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Keyboard shortcuts:

General - Space: Switch from current tool to Pick tool. Press space again to switch back to the tool you were working with. - Delete: Delete the selected object - Arrow keys: Move selected objects in small steps. Arrow keys + Shift: move in larger steps, Arrow keys + CTRL: move in smaller steps. - Escape: deselect everything - CTRL-A: Select All - CRTL-Z: Undo - SHIFT-CTRL-Z: Redo Copying: - CTRL-D: Duplicate selected objects. Trick: press CTRL-D once, next transform (move, resize or rotate) the duplicate. Press CTRL-D again, CorelDRAW now remembers the transformation and automatically apllies it to the new duplicate. - + : Duplicate selected objects. Order: - CTRL-PAGEDOWN: Move the selected object one step back - SHIFT-PAGEDOWN: Move the selected object all the way to the bottom of the stack - CTRL-PAGEUP: Move the selected object one step forward - SHIFT-PAGEUP: Move the selected object all the way to the top of the stack Zoom: - F2: Zoom in tool - F3: Zoom out - CTRL-F2: Zoom to selected objects - F4: Zoom to all objects - H: Hand pan the screen. - F9: Full screen preview, very useful. Aligning: - CTRL-B: Align selected objects to Base - CTRL-T: Align selected objects to Top - CTRL-L: Align selected objects to Left side - CTRL-R: Align selected objects to Right Side - CTRL-E: Align selected objects to vertical centres - CTRL-C: Align selected objects to horizontal centres

Other: - CTRL-G: Group - CTRL-U: Ungroup - CTRL-L: Combine

Files: -

CTRL-K: Break Apart CTRL-Q: Convert to curves

CTRL-S: Save file CTRL-O: Open file CTRL-I: Import, useful for importing bitmaps CTRL-E: Export, create a bitmap image from your drawing, or selection.

Tricks: - Double click the rectangle tool button, to create a rectangle exactly the size of the page - Drag objects with the right mouse button, for various options: Duplicating, copying fills and/or outlines, locking paragraph text inside objects - Hold CTRL while drawing rectangles to constrain the shape to a perfect square. Similarly for circles, hold CTRL while drawing ellipses. - Hold CTRL while moving objects, to constrain motion to either vertical or horizontal.

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