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Kelompok 8 : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Abdul Mutholib Binti Wiladatul Laili Firman Nurhidayat Ida Ayu Indira Indah Khoirun Nisa Laurent Renato Sitorus Mahmud Anshory Muthiah Novalita Lamanda 1006665574 1006668304 1006668922 1006665675 1006669263 1006669433 1006669490 1006669774 1006669906

THR dan Aerobic Zone No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nama Abdul Mutholib Binti Wiladatul Laili Firman Nurhidayat Ida Ayu Indira Indah Khoirun Nisa Laurent Renato Sitorus Mahmud Anshory Muthiah Novalita Lamanda Umur 20 20 20 20 22 20 20 21 20 MHR 200 200 200 200 198 200 200 199 200 Before Workout RHR %DTI 70 65 64 65 58 65 80 75 78 65 68 65 72 65 60 70 62 65 THR 154.5 152.4 136 170 156 153.8 155.2 157.3 151.7

Keterangan : THR = [(MHR-RHR) X %DTI + RHR atau THR = [(MHR-RHR) X %ATZ + RHR Aerobic Training Zone >90% Spesific High Risk (Unpredictable & not Recommended; Medical Check Up Needed >80% to <90% >70% to <80% >60% to <70% >50% to <60% <50% Peak Aerobic Performance Aerobic Fitness Zone Aerobic Weight Management Zone Moderate Aerobic Zone For Spesific Health Concern (As a Starting Base of Exercise)

Anthropometry (Body Density dan Body Fat) Women No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nama Binti Wiladatul Laili Ida Ayu Indira Indah Khairun Nisa Muthiah Novalita Lamanda Abdomencm 76 88 66 74 83 Hipscm 96 107 88 92 98 Heightcm 162.5 160 152 151 156 Age 20 20 22 21 20 BD 1.03 1.01 1.05 1,03 1.02 BF 30.58 40.10 21.43 30.58 35.29 %BF 12.3% 16.0% <9.7% 12.3% 14.8%

Keterangan : Women BD = 1.168297 (0.002824 x abdomencm) + (0.0000122098 x abdomencm2) (0.000733128 x hipscm) + (0.000510477 x heightcm) (0.000216161 x age) Convert BD into BF by : BF = (495 : BD) - 450 Men No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Nama Abdul Mutholib Firman Nurhidayat Laurent Renato Sitorus Mahmud Anshory Weightkg 70 65 74 49 Iliaccm 102 94 90 85 Hipscm 103 88 102 78 Abdomencm 101 79 92 75 BD 1.02 1.06 1.05 1.06 BF 35.29 16.98 21.43 16.98 %BF 9.8% 4.2% 5.1% 4.2%

Keterangan : Men BD = 1.21142 + (0.00085 x weightkg) (0.0005 x iliaccm) (0.00061 x hipcm) (0.00138 x abdomencm) Convert BD into BF by : BF = (495 : BD) - 450

Activity : Sit and Reach No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nama Abdul Mutholib Binti Wiladatul Laili Firman Nurhidayat Ida Ayu Indira Indah Khoirun Nisa Laurent Renato Sitorus Mahmud Anshory Muthiah Novalita Lamanda Sit and Reach 16.5 16 19 22 17.5 17 21 14 17 Flexibility Average Poor Good Good Below Average Above Average Excellent Poor Below Average

Tekanan Darah Sebelum Melakukan Aktivitas Fisik No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nama Abdul Mutholib Binti Wiladatul Laili Firman Nurhidayat Ida Ayu Indira Indah Khoirun Nisa Laurent Renato Sitorus Mahmud Anshory Muthiah Novalita Lamanda Tekanan Darah 130/90 mmHg 120/90 mmHg 110/70 mmHg 110/80 mmHg 115/80 mmHg 120/80 mmHg 120/80 mmHg 120/80 mmHg 110/80 mmHg Category High normal High normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

Activity : BYU Jog Test No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nama Abdul Mutholib Binti Wiladatul Laili Firman Nurhidayat Ida Ayu Indira Indah Khoirun Nisa Laurent Renato Sitorus Mahmud Anshory Muthiah Novalita Lamanda Umur 20 20 20 20 22 20 20 21 20 MHR 200 200 200 200 198 200 200 199 200 Before Workout RHR 70 64 58 80 78 68 72 60 62 %DTI 65 65 65 75 65 65 65 70 65 THR 154.5 152.4 136 170 156 153.8 155.2 157.3 151.7 After Workout THR %DTI 140 53.85 156 67.65 111 37.32 168 73.3 128 41.67 120 39.39 134 48.44 128 48.92 137 54.35

Keterangan : THR = [(MHR-RHR) X %DTI + RHR atau THR = [(MHR-RHR) X %ATZ + RHR %DTI = THR RHR x 100% MHR - RHR

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