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Acceptance Prayer

I accept myself completely. I accept my strengths and my

my gifts and my shortcomings, my good points and my faults.
I accept myself completely as a human being.
I accept that I am here to learn and grow, and I accept that I am
learning and growing. I accept the personality I've developed,
and I accept my power to heal and change.
I accept myself without condition or reservation.
I accept that the core of my being is goodness and that my
essence is love,
And I accept that I sometimes forget that. I accept myself
completely, and in this acceptance I find an ever-deepening
inner strength. From this place of strength, I accept my life fully
and I open to the lessons it offers me today.
I accept that within my mind are both fear and love, and
I accept my power to choose which I will experience as real.
I recognize that I experience only the results of my own
I accept the times that I choose fear as part of my learning and
healing process, and I accept that I have the potential and
power in any moment to choose love instead.
I accept mistakes as a part of growth, so I am always willing to
forgive myself and give myself another chance. I accept that
my life is the expression of my thought,
and I commit myself to aligning my thoughts each day with the
Thought of Love.
I accept that I am an expression of this Love. Love's hands and
heart on earth.
I accept my own life as a blessing and a gift.
My heart is open to receive, and I am deeply grateful.
May I always share the gifts that I receive fully, freely, and with
I allow myself to relax and go within. I release thoughts of my
outer world.
I breathe in relaxation. I adjust my body until it feels
I let my thoughts grow quiet and serene.
I allow the muscles around my eyes and jaw to relax. My
breathing is growing deeper and calmer. I am growing more
and more relaxed.
As I relax I am able to access my inner self- my thoughts,
feelings, and beliefs.
I think of something I want to create.
I now bring more awareness to my thoughts and feelings.
I am aware of any thoughts I have that tell me I cannot create
what I want in this area of my life.
When I discover negative thoughts, I surround them with love.
I replace them with positive thoughts of why I CAN create what
I want.
I visualize what I want consistently and steadily.
I think of one thought that tells me I cannot have what I want in
this area of my life.
I now turn this thought into a positive thought of why I CAN
have what I want.
I now open to receive ideas and answers into my mind
of how to create what I want that is for my higher good.
I have within me all the wisdom, knowledge, and answers to
bring this vision
into my reality. I trust my inner wisdom and wise inner self.
My wise self brings into my consciousness the knowledge of
how to create.
My wise self shows me what steps to take to create this vision
as my reality.
I bring my unconscious thoughts into consciousness.
I can create the reality I want.

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