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Inequality and


Are Human Beings Unequal in Essence?

1. 2. Aristocrats Plato Golden Souls Aristotle Natural Hierarchy Nietzsche The Will to Power Egalitarians Stoics Understanding the law of nature Christianity Spiritual Equality Liberalism Natural Rights Hobbes - Psychology

If Some Human Beings Are Essentially Superior to All Others, How and by Whom Can They Be Identified?

Divine Discernment Historical Variations in Assessments Philosophical Discernment The Free Market The Well Born Military Power Meritocracy

If Human Beings Are Essentially Equal, Are Conventional Inequalities Wrong?

Inequality is unjustified if it can not be justified in terms of the common good provided no higher arbitrator makes amends for injustices suffered. Marx and Rousseau argue for radical democracy as solution. Sexual conventions as an example of injustice.

If All Conventional Inequalities Were Abolished Could Liberty Survive?

French and Russian Revolutions America and England Tocqueville and Mill The Despotism of the Masses Equality of Opportunity as bridge between liberty and equality

If All Conventional Inequalities Were Abolished, Would Estrangement Disappear?

Humanizing Industrial Society through Equality Alienation = inequality against the human essence Rousseau and Marx Equality = Estrangement from God Kierkegaard Revolt of the Masses - Ortega Y Gasset What kind of equality or inequality?

Should Men and Women Always and in All Ways Be Treated Equally?

Define equality? What is the role of nature and convention? How does the human nature vary among the sexes? What is the status of the private and public spheres? Is society founded unjustly on unwanted obligations that women bear? What is the role of oppression in human order?

Different feminisms
Feminist Separatism Radical Feminism Liberal Feminism Patriarchal Conservatism

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