adj. stellato, carrozza a vapore, m. raggioso. Steam'-engine, [stime endgin] Stelliferous, [stlfireus] aj. . macchina a vapore, /. pieno di stelle. Stea'mer, [stimeur] s. battello Steriionate,[stelinete]s. (jur.) a vapore, vascello a vapore, m. stellionato, m. Steam'-mill, [stime-milj s. mu- Stem', [stem] s. stelo; gambo; sprone (d' un naviglio), m. ; falino a vapore, m. [stime miglia, razza, f. Steam'-navigation , navighescieun] s navigazione! Stem', [stem] v. a. fermare, ar-



Ster'eotype, [steriotaipe] v.

stampare a stereotipo.
Ster'eotyper, [stritaipeur] s. stampatore a stereotipo, m. Sterile, [sterl] adj. sterile, arido; infecondo.
Steril'ity, [sterilite] s. sterilit, aridit, f. Ster'ilize, [sterilaize] v. a. sterilire,


restare; veleggiare a ritroso. [stime-pauur] Stench', [stnsce] s. puzza, /.; puzzo, fetore, m . forza di vapore, f. Steam'-press, [stime-pres] s Stenog'rapher, [stnografeSr] s. torchio a vapore, m. stenografo, m. Steam'-valve , [stime-valve] s Stenograph'ical, [stenogrfical] adj. stenografico. {loc.) valvola a vapore, f. Steam'-whistle, [stirae-ous'l] Stenog'raphy, [stenografe] s. stenografia, f. s. (loc.) fischietto, m. vedi Stent', [stent] v. a. restrigneSted'fast, [stdfst] Steadfast. re, reprimere. Steed' , [stde] s. corsiero, de- Stento'rian , [stentorian] adj. striero, corridore, m. avente una voce potente; sten-

a vapore,




Ster'ling, [steiirlng] adj. vero,

puro; sterline.
Ster'ling, [steurling] s. sterlina, f. (moneta). Stern', [steurnj adj. severo, austero, rigido, torvo, brusco. Stern', [steurn] s. poppa (d' un naviglio), f. Ster'nage , [steiirndge] vedi

Steel', [stile] s. acciajo; fucile; toreo. acciajuolo, m. Step', [step] .passo, m. ; pedaSteel', [stile] . a. indurire, inta, traccia, /,; vestigio ; scalino, durare. m.; - of a door, soglia, /.; limiSteel'-pen, [stle-pen] s. penna tare d'una porta; - by -, a passo d' acciajo, f. a passo. Stee'ly , [stile'] adj. d' acciajo Step', [step] V. n. andare, far un duro, fermo. passo; to - after, andare dieSteel'yard, [stileird] s. stade- tro; to- aside, mettersi in dira, (. sparte; to - back, tornare inSteep', [stipe] a'j. scosceso, dietro; to - down, scendere, didirupato. scendere; to - forth, presentarSteep', [stipe] s. precipizio, m. si ; to - in (into), entrare, an\

Steerage. Stern'ly,




aria torva.

Stern'ness, [steurnnes] s. viso severo, cipiglio, m. Ster'non, [steurnn] s. (anat.)

sterno, m. Sternuta'tion


scien] s. starnutazione, /".; starnuto, m. Ster'nutative, Ster'nutatory,

adj. starnutatorio.

dare dentro; to - out, uscire; Steth'oscope, [stth^'scope] s. traviare; to- orcr, passare; at- {med.) stetoscopio, m. traversare; to - to, andare ver- Stew', [stiu] s. vivajo, stagno, pa macerata, (. m.; stufa, /".; bordello, w. campani- so; /o - up, ascendere. Stee'ple, [stip'l] s le, m. Step'-l)rother,[stp-bruthiur] Stew', [stiu] V. a. stufare, far bollire a fuoco lento; stewed Stee'ple-chase, [stip'1-cse] s. . fratellastro, m. corsa diritta, senza aver ri- Step'-danghter, [stp-doteur] s. meat, s. stufato, m. Stew'ard, [stiiiurd]*. maggiorguardo agli ostacoli che si pre- figliastra, f. sentano, f. Step'-father, [step-fath'eiir] s. domo, maestro di casa; dispensiere (d'una nave), m.; lord Stee'pled, [stipTd] adi. forni- patrigno, m. to di campanile. Step'-mother, [step-meuthlelr] high -, primo maggiordomo, m. Stew'ardship, [stiurdscip] s. Steep'ness , [stipcnes] s. pen- s. matrigna, /. dio, m.; scesa, china, f. Step'ping-stone[stepTng-stone] carica di maggiordomo, /. Stee'py, [stipe'] ad], declive, .sasso da mettervi su il piede, Stew'ing, [sting] s. lo stufam. ; fig. introduzione, f. scosceso, dirupato. re, ni. Steer', [stire] s. giovenco, bue Step'-sister, [stp-sisteir] s. Stew'-pan, [stili-pan] s. padelsorellastra, f. giovane; (mar.) timone, m. la, terrina (da stufare), /. Steer', [stire] v. a. guidare, go- Step'-son, [stp-seun] s. figlia- Stib'ium, [stbieum] s.{chym.) vernare; reggere; -, V. n. navi- stro, m. antimonio, m. gare. Stercora'ceoTis,[steirc5rsciiis] Stick', [stc] s. bastone: stecco, adj. stercoraceo. Stee'rage, [stiredge] s. timone m.; canna,/.; - of sealing wax, governo, wi. Stercora'tion, [sfceurcorsciun] bastoncello di cera, m. Stee'rer, [stirur] s. timoniere, s. il concimare, il letamare, m. Stick' , [stc] V. a. appiccare , Stereograph'ic, Stereograph'- attaccare, ficcare; spignere; -, piloto, m. Steer'less, [stirls] adj. senza ical, [strigrfic, strigrfi- V. n. appiccarsi, appigliarsi, cl] adj. stereografico. timone. fermarsi; to - by one, tener per

Steep', [stipe] v. a. immollare; tuffare; steeped A em p, s. cana-

Steers'man,Steers'mate[stres- Stereog'raphy, [striografe']


mn, stiresmte] s. timoniere, stereografia, /. Stereomet'ric, Stereomet'rical, piloto, m. Steganog'raphy, [steganograf] [sterimtrc, striometrcl]
adj. stereometrico. s. steganografa, (. Stegnot'ic, [stgnotc] {med.) Stereom'etry , [sterimtre'] stereometria, f. adj. astringente. Storiar, Stel'lary, [stlr, ste- Stereot'omy, [striotom]

uno; to - with wax, appiccare con cera; to - at, ostinarsi: farsi coscienza ;to- between, ondeggiare, vacillare: to - by. spalleggiare; to - in, piantare; to - into, essere fit to; to - out, sporgere in fuo to - to, appiccarsi; ada^ ri;


lar] adj. stellare









Stir', [steur]

upon. Stilts', [stilts] s. pi. trampoli, da banda a "banda; to m. pi. restare, rimanere. Stickiness, [stichins] s. visco- Stim'ulate , [stimiulete] v. a. stimolare, spronare; incitare, sit, tenacit, f. animare. Stick'le, [stic'l] V. n. impiegarsi, adoperarsi; seguitare una Stim'ulating, [stmiuleting] s. eccitamento, m. parte. Stickleback', [stcrbc] s. pic- Stimula'tion, [stimiulscieiin]s. stimolazione, f.; stimolo, w. colo pesce, ni. Stickler, [stcleur] s. partigia- Stim'ulative, [stxmiuletv] adj. stimolativo. no; disputante, ni. Stic'ky, [stche'] adj. viscoso, Stim'ulator, [stmiuleteur] s. stimolatore, m. glutinoso. Sting', [stng] s. spina, /.; ago Btid'dy, [stie'] s. incudine, f.

strepito, remore,

fracasso, scompiglio, m. Stir', [steur] v. a. muovere ; agitare, scuotere; -, v. n. muoversi; agitarsi, scuotersi; io - the corn, voltare il grano; to - the fire, attizzare il fuoco; to - the

humors, provocare gli umori imto - about, andare attorno


brigarsi, industriarsi suscitare, eccitare.

to -


s. movimento, m. Stirrer, [steireur] s. che in moto; che si leva di buon' ora; stimolo; rimorso, m. Stifif, [stf] adj. rigido, aspro stimolatore; sedizioso, m. ostinato; fermo, inflessibile, Stng', [stng] V. a. irr. (stung; stung) pungere, pugnere; tra- Stir'ring, [steiring] adj. muocostante; (paint.) stentato. vente, in moto; affaccendato, Stiffen, [stf n] v. a. indurare; figgere. rendere rigido; -, v. n. intiriz- Stin'gly, [stindgil] adv. ava- attivo; sedizioso; - s. movimento, m. sollevazione, f. ramente, sordidamente. zire; diventare duro.

Stir'rage, [sturdge]

Stififhearted , [stlfhartgd] acj. Stin'giness, [stindgins] s. ava- Stir'rup, [streup] s. staffa, f. rizia , sordidezza spilorceria Stir'rup-cup , Stir'rup-glass , ostinato, duro. stireiip-gls] [stirep-cheiip Stiffly, [stifle] adv. inflessibil- miseria, f. mente, fermamente ostinata- Sting'ing, [stinghing] s. pugni- s. mancia, benandata, f. [stireupmente, m.; puntura, morsicatu- Stir'rup-leather , mente, duramente. (pungiglione. lthieur] s. striscia della stafStiff'necked, [stfnech'd] au'j. ra, f.

Sting'less, [stingls] adj. senza fa, A ostinato, caparbio. Stiff'ness, [stifns] .rigidezza, Stin'go, [stingo] .birra vecchia Stitch', [sttsce] s. punto (fatto coir ago) ; dolore pungente, m.; e forte, f. (gergo). saldezza, durezza; caparbiet,/. Stin'gy, [stndg] adj. avaro, maglia, /. to take up a -, piSti'fle, [staifl'] V. a. soifocare gliare una maglia. taccagno, sordido, spilorcio. sopprimere. Sti'fiing, [staifling] adj. soffo- Stink', [stXnc] s. puzzo, fetore, Stitch', [sttsce] v.a. appuntare;
; ;


cucire (un libro); pungere; to m.; puzza, f. - up, racconciare, risarcire. soffoca- Stink', [stinc] v. n. irr. {stank; Stitch'er, [stitsceiir] s. cucitostunk) puzzare, putire. mento, affogamento, m. Stig'ma, [stigma] s. segno d'in- Stin'kard, [stincheurd] s. uomo re, i.; cucitrice (di libri), f. famia; disonore,

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