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How are questionnaires prepared?


List the variables to be measured. Formulate suitable questions that would measure the variables. More than one question may be used for a variable. Decide on the sequence of the questions. (logical)



How are questionnaires prepared?


Prepare the draft of the questionnaire. Pretest the questionnaire by using it on some individuals under conditions as close as possible to the conditions under which it shall be actually used.


How are questionnaires prepared?

6. Make the necessary modifications.

A clear introduction should be used to encourage the participant to answer, or to ask once more for their cooperation. The initial introduction should be standardized. (interviews) Clear instructions should be given at the beginning of a self-completed questionnaire.

The questionnaire should be attractive, not too congested, easy and convenient to use, and easy to store. The typefaces used in printing should be easy to read and of a suitable size. Ideally, questions should not extend over more than one page.

The questions should flow from one to the other, and should be ordered so as to take into account their relative importance and their sensitivity. Transition statements or linking phrases can help break up the monotony of a long series of questions. (also maintains motivation)

Should be long enough to cover all the information needed without being a burden to the respondents. If you provide a pre-defined response list, make sure it includes all possible responses (including dont know, if appropriate)

Decide how the questionnaire will be coded. At the end of the quesionnaire, the respondents should be thanked for their cooperation. The last page of a self-administered quesitonnaire should provide an invitation for comments from respondents and sufficient space for a response.

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