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Long-distance Television is twenty years old A the 1921 demonstration, De aot tes exit {te sn tm cape Bel Taupo Labrie, Arnie. 7 is a notsble day in communication history, foe on that day im 1ga7 was the fine demonstration of television over long distances Largescale images were Boshed from Washing ton, D. C, hy wire and fom Whippany, N. J, by radio to « demonstration in New York City. “le wa” tid a newspaper, “ae if a photogea fel pcianiacy yallepeagny a talk, nod its head and leak this way and that ‘That was the fist of many public demonsta- tions, each to mark an advance in the television art. In 1929 came coor television, and in 1930 8 tworway system between the headquarters buik- {ngs of A.'T. & T, and Bell Laborstcee. When BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES ® plring end Investing, dering and perfecting. for caninved Improvements and economies In telephone service 2 HH, WINDSOR, Founder SOUTH of the border, thou sands of eager Spanisik speaking ulghbors are Pending the fest inte ot MECAWICA POPULAR, Spanish edi: tion of our magazine which is being printed in Mexico ity. Fifty thousand coples of Me- tsntca Popular ate now belng dis- teihuted throughout Mexico, Cen tal” America, and all the way Gown to Argentina, Senor Sante Moly, Jee who served withthe Ue. Aimy ina. bard-hiting Ranger battalion, i general mane ager of the Spanish eden, and Hiucl Reynoep y M2 direcior of the Mexican Chamber of Industry fnd noted asa brilliant editor, i technical director. As in the ease ‘of our French edition, Mecanique Prepare publahed In Bae, he Gover painting, wet and tlkgtrar toons ate flown’ air express from Chicago. Our publisher end aff proully regard Meconice Popular 5 afrieny hand extended to ou fesshsen nighines the first coaval cable was installed in 1937, tele= Vision signals for 24oline petares were trane- mitted berween Philadelphia and New York ‘and three years later 44rline signals were transmitted. By May, 1941, successful export rents had been made en an 8oc-mile circuit. End of the war brought a heightened tempo NEXT month a feature on light seaplanes should fire the imagina- ton of snyono with “itchy wings.” Othor July “headline Cee BS Ca end amet dieser BLN cost begets gu eae a ana ame petareal tn of cet ac te a fehren New Fork and Wathlngon, anda few) PRACTICAL features in the July Craftsman section Include an tele on home refrigerator serv Icing, and one on making fluores- cent’ lighting fixtures. for your ome, Far those who will hend their backs to save a little money, there's a feature telling how to lay a concrete walle months later « microwave systers foe television transmission was demonstrated in California, ‘Transmission facilities will keep pace asa great art advances to wide public usefulness. RADIO builders will find « handy ‘trouble shooter in the dual-pur- Pose signal generator featured in the July Radio section POPULAR MECHANICS JUNE 1917 "School Popular Mechanics Magazine H. H, WINDSOR, Jr, Editor and Publisher Wonber 6 Redavck Grant Fronk Beatty ‘Aston Eats . Donald brooks lifes Mets Vl T" Swanson Asssont Eetors, Shop Netes and refs W.ClydeLommey, Wayne Leckey JahaF Shock A EYoungauist In This Issue Where Are Our New Frontiers?__- 81 Germs Pur the Squeeze on Oil - - 92 Report From Antarctica - - - - 108 New Wealth From Waste + + + 116 Hobbyist of the Month = = + = 123 ‘What Makes an Athlete Tick? -- 130 Electric Orchestra: +++ 2» 155 ‘Tricks of the Green Men + ++ 161 For the Craftsman Rods, Reels and Lures ping a Is Not Ei “Detectives” Spot Good Drivers - 197 Profits in Roadside Pictures» 202 Workshop “Floor Lamps” - + - 213 Radio and Electronics- + = + - 221 Table of Contents Continued on Page 8 ere sioner Nee osmnta anaes The National Joy Smoke 0 means Pipe Appeal When a man smokes a pipe: he has u masculine auractiveness that wore ind appealing! Aad, tnlen he smokes Prince albert, he bas stich: tasting smoke chars easy on the rongue! means Prince Albert Try Prince Albert and you'll agree— it's a great to- bacco! P.A. is erinep eur—packs and cakes just right in your pipe . .. smokes coo! and even right dowa, to the bottom of the bowl. A 0 j weg TSM! A POPULAR MECHANICS [TL WRITTEN SO YOUCAN UNDERSTAND IT vou Where are our IRYSTAL gazing is « fascinating but perilous business—and ‘copes 9 whan we are dealing wh « relay changing technology. If sere realy possible for us to foresee tmnar tours inventions and ducer ties, wewrouldnot need to waitfor tomerrow-—we would start uring them today. But even admitting ‘ur inability to predict specific developments, it may till be pos ghee ‘determine something about our rabable future cotrse recognizing such trencls ae are already available to us. ‘Since I860 there have been four broad eras of industrial devel- ‘opment in the United States. Hach has covered a span of roughly fventy years, The first, from 1860 to 1880, might be called the Railroad Era—a period of great, geographical expansion, of bridges, tunnels and other mammoth civil onginccring works. ‘From 1880 to 1900 was an Electrical Era: the period of the telo- phone, the electric lisht, the polyphase AC system, and countless developments in cleetrieal machinory, It was the’ poriod of the electrical engineer, From 1000 to 1620 was, by and lange, a Mechanical Era, The automobile and tho airplane were ite deminant developments ‘From 1620 to 1010 was, I boliove, largely a Chomicel Bra, High- tame fuel, plats eythelis bers chemical agriculture and othor chemical developments were among outstanding products, What call vo sy of the period from 1040 1060—the period swhich we are now engaged? The Hest thing we should fie about this period is thot i is an era of expanding research. According to figures recently pub- lished by the National Research Couneil, the number of scientific personnel in industHial research Inboratories has nearly doubled Since 1940. Tt is interesting to observe that the greatest increase hhas been in the number of industrial biologists and bacteriologists, although these are still relatively smell group compared with the enormous number of chemists, engineers and physicists employed JUNE 1947 frontiers 7 ? Cloaks Fitting Meera ‘escrtie oer na (eu nesearen Lanter ON

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