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May 15th, 2013 My Show (spectacolul meu) CB, p 38 (cd- listen, point and repeat)

A dress (o rochie) and a shoe (si un pantof)/ And another shoe, too (si un alt pantof) A king and a crown (un rege si o coroana)/And pants for the clown (si pantaloni pt clown) A witch and a hat (o vrajitoare si o palarie)/ Just fancy that (inchipuieste-ti asta) FB, p 38 wheres the clowns hat? Is it under the table? Where are the witchs shoes? Wig peruca; broom matura; magic wand bagheta magica CB, p 39 (CD- listen, point and repeat) Annie, youre a witch/ Lucy, youre a clown/ Stevie, youre a big boy and a wolf Baby, youre a king/ Fluffy, youre a man/ Teddy, youre a woman/ Dolly, youre a cat FB, p 39 find the witchs things and colour them- gasete lucruriloe vrajitoarei si coleoreaza-le CB, p 40 (CD) Take off- da jos ; put on pune-ti

Lectia pt ora viitoare May 22nd 2013 FB, p 40 (citim imaginile) A red coat o haina rosie; a green shirt- o camasa verde; a yellow sock- o soseta galb. CB, p 41 Put the tree next to the house pune copacul langa casa Put the castle here- pune castelul aici Lets paint it brown hai sa-l vopsim maro Put the sun in the sky pune soarele pe cer Give me the paintbrushes- da-mi mie pensoanele FB, p 41 draw deseneaza CB, p 42 & FB p story: Our show spectacolul nostru (CD, se asculta de 4-5 ori, repetam ce putem, se invata un rol la alegere) Village sat; town - oras; angry suparat; to leave a pleca; frightened speriat; What can I do? Ce ma fac? They never played tricks again nu au mai facut farse niciodata Homework: de colorat, decupat, lipit povestea si de ascultat de mai multe ori

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