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LANGUAGE CONTENTS (K5. 1st. 2nd) ORALIDAD: Los enunciados vinculados a situaciones cotidianas.

La memorizacin de poemas, rimas, canciones y adivinanzas. Los trabalenguas y el recitado de poemas. LECTURA: Las secuencias nominales con apoyo icnico. Los cuentos a partir de pictogramas. ESCRITURA: La escritura colectiva de secuencias nominales. Las tarjetas de invitacin y de saludo. Functions -Asking permission -Reinforming and describing actions -Making and accepting invitations. Exponents -Can I/you? -Yes, please, Thank you/No thanks -Sorry, I cant. its my turn. Vocabulary - Games -Indoor/outdoor activities.

Contenidos Curriculares: Social Social Studies. History La sucesin y ordenacin temporal de las actividades productivas y culturales en la comunidad local. Const. De la ciudadana. Derecho El nio como sujeto de derechos. La salud. Deberes y responsabilidades en la familia. Thematic Unit:

Spare time

OBJECTIVES: K5. 1st. 2nd - To promote the description of daily activities related to free time. -To make students familiar with poems, rhymes, songs and riddles.

LANGUAGE CONTENTS (3rd. 4th) ORALIDAD: La descripcin de dibujos animados. Las instrucciones en juegos y recetas de cocina. LECTURA: Las fbulas, poemas y rimas. ESCRITURA: Las agendas de actividades. Functions - Explaining procedures. -Expressing preferences. -Making future plans. Exponents -Lets -Im going to -Are you going to? -The winner is Vocabulary -Sports, board games (chess, Chinese checkers,etc) -First, then, later, after that, finally.

LANGUAGE CONTENTS (5th. 6th) ORALIDAD: Los proverbios y refranes ligados a la cultura de la lengua meta. LECTURA: La prediccin en textos con diferentes formatos a partir de palabras clave, titulares y grficas. ESCRITURA: El correo electrnico y el chat. El cuestionario. Functions -Talking about future intentions and predictions. -Giving warning and advice. -Describing habits and lifestyles. -Persuading. Exponents -What will the weather be like? -Why dont we? How often? -Id like to Would you like? -How about? I used to/ Im used to Vocabulary -Sports (equipment, rules) -Computer games. -Social values: sharing, friendship, politeness, etc. OBJECTIVES: 3ro y 4to-To motivate students to write invitations. -To motivate students to schedule their free time. -To develop conversations and surveys about how students use their free time. -To motivate students to write about their favorite toys. 5to y 6to-To make students create questionnaires. -To develop a survey about leisure time. -To encourage Students to give advice about how important it is to spend more time outside doing physical activities.
-Material elaborado por el Centro de Recursos y Prof.coordinadores de Lengua del Dpto de SL y LE-

Suggested Activities:
- Dialogues (role plays) -Memorizing chants, songs, riddles and tongue twisters. -Reading about less popular games or unusual sports or activities.

-Writing Email (survey results) -Biographies: sports celebrities, chess champions. -Reading and telling fables. -List childrens rights and duties

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