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You Are About To Discover How To Create An Awesome Life Filled With Abundance, Happiness and Freedom...

Without Taking "Massive Action"... In Just 15 Minutes A Day

Forget what the "gurus" tell you... All you need to create an astonishingly cool life is a pen, paper... and your imagination.

Hi -- my name is Carl Harvey. I'm 29, work only part-time, live on Bondi Beach in Sydney, and have created a pretty epic life filled with fun, freedom, adventure, and plenty of abundance. More importantly, I've helped over 250,000+ people to create more extraordinary lives in the last 14 months alone... thanks purely to the secrets I'll share with you on this page.

I'll cut straight to it: if you want to experience MORE in your life -- more success, happiness, love -- whatever -- all you need to do is get yourself to the point where you fully expect and believe your success is inevitable ... and then, somehow, it 'magically' becomes attracted to you. The problem is, most of us secretly expect to FAIL. And that's what keeps us stuck... NOT the economy, NOT your education, NOT your past failures... it's your BELIEFS! It's that simple, and the best way to reprogram yourself for success is by...

Learning How To Visualize!

Yep: the fastest way I know to do this -- to change your subconscious beliefs -- is by visualizing every day. Don't worry - you only need to put in a few minutes each day to see results. Why? Because visualization "speaks" directly -- and quickly -- to your subconscious mind, creating seemingly *miracle* leaps in confidence, creativity, coincidences... and so much more... often very quickly, with no real "hard work", stress or effort. In fact, latest scientific studies suggest just 7 minutes visualizing a day is enough to create new neural networks in your brain... literally changing the physical make-up of your brain, wiring it for more success and happiness.

YES - Visualization truly is the "80/20" approach to success!

I'd love to teach you how to visualize, the right way. I teach a simple, easy-toapply 5 Step System, so you experience gloriously vivid visualizations... even if you think at the moment that you "can't" visualize. In fact, I'm so confident you'll succeed that I guarantee YOU will experience (initial) results within 48 hours. Yes, this is bold. (The training is very good) So if you want to get quick results with visualization, you are absolutely in the right place.

Let Me Give You Everything You Need To Get Results With Visualization Now:

A World Class 90 minute Training Video. I reveal my 'childs play' 5 Step System - steal this for vivid & vibrant visualizations which get results. This is practically a 'degree' in visualization, and is specifically

geared to help you to manifest more money - as well as other 'material' success.

Several Guided Visualization MP3s. Powered by NLP, Hypnosis and Brainwave Entrainment Technology - simply follow my instructions and let me guide you to your most powerful visualizations... ever! You just listen - it's easy! 'Quick Start' Guides and Workbooks. Keep track of your success and start visualizing today - plus learn how to avoid the common mistakes 99% of folks make. My workbooks cover the basics. Don't miss 'em. Brainwave Entrainment MP3s. You may have heard that visualization works best when your brain is producing alpha waves...? Correct. That's why I give you a selection of scientifically proven Isochronic Tones & Binaural Beats; so you can 'Go Alpha' - on demand. This is relaxing, and great for body & mind. Secret Bonus Training. Run through this in your own time, but the BONUS content is so awesome it's worth the price of admission alone. Videos, Audios, Reports and MORE... all designed to help you overcome your limiting beliefs; reprogram your subconscious mind - and GET RESULTS. Lifetime Access to VIP Members Site. 100% hosted online, you can get started with my training immediately. You'll join a thriving community of ambitious visualizers who are getting more of what they want. Whereever you are in the world, you can be visualizing in minutes. One on One Coaching and Support. You're not on your own: ask me questions about your goals, dreams - and challenges - and I'll help you out via private email, and our online community. I do everything I can to help you create the life you want.

How Does It Work?

Inside the Everyday Visualization System Members Area, I take you through the step-by-step creative process of visualizing your 'dream life'. I share with you a powerful and easy-to-apply 5 Step System which repeatedly generates quick and lasting improvements -- in almost any area of life you can imagine. You'll get guided audios... training videos... workbooks... and more. Everything you need to excel at visualization (and designed to suit your learning preferences, too). I take the mystery out of the process. In fact, the most often heard comment I've gotten from my students is simply "I now realize how easy it is to visualize".
And by giving this a try, for only 15 minutes a day, you'll soon start to experience a significant shift in your levels of self-belief... confidence... creativity and more. It's a real life-changer and I can't possibly convey how excited I am for you!

Everyday Visualization System | 100% Guaranteed | Only $47

When You Visualize You Boost Your ...

Confidence When you spend 10-20 minutes each day imagining yourself performing at your best, achievening all your goals and generally acting 'like a boss', it's inevitable your confidence will rise. Boom.

Creativity Your subconscious mind is wonderful. Feed it the image of having achieved your goal, and it can't help but go to work & show you how to get there. You'll get multiple ideas, insights & 'ah ha' moments.

Coincidences Whether or not you believe in the 'law of attraction', it's likely you'll seem to 'attract' people, opportunities and ideas to you... like a magnet. By all means be skeptical, but give it a try... it'll blow your mind.... :)

And these are only THREE of the benefits. As my students will attest (see testimonials at bottom of this page), that's just the tip of the ol' iceberg.

In fact: daily visualization will have a noticeable positive impact on practically EVERY area of your life.

Visualizing for just a few minutes a day even creates new neural pathways in your brain - which helps communicate a clear TARGET to your subconscious mind... creating a powerful "shortcut to success". This in turn gives you ideas, a clear sense of direction... and actually *increases* your levels of confidence, skill, and creativity - simply by using your imagination. I've personally invested over $100k in personal growth, searching for the "secrets" to success... paying for coaching from some of the happiest, wealthiest & most influential people on the planet. Visualization is absolutely the most effective tool I've learned!
Learn The Little-Known, Sneaky TRICK Which Instantly Fools Your Subconscious Into Believing You've Already Succeeded!

Remember Dr Maxwell Maltz's game-changing research in the classic success book Psycho Cybernetics? He found that "your nervous system cannot tell the difference between a real experience and an imagined experience". The implications of this are HUGE - because when you are able to visualize vividly, clearly and easily (like I teach you), you are effectively "tricking" your nervous system and subconscious mind into believing that you have already succeeded. This 'trick' will give you a GIGANTIC surge in self-belief and confidence. Plus, you'll activate your Reticular Activating System (RAS) - which helps you to spot new opportunities, and take advantage of them. Boom. More subconscious magic. You'll be thinking - and feeling - like a success... and it's this emotional state which 'attracts' to you everything you need to succeed: ideas, people, opportunities... often via seemingly impossible SYNCHRONICITIES and COINCIDENCES. This is when you live from -- as Dr Maltz calls it -- "That Winning Feeling" Unsurprisingly, this feels awesome :-)

I think Napoleon Hill explained this idea of 'attracting success' best, when he said:
"Our brains become magnetised with the dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds, and, by means with which no man is familiar, these 'magnets' attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts..." - Napoleon Hill, in 'Think and Grow Rich'

My training helps you to "magnetise" your mind with your dominating thoughts... imagine yourself now as a success, happy and abundant and powerful... And more... all by directing the infinite power of your imagination. Soon, with just a bit of practice, you'll be amazed at how "forces, people and circumstances" are drawn to you -- as if magnetised -- leading you to more success, freedom and abundance. Napoleon Hill had it right... So -- are you open enough to give it a try, completely risk free?

First, here's a sneak peek at the VIP Members Area:

ABOVE: You can have instant access to the VIP area. It's packed full of videos, audios, workbooks - everything you need.

Register now to get instant access!

100% Guaranteed | Initial Results in 48 hours | Only $47

Keep Reading for Full Course Details, Benefits & Very Special Offer...

If you're still here, you're probably sold on the concept of visualization... but you might be wondering about the EXACT details of my course. That's cool :-) I actually designed my course so that it suits ALL learning preferences.
You'll find...

Videos - if you prefer learning by watching Audios - if you like to listen or be guided Workbooks & Reports - for those who prefer to read

Most of my students 'mix and match' - there's plenty of great content. Plus, you get lifetime access -- to everything! In fact, let's get stuck into exactly what you get, the moment you enrol:

Everyday Visualization System: Everything You're Getting Today!

You'll Find ALL Of This Waiting For You Now, Inside The VIP Members Site!

My Best-Selling 90 Minute Video Guide To Visualization. I've helped over 70,000 people learn how to visualize, and in this powerful training I teach you my proven 5 Step System... so simple even a child could master! (And YES - it has worked for 1000s of people who thought they "couldn't visualize"!) This forms the *blueprint* of your training, and once you've mastered this you'll KNOW exactly how fun, simple and NATURAL visualization should be. Usually $97.

Bonus 1: VisualizeACTION! MP3. Repeatedly called the "world's best guided visualization", strap on your headphones and let me take you on what I guarantee will be your most vivid, powerful and effective

visualization yet... which compels you to TAKE ACTION! Usually $37. Bonus 2: (VIDEO) 3 Steps To Influence Your Subconscious Mind. When I released this video to a small section of my subscribers, it quickly became my most commented on video EVER. Don't be put off by its simplicity, these 3 simple steps work every time (and I bet you're not doing at least two of them). Powerful stuff. Usually $27.

Bonus 3: My 5 Step Visualization System (PDF). If you want an easy, quick-start guide to visualization, this is it. Print off a copy and refer to it anytime you want to visualize. Usually $17. Bonus 4: My Visualization "Cheat Sheet" (PDF). Full of secret tips to help you "cheat" your way to visualization success. Usually $9. Bonus 5: Quick Start Video - "How to Visualize. Not got time for the full 90 minute training today? This condensed, 17 minutes, 80/20 version is for YOU... because you'll learn the "must do's" and basics, superfast. Usually $17. Bonus 6: 30 Minute Visualization (Binaural Beats MP3). This powerful MP3 puts you in the perfect state for visualization (alpha and theta brainwaves, as you ask). This not only relaxes you and feels amazing, but it actually helps you to change your subconscious programming faster... so you can start "installing" some empowering, abundant beliefs. It's the perfect way to visualize... and it's yours. Usually $27.

Bonus 7: NLP "Circle of Awesomeness" (VIDEO). NLP dramatically increases your experience of visualization - and your results - and this powerful exercise leaves you feeling loved, motivated, inspired... and abundant. Give it a go and you'll feel what I mean. Usually $17. Bonus 8: Ten Minute Daily Visualization (MP3). This powerful Binaural Beats audio is perfect for a quick, daily visualization. Just press play, and you'll be visualizing in seconds. This is a *must* to help make your daily visualization feel as natural as cleaning your teeth. Usually $17. Bonus 9: Binaural Beats Training. This exclusive, 5 Part video training series teaches you how to get the most from Binaural Beats... and how to dramatically boost your results from visualization. This is a "must see" if you want to fast-track your results, because you'll learn how to access - and influence - your powerful subconscious mind, a whole lot quicker. Usually $47. Bonus 10: 50 Minute Visualization (Binaural Beats MP3). This powerful MP3 is for loooonnnng, superdeep, intense visualization sessions. You'll reach the elusive Delta brainwaves... which mystics say gives you direct connection with "Infinite Intelligence". Enjoy. Usually $37. Bonus 11: One Minute Zen (VIDEO). There's not much point manifesting your dream life, if you're gonna be miserable when you get it. (Believe me, if you ain't happy now you won't be when you reach your goals ... unless you learn to love the present moment). So in this

daily one-minute exercise I get you feeling blissed out, happy and peaceful... a.k.a. get you feelin' all Zen. Usually $17. Bonus 12: 6 Visualization Mistakes (PDF). D'oh don't make these all-too-common mistakes. I swear that 90% of people who try to visualize do at least one of these MUST-DO things wrong... but luckily I save you the trial-and-error of figuring it all out, and point out the six deadliest errors you simply gotta avoid... if you want "real world" results. Usually $17. Unadvertised Bonuses. Naturally, I've held a few surprises back too. Why? Well, because I like to underpromise / over-deliver, and EVERYONE loves a surprise! So, when you login to the VIP Members Area head to the "Bonus Area" and you'll find a few wonderfully suitable and RARE extras to help you get even better results ... My gift to you. Boom!
That's my entire system, years of work, research, trial & error and practice, beautifully packaged in a VIP Members Site - available to you 24/7, where-ever you are in the world - specifically designed to get you measurable results FAST all for the ludicrously reasonable investment of $47... AND naturally this is 100% guaranteed, so there's no risk to you whatsover - So why not give it a go?

Register now to get instant access!

100% Guaranteed | Initial Results in 48 hours | Only $67

Everyday Visualization System: Quick Review

Remember: You get my entire Everyday Visualization System Training plus TWELVE powerful, complimentary bonuses, for just $47. That's a saving of precisely $295 off what I used to charge. Why? Because I want to create extraordinary results... FAST :-) This is 100% Guaranteed for Sixty Days. If you don't love the program, you get your money back - with NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Just send me an email & I'll cheerfully & promptly refund your investment. We'll still be friends, too! Plus, even if you refund, you can FLAT OUT KEEP EVERYTHING. Seriously. My gift to you - keep everything you've downloaded. There's no risk to you whatsoever. I sincerely want you to benefit from this training. So I'm making it easy to say YES. Real easy. You'll get instant access. As soon as you sign up, you'll be emailed your unique login details... which you can use to sign in to the VIP Members Area. This means you can start getting results in minutes. There's no frustrating delays or time to let your motivation subside. Get started NOW whilst your intuition is telling you YES! You get LIFETIME ACCESS to the VIP Members Area. This is a great place filled with other awesome, open-minded, ambitious people. There are NO upsells, no hidden fees, no continuity, or any other shenanigans. This is a one-time thing, and there are no extra fees to pay. Promise. You get FREE UPGRADES. I love over-delivering. At the time of writing, I've given THREE free upgrades in the last five weeks. Why? Because as I grow and develop, so should you. Consider today's program just the start of an ever-evolving solution, which gives you the skills to create more of what you want. This special offer must end soon... I'll be taking the page down when I reach my sales number (this is part of a marketing test) No exceptions. So don't delay. Act now. With a 60 day guarantee, and a huge $295 saving on the table, what are you waiting for partner? Imagine what would happen to your success, happiness and abundance levels when you get started now?

BRAND *NEW* BONUS ADDED! YES! Based on popular feedback, I am including my brand new Quantum Leap Daily Visualization MP3...100% FREE! This guided audio is 10 minutes long... perfect for daily use.

This guided MP3 will be your 'everyday' visualization audio. Designed to fit the businest schedule, at only 10 minutes long you will always be able to find the time to visualize your dream future.

The MP3 is recorded over *market leading* Isochronic Tones, so you'll be in the beneficial 'Alpha State'... within moments. I'll then personally guide you to visualize your number one goal being achieved - in glorious 'High Definition'. This will look, sound - and most importantly - FEEL great, and put you in an incredibly positive, vibrant state. Plus, I speak directly to your subconscious mind... so you make all the necessary changes you need to, quickly and effortlessly. I use a potent combo of NLP, hypnosis and positive psychology for maximum impact. You will be buzzing with energy and confidence, every single day... just wait til' you try it and experience it for yourself!!
You'll find this MP3 in the 'audio' section of the members site... 100% FREE TODAY :)

Remember - this is a Win / Win / Win

Instant Access, Baby Sign up now, and you'll be learning how to visualize in minutes. You get immediate access to the entire course - all the videos, audios, reports, bonuses... plus unadvertised extras. Get started NOW!

Epic Customer Service I pride myself on giving the BEST, bespoke customer experience you'll EVER experience. I kid you not - I am 100% driven by a desire to help you succeed. That means help, quick responses & love :)

An Iron-Clad Guarantee Remember: you have absolutely no risk here. If you're not completely head over heels with my product - for any reason - just drop me an email & I'll refund ya. There's nothing to send back.

In closing: my training rocks. 100s of people have already enjoyed life-shatteringly-awesome results, and there's a good chance you will love it too. If you apply what I teach you it's likely you will notice a positive impact, very quickly. (And if not, one email gets your investment back -- there's really no risk.) I can't wait for you to experience the feelings of confidence, creativity and momentum building... I love teaching this stuff and I hope you'll let me teach you, too. I've helped over a quarter of a million people already, but I feel like I'm just getting started.

Read on for Testimonials and FAQ's...

First - here's some REAL feedback from a few of my current students...

... to give you a taste of what's to come...

"Carl You're a Genius Mate - It's the clearest, most comprehensive and most effective method I have come across" - Daniel Behan "Love the VisualizeACTION MP3! In fact after listening I booked a $10k commercial, even though I had the worst flu!" - Craig Alexander Higgs "You are the freakin' man! Thank you so much for the advice, brotha. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it" - Brooks Briz "Ive gained greater patience, belief, understanding, skill level... This training kicks ass. This week I netted $50k on the Mini Dow Futures - Paul W "Your 5 step process is turbocharging both my husband & me to prosperity. I have tried so many ways to connect to abundance, and now we have seen our first bits of money and more & much higher quality opportunities than before. God bless you Carl" - Nannette DiMascio "So amazing & refreshing too. I have started applying every bit of what you have been saying. Thank you so much for such a simple yet powerful way to make me understand how to visualize" - Samuel Ukundi

"Very impressed by the course" - Sol Vaadal "You changed my life" - John Rakestraw "I've been visualizing a couple of weeks now, and it's awesome... There's a noticeable difference in my mood if I visualize the night before, compared to if I don't" - Eric Broel

"It's making a real difference" - Paul Schubert "Carl, You're such a sweetheart, you've already fixed my problem. :) You're good. I bet that if I turned you around, I would see your wings." - Joyce Sarver

And here's some *brand new* testimonials ...

And here are a few reviews in the last few hours for my Guided Visualization MP3s ...

And one last email from this morning ...

Want some results like this yourself?

Get Started Right Now for only $47!

One *FINAL* Reason To Visualize

If you're still "on the fence", here's a story that might tip you over the edge. Years ago, I used to share a bedroom with my kid brother, Craig. I was about 9, he was 7. We were real close. Still are. Our room was awesome -- we had bunk-beds, a mini pool table, a little football goal, and pictures of all our heros over the wall. A kids' paradise!

Our Childhood Dream...

We also had a picture of our dream car up on the wall... A top-of-the-range, pimped out, black Mazda MX-5. Heated leather seats, speakers in the headrest, 0-60 in about the time it takes to sneeze! We used to fantasise about owning that car... making racecar sounds, we'd run around our room pretending to drive the MX-5... ... We wanted it SO BADLY! Anyway -- a couple of years ago, MY dream came true: I successfully manifested a business with enough income that I could finally afford my $35,000 sports car...

But That's NOT The Best Part...!

Yes... I LOVED that car. It's truly amazing when dreams come true... But the story doesn't end there. Months later -- out of the blue -- another of my visualized dreams manifested... All of a sudden I had an opportunity to live on the beach, something I'd been visualizing for 18 months... That's when -- from a state of abundance -- I decided to GIVE my kid brother my sports car... so that his dream could come true, too. That's the power of visualization... not only can you manifest your own dreams, but you get to help the people you love most, too. If that doesn't get you visualizing, I'm not sure what will....

Get Started Right Now, 100% Risk Free

Thanks for reading - I sincerely hope you give visualization a try... By now I know the impact visualizing every day will have on your life - and I'd love to help you create a truly extraordinary life. Cheers, Carl Harvey

Bondi Beach, Sydney May 29, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Do I have to do this every day? Will I have time? A. Honestly, visualization works best when you visualize every day. The good news is, it doesn't take long -- studies show that just seven minutes has a PHYSICAL impact on the neural networks in your brain. That's why I'm giving you a quick 10 min guided MP3 to listen to each day -- we can all spare ten minutes, especially when the "upside" is so big. I'm sure you can make time for that :-)

Q. How is this different to other manifesting or self help courses out there? A. Good question. A couple of things -- first, you get ME. The way I teach is fun, powerful, and very unconventional. I am the least guru-y type guy you'll meet :-) ... Most my customers love how down to earth and "normal" I am. Secondly, I've invested over $100k studying personal growth, and you get to enjoy the fruits of all that money spent! In fact, I use elements of NLP, hypnosis, positive psychology -- and more -- in my simple 5 Step System, so you're getting a very unique process to implement. In short: there's no one teaching you the way I do, and there's no one teaching my special system. That's what's different... and that's why so many of my customers get great results.

Q. I just can't visualize... I've tried. A. I couldn't either, until I reverse-engineered (or "modelled", to use an NLP term) some of the best visualizers in the world -- to find out what they were doing! The brilliant truth is... we can ALL visualize... Simply put, if you can

worry about things... or if you've ever been excited about the future... you can visualize, because the best way to visualize is exactly the same way you already imagine the future or past... In fact, you don't need to even "SEE" pictures when you visualize, as you'll learn... It's actually really easy when you know the best way. REALLY easy.

Q. Does it work even if I don't have 100% belief? A. Absolutely. Just watch the 90 minute video at least once to learn how to visualize the right way, listen to the 10 minute MP3 once a day for 3-4 weeks, and you'll be astonished at how much your life -- inner and outer -- is changing for the better. No belief is required (although it tends to speed things up if you're expecting to succeed!) In fact, scientific studies prove the impact of visualization on your brain...

Q. Do I need to wait for anything in the post? What if I don't like it? A. No need to wait -- everything is hosted online. When you sign up now you'll receive a private email with your VIP login details. You can access this right now -- no need to wait. And if you don't love the training, I'll refund 100% of your investment. There's nothing to send back. In fact, no effort is required at all. I'll even let you keep what you've downloaded to say thanks for trying. All I'd ask is that you GIVE IT A FAIR TRY... (because I know visualization works 100% of the time!)

P.S. Remember - when you take action now you're going to learn my '5 Step Visualization System' AND get instant access to twelve incredible bonuses, including Guided Audios, Meditation MP3s, "How To" Guides, and more. AND - I'm even throwing in my *brand new* Quantum Leap Guided Visualization MP3, on the house. Everything is 100% Guaranteed for Sixty Days - so you either love the training with all your heart.... or you simply don't pay a penny :)

This is the EASIEST to apply training you could hope for... all you need is your imagination and a few minutes before bed, or first thing... and it will help you to get results with visualization, almost effortlessly. Imagine - you'll start to feel more inspired, confident and creative in less than 48 hours -- that's a promise. The special price of $47 is discounted by $295 as part of a limited time sale, because I am playing a game to see how many people I can help get BIG results with visualization this month.... so don't delay. Again, everything is completely guaranteed for two whole months, so if you don't love it, you don't pay at all. Let's get started now -- you can be mastering visualization in minutes.... and be that much closer to your dream life packed full to the brim with abundance, freedom, happiness... and everything else you desire, deserve... but have so far found to be hiding. Click "Add to Cart" to enrol now, and I'll see you inside the VIP area in just a moment!

Everyday Visualization System

$47.00 Instant Access | 100% Guaranteed

Carl Harvey | Everyday Visualization System | 2013

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