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TUGAS AKHIR Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Ujian Game Mobile di STMIK AMIK BANDUNG Oleh : Zikri Muhammad Ersyad (1002004) Ujang Suryana (1002006 Nuril Pratiwi Sanoi (1002009)


Membuat Midlet : /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */

import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

/** * @author Nuril Sanoi */ public class Midletgameku extends MIDlet implements CommandListener{

Display display; Command exit = new Command ("Exit",Command.EXIT,0), back = new Command ("Back",Command.OK,0), mulai = new Command("Start",Command.OK,0), menu= new Command("Menu",Command.OK,0), pengaturan=new Command("Level",Command.OK,0), exit1 = new Command ("Exit",Command.EXIT,0), tentang= new Command("About",Command.OK,0);

SplashScreen sc = new SplashScreen(); ClassGame cg;

List list;

public Midletgameku() { display = Display.getDisplay(this); }

public void startApp() {

sc.addCommand(exit); sc.addCommand(mulai); sc.addCommand(tentang); sc.addCommand(pengaturan); sc.setCommandListener(this); display.setCurrent(sc);

public void About(){ TextBox tx= new TextBox("About","Ini adalah Game Pesawat Tempur"+ "Ayo Kalahkan Semua Musuh Musuh kalian",80,TextField.ANY); tx.addCommand(back); tx.setCommandListener(this); display.setCurrent(tx); }

public void pauseApp() { }

public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { }

public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {

if (c==exit) { destroyApp(true); notifyDestroyed(); }else if (c==mulai) { display = Display.getDisplay(this); cg = new ClassGame(); cg.start(); cg.addCommand(exit1); display.setCurrent(cg);

}else if (c== tentang){ About(); } else if(c==back){ display.setCurrent(sc); } else if(c==exit1){

try { cg.stop(); }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace();

} } } Membuat Class dengan nama:

import java.util.Random; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image; import; import;

//nuril sanoi

public class ClassGame extends GameCanvas implements Runnable {

boolean loop; int width; int height; int delay = 50; Random rand = new Random();

// Gambar background Image imgBg; // Gambar kapal int xKapal, yKapal; Image imgKapal; Sprite sprtKapal; int indexKapal = 0; // Gambar musuh int xMusuh, yMusuh; Image imgMusuh; Sprite sprtMusuh; // Gambar musuh1 int xMusuh1, yMusuh1; Image imgMusuh1; Sprite sprtMusuh1; // Gambar ledakan int xLedakan, yLedakan; Image imgLedakan; Sprite sprtLedakan; boolean ledakan = false; int indexLedakan = 0; // Gambar Tembakan int xTembakan, yTembakan; Image imgTembakan; Sprite sprtTembakan; boolean tembakan = false; int indexTembakan = 0; Image imgTamat;

int score = 0;

// Constructor dan initialisasi public ClassGame() { super(true); width = getWidth(); height = getHeight(); xKapal = width / 2; yKapal = height / 2; try { // Loading gambar imgKapal = Image.createImage("/00_ship.png"); imgMusuh = Image.createImage("/01_enemy.png"); imgMusuh1 = Image.createImage("/02_enemy.png"); imgLedakan = Image.createImage("/08_explosion.png"); imgTembakan = Image.createImage("/27_yellowshot0.png"); imgBg = Image.createImage("/Background.png"); imgTamat = Image.createImage("/gameover.png"); } catch (Exception ioex) { System.out.println(ioex); } sprtKapal = new Sprite(imgKapal, 29, 14); sprtKapal.setTransform(Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR); sprtMusuh = new Sprite(imgMusuh, 44, 12); sprtMusuh.setTransform(Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR); yMusuh = (int) rand.nextInt(getHeight()); xMusuh = 0 - sprtMusuh.getWidth(); sprtMusuh1 = new Sprite(imgMusuh1, 48, 10);

sprtMusuh1.setTransform(Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR); xMusuh1 = (int) rand.nextInt(getWidth()); yMusuh1 = 0 - sprtMusuh1.getHeight(); sprtLedakan = new Sprite(imgLedakan, 16, 16); sprtTembakan = new Sprite(imgTembakan, 13, 5); sprtTembakan.setTransform(Sprite.TRANS_MIRROR); //xKapal = getWidth()/2; //yKapal = getHeight()/2; }

// membuat otomatis start thread untuk game yang berulang-ulang public void start() { loop = true; Thread t = new Thread(this); t.start(); } // Menyetop thread public void stop() { loop = false; }

// Main Game Loop public void run() { // ambil informasi display Graphics g = getGraphics(); while (loop) { input(); drawScreen(g);

// delay thread try { Thread.sleep(delay); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }

// Method untuk menghandle inputan dari keypad private void input() { int key = getKeyStates(); // panah atas if ((key & UP_PRESSED) != 0) { yKapal = Math.max(0, yKapal - 4); } // panah bawah if ((key & DOWN_PRESSED) != 0) { yKapal = Math.min(getHeight() - sprtKapal.getHeight(), yKapal + 4); // panah kiri } if ((key & LEFT_PRESSED) != 0) { xKapal = Math.max(0, xKapal - 4); } // panah kanan if ((key & RIGHT_PRESSED) != 0) { xKapal = Math.min(getWidth() - sprtKapal.getWidth(), xKapal + 4); } // tombol tengah

if ((key &FIRE_PRESSED) != 0) { if ( ! tembakan) { xTembakan = xKapal; yTembakan = yKapal; tembakan = true;

} } }

// Method untuk Display Graphics private void drawScreen(Graphics g) { g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); //gambarkan imgLogo ditengah canvas g.drawImage(imgBg, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2, Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.VCENTER); // Gambar kapal sprtKapal.setFrame(indexKapal); sprtKapal.setPosition(xKapal, yKapal); sprtKapal.paint(g); indexKapal++; if (indexKapal > 2) { indexKapal = 0; } // Gambar musuh sprtMusuh.setPosition(xMusuh, yMusuh); sprtMusuh.paint(g);

xMusuh += 5; if (xMusuh > getWidth()) { xMusuh = 0 - sprtMusuh.getWidth(); yMusuh = (int) rand.nextInt(getHeight()); } // Gambar musuh 1 sprtMusuh1.setPosition(xMusuh1, yMusuh1); sprtMusuh1.paint(g); xMusuh1 += 5; if (xMusuh1 > getWidth()) { xMusuh1 = 0 - sprtMusuh1.getWidth(); yMusuh1 = (int) rand.nextInt(getHeight()); } // Gambar ledakan bila player bertubrukan dengan musuh if (sprtKapal.collidesWith(sprtMusuh, true)) { // loop=false; ledakan = true; xLedakan = xKapal; yLedakan = yKapal; /* try { imgTamat = Image.createImage("/gameover.png"); g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(),getHeight()); g.drawImage(imgTamat, getWidth() /2,getHeight()/2, Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.VCENTER); g.setColor(0, 0, 0); stop(); ledakan = false; } catch (Exception e) {

}*/ } if (sprtKapal.collidesWith(sprtMusuh1, true)) { // loop = false; ledakan = true; xLedakan = xKapal; yLedakan = yKapal; /*try { imgTamat = Image.createImage("/gameover.png"); g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(),getHeight()); g.drawImage(imgTamat, getWidth() /2,getHeight()/2, Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.VCENTER); g.setColor(0, 0, 0); stop(); ledakan = false; } catch (Exception e) { }*/ } // Gambar ledakan if (ledakan) { sprtLedakan.setFrame(indexLedakan); sprtLedakan.setPosition(xLedakan, yLedakan); sprtLedakan.paint(g); indexLedakan++; if (indexLedakan > 2) { indexLedakan = 0; } ledakan = false;

} // Gambar tembakan jika true if (tembakan) { sprtLedakan.setFrame(indexTembakan); sprtTembakan.setPosition(xTembakan, yTembakan); sprtTembakan.paint(g); indexTembakan++; if (indexTembakan > 2) { indexTembakan = 0; } xTembakan -= 5; if (xTembakan > width) { tembakan = false; } } // Peluru bertemu musuh beserta ledakan dan nilainya if (sprtTembakan.collidesWith(sprtMusuh, true)) { ledakan = true; xLedakan = xMusuh; yLedakan = yMusuh; xMusuh = 0 - sprtMusuh.getWidth(); yMusuh = (int) (rand.nextInt() % getWidth()); score = score + 10; } if (sprtTembakan.collidesWith(sprtMusuh1, true)) { ledakan = true; xLedakan = xMusuh1; yLedakan = yMusuh1;

xMusuh1 = 0 - sprtMusuh1.getWidth(); yMusuh1 = (int) (rand.nextInt() % getWidth()); score = score + 10; } // Gambar score g.setColor(255, 255, 255); g.drawString("Score : " + score, 187, 2, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT); flushGraphics();

} } Membuat Midlet dengan nama : /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */

import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command; import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable; import; import; import; import; import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

/** * @author PERSONAL KOMPUTER */ public class MidletPlayWav extends MIDlet implements PlayerListener, CommandListener {

private Display display; private static Player player; private VolumeControl vc; private List list; private Command cmExit, cmStop;

public MidletPlayWav() { display = Display.getDisplay(this); }

public void startApp() { try { playMedia("wav.wav", "wav"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

public void pauseApp() { }

public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { }

public void playerUpdate(Player player, String event, Object eventData) { }

public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { }

public void exitMIDlet() { destroyApp(false); notifyDestroyed(); }

private void playMedia(String file, String p) throws Exception { player = Manager.createPlayer(getClass().getResourceAsStream(file), "audio/x-wav"); player.addPlayerListener(this); player.setLoopCount(-1); player.prefetch(); player.realize(); vc = (VolumeControl) player.getControl("VolumeControl"); if (vc != null) { vc.setLevel(100); } player.start(); }

Membuat Class dengan nama : import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class SplashScreen extends Canvas{ private Image imgLogo; protected void paint(Graphics g) { try { imgLogo = Image.createImage("/LOGO STMIK AMIKBANDUNG.png"); }catch (Exception a) { System.out.println("File image tidak ditemukan!"); } //hapus canvas g.setColor(255,255,255); g.fillRect(0,0,getWidth(),getHeight()); //gambarkan imgLogo ditengah canvas g.drawImage(imgLogo,getWidth()/2,getHeight()/2, Graphics.HCENTER|Graphics.VCENTER);

} }

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