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Shva Rules and Bookmark for Sefardim

By Mrs. Simha Belilo
Grade Level: Kindergarten Elementary Description: A list of the shva rules written in English. This sheet can either be given to students to use as a ready reference or to their parents to enable them to help their children with their Kriya homework. A nice aspect of the sheet is that the examples illustrating the types of shvas are transliterated into English, making the rules clear even to parents who are not familiar with them. A bookmark featuring cute circular characters to remind students of the rules is also provided. Available as an editable DavkaWriter file or as a non-editable pdf. Goals/Objectives: Students will review the rules for shva with the help of these sheets. Instructions: 1. Teach the students the rules for shva. Use a lot of examples, especially from tefillos that they say so they will realize its importance. 2. Give students plenty of opportunities to practice implementing these new rules. 3. Have the students place the rule sheet in their binder and the bookmark in their siddurim. Or send the rule sheet home together with a chazara sheet for parents to refer to when reading with their children.

` eW - or


When the ` eW is found at the beginning of the word it is always a

r p ` eW

yFcw - KEdosh , oFvx - REson, ca l - LEbad

2. When the ` eW is under a letter with a ybc it is always a

r p ` eW

id Y e - vaTEhi, LO r - aMEcha, ElC b - gaDElu.

3. When the ` eW is in the middle of a word it is normally a

g p ` eW


iv x` - AR-si , ixa r - IB-ri, i p-t b - GAF-ni

unless rules 5 and 6 apply.


When there are two mi` eW at the end of a word they are both

g p ` eW


c x i- yaRD , c x p - neRD ,

(even if the final letter has a ybc)

Y xn ` amaRT.

When there are two mi` eW in the middle of a word the first one is

g p ` eW


and the second one is

Lv x` - aR-SEcha, LW t p-naF-SHEcha, Ern W Y - tiSH-MEu

6. Where we find a ` eW on the first of two identical letters it is a

r p ` eW

Ell-d -haLElu, Enn-Fx -roMEmu, i ff- b - goZEze.

Another vowel which is important to revise is


Fl d`

- aHOlo,

m ix dv

- saHOrayim,

miW c g Fr-n W


We also teach the basic concept that a followed by a makes the sound O and the g p ` eW


oA xw

- KORban,

Fc-a r


- SHOM o.

There are exceptions to the rule e.g when there is a between the letters etc, however the children are not familiar with these rules.

oFvxLW t p-1

c x p-



ixa r LO r Enn-Fx -


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