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In the messenger of Allah (Muhammed (PBH)), there is indeed a good example for you to follow ........33:21.

By the star when it sets, your companion (Muhammed (PBH)) neither went astray nor was he misled 53:1-2. ............ you (Muhammed (PBH)) are certainly on clear truth 27:79. and then the final challenge :Say ................... I (Muhammed (PBH)) have indeed lived a life time among you before it (i.e. the Quran was revealed)! 10:16. In view of these verses of the Quran, the right translation of the verse using the term Liyag firalaka would be that He may protect you from every sin of yours which you (could) send in advance and which you (could) leave behind 48:2. This protective forgiveness by Allah (SWT) is for all sins 39:53, mistakes 20:73, evils 7:153, injustice 13:6 etc., except polytheism 4:48, for polytheists forgiveness is not to be sought 9:113. Allah (SWT) punishes whom He wills and protectively forgives whom He wills 5:18. We are ordered to seek the protective forgiveness of Allah (SWT) 41:6. Protective forgiveness is associated with pardon, overlooking 64:14, mercy 7:23, setting things right 33:71, belief 46:36, repentence 40:7, glorification and praising Allah (SWT) 110:2, patience and striving in the path of Allah (SWT) 16:110, grace of Allah (SWT) 2:268, truth 3:17, paradise 2:221. The words giving opposite meanings are punishment 2:284 and anger 42:37. Three derivatives of these alphabets are used for three Attributes of Allah (SWT). Al Gaffaar 20:82, Al Gafuur 2:173 and Al Gaafir 40:3 conveying the meaning of One Who is Protectively Forgiving. These Attributes are used along with other Attributes like Merciful 2:173, Clement 2:225, Pardoning 22:60, Rabb 34:15, Mighty 35:28, One Who acknowledges 35:30. Loving 85:14, etc. Allah (SWT), if He wills to, forgive sins already committed, protecting from the deserved punishment, and protects from committing any sin in future. He is thus Protectively Forgiving. 234. KHATAAA (Mistakes) 2:58


Derivatives of the alphabets are used for (1) Unintentional mistakes 33:5, 4:92-93. (2) Bad intentions without the evil deed actually taking place 12:29 and (3) Bad intentions and consequent evil deeds both


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