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Laaberien Be, Sater Dewnit ‘alison 5H. L Bailey Pineville, Le “Hawaiian Wigglers Are Tops!” Dear Fred: “TL always look for your advertisements in the outdoor magazines just to sce the pictures of the big ones the other fellows are catching in other parts of the country. “Enclosed are pictures of one morning's catch ia central Louisiana ‘waters. My three felends and { were all sing your shallow running No.2 Hawaiion Wigglers. With us Hawaiian Wiggles are tops and our favocise baie” —Ed Le Sascr, Pineville, La, Sa No. 2 Hawaiian Wiggler SS Shallow Running es $1.10 oa, Write For Froe Catalog ei Berutiflly.iMluserated in colors snd has many photographs of record catches imede with my Hawaiian Wigglery Jiwerbugs, and ‘Hula Dancers Colored Movies Available We have several reels of colored movies taken of base SS % fshing in Chanda, Michge, nd Pld, The am evalale wth 5 ‘out cost for showing 10 clubs. FRED AREOGAST & CO,, 1605 North Sty Akron 3, Ohio 2 POPULAR MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine 1H Il. WINDSOR, Founder Next Month WHERE do we go from here, sstentiicaly speaking? Charles F! Kettering, research genlus of Gen- feral Motors Corporation, brings {you tho answer ta this quistion in EJune article: “Where Are Our ow Frontiors?” PART II of the story of Popular Mechanier’ Build-It-Yourselt House appears tn the Craftsman ‘section of this issue, Coming next month is a blow-by-blow account ‘of how the roof and siding were ‘applied, Then you step Indoors to watch war veteran Jacques Brownson and his wife erecting and plastering partitions, hanging oors lying Hors and insaling fixtures. HOP zhoard one of the new super= trains described in “Dress Parade fon Ralls” a June feature. While ‘whizzing across the country at 100 niles an hour” you can make a phone call, have Your hair cut or NOW that fishin’ time is here, sportsmen will turn to next month's Craftsman section for a Tescon in bait casting. HUMAN engineoring hae joined the coaching staf to create better athletes. Dr, Franklin Henry of tho University of California tele “What Males an Athlete Tiek,” an ‘especially timoly article at Amer ex's Olyimple challengers go into taining for 48. WANT to find out how good a river you are? A fenture in the ‘Sune Craftsman section describes ‘a number of easy-to-build devices for testing the individual's ability luchind the wheel YOU can play records through any radig tet in your home with the ‘one-tabe “wireless” acon player Seseribed In the Radio and Elee- ‘tonles pages next month. MAY 1947 HL, H. WINDSOR, J, Baitor and Publisher Stavar® Ward entrar ©, Sony ClifordB Hike Virgd Sven Aniston! Eto Shop Notas end Cite ruap Wapra lackey Joon Shock A-EYou In This Issue ‘The Wing'That Fooled the Experts - _ 81 ‘The Mechahies of Vating o> = 94 Shoot From the Sidelines -_-_- 97 Report From Antarctica -- - - 108 New Engines From Old - =I Fencing In the Waterways - ~~ 122 ‘They Tatlor Theis Own Cars == 199 Get Ready for Camp + + + - + 156 Ultrasonics—Magic Energy - + - 161 For the Craftsman ‘The Build-It-Yourself House _-_-_168 ‘A Home of 1000 Addresses --- 178 Porumar THE WING i BL ele tt) vou 67 etsy us ot» AS sure against tongue bite—o give you real smoking, joy and comfort. More pipes smoke Prince Albert than any other tobacco, Try it—and see why! MAY 1987

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