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NEA SIC NEW ENGLAND ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS & COLLEGES, INC. COMMISSION ON PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Dxoctor PaNesA cease. eo. cuames ve cat Sethian sees, nt Sareyborchbronco viper Deputy Brectes cere Assoctote Diector NET, ALISON ANNE ASHWORTH ference cise ev cStwomsneate oo February 9, 2009 Aston fo the Director continence ncn Peter Light li ca 8 Principal oe a Franklin High School 218 Oak Street Franklin, MA 02038 Dear Mr. Light: ‘The Commission on Public Secondary Schools, at its January 25-26, 2009 meeting, reviewed the Combined Special Progress Report and Report of a Substantive Change of Franklin High School ‘and continued the school's accreditation. While the Commission acknowledges the school’s progress as noted below, until all concerns have been satisfactorily resolved, the school will Temain on warning for the Standards for Accreditation on Community Resources for Learning However, the Commission expressed its serious concem given the ongoing fiscal constraints resulting from the failed override vote in June 2008 under which the high school has been forced to operate. Specifically, the Commission cited the negative impact of the loss of sixteen teaching positions on the delivery of the school’s educational programs and services and the resultant reduction in course offerings and increased class sizes in a number of departments as follows - the elimination of Geographic Information Systems I and Il, Public Speaking, Journalism, French V, and AP French the combining of AP Calculus Statistics and Calculus with honors levels courses the sixty-one sections of classes with enrollments of 30-34 students the forty-four sections of classes with enrollments of 35 or more students the reduction of two custodial positions “Accordingly, the Commission requests that school officials submit another Special Progress Report by August I, 2009 providing detailed information on action taken to complete the following: = assess the adequacy of the school’s FY10 budgetary allocations related 10 professional staffing levels and course offerings = Submit an update on progress to reinstate teaching positions aid eliminated 209 BURLINGTON ROAD, SUITE 201, BEDFORD. MA 01730-1433 | 781-271-0022 | FAX 781-271-0950 Peter Light February 9, 2009 Page Two courses based on FY10 allocations and in light of an increasing student population - document that the schoo! has been able to provide schedules for all students which meet their individual requests and needs - submit an update on progress reinstating custodial positions and assess the daily Jevel of cleanliness and general maintenance of the facility given the level of censtodial support - submit class sizes for all courses Farther, the Special Progress Report should include updated information related to the following: building project, including an ant line for the project - detail immediate actions taken to the short-term all identified ADA concerns = confirm the submission of a a uni to MSBA seeking monies for a 88 Failure to’demonstrate progress in resolving these identified concems may prompt the ‘Commission to extend the school’s warning to additional Standards for Accreditation. ‘The Commission acknowledged the following: - the hiring of an adjustment counselor | the formation of a formal building committee by the town council which includes the high school principal and assistant superintendent = the removal of all rusted shelving in the chemistry storage room + the removal of all radioactive materials in the science department 7 the establishment of an enrollment figure of twenty-four for all science lab courses to ensure student safety = the repaits made to eyewash stations in all science labs “The school’s warning status will be reviewed when the Commission considers the Special Progress Report. Consistent with the Commission's follow-up procedures, the Special Progress Report should include an electronic signature ofthe principal and chair ofthe Follow-Up ginmittee and be sent electronically to the Commission office at the following address: co: Wayne Ogden, Superintendent, Franklin Public Schools Jefizey N. Roy, Chairperson, Franklin School Committee Victor D. Mercurio, Chair, Commission on Public Secondary Schools

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