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Couchigian 1

Information Literacy Lesson Plan

Amy Couchigian Georgia Southern University FRIT 7136 Spring 2012 Reference and Information Sources Georgia OnMyLine Dr. Judi Repman, Instructor

Research Pathfinder:

Couchigian 2

Information Literacy Lesson Plan


SLMS: Amy Coucigian TEACHER: Nikki Arnold Civil War

STANDARDS FOR THE 21 -CENTURY LEARNER GOALS Standard: 1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Skills Indicator(s): 1.1.3 Use prior and background knowledge for context of new learning. 1.1.4 Develop and refine a range of questions that frame the research for new understanding. Benchmark(s): State and support what is known about a topic, problem, or question, and make connections to prior knowledge. Dispositions Indicator(s): 1.2.2 Demonstrate confidence and self-direction by making independent choices in the selection of resources and information. 1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats. Responsibilities Indicator(s): 1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information. 1.3.5 Use information technology responsibly. Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s): 1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking processes for effectiveness and progress, and adapt as necessary. 1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses. CONNECTION TO LOCAL OR STATE STANDARDS: SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Georgia. a. Explain the importance of key issues and events that led to the Civil War. b. State the importance of key events and people of the Civil War. OVERVIEW: Eight grade students will use graphic organizers to access prior understanding and questioning to frame a new understanding. The use of technology will guide the student in note taking while practicing research skills to identify new information needed about their Civil War individual and or event. Using this information, the student will create a Facebook for their Civil War individual or Civil War event.

Couchigian 3 FINAL PRODUCT: Students expand their knowledge and understanding by using electronic resources, print resources, and the SLMS- created ( to gather information to create a Facebook Page for a Civil War person/event. Students have previously been instructed on how to locate resources throughout the media center. They will use this understanding to locate materials within the media center as well as online. Students will be introduced to Magnoto as a note taking resource. LIBRARY LESSON(S): The students will use a SLMS-created Pathfinder Wiki for resources to find information on a chosen important historical figure or event during the Civil War and display that information through a Facebook Template. ASSESSMENT: Product: 1) Students will use the note-taking website (Magnoto) to record all information. Students will turn in their Magnoto as part of their final product. 2) Students will answer their WHAT questions on the KWL chart at the end of their project. 3) The teacher, SLMS and students will use the instructor-designed rubric (Attachment #2) to guide and evaluate progress and completion on their Civil War Facebook. Process: 1) The teacher and SLMS will use the KWL chart to access students growth from prior knowledge to new understanding. 2) The teacher and the SLMS will use the note-taking printout or link to assess students ability and progress in taking notes in their own words and citing sources. 3) The teacher and SLMS will use the rubric to access student progress in using appropriate sources to find information to answer their questions. Student self-questioning: - Who is my historic figure in the Civil War and Why? - What do I already know? - What do I need to know/understand? - Did I answer all my questions? - Did I cite all my sources? INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Resources students will use: Books Web sites Nonprint Reference Other (list): Research Pathfinder:

Instruction/activities: Day One: o Direct instruction: The SLMS will engage students by using the Promethean Board to review the locations of the different sections in the Media Center. She will remind students of the ethical use of information (which students have learned from previous lessons) and answer and questions. The SLMS will then introduce Magnoto as a note taking resource. She will walk students as a class through the set up and students will take a few minutes to work with the resource. She will circle around the tables assisting any student. o Modeling and guided practice: The SLMS will discuss and model taking notes through Magnoto. She will touch on the benefits of using this resource instead of paper. The SLMS will challenge students by giving them a question about the Civil and will be given time to research the 3

Couchigian 4 question. The student will be encourage to record the question, answer, and resource all in on Magenet Post. Student will then explore the Pathfinder. The SLMS will model how to navigate this site (i.e template, charts, and rubrics) and use it as a resource. o Independent practice: Students will access the KWL Chart through their Pathfinder. After students have explored the Civil War links they will choose a historic figure or event. The will complete the K and W on their figure. Students will begin researching and taking notes. o Sharing and reflecting: A few students will share their chose figure and present a few questions they are wanting to find out about this figure. Day Two: o Direct instruction: The SLMS will use the Promethean Board to show students how to access the Facebook Template in which they will use as their final product. The SLMS will navigate through the template with the class explain each section. As she explains the sections, she will identify particular information that can be included and which section this would be in throughout the media center. She will also model to students how to input the information into the template. She will remind students that everything needs to be given credit for (i.e. pictures) to meet all copyright laws. o Modeling and guided practice: The SLMS will provide an example of locating a Civil War picture and placing in within the template. She will then note the resource within the Magnoto. Students will search the internet for a photo of their Civil War figure. They will practice placing it in the template and recording the reference. The SLMS and teacher will circulate to assess all students and assure they are making progress. o Independent practice: Students will continue research and note-taking. Students will fill in their KWL charts when needed. o Sharing and reflecting: A few students will share the resources they used and what question it help them answer on their KWL charts. Follow-up days: o Students will on day three to continue research and begin on their Facebook. On Day 4 and 5 students will return in small groups continue working on the Facebook. Individual students will complete a page reflection on their project. Some one-on-one instruction may be required in MS Word as students are working on their actual Facebook. Reflection of BOTH lesson and collaboration: I really enjoyed forming and implementing this project. Collaboration was much easier than expected. We met three days prior to the lesson to talk about standards, process, and final product desired. The teacher explained to me how she wanted them to do research on a Civil War figure and display it in a presentation form. She also discussed things such as the class demographics, needs, and challenges that might occur (i.e behavior and productivity within certain students). As a team we created ways around these challenges (such as preferential seating and constant check-ins), to assure the lesson could go as easily as possible. She also mentioned on previous research assignment students struggled with staying organized, taking notes, and keeping up with previous documents. On the second day, I presented my ideas of Magnoto as a note taking resource and Facebook as a presentation resource. Both of these resources which be on the computer and would benefit students with staying organized through note taking and display of information. Our last day of planning, we set up class times for lessons. We decided upon a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday reservation for an entire class, and then small groups on Thursday and Friday. Luckily we have a class lab within the media center and two labs outside the media center, so finding time for whole class instruction was not difficult. It was beneficial, that the students were already familiar with the media center and locations of books. They had already attended lessons on researching through the databases and copyright laws, which provided more lesson time for other resources. As a whole the lesson was a success. Students used multiple resources to locate information. By using the digital copy of the KWL chart, Magnoto for notes, and Facebook through Word students were able to remain organized and more productive than before. Some students did struggle with documenting their notes through Magnoto. However, for a first time using this resource students not only enjoyed it but found it useful. I feel students will become more efficient at this type of note taking in the future, it the practice is continued. On day three students seemed to have the hang of the project. They all came into the library with limited questions and work well. Students felt accomplished when they were able to answer their W questions in the L column of the KWL chart. As the projects were being finalized, students became very creative with the template and had interesting reasonings on why they chose certain Friends. 4

Couchigian 5 This project seemed to be beneficial to students in many ways. Students were able to conduct their own research and findings through a KWL chart in which they created through prior knowledge. They were able to research on their own locating materials that benefited their historical figure. They were able to be organized and creative when it came to note taking through Magnoto and then they displayed all the information through a intriguing Facebook page.

Couchigian 6 Attachment #1 KWL Chart Name___________________ Class/Date_______________

KWL Chart
My Civil War Historical Figure/Event is:________________________ What I Know about my historical figure/event? What I Want to know about my historical figure/event? What I Learned about my historical figure/event?

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Attachment #2 Rubric

Facebook/Magnoto Rubric
CATEGORY Attractiveness & Organization (Organization) (4) Excellent The Magnoto has exceptionally attractive formatting and wellorganized information. The Facebook uses the material to show exceptional understanding of the figure in thr Civil War. The Magnoto has all of the required information to answer questions on the KWL chart. The Facebook displays all required material in the template and student went beyond desired requirements.. All of the writing is done in complete sentences. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the Magnoto/Facebook. (0-1 Errors Found) (3) Good The Magnoto has attractive formatting and wellorganized information. The Facebook uses the material to explain the essential information on the Civil War figure. (2) Almost The Magnoto has well-organized information. The Facebook has some material that explains the figure of the Civil War. (1) Not Yet The Magnoto formatting and organization of material is confusing to the reader. The Facebook material does not flow with the found information. The Magnoto has little of the required information to answer the KWL chart. The Facebook displays a limited amount of information required in the template. Most of the writing is not done in complete sentences. Most of the capitalization and punctuation are not correct throughout the Magnoto/Facebook. (More than 6 errors found) The graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be chosen at random. Incomplete citations are listed on the Magnoto. (Less than 3 resources were used)

ContentAccuracy (Ideas)

The Magnoto has all of the required information to answer the KWL chart. The Facebook displays all information to complete the template.

The Magnoto has most of the required information to answer the KWL chart. The Facebook displays most of the information required in the template. Some of the writing is done in complete sentences. Some of the capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the Magnoto/Facebook. (5-6 Errors Found) The graphics go well with the text, but there are too few. There are a few citations accurately listed on the Magnoto. (3 resources were used)

WritingMechanics (Conventions)

Most of the writing is done in complete sentences. Most of the capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the Magnoto/Facebook. (2-4 Errors Found)

Graphics/Pictures The graphics go well with The graphics go well with the text and there is a the text, but some do not good mix of text and match information desired. graphics. Sources There are many citations from a variety of sources accurately listed on the Magnoto. (More than 5 resources used) There are some citations from a variety of sources accurately listed on the Magnoto. (4 resources were used)

Couchigian 8

Attachment #3 Facebook Template

Name: Facebook Character: Period: Date:


Home Profile Friends


<Name of Leader> update status here.

Insert a Profile Pic here

Whats on your mind Share here

Share Wall
Enter message/ note/ or link here here Enter date

View Photos of me (#) Send me a message

Insert picture

Insert a famous quote or fun fact here

Information Networks: Possible networks here Birthday: Date of Birth here Political Beliefs: Write a brief summary or their political ideas here!

Insert picture

Enter message/ note/ or link here here Enter date

Insert picture

Enter message/ note/ or link here here Enter date

Insert picture

Enter message/ note/ or link here here Enter date

Friends Personal Information Activities: Insert activities here Insert favorite books here Insert favorite/ well known quotations here

Insert picture here NAME

Insert picture here NAME

Favorite Books: Favorite Quotations:

Insert picture here


Insert picture here


Education Schooling: Insert schooling history here. How did they get educated?

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